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.,_- DumpTape 151-oJ.



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02:38:22 02:hO:l_

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Dump Tape 151-01
Time: 02:38:22 to 02:40:15
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02 38 22 CDR Hello, there, friendly ... and all. This is day 150
Evening Status Report, given to you by the CDR. Alfa
- for the CDR, 120; for the SPT, 70; for the PLT, who
now holds the neW world's record, 260. Bravo - for
the CDR reads 647; for the SPT 7040; and for the PLT,
2353. Item Charlie r for the CDR 6.093, 6.093, 6.093;
for the SPT, 6.652, 6.652, 6.651, for the PLT, 6.830,
6.837, 6.830. Delta - for the CDR, it's a 2/15/1600,
a 1/0_/0200; for the SPT, it's a 2/15/1850; for the
PLT, it's a 2/10/1200, a 1/05/0250. Item Echo - for
the CDR, none; for the SPT, none; for the PLT, none.
And that is the end of the Evening Status Report for
02 40 15 day 150. Bye - bye.


DumpTape !_z-o2



From ' To
ii:_9_00 Z2:0_:2_

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I'-I No communications are on tape.
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I'--I Other.
Dump Tape 151-02
Time: ii:49:00 to 12:04:24
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ii 49 00 CDR Hello, tape recorder. Concerning the CO 2 dewpoint

monitor operation this morning, as I have a feeling
there is something wrong with our detecting equip-
ment. First the Allen wrench part of the one batch
of screws stripped out on first application. We
had to get a hammer and a screwdriver and make our
own prod to open it with a screwdriver. Then when
I opened it, around the port A hold was a consider-
able quantity of film of dried, white power-like
substance, almost as though something inside the
portfor A had broken and float - flowed out around
it and subsequently dried. Then I went ... performed
a protocol and each of the four locations - the
three sleep compartments and at the MOLSIEVE inlet
- the MOLSIEVE A, the readings were all the same.
CO 2 - also temperatures and these readings were:

C02, 12 part - Correction, C02, 12 millimeters of

mercury; temperature, 85; dewpoint, 45. The MOLSIEVE
readings are : MOLSIEVE A inlet, 3.5 ; temperature
in, 62; dewpoint, 48. End of message.

12 03 16 PLT Tape recorder, PRD readings this morning. The PRD

reading in the PLT sleep compartment reads 06040.

PLT The PRO reading in the experiment department is 44025.

12 04 24 PLT The PRD reading in the forward area is 18038.


(_ )

• TimeSegments

From To
12:47:50 12:49:3h

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!--1 Nocommunications
are ontape.
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123 Other

w , ,,
Dump Tape: 151-03
Time: 12:h7:50 to 12:49:34
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12 47 50 SPT Good morning, B. channel. This is the SPT answering

his day 115 (sic) evening questions. Question n_n-
bet 4 on water purification, the PLT did that. He
states that the color development was rapid. Ques-
tion number 5: during the flare drill, S082A, was
operated in the flare mode for approximately 4 minutes.
N,_ber 6: on the S055 high voltage - Let me answer
kind of 6, 7, and 8 by giving a little chronology
of it. We were doing zero line scans w_th all re-
Jectors rating zero, and the detectors would all come
on the line normally. The interval between turning
the detectors on was about I second. The order was:
i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, 5 - i, 2, 3. 7, 6, 5. Sorry.
As usual the PLT indications were normal. There was
no immediate trip-out %mtil the mode was started, at
which time I would look back to check on it a minute
or so later, and it would have tripped out - with a
SCAN SPEC light and no READY, and no OPERATE; and
three times I reinitiated by shutting all the de-
tectors off, and all the detectors on again; and the
same thing would happen. The fourth time, I left
detectors 5 and 6 off and turned the others on, and
the mode continued normally. During no other mode
12 49 3h except during light scan has the ejector ever tripped


r. Dump Tape



From To
14:19:13 14:35:49

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N Nocommunications
areon tape.
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I--I Other
Dump Tape 151-0h
Time: 14:19:13 to ih:35:49
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14 19 13 CDR Hello. Friendly B Channel. Message 0719 Delta. The

8/Iswer to question i: following ... S082 mode, does
the OPERATING light stay 0N? We haven't tried AUTO
1 yet, but it stays on TIME and AUTO 2. Question 2:
When the SO82A door opens the next time, is the READY
light or OPen,ATE light on? The answer is: The READY
light is ON when we start the experiment the first
time; the 0P_ATE light comes on, then stays on for-
ever until you cycle the doors. Question number 3
we'll have the answer for you a little later today,
but as I remember you asked yesterday, "Have you
noticed any drift around H-alpha pointing around 1
minute before sunset?" And the answer to that is I've
noticed some drift, but I don't think it's as far back
as i minute. We'll check that. That's it for now.

14 35 _9 CDR Hello, Friendly B Channel. This is the CDR with

another comment for the follow-on crew. We have had a
fair amount of trouble with the 16 millimeter h00 foot
magazine combination running all the time. But the
first thing is all the noises that you're used to
hearing on the ground - the clicklty clack, clack,
clatter, click clack - it does not do that at all up
here in zero G. It's a whole new set of sounds that
you have to see. And also you don't get the Jerking
dragged out for sc_e reason that you see on the take-
up spool as it's first treading. And a - Practically
the only way you can check it is - if you really got a
good tread is to do all the things, and then take
your pen and mark - take the magazine off, mark the
frame, put it back on the camera, and run it again to
see if it's gone through. But it's an entirely dif-
ferent set of sounds up here. So all your good train-
ing down on the ground _Innlng that thing, you can
neglect them.

DumpTape z51-o_


• TimeSegments(GMT)
From To
i>:po:o> 16:_:>8

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I"-I Other

Dump Tape 151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to 16:_5:58
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15 50 05 PLT Tape recorder this is M133 on the SPT.

SPY l!

PLT Oh? Oh, Ml31. M131 for the SPT. The time is
15:50 GMT. Ha. Ha.

SPT End of message.

16 30 31 SPT Friendly channel B, this is the SPT with the M131-2

debriefing question. It's more difficult to stand by
one's might.

SPT Okay. We will note, first of all, that the point

planning time allotted for the -2 run was sufficient.
That is 45 minutes per subject. Now back to the ques-
tion. It is more difficult relative to ground base
trials. The internal frames of the reference appear
to be as easy as they ever were. However, the external
frame of reference fittings represent pretty much
-- pure guess work. It's a pure visual turnaround. You
look at the workshop, you intellectually figure out
what angle you're at to it. You know, l'm pitched
about 20 degrees, and I'm rolled about 15 degrees.
And then you set - you close your eyes, and you set
the pointer to the internal frame of reference to the
... by those stored-in-memory amounts of degrees. So
you're not really using the vestibular apparatus to
m-ke this external frame reference Judgment at all.
And since it's difficult for the visual system, I
think, to Judge small angles like that very accurately
and then to set them in, the errors are probably go-
ing to be large, but they ought to be more or less
random. At least over a period of time.

SPT Now any conflicts between sensory cues for making

Judgments in perspective to the external frame of
reference_ No, I simply noticed the absence of the
overriding gravity clue or cue, which makes it so
easy in one g to detect how far you're pointed off
the vertical, In answering question i, I said that
we estimated visually the number of degrees off the
vertical and the horizontal that you were, and that's
true, but it's much more difficult to deal with zero g
than it is one g because you don't have that gravity
clue. Did I - in answer to number 3 - no, never a
vestibular sense to the upright. The brain, l'm
Dump Tape 151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to 16:h5:58
Page 2 of 3

convinced, gives you it's own frame of reference all

the time, but in zero g this frame of reference is up
there on left to right reference frame; changes any
time you want it to change. And it does not occur
to be influenced by the vestibular system. Answer
to number 4 is no.

16 33 3h SPT Number 5 is a very good question, because in the

0GI mode yesterday, both the PLT and myself noticed
that the very low settings for line target appeared
to move slowly back and forth with a period of 1 to 2
seconds. I noticed to_ that the same thing occurred,
and obviously it's a - not related to rotation. It's
a drift that we have where headed steady here at
zero g - It's a left-right, left-right, 1 to 2 second,
small amplitude, but noticeable calculation. And
number 6, no additional comment. Oh, yes, I do have
one. In the litter mode, since one is strapped to
the litter only by a very inadequate Velcro strap
around the chest; you tend to flack, to Jackknife,
and it's very difficult to keep straight and to
keep down on the - on the chair. When you get a ...
in your litter mode data, would you mind - keep in
mind that the internal frame of reference might not
be parallel to the litter, but at some angle to it.

SPT Ok_,_t_a__e recorder, here's the data from the SPT_s

MIS1-2 run, table 1. I'll read pitch and then roll
for each of the ten steps. Table l: 8.5, 304.5;
O, 303.6; 1.5, 304.0; 1.5, 306.3; 3.0, 304.0; 13.5,
299.2; 11.5, 304.3; 6.0, 300.7; 7.0, 301.4; 4.0, 30h.8.

SPT Table 2. 197, 183; 207, 183; 206, 185; 212, 180;
215, 180; 215, 186; 221, 18h; 22_, 185; 222, 180;
222, 176.

SPT Okay, table 3. Are you hanging in there with me, kids?
213, 186; 218, 187; 219, 185; 218, 183; 218, 186; 220,
187; 226, 189; 221, 187; 220, 187; 213, 191.

• SPT Table n_,mber 4: 4.0, 305.7; 3.0, 302.0; 0.0, 30_.8;

7.0, 304.6; i0.0, 304.0; i0.0, 309.0; 5.0, 311.1;
3.0, 312.0; 6.0, 308.1; 13.0, 306.7.

16 _0 38 5_A' There's got to be a better way to do this stuff for

your sake and mine. Right?

r_ Final
Dump Tape 151-05
Time: 15:50:05 to 16:45:58
Page 3 of 3

SPT Table 5. ii0, 168; iii, 163; i14, 162; 114, 162;
ll7, 166; 203, 187; 206, 188; 210, 185; 203, 185;
200, 188.

SPT Table 6. 12_, 171; 127, 172; 113, 172; 116, 173; 119,
172; 208, 180; 204, 176; 2O5, 176; 209, 181; 213, 181;
allelulia, that's it for that run.

16 45 58 SPT Partisan B channel. This is the M131 SL mode test on

the PLT. The date is - I don't know - day 151, and
the time is quarter till 7 pm ...


_, DumpTape 151-o6


From- To
17:20:}_h 17:50:33

Time and voice good

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ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
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Dump Tape 151-06
Time: 17:20:44 to 17:50:33
Ps_e i of i

17 20 44 PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is the PLT - these are

PLT's co_ents after his M-1S1-2 run. Question l,
degree of difficulty: it was much more difficult due
to the lack of a gravity back there. It was quite
difficult, as a matter of fact. That angle, I think,
is quite small for making - to be able to ... Number
2, conflicts between sensory cues: they were hardly
worrying me; so there were no conflicts. A positive
sense of the upright at any time: no, not really.
I'm not sure now I understand what you mean by the
question. Okay, ass_1_ that a foot [?] and three
means a positive sense such as the gravity vector,
the answer is negative. Jud_-,ents influenced by
auditory cues or other enviror.mental factors : nega-
tive. Did the line target appear stable: pretty
much. It did have that same sort of lateral oscilla-
tion that Dr. Kerwin, the SPT, noted after his run,
previous. He described it Just as I vould. As he
mentioned, it showed up first in the rotating mode,
yesterday. And I have no additional comments or
observations. Bye.

17 50 33 CDR Hello there, friendly channel B. Just a little bit

for the $487 checklist writers. While activating the
Mh87 I-A sound-level meter/frequency analyzer, down
at the bottom of page i-i, it says discard black
microphone cover. And the cover is white with green
wire wrapped around it. That's it.

-_ DumpTape 15_-o7


Time Seg[nents (GMT)

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151:18:31:XX 151:20:II:X[X

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
[] No communications are on tape.
i--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
V_ Other _uil_in_ 30 personnel indicate that these

_. dump data are contained on tape 151-09.

Final - .


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Time Segments (GMT)

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2b 20:

Partial duDlieatica of text of ta_e i_i-12_ duplQcate_;t_: 20:0G:24 to 20:04:i0.

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Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:2h to 20:0_:08
Page 1 of 5

18 33 2h SPT Contamination observation on window - STS window h.

The window itself is clean. However, it has several
linty particles on the outside. These come fromthe
fact that on all STS windows, which I neglectedto
mention before, this is one of the most noticeable
looking into the Sun, is that as you open and close
the window cover, it rubs over that silver foil in-
sulation and frays it. And the backing material ap-
pears to be some kind of cloth, and that causes linting.

19 13 lh PLT Hello, B channel. This is the PLT with the Mh87-3

Alfa. Going to page 3-3 on restraints and mobility
aids. The fireman's pole we have not used yet because
we have not needed it. The 0WS dome and wall handrails
have, on occasion, been of some use primarily for
stability. They are not used for transiting the dome
or forward areas. We do that by point-to-point
translations free floating. Same thing with the STS
handrails and the MDA. We've generally found that
f you just move about this vehicle by, as I say, Just
pushing off and translating from point to point. You
use these handrails, but you use whatever is available;
a surface - The mol sieve surface, the back of the
ATM chair; whatever you need Just to give yourself a
little tweaks to keep yourself trimmed up. The hand-
rails are not needed for translation. Handholds and
handrails are needed for stability. And on occasion,
for example, yesterday when I vacuum cleaned the
plenum inlet screen at the top of the dome L I found
the duets themselves very handy for footholds. I'd
wrap my legs around them and use that to stablize my-
self while I was vacu_m_ng the screen. The triangular
shoes in the grid have come in very handy. The mode
we've gotten into usually, most of the time, is you
only hook in one shoe. Consequently, we've been try-
ing off and on, we'll con_ment on it later, on two
triangles as opposed to one triangle and one mushroom.

19 15 03 PLT The water tank foot platform has been used on occasion
when working in a dome locker. I think it's been
necessary and useful. Again, the usual use for myself
has been to hook one foot in one of the tria_ular

_ 19 15 21 PLT The ATM foot p!atform has been used so far only to
hold the captain's chair. We have been using the
captain's chair A1-_st exclusively at the ATM.
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:24 to 20:04:08
Page 2 of 5

The portable foot restraint _llatform i_ the MDA: the

CDR used it yesterday for an EREP run, and it appear-
ed to work quite well. He said he was quite happy
with it. The portable PGA foot restraints we have not
_ed. Portable handholds: the only place we've really
used them is in the vicinity Of the bicycle ergometer,
and we - were attempting to figure out how in heaven's
name we can rea_ly ride that bicycle and get some work
done in a fairly_ reasonable mAn_er. Portable equipment
restraints: you could never have too many of those,
•.. Sethers, bungees, uaiversal mounts. The one thing
' that you're alw_s looking for in a vehicle and we
never - there are never too -_y straps or Ve!cro -
correction: not straps, snaps - never too many snaps
or Velcro patches in the vehicle itself. The ATM
seat/backrest restraint has been used. It's go t the
slrline pipe belt on it, which is a necessity. Velcr0
Just doesn't do the Job in zero g for a belt. You
look at the belt cn the M131 chair, and it is practical-
ly negative, useless. The conical shoe cleats, we _-
are still evaluating. They come in handy at times in
that they are quick and easy to use relative to the
triangles; however, the o_e drawback to them is that
occasionally they get caught in the grid when you don't
want them to. Let's see now. Waste management: I,
as a new boy, and hearing horror stories from the old
heads, have been ... deliriously surprised with the
operation of the waste management e_u/pment__ the fecal
c_llectioa and the urine collection both. The air
stream on the fecal collection unit works quite well.
You must - I have found personally that you must use
the belt, and I must use the handhold and pull myself
down _on the seat to -_e sure you get a good seal.
The better the seal you got around the lid of the seat,
the better the equipment seems to work. The urine
collection equipm_t: once we found out that it didn't
work right unless you had a fecal bag in, otherwise
you don't get enough suction to the urine receiver,
works quite well. It is - it stays surprisingly clean,
and after some 4 days of use, the urine receiver and
hose has no odor, which I was concerned about prior
to launch.

19 19 37 PLT Okay. Pressing on to page 3-4, food management. The

wardroom table is, as far as an eating station, is
very nice. Just like training. The thigh restraints
I use two ways: either as designed or I also hook
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33:24 to 20:04:08
Page 3 of 5

my knees over the innermost of the two crossmembers.

I find that I personally don't use the footstraps at
all. I Just hook my knees over the thigh restraints
__aad,wit _ light pressure on the toes against the
table pedestal, maintain m_self in positicm there.
SO that covers the first three, I guess. The food
reco_stitution dispenser is - is good. Let me look
at your definitions.

19 23 20 PLT Okay, tape recorder. I find that for I don't know

how long I've been holding the record switch up on
this COMM box instead of the intercom box. Hopefully,
(cough) I got the run down on work restraints. ± got
page 3-3 on there. I'll do page 3-4 over again. The
wardroom table is convenient. It's - we've been using
itJusta_ we have in %ralnlng. The thigh restraints
I use two ways. One is to put my legs in in the ...
method. The other is I hook my knees over the inner-
most of the two crossmembers and with light toe pres-
sure against the work table pedestal, I maintain
position that way. The foot restraint - for either
the straps or the tri_le fittings I haven't been
/ using at all. Food reconstitution dispenser: those
water dispensers need some kind of handhold in their

19 2h 16 PLT It's fairly difficult to press down on it, especially

a Juice bag, which is filling and unpleating it's
accordian style at the same time. I think we need some
sort of small fingerhold not a handhold, right around
those water dispensers. The water gun works, as I
suppose you know, it's easy to use. It takes about
three shots of water before you get chilled water,
but that's all right. The food tray has worked out
fine. The beverage dispensers are too small. Each
accordian dispenser that you put in there for each
accerdlan container we putin there seems to be around
1.05 times as big as the drawer's design. The drawers
need to be about l0 percent bigger than they are.
They're hard to open, hard to close, hard to get drinks
in and out of. The freezing dispenser has worked fine.
The eating utensils have worked fine. It is a necessity
that they be held in place magnetically. The teaspoon,
I still think, is too small. Although I have brought
my large spoon down out of the command module. The
miscellaneous column, the sleep restraint is extremely
useful, versatile, and very good, I think. You can
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:33-2h to 20:0h:08
of 5

quote "lie" unquote in any position you want. On your

back, on your side, on your st_ch, with as _,ny
covers as you want. It's All been quite nice. Trash
airlock - is all right. Right now the opening seals
in the lid are in very good shape. Plus that it takes
a pretty good heave. You either have to lie down,
straddle the thing, and really muscle and twist down
on it in order to release the interlock so you can get
the lid lock up over where two people have to use it.
We have also taken to taking our urine bags and folding
them double and wrapping them in 5 or 6 turns of gray
tape. It wan because we had a slight palpitation the
f__rst night in t We duml_ed_ some urine bags from the
e_d module and evidently they had quite a bit more
air in them than these urine bags have had. But we put
it in, put the urine bags in, dumped the airlock, tried
to push it out with the ejector, and it would only
move - It hardly seemed like it moved at all.

19 26 46 PLT When you tried to ts_ke a look, tried to close the outer -
door and could not, it was obvious that what wan in
there was stuck part way out. So we thought that on
day 2 of the mission, we had already lost the trash
airlock. However, by Judicious application of force,
we finally got the thing r-we_d down, decided that
it was the air in the bags expanding the bags being
exposed to vacumn and Just flat being too big for
airlock had JAw,,ed it in there. So subsequently, as
I say, we've taken to wrapping them with tape. The
vaeumn cleaner was used an such for the first time
last night to clean the - all inlet screens to all
fans. It worked very well. It was used mainly on the
flat debris screen surfaces where you could get at
them without any attachment on it at all. Now on a
couple of fans where I had to come in on an angle_ I
used the crevice tool, I believe it's called, and
cleaned it that way. The wardroom table is, as far as
noneating uses, has been used sometimes as a working
table and kind of reading checklists and sometimes
working on small equipment. That is the end of
h87-3 Alfa.

19 28 17 PLT Tape recorder, if you missed any item on page 3-3 on

this 487-3 Alfa, let me know and I'll do them again
in case I was holding the record switch up instead of
intercom switch for that.
Dump Tape 151-09
Time: 18:B3:24 to 20:04:08
Page 5 of 5

19 35 12 PLT Tape recorder, for the MiB1 on the SPT. We consider

the first two steps that we did yesterday on the OGI
mode to be validated; therefore we're picking up with
the third step today at level 8. The subject's state
of fitness is cranky as usual; therefore, no concern
or use.

20 00 23 PLT Ml31 on the sPT: the nitrogen pressure on the chair

is 1200.

20 00 59 SPT Tape recorder, this is the SPT with the debriefing

from MI31 OGI mode. Question number I: I had a slight
sense of rotatic_ at the last step T only. Question
_r 2: yes, and I debriefed on this previously
that the light target occasionally exhibits the tend-
ency to oscillate back and forth slowly. And it seem-
ed to occur both at the low steps a_en to some
extent at the higher steps. It's superimposed on the
illusion, or rather the illusion is superimposed on
- it. And I think it accountsfor the irregularityof
some of my responses. The only additional observations
I have are on the hardware. The misali_ent between
biteboard and goggle is such that it's impossible for
me to hold the biteboard in my teeth and still have
a light leak - or a light seal through the goggles.
I have to almost swallow the biteboard in order to
get a light seal. Then, of course, the settings tend
to change because of zero g. And I've noticed that
it's very easy in zero g to let the biteboard supporter
float up from its stop, which destroys the angle be-
tween your horizontal canal and the axis of rotatica.
You have to be very conscious about not letting it do
that. That' s all.

• 20 04 08 PLT Note of interest for M131 for the _S mode. In zero

gravity you float up out of the chair such that it is -
We don't remember whether we debriefed this on the
tape or not yesterday. You float up out of the chair,
and you Just cannot reach the proximity detectors;
therefore, we are going to continue this flight with-
out using them.




From To
20:56:5_ 21:56"39

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I-1 Nocommunications
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I_imp Tape 151-10
Time: 20:56:54 to 21:56:39
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20 56 54 SPT B channel, the PLT's MD92 calf circtunferences: left,

14-1/8 ; right, 13-7/8.

SPT And, tape recorder, the ID numbers on the PLT's

leg hands are: left leg, Bravo Juliet; right leg,
Alfa Delta.

SPT The PLT is isolated in his usual fashion from the

LBNPD - Very poorly.

SPT Channel B, due to a delay in getting back to you on

the PLT, we're starting the vacum portion of the run
in 18 minutes elapsed time, rather than 20. You'll
have T minutes to baseline data.

21 42 50 SPT B channel, the PLT's MI71: the CAL N2, 02, CO 2 bottle
pressure is 1645.

21 51 29 SPT MITI, the CAL H20 gas bottle pressure is 1527.


is 5.003.

21 55 46 SPT The percent oxygen is 75.16. Percent water is 3.h2.

Percent CO2 is 1.90.

21 56 39 SPT Okay, tape recorder. The SA_LE INLET GAS PRESSURE

is, once again, 5.003.

Fi nal

( AM)


From To
22:06:31 23:29 :h2

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
I-I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
[] Other
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page i of 7

22 06 31 CDR And the 270 exposure on Denebola was terminated on

time for S019.

CDH Okay.

22 lO 05 CDR MARK. (Music) On field 823 on S019, the exposure

was 270. Exposure started on time.

CDR (Music) Okay, friendly B channel. S019 270 exposure

terminated on time. And ... 90 started.

22 15 16 CDR MARK. The ninth exposure terminated on time

on S019.

22 15 38 CDR MAEK. The 30-second one started.

22 16 03 CDR MARK. The 30-second one completed.

22 17 50 CDE MARK. S019 star field 309, 270, started.

CDR And S019, that's really star field 309. I can't read
it here. The star ... 70 exposure stopped on time,
and the 90 started.

22 22 32 CDR 90 exposure completed on time on S019.

22 22 53 CDR 30-second exposure started on S019.

22 23 18 CDR 30-second exposure complete.

22 25 23 CDR MARK. 270 exposure on star field 556; started.

22 27 09 SPT Okay. This is the end of run MI71. 02 is 71.49.

Water is 7.19. And CO 2 is 1.94.

22 28 55 CDR MARK. (Music) S019 star field 556, 270 completed;

90 started.

22 30 13 CDR S019, 556, 90 completed; 30 started.

22 31 44 CDR MARK. S019 star field 665, the 90-second exposure


22 32 53 CDR MARK. The 90-second exposure is complete; starting

the 30.
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page 2 of 7

22 33 ii CDR 30-second exposure is started.

22 33 38 CDR MARK. 30-second exposure is complete. And, friendly

B channel, be advised that I took one exposure extra
by mistake. I couldn't read the pad too well in the
dark, and I took a ref - one exposure on a reference
star, Denebola, on the very - picture nt_ber 1.
Therefore, the total number of pictures taken were
Ii - ll. The film counter reads Oll.

22 38 33 CDR (Music) Okay, friendly B channel, as I told you,

Denebola was right on the money. However, Fomalhaut
was not. And the readings for Fomalhaut are
tilt 024.9, and for rotation, 194.6. The other two
I didn't get a chance to get. You've got too many
things on one pad ... I won't get it all done in
one night's pass. Those remarks were for S019 -
those previous remarks, S019.

22 59 26 SPT Okay, channel B. This is your last chance. This is

the small mass measurement device calibration data.
Crewman SPT. D_ i48. Wardroom start time, 02:40.
The temp was 87. The stop time was 04:05. Se-
quence 1 - And on these sequences, I'm going to read
six digits - only the first time in each sequence.
Thereafter, I'm going to read the two or three digits
that changed Sequence i: 1.95646, 54, 78, 67, 55.
Sequence 2: 2.03296, 336, BhS, 316, 312, 305, 311.
Sequence 3: 2.10628, 47, 64, 49, 50. Sequence 4:
2.17702, 89, 77, 80, 74. Sequence 5: 2.31288, 321,
334, 335, 381, 327. Sequence 6- this is %rlth
350-grams mass - 2.43861, 90, 90, 44, 80, 175, 173,
173, 162. That last ntunber was 2.44162. Okay,
Sequence 7: 2.62185, 82, 97, 80, 83. Sequence 8:
2.89809, 09, 771, 815, 783, 808, 812, 808. Se-
quence 9: 3.05270. This is a long sequence because
the numbers didn't come up very well and I gave you
about 15 cals. Okay, say again. That's 3.05270.
121, 063, 217, 248, 155, 186, 149, 193, 107, 189,
158, 034, 149. Make what you can out of that. I
don't know why I was erratic. Sequence ii, which is
back at zero again, is 1.95637, 40, 36, 73, 32.

23 04 56 SPT And, channel B, here is the results of the B_@4D

M172 calibration of day 151. Crewman SPT. The start
time was 13:15. And the stop time was 15:47, not
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page 3 of 7

including logging. Sequence i: 2.70087, 076, i01,

116, 101. Sequence 2: 9.75083, 070, 088, 4887, 4970,
4835, 4904, 4895, 4860. That last number, then, was
3.74866. If I said 860 the time before, it's because
I can't read my own writing. Sequence 3: h.39805,
877, 802, 797, 817. Sequence 4: now I'm not going
to read you the first three nu_nbers in sequence 4,
because this is when they discover that the food tray
lids were rattling on it, very loosely. And the -
after the third reading, I taped them. And then I got
4.95455, 709, 587, 551, 6]_I, 472, 538. Sequence 5:
5.45764, 802, 755, 770, 799. Sequence 6: 5.91618,
607, 371, 837, 891, 964, 644, 133, Ii0, 750, 349, 756,
849, 614, 671. That was a total of 15 measurements
on sequence 6, which with all the trays on, but
without the batteries, etc. I never found out why
the readingswere sc erratic. The next step I did -
your next step on your procedure, was to slip the
M509 batteries and the T003 in their proper location.
This could not be done with the food trays all on.
So I took the upper three food trays off, four of
th_n, rather. Then I strapped on the M - two
M509 batteries, plus the T003, with gray tape. And
then I ran a sequence on that configuration. That
is one double-boll food trays, plus the batteries
in the T003, and the numbers came out llke this:
5.00129, 092, 266, 248, 234, 299, 261. Then I went
and got the other food trays again, put them back on
the table. Had to put new gray tape on it, so I had
two sets of gray tape for each of those four trays,
properly labeled. And - and the numbers on that
were, 6.77815, 790, 681, 644, 817, 728, 750, 881,
811, which is a reasonably good series of ten readings.
And, Bill, I don't think you're going to get any better
than this. Even with all the tape and stuff on it, you
can still hear noises every now and then as everything
goes - goes by. There is no way to properly secure
all that gear - even the food trays, with the rig you
got. It's very sensitive to ..., it's very sensitive
to motion, it's extremely sensitive to ar_ spacecraft
maneuver, however small. A TACS firing with a
saturated CMG would probably throw your readings out.
So, I don't think the inherent accuracy of the machine
is bad. But I think that as installed, - let's not
go to any more trouble to get the accuracy greater
than we got on this cal. End of the message.
D%m_p Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page h of 7

23 16 56 SPT Okay, tape recorder. In case you think we've been

loafing all day today, let the SPT read you the
results of the M131-2 spatial localization test,
conducted on the PLT this afternoon. Beginning with
page 4-16, I will read you a pitch and then a roll,
separated by a proper voice pause. I will read you
internal five pictures in five rows; external
five pictures in five rows. Here goes: 18, 305;
20.5, 301; 17, 22, 1 - make that 221; 16, 315; ].6, 301.
Now the external: 15, 306; 18, 302; 16, 302; 16, 309;
15, 309. Moving on to page 4-18, internal: 180, 175;
183, 183; 185, 180; 186, 180; 178, 181; 197, -belay
that 197 and that is the beginning of the five
external readings, pitch and roll. And here they
come: 197, 183; 193, 183; 195, 180; 196, 178; 192,

23 19 Ii SPT Okay, on page 4-22. Internal: 19, 300; 21, 308;

18.5, 310; 15, 301; 18, 300. And the external:
19, 304; 19, 306; 185 - 18.5, 305; 00, 305; 17,
303, On page 4-24, internal: 100, 165; 105, 165;
109, 167; 108, 164; 105, 165; 193, 177; 194, 177;
192, 185; 193, 183; 198, 186. And on page 4-26,
this is off the Bitted Checklist, by the way,
internal: ll0, 164; ll5, 165; ll2, 167; ll3, 165;
liB, 167. External: 193, 192; 194, 194; 195, 191;
197, 192; 202, 188. Now, that's all there is for that
experiment. Now I'd like you to take a note for
general distribution, requesting and recommending
that logging of future M07h, M172 calibration, and
M131 spatial localization work and similar things
like that that are both written down and voice
logged; that we eS_m_nate the voice logging and
instead bring hame those few pieces of paper that
would allow us, accurately, to transmit the data to
the principal investigator. The crew is always
encouraged to use the voice logging, in order to
avoid that unnecessary waiting. However, in cases
like this, where we have to do both, it's very time
consigning. The time has not been allocated in the
Flight Plan, and it's causing us to fall behind.
And in some cases, I suspect the data is getting lost.
-- Thank you.
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page 5 of 7

23 22 46 SPT Now, friendly tape recorder, this is the SPT once

again with a brief discussion of this afternoon's
M092, Ml71, on the PLT ; for distribution to the
medical operations and the medical investigators,
and whoever else - the Flight Directors, also. The
overall results were very similar today, as you will
see when you get your dat_ dump, to Paul's first run.
The leg volume parameter and heart rate parameter
didn't look quite as much changed on M092 as they
did the first run. Subjectively, it was the same,
as far as Paul was concerned. And the calf measure-
ments were even smaller. They dropped below
14 inches on the right leg; although we still use
the 14-15 cuff, because he has the reference band on
that leg. On the 171, - on my conversation yesterday
I recommended that all the protocols be lowered by
some l0 to 20 percent. I received no update on that
today. What we decided to do in the interim was
simply to revert to the preflight numbers, that we
have been using. We don't believe that this bicycle
is really less tough than the ones we trained on.
It's impossible to tell because the environment gets
in the way too much. We still haven't psyched out
what the best way tc do it is. Paul did it pretty
much the conventional way today, hanging on to the
handlebars. He ran in the protocol of 105, 155,
and then at the 210 point, we changed it back to
200. And from now on he'll run it 100, 150, 200.
And, Pete and I will also run it at our preflight
level. And we'll see how we do on that. It's
considerably more than a 75-percent work load,
subjectively. The oxygen consumption does not
bear that out, although the heart rate and blood
pressure do; and the very peculiar reversal of CO 2
and oxygen is s_nething I can't explain. I would
like to hear your thoughts on it. I don't know
whether the machine is out of calibration or whether
this is a real effect that we've seeing, but it
occurs eveu at rest. And it's most interesting. I
don't think in - in - in stunmary that Paul has showed
any degradation. I don't think the thermal effects
F were as bad. The - we've acclimatized at least
subjectively, to the temperature in the workshop.
And it doesn't really bother us any more except during
heavy exercise. I do think that - that our baseline,
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page 6 of 7

both for M092 and MI71, as far as degradation during

the flight is concerned, should be the first run that
we made and not the preflight data baseline, l'm
watching the M092 results carefully and am standing
by to eliminate the 50-millimeter step on myself or
any of the other crewmen who appear to be in border-
line. And on the MI71, We've made our recommendations
for lowering the workrate, and we'll keep you posted
on how we are managing to ride the bike. One very
important thing is that we all believe that we're
using different muscles up here to ride the bicycle
in zero. We're trying to find out how to bring those
muscles into play most efficiently. We're also
trying not to degrade our physical condition by rel-
ative inactivity by lack of exercise. There it's
suppose to be one session of PT in the Flight Plan
for each crewman on every day when he does not do an
EVA or a major medical. This has been faithfully
scheduled in most cases, but it's been scheduled
strictly on paper, as far as we're concerned, because
the other scheduled tasks have tsken so much time
that they have completely absorbed and wiped out PT,
PH, and in some cases meals. I think that's a - a
mistake. I think that bringing this crew back
healthy and as little degraded as possible, in their
exercise tolerance and their capacity to withstand
gravity, is one of the important objectives of the
flight, and I would like to see PT and PH put in the
schedule on an honest basis and give it priority
over most other objectives. The big problem is when
you have something running late in front of it and
something like ATM or S019, that is - that has a
firm, fixed schedule behind it and it Just has to go.
l'd like to see it scheduled at such a time that if
you're late getting there, you can Just go ahead
and do it and not hurt something that came up an
hour or so after it. End of message.

23 29 42 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT here at 23:30.

I would like to read you the ATM 4-1imb eoalinement
that was done on day 149 by me; and, I believe, got
lost in the shuffle. Okay. The day is 149. The
P time is 15:07. The ntm_bersare as follows: plus 971,
plus 995, plus 999, minus 897, minus 929, minus 930,
minus 931, plus 961, plus 966, 0831. And there's
Dump Tape 151-11
Time: 22:06:31 to 23:29:42
Page 7 of 7

one additional m_nber, which, although it is not -

it is in a crosshatch box, I'm going to read to you,
because you may want it. At the lower limb, 82B was
minus 89h. Thank you.

Fi nal
" Dump Tape151-_2



From To
20:00:2h 22:2_':ii

The period 20:00:2_ to 20:0_:i0 is _n inferior duplication of the rex% of t_pe 151-09
but the times do not agree.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
F1 Nocommunications
areon tape.
F1 Onlycommunications on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
F-t Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-l Other
Dump Tape 151-12
Time: 20:00:24 to 22:27:11
Page i of 2

20 00 2h SPT For MI31 on the SPT. The nitrogen pressure on the

chair is 1200.

20 00 59 SPT Tape recorder, this is the SPT with the debriefing

from MI31 OGI mode, Question number i: I had a
slight sense of rotation at the last step - only.
Question number 2: Yes, and I debriefed on this
previously that the light target occasionally
exhibits the tendency to oscillate back and forth
slowl#, and it seemed to occur both at the low steps
and then to some extent at the higher steps. It's
superimposed on the - on the - on the - No, on the
illusion - or rather the illusion is superimposed on
it. And I think it accounts for the - the irregu-
larity of some of my responses. And the only addi-
tional observations I have are on the hardware. The
misalignment between biteboard and goggle is such
that it is impossible for me to hold the biteboard
in my teeth and still have a light leak - or a light
seal through the goggles. I have to almost sw_llow
the biteboard in order to get a light seal. And, of
course, the settings tend to change because of the
zero g. And I've noticed that it's very easy in
zero g to let the biteboard supporter float up from
its stop, which destroys the Ang!e between you hor-
izontal canal and the axis of rotation. You have to
be very conscious about not letting it do that.
That's all.

20 Oh i0 SPT Note of interest for MI31 for the MS mode. In zero

gravity you float up out of the chair such that it
is - We don't remember whether %,_ debriefed on this
the tape or not yesterday. You float up out of the
chair and you Just cannot reach the proximity detec-
tors. Therefore, we are going to continue this
flight without using them.

21 08 55 SPT The PLT is isolated in his usual bench in front of

LBNPD - very poorly.

21 16 53 SPT Channel B, due to a delay of getting vacuum on the

PLT, we're starting the vacuum portion of the run in
18 minutes elapsed time rather than 20. You'll have
7 minutes of baseline data.
Dump Tape 151-12
Time: 20:00:24 to 22:27:11
Page 2 of 2

22 02 22 CDR And hello, friendly tape recorder. This is you friend-

ly new CDR S019 experimenter with the 270 exposures
off and _mn_ng _ time.

22 14 09 CDR Okay, friendly B channel. S019 270 exposures ter-

minated on time. And the 90's starting.

22 15 18 CDR MARK. The 90 exposures terminated on time on S019.

22 15 40 CDR MARK. The 30-second one's started.

22 16 05 CDR MARK. The 30-second one completed.

22 17 51 CDR MARK. S019 star field 309 270's started.

22 21 24 CDR And S019 - That's really star field 309 - I can't

read the nearest stars - got 270 exposure stopped on
time and the 90's started.

22 22 34 CDR 90 exposure completed on time on S019.

22 22 53 CDR Thirty-second exposure started on S019.

22 23 20 CDR Thirty-second exposure complete.

22 25 26 CDR MARK; 270 exposure on star field 556 started.

22 27 ii SPT Okay, this is in the - end of run on MI71. 02 is

71.49. Water is 7.13. And CO2 is 1.9_.

Du.mpTape z51-z3


( )

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
00:37:13 01:09:32

,'_ Voice - good; Time - good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-3 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
17 Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
[] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I ,Other

Dump Tape 151-13
Time: 00:37:13 to 01:09:32
Page 1 of 1

O0 37 13 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR.

00:37:16 CDR MARK. Liter bag dump initiate at 00:37:23.

O1 08 05 SPT B channel, SPT with a report on the 00:16 ATM run.

Active region 18 was the object of study. It is one
area of reasonably bright plage on active region 18.
I noted that is was possible to peak detector i very
easily. The background was running between 50 and 75,
and over the area of plage, it was running 5 to 600,
with very sharp discrimination and very collnear with
the H-alpha display. This was surprising and pleasing,
and it should be passed on to the training people.
That's about it on solar discovery. The - about the
only thing I remembered doing wrong on the building
block was I prematurely started S056 and 82B - Just
prior to step B of building block 4 without pointing
properly and I immediately stopped and, I guess, proba-
bly wasted a frame each. End of message.

01 09 32 CDH Hi, friendly B channel. Here is the old CDR tonight

with day 151 Evening Status Report. Alpha, CDE, 160;
SPT, llO; PLT, 230, Item Bravo: CDE, 3704; SPT, 7121;
PLT, 2461. Item Charlie: CDR, 6.128, 6.125,
6.12h; SPT, 6.681, 6.678, 6.684; PLT, 6.816, 6.819,
6.823. Dump today was zero for the CDH, zero for the
SPT, and zero for the PLT. Item Echo: CDR, none; SPT,
none; and PLT, none. That's it for tonight. Good



( A. )


From To
02:26:50 02:39:00


Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled',for the followingreason:

n Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I'-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
oftape .
n Other
Dump Tape 152-01
Time: 02:26:50 to 02:39:00
Page 1 of 1

02 26 50 PLT Hello, tape recorder, this is the PLT. Are your

white light corona_raph P40 aligned? Be advised, I
was rnnning the procedure per the checklist and when
I got to the step to run in RAD/SCAT, I had to dr_ve
it back to less than 6-arc seconds off before I could
get the READY light. And after, I started operating
that at 6-arc seconds off, instead of the 20, which
I had appointed previously.

CDR Hello, Pete; ... hello. We have ... frames remaining

on the ATM. They fired out further ... off, ended
tod_y. H-ALPHA ih297; S056, 5108; S082A is a stan-
dard 182; S082B is 1336; S052 is 7251; S054 is 5918.

02 39 O0 CDR Hello, s_nDy B channel. This is the CDR with a late

Joke. I forgot my cleaning the UF tape recorder this
morning. It was not dirty anywhere except on the
right pitch roller. It was dirty on the right pitch
roller, and it was quite dirty. It took about four
to five tips to clean it. But otherwise, it wasn't
any dirt hardly at all anywhere else in the tape
recorder. Please pass to the EREP group. Thank you.
Good night.


-_ DumpTape _52-o2

( AM)


From To
02: 52:XX 03:03:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

M No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other.
Fi nal Tape 152-o3


Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Time erratic; voice good

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
[] No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I---I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 152-03
Time: 03:57:0h
Page i of I

03:57:0h CDR Hello, B channel. I got a late addition - a late

addition. Will you take this, B channel? This is a
late addition to the Evening Status Report. On day
151, it seems that the CDR and SPT, both, managed to
get their exercise in, tonight. So, to Evening Status
Report, please add Delta exercise, CDR: 2/15/1500.
For the SPT: 2/15/1850. End of message. Nighty,

DumpTape z52..o_

( AN)


From To
lh.'hS:23 1_13b,:16

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
i--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
l--3 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
Dump Tape 152-04
Time: 14:h5:23 to 15:34:16
Page 1 of 1

14 45 23 CDR Hello, B channel; this is the CDR on the subject of

half urine samples. The cell cards and the ... probe
and checklist that we have and the urine tray were
all set up, so that our first-day sample went in the
first-day slot. And, therefore, we are very happy
with the way our urine collection of both full and
half samples is going. And we see no need for you
to bother us with that subject anymore. Because we
think you, on the ground, either don't have the
cards that we have or you are wrong. And we'll talk
about it on day 31. End of message.

15 34 16 PLT Hello, B channel. This is the PLT, with some changes

for the Stowage books. On page 2-22 Alfa, under CSM
stowage cleanup:
LCG PCUwater
The binoculars are now in WyI4;
adapters are in D - Delta 422; the
charcoal canister, adapter masks, and bags are all
in dome 426; the TDI detector klt - the whole thing -
is in dome 426. End of message. And for your
additional edification the CO monitor kit that was
launched in the cr_mandmodule is in dome 426. The
launch spin bag is in dome 400, and the spare over-
bags - a - a general collection of spare overbags to
put things in - is in dome 424.


Final • .
_. DumpTapez_-o_



From To
, 16"_8:2p 17:06:35

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[-1 Nocommunications
I"-I Onlycommunications
n Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
[-1 Other
_-_ Final
Dump Tape 152-05
Time: 16:49:05 to 17:06:35
Page i of 2

16 48 25 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is CDR with the

sound level meter at frequency analyzer lock. First,
he advised that the stab meter is stowed to the right
side of locker - The stab meter is stored on the
right-hand side of locker 623. The following stab
levels were recorded of the following locations:
wardroom with the frequency meter parallel and ow_r
the CDR's tray pointed towards the OWS window. The ambi-
ent noise level was 46.5. The filtered noise levels
were: 1 was 35.0, 2 was 46.0, 3 was 53.0, 4 was 39.0,
5 was 30.0, 6 was 21.0, 7 was 18.0, and 8 was 18.0.
In the experiments compartment, the sound level meter
was parallel to the floor, located at the LBNP
pointing towards the SF. The ambient noise level
was 46.0; i was 30.0, 2 was 38.0, 3 was 52.0,
4 was 43.0, 5 was 30.0, 6 was 19.5, 7 was 18.0,
and 8 was 18.0 The waste management compartment:
the frequency meter was located on the floor pointed
towards plus-X. And the following levels were re-
corded. The ambient noise level was 51.0; i was 35.0,
2 was 38.0, 3 was 54.5, 4 was 45, 5 was 32, 6 was 20,
7 was 17, and 8 was 18. In the sleep compartment,
the sound level meter was located in the PLT's sleep
compartment on the floor pointing toward plus-X.
The ambient noise level was 50.0; 1 was 32.0,
2 was 33.0, 3 was 51.0, 4 was 41.0, 5 was 23.0,
6 was 18.0, 7 was 17.0, and 8 was 18.0.

16 51 46 CDR In the forward compartment, the sound level meter

was parallel to the floor, located at the locker
ring area, pointed - pointed at plus-Y. The
ambient noise level was 51.0; 1 was 40.0, 2 was hl.O,
3 was 45.0, 4 was 44.0, 5 was 33.0, 6 was 46.0,
7 was 20.5, and 8 was 19. In the airlock, it was
parallel and pointing plus-X in the middle of the
airlock. The ambient noise level was 55.0;
i was 44.0, 2 was 48.0, 3 was 56.0, 4 was 54.0,
5 was 44.0, 6 was 36.0, 7 was 33.5, and 8 was 21.0.

16 52 59 CDR In the MDA, the sound meter was located in the M512
station, pointed minus-X. The ambient noise level
was 53.5; i was 46.0, 2 was 46.5, 3 was 52.0,
4 was 46.7, 5 was 43.0, 6 was 36.5, 7 was 34.0,
and 8 was 23.9. In the STS, it was located in the
_-_ Final
Dump Tape 152-O5
Time: 16:49:05 to 17:06:35
Page 2 of 2

big part of the STS, pointed at the mol sieve A. The

_m1_ient noise level was 62.0; i was 47.0, 2 was 49.2,
3 was 63.0, 4 was 51.0, 5 was 53.5, 37 - 6 was 37.5,
7 was 38.5, and 8 was 34.0. That's the end of the
sound level meter and frequency analyzer log.

17 06 35 SPT Tape recorder, this cnmment is for flight planners

and stowage people. We find extensive use for these
spring bungees. I suggest that the fol - following
crews launch with some extra ones. We're also Using
a fair amount of gray tape. We can inventory it at
the end, but I suggest you consider launching some
more gray tape.

' DumpTape 152-o6


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
17 51 2_

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-'1 Other
D,,mp Tape 152-06
Time: 17:51:24
Page i of i

17 51 24 SPT Okay, channel B. Here we go for the CO 2 monitor

flag dewpoint thing. Test was performed at the
inlet to tool sieve A. Using port A of the CO 2

monitor, we get C02, 1.2 parts per million;

temperature, 78; dewpoint, h4. Using port B
of the CO 2 monitor, we get 12 parts per million;
76 degrees ambient; and dewpoint, 44. The panel
readings for sieve A were - were 3.8 parts per
million; inlet temperature, 60; dewpoint, 49.
For tool sieve B - indicated 2.9 parts per
million; inlet temperature, 58; dewpoint
temperature, 47. End of message.

• Ill


Final Tapels3-oz

( AM)


From To
01: b,b,=

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[-I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I--I Other
Dump Tape 153-01
Time: _ 01:_4:26 --"
Page i of i

Ol _4 26 CDR Hello, friendly B Channel. This is the CDR with the

day 152 Evening Status Report being given to you at
153:01:_h:_0. Alfa: for the CDR, 1_2; for the SPT,
170; for the PLT, 250. Remarks for Alfa are the
SPT's urine volume of 170. There was a good deal of
air in the hag, and this volume is probably high.
Bravo: 3735 for the CDR; for the SPT, 71_5; for
the PLT, 2618. Charlie: for the CDR, 6.091, 6.089,
6.087; for the SPT, 6.658, 6.655, 6.656; for the
PLT, 6.824, 6.82_, 6.820. Delta: CDR, 2/11/1500;
for the SPT, 2/12/1776; for the PLT, 2/12/1700. Also,
for the PLT, 1/05/0_50. Echo is none. That's the
end of the Evening Status Report for day 152. Out.


' DumpTape 153-o2

( AM)


From To
03 15 13

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 ,Other
Dt_p Tape 153-O2
Time: 03:15:13
Page 1 of 1
03 15 13 PLT ... PLT with comments on the shower. The shower is l
feasible and pleasant. It takes a long time to get
the water up, because you don't have enough blower
power. And about an hour per m.n can be time lined
for the shower. End of message.

' DumpTape153-o3



From To
11:18:57 ll:hO:hl

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
F-I ,Other
Voice : Fair

Time : Good
Dump Tape 153-03
Time: ii:18:57 to Ii:40:41
Page i of i

ii 18 57 SPT Okay, B ch-nnel, it is about 11:30, and the PRD

readings are as follows: in the center sleep
station, 060_9; in the wardroom, 440 - That's
in the experiment cumpartment, excuse me -
_056; an4 by the minus-Z SAL, 16053.

ii 40 41 PLT Tape recorder, pass to Captain Bean and his

bunch - that when threading film 16-millimeter
DAC magazine that - As long as the lever is in
the thread position, it acts Just like it does
- did in training. However, when you go to
operate, the camera immediately hecomes much
quieter and, for s_,e reason, any loops that
were on the takeup reel which were evident
due to the film r_aining ball bouncing hack
and forth - disappesr, and you have a good
tight windup.





From To
12:42:52 12:43:25

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-] Nocommunicationsareon tape.
!-] Only communications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
r-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
r-I Other
Dump Tape 153-04A
Time: 12:42:52 to 12:43:25
Page 1 of 1

12 22 52 PLT Details for photographing for the photography

people: the frame counter on Hasselblad
magaZine, CX05, stopped operating at 64. We
were troubleshooting, we advanced a couple, we
took the magazine off, made a mark on the film,
advanced it once; the mark was gone. We assumed
the ma_azine is functioning normally. We are
doing our best to keep track of how m.rqr frames
we've used onboard.

12 h3 25 PLT And we are now at 12:45 Zulu today at about a

count of 68 on that magazine.

" DumpTapez53-o_

(_ )

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
13:34:2T r i_:31:08

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I'-! Other
r- DumpTape153-05
Time: 13:34:27 to 14:31:08
Page 1 of 2

13 Sh 27 SPT Hello, tape recorder. These are the belated results /
of the housekeeping, 60 Romeo; that is, the iodine

lh 12 h6 SPT


Hello, tape recorder.

Tank number 1 is 9 parts per
gram; tank number 3 is 8 parts; tank number 6 is
i0 parts; tank number i0 is i0 parts. End of

For - for the MI51 films of

S183 this morning and that was on film CI04 - -


SPT - - MTLI is the takeup reel. We got a couple of other

activities in there; I'm sure the PI will be interested
in at least knowing what they were. One was - while
the CDR was doing M - S183, the PLT was doing water
tank sampling. And also, at the end of it, then, was
a little bit for M516 on inflight maintenance, in
that the fourth missing screw from S019, which had
previouslybeen taken apart, was found, and was
installed, although it was shielded by S183. You
couldn't see much, but that's what was going on.

14 13 36 CDR And, friendly tape recorder, the CDR on the same

M151/S183. Came to a part of the checklist that
said "turn DAC off," and unfortunately, that was
for an M516, and I didn't note that. I turned the
DAC off. I caught it a little later and turned
the DAC back on. And the ... that had ... is
connecting the SAL power cable and the SAL instru-
mentation cable to the S183. Otherwise, the M151
and S183 is complete.

14 15 25 SPT Okay. For the VTR tape recordings of ATM, the time
is 14:16.

SPT Okay. And having gotten the time check on the tape,
channel B, I'd like to point out that the VTR recordings
included pictures of the white light eoronagraph
during a high rate roll and during the door closing.

14 20 24 SPT (Music) And, friendly B channel, the SPT overexposed

a second exposure in JOP 12B by about 20 seconds.
f Final
Dump Tape 153-05
Time: 13:34:27 to 14:31:08
Page 2 of 2

14 21 26 SPT That last con_nentwas for ATM. And the time

was 14:20 GMT.

14 29 38 PLT Hello, B channel. This is of general interest

under the heading of inflight observations. At ...
spacecraft ... which occurred at approximately
14:25 Zulu today. Was observed out of one of the
SPS windows.

14 30 01 PLT I forget which one right now. About 3 or _ minutes

after sunset when it could have elimatized, I looked
off toward the south. There was a higher - what
appeared to be a higher band of a1,_num that may
have been atmosphere near us or where the Sun had
set being illuminated by the Moon. We can't tell
because we can't really see the Moon. After a little
more dark-adaption, again looking toward the south,
we saw several streamers that almost appeared to be
aurora, although they did- appeared to be a little
too high up in latitude for that, although maybe not.
Either that or noctilucentclouds. The only thing
I could - only thing I could think of, although they
did appear to extend above this other sphere - this
dimly illuminated sphere that - which may have been
illuminated by Moonlight. That - the formation
appeared to be eceentially radial. That is - the -
were very thin and ethereal and radiated outward
from the Earth's center which kind of makes me dis-
believe they were any kind of clouds.

lh 31 08 PLT That's the end of the message.

Fi n al
DumpTape _53-o6

( AM)


From To
15:09:26 15:29:55

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
i--I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
!--I Other
Dump Tape 153-06
Time: 15:09:26 to 15:29:55
Page 1 of 1

15 09 26 PLT This is M092, on the CDR. Left leg measures 13-1/8,

right leg 13-1/8. Left leg hand is Charlie Hotel,
right leg band is Charlle ...

15 29 55 PLT Hello, B channel. This is an operational coment

for you to pass on to Captain Bean, please, and
the next crew. When you're using triangle shoes,
there are not really as many spaces available in
this grid to hook your feet into as you may think.
You get next to high beam_, you got equipment or
gear or bolts sticking up throughout and you just
- you really got to look around and find a place;
and especially when you want to hook both feet in,
to secure yourself, you really got to look at it
and think about it.

DumpTape 1_53-o7

( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Inferior duplication of segment of Tape 153-06

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
l-I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-I Other
Dump Tape 15B-07
Time: 15:29:55
Page i of i

15 29 55 PLT Hello, B channel. This is an operational comment

for you to pass on to Captain Bean, please, and
the next crew. When you're using triangle shoes,
there are not really as many spaces available in
this grid, to hook your feet into as you may
think. You get next to high beama, you got
equi_ent or gear or bolts sticking up throughout,
and you Just - you really got to look around and
find a place; and especially when you want to
hook both feet in to secure yourself, you really
got to look at it and think about it.





From To

Voice: Poor Time: Good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
I-I Onlycommunications
F1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 153-08
Time: 17:33:_
Page I of i

17 33 _M CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder. This is the CDR.

Experiment ... 3, the time is 17:33 on day 153.
We started sequence i, which was star field 303
on plate 003 with the exposures of 000/160/1260,
started on time, 17:33.

DumpTape z53-o9

( AM)


From To

Time good; voice good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
F-I Nocommunications
F-I Onlycommunications
[] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
i-1 Other

Dump Tape 153-09
Time: 16:41:13
Page 1 of 1

16 41 13 SPT Friendly B channel, the SPT at 16:42 with an ATM

comment. As the ground knows, I made a mistake
in the 15:02 rev JOP 9. Did not get an 82A
exposure and used the wrong grating for S055.
So, on the 16:39 performance of JoPg, I simply
reversed it and got the 891 wavelength long,
1-mlnute and 20-second exposure and the S055
0192 grating position. End of message.


' DumpTape153-1o

( AM)


From To
17:33:hh 18:07:12

Time segment 17:33:hh is a superior duplicate of the same time segment on tape 153-08.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthefollowingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 153-10
Time: 17:33:4_ to 18:07:12 --
Page 1 of 1

17 33 h4 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder. This is the CDR.

Experiment S183, the time, 17:33 on day 153. We
started sequence i, which was star field 303 on
plate 003 with the exposures of 000/160/1260,
started on time, 17:33.

18 07 12 CDR And, friendly tape recorder. S183 is complete,

the last sequence being terminated by going to
STANDBY at 18:06 Greenwich mean time. And we
are seciuring the operation. Everything appeared
_ normal, except I noted two TACS firing daring
• the same period.


DumpTape 3.53-11

(A. )

Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Voice fair; time good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I,I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
Dump Tape 153-11
Time: 18:07:13
Page i of i

18 07 13 CDR And, friendly tape recorder, S183 is complete,

the last sequence being terminated by going to
STANDBY at 18:06_ Greenwich meantime. And we
are securing the operation. Everything appeared
normal, except I noted two TACS firing during
the same period.

Dump Tape 153-12



Time Segments(GMT)

From To
18:07:16 19.3_.
• '41

Statement at 18:07:16 partial duplication of tape 153-10

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:

I-7 Nocommunications
!-] Onlycommunications
l--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-7 ,Other
Dump Tape 153-12
Time: 18:07:16 to 19:35:41
Page i of i

18 07 16 CDR Greenwich mean time. And we are securing the opera-

tion. Everything appeared normal except I noticed
two TACs firing during the same period.

18 14 42 PLT Tape recorder, for information, 5009 went closed at


18 23 44 PLT Tape recorder, for EREP for the S190 checkout, before
the check, the frame counters read 729_, 949_, 7014,
6402, 8169, and 7072.

18 25 12 PLT And for the S190 check after single-frame advance,

all frame counters advanced one digit.

19 i0 57 PLT Tape recorder, at 19:12 on EBEP, Charlie 7 is reading

26, 2 6.

19 27 52 PLT Hello, B channel. Stand by. For EREP folks, meter

CB7 is reading 27 percent at 19:29 Zulu.

19 B5 41 PLT Hello, friendly tape recorder. For EREP. At 19:57,

the 191 power was turned OFF, at which time Charlie 7
was reading 29, 29 percent.

Dump Tape 153-z3

( TM )


From To
19 :h6 :27 20 :20 :57

Voice : Good. Time : Good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
on tapeareCO/VIM
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
r-1 Other
Dump Tape 153-13
Time: 19:h6:27 to 20:20:57 _
Page 1 of 1

19 46 27 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For EREP, the S191 at

19:_7 Zulu. Heading Bravo 7 is 100 percent. Char-
lie 7 is 36 percent.

20 17 51 PLT Hello, tape recorder. A question - friendly tape

recorder, the EREP tape recorder is indicating
75-pereent tape remaining.

20 20 57 PLT Hello, tape recorder. At the end of the pass, Just

before powering down S191, meter Charlie 7 reads 76 -
correction that's meter Bravo 7 reads 76. Meter
Charlie 7 reads h2.

a__ _'_

_ DumpTape z53-z_


Time Segments

From To
22 :37 :_2 23 :15 :06

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I No communications are on tape.
F-I Onlycommunications
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
!-1 Other
Dump Tape 153-14
Time: 22:37:42 to 23:15:06
Page I of 2

22 37 42 SPT Hello, Friendly B channel. This is 22:38. The

m131-2 spakel - spatial localization on the CDH is
over. We started it at 22:00, and the next voice you
hear will be that of the CDR himself answering the
debriefing questions.

CDR HI, there, i. Descrive the degree of difficulty

relative to ground-based trials in making spatial
orientation Judgement. I thought they were both about
the same.

CDR 2. Did you experience any conflicts between sensory

cues, particularly when making Judgements with respect
to the external frame of reference? If so, explain.
No, I didn't. 3. Did you at any time experience a
positive sense of the upright? No, I didn't, h.
Were your Judgements influenced by auditory cues or
other environmental factors? No, they weren't. 5.
Does a line target appear stable and under your
cu_plete control during the spinning? Yes, it did.

22 39 04 SPT Did you notice this thing wobbling back and forth - -

CDR NO, I didn't.

SPT Okay.

CDR Well, my additional c_ents and observations are that

I use my body as a means of determining both internal
and external ... And since my body is not very well
anchored to this chair up here at zero g, I suspect
that I can wander plus or minus 5 or I0 degrees from
my normal in one g because my body wanders; and the
steel sticks to it, as it doesn't do here .... arm
and so forth, in essence, ... stays still. And that
is that. That's the end of my c_ent.

