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-- Dump Tape 237-03

Time: 1334-1335 G_
Page i of i

237 13 33 49 PLT ... still visible. It's

coming up to daylig}_. Uh ...
This is because of it's
loc_ion on the calender.
Pick up on Fomalhaut is good
at the moment, so is Sabik.
One of the stars in the ...
down there where _ sa_¢ them
would be equally good. And I
thi_k you're going to find these
stazs are more ... And I think
thai Just about concludes the
T002 operations for today, End
of _ssage. Thank you.


_-. q
, Dump Tape 237-01
Time : 0207-0221 G_f

Date : 8/25/73
Page i of 2

237 00 17 17 SC - - h, 5, h, 3, 2, i. End
of test.

Tapt not up to speed.

Time Skip

237 02 07 36 CDR k_Js is the CDR debriefing that

l_t A_,I pass, b_a - we got through
with everything except this last
minute and a half - of the uh -
scan - the uh - - ILR rafter adit
everything else on nominal. Uh -
we noticed a couple of things on
the white-light coronograph ...
see what yoUr ... uh - we noticed
ths.t there were quite a number of
paztieules flying around - one of
which looked like a washer bouncing
back and forth. In fact,we thought
we could ... read some numbers on it,
...... j_ j_ __n - uuuld figure that
one out for us. _md the other is that
it looks like th-_re's a little cusp of
light - at the u- - one o'clock
position. We're wondering if
someho_ there co_:id be some dust or lint
somehow lodged ...

237 02 08 27 CDR CDR out.

237 02 14 42 SPT We're on Channel A and uh - I'm

running S063 activity tonight.

PLT Okay, it's a fe_t minutes after

sunset here and ah - the horizon
is not very distinct or it's
not 8/% - ... the middle of the
window by any means. It 's sort
of ihard to see out there, _%_fS
Dump Tape 237-01
Page 2 of 2

number 4. Can't see the

80-kilometer air glow quite readily.
And _e got a - lot of uh - sunlight
scaStering in the uh - lower
atmosphere. We can see the ...
horiz on still very distinct]_v.
i{orth pole is - high above the
horizon. That means uh - we're
not zetting ... our northern-most
latitude. (laughter). And I can't
tell. whether or not we' re going to
see the aurora up ahead of us yet
or not. Your going to have to give
us _._other 5 minutes a_oo.

PLT Going to try and to get one uh -

picture of the moon coming up
through the uh - twilight of the
horlz on.

SC ...

/ SC ... Great we're just close -

closin__ up tb_ _od looker-_.

SC Okay it sounds like you guys

doing bang-up job and you got
us t[here almost square vith the
time line. Congratulations.

PLT Hey u_h - Paul, I', still ts/r_in

pictures up here a_ the window. •
They keep scheduling me for
piet_Ire takin activities where,
at the same time that uh - they're
scheduled me for mad conference.
So there's not much to ... that
these gUYs ... okay? So there's
" not much to say hut these guys ...

237 02 18 27 CC ... another ... control ... right

here in fron of me, and the ,..
peop]Le tell me that your cue cards
al'e _rrong ... - -

; Dump Tape 237-02
Time: 02:26 to 02:32 G_'_,

4 /_ 8/25/73
Page 1 of 1

237 02 26 21 CC ._z_ylab,Houston. T.'[e

are one
minute from LOS. Since _e got you
here, I do not intend to give
yon a call do_m at Honeysuckle. AOS
do'_n there is 03:09, so if you'd
like to give us a call, then
please feel free. I'd like you
to kno_ ... is sure ... the _ay
yo',1'vegot all these near rate gyros
to work _,rith,and they're locking
real super. So it looks like a real
good day's work. Y'aLI get a
good night's sleep, and we'll see
you in the morning.

237 02 26 49 CDR Okay, _e'll probably be up another

45 minutes doing ...

CC Oksy, well the Honeysuckle time is

03:04, 03:04 again and - uh -
we don't plan to give you any ...
I don't think that's necessary,
_ but I'llbe star.@ing by.

CDR Okay .... EVA ... if anybody's

got it on the EVA ...

CC ... put the ... u o for tomorrow.

CDR Ok_r.

237 02 28 50 SC Okay that's the e_Ldof message ,

aurora for tonight. _md _e'll
try again some other time.

SC That's the end of the message

on the aurora. We'll try again
some other night, iIothing
happened toni_at.

" Dump Tape 237-04
Time : 1319-1440 G_T
"_-_, Page i of ii

237 13 18 45 CC We are also, AI, some time today - -

237 13 18 47 PLT MARK.

CC - - we'd like you to check on the caution

and warming - -

PLT _4.022.

CC - - ... on panel 206.

CDR Check the ]amps, will do.

237 13 18 58 PLT MARK. 44.030. That ought to be about 15.

I'll give you one more. I don't know how
many that is, "out it's a bunch.

237 13 19 14 PLT MARK. 43.712. Okay let's go for another

one. That was Fomalhaut now. That was not
Diphda - uh - not Diphda, was Fomalhaut.
Duhhe is the ether victim. I see Dubhe up
there. If we eau get her in the field of
view here. Forget Diphda. Diphda is in
the %To..=, c_C ................. -
that's pretty important. You wonder why you
get all catty_-ampus around here. It ain't
quite as simple as Just rotating the sex-
that around in the window, expecially if
you don't give me stars on our - in front
of me. You got to take the stars sort of
off - in front of the window, if you're
gonna get then for the whole @ass. Before
you know it, - uh - it's at some angle where
you can't see the star on the horizon, - al2
at the same time.

CDR Stand by for a mark on SHUTTER, CLOSE.

237 13 20 23 CDR MARK; SHUTTER is CLOSED.

CDR There you are, Houston.

SPT Good picking.

Dump Tape 2BT-O4
Page 2 of Ii

PLT Here is Dubhe.

CDR Okay, we're getting ready to go to the

first 90 on WIDE, and it's going to be on
field 806.

237 13 21 27 CDR MARK. Yeah, let me give you a better mark

than that. I'Ii give you a mark in i0 seconds.

237 13 21 34 CDR MARK. No, that's not right. I didn't do

that right. I'll give you a mark in
20 seconds.

237 13 21 44 CDR MARK. Okay. That was 20 seconds.

CDR Go ahead.

CC You know yesterday our TV camera, as you

call it, number l, or serial number 3002,
got quite hot and we lost the picture on there.
And we were thi_Lking maybe you had set it
up to run and how was it working?

CDR We checked it out last night, and it wasn't

_ ...i._._.
_- _vcn _ had a _c_
to look at this morning. We'll give you
some information on that as soon as do this
TV setup.

237 13 22 14 PLT MARK.

CC Okay, if you're not getting a satisfactory

picture - - •

PLT 2.170.

CC - - Just go ahead and use camera 26.

CDR Okay, we can always use the other camera.

PLT ...

CC _at is a two-camera operation.

CDE Oh, okay - -

237 13 22 30 PLT MARK.

. Dump Tape 237-04
Page 3 of Ii

237 13 22 30 PLT MARK.

CDR - -understand.

CC Okay, thank you.

PLT 21.330.

237 13 22 45 PLT MARK. 20 point - -

CDR Stand by for a mark on this 90 second.

PLT - - 8 - -

CDR Hang in there; it could be 91.

PLT - - 95.

237 13 22 55 CDR MARK. Okay, let's do another one. Same thing

again. You got to pick up a new frame.

237 13 23 02 PLT MARK. - -

CDR I'll try to figure out - -

PLT - - 20.275 - -

CDR - - ... what you do if you go at the same


237 13 23 08 CDR MARK. Okay, we're on the second

r 90-second.

237 13 23 15 PLT MARK.

CC Skylab, we're 1 minute till LOS. We'll see

you over - -

PLT 19.777.

CC - - ... at 13.5, we'll be dumpint the tape

recorders at that time. We still have a
teleprinter ... indication down here and
when you - -

237 13 23 28 PLT M_RK.

Dump Tape 237-04
Page h of ii

CC - - get the ends on, you could change the

teleprinter paper - -

PLT L9.255.

CC -- - ... And a reminder for the PLT to

change out the BTMB probe prior to start
92, 93.

CDR ()kay - -

237 13 23 h5 PLT MARK. The what probe? - 19.21h.

CDR }[is is bad or something?

SPT me like ...

237 13 23 59 PLT MARK.

CDR Yeah.

PLT 3.9 - 18.610.

F_ CC And Owen, no need to aeknow1_dg_ h1,_ ,_hen

you get back on the ATM, you'll find - -

237 13 24 12 PLT _RK.

CC - - a large prominence on the west limb - -

PLT 18.017.

CC - - at ... zero.

237 13 24 29 PLT MARK.

CDR As you know, we're in the second - -

PLT 17.727 - -

CDR - - 90-second under - unwide field 906.

I think it's through that - 806 and frame 53.

237 13 24 43 CDR MARK. - -

PLT ...
Dump Tape 237-04

_ Page 5 of ii

CDH --- ... I was talking instead of paying at-

tention, that may have been a 93-second
exposure. Give you another one.

PLT 17.33 - correction, 17.323.

237 13 24 55 CDR _t_RK. Frame 54. I'ii try to do better.

I don't know whether to give you a 90 or a
87 to make up, But I'll give you a 90.

237 13 25 07 PLT MARK. 16.751.

CDR Sunrise, 13:27. We'll be finished in time.

PLT _RK. It gives me a hard time deciphering

a statement.

CDR By about an extra 5 seconds ... - -

PLT ].6.488. These guys are going to have a hard

time deciphering this tape between S019
_und T002, aren't they?

C]3R The_ sure ar_. _aey are go_a h_ve to _L_


PLT That 's their - uh - problem.

CDR That T002, we'll know, because - I mean,

S019 - they know when the marks come.

237 13 25 _h PLT _NhRK. 15.754

PLT Starting to gat a little bit daYlight. Start

].osing that good horizon. It never was much
good. I w_nt to talk to you about that
horizon. That ought to be enough marks.
Yeah, I had to hurry like heck in there, and
I had to pick a different star, and I Just
barely got two sets of 15 each. Oh, we got
to talk on - uh - yeah, w_ can turn the lights

CDR _ot yet, unless you close the window. Now

you can.
•Dump Tape 237-04 ..................
_ Page6 of ii .............

237 13 26 27 CDR MARK. That was the end of - -

PLT ()kay.

CDR - - the 90-second exposure. The last one.

Going to STOWAGE - -

PLT ()kay, T002, we --

CDR .-- ... MODE.

PLT .- - got those -uh - operating sextant


CDR ... after I zero it, of course.

PLT Well, let me tell you when Al's done talking.

This is - -

CDR I'm finished talking, Jack - -

237 13 26 43 PLT You guys will have to - If you don't like

_-_ the tape the way it is with two people talking,
you'll Just have to schedule different;
that's all. I don't know if you can get all
those marks or not but ... experiment is on
._;chedule. Now TO02 operational sextant
sightings. The first star was Diphda -
correction, my first star was Fomalhaut instead
of Diphda. What was wrong with Diphda was
that it was wsy up and to my left, well
above the horizon - 40 to 50 _egrees. And
I couldn't see on my left. I couldn't see
the star on the horizon because of the
interference of the window. I couldn't see
them both at the same time; so I couldn't
take any marks there. I don't know where it
is now, but I might have been able to do
better later on. But that's anybody's guess.
More probably got to be aware of. Make sure
the stars are out in front of you. Not off
on an angle, some where to your left or

237 13 27 54 PLT So that's why I picked Fommlhaut, because

Fomalhaut has got some checkpoints around
Dump Tape 237-04
/_ Page 7 of ]i

it that can be recognized and also because

it was out in front of the window, where you
could bring it to the horizon - You get to
see both the horizon and the stac without
heing occulted by the window frame .... is
_mother constellation that stays right out in
front of us too. So you want to schedule
Altair or something like that. That'd be
a good deal. We - uh - we then went to
Dubhe. Dubhe's a good one - uh - not a very
bright star, but it's got Jupiter right near
it and it also has - uh - twin stars not
far from it. Makes - you can get them all -
_Imost all of that in one beautiful view
if you easily recognize it.

237 13 28 44 PLT Now, the other problem is the horizon. Like

you said, right after sunsetyou pick up
a nice horizon, but it's the airglow horizon
! found out later. And Just before sunrise,
which is right now, you've also got a horizon
out there; but it is the airglow horizon.
8o it can trick you. And the horizon between -
the Earth's horizon is very indistinct.
The aidglow horizon is very distinct. The
only way you can find the Earth horizon is
to - to cover up the - uh - star field of
view and - uh - and look at the Earth horizcn
_md - uh - notice that there are some other
stars below the airglow horizon and - uh -
pick the lowes_ stars you can see in the
field of view and say "Well, tPney must just
be coming over the Earth's horizon" and pick
that as your horizon. And the airglow horizon
is very whiteish and - uh - diffuses it
to blackness of Earth. Diffuse is very
gradual, but I_ve - myself, I could Just
barely distinguish the - uh - the - uh -
very diffuse white boundary between the
black of the Earth and the - uh - whiteness
of the atmosphere. When I laid the star
at the - uh - very bottom of that very in-
([istinct white layer - It looks like to me
it ain't very - a very accurate system.
Dump Tape 237-04 ...........
/_ Page 8 of ii ........

237 13 30 20 PLT It looks like to me also that if somebody

knew the exact height of the - uh - airglow
horizon, that. would be a much better - uh -
horizon to sight in on and - uh - to - uh -
make the calculations from. A very distinct
and - uh - and very easily recognized. The
Earth horizon is not; so you might get
scattering of the data and you may - uh -
get the worst bit of navigation than he
would by using the - uh - airglow horizon.
8o that completes our - uh - T002 for today
_%d - uh - we got all that we need to get
_md standing by for the next time around.

237 13 30 59 PLT End of message. Thank you.

237 13 31 20 PLT Oh, a couple of more words on T002 - uh -

_md I think the idea of going to - uh -
15 marks and only two stars is = uh - is -
I_ - a step forward and - uh - I Just don't
think that it's worth - uh - time to - uh -
get two stars of two different subjects and
___ you waste too much time in the short time
we nave Lo work up here in - uh - i_inding
those stars and - uh - I the waus, I get
l_ marks and then two stars, I had to hustle
_ull the way anyway. So, I think that's -
lhh - that's the best we could do with - uh -
the kind of horizons and the kind of - uh -
night terrains and - uh - the other opera-
tional - uh - disibilities thrown in with it.
I think that'z as good as we Can do now.
I was thinking ... schedule stars straight
out the windo_ without too much of an angle
because we Just don't have that much of - tub
field of view to work in. Looks like Fomalhaut
and - uh - Dubhe were good ones and - uh -
Altair would be another good one. Uh - It's
right out the window now and - uh - there's
probably a couple of others out there that
ought to do the Job. Diphda would probably
be - might be a good one now although there
is still a king-sized angle between it and
the horizon. But it's - uh - too late; the -
any orbit to - uh - to use it anyway. So
Dump Tape 237-04
I_-_ Page 9 of ii

I think that - uh - you ought to throw

Diphda out for a time being and use an
operational star. •

237 13 32 h9 PLT And that's it for T002.

237 13 32 57 PLT ()kay, a few more words for T002 as I was

mentioning earlier, the airglow -


237 14 04 03 CDR ()kay, this is the CDR. We're getting

ready to run the PLT on an M092-3 and - uh -
his legbands are BK, left; BU, right. Uh -
We used the same blood pressure cuff we did
before, which is number 3_1. And he is
going to change his - uh - BTMS out, so
he 'Ii have a new BTMS today.

237 14 04 26 CDR CDR out. By the way, saddle fitting 7.

237 i* 05 _i CDR ()kay, we checked his B_; new serial number

is number 19.

237 14 21 12 CDR Jack's left 16g, l14-1/h on him on that.

237 lh 30 26 SPT ()kay, I want to debrief the last ATM pass

which just finished here at about 14:30.
Uh, the ... we_t all as planned. The study
of the left limb, the mini-ras_ers, mini-MAR
for went well. Got - uh - four different
up/down positions and then of course, the
9WJLL GAIN left/right. And incidentally, I
presume Peter Foukal will be watching
the results of that. Peter, if you get a
chance to let Le know how the data looks,
I'd appreciate it, to see if you could
distinguish the difference in the 1 are
second increments and - uh - uh - whether
or not it's gonna give you a good pattern
of - uh - uh - limb variation across the
limb. And then the 12 Delta for NRL went
fine. I had a little observing time on
the end, so I did a quick item 5 off of the

Dump Tape 237-04 k . .
_--_ Page i0 of ll _ _

the shopping list on active region 96.

Let me correct that - 93. The one that
is becoming more and more comples and -
uh - looks like it has a fairly good
flare potential. As a matter of fact ;
as I was in the midst of doing it, I
did notice that there was a very slight -
well, a moderate increase in both H-alpha
brightness and X-ray intensity. We're
down to beryllium 3, the step before the
3 and - uh - counts were fluctuating up
around 3000 or so. So anyway I don't know
if it's going to come over into active
region 93 or not, but it certainly has
potential. I did - picked an item 5 off
that one, with a little bit of extra mini-
raster thrown in to get a picture - partial
picture of it for 55. Then I quickly
stepped over east limb -

81>2 And that's active - uh - region 3, I

believe - Just a minute, let me check.
" Active region 3. And again did a item 5
on that on - only one exposure for NRL
_md did a PATROL SHORT for - uh - 56
in there because I had a very brief in-
terval of about 40 kilometers, had a
partial ... again although ought to
watch out for uhe data because it was
below 40 kilometers, there. So at least
a brief glimpse at the most interesting
active reglon_ on the end of scheduled
s_tivities for this last pass. Now on
the pre pass I did notice one thing on
the JOP 7 grating position 594, which
I believe puts Lyman eontinous an detector
number 3. The grating count there was
very, very low. l'd not expected it to
be as low as that, but - uh - ... I
presume is looking after the details of
that one. And - uh, if he really - you
m_ght mention - uh - what sort of - uh -
detector counts numbers is expected at
that position. As I recall it was only
counting two or three counts per time

Dump Tape 237-04

S" Page Ii of ii

237 lh 33 _i SPT ()kay,that's the end of the debriefing

from the SPT.

237 14 37 21 PLT Okay, here come the daily PRD readings.

For the CDR, we have h5275-275 for the CDR.
For the SPT, it is i19-119. For the
};LT, I read 2h8-268. CDR's been on
the wall in it's usual place all along.
S_e SPT and PLT were in their suits until
just now. And I'm now returning them
to their normal locations above the
centrifuge and sleep compartment.

237 14 38 i0 PLT End of the PRD message.

Dump Tape 237-05
"_ Time :
1223-1509 GMT o .
Page 1 of 10

237 12 23 31 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack on

ch_nel A. The subject is TO02. Information
goes to Bob Nute and Bob Handle from the
Ames Research Center and - uh - some of those
folks. I noticed you got me scheduled for a
TOG2-4 today, which is a stodimeter orbital, -
and a 6B which is a sextant operation. And a
ratiRer odd combination. 6A end 6B would go
together. Also, since I - uh - I've already
done - uh - T002-4 two or three times and -
uh - it looks to me, from my book, to _e the
quota, requirea. And I - uh - ... 002 ..,
Tell you what I'ii do, I'll Just call it
TO02-6A when it's supposed to be 6B. Stay
where you are on day - uh - 236 - 37, I guess.
Hard to keep track any more. A_d - uh - time
is - uh - 12:25. We get about - uh - 38 minutes
to go on - 38 minutes of daylight remaining
on our clock up on the ATM ... there. Stand by.

237 12 25 52 PLT MARK. My mark wa_ 3,987 .... okay, we'll

f--. crank it up p little and go back and get
another one.

237 12 26 46 PLT MARE. 3.945. Okay, we're going to get a third

one here.

237 12 27 44 PLT Right. Everything looks different toni@ht, it

seems like for so_e reason.

237 12 28 26 PLT MAR]{. 3.978. Ok,_y, we're gonna go off the

air for a little Jhile. I'll gi_ you three
more in about 5 minutes.

237 12 3_ O0 PLT Ok_{, now _e'll get stabilized and lay it

on there.

237 12 3_ 35 PLT MAR]{. 3.937.

PLT Ooh' There's sour_hem Africa. Where's the


CREW ...
_ Dmmp Tape 237-05
Page 2 of i0

PLT The Hasselblsd. Here's the Cape of - uh -

C_x_d Hope. Well, if _e already got it, let's
not do it, but - uh -

23T 12 35 15 PLT Time at. Thank you. Float, float. Okay.

... meter: 255 - 56. Okay, ... picture now.
Get me another stadimeter sighting here.

237 12 36 25 PLT MAr:K. 3.912. Okay, I got it. One more here.

237 12 36 46 PLT MARK. 3.919. Okay, that'll be all for a

littie while, and - uh - we'll be hack in a
little - in a few more minutes and get a few
more. Don't go away.

237 12 41 58 PLT MAf_. 3.904. Try it again. Crank it off

a little bit and crank it back. Okay.

237 12 42 22 PLT MARX. 3.886. One more. Our horizon's

already started to go a little hit ....

2ST 12 43 23 PLT ...

237 12 43 46 PLT MARK. 3.957. Okay. space fans. That's

gonna do it for a while and - uh - we're going
to set up for - uh - looks llke you gave
me - uh - big super stars again here. Let's
see what they are. Got a 41. I think that's
the same old one. They' re Diphda and Duhhe.
Okay, we'll take a look and see if we can find
am in a little w_tile. We'll be hack.

237 12 49 37 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are again - with -

uh - T002 and this is ... This is the star
to horizon. Two stars acquired. Sextant
operational and - uh - not quite dark yet
hut I got a planet up there and we will rip
off a few zero biases. Temperature of the -
uh - requests only - uh - two sets, one -
uh - set of fifteen on each star which is
winking a change for the better because - uh -
you come up with - uh - some - uh - unanticipated
problems in this area. Number one is that -
uh - the night is shorter .... the horizon -
uh -becomes indistinct again ... before our
sunrise period. So we have only have - uh -
Dump Tape 237-05
Page 3 of i0

m_be - uh - 15 - 20 minutes of operational

time in there for - uh - star to horizon
sighting. And it's very easy to become - uh -
confused with the airglow horizon if you start
t_3 soon. The other difficulty, of course, is -
uh - that the - sextant field of view is -
uh - that - uh - you don't see a lot of
checkpoint stars around the star you're
shooting for. I believe I see a satellite. I
see a satellite, AI. Come here. Yeah, moving
with ... sextant ... planet ... Look ...
there. Isn't that- isn't that moving? That's
Jupiter up there .... Didn't you see it?

Oksy, it ... lighting it a little while ago.

It' s going that way.

237 12 52 0_ CDR ... looks like ...

PLT See it now. No, it's getting closer to Jupiter.

Okay - uh - the _extant field of view, as we
::--" were saying - There, it's bright again, AI.
The sextant field of view is - uh - not too
wide ...... _ar_ duu_ h_v_ ,.._._ch_ukpoi_ts
around - uh - it's difficult to - uh - identify
em. You can pezhaps find em, but you got to
make sure you c,n identify them before you
start marking them. Uh - also, we noticed th_.t
the - uh - sextant gathers more light than the
naked eye. And - uh - it sees more stars than
the naked eye does.

CDR ... go by ... and they're ...

237 12 54 02 PLT Okay, the light-gathering cartridge, as we

were saying, are such that the naked eye and
the sextant don't remain in the same field of
view - or the sa_e presentation and so it's
difficult to - uh - find a star with the
checkpoints and then - uh - try to find a star
with similar checkpoints as the sextant. Oh,
a n,,m_er of - -

CDR Say, Owen, is that - uh - timer working okay

up there on the MDA panel?

237 12 54 29 PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans. Uh -

T002-6 Bravo, sextant operational sighting on - uh - -
Dm_p Tape 237-05
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SPT ... working oks_,now.

PLT - - ... get a well - defined horizon. Press

on and - uh - see if we can't get some
star-to-horizon sightings. And on this latest
checklist says we get the 15 minimum of two
stars. One set on each, which I think is a
change for the better because we don't have
near as much darkness up here as we thought
we might to begin with. We have, at most,
30 minutes of darkness on the ATM clock and -
uh - they're not all usable because we don't
have a well-defined Earth horizon until well
into the darkness. And then it disappears well
before sunrise. And the difficulty, of course,
is defining the - uh - sextant star in the
sextant field of view because it's rather
=_-ii and - uh - unless your star's got good -
checkpoints around it, why it's going to be
very difficult to - uh - define.
Also, the light - gathering
characteristics of the - uh -
sextant are such that it gathers
more light than your nsxed eye
coes, and if you ,me your naked
eye to find your star with checkpoints
until you find t_e star that the
sextant did and if - your naked eye
and the sextant .. are different
wit:hrespect to the number of stars
you can see, that makes for difficulty
in locating your stars. And the"
problem is - time wise - is not in
the - getting the marks. Once you
find your star, that's easy. The
- _fh- time delay is, identifying
that star. That's - uh - something
you want to mn_e _re you do - uh -
without guessing cause - uh - if you
don't identify that star, why - uh -
you're shooting the wrong star all
the time. The temperature of the
sextant is - uh - 69 degrees. The
diopter is minus i - correction -
0.5, minus 0.5; and we'll take some
zero bias settings here. We're
Dump Tape 237-05
Page 5 of

got a earth-glow horiz on down there

- airglow horiz on down there, but
I can see ... that there are stars
below that ...

PLT Okay. There's Fomal_aut. What zero

bias is old Fomslhaut in now - old

237 12 58 20 PLT MARK ....

237 13 00 07 PLT Okay, I'ii start over on zero bias

here. Okay, S019 will also be coming
on this today, channel A recording.

237 13 O0 31 PLT MARK. 0.005.

237 13 00 41 CDR Okay, this it the CDR on channel A.

This information concerns S019 and
- uh - will - uh - should he given
to Dr. Karl Henize, WalIy Tea_ue and
others interested in S019. I'm
_tting ready to perform the first
one, which is a - uh - field - hard
to read the hi,tuberbut - uh - the
first one on the pad. The number's
kind of slightl,v dim. I've had to
make a correcti_n in Nu . The pass
is minus 7.5. Our spacecraft says
minus 8.6, so that's a plus I.I
correction and -t's a field - l_oks llke
MSA, 90-second ... Coming up on
30 seconds till time. So I'm going
to open the hat-h, select a friendly
little frame, and I'm going to stand
by in a minute to go to OPEN. I'll
give you the m_'k.

237 13 01 h2 PLT Okay, T002 with - uh - zero bias

sightings was 0.0Oh, 543 and
that takes care of era. Long as I've
got ]_malhaut out there, I'm goinE
to take some ... horiz on on him, if
I can get me a horizon, which I don't
have. Boy! Look at _11 the cities
down there. Where are _e passing over?
Dump Tape 237-05
Page 6 of I0

237 13 02 02 CDR MARK. We Just again the first

90 second ... exposure.

CREW ...

PLT Still don't have a good %_ll-defined

Earth horizon.

CDR That must be a nice view, Jack.

PLT There's Dubhe over there. Let me see

if I can home in on her.

CDR ... let you know. We're in the

midst of a 90 second unwidened Mh88
field and this frame number is h6.
Stand by. We're going to close the

237 13 03 31 CDR MARK. Shutter closed. Okay, let's

go to the next field.

CDR Okay, stand by. I'll pick up another

fr_. Stand "uy for a marK. S_and by.

237 13 04 01 CDR MARK. Shutter open. That's another

on M8B, as you can call it ; 90-second
ur_.dened. It's frame number 47.
Oks_', stand by. We're coming up
on the mark which will close the
shutter and complete this 90-second
ex posure. Stare4 by.

237 13 05 31 CDR MARK. 90-second _sure completed.

Okay, let's go to the next one.

PLT Okay', I've identified Duhhe. Correction -

Duphda - I've identified Diphda.

237 13 06 07 PLT Now, I'll see if we can get her

somewhere near the horiz on.

CDR Okay, 1'11 pick up a new frame.

Stand by.

237 13 06 17 CDR MARK. Okay, shutter is open on

field 67A, frame hS. It's going to
DumpTape 237-05
Page 7 of i0

be a 90-second unwidened again.

CDR Stand by for a mark on closing


237 13 07 47 CDR M_K. Shutter closed. 90-second

exposure. Going to the next one.
Pick up this frame. Stand by.

237 13 08 17 CDR M_tK. Shutter open. Field 67B,

fr,me h9. _5,655 ...

CDR St*md by for 90 second.

237 13 09 47 CDR MARK. 90-second exposure ....

90--second exposure ....

PLT .... Dubhe ... Fc_Llhaut ...

CDR ... my watch again. Stand by.

_- 237 13 iC 42 CDR MAItK.

._ ,._L_ _,,_ a hu, i_ou _haL:s well

identified enough to do the Job. Finally
got ... - -

CDR .... start at 09:49 frame 50. 0577,

off set. Go ahead, Jac,

PLT 0k_, there's Fomalhaut. No question

about it - Fcm_Lhaut. •

237 13 13 13 PLT Sure is hard to tell where the

horiz on is. I started it well
below the airglow and I can't
really find the base of it.

237 13 13 28 PLT Say MARK right there. 37.339.

237 13 13 48 PLT MARK. 38.251.

237 13 14 13 PLT MA_. 38.8)47.

237 13 14 30 PLT MARK. 39.122.

Tape 23T-05
Page 8 of 10

237 13 lh 56 PLT I_,'K. 39.hh3.

237 13 15 07 PLT MA/_K.

CDR St_md by for a mark. l'm closing

the shutter.

PLT 39,.7 - -

237 13 15 iI CDR M_%K. Shutter closed. Okay.

PLT 39,79. - -

CDR .... to the next ... hT.

237 13 15 37 PLT MARK. h0.392.

CC Skylab, we're AOS Hawaii for

8 minutes.

237 13 15 51 PLT MA/_K. hO.k56.

/ CDR 0ki%7,I didn't give you a mark.
Let me give you another mark.
Give you _'_rk.Len it'_ been
I0 seconds.

237 iS 16 OB CDR M_/_K. i0 seconds after exposure


CDR Give you another at 15.

237 13 16 08 CDR MARK. 15 secon_. •

CC ....

CDR Sorry I didn't give you one.

237 13 16 12 PLT T_)2, MARK.

CDR Field 950, 270 ... exposure,

fr_ne 51.

PLT T002 is h0.700.

237 13 16 31 PLT M_K. 41.115.

Dump Tape 237-05
Page 9 of i0

CC And PLT, in 6 or 7 m_-utes I've "

got notes l'm sending you ...

237 13 16 _i PLT MAgi. 41.25_. Tell him I can't


CDR He can't listen risht now, Story.

He's trying to do T002. He'll give
you a call.

237 1316 56 PLT MARK.

CCOkay, AI.

PLT _1.5 -

CDR Good to hear you hack.

CC Yes, sir. It's good to be back.

237 13 17 19 PLT MARK. _2.o76.

237 13 17 31 PLT MAKK. h2.192.

CC Hey, AI, we're going to be

enabllng the ... if you can
stay off the DAS codes.

sPT I'ii tell him. Okay, he's off.

237 13 17 h5 FLT MARK. h2._92.

CDR I'll give you a little bit more

information about the timer problem
we've been having. Uh - this is
the ..., the general timing system.

237 13 18 00 PLT MARK. _2.83_.

CDR Last night it stabilized for a

while and it worked okay. This
morning it's sort of erratic a_ain.
It's like it's getting some EMI
maybe from the ATM panel or something.

CC Oks_.
• . o p

If-" DumpTape 237-o5

Page i0 of i0

237 13 18 16 PLT M/RK. $5.550.

CC ..., Skylab, and AI, while I've got

you ... -


II II _ i, - uh - on the M093

./_ Dump Tape 237-06
Time: 1430-1715 GMT
Page i of 2

237 14 30 26 SPT Okay, want to debrief the last ATM pass

which just finished here about 14:30. Uh -
the building chips went all as planned.
The - - study of the left limb, the
minirasters, minimarks for 55 went very
well. Got 4 different up down positions
a_id of course the pol scan, left/right.
And incidently, presume Peter Foukal
will be watching the results of that ;
Peter, if you get a chance to let me
know how the data look, I would ap-
preciate it. And if you could, - uh -
that could make a difference on my 1
or second increments. And -uh- whether
or not it is going to give you a good
pattern of limb variation across the
limb. And then the - uh - 12 Delta for
N_IL worked fine.

237 14 31 21 SPT Had a little avserving time on the end,

_ so I did a quick- uh - item5 fromthe
shopping list on active region 96. Let
me correct that, 9J. The one that is
becoming more and more complex and - uh -
looks like it has a better confirm
potential. As _ matter of fact, as I was
in the midst of doing it - uh - I did
notice that there was a very slight,
well, a moderate increase in both
H-alpha brightness and X-ray intensity.
We're down to - uh - beryllium _,
the step before the 3 and - uh -
counts were fluxuating up around 3000
or so .... is going to come over
into active region 93 or not, but it
certainly has potential. I did item
5 off that one. With a little bit of
axfcra - uh - minirasters thrown in to
get a picture - uh - a partial picture
of it for - uh - 55.

237 14 32 12 SPT And then I quickly zipped over to the

- uh - slit. And that's active region
3, I believe, let me check. That's
active region 3. I again did a - uh -
item 5 on that one. 0nly one ex-
Dump Tape 237-06
Page 2 of 2

posure per NRL. I did need a PATROL

SHORT for - uh - 56 and - uh - cause
I had a very brief interval of time,
s_id - uh - did the grating auto scan,
which took me down to about 40 kilo-
meters and a partial MAR again al-
though you ought to watch out for the
data because it was below h0 kilometers
there. So, to make it brief - uh -
glimpse of the two most interesting
active regions on the end of the
sc.heduled activities of this last pass.
New on the preceding pass, I did
netice one thing on the JOB 7 grating
position 594, which I believe puts
latitude 50 on detector number 3, the
- uh - the grating count was very, very,
low, I - uh - had not expected it to be
as low as that but - uh - ... I presume
is looking after - uh - - uh - the
details of that one and - uh - if you
"_" really - you might mention what sort of uh,
uh detector - _lh - e_uut nu_h_ _u
be expected at - uh - that position.
Uh - as I recall, it was only counting
two or three eo_mts per time interval.

237 lh 33 41 SPT Okay, that's the end of the debriefing

for the SPT.

237 lh 37 21 SPT Okay, here come the daily PRD

For the CDR, we the
CDR. For the SPT. For
the PLT, I , here
has been on the wall up there in the
usual place all along; the SPT's and
PLT's were in their suits until Just
now, and I am now returning them to
their normal locations above the
eentrifuge 8/nd in his sleep compartment.

2B7 lh 38 I0 SPT End of the PRD message.

237 15 I0 58 PLY

237 15 09 15 PLT

Dump Tape 237-07
_--_ Time : 1605-1725 Glv_
8125173 ............
Pagel of 2 ........

237 16 04 09 SPT Okay, this is the SPT debriefing

the last run - uh - on the ATM,
which Just now finished around
16:00. The - uh - schedule went
off Just as planned, although I
did take a little bit longer with
the 4 - limb co-alignment than
scheduled because I ended up changing !
the co-alignmentsslightly from - 1
uh - line l0 back up to line 9-
Slight improvement on line 9. And
that meant I had to go back through
limb positions upper and lower twice, I
and that took me a little bit longer.
Here are the numbers that came out on
day 237 at - uh - 15:10. Plus 1006,
plus 1006, plus 1007. Lower limb is
minus 894, minus 897; left limb is
minus 92h, minus 922, minus 922. The
right limb XUV was plus 973, 55 was
plus 976. The co-align position now
0932. And - uh - I thinkthat is all
the numbers entered up to there.

237 16 05 22 SPT Oh, there's one other thing that I

think I said wrong the last time I
commented about - uh - the 4 - limb
co-alignment. I said the white light
image was a little too large, I should
have turned that around, it's the white
light image is actually a little smaller
than the H-alpha image. Because I
am putting the white light disk on the
inner edge of the crosshairs' on the
white light are very wide, and I 'm
putting the - uh - edge of the Sun's
disk on the inner edge, a couple of
arc seconds probably from the center
of that very broad horizontal align-
ment line. So it looks like the white
light Sun is a few arc seconds in rad-
ius - uh - smaller than the H-alpha
inner limb radius. And that's the -
uh - end of my comments on the last run.

237 16 06 24 SPT Those comments, of course, goes to the

F_ ATM PI'sand planners.
Dump Tape 237-07 ............
Page2 of 2 '............ J

237 17 37 35 PLT Good morning, space fans, this is -

Jack on - uh - channel A, debriefing
the last ATM run, which - uh - began
at 16:42. I ran off a - uh - series
of - uh - steps and - uh - JOP 2 Bravo.
Step i, building block 4, A through E,
on active region 93. I pointed the -
uh - H-alpha i at a - uh - H-alpha
bright area, the brightest point in the
plage and I - uh - maximized - uh -
detector l, carbon 3, grating position 766,
to where I got a very high reading. ._.
Although - uh - it was slightly off of
the brightest H-alpha point. Which
means one of two things, if it were not _.
perfectly aligned, or the H-_lpha bright
point was not the carbon 3 bright point.
At any rate, I carried out the rest of
the steps as planned and - uh - we got
u- all the data you requestedon JOP 2 Bravo
• . and we're standing by for the next pass -
/_ uh - at 18:18.

_3"( I'( _9 UI PLT Thank you, gentlemen.

Dump Tape 237-08
Time: 1823-2038 GMT
8/25/73 .........
PageI of 5 ...........

237 18 2h 01 CDR This is the CDR, I'm - uh - doing a shopping

list item prior to my run here on - uh -
18:18. What I'm doing is shopping list
item 5 - uh - active one long and - a
80 AUTO SCAN. And I'm doing it on active
region 6. Looks like it might be
a :reasonable thing to do a ... 2hO-seeond
exposure. And, also, I'm going to give
them a couple of i00 exposures. We'll
see how much time it takes. CDR, out.
This goes to the ATM scientist.

237 19 12 20 SPT Okay, on the 131 run Just completed

on the SPT. After it, for the - uh -
N 2 pressure was - uh - 1150, 1150. Now,
as far any - uh - questions - uh -
sense of rotating or otherwise moving.
Uh - yeah, during the hi - highest rpm
I did - uh - have a sense of rotating.
And also - uh - I didn't have the sense
of - uh - I felt like I was not verticle,
my head up. I sort of felt I was - uh -
perhaps perpendicular to the room's
orientation, ine line _arget ever move
in a direction other than expected?
Yes. Sometimes it moved up and down
a little bit. And - uh - see a very
definite motion hold pattern up and
do_. Exactly as I would have normally
ex_,ected for the OCI left/right motion.

SPT AdSitional comments. I have th_

felling that I'm not - uh - as sensitive
to - uh - orientation as I was on the
ground. And - _)_ - when I'm one orientation
if I think hard, I can beat any other
orientation in this sense of orientation ...
And. it - uh - I'm - uh - not really,
for the first three levels, I really think
I was doing more guessing than I was
ever seeing the OGI. It got to the point
where even the barest suggestion of a
direstion of rotation was ii that I had
to go on and so I gave that clue. And
I - uh - I don't really feel that I was
as observing any clear OCI until the
fourth and fifth level. So end of comment
from the SPT on this - uh - first run.
DumpTape237-08 ....

2 of 5"" ....

237 18 07 08 CDR This is CDR debriefing the last ATM

run. It went real well til we got _own
to the coronal hole part, right at
the end. And I couldn't find the coronal
hole in that al.ea. I'_ gonna take a
Polaroid picture of it as soon as we
get back up and see if I can find one.
I'm waiting for some information from
the ground to let me know how they'd
like for me to handle it; which steps
they'd like me to do it, because that
step 3 that I did, I didn't considere
it satisfactory.

237 19 15 47 CDR CDR out.

237 19 20 16 SPT Okay, this si the SPT on channel A

with information about the med portion,
motion censitivity session of the 131
run just completed. Uh - ... symtoms and
no time for the c_mparisons cause there
weren't any. A couple of comments, at
30 rpm you are moving pretty fast
•.-ith the centrifical foi-ce reaii_ p_lliag
you into the lap belt. I had to cross
my legs underneath the - uh - uh - foot
restraint, in or£_er to keep them - uh -
froIa flying out through or - popping off
and causing _ reset of the - uh -
chair rotation. So, that was the easiest
way to run, with Just my legs crossed
underneath that pole. And the second
thing was I noticed that the - uh - micro
switch on the back of the head - uh -
rest seemed to quit operating about
half-way through. So - uh - even though
I was rocking the - uh - sensor back,
I could not hear the click of the micro
switch, and I'Ii go check it and see if
I c_m't get that working right in just
a moment. Outside that, - uh - nothing
special. Uh - 30 rpm is no problem.
•.. ate the gyro someplace - uh - I
mentioned it on the last one, I guess, in
fact quite a bit, that's very slight
gyro ... was even noticed. And - uh - uh -
substantially less than was noted at
30 r_pm with scope decks, on the ground,
Dump Tape 237-08
Page 3 of 5

It was almost - uh - no indication of

- uh - having your vestibular sensors
perturbed by that head nodding. Just
a very slight little bit of what I've
called gyro ... cause I don't know a
better work to describe it. End of
the comments from the SPT. Those
comments go the the M131 PI and

237 19 36 15 SPT One additional comment to the M131, Pi.

Ths% micro switch looks to be all right.
So - uh - maybe it quit operating for
a while but at least I can hear it
now. So, - uh - apparently something
else needs to be done to it. End of
extra comment.

237 19 h2 39 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on

ch_mnel A. And the subject is _31.
I Just - uh - completed my motion and
sensivity run, and - uh - experienced no
symptoms under the 30 rpm/150 rmp
movement. I noticed that - uh - early in
the run, when I - uh - came back up from
my - uh - head-head down position, - uh -
a_er the fixed head movement that I
tended to - uh - learn a little bit to
the left a feet, by learning my shoulders
one inch to the left of - of upright.
And - uh - when I did that, I noticed
that - uh - I felt like I was sfinning
with a slightly tilt with my feet
slightly un. Later, - I would - uh -
correct that position to straight upright,
and - uh - felt as though I were spinning
in the straight upright. Uh - other than
that, why - uh - there are no other
e_nments or observations, - uh - except
to say that I - uh - did not do the
OCT part of this run - uh - due to the
fact that I'm - uh - developing a - uh -
sty in my - uh - left eye in the upper
eye lid, for which I am - uh - putting
same topical - uh - dressing on and - uh -
we felt that it might be contagious,
Dump Tape 237-08
Page 4 of 5

and therefore, - uh - it would be better

not to use the - uh - OGI goggles. Uh -
I did not use the - uh - the - uh -
blindfolds on the - uh - motion sensivity.
I merely closed my eyes. And - uh - I
could notice - uh - due to the light
differential the - uh - the rotation
clockwise. So, I will pick up the OGI
part of this run - uh - in the near
future, when this - uh - uh - sty is
completely gone.

237 20 03 13 SPT I also wanted you to know that I was

late turing the experiment tape recorder
on. Since we - uh - did not do the OGI
portion, I missed picking that up when I
went back to set up the switches. So,
I think we've gone - uh - oh, about 30 head
movements or so when I got that put
back on. But then we completed the
normal 150 and you saw the cut-off
and there were no symptons, so I should
not think that would - uh - alter any
of the data. And - uh - as Jack said,
the run went perfectly normal, with no

237 20 Oh 04 SFT All that preceeding on 131 goes to the

M131 PIs and - uh - biomed.

237 20 09 12 CDR This is the CDR discussing - uh - JOP 15

step 3. I Just lid it. Uh - I _olled
the 82B SLIT parallel to the hole boundary,
but I did not point the 55 OFFSET so that
the mirror auto raster was centered on
the boundary. The mirror auto is still
the difference between 9 and 25 off. Now,
the company area but it say - I Just do
wh_; it said there, I did't see that
until after I had done it up .... it seems
to put the 82B SLIT in the right place but
I failed to then move it up 85 or so
are seconds.

237 20 lh h8 CDR Ok_r, sec - ATM science room, CDE again.

I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. Step 5

Dump Tape 237-08

Page 5 of5

salts, "Go to an area not previously

used." What I'm gonna do is go to an
area that would be exactly adjacent to
where the mirror was in step _, correction
step 3. Which means that you'll have
part of a contin1;-1 mirror auto raster
for a total of I0 arc - uh - minutes.
And I think this will do the Job for you.
And that way will have everything.

23T 2o 15 35 CD_ COR,_ut.

237 20 21 21 CDR This is CDR for the ATM science room.

I think we got you some good coronal
hole information. I tell you what I
did. First thing I did was find the
coronal hole hit at one boundary and
that was the interior boundary of it
because it's step 3"there. Then we
went to step 4 and - uh - pointed a
little bit inside that, - uh - I don't
remember how many arc seconds. I
think we moved in - uh - I don't know,
hut we moved inside it - uh - some "
nt_ber of arc seconds, took that data
then we went to step 5 and I - as you
recall, on step 3, I didn't have the
- uh - mirror auto rasters line 25, so
I - uh - huh - uh -, that's not true,
that's right after line mirror auto 25.
So, I moved up Just the right ahount so
that, and over so that at least you
would have a mirror auto raster right -
on the top of the one you had in the
hole, and it would be continuous with
the first. Okay, then, I went back to
the original position I took in 3 and
went to the right 150 arc seconds which
put me down the center of the hole but
: made the raster then go all the way if
the other side and off the limb of the
sun. It looks to me like you've got a
h1_e area here - uh - roughly ten by ten -
_ust a minute. That will - uh - you'll
have mirror rasters and will have information
on your coronal hole in there, so I'm
hoping ...
: : Dt_p Tape 237-09
_- Time: 1908 to 2002 GMT
Pagei of 2

237 19 08 05 SPT Okay, on the 131 run Just completed on the SPT -
a_cer - it - uh - the N 2 pressure was 1150,
1350. Now answer any questions - sense of
rotating, otherwise moving - Uh - yeah,
during the la - high - highest - uh - RPM,
I could - uh - have a sense of rotating.
And - also - uh - I didn't have the sense -
oi" - I felt like I was not vertial -
head up. Sort of felt like I was - uh -
strapped perpendicular to the room's
orientation. The line target ever move
in a direction other then expected?
Yes. Sometimes, it moved up and down a
little bit.

SPT And - uh - see a very definite motion-O

pattern up and down, exactly as I was - uh -
normally expected, for the OGI, left/right
motion. Additional comments. I have the
feeling that I'm not - uh - as sensitive
to - uh - orientation, as I was on the
ground. And - uh -when l'm in one orien-
tation, if I think hard, I can be in any
__ other orientation:with this sense n_
orientation changing.

SPT And if - uh - I'm not really - for the

first 3 levels, I really think I was doing
more guessing, _hau I was ever seeing the
0GI. That's th_ point where even the mere
suggestion of a direction of rotation was
all that I had co go on, and soFI gave that
clue. And - uh - I don't really feel that
I was observing any clear 0GI's, until the
fourth or fifth level.

