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First Narbrook Library Is Growing

Building Started In Popularity



---------------0 0---------------
Details of the Contest One lIundred }'Jfty Strong

Narberth, champions of the Main When the Narberth base ball team
Line League, lost the first game of the journeyed to Clifton Heights to play
.series for the Philadelphia Suburban Drexel Hill for the suburban cham-
Amateur Championship with the pionship last Saturday, they did not
Drexel Hill Club, champions of the go alone. Oh, no! About 150 loyal
Interborough League. The defeat came rooters followed the players' vans by
largely through the Inability of our one route or another.
boys to hit Tanker, 'Drexel Hill's left The players left Narberth at 1.15
handed pitcher, and on the other hand P. M. in four automoblles.
by loose fielding at critical times. Veteran "Flick" Stites-still on the
Without a doubt, Bob Gilmore, com- Injured list-left in his own motor
pletely outpitched Tanker. Here are car at 1.30 P. M., with Edwin Ander-
the statistics, so you can judge for son as his driver, to be on hand to
yourself: give counsel from the bench.
Gilmore fanned twelve, (seven out With passenger motor-barges due to
of the first nine) passed none, hit none. leave Davis' store at 1.45 P. M., the
Tanker fanned ten, passed one, hit enthusiasts began to congregate at
one, made one wild pitch. about 1.25 P. M. They carefully
Narberth scored their only runs In scrutinized the pictures and cups of
the initial frame. Humphrlel'l was hit previous teams that had won honors
by a pitched ball, stole second, and for Narberth and enthusiastically
advanced to third on the Shortstop's
talked about the event for the after-
error. Captain Fleck then did the
right thing by singling past third, noon. Everyone was optimistic.
which scored Humphries with the first OUR NARBERTH BOYS About 1.40 P. M. the motor truck
run of the series. I<'leck stole second, belonging to George Suplee left with
and was advanced to third on a Bottom row, reading from left to right-Humphries, 2b.; Turner, ss.; Barker, cf.; Harry Simpson, c.; E. about twenty men aboard. At 1.50
passed ball, and scored on Koons' Davis, lb.; Durbin, 3b. P. M. two motor trucks were loaded
sacrifice hit to right field. That was with about forty-five men and women
all the scoring Narberth did the whole Sitting In the center-all by him self-Flick Stites. and a merry crowd went cheerily on
game. to urge the local boys to victory.
Top row, standing-Koons, c.; Captain Fleck, If.; Gilmore, P.;'" Mc Clellan, 3b.; W. Simpson, rf.; Kirk, i The trip was made without mis-
Drexel Hill scored two runs In the rf.; L. Davis, utility Infielder; Ensinger, p.; Manager Walzer, rf.
fourth inning. Burnley singled hap, and, on arrival, everyone was
through short. Delaney reached first eager to see the game start.
on a fielder's choice. Then Humphries The Narberth delegation, as a
indented the error column, on another Whole, arrived earlier than the fol-
fielder's choice; all hands were safe. They beat us-but we're not tuten! They're a good bunch, that Drexel Hill lowers of Drexel Hill and contributed
Next Mr. Durbin made it necessary for nearly half the total attendance.
the scorer to put down another error.
team, but so are our local boys. Drexel Hill rooters are of a high
Two runs were scored. Narberth then
This Saturday we win or buser- type, and, while there was a great
came to life and showed a fiash of Do your part, folks-come out strong and deal of good natured bantering be-
their true form by making a fast Game to be played on our home grounds. tween the two sides, no harsh lan-
double play, which ended the inning. cheer, and the boys will do the best that there guage passed the lips of either nOI"
Neither side did anything worth is in them. was there any personal element In-
while until the eighth inning when Place-Narberth and Price avenues. troduced to cause III feeling. Clean
Drexel Hill put across the last thre~ ball and clean rooting seems to be
runs of the game, putting the game on Time-3 P. M. The umpires will be Bill Rudolph, of the a mutual ideal-which is good.
Ice. Tanker secured bls second hit Main Line League-one of the most popular Our boys started at the bat and
of the season and first of the game, made Tanker look like a much over-
and advanced to second on a passed Follow the crowd-everybody'll be there. and most careful umpires officiating in the rated man in the first inning. They
ball, another error followed and then East, and Smith, of the Interborough League. took wild chances-and made good-
Gilmore fanned Burnley for the first on th& bases. They started to play
out. Delaney then poked a Texas Yes, and a lot of out-of-town rooters. the game as the Boston Braves so
leaguer In right field, too short for Bob Gilmore will probably do the twirling often do and finished with two runs
Manager Walzer to reach. Fahey Better be on the grounds early. for the Narberth team, while Tanker, who to their credit.
followed with a single, and In the Gilmore never pitched better and
meantime three runs had been scored. pitched last Saturday's game, will be on the got three men straight in the last halt
Things looked hopefUl for Narberth And don't be afraid to cheer. The Nar- mound for Drexel Hill., of the first inning. "Bob" was cheer-
in the ninth when Durbin got a free berth boys are going to win-if all the bats ed and cheered for his effort.
trip to first base. But Fleck fanned don't break. Tanker settled down to work in
and Durbin was out stealing. Koons And what's more, Gilmore is going to pitch
the second inning and with the good
ended the game with a grounder to an even better game than he pitched last support of his team mates, managed
first base. The score: Last Saturday we showed Drexel Hill that week-and that's going some. But this young to hold tight for the rest of the game.
Narberth could stick till the last man was out. star has the real stuff when it comes to pitch- Gilmore pitched better ball than did
DREXEL HILL. Tanker, but his support weakened in
R. H. O. A. E. ing. the fourth Inning after a question-
Prendergast, cf. .. 1 1 1 0 0 This Saturday we're going to show them able decision by the umpire on bases,
Burnley, If. 1 1 0 0 0 that we can do more than that--that we can Everybody out next Saturday to cheer the Kirk, and. from this time on, Nar-
Delaney, ss. 2 1 3 0 1 berth's chances grew less and less
, FahW, 3b .. o 1 1 3 0 win. home team to victory.
until the ninth Inning found our
Stott, lb .. o 0 10 0 0 champions beaten by a score (5-2)
Foley, c . o 1 9 1 0
Sharkey, rf.
Jackson, 2b. .
. o 1 2 1 0
. o 0 0 2 0
KIRKPATRICK WINS ACENTRAL BODY that, on the surface, makes Drexel
Hill look much the better machine.
Tanker, p . 1 1 1 3 0 TENNIS SINGLES I Happy TO GOVERN SPORTS This is erroneous, however.
It is the opinion of experienced
coaches who were present that, if
Totals 5 7 27 10 1
Sunday Evening Narberth wlll playas it has all sum-
Town Gets Consolation PrIze Y. M. C. A. starts New Movement mer, Drexel Hill will have little show
R. H. O. A. E. In the next two games; that, man for
Humphries, 2b.... 1 0 2 3 'I
Durbin, ss. o 0 o 10 02 berth The tennis tournament of the Nar-
Tennis ASSOCiation is nearing a
METHODIST If you could have seen that group
of thirty-five fellows, sitting around
man, our team is faster in every re-
spect and that we are capable of
Fleck, cf . 1 2 the festive board, last Saturday even- playing better inside base ball. (Let's
o close. In many respects it has been
Koons, c
Turner, 3b
. o 1 13 1 g
the •best tournament the organiza-
. o 0 o 3 0 tlon has ever held. There were more
.. o 0
EPISCOPAL CHURCH lng, you would Immediately say the
event was a success; but when you
know that this group took the biggest
do it next week).