22 _2 31 SPT And Friendly B channel, the numbers from this MI31

run are in the log book. And there they will r_main
until the ground makes a decision whether or not we
have to voice them down. They're right here. Nothing
to worry about. End of message.

23 09 03 PLT Hello, Friendly B channel. This is the - Let me turn

off the other speaker box.
Dump Tape 153-i_
Time: 22:37:h2 to 23:15:06
Page 2 of 2

PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is the PLT, your friendly

ATM operator speaking (music) to the ATMpeople. And
the performance of JOP 2 Delta during the 22:h8 viewing;
I Just flat could not find active re_lon 17. However,
there weren't any other good active regions around;
and since we didn't really use a whole lot of film,
I pointed at what appeared to be the remnants of
probably active - probably the remnants of active
region 17. And l'm running the building block on
that, for what it's worth.

23 15 06 CDR Hello, Friendly B channel. This is the CDB with the

Evening Status Report for day 153. I'm sending it to
you at 23:15 Zulu. Alfa: CDR, lh0; SPT, 105;
PLT, 310. Bravo: CDR, 375h; SPT, 715h; PLT, 2783.
Charlie: CDR, 6.111, 6.110, 6.110; SPT, 6.660,
6.660, 6.665; PLT, 6.808, 6.805, 6.810. Delta:
CDR, 2/17/180, 1/03/0150. SPT has not had time to
exercise today, We'll ... and please quiz us to-
morrow about his exercise. PLT, 2/12/1700, 1/05/0250.
Echo: CDR, none; SPT, none; PLT, none. That's it for
the Evening Status Report.



I_ )


From To

Voice and time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
r-I Nocommunications
I-! Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
i-1, Other

I ,,
Dump Tape 15h-Ol
Time: 02:32:09 _.
Page i of i

02 32 Oh PLT Hello, B channel. Here are the ATM frames remaining:

H-alpha, 13767; S056, 4838; S082B, 1270; S052 then
indicated 6h35; and S05h is 5164. End of message.

DumPTape 1_-o_



From To

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason,
I-1 Nocommunications
I-'1 Onlycommunications
r-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape.
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 154-02
Time: 12:45:37 to
Page i of I

12 45 37 SPT Okay, yes. B channel, this is the SPT at 12:45

with a food comment. I had a double failure on a
coffee container. There was a seam leak at the
bottom of the container in - and a failed valve at
the top of the container which leaked a lot of the
coffee hack out as soon as I had it off the spigot.
End of message.

Dump Tape 15_-o3



From To
13:44:09 14:18:19

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I-1 No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
_-_ Final
Dump Tape 15h-03
Time: 13:h4:09 to 14:18:19
Page 1 of 7

13 44 09 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder; this is the CDR on

S183. The time is 13:44; it's that sequence
number i, has been initiated on star field number
252 on plate 006.

13 45 45 SPT Okay, friendly B channel; this is the SPT at 13:45

with an M487-3A, subjective evaluation of the fol-
lowing equipment items. The OWS fireman's pole
has not been used. I believe, that if it were in
place, it would be a handy helper for - moving
rapidly down the workshop and for carrying large
objects with one hand; however, the strap, while
it probably doesn't do as good a Job - satisfactory
Job - and we don't have any present intentions
of rigging the fireman's pole. Okay, the OWS dome
and wall handrails, again, are adequate for their
Jobs, maybe even give them a very good. Their Job
is not to hand-over-hand it - you never hand-over-
hand it around that place, unless you've got a lot
F of equipment in your hand and are carrying a
large package, for instance, that you want to make
sure you don't get loose. You ordinarily fly from
one location to the next, and all you need when you
get there is something to grab onto, and the hand-
rails are perfectly satisfactory for that. I
think the handrails in the STS, are very good.
Once again, they're not for hand-over-handing.
They're for steadying oneself at work stations,
stopping when you come flying through the hatch.
You want a handrail to grab to torque yourself
around on to get into position to look at a panel.
Having the panels cireum - the handrails circum-
ferentially around the various panels is a very
good thing.

13 47 53 SPT Triangular shoes. We all wear the triangular shoes

most of the time. They're not at all necessary for
translation or walking. And, of course, we never
use them in that mode. They're extremely handy
for keeping oneself steady at a work station
while doing a Job, leaving both hands free. We
have several kinds of mushrooms and buttons for the
shoes up here. My personal preference now, the way
I'm going, is to wear the large mushroom on my
right foot and the triangle on my left foot. The
_-" Final
Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:h4:09 to 14:18:19
Page 2 of 7

triangle is quite helpful when you want to concen-

trate on something else for a few too many minutes -
want to lock yourself in and stay locked. However,
it's a lot of trouble getting it in, and a little
trouble getting it out. With two triangles on my
shoe, it drives me up the wall, because it takes me
30 to 45 seconds to get locked in at a spot, which is
a waste of time. Between the mushrooms, I've evaluated
the medium and the large. I thought the medium mush-
rooms were adequate, but they were too easy to slip
out with, and you had to concentrate too much on
keeping your foot pressed against one corner of the
triangle so that the mushroom wouldn't pop out. With
the large mushroom - this is not nearly so bad. They're
fairly easy to slip in and they hold very well. SGme-
times they're a little trouble getting out of. Trying
to get it out in a hurry, you have to sometimes look
down and figure out which direction you have to go.
I think, for that reason, Paul prefers small ones.
I prefer big ones. In snmmary, triangle shoes are
mandatory. If I had to make an improvement, I
would have loaded two pairs of shoes on board for
each crewman, so that I might leave the triangles
in one of them to ride the bike with and put mush-
rooms in the other.

13 _9 55 SPT The water tank foot platform is handy but not required.
If you're working at a dome locker for a period of
time, it is very pleasant to be able to stick one foot
int_ a mushroom or a triangle into one of the holes
in the - in the foot platform. So, if you're Just
going there to get loose item of equipment, you can
steady yourself on your hands, then open the locker,
steady yourself with your hands again, reach in and
get what you want, and steady yourself again, and
close the locker on the way down. The portable EREP
foot platform, I have not used. The portable PGA foot
restraint, we have not yet used. The portable hand-
holds have not been used. The portable tether hooks,
I _m currently using to try and rig ropes with handles
to hold myself down on the bicycle seat while peddling
the bike. The portable tether hooks hook you to the
floor grid and the ropes are attached to them, and
Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:h4:09 to 14:18:19
Page 3 of 7

various locations can be selected either forward or

aft, of the - of the pedals to try and find the right
axis along which to exert the force. The big difficulty
here is that we didn't think, when we put all the extra
Junk in the experiment compartment, how handy those
triangles were going to be.

13 51 23 SPT And on the right-hand side of the bicycle there is

virtually no open grid work or holes between tri-
angles to put things in. The shower is much too
close to the bicycle. Okay, portable equipment,
these three: The straps are extremely useful. The
short straps, I haven't used too much. They are
really too short to tie things to. But the long
straps and the equipment straps are extremely useful.
I have right now, the entertainment tape recorder
strapped to the radio noise burst monitor here -
monitor here at the ATM panel. Bungees we find very
useful, particularly down in the wardroom and so on
for temporary restraint of cameras and checklists.
Sma]ler things than that, such as pads, the bungees
are not adequate for me, because they - the pads
slip out and makes it too flat or too smooth. But
anything that's got hooks on it, like a camera,
works out very well under a bungee.

13 52 29 SPT The - One item of equipment that is a pain in the neck,

and it's not useful at all, are the large clipboards
that snap in the standard snap pattern. Everytlme
you touch one of those things, they come flying off.
On the other hand, it's a major operation to get them
back on the snap. And we Just made a bad mistake by
assuming that we could snap something to a flat wall,
especially something with any standoff, such as these
clipboards have, and then exert any force against it.
The ATM seat is very useful, although you don't
really sit in it, obviously. You have to push the
seat belt down pretty tight ah - if you want your
back to be supported. I find it useful because it
gives you a body-centered restraint from which you
can work against. You can reach the whole ATM panel,
Dump Tape 15h-03
Time: 13:4h:09 to 14:18:19
Page 4 of 7

and you can reach the co_sn box, and the TV SELECTOR
switch on your left. You can't reach the VTR on the
right, and you can reach - myself, I can only reach
the very nearest checklists and the checklist com-
partment. But, of course, by loosening the lap belt
you can then reach the VTR, you can reach above you -
all the lockers - you can reach the radio noise
burst monitor, you can even ziggy over and see
what time it is on the MDA panel, bring yourself back
to the ATM. And you can work either with or without
the foot rest. Without the foot rests - I mean the
lap belt - without the lap belt, it Just serves as a
sort of a - nook. You know, your - body floats be-
tween the ATM panel and the chair, and it's useful,
too. I think it's a great tool. I've already
talked about the conical shoe cleats. I called them
mushrooms. The fecal collection equipment - works,
much to our surprise, if one is careful and takes
it slow. Stand by.

13 56 46 SPT Okay, B channel, where were we? Fecal collection

equipment. The air-flow method of collection
appears to be practical. A larger air flow, I think,
is mandatory on future mission designs. This one is
marginal. However, the method appears feasible.
And the urine collection, not only is the method
feasible, but the flow is probably adequate or very
close to it. The urine flush water dispenser, we
have not used. Let me get back to fecal collection
equipment to mention something I said on channel B
before. Stand by a minute.

13 58 01 PLT That's all I could see_ so I didn't bother.

13 58 08 SPT Okay, B channel. The lap belt on the fecal collec-

tion unit is a Velcro type thing, and it should be
a positive lap belt, such as the ATM chair. The
handwasher is quite useful, although I think, in
future design, we could arrange an enclosed one, so
that you could actually work with water, rather than
having to soak everything up in a washcloth. It's - it's
extremely useful to have a water dispenser in the
head for taking a sponge bath and wiping things
down, and a handwasher serves that function very
Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:44:09 to 14:18:19
Page 5 of 7

nicely. Okay, the - I talked about the lap strap.

The handholds are fine, they're well-placed, and
they certainly are necessary - in the fecal collec-
tion system. The handwasher handrail, let's Just
say, in general, that it's nice to have some hand-
rails around the waste management compartment for
parking you body. The foot restraints in the waste
management compartment are not good. The locations
are okay, except I notice that two of the foot
restraints tend to interfere with the CDR and the PLT's
waste compartment drawers, opening of same, some-
thing we ought to avoid in the future. The problems
with the foot restraints as they are: number i,
they're Velcro; they are not - very easily adjustable
for size; and they keep coming apart. Number 2, they
are not large enough to admit the cleated shoe, and Just
the bare or slippered foot. And that problem has to
be thought through and some better foot restraints
r provided. And foot restraints are very handy and
even required in there.

lh 00 09 SPT It's nice to have a small, closed compartment like

that. You can go in there and close the door and
kind of bounce around. The waste management system's
ceiling handrail - didn't know there was one. The
light-duty foot restraints, I think we've talked
about. Our drying stations are adequate and handy.
Things dry out very rapidly up there. And as for the
zero-g shower, it's a pleasant experience, and I
think it proves the - the feasibility of the prin-
ciple that man can live in a small close space with
water, and he's not going to drown, because the water
does not fly through the air. It sticks to whatever
is there, mostly you, partly the walls. Again, I
think the air flow in there is grossly inadequate.
The method of containing the water and getting it
into a, you know, compartment where you can throw it
away, is not good. It takes forever to dry both
oneself and the walls, using the inadequate little
vacuum cleaner that we've got, and some better method
ought to be come up with. But the principle of
crawling inside a shower and spraying yourself down
is great.
Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:44:09 to 14:18:19
Page 6 of 7

14 02 17 SPT Okay, channel B, we're back to food management equip-

ment now. The wardroom table, the eating station is
fine, except for the co_mlents on the foot restraints,
which are of the same type as the head foot restraints,
which are inadequate. The thigh restraints do their
Job, but require foot restraints along with them in
order to be maximally useful. And the option exists
of hooking the mushroom into a triangle. We do that
sometimes. Again, there aren't enough triangles
underneath these various working stations, in partic-
ular, in the wardroom, because so much of the area
• has been used up by structuresof various kinds. So
the idea of having a slip-in foot restraint there is
..... good, but we need a better kind.

_ lh 03 06 CC ... Hawaii at 14:14.

CDR Roger.

SPT Okay, food reconstitution dispenser, no problems,

really. You need a little something to react aginst
when you're pushing the food down into the water dis-
penser. Generally, you either brace yourself with
your thigh restraints or you put one hand on the edge
of - of the food table and pull at that while you
push down with the other hand. The water gun is Just
fine. It's an excellent piece of equipment. The food
tray is okay, except that the friction set should be
spring clamped or something of that sort, so that it
can tolerate food cans and, in particular, drink
containers of a wider dispersion of sizes. A very
common event is for a small food tray - small food
can or drink container to Just go wandering off,
because it doesn't stick in the friction sets. Aside
from that, it's a fine thing. The food cans are okay,
with the split-the-seam proviso. The beverage dis-
pensers have a couple of drawbacks. They are adequate;
they are doing the Job. But aside from the failure-
type things, such as valves that leak air backwards
and seam failures that we've had, none of which, by
the way has been catastrophic, the problem with the
beverage dispensers is that the tendency, when they
are half full or less, is for them to suck air. And
the nozzle you have to flip into the top in order to
drink has a tendency to stay in place and allow them
to suck air, which gives you a mixture of half beverage
Dump Tape 154-03
Time: 13:44:09 to 14:18:19
Page 7 of 7

and half air, and that's not good. Okay, seasoning

dispensers - I don't use the salt much. It tends to
bounce off the food a lot. It doesn't taste very
good. I think that needs work. The eating utensils
are fine. The sleep restraint, I think, is an excel-
lent thing. The only improvement I would make to it
at all is to put an additional elastic strap lower
down. You wouldn't have to use it if you didn't
want to, but I think it would be handy. The trash
airlock: so far, so good. It's easy to use, with
the exeption of closing and locking the doors is
almost a two-man Job, because of the forces required
to compress the seal. Its reliability, of course,
remains to be seen. The vacuum cleaner, fortunately,
I haven't had to use. I have never liked it. I don't
think it sucks enough, but I haven't used it on the
flight. And the wardroom table for non-eating uses.
The only non-eating use that I've put it to, aside
frum Just sitting there reading pads, is making notes,
and it's quite adequate for making notes. You don't
need a flat surface. So all you need is the re-
straint - something to lean your elbows on so you
can exert pressure with your pencil. And that's it
for 487-3.

14 18 07 SPT Fire alarm. I think we learned our lesson on that.

I really do .... - -

lh 18 l0 CDR Hello, friendly B channel, this is the CDR, S183 at

14:18:00 - -

14 18 15 CC Okay, Joe, ... have a look at it.

14 18 18 SPT Thank you.

14 18 19 CDR Sequence 1 of the pad star fields - make it star

field 252, Plate 06 and 07 were taken on time and
then star field 301 was completed at lh:18 per pad.
That's the end of this night's session on S183.

DumpTape. is_-o_



From " To

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I'1 Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I-3. Other

Dump Tape 154-04
Time: 15:18:34
Page 1 of 1

15 18 34 SPT 0k_, B channel. Are you there? This the

SPT at 17:20,with the data from the 2 limb
ATM coalignt day 154. I said 17:10 to ...
20, the time is 15:20. H'alpha 1 was plus
995_ ... plus 988; Hlalpha i minus 928, ...
minus 928. And a 55 mirror position, 0832.
Didn't get much chance to look at the Sun
this morning. But I believe that active region
24 is Just visible at H-alpha as a very small
area of ... at the plotting position. I wasn't
able to film in on it - didn't have time.
The - all the other bright areas on the Sun -
are active region 18 and active region 23.

DumpTape z_-o_


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
16:_3:16 17:&&:38

" qo t,tme om t&10e; tt=m del-lved fz.em ta_e 15k-06.

Thisdumptapehasbeen.cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
oftape z_h-o6
I--I Other
' -'- DumpTape _5_-o_


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
16:23:18 17:_:38

Voice fair; time good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

!-1 Nocommunications
areon tape.
!-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
[] Other

_-_ Final
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:h4:38
Page 1 of 8

16 23 18 SPT B channel, the BPT at 16:18 with some comments

on JOP 4, so the PIs will know what the heck I'm
doing. They saw the little foulup with the
55 grating; after having announced to them what
I was going to do, I hustled back to the panel,
hit the start switch and it was still in a
grating mode, so I blew that. I'm going back
and getting the right grating and giving them
a raster down to at least line 50, which I
figure will cover the whole prominences, and
that's putting me behind. So I'm going to do -
going to do building block 6A, followed imme-
diately by building block ii, which are in the
same pointing and roll. Then I will do 6B and
get 82A in fourth time exposure with a good
roll - orientation. I hope I get through. You
guys are still crowding these dayside passes as
though we were operating with a nominal ATM, which
we definitely are not.

16 31 40 SPT Friendly B, another comment from the SPT on

JOP 4. The pointing in this ease, since the
prominence is almost perpendicular to the limb -
is almost perpendicular to the limb - the problem
of course, is that when the prominence is centered,
there's enough disk visible on the disply so
that it can't be seen. So I have to - I had
to kind of guess how far the prominence
sticks out, based on what I saw when I had -
when I move all the disks off the - off the
TV screen, and then come back and try and set
_nd roll as a pointing up, without being able
to see the prominence. I have pointed far
enough off the disk, so that if my calculations
are correct, the 82B slit will not be completely
filled with prominence, but it won't have any
disk in it, at all. The best way to handle a
prominence like this, appears to be - Stand by.

16 39 57 SPT Appears to be - to point the display until you

can see the prominence. Then roll until the
prominence is parallel to the vertical scribe
marks, or recticle, and note the length of the
prominence. And also, center the base of the
prominence on the vertical - reticle.
Dump Tape 15h-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:h4:38
Page 2 of

SPT Then you can point - you can slew back - to

get the prominence toward the center of the
erosshairs. You know your roll is right, you
know your left/right is right, and the only
thing you have to estimate is your up/down.
End of message.

16 3h 13 CDR Hi there, friendly tape recorder, this is the

CDR, on d_y 15h and 16:35_ for an M587-B Alfa,
subjective evaluation, guide i. Work
restraintsmobility aid: The OWS fireman's
pole; we have yet to rig the pole, and we
will do that sometime later on in the flight and
give you an evaluation. Right now, we have been
using the strap that runs from the dome to the
grid floor, and that has been sufficient for
us to transport ourselves hack and forth, and
I'm sure that the fireman's pole will he in the
same category. The OWS dome and wall handrails
have worked out very well. I rate them very
good and - and really it's Just that there might
be a few places that you may add additional
handrails, but we have not found that to be a
problem in all, and the wall handrails, along
the wall itself around the SAL, of course, we
haven't really used. We've spent most of our time
locking ourselves into the grid floor with
our shoes, or holding onto the SAL experiments
to hold ourselves in place while we operate them.

PLT This is Skylab. We're going to do a ... expose ...

hold ... That ought to hold ... Nikon ...

SPT Wilco.

PLT While you're at it, how about the color of . ..

16 35 59 CDR And the STS handrails are all right. But

unfortunately in the STS itself, - the way you
hold on to the handrails and so forth - we've
had a great deal of difficulty in not touching
the instrument panel and circuit breaker panel.
And even with the guards on them, we have most
likely with our feet, tripped a lot of circuit
breakers and thrown a lot of switches inadvertantly,
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:44:38
Page 3 of 8

and have not been aware of it at all. So,

although I rate the STS handrails as adequate,
the previous reasons were ... and Just adequate
and there is more to the problem than Just
handrails up in the STS. (Music) Now the
MDA handholds and handrails are really quite limited,
and there is enough equipment sitting around to
find places to anchor yourself. But we could
have done, I think, a lot better in thinking
out how we were going to work up there with
placing handholds and handrails in the MDA.
So I'm going to rate the MDA as poor - because
of the various items of equipment, and the
difficulty you have in holding yourself down
in there.

16 37 30 CDR The water tank foot - foot platforms, for myself,

works out extremely well. I find it quite
comfortable to lock my feet in the water tank
foot platform to work out the dome lockers.
_- I've had no troublewith any of the tasks that
have been involved. And I rate those as excellent.
The ATM foot platform has worked well. We had
the chair located at the center of it for the
person that's working at the chair, another
person can lock in at - either end and can talk
over the SIA or to get into the 126-M126
checklist box; which we have to on occasion,
and you don't bother the person who is working
the ATM. So that has been good to work at. I
rate that as excellent.

CREW (Music)

SPT You copy those, Paul?

PLT No, I didn't.

CDR Now the portable M512/M_79/EREP foot platform:

We have only used it in the EREP station so far,
and I have used that at the EREP station to operate
the C&D console. And I also rate that one
excellent. The portable PGA foot restraints - I
have not had an opportunity to evaluate yet -
we have not done any suited exercise, and so we
have not used them. We have found that we have
not used any of the portable handholds .... no
reason to have portable handrails; and therefore,
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:44:38
Page h of 8

we have not used them. Portable equipment

restraints - used no tethers, but we have used
bungees quite extensively. We do use the
universal mounts. We find them quite easy to
use, and find them very handy. They work well
on the camera. They work well on the portable
fan and the TV. There are no big complaints
or anything about the universal mounts. I
think we can do a better Job on bungees. I - I
don't know exactly how. Fireproof straps - the
fireproof strap has a lot to be desired. It
doesn't work its way through buckles well,
and is not very strong. And springs have a
tendency to get permanently stretched - and the
sa_e bunch - the same strap type of material on
either end of them makes them cumbersome to
operate, although we do use them. I rate these
spring bungees as adequate and I rate the tiedown
strap as poor. I com_nented a little earlier
on the ATM seat/backrest reatraint. I rate that
as very good. Some of the improvements the
SPT did, we have found that we would tilt it
a little bit differently than you would expect it.
In evaluating it at one g and - it does turn out
that it probably would be nice if it were padded
with some softer material; however, it's possible
if you worked the back and seat pad arrangement
out a little bit differently, you wouldn't quite
get the same pressure points that you get. With
that point ... I find it very good. From this -
the sense of having to work the ATMpanel being
locked in at Just my feet ... this chair, I
have to rate the chair excellent. I think we
would have got very tired, very rapidly, using
our toes Just to lock in to the ATM and to work
the ATM.

SPT Hi, Paul.

PLT Hi, Joe.

PLT We got to talk - -

16 hl 31 CDR At this time, as of yet, I have not had an

opportunity to evaluate the conical shoe cleats
Dump Tape 15h-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:hh:38
Page 5 of 8

with the grid. I have been using the regular

triangle shoes - shoes - and they are - I would
have to rate as adequate. They do have some
shortcomings. If you're only working with one
foot locked in, it isn't a short cut at all - for
the duration of unlocking a shoe - that as it
unlocks, it's a slow down. We have found out
that it is possible somehow - at least my ...
out without it being unlocked and then when you
go to stick it back into the grid again, you
find you can't get it back in. Then, when you
find out that it's caught in the conical lock -

16 _2 26 CDR Waste management and hygiene equipment - this whole

area turned out to he a fantastically pleasant sur-
prise. I probably was most adamant against the fact
that I didn't think the fecal collection equipment
would work, and we have all discovered pleasantly
- that it works in an absolutelyoutstandingmanner,
and I have to rate it as excellent. The urine
collection equipment also, I have to say, after
all the evolutions, works in an outstanding
manner. I have to rate it as excellent. As yet,
we have not used the urine flush dispenser. The
hand washer does dispense water very well. We've
had no problems with that. I rate that as
excellent. The fecal/urine collector lap strap
and handholds are an absolute requirement to
the fecal collection equipment working correctly
in that you do have to pull the cinch down and
hold yourself down very close and firmly on the
seat in order for the air flow to work correctly.
And when you do do that, the fecal collection
equipment works excellently, and therefore the
straps are necessary. Perhaps - I'll call them
straps right here - perhaps they could be designed
to do a little bit better Job of holding you
down on the seat, than they do right now, but
we'll work on it .... this one does ... that

16 h4 08 CDR The waste management compartment hand washer

handrail is a very usefully placed handrail. We
use it al] the time. I have not used the waste
management ceiling handrail at all. And the waste
management compartment light-duty foot restraints are,
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:4h:38
Page 6 of 8

I think, excellently placed, but leave a lot to

be desired, in that the strap over the foot
restraint, which is made again out of that
fireproof, not-very-strong material, is a
pain in the neck. And it hangs up the CDR's urine
drawer going in and out all the time. And they
are difficult to fit. They don't hold well
because of the excessive amount of plastic
material, whatever it is. However, when you do
get your feet in them, especially in front of the
window, or using the mirror when you're shaving,
washing your hands or anything, I find them
quite adequate and ... very well, and they
are excellently placed.

16 45 13 CDR The drying stations work all right. The

towels have a tendency to float out into the
work area. Due to the air flow, we have found ...
does an excellent Job. The shower worked
very well, but it took longer than expected.
The amount of water is adequate. It sprayed
the water on and it's very good. The only
thing is the amount of time it takes to dry
it up afterwards, and that takes a fair amount
of time. There could be improvements to the
water container and that ... on the back side
of where the controls are. It is difficult to
fill and maintain a ... bring it around and back
to the other side but these are all minor, and
the shower works ... operate every day, make you
feel very good. And other than the fact that it
takes a little while to glop up the water, I think
it's very good.

16 h6 20 CDR The wardroom table - it's adequate as to the

area ... off-duty rather than anyplace else.
Thigh restraints worked very well. However, I
think that the wardroom light-duty foot restraints
and they - give them very poor again, because I can't
use them because they're flat on the floor and
the material is too stiff - it's hard to get your
feet in them, and therefore most of the time, if I
should have my triangular shoes on, I lock into
the triangles. Next one. The water gun works
very well. We have have no trouble with the
water gun. The food trays are excellent. We had no
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:44:38
Page 7 of 8

trouble with the food cans. The beverage

dispensers again leave a little something to
be desired. Putting them on the reeonstitution
valve and doing all those good things with the
little nozzle flopping around and ... are really
not too - not too satisfactory. The water had
air in it. There's no doubt about it that everyone
of the drinks full of air bubbles and ... caution
if you have air bubbles ... drink it right ...
air bubbles ...

CDR Yes, the salt squirts out okay, if you like

liquid salt. (Yawn) And it's better than no
salt at all. They are a kind of a pain in the
neck. You pull open, and I prefer cutting
because when you pull them open there's no
telling which way they're going to spray.
When they're cut open they spray fairly
uniformly ... The eating utensils are
fine, although I find that I can use both a
bigger fork and a bigger spoon ... three Skylab-
sized knife, fork, and spoon set.

16 48 16 CDR The sleep restraint, I think works very well.

Again, I think there could be more improvements
to it if they would have ... the materials that
hold you against the back more solid rather than
the three straps. I think this would be an
improvement, but the basic idea of being able
to hold yourself against the back with a strap
has worked very well. The only thing that
I've left, and I don't really care for is I
don't like ... my head (yawn) so I usually
slide down far enough in the shaft to put my
head next to the - underneath part of the pillow
or on the side of the pillow that faces towards
my feet and move back up so ... so that the side
of the pillow holds my head back in towards
my body, and I sleep in all four positions ... my
right side, left side, back, and roll all over
the way over facing the ...

CDR ...
Dump Tape 154-06
Time: 16:23:21 to 17:4h:38
Page 8 of 8

16 h9 55 CDR Vacuum - vacuum cleaner I have not as yet used.

And the wardroom table one might say we
collect there inflight and work there right on
our leg books and so forth ... and I think the
wardroom table is excellent. And that ends the
M487-3 Alfa debriefing. Thank you.

17 hh 38 SPT B channel, SPT .... with ATM comments at 17:h5.

At the beginning of this pass, a strange thing
happened. I went Sun center, turned the WHITE
expect or get a READY light, went ahead and
issued a START co_nand, and I began taking
exposures as evidenced by the frame counter. At
the end of the series, I went TV MONITOR
to the WHITE LIGHT CHRONOGRAPH position, and
io and behold, I had a picture. Now my
expectation was that when I turned the main
-- power from STANDBY to ON, the mirror would be
positioned to the CAMERA position. But
evidently, it wasn't. I am going to repeat the
standard series to make certain that we get
photographs. And that's the end of message.

r- Final

( AM)


From ' To
ZT:58:XX 19:h6:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-! Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
_q .Other Building
30 personnel indicate that these dump

data are contained on tape 15h-09.


( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
No time track on dump.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
[] Nocommunications
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
[] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
oftape 154-o6
I--I Other
_ DumpTape z_4-o9.



Time Segments (GMIT)

From To
_T;59:_6 19:_3:33

Voice _ood_ time fair

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMI
r-I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
F-I, Other


I)_mp Tape 15_-09
Time: 17:59:56 to 19:43:33
Page i of 5

17 59 56 SPT Can I use the B channel, Pete? Okay, B channel, this

is the SPT commenting on the second rev of JOP 4 at
18:00. My pointing this time for building block 6 is
parallel to the limb, but off it by about 8 arc seconds.
There is prominence in there, although I haven't filled
the slit as completely as I did before; and this gives
82A a better break. There's the one large prominence,
And, south of it, there are two or three shorter
stubby ones. And we're cutting across all of those.
End of message.

19 09 16 PLT Hello, tape recorder. These are the EREP monitor

readings I'll give to you in a Jiffy here. Alfa 5
reads 73; Alfa 6 reads 0; Bravo 2 reads 56; Bravo 3
reads 78; Bravo 6 reads 42; Charlie 5 reads 8h;
Charlie 6 reads h6; Delta h reads 72; Delta 5 reads
13. Looks pretty good. Okay, opened the 190 window
to ...

PLT Thought you were not to say anything.

19 lO h9 PLT Okay. Those doors are open. The 192 door's coming

19 ll 14 PLT There's the 192 HEADY light. Go back to CHECK today.

190 POWER, ON ; AUTO SEQUENCE. We have a 190 READY
light. The color code light is still on. Yes, the
heater switch oscillate is OFF, and we have not yet
gotten a DELTA-TEMP light whenever we've turned that
heater on. Okay. Turn it to STANDBY. Charlie 7 is
up to 38 percent now. Bravo 7 is down to 95. That's
because I turned this OFF. Not a piece of red tape!

19 13 05 PLT Okay, TAPE RECORDER POWER is coming ON. Okay, we're

ready; 192 is in CHECK; 91 is off, 90 is on STANDBY;
STANDBY now; and 94 is ON. Point ... site 22. That's
l0 minutes now we've got for that cooler to come down.

19 13 02 PLT At 19:16, I come at - 15, remain at 6. Yes, why don't

you put same of that cream on it?

CREW ...

PLT (Laughter) Oh, we got a dandy data line on Jupiter.

Come on, cooler. A watched cooler never comes down
in temperature.

Dump Tape 154-09
Time: 17:59:56 to 19:h3:33
Page 3 of 5

is reading about - 87 percent is the best I can

make it for you, tape recorder.

19 19 46 PLT Hey, Joe, you can lock that antenna out there again.
It's going to do all kinds of crazy things this time.
No, not so - not so crazy on this one, Just back and

CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for 15 minutes.

PLT Okay. We're in the maneuver.

19 20 37 PLT Got nothing else to say, Bill. For the EREP guys,
for information, I put this on tape. Right now
Charlie 7, cooler case tamp is reading 41 percent.
Bravo 7, thermal detector tamp is reading 87, that's
87 percent.

PLT Hey, you want this light on?

PLT It's not on.

PLT We there yet, Joe?

SPT ...

PLT No, attitude, I mean.

19 21 h9 PLT Okay. SCAT's ON, RAD's ON, two READY light. 192 is
ON, we got a READY light, and we're not in attitude
yet. S190 is running. READY light.

19 23 23 PLT Okay. Status for the EREP for the C&D panel, right
now. Everything is normal, except no S191 READY light
and the S190 COVER CLOSE light is ON.

PLT S191 trouble detector temp - I can make it 86, if I

tried hard. Okay, SCAT's gone STANDBY; RAD's gone
FAD's ON. Okay, and now, for some reason, getting
a flickering GIMBAL light on S193 --


BY .... cal on 194, and the altimeter is going ON.
Got a READY light.

PLT Huh?

Dump Tape 15h-09
Time: 17:59:56 to 19:h3:33
Page 2 of 5

PLT Hi, Mom - (Laughter).

PLT ... at 10T. No, go ahead. No, I kind of hook my

toes over a hook down there.

CREW ...

PLT (Chuckle) Well, I hook my toe on the other side of

it, because if you pull on it, you're pulling it
toward the closed position. I'd Just save it. Even
if you unlatched it, it wouldn't open.


PLT Because the pressure is holding it shut. It opens in.

(Laughter) Come on, coolerl 58. (Laughter) Well
tell you what, all I do is start this, get the tape
up to speed, and you hit me with an auto cal. I'll
give you a mark.

CREW .6 ,

19 15 hO PLT Because we're still in the maneuver then.

19 15 5h PLT Bravo ... Okay. At 19 hours and 16 minutes, for

information, the S191 cooler case temperature indi-
cates h0 percent - h 0 percent. The - No, excuse me.
Yes, cooler case temp is 40 percent. Thermal detec-
tor temp is at 89 degrees, coming down - slowly.

SPT That's a loser .... using them one after the other
there, aren't they? (Laughter)

PLT Yes.

PLT Did you start, Joe? Crazy.

PLT Okay, 1 minute until I need an auto cal from you.

And that's indicating 88 percent on the detector
temps. We aren't going to get the thermal panel this
time. We don't know. Yes. I think it up to you.

19 18 56 PLT Okay, stand by. Give me a cal. Okay.

PLT Okay. During that cal, meter reading Bravo 7 on S191

Dmnp Tape 15_-09
Time: 17:59:56 to 19:43:33
Page 4 of 5


PLT The other person reports that he got all three of his
ATS lights this time.

19 27 Oh PLT The altimeter looks good. Nor - I don't see the

flicker of the L_LOCK light this time. Okay, 192 is
checked, now. Stand by for an auto cal on that ...
at 5 seconds. Now, give me an auto cal, please.
Thank you.

FLT Yes.

19 28 36 PLT Okay, I Just got an ALTIMETER UNLOCK light, and it

was on for about 3 seconds and went out, flickered a
couple of times, and it's staying out now. Probably
was the end of the mode, I would guess.

PLT Okay, ALTIM_%'ER is STANDBY; 9h, OFF; 93 RAD, OFF;

SCAT, OFF; ALTIMETER, OFF. Should be the Gulf Coast.

FLT Okay. You _ue that cut, Padre Island?

19 29 51 PLT Okay, gang. On the status report on the 191 cooler,

it's struggling, but it sure isn't coming down. I
could call it - it's on the heavy side of 85 percent

19 30 39 PLT Okay, 192 to READY. We got a kind of a late TAPE

MDTION light, but it finally came on. It's smazing.
It took _]_ost i0 seconds for that TAPE MDTION light
to come back on. I'm switching 192 to READY.

19 31 20 PLT That TAPE MOTION light is flickering, ground. It's

coming on, then it starts flickering, getting a_mmer.
It will go out, and then comes back in. It's been on
steady ever since I started telling you that. (chuckle)

19 31 h6 PLT 192 to STANDBY - or in CHECK. Should go to STANDBY

sad the TAPE MOTION light blinked OFF and came right
back ON. We'll wait for that to time out. Also,
for information, ERE_ gang, monitor Charlie 8's tape
recorder ... is oscillating between 20 and h0 percent,
at about one cycle per second.

PLT What time do you start the maneuver, Joe?

Dump Tape 154-09
Time: 17:59:56 to 19:h3:33
Page 5 of 5

PLT Give me a mark when you start it, will you, please?

19 32 52 PLT Hey. EREP stopped. I guess - You guys really had

that S190 figured out. It stopped exactly on the
pad time.

PLT Okay, we're going off hot mike, Houston.

19 33 20 CC Copy. Skylab, Houston. We'll be LOS in 1 minute.

Vanguard at 19:4h. We would like for you to delay
housekeeping-TOA, that's the tool sieve fan, until
presleep activities today.

SI_9 C_ay.

PLT Right.

19 35 43 PLT Hello, B channel; for the EREP gang. At Greenwich

time of 19:36, monitor B-T, Bravo 7, reads 83 percent,
83 percent.

19 h3 33 PLT Tape recorder, post-EREP. The tape recorder 1

indicates 34 percent - 3 4.

Dump Tape _4-_o



From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the following

• Fl Nocommunications
areon tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
F-I Other
Dump Tape 154-10
Time: 20:27:Bh
Page i of i

20 27 3h CDR Hello there, Friendly B tape recorder. This is the

CDR at 20:27:43 with the SPT's M092/M093. The SPT's
left leg is 14-1/4; his right leg is IB-7/8. (Music)
His left legbaud is Alfa Delta 3.4, and his right
one is Baker Juliett B.2.

DumpTape _._,-lz


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
22 :24 :56 21 :)41:04

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I--I, Other
Dump Tape 154-11
Time: 22:2h:56 to 21:41:0h
Page 1 of 1

22 2h 56 CDR Hello there, friendly B channel. CDR with Evening

Status Report, day 154. The time is 2 - the time is
22:25:00. And Evening Status Report is as follows.
Alfa: for the CDR, 2h0; for the SPT, llO; for the
PLT, B10. Bravo: CDR, B801; SPT, 7171; PLT, 2920.
Charlie: CDR, 6.106, 6.106, 6.108; for the SPT,
6.675, 6.671, 6.675; for the PLT, 6.789, 6.795, 6.787.
Delta: for the CDR is 2/16/1710, 1/03/0150; the SPT,
2/12/1860; the PLT 2/15/2250, 1/0h/0250. For Echo:
CDR, none; SPT, none; PLT, none. The end of the
day 154 Evening Status Report.

22 41 04 PLT Hello, tape recorder. The performance of - during

the h2:08 ATM viewing period in the performance of
J0P 2 Bravo, building block 4 Alfa. I think that
56 got hung up in a double cycle and that, after about
8 minutes, that was manually terminated and we pressed
on to 4 Bravo.


_ DumpTape 155-01


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
01:17:38 02:15:39

Voice excellent ; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
[] Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
i-1 Other
Dump Tape 155-01
Time: 01:17:38 to 02:15:39
Page i of 4

01 17 38 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT at 01:18, recording

the small mass measurement device, S_D, calibration
as follows. The crewman is SPT. The day of the year
was 153. The unit calibrated was the waste management
compartment unit. The start time was 21:22; tempera-
ture, 77 degrees. Sequence 1 - and again some ground
rules, friendly channel B. On the first reading of
each sequence, I will read off six digits, thereafter
I will read only the three or two significant digits
that changed, followed by a pause between each one.
In some cases there will be five n_nbers; in some cases
there will be as many as l0 or 12, depending on how
long I had to go in order to meet the ground rules.
Okay. Sequence l: 1.96701, 635, 653, 597, 649, 669,
3356, 51. Second sequence: 2.04146, 161, 187, (cough)
130, 061, 125, 153, 53, 27, 44, 50. Third sequence:
2.11398, 86, 89, 76, 82. Sequence h: 2.18397, 386,
257, 328, 363, 371, 395, 333, 357, 375, 372, 376.
Fifth sequence was 250 gr_, 2.31780, 815 - 715, 770,
736,699, 7hl, 748, 730, 751. The sixth sequence:
2.44407, 401, 384, 358, 432, 405, 387, 505, 378, 378.
Seventh sequence: 2.62190, 182, 154, 207, 189, 199,
269, 176, 190. Eighth sequence with 750 gr-ma is
2.89487, 494, 524, 455, 487, 475, 468, 505, 462, 490.
The ninth sequence is 3.04686, 684, 662, 670, 652, 654.
And the last sequence, again no waste - no mass,
1.96490, 547, 607, 588, 586, 570, 614, 608, 613, 590,
605. And - oh, the comments I made on the B_4D ap-
plies pretty much to this one except that the wastes
don't apply. The thing is so obviously so sensitive
to vibration, wind, technique, vehicle movement, that
it's difficult tQ calibrate it within the accuracy that
you are seeking. And this is an example of what it
takes to do it. End of message.

01 23 44 SPT Okay, tape recorder, this is a voice recording of the

M131-2 spatial localization mode test. Frem the CDR.
It's okay. On page 4-16, we have internal, ll, 30.7;
5, 30.6; ll, 30.6; 10, 30.2; 16, 30.3; lh, 29.9 - let
me back up. That last one was one of the five exter-
nal frames of reference on this page. I will repeat
it: 14, 29.9; i0, 30.0; i0, 29.9; i0, 30.3; and 12,
Dump Tape 155-01
Time: 01:17:38 to 02:15:59
Page 2 of 4

Ol 24 54 SPT Okay. On page 4-18. Internal: 200, 178; 200, 192;

204, 189; 202, 184; 205, 184. External: 208, 184;
210, 183; 208, 183; 207, 181; 206, 181. All right, on
page 4-20. Internal: 206, 179; 211, 176; 213, 177;
215, 178; 216, 179. (Cough) External: 202, 189;
199, 186; 199, 188; 201, 188; 205, 185. On page 2-22
[sic]. Internal: 9, 30.1; 5, 29.9; 15, 29.7; ii,
30.0; 12, 30.0. External: 13, 30.4; 17, 30.6; ii,
30.5; 12, 30.5; 15, 30.6.

PLT ...

01 27 23 SPT You're not on channel B, are you, Paul? Okay. On

page 4-24. Internal: 120, 170; 121, 165; ll7, 160;
i17, 162; ll3, 161. External: 179, 182; 178, 183;
180, 181; 179, 183; 177, 182. (Music) And on page 4-26,
-- 129, 164; 173, 165; 125, 165; 122, 162; 120, 161.
And the external, 185, 185; 181, 183; 184, 183; 182, 185;
178, 190.


01 29 39 SPT And, lovely tape recorder, the (cough) data on MIBI

spatial localization for the PLT, page 4-20 only, is
as follows: Internal: 180, 176; 182, 177; 181, 176;
180, 177; 176, 180. External: 195, 178; 193, 183;
198, 180; 198, 186; 195, 189. End of message.

O1 50 16 SPT B channel, this is for the medical people. It is a

report on the IMSS drugs, their status appearance,
care, and feeding. Dear medical people, I was a little
bit bemused at your requesting me to check for chemical
degradation of all those different drugs. I'm really
not an expert at that. So, instead, let me Just
tell you what I did with all the drugs. And you can
take it from there. I came up, as you know, with the
comand module medical accessories kit, plus an ad-
ditional kit that _ou put onboard to replace those
drugs probably spoiled on Skylah. I also came up
with three additional pages to the I_SS Checklist to
tell me a bit about the drugs and what they do. And
_ let's go throughthose pages. Page XII contains
category I drugs. Do not use, definitely spoiled.
Epinephrine - and I replace_those with the drugs
that you sent up. Erthyromycin, I replaced. And the
Xylocaine 1 percent Epinephrine, I took one vial for a
sample and discarded the rest. Category II, for do not use,
Dump Tape 155-01
Time: 01:17:38 to 02:15:59
Page 3 of

inadequate data. The first three, I replaced. Heparin,

I discarded, with samples. I took samples of most
all these. Mylanta was replaced. Pentobarbitsl, I
took one sample and left four of them there, in case
they were good. The Pilocarpine was replaced. The
Preduisolone was replaced. The Scopolamine was dis-
carded. You didn't send a replacement for that. The
Scope/Dex tablets were discarded. Tetracyline was
replaced. Valium injectable was sampled and four vials
were left. Valium tablets and Prednisone tablets
were discarded.

O1 52 37 SPT Okay. On page XIII you have category III-A and III-B
drugs. And I discarded among those the Sulfamylon
because it was replaced and the tube looked a little
crnmmy, wrinkled. For all the rest of those drugs,
let me say this. This is the action that I took. All
drugs for which a replacement was in either the com-
mand module medical accessories kit or the additional
kit were discarded/returned as samples. And only the
fresh drugs will be used onboard. Where you sent more
than one vial or bottle of a drug, the excess was
canned in the can from which our drugs were taken and
that can was put back in the place where the SL-2 drug
can normally goes. And that'll be there for the SL-3
and SL-4 crews. The antibiotics, for example, that you
sent two or more vials of up. Okay. Any drugs that you
did not send replacements for, and there were quite
a number in that area, what - I - I simply left in
place in their activated place, and we'll use, if
necessary. The only drug which evidenced any spoilage
at all was a tube of Neosporin ointment. The tube had
broken open. That was - the mess was cleaned up
snd the tube was discarded and we are short of Neo-
sporin on the flight. But we'll get by. And as for
the long list on pages X and XI, let me say that I
sampled virtually every drug that I replaced or dis-
carded and that I don't think I will have time during
deactivation to go back, doublecheck, and sample all
of that. I'll do what I can. If I get some spare
time, I will be able to go back in here, and if we
have room in the command module, grab some more hand-
fuls out of our unused drawers and bring them back.
That's it.
Tape 155-01
Time: 01:17:38 to 02:15:59
Page 4 of 4

01 58 31 CDR Hello, tape recorder. For the ATM tests, Just as I

finished up the last pass of the day here at the ATM
panel, pointed the active region 2B with the following
pointing coordinates. Roll was minus 9930, minus 99S0,
up/down was plus 126, and left/right minus 5_0. On
S055, detector 1 readings are right around 1000. De-
tector 3 are now about 3000, although about 2 minutes
ago, they were up around 4500. Nothing - especially -
I can't see anything at X-ray yet; nothing at XUV;
nothing at H-alpha. End of message.

02 02 24 CDR Hello, tape recorder. For the ATM SCAT, here is their
frmme counter remaining at the end of this day.
H-alpha 1 is 13090. S056 is 4627. 82B is 1194.
S052 is 5999- And S054 is 4818. _d of message.

02 12 39 SPT Friendly neighborhood tape recorder, you are about

to receive the thrill of your life. Over the next 13
minutes, the SPT will be reporting radiation readings,
BAD i, RAD 2, BAD 3, and BAD 4. Three readings each.
i is in the PLT's bedroom. And the first mark
will be coming up shortly.

02 i_ 39 SPT MARK. Reading number i is 0.00, 20 count.

02 15 39 SPT MARK. Reading nt_nber 2, still 0.0.

*" -" Final

( TM )


From To
02:27:55 02:28:33

Time errati_i j extrapolated with stop watch.

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunicationsareon tape.
I-1 Only communications
on tapeare CONIM
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[] Other


Dump Tape 155-02

Time: 02:27:55 to 02:28:33
Page 1 of 1

" 02 27 55 SPT Okay, B channel, I was doing RAD i through RAD h, and
the medical conference call interrupted my comm loop.
I proceeded with tests and will now voice-record the
results. At 02:lh, I eo_enced readings every minute.
The first three readings were in the center sleep com-
partment and were 0, 0, and 0. The second three read-
ings, these being now at 17, 18, and 19 psst the hour,
were in the wardroom and they were 0, 0 - -

02 28 30 PLT Whoo-hoo' Yaaah' Ha, ha'

02 28 33 SPT - - and 0.01, on the 0.l-rad scale which turns out to

be 0.001 rad, okay? Then I went to the minus-Z SAL
and at 20, 21, and 22, my readings were 0.05, 0.I,
and 0.25, all on the 0.i scale. Now my last three
readings were to be taken in the vicinity of the
radiation experiment down here in the experiment com-
partment, and I went down there and, at 23, 2h, and
25 past the hour, I got 0.5, 0.8, and peaked at 1.0
and I went to the l-rad scale and followed it right
there at the trash airlock location. And it peaked
out at about 26, 27, at about 0.II on the l-rad-per-hour
scale and, by 29, it began to subside, and as I talk
to you now it is 30-1/2 and it's back now to 0.2 on
the - no less than that - walt a minute. It's down
to 0.15 on the 0.l-rad-per-hour scale .... That's
the end of message.

Dump Tape 155-O2
Time: 02:27:55 to 02:28:33
Page 1 of 1

02 27 55 SPT Okay, B channel, I was doing RAD 1 through RAD 4, and

the medical conference call interrupted my co--, loop.
I proceeded with tests and will now volce-record the
results. At 02:lh, I commenced readings every minute.
The first three readings were in the center sleep com-
partment and were O, O, and O. The second three read-
ings, these being now at 17, 18, and 19 past the hour,
were in the wardroom and they were O, 0 - -

02 28 30 PLT Whoo-hoo' Yaaah' Ha, ha'

02 28 33 SPT - - and O.01, on the O.l-rad scale which turns out to

be 0.OO1 rad, okay? Then I went to the minus-Z SAL
and at 20, 21, and 22, my readings were 0.05, O.1,
and 0.25, all on the 0.1 scale. Now my last three
readings were to be taken in the vicinity of the
radiation experiment down here in the experiment com-
partment, and I went down there and, at 23, 2h, and
-- 25 past the hour, I got 0.5, 0.8, and peaked at 1.0
and I went to the 1-rad scale and followed it right
there at the trash airlock location. And it peaked
out at about 26, 27, at about O.11 on the 1-rad-per-hour
_ scale and, by 29, it began to subside,and as I talk
to you now it is 30-1/2 and it's back_to 0.2 on
the - no less than that - wait a minute. It's down
to 0.15 on the 0.1-rad-per-hour scale .... That's
the end of message.

Dump Tape z55-_

(_ )


From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-7 Other

i ,II , I i, ,
DmipTape 155-03
Time: 11:13:hh
Page 1 of 1

II 13 hl_ PLT B channel, this iml_dng's _ readings at 11:15 are:

in the center sleep eefpartaent, 06015; in the
ws_dro_, hh0_0; and in the minus D cell, 18061.

Dump Tape z55-o_


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
13:1b:39 13:30:40

Time : Good Voi ce : Good

_ Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthefotlowingreason:
I--i Nocommunications
i--I Onlycommunications
123[his tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I, Other
Dump Tape 155-04
Time: 13:1h:39 to 13:30:51
Page i of i

13 i_ 39 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR, at

13:15 Zulu on day 155. S183, starting the first
exposure on star field 253.

13 21 07 CDR HelIc, friendly tape recorder, CDR. S183,

star field 53 - or what ever it is - let me look at
m_ light here. Yes, star field 253 is complete.
Starting star field 292.

CDR Friendly B channel -

13 23 50 CDR MARK. S193 - star - S183, star field 292 is off and

13 B0 41 CDR Helle, B channel; this is the CDR on S18B,

star field 292 is complete.

"'" DumpTapeJ-5505

(AM )

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
13:h9:20 1h:_9:37

Voice : Good Time : Good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunicationson
I--] Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I--] Other
Dump Tape 155-05
Time: 13:h9:20 to lh:h9:37
Page 1 of 2

13 h9 20 PLT Hello, B channel, for the EREP alignment check at

13:h9. And the S192 power was turned on 35 minutes
ago at 13:lb. At 13:h9, the following readings were
noted: Bravo 3 is reading 83_ Charlie 3_ reading 88_
Delta 3, reading 85; Charlie 5 is reading h0; Delta 5
is reading 13; Delta 6 is reading 40.

lh 46 29 FLT Hello, tape recorder. This is for the EREP people.

I Just checked film set Lima. (Music) They all look
good. Surprisingly, the two ... cassettes which I Just
loaded about a week ago, had more sets from where
they came over the rollers than the other four which
I had advanced manually. However, in all six maga-
zines, the film does take up properly. It winds
nice and tightly on the tskeup spool cassette - or
the takeup cassette spool. So I think it's no pro-
blem, but I don't understand, as I say, why the new
ones have more sets for being the same position for
the s_ne length of time than the old ones do. Now,
on this visible alignment on S192, this is a most
frustrating thing. It does not behave in flight like
it did on the ground. I had a good alignment at one
time, and in an attempt to peak it up, I've lost
the stinking thing and I have been working for _5
minutes trying to get it back. I've gone over the
procedure. I - There's no sense reading you values
down as to what happens when you focus it. I've done
it three times and each time the readings get worse.
I'm Just going to let it sit for a while and come
back to it, but I think once I get a fairly decent
setting, we probably ought to let it go at that.
End of message.

lh h9 37 PLT Also, tape recorder, I've Just noticed that if I -

you cannot - also, when you're trying to focus or
align the visible channel, you cannot help but load
up that whole optical train. And it results in
reflections which show up on the meter. I Just
looked back and checked the film alignment, and it
was down to 20-something percent. Now in focusing
it and readJu_tim_ it, it affected my existing visible
reading. (Cough) I can't stress too much, as I said
before_ how frustrating this is, and we'll try to
average them out. I guess the thing to do is tweak


'_ Final
Dump Tape 155-05
Time: 13:h9:20 to lh:h9:37
Page 2 of 2

it a little bit, come back later, cheek them both,

tweak them both, and come back, and it's going to be
an iterative process. We'll keep working on it.

J--- Dump Tapez5_-o6


Time Segments (GNIT)

From To
13:21:07 13:30:40

Time - _ood Voice- good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[-1 Nocommunications
[-I Onlycommunications
ontapeare CONINI
r--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 155-06
Time: 13:21:07 to 13:30:40
Page i of i

13 21 07 CDH Hello, friendly tape recorder; CDR, S183. Star field -

53 or whatever it is. Let me look at my light here.

CDH Yes, star field 253 is complete, starting star field


CDR Friendly B channel - -

13 23 50 CDR MARK. S193, star - S183, star field 292 is off and

13 30 _0 CDR Hello, B channel. This is the CDR, on S183. Star

field 292 is complete.

•- Final
:_ DumpTape _s_-o,_


Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Time: good Voic'e: poor.

( This dumptapehas been"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other

"-_ Final
Dump Tape 155-07
Time: 15:h6:58
Page i of i

15 h6 58 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. (Music) A ... apply to

follow-on crews on the EREP cameras. When steadied,
tke f-stop positions, and particularly sensitometry
advance, f/16, the detente are not all in the same
position with respect to the numbers on there. And
you have to be extremely careful to make sure you're
i_ the right detent or in the detent at all, in fact.
And this is Just something there to a note. End of

Fi n al
Dump Tape _-o8


Time Segments (GMTi

From To
16:_ :17 17,:28:07

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--1 Thistapeisa verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 155-08
Time: 16:54:19 to 17:28:07
Page 1 of 1

16 54 19 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. CDR here, with the EREP

briefing. We'll be with you in Just a second.

16 55 17 CDR Hey, _riendly tape recorder, ... Bravo 7 reads 86 per-

cent. Bravo 8 reads 1 percent. Bravo 8 reads
i percent. Delta 6 - Delta 6 reads 58 - 58 percent.
Alfa 5 reads 65 percent. Alfa 6 reads zero percent.
Bravo 2, 65 percent. Bravo 3 reads 77 percent.
Bravo 6 - Bravo 6 reads h9 percent. Charlie 5 reads
83 percent. Charlie 6 reads h7 percent. Delta h
reads 70 percent. Delta 5 reads lh percent. End of

17 28 07 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR. Two

things to put on the tape. One is the big boo-boo.
CDR going through checklist and not getting the S190
window open so you can now explain the black picture.
However, this checklist is so stopped up that we're
going down right now and rewrite a cue card, because
we s/nest missed about three things - Just couldn't
find them in the checklist. I left the 192 door
open. Now there's the 190 door open. The other's
the TAPE RECORDER POWER, ON. So we're going to go
write a new cue card checklist right now to maybe
take care of that stuff. Meanwhile, Bravo 7 dropped
down I;o 6h at the end of the run, ..., so it looks
like we ... get those thermal densities done right,
we'll have to leave it run a lot longer. End of

DumpTape 155-o9

( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
18:10:26 19:02:24

Voice : good Time : good

This dumptapehas been"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:

l-TI Nocommunications
I-3 Onlycommunications
[-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
[-'-I Other
Drum2 Tape 155-09
Time: 18:10:26 to 19:02:2h
Page 1 of 2

18:10:26 SPT Okay, tape recorder, a few comments about - about

j today's EREP pass. First thing being the failure to
open the S190 window cover. We think that probably
the best ws_ to avoid that is, at the beginning of the
pass, you have preoperate configuration and in the
appropriate places to add such items as 192 door,
190 door, 191 door, and a tape recorder. I also rec-
ommend that the follow-on crew bring as cue cards,
page 1-1 out of the EBEP Checklist, which is the
s_mmary timeline and use those. I think once you get
familiar enough with checklist, that you can Just use
that s,,mm,ry timeline, and that 's a whole lot better
and easier to follow that the checklist itself./_ I
got some comments on these nadar swaths today. At
17:08:35, during that nadar swath, we passed over a -
The head of a building ... cumulonimbus was coming.
up through some - what appeared to be some cirrostratus,
some stratiform clouds anyway, and - we passed right
over it. Shortly after that the ground track from then
on was essentially fair weather cumuliform. At 09:56,
that's 17:09:56, the swath crossed a lake. At 13:57,
Just as prior to the time for the last-nadar swath,
the swath passed right down the side, along side of
a cumulonimbus. That's at 07:1B:57. At 07:15:37 was
over open water. At 17:15:50, for 6 seconds, then the
swath crossed over land. That's about all that's
significant on that pass. And - also tape recorder was
depleted postpass, and that's the end of the message.

19 00 36 SPT Okay, B channel; this is the SPT, at 19:00 with comments

on the ATM pass, J0P 1A. PIs, I'm sorry, I correctly"
interpreted you initial pointing instructions. Switched
to H-alpha l, full-zocm in, and, by the time I got to
a good-looking super granule - or network cell, I was
back down near the active region and I saw a little
light area there at the upper edge of my picture, and
I said, "Well, maybe that's the bright spot occurring
up here; maybe we're going to get some activity."
Didn't look at the big picture. So, I guess what you
got on the first building block 3 was enhanced network.
And it's interesting, in that, it was very easy to peak
up detector I, the grating was in I%EFEBENCE, in that -
in that region. It peaked up rather sharply for about-

_,_p Tape 155-09
Time: 18:10:26 to 19:02:24
Page 2 of 2

space reading of about 50 to about 75, up to 2 to 300.

And it was Just about 2 arc seconds outside the H-alpha
boundary of the network cell.

19 02 24 SPT 0ksy, ask the Pls in the quiet regiom where l'm currently
pointed - the background is lower or - no, the grating
was done in Ra_'_CE. It was at 192, but with detector i
or detector 3 there was very sluggish peaking.

_ DumpTape15_-zo

(_ )


From To
19:56:18 20:00:09


This dumptapehas been"cancelled'!

for the following
ITI Nocommunications
!--I Onlycommunications
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationoftape
Dump Tape 155-10
Time: 19:56:18 to 20:00:09
Page i of i

19 56 16 CDR Hello there, friendly tape recorder. This is the

CDR with the PLT's MO92/M093 report. His left
leg is 13-1/2; his right leg is 13-i/_. His left
leg band is Charlie Hotel 32. The right one is -
Charlie India _.5.

20 00 09 SPT B channel, SPT at (cough) 20:00 with some J0P IA

comments. I started the second rev of JOP IA and,
instead of doing the J0P 6 initially, I opted it to
do the J0P IA steps 3 and 4 initially, because I was
already pointed there and because I felt that the
quiet network would be very difficult to relocate if
I moved away from it. I'ii get the J0P 6 in. It
appears to be easier to relocate the network cell if
you observe it and sketch it and locate it with about
a half-zoomed-out position on H-alpha i, rather than
full-zoomed in. _11]-zocmed in tends to obscure the
outline of the network cells in favor of detail, ...
had, and so forth, which becomes so complex, that it
all looks the same. So l'd recommend, in the trainer,
that you guys try to locate yourselves and mark
them zo_ned out about halfway. End of message.

Dump Tape 155-n

{ AM)


From To
20:46:59 21:30:02

Voice : good Time : good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-I Nocommunications
areon tape.
I--I Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1, Other
Dmap Tape 155-11
Time: 20:46:59 to 21:30:02
Page i of 1

20 46 59 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. PLT's MO92/M093.

The M993 has worked roughly 303 watt-minutes.