239 19 09 35 SPT So - uh - end of cogent from the SPT on

this - uh = first run.

237 19 15 20 CDR This is the CDR debriefing on the last

ATM run.

/_.. P_e 2 of 2

CDR It went real well, till we got down to

the coronal hole part, right at the end.
And I couldn't ling the coronal hole, in
that area. I'm going to take a Polaroid
picture of it, as soon as we get back up,
and see if I can find one. Uh - I'm waiting
for some information from the ground to
let me know how they'd like me to handle
it. Which depth they'd like me to use,
because that step 3 I did, I Just considered
sB_is factory.

237 19 15 48 CDR CDR, out.

237 20 02 lh SC I'm taking a look at these samples up here.

All the samples look okay, with the exception
of the ones - -

Dmnp Tape 237-10
Time: 2141 to 2222 GMT
8125/73 .............
"_ _. Page 1 of 6 .......

237 21 _i 51 SPT To the following message is for - uh - Mrs.

Diana Stanford [?] and Miss Jean Reed [?], over
in Food and Nutrition. And - uh - about
3 comments. The first one - uh - is
following: Uh - I still have a prime rib,
that was not eaten - uh - very - in the
first week of the mission. Uh - it's
a - uh - frozen item. I've had it in - uh -
freezer, or the cooler ever since the
first week. And I'm going to eat it
tonight, and leave the prima rib that,
I should have tonight, in the freezer.
Now what I would like to do, is to not
waste this one good frozen item, this
prime rib, but instead, substitute it on
one of my evenings, for either the turkey
gravy, which is on my menu _, or the
spaghetti, which is on my menu 6. And
today, survey my menus _ and 6, and see
if this would - uh - he any - uh - major
• problem, to simply substitute the - uh -
prima rib, which I will still have extra
- uh - in the week coming up, for either
spaghetti on menu 6, or turkey and gravy
on menu 4.

SPT And the next - the next - comment

relates to menu 1. On my meal B
on menu l, I have tuna and bread listed.
Now I can still put up with that,
for at least a little while longer,
hut - uh - I would like to haqe them
consider - uh - Diana or Jean - uh -
uh - particular - consider whatever
substitutions I might make, to get
that tuna off of - uh - menu i. Uh -
that's an awful lot of tuna in that
can, and the flavor Just doesn't take
a - taste take a thing like - uh -
tunafish salad on the ground. And -
uh - you know Jack's already - uh -
cut his out. And I've been struggling
with it, and can put up with it, a
little while longer, but would like to
substitute something else, if you would
look around at - uh - possible
Dump Tape 237-10
Page 2 of 6

alternatives, and see whats in

overage and can be obtained easily,
or something like that. And let me
know if you have any suggestions for
the substitution of tuna in - uh -
menu i. Now I don't have the same
objection to bread that Jack did. It's
not really very good, I must admit,
but at least I don't have any trouble
eating it. And - uh - I'm not
complaining about that part, but I
would like to substitute the tuna if
you can find something - uh - that
would work.

237 21 44 49 SPT And the third item - uh - is - uh -

related to the general content of our
menu cue cards. I suspect by now, you
have heard that there is some
discrepancy between what is on our menu
cue cards, and what, in reality, our
menus were suppo_:ed to be. This relates
to, at least, the optional salt and,
S=IAi_, _li_ u_Ler items that are
included. And this is perhaps a
question for - others - uh - Diana
and Jean than yourselves. And if
so, you can relate it to them, like
Malcom(?), or Mike Riddle(?), or
some of the others involved in the
planning for our - uh - menus.
But I would like to know what is°being
planned to make our menus correct.
Our cue cards ar,-•, at the present
time, inaccurate. I'd llke to know
why this was not brought to our
attention befores and what is planned
to be done about it. - uh - this is
the end of the message to Mrs. Diana
Stanford, Miss Jean Reed and - uh -
they will - uh - circulate it to
others as appropriate.

237 21 46 01 SPT SPT out.


Dump Tape 237-10

• /-_. Pa_e 3 of 6 ........

23T 21 _6 57 SPT This is the SFT on channel A,

with a message to Ed Gibson, OVer in the
astronaut office. Hello there, Ed,
got a couple of things to - uh -
mention to you and - uh - some
of this relates to - uh - Bill and
Jerry, also. So - uh - first i%
relates to - Qh - clothing. About
the last three weeks before launch,
why - _h - they came around to say
what more clothes you want - uh -
think this group needed more, we're
about ready to fix you up and all
that good stuff. And it wan too late
for us to figure out, properly, what
we really needed. Now it turns out
what Jack end I really need is socks.
We have more clothes up here than we
can wear in four months, much less in
2 months. Uh - I'm only about h_f way
through my first clothing pack, even
though it's supposed to be completed
--. at the end of 30 days - or 28, except
....... _-- _'_" soc_-_ v _111d have liked
to have chenged every day, and
unfortunately, I get one pair of socks
about every 3 d_ys, because a couple of
them are on long handles and other stuff
that you don't get worn. And so my
suggestlon to all three of you is, -
is to see if you can't get more socks,
and forget about the rest of th_ stuff.
Because socks you really need and at
least as far as Jack and I are concerned,
we got more then anything else - more
than we need of everything else.

237 21 48 17 SPT Okay that item applys to all

three of you. And the next one - uh -
is perhaps more related to you, Ed,
but it will affect all three of you, too,
and that is the - uh - film - ATM
film in particular. Now the A_ -
uh - change out - uh - as you know,
- uh - occurred on day 28, and we
only got into operation on day ii.

F ..
D_mrp Tape 237-10
Page 4 of 6


And for about the last 3 days,

we were I.mnlng with a lots of
experiments omitted, because they
were running low on film. So this
really means, we essentially exposed
one complete exchange of film in
about - uh - 12 dsys of fairly
concentrated work. Fairly concentrated
I say, because we were catching up
to about 12 ATM - uh - correction,
up to lO ATM passes per day - on -
uh - a good part of those days. I
don't know how many - uh - ATM passes
y' all intend to get, but the point
I'm trying to make is it doesn't take
long for - uh - with hard work,
to expose a completing exchange of film.
. NOW - uh - the £054 - uh - c,_n_ster
still is in very good shape, on load
2, which I Just brought back in - uh -
yesterday. And of course, there's not
reason in the world to not reload that
thing, Ed. And - uh - I expect that
_ ytall are taking care of this or it
has been taken care of very thoroughly.
But I'd Just like to reemphasize the
fact that on SOS_ in particular, you
ought to have at least - uh - one
extra exchange of film, to put in
that machine.

237 21 49 _7 _FI' And then as far . uh - 56 and HFAlpha

and 52 are concerned, you've known all
along that those ere - uh - light - uh -
cameras and - uh - I think this would
be a good time to start bringing up to -
uh - Kenny the fact that - uh - it
only takes 12 or 13 days of hard work
to expose one load of film. Now with
Kahoutek[?] in edition, why, of course
you're _ust not gonna have enough film
to give the solar observations a fair
shake. And X - ch - l'm ... need a
discussion of NRL because of the size
and I understand we've already got that
1_p Tape 237-10 ...........
•_ Page 5 of 6 ......

extra one load anyway. But on the

other cameras, donnone it, you really
ought to get some extra film, Ed.
And I don't thi_k it's any too soon to
start - uh - worrying" about that - uh -
and - uh - getting it push through the
program office if you can. Now - uh -
oh, the other item I was going to
mention, Ed, is about that telescope.
- I don't know what happen at the CCB
- uh - the other day but - uh - ass,,_ug
that things went - uh - fairly well, I
don't have very much to add over what I
said before except Just remembering
to giving that a try. I can't said that
it would be essential to JOP 13 or to the
text but I think that it would be
a d/sirable thing. Uh - I can't
really say that that H-Alpha is
essential and I would be interested
to know - uh - what the - uh -
the end results _f - uh - that work
was or what the end result of th_ Cc_
action was on there. That 19 inches
that I mentioned, I still think i's a
pretty good idea. because if it sticks
out any further, it's Just going to
keep obstructing the flow of traffic,
hack and forth through the MDA. And
you could see that yourself by taking
a look at the - _h - mock-up or _n the
wardroom trainer.

237 21 51 _0 SPT So, I guess that's all of my comments

for you, today, Ed. As a matter of
fact, I've - the reason I'm getting
this on tape at the moment is because I
ended up about 30 or 45 minutes ahead
of schedule. And, as near as I can
recall, this is the first time that it's
happened on this flight and this is day 29.
First time I've had and extra h5 minutes
to - to - uh - get some of this done.
So, a - uh - couple of questions there
with a response requested and - uh -
good luck to you fellow. And - uh -
let's - uh - see what - what you manage
to get on board.

Tape 237-10 . .......

• _-" Page 6 of 6

237 21 52 14 SPT End of message to Ed Gibson in

• the astronaut office from the SPT.

237 21 54 55 CDR CDE debriefing the last - uh - run.

I started out doing a it a JOP step 7.
Completed that well, pressed on with __
2B, step i, got down to 2B_ 5 and
could not complete. I'll pick
up with 2B, 5. I'll be able to go
through the rest of the thing
because I've got some verbing -
observing time and shipping list time.
So, everything will be okay. That
goes to the ATM science room.

237 21 55 21 CDR CDR out.

237 22 2102 ]?] Roger.

237 22 21 07 PLT Okay space fans, this is Jack on

channel A. The subject is M092/093 o-
uh our friend - uh - Dr. Owen Garriott.
- This Info is _or the b_om_d _eople.
His left leg measures 12-1/2 inches;
his right leg measures 12-7/16 inches.
The left leg cuff is Charlie-Sierra,
3.8; his right leg is Alfa-Queen, 3.2.
The serial number of the blood pressure
cup is 011 and ILls saddle position is
number 6.

237 22 _i 52 PLT That's all for now but don't go away.


Dump Tape 238-01
Time: 0526-0104GMT
' 8/26/73

Page i of 6

237 23 21 06 SPT Okay, total owrk on that - uh - M)93

run was 301 watt minutes. 301 watt minutes.
And that looks like all the information
necessary to complete the M093 run on
channel A.

237 23 21 06 SPT Okay, total work on that - uh - M093 run

was 301 watt minutes. 301 watt minutes.
And that looks like all the information
necessary to complete the M093 run on
channel A.

238 00 04 28 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A, uh -

with a message for whoever's transcribing
tapes. I understand that the voice
recorder was looked on serveral times - uh -
during the day in the past - uh -
6 or 8 hours. I had - uh - one long
message for - uh - Dr. Ed Gibson over
in the - uh - astronaut office and I had
another message that was - uh - sent to - uh -
Mrs. Aeanna Sandford [?], Miss - uh - G.
Green and - uh - other in the foods and
--_ nutrition brancn. And I wanted to make
sure both of those messages were fully
transscribed, and if they were not, would
you let the CAP COMI4 know so I can
repeat it? - Uh - I will need to know - uh -
promptly if those messages were not fully
- uh - transcribed.

258 i00_ i0 SPT SPT out. P

238 00 36 44 CDR Okay, this is the CDR and I'm - uh -

recording some information C-7 in
preparation for the VTP test. If I
- uh - look at C-7 and I get a very
cool nothing, and if I turn ON 191 power
and look at its then I get 30 percent,
30 percent. I'll go ahead and leave
that power on although the cooling off.
Okay we got it. I'm going off the top.
I'd better leave that power out 1 more
minute, then Z'll give you a call and tell
you what it is.

238 00 37 27 CDR CDR out.

Dump Tape 238-01
Page 2 of 6

238 00 39 37 CDR This is the CDR and - uh - this is the

CDR and I'm reporting that the
- uh - C-7 is indicating 30 percent,
30 percent. This is far - in preparation
for the 191 VTS check.

238 00 59 52 CDR CDR out.

238 00 47 57 CDR As far as I know we've got everything

going Just perfect. Standby for a
market at 40.

238 00 48 02 CDR MARK. 40. mhe world's slowest test.

We're doing the 191 correction, the
190 VTS test, being recorded on channel A
as far as we can tell.

238 00 48 40 CDR 834. Stand by. I'll give you a mark

when it goes to 30.

238 O0 48 55 CDR MARK. Now, that's probably 30.9 as you

know, but - uh - Just me as your 30.

_ 238 00 49 00 CDR MARK. That went to 29, so that'll give

you a_ ide_ _f the split. _ .....
_= _m6
with all these others day, we're at
26 now. Still passing over hunch of
clouds. 23. 22. 21.

238 00 49 37 CDR MARK. 20.

238 00 49 41 CDR MARK. 19. Give you a mark at i0 and

zero, if we ever get there. W_'re at 15
now, gentlemen. T.V. camera looks okay to
me. May be a little bright. I'll come
down-can't come down. A trip. 12. ll.

238 O0 50 15 CDR MARK. l0 degrees, gentlemen.

238 O0 50 18 CDR MARK. 9. So and there's the split. As

soon as we get to here, gentlemen, what
we're going to do is give time marks - uh -
lO left, 20 right. We're going to set gimbal
for zero, zero, in a minute. We're at
four degrees. Stand by. 3.2.1.

238 00 50 49 CDR MARK. That was zero. Okay, gimbal's to O.

Dump Tape 238-01
Page 3 of 6

Give time at start of i0 left and

20 left for full speed. Okay, let me
check. We get them at zero. Yeah,
thats it. Stnad by. Okay.

238 00 51 l0 CDR MARK. It Just started. I'll give you

i0 and 20 left. All right? It may take

238 00 51 42 CDR MARK. i0 left. Still don't understand why you

guys need an earth background for
this one.

238 00 52 13 CDR MARK. 20. Okay, I'm coming back in

the other direction. I'll give you a
mark when -

238 00 52 l0 CDR MARK. That was right on 20. When I'd

give you the mark, it left 20 .... to do
19. Next mark coming up will be l0 left.

238 00 52 46 CDR MARK. That was 9 left. Okay? Beautiful

clouds and water down there. Lot of water.

238 00 53 18 CDR MARK. That was zero.

238 00 53 53 CDR MARK. i0 right. 20 right going to be

off the Earth, going okay, we're going
off to the ... now. 15. 18. 19.

238 00 54 28 CDR MARK. 20. Okay, ALIGN OFF. IMC - uh -

0FF/HIGH. With the gimbal set a_ 20 right,
Zero - uh - Give marks. Okay, let's try
that for size. Here we go, stand I'm
going - getting s little bit 21 then I'll
set it back at 20. Okay, here we go.

238 00 54 50 CDR MARK.

238 O0 54 5h CDR MARK. 10.

238 O0 54 57 CDR MARK, zero.

238 00 55 01 CDR MARK. i0, left.

238 00 55 04 CDH MARK, 20. Gimbal's at 45 up zero cross

track. Very well. 45, up; zero, cross
track. It' s off the Earth, gentlemen.
h5 up; zero across track. Verify ... give
/_ mark and set IMC to RATE ON/HIGH. Okay.
Stand by.
Dump Tape 238-01
Page h of 6

238 00 55 39 CDR MARK. Give marks at angles or 30 up

15 up and zero. Vocie record any cross
track angle varium from zero. I'll
do that. Okay, we're.

238 00 55 50 CDR MARK, 40. That was h0, up. We're

still at zero, gentlemen. We're going
for 30. We're still at zero across
track, at the moment. 32. 31.

238 00 56 06 CDR MARK, 30 degrees. No cross track.

20 degrees right there. I'm going to
give you one at 15 and zero. Cross
track is a mere nothing.

238 00 56 28 CDR MARK. No, no, I missed the mark at 15.

238 O0 56 30 CDR MARK, 10. Here's the mark at lO. I

missed the one at 15. I'll give you
one at zero.

238 00 56 hl CDR MARK, zero okay, the IMC RATE OFF/HIGH,

set gimbals at zero, zero. Okay, I'll
/_ do that. Gimbals are at zero, zero.
VTS power OFF. Okay, it says to do that.
I want to do these first ones again,
I - uh - try that one more time, Just for fur..
I want to set gimbal - uh - to 20 down, and _ero
cross track. Okay, 20 down, and zero cross
track and D4C OFF/HIGH. Stand by for marks.
Okay? Zero and 45, I'll give it to you.

238 O0 51 25 CDR MARK, start.

238 O0 57 28 CDR MARK. That was zero.

238 O0 57 32 CDR MARK. No, no.

238 O0 57 33 CDR MARK. That was it. I gave it to you at

hO and then 45- That was good. Now we'll
set it to 50 up. Okay, zero cross track. Here
we go. I'm going to give at h5 up and
15 down. Okay? Stand by. I'll start

238 00 57 55 CDR MARK. That was it. h5 up.

Dump Tape 238-01
Page 5 of 6

238 00 57 58 CDR MARK. That was 15 up.

238 00 58 O1 CDR MARK. That was zero. Mark - man that was
a fast test. I want to try that one
again. I didn't like it. I'll get this
right yet. 45 up and 15 down. Okay?
I'll start at 50.

238 O0 58 24 CDR START.

238 O0 58 27 CDR MARK, 45 up.

238 O0 58 34 CDR Mark 15 down. Okay, now I think I've

given you every single that - uh -
could possibly be - uh - I'll give you one more
down to up and that'll help you out. Gonna go
to 20. I'm going to give you - uh - zero up
and 45 up. Okay, with MAX 6. There you go.

238 00 58 58 CDR START.

238 00 59 O0 CDR MARK. That was zero.

f 238 Oo _
.. 06 CDR _,_,v
•_, I.......
_#, now feLTs see. Theone
near the other end I didn't do exactly
right. I'm going to get it for you.
45 up and zero cross track. 45 up and
zero cross track. This is item 9. Give
mark and set IMC to HIGH. Okay.

238 00 59 37 CDR MARK. Now we'll give marks at 30 up.

15 up, end zero up. •

238 01 O0 03 CDR MARK 30 up. No cross track proplems.

No cross track problem.

238 O1 O0 23 CDR MARK 15 up. I'll give you a mark at

zero, gentlemen. Ghen, I want to try
one other test that isn't called for.
No cross track.

238 O1 00 39 CDR MARK. Now I'm going to go up to the

same place again, Just like that test
of - I'm gonna go up to 45 up, and zero cross
track. Okay, now I'm going to IMC low,
on the mark. Okay.
Dump Tape 238-01
/ _ Page 6 of 6

238 01 00 56 CDR MARK. I went IMC LOW on 45. Still zero

is the cross track. I'll give you a
mark at h0.

238 0i 01 04 CDR MARK, h0. Give you a mark at 30.

238 01 01 20 CDR MARK 30. Okay, now I'll give 15 and zero.
No cross track. And that's the end of
the test. And a little added bonus.

238 01 01 h0 CDR M_K. That's 15. Now I'ii give you a mark
at 0 and that's it.

238 01 01 56 CDR M3hRK, O. End of test. Set gimbals to

O, O. I think I can do that maybe. Set
gimbals 0,0; VTS power OFF. Voice record
monitor C-7. Okay, e-7, gentlemen, is
33 percent. _o time in pref. VTS AUTO
CAL push button.

Let's say the time is now 13, - uh - 0 -

uh - 01:02. I pressed it. Didn't - no
lights did anything, incidentally. Why?
ProbablybecauseI Just turned off the
VTS power. I'll wait 2 minutes 25 seconds and
then go to the next step. I'm going off
the C0_4 now. CDE - this information, by
the way, is all on EREP. Think
you'll need it.

238 01 03 01 CDR CDR out.

DumpTape 238-02G_
Time: 0138-01_8
page 1 of 5

238 01 33 08 SPT And we're traveling to number 3. Still can't

see much of any - uh - Well I can see the
airglow again. That's about all and I can't
see very much, of the horizon.

238 01 33 51 PLT Okay.

238 01 34 i0 PLT Back to window n11_ber 4. And -

CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS, Nadrid for 9


PLT Still looking out the - uh - window ....

Eilometer airglow tonight.

PLT Okay, Dick. And here's the ATM frames remaining.

H-alpha, 14889; S056, 5370; 82A is 188; 82B is
i_51;52 is 7608;54 is 5615.
CC That 54 was 5615. Is that correct?

PLT Yes, sir.

238 01 35 06 CC Okay, good. Thank you for reading them down,

and I got them. Uh - I have a couple more
things that we can get out of the way at - uh -
this pass. First of all, we intend to be - to
send up to you a new procedure for ED78 that
you may can use later. But the - one note on
that is the SI_2, the student experiment check-
list, has some useful pictures fin it and so the
task is to find that checklist. We think it's
in a plenum baE that you stowed Just to the
left of the freezers up in the foward compartment
of - between the freezers and that duct. And
there may be some pictures in there you might
want to have a hack at trying to find. Also,
have a change to the CDR and thw SPT - details
for tomorrow and some battery number charge.

SPT Okay, lets get them out.

238 01 36 00 CDR I know right where the book Is, but I still
don't %mderstand what we're going to look for
in the book.
Dump Tape 238-02
Page 2 of

CC Well, I guess the note that I have, and I don't

have one of - I don't have Pete's book here
at the console, AI, hut the note that I have
are - there are some photographs or pictures of
this experiment in the book that would be useful
for you to take a look at.

CDR Oks_7, so it's ... hook.

CC I'm sorry. Say again.

CDR It's in his ... book.

238 Ol 36 31 CC That's affirmative. Student

experiment checklist.

CDR ...

CC - Okay, and I guess we want to

know if you can lint it in order "
so that we can tailor like
l_rocedures assuming that you have
that information. That's about all
it i_=.

CDR As soon ... okay.

CC Okay, on the CDR details for tomorrow

at 15 - at a time of 15:15 I want
to change bat 13 to read bat 7. And
then on the SPT details at a time
of 16:59; I want to change ba_,2 to
read hat i0.

238 01 37 31 CDR Okay, I'll - the SPT is working. I'ii

relay that message to him .... I do
CDR bat 7 and PCG bat 6. Is that

CC Roger. You do 7 and Owen does i0.

CDR ... must be doing PCG but 6 in between

times. Is that true?

CC That is affirmative.

._- CDR Okay. Houston, we've still got about

3 of 5 ............ ! 7

5-1/2 minutes here at Madrid. ....... :

238 Ol 38 03 CC - and, Skylab, another thing

this evening that we wanted %o
get up to you. You asked this
morning about television and how
things and how things are going.
And Fred Koons worked up a pretty
good s,,,,--ryof what we think to
date and l'd like to pass that
up to you some time this evening.

CDR How about right now?

238 01 38 25 CC Oks_, I'm going %o be _If reading from

this page and half paraphrasing so
I'ii Just go ahead and go. We've
promised you a report on TV in
particular, the ones you've done from
the TV Ops Book. And what we've done "
is we've taken a look at the las at
_ the first 28 days of the mission
and the following is a _-ry of that. "J
First of sll, Just _v_"_ _.'_ _ _"
has been great. Both from the TV Ops
Book and others, you've done a total
of 31 telecasts, 13 of which ... Almost
everyone of these has been broadcast
and of course you know that after we
get them down here we do edit them same
Just to get them short enough for
the networks to use them. Th_ reason
that there are not %oo many from the
TV Ops Book is that we didn't start
until day ii, and prior to that we
had trouble finding time for the TV
and of course we had the VTR failure
we had to contend with. The one that
you did on day 11 was a real beauty.
It was one of the complicated two-c-_era
Jobs with the MITI and you did it
almost perfectly. You had trouble
with one scene, because the light
was out but we fixed that up in the
ground processing. The next day you
Dump Tape 238-02
Page 4 of 5

did MI31. It didn't go as well

but that was our fault because the
checklist we thought was too
complicated_ You did a real good Job
in picking up the missed scenes in
that one. The - uh - three telecasts
that Jack did on meal prep and eating
were real good. The M509 and TV went
very well and they were also -
was impressive and the guys down here
think that 0wen is a first class
z ero-g camerman. We have one
piece of constructive criticism.
When Owen did the TV 28 from the
ATM C&D, - uh - this was the time
be ran out of tape, we thought
he didn't pause quite enough in his
narration, so we Just suggest
a reminder to Just go a little slower
on the talking. When Jack did the
camera comparison test, it showed
that there was not much difference
f-_ between the two cameras. The one
that y_u h-_ve !eft _--J _°_ ° I_++_
more light and particularly in the
forward compartment in the MDA, and
we'd recommend an f stop of f.h. And
-uh -that's Just a note there, that
will probably make the - uh - focus
more critical. We are starting to 6et
some some live TV opportunities in
the evenings, and that may be cood
time to look at Anita's web. The
last time that Owen televised the web,
he use_ the close-up lens, and we 'd
Just like you to know that that's
worked real well .... choices he had.
It might even help to turn down one
of the ... lights to get a little more
contrast on the web. Over.

SPT Okay, Dick. We appreciate that and tell

Fred thanks for working the problem

CC I'll sure do it.

]_p Tape 238-02
Page 5 of 5

238 01 41 27 CDR By the way, we did housekeeping

60E yesterday, so we got plenty
of ..,

CC We go_ that.

CDR For@or to put it on the shopping

list accomplishments.

CC Okay, and that was 6- Echo, right?

CDR Right. Ambient food ...

CC Okay. Fine. And one note from

ATM for the unattended closeout
on the S055° We need - uh - optical
reference line 25 and verify that
the NIGHT INTERLOCK switch is norm_l.

CDR ...

f_ PLT That's in mechanical 102 and - which

is the same as optical zero.

CDR ... working.

238 01 42 33 SPT Okay, that's the e_d of the recording

fr_ the SPT.



. D_np Tape 238-03

_'-'_, Time : 0125-0145 GMT
A Page i of 2

238 01 30 07 SPT Testing i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 4, 3, 2, i. I

have the microphone in the wrong direction.

238 01 30 17 SPT Okay, the SPT on channel A. I'm over at

the - STS window number 4.

SPT I thought I sent them down to them.

SPT Okay ....

SPT Maybe I didn't, I don't know.

238 01 30 56 SPT This is the SPT in STS window number h. I'm

standing by looking out for the possibility
of an aurora tonight. It's after sunset,
looking to the north. I can see the Big
Dipper directly out in front of mywindow.
The - uh - bowl of the dipper is para1_el
to the horizon, and the North Star is ...
to the right, straight up. In other words,
... into the dipper handle, it gives us
_-_" some clue as to where we're going, and the -
uh - North Star is so high we must be
hearing the northern extreme of our OrDit
right now.

238 01 31 37 SPT It didn't get dark quite as early as - uh -

on your update tag. Now coming up about 01:30 -
32. It's at 01:3130 right now - and we still
have a very brightening horizon, although
we'll probably get that most of the night.

238 01 32 05 SPT And right now looking toward the direction

the sun went down and off to the right, which
would he off to the south, I can see the 80
kilometer airglow very clearly I cannot see
it off to the north, but that's mostly
because I cannot see this direction very

238 01 32 26 SPT And now we can go up there and see if this

is the best window to be looking out of. And
... open the other window and see what the
horizon looks like over there.

....................... q ........................................

DtmlpTape 238-03
Page 2 of 2

238 Ol 32 43 SPT Going over to window number 3, which I'm

going to open.

238 01 33 08 This segment of this tape is a verbatim

to duplication of Dump Tape 238-02.
238 01 42 33

D_p Tape238-o}*
_ Time : 13_3-13_9 GMT
Page 1 of 1

238 13 h3 _8 PLT Good morning space fans, this is Jack, on

channel A, defriefing the improvements of
building blocks to be concluded. The time
is 1308, first pass of the day. We got off
the JOB 6, block IA and IB, Just as advertised,
with no difficulty. We finished up a little
early on S056. I'll give you those shopping
list items, %hat's number 13, it'll be a
5 minute duration. And it'll be a single ...
long. But other than that it's not really
going to be ...

238 13 hh 3h PLT And - ah - that's the first report that - ah -

is that - ah - we're getting a scan _rating
of the overall ... of the corond and the position
of the building block 1 and 2. Other than
that the a leak out of the ... is a ... than
yesterday, it's a little a ... the a photograph ...
So we expect to h_e a little additional ... so
that takes care of the debriefing, ...


/ "

_p T,_I_ 238-05
• Time: 1512-1"/'58
Page 1 of 5

238 15 12 2T CDR CDR for the ATM Science Room. The pass at lh:30
went completely normial. I threw in n building
block - uh - or a shopping item 5, and _rled
to cover the spot ... perpendicular - well,
s/most perpendicular to ... lines and gave
it a 2h0 - uh - 2 m/nute and _0 second
exposure plate.

CDR When that's complete, I'm _olng to do n - uh -

shopping list item 13. And that _ms building
5 - uh - not building block, but shopping
llst item 5 ...

238 15 13 22 CDR CDR out.


238 16 35 03 SPT Okay, the follovlng information

is for MII0 PIs - uh - Steve Kimsey and -
uh - Doctor Paul Buchanan, and it's from
the SPT, related to blood samples
f--_ as specific gravity measurements. This
' is d_v 30 and - uh - our _specifie
gravity measurements on - uh - our first
urine sample for the d_y are as follows :
Jack had 1.033C; A1 measured 1.03h; and
I measured 1.0Y27. Now water
in the same refra_tc_eter does not
measure unity b_t measures 1.012.
Checked it a couple of times. I
drew the water fTcen the table _re.
So, we did sen_ down s_te specific
gravity measurements earlier as well
and - uh - they should also probably
have that s_- correcti_ for the
refractc_eter; 1.012 for table water.

238 16 3_ 32 SPT NOW here comes (cough) some more

blood information. Now these are
the hemoglobin measurement taken by
c_pillery samples finger prick, from
each of the three of us. I did not
use any of the blood from the syringe
taken during the 110 draw. These are
measurements on Jack's blood with my
j_ Dump Tape 238-05
Page 2 of 5

right eye: 16.4, 16.4, 16.4, 16.3;

with my left eye: 16.9, 17.3,
17.0, 16.4, 16.5, and 16.6.
On Owen's blood, my own blood,
with my right eye: 15.0, 15.0,
15,0, 14.7, 15.1, 14.9;
with my left eye: 15.4, 15.1, 15.5,
15.1, 15.2, 15.2.

CREW Hey, Big O?

238 16 39 00 SPT Oksy, now on Al's blood, using my

right eye: 17._, 17.4, 17.5, 17.1, 17.4,
17.3; with my left eye: 17.3, 17.4,
17.6,17.2,17.5,and 17.4. That
ccapletes the hemoglobin measur_ents.
NOw I want to talk about stowing of some
of this stuff for a little bit.
We have transfered urine freezer
D,,m_er 3 and 4, or urine tray
_-m_er 3 and _, over to freezer
e_artment 756. And we've put
_-_,. tr_s 5 and 6 in the waste m-_ag_m_nt

trays 3 and 4 still have 3-1/2 slots

that are only - correction - still
have three slots that are only half
filled. In other words, we put -
uh - half urine - uh - samples in the
slot end that still leaves the
other half empty. Uh - it's possible
that we should - uh - fill those up
right now before he changes trays.
However, - uh - we did have c_e
message which indicated we didn't do
any shuffling around in the improper day
for slots until something like day _0
and - uh - what my first intention is,
to go ahead and --tart fi111_,g up trays
5 end 6 and I'll ass,-_ that you have
e_ough h_lf days in ther to - uh - take
care of - uh - uh - not overfilling
trays 5 and 6. But for your information,
_ Dump Tape 238-05
Page 3 of 5

there are three half e_pty slots

back here on tray 3 and 4. And
also, counting up the number of
blood samples available, the blood
drawn number 5 and it went into
tray 5, and that allows us room in those
little green packages for three more
blood samples. Only three more
blood samples. Now is - uh - I assume that
I've got that correct. That'd be a
total of eitht and - uh - if that's
an error, please let me know. NOw +.his
message goes to the MllO Pis, including
Doctors Steve Kimsey and Paul Buch-nam.

238 16 41 23 SPT SPT out.

238 16 _2 i_ SPT Now one other brief comment to be able

to the - uh - preceding message and
that is Just a note that the - uh -
temporary method seems to have checked
fairly well on my own blood samples
_ between mission day 20 end mission
may _. Un- uus_ abou_ the
same - A slight decrease of my own
hemoglobin. Uh - Perhaps that's an
increase in blood volume, I don't
know. And - uh - we'd appreciate
any co-,_nt any of you might have -
uh - regarding the - uh - implications
of - uh - these hemoglobin
measurements ana how _ii they P-
ub - correlate - how well they are -
uh - validated by the urine specific
gravity measurement.

238 16 42 55 SPT , End of this addition from the SPT.


238 16 56 23 PLT Hello again, space fans. This is

Jack, on channel A, debriefing the last
A_M run which begin 16:05. We -
uh - rann off the - uh - J0P 2 Echo -

_-_ D_p Tape 238-05

Page 1_ of 5

uh - building block 36 - uh -
A end B on - uh - number of the Sm_
spot in active region 3; came off
as advertised. I did not
see any Ellerman bombes at all.
I looked several times for long
periods of time; did see any
Rllerman bombs around the Sun spot.
And we went on _rlth JOP Z Echo step
2 - uh - 36 Alfa end Bravo.
On the ... _mher, we're continuing
to look for Ellennan bombs, but -
uh - but no success. SO that pass
crone off as advertised adn - uh -
uh - we'll press on to the next one
of 17:38 have recorded a - a possible
emergin spot region at 270 at
point 6 - uh - ... did not appear in
the pads. So I Just wanted to know
whether or not you h__ Just decided to
omit it or whether it was new. So
T reported it and - uh - you want me
_ to use it as a - uh - shopping list
its---cn thc zc..-trcv, _o ! -_Ii
do so. It will be a perfect time providing
I do not see the Ellerman bombs around
the same active region 8. That takes
care of the - u_ - debriefing of -
uh - the 16:05 rev and we'll see you
in about 1/2 hours.

238 16 5_ _9 PLT Thank you. •

238 17 00 50 SPT One more note to the MII0 Pi, Doctor

Steve K4m.ey, in particular. Here
are the serial numbers on the ASP
that were taken on May 30. CDR is
162, SPT is 187, PLT is 089. And
would you confirm for me that you
have got the serial numbers on the
ASP far the four preceding blood
draws. Wanted to make sure that
you did have those serial numbers for
the four preceding blood draws.

238 17 01 19 SPT SPT end of message to Doctory Kimsey

and MII0 Pls.
j -- . •

Dump Tape 238-05

Page 5 of 5


238 17 18 56 SC ... we a_m4 re your fancy fingerwork

there ... you put them in something
like regular comm, I think and
we're Just keeping you up to date -
uh - getting a steady.


Dt_np Tape _38-06
Time : 1829-1933 (_4T
_ Pagel of

238 18 29 51 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack a_ain

on channel A debriefing the last ATM
run which began at 17:38. I ran off
of JOP 4 Bravo, building block 36.
On - uh - filament 42, which is - uh -
busted up in - uh - three or four
pieces now and - uh - I picked a
piece and went to work on that. Also
- uh - did building block ll as
advertised. You changed my - uh -
my - uh - building time there
- uh - shopping list item from 13
to something else. N_nber 1
priority was to look for Ellerman
bombs around active region 8. I
didn't see any. I looked for
some around a Sun spot in active
region - -

238 18 30 38 PLT - - In active region 3 and I wasn't

able to find any there again, so
- uh - I - uh - did my second
priority,whichwas the shopping
.............. re_ion 8. I
merging partially with whatever
you call it that we discovered
earlier. - Uh - I did that - uh -
shopping list it-_m number 2
- uh - omitting the 82A. They
asked me to do another one - uh -
on the same region and - uh -
I did, again omitting 82A. So •
we've got 2 - uh - shopping list
items 2 on that area. And - uh -
55 was mirror line scan, in both
cases, at grating all balls.

238 18 31 18 PLT It - uh - yeah, that area appears

to be getting a little more intense
and it seems to me and - uh -
seems to the naked eye a little
brighter - uh - on the H-alpha 1
- uh - as time goes on. The - uh -
prominences you called out at
290.B - uh - appear to be three
of th_ there and - uh - the
on which is - uh - furtherest - uh -
Dt_p Tape 238-06
- M_ Page 2 of 4

south appears to have the most

altitude and show up the best on
- uh - the H-alpha 1. There ate
two which are - uh - north of that
which - uh - - uh - seem to be
short and at various states and
they may or not be connected over
the top for it is impossible for
me to well - uh - with the monitor
as we see it right now. - Uh -
but will continue to abserve these
prominances and - uh - see if they
are doing anything different - uh -
as the day goes on. I thought I had
another item to - uh - discuss,
abut I can't think of it right now and
- uh - so this concludes the debrief
on - uh - rev munber - uh - 17:38.

238 18 32 30 PLT Th_k you.

238 18 33 22 PLT Uh - yes, the item that I - uh -

meantto discusson - _h - the last
__. ATM nass that I forgot was - uh -
the signature of active region 8. The
one - uh - on the XUV monitor there
appears to be - uh - a very
strong, relatitively small - uh -
- uh - signature on that - that
area although i_ is very well
signed and uh - and - uh -
with out a doubt - uh - the uh •
next signature we get is -uh -
•.. to that area.

SPT The The - uh - far - uh - area of

that - uh - region is developing
a sort of a V shape or a V
characteristic with the - uh -
most intense - uh - you mentioned
- uh - on H-alpha at the base
of the V - uh - this is a
secondary which goes up in the
middle of the U and - uh - - uh -
separates - uh - the two legs of
the horseshoe and - uh - this


Ikmp Tape 238-06

* f'_ Page 3 of 4

may turn out that - uh - we'll

see a very high ... in that area
and - uh - if so perhaps we'll
have a very good active region
emerging, that's something
that's to be confirmed. I think
it's going to continue activities,
I surely hope so.

238 18 _9 54 SPT Gkay, for the M092 people. Uh -

there was a message this morning
that said they did not have the
pilot's - uh - calf eirc_nferenees
on dya 237 run - uh - I've still
got that noted on the can here and
the left leg was lh and 3/8 and
the right calf was 14 and 3/h
and I did put that on channel A, so
I don't know where it got lost.
But those are the correct numbers
for the last measurements. 14 and
3/8, 14 and 3/4, for the pilot.

238 _ !_ h2 SPT _-'_ dcczn't h_:c .... of _"_

up here. So ...

238 19 2_ i0 CDR Okay, this is information for the

ATM Science Room. I am in the
midst of - uh - my - uh - pad ...
and what I've done is throw in an
extra mirror auto raster on this
- uh - active region 8, right o_
the gottest spot which is up
•_ around detector - detector 3 on
the spot. Stop with - uh - got
one indication on it now. Testing
there. Uh also, I gave it - uh -
a P_O, 40 and a I0 second
exposure on it on the spot and I
gave X-ray a _O-second exposure,
so - uh - everything's coming
along real good.

238 19 31 24 CDR This is the CDR, still working

active region 8. I am in the
middle of - uh - mirror line
scan. I stole ACTIVE 1 LONG -

ACTIVE 1 LONG out of 56 and I


f_ Dump Tape 238-O6

Page 4 of 4

think I have given you some

extra mirror auto raster and
a few other items I have taken
so I think you've got. What you
nee. Plus a few extra.

238 19 31 46 CDR CDR out.

' Dump Tape 238-07
Time: 2207_2208 G_
.f-,x, 8/26/7B
Page 1 of i

238 22 07 14 PIT Okay, space fans, this is the PLT on chamnel

A. This - uh - information goes to the - uh
- folks who are interested in - uhmass
measuring devices. S_mple - uh - mass
measuring devices and - uh r probably biomed
folks. I - ealihrated the - uh - S_VMD in the
wardroom on day 237. Start time is 00:25;
temperature was 72 degrees; measured i0 degrees
on the SP_4D digital resdout. Now we don't ever
use this - uh - S_4D in the wmrdroom, but - uh -
here is the measurements an_-_ay. Looks like
all we ever do with this - uh - S_._D calibrate
it; we never use it. Okay - uh - for zero
grams we got the - uh - following i0 readings.
First three numbers are always the same, so I'll
Just read you the last three after I begin.
Zero grams; 195606, 633, 619, 617, 632, 61_,
622, 631, and 621. For 50 grams, we got the
following reading - first three numbers are:
203 and 250, 261, 255, 219, 268, 277, 276, 266,
253, 271. With !00 grams, the following
_s--_ reading: 210, 604, 598, 615, 613, 577, 596, 575,
600. 6]]. 602. Okay. _th I_ _s T g_+ .,_
17, 704, 710, 718, 655, 638, ... -
Dump Tape 238-08
Time: 2230-2336 G_
Page 1 of 2

238 22 31 53 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack, on

channel A. Here's the result of the
HK28 Lima, I thilhk; habitability consumable
inventory. Uh - disposal bags - urine
disposal bags is the subject. And E-622;
that lockers full of them. 835, that
locker is full of them, less i0 bags.
Locker S-925 is three-eighths full.
Disposal bags: W-705 has h bags in it;
W-710 has three-quarters full. W-711
is also three-quarters full. Trash bags:
F-569 has 42 bags; H-804 has 57 bags;
S-911 has 52 bags; S-923 has 61 bags;
S-9933 has 53 bags, S - correction,
W-753 has 52 bags. Utility wipes:
Dog 448 has 3 boxes; H-802 has 3-1/2
inches - is 3-1/2 inches empty. S-909
is 1 inch empty; S-921 is l-l2 inches
empty; S-909 is 1 inch empty; S-921 is
l-l/2 inches empty; S-931 is 1-1/4 inches
empty; W-700 is 2/3/4 inches empty. And
the one next to that also is W-700. There
_ are two of them. The second one is
completely empty. W-723 has two fulls and
one empty; W-729 has 20 full; W-734 has
one full; W-748 has i inch empty _nd
one-half inch enqoty in it's two lockers;
W-768 is 7-1/2 inches empty; W-772 is
i-i/4 inches e_ty. Tissues: H-802 is
6-1/4 inches empty; S-909 has two, one
is 2 inches empty and the other is full.
$921 has two, o_e of them is tw_ inches
empty and the other is completely empty;
W-700 is 8 inches empty; W-748 is 1-1/2
inches empty; W-768 is 9 inches empty;
W-772 is 2 inches empty. Wet wipes is
the subject: Dog 448 has 2 boxes; W-735
has zero boxes; Dog 4-416 has two boxes;
W-741 has 3 full boxes; W-768 is 4-3/4
inches empty; W-772 boxes - uh - zero
inches empty, completely f_ll. Okay,
broeide wipes: H-802 is 5-1/2 inches
empty; W-734 has two full boxes; W-735
has also 3 - 2 full boxes. That - that
concludes the message on habitability
Dump Tape 238-08
Page 2 of 2

consumable inventory. The message goes

to the stowage guys, whoever they may be.

238 22 35 29 PLT End of message.


Dump Tape 239-01
Time: 00h6-0229 GMT
_ Page I of 23

239 00 h5 52 PLT Okay, space - space fans,

this is Jack on channel A debriefing
the last - uh - ATM run of the day
which began at 23:50. I ran
off here - uh - JOP - ah - 6,
7, - uh - building blocks
IA and 1B; no problems. Got down
to 2 Bravo and - uh - ran it off
as advertised and - uh - gave
you some TV down-link about - uh -
5 to i0 minutes - uh - time
remaining - uh - on the XUV MON.
And - uh - then I powered her down
for unattended ... and - uh -
102 mechanical at the moment. I
put the switch in OPTICAL, however.
And - uh - I got your pointing
=1most in there. Not quite - uh -
because I was a little rushed there
at the end. But - uh - the only
- uh - thing that - uh - caused me
a little concern during this last
pass around, the time of - ah -
23:55 - uh - to midnight when I
got a - un - a - un - M_MT_H FLAME
ALARM and - uh - noticed the - uh -
•.. - up to arow_d 670. And - uh -
elevated a littl4.• bit - very
erratic - Jumping between - uh -
roughly - uh - 5 and 20. The - uh -
Thought maybe we had a little flsre
in active region 93 or in the new
region number 8, I believe. Looked
at 'erain H-alpha. They - uh -
appeared fairly bright, particularly 93.
Uh - however, didn't ever get XUV MONITOR
signature. I didn't have it.
I never got anything out of the
X-RAY IMAGE and - uh - my
off - uh 4. And the number over
there was - uh - reading up, oh,
around - uh - 3.8. - uh - 3.9
volts. And so - uh - I didn't go
Dump Tape 239-01
/--_ Pa@e 2 of 23

fot it and - uh - it dropped

down below - uh - the threshold
fairly rapidly. So we might of
had a s_all one. - Uh - on the other
hand we might have been in the
Horn. And - uh - l'm not sure
which. We were down around Australia
at the time. Uh - but we might
ought to be watching that area
anyw_, and - uh - l'd appreciate
knowing if we did have - uh -
little one ov if we were actually
in the Horn. I don't - uh - I have
the Horns plotted on my chart hut
c_ data no longer give it to us.
Uh - that's the time. Our data no
longer give us time that - uh -
when we are going to be in the Horns
and - uh - so forth, So- uh -
we might of had a little one - uh -
not enough to me go for it and

contingent was the - uh - _.C. and

a little _4AGE I_'_'_RSITYCOUNT,
but the - uh - other - uh - other -
uh - clues did come through on the
- uh - we didn't go for it. I hope
we get one prett) soon. It looks like
we got a lot of _ood active stuff
film - or the - uh - f2ame counters
at the end of the day are H-alpha
14215 _ S056, reading 5020; 82A is
reading 180; 82B is 1337; 52 is
reading 7379, and 54 is reading
5359. That - uh - concludes it
for today and - uh - we'll see you

239 O0 _9 31 PLT Hello. Here's another commemt for

the ATM guys uh - I notice in looking
at the corona that - uh - we - uh -
as compared to earlier today on 13:30
Dump Tape 239-01
Page 3 of 23

- uh - the corona has taken on

a little more - uh - action -
primarily on the - uh - east
side where - uh - the - uh - the -
uh - brightening around - uh - the
East southeast - uh - part of the
limb appears to be extending
further out in the corona now
then it did earlier today and
on the - uh - East - uh - northeast
- uh - side - uh - we seem to have
- uh - uh - a little more
brightening - uh - than we had
earlier today, also. So it looks
like - uh - the - uh - something's
coming around 'the - uh - east limb
and is - uh - causing the corona
to - uh - brighten up a bit also.
Now that' s the end. Thanks.

239 Ol 44 05 CREW ... down. Hey, I'm gonna record


CREW ... your napkin

239 01 _h _3 PLT Okay, Here we ar_ _ M487-2B.

CDR Not only were two of us wasting

our time. Three of us were
wasting our time ....

PLT We're starting all over again.

We're not gonna h_ve a roundtahle
discussion cause it wastes
everybody's time while the
other guy t-1_s so we're going
to do it one at a time. This is
J_k doing Mh7-2 Bravo.

CDR Here' s another apple ...

PLT Probably goes to Bob Bond.

