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Everybody Home! Now Read About The Y. M. C. A.

Letts Go To Work. Electric Sign.



Riyals Next Saturday Now For Gladwynne and Drexel Hill
May Start Work October 1 Good Matches Over Week-End
- Next Saturday afternoon the Hail the champions! led off with a single-his second hit
The formal agreement between the Many exciting contests, and plenty champion Narberth team will Narberth wound up the Main Line of the day; promptly stole second,
Borough Council and the State High- of good, sharp playing marked the play the strong Gladwynne nine, League season in brass band style. making what you would call a beau-
way DepartJIlent for the rebuilding of opening of the twelfth annual tourn. of the Twin County League, on Over the Labor Day week-end our tiful hook slide. Stites then singled,
Wynnewood avenue and making it a ament of the Narberth Tennis Associa- the Narberth grounds. These
two teams are old rivals, and
boys won three games: while Vernon held third. Our old
concrete road was signed last Thurs- tion, at the courts at Essex and Elm- fans may be sure of seeing a
SaturdaY-Narberth, 9; Overbrook, O. reliable first baseman Eugene DaVis,
day by President of Council Narrigan woo d avenues last Saturday and Labor good game. Labor Day, A. M.-Narberth, 4; who is always there With a hit in the
and Burgess Henry and immediately Day. Wayne, 3. pinch, cracked out a screaming single,
lOrwarded to HarrisburK. In the singles Cbarles NeVin has Labor Day, P. M.-Narberth 6; which scored Captain Fleck with the
The next step is the advertising for worked through to the final. Warner Paoli, Ii. first run of the game. Tip Turner
bids. Thill will be done ilnmediately hal reached the semi-finals and will ELECTRlCS ENTER BROAD ST. SOme finish! then poled out a long single which
and after twenty-one days, as required meet the winner of the Kirkpatrick- __ Record for the season: Twenty scored Stites and Davis would have
by the law, the bids for doing the Staples match-which is scheduled Railroad Sets No Date for Start; of games won, four games lost, per- scored with ease had he not fallen
work will be opened and contracts for this Thursday afternoon-to de- Benlee and Announces It Wlll Be centage .833. between third and home.
awarded to the lowest bidder. termilie who will face Nevin in the Introduced Gradually. Nearest competitor Dun & Co. with There was very little doing after
By the first of October it is expect- finals for the club championship. __ this record: Fourteen games won, tha~ until the eighth inning when
ed that all these prelilninaries will In the men's doubles four teams The first electric train to enter nine games lost, percentage .609. twelve men faced Rhoads. It was a
have been completed, and everything are up to the semi-finals-Carmint Broad Street Station slid into the big 224Narberth wins the championship by terrible sbock to Pat. He as much as
points. said: "Narberth can certainlY hit that
be ready for beginning the actual work an d N ev in, Staples and Warwick,
Kirkpatrick and Town, and Kitchell sbed one day last week, having come Only one thing marred the wind- old ball on the noodle."
of rebuilding the road. and Snyder. over the Pennsy's Main Line from up of the season. The veteran "Flick"
In preparing the article announc- Koons started off with a single.
Paoli, the other terminal of the sub- Stites sustained a broken arm in the Rhoads then uncorked a wild pitch,
Ing this new and Important improve- In the singles contests Kirkpatrick b 1 . b
ur an e ectnc ranch. game with Overbrook on Saturday. He which poked Fleck in the back. Stites,
ment, Our Town overlooked one very and Kitchell put up a particularly Th'IS was merely a "test train," was struck on the left arm, just above
the next man up, was also hit. This
important feature. Under the law lively match, the former winning the ma d e up 0 f three cars. There were the wrist by a pitched ball, in the
drst set 7-5, the latter winning the '1 til filled the bases, with none out. Rhoads
governing such work -as is to be done no ral road 0 cials aboard, but the eighth inning. He knew he was hit, then forced in a run by walking Gene
on Wynnewood avenue, the State second set by the same score, and cons t ruc ti on engineers made the -trIp all right, but it wasn't until he had an Davis. Tip Turner then got his third
Highway Department is permitted to Kirkpatrick winning the third set 6-1. t o note h ow the new system worked X-ray examination made the next day hit of the day. a single. Manager
pay only one-half the cost of build- The Town-Grugan match was also between W est Philadelphia and Broad that he knew the bone was broken.
Walzer tben "dittoed" his second hit
ing a I6-foot road. But the Narbertll well contested.
In the doubles Warwick and Sta- street. It was said that everything At midnight the following state- of the day. Barker fanned for the
Borough Council, realizing that 16 feet was satisfactory. ment was issued: irst out. Gilmore, just to show the
would not be wide enough for such the pIes played 8 strong game, defeating Alth i
Justice-Warner championship ough tr al electric trains once I "Mr. Stites is resting comfortablY' folks that pitchers can bit, sent out
an important highwaY, has arranged combination of former years, in two more are running, no definite date has and wishes it distinctly understood his second infield single, which put
to have the new roadway made 21 been fixed for the opening of the reiu- that the rumor that he has abandoned the Overbrook team away up in the
feet wide, and the borough will pay straight sets. I
It is the intention of the Tourna- ar electrified service. base ball and 'will take up golf Is air; more so when Rhoads threw wild
for all footage in excess 9f 8 feet- It has been announced, however, Without foundation. to first base on Humphries' grounder.
the share borne by the State. ment Committee to run off the re- that the new feature of the suburban Signed, UP to this time the whole team had
This matter is clearly explained in maining games as soon as possible. traffic will be incorporated gradually, FARIES, batted around, and Koons started on
the following communication received Notice of coming matches will be post- one train to be used at first to make HOFFMAN, I bis second trip. Rhoads couldn't
from Couicilman Redifer: ed on the Community Notice Boards several runs daily and finally a sec- TOWN, locate the plate and "Nig" walked to
Roadway To Be 21 Feet. on both sides of the railroad station. ond, third and fourth train until each (.) first. Captain Fleck then flied to
Editors "Our Town:" The summary of Saturday and La- of the steam trains is replaced witq, (.) And any other M. D., who may Pulch for the second out. EdlUe
The article in last week's issue of bor Day's matches follows: one operated by electric power. have moved into town recently with- Ensinger then batted for Stites and
Our Town in reference to the re- Single-ll. out the knowledge of the editors; this was out via pitcher to first. That
building of Wynnewood avenue was First Round- by way of assurance to our readers ended the inning, and sure was "some
incorrect in one important particular, A. C. Staples defeated A. P. Redi- }'ISHING CLL-n J.{EMDERB ENJOY that we have no intention of slightin; innings"--seven runs scored, -four
and, as this article was widely re3.d for, 6-0, 6-1. TRIP TO FORTESCUE. anyone. singles, two bases on balls, two bat-
and was copied by the Philadelphia S. Kitchell defeated W. Y. Shaw, -- --- ters hit by pitched balls, and an
papers, an explanation of the distri- 6-2, 8-6. L. B. Southerland, Robert Savill, But there is other news-real news error for Overbrook. And there Y011
bution of the cost of the work is in W. J. Kirkpatrick defeated F. D. Henry Rose, William Claghorn and Of the three last games, so we lead have the whole story of the visitors.
order. Walker,. 6-2, 6-0. I Charles Verna, of Narberth, and a you on to the writings of our co- When it comes to the features of
C. L. Warwick defeated W. H. Car- number of Philadelphia friends mo- worker, Earl Fletcher Smith, official the day, we have plenty of names to
You state that "the cost will be
approXimately $5200, to be divided mint, 6-2, 6-1. tored to Fortescue on Friday evening scorer for the Narberth team, and the speak of. Manager Walzer made a
evenly between the Borough of Nar- W. Cowin defeated M. C. Leney, 6-2, I and enjoyed some fine fishing on Sat- One to whom the readers of Our Town one-hand catch in right field, right
berth and the State of Pennsylvania." 6-2. urdaY. ~ are indebted for the complete, ac- off the fence, and believe me it was
The fact is that on State aid roads C. Kevin won from C. Humphreys Three of the party arrived earlier curate and interesting accounts of the one of those plays that you see only
