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_-, Dump Tape 247-07

Time: 132_-1637 _T
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247 13 24 _0 CDR (_, we're on record for - uh -

C_R We're Just f4n_shed our 213, revor

station so the data may have not of
come down. The voice that we
went off to - to - uh - okay.

We did was make the run; then I_ ,_ _n_ '_._n :

calibrated FMU-I about _ times an
•_ _F_J-2 about 4ot 5 times. Witl_' _ __z. _,i:h
the EDS power on, we Just turned
_S power off right then.
We're gonna turn off the circuit
• • breaker. We turned off the tape
recorder too _ust a few seconds
ago. We're putting in the pins
and closing the tent up here. That's
the TO 13 individuals. We tb_nk
we did it right, - uh - hope we did
it right. CDR out.

_. 247 13 51 38 SPT The SPT, on channel A, debriefing the

1-st run, - uh - everything on the
schedule. Dh - there was a fair
amount of observing time. I sent
part of that time over on the west
14m_. Belive it's closer to active
region 03. Uh - at - uh - which
there was a lot of - uh - XUV activity
as seen on the moniters. Uh - connecting
=11 those regions on the northwest
and west part of the - uh - Sun
with the brightness extended out
in the corona. So - uh - I took
some data - uh - % one - uh -
.-_-ual exposure on XUV there MIRROR
• AUTO RASTER, over active region 3.
Uh - also - uh - noted what I believe
was a rather strong radio burst
at - uh - 13:31 Zttlu. I took the
corona and could see no transient
Imderws,7 in the corona, but - uh -
Dwnp Tape 247-O7
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it's certinaly a possibility that

coe has been initiated. As hame _e
couldn't watch it a little l_ger.
And - uh - also ended up with a
JOP 7 building block 15. Uh - here's
the information off of - uh - a
later run. In other words, a roll
of _OO went to Sun center, and
_4id run 52 and 55 on JOP 7 at end
of oa'hit, since we do have ...
tminhihited. C_ay, that about -uh -
(Whistling) s1_...arizes the activity
for the last orbit for the EPST
planners. SPT, out.

CDR This is the CDR_ with information for

the UP officer. I went up there to -
to - uh - to look at - uh - the
targets you scheauled me for at -
uh- 16:16. Hnad held photos of
Bolivia. I checked our books
and noted that - uh - we have already
taken several pictures of that
so I did not take the camera with me.
I took the gyro stabilized binoculars,
•.. and that across South America
trying to adjust those binoculars
to fit my eyes. I found that -
uh - it seems to vary from time to
time and I don't think it's my eyes.
I'm going to keep working on it and
keeping a record. I'm suspicious that
maybe something' s wrong with the -
the - ... object and something
loose. Here' s the - here 's the
results I've had before. - uh - at
c_e time, my left was a m_nus 1.5
and the right a minus 2.5 ... was
correct. And I did it with the -_y
magnification. Button end of
stabilizer ... off the - uh - lever.
I then did it later on next day and I
got plus i left and minus 1.5 right.
Today I tried it _ and I got fully
counterclockwise 050 and I think it

I>_T. Tape 247-07

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feels pretty good. There's something

of a little =miss there and I tblnk
maybe that's one reason were having
trouble with these binoculars, is
they're - uh - they're hot holding
they're focus correctly. Now if
_ I take the little binoculars, I can l_:
.._.. _ fOCUS them frr.. day to day. In fant, ' -_- _',
I tht-_ I better try that. Maybe
: _ _ it'S still something about our eyes.
I don't know. I'll give it a check.
Anyhow I'll keep you informed. The
OFF and CDR out.

Time : 2226-2342 Ot,f_
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246 22 25 31 This time segment is duplication verbatim

to within Dump Tape 246-08.
246 22 3_ 21

_- Dump Tape 247-09
Time: 1749-1815 C_4T
Page i of 13

2_7 17 51 08 PLT Okay, space fans, here ve ere

again on - uh - channel A with
ERR? pass, number 15. And I'm
gonna read you the meters, right
now, starting with Alfa 2, 59
percent okay; Alfa 3 is 86
percent okay; Alpha 4 is 7l-
percent okay; Alfa 5 is 65
percent okay; Alfa 6 is zero
okay; Bravo 2 is 56 percent okay;
Bravo 3 is 76 percent okay;
Bravo 4 is 70 percent okay; Bravo 5
is 73 percent oaky; Bravo 6 is _8
percent okay; Bravo 7 is 30 percent
okay; Bravo 8 is 1 percent okay;
Bravo 9 is 58 percent okay; Charlie 2
is h4 percent okay; Charlie 3 is 87
percent okay; Charlie h is 70 percent
okay; Charlle 5 is 81 percent, that's
okay; Charlie 6 is 46 percent oka_r;
Charlie 7 is 52 percnet oaky; Delta 2
is 86 percent okay; Delta 3 is 85 percent
_ okay; Delta h is 72 percent okay; Delta
5 is 13 percent okay; Delta 6 is 57
percent okay.

2_7 17 53 08 PLT And the other ones you asked for are:
Bravo 7, Bravo 8. I'll Just do them
again to keep everything in order.
Thrity percent for Bravo 7. Bravo 8
is 1 percent; Charlie 7 is 53 percent,
which si not greater th_n 80; sa_d
Delta 6 is 57 percent. Okay that takes
care of the reading. T minus 5, S192
MODE to READY. Door going to OPEN.
Wait a minute. And in the meantime
we verify S190 HEATER switch is OFF.
Press to TF_J,_P;117. PRE_ TO TEST IS
okay. Okay, we' re gonna go on to the
operation - pre - operation
configuration pad right now. TAP_
RECORDER PO_ER ON; ready light is ON.
Hkip 192. 191 is POWER ON; ready
_ Dump Tape 247-09
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light is ON; COOLER ON; the door

is always opened. S190 POWER is ON;
ready light is OUT. We're at STANDBY.
The ready light is OFF. 193 S, SCAT is
OFF. Ready light is out. 193
ALTIMETER is OFF. Ready light is out.
19_ is POWER ON and ready light ON.
And now S192 POWER ON; ready light is ON,
but we'll go to CHECK. I - uh - was
in the midst of a door opening
sequense there. Ready light ON, MODE
to CHECK. C_ay, now we're back in the
configuration, the POWER is ON, ready
light is out. We're in CHECK and the
door is OPENED, that is, the door
close light is not on. Okay, so that's
the pre - operate configuration.
Ready to go with the pad. I walk
down here and get the - uh - TVIS numbers,
133 ON.

e47 17 55 28 sc 330 to 8.

•247 17 55 57 CDR ... 837

247 17 56 12 CDR That's the old boy ...

247 17 56 17 PLT Okay, here we are again. We got the

- _h - TV power switch OH, on panel
133. We got the - uh - 132 selector in
TV. We got the power plugged into the
down-link box, and we are in switch
position number i, connected up to
the red dot, J2. And - uh - so we're
all ready on that. I'm standing by for
59 here, which is Just about 2 whole
minutes away. I tape record here
h_rlch we're gonna deplete this time
- uh - is - uh - man, it's running
around in the 36 percnet, which ain't
much, the way this recorder runs.
Except it runs out of tape. It's
well above sea level. Okay we got
811 door and windows open.

2h7 17 57 28 CDR The MAG's right.

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247 17 57 32 PLT Recorder is ON.

247 17 58 05 CDR Is WAG, ... 01. NADIR swath.

247 17 57 49 PLT You ready to get them there, AI boy?

247 17 57 51 CDR Yeah, I hope I can handle it.

247 17 57 52 PLT Can you get that NADIR swath?

247 17 57 55 CDR We'll check and see, afterwsrds.

247 17 58 00 PLT Are we there? Are we there yet?

247 17 58 03 CDR The answer to that ons is a simple no.

257 17 58 06 PLT The answer is no, but we're getting there.

257 17 58 i0 PLT Well, it looks to me like our

control system can drive us.

257 17 58 18 CDR Looks a lot like Central America.

If I didn't know better I'd think
_e were coming over Guatemala.

247 17 58 28 PLT Better hope _'re coming up over

- uh - Bolivia.

247 17 58 36 CDR It's in our map. This map isn't set.

2_7 17 58 38 PLT Yes, it is.

247 17 58 39 CDR It is set, huh?

247 17 58 41 PLT Ye_h, it's set with this right

here, except I re-set with these,
which is the same difference.

247 17 58 47 CDR Okay, if you say so.

247 17 58 52 PLT Coming up on 59, 193 SCAT is

going to ,92AND BY _t 59.

247 17 59 00 PLT MARK. SCAT to STANDBY,

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247 17 59 12 CDR This must be a storm I hadn't heard

of. See me again.

247 17 59 66 PLT I don't know whether they want to

know about Delia here.

247 17 59 29 CDR You better start talking about

Christine ; Delia we 're not shooting.

247 17 59 32 PLT I know it, but I'm gonna be, shortly.

247 17 59 36 CDR How?

247 17 59 38 PLT With the TV.

247 17 59 39 CDR Delia is over here. Oh, you mean

the next rev.

247 17 59 42 PLT Somewhere in here l've got to do

somethink to Delia.

247 17 59 45 CDR Well look, here's where we are.


247 17 59 46 PLT !9:35; that,s one hour and a half away.

247 17 59 49 CDR That's right. I thought we were

here, but we _ren't. We're doing

247 17 59 52 PLT I wish they had put that on _ pad.

247 17 59 55 CDR They wouldn't dare .... dangerous if

you know too much. 1

247 18 00 03 PLT A little learning is a dangerous

thing, by boy.

247 19 00 07 CDR 330 to 8. Okay.

247 18 O0 08 PLT Now let me tell you the story about

the lemon tree. Get Delia.

247 18 O0 17 CDR I don't know that one myself. I'll

soom and see if I can spot anything.
Not a lot going on down the_e.
.... Dump Tape 247-09
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247 18 00 28 PLT Is it clearing any over Venezuela.

247 18 00 30 CDR Venice; I see Venice.

247 18 00 42 CDR Incredible.

247 18 00 50 CDR Christine.

247 18 00 58 CDR Big 0., you know that we're commenting

and photographing Christine and not
Delia don't you?

247 18 01 05 SPT Uh, no. I thought it was Delia.

247 18 01 68 CDR So did I. But Delia we won't hit til

the next rev and we don't take any
pictures except handheld TV, ... Jack.

247 18 01 14 SPT Thank you.

247 18 01 40 CDR 01:hO.

247 18 01 43 PLT I'm standing by to start.

247 18 01 44 CDR Point track angle, right MAX. That's

where it is.

247 18 01 48 PLT What are you gonna get? NADIR swath?

247 18 01 52 CDR NADIR swath.

247 18 Ol 52 PLT Stand by to EREP START.

247 18 01 53 CDR 03:30 to 8. Camera on at 03;30.

Time, on.

247 18 02 00 PLT MARK. EREP START. MALF light -

MALF light OFF. Tape motion light
ON. Just the way we planned it. Okay,
it's SCAT ON; RAD 0N.

247 18 02 12 PLT MARK. SCAT ON.

247 18 02 14 PLT MARK PAD ON. 94 to MANUAL.

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247 18 02 17 PLT MARK. Okay.

247 18 02 25 CDR Time 02:24.

247 18 0_ 42 PLT RAD/SCAT GIMBAL light ON and OFF.

194 MALF light ON and OFF.

247 18 02 52 PLT Beta angle really dropped fast. About

6 degrees a day, looks like to me.

247 18 02 56 COR Uh-huh.

247 18 02 7 PLT They' re cold. Gonna be a cold bugger.

247 18 03 00 CDR Ye_uh. Sho' is.

247 18 03 08 CDR Okay. 03:30 coming up, Jack.

247 18 03 3_I PLT What the kid is looking for is 03:33.

247 18 03 16 CDR 03:30, on the button. We're still

over land. Ah, we're approaching the
coast again.

247 18 03 22 PLT Standing by here for MODE to AUTO.

247 18 03 24 CDR 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. Okay, it's

247 18 03 32 PLT MARK. 90 MODE to AUTO.

247 18 03 46 CC And Skylab, we're reading you for the next

i0 minutes through Bermuda.

247 18 03 50 CDR Okay. We're taking our pictures.

Maracaibo, I Just had. Took a
picture of the bridge. We may hit
some of the Netherland and Chile,
if we 're fortunate. Maybe a
little too far right, hard to tell.
Aruba, I Just got a picture of Armba.

247 18 O_ 26 CDR ... over San Juan in a little while.

Run it out.
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227 18 02 21 CDR 03:30 to 8. NADIR SWATT.

247 18 02 58 CDR We don't see no storm as the

expression goes.

227 18 05 01 PLT And we're getting an intermittent

BAD/SCAT GIMBAL light as about the
way we'd expect. Okay, at 05:12,
it's S193 MODE to READY. Stand by.

247 18 05 12 PLT MARK. MODE to READY. Tape burner

is going TAPE _DTION light is OFF and
back ON.

247 18 05 21 CDR Don't suppose over - -

247 18 05 22 PLT 30 percent reading on C_arlie 8.

247 18 05 25 CDR Say Owen, do you see any storm

down there?

247 18 05 32 CDR I see something to the left.

,_ That storm's liable to be to our left.

247 18 05 36 CDR Look out this window - -

247 18 05 36 PLT Look out the window down there.

We got - -

247 18 05 38 CDR I'm trying to. No, that's Just a

big cloud. Nothing in the way of
storms below at the moment.

247 18 05 46 CC Skylab, Houston. An update on that.

The latest - uh - uh - weather we
got on that thing was that it's
become highly disorganized, and
has been now down-graded to a
tropical wave.

247 18 05 56 CDR I think I'd go for that. We're

over some clouds now but certainly
no - uh - large diameter clouds.

_-_ Dump Tape 247-09
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247 18 06 05 PLT Scared them away'.

247 18 06 09 CDR Skylab scares the storms away.

I don't see it.

247 18 06 14 CC Here's another over here we'd

likely you to scare away.

247 18 06 18 CDR Okay, we'll be on there in a

few minutes. We'll scare it off.
We'll be there in an hour and a

247 18 06 22 PLT Is the other one picking up, Hank?

247 18 06 25 CC It - uh - it appears to be. The -

the rigs down in the Gulf there is
reporting 60 miles an hour winds now.

247 18 06 32 PLT I see. Where is it headed now?

247 18 06 34 CC We wish we knew. We're not quite

sure. The indication now are it
looks that it - uh - may be a
little further west than we originally
thought. Kind of towards Galveston.

247 18 06 52 PLT Well, that's the lady for you. Can't

make up her mind. Wait til that
hits the front page. (Laughter)
They're not sweating to keep their
mail[?] coming in. (Laughter)

247 18 07 00 CDR Highly disorganized storm.

247 18 07 05 PLT Standing by to get the tape

burner off here. We gotta get it
off. We;re down to 25 percent
which is darn close to zero on
this thing.

247 18 07 14 PLT MARK. Tape burner is checked.

247 18 07 16 CDR Reload after this; after my

exercise period. Things are going
slow at this m_ent.

Dump Tape 2_7-09
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247 18 07 26 PLT How much tape do the ER_

boys estimate is on the tape after
the run is over with, Hank?

247 18 07 34 CC Let me an answer for you, Jack.

247 18 07 36 PLT It's really not important. Oh -

give them a chance to sharpen up
their pencils.

247 18 07 46 PLT 250 feet. All right l'm gonna time

it, Just for the heck of it.
Last time, as I remember, they
hit it right on the money. Okay
come on. 190.

247 18 07 56 CDR Okay, I'm turning the camera off

in a few seconds. Like right now.
Okay that's it. NADIR swaths; we got
a lot of pictures, and scattered
clouds - a few ... cumulus ...
And that's about it.

247 18 0820 PLT MARK. REAdY.light OUT on 190.

MODE to STAND BY. Boy, that was
right on time.

247 18 08 28 PLT Getting use to perfection from

these EREP guys.

247 18 08 34 CDR I got to perform maneuver to

samewher e soon.

247 18 08 40 PLT At 18:10.

247 18 08 42 CDR l've loaded the time.

247 14 o8 44 PLT Okay.

247 18 08 45 CDR 18:10 What - what is the time?

247 18 08 46 PLT 94 standing by for MODE to manual.

247 18 08 48 ODE 19:08:47 .... Y went - How

do you like the time loaded in,
Hank? Or should I do it again?

F_ Dump Tape 247-09
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247 18 08 54 CC Second.

247 18 08 55 CDR Okay.

247 18 08 56 CC That time looks good to us, AI.

247 18 08 58 CDR Okay; 15 minutes.

247 18 08 59 PLT We got a lot to do today.

247 18 09 00 PLT MARK. MODE to MANUAL. 91

247 18 09 05 CDR Okay, l'm gonna do - -

247 k7 09 06 PLT MARK RAD 2 on 191 - -

247 18 09 07 CDR - - five seconds.

24Y 18 09 12 PLT MARK. MODE to READY on 192.

09:21 position 3 on the downlink

r 247 18 09 21 PLT MARK. Position 3 on the down-link

box. Twen$y-_ight next.

247 18 09 29 CDR We'll be back for inertial - -

247 18 09 28 PLT MARK. Position 5 time on the

down-link box. Thirty-four mark
this at 34.

2_7 18 09 31 C_R ... in about 15 minutes from now.

247 18 09 34 PLT MARK. Position 7 on the down-li_k

box . SCAT to stand by.

247 18 09 41 PLT MARK. SCAT to STANDBY. Two seconds.

247 i8 09 43 PLT MARK. RAD to STANDBY. Down-link

box, position 9.

247 18 09 48 CDR Give it a SI in a second.

247 18 09 50 PLT MARK. Position 9. On the down-link


F .
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247 18 09 53 CDR You would give an experiment

if you didn't have that.

247 18 09 54 PLT ... on the down-link box. It's

going off gang.

247 18 09 59 CDR Gang, it better go off cause we

Just went - -

247 18 l0 01 PLT MARK. It's OFF.

247 18 i0 02 CDR No miss.

247 18 i0 Oh PLT Do an SI maneuver. It says here.

247 18 i0 06 CDR We Just did.

247 18 i0 08 PLT That a boy .... MODE to stand by.

247 18 i0 iB CDR We got 17 - -

24T 18 I0 15 PLT 40S AUTO CAL.

247 18 i0 17 CDR 42 degrees in 4.

247 18 i0 18 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL. 250 feet, eh?

Is that what you said hank? 250?

247 18 i0 27 CC Uh - that's affirmative. That's

what we calculate.

247 18 i0 30 PLT Okay.

2_7 18 i0 33 CC Be about 15 seconds worth. Is

that right/

247 18 l0 38 PLT Hooking it up. I got a little

fixing to pull a tick data here.
Thoughtfully supplied by your EREP
checklist man. Full of all the
hot skinnies and latest data on

247 18 ii 15 PLT Fast forward. It's motion 120 inches

per second with - like ten feet
per second. Right?
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247 18 ll 21 CC I - I should have said 25 seconds,

shouldn't I?

247 18 11 24 PLT Twenty-five seconds, yes sir. Keep

that number firmly in your mind;
25 seconds. I can't do that, so
gotta write it down, Hank.

247 18 ll 35 CC ... Math. I divided l0 into 20 -

250 and got 15.

247 18 ll 54 PLT Standing by for a 12:58.

That's one minute off. My gosh
we got a lot of standing around this

247 18 12 ll CC EREP now says there's 228 feet


247 18 12 15 PLT Okay, that's 22.8 seconds. Right?

247 18 12 18 CC Right.

2_7.18 12 23 PLT 44ould you like me to-shoot _it up

over something down here? they're
sharpendlng up their pencils. 22.8.
I wonder if they can get that into
the two deciml figures?

PLT Nobody up here can time it that

close. 12:58 is the number we're
looking for. Then we'll go right
to stop so they won't be dis-

247 18 12 58 PLT MARK. READY light ON. And EP3_°

OFF. Okay, ve got that. Now,
to tape recorder depletion.

247 18 13 07 CC Say we're about _0 seconds from

LOS. We'll be coming up on
Madrid at 17.

247 18 13 ii PLT Okay, we'll see you. We'll -

uh - power this thing down here and -
uh - be on with it. In the meantime
"_ Dump T_pe 2&7-09
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I'm gonna voice record B-7 to be

30 percent. 192 doors CLOSED.
Light on in 60 seconds. That's at
lh 27. Close the 190 window.
Let there be darkness on 190. Close
and there ,_as darkness and latch.
Record s?_itch OFF, so you won't
have to listen to me anymore. This
the end of EREP 15. Does this
short pass count as an EREP pass
there, Hank?

2_7 1T 13 59 CC Affirmative.

2_7 18 lh 01 PLT That's two shortles.

2_7 18 l_ 03 PLT Bee you later.

D_p Tape 2_-i0
Tim: 01:_ to UNK
_-_ pa_e 1of 1

2_T ol _ 1_ This tiem se_aent d_plicated ve.r]oatim within

tO Tape 2_7-05 •
2_7 01 _5 52
D_p Tape 247-11
Time : 1901-2038 GMT
f-_ 915173
Page 1 of 5

2_7 20 07 50 PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans,

this is Jack on channel A. Subject -
uh - is T002-2, sextant sightings
star-to-moon. And we'll get some
zero bias sightings first. Temperature
of the sextant is 69 degrees.
_ _ And the diopter setting is a _ __ _- 0.5. (Music)

_: =:"i_ N_: 2_7 20 08 36 SPT Put her down to zero. Star is N,m_% on S_:_r i_ Nu
the far limb of the Moon. I have
locaf_=clNunkl with no problem. Up
there in the teapot. Hsndie of
the teapot; one tail an the .- uh - "
pouring water on the tail of - uh -
scorpion. Right now the Moon's too
far off to - uh - one aide of the
window to see it. We'll have to
wait awhile to see what it does.

247 20 09 20 PLT Well, we'll get some zero bias

aightings anyway. Window covers out.
There's old buddy Fomlahut over there.

247 20 09 44 PLT Zero bias sighting n,,_er I. Don't

llke the focus, for _so_ reason. Fool
around with diopters. Maybe my
e_es are going had.

2_7 20 i0 24 pLT Try to bring the star into focus.

2_7 20 Ii i0 PLT Okay, there's a better focus, I got

the diopter at zero now. I don't know
what's wrong with 0.5 cause I
had it. Gonna try again.

2_7 20 ii 41 PLT I think I'Ii get a better pinpoint of

light withe the diopter about zero
or so. Try again.

2_7 20 12 06 PLT Well, that - uh - looks - now it's at

zero. Diopter at zero. Now _'Ii
got our zero bias sightinge.

/_ _p Tape 247-11
Page 2 of 5

2_7 20 12 43 PLT Turn that little light in the

reticle to give us a good idea what
parallel end horizontal end all that
is. 0.003, first one. Second one
at 0.001.

247 20 13 37 PIT Third one is 0.003. Fourth one is 0.003. _o..=";._ _._

247 20 14 13 PLT And the fifth one ,'0.004. Why don't you _
_ "'_ :-_-+ : gu_ Just go ahead end turn oft those
lights out there. Looks llke I'm going
to be able to see okay with a little
hit of light on.


2_7 20 14 44 PLT I'm using a ... here. Houston Just about

done everything except moved the
Moon, which requires turing out most
of the lights. You suggest the 1.6 filter
and - uh - so I put that in.
/-_ And - uh - the Sm_ end the Moon are
still over in the - uh - corner of
the window; I don't know if were
going to get it or not, I think -
sorta wait around and see, hut we're
going to go off the air in a little
while because we Just can't - uh -
see anyway to get the Moon in the
sextant. No way to get your head
in the corner here and look around
the edge of the window and still
get it. This thing Just ain't
Built for that.

2_7 20 15 39 PLT I can Just barely see it myself by

putting my head up in the corner of
the window. Just barely see with
1_oth eyes. _lmost with only JUst one.
I'm gonna get as close as I
possibly can. Se we're going to have
to wait around.

2_7 20 27 ii MS (Laughter)

_ Tape 247-11
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2_7 20 27 13 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A,

with the PRD readings for the day.
Oh - AI's PRD is 394. Oh - Owen's
PRD is 163. Jack's PRD is 318.
And I belive - uh - that last
figure might have been in error yesterday
..... = _ _ because it kept coming up sometimes
and can't tell Just what the number _::_: _:_ ::u__
is. So - uh - this might be a
_-_ller number than - uh - Jack ,_ - -_
had yesterday, in which case yesterday's
was in error, so - uh - Jack should
be 318.

2_7 20 27 41 SPT End of message on PRD from the SPT.

2_T 20 27 57 SPT Another brief message from the SPT

to - uh - the - uh - blood and
u_inalysis - uh - let's change
that, Just urinalysis - uh - medical
peoplle, biomedical people interested
_ in urinalysis. Oh - c_ my urine
volume for day 7 - 37 which is
reported on the evening of day 38,
I have - I had reported - uh - 1800,
millimeters, 1800 milimeters. Now -
uh - day 36 was also 1800 milimeters,
and When I went down to log my -
uh - next morning's - uh - volume,
I noticed that l'd not filled in -
uh - day 37. So I'm a little
Suspicious that day 37 as reported in
the states report on the evening of
day 38 may be in error. So - ub -
once you get the - uh - samples
back, I would tend to believe the -
uh - trascer voll,mJ - uh - rather
than the vo],,_ I reported last
night. I hope they're in agreement
but I'm not sure they will be.
And I wanted to draw your attention
to the fact that I'm suspicious of
the one that I had reported last night.

247 20 29 14 SPT End of message to the - uh - urinalysis

report to biomed.

/_ D:_ Tape 2_7-_

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247 20 29 37 SPT This is a message to Ed Gibson, in the

astronaut office, from the SPT.
Hello, ED. Uh - past briefings
I think have gone pretty well with
Bob MacQueen and George Withbroe
the last couple of weeks. I think
you got them off to a good start _ _. _:_d s_
_'_ _r_,_g _ and - uh - they're perform_.g their
usual function up here. b_n - ane
,cd_ser question, - uh - we can really
charge through this film as I - uh -
ass,,-_ - uh - you have noticed.
And I think it's more and more essential
that you folks bring up extra ATM
film. l'm wondering what the
status of that is at this point.
_md - uh - how things are looking.
Maybe you can - uh - get the word
up to - me - to on
the teleprinter or by the Cap C0-m.
_hatever is - uh -

2_7 20 30 _5 SPT End of message from the SPT to Ed Gibson.

247 20 35 56 PLT kay, this is Jack back again on

channel A. The subject is T002 star-
to-Moon sightsings and - uh - I
think were gonna have to hold off for
few days on star-to-Moon or anything
to do with Moon sightings because -
uh - the Moon - uh - stays to far
in - uh - the right side of the
window as you're facing the window
in the one g position and - uh -
you can't get the sextant around
there and your head in there in order
to - uh - get it in the field of
view. So until the - uh - Moon gets
to a Better angle - uh - more - uh -
directly out of the - uh - directly
cut fram the - uh - wardroca window,
we're going to have to - uh - hold
off and - uh - and - uh - perhaps
I can give you a call when it looks
like it's - uh - a good time to do
it. It - uh - was - uh - clearly
visible as far as being a half-Moon
was concerned but it stayed in the

./_-_ Dump Tape 2_7-11

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the right vlndov- of the right side -

right corner window all the tim.e
And it - uh - Just now set and -
uh - in the corner of the vindov.
So - uh - there's Just no way to
getting it. And I'm sure we'll
be able to do it later. =.

_ , .....: 247 20 37 02 PLT That's the end of the message for T002 - -_^
,_%ear_," goes to Bob Randle Ames Research
Center and Bob Nute over in Building 4.
Thank you.


247 20 00 55 SPT C_ay, SPT _ chart.elA with info for

the ATM Pls and planners. Debriefing
the last run that ended here at
20:00 Zulu. Uh - went Just about
as scheduled. I did have - uh - some
infoT=ation - uh - building block 15
Just for S055, on the end of that

247 20 01 24 SPT End of the message.

" Dump Tape 2_7-12
Time : 2130 - 2221 GMT
""/'_ 9/_/73
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247 21 30 19 CDR Okay; this is the CDR - uh - getting

to perform a 92/171 on Jack Lousma.
This right leg measure 1 uh - 14 and
i/2; his left leg measures 14 and i/8.
14 and 1/2 right, i_ and 1/8 left.
CDR out.

_ 247 22 05 50 CDR Okay, this is CDR. l'm.recording the

CAL gas pressure N2/02/C02 is 1397 and

the N2/H_0 is 1354. Obviously, that's

for - uh - Obviously, that's for -
uh - biomed.

247 22 19 58 CDR Okay, this is the CDR again. I'm

recording cabin air. PERCENT 02,

6498; PERCENT H20 , 2.33; PERCENT

CO 2, 1.95.

Dump Tape 2h7-13
Time: 2321-2325 GMT
"_-_ 9/5/73
Pa_e 1 of 1

2h7 23 21 55 CDR Houston, I'll record a little -

uh - this is for biomed by the _y.
The end of the 151 run plus the
extra work that Jack did. And
he'll debrief this and also reported
on the night report so you'll be
_!_ ableto understaud
_hat _ _:_
he did.

2hT 23 22 12 CDR PERCENT 02, 62.98_ PEBCENT H20, h.51_ _T _ ;,

PERCENT C02, 1.97.

Dump Tape 248-01
Time : 0039-0222 GMT
Page 1 of 6

248 00 40 13 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. And I'm getting

read)- to do a little S019. We checked
the windows. They're closed. We got
the instrument out. We note that
at 345.6 rotations, reason being had
a Nu of minus 17 on pad, the actual
Nu was plus 0.4. I therefore minused
the 0.4 from the minus 1.7 and got a
minus 2.1. I then subtracted 2.1 from
every number. I hope it's right. One
time I missed it. We're going to be
doing field L-3. It's going to be a
270-second unwidened exposure. That
means that I gotta use my watch. Film
hatch is open. I Just picked up a frame.
I'm standing by for time 42. Time
is now - _Imost 41. about 41 right
now, so we got 1 minute to wait. It's
gonna be frame number 130 when we get
after it.

248 00 hl 50 CDR Okay, back on the comm. Roughly - uh -

I0 to 15 seconds to go. I'd like to
give it a little pad. As you know
the focuses are prismlng in and we
have thr prism in. Field L-3, it 's
gonna be exposure 130. Time is 00:42
right now. Let's go on this game.

248 O0 _2 Ii CDR _%_RK. We Just started exposure it's

gonna be a .070 unwidened. I'll be off
the comm for a while.

248 00 46 22 CDR Okay, CDR again, and we're getting ready

to put the shutdown on this 270-second
exposure S019. By the way, this information
goes to Dr. Karl Henlze, expert on the
S019 ... and Wally Teague his confidant.
Here we go.

CDR Stand by.

248 00 46 43 CDR MARK. That's it. Now we'll get a new

one - in a minute, but at the moment
we're gonna go 694. Rotate 69 - -

p-- PLT Yeah, I heard that the winds Weren't too

bad bow about the water?
Dump Tape 248-01
Page2 of 6

CDR 69 4 and tilt 25 8.

248 00 47 05 PLT ... or what?

CDR 20 - 69 4, 25 8. 694 - Okay, it's

gonna be a 600 - second one. This is
gonna be the big one. Stand by for a
_1"k •

248 00 47 35 CDR MARK. We Just begun a 600, I'ii call

you back in 9-1/2 minutes or so.

248 00 57 01 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, again. We're

getting ready to end this 600 second
- uh - S019. So stand by for a msrk.
And we'll go for a 270, okay?

PLT Yeah, thanks a lot, comm tech. Okay ...

gets better cc_m here.

CDR This has been hydra - 1 - hyd-1. Let's

say 131. Stand by.

_-_ 248 00 57 23 CDR MARK. That's 600 happy seconds. We're

"gor_La go for the uext one. We're gonna
go to 2070. 2070, 25 1. 25 1. Okay,
2070 and 25 1. We're for a 270. L-1.
Stand by for a mark.

248 00 57 57 CDR Mark. Beginning cuh - 270-second

unwidened L-1. 2070, 25 1. Be off
the come for a while.

248 1 02 19 CDR Okay, this is the CDR again, standing

by. I'm cutting off a 720-second
exposure - 7 - yeah, that's right.
Stand by.

248 Ol 02 27 CDR MARK. We Just shut it off, as the

expression goes. That was 270-second.
l'm gonna give you 720 in a minute,
as soon as I can recrank this thing
to a number like 47 6. 47.6 and in
the other l'm gonna put a 23 0 which
isn't far away. And that's done.
Now stand by for a 720. This is
known as the long n_her. Okay,
stand by.
_ Dump Tape 248-01
Page 3 of 6

248 01 03 O0 CDR MARK. That's 720 seconds. It's

longer than you think. That's - uh -
that's 12 minutes, let's see one
goes in there and 12 - 12 minutes.
I'll give you 12 minutes. I'm
going off the comm. By the way,
that is obviously - uh - field CLN,
whatever that is, and frame 133.
CDR out for a minute.

2_8 01 14 36 CDR Okay, this is the CDR again, talking

SO19. We're nearing the end of a
classic 720 tmwidened. I will close
the shutter in approximately 12 seconds.
It _ill be the end of frsme 1BB. It
will be the and of field CLN, what-
ever that means.

248 O1 14 59 CDR MARK. That's the end of the game. I'm

going to stowage. I'm not doing any-
thing else except pull this machine in
because I know that we've got another
r_ run at 02:15. And whereinI'ii give
you aome 960,second one. To prove
that this one was not a accident -
an accident. Okay, that information
goes to - uh - Dr. Karl Henize -
the venerable, Dr. Karl Henize and
the alert and imaginative, Wally

2h8 O1 15 35 CDR CDR out. SO19 information.

248 O1 50 lO PLT On channel A the subject is BMMD

mass ... test. Alright, I got the
following readings on - uh - referring
to the MMD diagnositie cue cards.
Under the subject heading of PMMD
STB ... BMMD Cal mass ... test. I
get for the following step 7 Ten
numbers. I'll read - uh - only th_ -
after the first number, I'll only last -
read the last three out of each read-
ing, because the first three are
always the same. So here's number
one, h.42761, 947,929, 890,750, 774,
731, 799, 867, 877. Now I decided that
_ Dump Tape 248-01
Page 4 of 6

there was a lot of scattered in data

so I did it over again. I got the
following readings again for 77.
h.42918, 859, 840, 834, 810, 740, 938,
671, 795, 746. Then I decided there
still wasn't too much scatter to data,
so I did it all over again for the
third time step 7 I got 4.42980,
904, 814, 830, 823, 838, 791, 821,
851, and 793. And - uh - each of
the last steps - two steps I was
very careful to - uh - ... the unlock
handle - uh - for the ... end of
stop and all that - _ud that's the
best that I can come up _-ith, Bill.
So after that I went on to step 9.
There was one point of confusion on
step 9, that I'm going to try to
clarify now. Step ais to remove
the C clamps and place over the
springs of the Cal Mass adapter.
Well, I didn't know what the springs
of the Cal Mass adapterwere cause I
_di_Ln't see any, but I fugred that the
best thing to do was to - was to use
the cross-brace call that the springs
and - uh - so I tightened the chair
to the cross-brace using the C clamps.
So, maybe the spring that you meant was
a clip on the end - flits over the
top of the chair. Now I don't know
but - I fugred what you wanted to do
was to make that Cal Mass adapter
fit as securely as possible to the
seat. So I - uh - I did that by
tightening the C clamp over the - over
the brace -tl_e cross-brace, cross-brace,
on the Cal Mass adapter.

248 02 13 44 PLT Okay, Now - uh - I guess that I should

also say that -uh- in reading your
procedure - uh - it said to place the
first food tray fourth from the bottom,
which meant to me the third from the
top. So that the fifth tray was second
from the top and the tops pans were
open. Okay, so that was the configura-
tion. It's that configuration I - uh -
_,_ Dt_p T_pe 248-01
Page 5 of 6

didn't do. Uh - step 9, here's

what I got, 4.42761,778,732,725,699,
795,635,706,591,692 then proceeded
on to step 13. I got the following
ten readings: 4.42712 - -

248 02 14 49 CDR ... interrupt ...

PLT Just a minute, I'm almost done.

CDR Okay....

PLT 736,710,... ,705,739,630,745,784,785.

End of message.

248 02 15 08 CDR Okay, this is the CDR on SO19. Time

is now - uh - Just after the normal
start time I'll give you a mRvk.

248 02 15 15 CDR MARK. That's the beginning of i0 3

seal field, 960-second unwidened,
frame 134 - uh - rotation 341 9,
tilt 17.70. I'll be back on the
air in 15 minutes so to do the rest.
This SO19 information is going to
Wally Teague - Dr. Karl Henize ....
That's all right now. S019 again
when I come up cause it's gonna be
quite a while before ... CDR out.

248 02 16 42 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. I Just

noticed that - uh - the window
downstairs was open. So I'm
gonna terminate this exposure and
start another one. So that we
get a good 960. I'll tell you
what I'll do, I'll leave this one
for - uh - No, let's get a good -
let's get what you asked for. Oh -

PLT ... looks good ...

CDR No, I'll tell you what we ought to

do. The rotation is Bhl 9, the
rotation is 341 9, means I would
have rotated around and been facing -
It's Just that 341 9 is almost
/'_ facing the opposite way of the %rlndow.
af Dump Tape 248-01
Page 6 of 6

So we're gonna go ahead and let

this run 960, I hope that it doesn't
bother it. The window was opened
for about 30 seconds.

248 02 17 37 CDR CDR, out.


Dump Tape 248-02

Time: 0247-0250 GMT
Page 1 of 1

2h8 02 47 45 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, we're getting

ready to finish operating 16 minute
exposure. We're going to be about 1 minute
ahead of sunrise, so were in excellent shape.
Stand by and I'll close the shutter in just
a few seconds.

248 02 48 03 CDR Stand by.

248 02 48 04 CDR MARK. Shutter is CLOSED. We've gone

over to CARRAGE RETRACT postion.
Film hatch CLOSED. We are retracting
the machine soon as we center the number.
And this is all S019 information. Should
be brought to Dr. Karl Henize's attention
also Wally Teague's. I might mention
that was frame 135 and ... M-4. CDR out.

Dump Tape 248-03
Time: 122h-1231 GMT
-F'-- 9/5/73
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248 12 24 35 CDR Okay, this is CDR again on the VTR.

CC ...

2_8 12 24 h3 cDR I Just - uh - some - uh - white-light

coronagraph rotations. Now you've
looking at H2 - uh - correction
H-alpha 2.

CC ...

SPT _..

2_8 12 25 07 CDR I'm going to give you some - a little

alpha i and go to a different target.

2h8 12 26 24 CDR That complete's the VTR - on ATM i.


, D_mp Tape 248-04
Time : 1304-ih04 GMT
Page i of 3

248 13 08 20 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack

on channel A. The - uh - subject
this morning is - uh - S019. And
we're about to opne the shutter. Making
a slight adjustment to the rotation.
Okay, we're going to make a long
exposure, so stand by to open the
shutter. Time is 13:09, which iS -_
I minute after our starting time,
so we're in good shape. I go to
SLIDE RETRACT_IU and widened.

248 13 09 16 PLT MARK. SHLUuT_ is OPEN, clock has

started. We're on frame 136. Frame
mike 7 Charlie a 960 second unwind
exposure. Stirs up the brillant
... for 16 minutes. Now, this
morning - uh - move the end of PAD
into minus 1.5. Move the end
of space craft is minus 1.9. No
_ correction wouldbe required,
although, to put it right on
the money, it's no trouble to -
uh - ma_e a sms]] one, so the - uh -
correction is as follows. Minus
1.5, minus a minus 1.9 leaves a
plus 0.5, which I add to the
rotation of 232.4, a tilt of
14.2. The ... on - uh - cassette
is - uh - 003. Focus is verified
to be through the limb .... Charlie
16 minutes on 13136. And all this
information for S019 goes to Dr.
Karl Henize. So we're going to be
off the air for - uh - while
here while this exposure times up.
And we'll be checking with you
later. And don't go away, we'll be
right back.

248 13 24 58 PLT Okay, here we are again, space

fans, on S019. We're getting ready
to terminate exposure number 136 on -

_-" Dump Tape 248-04

Page 2 of 3

uh - frame mike 7 Charlie. 16 minute

unwidened exposure. So, if you'll stand
by, I'll give you a MARK.

248 13 25 18 PLT MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED at 16 minutes

on my watch. Okay, sunrise is at
13:42, we've got another 16 minute
one to go. We can just_e it. So
let's see the rotation tilt. I
add a plus 4 until the .4 rotation
and get 242.7. 4217. And ll.6.
Okay, we go to slide retraction,
stand by for my MARK. 242.7 is
checked and ll.6 is checked. Stand

248 13 26 17 PLT MARK, SHU'rI'E_OPEN. Frame 137. Sealed

mike 8 alpha. A 16 minute unwidened
exposure which began precisely at
26. Will terminate at - uh - 42
at the very latest, and - probably
a little before. But we'll - uh -
see. And - uh - that's all we're
going to - uh - t_1_ about for now
for a little while. We'll be back
when the - uh - exposure is terminated.

248 18 42 O0 PLT Okay, space fans, here we go with

the S019. Stand by to close the SHUTTER.

248 13 42 05 PLT MARK, SHUTTER CLOSED. Frame 137 on

field mike 8 alpha. A 960 second
supposedly, but we had to cut
that short a little bit• ... We had
to cut that short by 15 seconds.
So that was - uh - 15 minutes and -
uh - 45 second exposure. We had
to cut it short because of - uh -
sunrise at 13:42, but - uh - we got
all but 15 seconds. So that terminates
that frame and - uh - we'll - uh -
go about our business of - uh -
getting the mirror in and so forth.
So that ends the - uh - message
on - uh - S019 PAD number 4017.
•,,f " _ Tape 2_.8-0_,
Page S of 3

Which began at 13:08 and we

got both exposures in, except the
last one was short by 15 seconds.
And this goes to Karl Henize. Thank
you everybody.

2_8 14 01 12 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the ATM

run at 12:16. Went entirely - •
nominal, We devoted the entire:time
to preforming - uh - the ...
experiments. I got in the video
tape ... to begin with. The - uh -
uh - sun looked - uh - acted like it
had been, but there was no - uh -
outstanding - uh - active regions as
far as - uh - intensity goes. We
have an H-alpha XUV MON. We are
presently in the midst of - uh -
the second run 13:_8 run, with the
smae thing in - apparently a
active 89, the one I'm working on
,- now. During the night, ... something -
but right now there is not much going
on. Uh - bright, but not any brighter
as the other 1 2 3 _ 5 6 7 that
I can see on the - uh - sun. The
only thing that's a little bit
brighter ... is over the area of -
actively 7 on the limb - it looks
brighter ... Too bad we don't
go over there and - uh - do work
on - uh - the ... This is last one
now .... CDR out.

_p Tspe 2_8-05
/-_ .':_- : 1_26-1515 GMr

2h8 I_ 27 22 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. Oh - this

goes to ATM room. Oh - I've Just
finished all the assigned tasks on
the Sunset ... except for the
atmospheric extinction, which I
can't do for about 6 minutes. At
the moment I'm in the middle of
"_ a shopping list item 16, limb
pointing. I'm going for a
7-minute exposure SHORT, on 82B.
I'm giving a grating - three scan
to 55 but won't finish all three
scans, obviously. And - uh -
56, I 'm gonna try for a 5-minute
exposure on it. When that's
complete then I'll go back and
do the - uh - uh - J0P 7, step w,
atmospheric extinction. The rest
of the - uh - efforts been nominal.
I find the Stm's not producing any
tmusual limb brightening in XUV or
in H-alpha at this time. Things
are active but nothing unusual.

248 lh 28 19 CDR CDR, out.

248 14 38 35 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, debriefing

the ATM science room run - uh -
13:h8, which is obviously for the
ATM science room. It went okay,
the first part. I went over and
when I gave a limb scan above
active region 7; 30 arc seconds
above the limb gave a - uh -
8-minute exposure to 56. Now i
whistled back over the center of
the Sun, arrived there on time.
But my grating auto - grating scan
didn't stop at 3; it went right on
through 0. I don't know why; I'm
still trying to figure that one out.

248 15 39 06 CDR Msybe it's 'cause it started above 0.

I'm not sure but it had 3 on the
meter. But anyhow - uh - got in
_ Tape 248-o5
Page 2 of h

position started everything on

time except the - uh - uh - grating
3 scan, which I started about
two minutes to go at line - grating
position 200. Not the grating 3 scan,
the mirror line scan. What I plan to
do is - uh - next time I will - uh -
try to finish up early and go over _
and do that one again. I 'm not
so happy about the way it came out. .-
Otherwise everything's okay. The
reason I picked active region T,
the corona above that, was because
it looks like it about ... I'm
gonna see right now. I thought there
might be some good picture taking ...

2_8 lh B9 52 CDR CDR, out.

2h8 lh 40 B0 PLT C_ay, space fans, this is Jack

on channel A. The subject this
time is again S019; we're pre-
paring to run the - tLh - second
pass on pad 4017 starting at
lh:hl. I give you a - uh - mark,
the shutter opened.

2h8 lh h0 52 PLT And lh:hl cnm_ng up in i0 seconds.

I go so SLIDE RETRACTED; which is
where I am now. Okay, there's
lh:hl, standby for my mark. I'm
opening now 0.

SPT Okay.

PLT Standby -

2h8 lh hl 08 PLT MARK. SHUT'I'_:H

OPENED. Watch has
been started. And - uh - this is field
November 9. Frame 138, a 16-minute
exposure on my watch. And - uh - the
ROTATION - uh - this time was corrected

again. The spacecraft Nu Z is minus

1.9. The pad is minus 1.5.

Therefore according other to our
little algebraic formula minus a

f'-_ _ Tape 2_,8-o5

Page 3 of k

minus 1.9 is a plus 0.4 which

we add to the rotation of 302.8
to get 303.2 which is what I have
on the rotation now. And TILT is 9.9.
So we're off and running on - uh -
frame number 138, and I'll - uh -
give you a call back when were
terminating this exposure at the
end of this - uh - 16-minute
duriation. So - uh - don't _ _
go away, we're going to turn
the recorder off, but we'll
be back

248 14 42 25 PLT See you later.

248 14 56 57 PLT Okay, - uh - this is the S019 back

again and we're about to close
the shutter. After - uh - 16 minutes
here. Stand by.

248 lh 57 04 PLT MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED on frame 138.

November 9 field; now, we'll go to
the next field which is November 7,
and that's going to be 100.6 plus
0.h is a iii.0. I'm busy;
Just a minute.

248 14 58 00 PLT Okay, the ROTATION is ]]1.0 the -

uh - TILT is 18.2 and - uh -
we're about to - uh - do another
exposure so I reset my watch.
I go to SLIDE RETRACTED. Stand by
to open the shutter.

248 14 58 20 PLT MARK. SHUTTER OPENED. Clock

started. Frame 139. Field
November 7, a 16-minute exposure
and - uh - we're set at lll.0
and 18.2. And - uh - for now
we'll - uh - go off the - uh -

248 14 58 46 PLT It appears that - uh - we

ought to be able to get the
exposure in before - uh - sunrise
D_ T_e 2_8-05
Page _ of 4

2h8 15 02 14 CDR This is - uh - information

concerning the - uh - CSM -
correction co,remandmodule RCS
structure temps read on the
systems temp meter. I'll give
you the - uh - name and number
of the meter and then the reading.
4B is 1.7; 5B, 1.9; 6B, 1.5;
7B, 2.1; 8B, 2.0; and 9B, -
correction -yeah, 9B, 1.4. So
those are the quad temps on the
CM per your request. That
goes to - uh - EGIL and anyone else
interested in the CSM temps.

2h8 15 02 52 CDR CDR, out.

248 15 13 54 PLT Okay, space fans, on channel A,

with S019; we're concluding the -
uh -' second pass. On - "oh -
day 248, 4017 pass. About to
terminate - uh - exposure number 139,
field November 7, 16-minute
exposure. Stand by -

2h8 15 14 20 PLT MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED. And we're

about h0 seconds ahead of the
15:15 sunrise time. So we go
over here to CARRIAGE RETRACTED and
leave it there. And - uh - go about
the rest of our business of
getting the mirror back in. And
conclude the experiment so - uh -
S019 information _11 goes to Dr.
Karl Henize. That's the
end of the message for today.

248 15 14 45 PLT Thank you.

• D_p Tape 248-06
Time : 1607-1804 G_
- 9-5-73
Page i of 2

248 16 08 17 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run which began at 15:20. We got
pointed onto Sun spot umbra ...
and - uh - proceeded as - uh - re-
quested in the pad. We got three
15 minute exposures and - uh - filters
3 4 5 long for - uh - ..., and - uh -
got the rest of the exposures for - uh -
82A as requested. And - uh - a mirror
auto raster and a bunch of mirror line
scans and - uh - ... balls for 55 as
you requested. Uh - the first - uh -
two sets of mirror line scans were at
uh - split center, although we - uh -
shortly thereafter - uh - - uh - put
the - uh - mirror down to line 25 aud
uh - the rest of them were right near
the center of the sun spot. Initiated
uh - mirror auto raster near the end
of the rev and - uh - got about l-l/2
rasters in and - uh - got to be ...
back and pick up the atmospheric ex-
tinction - uh - request that we had
the rev before. And - uh - we got
started on that at 05:30. And - uh -
we're ... right now - uh - getting
ready to turn on - uh - - uh - - uh -
getting ready to put Bob McClean on
at 01:25 in contiguous and - uh - the
line scans showing at 8200 at this
time with all detectors. And - uh -
that completes the - uh - all
detectors except for 5 right now.

248 16 09 55 PLT That completes the debriefing for - uh -

15:20 run and - uh - we'll be back with
you next rev. Thank you.

2_8 17 29 38 PLT Hello, there, space fans, this is Jack

on channel A. The subject is M092/171
for the biomed troups. We're - uh -
putting - uh - our friend A1 Bean in
the can here. And his left leg
measures 13-3/4 inches and his right
Dump Tape 248-06
Page 2 of 2

let is 12-I/2 inches. And - uh -

that's the end of message for a
long time. You've got all the other
information on the - uh - leg bands
and the blood pressure cuff ...
We - We'll be checking wit you
later, so don't go away.