21 30 02! CDR Hello, friendly B channel; this is the CDR at

21:30 with the Evening Status Report for day 155.
(Laug)_ter) Okay. Alfa: for the CDR, 246; for
the SPT, 125; and for the PLT, 300. Bravo: for
the CDR, 3842; 7176 for the SPT; and for the
PLT, 13074. Charlie: for the CDR, 2.092, 6.092,
6.090; for the SPT, 6.675, 6.675, 6.680; for
the PLT, 6.817, 6.815, 6817. Delta: for the
CDR, 2/30/3220, i/0h/0200 ; for the SPT, 2/15/2015 ;
for the PLT, 2/16/2600, 1/05/0250. Echo:
CDB, none; SPT, none; PLT, none. End of day 155
Evening Status Report.

Dump Tape
f Final

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
22:15:45 22:52:28

Voice very poor; time good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-I Nocommunications
are on tape.
I--I Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:h5 to 22:52:28
Page 1 of ii

22 15 h5 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT at 22:15. I'm

going to amaze the ATM PIs with an example of erudite
misuse of words. I have done a prominence survey
around the limb of the Sun. - -

SC ...

SPT And in addition to seeing the old prominence 62 Just

disappearing behind the west limb, I have on the
east limb, with the experiment roll of minus 8500,
a - beautiful-looking prominence, which we call a bi-
furcating, almost loop prominence. It's not really a
loop prominence. But it's a bifurcating tree-trunk
prominence, (laughter) which we report in hopes that
it may portend further activities coming up around the
east limb. End of message. Incidentally, the rest of
the Sun was void and bare of prominii [sic].

22 26 13 SPT There's one.

22 26 26 PLT i, 2, 3, 4. Hi, there'

22 26 h5 PLT Hello, friendly tape recorder; this is your friendly

crew. We are gathered together around our unround
table for a roundtable discussion on M487-2 Alfa to
the crew debriefing. The first question is, "What
particular aspect of the orbital assembly seems well
designed and arranged for living and working in
zero g?" What aspects are deficient and how?" For
the answer to that, I'll turn you over to Dr. Kerwin.

SPT ... in 25 words or less. The sleeping bags are good.

CDE That's not what he wants. I guess he wants the whole

thing - ...

SPT Yes, all right. Well, what do you think of the MDA?

CDR ... MDA, and this mainly concerns ... the electrical
vehicle with equipment mounted around the circumference
of a circle. And ... a center retreat that's light
enough ... bringing yourself in slowly ... equipment.
Now, you have put these things with the EEEP TV
Dump Tape 155-22
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 2 of ii

console ... equipment. And I doubt that they realized

when they located it that it did - that it was ... that
it could be made into ... backwards and get to the
checklist locker. You can place much of the equipment
that comes on and off the EREP cameras that you need
to work on remaining affixed to it in some manner, not
necessarily the same orientation; you have to move
around on it. But it turns out to be an excellent
thing. As far as the other things and all that, I'll
let the other gus make comments on it. There's no
doubt about it; I think that we are happy that we
brought the chair along. Guess what. It does not do
the job fully and the whole ATM could be better de-
signed for operation ... right now.

22 29 17 SPT No, I don't know what it is, but the ATM was designed
to be worked in a one-g enviroment. It really was.
And that's the way we trained on it. But up here - I
think Pete's right. In that you don't really want to
sit at it - sit in it in front of a chair [sic]. Nei-
ther do you want to stand on that foot restraint plat-
form we have. I'm not sure what you want. I guess
maybe we're saying that this whole panel layout is
eye-enhanced. Distances of the various switches and
displays on that panel were not optimized for a crew-
man in zero g. As a matter of fact, they weren't
really optimized for a crewman in one g. But they're
doing the Job. My comments on the _A as a whole are
that it's a - it's an - it's an efficient way to ar-
range equipment, but the size of the MDA, which is
very good for hanging onto things, is not too good for
traffic. If two people are working there, sometimes
the third guy can't get by.

22 30 26 PLT The only thing I have to say is the MDA is not as

large in zero g as I thought it would be. You can
really hang onto things and work diametrically, eas-
ier than I thought we'd be able to.

22 30 38 CDR . .. stuff is very blocky. And various pieces of equip-

ment that you can hang your feet under - a wire bundle
or equipment straps that held - like the ... we used -
the straps, you know, that holds the ... to put our
foot under to operate the CDS [?] console. Now that
was one that I had felt ... the pads ... used ... were
great for the o_rator. It may be more - comfortable
operating - it might be attached onto the CDS [?]
panel ... CDS panel as when you ... gravity ...
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 3 of ii

22 31 24 PLT Anything else on the MDA? Press on to the airlock.

We really haven't done anything in the airlock yet.
Yes. Yes. Okay. So now we're into the dome area.
Okay. I suppose I've probably done as much up in the
dome there - well, Joe, you hung the portable fan. I
cleaned the ... screens twice. Pete and I hung the
condensate tank and I must say that those leg re-
straints that are bolted onto the lockers work quite
well for maneuvering that. Yes, me, too. That was
really a piece of cake. We thought it was going to
be a great big blim/t to handle up there and maneuver
into place, and it really went well. Even though it
was 130 degrees in there at the time. I tell you, my
primary restraint when I've been working at the inlet
screens has been to just kind of wrap my - not wrap
them around but clamp - a duct - a soft fabric part
of a duct betweem my legs and stabilize myself that
way. Otherwise, there are plenty of handholds. I got
no problem on the dome. Joe_ you got anything about
that fan?

PLT No, it was no problem. It's easier to work by the ...

in the dome locker region than it is up where the fan
is, because you're right. What you need is not hand-
holds up there. Handholds are strictly for translation.
You don't need them for translation. You push off and
get there. You need them to grab onto. What you need
for working up there are legholds, like the soft part
of the duct - like the knee knockers on the film
lockers or like the water ring where you can stick a
foot in. Something to restrain your body so you san
work with your hands. All the handrails ... Yes.
The other thing about - those are the ... good side
... The one thing ... you can move around, bend your
body back and forth, do your exercising, get a little
sensation of largeness. The other thing, it would be
an ideal kind of enclosure around which to situate
experiments and things to operate, with plenty of ...
in the middle.

22 33 41 CDR Yes, I think - I think the thing that's turned out

about - the whole upper experiments area is the fact
that it is so easy to operate. I think we were all
worried before we started out on the flight that it
Dump '_'a[_"
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page h of Ii

was going to be so big that we were going to get, you

know, all this stuff that we have in there ... the
best way to have it .... a airlock, to go to a dome
locker ... just take aim at wherever it is you want
to go and take off. You can get pretty close. Every
day longer that we're up here the better we get at that
sort of thing. I know that over the - the line to the
SAL - the SAL power cables ... and the SAL instrumenta-
tion cables are stowed in the dome locker, and it's
nothing to just give yourself a little shove with your
feet and you are right straight up in front of it ...
in there and work in those lockers - the lockers that
have the heavy gear in them .... down in them ...
equipment ... are well placed ... for ... people that
I had no trouble working on any of the EREP experi-
ment s.

22 35 02 SPT Another thing about that water ring, foot restraint,

or whatever we call it is that I had a couple of tasks
to do like stringing the water tank hoses and my favor-
ite one - the portable water tank and a couple of
other things, and again I - you can't hook your feet
in them when you're working on it. And I Just laid
along horizontal or parallel to it and again clasped
it with my legs, because you really don't want to
sacrifice that hand for stability. You want to be
able to maintain your stability with your feet ....
we better - we better move on.

22 35 53 CDR Yes, ... let's talk about those things. The triangle
wedge is a great way to lock yourself in except it
looks like you could lock yourself almost anywhere and
that's not really true at all .... looking for places
to lock in that we're working at especially ...
equipment-like ... to get the heaters ... down here,
something like that .... all I can see Just to find a
place to lock it - the right side of the bicycle -
they ... ergometer to shower .... to try it. Yes.
And, well, I ... to try it.

SPT ... if you wear the button instead of the triangles

then there are more places to - You're not quite as
constrained as ...
Dump Tape 15_-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 5 of i]

22 36 h6 PLT I think the high-angle grid invention is a good

idea --

CDR Oh, yes. Yes.

PLT - - because you need something to stick your feet in.

And this - the whole experiment compartment is kind of
one-g oriented, and a lot of people have always said,
"Aw, you don't need that. You'd rather - you know,
you'll be hanging from the ceiling. You'll be hanging
from the sides. We can mske the nomenclature upside
down." We don't do that. We, at least I, operate in
here pretty much in the same body position as I did
in training. How you get from one place to another
is grossly different. You push off the float. But
once you get there, you want to be stabilized by the
legs or the thighs and the feet someplace where you
can do the Job. Yes, Pete mentioned there's one corner
of the experiment there. It is so crowded and clut-
tered that I can hardly believe it. The one where the
shower is. Between the centrifuge, the shower - and,
that's a busy place. Fortunately, you don't have to
step over the shower to get to the tool kit and that
tool kit is the best idea that - anybody's had. We've
been into that many times since activation for a lot of
different reasons. One other eoment, when you trans-
late to a surface, it's good to have something like
the blue handrails on the surface to grab hold of and
torque your body or stop a pitch rate of whatever
you're having. If it's a flat surface, you tend to do
some scrambling around. In the wardroom, I noticed
that the edges of the locker stanchion are recessed
so that you can grab them with your fingers. That's
a good idea on somebody's part. So much for that
question. How about - you want to say anything about
the compartment - the head - What are we talking about?
Yes. We got carried away on that. Okay. Yes.

SC ...

PLT Which restraint device offered the most assistance in

performing tasks; which the least? If you want to
pick out one device, in my particular case, I would
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:46 to 22:52:28
Page 6 of ii

have to say the triangle shoes. I really think they

are the most useful, versatile restraint device we
have around. Let me think about it while we pass it
on to Joe.

SPT I agree with that. I wish we had two pairs of triangle

so I could put the triangle triangles on one and the
button triamgles on the other and then l'd wear the
button triangles for moving around all day and the
triangle triangles to ride the bike. The least useful
device maybe has been those cloth strap foot restraints
that are in the wardroom and also in the head. You
need something like that at that location, hut the
cloth straps don't stay put. They are too small to
get in with your shoes. They are too hard to adjust
with - with triangle shoes, that is, and they're
generally cranky and poor design and we don't use
them much.

CDR ... foot restraints. It may be - -

SC ...

CDR The other thing is ... the head ... said earlier ...

PLT ... elastic ... I think you already said it ....

CDR ... Now, I ... all the way back ...

PLT Yes. Yes. Here's nonassisted verbal communications,

that is hollering, how effective has it been?

SC Not very effective.

22 21 31 SPT Yes, right. Not very effective. At 5 psi, I guess, the

sound doesn't - is not as strong or doesn't carry as far
or something. Within the _)A you can - we always do -
you're almost always hollering at somebody within
the workshop, I think. You certainly don't shout - -

SC ...

SPT - - I know. It doesn't - that's right. We're all

hoarse all the time. You certainly don't try to shout
from the workshop to the MDA. That just flat doesn't
work. The intercom boxes for IVA comm have been all
right; for voice recording, they've been safisfactory;
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 7 of Ii

for ground comm, they've been terrible because of the

feedback. We always had it in one g, 15 psi. In the
chamber out at St. Louis in the MDA, we didn't have
much feedback and things looked pretty rosy then.
But here you're continually going around and Houston
calls and you answer, and it squeals and you've got to
go down and turn down another volume.

22 _2 _5 CDR Part of that problem is very specific. If you don't -

we use the box in the wardroom mainly, and if you turn
on the box in the experiment compartment here, you've
got to run over ... by the M131 chair it seems that's
the wardroom one. By the same token, they've changed
the wardroom one ... to cure the SAL airlock boxes,
and so we have to continually leave those off; and if
you're working in SAL and another guy's in the wardroom
and you're both trying to talk to Houston, then you're
really in trouble.

22 43 23 SPT How satisfactory are the food management and dining

accommodations? How well does the food adhere to the
utensils when eating? Would a closer tray-to-mouth
proximity have improved eating ease? ... first ...

PLT I think that the constraints at the food table could

be improved. Particularly the foot part of it.

22 43 45 CDR I always - you know what I always ...

PLT I think the basic idea of going to the family style

is good. There are small inconveniences in the ward-
room where people have to climb all over each other
to get at the trash box or the stowage locker for
dirty cans, for the wetwipes, for the meal trays.
But that kind of thing is not the basic feasibility
of the design. It's Just a little efficiency ex-
pertism [?] in the layout.

PLT Yes my wife ...

SPT Yes. And the wardroom window is worth it's weight

in the spacecraft. It's terrific.

CDR The one thing that we asked most, though - and this
is a chronic problem - ... but to this day nobody
has successfully got the gas, whatever gas it is, out
of the water, We have problems rehydrating our food
right now, especially with the hot water. When we

Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 8 of ii

rehydrate the bags, fill them all the way up - we

opened the seal inside on the food fold bag so that
the food's already up ... you go to cut it, and that
makes that too difficult to handle. It makes getting
the food difficult to handle, and it blows the bag up.
Now - -

22 45 20 SPT Yes, I think what's partially ... the matter ...

pushed a button and left the dehydrated food more and
more like the ... It's a better variety of food
product [?].

22 45 33 CDR Yes .... But even so, it would be nice to Jab the
gas out of the water first. If you drink - -

SPT Oh, it would be great for that. Although a lot of

the - to me a lot of the trouble involved is making
it real dehydrated.

CDR Yes. I agree.

22 45 52 PLT Following that layout I think - I think it's a bad

idea to have the head right next to the sleeping
compartment, expecially with the layout we have, with
the urine separators and the blower in the co_mnon
bulkhead between the two. If somebody gets up at
night and has to go to the bathroom, and you turn on
the separator and the blower, and it's - you tend to
wake up people that are sleeping.

SPT What safety problems have arisen that are directly

related to habitability?

PLT None.

SC ...

SPT (Laughter) What unanticipated problems have occured

in performing various activation, housekeeping, or
experiment activities to date? Are there any common
difficulties that can be traced to inadequacies of
design, onboard provisions, or preflight preparations?

CDR I think the answer to that question is a very general

answer. I think we were pleasantly surprised to
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page 9 of ll

see ... The place that really .., is having your hands
full of ... obvious, no problems ... But it gets very
hard to make yourself ...

SPT Very good point. I think that the next generation

should come up with some clever ... pieces of gear
with - put away places. Whether they be ... little
boxes with ... openings or quadruple rubber clamps
like we have where you Just push them on with ...

PLT They're not in the - I don't need the dang things -

They're - We're - -

CDR Not another clamp' I got them.

PLT We've got snaps of (laughter) Velcro. We've got snaps

of Velcro all over the vehicle, and we don't have

22 h8 15 SPT How effective are the various tools used thus far; in
particular, what tools are well suited and what
tools are poorly suited for use in zero g?

CDR Well, the - a tool is poorly suited when you have to

put about six or eight pieces together to get the
tool to work. You know, but again, I was pleasantly
surprised to get the tools ... You got ...

PLT You've got something to hang onto.

CDR You've got something to hang onto ...

SI_2 What - what significant improvisation (procedural;

equipment arrangement or modifications, etc.) have
you accomplished as a result of adapting to living
and working in zero g?

CDR .•.

SPT Yes, the major one that came up today is doing away
with all - We wound up doing away with all the re-
straints for the bicycle ergometer.

22 49 26 PLT We had that thing in 16 different arrangements and

configurations, none of which worked very well, and
we finally wound up - Joe tried it yesterday and the
day before and I got _ shot at it today. And the
Dump Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:45 to 22:52:28
Page i0 of ii

best way of all is unrestrained .... You've got to

keep your feet through the pedal. Other than that ...

SC ...

PLT Yes, your feet are hooked into the pedal with the
triangle shoes. You're holding onto the handlebars
with your hands, and that's it .... you may or may
not use ...

SPT Okay. That last question is, "How satisfactory have

been lighting, noise, temperature, humidity, and
airflow?" Temperature, we're going to have to kind
of pass on, because we've had some problem, although
the perfect temperature ...

22 50 20 CDR Yes, we're running right around 74 or 75 degrees in

the OWS. I still think it's - it's because of our
thermal problem, we're running cold in the MDA. We're
running about 60 - 60 to 59 degrees, which is definitely
col der.

SPT Humidity and airflow. I don't have any ... The

airflow's higher than I thought it would be.

PLT The airflow is much more effective than I thought it

would be. You lose something, and in about 20 minutes
... 0WS dome. But you usually find it there. Depend-
ing on where it may end up there a couple of days
later. But the airflow in the workshop is much, much
more effective.

SPT That's good point. I want to get this in. We're

always losing stuff; I'm probably the worst. And
I think it suits your vehicle design to make use of
this airflow - for proper closeout in areas to make
sure there's nothing ...

22 51 18 CDE Yes, for instance the SWS army knife ... down here.
It amazingly, as big a piece of gear as that is, you
can make a triangle with it and it doesn't hang up.
Thatls the beauty of these .... it won't hang up,
and it winds up back on the dome air screen.

SPT That's right .... We haven't tried that yet.

SC ...
Dtm_p Tape 155-12
Time: 22:15:h5 to 22:52:28
Page ]3. of Ii

SPT ... The lighting bugs me a little bit. Of course

we're beginning to ... a lot of it down. I think the
light level is too low, and for my -

CDE ...

SPT ... the color temperature or quality of the light

is too harsh ....

CDR Yes. Like you say, when all light's are out - -

SPT The brighter light is great for translating back and

forth ... I would like to have more light ...

22 52 28 CDR Yes, we do work at the wardroom table to write, look

over Flight Plans, and so forth; and it might be
nice if your lighting is - instead of putting -
you know, you're combining a wardroom into that
sort of thing ... That's about the end of it.

Dump Tape z_5-z3



From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Onlycommunications
F-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape_
l-1 ,Other
Dump Tape 155-13
Tim: 20:_:58
Pa_e 1 o_' 1

20 _,6 58 PL_ Hello. Friendly B channel. PIT with )40_2/1q093.

T_e )093 was r_n rou:4,1y 303 WAT'I'--]M_IDI_s.

- " DumpTape z_-lh

I _ )


From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

I--i Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
17, Other
Dump Tape 155-14
Time: 01:17:30
Page i of i

Ol 17 30 SPT Tape recorder, this is the ATM at 00 - 01:18, rather.

Recording the frames remaining after the last pass
of the day. H-alpha, 12668; S056; 4462; 82A, not
applicable, it doesn't work; 82B, ll21; 52, 5795;
and 54 is 4507. Good night.

Dump Tape i_.-oI


Time Segments

From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--1 Nocommunications
!--I Onlycommunications
on tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
I--1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
FTI Other
Dm_ Tape 156-01
Time: 02:13:_6
Pa_e 1 of I

02 13 _6 PLT 52 is 57h2. And S05h is hh75. End of message.

f_ j=*. •

>-. DumpTape i_6-o2

( AM)


From To
ii:11:.53 Ii:16:13

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the following

I-1 Nocommunications
I-1 Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I-1 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape _
[--1 Other

Dump Tape 156-02
Time: 11:11:53 to 11:16:13
Page i of 2

ii ii 53 SPT Good morning, Friendly tape recorder. Here are the

PRD readings for this morning at ll:10. In the
private sleep compartment: 06081; in the wardroom,
or rather the experiment, hh051; at the minus-Z
SAL: 1807h.

ll 16 13 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the CDR. Oh, no; this

is the SPT speaking. I haven't taken over the ship
yet. At ll:15 with the M133 log. Dear M133 PI,
first, I'll Just read the sleep quality and time
codes from my log to kind of catch you up. And then
I'll discuss the use of the - of the sleep compart-
ment cap last night. On day 150, I logged 6 hours
of good sleep. That was the first night with the
cap; I was tired. On day 151, I logged 6 hours of
fair sleep, woke up a few times. The cap can - does,
I think, tend to make you wake up a little more often.
You can't use the - the headcurtain on the bed the
way it's intendedto when you have the cap on, and
I like to use that. And it's a small encumbrance.
It's noticeably different. This is the reason why
I hope that on the next flight 0wen will get 2 or 3
nights of - of normal sleep in between using the-
cap. On day 152, I logged 4-1/2 hours fair sleep.
At day 155, I logged 5-1/2 hours of good sleep, and
there was no problem there, but at 06:00 Greenwich,
I got up to photograph a couple of good European
passes and went back to bed at 08:00. So I lost out
on some sleep there. Last night, which we'll call
156, I got 7-1/2 hours of good sleep using the old
cap. Now once again, when I broke out the old cap,
the electrodes were Just a tad puffy and Just a tad
soft. The appearance wasn't very abnormal, but it
was a little abnormal. When I cut them open, they
were obviously drier than the dome elec - the dome
cap electrodes• When you squeeze them, the Juice
comes up out of the bottom and it's obviously thick-
er. All your good electrolytes are there, but some
of the water has evaporated away. The only thing I
did about it besides squeezing them was to use Just
a little dab of good old Yankee spit on each elec-
trode. I put the cap on and got good contact lights
and immediately went to sleep. I'm interested to
know whether you got results all night because first
Dump Tape 156-02
Time: 11:Ii:53 to ii:16:13
Page 2 of 2

thing in the morning I turned the switch to TEST, and

I didn't have any lights. I started pressing in the
middle electrode and boom_ In a minute the back
electrodes came in. And a little work - rocking each
electrode - and the electrodes came in fine. However,
there may have been some dropouts due to drying during
the night. It seems to me that all the good stuff is
in there and that at the worst you could figure out a
way of using either water or normal saline with a
syringe, of which we have plenty in the IMSS Kit, to
make those caps go. And I reco_nend that I bring one
cap home and you - work on it and come back with some
simple procedure for altering it. I don't think it
would take a little more than - hopefully l0 minutes
to do that Job. End of message.

Fi nal
.... Dump Tape


Time Segments (6MT)

From To
1205 03 12 05 24

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunicationsareon tape.
[] Only communicationson tapeare COIVlM
!-1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--1 Other
Dump Tape 156-03
Time: 12:05:03 to 12:05:2h
Page 1 of 1

12 05 03 PLT Friend_? B channel, the ETC clock time on my mark

will be 12:09 [sic].

12 05 24 PLT MA2K.

; DumpTape z56-o_



From ' To
13:59 :i0 3/5:01:10

This dump tape has been •"cancelled" for the following reason:
I--I No communications are on tape.
[] Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I Other

" t"
Dump Tape 156-04
.............. Time: 13:59:10 to 15:01:lO
i Page i of 2 .......... _.....

173"5_ i() SPT .... :PTL,--M092, day--156, the _DR-i-s-leg measurements:

-" i left calf, 13.0; and the right calf is 13-1/8.

ih. 02 01 PLT Hello, tape recorder. _auks to Captain Bean and his
" ,i bad bunch, we have found the best thing for cleaning
: windows is two dry, one - correction - two clean wash-
i cloths or towels; one wet and one dry. Paper tissues
i _ tend to streak the windows.

14 02 26 SPT CDR's leg band IDs are: left, Charlie India; right,

14 16 30 PLT Tape recorder, play fast to the EREP people and to

__ i Major Lousma. On tape recorder checkout, with S192
,_ not powered up, - when you go S192 MODE, READY, you'll
u, !' i get a TAPE MOTION light, but the MALF lights will al-
k . ! _. ways come on. z_parently becauze it is net gztting _-
_- ,. i 192 signal on the recorder. End of message.

- ' lh 46 19 SPT Tape recorder, MI71 on the CDR - the CAL N2, 02, CO 2
_). i gas bottle pressure is 1619.

i ._:14 46 42 SPT Friendly tape recorder, it seems to me that, for the

...... "7 --- next flight, this three-operation cal on the MA could
7z -- be rewritten and tightened up. There's an awful lot
of repetition in it.

_ % 14 50 37 PLT Joe, you on ...


_--_" : i4 53 _i SPT MI71, the CAL N2, H20 bottle pressure is 1508.
li 14 55 33 SPT For your information, B channel, on the (music) cali-
" bration percentage H20 was 20.73 vice 21.73. It had
• to be changed.

14 58 45 SPT Okay, the sample pressure control reading, page 3-5,

_ is 4.978.

14 59 9-9 SPT Percent 02 is 72.89. Percent water is 3.77, 3.81.

Percent C02 is 3 - is 1.99 .

i PLT Hey, Pete.

." t ....

Dump Tape 156-04
Time: .13:59:10 to 15:01:lO
Page 2 of 2 ................... _ _

3 CDR Yes. i
• i

15 01 i0 SPT Okay, on page 3-6, the sample pressure - inlet gas

6 pressis 4.978.





i' }7

•-: ;.7

"7. o

, "7 _!"

7 : ' :

,. 7.

_: DumpTape xs6-o5 .


Time Segments (GMT)

From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-3 Nocommunications
[-1 Onlycommunications
!--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 156-05
Time: ih:16:33
Page 1 of 1

14 16 30 PLT Tape re_order, play fast to the EREP people and to -

Major Lousma. On tape recorder checkout, with S192
not powered up, when you go - S192 MODE, READY, you'll
get a TAPE MOTION light, but the MALF light will always
come on, apparently because it's not getting any 192
signal on the recorder. End of message.

Fin al
DumpTape z56-o6

I _ )


From To
15:37:h9 I_:38:2_

_l'_'pe _d set; e:t, 3-3/b, to hee_" le,st se_c,enee

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:

I--1 Nocommunications
I--! Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
r-I ,Other
Tape 156-06
Time: 15:37:69 to 15:38:26
Pa_e I of I

15 _ 69 SP_ B e_nnel0 l'm _pee_clng the tesp and gu eenposl-

tlem8, _umne I'm not _ I was on _ e_mnnel -
the 188t t4ue, end 818o, "_he mm_)er8 have ehsnKed.
The oxTKen is "r2.21. The C_2 - Oh, no, that's the
1_te1- is 6.23.

15 38 26 SPT And the CO2 is 1.83, and s - -

r. DumpTape156-o7



From To
14:16:29 14:58:17

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
areon tape.
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I--], Other
Dump Tape 156-07
Time: 14:16:29 to 14:58:17
Page 1 of 1

i_ 16 29 PLT Tape recorder, flight psss to the EREP people and to

Major Lousma on tape recorder checkout with S192 not
powered up, on your S192 MODE READY you will get a
TAPE MOTION light, but the malf lights will alws_s
come on, apparently because they're not getting any
192 signal on the recorder. End of message.

lh 51 25 CREW ... Houston.

l_ 57 37 CI_R I got green lights on everything but S191.

lh 58 16 CC This is Houston - -


RAD ON. SCAT ON. Get an occasional RAD/SCAT GIMBAL
light, which is normal.

DumpTape 156.-o8



From To
l_:47:XX 17:_:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--i Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
E-]Other Buildin_ 30 personnel indicate that these duml0

data are contained on tape 156-10.

. -. Fi,1al
DumpTape 156-09

( AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
17:15:35 18:37:03

Time bad_ voice good

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

17 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 156-09
Time: 17:51:35 to 18:37:03
Page 1 of 5

17 51 35 CDR Hey, friendly A channel, 17:49:00. EREP maneuver

site. Your friendly tape recorder will confirm that
we are in a preoperate configuration. The TAPE RE-
CORDER POWER is ON; 92 is in CHECK; 91 is ON; 90 is
on STANDBY, with 89 the same; 08 same interval seconds;
93 RAD is in STANDBY, the SCAT is OFF, the ALTIMETER
is OFF. 94 is ON. The S192 DOOR is OPEN and veri-
fied; the S191 DOOR is OPEN and verified; the S190
WINDOW is OPEN - verified; and the TAPE RECORDER
POWER is ON. And that is per the CDR and PLT EREP -
EREP cue card.

17 52 57 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS for approximately 15 minutes.

CDR Roger, Houston. How do you read CDR on VOX?

CC You're loud and clear, sir.

-- 17 53 18 CDR Okay. We're standing by to start the pass. And,

Houston, we have verified that we are in the preoper-
ate configuration; the S192 DOOR, OPEN; the S191 DOOR
in accordance with the co_ander's and PLT, SPT, EREP
cue card.

CC Copy, CDR.

17 53 50 CDR MARK - -

PLT ... stand ... - -

CDR - - Start. 54, I need an AUTO CAL.

17 54 02 CDR MARK; 54, AUTO CAL. For your information, Houston,

Bravo 7 is 75 percent and dropping.


PLT Anything?

CDR Yes, loud and clear.

17 55 46 CDR MARK. sigh MODE, MANUAL.

- PLT Oooh! Salt Lake is wide open today.

CDR No - no READY light on S191.

Dump Tape 156-09
Time: 17:51:35 to 18:37:03
Page 2 of 5

17 59 00 CDR MARK; S192 MODE, READY.

17 59 i0 CDR MARK; 190 to AUTO. ETC, AUTO.

SPT 190 to auto. And she's running,

CDR 45 - -

PLT ... found her.


CDR I got green lights on everything but S191.

CC ... Houston - -


RAD's ON. SCAT's ON. Getting occasional RAD/SCAT
GIMBAL light, which is normal.


pitch is 30. RAD's ON. SCAT's ON.


TIGUOUS. Polarization, 5; standing by for -

CC Pete, that mode shou/d be NONCONTIGUOUS - NONCONTIGUOUS.

CDR It's in the right place, I said it wrong - RAD, ON;

the switch right and said it wrong.

CDR I can't pronounce big words.

18 03 30 CDR MARK_ S192, STANDBY; Bravo 7 reads 72 percent. Stand-

ing by for 8 plus 50.

PLT Okay. S192 shutter speed is now at 100.

PLT ... going across, Florida?

CDR No, Texas ...

CDR Are we ascending?


CDR Okay.
Dump Tape 156-09
Time: 17:51:35 to 18:37:03
Page 3 of 5

PLT Here it is, right here.

CDR Oh, yes.

PLT Okay, Houston. Only got one of the Houston sites.

That was out in the water at 4h5 - I mean _15 and

CC We copy, Paul.

PLT And I got started on the nadir turns a little late,

about 0h:lO. At 05:20, we started crossing land.

18 05 52 PLT 05:53, we're back over the water.

PLT S191 information on ..., Houston. We track in a -

passing over some ... over the water, on this slot.

CC Skylab, we're going LOS in about h or 5 seconds.

Vanguard at 18:19.

PLT Roger. Tape recorder, at 07:28 we passed over

land, at 07:35, we're back over water.


i_ 0_ 57 co? MARK.

SPT Roger.

CDR ... AUTO CAL, please.

SPT Yes.

SPT On ETC, the frame count is 119.

CDR Frame count is 119. Okay. And also, Joe, go to

the photo log - I think it is.

SPT Yes. Thank you.

CDR 09:06, MODE MANUAL, 09:0 -

CDR No, ii:20, yet; go ahead.

CDR ..., ... in the - I mean ... is in the same frame num-
ber 16, 8 percent.
Dump Tape 156-09
Time: 17:51:35 to 18:37:03
Page 4 of 5

CDR I'm going to start wearing m_ gloves. It's cold.

l've ... platform for an hour. It's cold.

18 ii 03 CDR Back on the panel -

CDR ... stop 11:40. Go to the checklist and check

the list. Postoperate: S192 DOOR, CLOSED;
close and latch S190. That'd done. Heater, OFF.

CDR I have the yellow light, says HEATER switch OFF.

Okay. I got the DOOR CLOSED light on S192.
Operate pad remarks. What do they say about
S1927 Anything? S191 now. Paul, are they
put in here?

CDR Well, this says that m_ pads remarks, and that's

not - Okay. Yes, yes.

18 15 40 CDR Hello, friendly tape recorder for EREP. Charlie

is ... 80 percent, 80 percent.

18 28 44 CDR Hello, B channel, for EREP. The tape - the

measurement on this o.. left on the takeup reel
is 2-1/8 inches. End of message.

18 33 59 PLT Hello, B tape recorder, for EREP. The VTS site.

The first site - wait - Okay, the first site,
site 220, was acquired easily at max forward
angle; a site near the Bonneville Salt Flats
was acquired IN-TRACK; 415 could not be found
for clouds - well, could not be found. I think
clouds are a major factor. The same with h20
and 445, which is just a spot in the water. Make
that a clear spot in the clouds and track that.
And then, getting back on with what I was doing
and getting back out, as I mentioned, drive is
about 50 seconds late getting back onto the nadir
swath. And started it about 410. A couple of
words about that VTS. You have much resolution,
things looks a little - I don't know - small
things are small - hard to find in it. The
small field of view is the biggest problem. I
think if we ever build anything like this again,
you really want to keep the ability to go to
quite a bit larger field of view. End of message.
Dump Tape 156-09
Time: 17:51:35 to 18:37:03
Page 5 of 5

18 37 03 PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is for the EREP people

and for Captain Bean's crew, regarding an EREP tape
recorder. It happened twice to us so far. I think
people ought to be alert to it and watch for it.
That when you pull that tape out to clean the
heads and put it back in, it's very, very easy to
have it come off the last bit of compliance rollers
a little bit too high, such as the top edge as you
look down in the machine of the tape gets rolled over
a little bit by that flange on the compliance roller.
So Just alert the next crew that they ought to be
careful there and watch for it, whenever they put
that tape hack through the head. End of message.


Dump Tape 1_6-:Lo



From To
16:10:22 17:2_:50

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:

F-I Nocommunicationsareon tape.
i-1 Onlycommunicationson tapeareCOMMTECHchecks.
i-1 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 156-10
Time: 16:10:22 to 17:24:50
Page 1 of 2

16 I0 22 SPT ... friendly B channel. Your SPT at 16:10 with some

ATMnotes. The prominence previously observed to be
departing from the Sun in the vicinity of the north-
east limb is extremely faint now and appears to be
quite a bit farther out than it was before. This is -
we're talking about the - substantial movement in the
area of 1 arc minute in an hour. Farther north the
roll - experiment roll of minus 2700, there is another
bright prominence on the disk that was not previously
observed. There appears to be quite a bit of activity
on the east-northeast limb. Over. I don't mean
over - I mean end of message.

16 ll 18 SPT The experiment roll on that first prominence is

minus 4195. And that is with the prominence
viewed at the top of the screen.

16 49 43 PLT B channel on the ATM - -

CDR No, it's pretty hard to ...

16 49 51 PLT On this pass, I got two JOF [sic] 10s. On the first
one, I pointed the white light coronograph in the
conventional fashion, centering the needles with the
manual pointing controller. But the second pass
through the rev, I have called up the TV display,
centered as well as I could with the TV display, and
then backed off enough to get a READY light plus a
couple more notches on - on the dial to make sure
I pretempt the READY light during the performance
of the walk. The readings - on the white align
indicator are right, 20; and up, i0; and when you
guys get the film back, you compare the two buildings
block 10s on the same rev to see what improvement,
if any, that you got. End of message.

16 56 48 PLT Friendly B channel, to finish up the ATM pass at

16:57. We're looking at the new little bright spot,
which is at about 280.7, I'd say. And noticing that
it has the appearance on each Alpha this morning of
being a new active region. There are two areas of
plage, the trailing one being the brighter and being
quite bright. The small is simple; they are oriented
_ north/south with a neutral line between them. I don't
see any - I do not see any - I do not see any evidence
of arch filaments on the - white light XUV SLIT monitor.

Dump Tape 156-10
Time: 16:10:22 to 17:24:50
Page 2 of 2

We do see one small front spot associated with this

region which I believe warrants being called an active
region at this time. And we decided to call it _enry.

16 58 38 PLT And, B channel, at the same time we observed at

about 285 - 280 degrees, 1.0, almost on the limb a
small area of bright stuff, as B. J. calls it, which
is too foreshortened to make out any details. It's
quite small, but it could very well be another new
active region. End of message.

17 2h 50 CDR Hello, friendly channel, this is CDH at 17h0026 ...

which is i00, station 7, which is 106 5 ...,
which is 31 percent.

_ ' DumpTape z56-11

(_ )


From To
17:36:XX 21:3h:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

!-1 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
_S OtherB_din_30personnel indicate that these dump

data are contained on tape 156-12.


Dump Tape z56-12

( AM)


From To
17:h4:17 17:44:52

20:08:52 20:32:45

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[-I Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
[7 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I--1 Other
Dump Tape 156-12
Time: 17:4h:17 to 20:32:45
Page 1 of 2

17 4h 17 CDR Okay s friendly B channel. Bravo 7 for EREP.

Bravo 7 reads 84 percent. Bravo 8 reads
1 percent. Bravo 8 reads 1 percent. Delta 6
reads 38 percent - 38 percent for Delta 6.

17 h4 52 CDR Okay, and on the ALIGNMENT, the THERMAL meter

reads 63 percent. The VISIBLE reads 82 and 26.
The ALIGN READY light. That's vhy - why is
that? Why is that? And Alfa 5 - Alfa 5 reads
95 percent - 5 - Alfa 5. Alfa 6 - Alfa 6 reads
30 percent - 30 percent. Baker 2 - Baker 2
reads 91 percent - 91 percent. Baker 3 -
Baker 3 reads 83 percent. Baker 6 - Baker 6
reads 39 percent. Charlie 5 - Charlie 5
reads 38 percent. Charlle 6 - Charlie 6
reads 38 percent. Delta 4 - Delta 4 reads
84 percent. Delta 5 - Delta 5 reads 30 percent.


20 08 52 PLT Okay, tape recorder. This will be exposure

number 12 on SO19.

20 09 04 PLT MARK. Co_ence exposure 12.

20 i0 39 PLT Tape recorder, disregard that last mark. There's

not an exposure_ stand by.

20 i0 46 PLT MARK; exposure 13. Exposure 12 was not an


20 15 12 PLT Okay, tape recorder, stand by to terminate S019

exposure 13.

20 15 18 PLT MARK. End of exposure 13.

20 16 06 PLT 0kay_ stand by to start exposure number 14 on


20 16 2_ PLT Stand by -

20 16 26 PLT MARK. Commence exposure 14.

20 17 16 PLT No.

Dump Tape 156-12
Time: 17:4h:17 to 20:32:45
Page 2 of 2

20 19 40 SPT Dear tape recorder, hi. It's 20:20 on day 156.

And for M131, subject is the SPT, and his state
of fitness is excellent.

20 19 58 PLT Stand by to terminate exposure lh, SO19.

20 20 01 PLT MARK. Stand by to conmence exposure 15.

20 20 31 PLT MARK. S019 exposure 15.

20 24 15 PLT MARK. Terminate exposure number 15.

20 2h 51 PLT Stand by to start exposure number 16. Stand by -

20 25 04 PLT MARK. Start exposure 16 on SO19.

20 28 27 PLT Tape recorder, stand by to terminate exposure 16

for SO19. Stand by -

20 28 39 PLT MARK. Exposure 16 terminated. Okay, stand by for

exposure 17. Stand by -

20 29 ll PLT MARK. Start exposure 17 for S019.

20 29 29 SPT Friendly tape recorder, the SPT on the metabolic

analyzer - stand by to operate. The H20 ADJUST
reading was 0001, which - which was quite a drift
this morning.

20 32 34 PLT Stand by to terminate exposure 17 on S019. Stand by -

20 32 45 PLT MARK. Terminate exposure 17. End of SO19 for this


Attanh to previo<;sly dist',ibuJ,_:d transcr_pt.
_ _- { o

r_, ' Dump Tape


lime Segments(Gt_T)

From ' To
21:20:3.9 22:34:ll

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
17 No communications are on tape.
F-I Only cornmunicationson t_peare CO_,rl/fi
I--7 This t_pe is a verbatim eupl'cat'on of tape _.
Fq_ Other
Dump Tape 156-13
Time: 21:20:19 to 22:34:11
Page i of 2

21 20 19 CDR Okay. This the CDR at - 2 - 120, starting on the

mixup between building block 23 and 13. I now have
out 23 and it looks like the only harm that was done
was that I missed or will miss two or three sets of
S054 pictures. For some reason, I read that as 13
rather than 23. Everything else is the same and
should get a good grate on S055.

21 24 19 SPT Hello, tape recorder. M131 OGI run on the SPT is

complete. Chair pressure is 1200 psi.

21 24 50 SPT Okay, tape recorder. This is the SPT, the M131 0GI
subject. And you'll be seeing these in the debriefing,
but the responses were interesting. I got six right
in step l; six right in step 4; only two right in
step 8. Whether that was fatigue or what, I don't know,
but subjectively, it was as though I stopped seeing
the responses and began to see this slow, back-and-
forth oscillatory motion instead, and it pretty well
drowned the responses out. In step 10, I got six
right; and in step 18, I got seven right; and again
in step i_, I could almost sense the rotation, although
I don't think I could sense the direction of it very
accurately, through the seat of my pants, which inci-
de_t_aily, are not held on the chair very well by the
straps. End of message on OGI. Well, let me give you
one more, Just as a general side note. It is really
remarkably difficult to keep from going to sleep when
you're doing this stunt, much more so than on the
ground. For some reason, whe n you power down up here,
all your muscles relax and your heart slows down, and
you find yourself drifting off, if you're not careful.

22 20 30 SPT Tape recorder. The percent 02 is now 72.78. It's

Just been sitting there for a couple of minutes while
I did some steps. And there's been some heavy breathing
due to exercising in the vicinity, or it may be Just ...
The percent water is 3.79, and the percent C02 is 2.04.

22 28 13 SPT On the second run with the ION PUMP, the MA CO 2 is 10.490.

The MINUTE VOLUME is 18.5. The RATIO is 2.870; the 02

f CONSUMED is 0.044.
Dump Tape 156-13
Time: 21:20:19 to 22:34:11
Page 2 of 2

22 30 22 SPT After the third run with the ION PUMP, the MINUTE
VOLUME is 30.6; the RATIO is 2.870; the 02 CONSUMED
is 0.043; and the CO 2 is 0.790.

22 32 15 SPT And on the fourth run with the ION PUMP, the MINUTE
VOLUME is 42.6; the RATIO is a surprising 2.870, the
02 CONSUMED is still 0.044; and the MA CO 2 is 1.100.

22 34 ll SPT Okay, the SAMPLE INLET PRESSURE is now 5.018.

r- Final


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
21:53:22 22:15:35

Time segment 22:20:30 to 22:34:11 on this tape is a verbatim duplication of

tape 156-13 and appears on the 156-13 transcript.

This dumptapehas been"cancelled" for the following reason:

l-] Nocommunications are on tape.
I-1 Only communications on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
I-1 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
r-l Other

-- -m
•," Final
Dump Tape 156-14
Time: 21:53:22 to 22:15:35
Page 1 of 2

21 53 22 SPT Tape recorder, this is SPT, the subject of the

M131 MS test. And I went 150 head movements at
12-1/2 rpm with no symptoms. There was an inter-
ruption due to a fault light due to my foot
hitting some structure or other after the
45th head movement. We came down for the
minimum 30 seconds required to reactivate the
experiment, went right back up again and con-
tinued. I don't think the results are invali-
dated thereby. I simply didn't have any
symptoms even transiently, although I felt
the acceleration and the deceleration and the
head movements Just as much as I would normally.
And I noticed at the end of it, Just when taking
my blindfold off, that I did have nystagmus - it
was very transient. It was as though the visual
neural pathways had been severed. I Just didn't
have any symptoms at all of motion sickness, and
will stand by for your recommendations on a pos-
sibly higher level the next time I run the test.

22 00 01 SPT Okay, tape recorder, this is the MA calibration

check. The time is 22:00, and the CAL N2, 02,
C02 bottle PRESSURE is 1623.

22 05 18 SPT Okay, B channel. The MA CAL check: 02 is out

of tolerance and the only ADJUST that's out of
tolerance. ADJUST N 2 is okay. ADJUST CO 2 is

okay. ADJUST 02 is supposed to be h.267, and

it comes up 4.314. I'm going to change it.

22 06 26 SPT Okay. I changed it to h.263, and that means

the percent 02 pushed itself 5h.06.

22 08 i0 SPT Okay, tape. ADJUST N - ADJUST N 2 down to about

2.265. And ADJUST 02 up to about 4.283. Six per-

cent oxygen come in. Percent oxygen is 54.42.
Percent C02 is 15.03. The CAL N2, H20 bottle
PRESSURE is 1623.

22 ll 19 SPT Okay, tape. The initial reading on the percent

H20 is 23.40, which is out of spec. And the

percent H20 has been adjusted to 21.70.

• _" Final
Dump Tape 156-Ih
Time: 21:53:22 to 22:15:35
Page 2 of 2

22 14 05 SPT Okay, tape; on the preru_ cal, the MS SAMPLE

INLET gas pressure and the CABIN AIR MODE is
5. OlO.

22 15 35 SPT Now, for the CABIN percent 02, we get 73.50.


_ h. -_
DumpTape 157-oz



From To
02:56:29 0b:16:09

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for thefollowingreason:
I-1 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I-'1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1, Other
Dump Tape 157-01
Time: 02:56:29 to 04:16:09
Page 1 of 1

02 56 29 CREW End of message.


people and the flight planners. The Captain discovered,
upon investigating the hygiene resupply kit tonight,
that all the Alpha Keri and all the other kits in that

A _
Y a mess have
locker in there. I wantThe
blown up. you to know
tops have that, so and
exuded, thatit's
_ _ 04 16 09 SPT Friendly B channel, here's a note for the stowage
__ you can (a) plan on resupply as required and (b) work

days to go in there and clean that stuff up. Good

_|_ into o_r housekeeping tasks sometime in the next few




From To
0i:55:19 02:07:_5

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
i-1 Nocommunications
l-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
!7 ,Other
Dump Tape 157-02
Time: 01:55:19 to 02:07:45
Page 1 of 1

01 55 19 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT closing out the

ATM for tonight. The frame count is as follows:
H-alpha, 12272; the X-ray telescope is 4281; we will
skip the XUV spect, the XUV slit is i031; the corona-
graph is 5424; and S054 is 4097.

restored to operating condition, by virtue of having

ehang,-_dthe filter. So, for stowage people, they
_#_;_ _ _2
_ 07 L5 SPT Hello, B channel° The PLT's urine drawer has been

__'_|_! stowageSh°uld
one urine separator filter from the

v"W OF
Dump Tape 157-o3

(AM )


From ' To

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
ontapeare COMMTECHchecks.
Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape 157-ol
[] Other
Dump Tape 157-03
Time: 0h:19:27
Page i of i

Oh 16 09 SPT Friendly B channel, here is the note for the stowage

people and the flight planners. The - The Captain
discovered upon investigating the hygiene resupply
kit tonight that all the Alpha Keri and all the other
kits in that locker had blown up. The tubes have
exuded and it's a mess in there. They want you to
know that so that you can (a) plan on resupply as
required, and (b) work it into our housekeeping
tasks sometime in the next few days to go in there
and clean that stuff up. Good night.

Dump Tape zsT-o_

I_ )


From To
ii:00:25 '12:17:31


Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
171 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
I-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-I Other
DumpTape J.57-os



From To
13:0Y:41 13:17:19

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
!-] No communications are on tape.
I-1 Onlycommunications
Áº-ÁThistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
[] Other
IA,np Tape 157-05
Time: 13:07:41 to 13:17:19
Page i of i

13 07 41 SPT Friendly B channel, it's MII0 day again. And I

have the serial numbers of the ASP. The commander's
ASP is serial number lh2. The SPT's ASP is serial
nu__ber i44. And the FLT's is serial number 147.
End. of message.

13 17 19 SPT Friendly tape recorder, the PRD readings for the

day are as follows : in the PLT sleep compartment,
06090; in the experiment compartment, 44056; and
in the minus-Z SAL, 18080.

DumpTape !5_-o6


From To
ih:32:58 15:59:0h

[3 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeisa verbatim


Time: ih:32:58 to 15:59:04

Page 1 of 1

lh 32 58 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. The CDR at ih:33 on

JOP 6, Paragraph i - Bravo. The old CDR ran a
standard mode flight before going to continuous,
instead of I. Shame on me.

lh 49 33 CDR Okay, friendly B channel; CDR. I made another

mistake on JOP 7, Paragraph i, I went to the hot
spot rather than ... - -

PLT Hey, up there! You ... screwdriver ...

16 PLT
o outt t°
Hello, ch-n-el B. For the procedure and the

is strongly reec_mended that when changing the mol

_ __ % __ I - " sieve solidflight
follow-on strap,crew,
they Captain
should Beau
close and
the his
lid crew,
under it

else the dirt flies all over. You must be careful,

however, when you take it off that the handle that
holds the solid strap in place does not get down in
the fan. End of message.
_ _ _f|__ l the whole solid strap while it is still running, or

15 59 0h PLT Hello, B channel. This is for the photo people.

On today - today being day 157, the film thread pad
this morning did not have us doing anything with the
transporter in A-3, which has been reported as Jammed.
Just pass that on to them. It seems to me we ought
to do something. End of message.


I_ )


From To
16:12:25 16:28:2_

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe following
I-1 Nocommunications
I--I Onlycommunications
F1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 ,Other

Dump Tape 157-07
Time: 16:12:25 to 16:28:24
Page i of 1

16 12 25 PLT Hello, tape recorder. It's been about 15 minutes

since the PPC02 sensors been changed out. Here are
the readings. I'll give you some more in about 15
more minutes. The initial reaction to the changeout
was not bad on sieve A. On sieve B, both the P - after
the inlet filter changeout, the readings pegged high
for _}out 2 or 3 minutes before starting - gradually
coming down. After replacing the dtmLmy cartridges
on sieve B, the PPC02 pegged high, and it took a few
minutes for it to come down. The readings right now
for the ECX people on mol sieve A: In is 5, OUT is
3; on sieve B, IN is 6, and OUT is 4. End of message.

16 28 2_ PLT Okay, tape recorder for the ECS people. It's been
about 15 minutes since the last report. The readings
on mol sieve A now are: IN, 4.8, OUT, 4.0. Mol
sieve B: -IN is 5.5_ OUT is 3.5- End of message.

Dump Tape z57-oa



From To
16:40:XX 19:39:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-1 Nocommunications
are on tape.
I--] Only communications
on tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
r-I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
F_]Other Building 30 personnel indicate that these dttln v

data are contained on tape 157-09.

DumpTape _T-o9

( AM)


From To
]6:I13:12 18:30:51

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
1--i Nocommunications
areon tape.
1-1 Onlycommunications
[--I Thistapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
I--I Other

Dump Tape 157-09
Time: 16:h3:12 to 18:30:51
Page i of i

16 43 12 PLT Hello, tape recorder. For the ECS people - That's

environmental control - ask them that after the EVA
stuff settles down, I'd like to make a checkout of the
tool seiw: A primary timer. I think we ought to know
whether that thing's working or not. We can do it
simply and easily some morning or anytime during the
day. Ask them if they won't think that over, please.
End of message.

18 39 51 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT at 18:40, report-

ing that I have put the 100-millimeter lens from
locker F523 in use - Hasselblad out-the-window camera.
Now I'm going to put the 80-millimeter lens - on the
camera that the 100-millimeter lens was on - in F523,
and leave it there. And we're going to use the
100-millimeter lens from now on for out-the-window.
End of message.

_ DumpTape_7-zo


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
18:55:XX 20:47:XX

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[7 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I--I Thistapeis a verbatim
of tape
[_ Other _ildin_
30 personnel indicate that these dum_

data are contained on tape 157-12.

/ -




From To
':h2:41 iT:_3:0_

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
on tapeareCO/VIM
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other
Dt_p Tape 157-11
Time: 17:_2:41 to 17:43:0_
Page i of i

17 42 41 CDR Hi, Rusty. We're going to keep working. We'll try

and get everything - the important things - done on
the Flight Plan todd, hut we may drop some of these
incidentals. I haven't really had a chance to look
at it; but, as you well know, you m_ be able to do
it in an hour on the ground, but you've thrown a lot
of thiLugs together. So we've got a lot of reconfig-
uring to do here. And we're trying to think our way
throu_a it as we go.

17 4B 04 CDR And it'll be a little bit close, but we don't back

ourselves into a corner. Okay?


Fi n al


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
i_:25:28 - .................. 20,_h3:57

....... _2ap.e._15_7_-12
incl_c_ .¢1_t__f._,_Om._.__e__!.57-__lO_.

This dump tape has been "cance!led" for the following reason:
[] No communications are on tape.
[] Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
[] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
[] Other_

Dump Tape 157-12
Time: 19:25:28 to 20:h3:57
Page i of 2

19 25 28 PLT Hello, tape recorder; for the M092 run on the SPT.
Left leg measures 14-1/4, right leg measures lh-i/8.

19 29 h2 PLT Tape recorder, babe; on the M092 run for the SPT,
the left leg band is Alfa Delta; the right leg band
is Bravo Juliett.

19 37 4_ PLT Tape recorder, on the M092 on the SPT. All the im-
pedances were hitch; that is, pegged high. However,
the heart rates checked out good, within two beats
of each other on X, Y, and Z. We're pressing on.

19 h6 58 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. Systems housekeeping

i0 Alfa is complete. The SUS pump ran okay, and
the caution and warning system functioned normally
throughout the operation of the SUS pump. That's

19 58 59 PLT Hello, tape recorder. The M092 run on the SPT was
terminated at 6 minutes and 30 seconds left to go in
the run. Heart rate had peaked at about 120. Ap-
proximately a minute before then, the indicated heart
rate was coming on down and at termination it was
about 90 - 95 to 98, somewhere in there. The - both
the - indication of both systolic and diastolic blood
pressures had come down. Systolic was indieating
about 60, although I don't believe that; neither
does Dr. Kerwin. The diastolic was apparently less
than h0, which appeared to be the minimum that the
cuff will read. So - so there.

20 06 4h PLT Tape recorder, for the SPT's MI71 run. The CAL N2,

Q2' C02 reading is 1603, 1603.

20 15 h3 PLT B channel, on MA - on MITI for the SPT. On the

metabolic analyzer, begin to go above tolerance,
out of the toleranee range on the ADJUST 02 in or-

der to get the PERCENT 02 we've been reading.

f- 20 16 i0 PLT The ADJUST 02 is now reading 4. 310. And the

PERCENT 02 is reading 54.44. On the M171, the OA/_ N2,

H20 pressure is 1501, 1501.


Dump Tape 157-12
Time: 19:25:28 to 20:42:57
Page 2 of 2

20 17 h2 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT, the subject

of the recent M092 run. It is now 20:18. I have
the following co_,nents to make for the PI and the
medical operations folks. Terminated the run early,
based on the parameters that Paul just read you, and
I - subjective feeling of a little dizziness and a
little cold sweat. What I want to emphasize is that
this is not much of a change, in m_ opinion, from the
results of the previous M092 runs that I have made,
as I told Dr. Ross the other night, and I think I
put this on B channel 1. In my opinion we've all
been on the narrow edge on M092 ever since the first
run when we were up here. It appears to be a large
step function as a result of being in zero-g and
in losing girth in the calves and tissue fluid.
And the only differences I can surmise for today's
run, that I had just eaten a meal and that I hadn't
had much to drink today. But I don't think there's
been any essential change. The only change in pro-
cedure we made was that I rode with the crotch ad-
Justment one notch higher, up at 9, than previously.
We've all noticed the fact that in zero g, it tends
to suck you a little further into the can. I don't
think that was significant at all. You would have
thought it would change in the other direction. I
would recommend, with the PI's concurrence, that
on my next run, I run at 304040, rather than 304050.
End of message.

20 20 20 PLT M171 on the SPT. The MS SAMPLE INLET pressure's

reading 5.000.

20 21 21 PLT Okay, tape recorder. The PERCENT 02 is 74.23,

7-h-2-3. PERCENT water is 2.97, 2-9-7. PERCENT CO 2
is 1-9-2.

20 43 57 CDH Hello, friendly B channel, for the ATMpeople. On

the ATM pass, at 20:00:03. JOP 2A, paragraph 6,
building block 7 says, "Roll 82B SLIT for uniform
H-Alpha emission." I thought I had done that but
in further pursuing the XUV MON, it looks like I
had it rolled a little bit too far, because the
XUV MON had - none of the crosshairs really lined
up because you really got to figure out where you
are and it took a little while to do that, and I
guess ... roll .... little bit into that active
region above the limb, right now. Sorry about that.


lime Segments (GMT)

From To
21 O0 05 21 35 Ol

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
I--I Nocommunica{onsare on tape.
l--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
[] This tape is a verbatim duplicatim_ of tape
[] Other

, t

Dump Tape 157-13
Time: 21:00:05 to 21:35:01
Page i of 4

21 00 05 CDR ... test, test, test, test; test, test, test, test;
hello. Hello, hello, hello. Test, test.

21 00 26 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR and 059,

S019 star field 897 is off and running.

CDR S019 ... Exposure on star field 897.

CDR S019, star field 341. Stand by -

21 05 48 CDR MARK.

21 i0 04 CDR MARK.

CDR S019, star field 341, end of exposure.

CDR Stand by on the next 90-second exposure.

21 i0 41 CDR MARK.

CDH Star field 341, 90-second exposure.

21 12 08 CDR MARK.

CDR Okay. Getting ready for the 270-second exposure on

star field 368. Stand by -

21 13 Oh CDR MARK. Start exposure.

CDR Okay. Stand by for the mark at the end of exposure on

star field 388, 270-second -

21 16 39 CDR MARK.

CDR Stand by.

21 16 56 CDR MARK. Start of the 90-second exposure on 388.

388, excuse me, st_r field 388.

CDR Stand by for the mark on the end of the 90-second

exposure of star field 388. Stand by-


t"1 net t
Dump 'l'ap_' 157-1 i_
'l'lm_': 91:00:05 I,o 21:35:01L
P_ge 2 of _I

21 18 Ii CDR MARK.

CDR Stand by for the start of exposure. 270, exposure on

star field 597, stand by -

21 19 06 CDR MARK. Start of exposure on star field 597.

21 20 15 SPT Friendly B channel, this is the SPT, at 21:20,

debriefing the MITI run. The run went very well
subjectively from a standpoint of restraint and
difficulty, using no restraints at all. Now, when I
do this I personally have different ways to use my
arms. Number 1 is to let my body go up until my head
is touching the wire channel near the speaker box
on the ceiling and then I put my arms forard to that -
in the grid and more or less balance and act as sway
breakers. They don't take up much load. The other
way is to hold on to the forward adjustment strap,
and the third way is to hold on to the handlebars. I
alternate the three ways so as to take the strain on
different muscles, it works very nicely. Along these
lines I would strongly recom_aend that the oncoming
crews start now to train on a horizontal bike, where
they will get this kind of In]]. You have to bicycle
on the wall and have a flat bed adjustable up and
down so as to give the guy the right seat location.
And it will slide in and out freely on wheels or some-
thing for them. They ought to train that way because
it will train the right muscles and give somebody an
idea of what the problem is. You might want - even
wsnt to take some baseline data that way if the guys
have time. Okay. On the run itself, there were a
couple of anomalous-looking things. For one, the 02

consumed, once again, came out consistently and sur-

prisingly lower than the CO 2 produced. And having
seen this both ways, I'm inclined to think that this
is a calibration drift or an inaccuracy in the machine,
particularly after the trouble we had this morning -
this afternoon in calibrating it.

21 22 29 PLT ... mark it, Just a second.

CDR Okay. Stand by for the mark.


DLmp Tape 157-13
Time: 21:00:05 to 21:35:01
Page 3 of 4

PLT I - I'm standing by, just a second.

CDR Star field 597 at 270 at 270 exposure -

21 22 47 CDR MARK.

CDR Hel.lo, friendly B channel. Stand by for the 270 mark

on star field 603. Stand by -

21 23 52 CDR MARK. Star field 603.

CDR Friendly tape recorder, stand by for the 603 star

field 270 mark -

21 27 34 CDR MARK. End of exposure. Going to the 90-second

exposure right now. Stand by -

21 27 49 CDR MARK. 90-second exposure.

CDR Okay, friendly B channel. Stand by for the mark on

the end of the 90-second exposure of S019, star
field 603. Stand by -

22 29 Ol CDR MAFK.

CDR 91, 270 exposure. Stand by for the mark on the 270 star
field 596.

21 29 51 CDR MARK. 270-exposure, star field 596.

CDR Friendly B channel, stand by for the end of the 270

exposure on star field 596. Stand by -

21 33 12 CDR MARK.

CDR Friendly B channel, stand by for the 90-second

exposure mark on star field _Sh.

CDR What time is it, Paul? Okay.

CDR You're just going to _e it.

