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JANUARY -- 1969 -- VOLUME 23 -- ISSUE 1 ‘Know CHRISTse Be ' : ih Hime and Christian Friendship ==+V\essenger make Him known. 1969 1969 FEBRUARY 1969 6| 7) 13/14 20) 21 1969 finoese upligh Ueetoyeebeloat a|§,2 |< Of shape for now is our saben | 17/8] ala |si6 7 9/10) 11 B[B| 1 8 egies 6 |17/ 18 19 |20| 21/22 | 25 26 27 202k ae on we bela The night is for spint, the day is at erent Mand Cl ws’ arefore cast 'off the neg) peshiVof Uarknass, and tins put ~'| 7a: | Rian le 14) 35/16/17 on the armour of light olet us | 14/18) 16| 17) 18] 19 21/22) 23 26 21 22) 23) 24) 25 | 26) a2 wall honcitly, as in the day: not | 28129) 301 | in rioting and drunkenness, nol in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on Mell Sait Chant, wad mike not provision forthe flesh, to fulfill thet uns thaeeh” 1969 DECEMBER 1969 Ts[é 1 7/8 | 9\10 1/12/23 14/15/16 17/18 19/20 21/22 23 24/25/26 27 28/29 30/31 IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD" PORTLAND “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: itis the git of God.” (Bphestans 2:8) (On Novernber 17 three new souls testified of the gift of salvation granted unto them, and of new happiness and en- richment in their lives. ‘Al Gold stated, “When I first came into contact with the Gospel I was right out of college and in my liberal view, T thought T knew all the answers. But the reasons I had were all in my head." Later, as he began attending church with his ‘wife Allce, the Spirit through sérmons, began to work in his heart, By the time they moved from Canada to Portland he ‘was talked out of some of his Ideas. When Alice turned to Christ he was happy for her, but didnot think of his own stand with God ‘until visiting minister Bob Freund came to Portland. ‘The Spirit pricked his heart and he decided to follow Christ, Litle progress was made during the next eighteen months. Final ‘ne of the church camps as he spent time in prayer and medi- tation, he realized he had given only half of himself. He prayed for a’ complete surrender and God heard his prayers and be- stowed on him true peace. Linda Tund testified that approximate'y two years ago she first came in contact with our church when she attended 2 ‘church dinner. After she had been attending for some time and had gotten to know some of the people, she noticed a change in certain individuals, They had chosen to follow the Lord and now their lives mirrored a new Joy and hope. Their changed lives were miraculous evidence of God's saving power. That summer, out in the berry field, she heard the call of God ‘and realized how much she wanted to serve Him. She went to fchureh camp and was deeply convicted of her sins. Through prayer and faith her burden of sin was lied and an inner peace bestowed. Now she rejoles, and we with her, as she be ‘ins a new life in Christ. "The first weck his family moved to Portland, Tim Kupler fett the call of God. A few weeks later, Tim and his parents lett to vacation in the Southwest. During their stay in San Jose, Christ again knocked at the door to Tim's heart. But he excused himself by saying he wanted to wait until school started. They traveled on to Albuquerque and as before, Christ made His Presence known to Tim. A phone call from back East brought news of the death of the father of a good friend. He was quite shaken by the sudden turn of events. He still tried to convince himself to turn to Christ after school started, but the Lord spoke, “Why don't you recelve Me now?" Tim opened his heart's door completely to Jesus and yielded his all to Him. Now, deep within Tim's heart 1s a desire to serve God the rest of his life. BARBERTON ©... Pigrims blind, for light have prayed: Jesus keeps the promise made!” Thus rang the chorus of the congregation, who from far and near on the evening of December 21, gathered to bear what the Lord has wrought in the lives of four young souls. ‘Michael Dean Maletich tetiied: “I'm fortunate 1 was brought up in a Christian home — I learned about the Lord's true Word ‘One year at Eastern Camp the Lord touched my heart and 1 felt bad but T see now T was too immature then to know what Twas doing for T wanted to do it all alone. At times since, T was convieted — even in the classroom, This past summer I felt T was at the lowest depths. Twas hanging around with the wrong erovds. Iwas evil. My thoughts were evil... and T knew PAGE TWO was wrong. One evening the Lord spoke to me and I knelt down and sincerely prayed. When I went to camp again this ‘summer I felt i 1 didn't yield to the