2h8 18 02 58 PLT Okay, this is Jack, back again on

channel A proceeding with - uh -
M092/171. The - uh - _20_ CO2
bottle is reading - uh - 1390.


Dump Tape 248-09

Time: 2352-2357 GMT
9-5-73 ............
Page 1 of 1 ....

248 23 53 01 CDR This is the CDR and I'm debriefing the last
ATM run, which was the 23:07 run. Uh - It went
nominal up to about the time I was - uh - finish-
ing step 4D - uh - step 4D of step I, J0P 2A.
Then I noticed that active region 9 was - uh -
getting a little bright in H-alpha relative to
the others. Also noticed the - uh - BERYLLIUM
COUNTER had gone 3 about 3900 snd I know this
wasn't enough for a flare hut it looked like
a great - uh - break point. I went down - uh -
took a mirror auto raster - correction - grating
auto scan on the brightest point of - uh - active
region 9. When I was finished, I went back up,
did step 4E - uh - of - uh - JOP 2A on active
region 12. And then I came back down for 9 be-
cause it still looked like the . .. up again.
I - uh - did the grating auto scan on the hottest
part, then I moved up and am doing an mirror auto
raster. Some of it may be going to sunset here.
I'm on line - I'm on line 21. I'Ii probably be
about halfway throughby 343. Then we'll get the
other part. Uh - It never did really materialize,
but it sure bears watching the rest of the - uh -
uh - for the next few hours. Looks llke it's
brightening all along the - uh - western side of
the - uh - uh - filament - -

CC ...

248 23 54 53 CDR - - and - _h -

CC ...

Dump Tape 248-07
Title: 1817-2007 _4T

915173 ,//'"
Page i of ii

2h8 18 18 2h PLT Okay space fans, I Just had a tape dump -

uh - this is Jack back in on channel A.
We're right in the middle of Ml71. So
will - uh - continue at this point - uh -
by reading the - uh - bottle pressure
on the - uh - Calibrated N and water
bottle, and it's ]3h9. The ambiant Cabin
pressure is 5.382. Precent watt - uh -
correction percent O is 6h.15. Percent
water is 2.73. And percent CO is 2.00.
And - uh - this is all I'm going to talk
to you about right now. We'll be back
later, so don't go away.

2_8 19 21 05 SPT Okay this is SPT on channel A, with

information for the A_4 PIs and planners.
Uh - debriefing the last run - uh -
which was - uh - predominatelyconcerned
with the - uh - flare, which occurred
in active region ]2. Uh - I had just
gone to Sun center to set up the
building block 2, in fact it had been
running for a few minutes, - uh - when
the first cue was the XUV _._N bright
spot. I'd - uh - been monitoring
H-alpha 2 on - uh - number 2 on - uh -
left scope on the XUV MON on the right
scope, which is the persistant image

2_8 19 21 39 SPT And - uh - it was very clear that the

XUV - uh - signature was becoming - uh -
- uh - very bright. A small - a relatively
small area in active region 12. Uh - I
checked the - uh - image intensity count,
which was beginning to rise, as was the
_4EC. And - uh - decided to - uh - uh -
terminate the building block and move over
there. So it took a few seconds to - uh -
get ... to - uh - ViDECOM turned off and
their door closed. And the - uh - slid
F- over there and pointed at the - uh - brighted
spot which was - _h - to the south of the
- uh - Sun spot.

Dump Tape 248-07

Page 2 of ll

248 19 22 23 SPT This was - uh - to the right hand edge

and since we had a roll of plus 5400 slightly
to the right of the Sun spot on my scope.
Uh - as quickly as possible Ed and this
would be approximately 18:30, it might have
been a minute or so earlier than that. Uh -
got in to the - uh - uh - flare observation
and ... on 56 add the - uh - ... 3IB16 on S05h
and got some irradiated. Shorgtly the
reafter I did check it frames remaing counter
to _ke sure that they were both working. And
I believe 56 was continueing to work, although
I would like to - uh - uh - have some word
back from you - uh - to see whether or
not it hung up - uh - on that first initiation
of auto shorts. A little bit later I did
stop it and start it again Just to make sure.
And - uh - got 55 - uh - showing in ...
again and it was already a grating pin there
is zero so it that turned out to be very
convenient thing to get set - uh - uh -
F_ going.

248 19 23 41 SPT Now 82A and B I did not go into the flare
lode [sic] perhaps I should have. Uh- 82A
is down to 80 frames - 81 right now. And
- uh - I was affraid that would - uh
wipe out the rest of our opportunity for - uh -
an optic measurments and so on had I done
that. In 82B there's probably a better
case for haveing gone to flare mode,
even though I did not and what I ended
up doing on 82B was giving it - uh -
several - uh - auto sequences and - uh
several - uh - manuel shorts - tub - frames.
Uh - 5 and l0 seccnds in length on k_JV shorts.

248 19 24 20 SPT Uh - now the - uh - flare continues to

develop and the xray - uh - intensity to
increase - uh - fcr sometime after these
- uh - observations were started, peaking
at about 770 or in that vacinity on the
PMEC as I recollect. The highest number
that I recall, I believe had something
greater than 150 cn the - uh - image
- intensitycounter. Didn't get a good
Beryllium number except down to - uh -
I believe window ene, although, I can't
- did not catch a good otherwise - uh -
I took a count number on the Beryllium counter.
Dump Tape 248-07
Page 3 of ii

248 19 25 04 SPT It also - uh - ended rather abruptly

- uh - by the time 8 minutes had
gone by that us about 18:48 it was
- uh - clearly - uh - decreasing in
intensity. And I also - uh - uh -
couple of tines stopped the Ber light
scan to - uh - check the intensity
of oxygen 6 which I had set an detector
three and where as it had originally
been at about 30,000, pounds by 18:30
it had dropped down, as I recall, to - uh -
somewhere around 10,000 - 18 - uh - 8 to
12 - uh - somewhere around lO. And I
also could see that the - uh - brighted
point in the flare = uh - was now - uh -
somewhat above the - uh - crosshairs of
of my H-alfa scope. Now very fortunately,
the alignment of the - uh - flaring
part = the flaring region which was
parallel to the neutral line right
_ through there was more or less up and
down on my scope. That would _m_ke it
- uh - east/west - uh - inter solar
coordinate s.

248 19 26 13 SPT Now - uh - the - _h - slit was therefore

essentially fully filled by this flaring
- uh - material even though the majority
of the flaring - _h - act - uh - the
brightest - uh - region was above the
crosshairs. Because it did not extend
as much as 30-arc seconds above the
- uh - erosshairs. And so the slit
was well filled. The lower half of
the slit was - uh - not filled. And
- uh - in as much as the - uh - S055
was no longer doing a bare light scan
on - uh - the brightest part, - uh -
I didn't obviously want to change it
around too many times, but I thought
it did warrant at least one change.

248 19 27 58 SPT And so I set the light up from 9 to 5

and this eontinutcd to bare light scans
there. Uh - the z_umbers - uh - are
a little bit hazy in my mind but I have
the impression that it again jumped
from - uh - uh - something like - uh -
10,O00 but it has been up to - uh -
that perhaps - uh - 20 to 25,000.
Dump Tape 248-07
Page 4 of ii

But your telmetry will verify - uh -

what those correct numbers are. Theb
I continued with the - uh - bar light
scan. Now the - ah - by let's say ...
18:40 that change at 1838. I don't
think I said 48 but 1838 was when
I changed to bare lines scan - line.
By about 18:40, the - uh - their normal
level. Uh- the I_th the P[CEC, and the
image intensity count, Berylluim counters
book of ... were all - uh - dropping back
to normal very quickly. Although there
was still an XUV xray signature. And
so I - uh - continued to run a re - uh -
X-ray flare program, and several more
exposures of a Nu . Until by 18h5 the
XUV MON showed essentially - uh -
appearance for ae'_ive region 12. It
was no brighter than any of the other
activeregions. Irn- the H-alphahad
essentially retur_led to near normal,
althoug)a there were extra features associated
with the - uh - _/l - dark - uh - filament
like - uh 0 structures which extend
out from the Sun spot.

248 19 28 38 SPT And I'm sure - uh - your own X - uh -

H-alpha photographs will show those
- uh - uh - dark clouds.

248 19 28 48 SPT So aside from them, the xray - or

the H-alpha - uh -- configuration
- uh - we're back to - uh - nearly
normal. And so I terminated the
- uh - uh -.flare observation and
went back to _un center. Oh -
although it was _ - uh - remarkablly
near the center of the disc it seems
possible there was some coronal - ah -
uh - signature - _h - still - uh -
visible in the light - light corons_ophah.
And - uh - I did pick up a building
block 2 ag_ain. Azd also of course
• a radio - uh - ... radio burst associated
with it. Uh - the - uh - uh - triger
level for this - _h - flare, incidently,
Dump Tape 248-07
Page 5 of Ii

it did triger to the radio noise burst

monitor oh, a matter of a few seconds,
ahead of the I_4EC. So I assume that it's
essentially just a question of the - uh -
high threshole level. I perhaps had
the radio noise threshold set a little
bit closer than - uh - the x-ray threshold
had been set. Th._y were essentially
- uh - contemporary - simultaneous. And
- uh - so I went back to Sun center at
about O- uh - little after 18:45, picked
up building block 2 - tub - picked up
ground contect a little after 18:50 and
- uh - sent ... to under that flare
- uh - post flare program. I ... flare
•.. for a little while I'm afraid. And
then after - uh - ground - uh - a
reminder went on to the - uh - post
flair. And that's about it for the last
- uh - orbit. And that's the end of the
- uh - debriefing for the - uh - A_4 pass
that takesus abo_t - uh - 19 and 20 Zulu.

248 19 30 37 SPT SPT out.

248 19 31 14 PLT Ok8_, space fans, this is Jack on channel A

and the subject is the conclusion of the
M092/171 run. Uh - something went right
into - uh - an exercise period - uh -
after weighing 171, we didn't get the - uh -
final readings on precent - uh - 0 , CO
2 2 ,and

water. And - uh - we attempted to - uh -

continue on with the metabolic analyzer
during the exercise period, but - uh -
somehow we got goofed up, and - uh - uh -
trying to get - reach our cabin here and
- uh - follow the check list, but we'd
already got in experiment activate and
- uh - some of those switches off and
I think we - uh - lost the whole calibration
So - uh - the - uh - metabolic analyzer data
after - tub - the M171 run is - luh -
appeared to be no good - uh - for the
reasons we had onboard and - uh - attempts
to restore it were - uh 0 to no avail. And
- uh - like I say, the _l - uh - M171 run -
- uh - at the end of it we didn't get the
- uh - percent ... of the camera.
_ Dump Tape 2_8-07
Page 6 of ii

248 19 32 20 PLT So that's - uh - the end of the message

for the M092, _71 BIOMED people and
- uh - see you tomorrow.

248 19 33 _9 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack again

on channel A, and the subject this time
is T0(Y2. This goes to - uh - Bob Randall
Ames Research Center and - uh - Bob Nute
over in building 4. And I got news for
somebody down there. As it turns out
- uh - I was supposed to do a star
on the Earth's horizon but - uh -
beings that the Beta angle's what it is,
there ain't no horizon out there. And
there won't be for a while. So - uh -
I'll wait til later in the night here
the see what we caa get, but - uh -
since w_ getting off to such a late
start, it takes a whole - uh - orbit
to get - uh - darn horizons - uh -
we might be out of luck. And, in which,
case, I may have to revertto a third
of Moon, which I c_n Just barely see
enough out of the right window to - right
side of the window to perhaps get the

248 19 34 39 PLT But - uh - let me get some zero bias first

and see what happens. Temperature of the
- uh - sectant is 69 degrees. And
the diopter's setting is zero. So
with that information we'll press
on and get - get whatever we can.
Long as we're here. We're all dressed
up and no place to go anyway, so why not
get the work. And - uh - there's
Fomalhaut out there and we'll see if
we can get some - uh - zero bias
settings on there, old buddy.
Messing around with those diopters
_ DumpTape2_8-07
Page 7 of ll

again to get - you go on one side of

the diopter - uh - zero it looks like -
uh - the star get the first vertically,
whereas you go on the side - uh - my
diopter gets - uh - the first horizontally.
Now I've got a minus 1.25, so let's run
with it at a minus l-l/4, for a while,
and - uh - you know we like that.

248 19 36 34 PLT Mark. First zero bias is bias 0.005.

Second zero bias is 0.005. Third zero bias
is 0.005. Fourth zero bias is 0.005.
How about that, mc getting them in there.
And the fifth zero bias is sa_e, right
on the money. I used the little red ...
reticle list Just a little hit and it
helps. Okay, now for the horizon.

248 19 B7 54 PLT Stay at this - uh - Beta angle, which

is - uh - getting close to zero - uh -
we're pointing directly away from the
-- Earth at night. _d - uh - we might get
it a little bit iz the side of - right
side of the windo_ or one side of the
window for - uh - sunrise and the other
side of the window, for sunset. So there
ain't no horizon. There won't be until
the Beta angle gets bigger. And - uh -
so we're going to go for star to moon.
And - uh - we'll _mt the 1.6 filter in
like you suggested. See and - uh - see
if I can find our friend Nunki up there
and - uh - what's - uh - speaking of
that - 15 degrees here to begin with.
We'll ... - you suggested yesterday I
use Nunki, so - uh - that's what I'm
going to use today. Dear old buddy Nt_qki.
I believe that's what you suggested, I
can't remember for sure.

248 19 38 58 PLT We used - tried te use Peacock for

something once. That was Star to Star
we already used that. So Nunki's the bird
that we're after _,nd I'm going to try to
get him now. I 'm gonna air about that
Dump Tape 248-07
Page 8 of ll

manner right there. I'll probably Just

barely get it out the window here. We'll
put the - uh - lo_er line of site on the
moon. There it is, there's the moon. We
got the - we got the Moon - we are gonna
get the Moon. And I think we're gonna get

248 19 39 34 PLT If I can only - Uh - search him out now.

248 19 h0 30 PLT Hey, there's the tail of the scorpion.

There's the base sf the tea pot. There's
the base and the handle together, and
there's is Nunki _ot 'em wired. N_g gonna
rotate the sextant around. Okay, we have
the ... filters now. But boy it was a
little too bright it blotted out Nunki, we
don't want that to happen, so I got the
1.0 and the 1.6 on there. Really gotta
crowd your head up against the side of
the window here.

248 19 42 52 PLT _[RK. 17.501.

248 19 43 42 PLT MARK. 17.485.

248 19 44 40 PLT MA_RK 17.465.

248 19 45 28 PLT MARK 17.439 ... Moon ... for Just a little
bit with respect _o the stars. That's
what we expect.

CC Skylab, Houston ... Canarvon for

5 1/2 minutes.

248 19 46 00 PLT _,NiRK. 17.428. Yeah, yeah, go ahead.

Okay thank you O.

248 19 46 40 PLT ;_I%RK17.412. I have recall it ......

248 19 47 06 PLT _,i_R,K

.... 17.391 I'm Just talking to
the recorder. Now, you can just barely
see a little horizon coming in now out
there. We're gonna keep doing what we're
doing. We need to get a better horizon
,_ Dump Tape 248-07
Page 9 of II

than that. Need a full night pass, to

work - uh - ... Earth our thing but -
Guess we're gonna loose the Moon in a
minute too.

248 19 48 07 PLT }&_RK 174357. The Moon's gonna go over

the hill in a minute ... What a bad angle.
Let me get better.

248 19 48 )44 PLT MARK. 17.327. Now this is Nunki to the

far side of Moon, as you recall.

248 19 )4932 PLT MARK. 17.288.

2)4819 50 05 PLT _._%RK


2)48 19 50 23 PLT },[ARK. 17.255.

2)48 19 50 55 PLT l_i%RK


CC ... Houston we Just quoted you an active

_- region9 to activatethe a ... flare ...
19:24 ... that's the thing about it refers
to active region 12 pointed right towards
us. We also had a radio burst type 3 in
active region 12. And we're about
l0 seconds from LOS - -

248 19 51 26 PLT MARK 17.206. That was 1.7206. We only

get a couple more before it goes down. I
have to get my head in here now.

2)4819 51 58 PLT }.I_RK17.177.

248 19 52 26 PLT _M/_K 17.150.

248 19 52 52 PLT _IRK 17.125.

248 19 53 29 PLT MARK 17.096. Hey Owen, there's am aurora,

come here. Hey, Owen, there's a big
aurora here. Hey, O., looks like we've
got a big aurora or something out here.

SPT _ay amazing, I think I'll be right there.

- PLT I don't think that's the Sun coming up,

Dump Tape 248-07
Page i0 of ii

cause it's the _'ong direction. Look at

right here.

CDR Yea that's auroraL.

PLT Isn't that a bea1_y?

CDR Oh, its pretty. You get any pictures of

it ...

PLT Take a look at the area out there ....

Right out here. Right - -

CDR My God look at that aurora - -

PLT Isn't that pretty?

CDR That's a beauty, Jack, Okay, let me -

God that is really good,

248 19 56 52 PLT Okay, here we are with that T002 again,

space fans, we just had to take ti_ out
for a beautiful aurora there. Trying to
catch for a long time.

248 19 57 ii PLT MARK, 16.866.

248 19 57 33 PLT _RK, 16.849.

248 19 57 58 PLT MARK, 16.822.

CC ... Honeysuckle in fact we're about a minute

from LOS now we'll be coming up on Texas ...

248 19 58 20 PLT MARK 16.790.

CDH ... Jack Just spotted a very pretty aurora

down here near Australia - southern auroral
zone. We'll try to get some ... photographs
of that - uh - Just before sunrise here -
couple more and active region 9
looks pretty ... too.

248 19 58 43 PLT MARK. 16.767. W_II, I guess we better quit

now it's getting too late to do any more
but - uh - I think we got about - uh -
_ Tape2_6-o7
Page ii of ii

two sessions worth there of - uh - limb.

It was Nunkl to the - uh - far limit of -
uh - Earth - or ,_,'.Oon
Earth and - uh -
Stand by l, please.

248 20 00 ll PLT Okay, space fans, - _h - on T002 now. I

don't think we ought to try this - uh -
Star to Earth horizon for a few more days,
till our Beta an:le gets to be something -
uh - such so we can have a horizon in the
window all night long. It - uh - came in
toward the later part of the night but not
enough time to - uh - do - uh - even
lO sightings on two stars so - uh - plus -
uh - it was - uh - close to - uh - twilight
when - when we 4/d see it and - uh - that's
not a real _ood time to get the - uh - Earth
horizon. So - uh ~ the boon looks like it's
getting in a more favorable position that it
was the last time ve worked in it. And - uh -
then we can whip off and start a new one in
the next few days here. And - uh - %_ait a
while for the - _/% - Earth's horizon. Uh -
but - uh _ that time I think we got 20 to
30 marks, And - uh - I - uh - gonna count
that down for a ¢:ouple of - uh - star to
Moon sessions.

248 20 01 09 PLT So - uh - that completes the message on T002

now. And - uh - be checking _ith us. And -
uh - $_e won't do the - uh - uh - st_liometery
cause - uh - uh -.the stadiometery has to go
%rith the - _h - the - uh - section sighting in
this ease, because it's in operational mode
and - uh - therefore we're golng to _it them.
And - uh - that'_ the end of the message and
_e'll pick up the rest - uh - operational
banks - uh - in _ few days.

2_8 20 01 36 PLT Thank you.

240 20 01 59 PLT Oh, by the way, the - uh - sextant temper-

ature at the end of the session is 76 degrees.
And - uh - that's the final note now -
uh - for - uh - _002.

Dump Tape 2&8-08 _,/_
Time: 20:58-23:04 GMT
Page 1 of 19

248 21 00 17 SPT Okay, is there somebody using the tape


SPT Okay, this is the SPT on the channel A

debriefing the last ATM - uh - uh -
revolution. And - uh - just as ...
this information goes to the ATM PIs
and planners. Just as on the last
orbit the - uh - principle activity
related to a flare in active region 9,
this time. Now - uh - fortunately
as soon as we came up it was pretty
clear that active region 9 looked
interesting, that flare potential
could be ready to - uh - - uh - take
off. So - uh - I did do - uh -
several mirror line scans hunted
around for the brightest points
and that - uh - sort of thing. And - uh -
was pretty well waiting for a flare,
at the time it occurred.As a
matter of fact, - uh - S056 - uh -
should have a - uh - patrol short if
I remember right, preceeding the
flare. Uh - 55 should have some ...
line scan, and - uh - uh - we were
pretty much sitting there waiting for
it to - uh - happen when it really

248 21 01 19 SPT As a matter of fact, I - uh - I even

made that comment on the down - real
time voice-llnk, if you remember.
As to when it - uh - finally occurred
- uh - uh - we began getting data - uh -
right - uh coincidence with the - uh -
rise phase. And - t_h - I didn't get a
time on that, it should have been
around 2000, - 2005 - 2005 but - uh -
your timing I'm sure will be more
accurate than that.

248 21 01 42 SPT Uh - the roll - uh - was optimized

for 82B at 55, mud was unfortunately - tub -
_ verypoor for - uh - 82A. I did take
a couple of manual exposures for 82A,
Dump Tape 248-08
Page 2 of 19

one of about 3 seconds, a little

later - uh - one of about 4 seconds.
Uh - 82B - uh - I had time for a
couple of manual exposures - uh -
during the rise phase and - uh -
when it went one over the PMEC - uh -
flare threshold I did give it - uh -
a short interval of - uh - of
flare - uh - operation.

2h8 21 02 17 SPT A flare mode for 82B only. And - uh -

then I went back - uh - after oh,5 - uh -
5 or l0 minutes to the - uh - manualual
exposures on 82B. 55 was sitting
there in mirror line scan from before
anythi_g happened all the way through.

248 21 02 35 SPT Now, again after the flare had - uh -

peaked and - uh - somewhat beyond
the peak it was clear that I was a
few odd seconds away from the optimum
location- uh - for 55, althoughit
still looks real good for 82B. So
I again - uh - stepped up from line 9
to line 8, Just one line away, and
- uh - continued from there to line 10.

248 21 03 00 SPT So do look for a one line change in

the S055 - uh - data. Uh - uh - uh -
56 - uh - had gone to auto short.
Before it peaked, well before it
peaked and - uh - should get good data
all the way through if we didn't
get hung-up in filter 3 to often.
So - uh - I'm sure you get some
exposures, Jim, but there may be a
few gaps in there when you get hung up_
on - uh - those - uh - uh - auto
inactive orthos. I'm still inclined
to think there is a propensity
for hanging up in active 1 in - uh -
auto. Uh - 54 I think you got just
about what you - uh - were looking
for except, of course, it could have
been a bigger flare.

248 21 03 h4 SPT Uh - it did ... about 715 on the

PMEC, the IIC was reading about 70, or so
70. So what ... I measured the one
•_ Dump Tape 248-08
Page 3 of 19

before but it was above your threshold,

and did have a very substantial X-ray
signature. Uh - that just about takes
care of all of the flare instruments,
and - uh - this time XUV Mon and
X-ray signatures did have a fairly
long ... off. Uh - the - uh - the
flare was very clisible - very clearly
visible on the - uh - X-ray image
scope - uh - it all - the IIC also
had a very long tail-off. It was
very slow in coming back - in fact
slower than the PMEC that's because
it's related to the spectral - uh -

248 21 04 31 SPT But the PMEC dropped below 700, it

continued to decrease slowly. Whereas
theIIC remained up about 70 for
substantially longer and - uh -
fluctuated around a little bit before
comingon down towardsthe end of
the orbit. Uh - the beryllium
stepped as far as aperture 2. I do
not recall just what the reading
would have been in - uh - beryllium l,
but I think that it would have been
below 4150. So another point you
might want to consider at this time is
recalibrating the - uh - PMEC and - uh -
beryllium count. It does appear that
the - uh - beryllium count is more
conservative; that is, for a given.. °
level, it will - at last for the two
flares, will trigger the PMEC before
it triggers the - uh - beryllium
counter. Whereas - uh - we would
have - uh - assumed - we have assumed
that - uh - as nearly as possible,
they were intended to be the collected
at levels. Uh - At the last 6 minutes
of the - uh - orbit I - uh - I did
the - uh slew away from the flare, which
is pretty well - uh - decreased in
intensity in both XUV and X-ray by
--_ the end of the orbit and - uh - got a
6 minute - uh - standard mode in for
•_ Dump Tape 248-08
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248 21 05 54 SPT I also had about - uh - Oh, no, I

was going to take a look at it
- uh - uh - in the - uh - with my
monitor. As it turns out, I only
had 30 seconds left, 8nd by the
time I could see it on TV, apparently
the earthshine Earth's limb had
- uh - come in-scattered in through
the - uh - vidicon and - uh - was
a very bright - uh - glow, off to
one side, Now I had not noticed
that before, but I had always
looked at different Beta angle than
we have now. Beta is going through
zero. And so it does appear that if
we monitor the - uh - uh - TV -
uh - as it gets close to - uh -
equal zero-time remaining, zero - uh -
it does appear that the Earth's limb
will - uh - scatter in considerable
light. And I'ii remember to take a
closer look at that - uh - later on.

2h8 21 06 43 SPT So we're set for post flare activity on

the - uh - next orbit. And - uh -
uh - just scrub the EREP for that. I'ii
probably take a quick look at the
- uh - WLC, for a transient and then
get on with the - uh - postflare
activities for the other instruments.

248 21 07 00 SPT End of message from the SPT for the

- uh - ATM - uh - Pls and planners.

248 21 07 ii CDR Ok - okay, this is the CDR, and this

is SO 19 information we're getting
out late because we Just canceled
EREP. We didn't even have S019 in
the airlock. We now got it in there,
and - uh - we started about a minute
15 seconds ago, the first exposure.
Uh - the NuZ is plus 0.3, so I
added that to minus l.h, get a
minus 1.7, which I subtracted from
250.7, got 249.0. I got 249.0
f _ ROTATION,8.9 TILT. We're gonna go
for a 960-second unwidened
exposure. I'm going to give you a
-_ Dump_Tape 248-08
Page 5 of 19

mark at 2 minutes; that's the best

I can do for you. We' re already
been exposed for about a minute and
45 seconds. It's frame 140 on field
N-6. Couldn't interrupt - uh - de-
briefing by the SPT on a flare that
perturbed. So stand by here and I'll
give you a mark.

248 21 08 09 CDR MARK. Now that's a 2-minute mark,

okay. I'll be off the comm for a
while. We'll also be Sharing this
with Jack Lousma, T002.

248 21 08 18 CDR So CDR out for a while.

248 21 09 27 PLT Uh, you won't want to shine your

light on the window d_wn here. Okay -
tth - space fans. This is Jack on
channel A now, We're going to share
this with S019 and - uh - we had to
-- back out of EREP, and - uh - so
now we're doing T002 again and - uh -
my no-EREP plan is to - uh - do a
dash 2, which is - uh - star-to Moon
sightings. Star being Nunki and
we're getting me - uh - window cover
off. It's all dark here and we
don't have any light going through
here because we don't to disturb
SO19 and - uh - I'll give you a few
spects here to begin with. Temperature
on the sextant is 73 degrees and the
diopter's a minus 1.25. And - uh - I
see the Moon. That's the beginning;
a place to start, if I can get my
feet anchored down. That's another
place to continue a beginning-commence
to start, okay.

248 21 l0 49 PLT Okay, here we are. We'll get the zero

bias sightings after the - uh - run
because the thing is all set up. We got
to hustle. What's a few zero biases
among friends, when he can get them
f _ later. Pretty well set up from the
last session is one reason we're not
crm_king it around. It kills time.
• ...... Dump Tape 248-08
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Okay, so you want the ... filters.

I'll try that again; I think I did
last time. It was a little too
bright last time. Washed Nunki
out of the picture. Last time I
had both filters in, 1.0 and 1.6.
I'll try it with 1.6 for a while here.
Okay, stand by here; we'll go into
action. Wish I could lean this on
something. Uh - screwy of an angle,
leaning on the window. I'm gonna
have to lean my head against the
bulkhead and the sextant against my
head. That's the best I can do.

248 21 12 36 PLT MARK. And that mark is 16.795,

space fans.

2_?, 21 13 08 PLT MARK. 16.795. Nunki's just getting

washed out by the Moon. So I'm
gonna go with the other filter also.
-- It's gonna give us fair marks,if I
can do it.

248 21 13 42 PLT MARK. Number 3 is 16.796. Both

filters in now. Got a little glow
around the Moon. I don't know if
that's dirt on our window or what.
Uniform anyway, wherever you put
your hand, still there.

248 21 14 44 PLT MARK. 16.783.

248 21 15 12 PLT MARK. 16.772.

248 21 15 _0 PLT MARK. 16.767.

248 21 16 01 PLT MARK. 16.762.

248 21 16 27 PLT MARK. 17.755.

248 21 17 01 PLT _. 16.746.

PLT You're caused the auroras there, O.

--_ SPT Uh - uh - You think that's it?

All the flares causing the aurora?
•_ Dump Tape 248-08
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CREW .o,

PLT Seems reasonable.

CREW ...

248 21 17 50 PLT MARK. 16.724.

CREW ...

PLT What?

CREW ...

PLT No, we're not going to use them

because we got to keep the lights
out for S019. Naw, then we oughta
have aurora for the n_xt few days,
huh? Some better ones, even. Yeah,
we can't have any light out this
window with S019 going. The only way
to do themboth is keep all the
lights out. Let's look for that
aurora, though. You know we might
get it again right here.

CREW ...

FLT Yeah.

CREW ...

PLT I'm kinda over on the left side of

the window. Sort of cattywampus to

CREW ...can't make it?

PLT No, it's up in the - uh - I put it back

in the door.

CREW ...

PLT Good idea.

I_ 248 21 18 55 FLT MARK. 16.700. Ms_vbebe ought to have

some of that BB film in in there, O.
Do we have a camera with BB film in it;
we do, don't we?
-,_ Dump Tape 248-08
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PLT Oh, we're limited on that.

CREW ...

248 21 19 23 PLT MARK. 16.684. There's ole Nun.

There's ole Nunki up there. The
handle on a teapot, which pours
tail on the - uh - pours water on
the tail of the scorpion.

2h8 21 19 48 PLT MARK. On Nunki. 16.672. Not keeping

it placed on it. The far side of the
Moon, away from Nunki. The other side of
the Moon just now, visible. Got a
nice half Moon up there right now.

248 21 20 32 PLT MARK. 16.651. You might a heard

me chewing on my lemon drops there,
that's not my teeth breaking.

248 21 20 55 PLT MARK. 16.634. One of the luxuries

of life works for skylab, is lemon

248 21 21 16 PLT MARK. Okay. 16.622. I'm going to

go off the air for a minute and give
this to my friend, A1 Bean, who is
going to close the shutter on SO19.

CREW ...

PLT ready...

CDR ... recording with the CDE. I'm

getting ready to shut off a 16-minute
exposure on SO19. It's been field N6,
it's in frame 140. It's gonna be
approximately 25 seconds from now
that I shut it off. Then closing my
shutters, 16 minutes, known in
every circle as 960-second unwidened.
Okay, stand by.

. 248 21 22 09 CDR MARK. That's it. I'll be off the

cormm for a while. Here you are, Jack.
"/_ Dump Tape 248-08
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2_8 21 22 22 PLT Okay, here's Jack back again for T002.

We're gonna do some more marks in a
minute. Okay, we've got an 0wen
Garriott standing up here with the
camera, look at the aurora, if we get
one. The horizon is off ... discone
antenna now, (>wen. There's no auroua
at the moment. As I recall, I thought it
was the Moon was going down and, of
course, we were doing it in a little
different position; but - uh -we're
not quite to the point where I saw
it yet.

SPT You've got a good view, there...

PLT I do now. I just came into view.

CDR Hey, Jack, tell them to stand by

for a mark... - -

PLT Standby for a MARK SO 19.

248 21 2_ 02 PLT MARK. SO19 mark. Okay, that was

not a T002 mark.

SPT ...

PLT Yeah, I got to get over here to this

corner here, O. I'll keep looking
out here.

SPT ...

PLT Let's see, I gotta get right up... - -

SPT ...

PLT Okay, let me - uh - get in position,

"_ Dumo Taoe 248-08
Page i0 of 19

PLT Uh, well, let me see here.

Okay, I got to get around this
way a little more. I got
disorganized here for a moment,
which is rare. l'm usually
disorganized for a long periods
of time; not right at this moment.
Where I have to be right here,
Owen. Whatever you need - taking
Nunki and l'm ...

SPT ...

PLT Yeah,, it'll be better to crouch

a little than move it back and
forth to make sure that ... we have
it at the ... point.

248 21 24 15 PLT MARK.

SPT ...

PLT Yeah. Star-to-Moon. Happen to

that little ole light?

SPT ... The light burnt out.

PLT Yeah, 16.495. That's my little

cottonpickin light.

PLT ... works. Yeah, now the Earth's

the horizon is much - for T002 -
is much easier to see now, for a
star to limb with that bright
Moon than it was without a Moon.
Another little interesting turn of
events. The curves, how celestial
bodies rotate.

248 21 25 28 PLT MARK.

CREW ...

PLT Yeah, 16.434. I keep my eye open

here for a while. I come out of this
_ everytime and not all taken. I
also want to get an aurora, if we can.
._ Dump Tape 248-08
Page ii of 19

248 21 26 02 PLT _RK. Ooops, I off too much.

248 21 26 i0 PLT MARK ... marks. 16.395. I

don't see anything yet, O.

248 21 26 29 CDR This is CDR discussing the S019.

l'm in the middle of the final
exposure here. I'm not gonna be
able to get the 960 seconds. I'ii
give you 270 seconds - 4-1/2 minutes.
That'll cut this off about 15 seconds
before sunrise. That's the best
we can do. By the way, that's
gonna be - - frame 141 - field FMC.

248 21 27 04 PLT MARK. t002, 16.344. We're

starting to get one, O. Come
on in here now.

PLT Just by the edge of the solar

panel See it there? We're gonna
_._ see it. We'regonna- -
$PT ...

PLT Yeah, I think so.

CDR Stand by for MARK.

248 21 27 31 CDR MA_P_K. That's the completion of

SOl9 exposure. Uh - That was
4-1/2 minutes, 270 seconds.
That's the last exposure for this run.

PLT Okay, this is T002, again.

248 2_ 27 42 PLT MARK. T002. 16.299. Not gonna

be any good this time. O.

SPT ...

PLT Well, maybe that's not as wide spread -

uh - maybe it's our angle or
position or some ...

248 21 28 23 PLT _RK. 16.277. Over there.

There wasn't very much of it. See if
I can see it again.
Dump Tape 248-08
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SPT it.

PLT You can see the glow; see

the glow there below the Moon.

SPT ...

PLT Maybe that's the Moon glow of the

Earth, I don't know. We had this
much light last ime; we saw it real
good. It figures, he says we moved -
uh - we moved to the - uh - west.
And getting further and further away
from the window•

248 21 29 18 PLT MARK. T002. 16•212. Still see

stars although we got lights on the
solar panel. Brighter stars,
anyway. Not all of them

248 21 29 43 PLT MARK. 16.182.

PLT Saw a light flash go through

my eye.

248 21 30 08 PLT MARK. 16.156.

248 21 30 36 PLT MARK. 16.133.

2h8 21 31 0O PLT Mark. 16.100.

248 21 31 33 PLT MARK. 16.067.

248 21 31 53 PLT MARK. 16.043.

248 21 32 27 PLT MARK. 16.005.

248 21 32 48 PLT MARK. 16 - correction, 15 -


248 21 33 14 PLT MARK. 15 - 15.949• Kind of

light out, O. I can still see

248 21 33 42 PLT 5tA/KK. 15.917. Still see it.

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248 21 34 ii PLT MARK. 15,882. I can't see

Nunki with the naked eye any more.
See what I can see with the sextant?
I see Jupiter, with the naked eye,
too. With the naked eye, too ...
Don't see Nunki, I'm not gonna take
any more marks. It's getting a
little obscure. But I can still see
Nunki in the sextant. I cannot
see with the naked eye. Still see it.
Still see it. It's getting real
cloudy in the sextant but I can
still see the Moon and Nunki FLIGHT
might to have this information
Just to see - what the light -
gathering qualities of the sextant are.
Still see it very feintly. See the Moon
and Nunki right near it. Take a
little bit of zero bias.

248 21 35 24 CC Skylab, AOS to Honeysuckle, i0 minutes.

248 21 35 28 PLT l'm sure this next one is 80 degrees.

248 21 35 35 CC Skylab, are you through with TV-II?

248 21 35 41 PLT Get lost, brother, l'm busy.

248 21 35 47 SPT I don't think they did it, Story.

You'll have to talk to them about it.

248 21 35 52 CC Okay.

248 21 35 56 CDR I haven't looked at the sketch.

Jack took most ... transfer to
C and D. I think that's it.

248 21 36 05 CC Okay, AI, if you're not using it,

we'll rewind it.

248 21 36 09 CDR Okay, rewind, l'm got -

uh - 1 1/2 exposures in S019;
Jack's in TO02.

248 21 36 18 CC Okay, since you're running the ...

_--_" you're lookingto somethingto do.
• f_. Dump Tape 248-08
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248 21 36 24 CDR That's not a bad idea. What

do you have in mind.

248 21 36 28 CC Okay, ... run on T020. We'd

like to look at the pressures of
the various SOPs to see which one
is the best one to use.

2h8 21 36 36 PLT Can't give them a zero bias.

248 21 36 37 CC - - numbers and the location ...

2h8 21 36 40 PLT Can't seem to get a zero bias ...

Can't find the other - u_h - can't
find the stars. I got it set right
at 00; 000. Because I got the filters
in; dummy.

248 21 36 39 CC Okay, we're i0 seconds to LOS. And

we'll see you at Goldstone at 22:03.

248 21 37 15 PLT Okay, zero bias, 0.003. Whoopst

f_ Guess that's the only one we're gonna
get. Cause ... just went over the
hill. Well, we don't get any zero
bias' this time around but I don't
imagine there too much different
than they ever has been so - - let's
not say we did.

248 21 38 01 PLT So the temperature in the sextant

is 80 degrees. Uh - we only got one
zero bias setting there, although
it wasn't - wasn't significantly
different from anything we get.
So - uh - I'm gonna call that -
we must have had 20 to 30 marks
there so I'll call that 2 more
runs on T0022, star to Moon• Nunki
to the Moon ... the furtherest
from Nunki. And with that we'll
call it a day.

248 21 38 29 PLT This is the end of message. It

goes to - uh - SO19 stuff goes to -
uh - Karl henize. My TO02 goes to -
_-_, uh - Bob Randle Ames and Robert Nute.
Dump Tape 248-08
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248 21 38 44 PLT End of the message.


248 22 20 59 PLT Hello again there space fans.

This is Jack on channel A and we're
gonna do some more T002-2. Star
to Moon sightings using Nunki.
Temperature of the sextant is 75 degrees;
diopter is minus 1.25. Do a little
hit of zero bias sighting here. Infor-
mation goes to Bob randle, Ames Research
Center and Bob Nute over in Building 4.

248 22 21 12 PLT MARK. That one is first zero

bias sighting; 0.006.

248 22 22 33 PLT Second one is 0.005. Third one is 0.004.

Fourth one is 0.004, and the fifth
f_ and finalone is 0.005. Okay,now
start ... see Nunki and the Moon. So
I'ii just put - uh - both filters
in the - uh - in the lower optical
path. And we'll crank around - uh -
14 degrees in there.

248 22 24 Ol PLT There is no question about it.

There's the Moon. Get pretty
good at recognizing the Moon.
Got some stars out there but it's
still - uh - a little bit of
daylight. Not daylight but - uh -
scattered light off the solar panel
from the diseone antennae.

248 22 24 41 PLT But I got Nunki there anyway.

Now she's coming on a little
better, better. Evolution
gonna run her out past the - tub -
plane of the Moon which is the
furtherest away from her and say -

248 22 25 ii PLT MARK. 15.378.

248 22 25 45 PLT MARK. 15.405.

o_, Dump Tape 248-08
Page 16 of 19

248 22 26 07 CC Skylab, AOS; Madrid, 9 minutes.

248 22 26 59 PLT MARK. 15.473. 15.473.

248 22 27 01 SPT Hey, Story, what's the situation

on the TV; the UTR, at this point? - -

248 22 27 04 PLT 15.473. 15.473.

248 22 27 33 PLT MARK. 15.501.

248 22 28 03 PLT MARK. 15.532.

248 22 28 29 CC Okay, I'ii get that one for you too.

248 22 28 30 PLT MARK. 15.556.

248 22 28 59 PLT MARK. 15.584. Numbers getting

bigger now. They were getting smaller
last time.

248 22 29 29 PLT MARK. 15.611.


248 22 29 42 CC Okay, we'll be ... the dump now.

Let you know when it's complete.

248 22 30 00 PLT MARK. 15.64, correction 15.638.

248 22 30 33 PLT MARK. 15.661.

248 22 30 41 SC Okay.

248 22 31 03 PLT MARK. 15.684.

248 22 31 37 PLT MARK. 15.714.

248 22 32 03 PET MARK. 15.738.

248 22 32 28 PLT MARK. 15.757.

248 22 33 00 PLT MARK. 15.778.

248 22 33 2i PLT MARK. 15.789.

248 22 33 39 PLT MARK. 15.802.

•_ Dump Tape 248-08
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248 22 34 04 PLT MARK. 15,823.

248 22 34 09 CC - - LOS. See you over Honeysuckle

at 35 minutes. Be dumping the
tape recorders there .... had onboard
today is the ... pads. And
tomorrow we'll be sending you an operate

248 22 34 48 PLT MARK. 15.850.

248 22 35 16 PLT MARK. 15.867.

248 22 35 35 PLT MARK. 15.878.

245 22 36 08 PLT MARK. 15.901.

248 22 36 28 PLT MARK. 15.905.

248 22 37 05 PLT _L&RK. 15.934.

_ 248 22 37 31 PLT MARK. 15.938.

248 22 38 01 PLT MARK. 15.955.

248 22 38 31 PLT Yeah, with glasses? Yeah, he

always sits around quietly and listens.

248 22 38 46 PLT MARK. 15.977.

248 22 39 05 PLT MARK. 15.983.

248 22 39 26 PLT MARK. 15.994.

248 22 39 52 PLT MARK. 16.001.

248 22 40 24 PLT MAPC_. 16.014.

248 22 40 51 PLT MARK. 16.017. We're gonna back

off for a few minutes and come
back later.

248 22 53 59 PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans

on T002. We're gonna take some
more marks between Nunki _nd the
_--', Moon. Thoughtwe'd take a little
_ Dump Tape 248-08
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break there and - uh - let the

angle grow a little or something.
All the marks were as close together.
Oops, they're getting wide again.

248 22 54 32 PLT MARK. 15.884.

248 22 54 44 PLT Now Nunki's getting closer to the

Moon again.

248 22 54 51 PLT MARK. 15.874.

248 22 55 07 PLT MARK. 15.863.

248 22 55 35 PLT MARK. 15.845.

248 22 56 06 PLT MARK. 15.817.

248 22 56 38 PLT MARK. 15.799.

248 22 56 51 PLT What did they do with the UTR?

_-_ Or did they rewindit or what?

248 22 56 54 SPT Yeah, ...

248 22 57 01 PLT MARK. 15.783. Well they told

me to go to TO02 and I can't
do both at the same time.

248 22 57 17 PLT MARK. Well over a hundred was good.

15.768. Throw the rest in some
other time.

248 22 57 36 PLT Okay.

248 22 57 43 PLT MARK. 15.749.

248 22 57 58 PLT MARK. 15.738.

248 22 58 i0 PLT I don't know where to put

that, O.

248 22 58 19 PLT MARK. 15.722.

248 22 58 33 PLT MAPX. 15.706.

248 22 58 51 PLT MAI_X. 15.694.

Dump Tape 248-08
Page 19 of 19

248 22 59 07 PLT MARK. 15.682.

248 22 59 38 PLT MARK. 15.651.

248 23 00 06 PLT MARK. 15.624.

248 23 00 26 PLT MARX. 15.606. 606 that was.

248 23 00 43 PLT You don't need the hook for

this operation, by the way.

248 23 Ol 05 PLT MARK. 15.574.

248 23 01 14 PLT Wonder what your orbit does

to these readings. For a while
they increase and then they decrease.
One orbit they're big, and another
orbit they're not. They look smaller.
Not using the light on the solar panel

248 23 01 41 PLT MARK. 15.538. I'ii take a couple

/_ more and then we'll call it a night.
Don't know what we got but we got a heck
of a lot more than we - uh -
expected to get.

248 23 02 02 PLT MARK. 15.517.

248 23 02 27 PLT MARK. That's the last one. 15.489.

I've got to leave so I can make
my next appointment. But the
temperature of the sextant is
78 degrees. These are zero bias
already and the diopmeter is
minus 1.25 as reported earlier.
And - uh - we got at least enough
marks there for 2 stations and or
more. And you can count them wherever
you want to. But - uh - that
winds up - uh - this days work on T002.
Information goes to Mr. Bob Randle
and to Bob Nute. And - uh - that's
all for today.

248 23 03 16 PLT End of message. Thank you, and


DumpTape249-01 MA D
° _. Time: 0122-0305 GMT
Page 1 of 2

2h9 01 29 27 CDR The ATM science room. CDR


PLT Hello, A1.

CDR I got all the mandatory things

done on - uh -

PLT Hello, A1 !

CDR - - the - uh - -

PLT Hey, A1 !

CDR - - 00:39 pass. However, I

did not - -

PLT Hello, AI! I'm on channel A.


249 03 02 28 PLT GRATING and - uh - ...

I ran a - uh - 10-second - uh - PATROL
and - uh - I got - uh -
SINGLE FRAME, LONG _ correction -
for - uh - 56. Uh - then I went
over to - uh - Sun center and I did -
uh - item number 2 with - uh -
52 MODE - uh - STANDARD, roll 5400.
And in the same place I got a - uh -
shopping list item - uh - number 13,
FILTER 4 for S056, 8 minutes long. Uh -
I went back to that ... region in -
uh - active region 19 and noticed
that the only thing you could see back
there is - uh - also the time before
that I was back then that it - uh -
varied quite a lot during the time
that I was looking at it .... what
I'd do is - uh - for the heck of it,
Dump Tape 249-01
Page 2 of 2

rim the GRATING and - uh -

run 55 and stop_ all DETECTORS in -
uh - 0000 for a little while and ...
do that ... any changes in - uh - ...
region. Normally, - uh - - uh -
looking at at ... - uh - area that
I picked up on the - uh - uh -
XUV _)NITOR located between - uh -
active regions l0 and 19 -
l0 and 9, thinking that perhaps there
was some things in there that you
might - uh - ... want to use a
little "look see" and so I- uh -
found it on the XUV MONITOR. I was
able to locate it also in H-alpha
and I - uh - was able to get it
peaked up on DETECTOR 3 and the
GRATING, all balls; so - uh -
i_ looked like it might have been
an interesting little - uh -
j _ sidelight to study. So - uh -
on it right now and also a - uh -
I took a - uh - SINGLE FRAME, 4,
LONG on that. And we're running out
of daylight so what we're gonna
figure is Alan will ... tomorrow.

249 0B 04 40 PLT Thank you.

Dump Tape 249-02
Time: 1153-1401 GMT
Page i of 16

249 ll 53 h7 SPT Okay, here we are set up for S063 0Ps.

We're about 30 seconds away. And frame
remaining is - uh - number 4 on the UV
and on the visible it was on 46. And I
took one exposure to make sure it was
working well, cause it got on 45 on your
frame count at the end. So we're getting
set up here we want about 45 seconds -
15 seconds to start the tracking. So
stand by for your first mark. Okay, I'm
gonna have to track it right now. Stand

249 ll 54 39 SPT MARK. UV. Arc closed ... photo. Thank

you, Jack. Okay, that was the first photo,
think it worked well. Okay. Drive back
to the end. Reengage. Cut my ... -
cock my lever, adjusting the time down
... leaving it at 2 seconds. I'm switching
to 3200. .700 and we're ready to do it
again. Okay, I'm tracking now.

249 ii 55 47 SPT MARK.

249 ii 55 49 SPT MARK. First photograph, the second photo-

graph at 3200. Okay, ... levers back to
the drive position. Relocked ......
Switch timer for one second. Okay, ...
readjust it to one second. Switching
filters down to 2700. The time to start
this one is 66:30. Okay, starting my
drive, now I'm tracking.

249 ll 56 44 SPT MARK.

249 ii 56 46 SPT MARK. Okay, that should have been ...

that time, Jack, or could you hear it?
Okay, another visible ... looking right.
Disengaged move to the bottom, reset the
cocking levers, there's one, there's the
other. Leaving 'em on one second, changing
filters. Last one here is going to be a
3200 angstrom and we are down to one frame.
Okay, from reengage it's going to track.
I'mtrack --
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2h9 ii 57 39 SPT MARK.

2h9 ii 57 40 SPT MARK. That was UV open _nd closeD, we

should have got a visible photo. That's
the end of this pass. Okay, disengaged,
driving down to the bottom. And I'm
not going to change my cocking levers
this time. I don't want any more trips
or anything like that. I'll leave them
open for the moment and I'm turning my
timer off. Okay, I'll go through my
settings and everything here to make sure
that - they're all as we wanted them.
On my UV camera I am set on f2. There
is no focus adjustment on the - uh -
UV lens_ and the twin - the twin UV -
uh - filter was on, of course, and I
moved it back and forth according to
the pad. Timer, you heard all that,
that was ... right. The camera started
. at 4 and it's cranked to zero, as it

2h9 ll 58 36 SPT The visible camera frames remaining

I'll ... down here just a moment,
double-check that. Well the back now
reads 41 which is what it ought to read.
That's five photos there since I took
one extra to verify it's operation was -
normal. Okay. I'ii not do anything to
the adjustments now except take out the
UV camera and - uh - change the film
cassette. Now one other thing about the
stability, I got it - uh - working a
little better this time, at the optic site
is the thing that you gotta be most
careful of because that's the thing your
eye rests against. Now if it isn't
... we can ... every now and then.
And up on the top of the - uh - site,
the optical site, there's a little
decal that says to change the battery
and so on.