SPT I don't have but one ..... don't

h_ve any, do I?
Dump Tape 239-01
Page 4 of 23

CDR eoe

239 01 45 17 PLT Thank you. Okay. Uh - how

adaptable are the various
compartments to multiuse purposes
beyond their prime design function?
Well, you can't eat in the - uh -
sleeping compartment ; you can't
sleep in the wardroom, and otherwise
you could probably go and sleep most
anywhere. Uh - there's not much -
uh - light for reading in the
sleeping compartment although I do
read a little bit at night before
I go to bed. You don't want to
read there - you wouldn't want to -
uh - read there very long. There
aren't many places in the spacecraft
you want to spend a whole lot of
time reading cause it hurts your eyes,
cause the lighting - uh - during the
daytime - uh - the window is about

wardroom gets pretty crowded doing

all the multiple _+_nctionsthey got
to do here : looking out the window,
eating, ... medical - uh - using -
uh - tabletops for changing checklist
and all that stuff and - uh - won't
want to make this wardroom any
s_aller and - uh - want to consider
- uh - shipping some of the - uh -
activities we do in here to other
areas. The - uh - window isn't big
_-ough and - uh - we ought to have
more of them. And - uh - we've
c_mented on that before. The upper
dome area - uh - We use it for - uh -
the purpose that - uh - we have up
there. It seems to suit it fairly
very well. No problem and - uh -
exper_ent area down here - The
shower's kinda crowded next to the
hike there. But - uh - being an
add-on, as it was, why I guess
- uh - that's understandable. Now
the head isn't goo_ for anything
Dump Tape 239-01
Page 5 of 23

hut - uh - doing head work. Uh -

there's no way to fasten yourself
down. And - uh - you don't want
to go in there any more often than
you have to for that reason.
Otherwise, it's a

PLT nice clean place to operate. Uh -

it's - uh - not a messy place. It's
quite adequate to the Job _a_'ve got
to do there except for fastening
yourself down somewhere. Sleep
restraints. The sleep restraint is
- uh - very adequate for - uh -
for sleeping and that's all. You
couldn't do anything else there. I
- uh - don't have any - uh - qualms
about sleeping in the attitude you
put it in. I sleep very well in the
vertical position. Uh - I sleep
all night - very hard. I don't
wake up. I can always sleep pretty

with - uh - only the netting over

me. I don't hardly ever pull - im111
the bl-n_et up e_=eept sometimes in
the morning when it gets cold, why -
uh - I might pull it up and - uh -
and - uh - doze off another h,lf
hour before getting up. But - uh -
I use - uh - the two upper - uh f
straps - uh - a fully loosed. The
bottom strap I've taken loose. I
llke to have them there because they
make me - uh stay against the back of
the bed and - uh - and - uh - stay
in pretty good position although I
doubt that l'd have any - uh -
trouble sleeping if I was drifting

around. I use the head restraints - uh

- the - uh - restraints deal
s_,etimes and sometimes I don't.
I use only two cushions as opposed
to four. I only had two. Four's
too many. Two's about right. Uh -
sometimes I sleep on my stomach;
s_aetimes I sleep on my back.
Dump Tape 239-01
Page 6 of 23

Sometimes I wake up in the

morning and feel like I'm
laying horizontal in the bed.
Other times I don't. I feel
l_ke I'm in some random attitude.
Uh - all in all - uh - works
pretty good for sleeping, and I
like it. Uh -when I sleep on my
side, sometimes I put the metal
strap uuder my rump and - uh -
throw one leg up - uh - like
you'd sleep on your side at
h_me. And - uh - so - sleep-wise,
it's a pretty good restraint.

239 Ol _8 31 PLT What noneating uses have been found

for the wardroom table? Would a
design modification of the table and
it's associated restraints be
desirable for amy or all uses?
Well, we do a lot of checklist
changes at the wardroom table and
- uh - what we need there is
some_aing _o hold the books done
something you could hold the book
down with and write on it the same
time. And hold - uh - something else
in the other hand so that - we
need something to - uh - hold things
down with on the wsrdrocm table for
that. One other thing, while I'm
thinking about it, about the
wardroom tabletop, I think that's
the most miserable latch that's
ever been designed in the history of
mankind or before. That darn latch -
uh - half the time,doesn't latch up
and the other half of the time it
uh - uh shoves right on through, and
you have to get a knife under there
to break it loose. I think that's
a dumb design and it ought to be
changed. Next one. Well, I guess
it's too late for that but - uh -
I can't how such a neat ... could
have such a c_,_-y designed hatch '_:_
on it. Otherwise - uh - it works

pretty good. We tend to complain

/ _ Tape 239-01
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about everything because they

always evaluate things - uh -
lookin for - uh - for problems -
uh - by and large everything -
uh - is well designed and works
pretty good. But - uh - so
don't get any - uh - bad complex
because we repeat things negatively.
We - uh - the good things - There
are lots of good things here, too.
And - uh - but one of the cr_l_4est
things in the whole spacecraft is
the latch for the tabletop for the -
_h - for the ... tray, that is.
The center tabletop - uh - we never
Use. It's always fastened up over
the - uh - the overhead - uh - it
fastens down all right or fastens
up there all right but - uh - it'm -
uh - pretty much a useless item. Uh -
we don't - uh - read in here - uh -
we don't read any time, matter of
.y--_ fact, unless it's a checklist or
s_e_n_g. Ana we aon:_ - u_l -
we don't play any games. So - uh -
the center tabletop is not useful.
Other uses of the wardroom table. Uh -
I guess we set an experiment up on
it one time and photographed it
from the top with the TV. That's
about it. Just need some way to
hold things down. •

239 01 50 30 PLT Wh_t sanitation problems have

developed and hn_- have you dealt
with them? Well, that should ...
crew s_n_tary. Uh - I had a minor
urine spill the other d_y because
of m leaky bag and I Just - uh -
was able to ... it up, but it
didn't go anywhere. It Just kinda
cl_a_g to the - uh - to the urine
drawer and I - uh - soaked it off
and cleaned it off and - uh -
no problem. Uh - you can make a
mess in there and - uh - it doesn't
_ Dump Tape 239-01
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matter cause you can kinda wash

your hands in the handwasher,
squirt some ... water on you,
don't worry about it spilled, your
hands in under that in - little
sink area and -11 the water mostly -
uh - affixes to the stainless side
of the sink and - uh - some day
or other you can wipe it up if you
want to. But usually it Just dries
up because of the - uh - the dry
climate in here. And otherwise -
uh - water or soapdrops will -
uh - slide around the place and
land s_mewhere and pretty soon dry
up and leave a little watermark,
but - uh - uh - I guess the message
is that - uh - l'd build the
spacecraft without any exposed
wiring and connectors - and places
that water can get in behind and -
uh - short things, out because

Just can't be careful enough to keep

- uh - drops from flying all over.
We Just plan on J_ and that's the
way we operate. You wash yourself
and - uh - wash - uh - waterdrops
from off the washrag and - uh -
some of 'erago up to the experiment
cu_actment and _mme of 'era go upr
in the dome. Some of 'era fly around
the head, and some of 'em get on
you. It's Just the way, operation.
That's why you get so tired of
being careful. You realize it
doesn't n_tter anyway so - uh -
it's better to Jurt let her fly
and wipe it up later - uh - cause
- uh - cause it's the practical
w_y to go so the spacecraft ought
to be designed with that in mind.
The head really hasn't been a
sanitation problem, I don't think.
Most of the areas in here that we
have to clean all the time or - uh -
._ Dump Tape 239-01
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asked to clean - uh - are

sanitation problems. The one that
is is the garbage area. That
place is a mess - uh - most of
the time and - uh - when it gets
full of garbage and it's a pain
in the rump to have to - uh -
uh - change that out all the
time. Every night we've got to
change all those cans. And - uh -
there's a lot of - kind of loose -
uh - food packets that you can't
clean out - what not, and it gets
kind of messy over there sometimes.
The plastic tops off our food cans -
uh - like peaches and - uh uh - of
meat and that kind of thing - uh -
with the membrane in there, they're
always sloppy wet with Juice or
something sticky and - uh - ... -
going in there, too and - uh -
they create an mess - uh - especial/_
_ when they float up and - uh -
cans Jus_ go in there _zd _4
there. They float _11 over there's
Junk in there like cute little pieces
of garbage. When you open it up - uh -
sausage for one is very crumbly
and - uh - if you don't get it =11
eaten, out of %_e bag, why - uh -
one of these times you open that
thing, it - sausage is gonna co*me

PLT up at you. So - uh - s_uff floats

around in there and - uh - gets
loose and - %th - makes a mess around
that area, so that's probably one of
the areas we ought to think a little
more about the next time - ... time
arotmd is to - uh - design the - 11h -
eating, garbage disposal a little
bit better.

239 Ol 53 39 PLT Uh - what is the most disconcerting

personal hygiene problem
_-_ Dump Tape 239-01
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you've encountered? Well, I

really - uh - really haven't
encountered a - disconcerting one.
I - uh - brush my beeth and comb
my hair and shave every morning
Just like I do at home. And
the deordorunt works very well.
Oh - I found that - uh - I tried
going one day without, but
you do need it and - uh - and
it does work very good. And - uh -
I think one of the - uh - things
that solves some of that t_giene
problem in here is the dry climate.
lYa - things dry up very readily -
very fast - and - uh - so if you're
sweating or something, _hy - uh -
uh you dry off quite - quite well
and I think it's an advantage to have
this kind of climate. I wouldn't
w_ut to have it any drier but I
like it the way it is. Uh - I

probably the - uh - a little hit

6iseoncerting, but - uh - it's
probably the most - uh - uh -
the problem that we really haven't
got licked unless you take a
ehower, l've only t_ken one
shower - uh - that was last week
and - Uh - I thi_k it's prohabl_
more a pain in the neck than it's
_rth, It's something you o_gjat
to do to ..., but one thing I
don't like about the shower is
that kind of soap, you have to
use - uh - that kind of soap,
kind of sticks to you. It's hard
to @et it all off. The shower
doesn't take .11 the water off you -
Qr a1_ the soap so there's no
wsy to get it all off. You Just to
go around _nelling like that soap
for a couple of days and it kinds
stim@s a little bit and - uh - I
don' t like that soap at all. That' s
/_ Dump Tape 239-01
Pa6e ii of 23

one reason I didn't take a

shower this week. The other
reason is that - uh - you Just
don't get too dirty up here and -
uh - there's nothing to get dirty
on and you don't _et too sweaty
because your sweat dries up in a
hurry and - uh - and - uh - _u
don't sweat for long periods of time.
And - uh - that residue that's
left on your akin after sweating can
be - uh - which is primarily salt I
guess - uh - can probably be - can
be - uh - washed off - wiped off with
a sponge hath which is what I do
every night. And _ uh - ... washing
your hair, there is good way to do
it unless you do it in the shower.
And what I've take to is Just
getting my scalp wet and - uh -
soaping it down _nd - uh - cle-n_ng
it out with soap and a rag as
best I could, But - uh _ be nice
• o h_ve some shampO_O. I th_n_ T_e
next crew to c_e up ought to
have some kind shampoo instes_
of that han_ so_. Surely, the
shower soap I don't want to use
again and - uh - and - uh - the
hand soap really doesn't do a
good Job on your scalp the way
you'd like it to. •

239 01 56 06 PLT Okay. - Uh - now effective and

efficient are the cleanup procedures
and hardware? How much of a
timeline imposition are cleanup
chore? Uh - they're a nuisance
really. Uh - there's too _uch
cleaning up especially in hiocide
wipe. And most of the time we're
on biociding things things that
don't get - have to get biocided.
And - uh - when we do biocide them,
why, it's - uh - too often. So -
uh - in all the procedure of going
through this business of washing it
Dwap Tape 239-01
Ps_e 12 of 23

with soap and rinsing it down,

then biociding it and then washing
it with water again that's -
that's a bunch of malarky. You
should do either one or the other
and forget it, cause - uh - four times
over one area to get it clean is -
uh - is - uh - a d,,_ way to go
and it's one of the reasons we
don't do more cleaning than we do.
One of the best ways to get
things wiped up around here,
I've noticed, is Just take a
wet rag and go around and wipe them
up. When I wiped on the w.11. -
uh - uh - especially in the
wardroom - uh - food gets loose.
You open up so many cans and -
uh - and - uh - little drops go
flying all around and - uh - they
stick all over you and you get
p SpOts of Juice and - uh - other
_ints or foods - un - s_icEing ...
the - uh - refrigerators an_ to
the food locker, and - uh - the
best way to get them off is Just
take a wet rag and wipe them all
down. And - uh - all this baloney
about - uh - about - uh - soaping
a place and then rinsing it, and
then bioeiding it, then rinsingPit
again is Just too much to trouble
with it.

239 01 58 28 PLT Seine of it doesn't get done and

- uh - probably do more of it -
more cleaning if we didn't have to
go through this kind of - uh - waste
- make - work _ste - time
procedure. Okay. Uh - how adequate
is the ATM chair? Never use it _ don't
need it. And it's - uh - sitting
hack in the corner somewhere out of
the way and it's - uh - to be honest
with you, more in the way than
anything else. Uh - I guess - uh -
somebody - some guys may like it,
-- hut - uh - nobody in this flight
Dmnp Tape 239-01
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ever use it. So - uh - I can't

comment on that too much since
I haven't used it. I used the
shoe grids only. Toe, hat I
don't - I never noticed it was in

239 01 58 08 CDR It's under the chair.

239 01 58 09 PLT It's under the chair, so that's

why I never noticed it. Don't
use the chair auywhere at all.
So I don't have any improvement
to recommend other than finding
a good place to stow it that's
out of the way.

239 01 58 20 CDR How come?

239 91 59 05 PLT Nt_mher 8. How comfortable are your

garments in terms of fit, warmth,
don comf- doff esse. And wear -
were _he$ _ufflcie:A_ _=_i,_=_
tearing and abrasions? Well, let's
go over that first - first things
first here. How comfortable? Oh,
they're plenty cnm_ortable. I don't
do anything to modify them. I Just
put them on. Sometimes I wear
the Jockey shorts, sometimes I wear
the - uh - the - uh - boxer sho_s.
I think - uh - uh - like to have a
clean - clean pair of skivvies
everyday. And - uh - the - uh -
extra ones we brought up, I
think, were as beneficient.
Uh - I don't ever wear the - uh -
white T-shirts except to bed at
night. Uh - uh - during the day,
I don't wear the - uh - the turtle-neck
- uh - - what you call it - the
duress shirt either because - uh -
I don't know, it's Just too warm
and - uh - uh - it doesn't have
the pockets in it that the - uh -
the outer garment does, or the
/_ jacket does. The Jacket's got - uh -
Dump Tape 239-01
Pa_e i_ of 23

pockets in it and - uh -
you can keep pintle flashlights
and - uh - tapes and whatever
Junk you picked up along the way in
a picket. And besides pockets -
the - uh - duress shirts - uh -
are not thick - and it's a little
warm and - uh - it's got that
turtle-neck to increase warmth.
It looks good but - uh - it doesn't
absorb the sweat much either so,
I haven't used the one - one of
them for one dau amd - uh - and -
uh I decided not to use any more
after that. Uh - cause of course,
T-shirts aren't - uh - don't give
any flnsl authority protection
plus they don't have - uh - the
pockets in them, so I wound up
Just wearing the - uh - Jacket, with
no shirt trader it. And - uh - it's
very comfortable and cool that
way. I don't sweat into, so

it's no sweat up here unless

you're working out on the bike.
And - uh - and - uh - so I ...
around the - uh - mode. Trousers
- uh - with a pocket full of Junk
and - uh - and - uh - the Jacket
by itself with - uh - whatever
stuff I need to pocket in them. _
Another thing you don't have enough
of up here is socks. You should
have an extra clean pair of socks
for every day. I don't wear them
ion@handles at all. I don't need
them; but the temperature's Just
ri6ht. Uh we weren't sure about the
temperature to begin with. But I
don't need them to sleep in. I - uh -
prefer not to. And - uh - so - uh -
underwear-wise: _11 1 wear is
skiwies. Other comments, I
need one pair socks a day, one pair
of skivvies a day, one pair of
Dmnp Tape 239-01
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trousers a reek is about right,

and - uh - one Jacket every
two weeks is adequate, - uh - swell.

239 02 01 27 CDR Hey, try to ...

239 02 01 32 PLT Uh - were they sufflciently

resistant to tearing and abrasion?
Yeah, they - u_ - don't tear or abrade.
Uh - uh - I had one that the
pocket came off from. One
pair of trousers had the - uh -
Yes, I put that down.

239 02 Ol _7 CDR I'ii b_ back in a second.

239 02 01 48 PLT (kay. Thank you. Before

and after dressing or something.
Uh - the one that is the - uh -
pocket that you _ the hip pocket
that you keep little checklist
thing in. And one of them was -
came loose and started tearing
vff. i_a_ =_ pro'ui_ I'_
having with them, uh - they fit
good. Uh - pintle pocket works
good and the little - uh -
pocket for your PHD works good
or your dosimeter. And - uh -
it's that other pocket back there
for your scissors doesn't work
good at _ll. It's not big P
anought to keep _he scissors in.
The scissors are too long for it.
It keeps coming loose and the
scissors come out. Too much of a
nuisance to hand em on anyway
cause you have to unwrap them
evil, time you want to use them,
so I wind up putting them in one
of the other pockets and that
scissors pocket is no good for
nothing. So that's the only gripe
I got about that.
Dmnp Tape 239-01
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239 02 02 39 PLT Let's see what else? Do they

tend to snag as you move about?
No, they don't seem to snag.
Recom-_ndations for improving
the garment? Well, I think they're
adequate the way they are. I like
them okay. I use my lower left
pocket for trash, Junk, every place
I pick up some trash I put in there
and I hardly ever empty it. When
I - I - Just leave it _i]1 and -
throw it awa_ when I throw away my
trousers. My lower right pocket,
why I use that for picking up
equipment that I might want to use.
There's always restraints, and
hungers, and stuff like that, floating
around, and - uh - lots of places
where they are not being used,
so when I see one, I know l'm
going to need it sometime, I pick
it up and put it in that pocket
and I use it sometime. In my
lef_ si_e pocKe_ - I - I keep my
tape and my timer in there.
Always need that tape - the gray
tape works eve_here, so I keep
some handy. Always the timer
somewhere, too, so I can keep it
handy there. My right side pocket
- that's the flat one - I put F
my scissors in there and - and
can't remember what else - and
whatever else I need to carry
around. Oh, I llke the garments
pretty well. The ones - the
ones I've used. There are some I
wish I had more of.

239 02 03 58 PLT What changes have you detected in

the environmental elements discussed
as the last question in the first
debriefing? Well, I don't know.
Have you used any of the 487
instx_-_nts to document these changes?
I've noticed a little change in
temperature. Since I got the sail
/>_ Dmnp Tape 239-01
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out, it got a little cooler;

we got a high Beta angle and
it got all warmer again. And
every once in a while I use a
visual thermcmenter to check the
temperature - and - uh - other
than that - why the temperature
has been pretty stable. And
drying time ... the humidity is
about right. Keeps you dry, you
don't sweat much; not humid,
everything dries up real well.
Put something out to dry and it's
dry in a Jiffy. Little dry for
the ... but it hasn't really
completely got through yet, but
I'm getting there. So I wouldn't
m-_e it any drier, I wouldn't make
it any wetter, either. I like the
b,_,4dity the way it is. Airflow-vise,
the ventilation is excellent.

239 02 04 57 PLT I llke the ventilation of

sleep compartments, too. Good
deal we got those vents in there,
otherwise, we'd be too stuffy,
too hot. Cause otherwise, air
wouldn't circulating in there.
That was a good plan to put -
ought to have ventilation in every
-,_ll compartment that you come •
up with. So, there's been no
fan changes really, the ones
that I had used - had noted
before the temperature rising
had _87 document those, at least
if I haven't docu_erlted them, I've
- I've noted them as a matter of

239 0_ 05 27 PLT So that kind of wrap up the

roundtable discussion for Jack,
and I'ii pass this on to somebody

CDR Okay. I 'ii get it.

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239 0_ 15 26 CDR How do you bear? Okay, this

is the CDR - uh - in the round
table discussion on Mh87-2B.
Now it's obvious that everybody
isn't gathered around, they're
Just floating, doing some work
in the area. We thought this
would be more reasonable than
the other fellows standing around
_ust listening to one talk. So
here I go. How adaptable are the
various compartments to multi-uses
beyond their prime design function?
Well, they're not too much so. For
the simple reason they are
designed for specific functions
and everything we have to do up
here is a specific function and
so there's a place to do it.
Now, except for a few. Now, for
e_mple, we never came up with a
place to collect all these
___ checklists, the Fl/_h¢. P_ns _.ha%.
we're always having to de. And
that's probably one of the biggest
holdbacks in the. whole operation.

239 02 16 22 CDR Sometimes we us_ - uh & stick it on

the _all with our feet and doing it.
That doesn't work too well. Sometimes
in the ATM tape it • and that works
pretty good cause you've got
places to stick tape. Most of
: the time we borrowed tables but
they don't have snywey to tie
down these tables. I've got -
I put my feet over it and do it,
but it's still not acceptable ....
the next spacestion. Too bad
that they didn't do it in the
individn-1 - uh - c_mpartments.

239 02 16 57 CDR The bead's _-ll. Multiple use

there. Course you get to go in
there and do medical work or
_-_ Dmnp Tape 239-01
Page 19 of 23

anything, but - No, you do the

medical work in the wardroom.
Looking out the window in the
wa_dro_ is useful. Wardroom
needs to be bigger.

FLT ... I don't think ...

239 0_ 17 26 CDR Okay. How adequate are the

sleep restraints ? Excellent.
Sleep restraints need more
bungers. Needs a softer
pillow, it needs a softer
cover to hold your head to the
pillow. Other than that I
think it's real good.

239 02 17 38 CDR One of the niecest things about

it is the ability of it to be
moved to different places rather
simply and to be usable in those
other places, Just in case the
/--_ t_rDp_.11_ , _oc_ T _ _
in the MDA about 4 or 5 nights
because I thoug_ it was much
cooler there. _:ow that it has
cooled off down here this is
certainly satisfactory. Another
disadvantage, I think, is you
cannot put on - you can put
only one blanke_ on your bung. ,
I certa/nly have two, but I had
to use safety pins. Another
disadvantage is there's so much
billowing down near the feet
because your body heat won't
keep it warm. S_ we 'ii - so
we' II _ able to - also put
some pins in there to decrease
the vol_,-_. That turns out to
be real fine .... you think
about it. Perhaps at the foot.
•.. you can see probably as much
- more than anyone else, that's
JUSt one of the things we
• Dump Tape
Page 20 of 239-01

overlooked. You wanted plenty

of foot room- toe room - you
didn't realize it would also - -

239 02 18 45 CDR What non-eating uses have been

found for the wardroom table?
We use it ... Would a design
modification of the table and
its associated restraints be
desirable? Definitely. You
need restraints on top of the
table to hold different items
when you're working on books and

239 02 19 02 CDR The foot restraints are too _,_II

to house the triangle shoes.
The ones - uh - the leg
restraints are good and the
thigh restraints are excellent
with one exception. The little
bars - the four little bars
/-_ that come out and fit a_ainst
• the front and back of the thighs
should be wider, so they can
provide some leverage points.
As they are, they're small and
you tend to flop around in them -
in the shoes _ you see. They can
be large enough to slip in and
they can be nice and tight fit. •
You could move arou d.

239 02 19 36 CDR What sanitation problems have

developed and ho-_ have you dealt
with them? I think everything
is ... fecal ... allow you to have
... contact ... trash every day.
Touch it with your fingers and
then the whole thing is ... germ
catching ... should be improved ....
now that we've got one behind
each person. It makes it nice.
Ch_-_ing them - uh - every 3 or
days is certainly adequa_.
Dmnp Tape 239-01
/_ FaKe 21 of 23

239 02 20 20 CDR What is the most disconcerting

personal hygiene problem you
have encountered? I think
probably the urine dump ...
immediately have to set a ...
somewhere and wip off, your
fingers get dirty, ... rubber
nos le, rubber nozzle _ith
urine on it ... urine in it ...
cuff with sort of airflow
through there ...

239 02 21 04 CDR How effective and efficient

are the cleanup procedures
and hardware? They' re okay.
I think the - uh - little wet
wipes are too _m_ll, in fact
•.. type thing..., clean em out
here ... water ... biocide ...
clean up of bi_ed hoses ...
clean up of bioeide clean up the
trash area, .,. wash with water ...


Tried it one time, thought it

would be good - rattled around.
Same feelin@ you have in a uh -
a uh - uh a chair that has one
leg shorter than the other three.
Disconcerting, troubles_e,
bothersome. Na_ ... chair was
clamped to uh grid in front of _
the ATM. amd tie fact was tJat
the grid itself is such - isn't
as bothersome. Now have it
parked I think it would be a
good thing if it were done wight
and anchored down permanently.

239 02 22 43 CDR How comfortable are your garments?

Excellent garments. A little too
many pantS, little too .m.y Jackets.
One would last 28 days, certalnly,
Jackets, pants every two weeks.
Things don't get dirty up here,
the only dirt you get on is your
Page Tapeof 239-01
22 23

shirt, food may fly at it,

sweat from your body, which
isn't much up here, I notice.
Sweat doesn't stink, by that I
mean l've noticed that nobody
seems to have body odor over
here whether or not you use a
deodorant. Now, l've noticed
the same situation in smell,
our clothes got to smelling bad
there - I noticed after a day or
two, particulorly the shirts. But
here they don't and all I can imagine
is - is the fact that we Just
aren't putting out as many salt
and minerals, or they're going
somewhere else, probably out in
the urine. Do they tend to snag
as you move? No, they're good.
Pockets are not ... I llke the full
pockets, they gi _e you the ability
to stuff a lot of things in there ...
trash ... trash ... most likely to
f_" pu_ your ...

239 (_ 23 44 CC Skylah, Houston; we're going over

the hill ... Mel conference will
be at (_:28.

CDR ... I know where they Were Just

a few days ago. The right pocket
and scissors pocket and the sid_
pocket are too small ... snap
onto the _ilical ... Velcro
isn't much ... overlap pockets
more so that things wouldn't
... opening. That's so much for ...
I need new shorts every other d_7,
socks every day if poeeible, for
us to ride on the bike dirty socks
•.. do it. I think you need
trianble shoes, ... triangles and
•.. for rid/ng the bike. These
things can get hot here and
there's no reason for - uh -
the other little booties, forget
era, you don't have ...
f ---
/_ Dump Tape 239-01
Page 23 of 23

239 0_ 25 0_ CDR _at changes have you detected

in the environmental elements
discuased as the last question
in the first debriefing? Well,
nothing .... since we put up the uh -
twln-pole stuashade it's nice
down here, not bad, I slept
in the _)S a couple of nights.
Now I don't do that any more.
One thing that I have noticed,
is - uh - uh - my nose is
starting to - not bleed• Wasntt
any - well, let's say scabs in
it when I blow my nose, so finally
I think that I'm adapting to the dry
climate. Noticed that I have the
same problem in Denver or Phoenix
or somewhere else where it's dry
but of course it's much aggravated
up here end I don't spend much
time in those other places, Of
course, the lighting is poor, need
.__ more lighting, l'd say adequate
/ _ for work but poor for reading.
Noises, very nice, very good.
Temperature, matter of fact,
could be •.. Hu_idlty, good;
and the airflow is fine. Airflow
• .. up in the al:" ... select ...
screen ...

239 02 26 20 CDR Okay.

Dump Tape 239-02
Time : 0245-0300 GMT
_"_'_ 8/27/73
Page 1 of 3

239 02 46 47 CDR This is the CDR and this information

goes to EGIL. I've just performed the - uh -
housekeeping task for tomorrow called
- uh - 14 G, which concerns, how the
water iodine concentration is in
coming out of the chiller. Answer: three
and one half part per million, 3.5 part
per million.

239 02 47 09 CDR CDR out. - That goes to EGIL.

239 02 52 47 SPT Okay. M487-2 Brovo. This is the SPT.

How adaptable are the various
compartments to mult-uses beyond their prime
design function? I think it's already been
mentioned that - uh - all of our tasks
have already been designed for. We have - uh
very little free time to spend elsewhere.
And so, if they even fit their prime
design function that's doing well enoguh.
And - uh - see no need to be multi-used.
Uh - this window, I'm rmemeber A1 was
_ commentingon the fact it does need to be
signed waere you can -oo_ at l_ 1_om
any angle. Might have been better to put
it in the - uh - uh - above the
experiment level so that there was more room
- uh - vertically. That is along the
X-axis, because - uh - you can only inch
your body in any direction. It would
have been a very good multi-use facility.
In the dome area is probably the* only thing
that descover the work multi-use because
when you consider everything else up there
it requiaes a l_ttle bit of room where - uh -
some of our TV ... sleep restraint's been
quite adequate. Useful for nothing
else. Non-eating used? Essentially
nothing. Design mod - uh - desireable.
We need some restraints that work for our
feet. For my restraints, I do use, foot
restraints are almost useless because
they don't fit the right thing. There is a
place for the triangle shoes. That's the one

Dump Tape 239-02
Page 2 of 3

that when i put my foot that almost

invariably gets the triangle eoekel,
You put in there, when you pull out,
then the triangle is half cocked, then you
nearly - uh - you hage to direct it
by your fingers to get it turned
around. So the one thing that mig_ht
of been useful, it turned out to be
a hinderance for me. Sanitation problem
it's really nothing. I think A1 - uh -
surely mentioned the - uh -
place for - uh - food waste - uh - dumping
these cans and things like that. Personal
hygiene: well, I'm annoyed because there's
no place to brush my teeth. I get around
that by Just sort of brushing them with
water and chewing gum. Uh - I'm annoyed
because I can't - uh - wash my hair very
well. There's no place that you can - uh -
really - uh - scrub your head down. I
tried it a little bit with that float
/-- for the showers, but no good. Should've
had ... I think Jack mentioned that.

239 02 55 13 SPT It might be possible to put a little

bag over your - uh - top of your head
sort of like a woman's - uh - hair net or - un
dryer enclosure. And you put a little
water and soap in and then just, you know
right - reach right through that to scrub
your scalp. That might work and then you
could - uh - squirt water in there and - uh .
somehow get the water out. Anyway, a
possibility. How adequate the ATM chair?
(Chuckle) I needed it once and - uh -
sat in it and found that it - uh - it didn't
fit al all. The grid to put your feet
through is - uh - for better. Toehar
needs another .... no we've never used
the chair, we Just gotta find a better
place to stow it, as Jack said. Garmets
are pretty comfortable. I haven't modified
any of them. Uh - too bad that the knife
won't hold the knife. It falls slightly.
Too bad the - uh - uh - no place to put
the sissors. Sort of handy to have those
f- sissorsalong. But it seemsthat
Dump Tape 239-02
l_ge 3 of 3

every time you use them you gotta

unroll them cause there's no place
to - uh - ~ uh - keep that - uh -
string rolled up. I'm not quite sure what
we ought to say on -.uh - on the - uh - sissors.
I Just hold them in one of my pockets.
The trousers do not doff easily enoguh
because of the triangle shoes. You do
need to hop in and out of your trousery
every now and then. And - uh - it would be
better if probably if they didn't
have that - ah - cuff in the bottom. I
gonna try cutting mine out for awhile.
No, they don't wear, they don't abrade
and they don't snag. Could be a little
cooler as far as the environment is
cencerned, could be a little more humid.
Although I understand there are condensatian
problems and so on to be concerned about
there. And the thermometer is the only
things we - we haven't noticed the
temperature coming down.

239 02 _9 36 SFT So, it's the end or the B_l"s eommen_s on

h87 -2.
Dump Tape 239-03
Time : 12_3-1315 GMT

Page 1 of 3

239 i_ h3 38 SPT PRD readings; the PLT is 7263,

7263, for the pilot.

239 12 _ 18 SPT 9121, 9121 for the SPT.

239 12 _5 02 SPT 298, for the CDR, 298.

259 12 59 35 PLT Good morning, space fnas, this

is Jack on channel A. Apparently we
need a repeat on the - the
- uh - calibration down on
the wardroom unit. Because we -
uh - were cut out at the other tape
dump yesterday. This was done on
day 237, and the last two sequences
are as follows : 100 grams,
okay, for 210; 604, 589, 615, 613,
577, 596, 575, 600, 611 and 602. For the
150 gram msss as follows: first three
numbers are 217; then 704, 710, 71-8, 665,
638, 718, 715, 763, 738, and 732.
This ends the message on the - the
_MD. Ought to go to the hlomed
•o_s wao are Intere_ted in - uh -
weighing things.

239 13 00 45 PLT I have another message noW for the

food peeple, Malcomb Smith, Jean
Reed, ... Sanford and those troops.
Number 1 is zips - oh, Rita Rapp,
also, please. N_nber 1 is zips.p
I have not eaten any tuna fish and
break for - the two together,
since the day I reported that I had
had anough of it. I have not been
reporting my - uh - deviatien because
I tho,,ght that I had made it clear
at the time that I would not be
eating any more of it together. I
do not mare to ea_ it individually
or together. And I have not been doing that
wince the day I reported it.
Pase 2 of 3

Every time I eat bread, I eat it

with ham, so tuna fish and bread exe
Out all together, and I do not ears
to have eigher one of them
anywhere else. For I do not care
to have either one of them, even
ludlviduslly. I would velec_e
a substitute for that if you
would come up with one. I would
prefer some kind of fruit or
something of that sort. Uh - I expect
I out3/ned why at a previous time
why I do not care for the break
nor the tuna fish; neither one
of them taste good to me at all.
The two of them together are - uh -
are - uh - not eatable as far
as I am concerned. Except in a
survival situation and this isn't
one of those yet.

239 13 (_ 19 PLT The other subject is this - uh -

we all are drinking extr_ drinks out
of overage. And the apple drinks
and the cherry drinks are about gone.
We need to get some other
drinks approved to substitute for
them. Understand - uh - as
I remember from _ previous mess_e
that - uh - other available drinks
were - uh - strawberry and •
leo_onade and - uh - grape and -
uh - something else. Possibly
grape, I'm not sure what those
were. However, uh - most all those
other drinks also are fast
disappearing. And - uh - we have -
uh - fair amount of - uh - tea
on board and - uh - and extra
orange Juice and we would like to -
uh - have permission to use - uh
tea and orange Juice and all
other drinks of that nature - uh -
with the exception of the
instant breakfast like cocoat as -
uh - as supplemententary dr_nks to -
%_a - drink whenever we feel like we
]X p 239-o3
Page 3 of 3

need something extra. So if you

will give us that information or
at least let us know, we would
appreciate it very much.

239 13 03 23 PLT That's the end of message.

Thank you very much.

239 13 ii 49 CDR CDR debriefing the previous A_ run.

Things went well. I made one
mistake in which I rolled to - uh -
minus 4200 roll, second part of
building block 2 before 54 b,_
finished panning out, I wasn't
watching the little light. But
after that - uh - the whole
building block was over I
returned to zero roll and - uh -
gave you another 54 at ... to
sure - to complete - uh -
JOP 6, and that of course let me
run behind as far as JOP - shopping
f_ list was concerned. I went back
couple ... _. sure I had
everything else.

239 13 23 24 CDR CDR out.


Time : 1424-1523 GMT
Page 1 of 9

14 25 29 SPT Testing l, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, i, i,
t 2, 3, _, 4, 3, 2, 1.

239 lh 25 37 SPT 0kay, this is the SPT on channel A,

getting set up for an S063 horizon
airglow run. I should have said
S063-2. Anyway it's airglow horizon,
and we've got all the equipment mounted
now in the SAL with the adapter and
the AMS and all that good stuff.
Now, - uh - uh - I've been practicing
on the Earth's horizon - uh - prior
to sunset here and have the technique
all down satisfactorily. And I've
noticed a couple of things. First of all,
there's too much slop, too much play
in the foot mounting to the camera and
in the foot mounting of the optical
sight and so as you turn the vesnier
drive to track the horizon - or the airglow
it will be - uh - there - uh - there -
uh - it oscillated back and forthin
the viewfinder. Now to Drevent that. I
put gray tape at the foot mounting of
both the camera and on the optical sight.
And with that gray tape there, it of course
would still aliew the ... to move it.
But at least it doesn't oscillate back
and forth. And so the technique that I've
been using is - do not touch the eyepiece
with my eye at _ll and only driye it by
my hand and that's the only contact
made with the instrument and then it will
drive rather smoothly and I think I can
track it to something on the order of i0
kilometers or something like that. I
haven't tried it yet, of course, but i'll
get a better estimate of it.

239 14 27 13 SPT Now - uh - without that gray tape on there

to stabilize it, it'll oscillate and
bounce around over something like
40 kilometers, and there's Just no way
of tracking it - uh - uh - stably at
all, and it would smear the image far too
Dump Tape 239-04
Page 2 of 9

much, I'm sure. So - uh - uh -

interesting to see how these photographs
come out and I will be set up here at the
prescribed time. Uh - I'm going to call
down on the real time and request an
extra pad for tonight, and you should
- uh - hear that long before you get
this - probably before you get the
channel A transcription. Over.

239 lh 27 51 SPT So this is the end of the message for

the moment. I'll be back on with the

239 lh 37 07 SPT Okay, we're getting set for S063 ops, and
my first camera setting is going to
be as follows. Sitting on 43, because
my top camera is still at zero and so my
first exposure is actually going to be
frame zero on the top of the camera which
will not be used any longer and - uh -
frame number _3 on the bottom of the
Nikon which is the camera set up that

set up on the horizon. Now if I can

find it.

239 i_ 38 13 SPT Okay, there it is. And the rotation

at this point is about 223. 223,
not 125. All rxght, my light on in
the optical sight, and we are good on
16, 16-second time exposure, and*we got
about 1 minute til our first frame.

239 lh 39 05 SPT Just for information, I do have some

lights on here in the experiment - uh -
area. I didn't turn light dome light number
6 and dome light number 5, that's called
experi - - uh - that's called dome 5 and 6,
yeah. And I'm gonma check my settings
here again. Fram number is h3, 16 seconds,
I'm setting on T and I'm setting on T.

SPT Okay, coming up on our first exposure.

You right is actually more clearly defined
in the airglow at this point. I'm going
to track to the right. Stand by. A star
rightnow, I don't%mderstand.
: ° iiI_%

Dump Tape 239-04

Page 3 of 9

239 14 40 28 SPT MARK.

SPT That was not a very good one because

I couldn't hold the exposure. - Uh - I
couldn't hold the horizon - uh - very
clearly. Might be that I'm gonna have to
get better dark adapted. Now, that one
was at 6300; next one'll be 5577. Three-5577.
Got about 2 minutes, I'm gonna try to get
off the headset here and get some more
lights turned off.

SPT If you don't mind, Jack, I'm gonna turn

some lights off. I can't even see the

SPT ...

239 lh 42 21 SPT ... Okay, I'm back on the headset now.

Got the rotation performed. I see stars,
but don't see the horizon yet. Man, there's -
_ Boy, that is dim. Have to keep my eye to
the eyepiece Just to - Can't even really
see it. No way to _racK it. 11oway co
track it with this much light.

SPT The Earth is pitch black and I see no

horizon. A ver_ ... rigtht there. Cannot
track it well; ]"m gonna give it a try.
Gonna make this a 60-second exposure, too.

23914 44 34 SPT MARK. •

SPT Okay now it's coming a little more clearer.

Okay now you're right - Now the airglow
is more clearer and I think I can track it
from now on. And a 46-seonds - 46-minutes
[sic] exposure. Getting my penlight out
and pen. Be a 32-second, 8300 - 32 seconds -
300 -

239 14 h6 15 SPT MARK.

SPT Okay there's that exposure. Okay, actually

6h-second exposure. 14 - 4-1/2 ...

.... CREW ...

Dump Tape 239-04
Page 4 of 9

SPT Uh - No. Yeah, I don't think it'll

hurt. Okay now I noticed as I rotate the
mirror, I can only see the horizon and
about half the field of view. Uh - The
mirror itself only - uh - say covers
a little less than that - maybe 40 percent
of the full view to this - uh - telescope.
And - uh - covered by the - uh - tiltable
AMS there. And I see the stars right down
through the airglow. The Earth's horizon
is essentially - the Earth's limb is
essentially invisible, but the airglow
layer is - uh - sort of fuzzy or brown - looks
brown through here. Stars are very bright.
That's pretty dim - pretty dim horizon;
pretty ... airglow. Okay we're coming
up here on hg. We'll do this 64-second

239 14 h9 ii SPT MARK.

239 14 49 21 SPT End of exposure. Okay that was a 6h. Okay

h9, next one's at 52 and that's a 6300

there's 6_. Okay my estimate is that I

might be holding this thing to I0 kilometers
or so. I'm estimating the distance on the
- uh - by the distance to which stars are
still visible and - uh - the thickness of
the airglow layer really pretty good. And
I can see - uh - when the stars are extinguished,
which I presume is fairly closePto the
Earth's limb. A_id calling that distance
80 kilometers, which is just - I think
was supposed to be the difference between
the edge of the solid line and the dashed
line - Or if you like, - uh - another
way - That's right. You put the pedestal
on the Earth's limb and the dashes line
would be on the airglow horizon, which is
pretty close. And - uh - my estimate is
I'm holding it to about l0 kilometers.
Now, I've gotta this rotation better.

SPT Okay, stand by -

--_ 239 14 52 21 SPT MARK.

Dump Tape 239-04
Page 5 of 9

239 14 53 29 SPT End of this exposure this rotation that

was a pretty good one, too. Uh - These
are coming along all right. I do have to
put my eye into the cup because it - uh
- I can't see the horizon well enough if
I don't. Coming upon the next one one
- Ought to be about 55. It'll be 5577
3-32 seconds. 5577 is dropping to 32
seconds. Switching the filter to - uh -
5577- Okay -

SPT Okay, and now the - after we rotated

this far - uh - Well, the mirror may cover
a little bit more - larger area. The -
uh - horizon is fairly low but I can - uh -
32 seconds is so long, it takes a couple
of' minutes for the horizon to cross the - uh -
field of view; so 32 seconds is not bad.

SPT Okay we're coming up on time for this

exposure. Start@ by -

239 lh 55 17 SPT MARK.

239 14 55 51 SPT End of exposure. The next one should

be at 58. And the - uh - Well, it's
not. Knock off for a while until 15:08.
Got to take up at 64 - gonna take up at
the sunrise; I figured 5508. Okay, that
means - uh - ha'_e about a lO- minute break
here. Now it could be I'm a little bit
deceiving myself because the ai@ - airglow
horizon is obviously not as distant as
the Earth's horizon is in the daytime. So
it's - uh - possible I'm not holding at
quite l0 kilometers; but - uh - that's my
impression, based upon the difference between
the base of tha_ pedestal and the - uh -
horizontal dashed line. So I can sit up
here for the next exposure number 7 and
the top of my counter ought to be sitting
on 6, which it is and the bottom, 38. That
looks good; okay. Still at 55 -.. and
go back to 54.

239 15 06 01 SPT Okay, we're back on the line here for the
15:08 exposure,which is 2 minutes away;
Dump Tape 239-04
Page 6 of 9

checking my settings. It'll be 5577.

That's all right, AI.

CDR ...

SPT 5577, 64 seconds; and that's all we got to

do is to find the horizon here. - Find
the airglow. So I'ii Just about do that
Okay, there it is. Lot of tilt; standing
our heads here shortly .... sure quite
how we will do that. Probably slipped the
thing 180 degrees and then - as a matter
of fact, I can't really reach the knobs.
Okay. l're 30 seconds to go here.

SPT Stand by -

239 15 08 18 SPT MARK.

239 15 09 27 SPT End of the exposure. Now, it's rather

interesting, the tilt or the rotation
unit changes so fast, the - uh - angle of
the horizon with respect to our - uh - X-axis

exposure change - the rotation. I don't

get the words quite right. And - uh - I
was trying to sort of hold on the horizon
at the center of the field of view ....
that can be done here, but - uh - it's
hound to cause some blurring and ther@'s
obviously no way to - uh - adjust this -
uh - rig to account for the cha_e in
the rotation. Okay, we're coming up now on -
the next exposure is at ll:15 - Oh, it
can't be - 300. I want the other one right
now. Okay. Okay, 5300 ; and it 's also
64 seconds. Be a few seconds late looks
llke. Coming out of my foot restraints,
no way to stay locked in here. Sort of
standing on head as it is.

239 15 ii 02 SPT MARK.

239 15 12 08 SPT End of exposure. Think that one went

fairly well. And again on here at 12, ...
5577. Okay let me switch this. Also
6h secondsand let me get that thing in
Dump Tape 239-04
Page 7 of 9

there readjusted. Oh, boy; it's tough now.

SPT Standby.

239 15 13 13 SPT MARK.

239 15 14 20 SPT End of exposure. And I tried to adjust

the ring setting just a little bit as the
Earth's horizon was rotating - uh - with
some success. It didn't seem to cause any
large perturbation in attitude or in
the camera pointing. So I think that it
may have helped. Okay that was 12; the
next one's at l_ which I've - uh -
Just missed - 6300, with a 32 seconds.
Okay dropping down to 32 seconds; there you
are, 6300. So we go on that one.

239 15 15 35 SPT MARK.

239 15 16 08 SPT End of exposure. And the horizon is

getting- the airglowis gettingpretty
faint now .... 577, 32 seconds. Had
bo swibch l*_d_ as w_il _ Lh_ pui*_L
and I'm vert - uh - tracking ... with
the other hand, which - uh - caused some

SPT Okay ...

SPT Stand by -

239 15 17 05 SPT MARK.

239 15 17 38 SPT End of the exposure. I don't think that

one was so good because - uh - the horizon
is not so clear; it almost was getting
a little patcy. There was a dark patch
in there which is still in there, which
I - sort of confused me as to where the
airglow horizon was for a little bit. So
there might have been a little smearing on
that one. That was the one at 16; next one
is at 15:18, for which I have right now.
16 second exposure, 6300. Okay I'm dropping
to - uh - 16 seconds and - uh if I can

_ find the twin filter- 6300. Okay. Okay
I can see the Earth's limb now, as well
Dump Tape 2B9-0h
Page 8 of 9

as the airglow. Retract the airglow.

SPT Stand by i.

239 15 18 48 SPT MARK.

