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.,-'_,.r:e2 o_ ]

C]/e.y,the a.,_n.,xs
ti!!e !._e're""" - ' 07:0!:38.00.

- CC " 7:0!:3_.00.

_l_" _oCer, that'_ the _ rS_-n

CDR n_,'_
"'. _ere ;re [:_o; Don't lose the:'-
-_ael,"_ot ... P_ everi._h!nc in there !_[_t
-- Just put th- tnpe on.

SPY Right.

SC '"
SI__ 07:_%_r? Okay ..... the s_-.e one. ."
•.. 33 t.o 37. H_-",_re _<)h doinc_ J_ek? ;l

209 12 09 17 oT_._, Fine.

SPT_ Good. Ue'll h_;ie LO_ _-_'___

Let's "
ste.rt ;)rinFin'i these buses _n.

... _m.... o_.J' .. _oo4. . cheeT!ed ....

it a _i!nute _.:_o. 0_'_v. _ " b',

PLT 7"_~n,_ho.t sn o_nortunit?'.

e'_n You aren't kiddinz.. Just looh e.t thohe

CDR I ee,n see the_'_in the _Ttics. _ve__v ti,'_e

they flirt, '_.-h"r..
., T_ see the fl_sh.

CC _'crl__b,.qouston. fle're about 1 _inute

from. _fk_. Ue coing to see you at Texas
at 1 plus 02.

CDR Oke.y, _.:e

'll be t_tere.

_,F<. Texas ....

O CDR Diek_ %:?_enyou fire the thrusterg_ "_D

here it !oohs l_.__ell_,_._..= goin_ .
t,.e uindou.

CC ]_.o<er. __n(_that :.0_ tiT:e I re_d to you ...

i_., eJ_out i nh_ i....

-;;b;_ 'e hin,i of _'o:_.d.,,L'el.


I "__".;e
3 o_
_ 1C

_ : _ a._ain. You ]:nou blt,.%t?

-C._-_ . . .

_,._, _ ....st_.... that vas ell Lor--_l, L'ut ._._U

' " never resl].v ,in
_" _"_,_.

PLT T'nat's right. ! ",.,tarried. T thousht

':: :re :rere setting there too _]o
_... :

Ok, i i •

PLT ... tape recor.'!your sensations _nd ...

909_. 12 ll 30 _'_D-_
_) Ohe-V. Oka1.".... _s.... -% little ._tore
.... ,Qbnjr.9
. _ . .- 7.
--,[ I - o.: oka!.. I'm
o01:.,., to •• torcuin_ it out. "... get "
this bs})V nl {---._ to our ru .......


CD_';E Yes. Wh:_t's riqht .... a.n:_bere else.

Ue're out of _"
u;___e, _--:n
• ,_...w _l ....
+, ":_
_.,... .Up
33, ,:,_en. You reid:r?

-- _es,c%f •


_n,, , I don't ........... l_.t,.

CDR i[o, it's ve_- very quiet ....

CDR Fee]_iu_ goo._, J_.c]:?

PLT Oh, yes.

CDR O?:,"_,, ...

PLT I'm 3ust going to l_r here _.n_ let the

pill t_.he e.ffeet. _en I'll Co "
_. _ll.__ _.t;_,_.
_--" -'-_- Cot p]_ent': of _'-_._
=. You
got 37 ...
. L .g •

I___jT- •.. I _O._I

?'t. })e]__eve 1.TO ' ve l)ee]] _,/,_,,_.. -_n hottr


(DR i!ot ha4-. ":Cot

"bad ... -;or a ];a@ ... Job.

20o 12-i|' 25 :_-L% I Get the iT__:;ression_re're not havinE e_ny

plane ehen_e.
CDR 30 feet per_ second. Yo'_ thinh _,_.,_,,
• t_'.e come of that? ]To, th,%t's C[C. _ "'

/ : .PLT Oh. .,. part .... I can tell .... i "£

i •

CDR ... a_p_ ........... 5 KTUER. Here

it co_.cs.... -.

SY'f It's in there.

CDR All right.... 52 ,=,_=:_"_'-,.'.,
37 _'_m=_-.-,=,, __ -'<
PRO. VTLR,3)_i E_:t_.R,E5 ... 79 -.. lh .....
]'it the •. ., OUCh. One pace __,0_
"__ out SO
I've got it ]:ind of-held in he-_:e....

SC ...

_- _D,_ _,:ell_,you Jus_ don'% .......

:-re-,. <_-_..j b",d
all sorts of ... I Clc,n'-'u try to 7et
l:in to do - I Ci"_t feel lihe th?,t
' nice c!ecn jdo .... in fact, i ..
di@n't have to do _ but _ don't - -

s__ ;mat?

' PLT T_ thought it ].ooke@ good.

CDR The piet_Lves th,",t... - -

PLT De_.utiful _nictLu_es.

,_I-'? ]{e's _ot ..... o_ those ... -- -

CDI{ i di@_n't _e_] l__:=eI coulcl tell

. relative notion uorth a darn. ! ._ust
..... -"
............}lad to look out there, and ove-_A once in --
a _;hile I loeb out and sty, "'Yes, +:
o,_m..r. And v di@,n't _,act
_ liPe I could toll
if I _,,_snovinE in or out ue!l. You feel

2cCe _ o(

_I,_ I I felt lihe _:e _] _ _._out

" on the b_C. I fe].t _e :zeroo.tour

Q the ti:,e Doin_
closest ;,c• +--•;_ou _entione,; the ... "

209 12 17 05 CD:_ _lat _:e,s]_ina of oy_,_,zJ.n:_

... You got a
zood feel for. the _.ze of the tlmn_
•.. oi_ as I thought.

CDR Ohav. Kere ve go. _Ten, are :_u
zeroin_all that stuff.

S_ Oh_ no, as a ru_tter of fc.ct ... zero ..... :

, Let me _uuo,__zhen _re get the liT_hts I_. ..
I ,

CDR It'll •
"_e in a'_out 5 .',unutes..";_roun_._
But .ve _ot all the _.rd stuff done ....
b1_ns ... got an hour to get re_,a¢,. _tmy
right out there so (!0rn nice that I
couldm't believe It. O._a . You O_ys
rea(ly to ze_'o? ........

e_ Yes, ! T

,CDR Let :_e .',m,_,r

::hen ... C_sh, t_,.b st0.r's
. ri,ght there. It's ",._rijhter"_ ._.nthe
sinul_tor. _ _ _,_

• 209 3.2 16 22 ]'To, _-ou shoul_i h_;le !,,eenin - You got

to _.o it es_ain. You had to be in C"C.

.... .....
1%o;, it in, C[[C.

CD_ i.o_ because it (_i0m't come out _ith

the she.ft era_("
trtu-.nion. It ,vast h?.ve
been in ":ATW_,L. ..

._i_, I I zeroed in _/_!7]AL. _"_.enI - -

CD_ You <or to -- -

EV2 -_ - 7,ent to ._ C.

CD_ "fou've L'ot to "- nO, you've cot _o :,e - -

._P.f°(_. :2
" cy_ 7 _.,

'-','C "_ T t,2_!_tl I T '_7_,'.: T,._ ... ......

CDR "r,_,_" no.

i:o, Or so,._e.l:,,h!r.c,
_.',re you inr'"ln'[-"
rr"CI rz
f_l i:1_,I-
ht e not,'?

q09 12 18 _:4 SIT' C?C, riTht no ....

- - _DR C"C ,_u(lout o'fzero. ,

in zero.

CDR Ohe_r. re!l, come on out of zero .... at s ,::

the Droble_ .... Here t:e "_o. "[o-¢_.:e
tot it, %7e c_n read the ..me_.bers.
_'.o_.? ;"

"? ;. S-v_.
,- _"_-.en[mt'bers are - - ;'-"

CDR 51_, -,_hat

,qPT_ 7h . -', 7

" - CDR That means I've got ._ ... do,.m. -"

CDR I've got the st_ in sight. Be there

in _, few minutes,O_en.

, ,q.PT A C....
209 12 19 31 (D_ Sure nice e_t*ee_ed to the zi,_:ulators. U_."
•.re're L'o±n_.

209 12 19 ]'7 QeR __a&t's _s;'ea-t. &ll"_'_,÷_lo.,_.

:o-:_ - :'e're
goin,_ to s%ve so r,uo'iqas, they'll i_e

209 12 20 !7 ,_D_, }_one to gosh this i._ ,,oln_%
.... Lo e a
' _ood _lisn,tent. Coin- to be si:xDle.

20-9 12 =_ _,_°_ .__,,.. I:ll just '_olo,it _._4"_

t_eze. Oeez,
I can heiR, it _n the center.

20:9 12 20 _a PLT A lot "_ _ _ "

CDR Okn,y_ then 7-_e-:ant !2 "q ..

hold the C_o_ in the center.
O ,.,_ O. See
, T can :
PLT ... ? ................... '

CDR Any ti!i_e. T',-_i-_ t'le ee,___. _"- :_

PLY %11right...

CD+, One sore, do .1_y better th_n

ths,t. Incre_ble ! _-
+_+e real vorld's
Let rer.

20° 12 21 05 C._R
PLT _" -_,izht
Oh_ that's in the center•

CDR If _-o_
u find the center in that son of a '

. PLT - - .,'.no (;ood.You'restill uit!_n .

a _e_rtl_ousandths,
_ ....

PLT _ud AI _r_?,:

c_ do it. I think _.;esot
- l'n going to let :tgU _ys fly it until
edgier _re u_.doc:,for entry° _qen _e'll
have the t_:.:efor you all to f3v _'-
got lots of gas, so that's ok2,y....

CDR Okay,that'sagreed.

PLT long
Uell_ _za_zto it
s_'vzc go,nou,
b+.e,because ye're _ot a

P r_ Yes. Yes, thzt's ricbt.

CDR O-_j. Got cver+_h_n': _rritten do_n?

PLT ... it's recorded.

CDR All r_g,_t, lh_ go_nc to Co :_<;,el.

to ...
and I _hin{< I'r: ... 31.

_09 12 22 l? CDP. i've got to e_,ll ... because I v?.nt tne__

e._ctl]r the s_:e.

. I_= 'Iney are % the]_ ' re the ssr_e.

;,e _n't Zo.ln_:to he this hc.if-_sseE_. 5e


J , + * .... ..........

',':D= 1, O.h.,V_ :'r''_'e ;]O:i.nT: to hie,re t,o Le

. - "Je L.ou u,i_ trainin'; alut the r_'<zt three

•.. bo V.
[1o<7 _.Te've COb the

o_mortunity - -
CDR ... these l]u_._s_.\_ ... T'_eren't T:_.!ne... - -

...., .... _, d_,m-.lin}-.

CDR I - I nee c].k

_[6 hOQIL ....

PLT Huh? -

SI_9 ...
.[ i -'-

"' CDR Th.an1"-you: sir.

S__]? Are }_e ta,.ouza _zlth F527 For ... - - ._

CDR For - Yes_ sir. "

S_ O?_eU, I'm Eoin,z to t_!_e the optics ....


CDR _ _,-ish[rou _zould.

T _' "
.._e 1"_en
,_ 7:en_n_nr<

SPT. ... factor

CDR Ua __.... n_n _Te_ a _k_ft chcch.

_LT A1 .

CD_,-q ]I_._Vou fi'?/_'eit. "Don't w "_ _r_'_.hln_

dO ..... _I_OS _ _roLl _0_ u C9_e
x_he_>,cr :tom hn_,ch it off ....
-'_ -_'_ find
it for 83_out 2 hour:;,

_PT Yes."

CD_q 5"!e'j inv_ri,_bly get lost.

.... Well "fce_e _rere these _ens? ... _,'_-_.z.

O (,'DR .. • P,nd later you'll find th,_.t an_'thini_ Q

Vou reo!iv W_IRt_ do.. u set ('o_m.

200 12 o.o l;g o_:, .,,_t tri_.

_]J:_'tpt'-3.)e 200-01
P {;e - o _ ]2

S_? "ell,
... I had t%_.t thin_ off. " .............

PLT Uell, i h_.d it'zeroeS. _"uile I;.m_s

£oin6 tlm-_t r.mrhins stuff. It's just

@ m I

CDR Let mevP,ste _m.ter

that '_t £!,_ 1%ell
dt_-!p? you _out

PLT Don't do it.

• "CDE Yes, oi=_,

• PLT I'll
no;:. ..'

" CDR I _m_nt to just ",.a/=e s1_e th_,t _re're

do in_ the right th!nT].

,_ PLT ::c elon't muc'n _.ste _zc,ter in :_

• here _ ...

CDR S t_,te vector -_icht be a little ---

snre'_e6 u_. "'_,, _on't _rcu CO qhen(!
• , q •_ ttm_
<. ,,, U_:ere's 95 • ,,, . •

209 io 25 19 _.mDR r_ . , 5" • ,, 7 ., 12 27 n_ "

7) 12_ 9790.. Jech; hd_"s th_.t9_ ]-00_:?

;1 PI.T C_Od shP-te. I JuSt eheeke_.

_.'+'R Y-,b'" _ho'tt _l! t_e T;CR?

• PLT ... Uh._,t'sCood_ too.

' _R 0'_;e.<'r.

209 12 25 35 PLT Did you ever get the SUIT CI_T!m T_UR'T
valve OP!_T?

CDR I cert_,inl:_ dir!. The onl[; thin_- ! ]-no':

- of th_,t :_e },n.ven't,_one is :,o_ seeond__ry

O r_..iators_ 9n@ _'e h_ven't -

PLT I've got to fill that in later.

CDR ["qzt's fright. And _Te haven't done"

the Coe]-incprobe. ."

• _;_.:p t.;.t-<;_ ._-<).91
,, .... , . --


PLT• .. •


CDR Listento it. 0hr.y?

20912 25 5_ _L_£ Here _.r,. ._ Zo
. _.!th those e--cult
_ • " _-ve_!:ers
DOCXI::q _]0__7-_q
........... Pi'e CI0_T:'_
• .... ._ "_,CI'II"_"

PLT 0]-_v. Go to _CL" ............

D/ __,_....

CDR 0........ _ot 'e_u.

PLT Yes. Sure enough. _ .

C_R _:o _u_s? '_ _

PLT %!.regr .-_v

s.. _ <<

. CDR 0].._... , :.

_. PLT C-oto .,-......C,-. '

.. CDR R_7 "l-j,

..... ITI

299 !2 2_ 13 PLT You " _ t_ro cr&ys.

g" CDR Yes. That'sit? -

_I,_ Yes. _e,t' s _.!i.
[ -,

CDR Gotthe ...

: CDR :[9"T,Ik! supposed to -- su_0_)osedto ...
to a '_f"S;'_."-4U...
PLT Did [rou _e_
" _ the ,._
" ol_.tof
there, _en?

.[ S_ _o, I ho.ven"t.

209 12 26 oo o_.
__± Countercloc[z_ise. <

CDR CWen .- _:en_ ! -_oubt -- ... I _D_ess Z._u're

" _+ ro_r_ T_ thinh..
_hle to get out of your ._u__

"%[ ,. ! , . ,, : • . • -

• ..... Ii uf ]_S ...... . : ! ....

• #

© L_J. 2.

,,. u

... Ul'here flrs_,

• 1
. , ,q
..... ttu'U that counterclock-?

SO ...

CDR O)'_v, n_" sli_e ,_ur couch _o'_,ard.

:. _"_2 ... this s.__<.e'_up.

;; CDR %9 get yOU.'," ..

All rlg.:t. :,.'_nt closed .
" up',! thi_....

....... • _a,vbe I don't have to, i

209 12 7 J_• C.)R I'._ tryin_ to relense it 5 little bit,

R_f That

CT_uP_ Ho_.;'
s the,t?

n •
SO .,.

SC Okey .... L'_tch tkis,

SC ...

:L. O..,._y.It s_,VS - n_nel 379, P,.I.....

ACCL_[Uk_:59R FILL w!ve. Co,J_ntercioch'.:ise.

_L_&' ;[e _mn't he,re to uo;ry _ou_t zettinc it in
for _, lon,C ti_'_e,

P!_N" Yo_._e_n recA :[e tho_;e -- little _tth

be o,ii rizht, I =zuess.

O the hooks, on t'ze_. - ,.. 9o_!_le of _" ""

,_PT Okay, l:ve got it. T:o',._%:_.t _t-o,,..

i]O;_,_,rhlehv_y ...

209 12 28 57 _,r_, CountcrelocL_ise"

:.... Litt! 9 _;ore to o. . , very Nzcll.

_ " ... "coming out of here lil<e a snEJ_e.

= - . • .

"_ SC ,

_ SV;-' _ee,lly sprtknZ out. \

• PLT 0k_ . ¶_at 's about no_z.

SC ... Cloc,_:_ri

__T_'_,_ A little T._ore;.....

T',, sorry. ... to fill,
ve turn it OFF.

SP f Ok_,,. • L.
. [

"' PLT That 's it.

"_ e09 12 29 33 Slw2 H_:r's that? L

ODR l.'ot bad.

PLT Perfect. ._

C' ,n
_,}_] All right.

a L:


... -"
:.:_r ;re _ot


up ....
more, here.

PLT ...

SF2 Fair enough.

CDR 58 in the burn tit:e,

j SF? ... the button, right?

CDR !'[_tc!zout,you'll s_-5 your buttons.

_ ...

SC ... out of t,,e,_.

SC ...

209 12 31 12 EP? _i
^i right, _.__ch.
- _-_at do you 5r_nt me ........
to do _o_
_ _ you next?
• .. ,.

!ml ._ , , ........ iHi i

. . ° .
r • ,...

/j,' f:econ,amry radio+or le,_J


(.:,!. . • • zero.

I," }_._,nel _C0 ".,'Rv
377,. _:_' .......GLYCOL to PADIATOR
_alve. Get a li['ht?

4_ T 4T

i 'r,[' ;[OPJ [AL.

[:YCU _._lichwa[_ do I Co on this? C"

D_., '-

_ Let me .k_oi[_¢hen you're there ... 30 seconds. _,--

9-09 12 3° 3.3 _F_T I got it, Jack. ;_,_%tdo yo_/ _:-zntme to

do nca-_
? U:

PL;? C-o cloelzTise for 30 seconds. [.i

SI_ GO c!och_aise. _ -7
[ ..,

209 32 2"{
' C:2R _;e're ,_oing
",'onderin_ to 83_1"
:.-i_?; in c_se.._O
the firin[;. you're _._
zttmtude. '__,!e
next thlnc to <_o -- -

-" ' " _

Cettin_ li_:.t, It' s dush7 out there_
isn't it? A li_at vello'.r.

cO_ !_ust be co-_ins u_ 0n ...

_C oo.

,_ .... good t:eather over here.

,._. You dl_n't notice anJ - ...

-_:_'" 0h0y. Go coui%t e_cl.


O CF'T }[o_¢

,".. _-[ole ..... .........

gT'T.... it's not there. ....

]rj'e ' -]'


=)Trn Cot that?

I 200
.... ,.J -,_
12 9o ,, SPT _m.n_: yon. Tb_.t +_-_
_.. .... • C.9.}?_
_. of that. . • •

PLT You can see ho':,you .cs,nturn over in

this -- ... thct thin,':.
; -

S_._ I di_n't he,ve'to let :7 seat pan do_rn e.t

all. T _ust flipped over t ,e_e.

('D_q ...
209 __l° 33 3_ _T_,
.. Eight. "

_P2_ a_ter e, _-'^_le "qo1_,in< on all the ti_e.

i. : .
Th_.t _.ras o.h-_3". ""
., n_.t
-_ :.;orke_ just perfect. ..
Can _ do that in the si._-u!ator....

PLT Fin@. [f

209 12 33 57 S_ It ",;ou! been nice to be able to ...

in the sir,)_,!ator... no':" on. UO chair
•.or at least... -.....

., . .. • _r_C'Ir
.... "_.O'L._'P_. T .'_,? O._Ise.

: ,_._'
_NI!, P.n._._'. :rou c_. u ev,:r, he_
_ny thin'? out there at _.ll.

_)R Keep he,__rinr ... ju,_t a little licht


• SPT ... and thought it _._s ...

PLT Yes.

PLT i_obody ...

CDR ... don't quite :-_3=e-- cut the r'ust_/'d,

,qr,_ :_on't "_!t.

200. 12 3!; 59. _,,._'_._ D%g that one.

O SK '._ '_at tir'_eis it, J,,_i:?

209 12 35 21 _rC_T _l'e: 0i "_ ce_tin-;n-_,. .....

• ... _ ass .me_ over .... _ c_nd do it.

•.. struns out riNht he'_'e.
}.'; '-c ..I.5 oa' 3._ . ......... : ..........

_T,? 01 ??.r. .

. rr_, O]:aTr
_ t,lere"
•.... I cot _'&l )p.,chec!:s
7... eoriplete. Zver_z tAinc's
. in U,
• o__ sha!}e.
i I've cot ... 11ere. l_o:e_l;ve c'ot to
this , ,l_flln_, earefu!!j.

!_T ...

O _,m Get the ...

PLT Yes. " <

,qC ...

- 209 19_ 3_ 24. 9DU_ P.i._hto11t in _ont of us .... _2-_ 07 -_

_r_pp _,_:.,.-:_.,_
.. right there.

CDR ... eh
eeli. "'
• _.:
PLT Oh_ I get a -- one lond shinny eerd that
I need - pover loss burn?

-' ....

DL_ A!,,t o'c_ ",-,, .._

_1:5" Yes. I
• .
_'_ _'_'_ !'_Je cot .!t. m_ _,. "jou ai'e.

6,_ ...

i CDR It S_.L_etsa_es ,_.long tir:e to set !icht. Or

': else _m're in the clouds.

2_9 12 37 24 SPT Got it trsined for _m!ie_rinT ... lif_ht.

PLT It's h_'d to L'e!ieve _._e're ...

_ ,_at ri_

CDR You're ,_ttin_ l..... _Bet you diCn't even

• __',t s rlc':t. It _ust _ of ... ,,ou
_m.nted ...

3".._ "
.._c I'L oZ" l-,

- PLT ILl,at
's "ah,_.t
:lillion ,_n_ r,
does. Do_'t...:et in the -._v.,,
is ell I can

20_ 12 _J 02 CDE Xo'a can you coupare th_.t the ...

_,F_ I thoug!it It was _et_er \

_, S_ -.-- 1 laonestl,¢ thou z!_t th,-"


CDE Ho_z do Vou decide ,,,,_.,.t

_ oe_te.....
more feeling, zwre sensation; F_ore _;
vibration? '._,_e
fact that you didn't have
the problen?

_PT _,lat's
! did ... [i

CDK 0kay. you're.0. t_

• L

SV2 ,

CDR o.. ! -,
i --
CDR l'n _oing to pop out of tT!s su__.t. "

_PT Yes.

_ .?T_2 ",
299 12 38 h3 CDR 0hay, I'm goinc to .(7.
..... 0.VF. _nd -. an_ ...

SPT- ... _'_at's that ao---_.o_

:-_ over there, I'd
l_]-e to lunou. Does this" feel li]-_ you had
a little n_ore pazz_z to it ...

CDR Yes. It did to me.. P__us the f,_,ctthat

SPC to concentrate on it, enjoy it. On
}_ollo 12, _,'e-_ere so hepped up= :_ou hno_z.

SFT Yes ---

209 12 3_ 3_ CDR You couldn't even =_-.tcht'-:escusationals.

Here we _.d eve.'_dching unHer control. We
never t_.3f:e:1
darin'" _ _"_ c,'..
_:._,. ,T_t_t.....
_ ._t

just a lot nicer. <re ",.-ereloo_-in'_ out the

other thin'.;. "[ere we ho::
_._ou_ ioo'/-e<out"
:.-r_eatit hell,
is. it -_s
A lot ._ore lihe a neat _'"

sPT Yes.
- . - .. .'

CDR I )_i]:edit. Uuh? U._n't it enjovnble, Just

_. to look out the" uindo'J, see ho,.r great it is?

.... 3.7o:" g/
"-q- r_ -_ ] -
..... '_..1,tie gun's qoi:r< to c_e u._


Z__d .•.

209 12 119 13 CD-.q 0.. 7',. ,_olnC to zive you these. S1_re
lihe to r'an through this vhole thing .
.._ " here And %_a._ it up {n a piece of tape. i

O PLT "[_:e that v. little fatter ball. ;

i CDR Are you :,ltml1.:_,-."
"" _n- ,,.._ looh at t11at,
....... i
ms]is a aTe_.t souvenlT..

' PLT :Putting_t_mtpiece pf tape on the end of

' the glove. -:

_ . 209 12 40 41 CDR I've if,

or to Get so_e ... I've sot to be :_"
careful • "

, • . -- .. %.
- CDR 0k_y, lock. Is eve_rthin_ !oc:-e_? L<_,s i:.
evelqJbo_ly Got eve_hlnc loc.'<ed? ...
handy hand control..

HT'f ... It's conins _n on ... 2. Don't ".

hno_, 5:'.':at._ou t_.'%,!u ee_
.you zet that Dill d__<ezted. " _-]

CDR 17o
Yes, ve ce.nhandle __Iithis s_:,_-'"_. .--
biz h_rry. 0_ren an6. Z'!I zet o_.u
_ suits
off first tun:]you t::ke the eor:_,_
and ell
that stuff.

299 12 It! 2? :_=

.... Yes, ::ell, I ;_.on,*
-_e_ _.,,_ -,,
i *%,_ :_,,d. I fee!
lii'e I - --

SPT Let 's -c'etthat - -

_?LT .- - could _e_" that

_ --_,r,
if I novel, zround
too nuch.

o'_ You _<ot 59 _._
"_ "", so t-he.tthe beck. _'icht
as ,.el_

S_ _ -- - t_'-e all the prgcaut!ons th_.t "_e c_--n.

oDE _" -' _"

[{?57 You cot the iw)ok right there to tahe the

data in, Jack.

.. . • ............. _ .....
L".... _" 7.;

'_' " 'Jot "t","
thin_ ri :'hit_cre _ {_e.n, that

lit'_.!c}-.uc_lcc_aun-! :_r -. -

209 12 )_2 92 CD2 Yes, e'_,.n

Irou qet the.t little buchle out
of there?

S_? ..,
"_,at is it?

n'n_ Itts _Ist _-- I'll _)ut it [_n@er _a_e.

I've _ _ _a.%tt1_mn.

CDR Uell, "_vbe I better have the scissors. -:-

8-'3_ ... , ...

" I;_
CDR There _,'ego.

: ,_}'? °°°

.D_, T_:e it, Just about ... Okay_ that's ;<

goo_ - pull it. :.

20912 .... can %his ;h_n_ ,'!o_ma Mttle ._.

h3 O;' ,_LT 'de
bit, D.break
so _u ash_ [let
_ _ts_ _n there
better. ,_..°_
p_ull _t.

209 !2 I;3 !3 E_-_._. Can you f_l-. +_..,,t,

"_ "

'" CD,q Ooa-_.-_ .............

-_....... " ;Io'-._ a'>outthat? • ""
it a iI__,. ,D_.., _ c_n_t eve:".:, _

CDR I neec.
" to get __h_,_.
_ to_) one. Xes, _ell, T
:,ill _ _. little bit.

@ • . • ._ ....... , .......... .
.° _ •

Dump Tape 209-02

Time : I13_i-1302 GMT
7/29/73 " " ..-...............
, -

Pagei of14 ....

220 12 i0 33 SPT Hello. Okay. .Okay now .... Which ....
one do you want ...?

CC Co ahead time..

SPT ..." I can brief them. Camera maneuyer

O VERB, 37 minutes, 36 seconds ... - -

CC Go ahead. ./

SPT Over all 2552 357 ... [nlner?] /

k PLT Wind up again. Pick it up ...

CDR From the air, never did see the $250. ['_
209 3-1 35 19 PLT ... $250. Going to have ... [77] We'll _1
burn on time. CMay, there we go. Burn O_,
on time. ",

SPT Okay now. Got it do%nl to 25, right? C:

Is that right, ...?

CDR Just a _inute ...

PLT Go ahead, Houston. Over.

PLT Want to kind of look back?

CDR Uh-huh, you can look out. Do you see him?

PLT Sorry. I didn't get a fix ... ""

CDR ... see him. l've been looking at that ...

CDR ... 15. That's when _e go, right? Is

that right?

PLT .., deploy at 25 ...

PLT ... down inside ...

209 ll'36 12 PLT Feel that thing?



• [ ° .
Dump Tape 209-02 :. . . _
Page 2 of 14 . • .

(_ ....... CDR Oh, yes .... acceleration rate. I ......

don't hear anything but I sure feel

the acceleration. \

• PLT ....
That's right ... if you do it right.
J.+ :"
,- °

CDR ... 850 for vicinity. I hope you like '

that. 1
t\_ / /
? ' PLT Okay. It comes out of it at zero, #
• _ ._ero .... 8_ac_nds ... f
_" i. SPT Okay ... How'd _'t go ...?

"-i209 11 37 13 CDR ... other things for about 6 down.

_ 8PT ... you get a fix on that, guy?

$ PLT Yes, but ... pretty big ... got in the

- way ... ._

: + 8PT Okay let's get on with it. Can I

; get...
? 0

I- CDR Maybe that's Spain; yes, that's Spain +

we're going over.

PLT What was that?


209 ii 38 03 CDR No. . .

PLT Okay. ",


CDR Okay, I'm going to Olm_.nthem right now.

SPT Okay.

CDR .... needle ...

SPT ... REACTION valve to NORMAL, Jack.

PLT Okay.

oo Q

........... -- ..... L
Dump Tape 209-02 _-................ -,---_
Page 3 of "14 , ...........

CDR ........................ : .....................


CDR ...


: CDR All right.

!_ ":209 _ii 38 31 SPT .Circuit breakers SECS ARM, a pair,


CDR 0ka7. O_

" . . -q'

•_ ,_ ' CDR That's

a goodidea.

8PT Circuit breakers, ..., three of them


CDR Complete.

t_- ..... SPT THC and ITHC,locked.

CDR They are there.



209 Ii 38 5_ PLT .., and it's, supposed to be plus 37 ...

I CDR ,.. ES.

PLT ... plus 3 ....

ODE Where'd he go?

SPT Try up there. It ...

i' SPT Should be right on to your right.

SP_ ..., Jack?

PLT I don't know ... I can't tell.


Dump Tape 209-02 " " _-........... _.-,

(_ Page _ of i_ ..............
ODR The ... is _reat from t_ here. We
never had time before. ..............

CDR ... about four.- about forty miles ...

SPT ..; good.

CDB ... look out the window when I told you

to look out.

_T "" m o_r_f ... l_ /

CDR ... circuit breakers ... c

PIT Yes. I_

209 ii 39 51 CDR EMS OFF to STANDBY - ._

CDR Yes.




SPT _C power, DIRECT a pair OFF.

ODE Okay.

SI°T ... POwer _ pair OFF.

• CDR _ay.

209 11 _0 17 SPT Circuit breaker R ..... a pair oPEN.

CDR All ri_t. Oh, walt a minute ...

ODR Okay.

SPT ... _ to 1 ...

CDR ...
SPT Okay?
Dump Tape 209-02
Page 5 of lh ...........

CDR h to i?

209 3_1 40 32 SPT ... RPM 42. 4 to 5A.

CDR ... enough? h to 5A.

8PT And ... to 5A.

CDR Good.

SFT ... to _gA.

_ CDR Ok _V • ! C

209 ii 40 44 SPT CAUTION and WARNING ... normal. _:.

- CDR Yes. _ .--

8;PT And . .. get.

CI)R ...

SPT Now we're open. Just passed ... now -

w_ t_e ope_. ._. ....

SPT Yeah, there 's the ...

PLT Don't tell AI that ,,.he'll never get ...

8PT There's the Red Sea.

CDR I told you ...

CREW ... look at ... above it. There's the

8PT ... this is fantastic.

209 3-1 41 55 CDR Okay now look, I've got to get up in

this attitude. And l'm already one
"minute late.

-" 8PT •• •
CREW We got to get ready for . ,,
Dump Tape 209-02 ; - ......................

Page 6 of 14 .. -.
CDR I know bus I've got to get these ......
switche s ...

SC All you do is lollygag. (Laughter)

CREW ... Okay.

209.11 k2 21 SPT I'm going to have to get ... handle

" these ... to latch verify.

_: CDR "Okay. Latch verify.

.'2 SPT Okay, I'm going to have to come out

_: of my ... now. Okay, I'm going to -;-
;:" unstrap and go back there and get _
_-_ those P .....

_: CDR Right. Now wait a minute ... _ ;-


SPT ... I'm Just going to leave it there.

CDR ... They are full of everything. _.

SPT ... Just like we corrected. Going
on down.

CDR .... 1 minute.

CREW ... audible voices, inaudible.

CDR We'll be in the dark in a few minutes.

SPT ... I think they are over the most ...

209 ll 43 46 CDR I do, too. Let's don't make any

mistakes. We got a long Way to go.
i minute 40 seconds _nd I got to per-
form this thing.

SPT ...

O CDR ...

CDR ... it all the way back ...

DumpTape 209-02 " -............. ,

_ Page 7 of l_ _ - " ---

SPT Down they go, gentlemen ......................

CDR Okay. Goodluck. !

CREW It' s now holding good ... something i

•.. control.

@ CDR ... 1 minute.. .


CREW Inaudible.

• 209 ll _6 19 CREW Inaudible ... Say, get a few checks

aown there. Cabin pressure is _.7 and C
:; better .., _'
• : _,

_' CDR Okay.- ... ehamnel 351 .,. -'_

SPT (Laughter) You want to look at -_

for me?

CDE whatyou want. C

CDE Say. :-

' _T ... 326 there. -

SPT ... more inf,.

CDB Good.

SPT e• w

CDR I don_t hlsme you. There you go.

CREW .,.

(DR What was that?

209 ii _7 _ SPT ,.. I had a momentary .,.

CDR ... It's 99 ... 99.Y.

209 31 h_ 54 SPT a little

Looks hitwe're
like ... goin 6 to have to ...

CDR Okay.
Dump Tape _09-02 . : ........... : ---f ....

Page 8 of lh - _ ......... ..,

• SPT We'll do that . ..

CDR ... checklist to a later mission.

CREW ... want to do it ...

CDR ...
CDR You got that, now?

:'_.209 11 49.-04 SPT Yeah, I _eel a.hunch ...

_. CDR .,. Check ... Wait a minute, here -_

- is ... 'J:'

_' CDR ... I need to ge_ the ... 0wen

.,. and Jack ... :':

SPT Okay. I better . .. them.

CDR Okay, well, I'll wait till you get

this thing ... then I'll do them, okay?

SPT ...

CDR Okay. - Jack, ... a circuit breaker ...

PLT _ay.

PLT CMay. Al's got the ... return valve

to open. Now wait a minute. We've got
to get the emergency ... first.
SPT Okay ...

CDR Up and on ....

CDR How's the cabin pressure -pretty good?

SPT Real good ... 5. _ I_. _ 5.7.

CDR Wilco.
Okay, I got it.

209 ii 51 18 CREW Remember, we got to get a little ...


Dump Tape 209-02 , .

Page 9 of-i)4 - . -
• CDR ... rightwindow .........................

SPT Do you get a red light over there, AI?

•.. Do you get a red light under your

CDR ... Yeah. Okzy. 14, 18 ... :

P_T Eey, AI, ... that ...

,SPT .... _s_@h_t a_od spot "for it?


_: 209 52 50 CREW That's a good spot, yes. c

"_ CDR ... ::[

CREW ..., J_ck.

209 ii 5303 CDR ... don't pull the pencil aw_y. _--'.

209 il 53 i0 CDR Yo_'re doing so well. c,

SPT ...themin?

CDR Yeeh. c;

SPT ...? :•

CREW ... not .... yet I got to ... "--

SPT ...

' 8PT 4, b

209 ii 53 37 SPT 33 seconds ...

CI_W I'm ready for the ... cheek.

CDR Okay. You want to do a ... MAINEEG check?

CREW Yeah.
CDR Well, let me tell you what to do.

CREW mght.


Tape209-02 . .... ..............

PageI0 of14 ....
CDR You probably know............

CREW Yeah, ! do.





_'_ 209 ii 54 13 CDR A CLOSED. ,_


"_" CDR ... - U

CREW Yeah.

C])R ... we're going to have to hold on .... [

SP o o.

CDR I'ii tell you what ... Okay, you're

configured with REG B CLOSED.


CDR Yeah,A OPENand ...

CREW ...

CDR Let me see what else I got here for

you, Owen.

SPT .... get ready for that alignment.

209 11 55 17 CDR Okay, new, Jack. Let me give you a ...

PLT ...

CREW ...fillthatup ...

SPT Where do we want to put this ...?

CHEW ... down there.

Page ii o# 14 . ..............

O Dump Tape 209-02

Sl_f I'ii set it up here. It might ,_
be more _
out of the way here. Although I like
it down there.

CDR Okay, now, Jack ... I'ii ... this .-..

' PLT •.. 45 minutes.

_c.", _ .In 45? bet_e_ _t have.

_ CREW ... holding up the operations. ,T

d C_EW ee e r o'_
• i i

! " :209 Ii _7 03 CREW Yeah. H01d it nice. -(_ay .... ':q

209 12 CREW Okay, now, hold your ... ._

2 i " .

CREW Once we 610

......... 0h63 ,
1610 ...

CREW ...findanything
... . .
CREW Yes, I did ...

CREW Hope rendezvous will _oe like this.

' CREW ... realign pattern ... It's going _-

to be ... forget it. Okay now.

CREW ...

' CREW Alrighty. You do ...

,CREW ... not going any plsce ... circuit


209 12 01 45 CREW ... feeling okay, Jack?

lot of ...
O PLT I'm feelingokay, but I'm still ... a
GREW Okay ...
Dump Tape 209-02 : ..................... "

Page 12 of lh - " .. ...............

CREW ... for an hour or so ...

PLT .•. hand me the pills and ••.

CREW ....

O PLT 99.7 the other

... drinking time....
water 99.6 one tim_


209 12 04 l0 CREW I have a couple of notes here for you.

• i" ... to let you know about .... (,

• , CDR Want scme water, Jack? ':

• PLT No, I already had some. ::

: ;
209 12 05 47 CREW NO, we weren't calling you, but it ...
CREW I'm standingby. And be advisedthe :
weather conditions today for ARIA were
prettypoor so we do ... some com

andI'm standing by. We'reAOS forthe

trouble through ARIA ...voicesystems ..
next four minutes. We Ought to make it ":

209 12 06 21 CREW Okay. We have a nominal five with all


CREW Not bad for ...

CREW ... plus 021 plus 113. I'ii say it

again all ... plus 021 and plus 113.
How ...?

CREW ... I copy. Go ahead more time.

CREW 005678.

209 12 07 20 CREW
CREW 005678. We're
Okay. Thankgoing
you. to go for the option 2

DumpTape209-02 . .... _ ....

i Page
iBof14 .
CREW .... o ..................

CREW It's one of those little ...

CREW Look at that ... out there.

" CREW ... my naked eye.

; CREW ... stabilize ...

_" CDR .Got-about-30 _minutes until we ean-_get

:: outof thissuit.
i: : I C
CREW ... i , ",
'J PLT ... take this thing off ... I -i

" 209 12 52 01 CDR I felt we"were diving, i _

PLT Yes, I did too. I thought we were

going ....

PLT ... right over the top of a split end.

SC I thinkI'vegotit. Yes,I'llneed...
SC ...

SC ..°

SC Getoutwhenever
... -

209 12 53 58 SC Cloudy around here. "... overcast, isn't


SC Let's take a look at the ...

SC ... like you to take yours ...

SC ...

CDR Jack, do you ...

SC ...

SC ... the ocean. Oh boy.


Dump Tape 209-02

,_. Page lh of lh _........

209 53 ii CREW Look. We're -,ray. over the rainbow, boys.

209 12 59 _5 SC Can I help •

• SC ...

: BC Yes.
SC It's a very good ...

SC ...

8C ....t_eernea'_n . .. :.

: , SC ......


SC Lean over .. • "

8C ...

209 12 23 30 _C ,.. like a pencil .............


=. Dump Tape 209-03
Time : 1308-1321 G}_
' • "i'/28/73

Page iI "of'l
This tape is a verbatim duplication of
dump tape 209-06.

0 '

• |

• t
". j

0 , "


• _...Le "..;k-_--132_, GI?£

Pa_e I of l

SC ... i, 2 .... 5 .., Oke_'? ...-

• CDR "
,formal ... direct ,.. 1
i CDR Right at 5 minute_, i!_tr,if you can get down
_ theresnd checkthatstar....

_ PLT Okay.
_DR ,..."59 75 _... ,214,8 ...._14.,5. -q._hlnk,_e_re
,_kay ....

PLT %'mat is the star?

CDR Star is 25. 2hg.h. Shaft, 2hg.h if horizon

check fails, use -_£ar not in sextant ...
• J


'" i i"a::,e
i of 2 - - " " ', "

: 13 2l_.2_4 CDR Won't stop. 0!i my. "

13 2h 25 CDR Can't stop this thing of mine.


O CDR Four minutes, ...

pLT I tell you, I don't l_k_ ....
! •

. _ ....
CDR -_l'm just trying to get - once it starts .it won't

PLT ... drift, huhT

CDR You want .h0 to 50 degrees?

.. _PLT I'- I don_tJsee ... over here.

CDR Okay.

: 13 25 19 PLT Oh I'm staying too long here.

CDR I don'tlikeit.

SPT Can I help you in any way?

13 25 25 CDR we,re 02:lh - ... Well,,I can i_gine it.

•.. all those things off.

13 25 3_ CDR Goodness ... our horizon ... 6.5 degrees

isn't going to he any _zhere near, or else it's
going to he a hell of a-lot hi._her up than
! that. 2:18 - 2:15. That's what I got here.

PLT Okay. "_

CDR Everything' s okay, Jack.

PLT Huh.

CDR Yes, but the horizon isn't in the right place•

@ 13 26 02 .PLT That a checklist . mistake?

CDR Yes. "

PLT I ... _e have a star in the S'._X.

It keeps overshooting it. I can't find

.i _-. ,_: . . _o ILL', -:-_'L
_/_,.,/ _,

13 26 15 CDR Put in lou - -

PLT Got it in io_ - -

CDR - - _ive•


I had

it in all three drives.
6DR Have you got it in ever-/thing else?

CDR That's right --

CR_.I Sure have. You got it - - -

,. • |

C_'T I got it in LOU, "'_IFJAL- -

CR]L%I - - You got it in DIILECT?

Ci_}Z,I .. • don't _ant to go DIPd_CT.


. ?nat's right ._[ALrGAIL,
• Sextant that thin.z still drives fast.

13 26 33 CDR Well_ do what you c_n. 'i_._r_nutes to go ....

PLT Okay. Going into the d_rk. :,.re

couldn't -
do the horizon chech in here• _[orizon
check isn't even close•

SP_ Pardon _ •

13 26 55 PLT Tnat went to the right attitude.


._" %
I Dump Tape 209-06
Time : 1308-132h GMT
,7/28/73 _. . . "....................
iPagei of 4 " " '
209 i3 08 03 CDR They got little caps that ... no such ........
:- thing. !

• " SPT Just pass them to me add I'ii stick

them in those little packages. Know
'. what I mean? Know what I mean, AI?
Get these little connectors off these"
things. Let me know and I'll put them
i in little packages _ Well, when you put
• on your helmet, you will. Those are the
'little things_W_hat - Here, let me ...
_ [ I'ii tell you ... down here. I think
' " we got ... 7; _e'_ e got to g et a ... -
_ here. Wait until later. We've got to O;
lm/ll %his thing off. " ee" 'VEIg.B 06 NOUN ['_:

i: _"- 209 13 09 09 SPT _ay, Alan, there's a few updates here

._. '.-_ and then we'll ... Just a second.

"_ : CDR Anything of interest? C

81=9 Yes, this P_PA blas.update.

--f_" " : CDR You got to put it in_ " "-

" SPT It's my understanding. You have the

'" address? The data? There's new data
"? " over in the right coltmm. .

209 13 09 30 CbR Write this down in a ._. Write this

down in Just a second,. Jack. 46, 917, -,
: 87_, 16509, 35982,1776, 581, 391. Okay.
" I -Tell me again, Jack. I'm sorry.

_: PLT Okay. Here's the ... PIPA bias update, -

" address, and data, three of them.

209 13 i0 12 CDR Okay, s9 we do VERB 21 NOUN 91 and-hit

the THRUST and them DATA?

PLT Yes.

{_ "CDR So I hit the THRUST and the DATA?

. . [ ".

; Dump Tape 209-06

- ._
PLT Yes. .............
_ ............................

/ ? SPT And we have

to do a VERB

21 at the

SPT Over here. Over here. It's this
data right here.
I @ ? PLT You ... c
;-, _CDR _AII _T±ght.

.u 209 13 i0 27 SPT That's the same thing over there C

'_ labeled ... t

:_ CDR Okay. i [ ..*

,,, ;6 " "

! i?" PLT 1.5 2 ....


_: CDR What's
1-5? _ '_

•_: _" PLT Page 1-5 ? " '

: SPT ' Go to this pad ri@ht there and enter

' this data right here.

_. CDR Sounds good. Let me .do this other right

_ now.


CDR 97 ENTER 00.


209 13 i0 55 CDR VERB 21 NOUN 01 E_I'_:R.

PLT ... What's it for?

CDR ... ENTER 00669 _ITER.

CDR VERB 21 NOUN Ol ENTER. ... 6_ _'I'_:_.

O Owen. upAll
Look ...right
in the
G&N Dictionary,
676,6h7 ENTER.
PIPA update is in. VERB 21 NOUN 01_'r_R,
i_66 ENTER, 03570 ENTER .... Data up-link
transmit VERB h8 ]_TER,"... _EF_ 21 ESTER,
/ ; '

! Dump Tape 209-06 . ......... _ .....

......... ' 31209, $'ERB 21 ]_'TER, 31209, NOUN 5.7.

'/_O Page 3 of h •..
.,: . . 37
"" ENTER, 31 ENTER 1806. _Do you
............... ........
agree with that_ 0wen? Do yOU agree with

• the 18067 ... lb.8, right? Okay, we 1

.. Just keep going:
.._" ......

209 13 hi 19 SPT That's correct.

•' _ SPT Making sure that's correct?

. , CDR ... 700, right? ... coughing)....

( /
-_ _ SPT Okay.
_3 l • : C ..
14 PLT There's a real bright star coming ;ight _.
.: up over the horizon.
: 17 CDR I don't think " it. " - • "
I can see

, PLT .. • SIVB.

._ - CDR No doubt about it. See it .... SIVB ... m

,J i ; . 0
: CDR . Lean over here. Look out here. _,_

• : PLT ..: ....


" SPT ... 6.8. _:

CDR Oh, yes. ,-

" SPT ... lb. Not bad .... :

, CDR ... 148. Okay? We've got to get going,

Owen .... Quit worrying about that other
• J stuff_ okay? ... 18 .... Okay, let's -
see what else you've got.

SPT The cards?

209 13 17 29 CDR Okay, let's go to the cards. AUTO RCS,

12 of them ON; EF_ DELTA-V ... telemetry;



SPT Inertial power on. Okay.

"--- lll]r' |

Dump Tape 209-06

Page 4 of4 -

CDR Eight of them in and closed.

209 13 18.06 CDR ... RATE CMD; GIMBAL DRIVE AUTO; ...,
_ HIGH; ... okay, now what did you set it

O :
SPT at,
... right on the pad..

CDR •••

. SPT ...

,_ CDR And what we need to do is you need to ;v_

i5 set the clock.

.... SPT Okay do that .....

_ i CDR ... the right attitude now.

• ] , _ i
" _: i PLT Sure got something ... the windoW.
Man ! ° "

: SPT " ... coming up on 9." "

• CDR ... 37 and li0 ... There we are. We're

at Just the right ... okay? TAPE RECORDER,
: HIGH BIT RATE, RECORD, not yet. We're at

_PT o.°

CDR ... okay, let me tell you. Go look at

this SHAFT and TRUNHION right here and
_e sure you got it ... Okay, guys, we're
getting ready to ...

_PT ee e

CDR Okay. Well, skip it then. We're okay.

O SPT ...
CDR There we go ....

209 13 20 57 CDR OkaY. Now we're all set. Jack, ...,

please .... tape recorder and 811 that
business. SERVOPOWER , ON. See if this
time agreeswith thattime, (_en.
.,3 ,J i

...... e : ...... to !51 ....

712-8173 - . ....

Q _'_,,,_. I a'£ 2C

I), I_3 5!_

209 ..... PLT "_ _,, yoU -
rather "
_,,ve to _o is to _.e
_'" ...
Yo[_:'e <oinuto ".umre to -yes.

CDR Ue":'e qoin_ to !k%ve to _et out the cho'.: be-

-. c_nse _e., -:or to go for sz_hile to _:et the
... __,ttitude.
g _ Y ~ *z_ - --

COR _:_-_' _ -- "


SC ',Tn=-t
do Nou vemt , @,;en, to _ink?

; PLT A]] right. • ... you _mmt to get t1_t?

_09 lh l,h 2_ _i__' Uell, no_r the,V said,_: a'_out it "ceinS
- in an _,.._i_.__n_,'-container, didn't thez'?
' _t's _n "'071 retr_.n container, that fzt one.
i I mean this ... - ....

P__ It ",m-sthe - --

' I *" "_" ....
_:_ou_,]_.they szid. _ _B. " "
I _:_,.,n stO_.:,"_e

a PLT -_"
someth!n2 l_>e ths.t.
is _ __e__

_D., :-[_?_;,e I can _et in fro_! t_nderneath,

SPT " That _"-_"_

..i_ "oe a "uetDer
" i_e"-.

209 14 45 26 CDR 0-ke;y l'm goinC_ to ta_e off r"J hee.dset _-'ora

, ZC Okay. [

-_ TDR Jack, if :_u :3et a chc_ce_ I L_mt Vou to

t_i:e a looh st _'_ :_if -Toeedure
:;our scher_e._ics in - SO __""_
"_' an" ...
schematics in "-;-_._
;:ml ,_moks.

the t_rse t. ,
'3_DR !,_nat'd ._,_u s_[r, over? Okay. __nere's
.,. SC Isn'tit there?

:, CDR Cabin ... to I_O_L.

C,,_-F1 °
,,..: .':_n. ?,'e could'nut it LOU after "they
tol,q us to. I <Lon't - put th_-t at LO-/
_ sm_i leave it .there.. They s0.y _on't
te_._ the thing out of LOU _]_y ._.ore.
- Yes. "iou :,er,_,n _ on the co;v1. -u.s
_" m:; fault. I didn't tell /ou. Kero
let r:ie_ ÷ out of -,--

SC ...

S!V.." _qey s_-i(!leave it in LOT:. It may be

!:: contp._inated. So, _re're _,-oingto leave -.-
:. it in L01-.'
the rest.of the time. i_

CDR It _ives the zero. Ths.t's_ot nothing --

..... to do _._ith... out of LO[-!,does it? "-

S-_2- Uell, that's _ _ _ t..<.ngettin

_,e_e_ _-_ Z stuck. -...
: That' s _f_%t the;; .......

CD!I ?.iere [_ou go. qi!ce. Yes .. ;:a_!_n

• _ It't tturec_sonaole,
.... so i accepted it. Tsoh the second ......
._ undate "c_t ". "
- one uithout uorryin? _$oout it. •

209 IE h? 39 PLT I need to get over there _nd 60 :Tr

-: j&o. _:en's ._ixec_up some of th_.t .
• chou.

CDR Uhv doesn't @_en _i;- it _An and I'll

t_:e .. or _,_v not 0_._- _- '- _d
I'll nix it' un? Did :rou uet that
rzlfu_nction - iZe?r,h--_ndne those
sc,.e__c. , ....... Feherlatics :_
• the _zlftuqetion proeec!ures, i :render
if _.ze've .o_ tl_'e'to• - I uonder. if ue;d
'_tlittle t'-_n-
on here to out o_.It "_'_ _v.-Iro_ o'.It- out
of this thin.-.. Yes, I z,_at to -qive

E,T . it to Jaeh.
Eel!, I'd ... ].,'o:,.risn't that cute?

CDR Look at that fix, they've got .a ..:

_3 Isn't that f_e__t? UYneygot us - I
,'" dd0n't Eet it. U_e b,-,e_:upcrev
_ndoubte0! y D_._tit in .....................

EU:U Yes, _ee the,/ _ot sb:-.e 5als on there. _ ,

Isn't that cute?

ODE Isn't th_.t croat? O.._.!, let's on

".Sth this thins.

SPT Are " DO3? _ii thnt.

pc ,-D-. i

"C;T 171
'_.. Leo]- -_.t ,,,

LJ. _ ,e,
o,r_,, You take it 1
- _7..

SO < '?h_.t'syello'_, l_:e red stuff is ...

O 209 IIF 51 i_ f_R ".._.o

_.nts beef" 0..,_
_ $ r.e?