2h9 ii 59 32 SPT I've run a piece of gray tape about

8 - 6 or 8 inches long from that - uh -
battery - uh - housing over to the top
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of the frame, and then another one

from the bottom of the battery housing
down to the bottom of this little
rectangular frame. And that holds the
optical site in there very firmly. And -
uh - your eye can be up against it, and
touch it and it just doesn't jiggle around.
And it makes a very significant improve-
ment on the stability with which you can -
uh - track objects. Now I put some
gray tape on the camera - uh - foot as
well, but it is probably less critical
because there's nothing touching the -
uh - camera at this point. Uh - with
the exception of when we try to take
those two rapid exposures.

249 12 00 18 SPT But - uh - looks like that pass went off

as planned and I'll be securing here,
changing the film, getting set up for
f the next pass. This message - uh - goes
to - uh - There's one more thing I
wanted to talk about, it goes to the
same people. Uh - this message goes to
the S063 PIs, the ... Wally Teague,
Jack Lew and any others interestedin

249 12 00 h3 SPT And - uh - I wanted to comment on this

aurora that we saw last night. Uh -
right after sunset - uh - took a look
out the STS window towards the North at 00 -
0305, 0305 and saw very extensive aurora
to the North. Uh - we were all prepared with
Nikon 03, 35-millimeter lens, fl.4 with
the CI film that we've been using. And
very fortunately the horizon was nearly
perpendicular to the STS window.

249 12 01 16 SPT So - uh - took a couple of one-second

exposures, and then switched to Bravo on
the timer and - uh - took a couple of
manual h-second exposures even though
that wasn't included on the pad, just to
make sure that we were getting plenty of -
uh - uh - exposure. And also, perhaps,
to catch some of the higher altitude aurora
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which was - uh - much more dim. And

so we have - I think it was a total of
6 or 7 frames of either 1-second and
b-second exposures. Uh - now the aurora
itself - uh - what - you could see the
aurora arc to begin with - it showed an
arc across the Earth's terrain ... Uh -
it was for the most part, or a good part
of it was even below the horizon airglow.
And so part of the aurora was closer to
us than the horizon - the majority of it.
It was greeny in color, I couldn't see
any red, and - uh - towards the end of
the - uh - period - we could see it for a
full five minutes there, the arc extended
out away from the spacecraft toward the
horizon and the aurora tended to blend in
with the 80 kilometer airglow.

249 12 02 26 SPT Now above it, very faintly, you could see -
uh - streamers,very thin striationsin the
aurora extending from much higher altitude.
And again my guess is - uh - from oh, lO0
on up to 200 - 250 kilometers. Very thin
rays, very dim but thin rays more - more
or less vertical ap - apparently aligned
with the magnetic field could be seen.
And so that was one of the purposes of
the b-second exposure, it was an attempt
to - uh - uh - get some of the photography
of this higher altitude - uh - ray-like
structure. So - uh - that's the general
description of it, and - uh - these par-
ticular frames are noted on the - uh -
film load -CI film load. And I hope that
the developers take special pains to -
uh - print this film to the higher ASA
rating. So - not just develop it along
with the rest. So that we can get some
photographs of the auroras. It was probably
the most extensive auroral display we've
seen. And - uh - uh - perhaps the most
interesting. It's the higher altitude stuff,
150 to - 100 to 250 didn't seem quite as
. bright as that which we saw near the
South Pole on Mission Day 6. But still it
was a very good one and probably the most
extensive one that - uh - we've seen.
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249 12 0B 59 SPT Uh - incidentally, about three hours

previous to this, right after sunset, we
noticed that we'd seen the - uh - aurora
... Hope I got the pronunciation right.
Uh - and so we saw both the northern and
southern auroral - uh - lights within a
few hours of each other presumably they're
related to the same - uh not a disturbance -
uh - magnetic field and - uh - I hope that
we're in good - we're in for a few more days
of this since we've been having a lot of

2h9 12 Oh 32 SPT Okay, now, this is the end of the message to

the S063 Pls, Wally Teague and (static)
Lew and I'ii be securing the - uh - eomm
with the next pass in an hour and a quarter
or SO.

249 12 24 31 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing - uh -

the ... for the ATM pass and I'm debriefing
--" the run at 11:30. Thingswent well,
nominal as can be up until - uh - I finished
building chip hD of JOP 2A, step i.
At which-time I got a call from the ground
to go over and look at a possible ...
transient 090. So I went over to sun
center and looked at that for a few minutes,
didn't think I saw anything, looked at
it some more - wait - no, I didn't - I
didn't think I saw anything so I gave
it ... of standard. After I finished with
the standard, I - uh - went back to look
at it some more, and it looked to me
like at 090 instead of having distortion
in the corona which we've seen as transients
before it looked like the streamer right
there had an unusual brightening, the
lower - uh - about 3/4 of the radiance
of it. In other words, it was tri-
angular-shaped, not exactly a good tri-
angle. It was - uh - seem as a helmet
streamer, except the real helmet part,
the dome part, was exceptionally bright.
It had a little dome on it.

2_9 12 25 48 CDR So I called up our visitin expert, one

Dr. Owen Garriott who looked at it, and
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we both agreed that it looked like it

was something different and it was probably
a transient. So we went to - uh -
building block 8B, and we looked at it
pretty hard. And we decided extended
standard was appropriate, so we gave it
extended standard.

CDR We gave it a MIRROR AUTO RASTER zero. We

looked at the X-RAY SPECT where it said
... - M30L-64, we had something like eight
or nine minutes left, so we decided to
give it an M30S-56, so we thought that
would be the best thing could happen ...
time available.

249 12 26 27 CDR We started off on a - uh - patrol long,

and we felt then after a while that that
wasn't gonna do the job, so we went back
to a patrol normal on 56. And we gave
no other instruments anything else. Just
about a minute before the end I went back
and looked at it again and found that it
was still the same length, but it was
still a brightening there. We'll have to
look at it the next rev and see what we
think. Now just about two minutes before
sunset, we got a beryllium 2, with a
indication of about 3900 which isn't
enough for a flare; we did have a kick-off
on the X-RAY but it went down Just a little -

249 12 27 07 CDR So I was ready to go down - what it was

was active region 12, I could see it down
there ... flaring; it was not really
bright. UV monitor was not standing out
particularly, ... H-alpha was a little
bit bright. But have to class that as a
pre-flare - uh - event, maybe a brighten-
ing, maybe it never got up above the
limits that we've set here through your
notes that said don't go do anything
unless you do it ... So - uh - that's
the end of the briefing.

249 12 27 43 CDR CDR out. That's for the A_4 pass.

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249 13 23 43 SPT Okay, here we are back. Okay, we're

30 seconds away, we've checked all the
camera settings. 24:30 is the s - is
is our first exposure, 2700 angstrom.

CC ... 12:18 Zulu, where the time is - uh -


249 13 24 18 SPT Okay, 24:30 is essentially now, so stand by

for the timer. Okay, ... and we're

2_9 13 24 42 SPT MARK. Okay. Okay. Something wrong with

this timer, we took about four or five ex-
posures in rapid succession. I'm having
to secure these operations. Okay, I see -
Nope, I've got it corlected. My drive -
motor drive switches and they're all
positioned. Okay, 3200 angstroms is my
next - uh - exposure and we'll now count
/- it down to 31 - 31 before I got it
stopped. In time 31, 3200 angstroms is
my - uh - next exposure. Okay, I'll read
down to the bottom, I'm tracking up again.
Stopping that, make sure I've - both
okay. Stand by for the 3200.

249 13 26 00 SPT MARK. UV exposure, visible.

249 13 26 08 SPT MARK. The end of the UV ... Okay, we're

tracking it back. Okay, the next one is
coming at 27:30, which is a minute away,
I want two seconds. Timer is being reduced
to 2. And my time set thing for the vis -
for the - uh - setting is coming down to
2 seconds. That's reset to 2, and I am
moving to 2700 angstrom. Cottonpickin!
It blew about i0 UV frames again - or
l0 - uh - ... black and white frames.
Okay, we're getting set up for 27:30,
which is 30 seconds away. ! have 2700
selected, and this is to be a - uh -
pair - second picture initiated manually,
if I can manage that. We got two seconds
... Okay, we're starting to track,
two seconds, two seconds is set. And I'm
tracking. Okay, we'll have to reset that
... Tape retracked. Tracking again.
Stand by.
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249 13 28 19 SPT MARK. UV, visible and that's the end.

Changing my filters. Standing by for the
manual. If I can find that spot again,
it's way down there.

249 13 28 33 SPT MARK. End of mark. Okay, I got 'em

in on the same target, just barely.
It barely made that one in. Come back
to the end, re-cock the two levers. My
next pair is also a double, at 3 ... 29
it's coming up right now, went to 2700
first, and that's what I've got in right
now. Ah, I have 3200, I'm switching
it to 27. Okay. Now we're ready to
track again. Still is at - uh - this
is 1-second, timer is switched to 1-see-
ond. Here we go, and tracking.

249 13 29 24 SPT MARK. UV. That's the end of the UV,

there's the visible, switching filters.

249 13 29 40 SPT MARK. That's the end of the ride - at

the end again. Okay, got two ... pictures
in it that time. I am pulled back, ...
to - uh - reset my two levers. Reengage ..
the Vernier drive. Next time I'm
waiting for is 13:30:30 which is 30 sec-
onds away .... 2700 first. Okay, we
move it down to 2700. _ 30:30 is my time
I want 8 seconds. 8 seconds set there.
And 8 seconds up ther ... track. And
I'm tracking. Very bright.

249 13 30 47 SPT MARK. UV exposure, visible; end of the

UV. I don't know why it's so bright
out there. Cloud cover, boy, is that ...
hot. Yeah, in fact it must be right at
zero angle, and boy, is it bright ....
it really hurts your eyes. Have to
squint. Next one is at 33:30 and it's
at 2700. Okay, the last one was made
at 2700. So on the 8-second exposure,
I ran out of time, I didn't get to filter
switched so we have a - it looks like
_--_ two 2700-angstrom exposures at 8 seconds.

249 13 31 43 SPT And my first 16-second is gonna be 2700.

Settings at the 16. Setting this one to 16.
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Wait for 33:30, which is a minute and

a half. Boy, that's awful bright out
there. Okay, I took the visible camera
frames remaining between passes. It
was counted down to 41, as it should
have ... which we don't have to worry
about frames. We're right on schedule.
Okay at this point our - uh - UV camera
is sitting on frame of 25, which will he
the next frame, 25. Coming up on 33,
30 seconds to go til frame number 9-

249 13 33 i_ SPT Okay, I got the right filter. 15 seconds,

and set in both places. Both are cocked.
Verify that again. It's cocked. That
one's cocked. We're starting to drive,
a little bit late. Okay, we're driving.
Stand by.

249 13 33 54 SPT MARK, UV.

-4 249 13 34 04 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

249 13 34 ii SPT MARK, UV. Okay, move it back. Recock

one lever. And the second lever is re-
cocked. Also at 16 seconds at 3200 ... .
filters. We now have 3200. Okay, and
driving .... Stnad by.

249 13 34 49 SPT MARK, UV.

249 13 35 01 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

249 13 35 06 SPT MARK, the end of the UV exposure. Okay.

We're returning to NORMAL. Reengage
the drive. Recock one lever. Recock
the second lever. Coming up on 35:30_
the next thread is at 36:30. Got about
a minute and we want a 2700-angstrom
exposure. Switching the filter new to
2700. So, we got 2700. We have 16 sec-
onds, set in twice. And we want 27 at
32. I get a 27 and a 32 as quickly as
we can here .... speed, and we're
ready to start tracking right now.
_ Standby. We're tracking.

249 13 36 38 SPT MARK, UV.

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2h9 13 36 52 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

2h9 13 36 55 SFT MARK, the UV, CLOSED. Okay. We're

tracPing it. Okay, apparently the VISIBLE
hasn't even got an extra picture in there.
I Just heard it go. Reset the VISIBLE.
Reset the UV. And ... to 32 - 3200. 27,
here we go. Okay we want to ... Tracking.

249 13 37 33 SPT MARK, UV.

249 13 37 47 SFT MARK, to VISIBLE.

249 13 37 50 SPT MARK, the close of the UV. It's not

quite ... but it may be just a retract.
... 2700 at 47 - 37:30. Little bit past
2700. Says it wants me to track ...
horizon and initiate the exposure manually.
I don't even see the horizon yet. So we
can't quite do that 'til I can see the
... visible again .... that thing back.
_--- And, the UV is alreadyback.

249 13 38 28 SPT Okay, I got to be able to see the horizon.

I can't see the horizon. From our pad
there's - oh, 47:30, excuse me. We got
l0 minutes. Got a long time to wait.
Okay, there are a couple of extra visible
things floating around - Ah, I heard it
go - and expect you can account for those
on the data telemetry. But I've given
the proper marks on all the others.
Okay, we're waiting for about another 8
or 9 minutes here until we can see the
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249 13 39 00 SPT Until we can see the horizon.

Bot the site all the way up to the
top. I's gonna be manual exposure,
32-_econds .... 32. The other set
doesn't really made any difference,
they're not going to be ... anyway.
Okay, I'll hold it to 32 to begin.
•.. to manual exposure. And I'll
get a visible - I'll re-cock the
visible lever. I'm going to leave
the UV lever uncocked, so it
will not trigger. My UV frames
remaining at this point is 21.
Okay, sorry to be so plagued with
operator errors. Looks like
almost every run there's either
one or two minor or more major,
depending on how it looks at the
time, problem. Let's see ... Italy,
Sicily is right out through the
UV mirror right now, Isn't that
-_ s_nethingdown there,Al? NOtice
all that smoke or dust or something
coming off that little island
off a - north of Sicily.

249 13 41 58 SPT I don't know what that is maybe

that' s - urelated to that little island.
Maybe it's a cloud. But it's a
beautiful, clear day. That old
boot of Italy, just stands out,
- uh- spurs and everything. All
the way over through Greece - -

249 13 41 12 SPT Fantastic.

249 13 41 14 SPT Islands, into Turkey ... - the

whole shooting match.

249 13 41 20 SPT Son of a gun. Okay, as I was saying,

sorry to be plagued with these
operator errors. I just blew about
lO frames here. Maybe - uh - not
ture, quite the number. By not
having that motor drive switch set.
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I moved it out of T when I was -

uh - changing - uh - changing the
film And although I thought I'd
checked all settings that was one
that I missed. As far as I know
that's about the only - uh -
no, missed one filter on this last
- uh - sequence also. I noticed
one other funny, that you ought to
look for on the last film load,
BvIS. This is now BVl6 that I've
got in here. - Uh - when you take
the UV camera out, of course, it
is cocked. I then had the twin
filter on there and didn't want to
get any fingerprints or do any damage
to it, so I carefully took the
filters and lens off the Nikon 02.
And I then went to unload the -
uh - cassette. Now as you return, -
uh - as you go to rewind it, you
-_ must switchthe lever from off -
from A, for advance to R, for
retract. When you switch that little
knob from A to R, it puts the
mirror up and back. I don't know
exactly how long the mirror is
flipped out of position. But, it
leaves me with the impression that
that exposes whatever film at that
point is behind - uh - the mirro
to ambient light. So, that was a
point I was uh - unaware of, but
I didn't notice it and I - uh -
prepared for the removal of BVI5.
And if that's the case it's possible
that - uh - uh - the first of the -
_h - calibration - frames - frames
rosy have been exposed and light m_y
have leadked a little bit on either
sides of it. I don't know, but -
uh - that may he - may have may have
been the implications of that. So
that was one funny I know that's on
the unloading of BVIS.

249 13 44 15 SPT Okay. We're now coming up to where

I can see the horizon - uh -
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through the window, at any rate.

I'ii be able to rrack it here

249 13 4h 31 SPT This exposure should begin at

approximately h7:30, which is
still 3 minutes away. Should
be for 32 seconds. - uh -
I thought we'd be over the
Crimea. Are we? Okay, just
looking out at the Crimea here, and -
uh - rather interesting. Over
here on the - uh - thick
side of it and there's this long
think bar looks almost like a
dike, but it's really just a
long thin strip. Beautiful view.
Lots of cultivation in the Crimea,
obviously. Couple of great big -
uh - traps [?] lakes where
there - uh - a red hue, presumably
of either iodine or some - uh -
microbiological growth. I don't
know. Lot of it is pretty salty
I expect, h5:30; 2 more minutes.
HOrizon is clearly visible at the

2h9 13 45 44 SPT Okay, our VISIBLE lever is cocked;

our UV lever is not. In order to
track the horizon at this time,
I may be, beyond the point where
the - uh - the VISIBLE will
yrigger. Or I will of have
already triggered it, perhaps. So
I've recocked my VISIBLE lever,
right now. I may trigger a
little bit early, I don't know if the
visible picture's important to
you here. You got one minute to
go. Thenon 32 8nd I'm gonna give
you a manual exposure, on the
horizon. The horizon is tipped
Just a little bit with respect to
the reticle here_ looks like
_ about- uh - I0 or 15 degrees.
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I'll track the horizon - uh -

right over the center of the
crosshairs ....

249 13 47 i0 SPT h7:30 coming up in - uh - about

20 seconds. Okay, the horizon is
fairly distinct down there, I
believe. Looks like I'll be
able to see it all right. Okay,
I'm gonna track down, pick it
up now so we get a VISIBLE trigger
here a little early, and there
went the VISIBLE trigger. Okay,
I'm on the horizon.

249 13 47 41 SPT MARK. The beginning of the

exposure. Very slowly, clear
distinction between it - cloud
covered horizon and the sky;
differing shades of white.

249 13 48 14 SPT MARK. End of the exposure. That

should have been a good one.
I'm off more than a fraction of a
degree for that whole exposure.
Okay, that completes - uh - this .'
sequence and my frames remaining,
at this point reads exactly
20 20 on the - uh - l_ikon 02.
That's looks like _it's slmost
exactly - uh - 9 or i0 frames.
Should have been exactly - uh -
i0 frames extra. I did not take
a sample photo at the end - at
the beginning; test photos at the
beginning. Casue I took i0 test
photos. Okay, my timer is being
turned off. And I'll go down
and - uh - double eheek the - uh -
frames remaining on the visible.

2h9 13 h9 37 SPT Okay, the visible camera is readingh

30 frames remaining; 30 frames
remaining on the visible ....
this first in my billfold pocket.

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2h9 13 50 02 SPT Uh - yes - uh - A1, do you want

to take it out? It's - uh -
cocked still, so A1, it'll he
a moment before I can get it out.

249 13 50 32 SPT Okay. Hey it's - Okay, it's - uh -

connected to the cable and everything
SO -- --

249 13 51 15 SPT Okay, coming off the headset. That's

the end of the - uh - information
relative to S063, goes to S063 PIs
Jack Lew, Wally Teague. It's
underneath those little levers. Yep.

249 13 58 077 PLT Okay, space fans; this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run which began on 13:07. Uh -
before I did the VTR, I went ahead
and - uh - uh - want to make sure
that I got the right roll for S052,
so - uh - I delayed on the VTR until
- uh - the proper orientation -
uh - uh - was was take and - uh - so
the firstthingI did was to -
uh - to start off with JOP 6 and then "
to 1 Alpha and to 1 Bravo. Uh - at
the end of 1 Bravo, when the roll was
plus 5h00, the optimum for 52, -
uh - I - uh - did the VTR. I gave
you some S052 and I - uh - gave you -
uh - two - uh - XUV MON, integrated
sequences. And then I - uh - took
in a tour of the - uh - active region
of the Sun.

2h9 13 59 07 PLT And then I took you on a tour of the

limb. And I noticed on the limb that -
uh - we have a couple of prominences that
you didn't - uh - send up on the
solar activity pad - pad. On very
nice one - uh - appeared to be - uh -
8200 arc seconds - uh - in length and -
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uh - probably about - uh -
50 arc - 60 arc seconds - uh -
in height - uh - ... resolution
I could get on the. I twas
located at about 300, and the other
prominence that I noted - uh -
was - uh - of reasonable size,
• .. was located at 250.

2h9 13 59 48 PLT Anybody want to take a look at

those? Uh - then I went on and
did the JOP 12 Dog and had about -
uh - 7 or 8 minutes left, so
what I did was go back to Sun
center plus 5400 roli and - uh -
gave - uh - 52 an extended sc_ner
and I did run it into - right
down to - uh - actual sunset. Aria
I did the same thing with the
mirror auto raster, all detectors
at the grating all balls.

249 I_ 00 15 PLT Again the fact that we have a -

• uh - possible coronal transient - uh -
in progress, I did look at that.
Uh - it looked a little more
bright on - uh - the streamer
in question that - uh - than -
uh - typical, although I'm not
sure that I could identify it
as a transient. Although I
thou@ht that - we though it was one
or - uh - was the suggestion
of one that you might want to
have a little more S052. And
that's the reason for going back
to Stm center and - uh - giving
it a extended scanner. So, that
completes the debriefing for
this rev and we'll pick you up
again at 14 :41.

2h9 lh 00 51 PLT Thank you.

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249 ii 53 h7 SPT Okay, here we are set up for S063 OPs.

We're about 30 seconds away. And frame
remaining is - uh - number h on the UV
and on the visible it was on 46. And I
took one exposure to make sure it was
working well, cause it got on 45 on your
frame count at the end. So we're getting
set up here we want about h5 seconds -
15 seconds to start the tracking. So
standby for your first mark. Okay, I'm
gonna have to track it right now. Stand

249 ii 54 39 SPT MARK. UV. Arc closed ... photo. Thank

you, Jack. Okay_ that was the first photo,
think it worked well. Okay. Drive back
to the end. Reengage. Cut my ... -
cock my lever, adjusting the time down
... leaving it at 2 seconds. I'm switching
to 3200. .700 and we're ready to do it
again. Okay,I'm trackingnow.

249 ii 55 47 SPT MARK.

249 ii 55 49 SPT _L_RK. First photograph, the second photo-

graph at 3200. Okay, ... levers back to
the drive position. Relocked ......
Switch timer for one second. Okay, ...
readjust it to one second. Switching
filters down to 2700. The time to start
this one is 66:30. Okay, starting my
drive, now I'm tracking.

249 ii 56 44 SPT MARK.

249 ii 56 46 SPT MARK. Okay, that should have been ...

that time, Jack, or could you hear it?
Okay, another visible ... looking right.
Disengaged move to the bottom, reset the
cocking levers, there's one, there's the
other. Leaving 'em on one second, changing
filters. Last one here is going to be a
3200 angstrom and we are down to one frame.
Okay, from reengage it's going to track.
. _ I'm track - -
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249 ll 57 39 SPT MARK.

949 ii 57 40 SPT MARK. That was UV open and closed, we

should have got a visible photo. That's
the end of this pass. Okay, disengaged,
driving down to the bottom. And I'm
not going to change my cocking levers
this time. I don't want any more trips
or anything like that. I'll leave them
open for the moment and I'm turning my
timer off. Okay, I'll go through my
settings and everything here to make sure
that - they're all as we wanted them.
On _ UV camera I am set on f2. There
is no focus adjustment on the - uh -
UV lens, and the twin - the twin UV -
uh - filter was on, of course, and I
moved it back and forth according to
the pad. Timer, you heard all that,
that was ... right. The camera started
f at 4 and it's crankedto zero,as it

249 ll 58 36 SPT The visible camera frames remaining

I'll ... down here just a moment,
double-check that. Well the back now
reads 41 which is what it ought to read.
That's five photos there since I took
one extra to verify it's operation was -
normal. Okay. I'll not do anything to
the adjustments now except take out the
UV camera and - uh - change the film
cassette. Now one other thing about the
stability, I got it - uh - working a
little better this time, at the optic site
is the thing that you gotta be most
careful of because that's the thing your
eye rests against. Now if it isn't
•.. we can ... every now and then.
And up on the top of the - uh - site,
the optical site, there's a little
decal that says to change the battery
alld so on.

- 2&9 ll 59 32 SPT I've run a piece of gray tape about

8 - 6 or 8 inches long from that - uh -
battery - uh - housing over to the top
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of the frame, and then another one

from the bottom of the battery housing
down to the bottom of this little
rectangular frame. And that hold_ the
optical site in there very firmly. And -
uh - your eye can be up against it, and
touch it and it just doesn't jiggle around.
And it makes a very significant improve-
ment on the stability with which you can -
uh - track objects. Now I put some
gray tape on the camera - uh - foot as
well, but it is probably less critical
because there's nothing touching the -
uh - camera at this point. Uh - with
the exception of when we try to take
those two rapid exposures.

249 12 00 18 SPT But - uh - looks like that pass went off

as planned and I'll be securing here,
changing the film, getting set up for
the next pass. This message - uh - goes
_ to - uh - There'sone more thingI
wanted to talk about, it goes to the
same people. Uh - this message goes to
the S063 PIs, the ... Wally Teague,
Jack Lew and any others interested in

249 12 00 43 SPT And - uh - I wanted to comment on this

aurora that we saw last night. Uh -
right after sunset - uh - took a look
out the STS window towards the North at 00 -
0305, 0305 and saw very extensive aurora
to the North. Uh - we were all prepared with
Nikon 03, 35-millimeter lens, fl.h with
the CI film that we've been using. And
very fortunately the horizon was nearly
perpendicular to the STS window.

2_9 12 01 16 Sl°T So - uh - took a couple of one-second

exposures, and then switched to Bravo on
the timer and - uh - took a couple of
manual 4-second exposures even though
that wasn't included on the pad, just to
make sure that we were getting plenty of -
uh - uh - exposure. And also, perhaps,
to catch some of the higher altitude aurora
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which was - uh - much more dim. And

so we have - I think it was a total of
6 or 7 frames of either 1-second and
4-second exposures. Uh - now the aurora
itself - uh - what - you could see the
aurora arc to begin with - it showed an
arc across the Earth's terrain ... Uh -
it was for the most part, or a good part
of it was even below the horizon airglow.
And so part of the aurora was closer to
us than the horizon - the majority of it.
It was greeny in color, I couldn't see
any red, and - uh - towards the end of
the - uh - period - we could see it for a
full five minutes there, the arc extended
out away from the spacecraft toward the
horizon and the aurors tended to blend in
with the 80 kilometer airglow.

249 12 02 26 SPT Now above it, very faintly, you could see -
--_ uh'- streamers,very thin striationsin the
aurora extending from much higher altitude.
And again my guess is - uh - from oh, 100
on up to 200 - 250 kilometers. Very thin
rays, very dim but thin rays more - more
or less vertical ap - apparently aligned '
with the magnetic field could be seen.
And so that was one of the purposes of
the 4-second exposure, it was an attemot
to - uh - uh - get some of the photography
of this higher altitude - uh - ray-like
structure. So - uh - that's the general
description of it, and - uh - these par-
ticular frames are noted on the - uh -
film load - CI film load. And I hope that
the developers take special pains to -
uh - print this film to the higher ASA
rating. So - not just develop it along
with the rest. So that we can get some
photographs of the auroras. It was probably
the most extensive auroral display we've
seen. And - uh - uh - perhaps the most
interesting. It's the higher altitude stuff,
150 to - 100 to 250 didn't seem quite as
bright as that which we saw near the
South Pole on Mission Day 6. But still it
was a very good one and probably the most
extensive one that - uh - we've seen.
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2h9 12 03 59 SPT Uh - incidentally, about three hours

previous to this, right after sunset, we
noticed that we'd seen the - uh - aurora
... Hope I got the pronunciation right.
Uh - and so we saw both the northern and
southern auroral - uh - lights within a
few hours of each other presumably they're
related to the same - uh not a disturbance -
uh - magnetic field and - uh - I hope that
we're in good - we're in for a few more days
of this since we've been having a lot of

2h9 12 0h 32 SPT Okay, now, this is the end of the message to

the S063 PIs, Wally Teague and (static)
Lew and I'll be securing the - uh - comm
with the next pass in an hour and a quarter
or so.

249 12 24 31 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing - uh -

the ... for the ATM pass and I'm debriefing
_ the run at 11:30. Things went well,
nominal as can be up until - uh - I finished
building chip 4D of JOP 2A, step i.
At which-time I got a call from the ground
to go over and look at a possible ...
transient 090. So I went over to sun
center and looked at that for a few minutes,
didn't think I saw anything, looked at
it some more - wait - no, I didn't - I
didn't think I saw anything so I gave
it ... of standard. After I finished with
the standard, I - uh - went back to look
at it some more, and it looked to me
like at 090 instead of having distortion
in the corona which we've seen as transients
before it looked like the streamer right
there had an unusual brightening, the
lower - uh - about 3/4 of the radiance
of it. In other words, it was tri-
angular-shaped, not exactly a good tri-
angle. It was - uh - seem as a helmet
streamer, except the real helmet part,
the dome part, was exceptionally bright.
It had a little dome on it.

249 12 25 48 CDR So I called up our vlsitin expert, one

Dr. Owen Garriott who looked at it, and
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we both agreed that it looked like it

was something different and it was probably
a transient. So we went to - uh -
building block 8B, and we looked at it
pretty hard. And we decided extended
standard was appropriate, so we gave it
extended standard.

CDH We gave it a MIRROR AUTO RASTER zero. We

looked at the X-RAY SPECT where it said
... - M30L-64, we had something like eight
or nine minutes left, so we decided to
give it an M30S-56, so we thought that
would be the best thing could happen ...
time available.

2h9 12 26 27 CDR We started off on a - uh - patrol long,

and we felt then after a while that that
wasn't gonna do the job, so we went back
to a patrol normal on 56. And we gave
no other instruments anything else. Just
_ about a minutebefore the end I went back
and looked at it again and found that it
was still the same length, but it was
still.a brightening there. We'll have to
look at it the next rev and see what we
think. Now just about two minutes before
sunset, we got a beryllium 2, with a
indication of about 3900 which isn't
enough for a flare; we did have a kick-off
on the X-RAY but it went down just a little -

249 12 27 07 CDR So I was ready to go down - what it was

was active region 12, I could see it down
there ... flaring; it was not really
bright. UV monitor was not standing out
particularly, ... H-alpha was a little
bit bright. But have to class that as a
pre-flare - uh - event, maybe a brighten-
ing, maybe it never got up above the
limits that we've set here through your
notes that said don't go do anything
unless you do it ... So - uh - that's
r the end of the briefing.

2_9 12 27 43 CDR CDR out. That's for the A_! pass.

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249 13 23 43 SPT Okay, here we are back. Okay, we're

30 seconds away, we've checked all the
camera settings. 24:30 is the s - is
is our first exposure, 2700 angstrom.

00 ... 12:18 Zulu, where the time is - uh -


249 13 24 18 SPT Okay, 24:30 is essentially now, so stand by

for the timer. Okay, ... and we're

249 13 24 42 SPT MARK. Okay. Okay. Something wrong with

this timer, we took about four or five ex-
posures in rapid succession. I'm having
to secure these operations. Okay, I see -
Nope, I've got it corrected. My drive -
motor drive switches and they're all
positioned. Okay, 3200 angstroms is my
next - uh - exposure and we'll now count
it downto 31 - 31 beforeI got it
• stopped. In time 31, 3200 angstroms is
my - uh - next exposure. Okay, I'll read
down to the bottom, I'm tracking up again.
Stopping that, make sure I've - both
okay. Stand by for the 3200.

249 13 26 O0 SPT MARK. UV exposure, visible.

249 13 26 08 SPT MARK. The end of the UV ... Okay, we're

tracking it back. Okay, the next one is
coming at 27:30, which is a minute away,
I _rant two seconds. Timer is being reduced
to 2. And my time set thing for the vis -
for the - uh - setting is coming down to
2 seconds. That's reset to 2, and I am
moving to 2700 angstrom. Cottonpickin!
It blew about i0 UV frames again - or
i0 - uh - ... black and white frames.
Okay, we're getting set up for 27:30,
which is 30 seconds away. I have 2700
selected, and this is to be a - uh -
pair - second picture initiated manually,
if I can manage that. We got two seconds
f ... Okay,we're startingto track,
two seconds, two seconds is set. And I'm
tracking. Okay, we'll have to reset that
... Tape retracked. Tracking again.
Stand by.
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249 13 28 19 SPT MARK. UV, visible and that's the end.

Changing my filters. Standing by for the
manual. If I can find that spot sgain,
it's way down there.

249 13 28 33 SPT MARK. End of mark. Okay, I got 'em

in on the same target, just barely.
It barely made that one in. Come back
to the end, re-cock the two levers. My
next pair is also a double, at 3 -.. 29
it's coming up right now, went to 2700
first, and that's what I've got in right
now. Ah, I have 3200, I'm switching
it to 27. Okay. Now we're ready to
track again. Still is at - uh - this
is 1-second, timer is switched to 1-sec-
ond. Here we go, and tracking.

249 13 29 24 SPT MARK. UV. That's the end of the UV,

there's the visible, switching filters.

249 13 29 40 SPT MARK. That's the end of the ride - at

the end again. Okay, got two ... pictures
in it that time. I am pulled back, ...
to - uh - reset my two levers. Reengage
the Vernier drive. Next time I'm
waiting for is 13:30:30 which is 30 sec-
onds away .... 2700 first. Okay, we
move it down to 2700. 30:30 is my time
I want 8 seconds. 8 seconds set there.
And 8 seconds up ther ... track. And
I'm tracking. Very bright.

249 13 30 47 SPT MARK. UV exposure, visible; end of the

UV. I don't know why it's so bright
out there. Cloud cover, boy, is that ...
hot. Yeah, in fact it must be right at
zero angle, and boy, is it bright ....
it really hurts your eyes. Have to
squint. Next one is at 33:30 and it's
at 2700. Okay, the last one was made
at 2700. So on the 8-second exposure,
I ran out of time, I didn't get to filter
switched so we have a - it looks like
two 2700-angstromexposuresat 8 seconds.

2h9 13 31 h3 SPT And my first 16-second is gonna be 2700.

Settings at the 16. Setting this one to 16.
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Wait for 33:30, which is a minute and

a half. Boy, that's awful bright out
there. Okay, I took the visible camera
frames remaining between passes. It
was counted down to 41, as it should
have ... which we don't have to worry
about frames. We're right on schedule.
Okay at this point our - uh - UV camera
is sitting on frame of 25, which will be
the next frame, 25. Coming up on 33,
30 seconds to go til frame number 9.

249 13 33 14 SPT Okay, I got the right filter. 15 seconds,

and set in both places. Both are cocked.
Verify that again. It's cocked. That
one's cocked. We're starting to drive,
a little bit late. Okay, we're driving.
Stand by.

249 13 33 54 SPT MARK, UV.

249 13 34 04 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

249 13 34 ii SPT MARK, UV. Okay, move it back. Recock

one lever. And the second lever is re-
cocked. Also at 16 seconds at 3200 ...
filters. We now have 3200. Okay, and
driving .... Stnad by.

249 13 34 49 SPT MARK, UV.

249 13 35 01 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

249 13 35 06 SPT MARK, the end of the UV exposure. Okay.

We're returning to NORMAL. Reengage
the drive. Receck one lever. Receek
the second lever. Coming up on 35:30;
the next thread is at 36:30. Got about
a minute and we want a 2700-angstrom
exposure. Switching the filter now to
2700. So, we got 2700. We have 16 sec-
onds, set in twice. And we want 27 at
32. I get a 27 and a 32 as quickly as
we can here .... speed, and we're
ready to start tracking right now.
Standby. We'retracking.

249 13 36 38 SPT MARK, UV.

, Dump Tape 249-02
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249 13 36 52 SPT MARK, VISIBLE.

2h9 13 36 55 SPT MARK, the UV, CLOSED. Okay. We're

tracking it. Okay, anparently the VISIBLE
hasn't even got an extra picture in there..
I Just heard it go. Reset the VISIBLE.
Reset the UV. And ... to 32 - 3200. 27,
here we go. Okay we want to ... Tracking.

249 13 37 33 SPT MARK, UV.

2h9 13 37 47 SPT MARK, to VISIBLE.

249 13 37 50 SPT MARK, the close of the UV. It's not

quite ... but it may be just a retract.
... 2700 at h7 - 37:30. Little bit past
2700. Says it wants me to track ...
horizon and initiate tLe exposure manually.
I don't even see the horizon yet. So we
can't quite do that 'til I can see the
... visible again .... that thing hack.
And, the UV is alreadyback.

249 13 38 28 SPT Okay, I got to be able to see the horizon.

I can't see the horizon. From our pad
there's - oh, _7:30, excuse me. We got .'.
lO minutes. Got a long time to wait.
Okay, there are a couple of extra visible
things floating around - Ah, I heard it
go - and expect you can account for those
on the data telemetry. But I've given
the proper marks on all the others.
Okay, we're waiting for about another 8
or 9 minutes here until we can see the
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2h9 13 39 00 SPT Until we can see the horizon.

Bot the site all the way up to the
top. I's gonna be manual exposure,
32-seconds .... 32. The other set
doesn't really made any difference,
they're not going to be . .. anyway.
Okay, I'll hold it to 32 to begin.
... to manual exposure. And I'll
get a visible - I'll re-cock the
visible lever. I'm going to leave
the UV lever uncocked, so it
will not trigger. My UV frames
remaining at this point is 21.
Okay, sorry to be so plagued with
operator errors. Looks like
almost every run there's either
one or two minor or more major,
depending on how it looks at the
time, problem. Let's see . .. Italy,
Sicily is right out through the
UV mirror right now, Isn't that
sanething down there, Al? NOtice
all that smoke or dust or something
coming off that little island
off a - north of Sicily.

2h9 13 41 58 SPT I don't know what that is maybe

that' s - urelated to that little island.
Maybe it's a cloud. But it's a
beautiful, clear day. That old
boot of Italy, Just stands out,
- uh - spurs and everything. All
the way over through Greece - -

2_9 13 41 12 SPT Fantastic.

249 13 41 14 SPT Islands, into Turkey . .. - the

whole shooting match.

249 13 hl 20 SPT Son of a gun. Okay, as I was saying,

sorry to be plagued with these
operator errors. I Just blew about
lO frames here. Maybe - uh - not
ture, quite the number. By not
having that motor drive switch set.
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I moved it out of T when I was -

uh - changing - uh - changing the
film And although I thought I'd
checked all settings that was one
that I missed. As far as I know
that's about the only - uh -
no, missed one filter on this last
- uh - sequence also. I noticed
one other funny, that you ought to
look for on the last film load,
BV15. This is now BV16 that I've
got in here. - Uh - when you take
the UV camera out, of course, it
is cocked. I then had the twin
filter on there and didn't want to
get any fingerprints or do any damage
to it, so I carefully took the
filters and lens off the Nikon 02.
And I then went to unload the -
tth - cassette. Now as you return, -
uh - as you go to rewind it, you
_ must switchthe leverfrom off -
from A, for aavance to R, for
retract. When you switch that little
knob from A to R, it puts the
mirror up and back. I don't know .'
exactly how long the mirror is
flipped out of position. But, it
leaves me with the impression that
that exposes what@vet film at that
point is behind - uh - the mirro
to ambient light. So, that was a
point I was uh - unaware of, but
I didn't notice it and I - uh -
prepared for the removal of BV15.
And if that's the case it's possible
that - _i - uh - the first of the -
tLh - calibration - frames - frames
rosy have been exposed and light may
have leadked a little bit on either
sides of it. I don't know, but -
uh - that may be - may have may have
been the implications of that. So
that was one funny I know that's on
the unloading of BV15.

249 13 44 15 SPT Okay. We're now coming up to where

I can see the horizon - uh -
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through the window, at any rate.

I'ii be able to rrack it here

249 13 44 31 SPT This exposure should begin at

approximately 47: 30, which is
still 3 minutes away. Should
be for 32 seconds. - uh -
I thought we'd be over the
Crimea. Are we? Okay, just
looking out at the Crimea here, and -
uh - rather interesting. Over
here on the - uh - thick
side of it and there's this long
think bar looks almost like a
dike, but it's really just a
long thin strip. Beautiful view.
Lots of cultivation in the Crimea,
obviously. Couple of great big -
uh - traps [?] lakes where
there - uh - a red hue, presumably
f _ of eitheriodineor some - uh -
microbiological growth. I don't
know. Lot of it is pretty salty
I expect. 45:30; 2 more minutes.
HOrizon is clearlyvisible at the •

2_9 13 h5 h_ SPT Okay, our VISIBLE lever is cocked;

our UV lever is not. In order to
track the horizon at this time,
I may be, beyond the point where
the - uh - the VISIBLE will
yrigger. Or I will of have
already triggered it, perhaps. So
I've recocked my VISIBLE lever,
right now. I may trigger a
little bit early, I don't know if the
visible picture's important to
you here. you got one minute to
go. Thenon 32 and I'm gonna give
you a manual exposure, on the
horizon. The horizon is tipped
Just a little bit with respect to
the reticle here; looks like
about - uh - I0 or 15 degrees.
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I'ii track the horizon - uh -

right over the center of the
crosshairs ....

249 13 47 i0 SPT 47:30 coming up in - uh - about

20 seconds. Okay, the horizon is
fairly distinct down there, I
believe. Looks like I'll be
able to see it 8/1 right. Okay,
I'm gonna track down, pick it
up now so we get a VISIBLE trigger
here a little early, and there
went the VISIBLE trigger. Okay,
I'm on the horizon.

249 13 47 hl SPT MARK. The beginning of the

exposure. Very slo_¢ly, clear
distinction between it - cloud
covered horizon and the sky;
differing shades of white.

/f_ 249 13 48 14 SPT MARK. End of the exposure. That

• should have been a good one.
I'm off more than a fraction of a
degree for that whole exposure.
Okay, that completes - uh - this
sequence and my fr82nes remaining,
at this point reads exactly
20 20 on the - uh - Nikon 02.
That's looks like it's almost
exactly - uh - 9 or i0 frames.
Should have been exactly - uh -
i0 frames extra. I did not tske
a sample photo at the end - at
the beginning; test photos at the
beginning. Casue I took I0 test
photos. Okay, my timer is being
turned off. And I_ll go down
and - uh - double check the - uh -
frames remaining on the visible.

249 13 49 37 S1°T Okay, the visible camera is readingh

30 frames remaining; 30 frames
remaining on the visible ....
this first in my billfold pocket.
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2h9 13 50 02 SPT Uh - yes - uh - AI, do you want

to take it out? It's - uh -
cocked still, so AI, it'll be
a moment before I can get it out.

249 13 50 32 SPT Okay. Hey it's - Okay, it's - uh -

connected to the cable and everything
SO -- --

249 13 51 15 SPT Okay, coming off the headset. That's

the end of the - uh - information
relative to S063, goes to S063 PIs
Jack Lew, Wally Teague. It's
underneath those little levers. Yep.

249 13 58 077 PLT Okay, space fans; this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run which began on 13:07. Uh -
before I did the VTR, I went ahead
and - uh - uh - want to make sure
that I got the right roll for S052,
so - uh - I delayed on the VTR until
- uh - the proper orientation -
uh - uh - was was take and - uh - so
the first thing I did was to -
uh - to start off with JOP 6 and then
to I Alpha and to i Bravo. Lrn - at
the end of I Bravo, when the roll was
plus 5400, the optimum for 52, -
uh - I - uh - did the VTR. I gave
you some S052 and I - uh - gave you -
uh - two - uh - XUV MON, integrated
sequences. And then I - uh - took
in a tour of the - uh - active region
of the Sun.

249 13 59 07 PLT And then I took you on a tour of the

limb. And I noticed on the limb that -
uh - we have a couple of prominences that
you didn't - uh - send up on the
solar activity pad - pad. On very
nice one - uh - appeared to be - uh -
8200 arc seconds - uh - in length and -
_-_ Dump Tape 249-02
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uh - probably about - uh -
50 arc - 60 arc seconds - uh -
in height - uh - ... resolution
I could get on the. I twas
located at about 300, and the other
prominence that I noted - uh -
was - uh - of reasonable size,
•,, was located at 250.

249 13 59 48 PLT Anybody want to tske a look at

those? Uh - then I went on and
did the JOP 12 Dog and had about -
uh - 7 or 8 minutes left, so
what I did was go back to S_uu
center plus 5400 roll and - uh -
gave - uh - 52 an extended scanner
and I did run it into - right
down to - uh - actual sunset. And
I did the same thing with the
mirror auto raster, all detectors
at the grating all balls.

_f_ 2_9 14 O0 15 PLT Again the fact that we have a -

uh - possible coronal transient - uh -
in progress, I did look at that.
Uh - it looked a little more
bright on - uh - the streamer
in question that - uh - than -
uh - typical, although I'm not
sure that I could identify it
as a transient. Although I
thought that - we though it was one
or - uh - was the suggestion
of one that you might want to
have a little more S052. And
that's the reason for going back
to St_a center and - uh - giving
it a extended scanner. So, that
completes the debriefing for
this ray aud we'll pick you up
again at 14:_l.

2_9 14 00 51 PLT Thank you.

Time : i_56-1557 GMT
_ . 9/6/73
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f 2_9 l_ 55 57 CDR CDR, answering the questions on 131-10GI.

The - uh - by the way, the ga - the - uh -
-- nitrogen's uh _ 1200 pounds. Questions are:
did you have _ sense of rotating or other-
_rlse moving during test? I sure did. And
I noticed I've got tremendous right bias.
For example, I can look out and see that
I'm not roving .... and in Just a few
seconds I can see the line moving to the
right. So my data sho_s, I suspect, a real
right bias. And that small . .. his right,
still ... his right. Other - sometimes I
could even hear the thing run a little bit
slightly. I'd hear it go - start up - and
I'd see myself going right, and then I'd
hear it slo_ down and I'd see m_self going
right. But ~ called it like I saw it.

2_9 lh 56 _5 CDR Did the last target ever move in a direction

other than expected? Yeah! It did. Some-
times when I_d open my eyes before I'd focous -
uh - the line would actually be klnda of
cattycorner. The vertleal line would be
vertical, but the little horizontal lines
would be klnda tipped. It was always the
left one_ was slightly above the right one.
:f" So I took my right - my left eye had
drifted down relative my right e_e. Then
_hen I'd look at it - it looked tipped up.
And it would lock in real quick. It's
kind of give me a - a start.

2h9 lh 57 16 CDR Additional comments: None other than - uh -

I've got ~ feel that Itma lot less sinsitive
to turning than I was prior to flying. And
for some reason I've got this right ...
Itls going to be interesting _hen we get
back to Earth, to - uh - see vhat it's like.
It's also going to be interesting to feel
the dur - an engine burn in entry. Because -
uh - it might cause me to think that I'm
turning or tipping. It's going to be
interesting to see. CDR out. That goes to
Biomed and 131 comment.
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2h9 15 28 50 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, ... the - uh -

the chair. This goes to Biomed - 131-1.
Something I'd like to mention is I
haven't been doing as much tumbling and
spinning in the workshop the last week
or so. Just - uh - been doing other
things. And - uh - I noticed that - uh -
(Music) I was much dizzier on the run
although I didn't have any feeling of
sickness. I did - uh - pans a littel
more gas. I ran at 30 rpm also, instead
of 25, but mostly I think it was the
fact I have not been spinning much in
the workshop so my spinning sensors are
not as desensitized as the normally are.

249 15 29 35 CDR Everything went well. Uh - I think what

you need to do for the next crew is -
come up with some little adapters to
fit on these - uh - uh - little sensors.
Because I move my head just like I do
on Earth, hut you're sitting so far out
of the chair here in zero g that - uh -
you don't touch them. same thing for
the backrest. I'd reco_mlend that whay
you do is - uh - get a little pad for
the backrest that raises it. And get
some little adapters that you could put
on these feelers so that they could move
them up and out. And the guys can have
more - uh - ability to adjust them and
then get the little ... with their heads
as you would like. We tried but we ...
CDR, out.

249 15 31 ii PLT Okay space fans. This is Jack again on

Channel A, debriefing the last ATM run.
Switched again at 14:41. We did - we
did a JOP 2 Alfa on active region 12.
And - uh - that was Just a matter of -
uh - getting the - uh - bright area
inside the auto raster somewhere. And -
uh - 56 was going for two patrol short.
The first uh ... I only gave them one to
save a little film.
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249 15 31 44 PLT And I picked up his patrol normal on the

next shift. Uh - when I'm in - uh -
5 Bravo and - uh - 5 Charlie and 5 Delta
as advertised - then we got down to - uh -
J0P 6 and I ran that off. And - uh -
the thing I did different there - uh -
• .. real-time was to omit - uh - 56 patrol
normal - patrol shot this region got
one up there in - uh - JOP 2 Alfa. And
the rest of that went as planned. Uh -
I had no time left over and so - uh -
course I viewed the - uh - cornoa with -
uh - S052 and - uh - found that the -
uh - region we were looking at this
morning in regard to being a transient
appeared about the same as it was this
morning. And - uh - did give the
appearance on our monitor of - uh - ...
being an outstanding transient but it -
uh - didn't really look a little bit
brighter - uh - although it - uh - did
not appear to change from ealier today.

249 15 33 O0 PLT Therefore, we - uh - left that after

having performed our standard mode and -
tth - went down to active region 19 -
uh -noticing that - uh - it's probably
the one that's going to be ... longest
now and it's a fairly bright area. Uh -
so I - uh - picked the brightest spot I
could find and picked it up on ... detectors
and - uh - ran off a grating auto scan
on detectos 1 and 2. I gave 82 B a -
uh - 1/lO-seeond exposure, wavelength
short. And 56 got a 135 - uh - single-
frame short.

249 15 33 36 PLT So - uh - that cares of this run, and -

uh - we'll back in about in 1/2 hour.
Thank you.