239 15 19 05 SPT End of the exposure. Okay that's the

end of this set. That completes 16 exposueres,
and - uh - get the camera settings here.
Top of m_ camera reads - uh - 12. I think
that's correct; it was - that's right
that's the number exposures. And
- uh - the bottom of the camera is the counter
that we will use is reading 32. Okay,
see if there's any other comments here
that you want recorded before we shut
her down. No, I think those are all the
comments that you need but, if I've
forgotten anything why be sure and - uh
- bring it up. Now, there's one other
thing that I want to note. Uh - The -
uh battery in the - uh - sight is
f- apparently inoperative. Uh- the one
LhaL was iu Lh_re, when i tried to
turn it on, did not work althought
the switch was in the off position. And
there was apparently nothing else wrong
with it. But - uh - uh - I changed the
battery out and it works fine. I think
I only have one replacement. So we'll
have to be careful with this one. I assume
this experiment will run on SL-_ and you
probably ought to send up a couple of
new batteries for the sight and Just
reverfying my land(?) is in the off
position and that's the way I found
it when I was using the other battery
in the off position. But it - uh - %Lh -
was somehow inoperative. I haven't
checked it with a multimeter, hut I
assume the battery is dead. So the Sun's
coming up and that's essentially the end
of this particular run. Got another run
tonight and I'm gonna request an extra
run - uh - set up after the late one tonight.
And we'll see if there's any problem with
gettingthat done. Okay, there'sa little
problem with wrientation here. It takes
Dump Tape 239-02
Page 9 of 9

a while to - uh - get used to switching

hands in the middle of the operation so
that you can keep your feet locked into the
pedestal here. But it is e_sential -
essentailly, necessary to do that.
Cause you can't - uh - You don't have
sufficient stability. 0kay_ I'm looking
at a very bright horizon right now. Still
see a very faint airglow. So - uh - I'm
a little more pleased and optimistic now
that we got some good pictures. And - uh -
I think this is far better than andy h_ndheld
photograpy and - uh - be awaiting any
comments you may have as to - uh - how - uh -
how it appeared to run from the ground, SPT,
end of recording on channel A. Uh - information
goes to the S063 PIs Doctors Packard, Wally Teague
m%d Jack Lew.

239 15 22 26 SPT SPT out.


Dump Tape 239-05 _
_._/_/ Time : 1748-1813 GMT
Page 1 of 4

239 17 48 06 PLT Okay, space fans this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last
ATM run that began at 16:55.
In this JOP-4 Bravo - uh -
calling box 33A and B ... 42
when I got to - uh - the -
uh - B part - uh - of - uh -
calling box 33 I did not change
the pointing because - uh -
82 B was not running. And - uh -
then l'd like you to - uh - leave
the pointing as it was, os as
to maximize the area of the -
uh - sotrm it covers by a
mirror auto raster. And I - uh -
pointed for 82B end of - left
some of the storm out of the picture,
and I elected not to do that.
- uh - okay, then, we proceeded
to - uh - Bravo building block 36
and - uh - it c_me off - uh -
f- Just advertised_ And I - uh -
found a - uh - dark point in
%he - uh - 111ament by minizing
one of our detectors - uh -
... in 1941. In this case-
uh - where we'r _.left of slad. _
I feel that I got a good dark spot
in the filament and - uh - on -
uh - the B part of the building
block I did chcnge the pointing F
this time - uh - uh - except
the - uh - mirror foot center
and - uh - picked a different
point on that fllament- uh -
to - uh - give }_u a CRATING
AUTO SCANNER on a - uh -
filament is broken up at - uh -
three or four, five pieces and -
uh - we got - uh - GRATING
AUTO SCA_rES two of those pieces
there and - uh - JOP-4 Bravo,
set two, building block 36 A and B.
Dmnp Tape 259-05
Page 2 of 4

I - uh - notice - uh - that -
our - uh - PMEC is running maby
Just a little bit higher than -
uh - automatically -.uh - running
in 3 now instead of 4 and the -
uh - voltage is right up there. So
it locks like we got a little more -
uh - activity - uh - in the offing
and - uh - hopefully it'll continue
to rise and ultimately we' ii get a
flare. But - uh - it looks like
uh - we're getting a little bit of
mare response fromthe Sun than we
have - uh - the day you say even
up till yesterday when the -
x-,--Ing at four. I say now again,
it 's running at 3.

239 17 50 40 PLT Okay that completes the debriefing -

\ uh - for - uh - this pass and I
will pick you up in a short time.
Thank you.

239 18 05 05 SPT Okay we're settlng up to do the

experiment ED-74.

SPT ED-74 is the msss measurement experiment.

....this is a fellow - a young
fellow -_ned Vincent Converse f_om -
uh - Rockford, illinois. We
have the mass m_asurement device
matted to the side of our film
vault right now. And we're Just
about to make the first tests.
And compare it _ith our calibration
data. The calibration masses
are Just slightly over a hundred
grams a piece. And I know have the
stud on there with one mass.

239 18 06 20 SPT Hey do any of your fellows know

bow to turn this thing on with -
uh - uh - 24 frames per second, and
S_'_,-- Dump Tape 239-05
Page 3 of

keep it running? Hwo do you

make it stay on that's the DAC camera?

SPT Son of a gum! There's no way to do it.

CREW ...

SPT Ik_ either of you have about one minute

to - uh - well it'd be
intermittently though.

SPT Okay, l'd appreciate it if you could

for Just - uh - 30 seconds, yeah.

SPT Okay, if you can held down the

dadhurned button so I can - uh -
get some 24 frames per second
photography. It's over on this
side right - uh - under there -
right there - yeah.


_T Okay, it:s reading 0._68 - is

the first one. 0.568; 0.567;
0.567. Okay that's enough, AI.
Thank you. 0._=67, 0.567, 0.567.

CDR ...

SPT They've never be.en able to

calibrate it in zero G, either. P
I think that's the big factor,
0.567. Yap.

CDR ...

SC I don't know.

CDR ...

239 18 08 38 SPT C_sy, we're not putting the second

m_SS on.

... A0S ...

Dump Tape 239-05
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SFT Okay, Jim, for Just a m_nute.

CDR ... n,,mher eight position ... if

possible we'd like to ...

SPT ... yeah, right there.

239 18 l0 07 SPT 0.694.

CDR Okay, Story.

SPT 0.692.

SPT 0,692.

aPT 0.692.

239 18 i0 23 SPT 0,692. Okay.

"_._ Dump Tape 239-06
Time: 1816-1911 GMT
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239 18 15 44 SPT Okay, - uh - AI, one more minute, if you got

it, please.

SPT I'd like to spin this one off and

put it on down there like that

SPT Okay, we know have all five masses on.

SPT Plus the stud.

SPT 0.978, 975, 976, 975, 976, 975,

978. Okay.

SPT 976 looks to be about right. Thanks.

I think that ought to take care of


CDR Go ahead. Request around 5.0 and

f - uh - over.

CC Copy.

SPT Okay, that's the end of the - uh -

voice cor_mentary. On the calibration
of ED-T4, the experiment of - uh -
Student Investigator, _. Converse,
and - uh - I assume that this will all
be transcribed and - uh - sent to his
science advisers. Also to John MeCloud
at JSC and - ah --to - uh -Mr.
Converse for - uh - - uh - using the
data - uh - back at his home. In fact
his science advisers are Dr. - uh -
is a Dr. Robert Head at Marshall.
Make sure that it gets to - uh -
John McCloud at - uh - JSC, as well.

239 18 18 34 SPT End of this recording from the SPT

239 18 27 20 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

Channel A. The subject is Body Mass
Measuring Device. Hoes uh - to my
--- Dump Tape 239-06
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good friend and associate - uh -

Dr. Bill Thornton. Also to Dr.
Mike Whittle. I - uh - calibrated
the - uh - the B_4D this morning and
- uh - started at 13:00 and it took
me till - uh - let's see 14"40. So
it took me an hour and 40 which is
- uh - about 25 minutes longer than
- uh - I was allowed time for. Tem-
perature at the end was 77 degrees. This
of course was day 239. Okay, I'll
give you a bunch of readings and
- uh - the first - uh - series of
ten readings is - uh - with the B_D
empty and the straps - uh - restrained,
as best - uh - we could do it. I'll
Just read - uh - I won't read all the
numbers - uh - Just the last - uh -
couple as I go down - uh - except for the
first one: 2.70054, number 2 is 038,
then 042, 057, 027, 081, 048, 064, 046,
F and 082. Second seriesof ten and the
- uh - blue food tray looked on.
Here we go: 3.74967, 982, 961 and

239 18 29 15 PLT Fifth reading was 3.75000. Six was

375078. Seventh was 375003. The
following three readings - uh - are
- uh - 3.74994, 982, and 984. Okay,
a third set of ten readings - u_-
I added - uh - battery number 6] Here's
the readings: 4.33122, 176, 107,
122, 101, ll2, 103, 132, 127, ll6.
Here's the fourth set of readings:
at which time I had added battery
number 7, reading l: 4.84397. And
then 382, 377, 455, 402, 398, 394,
385, 372, and 377.

239 18 30 55 PLT Okay, - uh - the next phase of ten

I had added - uh - spare red food tray.
Here's the readings: 5.36213, 274,
and 127. And then I got back to 5 -
the fourth reading of 5.35993, and the
rest of the reading are as follows:
number 5 is 5.36, 235, 051, 166, 229,
_-, 202, and 209. Then I add a white food
tray. Got ten readings as follows:
f'_ Dump Tape 239-06
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5.83, 295, and then 15b, 186, 211,

317, 249, 26h, 213, 277, and 169.
Okay, next set of ten readings I
added - uh - a red food tray, from the
wardroom. Here's the ten readings.
I'll read - uh - 6.26504 and then
Just three numbers as follows:
718, 550, 454, 329, 361, 621, 344, h28
and 506. And I did ten more readings
with the - uh - machine empty again.
And I got: 2.70144, and then Just
three numbers preceeded by 2.70 each
time. Beeond it 140, 138, 127, 159,
153, 148, 155, 158, and 147.

239 18 33 25 PLT That's the end of the BMMD CALS for

- uh - Doctors Bill Thornton and
Mike Whittle. So long.

239 18 48 57 PLT Okay, space fans, this Jack on channel

A, the subject is M0-92093 on the
f commander - uh - Captain Alien Bean.
_s I_ mmsa_1_emen%._ sre as follows:
His left leg is 12 and 3/h inches.
His right leg is 13 and i/_ inches.
And you got all the rest data on your
other runs and --uh - so we won't
repeat it again.

Dump Tape 239-07
Time: 2015-2213 GMT
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239 20 15 32 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A. For those of you who are
interested, we're starting M509-5.
This - uh - ought to go to - uh -
Lou Ramon, Bruce McCandless, and - uh -
Ed Whitsett. And don't go away cause we'll
be talking to you some more.


239 21 18 47 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are again

with M509. An other installation
of the Orville and Wilbur show MODE
DIRECT. Comm_nd about i0 short pulses
in each axis. Okay, now I got 13 ...
camera .... M509 camera. I got
89 percent. That ain't right.
78 percent. 010 is 150.

239 21 20 31 PLT All right, now verify all crewman

have downed ear protection. No.
_o_ _ae _u_ wrapped around his ankles.
This is ]'_09-5 T_ procedures for this
run were teleprinted up. Stay clear
of thrusters and keep your hands off of them
for a moment, please, while I open this
valve, l'm kin to the gorilla that
tightened it up. Here we go.

239 21 21 16 PLT The supply valve is OPE_ED. 509 checkout;

we don't need to do. Transfer the battery
power. Wheel SPEED LOW light OUT. CMG
power OFF. Main power OFF. Transferred
internal - internal main power on.
CMG power ON. Go to bus meter reading 26.
Meter to 26. 29 voltage he says. Charger
output OFF

239 21 22 06 PLT Unstow dust cover from the _4 receiver,

thus connecting to the power cable.
Hook it up back here. Put the dust
ocver up there. That's not any problem.

• I
Dump Tape 239-07
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Here we go. THC neutral; verify.

SYNC light ON. W_IE_/,S_D LOW light

239 21 22 45 PLT DACs on to two fps ... on that one ...

on that one.

239 21 22 55 PLT That one working and that ones

working. Uh - raise and lock the
o_tboard - the lever outboard. Ahhhhh.
Okay, we're set up for voice recording.
Okay, uh - docking. I've got to go
NORM in ID 1. Stand by. Take 300 psi
undocking 1 minute.

239 21 25 hl PLT Clear the station. Cheek out all

control modes. Okay, 201 ...
Clear the station and check out all
control modes. Okay, clearing the
stations and checking out the control modes.
I'll lower the handrail. Back to
the docking station. Okay, he's in
_- CMG, about - uh - 6 inches with his
feet off the dock, going to his left
to his left to - uh - get to the
donning station.

239 21 24 43 PLT Fly to donning station and station

keep. Don't grab a hold, Just station
keep. You're little bit low, because
you're gonna hit foot - - . Okay,
here he is space fans, in front of the
donning station. Now AI, I'm going
to go to - uh - ID 2 here, and what
you're gonna do is do a C offset hut
imavert, indirect. Nine minutes,
900 psi.

239 al 29 30 PLT Indirect fly the baseline maneuver.

Okay. There he goes, he's backing
aws_. Yawing to his right in direct,
heading toward the bang. He's - uh -
translating upward, toward the banjo
area. He is directly above the crew quarter
hatch. He yawed - rolled right Just a
Dump Tape 239-07
_" Page 3 of lh

little bit at the moment. He's

got the SOP fastened to his legs.
NOW, he's - uh - Just about facing
the banjo. In the plane of the
water tank. Okay, he 's - uh - leaving
the banjo nOW, and he's - uh -
yawing to his left-roll left. Now
he's preceding down to the EMU 2. Doesn't
seem to have any control problems.
He hasn't - uh - managed to ... Here we
got a flying - fake a few nikon photos,
as denied.

239 21 27 50 PLT Okay, now he's on his left side in the

plane _rith FMU 2 and approaching it
very nicely. He' ii soon be there. Now,
he's leaving FMU 2. Sitting over to
- uh - dome locker 404, about a foot
away from it. Now transfering to his
right, moving around the - uh - ...
lockers. Passing around the dome locker,
having no difficulty controlling
himself. Going at a rate of about
inches to 6 inches per seconds.
Underneath the condensate tape.
Just about in front of locker - uh -
hB2. Okay, now he's stabilized in
front of 432, giving himself a
little - uh - left - uh - translation
to the stabilizer's rig. Giving a ...
and hacking off of 432. Two pictures
on the Nikon with SOP, one side and
one front. We'll leave that go for
a while. Translating very nicely
with -_-_uvering. Huh? I'm _onna
turn everything off, and take the
SOP off next.

239 21 31 21 PIT Direct. That was called a Cg offset

maneuver. Okay, he's translating
tOWard the donning station, about 3
feet fram it, in the proper attitude.
Okay. Now, he's somewhat stabilized
in fron of the donning station and
Dump Tape 239-07
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when you feel you're there, grab

hold and I'ii turn off the DAC,
DAC 's are off. Okay, I 'm going
to stow the - uh - SOP at 554,
whereever that may be. Okay, that
thing is stowed.

239 21 32 57 PLT Okay, the next thing - uh - let's

check here the psi. We got 1500
PSI. This requires a thousand.
You're gonna do 8 minutes of touch
- and - go, - uh - A1. I'm gonna
turn on the DAC. You're gonna go
to rate gyro, fly the baseline,
but do not stop at each station,
keeping point Just slow the rate
and touch.

239 21 33 19 PLT Data mark at each touch. You got

it? Rate gyro, wait a m_nute. DAC's
are on. Okay, you're cleared.

- 239 21 33 37 PLT Okay, in the RATE GYRO MODE; same

backing off, yawing to his right.

Touch-and-go maneuver. Heading up
toward the - uh - banjo, we all
know and love so well. He's gonua
go strumming the old banjo. Seems
like this is a repeat of what we've
done before. What- what .... Facing
the banjo. Maneuvering along at about
6 inches per second, about 5 feet
from the banjo, rear the washer.

239 2J 34 27 PLT The kid picks up the washer. He

puts it in his washer pocket. He's
thrusting and periodiclly he's
touching the banjo. Translates away from
the banjo, now, yaws to his left;
he'll put a roll in there. An
occasional burst from the rate
gyro thrusters. In the plane of
the do - uh - water tank, on his
left side, needs to put in a little
yeft - left yaw yet, then he'll be
" _-_ D_np Tape 239-07
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completely square with the world."

239 21 35 09 PLT Now, his left roll is getting

over port a little bit, but he'll
correct that. Off _ feet from the
- the FMU 2 and stopped half-way,
- uh - up and down, now translating
a little bit toward the FMU. Nice,
slow rate. Reaches out and touches
it ; Backs away. Never really did stop
his motion, Just sort of drifted
past and touched it.

239 21 35 51 PLT ... translated aft and up, going to

his right and go to 20, correction
404. He's up at 404.

239 21 36 28 PLT DATA MARK. Touches it and - uh -

translates to his right. Multiple
firings now when he goes around the
dome lockers hers. Six to 8 inches
away from the dome lockers. Translating
with no problems. Gives it an
occasional burst and a half; a little
up. Okay, translates very easily
and nicely around the ... which is
where he is now. He reaches out
and touches it, hacks off and down.
Yaws to his left. Little bit
machine gun firing of the - uh -
gyro system.

239 21 37 49 PLT Okay, now he's facing the donning

station right ov, r the crew
quarters, about l_feet off the
deck. Translating forward at
4 inches a second. Tumble recovery
is next.

239 21 38 22 PLT You there? Okay, he's at the donning

station. We're going ID 3. Okay,
AI, this is a direct. Fly to the -
uh - center of the workshop and data
mark. Indirect. Oh, a half hour,
myha. May be - ,_y he less. Well,
it's not a while - after a while yet.
Dump Tape 239-07
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Okay, A1, that's it. I - okay, I,

induce a small roll, pitch and
yaw rate. You're supposed to tumble
for more than 3 seconds and then
stop tumble - stop tumble and data
m_k. Okay, I'm going to give you
a - we're gonna to do this - uh -
3 times, at different rings. Okay,
I'm going to give you a roll, a
yaw and a pitch. Here's a roll, a
yaw, I mean and a roll and a pitch.
Okay. Stop at this ring. Okay,
now he's napping his rates. You got
to come downward. Okay, he 's
coming back to me.

239 21 40 00 PLT DATA MARK. 0kay, he gave me a

data mark. You want a little bigger
one? Okay, I'll give you a different
- okay, I've got them above the
crew quarters hatch, about 4 feet
above it.

239 21 40 22 PLT DATA MARK. 0kay, this is - u_ - a

- a - uh - roll, pitche, and yaw.
Roll, pitch, yaw. Okay, he's - uh -
stopping his - ui_ - tumble now.
Give the data m_rk.

239 21 40 43 PLT Okay, DATA _ARK. He's coming back.

One more. Gave you a little
translation that time, didn't
want to, but he did. He's c_,_ug
back over to me for the third one.
Okay, he's got 600 psi. Let me
get over here where I can grab a
handle. Okay, we give Dim a roll,
yaw and a pitch. He has a nice -
nice set of rate speeds, - uh -
taking them out now. Okay.

239 21 hl hl PLT DATA MARK. Go back to there.

Okay, that takes care of tumble
recovery and DAC's coming off, and
we going H}LMU. Okay, it's a
tumble recovery with H_,_. I'll
be with you.
Dump Tape 239-07
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239 21 42 36 CDR Okay, that will be a lot easi r ...

239 21 42 39 PLT Yeah.

239 21 42 48 PLT I won't do that. You know me.

Easy dow it and all that kind of

239 21 43 20 PLT Oh, shoot! I'm going to have to

get down here so I can get a
handhold. Oh - there's - Now I
don't know if -_'ve got the right
handgrip. I not - okay.

239 21 _4 24 PLT Okay, now. Back off, now back it

on. Repeat recovery as before.
Do two - two's - uh - as before. Do
two times. After recovery, bank
off, disconnect, and -uh - change
the PSS, the battery. Okay, space
fans. This is H_J tumble recovery
two times. Going to give him some
more rates than I did before. DACs
are on. Now we're ;,L _Le _ YD.
Okay, got you by the handle back here,
A1. Okay, give him a data mark. Okay,
I'm going to give him a little yaw,
a little roll, and a little pitch.
Is that all right? Okay Okay, now ...
recover. Still recovering.

239 21 46 05 PLT Still recovering himself, He's upright.

239 21 46 08 PLT DATA MARK. Okay, you like that, huh?

Okay. A little more. Okay, he wants
a little higher rate this time.

239 21 48 27 PLT Okay, I'll give Lira a data mark.

Okay, I'll give _zLm a little roll,
a little yaw, and a little pitch.
Is that all right? Sure you want
more. Okay, he waits 3 seconds,
now he - uh - correcting himself.
Probably gave him about - uh - 15 degrees
a second that time. So, he's
translating up now. I must have given

Dmnp Tape 239-07
Page 8 of 14

him a little translation up but

he's up near the dome - uh - in the
workshop hatch, not quite touching
it and - uh - facing ... Okay, he's
- uh - given him a data -_k, he's
recovered. Now he's going to fly it
back. Back off.

239 21 47 52 PLT Back on his tracking with CMGs.

Takes 500 psi in 5 minutes. Good Job.
Want me to take you over there? Okay.
We're gonua have to change - change
consumables. Okay, space fans. We're
going off the air while we change the
PSS and the battery.

239 21 48 38 PLT But don't go away, little lady. I'll

be back.

239 21 49 27 SPT Okay, this is a - uh - message for

the ATM Pls and planners. _ debrief -
debriefing the last couple of runs
on the - uh - ATM panel. Now we've
olUSt been doin_ @his - uh - nreorbit
progam on limb scans and - uh - I
believe that it's going to go Just
about as planned, except for the
fact I could no_ maintain a constant
latitude. In order to stay within
the coronal hol._, I had to - uh -
correct distance from the limb which
I believe to be the most important,
but they are not along precisely
a constant latitude. Uh - it may
actually fall within the tolerances
that are specified on the JOP sheets,
but it'll be a little close. And that's
about the only significant deviation
that - uh - that I am aware of. - Uh -
the positions 130.45 that are on the
limb are Just about right and - uh -
all the limb scan work seems to be
going as expected. Uh - I'm
about - uh - halfway through the
second orbit right now and - uh -
then we'll - uh - continuing the

Dump Tape 239-07

Page 9 of i_

rest of it and all the way

through the third orbit.

239 21 50 33 SPT End of message to the Pls and

planners. This is the SPT

239 21 57 52 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are again.

We got the consumables changed out.
Battery number 6 in there now and PSS
number 2. And - uh - this is a
tracking test. DACs are on. We've still
got the same - uh - ID. Okay,
what you need to do is - uh - fly
down to the center of the workshop,
head up facing 43-° data mark. Pitch
down to face the intersecion of
the walls and the deck. A new data _k.
Rotate 180 degrees while tracking the
wall/deck intersection, down here.

CDR Tell them l'm doing rate gyros.

239 21 58 38 PLT I will, I will. Okay, now space

fans, he's doing this - uh - first
tracking test in RATE GYR0 because
his CMGs weren't quite up to speed.

CDR Tell them ... sueezed ... firing a

239 21 58 55 PLT Okay, we Just _I a lot of firing.

It's cause AI sneezed. AI sneezed
and we had a whcle lot of firing.
He's rotating at 180 degrees in the
RATE GYRO, MODE tracking the
intersection between the wall and the
deck having no trouble at all. Are
your wheels up to speed yet? Okay,
he's going to do the same thing to
his right now in CMG. He rotated
180 degrees - uh - facing - uh - 1020
donning station area. Now he's - uh -
yawing to his right doing whatever
is necessary to - uh - continue
tracking the - uh - wall and the deck
intersection. Rotating to his right
- uh - to - uh - He's going to face _32.
Dump Tape 239-07
Page i0 of i_

Do your data marks. Don't

forget that. And then you are going
to repeat the maneuver in DIRECT.

239 21 59 }_5 CDR DATA MARK.

239 21 59 47 PLT DATA MARK. Okay, data mark. He's

facing the area he wants to face.
You in DIRECT now? Okay, now he's
going to do the same thing in
DIRECT. Gives himself a little yaw.
DIRECT. A little pitch down. A
little ... Seems to have no trouble
tracking the intersection between
the wall _ud the deck. Okay, he's
stabilized over the crew quarters
hatch still facing the intersection
%)etween the wsll and the deck
underneath MSO - M505.


- ClO it - uh - to the right one

more time in RATE GYRO because he
wan't satisfied with his last rate
- uh - maneuver. Now he's
about 3 feet above the crew quarters
hatch and - uh - yaWing around
tracking the - uh - intersection between
the deck and th_ wall, about -
uh - lO degrees a - - second. Multiple
firings, he stopping, and he stopped it.
Okay, I've got to go to - uh -
ID 1. We're going to do what you
call a drift - drift check. Okay,
we go ID 3 to ID i and - uh -
Fly to the cente_- of the workshop,
data mark, and remain motionless for
i minute. CMGs. Okay, he's going
to go CMG and he's in the center of
workshop. He's going to remain
motionless for 1 minute. And - uh -
at the end of i m_nute you are
Dump Tape 239-07
Page ii of i_

supposed to data m_k and cage

the CMGs in RATE GYRO. Okay, he
is remaining motionless for 1 minute,
space fans, in the - uh - CMG mode
in the work - center of the workshop.
Looks like he's staying pretty stable.
Uh - his attitude is - is not moving.
Huh? He's not translating either - uh -
to speak of. He might have a little
down translation - very little, but
his attitude is table. At the end
of i minute, data mark. Cage the (S4Gs
in RATE GYRO. Okay, cage the CMGs in
RATE GYRO. Okay, now we' re going to
do a RATE GYRO - uh - a RATE GYRO
limit cycle check for 5 minutes. You
- in RATE GYRO, you fly to the center
of the workshop and data - data ma_k.
Remain motionless for 5 minutes and
do not fire Jets unless needed and then
data mark again. This is going to be
exciting. Are you starting it?
Dump Tape 239-07
_- Page 12 of 14

CDR Notyet...

239 22 03 17 PLT Okay, he gave a little - uh -

translation up because he is going
down so - uh - he's - uh - not
translating much now. He's in the
E-minute - uh - wait period for -
uh - RATE GYROs - uh - limig cycle
check. A couple of firings right
there. He's translating ever so
slowly upward - a little bit forward.

239 22 04 05 PLT Another firing.

239 22 04 17 PLT Another firing.

239 22 04 40 PLT Firing; one firing.

239 22 05 15 PLT Translating up a little bit, about

3 feet above the crew quarters hatch;
3 to 4 feet. One burst, another burst.

F 239 22 06 02 PLT Okay, he's tranzlated a little forward

now. H_i.s knee_ are above th_ C14Q can:
and his feet are about 4-1/2 feet off
the deck. His attitude hasn't changed,
however - appreciably.

239 22 07 OS PLT Are you timing this, AI? Are you timing
it? Okay - 4-1/2 minutes. He's now at
one burst ; 6 feet above the crew - above
the - uh - deck and - uh - his feet are
directly over - uh - S149 can, and - uh -
he's leaning forward at an angle of
about - uh - 40 degrees, I'd say, and
he_ng for the ... between the dome
lockers and the water tanks. Attitude
has remained - _h - as near as I cau
tell - uh - constant throughout this
entire test. Another firing; another
one ; another one. Firing.

239 22 08 18 PLT Another firing. Two more.

239 22 08 38 PLT Okay, that's the end of the maneuver.

Okay, that's that. Now head movements
for c_ng in. Fly to the center of
Dump Tape 239-07
r'_ Page 13 of lh

the workshop. Did you data mark after

that? Okay, fly to the center of the
workshop and data mark. And you're
going to turn your head slowly left to
right and back three times. Data mark
after each set of head movements.

CDR ...

239 22 09 13 PLT DIRECT.

239 22 09 30 PLT Okay, now you're going to turn your

head - uh - slowly left to right and
back and data mark and do that
three times. Here he goes. Hitting it.
Okay, he did it already. He's going to -
uh - turn his head rapidly left to
right and back three times. Okay, he
did that. Pitch head slowly from down to
up and back. Data m-_k after each one.
I think your supposed to data m_k after
each time you do it. I - That's the way
I read it. Same as that. Ssme way this.
DO this. NO, I think what you'vegot to
do is you do this.

239 22 i0 19 PLT DATA MARK. DATA MARK. That's the way I

read it. Data mark after each set of
head movements. Do it three times and
data mark after each set. I don't know.
What's a set? Okay, sets of three then.
Let's call them sets of three. Okay, head
down and up; down and up and hack; down,
up, back.

239 2_ l0 51 PLT Data mark. Okay, now do it rapidly.

Doing it rapidly. Now he data marks.
Okay. Now - now we're going to set up a
section of the fireman's pole. Okay, O,
now it's time for you to do your thing.
We're ready to set up the Marine instead of
fireman's pole. How far - how far are we
from - uh - AOS?

SPT ... any time ...

239 22 ll 32 PLT Okay, why don't you get set? Okay, I'ii
waltz over here and get the pole. We're
Dump Tape 239-07
#--" Page i_ of lh

not Afk_ yet. We' re going to wait for that.

Just a minute. I'ii read you all the
procedures. Let me get this first. I
get to carry - I get to carry you in
your sheet.

SPT ...

239 22 12 15 PLT Like John Wayne. Okay, we're going to

ID 3 for this. ID 3 is set. Take a pole
section and then install it in the dome.
And CMG's. _4G mode. Okay, you take the
section and install it in the dome and
you data mark. Then you return the -
to pole to the donning station. Cage the

SPT ... Here we come ....

239 22 12 59 PLT Wait a minute, he's not ready. He ain't

ready. Just a minute. Hello, Dick. How
do you read on channel A? Oh, he isn't
gonna hear me anyway. Hello, Dick. How
ao you reaa on channe± A? '_'n_s_s golng
on the VTR.

CC ... are require_ .... All the stations will

1_e configured for down-link TV any time ...
AOS ...

239 22 13 38 PLT We got to get the dome lights off. Just

a m_-ute .... get the lights off, O. Over
here. The dome lights off.


Dump Tape 239-08
Time: 2221-2310 GMT
Page i of 9

239 22 20 5B PLT Tell you what, I'll spin it in this axis, right

PLT If you can - uh - do this kind of a whirly ...

2B9 22 21 04 PUT Okay, there's a very good spin rate going on

it now.

PLT Okay, you can - uh - maneuver to it now. Here

it comes. Can you get above it - above it or
below it, Al? Okay. Alright you can try and
fly underneath it. Now he's going to impart
some sort of rotation to it of his own. Ooh,
that Sun was right in the shop. That pack we're
using is a secondary oxygen pack which is - uh -
we use it - uh - for - uh - our Extra-Vehicular
activity. Strapped on our ... We have a problem
with our oxygen supply system. This little - uh -
pack, in here is - uh - 15 to 20 minutes of
emergency oxygen in it, enough to get us inside
the - uh - workshop to the airlock - uh - in
safe condition. Okay, now he's maneuvering into
the ... station. He wears bump hat in case
.. thin_ get 1_a_ a_ h_+a h_ _o_ _- _em_thing.
Okay, that's - uh takes care of the rescue
maneuver - uh - Okay, okay, space fans, we've
- uh - float a little - uh - TV hop here and
- uh - we're going back on to recorder. We
have - uh - completed our - uh - installation
of the fireman's pole, went along with no
problems. The only other option we could do on
that is to - uh - do the same thing indirect.

CDR ... out of gas ...

239 22 23 09 PLT Okay, I think maybe we're a little bit low

on our - uh - gas sure enough we're at the
bottom of the gr-_en line, wo we're going to
take a break. G_t a GO from Houston to -
install a - uh - third nitrogen - uh - pack.
Do you have something you want to do, Al?

CDR ...

PLT That's right, we need to put it on.

Dump Tape 239-08
. _ Page 2 of 9

CDR ...

PLT Hey we need a go on our third PSS - uh - Dick.

We got a GO, understand7 I can't hear the_,
did he say GO?

239 22 23 50 CC Affirmative.

PLT Okay, thank you Dick. Okay, space fans, we got

a GO to - uh - swap out the - uh - hydrogen supply
so we can - uh - fly one more hop with this
maching. We turned off the camera, we've got a
GO. And - uh -

CDR Al's going to hold them ..,

PLT Uh - well I think 26 volts, A1, is - uh - tolerable.

Right. So - uh - we're going to keep using that
battery. Okay, uh - I've - uh - got this - uh -
valve closed now - uh -

239 22 2_ 37 PLT ACTUATE the Thrusters bleed mAuifold. Okay,

manifold is bled. Oh, let me look here and see

we're supposed to return to pole and donning

station, ... 's _nd CMG's and turn them off, and
install the pole in DIRECT. Okay, that's one
thing we didn't do, okay? Okay, another thirg -
uh - retrieve - uh - object retrievable. Start
this thing tumbling and in RATE GYRO. Fly to it,
match its rotation rate and - uh - get it. Did
you do that RATE GYRO. Supposed to do that in
RATE GYRO and DIRECT. Okay, we got that to do
in RATE GYRO. Uh - you got - uh - 12 minutes to
discretionary. Unless the ground gives a GO for
the third PSS. Uh - we're - you supposed to do a
sug - the suggestion is to - uh - ... m,neuver,
uh - eire inspe¢, aud pitch, whatever that
means. I don't know, circulator inspection
and pitch, I guess. Yeah, fly head first
denning station removing - okay. Fly backward
into the donning station, fly headfirst into
the donning station, remove and replace the -
uh - orbital workshop light - orbital mobile
workshop light, fly to - uh - EVA foot rests.
Move the empty - uh - PSS around, deploy the long
tethers strap, inverted convex, fly around
of empty TO2eontainer held at center of
_-- workshop simulatinga visual inspection of the
Dump Tape 239-08
. _ Page 3 of 9

239 22 26 42 PLT After the stationary dock, supposed to save 850

psi for the kit. Okay. All of those things
are potential.

239 22 27 27 PLT got to go M_tNPOWER OFF for a moment.

239 22 27 39 PLT Okay, space fans, we're changing out the PSS at
the moment, and - uh - that won't take very long
so we'll leave - uh - that main power off. Okay,
we got the that one in the rack. Nice frosty
little deal. Number h, we get out. Got 24
hundred in it .... going here to - SMU. Lock
foot in. Oh, DSS? ...... thing. We cut the
electric. Okay, MAIN POWER ON. Okay, are you
ready? Okay. You all hooked up_

CDR ... Okay, what one of those things you going

to do?

PLT Okay, you're supposed to put up the fireman's

pole in DIRECT, that's not a suggestion, that's
to do it! You're supposed to do it in - uh -
C_4G, also. Oh, you did. Okay. Oh - then you
supposed to do this - uh - _+,,,_1_,g -n_ then
-_ 12 minutes descretionery-you're change - Main

CDR •..

239 22 30 22 PLT Okay, space fans, let me get the camera's on.
I'm going to float out here, and he's going to be
in DIRECT. An,1 - uh - we're going to do this
- uh - man rescue, which is me. Okay. Oh,
tumbling, floating free. Hey, O? You got the
TV going?

239 22 31 16 PLT Okay, he's got - he's got me by the arm. Oh,
the O's ... the TV up? Want to do that again?

239 22 31 46 PLT Okay, here we are, space fans. Wilbur, here's,

getting rescued again. Handle me gentle. I'm
government property, you know. Thataboy. He 's
reseueing me in another mode that time.
Floating me up to the workshop area. Okay -
uh - he's going to perform another task now.
He's going to go over and - uh - work on the
Dump Tape 239-08
• F_ Page 4 of 9

- uh - looks like that fan over there's got to

be repositioned. So he's going to go over and -
uh - work on that fan a little bit with the
maneuver unit. Meanwhile our trusty Cecil B.
DeGarriot is taking. TV. A1 flies over here. He
unhitches the fan from the handrail. He's go
and puts it in a different location somewhere, AI.
Right behind you there's a good handrail.
Immediately behind you. Okay, he drives the fan
over to the new location. As though he were
fixing it. Give O1' Wilber a good blast with
the thruster. Okay, now he gets and hits on the
handrail. Okay, let's - uh - think of another
kind of maneuver.
239 22 33 34 PLT Go down there, AI. Remember, save a little of
that gas for old Wilbur here. Okay, now, he's
going to dust that fan a little hit. Dust the
blades in it. Works on it; okay - puts - hey,

239 22 34 05 PLT Go down and get a PSS down there. Okay, he's
- uh - PSS or - uh - Propelland Supply System,
which is a h_6h pressure bottle full of nitrogen.
And w_ - ,_h - as y_, __n °_ right "_ _- back
-- of the people unit over here, which provedes
the gas for the thrusters. Both of those are used
up) and been emptyed out on an earlier run today_
but he's going to go down and - uh - break cne
loose and - uh - see what he can do with it.

239 22 34 55 PLT That's the thruster firing, because he's in

what we call s RATE GYR0 mode which - uh -
stablizes the attitude and - uh - oh he went -
he's - uh - in DIRECT now, he says - uh - which
is the most gas saving - uh - of the two modes.
• .. good control ... the gyros around ... his
attitude and maintain it for him. Okay, okay,
like a satellite, AI. Okay, he grabs a hold of
his uh - nitrogen supply bottle. Floats that
out in front of him there. You want me to
stabilize it _. Okay, he's got it stabilized.
Looks toward ..._tosses it off the side. Gp
over checklist. Okay, he's tosses it over to
me. Nice - nice pitch.

239 22 36 Oh PLT Handling things is no problem in zero even if

they're big and heave you Just kind of grab

. f-_ Dump Tape 239-08

Page5 of 9

then and move them along at the right speed put

them where they need to be. Heave them into
the location. Okay, space fans, that's the end
of the Orville/Wilbur show today. Orbille's going
• to fly over to the - _h - station where we - uh _-
keep this machine and - uh - he's going to get
old Wilbur do%_ in here and fly it around a little
bit. Save me some. Let me help you into with
that. First thing you want to do is grab a hold
of this dude. That-a-way, A1, I might as well
take this back into the - unh! There you are.
Aboard. You're there. Okay, let me get the DAC's
off- turn the DACs off, turn the recorder off.
We're in the donning station now mud the - uh -
other aviator's going to fly this for a while.


239 22 h8 55 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting ready to

_-" launch the PLT, one Jack Lousma, on a 509 ride.
Everything is set per the instruction. I will
. know - uh - p,_ll the rod in _a ±auncn n_m.
There he is; we'll assist him out of the station.
Wait till he turns arotuud, save your gas. I'll
turn you aroun, % you c8c_ go from there. Boy, it's
easy to handle you. You're about 500 pounds

PLT ...

CDR All right. Put this down. Okay, give it a mark.

He's getting re_dy to mark. Let me check
your pressure. You got 8 to 900; okay. Baseline
maneuver. Okay, he's giving me a mark now. He's
now starting to back up. I notice that he sits-
uh - sits - his - uh - that little seat - that
little rod that you sit on - uh - I notice there's
quite a gap between his tail and back of the
flying unit. He's setting on it. I assume
that's Just norm_lly set. He's making a nice
rotation; flying it DIRECT.

CDR Very, very well restrained in the vehicle now

with that maneuvering system% not moving
around at all. He's real good on it. Don't
forget the data mark, Jack. Okay -
Dump Tape 239-08
: Page 6 of 9

239 22 51 14 CDR DATA MARK. He's up there. He's gonna be turning

around and coming this way in a few minutes ;
What he done. See what we can do about it.

CDR He's in complete control, His legs aren't

wobbling. The vehicle's not - doesn't appear to
have any problems associated with control of it.

CDR Okay, stabilize. Gonna take it very slowly. You

never have the impression for a second there's
anything out of control. Everything's positive,
nothing moves unless the thruster fires. Mostly
you get the feeling that - uh - that everything's
under complete control as he is working the
c ont r ol.

CDR What? He's being slow now; he's halting a little

bit - here he comes, Gave you a data mark. He's
off, Just a little bit of the FMU-Z. He's
Actually, it takes up quite a bit of room in here.
I never realized it until I got up in the dome
watching him fly. He's got about - across the
workshop about - His legs Swings sideways and
in additional other lengths, maybe a little bit
more. So we've had to utilize full expanse of the
J work.qhnp. T_'s- it'_" big cr.cug_ito do Lh_ Job,
but it's certainly not - uh - excessive. Much
bigger area wo_'id desirable, certainly. But
this is adequate. You can do your maneuvering.
Your turning - you as fast as you'd like to go,
I believe. Good thing we put on these - the
helmet and the goggles. The goggles really help
you; l_rtieularly the observer. He quite
frequently getl zapped qith hydrogen, boy. ffe's
gonna give you a data mark. He's at the proper
place. Here he comes ; he starting around the

239 22 55 03 CDR Going around smoothly. Keeping a good distance

from the locker. He's perpendicular to the
locker at all t'mss. He may have to watch his
head because the he's a little bit high.

PLT ...

CDR What?

PLT ...
Dump Tape 239-08
• _ Page 7 of 9

CDR Uh-huh. You better put your thing on your

telescope, it Just blew off. Your camera, right.
It Just blew off. I was Just going to put it
back on. He's now giving me a data mark. He's
at the final ring locker. He'll be returning
to the station.

239 22 57 21 CDR Still got about 200 pounds. That was a good run.
Oh, why don't you deside what you'd like to fly.
Want to give you a t_hle? Huh? Want to fly one
in RATE GYR0 or what?

PLT ...

CDR You - Okay, that's a good idea. He's gonna fly

backwards. Give them a data mark when he changes
his thing. I'll put you on 2. Okay he's gonna
fly the baseline maneuver backwards, l've given
- uh -l've moved the data flag - the I.D. flag
to 2 and flag data, I went to 2. That way,
maybe he'll -

239 22 58 16 CDR DATA MARK he's starting out.

PLT ...

CDR Urn-huh. I think these thrusters would disturb

an attibude system of a MOL satellite. And - I'm
guessing that- uh - if we're gonna on small
satellites, we're gonna end up having to have
the foreward - fireing thrusters not fire
straight foreward, but fire sort of out at an
an@le. Or else we're going to have to be very
careful to apnroach and then come up; something
like that. I guess the real danger would
probably not from you disturbing it it, it's gonna
tend to resist, and it's gonna have rocket
motors on it to resist. But it could fire at you
and burn your suit. So - uh - certainly it's a
consideration in approaching unfamiliar

239 23 01 13 CDR Very smooth. When he fires those short Jets,

it is difficult to tell what ... he puts them
in because ... doesn't change that much ... right
now, he's putting thruster .... maneuver.

• F Dump Tape 239-08

Page 8 of 9

He's slipped a bit foreward on the saddle. I get

the impression that - uh = the saddle needs to
be a little bit longer. Padded it, of course,
today. But it needs to be even more padded than
that. Now he's Just flying around and looks like
he is approaching the _4U-2 inverted. He's
inverted the J-2 maneuver.

CDR Now he's coming Just right the right attitude, the
right height - FMU-2, he's Just gonna fly around

PLT ...

CDR Now he gives a mark. He's headed up there, to

the banjo.

CDR Didn't give him a data mark; he's not giving any
more out.

CDR You running out of gas? Running out of gas, ...

- isthatit?

- _LT ...

CDR Yeah. You're running out of gas. It's io_; - It

was low ... Everything's okay. I'll spin you
around and you can guide yourself into the station.
The ease with which I move him. His tota3 weight
must be near to 5 or 600 pounds and yet I'm Just
directing quite easily.

CC Be advised, the ... S063 ... for your ops tonight

is on board_ in the teleprinter. And ve'r_
sitting here fascinated, watching your TV from -
I guess it was yesterday, on the - uh - bubble
demonstration. And also, we saw the - uh - spider
on TV also, awhile ago.

239 23 05 41 SPT How did the spide/ come out in the transfer?

CC Looked real good. He looked like he was ...

when you let him out there - let her out there.

SPT ... as a matter of fact he got out and crawled

over my hand - tried to get him in the cage there.
• _ _imp Tape 239-08
Page 9 of 9

239 23 05 58 CDR Look at how I can stop you. Yeah, stop you with
one hand. Wait a sedond, I've got to get off these
arras °

CC The - uh - bubble demonstration, also, is quite

interesting to us.

SPT Actually, I can do better. I've figured out a

way now to get a bigger bubble using a large
hypodermis with a needle on the end so that it
will not run around the edge .... see if we can't
get a bigger water bubble.

239 23 06 23 CC I understand. Looks like one of the problems

was trying to get the bubble disassociated from
the ...

239 23 06 30 SPT Yeah, that's true. And that, ... gets wet then
it keeps running down the side of the straw
instead of sticking to the end of it.

CC Roger.

_'_-" Dump Tape 239-09
Time: 2216 to 2305 GMT
8L28/73 .....
_ Page i of 2

239 22 16 05 PLT Flying back pack. He's gonna fly it the direct
mode this time. He's - uh - taking the fireman's
pole loose and he's gonna fly back down to another
location and start over and - uh - do the same
thing in a different control mode. He's gonna
fly down there direct and you notice - uh - in
these ... moments, he needs 3 herds to do but
he's - uh - managing quite well. We wear goggles
in here for this operation because ... has been
blown around and we don't want to get this in our
eyes, plus we get a good ... of that - uh - thruster
in our eyes which is uncomfortable. Fly down here
to the donning station, AI. Okay, that's fine.
The way you're going is great. Huh?

239 22 16 55 PLT Okay, we're going to perform another stunt here

for the TV audience. Wilbur here is gonna go over
and float in space and he's gonna come rescue me.
Okay. Here's Wilbur floating out free in space.
See if I can't stop myself with this cord. Here
I am free, really floating in space. Okay, l'm
float - l'm floating freely in space. He grabs
f up, come on Orville. That a boy. He got me. Okay,
he saved life for me. Now see if YOU can take -
gonna take me up to the hatch. Now, he's moving
but I'm not. Okay, he's got a hold me. How he's
gradually - uh - etting me to move, too. That
a boy Orville. Just like in the good old da>s.

239 22 18 15 PLT Okay, its working very nicely. He's - uh - m_n-

euvering me up to the hatch along with bim_e] f.
So - uh - he's been able to rescue me from a free
floating attitude. Uh - guess they wish they had
one of these in 20001. Okay. Thank you. Nice
going. I feel as though I've been rescued. Okay,
now - uh - we can do the same things as we did
before direct but - uh - maybe there'd be some-
thing that would be more interesting to the
space -, space fans out there, Orville.

239 22 18 57 PLT Okay, I've got a package, down here, of film.

Okay, we won't use the film, we'll use this uh -
used up - uh - emergency oxygen supply pack.
It's called the SOP, secondary oxygen pack.
Dump Tape 239-09 _
Page 2 of 2

239 22 19 21 PLT Okay, what I'm going to do, soon as I get

down here, is to take a hold of this - uh -
oxygen pack and rotate it in a very slow
manner, and see if - uh - AI can match it's
rotation. How would you like that, roll
or a pitch? Okay, let's try it this way.
How about that fast? Okay, we'll do it
about that fast.

239 22 19 57 PLT Okay, there it is. It's rotating. He's

going to try to ro - Okay, I'm going to
let it go. He thinks hes thruster's gonna
make him move. It probably is when he
hits it.

239 22 20 08 PLT It's rotating. He's flying up to it. He's

got nice attitude there. Now he's gonna
try to match its rotation rate as much as
he would in a formation flying with an
airplane. In - uh - formation acrobatics,
f forexample.

239 22 20 21 PLT Okay, he doing quite well. Translating

along with it. He's blowing it away
right now. Okay, he can rotate with it
-uh - quite satisfactorily, but he
blows it away with his trusthers. Okay,
he's going to stabilize b_m_elf in the
center of the workshop. Okay, we'll try
that again.

