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Current Communicative approaches

18 Task-Based Language Teaching
Strykeii S., and B. 'Leaver, 1993. Content-Based Jnstntction in Foreign Language
, • Education, "Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Wcsche, M. 1993. Discipline-based approaches to Ianguage stud)-: Research is-
sucs and outcomes. In M. Kruegcr and F. Ryan (eds.), Language and Con-
tent. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. H¿ath. 80-95.
"Widdowson, H. 1978. Teaching Language as Cammunícation. Oxford: Oxford
Umversity Press.
"Widdowson, H. 1983. Learning Purpose and Learning Use. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. Background
Wu, S.-M, 1996. Content-based ESL at high school level: A case study. Prospect
11(1); 18-36. : 1» Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) refers to an approach based on
the use of tasks as the core unir of planning and instruction in language
teaching. Some of its proponents (e.g., Willis 1996) present it as a logical
development of Communicative Language Teaching since it draws on
several principies that formed part of the communicati ve language teach-
ing movement from the 1980s. For example:
- Activities that involve real communication are essential for language
learning. " ..
- Activities in which ianguage is used for carrying out meaningful tasks
promote learning.
- Language that is meariingful to the learner supports the learning
Tasks are proposed as useful vehicles for applying diese principies. Two
early applications of a task-based approach withiri a Communicative
frarnework for la.nguage teaching were the Malaysian Communicational
Syllabus (1975) and the Bangalore Project (Beretta and Davies 1985;
Prabhu 1987; Beretta 1990) both of which were relatively short-lived.
The role of tasks has received further support from some researchers in
second language acquisition, who are interested in developing pedagogi-
cal applications of second language acquisition theory (e.g., Long and
Crookes 1993). An interest in tasks as potential building blocks of second
language instruction emerged when researchers turned to tasks as SLA
research tools in the mid-1980s. -SLA research.has focused on the strat-
egies and coghitive processes employed by second language learners. This
research has suggested a reassessment of the role of formal grammar
instruction in language teaching. There is no evidence, it is argued, that
the type of grammar-focused teaching activities used in many Janguáge
classrooms reflects the. cognitive learning processes employed ín natu-
ralistic language Jearning situadons outside the classroom. Engaging
learners in task work provides a better context for the activation' of
learning processes than forin-focused activities, and henee ultimately
provides better oppprtunitíes for language learning to take place. Lan-
guage learning is believed to depend on irnmersíng students not merely in
Richards, J., and Rodgers, T. (2001). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge: CUP FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY
Task-Based Language Teaching
Current communicative approeicbes
Although advocates of TBLT have embraced the coneept of task with
"c'omprehensible input" but in tásks thát require them to negotiate mean-; enthusiasm and convíction, the use of íasks as a unit in curriculum plan-
íng and engage in naturalisric and meaningful communication. ning has a much oJder history in education. It first appeared in the vpca-
The key assumptioñs of task-based instruction are summarized by Feez • tional training ptactices of the 1950s. Task focus here fírst derived from
(1998: 17) as: ' „ . training design concerns of the military regarding new military tech-
nologies and occupational speciakies of the period. Task analysis initially
- The focus is on process rather than product. focused on solo psychomotor tasks for which little communication or
- Basic elements are purposeful activities and tasks that emphasize com- collaboration was involved. In task analysis, on-the-job, largely manual
munication and meaning. tasks were translated into training tasks. The process is outlined by
- Learners learn language by interacting communicatively and pur-. Srnith:
posefuüy while engaged in the activities and tasks.
- Activities and tasks can be either: The operational system is analyzed from the human factors point of view, and
those that learners might need to achieve in real life; a míssion profíle or flow chart is prepared to provide a basís for dcveloping
tbose that have a pedagógica! purpose specific to the classroom, the task inventory. The task inventory (an outline of the tnajor duties in che
- Activities and tasks of a task-based syllabus are sequenced according to job and the mote specific job tasks associated with each duty) is prepared,
diffkulty, . • . using appropriate methods of job analysis. Decísions are made regarding tasks
- The difficulty of a task depends on a range of factors including the to be taught and the level of proficiency to be artained by the students. A
previous experience of the learner, the complexity of the task, the detailed task description is prepared for those tasks to be taught. Each task is
" language required to undertake the task, and the degree of support broken down into the specific acts required for its performance. The specifíc
acts, or task clementSj are reviewcd to identify the knowledge and skill com-
.1' available. ponents involved in task performance. Knally, a hierarchy of objectives is or-
Because of its links to Communicative Language Teaching methodology ' ganized. (Smith 1971: 584) -
and support from some prorninent SLA theorists, TBLT has gained con-
siderable artention wíthin applied linguístics, though there have been few A similar process ís at the heart of the curriculum approach known as
large-scale practical applications of it and litde documentation concern- Competency-Based Language Teaching (see Chapter 13). Task-based
ing its implications or effectiveness as a basis for syllabus design, mate- training identified several-key áreas of concern.
rials developrnent, and classroom teaching.
