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Ancient Texts Relating to Sons of God

Ancient Texts on Divine Beings Mating With Humans

“Then addressing me, He spoke and said, Hear, neither be afraid, O righteous Enoch, you scribe
of righteousness: approach hither, and hear my voice. Go, say to the Watchers of heaven, who
have sent you to pray for them. You ought to pray for men, and not men for you. Wherefore
have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, which endures forever, and have lain with women;
have defiled yourselves with the daughters of men; have taken to yourselves wives; have acted
like the sons of the earth, and have begotten a giant offspring? You being spiritual, holy; and
possessing a life which is eternal, have polluted yourselves with women; have begotten in carnal
blood; have lusted in the blood of men; and have done as those who are flesh and blood do.
These however die and perish. Therefore have I given to them wives, that they might cohabit
with them; that sons might be born of them; and that this might be transacted upon earth. But
you from the beginning were made spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to
death forever. Therefore I made not wives for you, because, being spiritual, your dwelling is in
heaven. --Book of Enoch, Chapter 15:1-7
“Subsequently they strayed after earthly women and to this day they endure, teaching
sorcery to human beings. They engendered children, whom they called Mighty Giants,
while the nefilim themselves are called sons of Elohim, as has been explained. “ -- Zohar
1:58a - Khabbalah

Physical Attributes of Nephelim

”And there we saw the giants/Nephelim, the sons of Anak, which come of the
giants/Nephelim: and we in our own sight were as grasshoppers, and so we were in their
sight.” --Numbers 13:33, Holy Bible
”The Emites used to live there – a people numerous, and as tall as the Anakites. Which
were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.” --
Deuteronomy 2:10-11, Holy Bible

Ancient Texts on Spirits of the Nephelim

King Solomon captured the demon Ornasis and made him reveal the names of all the other spirits
and demons. One by one Solomon called them up and interrogated them. One of the spirits he
invoked came forth in the shadowy form of a man with gleaming eyes. “Who are you?” King
Solomon asked. The spirit replied, “I am a lecherous spirit of a giant who died in a massacre in
the age of the giants.” Solomon said, “Where do you dwell?” The spirit replied, “I live in
inaccessible places. I seat myself near the dead in their tombs and at midnight I assume the form
of the dead. If I encounter anyone, I cause him to be possessed by a demon.” And when he heard
these things, King Solomon locked up that demon, just like all the other demons he had called
forth. --Testament of Solomon 17

”From the days of slaughter, destruction and death of these giants, their spirits, having left the
flesh, shall destroy without incurring judgment until the final day, the day of consummation – a
great judgment day of both the Watchers and the godless.” --Lost Book of Enoch 1:35

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