239 22 20 45 PLT I have to get down here and ... stable other-
wise I can't give it a good - uh - rotation.

239 22 20 56 This time segment duplicated verbatium

to within Dump Tape 239-08.
239 23 06 O3


.............................. L
Dump Tape 239-10
Time : 2119-2214 @4T
/-_ 8127173
Page i of i

239 20 15 35
239 22 ]3 38 SPT This time segment duplicated
verbatim within Dump Tape 239-07.

239 22 13 52 SPT Okay, space fans. Here's another

installation of - uh - Orville and
Wilbur show. A1 Bean is - uh - flying
the M509 backpack. His - uh - objective
is - uh - to take this one section of
our fireman's Dole, which we don't use
any more, because we don't need it, to
get back and forth and install it in it's
location near the - uh - orbital workshop
hatch. 0wen Garriott is the - uh - uh -
TV man on this occasion. And A1 is trans-
lating upward, looking upward to where
he's going to install this firem_n's

239 22 14 27 SPT The fireman's pole comes in four dif-

ferent sections;and, traditionally,we

upper hatch with the - uh - lower hatch

so we could translate back and forth.
It's a distance ef - uh - roughly - uh -
25 feet.


/' IAmmTaue
00_8-0223 G_I'

Page 1 of 21
240 00 47 58 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and this information
is for the 509 interested individuals, some
people like Bruce McCandless - uh - Ed Whitsett
Lou Rsmon. I'm going to defrief the 509
run today, and I'm gonna use Just the checklist
that you sent up. Incidentally, I th$ught
that was well done. It allowed us to- - uh -
to get on with the pro@Tam instead of trying
to figure out how to -uh - get it implemented
into the checklist. We Just pasted it over
rough 1 and - uh - Just did it. Jack read _t
and I did it, and then he read the next one and
I did the next one. An excellent - uh -
write up good team. By the way, I want to
mention one thing else about this run. One
of the things that I found distasteful in
a way about 509 is that you do the same thing
over and over and over and over again. You
fly the baseline maneuver a bunch of times
on some runs - uh - my suggestion would
be - uh - something similar to this. I
flew the basline maneuver twice and - uh -
then dld a b1_n_h of o_ _q,!e tb!n_z. It
seems to me that's wehat you could do for
Jerry. Count on a few more runs with him
and then don't shave so many haslines at
him all at once. Do a maximum of three and
then quit that sort of thing, and do some
- uh - crewman rescue, and - uh - some flying
upside down or - uh - tumble recoveries and
try to - uh - give a little more variety to
it. It - it makes it a lot better and I
think the data is much more - uh - meaning
ful, too.

240 00 _9 21 CDR Okay, let's Just start right at the first.

CG off set - uh - w - I put the - uh - SOP
down in my - uh - ankles, tied it on tight,
I honestly couldn't tell the dirfference that
it was there. Now I suspect that you'll be
able to by - uh - thrusters that fired as a
result of certain maneuvers hut - uh - it -
it didn't have any effect on - uh - the operator
DIRECT was Just as easy to fly as it ever
was, and the others were - uh - uh - uh -
Think that's all I did fly wasn't it, DIRECT?
D_mp Tape 240-01
Page 2 of 21

No sweat, it was a nothin. Oh - you couldn't

tell it - uh - because you don't - uh - pay
that much attention, you put it in the
control, if you need another one you put it in;
_fou don't have to think about it. That's
what makes (cough) DIRECT such a good mode,
you Just fly it as youneed it. Touch and go.
Funny, I've changed my opinion of touch and
go. Since there's no maneuver here, hardly,
that you don't either have to stop - Well,
let me give you an example, you're going
to the banjo and then somewhere else. You
got to stop at the banjo Just to
- Just stop. And - uh - since your rates
aren't very much anyhow - uh - It's almost
like a touch and go with Just a regular
maneuver. You got to stop at FMU 2 because
you're on your side going one direction; you
got to end up going up the other so you end
up stopping. And same way with - uh - 40h and
4 - uh - 32 - uh - lockers. You don't - uh -

_. you have to stop that direction, so the touch

and go really doesn't apply, in a way. I
mean you can Co it, but i_m not sure tna_ 1_'s
going to show you much different in the way
of - of data. You can fly this thing as tight
as you want her or as loose as you rant. It
evidenced by the fact - when you wanted me go to
the center of thr workshop and stop all ...
I went there and stopped and I didn't hardly
move for 6, 7 minutes. But anyhow, let's
go on. Oh - I flew it in rate gyro and it
- uh - ... MY feeling would be that - that
that maneuver ought to be replaced by - uh -
some other maneuver that - that uh - uh -
I mean sc_e other criteria that you have. It
Just isn;t that much different.

240 O0 51 27 CDR Tumble recovery - tried those. Tumble recovery

was a little harder than I thought it was going
to be, not because - uh - the thrusters didn't
have the authority that I thought they did,
but because you got a small space in - in
this vehicle with this rounded domw =-
somethimes you think you're rotating, and
you're really translating. So maybe if you
_ analze some how those thruster inputs I made -
or hand controller inputs, I might of made so_e
t ,

Dump Tape 240-01

Page 3 of 21

that weren't really useful. I finally heat

the system simply by hand controlling to my
rates of stop and then used my translational
controller to stop translation. In any event,
it wasn't difficult; very simple. Now one
thing that puzzled me a bit, I thought that
I'd have a very difficult time with the HHMU
in tumble recovery. And so I asked Jack to
give me smaller rotations, which he did.
You'll probably - you'll see that on the film.
But I had no trouble at all, in - uh - the
unsuited mode. You know it's easy to fly
that thing in the unsuited mode. As you
probably can see on TV, I stopped it, I
flew back to where he was - uh - held
attitude. You know the hard part about the
BI{MU is holding precise attitude. And if
you Just let yourself flop around like you
do when you're trying to stop tumble recovery,
in other words, Just stop a general uncontrolled
_ operationit's sor_ of simple. And if you want
to get somewhere and not fly very precisely,

fly your front of your - right quarter your -

you know, towards your right hand sort of .
You can - you can get anywhere you want.

2h0 00 52 53 CDE I wouldn't want to take it outside, don't

ge me wrong, but it's not that difficult
unsuited. Suited is a different story.
For the reason, you can't move your hand,
and for the other reasons that it ... off
your suit. So tumble maneuvers were - were
kind of interesting.

240 00 53 08 CDR Tracking CMG - uh - CMGs were not up to

speed when we started again so I did a rate
gyro maneuver first. And I wasn't really
paying attention, I let my attitude drift
towards the end. So Y did the CMG back
an_, then the rate gyro back again. And - uh -
no trouble - it were - they were wasy and may-
be you'll get the ... there, I - I don't
know. Drift checks - I thou@ht they were
interesting in that the CMGs held pretty
_ good, but the rate gyros fired slot. In
fact, I'd tend to kind of doze off for a minute
or two and all of a sudden one of them would fire
an_ it Jerked me out of there - wake me up.
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240 O0 53 41 CC Skylab, Houston, we're AOS at Honeysuckle for

about a miunte and a half. Then - uh - CDR,
to Houston.

CDR I'ii be off the comm for a minute.

240 00 56 29 CDR Okay, back on channel A. We're still talking

about M509. Uh - uh - no more remarks. I'ii
tell you one thing happened. I can't re -
I don't think it was this _maneuver but
another maneuver, I sneezed, and boy did the
rate gyro fire - attitude - uh - thrusters.
I think that's been the most it's fired as
a result of any single thing I've done up
here. l've held on to the handrails in rate
gyro and as long as l'm very careful, nothing
fired. Same- thing with CMGs and - uh - boy
when I sneezed it really set that thing off.
By the way, I found that if you're Just careful
and use a light touch, you can hold on when you'r
in CMG mode, you can - uh - hold on when you're
- uh - in rate gyro mode; it doesn't seem to
bother it. But I prefer - uh - DIRECT because
then when you get there you Just grab
and move around and nothing happens.
Then when you get ready to go, you
kind of shove off and you do direct to - uh 0
work properly.

240 00 57 27 CDR By the way, I gave you an extra minute of

that - uh - limih cycle because I was
drifting downward to begin with so I
fired an up at about one minute. So
then I let it drift - uh - so you got
a full period there, I tb_n_. Head
movements - as I can see they had
no e - no effect. I moved em - fast,
slow and everythirg else and nothing
happened, that I could see. Fireman
pole set- up was easy. Now - uh - I
may have cheated here and didn't mean
to, because I think this is how you'd
work out - I flew up there with a pole
and then when I got there I reached
up with my hand to connect it.

Ik,np Tape 240-01

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240 00 58 01 CDR Now hen I was working in the CMG MODE, I

went ahead and left it in CMG. I knew that
wasn't right, and - But I thought maybe
that's what you wanted me to do, because
naturally you'd switch to DIRECT while
you're there - you only use this thing
to get there. And - uh - of course
when I did it DIRECT there was no problem.
But you may notice firings during CMG
mode holding on when I was connecting and
that's on on purpose, because I thought
maybe that's what you were interested
in. Easy Job, no sweat. I went over
and grabbed Jack for TV, that's easy,
it fires a little bit, much easier than
- uh - CMG cause you don't have to
hod attitude as you fly along with him.
But I tried it direct later, and of
course that was simple too. Direct
is becoming more and more obvious how -
how much superior it is to - to the other
_" modes as far - uh - ease of - uh - gas
saving and for ... of _ettin_ around, as
far as the fact that you don't have
to do anything when you get to a place and
want to hold on _ud - It Just has all
sorts of advantages. I'm - I'm - I'm
moving it up even higher than I have been,
to tell you the hruth, as far as desirability.

240 O0 59 06 CDR Uh - which tumble object received - now

that was an interesting one. Because - uh -
it turned out that we used the SOP, we didn't
want to have the 52 film out, it's pretty
valuable stuff now. We got a couple hundred
hours invested in it and - uh - here's
no way to make it up - A couple of flares
and things on there and - uh - coronal
transients and things. So - uh - what
we did was use the SOP. And one thing I
found out with that light object, when
you - when you - when you try to go up
near it it brakes so you can rest near it
- it kicks it away with thrusters. And
what we're going to have to do, if that's
a plan someday,is eitherto maneuver
under it and then come up or over it
and come down or something to that effect.

D_np Tape 240-01

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Or even - uh - better might be to o•. the

thrusters slightly so that you can come
right up to an object _ud the thrusters
would fire beside it. _, on second
thought, I don't like that because
you'd never know how big the object
would have to be to - to fit the situation.
I think you could learn to maneuver up
to it, it might be an interesting thing
for Jerry to practice. Or if we run 509
again, which I wouldn't mind a bit, I
wouldn't mind having Jack run a three
•.. if he could get it.

240 01 00 l0 CDR He's - uh - he flew that thing awfully

well today and I think if - uh - if he
flew it for you a couple more times,
you could get some excellent data.

240 01 00 18 CDR He's - uh - got a lot of skill and

he knows all the different techniques.
Uh - I really think that would be a

can do. By the way the - uh - One of

the questions you asked was about the
padding on -'uh - uh - the seat• We
put some Mozite on there today, and I
think it's enough. If not, I'll put
a little bit more on there. New straps -
I - I think you o_ght to invent a set of new
straps for Jerry - uh - to learn to
build some that are - that are - uh -
not Just ... for a mameuvering unit.
Now if you don't to do that because
of weight, cost and hte like, go
ahead and use these' they're satisfactory.
But it seems to me that's one of the
- uh - th - one of the things you
ought to improve. My recomendation
would be ( cough ) invent a new
system of straps - have him come up
here and put them on. Let him fly
'em see if we can build some good ones,
this is a cluge that works. But we ought
to - you ought - It seems to me that
_ that's one of the problems• We all have
used the soft ear plugs every time; plenty
of 'em left.
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240 Ol 01 19 CDE Uh - I think l've answered the

questions you sent up, I believe. Okay,
uh - So anyhow then I tried to match
the rotational rate of the object, it
was tumbling too fast and I kicked it
away. But for a satellite, I believe
you cluld easily do it. And if not,
you could rch out and grab it and let
it turn you, or you could - uh - you could
- uh - grab it and hold attitude, either
way. But satellites are bigger and - I
don't think you're going to have any
problem. Seems to me that that was
a - that was a good test. But - uh -
I don't know. I went around and
- uh - Couldn't change light
bulbs the light bulbs are hard
to get out here even when yot_r not in
a m_ueuvering unit. So I Jsut moved
the fan, quite easy. This m-neuver
unft is real fine for getting around.
We did the ... here. We didn't
dO the circular inspectinn_ _a _+_
It seemed too simple and all of that - that
sort of thing - like the roll was - I
don't think it does much to help you a
whole - if it does, well then we'll
do it next time and - and ask Jerry to do

240 01 02 21 CDR Fly head first to the Donning Station.

Uh - I Just flew to the Donn - uh - stopped I
I've flown it in backwards, forwards and -
uh - I don't know.

240 01 02 31 CDR Fly to EVA - into EVA foot restraint - could do

it easily; didnt do _t - it's - Move MPTSS around;
did that just to s-_e- as you cem see it's easy
• and quite simple. The Poly long tether strap -
I should have done that, I didn't read that; that
would have been a good thing to do. If we fly it
again, we'll deploy a long tether, and - uh -
This inverted convex flyaround - I wanted to give
Jack some time, so we gave it to him. He flew
it well. He might have some things, I'll ask
him to drbrief it, but essentially that was a
good run. We ought to think about flying Jack,
if we can. I'm not sure we shouldn't think about
giving Owen one ride.
w .

• Dump Tape 240-01

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240 Ol 03 07 CDR For the simple reason that he hasn't

trained on it at all. He knows how to
fly airplanes and spacecrafts and we
ought to try out and see how a guy
does fresh in this unit. I guess
he'll fly it like - uh - he knows
what he 's doing. In fact, I 'm not sure
that maybe what we - shouldn't do,
instead of flying Jack, we should get
one more - two more - we should get
2 flights. The first one should be
to fly 0wen. Get him to fly all these
m_neuvers - Cold, in direct, rate gyro
and CMG. I think that would he one
of the best things you could do. And
next, we get - uiu - Jack to fly
and - uh I think _u'd get some real
good data. Both of those to me are -
are useful things. We have the time up
here. We're looking around for things
f_ to do and it would give you sc_e ex-
cellent data. It would also show you
what differe__._ __r._ that uh
simulator up at Martin makes ; my
guess is not much. And it would give yo
a piece of real data to show what
that simulator is worth instead of
all of our guesses about it.

240 01 03 59 CDR My guess is 0wen could fly the heck

out of it.

240 01 04 02 CDR Okay, that goes to 509 interested

•.. people - Bruce McCandless -
uh - Ed Whitsett and Lous Ramon.
CDR out.

240 01 30 57 SPT Okay, we're all set up on cb_nel a

here for another S063 run.

CC Two things, first of all ...

SPT You got about a minute and half to -

uh - two minutes before the first -
uh - run. And it's going to be a
62 unit angstrumfilter,which I
have selected. I have 66 F1.2
Dtmlp Tape 240-01
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focus in infinity, got the double -

UV we got the double visible
filter on the front - 6300 65 77.
I am now selecting 16 seconds. Now,
as I was setting up I took one frame
inadvertantly -the frame count is
now 24. We're now down to 24 at the

240 01 32 07 SPT Could be 23 depending on the way

you look at it.

Du_ Ta_e 2_0-01
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2_00l 32 12 SPT Okay, we're waiting on 33:30. That's

aSout a minute and a half away, about
a m_nute away. And we're now looking
- uh - for the horizon. We had a good
•one there until the Sun _ust went
down. Now we're got a - Just be_nning
to pick up the airglow.

2_ 01 32 29 CC I might could get in here hefore I leave

you, though.

SPT Just beginning it's pick up the airglow.

CC You mentioned before finishing up some

coolant loop chase - coolant loop leak
h_mting and we've about decided that
we've done about All the chasing of the
coolant loop leaks that we _hlnk is
profitable. And the other question you
asked was, '_en did the _qU fail
and were the cal runs you made good?"
_ The answer is the cal runs were - were
not academic. There were good, and

first push-off of the data run. So

I'll call you a_ Bermuda.

SPT Okay, it does look like the - uh -

baseline is ab_,t on the Earth's
horizon. And the - uh - the dash
line is Just about at the airglow
level, which, of course, it ought
to be. Okay, we're waiting on the 33:30,
coming up in Ju_ a few seconds.
We may not be able to see the airglow"
well enough to monitor on it. We'll
give it a try. A_l, if you could get
the lights out down there, I'd
appreciate it.

2_0 i0 33 37 SPT Very _ horizon, and it's a very

dim airglow is what I should be
ssylng. There's too much scattered
light in the .,. Going to give it
airy here.
! .

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240 01 33 48 SPT MARK. First exposure.

2_0 01 3_ 05 SPT And that's the end of that exposure.

It is not too good, but I turned it Just
about the right rate, so I think that
it might have held fairly steady.
Next one's at 36 and it's a 5577.
0kay, I'm switching the filters. I've
got 5577 selected. And that is a
32-second exposure; going to 32 on the
timer. And waiting for 36 and hoping
that scattered light gets on out of the
telescope. I see the problem. We're
looking right behind the solar array.
The solar array is illuminated. It's
got a lot of holes in it. That scatters
light into the front of the ...

2_0 01 34 41 CC ... We'll have you for about 5 m_nutes here.

240 01 3_ 56 CC Stand by. Skylab, Houston. When you

get a _h=nce, we'd like to - uh -
verify that you have term4-ated the
t_ rlil anG leI_ "the relxer valves

CREW ...

CC kay, good.

240 01 35 Ii SPT Still a very uneistinet airglow.

Tell When it's in the field of view,
but yoU can't really ma_e out a
clear airglow layer.

SPT Well, we have about a half a minute

yet before the - exposure is scheduled.

2_0 01 35 36 CDR r&ay, it's termitnated now, Dick.

Let me mention something about this
o0oland leak. Ya'll sent a procedure
up last week. It was about three
p_es long, and we only got through
about the first page and a h,l_. And
I'm not pushing to go through the
other page and a half, hut I wanted to
-_ w,ke sure that you're aware we never

'_'pe 2_0-01
Pa_e 12 of 21

completed the procedure you sent up.

We - what we did was look around all
the lines - -

SPT by.
C_R - - up here in the S_S, tool sieve,
the heat exchanges, behind the AM fan -
the li - MDA fans. We didn't Eo
back at the aft heat exchangers and
whatever else is on the rest of that

Ol 36 z6 MARK.

CO ... stand by 3ust a second, please.

SPT Start of the exposure, the second one.

2_00l 36 36 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about to go into

a keyhole here at Bermuda for a mlnute,
_ and then I'll e-]_ you when we get back
ent. And. A1. ve - _ 81"e awa're "kha't
you only completed a partial part of
that original message and I've - -

2_0 01 36 _9 SPT End of exposure. And that was not

& very good one because there's still
- uh - light on the solar array, And
whenever the solar array is in direct
illumination, it scatters an awful lot
of light into tLe AMS. Next exposure's
at 38:30, 6300. Switching filters tO
6300. And waltinE on - uh - 38: 30.
This is also a 32-second exposure.

2_0 01 37 32 SPT Got another m_-ute. Ah, fortunately

the Sun is now set, so we ought to be
able to get some better exposures now.
38:30; 32 seconds. That's a good thine
to take note of down there on the sround.
As soon an the spacecraft gets into the
sha_lov or if _.h=t liEht Is :lOt on the
AMS - Oh, yeah, we got a much better
horizon now - a much better airglow layer.
And from this point on we ought to
give - uh - he able to give - uh - pretty
reasonable -- uh - distinct as we have been.
Tape 240-01
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Okay, got about 15 seconds.

240 01 38 32 SPT Stand by.

240 01 38 36 SPT _RE. The beginning.

240 01 39 09 SPT Mark me in and that was a good exposure.

That was good all the way around. I
was holding right on top of the airglow
layer, and I don't think I differed
more than 10 killometers from the correct
spot. It - uh - looks real good.
And it - uh - loaks llke - uh - stars
extinguish - uh - as they should before
the_ get to the Earth's horizon. They
begin to twinkle down around 30 killometers.
_n - 50 killcmeters - uh - as _ recall
there is still s_ething _/ke 1 percent
of the refraction left. And - uh - we
didn't get, enough, atmospheric turhulance,
at any rate.

SPT to see the scattering and - uh - the -

uh - twinkling. The next one is a _I and
it's a 5577 photo. 5577 selected.
And that's also a 6_-second exposure.
Selecting tha_ on the timer. Got 1
minute to go. "_ep, these latter exposures
ought to be qui_e a bit better because
the - uh - airglow layer is so much
more distinct.

240 01 40 40 SPT Usually the AMS mirror is centered

off - uh - sort of like an ellipse,
which is that's what it should be,
to one side. It now has a focal - uh -
focus of the el14pse is about in the
center of the crosshairs, and then
the - uh - two legs are being lifted
to out tows_d - uh - 1 o'clock end
4:30. Stand by.

240 01 41 ii SPT MARK. The heg_-ing of the exposure.

2_0 01 41 24 SPT Nice and steady. Just a little bit

of a rotation to the _-_ge now. NOw too
_ much. That tape helps the - uh - stability.

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240 01 42 18 SPT End of exposure. Okay, I think that

was a good one, too. And the last
one here at 43:30 to 6300 angstroms.
Red. Okay, 43:30 still a minute away.
I'd be interested in the PI cogent
as to where or not they think
i0 killometer - uh - Jitter is about
- uh - what he was expecting as far
as stability is concerned, whether or
not that's - uh - about the - uh -
level of - uL - perturbation that - uh -
was hoped for, or at least expected,
when using this instrument. It's
possible that I'Ii he able to get a little
bit better. There is an amount of 0JT
associated with this.

240 01 43 26 SPT Can see ways to _-vlmize the amount of

horizon available by - uh - adjusting
the - uh - tilt of the mirror. Boy.'
F These are some bright constellations out
there now. Okay, here we go. Stand by.

240 01 44 02 Sl°T MARK it.

MC Anybody, Sic/lab This is urgent.

240 01 44 34 SPT I'll he down in Just a minute.

CDR ... give those guys a little help

down there.

MC I'll tell you. This is the guy that's

trying ... with one motto to go all the
way around his world and that is Get
em back healthy: Their wives are
waiting. How y'il doing?

CDR Everybody's doing great. Jack Just

finished an A_ pass and Owen's on
S073 in his airlock module night pass ...

240 Ol 45 i0 SPT End of exposure. Okay, and that was

the last exposure for the sunset
_usiness. 43:30, 41 - that's right. Little
late getting her started.
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MC - - And I beard you talking about

the fact that you and Jack plan to
do with the - uh ... -

SPT And the next one is at about 51.

SO, I'll go off the tape recorder
here for a few m_nents and then be
back. It's only about 5 mt-utes.
I'll get set up for it now at 6300.

2_0 0J 50 07 SPT Okay, we're back c_ the recorder

here, 1 minute to go to the next run.
Fifty-one minutes after the hour is
what we want, a 6300 exposure. We do
have 6300 selected, we are on 6_ seconds.
I better find the horizon.

SPT Okay, there'd be all right.

SPT Stand _.

2_0 01 51 13 SPT MARK. First exposure.

SPT Okay, at this point we either have

extra reflection, a little bit of
aurora, but it night eve_ be a reflection.

SPT Yeah, I tblnk that's a reflection, no

aurora. Looking in the wrong direction,

2_00l 52 19 SPT MARK, the end of that exposure. Next

one is at 5_.

SPT 577 is selected. And another 6M-second

exposure. It c_aes off at 5_ minutes.
Still a minute and a half - _l,_st.
Sure wish there was more of the berizo_
than is visible in this - uh - little

CC _ylab, Houston. I've got you for about

i0 seconds before we go LOS. We'll see
you at Honeysuckle at C_:29. And fc_ A1,
we believe the mistake in in the checklist
is that - it - it should read: There are
a total of three flexures for FMU. And
that would moke a tots/ of six ... Over.
Dump Tape 240-01
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CDR Okay. I tb_nk we know what to look for

then .... - -

SPT Fifty-four is the right time. And we have

about 15 seconds to go.

sPT Stand by.

240 01 54 08 SPT MARK. Beglnn_ng of the exposure.

240 01 55 16 SPT MARK. The end of the exposure. And

that should have been a good one.
Good _ell defined airglow. And
retracted nice and smoothly. _:01,
7 minutes later. I want a 6300. Okay.

SPT Yesh, it's essential to have the

erosshairs ill,,_-ated here, else it
could not see the dark crosshairs
sgainst the very faint airglow. So it
makes it the all more important that if
this experiment is right o_ SL-_, that

for this viewfinder or sight.

240 01 57 39 SPT Still standing _, for for shout another

3 minutes or so here antil 02:01.
Canlng up on 58 now. In fact I really
want to wait until 0_ :01 :30.

SPT Okay, I'm going to try to ... that

other rotation anRle - 300, 120.

SPT I see lots of stars. I don't see any

horizon, over there around 120.

240 01 59 41 SPT Okay, now there's the horizon that

sweeps through. And that's at a
rotation of 327. And we ass_e the
reciprocal of that would he a possibility.
I don't know - don't know for sure.
Three - maybe not - 327, I see the
horizon, the airglow there. Okay,
there's the reversed horizon. And that
does show up about 199. So, it doesn't
_- affect your pad. However, I coul_ do it
either way. It doesn't make any difference.
I'll leave the horiz0_ right here. It's
Dump Tape 240-01
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com4_g up on - I got about a minute

- 02:01:30 is about a minute away. And
I did 6300 augstrcms, 6_ seconds. Set.
That is right.

SPT Stand by.

2_0 02 01 45 SPT MARK, beginning of the exposure.

SPT And-

2_0 02 02 53 SPT MARK. That's the end of that exposure.

And I think it was a pretty good one
also I would estimate there is no more
than i0 kilameters. And I was really
mem_D.g plus or mt_ttS.

SPT i0 kilometers, and I think I beat that

a little hlt. I think it may be some place
better a plus or minus 5 and a plus or
_- minus i0. 02:03. Next was 02:04, 15577.
Okay, the last 6_-sccond exposure.

SPT Stand by.

2_,0 02 0'_ 05 SPT MARK. The beginning of that exposure.

240 02 05 12 SPT End of exposure Okay, I'm begJnn_ug to

see some noticeable tilt in the horiz -
or rotation, during the course of the
64 seconds. My guess is it might have
been 5 degrees. It did not try to correct
for it. Okay. Next exposure is
02:06:30, 6300 angstroms. And we drop
to 32.

SPT Ckay, 06:30. About 15 seconds off.

SPT Stand by.

2_o 02 o6 _,l SPT MARK.

2_0 02 07 15 SPT End of exposure= And that looked 1"I_c

it went pretty well, too. Okay, the
next one is at 9 and 32 seconds, 5577.
_-_ Hope the sun doesn't come up too early
Tape 2_0-01
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and hit those solar panels. When

it hits the solar panels, we're
_ust about out of business. Scatters
too much light inside the AMS. That's
something that you all can put on the
pad, or work out before you send the
pad up. And unless you're pretty
confident of getting something, I think
it'd probably be better to leave off -
Oh, oh, there comes the Sun. Sun is on the
arrays right now. And I can see the
light in the - uh - AMS structure itself.

2_0 02 08 19 SPT And when the horizon moves, as I

change the rotation on the AMS, I can
then see the hand. But when it's
stable, you don't see the movement. It's
very difficult to follow and -_e sure
you're actually on an horizon. We've
got 30 seconds here. We're on a 32-second

2_0 O_ 09 13 SPT MARK. Very, very indistinct. I have

to really Just turn the crank at what I
think to be the appropriate rate.

2_0 02 09 _6 SPT End of exposure. And I wouldn't count

on that one at all. Once the Sun is on
the solar aray, there's not much hope.
I can see now when I move the tilt
rotation - bare_.y discernible airglow
there. We were about on it, hut - uh -
still wouldn't give it much. We'll try
one 16-second exposure at 11:30. That's
going to be 63 hundred.

SPT Oksy, we've got about half a m_-ute.

Better see if I -.ansee anyth_-g at all.
No wa_ ... airglow - horizon. Only a
grash. Yeah, I think that's it right
there. Okay, let's drive the old tape
.... Cranking away.

2}_0 (_ II 32 SPT HARK.

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240 02 12 51 SPT End of exposure. Okay, that c_pletes

the run. Now, there is no indication,
as far as I can tell visually that
airglow is any brighter as we approach
sunrise or as we depart sunset. And
so these shorter exposure are pres,,_ble,
not much difference to the intensity of
the airglow there, although, there is certainly
a lot of light scattering in from
the solar array. And so, its my
recommendation that you eliminate any
sightings that are made when the
spacecraft is ill,_nated by the Su_.
Because, the solar array is sitting out
here Just a matter of 5 degrees or so.

2_0 02 12 31 SPT The end of the array is not more t_n

5 degrees off the centerline of this
telescope. And the solar aray is like the
some holes and slits - slots in it, and it
f-- Just scatters ,11 sorts of light into
the AMS. So, I would not rely on any of

wasting film, you'd probably ought to

eliminate them under those circumstances.
So, aside from _hat, once again I think
this run went _:11, and I'd appreciate
any comments you would have about the
stability, and any other comments relative
to the way the run was performed. This
message goes to the PIs of S063 and to
Wally Teague and Jack Lew.

240 02 13 16 SPT End of message frc_a the SPT.

240 02 1_ 40 SPT And there is one more comment to be

made relative to S063. This is the
SPT again. Please add it onto my last
sot of information - that's the number
of frames r_-_ning. There are 12, 12 frames
remaining in Nikon 02, on PD 14
cassette at the end of today's operation.
That concludes the one first run of the
_11 f. - to a large F stop, _,alX
operture setting. We'd have to call a
_ practice run, I hope. I posted two
good runs this evening. I assume that
they're good. And I have no reason to
believe that they didn't come out well.
Tat,e 2_)-01
Page 20 of 2].

2_0 02 15 20 _ End of addition _om SF_.

2_0 02 20 5_ PI_T Good evening, space fans. This is

,Jack. on channel A. The subject is
ATM. Debriefing for the lost run,
which was beginning at 00:ST. I ran
off your J0P 6, step 1, building
blocks 1A and 1B, and you didn't _111
that rev up very yell, because I had
a lot of time left over. And so I
went htmting around for a - a_rthing ...

2k0 02 21 19 PLT Started out by whistling past s_e of the

active regions and out to the limb. I thought
l @ould do some shopping list items
and started picking an the limb. I tried
the vest limb because, from the x_r
monitor, that looked like it'd he the
most interesting. And when I got
over there, I didn't find any significant
/__ prominences, _lthough I did find so_ethtJlg
that appeared unusual to ms, and so I

2b.O 02 21 1;.5 PLT I noticed - in %he limb hrigtening area

on H-Alpha or in the space - boundaz_
between the inner limb and the outer
limb, I noticed - uh - tow - %th - hot
spots, "_o very bright points, Or two
relative_r bright points an_ay, in H-
Alpha. And they were right next to each
other. And - uh - I - oh - had never seen
this before and, in fact, hadn't
heard anything about them. So, I komed
in on them _th - oh - uh - a m_er 1
_tect, Or - uh - _th grating _ zeroes.
And found out that, in fact, it was a
bright hot spot, and it wa_'t very big,
but I m able to-oh -to-oh -
sight in on it. And Z noticed Chat the
- uh - difTerence in magnitude vas -
s_r, on the oFder of a factor of 20 cr
30 measures and - uh -. Just - .h -
the limb or Just off the 14_b.

2_0 02 22 _3 PLT And - uh - so - uh - I d_d a modified

- _h - shogping l_st item on that. I
did an active 1 long for _ and - uh -
Dump Tape 240-01
Page 21 of 21

I did a grating auto scan on detector I.

And then I also did a - uh - a mirror line
scan at the grating position 1941.
I left 82B out of this because I got
the impression they're trying to save
a little film. Although they may have
been interested, I felt that they
probably would rather save the film.
And - uh - if that's not the case,
they better let us know.

240 02 23 20 PLT Dh - the exae_ point was as follows. The

roll was m!nus _200. It was up, a plus 735,
and a left, 610.

2_0 02 23 31 PLT So I had a little time left over after

that and I whistled down to - -

240 0_ 23 42 PLT - - and homed in on that, too, with

about the s--_ - uh - strategy. The
hot spot was right near the - uh -
_ the - uh - two _Ii spots in the - uh -
in the plage - uh - in the two - two
black spots in the plage.

240 02 23 59 PLT And - uh - and - uh - I got a reading

of somewhere up around -

Dump Tape 240-02
Time: 0223-0223 GMT
Page i of i

2h0 02 23 h2 PLT and homed on it, too, with - uh - about the

same - uh - strategy. The hotspot was - uh -
right near the -uh - the - uh - two small
spots in the - uh - the - tth - plage - uh -
the two bl - uh - black spots in the plage.
And - uh - and - uh - uh - I got a reading
of - uh - somewhere up around -

2hO 02 24 39 PLT - - more further comments for this evening.

I - uh - presume that al will get you the
- uh - frames remaining and also power
down for unattended ops. Enjoyed working
with you today, ..., and I'll look foreward
to it again tomorrow.

2h0 02 24 h9 PLT Thank you.


Dump Tape 240-03
Time: 0234-0240 GMt
Page i of I

240 02 34 23 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing the - uh -

ATM run that went well. I din't define ...
but went through - uh - uh - the JOB 2 ... on
both active regions. I hope that you can
find something there that's useful but
I don't have a lot of faith in it ....
activities. One question I had in my mind
was why we were running four frames per
miunte in H-alpha, but I figured that
you know a lot more about that than I did.
Next one. Uh - the Nu z update. I tried to
get one and - uh - fooled around with it fur
a while and never could find it, so I finally
Just gave up. And - uh - so we don't have
a lastmiunte Nu Z update. I'm gonna open
the 56 door soon as I get through with ...
one. And that's the way it is. I'll go
for the closeout here, and ... continue on.
Looks good. Let me give you the FRAMES
R_WAINING: H-alpha l, 1B401; ... ; X-RAY
T_UESCOPE, 4592; XUV SPECT, 171; XUV SLIT, llg;
_ 56,7117;54,51 ...

240 02 35 55 CDR CDR out. That's for the ATM science room.

240 02 39 17 CDR And, also, ATM science room. We did forget

to put the roll back in 4200, but we're
going to come up here the next day pass and
put it there, so stay loose.

Tape 240-04
t Time: 1120-1122(N_T
PageI of I

240 Ii 20 33 CDR CDR with information for the food people.

The answer to the question about the straw-
berries is yes. l'm eating the strawberries.
Any time I substitute peaches for straw-
berries I let you know. So if you don't
hear from me l'm eating strawberries. Haven't
m/ssed a strawberry in weeks. CDR out.

240 ii 20 51 CDR That goes to - uh - all the food -

interested - uh - ...

Dump Tape 240-05
Time: 1223-1232 C_4T
Page i of i

• I

240 12 27 45 SPT Okay. SPT on channel A, debriefing

the last ATM pass, which ended
about -uh - 12:27 Zulu. The
scheduled work went off as planned.
Added about an extra l0 minutes
on the end, and so I _id a item num-
ber 8, on a bright spot, on a ...
by spot. And I'm too far away from
the filament we were working on.
Quite bright in - uh - XUV, and a lot
of contrasty on - uh - X3 grating 0.
And - uh - completed the ... auto scan,
and then did a sort of a manual mini
raster utilizing mirror line scanner -
Ended Jumping up and down. And it
also did have a double peak. There was
another - uh - bright spot Just to the -
uh - ... position of the one on which I
did a grating auto scanner - comparable
intensity. So - uh - you should see
that double peak in the mini raster.
Looked like there was about l0 arec
• seconds - uh - above the one on which
I Just did the _ratin_ auto scan. That
was an item 8. Lookedlike it oughtto
be a fairly interesting one. It took one
HUV exposure, ... and several single
frames for S056.

2_0 12 28 58 SPT End of debriefing from the SPT.


Dmnp Tape 240-06
Time: 1345-1502 GMT
Page i of 7

240 13 48 58 PLT Oksy. On channel A PRD readings.

Pilot is 7270. 7270 for Jack.

PLT 9131 for the SPT, Owen. 9131.

240 13 51 24 PLT ... 5310 - 5310 for the CDR.

240 13 52 41 PLT Good morning space fans, this is

Jack on channel A. The subject
is M509. Especially for Lou Ramon.
Charge of battery 7 was initiated
at 13:45 and - uh - all the PSS
bottles are filled to -uh - 12
to 1300 psi at this time.

240 13 53 0_ PLT That's the end of message.

240 13 59 57 CDR CDR debriefing -uh -the previous -

uh - ATMrun. I was not able to -
uh - do the J0P 7. I was busily
working on the co|_lignment,
let me give you the information
_ on it. Day 240, time 13:50, H-alpha
i pi_ 9_i_ H-2B piu_ 931_
H-alpha i, left llmb, minus 948;
and 2B minus 948; 55 NOUN position
0932. So it looks like a good -
uh - 55 offset and ... llmb align.
The numbers aren'_ exactly like
the previous ones but essentially
everything's lined up. The rest
of it went ncmina/ly, I'll try to
pick up what I've got plan_ed.
... science rock. CDR, out.

2h0 14 0_ 51 PLT Hello there, space fans, this

is Jack on channel A. The subject
is S019. We're Just about to
_egin our run which begins at 14:03.
This information goes to - uh - our
friend Dr. Karl _-_ze. Time to
Dump Tape 240-06
Page 2 of 7

start is now and so -

uh - we - we're gonna get this
shutter open. First we go to
slide retracted. I got a
90 - uh - second exposure. There
we go, slide retracted. Then
wide before I setmy watch.
Stand by to open the shutter
got to do this all at the
same time.

240 14 03 29 PLT MARE. Shutter opened. Starting

a 90 second unwind exposure,
field n,,m_er 080. The fl_ame is
055. The rotation is set at 26.02
and the tilt is 3.6. Now -
uh - you'll want to know of course
that - uh - we've got - uh -
•.. number 3 film magazine in here.
I noticed that - uh - you
did not specify which - uh -
film magazine you wanted on the pad
and so I picked the one with the

serial n,,m_er 3. Although I

hope in the future that -
uh - you include that information
on the pad so they'll be no question
about it and he sure to get the -
uh - pictures on the - uh -
magazine which you wish to have
them recorded on. And also Nu is
always of interest and - uh -
the pad Nu is m_nus 5.3 and -
spacecraft Nu which was Just
4.4ti.11y within a half hour up
•.. by the star tracker is
minus 5.4 therefc_e no corrections
necesss_y to the rotation.

2_0 i_ 04 48 PLT Okay. Stand by to close the

shutter on a 90 second unwidened
exposure on - uh - field 080 -
uh - frame number 055.
_pe 2b,
Page 3 of 7

2_0 IM 0_ 59 PLT MARX. Shutter closed, gears ...

Reset the watch. We got a
600-second exposure on the same
field now. So go to slide i
retracted and ...

2hO IM 05 13 PLT MARK. Shutter open. Frame 56.

Field 080, a 600-second exposure
on that field unwidened. And -
uh - this 600-seconde ought to
be about I0 minutes. I'll tell
you want I'm gonna do. I'm
gonna set my trusty little timer
here for about 8-1/2 minutes.
And when the tone "bings" I'll ecme
back and then I'll look at my
watch, which is accurately
recording the time of exposure. I
And - uh - close the shutter, k
In the meantime, _'re going to -
uh - turn off this recorder so
we don't get a lot of nothing -
P but don't go away 'cause we'll be i

2_0 i_ 15 09 PLT Okay, here we are. Stand by to

close the shutter'.

240 i_ 15 13 PLT MARK. Shutter closed. That was E

a i0 minute exposure on - uh - I
frame 56, field 080. And
we'll go to a new one now -
uh - field 4 - 7_.3. That'll
be 7_.3 in rotation. 7_.3 and
23.0. 74.3 and 23.0 is checked
and we have 30-second unwidened
exposure. Stand by. Now we'll do
the - uh - watch _usiness again
here and get this out here where we
can see it. Slide retracted.
Stand by to open shutter -

2_0 i_ 16 Ii PLT MARK. Shutter opened. Frame 56,

field 13. In 30 seconds unwidened
exposure. And the next one after

]_=p Tspe 2_-06
• Page 4 of 7

this will he the same field

with another 10 minute exposure•
Stand by to close the shutter•

240 14 16 41 PLR MARK. Shutter closed. Frame 57,

we go to slide retracted and we
stop and reset our watch.
Stand by to open shutter.

240 14 16 52 PLT MARK. Shutter opened. Th_s

will be a i0 minute exposure.
Frame 58, field 013. And here again
we'll go off the recorder and let
this thing - uh - hlze away and -
uh - we'll co_e back in time to
terminate the exposure. So -
uh - don't go away, we'll he hack.

240 14 26 46 PLT Okay, space fans. Stand by to

close the shutter on frame 58, on
the lO-m4nute exposure•

/_ 240 14 26 53 PLT MARK. Shutter closed. Frame 58,

field - uh - 2 - correction 013,
600 seconds. Now we got a -
uh - 6-minute ex_.osure coming u!
and - uh - we c_u _e it.
We cam _Ake it. Let's go do it.

CDR ...

240 14 27 33 PLT And 28.2. Let's double check

these 168.9 and - uh - 29.2. A
uh - ... 4 m_-ute exposure I
•.. No prohelm making that.
The time is 28. So - uh -
• h_s is also unvtdened and -
uh- ... here ... went to
slide retracted. And stand by
to open the shutter.

240 14 28 i] PLT MARK. Shutter opened. Frame 59,

field i01. The 240-second,

D_np Tape 2_0-06
f Page 5 of 7

tmwidene d exposure. So
that turns out to be _-m_-utes

2_0 lh 28 28 PLT And that 4 minutes will be up

before sunrise. And then we'll
go off the headset again for a
little while.

2hO i_ 31 02 PLT Okay. Here we are agin, SOl9

fans, and _e're going to terminate
the frame number 57, 4-minute
exposure on filed i01. Stand by to
close the shutter.

2_0 14 31 13 PLT MARK. Shutter closed. Let's

give it ... and leave it there.
And that's 31 which is 3 minutes
befc_e - uh - sunrise and
doggone it al, Kark, we have
extra time this time. Okay.
Well, we're going to secure this
operation for a little while and -
un - ... ro_a_on. _arA_s ge_txng
easy - gave us three whole minutes -
before sunrise. Okay, we got
O0 set now we cr_k here in. HOld
your breath. It's coming. 2, 3, h,
5, 6, Y, 8, 9, I_, 11
12 and an easy 13 .... stop.
Okay. The next thing is to
close the SAL door. Clear of
obstructions, it' s closed. Okay.
She 's closed and locked.
Turn on cb--_el B, that'S _h_t
we'll do. SO this is the end of
S019, friends. We're also
closing the film hatch for your
information. End S019 -
uh - for this pass and we'll back -
we'll he back with you later.
/_ Dump Tape 2h0-06
Page 6 of 7

2hO IB 5h 51 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack

again on channel A. The subject
this morning is - uh - mass
measuring device calibration in
the wardroom. Since I didn't
complete the Job the last time,
I started all over and did
it again. This is day 240,
the start time was 14:10; the
temperature initially was - uh -
70 degrees, reading i0 degrees
on the - uh - mass measuring
device. Here are the D11mhers.
I'll - uh - read the first
three numbers only once in each
sequence. And after that,
I'll Just read the last three D,,mhers.
So ... zero gr_ are empty,
the measuring device read as
follows: 1.95621, 605, 615, 590,
615, 615, 579, 658, 630 and 61.5.
Okay. The next raeasurement we'll -
_- we'll do it with 50 grams. Reading
_s follows: 0.3225, 233, 2hl, 218,
233, 257, 24h, 215, 155, 4276.
Okay, I pitt i00 gr-m_ on and
got this - -

2hO 14 56 ]-I FLT 2.10556, 577, 59h, 657, 983,

629, 529, 608, 619 and 576. I
added 150 grams total: 2.17697,
727, 696, 775, 719, 781, 722, 691,
695, 720. Took that off
. and put 250 gram3 on: 231268,
229, 277, 270, 239, 267, 323, 311,
2h3 and 268. Took that off
and put 350 gram_ on, and I got:
2.h4044, 053, 089, 124, 063,
098, 105, 125, and o96 and 069.
Ok_7. Ten with 500 grams it
_: 2.62096, 140, 135, 123,
165, 132, 169, 142, 134, and 249.
Now with 750 grams I got :
2.89860, 884, 830, 825, 865,
865, 804, 865, 838 and 833. With
Tape 240-06
_- Page 7 of T

900 grams I got:

3.05102, 094, 055, 178, 098, 130,
110, 107, 093, 084. Then I ...
and got: 1.95562, 577, 573, 586,
571, 578, 589, 597, 584, 579.
I believe this is the only use
that the measuring device has
gotten since the last calibration
except for a TV show.

240 14 59 12 PLT This concludes the - uh - mass

measuring device calibration
from the wardroom. End of
message. Th_nk you.


Dump Tape 240-07
Time: 1516-1539 GMT
Page 1 of 1

240 15 17 24 CDR This is the CDR - uh - in process of pass -

uh- 14.43. I - uh - placed the slit
as best I could - uh - to point it at real
time. The maximum sun spot to diameter
is something like 5 tb i0 arc seconds.
We got a 60 arc second slit. Uh -
on 36 - uh - step 2 - uh- correction
JOP 2E step 2 instead of trying to
find the penumbra ... slit with
the ... umbra and penumbra to begin
with, I went over and picked another
spot. So I've given you - essentially
it'd be like - uh - two step l's except
on two different spots, because it didn't
look to me like the data was gonna
be any differnt - uh - you couldn't
even see the penumbra ... So -
uh - you need to re-evaluate that
JOP and how you're gonna work it.
The little picture is completely
- uh - out of the question here.
-- So's the slit ... and all that business.

240 15 18 27 CDR My suggestion would be we try one

of these mini-rasters that Owen's
invented - or somebody's invented
and might give us some real good
data. CDR out.

240 15 36 16 CDR This is the CDR debriefing - uh -

14:43 as I mentioned earlier, by
the way, ... By the way, as I
mentioned earlier, I - uh - used
two sun spots ... Just trying to
find umbra and penumbra because ...
relative to the slit. Everything went
off okay. We go_. the - uh - uh -
•.. for - uh - Nc comment - uh -
This went with what I said earlier
about the - uh - mini-rasters.

15 36 coR CDR,out.

Dump Tape 240-08
Time: 0015-1128 GMT
_. 8_28_73
Page i of 5

240 00 15 34 SPT Okay we're getting set up to

run - uh - S063. That's a visible
lens. Put on 1.2, and infinity.
It's a visible filter on the front.
Is it gonna bother you guys if I
turn out all the lights?