(that is, roads built jointly by the by def3Jllt. than the otbers, having left Philadel- twenty-four games that have been once in a very great while. Then
State and municipality) the State pays Second Round- phia several hours ahead of schedule. Played since the beginning of the comes Wolfson who made three fine
one-half the expense of building and F. M. Justice defeated S. English These enthusiasts engaged a motor- season. Gentlemen, Mr. Smith: catches in the center garden for
maintaining a sixteen-foot roadwaY. 6-1, 6-3. boat, and, armed with one dozen shed- Saturday's Game. O'Brien. The catch of Barker's "in-
The Borough Council considered that F. G. Warner defeated G. English, dar crabs, sailed five miles off shore Contesting every inch of ground tended" home run drive was one that
a sixteen-foot road would be too nar- 8-6, 6-3. and cast their lines at 5.30 P. M. from the time the game opened until most fielders wouldn't have even tried
row to accommodate the travel on A. C. Staples defeated R. E. Patti- They were rewarded by capturing Hermes fiied out to Barker for the for, let alone caught. Gene Davis "was
Wynnewood avenue and decided to son, 6-2, 6-4. more than fifty fish before dark, and last out of a very feverish battle, Pat there," on first base, getting them
add five feet, making a concrete road- W. J. Kirkpatrick defeated S. Kitch-, returned to a late supper with baskets O'Briens' Overbrook Colts sought with one hand as well as with two;
way twenty-one feet wide. The three- ell, 7-5, 5-7, 6-1. IfUll. vainly to win the final game of the moreover he's "been there" all season,
foot gutter on the Narberth side of C. L. Warwick defeated W. Cowin. Samuel P. Bowman, of Elmwood season with the Narberth champions. with his 170 pounds. The hitting
the road will make twentY-four feet 6-2, 6-2. :avenue, arrived at dusk with a party For seven innings the game was honors of the day were carried off
of good roadway. C. Nevin defeated W. R. D. Hall, I of seven, and the various visitors from Ifairly close, Narberth having the lead by our old friend Tip Turner, who
Of this the State and borough will 6-0, 6-2. ;Narberth discussed fish and fishing with two, runs. But in the eighth had three hits out of four trips to
each pay one-half the cost of sixteen A. T. Grugan defeated A. Greene, until bedtime. : Inning, the proteges of Constable the Plate. Tip certainly does like left-
feet and the borough all the cost of 6-3, 6-2. Tile club members brought home Walzer had a batting feast and before handed pitchers. Captain Fleck, GU-
the additional five feet, making the R. M. Town won from C. Humphreys weakfish, bluefish, klngflsh, fiounders, Overbrook finally stopped them, the more and Walzer also shared in the
State's share 8.21 and the borough's by default. La Vayettis, salt water sunfish (known home team had scored seven more batting, each haVing two hits. It cer-
Third Round- as pigfish in Southern waters) and a runs. tainly is surprising to see a man go
share 13.21 of the total cost.
Yours truly, F Warner defeated M. F. Justice, few croakers. For our sake, we would much rather into the game as Gilmore did and
(Signed) A. P. Redifer. 6-4 . 6-4 William Claghorn insisted on brlng- have gone out "one-two-three" order, still not be satisfied, but come up to
C. K~vin defeated C. L. Warwick, ing home a two-foot shark to show the for Rhoads hit Fl1ck Stites, one of our the plate and bang out two hits.
6-2, 6-0. children on Chestnut avenue. best and most faithful players o~ the The score:
~JANAGERB TO ARRANGE FOR A. T. Grugan defeated R. Town, 2-6, The largest edible fish caug,ht was a wris~: with one of his so-called spit-
NARBERTH-DREXEL HILL GAMES 6-4 6-2 weakfish weighing five and three- ters. We would rather have lost NARBERTH.
Arrangements for the series of Semi-final Round- quarter pounds, landed by Samuel P the game than had this happen, for R. H. O. A. E.
games between Narberth and Drexel C. Nevin defeated A. T. Grugan, 6-3, Bowman. • . everyone knows what he is to the Humphries, 2b. ... 0 1 3 2 0
Hill will be made this Thursday eve- 6-1. The organization of the Main Line team. , , Koons, c. ......... 1 1 5 2 0
ning at a meeting of the managers to Doubles. Fishing Club has shown that Narberth Pat 0 Brien s so-called "Colts" Fleck, If........... 2 2 1 0 0
be held at the Narberth Y. M. C. A. First Round- has a full quota of fisherm n J B thought they would put one over on Stites, 3b. ........ 2 1 1 1 0
Building. In all probability the games Justice and Warner defeated Greene Morgan, Carl Metzger, Fred ;~se, 'Ed~ us, but they were much surprised Ensinger, rf....... 0 0 0 0 0
will start on Saturday, September 18. and Walker, 6-3, 6-2. gar Taylor William E Yost A. B' when they left, for they only gatherEld D. Davis, lb. ..... 1 1 10 0 1
A coin will be tossed to decide . ' . , . two hits off of our star artist Bob Gil- Turner, ss. ....... 1 3 2 1 0
Staples and Warwick defeated G. Eyre, Wllliam H. Coble, John Ketch- more. The only Overbrook man able Walzer, rl., 3b..... 1 2 1 0 0
whether the first game will be played 'lnd S. English, 6-4, 6-3. am, Fletcher Stites, W. G. Cummer, to connect with Bob's shoots was Barker, cl. ........ 0 0 3 0 0
in Narberth or at Drexel Hill. One Redifer and Shaw won by default. Charles Humphreys and many others Levan, who tallied both of Overbrook's Gilmore, p. ...... 1 2 1 4 0
l1:ame will be played on each team's Kirkpatrick and Town defeated Mr· can testify to the pleasant days on the hits
home grounds, and if a third game Carter and Pattison, 8-6, 6-0. water and to the pleasurable pUll of N~rberth, full of ambition to take - - - -
........ 9 13 27 10
- 1
is necessary it will be played on a Totals
Second Round- a taut line, with a big guess as to the game, started hitting Pitcher
neutral ground or on the grounds of Carmint and Nevin defeated Cowin what the Winding line will bring from Rhoads in lively fashion in the first
the team winning the toss of a coin. 1.nd Hall, 3-6, 6-1, 6-1. OVERBROOK.
the deep. Inning. But after two were out, Caop- R. H. O. A. E.
Staples and Warwick defeated Jus- Some of our readers enjoy music, tain Fleck sent out a screaming Levan, rf., 3b....... 0 2 0 0 0
tice and Warner, 7-5, 6-1. literature or art; others appreciate double, only to be left on second. Hermes, ss., p..... 0 0 1 3 0
OIVIO HONOR Kirkpatrick and Town defeated base ball, golf or tennis. In the second inning Manager Conway, 3b., ss..... 0 0 1 0 0
Redifer and Shaw. 6-1, 6-0. The man who fishes for pleasure Walzer sent out a nice Texas leaguer, Wolfson, cf. ...... 0 0 3 0 0
You will confer the greatest Kitchell and Snyder defeated Cheney makes no excuse for his hobby, but but was caught at second on Barker's Loughrey, lb. ..... 0 0 9 1 0
benefits on your city, not by rais- and Grugan, 6-3, 6-4. enjoys his hours with hook and line. drive which became a fielder's choice. Pulch, 2b. ........ 0 0 3 3 0
ing its roofs, but by exalting its Consolation Singles. Meanwhile Overbrook could not Packey, If. ....... 0 0 0 1 0
souls. For it is better tbat great First Round- connect safely with Gilmore's shoots, Hare, If. .......... 0 0 1 0 0
souls should live in small habi- G. English defeated Hall, 12-10, Second Round- "lspecially in the third inning, when Reilly, c. ......... 0 0 5 2 0
tations, than that abject slaves 6-3. Shaw defeated Pattison. 6-4. 6-2. Bob fanned the side, much to the de- Rhoads, p., rf. .... 0 0 1 2 1
should burrow in great houses.-
S. English defeated Walker, 7-5
S. English defeated G. English, light of the Narberth rooters, and very
0-6. 6-3, 6-3. much to the disgust of O'Brien.
- - - - -
Totals .......... 0 2 24 12 1
c Cheney defeated Greene, 6-1, 9-7. To,vn defeated Redifer, 6-0, 6-0. In the fourth inning Captain Fleck (Continued on Third Page)
OUR TOWN Editor Our Town:
I wish, through the medium of our
SU}'FRAGE :MEETING IN ARDMORE. to PhUadelphia after spending August
In our town.
Owned and Published every Thurs' community paper, to offer my high ap- Narberth folks who are interested
~ay by the Narberth Civic AaIOC!a· preciation and sincere thanks to our in the votes for women campaIgn will L. W. Nickerson and family have
Uon. Borough Council for the action theI. be interested in the meeting, scheduled returned to their Elmwood avenue
have taken in regard to making Wyn- to be held on Tuesday evening, Sep- bome, after spending the summer at
E. A. MUSCHAMP, newood avenue the finest road in the tember 14, in Williamson Hall, Ard- Cotuit, Mass.
W. ARTHUR COLE, State. It is splendid, and speaks well more. The speaker will be Rose Liv-
Managing Editors. for the future of Narberth, and is an ingston, of New York. The meeting Mrs. Kennedy Duff and Miss Helen
MAIZIE J. SIMPSON, example that other communities would will be held under the auspices of the Duff have returned after a sojourn at
do well to follow. The spirit of real Woman Suffrage Party, of Montgom-
progress is surely in our midst, and ery County. . I I Ocean Grove. _