Lord this time T never again ‘would have the opportunity to do so. I pursued my repentance, made restitution and asked for forgiveness. It took me two ‘months to make one restitution — and I prayed day and night bout it. When the opportunity came to talk to this person it ws ‘0 easy. He said he understood and forgave me completely God has given me a peace I never had before. As the days 0 on become more stable in the Lord and no longer doubt that He will lead _me and care for me. ‘John Schlaefli was also thankful that he had been reared in ‘2 Christian home and knew right from wrong. But lke so many ‘others, he too, always had something else he wanted to do frst. “At 1," he sald, “I became convicted, but dida't follow through For five years 1 had the same feeling at camp but I strayed from my parents and the Word. I had a new car. 1 was ready to marry a Catholic girl. Because of my mother’s prayers we ‘broke up. She prayed so fervently that even she began to think perhaps this was part of God's will for my life and was ready to accept it as such. T was again convicted at camp this year ‘but I was afraid to tll anyone lest I fall back again. At Youth Rally I saw the love in the hearts of Believers. At Skyline Drive Twas so convicted I had the worst week in my life It was ‘ow either all for Christ or all out in the world, Throughout It all, mother never ceased to pray for me. I know it was her ‘prayers that changed the tide for me. It took a move to another state to make me see. My father always told me 4o seek first things first and all else will come out right, AS T made restitu- tion it was as though the pages In a book were tuned. 1 be- ‘came nauseated when thinking of my past. 1 searched the Scriptures and prayed to God that He would help me. And He id” ‘Sue Reljin told ws: “About. four or five years ago my father ‘ied, T eouldn't understand why God would take him when I lov- fe him so dearly. I completely rebelled against God. T didnt ‘want fo go to church, I gave my mother a hard time. T wanted to run avay from home. When I went to Richmond one summer, T saw a person COULD live a different life. 1 prayed hard and asked God to show me where T must make restitution and after Tmade amends He gave me peace. ‘Karla Termosky realized at camp this summer that some- thing was missing, “I was afraid to die. 1 was afraid Christ would come before was converted. I was brought up in a Christian home and didn’t have too much restitution to make but 1 did according to what God showed me to do and when T gave my entie life to Him He removed my desire to sin and gave ime peace. Our new converts, ax well as those in faith for many years, were again reminded that there are many different doctrines ‘and interpretations of doctrines but there is only one way of salvation and the Holy Spirit will never lead anyone to do anything wrong. The evil one cannot force us to sin — he can ‘only present it. Ours Is the choice. Only through Christ our Saviour can we be victorious... there is no peace here on earth unless God instills it in our heart, He has a plan for each of us and as the Master Potter will make us into vessels of use- fulness for His service . . . “not of works, lest any man should boast.” ‘Many visitors from Washington, D. C., Rochester, Union cay, Pennsyivainia, Mansfield, and the Akron area churches ‘were with us for this happy occasion and shared holy eommun- fon with us on Sunday afternoon, CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP MESSENGER EARLY LET US SEEK HIS FAVOR 1 would ike to set the stage with our topic “What Must 1 Do To Be Saved?” I will take some examples out of the Scrip- SS ture, 1 don't know of a more searching question. The Bible IMustrates answers: Matthew 19:16, Lake 18:16, Acts 2:37. ‘We have rich people here tonight. I feel rich because T am here and in the fellowship of the Lord Jesus. God is in the midst of us. There are also those of you who are rich in other ways. Let us ask ourselves this question — emphasize the “TL” May the Spirit move so mightily that as Peter stood before a large ‘group and as the ministers will stand before you, your hearts will be pricked and may well ask the question, “What Must T Do To Be Saved?” ‘Why do you come to camp? Do you really know why? There ‘are many reasons you might have given but this is the ultimate T pray the ultimate will come first, Seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness . . . lke to sell camp to the ladies because now they ean for- fet about cooking and cleaning — a retreat. It is wonderful! How much