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Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion

Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

The COSMOS Companion

Fatigue Analysis in

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Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

What is the COSMOS Companion?

ƒ The COSMOS Companion is a series of short subjects to

help design engineers build better products with SolidWorks
ƒ Video presentations and accompanying exercises
ƒ A tool for Continuous Learning on your schedule
ƒ Pre-recorded videos are accompanied by a more detailed
webcast with Q & A
– Download videos and review webcast schedule at:

ƒ It is not an alternative to instructor-led introductory training

– We highly recommend you take a course with your local reseller to
build a solid knowledge base

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 2

If you are new to the COSMOS Companion, a few comments on the program are
warranted. The COSMOS Companion series was developed in response to the request
from many of our users for more detailed information on specific and/or new
functionality within the COSMOS products. Additionally, many users have been asking
for clarification of common design analysis questions to enable them to make more
representative analysis models and make better decisions with the data. What’s more,
users have asked for this material to be made available in a variety of formats so they
can review it how and when they wish. To address this, each COSMOS Companion
topic has been pre-recorded and made available thru the COSMOS Companion
homepage as a downloadable or streaming video with audio, as static PDF slides for
printing, or as a live webcast enabling attendees to ask questions and engage in
additional discussion. We are trying to provide continuous learning on your schedule so
you can be as effective and efficient as possible when using COSMOS for design
analysis and validation.
It is important to note that this material is not developed as an alternative to instructor
led training. We still believe that the best introduction to any of the COSMOS products is
in a class led by your reseller’s certified instructor. In this program, we are hoping to
build on the lessons learned in your initial training. In fact, we will make the assumption
that you have basic knowledge of the interface and workflow from intro training or
equivalent experience. We will try not to repeat what was taught in those classes or can
be found in the on-line help but to augment that information.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Topics to be Covered…

ƒ Introduction to Fatigue
ƒ Design Considerations
ƒ S-N Curves
ƒ Fatigue Prediction in COSMOSWorks
ƒ Summary

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 3

Remember that this is only an introduction to fatigue and the tools for evaluating it
within the COSMOSWorks environment. If fatigue is an important part of your product
performance, I highly encourage you to research the topic more thoroughly, either thru
the references listed at the end of the session or by attending workshops and seminars
offered by a variety of providers. Successful FE based fatigue analysis depends more
on your knowledge of fatigue and related subjects than your knowledge of the software.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Why Consider Fatigue?

ƒ Traditionally designers consider the

ultimate strength of their
components. ‘Design for Strength’
ƒ In-service load is rarely static in
nature; there is usually some
ƒ A ‘Design for Life’ approach rather
than a ‘Design for Strength’
approach can account for these load

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 4

In simple terms, if you are using Yield Strength or Ultimate Strength to make
predictions about the acceptability of a design, you are inherently making a static failure
determination. However, many systems undergo repetitive or cyclic loading where
multiple occurrences of stress well below the yield strength of a material can lead to
catastrophic failure. Designing a system to handle all the repetitive loads it might see in
its useful service is called a “Design for Life” strategy.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Design Strategies for Fatigue

ƒ Ignore Fatigue - Hope for Best!!!!

ƒ Over-Design – How much is enough?
ƒ Predict Life – Acknowledge Uncertainty

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 5

You have a couple of methods available to you in a “Design for Life” approach. The
easiest, yet riskiest, is to ignore fatigue effects completely and hope for the
best…essentially burying your head in the sand until the potential problem passes.
While, when phrased like this, most of us would admit that approach is dangerous, it is
unfortunately very common. A common variant to this is designing a system without
even being aware fatigue effects might come into play. A very dangerous proposition.
Slightly less risky is to admit fatigue is an issue but attempt to over design your system
so that this failure mechanism never occurs. Despite the waste inherent in this
approach, if you don’t make some attempt to quantify cyclic loading and allowable
strengths, how do you know enough is enough?
Your safest route is to attempt to predict life based on as much information as you can
gather about your system. An important thing to remember is that fatigue is an elusive
quantity to predict and there are many uncertainties in the calculations that must be
accounted for.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