Advertising Manager.
as a citizen of Narberth I take great
pride in this fact.
Miss Livingston calls herself a "so-
clal worker," but in New York she is THE FIRESIDE
By Lady Narberth
Rev. and Mrs. Emerson L. Swift
] have returned from Virginia Where
Eugenie H. BlackalJ. better known as "The Angel of China- I they spent the summer.
Subscription Manaj{er.
_____, town," because of the splendid work
Send all letters and news items to she has been doing for the past seven Mrs. R. L. Beatty and Miss Dorothl Miss Deborah Smedley, of Narberth
M. Beatty left last week for Niaj{ara avenue, has taken up her duties again
P. O. Box 34 or Box 576, Narberth, A PLEA. years in reclaiming the unfortunate
Falls and the Thousand Islands. at the Spring City School after spend-
Pa. Do not send them to the printer. I Editor of Our Town' victims of commercialized Vice. Speak-
.:Send all advertillng copy to P. O. Why cannot the ~eoPle on Chestnut ing of Miss Livingston and her work, ing the summer school season at
Harry Simpson, of Essex avenue, Stat.e College, Pa., where two hundred
Box 820. Make all remittanc.. to avenue, near Essex, stop using the lot Mrs. J. Howard Brown, chairman of
bas returned from a vacation spent and forty-six teachers were enrolled
P. O. Box 118. on the south side to throw rubbish? the Suffrage Party of Montgomery at Ocean City.
Our Town is on sale at the depot Haven't they any pride when they sit County, says: for the summer course.
"wI.stand, and 80t the Itore of H. S. on their porches and face all that "The story Miss Livingston tells has
Davia. dirt? I
been thoroughly investigated and is Mr. and Mrs. Garfield and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Robbins have re-
Mrs. Harry Haas have closed their turned to Narberth after spending an
Entered as second.class matter, 00- Better keep it in their cellars and vouched for by prominent New York house at 210 Essex avenue.
tober 15, 1914, at the POlt omoe at the ash collectors will take it away; people. The girl who disappears is not extended vacation at Worcester, N. Y.,
but expect to move, shortly, to New
Narberth, Pennsylvania, under tile they take mine, and they will take a myth, and Rose Livingston has ac- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Horner and York State, where Mr. Robbins' busi-
Act of March 3, 1879. theirs, and then the people who are cumulated proof of that fact during Mr. Charles Mirick, of No~th Narberth
compelled to pass this lot every day ber work in the New York under- avenue, passed the week-end and holi- ness now takes him.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1915 will not be ashamed of the neigh- world.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . borhood. "Her work is made possible by a day at Atlantic City. The Misses Mary and Dorothy Chal-
(Signed) E. C. Kirkpatrick. woman's society of a Brooklyn church, I
Dr. C. R. Blackall, of Woodside ~ant have returned home after enjoy-
Fire 360.
which makes itself responsible for her avenue, is spending two weeks at
personal maintenance. Jersey shore resorts.
t.:: : delightful trip through the
st rn part of Pennsylvania.
Police 1260. "Two years ago Miss Livingston be-
Y. M. C. A. NOTES came convinced that commercialized
"ice would never be demolished until
Some of Narberth's young ladies
Mrs. R. G. Seymour, of Woodside and young men enjoyed a straw rid\!
EDITORIAL NOTES LIBRARY. women have the vote. Since then she "Ivenue, who has been ill for several last Friday evening, chaperoned by
has spoken for woman suffrage weeks, is gradually improving. Mr. and l\lrs. Frederick H. Walzer.
Our free library has certainly been whenever and wherever she had a Mr. Robert Mueller has a new po- During the evening the party stopped
"THE LAST CALL" appreciat.ed this summer. Several of chance. She is particularly inter- sltion. Last Saturday afternoon he ?ff at Woodside Park. Among those
m the party were: The Misses Mar-
OUR TOWN will gladlf print our summer residents have expressed ested in the Pennsylvania campaign, was tending store at DaVis'. Good job, I guerlte Mueller, Jean Chalfant, Mil-
this thought when they returned their and is giving a month to speaking and
anf news Item about any subject ~~ d re d S. Smith, Corie Yowell, Elva
that Is of Interest to Narberth last books. It may be possible that working in this State"
Tickets for Miss Livingston's talk Darlington, Dorothy Brill, Sarah Mc-
folks, but In order to meet you are not using our library-but the Miss Alice Thomas, of Tioga, spent Clain, Elizabeth Speakman and Ber-
the pdnting schlYlule, all "copy" fact that follows will assure you that may be had free, upon application at
the week-end with Miss Bertha Redi- tha C. Redifer; and Messrs. Robert
-manuscripts-must reach ihe many of the Narberth residents are: Fiedler's Drug Store.
editors by 6 P. M. Monday each fer, of Essex avenue. A. Mueller, Justice Goetger, Bill
During the months of June, July
week. Stephens, Leon Darlington, Frank l
and August more than 600 books were WAS HE A, FRIEND OF Miss Elva Darlington left last Mon- Grosman, Jimmy Valentine, Lloyd
borrowed from our library. fOUR BOYHOOD DAYS7 day for West Chester to attend the Parkinson, Harold Speakman and
This speaks for itself. State Normal School.
Hail! The 1915 champions. We may all be grown up and very Earl F. Smith.
mature and dignified, but Ithere was Rev. John Van Ness and Mrs. Van
Home looks pretty good, doesn't It, TENNIS NEWS. a time when Harry Castleman, author Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Warner anel
Mr. Vacationist? The Y. M. C. A. court was the scene of innumerable boys' books was our N'ess have returned to Narberth. daughter Marjorie, of 216 Dudley ave-
of much activity along social and phy- Idea of a great man. For that reason Their vacation was spent in northern nue, have just returned from an e~­
Mr. Narberth Kicker will please sical lines on Labor Day. A group of Our Town is lreprinting the follow- New Jersey. tended auto trip of six weeks through
note that his request has been granted our young men and their friends spent ing:
-the garden at the station has been the day in a most delightful maIUler, : I Mr. Edward H. Connell, of Nar- N'ew England and Canada.
weeded. combining the sport with the picnic "HARRY CASTLEMAN" DEAD. I berth, and Miss Anna M. Killian, of
idea. West Philadelphia, were married last SCHOOL OPENED TUESDAY WITH
Watch for the new waste cans-and The Y. M. C. A. tennis court is grow- Author of Many Stories of Adventure Wednesday. After a trip to Niagara AN ENROLLMENT OF 360
please use them when they are put in ing in popularity and is about to close for Boys. I Falls, Toronto and the Thousand IsI-
position. a most successful year. We believe Buffalo N Y Aug 22 -Ch 1 ands, Mr. and Mrs. Connell will re- School opened Tuuesday morning.
that the loyal adherents of this game Austin F~sdl~k, '73 yea~s old, di:::~ side at 26 Woodside avenue. It seemed good to see the children
again, and judging from the cordial
Attention, P. R. R. officials! How will start tennis off with a "hurrah" the home of his son in Hamburg, N.
about that daily express train for Nar- next year. Two tennis courts are al- Y., ito-day. Mr. Fosdick, under the George Gifford and Postmaster IimI'I es and greetings that prevafied at
berth-between 5.15 and 6 P. M.? ready a subject of discussion. name of "Harry Castleman," wrote Haws motored to Ocean City over the meeting of teachers and pupils,
b k Labor Day. they were all glad to get back for the
many 00 s of adventure for boys. fall term. The enrollment was 360.
When do we get our new post office ELECTRIC SIGN. He was born in Randolph, N. Y.,
-and free delivery? For several years past we have and received his education at the Miss Bertha Brill, of North Nar- On Monday afternoon Principal Mel-
been confronted with the question, Central High School in Buffalo. When berth avenue, is spending a week with chior and the members of his faculty
THE CHILDREN. Why don't you put out a sign tbat can the Civil War began he enlisted as a friends at Norristown. met with President McCarter, of the
It is easy these days for those about be seen? Well, here's your chance. landsman in the Mississippi Squadron, ' School Board, and Mr. Rid~e, chair-
town to notice that Narberth is rap- Certainly you are interested, for a bet- and passed through the various Miss Bertha Piggott, of Woodside ~an of the Education CommIttee, and
idly assuming its normal condition. ter Narberth. grades until he was a Receiver and I avenue, who has been passing the dIscussed plans for the coming, sea-
It has not been so for some weeks. due I We can't show the desig,n in these Coal Superintendent for the liquadron 'summer at Lake Nabnasett, Mass., has lion. , .
to the absence of so many of the chil- columns, but you can see the draw- when the war ended. M-r. Fosdick ob- returned to take up her work in the The school bUlldmg was renovated
dren. ing posted on our bulletin board. The talned the material for many of his Philadelphia public schools. and thoroughly fumigated from base-
Now they are coming home, and sign is to be a triangular shape books while serving in the navy. and ment to roof during the summer, and
those of us who have not had extended seven feet long and eighteen inches his series concerning the adventures Miss Maizie Simpson, of Essex ave- everything was in readiness for the
vacations are g)ad to see the haPPY, wide. The cost of this sign wlll be of "Frank," such as "Frank Before nue, has returned home after an ex-j opening day.
sun-burned face again. forty-two dollars. I
Vicksburg," &c., are all his own ex- tensive tour of several New England I This week the classes will have one
When they all get back, then our Here is the proposition: If we se- periences during the Civil War. He States. I s?ssion. Next. week the aU-day ses-
town will have returned to its normal cure twenty-four men to give '1 Iwrote a number of other series all - slOns will begm.
condition, and let us hope that every each, thirty men to give 50 cents each centering about the same character, I' )1r. and Mrs. E. A. Sterling left! The new lunch room will be ready
one who belongs to Narberth may get and twenty-five boys to give 26' cents and his books were very popular this week for Chicago, where they next Monday. The lunches are nutri-
back safely.