more wonderful to spend it in the presence of the Lord Jesus! We had a good dinner tonight. You are well fed. But how much more wonderful to add to that welled feeling ‘the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ — to provide all that {food eannot provide. Fellowship — when we were singing, T couldn't sing because ‘it was tremendous to listen to the young people singing in praise to Goa. ‘The sweetness of Jesus Christ is here. Maybe this is the reason why all of us have come. Maybe we want to find the answer. You like to be at camp or you wouldn't be here. You ‘enjoy the fellowship, the food, and relaxation, and we whe work enjoy it (GZ __ We have a rich young ruler full of himself but he was lacking ‘unselfishness — complete surrender. You are all good people to a degree and have grown up in Sunday School but have not ‘made your decision for the Lord. You are just like this youns ‘man and when you tell the Lord your situation He will tell ‘you one thing you lack — give up yourself. “Come and follow Me.” The Lord replaces you with Himself. If you will give up yourself, He will take the place of yourself. There is nothing ‘sweeter. This young man went away sorrowful, “Lord, you're asking too much of me.” Is the blood of Jesus Christ too much for you that you cannot give up yourself for the salvation He wants to give to you? God sent His own Son out of Heaven to live in this mis. erable earth and die, and we can't give up ourselves for Him Will you go away sorrowful? 1 would lke to believe we would nave 100 per cent who would Rot fo away sorrowiul. All things are possible with God. It ic ossible for God to have an awakening here and let the Spirit ‘work in our Hearts. ‘Are you at camp because you're at the end of your rope? 1s it possible that this week the door is open and now it wil lose if you don’t do something this week? Is this the time? Are ¥you goin to come out of the depths of despair because you kno the Lord has a way of escape for you — at the foot ofthe cross? ‘Will you ask the question, “What Must I Do To Be Saved?” In all examples there-is only one answer — believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We will find this includes belief, repentance, and Confession of sins — surrender your all and be baptized and filed with whe Spirit. You will be born again, Remember when Paul was preaching late and a man fet cout of the window as though he were dead? Have you reached ‘the saturation point and are dead to what the Word has to say? ‘Maybe you came to camp because you must {all prostrate and {0 to death’s door. You want to find Him this week. The ans- Wer for you is Jesus Christ and Him crucified Let us remember with God all things are possible. The things impossible for you can be possible with God tonight. 1 Would lke to believe that the Spirit will set your hearts on fire ‘and early you will seek His favor. ‘This Is the first meeting. We can't start any eariler than tonight. want you to know that those of us who have brousht large soups here have had prayer meetings and individual prayers, “Lord, open the hearts of our young people — the unconverted.” May they find the answer tothe question and not turn thelr backs ‘and go away sorrowful. May they rejoice in finding their Sav- Jour. They will find to lose everything for Him is to find life in Jesus Christ. May God grant that the answer be in their hearts individually. It is the same all throughout creation and ‘will be until Christ comes again. May you eall on His Name — ‘ot tomorrow — but early let us seek His favor. Will you eall ‘on Him tonight? Joe Hrubik, Richmond 1968 Fastern Camp "So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.” When | Have Time When T have time, so many things Tt do ‘To make life happier and much more fair For those whose lives are erowded now with care. TM help to lit them from thelr low despair, ‘When T have time. When T have time, the friend I love £0 well Shall know no more these weary tolling days: TT lead her feet in pleasant paths always ‘\ ‘hoa cheer her heart with words of sweetest praise, ‘When T have time, JANUARY — 1969 When you have time! The friend you hold so dear May be beyond the reach of your intent; May never know that you so Kindly meant ‘To fill her life with love and sweet content, ‘When you had time NOW ds the time! Ab, frend, no longer wait To scatter loving smiles and words of cheer ‘To those around whose lives are now so deat, ‘They may not meet you in the coming year — NOW is the time! PAGE THREE

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