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As unrest continues in this Arab country, we look at 500 ft.

the background of the situation and some key players 200 m Cairo


Nile Riv
— McClatchy Washington Bureau


Q: How did Hosni Mubarak parliamentary elections in demonstrations began peacefully,


November, for example, the but turned violent when police
and Egypt become so impor-
police jailed Mubarak’s oppo- used tear gas and water hoses to SUDAN
tant in U.S. foreign policy?
nents, blocked rallies, clamped disperse crowds in Cairo’s Tahrir
A: President Hosni Mubarak 6 October Bridge
down on independent news media Square.
came to rule in Egypt 30 years and angrily rejected calls by the Sporadic clashes continued Mah
ago after an act of violence — United States and others to allow until Jan. 28, when massive Ruling ud
Party HQ yon
radical Islamist members of the

Nile River
international observers to monitor crowds overwhelmed police, set Egyptian i
Egyptian army, angry at Egypt’s the vote. An estimated 1,400 fire to police stations in Cairo, Museum
peace treaty with Israel, opened members of the Muslim Alexandria and Suez and freed

fire on President Anwar Sadat in Brotherhood were detained, one prisoners. The Cairo headquarters Nile Tahrir

t Bas
1981 during of the country’s most outspoken of the ruling National Democratic Hilton Square
a military reporters was fired as the editor in Party was looted and burned.

Arab League
parade. chief of the independent daily In a speech after midnight,
Mubarak was newspaper Al Dustour after the Mubarak appointed a new cabinet Al Tahrir
Sadat’s vice paper was bought by new owners. and named a vice president, Omar il Bridge Al Tahrir

Al Ka
Qasr El N
president and A popular talk show, “Cairo Suleiman. American

sr Al A
has been Today,” was abruptly shut down University
Egypt’s pres- of Cairo
after an episode criticized
Q: What has happened

C H U C K K E N N E DY / M C T
ident ever Egyptian state media for being
since. Until since? Intercontinental Mogamma Al Sh
Mubarak soft on Gamal Mubarak, the pres- government Rih an
violent riots A: Protesters continued to Hotel
ident’s son, who at one time was building
on Friday, Jan. 28, Mubarak had thought likely to be his successor. rally in Tahrir Square, demanding
never appointed a vice president Even the United States has that Mubarak resign. Police van- Source: BBC © 2011 MCT
or successor. found the political control dis- ished from the streets, and there MCT

