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a girl’s guide to
marrying well is beComing
an unrealiZed desire

MOST WOMEN hope to marry, but as a principled approach to it — you

for many, it’s not happening like they have a better shot at not only getting
thought it would. It seems too far married, but marrying well.
away, or too unlikely, given the men That’s where this booklet comes in.
they know and those they’re meeting. Based on the counter-cultural, bibli-
Some wonder if their standards are cal concepts of intentionality, purity,
too high. Others suspect all the good community and Christian compat-
men are already taken. ibility it’s designed to encourage and
It’s not enough to just coast along, equip you for marriage. Not mar-
counting on today’s dating culture, riage at all costs, but marrying well
and our culture’s definition of mar- for your good and God’s glory.
riage, to deliver a God-honoring and May God bless the time you spend
timely marriage to a good man. If you reading this, align your desires with
hope to marry well, you need to do His, and help you become a godly
more — and less — than what the woman for a godly man.
culture says.
By understanding and embracing Candice Watters, general editor,
God’s design for marriage — as well Founder, Boundless Webzine

6 INTENTIONALITY “God has given women a

position of influence, encouragement, and counsel.”

18 PURITY “Whatever your sexual history, the goal remains:

Live from today forward like you’re planning to marry.”

38 COMMUNITY “Getting input from someone who’s

further down the road is invaluable.”
encouraged to use wisdom, not destiny, as our guide when
choosing a partner.”3

a girl’s guide to marrying well

Live like you’re planning

to marry
A re you planning to marry, or
just hoping to?
Hope is good. It’s what keeps
a better Christian, God will reward
you with a husband. It’s not like
“good Christians” get husbands
you going when you’re weary (Isa- and “bad ones” don’t. This isn’t
iah 40:30-31). It’s what sustains a cosmic rewards plan with God
you when mar- pulling a husband
riage seems out from His prize box
of reach. But hope for the women who
alone isn’t enough. do everything on
You also need to His checklist. It’s
live like you’re simply the unfold-
planning to marry. ing of sowing and
Does that mean reaping.
loading up your Paul wrote, “Do
planner with strat- not be deceived:
egies and to-do God cannot be
items for getting mocked. A man
married by Christ- reaps what he sows”
mas? YES! And a (Galatians 6:7).
whole lot more. Good living pro-
OK, not really. duces good fruit.
Planning in this “What about for-
case means intending; doing things giveness?” you ask. “Can’t God still
that are consistent with what you bring a husband to someone who
expect to happen and avoiding has messed up a lot?” Thankfully,
things that aren’t. When it comes yes. God does forgive us again and
to getting married, being inten- again. But Paul encourages us not
tional looks a lot like basic Chris- to go on sinning just because grace
tian discipleship. Don’t worry; I’m abounds. We shouldn’t presume
not suggesting if you just try to be upon God by doing whatever we

a girl’s guide to marrying well

please while hoping He’ll still bless an active verb. It instructs the man
us with a husband. That’s not a who wants God’s blessing to get out
good plan for marriage any more there and look. To the men we say,
than declaring bankruptcy is a “Get going, it’s time you accept the
good plan for financial health. challenge to pursue marriage.” And
Living like you’re planning to to the women, “stop glorifying the
marry means intentionally re- single years as a super-holy season
sisting the cultural traps of male of just you and Jesus.” Yes, being
bashing, procrastinating, unre- single does provide the chance to
alistic expectations, hyper inde- be uniquely intimate with Jesus.
pendence, and avoiding risk and Enjoy that. But don’t over-empha-
instead cultivating community, size it. Why? Because it gives guys
stewardship, and purity — the el- permission to kick back and let
ements of Christian discipleship
that can best help you recognize STOP GLORIFYING THE
and embrace good opportunities SINGLE YEARS AS A
for marriage. SUPER-HOLY SEASON
Are you planning to marry, or
just hoping to? Isn’t it time to
connect the two? JESUS.
Candice Watters

WHY THE you. If they think you’re perfect-

ly happy as a single, why wouldn’t
WAIT? they let you stay that way? Espe-
cially when so many of them are

T he problem of delayed mar-

riage has a lot to do with men
who won’t take initiative. Women
gun shy. Thanks to a 50 percent
(give or take a few points) divorce
rate and absentee dad problem,
want to be pursued and men are many of them grew up without a
charged by God to be the pursuers. mentor (their dad) and without
Proverbs 18:22 says, “he who finds a a godly model for what marriage
wife finds what is good and receives should look like. Many of them are
favor from the Lord.” Finds. That’s scared, and continued on page 8
for good reason. you go talk to Mary,” she says. “I’ll
That’s not an excuse to bash men. bet she could help you find the
Women have an important ability answers you’re looking for.”
to help them move toward mar- Marriage holds the possibility
riage. How? By esteeming it. By not of partnership, adventure, creativ-
being embarrassed about wanting ity, challenge and many more of the
it. By going after it — to a point. things we long for, but try to obtain
You can nurture men toward mar- with inferior pursuits. As Amy and
Leon Kass observed in their roles
as professors at the University of
Chicago, “…we detect among our
students certain (albeit sometimes
unarticulated) longings — for friend-
ship, for wholeness, for a life that is
serious and deep, and for associa-
tions that are trustworthy and lasting
— longings that they do not realize
could be largely satisfied by marrying
well.” (Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar, 2)
Candice Watters
riage by helping them see that
it contains a lot of what they’re
looking for, even if they don’t yet ARE YOU
know it. Think of Jimmy Stewart in
It’s a Wonderful Life. He’s depressed
that once again, his plans to get
out of small town America and see
the world have been thwarted and
he’s left tending the family busi-
ness with just his mom and alco-
T he first step in the process of
moving toward marriage is to
evaluate yourself spiritually. One
holic uncle for companionship. of our guiding principles is that
He’s questioning his very existence; we are trying to be (or prepare to
longing to know his destiny. What’s be) a godly spouse even as we try
his mom’s suggestion? “Why don’t to find a godly spouse. All singles

a girl’s guide to marrying well

who profess Christ and aspire your life at which you are ready and
to marriage — even as a possi- able to marry? “Practice” and “rec-
bility — have this responsibility reation” are not good reasons to
(even outside this area of life, we date. Dating is for the purpose of
should all be trying to grow finding a marriage partner.
in Christ). Are you a In my view, if you can’t
Christian? If you’re happily picture your-
already sure of that self married within
basic answer, are a year, you’re not
you a growing in a position to
and mature date.
Christian? Are Third, once
you generally you decide that
humble and you are ready
teachable, and to date, look to
do you respect God’s Word to
authority? As a decide the kind
practical matter, of person to date,
are you responsible and evaluate poten-
and holy in the way tial dating partners
you possess your own on those criteria, rather
spirit, mind and body? than relying primarily on the
As you begin to seriously world’s treatment of ideas like
consider marriage generally “attraction” and “chemistry.”
or a particular relationship, In short: Pick a potential
your first step should be to dating partner with an eye
soberly reflect, before God, toward godly manhood and
on your own spiritual walk womanhood — with an eye
and maturity in Christ. If toward who would make
you aspire to be a godly wife a good husband or wife,
someday, what have you done defined by those characteris-
and what are you doing to prepare tics God esteems in His Word, not
for that ministry? the ones Hollywood likes.
Second, are you at a place in Scott Croft

NOT YOUR from loneliness, the satisfaction of

the attention that feeds the ego —
BUDDY all without the accompanying com-
mitment. One party luxuriates,

I n Relationships, Dr. Pamela

Reeve discusses three levels of
friendships: acquaintances, com-
while the other party feels cheated
and is left with deep unsatisfied
panions and intimate friends. She I’ve recently observed several
observes that men and women non-dating relationships that seem
cannot sustain an intimate friend- to fall into the “intimate friends”
ship without one or the other har- category. In every case, it is the
boring romantic expectations. She woman who is paying the price
therefore recommends that men emotionally. Why? When a guy
starts investing his heart, he can
IF YOU CAN’T PICTURE do something about it by making a
YOURSELF MARRIED move. And if the girl rejects him, the
WITHIN A YEAR, YOU’RE friendship ends or changes signifi-
NOT IN A POSITION cantly. A woman, however, can hang
on in this kind of relationship indef-
TO DATE. initely, hoping the guy will eventu-
ally share her feelings. She makes
herself available to him as a “friend,”
and women avoid being intimate all the while hoping the friendship
friends outside of courtship and will blossom into something more.
marriage. Companions, she says, A woman should not assume that
generally spend less than two hours a guy friend she’s spending time
together a week. When a man in- with is: a) just too shy to make a
dicates he would like to see the move; b) thinking she’s the woman
woman more than that, but claims of his dreams but the timing isn’t
they are “just friends,” he sends a right; c) in denial of God’s will that
mixed message. they be together.
Reeve writes: “One party can self- A woman loves to read into a guy’s
ishly enjoy all the benefits of a re- every action. That’s her relational
lationship, the warmth and relief crime. But the guy does her a disser-


a girl’s guide to marrying well

vice by allowing her to be his “buddy
girl” — a female friend who provides
the relational benefits without the DEAD
In his article “Physical Inti-
macy and the Single Man,” Matt
Schmucker points out that men
defraud their sisters when they
indulge in this type of relation-
ship. “Simply put,” he writes, “a
man defrauds a woman when,
by his words or actions, he prom-
ises the benefits of marriage to a
woman he either has no intention
of marrying or if he does, has no
way of finally knowing that he will.”
Single men and women are failing
each other. Uncommitted intimate
friendships may satiate immedi- feelings is unwise. Song of Songs
ate needs, but they lead to frustra- puts it this way: “Do not awaken
tion and heartache. Not to mention, love before it so desires.” As a gen-
for singles ready for marriage, eration of women drunk on chick
these “friendships” waste time and flicks, we want romance to happen
energy. so badly we allow ourselves to fan-
Men and women who find tasize about relationships that
themselves in a dead-end friend- have no founding.
ship should take responsibility. A Ecclesiastes croons, “There is a
woman is responsible to be wise time for love.” If you are indulg-
with her heart. Solomon said, ing in an intimate friendship with
“Above all else, guard your heart, a man who is not pursuing you, you
for it is the wellspring of life” are accepting a cheap imitation of
(Proverbs 4:23). If a woman feels love. And by spending all your time
her heart longing for a man who’s with a guy who will never put a
not pursuing her, indulging those ring on your continued on page 12

