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2 5 . D. C.


Release No, 60-287



This satellite is designed to provide basic information on

the ionosphere by direct measurement.
E i g h t experiments are included in the satellite. Most o f
the instrumentation will measure: the positive ion and electron
composition of the ionosphere.
The satellite is a project of the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, under the management of the Goddard Space
Flight Center. The NASA George C, Marshall Space Flight Center
prepared the payload, and designed, developed and launched the
Juno 11 carrier rocket, The scientific experfments were originated
and built by the Goddard Center. The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
provided the vehicle's three-stage high-speed upper assembly.
Launch is at a 50 degree inclination to the equator. It is
desired to obtain an orbit of at least 200 miles perigee and about
1000 miles apogee. The orbital period would be about 113 minutes.
Expected lifetime of the experiments is about two t o three months.
The payload is expected to orbit f o r several years.

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In addition to the investigation of the ionosphere, the

satellite has a, secondary mission of gathering data on the
frequency, momentum and energy of micrometeorite impacts. The
momentum range which will be scanned is considerably larger than
that of previous U. S. satellites.
This will be the first attempt to take direct, continuous
readings on the ionosphere at such altitudes. The purpose is to
lead to a better understanding of the structure and properties of
t h e ionosphere, and how the region changes in composition due to

such variable conditions as sunlight and shadow.

The ionospnere begins at about 50 miles above the earth and
extends several nundred miles into space. It is essentially tne
"fringe" of the atriios:d,iere -- a region where atoms of tne atmosphere
are acted upon IY- itni.:olet radiation from the sun and become
ionized, tnat I s , Lklz? weir electrons. Tne result of this contact
1.s a gaseous substance whlcn scientists call a plasma -- a gas, the
constituents of which have become fully ionized,
The measurements taken by this payload will be in the upper
layers of the ionosphere. The particles to be investigated are of
low energies, a group which exerts the greatest influence on
Long-range radio communications are dependent upon the bounc-
ing o f signals off the ionospheric layers. The reflectivity of the
ionosphere, for reasons which are not fully explored, varies w i t h
conditions of the region, the angle of the beam and with the radio
frequency used. In some cases the signals are readily and com-
pletely reflected, while in others the signals are lost due to
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absorptien in the ionosphere. The effectiveness of this reflection

also varies from season to season, and from day to night.
These are some of the questions which scientists hope will be
at least partially answered by this and subsequent experiments.
The most immediate application of the data derived from this
satellite will be in the area o f communications, but this is
primarily an experiment in basic ionospheric physics.
There are basically two means of investigating the structure
and properties o f the ionosphere with earth satellites. One is the
radio propagation technique. In this method, ground stations re-
ceive signals from satellites, the position and transmission
strength of which are known fairly accurately. Several satellites
have provided this type of data, and a special payload equipped with
a immber of radio transmitters operating on different frequencies
and Levels of power will be launched by NASA in the f'uture t o f'urther
explore the region by this technique.
The other method o f investigation is the one employed by this
satellite -- that o f direct measurement. The payload incorporates
a number of sensors which "sample" the positive i o n and electron
concentration, and their temperatures, as the vehicle passes through
The method used here has two major advantages over the propa-
gation method: it measures considerably more ionospheric characteris-
tics, and it is much less sensitive to the rapid time variations of
ionospheric conditions, On the other hand, the success of the ex-
periments depends on competent evaluation o f the disturbance created
in the region by the presence of the satellite, a factor which does

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not affect propagation methods appreciably.