249 15 42 08 CDR Hey, this is the CDR; M092. CDR M092 on

the SPT. Bight leg, 12-1/4; left leg,

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Time : 1836-1845 GMT
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249 18 37 15 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack again

on channel A, debriefing the last
ATM run, which - uh - started at 17:h6.
I'm on a - uh - ... likely to flare
in active region 12. Uh - this pointing
was a little bit different than the -
uh - pointing previously on the
JOP 2 Deltas, from the previous rev.
Although it was - uh - in the same
area, it was - uh - covering a
different part of the - uh - bright
area _long the ... And they ran off
six J0P 2Alfas. And whereever I
came to - uh - active 1 long for
S056, I substituted a - uh - had
a bright spot reported - uh - in
active region 15, which I also saw
on the monitor.

2h9 18 38 23 PLT And - uh - with the time that I

had, why I - uh - vent down to
it, and maximized detectors on it
and - uh - ran a grating auto scan
in detectors 1 and 2. And also - uh -
another set of single frames, filters
l, 3, 5, short. Uh, them to the end
of third extinction, starting at
about - uh - 15 to 20 seconds
late, because I wanted to finish the
grating auto scan, or the bright spot
in active region 15, but - uh -
started the - uh - atmospheric
extinction for the mirror line scan
detector all balls - that's about lh5.
And - uh - got the - uh - S052 on
on time and - uh - that completed the
rev. So - uh - that completes my
debriefing and - uh - in a half hour
or so. Thank you.

2_9 18 hO 23 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. The subject this time is
Dump Tape 249-05
Page 2 of 3

487-1. Alfa. This information

probably ought to be fired over there
to - uh - my friend Robert Boud.
This conerns the readings I took _ith
the sound level meter, and the
frequency analyzer. The positions that
I - uh - took these readings at
are outlined in the message 4032 Delta,
positions A thru H. And - uh - you can
find the message and find out what
those positions are, but - uh -
I'll read - uh - eight position -
uh - starting with the ambient noise
level and going on through the eight
frequencies. So there will be nine
readings for each location. Location
Alfa: ambient was 49, there 46, 47.5,
47, 41, 35, 2h, 21, and i0. Position
Bravo: 50.5, 48, 46.5, 49.5, 43, 34, 25,
20.5, i0. Position Charlie: 56, 51,
50.5, 57.5, 58, 51, 27, 20.5, and 9.

249_18 41 59 PLT Position Delta: 43, 44, 41, 43, 34, 26, 21,
13.5, and 8. Position Echo: 51,
and then 51, 47, 51, 44.5, 38, 29, 26,
and 14. Position Fox: 58, 62, 60,
57.5, 52, 48.5, 43, 39.5 and 27.
Position Golf - which is where we all
want to position ourselves right now.
Ambient, 61.5, 61, 56, 55, 52.5, 51.5,
46.5, 44.5, and 34. Position Hotel:
35, 63, 60.5, 63, 58, 54, 47, 45.5,
37. And those numbers after position
Golf are some - uh - pretty darn good
golf scores, aren't they, Bob?
Now all that data is - uh - also in
my log on page i-5 of the - uh -
Evaluation Experiment Checklist and
they should correlate with that.
One other note; I noticed that -
uh - on - uh - two or three occasions,
the - uh - the - uh - sound level
for some particular prequency was
higher than the ambient noise level.
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I'm not sure that's technically

possible, but - uh - that's the
way the readings came out and -
uh - all the others are - uh -
below the ambient noise level.
So that's it for 80 - 487-IA.

2h9 18 hh 15 PLT And, thank you.


Dump Tape 249-05
_Ww-_ Time: 1836-1845 GMT
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249 18 37 15 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack again

on channel A, debriefing the last
ATM _'un, which - uh - started at 17:46.
I'm on a - uh - ... likely to flare
in active region 12. Uh - this pointing
was a little bit different than the -
uh - pointing previously on the
JOP 2 Deltas, from the previous rev.
Although it was - uh - in the same
area, it was - uh - covering a
different part of the - uh - bright
area along the ... And they ran off
six J0P 2 Alfas. And whereever I
came to - uh - active 1 long for
SO56, I substituted a - uh - had
a bright spot reported - uh - in
active region 15, which I also saw
on the monitor.

249 18 38 23 PLT And - uh - with the time that I

_ had, why I - uh - went downto
it, and maximized detectors on it
and - uh - ran a grating auto scan
in detectors i and 2. And also - uh -
another set of single frames, filters
I, 3, 5, short. Uh, them to the end
of third extinction, starting at
about - uh - 15 to 20 seconds
late, because I wanted to finish the
grating auto scan, or the bright spot
in active region 15, but - uh -
started the - uh - atmospheric
extinction for the mirror line scan
detector all balls - that's about 145.
And - uh - got the - uh - S052 on
on time and - uh - that completed the
rev. So - uh - that completes my
debriefing and - uh - in a half hour
or so. Thank you.

2h9 18 40 23 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. The subject this time is
Dump Tape 249-05
Page 2 of 3

487-1. Alfa. This information

probably ought to be fired over there
to - uh - my friend Robert Boud.
This conerns the readings I took with
the sound level meter, and the
frequency analyzer. The positions that
I - uh - took these readings at
are outlined in the message 4032 Delta,
positions A thru H. And - uh - you can
find the message and find out what
those positions are, but - uh -
I'll read - uh - eight position -
uh - starting with the ambient noise
level and going on through the eight
frequencies. So there will be nine
readings for each location. Location
Alfa: ambient was 49, there 46, 47.5,
47, 41, 35, 24, 21, and i0. Position
Bravo: 50.5, 48, 46.5, 49.5, 43, 34, 25,
20.5, i0. Position Charlie: 56, 51,
50.5, 57.5, 58, 51, 27, 20.5, and 9.

249 18 41 59 PLT Position Delta: 43, 44, 41, 43, 34, 26, 21,
13.5, and 8. Position Echo: 51,
and then 51, 47, 51, 44.5, 38, 29, 26,
and 14. Position Fox: 58, 62, 60,
57.5, 52, 48.5, 43, 39.5 and 27.
Position Golf - which is where we all
want to position ourselves right now.
Ambient, 61.5, 61, 56, 55, 52.5, 51.5,
46.5, 44.5, and 34. Position Hotel:
35, 63, 60.5, 63, 58, 54, 47, 45.5,
37. And those numbers after position
Golf are some - uh - pretty darn good
golf scores, aren't they, Bob?
Now all that data is - uh - also in
my log on page 1-5 of the - uh -
Evaluation Experiment Checklist and
they should correlate with that.
One other note; I noticed that -
uh - on - uh - two or three occasions,
the - uh - the - uh - sound level
for some particular prequeney was
higher than the ambient noise level.
Dump Tape 249-05
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I'm not sure that's technically

possible, but - uh - that's the
way the readings came out and -
uh - all the others are - uh -
below the ambient noise level.
So that's it for 80 - 487-1A.

249 18 4)4 15 PLT And, thank you.


F ¸
916173 2017to 2140GMT _ 0_

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249 20 17 39 CDR This is CDR debriefing the A_ run that -

uh - I Just finished, and let me check
what time that one was. It began at
19:18, (cough) went completely nominal.
I kept an eye on - uh - H-alpha 2 and
XUV M0N for anything of interest. The
active region for the present, found
nothing, - uh - towards the end - I
finished about 6 minutes early - so I
went over to active region 9 and - tub -
did - uh - _CIRROR AUTO RASTER there Just
as I've been doing on the other one -
uh - with - uh - GRATII_G set of 20 some
odd, 2436, let me say now it went well,
CDR out.

249 20 18 27 CDR It was a well-planned orbit, that's the

kind I like, takes all - all the orbit
to do it. It went - in phase - you Just
got a fewminutesleft.

249 20 18 36 CDR CDR out.

249 20 50 55 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is Earth Resources. Pass
number 16 with - uh - necessary warmup
and - uh - going to check out on 192,
and - tub - Delta 6 is now reading 57.5 per-
cent. We have warm up at 30 ... 51.

2_9 21 05 00 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are again, -

uh - this is earth resources, pass num-
ber 16 and - uh - we're about lO minutes
from run time. Let's go through the
checklist here. Got the 190 window open,
verified, there's light coming in it
and - uh - we a]ready ran your D-6 and
now we're going to check all the readings
on the monitors and - uh - read them
down to you. Here _ go.

249 21 05 _2 PLT Are you ready? Okay, here we go.

Alfa 2, 92 percent, which is too high.
Alfa 3, 86 percent, okay. Alfa 4, 71 per-
cent, okay. Alfa 5, 65 percent, okay.
• Dump Tape 249-06
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Alfa 6, zero, okay, Bravo 2, 61 percent,

okay. Bravo 3, 76 percent, okay. Bravo 4,
70 percent, okay. Bravo 5, 74 percent,
okay. Bravo 7, 30 percent, okay. Bravo 8,
1 percent, okay. Bravo 9, 58 percent,
okay. Charlie 2, h5 percent, okay.
Charlie 3, 88 percent, okay. Charlie 4,
91 percent, too high. Charlie 5, 83 per-
cent, okay. Charlie 6, 47 percent, okay.
Charlie 7, 51 percent, okay. Delta 2,
86 percent, okay. Delta 3, 85 percent,
okay. Delta 4, 71 percent, okay. Delta 5,
14 percent, okay. Delta 6, 57 percent,

249 21 07 43 PLT Now let's read these extra here that you
got on the card. Bravo 7 was 30 percent.
Bravo 8 was 1 percent. Charlie 7 was
51 percent, which is - uh - less than
80, so cooler stays on. Charlie 8, the
tape recorder ... off the fuel high,
_-_ and we Just loaded it and Delta 6 again
is 57 percent. Alfa 2 and Charlie 4
are the culprits at the m_uent. Alfa 2,
detector l, Charlie h, detector ll, auto-
matic gain, uh, it's got to come down
a little bit, Charlie 4 needs to come
down, and Alfa 2 needs to come down.
Seems like to me they were the same problem
the other day but they came around okay.
All right.

249 21 09 02 PLT Standby tor T minus 5.

249 21 09 29 CDR Okay. This thing's put to bed. That's

it. Standing by for 14 for a Z-LV, and
then enter the other, Jack. I've had
a B-minute time, I hope that's correct.
Cause if it isn't it's going to one heck
of a mess.

CDR (_Wnist
ling )

249 21 l0 05 CDR Okay, here is a message for A_ now.

I Just ran the first two - uh - assign-
.f_ ments in the 20:52 EREP alternate assignment.
/_-_ Dump Tape 249-06
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I did J0P 6, step 2, J0P 2 and step i, -

uh - those are complete and went according
to - uh - plan. We'll have to knock
it off and powerdown for EREP, cause
EREP c_nes up in about 3 minutes. Sorry
we can't Just squeeze in some more.

249 21 l0 35 PLT OkaY, we're - uh - 192 and ready and -

uh - opening the door. Hello, Houston,
are you down there? Think we would be
coming into their images. 249, 21:14 -
that's about 3 minutes from now, any way
you slice it.

CDR Get those targets ready.

PLT See how my site looks - perfect.

CDR 45 and left.

249 21 ll 27 PLT Okay, there's the READY light on on 192.

So we go MODE to CHECK, that means the
door is open.

PLT S190 HEATER switch light is off, verified,

and the press to test panel llT, both
lights work.

CDR Flex four times, it says.

PLT Okay, verify and voice record the preop

configuration pad. Preop configuration
pad - uh - here we are. Tape recorder
PAWER on, READY light is on.

CDR ... Houston.

PLT S192.

CDR I want them to verify this.

249 21 12 03 PLT POWER's ON, READY is out. We're in CHECK,

the door's open. 191 READY light is on,
ON and the P0_ER's ON. The cooler is on,
end the door is always open. S190, P(Y;[ER
f _ ON, READY light is out. We're to STA_[DBY
/_ Dump Tape 249-06
Fage _ of 16

and the door is open cause lights e_m_ng

in the window. 193 RAD to _YANDBY.
READY light is out. 193 SCAT - uh -
OFF, +..he_READY light is out, 193 ALTI_-_'I'EE
is POWER OFF, READY light out. 194,
POWER 0N, READY LIGHT ON, and doublecheck
that READY verification. We calibrate
HIGII/LOW/HIGH. 191 is calibrate 9, ref-
erence 2, 190 is - uh - shutter speed
fast, frames are 2 and 9. Intervals
are lO. 193 is CROP, TRACK CO_2-IGUOUS,
angle is zero, polarization l, 193A is
MODE 5 GRADE 6 and zero.

2h9 21 13 13 CDR Hey, Jack, we maneuver in 45 seconds.

PLT 19_ is an AUTO B. Okay, we are ready.

CDR ...

PLT Is S-Band on?

CDR Yeah. That shouldn't interfere with

this. We don't hear them on either of
them. Are you there, Houston?

PLT Out for a ..., A1.

CDR Still a little early, huh?

PLT Yeah. 1,2,3,h,5,6 minutes. 21:19

we get era.

2_9 21 13 54 CDR Okay, Z-LV it is, just a moment, Jack,

8,9,Z-LV it is. We get them at 19 _[TER.
Okay, all the stuff's in, we didn't fire
a mib in sight.

PLT Nice going. You're the mibless operator.

CDR Mib-less kid, CLEAR 52030 _TER CLEAR.

50031, CLEAR, 50031 E,ITER CLF_hR. Okay,
that's that one. Now what I _ant to do
is be sure to SIS 21:33. Do you have
that time on your pad?
/_ Dump Tape 249-06
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249 21 i4 39 PLT 21:33, begin SI.

CDR That's what I want to know, don't let

me slip it by. Sick dicatish. [?]

PLT Got a definitive hand motion.

CDR At the hand holditch.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Let's put in there, that'll show strength,

I'm showing remarkable restraint. 15 -
my mark is 2B. 8 minutes, hO seconds to
go, Jack.

" PLT Come on Phoenix, be clear, baby. Thrill


PLT Just be clear, we'll get you. Don't

worry about a thing, Phoenix.

•. CDR Yeah, we're not - uh -

249 21 15 31 PLT MARK. ALTIM_'I'ER ON.

CDR Stand by i - or stand corrected - I'll

put it in _TANDBY. 19:18 next when we

CDR Hello the ocean, let me give you a check,

Jack. We're almost to solar intertial.

PLT Go to SI, is the field. Here - uh -

is the Z-LV.

CDR Almost both of them simultaneously.

CDR Today, it's been mostly simultaneously,

we don't know. We have no way to know.

PLT Hello, O.

SPT Got any more sites besides Phoenix?

PLT Oh yeah,got that - uh -

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CDR Look at that sand dune. The dunes.

2_9 21 17 18 SPT 17:17, get those dunes; 23:40, get the


PLT Alamosa,Colorado. •

CDR Jack, we got it made.

PLT Yep.

CDR If the weather will Just be good.

CDR Even if it won't I got a few alternate

sites planned. If I could Just see the
area, I'll drop a few.

PLT Well, the ground doesn't look much like

that picture.

CDR I know it. (Laughter) Unfortunately,

that'sall we'vegot though.

CDR Yeah.

PLT At least it's a map, though. Uh - looks

more like that one right over there.

CDR Yeah. Well, it looks like that one, if

you're - cut the contrast. All these
are high contrast.

PLT Yeah.

249 21 18 15 CDR But it cut right over the land. l._e're

going to go over BaJa, and then we're
going to be right at Phoenix. So it's
going to be no time at all.

PLT It'll be bingo and we're there.

CDR How you doing, 0. ?

249 21 18 28 _PT Mighty good, all set and ready to roll,

down here, ... looks good, its going to
. _ be a - that's all the way across ther F2EP
,_ Dump Tape 2h9-06
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here with - uh - uh - ETC camera running

essentially all the way.

CDR Hey, great. They going over - uh - Enid?

SPT Gonna miss it a little ways.

CDR Well, forget it, ...

PLT ... change our spacecraft attitude.

CDR ... change it.

PLT What I way doing say, if you guys are

talking about a 5-degree roll up there,
I think we can make it.

CDR Okay, we'll tip it. _LI right, everybody

stand to the left.

249 21 18 52 PLT Still don't like Alfa 2 and Charlle 4.

Alfa2, highreading - -

CDR Phoenix - -

PLT 92 percent. Should be 45 and 75, Charlie h -

CDR - - cloud bank - -

PLT - - reading, 97 percent. I don't like

that, it should be reading 55 to 85,
we're high, low, high.

CDR Have you got your thing turned on down

here, and have forgotten it? No, you

249 21 19 24 PLT EREP is in start, space fans.

CDR All right. I got a 20:20.

PLT RAD is off.

CDR ... or somebody ...

/_-_ Dump Tape 249-06
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CDR 23 ... my middle name here. 4 minutes

from now.

249 21 19 50 PLT MARK. 191 to AUTO CAL.

CDR How does Phoenix look to you, Big 0.?

SPT I can't see Phoenix yet, but it - uh -

the coast that I can see looks pretty

CDR Excellent, excellent. We've got our

own weather man. He's at the bow of
the ship. (Laughter)

CC You're with us, Skylab, AOS stateside,

17 m_nutes, reading you loud and clear.
The maneuver looks good.

249 21 20 13 CDR Okay, didn't fire a mib and we're going

to really zing off these targets. So
watch out, Phoenix. We got them. We
got these sites under complete control.

PLT Okay. Sorry I got two ratings out of

tolerance. Alfa 2 is reading 93 percent,
should be 45 to 75 ; Charlie h is reading
97 percent, should be 55 to 85, all others
were in tolerance last time I checked.
02 didn't come in.

CC Thanks, Jack.

CDR How's the weather in Phoenix?

PLT Alfa 2 ...

CDR ... one question we got for you, Houston

was, we got - uh - to use DACs on the pad,
got - uh - Jack seems to remember a voice
update saying not to use the DAC.

2_9 21 21 14 CC A1, uh - that was Just a comment that at

-_ times,if we didn'twant the DAC, we'd say,
no DAC on the pad.
Dump Tape 249-06
-" Page 9 of 16

CDR Okay, but we've got the DAC today, right?

CC That's affirm.

CDR Okay. We're planning that. Want to make

sure. Can't have a perfect pad unless its
all perfect. Okay, 21:30 - hmmm, there's
a hole in the cloud.

249 21 21 43 CDR Tell A_ we took the first - uh - two

assignments on the A_4 - uh - EREP
alternate, and got them done.

PLT Okay, stand by for 190 }_DDE to SINGLE.

CDR 23 :40 - -

2h9 21 21 56 PLT _4ARK. SINGLE.

CDR Still cloudy, how does ... look, Owen?

PLT Can't get down by the window, maybe.

SP We're coming okay, still I can't see


PLT Stand by for another 190 mode MODE


249 21 22 i0 PLT _,_%RK. MODE SINGLE, I heard go. Oh,

we got three in a row, really knocking
him off today.

CDR Looks clear over the coast, here.

PLT Another single on 190.

2_9 21 22 26 PLT MARK. There we got her again.

PLT Got one for a 191, we go to ref 6,

we're in ref 6 - -

CDR Cross the BaJa and in 1 minute,

you're in Phoenix.

PLT That's not bad traveling.

D_mp Tape 249-06
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PLT We could see - uh - the Gulf of Mexico

from over BaJa the other day. Okay,
1_'re at ALTI_._h'I'ER
to STA/_DBY, and
MODE 1 ALTI_._TER unlock.

CDR hO seconds to go Jack.

PLT Stand by -

CDR Weather looks good at the moment.

249 21 23 01 PLT _d_K. Mode l, then we're going to


CDR Weather looks excellent.

PLT Weather's always good down there.

CDR 13.

PLT Stand by -

CDR 23:13.

249 21 23 16 PLT MARK. SCAT to STANDBY.

CDR 23:20. That's Phoenix, ! believe.

That's Phoenix, we're going to get
this baby.

249 21 23 34 PLT MARK. ALT]IIA'_ER ON.

249 21 23 40 PLT MARK. 192 to READY.

CDR Hey, we got the first one in sight,

we're moving in on it.

PLT Okay, we got tape motion light.

CDR We got the first one, Story, we're

taking data on it already.

CC That' s the way there, Eagle Eye.

CDR Okay, I'm watching this thing until

it gets in hand, and then I'm going

Dump Tape 249-O6
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to go to the next one. That's going

to to tough. Hight on.

PLT Remember to bring this down once

it getsfaster.

CDR Okay, I will .... 28 degrees, taking

off. All sorts of data.

PLT Stand by for MODE to AUTO.

CDR Looks good, good clear area right now,


CC Okay.

CDR 0kay, let's go - -

2h9 21 2h 24 PLT MARK. 190 to AUTO.

CDR - - 16, cause we're going to miss em

ifwe don't.

PLT I gotta get the tape burner off next.

CDH Okay, that's it, go high and zoom out.

PLT Alfa 2 and Charlie h are still off a


CDR Go up here. There's the next one, Story,

we got it. Zoom in on that little baby.
That's it. We're on it. We're taking
data on number 2. We're down at zero degrees
in Just a minute, and I'll quit ts/<ing
data here. Okay, that's it, I got to zoom
back out again. Go down to this other one.
It's supposed to be right over here by
this canal. There's the place. Check.

249 21 25 03 PLT Tape MOTION LIGHT on,

CDR Here's the site we got her, we got all

three of them.

_--- PLT Thataway to hit them there, A1.

Dump Tape 249-06
Page 12 of 16

CDR We'll show on a fourth one here in

a minute. Okay, we've got this one. At
minus 17 it's going to start moving,
We'll try to get that airfield if we can.

CDR Okay, let's zoom out and give it to

that airfield. (_nistle).

PLT Williams Air Force Base, where are you?

CDR Couldn't make it.

PLT Here we go to interval 20 here. Okay,

we got -

249 21 25 36 PLT MARK. Interval 20 on 190. Standing by -

CDR ... left 1.5, ... up le_t 1.5.

PLT Okay, and at 25:37, I go under ....

I missed it already.

CDR Okay. Let's back up 26, no, no, 26:40.0.

Zero, and left 0.2.

249 21 26 i0 PLT _i&RK. MODE to READY. Malf light on, •

off, and TAPE MOTION light on, Just the
way we like it.

CDR Can you get -

PLT We'll get it. We'll get that one you

know there, Alamosa like the back your

CDR Here we go. 26:44, is When I want to go.

2h9 21 26 31 PLT MARK. Shutter speed medium on 190.

CDR 26:h4.

PLT 27 :04.

PLT 37. I can't see it, I ain't got it.

_ CDR Up ahead.
Dump Tape 249-06
Page 13 of 16

PLT 6440, zero, left 0.2.

249 21 27 O0 PLT MARK. Ref 2 on - uh - 191. 27 A

and R to _TA_DBY.

249 21 27 ii PLT MARK. ALTI_'I'ER to STANDBY, RAD to

STANDBY. Get the SCAT on here and
RAD on in a minute.

249 21 27 22 PLT _M/_K. SCAT ON. RAD ON. 29 next.

Well, we got to stand around with
our hands in our pockets, now. Yeah,
never saw that. Never saw that one.

CDR Okay, SI maneuver 21:33, we're okay.

PLT 5 minutes yet, A1.

CDR Okay.

CDR We got three but we didn't ever see the

last one.

CC Copy.

PLT There's Just dirty beach sand anyway.

Couldn't find it.

PLT Standing by for 29 here, gang. Okay,

on the ... 4.

249 21 28 25 CDR We maneuvered 21:33, okay.

PLT This pass today brings us up over the -

uh - north part of the Gulf of California,
at BaJa, right over Phoenix .... south
of Denver, south of _inneapolis, up over
the upper peninsula of Michigan, and -
uh - then up over Canada and - uh -
Newfoundland. 29 before 4 is there before me.

249 21 29 00 PLT _M/_K, 44. Alfa 2 and Charlie 4 are still

out a spec. Alfa 2 is 192, detector i,
Charlie 4 is 192, detector ii. Let me see,
we're in HIGH/LOW/HIGH, where we're
supposed to be.
_" Dump Tape 249-06
Page 12 of 16

229 21 29 29 PLT Those two were out the other day, and
they came in Just before _he pass, I
think they were the ones anyway - uh -
they didn't do it today. Going down
there and check that alignment. Checked
out real good before, the - uh - I gave
the - uh - 192 alignment. I glanced,
and the numbers were right up where they
were supposed to be.

229 21 30 00 PLT MARK. Shutter speed slow on 190. 192

going to STANDBY next.

249 21 30 l0 PLT MARK. 192 to _%_9ANDBY. SCAT and PAD to

ST/d_DBY next. A few seconds delay. There
they go. Looks like Houston left us.

249 21 30 31 PLT _[_RK, SCAT to STA/IDBY, 2 seconds.

249 21 30 34 PLT MARK. PAD to _%_fANDBY. 30:40 AUTO CAL.

249 21 30 40 PLT _%RK. AUTO CAL, MODE to _NUAL.

249 21 30 25 PLT MARK. 192. 191 READY is out ....

expect 190, going right at 32:40.

249 21 30 54 CC _%qC/LAB,we'll be dropping out a minute

here while we hand over to Bermuda.

PLT Okay, Story. We'll see you in sunny


249 21 31 57 CC Back with you for 5 minutes. How do

you like the maneuver time?

PLT We like it.

CC Okay.

249 21 32 20 PLT _RK, right on the money, 190 PEADY

light out. I.DDE to STANDBY, S1 maneuver,
coming home second.

CDR Coming up.

PLT We're going SI, right now, no blips, not

even a mib (whistle).
F Dump Tape 249-06
Page 15 of 16

CDR Okay, 22:05, they want that done. I'll

look at the times, looks like 32 minutes
from now. Get that done.

249 21 33 22 PLT :.I_RK.READY on. 191, and I go to stop,

mark where it stopped at 25. No one is
squeezing the - uh - time hack here on my
data camera. It doesn't have anything to
do with real Q IT. Coming up 22:01:15 on
this data timer, stand by.

249 21 33 43 PLT MARK. 22:01:15 on the mark. Okay, and

the kid is on the post, wishes to credit
Bravo 7 to he 30 percent. And 192 door
closed. How much time remaining til
sunset, AI?

CDR Oh - Just a minute, let me check it for

you, 9 minutes.

PLT Thank you, sir.

CDR Okay.

PLT Close the %-indow.

CDR I'll latch it when you get it closed.

PLT Thank you.

CDR Closed to me.

PLT Just a minute. There we go.

CDR Okay. Coming the latch.

PLT All the _ay.

CDR 0kay.

FLT Done.

CDR Okay.

249 21 34 23 PLT Okay - uh - this is the end of EREP -

uh - number 16 pass. But we're going
z_-_ Dump Tape 249-06
Page 16 of 16

to sign off for now, all this information

goes to - uh - men from the EREP world.
Thank you for listening and good bye.

249 21 35 05 PLT Before we all shut do_n, the frames

used on the ETC camera - frames used
is 51, 51 frames.


Dump Tape 2h9-07
Time: 22h2-2322 GMT
/'-_-_, 916173
Page 1 of i

2h9 22 h2 50 SPT Personal dosimeters, PRD readings. The -

uh - radiation dosimeters ame -Jack's
is reading 334; 334 for Jack.

249 22 43 28 SPT 174 is the PRD for Owen, 174.

2h9 22 45 32 SPT 421 is the PRD for AI; 421 for AI.
End of PRD message.

249 23 i0 40 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the run at

23:00. Went nominally; I finished early.
Uh - I decided during this period because
uh - while I was still up in the lab
uh - sighting on uh _ work on 19 - I'd
give S056 a 6-minute exposure - with
a filter 5, which I did. I found also
a limb of the Sun just above - u_h -
uh - let me tell you what the co-
ordinates are: roll is lh, pitch is 5 minus.
I'm down in zero and I'm 20 arc seconds
off the Sun - and I'm doing a building
--- block - correction - a shopping list
• item 16. Now 56 I'm runningon a uh -
5-minute exposure of ... light but
that's the most you can get for them.
And it takes 6 frames. I'm going to
leave one scan for 55 A.

249 23 14 36 CDR For the ATM Science Room, I made an error

and I did not get you a - uh - uh -
long exposure on 3 off the limb of the
Stun. I forgot to turn the camera power
off before I did 52A - simple thing, turned

249 23 14 5h CDR CDR out.

Dump Tape 249-07
Time: 2242-2322 GMT
,f_ 916/73
Page i of i

2h9 22 h2 50 SPT Personal dosimeters, PRD readings. The -

uh - radiation dosimeters are - Jack's
is reading 334; 334 for Jack.

249 22 h3 28 SPT 174 is the PRD for Owen, 174.

249 22 45 32 SPT 421 is the PRD for AI; 421 for AI.
End of PRD message.

249 23 i0 40 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the run at

23:00. Went nominally; I finished early.
Uh - I decided during this period because
uh - while I was still up in the lab
Dh - sighting on uh - work on 19 - l'd
give S056 a 6-minute exposure - with
a filter 5, which I did. I found also
a limb of the Sun just above - u_h -
uh - let me tell you what the co-
ordinates are: roll is lh, pitch is 5 minus.
l'm down in zero and l'm 20 arc seconds
off the Sun - and l'm doing a building
/--_ block - correction - a shopping list
item 16. Now 56 I'm running on a uh -
5-minute exposure of ... light but
that's the most you c_n get for them.
And it ts_kes 6 frames. I'm going to
leave one scan for 55 A.

249 23 14 36 CDR For the ATM Science Room, I made an error

and I did not get you a - uh - uh -
long exposure on 3 off the limb of the
S_. I forgot to turn the camera power
off before I did 52A - simple thing, turned

249 23 14 54 CDR CDR out.

r Dump Tape 249-04
Time: 1610-1733 _T
Page i of 6

2_9 16 15 20 CDR Should all the rest were pegged high. We

had 0wen touch their metals and they we're
all in yellow so we pressed on pen the
checklist. Now we had an erratic last time
we ran - it was for me. And - uh - to begin
with the - uh - the numbers were - the
needle was moving all over the place,
as if it had a short in it. We shok
th ends of thyconneetors and all that -
didn't have any luck. My guess is
that we = we've somehow lost an SIB -
or this - uh - cable. And we got a
short in it, maybe to ground or somewhere,
hut - uh - I guess we're looking for
advice on what to do and the time to do
ti. As for the next person's run, we can
get him in there - schedule it early
enough. Schedule the run plus troubleshoot-
ing. We'll get him in there if it doesn't
work we'll sidconnect the SIB and stick on
a new one and try. If that doesn't work
we'll put the old SIB on and put on the -
uh - a new cable. But anyhow, we've -
uh - this has taken up time. We've missed
our vent window, and as I say, the symptom
are that it won't pass the isolation, it
passes ... And - uh - if you hold on to
the metal, then it will pass the isloation
And -uh - I don't know about the ...
I mean pass the ... I don't know about the
isolation. Won't pass ..will pass

249 16 ii 44 CDR CDR, out for awhile.

249 16 12 00 CDR This is the CDR again. Also I got to

talking and I left - uh - I dudn't
put the 30 milimeters pf Delta-P on
him for 17 minutes instead of 18 minutes
So I assume that's okay, too. Uh -
there's two ways - I could jus go ahead
and let him do 3 minutes of 30 and then
5 and 5, or I could go ahead and just
Dump Tape 249-04
Page 2 of 6

run him 2 minutes of 30. And I think

that's what I'ii do. Mainly because
we haven't been having any trouble with
any of this anyhow.

CDR CDR out.

249 16 16 43 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A debrief-

ing the M092-93 run ... myself as
the subject - uh - 93 - uh - 92 went -
uh - already debriefed by A1 .... all wen
normally except that we got a voice
conference which started right at about -
uh - 12 minutes ... betting started on
the - uh - pedaling I didn't get
started until about 11:30 - uh -
30 seconds late and so I pedaled
30 seconds late until 9:30. And then
I just - uh - uh - stayed at rest until
30-seconds beyond the normal stop
.... time.

249 16 54 21 SPT So it Just shifts everything 30-seconds

that way. The data will all look
normal to you maybe you've ... the -
uh - that message goes to .. Pls.

249 16 54 43 SPT End of message.

249 16 56 34 PLT Delta at that pointing. 82B got - uh -

4G-seconds and 240-second shor texposures
all the way down the line. Whenever we
had a S056 in there - uh - instead of
giving them activyl long we gave them
a single frame 135 short, in order to
save some film. If - uh - we're getting
a little too stingy with your film yand
compromising data, we wish you'd let us
know. Mirror auto rasters came off
as published and - uh - so did S054. I
had no time at the end of the orbit, and'
as you reported a small flare - uh -
was on its way in active region 19, I -
uh - went over in that area and - uh -
. I did find that bright point in active
region 19 with the detect - detectors
Dump Tape 249-04
Page 3 of 6

and - uh - I ran a grading auto scan on

it in detector i and 2. And also gave
you a single frame 135 short for
S056. And - uh - the grading auto scan
ran a littlybit into - uh - effective
uh - sunset. So that completes - uh -
this orbit, and one other point I
mentioned was that - uh - on the south-
west side of active region - uh - 19.
ANd had I had more time I'd of loked to
have gone over and - uh - done a little
filament work on that, but maybe we'll
have to save that for the next rev because
I didn't - I felt that the data would be
compromised because of effective sunset if
I was to - uh - take that. Uh - I just
didn't have enough ti_e to set up where -
where the bright - uh - came a lot

229 17 03 06 PLT And so that concludes the debriefing or

this rev and - o_h - we'll pick you up
again in aobut a half hour. Thank you.

229 17 05 33 SPT Okay, comment from the SOT for Wally Teagu
and Jack Lew relative to S063 operation. •
Uh - first of all I wanted to talk about
the - uh - loss of those I0 frames this
morning, Wally and Jack. Uh - this
happened similar to thy way I lost those
i0 the other day - uh - several weeks ago,
except the first - the ifrst time I
lost it - it was definitely not in T -
the motor funciton ... was just
barely out of T, I took a careful look
at it and it was just slightly rotated
away. But the - uh - uh - the - uh -
functioning of the camera was the ... as
if it was it was Just cycling continuous.
Uh - makes me think that perhaps two weeks
ago or whenever that was it migh have last
been in ... and then rotated nearly to T.
And - uh - that would of come out - left th
function still in ... because it had
been there last. That's the only thing
Dump Tape 249-04
Page 4 of 6

I can think of that might partially

explain what happened a couple of weeks

249 17 13 27 SPT I've also nitieed that - uh - when you

pulll the camera out of it's - uh -
uh - clip over there in the film vault -
that - _h - ther is - _uh - sometimes that
changesthat functionrate setting. I've
had it on T. And pulled it out, and
it'll be isightly rotated out of T like
I found two or three weeks ago. And of
course that - uh - you know that might
explain if it doesn't - explain whay I
haven't got it checked right. So, no
need to chang e procedures or anything, I
just ... (whistle) And today I dont know
I happened to overlook ... fiml in the
camera, but though I rechecked it very
carefully a couple of times, I just
did not. So that'sabout20 frames
altogether. I've blown that way and -
uh - Bravo Victor cassette available. I
guess that'll vie S063 approximately the
correct number of frames altogether.
Uh - incidentally, you might make sure
that - uh - they're getting extra Bravo
Victor fiml on - uh - the next flight.
There's no reason to be running this
close to empty. We should take up
35-millimeter film - uh - just any place.
We havyprefect storage for it here in
the film vault and there's jus no
reason to he pinched this tightly for
that - uh - 485 film. So - uh - make
sure - uh - if you will, I got a strong
recon_nendation that we take 2 or 3 or
4 extra cassettes of that film. It can
also be used _n a hand-held camera for
night time photography, so we don't have
to use the CI film. (Music) And - uh -
I would reiterate again - uh - to -
uh - Let's see, who would be the bes
person -
Dump Tape 249-04
Page 5 of 6

249 17 15 20 SPT I'd reiterate that message to John McKee

and Albert (?) both, that a strong
recommendation from me is to take up
another Nikon camera body. We don't
really ahve quite enough right now. Uh -
we could have used a fourth for this black
and white - uh - fast film. And - uh -
we could have had it ... available for
things like aurora and airglow. And
as it is we have to use the CI film which
is not a very good substitution because we
have no ... with film available now for
things like - uh night photography of
cities and so on. We're having to use

249 17 16 00 SPT And now back to S063: Uh - the operations

of two filters on the same target can't
be done once I do the procedure item. And
I'm glad you called that up to me the
f_ other day so I - uh - quit making- uh -
that mistake of trying to get to the - uh
auto exposures both times. Uh - I would
like to suggest one other way to make
it even better, and that is both the frame
should be manual. And the way that that
would be done - would be that you wold
start tracking at the bottom of the ring,
press off the first UV photo, and then
switch filters, keep tracking the saem
target, and at some point during the middl
a visible camera will trigger, and
whenever you're ready, - uh - trigger
the second UV. As it is, we only have
about half the travel to get the second
UV photo in because we got to wait until
the first one goes at about mid scale.
Besides, if we could trigger them both
manually starting at the lower end it
would give us at least 50 percent more
time. And - uh - I'd like your comment
- uh - back up as soon as possible,
certainly before the next run, as to
whether this modified procedure would be
satisfactory for - uh - making - uh -
the - uh - two-2ay length exposures on
the same target. I think it can be done -
uh - essentially more easily if - uh -
both of these UV photographs are done -
Dump Tape 249-04
Page 6 of 6

uh - manually. End of S063 con_nents to

- uh - Walley Teague and Jack Lew, and
- uh - might as well send them also to the
- oh - S063 Pls. Uh - end of me_sage
from thy SPT.

249 17 53 20 SPT Testing i, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, i.

SPT Okay, the clock time.

SPT Okay, the clock time here is 18:22:35

coming up.

249 17 54 14 SPT MARK. 18:22:35. I'.ii give you a mark at

18:22:45. Stand by.

• 249 17 54 24 SPT MARK.

SPT That was a clock time for the ETC -

uh - Pls. It goes to the EREP officer
and - oh - gives them a time hack on
/_- the internal clock. End of message to the
EREP officer and the ETC personal. From
the SPT.

Dump Tape 249-05 .._7
Page I of 3

249 18 37 15 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack again

on channel A, debriefing the last
ATM run, which - uh - started at 17:46.
I'm on a - uh - ... likely to flare
in active region 12. Uh - this pointing
was a little bit different than the -
uh - pointing previously on the
JOP 2 Deltas, from the previous rev.
Although it was - uh - in the same
area, it was - uh - covering a
different part of the - uh - bright
area along the ... And they ran off
six JOP 2 Alfas. And whereever I
came to - uh - active 1 long for
S056, I substituted a - u_h - had
a bright spot reported - uh - in
active region 15, which I also saw
on the monitor.

2h9 18 38 23 PLT And - uh - with the time that I

_. had, why I - uh - went down to
• it, and maximized detectors on it
and - uh - ran a grating auto scan
in detectors 1 and 2. And also - uh -
another set of single frames, filters
l, 3, 5, short. Uh, them to the end
of third extinction, starting at
about - uh - 15 to 20 seconds
late, because I wanted to finish the
grating auto scan, or the bright spot
in active region 15, but - uh -
started the - uh - atmospheric
extinction for the mirror line scan
detector all balls - that's about 145.
And - uh - got the - uh - S052 on
on time and - uh - that completed the
rev. So - uh - that completes my
debriefing and - uh - in a half hour
or so. Thank you.

2h9 18 40 23 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. The subject this time is

Dump Tape 249-05

Page 2 of 3

487-1. Alfa. This information

probably ought to be fired over there
to - uh - my friend Robert Boud.
This conerns the readings I took "_ith
the sound level meter, and the
frequency analyzer. The positions that
I - uh - took these readings at
are outlined in the message 4032 Delta,
positions A thru H. And - uh - you can
find the message and find out what
those positions are, but - uh -
I'll read - uh - eight position -
uh - starting with the ambient noise
level and going on through the eight
frequencies. So there will be nine
readings for each location. Location
Alfa: ambient was 49, there 46, 47.5,
47, 41, 35, 24, 21, and 10. Position
Bravo: 50.5, 48, 46.5, 49.5, 43, 34, 25,
20.5, 10. Position Charlie : 56, 51,
50.5, 57.5, 58, 51, 27, 20.5, and 9-

249 .18 41 59 PLT Position Delta: 43, 44, 41, 43, 34, 26, 21,
13.5, and 8. Position Echo: 51,
and then 51, 47, 51, 44.5, 38, 29, 26,
and 14. Position Fox: 58, 62, 60,
57.5, 52, 48.5, 43, 39.5 and 27.
Position Golf - which is where we all
want to position ourselves right now.
Ambient, 61.5, 61, 56, 55, 52.5, 51.5,
46.5, 44.5, and 34. Position Hotel:
35, 63, 60.5, 63, 58, 54, 47, 45.5,
37. And those numbers after position
Golf are some - tub - pretty darn good
golf scores, aren't they, Bob?
Now all that data is - uh - also in
my log on page i-5 of the - uh -
Evaluation Experiment Checklist and
they should correlate with that.
One other note; I noticed that -
uh - on - _uh - two or three occasions,
the - uh - the - uh - sound level
for some particular prequency was
higher than the ambient noise level.

f_ Dump Tape 249-05

Page B of 3

I'm not sure that's technically

possible, but - uh - that's the
way the readings came out and -
uh - all the others are - uh -
below the ambient noise level.
So that's it for 80 - 487-1A.

249 18 44 15 PLT And, thank you.


Time: Tape 249-07
2242-2322 GMT Cf_ l 7_
Page i of I
2h9 22 h2 50 SPT Personal dosimeters, PRD readings. The -
uh - radiation dosimeters are - Jack's
is reading 334; 334 for Jack.

249 22 h3 28 SPT 174 is the PRD for Owen, 174.

249 22 45 32 SPT 421 is the PRD for AI; 421 for AI.
End of PRD message.

249 23 i0 40 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the run at

23:00. Went nominally; I finished early.
Uh - I decided during this period because
uh - while I was still up in the lab
uh - sighting on uh - work on 19 - I'd
give S056 a 6-minute ex!__osure - with
a filter 5, which I did. I found also
a limb of the Sun Just above - uh -
uh - let me tell you ..hat the co-
ordinates are: roll is 14, pitch is 5 minus.
I'm down in zero and I'm 20 arc seconds
off the Sun - and I'm doing a building
block - correction- a shoppinglist
item 16. Now 56 I'm running on a uh -
5-minute exposure of ... light but
that's the most you can get for them.
And it takes 6 frames. I'm going to
leave one scan for 55 A.

249 23 i_ 36 CDR For the ATM Science Room, I made an error

and I did not get you a - uh - uh -
long exposure on 3 off the limb of the
Stm. I forgot to turn the camera power
off before I did 52A - simple thing, turned

249 23 14 54 CDR CDR out.

Dump Tape 250-01
Time: 0031 to 0127 GMT
Page 1 of 4

250 00 34 51 CDR Okay.

250 00 34 55 CDR Okay - uh - Houston, this is the CDR

holding command module with the same
configuration. I'm going to talk to -
we're not on private co_n are we?

SPT Hold the switch.

250 00 35 ii CDR On panel 6, got the inter - the MODE

COMM, key on; S-BAND, OFF - S-BANDs
OFF, by the wa, S-BANDs OFF; POWER is
and SUIT POWER is on, although I don't
know why.

250 00 36 09 SPT I only hear you very _ery faintly.

Can you read me? Can you hear me now?

CDR Yes, I hear you louder now.

SPT Vet faintly.

250 O0 37 47 SPT Okay, we've been running the check on

the VHF connection into our channel A
intercom. And perhaps you heard the
CDR up in the commmand module speaking.
I could hear him on channel A very -
rather faintly at" first. We did find
SUIT POWER switch was on the panel 6.
Turned that off. And the - uh - the
volume dropped probably 6 dB or so.
And - uh - stand by. And then I could
still hear him ver faintly and he went
ahead and did a switch run down. But
that's the end of the test and it goes
to the - uh - who should that go
to, AI? Do you think ICOM?

Dump Tape 250-01
Page 2 of h


250 00 38 25 SPT Goes to EGIL in the MOCR, control center.

That's the end of the test on the
VHF, channel A squawk box.

250 00 51 19 PLT Okay, space fans_ this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run, starting at 23:58. I got your
J0P 12 Fox Trot with no problem. We
ran through a building time. I did
your shopping list item 13 with a
roll of plus 5400. Both filters
3 and 4 on the 56 and k uh - then
1 started on 52. Now we ran a few
minutes behind getting pointed for
our viewing time - uh - at 25.
And I'd selected - uh - active
region 13_ because it was provided on the
XUV MONITOR as the subject for
this - uh - littlestudy. And - uh -
I started to perform - uh -
shopping list tiem 16. I got the
uh - -

CDR Hey, Jack.

PLT - - of filter 3 for S056. And I

got 82B - -

CDR Hello, Jack.

PLT - - 8 seconds above the limb - -

CDR Hello, Jack.

PLT - - 8 seconds above the limb on active

region 13. And - -

CDR (Whistling)

PLT - - I only got part of it. I got

the 56 filter _. I got in about
7 minutes, And 82B WAVE SHORT - -
Dump Tape 225-01
Page 3 of 4

CDR ... box.

250 00 52 44 PLT I got his - uh - 5-minute full exposure -

and - uh - it went into effective
sunset partially and I only had
about a minute and a half left. I
decided not to get the - uh - WAVE
LONG. So the only thing I'm missing
was the XUV WAVE LONG on exposure 5 -
uh - ... This ends the debriefing.

250 00 00 5B CDR Okay, SO19, I'm getting ready to give

you a mark. Stand by, this will be
an opening.

• 250 00 53 i0 CDR MARK. You got an opening on field N8,

it's gonna be frame 142.

250 00 53 _4 CDR This is the CDR back again. I gave you

mark without a lot of introduction
but that was S019. It's locationis
•• 000.7 inasmuch as the NUz is minus -

minus 1.3. The old NU Z was minus 0.9,

that's the difference you got O.h
and add it up. The rotation 000.7;
tilt, 19.6; field N8; frame lh2; cassette
3; prism, in and this is a 16-minute
exposure, unwidened. I'll be back.
I didn't turn my watch very accurately so
I'll shut off it all - what I think
is the right time, but you're gonna
have to take the mark on these tapes
very accurately. As opposed to just
accepting the 16 minutes. Don't know
whether you do that everytime or not,
be sure to do it in this case.

250 00 54 36 CDR CDR, power off for awhile.

250 01 09 02 CDR Okay, CDR again. We're getting ready

to stop this 16-minute exposure.
Recall that I mentioned earlier that
I didn't get a good time hack. I'm
giving you my best estimate which
Dump Tape 250-01
Page h of h

maybe as much as 5 seconds or so

in error. You got to check your timing
against this exposure. Stand by S019.

250 01 09 23 CDR MARK. Okay, that was the end of

field N8, frame number 142. I'm
going to the next one now.

250 01 09 h9 CDR 1710, 9.1, okay, I'm picking up a

new frame. Stand by for the next
one. I'll try to get a better
hack on this one for you. Stand by -

250 01 i0 01 CDR MARK. I just started the frame 143,

field SMC_ SMC. This information on
• all S019 goes to Wally Teagueand
Dr. Karl Henize. I'll be back in
another 16 minutes.

250 01 2_ 27 CDR Okay, CDR back on again - uh - we're

gettingready to approachsunrise.
Now we're not gonna be able to make
a 16-minute exposure as we hoped.
It looks like the best we can do is
for a 15 minute, because we don't want
to take any chances on sunrise. So
I'm gonna give a mark at 15 minutes.
Remember that it is difficult to
start your watch, open this, and give
a mark at the same time. So it's
important to - uh - doublecheck your
time on here against mine. This is
gonna be a 15-minute mark.

250 01 25 O1 CDR MARK. 15-minute exposure on field

SMC, frame number 143, and that's it
for right now. That information on
SO19 which has been spread out over
the last 32 minutes goes to Dr. Karl
Henize and Wally Teague.

250 Ol 25 23 CDR CDR, out.

f Dump Tape 250-02
Time: 030h to 0308 GMT
Page 1 of 1

250 03 05 18 This voice segment is a verbatim

to duplicate of dump tape 250-03.
25O O3 07 38
Dump Tape 250-03
Time: 0304 to 0314 G_
Page 1 of 2

250 03 05 18 SPT SPT on channel A with a message

for Doctor Paul Buchanan. Item i:
yes, I found the glucose - uh - tubes
in the side pocket of the injectable
kit. I had not been aware that
they were - or had not been aware that
there was that side pocket, and I found
it just as you suggested. Now item 2
relates to exeerise done by the SPT
over the last week. Mission day 41,
which was today: 5100 watts delivered
in 30 minutes. That's 170 watts average,
which you will notice is above the
maximum level which I'do on 171 for
5 minutes, except I delivered in 30
minutes straight. This work 20 minutes
of Mark I 60 As, 30 Bs and 30 Ds.
On mission day 40, yesterday: 30 minutes,
4900 watts for 25 minutes of Mark I and
70 As, 60 Bs and 60 Ds. On mission day
f_ 39:45 minutes, 5400 watts. The average
in the mid low because I ran 3 MI71
protocols for - uh - data purposes as
uh - Ed Michaels probably remembers.
Mission day 38: 20 minutes, 2900 watts
plus an M71 - uh - 171 run. That
will put the average again about 5,000
watt-minutes. Mission day 37: 30 minutes,
h500 watt-minutes plus 20 minutes of Mark I
60 As, 60 Bs and 60 Ds.

250 03 06 51 SPT Mission day 36:30 minutes 5,000 watts plus

25 minutes on the Mark I with 90As 60Bs and
60Ds. Mision day 35 I missed. And then I
could keep going back on to mission day
34, and so on. So it doesn't looks like
I'm averaging and have been - uh -
5,000 watts or so far the last - uh -
week, and - uh - including that Mark I.
And - uh - I'd - uh -'request - uh -
an - uh - to find out whether or not this
agrees with the - uh - information on
excersise that you have on the down-link,
Paul. All of this was read down on the
Dump Tape 250-03
Page 2 of 2

Evening Status Report, and - uh -

I believe it was read on time. None
of it was reported late, so it should
have been read in with the normal Status
Report each evening. Uh - this message
goes to Doctor Paul Buchanan from the
SPT. Message out.