Task-Based Language Teaching proposes the notion of "task" as a 1. analysis of real-world task-use situations
central unit of planning and teaching. Although defínitions of task vary in 2. the translation of these into teaching tasks descríptions
TBLT, there is a commonsensical understanding that a task is an activity 3. the detailed design of instructional tasks
or goal that is carried out usíng language, such as fínding a solution to a 4. the sequencing of instructional tasks in classroom training/teaching
puzzle, reading a map and giving directions, making a telephone cali,
writing a letter, or reading a set of instructions and assembling a toy: These same issues remain centra! in current discussions of task-based
instruction in language teaching. Although task analysis and instructional
T a s k s . . . are activities which have meaning as their primary focus. Success in design initially dealt with solo job performance on manual tasks, atten-
tasks ¡s evaluated in terms of achievement of an outcome, and tasks generally tion then turaed to team tasks, for which communication is required.
bear some resemblance to real-life language use. So task-based instruction Four rnajor categories of team performance function were recognized:
takes a fairly strong view of cofflrnunicatíve language teaching. (Skehan
1996B: 20)
1. orientarían functions (processes for generatíng and distributing infor-
Nunan (1989:10) offers this jdefinition: matioh necessary to task accorriplishment to team members)
2. organizaíional functions (processes necessary for members to coordí-
the communicative task [is] a piece-of classroom work which involves learners nate actions necessary for task performance) ' . '•
in connprehending, manipulating,;pfoducing or interacting in the target lan-
guage whíle theír attentíon is principally focussd on meaning rather than
3. adaptation functions (processes occurring as team members adapt
form. The task should also have a sense of compieteness, beíng able to stand their performance to'each other to complete the task)
alone as a communicative act in its own right.
Task-Based Language Teachmg
Current communicative 'approaches
be more a matter of convenience than of ideology. For exarnple, struc-
4. mbtivational toctíons (defining team' objectives and "energizing the tural criteria are employed by Skehan in díscussing the criteria for deter-
prono" to complete thc task) • „ . - , . • „ , 100 ¿» rnining the linguístic cornplexíry of tasks:
S (Nieva, Ftóshman, and Rieck [1978], ated in Crookes 1986}
Language is simply seen as less-to-more complex in fairiy traditíonal ways,
Advocares of TBLT have máde similar attempts to define and valídatet the since linguistk complexity is interpretable as constrained by structural syllabus
nature and functíon oí tasks in language ceachng. Although studÍK oí the considerations. (Skehan 1998: 99)
S iust noted have íocused on the nature of occupational tasks, aca-
Ec S have aiso been the focus of considerable attentiou in general Other researchers have proposed functional classifications of task types.
edSon since the early 197Qs. Doyle noted that in ekmentary educa- For example, Berwicfc uses "task goals" as one of two-dístinctions in
do" "the academic task is the mecharan. through which the curriculum classification of task types. He notes that task goals are principally "edu-
isenacted fot students" (Doyle 1983: leí). Academic tasks are defined as cational goals which have olear didactic functíon" and "social (phatic)
goals which require the use of language simply because of the activity in
having four important dimensions: which the participants are engaged." (Berwick 1988, cited jn Sfcehan
1 the products stndents are asked to produce 1998: 101). Foster and Skehan (1996) propose a three-way functional
2! the operations they are required to use in order to produce these distinction of tasks - personal, narrative, and decision-making tasks.
These and other such classifications of task type borrow categories of
3, the cognitive operations required and the resources available ' language function frorn models proposed by Jakobson, ííalliday,
4*. the accountability system involved Wilkins, and others.
All of the questions (and many of the proposed answers) that were Finally, task classifications proposed by those corning from the SLA
raised in these early investigations of tasks and their role ín trammg and research tradition of interaction studies focus on interactionai dimen-
eáchinS mirror similar discussions in relation to Task-Based Language sions of tasks. For example, Pica (1994) distinguishes between interac-
tionai activity and communicative goal.
Teaching. In this chapter, we will outline the critical issues in Task-Based
Language Teaching and provide exampleí of what task-based teacmng IS TBI is therefore not ¡inked to a single model of language but.rather
draws on ail three models of language theory.
supposed to look like.
In recent years, vocabulary has been considered to play a more central
Theory of language role in second language learning than was traditionally assumed. Vocabu-
TBLT is motivated primarily by a theory of learning rather than a theory lary is here used to include the consideration of lexical phrases, sentence
of language, However, several assumptions about the nature of language sterns, prefabricated routines, and coUocacions, and not only words as
can be said to underlie current approaches to TBLT. These are: significant units of linguistk lexical analysis and language pedagogy.