Ionospheric characteristics which will be studied include
the concentration of electrons and positive ions, the electron
temperature, and the mass distribution of positive ions, Simultaneous
measurement of electron and ion concentration will resolve the question
of the charge balance in the region. Electron temperature data, when
compared with temperatures of the rarefied gas in space will resolve
the question of thermodynamic equilibrium.
If equilibrium is established, the measurement of electron
temperature could be the most convenient means of studying temperatures
in the outer regions of space.
Studies of the ion mass distribution will establish the altitude
of the base of the exosphere, the layer above the ionosphere.
Another objective is the meaurement of' the charge accumulation --
th? static electricity -- on the satellite's aluminum surfaces.
These d a t a can be related to electrical drz:, and are expected to be
significant t o studies of the density of the region, which presently
a r e being computed from satellite orbital decay observations with-
t3ut regard to electrical drag.
The other secondary objective, the micrometeorite study, will
use an improved version of an experiment carried on Explorer VII.
Comparison of the energy and nomenturn data will determine the masses
and the velocities of micrometeorite pdrticles. Because of the low
perigee, observations will be made of the effects of "sputtering"
on the surface of the micrometeorite EA!zrgy detector. "Sputtering"
is erosion of the vehicle surfaces by collison with all types of
particles, including the micrometeorites themselves.
The configuration of the satellite is very similar to that of
Explorer VII. It is in the form of two truncated cones, with their
bases attached to a cylindrical band, or equator, The satellite is
30 inches in height and diameter, and weighs 90 pounds, The outer
shell is constructed of aluminum, instead of the fiber-glass used
on Explorer VII. Aluminum was used primarily because it would per-
mit the accumulation and measurement of the static charge as the
satellite orbits. The fourth stage motor case, after burnout, will
separate from the payload, The payload has two de-spin mechanisms
which will slow the rate of spin from 450 to about 30 rpm. Six
channels of data will be telemetered to ground stations carrying 77
separate pieces of information. Only one transmitter will be used,
operating on 108 -megacycles,
Following is a list of the scientific experiments and their
1. The radio frequency impedance probe will measure ionospheric
e1e::'cron concenkration. It compares the measured capacitance of the
sensor - or how much of an electrical charge it will hold - to i t s
free-space value, These data can then be related to the electron
concentration surrounding the satellite, The sensor is a dipole
antenna, each arm of which is 10 feet long, which radiates a very
small amount of power. The measurement of capacitance will be
made 25 times every second,
2, One single-grid ion trap will be used to determine ion con-
centration and mass distribution, The techniques involved are very
similar to vacuum tube techniques, One sensor in the form of a
cylinder three inches in diameter is located on the upper "cone"

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near the spin axis, The sensor consists of a g r i d , flush with and
insulated from the satellite skin, behind which is located a
collector. An electrical "sweep voltage" varying between -5 and
f 2 5 volts is introduced to the grid. At a given time during the
3o-voit sweep, any ion particle, which, due to its kinetic
is able to pass through the grid, will be registered by the collector.
The data is derived comparing the collector current with the
applied sweep voltage.
3. Four multiple-grid ion traps measure positive ion con-
centmtion and mass distribution. This experiment has essentially
the same mission as that of the single-grid traps. Three sensors
are located on the equator of the satellite and the fourth on the
upper cone" near the spin axis. Each sensor consists of four
concentric grids and a collector. The comparison of the single-grid
da.ta with the multiple-grid data will evaluate the effects of the
ion sheath surrounding the vehicle upon the ion data.
4. The Langmuir Probe Experiment measures electron tempera-
'cure, One sensor is located on the sabellite equator. The sensor
consists of a collector in the form of a circular plate flush with
and insulated from the satellite skin. In the case of the Langmuir
probe, t o t a l diffusion current to the satellite is measured.
5. The electric field meter is designed t o measure the dis-
tribution of charge which accumulates on the surface of the vehicle.
The sensor, located directly on the spin axis, is termed a rotating-
shutter type electric field meter. Its purpose is to measure the
(static) electric field due to the ion sheath which forms around
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the satellite. The four-bladed shutter or r o t o r is motor-driven,
and is grounded to the satellite by the use of brushes. A four-
b l a d e d stator o r sensor is located behind the r o t o r , The field
meter system will measure electric fields ranging from 50 to 10,000
volts per meter.
6, The micrometeorite photomultiplier experiment is de-
signed to (1) measure the light energy given off as a micro-
rieteorite hits upon a surface and to relate this measured energy
'GO the !cinetic energy of the particle, and (2) to determine the
eroslve effects of micrometeorite impacts. The sensor is a con-
ventional 6199 photomultiplier vith a thin layer of aluminum on
t h e P r o n t surface. Particles penetrate the aluminum coating and
reE;fstervisible-light energy on the photocathode. The resulting
pulses, varying in length and amplitude, will be amplified and
tL.ansI.ated into a meaningful telemetry signal,
7. The micrometeorite microphone experiment will measure
tiic rrequency and momentum of microneteorite impacts. The micro-
"targets" are two sounding boards located on the lower
cone of the satellite, acoustically insulated from the satellite
skin, To each sounding board is attached a small microphone which
will. sense the impulse of an impact. By preflight calibration the
detected impulse can be related to the momentum of the incoming
8, There are a total of four thermistors to provide tempera-
ture readings in various locations within the instrument compartment
a,ndon the satellite's surface.
The elements of the payload include --
Timer and separation mechanism. A battery-operated timer is