NEW ROADWAY PRAISED BY nero How about you!

each, the lIign will be paid for. We among boys for many years. His last wlll take up their permanent resi- tlous and Wholesome, and are sold to
have already secured $7 in this man- book was "Carl the Trailer." dence. Mr. Sterling's forestry inter- the pupils at cost. The lunch plan
ests have made it necessary for him is run by the school, and will, it is be-
THE EVENING TELEGRAPH. Just drop in to see the drawing NARBERTH' MAILS. I to have headquarters in Chicago lieved, prove very much more 8atis-
and tell Secretary Hampton to put Much of his time will be spent in th~ factory ~han the old plan of the chil-
you down for one dollar. If this Arrival. big timber lands of the far West and dren eatmg cold food,
Narberth is paid a high compllment amount is subscribed in the next two 6.00-All points. Northwest. A farewell dinner was All parents desiring to enter ohil-
by the Philadelphia Evening Tele- weeks we will have the sign out on 6.30-Philadelphia. given to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling last dren in the first grade are asked to
graph in the following editorial, which the corner of Forrest and Haverford 6.50-All points. 'Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. see Principal Melchior during the next
appeared in a recent issue of that avenues before October. Now Is the 9.00-Local West. Fletcher W. Stites. The guests were two weeks. Otherwise beginners will
paper: time. - 10.34-All points. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Walker and Mr. not be able to start school until after
FINE FOR AUTOISTS. 11.50-All points. and Mrs. John S. Ketcham. A bridge January 1.
Narberth's success In getting the
State to co-operate immediately in the CORN ROAST (BIG TIME). 12.29-Local West. I followed the dinner. ---------------
reconstruction of the Wynnewood ave- Our annual corn roast and water- 1.34-All point II.
3.29-Local West. II Miss Achsah M. -
Wentz has returned
nue roadbed is a victory that will melon feed is scheduled for Friday 5.04-All points. I from her vacation and opened her
gratify all automobile owners In and night of this week. We do not need
6.29-Local West. stUdio in the Arcade Building. The 1liOe While Tea Rouser&: Shop
about Philadelphia. This stretch of to enlarge on the features of this event REOPENS FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10
road is on the principal no-toll route as it already has a reputation. Mr. Departure. Rev. Chris G. Koppel and family AVON & HAVERFORD ROADS
between Philadelphia and Main Line Stretch has kindly given us ilia Iiri... 9.00 A.M. East all points. bave returned from their vacation. Pilone. Nuberl. lUZ D.
points. Autoists have dreaded it for ilel!'~ of using his woods, and with 10.34 Local West.
years, and citizens of Narberth had corn right off the farm a good time ia. 11.59 - Phila. and all points. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pollock, Jr., of
grown weary of apologizing for Its assured. Twenty-five cents will be the
wretched condition. charge. Leave the Y. M. C. A. at 6.30
12.30 - All points.
1.34 P .M. Local West.
Woodside avenue, are entertaining
Mrs. Pollock's mother, Mrs. Hudson,
The new roadbed will be of con- P. M. All aboard! See Compton or 3.29 All points. of Camden. INSTRUCTOR IN
crete, the most durable and economic Ward for details. 5.04 Local West.
type, in the operation of State Com-
missioner Cunningham and Fletcher UNCLAIMED LETTERS.
6.59 Philo.. and all points. Dr. Earle J. Sallada and family.
who have been spending the summer
W. Stites, Narberth's solicitor. It will . Letters addressed to the foUowing MEMBERS OF THE NARBERTH in Narberth, have returned to their
cost $5200, the State and borough dl- named persons remain unclaimed in
SCHOOL BOARD. home on Diamond street, Philadel· Piano, ,Organ and 'Theory of
vidillg the expense. Before the ad- the Narberth post office: phia. Music
vent of freezing weather Narberth Mrs. EUen Brown, Mrs. T. R. Corn- Proesldent-C. Howard McCarter.
hopes to have transformed Wynne- drom, Mr. John Hoyer, Mr. William E. Vice-President-Carroll Downes. Theodore H. McCalla and family, StUdio, ResldeDce
wood aTenue, between Rockland ave- Schoffstall, Mrs. E. J. Sallada, Mr. F. Treasurer-Will K. Ridge. who have been in Narberth all sum-
Thellwell R. Coggeshall.
6 Areade, , 246 DUdley Ave.
nue and the railroad tunnel into a P. Nish. IIIrs. Abigail Powell. mer, have returned to their home in Narbertll, pa. Telepbooe, 604.
model highway. Edward S. Haws, Postmaster. Robert H. Dothard. Philadelphia.
ST. MARGARET'S CHURCH. Monday's P. :M. Game. R. G. Dun & Co .. O 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0-511 Barnitz and Storer. Hit by pitched
NrUJ.6 of tltr aU,urtqrs Early Mass on Sunday from April Manager Walzer started to do the Paoli M. C...... 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2-4 balls-Wolfson, Storer. Umpire-
ll'\t to October 31st at G.30 A. M. From mound duty, but the Paoli team found I Cooper.
EPISCOP.u CHURCH NEWS. November 1st to Marcn 31st at 7 A. M. him tor four runs in the sixth inning Two-base hits-Le Roy, Pawling,
The services at All Saint's P. E. Late Ma&s, 9.30 A. M. throughout the which made the score 5-4 in their Deegan. Home run-Hilborn. Stolen Afternoon Game.
Church, Montgomery avenue and Wyn- year. Masses on hoJydays, 6.30 and favor. Our reliable and star slab bases-Shank 2, Brown, FraZier 2,
newood road, for next Sunday are as 8.30 A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening artist, Robert Gilmore then went into Biggs. Sacrifice hits-Sturtevant, R. OVERBROOK.
follows: devotions and other services at regular the box and held Paoli down in the Barnitz. Left on bases-Paoli M. C. R. H. O. A. E.
8 A. M.-HolY Communion. times. remaining innings. 4, Dun & Co. 10. Hits-Off Sturtevant Lavan, c. ••..•..•. 0 0 1 0 1
11.00 A. M.-Morning; prayer and I
Narberth collected two runs in the 6, off Magill 0, off Feist 6, off Deegan Lou'y, cf. . •.•.... 3 3 2 0 0
sermon. ninth inning which put them in the 7. Struck out-By Sturtevant 6, Ma- Wolfson, cf. . ..... 2 3 0 0 0
CHAMPION NARBERTH TEAM lead. gill 4, Feist 6, Bases on balls-Off Riley, 3b.••......• 2 1 0 2 1
The Rev. R. B. Burke officiated last WINS LAST THREE GAMES Gilmore finished the season by fan- Sturtevant 5, Magill 3, Feist 1, Dee- I PUlch, lb. . 3 2 4 2 0
SundaY and administered the. HolY ning the last two men in the ninth. gan 1. Wild pitches-Deegan 2, Ma-! Packey, 2b. • •..... 2 3 2 2 1
Communion at both the 8 and 11 (Continued from First Page) The game was nip and tuck all gill 1. Double play-Le Roy to HIl- H~re, If..•.•...•.• 1 3 3 1 0
o'clock services. The offertory selec- the way through, and with Paoli one born to Hanley. Umpire-Cooper. HIggins, ss. . .•..• 1 2 1 2 1
tion, "Incline Thine Ear," with bass Overbrook 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-9 run to the good In the beginning of Scorer, Compton. Tlme-2 hours. McCabe, rf., p. .•.• 1 2 2 0 0
solo parts, was well rendered by the Narberth 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 x-9 the ninth, things looked bad for Nar- Conway, p. 1 1 0 1 1
quartet choir. berth. But Manager Walzer hustled Wayne, 4; GUlph MlUs, 1.
There are more than one hundred Earned runs-Narberth, 6. Two-base Eddie Ensinger into a suit and sent The Wayne Club was credited with Totals ...•••...16 20 24 17 5
Episcopallans in Narberth, and each hits-Turner, Fleck. Stolen bases- him in to bat for Kirk. Ed got a base the game schedUled on the home
one is most cordially invited to attend Levan, Fleck, E. Davis. Struck out- on balls, but Gilmore forced him at grounds by the GUlph Mills team GULPH MILLS.
any of the services next Sunday. Come By Gilmore, 4; by Rhoads, 5. Double second. Walter Humphries then falling to place nine eligible players S'i 2b ~. ~. ~. ~. ~
and bring a friend. plays-Pulch, Hermes, Loughrey. First doubled, which made things look In the game, and thereby forfeiting H ~, ss., lb'
base on errors-Narberth, 1; Over- somewhat brighter for Narberth. Next the contest. An exhibition game was
