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Medical Hypotheses (1988) 31, 119-124

0 Longman Group UK 19XX

A Proposed Mechanism for the Visions of Dream



School of Pharmacy, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143

Abstract - The visions of dream sleep are suggested to occur through a dream
mechanism which implicates tryptamine derivatives as endogenous psychedelics. The
hallucinations that occur in some schizophrenic syndromes are also proposed to occur
through a similar, though desynchronized, mechanism. These compounds occur in the
human pineal gland and are regarded as neurotransmitters or neuroregulators. A protocol
for experimental verification is suggested.

Humans spend approximately one third of
Much has been written concerning various states their lives asleep. During this period of rest and
of consciousness precipitated with and without rejuvenation, less than one fourth of the time is
the assistance of drugs, though most of the spent in the dream state commonly referred to
scientific literature distances itself from the as rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, or REMS.
psychedelic experience by suggesting it as a REMS is the last of five qualitatively different
model of induced psychosis (i.e., psychotomi- stages of sleep that can be characterized by elec-
metic) or other undesirable state of mind. Few troencephlographic activity. Although the corre-
have considered this experience as a normal lation between REMS and dream sleep is strong
occurrence (12). However, it has been suggested it is not absolute. (For reviews of dream sleep
that the human urge to deliberately alter see references 7 and 14). The REM stage usually
consciousness is as innate as any natural drive increases in length during the sleep cycle, often
(35). This idea is extended by the suggestion that reaching a period of approximately two hours
through dreams the mind experiences alternative prior to waking. Dreams also increase in length
states of consciousness on a regular basis, and and intensity throughout the sleep cycle. The
gains perspective and insight into waking reality. most vivid and emotionally charged dreams also
Dream phenomena are transcultural, predate tend to occur just prior to waking. These are the
literature and occur in virtually all humans (and dreams best remembered in the waking phase of
perhaps other animals) several times a night. Yet ths human circadian cycle.
dreams are perhaps the least understood facet of This article suggests an outline of a dreaming
human experience. mechanism and cites endogenous compounds


