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Where do we go after we die?

My understanding is that there are many energy-planes in the Universe; from the
Etheric plane of existance to the Divine-Intuition planes.
After the initial chock I think we go back home to our places of existence in th
e Astral's when you having a beautiful dream; you switch consciousne
ss and via the BLUE Ligh tunnel you have now the chance to get out of the Earth
Matrix and move back to your Homeworld.
People say that if you see lights then you have to chose the fluorescent BLUE li
ght to travel toward; that represents the way out from eternal suffering via 3D-
reincarnation...try to remember to go into the BLUE light not the white light...
but I'm only repeating what I've read here and there.
The main problem is that even the Astral world is hijacked by certain entities s
o you are still manipulated into thing even after death of the 3D animal body.
What "teachers" forget to say is that there are higher human worlds above the 3D
plane; one should stay in their TRUE homeworlds in the Astral planes (those are
the real human worlds) and stop coming back to the Animal Kingdom which is the
3D physical world.
Continue your search on the web; the Spirit will guide you...

When you die the real you or the light being leaves the body and moves to an are
a of rest and meditation in the astral plane.
Your memory is universal at that time, remembering who you really are, and in wh
at forms you where present on Earth and other planets.
After you have reviewed your most recent adventure you join the group of other l
ight beings in the group area and exchange your experiences. In this area you ca
n decide what you want to do:
A) return to a physical world, and what body you wish to use. You choose your "t
ime" of birth and shortly before birth you enter the unborn biological, fully aw
are you conciousness will again be "primordeal". The adventure begins once again
. Time and place can be chosen, including the past. A lot of light beings have c
hosen this time and place because Earth and Mankind are about to go through majo
r changes with universal conciousness being created in the physical world.
B) Your other choices are staying in the group area (for as long as you like) an
d travel, observe and discover the universe together with your peers.
C) Or the final choice: you give up your individuality and let yourself be unite
d with the pool of energy which is the source of all and your energy becomes one
with the collective or all.
The collective forms tears of new light beings constantly, and their conciousnes
s is formed in the group area where they start their journey.
Once you realize that you are really an immortal light being you see how trivial
physical fears of planetary destruction become.

The physical universe is one of a multitude of universes or "systems of reality"

, some physical in nature, some mental or spiritual, and some completely foreign
to human concepts, each with its own natural laws, and each as valid as any oth
As in the "many worlds hypothesis", our physical universe has multiple "probable
" renditions. Any event or action which is likely to occur in one probable unive
rse will be actualized in that or another probable universe, or will be actualiz
ed in the dream universe or in some other system of reality.
There are, as examples given by Seth, probable universes in which the dinosaurs
are still alive, and probable universes in which Christianity did not develop. E
ach individual has many counterparts within the probable renditions of the unive
rse, not all of whom have the same name, occupation or personal relationships.
All systems of reality are, to some extent, camouflages since all beings have an
existence which is independent of any system. The number of systems is infinite
since new systems come into existence constantly. No system of reality is close
d or finite; energy and information pass through all systems.
Reincarnation is the rule, although many misconceptions abound. For example, hum
an beings never reincarnate as animals; cause-and-effect does not operate from o
ne life to the next; and reincarnation does not end in a state of nirvana. Each
individual must experience fatherhood, motherhood and childhood, and thus must i
ncarnate at least twice; the maximum number varies, depending on the temperament
and needs of the individual.
There is a period of rest between incarnations, and sometimes individuals will o
ccupy other planes of existence before returning to the Earth. When an individua
l's reincarnational cycle is over, the individual moves on to other systems of r
There is no heaven or hell, only continued existence.
[Much wisdom in The Seth Material]

Do you remember being in the womb?

No-of course not, you have no memory, but you were there. You grew there, you la
ughed there, you lived there until one day you are forced out of that comfortabl
e place through a tunnel and into the light. When you are born you die and need
to be given a short slap to get you to breath Oxygen in this atmosphere for the
first time-the first breath. You lived, you died, and you were born.
Everything is cycles and you come her to learn responsibility for yourself throu
gh experience and choice, based on past lives and choices.
You go through life living out the same cycle that you were on before in a past
life. You have lived this cycle many times and this is where 'De-ja-vue' comes f
rom, it is there to remind you that you have done this before. In your last life
you may have died without completing this cycle, so when you come back you carr
y on with this life up to the point where you reached your end. You either break
through this barrier in this life by and making different and more postive choi
ces and go further than you did before or you fail to get pass this barrier and
end up choosing to come back to try again.
To break the cycle that you are still on and to move onto the next cycle you nee
d to do something totally different than you currently do, you need to take resp
onsibility for yourself and make wise choices based upon balance. This means com
pletely changing your way of thinking and taking complete responsibility for the
choices that you make and the consequences that come from these choices.
Everything is choice.
When you die, you are given a life review and given more choices based upon what
you have learnt and what you need to do to come back to change, to help you in
future lives.
You can choose to stay where you are when you die and look after loved ones and
be their guardian angel, you can choose where you are born, but until you break
your current cycle you will keep returning and hopefully some will learn and mov
e on, but most unfortunately come back just repeating and repeating the same cyc
le never learning or moving forward.
This planet is a prison, but one of the mind and once you realise that there are
no limits only the ones we give ourselves, anything is possible.
Life is eternal.

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