as physical — intimacy. Romans
13:8-14 calls us to love others, to
INTIMATE FRIENDSHIPS work for their souls’ good rather
MAY SATIATE than looking to please ourselves.
IMMEDIATE NEEDS, More specifically, verse 10 reminds
BUT THEY LEAD TO us that “[l]ove does no harm to its
FRUSTRATION AND neighbor.” Romans 14:1-15:7 offers
HEARTACHE. a discourse on favoring weaker
brothers and sisters above our-
selves, valuing and encouraging that
finger, you may miss a potential which is good in the souls of others.
suitor. Above all, if you find your- Bottom line: I believe it is extreme-
self in an intimate friendship with ly difficult and rare — as a practical
someone of the opposite sex, ask matter — to honor these principles
the Lord for wisdom and discern- in the context of a close, intimate
ment. When it comes to male-fe- friendship between two single Chris-
male relationships, lacking intent, tians of the opposite sex. Intimate
the buddy system is a bad idea. friendships between men and women
Suzanne Hadley almost always produce confusion
and frustration for at least one of the
parties involved. Close friendships
FRIENDSHIP by their very nature tend to involve
extensive time talking and hanging
FRAUD out one-on-one. They tend to involve
a deep knowledge of the other per-

I Thessalonians 4:1-8 admonish-

es us not to wrong or “defraud”
our brother or sister by imply-
son’s hopes, desires and personality.
They tend to involve the sharing of
many aspects of each other’s daily
ing a marital level of commitment lives and routines. In other words,
(through sexual involvement) they tend to involve much of the
when it does not exist. A broad (but type of intimacy and companion-
sound) implication of this passage ship involved in — and meant for —
is that “defrauding” could include marriage.
inappropriate emotional — as well And yet, even with all this deep


a girl’s guide to marrying well

communication going on, at least tic feelings have been clearly artic-
one aspect of these friendships in- ulated to the other (and were met
herently involves a mixed message. with an unfavorable response), to
No matter how clearly one or both continue in some no-man’s land of
of you have defined what’s happen- “good friends” is arguably to take
ing as “just friends,” your actions selfish advantage of the vulnerable
are constantly saying “I enjoy being party. Yes, I know, the other person
with you and interacting with you is an adult who is free and respon-
in a way that suggests marriage (or sible to walk away if he or she is
at least romantic attraction).” so unsatisfied, but like it or not, it
The simple reality (of which tends not to work that way. Hope
most people are aware, whether springs eternal, whether it should
they admit it or not) is that in the or not.
vast majority of these types of Scott Croft
relationships, one of
the parties involved
either began the
“friendship” with
romantic feelings
for the other person
or develops them
along the way. Either
way, that person is
now hanging on to
the “friendship” in
the hope of getting
something more
despite the “clear
words” from the
other person that he
or she wants nothing
beyond friendship.
To the extent that
one person’s roman-


When HE’S stumble. Once you’ve met a man

you’d like to date, then it’s time
NOT ASKING to exercise kindness, put your
best foot forward in friendship,

W hen you do have a strong

friendship connection with
a man, is there anything you can
pray like crazy and maintain good
boundaries. The best way to moti-
vate a male friend to “make things
do to nudge it along short of asking official” is to back off from spend-
him to be your boyfriend? ing so much time with him. If ev-
eryone thinks you’re dating, then
you’re probably acting like you are.
But by giving him so much access
to your time, affection and inti-
mate friendship — without re-
quiring any commitment on his
part — you’re removing all the in-
centives for him to be forthright
about his intentions.
It’s the guy who’s supposed to do
the asking. By giving him less atten-
tion you may actually create the cir-
cumstances that will embolden him
to act honorably toward you. If he
doesn’t, you’ve saved yourself from
any more wasted time with a guy
While women should do what whose behavior reveals he’s not in-
they can to meet marriable men, terested in moving your friendship
where they should not assert is in toward marriage.
initiating and pursuing. Like any Despite all the encouragement a
dance well-executed, one partner guy may receive from his friends,
leads and the other follows. If relatives, pastors, etc. to pursue
you’ve ever tried to dance with you, if he hasn’t, there’s a reason.
a man and you both try to lead, He may be shy. Or he may not be
you know how quickly you both interested. For you to initiate out


a girl’s guide to marrying well

of impatience is likely to send him word, they
running the other way. may be won
It’s frustrating to feel like there’s over without
nothing you can do. But you can pray words by the
and you can go about the life God behavior of
has given you; living to the full. The their wives,
young man may observe you being when they
content and find your confidence see the purity
attractive (assuming it’s genuine). and reverence
That’s always a possibility. What’s of your lives.
nearly certain is that if you’re the Your beauty
first one out of the gate toward a should not come from outward
romantic relationship, you’ll either adornment, such as braided hair
scare him off or attract him in a way and the wearing of gold jewelry and
that only encourages his passivity. fine clothes. Instead, it should be
Candice Watters that of your inner self, the unfading
beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit,
THE which is of great worth in God’s
sight. For this is the way the holy
INFLUENCE women of the past who put their
hope in God used to make them-

G od has given women a posi-

tion of influence, encourage-
ment, and counsel. This happens
selves beautiful.”
The Lord has given women the
opportunity to be holy influenc-
in varying degrees in all of our re- ers. Unfortunately, many of us
lationships. Entire books have been try to influence change through
written on this subject, but I will the barrage of our words (read:
defer to the concise description of nagging, whining, manipulating)
a godly woman’s example and in- rather than through the purity and
fluence found in 1 Peter 3:1-5 (em- reverence in our attitudes that is
phasis mine): built upon a gentle trust in God’s
“Wives, in the same way be sub- ability to change people.
missive to your husbands so that, Carolyn McCulley
if any of them do not believe the

a girl’s guide to marrying well

T oday, there are no socially pre-
scribed forms of conduct that
help guide young men and women
desire. Many, perhaps even most,
men in earlier times avidly sought
sexual pleasure prior to and outside
in the direction of matrimony. of marriage. But they usually dis-
People still get married — though tinguished, as did the culture gen-
later, less frequently, more hesi- erally, between women one fooled
tantly, and, by and large, less around with and women one
successfully. For the married, between a
great majority, the woman of easy vir-
way to the altar is tue and a wom-
uncharted ter- an of virtue
ritory: It’s ev- simply. Only
ery couple on respectable
its own bot- women were
tom, without re s p e c t e d ;
a compass, one no more
often without a wanted a loose
goal. Those who woman for one’s
reach the altar seem partner than for
to have stumbled upon it one’s mother.
by accident. The supreme virtue of the vir-
The change most immediately tuous woman was modesty, a form
devastating for wooing is prob- of sexual self-control, manifested
ably the sexual revolution. For why not only in chastity but in deco-
would a man court a woman for rous dress and manner, speech and
marriage when she may be sexu- deed, and in reticence in the display
ally enjoyed, and regularly, without of her well- banked affections. A
it? Contrary to what the youth of virtue, as it were, made for court-
the sixties believed, they were not ship, it served simultaneously as a
the first to feel the power of sexual source of attraction and a spur to


a girl’s guide to marrying well

ing a man’s lust into love. Women
FOR WHY WOULD A also lost the capacity to discover
MAN COURT A their own genuine longings and
WOMAN FOR best interests. For only by holding
MARRIAGE WHEN herself in reserve does a woman
SHE MAY BE SEXUALLY gain the distance and self-com-
ENJOYED, AND mand needed to discern what and
REGULARLY, whom she truly wants and to insist
WITHOUT IT? that the ardent suitor measure up.
While there has always been sex
without love, easy and early sexual
satisfaction makes love and real in-
manly ardor, a guard against a timacy less, not more, likely — for
woman’s own desires, as well as a both men and women.
defense against unworthy suitors. Leon Kass
A fine woman understood that giv-
ing her body (in earlier times, even
her kiss) meant giving her heart,
which was too precious to be be-
stowed on anyone who would not
prove himself worthy, at the very
least by pledging himself in mar-
riage to be her defender and lover
T here are two categories of
readers — those who have had
sex and those who haven’t. Among
forever. those who have had sex, some
Once female modesty became a are repentant and others aren’t.
first casualty of the sexual revolu- Among those who haven’t had sex
tion, even women eager for mar- are those who have been tested
riage lost their greatest power to with opportunities for it and those
hold and to discipline their pro- who haven’t. Whatever your sexual
spective mates. For it is a woman’s history, the goal remains: Live from
refusal of sexual importunings, today forward like you’re planning
coupled with hints or promises of to marry — like you’re planning to
later gratification, that is generally one day fully enjoy the blessings of
a necessary condition of transform- sex within a continued on page 20