250 03 i0 02 SPT One other comment data transcriber from

the SPT. Please get back that last
message - uh - to Doctor Bruce [sic]
Buchanan over to him as rapidly as possible
in the medical directorate because I want
to talk to him about it tomorrow. Uh -
message over.

Dump Tape 250-04
Time : 1131-1205 GMT
,/_ 917173
Page i of 2

250 ii 31 48 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. This information goes to
the - uh - EREP - uh - officer and the
folks that are interested in handheld
photos. I - uh - took a photograph of
Lake Chad, Africa, this morning.

CREW ,. o

250 ll 32 05 PLT And - uh - I noticed that Lake Chad -

uh - although it has - uh - fairly
regular - uh - coastline - It looks like
it's kind of ... It's got lots and lots
of - uh - sand dunes in it. And - uh -
it looks like - uh - the - uh - the
water's either receding or - uh - or the
sand dunes are - uh - are being built up
in the lake. But - uh - it may very well
be - uh - shrinking. Uh - partial - part
of the area near - uh - Lake Chad was
covered by clouds, but the area that I
saw had - had no detectable - uh - with
the naked eye, that is, no detectable
agriculture in the area - nothing - uh -
regular and - uh - and - uh - well planned,
as it appeared to me. And - uh - so I
couldn't see any - uh - particular use
being made of the - uh - of the land in
the area. It Just looked like a lake out
in the middle of nowhere, and - uh - the -
uh - surrounding terrain - uh - appeared
to be - uh - very inhospitable. Uh - it
was Just - uh - like a lake out in the
desert. Now there's part of it that - uh -
I could not see because of clouds. And -
uh - there is - uh - some part of the
map - some area of population - uh - to
the south of Lake Chad and that is the area
that I could not see. So there may be some
area there that I - uh - was unable to
evaluate, but what I saw - uh - is as I
have reported and - uh - I also got one
f _ D_np Tape 250-04
Page 2 of 2

250 ll B3 h2 PLT So - uh - that takes care of Lake Chad

and - uh - thank you verymuch.

250 12 02 06 CDR PRD 339; 339 - 339 for the pilot.

250 12 02 39 CDR 177 for the SPT; 177 on the PRD.

Dump Tape 250-04
Time: 1131-1205 GMT
'_ 917173
Page i of 2

250 11 31 48 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. This information goes to
the - uh - EREP - uh - officer and the
folk_ that are interested in handheld
photos. I - uh - took a photograph of
Lake Chad, Africa, this morning.

CREW co.

250 11 32 05 PLT And - uh - I noticed that Lake Chad -

uh - although it has - uh - fairly
regular - uh - coastline - It looks like
it's kind of ... It's got lots and lots
of - uh - sand dunes in it. And - uh -
it looks like - uh - the - uh - the
water's either receding or - uh - or the
sand dunes are - uh - are being built up
in the lake. But - uh - it may very well
be - uh - shrinking. Uh - partial - part
of the area near - uh - Lake Chad was
covered by clouds, but the area that I
/_ saw had - had no detectable - uh - with
the naked eye, that is, no detectable
agriculture in the area - nothing - _h -
regular and - _h - and - uh - well planned,
as it appeared to me. And - uh - so I
couldn't see any - uh - particular use
being made of the - uh - of the land in
the area. It just looked like a lake out
in the middle of nowhere, and - uh - the -
uh - surrounding terrain - uh - appeared
to be - uh - very inhospitable. Uh - it
was Just - uh - like a lake out in the
desert. Now there's part of it that - uh -
I could not see because of clouds. And -
uh - there is - uh - some part of the
map - some area of population - tub - to
the south of Lake Chad and that is the area
that I could not see. So there may be some
area there that I - uh - was unable to
evaluate, but what I saw - uh - is as I
have reported and - tth - I also got one

"S _\ I_ Tape 250-04

Page 2 of 2

250 ii 33 42 PLT So - uh - that takes care of Lake Chad

and - uh - thank you very much.

250 12 02 06 CDR PRD 339; 339 - 339 for the pilot.

250 12 02 39 CDR 177 for the SPT; 177 on the PRD.

"_ Time: 1131-1205 GMT

Page1 of 2

250 ii 31 48 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack

on channel A. This information goes to
the - uh - EREP - uh - officer and the
folks that are interested in handheld
photos. I - uh - took a photograph of
Lake Chad, Africa, this morning.

CREW ...

250 ii 32 05 PLT And - uh - I noticed that Lake Chad -

uh - although it has - uh - fairly
regular - uh - coastline - It looks like
it's kind of ... It's got lots and lots
of - uh - sand dunes in it. And - uh -
it looks like - uh - the - uh - the
water's either receding or - uh - or the
sand dunes are -.uh - are being built up
in the lake. But - uh - it may very well
be - uh - shrinking. Uh - partial - part
of the area near - uh - Lake Chad was
covered by clouds, but the area that I
.... saw had - had no detectable- uh -with
the naked eye, that is, no detectable
agriculture in the area - nothing - uh -
regular and - uh - and - uh - well planned,
as it appearedto me. And - uh - so I " ..
couldn't see any - uh - particular use
being made of the - uh - of the land in
the area. It just looked like a lake out
in the middle of nowhere, and - uh - the -
uh - surrounding terrain - uh - appeared
to be - uh - very inhospitable. Uh - it
was Just - uh - like a lake out in the
desert. Now there's part of it that - uh -
I could not see because of clouds. And -
uh - there is - uh - some part of the
map - some area of population - uh - to
the south of Lske Chad and that is the area
that I could not see. So there maybe some
area there that I - uh - was unable to
evaluate, but what I saw - uh - is as I
have reported and - uh - I also got one

Dump Tape 250-0h

Page 2 of 2

250 11 33 42 PLT So - uh - that takes care of Lake Chad

and - uh - thank you very much.

250 12 02 06 CDR PRD 339; 339 - 339 for the pilot.

250 12 02 39 CDR 177 for the SPT; 177 on the PRD.


Dump Tape 250-05
Time: 1322-1324 G_f.
Page i of i

250 13 21 58 PLT This information goes to Bob Randle of the

American Research Center and - uh - Robert Nute,
Building 4. Temperature of the sextalnt is 69
degrees, diotper is a minus 1.25. And - uh -
we're going to - uh - use star Nur_ki and - uh -
we're gonna put in on the - uh - limb [?] of the
Moon. I turns out that the Moon is different in
:_ relate - positioned in relation to N'aLki now.
...., It's - uh - actually quite close and - uh - from •_ _ _:_:_-
Nunki we'll be able to go to the close limb this
time because - uh - the - uh - limb that is lit is
now on the - uh - Nunki is closest to the limb
that's lit is what I'm trying to say. So we got
the filters in here. _,legot the - both filters,
1.6 and the 1. still on the lower optical terrain.
That's the one we're going to shoot the _oon with.
And Ntmki is out there, right handle of the tea
pot. Can't be more than about 5 degrees or so.

250 13 23 07 CC Skylab, Houston, through G_,Am, for 9-1/2 minutes.

250 13 23 l0 SPT Okay. Good morning there, Hank glad to hear from
you today. Guess you've Just receivedthe watch.
And - uh - "_ould you confirm from the ATM science
room - -

250 k3 23 2k PLT I;m supposed to be running in some zero bias, but

since we're close to time, we'll Just go down to zero
and - uh - at the zero bias settings for you. And
there's a star out there. I don't know what it is.
The one I want is Fomalhaut. .'_y want to use that
for zero bias.

250 13 24 08 PLT Got to get the filter off the lens.

Dump Tape 250-05
Time : 1322-1324 G_fr.
Page 1 of 1

250 13 21 58 PLT This information goes to Bob Randle of the

American Research Center and - uh - Robert Nute,
Building 4. Temperature of the sextaht is 69 " " _
degrees, diotper is a minus 1.25. And - uh -
we're going to - uh - use star Nur_kl and - uh -
we're gonna put in on the - uh - limb [?] of the
Moon. I turns out that the Moon is different in
relate - positioned in relation to -_[unkinow. .:
It's - uh - actually quite close and - uh - from _i '
Nunki we'll be able to go to the close limb this
time because - u_h - the - uh - limb that is lit is ....
now on the - uh - Nunki is closest to the limb
that's lit is what I'm trying to say. So we got
the filters in here. We got the - both filters,
1.6 and the 1. still on the lower optical terrain.
That's the one we're going to shoot the Moon with.
And Nunki is out there, right handle of the tea
pot. Can't be more than about 5 degrees or so.

250 13 23 07 CC Skylab, Houston, through Guam, for 9-1/2 minutes.

250 13 23 i0 SPT Okay. Good morning there, Hank glad to hear from
_. you today. Guess you've Just received the watch.
And - uh - would you confirm from the ATM science
room - -

250 k3 23 2k PLT I;m supposed to be running in some zero bias, but

since we're close to time, we'll just go down to zero
and - uh - at the zero bias settings for you. And
there's a star out there. I don't know what it is.
The one I want is Fomalhaut. I._y want to use that
for zero bias.

250 13 24 08 PLT Got to get the filter off the lens. -

Time : 1322-1324 G_.ff.

Page 1 of 1
250 13 21 58 PLT This information goes to Bob Randle of the .....
f-_, American Research Center and - uh - Robert Nute, ......
Building _. Temperature of the sextant is 69
degrees, diotper is a minus 1.25. And - uh -
we're going to - uh - use star Nunki and - uh -
we're gonna put in on the - uh - limb [?] of the
Moon. I turns out that the Moon is different in
relate - positioned in relation to Hunki now.
It's - uh - actuallyquite close and - uh - from -
Nunki we'll be able to go to the close limb this
time because- uh - the - uh - limb that is lit is < - -
now on the - uh - Nunki is closest to the limb
that's lit is what I'm trying to say. So we got
the filters in here. We got the - both filters,
1.6 and the 1. still on the lower optical terrain.
That's the one we're going to shoot the Hoon with.
And Nunki is out there, right handle of the tea
pot. Can't be more than about 5 degrees or so.

250 13 23 07 CC Skylab, Houston, through G,_, for 9-1/2 minutes.

250 13 23 l0 SPT Okay. Good morning there, Hank glad to hear from
you today. Guess you've Just received the watch.
And - uh - would you confirm from the A_ science
room - -

250 k3 23 2k PLT I;m supposed to be running in some zero bias, but

since we're close to time, we'll Just go down to zero
and - uh - at the zero bias settings for you. And
there's a star out there. I don't .know what it is.
The one I want is Fomalhaut. _y want to use that
for zero bias.

250 13 24 08 PLT Got to get the filter off the lens. -


Tape250-06 _,._""'J"_
Time : 1327-1500 GMT
Page i of 12

250 13 27 31 PLT Oh, have I got ... I'll have made a

good guess.

250 13 28 25 PLT Now.

PLT Alright.

PLT Okay, stand by, we gotta wind up now.

250 13 29 13 PLT MARK. Here's the first mark is 5.372.

Here we go again.

250 13 29 52 PLT MARK. 5.396.

250 13 30 29 PLT MARK. 5.424. Just a minute, I gotta get

a bite of mY beef hash here. A little lat#
breakfast this morning because of that
flare. Terrible stuff - it's cold. Beef
hash for breakfast. How did they ever
figure that out, anyway. I've asked m_self
every six days, "How come I picked beef
hash for breakfast?"

/--" 250 13 31 33 PLT MARK. Number 4. We'll call it 5.460.

250 13 31 57 PLT MARK. 5.474.

250 13 32 26 PLT MARK. 5.495.

250 13 33 00 PLT MARK. 5.519.

250 13 33 35 PLT _i_. 5.548. Kill of this beef hash

before it gets cold - colder, I mes/l.

SPT One of you guys on channel A?

PLT Yeah, I am, for TO02.

SPT Okay, good enough. Thank you.

PLT I'll be on there till about sunset -

sunrise and - uh - want me to let
you know?
Dump Tape 250-06
Page 2 of 12

SPT No thanks, that's - that'll he fine.

PLT Have you got something critical, 07

You wanna put it on there, go ahead.
If it's time critical.

250 13 34 35 PLT MARK. 5.595 .... - wait a minute, I

might have done that wrong. No, it was
right. When you get close to a zero
like that sometimes the overlap of the
numbers isn't quite right. You gotta
be very careful. Could be 595 or 695
... is this was a 595, I as read it.

250 13 35 17 PLT MARK. 5.632.

" 250 13 35 43 PLT MARK. 5.658.

250 13 36 09 PLT MARK. 5.678. That must be about ten or so.

250 13 36 31 PLT MARK. 5.695.

250.13 37 06 PLT End of this. Won't have that for another

_" week. I'll wash it downwith a little
orange Juice, like the kids at home.
Good old beef hash. Now that it's gone,
I don't mind it a bit. Let's get
some more here .... across the way ... on.

250 13 37 54 PLT MARK. 5.772.

25_ 13 38 22 PLT MARK. 5.795.

250 13 38 49 PLT MARK. 5.825. On this - uh - Star to

Moon business, if you think you haven't
got the star quite lined up ... too
touchy to even move. You can sometimes
wait a little bit and if you got it in
the right place it'll - uh - the relative
motion between the star and the Moon
will Just put it where you want if you
wait the right amount of time. Just
wait till it gets to be where you want it.

250 13 39 h7 PLT MARK. 5.880. One thing about it, when

the star and the Moon are close together

D_mp Tape 250-06
Page B of 12

like this, the Moon puts a little bit

a - uh - kinda of glare on your - uh -
star optics. Your optical ... with the
stars heeds to - you got to - uh -
... though, not a problem.

25b 13 40 27 PLT MARK. 5.917.

250 13 40 52 PLT MARK. 5.945.

250 13 41 14 PLT MARK. 5.966. Well, have - let's ca]] it

that one session right there. Let
me get a little bit of corn flakes
now, and we'll start in another session.
And according to my tally, one more
session is a]] we need for star to
Moon. And I'd like yo1_ fellows to
confirm that.

250 13 41 57 PLT Sometime we gotta bump off that - uh -

star to horizon business but there a -
well, there's no horizon out there.
We need to get a - uh - ... higher
thanwe got now. Thinkwhat we got
now is close to zero. Started to get
those - star to horizon sightings. .'
But at night the horizon's on - on the
other side of the spacecraft - from
where we work with the sextant. Well,
that takes care of the corn flakes.
Looks kinda mushy. Left my breakfast
and went up to get that flare,
everything sat dowlq here - about an
hour. If your wife ever serves you
cold breakfast you can holler about
it, cook your own, you don't say tto

PLT Funny the way that works. Don't belive

my wife ever made me a cold breakfast.

PLT Now starting in here.

250 13 43 48 PLT MARK. 6.113.

Dump Tape 250-06
Page 4 of 12

250 1B 44 22 PLT MARK. 6.153. There stum is a ... in

our society these these days and - uh -
think ... you hadn't ought to think
of wives as just breakfast cookers and
things like that. Something different.
I think a woman's place is in the home.
She ought to go right home, straight
after work.

250 13 45 1B PLT MARK. Oops ... I bumped it with my thumb.

It's probably a bad omen after that
crummy Joke.

250 13 45 40 PLT Now there's a -

PLT MARK. And that's good one. That's going

to be 6.230.

250 13 46 i0 PLT MARK. 6.257.

250 13 46 46 PLT MARK. 6.291.

250 13 _7 12 PLT MARK. 6.349.

250 13 48 09 PLT MARK. 6.369. Naw, go ahead and open it,

O. I'll strugglealong,somehow. .

250 13 48 39 PLT MARK. 6.439. Getting a little horizon

in there now, but not enough time to do
anything with it. Gonna have to wait.
Gettina a horizon means we're getting
close to sunrise. I better get with it.

250 13 49 3_1 PLT MARK. 6.424.

250 13 49 35 PLT MARK. 6.439. Correction 449, 6.449, that

is. I've always had a hard time with
numbers, since I was a kid.

250 13 49 56 PLT MARK. 6.467.

250 13 50 32 PLT MARK. 6.500.

250 13 50 54 PLT MARK. 6.522.

250 13 51 19 PLT MARK. 6.541.

D_mp Tape 250-06
P_ge 5 of 12

250 13 51 40 PLT MARK. 6.557.

250 13 52 02 PLT MARK. 6.575. Getting awful light out

there. Light on the - uh - discone antenna
now, and solar panels. Pretty soon the
Old Sun will peeping above the Earth.
Peeping above the Earth for us, right
now, for for the people on the Earth
below us, it's still dark and will remain
that way for about I0 minutes.

250 13 52 38 .PLT MARK. 6.604. A person who likes sunrise

and sunsets, like I do, likes to
watch mostly sunsets. I don't watch
a lot of sunrises on Earth. If you're
that kind of person, this is
a great place to be, cause you get
sixteen of them every day - of each.

250 13 53 09 PLT MARK. 6.632. Now I'll get a couple more

and call it a night or a day or whatever
it is. Session - c_qSed it a session.

_ 250 13 53 34 PLT MARK. 6.649. 6.649, that was. Having

trouble with numbers agsJ.n.

250 13 53 58 PLT MARK. 6.669.

250 13 5_ 20 PLT MARK. 6.682. Still nobody's told me

after all these marks and what-not I've
taken what kind of data we - what kind of
orbit we've figured out we're in - from
this data.

250 13 54 51 PLT MARK. 6.709. That's gonna be it. That's

enough for another session at least and
more. So we're gonna call it a night on
this - uh - TO02. Temperature of the
sextant is now 74 degrees. We did our
zero biases already, so we're in good
shape. Sun's coming up. I consider that
to be enough marks for two l_ore sessions
of star to Moon. And like I ss/d, in
my tally it's - uh - all of 'erawe need
to do. So - uh - I'll be checking in
with you on that score. And in the mean-
time - uh - I'd llke to ss_v this infor-
mation goes to Bob Randall and Bob Nute.
• v r •

Dump Tape 250-06

Page 6 of 12

250 1B 55 38 PLT And - uh - that's the end of message.

Thank you for tolerating a11 this.

250 14 46 18 CDR This is the CDR. This message goes to

the Flight Directors, the Cap Comm,
the Flight Planners. Uh - I think we
ought to seriously think about this
T002 work that Jack's doing. Jack
has probably put in more work on T002
than anything else he's done in flight.
And that experiment - uh - Just doesn't
warrant that sort of work. Now he's
hustled like heck - uh - both the
scheduled time and non-scheduled time
to get it finished.

250 14 46 45 CDR He gets it finished today, then we get

a little word back fro_ the Cap Covmn
that - uh - we really aren't - he really
isn't finished - he's only about half
finished. And it just doesn't make sense
to devote that kind of work up here to
something like T002. He's taken sightings
_ since the day we got here. He's taken
them at Moon and star, star to star, and
star to anything. And - uh - coming back
and saying we want to get it spread over
for a few days. They got to spread over
a month or more. We can do it, and I
don't want you to think we're not looking
for work to do up here. But I honestly
think y'all ought to take a look at TO02.
That's like trying to schedule me to
unscrew a bunch of screws and screw 'am
in tomorrow and screw 'em in the next day
and unscrew them the next day, Just to
see if I can screw 'erain the next day
and unscrew them the following day. It's -
somethings out of Kilter - uh - with the
flightplanningdown there to keep him
doing that kind of work on T002.

250 14 47 39 CDR He spends more time on that than he does

anything but ATM, maybe, or sleeping.
He sleeps 8 hours, the ATM is about 3 or
4 and TO02 is about 2 or 3 and EREP's
about 1 or something. It's Just - it's
Dump Tape 250-06
Page 7 of 12

out of phase with importance of that

experiment. Maybe we ought to repeat
some experiments we got up here, maybe
you oughta to do two or three times. But
to do T002 again and again and again -
something's mixed up. Please take a look
at it again and see what you think.
Ms,be we don't understand the problem up
here, but we think we do. We think we
knew the priorities before we left, and
if he's just working - he's working all
sorts of flight time at a million bucks
an hour on TO02.

250 14 48 23 CDR Say, that message goes to Flight Directors,

Cap Coma, and also Flight Planners.
CDR out.

250 14 h8 47 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is M487-3 Delta which turns
out to be M487 - uh - subjective eval-
uation guide number 3. And that concerns -
concerns the ... and the task - now we
/_ haven't performed any ... - want to make
sure I got the right one. Now wait a
minute let me make sure I got the right
one, here.

250 14 h9 42 SPT Are you off the channel yet, Jack?

PLT Uh - go ahead, Owen. I'm Just starting

now, but - uh - go aeh_d.

250 14 h9 49 SPT Okay, this is a short message for the ATM

PIs and planners. We went through the
uh - post-flares phase looking at the
X-flare in active region 9. Everything
went Just about as scheduled. I would
like to point out that the ... in active
9 was established by peaking up S055
detector number 3, grading zero. When
you look at the correlation on the
H-alpha photograph, it'll look like we
are slightly off the brightest portion,
• which is true for the H-alpha. But the
XUV, I believe it's a little bit
higher in altitude, therefore it slightly
shifted toward the limb. And this was
Dmnp 250-06
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the XUV and therefore it makes

the r - the best place for the 82B slit.
It was also ... best for the 82B
slit as you should be able to tell from
the H-alpha down onth e television.
Uh - this did take a lO second short
time for 82B about every 5 to 8 minutes.
S055, I went through a mirror line
scan, a one grading auto scan on the
bright point there, and then a
sequence of partial mirror auto rasters,
that ... of the oxygen - uh - hydro-
electronic - uh - seuqence - or - uh -
various oxygen ... levels. And - uh -
I would like to have gotten up a
higher ... l'm afraid I Just skipped
that mode before I had to go to Sun center.

250 14 51 14 SPT I did go to Sun center at about - uh -

15 minutes time remaining and - uh -
went to extend the standards on S052 -
Just a couple of ... at the corona
by eye and some of the streamers between
120 and 150 degrees - uh - clockwise
from a pole do appeared to have dimished
in intensity. So it could very well
be there is - there is some change occuring
in the corona and this should - uh - be
visible on your prism, l'm sure. So that
about completes the - uh - debriefing
of that - uh - post-flare phase and
we'll be picking up on the normal
schedule next orbit. End of the -
uh - the debriefing - one other comment
before I end it up. I put a couple of
segments on the V2R, the last one I did
get time. The first one I did not
time tag, I forgot about putting it on
channel A, but it was right at the
beginning of the orbit.

250 14 52 07 SPT It was the first thing up as soon as the

Sun came up for the post-flare phase,
and - uh - time that was GMT. Let's
see if I can establish what it was.

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250 14 52 22 SPT Uh - it should have been about - uh -

13:55 to 34:00, in that time period. I
did get the - the earlier sequence of
the white light corona graph of the
XUV Mon, etc. Now this is the end of
the - uh - message to the ATM PIs and
planners from the SPT.

SPT Recorder is yours, Jack.

250 l_ 53 hl_ SPT Now one more brief comment for the ATM
PIs and planners. I did put some - uh -
JOP 7 extinction info on the end of that
last orbit and I may have done the same
thing - uh - No, I think that was probably
the only ones this morning. There is -
uh - one segment of extinction data there
for S055 to take a lock at. End of
additional cormnents for the _ uh - ATM.

250 14 55 38 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack again on

channel A. And now we're going to
M47-3 Delta. This is a subjective evalu-
_f ation guide number 3, the informationgoes
to - uh - primarily, I believe, Bob Bond
over at the ... and - uh - Bob Nute over
in building 4 might have - uh - interest
in this also. But the question today is
how do we evaluate, subjectively, our
major t_nks and the tools that we got do
•.. Uh - tool kit number 1 and tool kit
nt_nber 2, let's talk about those. Uh -
We got a wide assortment of tools and
they're most of the tools that we need to
do the Job. However, I think it would
better if we could get off the shelf
tools as much as possible because the
ones we got fit loosely. And - uh -
they just seem like - uh - ... fit when
you put them together. They're not the
kind of tools you'd btV at Sears and Roebuck
•.. craftsman line - uh - which I consider
to be very good tools and which are -
which ... together tightly and seem to be
more solid tools than the ones we got.
But so far the ones we've got have done
the job and I recognize that many of them
are specialized for special uses.
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/_ 250 l_ 57 01 PLT Uh - the - uh - Some of the that don't

fit the Mozite very well. They're loose
and we had to put tape around them or
over them to keep them in the Mozite,
particularly two of the ... We need to
have, I think, a couple of tools that we
don't have here. We could've used a
hack saw a couple of times. And - uh -
we used the Swiss army knife instead.
A couple of times we could have used a drill.
We ought to have a drill with a couple -
with some bits - Uh - I think that that
line ought a consider the same kind of
tools you got in your tool bench at home;
the ones you use most often, we have most
of those, except for a drill and a
hank saw. And then we also need the
specialized tools that we have°

250 l_ 57 52 PLT So basically the tools have been doing

a Job, and - uh - Just - They're not
the kind of tools I'd buy if I were going
to pick some up, they Just don't fit
together that well. But they do the job
/_ here. Repair kit - the item for
the repair kit not always been used .....
have one item in the kit that ... is the -
uh - the Velero - stick-back Velcro,
Velcro. And this was a complaint we had
before launch on this Velcro and we ...
on it. Somehow it didn't get fixed.

250 14 58 29 PLT The sticky-back Velcro - the problem is

that the - uh - the glue that holds the
Velcro to the sticky-back has less
strenth than the Velero to the Velcro. So
when you - uh - use one of these pieces
of Velcro and stick one side of it on
the wall and the other side on a card
or whatever you wanna stick to the
wall and th_n take the card off the Velcro
why - uh - you have the Velcro coming
loose and sticky back coming loose. What
you got is a real neat piece of backing
tape left on the locker and you got all
your Velcro card or vice-versa. So that
stuff doesn't work good.
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/'--'_ 250 lh 59 09 PLT The S190 maintenance kit, fortunately

we haven't had to use that very _eh•
Uh - the ... that we have used have
done the Job alright, but there's only
been minor things like - oh, well we
haven't used the wrenches, we haven't
had toreplace much equipment - uh -
the items that came up in the special
kit with S192 work satisfactorily. Just
the ... and I can't remember what else
but - uh - didn't really use much out
of the S190 maintenance kit, so it's
pretty hard to evaluate that equipment.
M512 tools - uh - we haven't used any of
them on this mission. We don't have much
to do with M512 on this mission. _ ...
you'll have to get somebody else to evaluate
them because my job during the EVA prep is
to do other things and the other two guys
•.. for maintenance.

250 15 00 13 PLT Okay, adequacy of work sites. Well, you take

whatever work sites you got, whether it's
good or bad - uh - you take it whatever it is.
/_ You recognize that we've done a lot more
maintenance up here than anybody expected
we would. And - tub - basically, as for as
doing work tasks are concerned, I don't see
a whole lot of difference from doing them
here than you would at home• The only thing
is you've got to hold things down, you can't
lay Veto down, you've got to tape 'era to some-
thing or - uh - or - uh - One handy thing is
Just to lay out a piece of tape, sticky side
up, and stick your stuff to it. Nuts and
bolts - ui% - tools - uh - sometimes I use a
tool eady if I've got lots of parts to contain
and lots of tools why, I'll stick that out.
Otherwise, I'll just stick them in my pocket,
stick the bolts on a piece of tape or some-
thing like that. The - uh - tool caddy little
pockets with the windows in it come in handy
to keep nuts and bolts in - uh - the - uh -
little rings on there or clips or dog clips
Dump Tape 250-06
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have been used to hang on to some of

the tools and so has the Velcro sad - uh -
little pockets with the - in the elastic.
So the tool caddy has come in useful %'hen you
want to - uh - to - uh - to retain lots of
parts or lots of tools. And I've never worn it
around my waist, I've always Just stuck
it somewhere so really the waistbelt
.. hasn't done me much good. Although different
guys may use it different ways.

250 15 01 51 PLT But mostly for me a pocket to carry things

to a certain location in sad I'll fastened
to the w_]] or pick it up somehow so that
uh - it's within reach but not on - around
my waist. Some of the work sites we've used
other than those locations that the work
needed to be done at were a - that is, some of
the work sites we've used which are other
than those at which the actual work is being
performed depends on the - uh - food lockers
for example, a nice, clean, flat surface,
put springs on there, sad hold things down
_ and - uh - work on them. Standthere in the
grid sad support yourself and - uh - so - uh -
found that the food lockers is a good place
to work. And I've worked on the tape recorders
the re.

250 16 02 h0 PLT Also - uh -

Time: 15:00 - 15:13 GMT 7A-- C---
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250 14 59 48 PLT Never really used much on the S190 main-

tenance kit, so it's pretty hard to
evaluate that equipment. M512 tools -
uh - we haven't used any of them on
this mission. We don't have much to
do with M512 on this mission. EMU
_-_utenance kit - you'll have to get
somebody else to - uh - evaluate that
because my job during the EVA prep was
to - _h - do other things, and the other
two guys did _4U maintenance. Okay,
adequacy of work sites - uh - well,
you take whatever work site you got.
Whether it's good or bad - uh - uh -
you take it wherever it si.

250 15 00 22 PLT I guess you recognize that we've been

doing a lot more maintenance up here
than anybody expected we would. And
- uh - basically as far as doing work
tasks are concerned - uh - I don't see
a whole lot of difference from doing
.... them here than you would at home. The
only thing is you got to hold things
down. You can't lay them down. You
got to tape them to something or -
uh - or - uh - One handy thing is just
to lay out a piece of tape - uh - sticky
side up, and stick yourself to it.

250 15 O0 51 PLT Uh - nut and bolts or pieces of - u_h -

Sometimes I use the tool caddy if
I've got lots of parts to contain and
lots of tools, why I'll take that out.
Otherwise, I'll just stick one in my
pocket, stick the bolt on a piece of
tape, or something like that. Uh -
the - uh - tool caddy - uh - little
pockets with the windows in them
come in handy to keep nuts and bolts
in. Uh - the - uh - the little - uh -
rings on there are clipped so when the
dog clips have been used to - uh -
Dump Tape 250-07
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hang onto some of the tools, mud -

... velcro and the little pockets with
the - in the - uh - elastic. So the
tool caddy is kind of useful for when
you want to - uh - to - uh - to - uh -
retain lots of parts or lots of tools.

250 15 01 40 PLT And I've never worn it around my waist

. I've always Just stuck it somewheres,
so really the waist belt hasn't done
me much good - uh - although, differ--
ent guys may use it different ways.
Mostly, fo me, a pocket - uh - is to
carry things to a certain - uh - loca-
tion in. And then I'll fasten them to
the wall or - uh - pick it up somehow
so that - uh - it's - uh -within.
reach but not on my - on my waist.
Some of the o_Tk sites we've used -
uh - other than those locations that
uh - the owrk needed to be done at,
were - uh - That is, some of the work
siteswe've used which are other than
those at which your actual work is
being performed have been on the - uh -
food lockers for example - a nice big
flat surface - put springs (?) on
there, and - uh - hold things down and -
uh - work on them. Stand there on the
grid, support yourself, and - uh - so -
uh - found the food lockers was good
place to work.

250 15 02 37 PLT And I worked in the tape recorder center.

Also - uh - at the top of the - uh -
waste management - uh - vent filter cover
is another reasonably good place to work
until we have better ways to hold things
down. But it's a nice flat surfact which
is about desk height. Set yourself down nes
to it and go to work there. Other work
... we've done has mostly all been done at
the site where the Job needs to be done.
You Just take what you get when you get
there. Figure out away to wrap your legs
around something and go to work on it is
Dump Tap3 250-07
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about the only way to do it. But - uh -

as far as performance half is concerned,
there's - uh - not much difference in being
able to do the Job than there would be if
you were at home.

250 15 03 17 PLT Adequacy of lighting for work toasks - uh -

In some cases okay, and in most cases it's
• not. In most cases or look at
something closely or find• out - uh - how
the nuts and bolts come off in the prefer-
ential order and all that sort of thing
you gotto get out a flashlight to take
250 15 03 38 PLT Adequacy of onboard data package - uh -
toolwise - uh - I guess _ don't know what
that means. As for as the - uh -house-
keeping-type items, where you replace
components, I think the - uh - the adequacy
of onboard data has been very good. The
housekeeping - uh - maintenance tasks and
the systems checklists are very explanatory
- and - uh - and - uh - if - if anything
theyre conservative and telling you too
many things as opposed to - uh - not tell-
ing you enough. So think they're goo. It's
better to be on that side than any other

250 15 04 18 PLT Preflight prep for maintenance tasks -

uh - the - uh - tasks that we've per - been
perfor - performing that - uh - where we
were trained preflight for - uh - if pre-
flight for - uh - if preflight training
wasn't very adequate - very good - we haven'
performed all those tasks that we've trained
for - those which we have trained for - why
uh - the preflight training was good. We
performed maintenance tasks that we were
trained for preflight and - uh - we need
your help ... for the most part have been
very explanatory in - in defining and
outlining how to do those Jobs. Training
was good and - uh - data that we got on
board then which we got teleprinted up is
awful good. Mantience
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250 15 05 07 PLT Maintenance tasks - solids traps - works

Just like the trainer. You got to be
careful - uh - that you turn those fans
off ... going to start floating around
inside those solids traps. So you
got to get that lid - lid down. And
you can't fool aroun a moment too much
'cause the stuff comes flying out. So
you got to be very careful when taking
the solid traps off not to bump them.
You take the little - uh - uh - long
bolt out of there with the handle on it
very carefully and gently and - uh -
with some - uh - some - uh - right
amount of ... so you catch all the junk
in there before it gets out..

250 15 05 44 PLT And the Mol sieve charcoal cans " I

haven't done one of those yet. PPCO 2

inlet/outlet cartridges - they're Just
as easy as - uh - there on the ground.
PPO2 cartridgesthe same way. No
problem with that at all. EVA/IVA
coolant gas separator - I haven't done
that yet but - uh - if it's as much
a pain in the neck up here as it is
on the ground, it's a bad job. It's
close place to work. You can't get
the forces that you need to get exerted
on the - uh - connectors to - uh -
do the job right. It's a lot of strain
and a lot of sweat and grunting and
complaining about that one. Although
I haven't done it up here, I've done
it on the ground. And - uh - I don't
remember but one out of many times
that I was able to get all the connectors
hooked up. And I understand the one
on board works better from P2F2 data,
but I haven't had a chance to pull it off
yet. But if you ever design other places -
uh - to work in that's the kind you don't
want to design.

250 15 06 4R PLT The WMC vent filter we haven't - I

haven't replaced that yet, although
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I have - uh - removed the ... hole

vent filter to cover - uh - to clear
the area for - uh - flying the maneuver-
ing unit. And you Just pick that
thing up and move it wherever you want
it to. It's a pleasure to get around
after hauling that - uh - big blivet
around and in one g, it's a pleasure
to move things up here. There's nothing
to it at all. They don't tend to get
away from me. You really don't notice
a whole lot of inertia. You Just
loosen them enough to float, smd then
you Just sort of ease them over to
another place and fasten them down
with astropin, and there it is. You
don't have to worry about anymore.
It's a pleasure to move big items a-
round here because it's just so darn
easy, so much easier than it is on
the ground that you Just like to be
beating the game or beating the system,
for one thing, I guess you might

250 15 07 42 PLT For the WMC charcoal canister - I

guess that's the one I haven't replaced -
uh - and that's the one I've been talking
about. Now the WMC vent filter - uh -
Replaced that a couple of times and that's
no problem item. You just want to have
everything clean before you do that be-
cause if you turn off the fan and get
the filter away from the blower, why -
uh - the minute the vent starts flying
around then you want to have a bag ready
or something to put it in right away.

250 15 08 14 PLT Fecal collector filter - uh - I haven't

replaced one of them myself yet ....
Cleaning items. Orbital workshop air mix
chamber screens, vent - WMC vent filter,
and AM/0WS circulation filter screens are
all cleaned at the same time. And you
don't have to turn them off on nothing.
You just go up there and - uh - take
off the big items that the vacuum cleaner
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mightnot like and - uh - throwthem

in with the trash and then all the rest
of the crumbs and chips and peanuts and
pins and fingernails and hair and - and
all the other stuff that collects on
them comes right off. If you want to
find anything, you look on the - the
workshop clear air mixing chamber screen.
It collects the cue cards and pencils
and the - and foam rubber and - uh -
whatever you're missing, why that's
where it shows up.

250 15 09 09 PLT If it doesn't show up in the next few

minutes, it'll show up in a couple of
hours or a couple days. And - but we
haven't lost anything I know of around
here except one of .._ things and it's
probably sticking to some .... somewhere.
Unscheduled replacement items - uh -
we haven't replaced th4 faus. It
doesn't look like it will be a pro-
blem. Valves - Don!t remember replacing
any - replacing these valves or seal
meters - lights - ... lights that we
replaced and - uh - little light bulbs
in the airlock - uh - lights that ...
handhold. And - uh - it's like plugging
in any light bulb. They keep it there.
They burn out fairly readily.

250 15 I0 01 PLT We - uh - did a few other unscheduled

items. Uh - one was the APR changout.
And that was Just a matter of time, and
we got that done with no problem Just
like you would at home. Replaced the
dtnmp heater probe with no problem. That -
that's an unscheduled repair item as
well. Identify task and evaluate - Well,
we - uh - repaired a few things. We
worked some the S019, and - uh - got it
fastened to the deck, and it with a
flashlight and got the appropriate tools
and adjusted things as we saw necessay.
And we had several opinions on how to do
it. and I came up with the best one.
We've repaired the - uh - bike - bicycle
ergometer. And that's when we could've
used the hacksaw or the drill force to get
out that busted off screw.
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250 15 ll l0 PLT And we replaced that - uh - repaired it

with no problem. The way that was done -
see, we know that broken-off screw which
was broken off flush with the pedal was
to - uh - the triangle on the pedal ...
we started with the bone saw but that
didn't do much good and I finally came
up with the idea of using the - uh -
the - uh -my Swiss army knife. And it
did the job. It made an awful big groove,
but it was - uh - still small enought to -
uh - And the Swiss arm knife was good
enough to cut through that - uh - triangle
... on the pedal and - uh - also for
screwing at the same time ... the screw-
driver backed up is you put a - secondly -
uh - cut a slot in the - uh - into the
screw and the - uh - end of the busted-off
screw - and screw it out with a screwdriver.
The same thing you'd pzobably do at home
except you'd probably use a drill at home,
which you can have. Had we had a drill,
we'd of gone to work with that first.

250 15 12 17 PLT We came along with the hacksaw idea later,

but...- ."

• pz;
\- Time : 1620-1621 OZT
1 of1
250 16 18 26 PLT ... pretty hard to ...

250 16 19 39 PLT ..., I think - -

250 16 20 22 CDR Okay, this is for the A_.!science room. I"

Just completed - uh - the - tub - uh -
operations beginning at 15:29. It _mnt
nominal. Ue got ever_thing in %_ith about
h minutes left before - uh - or about
3 minutes left before effective Sunset or
6 minutes to go. I noticed that the - uh -
I_./_.GE I/,T_'2_ISITY
COUi_ had some up to
35 or 40, so I _nt over, ... around and
found that, sure enough, active region
19 was putting out a little subflere. Since
82B seems to be a little thight on film,
I didn't roll. I just - tub - peaked up - tub -
55, _hich peaked up around 5 thou and
ran HIRROR LIIYE SCAN until effective sunset.

250 16 21 02 CDR CDR out.

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Time: 1756-1759 GMT
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250 17 57 07 CDR CDR debriefing the run that occured

at - uh - 17:03. Went completely
nominal. I did building - I did
54 in each - uh - a 2871 both time_,
a 2872. No, one thing that was a
little bit different - Before the
run I did a 52 STANDARD, and at the
end of the run I did a 52 STANDARD°
And then during B run on 56, I
intended to give them SINGLE FRAMES
l, 3, _ud 5, - uh - and - uh - SINGLES.
One time I gave 'em SINGLE FRAMES -
at SHORT. One time I gave 'em a
one. It didn't say anything, but I
Just wanted to do it and PATROL, SHORT.
So I attempted to try to omit some
of the 56 frames to build up some
backlog there. If this is not a good
procedure, please let us know.

250 17 57 59 CDR CDR out.


2 010
Time: 1850 - 1912 (_4T
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/_. 250 18 25 47 SPT Okay, this is the SOT on channel A with

information about S063's run. Tha's com-
ing up - starts in abut 5 minutes. And
I'll go through all the c_mera settings
and things. Got the visible camera mounted
down there in the wardroom. Everything
is just - uh - at the following settings:
F/ll, 1/250, focused at infinity, shutter
is cocked, and the motorfun - motor func-
tion ring is on 10. Matter of fact, U
Just tracked the ground target here there
with a visible - uh - montage
which - uh - uh - cocked and - tub - did -
uh - trigger off the - uh - visible camera.
as it is supposed to be. So the visible
is working well. Im' coing to doublcheck
a11 of my - my settings and everything
one the UV camera but not take an extra
exposure. I have it setting on F/2. I
have a UV twin filter on and I've got it
in the 2700 Angstrom position. OUr first
photograph here is 4 seconds. I have 4
seconds set on this ring on the side -
don't know whwat we call that ring - that's
_. set at h and my timer is Nikon zero,my
timer number 2 and I am Just rotating out
of off into the h-second position right
now. It's set on 4. So both of those
are set on 4.

250 18 57 06 SPT My twin filter is set on 2700 and we've

Just passed 57 minutes past the hour.
OUr first photograph is 19:02; that's
still 5 minutes. So I'll - uh - make sure my
levers are not trapped. Incidentally,
uh - the rest of these settings on my -
uh - UV camera on T on the conset [?] at the
top and the motor drive on the back is
also set at T. I have the - uh - c_mera
strapped and also th viewfinder strapped,
the sides strapped so they're both nice
and stable today. I think that's got
a good way to do it, you ought let Ed Gibson
uh Wayy, you ought to practice over in the

Dump Tape 250-10
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_ trainerwith this tape. Uh - the way

you stand in the trainer, the tape runs
up and down - uh - to the frame, to the -
uh - little - uh - looks like a gimbal
ring. And - uh - that tape really holds
that optical sight stable.

250 18 58 09 SPT Okay, uh - Im just going to try to track

a couple here as we wait. Engage the
lever and - uh = big actuator switch looks
pretty good. Tracking nice and smoothly.
Can't see many miles of air down there.
Couple miles. Let's see, take about 4 miles
to be a degree at this altitude, so
couple of miles, maybe. Oop! There we
are at the top. Okay, disengage the
• drive,move it back to the bottom. And
it does look kike we're all set. Uh -
about halfway through here. They're
telling me take a look for an airplane
and contrails flying along at about 95
degrees west. Somewhere near our Houston
longitude. Expect it'll be not too far
from the coast, although I don't know
exactlywhere we're passing on this orbit
I haven't had a chance to check the U.S.
slides chart.

250 19 00 05 SPT Looks like it ought to be just southeast

in a way. I don't know how far out in
the Gulf. Anyway, we'll keep our eyes open
fo that.

250 19 00 26 SPT Okay, we still got a minute and a half

to go. And I'm gonna check _ levers now.
Visible is cocked. And the UV is cocked.
Got them both set at & seconds. And we're
going to make two L-second exposures.
One in each wavelength.

250 19 00 58 CC Skylab, Houston. Stateside for 16 minutes.

CDR Okay, Just as soon as you lock up to this

station, I'll send you down the ATM infor-
mation. And by the way, I just locked on
a star, so you might want to check it.
v Dump Tape 250-10
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CC Okay, and we got an answer on your TV ll.

And we'd like to - uh - to do that if
you can work it in.

CDR Okay, we will.

250 19 01 23 PLT Hank, do you need the whole thing, or was

there anything of what we did the other day
that we could just add on to and that
way - uh - -

SPT 30 seconds to go.

PLT - - on the VTR.

SPT Okay, at high series here we are to pick

out something.

CC - - what's on the - uh - flight plan

3_I Bravo, Alfa, Bravo, Charlie and Echo.

PLT Okay.

_ 250 19 01 _I SPT The Vernier drive is engaged, both are

cocked; we do have a filter, i0 seconds.

CC CDR, Nu Z update looks good. You can

close the shutter.

250 19 01 53 SPT Okay, start my tracker now. Okay, there's

a good color right there, tracking it.
Stand by.

CC • As you've probably noticed, just for info,

we've had a subnormal flair in active
region 9-, it began at 18:58.

250 19 02 ii SPT MARK UV.

CDR Rog. It was a little bity one.

SPT Are visible.

250 19 02 16 SPT MARK. end of UV. Okay.

Dump Tape 250-10
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CDR The question is, are you locked up yet,

and I'll give you the down-link.

SPT Okay, that one works fine.

CC We're checking the site.

CDR Okay, I've stayed at Sun center here an

extra 3 or h minutes - -

250 19 02 31 SPT It's in drive filter to the bottom. Okay,

I'm switching filters, selecting 3200.
And we're ready for another photograph.
We engage the drive. We increase that

" CC okay, CDR ... configured--

SPT We engage that l0.

CDR - - rotate - -

SPT Both still 4 seconds.


CDR - - come back - -

SPT Okay, there's a good target. Tracking.

250 19 03 08 SPT MARK UV. Was visible.

250 19 03 ll SPT MARK UV. Okay, that's all tracked.

Okay, disengage the drive. Return it to
the bottom. Reset UV cam, reset the
visible cam. First wavelength going back
to 2700, which is now selected. The time
we're going to change to 8 seconds. We're
going to have about three - l, 2, 3 of these.
Okay, 8 seconds is being set. That's set
and the timer switch to 8 seconds. Okay,
we want this exposure to start at 0h,
beginning right now. We are engaged.

CDR Okay, I took the XUV MON.


Dump Tape 250-10

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SPT And we're starting to track. Okay, we're


250 19 04 24 SPT M;,/_KUV. Was visible.

250 19 04 32 SPT MARK UV. 0kayk that got it, should

a been a goody. Second one. Engage the
drive. Move that to the bottom and
reengage. Reset the cam. Reset the UV
cam. 45 we want another 27 at time
now. Okay, I'm tracking.

CDR Okay, that finishes the little H-alpha

Nu Z ... active regions at once and then
I'll depart from Sun center.

CC Okay, we copy.

250 19 05 08 SPT MARK UV. Was visible.

250 19 05 17 SPT MARK UV. Disengage the drive. Move it at

the bottom, reset the UV cam. Reset the
other. Uh 270530 track now. Let's
_- reengage. And we are tracking.

25- 19 05 50 SPT MARK UV. Was visible.

250 19 05 58 SPT MARK UV. Okay.

SPT Now engage the drive. At the bottom.

Reset UV. Reset the visible. At 06:30
we want a 32. Okay, switching to 32,
and we also want a 16-second exposure.
We will hurry. Let's reset the 16.
Got three selected at 16. Okay, we go,
engage the drive. Okay, they're driving.
See the coastline, I'm not seeing any
airplanes. Contrail tracking.

250 19 06 h3 MARK UV. Was visible.

250 19 06 59 SPT MARK UV. Okay, should be the direct.

Okay, the - uh - drive is disengaged.
Moving it all the way to the bottom.
For a change, I think thigs went smoothly
as planned.
Dump Tape 250-10
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SPT Okay.

SPT Close the SAL door, we're not getting any

c._mera settings here.

CDR ... give them a GRATING AUTO SCAN right

on the little white dot...

250 19 08 01 SPT sAL door is closed and locked. And would

you believe we're sitting on frame
number 14 on the Nikon 02, with the
pads still in it, three of em as planned,
14 still the ones remaining.

CDR Get on - uh - H-alpha ...

SPT And over visible camera, as entered has-

uh - 6 frames remaining. Could be 7,
it's a little ... to read. Control, 6
or 7.

250 19 08 58 SPT Control at 6 and that will be seven

fr_-_s used, I used - uh - six for the -
_f_ uh - ovservations and one - uh - we're
taking as _ - as a test to make sure it
was hooked up correctly. So they both -
uh - have taken thy correct number of
frames. And - uh - let's see if there
is any other remards that you're interested
in. You got the itme hacks and every-
thing an/ it's coming up on 09:30
right now, which should match with the
time setting on the tape. Let me give
you a mark to ms_ke sure. Stand by.

250 19 09 30 SPT MARK. 09L30. Got all my marks on the

tape or to when to exposures started. They
were close to the tlme's on the pad.
And the exposure numbers have been recorded
Any other pertinent comments I cannot
think of except for the fact that I did
not see that aircraft. Had I ahd - uh
Just an opportunity to - uh - look for the
airplane alone, maybe so - uh - but the
exposures that you have given me there
Dump Tape 250-10
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are very tightly packed in time, as I

guess you can tell. And - uh - uh - there's
really not much time other than to get on
a target. And you let your eyes wander
around trying to find an airplane contrail
while you're trying to track a target
you'll just make a mess of the tracking
Job, so I didn't see a contrail but also
did not have much of a chance to look for
it. And there seems to be no other per-
tinent comments. And - uh - I'll be -
uh - shutting off the tape recorder. End
of the message for the S063 PIs, Dr. Packer.
And uh Wally Teague and Jack Lew.

250 19 l0 31 SPT SPT out.


Dump Tape 250-11
Time: 1929-2055 GMT
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250 19 34 53 CDR Did GRATING AUTO SCAN there.

The ... 12 did the proper
thing there, then went down
to the half of the grating
auto scan, went back to the
center of the limb and de-
manned San-centered JOP 7.
I did not start MIRROR LINE
SCAN at 2 minutes; started
about 01:45, and I started
the white light at about
01:20 instead of 01:25
Everything else was entirely
nominal. Nothing special to
report. CDR out.

250 20 21 33 CDR Okay, we're now recording.