The Nature of Fatigue

ƒ Static Overload Design…

– One or few loadings at peak stress
– Readily comparable to published failure data
ƒ Cyclic Loading Design…
– Typically a surface failure
– Typically a tensile failure
ƒ Compression in excess of yield may cause tension
– Microscopic Cracks Form and Grow to Failure
ƒ “Seed” cracks
– Allowables less clear than static failure – Trends more meaningful

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 6

Before exploring the uncertainties in a fatigue calculation, a little bit on the nature of
fatigue failure is warranted. Fatigue failures, involving cyclic or repetitive loads, differ
from static failures in a couple of important ways. First of all, a static failure is assumed
to occur after one or a few load applications where stress magnitudes exceed
allowables. If you know what the allowables are, the prediction is pretty straightforward
with COSMOSWorks results available.
Finding appropriate allowables for fatigue can require testing as they vary with load
type and magnitudes, or Stress Ratio (which will be defined shortly.) While static
failure can initiate in the middle of a volume, as with tensile yielding in plasticity, fatigue
failure occur on the surface of a part where existing surface imperfections grow to
cracks that cause a part to fail. Fatigue requires tensile stress on a surface.
Interestingly enough, if a notched part is put into compression such that only the
notched area yields in compression thus taking a new set or equilibrium, the elastic
remainder of the part will pull that into tension when the load is released causing a
possible fatigue location.
Since the allowables are tied to many variables that we’ll discuss shortly, a safe route
for fatigue analysis is to perform a series of trend studies to examine how much
improvement can be gained over a known system or with as little cost as possible.
Making a “Go – No Go” decision as you might in a static overload scenario is not
commonly recommended.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

The Nature of Fatigue

ƒ Fatigue is a process where thickness
Stage I

repeated variations in loading Stage II

cause failure even when the
nominal stresses are below the
material yield strength
ƒ Tensile macro-level stresses must Force Stress range, Sr

occur Force

ƒ Fatigue failure begins on the

surface of a part due to surface
ƒ Results from cyclic, plastic
ƒ The failure surface shows
characteristic beach marks

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 7

As stated in the last slide, fatigue occurs in the presence of tensile yielding. Even
though the macro level stresses, those that you’ll see on your perfectly smooth
COSMOSWorks model, are well below yield, stresses at the valleys of surface
imperfections can greatly exceed yield due to notch effects. Thus cracking starts on a
microscopic level and the cracks grow with each applied load. When the cracks grow to
a certain “critical” length, failure occurs. The failure surface is typically marked with
progressive lines, sort of like the rings in a tree trunk. These are called “beach marks”
and indicate the start and stop points of the crack front as it propagates across the part.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

The Nature of Fatigue

ƒ Components of cyclic loading

R<1 ƒ Mean stress, σm
ƒ Stress amplitude , σa
ƒ Stress ratio, R
ƒ The stress ratio, R, the ratio of the
minimum stress to the maximum
R=0 – Variations in the stress ratios can
significantly affect fatigue life
– Static Loading: R = 1


σm = 0
© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 8

Cyclic or repetitive loading is often characterized by a sinusoid where the most tensile
stress represents the top of the wave and the most compressive stress represents the
bottom. The period, or frequency, of the curve does not come into play when studying
fatigue, just the stress amplitudes. The Mean Stress and Stress Amplitude, often
represented by the term, Peak Alternating Stress, can be derived from the extremes of
the wave. Another important term is the stress ratio which indicates the magnitude of
the alternating stress. The critical values to note are when R=0, called ‘zero based
loading’ as a part is loaded and unloaded, R=-1 which indicates fully reversing stress
about a zero mean stress, and R=1 which is simply static loading. The fatigue strength
of a material can vary with the magnitude of R.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Uncertainty in Fatigue Analysis…

ƒ Test Data is Typically Represented by a Scatter or Probability Descriptor

ƒ Any Overload can Dramatically Reduce Fatigue Life
ƒ Reality - Multi-Axial ; Fatigue Data – Uni-Axial
ƒ Life Calculations are Less Precise than Stress Calculations
– Exact Correlation is a Fluke
ƒ Relative Life and Identifying Failure Locations More Valid