CDR Stand by for ten end of the 90-second exposure.

Stand by -
Dump tape 157-13
Time: 21:00:05 to 21:35:01
Page 4 of I$

21 35 01 CDH MARK. Now what do you do at the end. Just leave it at

carriage retract, right? Yes, okay, let me verify
that. Yes, you're right, okay. That's per checklist.


Final 4._
_- DumpTape _,_.._,oi

{ AM)

Time Segments (GMT)

From To

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

r-! Nocommunications
are ontape.
I--I Onlycommunications
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I-1, Other

Dump Tape 158-01
Time : 00 :16: 32
Page 1 of 1

00 16 32 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is your old CDR

with your day 157Evenlng Status Report. Alfa:
CDR, 235; SPT, 155; PLT, 290. Bravo: for the
CDR, 3921; for the SPT, 7188; for the PLT, 2460.
Charlie: for the CDR, 6.065, 6.057, 6.06h;
SPT, 6.632, 6.629, 6.633; for the PLT, for the
PLT, 6.828, 6.827, 6.825; for the CDR, for
Delta; 2/16/1700; SPT, none; PLT, 2/15/2300. Echo:
the CDF, SPT, and PLT is nothing.

_" Final
Dump Tape, i_o2


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
01:23:41 01:27:00

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--1 Onlycommunicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
F-I This tape is a verbatimduplication of tape
i-1 Other
FJ hal
Dump Tape 158-02
Time: 01:23:_i to 01:27:00
Page i of i

01 23 41 PLT Hello, channel B. The GMT at the start of this

recording was approximately 01: 22.

O1 27 O0 PLT Hello, tape recorder. Here are your ATM frames left.
H-Alpha l: 4218. Correction, correction - H-Alpha 1
is 12088; S056 is h218; S082B is lO13; S052 is 5210;
SO54 is 3814.

Final _03
Dump Tape



From To
20:O0:XX (approximately) 21:OI:XX (approximately)

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
[] No communications are on tape.
I--1 Only communicationson tapeare CO/VIM
[] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
[q Other.,
Np_imerecorded on tape. Approximate times _ere

taken from tape box.

Dump Tape 158-03
Time: 20:O0:XX to 21:01:XX (approximately)
Page 1 of 1

PLT Tape recorder, on the MO92 on the SPT. All of the

impedances were high, that is pegged high. However,
the heart rates checked out good within two beats
of each other on X, Y, and Z, and we're pressing on.

CDR Hello, friendly B channel. Systems housekeeping

l0 Alfa is complete. The SUS pumps ran okay and
the csmtion and warning system functioned normally
throu@_out the operation of the SUS pump. That's all.

PLT Hello, tape recorder. The M092 run on the SPT was
termizated at 6 minutes 30 seconds left to go on the
run. Heart rate peaked at about 120. Approximately
a min_Ze before then, the indicated heart rate was
coming on down. At termination, it was about 90 - -

SPT 98I think. _

PLT - - 95 to 98; somewhere in there. The - both the -

indication of both systolic and diastolic blood
pressures have come down. Systolic was indicating
about 60, although I don't believe that& neither
does Dr. Kerwin. The diastolic was apparently
less than 40, which appears to be the minimum
that the cuff will read. So - so there.

CDR Hello, friendly B channel, for the ATM people. On

the Aq_ pass at 20:00:03, JOP 2A, paragraph 6,
building block 7, where it says, "Roll 82B SLIT
for uniform H-Alpha emission." I thought I had
done that, but in further pursuing the XUV MON,
it looks like I had it rolled a little bit too far,
hrcause the XUV MON and none of the crosshairs
really line up. And you've really got to figure
out where you are and it took a little while to do
that sad I guess ... is roll .., you a little bit
into that active region across the ]_mh right now.
Sorry about that.

,,_ Final cL..P_.,
DumpTape .J.58-o_,


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
03:04:37 03:17:56

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
I--I No communications are on tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COI_.M TECH checks.
1-q This lape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I-I Other
Dump Tape 158-04
Time: 03:0h:37 to 03:17:56
Page i of i

03 O_ 37 SFT Hello, B channel. This is for the follow-on crews

and the stowage people. Is that - our triangle shoes,
the shoe part is starting to wear out at the toes.
Again, you drag your toes a lot. You tend to - You
tend to try to stick them in the floor and we're
having to put gray tape on them. We reco_end that
the other crews e_ther bring extra shoes or bring
some kind of toe protectors or something with them.
End of message.

03 17 56 PLT Hello, tape recorder. This is for Captain Bean and

other follow-on crews. We strongly reco_nend that
they bring up some sort of substitute materials for
the plate in the foot restraints and the waste man-
agement compartment. The ones that are in there now
are, for all practical purposes, unusable. And we
think that - as I said, they ought to bring up some-
thing better. End of message.

Dump Tape 3._8-o5
Final _"/_")

Time Segments (GMT)

From To
04:2_:XX Ob:3h:XX

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason-

[] Nocommunicationsareon tape.
[] Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
[] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I-I Other
Skylab 1_uu_pTApe 158-05
Time: 06_4-0434
6-7-73 _"
Page i of 1 -._.....


Final Tape'_'_'_



From To

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I-3 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--I This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[--I Other
Dump Tape 158-06
Time: ii:04:42
Page I of i

ii 04 h2 PLT Good - Morning - good morning, friendly B channel.

The PRD readings for this morning, day 158, are: the
mlnus-Z SAL, 18081 going in the SPT suit; and experi-
ment compartment, 44061, going in the CDR suit ; and
in the PLT's bedroom, 06104, going in to PLT suit.

Fi nal

/, DumpTape u,8-o'r /

Time Segments (GMT)

Frorn To
II:52:XX 12: 39:XX

This dumptapehas been"cancelled"for the following reason:

I-_ No communications are on tape.
I-10n!y communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I-I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape _
I-3 Other
Dump Tape


Time Segments (GMT)

From To

This dumptapehas been"cancelled"for the following reason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
i-3 Only communicationson tape are COMMTECHchecks.
[-I This tapeis a verbatimduplication of tape
I-3 Other_
Dump Tape 158-08
Time: 13:31:36
Page 1 of 1

13 31 36 PLT Friendly B channel, the CDR's SOP high pressure gage

is 6200 and the SPT's is 6300.

Dump Tape z_8-o9


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
14:38:19 14:56:43

Voice: fair Time: good

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
F-I No communications are on tape.
I-I Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
E] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape ....
I-I Other

Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 14:56:h3
Page 1 of 12

14 38 19 CDR Got it?

PLT That's not like in VOX, is it?

CDR No. I turned off the tone.

PLT ... that tone's off, I think.

CDR How'd you read me? Huh?

PLT ...

CDR Over the air?

PLT Okay, see if he got over 02 feed.

SPT Now wait a minute .... one.

CDR See if I've got 02? What do I do? REG l, ON?

PLT Wait a minute. You should have an audio warning

tone and ... lights.

SPT Push it out, right?

CDR Yes. I don't have - -

SPT Okay - -


lh 39 17 SPT - - and I'm the same. No - Wait a minute.





PLT ... oxygen?

Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 14:56:43
Page 2 of 12

SPT Wait a minute, Paul. FLOW SELECT go to IVA.


SPT Now, it says to - now to don the gloves; verify

don the helmet and then PRESS SELECT - Let's go
PRESS SELECT Zhe BOTH for a minute and verify flow
and then back to OFF. Okay?

i_ 39 h3 CDR Yes. Yes.

$PT Okay, after we both have flow -

CDR I got to be careful, I do the SOP flow, too.

SPT I keep getting the REG 1 LOW FLOW on and off, which
is odd. Okay - now let's get our wrist disconnect
verified that they're in the ENGAGED position.

CDR Okay.

SPT That's a good idea, before we get the gloves on.

SPT Yes.

CDR And egg on the gloves.

PLT You want me to stay here, or do we want the CSM con-

figured off?

SPT You can go on ahead.

PLT Go on ahead?


CDR Do you read me?

SPT Yes, I read you. Paul, do you read us on comm?

PLT No, I can't hear you .... think that we don't have
AC tied together to the CSM yet.

CDR Yes.
Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 1h:56:43
Page 3 of 12

SPT Okay.

CDR Okay, that's locked.

14 h0 52 SPT Need a hand with that?

CDR No, that's already open, that's ...

SPT With your glove, I mean.

CDR No. Let me se. Oh, boy, not - do you?

SPT I haven't started yet.

lh hl 03 CDR I can take a second. Okay. Let me see that. Yes.

SPT That's good.

_ CDR Okay, that'slocked-

SPT Good.

CDR Now, I can give you a hand with yours.

SPT Well, let me get my first one on, and then I'll
com_ over to you with the second one. Oh (laughter)
dragging m[f umbilical behind me.

lh h2 08 CDR Get the comm tied in. You could go to sleep on

that thing like this. Good. That's VOX. Test
l, 2.

SPT Always hear in one earphone. Well, that may be

because of -


SPT You getting it?

CDR Pop in and out.

PLT Hey, what do you want? You want the V0X up a little?

SPT Yes, please.

Dump Tape 158-09
Dime: 14:38:19 to lh:56:43
Page h of 12

PLT Try that.

lh 42 h9 SPT Okay, that's pretty good, I think.

CDR Yes, how do you read me?

SPT ... Pete.

PLT l'm reading you loud and clear on the speaker box.

CDR Good.

14 42 56 PLT Let me go back and plug in and see how I hear you on
something else.

14 43 00 SPT Okay. That does take a little bit of ...

power to get that thing. All right, let's see
what else we do now. Now, verify your diverter
- valveis vertical.

CDR Yes.

14 h3 16 SPT Don your helmet, align, lock and then we'll go

PRESS to BOTH; and - -

CDR I think we want to - -

SPT - - get that one at a time.

CDR - - I think we want - I think we want to stop right

here now, until he's ready for it.

SPT Okay.

CDR Because we go through a suit integrity check. And

I want him to -

SPT The next things we do are - check out the PCU. The
EMU integrity check.

CDB Then we go to lock.

14 43 46 SPT That's - right. And we're ready to go.

PLT As soon as we do these integrity cheeks, we're off

the cue cards, so we can leave it right here.
Dump Tape 158-09 '
Time: ih:38:19 to ih:56:43
Page 5 of 12

CDR Yes.

14 43 55 PLT Very convenient.

14 43 58 CDR And - we got to get S082 in the back and the back
hatch closed, the umbilical stuffed -

SPT Yours - yes.

CDR We'll take to daytime and when we're ready up there

and we'll get out. We'll start getting the pole
assem - Cool it through the night ... If we'll
get up there into this thing during the night, we'll
... spend the night.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay, I don't have - You guys Just tell me when

your integrity check is complete.

SPT Okay, any time -

CDR Okay.

PLT You ready for us to press on, huh?

CDR All right.

PLT Okay let's ...

14 44 29 CDR Hold it. There's Just one thing, let me ask you.
How long until daylight?

PLT We're in daylight now.

CDR Fine, okay. That's all I wanted to know.

PLT Gosh darn it! I'll tell you, it may be 58 degrees

outside, but it's not that cool in this suit.

SPT Okay.

14 44 50 PLT Yes. And you got no cooling. I may plug in that

other one and get -
Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 14:56:43
Page 6 of 12

SPT I don't see why you can't come in with us. There's
plenty of cool in this line.

PLT Because the umbilical won't reach, that's why.


PLT I Just now figured that out.

CDR Locked?

SPT Yes, it's locked.

PLT Make sure you're in the detent during BOTH.

CDR Yes.

SPT You got FLOW?

14 45 15 CDR Yes.

SPT Okay.

SPT Squeeze me, baby.

CDR Okay, That looks - looks like it's there; let me


SPT Okay.

CDR Let me verify that. Yes, it is.

l& 45 55 SPT And I'm in BOTH and I got FLOW.

CDR Okay.

SPT Okay, PRESS SELECT to REG 2, and we should get a

tone - no, wait a minute. Let me make sure. Okay,
don helmets, PRESS SELECT to BOTH. Verify 02 flow.
The REG 1 LOW FLOW light should be off. And mine is.

14 46 20 CDR Yes.
Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to ih:56:43
Page 7 of 12

SPT The - LOW VENT FLOW light should be off, and mine
is. And - Just lower the visor, We don't have
to do that yet. Okay, PCU checkout. EV-1 and 2.
Gosh darn it. (Laughter)

PLT Please watch your language. This is being recorded

for posterity.

SPT Oh, - I Just lost m_ - oh.

CDR Why don't we lower that -

SPT All right. Well, it's where it is and I - Okay,


CDR Okay.

SPT And we should get a tone.

14 h6 52 CDR That's my first problem.


CDR That's in the way.

SPT And I got mine. Punch out the light, if you get it.

14 h7 03 CDR Okay. I got a REG 1 LOW FLOW.

SPT Okay. Now MODE SELECT to DELTA-P. We're going

to pressurize.

CDR Okay.

14 47 12 SPT And we're going to go to 3.2 to 3.5.

14 47 17 PLT How do you guys read me on the headset ...?

SPT We ready you okay, Paul.

14 47 22 CDR How do you read me?

PLT Loud and clear.

Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 14:56:43
Page 8 of 12

SPT Wow, we really pressurize in a hurry, too.

Your ears okay?

CDR Yes.

SPT So are mine. My cuff gage is off the peg. Man,

that really took me up - straight up there. Popped
up to 3.5 and it's back at - mine's at 3.4. How
about you?

14 47 53 CDR It's coming in there right now. I'm in good shape

at 3.4.

SPT Okay, let's go to REG 1 now, and we should get a

increase to about 3.8.

CDR Okay.

SPT If I can get there. Boy: There we go.

J- CDR My suit press dropped all the way to 3.2.

SPT When you were changing?

CDR Yes.

SPT Well, if you catch it in between REGs, that hole

is still flowing all the time. My pressure is
now 3.7.

14 48 29 CDR I had a little overshoot - undershoot there ... I

steadied out at 3.8.

SPT That's good; 3.6 to 3.9 is acceptable. Let's go to

BOTH; there should be no change. Make sure it's

CDR I'm in BOTH, it's locked.

14 48 51 SPT Okay, 3.7 here. Now, EMU integrity check.

CDR Yes.
Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 1_:56:43
Page 9 of 12

12 48 57 SPT Next sequence terminates 02 flow to the PGA. The

REG 1 LOW FLOW and the LOW VEST FLOW lights will
light. Monitor cuff gage. The maximum acceptable
is 0.8 psig. Paul, can you time us for 1 minute?

PLT Yes, go ahead.

SPT Okay, Pete, it's going to be FLOW OFF, and then on

my mark, PRESS OFF. That starts the 1 minute.
You ready?

CDR No, no - Gosh darn.

SPT What 's the matter?

CDR ... lost Just a second.

SPT Oh, you lost that thing, huh?

CDR Well, I had to take it off. I couldn't get to reg 2.

SPT Oh, for goodness sake.

CDR I'ii make sure this was - I want to take this with me.

12 29 36 MCC ... Skylab; this is Houston. We've got you for a

•.. here over the States.

SPT Okay? Let's go to - let's go FLOW to OFF now.

CDR Check.

PLT Houston reads you, why dca't you -

SPT FLOW to OFF. Let's go PRESS to OFF and start your

1-mlnute count, Paul.

PLT See if Houstc_ is reading you.

SPT All right. Houston, are you reading EV-1 and 2?

14 50 01 MCC Yes, sir; we are. We got you loud and clear and
we see you're in the integrity checks.

SPT That 's correct.


Dump Tape 158-09
Time: 14:38:19 to 14:56:43
Page l0 of 12

CDR Well, I topped out at 3.9.

SPT Okay, mark it from there. I didn't go over 3.75-

So punch that tone off.

14 50 39 PLT Fifteen seconds to go.

SPT Okay. We're holding good; at least I am. One

minute, it's PRESS to BOTH, and then flow to IVA.

lh 50 55 PLT MARK. Your minute's up.

SPT Okay, I had no decay. PRESS to BOTH. And flow

to IVA. I got flow. Did you, Pete?

CDR Yes. Okay.

SPT All right. How was your decay?

CDR At about a half.

lh 51 18 SPT About a half, okay. We're in spec. All right, the

cuff gage is stable at 3.6 to 3.9. MODE SELECT
to ABSOLUTE. Let's depressurize. And, Rusty,
this diverter cloth ... is kind of a pain in the
neck during checkout. I had to partially tear
it off to get at the valve.

14 51 46 MCC You should be able to move it right through the

EED [?] there.

14 51 50 SPT You should, but you can't.

MCC Okay.

CDR Another thing that got in my way, Rusty, is I can't

get into reg 2 with those pliers on there.

14 52 02 CC Okay, we'd recormnend either a quickie other place,

or Just forget them, Pete.

CDR Think I would like to forget them - -

$PT ... here, let me try them on one spot, on my - -

D1,mpTape 158-09
Time: ih:38:19 to lh:56:h3
Page ii of 12

CDR - - they're to hang up.

SPT - - where I originally selected. Let me see if it'z -

PLT Rusty, reading PLT on the lightweight?

14 52 B0 CC That's affirmative. You're coming through 5 square,

P. J.

PLT Okay.

CDR Okay, I was -

SPT If I lose them, you lose them. They're not in

the way.

CDR Okay. Say, P. J.?

PLT Yes.

- CDR After you take the umbilicals to us, you are going
to have to get S082B or A, and bring it back there
on that short strap and Just tether it in the aft
lock. Okay?

PLT You'll have to crawl over it.

SPT I'll - I'll get up into the MDA for you while you
do that. And, Paul, we're ready to go on your
checklist. Our cue card is all done.

14 53 12 PLT Okay, stand by.

CDR Here we go.

14 53 h3 PLT Okay, I'm going to make some panel checks up here.

I'll be with you in 1 minute.

SPT Okay.

CDR Take it off?

SPT I don't know.

PLT Okay, Pete, what's your umbilical number?

Dump Tape 158-09 _ /
Time: lh:38:19 to lh:56:43
Page 12 of 12

CDR 13.

PLT All right, also I'm moving to the ... lock now.

CDR Is mine the one you stow first?

SPT Oh, yes.

CDR Okay.

14 55 lO SPT Since you go up first. In fact, you might move

up while he stows.

CDR Yes.

CDR That's DELTA-P you got on the condensate tank now?

14 55 h5 MCC Okay, we're showing about 0.87 on the DELTA-P and -

we figured you would go either way. We think
that it will probably take a little moisture out, but
it may not be too efficient, and we'll get it after
the EVA.

SPT Okay.

14 56 16 CDR I got to do a 180. Okay, that's not right. I'll do

a 180 one more time. There you go. Very good.
Okay, start working, Joe.

14 56 43 SPT Okay.

DumpTape _58-_o



From ' To
15:22:15 15 :h8:20

Time good; voice good.

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

[7 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
[-I Only communicationson tapeare COMMTECHchecks.
E3 This tapeis a verbatimduplicationof tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 1 of 19

15 22 15 PLT Guess what I forgot?

SPT What?

PLT The procedures.

SPT I think we can wing it.

PLT Yes.

PLT They were very neatly folded up down on my wardroom

locker door. Are we over Houston?

PLT No, we're ...

CDR-EVA ... Houston? How about transmitting?

CDR-EVA They don't read me unless they -

CDR-EVA Paul - Paul - Paul left the procedures ... book up -

down in the wardroom in his locker. How about up-
linking your procedures next station? We can wing
most of it. We got it pretty well committed to

15 23 03 CDR-EVA All right, now, it looks like we're about 0.2. What
do you read, P. J.?

PLT I'm reading about 0.2 on one - -

CDR-EVA All right, go ahead.

PLT Point - point 2 on one gage and .3 on the other.

SPT Good, well done.

CDR-EVA Well, here goes the hatch. Now it's going to -

CDR-EVA Go ahead on the procedures, P. J.

PLT Okay. When two persons -

CDR-EVA 0kay.

PLT When two persons complete the mode select ... you
may get a little ...
Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 2 of 19


15 23 37 PLT Let me know when you're both there.

CDR-EVA I'm there.

15 23 h4 CDR-EVA I'm reading about 35. Joe?

15 23 49 SPT-EVA I Just thought I had to take that silly thing off and
put it on again every time I moved it. It's okay,
and I'm - mine is 3.45.

PLT Okay. To verify ... select ...

SPT-EVA Push in bolt.

PLT Go EVA norm. EVA norm on the pole. Verify ...

pressure on the cuff gage. And all lights off.

CDR-EVA I got good pressure on ... all lights on.

PLT Okay. Make sure that the EVA hatch retainer is

spring-loaded to the ENGAGE position.

CDR-EVA It is.

PLT Unlock the hatch handle lock. The lock is unlocked.

Okay. Open the handle, verify it goes fully


CDR-EVA It missed the - - (Laughter)

SPT-EVA Did it miss the ...?

CDE-EVA It missed ... completely, Hank.

SPT-EVA I hope it doesn't miss it on the way in, that's all.

CDR-EVA Let me - let me check that. No.

_-- 15 2h 48 SPT-EVA It ... it, huh?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 3 of 19



15 2h 51 CDR-EVA Very good. The hatch is open. Let me get this first.
They're engaged - -


15 25 Oh CDR-EVA Hi, there.

SPT-EVA (Laughter) ...

CDR-EVA ... on.

CDR-EVA Yes, it's started.

CDR-EVA Hey, I've got my protective visor down.

SPT-EVA Yes, be a good idea.

CDR-EVA How's that valve work now that we have the hatch open?

15 25 25 SPT-EVA Mostly - the ice is mostly gone from it.

CDR-EVA Okay. Look at all that stuff going down.

SPT-EVA Yes. Isn't that incredible?

CDR-EVA Okay. What 's next ?

PLT Well, that's the part that's down in the wardroom.

SPY-EVA All right. You go out and get the FAS foot re-
straints, and I'll start handing you ;oles.

15 25 hl CDR-EVA All right. On my way.

SPT-EVA Do I hand you the mushroom end first?

CDR-EVA No, I think - I think that I want the BET first.

SPT-EVA That's right. You do want the BET first. Really

not a big deal, but you're right. The procedure
calls for the BET first. Where the heck's the
BET (laughter). There it is.
Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page _ of 19

15 26 12 CDR-EVA What am I hanging on? My umbilical pulling me back?

SPT-EVA Just a minute. Yes, it is. You need a little more

umbilical. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

5 26 28 SPT-EVA Wait a minute. Pete, I'd like to bring your feet up

over your umbilical if you can. There you go. Wait
a minute, one more - you got it on - up on one foot.
Let me get it - Ooh2

CDR-EVA Which one?

SPT-EVA Never mind, because I'll do it.

CDR-EVA Okay. Got it?

SPT Yes. Now go ahead in.


PLT Tell me when you're GO for ...


SPT-EVA Man, the bracing is better here, Pete, than it is in

the water, isn't it?

15 27 01 CDR-EVA All right, now, let me find FT. The first thing I
need to do - let me - let me - wait a minute. Let
me pull this so that I don't forget it. Let me get
the sun and free and pull and - locks right there.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Get them out of the way.

SPT-EVA That's fine.

15 27 37 CDR-EVA What's this stuff?

SPT-EVA That's the spare, right?

CDR-EVA Okay. Launch locks are pulled on both of them.


CDR-EVA We'll get that done.

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:h8:20
Page 5 of 19

SPT-EVA You ready?

CDR-EVA Ready. Ready, get set.

15 27 50 CDR-EVA Hold it. Let me get back in my foot restraint.

SPT-EVA You look quite mobile out there.

15 27 56 CDR-EVA Well, it's a little bit better than the water tank.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA ... they interesting. Yes. Hey, ... looks the same.

CDR-EVA Okay. Got to find F7, F6, F15, F7; I got it.

15 28 29 CDR-EVA Hey, that won't help here. I'm going to do it this


SPT-EVA Pete, I'm going to clamp your umbilical to keep it

out of my way. Okay? Just remember to unclamp it
before you move.

15 28 39 CDR-EVA Okay. Now, what are the procedures? BET's out of

the way.

SPT-EVA Okay. You ready for a pole, huh?

CDR-EVA Hold it. Just let me look at this a minute.

SPT-EVA Well, I'm going to be getting the first pole. And

it's a significant chore.

CDR-EVA ... out there.

PLT Whee!


PLT Joe, do you have your inner protective clear visor


15 29 16 SPT-EVA Yes, Paul, I do. When you reminded the last time, I
put it down.

PLT Okay.

CDR-EVA ..., Paul?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 6 of 19

15 29 23 PLT No. (Laughter)

SPT-EVA Hey, that ... clamp is loose.

CDR-EVA This comm ... - Do you want it put out here, Paul?

CDR-EVA It's already out here.

PLT He wants it out there, didn't he?


PLT I didn't want to - I didn't want to put it out

there, somebody else did.

SPT-EVA I went out and put it there this morning during


SPT-EVA Take your time; we've got all the time in the
world, Pete.

CDR-EVA Right.

SPT-EVA That little beauty.

15 30 46 CDR-EVA Where are the rods? Oh - oh, floating around.

SPT-EVA Well, I know it. The tape was nice 8_nd strong,
but when I pulled the stinking rod off, the first ...
came part way off, too.


L5 30 59 SPT-EVA I'll - I'll Just herd them, no problem.

CDR-EVA l'll watch.

SPT-EVA Okay. They're both still attached at one end each.

Now, you want a male end, right?

CDR-EVA Yes, sir. Very good.


CDR-EVA Now, you hold on to that.

SPT-EVA i will.
Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 7 of 19

SPT-EVA I got it. This is going to be okay, Pete. I think,

even with the long rod I'll have plenty of room
for it in here while you work right there with it.

15 31 31 SPT-EVA Got it?

CDR-EVA So far.


CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Okay, you've got it. I can see the great day's
special coming out. (Laughter).

PLT We're approaching the terminator.

CDR-EVA You got the lights on?

PLT We're approaching the terminator.

CDR-EVA You got the lights on?

PLT Yes.

SPT-EVA We got them on per checklist.

PLT The light switches in here are all on - O-N, I


CDR-EVA They Just launched the flying rivet in ...

PLT That's all right.

15 32 ll CDR-EVA Oh, there are fewer handrails going up to where

we got to go that I had forgotten about.

PLT Don't worry about it.

CDR-EVA You can give it to me another way. It's okay, Joe,

no sweat. Just hand it out. Hand it out.

SPT-EVA Just you wait, now.

15 32 2h CDR-EVA Don't tire yourself out, now. I want you to rest.

Dump Tape 158-i0
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 8 of 19

SPT-EVA I'm resting.

CDR-EVA Now, Just hold it right there because the nut's

back off.


SPT-EVA No, it's - it's all right in here. I - I knew _ 'd

have to do that pitch maneuver, because I se-
cured both ends to the rod. I have to pitch over
to reach them. It's okay.

15 32 55 CDR-EVA They're free. Now I got to watch the solar pane].

Now, there're the kind of dynamics you get into.
Watch that strap. See that? That son-of-a-gun
will go around forever.

SPT-EVA Oh, what are you looking at?

CDR-EVA I'm looking at - -

SPT-EVA Oh, yes.

CDR-EVA - - the end of the pole.

SPT-EVA Isn't that beautiful?

CDR-EVA Now, I can pick it up, I guess.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh. I'm ready with the next pole.


SPT-EVA Well done.

15 35 55 CDR-EVA Gosh darn! There it is. That one I have to hand-

turn all the way, for some reason.

PLT I'm Jettisoning a certain amount of debris.

CDR-EVA All right. Now, I got to get this out of here.

- SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA You can stay clear of the solar panel. Okay, now
the hook is unlocked. I'm ready.
Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:_8:20
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15 3h 3_ SPT-EVA Okay now, I'm going to have to - oh, boy.

CDR-EVA I know what you're going to have to do.

SPT-EVA It's tricky as heck to get this thing out.

CDR-EVA And I'm going to have to go outside, I think.

SPT-EVA I'm going to have to, as I say, do a 180 on this

thing after we get it out.

CDR-EVA Well, you can hand it to me either way, and I can

turn it around.

PLT Watch that solar panel, Pete.

CDR-EVA It's a long one. First I have to loosen this end

of it.

CDR-EVA Let me put the pole down here where I'll know where
it's at.

8PT-EVA Get the tape off it. Get back away from m_ own
snakes. And get the snakes herded back into the
aft section. Keep up with all that stuff. Now,

CDR-EVA Guess the command module docking lights are on,

too, huh?

SPT-EVA Really?

CDR-EVA Who turned them on?

SPT-EVA I don't know. The ground must have done it.

15 35 28 CDR-EVA No, I don't think they can do it. The command module?

SPT-EVA I don't think you can turn them off, can you?

CDR-EVA The switch works. All right, hold it now. I got


SPT-EVA Now, can you really turn that around?

15 35 h3 CDR-EVA I tell you what -

Dump Tape 158-i0
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:h8:20
Page i0 of 19

SPT-EVA I can't go out.

CDR-EVA You hold the pole.

SPT-EVA Which one? That pole? Okay.

CDR-EVA You got it?

15 35 51 PLT We got 1 minute until sunset.


SPT-EVA When you need that part of it done - Good show,

good show, Pete. Hold it right there.


SPT-EVA I got a hold of it.

CDR-EVA How far back in can you go with it?

SPT-EVA Quite a ways back in, I think.

CDR-EVA Here let me have -

SPT-EVA You grab that pole.

CDR-EVA You go on back in there.

SPT Nothing else holding that pole right now, excep_ your
little fist.

15 36 20 CDE-EVA I got it.

PLT Joe, I can see pretty well in the lock compartment.

If there is anything you're hunting for, rather
than Just trash around, Just ask me, and I'll look in.

SPT-EVA Okay, thank you.

CDR-EVA Uh-ohl


CDR-EVA I almost got the tether wrapped up in the - in th_ -

SPT-EVA Oh, in the solar panel?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page ll of 19

15 36 46 CDR-EVA Yes. Now, Joe, how far forward in the lock

compartment can you go with this thing?

SPT-EVA How's that?

CDR-EVA 0kay. Good enough. That 'll do it.

PLT Here comes sunset.


15 37 06 CDR-EVA I don't think - think I'm going to have to take it


15 37 ll SPT-EVA What do you want me to do?

CDR-EVA Well, wait until I get my visor up so I can adapt to

the dark

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

15 37 19 SPT-EVA Not a lot of light in the FAS is there?

CDR-EVA I don't see any lights on.

SPT-EVA Well let me cheek the switches.

CDR-EVA I don't know where any of them are, but -

SPT-EVA Well, there are - Switches are right in here in the

lock. I'm wondering about circuit breakers. Lighting:
AM, PM, ATM. They're all ON.

15 37 49 CDR-EVA There you go.

SPT-EVA Now we got some lights on, huh?

CDR-EVA Good as the home.

CDR-EVA All right, you got a hold of the tool, Joe?


CDR-EVA Okay, hang on to it a minute.

SPT-EVA I've got it. It may, you know, Jiggle a little.

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
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PLT Those are the ones they told me to open this morning.
I think the intent is to open them after you guys get
out of the FAS.

SPT-EVA I see.

PLT I don't think you need both of them closed, Pete.

I'm going to open one of them.


15 38 20 PLT Does that make any difference?

SPT-EVA Yes, it does. We need them both.

15 38 23 PLT How's that?

SPT-EVA It's better. I don't -

PLT I'm going to open another one now. Does that make
any difference?

SPT-EVA Yes, it cuts half the lights off.

15 38 34 PLT Okay. That's all I wanted to know.


PLT I'm not going to complain about a gold MDA again.

SPT-EVA Ever, ever.

PLT I think I'm going to put a tape on. Anything

special you like to hear?

SPT-EVA No. "Sons of the Pioneers". Whatever you got. Got

your bagpipers? Good show.

PLT It's here some place. It takes me awhile to answer

you, gang. I'm not wearing this headset and I got
to find it, and grab it -

-- 15 39 24 SPT-EVA Yes, that's all right. We'll use "No reply required"
after this.

CDR-EVA It may come out.

SPT-EVA You got a place to hang it, right?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:h8:20
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15 hO 2h SPT-EVA Watch the ATM panel with it. I'm letting go of it.


SPT-EVA Well, Pete, here we are at night. Rather than cool

if for 30 seconds, why don't I hand you S082A? . ..
out there.


sPT-EvA And maybe we can even get on with it.

CDR-EVA Yes. Now you've got the tool out there. I'm going
to get my umbilical over the tool .... makes 82A out.

15 40 39 CDR-EVA This might be useful afterwards for something. Woops.

CDR-EVA A little bit of a struggle to get that last one in,

but -

SPT-EVA I saw that. It was - it was the one we knew would be

the tough one. I may not remember exactly how they -
how to hand you this.

CDR-EVA You got to get an 11mhilical - Just a minute.

15 41 30 CDR-EVA Oh boy, is that better than the water tank.

SPT-EVA (Laughter).

CDR-EVA Tell you what, I can go get this thing and put it on
the boom, too.

SPT-EVA Yes. Yes, you can go ahead and - put a launch-lock

D-ring on the boom, Pete.

CDR-EVA I did that.

SPT-EVA Okay. You can go ahead -

15 hl 57 CDR-EVA I've put both of them, as matter of fact.

SPT-EVA Well, you weren't supposed to do that.

CDR-EVA Too bad.

PLT Hello, Houston. CDR gets a no-no.

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:h8:20
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SPT-EVA You can put the hook on, if it want - if it won't be

in your way.

15 h2 13 CDR-EVA Doing it right now.


CDR-EVA Oh manl This set beats the water tanksl

SPT-EVA (Laughter). Beautiful.

CDR-EVA Might as well put the other one on, huh?

SPT-EVA We don't use it.

CDR-EVA Well, you could ask the EVA -

SPT-EVA Might get in the way.


15 h2 50 PLT I tell you - let me come on out, because there's no

use sitting here ...

CDR-EVA Joe, you got your safety visor down?

SPT-EVA No, it's up so I can see better.


SPT-EVA Let me drop it now and see what -

CDR-EVA ... see anything.

SPT-EVA Well, okay.

PLT No, he said the safety visor, the inner visor.


SPT-EVA I know what he meant. The -

CDR-EVA Wait, Joe, wait. Before we get out, let me ask a

question. What are we going to do with that umbilical?
Are you going to try and go over?

15 h3 14 SPT-EVA Not over the top - on the front end.

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
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PLT ... You're supposed to pull out a big heap ... piece,


CDR-EVA Now wait. We don't have to do that yet.

SPT-EVA Probably not to do that, yet.

CDR-EVA I'ii tell you what - -

PLT All right.

CDR-EVA - - if you want to go over the handrail, and also

look and see what you can see up there, you can
do that.

15 43 30 SPT-EVA I'd rather get the front end stuff out of the way,

CDR-EVA Oh, you want to do that. Yes.

SPT-EVA Yes, heck. It - it won't take long.

15 h3 37 CDR-EVA Well, the only thing that's bothering me is that pole

is sticking out there.

SPT-EVA Yes, but there's no sharp edges on that.

15 43 42 CDR-EVA Yes, I know; but you're going to have it flailing


PLT Hey, we're in a bad configuration to go off the

checklist here, Joe, I really think.

CDR-EVA ... the ATM isn't right and everything else.

SPT-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Pull your umbilical out, then.

CDR-EVA How much time we got until daylight?

PLT Shoot, a long time.

CDR-EVA Can't be more than 25 minutes - 20 minutes.

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
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15 44 02 PLT Would you believe 29?

SPT-EVA It's been a long time. I hate to waste it.

SPT-EVA But, okay, I'll pull your umbilical out. How many -
55 feet, huh?

PLT Darn, that's going to be a -

CDR-EVA Well, that's what I remember - -

PLT You got the thing already out?

CDR-EVA I think we ought to Just rest.

15 44 24 SPT-EVA What's the - well, all right. There's no use pulling

the umbilical out after sunrise. We don't need sun-
light for -

15 h4 28 CDR-EVA Let's wait for l0 minutes of.



SPT-EVA Hey, Pete, where're we going to go?

15 44 34 CDR-EVA We don't want to get off the checklist. We got awfully

comfort able.

SPT-EVA I don't see why we need to - need to be so darn afraid

to get off the checklist.

SPY-EVA The less I can stir up the -

CDR-EVA Well, let's see what's done wrong.

PLT Okay, ... up and leave the ATM coolant pumps on.

SPY-EVA Yes. I never look at where I'm going to be going.

_- CDR-EVA You see the - you see there's a handrail here?


CDR-EVA Look, there's one right up there, and I -

SPT-EVA Underneath ... Right?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:h8:20
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CDR-EVA You're going right under these trusses -

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA - right on around.

SPT-EVA Yes. There's the window, and there's the DO2h.

That's the ... vent right there, right?


15 45 22 SPT-EVA Yes. What's that? I wonder.

CDR-EVA That's that lock. That was that nitrogen blow vent
that was on the shroud.

SPT-EVA Well, I Just take those handrails right over, right?

CDR-EVA Yes, you could.

CDR-EVA I think you're going to have to go around that way

first, though.


CDR-EVA You can pick up under the truss.

SPT-EVA That's right; I want to go under it.

CDR-EVA You want to go right out to this one.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA You want to go right up. Now see, when he says mount
the A-frame, I got to look out here. Oh, I see where
you're ... I got a long way - you got to get up that
A-frame before I get that tool to you.

SPT-EVA Yes. Yes, that's going to be the tricky part, no

doubt about it.


PLT Did you guys figure or feel ...?

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
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15 _6 30 PLT Ahoy there, mate.

SPT-EVA I'm going to come to your window.

15 h6 hl PLT Where are you going, Joe?

CDR-EVA He's coming to your window.

FLT Which one? Hey, Joe -

CDR-EVA Hold it.

SPT-EVA The one you can see ... 30 out of.

CDR-EVA Joe, bold it. Back right up to me.

SPT-EVA What 's going on?

CDR-EVA Your umbilical is not connected to your PCU witb

umbilical tiedown, Joe. Just - Just slide right back
to the hatcb.


CDR-EVA And come back towards me.

SPT-EVA It must have slipped off. I know I put it on.

CDR-EVA Let me get it right on llke this. Wait a minute.

• Okay.


CDR-EVA Verify mine's still on. Is that all right?

PLT What are you doing?

SPT-EVA Right there.

15 47 31 CDR-EVA All right. I believe - let me Just look at your ...

I got to make sure the little snap popped through.
It did.

SPT-EVA Okay. Let me Just ... up tight. And then ... I do

have to get pretty darn high on it.
/ -

Dump Tape 158-10
Time: 15:22:15 to 15:48:20
Page 19 of 19

15 47 47 CDR-EVA Well, you're not looking at the right A-frame. You

CS/31t ... -- --

SPT-EVA Over here?

CDR-EVA It's clean around there. It's the one where I Just
- if you get here, you could see it's got that ...
on it still.

CDR-EVA Be way up over?

SPT-EVA Just a minute. Yes, I see it.

CDR-EVA How far around can you see?

SPT-EVA I can see most of the ...; I can't see the surface.
And I can't see the ... itself; it's too dark.

15 48 20 CDR I'm looking for the other ... I wonder where the ...

Dump Tape 158-11
Time: 14:56:15 to 15:00:16
Page i of 3

14 56 15 CDR I've go_ to do a 180. Okay, that's not right. Do

a 180 one more time. There you go. Very good." Okay.
Start working, Joe. Good.

PLT Okay, you coming up, Joe?

SPT Yes. l'm waiting for your GO to clo - to come in and

close the hatch.

i_ 57 31 PLT Okay, move to the hatch.

SPT Here I am.

PLT Pete, you manage his LSU as he comes in and stow it

in the aft lock.

CDR Okay.

SPT . .. in aft lock, Pete; not behind you.

PLT I'm supposed to be - -

CDR Yes.

SPT Keep it in here.

PLT I'm supposed to do that. You want to Just stay where

you were?

SPT It's okay. We've already got it handled, Paul.

SPT Well, let me see which way I can roll here.

CDR Yes, let me get another handle on your umbilical.

SPT 0kay.

CDR Hey. We got hooked umbilieals. Okay, that's clean.

The other thing is - is we've got to mAKe sure that
aft lock door is ... down good and turn out the

i_ 58 20 SPT Oop, yes. All right. Let me close the hatch first.
Dump Tape 158-11
Time: 14:56:15 to 15:00:I,_
Page 2 of 3

PLT Yes, release - release the hatch as you come in, Joe.

SPT I did.

PLT Okay, make sure the pressure equalization valve cap

is stowed. No, that's the aft hatch. Disregard - -

SPT Wait a minute.

PLT - - disregard.

SPT I'm - -

PLT Verify that the hatch handle is OPEN.

14 58 _i SPT The hatch handle is OPEN.

PLT Okay, you CLOSE it_ go hatch handle to EQUALIZE


SPT All right.

SPT You there?

SPT Yes.

PLT RELIEF handle to [_LOCK

lh 58 52 SPT UNLOCK.

PLT Hatch handle to CLOSE.

14 56 5_ SPT CLOSE.

PLT And verify the relief handle's in LOCK.

14 56 57 SPT It didn't, but I put it to LOCK.

PLT It didz_'t go by itself?


PLT Okay, hut it is in LOCK now?

SPT It is in LOCK now.

PLT Verify - -
Dump Tape 158-11
Time: 14:56:15 to 15:00:16
- Page 3 of 3

SPT A_d the ... is ... down. Okay?

lh 59 07 PLT Okay. On 390, turn the OWS ENTRY LIGHTS OFF.

SPT In work.

PLT And you got a lot of umbilical down aro_d your feet
here, Pete.

SPT All right. We'll work that right now.

CDR Yes, yes.

PLT Okay? You can move on; Just ... first, if you want.

SPT I will .... of the ... That - that's good.

14 59 28 CDR Let me get through the hatch right here.

SPT That 's good.

l_ 59 30 CDR Right here.

SPT Super. Okay, all my umbilical's in aft lock now -

I think. What are you doing?

14 59 hl CDR Well, this hatch is - the aft airlock hatch came loose,
and I'm Just ma/_ing sure the strap - I got it strapped

PLT You don't need that floating around.

CDR Uh-huh. Okay?

PLT Okay, now, Joe, you got a piece of umbilical under

your right arm.

SPT Under my right arm?

PLT It comes out of the sphere and goes under your right

SPT Oh, that's Pete's. Never mind.

PLT All right.

CDR What'd I do? Another - -


Dump D_pe 158-12


Time Segments (GMI)

From To
15::_3:56 16:54:55

Voice, good; tim(:, erratic in places.

T!bisdump i:',pehas been "cancelled" for the following r,_son:

[] Nc_communications are on tape.
[] Only communications on tapeare COfv_M
Eli Thir_ t_pe is a verbatim duplication of tape .......
[] Other
Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
Page 1 of 56

15 33 56 CDR-EVA C_sh darn! There it is.

CDR-I£VA 'l_u_tone I have to hand turn all the way for some
r'£!af] on.

SI_-EVA _ .iett_soning a certain amount of debris.

CDR-EVA A]] right, now I got to get this out of here.

SPT-EVA DTl huh.

CDR-hB/A And stay clear of the solar panel. Okay, now, that
hook is u_iloeked, l'm ready.

SPT-EVA Okay, now, l'm going to have to - Oh boy!

CDR-YIVA I know what you're going to have to do.

SPT-EVA It's tricky as heek to get this thing out.

CDR-EVA And l'm going to have to go outside, I think.

SPT-EVA l'm going to have to - as I say, do a 180 on this

- thing afterwe get it out.

CDR-EVA Well, you can hand it to me either way and I can

turn it around.

PLT-EVA Watch that solar panel, Pete.

SPT-FVA It's a long one. First thing, I have loosen this

end of it.

CDR-EVA Let me put the pole down here where I know where
it's at.

SPT-EVA Get the tape off of it. Get back away from my own
snakes. And get the snakes herded back into the
aft section .... with all that stuff. Now ...

CDR-EVA ... the eormmand module docking lights are on too, huh?

SPT-EVA Really?

15 35 24 CDR-EVA W%_o turned them on?

SPT-EU/A I don't know. The ground must have done it.

Fin 8/
Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
Page 2 of 56

CDR-EVA No, I don't think they can do it. The command module?

PLT I don't think you can turn them off, can you?

CDR-EVA There's a switch for it. All right, hold it now. I

got it.

SPT-EVA Now, can you really turn that around.

CDR-EVA I'll tell you what -

SPT-EVA ... go out -

CDE-EVA You hold the pole.

SPT-EVA Which one? That pole? Okay.

CDR-EVA Got it?

PLT We got 1 minute until sunset.


SPT-EVA ... you need that part of it done. Good show, good
show, Pete. Hold it right there.


SPT-EVA I got a hold of it.

CDR-EVA How far back in can you go with it?

SPT-EVA Quite a ways back in, I think -

CDR-EVA Here, let me have this -

SPT-EVA You grab that pole.

CDR-EVA You go on back in with it.

SPT-EVA There's nothing else holding that pole right now,

except your little fist.

CDR-EVA I got it.

Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
Page 3 of 56

PLT Joe, I can see pretty well in the lock compartment.

If there's anything you're hunting for, rather than
... around, just ask me and I'Ii look in.

15 36 32 SPT-EVA Okay, thank you.

CDR-EVA Uh oh.


CDR-EVA I 'o/most got the tether wrapped up in the - in the -

SPT-I.;VA Oh, in the solar panel?

CDR-EVA Yet;, now Joe, - -


CDR-EVA How far forward in the lock compartment can you go

with that thing?

SPT-EVA How's that?

CDE-EVA Okay. It's good enough. Better do it.

PLT Here comes sunset.


CDR-I.NA [ don't think - think l'm going to have to take it

out side.

SI_'J!-EVA What do you want me to do?

CDR-EVA Well, wait until I get my visor up so I can adapt to

the dark.

SPT-E%fA [_ huh. Not a lot of light in the SAS, is it?

CDR-EVA I don't see any lights on - either.

SPT-EVA Well, let me check the switches.

CDR-EVA ... where any of them are, but -

SPT-EVA Well, there are switches right in here in the lock.

l'm wondering about circuit breakers. Lighting /_4,
BA, ATM, they're all on.
Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5_:55
Page 4 of 56

CDR-EVA There you go.

SPT-EVA Now we got some lights on.

PLT ...

15 37 58 CDR-EVA All right, you got a hold of the tool, Joe?


CDR-L"FA Okay, hang on to it a minute.

SPT-EVA I got it, it may, you know ... a little.

PLT Joe, those are the ones they told me to open this
morning. I think they intended to open the_ after
you guys get out of the SAS.

SPT-EVA I see.

PLT In case you need both of them closed, Pete, I'm

going to open one of them.


PLT Does that mske any difference?

SPT-EVA Yes • it does, we need them both.

PI,T How's that?

15 38 27 SPT-EVA It's better, I don't -

PLT I'm going to open another one now, does that make
any difference?

SPT-EVA Yes, it cuts half the lights off.

PLT Okay. That's all I want to know.

SPT-EVA 0kay.

PLT I 'm not going to complain about a cold MDA again.

SPT-EVA Ever, ever.

PLT I think I'll put a tape on, anything special you'd

like to hear?
Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
Page 5 of 56

SPT-h_A No. Sons of the Pioneers. Whatever you got. Got

your bagpipes? Good show.

PLT Yes, it's here someplace. It takes me a while to

answer you, gang. I'm not wearing this headset and
I got to find it, and grab it -

15 39 21 SPT-E_JA Yes, that's all right. We'll use no reply required

after this.

CDR-EVA ... It may come out.

SPT-EVA You got a place to hang it, right?

CDR-_'A Yes.

SPT-EVA Watch the ATM panel with it. I'm letting go of it.


15 h0 09 SPT-EVA Well, Pete, here we are in night. Rather than cool

it for 30 seconds, why don't I hand you S082A, and
let you stow it out there - -


SPT-EVA - - and maybe we can even get on with it.

CDR-EVA Yes. Yes, you got the tool out there. I wouldn't
get my tnnhilical over the tool - ... well, we can
get 82A out.

SPT-EVA That might be useful afterwards for something. Whoops.

CDR-EVA It's a little bit of a struggle getting that last one

in, but -

SPT-EVA I saw that.

CDR-EVA Well, it -

SPT-EVA But it was - with the - the one we knew would be a

tough one.


SPT-EVA I may not remember exactly how to hand you this.

Dm.p Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5h:55
Page 6 of 56

CDR-EVA You got it in an _nbilical. Just a minute.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Oh, man, is that better than the water tank.

SPT-EVA (Laughter)

CDR-EVA Tell you what, I can go get this thing and put it
on the boom, too.

15 41 51 PLT Yes. You know, you could go ahead and - you can
put a Launch lock D-ring on the boom, Pete.

CDR-EVA I did that.

SPT-EVA Okay. You can go ahead -

CDR-EVA I put both of them, as a matter of fact.

15 h2 00 PLT Well, you weren't supposed to do that.


PLT Hello, Houston. CDR gets a no-no. You can put the
hook on, if you want, if it won't be in your way.

CDR-EVA Doing it right now.

PLT Okay.

CDR-EVA Oh, man. This set beats the water tanks:

SPT-EVA (Laughter) Beautiful.

CDR-EVA Might as well put the other one on, huh?

SPT-EVA We don't use it.

CDR-EVA Well, you could ask the EVA -

SPT-EVA Might get in the way.


SPT-EVA Well, I tell you - let - let me come on out, because

there's no use sitting here ...
Dump Tape 158-12
_ Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
Page 7 of 56

15 42 54 CDR-J'_VA Joe, you got your safety visor down?

SPF-EVA No, it's up so I can see better.


SPT-EVA Let me drop it now and see what -

CDR-E_A ... see anything.

SPT-EVA Well, okay.

15 43 02 PLT No, he said the safety visor - the inner visor.


SPT-EVA I know what he meant. The -

CDR-EVA Ws/t, Joe. Wait, before you get out, let me ask you
a question. What are we going to do about u_bilicals,
now? Are you going to try and go over?

- SPT-EVA Not over the top - on the front end.

PLT ... You're suppose to pull out a big heap ...

piece, remember?


CDR-EVA Now, wait. We don't have to do that yet.

SPT-EVA Probably not do that yet.

CDR-EVA I'll tell you what -

PLT All right.

CDR-EVA If you want to go over to the handrails and also

look and see what you can see up there you can do
th at.

SPT-EVA I'd rather get the front end Stuff out of the way,

15 43 32 CDR-EVA Oh, you want to do that?

SPT-EVA Yes, heck, it - it won't take long.

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CDR-EVA Well, the only thing that's bothering me is that pole

is sticking out there.

SPT-EVA Yes, hut there's no sharp edges on that.

CDR-EVA Yes, I know. But you're going to have it flailing


PLT The h-l2 configuration will go off the checklist

here, Joe, I really think.

CDR-h_/A ... the ATM isn't right, and everything else.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA How much - -

SPT-EVA Pull your _nhilical out, then.

CDR-EVA - - how much time we got until daylight?

PLT Shoot, a long time.

CDR-EVA Can't be more than 25 minutes - 20 minutes.

15 hh 02 PLT Would you believe 29?

SPT-EVA It's been a long time. I hate to waste it.

SPT-EVA But, okay, I'll pull your umbilical out. How many -
55 feet, huh?

PLT Darn, that's going to be a - -

SPT-EVA Well, that's what I remember.

PLT - - you got the thing already out?

CDR-EVA I think we ought to Just rest.

SPT-EVA What's the - Well, all right. There's no use pulling

umbilical out after sunrise. We don't need sunlight
for -

15 hh 28 CDR-EVA Let's wait for l0 minutes of.

I_ Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5h:55
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SPT-EU/A Hey, Pete, where're we going to go?

CDR-EVA We don't want to get off the checklist, we got

awfully comfortable.

SPT-EVA I don't see why we need to - need to be so darn

afraid to get off the checklist.

SPT-EVA The less I can stir up the -

PLT Well, let's ... wardroom.

CDR-EVA Well, let's see what's done wrong.


PLT ... up and leave the ATM coolaut pumps on.

SPT-EVA Yes. I never look at where I'm going to be going.

CDR-EVA You see the - you see there's a handrail here?

SPT-_A Yes.

CDR-E_A Look, there's one right up there? And I -

SPT-EVA Underneath ... Right?

CDR-EVA You're going right under these trusses.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA Right on around.

15 _5 15 SPT-EVA Yes, there's the window. And there's the D024. That's
the ... right there, right?


SPT-EVA Yes. What's that, I wonder?

15 45 26 CDR-EVA That's that lock. That was that nitrogen ... vent
that was on the shroud.

SPT-EVA Well, I Just take those handrails right over, right?

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CDR-EVA Yes, you could.

CDR-EVA I think you're going to have to go around that way

first, though.


CDB-EVA You can pick up under the truss.

SPT-EVA That's right, I want to go under it.

CDE-EVA You want to go right out to this one.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA You want to go right up. Now see, when he says

mount the A-frame, I got to look out here. Oh,
I see where you're ... I got a long way - you got
to get way up that A-frame before I can get that
tool to you.

SPT-EVA Yes. Yes, that's going to be the tricky part. No

doubtabout it.


PLT Did you guys figure or feel rate from ...?



PLT Ahoy there, mate.

SPT-EVA I'm going to come to your window.

15 46 43 PLT Where are you going, Joe?

CDR-EVA He's cc_ing to your window.

PLT-EVA Which one? Hey, Joe -

CDR-EVA Hold it.

SPT-EVA The one you can see ... 30 out of.

CDR-EVA Joe, hold it. Back right up to me.

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SPT-_A What's going on?

CDR-E_A Your _bilical is not connected to your PCU with

_bilical tiesdown, Joe. Just - Just slide right
back to the hatch.


CDR-EVA And come back towards me.

SPT-EVA It must have slipped off, I know I put it on.

CDR-EVA Let me get it. Right on like this. Wait a minute.



CDR-EVA You better find mine ... Is that all right?

PLT What are you doing?

SPT-EVA Right there.

CDR-EVA All right. I believe - let me Just look at your ...

I got to make sure it rolls around ... And it did.

SPT-EVA Okay. Let me Just ... up tight. And then ... I do

have to get pretty darn high on it.

15 47 48 CDR-EVA Well, you're not looking at the right A-frame. You're

holding -

SPT-EVA Over here?

15 47 51 CDR-EVA It's clean around there, ... with that ... you can
see it's got that tray on it's ... You way up over?

SPT-EVA Yes, I see it.

CDR-EVA How far around can you see?

SPT-EVA I can see most of the discone tray. I can't see the
surface of the ... and I can't see the discone itself;
it's too dark.

CDR-EVA What is the ... discone. I wonder where the heck

that is.

- SPT-EVA Where the heck is the world, anyway?

Dt_p Tape 158-12
Time: ]5:33:56 to 16:5h:55
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CC We're right here. We're reading you loud and clear.

SPT-EVA I didn't mean the world, world, I meant the clouds

• .. can see the world.

CDR-EVA Okay. Would you like the status?

MCC Yes, sir, we would like the status.

CDR-EVA ... We have ... pole ...

CREW-EVA . .. down here ...

15 h8 55 CDN-EVA We have got both _mlbilicals out ... The pole is ...
We have a little - little ...


15 52 12 CDR-EVA ...

CC We cannot because of the ... - we cannot confirm

flow or DELTA-P on secondary pump. What we recom-
mend is go 8head and switching the i pump to primary _
and see if there is any difference there and when
you get the primary running or if you feel the secon-
dary pump is running, then go ahead and activate the
cool when the flow gets warm for you.

15 41 28 SPT-EVA Okay. Watch the primary, I'm going to switch it


CC Okay.

CDR-EVA Oh, there's the Earth, how about that?

SPT-EVA You find the Earth?

CDR-EVA Yes, with the lights out. It's lovely. What part
of the world are we over?

CC You're over western Australia, sir.

CDR-EVA Western Austrsdia, I see some large lights off to

my left• If we're actually over Western Australia
and I'm looking eastwards. No.

CC Okay, primary says 1 pump is on. Can you see it.

D_mp Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
_ Page 13of56

PLT You see what bothers me, Rusty, is when I turn that
pump on I don't get a caution sad warning.

CDR-_NA Want to look out, Joe?

SPT-gNA Yes, I'm looking out behind you.

CDR-EVA Right, there's a half a Moon.

SPT-EVA You see the lights, you can see the moonlight on the

15 54 46 CDR-EVA Oh, I can see the cities, yes.

15 54 48 SPT-EVA Horizon to horizon.

CDR-EVA I think I got -

MCC Will you guys quit lollygagging for Just a minute,

so we can get a word to Paul.

15 5h 55 SPT-EVA Yes, go shead.

- 15 5_ 57 MCC Okay. Paul, we would like you to go to BYPASS on the

flow there, on the heat exchanger at first, if you
have not alrea_ty done that - before you activate the
coolant loop.

15 55 09 PLT Okay, will do. I got the PRIMARY Pt%{PON. Did you
copy my thing about no CAUTION and WARNING?

MCC Understand that you got no CAUTION and WAR}_ING on it.

PLT Yes, either one. When I turn - on SUS l, -,,'hen

turn on the - either the primary pump or the secon-
dary pump we don't get the EVA-I WARNING. And I'm
on primary pump now; I've not actuated the PRIMARY
LOOP and I'm going to BYPASS now.

MCC Okay. And let us know about the noise, and 8-1so let
us know whether you feel any sensation of cooling.

MCC And, Pete, for you, let me ask whether the docking
lights appear to light up the discone so you can go
on up there or not.
Dtm*p Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5_:55
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CDR-EVA Well, I - I never got around that far, I - I can't

really tell. Who turned on the tracking lights?
Turn that off.

SPT-EVA Want me to go up and take another look?

15 56 19 CDR-EVA Well, I can skinny [sic] around here if you'd like

to see the other side pole. Just a second.

15 56 26 MCC Pete, as a reminder on your next step - you're going

to want to pull 55 feet of EV-1 umbilical out and
put it behind you in the SAS. And then before Joe
comes out, he wants to pull out into the narrow end
of the lock compartment 35 feet of his umbilical.

CDR-EVA Yes, we understand.

15 56 hl SPT-EVA I can see the - I can see the discone from here

CDR-EVA Which one?

SPT-EVA Mine. The one of interest.

CDR-EVA The one - where are you?

SPT-EVA I 'm up here.


SPT-EVA Hid around the corner.

CDR-EVA I see.

SPT-EVA And the green - the green docking light illuminates

the area fairly well. I think we can get started.

CDR-EVA Okay. Well, back to - pull out - -

CC Okay. If the green docking lights - lights are up -

well you can turn - P. J. can turn off the other
docking light. And that'll save us some power.

PLT I don't understand.

D_np Tape 158-12
Time: 15:BB:56 to 16:5h:55
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MCC Okay. P. J., you got - you got two circuit breakers
over on panel 202. The left-hand and next to the
bott_n row, and I'm not sure which one turns off the
green and which one turns off the red, but you can
try them, and Joe can give you the answer.

15 57 30 PLT Okay. All right, give me a holler, Joe. I'll turn

them off one at a time. Tell me when you w_nt.

SF2-EVA Okay.

SPT-EVA That's okay. Leave the other one on. No, not that
one. No, no. (Laughter) That's right. Okay.
Pete, I guess I'll get your umbilical out.

CDR-EVA All right.

15 57 57 MCC Okay. And, troops, we got about _5 seconds to LOS

at Carnarvon. We're going to be picking up Gu_n at
16:01 here, which is Just a couple of minutes. And
I think that you're going to press on up to the
discone at this time. And P. J. has the cooling.

PLT It isn't on, Rusty, yet. And when is the first

station with TV?

15 58 19 MCC Okay. That's going to be Goldstone, and it'll be

coming up at 16:27. So, we'll let you know that at

PLT All right. Tell me where it's going.

SPT-EVA It's going behind you.

15 58 31 PLT You have 15 minutes until sunrise, gang.


CDR-EVA Here comes the big snake, m=n.

15 58 37 CC And, Pete, you've got about l_ minutes before sunrise.

So you've got lots of time there.

15 58 _8 CDR-EVA How far have you got to now?

D_ap Tape 158-12
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SPT-EVA Forty.


SPT-EVA (Laughter)

CDR-EVA Holy Christmas !

