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Animal Farm Daily


because it only scraped him instead of While Boxer was wondering how this Boxer was a great asset to the project,
Breaking News going into his body. The pellets then hit could possibly happen, he realized the waking up earlier than anyone else to lug
a sheep that died. competition he won was mostly based stone up the hill. The only way for the ani-
on strength, which he thought he didn’t mals to break large pieces of stone they
Farmer Jones attempts Then, their big weapon, a huge stallion have. This event boosted Boxer’s self- had found was to carry them up a hill and
named Boxer, came up onto his hind
to take his farm back legs and smashed down on one of
confidence so high; he felt he could do drop them. This required a lot of strength.
almost anything.
Jones’s men. At times when the animals thought they
As Boxer grew up, his strength became were going to drop the stone, Boxer kept a
As they started to flee, Boxer became overwhelming. Animals on the farm were steady foot and saved them
very upset because he didn’t mean to convinced he had the power of all three
kill the man. “I have no wish to take life, of his friends combined. When the windmill was almost complete,
not even human life,” Boxer exclaimed Snowball destroyed it, even though some
with his eyes full of tears. “The only As time went on, Boxer began to mature. animals thought it was just a storm. As they
good human is a dead human,” Snow- He fell into a depression when Jones sold worked hard, Boxer worked even harder.
ball said to Boxer. It turned out that the his three best friends, Ed, Assistance and
Roscoe to the slaughterhouse One day, he created another motto,
stable man had only been paralyzed
“Napoleon is always right.”
and had run off too. When Boxer fell into this depression of

his, he would graze in a small paddock While the animals were completing the
eading an armed group of humans to After the end of this battle, the animals
beyond the orchard. A donkey named windmill one day, Napoleon called a
set up a funeral for their comrade who
Benjamin grew quite fond of him and meeting outside the farm by someones’s
Animal Farm in early October, Farmer was killed, then finished the funeral
they became friends. The reason this gun. As soon as they all gathered, Napole-
Jones staged a surprise attack on the new with the singing of Beasts of England.
donkey took such a strong liking to Boxer on ordered his dogs to attack some porkers
owners at his property and tried to regain was Benjamin was always depressed as
The Animal Hero First Class award, after they had admitted to conspiring with
control of his farm but was defeated. where Boxer was only partly depressed.
which is presented to the bravest ani- Snowball to plot his murder.
The attack goes back to when Snowball, a mals and most valuable warriors, was
These two would graze together in the After these dogs got a taste of the blood,
porker pig, went through Farmer Jones’ presented to Boxer and Snowball. Boxer
paddock, not saying a word. “Boxer they went mad and charged at Boxer. As
stuff, and found a book on Julius Cesar’s received the award because of his mas-
would usually go sit in the paddock with one dog jumped at him, he put his foot out
campaigns. “I found a book on Julius Cesar sive strike on the young, stable lad.
his friend, Benjamin while mourning his and caught the dog and slammed it to the
in Jones’s cabinet,” said Snowball. “I think Snowball received the award because
friends.” floor. When Boxer looked up at Napoleon,
we should use the book to plan defensive of his bravery and leadership in the
to see if he should kill the dog, Napoleon
operations for the farm just in case he battle. Animal Hero Second Class was After a while, Boxer grew out of his de-
ordered him to let go. When Boxer did, the
comes back.” given to the sheep that had died. pression and only went to the paddock
dog whimpered back to his brothers.
to remember his friends. He got out of
Over time, he became the pig in charge of his depression by working hard. He be- Boxer watched many of his comrades’ die
defensive operations. As he and his com- came Jones’s best worker and someone
rades had practiced so many times, they
quickly went to their positions and the
Meet Boxer to look up to.
in the next few minutes of his life. He cov-
ered up his emotions the same way he had
covered up his emotions about his three
battle started. One day and old boar named Old Major
teenage friends -- by working harder. In
gave a speech about how animals should
As the farmers came into range, Snowball this case, he worked harder on the wind-
be free to do what they want and not
released his first attack. About 35 pigeons mill.
have to make food for the humans. Sad-
flew over the heads of the farmers and ly, Boxer did not pay attention to this Once again, after they completed it, some
released their waste. As the men were speech due to how he was mostly staring farmers came to destroy it and succeeded.
distracted, the geese that had been hiding at how creepy Old Major’s tusks were. Boxer put in so much strain that other ani-
in the hedges ran our and started pecking
mals started to worry about his health,
at the farmer’s feet. The men quickly han- Boxer began paying attention when he
telling him to take it easy and relax more.
dled the situation and easily took control, heard a crackled voice start singing (Old
But as the dedicated worker refused, he
shooing the geese and pigeons away. That Major). He loved the tune to this song
started getting weaker. He had fought in
was exactly what Snowball wanted. This and could not stop singing it no matter
two successful battles and had been a valu-
attack was only to draw the humans closer what. The tune and words were the only
able asset to the entire farm.

