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‘Messenger Me Biigsion Meviohen lsussaneien ¥ Aylleward be.ggpeared ~ amir the abe ashoyatatmatnd apie thom Lewd not bhemutiih had. nin Ga pe inte al the wood, — St Math 6: 9.1415 Know Christ, have fellowship with Him and make Him known VOLUME 21 AUGUST — 1967 ISSUE & epanosososonoges 8 ee D OSOS0s0SO 980) Christian, Walk Carefully PEORIA — On Saturday, June 17, Bill and Laura Hart- ness gave their testimonies of how the Lord worked in their ives and gave them victory over sin. ‘Laura testified how thankful she is that she was brought up in a Christian home, even though for many years she ignored the call of God by living her own life, She knew ‘the right way but did not do anything about it, On Easter Sunday her husband expressed his desire to go back to our ‘church, and several weeks later told her he wanted to repent. Laura also then felt the need to repent and seek the peace of God, After earnest prayer and counsel with other believ- cers she was able to yield her life completely to her Lofd. Be fore long she felt the answer to her prayers and the power ‘of God in her life. After complete yieldedness to Him she ‘was able to overcome sin, and soon experienced the wonder- ful peace of God. She promised to serve Him all her days with ‘the help of the Holy Spirit and to keep close communion ‘with God through preyer and the reading of His Word, Bill, who comes from a home outside the Apostolic Cristian faith, told of how God worked in his life and drew him to know Christ. Bill had come to know our people ‘many years ago through friends. He heard the call of God often, but was unable to do anything about it, so, continued in his life of sin. Now, more than 20 years later, he felt the desire to return to our church. He answered this call and ‘s00n became convicted of his sins and wanted to be freed ‘confess his sins and make right the wrongs he had done. He spent much ime in prayer and in reading God's Word. Then ‘one evening a wonderful feeling of peace filled his heart, a feeling beyond description. He went into the other room and opened the Bible. His eyes fell upon these words: “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee; The Lord make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord litt up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Bill's coun- tenance glowed as he testified of God's love toward him and his wife. They were baptized Sunday evening, with many ‘friends and members present for the joyous occasion. We could truly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and know ‘this was God's work. DENVER — “And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Crist Jesus.” (Phil, 4:7) ‘We rejoice with two souls who have recently exper- enced this blessed peace and could testify on Saturday, July 1, to the joy that fills their hearts, Baptismal services were followed by Holy Communion Serviees on Sunday after- noon, Elder Bro, Steve Burear of Portland, was with us {or the blessed occasion. ‘Anne Haip said: “We came to Denver ten years age ‘and were brought to church by the Schneiders. I was brought up a Catholic, and it was the first time I attended a church like this. I didn't like it but eame to please the Schneiders. ‘Then we went back to Europe for seven months. When we returned to Denver and the church, I realized through the sermons I heard that I was a sinner. I knew I hed found the right way and I wanted to become a child of God. I talked te a minister and felt I had peace but when I told my husband, T found opposition. Later he also started to repent. Then one of our children became very ill. This brought us closer to the Lord, Now T am happy that we both have peace.” ‘Ewald Haip testified: “Everything was going slong fine in my life, Then about two and a half years ago T was faced with some problems and became unhappy. T tried to solve PAGE 2 Rochester Enjoys Communion Services .. . Come and sup with us, Thy members here, Savior (qyy dear”, was reverently sung in the peaceful sanctuary of our ‘chureh by the congregation on June 22, as we were gathered together to partake of the Lord's supper in commemoration of His broken body and shed blood. Hider Bro, Fred Tiffan, who served, reminded us we must learn to grow in grace as we mature and must live, not in the infancy of our first love but in the pureness of our first love. How wonderful the blessings that come to us through close communion and contact with Him daily! How wonderful the precious truths He left for us whereby we may be strengthened! ‘We were asked to examine ourselves: “Are we as alert spiritually as we should be? Do We-see_ourselves in His Likeness as we look into the mirror of His Word?_Is every prayer we pray in Jesus’ name qualified to be prayed in His name? Are we denying ourselves of the greatest love by giving in to the enticements of the world? We must strive for perfection! Will we recognize Him when He ‘comes? Will He recognize us? ‘Let us not abuse the liberty given us lest we deprive ourselves of the greatest blessings! And may we thank God for the privilege of being His children! ‘TULARE — When her grandmother was on her death bed Renee Popp, daughter of Bro, Art and Sis. Ida, realized she herself was not ready to die and asked the Lord to give hher peace within her heart. This He did after her repentance, yy and Renee now awaits baptism. MANSFIELD — “Keep me ever in Thy peace; Fully ‘consecrate me!” This is the joyful tune three more loved ‘ones can sing after their conversion. They are Adela Mueller, eldest daughter of Bro. George and Sis. Katy, Jim Ebinger, eldest son of Bro. John and Sis. Alice (and grandson of Elder Bro. Tony and Sis, Olga Betz), and Betty Gerrell. Betty is a sister of Sisters Christina Seeberger and Julia Gabor of Mansfield and Daisy Young of Florida, [7 comecrion —] EDMONTON, ALTA. — Last month's Messenger stated that we heartily welcome Bro, Landy and Sis. Cecelia Sabo fand son, Landy, Jr. from Los Angeles. It should have read, Bro, Landy and Sis. Cecelia Johnéon. ‘Your Messenger Staff regrets the error. ‘my problems myself, but they became worse. With tears I ‘suggested to my wife that maybe we should pray to God. 1 felt we didn’t have the life we should or could have. Once when I tok my wife to the doctor for a check-up she suggested I show the doctor a little growth I had. He said it could be malignant and should come out, but not to ‘worry about it, This really made me worry. We went to chureh on Sunday and everything sounded completely dif- ferent, It was beautiful, and softened my heart so I broke down in tears. This was the beginning of the Lord's work in me. T had the operation. The growth was not malignant. (J, Later one of our daughters became very ill and had to be hospitalized. After this trial was over I could see that it hhad to happen in order to bring me closer to the Lord.” CHRISTIAN FRIENDSHIP MESSENGER | servicemen’s Addresses | . . » The Lord watch between me 6 ow and thee, when we are absent one from - another.” SP/5 Hirman C. Griffin RA 15718930 USA Strat Com - Fac. APO San Francisco, Calif. 