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Can you pass a parameter with type = (VRY) while calling EXCUSRSRC & why?

Copy back messages?

Define File to Field relations and explain each?
How do you delete a access path which is referred by some other access path?
How is a print object function linked to a print file?
How is qualified by implemented?
How many types of files are available in Synon/2e?
How many types of parameters are there?
How many ways you can pass a parameter?
How many ways, you can lock an access path?
How to use commitment control in SYNON?
How to use execute user source and to use parameters in this function?
Name 3 important design concepts of SYNON/2E?
Print File function?
Types of file relations?
Using which access path you can define a virtual field as a key?
What are a Message function and its type?
What are function options close down program & reclaim resources?
What are the Access Path auxiliaries for query Access path?
What are the access paths will allow changing the key order?
What are the default functions crated for REF and CPT file?
What are the different types of contexts?
What are the Elements the panel design has?
What are the roles of parameters?
What are the sharing options available for Owned By relation and Explain?
What are the various access path maintenance methods?
What are Virtual fields ?
What does the term Cardinality mean in relation to entities?
What does the term Involution mean in relationship to entities?
What is a DOMAIN?
What is 'Access Path Selection’?
What is access path? How many types & explain each.
What is Built in function and give some examples?
What is CUR and NXT contexts used in PRTFIL and PRTOBJ functions?
What is Device function & types?
What is Function field?
What is Print File function?
What is standard function and types?
What is the difference between Known by and qualified by?
What is the difference between PRTFIL & PRTOBJ?
What is the difference between REF and CPT files?
What is the difference between Refers to and Owned by relation?
What is the Use of FOR TEXT ?
What is the use of function option?
What is User function & types?
What type of Relations will have the Virtual Fields?
Which modelling method does SYNON/2E use?
While generating QRY access path how many members being created.
Will synon (file) object allow more than 13,000 records?

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