The homeward trip was not the
least bit gloomy, every f!'on believing
. o 0 ~ ~ 0 entrants In the various events than in
Davis, lb
Simpson, rf. . Union Services forward step along the line of athletics that the end wlll be another triumph
Walzer, rf . o 0 o 0 1 any previous tournaments, and a num- In the history of the association, you for Narberth.
Barker, cf. . o 0 o 0 1 ber of the matches afforded the fol- BAPTIST wlll surely say it was a grand suc- Among those who journeyed to
Gilmore, p . o 0 o 3 0 lowers of the game the keenest enjoy- PRESBYTERIAN cess. Clifton Heights and who were ob-
ment. The affair started off with a Dutch served in the grand etand were the
S 24 12 5 The men's events are finiShed. Last METHODIST lunch prepared by Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. 'following Narberthltes:
Totals , 2 Saturday W. J. Kirkpatrick won the CHURCHES
Haste, Misses Brlll, Smith, Mueller and Fred L. Rose, Robert McCoy, Mr.
m('n's singles by defeating F. G. Wll.r- SPEAKER
Witherow. Needless to say, this added and Mrs. Ray Jones, Charles Ensing-
Narberth . . 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 ner three straight sets-6-0, 6-2 and
Drexel Hill 000 20003 x-5 6-3. CharlesNevlnwasawardedsecond REV. JOHN VAN NESS materially to the success of the even- er, Charles Compton, George Markle,
Ing. Mr. Fletcher Stites, one of the Newton Compton, Taylor Henry,
Stolen bases-Humphries, Durbin, prize by virtue of his haVing won his H Board of Managers of the Y. M. C. A., Louis Nicholson, George Brill, Irvin
Fleck. Double plays-8harkey to match in the semi-finals. Unfortunate- earty was the toastmaster of the evening. Ward, Bob Compton, James Compton,
Stott; Turner to Davis to Humphries; ly he was called out of town by the Gospel Song Service The Glee Club. C. H. McCarter, Charles McCarter, T.
Turner to Davis to Humphries. Sacri- opening of his college term. Had he After the lunch, the formal part of Noel Butler, Rev. and Mrs. Chris G.
fice hits-Koons,' Turner, Jackson. Left remained in Narberth he would have COME! the program opened with a discussion Koppel, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ander-
on bases-Narberth, 2; Drexel Hlll, 4.j ~,et the winner of the Kirkpatrick- of the Glee Club, past, present and son, Ed. Anderson, Warren Anderson,
Wild pitch-Tanker. Passed ball-,
(Continued on Third Page) , i
\ r.rner match.
(Continued on Third Page)
Promptly at 7.45
future. Mr. Dennis outlined a plan
(Continued on Third Page) .
IMr. and Mrs. W. A. Cole, Mr. and
(Continued on Third Page) I
Guided by the facts gained through: proper men' to serve constantly in I DURBIN CUP GOES TO STITES.
OUR TOWN the survey and propelIed by the en- that business: and as a. more eqult-- i
thuslasm of the men behind the civic able way of supporting the charge. Trophy for Highest Batting Al'eragc
Owned and Published every Thurs- revival, the Neighborhood AssoclllUon the levying a tax that should be pro- I
e.ay by the Narberth Civic Anoela· chose a slogan, "Co-operate for Coop- portioned to the property. This idea, I for Se8son Won By Veteran.
Uon. ersburg": gpt busy with the strug- being approved by the Junto, was I Early in the season R. H. Durbin,
gling local band and orchestra: or- communicated to the other clubs, but of North Narberth avenue, promised t
ganized a Boy Scout coml?any and a as arising in each of them: and to give a cup to the member of the
W. ARTHUR COLE, glee club: promoted home-talent min- though the plan was not immediately Narberth Base BaIl team who sue-
Managing Editors. strel shows and brought in a few star carried into execution, yet, by prepar- .ceeded in ep.ding the season with tha1.
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON. attractions from outside; leased a I ing the minds of people for the. highest batting average.
base ball field for the club that was I change, it paved the way for the law I This fact was not generally known
dying for lack of a place to play; cap- obtained a few years after, when the. outside the players themselves: but
Advertising Manager. tained a community picnic; inaugu- members of our clubs were grown in- I the friendly contest among the eagle-
rated a May Day celebration, a clean- to mor~ influence. ',eyed group of batsmen went merrily I
By Lady Narberth
Subscription Manaier. up week and public health lectures: Chief Noel Take Notice. on, each trying his hardest to add the
put electric lights in the school build- "About this time I wrote a paper Durbin cup to his coIlection or make
Mrs. Alexander C. Shand, of North
Send all letters and news Items to ing so It could be used for community (first to be read in Junto, but it was It the nest egg around which to build
. Box: 34 or Box: 576, Narberth, . th il d t afterward published) on the different a collection Narberth avenue, is on an extended
P. O meeting,s; and, when e ra roa s a- id t d I se by which . visit in New York State.
Pa. Do not send them to the printer. tion burned down got the company acc en an care essnes s The averages published in this
tlend all advertising copy to P. O. . ' i k i ith houses were set on fire, with cautions week's issue of "Our Town" divulge
I to promise a new one n eep ng w h d d f · Mi M R d fWd
Box 820. Make all remlttanc.. to the town's new spirit. Iagal~~t t :m, a;hl means pro:ose k 0 . the fact that "Flick" Stites will SOOI1 e s~ gary ~wan, 0 t rnewoo 1
P. O. Box: 118. o
In short, within a year this organ-I avoI ng t efm · i s wasdmuc SPi etn take home another trophy, thereby aV h 'f iaved a oustehPalr Yt 0 skeverad
Our Town la on sale at the depot of as a use u l p ece, an gave r se 0 proving that an old war horse still I 0 f er r en s over e as wee -en .
It8ws-stand and a.t the .tore ot H. fl. ization transformed Coopersburg from 1a project, which soon followed it, of stands a show among aggressive ---
Davia. ' a "sleepy-hollow sort of place," W!lere forming a company for the more youngsters. His total· average was Mr. Wl11ard M. Sistare is the guest
most of the folks were wlth.erin from I ready extinguishing of fires, and mu- .393. of Mr. William Simpson at his home
Entered as second·class matter. 00- lack of something to do beSides house- tual assistance in removing and se- . . on Essex avenue
tober 16 1914, at the Post O1l1oe at hold and shop drudgery, to a live little curing of goods when in danger. As-
, 11
The cup Willi dbe on eXhibltlOn In
Davis' store w n ow for a short t lme
I .
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under tile centre ~f just such social an~ re g- sociates in this scheme were present- and probably wi1l be entrusted to the Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Snyder, of North
Act of March 3, 1879. I I
ious activities as the average mdivid- Iy found, amounting to thirty. Our care of the winner at the coming base Narberth avenue, have returned from
ual requires to keep life fro mstaling articles of agreement obliged every balI banquet. an extended tour of the Pacific States,
THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1915 : and stunting. members to keep always in good or- during which they visited the fairs.
, , . And this is only a beginning. AI- der, and fit for use, a certain num-
lDMERGENCY PHONE CALLS ready plans are made for a sewage her of leather buckets, with strong BUILDING IN NARBROOK Dr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley, former-
Fire 360. disposal system, physical culture in bags and baskets (for packing and Iy of West Philadelphia, have moved
police 1260. the school, union church ervices at transporting of goods), which were to
intervals, a public playground with a be brought to every fire; and we
pond, a neig,hborhood house with agreed to meet once a month and
READY TO START. to 108 Forrest avenue, where Dr.
Hartley will open a dental office.