S-_2 iIot me. ;

: ODR All ri_ht.

pLT I don't '.m_ovif I'd feel better if ! "

1.- . ,_-_a a little or none.

• : CDR I rlgu't ]-J',_O't.Tthe _,nsxrer to th--,% one...;'-

i ... veailla *,e.fer ..
" . _o=_e_
S" +_" _in. to e_.t "
for J.ue!_ or s.n?rbod'r else .... eDsrthinG
in __ind.

. I,_ _Tn.-_t's
oD."_"r _e_q,lther me

.'._= _-CO,..S, ......

CDR ....... 7:ou've
_ot _eds_le.d;
_ "zt'ite"ore,,../-;,
a._,nles,_uce._ _at's _[h&t I see on a_'our
menu. And ... -

PLT 1.[hydon't you give _e that a np!es_uce.

CDR I'ii Co b_.ek up here ... Let's start

Eivinz it once a ._,inute here, "_;en.

S_ k!l right.

CO_< "_'" ","...,_..iq_

i_est l...i.O_ ... ÷ u ±nb to do?

Sr_ }1o:;much more _s_t,_

.... t;e 5or?

•_ PLU t/ell ... is on our z"_'_-_:_.

Ue _O_ 9 hours of ,':_._.."!z

" .ht,
" " C:'en.
O .:: , 209 i_ 52 !,_ CD_I " "'_ _ot £'_vli-!ht _ntil 03:5-" at
L ,' So ... to get some. "_"i'..c,t did .You
--._i 8%"?

._ _ PLT ,'._o_.tP2oout these, -'i:;htover here?

4/ i

CDI] % ,u --I
-_.u&tD':'q"r Tnneu ._ , .:, !......_1"neu
_7_,3.t_-_+. Uhere .............
;_hat vas coins on '-ith it.

.. £PT 11e_g in there, Cu:'.

' "_ $7_" "I ?m_r it. 1
- o

.. ..... on _ "bi[_e. [-h.".t

_ill S
_anj good effect nov.

-_T Yes, _'e!! ...

• 209 !4 52 51 5nDR l_ll t_2e a f_[ e:,:tra

?.tfirst fro_, :
. behindthou_,h.

' All ric}nt. I've a3me_,dy tsf--_en....
: , four inher_. F

:' CDR I'ii te!l you, that's sOr-.ethinz. @et i_

up there __nd they ficure out _h_,t to ,:-
do _ith that cloth.
• . ° -

SC You ,_-_p_o
it ... so they don't fool
_rith it an_.[ore. ?e __on't nee:! the
_on of a bitch by& they .- -
' .
CDE They did." ?,iat's right _e _n
_ _ neer!
it_ _e're not Toln_3 to use enough _as
tO _corry :o0_._.

S_ • "'"-" _e a goo_ ide_. to fine

.!_t _it -_h_t
the ,_o_"
is thouch.

209 14 53 25 PLT ,e '_

_," __ final out ,:h_n
.... _e get there.

CD2 lie do v'_t the_ szy. I'r'_sure they'i'e

t_l'-iinz it over riC'-.tnov.

, I also don't thin_< there's _n_hin E
wrong _ith these optics..

CDR I don't either. So, let's 6on_t _,_rry

CDR Put this do_._,in _ur food place,
_4en. Please.

:5 i SI_2 L_o, that's Jzeh's.

CDR i_o %h_,t's trine. •-"n_,t'svhite.

CDR Ohay, here's T- _-,

i'a_:e5 of 20 . . .

209 i_ 53 5d CTJl
), i,-'ere
:;ou _.o, Jack. ?.._lesauee.

.. P!,T Yes.

t. 4.

-. other blue _nd put _'_t .... u*_.t ••• five

O CDR I'll to 7or ,_,_ur let ne
me vo_.u"ulue ,_q-t_. ,.. 2zou .,e_1......
-" , _
}-'ere's -;our blue
• T.....
....... e ,s yoiLr - )
:_ortion of sca1__lofe__ot_toe_. _q_.%_s
p_o_ao_ not a good thing .;_.e__ you
i_ are, Bi=o, _

SPT ...

2.09 lh 5h 25 u_D'R }[ere Fou are_ Jac'.:.

DT_= _""n--n/<
yOU •

SC ... food _n there?

CDR Got it right b v here, J_-_h. __u_ the

"of t_.. ".:est_].e.ces_'-_

._.e. "-"h_t's -_
it's De.c[[in here ....
Rot a blue stieher,oned=_.y?

. 209 lh 5h 4._ CD2 Oh, it floated off?

PL_ Iashed Vou to _it for _ second.

I di@n't _.z_ntto ..-.

SPT__ _loot, s_-_',_,e__'e

I've leemne_ not ever
to put ...

SC Ok_.

SC Got his n_-e on it.. 9po_ that.

209 lh 55 00 PL'z' Tea _'_'_

._.t be 6ood for _le.

0 CDR ProSably riqht.

attit _ae,. _.._,-_"
_Te're hol_in,_ food
't sot :_._

CDE All that -:th_.t's the only prob!e._.._e

end uo _rith? _o ___reat:_e can't te!:e

/_ ..... _t.
other [[_:-e a ].oo:"
ov,_rtel's. _t so_e o¢ t:_ese --
/ • • ]_

T" " T) " "

SC !'0):esUre th,_,tcontrollers off. i

, S._ . ... controlle_, on let me kno_J, i

Q _C " Allr_,h_.
i|_ 55 32 CDR Cot |;P__.:dnutes, =c_g. I'll tell :_
t_is i'r_ not _onns_ es.t _h_.t uhile
here. You're qor!_, riTht there
_;here I c__n ,'_etit. Go _oac][in your
- spoon, aet b_cY_ in here. 7[_T there's
soL:e or_n._e, u.

_PT Here's _fl!atI'r" going to. _'.._.-

let me "
see theft thin:T, there isn't a single ":
thln_ for us to do no_¢. ._

209 ll_ 57 02 SC P 52 in _,_out lO minutes, O.

SC It'll
be light. 7'

SC L'o, it von't eit_h'er. '

_C Oh that'srightwe just - - -"

SC See the shiD.

20_ lh 57 lO SC _2!en you finish "'-_-in

°',_ o re_:_'i-sye're ""
conna fifty-tuo "_ _ee vhnt _:e've
got in _._ayof co:_: - nothinc fron :,
: the:u - tll_t's C.oo_ _" "

, _C Feeling better, J_,ch?

_0 o iI_ 57 27 ?LT ::ot _@..

....... et ..... You loo_-ed ::inda pun:,

" for ._. uhile. _'_ - _ood
You'___ loo__n no'..'.
C_'en; use the co!i v_ter svste:_,

: 20_ __ll57 53 _ I'_': " Yo:r's

this _'een
::or_=? You i_!inh the
, i button if you _:_,nte.nd it comes o_it the
hotto:",soizot, or _fq_t?

2 ; !
CDR You got it r.__ght.

l_2_e!s on the:__,
-L:__ _'
_-_;. _
rr._. e r- o2 20 -

.,..'_ One's hot a_4,] one's.cold, i guess°

%'hi ch ?

O _" PLT _e_'_lthe label.

209 l& 58 l0 CD2 One's red and one's blue m&.vbe.


r 5_ &nney_r e -_oo%h blue. •

SC I _.rishI ha.-/_:en's knofe. .:.

" SCI Ye&, give it %o you %here.

•- SC All-right. -

SO 011 bo_j ... "

.0 ii; ._.j
0_ =2 31 £C I'll do _thout.

DC _.._y

SC If I h_d rC o_.m l_C_ et "mile ;_e'd

it _%%de.

SC Oh _¢e!l,
•° ° ".

SC ]:o_r e/tout the ... _'ood, is it sh_r_n

enough ?

,._'_ ... tr_'ing to 6.0?

209 !]_ 5°, 51 _C D--rhenin_.

_._ 55 .'C "-'-_ !icht and :'-rk.

fJ.l the fine. O]mJ we fixed th.%t son

SO of 0. _--tL_..
Didn't like thnt _.*eh.

: _ S!__ Do you }Lnozr_:here one is?


ODE Picture one is richt over our head,

1%Id r3_.

Sl_ Let's se__ he:'e.


." 2e._e 9 of. 20

209 iI_ 59 17 EC Oh_ _x)u mee,n for the - here _mu &re, O_,.zen.

,_,C "_nat's for t h.c_ _,_o


SC Yea.... !_fcel
SC ".e'w
_e havin!za h_rd time .:..losttheir
food, _:_.'_m_'_
had to go bac_'.-_nd find it.

_:_: SC "'5minutes to this boyn, gang. -

209 lh 59 I_° SC Northing more important in llfe than _

•_ r_-king these burns, at the moment. :'"

SPT You get a certain perir_eter to st_r on -:

as long as _.-rehold _t. _

PLT I hate to _et a ..., but I forgot. !

forget a lot.

SC Yea. •It's conins out.

t ,

SC ! _aL_ that's ... c_n jou fli: in space?

SPT._" It loo'_:slike you _et that perir_eter _._en

Nou re!e, , t

209 15 O0 37 • _ ,_I._ 0.
_ thinh you do _"_

SC Pretty small

SC Probably
a ha - half ... ::

,L_ Oohl Good. Loo_: at those coohzes. :..

T-'r-ioo_ at those coo_'-ies.

209 00 56 PLT Uatch the coohies the_j're all over the


O 209 15 Ol 21 •SC
SC You Eoing::hile
No, not to give
l'n me :rerhs?
doing t_Lls
' " (_dburned

here. i•
• i
: SC Yes. Let me h_-.vethat- back. ' :

o? -:ere.
" 209 15 01 30 SC I don't _,_.nt_n?r _.r%terto so3_z_ out
.:,.,_.e lO of o,-,

...... ,qC " It ,.7on'th',_rt. It's _ater.

L _C "_at a f82t? _-,v.F. factor ...

O rIDR perfect,
A_uost. Di70.
I'_: not sure th,-,t_in't

PLT Once again the 0 strikes.

209 15 01 50 CDR 02_y, you will have tzto ....

r,.s I..
fi:'-insto do_ :-oinz to the _,_%r_-
"- ...

SC 0kay, you res,d:,"for 52? Let's _eb it L,

outof the .....

i SC Yes. ,-"

SC You sau it lea:._e?

SC l'n sorr v. Sa_r a_ai,_. You sau it ,.


_C ! couldn't Vou. _..

209 i_ 02 ii _C I'r. sorT_?r. Yo_l s_,'.,

it oin]: out?

SC flu, _.rheni loohed oach it _,_s zone.

r_ 9
SC 3ut Vou ;zere _ .C,

ZC Here::e
_o. i "

209 i} 02 3_ SC See _f_.e.tthis thin_ ,;_oes_.._-th

th__t. C-lye
it a couD!e :[[., entics _e_e. _'.'/to
stP__t keening.

oo Yes. I'm
O 200 15 _ SC read::.
SC I thought .*-ou:_i_ht be. 5_aere it goes, :
right _'_ tO. !

SC Get C_C in the - telescope.

. ]._ a->__nl.....
90o_ Ve_'-.. ,-_---.., faint .-_;-°......t':e:-e, m __: _t_
it "_.e.e';:.on teleseo?e. ?Lut it is for_'une.tcly
centered in the sextant _ ver'z bright. - -:
, Oh _ [ C_"._u..°: _ o. :-_T_ 1 on l_ereP.slnC .".n_les
. °

Q i P_.gC !i o_ 23 .
o_,,,, _'_lat is the =_nr__.on it?

209 15 03 _;I SPT Yes. l_l. i

• .,DR P,o_er. '

"' PLT qg"*izis :zoin;_pretty good.

• Ji
_ "
! CDR Yes. Actu-_!ly, _ thi_!_ - no one's
,. beensea_"_- since C

" _ .,'PLT Don't ¢".ou_tit. I h_ve a little bit 7_

i of
.. .-. [':

"" " S.r'2.. All rizht. ':'.lichsi_e is it? <h

CDI_ Ol-'_
S-_T _._ done.
CD_ - .-s ....
" that? hi, C_:en? " .,

t _T_ E

_,-R -_1_.t's0.I so f_r.

RP_. That'sthe second,

o__e. ,-

CDR 03 - 3, 53, 5h - -;

PLT We can get alon_ ::ithout any more .;

updates fr_ the platform, or :-e're ":
surrotu_ded _th vou_ a/. ,,_._

CDR ,Co?

_i-C ...

O 209 15 59 S_ _nter. l:m goin_ to give you star 33.
COR All risht.

SPT Hope it n_JLes it. -.

-- CDR • Ok,-_r. - -.--. ......

209 15 05 3? '=_'
,.,L, "
it zron't _.',_.:e it. _,t's .
a 53 (!egree -
trench ....
SPT It'll nef{c it_ mr"rill ?i_Iieit. -_:o,

it 'ii r,_<:eh7, 50.

CDR _s is 50, enter. 37 -.Uov it'_ cominz.

_ 7"es: 37.
52 T:TT3_.. Yes, it cem _'_.]-e ?7, !
.. S_C _-r_atis it? "

CDR 37. ;

,. •SPT 01:
_v? :"

209 15 05 3h CDR 01[_ir. I Ohm;J, _,_'ve done that. Stem pess _u.

• _-_°_Z?f2_q_I_m lesrni.__gto _o this. ;!_

LI --

CDR :?me ".'T.O_:S

_:hat evil lurks.

S_DT_ ,;e'll'be prepare,_ -- -

= C_DR C9.ii about ;roln" spzce fl,isht_ ...

CDR I _;ish you :/ere correct. _[_rd for me to

believe it.

CDR .T[ardfor :le to he!i_e _ _

closer in. ,

209 15 0_o 29 -_:,_-

= T__ash bcZ on r{_,:_,-;,t
C_o<m here. ":emt to
bm,nd it to me or _ive it to :"_e?

CDR t:e!!, I 'ii tell Vou - !eel'<

inz -Z you --

Sz.__ O.k-_,y n_, ,._,o...e.

_'., time for you to activ_~te
the _.-1:_.
.... _,itcl_ chee]-!ist in a fe.r •._nut_
, ,__._,

not .'lo _,1._

PLT OL,.,.z.

CDR %qT acquisition .... ._?oouto_e-hc.lf ...

h:5. I ::': go:n:_
" " " to loed thn.t stuee
....... " ........ L............
z,.ge of ."
" :3"_c:p ll_ 20
.... fie 299-07 :

209 15 09 19 ?,_2 Could do - "_.*_.z

let's see wheat else ve
got to :set out, :lean. '_av.tdo "_,eneed?
- • -i:-_ _{ave ue ._uo_
_ eve_rthinc, out ue're _oing 1
rer...ezvous _ ..

O PI.T :', : to
for this
going get cold J?.c!:?
to ,_ _m,ter ,

, there_.rith a - J

,. SP2 Can I Get it for you if - _fi_.ere

do you I
"%'ant "the -_ane ? !
PLT Hnm.d it bach to -- C
) (i;
"- SPT Put that there.. Uo_..rI need.a _inh. _i

209 15 09 42 SPT Ue do" _ant a eheekli._t. Ve're not --

reallyto _erform it ....
ye_, J_ek. Ue'll (:)
._e sure L_'ve Got ever_zthinc, done
on this page.

CDR l;e don't thinh .... e._i l..'e


O not z':_2:e nist,_2_esl •

CD_ iley, ! _:_%ntto leer at that n_.z.
SP8 ... forget it.

CDR Service ".noS_u!e_C_ neliut: pressure,

io',;or deere_.sin,_.

20_ 15 i0 30 CDR ?e,_":ice r:o@.ule qCg. _ropellc_nt qu?_ntity, i:

Conpare L,oth he!i_ _ress end proDellan t

, is _%"_t ! found, out. _.

• !

_PT Yes. qo, they're not deere,_,s_n_, the7 _re <

you can Just - to ansuer that q,l__,

_alt to activate.

O ! CDR Isolate
Yes. the lo,.r
_oth he!i_
s,nd Syster%. Ue
decree,sin-, id -.
_nresz',_e decrease sto'gs?

• Si-'? Yes, is _r:,

the "_ns;.rer

CDR _ad _+h/eltan_- pressure _ecrease? !


_.%t ",:edon't ]z_o:,r ........... "

, PL'2 *,',,tl'm.t_r,_.s
th.%t? _.\.,_
_"_ 15 of 20 "

209 15 ll Ol_ ODR P_ress_e to _u_a le:._; or it could of

been _-,- _:e don't Y_no_T_:hether it's a 1
_u_l leak or a he!ilt_.!cab. Dut ve
_b _ e._.., ...... •

..... -_C _ a _ ,._

_'_" _d 's .... e _s......•"_ ]_n(_._

CD[_, Yes. Once thin9 that's incredible of
" the _;hole do_one thin_ you'll
notice th-.%t:__nifold pressure is
:_ _. oh_v, no,.__¢hat does that tell you?

• S1
_2 ...tellus anl_hing. "-

209 15 Ii 23 _' "_ It ",;asn'tlee/-ing doom through the S:".valve.

It's some:_here u?_"in the heli'_ group. [

CD?, O_,.e,y
.... do.

.... Is it "oet_:eent!e _ _-_" -- !_eet_een

_;S c/q& _ ._ chec'.tvo_ve. . "-
tile_"_' " _'_
__.u., Ohav. Don't tell the-_ ""_-_
...... _,.!n:..
t you _'_" '"
- - _.o,._
s in business.
5_ree_ stop - does t_m:',press_e _ecr.ease?

?,._3 If the ans'rer is yes -

• " CDR Service ._odu3.e_C_ quad A - c!ose_. -"_'_t

cot_Id i,e it.

"_ ' _ _ _+ le_l_?

CD]_ Guess it could _;e.

209 15 --
]P 93 •= -
_'-_' It could _[,epropellent .._ea_.
_ _- _io_,nstree_-_
quad prope!!c_nt isolation ve,!ves, right?

_I Yes.
Or - bel"h_ _ !e_2: bet:_een helium isolation
valves s_id chec:[ v_lves - i

"_ i CDR Right. _ i

• _ .... 0 ...... -- C);[;LC, IZ_r
_'_ Or_
1 _'_'_
enee,_ __ _,_-_
_r-1_ -- !____
._D,_ QS_q ", _ _:]o_
deter:nine " ""
, location. ,.._5_-. _

SC ...

. CDR unh_Dp_:

aboutthat. 1

O 209 !5 312 59 >?T ' A-lot "_'_'_- than it cou!_! have been.
CDR _.%_ankUou, Cuen. 1

SPT Yes. /
PLT You:er certain _'_ + _,'c _.;ns_,
_- lea/<, 517 It _-m.snot Just - ha_)Dened to _
be usinT _I! th-_,t_uch?

CDR Can't Nou see - cu_s doom. _ -:

SPT- _'_ell,C an_. D ... i

CDE -_m.t's ri_it.

gl_2 I s--:,_"
it _o do_..-n.

209 15 13 12 u.....
_ _c/_.
":< u}_.
real c_meful. -
:. ! haven't usec!_:vach.I 've been

S_ Yes.

CDR I've 4one cve_thin_ I <'_.stol<! e:_-ceptthe

statior!:ee_3!n_-. -,_;:n't4o =vach of th_%t. I
:_ i,- _3" un on the 2CS _.t
thin/< <:e're _ro.o_b.....
the :-mnent, but I 6on't thin:< there's an[;
the - the?:all _..
SPT_ Yes.

CDR Okay. L_ !oo}: here.

CgR Oh :02, Ch:cn?

209 15 13 37 CDR _':ouldl;ou cheeh the t sextant every once in

a _;hile
ZPT Sextant?

CDR See _hat ?rou see. Put it on _'_

C, let it
track itself.

209 13 h7 S_T- _:a:;. It's trachi_,'. I s:_re :Tish some'oodv

" _
Lolll,i:';e-bO'd.t t}ic - ." .-
- :..11.: ' _"=
. : .....
.. t;oi.£
Page 17 of ._,,_n

SrC ".!eI could telte off'this :teiicc.l stuff, .......


209 15 14 _ -CDR I don't thin_'so, :<-self.

O -. SFf It 's here.

(,'DR Oh_r. "

209 15 11_ 0° S_T-

, Doff VCTA. _eae VCTA ol___s on UCTA.
!>ea-ing_ort_ole,@.on "-'Ct_. _o off -
biobelf. It's _ separ_.te b.-_. L.

CDR You*re right. -"

209 15 lh Zl: CDR i:othing in the optics, ._;ah?

STC I1o.

CDR _Tot:I¢!
yOU consider'- loo1.:inT in A-5 _n6
cettinc out th0_t blsck b_..-_
th_.t ! didn't
get out, llke _..._.,-_...... _n_. -

" "]-no::
clips -.-here--_.#.eredid
_There? 7.rouse..vthose urine

_ A-6.

0-09 !5 lh 57 CD_ Ohmy, !'.-._

going to turn out the lights
and look at the _. for a -':_.nutc,!f it's
okrlr _!th an_¢l,od.v.-77ot 07[%7 uith Jc2h, so
¢lon't so _.:orry_':cou!,

209 15 15 OT ?LU Ohay,

SC (static) ...

'2r_ RV_P

- ,_-IL_ see th_t'll

O 209 13 27 20 CDR help
I'Ii _my.
tr'J tr?r it in " " if

., CDR l ce.n do it in hizh. But iT I _at .i% in i

.: . high - _ ,
i i
:: .....................
PLT _Pitch to local horizontal?

20 _ 13 _'" _" _"_ _'....

." _oo_- Cot _ r'in__c
_. .'_2'_, " _":_
C_ren, stop here s.nd ...

"'- S_T.
.- All rJ.;_ht,
I J_ "
D'Lup T_7_e 200-07 19 of 20 .

CD_ A v_.ives. -
PLT B valves.

-CDR "B valves. 1

I_LT _i_t 's nice•

O ; --_ .
CD.q Coo& attitude.

PLT Sts_aC.'.
"o7-. 3, -;° i -

.209 . O__
13 20 _-
_ Oat off. ".
' CDR 01.ey. C_od. Vice t....

PLT Okay; I cotthe=z

o_=°. ,

: CDP, Oee,that_m.s
nice. -:

O.._y, uinus 0.5.

_ Loo:- at all that frost ---_ put "_

209 13 29 13 "_ O;:_.y, :_it e. r_nute. "w_._._u._,_

O.C. _en't _.
eo_y those @c_-._on ::our ""OO=.. - r,,
.... _v
. :, ".._dnus

Zero _!_s -- :_3-.-'IU.S1 _.!%t,'_ t _ _0: .__.s -

m--_nus1 plus 5 plus _.

* PLT #--_iri _t.

CD:q Ch_J, let's Co, Je_c_. Order ?.Cq off. :'o,

_it z-_nute - 81_. l,_u ... the Ci"3)_.!mode?

, PLT Yes.

209 13 29 I;5 t-_._ O":_y, g!_foal rzotors --

CD2 Y?Z: 2, PITC': 2.

FLT _:e:r're off.

CDR Y2J'Zi, _IT-__ I. -:


FLT __!ey'
re off.

-' : CDR _".'C2 ... '

_0_ 13 2_ 55 CDR ]_DlOs to PA_ 2.

. "

• !

: i
• °

Dump Tape 209-08 • /

Time: i_ 1!_-1_23 GMT

Page 1 of 29 !
O• 7/3o/73 " '-

• -9-i9 e7 ..........
209 15 36 52 CDR Okay. Got:everything going over there_ J.?

: , PLT Ye_, everything's in good shape.

CDR Okay, O, how you doing?
_ 209 153_ 08 SPT Okay, I'm ready to watch it.

_.IT, C]DR h.
'i C
:3 ; SPT Right. ",

,o I ODR That's in the right attitude. -I

, _ 8PT That 's right. "

D- _c , . }
:_ 209 15 3_ 15 CDR ... I'm going to bitch about that son 0_ .
•-: _C _ of a gun, That res/ly gripes me. Get C;
.} _I up here and in Houston those guys can't -'
get those attitud&s right. C,
V x -- 209 13 31 35 SPT ... 65 right _quare in the middle of ..........
_ the optics. 2_

q7 CDR Whole ballgame and they can't put 9n the !:

- ;:_ right numbers. U:

- • _;.._
': "_ 209 13 31 46 SPT Okay. Good eye on star 25. _:

" CDR Okay. O

z :
CDR ... Woop] Wait a _minute.

' SPT Yes.

CDR Okay. Now - VERB 56.

SPT I don't like to drive that thing around

: anymore ... P-20. ,.

"_ _09 13 31 57 CDR VERB 30, I'm going to work it.

[; . •

, 2 of 29 I...............
[.................. V -1
Dump Tape 209-08

: i " SPT Okay. i !

_ _ CDR """ i i
! :

Q ;°
_ "
the temperature in there, Jack?
I ""

_ I Cool enoug h for you? I

;_" PLT Yes .... i

_2 SPT Pretty good little Jolt, wasn't it?

"5 I _ C
_'_ PLT Yes, a little bolt in the rump. _:i
_5 , ,
,_," _ i CDR We •never had one tha_ hard on 12 because :_
_ '- we never burned that light. The last ,/
i'_ "_ burn we did was heavy and we burned down. _'
' It surprised me. _;

209 13 32 58 CDR Okay. Now ... it's up around -" ... it's

_ i up around 34. ,,_

CDR ... turn the ... heater on later, not now. .:

PLT Okay.

CDR Okay. Now let's do some other things here.

; i pLT -

209 13 33 31 CDR Copied down ... Ju3t exactly ...? Where

did you put them? 'i

PLT Put them right here on the couch.

CDR Right by ... put them right here.

PLT Okay.

• .
... how We can pipa bias. They want us
to do VERB 25, NOUN 21, but that's okay.
. No, they want it tobe VERB 21, NOUN 28.
Try that again, now. Have to feed those
numbers in there.

Dump Tape 2.09-08 - i ............... "---- V _ i

.. Page 3.of29 ..................

• CDR I want to "seewhat is on the ...


:209 iB 34 12 CDR VERB 01 [?]' NOUN ..., KEY RELEASE.

O -, ° . VERB 01 [?], NOUN 01; E_VfER. First ... -

o4 •
_: (_DR ... Lint's see what that address is.
_) 1456. 002665, NOUN 50, ENTER. Now,
' isthat rIght? C
":3 i ",'_
]4 SPT ... 66_7, correction ,.. ,_.

;/" (S)R ... Dl

_. lb. o
•( 1_ PIT L;

_ _ _ CDR .Okay. Everything'sokay. They.gave _

•'- _,, us a bad adjustment. '

i_ :209 IB 35 2B PLT . Have
What you
of orbit did they give us ... ..:

-. _ CDR They didn't say. _

ir -, .

-- _ PLT They didn't know. _-;

_ CDR Okay. Good. They can call it up .•. r_

:" " PLT ... when we g_t there. ,-_

"_" _ " CDR ... got ... Okay, now we're on attitude. .-
• Yougotthe- - _i

PLT My copy ...

(? CDR ... except the first "linesure must be

without the ...

O PLT Let me get that on ... You want that on?

209 13 35 54 CDR We don't want that on until about 28,_

Jack, so that's okay to put it on now.

-I i

Dump Tape 209-08

, 1 Page 4 of 29 - " , i..................

........... ,--i

;_ PLT But that's not your ... J

_. :: CDR Wel I , let me get my rest of my clothes I

" _ on. Let's start getting this stuff

! ! "
_ _ out...
Jack. i
" CDR Try to get it .... " i

PLT Yes,we'resupposed
to be at ARIA .l"
_' right here.

:_ 209 13 37 08 CDR ... I want to get ... when it comes C

_3 out of here. _

'_" PLT Right • "- -,

"4 iC"
"<':- _-' CDR ... on? t_
. r-
PLT I don't know. It's intermittent. -'
" _:-'_ C'
:_". (:DR ...go ahead....
A • ' ! O
_" : PLT ... percent ... .-. ":
V i ...

•-_ 209 13 37 39 CDR Houston, Skylab. We hear you intermittently..:

: Not too clearly, though.

•_ i. CC Skylab, Houston. We get a lot of static. _

!. ; I can barely hear you. We are interested i_'_
in knowing how'd the lqClburn go. Go _.
•" ahead. -" ..
':" , CDR Okay. k:

: 209 13 37 55 CDH Okay, the burn came off correctly on time.

" We didn't copy the DELTA-V_. We were in
_: _ attitude and the NOUN 85'sCwere minus 001,
: plua 005, plus 008. The star check that
you gave us, star 25 was correct. However,

" the backup, the horizon was not anywhere

O using the 12-degree
near the horizon check,
window which
mark is part of
at burn
time. It was up around 35.

•209 13 38 34 CC ... First question, we wanted to verify

;_ _ that you got the pip, biases in prior to
• the NCI burn.

• " " " " ' 'qA-;.,';


• Page5 of 29 _.............. _--


i SPT Wegotthemin.

• 209 13 38 50 CDR -Wegot them in_ Dick. Did you hear? i

' CC CDR, Houston, Sorry, I didn't catch i

o _ that last. S@y again. ! ""

! CDR Roger. We got the pipa biases in prior !

_ to burn. .t'
;c j
CC Roger, CDR. You sayyou did get them in.
_2 Be advised that I do have a star acq pad Cl
•. t for you,but I'iigive it to you later _
when we have better co_m. And if you'll _
K_ get the P-52 option 3 information, I'm -l
:. :15 standing by for it. W_'ve still got _"
_ iy about 6 minutes left here at ARIA. ""

_• CDR What's P-52, option 3? ()

SPT I don't know .... Maybe he never got

.... that last time. ¢,

"" CDR Roger. We're wondering which P-52 option 3

- _ you're talking about, the very first one? ._!.

" "-" CC No, the one - the one that supposed to be "
going on now. _',

_'> _ CDR (Laughter). It isn't going on right now. _

:-_ We'regoing,toget afterit though. ,

_ /209 13 39 52 CC cDR, negative. I got that other option 3 --._

and we're a little bit ahead of you. We _i
-- Just thought prior to this ARIA pass you -.
_ might possibly get the one that's coming
7, up right now it's not. No problem at
- ! this state.

SPT ... wait.

.CDR Okay, we weren't planning to do that
£or i0 more minutes, but we'll get on
it right now. We've had a little
: problem with the MANUAL" drive on the

.... • ..,3;,-..

Dump Tape 209-08 ....

Page 6 of 29 : . .
-" I........... "-....... !

_..... _....................... optiCs-in -that in-'DIRECT ,-when-we--dri-ve- ......... -u

to an angle,it - it doesn'twant to
_ ' stop there. It keeps going, and we're
having a littl_ trouble setting the

out at the star. It drifts rather .-.

pr6per angles so that we can then lo_k
" rapidly. And we haven't had any trouble
with auto 0FTICS, however, and it points
9 very well and we don'thave any trouble
_' marking on the star. It's merely when we
it .I try to go to a defined SHAFT and TRUNNION
_"" that it's almost'impossibleto do but
]3 we're going to try to develop a better U_
:_' technique down here." [,,

_:_ i_ CC Roger, CDR. I copied that and no par- -_

•. 17 tic_Llar hurry on the P-52. We'll take it _
_q_., ;_ when you've got it ....
" C'.
"- _, SPT ... for more minutes• _

ODE ... and give them the action; they'll

:'_ want
it. " c_
_ SPT NOUN 37, ... Wait a minute. Wait a
_- minute, Beano. Cut that stuff out. ..

"' :_ !.. CDR Here it comes though. ,.'_

[i_ i.
'_ J"" SPT Okay. :_.
7! ....
• .I.

:209 13 41 17 CDR One of your favorite stars I'm going

_ , to-give you right now is known as 33. _
:_ : Wait a minute. They didn't ... star. '

SPT I'm going to go to Z_RO OPTICS.

CDR ... Wonder if this is good attitude.

SPT I'm not going to do that. How ...

to get that.
about auto OPTICS.
They didn't
We're- going
I'm going
to go
to auto OPTICS.
CDR I think that's not a bad idea.

• .., ? ;- / . &

Page 7 of 29 _ [................
__ !
O Dump Tape 209-08

/209-13- 4i-5-6- SPT ....... in fact,--l,m-going-_t•0g-_.vJ the_,_t-a_rs-._ ............

They know I'm a star lover. 37 ....
:_ " , -You ready? Here goes.
- . °

' CDR We're starting on the P-52 right now

0 O. - Dick, and the first star is 37 . "

SPT ... I

_J ",209 13 42 24 CC CDR, Houston. CDR, Houston. You're Just

i_ about unreadable.... I understand you're
•12 reading me s_ne P-52 information ...
!_ _ _._
_" CDR Did you likethatmark? _q
15 S
,, ;5 ! SPT Yes, that was a good o_e. _

(DR ... 14o 50.

i: ,3

"._ _0 SPT Right. _:

•_ CDR Everything
looksgood. O

209 13 42 52 CDR Also, Houston, we did our GDC align and

got good numbers, hut we'll give you that
_ information at the next station, because iT
apparently you're having difficulty-hearing
] : • US • ' _r_

'" _ 209 13 43, 19 SPT That's a good mark. ..

CDH ... drifts, 0.

t ,_'t

SPT Yes, ,..blewit. :.,

CDR Was that star 45 again?

_ SET Yes .... Getting pretty good .....

• go PRO now, 0. 23256. Now, I'm going

O 209 13 43 41 CDR Hey, we're going to - we're going to
to PRO here and I'm going to pick star 33, O.

SPT All right.

(DR VERB. 21, I have no idea we can make it.



Page 8 of 29 ..................
O Dump Tape 209-08 • - - " ................. ._---i

............. ." . .-..

CC And we're about 1 minute from LOS at .........

-_ ARIA. We'll see you at 301 and I'ii
: have a star acq pad for you up there.

": i so I didn't get any infromation. °,-

O " ; ... for the last B minutes of the pass,
' 209 13 44 18 CDR Okay. I'll read it down once anyhow;
_' maybe you'll make it. Starts - 37 and
•_ 45, NOUN 05.was all_lls i, NOUN 93,
'u J Plus 009, minus 017, plus 024; parking
_ time,02, 325,600.
.* J

_ .I SPT ... you get out the star chart and find b_
_c " which star we want for a check star, please. :L

. I_. i PLT Anybody like a stick of gum? _

? _ ' SPY Star 33 is all right. -"

." _ CDR Thank

you. _:

CDR Oh, I see. I forgot 49 ..., yes.

:...- .... PLT Well, O., - -

• _ !._ ._

• "_ SPT Yes, I'ii have to gi_e you one.

• "_ PLT - - stick of gum? .'

_ ,- ' SPT No, thank you.

.... PLT Okay. Somethingbetween those two. -_.

209 13 45 01 SPT How about - want to try 25?

ODR If you'll look it up, I will.

. SPT The star chart's not going to tell me


CDR ... it'll tell you what's between a1"ong

our orbital path.
I- Page 9 of. 29 " .......................
Dump Tape- 209-08 ,..............
J i

PLT Can't ask for more than that.

_: What the heck has that ... do with
• it? ...findout?

CDR Let me look :it up for you, Jack.

Hight now, VERB 82, ENTER, PRO ...
All right, now I'ii tell you.

• 209 13 _5 4h CDR Well - -

_'_ SPT Four by four,23. "

12 I C._
:_ CDR :"
_- m el e j 4'

i5 PLT bird. I
i6 I _-
..' _7 CDH We don't ... ..

_c, SPT ... tried star bl - - , _'

J ?q

CDR ... h6's a little rascal. You could

_: never identify him. C

- ---- PLT Starhi, VERB21 it is, 41 - "--
2_ I ";
'_' Okay. Here it comes, 0. ",L:

L: SPT All right. "

•: _" 209 13 46 09 CDR That ought to get it., baby.

o. SPT Star in there all right. ..,

i C;
:: ' CDR Good show. Is that the end of it?

--,, SPT Yes. -

' CDR What time is it, Jack?

• 209 13 46 35 PLT 35 - -

• i CDR Jack, we could m no, can't either.

You got to ... first or ...
, i
" i

_: PLT It's been on for quite a while.


_"-' CDR No, it's got to be - time it 20 minutes.

l.tlll s_ ,m

Dump Tape ?09-08 s .

Page lO of 29 '
1 l........... [-
PLT.....Go_eact- -'_%.m. -*
_ ;. CDR .Okay. i

PLT Can't remember what time that was,


th6ugh. ; Iz
3 CDR It was about 1O minutesbefore the i
burn. So let's leave it on an extra ._I
_0-i ; 1O ... Need to time these things, i

12 PLT I know it. C

• !? :" ! :.D
(DR Okay. We've done that ...

uJ :'-5 PIT ••• " " :C"

i_ !? CDR I've been talkinglike heck trying to (;3

i_ get this thing ... Got to p)_nch the u'.
-J._- :_ . paper work. _-_

._ -:_. CDR ... that's good. .My. favorite one. O

-: ...... 209 13 47 36 SPT I won't take the OPTICS down ... -- ,

:- : CDR ... i

_0 !! : SPT You want me to go ahead 8-pd try to-put (_

r .... it to MANUAL and drive it here around --.
,_ ,- a little bit.

• CDR Yes, but I - come down there and work

:.... with you too. %

SPT ... know what I'm doing here. -_

PLT Guess we've got another ... cell purge

•.- here pretty quick, huh?

209 iS _9 35 CDR Next big act comes off at about - the

and 33 minutes. That's 2 hours from now.

" next big act comes off at about 4 hours

": SPT Well, what time would you like to eat?

': CDR Huh?


_Dump Tape 209-08

Page ii of 29 - " " .............. "'--
. -
i i

i SPT Are you hungry?

J PLT "I could stand a little soup. Want to

eat something to keep my stc_nach full.

-I" CDR Found that's nicer for your stomach_

huh? Make sure I've got every single
thing I want out ofthere. I've got
everything I want. l'm _oing to float
t0 down here and •look at •this thing with
i the big 0. He knows what he's got,
]2 i and I'm going to look at it _ith him. C-'
"Jb: Look through there with AI. 07

!3 SPT Yes. Okay. ' L:.

16 } --"

<5. _7 209 13 50 33 CDR Watch everything up at the front. 0",

"'" _' See if I'm CMC AUTO.. I think I am,
{ .-

..... PLT Yes.

'A. ;_ CDE - tell yod - - .,'-

• SPT ... OFF- - _-

_' CDR - - CMC off, "-

'-,' _i_ SPT Yes. _

r ", ,

_" _; CDR And not drifting too bad ,.. '

:': . SPT ... badly right now. _.

CDR Put it in LOW, when _e get there,

"; SPT Put it in LOW.

"_ CDR Let's try to get i _nd 3.

SPT ... TRUN run.

@ 209 !3 51 Ok SPT We've got to go to MANUAL ...

" CDR Let's watch and see if it drifts.
:_ i Doesn't drift too bad, does it? i

• i

Dump Tape 209-08


'Page 12 of 29 - !................ l-'i

_i ....................
SPT .........
No• Not now. ...... _.......................... i

_ : CDR ... 30. Now thatwas SHAFT. i

_ _ Put the TRUNNIONin - 30.

SPT ...that good. I can'tcomplain. .-.. l "

CDR Maybe that's Zero. Maybe it lost a zero
9 into it and didn't know where it was.
1_ I bet that'swhat happened. I bet it
I_ drifted out and lost the zero and then
i'_ it couldneversolveits problem. I C
13 need to put this down one .... _
_ Okay. r._

_ SPT n--

_ CDR That looksokay to me at the moment. [0,

-? 2_, SPT I agree_ can't complain.

i _, CDR ... HIGH .... i


_ -',_ SPT TRUNNION• i

i- -i
_ CDR Got too much drift. You can't really center• -

_ -_ ! SPT Yes, I'm doing the tr'unnion.. '_

:::-" Okay .... It's going to be ... That's :_
, :_
_'_ "_ _ settling down. i [-.

' :209 13 52 2h CDR I think it's .going .._ - -

.... , SPT I believeit'sfixed. _.

• CDR ...shaft, i
• i

CDR I believe it has, too. We're going to {

_ have to take care of this thing so we'll
always return - what? The shaft to the

_ SPT trunnion.
I I never
have to return remember.
them both because '
I can't remembereither• i
• Dump Tape -209-08 .i . ._.

Page 13 of 29 - ............ ...... ._ .

CDR Let me look. _ow's the focus? If

!: . you haven'tbeen able - -

SPT Yes, that ....- -

_" ' 209 13 52 39 CDR That thing's awful loose. "

SPT Yes, there's no way to get it fixed

[ . though. This one has .., so it's
I0 tight. It doesn't ... stall. At
-least I hope. ,-

_5 :" CDR Well - ; 0_

I• _ [q
]'5 SET Okay,- then I'll get it there. -i
,_ |6 ! :E
,.J %7 _ CDR Yes. On these screws, see? 03

'" aFT ... screws ... find them? "_

CDR l've been trying to - -

" _._,__ !!i SFT ... themdown. .4

CDR That may help you see them out of there,

• ; "SPT How do you drive it .,. - - [_

_ ' ! 209 13 52 57 CDR They always back off in zero J.t if you
_ _'! got it tight. Okay, now they're tight. L,
" Now let me look. Tuln up the ... within
, a minute. Now that went out of focus. ,_
You get that focused in that ... That -
J looks out of focusto me. Let'ssee r
-_ what I can see with it. _"

209 13 53 48 CDR There's .., screws ... something here ....

• " SPT Turn it up.

0 I! I
looked around ...'
I'ii have to ... Okay? ... white ...

SPT All right.

Dump Tape-209-08 _ _..................

O Pa6e lh of 29 - - ..................
._ :
cDR .........
___ me aiittle-... It -may %e £o£ally ..........
• ... This thing is not - I've got a ...
i };here it is, I don't See it.

- !

_' CDR
SFT It's not out of focus.
Well-- It's ""-
the fact
_'_ that it's Just so bright.

'"_i ,SI_ Well,, all stars, are ..verydim in this

11 _ telescope.
i c
_:_ CDR Honest to gosh, I can't tell the %',
_"_ difference. I've . .. all the way _';
75 _Ln and out. -4

•_ _ 209 IB 54 _7 SPT That's it. The focus and it's very, _ •

_._._ "3 very poorly adjusting in the sextant,
;; but that'sthe way it was before in {D

._. _ the trainer, The telescope has a lot

of range and it will go in and out of
._ L.: focus real easily, C'..

• - 2< CDR Well, frankly,"Ithinkyou've got -- .

G- i -l
-, :. haloing, but the focus is good. I went ..
_ i to both limits and it looked okay to me. ".q

_J :.'' SPT Yes. That's - that's .... sextant, t:

& -
:_ T_
._ -:; 209 13 55 iO CDR Okay, let me get out of your way. Now :.
let me Just - let me Just take it here. _;
•.. While we've got the time, let me help
" : get this thing undone now. You want _.
-' me to turn on these lights? [.

. SPT Yes.

: CDR Okay. Start.

FLT Oh, man! It sure caught up with me today.

. CDR Getting sleepy already. MY goodness!

' PLT ... to be more exact.

, i J

- i !
Dump Tape 209-08 f................r-" ,

i 'Page 15 of 29 .... _ ..................

SPT I need that light. I

" CDR Let me •look down here and see what

I can do under here. Pull this back,
•'=_ Owen.

@ 0
SPT ... here. .. •
CDR That way I can.get usder there a
_0 little _bit

12 SPT Pullit way back. Thisit? C

!4 CDE Yes. _G
L5 __
L_,.J •'
;L_ SPT Okay • • o....":"
_j i7
_. .o CDR Okay .... and I'll stay under here
_'_ for a while. See, what we can do __
_' 20 under here is, see if there's ahy cJ
': _' possibility of finding ...
-_ _=_ .

_ __ :
'-" SPT What
What -
- -
what are you looking for? --. __

;i.: CDR Oh, I just want to ge_ some of these ._
•: • things loosened up. Jack's going to
_/ 7_ _ have to start a fuel cell purge here (:
_" _ at ..., so he's got to watch that for "-
_ _ , a while. Why don't you get him a '
timer out of B-3 or wherever that

: thing is. c,.

Sl°T It's right behind the ......

• 209 13 56 26 CDR Why don't you read that checklist to

us, Jack, and let us work on it.

PLT All right. Okay. H_ PURGE LINE

HEATER, ON. I got t_at on in time

' ' to
of you.
the - I think he calls the time ;

CDR Yes, I'm pretty near. i

i i !

Dump Tape 209-08 . -

.. .I
Page 16 of 29 _. [.................
I , "......... PLT ....0kay.-Unstow the-portable timer. "...........
5 _209 13 56 53 SPT _'m still'looking for B-3. Where is
it here, Jack?

O 6 I PLT behind
.._ - - - down lower- -
< SPT Okay, I've got to get clear back
_0, Iguess, to get that.

12 PLT Just push the thingout of the way C

'- and

!5 SPT 0kay,.l can get ... - - -7

_. 17 PLT I tell you. I can get it after -_

. _::: awhile soon as I got the time.
_ ! Okay,and I'lldo it withmy ... q'
__ --,i here. And I got to get all the
cameras out of there "anyway, so
7- _ i why don't I Just do that later.

.......... SPT Okay by me. "--

.:, _209 13 57 18 CDR Well, why don't we try to get a little L_

" ahead of this thing.

"_ _ PLT Well, we're way ahead. We've got a "

_:_ fuel cellpurge. We'vegot a P52 ""
!:; coming up at 42. Should be doing
_ " _ that now, while you're doing that,
... , or you did that already, didn't you? .

_'? CDR What? Yes. .,.

PLT Okay at 02:46, we've'got a P20 option 5.

CDR We're there - already.

my fuel cell purge. And we don't do

O PLT Okay. Then it's time for me to do
: nothing until 3 hours, 15 minutes
from now.

' CDR Okay, then what do we _o?

........ , ,.'. _2.- Jh'_

O Dump Tape "209-08 ' ...............

2o913 5o "PLT......
Well we-%aikt'o-the-
preliminary pad, and ! get the bunch • _ 1
- _eady. We really don't do much of any-
thing until - another P52 at an hour from

now. I -"
CDR GoOd. Looks like we're out of work.

PLT I could get this dang suit off.

_0 "l !
: CDR That's what I figured. If you're
|2 '- feeling - Don't you take - We don't ,-
_3 want you to feel bad. That's the main O_
_-, thing right now. We've got plenty of L4
15 days to do all this bal.oney. We don't .1
• I,.".. want anybody to feel bad. _:
(_) !7 : ""
: 209 13 58 18 PLT Well, let me get up and move a little bit.
_= I'mfeeling better. C"

CDR Good. Why don't you use my ... of the

--- down out of here. -.,

seat. Get over here ... and let me get :,
• I

PLT Okay. --

{ ",
CDR ... you ... out all you could because
" . I have you trap,__ed. :"

:': - PLT Well, I'm going to _et down there and get ':

.... all that stuff as soon as I get this suit ",

• off - my ... L...

CDR B-S, huh? _.

• PLT Yes. ..

" CDR Okay. We'd be through that ...

CDR For that - yes.
Everything else good ...?

• PLT That 's right.

' CDR We had a ... gimbal lock ..., don't we?

...................... ' ........... _ II 3


r_mp Tape209-o8

Psge 18 of 29 " " _ _ ;

209 1S 58 56 PLT ....No.o Right on the belly band ..............
, !

" CDR Stay there. Don't go anywhere, spacecraft .... :

, SPT RCS is in good shape, i

CDR Very good. Bow's the SPS? You shodld .....

.- i SPT -- ... in there. Yes!

",0. 6DR '_ot a bad "pitch.

PLT ...little
mobile. <:

i5 _ CDR We got the t_o ... on it there, 7_.

- % i -2
_) _ 'i
[7 PLT I 'm going to do the full cell purge _
_: -.-] here. v_

'_ 6'DI_ ... on? ._

SPT It's been on it for 20 minutes?

._ 2,. i ,_
..___. CDR ... timecheck ... plus it is not easily __
available ;

PLT Well, you got to pull that whole thing out "
" _ from the back of it.

_" ' CDR Okay, we'll pull it out there then. "

_' , SPT Think you ought to .... it back down. -

209 i_ 59 h2 PLT ... purge for 2 minutes. Okay. FUEL CELL i,

- i number 2, 2 minutes starting.

SPT I thought 20 minutes. Okay, that's your

;_ heater_ isn't it?

CDR See anything sparkling coming out?

SPT Not yet. ... sunlight. '

. ; CDR Give Jack his timer. Now, Jacks is there
any cameras you want out of here? I can '
,i_. I get them while I'm in here. I

'![_ PLT While you got them, yes.

i Page 19 of 29 _ . " ! _....
O Dump Tape 209-08 I

t : CDR Hand this to Jack_ Owen. !

_'" ' : I
'-_', T I"need the DAC..
" i i !

CDB Okay.
! _ PLT The right-angle mirror, i

i': CDR ... DAC. The power cable on that? "

,: j PIE The power cable.

'_: i CDR You want the little tab with it? t;i

15 ,!209 i_ 00 21 PLT No. l.didn't know it had a tab with it.- ._

,: i_;I Well- ,' " _.
-J U [ i
;.'- V i CDR The little strap.

_" ' _- i PLT Yes, but ... take it. _,

)_ .: CDR Right-angle mirror. What else? ¢

" : PLT 18-millimeter from "the back. --- .

". CDH From the back, huh? All that stuff in i.

.... the front we don't want. _:
-. _-"i PLT No. Well, there shou3dn't be much in _".
-_ _" ! there. *_'

, PLT Spot meter? ""

: 209 i_' 00 _2 CDR NO, I'ii bet that stuff is those three .-
,; 5-millimeter lenses we're taking up. -c

L PLT Maybe so,

CDR Okay? See if I can put this On right.

It's been a long time_ ... super ...

8PT ... ?

CDR Okay. You know, I'ii bet those little

.. 5-millimeter
-- _.

"- : "CREW •a"


- k,. ". ,
Dump Tape 209-08
Page20 29 .................

-" ! there and forget it. That ... that ball

:_ : game. !

i209 14 01 15 PLT Oh, I've got to get the bracket out of there,

-, i !
too. -"
-" i CDR Where was that.?!

•_ i PLT That's down there in the locker - A-1 or

ii °*_-R, .way_iown "at the lower left corner of
: the LEB_ c
!3 i '"
_4 CDR That's B-3_ old chap_ let me get it for you. _i

PLT Okay o l<
_ .

<-__ _% _ CDR In this hag. [0

•a " ":_ i FLT That'll give me something to hold this thing c_

_7. b
_: :_ ! with.

L-_ _'.'-;[ CDR Okay. "Film, we don't need that. Here's the

_ ili_ buggers in here?

70-millimeter m'ag.Why_q_y
do do
it in a
those ""
:.:. little bag? Why don't they do what I say?! -"
_._ Why can't everybody h_ like me, as the song
-. .._ goes (chuckle ).... world' s ... !_

•".... _209 lh 01 58 PLT Okay, that's 2 minutes. Fuel cell purge.

" SPT 2 is good.

::: CDR I used to forget those all the time.

2 ' i

_..: S_T Got to get the ... fuel cell 3 first, i

i CDR Okay. There you are, Jack. i

- ,i
PLT Okay_ thank you. J

next. Okay, now let's tie this thing

CDR ...? Okay. Let's see now, see what's :
back. But I don't really think we need

PLT This galdarn thing ain't'm/rked with

...................... 75-millimet er marks ..........................

_ . ~

Dump Tape 209-08

"" • • . __ .......... ..

21of29 _ ' ]

CDR Did I give you the wrong one? f

h i
PLT No. How about, that? Oh, there it is. I
•.. to that ... Come on. Lost my head there.

CDR Bad habit. Verybad habitto get
S ... auyhody. Where did that urine disposal
bag come from? ... supposed to come out -
take these urine disposal bags out from under
_ here. Put these right in here, Jack; ...
12 " in Owen's things "'"
_3_ i C
_. PLT Owen's ... ready ... anyway. [.

_5 _ CDR 2125. i
._. you could get him a ... --'

;:: PLT You Just got to get him there, t'_

, _:_'
' CDR All we got to do is not miss a burn. ",
._ - We'll get there. Report ... is humping that
> : burn time. Those do-dos have put this
about that .....

" m PLT Yes. .

• [

.... CDR - - attitude check. :

'J i_i',
i :,
q:_/ PLT .Yes.

CDR That stuff will make you nervous. ,•

PLT yes, because' we were having a little concer

, about not getting that star check in at the
ssme time. Yes you're Just - -

_ CDR Well, we ... - -

• : PLT - - taking what they give you in that case.

269 14 03 45 CDR Well, between that - What if we had to do

the backup?
•that Maybe
direction. they want use to err in

PLT Dearbit
doesit. I

._ i i
: 1


O 22 of29
!Page i , I
-' { ............... -cDR-____:--aSarl_i&t-i{:- BuG is-you---Maybe they----- '
? maybe that's the best way to err in that
it doesn't put any vertical components if
.t • they don't want any. Maybe if they - that's -
_ that's not good, but it's better than

7 i nothing.
Up, Okay,I'm goingto wrap this ..
E ; " " I
i SPT How long before we have coma, because I
i_, wantto talkto him aboutq4" ,

_-' PLT Okay, let's ... the purge. Now I'm going i C
13 to do fuel cell 3. We have - - i (_
I,I t I r_

i_ SPT Eight ... aud about i0 minutes - a little _!

