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Material Balance:

The Forgotten
Engineering Tool

John McMullan
Technology Services
Reservoir & Well Performance
Understanding the Oil
And Gas Reservoir
Using Material Balance
Lafayette, Louisiana
October 21, 2004

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Possible Talk Titles

Š Material Balance: The Forgotten Reservoir

Engineering Tool

Š Are Traditional Material Balance Calculations


Š Material Balance: Obsolete in 2005?

Š Material Balance: A Quaint Reservoir Engineering

Tool from the Past

Š Material Balance, Why Bother?

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Material Balance

Š Can Provide an estimate of initial HC in place

– independent of geological interpretation
– can be used to verify volumetric estimates

Š Determines the degree of aquifer influence

– understanding of the “drive mechanism”
– estimate recovery factor

Š Estimate of recoverable reserves

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Uses of Material Balance
Š As a precursor to reservoir simulation
Š Identify undrained hydrocarbons
Š Can be used as a forecasting tool in certain situations
Š Can be used to help evaluate operating strategies
such as new wells, accelerated rate, compression
Š In some cases can be used to screen for enhanced

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Gas Material Balance

G ≡ initial gas
volume - SCF

Bgi – bbl/SCF Vgi = G × Bgi

Vgi ≡ initial gas

volume - bbls

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Gas Material Balance

Bg is a function
of new pressure

Expansion (bbls)

Vg = G × Bg } = Vg - Vgi
= G (Bg – Bgi)

G × Bgi

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Gas Material Balance

Expansion must
equal production:
Gp Bg = G (Bg – Bgi)
Expansion (bbls)

Fix piston
} = Vg - Vgi
= G (Bg – Bgi)
Bleed off Gp SCF
of gas until
pressure equals
the same as before.
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Gas Material Balance

Vti = Vgi + Vwi (bbls)

Vgi = Vti (1-Sw) = G Bgi

Vti = G Bgi / (1-Sw)

Vwi = Vti Sw = G Bgi Sw / (1-Sw)

Vgi = G × Bgi

Vwi = G Bgi Sw / (1-Sw)

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Gas Material Balance

The change in water volume can be found:

∆Vwi = Vwi cw ∆p
Vwi = Vti Sw = G Bgi Sw / (1-Sw)

∆Vwi = G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw)

(the expansion of water with a drop in pressure)

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Gas Material Balance

Vg = G × Bg

G × Bgi } Expansion (bbls)

Vwi = = G (Bg – Bgi) +

G Bgi Sw / (1-Sw) G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw)

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Gas Material Balance

As before,

Expansion must equal production:

G (Bg – Bgi) + G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw)

= Gp Bg + WpBw
Fix piston

Bleed off Gp SCF

of gas, Wp water until
pressure equals
the same as before.
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Gas Material Balance
Suppose while the pressure drops, we
inject We reservoir barrels of water.
Expansion must equal production:

G (Bg – Bgi) + G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw) + We

= Gp Bg + WpBw

} Expansion (bbls)
= G (Bg – Bgi)
G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw) + We
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Gas Material Balance
Finally, consider the possibility that the actual
initial pore volume will reduce as the pressure falls:

∆Vti = Vti cf ∆p

Vti = G Bgi / (1-Sw)

∆Vti = cf ∆p G Bgi / (1-Sw)

This loss in original volume results in

an additional amount of expansion from
the original volume.
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Gas General Material
Balance Equation
Gas Water Water Formation
Expansion + Expansion + Influx + Expansion

G (Bg – Bgi) + G Bgi cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw) + We + cf ∆p G Bgi / (1-Sw)

= Gp Bg + WpBw
= Gas
Production + Production

Š Note that all terms are a function of pressure

Š Equation can not be directly solved

Š An iterative approach is required for solution

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Oil General Material
Balance Equation
Oil Gas Cap Water
Expansion + Expansion + Expansion

N (Bt – Bti) + N m Bti (Bg - Bgi ) + (N Bti + N m Bti ) cw ∆p Sw / (1-Sw)