SC [Music: Bye-Bye Miss American

Pie, by Don McLean.]

CDR Jack, what'd they finally say about that

read down?

SPT (Music) Uh - A1, I'm gonna have to

- uh - go turn the lights off
cause I can't even see the - all
through? Okay.

CDR ...

CREW ... calibrated ... I calibrated


CREW Jack ...

CDR ...

240 00 23 48 SPT Ho, ho. Okay. Y'm gonna need it.

Okay, we're setting up to run S063.
OPs starting here in about 4
minutes. And I 'm checking my
camera again. Okay, we are on F1.2,
focused at infinity, 55-millimeter
visible lens, with a visible fliter on the
front. We're ttu"ning on our timer,
to 64 seconds. We do have T set-in
on the top of the camera, and on the
rear of the camera. _ uh - frames
are starting at 31 on the bottom of
the caw_ra, which is the same counter
that we use: 31 fr_s. Our first
exposure, here, is going to be at
- uh - 28 minutes. It's a 64-secound
exposure. I don't see any - uh -
aurora. I do see a fairly good - uh -
air glow-glare. And it looks like
we ought to be able to hold it stable,
_ Dump Tape 240-08
Page 2 of 5

to about i0 kilometers. Now it would

be nice if therywere a little bit
more of the horizon visible. Uh -
I have little piece of tape again on
the camera, to try to keep down there
- uh - Jiggles, as we'- uh - touch
the camera. It can Jiggle - it can
Jump, about - uh - ten to 20 kilometers,
Just by touching because it's loose
in the bracket. Bad news. Got any
clues on ho_ to take that - uh - flop
out of those - uh - tongue - and -
grove - uh - 1_ttings?

CREW ...

SPT Well, I've put - I've put tape on it

to try to - uh - minimize it. Long
as I don't touch it, then it holds
pretty well.

CDR ...

SPT Well, not riKht now. uh - -

CDR ...

CREW ... Al? o..

CREW ...

240 00 27 27 SPT Uh - the horizon is disapppearing

even more. 0ka_ standy by for the first

240 00 28 01 SPT MARK. Exposure started.

240 O0 29 07 S_T End of exposure. Okay. Now it's

30. Got another _ second exposure.

CREW o*.

SPT Standby.

220 00 30 12 SPT MARK.

2_0 00 31 18 SPT MARK. End of exposure. And I tried to

_" rotate the camera a couple of times
during that exposure, because the
I Dump Tape 240-08
Page 3 of 5

rotation on the horizon was - uh -

pretty obvoius. 32 - we want a 32-
second exposure reducing the setting to
B2. Stand by.

240 00 32 04 SPT MARK.

240 O0 32 37 SPT MARK. End of exposure. We'll have it at

34. 16 seconds.

240 O0 33 24 PLT Want me to start that DAS for you, Jack?

CREW ...

240 00 33 51 SPT Okay, stand by for the 16-seeound


240 00 B3 59 SPT MARK.

240 00 33 15 SFT MARK. End of the exposure. 6 ...

8 ... 4 ... thirty-six ... 8 ...
_ Okay coJmingup on the 8-second
exposure. It's _ery brigh out there,
about to Io_ _i,e ho_i_un, _n_ the _ir
glow. In fact it looks llke it's
gone now. Looks like we'ii be unable
to complete the bast two because
of - uh - sunlight from the bright
horizon - uh - reflecting into the
telescope. Yep, air glow is gone.
Far as the visible feature is concerned.
Well, let me take it back, I can
barely see it. Okay, get set here.

240 00 35 41 SPT MARK.

240 O0 35 50 SPT MARK. End of the exposure. That'll

surely - uh - oh 9 might get one more
in, but I doubt ic. It was - uh -
extremely faint, and I Just - uh -
through a short exposure, more or less
gave it a small amount of rotation.
Just about a cop of what as it had
before but slower and - uh - held it
Just abou where the air cooled
layer was. h secounds at 38. I

resully doubt if we can make that, we'll


" Dump Tape 240-08

Page 4 of 5

give it a try. It's quite a bit

of sunlight reflecting into the - uh -
front of - uh - the AMS at this time.
Scattered sunlight. You can still see
a faint horizon. Still have a minute
to go. Stand by.

240 O0 37 52 SFT MAEK.

240 O0 37 56 SPY MARK. Okay, that completes the exposures.

The frame count is now 25. On the camera.
And once again I think we got some good
pictures. And the fitter, except for
the last, was on the orger of ten.
lO or 15 kilometers. And most of
that is produced by - uh - Jitter in the
- uh - mounts - the tongue aad groove
mounts, for the camera and the eye
piece. Uh - probably most from the
eye piece, cauSe there's really
f- l'm not touching the camera in amy way,
so it presumably is quite stationary.
Bub ...... "
anytime you put your eye to the cup
it - it'll rattle in the tongue and
groove, in spite of the tape that
I've got on it aud that'll cause a
Jitter of about I0 or 15 kilometers.

SPT So - uh - that should - uh - complete

there observations, and we'll be getting
set for the - uh - next - uh - pass.

240 O0 39 19 SPY SPT with information to the 8063 PIe

Wally Teague and Jack Lew. End of message.

240 02 58 20 CDR ... it and might give us real good

d_ta. CDR out.

240 13 45 42 CDR This is the CDR debriefing - uh - 14:h3

in as I mentioned earlier. By the way
SPT is in the science room. By the
way, as I mentioned earlier, I - uh -
used two Sun spots. Instead of tyring
to find the .,. number, becuase the
/ ... spot relative to the slit. Everything
went off oks_v we got the - uh - uh -
JOP 7 at ... so - uh - No co_mlents uh,
this references what I said earlier

Dump Tape 240-08

Page 5 of 5

about the - uh - mini-rasters.

CDR out.


Dump Tape 240-09
Time: 1558-1707 C_T
Page 1 of

240 15 58 43 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack

o channel A, - uh - debriefing
the M31 - M131 - OGI rttu which
I - uh - Just made up; includes
the biomed folds and Doctor
Jerry Homick, predominat ely. And
- uh - I think - uh - I'll make this
observation, Jerry. I really
didn't see the little line move
around in any unusual manner. I felt
tha I was more sensitive this morning
to the lower rpms and - uh - the
data comfirms this. As time went
on I got drowzier and I started
missing them around the 8 - uh -
rpm - apper 8 level at any rate is
what I mean. Uh - I think - uh -
it's an advantage to do this experiment
in the morning when - uh - your're
less drowzy. Uh - After lunch is the
sleepy hour, not only uh - on Earth

but up here as well. And I thinkyou

don't - your senses go to sleep as
w_ll. includin_ your vestibular ones.

240 15 59 51 PLT I noticed that as I progressed into

run this morning that I became
more drowzy and - not as drowzy as
soon and as much as I am in the
afternooon when I do this, but
I think that - uh - I was quite
sensitive when I first got in the
chair, simply because I wasn't wide awake.
And - uh - I'd suggest that this
makes a difference - that you try
to schedule theze runs in the
morning instead of the afternooon.
My impression from what -what I've
seen is that as you get drewzy and
start to go to sleep, why your
ability to recognize rotation or
a thinkg in motion in the - uh - in
the OGI and goggles - uh - diminishes.
The - uh - two facts that may be
related may be included in your
data somewhere and it might be well
Dump Tape 240-09
Page 2 of 4

to - uh - to - uh - have this kind

of data at different times furing
the day. So this - uh - I have no
other sensations or - uh - feelings that
are significant.

2_0 16 00 55 PLT So this concludes the debriefing

o_lmy - uh - 131 run. Thank you.


2_0 16 53 19 SPT Okay, this is a message from the SPT

to Dr. Paul Buchanan - the biomed
people who are interested in the onboard
drugs. Uh - I've completed action
on your message 303h, entitled
IMSS drugs and note the following
discrepancies of differences from
the message. Collecting the SL-2
drugs from the topical drawer and
the next two drs_ers, I cannot find
_ s_lyscopolaminedrops or dexidrene.
I collected all of the rest - uh -
with exceptions denoted. I left the
- uh - ampicillin, and Dalmane,
erythromycin, tetracycline, chloral
hydrate - uh - Sulfamylon, and Synalar.
And I, of course, could not collect
the ones I Just - uh - could - uh -
did not find the two things I Just
mentioned. From the injectibles, I
did connect - collect the epinephrine
and Decadron. I did not see any labels
on i0 percent or 1 percent but I
connected - collected all of the
epiniphrine. I did not find any
g/ueose. Wow that may have been my
mistake there. I could - if I went
back I could perhaps find that. But
I didn't see any glucose. And I did
find the six Ledocaine injectors in
the dental kit and those were all
collected. And I tried to - I fill
up as much as I could in can 706.
There was a note to put some stuff
in 1037 but - uh - excuse me, I'd ...
I put the drugs in can 103h, which
was empty_ hut there was no extra
room in 1037 at all. So with the
b k

Dump Tape 240-09

Page B of

extra drugs which were collected q

and there were a substantial number, I
put them canister B of the two
cans that we brought up in our
comnand module. I then deployed
eonistera A and B and put everything
in their appropriate slots. And
then in that empty can A I put the rest of
the stuff l'd collected from SL-2.

240 16 55 46 SFT Now, there was qu_te a hit - uh -

more collected than there was reinserted,
particularly in the areas of the topical
drugs. But I understand you
aware of - uh - all that was
brought up and how much Joe deployed
I don't know, - f_om his stuff -
apparaently he deployed more - uh -
...._ than we brought up because - uh -
there were a number of drugs that I
coii_cL_d _h_L I did net ha_ avaio_!_
for replacement. Now, one of the
things that - uh - that I didn't
bring up was Alpha K eri lotion.
There were two little - uh - bottles
of it. The tops on both of these
bottles were cracked, broken the.
The Alpha Keri lotion was therefore
distributed rather generously around
the rest of the can. And so that's
one thing that's missing from the
topical drug in the Alpha Keri, as I
put the two bottles, wrapped 'em up
in - uh - uh - wipes and tried to
clean the rest of the stuff up as
best I could. But - uh - we have
no extra Alpha Keri lotion other
than the two that were broken. So
you probably ought to be smre and get
a little - uh - hit more up on SL-h.
Now, this extra canister A, with the
SL-2 collected drugs, I'm Just
gonna leave over here in 732. Actually
locker 732 until I - uh - get some
further advice from you about a more
appropriate location. And I believe
that completes all the action on
your message. And I would appreciate
Dump Tape 240-09
"_ Page4 of4

any co_ents you might have about

what's been collected and deployed.

240 16 57 29 SPT End of message for Dr. Paul Buchanan

and the biomedical folks interested
in the onboard drug supplies.

240 17 05 _4 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing the

•.. It went entirely nominal. I
went up then and found a - uh - a
bright spot, went to building block
- correction - shopping list item 8.
I pointed to the center of the
bright spot. I maximized the 55
detector. I took a grating auto
scan - by the way, I maximized it
by moving it off from the lines from
A to B. That's the grating auto
scan. I performed a mini-raster
and never got finished with the
mini-raster. It takes so long that
you run out of time. And that's where we
sit. I took a coupleof 82B exposures,
one Just to the right, a 5 minute
20 .... _ right "_-_
was l0 sec - one second to the right,
one night on, 2 minutes h0 seconds.

240 17 06 30 CDR CDR out.


D1/mp :Tape065h-0722
240-10 _4T I _

Page 1 of 5

"2_-2 06 54 42 PLT Okay, space - Okay space fans - uh - here

we are the - uh - this is Jack and
on channel A. The subject is T doulbe
- correction T 013. We're doing
the - uh - T 013 now. I've - uh -
gone down through - uh - step 6 and
- uh - we've got the - uh - recorder
ON, and - uh - we've go the - uh -
EDS power ON. Uh - step 9 is this: apply
40 pounds force directly in the center
of FMU central plate. The centroid of the
triangle, which I have located.
And - uh - ... I set my little gage
up for compression. Okay, compression
is zeroed. Now it says - uh - apply
- uh - hO pounds and give a MARK at each
l0 pounds increment and apply it slowely,
so that's what I'm going to do right
now - step 9. Here we go, ther'e
the centroid. Wait a minute, let
me Just make sure I know how to read
_\ this gage. Now, standby i.

242 06 57 19 PLT Okay, here's - uh - the - doing

back again on TO 13 now a uh - got
the force gage squared away. Okay,
and when the - uh - pressure is being
used, use indicator end in the
white scale. Okay, now let's put our
40 pounds on here in l0 pound increments
slowly. 0kay, I've got the - uh -
force gage - uh - centered on the
centroid of the triangle, and I'm
applying the force slowly.

242 06 58 03 PLT MARK, i0 pounds.

242 16 58 06 PLT MARK, 20.

*This tape dumped on day 240, but time coder reads day 242.
Dump Tape 240-10
Page 2 of 5

242 06 58 08 PLT MARK, 30.

242 06 58 i0 PLT MARK, 40. Okay. I put 40 pounds on

there. Now step lO, apply a 15 pound
force to the edge of the sensor
plate to the center of bottom edge.
Okay. Center of the bottom edge,
about there where it says caging pin,
I guess. Direction of the applied
force should be - uh - from foward
compartment floor, toward dome. Okay,
we want it at the side 'bout where that
arrow points at the caging pen there.
Apply force to the edge of the sensor plate,
to the center of the bottom edge, Okay.
And direction should be applied mostly
forward compartment floor toward the
dome, parallel to the sensor plate,
first mark at 5 poiunds, come up to
fifteen pound. Okay, I'll go and
do that now. And I got my force gage
_\ - uh - zeroed. And - uh - now I'm
going to apply the force to the
Oo_om e_ge. Okay, got it. Located
on the edge, stand by. Give here -
applying the force.

242 16 59 15 PLT MARK, 5 pounds.

242 06 59 18 PLT MARK, l0 pounds.

242 06 59 20 PLT _AB/(, 15 pounds. Okay, that one's done.

Now step ll. Apply fifteen pounds
force to the edge of the sensor plate
hit the center of the left hand edge,
9 o'clock position when facing the FMU.
•.. force ... from the interior of the
forward compartment toward the wall,
parrell to the sensor plate, okay.
Now we're going to do the smae
thing on the left edge and I'm facing
it. Now stand by and I'll give you
a - uh - MARK. When we Begin, the gage
is zeroed, and I got it located.
Okay, we're putting the force on it.

_ 242 06 59 57 PLT MARK, 5 pounds.


/ •

Dump Tape 240-10

Page 3 of 5

242 06 59 59 PLT MARK, io pounds.

242 07 00 02 PLT MARK, 15 pound s • Applied to the left

edge. Okay, step number 12. Apply
i0 pound force directly to the sensor
plate at the lower left corner, 7
o'clock position, when facing FMU.
Voice record mark at 5 and i0
pound levels, okay. I take it that
this is pushing upward, at the lower
left corner ard they face it.
That makes their sence plate at the
lower left corner. Okay, and I'm
going to push up toward the dome. 7
o'clock, which is - uh - got to he
closer. I don't know if you want this
on the curvature or - uh - or the
curvature pointing - uh - diagonally
across the - uh - sence plate or
vertically upwar_, so I'll give
you both. First one's going to be
_ verticallyupwardat the corner.
St-J_d by, ....

242 07 O1 04 PLT MARK, 5 pounds.

242 07 01 08 PLT MARK, l0 pounds. Okay, now I'm going

to apply it diagonally across one corner
of the sence plate towards the other, at
the lower left corner. Stand by. We're
gonna push on it

242 07 01 20 PLT MARK, 5 pounds.

242 07 01 23 PLT MARK, lO pounds. Okay, that one was applied

diagonally corner to corner, lower
left t
_mp Tape 2_0-i0
Page k of 5

the ... in the ..., yeah, that's

the fact, tha's what we're goinhe - uh - hO and 50
pound .. wire - uh - tension
gage and - uh - I had to hook it
in the - uh - groove, otherwise
it will flip out. So - uh - this time
you want i - uh - sensor plate
at the corner engagemnt to the
calibration handle. Okay. 1 o'clock
position, okay, here we go. 25 pounds
of pull. I'll give you a mark at 10, 20,
and 25. or - uh - to heck with
it because it doesn't say anything about
that. [Whistle] I'll give it to you there
Okay, I'm gonna apply it right at the
center - to - center of the curviture
or on the same diagonal line, corner
to corner, that I used before. Let
me find something to bracymyself on.
Stand by. Pulling control slowly, . ..

242 07 03 24 PLT MAPd[, I0 pounds,

QLQ _7 _3 2_ pT'rC' I,A'A'PI_"

20 .... _

2h2 07 03 28 PLT MARK, 25 pounds. Okay, that's step

13. Insert the caging pins into the
mechanism and lock. Okay, we put the
caging pins in. Here went Cannon ball,
Alan Bean, circling through the workshop.
Okay, the - uh - caging Pins are INSTALLED
and - uh - LOCKED. The EDS
power OFF. Takere of that Dr.
Okay. Okay, now - uh - space
fans - uh - that's the end of TO-13,
and it ought to go to the appropriate
people including on e - uh - our -
uh - good friend - uh - Lou Ramon. The
EDS power is OFF.

242 07 04 36 PLT That's the end of message on TO-13.

And now A1 Bean is going to take
over on this - uh - channel and - uh -
S019. You've got it, Al.

Dump Tape 240-10

Page 5 of 5

CDR Thank you. You may want to turn

of this little control over there.
Although 19 is in the act.

PLT ... float over there.

CDR Wall Teague and one Carl Hennahs would

be interested in this data.
I'm going to 251.6, which is a cound
for about a - uh - 7. something.
Let me get that first 2518. 2516.
2516 is righ there and over here
we have a mere tilt of 24 degrees.
... And we'll go to 00 on the tilt, if
_e can. And that information_ of
course, is S019 information.


Dmnp Tape 2h0-11
Time: 1815-1958 GMT
Pa_e 1 of i0

2_0 18 16 00 CDR This is the CDR recording the results of

the attempt to take a picutre of the Gran
Chaco swamp in Paraguay. The weather _s good.
I could see every ... way. We could see the
coast of South _erica. But this place is
out in the middle of nowhere and we don't
know when you're there or not. There's no - Ith -
lakes or anything nearby that you can find -
that you can pinpoint. There's a city and roads,
but I wasn't able, with the limited view I
had out window number _, which was the window
that faced it, to really - uh - do a - a
reasonable Job. Now that I'm looking out the
wardroom window, I realize the wardroom window
would have been the best place to do it. Uh -
I didn't get any pad or anything today. I
assumed that I wo_Id get a pad that gave me
the details of whihe window, exact time, the
loss of signal, and the aeq of signal. I th_-_
we need that. I didn't get one, however.
And I - maybe that would have helped. We sure
ought to have it _nyw_y.

_.^ _a _ !l _ _,÷ +h_ _,_1_ r_t n_ the matter is. I honestly

didn't feel that I could have found - uh - the
target as it wes. The feelings that I had was,
if you don't have a good site nearly to locate
with, you're Just gonna have to go on time and
general area because you don't - you don't
know exactly whe_oe you are. I took a couple of
pictures, one with the Hasselblad and on with
the 500 on the area that I believed to be it.
But I have no way to be able to prove it.
It seems to me that this points out several th_n_s.
One of the first, most important is, if we're
gonna have to come up with a little sighting
device that we can put at an angle at a time -
it's a time aetu_11y, and you can set it up and
then at a certain time it will track and you
can look out there much the same as we track
!--_-_ks from the C_4C. That's the only way
I think we can rem lly find things like airfields
and - uh - specific cities and the like in the
middle of nowhere. If it's somthing _ course,
than you can find it. But we ought to have the
capabitity to find - uh - sites daytime, in
through clouds and everything. It seems to me
we could invent a sort of device that would fit
in a window. You could fit it in as a mounted
Dump Tape 240-11
/__ Page 2 of i0

window frame, set the following angles, at this

time go to start with this image motion, sort
of like the - uh - _-ge motion we have in the
sight of the _EP. Then, we wouldn't, you know -
a mechanical thing and then you could look out
through it and say "Oh, yeah; there it is. That's
the city they wanted. Looks like those other
i0, but now that I know that's the one, I'll
t-kp a nice picture of it. "

2_0 18 18 53 CDR Also, when it's cloudy, it would allow you to look
through the right holes in the clouds to find
it. ill all out the window is poor. And we found
that to be tl--'e in airplanes. If you are flying on
airplane, you can get a gOOd. _mning angle. You
can pick a point over a river and run in a certain
number of seconds. Here you're sort of out
of luck. And you take comes ... you're a lot
farther away. That would be my biggest o
observation. Uh - Vegetation systems, vegetation
type. Yon can't tell tall grass up here. You
can't even tell trees. All we know is the 1=-d's
either - uh - ss_:dy colored, or it's _ter, or
it's - uh - bro_ river volor, or it's - real
Ereen would make you th_nk it's green. But
i_ uoulE be sw_ps or l_s brown, which uouid
be trees , or sand, or swamp. But you don't
see anything tha'_ tells you trees, or tall
grass, or ... ar anything like that. _C_me of the
trees Just don't show up. Yon don't know what it
is down there. Yon Just know it's a different
color. Texture is great, if you see no objects as

2_0 18 20 06 CDR Tn_tially locate areas of settlements. We can

do that. NOW if I could have found the swamps
perhaps I could have done ... that pretty tall
order because there's probably a lot around.

240 18 20 18 CDR Nature settlements, developed areas. That's

a comfort. I think maybe for these sorts of
th_ngs that in orbital operation you know where
to point to. - uh - A Polaroid-type th_,_.
You take the picture ... Polaroid out next
time and take a picture of these doggone places
and look at them and then describe them to you.
Now l think maybe that'll be the _y we'd have to
do it. Take the picture, try to get the right
place, and then look at the picture in your own
leisure and describe it. Maybe we could come
up with some domn expert pics for that Polaroid
if that works - uh - I'm gonna suggest that for
Jerry Cart' s flight here ...
Dump Tape 240-11
/_ Page 3 of lO

240 18 20 58 CDR Describe visible means of transportation. Forget

it. I don't have time to do that. If - l'd
like to but everything goes by pretty quick
and most of the time you're trying to figure
out if that's the right place. If I knew it
was the right place, then I could spend my
time doing this other.

240 18 21 14 CDR Describe ... water system - samething. In other

words, I could considered that I did this poorly,
if at all, and I'm not sure I could do it any
better. We've got to have something up here that
allows us to find the spot, and indeed, once we
found it, then we could concentrate on doing
all these other things. Unless it's something
that's like a big area. If I can locate and
photograph lakes ... - uh - ..., I'm pretty
Sure I could find something like that. Or
locate Salt Lake City - that's great. When
you're talking about locating a little bitty city
out in the middle of%he Jungle, it's a different
story. But we ought to have the capability.
So several things. One, you can't tell grasses

that we could point at the right place. Third,

we ought to have some means of taking a picture
where we can study it out more and report
to you.

240 18 22 09 CDR CDR out.

240 18 30 25 PLT Okay, space - okay., space fans - uh - here we

are. The - uh - this is Jack on chA_uel A.
The subject is Tpp - correction - Tple. We're
doing the TO13 now. I've - uh - going down
through - uh - step 6, and - uh - we've got
the - uh - recorder on and - uh - we've got the
- uh - EDS POWER, ON. Now step 9 which says
apply 40 pounds force directly into the center
of the FMU sense plate, the centroid of the triangle,
which I have located.

CDR Go ahead.

PLT end - uh - there's the stop ....

okay, ... is zerold. Now it says apply
40 pounds and give a _Ark. Steady;
i0 pound increments and apply it slowly
so that's what I'm gonna do right now.
Stand by. Here we go. There's the
centrold .... in the matrix ...
/_. _p Tape 2h0-11
Page h of 10

learning how to read this gage. Stand


2_.0 18 32 _7 PLT Okay, here's - uh - getting back again

on TO13 now. The - uh - ... gage squared
away. Okay, - uh - ... is being used.
Indicator in ... scale. Now - uh -
put _0 pounds down here and I0 pounds ...
81ovly. Okay, I've got the -uh -
torqulzg gage - uh - centered on the
centroid of the triangle. And I'm - uh -
applying the force slowly.

2_0 18 33 30 PLT MARK; i0 pounds.

2_0 18 33 33 PLT MARK; 20 pounds.

2_0 18 33 36 PLT MARK; 30.

2_0 18 33 39 PLT MARK; _0. Okay, I Put _0 pounds on

there. Now step i0, apply a 15-pound
force to the edge of the sense date,
_ust the center of the bottom edge.

where it says. CAGING PIN, I guess.

Directly applied force should be used.
Forward compartment down or dome. Okay,
where is the side? About where that
points to the CAGLNG PIN there. Apply
force to the edge of the sense plate
to the center of the bottom edge.
Okay .... button points towards the dnme
parallel of the sense plate. We'll
let you m_k it at 5 pounds ... up to
15 pounds. Okay, we're gonna do that
now. And I got my force gage to zero.
And - uh - now Im going to apply the
force to the bottom edge. Okay, got it
located on the edge. Stand by. You're
applying the force.

2_0 18 S_ _S PLT MARE; 5 pounds.

2_0 18 S_ _5 PLT MARK; I0 pounds.

2_0 18 3_ _8 PLT MARK; 15 pounds. Okay, that one's

done. NOW step Ii. Apply 15 pounds
force to the edge of the sense plate
at the center of the left-end, 9:00 o'clock.
Dump Tape 240-11
Page 5 of i0

PLT position, with ... left hand ... forced

from the interior of the ... compartment
toward the wall parallel to the sense
plate. Okay. I ... doing the same thing
on the left edge ... _%_and by and I'ii
give you the mark .... again. My gage
is zeroed and I got it located. Okay,
we're putting the force on.

240 18 35 24 PLT MARK; 5 pounds.

240 18 35 27 PLT MARK; i0 pounds.

240 18 35 30 PLT MARK: 15 pounds applied to the left

edge. Okay, step number 12, apply
I0 pounds force directly to the sense
plate at the lower left, the
7 o'clock position facing fen.
Voice record m-_ks at 5 - snd i0 pounds
levels. Okay. I take it that this
is going upward at the lower left
corner ... I don't think that was
done quite at the lower left corner.
Okay, now l'm going to push up to-

is - uh - got to be closer. I don't

know if you want this in the curvature
or - uh - on the couvature pointing
diagonally across the sense plate or
vertically upward, so I'ii give you _oth.

PLT The lqrst one's going to be vertically

upward at the corner. Stand by. Okay,
I 'm pushlng.

240 18 36 31 PLT MARK; 5 pounds.

240 18 36 35 PLT MARK; i0 pounds. Okay, now I'm going

to apply it diagonally across one
corner of the sense plate towards the
other at the lower left corner. Stand
by. All right, I'm going to push it on.

240 18 37 48 PLT MARK; 5 pounds.

240 18 37 51 PLT MARK; 10 pounds. Okay, that one

was applied diagonally, corner to
corner, lower left to upper right.
Okay, here's my look attachment in
_mp Tape 240-11
Page 6 of i0

worse case to fly a 25-pound tangent

on the sense plate with the corner
adjacent to the calibration handle,
i o'clock position facing ... A33
right, you use the same skill and - uh -
25-pounds force. You don't care about
-_klng it. Note: The hook attach-
ment may have to placed in the groove
that goes around the sense plate edge ...
extension from making contact ...
sense plate. Yeah, that's a fact.
That's what we're gonna have to do.
Awhile ago when I fired the h6-pound ...
I did it with the tension gage. I
to hook it in the groove, other-
wise it will slip out. So - uh - this
time do you want it - uh - ... corner
adjacent to the calibration handle?
Okay, ... o'clock position. Okay, ...
here we go; 25 pounds of pull. Give
yOU a w_k at 10, 20, and 25 or - uh -
for the heck of it because it doesn't
P say anything ahou_ that. I'll give
_ !t. _n yn,, ÷h_r_ an__y Okay, !'---
gonna apply it at - right at the
center to - center of the curvature
Or - uh - the sam? diagonal llne
from corner to co_-ner that I used
before. I'll find something to brace
myself on. Stand by. I_,31 ... slowly
and gently.

2h0 18 38 52 PLT MARK; 10 pounds.

2_0 18 38 5h PLT MARK; 20 pounds.

2hO 18 38 56 PLT MARK; 25 pounds. Okay, got to step 13.

Insert the CAGING PIN .... locked
okay, ... the CAGING PIN in. There went
cannonball Alan Bean incling through
the workshop. Okay, the CAGING PIN are
imst,!led and locked. EDS POWER, OFF.
Takes care of that, doctor. Okay,
now - uh - space fans. That's the and of
T013 and it ought to go to the appropriate
people including one - uh - our good
friend Lon Ramon. The EDS POWER is OFF.
That's the end of message on T013 and
now A1 Beans going to take over On this
/._ _ Tape 240-11
Page 7 of 10

channel on S019.

2_0 18 _0 i0 PLT You got it, AI.

CDR Thank you. You may want to turn off

this little control over there.
All ... to the ... Wally League and
e_e Karl Henize wottld be interested in
this data. I'm going to 251.6, which
is - accounts for about a - uh - ?
something. Let me get that first at
220 - 251.6 - 251.6 - rightthere
and over here we have a mere taken
2h degrees. That - uh - 51.6. We
had a Nuz of 7.3. Difference there
is - uh - 7.3 - the difference there
would be 2.1. No, it would - let
me see. Help me figure the Nu z O.

SPT I get 7.3. I get 7.3, AI.

r CDR Okay, the dlfferenee is 2.6 7.3 from

5.2" 2.1. See if I can read %h_. nPa_
nov that I've m-vked it up.

2hO 18 _2 41 CDR 2- and they had 1.7. i_ again. 252.0.

I may make an error on these. I
hope I don't. It's gonna be a 270,
field L2. Okay, 4/d we open the
hatch? I did. FILM HATCH OPENED ...
I 60 over there. I check the 271
and 243 time is ... h3 minutes. Okay,
stand by. We're getting ready to - uh -
Open. Field L2 and it's gonna he a
270 _ by. stand by.
2_0 18 _3 35 CDR MARK.

2_0 18 _3 37 CDR Okay. Uh - I've not ... It should

he 252.0. And it's really, I've
got it set now, 251.6. I'll get the
rest in a second. It should still
be field of view with that two
update ... 0.1.

2_0 18 h7 05 CDR Okay. Now what I put in there - I

put in 251.6. I did the calculation;
it should be 252.2 .... exposure's
'P" complete. Stand by; it'll be completed
Dump Tape 2h0-11
/'_ Page 8 of 10

now. I'll close the hatch.

240 18 47 22 CDR MARK.

21_0 18 47 23 CDR 270-second exposure. Looks good for

252. That's correct. Now, let's
go for a 30-second exposure. Okay.
Here we go. Stand by. Oops still
blinking. Pick up ... Ready.

240 18 47 _2 CDR MARK.

240 18 47 44 CDR Okay, for a 30-second exposure 262.2,

2_.0 TILT, field L2, frame 61. Okay,
I'll give you a mark when we're set.

2_0 18 48 i0 CDH MARK.

2_0 18 48 12 CDR Okay. Reset now. This is gonna be

a 270. The frame number is ... 63.
TILT 19. And I'm gonna go over and
r_ pick up another frame and I'm
ready. Stand by, 270, field L_.

240 18 48 57 CDR MARK.

240 18 49 30 CDR Fr_e 62.

240 18 52 24 CDR Okay, stand by for a,_k at - uh -

the completion of this frame. And
then we'll press on to the next one
Stand by.

240 18 52 43 CDR MARK.

240 18 52 4h CDR Okay, that's the end of that frame of

that frame. Let's go to the next one
which is 358.6.... 35 and 86 ... 11.3.
I th_n_ we can do that. That's done.
Okay, what you what here, as I trader-
stand it, is another 270. This is
known as field L5 3_8.6 Okay, it
is. I'll pick up a new fr,me. Standing
by in the stowage position. One 270.
Stand by.

240 18 53 26 CDR MARK.

D-,,¢,Tape 240-11
f Page 9 of i0

240 18 53 27 CDR It's OPENED. Frame 63, as you prob-

ably guess. I'll go off the com_Q for
a while.

240 18 56 34 CDR Okay. We're hack with S019 here.

As you can tell, things are going
well. We're at the 90 percent time
-,a_k. We got one Nore to gO s a
@0-second exposure. We think we can
back it. Actually what we're gonna
do is let it run until Just before
sunrise. That ought to -_e you
happy. Or if _e feel a bit cagey
we might turn it off in a little
premier, a second before _In_'i6e.
Stand by.

240 18 57 13 CDR MARK. _ CLOSED.

240 18 57 15 CDR Okay, let's go to the next one.

14.9. That's done. Now, we will
even tilt it for you. That'll
be 11.9. Okay, stand by; here it
e,_s. This is unwidened, so I'll
wait until this is completely
exposed, I'm gonna pick up a
frame now. I Just picked it up.
It'll he a 690, oLce the widening
mechanism stops. Okay, stand by
for a mark.

2_0 18 57 h_ CDR MARK.

240 18 57 50 CDR Beglnning a 690-se_.ond unwidened,

frame 64. Sh-_t-rotation, 14.9;
TILT, 11.9. It's called N35, field
35. CDR off for a while.

240 19 09 44 CDR Stand by for a mark.

240 19 09 49 CDR MARK.

240 19 i0 03 CDR 720-seconds. Just gave you a 720-second

exposure on - uh - N35. In other words
a very cool 12 minutes worth of exposure.
Okay, that's the end. Uh - sunrise will
up here in another minute or two. l'm
gonna continue, as you desised. I've

got 13 - - Got essentially 90 seconds.


Dm_p Tape 2b0-11

P_e lO of I0

I could give you a 90-second exposure

of something. I could give a 90-second
exposure on the first stsrfield. Okay.
50-two ... 5022 and L2 ... 2_. Gonna
give you a 90-second Job, Just because I
feel good today. Stand by for a - try
a new fr,mm. Stand by for a m_k.

240 19 ll 30 CDR MARK. OPENED.

2_0 19 ii 33 CDR And it's field number 12. It's gonna

be a 90-second widened exposure. We
got plenty of time before sunrise.
Be back on the come in a few minutes.

240 19 12 44 CDR Stand by for a 90-second exposure.

Stand by.

21_0 19 12 b8 CDR MARK.

2_0 19 12 49 CDR 90 seconds. SHUTTER CLOSED. And

I'll Just go right over to CARRIAG RE-

go to O0 on the TILT, if we can. And

that information, of course, is S019
information going to Wally League and
Karl Henize.

2_0 19 13 79 CDR CDR, out.

240 19 5_ 09 CDR M092 on the SPT. Just measured his left

calf at 12 5/8.

2_0 19 54 b3 CDR His right is Just a little under 12 6/8.

2_0 19 57 30 CC _kylab, AOS ... 6 minutes.

• Dump Tape 240-12
Time : 2010-2119 C_MT

Page I of 2
_ 8128/73 _

240 20 i0 49 CC No, go ahead.

240 20 13 21 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack, on channel A,

deb/iefing the last ATM run which began at
10:]o6. We did the - _h - job 6 - uh - step 2
Building Block 2, no problem. And the rest of
it was of observing time and - uh - I picked
off a shopping list item through which - uh -
number one priority, according to this morning's
list. Uh - bright spot number 8. I found
a bright spot at - uh - 4/100 of a roll, minus
4200, down 65. and right plus 646. I - uh -
maxed my - uh - detector 3 on - uh - the
at ]9:41. Got a - uh - good signature. A very
_I1 pinpoint of light was at - uh - close to
minus - uh - a few arc seconds - uh - up/down,
left/right seemed to make quite a bit of
difference. So - uh - the - uh - density - uh -
Changed by of - uh - of - uh - i0 or 20, more
like 20, I guess. When I - uh - maximized
detector three, it that location I ran off a
_ building block 8 - correctionstep 8 - shopping
" list item 8, using - and - uh - for $056, I got

and five long. I did - a - 240 second - uh -

wave short at the XUV exposure. And I did a
grating auto scar at - uh - detector one and
- uh - then I did 6 by 6 mini-auto raster. I
hope that's big enough, grating ell balls. I
then moved left 10 arc seconds of that spot and
I - uh - effectively - uh - did the exact same
thing and - with the exception of at the end o _
the mlni-auto raster I - uh - had a couple of
minutes of - uh - daylight left before ESS - so
I - uh - Just ran a - uh - line, scan ell
detectors at slit center. So - uh - one other
item I ought to m*_ntion that I - uh - was unable
to put anything u_ in the ... because it's full.

240 20 15 51 PLT And - uh - we'll be seeing you again here in a

few minutes at 0058. Thank youvery much, gents.

240 20 31 50 CDR This is the CDR, and we say thank you we're now
in 171. The gas pressure of - uh - Cel N2 02
andC02is30. i

........... i

Dump Tape 2h0-12
Page 2 of 2

2hO 20 36 09 CDR ...the Cal... N2 HgO is 1393.

2_0 20 39 13 CDR Okay, the cabin pressure is now 5.hh9.

2h0 20 39 55 CDR And there's the following: present No2 67.73.

Then H20 is 2. - 2.67. Present C02 is 1.88.

2hO 21 12 38 CDR A cabin air is following: 66.69 02. H20 a mere

3.70. C02a nice 9.195. And the CDR that's the
end of this report for the M092. 171 run on
the SP2 handled as well.

_ Dump Tape 240-13
_ _..._ Time : 2217-2220 6_4T
Page i of 2

240 22 15 13 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A, and the subject is T002.
This goes to Bob Nocite. It concerns the - uh -
the thirs statimeter. I made some - uh -
stadimeter orbital sightings at night
- uh - Just for the heck of it. The
day was 240, the Greenwich time was
- uh - 22:00 to 22:10. I had the 0 uh
airglow sehecule horizon -uh - there's
what I got. I got 15 readings you can
conpare with whatever else you've got.
At 3.492, 3.456, 3.512, 3.566, 3.5573,
3.596, 3.621, 3.502, 3.532, 3.471,
3.506, 3.627, 3.598, 3.515, 3.488. I
repeat again that these were - uh -
taken at night and - uh - I'd like you
to compare them with the other nnmhers
to - uh - see if the night airglow
horizon is any good to use for - uh -
stadimeter sightings - uh - as opposed
to use in the daylight horazon - horizon
all the time.

9q 9 oo 16 3° _D_ _ _-'-- I'7 .............

doing operations - uh - at night, out
the window - uh - with the stadimeter as
sexlant is - uh - when I read the nnmbers
off - uh - with a flashlight, keep the right
eye or the viewing eye shut. In that
way your in night adaption isn't - uh -
messed up - uh - when the light comes on.
So - uh - that was just done for the heck of
it for interest. And I'd like to - uh -
hear - uh - how it comes out. I say
again this goes to Bob nuteg nuts.
Thank you.

240 22 18 i0 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A debriefing the last ATM run,
which started at 20:58. I - uh - put
into your coordinates of roll 3600,
950, and - uh - zero and - uh - decided,
Dump Tape 240-13
Page 2 of 2

maybe, I'd roll a little bit more to - uh -

g_ some better spienles in the field of
%-'±ew. So I rolled to - uh - 3737, went
up to 7 across the limb and - uh -
rast -mirror auto Waster in - uh -
building block - uh - 18 and then another
building block 10. So the only difference
or modification I made was - uh - to - uh -
roll Just a little bit further. And - uh -
I noticed that - uh - raster there was an
active region which I - uh - hope doesn't
mess up the data. Probably won't but - uh -
the - ... spicules are a little better in
that area. Uh - they were - uh - where the
view in that were a little higher than others
and - uh - seems to be - uh - just a better
_Lace for spicules on the - uh - place to
_raw lines.

239 22 19 19 PLT And - uh - so I need the same pointing for

the next run on - beginning on 22:26 - uh -
which is gonna be in before you know it and
uh - so I'll see you in a little while.

D_p Tape 240_1_ _ _

/_--_ Time : 2322-0056 GMT

Page 1 of 5

240 23 22 37 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting

ready to talk about S019, one of our
better experiments. The thing we're
• getting ready to talk about is the
fact that we're going to take a
270-second widened exposure on field 461.
I'm gonna do it in just a few

240 23 23 16 CDR Okay, here we go in just a second

on 23 :23.

240 23 23 32 CDR _L_RK. Shutter open, field 461,

270-second and the number is 66.

240 23 27 06 CDR Stand by for a mark. We're going

to close the shutter for this
270-second. Then we'll have the
270-unwidened, okay?

240 23 27 15 CDR MARK. 270, frame 461 and - uh - that

was 66. We'll go over here and do

picture. I got it. Just as soon as

widenes ... bottoms out, we'll go for
the next.

240 23 27 47 CDR Stand by.

240 23 27 49. CDR NS_RK. Okay, now we've just started the
second unwidened - it's the first
unwidened, but the second exposure on
field 461. And it's frame number 67.
What's your opinion? That's what I'm afraid
of, too. But maybe we can. Maybe they can
figure a way to get it out. I'm afraid it'll
J_m it in there. Let's - let's take a
look at it. Plus we might Just might be
able to grip it. Sure be nice if we
could. Gosh! That thing looks ....
Maybe it wouldn't have lasted anyway, I
don't know.

240 23 28 52 CDR Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

Dump Tape 240-14
Page 2 of 5

240 23 29 19 CDR Hush?

2hO 23 30 51 CDR I don't think we're going to be

torquing any screws for a while.
We've got to get one out.

240 23 31 37 CDR Torques me right where it hurts.

CDR Okay, stand by for a mark at 270.

240 23 32 17 CDR MARK, That was a 2_0 unwidened.

Going to the next field.

CDR 330.8. All zeros ..... First time

l'w_ had that. That's it. Let's
go Ibr a 270. How about that? Okay,
let's spin it up. While it's draining
down, I'll go pick up a new frame.
Stand by for a mark.

240 23 33 03 CDR MABEl. It's open. I would read you that

it's frame 68. We're taking field 577 -
270. Normal exposure. Going off the comm
for a while.

240 23 36 48 CDR Stand by for a mark.

240 23 36 30 CDR MARK. Okay, that was the 270-second

widened. Let's go for another one.
Different field, of course. Let's go
to - uh - 194 . ±5.9. 19.2, 15.9.
Okay, let's go on that one. Look's
like field number was 051. I'm
taking up a new shutter there -
frame, I mean. It's gonna be frame 69.
Stall by -

2h0 23 37 38 CDR MARK. 270.

240 23 41 16 CDR Okay, stand by for a mark. We're

going to close the shutter on this
270-second widened exposure.

240 23 hl 25 CDR MARK. That's it. Okay, now let's set up

for the next one. I've got a couple of
unwidens in a row 3522. 21.6. Ah - I
don'tknow. Standby for a mark.
It'll be frame 70 field 067, 270.

Dump Tape 240-ih

Page 3 of 5

240 23 42 05 CDR MJh_. Open. Starting a 270 unwidened.

240 23 46 31 CDR Okay, standing by for our 270 here, gang.

Stand by for a mark.

240 23 h6 35 CDR MARK. That was a 270. Let's try another

one on a different field. Let's go to
84.6, as long as we're in the neighbor-
hood. Okay, more - 846. And the other one,
we'll do a mere 0.5, simple ..., don't
you think? Okay, there it is, let's try
for another 270, We did so much - well
last time. First we take up a frame,
then we come back to the spot, then
we say stand by.

240 23 h8 09 CDR MARK. That's frame i - conection -

frame 71, but it's field 151, which as
you know is the last field of this little
effort. It better be because we got
sunshine coming up in about 5 minutes.
-- Going off the con_nfor a moment.

up this friendly little 270 unwidened and

it's none too soon, gang. It's 1 minute
till sunrise. Stand by for a mark,
and I'll close the shutter. On my mark,
get ready, brace yourselves. And I'm
supposed to stow this thing. Stand by.

240 23 51 43 CDR MARK. For a 270. Go to CARRIAGE RETRACT.

Go to a FILM HATCH CLOSED and see you
later. And that goes to Dr. Karl Henize
and Wally Teague. S019 is ...

240 00 20 O0 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A debriefiqg the last ATM run -
uh - it was started at 22:26. I
merely used the same pointing as I had
the rev before and - uh - carried out
everything per your instructions,
and I got the - uh - ... distinction
for 5 minutes on down to zero as you
had requested. So there's ... there,
and - - right now I'm - uh - th - uh -
next to the last rev, the 23:59 one, And
I'll debrief that in another - uh - 30 or
40 minutes.
Dump Tape 240-14
Fage h of 5

2h0 O0 54 04 PLT Hello, there ATM fans. This is Jack on

channel A debriefing - uh - 23:59 run.
Uh - went down to active region activate
8 and - uh - set up - uh - uh - uh -
JOP 2, box 71, building block i0, and
the - uh - way I did that was to - uh -
fix the brightest point is the - uh -
plage and home in on it with DETECTOR
number 3 reading all balls and get the
brightest point I could, and then I let
her fly with MIRROR AUGN scan ... auto scan
also get the grating right 000. You
got some grating auto scan on DECTECTOR 1
and - uh - then we went into MIRROR
ALIGN SCAN is 1 LONG and I gave you two of
those at that point. And - uh - I
kept watching in there for kllerman bombs.
And then as you know, I reported it real-
time that - uh - there was a possible
Ellerman bomb ares. There's a spot ...
looks to me as if the complicatedregion
and I believe, uh - appears to have four
or f_v_ _p_t_ _ itr A_ _t appes_s to
be a - uh - bright intrusion on the - uh -
west most, correction, the east most spot
on that active reEion and - uh seems to he
separated all by itself. It was blowing
the fuse and - uh - the picture shows but -
uh - in view of the fact that we haven't
really seen a real Ellerman bomb and - uh
also due to the fact that we've had done
abo[_ enough active 1 longs and - uh -
mirror align, scans, I decided to - uh -
take a flyer at it. And - uh - so I - uh -
ran - uh - one - uh - - uh - building
block correction, J0P 2, golf building
block i0 on that. Uh - and uh _Just in
the event that it was an Ellerman bomb and
of eourse, the only thing different there
is that - uh - you run of course, the only
thing different there is that - uh -
you run 82B auto ... 82 A exposure and
that's what I did. So other than that it
was all the same as scanning over building
block i0. 54 didn't want - want in on the
_-- ball game this time. So - uh - I ran that
off and - uh - I don't know if it's an Ellman
bo_ or not. It wasn't positive enough
Dump Tape 240_4
Page 5 of 5

to main - to make me say it was, but -

uh - I'll tell you there's about a
50 - 50 chance.

2_1 00 56 14 PLT T_ - uh - didn't get to pinpoint a

lii_ht as I said, and uh - when I'm sure that's
exactly what we see up here anyway.