,_ 16 less, 9 ..- ":"
t,_ 17 i -"
r':. i _R YOU want me to talk to them about the

'_" i optics and the ... I .i',

': _i ; SPY . Right. _

: u 209 lh 04 39 CDR Okay, now here's the blind. I'ii tell you •

$- _
+'-" where
in here.
I'm puttfng it. I'm putting it right -- ";

_-' PLT Okay. In that little- littlecompartment '""'
-_ _<_ in the back? _

:'- T "'I
'•' "_ CDR Yes. I still think it's hot in here.
..... ,.. change the cabin tamp this much?

i SPT Cabintemp .'.. C;

" " PLT I don't see that that heat exchanger ... _:,
,!, i

• CDR ... anything drastic.

" " ! PLT ... increase?

PLT Wellthat
You've got ...-
a lot -of clothes on.

CDR you may be right, l may have to come

'_ " out this. I'm ... this hot. I'II put
these up here for Just a minute, Jack, if you

.............. don't mind .......................................


?09-08 [
Page 23 of 29 _ . ............... =_ _.
................PLT " " Okay, we're I'm going to get out of this --
! suit if we're going to take this optics
down now. \

< , SPT i Yes, that's right. Take care of this ...

CDR I like his attitude.

A _ J .!
? _ PLT Take" care of me ... /
_I "}_20914 '05 "55 SPT ... stay back there. I 'm fuel cell
purging i. Kind of ... in ....

_ PLT Hey, look at that horizon. Isn't that !_'_

15" be_utiful?
• . " o_

•_ _7 CDR It 's ... _ --'

..i / PLT Right close to the edge of the - the to

_, :_ llmb of the Earth, we've got an orange, [_
i_ _, and then it fades into a kind of light
blue, but it goes back to the darker blue ,_
'_•; i ring - kind of a biue pencil line like. ""

._ . Then black
into it goesagain.
b_ck to light blue and fades ....

':'. Sl_f Don't see very .. . there. "

i CDR Any blue? i

'- SPT No. _ ,

. PLT Oh, boy. Isn't that something though? _'


SPT That's incredible• It's really incredible - -

PLT Now it's coming in the window.

BI_T •.to

. CDR Well, I didn't have to cut anything . ..

I got....
this up, but it's kind of loose,

SPT ... get your fuel cell purge and all that
stuff? (Tone) i

. .

Dump Tape- 209-08 ..

Page 2k of 29 I ....... ! i
; _9 14 07 31 PLT Oh, yes. We'le just going to terminate
fuel cell purge now• We've got H on -
both of them ...

/ things released. And I think the w_y to --

CDR hold
Jack, down isgot
i've to both
use one of those
of these white

"2 straps with a bucl_le_ Do you know what

I'm talking about?

'_'" FLT _Both of What released?

13 ; C
CDR Both of the bags _.. _

i5_6 " PLT Okay. _! -3

(.) !7
_:-£ "_ CDR ... youbuckles.
those can hold I'll
it down
... with
- - one of

PLT Okay . D

. CDR - - these tow things right in here for us C,

SPT to
You ...
got just
- the down for that extra ... _....

_ 209 I_ 08 04 CDR What can i do for you, O?


', "0 _ SPT NOt much.

,_ _ CDR Okay, now let me see if I can - tell ._

me what you want out.of here, Jack, and .,
• I'llgetit.

PLT 0hhh ... here.

CDR Here, I'll do it.

PLT ... I'm about ... by there•

CDR It's be
I'll ... there
need in
is these.
a second. Maybe. Maybe
not .... top one. Okay. See what we can
do with that.
Dump Tape 209-08 ,.................... i-

Q 'Page 25 o_ 29 ....... :

', ............... EFT ..... Gott0 do that,'itoo. - ..................................

:: "" PLT It's always harder to get ... It's never

easier to get ....

_ CDR Put this

heavy up here.
things Just Gosh,nothing.
like you can move these "

? SPT Watch your head. There's going to be ...

• opti CS .... i

i2 CDR Thank you, 0wen. Okay, now I 'm going _.-.

"_ to leave that float there, folks. '.

_5 SPT Okay

_' _;' CDR Okay, now. Tell me exactly what you want. _£

'_ /,209 i_ 08 55 PLT Okay, there's the TV camera and the lens i ..."
.' _ andthemonitor, i=
"" !

• :: _, CDR All ri-ght. Wait a minute. Here's the ._.

CE_l_era. ,
_-__ PLT Got it.
•t j

•- CDR All right, now what.?

::" !i PLT Lens - in the bag - that ... bag there. -_

i 209 i_ 09 i0 CDR Whatthe heek was thr_t? Oh, that's the

. Oh no, ,that wasn't anything like
that. I see it. I've got - I've got some
i• ' of this stuff in sight. Here's out waste ..
thing,too. Okay,get that out. Here's
a cable for Jack, 0wen.

_ _ PLT There should be two cables there.

SPT -Here's one.

@ 2

• i


Dump Tape .209-08 +

+ Page 26 of ix9 " f........... ,_-+-!

/__ ............ CDR Flash bag. That's Just what we've always
............. wanted. Okay now, here's another one, and ....
here's the closeup. I know you don't want
.that.Here'sthis one. Any time you
don't want any•of these little things, put

: th@y are. --'

+ :,_ them in your TSB and then we'll know where _
1209 lh 09 h7 PLT Okay. I'm looking for a lens and a monitor.

":C+ CDR Here's the monitor that you can have for
_, ;
free. Get this ..., Owen?

i- !
"" SPT I'iigetit.... _

T5 CDR okay, I'm going to get out of here in a

::_, _- minute, l.wanted to get this stuff done
%J el •
' _; got plenty of ... m m .-

_." PLT There's a lens and a bracket yet. The ',,_

i ,.+ 4.

-_! __ bracketoughtto be in a brownbag or a cj

white bag or - -
I +

_Q ..... '
: CDR Uh-huh.
know you're
to love.
the Here
lens that
it is,
I 0. -{

_ , SPT Okay. Thank you. ._

_> , i CDR Now comesthe bracket,gang. "_,

'i._ 20 SPT You got too much to hold there, Jack? [.

3 PLT No, I'm Just puttingit together• "+
• -+_

• SPT Allright. _

209 lh l0 28 CDR Boy, I'll tell you, there's a lot of

i Junk in here•
PLT Yes.

• Now comes the bracket. I know the bracket
but, brother, where in the heck is it?
.That's not it. That's another lens• Need

t l

i,m •
Dump T_pe 209-08 • J

Pa_e 27 Of 29 . . L.............. _ ...... '.

'. Okay, let me see what this bag is - a fuel

_:i bag• Found a ..• out of here while l'm"
doingthis. .

O - !


" Yes.

Now what bag was that in Owen - or- or

Jack? I don't see it.

• _l i PLT Should be a brown bag in there with

_: _ camera ... - -_

7_ 209 i_ ii 05 CDR Got here, got here, old shoe. It was rlght _:'_
%4 in front of my eyeball. Now this is the -l
u_ _ way things ought to be "packed in zero g D:
Instead of those darn straps and things - -"
_. stow them in there and forget them. I'll
_: take this out of the b_ for you. [_
"q _ SPT •.. ? .:

i_am :_: PLT I won't

Yes, needthat
leave the b that box there• __

-!:_ 209 i_ II 22 SPT I th_nk there's a dadburned tropical storm ....

;' down there right now.

'::_ CDR ...? "-'

• SPT Yes, ...

_" : _ CDR Okay, Jack, tell me what else you need. c

• . 3 !--

ii That's it. ..:

CDR You mean that's all Of it, huh?

.; PLT Yes.

we know you've been goofing off. I'm

'' CDE I thought you used to work down here. Now
getting the word! ... is too big. Some-
how it don't fit too good anymore. Took
all that stuff out; I can't get anything
-:!, ' back in. What a guy. I Want to talk to
_; those guys.

Dmrrp Tape 209-08 ". I............. --:

.: :Page 28 of 29 ................
- ......... _............ SPT .... Trying to come. .......................

" f: CDR Okay .... '0kay, J a ck_ now that's done.

' SPT Getoutof the'way, j

• .. now .., - -
O 209 14 21 26 CDR That come - ... putting that down there

... come your ... - -

' . _14"°1230 'CC Skylab, 'Houston. Goldstone for 9 minutes.

]3 SPT Flight ... : O_

}5 CDR Okay, we got some news for you. We've __

_, ;4 worked on that optics. And we kind of _i
.-t, ',,7
_.,. got the feeling that maybe we hadn't O;
-'__ _8 zeroed it well enough and - all though
;; we'd done it a couple of times - because i :r.
. .... we went back, zeroed it again, and drove Vz
"- __. . it manually both in RESOLVE 8_nd DIRECT,
. .: -.- _ and it. worked perfectly. So scratch that , _,
'" Up as a mystery at the moment. "
• -J

,-_ 209 14 13 03 CC Roger. The one question we had on that

/:t AI, weas, did you see this phenomena both -
.'_ drivingit in HIGH and L0;_rates? t

" CDR We saw it in all ratesand it lookedlike --

.j "" .:,
it was driving in HIGH in all rates, but _
: things are working well at the moment ......

209 14 13 20 CC Okay let me continue down my list then.

" , We're little bit puzzled about the horizon -
check. We're still thinking about that
one. There _as some though that it might
1_e possible that you had seen the terminator
because of the eondltions you were in at
' ; the time. However, we really Just don't
know. We're tracking you here at Goldstone,

by Mardrid, we'll have a good look at the

theNC have to runthe information and,

: I ,-

, "....

j Page 29 of 29 .. .: " _:__.

Q j DumpTape_09-08 -- :.............
b24:-And now thaty6u........
mention this business about the terminator,
r wouldn't be snrprlsed if you were right.

O • 209 14 14 iI CC below
Well, you
the there, and we"re
terminatorwas - we're
quite a bitchecking "•
the angles. That might have been right,
but we were a littlebit puzzled as to
•, how the star check could have been so good
_(' and the horizon check not. At -any rate,
• _ we're thinking about it', And - -
i? '.

i4 i [.!

• tO

! ";1

L i ""
; _ 2.-

• ; (J

i l:l

• i

¢ J °

_ 209-09; ..
T£'_: Z324 to 13_$ c,....
+I.'. J. ..... : ....

I 7128173 - " "

! r_e 1 of ? ........... .................

• 209 14 2142 CRi;;.I Going off.

209 iII 2152 CDII ... volts lov.

SPT Kind of e0minz and going, though, :_hatever it is.

O •
' C DR .°. :
! .

•! _}1
_'" ! .PLT I got it ri t here.
' " ' CDR J_ck's ...

:_ PLT Both of them.

.... CDR Looks llke if'decreased. ,,

19 209 14 2238 PLT Yes. It's ...

" [ .. ERR Okay .... VEP/3 hS. lq:P3 h8 - what time?

PLT ... : -

CDR A. Quad A, not Quad E. 0nay. Tr_ - whatever

weh/se # A or B. I thi_k ... A ... all the way.

• ... 5 percent low ...

•- CDR VE[S 93. We got to ffnd that ... and _ze got to
: ... set this up. "

SPT Ok8_ ... Okay, it's 95 ... A is 91.

- • ' B is 86.

"_ ' PLT Yes ... A ... purge .... still see it's a little
'- : off ... directly in notion.

CDR ... the ...

" - PLT Yes, and then _o brock 239 ii; 2438

PLT ... looking. 2# ...

SPT Well, we lldght look at it - -

p ';_pe 209-09 . . - - ............
I 2of
7 .. !

_ - .... cDR ... io_ - looh at this before you get out of
' your suit .... •don't get out ... altitude check.

• . SPT Ve_j good.

209 14 2453 CDR Go through that ... syster_tically.

i _[ .

SPT_ I'd s_y the qu_ntities are ,..

i f. _ t

CDR Yes. I don't ... --

. [;

: PLT ... any of them go ... :

_- .i p

" i CDR ...markon them.


, _ ' PLT Heater_ look _ood. Fair heli_ PP_SS propells,nt

:, 'L. : ! quantity. ._, .

= CDR All ri_t.

PLT Both Io_Tor decreasinG.

" SPT Both ...

'" CDR Yes I knc_r.

PLT Isolate the heli_a ...

CDR ... ?

" -,, PLT R C S ... helium closed, Now you h_d ... pressure_

' CDR ... h_,ve to wait.

SPT Have to ,_t on this?

SPT If it doesn't, it's the helium ,.. the .°,

209 ll_ 2553 PLT Going to have to _ateh it, AI.

CDR Ok ay.

PLT Okay _ percent.

SPT ... percent.

PLT And 3700 psi.

CD?, :/ell, ",;o'vesot four of them.

___ - r
" i Dump Tape 209-09 . . . . . :-

i P_'.se 3 of.7 " "

.: PLT I'm going to _y to get out of that suit. How
about if I come doom there and you can come wher_
,. I _a, B_ano?


. 8PT Going off?

i i CDR Yes. Let me _et m.v book back here. I'ii be
i _i,' ' _DR '" ,'_e S.

_, _209 i_ 2716 PLT _"sat hand controller's as far do_-rn as I can get
it _rlthout ... A little further ...

CDR Isn't
it? , _.:
! ,"t _.

i SPT (_ka_. YOU can get that.

i 209 14 2858 CDR Jack doing that fuel cell purge? Have you turned
your H purge line heater off?
• 2 •
SPT_ Jack? Did you turn your H purge line heater off'..
• R

/_ PLT Ye_. "

CDR Okay.

209 14 2950 SPT Bet that was the terminator coming t_ar_s us.
... the horizon.

SPT ... had to be that. "... ought to be.

, CDE I guess ... before.

PIT .,, now?

SPT I'll put it Over here, Jack.

PLT Here c_nes the spry; .... ,the spray - The

pressure loohs lihe it's holding it's

6 •

CDE Okay. '. _rk that

SPT 37_ that'S it _:,%s.

CDR ... _,our ... out of there? "

...... PLT Yes. • .

CDR ... That'd be nice .... nice one.

_._p Tape 209-09 " _....... " "

Page It of 7 • " " ......

SPT ... ?


_ne quantity's

I'll put the

"coming in.
... back in this box .... von't

/ _ help Jach out .. •

;' CDR He wants to sit there for a .minute.

_v SPT Oks_v, _ii hand me ...

:" PLT ...


SPT All right• Yes. _'nat'sa little better.

v SPT See if you can find a place to hook your feet,

!7 Jack. Because othei_.¢ise :_e end up pulling, and
if you don't - come out.

PLT Phew! •

209" i_ 3214 SPT . There you go. You okay?

-- PLT Th&nkyou.

SPT Okay.

FLT Ohay.

" SPT All ri_t. T.'le'll

get the ... :_hat you got there.

• I
PLT Okay.

CDR Need a bag ... :Fnere'd you put them? In fact

I ought to give yours back ... in my pocket #
if I can findit.

PLT I've already - I've already ...

CDR Okay, I'ii get it out of _,T/pocl'_et. Vaybe I

e SPY put on r_inein

I put ... r._ T S B.

CDR Okay, why don't you get that out and put. it
in ...

DTm That's yours ...

CDH Your _ S B; _*a_ should be yours.

D_._p,Tape 20p-09

- Pa_,c _ of y
4 _ ..... - PLT Right. "...." .....................

• / " _

, CDR We're g_ng'to ,have to do these brsking
lot earlier, Owen.
... a
We're not _oing to be able to
get in ... - -

8PT ... to me, too..

.0 i CDR You kn_, "if it _.,re're

That's says i File,to 1._'re go_ng to have
"' to brakeright. goin_
so that _te're at it. have
At i to brake.
_ile, it's
[;: ! going to take 2-1/? seconds for ... _--
_:. _
_ _ SP_ Okay."
_5 i . '
-'z :_ , CDR Okay'_ ou go yours, _-_en - I mean Jack? ...

" . :: PLT Yes. I've got one right here.

-: - 209 i_ 3h3i PLT Okay, I've got _dne "in place, I'm pretty sare
" here.... next cc_t_is; 03:23. Canaries..
" right now.,

_ .... CDR I - I'm no.t a_leep_ Jack. I'm here for that.

PLT Yes. I - There's a pAace right under Al's seat.

We can get at it if .... I'd like to get off
' .. eomm do that.

• ,209 lh 3507 CDR ... on 81 somebody?

PLT All right. %_lat's a zood idea. All right.

CDR Okay. If I :.zantto something else, I'll mal_e

sure ... Don't _.Tantto ruin _rhat I've got _oinc_
at tlle mo_.ent. Perfect. Ok_,y, m_/ce sure I've
6ot that ... AC is inl. I0 - 11002.

209 i_ 3559 CC Skylab, Houston. :-;e'reAO_ Canaries for a

couple r_inutes.

209 i_ 3601_ CDR Roger ....


209 13 2hh3 ,_PT h9 on the SPLAFI', ',_at :-,'as

the TR[UH;IOF_?
t :

DumpTape209-09 .................. "

,_. Pa6e 6 of 7 . .. .... -....

37.9.... shaf_ _ron_t stop .... won't stop

happy about this window ... One minute ....
Ok_Jf,I don't &ike this optics drive ... Once 1
_, it starts, it %*on't stop .... drift ... Keeps
goi_u for h0 or 50 degrees.

SPT ...ay.over here.
: PLT H_r's the attitude look, AI?
•i.; CDR I don'tlikeit. "

"" PLT Can,I ,held_OU any _ay?

"j .4 _ .

..... ' CDR We're 214 .1. 218.... i_agine it. This
dog_one thin_ is off .... horizon on 6.5 decrees.
That horizon isn't .going to be an,v_rhere near that.
• i • • .
_" It's goin6 to be a aecn of a lot al_aer up than
._ that. Short; 218_'215. _n-_ s what i've got.
2 - 2_7. '_vel_thln,_'s oka_r, uT_ct,
_-. Except

209 13 2609 PLT the horizonisn't

Is it a checklist in the right place.

•: CDR Yes.

" " PLT ... star; n_ you've cot it on the sextant,

you're having trouble findin5 it. If I could -

SPT T_nat keeps overshootino_ it. I can't find it ...

- 2

209 13 2621 ZDR Put it in lo:r drive. You got it?


SPT I've had it in all" three drives. Lc_T - -

CDR Have you c_ot it - -"

SPT - - and eve__,thing else.

CDR You should have it in ... - -

SPT I've had it in I_T. ":'..._TUL

CDR You gotit DIP_CT?

PLT " That's rIgat.

I ir
- !
J :

• / Dump
Pege 'i'a'.pc
7 of 7209-09 ..........

SP'2 •.. I_._, DIRECT', ... sextant. That glllng still

drives fact. _ \

CDR Well, do what ;ou can. Two _inutes to go ...

'- Going into the dark. We couldn't do the horizon

0 SI_2 Pardonehecl_ Horizon check isn't even close•

: ,209 13 e659 CDR ... to the right attitude.

i . C

• •

• _ .., 7 -10
t'ir-e: i'_<'_"161_9
'{/20/?3 - • . .

_ I ofl


. . • |

,,,-. Dump Ta_)e 209-11
Time : 162_-1632 G_I_
7/28/73 "
P_e 1 of 1

209 16 27 h4 CDR ... Set you r plate, Jack, llke you

• know what we're doing. \

CDR ... Okay .... one more time.


PLT Well, that's been an exceptional dinner.

" CDR • ee.

+ ~.

CDR ... 7 years to you?


CDR ... fantastic ... launch.

CDR ... CDF is out ...

CDR ... going up; ... at - looks like ...

CDR ... Yes, that was that, by golly. Looks
like where the diamond mines are down there
to me.

SFT The west coast.

CDR No, that'd he on the South Coast ....

around the west coast. Yes. Where that
, little ... is.

209 16 29 59 SPT ... Coming up on 1 minute.


-I DL_:IpM_ape_ 290-12
: i)5o-i,,09 G:._D
7/_i'i'3 . . _................... _-- •

Q Page i of 4 - " ....

CDR ... I think I _ut_ it in my pocket.
... smarter th_n I think.

SC I kn_* it.

@ @

: _ SC yourself
in here.
: 209 16 O1 38 CDR ::Now _it a minute, no_z there's sozethin9, I
'" " can ... sonebod::"know.

_ _ 8C It's off of the Coast Atl_ntie, :[obile.

_ i .Bet you ... C

: CDR No, it isn't L!obile. I wouldn't .;. _ ''

_5 }:obile ...... -_
• T"

._ U i SC _'_ere has ,.. got his ... , _

: L.
SC ... _ -,.

• RC ... v_mnin_.

¢_ the _Sndo_r ... __ "

" SC All
that ric_.t....
little ,.. _rlpe_
there .... :.:

CDR ]!ave you tried to get "..? "-

_09 16 02 39 S:_ _e hP,ve ... _zhen _ze oq_ there. :

..... FLT Yes ...before'Jego to heal. --

CDR ... don't ... tm_ll ue. get there ... ,

PLT ... I've only had one <_ink ...

S._,2 ;';or]:inc_
"on _ne ...

6_)R ... cet _,_ur he.T and cheek it.

S,_T_ Here you go..

PLT ... the cal.)in.

CDR Trouble is, "re _*on't be _.ble to t_e that
other quaY, either, see. %'e __ot ._ t'zo quad
operation ri'_ht nou.

_i,up _,,.
e . __

_" i Pa_e 2 of 4 _ ....... " , '

SPY i my ;_s that? t_lare .-.. ...........................

: 209 16 03 27 CDR The one ... t,le

pot a two quad flight going

'_ PLT " Yes.

CDR : The way you get into _;hat could be con - call
" it one tung , ,but ,,:henyou lose one trhole
:, quad w_t's the rule?

_ PI_T .That's un'fair - you don't have to come home.


• 209 16 03 45 C_3R No. Because "if you lose the ..... you
"_ ! can't ...
:, 6 '2

: 7 PLT I'm not sure ... the rule. U:

• CDR Uell, t_ehaven't exactlylost that quad yet. )

. 4-

: " P!_ It's ._q:

.bet they don't troubleshoo*_ it. '_

_ 209 16 04 .!0 CC S]:yl_o_ Y-ouston. AO_ at ... ninutes.

CDR Okay, _.:ehear you loud _nd clear. "_

(C CDR, ... on the s,,_'d" rendezvous

" "[ 1 " " _d '"" SO _:e elected not to ... u:

..- CDR He copied Just to ::hen you hard ......

and then you nloved _ _" C-'_
zJl _-•

209 16 05 2°- CDR Yes. Ue sot a - _,,eovert_:e ... Just

because the levi's not big enouzh to bother
SD Yes. ":

CDR _,:'e
can iso!_te it, _re Can al_;_.ysbrin5 it
on in ull_._e.

SC Yes.
CDR And tee ,_ot the _" so _;e're Okay,
goodness _.:e can isolate igl


r • nl
D_t_p _oe 209-12

i" P_:je3 of 4"

.................... _C ....... i.. bae1:, there. " " "'"

•! " PLT That ... ouzht to be _mrn off by now, I'll

see. 25 minutes:

_ 209 16 05 5_ CDR Togs? ... final count .... h8, we got that.
: SC ... the fina I ._-ad_ze're suppose to get next
•"_ 19aSS ....
_) i •
_ ' CDR 11ell, I don't gues.s they will.

_'_2 SO _#ell I don't see °-my ... :-:

]5 i CDR The minute - the minute they call me I .:

_, ,... _ prefer to b_ve it ... a couple of pads ....
,=" i7 _ i ,
: SC

"_ 21 : CDR Ue'll begin the '" though

209 16 06 4h CDR ... in the _ong direction ... propellemt is

•started. ""
, wh_.tthey were _zorried
.... ! just
_. SC ...

-: SC ... initial.

. SC ...

i SC I-letried ... the initi_l ...

' CDR ... _rlthout any voices.

SC Yes.

CDR It's the lightest posaible :..

SC Yes.

O i 209 07 51; CDR I'll say one thin<. If .you're lookinz out
the _.'indo'.¢,
_.ou don't very long to
- %_it until you see so,lathing of interest.

SC ...

• . . _L

__'_ "_"_'_'_ "_":_-_= ='_ 7.:;._ _ =_-_"-_:_2. _ • _=_c_. J _ :: L ,_._L -_ i'-'_:i ' L¸: "_ -? _
_ap_ 209-12
" Page 4 of )_ _ .......... _--,-i

SC All th_%t _-ater sticks to the panel. • And

the :._._.ter
runs up the side of the drip/< _,un
and then Just sticks to the p_.nel eve _ry_..rhere.
Are you through with that ... ?

" CDR "Yes. !

SC _Well, let's see ...

_o 209 16 08 h3 CDR M_uklng ... is quite w_/_m, the right •that is.
Is it locked in there real good, _.zen.

_ SPI' • Yes
.... _.

_ CDR Okay

.' ' SPT .•. lock, huh? _L'-

CDR ' _

..... 209 I_ 09 iI_ CC Skylab, .l{ouston; "Canaries for _ ninutes.

N;D 0F T_E

• Dt_np ±,pc
" T17c. 1631- i_3_ CZ'

. Page 1 of 1 i _ ,
i 209 16 30 55 CDR There it is, ... jT_.r;not;, no_r. Let's
: get rolling.

SC ...

_ i CDR Go ahead. Go s.head.Cot it.

SPT Yes. I got it.

'; PLT One second ....

_ 1! !

PLT ... Just ,have to _nut it on• C

14 CDR No, ... across the to_. Okay. Jack? l,l

IS _,
_. :6 PLT Yes. _ "_
, :. :i.zJ
:: _ CDR It's about tine ....

i- =_ PLT Okay. :

, CDR YAW i. . ,.

.L. Got you 1 .. _:

CDR Okay. _ ... B'_.Gs_ FL_ 2 ....

• CDR ...? :
_ :7

.,:_ PL'2 Yes • =

i ""
CD._ Can't get .... firin_ _',ts ... top of the
• •. • "it _uld be _iJ_e•
I ....

PLT ... That's it.

:_ CDR ... check ...

PLT All right. I got that.... in tarnation ...


PLT That sure
s the isthrusters
T_l_ut' a bright ...

SI_2 ...
D_mp q'-"_?e
209-13 _ - - ....... -
Page 2 of 2. .......

CDR Yes. That's _.rhat'gmo/:ing the illuraination. "

SPT Oh, I .....

PLT ... up burn.

209 16 33 47 CDR ... 1 must be b,%eki/_g.x%n...

% , i
• -_ PLT Yes. '


15_ .'C.

_} i t"

f I

O i
./ Time : 1427-1445 GMT
7128173 • •" _,

Pagei of 3 "
' 209 14 27 16 CDR Thank you, John for putting that thing up for
me •

hand ... space ... headset, doesn't it?

CDR Okay.
Right. That means I st'ill get to wear this

PLT " Okay. I'd like to take this ... if I can. It's
mashing all the .permanent out of my hair
: (laughter).

" CDR ... - "::


14 27 59 PLT . Huh?

CDR •••, John?

PLT Put the valve back on 214 would you, ...

CDR Huh?

PLT 214. The bottom one. Bottom.

• PLT No. Fuel cell G and C power up.

. 14 28 39 TLT Roger. Roger. How much longer we got? We

got? We were about ... i0 more minutes .to be
• :_" through with ...

('DR ..., PLT. Are we - we're in low bit rate right

now. Now we got to take a high. Oh, you've done
the high.

CDR Okay. Thank you. When did we do the high? I

must have missed that. Oh, okay. Roger. Yes.
Thank you. Yes, switch to high was only 15 min-
utes long .... When I first started with the
camera, it was high. Then I switched - right
in the middle of everything I switched it to
low. I forgot that. Roger.

PLT ...

CDR Yes. I talk to them. They want me to ...

every now and then. Everything out there ...
pick up; they don't pick upnothing else.

,, Dump Tape209-i_|
Time: 1427-i_4_ GMT

Page 2 of 3 "
14 30 07 CDR So in about lO minutes, we're going into this


CDR Going into . .. d_np.

PLT ••• 1

CDR _es.

@ ..

Where'dyou get that?

We'll start that, probably, before I get out of


CDR Huh?

PLT ... PLT. What was that number, ... number we

installed to remove the camera ops? 3 - 1 to
three balls 7 - 2 .... Huh? Wait a minute.
Give me this. Let me have that here. Yes,

_ Here's
we,re the ... or
going'to ...whateverhook this is....
down here a little. Okay.
• What you going to say?

CDR ...

PLT No, that's - we're suppose to be doing that

while we're dumping the DSE.

209 14 32 20 PLT PLT testing, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, 9,

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, I - test out.


8PT Okay. What else?

CDH Okay, ...

PLT You mean you'rethroug h.

SPT You don't want to close that door down there?

PLT When they turn you loose, split.

CDR ...
",_ Dump Tape 209-14
/ Time : 1427-1445 GMT
/ 7/28/73 = "

_ Page 3 of 31
PLT Now?

PLT No, I was only kidding.

CDR When your second shift comes on, .. ; ...

f//_ CDR take mine ...
Hey ....

l_ocketyou might ... "

CDR .... :

i SPT Hey, John, ... I got one out there in my pants

, SPT I got one in my pants pocket ... '

PLT ... That's _iI he's been Saying all day.

CDR That red one.

SPT ...

CDR It'sgot to be 4:30.

PLT •••

209 14 39 16 CLR See that. See that ....

PLT ...

ImbT Yes. I never ...

14 40 21 PLT This is PLT testing, i, 2, 3, 4, 5_ 5, h, 3,

2, i - test out.

209 14 _o 51 CDR ...

PLT Go ahead.

CDR ._ •

PLT Okay,thankyou.

CDR .°.

i;_41 21 SPT Uh huh. We'll ... later in the day ...


• Dt_npTape 209-15
! Time: 1803- 1820

Page i of i . , ........_ -
7/28173 " . .................. -,_--,
/ .....

209 18 05 21 PLT Owen, here's another recycle for you.

lights. \

209 18 13 "47 PLT That tether went ... I wonder why? ... i
know- that?

: i
%'DR ,., Yes .., daylight, i think, in about
' ' 5 minutes. I think, ... Sunrise... I.

P_T I "_hink yoULre right, i

i ¢:

_" I L."

._ Dump Tape 209-16
• _ Time: i836-2003 G_._f

_@ 7/28/73
Page 1 of 18" • .

SPT Okay, Just a second ....

CDR What does he like about 74.

- "something .....

_ PLT Standby, 3, 2, i -


CDR 74 .... does it?

SC ...

" 74... -

! CDR Not yet, but don't take any ...

209 18 36 37 SC ... get it, starts with ...

SC .... :.

SC ,.,

SC Okay.

SC ...

_C 16o " o

SC All right.

SC ,..

209 18 _8 h0 CDR No strain.

SC ...

CDR You got an awful big ...

Q SC ..,

I_ le 6 2

SC "

209 18 50 18 SC Put it on and take it off.

SC .......

•,& Dump Tape 20R-16

_-_ i Fage 2 of 18





... 8 and 2-i/2 ... Okay ...

You ... the line ...


SC ...

Be .....

, SC .... "

SC All right, okay. For the second you

can ...

SC ...

_ SC ...

SC ...

CDR About .... "

SC ...

SC ...

,, SC le o :

209 18 54 08 CDR ... Select ...... and ACCEPT ...

SC Okay. ..

(DR All right ... cycle, OFF.

SC Yes.

CDR ...

"- SC Okay.

_ CDR ...


-4 CDR Start thinking about ...

209 18 54 5h CDR Don't want to get into ... because


Dump Tape 209-16

Page3 of i8

until we get in first.

CDR if we do ...We want to wait
• - SC _ Oo,
" "

i# -
-.. CDR ... Okaythe diameter- ... 1

SC ... ]

l° °

•_ : CDR ... is very good....

209 18 55 46 CDR Jack, What you think of that?

PLT ..•.
I don'tknow. •

CDR ..., Owen:

• \ ...
CDR This is 0.38.

SC ,.,

_C eo a

SC How are you doing?

SC ,.,

SC e o e

SC Coming.up ....

SC ,,,

e SC ....
• . SC oo •

• :209 19 02 ii CDR Okay. We're right about ...

"_ : • SC ... ; t

SC ,,,.

SC ..,

SC .°.

/ -I

Dmnp Tape •209-16 ......

Page h of 18

• SC ...

f i _SC ... did not like that one bit.

CDR ...Copy...

SPT Yes. Go ahead..

SC ...

SC ...
SC ee e •

'_ 209 19 22 09 SC VERB49, VERB 49.[ ....

SC ... an gle

SC Yes. Go ahead ...

SC 1.91. and 354 are ...

SC ...?

sc 354.

" CDR Okay. Let 's get that ...

SC Okay.

SC ... flow to AUTO.

SC Okay.

SC ...

SC VERB _9 ... the hasselblad ...

ii. that one right there.

SC Okay ....

SC Okay. Dock ... circuit breakers.

SC ...

_ 8C ...
SPT ...,AI, baby......

•_- CDR ee e

CDR ... Predoek Checklist.


I Dump Tape 209-16

; i
Page 5 of 18

/-_ SC Predock Checklist.

/ 209 19 26 33 CDR ... 102 ...

PLT DOCK PROBE the -... probe.

_0 CDR Here theyare.


SC They are tethered.

SC ... ,

SC ...retract. _

PLT Dock probe ... talk back appears _

• gray.

CDH Theyare. •

PLT Spot light, on.

_ CDE Done.

PLT 0kay. SECS PYR0 ARM ...

SC ...

CDR What we got.


C_R All right_ Jack you go ...

latch. Okay ....

SC ...

SC Yes.

SC ... l_ormal,back on ...

,O " SC ...

_ SC ...

_ SC ...
..... ..... • ...... .................... ° ....
_ SC ...

209 19 28 40 SC Spotlight is on.

Dump Tape 209-16 ..............
f Page 6 of 18 -.-

SC It's really ...rlghtup to the

' temperature.

SC ...

SC Yes. 1

SC ... ]

SC ...
SC io, "
• dl

SC ...
• ...
SC Gotto be careful

SC ,..

SC ...

O_ SC Yes.

SC ...

SC ..,

SC ,° G

SC ...

209 19 30 23 CDR Okay. Tell me some more ...

SC ...

CDR ... PROBE IN ...

SC ...

CDR Yes.
SC ee e

SC ...

sc .., i
SC ....

SC ... :,,

SC Okay. Now what 's the ...


i i

Page 7 of 18
DumpTape209-16 .......

SC :...secondary t..

SC ... probe
/__ SC Okay ... MODE III
SC ...

/ •


, Okay.

... roll. Go with ...


"209 19 32 21 SC Standby. _i,

i SC Do you hole to .... retract.._''

SC Retract ... it's in retract. _

SC ...primary
... -_

SC ... right now .... Primary ...

SC Got ...

SC ...

SC ...


SC Okay, SAFE.


SC Okay.

SC Circuit breaker SECS ... OPEN.

SC Okay.

SC Circuit breaker, DOCK •PROBE ... OPEN

BC Okay.

SC ...

SC ... OFF

• SC

_" I I I 11[] I i

SC ..,
! SC ...
I SC ... _ and B ... OFF..,. POWER,

SC Okay.

i SC_ Okay A and B ...... function mode

SC Okay.
Q## '''
SC ...

SC ...

:i _ SC ... POWER, OFF. 7

•. °

SC POWER .... number 2 ...

SC Okay.

SC .,.

' 209 19 34 29 SC BMAG to A-2 ...

SC Okay

SC AUTO ... SELECT is now ... i_

marked out ... B-h.


SC Going OFF, A-3, OFF.

SC Okay.

SC B-4, OFF.

SC Okay.
]< DumpTape209-16
Page 9 of 18

................. $ ................

! ; SC Yes.
; SC B-4,OFF.

SP We have .691 from here on in.

SC ,. .

SC Oi_cuit breaker, sPS AC and ... roll...

SC Okay.

SC ... off ... circuit breakers ...

_ SC Allright. .,

SC ... LOCK, ...

SC Okay.

SC ... _-

SC ...

SC ..,

SC ...

SC ...

SC ... was washed out.

209 19 35 h5 SC I thought maybe it was the horizon.

SC ... cameras up.

S_ Monitor ...

SC Well, we still have plenty of

(_ gas you don'thave to worryabout

SC ... 70 percent.

SC ... !

SC I don'tthink_..
SC Well, ... could break it.

SC ...
Dump Tape 209-16
• PageI0of18 "

SC It didn't want to break. Boy, it didn't ....

want to - that thing started going up
...... or down. Started going do_. It would
!i_not go - it wohld not stop going down.

_.k sC "Well, one of the first signs of

security is don't look back.

SC Right

SC Press on with it ... about it now.

• Not bad either.

SC ... the ATM.

SC : •

209 19 36 40 SC It's right on.

SC ... 191 ... degree off.

i A SC Once you got - listen,I'll tell

_[- you, ... from here out ... it's hard.

SC Yes.

SC I'll tell you something else it does, it

wobbles around, you know and so don't
know whether you're moving or the atti-
tude ...

i SC That's right.

SC It's like the simulator.

209 19 37 06 CDR You k_ow it's funny I had that thing

perfectly lined up and when ... I
moved around after I after I -

_'0 SC ....up!
SC Yes. I was perfectly lined up ...
sort of semi lined up right now.

SO Okay, let's see what we've got here ...

,'-_. SC All right ... I'd'liketo look the

... too.

SC You did it A1, bably. With a heck

. of a lot of help

CDR I tell you ...

!_zp Tape 209-16 " ................ ._._.___
_e iiof 18 : ,'_

.... SC You didn't like you were. -.............. •......

CDR I wasn't. I kept breaking it down

_to 20, and everytime I look at it,

itwas23 and- -
. SC ... 20

. SC' _Before we s%arted inyou said ...

; _} f" said slow it down.

!2 _ CDR I'm glad you did. I think you

_- . saved our neck to tell you the truth.
- I think the best thing you've done i_i
_ on this flight was to convince me to ..,

b:__ keep breaking, frankly."

"_ 209 19 38 17 SC I wasn't convinced I was convinced _:

it was broken down. One time I t,
_ thought we were i0 and we were 20. _._
I cOUldn't believe it.

z CDR I'm glad
that you us
got to didMaybe
- youthe(may)
- " : find out too with this configu- -.......
. rationif you can'tbreakand go
down at the same time; It Just _-
didn't want to go down. You didn't _; "
" want to break, but I may have

-, _ SPT I don't like screwing up. i_

:_!: • _ CDR Well, let's press on.

PLT Next time, AI, do it different.


CDR No, next time we do it the same

way 'cau209 way cause "we're here.

209 19 38 54 SC Now the other thing is - isn't

therea youlittlespot
wanted to put these
things before?
CDR Yes. You put them right inside
the little things you tookthem
out of.

SC Okay.
SC lee -

" '_ " " CDR Right in here, they go.
Dump Tape 209-16 r..............
. Page 12 of 18 :............. " ...

SC Okay. "........

CDR .What did you do?

- "- SPT They go ... under the ... (laughter).

# CDR ... ,
SC Well, Jack ...

_ * BC of it I. I feel like
_'_.._ home,already. C:

_,, : 209 19 39 _7 CDR Well, _e are for a while. We're

i:L! '_ : / here and we were a long way from "
I "-'_ SC Howdo yesterday.
here you do at h0me? :.
L :. :(
."_ '.'! PLT yes,we were. _,
": __ We were a long here - away from
-. hereth_s •morning,

_P " :.!_
* CDR Yes. I'm.glad we got here. Here --"
_ you go put that up, will you?
.... SPT That trash.

, CDR Yes. _:_

"'U i i ,J
: BPT If I canfind- oh yes- •
.... I know where trash goes. ,.,

: SC ... : _-
• ! J

" SC e..

•. SC ...

CDH You know while that thing was blow-

ing up, it wouldn'treturn.

SC Uh?

209 19 _0 34 CDR These poles are not fully extended

,_ Just like they said. I £hink what
-, probably happened is I made ...

PLT _-_eil,another name when they lift-

.... . ed off up the tieline could come up .,_
to this edge - holding the parasol
_ out so far. Then they could tie.
.,'_l_C 209-16
....... : i836-2003 CP;T

' -..... PLT These t_elines are much too long,

They ...

CDR That's right. I think that - -

f -- PLT But which ever reasog

tielines are very loose.
why the hold the-whole thing.
it is those
•_-e_se ,.. should,never _have gone
•"_ Up there. We're not ..., Jack.

:2 209 19 41 O[ PLT I don't know, yet.

:! SPT Fifty feet do you think? ... _;i

_ PLT NOwe're
... :_

' CDH Another thing, I not only shouldn't U,

: : have been there,I was too close. (::
_ ... everhave gone u_ thathigh ... _:_
Once you get there, you're stuck."

J • I was just I'dget...

everytime trying toback up said
andI and ,
oh ... out to the side. So I --"
get ... side and it would torque ""
it, you know. I give it a .....
.. It's right back where it was.
Right back where it ... but it _
doesn't matter.

PLT Here

SPT That the trash. Any more trash _

while I get the thing open? Jack?

PLT o..

209 19 41 57 CDR Well, we're here. Got plenty of ii

gas to enter, the first ,.. running.


Yes, seethat...?

Look at the •bottomhalf of that.


I can't see... ' .

SPT Hey,wait a - wait a ...

.... PLT ... me off. We would have had a

really good ... I would have had to
:. .i (: keep the whole thing in the - -
DumpTape209-16 ,"
Fa_e14 of 18 -...... I-'_ _"

SPT Thewhole
box. _,

PLT - - toppartof the ... \

CDR Maybe it's your monitor, Jack. -

PLT Oh, ... with that.

CDR Howabout
... I

PLT ... They ought to use that on the

_i ground.
_ SPT Well, that's the traihing ... _r_
!": : D'i
: PLT No. They had to get the whole SWS up -z
:,i _ thereinthat- _.

209 19 42 _6 cDR Was I ... at either time? ... '_

! _ ,~.

_ SPT Okay. .

_ CDR Use thatActivation

Book,now. . ,

PLT Yes. Here it is. _:

SPT You oughtto be ableto cut that out. _

:_ : 4

i_ ! PLT ... takingpicturesin the ... -_

CDR I think we can do a lot of times off the '_

eggsandfrogsandfish. -:
PLT ... frog. Whew (laughter) _.:

SPT ...?

SC ...

( , SC ...

209 19 43 25 CDH Stop ..., Jack. I'ii work on that while

• y'all eat. No....

SC ... L
_L " •

I '" CDR Where _s your ..., Jack? Behlnd ....9

SPT Yes, he ... Well, I'm glad we're here.

_ : : . , Look forward ...
Dump 909-16 _
Page 15 of 18 . ,

.... CDR ... Pressure equalization valve open. •Open ....

the pressure equalization valve, Jack? MY
guess is you're going to get -

PLT •• .

:_! --_ CDR ...,Jack?

i 209 19 44 21 PLT Yes, they're on-it.

_ CDR But they got automatic control. It's takes a

• long time for them. How high did they get? c_.

PLT Twenty-five
, I think, r_
• _
r SPT Yes.

-i ,_ _ CDR Okay. Zero, pressure equalization valve to

" close ...... the ATM Delta-V indicator ,.. :i

Verify ... is stable.... perform secondary

_ glycol adapter ... out ... BAT A chargewhile _'
CDR and SPT perform ... lock.

_209 19 h5 ii CDR l'm going to work on that ... I think ...

• FLT I better get the ... :J_

: SPT What was the other one? L

.• r¢

CDR Glycol adapter out ... minutes. Here you are.

_ W_t me to read it to you? "_

SPT ... copy of it. I got ... another copy ...

PIT ...

CDR ... glycol indicator "... out.

SC ,..

209:19 _5 h3 CDR No, we by passed our ...

_imp Tape 209-16
Time : 7/2B/72 "

i_"_ SC ...
CDB Secondary evap ...

" SC ,. ... deactivate

the ...
. _"

o ! _. CDR Secondary evap ... H20 flow ...

i SPT That's ... at the wrong time.

_ "6_DR _fhat cools Tt ...


:: _:" SPT• ...? Okay. C7

209 19 _6 39 CDR Secondary Glycol ... i_

SPT ... intervals ....." i

: CDR Secondary ... pressure system, t"

.- SPT Got it. Both ...

CDR ... Evap to ... .-


cooPT '
is ....

SPT .. • >_

CDR Secondary Glycol to ...

SPT Okay.
CDR ...

SPT ... right?

(DR Oh, you got a nice one.

SPT ...

CDR ... (laughter)

SPT ... looking right at you, there.

CDR Ha h_, ...

O "\
SiJT Well, you have to gig4Ele ...
• j_..
]lump Tape 209-16

me : 1836-2003 O__._T

F_ge 1y of 18 " _ .....

................ CDR ....... ....YO u hav e to go under this ... _...............

SFT . Do you want me to get out of

• here and ... ?

209 19 48 24 CDR No_ I want you to stay right where

_. you are. We don't have a ... yet.
'_ sPT ..•

• PLT ...... might be ....


"-; i CDH ...spacecraft

... C
• i
SPT Well, this is ... you got to .... Pl

_; } PLT ... ' Z:

• "" SPT Huh?

• k:

_ PLT .... Ui

PLT ... warm? :_

" SFT No about

right. -;

PLT I might ought to keep ... 7.'

-_ PLT I did do betterthan I did for the 0

firsth hours. '-

i:' CDR .... ;

SPT ... -;

.... _<

SC ...

8C ...


209 19 h8 24 PLT
Here ... disposal bag; I think
that'swhat we're supposeto put
all of our trash in.

• l
CDR Yes. }

PLT You got ...

'Dump Tape 209-16
Time : 1836-2003 C_4T
.......... i - .
-Page 18 of 18 .................... L._-

........: .............
CDR Oh George ,.. ...............................:.............

- CDR •o I" 37• Jim

i SPT Tie on the ...

. : CDR ... I can get ... twenty, twenty
_ hours ...

_6 i'209 19 58 20 SPT I hope you have it.

_ CDR It's going to be clear ...

i,, SC ••• i
. • . ,_q

:.: _ SPT a ... -_-

.! ,- .;:
CDR Roger.
j :.:
20918 00 01 SPT 3 2 i, - START. i:

CDR ... looks like one of ... estimate.

SPT ... but I can't find the ...

FLT Maybe a little oxygen ... ::

CDR ... kind of bites you a little bit ... -

CDR ... gives your tongue ... "::

SPT Okay ... first ... -'



i "" f ; : ; :- _ _2A- %_
J:'_ J._ '.':,..}e 2:'_.t-:_"(

T/, ,_/r :, o _ ;

_9_e 1 of .l" :k'.ts._ble co_4:_un-c_,tion eztrer:el,v TJoor qu&lity ..............


0 .

,,, ;q

• !

".- r_
: /t !'a

O : .44

"i.ime : ('}'.:_.

P:_,.',-e i of I " . ..............

_[0 tunable co::_ltuuica-bions;extr
..... _- eue-tity
. poo_ _ . ......

n •

,- _ ¢7.

.... _..[/


i I-
i I "

© _%

P_;'_e 1 of
c. t

_,_ _- r_

209 _,-0 5_ 57 .........

_:_:, L_u_ZllCa_S_ " t_-:o, yello;-r, _?_S-.__

_-,. _'!eetrie_J_ connector e,ove_s t_,o, .

,,ello _ c._oo...... e_o-_.....i%(_ ,_o_,3.-
fiche'! _'-._instu_A;ilicnl co_ector.
Prelo_,_. select ].eveT: r._idnosition.

_,atchet h_nr.le thnsto:zto f:ll] e::--

tension ,,_e_n 3_nd - _een b,'_nd.
Push _.o _" _"÷ detent red trend.
20 56 02 CDR Got a broe.J,re,_'b_.nd .. _ n'-_.:... Tier.
there's _. ".,_!'n!n_.:].eft h%nd on the
blue hanc]]_e,,n_sh outLo_.rd _n;]."_O __ _,_
to fold the _oro_)e. O_ ._.,_:_.a!function
<co: !. _):ec', _'._11 to full e_- o 0"
croon _,_- rztc!-:etone _,tro::eo'nlv.
_esto_" r_.ucheu h-_nd]_e_.nd _mt_]']etion

too] v in
str_%t, BI. Tq_e is
_. 4t release
c-.[.ture]_._.tch 9 .... tool,
there ..u _s.

...... Fina. -_

21 00 19 STY,. O]Tay. C?,pt_re latch re! tool B1

insert in pyre cove'r. Seven inch
aliqn -- that's n.t so'Yen, r_.t'_er,at
' seven_ -_lign _rith the_ "°e,
_- m_--
ppor_ "ce_:"_.Votate l_O "-'oiTrees
eloch_:ise _!l!_i
"_old _o "a/_.ioeh.?2e_ove
2re. e_ verify c ..........
_-_'_"-_!_,tch coche,!.
_ cc_';_n,':_"

o_n_,_21 02 .0_., _"

.... m-, th':.t -'_
_ _ •_'_'_
.._ _ Oh_ i:_.e! - +, _-_.__

. tie ..o.m
• - strn2s ..... _"- n you !>e!Jeve

_"re::oval _]ee.Gl.

....1 _'_ "-ht.

. FL,.(_e 2 o? );

,..-_'_",' You_
. vere superposeto fill that on_- ,..
_.$,)e ::0_ .... _:!i rl ,._$, :['!i _oI,_
• .- • it here. T..,_
15 hold /!i this. ;i!

O ri,,_ht.
P-I 03 2 stou (_ro_ue; record 8.oc::ingtunnel
index e-n_j3_e %0 the _%e,%_e_-_%
!q,q of
a decree. !:oozeUou got it? :_)A
hatch oo,,._]r:_'*" __renslate to }:e.te:'!;
Valve ce,_ _d sto:r on ";e!ero.
Cg:/[ :_A D.;__,_--;
...... _ in<licP_tor, _0 _u_
"'_ ,o., here's so.':le
for the CDR on :;l:'colev_,p ?_7-
out. _.!ell_here's the F;_,
--._rn% %_ Z -.
6D.R,'I _ess ... D_,..,_s,.-._
zero_ -,_tee out for &el)tins. ie--
le_se h_,ndle _" +, t_,:c_r. Lift
. . .,
e-._ tovc.rd
hztch. C.%u'bion: s:-!9_ll D:'LELE-
_-z exist _,cross hnteh: _rin h_,2!e
seet_relT; _,f_enoDenin_ .,e.tch.
21 Oh I16 h_,nf_e. Open to stop.

209 o-i 0_ 5_ .....

_'_T _ J_e]_.. P_ish ",_%tc:!or,
" e_l to
detent lee!:. :,:el.3.="I ":,_.,_-,
to turn a "'_ _" o" ,_e._cs.
_._n_n - "IDL !iThts
turn on _"_'_- _ uT,_:.,, 0."
_eunc. the e:?:_e the .....e ,. :-'o;';ue
snd probe sto:T, C _or,!inate .....__,n,_-'_'_.
;zith the _F_; pe-ss "ro_e to the ?_vq_.
5._ere's e_ !_.tcl_tO i_ T thin,:. ::e:;,
you ough_ to steer the p_'obe __nd _c'oc, ue.

?LT 0:__C,".

SP:' T",_.t'ssee:?. You ?nov, the_'e's _.

eoYe_" _or ho_}-_.

o_ened up to the "DA, e.n,_. _e':'e. s_ill

.... _Irocue
on the probe nn," _ ,,t ?!O1:.

qC ...
?P':2 Clae:r,j_,Iste. rdnute. (La._z_hter)

CC Ok:flr]:,7_euston ; ...
" 7_!_,::e3 09 )i

21,0c0 17 _f All ":.-our IP V here=

_!-<tohes oh,-- _reu't
the:7, ;I? Or..v_ "i:,'drton c.!l 12 l_.tches

I;LT Its s crec_t e:coerienee for [_ou.

_>-=_<_ Yes. Obn..v, "_e Just lost a rfoTf" _7_:-_..

_[e_:on'tbe "o,_-._,_
":ith Goldstone rot
about i hour. Until 22:3_ iTo Cn'_'[
_.J_u_.for i ho'__ . >ii richt.

209 21 18 23 <
_DRt' _::ey, ....

209 22 i0 3'._ _R !_,_.t? Let ne C:....

:_e=. ,%P.61see ... T

a'-_a[S. -_-t :'e cheek. I thin!; l

"-'Ae_ve . v .. u !<'_tS +:_

Are t_" " 7- ,_

leJ -'._ t'!e_r
. ._
:e_n to ,qet "rith

,_ .-'!ouston?
209 _-2 15 Ol r,_D
_ __ouoton.'"


CDR Rocer ....

CC ..,

CDR "'._e!l,_ _o_- _ to go to the . .. -_.t

%_<_,..t tiT_.e ,,here?

_.even thi:._<_ ...