Many task-based proposals incorpórate this perspective. Skehan, for ex-.
L A N G U A G E IS P R l M A R I L Y A M E A N S OF MAKIN.G M E A N I N G ampie (1996b: 21-22), comments!
In common with other realiza tions of communicative language teaching, Although niuch of language teaching has operated under the assumpcíon that
TBLT emphasizes the central role of meaning in language use. Skehan Janguage is essenrially structural, with vocabulary eiements slotting ín to fill
notes that in task-based instruction (TBI), "meaning is primary . thee structural patterns, rnany linguists and psycholinguists have argued that native
assessment of the task is in terms of outcome" and that • language speech processing is very frequently lexical in nature. This means
struction is «of "concerned with language display' (Skehan that speech processing js based dn the production and receptíon of whole
phrase units larger thari the word (although analyzable by linguists ínto
MÚLTIPLE MODELS OF LANGUAGE INFORM TBI words) which do not require any interna! processing when th*y are 'reeled
off' Fluency concerns the learner's capacity to produce language in real
Advócales of task-based instruction draw on structural, functional, and time without undue pausing for hesitación. It is likely to rely upon more lex-
interactionai models of language, as defined in Chapter 1. This seems to
Tfisk-Based Language Teaching
Cumnt cotntnunicative approaches ¡Is
task is the pivot point for stimulation of input-autput practice, negotia-
icalizcd modes of communication, as the pressures of real-time speech produe--, tion of meaning, and transactionally focused conversation.
tioo met only by avoiding cxcessive rule-bascd cornputation.
ANO T H E K E Y S T O N E QF E A N G U A G E A C Q U I S I T I O N Tasks are also said to improve learner motivation and therefore promote
Speaking and trying to communicate with others thiough the spoken learning. This is because they require the learners to use authentic ían-
language drawing on the learner's available linguistic and cornmunicative guage, they have well-défined dimensions and closure, they are varied in
resources is considered the basis for second language acquisition in TBI; format and operatíon, they typically ínclude physical activity, they in-
henee, the majority of tasks that are proposed within TBLT involve con- volve partnership and collaboratíon, they may cali on the learner's past
versation. We will consider further the role of conversation later in this experience, and they tolérate and cncourage a variety of communication
styles. One teacher trainee, commeriting on an experience involving lis-
chapter. tening tasks, noted that such tasks are "genuinely authentic, easy to
understand because of natural repetition; students are motívated to listen
Theory of ¡earning because they have just done the saine task and want to compare how they 11
TBI shares the general assumptíons about the nature of language learning did it" (quoted in Willis 1996: 61-62). (Doubtless enthusiasts for pther
underlying Communicative Language Teaching (see Chapter 14). How- teachíng methods could cite similar "evidence" for their effectiveness.)
cvcr some addition'al learning principies play a central role in TBLT the-
NÉCESSARY FOR L A N G U A G E A C Q U I S I T I O N Another claim for tasks is "that specifíc tasks can be designed to facilítate
the use and iearning of particular aspects of language. Long and Crookes
Krashen has long insísted that comprehensible input is the one necessary (1991: 43) clairn that tasks
{and sufficient) criterion for successful language acquisition (see Chapter
15). Others have argued, however, that productive output and not merely próvida a vehicle for the presentador! of appropriate target language samples
input is also critica! for adequate second language development. For to learners - input which they will inevitably reshape via applicatíon of gen-
cxample, in language ¡inmersión classrooms in Canadá, Swain (1985) eral cognitive processing capacities - and for the delivery of corhprehension
showed that even after years of exposure to comprehensible input, the and production opportunities of negotiablc difficulty.