0 y, p . , . 1 2 7 1 1
brook, 1. First base on balls- our old friend Stewart McClellan, a played, In which Wayne carried off: ~e,rsh;:, c. 2 2 8 3 2
THE EVANGEL BAPTIST CHURCH. Rhoads, 3. Left on bases-Narberth, member of our first championship the honors by too score of 4 to 1, Cor-' a?, ., ss...•... 0 0 3 2 2
Emerson L. Swift, Pastor. Gilmore, Fleck, Stites. Wild pitches- a long single, which scored what j ten of the visitors. Score:
6; Overbrook, 2. Hit by pitched ball- team, poked one of Magill's shoots for nag twirling sterling ball, fanning I ~ul y, lb., l' 1 1 2 3 1
02 13 10 00 0
I um erl'fr 0
Rhoads, 2. Time-1.30. Umpire- proved to be the winning runs of the Dav i s, . , .
The Sunday services are as follows: Kirk. Scorer-Earl Fletcher Smith. game WAYNE. Mayer, 3b 0 1 0 3 1
9.45 A. M.-Bible school. A graded Th~ score: R. H. O. A. E. 'I Smith, cf. .. 0 0 0 0 0
school, with all departments. Monday's A. M. Game. W'ver, c 2 2 11 0 0 -
11 A. M.-Morning worship. Sermon NARBERTH. Mitchell, If. . 0 2 0 0 O. Totals ...•..... 6 11 -23 14 8
by the pastor. Subject, "Our March-
In one of the best played games of
season Narberth defeated Manager
R. H. O. A. E. Cass, ss. . 1 1 1 1 0 I ·Riley out, hit by batted ball.
ing Orders." Humphries, 2b. .., 1 1 2 1 0 Evans, rf. . 0 1 0 0 0
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser- Houck's Wayne Colts by the score of McClellan, 3b 1 2 2 1 0 Evans, 2b. . , 0 0 0 2 0 GUlph MllIs 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3- 6
mon by the pastor. Subject, "The 5-4. Eddie Ensinger showed his old Koons, c 2 2 12 1 0 Comp'n, cf. 0 0 0 0 1 Overbrook 0 0 3 3 1 1 3 5-16
Man of True Blue." time form and held the Colts to eight
Fleck, If. ...•..... 0 1 3 0 0 Brooke, 2b. . 1 2 3 1 0
Prayer and praise service at 8 P. hits. Two-base hits-Mayer, Riley, Har£>,
114., Wednesday. You are invited to Narberth started right off the bat E. Davis, lb 0 1 4 0 0 Evans, lb 0 0 12 0 0
Packey, Wolfson, Higgins, Loughery.
Barker, cf., ss 0 0 2 3 1 Cornog, p 0 0 0 6 0
all these services.
When Humphries, the first man up,
Our people are returning from their doubled and scored on Bill Simpson's L. Davis, ss
H. Simpson, rf. . , 0 0 1 0 0 Mallo'l, ss
1 0 1 0 1
I _
0 0 0 0 0 Three-base
bases-Lavan, 2;
Riley, :;!;
single. Narberth did not allow the
summer vacations and are filling the score to remain at that point long, for Kirk, ct. .....•..•. 0 1 0 0 0 Totals 4 8 27 10 1 Packey, 2; Higgins, Wolfson, Davis, 2:
ranks for service. in the third inning with one gone, Walzer, ·Ensinger . 0 0 0 0 0 I Murphy. Left on bases-Overbrook,
14: Gulph Mills, 3. Struck out-By
p 0 1 0 2 0 GULPH MILLS.
Walter Humphries collected his Gilmore, p. 1 0 0 0 0J R. H. O. A. E. McCabe, 4; by Conway, 3; by Murphy.
THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. second hit of the game-a single, and C'p'an, SS. • •••••••• 0 0 1 1 1 6; by Hoaxy, 1. Bases on balls-Off
scored on Bill Simpson's triple. Cap- Totals 6 9 27 8 2 Sing'n, 2b 1 1 4 3 0 Conway, 1; off Murphy, 5. Hit by
Rev. John Van Ness, MInister. tain Fleck then singled and scored Bat'n, c. . 0 2 3 1 0 pitched ball-Murphy, Roaxy. Umpire
Simpson. Koons then doubled, which: PAOLI. Mayer, cf 0 1 2 0 0 -Cooper.
Next Sunday's services: scored Fleck, but Fleck colllded with I H. O. A. E. Baird, If 0 1 2 0 0
10 A. M.-Bible school. A place and Mitchell on the base paths and the R.
o 1 1 3 She'r, lb. . 0 0 8 0 0 Gulph llflls Blanks PaolJ.
a welcome for all. umpire called Fleck out for inter- LeRoy, 3b 0
ference. Supplee, lb. . 1 1 8 0 0 Ker'w, rf. .. 0 0 1 0 0 The Paoli Men's Club went down to
11 A. M.-Publlc worship. Sermon 0 2 2 2 0 defeat before the GUlph Mills Club, at
Narberth scored one more run in Hanley, rt. . 1 1 0 0 0 Kel'r, 3b. .
by the pastor, on "The Unwelcome 0 0 0 1 0 Paoli, in the morning, score 1 to O.
the fifth inning on two successive I HlIborn, 2b. 0 1 3 3 0 Mayer, p. ..
Guest." doubles by Simpson and Fleck. Shank, ss. . 1 1 0 2 0 Davis, cf. 0 0 1 0 0 The game was a pitchers' duel be-
P. M.-Evening worship. Sermon; In the meantime, Wayne had scored Graffius, cf. 1 0 2 0 0 tween Sturtevant and Mayer, bits
theme, "The Only One." tour runs which made the game very Pawling, c 1 190 2 Totals 1 7 24 8 1 being even. Score:
A male quartet will sing at the interesting, but Narberth put over the Dett;rllne, If. 0 2 2 0 0 Gulph Mills
morning service. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 PAOLI M. C.
final run at the game in the eighth Magill, p. . 0 1 1 2 0 Wayne 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 x-4
Mid-week prayer meeting on R. H. O. A. E.
inning. Simpson made his fourth hit
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.
of the day, a single, was advanced to Totals . . 4 8··26 8 5 Two-base hits-Weaver, Cass, Sin- LeRoy, 3b . o 0 0 3 0
An encouraging attendance greeted
second on Captain Fleck's sacrifi·~e ·Batted for Kirk In ninth. gleton. Double plays-Bateman to Shank, ss. . .•..... o 0 3 1 1
the pastor as he entered the pulpit and scored on Koons' triple to right "Simpson out, bunted third strike Shearer' Keeler to Singleton' Cass to Hanley, lb. . . o 1 801
last Sunday after a month's vacation. field. foul. B~ooke to W. Evans. Struck out-By H Ilbl'll0rn, 2b. o 2 1 3 2
Many plans are being formulated for. The hitting honors of the game were Cornog 10 , Mayer. 2 B b 11 G ra us, c. f . . o 0 1 0 0
ase~ on a s- MagllI, rf. . . o 0 0 0 0
the fall work of the church. Rally carried off by Bill Simpson, who har1 Narberth . . 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2-6 Off Cornog 3, Mayer 1. HIt by pitch- D tt li If
day will be held on the first Sunday of tour hits out of four trips to the plate, Paoli . . 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0-5 ed balls-Cass. Stolen base-Weav- pae elir ne, . . .... o 0 4 0 0
October. - which gave BlIl a clean sheet for the . M k T' 2 h w ng, c. o 0 9 0 0
er. U mpIre- ac. Ime- ours. Sturtevant, p. . ... o 2 1 4 0
game. Captain Fleck also had a good Two-base hits-Pawling, Hum-
METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. day with the bat-two hits and two phries. Earned runs-Narberth, 5; LABOR })AY'S GAMES. Totals 0 5 27 11
sacrificed hits, out of four trips to the Paoll. 4. Three-base hits-Fleck,
The Little Church on the HUL plate. "Nig." Koons and Humphries also Koons. Home runs-Hanley. Sacri- Overbrook Breaks Even.
tagged the ball hard for Narberth,l fice hit-Fleck. Stolen bases-Han- The R. G. Dun & Co. Travelers won GULPH MILLS.
while Weaver and J. Evans were the ley, Deterline, E. Davis, Barker. Left the morning game by the score of 8 R. H. O. A. E.
Rev. C. G. Koppel, Pastor. Singleton, 2b. 0 0 0 0 \)
Sunday, September 12: leading hitters for Houck's team. Ion bases-Narberth, 7; Paoll. 8. Struck to 4 by hitting Packey at opportune
The score: out-BY Walzer, 5; by Gilmore, 5; times and taking advantage of errors Hoaxy, lb 0 0 9 0 0
9,45-Sunday School Assembl)'. by Magill, 8. Double plays-Koons to Bateman, c. 0 0 11 3 0
Classes for young people and adults. Humphries; Magill to Supplee. Bases at critical periods. Keeley, 3b. 1 2 1 0 1
11.00-Public worship. Sermon by WAYNE. I
)<J.t on balls-Off Walzer. 4; off Magill, 2. The Colts had a slugfest in the af- Murphy, cf. 0 2 0 0 0
the pastor. R. H. O. A. 0 Balk-Walzer. Umpire-Kirk. Time ternoon session, slaughtering the Burns, ss. 0 0 0 2 0
6,45-Rally of the Epworth League. Mitchell, c., ss. 0 1 o 3 0 of game-2 hours. Scorer-Earl F. GUlph MiIls Wanderers by the score Davis, If. 0 0 3 0 0
The service wll1 be conducted in the Newlin, sS., 2b 1 0 3 2 at 16 to 6, slamming out a total of Weaver, ·rf 0 0 0 0 t
interest of the young people. Speaker J. Evans, rf. 0 2 2 0 0 Smith. twenty hits, Packey leading the pro- Fulmer, rf 0 1 2 0 ~
Roy Griffith. C. Evans, 3b. 0 0 1 4 0 cession with a triple, double and Mayer, p.
7,45-Publlc worship. Sermon by Brooke, 2b., lb
the pastor; fifteen minute song service Miller, p
1 9
1 1
1 ~
I SATURHAY'S GAMES. single. The game was called at the
end or the eighth inning on account or
0 2 0 4 0