good marriage. For those who have gone back to being chaste; what’s
had sex already, true repentance often called “secondary virginity.”
— admitting your sin and turning Men need the motivation that
away — allows you to experience the promise of sex provides, and
God’s gracious forgiveness and res- women need the security of mar-
toration. riage to fully embrace sex. “Not
Premarital sexual activity is in- having sex before marriage is a way
compatible with Christian disciple- of insisting that the most interest-
ship. Perseverance in purity is cen- ing part of your life will take place
tral to it. It’s also central to your after marriage,” writes Wendy Sha-
path to marriage. As Sarah Hinlicky lit in A Return to Modesty, “and if
wrote in “Subversive Virginity,” “A it’s more interesting, maybe then
virgin woman is an unattainable it will last. And ... if it lasts, maybe
object of desire, and it is precisely then you can finally be safe.”
her unattainability that incresase Men don’t see marriage, or antici-
her desirability.” This applies both pate it, the way women do. When
to those who’ve never had sex as the benefits of marriage are doled
well as those who’ve repented and out prematurely, from the man’s
perspective, all that
remains are the re-
sponsibilities. You’re
thinking, Marriage
will be all this, plus
FREE — plus we can set up
a home, plus we can
M IL K have babies together,
plus we can grow
old together, and
more. He’s think-
ing, Marriage will
be all this, minus —
minus my freedoms,
minus my financial
independence, minus


a girl’s guide to marrying well

my old friends, etc. And so you have
the tired old cliche about the cow
and the free milk.
The full context of our sexual
drive and its purposes is much
more significant than we can com-
prehend in a moment of tempta-
T he prevalence of pre-marital
and extra-marital sex in this
country is creating a spiritual
tion in a dimly lit room. blindness that is already negatively
affecting women. Seeing women
MEN NEED THE primarily as potential sex partners
MOTIVATION THAT changes the way men view wom-
THE PROMISE OF SEX en; it affects what we value about
them; it distorts the way we relate
PROVIDES, AND WOMEN to them. Instead of treating them
NEED THE SECURITY OF as if we were their brothers or fa-
MARRIAGE TO FULLY thers, we become sexual predators
EMBRACE SEX. — mentally, if not in practice.
Here’s what, as believers, godly
men are supposed to be. Listen to
this glorious picture from Isaiah
Living a life of purity is a tremen- 32:1-4:
dous challenge in the midst of our
hypersexualized culture. But it’s “Each man will be
nowhere as challenging as trying like a shelter from the wind
to manage all the seen and unseen and a refuge from the storm,
consequences that come when we like streams of water
reject God’s design. Worse still is in the desert and the
trying to grow a good marriage in a shadow of a great rock
garden filled with the weeds you’ve in a thirsty land.”
planted. It’s well worth the effort to
stay pure, or if you’ve already fall- A holy man is a spiritual force, a
en, to repent, receive forgiveness, “God oasis” in a world that needs
and be pure again1. spiritually strong people. When
Candice Watters the winds of continued on page 22

turmoil hit, such men are shelters. treat, any woman to whom you are
When the storms of life unleash not married, in a sexual manner,
their fury, such saints provide a ref- corrupts you. It has a disintegrat-
uge. When people are thirsty to be ing influence in your life; it blinds
valued for who you to who that woman really is,
they are and and it will negatively affect your
for what God ability to relate to her in a holy and
made them to healthy manner.
be, holy men But the more I give way to lust,
are like streams the less I will see of God; the dis-
of water in the integrating power of evil will draw
desert. By their me away from the noble and cor-
words, actions, rupt my perception. I will become,
and eyes, they ironically, “blinded by sight.”
affirm what Gary Thomas
God values

most in a wom-
an’s worth.
When the heat
of temptation BROTHER’S
is tearing this
world apart,
godly men be-
come like the
shadow of a
W hy in the world, a woman
may ask, should I have to
guard how I dress just because
great rock. some man can’t keep his mind
Evil has a out of the gutter? To be sure, it’s
disintegrating a Christian man’s responsibility to
power in our lives. It corrupts us. fight lust and “keep his mind out
It affects the way we see, hear, feel, of the gutter.” But I wonder if that
and think. According to 2 Peter 1:4, question isn’t the mirror logic of a
when we give ourselves over to evil, man who would ask: Why do I need
we begin to spiritually disintegrate. to guard what I say simply because
To look at, or think about, or she reads more commitment into


a girl’s guide to marrying well

my words than I mean? Cher, tries to get a boy’s attention
The fact is that a woman is attract- by sending herself chocolates and
ed relationally. It makes no sense for flowers and then she makes an
a man to say she shouldn’t be that observation: “Sometimes you have
way. She is. God designed her that to show a little skin. That reminds
way. And the fact is that men are guys of being naked and then they
attracted (in part, at least) visually. think of sex.”
God designed them that way.
Of course, what God intended JUST AS A WOMAN CAN
to be a pathway to bond us to our BE TEMPTED THROUGH
spouses, can also be an area of vul- HER HEART, A MAN CAN
nerability to sin. Just as a woman BE TEMPTED THROUGH
can be tempted through her heart,
a man can be tempted through
his eyes. I remember how in the
movie Clueless, the main character,
Of course, I disagree with her
statement, but she’s absolutely
right about the result. And, so,
if I’m going to help to keep my
Christian brothers from
stumbling, I need to be
careful how much skin
and how much, ahem,
form I am revealing.
In other ways, my
brother will be my
keeper. But in this way, I
can be his. I can help him
by making sure I’m one
less skirmish in the battle
against lust.
Heather Koerner


BALANCING to their modesty, and the latter need

encouragement to be good stewards.
BEAUTY The goal should be appropriate
attention to your looks as opposed to

K nowing that men have to fight

their sin nature (Job 31:1) is not
justification for women to neglect
our culture’s current obsession with
them. That includes daily exercise
for health and well-being, not hours
their outward appearance. Being of compulsive training at the gym.
overweight and unattractive does It also means giving your body
little to attract a man’s attention good fuel, so it has the best shot at
and ultimately, his running well for a long time. If you
affection. It’s true fill it with junk, it won’t.
there are men for Consume the food and
whom externals drink your body was
mean nothing. designed for (whole
But most men do grains, fresh fruits
want to marry a and vegetables, lean
woman they find protein, plenty of
attractive. And it’s not just that water) and steer
they want someone pleasant clear of those
to look at. How you care for things that leave it sluggish
your externals sends powerful and diseased (refined sugars,
messages to men about your hydrogenated oils, white flour —
stewardship of what God’s given you. basically pre-packaged junk food).
The principles of stewardship and The human body is like a high-
modesty are universal and apply performance vehicle; you’re a Ferrari,
equally to women who emphasize not a Yugo. You need to treat yourself
their looks too much, as well as those accordingly.
who emphasize them too little. Many When you do, you not only model
Christian women struggle with the stewardship, you also show that what
problem of overemphasis on beauty. matters to men matters to you. And
But others fall into the category of often, that communicates a respect
“mismanagement” or neglect. The that’s the most attractive thing of all.
former needs to pay more attention A quick rule of thumb is that what’s


a girl’s guide to marrying well

THe HUMAN BODY lied about being married to them
IS LIKE A HIGH- in order to protect their lives. But
PERFORMANCE Scripture is equally clear that when we
make the creature — rather than the
VEHICLE; YOU’RE A Creator — our focus, we’re guilty of
FERRARI, NOT A YUGO. idolatry. And the consequences that
follow are ugly. (See Ezekiel 16 and
Isaiah 3:16-26.)
modest is that which conceals, and We must not indulge our desire to
what’s feminine is that which adds to stir up a fleshly reaction in men. It’s
a woman’s beauty. This includes not tempting to want to do things that
only her clothes, hair and makeup get us noticed. But it’s sin on our
but also her heart — this is the part to be soliciting notice for the
second and more complex aspect of wrong reasons. And ultimately, any
your femininity. 1 Peter 3:3-5 says, relationship that would come out of
“Your beauty should not come such notice would be corrupted from
from outward adornment, such as the start.
braided hair and the wearing of gold It’s well worth your effort as a
jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, single woman to cultivate beauty
it should be that of your inner self, both inward and out. Not only does
the unfading beauty of a gentle and it honor the One who made you
quiet spirit, which is of great worth lovely, it works to protect you from
in God’s sight. For this is the way the the kind of suitors who have less
holy women of the past who put their than honorable intentions. How you
hope in God used to make themselves dress does affect the type of men who
beautiful.” will want to get to know and date or
This verse is not saying that outward court you. If you are careful with your
beauty is wrong — many of the holy appearance, balancing your efforts
women of old were quite beautiful. to enhance your God-given beauty
Rachel, Abigail, Vashti, Esther and the with your attentions to your heart
Shulamite come to mind. In fact two and soul, you will be more attractive
of them were so beautiful in outward to the men whose intentions are
appearance, Sarah and Rebecca, that honorable.
their husbands, Abraham and Isaac, Candice Watters


SEX IS generation to the next.

Sexual drives urge a man to work
ENERGY when he would rather play. They

THAT HOLDS cause a woman to save when she

would rather spend. In short, the
PEOPLE sexual aspect of our nature — when
released exclusively within the fam-
TOGETHER ily — produces stability and respon-
sibitlity that would not otherwise

T he physical attraction between

men and women causes them
to establish a family and invest
themselves in its development. It iS KEY TO A HEALTHY
encourages them to work and save SOCIETY, THEN ITS
and toil to ensure the survival of
their families. Their sexual energy
provides the impetus for the rais- THOSE BOUNDARIES
ing of healthy children and for IS POTENTIALLY
the transfer of values from one CATASTROPIC.

occur. When a nation is composed

of millions of devoted, responsible
family units, the entire society is
stable, responsible and resilient.
If sexual energy within the family
is the key to a healthy society, then
its release outside those boundar-
ies is potentially catastrophic. The
very force that binds a people to-
gether then becomes the agent for
its own destruction.
Dr. James Dobson


a girl’s guide to marrying well


SEX IS NOT forget about myself, and give my-

self for the blessing and delight of
ABOUT my spouse. And at that moment, we
are very close to the heart of Christ,
WAITING “who loved the church and gave him-
self up for her” (Ephesians 5:25).