Formation Water Water Gas
+ Expansion + Influx + Injection + Injection

+ cf ∆p (N Bti + N m Bti ) / (1-Sw) + We + WI BwI + GI BgI

Oil & Dissolved Free Gas Water

= Gas Production + Production +Production

= Np Bt + Np (Rp – Rsoi) Bg + WpBw

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Gas Material Balance as a
Straight Line
⎧ ⎫
G (Bg – Bgi) + Bgi ⎡ cw Sw + cf ⎤ ∆p⎬ = Gp Bg + WpBw - We
⎨ ⎢ ⎥
⎩ ⎣ 1-Sw ⎦ ⎭

Xg ≡ (Bg – Bgi) + Bgi ⎡ cw Sw + cf ⎤ ∆p

⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1-Sw ⎦

Yg ≡ Gp Bg + WpBw - We

Y g = G Xg
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Gas Material Balance as a
Straight Line

YYg - -rbrb


XXg – rb/SCF
g – rb/SCF
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Water Influx

Š Aquifers come in all shapes and sizes

– Aquifers can be extremely large relative to the reservoir
size, even infinite “acting”.
– Aquifers can be small, even neglected.
– Aquifer productivity can be either high or low (relative to the
withdrawal rates from the reservoir).

Š Aquifers can be hydraulically connected to more than

one reservoir.

Š Aquifers can even be connected to the surface.

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models
= qaq = k’ × (Paq – P)

qaq = instantaneous aquifer flow rate (rb/day)

k’ = aquifer influx constant (rb/day/psi)

Paq = average aquifer pressure (psi)

P = average reservoir pressure (psi)

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models

k’ is similar to the “Productivity Index” often used

to describe an individual well’s productivity.

Using a similar definition:

qaq = Jaq × (Paq – Pr)

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models
If the pore volume (Vaq), compressibilities, and average
aquifer pressure are known, the total water influx at
any point in time can be estimated by:

We = Vaq × cavg × (Pi – Paq)

Recall: Cavg = SoCo + SwCw + SgSg + Cf

So for aquifers, Cavg = Cw + Cf

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models
Define a term Wei that we will refer to as the
“maximum encroachable water”:
Wei = Vaq × cavg × (Pi – Paq)

Wei = Vaq × cavg × Pi

In words, this is the volume of water that will flow

from an aquifer if it’s pressure is lowered to zero.

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models
The average aquifer pressure at any point in time
can then be estimated by:

Paq = Pi × (1 – We / Wei)

This equation, along with the previously shown equation

below, form the basis for steady-state and semisteady-
state aquifer models.

qaq = Jaq × (Paq – Pr)

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Steady-State and Semisteady-
state Aquifer Models
Š “Pot” aquifer
– defined as an aquifer where the aquifer and reservoir pressure
remain (nearly) equal as the reservoir depletes
– this implies a small aquifer with high productivity

Š “Schilthuis” steady-state aquifer

– aquifer is extremely large and consequently, the aquifer pressure
can be assumed to remain constant

Š “Fetkovitch” semisteady-state aquifer

– aquifer rate and pressure are assumed to both change with time as
described by the previous equations

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Pot Aquifer
Definition: P = Paq

Paq = Pi × (1 – We / Wei)

P = Pi × (1 – We / Wei)

Solving for We yields:

We = Wei × (1 – P / Pi)

We can be directly substituted into any of

the material balance equations.
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Steady-state Aquifer

Definition: Paq = Pi

qaq = Jaq × (Paq – P)
qaq = Jaq × (Pi – P)

⎡ Pn + Pn-1 ⎤
(∆We )n = Jaq × Pi – × ∆t
⎣ 2 ⎦

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Fetkovich Analytical
Recall “encroachable” water was defined by:

W ei = V aq × P i × c aq

Aquifer Aquifer
Pore Compressibility
Aquifer pressure at any point in time is given by:

P aq = P i × (1 - W e / W ei )

Cumulative Water Influx

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Fetkovich Analytical
Finally, the influx rate at any point in time is given by:
q aq = J aq × ( P aq - P res ) =

Aquifer Reservoir
Productivity Pressure

Note: A large J and small W ei models a pot aquifer.