Totals . 1 5 -26 8 2
with the Sunday revival hymns before Casso cf. 1 0 2 0 0I Dun & Co., 0; Paoli, ,I. . rain.
-Magill out; bunted third strike.
the sermon. All strangers and Compston, If.
W. Evans, If
0 1 o 1 0 The Paoli Men's Club dropped a
0 0 2 0 0 hard fought and exciting game to the
I Morning Game.
friends are cordially invited. OVERBROOK.
Brighten the Corner.
Weaver, c 2 2 3 0 0 R. G. Dun & Co. travelers at Paoli by
the score at 5 to 4. Sturtevant de- Lavan, ss. .
I R. H. O. A. E. Paoli M. C
1 1 2 o 0
Gulph Mllll!l 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
During the summer the SundaY Totals . 4 8 z23 13 0 served a Victory but the home play- Higg's, 3b. 1 2 o o 0 Two-base hits-Sturtevant, Hilborn;
School rooms have been renovated. NARBERTH. ers lost out on their erratic fielding. L'y, lb., rf. . 0 0 1 1 0 Hanley. Left on bases-Paoll, 9;
New furnishings, tables, rug and The victory gives the Dun & Co. Wolfson, cf. 1 1 2 o 0 Gulph Mllls. 6. Stolen bases-HU-
literature have been added to the kin- R. I:. ~. ~. EO team possession of second place In Hare, If. .........• 0 1 o o 0 born, Graffius, Keeley, 3; Murphy.
dergarten. The school is now providetl Humphries, 2b. '" 2 4 2 3 0 the league standing. PUlch, 2b. ......•. 0 0 4 3 2 Struck out-by Mayer, 13; by Sturte-
with most efficient teachers and W. Simpson, 3b. .. 3 2 3 0 0 PAOLI M. C. R's, rf., lb 1 0 8 1 1 vant, 6. Bases on balls-Off Sturte-
progressive methods of Bible stUdy. Fleck, If. 0 2 7 4 2 R. H. 0., A. E. RUey, c 0 1 10 2 2 ",ant, e; off Mayer, 1. Wild pftch-
Koons, c 0 o 2 2 0 Le RoY, 3b o
Welcome to old and new scholars.
Turner, ss 0
0 1 1 2 1 Packey, p 0 1 2 o Sturtevant.
Epworth League Rally. Walzer, rf. . 0 o 0 0 0 Shank, 8S. .. 0 1 0 2 0
Barker, cf 0
o 0 0 (I Hanley, lb. . 0 0 9 0 1 Totals .......... 4 7 27 9 5 Warm'" 4: Don Company, 2-
The Young People's Society will re- E. Davis, lb 0 1 8 0 1 Hilborn, 2b. .. 2 2 4 1 1 DUN & CO. Manager Houck's Wayne speed
sume services this Sunday evening In Ensinger, p. . .•... 0 1 0 0 0 Graffi's, cf 0 0 2 0 l' R. H. O. A. E. brigade "Won the afternoon game from
the lecture room at 6.45. All mem- Brown, If. . 1 1 0 0 0 R. Ba'z, 2b. 1 1 3 3 3 the R. G. Dun & Co. team by the scorA
bers of the league are urged to be Totals . . ....... 5 12 27 12 3 Dette'e, rf. . 0 0 1 0 0 H. Ba'z, lb. . .. 1 1 7 2 0 of 4 to 2. Hallowell, the 8t. Luke
present. zFleck out, Interference. Pawling, c. . 1 2 10 4 1 Storer, 3b .. 1 2 2 1 0 star. was a puzzle to the visitors. hold-
Ladles' AId SocIety. Sturte't, p. .. 0 0 0 2 0 Fahey, c .. 1 2 10 2 1 Ing them to four hits. The fteldln~
Wayne 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0-4 Magill, p 0 0 0 0 0 Biggs, If .. o 0 1 0 0 of Mitchell and R. Barnltz featured.
All members of the society are In- Narberth . .. 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 x-5 11 Ii Deegan, p. . . 2 1 1 5 0 Score:
vited to attend the first meeting of the Totals ., 4 7 27 Baird, cf. . 1 0 0 0 0
fall, In the church, Tuesday evening, Earned Tuns-Narberth, 4; Wayne, R. G. DUN & CO. Frazier, rf . 1 2 2 0 0 WAYNE.
September U. 2. Two-base hits-Fleck, Humphries, R. H. O. A. E. DeFr's, ss. . . o 0 1 1 0 R. H. O. A. E.
Koons, Davis. Simpson. Left on bases R. Bar'z, 2b 0 0 1 1 4) Weaver. c . o 1 4 2 1
MERION MEETING HOUSE. -Narberth, 4; Wayne, 4. Three-baBe H. Ba'z, lb 0 0 8 0 1 Totals . 8 9 27 14 4 Mitchell. ss. . . 1 1 1 8 0
hits-Simpson, Koons. Sacrifice hits Storer, 3b 1 0 2 1 0
DUn & Co. . 1 1 0 2 0 2 2 0 0-8 Cass, cf . o 1 2 o 0
Montgomery Avenue and :MeeUng -Fleck, 2; Weaver. Stolen bases- Fahey, c 1 1 8 2 0
Overbrook 11 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-4 J. Evans. rf. . . 1 1 o o 0
House Lane. Wayne, 5; Narberth. 1. Struck out- Deeg'n, rf. . 1 2 1 0 0 Brooke. 2b.......• 1 2 3 3 0
Merion Meeting House Is opened for By Ensinger. 6; Miller, 3. Double Blltgs, It. 1 1 4 0 0 Two-base hits-Riley, Fahey, Fra- Comps'n, If. . . o 1 3 o 0
worship every First-day at 10.30 A. plays-Mitchell, Newlin, Brooke; Baird, cf. . 0 1 1 0 0 zier. Three-base hit-Packey. Stolen C. Evans. 3b. . . o 1 2 2 0
M. Visitors are cordiallY welcome. Humphries to Davis. First base on Fraz'r, cf 1 1 0 0 0 bases-Wolfson, 2; Hare, 2; Davan, Hallowell. p . o 0 o 3 0
Prof. C. B. Cochran, of West Ches- errors-Narberth. 1. First base on De Fr's. ss 0 0 1 2 0 Rhoades, Deegan, 2; R. Barnitz, Baird. W. Evans, lb . 1 1 12 o t
ter, wll1 speak on the subject, "What balls-Ensinger. 1. Hit by pitched Feist. rf. p 0 0 1 3 0 Struck out-By Packey, 8; by Deegan,
is Quakerism," on September 5, at the ball-Casso Tlme-l.30. Umpire- 8. Bases on balls-Off Packey, 3; off Totals . . 4 9 27 18
regular meeting. Mack. Scorer-Earl F. Smith. Totals 5 6 27 9 1 . Deegan, 5. Double play-Deegan, n. (Contlnned on Fourth Page)
A Feature cut into small cubes and mixed thor-
WINS LAST THREE GADS oughly with the lima beans and rice
which have been cooked as described
Lake Paupac
(Continued from Third Page)
Oar Prescription Department above. Fill the glass jars or lacquered
or enameled tin cans three-fourths
ia complete with the highest R. G. DUN & CO. full of the above mixture of vegeta-
quality of R. H. O. A. E. bles and cereals. The next step is to
R. Barnitz, 2b. •... 0 0 6 1 1 prepare a smooth paste from one-half With Nature in the Woods. Rhododendrons and Flowers in the Spring.
:J:»:R,"'CI'Gl-S H. Barnitz, 1b..... 0 1 7 1 0 pound of wheat flour blended with Lovely Cool Days in the Summer. Magnificent Foliage in the Fall. Comfort-
Your physician knows our ability in com- Fahey, c., rf. ..••.. 0 2 2 1 0 five gallons of soup stock. Boll tkis able Home Life. Splendid Table and Good Rooms. Tenth Season. Fresh ll4i1k
pounding, and o~r price~ are !Uuch lov.:er Deegan, rf. 0 0 0 o 0 mixture for three minutes and add
than those in Phdadelphla, wIth superIor and Vegetables from our Farms.
service. Gilbert, c. 0 1 2 3 1 four ounces of salt. Pour this mix- For reservations, booklet and information, address.
Biggs, If. •........ 0 0 1 o 0 ture or stock over the vegetables un-
HOWARD'S DRUG STORE Baird, 3b. .•.....• 1 0 1 O 1 til the cans are full. Partially seal
Frazier, ct. 1 0 2 o 0 the jars, or cap and tip the tin cans, tAlE PAUPAC CO., R. F. D., Canadensis, Monroe Co., Pa.
DeFra's, ss. 0 0 2 1 0 and sterilize for ninety minutes if
Hyde, p 0 0 1 6 1 using a hot-water bath outfit; seven- Location, Greentown, Pike County, Pa. Fifteen miles north of Cresco or
ty-five minutes if using a water-seal
2 4 24 13 4 or five pounds of steam pressure out-
Gouldsboro, on the D. L. & W. R. R.

