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Name: Rubella Virus

Disease: Rubella


Signs: Tiny pink spots, Pink spots on face, Pink spots on neck, Pink spots
spreading to body, Red throat, Rash

Symptoms: Headache, Shivering, Malaise, Lassitude, Temporary joint stiffness

1. Rubella vaccination
2. MMR vaccination - this contains the rubella vaccine.
3. Passive rubella immunization - possibly useful for non-immune pregnant
women who have been exposed.
4. Rubella blood test prior to conception - non-immune women may need
to be vaccinated before conception; but cannot be vaccinated if
pregnant or possibly-pregnant.

1. Symptomatic and supportive treatment
2. Bed rest
3. Fluids
4. Normal diet
5. Mild pain relief - if needed
Name: Ebola Virus

Disease: Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

Signs: Maculopapular rash, Red eyes

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, Fever ,Headache , Malaise, Joint and muscle pain,
inflammation of the pharynx, Chest pain, Sore throat

1. Adenoviral vaccine
2. Immediately cease all needle-sharing or use without adequate
sterilization procedures
3. Isolate patients with Ebola
4. Observe strict barrier nursing procedures with the use of a
medical rated disposable face mask, gloves, goggles, and a gown at all

No standard treatment. Treatment is primarily supportive and includes
minimizing invasive procedures, balancing electrolytes (since patients are
frequently dehydrated), replacing lost coagulation factors to help stop
bleeding, maintaining oxygen and blood levels, and treating any complicating
infections. Convalescent plasma (factors from those that have survived Ebola
infection) shows promise as a treatment for the disease.
Name: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Disease: AIDS

Source: Shared injection needles used in transfusion of blood

Signs: Flaky skin, Night sweats, swollen lymph glands, Persistent skin rashes,
skin lesions, mouth white spots

Symptoms: Flu-like symptoms, Fever, Headache, Lack of energy, Shortness of

breath, nausea, coughing, severe persistent diarrhea

1. Avoid unprotected sex
2. Avoid multiple sex partners
3. Avoid needle sharing

Treatments of HIV start with prevention. ( So far, no discovered treatment. It
is only available in Europe.)

Treatments to prevent mother-infant transmission include:

1. AZT
2. Antiviral agents
3. Multidrug combinations
4. Nevirapine
Name: Influenza Virus

Disease: Flu

Source: transmitted through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols

containing the virus. Influenza can also be transmitted by direct contact with
bird droppings or nasal secretions, or through contact with contaminated
surfaces. Airborne aerosols have been thought to cause most infections,
although which means of transmission is most important is not absolutely clear

Signs: Sweating, Watery eyes, Red eyes, skin and nose

Symptoms: High fever, Fatigue, Weakness, Exhaustion, Sore throat, Runny

nose, Stuffiness, Chills, Sneezing, Limb pain, Aching muscles

1. Vaccines
2. Avoid exposure to people with flu
3. Handwashing
4. Avoid touching eyes or nose with your hands

1. Antiviral medications
2. Rest
3. Fluids
4. Antibiotics
5. Analgesics

6. Aspirin
7. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Name: Rubeola Virus

Disease: Measles

Sources: spread through respiration (contact with fluids from an infected

person's nose and mouth, either directly or through aerosol transmission), and
is highly contagious—90% of people without immunity sharing living space with
an infected person will catch it.

Signs: Rashes, Watering Eyes, Koplik spots (small spots in mouth), Red spots in
mouth and cheeks

Symptoms: Pneumonia, Acute bronchitis, Encephalitis, Conjunctivitis, High

fever, Swollen glands

1. Immunization
2. Observe proper hygiene
3. Eat healthy foods

1. Bed rest
2. Fluids
3. Pain Relief
4. Antibiotics
5. Vitamin A
6. Oral rehydration

Name: Dengue Virus

Disease: Dengue

Source: Aedes aegypti

Signs: Rashes, Watering Eyes

Symptoms: Weakness, High Fever, Severe muscle pain, Vomiting, Nausea

1. Observe cleanliness in the surroundings
2. Emptying open water containers
3. Use insecticides
4. Use anti-mosquito lotion

1. Bed rest
2. Fluids
3. Fever medications - though aspirin is not advisable according to some
4. Aspirin - some sources recommend aspirin (ask your doctor for current
5. Pain relief medications
6. Acetaminophen

Name: Papillomaviridae

Disease: Papillomas

Source: rarely transmitted between species. Papillomaviruses replicate

exclusively in the basal layer of the body surface tissues. All known
papillomavirus types infect a particular body surface, typically the skin or
mucosal epithelium of the genitals, anus, mouth, or airways.

Signs: Small hard spots, In women, the warts occur on the lips of the vagina,
inside the vagina, or around the anus (Genital warts)

Symptoms: Itchiness of the warts

1. Avoid Cigarette smoking
2. Avoid Long-term use of oral contraceptives (more than 5 years)
3. Avoid Young age at first intercourse
4. Avoid Having multiple sexual partners
5. Avoid Having non-HPV sexually transmitted diseases

1. Common warts on the skin may be treated by freezing
(cryosurgery) or salicylic acid products (Occlusal, TransVer-Sal, Duofilm,
and Viranol). Recurrences are frequent and laser therapy may be
effective in severe cases.
2. A doctor may recommend treatment with a chemical such as 25
percent podophyllin solution, which is applied to the affected area and
washed off after several hours. Podophyllin should not be used during
pregnancy because it is absorbed by the skin and may cause birth
3. Surgery

Name: Rhinovirus

Disease: Common Cold

Source: Via aerosols of respiratory droplets and from contaminated surfaces,

including direct person-to-person contact

Signs: Watery Eyes

Symptoms: Sore throat, Runny nose, Nasal congestion, Sneezing and Cough;
sometimes accompanied by Muscle aches, Fatigue, Malaise, Headache, Muscle
weakness, or Loss of appetite.

1. Observe Proper diet
2. Drink Vitamin C

1. Bed rest
2. Drink Antibiotics
3. Eat fruits rich in Vitamin C
Name: Variola Vera

Disease: Smallpox

Source: Inhalation of airborne variola virus, usually droplets from the oral,
nasal or pharyngeal mucosa of an infected person

Signs: Scabs, Lesions, Flaky skin, Depigmented Scars

Symptoms: Viremia, Fever, Muscle pain, Malaise, Headache, Prostration

1. Vaccination
2. Avoid face to face contact when the person infected sneezed or
3. Inoculation

1. Avoid scratching smallpox
2. Flat and hemorrhagic types of smallpox are treated with the same
therapies used to treat shock, such as fluid resuscitation. People with
semi-confluent and confluent types of smallpox may have therapeutic
issues similar to patients with extensive skin burns
3. No drug is currently approved for the treatment of smallpox. However,
antiviral treatments have improved since the last large smallpox
epidemics, and studies suggest that the antiviral drug cidofovir might be
useful as a therapeutic agent. The drug must be administered

intravenously, however, and may cause serious kidney toxicity.

Name: Rabies Virus

Disease: Rabies

Source: Animal bites usually from dogs and cats

Source: Inhalation of airborne variola virus, usually droplets from the oral,
nasal or pharyngeal mucosa of an infected person

Signs: Large production of saliva and tears

Symptoms: Anxiety, Terror, Paranoia, Hydrophobia, Delirium

1. Avoid playing with stray animals without vaccination.
2. Keep away from abnormal dogs.
3. Vaccine
1. Vaccine

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