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Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission

Anatomy of a Storm: The Differences Between Tropical and
Mid-Latitude Storms
Whether you're on land at mid-latitudes or the open For those living in the United States, which has the
sea somewhere along the equator, the skyscape be- distinction of having the world's wildest weather—
fore and during a storm doesn't look dramatically dif- where a normal year brings hurricanes, blizzards, sub-
ferent. The sky is freezing tempera-
cloudy, winds tures, jungle humid-
pick up and even- ity and tornadoes—
tually it rains. But the differences are of
looks can be de- particular impor-
ceiving. tance. Tropical
ocean and mid-lati-
Tropical ocean tude storms both can
and mid-latitude wreak havoc on the
storms are quite nation's economy,
different. The transportation and
Tropical Rainfall life itself.
Measuring Mis-
sion (TRMM) and Yet these two dif-
other satellites, ferent types of storm
for example, systems actually per-
have confirmed form a much-needed
what seafarers job. They ultimately
observed centu- make the planet liv-
ries ago—ocean- Figure 1. The convergence of cold air from the north and warm air from the able, mixing cold,
borne storms pro- south are the main ingredients in the recipe to create the world's strongest polar air with warm,
duce little light- thunderstorms and tornadoes.
tropical air balancing
ning. And unlike mid-latitude storms, which form when the Sun's uneven heating of the planet. With TRMM,
two major weather systems clash, ocean-borne storm designed to study rainfall in the tropical belts of the
formation is more akin to what happens when trains world, Earth scientists are beginning to gain a greater
collide: as warm, moist air converges, it is forced understanding of tropical ocean and mid-latitude
upward resulting in a storm. storms and how they affect the Earth's climate.
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Mid-Latitude Continental Storms and fall, dragging down cooler air and producing
downdrafts. Updrafts continue to feed warm humid
When a storm forms outside the tropics—called an air into the maturing storm cloud. When downdrafts
extratropical cyclone-—it typically happens because grow in strength, they eventually choke off the up-
warm, moist air streaming up from the tropics meets draft, which starves the storm of its supply of humid
cooler, drier air sliding down from the polar latitudes air. The storm dies (Figure 3).
(Figure 1). These opposing air masses come into con-
flict—as if they literally were at war—and cause the While the storm is growing, however, cumulus
most dramatic weather changes and violent weather clouds—low-level clouds that are often dark on the
on the planet and account for most of the stormy bottom, with tops resembling a giant white cotton ball—
weather in the United States (Figure 2). expand vertically into monster cumulonimbus clouds.

These so-called fronts, named by Norwegian me- These thunderheads vary in altitude, from dark
teorologists after World War I because they resemble lower portions below 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) to
a battlefront, normally are part of large weather sys- white, anvil-shaped tops that can reach up to 50,000
tems centered on areas of low at- feet (15,250 meters). They may
mospheric pressure. They are appear as single clouds or as
sharp, well-defined boundaries be- part of a wall of an advancing
tween air masses. storm system. In either case,
they contain large amounts of
For the most part, these conflicts moisture, including hail. Ad-
and resulting storms do little dam- vanced sensors on TRMM can
age. They move cold air southward "see" these cloud tops and peer
and warm air northward, helping to deeper into their core to under-
balance the Earth's heat budget. stand how storms produce rain-
But not all storms caused by the fall and fuel the atmospheric en-
clash of two weather systems are gine.
quite so placid.
Figure 2. A mature extratropical cyclone, Lightning
Thunderstorms, which can spin also called a comma cloud because of its
out tornadoes in the Midwest and appearance.
One of the distinctive side ef-
South, can blast the Earth with fects of a thunderstorm is light-
damaging straight-line winds or spew chunks of ice ning, which has played a dominant role in mythology,
(hail) that can beat a corn field into the ground. Thun- and is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people
derstorms cause flash floods, which are weather's big- and millions of dollars in property damage each year.
gest killer. And all thunderstorms produce lightning, Without lightning, there would be no thunder.
the weather's second biggest killer in the United States.
At its simplest level, lightning is caused by the build
Thunderstorms up of an electrical charge in large, vertical-forming
clouds. Initially, a cloud builds up an electrical charge
Thunderstorms are convective storms that typically of approximately 300,000 volts per foot (1 million volts
occur during the spring and summer months. The pro- per meter) by the rise and fall of air currents. The elec-
cess is similar to the convective processes seen when trical charge is transferred through the cloud as rain-
water boils in a pot. drops, hailstones and ice pellets collide with smaller
water droplets and ice. A falling stream of electrons
These storms begin when warm humid air rises from creates a negative charge, which accumulates in the
the ground (called an updraft). The ascending air cools lower part of the cloud; the rising stream creates a
to its dew point and a cloud begins to form from con- positive charge, which accumulates in the upper part
densation. As water vapor in the upper portions of the of the cloud. Lightning neutralizes these charges.
cloud becomes supercooled, raindrops begin to form
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The Life of a Thunderstorm

Water droplets and ice crystals are
lifted by the updraft until they grow
too big and then they begin to fall,
pulling down air with them.