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attached to the base of the instrument column in the center of the
payload. It activates a release mechanism separating the payload
froxlz the empty fourth-stage rocket about two minutes after burnout
and i t initiates first-stage despin shortly thereafter.
First-Stage Despin Mechanism. Its function is to reduce the
payload's spin rate from 450 to about 100 rpm. It consists of two
weighted wfres wrapped around the equator. Length of these wires
is 206 inches each. The weight on the ends of the wires is 30 grams
each., (The second-stage despin device is the radio frequency
impedance probe. When the first-stage despin wires are released
from the payload, this release triggers the extension of the
impedance probe, which further slows the payload to about 30 rpm.)
Sensors. In addition to the 15 sensors for the experiments,
there is an aspect, or spatial orientation sensor.
Instrument Column, The instrument column is 193 inches high
and consists of 20 modules, and a separation timer on the bottom.
The inodules are: commutator, sweep generator, two electrometer
amplifiers, electric field meter amplifier, two RF impedance units,
two aspect RF memory units, command program, meteorite amplifier,
meteorite counter, computer pulser, aspect-digitalizer, two
oscillators, two encoders, command receiver, and transmitter.
Power and Telemetry Systems. The satellite is powered by
eight packs of mercury batteries, weighing 29.67 pounds. All com-
ponents are operated continuow@except the electric field meter
which is active f o r two minute periods only on command from a
ground station. This experiment will be operated about six minutes

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for every 100 minutes of orbit,
The single transmitter will double as telemetry and tracking
tramsmitter. It will operate on 108 megacycles.
The telemetry system will operate continuously so that all
data transmission will be on a real time basis. The system is a
descendent of that used in the Vanguard program; the transmitter
contains bursts o f amplitude modulation separated by periods of
no oscillation referred to as blanks. The long-term average
radiated power output during modulation is 100 milliwatts. The
satellite has a linearly-polarized quadriloop (cloverleaf) antenna
situated at the base o f the payload, similar to that used on
Explorer VII. The same antenna is used f o r receiving the
command from ground stations which activates the electric field meter
The weight breakdown of the payload is as f o l l o w s :
Structure 20 52
I4a.i.n Batteries (including housings) 32 30 .
Instrument Column 11.90
Sensors (Instrumentation) 7-47
First-Stage Despin OD75
RF Impedance Probe 6.54
108-~ ~ Assembly 3.20
Battery f o r Separation Timer 1.20

Balancing Weights 0.70

Miscellaneous (Wiring, connectors,
thermal coatings, special finishes) 5.32
Totals 90.00
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"Quick look" - the f i r s t evaluaGion of data t o determine
v e h i c l e performance and i n i t i a l o r b i t a l elements i s under d i r e c t i o n
of t h e Marshall Space Flight Center, The long-range t r a c M n g and
data r e d u c t i o n program will be under the d i r e c t i o n of the Goddard
Space F l i g h t Center e