T he Bible teaches that we should

reserve sexual intimacy for
marriage for no other reason than
But there’s more. This union of
sexual intimacy, complete in it-
self, is also a sign and symbol of
that, if we are Christians, an even more profound union of
we belong to God. Sex lives in the covenant
outside of marriage marriage, when
is not only a sin a man leaves
against ourselves his father and
and our partner, mother, and is
but a fraudulent united to his
misrepresentation wife, and the
of God and a cruel two become one
distortion of the intimacy He flesh. Being “one
created to be a picture of the eternal flesh” with someone can refer in a
intimacy of the Trinity itself. secondary way to sex, but primarily
Sexual intimacy is all about union. it’s just a Hebrew way of saying one
Physically, of course, that’s obvious. family, flesh and blood. The union
But there’s so much more. In sexual of marriage is not an alliance of
intimacy, we also know a union that families, with each partner repre-
is emotional, as our hearts are knit senting a previous set of priorities
together even as our bodies are. We and loyalties. No, and this was and
know a union that is intellectual, as remains quite radical, marriage is a
we come to understand and know union that dissolves the old bonds,
one another in intimate detail. We the old loyalties, the old priorities,
know a union that is even spiritual, and creates one new family, with all
for as every married couple figures that entails — one new set of pri-
out, the best sex isn’t when I make orities, one new set of fundamental
sure I get what I want, but when I loyalties. continued on page 28

Without the union of marriage, either. And by suggesting that true
the union of bodies is a parody pleasure and intimacy can be had
and mockery of itself. Bereft of its without loving, covenantal com-
proper point and context, sexual in- mitment, it perpetrates a massive
timacy outside of marriage does not assault against the very character
bring us into the lover’s embrace, and glory of God, whose eternal,
but merely exposes us to the strang- intimate, loving relationship with-
er’s stare, and reduces us to the in the Trinity is the blueprint and
means of someone else’s pleasure. pattern for every intimate pleasure
The intimacy of sexual union, as that you or I will ever know.
desirable as that is, is also a picture Michael Lawrence
of the marriage union, which in turn
is a picture of our union with Christ.
As profoundly intimate the expe- DON’T LET
rience of sexual union is, at its best,
it is just a hint, a small taste of the
joy and satisfaction and perfect inti-
macy we will know with Jesus, when
we are united to Him as His Bride.
I f the physical relationship be-
comes the defining feature of
the relationship, you’re going to
That union won’t be sexual, but see things more positively than
there is no other union God’s given they are. When you’re totally in
us that speaks more truly of the love and the hormones are really
intimate love we’ll know in Christ. rolling, you’re going to miss things
To rip one of these unions out of that you should have been able to
its connection with the others is to pick up on.
destroy not only its goodness and I was making breakfast for my
meaning, but to distort the pattern boys one morning, which I do most
that it was designed to display. mornings when I’m in town. And
Sex outside of marriage, there- my son Kyle likes smoky links. So I
fore, is a fraud and a fake. It pre- was boiling some water and I threw
tends to be true intimacy, but is some smoky links in the pot. And
nothing more than exposure. It here’s this really hot, bubbling pot
uses the language of love and com- of boiling water with a few smoky
mitment, but knows nothing of links in it for Kyle. And as it’s about


a girl’s guide to marrying well

to boil over, I notice it’s all white don’t know and there’s a lot of heat
and foamy. And I’m thinking, if I —it’s bubbling but we don’t see
didn’t know what was in that pan, so clearly what’s in the pot. That
I definitely couldn’t tell when it’s could be a really great meal. That
this hot and bubbling over. If you’re could be like the meal for the rest
cooking and you want to know of our lives in terms of what God
what’s in the pot, and it’s bubbling has for us, or it could be like the
too much or boiling over, you don’t worst possible thing that we could
see what’s in there unless you re- eat. I mean it could be disastrous
move some of the heat. You have to and we’re not going to see clearly
cool it off a bit and pull it back down if we don’t get the heat back down.
or else you don’t see This is a danger to
really clearly what’s TO TURN IT DOWN us because we can
in there. Now, I hap- IN A DATING over interpret our
pened to know what love right now,
was in there because
RELATIONSHIP and its degree of
I put it in there. MEANS YOU HAVE s u s t a i n a b i l i t y,
But when we’re TO REMOVE SOME and what it really
falling in love with OF THE HEAT. means in terms
somebody that we of depth of what’s
possible in life.
The way to regu-
late the tempera-
ture, just like with the stove,
to turn it down in a dating
relationship means you have
to remove some of the heat.
When no one but the two of
you are around, there’s no ac-
countability. There’s total in-
tensity and that’s total heat
all the time.
Scott Stanley


HOW TO That means an immediate and to-

tal end to the use of your bodies for
TURN DOWN sexual recreation. Anything which
sexually arouses — for example,
THE HEAT kissing sessions — is out; arousal
was designed by God not “for af-
q I’m a believer, dating a great fection” but as preparation for
Christian guy, wondering if he’s the intercourse. Purity also means a
one — and we’re struggling with total end to anything that tempts
“physical issues” — what should I do? you to the impure behavior, such as
being alone with each other (even
A What I think for prayer). Be to-
you’re asking me is gether, certainly. But
“Considering how be together in public
strong and mislead- places, and with fam-
ing my sexual feelings ily, and with friends.
toward this young By the way: He
man have been, how doesn’t have to agree
can I tell whether the to this. You don’t need
idea that he is the his consent to repent
husband for me is and abandon sexual
coming from God or sin. If at some point he
my hormones?” The says “This isn’t for me
answer is that you — see you some time,”
can’t tell — yet. But you have your answer
you can after time. to the question of
Here’s how. whether he is the right
husband for you. That means he’s not.

F irst the distraction of all

those sexual feelings has to be
cleared away. There is no “gradu-
After you’ve gone “cold turkey”
on sexual behavior, and kept it
up without lapse for at least six
ally” about repentance and aban- months, I think you’ll find it much
donment of sexual sin. You have to easier to determine God’s will with-
stop what you shouldn’t be doing. out the distraction of excessive


a girl’s guide to marrying well

sexual feelings. I don’t mean that my relationship with God or my fu-
you won’t be attracted to the guy ture marriage. But they do.
any more! You don’t yet know how Paul writes: “But among you
you’ll think and feel toward him there must not be even a hint of
then; that’s one of the things you’ll sexual immorality, or of any kind of
find out. But whatever attraction impurity, or of greed, because these
you feel toward him will no longer are improper for God’s holy people”
be artificially and misleadingly am- (Ephesians 5:3). Not even a hint.
plified by all of that sexual behavior. The kicker comes a few verses later:
J. Budziszewski
For of this you can be sure: No

LEAVING THE immoral, impure or greedy person —

such a man is an idolater — has any
EDGE inheritance in the kingdom of Christ
and of God. Let no one deceive you

I have never been offered sex.

But that doesn’t mean I haven’t
struggled to maintain my purity.
with empty words, for because of
such things God’s wrath comes on
those who are disobedient. (5:5-6)
The attacks have come in various
forms. The trashy women’s maga- Our culture is full of “empty
zines I read when I was babysitting words” that tell us that sexual grati-
as a teenager. The TV shows and fication is most important. But Paul
movies I’ve chosen to watch. The warns that choosing anything —
impure thoughts I’ve indulged. The whether sexual impurity or greed —
temptations I’ve given into. I’m be- over God is idolatry. So our choices
ing brutally honest here, because I regarding “how far is too far” aren’t
know I’m not the only one. In and about the behaviors themselves but
of themselves, these failures don’t about our esteem of God and His
seem like a big deal. In fact, if I’m commands. These choices are so seri-
comparing myself to others, my ous that we can potentially separate
overall purity would probably rate ourselves from our spiritual inheri-
above average. And because of that, tance — not only the prize awaiting
it can feel like these little conces- us in heaven but the power in Christ
sions don’t negatively affect my life, we can have continued on page 32

heart issue. Luke 6:45 says: “The
good man brings good things out of
the good stored up in his heart, and
the evil man brings evil things out
of the evil stored up in his heart.”
Going back to the Ephesians pas-
sage, Paul makes it clear that the
root issue is idolatry — putting
something before God. So if we
truly want to put Him first in our
lives — including the area of physi-
cal purity — the question becomes,
“What is God’s plan for sex?”
In “Sex and the Single Guy,” Scott
Croft says:

I think it’s important for us to ask,

“What is sex? And is sex just inter-
now. One friend described it this way: course?” Well I would argue no. I
“Getting too physical just dulls you would argue that part of our problem
spiritually. Pretty soon stuff that felt is we have tried to create boundar-
wrong doesn’t feel wrong anymore.” ies and draw lines within a whole
If you are in a relationship — category of activity that we call an
even a godly one — a whole uni- experience as sexual intimacy. And
verse of purity choices presents we think we can draw the line here or
itself. Is kissing OK? What about here or here and all Christians proba-
making out? What touch is appro- bly agree we have to at least draw the
priate and what touch is sinful? On line at sexual intercourse. And then
the ladder of physical expressions we get into trouble when we do that,
that ends with sexual intercourse, right? When we draw our line we say
at what level does one begin sin- OK we will go this far physically but
ning? The flaw in these questions is no further. And then what do we do?
that the emphasis is on the wrong Well we come right up to the line be-
thing: the behaviors. Purity is a cause that’s what lines invite us to do.