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 9

As mentioned previously, there are a number of uncertainties that must be accounted for in a fatigue
study. First of all, a simple test to determine how many cycles a specimen can take at a given load will
often result in a variety of results so that you are forced to look at a mean or conservative value in
determining an appropriate allowable. It is unreasonable to expect a calculation to be more precise than
the physical test data.
Another factor that comes into play is that any load in excess of the expected cyclic maximum will likely
invalidate any life predictions because that damage is usually impossible to quantify.
Finally, fatigue testing is done in a uni-axial condition, which means that the max and min stresses are
always oriented in the same direction. However, in reality, the stress distribution in most systems is multi-
axial or in all different directions. The most tensile stress at a given location could be oriented 90 degrees
from the most compressive stress, making mean and alternating stress calculations difficult.
What this adds up to mean is that life calculations are much less precise than static stress calculations.
So much so that when a prediction correlates closely to test, it is probably an accident and not repeatable.
Therefore, the techniques we’ll be reviewing for fatigue analysis in COSMOSWorks are best applied
towards identifying the likely areas of fatigue failure and exploring trends. If you can determine using
COSMOSWorks the estimated life of a known acceptable system, you can use that result to determine if a
new system will last as long. If not, some correction might be required. Remember that the life calculation
of the known system is valid “as calculated” and shouldn’t be expected to correlate exactly to the known
life. Think trends, not absolutes.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Uncertainty in Fatigue Analysis…

ƒ These factors comprise some of the sources of uncertainty

in fatigue predictions:
– Geometry
ƒ Stress Risers
ƒ Surface Finish
– Load History
ƒ Physical Measurements
ƒ Knowledge of System Behavior
ƒ Unexpected (or noted) load peaks
– Material Properties
ƒ SN Curve
ƒ Availability of Data
ƒ Uncertainty or Scatter of Data
ƒ Fatigue Strength - Allowables

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 10

The factors that influence this uncertainty are many but here is a list of some of the
more common one.
Obviously, highly stressed areas are more likely to see a crack grow than less stressed
ones. Any stress sensitivity to dimensional tolerances in a ‘hot spot’ can cause
observed life to fluctuate.
The more coarse a surface is, the more & deeper seed cracks exist. Variations in
surface finish have a great impact on fatigue variability.
Your ability, or inability, or measure applied loads are directly related to your ability to
calculate life…as with static overload predictions. A lack of complete understanding of
how parts are loaded or interact with each other represents a similar barrier to making
life predictions.
The material properties, for fatigue, are difficult to characterize since even tightly
controlled test specimens are subject to the same variability your parts are. Even
knowing this, finding fatigue curves, or SN curves that are applicable to your material is
very difficult. Once found, you’ll need to interpret the data scatter from the testing and
decide what stress level makes sense to provide enough factor of safety for your

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Fatigue Prediction Methods

ƒ Three major methods for determining

component fatigue life:
– Stress Life (SN)
– Strain Life (EN)
– Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
Total Life Crack Initiation Crack Growth

= +

SN Analysis EN Analysis LEFM

COSMOSWorks uses a Stress Life (SN) Method

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 11

COSMOSWorks employs a Stress-Life method for predicting fatigue which utilizes the
more popular and available Stress-Life (SN) data curve, (not surprisingly!) Other
methods include Crack Initiation analysis and Crack Growth analysis. These are
simply two distinct phases of the fatigue process, the sum of which is the total fatigue
life of a specimen. Thus, the SN method is the shortest path to predicting ultimate
failure which is the primary concern of most design engineers.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

High vs. Low Cycle Fatigue

High Cycle Low Cycle

Low Stress High Stress

> 100,000 Cycles 10-100,000 Cycles

Strain-Life (E-N) Methods more

Stress-Life (S-N) Curves Valid

Total Life Predictions Possible Crack Initiation Dominant Mode

Microscopic cracks begin

May show no plastic deformation
immediately; predictions typically
estimate occurrence of 1-2 mm
crack size

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 12

The SN method is most applicable to High Cycle fatigue events which represent
failures that occur after many cycles vs. low cycle fatigue which can happen after only a
few cycles. The threshold for determining if a fatigue failure is truly high cycle varies
with published references but 100,000 cycles is a widely accepted value. It might be
somewhat less than this for some materials but if your part makes it 100,000 cycles
before failure, high cycle fatigue methods, as in COSMOSWorks, are appropriate.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Fatigue Strength & S-N Curves