• °
_LT Yes, Vou .n nc, It richt in there, .\!_n.
.'[ice doehinz.,. F_z;r_ chief_ ,"ou O 'lu.l
to ... I hnd to st_Lrt "tovin-i aro_.'0"
• to try e.nd cet _ ", _"
oo..e_-ln_, L done.

CDR I just ...

_ -L J_.L [_ b-_l • • •

feels _'ood in here.

PLT !_at'(1 :ro'<_daj? " _ ... q__s.

." !"_]_;c
_ of ):
_ ,,_,"_ _ :

209 29 32 1o
.... CDR _:T_-en
I :m,s <cttin;_ _'_oo_ hoo]:s
out there_ I q!8-need in there n.nd I
sa_r th%t t'lin_, _nf! it di4n't even
r, _ I _ Of

- pads .....
v _a_÷their hc_d stuch in.
O register to ._.e. ._h,_t,, one o'/r
209 20 32 2,5 __I,_
"' !,_t ";..:ez'e 2_OU after? _o77, the.t
_t&s a re_l heal we're suppose to
be ca%in';.

i_LT H,2._
CDR ... be a]_mos% sone _,ire_!y. Start-
ed on it eerl_r.

209 20 33 22 :_R ,iell, %here's our _rst :!e&l in

; orbit _ oen_le_ :an.

?Z;D OF T..'_L

"L"_ ! c-_

_5_ _J 20 "PI,
g " - _: I:V_ got _.,_b_Se sc_.t_ez_e_i
all over ... i've got ._<[fe_ riEht

over here, in b£g.

._ SFI_ F,
eally did a nice jo_ there, Skipper.
• " ••. rizht in there,•

209 20 2h 13 SVf ,_hould I put the i_

If you don't l_teh it, it'll float'out.

CDR Oh, 0hay. " /}

SF_ ... the r,£0A"... /.

• PLT Well, it 4Lidn't io_I_ like it. Be-

-. cause, by. the ti_e, _Te got to - _bout
a mile, our velocity _s rizht about
32 fee% per second. You've done that,

CDR Yes.

PLT ... came right on do_n, Just about on

schedule ... per second for 5 seconds

CDR !.fell,I Cot to Go to the :_3A, _rhat

do you h"_ve?
SPT •.• 30 minutes ••. 30.
PLT You cot ths•t all laid out, P_I? ...
still ;Thite?
SPT You got any trash, Jack?

_0 _0 25 PLT Yes_ I got some right here. Yes, you're

.. _ looking richt in there. _e_Lk God.

',_,"_, ,_PT Here's the gr_y tape; _,ze ought to clean

; "_ "_, " filters• I'll bet that's eloz_in_
up ,.. there's a b'Anch of L_rb_%5e
on all of our filters.

", ODR _an.__s, Jack. • °

° •
" :. ..,_ n C, _ _.

209 :_,_'_
• _" ._8 "PLT
_ - - I've'.'zot c_rh_Ge sc-_ttere:!
all over ... I've Got :I[,food ri;ght
_. over here, in the gambage bag.

8PT Really did a nice job there, Skipper.

•.. right in there.

2.09 20 2h. 13 S-T_ Should I nut ihe i?[

O "If you don't latch it, it'll flo,%t'out.

CDR Oh, Okay.

SP_ ...-the ,9)A ...

• PLT Well, it didn't look like it. Be-

cause, by the time, _.:egot to -- about
a mile, our velocity _a.s right about
5"2 feet per second. You've done that.

! CDR Ye s.

PLT ... come right on do_,m, just about on

schedule ... per second for 5 seconds
•J e

_ CDR time
I you
g_ot have?
to "-goto the :_A. _.Pnat
SPT ... 30 minutes ... 30.
PLT You got that all laid out, _i? ...
Still uhite ?
. SV2 You got any trash, _ac....
"T I. 9 •

20-30 25 PLT Yes, I got sone right here. Yes, you're

t., " .. , looping right in there. ..Th_k God.

': ;'Y' : ___2_ llere's the gray tane; _._eought to clean

.. filters. I'll bet that's clo<.g_n:,
up ... there's a bunch of garbage
on all of our filters.

.'", CDR _an,-_s, Jack•


• • _.'- .
: _:'%_e _ o]. _ _ • "

" - _re s a ...right l_ere.

O ._-±_ ,I_- ,
S_2 :'_latdid, you say?
20 31 }_8 PLT I got _ter oh my horn,is ... richt in
there a moment ago. i.'e ought to "oe
get,.in_ these boobs out there. I
:: glsnced in there and. I sa_r that thing

O '" ' and it didn't even register•

PLT Boy, that ... vle_r ...20 ,33 i0

SYT .•. early.

.. PLT Well, there's our firstview of

Nor folh, gentlemen.

SP_ Yes.

CDR You can look up NOLq{ 65 ...

PLT I think I have a definite psycho--

logical i_zpression, Just _,self.
•.. something li]=e that ....

CDR please.
Give me a 35, h5"
]_.c]: seconds•
_hen it's 35, )45

20 35 22 PLT 20; 20 secon@s. O;:ay• Ready, !,

2, 3, If, 5" 7, 8, 9, 15, zero.
20 :3C coning up.

CDR Okay .... against that _,_ii.

....... PI,W ... a different chec___!ist. If it's

: _._...._"
,, • _ syste:qs Check] ist, it's right_ u__
_ _', ' " there in 03. Righ_t along your - ...

..," PLT It's the s_e thing• It's the s_me

s_me thing ,_roub_?,don the ,=round, the
Activation Chec)-list.... don't _nt

" to keep the _,_hole

boo]:,you can ...
PLT There's a filter in the loc_:er up
i" .• T-
PL here.
" .
'.Tny_on't ve thro_,rolu"
cue cards in here?

" SPT All right.

20 37 24 CDR •.. ste/'t the c,lec.411st.

" - • l'

You want the checklists in there?"

O Checkli st, .... chec];list. Huh? .
-- PLT }b_r abouJl the cue cards first?

u_l_f Do you have shy cue c_"_ds you

"i- _ant to st_.r, Jack, -AI? "

PLT l'_nat
SI_ Anycue cards,AI?
CDR I #don't Pmow; do you _1_,ntthen
UD or do_m?

- SPT G&C Chec1"list. -

• PLT :'_latones _,,ouldyou lihe be.c_.:?

... cue card 3 ....

i 20 39 00 • PLT Doc]:ing
anybody _ngJe Vernier
_.m.ntto scale.
use that? ... Dee.s
ri_:ht here. Put theft in your
pochet ....

___ 20 40 _3 CDR ]{ello_ }[ouston. Yey_ Cor(lon, ""

ti!ncs up on the oeco..d,_, - -

• %,;%_ |" L* . _.

.,/ •


/_% •

i P_<e ! of 6

209 22 _4 iS _I._: _?

CDR ... Solmds !ihe its t_orklnC.

"e-T r'_
r=J± _ure d.oes.

CDR IIo;rdo you heex .'.'e?

" PIZ_ _,
, - 's one
.e=e %00. [he,t's c_zin;; throuch the
...... eec_.s_,c:.,I 2.1ess, isn't it? Could
your -- could your volumn be tttrned a
: little lo,,_er :_ze_ybe.

_ You're gooeY. _'Jr]_it _,.%!n."
" _'

• LJ Oka,v. 1._ioaboy, t_'mt's still ...

..... !_o]-'. _ rn.9,3rl_e yOU
. 0,..,__-:_
,b to 11_e 4 + i;_
_ '
CALL because I cP,n't see:_ to :;st it
Etn_,r ].o_Te _.

P!f? _7o_ T, , us_"._< - _ u_ _'_- I _''.

CDR Oh_.• ][ere _e ..........
_ I': + _.......
,-_n_ it
the t_ron$. -.-:&,,.[Tr_- -_.r,

...... 0, ,J. Test !, 2, ,, h. <

CDR _,_%nt's better. ! tr_.sout to ]umcb.

PT,T O,,_.. T.._,_o.t:',".sit }FOU ::__re ,'.oin'%

so I_l]. _u%o'7 not to :io _.4_';

.CD,2 Just cr_..h_

I ",.7_,s ..
+: -:-_
-_'-_,-- ........
numbers _9:en T %houqht ! _m.z coi?_
to lo';er ntcg_ers.

o%icht to _e p:_!e to _:."--q

t't-_g t" t-! _°

' confir:_me_ _ tZte

to t1!e "tO'! _-4, co':r:.
:nO'" t:_e -_--ht?
_. -_.f ['o'<l".'o

.'..t s r.ff_r_'..

CDR ... C,_LT. ?L._m _" g' Cor_-ure

heed sets Jn ...

='_' '- "_ 9 [ :? "]


_'Jfl_l -"'v, '" :_e _09-Rl

h _7"e _ oC i_

-'_ _ "."_, I'll assist :,ou __th

the c'_q_" e_.ut4oR on0 7,_'_nln7 o..e:.•

O CDR O!r %,,z•

PLU You }:near s-u>" reason uhy we shouldn't
eden these ,_Po :rind<_;:s?

CDR I ,_on't hnow if there's ...

restriehion on them, if _.._,,so let's - -

_ _= I'll _o_'ahe_.d and open them if

i just so ue e_n so:<le lic'it in here.

C%]R l;ot a bad iS_e_• :To use running -uround

in tiie clarl<.

:-'i,T Ib'. sup!_ose to ••. £o_m there s.fter

_arhile, e-lso _ %1•

_e __[ :rou got the rc:'bilicz! boobed

on ":930 no::•
"'O i_ole
" _-
_0 CoP£?eOt

:_ %:' -
.e.e ]" :'tLs. _ _ r,. lot of
e .... }[0_
[_ot I 4'on't thin'" _,_- d•-

let_ -

CD_ Loud _.n& e!egr, O.

,,: .... 0he,v, I cot in the ..... _
,_[.-00... "_. _.,0 "'-

here. Just thou:;ht ..T:+"

_. !oo:" in

V0"[s _r]____n'j fine• ::'._.rsee:_, to :--'e.

--'T_ "'_-"
.... c!o ""
,.O". rer/l ":e on this "'_-'_
.',zot_ ?.

O _-_' Loud __ _" _

PI,5' _ n

S '_-' _ou_c _ v_l'ious _-__n-s f!0,%tinc ,_.z'ouud

d_rn in here. Yet e::9.'_]le here's n -- -

C Y'I O,._,y, just _ seeoud..
a couple" for $'ou. C-o ' _

-0:;,,'_ 22 1.'-3 l'r_
. "_"
_)] i T _-:'_
_ u ]_n_. "- o , o "-'_"
b_.e D!e.ce turne_! out in

pretty good tine.

1 O]te_},_f__ne. I'll check t'_ere.
Th _m/-.Vou.

CD-, You rea(_y .or the cs:ation and v_rnlng

, :' check, O? .-;-

; _ S!_' I sm-e &n. Just a "secon£. I'ii put "

t!leruhberu_u%c.s- cettinc out - beJck
OUt-Of the _._y, then I'll be right there
to help Vou.

SVf Ol:_r, i_t up here at the [_DA panel no's,


CDR 0]:_V :' O_-_.

. , here it comes.

PLT All rl.,a_. Yes.

,';DR .__,_o?'_
it cop/es? _.

209 22 56 51 SV!' OkaT.


CDR ]{o_:'sit loeb to Zou? i don't ?,..e_x'

?¢our eelv_.

CDR ]To, I didn't hear .Your emil. C_21 me


.DR "r don't don't t:llf..):

.,.ou're on.

r_ _' ,nO_._ .... e CO_'21 _'ox for the

gre_u. [ rO!l£"-er ::e've ;']O_ ....

O last I0 _t_nutes _'__ " "

CDR boy :foLt Goln;_ i%0%[?

209 22 5g 5d CDR Try it again. _tremge."

rJD!_, _5U._ it a"aiP..

SPP, ]_ello. Testing l, 2_ 3, ]:, ,_. DO
you re_,d th-.t?
t_ ..... k 0 _ (i, " . . .-
." _:i,:2
" -, o_ .. ,_ 9rq. _l

-- t,.o __ 0 _ .......

t_- ,n °-
_)_% JtO_T r10 _TOLI TQO. 1 .'!0 i_OW?

.... 0.,.... I've t,,e_e, ct out.

CDR Okay.

S!_ S_.y again if you're t_-l:zinG to r,e.

CDR _io, ~
! -- Ever>%hing 's okay. ..[

,,ono.e._.rhatyou ..,m_t_'° to do ,'_th

m., , ! =
this ...? Just push it out? ._n___qea
c_lecJ, t!le .,o= r
_,,.__ _nd then clear it?

CDR "_:"t:s affi_e.tive. .o _- _,.t., _,*",

_nother o:',e. _'c,s tae c -- _ras _ _,,caution
off, 7ou
_!<1.-_arnin_ Cff _' !i_'h% not: e,fter
pushed it?

_ __,'_at's*'J b"lt _r_," i've clearc2 __

•.23 O0 ._o
_, CDR_. OLaf'-
_. Put the - I .just vj_ted to say.
put the _,==,.,C,, !=_ht -- en.ution e.n_!
_m,rnin_ -.Wait a minute.

, CDR O':ay, no_r perfmvz _ :_emory rec_-l! c.nd

see if you c_n _ct it.

,_:= Dlread3: cot it.

CD!I Vere you able to? "."

S_,_ _r':%t's_'_t. ,7-otthe '_,L

C]):i 0]'_,_.
i_ off You h_,d
here to _:'[t _'mtJ!
t::ou._S'l. I tur.ned

...:l,.t.., richt. I - ,'roll turned it .--

]a!01_" _ yOU '_,Jrn_(
_ _ it o_f , - -

CDR -"[o, I still h_,ve the lixhts on. Let r!e

._ try it one
. :_ L'L'.." :52ut r:ore ti?:e_
::/_t-!]. no_=.
. C'7._L_.. Don't come

SPT O]:ay.
::"'_ ) 07

CJ]_ Okay, no_¢.turn it off e_u8 l_erform the

recoil test.

SPi' O_.._. .
got it e!_-dc!esred it.
O i... ][_ve you cot vo_u_s re:aoveS? I've
C.DR It recc_lled ol:e;$, huh?

SV2 q-_l_.t
's right.

CDF, Good. " That's the end of the test.

CD__ Cleaa?ed it and everybody's h_Dpy.

SPT I've alre'_!y done it.- 3._o_:

weTve _ot t11e
FSCP test to go through. ..

CDE Let r_e look t_arou,:h - through ... m_.'.e

sure there isn't an.r_hinz else.

23 05 I_7 _'_r_ Oh, it's a h_l_ _:_rm but th _ "_o'.:er... -

ventillntion ... 72rqtty :_s.r_l

S_? Oke¢T. A!, for infol.._matiou_I".-_.qoin_ to

go aheacl _n!d st_t the ... ehee'_-son
" pagel-h3.

CDR O.hay, l:ve got to So do_:n and fee_! it.

23 Oi 55 ZPT It's pro'o_foly u._,_!_].e,

n_. I -ion't
' really kno_.

.UD.E I'r_ qoin.q to just get the old h_.nd':._a_

_nd g.o to so,'_e,
s_ot _nd do it.

S_' OY_ay.

•.. uU._n - ..
l)l_rer x:or_.'_s
PLY' you _ _ on that b!o_:er _uc! the

"PLT "! think it ce;ne - I t-hinh it e_-:q _hen

T turned the circuit !,:-e_ers ou, _nd ...
_ent off. I thin__.Sh_._'s _zh_t it _:c.s.
_[el!, I turned on all Lhe'circuiZ _:reakers.

7[o, ! P.evnr .,.

209 23 I0 31 7_LT O]:ay. I _7on't Zo avo_z.

210 O0 30 2g: SPT Ue_.tive. Ue _id not ...


I :f'P._'e 6 r_.'-' 5
O0 _,2
_'- 29 CDR Did they :,_.nhus to _lo a corrt_a_,nrl
rese'_, or not?

- .. "T r.,_ _r(%

O 35 _;5 CgR 01-_,

210 01 0a
" 5° _q_
,_ He.r, A1. You up at the Cc2_nd Vodu!e?

CDR Yes, I 8J,..

PLT I ,r_less0 is coxn_;'to put me to bed ()

: do;.n%here ,_nr=_
_ if _rou could ox _n o the

'- one of those bzrf "" "

210 01 0_ 2_ C__R In _r.1=" ,



F /
I - _ r_,r" • _._

Zo us._f'_leco:,J_un]ca.$zons ; e ....e_.el noor ou,__lit]r.

• .

............ i ...................
_ . ,_.,,-.. ,1 _,_-,_ ,')t ."U..,
-I !:Ue ! of ?

I 210 Ol h2 43 _,,.0.,
_ That's _',_,'e.s
1-52_ O::en.

SIC 0__,<,) ... In the _'_t _ '- _

' Is it _h._ C-q':Chechlist?

CDR !To, in the aetlvatlo'_..

21O 01 |'.629 ,>r,""

7)y,_ Ohm%.'.
h_.ppenin[_, _,o.n_.

CDR Nothins_ "-

J_.c:.. lit's 0 _ r' tp
here.. 2
S_ Ue hs:.ze to put tl_e Kt'.I_U _,. G, on to
get _:o.terou% o_ t!=ese spiuots:
and so it =el-es the 0 FLOU oo on.
PLT ._I1 r is'.'_.%. Oh,_y. -

=L_ ]_ey, £on't _-ou a eoul_le

of _.sDirins do_Tn --it
• '- .: -"_'
u ._..D stuTf,
i. you would, "

CDR Uill ¢Io.

210 Ol 51 _O F.C :'"'" _ It's e.

D":_:-, ",':,._o 21.'3-0 "_

- ., o b_o.1_

210 ii ll(q
_$ CDR lieyhas _y of you _'_lys
seem the _.....
210 !i l_p.09 SC -Tthink t_e_-....

O .- - _;D.

i '



/ •

_n:_e ]_ o¸_ ]

. . ,.._cor,.]..,
to the chee_:!i._t
210 13 7:_O? _

cheeh._ out to _)e _]_Qirt_.0 _nd thr_t's

; irloine co:TBents.

in t]_erc is _,_h_._ _e Cir. .-',r:C also ;m.tcr

tan:'-i0 chec];e,'lou_ _ to be _.boVe ' < .I_ "7[ti,1

:iodine colq

210 _., )!:_55 .... -_ .......W ,Sust c_c_-_,_ th_.t _ ";_':'-:._

the va/ve is o_en. _,d the _._-tterdu_,p
press heate_-" h:'.sbeen on _!ncc ].c.stniFfht
•;ith _ _,reen li_Si%t,

= ,

Dump Tape 210-05
Time : 1342-13)14 G_,_

Page i of i -- . .....

Verbati_. <'..uplicat!on of Jh_,_p T_e 210--0!!..

i.[ •

O . o




Time:13J$9-1351 OMT. " ....

O_ .210-o6
Page i ofl

e_ _._z.. 4uD!icr:tion of D,.z_.'_-J


-I Dump T,._D
e 210--07
Time : 131_3_131_3 G;4T

Ii Page 1 Of 1 ....

-._._ To.De f_].O--O_.

0 - '


", -----
• _ ,7,-,

210 _ ']/.- CC S1-':l'_this is _ou_tou.

210 13 J;859- CD_ I Just._heched that a _¢hileago

and the valve is open. And the
presshe-_ter been on Since last night
and one green li;_,ht.

210 13 h9 15 CC .:. _.-ecopied that ... -


"- .•
:'_,_ _ ].5 .
CC _. .....
S!"':I-%_ this .[o_!s
is _" _oA..
.... .. .

220 .I•3h8 59 CDR I _us% checked th_,% a _,?hile ago

and the valve is open. And the
_ater _.nd the-du,",p ];yess heatei-
have been on since last ,_l_nt

O _n('-.
one _reen l:-."-'-
219 13 h9 15 cc ... _-:ecopied th_at ... i

":;D OF ,;v'_



Dump $'ape 210-09

1 of1 ,

Time: !3)42-13_4 C_,IT "

210 13 |12 i0 CD_ ...... Ant? I" _.3so "c_,.nt

to t;J:e a ter_p
ehee_--_:_... e,
bout _.0 :,,_,_ I'd <'_ece[,tit.

,. .°

• ' I.-
- ° . •

D_np Tape 2]0-I0

Page1 of i
Time: 1859-1919Gl_?f "
• . - , .

210. 3._ 59 )',-dCDR lle7.

*, ,T,_.eh_
co',e on uo here J,'.c_.,
on t,_ here '_zlr!t._][e_ loeb.

O 219
,_i0 I:?,
59 no
50 _T,_
_ !"ant "_.V_
It's D, ?:o{l
rnd _t..].oo_s !ihe
• ,
it ._s _ev.__n_the f_Lel eel! rrouu,l, curie a

2_10 19 19 32 _C Yes .... _:e _Tere _10_ here "__e_tin _ and ...
?'_I_TA unc!e-_vo!t an_ e_c_e u_ 1_e_e anc! loohe<?.
' a% it in +Jhe ee--t_nd r_og.ule. ,_,,
_,_ noticed
that ":ATU .:'_
_:_.sgo:rn sro_.u_!25 volts for
"" _. little _-Thilee_n_Jthe fuel cell :_8,sputting
out a lot of current. •And then it _¢ent
do-_,m,s_nd _zent to nor_l. _.nd then it

t_s. _'._'1 T _'-: ,_of _ " _ _ ,.ee.te_._,

a!thoush T _ _.on',
_ _'ho_Tfor sure.

Dump Tape 2] 0-ii

Page i of 1
O Time: 1953-2013GMT .

_].9 ]9 57 )_]_ PIE _#ell -:e Co% i_& ri_flt no_,; Co e.heox_ ...

219 i_ 5? wJ
co _I_,
• .- .-
£o you :]0%9

Z]_7 0'.:_.y.For !_ain .5 u=qt]e!'volb_'_! it looh_

lihe i%'s _.oving s l_uel eel]. arouna _mi%e
a bit.

• Dnmu Tape 210-:[2

7129173 _ ........
O Time: 1942-2].36 GMT
/,_ Page I of 3 ..................... :

210 20 32 20 SPT - Okay. This is the SPT recording on channel A..

I hope, on the tape recorder. I'ii repeat some

about the urine sampling. On our first mission

O - day,
the CDR
PLT each
had to
SPT only had one UCTA, so we only had five samples
to make instead of the standard six. The samples
were made as per checklist, but as noted before
i on the earlier, mission, there's a lot of air getting
• _' i in to those samples. That's particularly true
• i of PLT sample number 2 •because the UCTA didn't
_' J have much in it, probably only a couple or 300
i_. i millimeters of urine and that may have contributed
to the extra air that got in ther@. But I have
. been taking special pains to get or did take
": _ special pains to get %he ... sample bags as full
•. " as was possible. _y guess is they're something
like two-thirds to three-quartersfull of urine
and the remainder is air. Also, after filling
the bags this full I found that only five of these

... I didn't look be
samplescould it up in the
fitted Biomed
into tray Checklist,
number i
but CAP C0_,_4reminded me that; these ... samples
from the first day do go in tray 1. So they're
filed and they're stored and they're freezing
right now, but it's a good thing there were only
five, because I would have never made that sixth
samples into that tray. I presume that's what
you were expecting. Oh, let me correct that.
I presume that's not what you were expecting.
- You were expectingall six to go in there. And
, may I just had them a little fuller than normal.
Anyway, those are stored in there now, and we
did activate the urine system by wake-up time
on mission day 2, here. And so we are filling
the urfne bags in the normal manner without the
bags having to be brought down from the commmnd
module here on day 2. I'll repeat. That message

particular, concernedwith the urine system.

O again goes to the biomed people. Dr .... , in


O " DumpTape2i0-12 _.
_ Page2 of 3 . _.......

210 20 36 3_ CDR -Hello, Jack. ..........

......................... _.

you need?
O SPT He's over in th@ sleep compartmentAI. What do
PLT Go ahead.

CDR I'm trying to dump this wast water. There's a

panel 217. You know that's the one with EVA's on
.-i it (laughing).
, PLT IVA panel. _.

• CDR Yes. It Says "Disconnect suit cooling loop gas /_

.!__ _ line QD." I can't find-thatthing. _,

" PLT What do you think? [7

CDR Say it again. "


PLT What do you think? ,:

CDR Okay, I'm trying to figure it out if it's ... 1
"' _. insidethatpanelyou liftup. .

PLT Oh, yes! It's the 6ne that goes through the
;" filter. "_

"_ CDR Okay. That's what I thought, too. I'll try -

_ PLT What's the name of it again? That's the one ._

' that takes the gas out of the suit loop.

CDR Yes, suit cooling- _f

210 20 37 h4 PLT That's the middle onethat's got five connectors.

_, There's two in and two out and then there's gas.

O CDR Okay.
210 21 14 17 SPT Jack, FUEL CELL 3 CONDENSER EXHAUST is low.

•i SPT Looks like maybe the H2 FLOW is.a little low, too.
: You better come take a look. Hello, Jack.

• Dump TaPe 10-12 ,- ...........-.....
Page3 of 3 :....... '

PLT Yes. _

SPT Say,
... do
is it
.., flow on FUEL CELL 3 out the gage?

SPT Okay, well, we've got eondehsor exhaust low on

_" FUEL CELL 3. What would you like for me to do?

_'_ SPT You're not transmitting, Jack.

• i
}_ PLT Too far away from the squawk box, I guess. : :--

z: SPT That
's okay. _

:_: PLT I'ii he right up, but-mark the ... temperature and
... ,i mark the time.

_ PLT Okay. .

command module. At least I am. And this time

O ._. . 210 21 35 15 SPT Hello,
I'm up here foi_ a FJEL CELL 3
"Bruce. Hey, we're still up in the
Yes. I
couldn't find anything wrong when I got here except
• the condensor exhaust,was down a little low, and
it may have been below 150, but it got back up
before I got here. So I don't know exactlywhy
we go that, but the condensor exhaust is rising
•i"i a _ _li_: It's al_ost in the green now. "

t .-

Page i of _3

O I 210 21 57 52 SPT_ " ... "a'bolt.

_ CDR Jack, are we using both bolts in A and
B/D ... here?-

PLT Well, let's see. No, you don't need

not of them.

@ - I

Well, we went all four?

No, I - whatever is Configured ...

SPT ...

i 210 21 58 59 PLT Looks like we went all four but we only

• reallyneedtwo.


210 19 57 41 PLT Well, we got it right now. Go ahead,

• Bruce.


210 18 58 43 PLT 12 hours ago, that's all. I'll do it


• 210 18 58 52 PLT Okay.


210 20 32 21 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on

channel A, I hope, on the tape recorder.
I'll repeat those con_nents that I made
• earlier for the biomed people about the
_rine sampling.

• o

. ,%_.
Dump Tape _i0-13 ......
Page2 of 3 ....
/ jf

O'_ i!
j - SPT . the PLTfirst
On our" each had two UCTAs
mission butCDR
day, the theand
had only one UCTA_ so we only had five
. samples to make instead of the standard
_'. six. The samples were made as per check-

' observation, there's a lot of air getting

: into those samples. That's particularly
true of PLT sample number 2, because-the
0 i" list,hut
UCTA ashave
didn't noted before
much in iton-the general
• ' only a couple or 300. milliliters of urine -
i and that may h_ve contributedto the extra
] • .i
-- air that_gotin there. But I Lhavebeen
taking special pains to get - I did take

i special pains to get the half-ssmple bags

as full as was possible. MY guess is
they're samething like two thirds to three
quarters full of urine and the remainder
is air. Als0, after filling the bags this
,. _i fUll, I found that only five of these half-
sample bags could be fit into tray number 1
and I didn't look it up on the biomed
checklist. Cap Comm reminded me that
these half-samples flc.omthe first day
should go in tray 1. And so they're

" right
filed now, but it's.
- they're a good
stored thing freezing
in there that there
were only five because I'd have never made
the sixth sample into that tray. I presume
that's what you're expecting them, but -
No, let me correct that. I presume that's
--- not what you were expecting. You were
expecting our six to go in there and maybe
I got them a little bit fUller than normal.
But, anyway, those are stored in there now
:" and we d/d activate the urine system by
,. wakeup time on mission day 2 here, and so
we are filling the urine bags in the
nomral manner without the bags having to
have been brought down from the conmland
,- module here on day 2.

SPT I'll repeat that message again goes to the

biomed people ; Dr. Leech in particular,
concerned with the urine system.

/ °
r : Page
3 of3
s --I

! SPT 1{e'sover in the sleep compartment,

i CDB Hello
A1. ,.Jack
I'll -_-

• ."
PLT Goahead. \
£ f

i . CDR I'm trying to dump this waste water. It

_ _" says on panel 217 - you know that's the
i one with the EVA-IVApanel.

PLT Yes, it's disconnect suit cooling loop

vent line QD. _ can't find that thing.

. -!
SPT What do you think?

PLT Say again.

' SPT What do you think? ..

" : PLT Okay, I'm trying to figure it out from the

center of one to inside that panel you
lift up.

SPT Oh, yes. It's the one that goes through

• the filter.

PLT Okay. That'swhat i thoughttoo. I'ii

try it.

Sl°T What's the name of it, again? Besides,

that's the one that takes the gas out of
the suit loop.

SPT Yes, that 's cooling -

21O 20.37 44 PLT I believe that's the middle one and it's
got five connectors - there's two in and
two out and then there's gas.

" ' . _D OF TAPE

Dump Tape 210-14
Time: 2033-2054 Oi.._

_. Page l'of i
2].0 20 oo......
j (12 1_,'_ - -- get - I _.- ! tahe special •
_;_ins to ";et
t,.e hn.lfs_u_nle !._£ as i_Iii an _res ,_ossil)!e.

• _- -
•.._ - "_"
"J guess is "_" - 're
u.lej sonethinc " " ""
like t,zo t,llr_
to th_'ee e,)_nrters full of _i_ae _,n@"the

" this full, I founci "_ _- only. five of.
these "_- _ .... =)] e '.;aC s eou!O
.... ].......... Le fit into
n__,)e_ 1 and I didn't loo]t it u') on
bio_edieal cheeh!ist. Cap Cor_n reminEed ue
that these half-s,_ples ih_o_ the first ,:lay
should Co into tray 1 _(] go they're filed -
t,_e, .e stored in there freezin% rl.._nt nov [.]
but it Is a there c_e only/ five " _
oec_use I'd
h_.-¢e never made the sixth s.-.;:_p!e
into that
trsT. . I pressn.,'ne _-'_
__a_'-" s _f!_t you're exnectin_
bu_ - i:o, let =:e eo_°__ect _uh_.u.
_ I ._resti-!e
. +'_'-
is not ::hat you are ex._,ectJnc You'er
exDeetln_. _.]_i si}{ 40 _o i;I t_'.u.re__nd r%9.._'ce
__+_e fulle_" th_.nnor_,!,
Just had ther_ a ....... but
n.n?_:_.y those ere storecl in there no_..:aria. _:e did
aeul,/_.bc tile s,'._ste[:
., _-:3.
teun 0-_
mis6ion ds?_ 2 here._ and so _;e r,re filli?-s the
urine uz_s iv _.,_e!io-_._,-_'_.]..q22.1:ler
.Tith out the
l_.__ he_l_n_ to _-:_ _een i_,rouzht do_-n fron the
eo'_?_.nd :r_o_u!e "_e__.. on day. 2.

219 20 3!!
- 3'3 _'_m=.._. I'll renee,% .....
u _.._{',_ssaqe e<a.ln coes to .'_-e
b_o ..... ."9eo!)
].e_ : .....Leech in ;_.
coneernezl vith the _'-,'ne syste:.:.

.__,D OF . ,.__

llstlc-,ue] le _,rouud ,u?r ....

,, .... n,t ,_ • • .

-. ......
°09 ].2l.o 93 _ , can ?_ou _Tet th_.t
.... ]ittlc l_c_:],._
. . (;ut
of ther,e ?

S]Z'_ .. • Oons !

qD.'q '_n.t is it?

_-_ It's just ,q - I'!l ")ut it ;u_er here• :


. CDR !!eli, r:8,?fbe

! ]3etter the scissors•
lS. _ 'n

_qPT_ ..• .°

C!]_R _qel'e _-re CO. : "'

L3_- .., • .

209 12 1,2 53 (_R T_ke it, Just about •• • Okay, that's

good .-pull it.

299 ,!2 !_3 •

011" ;L.
_3 rn T.*ecan bre.sk_t_!ls
• t-_zn_
. • "_ ""
,_o,na ]ittle
. __ ..
bit, O. so "_u een _e_ ou.t:..... there
cetLer• it.

209 12 13 !3 .:r'_'_- Can you fe__l that?• %.,

CD_ Go,.-( ........... -L_.r. cA'out _-_. _ _

it a iI_!."_" _ bit. _
- ce21't ever. "- "

CDR " _ the.t too one•

I nee£ to :,e_ "fez, ve].l, V
_.dll in _. little bit.

CDR •.. _:hoever put thi:_ ..uIe_

_ "-"2___C?13-

................ Q
•. 4

: .- he
PLT re. _Y:ly_on't _d throw o_i
cue cards in here?
_ ..
-- SPT All right. -

90 37 2h. CDR ... ste_rt the checklist. .....

Checklist, ... chech]ist. Huh? .
You want the chec]:lists in there?.

- PLT How about the cue cards first?

1 SPT Do you h_ve s_Dy cue csrds you

_ant to st_¢, Jack, - Al?
PLT _._aat
Any cue cords, AI?
CDR I don't }mow; do you _mnt the_
_p or d_.m?

SPT G&C Cheehlist.

- PLT ',n_t ones _.rouldyou lihe b_ck?

... cue card 3 ....

20 39 00 PLT Docking _-nz]e Ver.nier sc_.le. Does

anybody• _.m~ntto use the,t? ... poc:.e_'-

... Put th_.t in your

20 ilO _3 CDR Hello, ._ououon.

..... :,.e_2",
: Cordo_,
times up on the secondsry - -

OF T4_,_

.-,,e •
Dump Tape r2 0-15
Time: 20o3-_3_ GI4T ., .
• .7/3o/73

Page 1 of h " r................. _....

210 20 33 36 SPT 0300 millimeters ... that's good.

And that have contributed to the extra
. -air that got in there. But I have
been taking that special pains to get -

-- half-sample bag as full as was possible.

did take specialpainsto get that
My guess is they're something like two-
thirds to three-quarters full of urine
and the remainder is air. Also, after
'_ i filling the bags this full, I found that
_.. only five of these half-sample bags
12- could be fit into [trays ] number 1. And
;; that' s what happenedto .., checklist _:
;. Cap Comm remindedme that the half- i_
_5 samples from the first day to go in _:
.,_ t; tray i. And you kno'_they're vialed [?] ?:
<_ i, and they-'restarting;they're freezing o]
% right now. But it's a good thing there
z were only five because I could never t'
.... . made a sixth s_mple fit into that tray. _
I presume that's wh_t you were expeeting_
but, no, let me correct that_ I presume ,-

.... that'sexpecting
were not what all
you six
wereto expecting.
go in there.You .........
And ... But an&_ay another ... is stored.
_n there now, and we did activate the
urine system by wake _p time on mission
day 2 here, and so we are filling the
urine bags in the n6_mal manner, without 21
the bags having to have been brought" _.:
down from the eo_an'_ module_ here -i
on [T?] ... 2. <

210 _0 3h 30 SPT I'll repeat that message again ... to

the biomed people, Doctor ... partieu-
. larly concerned with the urine system.

Rl0 20 36 3_ CDR Hello, Jack.

SFT • He's over in the sleep compartment,

AI, what's - -
PLT go ahead.

. !

Page2 of 4 ...... _......

_ Dump Tape"210-15 . .......................

CDR I'm stuck this'way, squatter - there is

. _- -with- EVA ..,-

_/ SPT IVApanel.
a panel 317, you know that's the one 1

i' I
210 20 36 52
210 20 36 51
can't find
... move gas line EV,
that thing.
_! _- PLT ...

,_. CDR Say again. .

: _, PLT Let me ... --

CDR Okay, I'm trying to figure out ...

inside that ... out. 7

PLT Oh, yea. It's the one that goes to

thefilter. .

CDR Okay, that's what I thought - - -.i

• 210 20 37 32 PLT What's the name of i_, again? Okay, •

._ that's the one that takes the gas
out of the ...

_ CDR Yea. That's using ah - - :

PLT That's the ... one and it's got five

connectors there's t_o in and two out
and then there'sgas.

CDR Okay.

210 21 14 16 CDR Jack, ... cell three, condenser

exhaust is low.

CDR little low maybe

Looks like too. You
the b_tter
H flow come
is a take
a look.

210 21 15 18 CDR Hello, Jack. i

/ =

l DumpTape 210-15 .......... , ....

Page3 of 4 ..........
PLT ..........

_ CDR Say - is the H flow on fuel temp belt 3

_/_ -" PLT out, ...

The the isyes.
gage? r

; , CDR Okay. Well, we got condenser exhaust

._i me to do?

!" CDR You're not transmitting,Jack. c:
I low on fuelbelt 3, what wouldyou like
;" _ PLT Something wrong with the ... box, I guess. [:_

_: i_ CDR Nowit'sokay. :C
_;i. _" 210 21 15 55 PLT I - I'll be right up, but - mark this
... temperature and mark the time.

_- 210 21 16 00 CDR Okay.

oB @

__ 210 21 30 19 SC -_
SC ...

SC ...

SC ... "_

SC ......

•, SC ...

SC ...

210 21 35 26 SC Hello, ...

.SC Yes, we're still up there in the command

module. We saw you but this time I was

O up there for a fuel cell relay. And -

SC ...


I .I

Page 4 of _
DumpTape ...........
210-15 "

.............................. • .. " . . . ........ _ _ .

SC -Yes, I couldn't find anything wrong ,

• " " when condenser

'the I got here the condenser
exhaust is down -
a except
little i

! but it got back up before I got her2.

_ D low. And it may havebeen below 150 -
! So I don't know exactiywhy we got that
but the condenser exhaust is rising a
little bit. It's almost to the green,

:' _ END OF TAPE c


. , : !

• i
. i

,# _ .

Dagc i _J_.J.

' 210 23 h6 _ PLT Hey_ B_uce." The iodine concentrate in the

./9 210 23 48 05
_'_ SC ... There's
".warSroem waternobody here,Just
is 7.0. an_ay .... it.

211 00 |_3 52 SC ..., Bouston ....

211 O0 4h 07 CC Roger. Just a second .............

O . . ,


' II

Tape 211=01 _
Time : 1624-1709 G_ 7 _

Page i of 1

CDR All right Bruce, go ahead. What do you


SPT ILCA number 2 circuit breaker STANDBY.

... going to be coming up right now.-
How's your Y 2 looking?

SC ...

_%_PT Okay, the circuit breaker's on

_rue e.

SPT Okay, I'll wait a few minutes before

I pick them up then.

SPT You wanted the report on the bladder

in the condensate tank. It's com-
pletely at the empty end.

SPT I 've Just -

SPT Bruce - checking out the mS mal-

function procedures, l'm wondering;
I haven't had a chance to update this
•book with any changes we might h_ve
broght up. Are there any? Or
should I Just go ahead and use the
... procedures that's been up here all

PLT Okay.
, PLT Okay, Bruce.

SPT Okay, I guess were going to have to

add changes to all of them for de-
activation. What. we could probably
do we - yes, that would be the thing
to do for that. For the EREP. we
use the cards so we'll change the
cards, - we use the cards as opposed
to the checklist anyway.

PLT As far as getting anything done,

aS far as activation, wedid our
post (week?) checklist, Bruce.
And since that time we've been
f_ trouble shooting. So when we
start working on that other I'ii
let you know.


arming consideration
Dump Tape 211-02
Ti : .1715-1721
GMT yo
71173 1 of 1

211 17 1551 CDR Okay, this is CDR. The subject is the AM con-
densate tank dump trouble shooting procedure,
I've Just initiated the dump. Now I don't
think this - -

211 17 1600 CC _ylab, this is Houston. On telemetry we're

wetching your condensate tank DELTA-P and show
it at about 1.6. Were wondering if you would
care to give us a status on where you are in the
_m_Yf, _n'd _if "there' s any way that we can
assist you. Over.

211 17 1614 CDR Okay. I got to the malf at the point

where it said - step 7, where you said
go dump the AM condensate tank dump.
Now, as I reported to you, the bladder
was in that end of the tank anyway. In
other words, the - the empty end. I'm
presently dumping per your instructions
and it's going to be completely empty
in a few seconds.

211 17 16_0 CC Roger. We understood your call on the

_ position and Roger your actions.

211 117 16_6 CDR Okay. Now, the thing that puzzles me
on this, it says observe bladder during
dump and prior to da - bladder
bottoming ont, perform next operation.
Well, see, the bl - bladder was al-
ready bottomed out.


- 4__
Dump Tape 211-03 '_>(_

1715-1718 GMT _
_ _ " ¢_

Page I of i _#_

Verbatim duplication of d_p tape 211-02 1

Dump Tape 2].2-01
Time : 00h4-0111 GMT
" 7/30/73
Page 1 of ._

212 00 45 29 PLT Okay. As you recall the last minor ... device
/-- has failed and we've hrou@ht up _ new one to re-
place it. And Owen is in the process of changing
out the old one and putting in the new one. The
c_e he's holding in his hand now is the old
mass measuring device, the electronic cord. Now
he's going to turn on the new mass m@asurlng device.
And you can see it's - appears as though it's going
to work. And he's getting ready to calibrate
the mass measuring device.
And he has a cal - a temperature probe or
%herm_eter with w_ich he'll calibrate the
temperature to Begin with. And the temperature
is 80 degrees. Now when the carriage is released
it oscillated back and
the mass of the object to be meastkred. (_ay,
he releases it again the ... you can see it counting
out weight of the carriage at the mement now,
and the is - calibrated at 1.956 ...... display.
Now to calibrate this accurately, we have a,
set of - of accurately know weight.
Owen is now fastening 50 grams on to the
carriage, he'll reset it ot zero, release the
carriage. The counter counts up and you can
see how that we have a bigger number - .033,
_--_ roughly. This now correspondsto a 50 gram
weigh. He'll do this several times to make
sure he gets an accurate reading. The other
weights that we ahve. to calibrate the maSS
measuring device are, 100 gr-ma, 200 and 500,
and of course we can fasten them together and
- or several combinations to calibrate the
scale over a wide range of values. Now as the
mass is increased, you may notice that the carriage
oscillates more slowly. It is this frequency
of oscillation which can be converted into a
weight. Then all the masses put together give a
reading of 3.05. So you can see we have
a high reading for a lot of ... a low reading for
less than. The mass measuring device in the
wardroom compartment here is used to measure
the ... we don't eat. If we eat all of our
food, we don't have to weigh any of it. But in
order to know how minerals that we have
eaten, it is necessary to know what food we don't
eat ; thus we can measure the amount of food
that we don't eat on this mass measuring device.

Dump Tape 212-01
Page2 of 2

/_ 212 00 51 20 SPT Okay, Jack. This weight utensil ware has

• floated on out of the picture. We'll see if
we can get the Spacecraft Commander Allen Bean
over here to weigh some the food that he may
not eaten tonight. He doesn't usually leave
much behind but - ~

SPT - - here's a cranker, we_ll see what one biscuit

CDR ...

SPT There goes part of the cracker, that's - been


CDR So, oh, oh. Were'nt we supposed to weigh - -

if he had failed to eat that one biscuit out of
his can of four, then he would _eigh on that
machine and report it to ground that he was
so many units short of biscuits for the evening.

212 01 09 _5 CDR This is CDR. Subject is ware dump on the ...

I initiated it at 13 - correction 01:10.


Dump Tape 211-04

Time: 2126-2313 GMT / ...........
7/31/73 .....
PageI of 3

211 20 33 h9 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording some information

on Channel A. This first bit of information is
for the biomed p_ople and BMMD people. It is in
response to your question about - what sort of
clothes that we are wearing at the time we take
our mass measurements. I'm going to speak for
myself, but on the first day - the first day's
measurement - that was on day two, I was wearing
shorts, socks, and my lightweight shoes, not the
triangle, but the soft shoes and a watch. On
day 3, which was the second day which we were
being weighed, I was wearing a T-shirt, shorts,
and socks. Now I think that will probably be
the sort of standards to the Way I weigh from
. now on. So, if there's any change from T-shirt,
shorts, and socks and a watch, I will let you
know of that change. And that'sthe end of that
message. I'll go down and give you another mess-
age in a moment. ..

211 21 38 00 S_T Okay, back on Channel A for recording. SPT with

information for Bill Thornton and those asso-
J_ ciated with M172_ The following is the information
about the M172 run and Just a brief summary to
review the numbersthat I will be givingyou.
There will be ten numlers for each of the "-
following configurations. First, with no load
at sll in the chair Just - oscillating freely.
Next was with one tray, then with an extra battery,
:-_ and then with a second, extra battery, then
_- with a second tray an& the third tray, then
: the fourth tray, and then empty again. There
was only one dviation from the scheduled procedure
and that is, when I put on the first tray, I
forgot to add the two clips that are used to hold it
: together. This is the first tray added with the
extra tray up in the dome locker and there was
_ no oscillation of that lid. So I'm sure it
_ didn't interferewith the data any in that
respect,but it is necessary to subtract the
weight of those two clips from the measurement
_ made with the first tray, and then the first
: _ tray plus the battery,-and the second battery.
' When I got to the second tray_ I remembered that
I shouldhave added the two clips. When I added
the second tray I added four clips, tow to the
first tray and two to the second tray. Then in
..................... adding the third tray two more clips and fourth
D_np Tape 211-04 ....... / i
_. Page 2 of 3 ........

......... tray - the final - two clips. So that will Just

mean on sequence tow and three and four it is
necessary to substract the weight of those two
eiips in evaluating how aeeurately the masses
were measured. So I've got these readouts to six
figures, of course. The first three are in aSmost
all cases redundant. There is only one sequence
in which it was necessary to repeat the third
decimal and I'll therefore be only repeating the
last three digits, except in one ease where I will
note it. So follo_ing ... long set of numbers
Hold on.

211 21 40 16 SPT First sequence 2.70442. 456,461,454,440,398,434,

459,452,453. End of the - no wait. Next one is
i with on_ tray. 3.74881.
• 900,929,905,970,962,912,

_ _ 629,954,91_. The third sequence is now with an

additional battery added. 4.332663 3411,2917,3094,
3143,3115,3115,3128,3197,3174. End of the first
with the first battery. And the fourth sequence
with the second battery added 411,404,403,375,337,
519,357,%0,297. End of the fourth sequence. Now
I added the second tr_v and as a reminder again
that's where I put on the four clips, since I
had forgotten it on the first tray. 5.36298
332, 355, 359, 332, 024, 445, 381, 307, 354. Now
in the sixth sequence with the third tray. 5.83238
330, 431, 312, 320, 476, 345, 686, 305, 674. And
the seventh sequencewith the fourth tray. 626,
431, 509, 273, 506, 673, 178, 584, 788, 447, 474,
• 436, 401, 440, 455, 433. Those are all the
numbers and as a double check I'll Just read you
the first number in each sequence of those eight.
2.70442, 3.74881, 4.33266, 4.4440, 5.%298,
5.83238, 626431, 2.705_3. Okay, that completes
all of the data and it looks like - for Bill
Thornton you've got a mass measurment which
_ exceeds the mass of any of our crew. I think
6.2 is higher than Jack, I'll check again in a
few minutes. And the data all looks pretty
good to me. It depends on consistency. We'd like
i back any comments from you, Bill, about whether or
_ not you're satisfied with the data and whether
_ or not there was any significant change from
Mission I. As a matter of fact, if there as no
i change perhaps that will mean that we can get
away with either no - I'm not sure what the
" _ number of times was but I thought you mentonex
_ ............................
3 ... if we might be able to skip one, if the data
were showing essentially no change from Mission I.
_i _ _ So any comments on that would be appreciated, Bill.

9umpTape 2il-04 ....... i

Page3 of 3 - _ .........

.............. This is the end of the information on M172, and

it goes for the bi_ed people and _72 PI's.

211 21 45 39 SPT Just a comment for Bill Thornton frem the SPT
again here. In checking back on Jack's w_ight
I see that the final mass was _Imost exactly his
_i weight, so you don't have a ...

211 22 43 09 SPT Okay, recording on Channel A again, this is the

SPT with a couple of ... points on 172. I forgot
}4172, body mass measuring that I forgot to mention.
The start time was about 18:00 GNff and the finish
time was about 19:35 GMT. That was the finish time
on the seventh sequence, I believe, yes, the .
eight sequence was about 45 minutes later on the
next ... sun side rev. And the temperature on the
B_[D itself was 80 Farenheit degrees, Farenheit
both start and finish. And that information goes
to Bill Thornton and others interested in body
mass measuring deviee_

i!• c

• i
Dump Tape 23 2-02
Time : 1149-1].5] G_,_
_ Page i of i

212 ii 49 44 SPT T_e follo_rlng is recorded on channel A. It is

our PRD dosimeter coordination. Dosimeter,
day 212 follo_ng: the CDR 45011; SPT, 19010;
PLT, 07019. PRD readings on morning of day 212
_id who all is in there tonight, i'm not sure.
That'll be all the biomed.

212 ii 51 42 SPT This is SPT recording on ehsm_nel A again. Another

bit of information for the biomed and foods people.
An additional item that should not hsAre been
included s_ the time it was made in last night's
status report by the CDR. _ne SPP ate extra ean
of apricots after that report was made on the
status of mission day 3.


"_ E_amp Tape 212-04
Time: 1448-I 515 '_
"_ 7/31/73
Page i of 2

14 49 56 CC ... Could you give us a short count, please?

C_DR Okay, short count follows: I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5,

4, 3, 2, i. Over.

CC Okay. Loud and cles.r at this time.

CC Those numbers you read to us previously; we

were imable to copy them. Could we get them
again, what they were?

14 51 16 CDR Channel A, this is for - a VCS to ... o ,_
reconflguration. And the location serial
number follows; serial, then location. It's
going to be location, serial n_n_ber and then
pressure. Sleep compartment wall, 013,6000;
wsmdroom wall, 016,6200; F554 010, 6000; _A,
012,6000; command module, 015,6000. End
of message concerning ... SO_,_.

14 53 04 SPT Here's information on channel A for the

biomed people concerning the run - tm-
scheduled run on the 171 protocol on the
ergometer. This is the SPY, and I just got
through lighting it all per procedures after
talkin_ with Story about how to get displays.
"_ And I've not modifiedwith extra rails that
go around the bicycle yet, so it's still the
old configuration, and I was pedaling with no
restraints at all, _herefore only gripping the
handlebsa's and peds/.ing _ith my feet for total
stability, q_ne nunfoers that I got were as
follows: after 5minutes at 81, heart rate was
only 98 beats per r_inute. At a 130 watts,
after 5minutes, my heart rate was 1):4 beats
per minute. At thac point, I hadn't hooked
up the ear probe _e_.
" _ Decided T might as well
go ahead and do that. So I hopped off the
bicycle for a couple of minutes while I hooked
up the ear probe, s_id then craweled back on
and and set it at 160 ... 165. I was about
5 watts low on the setting. And after 5minutes
at that power level, the ear probe was showing
172 beats per minute, and a manual count, as
soon as I stopped, was 170. So as you can see
the latter two numbers are a few beats per
minute higher than my ground-based numbers,
but in all they were pretty close.
_" Dump Tape 212-04
Page 2 of 2

/ _-_ _LndI think the extra increment there could be

accounted for on the basis of the woW_ I had
to do in upper Torso grasping the handlebars,
because there was some extra work I could feel
involved, and a2so the reduced mechanical
efficiency working in a rather new envirop_ment
of zero 8. So as far as the - the mm_ers
are concerned relative to conditioning, it
looks to me like there's been no change in the
h days we've been up here. Althou_ as far as
m_ subjective feelings were concerned, it was
not a particularly difficult task. I was
sweating somewhat less than I usually sweat
the ground - at that high a workload, although
it is a drier environment, so some of that may
be from rapid evaporation. But all in all,
it - it - looks very similar to the ground-
based run on this first one. I, of course,
didn't have the hoses hooked up or anything.
All it was just the bicycle and the ear probe
for heart rate.

lh 55 27 That was the end of the message. All I need

is the 151 protocol.

16 09 37 to 16 15 26 - poor eomm

• DumpTape 213-01
Time: 0226-0236 G_
Page 1 of 1

213:02:30:37 SPT Okay, recording on channel A. N6, I'ii wait

until the pass is over.

213:02:31:30 SPT Now I'm recording on channel A. Recording at

02:30 GMT. It is a check of whethe_ or not .we
can record on channel A from the com box near
the SPT sleep compartment 901. Recording Just
for a check and the check is now complete.

Dump Tape 213-02
Time: 1123-1127 GMT
811173 : .............. .

//%._ Page i of i "............. i....

213 ii 25 06 CDR I heard you on A, hut now you said you we_'e o_ B.

: (Bad garbled voice..)" _

CDR Okay, now we will record AUDIO A. And the switch

is in A, the record light is on, interc_ is on,
up button is up. And we're t_l_ing the same old
story. Is our tape recorder working or not?
I think this is probably a long enough message
to give you the information you want.