Dump Tape 241-01
Time : 0152-1058 GMT
Page i of i

241 01 52 28 SPT SPT, on channel A, with an extra message

to - uh - Dr. Paul Buchanan, Dr. Bill Frome
and - uh - those interested in the - uh -
drug - uh - supplies on board. Uh - in
addition to the message I sent down this
afternoon, - uh - there were a number of
uh - little envelopes, all sealed in - uh -
aluminum foil, - uh - which were - uh -
along in the - uh - package we brought up
in the co,and module. When I went to
put those in the dental kit, there were an
equal number already in there, I presume,
from those sent up in the work shop. Now
uh - there's been no indication that I
should throw away the other dental
restoration material, but there was no
say that I could get them all into the
dental - uh - uh - suit case. So I took
out all the old dental restoration - uh -
envelopes and put them into canister B
along with the other drugs, and - uh - put
the new dental restoration- 1_h- envelopes

the IMSS locker. So I presume, Bill, that's

what you intended, and if it's not, why,
please let me kno_¢ otherwise.

241 01 54 i8 SPT End ,of message to those interested in

drug supplies, Bill From_ and Paul Buchanan.


f -
Dump Tape 2hl-02
Time: 1154-1158 GMT

_.... 8/29/73
Page i of i

241 ll 54 40 PLT PHI) readings on channel A.

7276 for the PLT; 7276 for Jack.

241 ll 55 17 PLT 135 for SPT; 135 for Owen.


Dump Tape 241-03
.f-_ Time: 1239 - 1402 GMT
Page i of 15

241 12 39 02 PLT Good morning, space fans, this is

Jack on channel A. Here we are
again - uh - working with TO02.
This one is listed as a T002-4
which is substituting for - uh -
6. And - uh - this is one where
we make stadim- stadimeter
sightings and - uh - we're just
going to make continuous sightings
looks like to me and - uh - then
app]_y them to the operational -
uh -- uh - sextant sightings and
uh -.see if we can come up with
some orbital parameters. I'd
like to know sometime if anybody's
calculating any orbital parameters and
positions and see how these things
are working out. So - uh - let
me give you a few marks here in
a minute - uh -scon as I
can kinda get lined up. And -
uh -.we'll procedd with another
set of operational -
uh - 'ID02 sightings.

241 12 40 14 PLT Uh - one horizon is still a little

bit fuzzy. The - uh - sunrise
horizon - uh - isD't completely
well-defined at the moment.
And how much time we got
remaining How much - uh -
daylight remaining, AI?

CDH 38.

PLT Thank you. Okay, he says there's

38 minutes daylight remaining.
And then we got plenty of time
but - uh - I Just want to take
the best horizon here. How that
should good enough to begin.

Dump Tape 241-03

Page 2 of 15

(Noise) Now let me fasten _self

here at the window. We're early.
We got the window cover off and -
uh .- here we go.

CDR Wowl What an operation that was!

241 12 42 39 PLT MARK. Okay, that mark was - uh -

3.998. And let's crank it off
here a little bit and do anothe

2hl 12 43 35 PLT MARK. _. - 4.033.

FLT MAI_f. 3.951.

241 12 45 25 FLT Okay, we'll crank here up and do

another one. Don't go away. I
know it takes a long time to
sit there and wait for these m_rks
to come through. I don't know
/_- any other way to do it but
to --uh - do it was carefully as
pOSSlD±e 8/la get the - un - oes_
possible alignment each time.
And - uh - that Just takes time.

241 12 46 20 FLT MAR!(. 3.932. And we'll crank it

off a little bit and do another one.

241 12 48 04 FLT MAPS[. 3.982 - correction, yeah 3.981

that _as. Pretty close. Yeah here
we're coming up on the - uh -
Gold Coast of Africa. Mighty
barren country down there looks
like - uh - lots of desert
sand dunes, very pretty colors -
all various shades of brown. I'm Just
going to have to take time out
and take a picture of this, folks.
I mean we probably got h00 pictures
of Africa. Every one seems
impressive everytime we come up
on this area of the country - Beautiful
to photograph.

CC Houst on.

Dump Tape 241-03

Page 3 of 15

PLT ... 1/250 at I"/8 some of them -

some are good.

PLT Turn off the recorder for a minute.

2_1 12 51 19 PLT Okay. Let's take a few more shots

with the stadimeter. Now passing
over mid - middle of Africa
at -- uh - respectable 40 miles
per second. Crank the
stadimeter up a little bit.
Horizon is - oh, yeah, it's
vertically in the window now.
Whereas previously it was _most
inw_rted ... see my large anlge -
uh - day or daylight revelation.

2_1 12 52 50 PLT MARK. 3.941.

PLT Got a few fires down there in

Africa today. Must be burning
-- off some cropsor something.
Okay, let's take auother one.
Le_ _ _k i_ up a ii_tie b±_.

241 12 54 lO PLT MARK. 3.876.

PLT And we're now pa_sing - uh -

over directly Lak_ Victoria.
Mighty big lake down there.
Trying to get this fixed and
my stadimeter liued up. We
got a nice horizon for it at the
moment. Very fair today. And
then the cloud covers perspective.
Sightings ...

2_I 12 57 12 PLT MAPJC. 3.950.

PLT And we're now passing over Lake

Rudolf, Africa. ;Which - uh -
is located primarily in Kenya
near the Ethiopian border. And
we're taking a nice sighting here.

2_1 12 59 49 PLT MA_. 3.885.

Dump Tape 241-03
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PLT Here we're coming up on the -

uh - Gulf of Aden and - uh -
I think that's the Southern part
of the Red - Red Sea.

PLT And we're trying to get another

sighting here. The horizon has
been coming through almost

2_1 13 02 45 PLT Nice horizon at the moment, I

thiluk it's all that - it's not
covered by clouds which makes it
good. The horizon at the moment
is fairly free of clouds.
Much more well-defined.

2_i 13 03 16 PLT M._K. 3.901.

PLT Now passing over Saudi Arabia. We

get around. Lot of sand down there,
_-_ wow' It's sand. Snad dunes. Laid
out and - uh - parallel fashion.
Streets running East and West I
think some of those dunes must
be ;-_0miles. I think the va]]ey ...
Stand by for thi'_ - uh - stadimeter

2_i 13 05 01 PLT MAI_. 3.944.

PLT Now passing the - uh - Junction

between the - uh - Gulf of - uh -
C,,an and - uh - the Persian Gulf.
It's called some kind of strait.

PLT And the horizon is almost - uh -

horizontal again .!n the window.
Crank it up a little bit and get
another good sighting.

241 13 06 35 PLT MARK. 3.962.

PLT Okay, I'm working on this makr.

Horizon is starting to get ... window
Dump Tape 241-03
Page 5 of 15

a little indistinct up to the -

uh - my left. Come up with
nig_ ... over there. Can I
get one more good one?

241 13 07 44 PLT MAI_[. 3.984. Well, that ought

a give you a bunch of them to
work on. So - uh - we'll go off
the air for a little while, and -
uh --be up in a short time -
uh --with - uh - sextant sightings
and - uh - Fomalhaut and Dabih.
So don't go away - uh - we'll be
right back - uh - but that concludes
it for the stadimeter pass. And -
uh - I think that'll give you
enough marks to - uh - keep
you busy for a while.


f_ 2_i 13 16 h8 CDR This is the CDR debriefing -

uh -the last ATM run which is the
one _na_ began at 12 - uh - 2_.
Everything went well, Just as
planned. Uh - when we got finished
I went over to active region 9.
I peaked up detector 3 which peaked
up in the - uh - 20,000 neighborhood
And ran - uh - shopping item 5.
I - uh - gave you a 2h0 - uh -
40 in a 2-second exposure on 82B.
I gave a grading _uto scan and
zero ... Zero auto raster to
grading auto scan. And I was
doing a ... scan and sunset. So I'll
think we got some good - uh -
.., on that one. CDR, out.
That goes to the ATM science room.

2hl 13 18 Oh CDR More for the science room. A/so

I'm going through - uh - subset
here with - uh - mirror-line scan
on active region 9-
Dump Tape 2hi-03
Page 6 of 15

241 13 19 05 PLT Hello again there, space fans.

This is Jack, the PLT. And
the subject is T002-6 at this
time we're using the sextant.
Aud as soon as it gets dark here.
And I'll tell you what we'll do,
we'll get some of these - uh -
zero bias sightings out of the
way. And - uh - call the temperature
the - uh - sextant 68 degrees at
this time. The diopter
setting is a minus 0.5 which is
where I like it. And - uh - my
stars today are - uh - Fom_!haut
and - uh - Dabih. And - uh -
there's still some light on the -
uh - solar panels and the antenna -
discone antenna which is casting a
light on the window. But - uh -
I think we'll be able to - uh -
do our zero bias sightings. And -
_ uh - the airglowhorizon is starting
to shlow up. So before you know
I_ we'll De in business. And then -
today is something a little bit
different, we're gonna - uh -
lay this star in the airglow
horizon instead of in the - uh - on
the Earth horizon. Gonna see
how that works. I think that
the - uh - results will be a little
better and Just - we're ablt to
know where that - uh - airglow
horizon is in respect to the Earth
horizon. Because it's - uh - much
more well defined - uh - then the
Earth horizon. And we don't
have a longer time to work with it.
The Earth horizon - uh - doesn't
seem to show up for quite a while
yet. The airglow horizon is
already visible even though there's -
uh - still some light in the - uh -
window. So maybe we can do a
little better work this time than
- we have in the past. And - uh -
Dump Tape 241-03
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I'll be wanting ti know if

you want me to continue this
... - uh - and I hope you'll
specify either Earth horizon
or airglow horizon, future sightings
... today. Know we're gonna
use - uh - no, let's not use
Jupiter ... bright. There's
Fomalhaut over there put
in zero bias. Okay, ... let
a little bit of light in the
sextant - not much Just a
little. My position number 1.
Fi_ing up position number 2.
... for one horizontal.

241 13 22 12 PLT MARK. 0.004. Crank it up a

little bit and do it again.

2_1 13 22 B1 PLT MARK. 0.005. Sure likes a little

_- light in the reticleand - ligglt-
uh - light in the - uh - readout
_n_w: m_kes _t nice. Had a
burned out battery before, it's
got kind of dim, and - uh - it
wasn't working the way it should.
I replaced the battery this
morning, it's working great now.
If I can Just remember to turn it

241 13 23 01 PLT MARK. Number 3, 0.002.

241 13 23 15 PLT MARK. 0.003. And the fifth

zero bias mark.

2_i 13 23 37 PLT MARK is 0.004. _ell we've located

the Fomalhaut. There's the big -
uh - baseball diamond up there,
and we're looking right down the -
uh - home plate to thrid base
line of Fomalhaut. I've got here
pretty well picked out. Oh -
there's old Enif up there - uh -
He's a possible - possible at this
point; although he's pretty high
Dump Tape 241-03
Page 8 of 15

in the window, he may not rotate

around to the right place, during
the night. And Dubhe I got her,
up there, and in - uh - pretty
good shape too. We have planet
Jupiter, and those - uh - two
stars together; well, not tonight.
Well, before we waste too much
time, leave us press on here.
Let's see what do we pick out
first? Maybe we ought to pick
out Dubhe first. We can pick it out of
the horizon kind of fast sometimes.
And - uh - I'd estimate that
distance about - uh - let's
put about - uh - 45 in there to
begin with - 40 or 45. See the
lights from the cities on the
ground. We're - uh - passing
over northern China. Thunderstorms
lighting up the - uh - area down

241 13 25 20 PLT Lots of good stars out tonight, and

the horizon, looks very good. In
the horizon, there's a white band,
which is a litttle bit diffused
on the top as it meets the black,
But it's very diffused in - uh -
quality as it - or misty as it
goes - uh - downward to the Earth's
horizon and the - uh - the underside
of the airglow horizon Just kinda
diffused very gradually into
the black of the Earth, and - uh -
that makes it difficult to find
the Earth down there. Although
I can see a few stars below
the airglow horizon. The upper
boiAndary of the airglow horizon -
uh - looks more well defined
than the lower. And now let's
see how we're doing with our friend -
uh - Dubhe there. Turn down his
reticle Just a little bit. Now
on the lowerone, I got the good
view the airglow horizon, and the
Dump Tape 241-03
Page i0 of 15

Some dimply lit thing that would

not disturb your night vision
is what we really need_ some
little red lights in there,
clearly - uh - shows the position
of the dial, angle in the optics
not have to take your eye out of it.

241 13 29 49 PLT MARK. 44.344. Supposed to go

after it again.

241 13 30 27 PLT MARK. 44.045.

241 130 46 PLT MARK. 4.907; it's coming down -

it 's coming down, as you might expect.

241 13 31 06 PLT MARK. 43.692. The way I find Dubhe

back again every time at the end
of the - uh - pair of stars right
near it, as a checkpoint.

241 13 3! 34 PLT MARK. 43.435. Oh, by the way,

Bob Randall of the Armes Research

center, NASA at - uh - ... and
sunny Sunnydell: California.
A NASA guy who rants to see this
probably - Robert Nute, Nute.

241 13 32 15 PLT MARK. 42.977.

241 13 32 29 PLT MARK. 42.862.

241 13 32 48 PLT MA_{K. 42.660.

241 13 33 12 PLT MARK. 42.340.

241 13 33 33 PLT MA_LK. 42.045. Okay, one more.

241 13 33 52 PLT M_K. 41.757. Now let's got over

here to - uh - Fomalhaut.

PLT Uh - ole buddy right over there,

Fomelahut. Fomalhaut is getting
pretty high in the sky. See - uh -
Dump Tape 241-03
Page ii of 15

Dubhe's up there at - uh -
40 degrees; Fomalhaut probably is,
too, at least. Let 's crank it
a few more. Okay, here' s

PLT I say he was, he's gone again.

241 13 35 42 CDR Hello, Houston.

CC Hello, how'd you know we were here?

We're here through Hawaii for
i0 minutes.

CDR Uh - we know everything up here.

Don't forget, we're looking down
and getting these synoptic views.
Gotta read that - uh - gotta read
the paper.

CC Okay.

SC One addition - something we' re

doing that you might pass on to
the housekeeping folks that might
make it a little easier for Jerry Carr -
uh - crew. One of the things we're
doing is - uh - _ got a bag over
on the wayy by the - uh - uh -
131 equipment, which - -

241 13 41 37 PLT Okay, space fans_ the TO02, here we

are again. We got Fomalhaut located
in the sextant, and had a little
difficulty getting - -

CC .... 0- -

PLT - -- uh - getting there that time.

CC - -- at 14:06. We dump the tape

recorder then ... - -

PLT - .- we got here now, so here we go.

Dump Tape 241-03
Page 12 of 15

CC - - ... pictures of those icebergs.

You might be getting the Nikon out
and we'll have some setting for you
over the Vanguard•

241 13 hl 59 PLT MAKK, 59.051.

CDR ...--

PLT Fomalhaut must be rising•

CDR Okay, we're got some pictures to

burn, so we might take a few
more. I might mention that ...
382 pauel is very dry here today.
For some reason, it Just leaked -
I/h - -

2_1 13 42 25 PLT MA_K.

CDR ...

PLT 59.366.

2hl 13 42 43 PLT MA/_. 59.513.

CDR We still have that little patch

of water by the 377 - uh -
valve here. It collects about
every 2 or 3 day.s I dry it up
and - -

2hl 13 43 O0 PLT M_K. 59.578.

CDR - - ... 1/3 of an ounce.

CC Okay, we got that and we're going LOS.

CDR Okay, by by.

2_I 13 43 18 PLT MARK. 59.752.

241 13 43 33 PLT MARK. 59.785.

241 13 hB 46 PLT MARK. 59.795.

Dump Tape 241-03
Page 13 of 15

241 13 44 08 PLT MA_(. 59.812.

241 13 44 34 PLT MARK. 59.880. Great big angle

in Fomalhaut now. We're not
that down in front of the window.
We won't be getting it.

241 13 45 07 PLT MARK. 59.893.

241 13 45 55 PLT MARK. 59.78 - correction, 59.777.

CREW .. •

241 13 47 58 PLT We lost our friend, Fomalhuat, for

some reason. See if I can resurrect him.

CRE_ ,.,

CREW ...

z 241 13 50 12 PLT There it is. I got him again.

241 13 51 04 PLT MAP_. 55.285.

241 13 51 24 PLT MARK. 54.775.

241 13 51 41 PLT MARK. 54.406.

241 13 52 O0 PLT MA_K. 54.209.

241 13 52 24 PLT MA}_K. 5 - 53.244.

241 13 52 38 PLT MA/tK. 52.924.

241 13 52 53 PLT MARK. 52.642.

241 13 53 19 PLT MARK. 51.715. 0oops, Sun's coming

up. Yep. The light off the
discone antenna has suddently
obscured the whole horizon. So,
there you are, space fans.
I got a bunch of marks on first
Dubhe and then - uh - Fomalhaut
in the airglow horizon. I - uh -
Dump Tape 241-03
Page 14 of 15

temporarily lost Fomalhaut on

that second set of marks. But I
thiiLk that - uh - I was
tracking the same star both
before and after I lost it. And
I think that ought to be enough
marks to keep you busy for a while.
And Let's see, other possible
stars, I noticed that Gacrux
is out there in good shape all
the time. It doeesn't m_ke
quite the angle with the
horizon that Fomalhaut is now
making. So that might be a good
one to use. And Enif looks like
it's a little bit too big an angle.
It's up there too high now. Looks
like to me we're on the ragged
edge of having too big an angle -
Fomalhaut shooting around 55 degrees
there and - uh - that's a pretty
big angle. I don't think you want

241 13 5h 50 PLT See if I can see anything else out

there that looks like it might
be favorable. It's getting so light
that I can't make out but - uh -
some of the stars. Peacock wouldn't
do the Job. Peacock would not
be any good. The Sun's pretty
din anyway. I think we probably
got a couple of pretty good stars
at the moment, unless you want
to include - uh - one of those
stars like Gacrux as a candidate
fox' - uh - T002. Not sure I can
find Achernas, I think Ackernar is
a little too much of side angle
out the window anyway. Unless we did
it early in the - uh - early in
the pass. Okay, that takes care of
T002 - uh - operational sightings.
I JTigure this is - uh - early in the

_- Dump Tape 241-03
Page 15 of 15

pass. Okay, that takes care of

T002 - uh - operational sightings.
I figure this is - uh -
probably the third - uh - successful
run that we've had with - uh -
stadimeter and sextant probably
got two or three more to go; so,
we 're moving along.

241 13 55 55 PLT That will be all for TO02 today.

Thank you, out.


Dump Tape 241-04
Time: 1512-1538 GMT
Page i of 5

241 15 12 6 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, channel A. I'm at

the - Just getting ready to start the T013
checkout calibrations. I have - 1-H on; the
tape recorder is running. EDS POWER is ON;
everything's ready. What I'm going to do
is perform more than two cagings per sense
plate; so actually I'll call you when I'm
leaving sense plate 1 going to sense plate 2.
That's for T013 .... at 30.

241 15 14 13 CDR Okay, T013. For your information I Just

made five cals on sense plate 1. I'm
now going over to sense plate 2.

241 15 15 09 SPT Okay. Here's the information for the PLT

M092 run. The calf sizes were 14-5/16,
14-5/16 over the left calf. The right is
14-5/8, 14-5/8. Now the legbands and the
/_ cuff are all the same as standard or
were same as before. Saddle's the same
as before. And you have s]] that informa-
tion you need for Jack's run on the M092
this morning. The end of this message to
the M092 PIs. SPT out.

241 15 15 35 CDR Okay, here's the CDR with more information

on T13 [sic]. I did both of the CALs. I
Just finished two and ... I'm goingto go
down and get the force gage and push on
these things a little bit. Try to give you
a little more - more data. CDR out.

241 15 15 48 SPT Here is the pressure of the N2, 02, C02,

bottle; 1427, the N2, 02, C02, bottle -
1427. SPT out. That is for ... M092 PIs.

241 15 17 31 SC ..., AI?

CDR If you like. Never hurts to check it,

though. Okay, this is T013 information.
I'ii tell you what l'm going to do. First
l've got my little force gage. And l'm
going to push on these plates the same
J place, and we kind of go through a little
Dump Tape 241-04
Page 2 of 5

protocol. I'm going to go back and forth

between I and 2. And in that way you've
got a fighting chance of figuring out
• something. The first thing I'm going to do
is push on force plate l, right in the center
that reads you the numbers. Okay?

241 15 18 OB CDR Okay, 5, lO, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay.
Now what I did was give you 40 pounds on 1.
I'm going to go over and do the smae thing
on 2 for you.

241 15 18 23 CDR Up at 40 I don't push so steady so you may

see it Jiggle around. No good out of shape.
But at least it will show you the difference.
Okay? Here we go on this one. Push right
in the center - 5, lO, - Let me stop again.
Let me start again. I need to get my foot
into position. That's what got me last time.
Here we go.

_ 2_I 15 18 44 CDR 5, I0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Hey, I gave
you }!n pe1_n_ right in the center cf e_-ch.
Now, I'm going to give yo 40 pounds right
over the nuts that are on these little sense
plate l, upper right nut, okay?

241 15 19 22 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay?
Upper left one, right on the nut. Here we
go ....

241 15 19 38 CDR 5, i0, 15_ 20, 25, B0, 35, 40. Okay.
Bottom one.

241 15 19 50 CDR 5, !0, 15, 20, 25, SO, 35, 40. All right.
Now we'll do the same thing with sense
plate 2, on those nuts. Here we go.
Upper right nut. 6-way bolt.

2_1 15 20 16 CDR 5, lO, 15, 20, 25, BO, 35, 40. Okay?
Upper left nut.

241 15 20 26 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, BO, B5, 40. 40 was
too steady_ still ... not bent out of shape
Here we go again. On the bottom one.
DumpTape 241-0_
Page 3 of 5

241 15 20 40 CDR 5• i0, 15• 20, 25, 30, 35• 40. Now that's
good. Let me try a few pulls on these
holes. Okay? I'm going to pull on this
one hole - I'm p_l]_ing on the - and we'll
pull on the corners of the plates first.
In the corners• I'm going to pull. And I'll
tell you which corner each time. Okay.
This is going to be the upper right corner.
I gave yo the hook• okay? Here we go. 5,
10, - I've got to get into a better position
if I'm going to put any forces on these
things. It's not going to be as easy as
pushing, it turns out - it looks like ...
Here we go. Okay? Turn this little thing
around where I can read it. Right in the
r - upper - right corner. Upper-right

241 15 21 42 CDR 5, 19, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay? Upper-
left corner.

_. 241 15 2_I 53 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay?
Lower. left. Get ready. I got to turn it
right side up again.

241 15 22 ll CDR 5, lO, 15, 20, - I'll do it again.

2hl 15 22 18 CDR 5, lO, 15, 20, 25, 30• 35, - Wasn't gripped
enough to get a 40. Here we go.

2hl 15 22 28 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20• 25, 30, 35• 40. Okay?
Bottom right _ same thing ....

241 15 22 42 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, h0. Okay?
Now I'm going to do sense plate 2 the same
way. I'm going upper right. Here wo go,
soon as my feet put somewhere.

241 15 23 08 CDR 5, I0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, h0. All right?
Let's go upper left.

241 15 23 23 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Lower left.

241 15 23 31 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. And last,
the lower right.

Dump Tape 241-04

Page IA of 5

2hl 15 23 47 CDR 5, !0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, h0. Now, what
I'm going to do - the last one. I'm going
to go over and push on the sides of these
plates inboard. So if I'm on the right
side, I'll be pushing left. Okay? Here
we go. Pushing inboard on this thing.

2_i 15 24 i0 CDR 5, 1O, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay? Now,
I'm at the top pushing down, from sense
plate 1 .... out from under. Okay. If
this thing ever slips open, sense - the
sense plate is going to hurt. Okay, here
we go. Here we go. Pushing down from the

2hl 15 24 hi CDR 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay?
Let's go over to the left side - that's the
helmet backside, push towards it maybe if
we got a good place.

241 15 25 ll CDR 5, I0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, h0. Okay? Now
I'm going to push it up - from the bottom.
Right in the center.

241 15 25 25 CDR 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 .... at sense
plate 1. This is the last test, on sense
plate - sense plate 2. Start at the right
side. This is the helmet backside, in this
case, on FMU 2. Pushing 90 degrees ....
Pushing towards the center of the workshop,
in other words.

241 15 25 52 CDR 5, I0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay?
Now let's push down on it, towards the

241 15 26 02 CDR 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay.
Let's go ahead and push in on the other
side. This will be pushing towards the
outboard wall as if I was pushing it -
outside, towards the outside - aetllnlly,
the left side of the ... 5, 19, - whoops.
Bettery try again. Wasn't in position.
There you go. No force down.

_ Dump Tape 241-04
Page 5 of 5

241 15 26 30 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay?
And now I'm pushing up. This is the
last test of this series. Here we go.

241 15 26 h3 CDR 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. That
ought to do it. It's all - things, all
directions, and all that information is
for T013 people like Lou Ramon - would be
interested - anybody else that's working
on it. CDR out.

2_i 15 27 56 SPT Okay. The pressure in the N2, ... bottle

is 1390; 1390 is the N 2 water pressure.
That information goes to the M092 PI.

2_i 15 33 30 SPT Okay, for M092, the cabin air pressure is

5. 325; 5.325 is the ambient air pressure.
Percent water, 6 - percent oxygen is 66.86,
66.86. And the percent water is 2.60, 2.60.
Percent C02 is 1.9. ; 1.9. for C02.

DU_np Tape _I-05 _')_
,,_ Time: 1512-1527 GMT
Page 1 of 4

241 15 ii 57 CDR Okay, this is CDR on Channel A, I'm

on the good ship Just getting getting
ready to start the T01B check out
calibration. Uh - I have Just - uh,
1-H on; the tape recorder's running;
EDS Power is on; everything is ready.
What I'm going to do is preform - uh -
more than two cagings per sence Plate,
so actually I'll preform about five.
CDB leaving the station and I'll call you
when I'm leaving sence Plate, one, going
to sence Plate 2, that's for T013 ....

CDR Okay, T013 information. I Just finished

five CALs on test plate one; I'm now
going to test plate 2.

2hl 15 15 ll PLT Wait a minute okay, here,s the information

for the - uh - PLT M092 run. The Calf
sizes were 14-5/16. 14-5/16 on the left
Calf. And the right is lh-5/8, 14-5/8.
Now the leg bands and the cuff are all
the same as standard, all the same as
before, saddles the same as before, and
you have all that information. So, I'll
not repeat it. I think that's all the
information you need, for Jack's run on the
M092, this morning. End of this message
to the M192 PI'S. SPT out.

241 15 15 57 CDR Okay, here's the CDR with more information

on the T13 [sic]. I did both of the - uh -
CALS. I Just finished two ... I'm
going to go down and get the force
gauge and push on these things a little
bit. Try to give you a little more -
more data. CDR cut.

241 15 16 h9 SPT Here's the - uh - pressure of the

N 2, C02 bottles: 1427. The N2, CO2
bottles. 1427. SPT out. That info
goes to the M092 PI"S.

241 15 17 34 CDR If you llke, it never hurts to check

it though. Okay, this is TO13 - uh -
Dump Tape 241-05
Page 2 of 4

information. I tell you what l'm

going to do. First, l've got my little
force gauge. And l'm going to push
on these plates. The same plates, and
we're going to kind of go through a little
protocol, l'm going to go back and forth
between one and two, and that way you
got a fighting chance of figuring out

CDR The first thing I'm going to do is push

out force plate i, right in the center
and read you the numbers, ok? Okay,
5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay,
now what I did was give you forty pounds
on one. l'm going to go and do the
same thing on two, for you. Up at 40
I don't push so steady, so you may see
it Jingle around, I getting out of shape.
But it least it will show you the difference.

241 15 18 33 CDR Here we go on this one, pushed right in the

center. 5, i0. Let me stop again,
let me start again I need to get my
foot in position, that's what stopped
me last time. Here we go: 5, I0, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay now I gave
you forty pounds right in the center
of each. Now l'm going to give you
forty pounds right over the nuts that
are on these little sence plates, ok?
... l'm going to go back to senee plate
one. l'm going to give you the same
sort of thing - on those nuts. Senee plate
one, upper right nut, ok? 5, i0, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Ok? Upper left
one right on the nut. Here we go: ...
now. Five, I0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
Okay. Bottom one. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40. Alright. Now I'm going to
do the same thing to sence plate two.
On those nuts. Here we go, upper right
nut, actually a bolt. 5, i0, 15, 20,
25, 30, 35, hO. Okay. Upper left nut.
5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. h0's
not too steady still looks like I'm a
bit out of shape doesn't it? Here we
Dump Tape 241-05
Page 3 of 4

go again, on the bottom. 5, 10, 15,

20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Now that's good.

241 15 20 49 CDR Let me try a few pulls on these

holds, okay? I'm going to pull on
this one hold. I'm pulling on the -
l'm going to pull on the corners of
the plates first. In the corners, l'm
going to pull. I'ii tell you which
corner each time. Okay, this is going
to he the upper right corner. I engage
the hook, okay? Here we go. Five, i0,
l've got to get in 9 better position, if
l'm going to put any forces on these things.
This is not going to be as easy as pushing
it turns out - it looks like anyhow.
Here we go, okay? Moving this little
thing around to where I can read it.
Right in - in the upper right corner.
Upper right corner, 5, i0, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40. Okay? Upper left corner.
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, h0. Okay?

241 15 22 02 CDR Lower left, Get ready. I got to turn

it right side up again. 5, 10, 15, 20,
let me do it again. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, wasn't gripped enough to get a
forty. Here we go. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40. Okay. Bottom right, same
thing. Stay - stay loose, 5, 10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 35, 40. Okay? Now I'm going
to go do sence plate 2, the same way.
Going to upper right. Here we go.
Get my feet put somewhere. 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40. All right. Let's
go upper left. 5, lO, 15, 20, 25, 30,
35, 40.

241 15 23 30 CDR Lower left. 5, i0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
And last would be lower right. 5, i0,
15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Now what I'm
going to dom last one. I'm going to
go over and push on the sides of these
plates inboard, so if I'm on the right
side, I'll be pushing to the left, okay?
_ Here we go. Pushing inboard on this
thing. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
Dump Tape 241-05
Page 4 of 4

Okay? Now I'm at the top pushing

down on sence plate one. You are - out
from under it okay? If the thing ever
slipps off the sence plate it's going
to hurt. Okay, here we go. Here we go,
pushing down, from the top. 5, lO,
15, 20, 25, 30, 35, _0. Okay? Let's
go over to the left side, that's the
helmet back side, push towards it,
maybe, if we can get a good place. 5,
10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, okay?

241 15 25 18 CDR Now I'm going to push up form the bottom.

Right in the center. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40. Okay, that's sence plate
one. This is the last test on sence plate -
sence plate two. Starting at the right
side. This is the helmet backside in
this case on FMU two. Pushing 90 degrees.
Trip. Pushing towards the center of the
wo1_shop, in other words. 5, 10, 15, 20,
25, 30, 35, 40. Okay, now let's push
down on it, towards the floor. 5, i0, 15,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40. Okay. net's go
ahead and push in the other side, this'll
be pushing towards the outboard wall.
As if I was pushing it - outside - towards
the outside. Actually the left side as
I _ce it. 5, l0 - whoops, better try
ag_dn. Wasn't in in position. Ready
to go. No force now. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25,
30, 35, 40. Ok&y? And now I'm pushing
up. This is the last test of this series.
zero, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.
That ought to do it. It's all - things -
off directions, and all that information
is for T013 people, like Lou Ramon would
be interested, anybody else that 's
working on it.

241 15 27 02 CDR C_ out.

, Tape
Time : 1933-2007 G_ff
Fage i of 3

241 19 34 02 CDR Okay this is the CDR debriefing the pass

that - uh - PLT ran, but I just came in
•.. at the end 18:40. Everything was
accomplished per the plan - uh - we did
it a little bit out of sequences as we
did - uh - the - uh - JOP 6, step two.
And we did JOP 6 step two repeat. Then
we did the - uh - uh - shopping list item
lB. And - uh - Jack also threw in a
Zero Auto Raster at the time continue in
cause he was failry near an active area.
We did not do the TV down-link. And in a
few minutes we completed the - uh - uh -
J0P 7- So things went well.

241 19 34 43 CDR CDR out .... ATM ...

241 19 38 44 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting

ready to run - a very friendly - we're
getting ready to run a - uh - 270 wide
exposrue and - uh - Just minute we'll he
ready to do it. I'm going to go and
get a film, I'm standing back. At zero

the shutter, and then we'll go from

there. I'll giv_ you a little bit
mor_; description of what we're doing.
St axld by.

241 19 39 15 CDR MARK. Okay, here's the story on this

little operation. We've got - uh - the
first one in 241, l; 07.1, field 465.
And £ Just began a 270 wide and it's
frs1_e 072. I suspecion that everythin_
else is okay. This information S019
goes to Dr Karl Henize, Wally Teague,
and other interested - uh - S019 individuals,
which there may be hundreds for all I know.
But we don't train with them all that
closely so I don't ever call em out..
Uh - I'll now go off the air, for a while
and come back. Incidentally the Nu_
you predicted mlnus 4.5. The Nu z act_,-lly
is h.4, so I made no correction.
Dump Tape 241-08
Page 2 of 3

241 19 hO 12 CDR CDR out.

241 19 42 34 CDR Okay, stand by, we're getting ready to

close the shutter on this very nice 270 -
uh - unwidened or - uh - correction widened.
......... Stand by.

241 19 43 00 CDR Mark. That's complete] I'll pick up a

new slide, return, and be ready to go as
soon as that stops. I got my stop watch
ready. 270 is 4 minutes and B0 seconds.
Okay, widening mechanism is complete.
Enough for a mark.

241 19 43 35 CDR MARK. That's the beginning of a 270

unwidened frame 373, field 465.

241 19 48 03 CDR Stand by for the shutter closing on the

270 unwiden.

241 19 48 07 CDR MAPJ( shutter is being closed. Okay

let's go to the next field which is 2987.
- - 12, 7- Okay, that's good, pick up a
new 1'rame 2987, and 12, 7 thi_ i_ _i_,6 _o
be a wide, star field 551. Obviously,
going to be frsae number 7h. Stand by
for my mark.

241 19 48 56 CDR MARK that's the beginning. Frame 74.

241 19 52 29 CDR Ok_%y we're getting ready to close the

shutter on this 270 - uh - second one.
This been star field 551, frame 74.

241 19 52 42 CDR Mark that's it. Okay, let's go to

nBxt one. 3188, 08.1; 08.1, 3188. And
this is going to be a 270 second one also, so
let's give it a go. I'll now pick up
a new frame if you don't mind. I've got
it. I'm standing by to open the shutter.

2hl 19 53 25 CDR Mark I opened the shutter framd 75, field

562, 270. I'll be off the Co_.

CDR Okay, stand by. Here we get ready to

close out this 270. We're going to go

_-_ Dump Tape 241-08

Page 3 of 3

go to a new one. The new field ... 62,

as you know.

241 19 57 05 CDR M_F_K. That's done. Let's go 329 8. There's

329 8. Let's go to 6.1. There's 6.1.
329.8, 6.1. And - uh - we're going to
have a 270, and then a 90. Let's go
for 270 first. Now pick up a new frame,
stand by for a mark.

241 19 57 42 CDR MKRK. It's open. 076 is the frame

number. Time, I can't check to time.
If I released this 5816 it would give
me Just that extra inch travel. Answer
to that is no ....

241 20 00 03 CDR EDS Power is one; everything's ready.

What I'm going to do is perform - uh -
more than - uh - two. Okay, stand by
I've got to close down now, it's sunrise.
Looks to me like this is going to be a
- uh - 2 minute, it'll be 122 exposure,
a little nonstandard, but looks like

241 20 05 52 CDR M_RK; that was a 2-minute exposure.

122 exposure. And I'll shut the door on
the whole operation and fold our tent.
That goes to - tub - Dr. Karl Henize,
Wally Teague and other S019 interested
parties. I'm closing the door now.

241 20 06 09 CDR CDR out.

Dump Tape 241-06 %..7_k.
_-_ Time: 1800-1802 GMT
Page i of i

241 18 Ol 01 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack, on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run, which began 17:06. We - uh -
started r11nning the - uh JOP _ Alpha,
got that with no problems and then went
into - uh - Building Block 4, through
D. I - uh - got off to - uh - a
little late start sec because I spent
a lot of time maximizing the detectors,
aud so forth, in there. And - uh -
I - uh - had to omit the - uh - b-Delta,
but I'll - uh - pick that up - uh -
first part of next rev on active region
8. I also - uh - did the - uh - JOP 7,
as you requested. And - uh - so it looks
llke it came off pretty much as advertised.

241 18 01 44 PLT And we'll be checking in with you

on the next pass. Thank you.

. /_--_ Time : 1615-1743 GMT
Page 1 of 5

2h! 16 15 13 SPT And the PERCENT WATER is 3.33. The PERCENT C02 is

241 16 15 26 SPT And this is the run in which I had the CABIN AIR
SAMPLE valve open, as the pilot ran his 171 run.
He's been talking to you about it on the ground.
It looks like there may have been some amount of
cabin air leaked in along with his exhaled air,
which would have affected the data and - ah - I'm
gonna leave the MA running at this point, at least
for a while longer until we can see what we can do
about it; although, Jack is already out of his e-
lectrodes. And - 8/% - I guess that's all the in-
formation I need here. Sorry about messing
up that data. This message goes to the
M092/171 PIS.

241 16 16 05 SPT SPT, end of message.

241 16 22 17 CDR Okay, this is CDR; brief - debriefing the

run 15:33 on the ATM associated and Science
room, obviously. Everythingwent well. We
got all the data. I threw in part of a
mirror auto rosL_r towa_-_ _he _nd b_c_c
had to some extra time; not enough to go
point somewhere else and not enough to do a
shopping list. lut enough to get about half
of _Lirror auto roster. So - uh - that's
about it.

241 16 22 58 CDR CDE out.

241 17 19 55 SPT Okay, SPT at the - on channel A, getting

set for the TV operations. TV is all set
up at this time. Going to be taking a few
photographs over Paraguay. Okay, we'll
doublecheck all o" our settings.

SPT Get partial roll of film; unlock; POWER,

ON; both signals; MODE to STANDBY; POWER,
OFF. You'll notice that htere is not a reset
to zero. So we do have three frames showing
on the frames available - or - uh - frames
used counter right now. We have not yet
started optical. We have three frames showing
and it was the three that we went through
/ -
Dump Tape 241-0.7
Page 2 of 5

on SINGLE. We've got about 5 minutes

before we turn it on here. Doubleeheck all
of our settings, Door n_nber 1 was installed.
Shutter speed is 200, 12.8 milliradeans
per second, 19 frames per minute. About one
eve_ 3 seconds, as fast as we're done.
And our data block is on 3. That's it for
general purposes. Let me tell you what the
clock over here is reading now. Our clock
is reading 17:48:20 - stand by -

241 17 21 39 SPT MARK, On 17:48:20 that was. Here comes 30.

That'll be 48:30.

241 17 21 49 SPT MARK, 17:48:30; yep. Okay I'll put that back.
... there's a little lever that's supposed
to hold this down and it has disappeared. There
is a little lever that holds this clock down -
little - looks like it's the kind that has
spring tentions and rotates ... That's missing
Must have come unscrewed here in zero g.

CREW ...

SPT Okay I went to make sure I can get down to the

window here, as soon as turn this machine
off. Describe the weather as we fly by. If
my comm cable is long enough. And we're
Just now approaching the coast. We are now
approaching the coast of South America. See
a string of lakes along here, all in the clear.
Let's see; that's looking out to the right
side. Must be high in the Andes. I don't
see them on my little chart here. Yeah, there
they are. Aneud - be that little island there_
a little point of land - a little island off the
tip of - Yeah, I can see right where we are.
And we are north of Aneud several hundred milez.
Now we're gonna pass just a little south of
Santiago. Got 2 or 3 minutes until the data
time comes on. We're now crossing the coast,
and the Andes. You can see clear to the other
side of South America quite easily. A beautiful
sight. Must be near the Gulf of San Ma - Matias,
it looks like or Gulf of J or - Sane Jorge
over an the other side. Ah, it's beautiful.
All across - uh - Chile and Argentina, it is
clear. I can see some clouds up ahead of us.
,_ Dump Tape 241-07
Page 3 of 5

CREW .. •

241 17 24 05 SPT Okay, I'm gonna take data taking at 27:45,

past 24 now.

CC Okay, the pass started at ... observing time - -

SPT And a lot of snow down there.

CC - - ... This will take you about 27 minutes.

You can get started a little earlier if you ...
Oh, the other thing's starting 25 minutes
of day remaining. Both of those things
coming up.

Okay_ I thank you.

SPT Okay, we're still looks like we have outstanding

weather. Boy, everything I can see from here
is clear ....

SPT Okay. Fantastic view. The clearest I've seen

J_ South America.

S_ uKay, a nuraoer oi dry lsxes _nrougn the -

probably into Argentina. Now we're coming up
on 26 minutes. So I'm gonna go up to the camera.
And I'll be ready to start the camera here in
about h0s - 49 seconds.

241 17 26 37 SPT Okay our power's coming on, a little early, just
a second .... Stand by, we're waiting for
27 :45.

241 17 27 45 SPT MARK, went to AUTO. Okay that's the first frame.
Okay, we're draging film. Shutter's operating,
I can hear that. ;_d the film light is out,
transport's operating. FMC is operating;
mounting pretty rapidly. Okay, taking films
rapidly, too frames rapidly.

CREW .•.

CC ...

SPT Get down here and take a look at the weather.

Okay we're still clear, clear as a bell, clear
/_ as a bell. Ought to be getting good data.

CC Okay, we're looking right out htere. Oh, yeah,

see a number of flakes of soil erosion down there
•_ Dump Tape 241-07
Page 4 of 5

where streams have washed it away down through

the land. I see a number of places where
there's - uh - -

CREW ...

SPT Work done on either roads orr villages or some-

thing - whole streaks of - uh - stripped -
off country. We have - -

CDR ...

SPT 29:15, we got turn this thing off. Okay,

should have been very clear. Okay, go to

241 17 29 20 SPT 29:15, STANDBY and POWER is coming OFF. Okay

•.. go to a SINGLE frame. And do ti about
three more.

241 17 30 05 SPT Okay, there is ... SINGLE frame.

241 17 30 lO SPT Go back to STANDBY, turn the POWER, OFF. Okay.

Io_ f_sme._ _sed. we're settin_ on R4 ?rs_.
Gonna get down to the _indow for a moment, be
right back and turning the RECORDER, OFF.


241 17 38 25 CDE - presently is so overshadowed with clouds

that you can't tell a circular structure
particularly, except right in the middle.
We're - uh - looking out a rather poor window
but it's the best we have facing this direction.
You might be able to see a circular structure
now. The reason the screen keeps cutting in
and out is because we're - light is flashing
off the side of the spacecraft causing it to
bother - uh - to close our automatic light
control. I'll cut - cut down our lighting a
little bit; maybe that will help. Look and see.
It's right under us, but we can't get a picture
of it. It's right over there, kind of this
way -. yeah, that's right - right where you're
loold ng.

._ PLT .•.

CDR Yeah.

PLT ...

Dump Tape 241-07

Page 5 of 5

CDR That's right. Not yet. It's not built up

enough. Okay, on this report that we saw it'
couldn't get a good shot on it - uh - It's
not built particularly well - significantly
yet --

PLT ...

CDR From here? Okay - -

PLT Yeah.

CDR Yeah, let's show those. Okay now, Houston,

I'm showing you, not the center of the storm,
but sc_e of the outer rings. As you can see
they're circular in nature and they reach
out hundreds of miles. Now these would be
precursars to somebody that was interested in
- uh - uh - observing a hurricane approaching
that didn't have _uy weather information.
I can't get down from this angle and show you
_ the centerof the storm. It's not build -
you can see toward the center there as I'm
po_n_ng now is plankea - un - Dr part O1 zne
spacecraft. We'll Just have to wait until
tomorrow when we nass a little bit closer.
Maybe later today, perhaps we can get a better
look at it. My f_:el at the moment though is
that the storm ha.o potentially here, but it keeps
building to a large hurrican or tycoon as we've
seen the last mon_h in all - several parts of
the world. Okay that's the end of the
report from Skylab the hurricane

2hl 17 hi i0 CDR Okay, turn off the recorder, would you, Jack?

PLT ...

CDR Thank you.

PLT Ja wohl.

CC Skylab, AOS. Canary and MAdrid for 14 minutes - -

CDR Sory, Jack.

/-- CC - - We'll be dumping the tape recordr at Madrid

at 17:49 ....

2hl 17 hl 31 CDR I'll tell him, _ No, that was -

Dump Tape 241-08
Time: 1933-2007GMT
,--,, 8/29/73
Page 1 of 3

241 19 34 02 CDR Okay this is the CDR debriefing the pass

that - uh - PLT ran, but I Just came in
... at the end 18:40. Everything was
accomplished per the plan - uh - we did
it a little bit out of sequences as we
did- uh - the - uh - JOP 6, step two.
And we did J0P 6 step two repeat. Then
we did the - uh - uh - shopping list item
13. And - uh - Jack also threw in a
Zero Auto Raster at the time continue in
cause he was failry near an active area.
We did not do the _ down-link. And in a
few minutes we completed the - uh - uh -
J0P 7. So things went well.

241 19 B4 43 CDR CDR out .... ATM ...

241 19 38 44 CDE Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting

ready to run - a very friendly - we're
getting ready to _q/n a - uh - 270 wide
exposrue and - uh - Just minute we'll be
ready to do it. I'm going to go and
_-_ get a film, I'm standingback. At zero

the shutter, and then we'll go from

there. I'll give you a little bit
more description of what we're doing.
Sts_d by.

2hl 19 39 15 CDR MARK. Okay, here's the story on this

little operation. We've got - uh - the
first one in 2hl, l; 07.1, field h65.
And I Just began a 270 wide and it's
fr_e 072. I se_pecion that everything
else is okay. This information S019
goes to Dr Karl Henize, Wally Teague,
and other interested - uh - S019 individuals,
which there may be hundreds for all I know.
But we don't train with them all that
closely so I don't ever cal] em out..
Oh - I'll now go off the air, for a while
and come back. Incidentally the Nu_
you predicted minus 4.5. The Nu_ a_tually
is 4.4, so I made no correction. _

_-_ Dump Tape 241-08

Page 2 of 3

241 19 40 12 CDR CDR out.

241 19 42 34 CDR Okay, stand by, we're getting ready to

close the shutter on this very nice 270 -
uh - unwidened or - uh - correction widened.
......... Stand by.

2hl 19 43 00 CDR Mark. That's complete I'll pick up a

new slide, return, and be ready to go as
soon as that stops. I got my stop watch
ready. 270 is 4 minutes and 30 seconds.
Okay, widening mechanism is complete.
Enough for a mark.

241 19 43 35 CDR MABK. That's the beginning of a 270

unwidened frame 373, field 465.

241 19 48 03 CDR Stand by for the shutter closing on the

270 unwiden.