EDITORIAL NOTES equipment for games and recreation spend a social evening together, In WUlIam T. HarrIs Wfll Probably Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Colesworthy
in winter and a stage for plays-and I discoursing and communicating such Be }'Irst to Break GrOUnd-Senralj spent the week-end at Cape May in
shower baths. Already they are work-lideas as occurred to, us . upon the Uther Lot Owners Nearly Ready. the Jacoby Cottage.
OUR TOWN wfll gladly print
ing for a night school, a community subject of fires, as might be useful
reading course, a local industrial in our conduct on such occasions.
fair, a rest room for farmers' wives I A Fire Company Suggestion.
--- I Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Chalfont,
Last ,,:,eek a meeting of property 128 Chestnut avenue, announce the
8ny news Item about any subject holders In Narbrook was called by birth of a daughter Saturday, Septem-
that Is of Interest to Narberth who come to town to do their buying, "The utlIlty of this Institution soon Mr. Artman, a member of the Park, ber 18 1915.
folks, but In order to meet and the starting of a school bank. ,appeared, and many more desiring to Committee, to consider preparations I ' _
the printing SchMule, all "COpy" If this seems a large program, it: be admitted than we thought conveni- for an active start in the erection of
-manuscripts-must reach the must be remembered that it is the ent for one company, they were ad- houses. 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson and
editors by 6 P. M. Monday each program of a whole community-a. vised to form another, which was ac- About a dozen owners of lots par-, their chlldren, of South Narberth ave-
week. united neighborhood which has seen I cordingly done; and this went on, ticipated in an enthusiastic meeting: nue, have returned from an all-sum-
the worth of the social progress thas OIl,,!! new company being formed after of two hours' duration. Mr. -D. mer stay in Eagle's Mere.
far made, and is wi1ling, to work for! another, till they became so numer- Knickerbacker Boyd. the association's
THE BIG LESSON a larger measure of such benefits. 'loUS as to include most of the Inhabi- architect, and his assistant, Mr. Vic- Mrs. F. C. Padgett, of Essex ave-
FOR LITTLE TOWNS. And its significance is largo hecause tants who were men of proper~y: tor D. Abel, had arrived in advance nue, who has ·been spending ll. fort-
--- it is being carried out amons a peo- and now, at the time of my writmg of the meeting and had displayed night in Atlantic City, has returned.
. Forty-five miles north of Phlladel- pie hitherto notably hard to stir up in ! this, though upward of fifty years around the walls various sketches for
phia, In the lower part of Lehigh these ways, and in what the men be-\ since its establishment, that whiph,I different types of houses singly and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hallahan,
County-a fertile farming region hind it characterize as an "over- first formed, called the Union, Fjye arranged in groups according to the formerly of Haverford road, are oc-
abounding with living springs-clus- churched territory."-Parts of an edl- Company, still suhsists and flQlIt"~~, plan of the park now being laid out cupying their new home on \ Mont-
ter the 750 men, women and children torlal from the Philadelphia North I though the first members are all' de- by A. C. Shand, Jr., under the direc- gomery avenue.
who form the human part of the pret- I American.
ty borough of Coopersburg.
In many ways it is-or Wlls-typi-
I .
ceased but myself and one, who is tlon of Robert Anderson Pope, the
older by a year than I am. The small town planner.
fines that have been paid by mem-
I Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Prescott are
Samples of and other build- spending a few weeks at Ocean City
cal of towns of like size throughout
the East: In some ways of small towns the foregoing might hav~ been a chap- meetings have been applied to the a lull discussion of the various ma- some time in Oct~ber.
Editor's Note.-In many respects bers for absence at the monthly Iing materials were also displayed and at their bungalow' they will return

cverywhere. I
Its chief distinction, ter from the recent hIstory Of. our purchase of fire engines, ladders, fire terials to be used in the erection of
aside from the pedigreed Jersey cattle own borough. Check up the thmgs Ihooks, and other useful implements the buildings was entered into. Mrs. Aldine K. Siler and her small
that have made famous "Tom" Coop- we have added as community aScletS Ifor each company, so that I question I In addition to the sketches submit- son, Aldine K. Siler, Jr., have re-
er's farm, is an unusual degree of in the past few years and then make whether there is a city in the world ted, the architect presented for the turned from NashVille, Tenn., to their
what might be called race integrity, a note of the things ~ smaller bor- better prOVided with t~e means of inspection of those present working Wynnewood road home.
for 98 per cent. of its population ough than ours has or mtends to have putting a stop to begmning confla-I plans and sketches which have al-
spring from a common stock-the sto- that we do not have, and then get into grations: and, in fact, since these in- : ready been prepared for Messrs. Mrs. Horace Moore has been spend-
lid Pennsylvania German. I
the coUar and help add t~em to our stitutions, the city has never lost by Smedley and Haws, who have author- Ing a few days with her parents, Mr.

which laid the community foundations plishments. It's worth your while.
decades ago. These ancestors were, I
'time, at.t d the flames have often been out delay.
extingUIshed before the house In These received much favorable com-
Most of them belong to families long list of assets and Civic accom- fire more than one or two houses at a ized the work to be completed wlth-, and Mrs. E. D. Bolich, of Iona avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Shauroth and

in some measure, "the pick of hu- Iwhich ,~hey began has been half con- '11ent and several of those in attend- their little daughter, who have been
manity," according to one who lately I NEWS }'ROM OUR NEIGHBORS. Isumed. ance not only declared their intention spending the summer in western New
made a detailed study of the place i of starting to build as quickly as York, have returned to their home on
d it people "They were men and Narberth folks generally and bor-' SEWEll WORK STARTED IN NAR. possible but authorized Mr. Boyd to Dudley avenue.
~:me: four-s'quare, robust in phy- ough officials in particular, will be in- I BROOK. prepare the working drawings at -
slque, industrious In habits, social, terested in the fo!~owing nows of civic I 'I'he sewer work in Narbrook was once. ! Dr. and Mrs. Romaine C. Hottman,
among themselves by inclination, and! activities and achIevement in one of: commenced the latter part of last . The first of these was Mr. WilUam I Essex avenue, are receiving congratu-
eli 10 s b dis osition and training. our nearby communities: I
! week and all work In the model com- T. Harris, who with commendabla lations on the arrival of a daughter-
r g u ~ P t 0 form an ideal "I began now to turn my thoughts munit will now be pushed to com- spirit and promptness determined, born September 16 at Hahnemann
~:~~uc:I~~"en ough t ',a little to public affairs," .~rltes one Pletio: without further delay, barring 'I upon the plans and elevations of an, Hospital. Mother and child are both
Up to a year ago last February they of the foremost citizens, beginning., no more continued rainy weather. .a,ttractlve house to be placed on Lot doing well. _
did not form a.n id ea1 commun ity. however, . with smaIl matters. The . I' Contractor
" Alex C Shand, Jr . , has No. 2 on Windsor avenue, this being
Even by its own residents the place city watch was one of the first things' Increased his force of men and is de- in reality the entrance to the Park,
was called slow and conservative. that I conceived to want regulation. Itermlned to make up some of the time it is especially worthy of comment things in the "Year Round Home
The Glee Club promises to boom