ƒ The time for a crack to initiate and

grow to cause component failure is a
function of the component material
and applied stress
ƒ The data is plotted in the form of a
stress-to-number of cycles to failure
(SN) curve
ƒ The fatigue strength of a material,
Sf(N) is the stress level that a
material can endure for N cycles

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 13

The fatigue life of a component is a function of the material properties and the
magnitude of the applied cyclic stress. That’s why an SN curve is so appropriate for
representing a material’s resistance to fatigue. The X axis represents number of cycles,
or life, and is usually expressed in log format. The Y axis is alternating stress. When
fatigue strength is reported, it is typically stated as the stress a part can sustain in a
cyclic environment while lasting a desired number of cycles. As mentioned previously,
the frequency or the speed of cycling is not typically a factor in determining failure, it is
cycle count. Therefore, a less frequently cycled part may seem to have more fatigue
resistance than a more quickly cycled part because it last longer. However, the number
of cycles at failure should be comparable.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Fatigue Strength & S-N Curves

ƒ Fatigue strength is typically measured by a rotating beam fatigue test.

Data Scatter at Constant R Data Variation with Changing R

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 14

An SN curve is generated typically using a polished cylindrical specimen that is spun

while being loaded normal to its axis. As the part rotates, the half that was in tension
at the front of the specimen goes into equal and opposite compression at the back of
the specimen. Thus cycles are clocked pretty quickly. The amount of normal load
determines the applied stress. As can be seen from these charts, the cycles to
failure at a constant R can vary greatly as can the shape of the mean curve when
the same material is tested at multiple R values. Knowing what R value your data is
derived from is important. Additionally, knowing the magnitude of scatter in the test
results, (vs. simply looking at a Mean curve) can help you gauge what safety factor
to use in results interpretation.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

S-N Curves in COSMOSWorks

Interpolation Method
Materials with
existing SN (or
SS) curves are
identified in the
Library list

Stress Ratio of test

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential.

Enter or Import Tabular Data (Set Units First) 15

In COSMOSWorks, the SN curve is input thru the Fatigue SN Curves tab on the
standard material form.
The Stress Ratio (R) requested in this form is the ratio of the test, not your application.
This is important to note.
You can type curve data directly into the form but make sure you set your units first.
Changing the units midstream will convert all existing numbers.
You may have notices that in the COSMOS Materials library, some material names
have an “SS” or an “SN” suffix. This indicates that a Stress-Strain (SS) or a SN curve
exists for the material. Don’t jump to the conclusion that this is applicable to your
material without a little research. I typically try to double-source my SN data, at a
minimum. The curve in the database can be one source and if you find an independent
source that matches it, you’re good to go. Otherwise, you have more digging to do.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

S-N Curves in COSMOSWorks

ASME Reference Curves

SN Curve

Multiplies Reference Sa Values by Ratio, Ecurrent/Eref

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 16

COSMOSWorks does provide another utility for estimating an SN curve based on the
elastic modulii of various steels. This is based on an ASME specification and can yield
representative curves although not necessarily correct ones. If you are focusing solely
on trends, as recommended several times in this unit, this might be all you need. Keep
using a consistent curve here and your trends should be valid.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Mean Stress Correction

ƒ Variations in the mean stress can significantly affect fatigue life.

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 17

An important concept that was alluded to previously is that stress measurements at

different R values may yield different fatigue strengths. R is directly related to the
mean stress in a cyclic load application. Consequently, some techniques have been
developed over the years to adjust the prediction of fatigue in a physical event having
one Mean Stress by using test data derived from another mean stress.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Mean Stress Correction

ƒ To avoid measuring SN curves for

all mean stresses, use a Mean
Stress Correction Method
ƒ This allows adjustment to the
fatigue strength for different mean
ƒ COSMOSWorks provides
Goodman, Gerber, and Soderberg
correction options

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 18

The most common techniques of compensating for different mean stress, called Mean
Stress Correction Methods, are the Goodman, Soderberg, and Gerber methods. The
references listed at the end of this session do a better job of explaining these then I can
so I’ll simply state that the COSMOSWorks fatigue UI can apply any of these based on
what you deem most appropriate.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Variable Amplitude Loading