96240 (Attn: Installation Team) A2C Randolph Donais AF 19845774 634 Combat Support Group (PACAF) APO San Francisco, Calif. 96310 PYT. S&S... Haley US 51826987 388 AG Co. R.E.P.L. Ft. Bragg, N.C. NOTICE! LETCHWORTH OUTING SEPT. 30 — OCT. 1 Further information will be forwarded to your local church. A NOTE OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity io thank each one who has remembered me in their prayers and those also who sent cards and gifts to me during my recent illness. I was hospitalized for more than seven weeks because of a heart ailment and have before mine yet another four to six weeks of convales- cence before I will be able to do any- thing. At a time like this when we be- come too sick to pray, we cherish the prayers of others which are offered in our behalf. In Christian Love, Lawrence Riggenbach Editors note: For those of you who would like to help brighten the day for Bro. Lawrence during his convalescence, his address is: 122 Greenlawn Court, East Peoria, Ill. 61611. SILENCE I need not shout my faith. Thrice eloquent Are quiet trees And the green listening sod; Hushed are the stars, Whose power is never spent; The hills are mute: Yet how they speak of God! AUGUST — 1967 MEDITATIONS ON OUR HIGH CALLING “The Call of God through our Lord Jesus, is not to seek a higher ground... it is to the highest Life! We have very little idea at times of how full we are of self and the world. Hence it is one way or another, we must be emptied from vessel to vessel. Like Jacob of old, we struggle hard, and hold fast our confidence in the flesh, until at length the source of our strength is dried up, and the ground of our confidence swept from under us. Then we are constrained to cry out: ‘Other refuge have I none,... . ... Clings my helpless soul to Thee.’ There can be no greater barrier to our peace and habitual enjoyment of God, than our being filled with self-confidence. We must be emptied and humbled. God will not share the house with the creature. It is vain to expect it. Jacob had the hollow of his thigh touched, in order that he might learn to lean upon God. The halting Jacob found his sure resource in God, who only empties us of nature that we may be filled with Himself. He knows that just in so far as we are filled with self-confidence, we are robbed of the deep blessedness of being filled with His fullness. Hence, in His great grace and mercy, He empties us out, that we may learn to cling, in child-like confidence, to Him. He is our only source of strength, of victory, and repose. WHEN WE CEASE TO WISH TO BE ANYTHING, WHEN WE ARE CONTENT TO BE NOTHING, WHEN GOD HAS THE FIRST AND LAST WORD, THEN IT IS WE TASTE WHAT TRUE GREATNESS — TRUE ELEVATION — TRUE HAPPINESS — TRUE PEACE, REALLY IS. When we begin to learn of Him who was meek and lowly in heart, when we have drunk in any measure, into the Spirit of Him whom made Himself of no reputation, we then see things quite differently. Victory comes after winning the battle. There is no position in this life free from peril — not even the Enthroned Life. In fact, with the exaltation such a position brings, there come temptations more subtle and more fierce. Satan now brings into play machinations designed to deceive and drag down those who sit in heavenly places in Christ. So long as the world and the flesh hold sway, there need be no great concern on the part of the devil. His authority is not being challenged in any decisive way. When however we as believers have by faith entered fully into the enjoyment of our privileges and prerogatives in the power of the Redeemer’s resurrection, and we are taking advantage of the Throne rights of our Lord . .. here is something to give deep concern to ‘the god of this world’ and the hosts of wicked spirits in high places allied with him. How they tremble before the believer who exercises the Throne-power, who sees deep into the hidden workings of the power of darkness, and who made the supreme object of his ministry (he or she may be a humble believer without office) the over- throw of the dominion of the prince of this world, in order that Christ the Lord might reign. May the Lord ever grant us grace to show forth His loveliness in a faithful Christian walk. Will you deny yourself and take on the whole Armor of God... and come to the front line to fight a good fight? Christian progress is possible ONLY in Christ. Just think, to have God’s likeness restored in our character and seeing it restored in others! The Apostle Paul calls it a ‘High Calling’, and it truly is just that! You ask, ‘What of my hurts and scars?’ Jesus Christ never hid His scars to win disciples. He shows them to prove His identity, to proclaim His victory, to manifest His autority, and to win disciples (learners) to self-sacrificial allegiance. Let us pray together to be ‘One with Him’, Surely we could make the hymn- writer’s prayer our own: ‘My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God: ‘Tis His to lead me there—not mine but His— At any cost, dear Lord, by any road.’ We are learning, day by day, that life must be simply a doing of one thing, a following hard after God, in heart for oneself, and in life for the souls of the perishing around us. There is only time, only strength, for the one thing, to learn of Him and make Him known!” From the writings of Albert Schellenberg PAGE 3

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