that possibly play a role in REMS, and more taken in their pure form (32), but are qualita-
specifically, the visual phenomenon of lucid tively different in their effects from LSD or
dreaming. Such compounds could also account mescaline. Naranjo (24, 25) stated that distortion
for other alternative states of consciousness, such of form, depth-movement perception and color
as experienced in certain meditative practices, enhancement were not observed in a series of
and might be psychedelic when administered beta-carbolines. The most frequently occurring
during the waking phase. They must be phenomena included, “superimposition of images
produced endogenously during sleep, with their on flat surfaces and viewing scenes simul-
dream-inducing qualities being dose dependent taneously with an undistorted perception of
and relatively short acting (1.5 minutes to two surrounding objects”. Abundant bright and vivid
hours). Dose dependency is indicated by the colors were reported with eyes closed. According
gradual increase of REM activity throughout the to Naranjo (25) the characteristic effects of 6-
sleep phase, when most of the neurotransmitters methoxy-beta-carbolines were considered, “to be
are produced to sustain longer episodes of of a less hallucinogenic nature . . . being more
REMS. In as much as humans dream periodi- akin to a state of inspiration and heightened
cally, these compounds would also be involved introspection.”
in a mechanism of dream initiation/inhibition to Naranjo (25) also noted a recurrent visual
start and stop the dream process. In this way the phenomena of, “rapid lateral vibration in the
dream state does not dominate the sleep phase vision field.” Harmaline has been found to
and allows for a certain amount of vigilance to produce a generalized tremor at a frequency of
be maintained. Though some overlap may be eight-12 Hz in many animals (10). This same
necessary for normal “day dreaming”, excessive band of frequencies has been designated as alpha
seepage may occur into the waking phase brain waves in humans. These waves occur
without such a periodic regulatory mechanism. normally when the eyes are closed in a waking
Such an overlap may occur in some schizo- state and during REMS, but not during the other
phrenic patients, where a desynchronized dream four stages of sleep (7). The harmaline induced
mechanism allows the intrusion of dream chemi- vibratory phenomenon of the visual field is inter-
cals into the waking state (20). Such chemicals esting in the context of REMS, where the rapid
have been proposed in the transmethylation eye movements echo a deeper process in sleep.
hypothesis (26). Rather than limiting this mech- Anthropological data suggest that harmala alka-
anism to abnormal behavior, the transmethyla- loids (beta-carbolines) may be more than merely
tion of specific endogenous compounds during hallucinogenic in actual usage. These compounds
sleep may actually be an important part of have traditionally been used in preliterate soci-
normal mental health within a properly func- eties to produce out-of-body experiences clair-
tioning dream mechanism, and not merely the voyance, simultaneous group visions, remote
harbinger of mental disease. beta-Carbolines and viewing and divination (15, 24).
tryptamines are two classes of compounds impli- About 10 different beta-carbolines have been
cated in this balance of dreaming and insanity. found in mammalian tissue (1). Although their
beta-Carbolines (harmala alkaloids) are alka- metabolic precursors are naturally available, the
loids found in many plants and animals. They are exact in vivo biosynthetic pathways involved
thought to occur in humans as condensation have yet to be definitively established. Water
products of indolealkylamines (tryptamines) with soluble metabolites of endogenously produced
aldehydes (formaldehyde), formed through enzy- beta-carbolines have been identified in human
matic reactions with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5- urine and there is increasing evidence to suggest
MTHF) and/or S-adenosyl-1-methionine (SAM), that some of these compounds are formed under
and catalyzed by N-methyltransferase (NMT) (1, special physiological circumstances, such as after
6, 10, 30, 34). This condensation is followed by alcohol consumption and perhaps at other times
a less understood cyclization. In addition, beta- (1, 2, 28, 34). beta-Carbolines are found in
carbolines have been proposed as endogenous human plasma and are highly concentrated in
ligands to the so called benzodiazepine receptor platelets (33). 6-Methoxytetrahydro-beta-carbo-
(19, 23), suggesting a link to anxiety release and line, also called 6-methoxytetrahydronorharman,
control. has been found in the human pineal gland (29)
Some of the beta-carbolines have demon- and retina (16), possibly acting as a neuromo-
strated psychoactive properties in humans when dulator or neurotransmitter, and has been

named pinohne. Like most beta-carbolines, generation seems to be inhibited by light

pinoline is a typical serotonergic compound, a entering the eye (3, 8, 18). Generation of mela-
property shared with psilocybin and other tonin may begin soon after the eyes have closed,
psychedelic tryptamines. It inhibits the enzyme as in the onset of sleep and perhaps in some
monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A) and has the meditative states. During the sleep cycle of most
unique property of increasing concentrations of animals studied, including humans, the levels of
brain serotonin (10). Since pinoline and other serotonin decreased while the levels of melatonin
endogenous beta-Carbolines inhibit MAO-A, increased ( 18). According to Ebihara (8), this
they can competitively inhibit that enzyme while decrease in serotonin is partly due to its trans-
other psychoactive but metabolically more labile formation to melatonin (see Fig. 2). Endogenous
compounds, such as tryptamines, act centrally to beta-Carbolines are also proposed to derive from
promote the visions of dreams. A synergistic serotonin through the increased activity of NMT
relationship between ingested tryptamines and and 5-hydroxyindole-0-methyltransferase (5
beta-carbolines has been auggested (21. 22). HIOMT), both pineal enzymes of the sleep
Dimethyltryptamines have not been definitively phase (1, 6. 10). Pinoline and melatonin were
established to occur endogenously in humans, found to occur in nearly similar concentrations
though the in vitro evidence is highly suggestive in the human retina. The origin of retinal pino-
(4. 5. 31). This lack of confirmation is not line seemed to be mostly pineal, with only a frac-
surprising when one considers the minute tion being locally synthesized (17). All of the
concentrations involved. sensitivity of detection chemical structures shown in Figure 2 have been
methods and instability of endogenous tryptam- identified in the human pineal. The intermediate
ines (11). (See reference 31 for a review of structure in brackets is one of two proposed by
endogenous psychedelics). The time of sampling Ho (10). The solid arrows denote pathways
during the circadian cycle may also be crucial in which are known to. occur in vivo. while the
detecting psychodynamic tryptamines (18). broken arrows have only so far been demon-
During the sleep phase, melatonin is derived strated to occur in vitro.
from scrotonin, which is in turn metabolized Figure 3 represents a proposed dream cycle.
from the amino acid tryptophan. S-Methoxydi- As melatonin production increases in the sleep
methyltryptamine and DMT, both potent phase. the brain descends through the four
psychedelics. have also been proposed by Barker stages of sleep. beta-Carbolines and dimethyl-
(5) to derive from tryptophan through SAM and tryptamines are derived from tryptamine. and
NMT (see Fig. 1). Melatonin, like serotonin, is when enough are produced, the mind enters
produced primarily in the pineal gland. Its dream sleep. This is reflected by the brain as