Tenth Season: Fishin g, Boating, SWimming.

Is the Show Place 01 Narberth f1.t; or forly-five minutes if using
R. G. Dun & Co O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 pressure cooker.
And willalwavs remaiD so ulle,s NAR- Wayne 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 x-4 A. I. Loos. Pres.• Narberth. Par I. Franklin Meehan. Sec'y.• Mt. Airy, Phila.
BR60K PARK spends a lot of mODey.
Have you seen that nursery? Two-base hit-Fahey. Three-base
hits-Mitchell, Brooke. Sacrifice hits
I Telephone-Narberth 368
D HAWS Niesen's Bakery
-Brooke. Mitchell. Stolen bases-
WINTER vs. PAINT Weaver. 2; Gilbert, Frazier. Left on With the approach of the open sea- EDWAR . NARBERTH ARCADE:
bases-Wayne, 2; R. G. Dun & Co., 2. son for shooting wild fowl the depart- Plaster and Cement Work
You can't escape winter but you Struck out-By Hallowell, 4; by Hyde, ment is warning sportsmen that the Estimates Furnished Jobbing
Bread, Cake, Rolls, Pies,
CaDdy. Ice Cream
can protect your house againlt the 1. Double pla)·s-H. Barnitz to Hyde; Federal regulations as amended Oc-
Mitchell to Brooke to W. Evans; C. tober 1, 1914, will be strictly en-
winter storms by havinr it painted,
and it pays. Estimates cheerfylly Evans to Brooke. Bases on balls-OfT
Hallowell. 2; ott Hyde, 1. Wild pitch
forced. Some misunderstanding
arisen from the fact that the various
haa HARDy
lriven. Telephone, F. H. WALZER,
Narberth 12-47 D.
-Hallowell. Umpire-Mack. State laws do not always conform to
the Federal regulations. This is re- Plumbing, Gas Fitting VERL PUGH
garded as unfortunate, but In such and Heating Electrical Contractor
cases the department must insist 225 lana Avenue, Narberth, Ita.
Won. Lost. Pct. upon the observance of the Federal NARBERTH. PA
Howard F. Cotter Narberth 20 4 .833 regulations.
The department w111 consider any I !!" -,
Telephone-Narberth 381-0.
R. G. Dun ........••14 9
'MEATS of Overbrook 12 10 .545 recommendations submitted In good
Paoli M. C
.418 faith for amendment of the regula-
.304 tions, but will hold no public hearings
Y. M. C. A. BUILDING Gulph Mills 6 16 .273 thereon, nor will it amend the regu-
lations prior to October 15, 1915. It
Is the purpose to conform the regu- DAVIS' SUNDAES Prime Meats
HOME CANNING OF SOUPS. lations to the wishes of the majority Home Dressed Poultry, Butter, Eggs
HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW of sportsmen so far as it can be done and Game.
How to Prepare Stock-Economical and at the same time give wlId fowl That It is Just
HOUSES ON ELMWOOD AVENUE? Use of Products Which Might the necessary protection. ARE YOU AWARE :~~ut.:~c~=~ Fancy Fruit and Vegetables.
Otherwise Be Wasted. Federal regulations divide
At times It is a great convenience United States into two zones. Zone
"A Store for Particnlar People"
See W. D. SMEDLEY to the housewife to be able to reach No.1, the breeding zone, includes Narberth's Highest Tract NARBERTH, PAr
A.t "The Cabln." to a shelf for a can of soup, open. it, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Oregon, and build your bouse accordinllto your OWU plans,
heat it, and serve it within a few Idaho. Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa, Illi- Ind the way you want it-and wbere you ",ant Telephone.
minutes' time. The Federal Depart- nois. Indiana and Ohio. and all States
it_I to buy a Ready-Made House?