Quick look relies p r i m a r i l y on data received from A t l a n t i c

M i s s i l e Range radar, and eight microlock s t a t i o n s . T h i s data r e v e a l s
b o o s t e r and c l u s t e r performance of t h e Juno I1 launch v e h i c l e . In
a d d i t i o n , some o r b i t a l data i s received from the network of m i n i t r a c k
s t a t i o n s operated under s u p e r v i s i o n of the Goddard Space F l i g h t Center,
Greenbelt, Md.
R e s u l t s of the quick look e v a l u a t i o n will be r e l a y e d t o a l l
p a r t i c i p a t i n g t r a c M n g s t a t i o n s t o assist them i n continued t r a c k i n g
of" the o r b i t e r . Quick look i s expected t o terminate a f t e r the s a t e l l i t e ' s
f i r s t two o r b i t a l r e v o l u t i o n s .
Zong t e r m t r a c k i n g and r e c e i v i n g w i l l be c a r r i e d o u t l a r g e l y
by t h e Goddard C e n t e r ' s m i n i t r a c k s t a t i o n s .
The Millstone H i l l radar, Westford, Mass., operated by t h e
Lincoln L a b a r a t o r i e s of the Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology
will t r a c k both c l u s t e r o p e r a t i o n and the s a t e l l i t e , and t h e Goldstone
s t a t i o n opeieszed by the NASA J e t Propulsion Laboratory a t Camp Irwin,
Calif., w i l l t r a c k t h e s a t e l l i t e .
Microlock s t a t i o n s p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n c l u d e : Madkin Mountain,
Huntsville, A l a . , operated by t h e Marshall C e n t e r ' s Guidance and
Control Division; Redstone Arsenal, Ala., opcrated by the Army Rocket

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and Gi-'-Jed M i s s i l e Agency; Cape Canaveral, F l a . , operated by the

Marshall Center's Launch Operations D i r e c t o r a t e ; t h r e e mobile s t a t i o n s
operated by the Goddard Center and ioc,rlted a t A t l a n t i c , N. C., St,
Johns, Newfoundland, and P a i n t e r s H i l l , Bermuda; Ft. Monmouth, N. J.;
and Aberdeen Proving GrounC, Md., operated by t h e B a l l i s t i c Research
Minitrack s t a t i o n s p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n c l u d e : Santiago, Chile;
Woomera, A u s t r a l i a ; Johannesburg, South Africa; Antofagasta, Chile;
Lima, Peru; Quito, Ecuador; Antigua, B.W.I.; F t . Myers, Fla.; San
Diego, Calif .; and Blossom P o i n t , Md.
The m i n i t r a c k s t a t i o n s are being operated f o r Goddard by the
Bendix Corporation. Bendix a l s o o p e r a t e s the Goddard C e n t e r ' s t h r e e
mobile microlock s t a t i o n s .
Microlock s t a t i o n s t r a c k by measuring the speed of a v e h i c l e
i n space through the Doppler e f f e c t -- the change i n tone of the
tracking s i g n a l as the v e h i c l e speeds away.
Minitrack s t a t i o n s t r a c k by determllning the d i r e c t i o n from
which a s i g n a l i s received.
The launch v e h i c l e f o r the experiment i s NASA's Juno 11, based
on the J u p i t e r r o c k e t . The v e h i c l e c o n s i s t s of a modified J u p i t e r

s e r v i n g as t h e f i r s t stage and a three-stage c l u s t e r of s o l i d p r o p e l l a n t

r o c k e t s placed i n a spinning "tub" mounted on the nose of the f i r s t

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The high-speed upper assembly of the Juno 11 i s i d e n t i c a l