This is CDR. We're getting
ready to make our EREP run.
I'm going to give you a
check off reading or the
monitor decals, okay? Two
F is 19 percentacceptable.
That's all on A of course
Five is - uh - _6 percent
acceptable, 6 - uh - is 0 to
7 and the number is 0, so
that's acceptable .... Let's
go back to 1. Let's go for B
now. B-2 is 62, acceptable;
B-B, 76, acceptable; B-b, 72,
acceptable; B-5, 74, accept-
able. Six could be anything,
and it's good. Eight is about
l, and 9 is about 57; so that's
a good one. Let's go for C
now. C-2, 44, acceptable; C-3
- uh - 89, - uh - that's close
to the limit; we won't worry
about it. Four 76 and that's
acceptable; 5, 84, that's good
Dump Tape 250-11
Page 2 of 15

enough. Six is h7, that's

acceptable; 7 is 51, accept-
able. Have to go back C_
C-2 is 86, acceptable. No

250 20 23 38 CDR C-2 is not acceptable_ should

he 71. That's the way it goes.
Three is 85; that's not acceptable.
Four is 72; that's good enough.
Five is 13; that's good enough.
Six is - uh - 66; that's good.
And so we've had a couple out of
limit, but we won't worry about
it. Let me reread you the numbers
though, if I may. C-7, [sic] 31;
B-8, not i; C-7, 51; D-6, 57.
Everything 's okay. Mode to READY
on 92. Door OPF_N.

250 20 25 58 CDR Got to figure ZLV in 5 .minutes.

CDR I guess that showed up on the TV.

SC (Laughing)

CDR ...Okay,192. Let me read the •

preop configuration check, if I
may. Tape recorder ON; ready
ON; 92 ON; ready ON. Go to CHECK;
and door OPEN. Ninety-one ON,
cooler ON, door OPEN. And we
know it's always open.

CDR Ninety ON, ready out, stand by,

door is OPEN. Right? Ninety-three
stand by, ready OUT. Ninety-three
OFF, ready OUT. Ninety-three A
OFF ready OUT, 94 ON, ready ON.
Preop config is verified and ac-
cepted as correct.

250 20 27 01 CDR Two seven; 3 minutes to ZLV.

PLT Yes siree, bobble.

CDR Three minutes to the big Z.

Dump Tape 250-11
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CDR Where are we coming across today,

Jack ?

PLT That 's it.

CDR ... huh? Okay. Shoot, we could

have done an EREP pass on the
next pad. We ought to do three
EREPs in a row. If we could
dump at night.

250 20 27 39 CDR They might. They've got that

new film now. It might be a good
thing. How much film do we have
of our own remaining?

CDR That's what I flgurid. Of course "

they could always shoot - shoot
it up like crazy if they'd get
this mind to shoot. That's a
piece of cake. That's nothing.
How many day_ we got? Eighteen
days to go? No, we don't really.
Have we got about 12 days, 13 days
/'_" to go, EREP days?

250 20 28 35 CDR I don't know. Take 251, whatever

that is. We're reading this -
h2. There's the answer.

CDR Jack, we've got to go there in one

minute. Yes/q, ZL day h2. We can't
do it 60, but 59 or 58. Fifty-seven
is EVA day. So 56; 42 to 56.

CDR You know we're going to get the


CDR ... Get as many as we can.

Shoot this stuff up. Okay,
you've got 20 seconds. Got the
time loaded in? It's 3 minutes,
no doubt. You've got the bias
standing by.

Dump Tape 250-11
Page 4 of 15

250 20 29 54 CDR The w_y. It's the way I want

you to check me. Watch me like
a hawk.

CDR Did you mib? No mibbing ten deg-

rees out and wide; that's it.
I've got to get ready, here.
I've got to go 193 to A STAND BY
in a moment.

250 20 30 40 CDR I know, I've got you. I got it

right here; don't worry about it.

PLT (Laughing) Here we go again.

CDR It's 2031, 193A.

250 20 31 00 CDR MARK, on 193A to STAND BY. Attaboy.

Pulled that one off didn't I? Right
on time. We do the entry burn
that well, we've got it made.

PLT How are you hearing me? Okay?

"/_ CDR I hear you so well that it's

incredible. Too well.

PLT Right. I tuuderstand.

CDR ... an EREP target, 34:48, That's

like about 3 minutes from now.

PLT Nadir swath at - uh - ol.

CDR You're going to swath it.

PLT Forty-one to 42:40 swath it.

You're going to swath N_xice,
or swath BaJa, both of which
are Mexico. See what I have after
this. A little ... arts personal
hygiene, so watch out. Then a
little presleep and then a little
ATM. Then a littlepresleep
and ATM. A presleep at a crazy
time. Too much presleep . Got to
get that cut down.
Dump Tape 250-11
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250 20 32 34 CDR Hey, 34:48. Couple of minutes

to go.

PLT Hutchinson, Salina, Milford

Reservoir in Tuttle Creek.
That's the one we're after.
(Laughter) We're going to get
them. No problem. Good old
Tuttle Creek. Sight for sore
EREP eyes. Here we are. 270 miles
in space. Checking our watches.
Coming across the big U.S.

PLT You only got 8 minutes. Good.

SC Good. Got 1 minute to EREP STARTED.

CDR Oh. Gitchie-gitchie goo (Laughter)

250 20 34 48 CDR MARK. EREP to START. 193R OFF.

It's off Mib 35, A ON and F
And 194 mode MANUAL c0mplete.
"/_ 35:20 and you can get auto cal.
Auto cal punched. Light out.
Thirty-eight,the light will be on. •

PLT Before you power that thing

down, we're goingto take a little
more TV. Okay?

CDR Let's take it; whenever you say.


PLT I'll go get the pad.

250 20 35 40 CDR We've got time to do it.

PLT Before the lights - while the lights

arestill on.

CDR All right.

PLT Dub in - we'll dub in - uh -

closing this door and opening
it, and there'll be some land
going by or some water or something.

Dt_p Tape 250-11
Page 6 of 15'
/ \

CDR Sounds good. We'll have to

trip the TV down. 3800.

PLT If I could get over there and get

tansing, too.

CDE Do _hat

PLT Get over and get Lansing. I don't

know. It's pretty far off course;
I guess not.

CDE What've you got when you them?


PLT I've got that site right there.

CDB 0h, there's the site there.'

PLT Yeah. Can't Include that far,


f CDE 3800 is 191. They're gettinga


250 20 37 01 CC 8kylab, Houston. We're with

you for 16-1/2 minutes of stateside,
and are you through with the VTR?

CDR You bet. But we 're going to add

the - we're not finished - uh -

CC Excuse me?

CDR We're going to have to take a

few of these - ones - uh - of
these EREP pictures he_e, right
after the run. Then we'll be
finished, if that's okay with you.
And then we'// rewind it for you.

250 20 37 25 CC Okay, good show. And for information -

uh - some of the sites along the
last part of your track there,
the weather deteriorated - uh -
uh - to maybe eight tenths -

Dump Tape 250-i1
Page 7 of 15

uh - full coverage - uh - so you

may have a little trouble with
those VrS sites, PLT.

CDR He won't; I know him. He'll get

the two tenths. Fill them in.
Don't let it get in out way.
Let's try it. 191 ready ON, go
to REFERENCE 6. I'm there.
13:30 we're going to go A STAND BY

PLT Where is the weather changing

there? Last few sites. (Laughter)

PLT Last two?

CDR Last few, he said.

PLT Last few? That's all there is,

is a few. Is this the last few
or the fir,st few (Laughter)?

f CDR 38:30comingup. A STANDBY and

R STAND BY. Done. Sent him
back to 38:42, with his F ON and

PLT Bad weather is good for that

first one, there.

250 20 38 42 CDR F ON. R ON. Okay, now we're

looking for 39:03, which is
190 mode to AUTO. 39:03, let's
watch it. Two, three, okay,
mode to AUTO. Now we look for
hO :30.

PLT How do you like the maneuver?

We're going back to SI, see?

CC Pad looks good.

PLT Uh - thank you.

CDR How are we looking, Jack?

Dump Tape 250-11
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PLT Oh, ho, we just crossed BaJa.

CDR If that IMC works for you, you

might be able to get it, with
those eight tenths coverage.

CC Okay, the weather, is at sites 407,

special 07 and 528 are the ones
that deteriorated.

PLT Bad news.

250 20 39 39 CDR Is there anything else.

CC Special 01 might all be all right.

CDR Gives us some competition. 40:30,


250 20 39 58 PLT 41, hl. I'm waiting for. _l. One

more minute.

CDR One more minuteto to, Jac}_.

CC Site 528 is - uh - thin cirrus.

You may be ableto get through

PLT We're give her a whirl, if we

can see her, Hank.

CDR Standing by for 40:30.

250 20 40 30 CDR MARK. READY. Tape recorder

is up to speed.

PLT No DAC on the first one.

PLT Okay.


PLT Okay, we're coming up on - uh -

some weather-here, which is what
we're looking for, for this first
nadir swath, and there will be no
DAC on this one.

250 20 40 51 PLT MARK. We hit some clouds.

PLT Our pass today - uh - space

fans brings us up over - uh -
BaJa; Tucson; Albuquerque; Omaha;
Breen B_y, Wisconsin; over the -
uh - straits of Mackinac, and up
_ into Canada. Up over Newfoundland.

CDR Got it 41:30. Everything

going well. 41:30. Light out
Just like they say. STAND BY.
Three three three, intervalometer 10.
193A to MODE 1.

PLT Sitting about down there, a patch

of ctunulus clouds.

250 20 41 41 CDR 365.

•PLT Once in a while we hit a patch

of them.

CDR Got it.

PLT Hey, we're in a patch now.

Sonna pass.

250 20 41 46 PLT MARK.

CDR Stand by for 42:43.

PLT We're out of it.

25020 ]41
49 PLT MARK. •


PLT Four miles a second.

CDR h2:h3.

PLT A thousand, i; a thousand, 2;

a thousand, 3; a thousand, _.
That's h miles, how about that?

Dump Tape 250-11
Page i0 of 15

CDR Everything' s running along

here Just perfect. In the MODE
AUTO. 42:43. How the big O.
is doing down there?

PLT You on down there, rookie?

PLT He's on. I'm hearing you on channel B,

there. Let's get on A.

250 20 _2 36 CDR AUTO.

'PLT Okay, that's right 5.2. 54 Here

we are, up near the - -

SP MODE AUTO, okay? Next we're

looking for _3:15, to pole 4.

250 20 42 59 PLT Okay, we're set up, waiting.

Don't like the weather at all,
it's overcast. Exactly 1/25th
where it is. Standing by for

CDR Standing by for _3:15, alum dum.

I can't- -

PLT How's the weather in Des Moines?

CDR 45"43.

PLT You got weather in Des Moines,

Hank? Ssy again?

CDR Not talking.

250 20 hB 28 PLT Hell. Okay. We'll fire him_

I guess. Got l0 seconds to go,
and probably - -

CDR Socked in.

PLT It's socked in over - uh -

Topeka, also.. Well, that was
Dump Tape 250-11
Page ll of 15

time, zero. We'll be seeing

Des Moines in - we'll be leaving
that up, hole in the overcast.

250 20 46 O0 CC CDR, Houston. Did we get in an

41:07? Stand by.

CDR You better believe it. It's


CC Okay.

CDE Okay. Thanks for checking, though.

PLT 44:32, going for backup sites.

PLT It was completely overcast,

407m 408, Hank.

CC Oh, we'll pass.

PLT That was an easy one, too.

SPT Eastern half of the country

looks a little better.

CDE Good.

CDE Back on, huh?

PLT I think it's clobbered in Des Moines,

too. Looks like it is.

SPT Going to be mostly clear up

here ahead of us about 3 or 4
to 3 ...

PLT You're down there, Des Moines,

I can't see you. Turn DAC off and
save the film. Few section
lines down here, is all.

PLT Hey, you're right about Des Moines,

Dump Tape 250-11
Page 12 of 15

z f_


PLT Can't see it.

250 20 45 2h CDR R, Off. Mark, now, A ON turn

back to 45:45. 190 Intervalometer
to 20.

PLT 45 ... zero.

CDR Standing by for 46 :40. (Cough )

Excuse me.

250 20 45 52 PLT Lake Michigan I got.

CDR You got it, huh?

PLT Yeah.

CDR Intervalometer to i0.

PLT Take a look down the coast,

you'll see how it isn't.

CDR (Yawn) ... clear day.

PLT Here, we're going to get a spot

off Chicago. Earth Boy, it's
a ... going from Chicago to
New York.

CDR 46:00.

PLT Okay, gang we're taking - uh -

some data on Lake Michigan and
therma/sensitive off the - uh -
coast - uh - at Chicago. I'm
going back off.

CDR Intervalomet er 10.

PLT I'm going to head up, up stream.

CDR 47:20, and reference 2. 191,

reference 2.-

Dump Tape 250-11
Page 13 of 15

i PLT Hey, this is going to be clouded


250 20 h7 21 CDR Reference 2, 192 going to STANDBY

at hS, Jack.

PLT Okay, we're taking data off the

coast of Traverse City.

PLT It's about it.

250 20 48 00 CDR MODE to STANDBY, 92. 194 was

on MODE to MANUAL at h8;06m which
is right now. MODE MANUAL. 48:1_
we go to 20 ON and 190.

PLT 20 it is.

250 20 h8 19 CDR There's not - the 48:20, we're

AUTO CAL, I missed it.

PLT I got it 3 seconds late.

CDR Okay, 20:49, start SI maneuver,

Jack. Come down, babe, like
about 30 seconds.

CDR Got your time loaded, so you're

ready to SI it, I'll give you a
mark at the time.

CDR 20:_9. 3 seconds, 2, 1 -

250 20 h9 00 CDR MARK. SI. Any mibs?

PLT No mibs.

CDR Okay, let's see of we've got

a 191 light on. I mean a 190.
190 READY out. That's good,
190 MODE to STANDBY. Okay,
49, 35, and 193 A to STANDBY.

PLT Yes/q, all we got was Lake Michigan,

Hank; everything else is clobbered
Dump Tape 250-11
Page 14 of 15

CC Roger. That's about the way the

map looked down here.

PLT Got the tough one.

CC (Laughter)

CDR A to STANDBY. Standing by for

READY ON at hSl.

PLT I was going to try to sneak

over there and get Lancing,
but it was too far out of the
way, plus it was clobbered

PLT Going to bring this thing up.

CDR All rights good idea.

250 20 50 13 CDR You're going to want me to voice

record B-7 and I'm going to tell
them it's 31 percent.

PLT Aw, nuts!

CDR Not had there. Toward Nova Scotia,

SPT Is thzt where we going?

CDR No, we're above Nova Scotia.

PLT Got the time?

CDR 51.

CC CDR, Houston. Were Charlie h

and Able 2 in spec on this run?

CDR Charlie 4 and Able 2?

CC Yes.

CDR Charlie 4 now - I'll give you a

reading - is 98. Sounds like I
told you wrong.
Dump Tape 250-11
Page 15 of 15

CDR Golly, that at that. Able 2

is 92. Sounds like I gave you
bum notes.


CDR Okay.

PLT What'd you say, Big 0.?

SPT We're right over the Gulf of

St. Lawrence here, really a big
belt, south of the river.

PLT That's a beautiful sight.

CDR It's a big Mamoo. Okay, let's

get on with it. Voice record
B-7, okay, let's do it. 31 percent,
192 door to closed, coming closed.

250 20 51 57 CDR I gather you don't want us to -

do tape recorder depletion,
but you probably want usto do
a manual measurement, right?

CC Affirmative.

CDR Okay. Look there.

CC You guys usually do a EREP

stop, don't you?

CDR You bet. Stop occurred on time,

at time - uh - 51.

CC We copy and we're 1 minute from

LOS. We'll be coming up on
Madrid at 58 with a recorder

250 20 52 54 CDR Okay. You know, Hank, you can see

a lot of contrails- -



/ . " Dump Tape 250-12
2118 - 2236 <_4T ac--
_" Page i of 3

/"_' 250 21 19 54 SPY Okay, this is the SPT on channel A

message for the - uh - Mll0 Pis - "
uh - in particular Dr. Kimsey. Uh -
the subJc is

However, the
still contains the normal
amount of - uh - ... liquid and - uh -
escape of the -uh - liquid from the
inside of the vial.

sure they do have the required

number of six. Now while I was at
it I thought I'd better check our
remaining three for SL-3. And it
turns out uh,

kit, and then this is one that maybe -
uh - bad for some reason. You probably
want to send up a minimum of two on
the SL-h flight.

250 21 21 46 SPT End of subject message to thMll0 PIs

particularly Dr. Steve Kimsey, from

Dump Tape 250-12
Page 2 of 3

- 250 21 22 22 SPT ... to the M172 PIs, in particular

to - uh - Dr. Bill Thornton. Here _s
the - uh - data from the BMMDs repeat-
ability test which I ran, the SPT,
today. Uh - it was run on day 250 at
approximately 20:15 Zulu. Uh - we
had digits to be reported. I'm only
goingto reportthe firsttwo, one _ : _ _•
time. And the following tests will
only give the last two digits ....
for my first weight - and , incident-
ally, I was weighed in the normal
amount of clothing that I wear completely
when I weigh in the morning - that's
shorts, tee-shirt, and socks. My
weight w_ I
ANd then hop_ped out of the chair ....
hopped back in and got the following
set. - Hopped out
of the chair, ... down, went back in,
set of measurements:
that is the
end of the BMMD repeatabi - repeat-
r abilitytest of the SPT. Information
going to M172 Pls, in particular,
Docotr Bill thornton.

250 21 23 53 SI_I
' End of message from the SPT.

250 22 35 30 PLT Okay, space fans; this is Jack on

channel A, debriefing the last ATM run,
which began at 21:42. Ran off
the JOP 6 with no trouble and - uh -
also ran off a 4 - JOP 2 Foxtrot at
the ... And - uh - ran it according
to the pad and I gave you ... on S056.
Instead of active i long, I gave you
a single-frame i, 3, 5, short. Each
of those - had a little time left
over down to the - the end of the
pass. Went over to active region 19
and picked out the hottest spot I could
find. And it was a good - uh - ...
the detectors. I picked up the
detectors and ran a grating auto scan

Dump Tape 250-12
Page B of B

on detector i and 2. Uh - Got them i

to about a .. position of about bOO0,
when the ground called and says - uh -
we got - uh - a film left over at 070.

250 22 36 25 PLT We'd like you to - uh - a - uh -

coronal transient JOP so - uh - help
him with the grating auto scan ... S052 -


Dump Tape 251-01
Time: 00 08-00 40 GMT
4 918/73
Page i of 3

251 00 08 43 CDR Okay, this is CDR debriefing

the - uh - 22:13 run. I did " "
the first - uh - step, which
was mainly J0P 6, step 2,
building block 2. Completed
that, was notified of a - uh -
transient corona. I went out
looking for it - uh - first - _
we looked out the white light
coronagraph. Saw at 070 a
- uh - about a 1 diameter - 1
solar diameter - uh - bubble.
It wasn't too distinct because
it w_s - some of the streamers,
particularly the lower right
side, when the ones that were
at 8 o'clock was a little bit
wider than the one up towards
7 o'clock. But you still could
see the loop over the top of
the distorted - uh - streamers.
We went out and looked around
with our H-alpha to try and
__ get the - tth- to get some
contrast, brightness and the
like ; came up with nothing.

251 00 09 h5 CDR Went back to Sun center, got

a roll that put the - uh -
the - uh - transient down at
5 o' clock. And then started
to do an extended standard for
the pass. We - uh - did a
5h - started 5h, and then we
realized this is a good run.
So I gave 'em an M30S256
anyway. Uh- Thought they
might like it. I gave 56 an
ACTIVE i, that was 5h ACTIVE.
56 in ACTIVE 1 LONG but it
hung up in 3 and the ground
said don't do anymore so we
shut that off. We ran four
frames per minute in H-alpha

Dump Tape 251-01
Page 2 of 3

... interval ... when- uh-

•.. standard was over. Then
looked in white light corona-
graph, could still see it.
Entered another one and in
the middle of that one, we
interrupted to get the down-
link to Houston. And by then
the - uh - component or the
- uh - coronal - uh - bright
area that was moving across
some of the h to 5 position.
It looked to me like down
around 5 to 6 solar radii
but it's difficult to discern
out there because of the way
the scope sort of brightens
out in that area. Uh - anyhow
we gave you down-link and an
extended standard and next
pass we will pick up with our
normal - uh - JOP working
f - uh - JOPwork.

251 00 ll 12 CDR Nothing to say other than it

looked like a very good one.
Couldn't see any motion but
it's interesting that it did
seem to - uh - diminish some-
what and move outward during
the 16-minute extended stan-
dard - uh - run. Any other
comments - uh - please give
me a call.

251 00 ii 30 CDR CDR out. That goes to the

ATM Science Room.

251 00 28 30 SPT Okay, SPT here on channel A with

information on 487.

251 00 29 09 SPT Okay, I'll repeat that this is

- uh - information on 487-1Easy
[h87-1E ]. Light intensity
measurement, it goes to the
M487 Pis. Okay, now what I've
Dump Tape 251-01
Page 3 of 3

done is to go - to go around
various locations in those - " •
in the workshop. They are the
ones we most frequently use
to work or to - uh - to work
at. And I placed the page as
shown, 1-16, on the front
face of the panel number that --
I will give you. And then
the spotmeter reading was
made normal to the paper.
In each case I turned all the
lights on - uh - in the com-
partments that I was m_king
the measurements in. No extra
high intensity lights or
anything, Just all of the normal
illumination lights were on
- uh - a couple of lights were
burned out. I can remember
only two up in the MDA but those
are the two I did not replace.
But everything else is near as
I can recall, the lights were
burning. Normally.

251 00 30 i0 SPT And so what I've done is Just

give you the location and it will
be assumed that this white
sheet is flat on the surface of
that panel number. So at the
SPT's table in the work-room, 3.5•
62h Alfa panels 2.0. 617, 2.5;
831, 3.5; 820, h.0; 544, 1.0;
TO13 FMU number 2, 0.9; 555, 1.2;
510, 0.9; 408, 125; h46, 1.2; 317,
3.5; 323, 4.5; 236, 2.5; 207, 1.25;
204, 1.2; 225, 1.8; 131, 2.5; 130,
1.3; 157, 1.25; 122, 1.0; 109, 2.5;
ii0, 2.0; 105, 2.5; 912, 0.3; 903,
1.8. End of message for the 487 Pis.
This is information on 487- IE.
Performed by the SPT at about 23:30 on
d_y 250.

251 O0 31 35 SPT End of message.

Dump Tape 251-02
Time: 0007 - 0013 GMT

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251 00 08 h3 This voice segment is a

to --y_duplicate of
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Time: 0029 to 0143 _4T
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251 00 29 09 This voice segment is a verbatim duplication-

to of D_mp Tape 251-01
251 00 31 35

251 00 59 49 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on chs/AQel A, debrief-

ing the 92/93 run on Jack. Uh - the - uh -
smount of work done in the 2 minutes of
exercise was right at 300 WATT/MINUTES.
No other problems, everything went
very normally and as scheduled. End
of message to the biomed folks, PIs
of M092 and 93. Ah - no, I didn't call
down the leg measurements. Stand by,
I'll give you those.

251 01 00 30 SPT Okay, the leg measurements were; left

calf is 13-3/16 inches in circumference.
T_e right calf is 13-9/16 inches in
circumference. The legbands are the
standard ones we've always used - same
old blood pressure cuff on the - number ll
on the arm - and everything else, saddle,
a11, Just the same as standard. And - uh -
that's all the information that I believe
uh - we owe you for 92/93.

251 01 01 08 SPT End of message to the biomed 92/93 PIs

from the SPT.

• 251 01 hl l0 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the - uh -

run I Just performed on the - uh - ATM,
which was the - uh - the - uh - 00h9 run.
I brought it up and ran - uh - J0P 6,
steps 1 and 2, and in the intervening time,
I checked with - uh - the backroom and they
indicated they'd like to have me - uh -
perhaps do - uh - J0P 29" - the ones that I
had not completed the previous orders -
orbit, because of the coronal transient.
Uh - I did that all the way down until the
final one in pointing 402 and 534. I asked
uh - uh - the PLT - uh - if he would do that
when we come up and he's gonna do it. So
I think everything went real well and
nothing remarkable occurred.

251 01 42 02 CDR CDR l _ -- out.

] mD OF TAPE [
Time : 0029-0321 GMT
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251 00 29 30 to This voice segment is a verbatin duplication

251 00 31 35 of Dump Tape 251-01.


CDR Yeah. Be my opinion, for the - he Just

didn't have the data to keep up _-Ith
all this baloney we're doing.

251 02 _i 17 CDR He didn't know he didn't have the

data; it's like us.

CDR You'll get over it. Both of us will. Okay.

251 02 41 29 CDR I know it. It sounded like he was it

sounded like you didn't want to talk
about it right at the _nd. Okay. That's
it. What's next? It doesn't make any

251 02 _i 39 CDR Okay, now - this is CDR and I'm getting

ready to do 487-3. This will be my
_- last subjective evaluation guide. And
I'm gonna discuss these items. First
I'm standing by the tool kit here - and • - .-.
one of the things I've noticed in the tool
kit is the pinch bar's missing because
it was left outside on EVA. And I th_nk
what we ought to do is - uh - bring up
these tools that - uh - are missing. We
took them for a reason and Just leaving
em out there if they break, not replace
them doesn't make sense he :ause you can
have the same needs for the tools - uh -
on the last mission - the last 3 days -
as you can the first.

251 02 _2 16 CDR NOW one thing I'm looking is drawer A is

several things about this tool kit that
needs work. One is the fit in here
is too tight w_th these _-,,_es uh - uh
- things that hold em all. They should
of been a little looser fit and
maybe a little Velcro on them to hold em
down in their places. A little design
plate to see where it goes with Valcro
holding it in instead of having such a
Dump Tape 251-04
Page 2 of Ii

hard time to get them out. Next - they

should be some special tethers designed for
these tools. Maybe we should look at each
tool that we think could conceivable go
outside, and drill a little hole in it
s_ewhere or do something ot it so that
we can attach tethers to all of these
so when we take it em EVA,_ -An& that's
gonna improve and gonna increase more and
more as the years go by. So we gotta get
these tools where we can take them outside
instead of having to spend time here
trying to understand a way to take them
outsi de.

251 02 M3 05 CDR Now l'm looking at the screws, the

• drivers, and the bits and the .- uh -
Allen bit and all that. Now the only
one complaint I got about this is they're
not in order. Uh - you get a 3/16th and
the a i/h and then there's a 3/16th
short - there's a T/64ths - these things
should start at the smallest and run to
z--- the big even if you have to put in a couple
of extra drawers - and then you can find
them in order instead of huntin all over.
We got 1/16 in the back, here's 5/32 square
over here, over at this side is something
else. And definitely, they ought to be
in order of size so that you can get at era.
And they ought to fit in there looser with
more Velcro on them. There's Velcro on
the tools but there's no velcro on the
drawer - that' s fate.

251 0_ h3 47 CDR We ought to have a couple bigger

screwdrivers than we have. Uh - next -
uh - I'm lookin now at the sockets
- the sockets - we ought to have a full
set and they ought to be in a row, here
we got them kinda mixed up and we haven't
got one of each. We got up here and tried
to fix our - uh - by the way tried to
fix our uh - exerciser - Mark I - and
we didn't have the right kind of Allen
wrench and that's a problem. We ought to
have a full set of every one of these
things. They Just don't weight that much
Dump Tape 251-04
Page 3 of ii

and then you got a fi_I set of tools

you can work with.

251 02 44 16 CDR The _renches aren't too bad but once

again you need a full set. Mechanical
fingers, now here I'm looking at the
bottom drawer and here's some more
Allen bits.

251 02 53 47 CDR Okay, this is the CDR back again t_]_ing

about _87-3. And another thing that
keeps coming up is the fact that we're
always - uh - we're never using our tool
punches. Those little tool pouches we got
nobody ever uses cause they're so much
doggone trouble to go get. Also Just
getting a big uh- bag and puttins em
in em tends to let the_ float away.
We really should of inven - now we put
em in our pockets. But we reA11y should of
come up with a better tool pouch than
what we have. I think the thing could
of been merely three or four visible
_- pockets with or zippers and
then you'd have places to put the springs
- uh - and the screws that you can see them
and a way to get in there and reach era.
Now we got that sort of a thing on this
one, but it Just isn't adequate. It's
too small, it doesn't tarry the tools, they
fly off - the whole thing is a bomb -
and it uust doesn't hold things correctly.
It's not secure enough - uh - you should
tether them, and it Just doesn't have
it and it's a lot of trouble you have
to put them in your pocket and you can't
see in there and you open the lid and five
screws f_11 out and you have to go got
them so those sorts of things are - are
: had.

251 02 54 54 CDR Uh - another thing that's bad is it's

difficult to remember which drawer is
got which item in it. Not only do the
drawers have the writing near the top
where you can't see it because it's
hidden by the little edge but the fact
that's there's no simple way to remember
what - where everything is. It'd be
Dump Tape 251-04
Page 4 of ii

much better if we sr_,ehow arranged

them alphabetically or somehow
systematically where they mn_e sense.
Now I mentioned before we've got Allen
wrenches in two different drawers. We've
got the - uh - ratchet wrench for the
Allen wrenches in another drawer the
whole ballgame is - is kinda scr_ed up.
And it'd be better to waste a little space
and then have everything. Where you we want
something with a ratchet, you go to the
ratchet two or three drawers, whatever it
takes. If you want something to screw
driver with and, things that look like
screwdrivers you go to the screw driver
place -, and tongs, things like that
you go some other place. Lacing twine and
all that's good. Now _he torque wrench
is up with the lacing twine the scissers is
up there - does that make sense? I doubt
it. But that's what I _lean.

251 02 55 53 CDR Now one of the drawers that's pretty

f good is - is the - uh - pilers drawers.
You go in there and you can find every
kind of plier you need. The lubricant -
we got more lubricant than you can shake
a stick at. Uh - knives, those are good.
We carry those around, but we need a
sharpening stone badly_ My mistake of
not bring a sharpening stone was gross.
A thing called experiment handle mixed in
with the cutter pliers along with the
Phillips offset and the Cry.scent wrench
and a bunch of snaps - ridiculous. We
ought to have supplies in one drawer, and
then wrenches one and special handles in
another. One whole drawer's got some
spares and specials - And we ought to
have a lot of spares of these things
that we use a lot. We use a Crescent
wrenches - I mean Allen wrenches - those
need spares. The vice we got's so-so.
Don't have a work bench, that's one of the
had things.

251 O_ 56 h3 CDR We got to invent for the next space

station - we got to invent a plate that
Tape 251-04
Page 5 of ii

- uh - that - uh - you can do work at, to

fix your books and all that - and
another place with good lighting and
some special rigs to keep screws and all that
stuff. A workbench where we float up
and put down this equipment we work on.
Everything's gonna - uh - and that -
alongthatlinecould be improve_: _Let's ....
talk about the repair kit. Repair kit is
okay. We don't use it much because we
Just don't have - uh - much to repair.
There's blister patches in there - we
never use them, we never use the flat
patches, the Velero strips we use.

251 02 57 15 CDR Now the Velero in here isn't worth a

dawn, we need to .get more Velcro like we
brought up with us, th_se little squares
and those have been really superb. Uh -
the little nuts and bolts we brought up
that fit great - but we "ended up bringing
up non-stainless-steal ones - we ought to
bring up the best bolts and nuts we got.
Uh - I like the varietythat you have and
the ability that whenever you have something -
do it, we need an area where we could ..
put things that we find floating by, or
loose ones and put them in an organized
fashion instead of just throwing them in
end hoping we can Tind them at some late
date. Because you'll - you'll see a screw
float by and you'll say I don't know where
that comes from but I've seen it. Okay,
you got to put somewhere - 3 days later
you realize it came off some item and you
say - uh - that's the one I saw the other
davy - where is it now? Hew do I get it?
It 's tough °

• 251 02 58 00 CDR Universal sealing - We should of used that -

we should get something we could use for
these leaks in the vaccum lines, the
pressure lines, I don't know, but that'll do
it. Duct tape, that's a good thing.
Oh - essentially, the repair kit is semi-part
of the - uh - tool kit and should be made so.
I think that - uh - that those should be
integrated. S190 _n_ntenance kit I don't
even know what it is. Uh - I - wait a minute
Dump Tape 251-0_
Page 6 of ii

I don't even know what it is. I'll

check on it and let you know. 512 tools,
they're oks_', redundant. I think you
need some up there. And you need to
make them in the same format that I'm
t_l_Ing about here. Those are crammed in
little drawers - they ought to be - like
a regular tool kit with - uh - Velcro
on them and little spaces.

251 02 58 50 CDE EMU maintenance kit is a good kit. We

need much more in the way of sewing
kit Provisions here, we need more in the
way of thread, needles and the like.
I wanted to sew up my sleeping bah and ended
up using - uh - safety pins which worked
okay but - uh - still would of liked
to have done it the other way. Adequacy
of work sites, what work sites? Don't
have one. Everytime we get ready to do
something, we have to find someplace else
to do it. I think that's gross uh - de -
uh - oversight on our part. Adequacy of
lighting, poor. Oh - you can do the Job,
but it Just isn't right. We ought to
have good bench lighting somewhere where
we can sit down and work on these things.
Particularly on the space station.

251 02 59 33 CDR Adequacy of onboard data package.

Excellent onboard package, data and if it
isn't onboard, they can send it up on the
teleprinter. I reallY do think that
that's been one of the best parts. No
complaints. Adequacy of prep for maintenance
test. Good. I think we could perhaps -
uh - get a better uh - no, I don't think
there's anything we could do better. The
maintenance task uh - provisions are good.
I wouldn't want to do it any other way,
that's a good way.

251 03 OO 01 CDR Let's talk about schedule replacement

items. Solid check. Simple to do, easy,
no trouble. It's very simple; that's
theway they all ought to be. Mol sieve
charcoal cans : another mode sept - turck
okay and very easy simple Job. One of the
Dump Tape 251-04
PaKe 7 of 11

things I think we have done, is everything

is so easy and so optimized that we spent
a zillion dollars getting it that way.
I was looking at the tool kit. We made
the tool kit so it had universal mounts.
The - the box was universl mounts. We
never use that feature. Now, I don't
know - I don_t know where you cut the _
corners but - uh - the one of things that's
driving us out of business is high cost.
We've got to get more things off the ship.
We got to get more items Just like they
Kre out of the store and take them with
us. Put some Velcro on them and drill
a hole in them, and put a lanyard on them
and take them. And that's the way it
ought to be. We shouldn't be inventing
everything over again.

251 03 00 53 CDR Okay, POC02 [sic] Inlet/outlet cartridges:

pain in the you know what, but okay to do.
Having them - they ought not have As, Bs,
or whatever they are, Ps and As the same
i color that go - I mean the whole thing
allows you to mix them up and - uh - they
sho%tld be easily marked on, instead of
running around putting all of this red
tape on them. They Just - easy to do, but
easy to mix up too. PP02 cartridge: same
comment. Eva/IVA cool gas separator:
- cool gas separator. Uh - haven't
replaced them. To the trainer they're
hard, in here I hear they're not bad.
We have a spare one we brought up; I don't
have any idea what we're going to do with it.
Waste Management Compartment vent filter:
easy. Waste _'_anagement Compartment
charcoal canister: hard to get unsnapped,
all the rest is easy. Fecal Col - by the
way these filters are the - the berries.

251 03 01 47 CDR We should have lots of fens and filters

around the spacecraft because that's
where everything goes.. This big fitting up
in the top of the dome this big restrainer -
that is really great. If you pick the
right mesh scren and everything. Many,

I_T. Tape 251-04
Page 8 of Ii

,_ny crumbs get up there. We vacuu_

that a couple times a day. That'S
• an outstanding design feature. The
one in the head's good, but it needs
more suction, so that when you cut your
_r or something, the - uh - things will
• get in there and stick better. That -
Both of those are good. Vacuum cleaner
needs more suction so we can get it of

251 03 02 19 CDR Fecal collector filter: easy to put in.

Piece of cake; that's a good one. Just
slide a couple of pieces of rubber ...
(yawn) - that's a winner. Okay, scheduled
cleaning items. OWS air mixing er-m_
screens - chamber screens I mean. Call
them crumb screens because the crumbs
are always up there. Uh - it's good,
well designed. We need a harder vac1,_,
cleaner to do it. That's a good thing up
there. Yes?

SPT ... aud I'm gonna have ... S063 run for
tomorrow. And if they don't know about
that ...

CDR That's fine if ... Put that, and I'll

call for it. Put that and leave it there
and I'll mention it to them soon. Okay?
Okay, next we've got - uh - so that -
that's a good cleaner. I think also,
we're going to have to wash it. I noticed
some strawberry drink or something up
there. We're going to have to wash that off.
Waste Management Compartment vent filter needs
more suction, but the filters good. Having
it course, and fine, I don't really
think buys you a thing. If I were you,
I'd Just have the fine filter, and you
could scrub the coarse off of it. To
having the two separators doesn't seem
to do anything.

251 03 03 30 CDR I would suggest forgetting the coarse.

AM/0WS circulation - circ fan screens -
cire filter screens: they appear to do
much for you. Oh, I know what you mean.
Dmmp Tape 251-04
Page 9 of ii

Those little screens on the back of the

fans. They work real well. Uh - the
trouble is the screen is - is so weak
it stretches, and gets concave and hard
to vacuum. Everything else is okay. Once i
again need a vac1,_m cleaner better. !
Uhscheduled replacement items : fans, simple !
_ to dO,_no trouble; valves, haven't done :: _
any, probably easy; seals, same thing;
lights, lights are hard to get out. The
reason they're hard to get out is you got
sort of an eliptical shape to them. And
it turns out that when you open the
opening - the little cover, it catches on
the front end of the ellipse ; the long
axis tends to rotate the ellipse which
tends to Jam the whole business together.
Uh - so that's kind of _ bad design.
Could be done.

251 03 04 27 CDR Unscheduled repair items_ we've done a lot

of tasks in here. My opinion is, you
can do Just about anything except maybe
- pressurized lines with fluid in them.
With fluid in them, what you need do is - uh -
somehow get a way to turn it off, and
then you can probably work in there, And
have a release valve, thinking ... so
that you can drain it off, or some
techinque developed so that you can drain
off the excess fluid that is pressureized into
a bottle. Then you can do the repair
and then you can put that fluid back in.
So that could be some sort of a test you
have before repair. One thing that
we've had difficulty with, is letting
anybody fool with anything electric here.
You're always afraid you're going to
shock yourself. Uh - I'd - uh - forget it,
• I Just think our work area have some
sort of rubber floor, and it maybe have
a rubber work-bench. And then you could
do all the work there, and you wouldn't get
much of a shock. And then we could do
better troubleshooting than we're doing
now. We're constantly troubleshooting with
the power off trying to get resistance and
things. And as you know, that Just doesn't
Dump Tape 251-04
Page I0 of ii

I"_ quite do the Job. A lot of things open

up when they got voltages on them or
heat or current flow that are great when
they don' t.

251 03 05 32 CDR So that's one of the things. I think

that - uh - maintenance tasks in space
..... are going to be much simpler than I had 4
_magined before coming on this flight.
And its going to take a new look to see
how we build things for maintenance. We
Shouldn't build them to expensively for
maintenance because it seems to me that
we ought to be able to fix them anyhow.
Particularly with a11 this ground help. The
problem is gonna be having adequate parts.
I don't know whether you. try to get cn_mon
parts, or you try to build redundancy in
and Just hope for that. I would try to
build redundancy in, and then use the
m-_ntenance to fix up a simply item, to
replace items, to replace - you don't
necessarily have to take the redundancy and
build it in. Maybe you can have the
redundacy in the spare part, in the
critical items. But, anyhow, - that's
been a nice, bright point of this.

251 03 06 16 CDR Now that information - uh - 483 goes to

Bob Nute and Jake - Jeff _gmith. And
- uh - you send that to them, everybody
will be happy. CDR out.

251 03 08 24 PLT Hello, space fans_ this is Jack on

channel A. This is for the ATM world.
Debriefing the last ATM run today starting at
22:22 - 02:12, excuse me. Got off to a
little late start because - uh - I
went back and picked up - uh - something
done 2 revs before: Uh - the 2313 rev.
I went back and got the - uh - mirror
auto raster, grating 24:36 with 18 minutes
to go. Roll zero up 402 and right side
34. You got that square off the bat,
and so - uh - that got me off to a late
start. And - uh - I did your - uh - shopping
list item 16 six times as you requested,
and - uh - omitted all the ....and - uh -
Dump Tape 251-0h
Page ll of ii

through the rest ... and so forth. And

followed your times and whatnot until
I got down to - uh - uh - the next to
the _ast one. And - uh - it became
apparent - uh - before that, that - uh -
I wasn't going to get them all in.
And so What I decided to do is to -
'_ uh - get the first four as you _quested
and to modify the length of the exposures
On the - uh - second two, building block 13,
so they can come out right.

251 03 18 53 'PLT So the next to last building block 13

- uh - 82B got a 3-1/2-minute wave short
and a 3-1/2-minute wave long - like
5 minutes. And - uh - Milligan got - uh
- about a 7-minute exposure in filter 3.
On the last building block 13, I cut them
down to although I made them a little
bit longer. Uh I made 82B a 5-m_uute
wave short, and - uh - I cut that in half
as - uh - you did - uh - made it a 2-1/2-minute
wave long. And - uh - again - uh -
56 got about - uh - an 8-minute exposure
on filter 4. So I hope that doesn't
degrade your data too much. I was trying
to keep those equal as you had made
equal in time and - uh - cut those in
half that you had cut half in time - uh -
in order to - uh - keep the porportions
proper. Although I did have to - uh -
cut down the overall exposure length
some. Machine is powered down now for
unattended ops, and - uh - we've enjoyed
working with you today, and - uh - uh -
feel free to fly NASA anytime. Thank

Tape 251-o5
Time: 1245-1338
Page 1 of 3

251 12 46 23 SPT SPT, with a note to the biomed folks

associated with the theraeutic kits in
the I/_S, and also to Dr. Paul Buchanan.
Uh - Just used one 20-gage needle with
the 2-1/2 cc syringe to - uh - withdraw
a small amount of - uh - alcohol for
cleaning tape recorder head. - Uh -
I wanted to let you know that that was
the last 20-gage needle. There are slots
for two of them in the IMSS and - uh -
they're now both gone. I don't know -
uh - who used or when the first one was
used. But - uh - you will - uh - probably
want to resupply a couple of 20-gage needles
on SL 4.

" 251 12 47 02 SPT End of message to - uh - biomedical personnel

associated with the therapeutic kits in
the IMSS including Dr. Paul Buchanan.
SPT, out.

251 12 49 38 SPT This is the SPT on channel A, with a

message to the M172 Pl's and, in particular, -
uh - Doctors Mike Whettle, Bill Thronton
and Paul Buchanan. - Uh - last night and
this morning, I - uh - completed another
M-172, PR 2. I guess that's protocol
number 2 in which - uh - the 14ayday
measurement was made of the insensible
water loss overnight. - Uh - my _4MD,
Just prior to going to sleep was as
follows: 5.9087, 8487, 8887. I've
obviously Just repeated the last two digits
for the four - uh - uh - pattern weights.
This morning, immediately after getting
up, my weights were 5.979, 7775, 7475. -
Uh - the difference - uh - between these
two averages - uh - looks to me to be
about 12 units. - Uh - considering I had
a four - uh - place number and 12 ,In_ts, I
believe to be about two-thirds of a pound.
That looks like six-tenths to seven-tenths
of a pound water loss, which strikes me as
Tape 251-05
Pa_e 2 of 3

" being a little too high. I remember

measuring thus on the ground overnight
and as near as I could tell from the -
uh - uh - scales we were using, it was
more like a quarter to a third of a
pound water lost. l've also done this
PR-2 one time earlier, - uh - a week or
ten days ago. And I believe I only got
4 units instead of 12 units - uh - on the
BMMD n,lmher - uh - change. So you might
let me know what you think of these. The
measurements both last night and this
morning were - uh - uh - reasonably
consistent, and - uh - I - uh - don't know
why it was apparently as large as it was.
If you have any explanation, I'd - uh -
. or any comment on the - uh - uh - insensible
water loss apparently - apparent insensible
water loss, - uh - I'd appreciate hearing
from you.

251 12 51 5h BPT End of message to the M172 Pl's and in

., particular Doctors Bill Thronton,
Mike Whittle, and - uh -Paul Buchanan.
Message, out.


251 13 35 38 SPT Okay. SPT on channel A with the notes

for the ER_i_ officer and also for Bob Nute.
The number of frames taken on this first
pass of the ETC operation over Paragu_ -
uh -was 76 -uh - correction 57 frames,
_7 fr_nes on the block and white film.
And - uh - uh , I wanted to make it again
for Bob Nute that - uh - that these film
magazines still - uh - -uh- show the
vlabratlon - all audible vibrations
whenever the vacuum hose in connected.
Not bad, not good - loud, but -uh- it
is noticeable. And -uh- you ought to be
sure and alert Ed Gibson -uh- to that
fact, in this training from the last month
1>r_p.Tape 251-05
Page 3 of 3

or so here. And he will notice that and

to not be surprized by it. End of message
to the EREP officer and to -uh- Bob Nute.

251 13 36 3_ SPT SPT, out.

Dump Tape 251-06
Time : 1227-1230 GMT
Page 1 of 1

251 12 27 48 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the first

run. Uh - it was the - uh -
iI:_8 run. I completed it - uh - I
didn't have the - uh - MIRROR in
the right line when I did a couple
of MIRROR AiWf0 RAST_:I_S there, so
I went back and did them with it
on line9 and- uh - on active !
region - uh - 9. Everything turned
out well at the end although I
wasted some time. I think I got
all the data that you need. Oh -
I ran - uh - 56 SINGLE FRAMES several
times to - uh - like l, 3, and 5 in
llen of the PATROL, SHORT trying to
save a little frames for them; and -
uh - other than that, everything
Just went - uh - very nice. I
noticed that active region 19 is
cooking up down there. .I got
as high a reading on the IAC as
about 25. One time I saw it ...
up to 30, but it was jumped be-
tween 13 and 25, is where it is.
Get a little bright glow on the
UV MON and a brightglow on the .
uh - H-alpha. And it may be
thinking about cooking off today
so we'll keep an eye on it.

251 12 28 56 CDR CDR out. That information goes to

the A - A - ATM scientists.

: Dump Tape 251-07
Time : 1505-1545 GMT
Page i of 2

251 15 05 40 SPT Okay, this is the "SPT on channel A

with information about the 1Bl-1 run.
PLT, Jack, is the subject. He just
finished the 0GI portion of the N 2 pressure
is 1125, I125 and there might be one
correction on the final - uh - sequence
or step. At level 18, 18 the firs_
sequence was clockwise and he answered
correctly, right and then left. I'm
not sure I punched in correctly that final
left, I may have Just given it as a
right/right, when I should have said
right/_eft, correctly. So Jack - uh -
missed nothing on the - uh - level 18. And
that's the only other comment - uh - that
I have on - uh - his OGI run.

]51 15 06 06 SPT We'll be going on to the _ next.

251 15 09 01 PLT This is Jack on channel A with regard

to the MiB1 - uh - OGI run for the
biomed folks, Dr. Gary Hommet. And in
z-_ additionto Gary's-or - uh - in
addition to Owen's comment, I noticed
that when I first came up here that - uh -
I had a much more - uh - positive indication •
of a - uh - left rotation that I did a
right rotation. However, I noticed
today that - uh - the right rotation was
as positive as my left if not more so; and - uh
I thought this might have something to do
with - uh - the fact that I always - uh -
rotate to the right during the - uh -
motion sensitivity part of the test, that
is, clockwise. But perhaps I was - uh -
getting more sensitive - uh - to the
right than to the left because of that or -
uh - perhaps less sensitive to the left because
of that. But - uh - just a observation I
made. As far as the rest of the questions
are concerned, I -uh - did not have any
other - uh - sensations other than rotation

D_ Tape 251-07
Page 2 of 2

during the test and only during the time

I was rotating. The line target did not
appear at any - uh - appear to move in
any other direction than left or right.

251 15 i0 20 PLT And - uh - my additional c_.ments I've

already made so we're going in to motion
sensitivity now. Thsnk you.

251 15 38 29 CDR For the ATM science rock, CDR debriefing

the run that occurred at 14:53. It
went okay,. We did all the - uh -
items, I threw in a couple of extra. I
noticed that you were moving down from
a m/nus 205 to a minus _5 which is
• rOgtubly 205 spaces. So - uh -
after I finished the four that you
suggested, I moved up h - 205 spaces which
is plus 35, took one at right 1055 and
then moved over to 815. So you got a
maxi maxi raster, or whatever you want
to call it. Uh - unfortunately, it did not
allow me to get to - uh - active region 9 ...
about 4 minutes; I got there by 2 and did a
mirror line scan and was finished.

251 15 39 ll CDR CDR, out. This goes to the ATM science


Dump Tape 251-08
Time: i_07-16h9GMT

_, 9/8/73

251 i_ 07 i_ PLT Hello space fans, this is Jack on channel

A. There, I had to turn off the
par'Ly, there. This is Jack on - uh -
channel A, debriefing the last ARM
run. It began at - uh - II correction,
it began at 13:13. I started right
off by going into J0P 6 - uh -
buildingblocks I-A and 1-B. During
- uh - 1-B - uh'- S05h decided to
rip-off a doulbe sequence and I
truncated it. Uh - after that
- uh - I got the VIR. I gave you
several minutes. Uh - I took
you on a tour of the Sun; all the
active regions - uh - took you
on a tour of the lfmb, looked at
some of the filaments and I gave
you a couple of a markings on the
XUX and gave you a look at the
corona. And then I went on to
- uh - JOB 12, correctionJOB 2 Alfa
on active region 9. Got a nice - uh -
uh - plage in that area to - uh -
lay the lit on and I got what you
wanted there. And the, we went on
to the atmospheric extinction and
completed that. So we got all the
- uh - steps completed in that
rev and - uh - we'll look forwadt
• o - uh - ih:53. Thank you.

251 lh 08 59 PLT Uh - one more cotangentby Jack - uh -

to the ... ATM people. I - uh -
mady my - uh - daily - uh - sketch
of the corona. And - uh - it
doesn't look a heck of a lot different
than it di yesterday at this time.
Uh - lots of brightening on the
west limb and a couple of - uh -
fairly bright streamers. On the
east limb, we still got that big -
Dump Tape 251-08 .........
Page2 of 3 .
..... .

uh - bright streamer at--i--_- th@ ...............