SPT-EVA Forty-five.

CDR-EVA Where's it all going?

SPT-EVA Fifty.

CDR-EVA Wonder if there's anything you can hang up on down


SPT-EVA Fifty-five. Yes, well, we'll write a letter for you

if there is.

15 59 15 CDR-EVA Cramp the 55 and a deal. He asked for it once.

SPT-EVA All right. That ain't a bad idea.

CDR-EVA Holy Christmasl The problem is I've got a - why did

I do that?

SPT-EVA What ?

CDR-EVA Where's the tether end? It's down here, right?

SPT-EVA Right there.

CDR-EVA I 'm unfortunately over it.

SPT-EVA Over what?

CDR-EVA Over my umbilical. I think I got a big loop in it.

What I'm going to do is pull out the 55-foot end
at the same time I'm pulling out the short end.
I got a big loop in it.

SPT-EVA Couldn't you have a big loop in it?

D_np Tape 158r12
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CDR-I,.VA Yes, look at it. It comes over my shoulder, right?

Where's that - where's - where's this coming from
over m_ thumb? This one.

16 00 ii SPT-EVA Goes over your shoulder, but where it goes from there
I cannot tell.

CDR-EVA Oh, it's got to go to my suit. And this one is

through the loop. Darn it!

SPT-EVA Well, wait a minute. Let's see -

CDR-EVA I'll tell you what I'm going to do.

SPT-EVA You're going to have to move yourself through a loop,

I think.

CDR-EVA I'm going to have to go through this loop - -


CDR-EVA - - right here.

CDR-EVA All right, now. Push that over me. Walt. Wait,
one second.

SPT-EVA All right.

16 00 50 SPI_-EVA Wait a minute. I lost it for a minute there. Okay.

CDR-EVA Okay. Yes. Let me tell you something about these

foot restraints. You can tske those foot plates
out of there.

SPT-EVA How's that?

CDR-EVA Huh? It's - it's real easy for a fellow to get

himself hung up in them. Mazl, my - my left shoe
hardly comes out of that thing. All right, now
where am I? They're all behind me now?

SPT-EVA Yes, it looks like it.

CI_-EVA I'm not sure what I got, yet.

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SPT-EVA Yes, I Just hope by screwing around, we haven't made

a loop where there was none before.

16 01 _2 CDR-EVA Well, I tell you what -

SPT-EVA ... there was an apparent loop.


CDR-EVA Mine's over my shoulder now. Is this mine?


CDR-E_A Trying to figure out where it goes.

SPT-EVA Goes right over, around your back and into your

CDR-EVA No, where it goes from there - goes down into here.

SPT-EVA Yes, that's the next end of it.

CDR-EVA Well, here, let me get it down. Get it.

MCC Okay, Skylab. Houston again over Guam for about

8-1/2 minutes.


SPT-EVA Roger.

16 03 01 CDR-EVA I tell you. I'm going to get worn out doing the
things that require you to get there. Do it. Well,
that's a big snarl down there. I hope it all comes
out right.

SPT-EVA Now, I suggest you take that loop in your hand, and
put it up over your head.

CDR-EVA Why did we do that?

SPT-EVA Well -


SPT-EVA I'm just checking it.

Dump Tape 158-12
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16 03 37 CDR-_]VA Okay. Is that all right?

SPT-EVA Yes, and it all goes behind you.

CDR-EVA Have you checked yours?

SPT-EVA Mine is in reasonable shape, I think. It's all be-

hind me.

CDR-EVA 0kay. I'll check -

SPT-EYA See how it strings out, right now.


16 03 h9 MCC And, Pete. Just for information, we do have you for

about 8 minutes here, and we've got the procedures
in case you want anything on them.

CDR-EVA Okay. Aren't you going to up-link them?

MCC Yes, sir, we are. And I'll give you estimate on when
they'll - when they're going to be up there.


PLT Okay, Rusty. No ... on the cooling yet.

CDR-EVA Hey, Joe, move forward.

MCC Okay. Paul, the question is, have you activated the
primary coolant loop on - loop on pan - panel 203?

16 0h 12 PLT ...

CDR-EVA Now, Joe, I think you want to go from your left.

SPT-EVA I'm deciding where the best handholds are right now.

PLT You want to go to 1 pump Alfa, right?

16 04 21 MCC Right. We want PRIMARY COOLANT LOOP to INVERTER l,


16 04 27 PLT All right.

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SPT-EVA All right. Yes .... handholds here; they're beauti-

ful. Rusty must have known about them. He didn't
tell us.

16 04 43 CDR-EVA I hear a CAUTION and WARNING, Paul?

16 04 49 PLT Yes, I turned the PRIMARY COOLANT LOOP PUMP ON.

MCC Joe, are you going through the tresses, or up over

the top? You should be going through them.

SPT-EVA Through, through. I'm right on the MDA surface. I'm

looking - -

MCC Okay.

SPT-EVA - - at Paul through the window right now. The other

window, Paul. Hi, there.

CDR-EVA That's correct, isn't it, Rusty?

MCC Yes, you should be right down and the nicest pad we
found was right along the tool sieve and duct. There's
about 6 inches of di_neter with the -

SPT-EVA Well, yes. I'm - I'm hanging onto a blue handrail

that's Just - Just forward of that.

MCC Okay. Fine -

SPT-EVA I've got one hand on the handrail, one hand on the
vent duct, and I am looking at the discone antenna.

16 05 25 CDR-EVA Can you see the pin?

SPT-EVA I'll tell you. No, it's too dark at the base. The
base of the antenna is pretty dark.


MCC Okay, Joe.

CDR-EVA Paul ?
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16 05 36 MCC The next thing you'll be doing when you get enough
light is to go up and hook your chest tether into the
pin at the base. And then retrieve backward - behind
you there, to the A-frame.

SPT-EVA Understand. And, Pete, I think I'll delay then until

sunrise - -

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA - - so I can see - -

CDR-EVA Just a minute.

SPT-_A - - so I can see what I'm going.

CDR-EVA Just a minute.

16 05 50 MCC Okay. And for your information, you got 7 minutes to


CDR-EVA Just a minute. Paul, why don't you shine your flash-
light out the window? You can illuminate the pin in
the lower end of the discone. You should have a pen-
light in your suit; I put it in.

SPT-EVA Our friend Scorpio is right smack on top of us.

PLT Mainly because the only thing I can see in the window
is Joe.

SPT-EVA And a big bowl of milk. Go ahead and try it.

PLT I'm afraid - I don't see where I'm shining.

SPT-EVA It's shining at the base of the antenna, but - -

CDR-EVA Move to the right Just a little.

SPT-EVA - - it's not good enough, Pete.

CDR-EVA All right. Okay.

16 06 26 SPT-EVA If I try to go out there, I'll block his light.

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CDR-EVA Understand. Just cool it.

MCC Pete, check for the lighting down there in the FAS
and down EV trail.

CDR-EVA Oh, we've got all the rest of the lights out and all
I'm - oh, that's fine out there. Yes, you can - it's
like broad daylight. I've - we've got all the lights
out except the lock. Lights are on in the lock an_
that's it. And that one docking light. What ... - -

_C Okay.

CDR-EVA - - do you have us over now?

PLT You're over Guam.

CDR-EVA We're flying over some really well-lit island.

PLT That's Guam.

SPT-EVA Well, at least we're over Guam.

MCC Yes, you're directly over Guam.

CDR-EVA Yes. Hi, there, G11am.

PLT Yes. Ss_ hello to G,,_-_.

CDR-EVA Hi, there.

SPT-EVA Hi, Guam.

PLT It's looking the other way.

SPT-EVA G1,Am is?

16 07 2h CDR-EVA Getting wild, don't - don't get diddled up, trying

to ...

SPT-EVA ... Houston.

PLT Trying to what, Pete?

CDR-EVA Sight see.

MCC Say again, Paul.

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PLT I say for your information - -

SPT-EVA All right, I'm closing nV eyes, Pete.

PLT - - maybe ... little.

CDR-EVA Oh no. I said, "don't get diddled up," that's all.

SPT-EVA I'm just laying here sightseeing.


PLT Let me talk to Houston a minute?


PLT For information, I'm getting counts on the PMEC, if

that helps your insight to the proble_n any. With
MAIN POWER OFF, we shouldn't get any counts on that,
should we, Joe?

SPT-EVA Oh, that's funny. I don't think so, but I'm not
sure ; it has it's own high voltage power suppl_r.

CDR-EVA Hello, Houston. Did you copy?

MCC Co ahead, say it again.

16 08 18 PLT I say, on the X-RAY SPECT PMEC, I'm getting counts

on it, for what that's worth if you're tracking down
your indication of main power still being on.

16 08 32 CDR-EVA I 'm looking at the ground.

16 08 33 MCC Okay, fine. Thank you very much. Hey, P. J. we're

recon_nending - Which pump are you on? Whichever one
you're on, we'd reco_m_end that you try to switch to
the other one. See if that gives you any cooling.

16 08 43 PLT Okay, I'm on the PRIMARY. I'll go hack and try the
SECONDARY. I don't have 8r4f confidence that either
pump is running.

MCC Okay. We'd like you to check the circuit breakers,

and stand by on the latest panel 202.
D_p Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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16 08 54 PLT We've already found them, Rusty. They're all


16 08 57 MCC Okay. Understand. All the breakers are CLOSED.

16 09 02 PLT Yes, all the SAS PUMP breakers are CLOSED.

CDR-EVA Hey, that's the story of this bird. Half of eve_j

piece of normal gear doesn't run right.

SPT-E_A Pretty wonderful machine for all that.

CDR-_A You betcha. That's what we're here to find out.

16 09 33 MCC Okay, Pete. You got about 3-1/2 minutes here of

night remaining. And that at that point, you should
be able to press on and Paul could turn out the dock-
_ng lights to save the SAS before sunrise.

CDR-EVA Probably turn it out now. You don't care, do you,

Joe ?

SPT-EVA No. No, I like it out. It'll make the sunrise better.

SPT-EVA Look at that sky.

16 i0 02 MCC And, Paul, if - if you're able to - if you're not

getting any cooling, we would like for you to turn
OFF the PRIMARY COOLANT LOOP again. And I - I think
we'd to have you go back to COMMAND.

16 i0 12 PLT You want me to go OFF, and then COMMAND. Is that


MCC Affirmative.

PLT Okay. Let me give it a couple of minutes, now.

16 i0 20 SPT-EVA ... here comes sunrise. Oh, that's the blackest,

black universe up there.


MCC Okay. We'd aSao like to cheek to make sure you got
your visors down for that.
Dump Tape 158-12
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CDR-EVA Got the visors down, man. We're ready. Standing in

the SAS, I'm going to see sunrise upside down.

SPT-EVA (Laughter) I can see it right side up in my end.

16 l0 43 MCC Okay. We got about a minute to LOS here at GUAM. And

we'll be picking up Goldstone, and - -


MCC - - we want the TV ready - -


MCC - - at 27.

SPT-EVA I can see the limb brightening in a great big crest

at about 180 degrees.

CDR-EVA Fantastic, isn't it?

SPT-EVA And stars blinking through the - through the bottom

of it like you noticed before.

PLT When you want that teleprinter, there - Ever since

we asked the_ to send the procedures -

16 ii 20 MCC For your information, we will have the pass going up

as soon as we get Coldstone AOS at 16:27.

SPT-E_A Roger, that.

PLT-CDR Okay, thank you. Still there, Rusty?

MCC Yes, we are.

CDR-EVA S082 went in there; it's Just out of sight. It's sc

much simpler than the water tank; it's unbelievable.

MCC Roger. That's good news.

CDR-EVA Oh, this whole SAS stage, is - works just fine. And
I will probably configure it for our next EVA, before
I come back in.
Dtmp Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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MCC Okay. That sounds grand.

CDR-EVA I better check out all the booms and everything else.
I figured you guys might have something else up your
sleeve, so I'm trying to stay in front of you.

MCC Sometimes that hard to do, because we don't know which

direction we're moving.

CDR-EVA That's all right. We're covering that waterfront.

Get the little orange splodge over to the left, Paul.
Can you see that, Joe? I think the others are - -

SPT-EVA I can't quite see it. Maybe if I move back a little,

I can. Whee! Now I can. Holy Moses! Yes, now I'm
looking right up the axis of the ATM.


SPT-EVA I've got a solar panel between me and the sunrise.

But I can see the rainbow behind it. Oh, brother!
The colors are the same as they are inside, Paul - -

16 12 48 CDR-EVA There it is! There it is!

SPT-EVA - - but you can see so much more it.

CDR-EVA Wow ! Man !

SPT-EVA My outer visor is down.

CDR-EVA Yes, so is mine.

SPT-EVA Goodness gracious! ... quickly. Okay, back to work.

CDR-EVA Yes. Okay_ I got your umbilical.

SPT-EVA I think I made a 180, so I'm making another one back.

CDR-EVA Well, let me look. Oh, looks like - -

SPT-EVA How'd that look?

CDR-EVA - - ...

SPT-E"_A It should be good again.

Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:BB:56 to 16:54:55
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CDR-EVA Yes, it is.


CDR-EVA Co ahead.

SPT-EVA I am on my way.

CDR-EVA Handholds are pretty good, huh?

SPT-EVA So far. Up to here they're super good. NGw fror.

here to get to the pin, ... I can almost reach it.
I - In fact, I can see the pin, so let me hold right
here and undo the grs_ tape (laughter). Try and
get that. Getting _self pinned here. I sm pinned,
but I'm not locked yet.

PLT Hey, Pete, what's the speed on that Hasselblad film -


16 14 i0 CDR-EVA That's - well - Yes, I guess so, ASA-64. It's TV this

pass, if they want it.

SPT-EVK Dag nab it!

CDR-EVA What's the matter?

SPT-EVA I can't get the lock locked on that Apollo tether pin.

CDR-EVA Is there something wrong with it, or -

SPT-EVA I don't know yet. Well, I got it.

CDR-EVA What in heaven's name is -

SPT-EVA It's a little crochety on the - Now I've got to go

to the A-frame, huh?


SPT-EVA And up the A-frame. Hmm. I can't go up the A-frame

more than the length of my tether.

CDR-EVA Well, let me see if I can see you. That's the big
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SPT-EVA Just a minute now. Thanks to my friendly handhold.

CDR-EVA There - there went some gray tape.

SPT-EVA That's all right. That's gray tape off my -

CDR-EVA Shoot !

SPT-EVA What ?

CDR-EVA See the holes in the discone antenna for ...

SPT-EVA Ah-hah! I can see four holes down.

SPT-EVA All right. Well, l'm about to go to that point.

That's exactly where I'm going to go is up that -
up that beam.

16 15 50 PLT Joe?


PLT Your chest tether is between the SOP and your leg

SPT-EVA Thank you. Now let me see - Oh, yes.

PLT No, it's all right. There you go.


SPT-EVA Tell you what. I'm going to make a 180 here.

CDR-EVA I see you know.

SPT-EVA I want my _nbilical behind my back, I think.


SPT-EVA Like that.

CDR-E"JA All right. I see you fine.

_6 16 ]7 SPT-EVA That's as far as I can go; my tether won't let me

go any farther.
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CDR-EVA Well, that's good. Stay there.

SPT-EVA Let me put my legs in -

CDR-EVA Now, let me ask you a question. I'm going to tether

your _bilical back here, Just to keep it out of
the way -

SPT-EVA Clamp it?



CDR-EVA All right. Now I'm going to hand the pole up to you.

SPT-EVA Man, I superstabilized right at this particular spot.

CDR-EVA Can you see the SAS?

16 16 43 SPT-EVA I can see the pole; I can't see the SAS. I - I can
see almost to the business end of pole, but not quite.

CDR-EVA Ok ay.

SPT-EVA And I can see the circumferential handrail, but I

can't see you.


SPT-EVA I can see what you're doing. Now I can see your
hand. Now I can see the tool coming my way.

CDR-EVA Direct the tool.

SPT-EVA Direct straight on - up a little - up a little to

clear that pipe. Okay, straight on.

CDR-EVA Okay, now I'll take care of the rope. Okay.

SPT-EVA We never did deploy that rope, did we?

CDR-EVA It's all right.

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ODE-EVA It 'll deploy.


16 17 4& SPT-EVA Okay. No, wait a minute. Come - swing that pole
to your right. You're going to above one of the
trusses. Oh, a little farther. Stop. Now straight
on out. Now swing it to your right a little more.
More, more, more, more. Now, stop; straight on out.
Farther. Another 2 feet and I'll have it. In a
minute. Okay, I got the end of it.

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA And there's no rush from here, you can -


16 17 58 SPT-EVA Shall I keep on pulling it, or slack off?

CDR-EVA You go ahead and pull, and I'll deploy the rope.

SPT-EVA All right. Tell me if and when to stop.

CDR-EVA Keep going.

SPT-EVA Quicker than a well-known Conrad commodity. I 'm

going to pull off this last track here.

(DR-EVA Well, why don't you let me do it?

SPT-EVA Because I want to clean the pole and the rope of that
gray tape.

CDR-EVA Oh, okay.

SPT-EVA And that point will be behind me and beyond me in

a minute - -

CDR-EVA Yes, okay.

SPT-EVA - - and I won't be able to reach it.

CDR-EVA Take your time. We've got all day.

PLT All 55 minutes of it.

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CDR-EVA Oh, well - -

SPT-EVA Unlike ... the ATM Pls, we don't - we don't go from

400 K, we go from the horizon. (Laughter)

16 19 05 PLT Pete, l'm going to pop down to the CSM to see what
I can see out that window.

CDR-EVA Okay. Joe? Joe?


CDR-EVA I want to make sure the lines are straight, and un-
tangled. Csm you verify that?

16 19 19 SPT-EVA Just a minute. That's a good point, and it's proba-

bly trying to start it.

CDR-EVA You got the pole; I don't.

SPT-EVA I got the pole.

CDR-EVA I've got one end of it. Where the lines, now?

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. That line is wrapped one time; it

needs to come this ws_. Now the lines are straight,
as far as me.

CDR-EVA See _ left hand?

SPT-EVA That's a quite a bit of - quite a little bit of wrap

in it. Yes, I can see your left hand.

16 20 05 CDR-EVA Tell me which to unwrap it.

SPT-EVA Counterclockwise. Put your left hand, your side of

the pole, and then around the other side. In other
words, come to the right with it - no - -

CDR-EVA Around the pole?

SPT-EVA - - hope, nope, the other wsy, the other way.

CDR-EVA Is it around the pole?

SPT-EVA Yes, it is, one time.

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CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA That way. That's it.


16 20 25 SPT-EVA Once around.


SPT-EVA There. Now you're - now you're free and clear.

CDR-EVA Now, let me open the lines.

SPT-EVA Yes, I'm opening them as far as I can. I've got them


SPT-EVA See where they come together there?

CDR-EVA Yes. Yes.

16 20 36 SPT-EVA Pull it toward you from there, I'm holding it apart.

CDR-EVA I got it; I got it.

SPT-EVA Good, good, good. You're doing it.

PLT Hey, Pete.


PLT I can't see Joe at all out the command module window,
surprisingly. As a matter of fact, I'm looking right
down at your feet. I tell you what I'm going to do;
I'm going to bring the TV down here and see if we
can't get enough off that one little orange corner
to tell them what they have to know.

SPT-EVA The one in your right hand is the business one.

16 21 05 CDR-EVA Oksy. I'm going to wrap it down here. That's all.

SPT-EVA Okay. Whatever.

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CDR-EVA It's got no kinks in it, right?

SPT-EVA Zero kinks.

CDR-EVA Okay. Let me get this out of the way.

16 21 21 SPT-EVA As of today, right now, this minute. You know i'm

sitting here looking at the SAS panel and net think-
ing - and, Paul?

PLT Yes?

_ right down the long axis of the SAS panel_

on the shady side, I see a bunch of little
\ wires coming out. On the top of the SAS panel, I see
\ the three vent modules, and they look essentially nor-
\ mal launch configuration from here. And on the right
\ side of the SAS panel, on the top of the beam fair-
\ ing, very close to me and on the righthand edge,
\ there's a - it's like there's a little door that's - /
k__'s hinged open away from me.
CDR-EVA That's the hinge door.

PLT Right.

SPT-EVA It's there and it's wide open.

PLT Yes.

16 22 20 SPT-EVA I can't see - oh yes, maybe that's the strap. It --_

looks more like a wire than a strap. Don't rotate
this thing now, or you'll get -

CDR-EVA All right.

Sl°T-EVA I'll get it over here.

SPT-EVA You're okay. I'll hang on to it.

CDR-EVA I wish I had a piece of tape or something to secure

this line. It's -

SPT-EVA I knew that was going to be hard to do, in zero-g.

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16 22 h2 CDR-EVA I'm going to put kind of a knot in this thing.

SPT-EVA Just do the best you can. I've got some tape on
my suit, if you think it's worth while my coming
down there.

CDR-EVA No, no.

SPT-EVA I 'd rather not.

CDR-EVA Yes, okay, there you go. Take it away.

SPT-EVA Okay. Now, let's see. I'll take it all the way up
to me and turn it over, before I do anything else.
Now verify that it's on the left, or shady side,
of the SAS panel that I will find the strap.

PLT That's right.

CDR-EVA Facing aft, yes.

SPT-EVA Facing aft, yes.

16 22 56 PLT That's right. Watch your head, Joe.

SPT-EVA Watch my head? Man, this thing gets some momentum

in it.

CDR-EVA Yes, you've got to he careful.

SPT-EVA I'm going to go real slow. I'm at the end of it,

and I'm Just trying to ease it down toward the main
fai ring.

SPT-EVA Well, we got this far, amazingly. The lines - Pete,

the lines couldn't he straighter. The lines are
beautifully straight.

CDR-EVA Coming.

PLT Hey, Pete. Looky here.

SPT-EVA I'll tell you what I'm going to do right -

(Siren sound)
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CDR-EVA What's that? What's that?

16 2_ 32 SPT-FVA Sounded like rapid DELTA-P.

CDR-EVA What's that?

(Siren sound)

PLT Wait a minute:

(Siren sound)

PLT That's _ fire - must have got sunlight in there.

SPT-EVA Oh, sure. That's something nobody thought of, isn't

it ?

16 25 00 CDR-EVA Yes.

SPT-EVA Everybody knew about. At least I guess you - I'm

sure it is. I have the pole tethered to me, now.
That's what I was doing there.


SPT-EVA Now I'm going to crawl down the A-frame. And if I

can - Oh, boy.

PLT Really gets your attention, doesn't it?

SPT-EVA Sure as heck does. It could - we could even hear

it out here; that was the scary part.

16 25 33 PLT Well, I was horrified.


PLT When I get scared, you guys might as well get scared.

SPT-EVA Why not?

CDR-EVA Yes, heck, I could hear it all the way out here.
All right; now listen Joe, I may be able to help
you here.
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16 25 16 SPT-EVA Well, here, I'm going - I'm going to lock this pole
in right now and then we won't lose it. 0ops!
(Laughter) Stay here, baby.

SPT-EVA ... not lock these hooks, they do not stay put.
All right, it's locked. Goodness gracious, that's
dramatic. I can see that thing; I think there's
going to be enough room for me to lock onto it, by

CDR-EVA Yes, it's sticking out, isn't it?

SPT-EVA Isn't it, though?

CDR-EVA I can see it, too.

16 26 30 SPT-EVA Let me kind of stand back here, and see if I can work
that way.

PLT It's sticking out on the side of the BET?

SPT-EVA Yes, there is clearance.

CDR-EVA That's the way I remembered it .... there's a lot of

solar panel further down, though, isn't there?

SPT-EVA Oh, yes.

CDR-EVA You're in good shape there, Joe. Can you - can you
put your - pull your feet down?

SPT-EVA Hard to tell. No, I don't want to pull n_ feet down

right now.

CDR-EVA ... Okay.

16 26 54 CC Skylab, Houston. We've got you for about 17 minutes

coming over the States.

PLT Let me tell them what's going on.

CDR-EVA Yes, let me direct you, Joe. You can pull the pole
back -

SPT-EVA I can't pull it back some, I think, however; you

know -
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CDR-EVA We're out there -

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

CDR-EVA That's a beautiful place to cut it, right? See?


CDR-EVA You're in the right area if you can get through those
wires - -

SPT-EVA (Sigh)

16 27 18 CDR-EVA - - Just take your time. Okay, Houston. We're out

there. We - have the debris in sight, it looks like
enough room to get the cutters. And I'm trying to
help Joe stabilize. And, Joe, you're way past it,
it looks like. Try-

SPT-EVA I don't think I am.

_ CDR-EVA Yes, you are. Come - come towards me.

SPT-EVA I'm not past it.

CDR-EVA No, you've got - if you're going to hook it down there,

you are.

16 27 42 SPT-EVA Well, you know what I'm going to have to do then -

wait a minute. I might get enough out of it there.
See, I've got it tethered and that prevents me from
pulling it back too darn far.

CDR-EVA All right. You need to move the tether up.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

CDR-EVA You're still in front of it. I mean it's down


SPT-EVA It's - yes, you're right.

CDR-EVA I'll tell you when you're on it.

16 28 04 PLT Houston, I'm going to try and get to the command

module with the TV so you can get a look at the sail.
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_C And we've got a way to get you some comm here, P. J.



PLT I 'm going.

CDR-EVA You're - you're back with the check list - -

PLT Let that thing go.

SPT-EVA I know I am, I'm going to ... tether -

CDR-EVA - - have to come back in here - let's come back in

here, and take it easy, and let me help you. How's

SPT-EVA I'm going to untether it, Pete.

16 28 3h CDR-EVA Now, that's my tethers around my feet, right?


CDR-EVA Let me turn around.

SPT-EVA Okay, now it's loose.

CDR-EVA Where's my tether? See it?

SPT-EVA Oh, cripes! It's all right. It goes in front of

your feet, but it goes straight back into the air-
lock. You're all right.

CDR-EVA Yes, let me see if I can help you. Now, just ease
it over towards me. All right. Wait.

SPT-EVA Hey, don't-

CDR-EVA No, trouble is, I have to get it a different way.

All right, I got it off. It's the sole thing hold-
ing the pole, now Just send it back towards me.
Can you do that?

16 29 2h SPT-EVA What - the pole?

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SPT-EVA No, I don't want to do that, I don't think. Let's

- you Just - why don't you help me - -

CDR-EVA No, no, Joe -

SPT-EVA - - tell when I have it on.

CDR-EVA Joe, you got to have it tethered, and I'll let it

slide out - it can slide out. It's not - -

SPT-EVA Tethered to what?

CDR-EVA The pole. Let me get it in front of the ropes.

SPT-EVA What are you going to tether the pole to? Oh, your-
self, huh?


SPT-EVA Oh, the BET?

CDR-EVA I just - no - darn it. I tell you what I want to do,

back -

SPT-EVA What is that tether you've got on that?

16 29 58 CDR-EVA That's the pole tether. Now Just stay with me a

minute; come back with the pole. I'll tell you what
we're going to do; we're going to get in the right
configuration -

SPT-EVA We were in the right configuration - -

CDR-EVA No, we weren't.

SPT-EVA - - Just a minute ago.

CDR-EVA That was too short. You couldn't slide your pole
back, see. Now the tether will go up as far on the
pole as you want it to. Can you retether it? You -
you follow me?

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16 30 17 CDR-EVA I'll tether it for you, hold still. Hold still.

If I can point - can you hold the pole?

SPT-EVA I've got the pole.


CDR-EVA Now, I'm going to hold onto the pole and translate
to the tether point. There. Okay.

SPT-EVA _e sure and lock it. It'll come apart in a second,

if you don't.

16 30 44 CDR-EVA It's locked.

SPT-EVA Okay. Locked.

CDR-EVA Let me get to my - I need to get back.


CDR-EVA Push me back Just so I can get to the A-frame.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

CDR-EVA Okay. I'm on my way. That a boy!


CDR-EVA Got it. Now you're in business. Okay?

SPT-EVA Okay. That might even help, I reluctantly have to


CDE-EVA All right. Now just turn the pole 90 degrees and
let her damp.

16 31 43 SPT-EVA I tell you, holding that on there is going to be a

chore. Oh, dang it. Wait a minute.

PLT See the corner of the sail, Houston?

MCC Say again, P. J.

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PLT Can you see the corner of the sail, the orange corner?

MCC Stand by and see if we can psych it out. We do have

a good picture.

CDR-_A Okay. Let me come back a little - no, you've got

to go forward. Oh, that's it; now come up.

CDR-EVA You take your time.

MCC Okay. We've got it, P. J.

SPT-EVA Can you hold with one foot? Yes, you - -

CDR-EVA Try it.

SPT-EVA - - are you that stable?


SPT-EVA If you could hold one foot, man, I could use both
-- handson this thing.


SPT-EVA Whoo ! (Laughter)

CDR-EVA Let me hang on. All right, hc_'s that?

SPT-EVA That's pretty good. Now, I'll get up out of the

rubble there. Wait a minute. Make that come for-

16 33 38 PLT Tell me if you got enough of the sail, Houston. I'll

go back into the _DA.

M_C We got enough. Thank you, very much.

16 33 h0 PLT Oh, okay.

SPT-EVA Okay. (Laughter)

CDR-EVA Tired?

SPT-EVA I'm not tired. I'm a little frustrated because I have

no place to secure _self here.
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PLT Houston, I've got a suggestion.

16 34 13 MCC Okay. We're reading you. Understand you're having

trouble in - in maintaining your position in order
to hook it on to the strap. Can you give us a little
more detail? We're hearing all of the conversation,
but we haven't got a very good fix of it.

CDR-EVA Let's just cool it until we get done. We're working

the problem. Bunch of wires in the way. Gosh, that
prevented you from getting it that time.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA Front of it 's broke. You know, that 's it. You got
it right here. Pull back.

SPT-EVA Can you by any possible means -

CDR-EVA Ah - it came off.

SPT-EVA I know it, but can you get hold of this gray rope?

16 35 01 CDR-EVA Gray rope?

16 35 18 SPT-EVA The one we marked.

16 35 19 CDR-EVA Oh. Yes.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

16 35 22 CDR-EVA I'm going to have to - Well, unfortunately, got my-

self tethered to the B_T - to the deal here at the
moment. Take a rest. Wait. Ready. I got the pole.

SPT-EVA You're pulling me around.

CDR-EVA I got the pole ... keep holding it.

CDR-EVA Take it easy.

SPT-EVA Okay, now. The thing is - listen how about unhooking

that rope back there - -

CDR-EVA Hey, how about -

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16 35 58 SPT-EVA - - unhook it from the - from the cleats? I want

you in a position to pull on the - the right rope
while I hold it in place. Because I - yes, I can't
do both.



CDR-EVA Just a second.

SPT-EVA That would be the deal.

CDR-EVA 0k%y, I got the right rope.

SPT-EVA That's the one.


MCC Joe, Just for your information. We operated on the

opposite side of the discone from the one you're
operating from - that is, we operated from the right-
hand side of the discone. That ms_f help you, if you
need more pole.

CDR-EVA It's not a question of pole -

16 36 42 SPT-EVA It's not a question - I've got more than enough pole,
Rusty. It's a question of keeping _, feet from
flying away so that I can not only reach the thing,
but hold it there.

MCC And the only thing I can say, that in the water tank
we stood up almost parallel with the discone, with
our feet down by the base, and used the discone cone
as a handhold. That helped us, you might to try
th at.

SPT-EVA I'm doing that. It's not a handhold I need, Rusty,

it's a foothold.

16 36 58 MCC We put our feet right at the base of the discone and
you only have to -

16 37 01 SPT-EVA That's where they are, Rusty. It's easy to get in

and touch, but it's impossible to get it to stay there.
Not impossible.
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CDR-EVA Take it easy.

SPT-EVA It takes a little longer. I ... see what I'm doing

without trying to fight the pole -

CDR-EVA ... holding on to this rope right at the moment.

SPT-EVA No, no I don't think so. Whoops. (Laughter)

CDR-EVA I'm giving you as much as I can give you.


16 37 36 CDR-EVA There, you're in good shape .... just a little

bit, come back - -

SPT-EVA I think I'm on it.

CDR-EVA - - no. I can tell that you're in front of it.

You're still in front of it. Got to come towards
me. Now you're behind it. At an angle, see?

SPT-EVA Yes. Pull.

CDR-EVA No, you're in front of it. New you're behind it,

still behind it. Get - That's the place to work,
but you're still behind it. If you Just come over
right there, you're behind it. Now, you're in
front of it again. Underneath it. You're still in
front of it. Yes, you've got to go back behind it

SPT-EVA How's that?

CDR-EVA No, pull towards me. No you're not on it. Are


SPT-EVA Well, it's a -

16 38 40 CDR-EVA I tell you-when you think you're on, pull towards

me, and that ought to pull it right to the base.

$PT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA No, you're not on it yet.

SPT-EVA It's pretty thick, Rusty.

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CDR-EVA That's the trouble. That's the trouble right there.

MCC Understand that. Is there any other debris you

can grab out there that -

CDR-EVA ... thing he's working on? That's the trouble.

The darn Jaws aren't far enough open -

16 39 08 SPT-EVA Try closing it, Rusty, right now. Wait a minute.

Hold it.

CDR-EVA That do it?

SPT-EVA No. Mostly because it pulled off while we were

closing it.


MCC The only thing we can think of, Joe, is to make

sure that they're fully opened before you try to
get it over. That'll give you a maximum chance.

SPT-EVA Right. We're going to take it back right now and

reset it. Well, we might not have to take it back.
Let me pull on it and see if it'll reset.

CDR-EVA You got a piece of wire that time. Anyhow you were
on it.

SPT-EVA Yes, I know it.

16 39 57 PLT Watch that antenna, Joe.

CDR-EVA You're shaking that antenna pretty good, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes, I am sure I am.

CDR-EVA ... listen, I wonder if - if - can we tell if it's

fully opened?

SPT-EVA It looked fully opened.


SPT-EVA It sure does. Now.

CDR-EVA I - I still got the pull rope.

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SPT-EVA Okay. Let's go back to work.

CDR-EVA Yes. Take your time.

16 h0 40 MCC Okay, Joe. You won't get mad if I suggest that

you just rest for a minute, will you?


MCC Why don't you?

SPT-EVA Oh, okay. Mostly because I'm in a position and I

don't want to - I tell you I'll try it from the up
now. Let me see.

CDR-EVA You know the best chance you have is 8s close to

the base as the SAS panel, that's where it's the

SPT-EVA Is that right?

16 hl 08 CDR-EVA But there's a wire bundle there. Yes, I got the


SPT-EVA Okay. An I all right, now?

CDR-EVA Yes. The pole's a rerun.

SPT-EVA Okay. The way they said they were doing it.

N_C SPT, just for your information. You still have

plenty of time here to sunset, you got 29 minutes

CDR-EVA Yes, we're - we're not sweating anything. I tell

you, Rusty, the - the strap is - is oriented, in
the - in the worst ... Joe, wait, wait a minute,
stop. Give it a pull. The SAS happens to be oriented
in such a manner, even though it's not wide, it's
presenting its widest side to the cutter.

CDR-EVA I can't see, Joe; although I'll try. You know, we

can change positions.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. If I could veer against anything,

I'd be all right.
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16 42 30 CDR-EVA I'm not in such bad shape, with this pole myself.
If - now, I got a hand on that son-of-a-gun my-
self to steady it, how's that. I can steady it - -

SPT-EVA MY foot is dmnp.

CDR-EVA Left/right. Now, tell me where you want to go with


SPT-EVA What ?

CDR-EVA You do the fore/aft, let me do the left/right. You

better steer me because I can't see.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. I got a little quirk on my body

that's holding that from pulling the way it wants

CDR-EVA That may be me.

16 43 07 SPT-EVA No, it isn't you.

- CDR-EVA I tell you, Rusty, it looks like if we ever get it

on the strap, we've got it made, because I can see
the rest of the meteoroid panel. And most of it's
underneath and looks relatively clear.

MCC Okay. If you can hook on anything at all, out

there -

CDR-EVA Yes, yes; it's not ... oriented to do that, and

we understand.

16 43 33 MCC And for your information, we're about 30 seconds

from LOS and you've got 26-1/2 minutes of day left.
We're going to piCk you up at Vanguard at 54. That'll
be after dark.

CDR-EVA Where you going, Joe?

SPT-EVA ... the people ...

16 43 53 M_C You got to take a breather, Joe.

CDR-EVA Yes, yes.

Dtrnp Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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CDR-EVA I tell you what, Joe. Where's your umbilical with

respect to mine? I see it.

SPT-EVA Where are we?

CDR-EVA Right - -

SPT-EVA Let me try straddling it, like this.

16 h4 06 CDR-EVA Wait, we're getting unbilicals and everything else

all twisted up here.

SPT-EVA I think this may do it. Right here.

CDR-EVA Okay. You want the pole?

SPT-EVA No, I got the pole.

CDR-EVA Okay. You want me to still pull? Want me to pull

the string?

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA All right. Let me get in a position where I can do

that. I don't know.

16 4h h0 SPT-EVA That's not going to work.

CDR-EVA Okay. Cool it for a minute.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Yes. where's my _nbilical?

CDR-EVA It's right here. I've got it.

SPT-EVA Should I go under the pole, or over it to get to

the other side?

CDR-EVA which way do you want to go, left or right, huh?

SPT-EVA Yes, I want to go -

CDR-EVA Wait a minute. You'll get all twisted up over me.

Go ever the pole to the left - -

SPT-EVA Over the pole?

Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5h:55
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CDR-EVA - - to the A-frame, all right?

SPT-EVA I want to be right here.

16 45 0h CDR-EVA All right. You're right there. Now_ why why don't
you let me come up there and give it a try.

SPT-I_UVA Because I'm not tired right at the moment. _ut

what you're going have to do, is I'm going to t_<e
this tether off my arm and - right here. Let me
do that. Okay. That's done. Now, Joe.


CDR-EVA I want to stay - we're getting our tunbilicals

twisted up so you go - stay to the left - -

SPT-EVA Well, yes. We're not supposed to be two of us

out here.

CDR-EVA - - go to the left and come back over here.

- SPT-EVA Just a second, I'm doing something to - doing

personal tether here.

16 h5 67 CDR-EVA The other thing is the rope is free; you better

get a hold of that rope. Now it's - it's in the
umbilical line ; it' s okay.

SI_-EVA Try one thing here, I've got a new wrinkle.

CDR-E_A All right. Now what's -

SPT-EVA Ah-ha, that's it. Look, I doubled my tether and

I can bear against it.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now, the lines - you got to get the lines

SPT-EVA All right.

16 46 35 CDR-EVA Okay. Let me down here where I belong. Hand me

up the line.

SPT-EVA Got it?

Dt_p Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5_:55
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CDR-EVA Yes. Take it the right one. I got the right one ;
I take the knot out of it. Just a minute.

16 h7 03 SPT-EVA Man, that's going to do it, I think. I hope.

CDR-EVA Got it. Now you got a free pole, and I got the line.

SPT-EVA Okay. Aaaah-

CDR-EVA Take your time.

16 47 35 SPT-EVA Yes. Get my foot right in there. Oksy. It's my

right foot that's holding me, so I don't care where
the left one is.

CDR-EVA Oh, okay.

SPT-EVA That's much better.

CDR-EVA All right, you're out past the wires.

SPT-EVA All right, Just let me take it cool - -

CDR-EVA Come back.

SPT-EVA - - because I 'm under control at the moment.

CDR-EVA Come back a little. Get to come back. Come back.

16 48 02 SPT-EVA Think that's on it, Pete, isn't it?

CDR-EVA No, it's not, Joe. I can see it perfectly.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Now, pull back.

SPT-EVA It's on it. It's on it.

CDR-EVA All right. Hold it!

SPT-EVA Pull gently, Pete, for gosh sakes!

CDR-EVA ii right. You still on?

SPT-EVA Yes, I think so.

_ Dmnp Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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16 48 20 CDR-EVA Wait a minute, let me get the line again. Oh,

shoot, I fell free.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA I am free. I got to get on - -

SPT-L_qA Oh, you're free. Okay. Just a minute. Take your

time. It's easy for me to hold on.

CDR-EVA All right. Just a minute I got to go back down.

SPT-EVA Everything's under control.

CDR-EVA I got it.

16 48 40 SPT-EVA All right. Pull on it. I think you're - we're

getting it. Pull on it.

CDR-EVA I'm coming.

CDR-EVA Just a minute. Just a minute. Hang on.

SPT-EVA That's it.

CDR-EVA Wait Just a minute. More?

SPT-EVA Pull as much as your think prudent, but it's - it's

on now.


SPT-EVA If you pull much more, you're going to cut the son-

CDR-EVA Okay, hang on. There it is.

16 48 59 SPT-EVA It's on.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now, come on back down here.

SPT-EVA Oh, how about that? Okay.

16 49 03 CDR-EVA Tighten - tighten your pole now.

SPT-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Well, let me see.

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16 49 24 CDR-EVA You got to - you got to tighten it from the top.

SPT-EVA Yes, I wan looking for the right number and this is
it. 0ops! (Laughter) Help! Tight as it's going
to get.

CDR-EVA That's good enough. You can hold it -

SPT-EVA It's not. I'll tell you what. Let's reposition

that thing back where it wan, and that'll put a strain
on it. If you understand what I mean.

CDR-EVA No, it won't. It's Just liable to fly up, unless you
hold it down.

16 49 53 SPT-EVA Well, I'll hold it down anyway, Pete. To heck with

it. Okay. We'll leave it where it is.

CDR-EVA Now, what you want to do is - can you stand right here
and tie the lines? That's it. 0k_y, you better
tie both of them tight. Take the slack out of the
other one. All right, let me get my tether working
here. Where'd it go? There it is.

CDR-EVA Okay. How you doing?

SPT-EVA Good, I'm going to undo m_ tether again. Put it

back where it was.

CDR-EVA All right. Now, we've got -

SPT-EVA So I'll be able to move back out of your way.

CDR-EVA You got an umbilical problem, we got to iron out


16 51 14 SPT-EVA Okay.

CDR-EVA Plus, I've got a tether problem and an embilieal

problem I've got to iron out.

SPT-EVA All right. Let me solve _f tether problem here, if

I can.

16 51 31 CDR-EVA How much time to darkness, P. J.?

SPT-EVA Uh-oh.
Dtm_0 Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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16 51 42 PLT Got 18 minutes.

CDR-EVA All right.

PLT Yes, I think, as long as you're hooked on to it.

Why didn't they want us to Just cut it, now?

CDB-EVA Because it won't come up -

SPT-EVA They're afraid it won't come up.

CDR-EVA I got to get that other thing on it.


CDR-EVA We're in the right place to cut it; I don't believe

we have to move it.

SPT-EVA I don't think so either. You can verify that when

you go down there, but -

16 52 05 CDR-EVA Yes. All right, now the pole and the umbilical and
you are all mixed up. Where - -

SPT-EVA 0h, are they?

CDR-EVA - -where - where you want to go?

SPT-EVA I - I - anywhere to get free - -

CDR-EVA Hold it - -

SPT-EVA - - I want to wind up this - after the - pole and

out of your way.

CDR-EVA - - hold it - -

CDR-EVA - - hold it; hold it. Push back a little, now come
down. Gosh darn it! Now. I got - there you go.


16 52 28 CDR-EVA All right. Now turn around, if you can.

SPT-EVA Which way, this way?

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Time: 15:33:56 to 16:5_:55
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CDR-EVA You've got to turn towards me. I've got your Umbilical,
I don't know where mine is.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA And I _n tethered, and what I want to do is get

m_ umbilical around m_ back -

SPT-EVA Wait a minute, let me get over here where I can hang
on for a minute.


SPT-EVA For the first time in an half an hour.

CDR-EVA Yes. All right. Look, you can let you feet
right ...

SPT-EVA Ah-ha.

CDR-EVA Oops, hold it.

16 52 54 SPT-EVA I didn't go anywhere. But - (laughter)

CDR-EVA Let your feet right down there.

SPT-EVA Yes, I'll-

CDR-EVA Turn around 1_rther.

SPT-EVA I understand what you're saying.

16 53 01 CDR-EVA Up towards me. That a boy!

SPT-EVA Just the mechanics of it Just didn't work out.

CDR-EVA Yes. Now, come right down and stick your feet in -
no, actually you to get them behind it. There you
go .'

SPT-EVA Now, it's beautiful.

16 53 12 CDR-EVA All right. Now, where's your umbilical?

SPT-EVA MY Umbilical is - goes straight down, then takes

one loop through yours, if you see what I mean.
$o you move under there a little bit.
- Dump Tape 158-12
Time: 15:B3:56 to 16:54:55
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CDR-EVA I have to go under here?


CDR-EVA But I'm tethered now.

16 53 28 SPT-EVA All right. That's all right. Don't go under there

too far.

CDR-EVA Oh, you want me to do this?

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. I want to get hold of my _nbilical


SPT-EVA - - raise up your left side so I can get it - slip

it under your SOP, you're not raising up! That's it.


_ SPT-EVA Oh, dang it. No. Not okay. There, now.

CDR-EVA Now, where are you?

SPT-EVA This thing, ... what I've done.


16 53 57 SPT-EVA Okay. Well, out _bilicals are free of each other.

CDR-EVA Look now - now, I want you to get back. If I go

out, where's my _mbilical with respect to yours?

SPT-EVA Inside of it, right where it ought to be.

CDR-EVA All right. So I can go under, right?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir.

PLT Hey, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes, Paul.

PLT Joe, your t,nbilieal goes between your legs and - -

16 5h 17 MEC Skylab, Houston. We got you through V-n_lard, here.

it sounds like you got it hooked on sc,newhere.
Dtmrp Tape 158-12
Time: 15:33:56 to 16:54:55
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CDR-EVA Yes, we do. And now all we're trying to is straighten

out the umbilical mess before I go out.

MCC Okay.

CDR-EVA I don't believe we'll have to move the cutter. We've

got it in about the same spot. All right, you ready?


CDR-EVA All right. Now I got to go - I could be getting

oriented on this pole, right? I got to go here.

SPT-EVA Yes, because you want to go with your feet out that
way, don't you?

CDR-EVA Yes, and I want you to grab a hold of the pole now
to stabilize it.

SPT-EVA All right.

16 54 52 CDR-EVA Got it?

16 54 55 CDR-EVA It ...

• 2.' .

Dump Tape 158-13


TimeSegments(GMT) .

From To
15:06:17 15:33:33

15:33:34 16:hO:XX

*Verbatim-_i_l_-ication o_'tape J.>8-J_2 " _" _ "-

Voice good

This dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
I-1 Nocommunicationsare on tape.

[] Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.

[Z] l his tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
D_p Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
Page i of 19

15 06 17 CDR Yes, I remember them talking about it last night, about

stuff they were going to power down, but - -

SPT It never came up on paper.

CDR I didn't read that part on the paper. Not that it

wasn't there.

SPT Paul says that you were right. It was slightly higher
in the airlock. The pressure, that is.

MCC Okay.

15 07 19 MCC Okay, for your information. We still have 30 minutes

to sunset, so there's no sweat.

CD_ Yes.

SPT Okay.

CDR We're - We're taking our time. We got all day.

MCC How does the cooling feel, by the way?

CDR Fine. Two of us on - -

SPT Once we were smart enough to get on SUS 2, it was fine.

CDR What do you think happened to i? Did it freeze up?

MCC We're not really sure. We think it probably needs a

little bit of heat in the loopbefore we turn it on,
but we've got a little procedure here for P. J. in case
he wants some cooling.

SFI' He may want some cooling. It's pretty warm with that
suit on.

15 07 52 CC Right. And we've got a procedure for him, and we'll

read that to him. In fact, let us know - probably
we'll do it over Ascension. Everything should be
pretty well organized by that time. We're 1 minute
until LOS at this point, and we're going to pick up
Ascension at 17:00.
Dump Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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CDR Okay. He's turning everything out down there right

now. I can see him down there.

MCC Okay, fine.

15 08 lh PLT Okay. I got DUCT 2, DUCT 3, the WARDROOM WATER HEATER.

And I didn't count them, but I got all the light
circuit breakers I could see.

MCC Okay. You can't ask for more than that. Thanks a lot.

SPT Of course, now that they're all open, he can't see.

CDR No, no. The emergency light is still on. Get that
up here.

MCC Affirmative.

SP_ Up here and down there, Pete. It looks like over to


CDR That right? It looks to me like I'm looking down.

That's because Pete is looking ...

SPT With a little imagination, it suddenly becomes up.

CDR Besides that, he's climbing. That's ascending.

MCC I believe the people in Pensacola are very interested

in that, Pete.

CDR Well, up and down is strictly a matter of how you want

to do it. Every night the world goes by so that you
lay on the wardroom ceiling to see that the world is
right side up, and when you come back in from looking
at the world right side up - -

SPT You got a wardroom table growing out of the ceiling.

CDR You got a wardroom table growing out of the ceiling,

and it takes about 5 seconds to reverse up and down
in your mind as you come back in and turn around to
get oriented back in the vehicle.
Dump Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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15 09 h6 CDR Okay, the aft hatch is closed, and it is locked. And

we are in the process of ... in S082A, and as soon as
that is done, we will be in our hatch closure, forward
exposure procedures, and I suspect on our way out.

SPT ... Houston ...

CDR That's good.

SPT He's there. I wonder if we ought to put it - -

CDR I guess that won't get in our way.

SPT I hope not.

PLT What's that?

CDR 82A.

PLT Oh, I don't think so.

- SPT ...

15 l0 h0 CDR Okay, nov we can. Joe, whatever you do, take your
time, and don't expend a lot of energy, and remember
every time you expend energy we got to save some to
get back in. So, if you see me obviously getting in
a swivlt, you know. Look, here's one thing that's not
hooked up to each other.

SPT I must have skipped yours.

CDR ...

PLT Hello, Houston.

CDR They'll be back in a minute.

PLT Okay.

PLT You guys ready for me to close this hatch?

SPT Yes.
Dump Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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CDR Okay, how do the tools look? Wait - -

SPT They look fine.

CDR Okay, did you want to take the sack off the one tool?

SPT The sack off of it?

CDR Yes.

SPT I'll take that off in real time. Well, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

CDR All right.

SPT Yes, I'll ta_e it off now ... I thinkwe can be

careful enough. I like _y little cab.[?] It looks so
good. Woops. (Laughter) Hold it.

CDR What happened?

SPT Well,

15 12 18 SPT I was going to take this off for one and only reason
that I could pass it to P. J., but he's already closed
the hatch. So I'll Just stuff it in there.

CDR No, he hasn't. He's right there.

SPT Never mind. It's too late now. No, the hatch.

CDR No, no. The hatch is open, Joe.

SPT I Just stuffed it behind the other hatch, and he opened

his again. (Laughter)


SPT So forget it.

CDR Okay. Everybody organized where they're supposed to be?

SPT Yes, I'm right behind you. MY umbilical is out of the

way. How long it will stay that way I don't know, but
it's out of the way.
D_np Tape 158-13
Time: 15:O6:17 to 15:33:33
Page 5 of 19

CDR P.J., get on the checklist. Whenever he's ready.

SPT P.J. is closing the hatch. Again. Sorry, P. J. That

trivial nothing I ...

CDR ... aft airlock hatch. I'm going to go ahead. Oh,

that valve is already off. Okay, that's ready to go.

SPT Ah-hah.

PLT All right, you guys ready?

15 13 18 SPT Yes, sir.

PLT Got your ... where you want them?

CDR Yes.

SPT Yes.

PLT Verify your flow's in IVA.



15 13 24 PLT PRESS to KEG i.


PLT Both to DELTA-P.

SPT Both going to DELTA-P.

PLT Verify your PRESS light off ...

CDR Why are we pressurizing ... ?

PLT Pete, we always do.

PLT This is nothing new.

SPT Okay.

CDR Amazing how well my ears are clearing, Joe.

Dump Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:117 to 15:33:33
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SPT That's beautiful.

CDR Glad I'm up ...

SPT Maybewe're suited for zero g, after all. MY light is

out at 2.9.

CDR Yes, my light is out, and I'm stabilized 3.8.

PLT Okay. Your's stable, Joe?

SPT Yes, 3-7-

15 14 lh PLT Okay, PRESS lights to BOTH; verify no change in the cuff

gage of your lights.

CDR Verify PRESS lights to BOTH, no change in cuff gage ...

PLT Verify SOP ... Are you going to help each other?

SPT Yes, we should. Can you turn 1807

CDR Okay, now.

Sl°T Just right there is fine. Hold it right there.

CDR Now what do we do? We turn on our SPOs_

PLT Open each other's SOP 02 valves.

SPT We'll do this one at a time. I'm opening Pete's. So

read - it helps to read through it twice. Pete's

PLT Okay, then on 317, turn this 02 SUPPLY VALVE to CLOSE.

CDR I'ii see that.

SPT All right.

PLT I get a ... and SOP flow. Check the medium pressure
gage for 27 to 45. As soon as you - -

SPT I see that it's in the green.

-_ Dump Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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CDR Okay.

SPT Wait a minute. Let me double check that. Yes, it's

in the green.

CDR Okay. That 's a good check.

PLT Verifying SOP flow open your ... 02 valve.

SPT Okay.

PLT On panel 317 - -

SPT I can get mine on, Pete.

CDR You can?

SPT Yes. It floats up higher in zero g.

CDR Okay.

15 15 21 SPT All right, my SOP 02 VALVE is OPEN. My 02 supply has

gone closed. I think. Okay. it's CLOSED. I got a
tone. I got a - what purports to be a SOP_flow light
that goldanged thing covers it. I punch it off. I
go SOP 02 bag open. MY light goes out, and I close -

no, I leave my SOP 02 on, don't I?

CDR Right.

SPT Okay. I 'm done.

PLT Okay, physically verify, inspect each others' neck

rings, wrist rings, SOP and four PCU connectors all

SPT I liked your neck ring.

CDR I like yours.

SPT Okay.

CDR I can see your gloves are locked.

Dump Tape158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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SPT Let me check that for sure. That one's locked. Let
me see this one. Goldanged.

CDR That's locked. I can see it.

SPT All right. You could see it, I couldn't.

CDR Let me look at yours that are locked. Eve_j one of

your connectors is locked. And locked ...

SPT Eight.

SPT Blue is locked, locked. Red is locked, locked. That

one and that one are locked. Okay.

CDR Where are all your tools and everything? I've lost all
of them.

SPT They're behind me. They're right behind me.

CDR Oh, good. Okay.

PLT Okay, I've got a warning I want to read to you. Two

warnings and a note. How about that.

SPT All right.

PLT If your cuff gage drops below 3.6 at any time, during
depress, Pete, close the valve.

CDE Okay.

PLT And give me a holler, and I'll open the equalization


CDR Okay.

PLT If the LOW VENT FLOW light comes on before depress is

complete, change your flow selector to EVA NORM.

CDR Okay.

SPT Roger.
D_np Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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15 17 lh PLT Okay, and if we get a rapid DELTA-P, or if it looks

like we're leaking out anything else in the cluster,
I'll tell you to close the depress valve.

CDR All right.

PLT Now, wait, I got to close the equalization valve in the


CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, it's closed; go ahead and open the depress valve.

CDR All right. Now depress how far?

PLT It doesn't say, you Just meter it however you want.

CDR Okay.

15 18 03 CC Okay, Skylab_ Houston. We got you for about 5-1/2 min-

utes here over Ascension.

CDR Okay, Houston. The lock is on the way down, h.2 and

MCC Understand.

CDR Okay. M_ suit is hanging right in there at 3.85.

SPT 3.75 is what I got.

SPT Little piece of debris there.

CDR Yes.

PLT Houston, PLT. You might take a reading on the MDA

pressure for information for future crews_ it indicated
that it got up to about 5.3 to 5.h in here before we

MCC Okay, we got it.

CDR There 2.0 in the lock; 3.85 on my suit.

Dump Tape158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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MCC Okay.

MCC Okay, and Houston here; you're GO for hatch open any
time you get it down there. You're all looking good.

CDR What the beck did all this Junk come from?

PLT Okay. I got the TV on. You got the TV yet, Houston?

CDR Houston, you may be interested in knowing that on the

LOCK DUMP valve, a large block of ice is growing on the

SPT Is that what that is?

CDR I couldn't figure out what it was.

MCC The inside, Pete, or the outside?

15 19 30 CDH On the inside. There must have been enough moisture

in the air, Rusty, that it - hit the screen. Why it
must have been supercooled; it froze and it is rather
weird looking fellow. That's what's making the lock
take so long to dump down. I'd say it cuts the - -

SPT Can you scrape at it with your finger?

CDR No. It's a solid block. I guess I can.

CDH Well, I don't want to.

SPT I'm sure you'd help ...

CDR All I did was block it more. I'd better leave well
enough alone.

MCC How about breathing on it?

CDR Well, I thought about that, but ...

PLT Pete, you're still coming down drastically. You've

been reading about 0.8.

CDR Yes, I'm showing 0.8 also.

Dtmp Tape 158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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PLT It sure hss levelled off, thouKh.

CDR It blocks about two-thirds of the screen.

MCC Okay. You've got a nice toQl in there called a pry

bar. You might want to poke at it with it ; if it
does block you completely.

CDR It starts, it starts - -

SPT It's in the pores of the screen, Rusty. We'd have to

break the screen in order to ...

CDR I don't want to do that. There's debris there and

everything -

15 20 37 SPT Leave well enough alone.

PLT Yes, it's still coming down. I'm reading about 0.5
or 0.6.

SPT Okay.

PLT I think part of the reason it's taken so long to dump

is ...

15 20 53 MCC Pete, have you got a minute there? While we're going
down, some time on panel _03, we'd like to turn the
ATM coolant loop pum_s, all three of them, off.
Like to have you verify that.

CDR You know what's happened here. Our flow is equal to

what it will take out now. It'6 holding about 1/2 psi.

MCC ... Pete.

SPT You think we dass open the hmteh, at 1/2 psi?

CDR No. I hate to tear into my pry bar, Rusty. I'm

looking around for something else I might use. My
pry bar is neatly packaged.

SPT The only thing I can give you is the vice grip.
Dump Tape158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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CDR I got something here. My wrist tether - -

SPT Want to tickle it with the handle? Oh, all right.

SPT - - Something skinny to stick down in between the mesh.

CDR Okay, that gets some of it.

PLT Guess what I forgot?

SPT What?

PLT The procedures.

SPT Okay. I think we can wing it.

PLT Yes. They are very neatly folded up down on myward-

room locker door.

CDR Are we over Houston?

MCC Houston; go ahead, Pete.

CDR Did you read that, Houston? How about 3 and ...

MCC What's your last?


PLT Pete, they don't read me ,mless they - -

CDR Paul left the procedures, not that we need them, down
in the wardroom neatly in his locker. How about up-
linking your TV procedures next station?

MCC Okay.

CDR Okay. We have most of it. We got it pretty well

committed to memory.

CC Okay. We'll get the two messages up.

CDR All right, we look like we're about 0.2. What do you
read, P. J.?

PLT I'm reading about 0.2 on one ...

A D_npTape158-13
Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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MCC 0.3 is okay for opening the hatch, Pete.

CDR All right.

SPT Should read 0.2 on one gage and 0.3 on the other.

PLT Good. Well done.

CDR Here goes the hatch. Go ahead on the procedures, P. J.

PLT Okay. When you depress the - -

15 23 22 MCC We've got 20 seconds until LOS. We'll pick you up

over Carnarvon at hT:O0.

CDR Okay.

PLT When depress is complete ... go MODE SELECT to ABSOLUTE.

You may get a little ... gage decrease.

CDR Okay.

PLT Let me know when you're both there.

SPT I 'm there.

15 23 45 CDR I'm reading about 3.5.

PLT Joe?

SPT I just thought. I have to take that silly thing off

and put it on again every time I move now. It's okay,
and I'm reading about 3._5.

PLT Okay. Verify ... SELECT to BOTH.

SPT It 's in BOTH.


SPT EVA NORM on the - on the flow.

PLT Verify ... pressure cuff gage. All lights off.

Dump Tape158-13
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CDR I got good pressure on the cuff gage; ... all lights

PLT Okay. Make sure that the EVA hatch retainer is spring
loaded to the _GAGED position.

CDR It is.