Q$c- Dacarboxylation
Q-$rNH2HoQ-$- H

1. SAhl
2. NUT I

2. 5-HIOMT

Figure 1


HO. _
I 1. 5-NTHF. NtfT



Figure 2

REMS. Pinoline increases brain serotonin levels, pathway that occurs and leads to accumulations
especially at low concentrations (2, 10, 33), of abnormal amounts of such potentially psycho-
which eventually inhibits dream sleep by taking tomimetic compounds.”
the brain back through the four sleep stages. This dream cycle hypothesis could be tested in
Before the cycle reaches the waking phase, N- a couple of experiments. One would be to
acetyltransferase (NAT), NMT and 5-HIOMT monitor the serum and/or cerebral spinal fluid
work to metabolize the excess serotonin to levels of beta-Carbolines throughout the circa-
melatonin, pinoline and perhaps other tryp- dian cycle, with expectations of higher concen-
tamine derivatives. The cycle then repeats and trations during sleep and the REM stages of
its period lengthens throughout the night. The sleep. A more ambitious procedure would be to
longest and best remembered dreams occur just determine beta-Carboline levels in normal and
prior to waking from the cumulative concen- schizophrenic subjects before, during and after
trations of psychoactive tryptamine derivatives REMS deprivation. When normal individuals are
which have become active through progressive deprived of REMS, a rebound of REM activity
inhibition of MAO-A by pinoline and/or other occurs in subsequent nights of undisturbed sleep.
beta-Carbolines. Other circadian mechanisms Schizophrenics show no such rebound. Therefore
come into play before waking so that the dream one might expect to see elevated beta-Carboline
cycle does not overlap into waking conscious- levels during rebound in normals, with schizo-
ness. It is not unlikely that beta-Carbolines phrenics maintaining their normal predeprivation
and/or other tryptamine derivatives act centrally levels. Morning levels of pinoline in normal and
to induce the visions of dreams. Although Ho schizophrenic patients were found to be equiva-
(10) was speaking in terms of psychosis, the lent after normal sleep (2g). Animal studies
following applies with few modifications, “It is suggest that pineal levels of pinoline and mela-
quite possible that a psychotic state could result tonin are of the same order and change in
from a shunt of serotonin metabolism to a concert during the circadian cycle (13). Mela-

for dream phenomena through a metabolic

dream cycle, and posits that such a mechanism
may be discrete from the physiological symptom-
atology observed in the rapid eye movements of
REMS. With tryptamines and beta-Carbolincs
proposed as a search targets, it may eventually
become possible to find “the kind of stuff that
dreams are made on.”

The invaluable contributions from David Pate. Richard
Seymour and Alexander Shulgin were vital to the evolution
of thi> paper.

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