213 ii 26 06 CDR Out. c:


Dump Tape 213-03 I" r"/
Time : i_Ii-i_41 GMT
811173 ........... ,
I ofi ; .... I :

213 14 12 00 SPT kay, this is the SPT on channel A, recording a
test message from the AM tape recorder. I _E_
giving ... box number 627 at experiment level and
I am - turned mM finger volame back down to
about i0 O'clock, because when I turned it on
to channel A2 it sounded pretty loud on some
of the squaukboxes around the neighborhood
in here which we must still have on channel A.
So this should be a long enough test message to
se whether or not things are being recorded
properly on channel A, and I will switch over
and do the same thing on channel B Just for
' verification. Not _hat we expect it to be .
recorded on channel B, but we'll flip it over
there and give it a try anyway.

SPT Ckay, now I have selected channel B on the ...

213 14 38 15 SPT f_sy, I pressed record on channel A, so I should

he putting this voice on our s/flock channel A tape
recorder as well as on our audio cbsnnel of the
VgR. I've got the VIE l_nning, and I should -.
have the airlock module tape recorder running. -
,_"- So this voice check should be going from both -
places, and when you number it at the next .-
station we would Bppreciate a verification that
we are getting audio c_ both airlock channel A
' and the VTR channel A - it would he Joint audio

213 14 38 54 SPT The SPT, checkout, i


]_D OF TAPE __



Time : 1555-1559

l ofi . .... r
i ]

-_3155620_ ...._, this±stheC_ _th a

-_ record message for the EGIL,
concerning the Qondensate tank
_mp. I Just began condensate
ts_k _ump by using the _I-
function - no, not the malfunc-
, tion, but the troubleshooting
procedures that were sent up.
Time right now is - 03 - cor-
recting that, 15:56:00. This
is the message for EGIL. Out.

_ 213 15 57 27 CDR Got another message for EGIL. 'C_

_ I Just threw the condensate i-
t_-_ vent valve to vent sad it -4
._ _ vented out. I note the
: _LTA-P at the moment is h.2. _
,. _ En_ of message for EGIL.

-: "_ 213 15 5818 CDR (_8y, this is the CDR agaln_ D

another message for EGIL. You
• s_ m_y notice the pull on the O
_. lYressure - I put the pressure --
• valve to v_cu%ml, then I re-
turned it to press, then I put
.... it back to vacuum agaln. It ._
_. ,[_ WaS a misread of the checklist,
_ especially in vacumn. So the _
E_LTA-P is slowly climbing, at
"_ about 3-1/2 now. -_

•_'_ F_D OF TAPE O




"_" Dump Tape 213-04
" Time i 1557-1602
Page i ofi

DUPLICATE OF 213-O5 .........


"_ _ Dump Tape 21.3-06
Time : 1913-1918 GMT

- Page1

213 19 13 4i SPT The SPT on channel A for recording relative

the the first M131-1 run with PLT as subject
and the SP_ as abserver. On the OGI test, in
step l, there were only two mistakes; in step 4,
• there were four mistakes; on step 8, there were
three mistakes; on step 10, there were four
mistakes - correction - on stop 10, there
were three mistakes; step 18 there were no
mistakes. So it's possible I forgot to make
one entry onto the data tape recorder for those
runs. So the guys might not think I pressed
the appropriate entry. There is also one false
start. I put it on step 1 and ran one sequence.
I didn't like the way I set it up, so I stopped
it and started over and completed the four
sequences on step 1 and then the additional step.
The motion sensitivity session to 131-1, there
was a fault light appeared after the first 25
head movements that was caused by the SPT
observer trying to rotate the chair a little
hit. And so we picked up - Just restarted and
picked up and completed the 150 head movements.
So there'll be 25 of them on the first sequence
and 125 on the second sequence. We did report
at about 50 head movements there was slight
dizziness. That was the only symptom all the
way through the full 1500. Afterwards, there
were no remaining symptoms, nor did nothing
to disappear outside the fact that an overall
feeling of the estimated 10-percent less
wellbeing than he had when he started. He
was particularly pleased at making the head
movements with no other symptoms.

213 19 15 38 SPT And that completes the information on 131-1

with the PLT as the subject.

213 19 15 58 SP An additional comment for the 131 PIs and that

is we'll keep these cards for Just - until the
next run. So we would like confirmation if you
got all this information back and properly have
it on the ground before we erase it, because
it will be erased very shortly. So please let
us know on the voice link whether or not you
got all the data correctly on the ground.

_ Dump Tape 213-07
Time : 213 :2028-213 :2104

S-L Page 1 of 1

213 20 29 21 CDR Channel A, this is the CDR. The subject is

M073 extension. M073 extension was performed
at 20 - 02:2_8. E_d of message.

213 20 32 i0 PLT Hello space fans. This is Jack on Channel A.

The subject is MI31 for the biomedic experiment
people. Just finished MI31-1 with Owen in the
chair. The two symptoms that he noticed were
these, or the two things he noticed were these.
At the 18 rmp speed in OGI, he noticed a definite
sense of rotation. He also noticed a greater
sensitivity to rotation than he did on the ground.
He barely did _ach better on the ground also
in answering back. He had no symptoms on the
motion sensitivity. He completed 150 head movements
with no rotation.

213 20 32 h9 That's end of message. PIT, out.

213 21 02 19 CDR Okay, biomed. This is the CDR continuing with

the MA cal. We're down to the point where we
want to check the percent 02. Right now the
_ percent 02 is 7h.90.

213 21 02 50 CDR Percent H20, 3,34. Percent C02, 1.77. Wait i;

this is drifting down. Looks like it is steady
at 1.72.


/ : ._r

Dump Tape 213-08

_ Time : 2102-2227 GMT

812173 ,......... . ---, i
Page i of 2 : .......... :_

213 20 29 20 CDR -Channel A, this" is the*CDR. The subject ..........

is M073 extension. M073 extension was
performed at 20 -

213 21 02 20 CDB Okay, bic_ed. This is the CDR continuing

with the MA cal. We're down to the point
where we want to check the PERCENT 02.

Right now, the PERCENT 02 is 74.90.

213 21 02 50 CDE PERCENT H20 , 3.34. PERCENT C02, 1.77.

Wait i; it's drifting down. Looks like
it's steady at 1.72. _

213 2-1 58 44 CDR Okay, biomed again. This is CDR in 92. __

I performed leg cal - correction I closed 3
up the LBNP and was going through the _..
final cal. And I tried to cal the leg
:; : volume right. It didn't work. I noticed _'
f_ that even in no _al, it was way below C,
i : zero. I opened the c_m again. Readjusted
the leg. The right one had slipped down. _?
The little rubber stopper wasn't in there ".
good enough. So I 'm now going through
the cal again. Out. .-

213 22 21 20 CDR This is CDR on SPT's M092 run. Run tr'

progressed normally up until about - except - .,
the run progressed normally except there
was a noticeable increase in the volume "'_
of blood - or the - diameter - circumference
of the left calf. About 14 minutes remaining
which would be ll minutes into the run. The -_
SPT's pulse was somewhere around 81 by 45.
His heart r_te had gone up as high as 85 and ,
it was nor decreasing. And was decreasing.
At 14 minutes, at the time we stopped the
run, his pressure was 81 systolic, 45 dia-
stolic. I did not catch his heart rate
_ hut it was somewhere in the 50s or 60s.

213 22 22 58 CDR At 13 minutes remaining, his pressure

was 87 and 54; heart rate, 50 to h6;
12 minutes remaining, 105 to 66 on blood

pressure; heart rate around 47_ ll minutes

...... ii -- , .... 1

Dump Tape 213-08 .............._.--_

Page 2 of 2 _ ...... L_

" " remaining, i01 by 71; heart rate, 56;

i0 minutes_ ii0 _ 71; heart rate, 59.
He's been improving since then and
data should be on the tape. The run
was terminated at 14 minutes because
of the pending syncope noted by the
SPT. And we just - he's been resting
inside the LBNP since that point until
the completion of run. And SPT feels
that he has had a perfectlynormal
reaction since he released the pressure.
He looks good , his color's not bad, -
_ talks clearly, and shows no evidence _-
of the fact that he did have to abort _,
the run at 14 minutes. CDR, out. !
We discussed the advisability of doing U.
_; a 170 run - 171 run f_llowing this. <_
And we found no ground rules that said
-- i/ : that it should not be done. And operating
. on the negative reporting principle, we're
";" planning on going to 171 run, but being _]
• very carefulto obsez-ze his behavior. This
, decision _as also mad_ on the basis of
the fact that the LBNP takes a look at your -
ability to pool blood. The 171 looks at ?;
your cardiovascular s;fstemin general. -_
Now we don't know all there is to know _
about these two things, but I think it's
probably prudent to go ahead and run the
171, but keep a very close eye on his health, i
213 22 25 14 CDR CDR out.

g Time : 2250-004_ GMT
811173 .....
Page i of 2

213 22 52 03 CDR Okay, on the ca]. for the 171 we held it -

When- when 0wenholds
Owen holds downthe
high we get a work
work rate
rate -
of 300 watts, which is acceptable; it's
slightly in excess of that, though we
did a peak of 50, which is Just right
on the ... of the limit, ... the upper

SPT ... and three-fourths.

213 22 53 13 SPT Okay, it looks like there was an error on

our cue card, this cal works. I think that
should have been 46 to 50 whereas our cue
card said 42 to 44 which we checked in the
chef, list so it looks like that does pass _
after all. "-

_ 213 22 54 25 CDR Okay, we're doing 171 calibrate high again. _:

...... _ We've had some - little mixup and want to _,
"_: get it straight. So here comes another :_

..... _. 213 23 17 00 CDR Okay. We're recording on channel A.

._. _-; Reference to the biomed people, MI71 Pls.
SPT reportingJust finished his 171 run
with the CDR as observer, and a couple of _
cu_ents from me. First of as I , I left ..
. _, the mouthpiece in for the whole run. You ---
L. might have a few extra minutes of data as a
-. result of that. And secondly, the bicycle '
1.._ is not modified yet. We still have only
_! the old hsmdlebars and we're using no "-_
_ restraings at all outside of gripping the i'"
handlebars, holding oi that way and _l_o
_. pro!_ping my head up against the speaker
box. So I gained a little bit of extra
_ , SUl_port from that. But it does mean that
the mechanical efficiency is lower, and
therefore, the actual work generated might
¢_ be above that delivere_ to the ergometer,
_ _ as I expect you should be able to verify
;2 : by looking at the - 02 dots oxygen con-
_ sumption rate. And, also, that would
_" Dump Tape 213-10
2 of2 " I •I

_- mean that the blood pressure measurements,

which in some cases were about 200 milli-

meters, were probably spurious. At least

I - I saw several up around 240 or so,
and I don't believe those, because I was
gripping the handlebar very firmly and
using it to hold myself on the bicycle
for the entire run.

213 23 35 56 CDR Okay, CDR on 171 again. I'm going to

voice-record the final items at the end

of the run. 02 is - 73.97; H20, 3.95;

C02, 1.87.

213 23 39 06 PLT 0kay space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is Earth resources checkout. .-.-
I've - I'm proceeding, at this point in _
_ time at ll:hO into the warmup. I have f,_

_ checked out the tape recorder; it checked

__._. ?_ out normally. At this point in time I F
= ?:_ Just turned on the S191 cooler and
:- Charlie 7 cooler case temperature is ',
....... reading 39 percent. Therefore, I'll
:" proceed with COOLER OFF. i_

.. _ ;213 23 39 40 PLT End of message for the moment. 'I

• ,j}

_: 214 O0 41 44 PLT Okay space fans, this is Jack on channel A __

-_ i recorder. Subject again is EREP, Earth [_-
resources. VTS ... checkout. Got the _
following readings. Page 1-6 of EREP --_
cher_1_st: Bravo 7, 30 percent; Bravo 8,
_ I i percent; Charlie 7, 68 percent; Charlie 8, -
off-scale high; Delta 7, I0 percent; Alfa 7, "
" i 80 percent; Alfa 8, 81. percent. On page 1-7,
monitor check. Alfa 7 and Alfa 8, read the
same as before, after %heir second auro cal.
The VTS alignment went normally. There was
a minor adjustments in the UP/DOWN ali_ment;
the LEFT/RIGHT alignment was okay. At this
point, we're ready to proceed into the 192
.. _LI__ent check.

214 00 43 08 PLT k_k_ out.

_ [ _ OF TAPE
_ Tape 21h-01
Time : 0123-0122 GMT
• 81_/73
Pa_e i of i

214 01 18 14 PLT Hello there, space fans; this is Jack ..........

channel A. The is
/_ again on subject again
EP_P. I have the following information
that the readings I took, Just for your
own information, all the monitors appeared
to read into normal ranges. Those on
which you appear to be most interested are
as follows: Alfa 5, 79 percent; Alfa 6,
0 percent; Bravo 2, 56 percent; Bravo 3,
79 percent; Bravo 6, 55 percent; Charlie 5,
" 82 percent; Charlie 6, 55 percent; Charlie 5,
82 percent; Charlie 6, 87 percent; Delta 4, -.
77 percent; Delta 5, lh percent; Delta 6, ,.
_7 percent. And on the S193/194 check, _'
Brsvo 0 oscillated between 37 and 39 percent.
Delta 9 oscillated between 40 and 58 percent.
This terminates the EEEP checkont.
21h Ol 19 38 PLT End of message.

"_ _ _D OF TAPE :',



• !



_-_'_ _nnp Tape 213-11
Time: 213:2322-214:0126

/_ Page 1 of 2

21 22 23 h0 SFT Okay, we're recording on channel A; reference

to the biomed people, ._4171PIs. SPT reporting
Just finished his 171 run with the CDR as
observer. And a couple of comments frc_u me.
First of all, I left the mouthpiece in for the
whole run. You might have a few extra minutes
of data as a result of that. And, secondly,
the bicycle is not modified yet. We still
have only the old handlebars and we're using
no restraints at all outside of gripping the
handlebars, holding on that way, and also
propping my head up against the speaker box.
So I gained a little bit of extra support
from that. But it does mean that the mechanical
efficiency is lower and, therefore, the actual
14Drk generated might be above that delivered
to the ergometer, as I expect you should be
able to verify by looking at the 02 dot -
oxygen comsumption rate. And, also, that
would mean that the blood pressure measurements,
which, in some cases, were above 200 milli-
meters, were probably spurious. At least I -
_-_ I saw several up around 240 or so, and I don't
believe those, because I was gripping the
handlebar very firmly and using it to hold
myself on the bicycle for the entire run.

213 23 35 56 CDR Okay, CDR on 171 again. I'm going to voice-

record the final items at the end of the run.
02 is - 73.97; H20, 3.95; C02, 1.87.

213 23 39 06 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is Earth resources checkout.
I've - I'm proceeding, point in time at ii:40
into the warmup. I have checked out the
tape recorder; it checked out normally. At
this point in time, I Just turned on the 8191
cooler, and Charlie 7 cooler case temperature
is reading 39 percent. Therefore, I'll
proceed with COOLER, OFF.

213 23 39 hO PLT End of message for the moment.

214 00 41 44 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A

record. The subject again is EREP, Earth
resources. VTS ali_%Tsuent ... checkout. Got
the following readings. On page 1-6 of the

Dump Tape 213-11

+ Page 2 of 2
/% •
PLT EREF checklist: Bravo 7, 30 percent,
Bravo 8, 1 percent; Charlie 7, 58 percent,
Charlie 8, 9ff-scale high; Delta 7, i0 percent%
Alfa 7, 80 percent; Alfa 8,, 84 percent. On
page 1-7, monitor check. _Ifa 7 and Alfa 8
read the same as before after their second
auto cal. The VT_ alignment went normally.
There was a minor adjustment ill the UP/DOWN;
the LEg_f/RIGHT alignment was okay. At this
point, we're ready to proceed into the 192
aliEnment cheek.

21h 00 43 08 FLT ERAT out. '

214 Ol 18 14 PLT Hello there, space fans; this is Jack again

on channel A. The subject is again the EREP. -
I have the following information that the
readings I took, Just for your own information,
all the monitors appeared to read into normal
ranges. Those on which you appear to be
most interested are as follows: Alfa 5, :.
70 percent; Alfa 6_ 0 percent; Bravo 2,
r_ 56 percent; Bravo 3, 79 percent; Bravo 6, (
" 55 percent; Charlie 5, 82 percent; Charlie 6, ........
, _7 percent; Delta 4, 77 percent; Delta 5,
14 percent; Delta 6, 57 percent. And On
the S193/194 check. Bravo 0 oscillated
between 37 and 39 percent. Delta 9
oscillated betweer 40 and 58 percent. This
terminated the EREP checkout.

214 01 19 38 PLT End of massage. ..


Dtm_ Tape 214-01
Time : 0123-0122 GMT
" Page i of i . ........... :

21_ Ol 18 i_ PLT Hello there, space fans; this is Jack .......

/f_\ again on channel A. The subject is again
EREP. I have the following information
that the readings I took, Just for your
own information, all the monitors appeared
to read into normal ranges. Those on
which you appear to be most interested are
as follows : Alfa 5, 79 percent ; Alfa 6,
0 percent; Bravo 2, 56 percent; Bravo 3,
79 percent; Bravo 6, 55 percent; Charlie 5,
82 percent; Charlie 6, 55 percent; Charlie 5,
82 percent; Charlie 6, 87 percent; Delta 4, d
77 percent; Delta 5, 14 percent; Delta 6, =-
57 percent. And on the S193/19h check,
:_ Bravo 0 oscillated between 37 and 39 percent.
Delta 9 oscillated between 40 and 58 percent.
: This terminates the EREP checkout. "_"
214 Ol 19 38 PLT End of message.
:: i 5,

_ _A_D OF TAPE i:_

s7 _3
'2 _

I 1

• i f-



Dump Tape 214-02
Time: 1357-1536 GMT
Page i of

214 IS 57 48 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on

' c_snel A. Information for biomed,
experiment }4110. Like to give you
the ASP and BSV numbers used on the
first and second blood draws. For "
the first blood draw on Day 3, the
serial numbers in order are CDR,
PLT, - corrected, CDR, SPT, PLT, are
159, 155, 135. Serial numbers for
the BSV_ same malsequence, 022,
(_3, (_4. The serial numbers on
the _Ps for the second blood draw
ca the day 6 are serial numbers
128, 139, and 160. The last
serial number for the PLT was the
second draw for the day, since I
didn't properly fix the anticoagulant
on the first draw, I replaced again, and
the new ASP was the one I Just gave you,
160 for the PLT's second blood draw.

214 58 63 SPT End of message.

• _ 214 i_ 03 i0 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on

channel A, with information on the
calibration on the ,%MMD. This for
biamed people. The small mass measuring
device calibration.

214 lh 03 28 SPT First of all, is the SMMD in the

wardroom, calibrated on day 212.
Temperature was 80 degrees; I did not
, log the start and stop times, but they
should be obtained from the log in the
MOCR, where we discussed it on the loop,
and we sere careful to have it calibrated
entirely during times when there was no
VG dump in operation. And let's see,
we've got 3, 6, 9, I0 steps in sequence,
the first and last sequence, zero mass.
Ten numbers, eve. Six digits, I'll read
all six, and then for the the nine entries,
only the last three digits. Okay,
sequence 1 zero mass, 1.95615, 656, 616,
6h9, 66h, 638_ 665, 671,6616 639.
Dump Tape 214-02
Time: 1357-1536 OMT
Page 2 of 3

214 14 17 06 SPT Fourth sequence, 150 grams: 2.17740, 736, 740,

761, 739, 733, 746, 733, 736, 7hh. Fifth
sequence and 250 grams: 2.31266, 272, 266,
273, 256, 277, 251, 278, 305, 301. 350 grams:
2.4_ii0. I'm going to repeat that.entry,
2.44110, 172, 068, 234, 117, 093, 138, o96,
133, 121. 500 grams: 2.62196, 155, 184, 205,
164, 113, 286, 194, 114, 113. 750 grams:
2.89763, 730, 731, 767, 666, 821, 708, 763,
775, 665. 900 grams: 3.05093, 082, 094, 274,
091 102, 120, 117, lh0. The last cal at
zero mass again, 1.95649, 652, 651, 652, 650,
646, 627, 653, 660, 631. That completes all
the cal information on the %_rdroom SMMD. Next
I'll do the calibration numbers in the _ste
management compartment _4D. That's a coupel
af pages.

214 14 19 30 SPT Okay, here we are. Also day 212, BPT crewman
did it. The start time was 15:10 G_T, stop
time was 15:50 GMT, temperature 78. Same
procedures as before. Let's see how these
first numbers look - compare, and they're
_ fairly good, I guess. First sequence,
1.96617, 549, 640, 652, 581, 612, 592, 679,
613, 544. Second sequence, i00 grams: 2.04169,
178, 103, 123, 202, 146, 186, 164, 081, 165,
Test I, 2, 3, i, 2, 3, i, 2, 3, testing,
testing. Okay, picking up again on the third
sequence, i00 grams: 2.11318, 432, 417, _5,
398, 404, 388, 491, 459, 443. 150 grams:
2.18404, 414, 408, 420, 339, 404, 388, 351,
, 298, 379. 250 grams: 2.31749, 788, 783, 758,
760, 762, 764, 677, 787, 713. 350 grams:
2.44405, 421, 372, 375, 380, 363, 374, 427,
373, 401. 500 grams: 2.62195, 252, 190, 169,
221, 201, 153, 053, 181, 163. 750 grams:
2.89458, 447, 470, 473, 433, 497, 440, 463,
462, 465. 900 grams: 3.04664, 682, 693,
611, 657, 601, 629, 750, 662, 658. And zero
mass: 1.96561, 570, 607, 559, 569, 582,
610, 578, 588. And that completes the
information for the calibration of the waste
management comp_rtment E}a4D. And and of
message. That's of coUrse, for the blomed
peopel and PIs associated - End of message.
Dump Tape 21h-02
Time : 135_-1536 G_
Page S of 3

21k 14 30 49 sPT Okay. Information going on channel recorder;

, getting ready for an M092 run. Subject is
the PLT, observer is the aPT. Jack's left
calf is 14-3/4 inches in circumference. His
right calf is 15-1/8. I'ii give you the two -
I'ii give you the two legbands in Juse a

21_ 15 19 58 SPT Charlie Victor is going to go on his right leg

as a reference band. Baker Juliet, Baker Juliett
is going to go on his left leg and to measure
the expansion.

214 15 37 22 SPT Okay, for more information relative to MO92.

I was using Bravo Juliett on his left leg and
found that it would be null satisfuctory, but
there was no way to calibrate the 3.4 reading
in the calibrate low position for his left
leg which was required. I tried it several
times, and I never could make it work, so I've
switched it now and have put another legband on
his legt leg. This one is Alfa Delta. Alfa Delta
is on his left leg. This one will calbrate
fine, noyh null and at the high end. For the
left leg I am going to calibrate los, but it
is suppose to be calibrated at 3.4, with the
eee on

Dump Tape 214-03
Time : 1625-1641 GMT
Page i of i

214 16 25 14 !
CDR ... S073 now?

21_ 16 25 23 SPT This is the SPT recording on channel A;

it is set up for the 171 run. The _s
pressure N2, 02, C02, is 1490, 14"90

CDR •.. the pad numbers. I tried putting the

programer in ... turned on the power switchl
i0 seconds later it kicked off.

214 16 34 06 SPT Okay, we are ... on the cal for the 171
run on the PLT. The cal N2, H20 pressure is
_1460, 1460, and we do have to go through a
recalibration of the - what's that - 02, C02,
a few minutes ago.

214 16 38 59 SPT Okay, we're recording the GAS PRESS reading,

CABIN AIR, 4.939.

21_ 16 40 I0 SPT Okay, recording the percents of the cabin

systems. The percent oxygen is 73.91. The
percent water is 3.81. The percent C02 is 1.95.


Dump Tape 21h-0h

Time : 1541-1644
Page 1 of 2

214 15 43 03 CC Skylab, Houston.


• Go ahead, story.

CC Can all three hear me ... ?

SC Well, they Just barely. Jack's in the LBNP,

Just started that run. A1 is on the ergometer,
pedaling. And I'm the observer, of course,
this is ... But we're _11 here in one group,
but we're all sort of working. Maybe we can
hear you all right. I'll turn the volume up
a bit.

214 15 43 _2 CC Okay. We're working on these quad Bravo and

quad Delta problems real hare down here.
Because of those problems, we'd like to cancel
the EVA especially scheduled for day 8. And
we'd like to have a management operational
discussion with ta'll over Goldstone at 18:40,
or possibly over Goldstone at 20:18.

SPT Standby, I'ii checkthose times.

CDR 18:40's ... isn't it?

CC Yes,sir. •

CDR Okay, we'll be ready.

CC If we can't pull all our data together by then,

it'll be at 20:18.

CDR Okay. Give us about 30 minutes notice, will


CC We'll do that, and one other thing; we don't

like to trouble you on the bike. Did you turn
the S073 POWER switch ON? We're getting good
telemetry now.

CDR I turned it off, but the lights went on, and

then kicked off again Just as the ... to it.

CC Okay. We Just wanted to verify that you did

throw the switch.
Dump Tape 214-04
Time: 15hi-1644
Page 2 of2

214 15 44 54 CDR Okay. I might try shaft and trummion, but
, I get all ... , even though the lights are
off. Perhaps that _ould work; I don't know.

214 15 45 05 CC We'll take care of that when we get to the

schedule time for S073. We're going LOS here
in about 40 seconds. We'll see you over
Ascension at 15:52. And as we go over the hill,
turn the TV camera off at your convenience.

CDR Okay.

214 15 52 h0 CC S3_ylab, we have you through Ascension for l0

minute s.

SC What?


214 16 34 06 SPT Okay. We are working ... on the cal for the 171
run on the PLT. The cal N2, H20 pressure is
.... lh60, 1460. And we did have to go through a
recalibration of the percent 02, C02 a few
minutes ago.

214 16 38 59 SPT Okay. We're recording the GAS PROS reading

cabin air, 4.9390.

21h 16 40 09 SPT Okay, recorder, the percents of the cabin -

Just a moment. The percent is 73.91. The
percent water is 3.81. The percent C02 is


J ¢

Dump Tape 21h-05

Time: 1720 -1722 GMT
812173 ,.
Page i of I

21h 17 21 00 ,SPT This is the SPT recording again on Channel

A relative to the MITI Just - run Just cam-
pleted on the PLT. The CABIN AIR
percentages is 72.95 for the OXYG_. WATER
is h.63. C_is 2.04 PERCENT.


Time : 1906-20hi

j Page I of 3

/ :
21h 18 58 _6 SPT Okay, recording on channel A, this is the
SPT setting up for a M092 171 run on the
_" CDRas ect. CDR's


214 19 i0 25 SPT Okay, this i's the SPT again recording on

channel A relative to M092 on the CDR.
his left leg
and _on .the right leg.

214 19 14 l0 CC Skylab, we're going LOS in 1 minute. See

you at Goldstone at 20:18.

214 19 39 37 SPT Okay, this is the SPT with information on

the run on the CDR.

Blood pressures to

measnr ement s.
--" blood pressure measurements are not very _
reliable. But it did look as if there might
have been some
The from

the CDR felt

lessallover in
the head. And felt - he also felt that it
was time to So we pressed
the trigger and P the pressure_
and are now continuing the full 25 minutes in
the ... before switching over and doing the
MITI protocol.

21h 19 49 57 SPT Okay. The SPT recording on channel A relevant

to the M092 run. Just befor the final cal at
the end, I turned the tape recorders off for a
moment, then turned them bake on. And the
reference band had come out of the CDR's right -
Time : 1906-20hl
/ Page 2 of 3

SPT lef - right middle legband, so I opened the

LBNP, replaced it as accurately as I could to
/r_ the position it was before, and closed it
again, and then did the high and low cal. So
you'll probably have to look at that data with
some bit of doubt as to how accurate the final
calibrations _ere. The left leg did - was not
touched between when opening and closing the
LB_P, and yet the final cal's, both null and
high points were both very far off the prerun
positions, go I can't explain that, but you'll
ought to take a look at it. Now the CDR said
he felt - flexed his legs and he felt the
left leg slip? Okay, so the band may have
slipped a littel bit on the left leg when he
flexed it, and that might account for the
abnormal readings on the left leg.

21h 19 52 20 SPT Okay, we're recording on channel A now for

the CDR's run on the 171. SPT is the observer,
the cal pressure for N2, 02, C02 is ih97, ih97.

214 19 59 0h SPT Okay, we're recording now the N2, H20 pressure
bottle for the _.4092run on the - 171 run On the

_ 21h 20 02 07 SPT Okay, we're now recording the ambient cabin

pressure, h.94h, 4.944, ambient pressure.

214 20 03 07 SPT Okay _e're now recording the constituents of

the atmosphere, l'ts ox_'_en, 73.71 percent;
water - water is 3.89, 3.89; and C02 is 1.98,

21h 20 38 21 SPT Okay, we're giving you a cabin air composition

again at the end of the 171 run. Percent
oxygen is 72.83, water is h.Th, C02 is 2.00.
And that is the end of the information required
for the 171 run on the CDR. I _ould like to
ask a question to the hiomed folks, in particular
to Doctor Johnson on the M092 information. We've
been given three cuffs to use for our right leg
as reference. I believe all three of those cuffs
are 16 to 17 inches in circumference and they
are really loose on both Bean and myself, when
I wear one; I've not worn one yet. But they are
so large, I wonder if it _uldn't be better if we
Time: 1906-2041
Page 3 of 3

SPT used a smaller circumference for at least Bean

and myself. In running the commander today I
/'-_ had to put that wedge in - in the opposite -
and rotate it 90 degrees from its usual
orientation Just simply to make it expand the
diameter of the leg puls wedge further than
usual. And it still wasn't tight enough,
because it came loose at the end of the run. I
would of thought a smaller circumference would
of been better for both the CDR and the SPT.
And if that's so, I'd appreciate some informat-
ion coming up on the teleprinter about it.
We'll continue to try to use these three,
however, until we got some other information
from you. This is the end of the information
relevant to M092/iTl on the CDR.

Time: 214:22:17 to 214:22:18
Page i of i

214 22 17 27 SPT The SPT on channel A with a question for

%he M092 PIs, Dr. Robert Johnson. _


.... j. ;, . .

_T.e .. .•

up a short teleprinter message in response

to that, I would, appreciate it.

21k 22 18 35 SPT End of message to the }4092 PI, Dr. Robert Johnson.


Dump Tape 214-07
Time: 214:22:17 to 214:22:18
Page i of i

214 22 17 27 SPT The SPT on channel A with a question for

the M092 Pls, Dr. Robert Johnson. It is
a question about the legbands. One of them
has apparently malfunctioned. I tried to
use legband BJ, a 14 2-inch 15 size on
Alan Bean this afternoon and when it came
time to calibrate at the high level, since
it was on his left leg, you actually do it
by first depressing CAL LOW, and then
adjusting the gauge to 3.2. It would not
adjust at all. The zero set or the NULL
did balance correctly, but the number test
point would not adjust at all on this
particular legband. So I assume there is
a lead or something broken, and I would
llke to know whether or not it can simply
be discard or if there is anything else that
needs to be done with it. If you can send
up a short teleprinter message in response
to that, I would appreciate it.

214 22 18 35 SPT End of message to the M092 PI, Dr. Robert Johnson.

Dump Tape 214-08
Tin: 2216-2223
Page i of i

VERBATIM OF TAPE 214-07 TAPE 214-08 is

THE INFERIOR TAPE (time is bad, reads
215 erratic).
Dump Tape 214-08
Time : 2216-2223
Page i of i

VERBATIM OF TAPE 214-07 TAPE 214-08 is

T_ INFERIOR TAPE (time is bad, reads
215 erratic ).
Dump Tape 214-09
Time: 1938-2251 _MT

/, Page I of i


-7 Dump Tape 215-01
Time : 0206-0210 GMT
Page i of 2

9-15 02 06 36 PLT Hello, there space fans on channel A,

_" this is Jack. The subject is EREP thermal
alignment. The thermal alignment is complete.
I took your advice on page 10-9 of the
EREP checklist. The right meter read
12-1/2 percent. The facts you gave me
didn't make any difference; it-still read
12-i/2 percent. So I went into the search
you gave methe ... leg refs [_] in which
I pegged it under page 10-11 of the EREP
checklist. I went through that whole beauty
without a peep out of the meter. It stayed
at 12-1/2 percent until I got down to the
next-to-the-last pip, number 26_ and the
_,- percent went up to 19 percent _n I got ......
to X equals 540, Z equals 495. At that
point I went into - into the right meter
peaking procedure. It turns out that I
had to turn the focus one complete revolution
beyond that which you told me to turn it,
clockwise, and looking from the micrometer
in. Therefore, the focus knob is now two
complete turns off the micrometer in stop.
The final settings are as follows : Micrometer
is X equals .546; Z equals .4901; the right
/-- meter equals 45 percent, 45 percent which
is 5 percent better than the nnmber you
gave me.

215 02 08 40 PLT Okay, I'll repeat a little bit on the

visible alignment. The visible alignment
requires changing the focus thirteen twelfths,
that is, 1 and one-twelfths turns from
where I started. I then went - I then went
! back one twenty-fourth of a turn. That
is, I went clockwise altogether twenty-five
twenty-fourths turn. The final focus
setting was at that point. The left
meter then read LEFT, 85 percent; RIGHT,
65 percent. I adjusted the X meter, I
adjusted the X control for the max -
maximize the right meter without letting
the left meter drop less than 82 percent.
Therefore, the left meter read 82 percent


Dump Tape 215-01

Page 2 of 2

the right meter 66 percent, which again

is bigger than the numbers you gave me
_ in the book. Bothof these - all of
these alignments were done with the
attenuator in slow. I don't know
whether or not the numbers you gave me
included the attenuator or not. In my
opinion, the thermal and visible alignments
are accurate and as close and they can
remain at this time. And I do not intend
to follow them further unless they have
a problem. This is Jack.

215 02 I0 17 PLT End of message.


Dump Tape 215-02
Time: iih3-1216 GUT :. - _ _.?
,_ 8/3/73 . _.
_ Fa_e I of i

215 ii 47 18 CC Houston through Hadrid for

8-1/2 minutes, and for information

215 ii 47 hh SPT This is the SPT recording on channel A

for the - for the threeRD's,and

readings.Thisis day 7.

CDR Roger, IIouston, ... ;_ !

215 ii h7 58 SPT That'll beday 215. CDR, h5038; SPT, 19018;

PLT, 07040, in the s_me locations as
established. In order, they are minus-Z
SAL, above the centrifuge, and the sleep"
compartment. End of message.

215 12 06 02 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. This is meant

for the - this is for the biomed people.
It concerns the _tieles of clothing
%_rn during _2_. The CDR _¢ears shorts
. and then carries a pencil. And that's it.
Shorts and a pencil. End of message.

" 215 12 06 31 PLT And

_._is %he
is ski%-_es
PLT. _"_eclothing
and a T-shirt.
I wear
End of message.

SPT is intended for the - the crew

215 12 13 42 SPT Okay, the following information from the ___ml_
physician, Dr. Buchanan, _nd others
associated _th the health of the crew.
The request has been made for the S_-D._
readings on the two voritus bags from ] |_
the PLT on mission days 1 8m.d 2. W

Dr. Buchanan. Message for /

215 12 lh 16 SPT End of message.



Dump Tape 215-02
Time : iih3-1216 GMT ,

Fage 1 of 1

215 ii h7 18 CC Houston through Madrid for

8-1/2 minutes, and for information - -

215 ii h7 44 SPT This is the SPT recording on channel A

for the - for the three RD's, and
readings. This is day 7.

CDR Roger, Houston, ...

215 ii 47 58 SPT That'll be day 215. CDR, _5038; SPY, 19018;

PLT, 07Oh0, in the same locations as
established. In order, they are minus-Z
SAL, above the centrifuge, and the sleep
compartment. End of message.

215 12 06 02 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. This is meant

for the - this is for the blomed people.
It concerns the articles of clothing
worn during B_4D. The CDR wears shorts
and then carries a pencil. And that's it.
Shorts and a pencil. End of message.

215 12 06 31 PLT during

And P,_94Dis
this is %he skivvies
PLT. Theandclothing
a T-shirt.
I wear
End of message.

215 12 13 42 SPT Okay, the following information from the

SPY is intended for the - the crew
physician, Dr. Buehanam, and others
associated with the health of the crew.
The request has been made for the SMMD
readings on the two vomitus bags from
the PLT on mission days 1 mud 2.
Respectively, the SMMD numbers are"
2.2570 and 2.2998. Message for
Dr. Buchanan.

215 12 14 16 SPT End of message.

Dump Tape 215-03
Time : 1352-1357 GMT
/_-_ Page 1 of 1

215 13 53 39 CDR This is the CDR. Subject is S073.

At 1B:53 we started prograz_ lB. It
seems to be running okay; I'm watching it
here. Coming on to the program, we
were supposed to pick up on page 8 of
the - eorreotion_ 6-11. %_lisis a "i"
program. The book says down in step 5,
it says, "If mode I is to performed, do
calibration by confi_/rlng panels as
follows." Okay, we did that; this
occurred about i0 minutes ago, which would
be about _3 or so. And then we pressed
on to the time it said progra_mler switch
should start. And we did. Now what
occurred was, we never seemed to get a
cal. It would cycle through all the
filter wheel A program and then would
cycle around through them again and then
cycle through them again, and cycle through
them again and it never finished doing
that. No_ when this is over, I'm going to
try to do another one. I tried to do
_. that one _th a programmer camera program
enable switch to ENABLE. And perhaps
that wasn't where it was supposed to be.
It should have been OFF. But anyhow we're
going to, at the end of it, rthn with it, stop,
I'll come down here and try to do that sequence
again. If it's possible we'll get it, if
not we won 't.

1B 55 ll CDR That is the end of the message concerning


Dump Tape 215-04 r.
Time: 1353-1356 GMT
_. i Page I of i

Verbatim duplication of 215-03.

Dump Tape 215-05
Time: !6h6-1647 G!_
Page 1 of 1

215 16 46 42 CDR ... s,nd I am resoling ... 56 PERCE._T -

56 PERCE_,[f.

215 16 46 h8 CDR End of message.

215 16 46 29 CDR CDR; this is a message for the first EREP.

I have Just completed the warmup ... I put
190 through 02 check and I am reading 86,
which is 56 PERC_T - 56 PERC_T.

215 16 46 48 CDR End of message.

,-_Dump Tape 215-06
Time: 1646-1847 GMT
Pagei oZ16 _O_ _ _ ......
f-_" _ _ i T/'_ _'
215 16 46 _ CDR - ... warmup. I put 192 ... check and I'm -
• reading B6, which is 56 PERCENT, 56 PERCENT.

2-15 16 46 48 CDR End of message.

2-15 17 41 17 CC Skylab, we're coming up on 20 seconds to LOS.

See you at stateside in 15 minutes at 16:20.

SPT 0keydokey.
-]_ PLT ... Check all readings on monitor decal
12 -.
_ SPT ... time again?

PLT How's the manuever, 0.?

215 17 41 37 SPT Okay. I'm checking all readings. One shows

46 percent; two shows 60 percent ; three,
86 percent; four, 71 percent; five, 65 percent
_ _ six, 0; seven, 14 - No - no need to do that. _
_ _ THose wereallAs. _:_.

" _215 17 ];3 09 SPT Now count the Bs. B-I 42, B-2 56, B-3 76, O
-- _. B--]i 71, B-5 72, B-6 54, B-7 30, B-8 about i, __
_: C-5 83, C-6 45, C-7 62. Now we go to D.
D-2 86, C-B 85, D-4 72, D-5 about 14, D-6 56,
D-7 40. And that's it.

SPT Now, it says voice record three readings on

monitor decals. I did.

SPT Let's check them.

215 17 43 33 SPT B-7, once again, should be 22 to 58; and it

is. It's 31. B-8 should be 0 to 5 and it's
about 1. C-7 should be 30 to 80 and it's
about 63. C-6 should be 0 to 82 and it's
about 58. It says is C-7 greater than 80?
And it's not. VTS DOOR, OPEN at 5, Big Jack.

PLT Right now?

p 215-o6

SPT Yes. Go ahead aud put it OPEN early. We

3 don't have to wait until the last second here.
5 PLT Okay.
7 17 44 20 SPT 192 Mode READY in a few moments. DOOR cc_e
8 OPEN? Don't forget that @amera sometimes
! runs over, as you know.

_ 215 17 4h 30 PLT DOOR's coming OPEN.

SPT Okay.

SPT ... coming up on five big ones :

SPT How's the _EP maneuver?

CDR Ir'aallright.

SPT Yes, you got to hit that star - I didn't _!

O _ know that - I thoughtthat startracker was
_/_\ ,'12 Just some time during the maneuver at a certain
_z point. _--

; CDN NO,""" ' i

SPT Yes, when you Just hit AITO - -

CDR ...

215 17 45 06 SPT That's it. Okay, we're at 5 minutes, Jack;

_: '. 192, Mode to READY. O

215 17 45 18 SPT DOOR, OPEN. I think I can pull that off,

READy light out at 60 seconds. I'ii time it.
The READY light ON at 60 seconds. 190

PLT It is.


SPT Got to be longer to do that. That's good.

0VERTEMP, good. Okay.
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 3 of 16

SPT Can't wait for the light to go out, I'm going

to go preoperate configuration check.

215 17 45 5_ SPT TAPE RECORDER. on; READY_ on. 92, READY

on - not - says READY. out. That's where it
is. It's out and the DOOR, CLOSED light is
7 _ out. CHECK, DOOR, OPEN. Now you have the
{ D00R,0P_.

_ _215 17 h6 14 SPT 91, RFADY, on, COOLER, ON; DOOR, OPEN. Is

• _ your DOOR,0PF_,Jack?

215 17 46 23 PLT The DOOR is OP_J.

215 17 46 24 SPT Okay, 90, on; READY. out; STA_BY; DOOR_ OP_--_.
93 A is off; READY is out; 94 is on; READY,
On. We're ready to go at the moment.
Everybody's door is open. See what we see
out there, Jack? Take a peak. See right
through here.

_' SPT Baby moves, doesn't it?

PLT Really moves.

SPT Out or in?


SPT In other words, you got the :_X -

PLT Got Min ...

SPT Okay.

SPT Okay 49:54, we go into the act here. Are you


PLT Ready, Freddy.

SPT Training a long time for this.

PLT 20 days (?)

SPT Any number you want?


Dump Tape 215-06

Page4_of16 ,

FLT l've got 15 minutes to go.

215"17 47 50 SPT Okay, 49:54.

PLT Make sure you don't give me a col too late.

_ SPT You watch me and make sure I do it on time.

I'm supposed to do it at 55.
? ,

,L , PLT All right.

SPT All right? I got a pad right here both of

us can stare at.

215 17 48 53 SPT One minute to go almost, right now.

SPT 49:54 c_ning up. A to STANDBY, S to STANDBY,

49:54. To STA_,TDBY. A to STATUDBY, 93 S to
STANDBY, and R to OFF. 93 A, ON; S, 53, 54.

PLT Three and a half minutes.

SPT Does my talking to myself bother you, Jac,?


SPT Huh? i

PLT No. -

SPT Okay, I probably _iI do it then.

PLT 57, we make a ... forward.

SPT How's the EREP maneuver?

CDR ...

SPT How's our little gyros doing?

CDR ...

SPT (Laughter) Is that right ?

CDR ...
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 5 of 16

SP_ Perfect.

_%TT Notice that they said y-2 is unuseable now_

i l
CDR ... 1

SPT That message down there. They use it sometimes

for backup, but they can't leave it on. So
that's two right there.

! SPT 53:54 is the next one for me. i

CDR ...

SPT Okay.

PLT All cloudy down there.

_%_PT Pretty cloudy, huh?

PLT All cloudy. Got the window open right.

: SPT Jack, hang in there, baby.

215 17 51 41 CDR I - I'm calculating landfall on my speetometer

here as 56:18, near Portland.

SPT Those things drifting around from the settings?

PLT Yes, a little bit.

CDR ...

SPT Okay.

PLT That's better. The IMC wnrks now.

PLT ... what 's happening.

SPT Well, I was help picking up the maneuver rate.

PLT Okay.

SPT That's why I was going so danged fast.

Dump Tape 215-06
Page 6 of 16 _-

PLT That's what I figured, but I'm glad to it

worked out that way.

SPT 53 :5h.

215 17 52 25 _ 53:5h. I'm looking out the window.

SPT Yes .... Yes.

_FI' (Whistling)

PLT You ought to put a piece of tape on that hat

before I know ... being down here kicking it --

I think that's a good idea, Jack.

PLT You knwo its going to lock anyway, but it

may do it comfortable.

SPT Good! Thank y'all.

215 17 5h 12 SPT Lock-on on the star.

_ CDR Got tape MOTION, Jack.

" PLT Good. I Just wish I could see them.

215 15 54 31 CDR B-l, A-l, and B-i ... plus or minus 5 and about
any ... yet?

_%?T _ure c_ning over a lot of clouds.

CDR Jack, stand by for an auto cal. In about

15 seconds, I'll give you a call.

PLT Okay. I'm going to hit the button here when

you say.

CDR Okay.

PLT 55?

CDR Right.

i ''--'ill _ f "_ ..... 1 i i "i "-'_'" .... _ I.

DumpTape215-06 i ..........
Page 7 of 16 . ' '

PLT Okay. I got it. I'ii do it here.

CDR Okay.

215 17 55 00 CDR MARK. Okay, mode, _,_A_FOAL,


_ PLT There it goes. !

_ CDR - - i MAX. ! !

• CDR Okay. C-I at the moment is 83 percent, on C-I.

J ..

I: CDR Looks like ... ki d a good align, Jack. ;


PLT Good show.

CDR 56:50 is the decision time and to accept, I

"_ Justletit go.

PLT So that's what I'm going to do .... 2 minutes

so - almost. Get a good NADIR ALIGN. Where
are we? Over the %_ter?

;-_!: .... CDR Yes. We still over water; awfus lot of clouds.
Haven't seen the water in a long time.

CDR 56

CDR What. about these m_kes, Big 0.?

SPT ...

215 17 56 26 CDR 56:50, I've got to'make a decision when the

RFJIDY light goes out.

CDR It's passed it. Right now C's up around 86.

SIE Good. You like that.

CDR I love it. I'm crazy about it.

CDR 56:50, i0 secends to go.

CDR Owen, switch over to A and see if you can hear

me down there? Can you hear me, now? Okay.

DU_ Tape 215-06 ..............

Page 80 f.! 6 .

PLT Sure is cloudy in this part of the country.

CDR Did you see it? Turn your light off.

215 17 57 l0 CC _%"_ylab,Houston. We're reading you loud and

clear. 'Re have you stateside for 15 minutes.
We show your attitude is good and you fired one

CDR Okay, that sounds good to us. Everything's

running along okay. And scene 1 looked good. - -

SPT ... I k

CDR Looks like we got a good NADIR ALIGN.

sPT A f_ ... among friends doesn't amount to much,

does it, Story?

CC I'm not sure Jerry would agree with that.

CDR (Laughter) Did we fire some _.[INs?

.... PLT Oh, we're ec_ing cut of the clouds now - - J

CC ...

CDR Okay, A-1 is ... A-I is 15 seconds, no make it

56 percent, B-I is 22 percent. 23; get a
gimhal angle minus 986. That was at 53 plus 15.

CDR ... - 58:12 - 3 R to STANDBY.

215 17 58 16 sPT I don't believe the startrackers have any more

useage now - -

CDR ,..

SPT - - I suggest I go hack to _'.,'ANNUAL

and dump
the - -

CDR ... on.

SPT - - hold the gimhal angles where they are.

CDR -- ...
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 9 of 16 r

CC That's correct, Owen. Either reacquire
or close the shutter.

CDR 30 cm - are ON. So it's 59 per - -

_ SPT - - at the time I gave you, I went to

CLOSE and I'll have to explain it to you
a little later.

CDR 59:10.

PLT Nice light reflection off the water.

CDR Okay, coming up on 59:10. _e got to

put on ... 1 on 93 - 59:10; we're getting
good scans. Okay, 59 FOLfuRIZATION, I.
8:40, we go to S _gY_NDBY.

215 17 59 19 SPT Sir, we have the vidicon on and have we

got down-lin k capability here or not.

CC Owen, we can recor_ it at the site. We

will not have real-time in Houston.

__ SPT Roger.

SPT ... good.

CDR Understand - I thought we -

CREW ...

PLT ... Houston, end cC Salt Flats.

CDR ...

PLT The little clouds are ..., not bad.

CDR ...

PLT Okay, we're taking data, Houston, VTS.

CC ...

CDR ... 4.

/ \
! Tapeof 215-06
age i0 16 _ !

F \ 213 18 01 35 SPT Pick another place, Houston, with the VTS.

K little darker area this time, uniform.

• CDR ...

Y PLT ... Okay, we're picking a third point,
Houston, with the 191. We're tracking it.

CDR ... something a little strange on that one.

,r PLT We've got three different areas in the

Salt Flats we're taking data on, Houston,
with S191. And we Just running out of .
gimbal angle - -

CDR ...

L PLT ... zero. Okay, we got our zero zero,

Houston .... MIN MAGNIFICATION, zero,
_: 4 zero. Go time is 02:32. I've passed
_" it already. C_4ERA, ON. There's no
clouds down there.

CDR ... to unlock lights.

PLT I'ii keep this up to a ...


CDR 03 :32.

215 18 03 09 PLT Okay, there's a few clouds coming up in

here, Houston. Not many though. Like some
of that weather moved out.

PLT There's a little blt of clouds over the

Salt Flats, Houston, on the north side.
So I picked all my sites to he in the
south end of the Salt Flats. And I
picked three different ones. Two light
ones and a little darker one. Copy?

215 18 03 42 CC We copy, gang.

PLT Okay .... clouds ... give you much because

very many clouds.

CC Okay.
Dump Tape 215-06 .............
Ps_e ii of 16 i

_-_ PLT And coming up on 45 and 3.6 west in a

minute. Okay, that's h minutes; 5 and
3.6 west .... There we go, 45 and 36.
Standing by for 05:12 .... Lake Somer-
ville, Houston. A little hazy down

, PLT Oh-oh. Coming into about 5/10th coverage.

Bad news. Coming into about 6/10ths.
"_ Worse news. I don't see any Lake _merville.

215 18 05 12 PLT MARK. 05:12. Belay my last, Houston. I

see a Lake So_erville. ..

215 18 05 26 PLT Okay, IIouston, we're taking data on Lake


CC Copy.

PLT Go 25 gimbal. I see the dam very clesrly

on Ls/<e Somerville.

• FLT VTS is working nice ...

CDR .., 190 ... 20 ...

FLT I can't seem to find Eagle Lake, going

up to the ...

PLT I .;. in the clouds, too.

215 18 07 19 PLT Okay, we couldn't get the other three,

•.. through the clouds.

215 18 07 23 CC Copy, Jack.

PLT Okay, standing by for 11:32.

PLT lake Somerville is the only one I could

see due to cloud s_*d haze down there,

CC We got that, Jack.

Dump Tape ....
Page 12 of 16

PLT ... I guess. I saw around where

_ Bernard basin was, but there's
"_ too many clouds over it to take any
good data on the ground. It would
of been - been good data on the
clouds above it. All I could see
. ; is the coastline.

': :215 18 09 _5 CDR ... st_ll on. Anybody watching it, I'm
not sure why. READY light ... 930.
RF2tDY light is not on. I'm going to
STANDBY. _AI[DBY .... length 21.

• CDR ..o i

PLT Okay, the VTS is coming on here.

215 18 ii 32 PLT MARK. CA}@ERA, O_T.

215 18 ll 40 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 30 seconds to

LOS. We'll see you over the Vanguard
at 18:23. And, Al_ you're coming in
real weak and you dropped that alto-
.r_ - getherfrom about zero 1 30 on up to
about 09 :00.

CDR Okay,how do you hearnow?

CC Loud and clear.

CDR I must have Just been talking to myself,

low. Okay?

CC Thank you.

CDE Thank you. E, OFF. 33 A ... 66.

12:22, A, ON.

CC Loud and clear now.

215 18 12 22 CDR Okay, I _s Just mubling. • That's my

fault. Forgot I was recording, Just
talking to myself.

CDR 190 intervolometer 20 - in a little

while - -
° I
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 13 of 16

z15 18 h9 PLT CAMm ,OFF.
CDR lh :Oh.

SPT 14:32 my next time.

PLT Where are we now?

? CDR Oh, we're Just coming down across the i

ic ocean, around South America somewhere, i

_ PLT Okay. _

SPY Water.

CDR lh:04, l've got to do something, 14:'04.

1h:04, I got to go to 20 -

" 215 18 14 07 PLT 30, gosh they're slow. i

PLT Turn right through South America, that's

what we're doing.
L ;
-- PLT Over do it.