- uh - east-northeast area and - uh -
the brightening hasn't apparently
changed a whole lot mad no - uh -
additional - uh - outstanding
streamers except for the one possible
- uh - at - uh - the east, correction,
west-southwest region. And that completes
my debriefing now.

251 14 25 51 PLT Okay, this is Jack on channel A,

subject M131 OG on - uh - Owen
for the biomed people. Uh -
primarly, Dr. Jerry Homick. The - uh -
nitrogen pressure at the end of
Owen's 0GI is ll50. I might add
that at the - uh - end of my
motion sensitivty run, at about
the - uh - twenty_fiftl_ set of
head movements, I - uh - had a
very slight elevation in - uh -
temperature and - uh - I had a
little gas on _y - uh - stomach,
although the temperature was not
p"- enough to give it a tempi nor
or was the - uh - the - uh - gas
on the stomach gastric awareness.
But I do notice - uh - now I Just
have a very slight sensation
uh - similiar to what I had on
the ground as - uh - uh - of
having - uh - been sprun. And
"- uh - it's been about a half
hour since I concluded that run.
And I do not feel bad although I
- uh - I have been rotated. And
- uh - and I'm sure the symptons
will pass. It's - uh - not nearly
- uh - the severity - uh - I
would feel on the ground aft a
- uh - motion sensitivity run.
And - we're beginning a motion
sensitivity now on 0wen.

251 16 48 35 SPT SPT on channel A, recording comments

about the 13-1 motion sensitivity

Dump Tape 251-08

_ Page3 of 3 .................

run. Well, I'll supposed ........

the 0GI first; The OGI run. Uh -
we've mentioned before, or I've
mentioned before, at any rate, the
lack of focuas on the - uh -
test goggles. Uh - when Jack ran
today, he said, no, they were
pretty well focused for him. And
so I took a closer look at the
focusing on mine. Now when I put
my head into there normally, it's
still - uh - was or about as I
tried to describe it before. The
vertical line was a little fuzzy
and then it Just sort of shaded out.

251 16 49 18 SPT And then - uh - fuzzier.


_ Dump Tape 251-O9

Time : 1713-1734 GMT
Page 1 of 3

251 17 13 14 CDR This is the CDR, debriefing the last ATM

run. And it went rather smoothely ... as
planned. I ran the 55 test - uh - that was
sen+. up on the pad in the middle of - uh -
the JOP 2F. It seems that that was okay.
The test came out - tth - I Just did the test
•.. depending on what the problem is ....
there was no way to get it in, plus the ...
so I cut off the quadrant that was in the
upper right-hand corner - that extra one.
In other words I did the four that you
requeste, plus I then did an upper left-hand
one .... both on upper left and on upper
right. Then I did the - uh - uh - ...
CDR out.

251 17 29 46 SPT This is the SPT on channel A - uh - with

information duriation to the MI31 PIs,
including Doctor Jerry Homick. Okay, I
wanted to debrief that 131 run I just
completed - uh - with myself as the subject.
I got started on the debriefing by recording
at anothe/station. And they took the tape
f recorder away so you may gotten part of theat
debriefing on the other channel and I don't
know how much. So whatever ... the whole
thing. First of all, on the OGI portion,
we've talked about the lack of focus in the
goggles. When I asked Jack about it
during his run - uh - he said it looked like
it focused pretty well. And so when I -
uk - came time for my turn, I took a look
in there and it looked like the same as
it did before.

251 17 30 33 SPT There is one bright vertical line - uh -

fairly wide and a little bit fuzzy. And then
on it's left side a - just sort of a -
uh - deminishes in intensity, but degrades
on out in decreasing intensity for another
two or three bar widthes. So it's Just
that it's blurred and hazy and dimmer to the
left. Which is pretty much the way I'd
Dump Tape 251-09
Page 2 of B

remembered it all along. Becauseit ....

looked all right to Jack, I tried experi-
menting, moving my head around - moving in
and out and so on.

251 17 31 06 SPT But I found that I could get it in focus

by moving my head to the right in the
goggles - the opposite point where they
normally are accustomed to sitting or
where they sit on the bite board - uh -
by Just a couple of millimeters. And so I
really think that's the problem. Itts
the fact that the objects are set up are a
little bit wider eyespacing - uh - than I
happen to have. And - uh - if I do move
my eye out to the right, why then it would
get into fairly sharp focus. Of course
I tend ot say from my point of view that,
so I just wrote it normal ... and the
lack of focus from the extra width is not
a bother. It does not kppear to affect
the - uh - preception of the - uh - uh -

_" 251 17 31 h5 SPT So - uh - I think that - uh - may explain

uh - the lack of focus, and - uh - as far
as I'm concerned ther_s no problem ... as
it is. Now on the motion sensitivity,
I thought I'd must give it a try in the
counterclockwise direction. As far as I
know, I've never spun counterclockwise
before, ... on the ground or up here. And
uh - this time there was no problem. All
the systems were Just about like before.
Except, if anything, I don't notice that
byro tumbling that I'd talked about before.
And as I think I've mentioned before that
that phenomenon seems to have diminished.

251 i_ 32 22 SPT And I - uh - Just hardly noticed it all

at this stage. I think, if anything, it's
diminished further and finally it's gone.
The thing that I do feel when I move around
is Just a sort of a tumbling. I just feel
like I'm - uh - being tumbled in space, and
Dump Tape 251-09
Page 3 of 3

then I - uh - which I guess my vestibular'

apparatus is - is dong. So that's about
the only effect, no other symptoms. Now,
my body has grown accustomed to the Coriolis
force for a clockwise rotation. And so for
a bout the fifth - first 50 - uh - hip
motions, I was very clearly accentuating -
uh - the - uh - deviation of my body from
the normal straight line trajectory; whereas
before if - before, I continued to fight
Coriolis forces by - uh - by - uh -
altering my - uh - or certain muscles -
pulling certain muscles in a certain
direction. Now we're spinning counter-
clockwise. That same muscle pull only
accentuates the deviation or the excursion
of my body. •

251 17 33 30 SPT So - uh - it took about 50 or 75 before my

body began to get a little more accustomed
to being sent around the way it was for
this rotation direction. And then it settled
down to more or less last 75. But it caused
_ no unusual vestibularsymptoms even though
I did hay - uh - larger body excursions
than I would have normally had - uh - at
the clockwise rotation. So that was -
uh - rather interesting to do because it
sort of surprised - uh - your body to
be - uh - pushed around the way it was.
There's no other symptoms of discomfor or
anything else.

251 17 3h 08 SPT End of message from the SOT to the MI31

PIs and, in particular Dr. Jerry Momick.


Dump Tape 251-10
i T_me: 18h6-2013 GMT
Page i of 5

251 18 h7 57 SPT Okay, this is the SPT debriefing the

last ATMpass which Just ended at about -
uh - 18:45 Zulu. And - uh - the principle
interest was this coronal transient.
Uh - as I mentioned on real time -
uh - for this pass which was largely
sort of my option as to how I set it -
uh - before getting started on my
alignments which was about the only
thing scheduled here, I - uh - took
a quick scan around the active regions
and then went hack to Sun center to
take a look at the white light corona-
graph. Uh - upon opening the aperture
door and getting the vidieon operating -
uh - it had been set at roll of zero,
and I noticed that the - uh - corona,
right up around that little dusk -
dust fleck at 2 o'clock, looked a little
bit unusual. And I _1_ost chalked
it off to Just being the normal fur-
tiv_tion to the picture that's produced
by that - uh - dust particle. And -
uh - fortunately decided, well, I'll
Just roll the canistera littleways -
uh - see if there's anything behind that
dust particlethat's causing it to - ..
uh - look a little unusual. So, for-
tunately, I did roll the canister until -
uh - the - uh - region at about 070 -
uh - rolled down to about - uh -
h o'clock.

251 18 h9 20 SPT And then it became obvious that it was

something unusual in order to see a -
uh - uh - different sort of structure.
I'm looking at three polaroids that
I took - uh - one taking about 18:00,
one 18:50 and one 18:32 - uh - Zulu,
and there appears to be one band of
brightness - uh - that - uh - more or
less - uh - radialbut stillthe
edges are parallel, that is constant
throughout all these - uh - photo-
graphs. So I presume that - uh - that's
Dump Tape 251-10
Page2 of 5

the - uh - coronal - uh -signature or

the coronal - uh manifestation of
active region 10. And then behind it -
_h - we see - no, we're not necessarily
behind it, apparently - uh - I assume
behind it, is a loop structure and where
it intersects the - this other - uh -
ring structure there is a very signifi-
cant increase in brightness. And this
extends about 1 solar radius above the
occultin_ disc.

251 18 50 22 SPT I suppose that put it about - uh-

1-1/2 - uh - solar radii, that's the top
of the loop, and then additional brightness
extends on in 2 or 3/10 of a solar radii.
But the top of the loop must be at about
1-1/2. solar radii at 18:00. Now - •

251 18 50 48 SPT By 18:15 - uh - this has extended on

out - oh, perhaps 2 or 3 tenths of a
solar radii further, and it's ... has
increased a little bit. And then by
f 18:32 it is on out - uh - probably to -
uh - 3 solar radii - the top of the loop.
And as you can see the contingents of
the loop now - uh - where it intersects ' " '-
the occulting disc is beyond the edges
of these - uh - uh - original rays, that
I mentioned, that I assume are due to
_ctive region i0. "

251 18 51 29 SPT And the top of the loop is - uh - Just

barely visible on my polaroid. Of course,
it should be nicely visible on the S052.
So - uh - it looks like we caught the
transient fairly early and - uh . I'm
not sure what you want to do the next
orbit, although it would seem - u_h -
likely that you would want to follow this
transient again. And - uh - we'll probably
have voice contact with you, and I'll
check the schedule here to see what's
c_!ng up. I don't even remember at
the moment - uh - who is - uh - on the
panel as to what the schedule looks like.
I'll check that next. As far as the other
Dump Tape 251-10
Page 3 of 5

experiments are-c_neerned ----_ I ..............

did t_ke one 82 A exposure - uh -
80-seconds - after talking with you
folks on the ground.

251 18 52 12 SPT And - uh - we brought Jim Milligan's

experiment here - uh - uh - in a number
of modes - uh - both - uh - uh - patrol
normal - uh - single frame long and just
towards the end of the orbit, I gave you
a - a one approximately IB minute exposure,
Jim, on filter number 3. Uh - I have
to check the time exactly off the - uh -
photographic record. But - uh - we had
to cut it a little bit short but - uh -
about l0 minutes I've got - you got about
a 13 minute exposure on filter number 3.

251 18 52 h6 SPT And I hope that will bring out any - uh -

uh - coronal siguature and X-rays that
there may be. So that's" the debriefing
for the last orbit and - uh - I'd be
s interestedto find out - uh.- if there is
any other - uh - ground based - uh-
evidence for this - uh - event.

251 18 53 07 SPT End of the debriefing for the ATM PIs

and planners from the SPT.

251 18 53 39 SPT Okay, this is the SPT back on channel A

with a - uh - postscript for the - uh -
message to the ATM PIs and planners.
I see our next - uh - orbit is - uh -
EREP. And since we already had - uh -
one EREP scrubbed this morning and that's -
whether it scrubs again, I suspect that
it will still be - uh - EREP. So that
•.. that not be coming up here at any
rate. And - uh - we'll Just have to
wait and see what happens on that next

251 18 5_ o7 SPT SPT, out.

251 18 5h 29 SPT Okay, another postscript from channel A,

from the SPT. Uh - this upcoming EREP
is the one that was scrubbed, so - uh -
Dump Tape 251-10
Pageh of 5 .....

Jack will be basle at'-the_panel h@r-e-and -

uh - I'll - uh - recommend to him that
he - uh - continue with this - uh -
second rev of the - uh - trausient event.
And so we'll - uh - uh - probably have
a voice commtech with you - uh - uh -
provide us any further instructions, but
that looks to me the best thing at the
moment, since we do have ATM scheduled
now the ... been cancelled.

251 18 55 03 SPT That's the end of the second postscript

from the SPT.

251 19 05 52 SPT Uh - message on channel A from the SPT

which goes to the M170 - M172 PIs in
particular, Dr. Bill Thornton. Hello,
there Bill, - uh - I took you down - uh -
three kinds of BN_4D data in t1%e last
few days. One was a PR-2 on mission
day 39/_0 in other words_ - uh - over-
night in - uh - sensible _ater log.
I took you _nother one do_n .this morning,
s a PR-2 - uh - mission day h2/43
insensible water lot, and I also took
you down a ]_4MD repeatability test. Uh - .
I wonder if you could Just give me a call
on the voice-link - uh - just say, yes,
you have 'em.

251 19 06 54 SPT Or if there's anything that you've missed

so I can throw away this data. if you'd
give me that, I'd appreciate it. End
of message to Dr. Bill Thornton.

251 19 06 hO SPT SPT, out.

251 20 ll 15 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on chan-

nel A debriefing the ATM run which was an
alternate run - began at about 19:27 and -
• u_h - do to the fact that we had coronal
transient ... we - uh - modified the plan
a little bit and here's what you got.
You got ... standard on the S052 for the
•.. orbit and a bunch of mirror auto
rasters at the grading all balls in the
center of the Sun.. And - uh - 56 got -
Dump Tape 251-10
Page 5 of5

uh - single frames" B and 4 long,

lO minutes each, and a - uh - single
frame 1B5 short, and a patrol normal.
And - uh - that pretty much takes care
of it, and we'll pick up - uh - a normal
schedule at 21:00. Thank you. Oh, by
the way, the - uh - coronal transient
is no longer visible on our scope up here,
although, recognizing that you - uh -
get photographic data up to six solar radii,
why - uh - perhaps there's still something
going on out there that we can't see
with our scope.

251 20 12 18 PLT And - uh - we will, however, on our next

rev - uh - pick up on a normal schedule
as you - you have directed unless we
hear otherwise.



Dump Tape 2_I-I/
/_-". Time : 2121-2236 GMT
Page I of 25 i I

251 21 22 33 SPT .... "Oka_y_-%liiS is-%_-SPT-re%59ding

on channel A; information about
the S063 run. About to get that
underway in about another 7 or 8

251 21 22 h3 CC Skylab, we are AOS through Hawaii

for 5 minutes.

SPT Okay.


SPT Okay. Terrible music, isn't it? --

CDR Not really. 7_'

. .

251 21 23 17 SPT Okay. The SAL window is open.

Voice record exposure frame number
and - uh - _MT at start of ex- °'__.
_ posure sequence only -Well, 23:30
coming up right now.

25121 23 h0 SPT MARK.


CC ...

SPT Everythingelse will be right on

C4MTand you also have that on ---
the tape. The frame number of the
UV camera is still sitting on
14. Stillsittingon 14. The
visible cassette we did change
out, we did have too few a frames
on that. And I'Ii go down and
check that frame number again.

CC ... tonight and no sweat if you

don't get it in. We'll try to
work it in for tomorrow - something
of that nature.

CDR Well, it looks to me - -

/_-_ Dump Tape 251-11
page 2 of 25 [ ; i

-251 21-2h 06 SPT ..... _e-number -6h--_Kt--is - uh -

sitting at - -

CDR - - schedule is after I finish

M092/93 - -

SPT - - 60.

CDR - - I've already done my PT for

today, so I've got from about
2h:_5 - -

• SPT 60 frames remaining. ,:

CDR - - and that would be a perfect __

time to do it if it's available. _-

SPT Nikon 01. And the cassette here. is

CX31. CX31, I'm going make it -
schedule that to make sure it's all
--- hooked up, haven't done that yet.

CDR ... M092/93 til later and then _-

do it sometime around M092/93 time,
either of those. It looks like the
schedule is full until then, is the -"

CC Okay, we copy that.

251 21 2h 53 SPT Okay. I'm not going to take a

UV exposure I'm leaving that lever
set untripped. And - uh - I do
want to get my nadir mark there.
Okay, that's out. My UV drive it -_.
okay - the lever is pulled back.
Okay, my first - uh - filter is
going to be 3200. I'm set on 3200.
And I'm Just going to drive back
and cheek my visible trigger.
Okay, that's reset.

PLT ... pressure is around 3 and I've

got the bulkhead valve to vent
and the ... valve ... and another
f- thing I noticed that the furnace

251-11 J
3of25 i !•

was on. It finally i
went out about 5 minutes ago, But !
the temperature reads 21 degrees and
I thought it was supposed to stay
on 46.

251 21 25 54 SPT Okay, the visible camera triggered.

That's working all right. Drive
well on beyond. In case this is
a linear drive bring it back to
bottom. Okay, I'm not going to
engage that one any more and I'm" y_
not going to engage UV right now. _
So m_ filter is at - uh = m_ first _
time here. -_

• 251 21 26 15 SPT And I'm going F/2, 8_seconds. ,

Setting my timer now. 8 seconds.
Put my little drive or little _
trigger on - uh - side of - you got
-_ a name for that thing? Also on
8 seconds, it's going to remain
there for the whole run. Okay, now
I've got everything set except my _.
cocking levers. Both cameras are - --
uh - cocked. I have this - uh - L_
UV camera set on F/2 and the time is
set on T; motor function is set of
T, as w_s the one down on the visible -_
camera. Everything appears to be _
in ready. Here we got 3 minutes -
before we start. And we're going
to - uh - make an exposure at 30, •
30:45, and 31:45, i minute later --.
we're going to make Four rapid -
8-second exposures 2700 Angstroms
about 30 seconds apart I understood
on the voice link is satisfactory.
And then we got a long delay until
we get down to our - uh - horizon.

251 21 27 29 SPT Okay, I have already noted that we -

uh - changed out cassette 29 and
_e have cassette 31 in there in the
visible camera right now. Inter-
--- valometer has been synced. Okay,
/_ Dump Tape 251-11 ,
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these are still uncocked - track

here for a moment. Engage the
vernier drive. Okay, we're tracking
_qmoothly, I think this UV tapes

251 21 28 22 SPT Okay, we're tracking very smoothly

top to bottom. Disengage; drive
back to the bottom. Okay, got a
minute an half to go. Doublecheck,
l'm set on my filters 3200 - l'm
going to take one 32, then a whole _.
sequence of about 5 at 27 and 1 photo.
i. 2. 3- 4 at 27 and m_ last one is
a switch to 3200 - and back to 27
on the horizon. So, I'm at 32. and r_
.... set on 8 and 8 and I'm cocking my two -"
levers now - UV is cocked and the
visible is cocked. Got a minute to _.

251 21 29 31 SPT And my drive is engaged. Okay, I'm

going to start driving about l0 sec-
onds til. Make it 5 secohdstil
I'ii start driving. Coming up on -_
21:30:ii, 5 seconds from now. Okay, "_
hmm - not much for a target. Here's
a little fellow. Okay, I'm tracking. _k

251 21 30 ll SPT MARK UV.

251 R1 30 17 SPT MARK visible.

251 21 30 19 SPT MARK UV. Okay, disengaged, back to

the bottom. Switching the filters,
recocking. UV and visible. Okay,
in h5 seconds we go; little time to
go. Re-engage d. (Whi stling ) Okay,
starting to track.

25121 3101 SPT MARKUV.

251 21 51 09 SPT MARK visible.

251 21 31 I0 SPT MARK UV. Still seems to be quite

-- steady to me. Okay, everything to

• -c. Q
Dump Tape 251-11
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the bottom• Vernier reengaged and

the two levers recocked. Okay,
waiting for 31:45, 15 seconds away,
and ws're going to take four in
rapid succession. 30 seconds apart.
All going to be at 2700 except the
last one, which I'll switch - there's
going to be three at 27 and then
I'll switch one. Okay, I'm at 2700.
Starting to track - okay, boy, hardly
a thing - there's one little tiny
glint down there in the water. Tracking.

251 21 32 ii SPT MARK UV.

251 21 32 19 SPT MARK UV. Didn't hear the visible

go. Disengage - travelin_ to the
bottom. No change ihere, retracking.
Tracking again. Just coming up
over the coast and tracking. Pretty
view of San Fransisco. Oh. Stand by.

251 21 32 47 SPT MARK UV.

251 21 32 54 SPT MARK visible.

251 21 32 56 SPT MARK UV. Okay, we're tracking.

251 21 33 22 SPT MARK UV.

251 21 33 30 SPT MARK visible.

251 21 33 31 SPT MARK UV. Okay, engaged at the

bottom, cocking levers, cocking
levers, switch filters, engaged,
we're tracking.

251 21 34 01 SPT MARK UV.

251 21 3h 09 SPT MARK UV visible. That visible is

certainly not centered. Okay, get
a little more. All those things
to the bottom. Okay, good weather
down there. Very nice weather
and - not that that makes any
difference to UV pho£ography, guess
it m_kes a little difference to
........ the visible but it sure way a nice pass ......
DumpTape251-ii _ ,
6of25 _ " _ i

CC ... zero right now. So really -

I guess - somehow you need to sort of
keep track of how much time you're
putting on there for us, please.

251 21 34 47 SPT I didn't see any contrails. 21:43,

about 8 minutes away from the horizon.
Okay, let me check the frames that
are remaining to make sure they are
what we want. 14, we've taken 6.
We've got 8 - further read 8 frames
on the UV camera.

CC ...

251 21 35 33 SPT Okay, the only comments on - for hand.

exposure is track on good horizon
and initiate exposure manually. Okay,
I will therefore not recock the UV.
I will recock the visible. And of
course no telling exactly when that
one will go. And the filter we
want, the 2700. Move it back to 2700 _ _"
from the last 3200 exposure. And
this is also supposed to be a 32-second
exposure. So I'm changingmy timer ""
to 32 seconds. And 21:43 is the time
we're looking for. Still about
6 minutes off. Okay, we've got this
all set. Timer set.

251 21 36 53 SPT Okay, I can see why that - uh - visible

went off Just little bit out of the
middle of the picture. Again in -
uh - glare that'scomingin the
window, I set my timer on the side,
at the edge of this little block
rather than on the white line.
The white line is actually set at
about Ii seconds instead of 8 and
that would account for the 1/8
of a drill [?] sS_ost exactly.
The edge of that little block
also looks white. So - uh - does
mean that - uh - the visible camera

Dump Tape 251-11

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i_-a-_3/tti_-bi£---C_uh- uh - out -
ull - of center of the UV photograph,
although it would appear that it
did go about i second prior to the
end of the visible photograph.

251 21 38 04 CDR Bob, you still there?

251 21 38 07 CC That's affirm, AI. We got you for

about another _5 seconds.

CDR Okay. Well, I gather if this battery

gives an indication ...

251 21 38 15 SPT Okay, I've got 32 seconds on that

timer. Get the visible cocked.
Vernier is engaged. We're already
to track.

251 21 38 26 CDR ... battery ...

251 21 41 27 SPT Okay, here we are back on again.

Waiting for 43, which is a minute
and half off. Waiting for 21:h3:00. ""
32-second time exposures. It's
going to be initiated manually. .
See the old horozon coming in now.
SO lift the visible trigger off
for a minute. Go in there and find
the horizon, whichway- it's
moving down. Okay, we have about
30 seconds to go here now 81ad
don't know whether I'm going to
need to lower the visible trigger
or not. Looks like it probably
wlll. Track down here a little
ways. It's cocked. Now it's
going to track on up here now and
I'll let you know when the visible
. oges, Time for the exposure now.
Stand by. Tracking. Clouds there,
that's not the horizon. Okay, that's it.

251 21 h3 22 SPT MARK UV.

CDR ...

_am@ Tape 251-11 , '' 1
25 _ ! !

251 21 _3 56 SPT MARK the end of the UV. Now trigger

that visible incase it didn't.
Okay, I Just gave it a trigger -
manually. That visible was not
quite at the same spot, I don't
believe. I couldn't hear it - it
might have gone, I Just couldn't
hear it. Awful lot of comm going
on down there. Okay, I'm turning
the timer off right off the bat.
as we go to 51.

251 21 hh 42 SPT After last exposure close the SAL

door; which I'll do in a minute.
Timer off, will do, Record last
exposure numbers, any pertinent
cc_ments. Uh -no other comments
other than I think the run went
off Just about as scheduled. "I've
got all the general esse_utials out
i-- of the site and I thinkI was
tracking the targets pretty, accurately,
though there's undoubtedly a couple
of kilometers of Jitter on the
ozone photography looking down - •
a coupleof kilometersat - uh - ."
100, 200, h00 kilometers. That 's
only 1/200, which is like one-third
• of a degree. So -.uh - I'm pretty
sure I was within plus or minus of
one-third of a degree. On that
order anyway - on the - by order -
uh - I mean no more than a factor
of two. My guess is it's like plus
or minus a couple - couple 3 kilo-
meters on the ground. And on the
horizon it way - uh - probably a
smaller accuracy error because the
target was moving - was moving very
• slowly. Uh _ any other comments
_' that would be of interest to you.
Okay, I can't think of any, so I'm
going to turn the SIA record
off at this time and these - uh -
comments go to the S063 PIs and -
._ uh - also to - _ - Wally Teague
and Jack Lew.


DumpTape251-11 .
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251 el 46 12 sPT SPT out.

251 21 _9 07 SPT Okay, this is the SPT back on channel A

with - uh - postscript to the
message to S063 PIs, Wally Teague
and Jack Lew. I forgot to give you
the - uh - frames remaining. On the
ultraviolet camera there are 7 frames
remaining, as it should be. 0n my
visible camera, I have at this point
57 frames remaining as indicated
on the back of the camera. On the .;
top of the camera which is really -
taped over, so it was only half
a frame, I coveredthe tape sound -
of bicycleand it reads 4. Now - _
uh - it was reading 60 when I
began; I did not look at the top
under the little piece of tape.
It really looks like it is only
taken 3 or h frames on this visible
s camera. Now why that is I don't
know. I certainly rechecked that - __ "
uh - uh - visible - uh - lever. ."
I also checked it before the run
and I heard the - uh - I heard .... .
the - uh - uh - motor start the
Nikor 01 visible camera cycling. _

251 2-1 50 32 SPT So what I'm going to do is to uh -

go up there and - and - uh - pretend
to track a couple of targets and
try to get on the outside and make
sure that this visible camera
cycles everytime it should. As
you'll remember early - now mayb e
that is right. No, for every one
of those - uh - 8-second exposure,
I reset both levers. So it should
have triggered them both times.
• Hey, you rememberthere was a time
or two that I didn't - I didn't
hear the visible go - uh - I suppose
those were the times that it did
not. As to which ones - uh -
Dump Tape 251-ii
• i0 of25 i
J _ z
_ i

which one has the visible target I -

uh - can't say at this time. I'm
sure from the timing and the terrain
you'll be able to establish by
which they were, but right now
I don't know, I'm going to go up
and cycle it a couple more times
to check that micros_ritch lever.

251 21 54 5_ SPT Okay, I've tried it out a couple

of times. Uh - first of all I
found that - uh - despite the fact i_
the visiblecamerawas cocked,
verified, before the run, when I
doublechecked it again now, I could
cock it manually. So I cocked it -
. •• manuallyand ran through the normal
- uh - drive cycle with the SAL +

window and the micros_ritch tripped

it off and it drove from 57 do_rn to
s • 56. 0kay.

CDR ...
251 21 55 25 SPT And - uh - then I - uh -tried it --
again and this time when I drove back -
up through there, I heard the shut-
ter - now - switch open and I presume
close but the motor drive never
drove it. And so I came down again
and found that I had to manually
reset it. And so it looks like the
microswitchis - uh - is trigging •
the camera shutter, but for some
reason its motor drive is not -
not drivingthe - uh - the camera
to the next frame.

251 21 56 06 SPT And I reverified - I haven't seen -

so - uh - I don't know what sort
of a malfunction that is, but it's
one that I've not encountered before
and I think I will give you a call
on the down-link and - uh - see if
you can explain it." End of this
message to - uh - S063 PIs Walley
Teague and Jack Lew.
251-11 •
Pagellof 25 i '_

25i 21 56 30 SPT .... S_PT out. i

251 22 06 36 SPT Okay, this is the SPT doing the h87-3,

Subjective Evaluation guide 3, it
goes to 487 PIs. Got a bunch of tool
inventories listed; got a bunch of
maintenance tasks listed.

• CDR Say, 0wen. Hello,Owen.

SPT Most of these I've not had to do.

CDR Hello, hello, 0wen. How do you -

SPT Stand by.

CDR How do you hear?

SPT What do you s_y?

CDR Wotuld- -

251 22 07 33 CDR Okay, this is the beginning of

what's known on the schedule as
- uh - crew inventory but the
whole point of the thing - uh -
is it is directed to - uh - the
SL-4 prime and backup crew with
the idea of showing them how we're
living up here without - uh -
cleaning up the place or moving
things around like we sometimes
do for other TV or - uh - jaz-
zing it up in any way. Uh -
you'll find that I haven't prac-
ticed this• I don't have any
lighting set particularly for
it, the lightings are Just
exactly like we use them during
the day and sometimes they
change and - uh - whatever way
they are now is the way we are
shooting it. So you will notice
that I will be out of focus some-
times, I'll try to zoom in for
you sometimesI'ii brush through
the light. Please excuse it but
DumpTape251-11 !
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............... a--_-L--Ks I Say, tH@-#_51@-o_oj_c% -

is Just to show you how we're
living up here, show you where
things are, amd maybe aid you in
getting started.

251 22 08 37 CDR Uh - I think - I think probably

the best bet is to - uh - - uh -
I won't he in the picture, I'ii
Just be shining it on these
things and talking about it. I'll
- uh - try to point out to you
some things that I think are d_if-
ferent from the trainer. One of
the recommendations I would have
to begin with - uh - Jerry, is
- uh - that - uh -you try to
- uh - configure - the trainer so
that it is in a operating condition
so that all the little straps
are out, and all the bungees are
out. All the comm cables are
out in the right places. Things
like that will help you find this "-
gear. We got up here and it was .-_
all tucked away. We put it out
and - uh - we didn't know where
to put it and we put it some-
where and move it two days later _
cause we found we were putting it
in the wrong place so - enough
said on that. Uh - I think it -
it Just behooves you to get all
this gear out, and maybe you have
alreadydoneit - uh - if you
haven't, please do. I'll give
you some examples in a few minutes.

251 22 09 40 CDR Okay, let's start up here at the

MDA end. First of all, there's
one of the suits. And I - uh -
think it's a good idea to put
the - uh - fellow who's going
to do the - uh - uh - do the - uh -
M509 and T20 suit in that position,
/_ which is essentially just stand-
ing up there - uh - right next to
Tape251-11 --
13 of25 ---

the fan that goes into the

cormaud module. Just stand him
up over there in the corner lean-
ing - lean him between the drogue
and the probe and - uh - he's
easy to get out and he doesn't
get bent and he doesn't get
b_ped into and - uh - it's
really a good spot. Since you
get that suit out more than
any other, that's a good place
to put it. It's not that impor-
tant but that where we've ended
up doing, Okay, the other suit
is up here over the top of the
hatch. And let me see if I can
open the lens a little bit.

25i 22 l0 _5 CDR Okay, you can see him in there

over the hatch• Now he's a
littlebit tighterto get in.
What we had to do there is
lower the hatch, kind of put
him in position, and then close
.... the hatch sort of over him.
Now you have to pull his arm
back behind that duct as you
can see - you must see his
watch there. Arm behind the
duct but essentially you can
get him in an out-of-the-way
place and you don't bend the
suit. One of the things we
tried to do up here _as not bend
the suits too much so that they'd
get crevices where they could
gather moisture. You will notice
his hand - it's in front of his
light, sort of, hut you can find
a spot - those are easy to get

251 22 ll 21 CDR The third suit we got under the -

we got under the - uh - the - uh -
table for the - uh - ATM. Now
it's kind of hard to see - there's
his arm coming out. If I look
14of25 J

back here I can see his legs,

they stick out. But no - there
is nothing ever gets down there,
The cable running across it, in-
cidentally_is to the 5_ timer.
.. I will show you where that is in
a few minutes. But in order to
keep dirt from brushing off our
shoes - which we don't have much
of anyhow - we just laid a
plenumum [sic] bag over the top of i
b_m - of the suit. So that is i
why it doesn't look exactly like a
suit but it is and it's found -
it's in a good place. Now that's
the hardest one to get in and - uh -
but - it essentially slldes out
right out here.

251 22 12 l0 CDR If I were you, I'd get the three

old suits over there at the
trainer and stick them in those
places and leave them there....
Cause there is no reason that
- uh - they shouldn't be there .'*

and you can learn to work them.

You will see right in front of
it is the plenum bag that houses
the - uh - uh - PCU for- for the
EVA B Man, we just keep it in
there along with his cable, his
knife, and it doesn't bother
anybody and nobody bumps into it
and nobody hits it and itfs right
there ready for use when - uh - uh -
EV-B gets ready to use it. Normal,
Jack in our case, pulls it out.
Let's don't look at the suits any-
more, let's go back to the front,
see if there's anything back here
at the front that's worth looking

251 22 12 49 CDR Okay, let me show you one other

item up here. Oh, by the way, since
we got the - uh - the - uh - rate
gyros they took the place where this
Tape251-11 ,
15 of25 ; : j

- uh - uh - tree used to be - the

VS tree. So we have Just taken the
VS tree and put it up there and kind
of put a spring around it and held
it to the handle as you can see,
put some tape. Incidentally, I
called down for ya'll to bring some
more gray tape. Now I think you
got plenty already here but it
never hurts to have - uh - a roll
or two. I'd bring a couple of
rolls if I were you and I would - -.
bring one roll of that what's
called neutral 2-inch wide tape.
I think you have enough up here !
but it neverhurts.

251 22 13 29 CDR Okay, let's look down here then,

Okay, what we are looking at is
the coran box right by the EREP.
f One of the thingsthat we found
out - you will notice that that
automaticlight control ten_s to
get em. Is - when we're doing
EREP, we like to have these little ,;
bunny hats on, so we keep one _ ."
connected to A right here. Just
wrapped around and sort of stuck
down there,you can see it - it
doesn't go anywhere and it doesn't
ever get hurt. And then the man
that is running the C-D uses that
one. The one that the man _Innlng
the - uh - VTS is Just hanging up
here over the - uh - - uh - vacuum
chamber. His cable runs along -
we Just got it strung here. N.
It looks like heck but it works. Our
aim all the time is - when we are
here, even before we came - was to
get this stuff rigged up and - uh -
use it, and not fool around with
taking it down and wrapping it up
and coiling it and all that business.
Page 16 of 25 _ _ L

As long as it was safe it wasn't

going to get damaged, then that's
-we Just left it in place. This
stuff is safe and hasn't been
damaged. Okay, uh - nothing much
more there.

251 22 14 40 CDR As you know, we've - got - uh - no

way to aligh the - uh - uh - uh -
191 any more, so we put tapes around
those two alignment lock knobs.
So they're - they were aligned and
they didn't seem to drift, we just
don't have any trouble. You will
notice we have added g few more
clamps and clips there, you will
see the little rig that - that -
was invented to hold the pages down -
we don't usually put the book there
is the fire chart. Right there is
the - emergency rapid DELTA-P. They're
perfect places, you'll also see two
clips right in there that we use for -
for EREP also. Now that little rag
in front of that blower is what we
dry out the command module moisture
and we Just leave it there so it will
dry out. And we move it away from
there for EREP, but there is a clip
behind there, the same one that is
holding that one. We put another couple
of charts up there. Also we tend to
take some charts out and put behind
where the EREP - where the camera system
is right now. You can't see it, but •
over in that area. Uh - uh - that's
about it up here.

251 22 15 54 CDR Uh - let me show you where we have been

keeping the captain's chair. We
haven't been using it much. We found
that we like to Just put Our feet
in the grid and just kind of swing
back forth. The thing that we
found undesirable about the chair was
the fact that it - it locked great to
the - to the flooring but the flooring
_ Tape 251-11
Page17of25 _ _ _ i

itself was loose and so it was like

sitting on a three - you know a chair !
in a restaurant where one leg is longer
or shorter, and you're rocking all
around. So we Just float around, I'll
show you that - let me show you that
right now and then we will talk A_
for a few minutes. Let me set this
up and point it that way - I don't
know what kind of - no, let me not
do it. Le suffice to say that you
Just put your feet in it and roch
back and forth. Maybe Jack will come
up here in a minute o_ so and will
ask him to do it. Okay, let me
back off here in the corner away
•" from the - from the panel here, and
see if I can show you what we got.

f-_ 251 22 16 51 CDR Okay, this is far as I can move back,

but let's talk about the items.
First of all - and these aren't the
best places. You can probably get
better ones. We Just put them where
the Velcoro was. There's the Polaroid
camera just sort of stuck on that
stowage spot. Where you got the
timer up there from the co_nd module,
forget it. We'll take it and throw
it away; you won't need it cause you
got the 5_ timer. Then the rest of
the notes up there are notes that
have to do with rate gyro failures
and things like that• We haven't
been using the overlays much - every
once in awhile there's a permanent
general message about something else•
Looks a little messy; we know where
everything is and - I think that works
pretty well - it's a nice area to use,
and I know you are familiar with it.
Right under there is the V - is the
image intensifier and it's been working
real well for us as you know. Now
Dump Tape 251-i1
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_uother place we sometimes put them

is on the door of the - those plebes
those two pieces of Velcoro there on
the door of the flight d_ta file. B_t
we found when we opened the door, the
flight data file would fly off. But
sometimes _e stick them there anyway.

251 22 17 56 CDR Okay, let's look at the corner here.

You can see wetve got some Polaroid
pictures that we stuck that we took
of the Sun today. I like to taki one
of H-alpha and mark th e numbers of
active regions if we got a bunch.
And Owen likes to take them. Here's
one he took of - of he called it ...
.... You can see the 54 box there; it's
taped do_n, works real well. We
tried putting it under places. I
don't think that's optimom. A
couple of times I've moved the pointing
where the 54 was still running and
'' it was very bad thing to d°, wasted ......
some frames, but I - uh - can't
find a better place. You may have
found one, if you do have a better
one, fold it up _e might' ve tape it.
It's not perfect there but it's the
best we can find.

251 22 18 h0 CDR Now that far right cllp over there,

what I've got down as a note that has
to do with anything ws are doing up
here that is not ATM like we have been
running some battery chocks, CBRM
battery checks, that' s a note there.
We ran - uh - some other - things
recently and put them there. Rgith
underneath that photo there in the
corner you will notice is the - the -
uh - powerdown and powerup from
unattended. We'll bring those home
so you can see the margin we got on
them. Cause they're different than

Dump Tape 251-i1

Page 19 of 25

what we use in the simulatior and I

not sure all that information gets back.
Over here now we have - uh - just some
shopping lists sticking out, also
under there are our teleprinter fail
ones. In that far right one, I Just
got that kind of catty-corner out
cause it's easier to see and sometimes
we operate with it there.

251 22 19 26 CDR Up a little higher now, right there

in the middle we keep all our star
tracker pads or star t#acker information.
Right next to it there under that
. • coronagraph picture is where we. keep
the - uh - the SAP and all that sort
of business. It turns out to be a
good place because the lighting is
prettygood there. The lightingisn't -
that grand in here. You got to get i
things you are reading - uh -
fairly close to you to the side. Uh -
so these three spots: here, here,
and here are the - by far the best. .....
If you plant your feet in position,
you can move back and forth and around
and get a littleexerciseand work
them at the same time. We've noticed
that some of these frames, by the
way, are springing so they don't
hold things down. That's why we got
clips sort of attached in some
places, let me show you - see, they're
clipped behind there. Okay, there's
right in front of you is the - uh -
uh - uh - normal J0P summary sheets
we use. The ones beneath are the ones
we are pulling in and out all the
time including 8. J0P 3 we keep over
here, and we've noticed we never ever
used our player car, which is up there.
So you might want to think about that.

-4 251 22 20 33 CDR The J0P summary sheet is written well

enough now, plus you kind of get a

,,- T "C
Dump Tape 251-11
Page20 of25

l_tl@ bit used to it_an_-_o-tha_s

what we been using the center part of
that. You can see the clip there and
that's where we put our schedule pP_d.
The way we do it is, we got it folded
and then the minute we finish that day,
we tmclip it, refold it, and put down the
next day and that way you're always
working near the top - that's worked real
well. A_ operate pad is there - uh -
let me look and show you around and you
can see what we got in the way of other -
uh - things here• There's nothing special
that's different too much from anything
you have been doing. Nothing - nothing
new - We got some scotch tape up here
• couse lot of times you will spend the _
night up here; it's a good place to m_ke
corrections for your Checklist. Believe
me there is - _ot of them. I asked Ted
r_ Guillory- them to tell Ted G_illoryto
come up with some sort of rig for down-
stairsto hold your gear for a checklist
so the book doesn't float off, the pens,
and pencils and things and that's up
here Just dto do that sort of thing.

251 22 21 34 CDR Right there in the emergency procedure

we have in case we have attitude control
loss. It's not the world greatest pro-
cedure, but it sure beats the - what we
had before and it may save you some
time• So that's a good place I think
to put yours, if you want it. There's
a cable that Owen sometimes used for
the headset to debrief or talk when he
wants to talk to the ground the ATM.
Uh - normally our - uh - normally -
excuse me - I had to turn something
off, it was going to wiggle. Normally
our - EREP is plugged in now but the one
you see plugged in at the moment in
that box is the one I'm using and the
EREP is sort of above it so when I get
finished I'll - unplug this and go to the
Tape251-ii i
Page 21 of 25 ,

_EPone_-L@tme- sh0w_oY/-%he ra%_gyros.

Let me show you - sure you got them in
your - simulator now. There they sit -
and you will see that neatly little
protective device over there which isn't
too grand - and we definitely need some-
thing better than that and I'm hoping you're
bringing it up, because as you whistle
by that area, which is right behind
the guy operating, you can really get
him. We haven't done it hut we have
been very careful. _.

251 22 22 42 CDR Now I might show you something also. We

have gone ahead and covered that - uh -
switch down there that - uh - circuit.
breaker housing. Let me show you that
circuit breaker while we are at it. Not
the circuit breaker house - that's the

j_ high power. Let me find- that circuit

breaker for you, and show you what we've
done. Needs - it need s to be improved,
too. Okay, there it is - what it is is
that little medal clamp with some gray
tape over it - over the plate that it .
hooks to the guard so it won't rotate.
Now I know you still don't see that too
well but it may be better than nothing.
We put some hungers up here cause we
found we were doing a lot of photographing
up here. So there's the interior
camera shapped down to a couple of bonges
over the guard and that way we can get to
window 1 which is the window used most
and sometimes you use h but it faces the
Sun a little bit too much and a iot of
times you will use window h.

251 22 23 40 CDR So essentially you can come in here,

get your cameras, and as many times as
have the cameras there, with those
bungees we'll leave them right in place
for you. Even though it'll look a
little messy we'll leave them there.
We'll clean the place up but we're going
Dump Tape 251-11
Page22of 25 [ _i _I

leave the equipment out in the operating

position so that you won't have to -
you will at least start from where we
were. Now down there is - the edge - uh
of the plen_n bag as I mentioned where we
got out PCU. But you will also - that's
a great place to stick the orbital map and
the maps that we have for taking pictures.
You know those - that little set of
Earth maps, which incidentally is good,
but you could need something even better
than that with more detail I believe.
Uh - anyhow, that's - uh - we stick them
in there sometimes ; it works okay. Forgot
to mention there's a tape recorder sort
of hanging there below the comm box.
We keep one - uh -set - uh - little
messed up bit of wir in part of it to
this TV and the other part that - uh -
_'_" tape recorder. We leave it there and
then when you come up here you play music.
One of the things we found is really great
is to bring your tapes up here. Play
them while you do the ATM and - uh -
it Just really passes the time - it's
the only time you really have sort of -
uh - kind of by yourself and you come
up here and spend 2 or 3 hours and it's
really pleasant to work the ATM, which
is a lot of fun, a good challenge, and
I'll tell you the whole thing is - build's
your humility, though, because there's
no way to go very long on any of this
without making mistakes and you Just hope
you don't make any that are too large.

251 22 25 l0 CDR We - I don't think we have made any large

ones yet, but I'll tell you - you're
doing something every minute. You' re
throwing a switch_ or reading this
thing. You think you are good till you
get here and then you find out you're not
as good as you think but maybe that's
food for you. So anyhow, I think I'm
P_ge 23 of 25

giving you a pretty good tour of the

MDA - let me see if there's anything
special here.

251 22 25 32 CDR Oh, ymah, one other thing. This is

where we been stashing our - our - uh -
polaroid films. We always put a - uh -
daytime group on CWM, then use them for
a couple of days and then when they get
out of date we put them over there.
We'll leave that bag for you. There's
where _e stash the - uh - Earth _naps
and the U.S. map. It's their place,
when we get ready to use them with EEEP
we take them down there and we usually
bring the one up from the. wardroom.

251 22 26 00 CDR Let me mention something you are going to

want to do, Jerry, you're going to get
f EREP to mark out these sites he's gonna ""
send you up to do handheld photos. And
you may want to bring up one of these
charts that are marked on there nice with
additional notes. And you are going to
_mnt to have them marked by number on
the chart so that you can look - so that
when they send up a new - say do target 10,
handhold, you don't have to go two or
three places to find out what to do.
And somehow you ought to _a able to put
it on that chart with a little arrow
that says "On this one, we want you to
look for falls and tracks and want you
to look for this and look to see if
you see a drought area and all this other."
Because it turned out to be one of the
tougher things but I think it could be
one of the better things that you do.

251 22 66 _6 CDR Uh - I don't know I got to get

back to the ATM. I'll give you some
more of this later. Uh - right now
Tape 251-11
Page2_of25 _ _ '

.................... #e're got the -uh---f6_t_---uh-

uh _ restraint there that's the greatest
thing since popcorn. Our biggest - one
of our biggest mistakes in EREP was not
having one of those for the VTR. Sure
you can hold on by your hands, but then
you cna't grab your map cause you are
holding on. And - if you got your geet in
• something you can grab maps and torgue
around _ud grab this may - uh - you will
find it out with your feet in something
like this it's great. In this p6sition
now to do the 518 I believe and normally
_e keep it - normally we keep it in the

251 22 27 22 CDR By the way_ the tape'recorder clesming

has been a piece of cake up here. We
found no dirt to speak of. We've -uh -
-_ cleanedthem everytimebut - I think
there is a waste of time in some respects
to bother to cleaning them. We do it.
We got the cleanest tape recorders on
Earth. We clean them everyday and never .........
get any dirt on them, but just a little.
Now- one other thing up here at this
uh - high power outlet up here at the
top - this - high power accessory -
outlet it's the only one besides the
one at the VTR - it's the - uh - only
one besides.

251 22 28 12 CDE Wonder if this VTR is running7 Let

me do a little thinking. What they have
done is taken the VTR - see what Jack
has done. Uh - normally the VTR is plugged
in there, and we take it out to do - uh -
the vaecum cleaning because that is
where the bacuum cleaner has to pl_ in,
but I see what Jack has done, he has
taken the VTR cable out and ran it on
this cable all the way down to the dome
because that - he's got to run 518 through
there. So this is an unusual configuration.
But essentially, you're a little short
_ Dump Tape 251-11 I
Page25of25 i

---of-high power outlets_--So_when you_w_nt-

518 you might want to - it doesn't
look worth a darn but it works - you
might want to run this cable - double high-
power cable - all the way back through the
alrlock to the dome,. Works okay. Okay,
I've got to get off this now I hope this
I'll give you some more tonight. We'll
go down and talk about the workshop,
some of the other places down there.
And - that's the CDR with VTR information
to the backup crew, Jerry Carr, Bill Pogue,
Ed Gibson, Vance Brand, Bill Lenoir and

251 22 29 27 CDR So you shoot it to them and I'ii turn it

off now.

_U Of tape
_ Dump Tape 251-12
Time : 2246-2323 GMT
Page i of 2

251 22 46 o7 sPT *** picking up 0n that _87-3 evaiuai{onguide--

nnml_er 3. But I started about 45 minutes ago and
- uh - I had a little .•. This message goes to
the 487 Pls. l'm commenting on the adequacy of
these - uh - ... tool kits and maintenance tasks.
Most of these I've not done. For the most part,
these maintenance tasks have been done by A1 and
Jack. The scheduling has been such that I've been
•.. elsewhere, I guess. And I can only comment
in general.

251 22 46 56 . SPT The tool kit which I have used most - uh - tool
kits from the - uh - experiment area, I think they
had things stowed adequately. There have been a
few tools missing, a few tools that we did not have
that we needed. For example, we needed a tool for
repair of the ergometer pedal. We didn't have that.
We needed a smaller tool for the repair of the re-
fractometer in the medical kit, and had to modify
one of the drivers. So it's not as complete a kit
as might be desired. But - uh - the sockets and
drivers and handles and things, I think - uh - I
think they workedprettywell.

251 22 47 37 SPT I've not used any repair kit or 190 maintenance
kit - 5 - M512 tools. The _"J maintenance kit -
we used that ... for EVA. That all seemed to
work reasonably well• We don't use it any longer,
so I don't know that that little blue box over
there that bangs arotund on the wall and gets
knocked off and everything - it's a clumsy arrange-
ment. I suppose we can put up with it once a
month; but if you're ever redesigning the kit, I
certainly wouldn't want a maintenance kit designed
like that. Sewing kits in the back - uh - Sup-
posed to stay on anything with support ... Seems
a pretty poor maintenance, but we only use it once
a month.

251 _2 48 19 SPT Work sites - I don't know where the work sites are.
You work where ever the Job is. You take, for
example, the ATM now. The foot restraints at the
ATM are very adequate, and it worked well. Light-
ing - I say it's poor, if you're going to do any
Dump Tape 251-12
Page 2 of 2 --

reading. The place to read if you really wanted

to read something or add something new where you
can see by the wardroom window - tth - in the day
time, when you got clear sunlight. I did set down
the other day all these light measurements. You
felt that those numbers, down around 2 or 3 foot-
candles A or foot-lamberts, - why you'd think
they're- ... low.