a girl’s guide to marrying well

In the same interview, Michael rificially to another person within
Lawrence says: a covenant relationship, not taking
whatever you can get away with.
[We must] move the boundary outside That is why purity is such a serious
of sexual activity. That’s where the issue. The edge of what is “OK” is
real boundary should be. Biblically, dangerous, not because you might
the boundary is between sexual ac- accidently cross the line and commit
tivity and not sexual activity, not be- the big sin, but because letting in even
tween the kinds of sexual activity we a hint of immorality causes the heart to
are going to engage in. become calloused toward God. Thank
God for His grace. No matter how far
Putting our sexuality under we’ve fallen, we are invited to confess
Christ’s lordship is a lifelong disci- our sins and He is faithful to forgive
pline, whether single or married. them (1 John 1:9). Beyond confession
I know that I have struggled with there must also be repentance — a
purity issues just as much outside true change of heart. I have had to
of relationships as in them; the im- confess impurity and ask God to help
purity just manifests itself in differ- me stick to a higher standard. Not so I
ent ways. As my friend says: “Being can appear righteous but so that I can
in a relationship just brings to the experience closeness with my Father
surface sin and impurity that was and His full working in my life.
already lurking beneath the surface.” Walking in absolute purity may re-
Loose sexual boundaries in a quire some hard decisions about how
dating or even engagement re- you will conduct relationships, what
lationship will carry over into to TV shows you’ll watch and how you’ll
marriage. Adultery, pornography, use your computer. These decisions
abuse and all types of sexual dys- may appear extreme or odd to those
function plague Christian marriag- watching. But remember the founda-
es and families. And these are sim- tion you are building. Matthew 5:8
ply behaviors that overflow from a says: “Blessed are the pure in heart,
heart where sexuality has not been for they will see God.” That glorious
brought under Christ’s control. A view makes leaving the edge worth it.
heart where gratification trumps Suzanne Hadley
God’s way. Sex is about giving sac-


tHinking it differently. The hope of marriage

is an antidote to promiscuity. If you
aBout believe in Christian marriage and
are purposefully working toward
marriage it, it’s a lot easier to set physical
boundaries and character expecta-

I s it possible to think about mar-

riage too much? I suppose it is.
And it’s not healthy — or productive
tions in dating. Not only do those
boundaries help you obey God’s
command to save sex for marriage,
— to obsess about it. On a practi- they increase the likelihood that the
cal level, obsessing undermines the men you’re spending time with will
goal. I’ve never met a guy who was be good candidates for marriage.
drawn to the “desperate to get mar- Candice Watters
ried” type. But you can also think
about marriage too little. And that
has dire consequences of its own.
If you lack a vision for marriage,
you’re setting yourself up for lax
sexual standards, relationships
without momentum, and heart-
ache. If you don’t have a deliberate
goal in mind — either single service
or Christian marriage between two
chaste believers — it’s pretty easy
to fall prey to sexual temptation.
And many are falling. According
to pollster George Barna, “among
21-year-olds, fewer than 1 out of 5
are married, and more than 4 out
of 5 have had sexual intercourse —
most of them with more than one
partner” (Single Focus, 43).
The answer isn’t to stop thinking
about marriage, but to think about


a girl’s guide to marrying well


a girl’s guide to marrying well


a girl’s guide to marrying well



T here’s nothing in Scripture
that imagines a Christian
that is not pursuing community
And so it’s the way that we love
others that others see Christ in
us. And it’s our love for others
with other Christians in the local that gives us an assurance. 1 John
church. It’s not like an option like, talks about our assurance of be-
“Well, you know, some of you may longing to God and knowing that
like to do the church thing, but He’s truly changed us. Because we
others of you might have a differ- love people that, frankly, we would
not have loved apart from being
And so that’s
where in the local
church — with all
its bumps and its
warts, and annoy-
ing people, and
people that you
wouldn’t want to
have a relation-
ship with — you
suddenly start to
see the beauty of
God’s plan. That it’s in
that context with fellow sin-
ent plan.” No. It always describes ners who are saved by grace that
our new life in Christ, drawing us you work out your salvation with
together with other Christians. fear and trembling, and you care
And it’s in our relationships with for people, and you love people and
others where the reality of what you receive from them and give to
Christ has done in us, the new life them. And God glorifies Himself
that He’s given to us, is worked out through that.
and is proven in many ways. Joshua Harris


a girl’s guide to marrying well


What’s At some point, boyfriend, Harvey

and granddad were in the kitchen
Your Plan together and granddad turned to

for My
boyfriend and asked,
“So, what’s your plan for my
Grand- granddaughter?”
Boyfriend hemmed and hawed
daughter? a little bit. “Oh, you know, I don’t
really have a plan right now,” boy-

I n the course of promoting his

relationships book, comedian
Steve Harvey told a story that re-
friend replied. “No, no, no,” grand-
dad replied, “what is your plan for
my granddaughter?”
ally grabbed my attention. He tells At this point, Harvey related how
how he and his daughter and her he was getting really interested and
grandfather were all gathered at had everybody sit at the kitchen
a family function, along with “the table. Because, Harvey said, grand-
new guy” — his daughter’s current dad and I know one thing because
boyfriend. As Harvey put it, the we’re men too: There is a plan. He
new guy had been around the house may not want us to know it. He may
about five times by then so Harvey not want her to know it. But there
figured he had “made the cut.” is a plan. continued on page 40

MY DAD COULD BE only a dad can ask. And a certain
AN ASSET IN HELPING way that only dads and older men
can ask them. “What are your in-
ME TO SELECT DATES, tentions for my daughter?” is just
HOLD SUITORS different than “Don’t you think we
ACCOUNTABLE AND should define our relationship?”
PROVIDE ME WITH I think there’s room for both of
GUIDANCE. those questions. And it would be so
nice for women to know from the
beginning who was just planning
on “kickin’ it” so we could do a little
Eventually, Harvey said, boy- kicking to the curb ourselves.
friend admitted that he didn’t have Heather Koerner
any long-term intentions for the

daughter. “We’re just kickin’ it,”
boyfriend told the two men.
“Great,” Harvey said, “now let’s in-
vite my daughter in here as well be- PROBING
cause I think she would like to know
that she’s just bein’ kicked with.”
“They broke up the next day,”
Harvey said.
My dad was not an integral part
I t’s not enough to find out what
a man’s intentions are for you.
Pastor Doug Wilson, author of such
of my dating process. Honestly, it books as Her Hand in Marriage and
didn’t even occur to me that my Reforming Marriage, provides a list of
dad could be an asset in helping 21 questions for fathers to ask young
me to select dates (and, possibly, men expressing interest in courting
refuse some), hold suitors account- their daughters. (Even if your dad’s
able and provide me with guidance. not on the scene, this list of quesitons
Looking back, I realize that both is a great guide for someone with your
parents and mentors would have best interest at heart to ask.)
made valuable contributions to
me as a young woman. And, truth Among them:
be told, there are certain questions 1 Tell me about your spiritual


a girl’s guide to marrying well

background. What was your church and economic maturity — all of
upbringing like? At what point did which are necessary for leading a
your spiritual experience become family.
real to you? Have you ever had a If a young man can’t stand up
period of spiritual rebellion? under such questioning from the
2 When was the last time you father of a young woman he’s pur-
read through the entire Bible? The suing for marriage, he’s no man at
New Testament? all. He’s still a boy. And the daugh-
3 Do you attend worship every ter should be grateful if this line
Lord’s Day? of questioning scares him off. I’ll
concede, however, that the father
And more: should approach the suitor with re-
spect and humility, carefully choos-
10 What do you believe God has
called you to do vocationally? Ten
years from now, what do you be-
lieve you will be doing?
11 What steps have you taken to
reach that goal?
12 What was your GPA in college?
How come?
13 How much money did you
make last year? Do you pay your
bills on time? How much debt have
you accumulated? Please describe
the nature of your debts (student ing which questions to ask.
loans, car, house or credit cards). But even if he doesn’t, the suitor
Many of them read like ques- should be a man and answer the
tions you would get in a job inter- questions anyway. Because a father
view and, as such, the way they are who’s willing to do that probably
handled may be as important as raised one great, godly woman.
the answers the guy gives. Still, the One worth risking a few tough,
answers matter. They reveal some- awkward questions.
thing of a man’s spiritual, personal Motte Brown


YOU NEEd A If getting one or both of your

parents involved in is not an option
NETWORK — whether for reasons of death,
divorce, geographic distance, dif-

P arents used to be very active in

their daughters’ preparation
for marriage, their opportunities
ferent faith convictions, or simply
lack of interest — you’re not with-
out hope. Paul provides a remedy in
for worthy suitors, their protection Titus 2. Speaking about the range
from rascals. The parents’ blessing of ages in any church body, he en-
was essential to launching a new couraged the older believers to
relationship; their ongoing sup- counsel the younger ones:
port a vital part of their daughter’s “Likewise, teach the older wom-
new marriage. That’s rarely the en to be reverent in the way they
case anymore. Single women have live, not to be slanderers or ad-
been abandoned, left to fend for dicted to much wine, but to teach
themselves when it comes to get- what is good. Then they can train
ting married. For better or worse, the younger women to love their
they’re all they have. No longer do husbands and children, to be self-
young men dating young wom-
en recognize any authority or
protection in the equation.
It’s just the guy and his date.
No questions asked. Par-
ents have watched their
role diminish to little
more than paying for
the wedding when it
does finally happen.
While some parents are
showing renewed inter-
est in their daughters’
struggles to marry well,
most women still face the
challenge of going it alone.