_ _ PLT B out at 16:30. i -_

SPT There, we got the JA/_RA, ON, again, i

SPT Big-hand's running -

CDR READY out will go out at 50:30 with

any luck at all. And then we go to
STANDBY. 15:30 READY out, we hope.

CDR Coming up on 16 :30 -

SPT Okay, that's the end of that one.

215 18 15 30 CDR READY out, 15:30, _%_fA}TDBY

now, going
into 15:42, 193 A is STANDBY.

PLT 2 - -

215 18 15 43 CDR A to STANDBY, 48 R to STANDBY. Okay and

put ... to 30 - plus 30.
/)ump Tspe 215-06
_Psge I_ of 16

BI>_ Wrong way and I went to roll 30 ... is

30. 16 minutes, 193 R, ON.

215"18 16 22 SPT 190 ... 29. Iq_TERVALOM_'f_:Ri0 - 16:33,

I'm going to go 190 _,_DE, AUTO. A MODE,
AUTO - I went 2 seconds early there.
16:48, 192 MODE to READY. 16 :h8, coming
up. !

215 18 16 _8 SPT Okay, 16:48, there. Got TAPE MOTION.

16:54, 193, POLE, done. 17:00, to
• _ _ STANDBY. 17:06, S 0N. 17:1h, IN'f_L_- i
i i

: SPT Okay, got to get ready to maneuver back

to SI.

CDR ,.•

PLT Quite a while yet.

CDE How did yOU do?

• PLT I got one out of four around Houston.

I couldn't see the other three for the
clouds. I got - -

CDR Time your - Excuse me, I'm sorry.

PLT I got all the ... obviously and Salt Flats.

CDR Good,.

SPT Any time you' re ...

215 18 17 53 CDR 92, READY, are you running the tape

at HIGH speed?

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, we ran the tape at HIGH speed then

for about 5 minutes more than we should.

SPT Oooh! That's a lot of tape.


9ump Tape 215-06

Fage 15 of 16

CDR I know it. When I opened the door, I
went MODE, READY, DOOR, OPk_l - -

_qPT ,.. x

CDR And I didn't go back to _._DE. CHECK.


$ SPT That' s 60 percent.


SPT Well, we have a lot of data.

:i 215 18 18 58 PLT Where - Where are we now?


CDR South America.

PLT Okay.
i --.

CDR ...

PLT 19:30, we're - we're still - _re'rc

still working.

215 18 19 26 CDR 19 :BO coming un. 192. IODE. STANDBY.

Okay? At 20:5_, I go 193, S to _gY_ANDBY.

215 18 21 19 CDR ... Jack, if you're doing this right.

PLT ...

CDR Is that s_i I14C? -.. coming up?

PLT ...

CDR Okay. A ... I didn't 'Emow that. That's

a sure lot better than ... thing ....
A lot better. Let it go now.

CRY.! 32O.

215 18 23 i0 CRR%_ ...

CDR Light out. The light went out 21:55, 191,

MODE. I_4._AL.

PLT What?
Tape 215-06 f............. :__;
"p_e 16 of 16 i ................

PLT Yes, 24:55, then 25:45, then stop.

PLT Okay, I got i minute and 45 seconds to

go - huh?

3 i PLT Not timeyet. Right. ,

_'_ SPT ...

SC Okay.

215 18 24 36 PLT ... MODE, I_I._AL.

.... - ]_DOF TAPE

Dump Tape 215-06
Time : 1646-1847 Q_T
_ Page i of 16

215 16 46 CDR ... warmup. I put 192 ... check and I'm
reading B6, which is 56 PERCENT, 56 PERCENT.

2-15 16 46 48 CDR End of message.

215 17 41 17 CC Skylab, we're coming up on 20 seconds to LOS.

See you at stateside in 15 minutes at 16:20.

SPT okeydokey.

PLT ... Check all readings on monitor decal

SPT ... time again?

PLT How's the manuever, 0.?

215 17 41 37 SPT Okay. I 'm checking all readings. One shows

46 percent; two shows 60 percent; three,
86 percent; four, 71 percent; five, 65 percent/
six, 0; seven, 14 - No - no need to do that.
THose were all As.

215 17 432 09 SPT Now count the Bs. B-I 42, B-2 56, B-3 76,
B-4 71, B-5 72, B-6 54, B-7 30, B-8 about i,
C-5 83, C-6 45, C-7 62. Now we go to D.
])-2 86, C-3 85, D-4 72, D-5 about 14, I)-6 56,
D-7 40. And that's it.

SPT Now, it says voice record three readings on

monitor decals. I did.

SPT Let's check them.

215 17 43 33 SPT B-7, once again, should be 22 to 58; _qd it

is. It's 31. B-8 should be 0 to 5 and it's
about i. C-7 should be 30 to 80 and it's
about 63. C-6 should be 0 to 82 and it's
about 58. It says is C-7 greater than 80?
And it's not. VTS DOOR, OPEN at 5, Big Jack.

PLT Right now?

S _
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 2 of 16

SPT Yes. Go ahead and put it OPEN early. We

don't have to wait until the last second here.

PLT Ck_y.

215 17 44 20 SPT 192 Mode READY in a few moments. DOOR come

OPEN? Don't forget that camera sometimes
runs over, as you know.

17 44 30 PLT DOOR's coming OPEN.

SPT Okay.

SPT ... coming up on five big ones!

SPT How's the EREP maneuver?

CDR Ir'a all right.

SPT Yes, you got to hit that star - I didn't

know that - I thought that startracker was
Just some time during the maneuver at a certain

CDR No, ...

SPT Yes, when you Just hit AITO - -

CDR ...

215 17 45 06 SPT That's it. Okay, we're at 5 minutes, Jack;

192, Mode to READY.

215 17 45 18 SPT DOOR, OPEN. I think I can pull that off,

HEADY light out at 60 seconds. I'll time it.
The HEADY light ON at 60 seconds. 190

PLT It is.


SPT Got to be longer to do that. That's good.

0VERTEMP, good. 0kay.
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 3 of 16

SPT Can't wait for the light to go out, I'm going

to go preoperate configuration check.

215 17 45 54 SPT TAPE RECORDER, on; READY, on. 92, READY

on - not - says READY, out. That's where it
is. It's out and the DOOR, CLOSED light is
out. CHECK, DOOR, OPEN. Now you have the

215 17 h6 14 SPT 91, READY, on, COOLER, ON; DOOR, OPEN. Is

your DOOR, OPEN, Jack?

215 17 46 23 PLT The DOOR is OPEN.

215 17 46 24 SPT 0kay, 90, on; READY, out; STANDBY; DOOR, OPEN.
93 A is off; READY is out; 9h is on; READY,
ou. We're ready to go at the moment.
Everybody's door is open. See what we see
out there, Jack? Take a peak. See right
through here.

SPT Baby moves, doesn't it?

PLT Really moves.

SPT Out or in?

(DR No.

SPT In other words, you got the MAX -

PLT Got Min ...

SPT Okay.

SPT Okay 49:54, we go into the act here. Are you


PLT Ready, Freddy.

SPT Training a long time for this.

PLT 20 days(?)

SPT Any number you want?

Dump Tape 215-06
Page h of 16

PLT I've got 15 minutes to go.

215 17 _7 50 SPT Okay, h9:54.

PLT Make sure you don't give me a col too late.

SPT You watch me and make sure I do it on time.

I'm supposed to do it at 55.

PLT All right.

SPT All right? I got a pad right here both of

us can stare at.

215 17 48 53 SPT One minute to go _]most, right now.

SPT h9:54 coming up. A to STANDBY, S to STANDBY,

_9:5_. To STANDBY. A to STANDBY, 93 S to
STANDBY, and R to OFF. 93 A, ON; S, 53, 5h.

PLT Three and a half minutes.

SPT Does my talking to myself bother you, Jac,?


SPT Huh?


SPT Okay, I probably will do it then.

PLT 57, we make a ... forward.

SPT How's the EREP maueuver?

CDR ...

SPT How's our little gyros doing?

CDR ...

SPT (Laughter) Is that right?

CDR ...
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 5 of 16

SPT Perfect.

SPT Notice that they said y-2 is unusesble now.

CDR ....

SPT That message down there. They use it sometimes

for backup, but they cantt leave it on. So
that's two right there.

SPT 53:5_ is the next one for me.

CDR ...

SPT _sy.

PLT All cloudy down there.

SFT Pretty cloudy, huh?

PLT All cloudy. Got the window open right.

SPT Jack, hang in there, baby.

215 17 51 4l CDR I - I'm calculating landfall on _y spectometer

here as 56:18, near Portland.

SPT Those things drifting around from the settings?

PLT Yes, a little bit.

CDR ...

SPT Ckay.

PLT That's better. The IMC works now.

PLT ... what's happening.

SPT Well, I was help picking up the maneuver rate.

PLT Okay.

SPT That's why I was going so danged fast.



Dump Tape 215-06

Page 6 of 16

PLT That's what I figured, but I'm glad to it

worked out that way.

SPT 53: 51, •

215 17 52 25 SPT 5B:5h. I'm looking out the window.

SPT Yes.... Yes.

SPT (Whistling)

PLT You ought to put a piece of tape on that hat

before I know ... being down here kicking it

SPT I think that's a good idea, Jack.

PLT You knwo its going to lock anyway, but it

may do it comfortable.

SPT Goodl Thank y' all.

215 17 54 12 SPT Lock-on on the star.

CDR Got tape MOTION, Jack.

PLT Good. I Just wish I could see them.

215 15 54 31 CDR B-I, A-l, and B-1 ... plus or minus 5 and about
any ... yet?

SPT Sure coming over a lot of clouds.

CDR Jack, stand by for an auto cal. In about

15 seconds, I'll give you a call.

PLT (_ay. I'm going to hit the button here when

you say.

CDR Okay.

PLT 55?

(DR Right.
Dump Tape 215-06 :_
Page 7 of 16

PLT C_ay. I got it. I'Ii do it here.

CDR C_ay.

215 17 55 00 CDR MARK. Okay, mode, MANUAL, RECORD - -

PLT There it goes.

CDR - - I MAX.

CDR Gkay. C-1 at the moment is 83 percent, on C-l.

CDR Looks like ... did a good align, Jack.

PLT Good show.

CDR 56:50 is the decision time and to accept, I

Just let it go.

PLT So that's what I 'm going to do .... 2 minutes

so - almost. Get a good NADIR ALIGN. Where
are we? Over the water?

CDR Yes. We still over water; awfus lot of clouds.

Haven't seen the water in a long time.

CDR % :50.

CDH What about these mikes, Big 0.?

SPT .,.

215 17 56 26 CDR %:50, I've got to make a decision when the

HEADY light goes out.

CDR It's passed it. Right now C's up around 86.

SPT Good. You like that.

CDR I love it. I'm crazy about it.

CDR 56:50, l0 seconds to go.

(DR Owen, switch over to A and see if you can hear

me down there? Can you hear me, now? Okay.
_mp Tape 215-06
Page 8 of 16

PLT Sure is cloudy in this part of the country.

CDR Did you see it? Turn your light off.

215 17 57 i0 CC Skylab, Houston. We're reading you loud and

clear. We have you stateside for 15 minutes.
We show your attitude is good and you fired one

CDR Okay, that sounds good to us. Everything's

running along okay. And scene 1 looked good. - -

CDR Looks like we got a good NADIR ALIGN.

SPT A few ... among friends doesn't amount to much,

does it, Story?

CC I'm not sure Jerry would agree with that.

CDR (Laughter) Did we fire s_e MINs?

PLT Oh, we're coming out of the clouds now - -

CC ...

CDR Okay, A-1 is ... A-1 is 15 seconds, no make it

56 percent, B-I is 22 percent. 23; get a
gimbal angle minus 986. That was at 53 plus 15.

CDR ... - 58:12 - 3 R to STANDBY.

215 17 58 16 SPT I don't believe the startrackers have any more

nseage now - -

CDR ...

SPT - - I suggest I go back to MANNUAL and d_p

the - -

CDR ... on.

SPT - - hold the gimbal angles where they are.

CDR - - ...

Dump Tape 215-06

P_e 9 of 16

CC That's correct, Owen. Either reacquire

or close the shutter.

CDR 30 on - are ON. So it's 59 per - -

SPT - - at the time I gave you, I went to

CLOSE and I'll have to explain it to you
a little later.

CDR 59 :i0.

PLT Nice light reflection off the water.

CDR Okay, coming up on 59:10. We got to

put on ... 1 on 93 - 59:10; we're getting
good scans. Okay, 59 POLARIZATION, i.
8:40, we go to S STANDBY.

215 17 59 19 SPT Sir, we have the v/dicon on and have we

got down-link capability here or not.

CC Owen, we can record it at the site. We

_ will not have real-tlme in Houston.

SPT Roger.

SPT ... good.

CDR Understand - I thought we -

CREW ...

PLT ... Houston, end of Salt Flats.

CDE ...

PLT The little clouds are ..., not bad.

ODE ...

PLT Cksy, we're taking data, Houston, VTS.

CC ..,

CDR ... 4.
Dump Tape 215-06
Ps_e i0 of 16

215 18 01 35 SPT Pick another place, Houston, with the VTS.

A little darker area this time, uniform.

CDR ...

PLT ... Okay, we're picking a third point,

Houston, with the 191. We're tracking it.

CDH ... something a little strange on that one.

PLT We've got three different areas in the

Salt Flats we're taking data on, Houston,
with S191. And we Just running out of
_mbal angle - -

CDR ...

PLT ... zero. Okay, we got our zero zero,

Houston .... MIN MAGNIFICATION, zero,
zero. Go time is 02:32. I've passed
it already. CAMERA, ON. There's no
clouds down there.

CDR ... to unlock lights.

PLT I'll keep 'this up to a ...

CDH 03 :32.

215 18 03 09 PLT Okay, there's a few clouds coming up in

here, Houston. Not many though. Like some
of that weather moved out.

PLT There's a little bit of clouds over the

Salt Flats, Houston, on the north side.
So I picked all my sites to be in the
south end of the Salt Flats. And I
picked three different ones. Two light
ones and a little darker one. Copy?

215 18 03 h2 CC We copy, gang.

PLT Okay .... clouds ... give you much because

very many clouds.

•CC Okay.

Dump Tape 215-06

Page ll of 16

PLT And caming up on 45 and 3.6 west in a

minute. Okay, that 's 4 minutes _ 5 and
3.6 west .... There we go, h5 and 36.
Standing by for 05:12 .... Lake Somer-
ville, Houston. A little hazy down

PLT Oh-oh. Coming into about 5/10th coverage. ---

Bad news. Coming into about 6/10ths.
Worse news. I don't see any Lake Somerville.

915 18 05 12 PLT MARK. 05:12. Belay mY last, Houston. I

see a Lake Somerville.

215 18 05 26 PLT Okay, Houston, we're taking data on Lake


CC Copy•

PLT Go 25 gimbal. I see the dam very clearly

on Lake Somerville.

PLT V2S is working nice ...

CDR ... 190 ... 20 ...

PLT I can't seem to find Eagle Lake, going

up to the ...

PLT I ... in the clouds, too.

215 18 07 19 PLT (]kay, we couldn't get the other three,

... through the clouds.

215 18 07 23 CC Copy, Jack.

PLT Okay, standiug by for ll:B2.

PLT Lake Somerville is the only one I could

see due to cloud and haze down there,

CC We got that, Jack.

, P

Dump Tape 215-06

Page 12 of 16

I_T ... I guess. I saw around where

San Bernard basin was, but there's
too many clouds over it to take any
good data on the ground. It would
of been - been good data on the
clouds above it. All I could see
is the coastline.

215 18 09 45 CDR ... still on. Anybody watching it, I'm

not sure why. READY light ... 930.
READY light is not on. I 'm going to
STANDBY. STANDBY .... length 21.

CDR °..

PLT Okay, the VTS is coming on here.

215 18 ll 32 PLT MARK. CAMERA, ON.

215 18 ll h0 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 30 seconds to

LOS. We'll see you over the Vanguard
at 18:23. And, A1, you're coming in
real weak and you dropped that alto-
getherfromaboutzero1 30 on up to
about 09 :00.

CDR Okay, how do you hear now?

CC Loud and clear.

CDR I must have Just been talking to m_self,

low. Gkay?

CC Thank you.

CDR Thank you. R, OFF. 33 A ... 66.

12:22, A, ON.

CC Loud and clear now.

215 18 12 22 CDR Okay, I was Just mubling. That's my

fault. Forgot I was recording, Just
talking to myself.

CDR 190 intervolometer 20 - in a little

while - -
lhtmp Tape 215-06
Page 13 of 16

215 18 12 h9 PLT CAMERa, OFF.

CDR lh:0h.

Sl>f i_ :32 my next time.

PLT Where are we now?

CDR Oh, we're Just coming down across the

ocean, around South America somewhere.

PLT Okay.

SPT Water.

CDR lh:0h, I've got to do something, lh:0h.

lh:0h, I got to go to 20 -

215 18 14 07 PLT 30, gosh they're slow.

PLT Turn right through South America, that's

what we're doing•
PLT Over do it.

PLT B out at 16:30.

SPT There, we got the CAMERA, ON, again.

SPT Big hand's running -

CDR READY out will go out at 50:B0 with

any luck at all. And then we go to
STANDBY. 15:30 READY out, we hope.

CDR Coming up on 16:30 -

SPT C_ay, that's the end of that one.

215 18 15 30 CDR I_ADY out, 15:30, STANDBY now, going

into 15:h2, 193 A is STANDBY.

PLT 2 - -

215 18 15 hB CDR A to STANDBY, 48 R to STANDBY. Okay and

put ... to 30 -plus 30.
Dump Tape 215-06
Page 14 of 16

SPT Wrong way and I went to roll 30 ... is

30. 16 minutes, 193 R, ON.

215 18 16 22 SPT 190 ... 29. INTERVALOME'±'_ l0 - 16:33,

I'm going to go 190 MODE, AUTO. A MODE,
AUTO - I went 2 seconds early there.
16:48, 192 MODE to READY. 16:h8, coming

215 18 16 48 SPT Okay, 16:48, there. Got TAPE MOTION.

16:54, 193, POLE, done. 17:00, to
STANDBY. 17:06, S ON. 17:14, INTER-

SPT Okay, got to get ready to maneuver back

to Sl.

CDR ...

PLT Quite a while yet.

CDR How did you do?


PLT I got one out of four around Houston.

I couldn't see the other three for the
clouds. I got - -

CDE Time your - Excuse me, I'm sorry.

PLT I got all the ... obviously and Salt Flats.

CDR Good.

SPT Any time you' re ...

215 18 17 53 CDR 92, READY, are you running the tape

at HIGH speed?

SPT Yes.

CDR Okay, we ran the tape at HIGH speed then

for about 5 minutes more than we should.

SPT 0ooh ! That 's a lot of tape.

Dump Tape 215-06
Page 15 of 16

CDR I know it. When I opened the door, I


SPT ...

CDR And I didn't go back to MODE, CHECK.

SPT That's 60 percent.

SPT Well, w_ have a lot of data.

215 18 18 58 PLT Where - Where are we now?

CDR South America.

PLT Okay.

CDR ...

PLT 19:30, we're - we're still - we're

still working.

215 18 19 26 CDR 19:30 ccming up. 192, MODE, STANDBY.

_- Okay? At 20:54, I go 193, S to STANDBY.

215 18 21 19 CDR ... Jack, if you're doing this right.

PLT ...

CDR Is that an IMC? ... coming up?

PLT ...

CDR C_ay. A ... I didn't know that. That's

a sure lot better than ... thing ....
A lot better. Let it go now.

CREW 320.

215 18 23 10 CREW ...

CDR Light out. The light went out 21:55, 191,


PLT What?

Dump T_pe 215-06
Page 16 of 16

S_T ooo

pLT Yes, 24:55, then 25:45, then stop.

PLT Okay, I got i minute and 45 seconds to

go - huh?

FLT Not time yet. Right.

SPY ...

SC 0kay.

215 18 24 36 PLT ... MODE, MA_AL.


Dump Tape 215-07
Time: 1646-16h7
Page 1 of 1

Partial Duplicate of 215-05

215 16 46 XX CDR - Warm up. The time is two. I put

190 through 02 check and I'm reading
at B6, which is 56 PERC_T, 56 PERC_T.

215 16 46 48 CDR End of message.

_[D OF TAPE ""

Dump Tape 215-08
Time: 1741-1853 GMT
8/3/73 " . .....

Page1 or 18 . i_.:- _....

1 _15 17 41 17 CC Skylab, We're coming up on 20 seconds to LOS
? _ " See you stateside in 15 minutes at 16:20.

CDR 0kaydokey. See you there, Story.

6 II CDR Check them. ; Check a11 the readings on the

Y I monitor decal.

_ i CDR ... again?

PLT How's the maneuver, O?

215 17 41 37 CDR Okay, I'm checking all readings; 1 shows

46 percent; 2 shows 60 percent; 3, 86 percent;
h, 71 percent; 5, 65 percent; 6, 0; 7, lb.
_< No, no need to do that. Those were all A's.
Now come the B's. B-l, 42; B-2, 56; B-3,
..... 76; B-h, 71; B-5, 72; B-6, 54; B-T, 30;
B-8, about l; B-9, 59. Going oto C. C-2
45; C-3, 89; C-4, 71; c-5, 83; C-6, 46;
C-7, 62. Now we go tc D. D-2, 86; D-3, m
-- 22 85; D-h, 72; D-5, about lh; D-6, 56; D-7, O
,_'_ 2:, 40; and that's it. -_

_: 215_17 43 26 CDR B-7, once again, should be 22 58, and it is.

It's 31. B-8 should be 0 to 5, and it's
about 1. C-7 should be 30 to 80 and it's
about 63. D-6 should be 0 to 82 and it's
about 58.

CDR It says, "Is C-7 grea_er than 80?" And it's

.. not. VTS DOOR OPEN at 5, Big Jack.

PLT Right now? ,.

CDE Yes, go ahead and put it open early. We

don't have to wait until the last second here.

PLT Okay.

215 17 44 20 CDR 192 MODE HEADY in a few moments. DOOR come

OPEN? Don't forget that camera sometimes
runs over, as you know.

Page2 Of18 I I I

21_7_ - 30 CDR DOOR is coming


2I " I
3 _ CDR Okay.

CDR D co_ng up on 5 big ones.

7 CDR How our EREP maneuver?

o ! SPT Fine.

i_ CDR Okay, and you've got to hit that star - I

12 didn't know that - I thought that star tracker "-
_ was Just some time during the maneuver at
_ a certain point.

SPT- Well, it isn't

CDR Yes, where I Just hit AUTO - -

SPT - - ... minutes after the end of ... c_

_ J m
O 2-_215 17 45 06 CDR That's it. Okay. We're at 5 minutes, Jack. O

7' 215 17 h5 ll CDR 192 Mode to READY.

215_17 45 18 CDR Door open. I think I can _11 that off. i'-
HEADY light out at 6£ seconds. I'ii time it.
THe READY light on in 60 seconds.

215 17 45 32 CDR 190 HEATER SWITCH OFF light OFF. It is.

i .

215 17 h5 36 CDR DELTA-TEMP, press to" test on llT. You got to

be longer to do that. That's good over _
temp's good. Okay.

CDR Can't wait for the light to go out, I'm going

to go preoperate configuration check.

215 17 45 54 CDR TAPE RECORDER, ON

215 17 _5 58 CDR READY, on

CDR 92. READY, on - not - It says READY out.

That's where it is. It's out, and the
DOOR CLOSED light is out. Check DOOR, OPEN.
Dump Tape 215-08
?s4_e•3of 18 ...._! --[---]
I _I
• /

215 17 46 12 CDR Now you have the DO0_ ,OPEN. ....................

215 17 46 14 CDR 91. READY on. COOLER, ON; DOOR, OPEN. It's

your DOOR, OPEN, Jack. }

6 "_!5 17 46 23 PLT The DOOR is OPEN.

8 CDR Okay. 90. On. READY out _ STANDBY ; DOOR, OPEN.

215 17 46 42 CDR 93 R to STANDBY. Ready out.

,, '215 17 k6 46 CDR 93 S to OFF .... -- -.

215 17 46 47 FLT Maneuver all the way_,now. 0_

SPY Yes.

214 17 46 49 CDR 93 A is OFF. READY's out.


21_ 17 46 55 CDR 9_ is ON; READY on. We are ready to go, at --

:-- _ the moment. :;
Z 22
/_- 23 CDR Everybody's door is open. Let's see what we _-
__ wee out there, Jack. ,

PLT Okay.

" CDR Take a peak.

PLT You can see right th',-oughhere.

CDR Baby moves, doesn't it? -_

FLT Really moves.

CDR Is it out or in?


CDR In other words_ you've got the MAX -

PLT Got MIN zoom.

CDR Okay, 49:5_, we go into the act here. Are you

Dump Tape 215-08 I
Pae 4 Of 18
...... ............
i J
[.- ;

i PLT " Ready, Freddy'

3 t CDR Been training a long time for this.

PLT 29
7 CDR Any numbers you want?
8 f
9 PLT I've got 15 _inutes to go.

•" L214 17 47 50 CDR Okay, 49:54.


PLT Make sure you don't give me a cal too late.

CDR You watch me and tell - sure I do it on

_ time. I'm supposed to do it at 55 :E

PLT Allright. :'

CDR All right I got a pad right here both of us :

7= 2_ i can stare at. m
Z 22
! !
q) 23 !214 17 h8 53 CDR One minute to go almost, riKht now. O
24! 1 --
25 !215 17 49 19 CDR 49:54 coming up. A -_

215 17 49 25 CDR A to STANDBY; S to STANDBY. 49:54.

215 17 _9 49 CDR To STANDBY. __

215 17 29 55 CDR A to STANDBY; 93 S to STANDBY; and R to OFF.

93 A, ON at 53:54.

215 17 50 06 PLT Three and a half minutes.

CDR Does my talking to myself bother you, Jack?


CDR Huh?


CDR Okay. I probably will do it then.

__a____ape 215:0_8-_

l PLT At 57, we _.l{_-a-1K6dfzYl- .-?7q-_.,
2 I
3 ODR How's the maneuver?

5 SI_T ... J :

7 CDR How's our little gyros doing?

9 SI_ ...
11 CDR (Laughter) Is that right.

!3 Sl:_I' """ I _-, (1]

14 ]
!5 CDR Perfect. •
16 i. 3:
17 CDR Notice that they said Y-2 is unusable now.
i9 -Bl:_ ... 91

21 , CDR That message down there. They use it sometimes q

22 for backup, but they can't leave it on. So O
23 that'stwo rightthere.
Z_ i ----

::5 , _, CDR 53:5_ is the next one for me.

27 SPT • ••
: . CDR Okay. , ..T_.

-_: "215 17 51 23 PLT All cloudy down there. _I

22 _ H
:: CDR Pretty cloudy, huh? 0

25 PLT All cloudy. Got the window open nice. __

:?7 CDR Jack, hang in there, baby

39 PLT I - Im calculating landfall on my spectrometer

:_ as 56:18 - near Portland.

42 619R Those things drlf_cing around from the settings?

•: : CDR Yes, a little bit.

• SPT .,.
47 ! t

, ___ , , _4Ac,t-JSC

T- l .....
l_mp Tape 2!5-._8 ._

• .. . I

2 _
3 PLT That's better. The IMC works now.

5 - CDR What was it do - what's happening?

6 !

7 PLT Well, I was also picking up the maneuver rate.

9 CDR Okay.

11 • PLT That's why I was going so dang fast. Not i =_

12 what I figured, but I'm glad to see it worked C
;3 out that way.
14 DI
i5 CDR 53 :54.
(9 17 CDR 53:54. Im looking .. out the window.
c_ i
19 CDR Yes. Is that what it is? Yes

11 CDR (Whistling/h_-,m4 ng) _.

7. 22 _ O
27, 21h 17 h3 31 PLT I put a piece of tape on that ... this _i
Z4 morning, knowing that he'll be down here and --
25 . kicking around.

_.- 27 CDR I think that's a good idea, Jack.

0 2_
D- 2? o :T You know it's going to lock anyway, but it =
w -,. made me uncomfortalbe.

32 215 17 5_ ii CDR Good. Thank you, O." Lockon on the star. -_

33! o
_ 215 17 5_ 24 CDR Got tape motion, Jack. Z

35 PLT Good. I could see them.

33 CDR B-I A-l, and B-l, ALT late plus or minus 5
39 and about any value.
:0 i
_- i PLT Sure coming a lot of clouds.
4_ 215 17 5_ h2 CDR Jack, stand by for an auto cal in about
&_ _ 15 seconds. I'Ii give you a call.
4) :

• r

. 1_ ""-'1'""< • '_ .' I',IAS_-2SC

DumpTape 215-08 •

I PLT Okay. I 'm going to hit the button here
2 - when you say. ,

4 CDR Okay.

PLT 55? t
_. CDR Right.
70 1 PLT Okay. I got it. I'ii do it here.
IiI i

12 CDR Okay. I :"

13 J L0
I_ 215 17 55 00 CDR MARK. Okay, MODE, MANUAL; RECORD- - m
I_ i -I
u 16 I PLT" There it goes. "r
___ 17 j
-_:( L0
o- _,8j CDB - - i, MAX.
19 I : 0_
-_ 2C 215 17 55 08 CDR Okay. C-I at the moment is 83 percent
21 83percent C-I.
-- 22
2_ CDR Looks like the ... did a good align, Jack. O

2z _ PLT Good show.

-c ?5 i
u_ _7 CDB 56:50 is the decision time, and to accept, _ 01
O 2_ I Just. let it go. So that's what I'm going !_ ;2,
_ to do. I've been 2 minutes ... almost got _
'_ _0 a good nadie align. Where are we? Over [I
:- 31 the water? -4

_ PLT Yes. We're still over water. We - an awful _

3_ lot of clouds. I haven't seen the water in
2_ a long time. ._

37 CDR . 56 :50.
S_ _15 17 56 15 CDR What about these lights, Big O?
•U I

_ CDR Okay. 56:50. I got to m_e a decision, when
._ the ready light goes out. i
4_ !

-_ ..'215
17 56 32 CDR It's past it. Right now C's up around 86. I!

,-'7 I I
_-_ _ I i

'-'_ _',...... Gb_! i '_-.'_: "_<i _,s,,-,._c

8 of 215-08
Tape .18 -: [ I I

i PLT Good. You'il like that.

3 f
4 CDR I love it. I'm crazy about it. 56:50,
i0 seconds to go.
6 i
7 CDR Owen, switch over to A, and see if you can
here me down there.
• !0 215 17 56 54 CDR Can you herei me now?
11 I
12 SPT """ I
13 l "-
14 CDR Okay. i to

PLT Sure is cloudy in this part of the country. -4

CDR Big decision, to
o- I
!9 215 17 57 05 CDR READY light off, _t0

_Z 21
22 215 17 57 i0 CO Skylab Houston, We're reading you loud and
' 0 clear. We have you stateside for 15 minutes, cD
• 23
24 We show your attitude is good and you've fired
1 mln.
25 i. -4
) ..u.

u-- 25
27 ; CDR Okay. That sounds good to us. Everything's c]
0 _'_ running along okay, and C-1 looked good.
_ ... th_ TACS - - _1
_-- ! n1
O 20 PLT A few MINs among friends - - F1

"_- CDR - - we got a good nadir align. O


.... CC Roger. : F"

oJ PLT A few MINs among friends doesn't amount to

• much, does it, Story? ... unnecessary.
I CC I'm not s_re Gerry vould agree with that.
41 CDR Did we - did we fire some MINs?

4_ t PLT No. we're coming out of the clouds now - -

i SPT ... - - i
:7 _

:_r ....
• ".... .......
co,: "C,_
, '"
Dump_ Tape 815-08

... ..
" 1

3 SPT ..... st lockon with ... OUTWE gimbal
17 57 46 CDR Okay. A-la_d_r B-I - -
angles of plus 21 and 23; INNER gimbal
5 angle is in minus 986. That was at 53
6 plus 15.

I don't believe the star tracker's of any
10 more use to you now - -

!2 FLT What are the ..._" '" C

!_ CDR 58 :30 - - " Pl

15 - --I
_ 16 SPT - - at this point. I suggest I go back T
0 17 to MANUAL and stop the - -

19 1215 17 58 25 CDR 58:30, ... ON.

--' 20 , C)
_7 2_ SPT - - hold the gimbal angles where they are .... ._
t_ - 22 i
0 " 0
.... _. _3 CC That's correct, 0wen. Either reacquire _.
24 or close the shutter. _4

-- 26 " CDR ... ON or R, ON .... 59 - -

_ 27 i (D
0 ,'T_" SPT Okay. I have closed the shutter at this ,'D
c_ =? point. Now the talkbacks again are not iC
%o. behaving quite right, Awhile ago, when Pl
_- ;, we were locked on star - -

::, CDR 59:10 ... - - z

=4 I
._5 SPT - - at the time I gave you, I went to CLOSE, -<
o_ and I'ii have to explain it to you a little
_7 later.

5'J CDR 59 :i0. i

-',_ PLT Nice light reflection off the water.

"_ CDR Okay. Coming up on 59:10. We got to put

4_- on POL i on 93. 59:10 we're getting good
/_ scans.

a6 !
4;" t

.... __" . _" • ,_ "-; , t..- teASe' ,,_C

• I

2 ,
3 18:hO, we go to S. STANDBY.
_ f15-zT59-ro- -cD: -
4 -ok@--59;--P-o_TRI
I z_io_, i.
5 215 17 59 19 S1_f ... we have the vidicon on _d have we've
6 got the down-link capability here or not?
7 j
8 CC Owen, we can record it at the site. We
9 will not have real-time in Houston.
10 i
!1 SPT Roger. i . .
12 i ¢-
'3 CDR ... k0. I " g_
_4 I Pa
]5 CDR ... good. _
!6 I !
U_ m
_3 ,.7 PLT ... seeingthat ...

_- 19 SPT ... I --"O

:- t_ _LT ... HOuston there's the Salt Flats. 01

Z 2_ 0
'-'" ,,_ CDR ... 90 ... to sTANDBY. ._I

25 PLT Got a little clouds over the Salt Flats, __

"_" 26 but not bad.
u- _7
0 :_, 215 18 00 _3 CDR _2 R to STAND.

O _ CDR ... R ...

_: _ I_LT Okay, We're taking da_ta,Houston, on the

_s _ CC ... I "<
, )
_7 215 18 O1 3_ CDR That'm It for O_..

,39 _.T Pick _uother place, Houston, with the VTS.

4u A little darker are_ this time, uniform.

-_2 CDR ... ON. S192 .....




. r
21 -
,, D_..p.Tape 215--08__.
:ll of ____' I ! I
• L

: _PLT 0kay-; W_tre )i_kine-a--thifd-p0ifit ,-HoustSg n

with 191. We're tracking it.

4 CDR ... something's a little strange on that

• 5 one. I
6 I
7 PLT We've got three different areas in the
8 Salt Flats we're taking data on, Houston,
9 with 8191. And we' re Just running out
10 of Eimbal angles.
12 CDR ... ON ... are OFF. "" r-
]3 I
,4 PLT Run her up to zero. Fq

15 ! -I
]6 CDR ... 53--
(__ 17 , --
O- 1_ 215 18 02 33 PLT And we got her zero zero, Houston.
19 i "_
--' "'_ CDR ... 193-- CJ

/ ::'_ PLT ... HIGH. MIN MAGNIFICATION; zero, zero -- O

• _ "3
-- _4 CDR ... zero ... 92 - - --

---_ 4, PLT GO time is 02:32 - -

u_ 27 I
0 _? CDH "'" I
29 _ IE
0 :;C215 18 02 _6 PLT I'm past it already. Camera, ON. Theres
'_ 31 i no clouds down there. P'i

3_ 215 18 02 56 CDR ALTIM_'±'_R UNLOCK light. C

35 i PLT I'Ii keep this up to h minutes. _<

_7 i CDR 03:32.

_9 i PLT Okay, there's a few clouds coming up in

! there, Houston; Not many, tho,_gb. Looks
_.] like some of that weather moved out.

4_ i FLT There's a little bit of clouds over the

¢¢i Salt Flsts, Houston, on the north side, so
.% : I picked all my sites in the south end of
.:,s ! the Salf Flats, and I picked'three different
!)ump.Tape 215-08

1 PLT ones, two light ones and a little darker

2 one. Copy?
3 !
4 CC We copy, Jack.
s !
6 PLT Okay. Afraid this nadir swath on clouds
7 isn't going to give you much because there
8 ain't many clouds. .
• 9

I9 CC Okay.
11 -.
12 PLT Okay, it's coming upto 45 and 3.6 west C.
13 in a minute, to
14 i m
15 215 18 Oh 00 PLT Okay. That's 4 minutes. __
(_5 17 PLT •-. 5 and 3 6 west.
uJ 18 [
15 i
_! t_
19 '215 18 Oh 15 PLT There you go. 45 and 3.6 Standing by for U_
<-J 29 05:12. I'm all set for Lake Somerville, C_
t- 21 Houston. A little hazy down here. m
.Z 22
zJ 215 18 0h h0 PLT Uh-oh. Coming into about 5/10 the coverage.
--- 2_ Bad news. Coming into about 6/10 ths. --
25 ,_ Worse news. ;-r
.7_ 26 _ --
.u_ ":"•215 18 05 09 PLT I don't see any Lake Somerville. tn
0 2s! i _.o
o_ 29 '215 18 05 13 PLT MAF.K; 05:12. i
0 :_i : m
_- :< 215 18 05 21 ILT Belay m_ last, Houston , I see a Lake H
22 S1m,,erville. O
_J i z
2_;- CDR • e,
35 -<
35 1215 18 05 27 I_T Okay, Houston, We're taking data on Lake
o, Sl_merville •
33 i

39 CC Copy •
_0, i •
a', PLT To a gimbal. I see the dam very clearly
42 on Lake S,rmmerville.
,_,i CDR ., •

46 PLT VTS is working nice ....

: ;.r ,-, -7,'.'L"Z O:

._,_ q_ "o "O_t _i-:" ,,._S,a-iSC
Dump Tape 215-08

, / i5 18 06 21-ODR- -I 0-VALO R to-20.
2 | - I
i215 18 06 28 CDR ... to 20.

5 2 5 18 06 41 PLT ... I can't seem to fing Eagle Lake; going

6 up to coast.
8 PLT You copy that? The lake is under the
9 clouds, too.
11 PLT Okay. We couldn't get the other three; ,.

12 Justdueto clouds. C:'

IS 0_
"_4 CC Copy, Jack. m
]6 PLT Okay. Standing by for a 11:32. Lake -4
CO -7 Somerville is the only one I could see due --
o- 18 to clouds and haze down there, Story. 09
_9 (D
-_ 20 CC We got that:, Jack.

O 22 PLT ... took out nadir swath, I guess.

2_ ! 0
- 24 PLT I saw where San Bernard basin was but --
25 _ there's too many clouds over it to take -4
:_" 2_ any" good data on the ground. It would _----
u_ _,_ have been good data on the clouds _bove
--_ 2_ it. All I could see was the coastline. _

O _3 215 18 09 h5 CDR ... still on .... wa'_ching this. I'm not _'_
k- [q,
_ sure why. READY light should be on.
S2 93 POL. READY light is not on. I'm going
_3 to STANDBY .... to standby. O
3_ , CDR ON .... 21.

_- 215 18 ii 27 CDR ... R, OFF.

39 _215 18 ii 28 FLT Okay, the VTS is coming on here.

[_ i
_ i215 18 ii 31 PLT MARK; CAMERA ON.

_2 I CC Skylab Houston. We're 30 seconds to LOS.

•_ i We'll see you over the Vanguard at 18:23.
Dump Tape 215-..Q8 ..

I [ CC And, A1, you're coming in real we - weak I

2 -. and you dropped that altogether from about I
3 . 10:30 on up to about 09:00. I
• 5 CDR Okay. How do you hear now?

7 CC Loud and clear.

8 i
I0 CDR Must have been talking to myself, low.
11 Okay?

12 CO Th,_k you. "" C

13 (.D
14 CDR Thank yOU. m

16 _15 18 12
17 _
05 SC ... R, OFF. 93A RANGE to 66.

_-< :_ 215 18 12 17 C22 A, ON. 0_

]9 L0
_ 21 CC Loud and clear now. tD
.T_{ _ 1",1
rh 22
CDR Okay. I was Just mumbling. That 's my O
--_ __ fault. Forgot I was recording. I was _I
23 talking to myself. -4

2:>215 18 12 hl CDR ... 190 INTERVALOMETER, 20.

O 2; COB In a little While - - t_

29 _ 7"
' ::0 [U
:-' 215 18 12 48 PLT CAMERA, OFF.
#- _: DI

32 CDR 14 :04
_, " O

.l. PLT 14:32's my next time. F

":' CDR Where are we now?

:_ CDR Oh, we're Just coming down across the ocean

3? around South America somewhere.

' PLT Okay. Just wondering.


"_ CDR i_:0_. I've got to do something, lh:04.

•_ 215 18 13 23 CDR 14:04, I've got to go to 20_


_, ,3O

\ _ " _ NASA-J$C
_,p Tape 215-08
or .....
:. [ JI

! 1215 18 14 07 CDR 30 ... LOW.

3 PLT Coming right through South America

4 is what we're doing.
5 i
6 215 18 14 34 CDR B out at 15:30.

9 l
8 i215 18 14 35 PLT Okay, we've got the CAMERA, ON, again.
i0 _ CDR Okay.

12 PLT ... running--

1 C
13 ! U1.
14 CDR ... at 30. READY off will go out at rq
15 15:30 with any luck at ,11. And then
uu 16 we go to STANDBY. -c
o ,7 !
o. 18 215 18 14 57 CDR 15:30. READY out, we hope.
19 i _ g)
-_ 20 215 18 15 22 CDR Coming up on 15:30. 0
2, i rn
O 22 215 18 15 27 PLT Okay. That's the end of that one. o

24 215 18 15 30 CDR READY out at 15:30 to STANDBY. Now

25 J going to 15:42, 193A to stand by. _-_
"= 26 t_
,-_ 27 PLT ... 2. "/I
0 t,s 9_

o_ 24' 215 18 15 43 (:DR A to STANDBY; 48, R to STANDBY. id

31 215 iB 15 50 _DR Okay, and ANGLE T to 30 - or plus 30. -4

3_ : " O
33 CDR Wrong way .... I went to ROLL 30; now Z
3.4 I've gone to PITCH 30. V
35; --<
36 1215 18 16 O0 CDR 16 minutes. 193 R, ON.
3_ ,
z_ 215 18 16 05 CDR 190, FRAME 29; INTERVALOMA'I'SR, i0.

_0 i CDR 1633, I'm going to go 190 MODE, AUTO.

42 ) CDR Okay to MODE, AUTO. I went 2 seconds early

4S I there, i
'4 i ! !
=_S_ CDR 16:_8, 192 MODE to HEADY. 16:48, coming up.
I i
_T !215 18 16 48 CDR Okay, 16:48 there• Got TAPE MOTION.
z _--_ ,<8 _ 16:54, 193 POL, 4. )

JJC215 18 17 02 CDR Done. 17:00, R to STANDBY. _.._-.,sc

!. 2

p_p_Tape 215-08 -7
!8 I I .I

] 2-_ 18 17 06 CDR 17:06, S, ON. 19:lh INTERVALOMET_L_, 20.

3 PLT Okay. Got to go get ready maneuver back
4 toSI. "
6 CDR Okay.
8 PLT Quite awhile yet.
9 ]
I0 CDR How'd you do?

12 PLT I got one out of four around Houston. C

13 But I couldn't see the other three
]4 because of clouds. I got - - m

16 CDR Time your multi's - Excuse me, I'm sorry. _-

,7 l
._" PLT I got all the nadir swaths I got the -
i9 obviously, and I got the Salt Flats. L_
21 CDR Good. Anytime you're - 92 MODE, READY. m
22 Are you running the tape at HIGH speed? O
- - "11

24 PLT Yes. __
25 -r
26 CDR Okay, then we ran the tape at high speed
27 then for about 5 minutes more we should.

2_ PLT Oooh, that's a lot ef tape. I

4 ._
.... [ m
?_ CDR I know it. When I opened the door, I went _
34 SPT •.. how do you reading?

56 CDR - - and I didn't go back to MODE, CHECK.

._ FLT Around 60 percent.

,',7, PLT Well, we have a lot of data.

.'.2 CDR Where are we now?

•_ SPT South America.

< i CDR Okay.

. .._ 7:_ .:1 _,.>:. _93L _- ' NASA ;SC

_)mnp,_Tal)e215-08 ._

:: . I

21 _ .. SPT ... J
SPT ... finished with that?
4 I
5 CDR 19:30, we're still - we're still working.
6 i
7 1215 18 19 25 CDR 19:30 coming up; 192 MoDE, STANDBY.

?8 !,
_. j
70215181931 CDR Okay. At 20:54, I go 193 S to STANDBY.

1211215182119 CDR I'll look out for you, Jack, ... this right? "-
13 • j C
14 PLT """ J m
15 (
!6 CDR Okay, on the swath ... ? -4
J 17 I
! --
-i ,o PLT Yes. '_
C- '_ i
,J tJ)
-_ 20 CDR I didn't know that. That's sure a lot better --
21 than xxx thing, xxx somebody. We got ..., lq
Z 22 a lot better .... go out.
% 23 _
, 0
-- 2-_ CDR 03:20.
'-" 2- _ ! -4
:z 2s CDR ... minutes; ... here. 3:

"-" 215 18 23 i0 CDR Light out. READY light went out. xxx 55, b_
2_ 91 MODE MANUAL. !
%; ,_,,
_v P'I
_- -, 215 18 2h O0 CDR What? Yes, 24:55 an6 25:45 EREP STOP. Okay. m
32 I got a minute and 4_ seconds to go. Huh? -_

O_ CDE Not time ... Z

3_ i O

3_ PLT ... "_

$_ CDR Okay. ***9, MANUAL.

40 215 18 25 31 CDR Okay, we're coming up on 24:4..., 25:45, 25:45,

4, ... sat stop. We are - the only thing I can see
_ , that went wrong in there is I left the SCATS off.
43 Looked like a nominal run with the exception,
4,'r at 5 minutes I went to 192 MODE READY and, as
4J the door opened, I went off and did the
!, 190 meter switch, et cetera and did not put the
47 MODE back in CHECK. So later on at time,
_ 4_ 1:5_ went MoDE READY, the MODE was already in
---READY. Just left it there and then I followed
c'_',- the pad completely after that.
,5C ='o ::: ,_,0o _'0 t' .,ii
J ',i& S % JSC

! '. L:: ]]-.C: : __ " " L - |& • • : , "
Dump Tape 215-08

' _ 18 }g-2_ CDR 191 AUTO cal monitor. Okay.
3 PLT ... i

5 CDR I'm going off the co-.. for a minute. I'II come
6 hack and do the AUTO CAL monitor.

B CDR What happened to our record? What happened to

9 our cord over here? Did the record go off?
11 -_1518 26 49 CDR That's one of
the cords. Must be at the end of tap_.

_4 E_U OF TAPE _1
16 "-I
17 "_
10 to
_8 (/I
20 "-

23 0

2b z
j .-
",- (8

27 Z

-. : -='.
35 [-




, i
Pump •Tape
215-09 "--
-/"" _'."r
8/3/73. ,K_
Page i of 1

:215 23 27 22 CDR This is the CDR with information for -M509

interested controllers. I Just completed
charging initiallyboth PSS - I_Ss and
they're right around 1500 psi each. The
batteries were charged previously;
correction, battery 6 was charged. I
discontinued charge on time _nd began
charging battery 7, which is presently
charging. CDR out.
215 23 27 54 End of message.

+. m. +.

_D OF TAPE .._

f .
Dump Tape 215-09
Time : 2329-2330
Page 1 of 1

215 23 27 22 CDR This is the CDR with information for M509
interested controllers. I Just completed
charging initially both PSS - PSSs and
they're right around 1500 psi each. The
batteries were ch.rged previously;
correction, battery 6 was charged. I
discontinued charge on time and began
charging battery 7, which is presently
charging. CDR out.
215 23 27 5_ End of message.


Time : 0209-0223 GMT ,
Page 1 of 2 @__.0_ r-_c_ _ _"

602 lO 52 SPT . Ck annel A record{ng

2 the data on the last PLT 131, OGI run, A
requested in your pad of 07 A0705-Alfa, of
day 6. Let's see; tI1at wasn't when the
p_d came up. Take it back; guess it was.
This is the request on 0705 Alfa, day 6;
you wanted the information on the pilot,
sO what I'ii do is start _th step I and
give you the directions and responses.
_0 i Counterclockvise rotation: wrong, vr_ng. ..
lI I Counterclockwise ro .':ation: correct,
_2 I correct. Clockwise rotation: _rong, C
]S I correct. Clockwise rOtation: correct, r_
wrong. Step _, counterclockwise rotation:
wrong, wrong. Clockwise rotation -
-{ Stand
by. _ -_

?: 70 916 02 12 13 PLT C_ay, this is the PLT recording on channel A

again. You have to eliminate all my pre-
ceding comments about the data on the PLT.
It turns out that the data on the PLT is _i
0 _ heing erased from the card and the steps o
:_. 2._ that l gave you, starting out i and _, were
"=-/--_'-- _: not for him at all. The reason that I was "
misled was that we onlF erased the responses • i
_o -"d it was still, m_ h_ndwriting but the _.
responses were for a different person.
So _11 that we can rem__mher is that there
le_re about an equal number of misses except
-_r .. (cough), excuse me, in levels i, _, and 8
on the PLT. We did not have his actual -W
:" responses, but we do reca]] that there was
no indication that he had passed his threshold
" for preceiving the illusion. And sorry,
we do not have the detailed information ..-
at this - at this point.

216 02 21 3_ PLT Hello, cb-nnel A. This is Jack speaking.

_ s present is for Bill Martin and others
of the medical world interested in physical
exercise. I worked into mark one today and
the handy little exercise bike. I recorded
50A's and my heart rate was 108 after finishing
with that; 20B's• 20D's and 20 hack exercises
Dump, Tape 216-01 , L
2of2 [, I _l-
• and my heart rate after each one of these
_ras i00. My arm exercises on the ergc_eter
_" 3 were 5 minutes, 550 watts, my heart rate
4 was ll0. And loeddling the bicycle for
5 i0 minutes, 6000 watts, my heart rate was

8 _.16 02 22 19 PLT That's all, space fans. T_,nlr you.


13 }
14 --

,"4 23

0 __ -.I
7" .T-
/ 27
- _ Dump Tape 216-01 _- mJ _,
• 02 -0223 . f-v"

SPT Okay, this is the SPT on cb-n_el A recording

, the data on the last PLT 131, OGI run, A
3 requested in your pad of 07 A07OS-Alfa, of
4 _y 6. Let's see; that wasn't whet the
5 pad came up. Take it back; guess i_ was.
This is the request on 0705 Alfa, day 6;
you wanted the information on the pilot,


PLT (_ay, this is the PLT recording on ch-nnel A

• again. You have to eliminate 811 my pre- m
ceding com_aents about the data on the PLT. q:
'.2_ 21
/- 22

2_ _The reason that I was --

_5 misled was that we only erased the responses, i
.... _ _ and it was still, my nand_rriting but the
responses were for a different person.
So AlI that we can r_member is that there
were _bout an equal number of misses except
(cough), excuse me, in levels i, h, and 8 -_
cn the PLT. We did not have his actual -i
responses, but we do recall that there was
" no indication that he had passed his threshold {
preceiving the illusion. And sorry,
but we do not have the detailed information
at this - at this point.

.PLT Hello, channel A. This is Jack speaking.

This present is for Hill Martin and others
of the medical world interested in


I'' JO

i:; _'
_- 2!
i-. ?_

/o3/73 __
Page ! of 2 _o_cr_ 7"4g?yp_-

_6-_0209 - 08=SPT ..... C_r.ay, this is the SPT on channel k recording

_'_ the data on the last PLT 131 0GI run, as
requestedin your pad of 07-0705 Alfa, of
4 day 6. Let's see that wasn't when the pad °

5 came up. Take it back, guess it was. This is

6 the request on 0705 Alfa, day 6. You wanted
the information on the pilot, so what I'll do
8 is start with step 1 and give you the direction
9 end respones. Counterclockwise rotation wrong,
10 lJrong. Counterclockwise rotation : correct,
•_ correct. Clockwise rotation: wrong, correct.
I? Clockwise rotation: correct, wrong. Step 4
counterclockwise rotation: wrong, wrong, t0
Clockwise rotation - Stand-by. Pl
15 _ .4
" 216 02 12 13 PLT Okay, this is the PLT recording on channel A --
again. You have to elimnate all my preceding
e_ments about the data on the PLT. It turns
out that the data on the PLT is being erased

2_ fr_n the card and the steps that I gave you

2_ I starting out, i and 4, were not for him at all. _
": The reason that I was misled was that we only
._ ...; erased the responses and it was still my
__- 24 i handwriting but the responses were for a .j
"< L_ i different person. So all that we can remember _
/_= 2_ J is that there were about an equal number of i 'D
" ' _ misses, except (cough) excuse me, in levels i,
4 and 8 on the PLT. We do not have his actual
responses but we do reL_ll that there was no
indication that he had passed his threshold
"= for preceding the illu_ion. And, sorry we
do not have the detailed information at this -
at this point.