During those three decades, tressing over the years. Last year, were reports of looting through- Detailed map of area surrounding Tahrir Square, focal point of
Egypt, once an ally of the Soviet U.S. Sens. Russ Feingold, D- out Cairo. The army was protests in Cairo, Egypt.
Union, has become one of the Wis., and John McCain, R-Ariz., deployed in Tahrir Square, and
United States’ closest allies in the military officials vowed they least 13 people were killed and U.S. officials say they believe
drafted a resolution that called on
Arab world. The United States would not attack the demonstra- hundreds injured in the fighting. the Egyptian army will serve as a
Mubarak to repeal the emergency
provides the Egyptian military tors, who complained that peacekeeper in the confrontations
with $1.3 billion in aid annually,
law. Cables released recently by
the website WikiLeaks show that Mubarak’s new cabinet was made Q: What’s likely to happen and will not try to push Mubarak
making Egypt the No. 2 recipient up primarily of the same old now? out.
American diplomats were often
of U.S. foreign aid in the world, faces. On Tuesday, Feb. 1, hun- A: No one can predict. The Meanwhile, the leaders of
critical of Mubarak’s hold on
after Israel. dreds of thousands of protesters Obama administration has called some other Arab states have taken
In spite of Sadat’s assassina- flooded into Tahrir Square for the on Egyptian authorities to begin actions they hope will fend off
tion, Mubarak has maintained
diplomatic relations with Israel.
Q: What set off the current biggest rally of the week. That
night Mubarak announced he
the “transition” now, but both
Mubarak and his vice president,
pressures on their governments.
Jordan’s King Abdullah II fired
Egypt has played a key role in would not seek reelection in bal- former intelligence chief Omar his prime minister and appointed
A: The trigger for the unrest in a new one, and Yemeni President
helping Israel isolate the Gaza loting scheduled for September Suleiman, rebuffed requests by
Egypt were protests that had top- Obama envoy Frank Wisner that Ali Abdullah Saleh, who’s been in
Strip, where the radical group but would remain in office until
pled the government of Tunisia, Mubarak step down before the office since 1978, announced he
Hamas rules. Egypt also played a his term ends. The next day, pro-
which had long been ruled by an elections. Mubarak also has won’t seek reelection in 2013.
controversial role in the U.S. war Mubarak mobs attacked anti-gov-
autocratic dictator, Zine El remained adamant that he will not
on terror and has been accused of ernment demonstrators in Tahrir
torturing terrorism suspects that
Abidine Ben Ali, who’d been in
power 23 years and whose regime
Square, where there were pitched go into exile like Tunisian Q: Who will be the key peo-
were sent there during the admin- battles for more than 24 hours. At President Ben Ali. ple involved in the events?
had been accused of massive per-
istration of George W. Bush. A: Aside from Mubarak, the
sonal corruption. That corruption
As the most populous of the key players in Egypt are likely to
received new publicity starting
Arab countries, Egypt is consid- include Mubarak’s vice president,
Dec. 7 when cables by the U.S.
ered a major influence on devel- Omar Suleiman, and opposition
ambassador to Tunisia were pub-
opments in the Arab world. figures Mohamed ElBaradei and
lished by the WikiLeaks website.
Ayman Nour.
Those cables described in detail
Q: What’s the background the ostentatious wealth displayed
Suleiman, 75, who’s fluent in
English, is close to the United
on the unrest there? by Ben Ali’s family. Tensions
States and has been a key go-
A: During his 30-year rule, grew worse when on Dec. 17 a
between in the Israel-Palestinian
Mubarak has kept firm control of Tunisian vendor set himself on
peace talks. He is also a close
Egypt’s political process. An fire after police confiscated his
confidant of Mubarak, who came
emergency law that allows him to goods because he did not have a
to rely on him after Suleiman
rule by decree has been in effect license. After a month of escalat-
insisted in 1995 that an armored
throughout that time. The princi- ing protests, Ben Ali fled to Saudi
car be flown to Ethiopia for
pal opposition movement, the Arabia on Jan. 14.
Mubarak’s visit there. The vehicle
Muslim Brotherhood, is banned, Inspired by Tunisia, Egyptian
saved the pair from an ambush by
though some of the Muslim opposition groups called for
Egyptian Islamic Jihad in the
Brotherhood’s members hold protests against Mubarak. Those
Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.
seats in parliament. began on Jan. 25, which was
ElBaradei, 69, is perhaps the
Before each election, it’s called the Day of Rage and whose C A R O LY N C O L E / L O S A N G E L E S T I M E S / M C T
world’s best-known Egyptian. He
become routine for Egyptian date, #jan25, has become a famil- Anti-Hosni Mubarak protesters, hiding behind makeshift
served as the head of the
police to arrest opposition politi- iar tag for posters using Twitter to shields, throw rocks at a rival group, where they clashed for a
International Atomic Energy
cal figures and journalists. Before comment on events in Egypt. The second day in Cairo, Egypt, on Feb. 3.
Agency, the U.N.’s nuclear moni-
toring agency, and won the Nobel
Peace prize for his work there in
2005. He openly opposed the
Bush administration’s plans to
invade Iraq and contested claims
that Saddam Hussein had
weapons of mass destruction. The
United States was the only coun-
try to oppose his appointment to a
third term as head of the IAEA in
2005. Still, he’s viewed by many
in Egypt as too Westernized to
lead that country, though he was
recently endorsed by the Muslim
Brotherhood as the head of the
opposition movement.
Nour, a lawyer and a former
member of Parliament, is the
founder of the opposition al Ghad
(Tomorrow) Party. He ran a dis-
tant second to Mubarak in the
country’s first multi-candidate
presidential election in 2006. The
following year, Nour was jailed
and spent more than three years
behind bars on disputed charges
that he used forged signatures to
start his party. After his release,
Nour resumed his opposition
activities. He is a founder of the
National Association for Change,
the movement of secular and
Islamic opposition groups press-
ing for constitutional changes that
would allow ElBaradei to run for
president this year.
— McClatchy correspondents
Hannah Allam, Miret El Naggar,
Shashank Bengali, Warrren P.
C A R O LY N C O L E / L O S A N G E L E S T I M E S / M C T
Strobel and Jonathan S. Landay
Protesters call for the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, in downtown Cairo, Egypt, on Jan. 30. contributed to this report.


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