Some of them said it was "hopeless" It was managed by the Of: that has been lost on account of the that this should be the first house to 1 Town" this fall by giving a minstrel
and "pessimistic." And the big lesson the respective wards In turn, the· weather and the settlement of the be erected, and its construction will "how for the benefit of the Y. M. C. A.
this little town now oirers for teen-
h b k d i f
eflt of other towns began when a few T~epers ~ at~n h mort the n gh~.
i I'
constable warned a number of house- laewer question
: be followed with much interest. The The club members are very enthusias
I ti f th b ildi hid
The east drive in the park Is near- boca o~ ~ d e t u d ~~ 8s a rea iit tic over their plans, and feel sure
of these "disloyal" citizens met to i~seht o. c o:~r never 0 atten '\IY ready for macadamizing and the bee: gs: ~ o~ a~ hl~ ~ele ~r wit that this show will be the best one
plan ways and means for making It a. pa dOl shlXi hS mgs a yea!\ tto bbe cement sidewalks are staked and, i e u tYh rd' arir s w hleh s wa . ever given. The Glee Club has added
excuse , w c was suppose d 0 e graded ready for the surfacing I ng for e raw ngs w c are now some new names to its membership
hopeful, optimistic place. I for hiring substitutes, but was, In 1 The bridge over the outlet' from I being completed. Two other prop- and will soon get down to business.
The little book telllng what the reality, much more than was neces- M Artman's pond on the west side I erty owners are haVing sketches pre-
Coopersburg Neighborhood Associa- sary for that purpose, and made the s:X:vice road is completed and the: pared by Mr. Boyd, announcement of

tiOD has done in its brief existence- constableship a place of profit: and service road nearly ready for the top ~ which will be made In "Our Town" made will be quickly followed by
and outlining its aims and plans- the constable, for a little drink, often facing I as soon as the plans and elevations others who were not present at the
presents the most thorough survey of got such ragamuffins about him as :l'lsu~he c1~cle roadway around the i have been approved and the specifi- I meeting and that advantage will be
conditions and the sanest program watch, that respectable housekeepers amphitheatre is - cut through, fences' cations started. 1 fully taken of the excellent building
from progress of any such movement did not choose to mix with. Walking on the Williams tract relocated and I Another property holder present I season ahead, so that before cold
within our knowledge. the rounds, too, was often neglected, the Price avenue entrance pretty weill has taken with him sketches for 9. weather sets in construction may be
After organizing a building and loan and most of the nights spent in tip· I id t house to be considered by him and a well advanced on the dozen houses
association for the benefit of young pling. I thereupon wrote a paper '.0 a Th~: is no small undertaking and is tenant for whom he will erect the required to complete the sewer agree-

men who hesitated about marrying, be read in Junto, representing these attracting much attention on the part house, and two others who could not ment with the borough.
because they had no homes of their Irregularities, but insisting more par- of outsiders as well as local persons. be present at the meeting have sig-
own, a~d offering free factory sites to ticularly on the Inequality of this six- F.very Sunday you wl11 find visitors I nifled their intention to confer with
industries of the right sort, the As- shilling tax of the constables, re- strol1ing over the development, the architect at the earliest possible:
sociation hired an expert to make a spectlng the circumstances of those watching its progress with great in- date. . ASK At tbe
social survey of the borough . who paid it, since a poor widow, terest. Have you been over the This substantial progress is in-
This outsider found a group of peo- housekeeper, all whose property to be ground '1 '1 deed satisfactory as a beginning- "litUe While Tea
pIe boastful of a death-rate lower by guarded by the watch did not per- . working drawings for two houses; Boose & Shop
2 per cent. than that of the country haps exceed the value of fifty pounds, completed and for one under way-
at large, and of a public school better paid as much as the wealthiest mer· I
Be ashamed to die until you have sketches for two other houses in prep- Phone, Narberlh 1252 D.
supported and more capably manned chant, who had thousands of pounds' won some victory for humanity.- aration with working drawings au- AVON AND HAVERFORD ROADS
than the average in Pennsylvania. worth of goods In his stores. Horace Mann. t.horized, and the construction of one
Also he found a community which Narberth Follows SuIt. I house already begun-augers well for Chicken and Walfl. Supper. 10 Order
"has taken no cognizance of any hU- "On the whole, I proposed as a A man is cast-iron: a child is wax. I' th" speedy development of the place.
man recreational needs." more effectual watch, the hiring of -Horace Mann. It is believed that the start already