ment of Agriculture's specialists il! north of them. Zone No.2, the win- I\IAKE SURE OF YOUR CBOICE NOW
home canning-clUb instruction point tering zone; includes all States south JAMES G. SCA.NLIN

~-' Enjoying Yourself TERMS TO SUIT
out that the next logical step for the of those named.
FM Jnstice
I ',"" while away 1.0 easy If you·re ......
I)~': It, the roof 1.0 not leaking, The regulations prescribe seasons
,.... ,'~ We'Usetyourmlndatreston
club members after learning to can MOu~lcaS;;;WT.:.~ruue. Contracting Painter
"j:l~~~ that point and the roo' to doing fruits and vegetables is to transform as follows In Pennsylvania and near- " , 612 Chestnul St." Pblla.
. " Its duty If you send US" roquut meat scraps, bones, ligaments - and by States:

\, '\
by Postal
rara. M~Gin1~ 13
odds and ends of vegetables and Open Seasons for ltIlgratory Birds In
cereals into an economical, as well 1915 UUnder Federal Regulations. -A-CAS-E-WH-ERE--. 1
Eltlmatu Narberth, Pa. Telephone
"oot... ill T"" SIaIc , TiclU (23 S!>o!b IT!! 5! fii!Iddj!i!iJ~ as palatable, soup-something that ZONE NO. 1.
can be made ready In a few minutes WaterfOWl " Sept. 1-Dec. 16
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 for use as a hot dish.
Directions for Mnklng Soup Stock.
Secure 25 pounds of beef hocks,
joints, and bones containing marrow,
and strip off the fat and meat, crack- Rails,
New York, Penn-
New Jersey
" Oct. 1-Jan. 16

Nov. 1-Feb. 1
and R. fsT C. Prices. for the
FlDest Photoplay The·
OUR PRODucrS AREI GUARANTEED ing the bones with a hatchet or clea- nules " Sept. 1-Dec. 1 former is highest an cl t he Iat- atre 011.. Size In the

UNDER BACTERIOLOGICAL CONTROL ver. Place the bones within a thin EDlireWorld.
Exceptions: ter is lowest. That is why Pbotoplays-Coulluuous 10 A. M. to 11.30
cloth sack and put them into a large New York, Long particular. careful people deal P. M-
Pasleurlzed Milk DELIVERIES kettle containing five gallons of cold Island Sept. 16-Dec. 1
Bryaclovls CerllUed WEST PHILA. water. Simmer, but do not boll, for Woodcock Oct. 1-Dec. 1 at our stores. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY
(PedrlaUc Soclely)
Special .. GuerlUley" MERION
OVERBROOK six or seven hours, then skim off all
fat from the liquid. Do not salt while
New Jersey ....... Oct. 10-Dec. 1
Robinson M Crawford I William A. Brady Presents Hol-
brook Blinn in
simmering. This should make about Pennsylvania, Long
five gallons of soup stock. Pack the Island Oct. 15-Dec. 1 "THE IVORY SNUFF BOX"
(Roberts' at Sbarple.s· BALA-CYNWYD stock while hot in glass jars, bottles,
Dairies) NARBERTH Shore birds (black- H. C. FRITSCH
or enameled or lacquered tin cans, breasted and golden Properties For Bent and Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY
Cream Bullermllk ARDM()RE and partially seal the jars; if tin cans pia v e r, jacksnlpe, Fire Insurance Path. Pictures Present Clifton
Table aad WhlppluO WYNNEWOOD are used. cap and tip. If using a hQt-
Cream. yellowlegs) .•...... Sept. 1-Dec.16 Bell Phone 862 W. Crawford in
water bath outfit, sterilize for forty Exceptions:
minutes; if using a water-seal or five Wall Bufldlng. Narbertll, Pa.
Long Island ... ;.. Aug. 15-Dec. 1 "THE GALLOPER"
SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES pounds of steam pressure outfit, ster-
Ilize for thirty minutes, or twenty-five
minutes if using pressure cooker out-
New York (except
Long Island) ..... Sept. 16-Dec. 1
Insectivorous birds protected indefl.-
A Dome Bunt for Comfort ud Convemenee
45th and Parrish Sts. fit. nitely. Band-tailed pigeons, cranes, At 416 Woodside Avenue
Vegetable Soup. swans, curlew, smaller shore birds It is a rei. home lor some one.
For derills, consult Contented Consume... Commend
A good vegetable soup may be and wood ducks protected untll Sep-
The Merion Title and Trnst Co. made, according to the department's tember 1, 1918. Rails in Vermont Koronskl Cameron,
& =b~~~~:ren Cook's Coal
of Ardmore, Pa. experts, as follows: Soak one-fourth and woodcock in Illinois also protect- Bell 'Phone. 608. 101 Cbestnut Ave" Narberth
The oldest, largest and best deposi· of a pound of lima beans and OQe ed unUl 1918.
tory In this Vicinity. pound of rice in water for twelve
hours. Cook one-half pound of barley Waterfowl
Oct. 1-Jan.16 Frank Crist C. P. COOK
Capital, $150,000. Surplus. $125,000 for two hours. Blanch one pound of Exceptions:
Undivided Profltl, $40,000. carrots, one pound of onions, one Delaware, Mary-
land. District of
medium-sized potato and one red pep-
per for three minutes in bolllng hot Columbia, Virginia. Hiah Grade Butter COAL, WOOD AND
SCHOOL ADVERTISEMENTS water, and then quickly dip into cold Woodcock Nov. 1-Jan. 1 Telephone-Narberth 644 A.
water. After this is done, the carrots, Exceptions: BUILDING SUPPLIES
THE MISSES ZENTMAYER'S onions, potato and pepper should be Delaware Nov. 15-Jan. 1

The Real Estate Man at

School and Kindergarten 114 Woodside Ave., NARBERTH. PA.
125 WINDSOR AVE. Combination Coupon-Check Your Wishes wlll be pleased to assist you In get·
.lola the Local Oro_l.alloo You Wlsb__d Gel Oar Towu. Too ting a home.
WiIl Reopen September 20, 1915.
Secretary, Clvic Association, Narberth. Telephone-Narberth 685 A. Prompt Deliveries Assured
Enter my name on your books in accordance with the checking be-
Miss Turner's Kindergarten low. paying dues to association designated and keeping 50 cents as a
subscription to Our Town for one year.
George B. Suplee Office Closes Noon Saturdn)'s- ..June 1
to October 1.
Opem September 27, 1915 $1.50 Voting Membership in Civic Auoclation and One Year's Steam & Hot Water.Heating
AT Subscription to Our Town . Plumbing POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
122 Woodside Avenue $5.50 Full Membership in Y. M. C. A. and One Year's SUbscrip- Bell Telephone.
tion to Our Town.
J. A. MILLER For Tax Assessor
Miss Mary Pusey Warner $3.50 One Year's Dues lI.S Member of Fire COmpany and One
Year's Subecrlption to Our Town. (Successor to E. J. HOOD)
Will Reopen Her Primary S~hool, HEATER AND RANGE WORK A. E. W'OHLERT
Monday, October 4, 1915,
At Her New Residence aD Haverford Ave.
Name , • .
Address . • . •
104: Forrest Avenue
I As low AsslBsments as Consistent.
Justice to All, Favors to None.
Anthwyn Farms. Jobbing a Specialty. Narbertll, Pa. Your Support Requested.

-..=..,;.,-----"-'--'------'-------'----------- - . - - ._.- ------'-------

to" . .

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