f ; t~h a t of t h e Jupiter-C, as i s the v e h i c l e ' s staging technique,
Standing 76 f e e t i n height, the r o c k e t weighs about 60 t o n s
at l i f t o f f .
I n previous f i r i n g s , Juno 11% launched Pioneer I V and t h e
Explorer V I 1 r a d i a t i o n s a t e l l i t e ,
Main Stage Propulsion. The J u p i t e r b o o s t e r , for this space
role, i s modified t o i n c r e a s e f u e l c a p a c i t y . The b o o s t e r s e c t i o n and
f u e l t a n k s are extended three feet. Fuel f o r t h e b o o s t e r propulsion
system i s a high grade of kerosene; i s l i q u i d oxygen.
A bell-shaped t h r u s t chamber i s used t o combine high a l t i t u d e
e f f i c i e n c y with maximum performance a t low a l t i t u d e . The chamber i s
gimballed t o allow use of the engine t h r u s t v e c t o r i n c o n t r o l l i n g
direction. To provide cooling f o r chamber during operation, f u e l
f o r the engine c i r c u l a t e s through t h e chamber walls b e f o r e being f e d
through the i n j e c t o r i n t o the combustion area.
Moving t h e f u e l and ox.idizer through the engine a t tremendous
flow and p r e s s u r e rates i s t h e e n g i n e ' s t u r b i n e assembly with twin
pumps roughly equal i n s i z e t o household p r e s s u r e cookers. The
t u r b i n e i t s e l f i s d r i v e n by h o t g a s e s provided by combustion of t h e
main p r o p e l l a n t s i n a g a s g e n e r a t o r . Ekhaust from the l a t t e r i s added
t o t h e t h r u s t c r e a t e d by the engine.
Upper Stages, The upper s t a g e s of t h i s launching v e h i c l e were
o r i g i n a l l y developed f o r t h e JQpiter-C (Composite Reentry T e s t V e h i c l e ) .
The upper assembly i s f i t t e d i n t o a r o t a t i n g I1 tub" or launcher, which
g i v e s s t a b i l i t y i n p o s t - s e p a r a t i o n f l i g h t , much as a r i f l e b u l l e t i s

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st;abflized by spinning. The assembly i s r o t a t e d by motors mounted i n

the f r o n t end of the b o o s t e r .
The second stage of the r o c k e t c o n s i s t s of a c l u s t e r of 11 s o l i d
p r o p e l l a n t motms, I n s e r t e d i n t o t h i s r i n g i s t h e t h i r d s t a g e of three
rockets. Atop the t h i r d stage i s the single r o c k e t which makes up the

f o u r t h and f i n a l s t a g e .
The three t ~ stages
p provide t h e f i n a l impulse needed t o p r o p e l
t h e space payload beyond the earth's atmosphere. At burnout of t h e main
s t a g e , the r o c k e t i s t r a v e l l i n g a t about 11,000 miles per hour. The
upper stages i g n i t e i n rapid succession -- r e q u i r i n g l i t t l e more than
25 seconds -- and push the v e l o c i t y of t h e payload t o t h e d e s i r e d l e v e l .

Shroud, A specially-designed shroud encases the launching vehicles

high-speed upper assembly and payload, The shroud has t h r e e main
fu.n,ctions: t o p r o t e c t t h e assembly from t h e h e a t generated by a i r
flow fPiC$bIl; t o e l i m i n a t e the dynamic f o r c e s t3 which t h e upper
stages would otherwise be subjected; and t o provide support f o r the
angPe-sf-attack meter which i s r e q u i r e d i n t h i s c o n f i g u r a t i o n t o g i v e
adequate cc-dre.t;rsl during i n i t i a l s t a g e s of f l i g h t .
-C u i d a c e , The small s t a b i l i z e d platform, l o c a t e d i n the upper
s e c t i o ~ of
, the booster, i s a l i g n e d very p r e c i s e l y t o the It target" i n
space. Fmm the moment the r o c k e t S i f t s o f f the earth and through the
e n t i r e p r o p e l l e d f l i g h t , the p l a t f o r m is constrained t o the same
angulap d i r e c t i o n , The missile t i l t s and a r c s through t h e sky, b u t
11 I1
t h e platform remains c o n s t a n t , o r space-fixed.
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Any deviations in vehicle attitude relative to the stabilized