Nrws uf tlJr aUpu-dyea is at 4 o'clock, a convenient hour for ,

most everybody: I
The pews are all free, and Dr. An- I (Continued from First Page)
Complied for Our Town by Official Scorer Earl Smith.
drew S. Burke, the rector, would be Mrs. W. S; Horner, Mr. and Mrs. Wll-
!lE~BODI8~ EPISCOPAL CBUBCH. pleased to see every seat occupied at liam Dennis, E. P. Dold, Miss Bertha
G. AB. R. H. T.B. O. A. E. S.B. S.H. H.B. L.B. B.B. P.B. Av.
the services next Sunday. Piggot, Miss Marion Brill, H. C. Gara,
"~he Little Church on the HDL" Miss Helen Gara, Ml'BS Alma Easton, Stites. ., .16 61 10 24 39 30 !40 5 7 1 2 20 5 - .393
Miss Lidy Johnson, George Rose, Wai- Humphr's 23 90 16 29 42 55 31 4 8 3 0 15 5 - .323
Rev. C. G. Koppel, Pastor. Fleck .... 22 85 14 26 43 23 3 1 11 7 14 1 2 - .306
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCIL ter Wright, Dr. R. C. Hoffman, How- o 2 15 7 - .270
ard Smedley, Gottlieb Eslinger, J. H. E. Davis .. 20 74 15 20 29 189 10 8 10
Sunday services: Jefferies, Lester Jefferies, Mr. and Durbin.. 7 31 7 10 13 15 2 3 4 1 o 4 1 - .323
9.45. SundaY school. Bible study Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. Mrs. Isadore Mlller, Anita Mlller" Walzer ... 17 53 6 14 14 8 6 2 6 o 2 6 1 - .264
classes for men and women, young Evelyn Harris, Mildred Harris, Mar-, H. Sim'n.. 16 52 7 9 10 161 23 6 4 2 1 11 9 5 .173
men and young women. Singing led Meetings for next Sunday: garet Maize, Mrs. W. B. Smith, Fred I W. Sim'n .. 9 36 16 12 15 12 15 3 6 1 2 4 2 - .333
by Mr. Fletcher W. Stites; pianist, 10 A. M., Sunday School. Harsch, W. P. Nash, J. C. Simpson, Barker ...16 69 4 8 11 14 8 3 7 1 o 6 3 - .136
Mr. Homer E. McKee. 11 A. M., Public Worship. Sermon Wlllard M. Sistare, Howard Davis, Ensinger ..11 34 3 n 14 4 8 2 0 o 3 10 3 - .324
n.oo. Public worship. Sermon by theme, "The Lamb of God." Earl Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner •.. 10 43 5 12 18 15 24 2 1 1 o 6 0 - .279
the pastor. 7.46 P. M., Union Meeting in the Jenkins, Eva Jenkins, Irwin McKin- Kirk ..... 7 10 1 3 3 2 0 o 0 o o 2 2 - .300
6.46. Epworth League. This ser- Methodist Church. Mr. Van Ness will ney, Flora Compton, Mary Compton, E. Dickie . 7 11 3 2 a 4 5 2 4 1 o 3 4 - .181
vice is conducted for and by the preach on the theme, "Modern Absa- James Foote, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Gilmore .. 19 46 12 10 13 6 41 5 1 3 2 11 12 - .217
young people. Last SundaY evening's
loms." Fowler, Master George Rose, Tristan Moore 2 9 2 3 4 2 0 o 0 o o 2 1 - .333
attendance was the largest in the
Rally Day and Promotion Day wlll B. Du Marias, Frank Winne, John
Jefferies 2 11 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o o 1 1 - .000
League's history.
be observed October 3rd. Fine, Allen Rose, Cary Barr, Wllliam Fine 6 15 1 1 2 44 8 3 0 1 o 2 4 3 .063
7.45. Happy Sunday evening ser- Harris, Margaret Jansen, Mr. and Koons 6 20 4 7 15 55 9 2 0 o o 4 4 - .350
vice. Union meeting of the Baptist, Mrs. Henry Morgan, Miss Helen Hood 2 7 1 1 1 o 5 o 0 o o 1 1 - .143
Presbyterian and Methodist churche8. Shand, Grace Haight, Arthur Haight, McClell'n. 1 5 1 2 2 2 1 o 0 o o 1 0 - .400
Sermon by the Rev. John Van Nesl, NARBERTH BASE BALL TEAll Thomas E. Moore, Evelyn Evans, Jones 2 6 0 o 0 1 2 o 0 o o 2 2 - .000
pastor of the Presbyterian Church. HAS "A HAPPY SUNDAY "Blll" Humphries, Owen Humphries, L. Da.vis 4 11 3 1 2 2 4 2 2 o 1 1 2 - .091
Hearty congregational song service EVENING." Donald Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Mil- G. Fleck " 2 2 0 o 0 1 0 1 0 o o o 0 - .000
of revival hymns in which everybody ler, W. C. Poor, G. H. Roberts, J. W. Albany ... 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 o 0 o o 1 1 - .260
can take part. Earned runs, 87.
~[ethodlst Church Crowded To Its Shinn.
The uniting churches extend a Double plays by Narberth, 12.
most cordial invitation to all. Capacity at a Unlclue Service. Double plays against Narberth 16.
Sunday School.
Further progress in the work of A service unique in the experience PitChing.
The Elmwood Field Club lost s- G. W. L. T. 5.0. B.B. H. W.P. H.B. Balk. Av.
the school has been introduced. Ten of Narberth church-goers was held in
classes for boys were regraded and the Methodist Episcopal Church last
hard fought game with the J. E. Gilmore . . .... 18 15 3 o 185 27 90 0 7 0 .833
two additional teachers secured. Mr. Sunday evening, when the first :>f
Caldwell & Co. on Saturday. OnlY Ensinger .. 4 4 o o 34 10 27 0 0 0 1.000
Edward H. Dilkes, a splendidly the "Happy Sunday Evening" series
four of the regular Elmwood players Hood. 2 o 1 o 15 4 17 1 1 0 .000
equipped Bible student, has assumed of meetings was held with the mem-
were in the game, but in spite of this Fleck. 1 o o o 1 1 3 0 0 0 .000
charge of the Women's Bible Class. bers of the champion Narberth base
handicap the boys put up a good Walzer 1 o o o 5 4 7 0 0 1 .000
Superintendent Charles E. Kreamer ball team as guests. fight. The 'score: Albany 1 o o o 1 o 2 0 0 0 .000
has introduced a new and most varied The meeting opened with a con- Club Batting. V. Fleck 4 5 1
order of service. The school is for- gregational praise service, with incl-
R. H. O. A. E. Tot. Gilmore. . 1 1 o
tunate in having the services of Mr. dental solos by Mr. Earl Smith and at bat. R. B.H. S.H. S.B. Av Turner. . 3 o 1
Patterson, cf. . 2 1 0 0 2, G
Fletcher W. Stites as leader of the Miss Marlon Brlll, led by Mr. Fletcher 23 778 133 213 22 72 .274 Koons. . 2 3 o
singing and Mr. Homer E. McKee as W Stit Homer, rf. 1 1 1 0 l'
o o
pianist. The attendance Sunday set I Rev. ~hris G. Koppel spoke a few
Davis, If. .
O'Connor, 2b
2 1
1 3
2 0 o
2 3 o
Club Fielding.
3 o o
2 4 o
a new mark for the month of Sep- words about the central idea of the G. P.O. A. E. ve. Barker . . 3 o o
tember. Four new scholars were en- "Happy Sunday Evenings" and then Gilbert, 3b. .. 1 2 647 246 54 947
Holt, lb 1 2 12 1 o 23 .943 L. Davis. . 1 o o
rOlled ' d E l Se ns introduced Mr. Roy Thomas, base ball Kelly, c. . 1 1 7 2 0, J,ong Hits by Players. W. Simpson 1 1 o
S Ull ay ven ng
It' Mak'n
Building and coaell of the University 0
f P 1
ennsy - Howard, ss. . 1 1 1 3 Oi 2b I
3b Home H. Simpson 1 o o
ome-: s 1 g, vania and for thirteen years a mem-
Dougherty, p. . .... 1 2 0 1 o Players. hits. hits. runs. E. Dickie . . 1 o o
Breaking,' is the subject for a new
sermon series by the pastor begin-
ber of the Philadelphia National
League team. Mr. Thomas congratu- I Stites. . . 7 1 2 I Albany. . .. 1 o o
ning the first Sunday in October. For lated the boys and told them that Totals ....... 11 14 27 14 3 E. Davis . 6 0 1 i Fine. . 1 o o
the purpose of collecting material Humphries . 8 1 1 i Moore. . 1 o o
they were enjoying ~ sensation that
from a wide area so that the subjects ELMWOOD.
he had never expeflenc~d-:-that of
may be treated with a more represen- R. H. O. A. E
t ti th it 200 letters have
playing on a pennant-wmnmg team. DickeY, rf. 0 1 2 0 ~i Miss M. Rowand and S. Ketchel de- ened clvic consciousness and general
a ve au or y,
been sent to men and women in all
He further told them of the self-sac-
d I i
J:.:: ""
Lo~~..r-,;!!,s. ..
.... .
1 2
C t
1 1\
feated Miss M. Harris and Chas. Mc- community-of-interest spirit, but was
6 2 6 3 t h b st thl f th b d th i
walks ot Ufe. An earnest endeavor riflces an the clean Iv ng that werto Bowman; lb 1 1 13 1 0 I aMrresr., L-. 'Dr-in'ker and W. J. Kirk- e e ng or e oy an e n-
necessary for athletes who we~e 0 Henderson, 2b
will be made to discuss Vital ques-
endUt~e afindldto triumph in their re-I Jefferies, p
tions relating to this greatest of all
1 2 3 3 0
I dividual sport in which he was in-
0 1 0 2 0 patrick defeated Mrs. R. Brooks and terested.
pulpit themes-the "Home." Some of
the subjects are:
spec lve e s
Tlie pastor nex
t' t d
m ro uce
d M Humphries, 3b. . .. 2 1
r' Noble, If. . 1 1
2 1
2 0 0
Second Round- I
0 A. Greene, 6-1, 6-1. New Athletic Field Proposed.
The toastmaster sprung a surprise
"When Can a Young Man Afford to Fletcher St~tes, who told the congre- Redifer, cf. .
Marry?" gation of hiS analysis of the success 'Lacey, c l
0 0
1 1
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. D. Hall defeated on the boys by giving them a hint of
~ Mrs. E. L. Kanoga and W. Cowin, 6-2, the movement now organizing to give
"Th~ Divorce Problem." o~ Nar~ert~
tile ~~iS yea~ ~nd
team _ 1 6-~iSS M. Rowand and S. Kitchel de- ~:r~~~ua~: ~~hl~~Ce fi:~~et~~t :.:e~;
"Women in Industrial and Com- t e reason or e env ia e repu a Ion Totals.. 7 10 27 12 4 feated Miss E. Humphreys and R. M. branch of sport and supply a perma-
mercial Life." °lf i tile HPlaY:trsd for fClean sPiofirtsman- Town, 6-0, 6-8, 7-5. nent home for such activities instead
"The Child in the Home." Slf p. lit e Cl h e i a t ew spec
th i ll c cases.
i J. E. C. & Co ... 2 0 2 3 0 0 1 2 1-11 Mrs. L. Drinker and W. J. Kirk- of the properties now occupied on
"Moral Training in the Public 0 all e es woos e r aure s m- INarberth . . . .. 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0- 7 patrick defeated Miss L. Jacoby and short term leases, or just loaned for
Schools" mediately they left the pathway of I F. G. Warner, 6-3, 6-1. temporary use. More will be told
"Cau~es of Poverty." right living to chase the false and su-I Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Grugan defeated of this enterprise in a later issue.
"A Plea for the Christian Home." perficial attractions that prove tempt-
ers to all from time to time. He
KIRKPATRICK WINS. Miss L. Kirk and M. C. Levey, 6-2, 6-3. neo.......
_,,_Anlzatlon Plan of Physical De.
'"ieed the splendid spirit shown b y . II There still remains to be played partment.
ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. tlie boys this year and urged them to (Contmued from First Page) one matcll in the semi-ifinals of the This subject was followed by the
Early Mass on Sunday from April win still more honors on the same, In last Saturday's match Kirk-! ladies' singles; o~e match in the semi- discussion of our sports, which was
ht to October 31st at 6.30 A. M. From • t h' th t h d o ' patrick played in excellent form. Our I finals of the ladles' doubles, and one of particular interest to all present.
November 1st to Marcn 31st at 1 A. M.
h as i s OL spor smans lp a awn;.
' i d M
the ennant for them in the Main' Town lifts Its editorial cap and says: match in the semi-finals of the m xe
Li pL
t. Stites very ably stated the dis-
,"Welcome to our city, Blll; you've doubles-and then the finals in all satisfaction of the past, along the
Late Mas.s, 9.30 A. M. throughout the
year. Masses on holydays, 6.30 and ne eague. I proved yourself a good Indian-on the' three of these classes. It is hoped channel of our work; due mostly to
8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening
devotions and other services a.t regular
c ingd or
iti he ~~stor cl~sed :h: speak~~g by tE'nnis court and on the pageant field." ,that all these matches will be con- the lack of centralization. We have
e lit~na e ~ee~hl t e r~ In the consolation singles W. H. i cluded by next Saturday afternoon.
qu re qua es 0 a goo a e e an 'Carmint defeated M. Cheney in the i _ b u t there has been no attempt to con-
been very successful in some sports;

