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Business Requirements
There is a need for an online Business Decision making system / Adviser to
effectively spot the right business areas for better financial investment by the
interested investors based upon their financial history. The system should be able
to provide assistance to the organization’s consultants in making better
predictions about their clients’ investments. System should keep full track of
clients’ details regarding investments and liabilities, and offer an effective
communication channel to interact with the clients via emails.

4. User Requirements

1 Log into the system

2 Customizable theme and profiling
3 Home page of Adviser / user showing configurable switch board
4 Manage e-mail groups.
5 Send custom emails to individuals / groups
6 Send template driven emails to individuals / groups
7 Add client liabilities along with Repayment schedule and Drawdown
8 View existing Liabilities
9 Edit/delete client’s Liabilities
10 Add client Investment
11 Apply commission / fee to Investment
12 View clients’ Investments
13 Filter Investments by entities
14 Edit/Delete client’s investment
15 Add investment for transaction
16 View and manage transaction list
17 Redeem transaction

5. Functional Requirements

FR01: User Login

FR01-01 System shall allow user/adviser to login
FR01-02 System shall get Username from user
FR01-03 System shall get password from user
FR01-04 System shall authenticate user when he / she submits username and
password on login button
FR01-05 System shall allow user to Reset his username and password when he /
she clicks on the Reset button
FR01-06 System shall allow user to remember his username and password by

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entering into the checkbox.

FR02- Customizable Theme and Profiling

FR02-01 System shall allow user to change profile and theme

FR02-02 System shall allow user to change his personal information by selecting
the Title of his name from a menu list.
FR02-03 The system shall allow the user to enter all the information in different text
FR02-04 System shall allow user to change theme/color scheming of whole
application by selecting themes from a menu list.
FR02-05 The system shall allow the user to save his theme and profile settings by
clicking on a save button.

FR03- Configurable Switch Board

FR03-01 System shall display information on switchboard. And also shall allow
user to configure switchboard.
FR03-02 System shall allow user to add information web parts to switchboard
FR03-03 System shall allow user to change web parts position by drag and drop
FR03-04 System shall allow user to delete any information web part from
FR03-05 System shall enable user to edit any information in any web part

FR04- Manage E-mail Groups

FR04-01 System shall allow user to manage Email groups

FR04-02 System shall allow user to add Email Group
FR04-03 System shall allow user to search users against certain criteria and can
save them in one Email Group
FR04-04 System shall allow user to edit any Email groups
FR05-04 System shall allow user to delete any Email groups

FR05- Custom Emails to Individuals / Groups

FR05-01 System shall allow user to send custom emails to individuals/groups

FR05-02 System shall allow user to enter a custom message in rich text(html)

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FR05-03 System shall allow user to specify whether send email to individuals or
FR05-04 System shall allow user to preview the email message

FR06- Template Driven Emails to Individuals / Groups

FR06-01 System shall allow user to send template emails to individuals/groups

FR06-02 System shall allow user to add email templates
FR06-03 System shall allow user to select email template before sending email
FR06-04 System shall allow user to preview the email message and specify email
groups/individual recipients

FR07- Add Client’s Liabilities

FR07-01 System shall allow user to manage client’s liabilities

FR07-02 System shall allow user to specify liability owner, liability type and duration
of liability in years
FR07-03 System shall allow user to enter other information for liability such as
interest rate, tax deductible, description, term, start date, outstanding
amount and existing liability
FR07-04 System shall enable user to enter Interest Rate and Tax Deductible in
terms of percentage (%)
FR07-05 System shall check the values of liability owner and liability type to ensure
they are not left blank by the user
FR07-06 System shall allow user to save all entered information
FR07-07 System shall enable user to specify repayment schedule against liability
FR07-09 For repayment schedule, system shall enable user to enter start date,
duration in years, amount and growth rate
FR07-10 System shall allow user to enter growth rate as percentage (%)
FR07-11 System shall not allow user to specify a start date which is greater than
current date
FR07-12 System shall allow user to enter growth rate as percentage (%)
FR07-13 System shall not allow user to specify a start date which is greater than
current date
FR07-14 System shall allow user to save drawdown information