216 02 12 34 PLT Hello, channel A this is Jack speaking. This

present is for Bill Martin and others of the
medical world interested in physical exercise.
I worked into the mark 1 today and the handy
little exercise bike. I recorded 50 A's and
my heart rate was 108 after finishing that;
20 D's and 20 back exercises and my heart rate
after each one of those was 100. My arm
exercises on the ergometer were 5 minutes, my
_a_e _ l_b. A_ !_i_ _he bicycle
_ _ _i_a't_ _ _-t_ _" _ rate was

3! X$_.
6i i I

i I 4__

LLI '" [ °T
-< ,? !

l"-J 2S 'J

_ _stb

' Dump Tape 216-02

Time:. 0208-0226 GMT
8/03/73 _._ I
Page i of 2 '_..........

SPT 0kay, this is the SPT on channel A recording

the data on the last PLT 131 0GI run, as
requested in your pad of 07-0705 Alfa, of
day 6. Let's see that wasn't when the pad
J i came up. Take it back, guess it was. This is
6 I the request on 0705 Alfa, day 6. You wanted
7 I the information on the pilot, so what I'ii do
il is start with step 1 and give you the
and respones.

11 --
i:'_! _

PLT Okay, this is the PLT recording on channel A -

L_- _ again. You have to e]_mnate all my preceding _
comments about the data on the PLT.

-_ 20
< ,U

• I was m_Sled was that we _nly --.O

23 erased the responses and it was still my __ "a
2_ handwriting but the responses were for a
different person. So all that we can remember
is that there were about an equal number of
misses, except (cough) excuse me, in levels l,
•_- _ and 8 on the PLT. We do not have his actual
responses but we do recall that there was no
indication that he had passed his threshold
for preceding the illusion. And, sorry we
do not have the detailed information at this -
at this point.

PLT Hello, channel A this is Jack speaking. This

present is for Bill Martin and others of the
medical world interested in physical exercise.

• Dump T_pe 216-02 ..................
/'-" P_e 2 of2 - - -


lo I
11 °°

13 . 69

_: 18 i

_-- 21 ,n'l

23 ,'11
•Dump Tape 2_16-03
Time: 1342-1348 GMT
81z_IT_ .....
l of l ___4 I I I

P_16i3 43 i8 SPT The SPY recording oL channel A. This info1"mation

goes to the MIIO PI. The question was whether or
not the hemoglobin test was done after MllO. And
ah - ah - I would like to have done that Steve,
but there was absolutely no time available to
ah - to take out to do it. I ah - wanted to do it
7 after both the 3rd and the 6th day's draws but
we have been so pressed for time that there's
9 been no way to work it in. If you can work it
10 in on the schedule, why I'd ah - I'd like to take
the time to do it. But ah - ah - the way we've
been going, ah - there's Just been no opportunity
sJ and ah - so, therefore, it was not done. We did
_ get six good samples, however, 811 - twice on each "-
of the crewmen and I think all the plasma car-
tridges are Just what you're looking for, without
Q) ;i too much air. And ah - no indications of and red
:_ : component in them. So I think those are a] ] good
samples. It's just a shame ah - -we didn't !
have time to do the hemoglobin.

216 13 44 16 SPT Information for the ah - Dr. Kimsey MllO and ah -

end of message from the SPT. __ -r,

_?5 : -;

i q


Dump Tape 216-03 J
Ti_e: 1342-1348 GMT I
Page i of_l __---_

• _._____ _L__L__
......... I
"_-_ _ 21613 43 18 SPT :The SPT recording on channel A. This information
goes to the F_I0 PI.

_h 17

•• j "_

•._, 216 13 44 16 SPT

!4 23 and of message
fromthe __ m

_._ _ _
2,_ _/D OFTAPE
Dump Tape 216-04 I
: Time: 1343-1345 GMT
i of i i

2161 13 h3 18 SPT The SPT recording on channel A. This information

goes to the M1 ... PI. The question was whether
3 ! or not the hemoglobin test was done after Mll0.
4 I And I would like to have done that, Steve, but
there was absolutely no time available to take -
to take out to do it. I wanted to do it after
7 both the third and sixth days on, but we've
8 been so pressed for time that there's been no way
9 to work it in. If you can work it in on the
I0 schedule, why I'd - I'd ]Ike to take the time to
1! do it. But the way we've been going, there's Just
Been no opportunity. And so, therefore, it was
not done. We did get six good samples, however,
14 twice on each of the crewmen, and I think all the _-
i5 plasma cartridges are just what you're looking
" for, without too much air and no indication of
amy red component in them. So, I think those
are all good samples. Just the same,I -
" it was a bad time to do the hemoglobin. Inform-
_ion for the - Dr. Timothy on ll0.

916 13 _ 22 SPT And end of message frc_ the SPT. _

N 2J i _I
,- 24

.:. F_D OF TAPE --_


J i
Dt_p Tape 216-0h
Time : 13h3-1345 (]Mr
8/b,/73 1

_, ; 216[ 13 43 18 SPT _Fae SPT recording on channei-A.--This-information _-

2 goes to the



%: ]7

216 13 )4)422 SPT And end of message from the SPT.

?--7 L5

if ._

Dump Tape 216-05

Time: 1420-1520 G_79 I

81 .1T3
iPage i...............
of2 ' :---
_ .i

2 , _i_- PLT And I say,

Subject is okay,
;[131. space fans,to
This goes this
the is Jack.
people .... is the subject. The day -

_ i Greenwich Time - G_',Ff.And uh - we're

O the uh - day
proeeding withisuh
time step
is Ih:20
uh - :_!31-2.

1216 14 21 22 PLT Thats the end of message for the moment.

216 15 08 57 PLT Okay, sp_.cefans, _his is uh - Jack.

The subject is L'131-2, sps.tial locali- ""
zation for the biomed folks. The fol-
'_ lowing is the data of the run with _n. ,
Table number i, chair at 30 degrees
_rith otolith test go_g_les. _ow a reading
for pitch and roll internal and pitch
and roll external. 12.0, 74.0, ii.0,
_; 71.3, lO.0, 71.4, 3-%.9, 71.5, ii.0, ._
_ 70.8. _[ow the exte:cnal, 9.8, 67.8, ,_
: 10.3,68.7, 7.3, 72.3,7.4, 73.4, 10.2, '"

30 degrees, rod and sphere. _ in- ._ _ ......

C and 69.0. Table number 2 again at O
ternal, 188, 186, 187, 185, 183, 183,
184, 183, 184, 182. F_ternal, 193,
185, 191, 186, 192, 184, 190, 184, 189,
1Pitbh and then roll. Internal first,
3.7, 75.1; 9.5, 3.2, 72.7_ 5,5, 71.6;
14.0, 71.I_" 74.3. _[ow external: 12.5,
74.8; 6.0, 71.6; 2._, 73.7; 13.2, 72.5_
13.8 and 74.2. Okay, now Table 5, litter
mode 32 degrees, red and sDhere. In-
ternal was 87 and ]58; 81, 160;
80 and 159; 80 and 159; _2 and 157.
External: 173 and 189; 172 and 187;
170 and 185; 167 and 185; 166 and 185.
Okay, this is Table n_n_ber ,_, the final
table: tilted to 4i degrees the litter
mode, rod and sphere. Internal,
91 and 161; 90 and 161; 90 end 162;
88 end 162; o9 and I_; external: 159
O and 185; 162 nand 183;_I 161 and 1,,,,-°°',
161 and 183; 162 s.nd I°4. That _as
the fin_l table and now to answer the
a_estions on uh _- checklist pace 4-25
and 4-26. The answer to the first question is:

e 2_.of 2 ..... ,
Tape 216-05 .___ , __

2 I
PLT Very similar to ground based trials.
! The answer to number two is negative.

as he was on the ground. The answer to

Q ' He was not
number 3 is assort
confident, he was
of yes and no. right,
he did not have any sense of ... or
i gravity vector. He still _,_aintained a
•.. as to what is upright by visual
means related to the l-g trainer. The
answer to number 4 Is negative. The --
snsuer to mLnber 5 is affirmative. There
b_ _ _:ereno a(!ditionalco-rents an_ observa-
tions. This concludes the report on
'_ M131-2 for C_en Garriot.

. 216 15 16 22 PLT _qle time is 15:15 minutes, the day is 0_

_ _ 216• End of message. Jack is out.

" _ ; ,END OF TAPE tn

i _ N]


- Dump Tape 216-06 •
Time: 1610-1740 GMT
81_173 ................ _
1 of15 :

2i6 16.1o09 okay,this is the sPTrecordingonch el A

" the clock time on the ETC camera. It'll
he 16:29:30 on the ETC camera coming up on
ms'mark; 5 seconds. Stand by -

' 216 16 i0 25 SPT MARK, 16:29:30 on the little accutron

clock inside the ETQ camera. That
information, of course, goes to the EREP
: people,190B people.;

216 16 i0 39 SPT End of this recording relevant to. ETC d_

: camera t_m_ng. SPT put.

; 216 16 12 35 SPT Next comment on ch_noel A relative to

"! 19OB is that the desiccant in the camera
; did look pinkish and it was therefore
replaced with anothe9 new desiccant
:_ filterfromthe locker.
216 16 37 38 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack. The
_ subjectis Earth resources. DEW POINT
" pair a meter [sic] Delta 6 is reading

216 16 37 52 57 percent. End of message. (Dead Air)

" 2-16 16 54 32 PLT Okay, space fans; this is Jack, channel A.
• The subject is EREP. These are the C and
B readings 5 minutes prior to the pass
begins. Alfa 5, 6h _srcent; Alfa 6, 0 percent;
Bravo 2, 57 percent; Bravo 3, 76 percent;
Bravo 6, 51 percent; Charlie 5, 82 percent;
Charlie 6 -

216 16 56 17 SPT Yes, I did. Just a moment ago Jack I

called up there and I thought you'd
; left it on myby accident.

216 16 56 27 PLT ... Okay, it looks like I'mgolng to have

to repeat the Earth resources measurement
llst 3 minutes prior to the pass. The
: monitors are reading is as follows: Alfa 5,
65 percent; Alfa 6, 0 percent; Bravo 2,
56 Percent; Bravo 3, 76 percent; Bravo 6,
- 51 percent; Charlie 5, 82 percent; Charlie 6,
: _6 percent; Dog h, 72 percent; Dog 5,
14 percent. And I took a quick look at the

= , - - -T-- i
. DumpTape m6-06 ........... _'i
• • L " - • C . "
. . b

_. i_ ..... =.... :-: "-- ........ S192 VISIBLE THERMAL ALIGNMENT a little ......
: _ while ago. VISIBLE was reading left meter
: i • 80 percent, right meter, 65 percent. THERMAL
_ was reading 46 percent and the ALIGNMENT
: _ switch is OFF.
i •

i 216 16 57 36 PLT That's the end of this message.

9-1616 57 58 PLT Okay, tape recorder; this is Jack with

a few more Earth resources reading:
Bravo 7, now reading 30 percent; .Bravo 8,
reading i0 percent, Charlie 7, reading ""
56 percent ; Dog 6, reading 57 percent.

916 16 58 38 PLT End of -

< 2-16 16 59 16 PLT Okay, channel A; this is Jack. Here's

the preoperate configurations ; TAPE

RI6 16 59 39 PLT TAPE MOTION light is not on. The READY

._ light is on. 192, the READY light is not
on, yet. The DOOR - There's the READY
light on. DOOR must be OPEN. 92 is on,
_ the READY light is on. We're in CHECK.
The READY light is out, the DOOR is OPEN.
DOOR, OPEN. 90- 190, the READY switch
is on, the READY light is out. We're in
STANDBY; the DOOR is verified OPEN. 193 R
is in STANDBY. The READY is out. 9B's
NRATER is OFF. The -rEADY is out. 93,
Alfa is OFF. The READY light is out 9h,

216 17 00 _3 PLT End of message.

216 17 05 58 SP Okay, space fans; EREP pass. Charlie 1

is reading 87 percent - 86 percent.

216 17 07 01 SPT Left it on. I've been recording everything

in A ch_el.

216 17 07 06 SPT Okay, we've got a NADIR ALIGN. We're on

Dump Tape 216-06 ...........
Page 3 of 15 ........ :-J

._-'q-cDR " Everything is going along okay.
:! i
L,_ PLT - - 50 percent A-I and B-I is operating
! about 40 percent. Charlie i is 86 percent,
_i . 86 percent, Charlie i.

216 17 07 32 PLT We'll call Alfa l, 81 percent - correction -

Alfa i, 55 percent and Bravo i, _5 percent.

'• 216 17 07 43 CDR 17:10. i

216 17 07 46 PLT Okay, I got a READY on for 191 and R to "- •._
08:06 next. SCAT,0N.

216 17 08 06 PLT MARK. SCAT, ON; BAD,ON.

;:_ CDR .....

PLT 08:2_ next.

CDR Awful close, Jack.

216 17 08 14 PLT 193, ... 08:24, 19BA to MODE 2, MODE 2.

Okay 09:53's next.

CDR Okay,
BigJack. /

PLT I've got everything on there, but I - on

the recorder, but I turned it off every
• time after I used it. I guess - -

CDR ... tight area, Jack.

PLT Good.

PLT I've got 1 minute to go. We're over the

ocean. There's lots of clouds down there.

CDR Want a yellow filter?

PLT It's up to you.

CDR Setting at zero zero ... anything more than

that. I assume you're running. That's w_at
it is - -
Tape 216-06 ...........
•, .p_(_ _,. of 15 ................ -

PLT ...

CDR - - It' s phenomenal.

PLT Everything is on and running.

i CDR Okay, ... zero zero;

' PLT ... Stand by for 09:53 here. RAD/SCAT

gimbal light's flickeringon a little bit,
_! hut ...

_= 216 17 09 42 PLT 09:53, looks like my altimeter is working.

_: CDR We've got - we got Z-LV going. We're taking

: _ out data up here.

" FLT Antenna' s working.

216 17 09 54 FLT 53, 190, MODE to AUTO.

(DE Okay, 59 - There it iS.

- 216 17 i0 01 CDR MARK. We're taking some data right now.

It's over the clouds. I don't see the ocean
at all. Top of the clouds;they don't i
• look like high clouds ... they look more
like st.ratacumulus. It's overcast and
broken at the moment. It rem8!ns the
same. I'm looking straight down, zero

FLT RAD/SCAT gimbal light flickering on and off.

CDR They want to make with drift. There's no


216 17 l0 46 PLT ll:30 next.

CDR Everything looks copesetic. Okay, now

we're coming out from the clouds. We're
getting ... clouds now. I can't tell the
height, but could be some very thin ...
clouds. I can see some ...

216 17 ii 21 FLT Okay, A-I i% working - -

iDump Tape 216-06

CDE Completely eloudea over - -

, PLT .,.

CDR All the data we're going to get is going to

he of clouds, whatever it is. DAC is not
rllnning per instructions.

: PLT Okay, the RAD/SACT gimbal light comes on

every time A goes up around i00 percent.
When it stabelize_ at a 100, the PJiD/SCAT
• glmbs/ light goes off - - "-

CDR Time is ll:hO now. Everything's looking

good. ..

PLT - - ... ll:BO - ooops at little slow on-

216 17 ii h8 PLT SCAT to STANDBY, RAD to STANDBY a little

, bit late because ... too much. MODE, IN-TRACK
BAD is ON i0 seconds late - l0 seconds late
f- getting the RAD/SCAT on.

& . 6":DR Things are looking good,

?LT Stand by for 190 REJ:DY out at 14 ....

14:06, now 12:30. Gimbal's not been ..
drifting much. Ever-jibing is in

216 17 12. 33 CDR Okay, we're flying o_,er some clouds. We're
never come out and looked at the ocean
directly. These are eumulal now ...
stratiform clouds also. But they look like
they m_ght be in a little higher. They've
got the classic stacked shape. I cannot
see the blue of the ocean through them
anymore. So they've thickened somewaht,
though I don't see a buildup. Clouds are
getting a bit thicker. I'm glad we're
: not running the DAC. Okay, we're getting
a little higher clouds now. A little more
stratiform type .... type clouds here at
all. I assume that this the kind of repor_
that you're_going to want, looking out
,Dump Tape 216-06
|Page6 of 15 _ ...... :--I

here so we can ... data later. If not,

> _, send it up on the teleprinter pad and
; we'll quit talking about it. Or send it
a I ' up real time and we'll quit talking about
_ , it.... comingup.

7 ! 216 17 14 01 PLT Okay, READY light on and 190, STANDBY - -

i CDR 14:06--

: PLT -- ... STANDBY-- .

CDR ...

PLT ... think I can hack it.

CDR 45 up.

CC ...

SPT Story_ I'm not reading you on A - -

CC We're not reading you on A and understand.

We got the star locked on for you.

_ 216" 17 14 h3 PLT 14:h2 -


CC We did not change the star computer because

we suspected that it's been inhibited as
far as angle is concerned ....

PLT And by-

216 17 15 00 PLT MARK. ALTIME_z_.'Ron at 15. 15:30, 15:13

next, ... 119-190 -

216 17 15 13 PLT MARK. 13 in MODE AUTO - -

CUR Things looking good.

PLT - - 15:20, RAD - -

CDR Amp going for time of 18:46.


I •

Tape 216-06 ................

" Page.
. 7 of 15 L_ ....... !



'' CDR ..• - -

PLT - - RAD 6 plus 15; POLAR, i; 17:30 next - -

CDR - - Just about half right there. Okay.

•_ And the lights show up as bright spots
today. It's hard to tell whether we got
: clouds down there. I'll flip thi-s little .
filter out of the way that helps sometimes.
Time 15:55, things are looking good. We've
• got thin - NO, it's hard to tell if those
are clouds or not. No, those are Just
brown Earth against the green Earth. So,
I've got to learn to tell those things apart.

216 17 16 15 CDR Okay, coming up on 16:16. 45 up - -

SPT ... me, Story?

"_ CDR -- 5 up- -

; " PLT These guys aren't reading us.

CDR Can't help it. Can't do anything about it

now. I don't know why they're not.

216 17 16 37 SPT Hey, Story. I don't _mow why you guys

aren't reading us. But you aren't reading
us on channel A on hot mike.

CC ...

PLT We don't know why. We're putting it all on

record thou@h.

PLT NA, something's wrong.

SPT Are you hear_e_Z us down there on the

operate pass?

PLT I canhearyc_mow.

SPT Well, I hadst, go i_ochannel B. Apparently

you are not getting us on channel A.

PLT Okay.

CC eee
+Dump Tape 216-06 , . . . . .......

Page 9 of15 '

216 17 18 h6 CDR ... okay, now let's zoom in and see what
we can see. We've got it. We've got that
_ plug in, Jack, baby.

PLT ...naw. That'smy .....

+ :216 17 18 58 CDR We're on it.

PLT There g_es the 73 - -

CDR We're on the target. How about a little

datatake. Tooo_,ch! "-

PLT Here it is.


CDR . The lake is shining bright to the left

corner of the field. I've got it. We're
tracking like nobody's business.

216 17 19 14 CDR Right on the center of the target, clouds

to the left - -

_- PLT ...19o
_ -

CDR - - and back behind, but this little bit

; " is open.

CDR We're getting multiple pieces of data. I

forgot to turn on the camera. I'ii turn
it on now, and we'll :_ee how it's right on.
That I was a good setup by the ground. They
put us in the right s_ot. I can see the
crossroads ; I can see everything else now
that l'm a little bit Mare into Nadir. We're
getting data we haven't used yet! A perfect
site. Nice pointing down there on the
ground, GUIDO and evexybody else. That
was a perfect shot! Not a bad scene.

216 17 19 58 CDR The minus 5 will track a little bit longer.

216 17 20 05 PLT 20:08 go to CHECK - -

CDR Excellent sight, excellent sight!

2-16 17 20 09 PLT CHECK, 192. t 20:14,+ INTERVAL's to 20 -

° a

._Du._p Tape 216-06 ............


LP_e n cr 15 • . J
.. .................

UDR .,. the right place.

_ PLT Copied them down 80 and 65 for the VISIBLE

and 46 for the THERMAL.

CDR Is that one ...

PLT Get a little ... check on that.

CC ...

216 17 22 5i PLT 21 - 2:56, standing by.

CDR Take a ...

216 17 22 56 PLT MARK, MOLT to READY. 24:12 next.

PLT Oh-oh, AI. Here. You'll want that.

•.. for you.

JDE Thank you ....

PLT Darn near lost Toledo Bend into the command


_)R ... now.

PLT Bad place for Toledo Bend.

PLT And it's hazy over Toledo Bend .... haze.

Tape recorder's hanging in there. MALF
light is off_ TAPE MLTION is ON; we're
in READY. Charlie 8 meter hangs in there
real steady when we got 60 ips going. It's
hanging in there at 27 percent at the moment.
0therewise, it oscillates plus or minus
5 percent. 24:12, we're going to CHECK.

216 17 24 12 PLT MARK; MODE to CHECK. 25 minutes next.

216 17 24 29 PLT Still with us, Story?

216 17 2h 33 CDE ... to zero•

PLT Story ain't with us anymore.


216 17 2h 36 CC We're reading you loud and clear, Jack.


. .4

"" ! t


PLT Okay; thank you.- ..............................

CDR ... to zero.

PLT I was saying on this tape recorder meter

Charlie 8, it oscillates plus or minus
7 percent when you're in the LOW speed.
When you go to HIGH speed,why it is in
, there real solid - -

CDR 12togo.

; PLT Just a little information. Okay, A and R

! are standingby on the hour - or minute.
A and R are to STANDBY. __

• 216 17 25 03 PLT MARK;on the minute.

CDR Okay, I was off the comm for a while there,

Story. I went back and changed. I had the
panels in the command module - -

• PLT ... 9 is ...;37 max.

; CDR Mine is to the 6. I changed it, got back,

. and I think we got both. So we got co"--on
both targets and everything else. It got
a little hazy right overhead but as long
as we were looking at it from an angle,
it looked pretty good. I tried the haze
filter, and it didn't seem to work too
well. I took the haze fitler out then.
I tipped it off the target. I went back
on the target and took some more.

CC Okay, copy, A1; great. And that was

supposed to be hazy down there in

216 17 25 _8 CDR 25:_8. 25:48; 30:12 is what I'm looking

for. Probably didn't hear. I don't
know if you heard the first part. We got
both targets, by the way, and both
alignments were Just perfect. The one
coming into Colarado was right on. I
zoomed in, and we were Just a little bit
south of the_ field. So I moved up and that was it.

_____ .............................. _.._ _ . . 4-.-

i /

•Dump Tape 216-06 ...... ..........

f-_ P_e13oz15 .....

CC Copy.

216 17 26 35 PLT Standing by for POLAR, 1 at - on the


216 17 27 01 PLT MARK; POLAR, l, on the minute. Standing

by for 27:20.

216 17 27 07 CDR 27:06 is the time. We got to go at 30:12.

Okay, I guess they want Kansas on this one.
It doesn't say "No Kan."
I Okay. ._

216 17 27 31 CDR MIN zoom; that's wha$ they want. Okay.

" 216 17 27 41 PLT The IbEADY light is out. MODE to STANDBY - -

216 17 27 4h CDR 27:_3, Jack.

216 17 27 45 PLT - - FRAMES at 28:02. UNITS ..., IN'I'r/H_AL'si0;

_ 190 is set and ready _.o go. I got a long
way until 32 minutes here.

216 17 28 12 PLT What ground tracks we going to have

tomorrow, Story, do you know?

916 17 28 16 CDR 28:16. We've got then back to back. So

what ... about tomorrow.

PLT What ones are they, though, I wonder.

CDR I don't know.

CC Ground tracks for tomorrow are 61 and 62.

PLT Thank you. 61, 62, the Doctor says.

216 17 28 3_ CDR Okay, 28:33.

PLT Oh, standing by here for 32 minutes is a

long way off; 3 minutes off.

PLT Looks like we are going to have about 20

or 25 percent left on this tape recorder,
Story. Too bad we got to run it off.

216 17 29 33 CC Roger.

Dump Tape 216-06 _ -

. .[.............. . .

PLT You may want me to go MODE to - MODE to

READY bit on 192.

CDH 30 :12. Turn on the camera.

PLT We can lay some extra data on there.

CC We'd like you to fly Just the pad, Jack.

PLT That 's what I figured.

216 17 30 02 CDR 30:12 coming up. Everything looks good

here. Don't have any clouds this time,
although it's very hazy.

PLT ...

CDR Here comes some clouds.

216 17 30 lh CDR CAMERA, ON.

2-16 17 30 16 CC We're 30 seconds to LOS, Skylab. We'll
see you in 12 minutes at Vanguard. That's
at 17:40.

PLT Roger. We'll still be rnnning.

PLT We've going to say hello to South America

with EREP today, I guess.

2-16 17 31 2h CDR Okay, we're still pressing along. What

we've got is scattered clouds. Every once
in a while, ve'll have a . a large cloud
that looks a little bit higher floating by.
Generally speaking, we're in a scattered
clouds area.

216 17 31 54 PLT Cc_ing up on 32 minutes.

CDR 32 :33 •

216 17 32 oo PLT S to STANDBY.

216 17 32 02 PLT R to STANDBY.

216 17 32 05 PLT POLAR, 4 set.


l>_mp Tape 216-06 !

Page15of 15 - _i

216 17 32 09 PLT PITCH, plus 30 set; 32:20 next for 193; -

190 MODE to AUTO. 32:20.

216 17 32 20 PLT MARK; MODE to AUTO on 190 - 32:26 ...

216 17 32 23 CDR That's it. 30:i0:23 into the ball game

' 216 17 32 26 PLT MARK; S SCAT is ON; 33:06. Give me an

i AUTO CAL at 33 ***

CDR I've got a perform this with SI.

PLT Don't do it yet. We are still taking data.

216 17 33 00 PLT MARK; AUT0 CAL.

216 17 34 33 PLT Yes. .

PLT How's that look right there?

216 17 35 30 PLT Standing by for READY on on 191.

216 17 35 39 PLT MARK; 35:39. There she is. Okay at

;f 36:57, 190 out; standing by for that.

2-16 17 36 57 PLT MARK; 57, READY out, right on time. MODE

to STANDBY, 190. FRAMES, 3 - zero three_
INT_VAL, 20. It's set.

216 17 37 17 FLT 30 - 39, I'm standing by. 0ooh, ooh!

216 17 39 52 PLT Okay, then Sl9h MODE to MANUAL on the

minute; standing by.

216 17 39 00 PLT MARK; MODE to MANUAL.

216 17 39 48 PLT I hear you trying to get our attention

there, Story.

216 17 39 59 PLT Hello, Story. How you doing at hO?

2-16 17 h0 06 PLT h0:15; standing by for that; be 193 to POLAR, i.

2_16 17 hO 17 PLT MARK; POLAR, 1. Standing by for 27.

Dump Tape 216-07
Time: 1753-1851 GMT
_, Page I of 2

z 216 17 53 29 SPT SPT recording on channel A with infer-

3 m_tion relative to the ETC operation; !
216 17 53 56 SP_ I'ii repeat that about SPT recording on I
channel A_ 116 frs_mes used on the ETC,
3 i Earth terrain camera. That information
for the EREP 199B people.

i', _ 216 18 30 ii SPT_ This is SPT with a couple of copies in

a_d±t_on. ._±00_-_ people
For the __._._,
associated with _, reference to the $]
l operation of the ETC camera. First of _i
T all, most of the runs today _re taken
at five frames per minute, _Jhich _,-ilibe
12 seconds for exposure. In.actuality, -- "
:_ !_: the camera _s taking frs-mes at U)
13-second intervals. In other _ords,
it took o5 seconds _nstead of 60 for
five fr_!es to be tshen. You might _nt
to take that into account in sending 0
_ yourpodnumbers forthe settings on -,_
" frames per minute. And the next thing _,_s -
._ somethin_ noted in real time, that is "'!
; interruption of power after the data
complete, the camera had been returned
to STA_TDBY and a little while thereafter,
the power of the camera Just quit turninz
- grinding a,_zayover the standard noises
that it makes. And then the power to
the inverter or the po_.._er from the in-
verter is interrupted. Then a couple of
minutes later, the power came h_ek on
and then one more time maybe 5 minutes
later, s_.e thing happened and the c821era
operation ]ras curtailed for another
couple of minutes until it e_u_e back on.
So I have no explanation for this. We
don't _mo_..
_ whether i_'s the sp_.eeeraft
systems or perhaps _dth the camera in-
vertar system, but %_nted to b_ing, it
again to your attention so you can be
thinking about it.

216 18 BI 30 SPT SI"_T_ end ..ofcor_:ient.

•_ .Dump_ Tane 216-07 ,_
............. i
Page. 2 of 2 I...............

216 18 &7 h5 CDR Okay, CDR; _ith a message for the EGIL
and it concerns housekeeping7B, which is
water reservoir check. I am presently "i
'_ looking at the A, D_ B, and B water reservoir.
' _ I can see that it is more than half full.
_ By that, I mean it is a fourth full, then
at the level of the ... It is difficult
to tell then how much more it is full be-
cause the black bladder some how interfers
_0 with our viewing how much more full it is
] than that. I turned the flashlight in the
water psrt and tried to look down. It
looks like it is 3 or h inches additional.
'_ So there's plenty of water in there, it
appears to me.

" 216 18 _8 28 CDR CDR out. That was a message for EOIL. (_

_ •216 i8 _8 h3 CDR This is the CDR and a correction for the

message to the LF_IL. Since the black
___ bladder is all the _ay down to the full end,
if you - I guess you _u!d have to say
_ ' that it is completely full. In other _rds,
I can see _-ater in the translucent spot,
• _ where there isn't a bladder. _d then --
where I see the bladder ,*'"on-o_""_ the trans-
lucent area, I noticed t_t it completely
covers that part of the end. So I guess
the feeling is then no_.z,I think it "_-_uld
be that it is completely full.

216 18 h9 09 CDR End of message. _,


• ._ O_'_f

Dump Tape _16-02

Time: 1952-2055 G_,_

.......i ,- • [ l_J

Cincinnati tonight, it' s going to be

cloudy and Warm. Toda_v's high in the O0's.
I " J
21g 19 57 31 CDP - that are called out on this house-
keeping item. For A_P_Y M_8, g553,
6767. BA-n_Y VOLmS, all bats were up
to _7 to h8 volts. BA._TTE.RYM q?S, oh
we're showing 1 to 2 amps. Zneldentally,
_e ]
this was meas - measurements were made
_' I shortly before sunset. _'.[SA/#PS PCC-
_2 TOTAL, 3_/h2. O_.TScurrent, el/8. CSt,[ ""
"3 TRANSFE_R e_rrents are both reading L,
_'_ zero, of course. ATe' TP__NS]q_ are also _ l_
!5 readin_ zero/zero, even though we have {

_'; ]" 29.1/2.0.1; TFANSF] /.also the same volt-

i" _!; age. BAT CN_2C-E B±,,_ i through 4,
=_ :" the buses p_ra!lel. R_C BUS VOI.TS, {
'_: CF_C-_ 9_" to IO0 P_C_2 on both meters. ' 'D
"-_! _:'; BAT 5, I00/80, B,_T 6, 85/79, B_T 7, 9gB_ 8, 91/96. 4
-v- : i ,,"';
- _!6 19 53 h0 CD_ And that'sthe end of 70 A_fa. {
-3 i { .q
" 216 19 5h 03 S._f Next is the _CS checkson page 9-17 of --
_5 the S_.:SChecklist. T'ne 0o BC"__LE - I'II J q
-- _ re_4 their pressure and t_Z_perature: { --"r"
u_ -:7 2000/minus 13, 2000/m_nus 17,'2C00/minus 20, _2;
_" _ 2O00/p!us 81, _0Qn/_l_us.
_ 115, N^ B_C_TT.._E
checks: ._
'-,. -'- 3000/95, 3!00/9_, !300/plus 56_ 150Q/plus 60, q
[i" ":_ 1500/plus 3_, l_O0/nlus 35. _"_ist prick ,1
°- :" : (sic) press cheek, -the BY0 0^ is 125, t_e in]
; .
REG NO i s I_0. _ e 0,_/L_O "CON_OLLFF,
:: _ PP0 UOL_ROLL_ n_L_.%e_l'-or sensor number i O
! is ._-, sensor nu_,%er 3 is 3.6. The ,-
;_5 PR_SVP_, indicator OVS, Fo._'A_D, LOC}[, <
3_ and A_-, _" four read 5.0. ' v
cheek. For .,:OL_L ,_ CO,, 5.0, A., _.5, CUT.
_ _FA_ ENC_ANCNR 69, IU, 3?5; OUT, 2._h.
39 M0L SI_5_.T,COO, 7.0, IN; 0.5, OUT.
'_' HFAT ETCU_IG_ l__, 6S; 0, , 2. D_'.
_ POII_,_I.
4i 0_ the 0'JS.-C.tems/_0 Victor. _ E_,T (sic)
imdicator, 5.1.

=5 , Un_/_.entifie?._round stst_on (e. g., interfering a_rport,

d. cor_ercia! hrondcast) ,.

:.. [....................
Dump Ta_ ?16-0_

I SFT- .' DUCT Alq_ FYD%T's ai_6 500/50D/550.--]TF_"_ .....

2 operation check, P.TTSarps are 20/,_. And .
S all of the increases - °.. amp increases
4 as the various heaters come on were varified.
S -_ey were sll approx___ate 12 10 to 12 amp
8 increases. }I_A'T _TJCHA}_G_R FAN operation,
7 set at 60, all the ducts.still had flow.
s i
9 216 19 5g 30 SPT And that's the end of that check.
I0 I
ii 216 19 5g h9 SPT Next do the chec_ on the refrlgerat!ve ._
12 system, housekeeping item number 70_,
_'T_III_ I'!! read _p all the temperatures
• ,_
14 right doom the list the way they're called
_.5 out f_r on page 10-4 in the chechlist.
_ 15 _._InusI_, minus !0, minus I0, _.inus 12, -4
t) ',7 minus 5, minus _, minus 4. _/_other chiller, --
_ :

--' _ 216 19 57 27 SFT That's the end of the housekeeping "_

-_ 2_ ehec_
forthe3PT. ,_

_ _ 216 20 Ol 23 C_ ... Jack, do you know where he put ... '0

"-- --
_ 216 20 03 17 CDP ... _ag. -q
_' i --
..... 216 20 05 O0 or_ I don't remember ... -,

"-" 216 20 05 35 CDP, Somebody turn on the tape redorder? Jack? --:

i 21g _0 06 42 SPT I thought I turned it off. _]

_'_i : --i
_,: _ 21g 20 25 O0 CT.? Okay this is the CDR; a biomed info_atien. _;
_._e'redoing i!OgP on the SPT. His le_Ct leg - :
:'5 i correct'on - le!_ calf is 12-_/h. I'll '"
_ be going off and on here and I probably
?? won't i_entify myself each time. _ut I'll
--_ mention NC@_ first.
'_,; 216 20 26 30 CDP, _/Id 9_ again, the right leg is 13.0. I'm
_'_ going to measure the le-_ leg because that
"',:' seems tO be a little smaller than usual.
i I'll give it another go.

•u I


_.Di_np Tape 21g-0_

L' found that his left leg was 13 inches, 13

3 inchesin diameteralso.
4 I

5 216 20 30 03 CDR Okay, _092_,i again. Left leg ._; right leg,
6 BU - That's k_[ and BU for the numbers of
7 the !eghand.
3 !
9 216 20 h0 17 CDR ff_s_,,bloned, this is _0... CDR on _'O92.
I0 When I closed the can, the very accurate
11 cal that I'd done before on the left - right i.

12 leg Just went to heek in a the han_basket. C

V_ The right leg insteadof being 3..5was 3.7. _
I_ The left leg, instead•of 3 - being 3._, m
1_ was 3.9. i Just left the can closed and
_, _ went "uack and trimmed them out. So now T.
they in61ce.te zero and null s_nd the numbers -
U_ •
__L _ are supposed to, when you go HIGH and LOW
_ eal; ho_Je_ver,the es.nclosed during this t_
-_ - adjust. Arid if you don't _.rsmt_e to keep
/_ 2i doing this it this %'a_, let us know via [q
22 teleprinterpod or a message. Otherwise O
it lookslikewe'llhave to do it to met
_ the limits that you've given, which are
-_ -- ; plus and minus 1/10th.

_ 2_ 216 20 41 0,_ CDR CDR out.
"_• ?!_; 50

('_ ?_"i E_D OF TAPE m




Page ! of h

/_ 216 20 h0 !7 CD_ : 0};ay, Bob, messaze. _0 ... CDI_ on the _'.072

a<ain. "ben I closed the can the bearincs -
aeSiVated [?] a cal that I'd done before
on the left and rizht !e_, Just _¢ent to
beck in a handbmsket. The right leg instead
of 3 being 3.5 was 3.7; the left leg instead
of 3 being 3.7 _s 3.9. I Just left the can
closed and _,ent back and tripped them out.
So now they indicate zero and null and the
numbers are supposed to, when you go high
and low cal, however_ the camera's closed
during this ad_ustment. And if you don't
want ;_.eto keep'dcing it this %_y, let us --
_mow via teleprinter pad or a message.
Otherwise, looks l_ke we'll have to do it to
meet the limits that you've given, which are
plus and minus one tenth, CDE out.

216 21 05 13 PLT 0hay, space fans, this is Jack on channel ._.

Subject is SO19 for FO" good friend and
colleacue, Doctor :__ Heinze. Ue got the
mirror extended and the fiL- _atch opened.
?,Te'reno_7 going, at - __-_ "O=
_ _, to the
location of 299 - 2.9. 292.9 in the direc-
tion of the figure ntunber. ._kv correction
is not necessary, reading 2 minus i.i on the
... _ A_4. 292.9 and 29.6 in direction of the
figure number. 29.'_ even - and we're going
to the initiate the 270 extensive exposure.
First we go to SLID_ P._TPACTED. C__RRL_.G_
IL_;f_kACTzD and SLIDE R_gPACTED. There we
are. Spectral _.ridenlng is going to - minus
i0 percent" the lever is at 270 and %_e let
her go. Stand by,

216 21 07 Oh PLT _@_RK; _XI'I"±'ER, 0P_{. Exposure i, I field

367, a 270-seeond exposure.

SPT How about giving me a -_R,_ and a time down

there, would you please?

PLT Coming up 207:30 - 21:07:30. Stand by. -

216 21 07 30 PLT J_I.(. 21:07:30. Okay. Do not touch S019

during exposure, l.;e'll comply _ith that.

D'_p Tape 216-09

Page 2 of 4

216 21 03 06 PLT ... 192 seconds instead o_ 270. I'm not

sure you're _oing to llke that. I thlr]_
I'm goin_ to quit takinK exDosures until I
get this resolved.

216 21 29 38 PLT The problem is, this timer doesn't run for
270 seconds; 192.

216 21 29 45 PLT Yes. i

• !
216 21 29 h7 PLT I'm going to stop and have them have it re-
solved, It may be that K,%rl _ants ne to use
this special method - this setting as op- ._
posed to my watch - I don't think he does
either. All right, I'i finish it out on
his - I rather do it right - T_t's the _y.
It's out no_ .... it's going to work out,
AI. i

216 21 30 36 PLT Okay, Karl we'll count off a !00 percent

but I'm not going to close the exs?:os_e
'_ _ or the sh_itter__h_s
_ ti_e. I'_ goln.
to rive you a _er_. Tell _ou -

o-16 21 30 47 PLT "'_R_. 3 minutes _md 20 seeon@s - ,e _nt

e,tthat one - p_ss i00 ?ercent. _o_.ethin_
_rcon_ -Jith our little card -

216 21 31 29 PLT Ikay, karl, I'm n)t going to _ow axactly

how m_ny seconds this expos[ire is, "inless
I stop r_z w_teh, but I'll estimate it for
you. Believe I _topped it for about 30
seconds. Sis_ridbv to close the shutter.

+.._ _•_ .:-__._. ..++_.. + 1. • _.._ ..,-..+.+ . ,_+,=+f_,_: +_ _ ,_, ._..U_+t.,--.

Ohay, the next o_e ve have time for - is

118. S.

PLT 118.8 is set; _0.3 - [_.e:_-t

to thmt's _teh.

216 21 33 20 PLT _. 00.3 on the increm_in_ side. Th_-t's set.

Okay, I just _m_nt to make sure it's a straight
h 1/2 on my w_tch. OF.aV, we to to SLIDE
RLT3PAC_D, now ! can snooze for a uoment.
Then _,:c'llstuart this little _le_zel. Stand
by to open the shutter -

Dump Tape 21g-09

P_e -3of

field nut.her 3 correction, field ..uJr,

: f'20, at 270-second e;:posures. _'o_,:
this one
W ° .
rll_ be at 2_ 2-70 seconCLs. "[_.rkmy _rd."

216 21 3h 09 PLT Before this next SO19 session, karl_ we

_unt to get this resolved - so we can get
you exactly _hat you rant. l.lecan time t.his
from up here with our _tch, if you wish.
We can do it any way. It's your choice.
Just so we know.

216 21 3h 41 PLT The last time "around it went from 0 to i00. -.

3 minutes and 20 seconds, which is time for
270 seconds - 70' seconds short of _;o_.r goal.
Think. what I'll do - is time all the settings,
the 50 and the 90 second exposure setting
and let you kuow exactly how they're coming
out. -

21_ 21 35 20 PLT Come up on 50 now - erractlc - on the time

it figures from my mark. It was 39, or 1
minute and 39 that time, - before it was
01:36 - Timer's Just goin_ to beat the s,o_a-
rise 21:39 - 2 i/2 minutes to go at - well,
almost - 56. To sumr_rize exposures i, 2,
3, and - h and 5 were all ts_ken using the
timer on the A2!F. _osure 6 on field -
369, - with about 4 1/2 minutes on that ,_tch,
give or take a little bit. Frame number 7
on 620, field 620 - will be precisely 4 112.
We'll b_ve to terminate that point because
sunrise is coming soon. Ohay we're coning up
on I00 percent. _Je'll leave the SHU__TER
0P_D and I'll n_rk the time. -

216 21 37 08 PLT TI.,_. That time _ras 3 minutes and 22 seconds -

It's hitting right around the 200 seconds
plus or minus a few - each time. I'm going
to let this one time out. Precisely four
and a h_lf minutes. And we'll go back to
the CARRIAGE RETF_CT position - as opposed
to any other - Let the ROTATI0i: and TILT -
retract the mirror and CLOSE the DOOR.
Okay, we're coming up on Oh:30. Stand by
to close the shutter - _,

D_m D Taps 216-09

_ Page h of 4

216 21 38 i5 PLT MARK, _[UTTER, CLOSED. Over to CARRIAGE

_RACTED - and no further. So that's the
270-second exposure on field 620. We didn't
have time to get the 90 second exposure
done on 620, nor the 270-second exposure on
576. But I think that's pretty good work
for this time around. We'll get a little
clarification on the ground rules, here and
then we'll press on from there. And he wants
me to set rotation at zero - which I can do.
ROTATION to zero and the TILT to 358.3. Set
to 13 turns inboard.

216 21 39 50 PLT There _e are - ... It's in and LOCKED. Close

SAL door.

PLT Door close, steps 1 and 2, per the instruction.

Close and lock• ;_irrors all the way in.
Close the door. There it is, closed and it's
locked. Lever, we'll put back the sto_ge,
as it says and the film hatch is closed, as
it says. I still got a 7 showing on the
/-- counter - and we're going off of channel A
and this concludes the message on S019 for
Karl Heinze.

216 21 48 28 CDR This is CDH we're going on to 171. __we__jthing's

going along okay. I did - I recycled ... I
recycled the reset at 13 minutes ... Every-
thing is going ...

216 21 h9 15 CDR CDR. I'ts _71 again. The hiomed people

will be interested, I just turned the mode
select com- compressure program to 250.

216 56 50 PLT Hello, space f_ns, this is Jack a_ain.

Subject is S019 for Karl _einze. I ran a
few time rounds on his device on _ - A_[S
with the following results. In the 270
seconds, and on second run as 202 seconds
versus 270. In the 90 second position it
timed out at 72 seconds - end 69 seconds -
versus the 90 seconds. And in the 30 sec-
onds vositions - it timed out at 2g seconds -
and 26.5 seconds - versus the 30 seconds _
this is J_ck.

216 21 57 h9 PLT End of message.

,'_D OF m.LAP:,
Dump Tape 216-10
Time : 2123-2220 GMT
814173 ..... .--: .... ;

: 216 21 23 58 PLT - - started in doing a little timing on your- ......

: _ time on the AMS here I started at bO percent ;
• !
_ and 90 percent, should be 2 minutes and 15 seconds
,, by my calculations. I'ii give you a hack on that.
! Too many things to do to open the shutter, and
-" i start to watch all that zeroing, and close it
and check the watch exactly.100 percent. So I'll
i time it h0 to 90, which is exactly half the time
! of I_-i/2 minutes. That's 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

216 21 24 53 FLT In sc_e cases, Karl_ here, we've been turning off
'_ the recorder from start to finish on the long
!" : exposures, so the time_ may not be exactly what
i you had hoped they might be on the tape recorder,
:_ although we can assure you that you're getting
" i the full times you called for on the pad. And
_ it doesn't look like the timer's working too
_. _ " darn %_ell. I've got a minute and a half - s/most
90 percent. Stand by. <
_/ _ .
_ 216 21 25 26 PLT MARK; a minute and 39 seconds - one minute and
39 seconds. That is grossly wrong. Stand by to
- close the shutter.


"' field h08. Okay. Now this is going to be -
,.. : next field, 290.1.

216 21 26 15 C"DR Okay, for the boimed, +..heambeint pressure is

• ' 4.996, h.996.

216 21 26 27 PLT 0_ay, back to S019, 293.1, 226.0. 226.0 on

field 369. So, Karl, this time, I'm going to
make you a 270 second exposure on my watch, ,.
instead of this lousy gadget. We're set at
• 270, however. I go to SLIDE RETRACTED, back to

-" 216 21 27 ii CDR And the PERCENT 02 for the bolmed is 71.55, 71.55.

216 21 27 18 PLT C_ay stand by on OPEN SHUTTER on my mark on S019.

216 21 27 2y PLT MARK; watch is started.


216 21 27 31 CDR For the biomed, the PERCENT WATER is 3.17.

_ERCENT C02 _s 2.11.



DumpTape 216-10 r-................ T---]

.pa_e 2 of 5 .... : [ ........... Z ....... [-_

,_6 2i 27 42 P£T And for S019, we're in the midst of frame

::'_ number 6, which is field number 369, a 270-second
! , exposure. !

_; 2-16 21 28 35 PLT Well, Karl, I'm going to do it your way. I don't

! think you want a 270-second exposure because
:_ ' you've got 4 minutes in between fields, in some
_ cases and 5 minutes in some other cases. Hard
_ to tell.

_ 216 21 28 58 PLT You've passed the 50-percent mark now, and the
:2 time is i minute and - "- 'C

_! 216 21 29 03 PLT _[_RK;36 seconds. That's seconds ... is -I

h_ : 192 seconds instead of 270. I'm not sure you're
[_i goingto likethat. i JC

' _ 216 21 29 30 PLT I think I'm going to quit taking exposures until
:; " I get this resolved. Now the problem is this _
timer doesn't run for 270 seconds; 192. Yes.
"" I'm going to stop and have them - have it resolved,
: becauseit may be that Karl wants me to use this
... - the setting as opposed to my watch, n

216 21 29 59 PLT I don't think he does either. __

- 216 21 30 03 CDR Yes, I think ...

FLT All right I'ii finishit out on his - ,._

:_ CDR I think

PLT I'd ratherdo it right.

CDR ...

PLT That's the way it's coming out.

PLT That's the way it's going to work out, A1.

216 21 30 36 PLT Okay, Karl, we'll count off lO0 percent, but
; I'm not going to close the exposure meter or
the shutter this time. I'm going to give
you a mark, tell you -

216 21 30 46 PLT MARK; 3 minutes and 20 seconds. We went at that

,:,/ !f

Page 3 of 5 I - _ ........I--

...... v ..... CDR ...

PLT Something wrong with our little card. !

216 21 31 28 PLT Okay, Karl, I'm not going to know exactly how
many seconds this exposure is, unless I stop my watch,
hut I'll estimate it for you .... I stop it
for about 30 seconds. Stand by to close the
shutter, i
the next one we got time for is 118.8.

216 21 32 55 PLT 118.8 is set; 00.3. Next to that's watch.

PLT • 00.3 on the increasing side.

216 21 33 20 PLT That's set; okay. I just want to make sure it's
a straight 4-1/2 on my watch.

216 21 33 29 PLT Okay, we go to slide RETRACTED. Now I can

snooze for a moment. Then we'll start this little

216 21 33 42 PLT Stand by to open the shutter.

216 21 BB 47 PLT MARK; SHUTTER, OPEN. Frame number 7, field

number 36 - field number 620, a 270-second
exposure. Now this one will be a two 270 seconds.
Mark my words. Before this next S019 session,
Karl, we want to get this resolved. So we can
get you exactly what you want. We can time this
with your - with our w_tch, if you wish. We can
do it any way - your choice, just so we know.

216 21 34 40 PLT The last time around, it went from 0 to lO0 in

3 minutes and 20 seconds, which is precisely
207 seconds - 70 seconds short of your goal.
I think what I'll do istime all the other settings,
the 30 - and the 90-second exposure setting, and
let you know exactly how they're coming out

216 21 35 20 PLT Come up on 50 percent. Seems to be erratic on

the time it Zi_nlres from my mark. It was Bg, or
1 minute 39 that time, whereas before, it w_s



Dump Tape 216-10

/_ Page4 of 5

216 21 35 41 PLT C_ay, to summarize, exposures I, 2, 3, and 4, and

5 were all taken using ah the timer on the AMS.
Exposure 6, on field 369, was about 4-1/2 minutes
c_ my watch, give or take a little bit. Frame
number 7 on 620 - field 620 will be precisely
4-1/2 minutes. I'll have to terminate at that
point, because sunrise is coming soon.

•216 21 36 53 PLT C_ay we're coming up on i00 percent. We'll leave

the SHUTTER OPEN and I'll mark the time.

216 21 37 08 PLT TIME; that time was 3 minutes and 22 seconds.

Well, it's hitting right around 200 seconds
plus or minus a few each time. I'm going to let
this one time out to precisely 4-1/2 minutes.

216 21 37 41 PLT And we'll go back to the carriage RETRACT position,

as opposed to any other. Let the ROTATION and
TILT retract the mirror, and CLOSE the DOOR.

216 21 38 08 PLT Okay, we're coming up on 04:30. Stand by to close

the shutter.


and no further. So, that is the 270-second
exposure on field 620. We didn't have time to
get the 90-second exposure done on 620 nor the
270-second exposure on 576.

216 21 38 48 PLT Well, I think that's pretty good work for this
time around. We'll go# a little clarification on
the ground rules here and then we'll press ...
to ... ; set the rotation at zero, which I can do.

216 21 39 15 PLT Rotation to zero and the TILT to 358.3.

216 21 39 30 PLT Set to 13 turns inboard.

216 21 39 37 PLT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6_ 7, 8, 9_ I0, Ii - There we are.

It's in and LOCKED. Close the SAL door, door close
step I. Per the instruction, close and lock
mirror is all the way in, and we'll close the

216 21 40 16 PLT There it is, closed and it's locked. FILM LEVER
we'll put badk to stowage - as it says. And the
film HATCH is CLOSED, as it says. We've still
_ got a 7 showingon the COUNTER.
Page5 of 5 ..... i

216 21 t0 39 CDR And %_'re going off of channel A, and this

concludes the message on S019 for Karl Henige.

216 21 h8 28 CDE This is the CDR with 0wen on the 171. Everything's
going along okay. I did - I recycled - correction,
I put the cycle to RESET at 13 minutes voice
l_ minutes. Everything is going perfectly.

_16 21 hR 15 CDR CDE and 171 again. The biomed people will be
_. _ interested. I Just turned the MODE select
._ i cuff - cuff PRESSURE PROGRAM to 250.

216 21 56 49 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack again. The subject
is for Karl Henize. I ran a few times runs on his
timing device on the AM - AMS, with the following
results. In the 270-second position, it timed
out on the first run, at 200 seconds and, on the
second run, at 202 seconds versus 270. In the
90-second position, it timed out at 72 seconds
and 69 seconds versus the 90 seconds. And in
30-second position, it timed out at 26 seconds and
26.5 seconds versus the 30 seconds.

"_ 216 _21 57 h8 PLT This is Jack; the end of message.