of a good Christian and wished the I second round-1-6, 7-6, 6-2. In the' l'IRS'J' I"OOT nAJ,L MEETING centrate and co-ordinate all events
boys strength to endure for more semi finals R. M. Town defeated car-I - -- pertaining to the athletic side of our
clean victories. mint, 6-0, 6-0, and in the final round Called for Thur8day Evening-I'. M. C. Institntion. This lack has placed our
The church ,was crowded to its ca- Town defeated Shaw, 6-1, 6-4, 7-5. A. Bulldlng. sports supervision in the unsatisfac-
Montgomery Avenue and Hooting
pactty with its own congregation and In the finals of the consolation Everyone interested in foot ball is tory condition that now exists.
House Lane.
Merion Meeting House is opened for friends and well-wishers of the play- doubles Cheney and Grugan defeated invited to be present at the Y. M. C. A. In the reorganization plan, it is
worship every First-day at 10.30 A. ers on the ball team. Cowin and Hall, 6-1, 6-0, 6-3. Community Center building at 8 planned to have a Physical Depart-
M. Visitors are cordially welcome. After the service, all players, and Ladles' Single8. o'dock Thursday evening, when steps ment Committee composed of Messrs.
The old meeting house and the others who were interested, went for- First Round- wlll be taken to organize to give Nar- SavllJ, StiteR, Hoffman, Braden and
grounds surrounding give the appear- ward to shake hands with Mr. Miss L. Jacoby defeated Miss M. berth as good a foot ball team as it Hampton. This committee shall be
ance of restful seclusion which is Thomas. McCoy, 6-1, 6-0. has in base ball this year. the clearing house for activity per-
very helpful to the spirit in Its quiet Miss R. Diamond defeated Miss A. Be you player or just a lover of the taining to the physical work. It shall
communion with God. HERE'S HOW WE LOST. T. Grugan, 6-1, 6-4. gridiron sport, come out and give a have a treasurer, who shall take care
A registry book is kept for visitors. Mrs. L. Drinker defeated Misa E. helping hand-your interest and of all finances pertaining to this de-
All are asked to register their names Humphreys, 6-1, 6-2. counsel are needed and the boys will partment and pay all bUls. This
(Continued from First Page)
Semi-Final Round- appreciate any sacrifice you may have treasury will be used for the further-
after meetini· Fahey and Koons. Hit by pitcher-
Miss L. Jacoby defeated Miss
Humphries. Struck out-By Tanker, Diamond, 6-2, 6-2.
R.I to make to be present. ance of all events pertaining to the
athletic side of the association.
10; Gilmore, 12. Bases on balls-Off
EPISCOPAL CHURCH NEWS. Ladles' Doubles. A CENTRAL BODY. Under this committee there is a
Tanker, 1. Umpires-Smith and Kirk. First Round- Sports Council which shall consist or
The services at All Saints P. E. Time-1.50. Mrs. Bond and Miss L. Kirk de- (Continued from First Page) the managers of the various sports,
Church, Montgomery avenue and feated Mrs. L. Drinker and Mrs. E. L. for the next big show to be given by namely: Foot ball, base ball, basket
Wynnewood road, for next Sunday NOTES. Kanoga, 5-7, 9-7, 8-6. the Glee Club. This plan was en- ball, pool, bOWling, gymnasium and
are as follows: Miss H. Duff and Miss E. Hum- thusiastically received. Several of the tennis. They shall be directly re-
8.00 A. M., Holy Communion. Take a peep at the league averages phreys defeated Mrs. W. I. Dothard men are going to actively identity sponsible for the promotion and main-
9.45 A. M., Sunday School. compiled by the official scorer, Earl and Miss M. Harris, 6-2, 5-7, 6-0. themselves with this work. It was tenance of their department. They
11.00 A. M., Morning prayer and Smith, and see what Flick Stites was Mrs. W. R. D. Hall and Miss M. agreed to make special effort to do shall O. K. all bills pertaining to their
hitting. Too bad we didn't have him Rowand defeated Miss R. Diamond the same in our Glee Club work liS department. They shall have a treas-
4.00 P. M., Evening prayer. in this important series. and Miss I~. Jacoby, 6-1, 6-0.
Semi-Final Round-
I we have been doing with our athletic urer, who shall attend to the collec-
teams, namely, put out a ChamPion-I tion of all moneys and they in turn
The SundaY school has resumed Its
sessions at 9.45 in the morning, and Captain Fleck and Koons were the Mrs. Hall and Miss Rowand defeated ship Glee Club. shall transfer all funds to the treaa-
it is hoped the weather will be more only ones to get hits. No wonder Mrs. A. T. Grugan and Miss C. Jus- Tile Speakers. ' urer of the Physical Department Com-
favorable next Sunday so that all the Narberth lost. It was a hard blow to tice, 6-1, 6-2. Toastmaster SUtes then introduced, mission (who pays all bills after the
scholars will be able to attend. Bob Gilmore, especially after pitching Ladles' Convocation Singles. in turn, H. C. Gara, Rev. Chris G. O. K. of the managers.)
Mr. Harry Tiley, organist and such a beautiful game. First Round- Koppel, W. Arthur Cole. Fred Rose Furthermore, as all these teams are·
choirmaster, has returned '"from his Miss E. Humphreys defeated Miss and Robert McCoy, each of whom felt representing the Y. M. C. A., it wu'
vacation and taken full charge of tho But wait until next Saturda.y. Gil- M. McCoy, 6-1, 6-0. I
that the step for centralization and agreed upon that the qualification for'
music. more will "be there" just as strong- ltllxed Doubles. co-ordination of athletic effort was not membership on any team is that the . \
Do not forget the afternoon servioe and so wlll the Narberth batters. First Round- only consistent with Narberth's awak- I (Continued on Fourth Page)
- ====?============:':'==================
You're Welcome Lake Paupac