241 19 48 07 CDR MA_ shutter is being closed. Okay

let's go to the next field which is 2987.
- - 12, 7. Okay,that'sgood,pick up a
new xrame 2y8_, and 12, 7 bhi_ i_ _i,,_ t_
be a wide, star field 551. Obviously,
going to be frame number 74. Stand by
for my mark.

241 19 48 56 CDE MA}_< that's the beginning. Frame 74.

241 19 52 29 CDR Okay we're getting ready to close the

shutter on this 270 - uh - second one.
This been star field 551, frame 74.

241 19 52 42 CDR Mark that's it. Okay, let's go to

n3xt one. 3188, 08.1; 08.1, 3188. And
this is going to be a 270 second one also, so
let's give it a go. I'll now pick up
a new frame if you don't mind. I've got
it. I'm standing by to open the shutter.

241 19 53 25 CDR Mark I opened the shutter framd 75, field

562, 270. I'll be off the Com.

CDH Okay, stand by. Here we get ready to

close out this 270. We're going to go
/-_ Dump Tape 241-08
Page 3 of 3

go to a new one. The new field ... 62,

as you know.

241 19 57 05 CDR MKRK. That's done. Let's go 329 8. There's

329 8. Let's go to 6.1. There's 6.1.
329.8, 6.1. And - uh - we're going to
have a 270, and then a 90. Let's go
for 270 first. Now pick up a new frame,
stand by for a mark.

2hl 19 57 42 CDR M_a/RK. It's open. 076 is the frame

number. Time, I can't check to time.
If I released this 5816 it would give
me just that extra inch travel. Answer
to that is no ....

241 20 00 03 CDR EDS Power is one; everything's ready.

What I'm going to do is perform - uh -
more than - uh - two. Okay, stand by
I've got to close down now, it's sunrise.
Looks to me like this is going to be a
-uh - 2 minute, it'll be 122 exposure,
a littlenonstandard, but looks like

241 20 05 52 CDR MARK; that was a 2-minute exposure.

122 exposure. And I'll shut the door on
the whole operationand fold our tent.
That goes to - tub - Dr. Karl Henize,
Wally Teague and other SOl9 interested
parties. I'm closing the door now.

2_i 20 06.09 CDR CDR out.

• Dump Tape 241-09
Time: 1910-2008 GMT ,r_1170
".,.j'_ 8/29/73
Page 1 of 5

241 19 12 13 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel

A. We're talking about ATM, the 18:hO
pass. Uh - This is the one you wanted
to cut a little bit short - uh - so I
could get off down there and - uh -
rerun the - uh - bicycle run. By now,
I don't think we're going to miss anything.
I started out by - uh - doing JOP 6.
By the way, I started about a minute
and a half to 2 early on that. Uh -
The only guy it's gonna effect, I think,
is may be S052. I think that 56 and 54
don't mind much cause they're X-rays,
and the auto raster wasn't going yet until
after effective sunrise. Now I jumped
a little bit on that and - uh - the 52
guys ought to be - uh - thinking about it,
maybe, about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes early.
... get going and overlook the ESR
assignment. But - uh - it did continue to
run out as we got the JOP 6 done and we
tolled to plus 1200 and did the J0P 6 - uh -
/_ in a little different manner as you've
recuested there with no problem. And then
we went to active region 8 and picked up
the building block 4 that I had missed in
the - uh - pre%_!ous rev I picked up the
detectors and ran it off as requested in
the rev before. And - uh - at the present
time, working oL_ the observing time
shopping list i_em 18. We've got the roll
of minus 4200. 56 has got a filter 4 long
going - uh - single frame for - uh - 15
minutes. Uh - 52's in the single standard
and - uh - due to the fact that - uh -
active region - uh - 8 is - uh - right
under the crosshairs on the 55 OFFSET
why, - uh - I got a mirrow auto raster
going and - uh - and detects - uh - all
detects are at the GRATING of zero. And
now - uh - Bean's gon_a take over and - uh -
finish this out while I go down and run
the bike and perhaps he'll talk to you
some more. Thank you.
_i _-_ Dump Tape 241-09
Page 2 of 5

241 19 13 19 SPT Okay, we're setting up for the second

171 ride on the - uh - pilot, Jack. The
second one of the day since I ha/left
the cabin air sample - cabin air valve
opened on the first run. And - uh -
the - uh - ambient pressure is now 5.316,
5.316. And the percent 0 is 65.96.
65.96 percent 0.

241 19 38 44 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting

ready to run a very friendly - we're
getting ready to run a 270 widened
exposure and - uh - just a minute, we'll
be ready to do it. I'm gonna go get a film.
I'm standing back. At zero mark, I'll
give you a mark and - which will open
the shutter and then we'll go from there.
I_ll give you a little bit more of description
of what we're doing.

241 19 39 15 CDR Stand by. MARK.

241 19 .o_28 CDR Okay, here's the story on this little

o_}eration. We've got - uh - the first
one is 241.1, 07.1, field h65 and i just
began at 270 widened and it's fraze 072.
I suspecion eve__cthing else is okay.
This information is SO19, goes to Dr.
Karl Henize, Wally Teague, and others
interested SO19 individual which there
may be hundreds for all I know. But
we don't train with them that closely
so I don't eve_' call them out. I'll
now go off the air for a while and come
back. Incidentally, the NU you predicted
i._ a minus 4.5 and the NU actual is 4.4,
so I make no correction.

241 19 40 12 CDR CDR, out.

241 19 _2 3h CDR Okay, stand by. We're getting ready to

close the shutter on this very nice
270 unwidened, correction, widened exposure.
I will start, right after this, with a
270 unwidened. As soon as this widening
mechanism stops, that is. Stand by.

¢_ D ump Tape 241-09

Page 3 of 5

241 19 43 O0 CDR M_JLK.

241 19 43 01 CDR That's complere, l'll pick up a new

slide, return, and be ready to go as soon
as that stops. I got my stopwatch ready.
270 in 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

241 19 43 31 CDR Okay, widening mechanism is complete.

Stand by for a mark.

241 19 43 35 CDR M/uRK.

2hl 19 h3 37 CDR That's the beginning of a 270 widened,

frame 73, field 465.

241 19 48 03 CDR Stand by for the shutter closing on the

27'0 unwidened.

241 19 48 07 CDR M/U_K. SHUTTER is being CLOSED.

241 19 48 09 CDR Okay, let's go to the next field which

is 298.7, 12.7. Okay. That's good.
Pick up a new frame. 298.7and 12.7.
Th_a _g gnnn_ be a w_ened. ,qts_9_eld
5.51, and obviously gonna be frame number
74. Stand by for my mark.

241 19 48 57 CDR MkRK.

241 19 _8 58 CDR That's the beginning. Frame 74.

241 19 52 29 CDR Okay, we're getting ready to close the

shutter on 270 second one. It's been
starfield 551, frame 74.

241 19 52 42 CDR MJURK.

241 19 59- 44 CDR That's it. Go to the next one. 318.8,

08.1. 08.1, 318.8 And this is gonna be
a 270-second one, also. So let's give
it a go.

CDR I'll pick up a new frame, if you don't

mind. I've got it. Standing by to
open shutter.

241 19 53 25 CDR M3LRK.

_ Dump Tape 241-09
Page h of 5

241 19 53 26 CDE I OPENed the SHUTTER in frame 75, field

562. Gonna be off the eonm.

241 19 56 51 CDR Okay, stand by. Here ready to close

out this 270. We're gonna go to a
new one. It's been field 562, as you

241 19 57 06 CDR M_%RK.

CDR That's done. Go to 329.8. There's 329.8

Let's go to 6.1. There's 6.1. 329.8,
6.1. And - uh - we're gonna have a 270
and then a 90. Let's go for the 270 first.
Frame - pick up a new frame. Stand by
for a mark.

241 19 57 h2 CDR MARK. It's OPENen. 076 is the frame


2hl 19 58 05 CDR Check the time. I can't check the time.

• .. Give me Just a extra inch of trave ....

241 20 01 06 CDR Okay, we're coming to the close of this"

270 and then we're gonna follow it
immediately by a 90. In field 570, frame 76.

241 20 01 21 CDR MARK.

241 20 01 22 CDR That's complete. Let's go for a 90

second exposure now.

241 20 01 26 CC Skylab, we'd like the DAS for a dump enabled.

2hl 20 01 28 CDR He's got it. TeIl him. Okay, pick

up a new frame. Stand by.

241 20 Ol 34 CDR MARK.

241 20 01 37 CDR Okay. That's the beginning of the 90-

second exposure, field 570. You got it.

241 20 01 56 SPT Okay. This is info for the biomed people

on the 171 run Just completed by Jack.
_le percent 0 of the cabin is 65.43.
Percent 0 is 65.43. The percent water
is 3.98. And the percent CO is 2.02.
2.02 percent CO on the run Just finishedby Jack.
Dump Tape 2hl-09
Page 5 of 5

241 20 02 23 SPT SPT, out.

2hl 20 04 00 CDR Okay. I'ii give you a mark. I will

have started it 15 minutes ago. Okay.
St_ad by.

241 20 04 06 CDR MARK.

241 20 04 07 CDR 15 sedonds aga, that is. 15 seconds

ago I started a - uh - exposure on
field 806. And there's no way that I
can gate the 270 unwidened in there,
but I'll give you the longest unwidened
I can. The previous stars all came
off on time. The 90 secondexposure
was correct. I don't know if I had the
record switch on at that time. In
any event, I'll press on. I note that
- uh - sunrise is at 06. And at 06,
I'll close the shutter and announce
how long the expcsure was probably my
f _ best bet in this case is to also, leave
the comm on so }ou can get a better
nacic OI _xle ba.la_.

2hl 20 05 35 CDR Okay. Stand by. I've got to close

down now at sunzise. Looks to me like
this is gonna be a - uh - 2 minute.
It will be a 120 second exposure. A
little nonstandard, but it looks like
it'll do the Job. Stand by.

2hl 20 05 51 CDR MARK.

2_i 20 05 52 CDR That was a 2 minute exposure, 120 second

exposure. And I'll shut the door on the
whole operation and fold our tent. That
goes to Dr. Karl Henize, Wally Teague
and other S090-19 interested parties.
I'm closing the door now.

2hl 20 06 08 CDR CDR, out.

SC . .. (voice on wrong speed makes it

difficult to understand)


Dump Tape 241-10

Time: 2234-2347 GMr
Pagei of 28

24] 22 32 3B PLT Good couple recover at the minimum

foot control input. Be sure to wait
i0 seconds after the completion of
maneuver before turning off DACs
and to voice record the pressures
after each maneuver. Remember that
the lateral correctio n technique - -

241 22 37 O0 PLT Hello there, space fans, this is

Jack on channel A. The subject today
is TO20, for our friend Lou Ramon
and Don hewer from the Langley Research
Center. We're going to do a little
of - uh - flying around with R020.
We finally got all of these straps
fixed up. Took a while but we did
it. And I say - uh - LOWER LATCH'S
Rk_._A_SED. Raise the DOCKING LATCH,
UNLOCK the FCMU RELEASE, squeeze the
FCMU BW/a&SE, grip the handlebars and
torque up out of the mounting fixture,
position you in the center of the
workshop. Now hold on i, gang.

241 22 38 16 PLT Okay. I positioned you in the

center of the workshop. Come with
me, Bean. Okay. Now, what we gotta
do is this, Verify the seat height
adjustment in tDe following manner:
co_m_ander the plus Z translation,
Okay, I got to ,zerify the whoot plates
don't slide. Do it again. Do it again.

2hl 22 38 53 CDR Once more?

2hl 22 38 55 PLT Yeah. Okay. Now - uh - do not slide

forward on a foot controller that the
teI_eney to pitch your toes up or
do_ is minimal. How'd you feel when
you did that? Okay, now do a minus z
and - uh - ma_e sure your feet don't
slide fore and aft and that your
toes don't. - You like that seat
height? Okay, he likes that seat
"_ Dump Tape 241-10
Page 2 of 28

height. That seat height is 30.

I g_)t the adjust - the sensors adjusted
the way we did the other day at - uh -
9, both of them at 9. Yeah, work foot
controllers by hand. Make sure the
forces - - up and down forces are
equal. They seem to be the same.
Okay, - uh - up and down hand force on
the thrusters or on the foot controllers
is equal. Is the toe-in adjustments
co_fort able ?

241 22 40 18 CDR Yeah.

241 22 40 20 PLT Okay, we just recorded 30 as

the seat height adjustment. Open
your clamp. Uh - for some reason
they told me to close your pro-
pellant valves down- back here. Your
supply valve I mean. You don't have
any thruster power at the moment.
We're going to leave the - uh -
i-_ thruster blocks where they were before
which is - at uh - at - uh - o,
as I already mentioned. And now, I
uh - do this, I - uh - voice record
at - uh - T020, run number l, as
begun again, it's really number 2.
It's really run number 2, space fans.
When all of the - uh - extra straps
and paraphenalia, I verify your FRAME
RATE is in 20. That it is. Read
the pressure gage. I read the
pressure gage and it is reading
2400 psi. DAC remote control is 2
FPS. It surely is. Okay, now
we got to change the magazine in
the C?,_JDAC, when required. So
I'll watch that little red light.
Do not begin a maneuver with less
than 300 pounds and change the PSS
when required. Okay, now we - uh -
know what the mark routine is and
all that. Uh - you uh - clear on
that? Okay, you're gonna give me
a mark when you get to your position.
Dump Tape 241-10
Page 3 of 28

I'm gonna say camera's on. You're

going to give me a mark when you
get to your position. I'm gonna trans, -
l'm gonna - uh - - uh - repeat the mark
and I'll give you l0 .seconds.
You're gonna give me a mark
when you're stablized. And then
we're going to go - uh -
and then you're gonna come back -
Give me a mark when you come
hack and - uh - you're gonna give

CDR ...

241 22 _2 37 PLT Huh? Wait a minute. I'm loose.

Coming over here to the - uh -
food locker where there's nothing
to grab onto - at all. Got
to find m_self - uh - a place to get
latched up to the floor. Okay,
now what's that? Oh, okay, that's
the procedures forthe run.

CC Skylab, this is Houston. We

are going to reenable your dump
capability, so _tay off the
DAS for a minute. A1.

2hl 22 _ 00 PLT Okay, I got to open your - uh -

supply valve, it says here. I
opened supply valve. Perform
about i0 minutes of discretionary
maneuvers with TV and no DAC's.
The TV camera may be mounted near
the dome and aimed towards the
center of the or - workshop if
' or PLT cannot handhold it.
If the restraints are satisfactory
do L run L per checklist. Okay,
you're going to do - uh - i0 minutes
of discretionary maneuvers, all right?

CDR Okay ....

• Dump Tape 241-10
Page 4 of 28

241 22 h4 58 PLT It says - uh - Here's the order. If

there 's

CC uh-

PLT - - Perform about lo minutes of

discretionary maneuvers with the
TV and no DAC okay? If the
restraints are satisfactory,
then do run 1. Without TV,
omit the tumble recovery and
the minimum foot controller inputs.
Be sure to wait lO seconds after
the completion of maneuver before
turning off DACs and to voice
record the pressures after each
m_euver. Remember that the
lateral correction technique may
be used as needed - on 20-lB.

2hl 21 h5 55 PLT Now you know what the later cor-

rection techniqu_ is. Left foot up
for righttranslation.Right foot
up £w _ ie£L L_-ansia_ion. uKay so
it looks like the first thing we
need to do is to - uh - put the TV
up there, which [s what I'm gonna
do right now. And you're gonna get
lO minutes. Now where'd I put
that. There it is.

CC ...

PLT ...

2_i 21 h7 15 PLT l've been hit before.

2hl 21 h8 07 PLT Well, let me see if I can

get the TV homed in on you.

2hl 21 h8 h8 PLT ... can make it down, it's

going to look great. Okay, I'm
gonna set it on about l0 feet. Hey,
A1, are you busy?

CDR ...
Dump Tape 241-10
Page 5 of 28

PLT TV time, 0. Yeah. He needs

ear plugs.

241 21 49 33 PLT Formulate in your mind what you're

going to do. Huh?

CDR ...

PLT Okay, we only want lO minutes.

CDR ....

PLT Upi gpt wJat? I don't know

what he's got it for. I got the
TV here, 0.

SPT ...

PLT Th_Lt's broken. It don't work.


SPT I thought I had the right TV.

I_T No, number2 is the one. It's

just bro - I think the rope
busted on it. H(re's your

SPT Okay.

PLT Dab! Okay, here's your earplugs.

SPT Thank you.

PLT Okay, why don't you get your

earplugs on and go TV position and -
uh - V2R RECORD.


PLT Yeah, I got it on here,

and all you got to do is handhold
it. Probably in the dome sight
up here would be best. Come on

241 22 51 32 PLT Come on, 0, let's go. There you

are. Why don't you just stay right
up here and - uh - we don't want to
do more than i0 minutes.
_-- D_p Tape 241-10
Page6 of28 !

CDR ... If you'll tell me when you're
ready, I'll go in the ...

PLT Are you ready, 0.? He's ready!

Okay space fans - uh - we're
gonna treat you to another
installment of the Orville and
Wilhurn, show. Orville there,
Alan Bean, has got the - uh -
TO20 foot control maneuvering
unit fastened to him today in a
new and different way to give
him more stability. He's coming
up out of the crew quarters hatch.

2_i 22 52 50 PLT And he's maneuvering upward out

of the crew quarters hatch. Owen
Garriott is the cameraman again
today. Don't go back any further
Al. You're gonna bump this. I'll
have to get you clear.

CDR ... going down in there.

PLT Okay, how's the lighting, 0.?

SPT ... okay.

PLT Should I turn that one off over


SPT ...

PLT Okay, we're taking a cut here,

friends. We're gonna start over
again. All you TV fans. Okay,
space fans. Here we are again with
another installment of the Orville
and Wilbur Show. We got Al Bean here in
the Skylah flying the foot control
maneuvering unit. We've made some
modifications to the restraint
mechanisem with the straps - in the
way that it's - uh - fastened to
him. We're evaluating this new
Dump Tape 2hl-lO
Page 7 of 28

restraint mechanisem. He's flying

up there toward the - uh - dome area
now, and it looks llke he
successfully made it up to the
dome where Owen Garriot is on the
TV. His objective here is to -
uh - fly a few - uh - maneuvers, as
he sees fit, to evaluate the
restraint mechanisem before he
goes into the - uh - full blown
e_luation - uh - according to the
procedure. There you see him - uh -
yawing around to his left, all the
time whistling over the Earth at
18,000 miles an hour, although you
wouldn't know it to look at him.

2hl 22 5h 52 PLT Okay, he's approaching the crew

quarters deck. He's pitching
down and - uh - moving aft. Doesn't
want to go aft any further. Now
he's - uh - got himself horizontal
to the crew quartersfloor,

a foot control maneuvering unit,

is that - uh - the - the pilot's
hands are free to - uh - @_asp or
to hold whatever he want to, to grab
onto something when he gets there.
And -uh - we're evaluating this - uh -
design of a foot controlled
maneuvering unit. Rolling to his
left, still face down to the crew
quarters. I'll get you there, Orville,
if you'll go straight. Now he's
yawing back to his right facing up
toward the crew quarters hatch.
Stabilzed about 4 feet off the deck.

241 22 55 50 PLT Still translating down, he reaches

out and grabs a hold of the - uh -
handlt to the parasol which covers
the workshop - keeps it cool.
Torques himself around. What'd you
want me to do for you there, Orville?
Doesn't want anything done for him,
not a thing, he's on his own. Wants
Dump Tape 241-10
Page 8 of 28

to stabilize himeself in an
uprighted position, apparently.
Okay, he's got a slight pitch
rate going. He's up - going now.
He's 1 foot off the crew quarters deck,
upright position. He gives a little
th_ist up and a little pitch down.
I'll clear you back here. Okay,
now he's translating. Where you
going, Orville?

CDR l'm going up to see what's

going on up there.

2hl 22 56 40 PLT He's going ou - he's going

up to see what's going on up
there, he says. Wants to stand
in front of the TV camera - show
business, you know. You know the
old saying: If you can't he
colorful, be good. Or was it the
other way around? Okay, there
h_,c: _ _n his lefT.. _o far
under control. How's the new
restraint system working, Al?

CDR ...

PLT He says the new restraint system

works good those ... they got
there hold them down to the feet
be_er instead riding - uh -
bucking bronco.

CDR ...

241 22 58 21 PLT He was a little loose in them

the other day, and he kind of
rode it like a buckin' bronco,
but - uh - looks like it's - uh -
fastened down a little better so
that it doesn't slide around when
he pushes on it with his feet,
which was the - uh - oJec - objective
of the - uh - restraint... system i
that we have on there. What are you
going to do now - uh - there, Orville?
Dump Tape 2_i-i0
Page 9 of 28

CDR ...

PLT Okay, he says he's coming back


CDR ....

PLT He says there's not a heck of

a lot you can do there. He's
gonna go up and down.

CDR ....

241 22 58 53 PLT Go up and down in a different

direction. That a boy! Now
he's pitching down. You got about
5 feet behind you there. Okay,
now he's stopping his - uh -
translation and he's - uh - pitching
forward and he's - uh - gonna
eo_ down head first, hands
first to the - uh - crew
quartersarea. These thrusters

Just plain old - uh - nitrogen

all by itself. That bottle on his
back, which l'm pointing to right
there is a high pressure bottle
full of nitrogen. We can refill
those bottles very readily up
to about 25 or 2800 psi, and - uh -
that provides the - uh - the
propellant supply for the little
thrusters that are mounted by his
feet where I'm pointing. Those L
little blue buttons on there
are thrusters. There's a battery right
here. You can see this cable going
into the battery, which operates the -
uh solenoid valve to - uh -
operate the - uh - thrusters.
Permits gas to go from the - uh -
pressure bottle to the thruster
and - uh -

CDR ... Jack ...

Dt_np Tape 241-10
Page i0 of 28

2_i 22 59 08 PLT - - help operate the camera. There's

a camera right down in here
which - uh - you can doc - document
each maneuver on .... the camera's
mounted around inside of the - uh -
workshop here to - uh - document
all the maneuvers that are made.

CDR ....

241 22 59 25 PLT Okay, Owen, that's - uh - good bit

of - uh - television work there
and - uh - why don't you Just
go i:ithere and - uh - turn the
TV off now and go back to
whatever you were doing.

SPT ...

PLT I know. We got stuff floating

all over here, couple washers.
Okay, A1, we're ready to start
thosemaneuvers. Did you like
Lhe z'esLrai_c mechanism all rlg$1_':
Let me find _ checklist and - uh -
we'll get with it. That's
floated off somewhere. It'll turn up
here shortly, I guess. There it is.
Let me turn off the TV camera.
Thank you, Owen. I gotta drift
up here to wherever that's
hooked up. There it is - and -
uh -turn it off. It doesn't
overheat. We've got to treat this
one with tender loving care.

2hl 23 00 22 PLT Now I reckon I ought to tell you

what to do. Now it says - uh -
if restraints are satisfactory, do
run 1 per checklist B-1 without TV.
Omit the tumble recovery and the
minimum foot controller input.
He said to - uh - wait lO seconds
after completion of maneuver
before turning off DACs and to
voice record the PSS pressure after
Dump Tape 2hl-lO
Page Ii of 28

each maneuver. Remember that's

a lateral correction technique.
Remember - uh - that the lateral
tech - correction technique mey be
used as needed. And-I'm going
to read your pressure now. I can't
read it when you're like that.
I can read it when you're like
this. Just stay where you're at
now. Okay, we're at 1700 psi and
I go over here and - uh - look
at the page - uh - 20-1 and - uh -
that's all the stuff that - uh -
tells us the plan of attack
and what not. And - uh - it tells
me wha - what I should comment on.
Difficulty in putting commands
in, unusual disturbance or motion -
uh - We don't have any of that.
Cross coupling - uh - accelleration
and translation rates amd - uh - decide
what you're doing and where you're
going. All right. Now we're over
nere. This is the attitude change
and hold maneuver. Now I got to get
this - uh - lighL on. And I got to
grab Jp;d pf tJat - uh - tJat - uh -
cable and put it in a good place.
It takes me a m_nute to unhook that.
I got to take that with me. We had
a camera failure, by the way,
space fans. On _he DAC that we mounted
into the - uh - CMU - uh - didn't
want to work. So - uh - we off
to a late start on account
of that. for one thing. And
the other thing is it took us a
long time to get these restraints
all hooked up. So - uh - we're
about ready to begin this - uh -
operation. The - uh - lateral
restraints are - uh - restraints
are checked out. We feel they'll
do the Job - uh - for this run.
And - and now the old - uh - Wilbur -
Wilbur here. He's getting down into
"F- Dump Tape 2hl-,10
Page 12 of 28

here where he can - uh -

operate all the junk that's gotta be

241 23 03 33 PLT Okay, I calip this here DAC -

uh - deal to me. Okay, now we're
ready, A1.

PLT Okay, now. This is called

the attitude change and hold
maneuver in pitch. Okay, we've
gotta have - uh - with the
translation correction, we've
gotta have two successful maneuvers.
I position you - uh - facing
the film vault. And - uh - -

CDR ... backing ...

241 23 04 28 PLT Okay, let's start the camera.


241 23 04 31 PLT MARK. Okay, number i. Okay,

you tell when you're beginning
and I'll tell - i'll
tell you when ycu're stabilized

PLT There you are.

241 23 04 50 PLT MARK. Pitch maneuver beginning.

He's pitching up. There he goes.
I'd say he has no - uh - cross
coupling and he's - uh - rotating
at - uh - about 5 tl i0 degrees
per second. He's Just about to
90 degrees and he's stopping to -
uh -

241 23 05 07 PLT MARK. He's stopped his translation.

Feet toward the film vault. Okay,
now I'm timing l0 seconds. That's
i0 seconds, AI.

241 23 05 16 CDR MAPd{.

f_ Dump Tape 241-10
Page 13 of 28

241 23 05 17 PLT MARK. Okay, he's be - coming

bsek. He's - uh - pitching down.
He's coming back so his - uh -
face will face Lhe film vault.
Looks like -What are you giving it?
A little up translation? Okay,
a little - uh - right yaw in there.

241 23 05 37 PLT MARK. Let me know when you want

DACs off. You satisfied?

241 23 05 49 PLT MARK. DACs off. Okay. Okay, he

would up with a little bit of yaw
to his right. You - you're giving
a translation command in there, it
looks like to me A1. Oh, all right.
Okay, that's nnmher i Successful
maneuver, I call that. You ready to
do it again? Okay, on my mark,
DACs on.

241 23 06 ll PLT MARK. Okay, everybody, that's

numoer L. _igna±ea everyDoay wlLn
that and - uh - now we're going
to - uh - stabilize the old Beano
here. He's facing the - uh -
film vault. T_ere you are.

241 23 06 31 CDR MARK.

241 23 06 32 PLT MARK. There h_: goes. He's

picking up about 5 to I0 degrees a
second. Gives an up translation,
couple of bursts. Okay, he's
stopping his - uh -

241 23 06 46 CDR MARK.

241 23 06 47 PLT MARK, he says. Okay, I'ii

time lO seconds, l0 seconds.

241 23 06 57 CDR MARK.

@$L @# )¢ %* PLT MARK. He starts back. Here he

comes. Same rate, about 5 to l0 degrees
Dump Tape 241-10
Page 14 of 28

a second. Gives it some up

translation. Okay, now he's
dropping hi - uh - pitch rate - -

241 23 07 17 CDR - - MARK.

241 23 07 18 PLT MARK, he says. He's got it

stopped. I 'm timing, lO seconds.
Camera's off. All right, now
the next one ... head down. You
can go to roll. You're gonna roll -
ub - right and then left. Now you're
supposed to film- face toward the
film vault. And to do that,
you're gonna roll to your left,
but - uh - so be it. I'll do
it your way. You know me. Easy
to get alon with; easy going
old Jack. Okay, keep you facing
plus or minus Z here with your
feet. Okay, we got him face up
looking at the dome. Now let's get
our cameras on.

241 23 08 14 PLT MARK .... ever,_body. Okay, now

I'm gonna stabilize him. You're
gonna roll. Stabilize. There you go.

2hl 23 08 28 CDR MARK.

2hl 23 00 29 PLT MARK. He's rolling to his right.

H_s head is - his head's coming
towards the food lockers.

CDR ... yaw right.

PLT He go a little yaw right with that

roll. He took it out. And
he's - uh - yawing maybe a little
bit slower, about _ uh - maybe -
uh - 5 degrees a second.. Or
rolling, I mean; rolling a little
slower. Now he's almost - uh -
90 degrees. He's stretching it.
He's stretching it now. Got a
little yet - left yaw.
•r-_ Dump Tape 241-10
Page 15 of 28

241 23 09 03 PLT MARK, he says. I'm timing.

Got a little yep - - left yaw
he said with that when he stopped
his roll right maneuver, i0 seconds.

241 23 09 15 PLT M_/RK. Here he's coming back.

CDR ...

PLT Rolling left, and he got a little

yaw to the right on that. Going
back pretty slow. About 5 degrees
a second.

241 23 09 36 PLT About 6 - about 5 feet off

the crew quarters deck. Now he's
in the - uh - plus or minus stopping
his - uh - roll.


241 23 09 _6 PLT MARK he says. Okay, cameras off.

Okay, that's one sucess - successful
maneuver. Are you ready for D_mher 2?
Okay, cameras on.

2hl 23 i0 03 PLT MARK. Okay, I'ii give you n11mber 2,

oh no, I got loose, phew,
Just hang on. So many cords
and cables here you just - can't
do anything right. Okay, now here
we go. Wires hanging all over the
place. Okay, number 2 that is.
I don't know if he can do that ... -
Okay, you ready?

241 23 i0 51 PLT MARK. Okay, he's rolling to his

right, he got a little left yaw.
Can't see if that camera's working.
Okay, he's stopping.

2_i 23 ii 17 PLT MARK. He stopped his roll.

I'm timing you. He's facing up,
feet toward the film vault, i0 seconds.

_-_ Dump Tape 241-i0

Page 16 of 28

241 23 ii 29 PLT MARK. Now he's rolling back to

his left. Looks like he got a
yaw left on that. Rolling left,
yaw left. That's right, I didn't
read the pressure did I? He's
stopping it now, stopping his roll


241 23 12 05 PLT MARK. Ke's got her stopped,

I'm timing. I0 seconds.

241 23 12 16 PLT MARK. Camera's off. Okay.

CDR Yaw.

PLT Now we're going to do some yaw.

You are going to face the - uh -
S019 and I'm to read your pressure -
Do that right - to be - uh -
15-- psi. Okay, now you're goint to -
uh - yaw right, then lel_t. Stand
by for cameras on.

241 23 12 56 PLT MARK. Cameras on (whistle) ....

everybody. Stabilize you - vertically.
There you are, you're stabilized.


241 23 13 19 PLT MARK. There, he's yawing to his

left. Looks like he got a little
left roll on that. Left I0 degrees
a second. Okay, there h -


241 23 13 33 PLT MARK. There - ten seconds ... up.

CDR ... stop ...

PLT When he'd stop he'd get a

little right roll back. I0 seconds.

241 23 13 45 PLT MARK. Now he's yawing back to his

right. And he got some right roll in
Dump Tape 241-10
Page i_ of 28

that right yaw. Lot of it,

lot of right yaw. Or right roll
rather. Now he's stopping it.
Tell me when you're there.


241 23 14 12 FLT MARK. He's there - timing.

I0 seconds.

241 23 lh 23 PLT M_K. Okay, we'll do that

again. How's your restraints
holding up?

P_T ,Okay.

FLT Are you ready?

FLT We won't read it until after

this one. Okay, - uh - ready
for cameras on.

- 241 23 15 09 FLT MARK. 2, 2 .... stabilized.


241 23 l_ 27 PLT MARK. Yawing to his left.

Must have got a right - a left
roll out of that, huh?

PLT lO degrees a second - stop

there. There he is, he's stopping
the maneuver. Maybe he can get
some right out of it.

241 23 15 h2 FLT MARK. He's there, I'm timing.

i0 seconds. Okay, he's going to
mark to his right. And he's there.
Stopping his yaw, he's got some
right roll.


241 23 16 ii PLT MARK. i0 seconds, backs off.

Okay. Sing - single action translation
I-- Dt_p Tape 241-10
Page 18 of 28

maneuver next, A1. You're

going from the minus Z SAL over to
plus Z SAL. Okay. Okay - uh -
we're going to change the - uh -
positioning a little bit, we're
going to go from above the B_MD to
FMU number 2. Do you like being
hig_ up there, so you can go above
it? Okay, now, I gotta read the
pressure. And I read the pressure
to be - Through my goggles dont ...
1200 psi. Okay, let's get the
cameras on.

241 23 17 17 PLT MARK. Mark cameras on. Okay,

this it number 1 for everybody.
I stablized my old buddy, Orville,
here. And - uh - it looks like to me
you're pretty well pointed at FMU 2.
There, you're on you own. Huh?

PLT No that's straight translation.

Give me the word.


2hl 23 17 53 PLT MARK. He's on his way. He's doing

a single action translation from
above the B_iD toward _4U number 2.
He's translating at about - let
me see if I can figure it out -
4 to 6 inches a second. Above the
crew quarters hatch. Got to go
over here and rescue him. Okay,
he's stopping his maneuver about a
foot from FMU.


241 23 18 31 PLT MARK. He's there; I'ii time

1O seconds. He's drifting up.
He is, he's drifting up, he's
translating to the right.
i0 seconds. Backs off.

241 23 18 43 PLT MABK. I got him. I'm going to

glide you over ther; then I'm
_ goingto try to catchup with you.
Dump Tape 241-10
Page 19 of 28

CDR o..

PLT ... the camera inadvertantly,

somehow . Okay, here's - uh -
maneuver number 2 coming up.
You're seeing him tighten up this back
strap. Okay, we got him above
the BMMD. We got cameras on,
A1. Ready?

2hl 23 19 4B PLT M3U_K. 2 - single action translation.

You going to do it yourself,
or are you going to have - me do
it? I'm ready when you are. There
he goes.

241 23 20 02 PLT MA}LK. Translating. About 4 inches

a second not more - very slowly.


241 23 20 44 PLT MA/_(. He says he's there. I'm

._ timing him. i0 seconds. Banks

by him. Okay - uh - that ends the -

uh - single-action translation
ma_leuver. The pressure is ll00 psi.
And 0 uh - now we do the two-action
translation maneuvers - starts in
the same area. I'm gonna float you
over there, A1 .... Okay, here he
comes. This is the two-action
translation maneuver; you know hat
that is? Start you off pointed
at the p - minus Z SAL. He's -
uh - pitch up, thrust, pitch down.
Sts.nd by for cameras on. Ready
for cameras on?

241 23 22 17 PLT MARK. Number i, everybody. I'm

ready when you are.

241 23 22 29 PLT MARK. Pitching up. Stopped

the pitch, nice translating.
There he goes. Looks like
translated, he got himself a
little bit of a left roll in there.
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Now he's pitching down. Still

translating or - uh - he's
probably rotating at about 5 degr -
degrees a second ... And
translating about - uh - 6 inches a ...
- not going too fast. He's going
to grab FMU 2. He grabs FMU 2.

241 23 23 12 PLT MARK. He's there. Time l0 seconds.

2_1 23 23 18 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay, we're

ready for the next one. No
end-of-film light yet. Let me get
over here by the wall lockers
where there's nothing to hang onto
at all. Gripes me every time I go
past them. They need to make some
handrails or something there. It
gripes me every time I get by these
food lockers that they didn't make
some handrails. Okay - uh -
I got you pointed right. You
- ready for the secondmaneuver?
Okay, cameras on.

241 23 24 05 PLT MARK. Okay, there we go. Stabilize

yot_rself. You want to roll this way -
or yaw that way a little. When
you're ready, gc.


2_1 23 24 20 PLT MARK. There he goes. Pitching

up. Now translating, now pitching
down. Translating about the same
range as before. Rotating 5 to 10 degrees
a second. Translating about a half a
foot a second or less. He's coming
over towards FMU 2. Getting ready
to grab on to it.


2_1 23 25 00 PLT MARK. He's there. Stand by for

cameras off.

241 23 25 09 PLT MARK. Cam2ras are off. Okay.

Take him back over there again. Now
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Now I read his pressure to be

i000 spi. Grab. Now the next thing
we do - is a longitudinal
dogled - Got to have two of those
Huh? Okay, I'm hung up on you.
Okay, now I'm loose. Okay, you
get to stop over there by - uh -
TO20. He's hanging on. Are you
going to launch yourself? Okay,
position yourself the way you want
and when you're ready let me know.
We'll - uh - Okay, stand by for
ee2_ras on.

241 23 26 13 PLT MARK. Okay this is longitudal [sic]

dogleg maneuver.

CC Skylab, this is Houston, 1 minute

to - -

241 23 26 27 PLT MARK. There he goes. He's

translating -

CC ... in 29 minutes - -

241 23 26 32 PLT - - pitching down, pitching at

about the same rate as before
and also translating at about
the sa-_ rate as before. Okay,
there he's - uh - pitched down
about as much as he wants to be and
he's translating.

CC - - at Goldstone - -

PLT Okay, he's about 4 feet from FMU 2

and getting ready to grab it.


241 23 27 00 PLT MARK. He's there, l0 seconds

coming up.

241 23 27 l0 PLT MARK. Cameras are off. Okay,

now we do the same thing again.
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241 23 27 20 CC Skylab, this is Houston ....

PLT He says he can't see down; it

bothers him; he doesn't like it.

CC ...

PLT Blind pitch, he doesn't like

blind pitch; he can't see where
he's pitching it to. He can't
see where his feet are going.
Okay, now, _l _ uh - you gotta
roll that way - yaw that way a
little. There you go. Now
when you're ready I am.

241 23 27 59 PLT MARK. Camercas are on. We give

him a two. Okay. Let me know
when you're ready.

241 23 28 19 PLT MARK. Here he comes. He's

pitching down. Okay, now he's
-- stopping his pi'cch. No, he's

still pitching, but he's translating

anyway. Over the crew quarters
hatch about 4 f_et - 5 feet above
the deck. Looking up toward FMU 2
and translating at about h to 6 inches
a second. And - uh - he's hardly
rotating at all, very little. Reaches
out and grabs F_J 2.


241 23 28 56 PLT MARK. He's here. Backs DACs off.

2hl 23 29 05 PLT MARK. Alright - uh - that takes

e_re of that one. Now, let's see what's
next. Tumble recovery, we omit.
Minimum foot controller input - it
says we omit. We're to shut down and
stow. Uh - let me read your
pressure. I need to get a few
pictures of you - uh - with the
Nikon, if you want to fly it around
Dump Tape 241-10
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a little bit. Uh - let

me read your pressure Just for
the folks back home ; they want
to know that. You're down to
lO00 psi. So you got- uh -
700 to play with. Uh - let me
look at your - uh - DAC here a minute.
Uh - it's not end of film. I
rec:kon what you ought to do is Just -
uh - turn on and let it run out -
ehat do you think?

CDR ...

241 23 30 07 PLT Okay, we're going to do the rest

of the maneuvers without DAC. He's
not going to do anything special.
There will be no DACs in operation.
Alright - will try to describe, as
best I can, what's going on. And -
uh - also I need to get a few pictures
of him. Help him get rid of this
here - uh - DAC cord. Puttingit
• C _ _ ..... OVCl" _ ....

it went on again. Okay, he's - uh -

over at - uh - the M509 donning station,
going up a hand?ail, he's upside
down now, looks like he's gonna
start from there. What are you
going to do, Al'_ Fly a - fly a
baseline maneuver? He's going to
fly a semi-baseline maneuver.
Sorry for shouting in your ear there -
ear there, little lady but -
you'd have to know that we're both
wearing ear plugs and - uh -
and - uh - co_unications' hats
over our ears, p-"use a ... - We
Just can't hear each other unless we
shout at each other. Okay, you got
about 15 minutes or so. We gotta -
knock this off. Okay. He's - uh -
gonna fly a baseline maneuver. He's
yawing to his right. Over the
crew quarters hatch now and
translating slowly towards the banjo.
He's stopped his yaw maneuver. And -
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uh - he's about 7 feet over the

crew quarters hatch translating -
uh - very slowly - maybe 3 inches
second - or less. Up to his - uh -
banjo. Meanwhile, I'm setting up
the - uh - Nikon to - uh - photograph
this young man - uh - all dressed
up, but no place to go except
to fly around in this here workshop.
Okay, here he comes .... I can turn
it on.

CDR ...

241 23 32 4_ PLT He's decided we're going to take

pictures of this.

CDR ...

PLT Okay.

PLT Okay. All right. Okay, stand by.

241 _q _3 ]4 pTm MA_ w_ Z_+ +he D^Cs on, _Te'rc -

uh - going to start over again with
the base line m_neuver. He's
now - uh - at the donning station.
pushed off, yawing, to his right.
Translating - uh - toward the - uh -
b_Jo. Don't hit the food locker,
Al_ You got 2 feet. Yeah. Got a
front on picture of him. Okay, and
now he's translating up to the - uh -
banjo. He came in a little more
shallow than he does with 509,
he ... that over toward the food locker.
And had to stop the translation
in the - in that direction and move
it more upward. Now he's pretty much
facing the banjo. He's
to the left of it, however. He's to
the left of it - He's got to
reach out and touch the - uh - ...
screen in order to - uh - push
himself to the right - to fly over
to the - uh - banjo. Now he's over
there, l_e reaches out and he touches
the banjo. Atta boy, AI. He's up to
-- thebanjo.
Dump Tape 241- l0
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241 23 34 h6 PLT MARK. He's leaving the banjo.

Picture of him from the side with
the Nikon. We got a front and a
side view with the Nikon. Okay, he's
translating down. He's getting a
little bit close to the - uh -
water tanks - he's gonna - Trying
to get the FMU but he's gonna
have to reach - reach out and
grab the blue ring - uh - by the
water tank. Under dome locker h2h.
Now he pushes off and gives himself
a little more thrust. So he reaches
FMU 2. Stabilised there at the
moment. Pushes off, gives himself
a little spin. Spin to the right -
roll to the right, that is. And - uh -
translating towards the - uh
404 locker. There he goes. Now
he's pitching dotal. Looks like he's
gonna rise above it - he's gonna
go too hight. He doesn't have any -
wanted to get there in a forward
manner. Now he wound up over at -
uh - dome locker _400 - at the
top of it. Kind of pitched down
now - he's hand-)vet-handing it
down - uh - to h04, which is the
starting point.

2hl 23 36 "_4 PLT He's trying to torque himself

around so that he can - uh -
well, what he can do is hand - He's
turning himself hand-over-hand around the -
uh - dome locker. And - uh - now he's
correcting his yaw ... facing the
dome locker. Pitched back a little
bit, there. His feet are in the plane
of the - uh - water tanks. Picture
from the rear - Nikon. All, now he's -
uh - rolled himself over to his
right .... around the dome looker -
he had to reach out and grab the
duet - duet work above - uh - locker 420.
Now he's in the plane of dome locker -
Dump Tape 241-i0
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he's on his side. Not upright

as usual but on his side and - uh -
trying to translate around to
those dome lockers. But he's going
low - he's a little low - he's
dawn by the water tanks now. Grabbing
on by the water tanks, trying
to stabilize himself in front of
the dome lockers. He's reaching
out and grabbing whatever he can
to get himself up in the plane of
the dome locker again. And - uh -
hels kinda quitting on it -
getting himself over to 432 using
his hands. And now he's - uh -
positioned himself with his hands in
front of h32. In the - uh -
normal position there.

241 23 38 13 PLT Now he pushes off, very gently,

using Jaws to his left. Okay
• .. a yaw to started him off to
go - to come towards the donning

a little too far, about 6 feet

above the crew quarters hatch
now. And - uh - he's coming in
to the left of the donning station -
coming in to the left of it. Not
much he can do about it, I guess.
Ke just can't trsns- oops - Can't
translate to the - to the right
to get over to the donning station,
so he Just sort of winds up where
he would up - uh - over by - uh -
water tank 2. And he grabs - the ...
the ring there and - uh - shoves
himself on down the donning
station. Whet's your plan now?
Okay, his gas now is - uh -
_00 on the money, psi and - uh -
we still don't have an end-of-film
light. Gonna do it again? He's
gonna do a flip. Starting from
the donning station - He missed
it. Okay, he's turning over.
Dump Tape 241-10
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241 23 39 33 PLT Still running, I think.

241 23 39 36 PLT The one in the - uh - FCMU

is running. Okay, he's - uh -
pitching up - is what he's doing -
a flip - A pitch flip. He's over
crew quarters hatch facing down
about i0 feet above the deck.
And - uh - translating upward,
somewhat. One of his shoes
came off -he got it in, he says.
Okay, he's - uh - on his back now.
Now he's yawing to his - uh -
right, face down, directly above
the PSS supply rank. And that's
what he's gonna grab onto - PSS
ntu_ber2 and 3. Now what? Huh? Okay,
he's got one hand on the F149 box
and one hand on the - uh - ... PSS
bottle - pushes off slightly. And -
uh - looks like he's - uh - rolling
a little to his right. And translating
upwardsslightly, he's facingdown,

FMU n,_mheri. And - uh - right

hand is FMU number i and left hand
under ... above the - uh - above
him. Under the water tank, yeah.
Transalates - uh - fully and - uh - ...
to the middle of the workshop. Can't
seem to stop, he says. Huh? He
says he's always drifting in some
direction, he can't stop himself.

241 23 41 45 PLT He tried to stop himself in

the middle of the workshop but he's
always going somewhere. Now's he
pitching up and - uh - yawing
to his right some. He says he's
never out of control but on
the other hand he's never in
control either. He's in that ...
control-wise known as limbo.
Okay, he says we're gonna knock
it off. Which is - uh - precisely
what he means. So I'ii stow the
Dump Tape 241-10
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Nikon and gr_b the checklist•

He grabs the donning station.
Turn off your DAC. He turns off
his DAC. I turn off my DAC. And
we - uh - turn off the high
intensity lights. He maneuvers
himself into the - uh - donning -
into the - uh - yeah, the mounting
fixture. Grip the handlebars and
torque into the lower latches.
If I get in here I can go to MID.
See if I can help you without
getting my hands pinched.
Push down - Okay, we're in MID
Okay, we're MID here. Open FCMU
release, engage the docking latch
an([ lock the FCMU release.

241 23 h3 48 FLT Lower the docking latch, close the

supply valve.

241 23 43 53 PLT Space fans, we ended up with

about 400 spi. I closed the supply

thx_sters. Uh - open your clip.

Activate the thruster to bleed
the manifold. Foff everything.
Let me turn off the recorder.
And I say - uh - okay_ space fans,
that concludes the T02- run - uh -
IA, I believe you call it. It's our
second run through the run at any
rate. And it all goes to Don Hewes
from Langley Research Center and - uh -
Lou Ramon from - uh - NASA. And -
uh this is the end of the message.

2hl 23 44 49 PLT Thank you for your kind attention

and your diligence in copying down
all this - uh - all this verbiage.


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