ƒ Many loads aren’t nice clean

constant amplitude sinusoids…
ƒ To account for variable
amplitude loading, COSMOS
uses a Cumulative Damage
Theory – Miners Rule
ƒ It assumes no cracks/damage
present at the beginning of
ƒ Estimates how much damage
(based on total life) has been
done by the applied load cycles

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 19

I’d like to make a brief mention of variable amplitude loading. Since this is positioned
as an introductory session on fatigue, getting too deep into variable amplitude fatigue
would be counter-productive and will be saved for a separate session. Suffice it to say
that many structures aren’t loaded with a well-behaved sinusoid. They are loaded as
several magnitudes for various numbers of cycles. To account for that, a simple
method for summing the effects of each stress peak, or group of stress peaks, has
been derived based on the amount of damage each is responsible for.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Variable Amplitude Loading

Miner’s Rule
ƒ Failure can be considered 100% Damaged
ƒ If N1 Cycles at S1 Stress causes Fatigue Failure
– 1 Cycle (n1) @ S1 causes 1/N1 * 100% Damage
ƒ If N2 Cycles at S2 Stress causes Fatigue Failure
– 1 Cycle (n2) @ S2 causes 1/N2 * 100% Damage
ƒ Failure occurs when:
– (n1/N1)+(n2/N2)+…+(nn/Nn)= 100%
ƒ Comparing %Damage from one design to next is excellent
way to evaluate design changes

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 20

COSMOSWorks uses Miner’s Rule for accumulating damage in a variable loading

event. Basically, the assumption is that a damage level of 100% correlates to a failed
part. Thus, it is assumed that cycles at a given stress can be counted and the amount
of damage assigned to these cycles is estimated based on how much damage a single
cycle would have caused. Since it has been shown that higher stress cycles at the
beginning of a part’s life cause failure to happen more quickly than when the higher
stressed cycles are at the end of the life, this is still an approximate method. As with
constant amplitude loading, trend studies are still the best approach.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Fatigue Prediction In COSMOSWorks

Basic Process
ƒ Define one or more Static Structural studies
– Specify or define a SN curve for each material you wish to evaluate durability for
ƒ Multiple materials can have their own SN curve
– Solve for displacement and stress
ƒ Define a Fatigue Study
– Specify as either a variable or constant amplitude study
– Define Events based on previously solved studies
ƒ Events can run simultaneously or sequential
– Set Study Properties for:
ƒ Mean Stress Correction
ƒ Alternating Stress Calculation Method
ƒ Fatigue Strength Reduction Factor
– Determine if you need results on just surfaces or through entire volume
ƒ Solve and review results

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 21

Once you understand the mechanisms and the nature of fatigue, making the
calculations in COSMOSWorks is pretty straightforward and the COSMOSWorks
Professional training guide does a good job of guiding you through the interface. The
workflow is as shown on the slide. The actual fatigue calculations typically take
seconds once the static solutions have completed so if fatigue is a concern and you are
setting up static studies anyway, there really is little excuse for not attempting to learn
something from the fatigue study…even if it is just to see how sensitive the fatigue life
in a critical part is to minor dimensional changes. You may be surprised.

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Presentation Summary

ƒ In this COSMOS Companion unit, we reviewed:

– The basic nature and concepts related to fatigue failure
– The differences between failure prediction for cyclic loading and static
– How fatigue, or life, prediction is NOT an exact science
ƒ 2 : 1 Safety Factor minimum
ƒ Scatter in test data and variations in real parts limit resolution of prediction
– Some thoughts on designing for fatigue
– The fatigue analysis tools available in COSMOSWorks

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 22

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks

Additional References

ƒ COSMOSWorks Fatigue White Paper by Steve

ƒ ASM International
ƒ Fatigue Calculator
ƒ Mechanical Engineering Design; Shigley &
Mischke; McGraw-Hill
ƒ Failure of Materials in Mechanical Design;
Jack Collins; Wiley Interscience

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 23

Volume 117 The COSMOS Companion
Fatigue Analysis in COSMOSWorks


For more information…

ƒ Contact your local reseller for more in-depth training or
support on using COSMOSWorks Fatigue Studies in your
design process
ƒ Review the on-line help for a more detailed description of the
features discussed
ƒ Attend, or better yet, present at a local COSMOS or
SolidWorks user group.
– See for a user group near you

© 2006 SolidWorks Corp. Confidential. 24


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