a girl’s guide to marrying well

YOU NEVER KNOW having a mom who’s dispassionate
(not a bad thing when you’re talk-
WHEre A MENTOR’S ing about your eating habits, cloth-
INSIGHTS IN THE FORM ing choices and hairstyle).
ADVICE, OPEN DOORS, And it’s not just what mentors
AND INTRODUCTIONS know, but whom. If you only spend
MAY LEAD. time with people in the same sea-
son of life you’re in, the competi-
tion for available men will likely be
controlled and pure, to be busy at fierce. But if your friends span the
home, to be kind, and to be sub- generations, it’s probable they will
ject to their husbands, so that no know or be related to eligible men.
one will malign the word of God” And if these friends are believers
(Titus 2:3-5). in marriage — and they know you
Getting wisdom from someone have marriage as a goal — they can
who’s further down the road is in- be helpful allies. You never know
valuable. Even if their journey’s where a mentor’s insights in the
been a bumpy one — maybe more form of advice, open doors, and in-
so — they’re better able to provide troductions may lead.2
scouting than your peers. Candice Watters
It’s far trendier, and less awk-
ward, to seek the advice and help
of your friends. But when it comes FINDING
to finding a husband, older women
and couples have a lot more help to
offer. Not only do they have wis-
dom, and possibly even names of
eligible bachelors, they also have a
D o the people in your life know
you desire marriage? Do they
know the qualities you’re seeking in
wealth of life experience to share a husband? They might be willing ac-
about everything from education complices in the search — and even
and career choices, church involve- helpful ones at that. Start to pray for
ment, cultural discernment, and and seek out mentors. Look for old-
political activity to candid advice er couples you can spend time with.
about helath and beauty. It’s like Ask them to continued on page 44

pray with and for you about your de- yours. Some women still bear the
sire for marriage. And if they worry scars of the feminist revolution.
that they don’t know any eligible Some are still bitter over their own
bachelors right now, remind them failed marriages. One good test
that it doesn’t is how a woman
mean they won’t ONE OF THE KEYS reacts to Genesis
meet one in the TO A SUCCESFUL 2 and Ephesians
future. MENTORING 5. Because you’re
This kind of RELATIONSHIP IS seeking help for
“help” carries
certain risks,
FINDING A PERSON, marriage, what a
potential mentor
and you wouldn’t OR PEOPLE, WHO believes about
want to be HAVE STRENGTHS IN marriage — and
introduced to THE AREA YOU ARE how she lives it
just any avail- TRYING TO IMPROVE out in her own
able male. That’s life — matters.
why it’s impor- Once you’ve
tant to pray identified
about whom someone you
you approach look up to
for mentor- who would
ing. One of be a good fit
the keys to for this role,
a successful it’s important
mentoring to ask her if
relationship she’s willing
is finding a to mentor
person, or you. Make it
people, who have strengths in the official, says mentoring expert Bobb
area you are trying to improve. Biehl, author of Mentoring. Doing
In the case of mentoring toward so creates opportunities for serious
marriage, that means approach- discussion and deep questions that
ing a woman whose own godly life might feel inappropriate in casual
gives her credibility to speak into conversations. “In seeking a men-


a girl’s guide to marrying well

tor,” he says, “don’t hesitate — ini- talk about what God is showing you
tiate.”3 in Scripture, tell her what’s current-
Candice Watters ly weighing on your heart, and let
her encourage you, pray with you,
and when necessary, challenge you.
YOU HAVE When you do start dating, make

A MENTOR, the effort to spend time as a couple

with your mentor(s). Hopefully the
NOW WHAT? man you are dating will have a men-
tor, or be open to having one, too.

O nce you have a mentor, what

should you do with her? I
think regular and casual is the way
Getting input from a seasoned mar-
ried couple will help keep your dat-
ing relationship on the right track. If
to go. Mentoring is different from the man isn’t a good fit, figuring that
discipleship, which is highly struc- out early will spare you a lot of heart-
tured and driven by the teacher. ache and wasted time. If what you’re
Think of this as a friendship with after is a strong, healthy marriage
someone you look up to and respect. relationship, strong healthy relation-
The less structured the relationship, ships within your Christian commu-
the less intimidated both of you will nity are the best way to get there.4
be about spending time together Candice Watters
the more likely you’ll be to allow
issues to come up naturally. That
doesn’t mean you shouldn’t
have a regular time set to
meet each week or bi-
weekly or monthly (or
whatever works for your
schedules), but when you
do meet, you’re not work-
ing through a formal cur-
riculum. Meet for cof-
fee, take walks, discuss
books you’re reading,

Christian Compatibility
a girl’s guide to marrying well
Christian Compatibility

tHe danger oF Finding

tHe one
O ur culture has embraced a
rather absurd notion that
there is just one person who can
countless movies, novels, and top-
40 songs. One Rutgers University
study found that 94 percent of
“complete us.” This is a disastrous people in their 20s say the first
mindset with which to approach a requirement in a spouse is some-
lifelong marital decision. The no- one who qualifies as a soul mate.
tion of a soul mate has inspired Just as surprising, 87 percent think
they’ll actually find that person
“when they are ready.” A culture
suspicious of God nevertheless has
brazenly embraced some sort of
forceful and intelligent destiny that
brings two lovelorn souls together!
The real danger in this line of
thinking is that many people mis-
take a storm of emotion as the
identifying mark of their soul mate.
When the music fades and the
relationship requires work, one or
both partners suddenly discover
that they were “mistaken”: this per-
son must not be their soul
mate after all! Otherwise,
it wouldn’t be so much work.
Next they panic. Their
soul mate must still be
out there! Such people
can’t get to divorce court
fast enough, lest someone
steal their “one true soul


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
mate” meant only for them. When MARRIAGE IS 98
we get married for trivial reasons,
we tend to seek divorce for trivial
God is soverign but He doesn’t al- SO LEARN TO VALUE
ways make His plans clear to us. We CHARACTER OVER
are encouraged to use wisdom, not APPEARANCE.
destiny, as our guide when choos-
ing a marital partner. There is no
Scripture saying that God creates
“one” person for us to marry. This “Charm is deceptive, and beauty
is because Christians believe that is fleeting; but a woman who fears
God brings the primary meaning the Lord is to be praised” (Proverbs
into our lives. Marriage — though 31:30). The Bible is telling young
wonderful — is still secondary. men to search for a woman of char-
Gary Thomas acter; looks won’t last, but charac-
ter never leaves.

WHO IS The same is true when you’re

searching for a man. Marriage is 98
A GOOD percent living and 2 percent look-
ing — so learn to value character
CHOICE? over appearance.
The reason it is so crucial to adopt

P roverbs says, “A wife of noble

character, who can find?”
(31:10). This passage has been
the Bible’s view of “good and bad
choices” over your destiny of finding
“the one” is that the former attitude
hilariously misunderstood as be- allows you to objectively consider the
ing directed toward women, but person you marry. There is no objec-
the verse you’ve just read makes tive measurement of “destiny.” Pow-
it clear that Proverbs 31 was writ- erful emotions can blind us to all sorts
ten mostly for young, single men, of clues; when we adopt the biblical
telling them, “This is what you attitude of making a “wise” choice, we
want to look for in a wife.” And can use all that God has given us to ar-
the top thing to consider is this: rive at a solid continued on page 50

Christian Compatibility
decision that should be based on a like a ‘fit’ to you? Are there any ar-
number of factors: eas you’re concerned about?” If the
people I most respected had seri-
1 SCRIPTURAL MANDATES ous reservations about a relation-
Is the person a believer who fears ship, I would assume I had lost my
God (Proverbs 31:30) and who objectivity due to infatuation, and
is biblically eligible for marriage put all marriage plans on hold.
(Mark 10:11-12)?
2 WISDOM Rejecting the notion that God
How do they handle their mon- creates one person just for us
ey? (Proverbs 31:16, 18) doesn’t discount the reality that
Is this person a hard worker? God can lead us toward someone,
(Proverbs 13:4; 26:13-15) and help us make a wise choice
Do they live an upright life? when we seek Him in prayer.
(Proverbs 13:6, 20; 25:28)
Does this person wound Marriage is a school of character.
people with their words, or are they an Clement of Alexandria, an early
encourager? (Proverbs 12:18; 18:21) church father (ca. 150-215), cap-
Are they peaceful, or quarrel- tures this thinking marvelously
some? (Proverbs 17:19; 29:8) when he writes, “The prize in the
contest of men is
3 PARENTAL, PASTORAL shown by him
AND WISE ADVICE who has trained
Your parents know you himself by the
better than you may discharge of
realize, and even if the duties
they aren’t believers, of marriage;
they generally want by him, I
the best for you. Also say, who in
talk to your pastor the midst of
and people you respect his solicitude
for their counsel: “Does for his family
this relationship seem shows himself


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
inseparable from the love of God.” The “good” guys are hoping to
Clement asks, who wins the find a girl who’s authentic — the
prize? Not the couple displaying real deal — who’s not hiding behind
the most emotion, with the biggest what she thinks people want to see.
smiles on their faces, or who can’t If she talks a good Christian line,
keep their hands off each other; but but seems concerned more with
rather, those who, through the du- how people perceive her rather than
ties and sacrifice of marriage, have being comfortable with who she is,
trained themselves to love with that’s a turn-off. Guys see that as
God’s love. an attempt to compensate for what
Gary Thomas she lacks. A woman who is secure
in who she is — honest about her
weaknesses and humble about her

wHat good strengths — is a woman who is

hard to resist. Develop an authen-
guys are tic, adventuresome and risky faith,
one willing to follow God wherever
looking For He leads. Don’t mistake feminin-
ity for passive, continued on page 52

S ingle Christian guys the

world over, when they
hear a Christian girl wonder
where all the good guys are,
scream a collective “right
here!” Although it might seem
that these guys are nowhere
to be found, they want you to
know they are all around you,
and they are looking for you.
They would tell you that not
every guy is a jerk, not every
guy is passive, and not every
guy is simply interested in
skin-deep beauty.

