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NYGAARD-ANDERSON,S. and BIORN-ANDERSEN,N. elements do not have to be kept in-house.

The sour-
To Join or Not to Join: a Framework for Evaluating cing decision depends on the strategic nature of the
Electronic Data Interchange Systems system, the speed of change, the efficiency of internal
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 3 (3), versus external provision, and the design of a contract
191-210 (September 1994) that minimizes risks and maximizes control and
A normative contingency-based framework is pro- flexibility.
posed for assessing the implications of an electronic
data interchange (EDI) system focusing on technical CROSS, J.
usability, business contribution and implementation IT Outsourcing: British Petroleum's Competitive
costs. The framework is aimed at users contemplating Approach
joining an already existing EDI system. With this per- Harvard Business Review 73 (3), 94-102 (May/June
spective it should also be of significant interest to 1995)
present and future potential EDI sponsors. The cornerstone of BP's outsourcing strategy is a
novel arrangement: multiple IT suppliers that act as
SEGARS, A. H., GROVER,V. and KETTINGER, W. J. one. The suppliers saw themselves not only as allies
Strategic Users of Information Technology: a but also rivals competing for business. As a result, one
Longitudinal Analysis of Organizational problem was reluctance to share information. BP's
Strategy and Performance experience with outsourcing convinced the company
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 3 (4), that the market allows consideration of options not
261-288 (December 1994) thought possible a few years ago. It has allowed the
An attempt is made to identify the strategic orien- focus of internal energy to be on ensuring that finding
tation (prospector, analyser, defender) of widely cited and producing hydrocarbons is possible.
users of 'strategic information technology' before and
after the launch of their innovative systems. Strategic
users of information technology are not concentrated WATANABE, K. and ARAO, Y.
along a singular strategic dimension. Many firms Omron's Creative Information System
shifted strategic orientation after the launch of their
Long Range Planning 28 (2), 39-48 (April 1995)
systems. Usage or competitive intent of these strategic Information systems development at Omron Cor-
poration was in a number of stages. In 1987 the top
systems matches the prevailing strategic profile of the
management decided to restructure the whole
initiating firms. Prospectors and defenders realized
company. This included restructuring the infor-
significantly higher measures of financial per-
mation system to help develop an innovative climate,
formance immediately after the implementation of
be consistent with company strategies and use the
'strategic information technology'; however, in the
latest IT where possible. Both Innovative Information
long term no strategic orientation seemed to out-
System (IIS) and Strategic Information System (SIS)
perform the others.
were decentralized. Just-in-Time (JIT) information
was used as part of a 'human-centred' IT management
system. The one-stop-shop office, i.e. the support
Computer Support for Strategic Organizational
system, is an electronic office application package.
When a manager needs help he can access 'Just-in-
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 3 (4),
Time Wisdom'. The role of the IS department includes
289-298 (December 1994)
the various databases and acting as 'trouble shooters'.
There is growing concern over the ability of infor-
mation systems to model the social and political com-
plexity of the situations to which they are applied. An
examination is made of the nature of organizational PLANNING IN SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT
decision-making and the use of computer-based sys- AREAS--R & D
tems to support this activity. The debate queries the
extent to w h i c h such artifacts should be allowed to HENDERSON, R. and COCKBURN,I.
become enmeshed within increasingly complex Measuring Competence? Exploring Firm Effects in
environments. Pharmaceutical Research
Strategic Management Journal 15, 63-84 (Winter
LACITY, M. C., WILLCOCKS, L. P. and FEENYD. F. 1995)
IT Sourcing: Maximize Flexibility and Control Renewed interest in the resource-based theory of the
Harvard Business Review 73 (3), 84-93 (May/June firm has focused attention on the role of het-
1995) erogeneous organizational 'competence' in compe-
Managers can ensure that their IT systems evolve as tition. An attempt is made to use internal firm data at
technologies, markets and s t r a t e g i e s change by the programme level from 10 major pharmaceutical
encouraging competition among providers. All IT companies. It is shown that together the two forms of

Current Awareness

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