A large W ei models an infinite aquifer.

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Aquifer Productivity Index

Source: Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Craft, Hawkins, and Terry
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Fetkovich Analytical
Through algebraic manipulation and integration, the water
influx for a constant drop in pressure for a time “t” becomes:

We = p ( pi – p ) (1 - e-J pi t / Wei)

Fetkovich showed that this equation can be applied in a

difference form without the need for superposition to
model a system with a continuously falling pressure:

∆Wen = p ( pn-1 – pRn ) (1 - e -J pi ∆tn / Wei)

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Aquifer Boundary Pressure

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Some Comments
Regarding Aquifer Models
Š Steady-state and semisteady-state models are often
thought to be less accurate than unsteady-state models
(like the often used Hurst and van Everdingen model)
Š None of the analytical aquifer models directly consider
the growing water invaded zone and its impact on
aquifer productivity or MB (see SPE papers by Al-
Hashim & Bass and Lutes et al)
Š Truly “rigorous” treatment of aquifer influx requires
reservoir simulation

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Material Balance Calculations
Two Approaches
Š “Traditional” XY Plot
– Uses observed pressures and production in GMBE and
aquifer model to calculate N or G
– Some iteration may be required to estimate gas cap volume,
aquifer properties, etc.
– Sparse pressure data, erratic production rates a problem

Š Alternate method
– Uses observed production, aquifer model, and assumed
values of N or G in GMBE to calculate pressure
– Iterate until calculated and observed pressures agree
– Excellent for investigating sensitivities

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Gas Example No. 1

Š Moderate Water Drive

Š Project Based on 60-100 BCF Volumetric


Š Unconstrained MB Analysis Suggested

Reservoir Was Depleted

Š Subsequent Well Was Dry Hole

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Gas Example No. 2

Š Weak Water Drive

Š P/Z Suggested 860 BCF

Š Downdip Water Production Suggested

Limited Water Influx

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Gas Example No. 2 (cont.)

Š Material Balance 725 BCF

Š HC Pore Volume 450 MMBbls

Š Water Influx 100 MMBbls

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Gas Example No. 3

Š Strong Water Drive

Š “Classic” Rate Sensitive Reservoir

Š Used in Field to Establish Production


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Gas Example No. 4

Š Example of “Pot” Aquifer

Š Observe the Sensitivity to Formation

Compressibility (49.7 to 58.5 BCF)

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Oil Example No. 1
Š Initially Undersaturated, Moderate Water Drive

Š Observe the Extreme Sensitivity to Formation

Compressibility (11 to 30 MMBO)

Note Culled Points

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Oil Example No. 2

Š Initially Undersaturated, Weak Water Drive

Š MB Analysis Reveals Pressure Behavior That Could

Not Be Matched

Š Subsequent Simulation Study Was a Failure

Š Anomalous Behavior Was Later Determined to be the

Result of Several Casing Leaks

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Oil Example No. 3

Š Small Offshore, Above BP Pressure

Š N = 35 MMBO from “XY” Plot

Š N of 66.5 MMBO Agrees with

Volumetric Estimate of 65 MMBO
From Dake, Exercise 3.4
The Practice of Reservoir Engineering Š Dominated by Aquifer Influx

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Oil Example No. 4

From Havelana and Odeh, JPT, July 1964

Note Culled Points

Š Venezuela, Water-drive, Water Injection, Gas-cap

Expansion, Solution Gas Drive

Š N = 27 MMBO with “XY” Plot and Fixed Gas Cap Size

Š N = 34 MMBO Allowing Gas Cap Size to Vary

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Material Balance Compared
To Reservoir Simulation

Š Reservoir Simulation Š Material Balance

– expensive – cheap
– time consuming – fast
– requires geologic – independent of
description geology
– driven with single – uses production of all
phase phases in calculations
– ability to forecast – limited forecasting
– determines location – can determine the
and distribution of existence of unswept
unswept HC’s HC’s

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Material Balance:
The Forgotten
Engineering Tool

John McMullan
Technology Services
Reservoir & Well Performance

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