YER'S --
A Box 01 Our D.Uciou.
THE MISSES ZENTMA Many Young 1\len lind Boys WJll Take
Part 111 Sessions October "THE LAND OF THE CLOUDS','
CA N D I E S I School and Kindergarten 8, 9 lind 10.
The opportunity of the older boy
2200 teet above aea level

always find a ready welcome. I

125 WINDSOR AVE. will be considered at the Eastern With Nature in the Woods. Rhododendrons and Flowers In the Spring.
Will Heopen September 20, 1915. Pennsylvania Older Boys' Conference Lovely Cool Days In the Summer. Magnificent Foliage in the Fall. Comfort-
They're the best calling cards-I which will be held at the Young Men's able Home Life. Splendid Table and Good Rooms. Tenth Season. Fresh MUk
they always fi nd her at home. M' T ' K' d t Christian Association of Lower Mer- and Vegetables from our Farms.
lon, Ardmore, Pa., October 8, 9 and For reservations, booklet and information, address,
HOWARD'S DRUG STORE ISoS'PensUsfe"'PCtfemSber 12"7,eflg9alfsCn ~~r~n~~~~~t~U~I~~~ ~fe~~:Yl~::i~
State Young Men's Christian Assocla- LAKE PAUPAC CO., R. F. D., Canadensis, Monroe Co., Pa,
The Garden NursenBS

122 Woodside Avenue

Tbe Narberth Y. M. C. A. will send
delegates to the meetings.
Location, Greentown, Pike County, Pa. Fifteen miles north of Cresco or
Gouldsboro, on the D. L. & W. R. R.
The topics to be considered wlll be:
OFFERS NOW I The OpportunitY of the Older Chris-I Tenth Sealon: Filhin g, Boating, Swimming.
Darwin Tulips Miss Mary Puscy Warncr J tlan Boy in the Home, the Church, .1.1. Loos, Pres., Narberth. Pa. 1. Franklin Meehan. Sec'y., Mt. Airy, Phil..
and the grade they sell Is equalled by only
one Seed House in Pbiladelphia.
\yi~,~_;Re.l!pen!mer Primary Srhool. ~~~o~~n~:yL~~~~~I, ~~U"%o~da~:~~~ I' =====~=========:;=:==============
- ~ 9
i.:r>l~M~I!~~~. October 4. 1 15. _a Y. M. C. A.
A few of tbe speakers announced III Telephone-Narberth 368.
M·leSen 'B k
s aery
WINTER vs. PAINT At Her NewJResidence on Haverford Ave.
Anthwyn Farms.
advance are: E. M. Robinson, Inter-
national Secretary for Boys' Work of
You can't escape winter but you the Young Men's Chr~stlan Assocla-, PI t de m nt Work Bread, Cake, Rolls. Pies,
h . h tlon; Clarence C Robmson, Interna-j as er an e e Candy. Ice Cream
c~n protect yobur ho~se ~gams.t tde The HArcadejlKindergarten tlonal Secretary 'for Employed BOYS'j' Estimates Furnished Jobbing CATERING FOR PARTIES
wmter storms y. aVlnlf It pamte • and James A Whitmore former foot, '
and it pays. Estimates cheerfully IIiiSWILL OPEN SEPTEMBER 20TB ball star, now' secretary ~Ith the F e d - I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
g iven Telephone F H WALZER
• , • •
Froebeland Montessori material. adapted to the
• children'. needs. Table technic tBuehl preparatory
Ieral Churches of America.
Narberth 12-47 D. Knowles Cooper, General Secretary •
10 pianoforte.

MISS M. L. McCOLLISTER of the Young Men's Christian ABsa-1 Plumbing, Gas Fitting VERL PUGH
216 NARBERTH AVE. ciation of Washington, D. C., and
Walter M. Wood, General Secretary and Heating Electrical Contractor
Howard F. Cotter A CENTRAL BODY.
of the Young Men's Christian Asso-
ciation of Philadelphia, will speak ')0 NARBERTH~ PA
225 lona Avenue, Narberth, P..
Telephone-Narberth 381·D.
Sunday, October 10.

M EArs of
(Continued from'Thlrd Page)
The faculty and student body of
Haverford College wlll give a recep- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _
tion at the college to the Conference
Y. M. C. A. B U I L D I N G . Y C on Saturday afternoon.
,applIcant must be. a . M. . A. mem- Tbe delegates to the conference
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ber in good standmg.
Several of the young men present
Iwlll be selected by the Boys' Work
secretaries of the Y. M. C. A.'s of,
Prime Meats
HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW spoke very enthusiasticallY of tbe
plan, and, 'without a dissenting voice,
Eastern Pennsylvania and they must'
d ~
... .... Home Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs
HOUSES ON ELMWOOD AVENUE? It was agreed through tbe bearty co- '~ee ::teen years and over an natu,al and Game.
I operation
Id I
of all present the plan
dl t I t k th f
mme a e y a e e arm 0
an active and working organization.
a rs.
Free entertainment will be furnls a
by the citizens of Lower Merion Town-
ship to regularly accredited delegates. '
h d - - - - - - - - - -------

"A Store for Particular People"

Fancy Fruit and Vegetable••

~t ''The Cabin-" The local committee, consisting of
the following men, are very anxious' NARBERTH, PA.
Y. 1\1. C. A. NOTES. to bave the people volunteer to enter-
tain one or more of tbe delegates: !
Dr. B. K. Wilbur, S. L. Shanaman, H. :
r?'v": ',.. -~~;
Enjoying Yourself Older Boys' Conference. E. Knowlton, A. C. Norsted and W.: We refer to R. & C. Quality