language ability of immersion students still laggcd behínd native- In mpre detailed support of this claim, Skehan suggests that in selecting
speaking peers. She claimed that adequate opportunities for productive or desígning tasks there is a tráde-off between cognitive processing and
use of language are critica! for ful! language development. Tasks, it is said, focus on form. More difficult, cognitively demanding tasks reduce the
providefull opportunides for both input and output requirements, which arnount of attention the fearner can give to the formal features of mes-
are believed to be key processes in language learning. Other researchers sages, something that is thought to be necessary for accuracy and gram-
have looked at "negotiation of meaning" as the necessary element in matical development. In other words if the task is too difficult, fluency
second language acquisition. "It is rrieaning negotiation which focuses a may develop at the expense of accuracy. He suggests that tasks can be
learntr's attention on some part of an [the learner's) utterarice (pronun- designed along a cline of difficulty so thac ¡earners can work on tasks that
ciaticm, grarnmar, lexicón, etc.) which requires modification. That is, cnable them to develop both fluency and an awareness of language form
negotiation can be viewed as the trigger íor acquisition" (Plough and (Skehan. 1998:97). He also proposes that tasks can be used to "channel"
Gass 1993: 36). learners toward particular aspects of language:
Tasks are believed to foster processes of negotiation, modiíicatíon,
rephrasing, and experimentadon that are at the heart of second language Such chafmeled use rrüght be tawards some aspect of the discourse, or accu-
learning. This view is part of a more general'focus on the critica! impor- racy, complcxity, fluency in general, or «ven occasionally, the use of particular
tance of conversation in language acquisition ¡e.g., Sato 1988). Drawing sets of structures in the language. (Skehan 1998: 97-98)
on $LA research on negotiation and interaction, TBLT proposes that the

Current communicatíve approaches Tosk-Based Language Teaching
The syllabus specifies content and learning outcomes and is a document
Design - that can be used as a basis for classroom teaching and the design of
teachíng materiaJs. Although proponents of TBLT do not preclude -an
Objeptíves . • interest in learners' development of any of these categories, they are more
There are few published ,{or perhaps, fully implemented) examples concerned with the process dimensions of Jearning than with the specifíc
complete language prograrns that claim to be fully based on most rece|i¡ content and skills that might be acquired through the use of these pro-
íbrrnulations of TBLT. The literatute contains mainly deseriptions.; cesses. A TBLT sylíabus, therefore, specifies the tasks that should be
examples of task-based activities. However, as with oiher communicati: carried out by learners within a program,
approachcs, goals in TBLT are ideally to be determined by the spect£jj| Nunan (1989) suggests that a syllabus might specify two types of tasks:
needs of particular learners. Selection of tasks, according to Long a^4'
Crookes (1993), should be based on a careful analysis of the real-worj 1. real-world tasks, which are designed to practice or rabearse those
needs of learners. An example of how this was done with a nationj tasks that are found to be important in a needs analysis and tura out to
English curriculum is the English Language Syllabus in Schools Malay] be important and useful in the real world
sian (1975) - a national, task-based communicative syllabus. Á ver" 2. pedagógica! tasks, which have a psycholinguistic basis in SLA theory
broad goal for English use was determined by the Ministry of Educad^! and research but do not necessarily reflect real-world tasks
at a time when Malay was systematically replacing English-medium ¡n^,
struction at all levéis of education. An attempt to define the role p| Using the telephone would be an example oí the former, and an
English, given the new role for national Malay language, led to the broa<j;fí| information-gap task would be an example of the latter. (It should be
goal of giving all Malaysian secondary school leavers the abitity to conj-jf?| noted that a focus on Type 1 tasks, their identificarion through needs
municate accurately and effeetiuely in the mosí common Eng¡isjj*3j$ analysis, and the use of such information as the basis for the planning and
language activities they may be invalved in, Following this broad statt^liSi delivery of teaching are identical with procedures used ín Competcncy-
ment, the syllabus development team.identified a variety of work situáis!! Based Instrucdon; see Chapter 13.)
tíons in which English use was likely. The anticipated vocational (antfil In the Bangalore Project (a task-based design for primary age learners
occasionally recreational) uses of English for npntertiary-bound, uppéí'sfg of English), both types of tasks were used, as is seen from the following
secondary school leavers were stated as a list of general English use¡|!| list of the first ten task types:
objectives. The resulting twenty-four objectiyes then becarne the.framef^í
work witriin which a variety of related activities were proposed. The:" Task type Example
components of these activities were defined in the syllabus under the.,; 1, Diagrams and fonnations Naming parts of a diagran) with nurn-
headings of Situation, Stimulus, Product, Tasks, and Cognitive Process3 bers and letters of the alphabet as
An overview of The syllabus that resulted from this process is given in?5 instructed.. • .
Chapter 14. :5
2. Drawing Drawing geométrica! figures/
forniations from sets of verbal in-
The syllabus ' "••: structions.
3. Clqck faces Positioning hands on a clock co show
The differences between a conventional language syllabus and a task-:; a given time
based one are discussed below. A conventional syllabus typicaliy specifies: 4, Monthly calendar Calculating duration in days and
the content of a course from among these categories: • '-': weeks in the context of travel,
- language structures ^ leave, and so on
5. Maps Cons'tructing a floor plan'of a house
" functions :-'
- topics and themes from a descriptíon .