FR08- View Existing Liabilities

FR08-01 System shall allow user to view existing liabilities

FR08-02 System shall allow user to view existing liabilities in a grid showing such
information as liability’s owner, description, loan type, term and
outstanding amount
FR08-03 System shall allow user to sort existing liabilities by owner, description,
loan type, term and outstanding amount. Sorting could be done in both
ascending and descending order
FR08-04 The system shall display existing liabilities by adding pagination

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FR08-05 System shall enable user to view repayment and drawdown schedules for
each liability by clicking it
FR08-06 The system shall allow repayment and drawdown schedule entries to be
shown in a grid with the details regarding start date, duration in years,
amount and growth rate
FR08-07 The system shall enable the User to sort schedule entries by start date,
duration, amount and growth rate (%) in both ascending and descending
FR08-08 The system shall allow for Repayment and drawdown schedule entries to
be paginated

FR09- Edit/Delete Existing Liabilities

FR09-01 System shall allow user to edit/delete existing liabilities

FR09-02 The system shall allow to for the viewing of existing liabilities, user shall
be able to click a liability that takes him to page where liability can be
deleted or it details updated.
FR09-03 The system shall allow user to go to liability’s repayment schedule or
drawdown schedule which in turn enable deletion or updating of each
schedule’s information

FR09-04 The system shall allow all validation checks and rules for entering data
that are applicable to the process of adding liability also apply directly to
the operation of updating liability
FR09-05 , the system shall ask the user to confirm the action before deleting any
liability. Deletion shall be done only when user confirms it

FR10- Add Client Investment

FR10-01 System shall allow user to add client investment

FR10-02 The system shall allow the user to add investment, user shall be able to
specify owner of investment, status, investment class, investment type,
fund/stock, manager, description, platform, investment date, accounting
code, maturity date and comments
FR10-03 System should pre-fill the values of Entered By and Entry Date. System
shall not allow user to change the values of these fields.
FR10-04 System must ensure that before saving the information user has specified
Investment Class and Investment Type

FR11- Apply Commission/Fee to Investment

FR11-01 System shall allow user to apply commission/fee to investment

FR11-02 System shall allow user to add commission/fee information by selecting
investment and entering setup fee, ongoing fee, setup fee-scale and
ongoing fee-scale

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FR11-03 System should pre-fill the values of Entered By and Entry Date. System
shall not allow user to change the values of these fields.
FR11-04 System must make sure that user has specified investment

FR012- View Clients’ Investments

FR12-01 System shall allow user to view client’s investment

FR12-02 System must display investment details that include investment type,
description, unit, unit price, date, amount and platform
FR12-03 System must allow for the sorting of clients’ investment by type,
description, unit, unit price, date, amount and platform.
FR12-04 The system shall paginate All records of investments that are shown to
the user.

FR13- Filter Investments by Entities

FR13-01 System shall allow user to filter investments by entities
FR13-02 The system shall all the user to view investments of interest, user must
be able to filter out investments by selecting entities from the list
FR13-03 Selecting All from the entities list must show all the investments
FR13-04 The system shall allow to select specific entity to show only those
investments which are related to a particular entity

FR14- Edit/Delete Client’s investment

FR14-01 System shall enable user to edit/delete client’s investment

FR14-02 System shall allow the user to click any investment to edit or delete it
When user views the investments.

FR14-03 System shall allow the user to delete investment

FR15- Add Investment for Transaction

FR15-01 System shall enable user to add investment transaction

FR15-02 The system shall allow the user to enter new transaction for an
investment, system must allow user to enter transaction type, transaction
status, description, deposit date, units added, unit price, gross amount,
net amount, total tax and total fee
FR15-03 The system shall validate for Owner, Entered by, Units, Value and Value
Units must be pre-filled and unchangeable

FR16- View and Manage Transaction List

FR16-01 System shall enable user to view, manage client’s investment list

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FR16-02 The system shall enable the user to view all transactions again client’s
FR16-03 System shall display the transactions to allow for sorting and pagination
FR16-04 System should allow the user to select a particular transaction to update
its details or to delete it

FR17- Redeem transaction

FR17-01 System shall enable user to redeem transaction

FR17-02 System shall give Redeem Transaction option to the user when he
proceeds to update the details of the investment
FR17-03 System shall allow the user to select from the transactions against the
FR17-04 System shall allow the user to submit the intended transaction
FR17-05 System shall allow the user to cancel the action

project's deliverable or product as expressed by the users.

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