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(IDP)= ‘Persons or groups of persons who
have been forced or obliged to flee or to 'IRAQI MIGRANT'

leave their homes or places of habitual

residence in particular as a result of or 'IRREGULAR MIGRANT'

in order to avoid the effects of armed

conflict, situations of generalized violence,
violations of human rights, or natural or
human-made disasters and who have
not crossed an internationally recognized
State border.’ (‘Guiding Principles on
Internal Displacement,’ UN Office for the 'RETURNEE'
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs/
OCHA, New York, 1999)

‘REFUGEE’ = ‘Person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for

reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or
political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to
such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not
having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence
as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to return to it.’
(‘Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees,’ Geneva, 1951)

‘IRREGULAR MIGRANT’ = ‘Someone who owing to illegal entry or the expiry of his or
her visa, lacks legal status in a transit or host country. The term applies to migrants
who infringe a country’s admission rules and any other person not authorized to
remain in the host country (also called clandestine/ illegal/ unauthorized migrant or
migrant in an irregular situation.’ (‘Glossary on Migration,’ International Migration
Law Division, IOM, Geneva, 2004)

‘MIGRANT’ = At the international level, no universally accepted definition of ‘migrant’

exists. The term ‘migrant’ is usually understood to cover all cases where the decision
to migrate is taken freely by the individual concerned for reasons of ‘personal
convenience’ and without intervention of an external compelling factor. This term
therefore applies to persons, and family members, moving to another country or
region to better their material or social conditions and improve the prospect for
themselves or their family. (Source: Idem)

While the term ‘IDP’ is more easily applied in reality, many of the estimated two
million Iraqis who fled their country are formally fulfilling the definition of a
‘refugee,’ not all have been technically recognised as such, since many of their host
governments have not ratified the 1951 Geneva Refugee Convention. Depending on
the circumstance of why, when, how and where-to they left Iraq, they might however
fit the description of ‘irregular migrant’ or ‘migrant’.

In their day-to-day life, the importance attributed to these definitions by ordinary Iraqis
are likely to be overshadowed by immediate needs they are facing in terms of survival
and preservation of their dignity and identity. It remains the daunting task of the
international community to do its utmost to help them wherever they are, and however
possible. The ultimate objective should be the eventual return of all Iraqis to their home
country and communities, whenever the conditions will allow.



CAP Consolidated Appeal Process.

CERF Central Emergency Response Fund.
CoM Chief of Mission (IOM).
COSIT Central Office for Statistics and Information Technology.
CPA Coalition Provisional Authority.
CRRPD Commission for the Resolution of Real Property Disputes.
DDR Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration.
DG Director General.
ERC Emergency Relief Coordinator.
EPA Emergency Preparedness Account (IOM).
EPC Emergency Post-Crisis Division (IOM).
ERF Emergency Response Fund.
ESU Elections Support Unit (IOM).
EU European Union.
GIS Geographical Information System.
GoI Government of Iraq.
GoJ Government of Jordan
HQ Headquarters.
HR Human Resources.
IASC Inter-Agency Standing Committee.
ICI International Compact for Iraq.
ICTJ International Centre for Transitional Justice.
ICRS Information, Counselling and Referral Service.
IDP Internally Displaced Person.
IECI Independent Electoral Commission in Iraq.
IED Improvised Explosive Device.
IFRC International Federation of the Red Cross.
IGC Iraq Governing Council.
IML International Migration Law (IOM).
INGO International Non-Governmental Organization.
INIS Iraqi National Intelligence Service.
IOM International Organization for Migration.
IPCC Iraq Property Claims Commission.
IPRF Iraqi Property Reconciliation Facility.
ITF Iraq Trust Fund (UNDG).
JOC Joint Operations Cell (IOM).
MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
MNF-I Multi-National Forces – Iraq.
MoA Ministry of Agriculture.
MoD Ministry of Defence.
MoDM Ministry of Displacement and Migration.
MoE Ministry of Education.
MoF Ministry of Finance.
MoH Ministry of Health.
MoI Ministry of Interior.
MoJ Ministry of Justice.
MoLSA Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs.
MoMPW Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works.
MoPDC Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation.
MOSS Minimum Operating Security Standards.
MoT Ministry of Transport.
MoU Memorandum of Understanding.
MPI Media Public Information (IOM).
MRF Mission with Regional Functions (IOM).


NCCI NGO Coordination Committee in Iraq.

NDS National Development Strategy.
NFI Non-Food Item.
NGO Non-Governmental Organization.
OCV Out of Country Voting.
OCHA UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
OFDA Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID).
ORHA Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance, US
Department of Defence.
OSD Operations Support Department (IOM).
PET Provincial Engagement Team.
PHSS Programme for Human Security and Stabilization (IOM).
PO Purchase Order.
PPE Personal Protective Equipment.
PRF Provincial Reconstruction Facility.
PRM US State Department, Bureau for Populations, Refugees and
PRT Provincial Reconstruction Team.
RAP Rapid Appraisal Procedure.
ROC Regional Operations Centre (IOM).
RRTF Rapid Response Transportation Fund.
SA Shelter Alliance.
SAIT Security Awareness Induction Training.
SOP Standard Operating Procedures.
SPHERE Set of standards, broad process of collaboration and expression of
commitment to quality and accountability in the humanitarian domain.
SSR Security Sector Reform.
SSU Staff Security Unit (UNAMI).
TBC To Be Confirmed.
ToR Terms of Reference.
UN United Nations.
UNAMI UN Assistance Mission for Iraq.
UNDAC UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination.
UNDG UN Development Group.
UNDP UN Development Programme.
UNDSS UN Department of Security and Safety.
UNHCR UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund.
UNMOVIC UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission.
UNOHCI United Nations Office of the Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq.
UNSC United Nations Security Council.
UNSECOORD UN Security Coordinator, predecessor of UNDSS.
USIP US Institute of Peace.
WFP UN World Food Programme.
WHO UN World Health Organization.
WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction.
USAID US Agency for International Development
USG Under Secretary General (United Nations).


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