to the second attack and also to make things Boxer had ever memorized com-
them feel more confident. oxer was not very intellectual, yet pletely. He was also at the retiring age for a horse
on the farm. One day, when Boxer was
As the humans continued, they came with- he made up for that in power. Boxer A few days later, Old Major passed
working late at night, he collapsed and
in range of the second attack. In the se- grew up on Animal Farm and always had away. A few days after the death of Old
could not get up.
cond wave of battle, some of the larger no opinion about Farmer Jones. Major, the rebellion happened. If Boxer
animals came into play. Snowball led this never helped to kick the humans out of As this matter was attended to immediate-
Then, when he was 2 ½, Farmer Jones
wave with all of the sheep and Muriel and the farm, the rebellion would have never ly, Boxer told his friends that he was going
sent his mother away, not to be seen
a donkey named Benjamin. been successful. As two pigs named to retire after going to the hospital and
again by the animals of Manor Farm. As
Snowball and Napoleon took over the receiving care. He said he would relax with
As they fought, they were being over pow- Boxer tried to cope with the stress of his
farm as the head, the animals felt en- Benjamin and hopefully watch the windmill
ered, just as Snowball had planned. When mother gone, he learned to care for him-
couraged to work harder. Boxer created rise once again.
self and become a powerful stallion.
Snowball felt overpowered, he released a his own motto of “I will work harder!”
squeal, which was the sign of a retreat. As
In his teenage years, Boxer battled with Little did anyone on the farm know how
the humans felt like they had won the The first thing the two leaders planned
his friends, Ed, Assistance, and Roscoe. evil their leader, Napoleon was. Napoleon
battle, they began to get cocky. for the farm was to teach them as much
Boxer fought with his friends for hours at tricked all the animals in the farm, includ-
a time having huge competitions to see as possible about reading and the alpha-
As the second wave fled, the farmers be- ing Boxer, by saying that he was going to a
who was the most powerful stallion. bet. Boxer only managed to learn A B C D
gan chasing the animals to finish them off. hospital, yet he was actually going to the
and not any more. When Boxer tried to
As Snowball was leading them into the knackers (slaughterhouse) never to be seen
When these battles took place, Boxer learn E F G H, he forgot A B C D so he just
cowshed, the third wave ambushed them. by anyone again.
would usually lose and have no self- stuck with the first four letters of the
This wave consisted of horses and cows confidence for himself. alphabet. Boxer was mourned on the farm for some
along with the rest of the pigs. This wave
time before he too, was forgotten about.
was the main trap and where the animals One day something extraordinary hap- Later in his life, Boxer had a task to do
won their battle. pened. Boxer was entered into a horse with all the their animals. Boxer and all
riding competition and won it with ease, the others had to create a windmill for
The second they were well into the yard, according to a boar named Old Major the farm under the commands of Napo-
Snowball gave the signal to charge. As he who witnessed the event. “Boxer won by
ran in himself towards Jones, Jones shot far and with ease,” said Old Major.
him in the back. Snowball was okay

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