Christian Compatibility
inactive faith. Are you willing to get working on it, and they are often
in the trenches and get a little dirt as disappointed in their progress
on your face for Christ? Nothing is as you are. Just remember, even
more beautiful. Marriage and par- though there’s a lot more of what
enthood require a warrior’s tenac- he doesn’t know than what he does
ity. When a girl is willing to love the know, he’s learning, so don’t give
unlovely and give without thought up on him yet. Your support means
of receiving anything in return, everything to him. Ask how you
guys take notice. can pray for him;
This is going to A WOMAN WHO speak words of en-
sound like the guys
IS SECURE IN WHO couragement; if you
are making ex- notice his efforts
cuses, but hear us SHE IS — HONEST toward maturity
out. Everything — ABOUT HER and manhood, let
I mean everything WEAKNESSES AND him know. It’ll do
— in this world HUMBLE ABOUT wonders for him.
is trying to keep HER STRENGTHS — The good guy can
us from maturing IS A WOMAN WHO be like the great res-
into manhood. The
culture is holding
IS HARD TO RESIST. taurant that only
locals know about.
nothing back in an The tourists miss
attempt to keep us it because they fall
passive boys, and many of us are for the “traps” of the neon sign and
fighting it tooth-and-nail with ev- convenient location of the fran-
ery weapon we can get our hands chise, not realizing that the best is
on. We’re frustrated about the fact tucked away just a few blocks over.
that at times our fears — of rela- The good guy is more a discovery,
tionships, of the future, of, yes, finding him can take more effort
women — paralyze us. because you have to work your way
Most young men have had little past all the flash of the franchise
in the way of authentic Christian guy. He could be working in the
masculinity modeled for them, cubicle next to you, or sitting just
so they’re blazing new territory. a few rows over in class, or playing
They’re not there yet, but they’re guitar in your church small group.


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
Take the time to get to know
him. The one who might be
easy to overlook could turn
out to be the best kept secret.
Hang in there. The good guys
are out there, hoping that when
they find you they’ve found some-
one who is pursuing an authentic,
adventuresome faith, who sup-
ports more than she criticizes, and
whose priorities are rightly bal-
anced. Concentrate on that picture,
and guys — the kind you want —
will find it hard to look away.
John Thomas

SETTLING This approach conceives of find-

W orries about settling reveal

a selfish approach to mar-
riage that misunderstands the
ing a spouse from the standpoint
of what will be most enjoyable for
me based on my tastes and de-
Bible’s idea of love. “Holding out sires. What will I receive from mar-
for true love” means demanding a riage to this or that person? In the
person to whom I am completely world’s version of attraction, I’m a
attracted in the secular sense, consumer, not a servant. I respond
somebody who meets all the quali- to attributes of yours that I like be-
fications on my “list,” and whom I cause of their potential to please
believe is the “best I can do.” In the me. Again, this is not malicious or
minds of many singles, anything evil — it’s just not how we’re pri-
short of finding that perfect match marily called to treat one another.
created in one’s mind falls short It’s not the Bible’s idea of love.
of “true love” and constitutes the In Scripture, love is described
sad and unwise act of “settling.” not as a mere continued on page 54

Christian Compatibility
we’re entitled to an idealized, easy,
NOBODY REALLY hassle-free life, it’s not a bad thing
“SETTLES” IN A BIBLICAL to think about the truth of what
MARRIAGE BECAUSE we deserve, and the blessings God
GOD HAS DESIGNED has given us instead. God’s people
MARRIAGE AS A don’t settle; the “best we could do”
WONDERFUL GIFT apart from Christ is a horrible trag-
edy compared to the lives we have
with him. Nobody really “settles” in
WITH AGE. a biblical marriage because God has
designed marriage as a wonderful
gift that gets better with age. This is
emotion based on personal desire what people worried about settling
(i.e., “attraction”), but as an act of don’t seem to get. They think joy
the will that leads to selfless actions in marriage is all about the origi-
toward others. According to Jesus nal choice one makes about whom
Himself, the second-greatest com- to marry, rather than how they
mandment (after loving God) is to nurture and build their marriage.
“love your neighbor as yourself” Again, this misses the picture of
(Mark 12:31). He also said “greater biblical marriage.
love has no one than this, that he Marriage is incredibly fun; it’s
lay down his life for his friends” also incredibly hard. For most peo-
(John 15:13). Jesus’ love for us did ple it is the greatest act of ministry
not result from our inherent loveli- and service to another person that
ness or our wonderful treatment of they will ever undertake. Husbands
Him. He didn’t go to the cross as a are literally called to “give them-
spontaneous response triggered by selves up for” their wives. Wives
mere emotion. His perfect love of are called to submit to, respect,
us was a choice, an act undertaken and serve their husbands “as to
despite our lack of attractiveness — the Lord.” Though husbands and
and it led to both sacrifice and joy. wives receive countless blessings
In any discussion of earthly cir- from a biblical marriage, the very
cumstances or relationships, when idea of biblical marriage describes
we are tempted to pursue and think an act — many acts — of love, ser-


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
vice, sacrifice, and ministry toward a good match, because, for a Chris-
a sinful human being. According to tian woman, there are some non-
Scripture, marriage is anything but negotiables for choosing a mate.
a selfish endeavor. It is a ministry. Thankfully we have a standard
Sure, it takes hard work. But if that’s completely reliable.
two people are truly faithful as
spouses, growing in God’s word, >> A man must be a believer.
studying one another deeply and >> He must be able and willing
attentively with an eye toward to provide for his family.
uniquely ministering to and serv- >> He must love sacrificially.
ing each other, both will find that >> He must be honest, have a
10 years in they are known and good reputation and strive for
loved and cared for better and more the qualities of a spiritual leader.
deeply than when they were newly (See Acts 6:3, 1 Timothy 3:1-7
married. That doesn’t hinder pas- and Titus 1:6-9)
sion, people. It builds it.
Scott Croft If you’re measuring a man against
that list, considering his aptitude

THE REAL for growing into full maturity in

those areas, then marrying him is
NON- praiseworthy. continued on page 56

H ave you ever known a man
that you’ve thought about
dating, but in the end, ruled him
out because he didn’t measure up?
If you’re holding out for perfection,
or have a long list of must-haves,
it’s possible you’re overlooking
some good men who are already
in your life. What’s needed is an
objective standard for what makes

Christian Compatibility
Even if he is shorter than you. Or
younger. Or bald. Failing to meet EXPECT TO
our worldly expectations — our ro-
mantic shopping list — is no liabil-
ity if he meets biblical ones. That’s
the only list that matters.
And marriage to such a man
could hardly be called settling. In
another day, it went by the much
I was clicking through some posts
on a singles forum and came
across one titled
more pleasant, and desired, de- “Dream wife and
scription: settling down. When Dream husband.”
I admit that I was
FAILING TO MEET surprised at the
OUR WORLDLY maturity of the re-
EXPECTATIONS — OUR sponses. Dream
ROMANTIC SHOPPING spouse charac-
LIST — IS NO LIABILITY teristics in-
cluded hon-
ONE. going, non-
faced with a big decision, my dad empathetic
used to say, “Honey, you have to and so on.
settle the issue. Make the best deci- Of course, there
sion you can, in view of the wisdom were some silly
of Scripture and prayer. Then move ones in there
forward confidently.” Putting the too: “Like Eve
unending list of options to rest is before the fall.”
freeing. Once you make a decision, The thread
you can stop noodling, debating, got me think-
and weighing the alternatives, and ing about
get on with the rest of your life. some teach-
Candice Watters ing I heard a


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
few years ago before I got married,
a talk given by Pastor Dave Harvey FAITH
called “When Sinners Say I Do.”
The gist of the sermon was that if
I enter into marriage knowing that MAN HE’LL
my wife will sin, then I won’t be
disappointed when ... surprise ... BECOME
she does sin. The talk shows how
you can tell whether or not your
doctrine of sin is being applied ef-
fectively in your relationship. The
I f you’ve had numerous godly
male role models in your life —
your father, pastor, boss, family
first “indicator” is: “We are More friend, uncle, small group leader
Aware of Being a Sinner Than Be- — you may already have a mental
ing Sinned-Against.” Fascinating. picture based on the qualities you
What I took away after listening appreciate in these men. You may
to the sermon was an encourage- see some of the husbands and fa-
ment to practice grace and have thers in your church and think to
realistic expectations, expectations yourself that you’d like to marry a
based in what Scripture says about man just like them. Those are great
human nature. I think it may be aspirations to have! But first you
helpful to think of “The One” as may need to talk to their wives.
someone who’s sinful, just as you These women didn’t marry the
are. I think that’s better than to husbands they have today. Typi-
think of them as the idealized “soul cally, they married less seasoned
mate” with whom you’ll be able to men. Thanks to the Holy Spirit’s
enjoy a problem-free, effortless rela- refinements over time, as well as
tionship.While it’s true that singles the feminine counsel, influence,
should do a good deal of work “up- and encouragement of these wives,
front” in selecting a spouse, it’s also their husbands are different some
true that because we’re all sinful, a 20-plus years down the line.
good relationship will continue to Now take a look at the young men
take a good deal of effort and require you know. Can you see them with
a good deal of grace. eyes of faith? Like trees in spring-
Ted Slater time with an continued on page 58

Christian Compatibility
impressionistic haze of buds, the leaders, but elsewhere in Scripture
potential for growth is strongly evi- they are also required of all believ-
dent but it’s not yet fully realized. ers. That’s why this compact list
There is a learning curve to a man’s presents trustworthy standards
leadership as a husband and by which we can evaluate men.
father. The qualities you Are they cultivating these
see in a 50-year-old character traits? Are
man’s life were de- they trying to
veloped over 50 be purpose-
years. There are ful? Are they
25 more years of trying to grow in self-
growth ahead for the 25-year- control? Are they re-
old man before it’s fair to spectable? Are they hos-
compare them. While you are pitable? (I don’t mean that
called to be discerning about they throw 10-course dinner
the characters of the men parties. I mean, do they make
you befriend or court/date, people feel welcome — are they
you also have a part in en- observant of the needs of those
couraging these men to grow. around them?) And so on, right
In fact, that’s part of your until the last point: Have they
learning curve as you pre- been tested? Testing doesn’t
pare for being a wife. mean that these men have
What should you look performed flawlessly on each
for in a potential mate? and every character trait
A trajectory of godliness. listed above, but that they
Intentionality is what have allowed examination
young women should be through accountability and
looking for — the initial have gained the approval
efforts that young men of others around them for
make as they respond their commitment to pursu-
to the requirements of ing spiritual growth.
masculine servant-leadership de- Honestly, though, when we are
scribed in the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:1- attracted to a man, we can be a bit
10 lists the traits required of church dazzled by him and not as objective