6, School timetables Constructing timetables for teachers
- macro-skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) ;
- competencies . ; of particular subjects • '• • •
7, Prograrns and itineraries Constrnctíng itineraries frorn descrtp-
- text types :';
- vocabulary targets :g
tions of travel
230 - .'I Í3Í
Task-Based Language Teaching
Current communicative approacbes
b) Skills, both macro-skills and subskills
8, Traintimetables : Selecting trains appropriate to given
c) World knowledge or "tcpic'content"
needs .
d) Text handling or conversation strategies
9. Age and year of birtb, . Working out year of birth from age
4. Amount and type of help given
10, Money Deciding on quantities to be bought
5. Role of teachers and Iearners
'• • given the money available 6. Time allowed " •' .
(Adapted from Prabhu and cited in Nunan 1989:42-44) 7. Motivación
Noras, Brown, Hudson, and Yoshioka (1998) provide examples of rep- 8. Confidencc
resentative real-world tasks grouped according to themes. For example: 9. Learning styles
Tbeme: pknning a vacation This list illustrates the difficulty of operationalizing the notioiti of task
difficulty: One could add almost anything to it, such as time of day, room
Tasks temperatura, or the aftereffects of brcakfast! • .
- decide where you can .go based on the "advantage miles"
- booking a flíght
- choosing a hotel ' . . . Types ofleamíng andteaching activitíes • \e have seen that there are many different
- booking a room . .
Theme: appiication to a university
task. Consequently, there are many competing descriptions of basic task
Tasks types in TBLT and of appropriate classroorn activities. Breen gives a very
- applying to the university broad descriptkm of a.task (1987: 26):
- corresponding with the department chair
- inquiring aboutfinancialsupport A language learnmg task can be regardcd as a springboard for iearmng work.
- selecting the courses you want and are eligible to take, using advice In a broad sense, it is a structured plan for the provisión of opportunitíes for
the refinemem of knowíedge and capafailitíes entailed ¡n a new language and
from your adviser its use during comrnunication. Such a work plan will have its own particular
- registering by phone objective, appropriate content which is to be worfced upon, and a working
- calculating and paying your fees p.rocedure. ... A' simple and bricf excrcisc ¡s a task, and so also are more
It ís hard to see that this classification offers much beyond the intuitive complex and comprehensive work plans which require spontaneous com-
municarion of meaning or the solving of problems in iearníng and com-
¡mpressions of the writers of Situational Language Teaching materials of
municating. Any language test can be included within this spectrum of tasks.
the 196Qs or the data-free taxonomies that are seen in Munby's Com- All materials designed for language teaching - through their particular organi-
municative Syllabus Design (1978). Ñor have subsequent atternpts at zation of content and the working procsdures they assume or propose for the
describing task dimensíons and task difficulty gone much beyond spec- learning of content - can be seen as compendia of tasfcs.
ulation (see Skehan 1998: 98-99),
In addition to selecting tasks as the basís for a TBLT syllabus, the SI For Prabhu, a task is "an activity which requires Iearners to arrive át an
ordering of tasks also has to be decermined. We saw that the intrinsic outcorne from given information through some process of thought, and
difficulty of tasks has bcen proposed as a basis for the sequencing of which allows teachers to control and regúlate that process" (Prabhu
tasks, but task difficulty is itself a concept that is not easy to determine. 1987:17). Reading train timetables and deciding which train. one shóuld _
Honeyfield (1993: 129) offers the following considerations: take to get to a certain destinación on a given day ,is an appropriate
classroom task according to this definition. Crookes defines a task as "a
1. Procedures, or what the iearners have to do to derive output from piece of work or an activity, usualiy with a specified objective, under-. •
input tak'en as part of an educatíonal course, at work, or used to elicit data for
2. Input text research" (Crookes 1986: 1). This definition would lead to a very
3. Output required different set of "tasfcs" from those idcntified by Prahbu, since it cáuld _ •'
a) Language ítems: vocabulary, structures, discourse structures, pro- include not only summaries, essays, and class notes, but presumabty, iti
cessability, and so on
233 ' •
Task-Based Language Teaching
Current cornmunicative approaches
-fifi 4. single or múltiple outcomes: whether there is a single outcome or
some language classrooms; drílls, dialogue readings; and any of the other rnany different outcomes are possible
"tasks" that teachers use to artain their teaching objectives. 5. concrete or abstract language; whether the task involves the use of
In the literature on TBLT, severa! attempts have been made to group concrete language or abstract language
tasks into categories, as a basis for task design and description. Willis 6. simple or complex processing: whether the task requires relatively
(1996) proposes six task types biíilt'on more or less tradirional knowl- simple or complex cognitive processing
edgc hierarchies. She labels her task examples as follows: 7. simple pr complex language: whether the'linguistic demands of the
task are relatively simple or complex
1. listing 8. reality-based or not reality-based: whether the task mirrors a real-
2. ordering and sorting world activity or is a-pedagogical activity not found in the real world
3. comparing
4. problern solving Leamer'roles
5. sharing personal experíences •
6. creative tasks A number of specific roles for learners are assumed in current proposals
for TBL Some of these overlap with the general roles assumed for learners
Pica, Kanagy, and Falodun (1993) classify tasks accordíng to the type of in Communicative Language Teaching while others are created by the'
interacrion that occurs in task accomplishment and give the following focus on task completion as a central learning activity. Primary roles that
classificatkm: are implied by task work are:
1. Jigsaw tasks: These involve iearners cornbining different pieces of G R O U P PARTICIPANT
information to form a whole (e.g., chrcc individuáis or groups rnay Many tasks will be done in pairs or small groups. For students more
have three different parts of a story and have to piece the story accustorned to whole-class and/or individual work, chis may require
together). some adaptation.