916 22 o3 39 CDR CDB, M092 - correction, 171 run Just finished

with SPT. Everything _orked Just dandy. The
only thing that _as di_'ferent wss the isolation
w_s zero after the run - same old story. And
I've copied down all the data on a card. If for
some reason, this data doesn't get through, we've
got it off the card and I can read it down.

216 22 Oh 00 CDR Out.

216 22 06 30 CDR Okay, 171, I'm recording the CABIN 02, 70,16,

H20 , 0h.26; and CO2, 02.21.

216 22 16 28 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is M509 battery charge termination
for our friends Lou Ramon and Ed Whitsett and
Bruce McCandless. Battery number 7 charge was
terminated at 22:15 on day 216.

216 22 16 55 PLT End of message.

Dump Tape 216-11
T_-_: 2333-2344 GMT

_.. Page i of i

216 23 33 20 PLT ... and LOCKED. Close SAL door. Go close

steps 1 and 2.

216 23 43 48 _R CDR, ... M171 and ... the blomed people ...
be interested. I Just turned the ...

Dump Tape 216-12
Time: 2105-0017 GMT
8/5/73 •

_" Page.. 1. of i_

216 21 05 13 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

Subject is SO19 for my good friend and
colleague, Dr. Karl Heinze. We got the
mirror extended and the film hatch opened.
We are now going at 2105 GMT t_ the rotation
of 290 not 2.9 and 92.9 in the direction of
the bigger numbers. The Z .correction is not
necessary. Reading your minus 1.1 on the
ATM. 292.9 and 29.6 in the direction of
the bigger numbers. 29.6 even and we're
going to initiate the 270 ... exposure. First
ing is going to minus lO percent. The lever
is at 270. We let 'er go. Stand by.

216 21 07 04 PLT MARK! SHUTTER, OPEN.

PLT Exposure l, field 367. A 270 second expo-

sure. How about giving me a MARK and a time
down there, would you please? Coming up
207-03, 21:07:30, stand by.

216 21 07 30 PLT MARK! 21:07:30.

PIT Okay. Do not touch S0!9 during exposure,

we'll comply with that. We'll turn the
recorder off for uh - ._ust a few minutes.

216 21 i0 21 PIT Okay, Carl. We're coming through 80 per-

cent, by the way, this is magazine 005. My
card says to terminate the exposure at 100
percent, which time I go to film lever CARRIAGE
RETRACTED. Next time we'll try to remember
to time the actual exposure for you. Okay,
stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER on field 367
the 270 second exposure. Stand by.


PLT Okay, next one is a 30 second exposure. We

set the lever to to 30. Take it around to -
llO - 100 - minus l0 percent.

216 21 ll 44 PLT MARK! SHUTTER,OPEN.

DumpTape216-12 _.................
Page2 of_ .'
7 - PLT ..... 30 second ex!posure. Exposure num]_er 2,
field 367. Stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER.


PLT Okay, the next picture is at 297.6. Rotation

297.6 is set in and 29.3. I'll decrease
(garble) 29.3 and come up on it in the in -
increasing fashion'. 29.3 is set at 270 second
exposure film lever, 270. Go to cAP.RL%GD
line R,_IL__C._JD. .*inus I0 percent. Okay,
stand by. --_

216 21 13 18 PLT :L_RK! S._i_R.

0...... _z
_xposure 3, field 371.
270 secondexposure.

PLT And as I _._as

saying to A1 uh - "',u_
_ is uh - _
read on the uh -- _ylight pass _roeeee_in@ ,
this night pass "_:asa minus i.i. In our pad
NuZ in minus 0.9, therexo_e, no correction is

PLT Ho,I'mon A.

CDR Okay, Ye're _oinc_ to try to mix in both ._lnds

of data for the ![171 r_n and the S019 ruin.
And uh -- it'll be up to you fol]:s on the ..
ground to separate this out clearly. C_n
you give me - -

CDR The press1_e in the !!2_ 02, C02 model is

lhS0 biomed.

PLT Okay, C_rl. _ile _:e cot off to a 3 or h

minute late start on this pass because the
LBITP }ras being vented. I _?a,
ited 2 to 3 min-
utes after they had secured their vent before
I opened the SAL door and extended the fd'_S.

PLT Okay. !.,'e're

goinF, to terminate the e}._9osbire
here in a fe_z seconds.
PLT Okay. Stand by to terminate exposure 3 on
field 371.

216 21 16 41 PLT ?.DtR},.'! ,_"_ CLOSED.

S__J........ The C_LRRIAGE "_

,J, i

Ihuap Taoe 216-12
__. pa 3of.....
e ..........
..................................... -_
P_ Okay. The ne_ one is rotation 347.1.

PLT And 347.1 Set in, and the tilt is 28.1

and ... to go, but _m'll go do_-m belo;r and
come back up to it. It squeaks a little when
• you rotate it and Jumps a little like it's
uh - got some rubber or something in there.
Okay, uh - film lever instead of 270, we go
•' ' to SLIDE R_I_&CTED all the _y in and back
now. We're getting ready to open
the shutter. Crank her up to about - minus 3
percentor so ...,standby and open the i _
-: shutter. _ ..
! •

216 21 22 33 PLT _,_RK: SHUTTER is OPK,,'ED. _

PLT Fr_m_ number 5, field number 408, one 270 :

; second exposure.

217 00 07 09 SPT (Noise) Okay, this is the SPT on channel A ,

with the report on the PLT's run of _[131-i. "-
Uh - the OC-Istuff- uh - shouldall be on
the - uh - experiment 1 tape recorder, and
I hope you get it all in time.... for a
. day or two, however, just in case. One _-
eo_lment, Jack noted this time e_nd - till- _'
• I noted on my run a 'ouple of days ago, and
.... that is you get awful sleepy - mnderneath
that - uh - set of goggles and you really
tend to almost doze off. IEa - Jack had to
give a - no response to a couple of answers
today, simply because - uh - he had forgotten
that a response _,,_s4.ue. }[e didn't know that
I had tapped him, I reme._/oer b_ving done
the s_me thing on my run, so - uh - Just stay-
ing awake is - uh - something of a problem.
.__nd- uh - especiall_ Just sittin_ still with
the blind fold on. _And then on the rotating
chair motion sensitivity test, even after
being reminded from the ground, I _s late
gettinz the experiment I tape recorder turned
on. Ho_:ever, you got lots of good data at
any rate because J_-ck went 150 head move-
ments at 20 RF_ _ith no s?_ptoms. [_ - let's
see - - Okay, so - uh - in talhing about i_, -
uh - we've_been -,uh thinking of the poss-
ibility that all of our desensitization done
Dump Tape 216_12 . " ........... _---:

:: in the trair_er _o_-

k in J_ouston. They had
- ! v_r,r n!cel?r desensitized us for - uh - the
! similar- uh - uh - ... by - uh - uh -
rotating - a rapid rotation and head motion
that woul_'t have much to Io necessarily
_rith zero g effects, So, I ,_less - - For
some reason - uh - Jack is - uh - essentially
irmnnoed (talT<ing in hack-ground) to - uh -
that today, even though he's not been up here
all that long. Ana- uh - we'll see ho_t tests
on - uh - on myself go a little l_ter. Okay,
that's it for the 131-1 on the PL?. %-:

217 00 09 25 SF?_ This all, of course, goes to the biomed

people. Jerr_r _[___,_.c],'_
- Ys__._ek in psrt_-
culsr and those concerned _:ith '_131.



.. !

1 "
"_.f_" _mp Tape 217-01
Tilde: 0231-0h07 C_
Pete 1 of 1

217 03 19 58 PLT Okay, spacefans, this Jack r_porting the

outcome of _ouse_-eeping 70 _ravo. I _aess
this is going to be EGIL. The circuit
panel configuration chec]=_s. In the airlock.
module, all the proper circuit breakers are
closed and open, except for panel 200. And
everybody ]mows _0L sieve B fans secondary
is also open. And on panel 202 - the I-flag
LCA number 1 heater breaker is open, which
"" everybody knew about. _hrerything is properly
configured, circuit breaker _ise of th work-
shop as well, according to paragraph 2 of
page 2-16, _.riththe exception of panel 611. -.
Radiator section - the primary radiator bypass
valve circuit breaker is open, and everybody
knew about that. So it looks like, circuit
breaker _rise, we're all configured as every-

217 03 20 27 PLT End of message.


- ape
257-02 PP20
l .......
_Erroneous time track on this tape _Ii

CDR CDR. The 171 again, the biomed people _ould

... be interested. I just turned the mode
select ... i

PLT IIello, space fans, thls is Jack again, - uh -

the subject is _ith SO19 for Karl Henize. I
; ran a few time rounds on his - uh'- timing de-
L vice on the _3._ - _._, with the - _!I - follo_T-
ing results: in the 270 seconds position, it
timed out on the first run at 200 seconds, and
on the second run, at 202 seconds, versus 270. -.
To the 90 seconds position, it ti_ed out at
72 seconds end 69 seconds versus the 90 seconds.
And in the 30 seconds _osition, it timed out
at no.O seconds and 26.5 seconds versus the
30 seconds. This i_ Jack, the end of message.

S-=T _e S._ recor@inz on channel A. T_is informa-

tion _oes to the "T!!0 _!.

:TI!9 c,>,i- ""

_: "_ o"
e:_ :ess%ze fro_ the .__

]km_p Tape 217-03

i of i ......
- 219:07:11 GMT*

f ! -7.

:_. __:_ - ....

:...... . .............
*Erroneous timetrack on thistape.
7 !

SPT End of message to the M092 PI, Doctor Robert

John s on.


- -" Dump. Tape 217-0_
Time: ii_6-I151 3",_
_815173 ............. -_-_

:217 ll )Lg 01 CDR Hello. This is for the food people. ?_alcoim
' Smith _muld be a likely candidate, along
-_ _rithEita. _._e got a friendly Rice Crispies this
morning, andI _"
; th_ uD %zith _r_ter. And
it's one of those •spoon bowl packs, and the
seal never seems to take place in the area where
it should. So when you mix up your Rice Crispies,
instead of _having - being able to cut along the
- black line, you have to cut right near the top,
because the Rice Crispies is moved up p_st the
bast - black - black line. liar that's not new ..
nevs because apparently it b_ppened a lot on the
previous mission but I thought I'd let you k-now
we seem to continue to have the problem here.

217 Ii h6 _6 CDR CDR out. _i

J .

[_amp Tape 217-05
Time : 1435-1500 C,_
i 8/5/73 -
'-.i -" Pa_e 1 of 7'........ i

217 lh 35 _ CDR - - lo2 ali<c__nent check .__naI got for the

visible, _2 left, 65 right. For the thermal,
I got 47 right, and in the X micrometer, I
• read it 546 and the Z micrometer 491. I did
not adjust either alisnment. They both
/ seem the ss_e as before and that's about it.
CDR out.

217 lh 39 37 CDR Okay, this is the. CDR on the CaD panel. I'm
going to record it _ii (static) - I'm going
to checl: 'e:: all a.'ldrecord the ... _o here
_ze go. In fact, I'll Just read them all.
It's easier. C'-_
_._.,_ IL , up _.
="- _"
:,: 59, 3, o::
, -. _, r., 3. _"_-" t :_.tlooks oUay.
3o to 7. ! is _n_ _ is _.._ h _o ; , _ is 71;
" j_) J _,)

C .....
_O-'< .....
.:. 1o_ 2_, _" 2, h]:_ 3_ _ , =1
_._ ._;

i, _ GO D now - i, 9; 2_ o-_. 3, £5_ _' o

72; 5 _s •.._" : is _:'..7 ms -.......
_ ._ _
!9 <_ _"-_ - it.

217 14 [_2 03 CE?, -:e'll 4o it ne::t ti_.e. Okay? 0l-ay, I'll

_,c=c= S,. :.7 -'_ is 91,
_-_ _, is 55, ...."_s _. _
_ is -
;-r-e_.ter";ban :_,
_ t_o
..... _ __o_ _reater than 3, so
eve,--him C is o:_,: °.

_-!", lh _.:'.o
hi_ _ ff_':'lah, :,e've rot_ :rou t'Irough ._':%__
.... for
minutes• [[e're hee ring :.'our:.\97{
_md _ur
......... - !oo::s good.

217 14 b2 _ _
_.... Oi:ay,'sgoing good qeres, SLory.
... doer cominz, Jacl-. Veil, that's it. !e2,
let's -_ " __ CLOf_ "
and ...... .....
1oP to _'_',,_D_v."-d ,re'll _.,'-e _. 5 :__znute"...

217 lh _,), 12 ±'.:z :[e!lo, there, StorT". ]{e_rdo you read t_e ::id
on VO:{?

"'1 '_' _
___ )'h I'( _ *"_] :'e're res_inc_ the -'_" loud _; clear P.n-I
_:e're 30 seeon.!s to LOq. "'e'll see :_u over
Goldstone in ? :minutes.

277__14 hh ._o_ _"._; Oka[;, he:: about _';'i_z-._.

. the :_c.,tz'oo_s do'.m.,there
this question. U_Te o_les fro:7 the !C eharzes -

..... _-" .....-'I"......._
_-u.. ....... .......... to _ "-"
_ _- ......itself•
"._. "_o_1!d
:,'0',% li_'e "_ to _u _ +'<_ - _:lt the _inoer ricllt on

P_._e 2 of .7

PLT the thln_ or _To_ald they like r_e to pick

a forested area some_.There outside the
city limits?

CC _¢e'!l _rk on that.

PLT Okay, ths.nk you.

PLT (Lm.uchter) Oh, ye_h. Ver:r Sood.

217 lh 45 26 CDR The door open_ Jack?

PLT _Tct ,'_et. Uo.

CDR Don't see emy st_rs out there•

P;_ In the dark•

CDR Don't see a star, though•

217 14 45 53 PLT Hudl? Uatch just coming up. ! can see the
light on the @oor. _.''sprobably _:'_jv• Looh,

CDR_ " -'-._..

_ ".
,,.._.c'rn t r.ere?

PLT Is that t'_urned on +1

_ere. _ ?le CV? C_od, o_.a,'-
.... _"-: "-'_ "'- good.

_ O: .... : Good •

217 _! _g" _..' ..... .o_n_ up on _-_. _. on 47.

...... _0"0. ""' .......

PL m ... li:jht on, zo ..... e ....

_'2L'_.... = "......
c., _-,e !oohin'f cood.


Dump Tape 217-05

Page 3 of 7

217 lh 48 50 CDR Okay, read and verify the pre-op confis.

Okay? Pre-op eonfig, tape recorder on. R_DY
on, 92 on, P_^S)Y out, door open, it is. And
! 91 on - on, door open. 90 on, PCADY out,
stand by, door open.

PLT Youbetit is. i

217 14 49 30 CDR 93 E to STDL_DY.. P_Y out. 93 is OFF.

RFADY out. 93A, OFF. R]in_Y out. 94 0.9.
RFkDY on. P_ e-op_ confi_, complete.
_T Got it. (:Thistle)

CD_q _....
==enuj of ti=:e.

217 14 50 30 ....
_L_ On recor'i, but _Tneed a ... talking _id.-"

•_'_:, Loohs good.

?LU Lco'_:
s Sood.

217 ....
l!'.51 _J _-
: .......... =_. _u_ that
....... -".'_to
: -':
see ..........
_ : said.

PLT Drifting lid end to the left a little.

CDR Yeah, but _'ou're do,.n%and to the right.

T9- rn _

to i "'3 - -

CD _. ! ""_.

,v "4 5] ,n "-: ...... "- '- _i-:--" :_ 23 seconds.

...... -,J ......... .': ......... T_lis CO .,l_.e._

the _n.

CD?, Is ,Vo',_door open, Cuen bibe?


Dump Tape 217-05

Page 4 of 7

_D_ Okay.

! 217 i_ 52 58 PLT Coning over a heavily clouded portion.


CDR About 9/10 coverage out there, I think, today.

• 217 lh 53 I0 CC _qkylab, _Te're reading you loud emd clear on VOX.

_,Tegot you through Goldstone, 5 _inutes.

C,R O.._y, great.

CC, for !<%shinzton, D.C. _ .._ !iT-_e[unifon&

city area.

_'_•_ Ckay. un -',.._

_-- -+ _-_r" the site is ri<'%
.......... " on the city.

217 14 53 30 _.... ___a¢,

_.-, ___.=_
c-._ to _TART. Tane
. :_otion is "_,_r._lng.

PLT Let her fly, AI.

217 ih 53 _> .-_'-_" ......

d b-r
,, for auto c_± in _
J seconds.

. _ -
=L _ .... ay.

CDR i, VTS auto cal.

2171h 53 hi PLT '.'ARK,auto cal.

CDR Oh_,!r.

m L_{ ____tso'3t.

._D_R All ri-ht. T_e is in _totion. "'e're even r_nnin7

_._ithoutt_e no_on t_8_.y, for a _ile.

217 _lh 5h o_._ elm..... C,!-o-_., let's _ee,- 5 is the hi< ... "'e're _onna be
• .% "o._..s ,, home sts_te, the TTolverine
_< o_=_r rqV

CC _22P - _oo;_ _e_}_,.!_er

uD there, J_c_:.

PLT -Vhe%, "'_ _--'- _ ]^^'- s.t it _st _ss erou_nr]-

loohs nretty qoo_%. ___._{'-__
to so.Trhello to e.ll my
• ic _i:9nder " -'_"

_n,_=,__ !Te can see all the Great L_-es.

.... qee _3etrol'+..
..... 1..... , mO].edO, .... _l-e <'_
....... T_< Isl__nd, "Te_<York - it ,_s. elee.r.
Dump Tape 2r(-05
. Page 5 of 7 ,

217 14 54 47 PLT Loohs like this pass ve'll be coming - hitting

the _lealuan coast line _.t about Coming
do_n over - bet_¢een _.'t.Pleasant and Clare,
Michigan, and now over Flirt.

217 14 54 59 CDR Hey, coming up 55. 55 - 193 S Off and 193 R Oil,
and 194 _:ODE to '_tUJAL. Think _e can do that?
READY on, Jack. Supposed to be on at 56:23.
If we get the P_D, SCAT, and G]_AL angles
flickering, that's a ... there.

_Tm 0_-_ay,Ln a fe_T minutes, I'll _ct_ un a nadir _¢ath


TqR Cl:ay.

_T_._ Lots of clou_z over _.....o...... l_order.

. -,oo.....
s fcr- !'II t_tch "_ :23 for o=,

_-,. qhin-_ _no_

food _+. the _o_ent.

217 14 56 17 CDR Okay, h seconds to R:%%DY light on, Jack.

PLT Okay.

217 lh 56 20 CDR R_3-DY lizht should be cominz on. It is. C_od.

CD.e:;:_olze. -": ...... _d I'm
going to Zo ::OD7 to _1%0 on !GO in a fear moments.

CDR __:o;z's
it look out there?

. __ _q,
"" it 's sort of a clear area notz, must be un
over [;innesota.

h_c]: fro:',the do_m-!inh VOW[?

_ _"--"," ":e're --oin.=to be before too lonz.

of the U.S. ric'lt a_o=it nou. Over _'ontqna. _he

._ border over ":outtn_ co_'SnT up and "'orth _hota,
and then "[irmesot_.
Dump Tape 217-05
: Page 6 of 7

217 14 57 8_ CDR We made a big sweep, Jack. 58:h6. Hang on

there _ minute.

PLT Okay.

CDR Thirty.

217 l_ 57 h8 PLT Okay, we're coming up on some clouds norm. %7e

got nadir m rath goinG.

CDR 58:hg in _out 50 seconds.

PLT ... some bro]=en clouds .... into the film

_Te're coin< to !ooh at.

PLT "_,'o_._
she's about _/!0 covered to co:=plete overcast.

CC ...

PLT 01:ay, _'re co_:ing over the clouded area. ?:e're

217 -_h =_,,,,

,_,<_. r._o, O_ _,v,,5_ :)'6ZTODE AUTO on 190.

CDR This light is on.

CC _.,.Te'll
be losing you for a minute here until _¢e!o_-_ to ' =_'_ ,.__.

2L? :'.-_,-_ z, _ ' r "r'_

little _oTe bee_.use t_ere a_e lots of clouds
_.e__ ioohs li::e t__ fron_ r.oved a
little more th_/_ emqrbod[zthoucht.

217 14 59 30 _:_-°• Oh, bo_r.

PLT Got to stert cettin_ to bed e___!ier.

CD_ _'_n _]i';e. Yeah_ :._e're_oinz to _n cut of

_T,_ _e!i, you res@:'?

o_ O':e,v."-_'_-_-"_--'_- out of frcr.t no_: guqd _re're

La_Te :[iehi_an.

OT_T_ _v_ S it
D_mp Tape 217"05
Page 7 of 7

CDR _as it thick enough?

217 15 00 06 CDR Think it's _.. for the can here. 192 .":_'ODE
RF_&DY in approxinately three seconds, Okay,
that 's it.

217 15 O0 17 CDR MODE to RFADY. _[e caught a malfunction light

momentarily emd tape in notion. 51:90 - _ze're
going to beat the band.

PLT C_ddam, I thi_!: I'm staying right in the _iddle

of Lake _ichigsm.

PLT Off of L':_.#_n=-ton_

_et,:reen [_:_2n2ton znd _r'._nt
•.. Uisconsin co_st.

CDR 0:-.-.y,
=.'ejust got the !90 sb_ztter speed ?%ss,

217 15 01 OZ CC ... for !l minutes, Flqr!s.b,

217 15 01 i0 CDR Oks_', _ze cot eve_'thinz _mrking a!on_ okay. "To
just put the shakier - -

-. h

_sg_e 1 ef 13 ............ .... ............ [ ..................

217 15 _ 73( PLT - - ... There it is. - -

:) ' ODR 09:2P- -

PLT - - At 15.'09, go to Sl.

217 15 0_ I,_ CC And the maaeuver t'i_e looks g,

ocd. .-

CDP Thank.

CB_ Ok__y, tharuk you - - .._

PLT Thar_ you.

CDR 09:2_ ....

P!_ Cka.v,- -

CDR 2_, A to ST_2TD_Y - - "-

_ PLT - - _ seconds. _P_.er_'s_N sviteh right in front

-_ , of me there; and watching the clock on the "-_S -

917 15 _o 00 PIT .,;h_v, _0_

"_ _'_ _-AT " t_-_ere%_e go.

CDR 09:2.s; we got to go .% to ST;_VgPY.

PLT Nonitor the 02 c_r_ _A_-'V_ l'_'r_T.ACOb_f_y.

Hey, we'll tr_ to g_t th._t star tracker in here
and then i'Ii maneuver scnewheres.

21T 15 09 1 _ CDR C_t & star on the way back?

PLT No, I ... - -

P_-, Don't be efrsid to speak up _v friend.

FLT I like the mane,aver time.

_DP Okay, did you put it in?

FLT It 's in.

CD_" _'.<

.>_ PI_ 15:0._. ._To%z

where's ny little cue card? There it
-- is. ....

• l
................... CDP " -09:P_.

- PT_ 15:09 go to ST.

"I CC And, maneuver ti_e lo0._s good. !

_P __nan_you - -

• PLT Okay,
you. o

_ 09: P_ - -

PLT O_sy - -

f'DP 2 _ ? to ST_!m_v - -

217 15 O_ 55 PTT 5 seconds. There's my switch right in front

of me there; and watching the clock on the
_S -

217 15 09 CO PTT N_PY.. _nl/P ILW?PTIfL; there we go.

_-_ CDP 00:2_; we got to go _ to ,_m_JTDPY.

217 15 _o _ FIT Nonitor the 02 ... _T_P TP_CT_ NA_'AL ACOUTPE.

v, we'll t_r to g.'t that stsr tracPer in here
and then _'!! n_neu_er so_exNbers.

_!7 15 09 1_ C_P Got a star on the _ b_c_?

PL_. No, I ...

CDP ...

_17 15 no ph CD_ _P - 09:2_, we - -

PI.T •••

CDP - - go to _mA_,'DnY;_f_Y, on ... - -

C.- _)
- 217 15 _9 _0 CC Ve're looping at it' loo_s good.

CDP Okay, thank ycu guys.

CDP T_ose that f!g_red that all o_t seem to know

what they're doi_'F. "e haven't bad
.-_ a bit of I,ro_-e_. Get's there when
; 7 -_ ............ y_ ssy. It doesn't fire too many


_ _._,w

:' i_;: ; . Page 3 rf 13 • _ _ _: __'

_/_-'_ C_P, _;s, in fact, did you ever flgure" out

= ............. _f it fired any today? .....
3 _17 l_ Oo h0 CC Fire_ two going to V-LV.

:\ : CD_ O_ay. i
! [
: PLT Story, in - tth - trying to pick up
: that Lansing site, ran a l_ttle bit
_- behind getting set tinfor the - uh -
Boise - Baltimoredeal _nd - uh - pretty
confidentI got Paltimoreinstead of
Washington. So that "_es my alternate
•_ _ site. An_..- _h - I hope you'll ta_e it.
You got it an v_s_v.

CDP (T_ughter) ...

217 I_ I0 15 _P That's fine, J_c_, fine.

PLT 01-a_v. okay, thief's done. Do_uq-!_nk

ba - box, sw__teh poslt_on, eFF; FPFP is

PY_ Ve got a little bit of data on nelaware

Bay, too; although Y dS4n't get a good
ah - ah tr__c__on t_e _retIsnds on the west
end of De!s._are Pc'. :_,ecausethere Just wasn't
enough time. _%It'noagh I did se - see
Delaware _-
_y go through the - uh - -

cDw ... P-7--

PL_ the - ah - the v_ewfinder - ltd. I _,on't-

uh - The c___era _as on but I don't think
I had the - t£n - D_?% ?.ut - Button
depressed. Although T thi_ I got a little
data on it _uyway, if they're a'nle to
sort it out.

917 15 I_ 57 CF_ Voice record ]_-7. _-7 is 30 percent.

"'_-"\ 19_. DOe_, C,
LO_._T. Light on in gO seconds.
-) Let's get our little watch rl/nning.

217 15 II II CDP Closing latch In_ windrow Cn_FP, oksy?

_- o_mp Tape _ZT-og
Page i_ of IB .... ' , 1

_91T l_ 11 15 _D_ _.. Goes the 190 _rlnaov, _ig Jae_<.

PLT All right.

CD_ r,fa_,_e
you can catch the latch over there, if
you forgot - -

PLT I'I! get it for you.

CD_ - - to turn it off.

_ O_av,that'se_osed.

PLT Closed? OPsy, it's - ah - open - - "

"_ _17 15 ii _7 CD_ Okay, turn off - -

PI,T - - latch.

_17 15 ll 9R CD_ - - the R_COPD svitch.

217 Ig 03 99 SP _ Got _ terrible sc_:eel on your mike


_IT 1_ _3 5_ _DP I'll say again to ma_e sure it gets on the

recorder. 19_ is in _,C_'F,CFF_:<. _nd
I'm checking B-_ a_ain an_ B-g indicates
57 percent; that's 57 percent.

917 Ig Ih P9 CV.P *_T VOW, a !ittle bit before m.v other; but
I'll rea_ all the readings. T_at'l!
ms_ke eve-_jbo_y he_py.

217 I_ 1I__ _r-_- O_av, the _D_ is no._-getting r_a_._ to

read all the readings on these gages.
_ere _.'ego. Starting _-ith A. 155, 950,
3_g, h 9 - correction - 7!, 5_ h, _0.
That completes that one.

_!7 Ig 15 ,_B CD]_ Now ve go to gaze B.

917 Ig 15 0,_ OC _efore you go on the next one, ,_e're

-__z/ going LOS in I0 seconds. _ee Nou over
Goldstone in 15 minutes at 16:_0.

COi_ Okeyaoke, _e'!1 be there.


. ,) -?_mp Tane 917-0f

117 If 15 Ii _DI ok_y. I-I, hl; _.-I, 5g; 3, 7g; I, 72; --.
5, 7_; g, -55; 7, 30; 8, I -m_v_e;
9, 5_. Nov diall C I is zero; 2, hh; 3, 87;
! h, 71; 5, 89; A, _'_;7, GO. mat's it
for _ial C. Now go for dlal D. I, h;
'I 2, 8_; 3, 85; h - 4, 7_; 5, I_-'; g, 57;
, 7, h0. 7h,_ that's it for that one.
Oks_v, no_2 voice record for green readings on
monitor _ials. I ai_ them al_, so we
don't bare worry a_,outthat. Voice records
! 1-7, B-_, !'Ii do it again.

_17 Ig Ig h3 CDR B-7 - giv_ it to them twice - 3_; -"

_-_, _I; _-7, Go; _-g, 57. _ma _-T
was not greeter th_n _0; so eve_hing
is okay. _tanding h v for _"_S _e_ 0P72!
at T minus -5.

21.7 Ig !T I _ ?P_ ... preoperate, ._minutes.

_17 16 17 P_ CD__ Jae}'.,_ir_e . is when we do this. I

wonder if you are aware of thai !

F __!_, I_ I _ h7 rD_ Jack, would you care to OF=-]

_ the POOP
over there?

_17 Ig iP IO PTT Yeah, DC_P coping C!:'_._T.

CD_ Got it? Vn!atc_?

_17 If IR .o_ PTT Coning open.

C_ No, no, no. door.

C_R Not 5 minutes. _e ,_as a l_tt-e e_!y,

but that 's okay.

PLT Okay, I thought you meant that door.

217 I_ I_ 3n CDR Negative.

/" -"_
• PLT 0_
_ -_ , it' s _n__ atched.

CD_ _,_e'llput this to O_k_.

217 Ig I _ 39 C!D._ And the 191 D_r,R is coming OPt'.

/ -- \
CDR C_nec}"it. Now I'm always chec._ it. It is easy to
forget then on back to back. Sun's coming up,

"\ PLT I noticed there's a little ... on my door here.

217 16 19 OS PLT Okay, I'm going to run her up to h_ an_ right


217 ig 19 12 CDP Okay, You're a nlnute 19.

217 I_ 20 07 CD_ THat's that pc_rer plant, h_1? You gonna go - -

_ P_ No- -

CDP up _r/nd and d_m wind? i -

PLT - - no, this the mine.

C_.W Oh, I knov that one.

PLT Bad %,eather it says here tho_-h. ?,%ybe -we can

' "--_ her alni_ r.

PLT I can find• it. I s.uw it easy - -

CDR ! tell you _hat you do. L_nen that baby kicks off
and you go IUC. start watching relative to those
clouds and see if it moves. Cause otherwise, it'll
move aw_r fron the hole in the clouds; it might
be helpful to you.

_!7 16 20 47 CD_ PS door is open already, Jack.

PLT I'm familiar -_ith that.

P-IT 16 21 5° Ct_ Fey. Jack, it's minus 5. You've a]read_f got your
DO,OP. 0PET.. I'm going to go ...92 to ._DY
and _0C,P to OP_[. _N_Y ligbt in #0 seconds. _¢e'll

/.---.\ give it a check.


,_- ._Dump Tape 217-06

', JLPB4,;e._7
of 13 ............ i_
IA 2 ....... -...... :

PLT -the hock, At?

CDP _t_at's the matter?

, PLT ...

_" CDI_ Frighten


217 Ig 23 07 CDP The PFADY light on "-,[_DFto C_FC_'. 190 _T2TT_.

- Okay, they work. And now veri_z voice record
preop eonfig_ration. Okay. -

217 Ig 23 P_, CD_ TAPE PECOPDFR, ON; __9,_ADY,on; COOLFP, r,N; COOR,
OPEN. 9!, 0:T; PF_DY, on; _e0LE_W. ON; _0C,P _
0P_T. o_,'O'_.T,FFP - PINEY is - not - is on ....
stand by DO.:, OpE',,T.

CDP And eve_rthing is oka.v. CWeek that DOO_, OP-W?T.

I checked it five times. It's still 0PE_.T,humm?

_17 Ig 2I' 1P CDP 93 w. to ,_^_'_v'_.

_, PEADY. out; $, OFF; =E2,/),Y. out;
_ AL _?._, OFF; FT'ArY, out; 9 h , C,N; PSADY, on.
Done, Jack, we're ready to go.

PTC They give you a tape recorder depletion after


CDP Ye s.

217 16 24 _C PLT I don't _ow; we're going to use an awful lot

of it.

C_R _"?.eyhave an indication that the tsre recorder

has been rur ning all this ti_e.

PLT Yeah, but we're not - we're not indicating that

we've used much tape.

CDR Yeah.... - -

_ PLT Before we 60 it, let's cheek with them.

_ T_/-,ea loo._ at the t_pe recorder. If we've used

_- half the tape there, Jack -
, / \ _--Dump'mape 217-0g r ..... -- - -?
i i
) -Page 8 of 13 [ ____J

PLT Is, sure isn't indicating that isn't it?

CDR Yeah.

" l PLT It's oka.v. Let me look at this eal currel.

CDR Tape recorder looks good.

217 16 25 IO PZT _¢eren' any proBle_s there.

PLT _'nat'ii be _0O feet all together .... the

. calibrate. Z

_D_ I'll ask them a_out this calibrat - -

PLT Seventy-three percent. "


217 Ig 95 33 PLT 540e, feet remaining. Ouite a bit more then

half ....

5_ _ CD_ %7e'ii talk to them ,_%out it when they come up.

CDP 14 sees.

C_ _.bn_er how F_rP zoomer is going?

PT_" The - the waves are going Y-end, 19 degrees.

CDR That's a long w_.

PLT Yeah, I kno_ it. Bf;tter then h_ degrees it

was a few m._nutes ago.

217 16 2g 3_ e_,P Kicked it off on ti_e though, didn't we?

PLT Oh, yeah. _ig_t on time. _T_.e only thing we

really know.

/_'f_ 217 Ig _6 h4 CD.R 700, 193 S to ._A_WY. ="_ink I can handle it.

P;_ _av, we got that going.

PLT ._oughly 4 minutes more to get there, if I go F_EP,

S_.&_T. Let me eb'eek it.
! -- }

" CDP How you doing, O?..............

_17 Ig 27 39 P!T I stort EFFP S_._/=_at h. !

C_IR wonder w:_ not? "

• /

CD]_ --- 3 minutes from no_¢, we'll m_1-e. But they

diddn't give us a P-minute settling time. Ve're
gonna ask them a_out thst this trip.
PLT Y think before you _et anythinc really going
though,it'llbe there. .!

_17 16 P_ n_ r'DF Oh, is that Vell, r got E_p. S__ _.

PLT Yeah ... - -

_DP No, VT$, A_"?O CAL then; that's the difference. O.

PLT Oke_t.

_PP We'll he doing i% "o._,

the time - we'll _e there
by the time it'sti_e. _-

PLT N_DLW ALIEN is proi_-_!y the first thing. They're

gonna ws_nt those _T___IFALlOt: numbers. You remember
what they were? AI, B-l; we had _5, hS, sr.d P,y
yesterday, or something llke that.

CDP _[e dddn't do N._IP _'r'_"

PIT I.?ekicked one off first thing.

CDP _;e he_n't - we didn't do one today, and %re're

not dolng one now.

PLT Huh!

• PIT Ig P_ hO. PD]_ Okay - _ got tired of doing N_D!P AI_!GNs, and
_: / (laughter) ...

PLT Onite true.

- --.

"_-"h ;-D_np Tape _iT-c(;, _............ : ---i

" 1 _=Pagelo Of 13 ................
? ;

" CD_ ... looks good.

i. PT,T (Singing) Peg - Peg Of my heart.

_ CPP After this, %Te'l! grab some lunch and get on

that FVA prep. I think the thing to do is not
_f: get out the special equipment. Ca through the
prep - the normal prep. "To, make this'- we'll
make checklist changes first. _hen we'll go
through the normal prep up to the point where
we stop. That'!! kind of get us handling the gear
and we'll P_nwo _rhat gear has already been used.

FLT Put the ... on, too.

PIT I_ 2_ 25 CDP "_nat's right. Because that's :¢here we're going

to hsve to find other tethers and other this
8rid other that. cther-,_ise, we're going to ta}-e
sometblng that %:e're going to use later and
we're going to find _It we've already used •it on
a nonnominal thing.

• _17 !_ _9 55 FT_ Now ve ought to be _icking up the coast here

_: pretty soon.

CDP Jack, i put a piece of tape on here to keep this

from getting kicPed around ....

p T_ O_a:r.

_17 Ig B_ |,}L c_.@ 5h; I've got a :-FYP, ST_R m, Jack. I'Ii give
y_1 a _2_,__/_O C_I in about - eh - I0 seccnds.

PLT Okay.

217 1_ 3_ 5|' CC Skylab, we gct you stateside for 17 minutes.

You're in A-LV. The naeuver ioo]_s goo_ and _e
record - gettln -_"_and readln you loud and clear
on roy.

(_ ._ C]_R O_ay, sounds li_-e eve .rythlng is going -

P!,T Okay, _or_."--

CDR - - well.

.......... =.---..-
.................................. --. .... ,
/_ Page 3_1Of 13 _._ ----i

PLT - - THis pass is going to bring us un coastline,

Coming over Seattle, over Casper, %?.voming, over
_ Lander, _,kJomlng,
hom_. of the one shot 8atelope -
.... one world vsmous - uh - down over _'Ichita,Kansas,
_; down over Little Pock, and - eh - hitting the
• :_.; Gulf at Pensicola, Florida.

_: 217 Ig 31 B1 SPT How's your TV, _ouston?

!. CC Go aheaa.

SP_ Ho_'s your _¢?

CC ... Oven.

217 16 31 2L_ _D_ Be 31:I_; 100, _6DE, AL_O, Jack. "_

PT_T L_I'er rip.

CDP 3_.:5h, it's gonna go out.

P_,T Nay, Sto_C.

-, _n that _s._tF_-FFp_ss - _h - where
I thought I got to [_.nsingsite, I Think I got
it _ut I'm not confident enough of _t, nor did
! get enought ti_e on _t to scratch it off the
llst. So - eh - I think you hatter leave it on
there,for another day.

(_C Whatpasswasthat?

PTT The last pass.

CC ...

PLT I tried to p_ek up the site at Lanslna, _.'Ichi_sn.

site number 5q5. I di@n't get enough time on
it to get enough dat% for the experimenter an_.
I _i_ not get enought time on it to be confident
l that I was exactly centered on it.

_17 Ig 39-5!_ CD_ ADY. out on 190, _ODF to .R'_'

F/_ , _, 'r'r, v. S_gTER, _P_,
to F_._T. _raze to hD.

: _ -Page 12 Of 13-,:- _ " ............ J

....-_J ........... :........................ - .......................

217 16 32 59 PLT Okay, we're coming dovn over the mountains

: through _.Tas_in6%on, Ide:no, and _,,'ontana--

CD_ ,.. RE_DY, out; frames to 40.


/ PLT - - erosslng the _oming ... Got so._e clouds.

.... _ Weather's not forecast to be too good in the -
eh - _.%Jomlngarea over the site we're over the ...
interested in today.

_ 217 16 _3 Pm CC The mountain's supposed to be 0.4 to 0.7, Jack.

_ PLT Okay, thsmk you.

CD]_ 33:)'0 should be _FADY, on for 191.

CDP It is. A3Td about - the - 3 h, when it's 1.o3;

Pol, I.

217 Ig 3 h _0 C_P Okay, lO3, POLAPLA! ._, I.

217 16 3 h 15 PLT Mk_K, 34:15 - -

217" 16 Bh Ig CDP B4:16, I_0 NODE afla - -

. 16 3h P_ PIT ",_w_
J _÷..',S ATe"P,

217 16 Bh 2_ CT:_ 57, coming up.

PLT Cloudy doom there.

217 Ig _h he, PL _. See the send pits uorth of the site.

PLT I got it. I got it.

CDP Hey, way to go Jack.

PLT EP_ strikes again.

PLT Kind of cloudy.


(_'/_7_ _17 _g 35 39 CDR Tell Tee Beanlieu (?) and _en Kleir_neeht this
isn't a bad space station they got here.

CDR This FP._P see._s to wor_ real nice.

"_ 1>anp Ta_e P17,-_6 c- ........ . -
" :) !2] 13 of 13 L ............... !
/- "
• •

' i_17 16, 3g 35 PLT Okay, _e're not setting many cumulus clou_s
down here at the moment.

° {216, 16, 37 _i CD_ S to STA,'_Y; _3 _ to ST_2_Y. _'OpF, CROSS--.m_P:E


217 lg 37 12 CPl_ ... 17:13, IO_; L,_,ALO,_.}_o I0.

217 16 37 P3 CDp ... _, 19@; _,_DE, R_Y.

317 16 37 _ CDP Okay, it's _f_.DF,P_ADY ... 7:__0; S, O_I and R, 0._..
S, O_I and P, O_I.

217 16, 37 3m CD_ 3_:20, •.. real nice. S_r, Sto_z. It's got me
dolng- tlh - tape depletions, but %_e're going
to have tons of tspe left - e. _ - the _av it
loo_s. ! Just took a look at the tape recorder
l_ox and it wmsn't even half use,1 up yet.

CC Planning to use it all up, _I.

217 !_ B_ 15 C_p Oka._-. _.Te'l!sive it a go.

_- .... Dmnp Tape 2!7-07
Time : 1643-1950
Page l of i0

/-_ .217 16 51 37 PLT AI, did you go to CHECK on 1927

CDR That 's affirm. Okay? &

217 ].6 51 42 (DR Thanks for checking me. I did it at 41:30.

(DR That's the one to watch.

217 16 44 02 CDR 5 - I'm gonna go 193, A to STANDBY. It's right


217 16 44 07 (DR 44:11, R to STANDBY.

217 16 44 ii CDR It's there.

217 16 44 14 (DR _:17; S, ON and R, ON. S, ON; R, ON.

217 16 44 22 (DR 44:30, VTS, AUTO CAL, Jack. So stand by. I'll
give it to you in 6 seconds.

PLT Okay.

217 16 44 30 CDR MARK.

PLT ...

(DR A - 193; A, range 68.

CDR Okay? Now we're standing by at _5:05 when is ON;

stand by - -

SPT There's a place I know well.

(DR Is it? What is it? ... Take a look - quick


PLT ...

217 16 44 56 PLT 45:05, START.

_ PLT ...

CDR Yes.

217 16 45 03 CDR 45:05, S to STANDBY, R to STANDBY.

Dt_p Tape 217-07
Page 2 of i0

217 16 45 i0 CDR R to OFF.

217 16 45 14 CDR h5:19; 93, A, ON.

217 16 45 18 CDR 18 - 19; 93, A, ON; 93, POL, 4.

217 16 45 26 CDR 46:53; MODE, AUTO on 190.

217 16 46 16 CDR Okay, Jack, go MODE, AUTO on 190.

PLT Got a maneuver co-dng up?

CDR .....

PLT ... after a while.

CDR 0kay.

SPT I remember it well. Had a couple of deployments


217 16 46 53 PLT MDDE, AUTO.

217 16 46 55 _R READY ...7:10.

217 16 h7 05 CC Skylab, we're 30 se_:onds til LOS. We'll see you

overe. Vanguard in ii minutes and all looks
good from here.

CDR Okay, thank you for the help, story.

217 16 47 16 CDR 47:2, STANDBY.

217 17 47 21 PLT Lake Maracoibo.

CDR You got it?

PLT Yeh.

CDR Great.

217 16 47 29 CDR R ... STAmm_ ...R, ON.

_R ... 55.

217 16 47 58 CDR READY, 47:55. ilh - 192 is running, Jack. TAPE

MOTION is in motion.
Dump Tape 217-07
Page _ of i0

CDR ... 4.

217 16 48 22 CDR ... 8:24; 3- 4 - 8:30; S to STANDBY.

217 16 48 32 CDR R to STANDBY.

217 16 48 35 CDR S ... 32.

217 16 48 h0 CDR ... i .... 193; S, ON.

CDR ... go good?

217 16 49 00 CDR 49; S is 0N, again; 50 190 A.

CDR ...

PLT ...

CDR Of what?

PLT South America.

CDR Yep. Amazon ....

217 16 49 20 CDR 190 to MEDIUM.

217 16 49 37 CDR MEDIUM - We go to MEDIUM on 190.

9-17 16 49 58 PLT Man, I had that Miss-_ssippi River Just pegged

right in there. - -

217 16 50 01 CDR ... _DIUM, 52:04 is - -

PLT - - I was right on the money - -

CDR - - 0/20. It's too hazy, Jack.

PLT -- ...

CDR ...

SPT Got a yellow filter in 'era?

CDR I tried that. I tried everything. I Just

could not distinguish features on the ground.
That 2 miles ...

PLT Yeh.
Dump Tape 217-07
Page 4 of 1O

/_" 217 16 51 03 SFT ...

PLT We're getting some good pics of it.

SFT It's right now.

CDR Okay, we'll get some good pictures of trees.

Maybe we'll even see a few boa constrictors
looking up at us.

2-17 16 51 26 SPT At 59 here, ... right over the field.

CDR All right. Get a pie. Here's your picture


CDR Your picture machine.

CDR Jack, ... I'm going to have to start putting

the maneuver times on this pad here, too. Will
it fit - That'll kinda relieve -

217 16 52 04 CDR Okay, INTERVAL0_TER at 20 on S190. Standingr 56-14.

CDR 56 to 14, I'm looking for.

SPT ...

ST_ Can I look out there _ust for a second? Just

for fun?

_DR Yeh.

CDR It's getting a little cloudy now.

SFT ...

SPT Okay, go ahead. I don't want to interrupt


CDR It's still quite aways ahead of us.

SPT Yeh.

217 16 52 48 SPY Spent a few interesting days as a midshipman

I>-.p Tape 217-07
Page 5 of i0

217 16 54 20 SPT Coming in to the coast.' ..

PLT Let me look at it.

PLT I've got another 2 minutes before _ next spin.

PLT There's the coast. The question is where's Reo.

• PLT Or is that a river?

CDR That's a river, Jack. That's the Amazon, I'll

bet - a river.

2-17 16 54 43 PLT Maybe it's rivers, before Reo, huh? ... water
out there, isn't it?

C0R Yeh.

PLT Yeh, I guess it is. There's a riverbed.

CDR Comes the big ...

217 16 54 55 PLT 2614 coming up. AwfUl hazy down here, too.

CDR Yep. Try that a filter. It really makes the

water come out good zometimes.

PLT Heck, .if I had known what I know now about

operating this filter, I could have done a
better Job on that .,. site ymsterday, that
lake. It doesn't really show you how to use
that filter very well. It makes ...

CDR Tell me a heck of a lot.

9-17 16 55 27 CDR W_ll , if the water's ill1-,_nated, it will.

SPT Probably get in such good shape up here with

this hour and a half exercise, we won't know
what to do with ourselves.

PLT What hou_ and a half?

CDR (Laughter) Have you been getting an hour and

a half ev_ryd_ O J? _ Right before you get
your 8 hours slee]_, you remember.

SPT At about the same ratio.

Dump Tape 217-07
Pag e 6 o_ i0

_CDR Yeh. That

's right.

217 16 56 06 CDR Well, there's onl_ one thing you haven't been
cut short on, but don't worry about it.

PLT That 's good company.

CDR (Laughter) I w_sn't thinking of that. "...

PLT One thing you can say is good up here, 0., that's
the company you keep.

CDR You're not spending much money either. Think

of the money you're saving, Owe,.

PLT Money he makes as a civilian.

CDR I'm afraid to complain about the company.


SPT That's true.

_ 217 16 56 45 PLT And he's a company man.

CDR Wonder if he gets flight pay for this mission

or it's Just they're risky enough for him to
get flight pay?

CDR It's getting down tc about 25 percent of the

tape, Jack.

PLT That's Just about end of tape. Boy, it's

amazing. It'll cut off about 22 or 21 - s_nething
like that .... data.

SPT ...

CDR What did you say?

SPT ... to the coast.

PLT No - -

CDR No, ... looking at it the rivers.

PLT ...

r 217 16 58 04 PLT As soon I saw that road go in the ocean I knew

Dump Tape 217-07
Page 7 of I0

I was wrong.

CDR He admitted, too. You notice that. He didn't

even hesitate.

SIT ...

PLT I admit it when I'm wrong.

SPT ...

PLT Once or twice a week. Oh, I've got a ...

217 16 58 28 CDR 17:00, 193, S to STANDBY, R to STANDBY.

PLT Well, it's about time for the kid to get with
us. Turn this maneuver on.

217 16 58 52 CC Okay, the kid's with you for h minutes over

Vanguard. We're reading you loud and clear.

PLT Hello - -

F CDR Okay, everything went Just perfect. One other

request from the EP2P flight planners. If they
could put on the C & B pads, also right along
in the time line the' time when we should start
tasking the maneuver back. The VTS operator does
it, but this way that makes two of us watching
and you make three, story. So we ought to pull
it off.

CC Ckay, we've got it ....

217 16 59 31 CDR You're right. We've used up almost all the

tape. It played out and is wobbling around
about 25 percent indicated, _hich I understand
is pretty near empty.

CC ...

PLT Okay, I put in the maneuver time now, story.

Time 20:30, check inner flag, clear; 50016,
check inner flag, clear - -

217 17 00 Ol CDR S to STANDBY, R to STANDBY EREP to STOP.

PLT .....
Dump Tape 21Y-07
Page 8 of i0

217 17 00 05 CDR That's the end of it.

CDR Time to go into the post - act - D - That's

C_D post.

CDR There's two, tape recorder deplete. We'll do


CDR Voice record B-7. Okay, B-7 is indicating a

mere 30, 30. 192, DOOR to CLOSE.

217 17 00 h3 CC Copy that; and you've got good maneuver time.

CDR Thank you.

CDR Close and latch 191 though. That's the next


PIE _a_.

CDR We out over the water, Jack?

PLT Yes, sir.

PLT 0kay. SI -

217 17 01 00 PLT Mark. Going back to SI. Here we go, lh minutes.

PLT (H_,I,_,,,,
Tng )

SPT ...

PLT Rates are coming up. Okay?

CDR DOOR's locked, Jack.

PLT Very well.

PLT Hey, story. I noticed that they don't have

an ETC stow on the pan -

217 17 03 49 CDR I say again, B-8 is 20, 20.

217 17 03 57 SPT The informa - information on that channel A

tape recorder for ETC STOP - We stopped on
frame unit of 287. Since we had 116 with
today, that's 171 frames used. And it is, of
• course, the same magazine Charlie Tango 03.
Dump Tape 217-07
Page 9 of i0

217 17 04 16 CDR And you're going to put" that in a book? Big 0._

217 17 05 00 SPT Okay, here's a question going on cha-nel A

record for the ETC ops people. - - recording
these things and reporting them on magnetic
tape Just like l've done here. I wonder if it
is necessary to be logging this in our film data
book everyday. We also have a requirement to
log it over there and it seems like we're
@aplicating effort, and we'd appreciate saving
this time so that we can only do it one place or
the other and preferably on the voice tape. If
you can give us a comment either by voice or on
teleprinter, we 'd appreciate it.

217 17 12 13 CDR This is the CDR on channel A. The subject is

EREP. We've used some of these swabs, both the
kind Pete brought up and the king that were
launched up here, to pinch rollers, et cetera
of the EREP tape recorder, and none of these
swabs are wet. They're all just dry as a bone.
I shouldn't say none. Every once in a while you
find a wet one, but the wast majority of them
-- are drying. You really need wet ones to clean
it ... like a ..., and Ed and Bill Pogue are
going to have to bring up some new ones. Bye

217 18 25 23 PLT Okay,'space fans. This is Jack. The subject is

M509 battery check for our friends Bruce McCandlezs,
Ed Whitsett, and Lou Ramon. I checked batteries
6 and 7 this morning; day 217, time 13:05
Greenwich. Battery 6 cells checked out as follows:
nt_ber i, 1.312; number 2, 1.318. I'ii read them
successfully - successively. Number 3 is 1.310,
1.314, 1.311, 1.310, 1.314, 1.313, 1.312. Number
i0 is 1.311, 1.310,

PLT 1.311, 1.311, 1.311. ... is 1.316, 1.312,

1.31h, 1.315, 1.311, 1.313, 1.312, 1.313,
1.309. The total battery voltage was 30.2.

PLT C_ay, now here we go on batter number 17. That

was checked on day 217 at 13:15 Greenwich.
Start with number i: 1.330, 1.331, 1.331
1-329, 1.328, 1.331, 1.332, 1.333, 1.329.
N1,mber i0 is 1.31 - correction, n_ber i0 is
1.331. Eleven is 1.331, 1.332, 1.334, 1.328,
Dump Tape 217-07
Page i0 of i0

1.332, 1.328, 1.332, 1.334, 1.336. N_ber

20 is 1.336, 1.330, 1.330, and 1.331. Total
battery voltage is 30.6. That's the end of
the message.

--- _"; Dturm_TaI_e 217-08
Time: 2109 - 2119 GMT
Page I of .]

217 21 I0 47 PLT Hello there, space f_ms, this is J_ck. -"The

subject is Eerth Resources, _q ._P. After
the first ___? pass this morning% day 217,
the S190 e_mera readings were as follo_s :
i through 6; 8006, 0199, 7722, 8875, 7777.

217 21 ii 28 PLT End of message.



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