Warm air updrafts continue to feed

moisture-laden air into the storm,
keeping it alive. The combination of
updrafts and downdrafts can make The falling precipitation
the storm violent. and air can create

This humid air cools as it

rises and eventually
condenses to form a

The downdrafts grow, which help

choke off any remaining updrafts.
Since the supply of humid air is cut
off, the storm dies out and the rain
Warm humid air
rises up from the
ground—this is
called an updraft.

Figure 3. The life cycle of a single-cell thunderstorm.

Scientists have long known that large, vertical storm surements of storms over the ocean, where conven-
clouds contain a higher percentage of particles or ice, tional ground-based instruments cannot see. The re-
which in turn plays a central role in the build up of the sulting data has provided invaluable insights into the
electrical charges. The process still isn't well under- dynamics of tropical storms and resulting rainfall—
stood, but TRMM's ability to distinguish various ice important information given the fact that two-thirds of
and water particles in storms is beginning to shed light the world's global rain falls in tropical areas.
on how lightning is produced and under which condi- What TRMM and conventional instruments have made
tions. clear is that tropical storms are a very different beast
compared with their mid-latitude brethren.
Tropical Ocean Storms
Tropical storms typically form when large masses
Meteorologists have studied tropical storm systems of air near the ocean or land converge. This conver-
over the land for more than 20 years using ground- gence could be likened to a train wreck. The colliding
based radar, special aircraft instruments and weather air masses are forced upward. This blending is quite
ground stations. Now, for the first time with TRMM, different from what happens in mid-latitude storms,
they are able to make extremely precise radar mea- which are caused by the clashing of two opposing air
• 4•

masses. Their interaction is like mixing water and vin- heat dissipates as the spinning bubble of hot air moves
egar; they don't mix well. toward the poles—and the continental United States,
sometimes causing a great deal of hardship for people
In addition, tropical systems have weaker streams living along the vulnerable coastlines.
of air flowing upward—updrafts—and therefore, tend
not to support the larger ice particles needed for light- TRMM will give scientists a better understanding of
ning. That may be why tropical storms typically don't what parts of a hurricane produce rainfall and why, as
produce as much lightning. They also rarely produce well as possibly resolve the question of how much
tornadoes. In fact, they are only a menace to popu- latent heat or "fuel" hurricanes of differing strengths
lated areas because of the large amount of rainfall release into the atmosphere and whether they affect
they produce, which can lead to severe flooding. How- overall weather circulations.
ever, the processes that
produce the rainfall also But perhaps most importantly
drive the circulation of air to people most vulnerable to
that affects weather around the fury of a hurricane, TRMM
the globe. will add to scientists' under-
standing of cloud formation,
Hurricanes latent heat and rainfall—
knowledge needed to im-
Hurricanes are in a class prove computer-based
of their own. Tropical weather modeling. With this
storms become hurricanes data, meteorologists may be
when their wind speeds able to more precisely predict
exceed 74 miles per hour, the path and intensity of these
stirring up more than a mil- storms.
Figure 4. A mature tropical cyclone. The lowest pressure
lion cubic miles of the atmo-
associated with the storm is found in the center, an area
sphere every second. called the eye. Conclusion

They develop over tropical ocean regions in the By studying tropical rainfall on both regional and
late spring, summer, and early fall when the sun heats global scales and by distinguishing between the role
up huge masses of moist air. An ascending spiral played by ocean versus land-based storms, TRMM is
motion results and when the moisture of the rising air offering scientists the most detailed information to date
condenses, it releases energy called latent heat. As on the internal processes of these powerful storms,
the air rises in the column, it gains more strength and leading to new insights about their influence on global
energy. Winds and clouds increase, creating a low- climate patterns.
pressure area called the eye (Figure 4).

We can compare hurricanes to huge machines,

heat engines that convert the warmth of the tropical
oceans and atmosphere into wind and waves. The

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