platform resulting from wind o r thrust misalignment are sensed and the
information is fed into the vehicle's computer. Necessary corrections
are issued automatically by the system's control computer to keep the
vehicle continuously directed on path.
After the corrections have been issued by the I 1 brains" of the
vehicle, the rocket's attitude is altered accordingly by swivelling
the nozzle on the booster engfne for control in the pitch and y a w
planes, and swivelling the turbine exhaust nozzle for r o l l control.
Flight Procedure. During the burning time of the first stage,
approximately three minutes, the rocket is tilted into the trajectory
inclined at a pre-determined angle. A few seconds after cutoff, the
booster (combined tank and engine section of first stage) is separated
from the instrument compartment by activating explosive bolts. Wrapped
around the bolts are coil springs. When the explosions destroy the
b o l t s , the springs exert a gentle push on the instrument compartment

and separate it cleanly from the booster. This is followed by the

firing of four small lateral k i c k rockets contained in the booster
which cause the booster to slow down slightly in speed and move to the
side. This eliminates the possibility of the booster interfering with
the flight of the separated upper stages.
The booster falls to the earth, while the upper assembly
continues on its path. The upper element coasts f o r a varying period,
depending on the mission, and then a second separation occurs in a
similar manner. The nose cone of the shroud is removed by explosive

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b o l t s and springs, and a k i c k r o c k e t moves i t t o the s i d e . After a

c o a s t p e r i o d (in t h i s case about 4; minutes), t h e second stage of t h e
rotating upper assembly w i t h i n the shroud i s i g n i t e d . The assembly,
r o t a t i n g a t about 450 r e v a l u t i o n s p e r minute, r a p i d l y p u l l s out of the
shroud, and t h e t h i r d ard f o u r t h s t a g e s are f i r e d i n quick succession.
After the four% stage "boosts the p a y l o a d ' s v e l o c i t y t o the d e s i r e d
l e v e l , t h e burned- ut. noksr case separates, a f t e r a lapse of about t w o
minutes, leaving t k e it-sstrumnted payload h continue i t s journey.
T o t a l t i m e from t h e l i f t o f f t o t h e i n j e c t i o n of t h i s payload
i n o r b i t will be about e i g h t minutes.


The experiment i s being conducted by t h e National Aeronautics

and Space Administration. The Goddard and Marshall Space F l i g h t Centers
a r e t h e NASA elements r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e p r o j e c t , Robert E. Bordeau
of Goddard and B i l l Gyeever of Marshall a r e t h e p r o j e c t managers,
Vehicle, The durn 11 first stage was designed and f a b r i c a t e d
by the Marshall Cer,ter, m d was laurrched by t h e C e n t e r ' s Launch

Operations D i r e c t o r a t e , Cape Cmaveral .

Major b o o s t e r s u b c o n t r a c t o r s i n c l u d e t h e Rocketdyne Division
of Nor%h America? Aviation, which f u r n i s h e d t h e engine, and t h e Ford
Instrument C h . , which mamfac%ured components of the guidance system.
The high-speed upper stage c l u s t e r was designed by the NASA
Jet Propulsion Labcratory. Casper F. M ~ h li s the J P L p r o j e c t engineer.
The c l u s t e r was b G i 3 - t by the Cmper Development Corp. of Monrovia, C a l i f .

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Paylcid, The sciel?_tffbcexperiments were originated and

pycvbded Sy . t ~ . e\T..Td.dard Cen+er
The payload was asserrbled and tested by the Marshall Center.
The leading r s l e i9. the preparatian of' the payload was by t h e Guidance
and Control D i v i s i o n .

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