PLT Unlock the hatch handle lock.

CDR The lock is unlocked.

PLT Open the handle; verify that it goes fully clockwise.

CDR Okay. It missed - -

SPT Did it miss the thing?

CDR It missed the thing.

SPT I hope it doesn't miss it on the way in, that's all.

CDR Let me check that. No.

SPT It catches it, huh? Okay.

15 2h 52 CDR Very good. The hatch is open. Let me get this first.

PLT Engage the ... all open ON.

CDR Hi there. Big chunks of ice.

SPT He's got the rod.

PLT It's started.

CDR Okay, I've got my protective visor down.

SPT Yes. Oh, yes. Good idea.

CDR How's that valve work now that we've got the hatch open?

SPT Mostly the - the ice is mostly gone from it.

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CDR Okay. Look at all the stuff going down.

SPT Yes. Isn't that incredible?

CDR Okay, what's next?

PLT Well, that's the part that's down in the wardroom.

SPT All right. You go out and get the FAS foot restraints,
and I'll start handing you poles.

CDR-EVA Okay. I'm on my way.

SPT You want the ... end first?

CDR-EVA No - I - think I want the SET first.

PLT That's right. You do want the SET first.

CDR-EVA Just a minute.

SPT It's not a big deal but you're right. The procedure
calls gor the SET first. Where the heck is the BET?
(Laughter). There it is.

15 26 15 CDR-EVA What am I hanging on? Is my umbilical pulling me back?

SPT Just a minute. Yes it is; you need a little more

umbilical. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention.
Wait a minute. Pete, I'd like you to bring your feet
up over your umbilical, if you can.

SPT There you go. Wait a minute. One more you got it off
on one foot. Let me get it. Oh - -

CDR-EVA Which one?

SPT Never mind, because I'll do it. Okay.

CDR-EVA Got it?

SPT Yes. Now, go ahead in.

PLT Pete, you may want your gold visor down.

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Time: 15:06:17 to 15:33:33
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SPT-EVA Man, the buoyancy is better here, Pete, than it is in

the water. Isn't it?

15 27 03 CDR-h_VA All right, now. Let me find the FT. The first thing
I need to do - let me, let me - wait a minute. Let
me hold this so I don't forget it - let me get the
front end free and pull those locks right now. Get
them out of the way.

SPT-EVA That 's fine.

CDR-EVA Which is the - No, that's the spare, right?


CDR-EVA The locks are pulled on both of them. Look at that

dome - All right? Now.

SPT-L_A You ready for the BET?

CDR-EVA Hold it. Let me get hack in my foot restraint.

SPT-EVA We're quite mobile out there.

PLT Well, it's a little bit better that the water tank.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

15 28 08 PLT Which quads were they interested in? These quads look
the same.

CDR-EVA Wait I got find FT. And F6, FI5, and FT; I got it.

CDR-EVA That won't hook there. Going to have to do it this


SPT-EVA Pete, I'm going to clamp your umbilical to keep it out

of my way. Okay?

CDR-E"_A All right.

SPT-EVA Remember to unclamp it before you move.

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SPT-EVA Out of the station.

CDR-EVA There's the - BET's out of the way.

SPT-EVA Okay. YOU ready for a pole, huh?

CDR-EVA Hold it. Just let me look at this a minute.

15 28 55 SPT-EVA I'm going to be getting the first pole. That's a

significant chore.

PLT It's bright out there.

SPT-E_A Whee !

PLT Joe, do you have your inner protective spare visor


SPT-EVA Yes, Paul, I do. When you reminded me the last time,
I put it down.

PLT Okay.

PLT Hello.

CDR-EVA (Laughter).

SPT-EVA Okay, that end is loose.

CDR-EVA Hey that ... you want it put out here Paul? It's
already out here.

SPT-EVA They launched it out there, didn't they?

PLT-EVA I didn't want to put it out there; somebody else did.

SPT-EVA I went out and put it there this morning - during prep.

CDR-EVA Take your time. We got all the time in the world today.

SPT-EVA Right.

CDR-EVA That little beauty.

15 30 48 CDR-EVA A lot of rods floating around.

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15 30 50 SPT-EVA All I know is the tape was nice and strong, but
when I pulled the second rod off, the third and fourth
ones came part w_y off, too.


SPT-EVA I'll just herd them. No problem.

CDR-EVA I'll watch.

SPT-_A Okay. They are both still attached to one and each.

CDR-I'_A Okay.

SPT-h_A Now you want the male end, right?

CDR-E_A Yes. Very good. You hold on to that.

SPT-EVA I will. I got it. This is going to be okay, Pete.

I think even with the long rod, I'll have plenty of
room for it in here while you work right there with
it. Got it?

CDR-EVA So far.


CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Okay, you got it.

PLT I can see the gray tape special coming out. We're
approaching the terminator.

CDR-EVA Have you got the lights on?

PLT I've got them on per checklist. The light switches in

here are all ON, 0 N.

SPT I noticed.

CDR-EVA We just launched blind rivet into a polar orbit.

SPT-EVA That 's all right.

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CDR-EVA Oh, there's two handrails going up to where we've got

to go that I had forgotten about.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

15 32 18 CDR-EVA See if you can give it to me another way. It's okay,

Joe, no sweat, Just hand it out to me. Just hand it

SPT-EVA Just you wait, now.

CDR-h_A Now don't tire yourself out, now. I want you to rest.

SPT-EVA I'm resting.

CDR-k_A Now. Just hold it right there because the nut's backed


SPT-EVA No, it's Just all right in here. I knew I'd have to
do that pitch maneuver. Because I secured both ends
of the rods. I have to pitch over to reach them.
That 's okay.

CDR-EVA Three. Now I got to watch the solar panel. Now, there
are the kind of dynRm_cs you get into, watch that
strap. See that? That son-of-a-gun will go around

SPT-EVA What are you looking at?

CDR-EVA I'm looking at the strap on the end of the pole.

SPT-EVA Oh, yes. Isn't that beautiful?

CDR-EVA Now I can pick it up, I guess.

15 33 33 SPT-EVA Uh-huh. I'm ready with the next pole.

. . .°

DumpTape 158-z_,_

Time Segments (GMT)

• From To
14:_8:18 15:34;07

16:59:13 17:27:03

Voice and time. _ood. --_

1his dump.t_',_._
has been"cancelled"for the following reason:
I-] Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I-30llly communicationson tapeare COMMI ECHchecl's.

I-1 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape

Dump Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:0B
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14 38 18 CDR Got it?

PLT Didn't sound like it's ... did it?

CDR No, I turned off the tone.

SPT Be sure and turn that ... off ...

CDR How do you read me? Huh? Over the air?

PLT Okay, see if you got 02, Pete .... plus 1.

CDR See if I got 02 . What do I do? REG 1 ON?

• PLT Wait a minute. You should have an audio warning

tone and all your lights.

SPT Punch it out, right?

CDR Yes. I don't have - -

SPT Okay.

CDR - - suit SOP flow.

SPT And I 'm the same. Now wait a minute. PCU MODE SELECT
to ABSOLUTE. Verify.



PLT ... you didn't.

CDR It 's OFF.

SPT Wait a minute, Paul. FLOW SELECT, go to IVA.

lh 39 30 CDR IVA.

SPT Now it says - now to don the gloves, verify don the
helmets and then PRESS SELECT. Let's go PRESS Skn._.CT
to BOTH from that, and verify flow, then back to
OFF, okay?

CDE Okay. Yes.

Dump Tape 158-14
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SPT Okay, yes, we both have flow.

CDR I've got to be careful. I give you SOP flow, too.

SPT I keep getting that REG 1 LOW FLOW ON and OFF, which
is odd. Okay. Now let's get our - let's disconnect
and verify that they are in the engaged position.

CI)R Okay.

SPT That's a good idea before we get the gloves on.

CDR Yes. And - -

SPT Okay, don the gloves.

PLT Do you want me to stay here or should I go over to

the CSM and configure to off?

SPT You want me to go ahead?


PLT Okay.

CDR Do you read me?

SPT Yes, I read you. Paul, do you read us on comm?

14 40 28 PLT No, I can't hear you ... have AC tied together with
the CSM.

CDR Yes.

SPT Okay.

CDR Okay, that's locked.

SPT Need a hand with that?

CDR No, it's already open. That's what I -

SPT With your glove, I mean.

CDR No, let me think. Hopefully not. Do you?

SPT I haven't started yet.

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CDR It might take a second. Okay. Yes.

SPT Good.

CDR Okay. That's locked.

SPT Good.

CDR Want me to give you a hand with yours?

lh 41 26 SPT Well, let me get my first one on and then I'll come
over to you with the second one. Oh, (laughter)
dragging my tmbilical behind me.

CDR Get the co-,,tied in. You can go to sleep on that

thing right there. There that's VOX. Test, l, 2.

SPT I only hear in one earphone. Well that may be be-

cause of - oh - ...

CDR Popped in and out.

PLT Hey, what do you want, you want the VOX up a little?

SPT Yes, please.

PLT Try that.

SPT Okay. That's pretty good, I think.

CDR Yes, how do you read me?

PLT I 'm reading you loud and clear on the speaker box.

CDR Good.

PLT Let me go back and plug in, and see how I hear you
on something else.

14 42 59 SPT Okay. That does take a little bit of voice power

to key this thing. All right, let's see what else
we do now. Now, verlf_ your diverter valve is

CDR Yes.
Dump Tape 158-14
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SPT Don your helmet; align lock; and then we'll go

PRESS to BOTH. And ... - -

CDR I think we want to - -

SPT - - take them one at a time.

CDR I think we want to - No, I think we want to stop here

right now, until he's ready for us.

_PT Okay.

14 h3 27 CDR Because we go through a suit integrity check and I

want him to -

SPT Next things we do are check out the PCU - the EMU
integrity checks.

CDR Then we go to the LOCK.

SPT That's right and - -

CDR We're ready to go.

SPT - - as soon as we do the integrity check, we're off

the cue card, so we can leave it right here.

CDR Yes.

SPT It's very convenient.

CDR You've got to get S082 in the back and the back
hatch closed - the umbilical stuff.

SPT Yours. Yes.

CDR Take the day time, and when we're ready up there, then
we'll get out. Then we'll start getting the pole
assembled; we tool it through the night for a while,
we ... If we get up there and do the thing ...
tonight, we Just ... the night.

SPT Okay.

PLT I don't have - you guys Just tell me when your in-
tegrity check is complete.

CDR Okay.

D_np Tape 158-ih
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT You ready for ... time, huh. Okay.

CDR Wait a moment, Just one thing. Let me ask you how
long till daylight?

PLT We're in ds_vlight now.

CDR Sorry. Okay. That's all I wanted to know.

14 44 44 SPT Gosh darn it. I tell you, it may be 58 degrees out-

side, but it ain't that cool in this suit.

CDR Yes.

SPT I've got no cooling. I may plug in ...

PLT I don't see why you can't come in with us. There's
plenty of cool in this place.

SPT Because the umbilical won't reach, that's why.


SPT I Just now figured that out.

CDR Locked?

SPT Yes, it's locked. Make sure you're in the I)-i0 [?]
during both.

CDR Yes.

SPT You got flow?

CDR Yes.

SPT ... me, baby.

CDR Okay.

CDR That looks like it there. Let me see.

SPT Okay".

CDR Let me verify that. Yes, it is.

SPT And I'm in BOTH and I've got FLOW.

CDR Ok_.
]Amp Tape 158-i_
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
Psge 6 of 52

SPT Okay. Press the light to PEG 2, and we should get

a tone. No, wait a minute.

SPT Let me make sure. Okay. Don helmet, PRESS SELECT

to BOTH, verify 02 FLOW, the REG i LOW FLOW light
should be OFF. And mine is.

CDR Yes.

lh 46 23 SPT The LOW VENT FLOW light should be OFF, and mine is,
and it says lower the visor. We don't have to do
that yet. Okay. PCU check out. EV-I and 2. Oh,
darn it. (Laughter)

PLT Please watch your language. This is being recorded

for posterity.

SPT Oh. I Just lost my - oh.

CDE Why don't we lower that down?

SPT All right. Well, it's where it is, and I'm - okay,

CDR Okay.

SPT And we should get a tone.

CDR That's my first problem.


CDR That's in the way.

SPT And I got mine. Ptmch OFF the light if you get it.

CDR Okay. I got a REG i LOW FLOW.

SPT Okay. Now MODE SELECT to DELTA-P. We're going to

pres sur i ze.

CDR Okay.

SPT And we're going to go to 3.2 to 3.5.

PLT How do you guys read me on the headset?

Dump Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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SPT I read you okay, Paul.

CDR How do you read me?

PLT Loud and clear.

PLT Wow, we really pressurized it in a hurry, too.

SPT Your ears okay?

CDR Yes.

SFT So are mine. MY cuff gage is off the ... Man, it

really snaps right up there. Popped up to 3.5 and
it's back at - mine's at 3.4. How about you?

CDR It's coming in there right now.

CDR I'm in good shape at 3.4.

SPT Okay, let's go to REG 1 now, and we should get an

increase to about 3.8.

CDR Okay.

SP_ If I can get there. There we go.

CDE Boy, by suit press dropped all the way to 3.2.

SPT When you were chenging?

CDR Yes.

SPT Well, if you be ... in between regs, that ... is

still slowing all the time.

SPT My pressure is now 3.7-

CDR I had a little overshoot -undershoot there. I'm

searching. I steadied out at 3.8.

SPT That's good; 3.6 to 3-9 is acceptable. Let's go to

both. There should be no change. Make sure it's

CDR I'm in both. It's LOCKED.

lh _8 51 SPT Okay; 3.7 here. Now EMU integrity check.


Dump Tape 158-ih
Time: ih:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR Yes.

SPT Next sequence terminates 02 flow to the PGA. The

REG LOW FLOW and the LOW VENT FLOW lights will light.
Monitor cuff gage, the maximum acceptable is 0.8
psig. Paul, can you time us for 1 minute?

PLT Yes. Go ahead.

SPT Okay, Pete, it's going to be FLOW OFF, and then on

my mark PRESS OFF and that starts the 1 minute.
You ready?

PLT We have -

CDR No. No. Gosh darn.

SPT What's the matter?

CDR Farewell to perfection.

PLT Oh, you watched this thing, huh?

CDR Well, I had to take it off. I couldn't get to

REG 2.

SPT Oh, for goodness sake.

CDR How much of this - I want to tape this - listening.

14 49 35 CC Skylab, this is Houston. We've got you for a long

period over the states.

SPT Okay?

CDR Yes.

i_ 49 h7 SPT Let's go to - let's go FLOW to OFF now.

CDR Okay.

PLT ... Houston, read you ...

SPT Let's go PRESS to OFF and start your i minute count,


PLT See if Houston is reading you.

D_np Tape 158-1h
Time: ih:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT Houston, are you reading, EV-I and 2?

CC Yes, sir, we are. We've got you loud and clear,

and we see you're in the integrity cheek.

SPT That 's correct.

lh 50 i0 CDR All right, mark down at 3.9.

SPT Okay, mark it from there. I didn't go over 3.75.

SPT Go punch that tone off.

PLT 15 seconds to go.

SPT Okay, we're holding good. At least I am.

SPT One minute. It's PRESS to BOTH, and then flow to


lh 50 55 PLT MARK. Your minute is up.

SPT Okay. I had no decay. PRESS to both, and flow

to IVA.

PLT I got flow.

SPT Okay, Pete?

CDR Yes. 0kay.

SPT All right. How was your decay?

CDR At about a one-half.

SPT About one-half. Okay, we're in SPEC. All right,

the cuff gage is stable, at 3.6 to 3.9. MODE
SELECT to ABSOLb'fE. Let's depressurize. And,
Rusty, this converter clock govern is kind of a
pain in the neck during checkout. I have to
partially tear it off to get at the valve.
Dump Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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MCC You should be able to move it right through the

... there.

SPT You should, but you can't.

MCC Okay.

CDR The other thing that gets in my way, Rusty, is I

can't get into REG 2 with those fliers on there.

_C Okay. We'd recommend either a quickie other

place, or Just forget them, Pete.

CDR I think I'd like to forget them.

SPT ... let me try them in one spot on mine.

CDR ... there to hang up.

SPT They were originally selected - let me see if it's - -

PLT Rusty, PLT on the light weight.

CC That's ... You're coming through 5 square, P. J.

PLT Okay.

CREW Okay. How was the -

SPT If I lose them, I lose them; they aren't in the


CDR Okay.

CDR Say, P. J.

PLT Yes.

14 52 h2 CDR After you get the umbilical stowed, you're going

to have to get S082B or A, and bring it back
there on that stretch strap that you're tethering
in the aft lock, okay? You'llhave to crawl
over it.

D_np Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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SPT I - I'ii get up into the MDA while you do that.

And Paul, we're ready to go on your checklist.
Our cue card is all done.

PLT Okay, stand by.


PLT Okay, I'm going tomake s_ne panel checks up here.

I'll be with you in a minute.

SPT Okay.

PLT How did that get off there?

SPT I don 't know.

SPT Okay, Pete. What's your tunbilical ntunber?

CDR 13.

lh 55 02 SPT All right, I'll go out. I'm moving in the

airlock now.

CDR Is mine the one you stow first?

SPT Oh, yes.

CDR Ok ay.

SPT Bec_,_e go up first. I think you might move up

while he stows.

CDR Yes.

CDR DELTA-P you got on a condensate tank now.

CC Okay. We're showing around 0.87 on the DELTA-P,

and we figure you're GO either way. We think
that it will probably take a little moisture out,
but it may not be too efficient; and we'll get with
it after the EVA.

SPT Okay.

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CDR I got to do a 180. Okay, that's not right. Do

180 one more time. There you go. Very good.
Okay. Start working, Joe.

SPT Okay.

PLT Okay, you coming up, Joe?

SPT Yes, I'm waiting for your GO - to come in and

close the hatch.

PLT Okay, move to the hatch.

SPT Here I am.

PLT Pete, you manage his LSU as he comes in and stow

it in the aft lock.

CDR Okay.

SPT In the aft block, Pete, not behind you. Keep

it in here.

PLT I'm supposed to do that. You want to just

stay where you were?

SPT It's okay. We've already got it handled, Paul.

SPT Well, let me see which way I can roll here.

CDR Let me get another handle on your umbilical.

SPT Okay.

CDR All right we're on SYNC umbilical.

SPT Okay. That's clean.

CDR The other thing is that we've got to make sure

that aft lock door is ...

CDR Turn out the light.


SPT Yes. All right, let me close the hatch first.

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PLT Release - release the hatch as you come in, Joe.

SPT I did.

PLT Okay. Make sure that the pressure equalization

valve cap is stowed. No, that's the aft hatch.
Disregard, disregard.

PLT I've verified the hatch handle is open.

14 58 41 SPT The hatch is OPEN.

PLT Okay, you close it and go hatch handle to

equalize pressure.

SPT Okay.

PLT You there?

SPT Yes.

PLT Release handle to UNLOCK.


PLT Hatch handle to CLOSE.


PLT And verify the relese handle is in LOCK.

SPT It didn't, but I put it to lock.

PLT It didn't go by itself?


PLT Okay, but it's in LOCK now.

SPT It's in LOCK now.

z PLT Okay.

SPT And the hatch is ... down, okay?

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PLT Okay. On 390, turn the OWS entry lights OFF.

SPT In work.

PLT You got a lot of umbilical down around your feet


SPT All right, we'll work that right now.

PLT Okay.

PLT You can Just move on in feet first if you want.

SPT I will.

PLT That 's good.

CDR Let me get this hatch right here. Right here.

SPT Super. Okay, all my umbilical is in the aft lock

now. I think. What are you doing, Pete?

CDR Well, this hatch isn't - the aft air lock hatch
came loose, so I'm Just making sure the straps - I
got it strapped down. We don't need that
floating around. Okay?

PLT Okay, now Joe, you got a piece of umbilical

under your right arm.

SPT Under m_ right arm.

CDR It comes out of this here and goes under your

right arm.

SPT No, that's Pete's.

PLT Never mind; sorry.

CD_ What did I do, another 360 again? Need 180, Paul?
That what I need to do?

PLT Yes, you're in good shape now. That's exactly

right, Pet e.
Dt_np Tape 158-14
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15 00 17 CDR Now. One thing that's got to go back there is

82B. Hey. Getting screwed up. (Laughter)

SPT Okay, that's mine, it's mine - but it is mine.

All right, Pete, can you sneak by us here with
82A? If you can.

CDR Let me try this right here. That's about as close

to the floor as I can get.

SPT Yes, that's plenty. I'm half behind you and he's
got a good hand for the hatch. Open.

CDR Okay.

CDR Houston, you read?

PLT Okay, I'm going to tie it down back there with

one long stap, okay?

SPT Yes, sure.

CDR Go ahead. Tie it fairly close to the thing now.

Don't want to move it around too much. Okay,
Houston; how many minutes until sunset?

_CC Okay, Pete, we're about 35-1/2 minutes until sunset.

We see some power - rather high power usage down
in the OWS. Can you verify that you turned all
the lights off down there?

SPT Yes, all the switches were OFF on panel 617, or

whatever it is. And the _TRY lights are OFF.
Actually, I can't verify that visually right
now, Rusty.

MCC Okay, and can you verify having turned off the
TCS duct fans?

SPT No. Paul says he did not turn off the TCS duct
fans. You want them OFF?

MCC Yes, Stand by Just 1.

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CDR You get down there and get them.

SPT That's all right; we've got time.

SPT I'ii hang on to that, Paul. I got it.

MCC Disregard that. Do not go back down in the OWS.

We're go the way we are.

SPT Paul standing by to do so, if you want him to.

CDR We've got time, Houston.

MCC Okay, if Paul can get past you there, and get the
aft hatch open and get down and shut OFF the fans
and verify the lights.

15 03 08 SPT Verify the lights. Okay, he's on his way.

MCC Okay, fine.

CDR Got the pressure in here now?


MCC Okay, Paul if you read down there -

SPT Paul doesn't read you yet. He's waiting for

pressure equalizing process in hatch.

MCC Okay, fine. Perhaps you can relay to him when he

gets down there, that we want the panel 614 circuit
breaker TCS duct 2 and 3 fans, 8 of the th_n, OPEN.

PLT Wait, I've got all of them. I Just want to read

th_n one at a time.

15 04 00 SPT Paul says that the pressure is higher in the

workshop side of the hatch. That's kind of screwy.
Rusty, why is that?

MCC Stand by ...

SPT Or is there a discrepancy in our gages?

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MCC Joe, does Paul have an EVA checklist in his hand?


M_C Okay. When he gets down there, I 'm prepared to

leave the particular steps that we think we're -
we're omitting here so, will you be able to
hear me on SIA down there?

SPT I asstnneso.

CDR Still equalizing?

SPT He says he still hears the pressure equalizing

through the valve.

CDR Still equalizing? Still equalizing?

MCC Okay, we're reading 0.2 of a psi DELTA-P with the

lock slightly higher. He's probably hearing it
go the other way.

CDR The lock is higher.

SPT He could go this way.

CDI_ He says the lock is higher.

SPT So we can find out in a hurry when he opens the

hatch, which he is about to do.

SPT (Laughter) We got a little rapid DELTA-P there.

MCC Okay, I understand he got the hatch open.

SPT Yes, the hatch is OPEN. He's going to go shut

OFF the warning co_.

MCC Did he run a Navy catapult down into the

experiment compartment?

15 05 B4 SPT He is still in the airlock, Rusty.

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SPT No, the hatch did not fall open. You'll have
to ask him which way the DELTA-P was. I couldn't
tell by looking.

MCC Okay. We're Just worried about a sling shot there.

SPT Yes.

CDR I Just popped about one-half an inch.

MCC Okay, let me know when he gets down there, and

I'll read these steps to him.

PLT I can't hear up there. What does he want me to do,

for gosh sske?

PLT Rusty, I'm not going to hear you down there. What
do you want me to do?

MCC Okay, here you go, Paul. On 614 circuit breaker

TCS DUCT 2 and 3 Fans, ... of them OPEN.

PLT 0kay.

MCC And also, the CB HSS plus one wardroom water

heater OPEN.

PLT Okay.

MCC And then on 613 CB lighting, 42 of them OPEN.

PLT Holy mackerel. All right. Apparently that

dropped down the crack on the checklist. You
better research that.

MCC Okay.

CDR Yes, I remember them talking about it last night

on what they were going to power down, but -

SPT It never came up on paper.

SPT I didn't read that part in the paper.

CDE Not that it wasn't there.

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PLT ...

SPT Paul says you were right, it was slightly higher

in the airloek. The pressure, that is.

MCC Okay.

15 07 19 MCC Okay, for your information, we still have 30

minutes until sunset, so there's no sweat.

CDE Okay, We're - we're taking our time. We've got

all day.

MCC How does the cooling feel, by the way?

CDR Fine. Two of us on - -

SPT Once we were smart enought to get on truss 2,

it's fine.

CDR What do you think happened to i? Did it

freeze up?

CC We're not really sure. We think it probably needs

a little bit of heat in the lift before we turn
it on, but we've got a little procedure here for
P° J. in ease he wants some cooling.

SPT He may want some cooling. It's pretty warm with

that suit on.

15 07 52 CC Right, and we've got a procedure for him, and

we'll read that to him, in fact - let us know -
probalby we'll do it over Ascension. Everything
should be pretty well organized by that time.
We're 1 minute until LOS at this point, and we're
going to pick up Ascension at 17.

CDR Okay. He's turning everything out down there

right now ...

r CC Okay,fine.
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15 08 14 PLT Okay, I got duct 2, duct 3, the wardroom water

heater, and I didn't count them, but I got all
the light circuit breakers I could see.

MCC Okay, you can't ask for more than that. Thanks
a lot.

SPT Of course, now that they're all OPEN, he can't see.

CDR No, no the EMERGENCY light is still ON. Get that

up here.

MC C Affirm.

SPT Up here and down there, Pete. It looks like over

to me.

CDE That right? It looks to me like I'm looking down.

That's because Pete is looking ...

SPT With a little imagination, it suddenly becomes up.

CDR Besides that, he's climbing. That's ascending.

MCC I believe the people in Pensacola are very

interested in that ,Pete.

CDR Well, up and down is strictly a matter of how you

want to do it. Every night the world goes by so
that you lay on the wardroom ceiling to see the
world is right side up, and when you come back in
from looking at the world right side up - -

SPT You got a wardroom table growing out of the ceiling.

CDE - - you got a wardroom table growing out of the

ceiling, and it tskes about 5 seconds to reverse
up and down in your mind as you come back in and
turn around to get oriented back in the vehicle.

15 09 46 CDR Okay, the aft hatch is CLOSED, and it is LOCKED.

And we are in the process of ... in S082A, and as
soon as that is done, we will be in our hatch closure
forward exposure procedures, and I suspect on our
way out.

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PLT It's LOCKED, Houston ...

CDR That's good.

SPT Hey, there. I wonder if we ought to put it -

CDR I guess that won't get in our way.

SPT I hope not.

PLT What's that?

CDR 82A.

PLT Oh, I don't think so.

SPT ...

_ 15 I0 h0 CDR Okay, now we can, Joe. Just whatever you do, take
your time, and don't expend a lot of energy, and
remember every time you expend energy we got to
save same to get back in. So, if you see me
obviously getting in a swivit, you know - Look,
here's one thing that's not hooked up to each other.

SPT I must have skipped yours. (Laughter)

CDR ...

PLT Hello, Houston.

CDR They'll be back in a minute.

PLT Okay.

PLT You guys ready for me to close this hatch?

15 ii 31 SPT Yes.

CDE Okay, how do the tools look? Wait - -

SPT They look fine.


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CDR All right, did you want to take the sack off the
i tool?

SPT The sack off of it?

CDR Yes.

SPT I'll take that off in real time. Well, wait a

minute - Wait a minute.

CDR All right.

SPT Yes, I'll take it off now ... I think we can be

careful enought. I like my little ... It looks
so good. Ooops. Hold it.

CDR What happened?

jr SPT Well _ never mind.

15 12 18 SPT I was going to take this off for the one and
only reason, that I could pass it to P. J., but
he's already closed the hatch. So I'll Just stuff
it in there.

CDR No, he hasn't. He's right there.

SPT Never mind. It's too late now. No, the hatch.

CDR No, no. The hatch is OPEN, Joe.

SPT I Just stuffed it behind the other hatch, and he

opened his agin. (laughter)


SPT So forget it.

CDR All right. Okay. Everybody organized where they're

supposed to be?

SPT Yes, I'm right behind you. MY umbilical is out

of the way. How long it will stay that way I don't
r know, but it's out of the way.
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CDR P.J. get on the checklist. Whenever he's ready.

SPT And P. J. is closing the hatch again. Sorry, P. J.

That trivial - nothing I ...

CDR ... aft airlock hatch. I'm going to go ahead. Oh,

that valve is already off. Okay, that's ready to go.

SPT Ah hah.

PLT All right, you guys ready?

15 13 18 SPT Yes, sir.

PLT Got your wrist tethers where you want them?

CDR Yes.

SPT Yes.

PLT Verify your flows in IVA.



15 13 24 PLT PRESS to REG i.


PLT Both to DELTA-P.

SPT Both going to DELTA-P.

PLT Verify your PRESS light OFF ... by 28 to 31.

CDR Why are we pressurizing? ...

PLT Pete, we always do.

PLT This is nothing new.

SPT Okay.

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CDR Amazing how well my ears are clearing, Joe.

SPT That's beautiful.

CDR Glad l'm up ...

SPT Maybe we're suited for zero g after all. Okay, m_

light is out at 2.9.

CDR Yes, my light is out, and I'm stabilized 3.8.

PLT Okay. Yours stable, Joe?

SPT No - Yes 3.7.

15 14 14 PLT Okay. Go PRESS lights to BOTH; verify no change in

cuff gage of your lights.

CDR PRESS lights to BOTH. No change cuff gage of

the lights.

PLT Verify SOP ... Are you going to help each other?

SPT Yes, we should. Can you turn 1807

CDR Okay, now.

SPT Just right there is fine. Hold it right there.

CDR Now what do we do? We turn on our SOPs?

PLT Open each others SOP 02 valves.

SPT We'll do this one at a time. I'm opening Pete's.

So read - ithelps to read through it twice. Pete's
is OPEN.

PLT Okay, then on 317, turn his 02 SUPPLY valve to CLOSE.

CDR I'll do that.

SPT All right.

PLT I get a ... and SOP flow. Check the medium pressure
gage for 27 to 45. As soon as you -

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. SPT I see that it's in the green.

CDR Oksy.

SPT Wait a minute, let me double check that. Yes, it's

in the green.

CDR Okay. That's a good check.

PLT Verififying SOP flow ... 02 valve.

SPT Okay.

PLT On panel 317 -

SPT I can get my own, Pete.

CDR You can?

SPT Yes. It floats up higher in zero g.

CDR Okay.

15 15 21 SPT All right, my SOP 02 valve is OPEN. My 02 supply

has gone CLOSED, I think. Okay, it's CLOSED. I
got a tone. I got a - what purports to be a SOP
flow light that goldanged thing covers it. I punch
it OFF. I go SOP 02 bag OPEN. My light goes out,

and I close - no, I leave my SOP 02 ON now don't I?

CDR Right.

SPT Ok_. l'm done.

PLT Okay, ... verify, inspect each others' neck rings,

wrist rings, SOP and four ... connectors all

SPT I like your neck rings.

CDR I like yours.

SPT Okay.

CDR I can see your gloves are locked.


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SPT Let me check that for sure. That one's LOCKED.

Let me see this one. Goldanged.

CDR That's LOCKED. I can see it.

SPT All right, you could see it. I couldn't.

CDR Let me look at yours that are locked. Everyone of

your connectors is LOCKED. And locked ...

SPT Right.


SPT That one and that one are LOCKED. Okay.

CDR Where are all your tools and everything? l've

lost all of them.

SPT They're behind me. They're right behind me.

CDR Oh, good. 0k&y.

PLT 0key, I've got a warning I want to read to you.

Two warnings and a note. How about that?

SPT All right.

PLT If your cuff gage drops below 3.6 at any time,

during depress, Pete, CLOSE the valve.

CDR Ok_.

PLT And give me a holler, and I'll open the equalization


CDR 0kay,.

PLT If the LOW V_T FLOW light comes on before depress

is complete, change your flow selector to EVA NORM.

CDR Okay.

SPT Roger.

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15 17 14 PLT Okay, smd if we get a rapid DELTA-P, or if it looks

like we're leaking out anything else in the cluster,
I'll tell you to close the depress valve.

SPT All right.

PLT Now, wait, I got to close the equalization valve

in the hatch.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, it's CLOSED; go ahead and open the depress


CDR All right, now depress how far?

PLT It doesn't say, you Just meter it however you want.

CDR Okay.

15 18 03 CC Okay, Skylah; Houston. We got you for about

5-1/2 minutes here over Ascension.

CDR Okay, Houston. The lock is on its way down, 4.2

and dropping.

CC Understand.

CDR Okay. My suit is hanging right in there at 385.

SPT 3.75 is what I got.

SPT There'll be some difference there.

CDE Yes.

PLT Houston, PLT. You might take a reading on the MDA

•.. for information ... indicated that it got up
to about 53 to 54 in here before we went depress.

CC Okay, we got it.

CDR There's two in the lock, 3.85 on my suit.

CC Okay.

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CC Okay, and Houston here; you're GO for hatch open

any time you get it down there. You're all
looking good.

CDR What the heck did all this Junk come from?

SPT Okay. I got the PG on. You got the PG yet, Houston?

CDR Houston, you may be interested in knowing that on

the lock d_mp valve, a large block of ice is growing
on the screen.

SPT Is that what that is?

CDR I couldn't figure out what it was.

MCC The inside, Pete, or the outside?

15 19 29 CDR On the inside. There must have been enough moisture

in the air, Rusty, that it - as it hit the screen,
why it must have been super cool; it froze and it
is a rather weird looking fellow. That's what
taking the lock so long to dump down. I'd say it
touch -

SPT Can you scrape at it with your finger?

CDR No. It's a solid block. I guess I can.

SPT Yes.

CDR Well, I don't want to.

SPT I'm sure you'd help ...

CDR All I did was block it more. I'd better leave

well enough alone

CC How about breathing on it?

CDR Well, I thought about that, but ...

PLT Pete, you're still coming down drastically. I'm

reading about 0.8.

CDR Yes, I'm showing 0.8 also.

-- a
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PLT It sure has leveled off, though.

CDR It blocks about two-thirds of the screen.

CC Okay. You've got a nice tool in there called

a pry bar. You might want to poke at it with it
if it does block you completely.

CDR It starts, it starts -

SPT It's in the pores of the screen, Rusty. We'd have

to break the screen in order to ...

CDR I don't want to do that. There's debris there

and everything -

SPT Leave well enough alone.

PLT Yes, it's still coming down. I'm reading about

0.5 or 0.6.

SPT Okay.

FLT I think part of the reason it's taking so long to

dnmp is ...

15 20 53 MCC P.J. have you got a minute there? While we're

going down, sometime on panel 203, we'd like to
turn the ATM coolant loops - loop ptunps, all three
of them OFF. I'd llke to have you verif_ that.

CDR You know what's happened here, our flow is equal to

what it will take out now. It's holding about
one-half of psi.

MCC You think we dare open the hatch at one-half psi?

CDR No. I hate to tear my pry bar, Rusty, I'm looking

around for something else I might use. MY pry bar
is neatly packaged.

SPT The only thing I can give you is the ...

CDR I got something here. MY wrist tether.


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SPT Want to tickle it with the handle? All right.

SPT Need something skinny to stick down in between the


CDR Okay, that gets some - gets some of it.

PLT Guess what I forgot?

SPT What?

PLT The procedures.

SPT Oks_. I think we can wing it.

CDR Yes.

PLT They are very neatly folded up down on my wardroom

locker door.

CDR Are we over Houston?

CC Houston. Yes, go ahead, Pete.

CDE Did you read that, Houston? How about 3 and ...

CC What's your last?

PLT Pete, they don't read me unless they -

CDR Paul left the procedures, not that we need them,

down in the wardroom deeply in his looker. How about
up-linking your DC procedures next station.

CDE Okay. We have most of it. We got it pretty well

eo-_ tted to memory.

CC We'll get the two messages up.

CDR All right, now we look like we're about 0.2. What
do you read, P. J.?

PLT I'm reading about 0.2 on one ...

SPT 0.3 is okay for opening the hatch, Pete.

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CDH All right.

FLT Should read 0.2 on one gage and 0.3 on the other.

PLT Good. Well done.

CDR Here goes the hatch. I'm going to go ahead on the

procedures, P. J.

FLT Okay. When you depress the -

15 23 22 CC We've got 20 seconds until LOS. We'll pick you up

over Carnarvon at 47.

CDR Okay.

PLT When depress, you ... the mode selection to

absolute. You may get a little ...

CDR Okay.

FLT Let me know when you're both there.

SPT I'm there.

15 23 45 CDR I'm reading Kbout 3.5.

FLT Joe?

SPT I Just thought. I have to take that silly thing

off and put it on again every time I move now.
It's okay, and I'm reading about 3.45.

PLT Okay. Verify ... SELECT to BOTH.

SPT It's in BOTH.

PLT No EVA norm? EVA NORM on the - on the flow.

Verify good pressure cuff gage, and all lights OFF.

CDR I got good pressure on the cuff gage; all

lights OFF.

PLT Okay, make sure that the EVA hatch retainer is

spring-loszled to the engaged position.
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SPT It is.

PLT UNLOCK the hatch handle lock.

CDR The lock is UNLOCKED.

PLT OPEN the handle; verify that it goes fully clock-


CDR Okay.

CDR It missed - (Laughter)

SPT Did it miss the thing?

CDR It missed the thing.

SPT I hope it doesn't miss it on the way in, that's all.


CDR Let me check that. No.

$PT It catches it, huh?

CDR Yes.

SPT Okay.

15 24 52 CDR Very good. The hatch is OPEN. Let me get this


PLT Engage the ... all open ON.

SPT Hi, there. Big chunks of ice.

SPT He's got the rod, and started.

CDR Okay, I've got my protector visor down.

SPT Yes. Oh, yes. Good idea.

CDR How's that valve work now that we've got the hatch

r SPT Mostly the - the ice is ... mostly gone from it.

SPT Okay.
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CDR Look at all the stuff going down.

SPT Yes. Isn't that incredible?

CDR Okay. What 's next

PLT Well, thatls the part that - down in the wardroa'a.

SPT All right, you go out and get the fast foot restraints,
and I'll start handing you poles.

15 25 h2 CDR-EVA Okay, I'm on my way.

SPT You're having to muscle in first.

CDR-EVA I think that I want the BET, first.

PLT That's right. You want the BET first.

CDR-EVA Just a minute.

15 25 57 SPT It's not a big deal but you're right. The procedure
calls for the BET first. Where the heck is the BET.
(Laughter) There it is.

15 26 15 CDR-EVA What sm I hanging on? Is my t_nbilical pulling me


SPT Just a minute. Yes, it is. You need a little more

umbilical, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention.
Wait a minute. Pete, I'd like you to bring your
feet up over your t_abilical if you can.

SPT There you go. Wait a minute. One more - we got it

off of one foot. Let me get it - Oh -

CDR-EVA Which one?

SPT Never mind because I'ii do it. Okay.

CDR-EVA Got it?

SPT Yes. Now go ahead in.


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PLT Pete, you may want your ... out there.

15 26 54 SPT-EVA Man, the buoyancy is better here, Pete, thau it is

in the water. Is it?

15 27 03 CDR-EVA All right, now. Let me find F7. The first thing
I need to do - let me, let me - wait a minute. Let
me - Hold this so I don't forget it - let me get the
front end free and pull those locks right now. Get
th_ out of the way.

SPT-EVA That's fine.

CDR-EVA Which is the - heck - that's the spare, right?

CDR-EVA Okay. The large locks are pulled on both of them.

Look at that ... - All right? Now.

15 27 50 SPT-EVA You ready for the BET?

CDR-EVA Hold it. Let me get back in my foot restraint.

SPT-EVA We're quite mobile out there.

CDR-EVA Well, it's a little bit better than the water tank.

SPT-EVA Uh huh.

15 28 08 CDR-EVA Which cloud were they interested in? These clouds

look the same. Wait, I got to find FT. And F6, F15,
and FT; I got it.

CDR-EVA That won't hook there. Going to have to do it this


15 28 34 SPT-EVA Pete, I'm going to clmmp your _nbilical to keep it -

my way. Okay?

CDR-EVA All right.

15 28 38 SPT-EVA Just rem_ber to unelamp it before you move.


SPT-EVA Out of the station.

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CDR-EVA If it gets out of the way.

SPT-EVA Okay, you ready for a pole, huh?

CDR-EVA Hold it, Just let me look at this a minute.

SPT-EVA Well, I'm going to be getting the first pole.

That's a significant ...

CDR-EVA It's brig_ht out there.

SPT -EVA Whee.

CDR-EvA Strap it.

CDR-EVA Hello.

SPT-EVA (Laughter)

SPT-EVA Okay, that ... is loose.

CDR-Eva Hey that ... you want it put out here, Paul?
It's already out here.

SPT-EVA They launched it out there, didn't they?

PLT I didn't want - I didn't want them to put it out

there, if somebody else" did.

SPT-EVA I went out and put it there this morning during


CDR-EVA Tske your time. We got all the time in the

world today.

SPT-EVA Right.

CDR-EVA That little beauty.

CDR-EVA A lot of rods floating around.

15 30 50 SPT-EVA I know it. The tape was nice and strong, but
when I pulled the stinking rod off the first, the
fourth ones es_e part way off, too.
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SPT-EVA I'll Just herd them. No problem.

CDR-EVA Well, I'll just watch.

SPT-EVA Okay. They're both still attached at one end each.


SPT-EVA Now you want to - male end, right?

CDR-EVA Right. Very good. You hold on to that.

SPT-EVA I will. I got it. This is going to be okay, Pete.

I think even with the long rod, I'll have plenty of
room for it in here while you work right there with
it. Got it?

CDR-EVA So far.


CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Okay, you got it.

PLT I can see the gray tape special coming out. We're
approaching the terminator.

CDR-EVA Have you got the lights on?

SPT-EVA ... the light switches in here are all ON, ON.

SPT-EVA I noticed.

CDR-EVA They Just launched a blind rivet off into a solar


SPT-EVA That's all right.

CDR-EVA Oh, there's two handrails going up to where we've

got to go that I had forgotten about.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

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15 32 16 CDR-EVA See if you can give it to me another way. It's okay,

Joe, no sweat, Just hand it out - hand it out.

SPT-EVA Just you wait, now.

CDR-EVA Now don't tire yourself out now. I want you to rest.

CDI_SPTA I 'm resting.

CDR-EVA Now. Just hold it right there because the nuts backed


SPT-EVA No, it's Just all right in here. I knew I'd have to
do that pitch maneuver. Because I secured both ends
of the rods. I have to pitch over to reach them.
That's okay.

CDR-EVA ... now I got to watch the solar panel. Now, the
other kind of dy_cs you get into, watch that strap.
See that? That son-of-a-gun will go around forever.

SPT-EVA What are you looking at?

CDR-EVA I'm looking at the strap on the end of the pole.

SPT-EVA Oh yes, isn't that beautiful?

CDR-EVA Now I can pick it up, I guess.

SPT-EVA I 'm ready with the next pole.

CDR Okay.

15 33 42 SPT-EVA ... you're at the end of it already.

SPT-EVA Good music.

CDR-EVA Gosh darn it.

MCC Which side of the diseone you got your t_nbilical?

SPT-EVA On the right side facing aft, the side closest to the
D_np Tape 158-14
Time: 1_:38:18 to 17:27:03
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15 34 07 MCC Okay, your umbilical is long enough. It's probably

snagging somewhere. Joe, you might want to take a
look at it ...


16 59 13 PLT I think it's all right, Rusty .... He's down there.
I see it got hung up, but it's all right.

MCC Thank you.

SPT-EVA I Just cut it with my trusty Boy Scout knife.

MCC I disregard that one.

SPT-EVA Yes, please do.

PLT Pete, are you going to ...?

CDR-EVA Oh, for goodness sake. Well, the trouble is that I

don't know how I did it, but I got this darn thing
in the wrong place. I got to get this BET thing under
my t_bilical.

PLT Under your t,nbilical?

CDR-EVA Heck, yes.

PLT Oh, all right. I guess I'd better come out and help

CDR-EVA No, no don't you move, two of us out here is plenty.

17 00 08 SPT-EVA I do have my handy shroud cutter in case we do get

into a bind. So don't sweat it.

CDR-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA I got this thing, I think, organized here.

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Time: lh:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR-EVA To where, if I come back here and quit chasing my um-

bilical and catch up with it once, I got it. Right
now. Got it. The BET is in good shape.


CDR-EVA The question is getting the stuff hocked up.

CDR-EVA Are you ready to take in tension on the BET?

SPT-EVA Good question. I'd better get ready to, hadn't I?


SI_f-EVA Yes, I am.

CDR-EVA All right. Just a minute.

CDR-EVA Gosh darn it.

PLT You still read me, Joe?

SPT-EVA Oh, yes.

PLT I haven't heard from Pete in a while.

SPT-EVA Oh yes, he's working silently out there.

PLT Hey, how about a pump on your - how you guys doing on

SPT-EVA Okay. I'm a little on the warm side, but I haven't

moved out a ...

PLT Okay, I'm going to draw on your loop. If you start

getting warm, holler an I'll get off it.

SPT-EVA Sure will.

17 02 57 CDR-EVA You got - you got a little tension on that thing?

SPT-EVA I'll put some on if you want.

CDR-EVA Yes, put a little on it because I'm going to hook up

for a minute.

SPT-EVA 0kay.
Fin e/
Dump Tape 158-14
T_me: i_:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR-EVA Don't pull too much.

CDR-EVA Now I can't do that either. Never mind.

PLT You got a place out there where you can hook?

CDR-EVA Well, I'm going to try.

CDR-EVA Gosh darn it. I Just missed by a smig. It's a diffi-

cult angle for me, you see?

PLT We got 6 minutes until sunset.

SPT-EVA Understand.

CDR-EVA Well, if I could Just get it, I got it made. I'm not
worried. I could spend the night here.

PLT I don't know if I'd recd,,mend that. It gets awful

dark out there.

CDR-EVA Well, I usderstand.

PLT You don't have any light shining on you out there.

CDR-EVA Gosh, almost had it.


17 0h 41 CDR-EVA All right, you got to put Just a little tension on it.

SPT-EVA Here it comes, Just a little tension.

CDR-EVA A little more. That's good right there. Doggone it.

Well, I tell you what. I'm going to come hack in the


CDR-EVA And we're going to spend the night. Okay, hang on to

it. Don't - not too tight.

SPT-EVA You're coming in the BET.

CDR-EVA Let me get over to the pole.

SPT-EVA All right.

Dump Tape 158-ih
Time: ih:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR-EVA Now, where's m_ %mabilical?

17 05 43 SPT-EVA Okay. Push yourself the other w_y, if you can.

There, you're going to contact the bolt back that way,
that a boy. That way you and your mnbilical and all
will stay square with respect to the pole and beauti-
ful shape -

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA And perfect shape. Come zinging on over the top, you
can grab my arm if you can see it. Okay, that's fine.

CDH-EVA Let me come down in here and ... I think I can get
it next pass.

SPT-EVA I think we can probably pull it with one hook in it,

if we couldn't get two.

CDR-EVA Well, yes.

SPT-EVA We've got one hook in it right now.

SPT-EVA I'm tempted to take up tension on that beauty. Can

you m_age it while I hold tension to wrap another
couple turns ?

CDR-EVA Wait a minute.

SPT-EVA I'll wait here.

CDR-EVA What do you want?

SPT-EVA Go down ...

CDR-EVA Now_ what do you want?

SPT-EVA Take a couple of turns on the point while I hold ten-

sion on the rop, if you can. You got a lot of excess,
as you can see. One more turn on the high side ought
to hold it.

17 06 58 CDR-EVA Okay, now I don't - I don't - let's do it this way.

I don't want to pull it too tight right now, or I'll
never get the other line back to the -
Dump Tape 158-i_
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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SPT-EVA I know, but it's easy to take this off. I think it'll
be more secure out there through the night if we hook
it on - like that's - it's perfect.

CDR-EVA That 's good.

SPT-EVA That's perfect. Well, we're getting somewhere, chief.

CDR-EVA All right, where's my umbilical?

SPT-EVA You umbilical, I see, is this beauty right here.

CDR-EVA I see it, I'm watching it through the view thing.

SPT-EVA It's all right, it ma_es a big loop out there, but
that doesn't hurt anything. Do you want to go out
that side and I'd have to tend mine a little bit for

CDR-EVA You want me to go inside?

SPT-EVA No, not necessarily. Let me ass_ne my nice comfortable

position if I can.

CDR-EVA Watch it. There's an s_ful lot of Jagged stuff up

there. Where are you going?

SPT-EVA Down under here.

CDR-EVA Okay. Easy, easy.

SPT-EVA There.

CDR-EVA Your tether's still, you know.

17 08 01 SPT-EVA I know I am. And that's fine. This way, I've got
something to hang on to in front of me. I can relax
and cool it.

CDR-EVA All right. I'm not tethered.

SPT-EVA YOu're not, are you?

CDR-EVA No. I Just tethered to the pole on the way up.

SPT-EVA That's right. Have you got a tether?

Dump Tape 158-ih
Time: ih:38:18 to 17:27:03
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SPT-EVA Why don't you slip your tether over my tether?

CDR-EVA I don't want to deploy it. It's all wrapped up.

SPT-EVA I was thinking of your little rip tether.

CDR-EVA Oh, I could do that.

SPT-EVA Your little right rip tether, in fact, I can do that

for you.

CDR-EVA Speaking of those lights, Joe, it worries me.


17 08 47 CDR-EVA Y'all snugging down in the con_and module, there

sieve, I mean MDA?

PLT Oh, yes.


PLT Okay. We're in good shape -

CDR-EVA Let me tell you what I saw out there.

PLT ... status reports from you all day.

CDR-EVA It, in fact, did have the long end of the bolt dug in.

SPT-EVA Did it?

CDR-EVA But it only looks like the very tip one is the one
that's holding the panel; the rest of them may be.

SPT-EVA Well, did it look like the strap was in there right
under a lot of tension?


SPT-EVA Do you think we got a chance that it'll go when we

cut it?
Dt_np Tape 158-14
Time: lh:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR-EVA I think so. I'ii - get this stack rigged ri_it.

SPT-EVA Will the cutter -

CDR-EVA Our problem is - my problem with rigging the other

one, is angle.


CDR-EVA I - I cannot get my hand it the right angle. There's

little - there's Just the two little tiny holes that
Just barely makes it in there.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA The first one was a piece of cake and I thought I had
it made.


CDR-EVA What I have to do is get on the upwind side of this

thing, and I - I was not tethered to the poles, you
see, and I Just didn't want to get hung around or I'd
a floated clean off the ...

SPT-EVA Yes, I'm amazed that you did as well as you did. You
kept your body down darn well and that to me was ...

CDR-EVA I ... by an eighth of an inch or so. Gol-darn,

frustrating, you know?

SPT-EVA Does need a longer reach?

CDR-EVA No, it's the angle - -


CDR-EVA - - and I - from where I am, I've got to get my

body further over the thing, see.

SPT-EVA Okay. Did it - did it look as if the cutters were

well positioned?

CDR-EVA Yes. I didn't really smoke that over too good.

", J

D_mp Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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CDR-EVA I 'm going - I 'm going to do that.

SPT-EVA My bright Sum.

CDR-EVA A 35-minute night?

SPT-EVA What's the ...

CDR-EVA ... 36.

SPT-EVA That's a good sunset. It's right behind you. Sunset

through the solar panels. You see sunrise through
the solar panels, too. It's weird.

17 ii 15 CDR-EVA We'll tether to the pole this time on the way out.

SPT-EVA Okay, you got the ... rigged out there yet?

CDR-EVA Yes, one-half of it.

SPT-EVA Oh, you don't have us both inside.

CDR-EVA The aft - aft hook and one of the two forward hooks
is in. And there's tension in it.

SPT-EVA He wants to get the other forward hook in but we

could always give it a try with - with it the way it
is, Paul.

PLT ... going to say, if you're going to pull something,

you go ahead and cut the darn thing.

SPT-EVA I know it.

CDR-EVA Got plenty of time. I don't care if we stay out

here three revs.

SPT-EVA I don't either, three daysides.

PLT That darn thing is - was ... out. He should have ...
when we cmne up.

17 12 14 SPT-EVA I guess they don't think it'll come out because of the
frozen what-you-may-call-it.

CDR-EVA Joe, you know, while we were in Htmtsville, they

changed their story three times over whether that
thing was frozen or not.
Dump Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT (Music) Joe? (Music)

PLT You hear that?


FLT (Music) You want to hear it, or not?


CDR-EVA There's old Scorpio and Alpha Crut [?].

SPT-EVA Yes, it's a beautiful southern sky.

FLT Can you hear that? (Music)

SPT-EVA Not very loud, but I can hear it. It's nice.

CDR-EVA Come on over to the left, m_ left - and Achernar.

SPT-EVA Now, wait a minute, I'm not looking at the same sky
you are, at the moment. La-dee-da-dee-da. (Music)
The bright one that's Just up off the horizon there?
I don't think you could see him.

CDR-EVA No. I'm - I'm looking the other way.

SPY-EVA Where? This way. Oh, yes.

CDR-EVA Back up over your right ...

SPT-EVA Oh, that's good, Pete. (Music) Okay, there's

Scorpio ... If you look over that way -

CDR-EVA I don't think - Hey, Joe, Joe - -


CDR-EVA - - you bother me, don't flail around . ..

SPT-EVA The trouble - you ought to be - (Music) Not ....

Fomalhaut, more likely. Hey, how's the one below

CDR-EVA . ..
Dump Tape 158-1h
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SPT-EVA Below, down below - below Sirius.


SPT-EVA Fomalhaut, I think.

PLT Hey, you can really fill this MDA with stereo.
(Laughter) You can put it on hot mike and turn all
the speakers on, you're going to get five speaker

SPT-EVA Multisonic sound.


17 15 lh CDR-EVA Next time before I go out I'm going to make a good

damage assessment along there to see how much meteor-
ites I can feel on there. I didn't - I Just got to
concentrating on setting up that -

SPT-EVA Yes. Yes, we got a whole dayside pass that you can
kind of take the time.

PLT Thirty minutes to go.



CDR-EVA Where's your bagpipes?

SPT-EVA Trying to find them. Can you hear me?




SPT-EVA Hear that?

CDR-EVA You betcha. Pretty.

CDR-EVA Gosh darn - the light in my eyes -

SPT-EVA (Laughter )
Dtlnp Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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(Music: Amazing Grace)

SPT-EVA This is a moon lit night.


SPT-EVA Oh, that's nice.


17 19 22 CDR-EVA That was reaS1y pretty.

PLT I 'm going to power down the intercc_ for about a min-
ute to change this box back. I'll give you a call in
a minute.

CDR-EVA All righty.

PLT I don't know whether we'll lose each other or not,

but I think we will.

17 19 48 CDR-EVA You read me, don't you, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes, I was Just kind of napping.


SPT-EVA In my night's adaptation. Wow!

CDR-EVA Quite a Milky Way, isn't it?

SPT-EVA That Milky Way stands out three dimensions, doesn't

it? Does to me, I can see it as sort of a - -


SPT-EVA - - milky - That music goes with the view, I'ii tell
yOU •

(Music: 2001 Space Odyssey)

CDR-EVA No. There 's Bruce -

SPT-EVA Achernar is back the other way. It is over your left

shoulder. It is Achernar.

Dump Tape 158-14
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SPT-EVA ... go again.

CDR-EVA It might be.

SPT-EVA No, farther around. There's another bright one; it's

too far behind you to see. It's . .. that way.

CDR-EVA Oh. Well, what's the one up ..., Canopus?

SPT-EVA Canopus, that's it. Canopus.

PLT Can you guys hear me all right?


SPT-EVA Yes, sir. But shut up, you're interrupting the music.

CDR-EVA When do we get Houston again?

SPT-EVA In an hour - sometime.


SPT-EVA I think it'll be day again in Houston.

PLT Yes, about h0 minutes ...?


SPT-EVA Yes, sir.

PLT Hey, Joe.


PLT We got about 0.3 psi over ... now. Still can't get
any ... so you had better be careful when you exercise.


PLT You don't Just pop the hatch open ...

SPT-EVA Right-o.

17 22 09 CDR-EVA No, we're going to get some of it back by filling

the locks.
D_np Tape !58-1h
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT Yes.

SPT-EVA That's true.

PLT Yes....

(Music: Somewhere MY Love)

CDR-EVA What I got to do, transfer my TCCA to the ...

SPT-EVA You and me both.

PLT ...

CDR-EVA Well, whoever.

SPT-EVA We can do our own this time, Paul. Ain't no rush.

PLT ...

SPT-EVA Right.

PLT ... procedure.

(Music: Somewhere MY Love)

CDR-EVA Hey, Paul?

PLT Yes.

CDR-EVA What are the three pieces of material, two soft

and one hard in the middle?

PLT Say again?

CDR-EVA What is the strap, two hards and a soft, or two softs
and a hard?

PLT The double strength in the middle and on the edge

which is insignificant to ...

/ CDR-EVA It's three pieces as I see it. Not recognizable as

though it were strong because it - it looks like it's
Just one edge. You know? It looks like it's one #
edge with the bolts in it, whatever that would be. /
What would the part be that had the bolts in it? That J
would be the middle where the two panels are bolted J
_er. Right?
D_np Tape 158-14
Time: 14:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT Yes, the bolts would be angled. The angle is bolted

to the meteoroid shield Just as the two angles are
bolted together.

CDR-EVA But what I 'm trying to tell you is that none of the
angle part is left. In other words, it broke off
right at the intersection of the angles on both sides

the perpendicular part, and that's it.

and what you have is a strip of the center. You have

PLT That's a_±, nun'_ That ought to be fairly soft.

CDR-EVA The part with the bolts in it, between three pieces.
One-half of an angle side, one-half of angle side,
and a doubler. Right?

PLT ...

CDR-EVA I can't hear you.

PLT I say, are you asking me or telling me?

CDR-EVA Asking you.

17 25 59 PLT You've got two angles, back to back with a doubler

in the middle.

CDR-EVA Yes, and the back to back is bolted?

PLT They're bolted. You've got to bolt through on both

angles and a doubler.

CDR-EVA Okay, now. What we have is a strip that has bolts

through it, but that's all it is, it's a strip.
Where you going, Joe?

SPT-EVA l'm going to look at these stars.

CDR-EVA Oh. So the part - how does the angle fasten on the
meteoroid shield?

- PLT It'sboltedto it.

CDR-EVA Bolted to the shield and -

PLT It's got three rows of bolts.

Dump Tape 158-ih
Time: i_:38:18 to 17:27:03
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PLT Three parallel rows -

CDR-EVA All right. What I don't know is whether we have a

flange with meteoroid shields, or what.

17 26 51 PLT Yes.


17 27 03 SPT-EVA Look, there's a meteor, I think.




Time Segments (GMT)

From To
16 _Q p_ 16 _8 41

16 59 lq 17 27 02 *

* Verbatim duplicate of Tape 158-14.-- --

** Verbatim duplicate of Tape 158-16.

This dump tape has been "cancelled"forthe followingreason:

I-3 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
r-I oniy communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I-q This ta?e is a verbatim duplication of t;}pe
n Other
Dump Tape 158-15
Time: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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16 39 28 CC The only other thing we can think of, Joe, is to

make sure that they're fully open before you try to
get it over there. That'll give you a maximum chance.

SPT-EVA Right. We'll, we're - -

CC ...

SPT-EVA - - going to take that back right now, and reset it.
Well, we may not have to take it back. Let me pull
on it and see if it'll reset.

CDR-EVA You got a piece of wire that time, anyhow. You were
on it.

SPT-EVA Yes, I know it.

PLT Watch that antenna, Joe.