2. Informatíon-gap tasks; One student or group of students has one set
of information and another student or group has a complementar" set MONITOR "I
of information. They rnust negotiate and find out what the other
party's information is in order to complete an activity. In TBLT, tasks are not érhployed for their own sake but as a means of
3. Probletn-solving tasks: Students are given a problem and a set of facilitating learning. Class actívities have to be designcd so that students
information, They must arrive at a solution to the problem. There is have the opportunity to notice how language is used in communication.
generaily a single resolution of the outcome. Learners themselves need to "attend" not only to the message in task •
4. Decision-making íasks: Students are given a problem for which there work, but also to the íbrm in which such messages typically come pacfced.
are a number of possibk outcomes and they must choose one through A number of learner-initiated techniques to support learner reflection on
nego'tiation and discussion. task characteristics, including language' form, are proposed in Bell and
í. Opinión exchange tasks: Learners engage in discussion and exchange Burnaby (1984).
of ideas. They do not need to reach agreement.
Other characteristics of tasks have also been described, "such as the Many tasks will requke leamers to créate and interpret messages for
following: which they lack full linguistic resources and prior experience. In fact, this
is said to be the point of such .tasks. Practice in restating, paraphrasing,
1. one-way or two-way: whether the task ínvolves a one-way exchange using paralinguistíc signáis (where appropriate), and so on, will often ba
of information or a two-way exchange needed. The skills of guessing from liaguistic and cpntextual clues, asking .
2. convergent or divergent: whether the students achieve a common goal for clarificación, and consuítirig with other learners may also need to be
or several different goals developed.
3. collaborative or cornpetitive: whether the students collaborate to carry
out a task or compete with each other on a task
Current commumcative approaches Task-Based Language Teaching
adapted for a variety of situations. A number of task collections have also
.Teacher roles • . • been put into textbook form for students use. Sorne of these are in more
Additional roles are also assumed íor reachers in TBI, including:' or less traditional^ext format (e.g,, Think Tu/ice, Hover 1986), some are
multimedia {e.g., Challenge*, Candlín and Edelhoff 1982), and some are
SELECTOR A N D S E Q U E N C E R O F T A S K S published as task cards (e.g., Malaysian Upper Secondary Communica-
tional Syllabus Resource Kit, 1979). A wide variety of realia can also be
A central role of the teachet is in selectíng, adapting, and/or creating the used as a resource for TBI.
tasks themselves and then forming these into an instructional sequence in
keeping with learner needs, interests, and language skill level.
PREPARING LEARNERS FOR TASKS TBI proponents favor the use of authentíc tasks supported by authentic
materials wherever possible. Popular media obviously provide rich re-
Most TBLT proponents suggest thar learners should not go into new sources for such materials. The following are some of the task types that
tasks "cojd" and that sorne sort of pretask preparation or cuing is impor- can be built around such media products.
tant, Such activities might include topic introduction, clarífying task in-
structions, helping students learn or recail useful words and phrases to News papers
facilítate task accomplishment, and providing partía! demonstration of - Students examine a newspaper, determine its sections, and suggest
task procedures. 'Such cuing may be inductive and implicit or deductivo three new sections that might go in the newspaper.
and explicit. - Students prepare a job-wanted ad using examples from the classifíed
CONSCIOUSNESS-KAISING - Students prepare their weekend entertamment plan using the entertain-
ment section,
Current visws of TBLT hold that if learners are to acquire language
through participating in tasks they need to attend to or notice critical Televisión
fea tures of the language they use and hear. This is referred to as "Focus on — Students take notes during the weather report and prepare a map with
Form." TBLT proponents stress that this does not mean doing a grammar weather symbols showing ükély wcather for the predicted period.
lesson before students take on a task. ít does mean cmploying a variety of - In watching an infomercial, students identify and list "hype" words
form-focusing techniques, including artention-focusing pretask activities, and then try to construct a parallel ad following the sequence of the
text exploration, guided exposure to parallel tasks, and use o/highlighted hype words.
material. - After watching an episode of an unknown soap opera, students list the
characters (with known or made-up ñames) and their possible relation-
The role of Instructional materials ship to other characters in the episode.