. whUe away 1.5 easy If you're sure
and R. & C. Prices. for the
Arthur Cole. '
;-L'.:":~::' \.
e IC!< it....~.'f2.\
the roof J~ not leaking.
\Ve'U set your mind at rest on
that poinJ and the roof to doing
At the Ardmore Young Men's
Christian Association, on October 8, former is higbest and the lat- JAMES G. SCANLIN 'I
•• ~
its duty If you ..,nd u. 8 request

by Postal
9 and 10, tbe Older Boys' Conference
of Eastern Pennsylvania wlll be held.
. ~!':)((II" ter is low-est. That is w-hy
particular. careful people dealIContracting Painter
"\ . rara. M~Ginl~
Roof... ill rOl), SIal. , TU~U [9 Soa!lII7!! Yo P!liliddjiiili!~
Don't forget tbe dates. Full details
will be given In next week's Issue of Burgess-Geo. M. Henry. at our 8tores. Narberth, Pa.
Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold.
Our Town. If you are particularly Robinson &> Crawfird Estimates Telephone

A R~,::s~~~t~e~.~%.~!
Clerk of Counclls-Chas. V. ·Noel..
Interested, see Secretary Hampton.
Notice-Foot Ball "Bogs." Tax Collector-James F. sherron. I
On Thursday night, there wlll be a Street commlssloner-W. S. McClel· - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CLEAN-·-SAFE---WHOLESOME meeting of all men interested In foot

ball, at the Y. M. C. A. If you are in- la~Uilding
Inspector - J. Howard!
terested, come. You can't afford to Smedley. Properties For Rent and Sale
.tre 01 Its sfze In the
Entire World.
OUR PRODllCTS A.REI GUA.RANTEED miss tbe first "Get-Together" of the Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites. Fire Insurance Photoplays-Continuous 10"" M. to 11.30
UNDER BA.CTERIOLOGICA.L CONTROL foot ball enthusiasts. The election of Constable-Fred. Walzer. I P. M.
manager, who wlll represent this __ Bell Phone 852 w. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY
Pasteurized Milk
Bryoclovls Certilled WEST PIIIL,,"
DELIVERIES sport on the Sports Council wlll he
held. Come, and see that the right
President-Harry D. Narrlgan.
. Wall Bnlldlng. Narberth, Pa.
World Film Corporation present .lull us
man represents foot ball.
~;~~~~ ~·u=;~~:;:~n. .fThc Mastef of the House"
(Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Special: Electric Sign.
Special H Guernsey" M£IUON
Milk WYNNEFIELD We are still working for that elec- A. P. Redifer. I George B. Suplee .

(Roberts' &: Sharple.s' BA.LA.-CVNWYD tric sign. We bave now $26, which R:>bert G. SavlII. 'I· Steam & Hot Water Heating
leaves us $16 to raise by SUbscription. Wm. D. Smedley. PI b' FRIDAY and SATURDAY
Cream Buttermilk A.RDMORE
You'll want to be in on a good cause Edward C. Stokes. I urn lng I Lubin Pictures present Octavia Bandwortb
like this, so don't let It be too late.
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD -- I
Bell Telephone. and George Soule Speacer in
Cream. "Do It now."
~sldent-C. Howard McCarter.
Vice-President-Carroll Downes.
Treasurer-Wl1l K. Ridge.
Staged under the direction of Mr. BARRY
45th and Parrish Sts. Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
Robert H. Dothard.
The work of macadamizing Elm- -- I Contented Consumer. Commend
Why Bank in Philadelphia 1
Use Your Home Instilution.
wood avenue is now completed, and It
Is a splendid looking piece of road-
Presldent-Cbas. Kreamer. I AND CHEER Cook'. Coal
way-an improvement that will mean Secretary-A. P. Redifer. "
The Merion Iltle and Trust Cos
Narberth Office, Arcade Bqildiug
Open Friday Eveninal 7 10 9.
mucb to the lower south side.
The transformation of the old
Health Officer-W. S. McClellan.
Members-Dr. Clarence T. Fairies,;
pageant ground bas been taking place T. B. Dn Marias, Carden Warner and i
, c. P. COOK
capital. $150,000 SurPlus, .1250000 for a year until now there is but one
Undivided Prollts, '75,000
small undeveloped tract.
Chas. V. Noel. _ I HOME TEAM
Mr. W. D. Smedley built seven FIRE COMPANY. 1 1 COAL, WOOD AND
Narberth and Main Line Properties creditable medium-sized bouses on the President, Chas. E. Kreamer; sec- i
FOR SALE OR RENT tract between Elmwood and Woodside retary, Charles V. Noel; financial I NARBERTH :MAILS. BUILDING SUPPLiES
avenues and on the other side of the secretary, E. C. Stokes; treasurer, I
Farms and Building Sites avenue Mr. H. A. Jacobs and Mr. H. Carden Warner; chief engineer, Arrival.
R. HllIegas have each built a mag- Chas. V. Noel; first assistant engln.1 6.00-All points.
209 Chestn~t Ave., Narberth, Pa. nlflcent home for himself and wrought eer, Edw. Wlpf; second assistant en-I 6.30-Philadelphla. NARBERTH, PA.
Representinll HARBERT & CLAGHORN wonders wltb the landscape about glneer, A. P. Redifer; third assistant I 6.50-All points.
their houses, even in so short a time. engineer, John G. Walton; fourth as· 9.00-Local West.
Mr. Jacobs is living in his new sistant engineer, A. W. Needham. 10.34-All points.
Frank Crist home and Mr. Hlllegas' semi-Spanish
style house-white stucco and red- NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCUTION.
1l.60-All points.
12.29-Local West.
Prompt Deliveries Assured
tiled roof-wlll soon be ready for oc-
MEATS & PROVISIONS cupancy. The exterior work is nearly
Presldent-George M. Henry.
Vlce·Presldents-Augustus J. Laos"
1.34-All points.
3.29-Local West.
Office Closes Noon Saturdays- .June 1
to October 1.
Hi&h Grade Butter completed, and
to the community.
it is certainly a credit A. C. Shand, Dr. O. J. Snyder. I
6.04-All points.
Telephone-Narberth 644 A. Secretary-Treasurer-Sam'l T. Ath- 6.29-Local West.
Dlrectors-W. Arthur Cole, Mrs. I
I Departure.
9.00 A.M. East all points.
"Dot boy of mine Is going to make a
GODFREY good bisness man," said Mr. Beckstein. Norman Jefferies, Fletcher W. Stites. 10.34 - Local West. J.A.MlLLER
"YMterday I told him I was going to Wm. D. Smedley, Robt. H. Durbin, 11.59 - Phila. and all points. (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
The Real Estate Man at leave all my-broberty to him ven I died, Mrs. Geo. M. Barrie, E. A. Muschamp, 12.30 - All points.
114 Woodside Ave., and vot you s'pose he say to dot?" John B. WlIliams Mrs. C. R. Blackall, 1.34 P.M. Local West.
E. S. Haws, H. C. Gara, James Art- SLATE A.ND TIN ROOFER
wlll be pleased to assist you In get· "I don't know, Mr. Becksteln." 3.29 - All points.
tlng a home. "Vell, he says he wlll throw oft five man, E. P. Dold, A. E. Wohlert, Mrs. 5.04 - Local West. 1M Forrest ATenue
Telephone-Narberth 686 A. per cent for prompt cash." Edwin C. Towne. 6.69 - Phila. and all points. .robbing a Specialty. NarbertJl, Paw

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