CDR-EVA You're shaking that antenna pretty good, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes, I'm sure I am.

CDR-EVA Let's - wonder if we could - Can we tell if it's fully


SPT-EVA It looks fully open.


SPT-EVA It sure does. Now -

CDR-EVA I - I still got the pole rope.

SPT-EVA 0kay. Okay, let 's go back to work.

CDR-EVA Yes, take your time.

PLT Hey, Joe, you won't get mad if I suggest you Just
rest for a minute, will you?


PLT Why don't you?

Dump Tape 158-15
Time: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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SPT-EVA Okay. Mostly because I'm position, and I don't want

to - I'll tell you. I'll try it from the ena now.
Let me see.

16 hl 02 CDR-EVA You know, the best chance you have is as close to the
base of the SAS panel. That's where it's the narrowest.

16 41 09 SPT-EVA Is that right?

CDR-EVA But there's wire bundle there. Yes. I got the pole.


SPT-EVA Am I all right now?

CDR-EVA Yes. The - the pole's over your arm.

SPT-EVA Okay .... we're doing it.

16 hl 33 MCC For your information, you still have plenty of time

here until sunset. You got 29 minutes left.

CDR-EVA Well, we're - we're not sweating anything. I'll tell

you Rusty, this strap is - is oriented in - in the worst
- Joe, Joe, wait a minute. Stop. Just a second. Let
me get the pole line ...


CDR-EVA The strap happens to be oriented in such a manner,

even though it's not wide, it's presenting its
widest side to the cutter.

MCC Okay.

CDR-EVA I - I'd send -

PLT Let's see, Joe. Although I tried.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

16 &2 ll PLT There, you can change positions.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. If I could bear ... I'll be all right.

16 h2 31 CDR-EVA I'm not in too bad shape to steer this pole myself.
There. Now I got a hand on that son-of-a-gun myself,
to steady it. How's that? I can steady it.

_ Final
Dump Tape 158-15
Time: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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16 h2 h3 SPT-EVA ...

16 h2 hh CDR-EVA That's right. Now, tell me where you want to go with


SPT-EVA What ?

CDR-EVA Give you the fore/aft and let me do the left right.
You better hear me because I can't see.

16 _2 57 SPT-EVA Yes. Wait a minute. I got a little ... on my body

that's holding this from coming the way it wants to.

16 43 05 CDR-EVA Well, that may be me.

SPT-EVA No, it isn't you.

16 h3 16 CDR-EVA I tell you, Rusty, it looks like if we ever get it

on this strap, we've got it made. Because I can see
the rest of the meteoroid panel and most of it's
underneath, and it looks relatively clear.

MCC Okay. If you can hook on anything at all out there -

CDR-EVA Rusty, we have. And it's not oriented to do that,

and we understand.

16 h3 3h MCC Okay. And for your information, we're about 30 seconds

from LOS. And you got 26-1/2 minutes of day left.
And we're going to pick you up at Vang,,srd at 5h.
That'll be after dark.

CDR-EVA Where are you going, Joe?

SPT-EVA I can;t stabilize myself on this thing. I Just can't
do it.

PLT Take a breather, Joe.

CDR-EVA Yes. Right. I tell you what, Joe. Where's your

/ umbilical with respect to mine. I see it. re
CDR-EVA ... where ...? Wait - -

SPT-EVA Let me try straddling it like this.

Dump Tape 158-15
Time: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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CDR-EVA - - wait. We're getting umbilieals and everything

else all twisted up here.

SPT-EVA I think this may do it. Right here.

CDR-EVA Okay. You got the pole?

!6 44 16 SPT-EVA Yes, I got the pole.

16 44 17 CDR-EVA Okay. You want me to still pull - pull the string?

16 44 22 SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA All right. Let me get in a position where I can do

this. I don't know.

SPT-EVA ... back to ...

CDR-EVA Okay. Cool it for a minute, Joe.

SPT-EVA All right.


SPT-EVA Where's my umbilical?

CDR-EVA It's right here. l've got it.

SPT-EVA Should I go under the pole or over it to get to the

other side?

CDR-EVA Which way do you want to go? Left or right? Huh?

SPT-EVA Yes, I want to go -

-" 16 44 55 CDR-EVA Hey, wait a minute. You're going to get all twisted
up over me. Go over the pole to the left - -

SPT-EVA Over the pole?

CDR-EVA - - don't be afraid. All right?

SPT-EVA I want to be right here.

CDR-EVA All right. You're right there. Now, why don't you
let me come up there and give it a try?

Dump Tape 158-15
Time: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Because I'm not tired - or at the moment. But, what

you're going to have to do, and I'm going to have to
take _- tether off my arm Yes .... I can do that.
Okay. That's done. Now, Joe.


CDR-EVA I want to stay - we're getting our umbilicals twisted

up, so you go - stay to the left.

15 _5 40 $PT-EVA Well, yes. We're not supposed to be - two of us out


CDR-EVA Go to the left. And come back over here.

SPT-EVA Just a second. I'm doing something to my personal

tether here.

CDR-EVA Everything is - the rope is free. You better get

ahold of that rope. Now it's ending up in the um-
bilical line. It's okay.

16 46 22 SPT-EVA There's only one thing here, I got a new wrinkle.

CDR-EVA All right. Now, what happened -

SPT-EVA Ah-hah! That's it. Look! I doubled my tether and

I can bear again.

CDR-EVA Okay, now. The line - you got to get the lines back.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Okay. Bring it down here where it belongs. I may

have to - the line -

SPT-EVA Got it?

CDR-EVA Yes. Can't get the right one. I got the right one.
Take the knot out of it. Just a minute.

SPT-EVA Man, that's going to do it, I think. I hope.

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16 47 18 CDR-EVA Got it. Okay. Now you got a free pole, and I got
the line.


CDR-EVA Take your time.

16 h7 36 SPT-EVA Yes. Get my foot right in there. Okay. My right

foot controls me. So, I don't care where the left
one is.

CDR-EVA 0h, okay.

SPT-EVA That's much better.

16 _7 51 CDR-EVA All right, you're out past the wires.

16 h7 53 SPT-EVA Just let me take it cool, because ... - -

CDR-EVA Come back.

SPT-EVA - - control at the moment.

CDR-EVA Come back a little. You've got to come back. Come


SPT-EVA I think it's on it, Pete, I -

CDR-EVA No, it's not, Joe. I - -

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA - - can see it perfectly.

CDR-EVA Now, pull back.

16 h8 12 SPT-EVA It's on it, it's on it! All right, hold it: Pull
gently, Pete, for gosh sakes!

CDR-EVA All right. You still on?

SPT-EVA Yes, I think so.

CDR-EVA Wait a minute. Let me get the line again. 0h, shoot.
It fell free.

SPT-EVA All right.

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CDR-EVA I am free. But, I got to get all ...

SPT-EVA Oh, you're free. Okay.

CDR-EVA Just a minute.

SPT-EVA Take your time. It's easy for me to hold it on.

CDR-EVA All right, Just a minute. I got to go back down.

SPT-EVA ... things under control.

CDR-EVA I got it.

SPT-EVA All right. Pull on it.

CDR-EVA I'm coming.

SPT-EVA I think you're - we're getting it. Pull on it.

CDR-EVA Just a minute. Just a minute. Hang on.

SPT-EVA That's it.

CDR-EVA Wait. Just a minute. More.

SPT-EVA Pull as much as you think possible. It's - it's on


16 h8 5h SPT-EVA Okay. If you hold much more, you're going to cut the

16 h8 57 CDR-EVA Okay. Hang on. There it is.

16 h8 59 SPT-EVA It's on.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now, come on back down here.

SPT-EVA Oh, how about that? Okay?

CDR-EVA Tight - tighten your pole down.

SPT-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Now, let me see.

CDR-EVA You got to tighten it from the top,

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SPT-EVA Yes. All right. I was looking through the right

number and this is it. Oops| (Laughter) Help|
±o's as tlgnt as it's going to get.

CDR-EVA Good enough so you can hold it?

SPT-EVA It's not. I'll tell you what, let's re_position that
thing back where it was, and that'll put a strain it.
If you understand what I mean.

16 &9 51 CDR-EVA No, it won't. It'll just allow it to fly up unless

you hold it down.

SPT-EVA Well, I'll hold it down anyway, Pete. To heck with

it. Okay. We'll leave it where it is.

CDR-EVA Now what you want to do is - can you stand right here
and tie the lines? That's it. Okay. You better tie
both of them tight. Take the slack out of the other
one. All right. Let me get my tether working here.
Where did it go? There it is.

CDR-EVA Okay. What are you doing?

16 51 05 SPT-EVA I'm going to undo my tether again. Put it back where

it was.

CDR-EVA All right. Now we're - -

SPT-EVA We'll all be able to move back out of your way.

CDR-EVA - - We've got an umbilical problems we got to iron out


16 51 15 SPT-EVA Okay.

CDR-EVA Plus, I got tether problem and an umbilical problem

I've got to iron out.

SPT-EVA All right. Let me solve my tether problem here if I


CDR-EVA How much time until darkness, P. J.?

16 51 h3 PLT We've got 18 minutes.

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CDR-EVA All right.

PLT Yes. I think - as long as you're hooked on to the

..., why didn't they want us to Just cut it now?

CDR-EVA Because they won't -

SPT-EVA They're afraid it won't come up.

CDR-EVA I got to getthat other thing on it. They're here in

the right place to cut it. I don't believe we have
to move it.

SPT-EVA I don't think so, either. You can verify that when
you go down there, but I - -

16 52 O_ CDR-EVA Yes. All right, now. The pole and the umbilical _d
you are all mixed up. Wait.

- SPT-EVA All righty.

CDR-EVA Where - where you want to go?

SPT-EVA Anywhere to get free. I want to wind up this after

the pole and get out of your way.

CDR-EVA Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

CDR-EVA Push back a little. Now come down. Gosh darn it!

Now. I've got - there you go.


16 52 27 CDR-EVA All right. Now, turn around, if you can.

SPT-EVA Which way? This way?

CDR-EVA You got to turn toward me. I've got your umbilical,
but I don't know where mine is.

16 52 32 SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA And I have tethers. And what I want to do is get my

umbilical around my back.

$PT-EVA Wait a minute. Let me get over here where I can hang
on a few minutes. For the first time in half an hour.
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CDR-EVA All right. You can wedge your feet right in here.

SPT-EVA Ah-ha!


SPT-EVA 0ops !

CDR-EVA Hold it.

SPT-EVA I ain't going anywhere, but -

CDR-EVA Wedge your feet right down there.


CDR-EVA Now, turn around further -

SPT-EVA I understand what you're saying - -

CDR-EVA Come towards me. That a boy.

SPT-EVA - - but mechanics of it Just doesn't work out.

16 53 65 CDR-EVA Yes. Now come right down and stick your feet in - _c
After you get them behind - There you go!

SPT-EVA Now it 's beautiful.

CDR-EVA All right. Now, where's your umbilical?

SPT-EVA My umbilical is - go straight down, then take one ] _ :._

through yours, if you see what I mean. So, you mov:
under there a little bit.

CDR-EVA I got to go under here?


16 53 26 CDR-EVA But I'm tethered now.

SPT-EVA All right. That's all right. Don't go under there

too far.

- CDR-EVA Oh, you want me to do this?

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. I want to - hold the - my umbilical

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T_m_: 16:39:28 to 18:04:56
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SPT-EVA Raise up your left side, so I can Just slip it under

your SOP. You're not raising up! That's it.


16 53 45 SPT-EVA Now, dang it. Oh. Not okay. _ere now.

CDR-EVA Now where are you?

SPT-EVA ... what I've done.


SPT-EVA Okay. Well, our t_mbilicals are free together.

16 53 59 CDR-EVA Now, now I want you to get back - if I go out, where's

my umbilical with respect to yours?

SPT-EVA Inside of it, right where it ought to be.

CDH-EVA All right, so I can go under, right?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir.

PLT Hey, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes, Paul?

PLT Your umbilical goes between your legs ...

16 54 17 MCC Skylab, Houston. We've got you through Vanguard here..

_t sounds like you got it hooked on somewhere.

CDR-EVA Yes, we do. And now what we're trying to do is straight-

en out the umbilical mess before I go out.

MCC Okay.

CDH-EVA I don't believe we'll have to move the cutter. We got

it in ... All right, you ready?


CDR-EVA All right, now. I've got to go - let me get oriented

on this pole right. I got to go here.
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16 54 4_ CDR-EVA Now -

SPT-EVA You want to go with your feet out that way, don't you?

CDR-EVA Yes. And I want you to grab a hold the pole now to
stablize it.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Got it?

SPT-EVA Almost.

16 54 53 CDR-EVA Goodbye.

SPT-EVA Goodbye.

MCC Paul, the messages are in the teleprinter if you want

to give them back.

CDR-EVA Okay. He may have to feed some of my umbilical out.

And you may have to tip my -

PLT Roger, Rusty.

SPT-EVA Oh, boy' Wait a minute. However you fastened this

rope, it sure is in there tight.

CDR-EVA That's all right. Just let it come out.

SPT-EVA Okay. It 's coming out now.

CDR-EVA Let it come over the end first. Let it come over the
end. Don't pull it all loose. Over the end. That's
it .... Bye.

16 55 30 SPT-EVA Take your time, I want to feed this rope behind you..



CDR-EVA I'm going to tighten the nuts on these poles on the

way out.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA Every single - -

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SPT-EVA All right. Are they coming loose again, already?

CDR-EVA Every single one of them has passed off.

SPT-EVA Isn't that incredible?


PLT Hey, Pete?

16 55 39 CDR-EVA Okay. Yes?

PLT You're starting out with your umbilical under the


CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Stay there. Stay where you are, Pete.

CDR-EVA I got it. Here, here. Stay where you are.

PLT ... your umbilical or your tether under his umbilical.

CDR-EVA Gosh darn!

SPT-EVA Say again.

CDR-EVA I wish you hadn't of pulled that rope out of the bag.
Holy Christmas.

SPT-EVA Listen, I gave it one tug, and it all came.

CDR-EVA Well -


CDR-EVA But, I don't -

16 57 09 PLT Pete, you're going to have to duck under Joe's chest

tether, there. How's that?

CDR-EVA Yes. Yes.

SPT-EVA I'll have untether.

CDR-EVA Hey, there. Well - okay.

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SPT-EVA Now we can switch.

CDH-EVA Hold. The inside - that's the one. But this is what
comes with no practice, man.


CDR-EVA Now, let it -

SPT-EVA That 's right.

16 56 32 CDR-EVA Pull that string out. Let it come out of the whole
darn thing. I hope it goes under.

SPT-EVA Hey, it's got to. (Laughter)


SPT-EVA It must go under.

CDH-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Or we never could've gotten it in that box in the

first place. Right?


16 56 46 CDR-EVA All right, now. Am I free?

SPT-EVA All right. Now -

CDR-EVA My umbilical's still on there. Wait a minute.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute.

CDR-EVA It's under the pole.



SPT-EVA Now you got it. Now go.

CDR-EVA All right. Bye.


SPT-EVA Okay. Your umbilical is in front of you; it's looking

good. Just take it easy.
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PLT Hello, Houston. You there?

16 57 lO MCC Yes, sir. We got you for another 2-1/2 minutes.

CDR-EVA All right. Where is the BET, Joe? Yes. It's ...
That's what I was afraid of.

SPT-EVA Hold it. The whole BET's here, isn't it?

CDR-EVA Right.


CDR-EVA Stay put.

j_ 16 57 33 MCC Okay. We got you for 2 minutes and then we're going
to have about an hour drop out before we pick you up
again at Goldstone. That'll be at 18:03.


16 57 45 MCC And you have about 13 minutes of daylight left. No


PLT Okay. Yes, I'm watching it on the DAS on ... Rusty.

MCC Okay, fine. Paul, if you want cooling, we recommend

Just disconnect from the ... SUS 2.

CDR-EVA Joe's umbilical is holding me up.

MCC It is, huh?

16 58 07 CDR-EVA I don't have any umbilical.

CC All right. Stand by.

CDR-EVA I've got it. Never mind.

SPT-EVA And while we're ..., Rusty. The umbilical is flat

not long enough to reach.

MCC Hey, who is that? Take the con from the ... box.
That's the only way.

SPT-EVA No, it's still coming.

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16 58 hl PLT Here you go, Pete. A little music to skid you down
the pole by.

CDR I'm at the end of it already.

SPT (Music) Good music.

CDR Darn it !

PLT ... side have you got your umbilical?

SPT On the right side facing aft, the side close to the -
to the SAS panel.

MCC Okay .... probably shag in some way, Joe. You might
want to take a look at that ...

I .i

Dump Tape 158-16


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
17:27:08 18:29:10

Time : good Voice : good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

I--I Nocommunicationsare on tape.
i-1 Only communications on tape are COMM TECH checks.
I--I This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--I Other
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17 27 08 SPT-EVA And it's breaking.

PLT Yes.

17 27 29 CDId-EVA What have we got, 20 minutes? Huh?

PLT Twenty. 18 :19 •

CDR-EVA 0kay.

PLT You want to talk for a couple of minutes about what

you are going to do now, or are you going to ...?

CDR-EVA I - here's - -

PLT Let's Just t,lk, anyway.

- CDR-EVA - - Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to take

my wrist tether and hook up to the pole, except this
time I'm going to hook up, and I'm going to go out
the other way. I'm going to go out right-handed

SPT-EVA Are you?


SPT-EVA Okay. I see your point, yes.

CDR-EVA And I - I _ in a better position to work with m_

right or left hand to get that other BET hook in.

oPT-E%A Yes, how about those openings and those .. in the

bottom end there, huh?

CDR-EVA No, they aren't. They're little teeny-tiny things.

That's what's giving me a fit.


CDR-EVA I got the one in, but the other one is, you know,
it's one of these deals - if you walked up with your
hands you could slip it in in 2 seconds, right?
Dump Tape 158-16
Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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17 28 34 CDR-EVA But it's the angle, and I can't screw m_r arm - glove -
some dt_mb thing, and hold on with another hand and
drive this whole suit to get the right darn angle to
stick it in that hole.


CDR-EVA And it gets extremely frustrating, as you well knew.

SPT-EVA Well, why don't you give that about l0 minutes?

CDR-EVA I'm not going to waste a lot of time on it.

SPT-EVA If it proves unsuccessful, let's go ahead and cut

that baby.

CDR-EVA Then what I'm going to do is - I'm going to look at -

at the - -

SPT-EVA Strap.

CDR-EVA - - at the strap, and see if you've really got it in

the best place to cut it.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA I'll wait while you cut it.

PLT Now wait - First you're supposed to transfer your

tether from the cutter to the BET.

CDR-EVA Oh, yes. I'll do that.

17 29 29 PLT Okay, and then before he cuts it, you're supposed

to move back to the hinge.

CDR-EVA I thought I was supposed to hold the head while I

cut it.

SPT-EVA No, Just while I set it. If we need to move it - I

hope we don't.

CDR-EVA I don't think we do.

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PLT Because you've got to get back to the hing e and get
ready to stand up.

SPT-EVA Right.


17 29 47 PLT And, Joe, you can describe that maneuver to me at

dinner when you watch him do it.

SPT-EVA (Laughter)

17 30 22 CDR-EVA You may have to take more slack out of this BET, you

SPT-EVA But that wasn't in my Job description. Back in the


PLT Okay. Now when you - when he gets it on, you trans-
fer your tether and check where the J_s[Y] is. When
it's in position, then you move back beyond the hinge

CDR-EVA Understand.

PLT Okay?


PLT Joe takes any slack you may have out of your LSU; and
you go ahead and cut through it, if you can, Joe.


PLT Then you get the pole, so it's not in the arc of the
wing, and that's when you do your Hercules bit, Pete.


17 30 _0 SPT-EVA All right, Pete, that means that when it's all set
and before I cut it, I'm going to leave my station,
and move over to behind where you are now and pull
your LSU down.

17 30 52 CDR-EVA Let me ask you a question, Joe. Could you see the
beam move at all while I was messing around out there?
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SPT-EVA No. I couldn't.

CDR-EVA Well, looking at that strap, it looks like the beam's

under a fair amount of tension - that strap.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh. Well, glory be, if it would come up, it would

be the most beautiful sight in the world.


SPT-E_A ... so.

17 31 20 PLT Fifteen minutes.


CDR-EVA 15 - did he say?

_PT-EVA 15, he said. It takes forever, don't it?

CDR-E"/A Yes.

17 31 59 CDR-EVA The other thing I want a look at is this other side

of the panel. I think I can reach under there and
hang on, maybe. I Just want to make sure.

SPT-EVA Oh, boy, Pete. If there is anything like the amount

Jaggedness that there is under this side - It alws_,s
is something.

CDR-EVA This is the piano hinge side, sea.


PLT Butterfly hinge, darn it.

CDR-EVA Butterfly hinge, what did I say?

PLT You say piano hinge, bango hinge ... like ... tennis.

CDR-EVA (Laughter)

SPT-EVA A little lightning.

CDR-EVA Yes? You begin to pick up the air -

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Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA There's some more. Oh, more - s_lot. I wonder what -

wonder what - Do you have any idea what part of the
world we're over, Pete?

CDR-EVA We're coming from Australia on up over the Pacific,

towards Goldst one.


17 33 00 CDR-EVA So could be we're passed over that hurricane or

something ...

PLT No, we've got to be -

SPT-EVA No, I don't think we're there yet.

PLT We keep sending over the States. We must be in the

northern Pacific.

__ SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

17 33 13 CDR-EVA Yes, I saw some lightning.

CDR-EVA Hey, P. J., is this thing doing a normal momenttm

dump, now?

PLT Yes ....

SPT-EVA Very gentle, isn't it?

PLT ... is 0.002.


ZPT-EVA (Music) Doesn't it?

CDR-EVA Lights up the bottom of the stic-'k.

SPT-EVA Magnitude. Did you call, Paul?

17 33 56 PLT I say the highest rate is 0.002.

SPT-EVA Oooh. We 're hanging on.

PLT You hang in there, and see if you can tell

-- when I go to ATT HOLD.

SPT-EVA I'm getting my emergency rope out. I'm lashing

Captain Conrad to the mainmast.
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CDR-EVA Gee, I wonder what we're over. Fnere's a whole bunch

of fires and everything down there.

SPT-EVA All right.

PLT Well, let - let me call up .. I3 that working, Joe?

Hey, Joe?


PLT Has that line - lamd and time sense displ_ been
working ?

SPT-EVA Yes, quite well.

PLT Okay. We'll Just have to know when they update it.

SPT-EVA It's wrong for one rev after th_._ update it, and
_ they updateit in the morning.

CDR-EVA We're passing over something with a lot of -

17 3h 56 CDR-EVA I'm almost getting cold, but I don't want to change

my cooling.

SPT-EVA I changed my cooling all the way down.

CDR-EVA Did you?

PLT We just crossed the Equator, gang, if this thing

is right.

SPT-EVA Yea! I'm no longer a mugwt_np.

PLT Di_] that count minutes and seconds, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes. Well, it's Just to 1 minut-= right now.

PLT Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA Now, we're passing over a lot of it -


-- CDR-EVA It could be islands, but they're well lit,

whatever they are.

SPT-EVA What's our longitude?

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PLT Just a minute ...

SPT-EVA (Laughter) Hope you're making the coffee in there.

Oh, there's Just ripples and r_pples of it out there.

CDR-EVA What, lightning?


17 35 36 CDR-EVA What's the cross longitude, west?


CDR-EVA Meant east. Just because I said west, you should have
known what I meant.

PLT ...

CDR-EVA What the heck is that?

SFT-EVA Possibly a caution of some type.

PLT ... we've ... two gyros, if you can believe that.

CDR-EVA What? Can't hear you.

PLT Wait a minute, we're single gyro in two axes.

17 36 35 PLT No, the switches weren't set up right. We're

single gyro in Z.

SPT-EVA Are we really?

PLT Yes. Yes.

SPT-EVA The readings are still good, though.

PLT Yes. It's on 2, ... is the good one, right? Joe?


PLT I say Z Delta is a good gyro, right?


-- PLT ... DeltaZebra.

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CDR-EVA Yes. That's a good gyro.

SPT-E_JA Yes, it's been a good one.

PLT Okay, I'm putting one on.

CDR-EVA It's 1 that's been pitching up, _xcept I thought we

went to - did we go to 2/3 last night?

SPT-EVA No, I don't think so.

SPT-EVA Well, they didn't say. They said they were spinning
up 3, and wanted to look at it f_r a while, and we
were in 1/2 when we went to bed.

PLT Well, see, what surprised me is that Y is now in 1/2.

SPT-EVA Crazy.

PLT Y-1 was the first gyro to go bad, before we ever

launched. Probably the best of the lot. Yes.

CDR-EVA Look at that flash of light.

PLT Okay, ... we come across Matsue [?] and the big
islands of the Philippines, Luzon. We're going to
go by Japan, right down the ascending pass, down the
east coast - up the east coast of Japan.


17 38 l0 PLT Let's see, we're 4 minutes now, i, 2, 3, 4. We're

coming up on the Philippines now.

SPT-EVA Yes. The reason we haven't seen this pass before is,
it's at night.

PLT Yes.

CDR-EVA How long until ds_light?

PLT Aw, questions, questions. What's that? What's that?

How long till daylight? Eight minutes. Are we
Almost there, Dad?

PLT I suppose you have got to go to the bathroom, too.

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CDR-EVA Already did.

SPT-EVA We're already into the bathroom. (laughter). Very


17 39 l0 PLT Do you read me on this mike?

CDR-EVA Loud and clear.

PLT Great. I got more darn cords, cables, erap around

in here.

CDR-EVA It'll take us a whole day, day and a half to clean

up, another day to get organized.

CDR-_JA I tell you, Joe, you were really using the old
head-a-rooney there, doubling up your tether.

SPT-EVA Listen, without that I never would have made it.

The BET would flip every time I exerted any torque.

CDR-EVA Oh, yes, you were one-arm - -


CDR-EVA - - flailing.

17 39 57 SPT-EVA Yes, I was had - was bad. We should of thought of

it before. And It's a little lesson that a foot
crotch cutter, which is essenti_lly what I had - -

CDR-EVA That's right, well - -

SPT-EVA It's a useful device in that situation - -

CDR-EVA - - that's why I asked you, you know, because it

looked to me like that would have been an ideal way
to get up here. We could have _one ahead and rigged
that thing so it could have been a crotch tether.
We could have done it real easy.

SPT-EVA We could have done it, yes. You should have clone it
beforehand. Well, I was lucky, it was the right
length when doubled.


SPT-EVA It was Just perfect.

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CDR-EVA When I disconnect from the pole tether, Joe -

PLT Yes.

17 40 55 CDR-EVA I will have my other tether on the BET and I will

disconnect at my wrist so that the long tether
sts_s with the pole. We'll get - -

SPT-EVA You'll have your other tether on the BET?


SPT-EVA Your wrist tether?

CDR-EVA MY wrist tether on the BET.


17 hl 20 CDR-EVA Sounds loud and clear down there.

CDR-EVA P. J., you got your maps - orbit_l maps up there?

PLT Yes.

SPT-EVA I almost can't see the ground an_nnore.

CDR-EVA Well, that's good, that means we're coming out

daylight pass. Where do we cross the states?
We got a long stateside pass, agELin?

PLT Got my hands full of tape!


SPT-EVA Turn this way a little so I can Eee sunrise.

Out of China, cross the bay, kin&a. Upside down, but
that's all right.

17 42 l0 SPT-EVA It's starting to get blue.

CDR-EVA Good show.

PLT We had kind of a long pass. We go - kind of right

down the length of California. _e're descending
down the west coast and down along the west coast of
Mexico. We got Goldstone intersection.
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CDR-EVA 0kay.

CDR-EVA You can see you're not. How about untethering me

from your tether?

SPT-EVA It's getting bright blue, I can't see quite enough



SPT-EVA I don't think.


PLT Three minutes.

SPT-_A Bright, bright blue.


PLT Gold.

CDR-EVA More counts.

17 44 03 SPT-EVA Very bright, starting to tinge _ith gold. Let me

see if I can connect your tether.

CDR-EVA Okay, here it is. Why don't you Just leave it free
when you unhook it?

SPT-EVA Don't you want to back on your - whoops.

CDR-EVA No, I want to make it easy to get - get loose from ...

2PT-EVA Well, I want to -certainly we'll leave it _locked,

but -

CDR-EVA Well, we'll unhook it on the way.


CDR-EVA Think of it.

SPT-EVA See where that line is. Whoops. (Laughter) You

rang very well.

CDR-EVA It's right there.

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SPT-EVA I know where it is.

17 44 42 CDR-EVA No, you - now you've got it in m? arm ring.

SPT-EVA No, I don't.

CDR-EVA Yes, Yes. That's _ _ ring. I don't

want it in that one.

SPT-EVA Oh, you don't. What do you want it in? Oh, you
want it in that ring.


$FT-EVA Oh, it was the arm ring I was going for; sorry.

PLT You still see the ground?


PLT We ought to be going up the east coast of Japan.


17 45 08 CDR-EVA Okay, now, I've got to get over here. Weighted

down by the weight of it. Now, what have I got?

Free of your tether.

SPT-EVA Yes. You're in good shape. When you go up - -


SPT-EVA - - you'll be free and clear of everything.

CDR-EVA Do me a favor?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir.

17 h5 28 CDR-EVA Pull the one on my left arm free.

SPT-EVA I'll try. I'll try, I'll surely try.

CDR-EVA Give her a rip.

SPT-EVA On the hook end, huh?


SPT-EVA Did it go?

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CDR-EVA Ripped off ...


SPT-EVA I shouldn't of thrown that through the ATM.


SPT-EVA 0ks_v.

CDR-EVA Now, is it unlocked?

SPT-EVA Gol darn hooks are ... No, it's not. I think you've
got it taped.

CDR-EVA I don't want it.

17 46 06 SPT-EVA There is a big piece of tape r_ght over the lock.

._ CDR-EVA Ok ay.

SPT-EVA Now it's unlocked.

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA 0kay.

CDR-EVA Teke that in this hand and aro_a_d. Now you tend
to that. Let me find the pole.

17 46 23 PLT I looked out the window and whE.t is the first

thing I see glinting in the morning Sun?


PLT A piece of gray tape. (Laughter)

CDR-EVA Now, Joe, look at my umbilical, it's under my feet,


SPT-EVA Well, yes. It's not under your feet. Maybe it

would be better if it were.

CDR-EVA Well, I 'm for that. Okay.

-- SPT-EVA Other foot, there we go. Yes, that's fine, it'll

trail behind you then.

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17 47 04 SPT-EVA I'm holding your foot.

CDR-EVA 0kay.

SPT-EVA Not very hard.

CDR-EVA 0kay.

SHY-EVA But I 'm holding it.

CDR-EVA All right. I'm tethered to the pole, and I'm on m_


SPT-EVA All right. You're also on your _wn.

CDR-EVA Gosh. Come on. Every one of thsse is backed off.

SPT-EVA Is that right?

f CDR-EVA Yes. That's bright.

17 47 54 SPT-EVA Yes, watch it. Come to think of it, here comes m_

outer visor down.

CDR-EVA It's gone ... down, I think. Y_.

SPT-EVA Beautiful sunrise, gol dang. Okay.

CDR-EVA Have you got a good hold on the BET?


CDR-EVA Oh, nol

17 48 56 SPT-EVA What?

CDR-EVA Ha: I - You know, it's these th_ngs that you don't

SHY-EVA Oh, I know.

CDR-EVA I Just got hung up on another thing. You move along

and you get this darn up here where it belongs it
don't want to go.

CDR-EVA I move this tether - a bit right now.

PLT When you get the other hook made, then Joe pulls it
f-" Final
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SPT-EVA Say again, Paul.

PLT I say, when he gets the other Look made, then you
pull the rope tight, cinch it down.

SPT-EVA Right. Okay.

SPT-EVA You got it?

CDR-EVA Yes. No, no. Aaah, come here.

17 50 57 SPT-EVA Let me know if you need more slack.

CDR-EVA Well, not yet.

CDR-EVA Hang in there. Take tension in it. Okay. Now lead

off a little. Try her one more time. Ach! Gol darn
it! Joe, I think we're wasting our time on this.

SPT-EVA I do, too. Have you got the one?

CDR-EVA I've got the one. I don't know - give her another
go one time. I don't think it's worth it.

SPT-EVA I don't either.

CDR-EVA Got good tension in it?

SPT-EVA Well, wait a minute, I'm trying to secure it without

losing the tension. I don't hs_e good tension on
it right at this moment.


17 52 12 SPT-EVA So keep tending it up there for me for a minute,

while I take another couple of loops. All right.
Now I've got good tension in it. Almost as much
tension as I think I can get. I might get one more
hook. No, I don't think I can.

CC Okay, Pete, when he's ready, then you transfer your

tether to the BET rope.


_ PLT How do the Jaws look on the strap? Okay-?


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CDR-EVA Yes. They aren't going to get _kV better than that.

CDR-EVA Okay, hold on a minute.

17 52 54 SPT-EVA No, sir, I can't get that last one.

PLT Okay, when you're ready, then you move up to the

hinge line, Pete.


CDR-EVA Is that all the tension you got in that line?

SPT-EVA Well, the problem is that withou'_ a snubber I cau't

get any more.


:_ 17 53 23 SPT-EVA If I get one more hook around the cleat, it's too
much tension. I can't do it.

CDR-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA 0ks_, now. I want to look at what else is -

SPT-EVA That's fine. I'm in the duty cutting position, and

I'm Just going to stay here, contemplating rivets,
until you're read_ for me to cut.

EVA All right. The solar panel, as best as I can

as best as I can tell, there's absolutely nothing
holding it but that strap,Joe.

SPT-EVA Well, I hope so.

CDR-EVA All right. Now let me move back. Let me make darn
sure I can see - I know exactly what it is that's
holding it.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now wait. Let me move back.

17 55 06 PLT Joe, make Sky King keep his umbi3ical out of that
hinge cover there.

- CDR-EVA Now.

SPT-EVA it's out. Free and clear.

f •
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CDR-EVA This is where I do stand-up gag, huh?

SPT-EVA Are you ready for me to hold?


PLT Well, according to this, he's supposed tc try to cut

it first.

CDR-EVA All right. Go ahead and try.

SPT-EVA That's what I mean. You're ready for me to haul on

the rope.

CDR-EVA Yes, you can go ahead and try it.

SPT-EVA Okay. Here we go.

17 55 38 SPT-EVA That'll take it - several tries here. But I'm taking

in rope every time.

CDR-EVA It looked to me like it cut.

SPT-EVA It may have cut.

CDR-EVA Keep going. Keep pulling.

SPT-E"_A Man, I am really pulling! That's all the _ull I can

pull on that beauty.

CDR-EVA All right, hold it.

SPT-EVA You going to go out sad see what's going on?

PLT Didn't you Just move it, Pete? Cut through?

CDR-EVA What happened is that the cutter didn't cut all the
way - whoops l There she goes.

17 55 16 SPT-EVA There she goes, SAS panel and all (laughter).

PLT She coming out?

SPT-EVA Yes. (Laug_hter)



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CDR-EVA Pull slack - pull slack in the BZ_T.


CDR-EVA Pull slack in the BET. Are you _oing ...

SPT-EVA l'm trying to. l'm trying to get over there, Pete.

CDR-EVA Yes, but I don't want it to come loose, l'm on my

ws_v. I got -

17 56 41 SPT-EVA I know it. We both got problems, is what I'm saFing.

CDR-EVA Okay. I'm all right.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA l'm all right. Where's m_ umbilical?

S SPT-EVA Up behindyou.


SPT-EVA No problem with your tnnbilical.

CDR-EVA Oks_v.

SPT-EVA None whatsoever.

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Now wait a minute. She moved.


17 56 57 SPT-EVA And then she stopped.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now -

SPT-EVA Now let me take slack in that darn BET.

CDR-EVA Hey, well, tske it! I'm goingl

17 57 06 CDR-EVA Got to - let me come back to where I can hang on,

and then you can take your time.


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CDR-EVA (Chuckle)

PLT Did you transfer your tether, Pete?


SPT-EVA Oh, yes, yes. He's all right. He's tethered to

the BET. It's a question of how far out I'm getting
from him - the bloody slack in it - or tension in it,

PLT Where - How far out is it?

SPT-EVA Oh, it csme another lO degrees.

CDR-EVA It came Just like they said it would.

- SPT-EVA It's about - yes - maybe 20 degrees deployed,

something like that.

PLT WeE, we show a current on 5, 6, 7, and 8 here now.

SPT-EVA Once again, Pete, that's all the tension I can take.

CDR-EVA All right. Let me see. That's all, Paul.

17 57 56 CDR-EVA Okay. Let me give you - I could go stand up and try


SPT-EVA The standup is the weapon we've got left.

CDR-EVA And I've got to get standing up first.

SPT-EVA I know it. And it ain't easy. I ain't rushing you.

Just conversing.

CDR-EVA Aaugh ! (Laughter)

17 58 h8 SPT-EVA I tell you what. If the old doc can get his
shoulder under it - like this. Whoops: MY feet.

CDR-EVA I got it.

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SPT-EVA There you go. Gave it my all except that old son
of a gun ain't coming.

CDR-EVA Easy. Yes, here comes Houston.

CDR-}NA Easy. If this llne lets go, I'm going off in the

SPT-EVA You and me both, babe.

17 59 23 CDR-EVA Hey, hey. Well, get back down. Let me get under
it, Joe.

SPT-EVA It's coming! It's coming!

CDR-EVA Yes. Let me get back down to - Okay. P_ll.

17 59 35 CDR-EVA That's it! Yeahl There she goes. Let go!

J LetgoI

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA That's got it. (Laughter)

SPT-EVA Hold it.

CDR-EVA Would you look at that!

SPT-EVA Hold it. I expected it to come, Pete. But I

expected to lose you in the process. And by gosh,
we got you and the panel.

CDR-EVA Push me down. I can't - s.h, there we go. Now.

SPT-EVA How about that.

CDR-EVA It's gone all the way.

SPT-EVA It looks like it.

CDR-EVA Oops! I lost my -

17 18 08 SPT-EVA It looks like a solid 90 to me. I don't know about

the panels. Paul?

PLT Wh at?
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SPT-EVA What - How's the voltage? We can't see the panels

from here.

PLT Well, they 're not out yet.

CDR-EVA Well, here. I don't think the heam's up all the way.

SPT-EVA Well, are we - Our job is done, right?

PLT Yes.

18 00 30 SPT-EVA I think it's up all the way, Pe1_e.

CDR-EVA You do?

SPT-EVA Yes, it looks like a good honest 90 to me.

CDR-_L"gA Well let's wait until we get Hollston to confirm that.

SPT-EVA If they can.


CDR-EVA It looks like a good honest 90 to me, too.

18 00 48 PLT Okay, Joe. We got another ECS light, and ! got a

barber pole in all three positions of RATE GYRO Z.


PLT Yes.

SPT-EVA Looks great for Houston, too. L_nat means no control

in Z. Where's the Sun? (Chuckle)

CDR-EVA Well, that's roll, isn't it?

SPT-EVA Yes, it's roll. That's right.

CDR-EVA See if it's locked, Joe.

SPT-EVA I think it's locked, Pete.

CDR-EVA All right. Now, P. J., what is the - -

SPT-EVA Why don't you get back in the - -

F CDR-EVA - - what are the procedures?

SPT-EVA - - in the back.

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PLT Wait a minute.

18 Ol 24 CDR-EVA Houston's never around when you want the.


CDR-EVA All right. Let me head on back. The first thing

is _ I got to disconnect from this line.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

CDR-EVA Now, what do we do about the BET? Are we supposed to

leave that on?

SPT-EVA Leave the BET. I can't think of anything else to do

with the BET. If we leave it attached at both ends,
it won't flop over and get in theft structure. Okay?


SPT-EVA Yes, I can see the panels from here. And they're
all accordioned part way out. Each Joint is about -

18 02 03 PLT We're getting about 5 amps on each of the APCGs.

SPT-EVA Yes. Each angle is about 20 de_'ees, I'd say, Paul.

PLT They might stretch out.

SPT-EVA It's a partly unfolded accordion

PLT Okay. It says, "Take the slack out of the BET" -

Where the heck am I? EV-I transJ'er to SAS foot

SPT-EVA Right.

PLT Then you Just pass the pole back, the opposite way
you passed it out.

18 02 27 SPT-EVA Right-o. That should work.

PLT Okay.

CDR-EVA All right. Where's _ t_nbilical? I got to get

that straightened out first.
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SPT-EVA Well, I think if you start in, your _billcal will

follow you. Go ahead.


SPT-EVA And I'll keep it behind you. Now wait a minute. All
right. Go on in. But be prepsred to stop. If you're
- if you're tangled in the BET, I'll Just get you

CDR-EVA I should be clear of the BET.

SPT-EVA You should be clear of the BET, but I'm not sure
whether you are or not.

PLT Hey, Joe.


18 02 56 PLT The talkback's show we're in ATT HOLD, CMG. I

might as well stay there until Houston comes up,

SPT-EVA He's right. It goes to ATT HOID, CMG. If you - -

PLT Okay.

SPT-EVA - - lose all gyros in an axis.

PLT Okay.

SPT-EVA You had one loop around the BET for some reason,
Paul - Pete, but I got it out. You are now free
and clear.

PLT All right. They're all accordioned.

SPT-EVA Except for the ... Yes. You see them?


18 03 29 SPT-EVA They're all accordioned about evenly, too.

CDR-EVA Well, the two outboard ones are further out than
the very inboard ones.

SPT-EVA Let's tell Houston to fix our gyro before we go -

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PLT Yes, ... I'm -

SPT-EVA I'm - talking about stuff.

CC Hello, there. We're listening to you. You're coming

in loud and clear. We see SAS _nps.

CDR-EVA Yes - -

PLT P.J. -

CDR-EVA - - Well, let's take care of our Z gyro. We ain't

got any of them.

CC Okay, we 're looking at it.

wing out and locked. The outboard panel and the

middle panel are about out the same smount, and the
third one is not quite. Now, Joe, I think before
you come in, you better take a look up there and
18 03 53 _VA AI'Iright.
make I'll
sure that tell one
third you is
where we are.
clearing We got
all the the_
debris. _

CDR-EVA That has been bugging me.

SPT-EVA All right.

CDR-EVA I can see that ms"self right here, if I can get there
from here.

18 0h 25 CC Okay, Pete, we don't understand. The outboard two

were almost all the way out last time you looked

rd no,
o, one no.
... They are further out than k

the inboard
one,but- )
\ SPT-EVA None of them are out very far. _%llof them are /
kk accordioned evenly, and the angl_s between the /
panels looks to me like about 20 degrees, ITusty. /"
So they'vegot a good longway to go.

CC Okay. Are they still moving? k_d how long ago did
you get them out?
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18 04 54 SPT-EVA Got them out about 5 or 8 minutes ago, and they're

not stillmoving.
_to me like they'removing at all. If _

18 05 Oh\ SPT-EVA I don't think they're moving. No doubt in my mind,

I\ they are,
they're it's reallysuper
- they're sl(;_.
staying right,where they are for 1
\ the moment. You guys are going to bake them out,

CC That's the plan.

SPT-EVA Okay. I think you're going to have to do that, is

what I'm saying.

CDR-EVA I - I trying to -

SPT-EVA Go on down to the SAS, Pete, _id let's get going.

CDR-EVA No, I want okay. Excuse me.

SPT-EVA (Laughter)

CC Okay, Pete, can you tell us where you are? You

still out near the SAS wing, or what's your
status there?

18 05 37 CDR-EVA I'm out - SAS - going - headed for the SAS right
this instant. I'm almost - I'm in the SAS and I'm
getting ready to pull in all of n_ t_nbilieals. Joe,
can you see my _bilical?

3PT-EVA Just a second. I was doing a 360 to get m_- mine in

sure • here.

CDR-EVA Yes, well, I'm trying to - let me get in, here, with
my _mbilical in the right place. I think I want to
do it that way. Right? You don't want to go -

CC Okay. And when you get a chanee, give us the status

of the BE-_ - where it is and h<_ tight have you got
it, et cetera.

SPT-EVA The BET is between the panel snd - it's rigged,

Rusty. And it's as tight as I can get it, which
isn't terribly tight because of the characteristics
Fin al
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of the cleat and it's also not Lerribly secure, because

I don't have anything to secure it with, but it'll
stay there as long as nothing hits it, I guess.

CC Okay. Would you describe it as having no slack in

it, but not very much tension?

18 06 34 _;PT-EVA That's correct.

CC Okay. That's exactly what we wanted. Thank you.

SPT-EVA Oh, I knew that all the time.

PLT Hey, Rusty - Houston. We got another condensate

tank DELTA-P light. I'm going _o go through the
dump procedures again.

CC Okay. And we would like for you to leave it - in

the dump procedure, that is. We'd like for you to
leave it in a vacuum on that side.

PLT That's how it was when the ligh'_ came on.

18 06 54 CC Okay, thank you.

CDR-EVA Yes, Joe, hold it Just a minute.


CDR-EVA While I get these - I don't knc_T. Whose umbilical

is in here?

SPT-EVA I'm trying to get down to help _rou.


SPT-EVA And I'm hung by the fact that I 'm still tethered to
the pin. (Laughter)


SPT-EVA So I think I'd like to get this -

CDR-EVA All right, now I 'm going.

sC (Tone)

CDR-EVA Okay. Trip that. Now, where is it?

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SPT-EVA What ?

SPT-EVA Like to get this pole going in the right direction

••. down. Here. Putting it a_ray....

18 07 46 CDR-EVA Oh, I was Just looking for my _nnbilical.

SPT-EVA It's easier to track another g11y's _nbilical than it

is your own. You know it?

CDR-EVA Yes, but unfortunately, I've got yours down here, too,
and I don't know why.

SPT-EVA ... come along with -


SPT-EVA It must have come along with you when you went down.

18 08 i0 CDR-EVA Well, it's hooked in me somehow. It's behind my

shoe or something. Oh, no, it isn't. Wait a minute.
It might be this -

CDR-EVA All right. That's yours. Now all I need to do _s

come over my head with it. I can't believe it. We
got them in without being tangled•

SPT-EVA (Laughter) That's due to i00 percent skill an(]

zero percent luck, right?

CDR-EVA Yes, okay. Now I'm ready for you. All right•

SPT-EVA I'm coming.

CDR-EVA Hand me the pole•

SPT-EVA I'll get it in a more favorable location momentarily.

I'm trying to manage -

CDR-EVA You're flailing around with it.

SPT-EVA I know it.

PLT Hey, Joe.

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18 09 18 PLT Ny readout on the panel is CMG wheels free, Joe.

CC Joe, this is Houston. If you've got a look at it,

was the inboard panel clear of debris or is it
hanging up on it?

CDR-EVA Yes, yes.

CC Okay, thank you.

18 09 32 CDR-EVA Best I can tell.

PLT The meter indication of CMG free wheel speed is

true, Joe. Has it been that way?



CDR-EVA It's always been that way.

PLT Okay. I didn't know that.

CC Say again?

CDR-EVA Oh, we're talking to ourselves, Houston.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. Yes. I need to stop right here,

untether from the pin, and get myself collected.

CDR-EVA All right. Take your time.


CDR-EVA Got the main Job done.

CC Joe, if you get a chance before you leave the area,

did you look at the connector on the top of the
AUX tunnel to see if there is _y obvious debris
around it?

18 l0 l_ CDR-EVA No, it's clean.

SPT-EVA The connector--

CDR-EVA It's clean.

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SPT-EVA - - on top of - -

CC Thank you.

SPT-EVA - - the AUX tunnel - I cannot see from where I am

right here.

18 l0 22 CDR-EVA There - there - there isn't a_thing out there but

that old piece of meteoroid shield that was u_der-
neath the - ...

SPT-EVA That sure is what it looks like.

CDR-EVA And you guys called -

SPT-EVA From the angle I can get on it, it's completely

clean. You're right, Pete.

CDR-EVA You guys called it pretty well. It - When we cut

the strap it was under tension. It went about
2 feet, and it stopped, and th_n I had to break
the - -

SPT-EVA Oh, look at that.

CDR-EVA - - whatchacall it. Look at _nat?

SPT-EVA Oh, my foolish 6-foot tether i_ more of a hindrance

than a help all of a sudden. _s a matter of fact,
if you'll - well, I'd like to 3tuff it aw_ same
place. Not quite sure what to do with it.

18 ll 31 CDR-EVA I've - What you doing? I'm holding on to the fold.

_PT-EVA You're holding onto it?


SPT-EVA Oh. Is it in a good position :Foryou?

CDR-EVA Yes. Want me to get rid of it for you?

SPT-EVA Well, let's Just bring it on d,_wn.

CDR-EVA Okay. Keep coming.

SPT-EVA I have to roll it here - -

Fin al
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18 ii 51 SPT-EVA - - to get the blades in the right configuration to

get by this pole.

CDR-EVA 0kay.

SPT-EVA Okay? Is it coming?

CDR-EVA It's coming.

SPT-EVA Keep her coming.

CDR-EVA Coming.

SPT-EVA You've got it now.

CDR-EVA I got it.

SPT-EVA It's out of my hands.

CDR-EVA I got it.

CC Okay, EV-I and 2, we're seeing _ fairly high

DELTA-P on the gas temperatures going through.
We'd like you to, if you can, to go ahead and
increase your water cooling.

SPT-EVA Increase or decrease?

CC We'd like to see you take it more out with the water
and less out with the gas.

SPT-EVA Okay. Fine. I'll tell you what. I powered down

for the night, Rusty, and Just hadn't gotten
around to powering up again.

CC Okay, fine. Thanks.

SPT-EVA I Just pushed it up.

CDR-EVA I was rather comfortable myself.

-_ SPT-EVA And I mm getting cooling and it feels very nice.

18 12 36 PLT Okay. According to the meter here, Joe, we're

back on ... and -
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Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA That's good. They obviously commanded it back on.


SPT-EVA Took care of the problem for us.

CDR-EVA Okay. The pole is tethered and you're clear of -

SPT-EVA All right. I am coming back.

CDR-EVA All right. Let me tend your _bilical. Walt, wait,

wait, wait.

SPT-EVA All right. I'm waiting.

CDR-EVA Wait a lot.

SPT-EVA Let me get hold of this handrail here.

/ - CDR-EVA The thing is hung up - up there.

SPT-EVA No, it's not.

CDR-EVA Okay, I've got it.

SPT-EVA It's under m_ foot, however. Wait a minute. Okay?

18 13 05 CDR-EVA Let me get it here .... stick it in here.

SPT-EVA Now where's yours?

CDR-EVA Huh? It's fast back in the back.

SPT-EVA Do you want me to go in and st(_ yours right now -

before we do anything else? That might not be a bad
idea, Pete. We won't need it _ain.

CDR-EVA All right.

18 13 21 SPT-EVA Get it out of our way.

CDR-EVA All right with me.

SPT-EVA Let me make a little ...

CDR-EVA ... while you're doing that?

Fin al
Dtmrp Tape 158-16
Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA There we go.

CDR-EVA Watch - watch the tools. Watch the tools. All right.
That a boy. Now you're all right. Hold it, hold it!
Darn tool's in the ws_. Let me get it our of your
way. I don't want you cutting jourself on it. Okay.
Now. Go on in.

SPT-EVA As a matter of fact, I'll come [n here, stow your

umbilical, and let's stow that _ool.

CDR-EVA I'll take it apart,

SPT-EVA Get a clean - Yes, we'll tske it apart and put it

•.. away °

CDR-EVA Yes. We got all ... to do 82A. Take it.

18 13 59 SPT-EVA And we can probably do that at night (chuckle).

CDR-EVA Yes. No sweat.


CDR-EVA Just keep working.

SPT-EVA The tm_bilica1_ - the umhilicals.

CDR-EVA You've got your hand on it.

18 lh 07 SPT-EVA Holy mackerel! - It's all the way out. Clean out of
the sphere.

CDR-EVA Okay. You ready?

SPT-EVA Oh, yes - oh, undo it - yes.

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Wondered why it was coming so hard.

CDR-EVA Just take your time.

SPT-EVA Okay. That's the first time I've ever seen one
clean out of the sphere.

CDR-EVA Houston, you still there?

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CC Yes, sir_ we are. We got the Z-gyros back on, and

we're going back to SI.

SPT-EVA Rusty, we did that Job with about 3 feet of _mbilica]

to spare on Pete.

CC Okay. And I understand you've not gone out to the

ATM yet.


SPT-EVA That's affirmative.

18 lh h3 CDR-EVA No, we Just spent the night out there on the solar
panel ....

CO Pete, before you go out there, we would like to ask

Paul to turn off the image die sector and turn off
the 12qotomultiplier on 54 to prevent any corona
problems when you're putting out gas out the end.

CDR-EVA Those guys will make changes right to the bloody

end. (Laughter )

CC Right.

PLT Okay, they' re off.

18 15 13 CDR-EVA ... may have a moment. I can't guarantee you that

that third panel does not have solar shield under-
neath it, because I don't know where the solar shield
went to. You were correct. ]it did have force in it
from the number 1 torsion rod, and it's possible that
it could have flapped out there and hung up the
inboard solar channel [sic].

CC Okay. Did Joe get a look dowz the sides Just before
you left the discone antenna?

SPT-EVA Yes, I did, sir.

CC Could you see -

SPT-EVA I saw no hangup whatsoever. I saw nothing above the

level of the meteoroid shield - -

CDR-EVA 0kay.
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Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA ~ - to - hanging up that sail - that wing. It

should cc_e out.

18 15 59 CDR-EVA Okay. And I suspect that thing - that that's the

coldest wing. Right? Isn't that the coldest one?

SPT-EVA ! don't know.

CDR-EVA I'm asking Houston.

CC They were all about the sa_e temLperature, Pete, but

that may be a slightly colder.

CC Okay, Pete, just out of curiosity, did you cut

through the strap or pry it or what did you do
with it?

CDR-EVA Cut through it. And I'll tell you what -

CC Okay.

18 16 28 A Let me tell you what it was. It was where

meteoroid shield had torn off o_ - both sides--of
the angle, so that we had two angles and the J
doubler with the bolts in it - _rith no flanges./
Okay? J
CC 0kay, understand you had both f]a_es of the

other flange, the doubler in the middle with the

bolts. And the bolts, in fact _.the long end, in

fact, there was one little, lousy, single bolt in
the bitter end that had driven _ar enough three -
through to hold the strap. Evez_thing else was

CC Okay, we got 1 minute to LOS hez_ at Texas and we'll

be picking up Vanguard at 28. S_at's about l0 minutes
fram now.

18 17 36 CDR-EVA Well, you're down to - Hold it -.hold it. Don't go

any further.

SPT-EVA 0kay.
Ik_np Tape 158-16
Time: :.7:27:08 to 18:29:10
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CDR-EVA Let me - lock it in.

SPT-EVA That's the most work in the EVA

CDR-EVA Then you rest, rest.

SPT-EVA Stowing that gol darned umbilic_C[.

18 17 h9 CDR-EVA Rest while I take the pole apart.


CDR-EVA Now, have you got some plane to strap all that Junk?

SPT-EVA I've got one long strap. That'll have to do.

CDR-EVA All right. Well, let me see heir.

CDR-EVA I'll pull the sere stunt. I'll take it apart and
put it in it - in it. Okay?

SPT-EVA I'm going to divest myself of my 6-foot tether.

CDR-EVA Okay. Here comes the tools.

SPT-EVA Just a minute. I ain't quite ready for it.

CDR-EVA Oh, okay.

CDR-EVA Hey, why don't I take the tool head of -

18 18 25 SPT-EVA ... Yes, that's a good idea at this point, Rusty.

I'd rather have it off.

CDR-EVA MY name is Pete.

SPT-EVA (Chuckle) I've really done it.

CDR-EVA What did you do?

SPT-EVA I called you Rusty.

CDR-EVA Oh (Chuckle).

SPT-EVA Now, let me think.

CDR-EVA I'm going to give you one tool snd 5 poles.

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SPT-EVA Wait a minute. I'm going to mske a knot with the en_
of this 6-foot tether.


18 19 29 SPT-EVA And then I'm going to use the hook end - I'm going
to secure that stuff if I can - -


SPT-EVA - - that way. Hi-diddle-diddle. Ha. Goldang it!

PLT I'm glad there's nothing fragile in that airlock.

SPT-EVA Are you watching?

PLT No, I'm listening.

CDR-EVA I'll tell you one thing. Watch the glass, though.


PLT Fortunately, we've got big hea_y screens over it.

CDR-EVA But these rods are small.

18 20 26 SPT-EVA All right. Oh, with those? Yes.

CDR-EVA You ready? Wait, wait, wait, _'ait. Easy, easy.

SPT-E"IA I'm Just grabbing it, Pete.

CDR-EVA Yes - there.

SPT-EVA What do we do with the - -

CDR-EVA You're going to bundle that, too.

SPT-EVA - - 30 feet of rope.

CDR-EVA You're going to have to do something about that, too.


SPT-EVA Oh, boy!

CDR-EVA Can you put that in the aft airlock or scm_thing?

D_mp Talpe 158-16
Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA I'll have to.

18 20 hO PLT Just stick it in under the hatch, if you cs_n, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes, that's a good idea. In fa_t, I may put the

cleavers under the hatch, too.

PLT That's all right.

@R-EVA Let me know when you get rid of it.

SPT-EVA Yes, give me a minute.


SPT-EVA Hello, little rivet. (Laughter) Found another

free-floating rivet. And launched it on a Journey
to the outer planet. }{it me behind there. Okay.

sc (Music)

CDR-EVA All right?


18 21 24 CDR-EVA Oh, oh. I tell you what, you p,_sh the pole in and turn.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. It's in the wrong side of your umbilical.

Okay. You readY?


SPT-EVA Oh, shoot :

CDR-EVA Never mind. Here, let me have it. I got to have same
slack. That's all. Now, let m_ have some slack.

SPT-EVA Which way?

CDR-EVA No, you have put too much line away. You see? And
I can't get it out to me. No. All right.

SPT-EVA It would be such a big deal to give you slack.

CDR-EVA Push it in and rotate it ....

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18 22 00 SPT-EVA I can't seem to get it in ....

CDR-EVA There you go.

PLT Don't pull that back out ar_ more, Pete. You're
waving it around under that solar array thing up


CDR-EVA Wait, wait.

CDR-EVA Hey, it's a smart thing we put the 82A cut now.

SPT-EVA I'll tell you, you're right.

18 23 16 CDR-EVA (Laughter) Now the next thing is, Joe - careful -

You're going in the right direction with everything.
Okay, hold it. Hold it. Let me have the pole again.
Let me have the pole. Get back - Let me push it in
here the right way.

SPT-EVA I want it the other way first.

CDR-EVA Well -

SPT-EVA I want to push the mushroom end up behind that -

your -

CDR-EVA All right. Okay. That's all right. But let me

guide it in so it's clear of my tmlbilieal.


18 23 h0 CDR-EVA Okay. It's got to go under it - I think.

SPT-EVA I think, too.

CDR-EVA All right. That's correct.

SPT-EVA Get that bulky stuff up out of m_ way - our way.



Dunp Tape 158-16
Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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SPT-EVA It may even allow me to shove that in there - Wait

a minute.

CDR-EVA Got to do something with this rope.


18 24 08 CDR-EVA There it is.

CDR-EVA Hey, how much - Paul?

PLT Nineteen minutes.

CDR-EVA No, I'm not worried about that. How much umbilical
does it take for Joe to go to the Sunend. Do you

i SPT-EVA It's Just about the amount I have pulled out, I think.

PLT About 30 feet, I think.



SPT-EVA I ought to be in fine shape, because I've got the

same smount pulled out now ss I do for a normal EVA.

18 24 25 CDR-EVA Okay. Get rid of all that trap off you there.


CDR-EVA Tethers and everything.

SPT-EVA The only thing I've still got on me is the giggly saw
and that's pretty secure. I won't even worry about
it. It's taped down out of the w_.

CDR-EVA All right. That's your own umbilical in front of you.

SPT-EVA Okay. Let me get my bearings here.

CDR-EVA ... _nbilical.