PEDAGOG1C M A T E R I A L S - Given a book title to be acquired, students conduct a comparative
Instructional materials p!ay an important role in TBLT because ¡t is de- shopping analysis of three Interaet booksellers, listing prices, mailing
pendent on a.suffícient supply of appropriate ciassroom tasks, some of times, and shipping charges, and choose a vendorj justifying their
which may require considerable time, ingenuity, and resources to chpice.
develop, Materials that can be exploired for instruction in TBLT are - Seeking to find an inexpensive hotel in Tokyo, students search with
three different search engines (e.g., Yahoo, Netscape, Snap), comparing
limited only by the imagination of the task designen Many contemporary
search times and analyzing the fkst ten hits to determine most useful
language teaching texts cite a "task focus" or "task-based activities"
among thcir credentials, though most of the tasks that appear in such search engine for their parpóse.
- Students initiate.a "chat" in a chat room, índicating a current interest
books are familiar ciassroom activities for teachers who employ col-
in their life and developing an answer to the first three people to
laborative iearning, Cornmunicative Language Teaching, or small-group
respond. They then start a diary with these text-sets, ranking the
activities. Several teacher resource books are available that contain repre-
sentative sets of satnple task activities {e.g., Willis 1996) that can be responses.
Task-Based Language Teaching
Current communicative approaches
Procedure Introduction to topic and task
The way in which task acrivitics are designad into an instructional bloc - T helps Ss to understand the theme and objectives of the task, for
can be seen from the following example from Richards (1985). The example, brainstorming ideas with the class, using pictures, mime, or
example comes from a language grogram that contained a core compo- personal experience to introduce the topic.
nent buik «round tasks. The program was an intensive conversation - Ss may do a pretask, for example, topíc-based odd-word-out games.
course for Japancse college students studying on a summer program in - T may highlíght useful words and phrases, but would not preteach new
the United States. Needs analysis identified target tasks the students structures.
needed to be able to carry out in EngÜsh, including: - Ss can be given preparationtime to think about how to do the task.
- Ss can hear a recording of á 'parallel task being done (so long as this
- basic social sarvival transactións . does not give away the splution to the profalem).
- face-to-face informal conversations - If the task is based on a text, Ss read part of it.
- telephone conversations
- interviews on the campüs The task cycle
- service encounters Task
A set of role-play activities was then developed focusing on situations - The task is done by Ss (in pairs or groups) and gives Ss a chance to use
students would encounter in the community and transacrions they wouid whatever language they already have to express themselves and say
have to carry out in English. The following forrnat was developed for whatever they want to say. This may be in response to reading a text or
each role-play task: hearing a recording.
- T walks round and monitors, encouraging in a suppordve way every-
Pretask activitíes one's attempts at communication in the target language.
1. Learners first take part in a preliminary actívity that introduces the - T helps Ss to formúlate what they want to say, but will not intervene to
topic, the situation, and the "script" that will subsequently appcar in correct errors of form.
the role-play task. Such acrivities are of various kinds, including brain- - The erhphasis is on spontaneous, exploratory talk and confídence
stormíng, ranking exercises, and problern-solving tasks. The focus is fauilding, within the privacy of the smali group.
on thinidng about a topic, generating vocabulary and related lan- - Success ín achieving the goals of the task helps Ss' rnotivation.
guage, and developing expectations about tb,C .topic. This activity
therefore prepares learners for the role-'play task by establíshing sche- Planning .,
mata of different kinds. - Planning prepares for the next stage, when Ss are asked to report
2. Learners then read a dialogue on a related topic. This serves both to briefly to the whole class how they did the task and what the outcome
model the kind of transaction the learner will have to perform in the was.
role-play task and to provide examples of the kind of language that - Ss draft and rehearse what they .want to say or write,
could be used to carry out such a transaction. - T goes round to advise students pn language, suggésting phrases and
helping Ss to polish and correct their language.
Task activity - If the reports are ¡n writing, T .can encourage peer editing and use of
3. Learners perform a role p!ay. Students work in pairs with a task and ' dictionaries.
cues needed to negotiate the task. - The emphasis is on clarity, organization, and accuracy, as appropriate
for a public presentation. .