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
as we need to be — a normal reac- man than the one I married nearly
tion. Therefore, watching a man’s 10 years ago. He’s more spiritually
commitment to the Bride of Christ mature, more seasoned, even more
is going to help us discern how he handsome.
will interact with an earthly bride. But that’s where I’d add an ad-
We really should want to marry men dendum: I’m different too.
who love one person more than they Don’t forget, as you look at the sin-
love us — Jesus. And if they love Je- gle men we know with “eyes of faith,”
sus, they are going to love His bride. that women have a lot of growing to
Carolyn McCulley do too. Just as God uses marriage to
mature the character

marriage of men, He uses it

to redeem the
matures nature of
women too I’d dare
say I’m less

M arriage — and the influence of

a loving, supportive, respect-
ful wife — has a positive effect on
harsh, more
refined and even
prettier thanks to all
men. And that’s something single the love, support and
women often forget. I’m sure I was encouragement Steve
guilty of what Carolyn McCulley has poured into my life
describes as “hav[ing] a mental pic- since we got married.
ture [of your future husband] based In addition to look-
on the qualities you appreciate in ing at the single men
these [married] men” you look up to. you know for what
Whether it’s your “your father, pas- they can become,
tor, boss, family friend, uncle, small don’t forget that
group leader” or another godly role you’re on the same
model, if he’s married, he has the path. All the more rea-
benefit of a special influence. son to journey togeth-
I know from my own relationship er as man and wife.
with Steve that he’s a much different Candice Watters

Christian Compatibility

PRAY BOLDLY “Rabbi, I want to see.”

Jesus didn’t disappoint. “Imme-
diately he received his sight.” But it

I used to pray for a husband like

Oh, God, please don’t make me be
wasn’t Bartimaeus’s flattery, needi-
ness, or even his volume that made
the difference. Jesus said, “Your
single my whole life. I really want to faith has healed you.”
be married. Oh, I hope it’s not Your Unlike Bartimaeus, I asked, but
will for me to be single. I don’t think I doubted. Till my mentor helped me
could do it! Please bring someone into see my prayers for what they were:
my life soon, very soon. But help me to faithless requests for something I
be patient in the meantime. And God, wasn’t even sure it was OK to want.
if You do want me to be single — but I was embarrassed to admit my
I hope You don’t — please give me the desire for marriage, and here she
grace for it, because I really don’t feel was encouraging me to not only
it. Did I mention how much I hope acknowledge my hopes, but also
that’s not Your will for me? pursue them. Suddenly I felt free to
I wish I had read about Bartimae- really pray. My petitions changed.
us when I was single. It wasn’t until No longer weighed down by doubts
after I was married that his story, that what I wanted was good, I
recorded in Mark 10:46-52, leapt asked with confidence:
off the page. Lord, You created me. And I believe
When Bartimaeus, the blind You created marriage for my good and
beggar, heard that Jesus was ap- Your glory. I don’t know Your time-
proaching, he shouted, “Jesus, Son line, but I’m asking You to fulfill my
of David, have mercy on me!” This desire to be married. Thank You, Lord,
was no tepid request. Even as the for this strong desire You’ve placed
crowd rebuked him, telling him to in my heart. Thank You that You’ve
be quiet, the Bible says, “He shout- already been where I’m headed and
ed all the more, ‘Son of David, have that You know what my future holds.
mercy on me!’” Thank You for marriage and for my
His clamor was rewarded. When future husband. Please be with him
Jesus asked him, “What do you and prepare his heart to do Your will.
want me to do for you?” he replied, It’s one thing to pray for a hus-


a girl’s guide to marrying well

Christian Compatibility
band. But what would it look like to
pray boldly, fervently, ceaselessly?
And how would that kind of prayer
affect the outcome?
Once you’ve embraced the calling
of marriage, recognized the damage
of the fall, remembered God’s faith-
fulness, and accepted His redemp-
tion; when you’re living like you’re
planning to marry, being intention-
al about discipleship, and looking Lord, You created
for ways to support those around me. And I believe You
you in their roles, then you can pray created marriage for
boldly. Pray boldly for yourself and my good and Your
for your friends in Christ to esteem glory. I don’t know Your
marriage, for your community to timeline, but I’m asking
accept its role in reversing this post- You to refine my desire
marriage culture, for godly men to to be married and fulfill
grow in their role, for God to do His it. Thank You, Lord, for
redemptive work in your life to pre- this strong desire You’ve
pare you to be a godly wife as you placed in my heart.
trust His ways, and for belief that Thank You that You’ve
He can help you get married. Some already been where I’m
are called to celibate service, and headed and that You
they’re specially gifted to live that know what my future
out. But the rest of us are called to holds. Thank You for
marriage. Asking God for a mate is marriage and for my
asking Him for something He cre- future husband. Please
ated and called very good. be with him and prepare
For those who are called to mar- his heart to do Your will.
riage, such prayers are nothing
more than asking Him to give us
what He wants you to have.5
Candice Watters


J. Budziszewski returning to her native state of

is the author of more than half a dozen Washington to walk on the beach and
books, including How to Stay Christian see her nephews. Suzanne is the editor
in College, Ask Me Anything, Ask Me of Clubhouse Jr. magazine. In her spare
Anything 2, What We Can’t Not Know: A time, she enjoys performing with her
Guide, and The Line Through the Heart. comedy improv troupe, having coffee
He teaches government and philosophy with friends and blogging.
at the University of Texas, Austin.
MOTTE BROWN Joshua Harris is the senior pastor of
is the Family Formation manager for Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg,
Focus on the Family. Which decrypted Maryland, a church in the Sovereign
means he serves as managing editor for Grace network of churches. He leads
the Boundless website and blog, and as Next, an annual conference focused
executive producer for the Boundless on transferring the gospel to the next
podcast. Before joining Focus, Motte generation. Joshua is the author of
served as a Vice President in a D.C. area several books. His latest is Dug Down
pro-life ministry and in the legislative and Deep, which calls people to build their
projects offices for a United States Senator. lives on sound doctrine. Joshua and
his wife Shannon have three children,
Scott Croft Emma, Joshua Quinn, and Mary Kate.
serves as chairman of the elders at His web site is
Capitol Hill Baptist Church, where
he wrote and teaches the Courtship Leon R. Kass
& Dating and Biblical Manhood and is Addie Clark Harding Professor in the
Womanhood CORE Seminars. Scott lives Committee on Social Thought and The
with his wife, Rachel and son, William in College at the University of Chicago and
the Washington, D.C. area, where he is author of several books, including The
also a practicing attorney. Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis,
The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting
James c. Dobson, Ph.d., of Our Nature and (with his wife, Amy A.
is founder and chairman emeritus Kass) Wing to Wing, Oar to Oar: Readings
of Focus on the Family, a non-profit on Courting and Marrying.
organization that produces his
internationally syndicated radio Heather Koerner
programs, heard on over 3,000 is a stay-at-home mom and freelance
radio facilities in North America writer from Owasso, Okla. Before
and in twenty seven languages in kiddos, Heather worked for Focus on the
approximately 4,130 additional facilities Family as the associate editor of Teachers
in over 160 other countries. in Focus magazine. Now she writes for
Boundless about financial stewardship
Suzanne Hadley and motherhood.
lives in Colorado Springs but loves

Michael Lawrence the co-author of A Lasting Promise, author

received a Master of Divinity degree from of The Heart of Commitment and The Power
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary of Commitment. Additionally, he regularly
and a doctorate in Church History at contributes to print and broadcast media
Cambridge University. He and his wife, as an expert on marriage. His web site is
Adrienne, have five children. He currently
serves as an Associate Pastor at Capitol
Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. Gary Thomas
He is a Duke graduate. is the founder and director of the
Center for Evangelical Spirituality, a
Carolyn McCulley writing and speaking ministry that
served for 10 years as the media integrates Scripture, church history,
specialist for Sovereign Grace and the Christian classics. A teacher
Ministries. Now she is the founder of and author, Thomas’ work includes
the documentary company, Citygate Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed
Films. Prior to Sovereign Grace, Carolyn Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to
was a freelance writer and television Make Us Happy (Zondervan, 2000). His
and commercial film producer. Carolyn web site is
received her B.S. in journalism from
the University of Maryland, and is JOHN THOMAS
a member of Covenant Life Church is a pastor and writer who lives in Little
in Gaithersburg, MD. Her web site is Rock, Ark. with his wife Alfie, and their three children. He is a regular
contributor to and helps
Ted Slater field questions from readers in the
Ted Slater has been editor of Boundless Boundless Answers: Men column.
since 2005. Perhaps driven by his
insecurities, he has stayed in school Candice Watters
longer than normal people, earning is the author of Get Married: What
bachelor’s degrees in English and Spanish Women Can Do to Help it Happen,
and master’s degrees in International founding editor of
Communication and Education/ESL. He and the Boundless Answers: Women
lives in Colorado Springs with his wife, columnist. She and her husband Steve
Ashleigh, and three daughters. His web Watters, Director of Young Adults
site is for Focus on the Family, have written
Start Your Family: Inspiration for Having
SCOTT STANLEY, PH. D Babies (Moody, 2009). They have four
is Co-Director of the Center for Marital children. Her web site is
and Family Studies and a research
professor of psychology at the University
of Denver. He has authored numerous
research articles on relationships and is PERMISSIONS
an expert on marital commitment. Dr.
Stanley has co-authored the book Fighting 1-5
Taken with permission from Get
for Your Marriage and developed video and Married by Candice Watters, Moody
audio-tapes by the same title. He is also 63 Publishers © 2008.
© 2009 Focus on the Family. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.

The content of this mini-book is excerpted from articles on Boundless Webzine.

To read the full version of these articles and to find more material related to marrying well,
please visit


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