PLT-EVA Let me know when you go off on the regular checklist.

18 25 13 SPT-EVA We're going on it now. Foot up.

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Time: 17:27:08 to 18:29:10
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CDR-EVA Let me guide you out, so that you don't hit anything
behind you. Okay. Keep coming. That a boy.

SPT-EVA Right down to the VT, right?

CDI_-EVA All the way down to the VT.

Sl_l-EVA Okay.

CDR-EVA Okay. Now let me look at mmbilieals first.


CDB-_}A They're in good shape.


CDR-EVA Yes, they were - wait. Keep going, keep going.

Beautiful. Now. When you get out there, take a
look at that sail.

PLT Tske care for the VC station. You're elm_ping at

31 feet, and I think it only takes about a foot or
so more to get out to the station.

CDR-EVA Yes. He's got plenty. He's in good shape.

18 26 33 SPT-EVA Oh, there you are. Looks so different out here, I

couldn't find the shoes for a minute. Thought they'd
left them on the ground.

SPT-EVA Oh, boy. Lovely.

CDR-E"_A What?

SPT-EVA The view. I'm going to have to wait a minute - ease

out of here for a minute and turn around to get a
good look at the sail. Have you got a couple of
more feet of _bilica& for me? You're pulling me
up too tight.



18 27 19 CDR-EVA Wait. Let me see. Okay? A couple of more feet of

lh_np Tape 158-16
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SPT-EVA Maybe 3.

CDR-EVA All right.

SPT-EVA Something like that.

CDR-EVA How's that?

SPT-EVA That's fine. Now - -

CDR-EVA You're right ...

A - - the sail - It's catty-wompus for one thing. As_l_

look down on it, it's rolled counterclockwise about
i0 degrees - not far, but sc_e. Okay. The two poles
on this end are both fully deployed. The ropes between
the poles and the corners of the sail are taut, The
left corner of the sail - that is, the one toward the
SAS panel - is flat and looks very nice. The right
corner of the sail - there is a big bunch - there's
a big bunch about 3 feet forward of that corner, as
if the material had wrinkled and stuck and never came J

/ _.
completely apart.
It's our local hot spo t .
SPT-EVA Well, forward of that, I suspect. See, because I can
see the left front pole all the way out, but I can't
see the right front pole. The material pitches for-
ward there, and I suspect that that pole is either #/
r shortened or bent or something. 0kay? /
CC Okay, Skylab; Houston here. We've got you for the
next 9 minutes and, at your convenience, we'd like a
GO on the maneuver.

18 28 44 SPT-EVA Roger. You can GO for the maneuver. And, Rusty,

did you copy _ description of the sail?

CC Negative, sir, we Just picked you up right now. So

go ehead.

SPT-EVA All right - let me repeat that.

PLT It's on B channel, Joe. It's recorded. They can get

it later.

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SPT-EVA All right. Let's press on, then. Good.


CDR-EVA It's coming out to your right now, old buddy.

SPT-EVA Stop it before it gets there, because I'm involved

in - -

CDR-EVA Yes. Yes.

SPT-EVA - - getting back into m_ shoes.

18 29 l0 CDR Yes.

Fi nal

(_ )

Time Segments(GMT)
From To
18:h0:01 i?:O0:h2

Voice : Good Time : Good

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the followingreason:

!-1 No communications are on tape.
l-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis averbatim
I-1 Other
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
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18 hO 01 PLT Okay, I'm going to open the doors.

SPT-EVA All right.

18 40 08 PLT Okay, I got the normal indications; I got an OPERATE

light. The DOOR is going OPEN.

SPT-EVA You've got an open door.

PLT Right. OPERATE light went out, talkback went gray,

shows READY. I'm going to PRIME on the _ODE.

SPT-EVA All right.

PLT Okay, I'm going to - 201, it says. I'm going to START.

OPERATE light is ON, I'm going to STOP. I got a READY
light, and the frame counter ...

SPT-EVA Yea! (Laughter.)


SPT-EVA Good show.

PLT ... is there. Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute.

Let me catch up, please.


18 39 57 SPT-EVA Now over the terminator, man, it's black down there - -

PLT Okay, Joe, release the pins from the S054 door and
open it until it stops.

SPT-EVA That's complete, and the lock is locked.

PLT You lift the door latch to hold the door open?


PLT Okay, unclamp his LSU, Pete.

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Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
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PLT Joe, you go the the VT.

SPT-EVA Good, I wanted to get back there before dark.

PLT Yes. Okay. You're going to pick up the package on

the boom, Pete?

CDR-EVA Yes, soon as Joe's back.

SPT-EVA Okay, where in the heck are we now? Whoops!

CDB-ENA Just come down a little lower.


CDB-EVA That a boy. I like your L$U, it's in good shape.

SPT-EVA 0kay.

18 h0 34 CDR-EVA Let me clamp it.

SI_-EVA I like my feet. They are in the tree. Are the

shoes okay? And I'm ready for the boom.

18 40 44 CDR-EVA Coming at you. Baby squared away, and get inside

and get lunch; I'm hungry.


CDR-EVA I'll tell you, wait until I get my hands on those

guys when I get back. This ATM's something. I
never saw anything like it in my life. Yes_ I'm
going to chew them out again, over the air. The
EVA procedures were in good shape.

SPT-EVA I wish I had a picture of that. Well, we'll get one

after -

CDE-EVA You'd think these guys would know how this ATM runs
after awhile.

SPT-EVA Ready. Stop.

PLT What the heck is going on here?

CDR-EVA What happened now_

• i

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:&0:01 to 19:00:h2
Page 3 of 18

18 41 29 PLT I got a computer reject light. Oh, Gosh' They

goofed the configurations. They apparently -
Now we're on 1/2 in Z. But I got a computer reject
light, but we'll work on that later.


CDE-EVA That's a 5204, I mean oh0.

18 41 h7 SPT-EVA A computer reject usually isn't too much of a sweat.

CDR-EVA What were you trying to do?

PLT Nothing.

CDR-EVA Just give it a 520h0 -

PLT I'll - I'll do that later.

SPT-EVA Okay, Pete. It's all yours.

CDR-EVA Did you lock it?



18 42 04 PLT We only got 1 minute and 8 seconds to sunset.

CDR-EVA All right. Soon as I get this thing in, you can
start, Joe.


PLT And I can't find the end of the procedure, Pete.

CDR-EVA What procedure?

PLT The thing they're supposed to have sent up.

CDR-EVA Wait a minute, Joe. Don't start yet. We got a lot

of light out there.


18 _2 32 CDR-EVA Let's go back to the regular checklist.

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
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PLT 0k_v. 0h, you take that off and stow it.

CDR-EVA That's what I'm doing.

SPT-EVA There's nothing hanging that inboard panel up, Pete.

I can see it from here, and there's nothing but
black underneath it.

CDR-EVA That's beautiful.

18 42 56 SPT-EVA There's a good 2 feet of clearance.

CDR-EVA 0kay.

SPT-EVA Those panels ought to come out.

CDR-EVA All right, Joe; any time your're ready.

SPT-EVA Okay, I'm coming. These double handrails are the

way to go. This is first class.

PLT Okay, you got the Sun end boom fully retracted and
the hook folded?


PLT Okay, I guess you don't want to pick up the 02h

while you're out there, huh?

SPT-EVA (Laughter) Wouldn't mind; get it all done. One

at a time. It's getting dark!

PLT Well, beck. You Just come back and get in, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes. Okay. Tending my umbilical nicely.

PLT What are - what are you doing with it, Pete? Are
you twisting it in behind you?

SPT-EVA Yes, that' s what he' s doing.

PLT Is is working all right?

SPT-EVA Beautiful. Sure looks all right.

18 44 02 PLT Okay, and the EVA clock says 3 hours and 20 minutes.
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Time: 18:h0:01 to 19:00:42
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SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

PLT Not bad for an hour and 37 minute Job.

CDR-EVA Right.

SPT-EVA Not bad.

CDR-EVA Hey, Joe, ... umbilical - -

SPT-EVA Did I have ... about doing it all.

CDR-EVA - - Joe, hold it, now. Your head's around mine -

you own.


CDR-EVA That's your own right there, so, now - -

-- SPT-EVA How does that look?

CDR-EVA - - now, if you want it - wait -

SPT-EVA I'll throw it in the aft airlock.

CDR-EVA Oh, okay.

SPT-EVA I don't feel like stuffing it into that umbilical


CDR-EVA Y'allmind waiting a second? I'll put this other

boom -

18 h6 05 SPT-EVA Oh, heck, I don't mind. Take your time.

PLT How's the light out there, pretty good?

CDR-EVA Oh, yes - super.

SPT-EVA It's okay in the FAS; it's kind of dim out there in
the hustings.

18 4h 50 SPT-EVA It's reasonable, though. You could - you could work

out there.

PLT I think, I'll tell you what I think. I think they

screwed up that maneuver, because we were (cough)
- we were manuevering for awhile.
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
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SPT-EVA Well, the gyro problem may of given them an excuse.

You know what I mean.

PLT Well, I say they started it.


18 45 19 CDR-EVA Okay. Now, you ready for this, Joe?


PLT Oks_v. You pass in the tree to him. Is that what

you're doing?

SPT-EVA That's what he's doing.

CDR-EVA You put that in the regular place this time.

SPT-EVA Ah-ha.

CDR-EVA Hey, wait a minute. Let me give it to you the other


SPT-EVA You caught me by surprise. (Laughter) I said,

"Where is it? Where is it?" I kind of hate to put
it in the regular place, Pete. It spoils a perfect
record on this EVA. (Laughter)

18 46 05 CDR-EVA Y_s, don't do it.

SPT-EVA (Laughter) Too late, I already did it.

CDR-EVA All right, you ready?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir; I'm ready and the way is clear.

CDR-EVA Is there anything else I'm supposed to do out here?

PLT Well, you turn off the DAC - -

CDR-EVA No, we don't have one.

PLT - - you got the Sun end boom retracted,the hooks

folded, you got that? You got his umbilical freed?
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
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18 46 24 PLT DO2h we're not doing. He's in. Slow the DAC past
the tree end. You got the SASs clean, right?

CDR-EVA Right.

PLT Inspect the hatch seal for obstructions, verify the

hatch dogs are retracted, unclamp your LSU, and get

CDR-EVA Okay. Here you go, Joe. I'm going to do a - I'm

going to do a 180-roll here.

SPT Okay.

CDR-EVA Because - I'm the wrong way, I think.

SPT Yes. Well you just arrange to come in with your

face facing the hatch, and you'll be set. You're
fine right now. That's good. That's perfect.
Wait when you get in.

CDR-EVA All right. Get out of here.

SPT Who, me?

CDR-EVA No, this rivet. There it goes.

SPT That's what a frog says: Rivet, rivet, rivet.


SPT Rivet, rivet.

18 47 34 SPT Hey, ... he's in; he's closing the hatch.

PLT He can't. I haven't told him to yet.

SPT I know. Well, he's the CDR; I wasn't going to say


J 18 47 44 CDR Hatch is CLOSED, the doors, and we're home.

PLT Okay, you got the lock engaged?

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:h0:01 to 19:00:h2
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SPT He's doing it.

18 h7 50 CDR Lock's engaged and all these others are engaged.

18 h7 51 PLT Okay, the EVA-elapsed time was 3 hours and 23 minutes.

SPT Fair enough.

18 48 02 PLT That's on record. CLOSE the DEPRESS valve there,


CDR Okay.

PLT Let me know when you do, because I have to time it

for 2 minutes.

18 48 12 CDR MARK. It's - it's CLOSED. Do you want me to cap it?

PLT I'm supposed to do that when you come out, but if

you can do it now, go ahead. If it's work, forget it.

CDE No, that's all right.

SPT Yes. I can see that.

CDR I got to find out where it starts.

PLT Just leave it.

CDR That's all right, I haven't got anything else to do.

$PT Yes, you do. You got to get us pressurized.

PLT No, we got for 2 -

SPT Why are we waiting 2 minutes?

CDR We got to get the something-or-other up in here from

this before you dump oxYgen. I forget all of it.

SPT I think we're waiting to get a half psi or something.

Yes, I don't remember exactly.

PLT No, it should be 0.2. Now, I'll Just give you a

squirt out of here; that's the best way.
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:h2
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CDR Hey, that's supposed to do that_ it's supposed to

come up on its own.

PLT I know, I'm off the peg back here.

SPT Are you?

SPT Yes, we got - we're half way there; i more minute to


SPT Okay. I'm awfully tired.

CDR Okay. All they're going to do is put us back to work

if we - -

SPT (Laughter)

PLT Yes, what's the minimum PP02 1 should watch in here,


CDR 3.3, isn't it?

SPT Minimum PPO 2 - you can go to 3.1.

PLT 3. l? Okay.

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, we could sit awhile. We're pumping good pure

oxygen in here.

PLT Well, I'll just watch it here.

SPT In fast, 3.1 - you can go to 3.1, total.

18 49 _8 CDR At 7030?

SPT Yes, that's i0 000 feet.

PLT Huh? You' re mumbling.

SPT You can go to 2.17 PP02 contingency level, okay?

PLT Okay. It ought to say so.

SPT It ought to stay above 3, nominally.

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
Page i0 of 18

PLT I'm indicating a half, Pete. How about you?

CDR We're not quite there. We're about 0.4.

SPT Yes, but we're looking for 0.2.

CDR Okay, go ahead.

PLT Now, we're going to get rapid DELTA-P and push the

CDR Okay.

18 50 36 SPT Wheel Absolutely right. I got a SUIT PRESS - -

CDR Yes.

" SPT - - which I'm glad to see.

CDR All right. We got 3-1/2. Could we turn our - what?

IVA, go to IVA.

SPT All right.

CDR That's the first thing. Watch out for your SUIT
PRESS light because you're in ABSOLUTE. We should
have been in DELTA-P, shouldn't we?


CDR No, you're right.

SPT No, you run ABSOLUTE outside there.

PLT Okay, Joe?

SPT Yes, sir.

PLT ... OWS hatch, go to EQUALIZE.

SPT I'm on my way. Are we really - yes, I see what you

mean. Okay.

CDR Yes, we're 4.5 here, and there, 5.

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:42
Page ii of 18

SPT Yes, that's fine.

CDR What did you get in the MDA, Paul?

18 51 39 PLT Same thing, h.5.

CDR And what's your PP02?

PLT 3.5.

CDR That' s good.

18 51 46 SPT Okay, we're in EQUALIZE.

PLT Holy cats, I can feel it whipping through this hatch.

SPT (Laughter)

18 51 53 PLT RELEASE handle, UNLOCK hatch handle to EQUALIZE.

SPT Yes, it is.

PLT Okay, you can go - -

SPT Oh, I can't open this hatch yet, the darn thing'll
blow open at me.

PLT Uh-huh.

CDR Yes, hold it.

SPT I guess I can go to OPEN on this one and let it float

open, can't I?

CDR You know I can ... my old friendly smell here in this

SPT Is that right?

CDR What we got used to for the last -

SPT Wonder where it came from? Hey, can I go to OPEN

on this?
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to i9:00:42
Page 12 of 18

PLT Yes.

sPT See no reason why not, huh?


18 52 27 SPT All right, it's in OPEN.

PLT It's still holding.

CDR Yes, you got a - you got about 0.3 to go.

PLT Yes, a lot of air coming through here.

SPT Okay.

PLT What I should of done, I should of opened this hatch

/- first.

CDR Yes, yes; you're right.

18 52 51 SPT Can we go helmets and gloves off?

PLT You gtkys can.

SPT I'd like to pop my gloves, m_ hands are sore.

CDR Yes ; okay.

PLT We lost the condensate tank again, for some darn reason.

CDR Let's go hook that thing up right away and - and -

and to the other one, and we'll get it back.

18 53 36 PLT Whee! Can you open it yet?

SPT Wait a minute, and I'll try it again.

PLT Well, there's a fair amount of air coming through

here yet, Joe.

CDR You got about a tenth, Joe.

SPT No, she's still pretty tight.

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:h2
Page 13 of 18

PLT Yes.

CDR Well, that wasn't a bad exercise for our next EVA.

SPT Captain?

CDR Yes, sir.

SPT Get that glove off; let me shake you by the hand. I
didn't think that Job could be done - -

CDR Shake? You did it.

SPT - - down there.

CDR I told you, it was getting the pole hooked up, for
goodness sake. That was the meat of the subject.

18 54 13 PLT Joe, you can turn the entry lights - well, no sense
in turning them on yet, I guess.

SPT All right. We'll wait.

CDR You want to turn the outside lights off to save - -

PLT Oh, yes. Yes.

CDR - - save power.

PLT You got them in there. You got all the EVA lights on
your panel in there.

SPT ... I'll turn them off.

CDR Here, I'll get them. Yes. Sorry.

18 5h 30 PLT Okay. Let me verify you have got the hatch handle
lock lock in, right?

CDR The lock lock is in, man.

PLT Okay ; and you got the valves capped now?

CDR The valve is capped; that's affirm. Valve is capped.

Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:h0:01 to 19:00:h2

SPT Yes. We ought to remember that next time we ought to

open this valve - this hatch first.

CDR Yes. They show that they're - well, you still show
a little. You still flowing through the valves?

SPT Yes.

CDR Oh, yes, not a heck of a lot.

18 55 16 SPT Guess they should open at approximately the same time.

CDR Well, Joseph and Paul, - we have (laughter) one more

time and I think we'd do it. One's the docking and
two's the solar panel. Whoo!

SPT Yes. Feels good to have that solar panel out. The
_ rest of it is in their hands,you know or ... - -

CDR Man, they can have the rest of it.

SPT - - to go out there and get those wings down. That

ain't our Job; we got that panel out -

CDR Those wings'll come down by themselves, I think, when

they heat them.

SPT Took a fair amount of heave on that rope, didn't it?

CDR Listen, when that thing finally broke, I had everything

I could put into it, and so did you, right?

SPT Yes.

CDR And when it let go, man, I was free as a breeze. I

WaS -- --

SPT (Laughter) I saw you out there (laughter).

CDR - - I was rolling counterclockwise.

SPT (Laughter) Oh, my Lord; I never thought I'd see that.

-- PLT Hey,Pete.
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:h0:01 to 19:00:h2
Page 15 of 18

CDR Yes.

PLT Hey, I don't feel any air, Joe. See if you can open

18 56 17 SPT All right.

SPT Oh, yes. It opens right up.

CDR No, the other way.

PLT Okay, turn the entry lights on. Hey, Just hold on to
the handle on the inside for me, Pete, will you?

CDR Yes. Wait - which one? Oh, okay, yes. All right;
go ahead.
PLT It 's okay.

CDR There you go. Well done, me boy!

PLT Shoot, I didn't do anything.

CDR Did you see that wild operation?

SPT All right. - -

PLT No, I couldn't see. You were too far over the hill.

CDR (Laughter)

SPT Do I ... bouncing around with the gosh darn CMG.

Excuse me, tape recorder; gosh darn.

PLT (Laughter) There you go. Got to reconfigure that

in a hurry. We - -

CDR Yes, let's - let's do it per the checklist - -

PLT Yes.

CDR - - so we get everything put away right. Look, far as

- I'm concerned, we're in no rush. We've got the rest
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:h2
Page 16 of 18

of the day. We're going to put the vehicle back in


PLT Yes.

CDR Let's get out of the suits and get some chow. We're
going to come back here and ele_n her up, and Houston's
got the bird for a while. I want to get it configured.

18 57 30 PLT Okay, wait a minute. Let me catch up here. Where am

I? Well, the rapid DELTA-P works.

CDR Well, Joe, your tool rigging did good. There's that
darn fire sensor. Let me turn it off. SEN.COR number 2 -

PLT Wait a minute. Let me turn it back on, here. I think

they're all right. We were Just getting hit with the
UV when the EVA hatch opened.

CDR It's the - it's the - it's the one that's in the open
that went off; it's not the one that's back behind
the thing.

PLT You got them both on now?

CDR They're both on BUS 2 and the - and the SENSOR 2 light
is ON.

PLT Okay; well, reset it.

CDR All right.

18 58 12 SPT Okay, it's all right now. I think it's Just sunlight
coming in the - -

CDR Wait a minute ; wait. Okay. I reset it.

PLT ...

CDR No, it's the one that - that sticks out that could see

PLT ...
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:40:01 to 19:00:h2
Page 17 of 18

CDR Well, I don't - it must have gotten a reflected ...

but it's - it's - it's - it's right in this corner
here, Joe, and it's looking - it's looking 180 degrees
aft. It's always lookin_ out in this area through the
screen, at least I think it is ... Your cue card's
down there, right? Huh?

18 58 h6 PLT You want to give me the S082 thing, or you want to do

it later, or what?

CDR Why don't you - why don't I give it to you and just
strap it on the ATM panel - I think I got a -

18 58 59 PLT I'm going to take the headset off.

CDR Yes. Here you go; we'll get on the regular checklist.
What's that?

SPT ...

CDR What gyro we on, now?

SPT ...

CDR Gosh darn.

SPT ... strap still back there or ...

CDR Joe, are you all the way down there?

PLT Hey, Pete.

CDR Yes.

PLT Never mind, I Just wanted ...

CDR I don't know what happened to it, Paul.

SPT Yes, I'm down here.

18 59 5h CDR Oh, okay. I see what you've done. Let me - I'll go

ahead and secure these SUS pumps, that's another thing.
_ And the LSU power. Hey, we got to get on a checklist
and not Just wander off here, gang, we're going to
shoot the - -
Dump Tape 158-17
Time: 18:h0:01 to 19:00:42
Page 18 of 18

19 O0 16 SPT I've got the cue cards, Pete. I'll come back up with
it, if you want.

PLT You got enough _bilical out to get down there? Pete.
Well, while your're there - never mind.

CDR ...

19 00 42 SPT Wait a minute, I've got a couple of thing to do here•

•.. on the checklist or not. Turning ... 317 SUS ...
POWER OFF .... POWER OFF. How about SUS i? ...
Supply valves, closed .... I've got to open a couple
of breakers here ...

Dump Tape 158-__B


Time Segments (GMT) .

From To
18:52:07 : 19:00:_

F All timin_ was taken usin_ ,duplicate tape 158-17.

This dump t_pe has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
[] Nocommunicationsare on tape.

I-3 Only communicationson tapeare COI_MTECHoleck.,.

[] Tllis tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
[] Other
Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:44
Page 1 of 7

18 52 07 PLT Un-huh.

CDR Yes, hold it.

SPT I guess I can go to OPEN on this one, and let it

float open, can't I?

CDR You know I can - I guess that's my old friendly

smell here in this air.

SPT Is that right?

CDR Well, we've gotten used to it for the last - -

SPT Wonder where it came from. Hey, can I go to OPEN

on this?

PLT Yes.

SPT See no reason why not, huh?


18 52 27 SPT All right, it's in OPEN. It's still holding.

CDR Yes, you got a - you got about 0.3 to go.

SPT You have a lot of air coming through here.

PLT Okay.

SPT What I should have done, I should of opened this

hatch first.

CDR Yes, yes; you're right.

18 52 51 SPT Can we go helmets and gloves off?

PLT You guys can.

SPT I'd like to pop my gloves; my hands are sore.

CDR Yes; okay•


Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:h4
Page 2 of 7

PLT We lost the condensate tank again, for some darn


CDR Let's go hook that thing up right away and - and -

to the other one and we'll get it back.

PLT Whee! Can you open it yet?

SPT Wait a minute, and I'll try it again.

PLT Well, there's a fair amount of air coming through

here yet, Joe.

CDR Yes, you got about a tenth.

SPT No, she's still pretty tight.

PLT Yes.

18 53 52 CDR Well, that wasn't a bad exercise for our next EVA.

SPT Captain?

CDR Yes, sir.

SPT Get that glove off; let me shake you by the hand.
I didn't think that Job could be done - -

CDR Shake? You did it.

SPT - - down there.

CDR I told you, it was getting the pole hooked up, for
gosh sake. That was the meat of the subject.

18 5_ 13 SPT Joe, you can turn the entry lights - Well, no

sense in turning them on yet, I guess.

PLT All right, we'llwait.

CDR You want to turn the outside lights off to save - -

PLT Oh, yes. Yes.

CDR - - save power.

Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:4h
Page 3 of 7

PLT You got them in there. You got all the EVA lights
on your panel in there.

SPT ... I'll turn them off.

CDR Here, I'll get them. Yes. Sorry.

PLT Okay_ Let me verify you have got the hatch handle
lock :lock in, right?

18 5_ 35 CDR The lock lock is in, man.

PLT Okay; and you got the valve capped now?

CDR The valve is capped_ that's affirmative. Valve

is capped.

PLT Yes. We ought to remember that next time. We

oughts to open this valve - this hatch first.

CDR Yes. They show that the - well, you still show
a little. You still flowing through the valve?

SPT Yes.

CDR Oh, yes, not a heck of a lot (whistling).

18 55 16 PLT Guess they should open at approximately the same


CDR Well, Joseph and Paul, we have (laughter) one more

time and I think we'd do it. One's the docking
and two's the solar panel. Whoo!

SPT Yes. Feels good to have that solar panel out. The
rest of it is in their hands, you know, or
Alan Bean - -

CDR Man, they can have the rest of it.

SPT - - to go out there and get those wings down. That

ain't our Job. We got that panel out.

CDR Those wings'll come down by themselves, I think,

when they heat them. Okay, let's - -
Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:44
Page 4 of 7

18 55 48 SPT Took a fair amount of heave on that rope, didn't it?

CDR Listen, when that thing finally broke, I had every-

thing I could put into it and so did you, right?

SPT Yes, yes.

CDR And when it let go, man, I was free as a breeze.

I was - -

SPT (Laughter) I saw you up there (laughter).

CDR - - I was rolling counterclockwise.

SPT (Laughter) Oh, my gosh; I never thought I'd see


PLT Hey, Pete.

CDR Yes.

PLT Hey, I don't feel any air, Joe. See if you can
open it.

18 56 17 SPT All right.

CDR Yes.

SPT Heck, yes, it opens right up. Heck.

CDR Go ahead and open the other one up.

PLT Okay. Turn the entry lights on. Hey, just hold
on to the handle on the inside there for me, Pete;
will you?

CDR Yes, wait• Which - oh, okay. Yes. All right;

go ahead.

PLT Okay.

18 56 36 CDR There you go. Well done, me boy!

PLT Shoot, I didn't do anything.


D_np Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:44
Page 5 of 7

CDR Did you see that wild operation?

SPT All right.

PLT You were too far over the hill.

CDR ... (Laughter) - - Do I .•. bouncing around with

the gosh darn CMG, excuse me, tape recorder, gosh

PLT (Laughter) There you go. Go to reconfigure that

comm in a hurry. We -

18 57 05 CDR Yes, let's - let's do it per for the checklist - -

PLT Yes.

CDR - - so that we get everything put away right.

Look, as far as I'm concerned, we're in no rush,
we've got the rest of the day. We're going to put
the vehicle back in shape.

PLT Yes.

CDR Get out of the suits and get some chow. We're
going to come back here and clean her up, and Houston's
got the bird for a while• I want to get it configured.

18 57 30 PLT Okay; wait a minute. Let me catch up here. Where

am I?

PLT Well, the RAPID DELTA-P works.

CDR Well, Joe, your tool rigging did good• There's that
darn fire sensor. Let me turn it off. Sensor
nt_nber 2 - -

PLT Wait a minute. Let me turn it back on here. I

think they're all right. We were Just getting hit
with the UVwhen the EVA hatch opened.

CDR It's the - it's the U - it's the one that's in the
open that went off. It's not the one that's back
behind the - -

PLT You got them both on now?

Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:44
Page 6 of 7

18 58 04 CDR They're both on BUS 2, and the - and the SENSOR 2

light is on.

PLT Okay; well, reset it.

CDR All right.

SPT Okay; it's all right now. I think it's Just sun-
light coming in the - -

CDR Wait a minute; wait. Okay. I reset it.

SPT is it the same one that - -

CDR No, it's the one that - that sticks out that could
see UV.

SPT See the UV.

CDR Well, I don't - it must of gotten it refected off

one, but it's - it's - it's - it's right in this
corner here, Joe, and it's looking - it's looking
180 degrees aft. So it was looking out in this
area through the screen, at least I think it is.
I think you can - Your cue card's down there, right?

SPT You want to give me that S082 thing, or do you - we

want to do it later or what?

CDR Why don't you - why don't I give it to you and just
strap it on the ATM panel - I - I think I got a -

18 58 59 SPT l'm going to take the headset off.

CDR Yes. Here you go; we'll get on the regular checklist,

CDR What's that?

SPT ...

CDR What gyro are we on, now? Man _.

SPT ...

CDR Gosh darn!

Dump Tape 158-18
Time: 18:52:07 to 19:00:44
Page 7 of 7

SPT ... And of warm over here. You got some crap to
go back in there or is ...?

CDR Joe, are you all the way down there?

PLT Hey, Pete?

CDR Yes.

PLT The strap's - never mind I Just ...

CDR I don'tknow what happened to it, Paul.

SPT Yes, I'm down here.

CDR Oh, okay. I see what you've done.

CDR Let me - I'ii go ahead secure these SUS pumps,

that's another thing. And the LSU power - Hey,
we got to get on a checklist and not Just wander
off hers, gang, we're going to shoot the -

19 00 16 SPT I've got the cue card, Pete. I'll come back up
with it, if you want.

PLT You got enough umbilical out to get down there?

SPT Pete.

PLT Well, while you're there you - never mind.

CDR ...

19 00 h4 SPT Wait a minute, I've got a couple of things you've

got to hae .... checklist or not .... 317 .•.
POWER, OFF ....... 323 ... so... POWER, OFF.
•.. SUPPLY VALVES are CLOSED. I've got to open a
couple of breakers here.

Fi nal
Dump Tape _58-19


Time Segments (GMT)

From To
.__:20 21:12:18

Voice: good Time: good

"[his dump tape has been "cancelled" for the following reason:
!-1 Nocommunicationsare on tape.
I--I Only communicationson tapeare COE_M
I-3 This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape
I--i Other
Dump Tape 158-19
Time: 21:02:20 to 21:12:18
Page i of i

21 02 20 PLT Hello, B channel. For the PLT during the EVA, the
I_U used was number 17 - 17. PCU was number 15 -
number 15.

21 ll 39 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR with a

post-EVA report on the dosimeters while we put
them away, and I will give you the readings. The
CDR's - Just a minute, I've got to get my flashlight

21 12 18 CDR The CDR's dosimeter reads hh066. The SPT's reads

18091. The PLT's reads 06101.


"_ b_l I_
DumpTape _58-2o



From To
22:23:52 22:26:40

Time: Good Voice _ ,_iT ......

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
I--I Nocommunications
17 Onlycommunications
[] This tapeis a verbatimduplication
of tape
I-1 Other

• i
Dump Tape 158-20
Time: 22:23:52 to 22:26:40
Page 1 of 1

22 23 52 CDR Hello there, friendly B channel.

22 24 29 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR with

some more EVA reports. The CDR wore PCU serial
number 013. He used SOP serial nt_mber 010. It
now has 5900 pounds per square inch remaining.
And he used umbilical 013. Maybe I said that.
The SPT used PCU side [1S number 010; SOP, 016;
and it has 6100 psi remaining in it. And he used
umbilical 009. And so much for that bunch of the
EVA report.

22 26 40 PLT Friendly B channel, this is the PLT reporting a

change of stowage which, I think, has not been
recorded. For stowage people, the condensate
dump line is stowed on the condensate holding tank.
End of message.

Dump Tape 158-2_


Time Segments (GMT)

From ' To
18:17:29 i 18:49:15

21:02:20 21:11:39

This dumptapehasbeen"cancelled"for the following reason:

r-! Nocommunicationsare on tape.
r--i only communicationson tapeare coMf',_,
[] This tape is a verbatim duplication of tape .....
1--1 Other

J ,

Dump Tape 158-21
Time: 18:17:29 to 18:49:15
and 21:02:20 to 21:ii:39
Page 1 of 25

18 17 29 CC - - ... Texas and we'll he picking up Vanguard at 28.

That's about l0 minutes from now.

CDR-EVA You're down to - Hold it. Hold it; don't go any


SPT-EVA Okay. Let me see.

CDR-EVA Lock it in.

SPT-EVA That's the most work in the EVA - -

CDR-EVA You rest, rest.

SPT-EVA - - stowing these goldurn umbilicals.

CDR-EVA Rest while I take the pole apart.


CDR-EVA And you got some place to strap all that Junk?

SPT-EVA I've got one long strap. That'll have to do.

CDR-EVA All right. Well, let's see here.

SPT-EVA . ..

CDR-EVA *** pull the same stunt. I'll take it apart and put
it in it - in it. Okay?

18 18 13 SPT-EVA I'm going to divest myself of my 6-£oot tether.

CDR-EVA Okay. Here comes the tools.

SPT-EVA Just a minute.

CDR-EVA Oh. Okay.

SPT-EVA I ain't ready for it.

CDR-EVA Say, why don't I take the tool head off?

_ SPT-EVA ... cover. Yes. That's a good idea at this point,

Rusty. I'd rather have it off.

CDR-EVA My name is Pete.


Dump Tape 158-21
Time: 18:17:29 to 18:49:15
and 21:02:20 to 21:11:39
Page 2 of 25

SPT-EVA (Chuckle) Sure. I've really done it.

CDR-EVA What'd you do?

SPT-EVA I called you Rusty.

18 19 16 SPT-EVA Now, let me think.

CDR-EVA I'm going to give you one tool and five poles.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. I'm going to make a knot with

the end of this 6-foot tether.


SPT-EVA And then I'm going to use the hook end. I'm
going to secure that stuff, if I can - -


SPT-EVA - - that way. Hi-diddle-diddle. Ah Ha' Goldang


18 20 00 PLT I'm glad there's nothing fragile in that airlock.

SPT-EVA You - you watching?

PLT-EVA No, I'm listening.

CDR-EVA I'll tell you one thing. Watch the glass, though.

SPT-EVA Okay. Well, fortunately, we've got big,

heavy screens over it.

CDR-EVA But these rods are small.

SPT-EVA All right. Oh, with those, yes.

CDR-EVA You ready? Wait, wait, wait, wait, easy, easy.

SPT-EVA I'm Just grabbing it, Pete.

18 20 28 CDR-EVA There.

Dump Tape 158-21
Time: 18:17:29 to 18:h9:15
and 21:02:20 to 21:11:39
Page 3 of 25

SPT-EVA What do we do with the - -

CDR-EVA You're going to have to bundle that, too.

SPT-EVA - - 30 feet of rope?

CDR-EVA You're going to have to do something (laughter)

with that tool.

SPT-EVA Oh, boy.

CDR-EVA Can you get that in the aft airloek or something?

SPT-EVA I'll have to.

PLT Just stick it in under the hatch, if you can, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes, that's a good idea. In fact, I may put

the cleavers under the hatch, too.

CDR-EVA That's all right. Let me know when you get

rid of it.

SPT-EVA Yes, give me a minute.


SPT-EVA Hello, little rivet. (Laughter) Found

another free-floating rivet and launched on
a Journey to the outer planets. Get me behind
... Okay. Secure.

CDH-EVA All right. Now. Uh-oh. (Laughter) I - I - I

tell you what, you push the pole in and turn.

SPT-EVA Wait a minute. It's in the wrong side of your

umbilical. Okay. You ready?

18 22 h9 CDR-EVA Yes.

SPT-EVA Oh, shoot!

CDR-EVA Never mind. Here let me have it. I got to

have some slack, that's all. No, let me have
some slack.

Dump Tape 158-21
Time: 18:17:29 to 18:49:15
and 21:02:20 to 21:ii:39
Page h of 25

SPT-EVA Which way?

CDR-EVA No, you have put too much line away, you see,
and I can't get it out to me. No. All right.

SPT-EVA It - it'd be such a big deal to give you slack.

CDR-EVA Push it in and rotate it. It may ... - -

SPT-EVA I can't seem to get it in. Ah, there it goes.

CDR-EVA There you go.

CDR-EVA I don't ... - -

PLT .. it back out any more, Pete. You're

waving it around under that solar array thing
up there.


SPT-EVA *** another -

CDR-EVA Wait, wait.

18 23 09 CDR-EVA Okay. It's a smart thing we put the 82A out now.

SPT-EVA I'll tell you, you're right.

CDR-EVA (Laughter) Now the next thing is, Joe -

careful, you're going in the right direction
with everything .... you hold it. Hold it.
Let me have the pole again. Let me have the
pole. Get back - Let me push it in here the
right way.

SPT-EVA I want it the other way first.

CDR-EVA Well - -

SPT-EVA I want to push the mushroom end up behind

the - -

CDR-EVA All right. Okay.


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CDR-EVA That's all right. But let me guide it in so it's

clear of my umbilical.


18 23 40 CDR-EVA Okay, it's got to go under it. I think.

SPT-EVA I think, too.

CDR-EVA All right. That 's correct.

SPT-EVA Get that bulky stuff up out of my way - our way.

CDR-EVA Yes ."

SPT-EVA And - -

CDR-EVA Now - -

SPT-EVA - - *** may even allow me shove that in there.

Wait a minute.

CDR-EVA Better do something with this rope.


CDR-EVA There it is.

SPT-EVA Hey, how much - Paul?

18 2h 22 PLT Nineteen minutes.

SPT-EVA No, I'm not worried about that. How much -

umbilical does it take for Joe to go to the
Sun end? Do you know?

SPT-EVA It's Just about the amount I have pulled out,

I think.

PLT About 30 feet, I think.


,_ CDR- EVA Okay.

SPT-EVA I ought to be in fine shape because I've got

the same amount pulled out now as I do for a
normal EVA.

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CDR-EVA Okay. You got rid of all that crap off you, did you?


CDR-EVA Tethers, and everything?

18 24 51 SPT-EVA The only thing I've still got on me is the

giggly saw and that's pretty secure. I won't
even worry about it. It's taped down out of
the way.

CDR-EVA All right. That's your own umbilical in front

of you.

SPT-EVA Okay. Let me get my bearings here.

CDR-EVA Let me get ... umbilical.

PLT Let me know when you're ready for the regular checklist.

SPT-EVA We're going at it now. **w put up.

CDR-EVA Let me guide you out, so that you don't hit

anything behind you. Okay. *** coming. That a

18 25 28 SPT-EVA Right down to the VT, right?

CDR-EVA All the way down to the VT.


CDR-EVA Okay. Now let me look at umbilicals first.


CDR-EVA They're in good shape.


CDE-EVA Yes. They were - wait. Keep going, keep

going. Beautiful. Now, when you get out
there take a look at that sail.

SPT-EVA Yes .... - -


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PLT It says here, for the VT station, you clamp

it 31 feet and I think it only takes about
a foot or so more to get out to the Sun end.

CDR-EVA Yes. He's got plenty. He's in good shape.

18 26 37 SPT-EVA Ah, there you are. Looks so different out

here, I couldn't find the shoes for a minute.
Thought they'd left them on the ground.

SPT-EVA Oh, boy. Lovely.

CDR-EVA What ?

SPT-EVA The view. I'm going to have to. Wait a min-

ute - ease out of here for a minute and turn
around to get a good look at the sail. Have
you got a couple more feet of umbilical for
me? You're pulling me up too tight.



CDR-EVA Wait. Let me see. Okay?

SPT-EVA A couple more feet of umbilical - maybe 3.

CDR-EVA Really?

SPT-EVA Something like that.

CDR-EVA How's that?

18 27 32 SPT-EVA That's fine. Now, - -

CDR-EVA You left ... - -

SPT-EVA - - the sail - It's eatty-wompus, for one

thing. As I look down on it, it's rolled
counterclockwise about i0 degrees. Not - not
far but some. Okay. The two poles on this
end are both fully deployed. The ropes between
the poles and the cornerto the sail are taut.
The left corner of the sail, that is the one

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towards the SAS panel, is flat and looks very nice.

The right corner of the sail - There's a big bunch
- there's a - there's a big bunch about 3 feet forward
of that corner as if the material had wrinkled and
stuck and never came completely apart.

CDR-EVA It's that local hot spot.

SC-EVA Well, forward of that, I suspect, because

I can see the left front pole all the way
out but I can't see the right front pole.
The material pitches forward there, and I
suspect that that pole is either shortened
or bent or something. Okay?

18 28 36 CC Okay, Skylah; Houston here. We've got you for the

next 9 minutes and, at your convenience, we'd like
a GO on the manuever.

18 28 h5 SPT-EVA Roger. You can GO for the manuever and, Rusty,

did you copy my description of the sail?

' CC Negative, sir, we Just picked you up right now.

So, go ahead.

SPT-EVA All right, let me repeat that.

CDR-EVA It's on B channel, Joe. It's recorded if they

can get later.

SPT-EVA All right. Let's press on then. Good.

CDR-EVA Yes. It's coming out to you right now, old buddy.

SPT-EVA Stop it before it gets there - -

CDR-EVA Yes, yes.

SPT-EVA - - because I'm involved in getting back into

my shoes, huh?


SPT-EVA Okay, I'm in the boots; bring it on out.

CDR-EVA Okay. It's clear your umbilical?

SPT-EVA Yes, it's nice and clear.

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CDR-EVA Yes, it's on its way.

SPT-EVA It was a bit of a problem at first leaning

back, towards the Earth.

CDR-EVA Say when.

SPT-EVA Keep it coming. Ready - when.

CDR-EVA Let me tell you something, Joe.


CDR-EVA That handle is very stiff and it's a very tight fit.

SPT-EVA This one?

CDR-EVA Yes, sir; so hang on.


18 29 50 CDR-EVA You may have to really wrinkle to get it out.

SPT-EVA I got it.

CDR-EVA Okay? Going to RETRACT.


PLT Okay, Joe, stow that tree on the receptacle out there.

SPT-EVA Okay, it worked.

PLT Okay. Now wait a minute, I got to set up some

switches here.

SPT-EVA All right. It's stowed.

CDR-EVA Lock it.

PLT Okay ... - -

SPT-EVA ... it's locked.

PLT - - then go to the VS foot restraints.

SPT-EVA All right, in work.

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18 30 18 PLT You may have to unelamp his umbilical, Pete.

CDR-EVA I - I think I got it - -

PLT You might, but I don't think so. Let me know when
you're there.

SPT-EVA It's bright out here.

PLT Okay, we're maneuvering now, gang, about 0.02

degrees, about an inch per second, about ...

SPT-EVA And the door's are marked on the ... ATM.

PLT Okay, Pete ... - -

CDR-EVA Do you see any more of my umbilical?

PLT - - ... - -

SPT-EVA No, I don't.


PLT When you get out of there, Joe, why don't

you go ahead - -

CC Hey, this is Just a reminder, we did have one

pen and ink change, that - -

SPT-EVA Oh, boy, oh, boy. -

CC - - that didn't come up on your latest pad, there

for you.

SPT-EVA - - what a gorgeous view. Go ahead, Paul.

PLT Wait a minute. What was it?

CC Okay, that was - remember we want to close

the door and wait 20 seconds before you turn
the main power on, there, on the checkout.

PLT Okay, you're going to have to tell me when

we come to it, I think.

18 31 16 CC Okay, Just let me know.


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CDR-EVA Hey, Rusty, what quads do you want me to look

at? The quads that I can see from here, and
I'm not exactly sure where I am. I'm trying
to figure that out right now, what I'm looking
at. What am I looking at?

FLT Say, let me get on with Joe there, Pete.

SPT-EVA Paul, Rusty, the S054 door is closed, which

surprises me. I thought it was open.

PLT I think we did too.

CC So did we.

SPT-EVA Well, it ain't.

CC Joe, go ahead an open it and pin it open.

SPT-EVA Okay. Paul?

PLT What?

SPT-EVA Go ahead with your checklist.

18 31 59 PLT Okay. Okay, you got the lid open?

SPT-EVA On 82A? No.

PLT Yes. Well, open the lid.

SPT-EVA All right. Unlock; open top.

PLT 0kay, take the new one out and put it in a

temporary stowage container.

SPT-EVA *** work.

SPT-EVA Complete.

PLT Okay. Open the S082A door, and release the launch
lock, and move the locking handle to release the

SPT-EVA Okay. Once again, I have a problem with the

film door because the aperture door is
closed .... - -

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18 32 51 CC ... you say the aperture door is closed, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir. Every apertD/'e door in the place is closed.

CC Okay. We do need to get that one open and we

don't - or do not want you to unpin that one.

SPT-EVA I understand that, but I would like it open

so I could get at the film.

CO Okay. That should he - P. J., should be POWER

DOORS to OPEN. Stand by, Just i.

SPT-EVA I'm clear, Paul.

PLT You want me to do it?


PLT You want me to do it, Rusty?

CC Beg your pardon, say agian?

PLT Do you want me to do it?

CC Negative, stand by Just 1 second.


CC Okay, the answer is GO. Just POWER DOORS to OPEN.

18 33 31 PLT Okay, POWER DOORS going OFF.

CC Negative, sir. POWER DOORS, ON.

SPT-EVA Okay, it 's opening.

PLT Is it opening, Joe?

SPT-EVA Yes, it 's opening. That 's fine. It 's clear.

Okay, I got the door open. Interfered with S054
a little more than in the trainer and, the launch
lock is to unlock. Go ahead, Paul.

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18 34 07 PLT Okay, wait a minute. Okay, removed the used magazine.

Place it in the container, Joe, in the can.

SPT-EVA 0kay.

PLT When you get it in there, close and lock the door,

SPT-EVA 0kay.

PLT Now, we got 8:45 of daylight left.


PLT I turned out the EVA lights. Before you move, I have
to turn them on.

18 34 46 SPT-EVA That's fine. Whoops - that's got it, I think. Wait

a minute. Everything - Okay, it's in the can; the
can is closed and locked; and I'm going for the
new film.

PLT Okay. Install - extend the handle first

or you can stick it in first and then extend
the handle, as I remember.

SPT-EVA All right. Arrow to arrow. Yes, I'll stick it

in far enough to get it - -

PLT Yes.

SPT-EVA - - somewhat secured. Now I will extend the


PLT Okay, and push it full into the receiver.

SPT-EVA Okay. The handle's out and locked. Here

we go. It didn't go very, you know, real
firmly, positively--

PLT Okay.

SPT-EVA - - But it appears to be in all the way. The

whiteflag is fullyover it.

PLT Okay.

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SPT-EVA And we're going to move the lock handle down.

PLT Okay.

SPT-EVA And it came in with a nice firm clunk.

PLT Okay. Verifythe flag.

SPT-EVA The flag's there.

PLT Close and lock the ATM door, it says.

SPT-EVA Okay, go ahead. Give me the frames.

PLT ... Huh?

SPT-EVA Do whatever you need to do.

PLT Okay .... - -

CDR-EVA Okay, wait - wait a minute. Have you pulled

the pin on the 54 door and done that?

18 36 00 PLT That - that comes next.

CDR-EVA Okay, all right. Go ahead.

PLT Wait a minute, I got a chopped-up message.

I got to find it here.

CDR-EVA Listen, everything they do in the ATM is chopped up,

and I'm going to give them a little dissertation
after we get inside.

CC Okay, standby on that, Fete. P. J., we're

ready to give you that little mod, there, if you
want it now.

PLT Okay, let's have it.

CC Okay, do you see where it says, "EV3, panel 1307"

CDR-EVA No, why don't you tell me what to do?

CC Okay, on panel 130, you want to go FILM RESET,

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PLT Go ahead.

CC Okay, RESET switch to RESET.

PLT Okay, ... 201.

CC Okay, that's Just right. Okay, now you want

to go POWER DOOR to OFF and wait 20 seconds
and Joe should see the door close.

18 36 54 PLT They're going, now, Joe.

SPT-EVA It's closing. It's fully closed.

CC Okay, P. J., you can now pick up with the

checklist you've got there. That's - your normal
message was MAIN POW]_I switch ON, POWER DOORS talkback,
white, then barber pole and on down - -
• thing.

PLT Yes, but - -

CC - - to the regular thing.

PLT - - the page I Just left was out of sequence, Rusty.

I got to pick up where I am.

SPT-EVA Here comes the terminator.

CDR-EVA Yes - -

18 37 33 CC Okay. Be advised we will not be doing the

maneuver until Goldstone next rev. We're
going LOS here; we're picking up Goldstone
at 19:43.


PLT Let me get some lights on, Joe. I'll be back with
you in a minute.


CDR-EVA *** guys get that ATM stuff squared away, I'm telling
you. I can't see having two guys hanging out of the
hatch, and they got - procedures are all screwed up.

PLT Roger.
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CDR-EVA EVA procedures were in good shape, Rusty, you guys did
a good Job. But I'm a little hacked at this ATM
Mickey Mouse.

18 38 15 PLT Okay, I'm going to bring MAIN POW-_ ON, Joe.

CC Okay, Just as we're going over the hill, P. J.,

we do need you to go SI. You're to get us
back in configuratlon.

PLT Okay. So, now I'm going to go MAIN POWER ON.

CDR-EVA Did you get his last, P. J.?

PLT Yes, I did it.


PLT Okay, it 's barber pole.

SPT-EVA Say again?

PLT I'm talking to myself ....

CDR-EVA How do you read me, Joe? Okay?

SPT-EVA I read you okay.

CDR-EVA All right. Where the beck am I now? Gosh,

dag nabit.

SPT-EVA I don't know.

PLT Okay. I'm going to open the doors.

SPT-EVA All right.

18 39 16 FLT Okay, I got the normal indications. I got an

OPERATE light. The door is going open .... - -

SPT-EVA You got an open door.

PLT - - ... OPERATE light went out. Talkback went

gray, shows ready. I'm going to TIME on the MODE.

SPT-EVA All right.

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PLTO Okay, and I'm going to ... 201 it is says. I'm

going to START, OPERATE light is ON. I'm going
to STOP. I got a READY light and the frame counter
declamented [sic] one.

SPT-EVA Yeaaahl!! (Laughter)

18 39 50 CDR-EVA Okay.

SPT-EVA Good show.

CDR-EVA Let's press on.

PLT ... Okay. Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Let me catch up, please.


f- SPT-EVA We are over the terminator, man, it's black

down there - -

PLT Okay, Joe, release the pins in the 8054 door

and open it until it stops.

18 h0 0h SPT-EVA That's complete and the lock is locked.

PLT Did you lift the door latch to hold the door open?


PLT Okay, unclamp his LSU, Pete.


PLT Joe, you in to the VT.

SPT-EVA Good, I wanted to get back there before dark.

PLT Yes. Okay, you going to pick up the packages

on the boom, Pete?

CDR-EVA Yes, as soon as Joe's back.

r 18 h0 2h SPT-EVA Okay, where in the heck are we now? Whoops.

CDR-EVA Just come down a little lower.


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CDR-EVA Thata boy. I like your LSU. It's in good shape.

SPT-EVA Okay. Let me clamp it?

SPT-EVA I liked my feet. They're in the tree. Are

the shoes okay? And I is ready for the boom.

CDR-EVA Coming at you. *** get this baby squared away

and get inside, and get lunch. I'm hungry.


CDR-EVA I tell you, wait until I get my hands on

those guys when I get back. This ATM stuff,
I never s8_ anything like it in my life. I'm
going to chew them out again, over the air.
The EVA procedures were in good shape.

SPT-EVA I wish I had a picture of that. Well, we'll get one

after - -

CDR-EVA You'd think these guys would know how this

ATM runs after a while.

18 hl 15 STP. EVA Ready - stop.

PLT What the heck is going on here?

CDR-EVA What happened now?

PLT I have a computer reject light .... the configurations.

Apparently - now we're on 1/2, it seems. But I got
a computer reject light, but will work on that later.

CDR-EVA That's a 520_. I'm 0h0 - -

STP-EVA Computer reject usually isn't too much of a sweat.

CDR-EVA What were you trying to do?

PLT Nothing.

CDR-EVA Just give it a 520h0.

PLT I'll - I'll do that later.

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SPT-EVA Okay, Pete, it's all yours.

CDR-EVA Did you lock it?

18 h2 01 SPT-EVA Yes.

CDR-EVA 0kay.

PLT We only got 1 minute and 8 seconds to sunset.

CDR-EVA That's all right. Soon as I get this thing in, you
can start, Joe.


PLT And I can't find the end of this procedure, Pete.

CDR-EVA What procedure?

PLT The thing they were supposed to have sent up.

CDR-EVA Just a minute, Joe, don't start yet. Got a lot of

light out there.


18 h2 32 CDR-EVA Well, let's go back to the regular checklist.

SPT-EVA Okay. Oh, you take that off and stow it.

CDR-EVA That's what I'm doing.

SPT-EVA There's nothing hanging that inboard panel up, Pete.

I can see it from here and there's nothing but black
underneath it.

CDR-EVA That's beautiful.

SPT-EVA There's a good 2 feet of clearance.


SPT-EVA Those panels ought to come out.

CDR-EVA All right, Joe, any time you're ready.

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18 43 09 SPT-EVA Okay, I'm coming. These double handrails are the

way to go. This is first class.

PLT Okay, you got the front end boom fully retracted and
the hooks folded?


PLT Okay, I guess you don't want to pick up the T024

while you're out there, huh?

SPT-EVA (Laughter). Wouldn't mind, get it all done. One

day - it's dark, it's getting dark. Help, Mother.

PLT Well, you Just come back and get back in, Joe.

SPT-EVA Yes. Okay?

18 h3 49 CDR-EVA Bending my umbilical nicely.

PLT What are you - what are you doing with it, Pete?
Are you pushing it in behind you?

SPT-EVA Yes, that 's what he 's doing.

PLT Is that working all right?

SPT-EVA Beautiful. Sure looks all right.

PLT Okay, and the EVA clock says 3 hours and 20 minutes.

SPT-EVA Uh-huh.

PLT Not bad for an hour-and-37-minute Job.

PLT Right.

SPT-EVA Not bad.

CDR-EVA All right, Joe - -

SPT-EVA That I had ... - -

CDR-EVA -- ... umbilical--

SPT-EVA - - by doing it all.

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CDR-EVA - - Joe, hold it, now. Your head's around mine -

your own. Yes. That's your own right there. So -

SPT-EVA How does that look?

CDR-EVA Now, if you want - Wait.

18 4h 22 SPT-EVA I'll throw it in the aft airlock.

CDR-EVA Oh, okay.

SPT-EVA I don't feel like stuffing another umbilical,


CDR-EVA Y'all mind waiting a second; I'll put this other

boom in.

SPT-EVA Oh, heek, I don't mind. Take your time.

PLT How's the light out there, pretty good?

CDR-EVA Oh, yes, super.

SPT-EVA It's okay in the SAS. It's kind of dim out there in
the ... It's reasonable though. You could - you
could work out there.

PLT I think, I tell you what I think. I think they

screwed up that maneuver, because we were - (cough)
we were maneuvering for a while.

18 45 01 SPT-EV_ Well, the - the _q_ro problem may have given them an
excuse, you know what I mean.

PLT Well, I say they started it.


CDR-EVA Okay, now. Are you ready for this, Joe?


PLT 0ks_, you pass in the tree to him. Is that what

you're doing?

SPT-EVA That's what he's doing.


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CDR-EVA You put that in the regular place this time.

SPT-EVA Ah-huh.

CDR-EVA Here, wait a minute. Let me give to you the other


SPT-EVA You caught me by surprise. (Laughter) I said, "Where

is it; where is it?"

18 h5 57 SPT-EVA I kind of hate to put it in the regular place, Pete.

It spoils a perfect record on this EVA.

CDR-EVA (Laughter ).

PLT Yes, don't do it.

SPT-EVA (Laughter). Too late; I already did it.

CDR-EVA All right ; you ready?

SPT-EVA Yes, sir. I'm all ready. And your way is clear.

CDR-EVA Is there anything else I'm suppose to do out here?

PLT Well, you turn off the DAC.

CDR-EVA Nope, we don't have one.

18 h6 17 PLT You got the Sun end boom retracted, the hooks folded;
and you got that; and you got his umbilical free.


PLT T02h we're not doing ... folded back past the tree
end. You got that. The other - SAS is clean, right?

CDR-EVA Right.

PLT Inspect the hatch seal for obstructions. Verify the

hatch docks are retracted. Unclamp your LSU and get

CDR-EVA Okay. Here you go, Joe. I'm going to do a - I'm

going to do a 180 roll here.

SPT Okay.
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CDR-EVA Because I'm going the wrong way, I think.

SPT Well, you just arrange to come in with your face,

facing the hatch and you'll be hack. You're fine,
right now. That's good. That's perfect. *** when
you get in.

18 47 17 CDR-EVA All right, get out of here.

SPT Who me?

CDR-EVA No, this rivet.

SPT (Laughter)

CDR-EVA There it goes.

SPT That's what a frog says: "Rivet, rivet, rivet."


SPT "Rivet, rivet."

18 47 34 SPT ... He's in. He's closing the hatch.

PLT He can't I haven't told him to yet.

PLT I know. Well, he's the CDR. I wasn't going to say


18 h7 44 CDR Hatch is closed.

SPT Close the doors and we're home.

PLT Okay. - -

CDR Wait, wait - -

PLT - - Okay, we got the lock engaged?

CDR He's doing it.

CDR Lock engage is always ...

PLT Okay, the EVA, elapsed time was 3 hours and 23

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SPT Fair enough.

PLT That's on record. CLOSE the DEPRESS VALVE there,


CDR Okay.

PLT Let me know when you do, because I've got to time it
for 2 minutes.

18 h8 ii CDR MARK. It's closed• Do you want me to cap it?

18 48 15 SPT I'm suppose to do that when you come out, but if you
can do it now go _lead. If it's work, forget it.

CDR No, that's all right.

PLT Yes, I can see that.

CDR I got to find out where it's stuck.

PLT Just leave it.

CDR No, that's all right. I haven't got anything else

to do.

18 48 44 SPT Yes, you do. You got to get us pressurized.

PLT No, you got to wait for 2 - why are we waiting for
2 minutes?

CDR You got to get the - something or other up in here

from this before you dump oxygen - I forget all the -

SPT Anyway, we're waiting to get a half psi or something.

Yes, I don't remember exactly.

PLT No. It should be 0.2. No, I'll Just give you a

squirt out of here, that's the best way.

SPT Hey, you're not suppose to do that. It's supposed

to come up on its own.

r PLT I know I'm off the peg back here.

SPT Are you?

Dump Tape 158-21
Time: 18:17:29 to 18:h9:15
and 21:02:20 to 21:11:39
Page 25 of 25

18 h9 15 CDR Yes. We got - we're half way there. One more minute
to go.


21 02 20 PLT Hello, B channel. For the PLT during the EVA, the
LSU used was number 17, 17; the PCU was number 15,
number 15.

21 ll 39 CDR Hello, friendly B channel. This is the CDR with the

post-EVA report on the dosimeter. Well, we put them
away and I will give you the readings. The CDR's -
Just a minute, I got to get my flashlight out. The
CDR's dosimeter reads h4066. The SPT's reads 18091.
The PLT's reads 06101. End of message, dosimeter
readout after EVA.

DumpTape _-_

( _ )


From To
°I :_h:?7 22:2_:40

Thisdumptapehasbeen"cancelled"forthe followingreason:
(7 Nocommunications
I-1 Onlycommunications
I-1 Thistapeis a verbatimduplication
I-1 Other

Dump Tape 158-22
Time: 21:44:27 to 22:26:40
Page i of ]

21 44 27 CDR ... And I - I was not tethered to the poles, you

see. And I Just didn't want to get -

21 44 35 PLT ... down around here ...

22 24 49 CDR Hello there, friendly B channel.

22 24 39 CDR Hello, freindly B channel. This is the CDR with

some more EVA reports. The CDR wore PCU, serial
number 013. He used SOP, serial number 010. It
now has 5900 pounds per square inch remaining. And
he used umbilical 013. Maybe I said that. The
SPT used PCU side number 010; SOP 016, and it has
6100 psi remaining in it; and he used umbilical 009.
And so much for that much of the EVA report.

22 26 40 PLT Friendly B channel, this is the PLT reporting a

change of stowage which I think has not been
reported. For the stowage people, the condensate
dump line is stowed on the condensate holding tank.
End of message.


Note: This is the final dump transcript for day 158.

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