Posttask actívities - Individual students often take this chance to ask questions about spe-
4. Learners then listen to recordings of native speakers performing the cific language ítems. •
same role-play task they have just practiced and compare differences
between the way they expressed particular functions and meanings Report
and the way native speakers performed. - T asks some pairs to report briefly to che whole class so everyone can
compare findings, or begín a survey. (NB: There must be a purpose for
Willis (1996: 56-57) recommends a similar sequence of acrivities:
Task-Based Language Teaching
Current cotnmunicátíve approaches .
long been parí of the mainstream repertoire of language teaching tech-
othérs to -listen.) Sometimes only one or rwo groups report in Él niques for teachers of rnariy different methodological persuasions. TBLT,
others comment and add extra points. The class may take notes., offers a different rationale for the use of tasks as well as
— T chairs, comments on the contení of ttieir reporta, rephrases different criteria for the design and use of tasfcs. It is the dependence on
but gives no overt public corrección. tasks as the primary source of pedagogical input in teaching and the
absence oía systematicgrammaticalor other type of syllabus thatcharac-
Posttask listening. ::;|
terizes current versions of TBLT, and that distinguishes it from the use of
- Ss listen to a recording of fluent speakers doing the same task, and":;,
tasks in Competency-Based Language Teaching, another task-based ap-
compare the ways in which they did the task themselves.
proach but one that is nót wedded to the theoretical framework and
The language focus • v: assumptíons of TBLT. Many aspects of TBLThave yet to be justified, such
as proposed schemes for tasfc types, task sequencing, and evaluation of
Analysis task performance. And the basic assumprion of Task-Based Language
~ T sets some language-focüsed tasks, based on the texts students have.;. Teaching - that it provides for a more effective basis for teaching than
read or on the transcripta of the recordings they have heard. '•.',
other language teaching approaches - remains in the domain of ideojogy
— Examples include the following: :;•' rather than fact.
. Find words and phrases relaced to the title of the topic or text. :
Rcad the transcript, find .words ending in s or 's, and say what the s
means. BIbliography and further reading
• -• • Find all the verbs in the simple past form. Say which refer to past time
and which do not. Bell,)., and B. Burnaby. 1984. A Handbook forESL Literacy. Toronto: Ontario
Underline and classify the questions in the transcript. Institute for Studies in Educación.
- T starts Ss off, then Ss continué, often in pairs, Beretta, A. 1990. Implementation of the Bangalore Project. Applied Linguistícs
11(4): 321-337.
- T goes round to help; Ss can ask individual questions. Berecca, A., and A, Davies. 1985. Evaluation of the Bangalore Project. Bnglish
,.-• In plenary, T then reviews the analysis, possibly writing relevant lan- Language Teaching Journal 30(2) 121-127.
guage up on the board in list form; Ss may make notes. Breen, M. 1987. Learner contributions to task design. In C. Candlin and D.
Murphy (eds.), Language Learning Tasks. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice
Practice Hall. 23-46.
~ T conducís practice acrivities as needed, based on the language analysis Brown, G., and G. Yule. 1983. Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge:
work already on the board, or using examples from the text or Cambridge Universicy Press.
transcript. Bygate, M. 1988. Units of oral expression and language learning in ¿malí group
- Practice activities can include: inteteactton. Applied Linguistics 9: 59-82.
choral repetition of the phrases identified and classified Bygate, M., P. Skehan, and M. Swa'm. (eds.) 2000. Task-Based Learning: Lan-
gaage Teaching, Learning, and Assessmgnt. Harlow, Essex: Pearson.
memory challenge garnes based on partially erased examples or using Candlin, C. 1987. Towards task-based language learnmg. In C. Candlin and D.
lists already on blackboard for progressive deletion Murphy (eds.), Language Learning Tasks. Enjjlewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice
sentence completion (set by one team for another) Hall. 5-21.
rnatching the past-tense verbs (jumbled) with the subject or objects Candlin, C., and C. Edelhoff. 1982. Challenges: A Multi-media Project for
they had in the text Leamers ofEnglish. Harlow, Essex:' Longman.
Kim's game (in teams) with new words and phrases Crookes, G. 19SS. Task Classificatian: A Crass-Dtsciplinary Review. Technical
dictionary reference words from text or transcript Report No. 4. Honolulú: Center for Second Language Classroom Research.
•.Crookes, G., and S. Gass (eds.). 1993.Taifa in a Pedagogical Context, Clcvedon,- •
Philadeíphia, and Adelaíde: Muktlingual Matters.
Day, R. (ed.). 198é. Tatking to Learn. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House.
Conclusión Doyle, W. 1983. Academic work. Review of Educacional Research 53(2): 159-
Few would question the pedagogical valué of employing tasks as a vehicle Ellis, R. 1992. Second Language Aequisition and Language Pedagogy. Clevedon:
for promoting communication and authentic language use in second lan- Multilingual Matters.
guage classrooms, and depending on one's definition of a task, tasks have

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