251 22 48 57 SPT On-board data package - seems adequate. And the

preflight prep for maintenance tasks - I don't
feel that I want to comment on, because I've not
been doing most of these. And now Jack's comments
appear to be - uh - a lot more - uh - valuable if
you ever want to - to give you specific informa-
• tion throughout these specific" items. So - uh -
with that brief report, - uh - I'll call 487-3
evaluation guide complete. Give this to the PIs.

251 22 h9 29 SPT SPT message out.

251 23 21 19 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A. We

got A1 Bean in the can. This is for the biomed
. people, M092. And - uh - A1 Bean's left calf
measures 12-3/4 inches ; his right calf measures
12 and - correction, 13-1/4 inches. And I'm not
going to give you the legbands and all that be-
cause it's not changed and you've got it from be-

251 2B 21 41 PLT And that's all you'll be hearing from me for a


"_Dump Tape 251-13
Time: 2348-2351 _MT
-._ 9/8/73
of 2 _ ; ]

25i--23 48- 08 SPT ...._kay, -this -is -the-SPT--6n 'channel--A with a

message to the ATM PIs and planners. Uh -
Just a final note about the transient that -
uh - we first observed this morning about
18:00 on a little before, and - uh - which
we - uh - then - uh - recprded data on ...
S052 for the next :wo revs. Uh - I took
another lock at the shite light coronagraph
. a little while ago, say some - uh - oh.,
7-1/2 hours - 7 to 7-1/2 hours after the
first observation. And - uh - the corona
has the following sort of appearance in teh -
uh - northeast - ,mh - correction - northwest
to west sector, brn - there is a group of
more or less parallel rays which appear
to be - uh - originating in active region 10.

251 23 h8 55 SPT Uh - this is Just as it was this morning

And then behind - uh - these parallel rays
this morning - uh - we had the expanding
loop, presumably originating from active
region 7 at about the s_ne latitude, but
rotating behind the limb of the Sun. And -
uh - by this period = say 7 hours _ater -
uh - all of the - uh - brightness associated
with active region 7 - assuming that's the
correct identification, has disappeared
but the parallel - uh - rays - uh - from
active region l0 are still there. And so,
all in all it looks to me like it was a -
uh - rathe/good -uh - oppotunity for
observing a coronal transient. And I'm
quite hopeful that the 52 - uh - data will
look very good. Alongwith perhaps the 180
... of exposures and the several S056

251 23 23 49 59 SPT Uh - I wouldn't have been able

to - uh - confirm that transient, I'm sure,
had not had this - uh - polaroid -uh -
available. Uh - I just took the three
snapshots during the first rev - uh which -
uh - really confirmed what's going on -
_h - very - uh - uh - consistently and -


Dump Tape 251-13

Page 2 of 2

................... _---£h_ even allow a rough estimate of

the velocity ... So - uh - it turned out
to be a very useful tool this morn._mg.
I - uh ... still feel a bit fortunate to
have been able to - to have not stopped
When this thing was first observed behind
that dusty spot on the - uh - occulting
disc. And very fortunately didn't roll
enough to reveal what - uh - it truly
was - uh - aberra - or a perturbation in
the corona, rather than just - uh - some-
thing - uh - abno_mal - uh - brightness
associated with that little dust particle.

251 23 51 Ol SPT So I hope you got a good one there, Bob. -.

And - uh - if you hear any more about it
before we get back, why let us know up
here and - uh - Otherwise we'll be - uh -
wanting to see some of the motion picture
films of it - uh - when we get back home.

251 23 51 14 SPT End of message for the ATM PIs and planners,
particularly to Bob McClean - uh - end
of me._sage from the SPT. --


Dump Tape 251-14,
Time : 2347-0221 GMT
9/9/73 .
1 8 __ ! Ji

251 23 28 09 SPT- Okay, this is the SPT on - uh -

channel A, with a message to the ATM
Pls and planners. Uh - Just a
final note about the - uh - transient
that we first observed this morning
about 18:00, little before, and - ub -
which we - uh - then - uh - recorded
data on on the S052 - uh - for the
next two revs. Uh - I took another
look at the white light coronagraph
a little while ago. It seemed some -
uh - oh, 7-1/2 hours - uh - 7 t_
7-1/2 hours after the first observation •
and - uh - the corona has the following
sort of appearance in the - uh -
northeast - uh - correction, northwest
to west sector. Uh - there is a group _-
of more or less parallel rays which
appear to be - uh - originating in
active region 10.

251 23 48 55 SPT Uh - this is Just as it was this morn-

- ing. And then behind - uh "- these
parallel rays, this morning, - uh -
we had the expanding loop. Uh - pre-
sumeably originating from active region ' " /"
at about the same latitude, but
rotating behind the limb of the Stm.
And - uh - by this period - uh -
say 7 hours later - uh - all of the
uh - brightness associated with active
region 7, assuming that's the correct
identification, has disappeared,
but the parallel - uh - ray - uh -
chromatically from active region i0
are still there. And so all in aS],
it looks to me like it was a - uh -
for observing a coronal transient.
And l'm quite hopeful that the 52 -
uh - data will look very good, along
with perhaps the - uh - one H-alpha
exposure and - uh - the several S056
Tape251-i_ o
2 of 8 _ i ',

251 23_49 59 SPT I wouldn't have been able to - uh -

confirm that transient, l'm sure,
had I not had this - uh - polaroid -
uh - available.

251 23 50 06 SPT Uh - I did get between snapshots

during that first rev, - uh - which -
uh - really confirmed what's going
on - uh - a very - uh - uh - consistently,
and - uh - they even allow - uh -
enough of velocity to be executed.
So - uh - it turned out to be a very
useful tool this morning. I - uh -
do still feel a bit fortunate to -
uh - have been able to - to have not
• stopped when thisthingwas fi.rst _
observed behind that dust spot on the -
uh - uh - atroppic disk, and very
fortunately did roll enough to reveal
f- what it trulywas - uh - aber-
perturbation in the corona, rather
than Just - uh - some - uh - abnormal-
uh - brightness associated with that
little dust particle. So I hope you
got a good one there, Bob. And -
uh - if you hear any more about it
before we get back, why let us know
up here, and - uh - otherwise we'll
be - uh - wanting to see some of the -
uh - motion picture fi]m._ of it when
we get back home. End of message for
the ATM PIs and planners, particularly
to - uh - Bob McClean. _d of message
from the SPT.

252 00 17 51 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack again,

and we've completed a run - uh -
M092 and M093. And, A1, anel - uh -
the work you put on MO93 was - uh -
310 watt minutes, and that's the end
of the message for the biomed folks.

252 00 27 23 PLT Okay, here's some words - this is

Jack on channel A - here's some words
for the - uh - EREP officer,the guys
7 _'_ Dmnp Tape 251-14 r 1
Page 3 of8 [ J

that are interested in hand-held

photos. Uh - we Just went over -
uh - the Island of New Britain,
where there's - uh - Mount - uh -
Largila volcano on the - uh -
west end of New Britain. The weather
over the - uh - projected wan -
uh - scattered clouds, and I could
not - uh - distinguish any volcano,,
or the 3 cones making the volcano.
Probably due to clouds. I - uh -
first for a dark lava flow and wan
unable to see any, Due to - most of ::
the island is covered with greenery,
probably trees. And I did not see
any black lava flows like you see
in Hawaii.

252 00 28 16 PLT However, on the west end of the

island, I - uh - saw light colored -
uh - ground - uh - which wan -
uh - actually not a very big area,
which could very well have been one
of the ash flows - uh - that was
spoken about in the description that L
we received in on board, Therefore - " ..
uh - uh - that's just something that
could be checked, and - uh - the -
uh - possible ash flow that I saw
was on, as I said, the west end of
the island.

252 00 28 h6 PLT It appeared to be flowing from the

center northward to the sea, although
it did not reach the sea. That is
on site number - uh - what number
is that? 42. That information goes
to EREP officers.

252 0_ 00 35 SPT Okay, this is the SPT debriefing the

last orbit - uh - information goes
to - uh - ATM Piss and planners. Okay,
unfortunately I didn't do as well
as I think I should have on - uh - this
last - uh - rev We were doing this
sort of - uh - modified limb scan with -

Z_ Dtmp Tape 251-14
Page4 of 8 ....

uh - the item 16 Zhat you had i

recnmmended with the alterations i
or modifications. But - uh - the
target you gave me was 18 which is -
uh - listed on the pad as - uh -
uh - Being located a - uh - to
I00 degrees Theta. We can't see that
any longer, but - uh - I checked
as best on H-alpha looking for
brightness; couldn't see any. I did
make a check on the XUV MON. Ston by_

UDR Anyone else interested in the B92_.

It was requested this morning that I
take six zero mass readings. In other LI
words, Just let the chair rock back amd ..
forth. Let me giye you the reading:
2.70179, 2.70163, 2.70387, 2.70180, 2.70167.

252 01 03 43 CDR Those are the six - uh - zero _s_

_-_ readings. CDR out. An@ by the way,
that goes to Dr. Bill Thornton, Mile
Whittle, and anyone else i_terested in
information. CDR out.

SPT Okay,this is the SPT on - uh - - ,

channel A with information for the
ATM Pls and planners. Debriefing that
last - uh - rev which was completed
right here about - tth - 01:00 Zulu.
I didn't do as well as I should have
on that thing. Uh - it looks like a
pretty good - uh - plan for sort of a
modified - uh - limb scanning program.
And I do think it will work out in -
one orbit once we get on with it. I
didn't realize quite how long it was going
to take so I took a little time at the
beginning to - uh - uh - get a white
light coronagraph picture mud look
around a little bit. Now there are a
couple of things I didn't do as well
as I should have. The first thing was
- uh - your target was - uh - active region
- uh - 18. Uh - 100 - uh - at what
ranges? That's - uh - active region 02.

/ Dump Tape 251-ih
Page 5 of 8 __ _ i i

And - uh - it's not visible on the i

disk. I did - uh - briefly check
the XUV MON, but I was having a
]_ittle trouble with my camera and
I'm pointing - uh - and the - uh -
persistent image scope - uh - has
- uh - gone on the blink Just this
afternoon. We haven't got it fixed
yet. So I didn't - uh - uh - get a good
enough look at the XUV. And so I
rolled to what I thought was the - uh -
best roll angle.

252 01 07 53 SPT It wasn't exactly i00 degrees theta.

I went about 15 degrees beyond that.
• And I now find from some of my XUV MDN l_
pictures that probably about a 120,
ll5 degrees, ll5 to 120 would have been
a better Theta to use than the one I
f__ used because the I_/V brightness is - uh -
better - is greater at that particular
Theta. So that's the first - uh -
thing that I didn't - uh - uh - like --
the - the way it turned out. It's --
still bright where I used it, but not _ .
as bright as it would have been had I --
stopped about l0 or 15 degrees - uh -
shorter. And - uh - I of course did
not get last 5-minute .exposure, 82_B
wavelength LONG complete. Ran out of
time which I might not have - uh - done
had I - uh - gotten hustling a little
faster at the beginning of the orbit
because I think there is time to do it
all. _:

252 Ol 08 _5 SPT And then finally - uh - for Jim Milligan,

I got his last exposure started at
• i1:30, but forgot to turn his camera
power off. So I - uh - started it
again in - uh single frame h07:h5, and
- uh - then - uh - you've got your
long exposures done properly. Uh -
I let it run clear to h5 seconds time
remaining. Although - uh - very likely
-" you will have some extinction at the
- uh - latter - uh - end of that. I find
........ the XUV MON begins to noticeably
extinguish, along about 1 minute time

PS_e6 of8 t _

remaining, and - uh - the S05 detector -

expender S05 detector will frequently
carry along tmtil about 45 seconds to
55 seconds. So you might not have much
- uh - uh - attervation, but still - uh -
some perhaps. I only gave you a
7-minute exposure there, in - uh - in
- tLh - filter 4, Jim and - _h - everything
else went about as scheduled, although
- _h - I think - uh - the .next time
I wouldn't expected to make those
mistakes which i've Just described.
Okay. That's about it for the last
orbit. Info goes, then, the ATM PIs and
planners from the SPT.

252 02 13 45 SPT SPT on channel A with a message for

- uh - Dr. Robert McCIean the ATM -
ATM PI. Uh - Bob, one thing I had
meant to mention in our debriefing
discussion of that - uh - transient
today. Uh - I wouldn't have been
able to see that had there not been
some - uh - observing time available
to Just look around. You might have
- uh - been in a hurry to get started
on, say even a J0P 6 - uh - which did
require looking at the sun - uh - and
the corona, or particularly some other
active region building block without any
observing time. I think it is very
unlikely that would have been - uh -

252 02 14 21 SPT So - uh - it might be worth pointing out

- uh - at some of the planning meetings
that this observing time, although it
does not always i_mlediately pay off in
terms of concrete JOPs accomplished - uh -
it can neverthe-less be quite helpful in
getting such things as I believe the
transient was Fortunately m_ whole pass
was essentially observing time. I wasn't
in any big hurry, and - uh - it - uh -
turned out Just perfect on the timing
again. But - uh - I thought I'd mention
comment to you before I forgot it.
E_d of - uh - message from the SPT to
Dr. Robert McClean, the ATM PI, S052.

252 02 15 57 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with some

information for ... The sound measurements
f--" D_ap Tape 251-ih
8 i i i

I made today.- Let_-_zle--_ _6uple

of comments first. Mainly, the cabin i
heat exchanger fan muffler, we don't
know what that is. We think m_ybe that's
a synonym for the AM circ. fan because
as far as we know in the STS, the onS,v
thing that has that sort of a heat
exchange arranging is the STS circ. fan.
But, let me - uh - I didn't - so then
I didn't get reading l, which is the AM -
which is the cabin heat exchanger fan
muffler, but did get the rest. .In 1 I
substitued the rate byros because they're
the loudest thing in there. So let me
read to you. And I'll read them in
order, I'll Just go like l, which in this
ease is rate gyro, and then I'll Just
read across, so here i& goes. 1:72,
61, 59.5, 67, 60.5, 57-5, 50, 49.5, and

252 02 16 55 CDR Okay, 2: which happens to be AM duct fan

muffler. 61, 52, 52, 58.5', 34, 50, 44.5,
44.5, 35.3. 3: 71, 65, 60, I, 68, 57,
52, 45, 43, 33. 4: 75.5, 56, 61, 72, 60,
59, 62. 5: 71, 67, 62, 64.5, 57, 50,
45.5, 45.5, 35. 6; with all four fans
running, I turned them on so you could
get them all four running: 77, 73, 71,
61, 55, 48, 42, 40, 30, Number 7: 56.5,
45, 46, 48, 45, 39, 29, 32, 24. 8: 63.5,
59, 50.5, 59.0, 51, 42, 34, 32, 22, Now
9 is three different f_n_ and I went
shead and shot all three of them. The
third being the CSM fan. Fan number l:
66, 58, 56, 55, 54, 51, 45, 41, and 29.
2: 67, 60, 57, 58, 55, 50, 48, 45, 34.
3, which is the CSM fan: 67, 61, 56, 56,
52, 49, 43, hl, 28. That goes to ECIL
and also to anyone interested in 487.
I'll tell you some gentlemen that are.
Mr. Robert Nute and Mr. J. C. Smith.
So - uh - if you got any problems, give
the CDR a ca]]; I'll try to iron them out.
Remember that these were taken in the
__ envirommaet with other equipment running.
And so sometimes you're not getting a
............ pure sound level on this_except for

Tape 251-i_
Page 8 of 8 ., _ i

pointing the instrument at it.

252 02 19 29 CDR Much - m_ny times - for example, in

the STS, I'm sure the rate gyro - uh -
tend - uh - to crowd in and rate
gyro sound tensed to - uh - crowd in
and somewhat ... the sound of the
equipment. CDR out.



Time: 0305-0308
D_mpT_pe 252-01 GMT _
9/9/?3 ....
Page i of i
/_-_ .......

PLT Hello, space fans, th_is is J_k- on channel

A debriefing the last ATM run. I ran the
JOP 6 and I did the shopping list items.
Ran the whole run Just like advertised.
Powered it down for unattended and - uh -
I - uh - gave you the fr_e comps in -
uh - real time and - uh - ... debrief.
See you tomorrow.

: _

Time : 1151-1155 GM_
Page 1 of 1

252 ii 52 17 CDR UDR - uh - debriefing the --uh -'first .....

ATM run of the day, 11:07, went well.
Uh - had about 15 minutes left when I
finished with the assigned JOP. I went
over to shopping list item 16 end worked on
it. I gave 56 a 5-minute exposure,
filter 3. 82B, I gave it a 2-minute
h0-second EXPOSURE SHORT, at - uh -
uh - at i0 minutes above the - i0 are seconds
above the limb, 20 arc seconds above the
limb, and 30 arc seconds above the limb.
So I got three 02:_0 second expos.ures
above the limb at those three prints,
02:40. Then we sneaked back over to the
middle and caught - uh - the sunset.

252 ii 53 12 CDR CDR out.

CDR Also, I might mention I took a look at

/ 52 during the - uh - uh - start np there.
I saw nothing new. There"s streamers - uh -
at both - uh - the western and eastern
limbs. And there 's nothing abnormal
that I can see in 52. XUVMON seems like -
uh - active region 19 is about the brightest
but none of them are significantly
brighter than the other. You can see a
small amount of {IV off of the eastern
limb at about - uh - 2 o'clock end 5 - and
4 o'clock and thosehave been there for

a day or so. Uh - that'sabout it. !

252 ii 54 03 CDR CDR,out.... this time. I


/-f _
Dump Tape 252-03
_ Time : 1323-1501 GMT
Page 1 of 7

252 13 23 32 PLT Good morning, space fans, this is Jack

on channel A - uh - debriefing the - uh -
A_,_ run which - uh - began at 12:31. I
ran off of JOP 6 and - uh - one - uh -
change I inadvertently made to your - uh -
request was that - uh - I rolled to - uh -
minus 5400 instead of minus 4800 and so
we're going to be - uh - a little off in
• roll. I noticed it after we'd gotten started
so - uh - I - uh - decided I'd better -
uh - leave it where it was to - uh - complete
the data tape. Uh - VTR was - uh - cranked
up for a few minutes. Then I ran the - uh -
JOP 2-alfa. And - uh - I'm currently
doing the - uh - JOP 7. And - uh - we got
off to a little bit late start on that -
uh - so we're gonna gel% it from 3 minutes
on in as opposed to 5 minutes on in. Uh -
other than that - uh - I reported - uh -
_ two prominences. Stand by i, please.

252 13 2h 57 PLT I reported two prominences - uh - one

at - uh - 120 %%ich - uh - appeared to be
about - uh - standing width 30 to 40 arc seconds
above the limb. And another small one at
about 060. Uh - I 81 - I did my daily -
uh - skit to the corona and - uh - I'll
get oriented right here.

252 13 25 27 PLT Looks like - uh - we still have a couple

of pretty nice - uh - streamers over there -
uh - we've got two of them instead of
one, now at - uh - the east northeast -
uh - side of the limb. And we got -
uh - another pretty well defined one at -
uh - the east - uh - south - east southeast
side. And - uh - so we got three pretty
well defined streamers over there on the
east side now, whereas we only had one
yesterday with a lots of other - uh -
slichtly enhanced area which has gone
away now.

252 13 26 17 PLT So the - uh - slightly enhanced area has -

uh - given way to three - uh - pretty well
/_ Dump_ Tape 252-03
Page 2 of 7

defined distinct streamers on the east

side. On the west side it appears to
be about the same lots of - uh - uh -
sort of enhanced area but - uh - not
too distinct. I_ybe one distinct - uh -
streamer at the - uh - south-southwest
or west-southwest, I should say. And -
uh - we had a little more - uh - enhanced
area yesterday other there, than we have
now, it - uh - certainly is somewhat
enhanced but not too well defined.

252 13 26 55 PLT One other thing I noticed that - uh -

I've never noticed before - uh - in
watching the - uh - scope as we - uh -
went into sunset - actual sunset - I
• did notice - tub- the - uh - waves -
uh - across the H-Alfa the - uh - due
to the - uh - atmosphere and - uh - sort
of ... waves I guess you might call them.
_-- Uh - I did notice the effect of seeing the
sun through the atmosphere, much as it
• would appear - uh - , looking from a
telescope on the ground, it appeared
that - uh - the seeing wasn't very good,
and I could see it move from the bottom
of the scope - or one side of the scope -
uh - across to the other.

252 13 27 41 PLT And - uh - and then of course the sun went

out, but - uh - that was - uh - something
I hadn't seen before, but - uh - was very
apparent seeing these - tub - paralle waves
of the Earth's atmosphere - uh - interupt
the - uh - good seeing that we have up
here - uh - above the atmosphere.

252 13 28 O0 PLT And - uh - that concludes the - uh -

debriefing for today and - uh - for this
rev. And I'll see you in a short time.

252 13 52 32 PLT This is Jack on channel A - uh - the

subject is -uh - ... observations for the
EREP people. Uh - we - drifting over
the Sahara Desert today - uh - was Just
F- kinda looking at the - uh - uh - forms
Dump Tape 252.03
" _ Page 3 of 7

that the sand made and other terrain down

there. And - uh - basically the sand was -
uh - varying colors - uh - from reddish
to - uh - whitish to grayish.

252 13 52 59 PLT But I noticed that - uh - what appeared

to be - uh - something that appeared to
be - uh - trueing - uh - up out of the
sand or that perhaps the sand was layed
over - tub - some - uh - areas of higher
elevation that - uh - looked like - uh -
uh - volcanic - uh - formations. Uh -
they may not have been, but that's what
they looked like from here. And then it
looks like the sand was layed over top
of them and that just the tops of the
volcanic areas were - uh - sticking out.
And , uh - I know there isn'tmuch water
around that area so I doubt that it was
vegetation. And the other comment about
water, is that it's - uh - very apparent
_" that - uh - there is - uh - littleor
no - uh - water type erosional features
.. in the desert area.

252 13 53 51 PLT However as you get closer to the Mediterranean

coast, this morning I was thinking of the
northern coast - uh - I started to pick up
some erosional features and - uh - you
could see - uh - drainage features - uh -
%_h - pushing - uh - seaward. Uh - as you -
as you got closer - close to the coast you
could see - uh - places where there had
been - tub - at some time or other - uh -
streams which had - uh - had cut their way
into the terrain and Where the water had
washed down from - uh - higher area and -
uh - uh - what appeared to be dry tributaries
today, but - uh - perhaps during - uh - a -
uh - rainy time - uh - at one time held
some water caused - caused erosion features.

252 13 54 35 PLT Now into the middle of the desert -

uh - the other thing I noticed was that -
uh - through these - uh - in these -
IAh - outcrops I guess would be a better
Dump Tape 252-03
Page 4 of 7

word for the - what appeared to be the

volcanic - uh - features. In these
outcrops - uh - uh - tops of - uh - hills
that _ere sticking out of the sand -
uh - there were frequently cuts. And - uh -
if you think of the sand as streaming -
uh - the - the effect of wind - uh - blowing
the - uh - sand through these cuts.

252 13 55 07 PLT It appeared to me that the wind in that

area was - uh - predominatly from the
northeast, which was along our track.
And - uh - the reason I say that is because
you could see through these cuts the -
uh - the - uh - streams of sand - uh -
streaming out to the southwest. And perhaps
they were - uh L just - u_ - uh - sauds
streams, but perhaps they were - u_ - uh -
areas of - uh - varying elevation that -
_ uh - cause an kppearance- cause it to
appear that way.

252 13 55 40 PLT But at any rate, it appeared that - uh -

the wind has caused the - uh - sand to
blow through these cuts. And - uh - in
other areas where there's a lot _mre sand,
you could see the - uh - uh - parallel or
linear features - uh - all lined up - uh -
uh - probably with respect to the wind.
Uh - in this case, it appeared that perhaps
the - uh - wind was Just - 90 degrees to -
uh - my earlier observation. That is pri -
primarily from the northwest. Because the -
uh - linear features were - in the sand of
the dunes - were lined up northeast and
southwest. So app - per - perhaps there
are two - uh - uh - wind directions to -
uh - think about there.

• 252 13 56 28 PLT Those that caused the dunes and then - uh -

periodically when the wind is from the
northeast, why it would - would - uh - uh -
stream sand through these cuts that I
noticed. Now I didn't notice any cuts
going the other direction, if I I may have
noticed the streaming in other directions
Dum_ Tape 252-03
P_e 5 of 7

as well. But the ones that I noticed,

it happened to be oriented in that
direction, so - uh - perhaps - uh - at the dune is a better way
to - uh - determine - uh - the - uh -
general direction of the prevailing wind
in that area.

252 13 56 58 PLT Another thing I noticed _ras that - uh -

as you went down from the higher outcrops,
which were all dark and looked volcanic -
uh - the sand on the periphery of these
was for several miles - uh - uh - more of
a grayish - whitish - uh - color. Uh -
perhaps more of the - uh - color of the -
tub - gradation of the color between the -
uh - outcrop and the - ub - sand which was
in the lower - to the lower lying areas, -
uh - which was more more of a reddish -
_ uh - yellowishcolor. So - uh _ the - the
line of demarcation was very evident also
between the - uh - sand which was close to
the outcrops as opposed to the sand which
was in the - uh - the - uh - lower areas.

252 13 57 42 PLT It - uh - makes you think that - uh - that -

uh - first the volcanic - uh - area was
or - volcanic activity was - uh - present
and then that - uh - later on some - uh -
uh - a sorta reddish bands that I noticed
were - uh - uh - laid down and then perhaps
the - uh - the more - uh - whitish-grayish
ones which I saw close to ... laid in there,
and that the - uh - whitish-gray was - uh -
blown out of the - uh - lower lying areas
and - uh - but was - uh - preserved nearer
to the hills - uh - the hills protecting
that area from - uh - from the wind.

252 13 58 26 PLT Or perhaps - uh - uh - some of the - uh -

sand and dust particles end - uh - and
so forth generated by the hills had - uh -
had - uh - somehow been blown down to
the - uh - uh - to meet with the - uh -
red-yellow - uh - sand in the lower areas.
f So Just a few observationsthat we're able
Dump Tape 252-03
Page 6 of 7

to _e in space - uh - uh - and - u_u -

the purpose is not so much to describe
you the geology of the Sahara as to - uh -
describe to you what types of features
we're able to see in that kind of area
from our - uh - uh - vantage point up here.

252 13 59 05 PLT And uh - that takes care of the - uh -

Earth observation message for now.

252 13 59 45 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. This is information

for biomed, particularly - uh - _like _._quittle
and the - uh - folks who are interested in -
uh - uh - normal B_D information. This
morning I ate breakfast before I weighed
myself. I realized it during breakfast,
so I continued and ate pvery single thing
that was on the breakfast menu. But that
only. Took one drink of water. Everything
else was as it normallyis, and I'Ii read
you the numbers that I got on the B_Z_.
_n_ich means you ought to be .able to subtract
off the weight of the meal and have the
accurate morning weighing. 6289, 6288,
6285. Sorry Just forgot, but I think -
uh - we're in ... of a culpable position
to determine accurately what I weighed this

252 14 O0 33 - CDR CDR out. That goes to Mike Whittle and to

anyone else interested in the B_,E_Dreadings,
or morining - uh - weight readings. I'll
read this information down on the - uh -
the - uh - nightly report and mention that -
uh - I've already reached you on channel A.
CDR out.

252 14 56 51 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A,

debriefing the last A_.! run, which began
• at 14:06. I ran a JOP 6, buildingblock 2
and - uh - during that period of time -
uh - 50 - uh - S056 hung up in patrol short
filter five - uh - then we went on to -
uh - JOP 2-F, and I - uh - ran all the
f-- JOP 2 foxtrotsat your coordinates- uh -
on the first one.- uh - I gave - uh -
_amp Tape 25-°-03
Page 7 of 7

S056 a single frame, 135 short, instead

of active one long, and I did the same
thing on the third one. A_d - uh - made
it every - everybody a 75 on the rest.
Uh - we're presently - uh - going on down
through effective sunset. And - uh -
mirror lanes again.

252 lh 57 43 PLT And - uh - so that rev's complete and that

irraps up the debriefing, thank you.



Dump Tape 252-04
Time: 1553-1702 GL_f

! 919173
Page i of 2

252 15 53 15 SPT Here comes the SPT; 187 on the PRD

for the day, 187 - 187 of them, 187.

252 15 57 16 SPT PRD for the conmander is h56, 456.

That's the readings for the day.


252 16 32 04 CDR Okay, this is the CDR and I'm

debriefing the AT - ATM run at
15 :39 ; went completely nominal.
Everything went well.' Got finished
about 12 minutes early or so. I had a
report that active region i0 was surging.
Went on to the limb - over to the limb. Went
off the limb, rolled a parallel to the
limb. Gave 82B three exposures - 02:h0 seconds
SHORT and one 00:40 second LONG. The
40-second LONG was call for, but I wanted
to make sure that I got what the ground
•. w_nted. They ssid 02:40 second exposure.
I Just wanted to verify c make sure that
I got the data. I gave an active, one
LONG. The 56, I did mirror line scans
at grating zero. So, by the ws_v, on
H-_ipha, it looked like I could see
something there for a while. It disappeared.
Now may have been a prominence there forever
end I just didn't know it, but it looked
like something was visible. And I laid
the slit across that something.

252 16 32 54 CDR CDR out.


252 17 01 18 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A. This information goes to
- uh - the NL photo people. I took a
picture of the Gulf of Panama. And
I noticed that - uh - there was a lot of
f- sedimentation around the - uh - particularly
_/-_ Dunp Tape 252-04
Page 2 of 2

....... 1 ..........

around the north and east sides of that

gulf. Most of it was associated with the
rivers that was blowing down into the
gulf. There was also some around Rio Hato.
It's on the west side of the gulf.
Other thau that, there wasn't a whole
lot to notice because - uh - the line
was pretty much covered by clouds.
We took a photograph of the Gulf of
Pan_- and therefore believe we've
covered that requirement.

252 17 02 0_ PLT That's the end of the message for

the NL photo people.

Dump Tape 252-05
Time: 1839-1932 G_£f
Page 1 of 17

252 18 39 hh CDR Okay, Houston, the read/ngs - -

252 18 39 55 CDR Okay, Houston, the reading on I)-6. Just

as soon as I turned - uh - the 192 to
check is a mere 57 percent. 57 percent
on D-6. CDR out. That's for EREP.

252 18 h9 38 CDR Put in record and everything is Just

dandy so far. Check a]1 readings
and voice record green ones. l'm
going to check um and read era. Okay
we're going to start with uh switch A •
first, 2. It's 92 percent which -uh -
as you well know is out of limits.
But we'll live through it, I guess.
We always seem to. 87 percent On 3,
which is wihtin limit, 8h percent -
correction - 72 percent on 4 which is -
uh - within limits. 5 is 66 percent,
which is acceptable. 6 is about zero
and that's acceptable, and that's the
end of that one; 2 flunked.

252 18 50 32 CDR And now let's try B-2. B-2 is 62 percent ....
and that's acceptable; B-3 is 76 percent
that's acceptable; B-4 is 71 percent,
that's acceptable; B-5, 74 percent, that
is acceptable. B-6 is acceptable any-
where and it's 49 percent; B-T,
31 percent, acceptable; B-8, 1 percent,
acceptable; 9 - uh - 59 percent, and
that 's acceptable.

252 18 51 19 CDR C-2, hh percent, acceptable; C-3,

88 percent - uh - unacceptable - yes,
acceptable, we got the - uh - attenuator
in. No, no, it says attenuator -
yeah, that can go to i00 percent. 4,
91 percent and that's - uh - not
• acceptable. C-h is not acceptable,
it's out of limits. 5- uh - 84 percent
that's within limits; C-6 is 47 percent,
in limits; C-7 is in limits at 49 per-
cent. So it's C-4 that's out of limits.

/ ...........................
Dump Tape 252-05
f-_ Page 2 of 17

252 18 52 04 CDR Let me-Let's-go-roD.- kL2 e_d C-34..........

D-2, one of our favorite numbers,
86 percent, and that's acceptable;
D-3, 85 percent, acceptable; D-h,
72 percent , acceptable; D-5, 12 percent,
acceptable - make that lh percent; D-6,
57 percent and acceptable_ and 7,
no sweat. So let's check a few of
these that you like os much. D-T,
31_ D-B, about i; D-V, about 50; D-6,
57 - 58; and is C-7 greater than 8,
which it sure was, which you known.
Okay, we've done that. Everything
is Just perfect. MODE'READY, door
coming open on 190. Let me check the
HEAT_ light off and these two are PRESS
TO TEST and they are acceptable, cer-

252 18 52 22 CDR I would reco_end on Jerry's Cam - uh

i, that you check the window heaters a
._- lot earlier, there's no need to wait
• until the last minute. And verify
and voice record pre-op pad - that's
what I'm going to do right now. TAPE
out, and MODE CHECK.

252 18 53 40 CDR Forget it, I can not CHECK it, I'll

have to Just come back to it. 91 ON,
STANDBY - correction - ON, READY out,
STANDBY and door open, it's wide open.
93 R, STANDBY and READY out; 93 S OFF
and READY out; 94 OFF and READY out -
and correction, that's 93 k OFF _%d
READY out; adn 9_ ON - was READYon,
and that's okay. We lacked one thing
end that's to get the MODE READY,
the 90's ON, 92 - here we are. When
that READY light goes out ; I will put
teh MODE in CHECK adn we'll be
ready to go.

252 18 54 40 CDR We're in good shape for this EREP run.

Did you load the new times in, Jack?
Dump Tape 252-05
Page B of 17

I'm Sure you don't mind me mentioning

it, I hope you mention em to me.
Good run, for 34 minutes.

252 18 55 08 CDE What are we coming over, Jack?

PLT What?

CDR Where are we coming over? That's the

pass, huh?

PLT TipofBaja. _

CDR Tip of the Bah [sic]..

PLT Not far from Fort Worth.


CDR Good.

PLT St. Louis.

-. CDR Get right near the old home town.

PLT ...

252 18 55 26 CDR We're going to do something over -

Looks like our runways' bending. I
don't know why that - uh - door isn't
open on 192 right now. Got me worried.
Here it is, MODE to CHECK. All right.
You got it right. Everyting's oks_v.
Sta_Iding by for a - stand by to 19:00.

CDE Did you prefer - to do that back to

back's on again when they found a
weather went away.

252 18 56 21 CDR Down-link VOX is in switch position 1

right now. Th right red dot on this
thing. What color that other one is,
but this is red.

252 18 59 06 PLT How you hear me, Al?

CDR I hear you so well, it's incredible.

Dump Tape 252-05
_ Page4 of 17 ..............

PLT Too well, huh?

CDR No, I'd say Just about right.

PLT Okay, then it's not loud enough.

252 18 59 h6 PLT You down there, 0.?

CDR Should be.

SPT Nat ura] ]y.

PLT Did you get your door open?

SPT Several of _n.

• PLT Okay.

SPT Thanks for the check.

PIT Says I got to check the SPT, so I did.

252 19 00 00 CDR MARK. A to STANDBY,it is. Okay I

got 3 minutes and 40 seconds to sleep.

252 19 00 22 SPT My card shews we just corssed the tip

of BaJa up here. Does that agree with

PLT That's where We're going to go, yeah.

ST. Louieadn Detroit.

SPT That 's right.

PLT Detroit. Little Detroit city.

252 19 01 56 PLT ... I ,Imost had _ eyes shut.

PLT ...

252 19 03 40 CDR MARK. R OFF, A ON. EREP start at 4.

Monitors A-l, B-l, and C-l, are our
favorite ones. Stand by for EREP
start at 4, gentlemen. 8, 9, -
. Dtmrp Tape 252-05 ..........

Page 5 of 17

252 19 O_ 00 CDR MARK. _P has started. 9h to MODE

_TUAL at 18. B is starting to take
a naa_r -]_ one of our favorite

252.19 04 18 CDR MARK. MODE MANUAL. Uh - oh, it's

way low, way low, floks.

PLT What's low? Oh. Now you got it.

CDR C-i _; C-I is not ready.

CDR 34, that's the same thing about our

zero zero, Those things were _Imost there.

PLT yeah.

CDR 05:20 is the next big one. We over

the ocean.

PLT Yes, we're still over the" Z ocean.

CDR 0kay.

252 19 05 05 PLT We're going to hit the coast about -

uh- i0.

252 19 05 20 CDR 05:20, AUTO CAL.

"PLT There it goes, it's AUT0 CALing.

CDR WE like to AUTO CAL for you. 06:50

is going to be decision time. Looking
for A-2. I got to record A-2, C-4,
and C-1.

252 19 05 48 CDR Just before the READY out, at 06:50,

I guess.

CDR Maybe they want it recorded now. I'll

record it now. Naw, they wouldn't be
useful now.

252 19 06 21 CDR Nok it might be. I know why they want

it, they want to know what's going on.
Dump Tape 252-05
Page6 of 17 ...............

PLT Coastal stratus clouds, okay.

252 19 06 46 CDR 06:50 coming up, decision time. Light

out. I'd say that 87 is a good number,
let's leave it. REcord A-I and B-I.
_.8 end _-.2.


CDR READY ON_ on 191 at 8.

252 19 07 38 CDR Ready,ON 191 at 8. -_

CDR Okay. A, turn A on. A ON. MONITOR

A-l, B-1 mud C-1. I'm monitoring 191,
reference 6. There, record C-1 max.
C-1 sort of coming down. _/aat's going
on with all this thing?

PLT What's the matter?

CDR Man, we're doing more of sumpthins than

/ I've ever seen.

PLT See one.

CDR Doing nice so far, it's been 89 percent.

PLT Low it's got to be - as low as some-

thing or other. 50-9.

CDR 08:5_ is decisiontime on A. Doing

a couple,I guess this is a sort of
a repeatability test.

252 19 09 26 PLT Okay, I'm looking for some coastal

stratus clouds for over 9 minutes
now. I got some coming up over

CDR Decision time.

PLT There's some good ones. Track there

for a while. Maybe the coast can
save its crops, Carl.

PLT Back. Stratus cloud, nice flat bank,

--_ you see a few little blue channels .....
Dump Tape 252-05
Page7 of 17 ..............

in it, u/q -- space ceiling biue_--Ok-_, .....

let's get off of that one.

252 19 i0 ii CC Let me remind you that 16 minutes


CDR Okay.

PLT Okay. Here's some more coastal

• stratus.

CDR 82 and 93 percent, C-4 was 98,

C-I maX was 87.

252 19 I0 h5 PLT I'm on my second - uh - group of

coast - coastal clouds, picked a

CC READY is out, READY is on again,

and will go out at 11:32 aud we're
going to record A-l, A-2, B-l,
and C-i - C-4.
- ..... I
PLT Okay, now we're coming down to 15
which is where we get the good data.

252 19 ll 34 CDR Okay, READY out. A-l, 54;

A-2, 93; B-l, hS; C-h, 98; 92 A to
STANDBY, MODE to 1. 12:36, we
got to go 192 MODE to READY.

PLT I got you some coastal stratus;

I'll try to find some more.

PLT Coast - Okay, here's some more coastal

stratus for you.

252 19 12 36 CDR Okay, 192 Just went MODE READY.

AUTO to 49. MODE AUTO. 13, down-link
V0X to 3. 5, 13:00, down-link V0X
to 3. READY light out at 13:14.
Believe it did down-link V0X 13:24 to 5.

252 19 13 23 PLT Okay, space fans, we Just crossed the

tip of Bava, we're coming up over
Mexico, over the Big Bend country
•_ i Page
_ 0fit 252-05
8 Tape

at the bend of the Rio Grande and

uh - then we're coming up over -
uh - Just north of Fort Worth,
Dallas, up over St. Louis, Detroit
and up through Canada.

252 19 13 50 CDR Okay, switched to 57 on the down-

llnk VOX, we have two real lights in
the - _h - 190, and that's the 5 aud
6, hut we're not worried about them.

PLT A uniform site, plus or minus 5, -

track at 14:30. Okay, hang up there
for a minute and 20 seconds.

252 19 lh 12 CDR MARK, down-link VOX at 12 - at

position 9 now.

PLT Looking for my favorite clouds,

guess what I'll be looking for.
Other side here.

CDR 163, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, MODE, CHECK on

192. 190 is MODE STANDBY. Frame 7,

252 19 14 44 PLT I think I'ii take that h01e in the •

coulds right there.

_DR lutervalometer i0. At 15 minutes,

193A on.

PLT By golly, there's an airfield down

there and I don't ....

252 19 15 00 CDR MARK 193 A ON. 15:20, MODE SINGLE

on 190.

PLT I'm going to pick a uniform brown site

to track at the moment and then later
on I'll pick a uniform green site.
We're near some city, I don't know
what it is but it's got an airfield.

252 19 15 20 CDR MARK. Single.

PLT I'm going through gimbal 30 and

also tell me where that city is.
Dump Tape 252-05 ....

f-_ _Page 9 of 17

252 19 15 27 PLT MARK, gimbal up 30. Will you tell

me what that city is? I know exactly
where we're tracking, l'm tracking
that brown field at the moment, the
brown tmiform site.

CDR 15:h0 -

252 19 15 h0 CDR MARK. Okay, record A-2 and B-h.

A-3, 92; B-h, 99 or 98, it's hard
to tell Be h6, 192 MODE READY.

252 19 16 Oh PLT Got a hole in the clouds, that's what

I'm shooting through. Okay, I
tracked them, and I try to move up
Just a little hit and get a green site.
Found one. Have a green site. Okay,
I'm tracking a green site now, Houston.
A brown one and a green one. We're
going through 20, minus 20, that is.
Okay, there, we're off it. Okay, 17:20
up to 45, something's wrong..

252 19 16 47 CDR MARK, MODE READY at 192. Single on 190. - ......

PLT Yeah,the weather sin'tmuch good " ""

down there, Hank.

CC No good?

PLT Huh?

CC It's no good? _

PLT Not much good, no. It is Just like

you said, weather all across the track
few holes here and there.

252 19 17 18 CDE 17:20, another single. Another single


PLT Don't see a thunder storm. Look around

here a little bit.

CDR 17:32, MODE SINGLE. That's it,

another single. MODE AUTO at 18:23, okay.
• Dump Tape 252-05 ...............
!Page 10 of 17 _ .........

• PLT I don't see a thunderstorm, Hank.

Got a lot of high cirrus, might be
one under there s_newhere but you
can't see. But we'll keep looking.
We got another couple of minutes
to look, says here.

252 19 18 24 CDR Be MODE AUTO.

252 19 18 38 CDR FILM ADVANCE MALFUNCTION lights 5 and 6

remain on. All the others are out.

CC Hey, our best guess is you may have

been looking at Abilene:

PLT Okay, thank you.

CDR Okay, to STANDBY at 19. Stand by.

S to STANDBY nad R to STANDBY and
everything's ready. 19:30, READY ...
should be OUT.

• PLT Okay, Lansing is clear and I go_ the .........


CDR 190.

252 19 19 16 PLT ... I said the heck with the thunder

storm if you don't mind. We're ...
through tracking - - site 535. No
question aboutit.

252 19 19 26 CDR 190, 19:30, READY OUT.

PLT I got a high around the biggest

field in the area.

CDR 19:50 is 192 MODE, READY.

PLT We got still got a 15 gimbals to go,

until we get to zero.

PLT I got the back door - -


252 19 19 51 CDR MODE, READY.

| Dump Tape 252-05
• Page ii of 17

PLT - - It's all the way in.

CDR 190 to STANDBY, - -

PLT And we're taking data.

CDR - - and frame 6. Valometer, 20.

PLT Had to hunt around a little, but

I found it. I found my old h_ne
town of Grand Rapids, first, and
ran downthehighway.

CDR 20:53 is 190, MODE, AUTO.

252 19 20 l0 PLT Say hello to all the folks at the

University of - uh - Michigan
State University. Lansing's the
capitol of my house state. Michigan
State University is the second
big - second-best school in the
Big 10.

CDR 190, MODE to - -

' %

PLT Home of the Spartans - fighting

Spartans. I've only been bitten by
the fighting Wolverines from the
University of -Michigan. _ Okay, let
me see if I can find you a thunder-
storm now, Hank.

CDR ...

PLT ...

CDR 20 :53•

252 19 _20 42 PLT We're whistling up Lake Onterio at the

moment, but there's all highs here.
Never seen a thunderstorm there at
all. I 'd rather have Lansing anyway,
wouldn't you? This EREP jazz gets better.

252 19 20 53 CDR MODE, AUTO on 190; 191 is REF 2. Record

A-2 and C-4. I think I can do that.
, Dump Tape 252-05
Page 12 of 17

PLT Thunderstorms are all dissipated.

They're either covered ...

CDR C-h is 98.

PLT But I'll take Lansing any d_y, H_nk.

252 19 21 i0 CDR 21:30 is 190, SHUTTER SPEED, MEDIUM.

PLT Okay, Z-LV is what time? 3h. We got all

kinds of time.

252 19 21 30 CDR SHUTTEH SPE_u gone to MEDIUM. 21:52;


.PLT How'd you like a little data in one

of these lakes up here? Going to -
uh - give you some data in one of
these lakes. I don't even know what
one it is. Taking data in the lake
rinht now, Hank_ I'm at minus 26.


PLT I'm swapping

younow. _

CDR On 192.

252 19 21 56 "SET It's Lake Onterio.

CDR 22:40.

PLT Okay, we took some data on Lake

Ontario there, Hank.

CDE 22:40, READY, OUT.

PLT Let me swing up here and see if I

can find anything else to take some
data on. Copying, Hank?

CC ...

PLT We Just took some data on Lake Onterio.

CC Copy.
Dump Tape 252-05 .............
Page 13 of 17

252 19 22 19 PLT l'm gonna take some data on a uniform

green area in a - But I ran out of gimba]q.
I _uqn't do that. Find something else,
he re.

252.19 22 40 CDR 90 to STANDBY.

PLT Ah heck. All I see is clouds. Oh

I'ii take you some data on s_e cirrus

252 19 23 00 FLT l'm at gimbal angle 45 and - uh -

coming down right now on some cirrus
clouds, Hank .... Have somebody
m_k the time. That was 23 minutes.
And - uh - so the_'ll know about whera
the area is and were it appears on
the - uh - data. I guess we're
gonna miss hunting season this •year,
H.n_. And this is kind of about the
best thing that makes up for it. Just
/ to hunt around for - uh- extra VTS

CC ...

PLT Better - you better shoot me some of

these doves down at Vero, this year,

CC ...

PLT Say hello to our old buddy - uh -

Don Trippen?

CC Okay, ...

PLT Okay. I took you some - I still got

time. I'm gonna get you some data
on Clear water. Okay, there was -

252 19 24 12 PLT MARK. Gimbal 35, taking data on

clear water.

CDR The Atlantic Ocean.

/ ............................

• " .-.
Dump Tape 252-05
_, Page 14 of 17

" PLT Yeah. -I think_ We're-n0t- s_e-.- ............

252 19 24 26 CDR S, ON; R, ON; and A, OFF; at 25.

PLT All this time the DAC is off. There's

no documentation as you requested.
But - uh - I just want you guys to
know what's going on this - uh -
S191, so that you'll be able to
interpret the data. We're still on blue

PLT First college footba]], game was

yesterday, huh, Hank?

• 252 19 25 00 CDR S, ON; R, ON; A, OFF.

CC They had a few of them - uh - Nebraska-

UCLA was the big one.•

PLT Yes/u, I heard. Man, we're sure waiting

• a longtimeto go to ZLV.

252 19 25 20 PLT Okay, I'm done taking data on blue water. -

What else Hank would like here?

CC Still about 1 minute from LOS. And -

uh - we'll be coming up on Madrid - uh -
at 31 for the•recorderdump.


PLT Taking some more data on stratus

over the Atlantic here, Hank. Starting
now. Either - uh - Oh, I'd say
they're stratus. Gimbal 36, cn_iug down.
Yeah, theylre wavy stratus. Seem pretty
good now. They got a lot of wrinkles in

252 19 26 16 SPT Say, Hank, does the EREP officer see

any reason to take out the - uh -
m_gazine on these back-to-back
hasses on ETC?

CDR No back-to-back. Back-to-back canceled.

You read me, 0.?
Dtmp Tape 252-05
P_e 15 of 17

SPT Xeah. I f0rgot about that. ................

CDR Departed from Madrid. Making a

fast trip to Madrid to meet us there.

252 19 26 59 PLT Okay, for the record this is the VTS

operator, SI91. We're taking data
now on some stratus over the Atlantic.
It's a very rough and wavey pattern.
It's solid stratus. However it looks
like - uh - I don't know what to say.
It looks a lot - a lot of linear
features. This - uh - looks like sand
dunes ,Imost. Sand dunes in the
clouds. You still running that thing,

CDR Ah, they're _Inn_ng the ... not

running anything hot.

PLT I'll tell you what. I'm gonna take

z- some more data on the blue water in
the Atlantic now.

CDR 0kay.

252 19 27 36 PLT MARK. We're taking data on blue water

in theAtlantic.

CDR Does it affectyou if we're in the

midst of an auto cal on 191?

PLT Well, I don't know. C_.

CDR I don't know either.

PLT Okay, we're done taking data on blue water.

CDR It's on?

PLT Light is on now. See?

252 19 28 06 PLT Okay, there's the buildup. I'm gonna

take some data on that buildup, right
there. Okay we're taking data on a
. cumulus cloud, Houston.
Du_@ Tape 252-05
Page 16 of 17

252 19 28 18 PLT MARK. Taking data on a cumbulus .............

cloud over the Atlantic. Uh - doubt
that it's a thunderstorm, but I can't
tell. But it's a - a good buildup. Okay,
we're taking data along there. Now
we'll take some data right along the
side of that. Very thin haze right
next to it.

252 19 28 36 FLT MARK. We're taking data right next to

the cumulus buildup. Very thin - cirrusy-
looking cloud nest -

252 19 28 h7 pit MARK. That's it. Okay, we're off of

that. See what else we can hunt for here.

"SPT ... direct to EREP offic _rs, 71 frames

on RTC, 71.

252 19 29 17 PLT Okay - MARK, 191. We're taking data

on - uh - some cirrus clouds over
the Atlantic. They have kind of a waffle -
weave pattern to them. But they're
they Just got a light blueish tint to
them so they're- uh - you can see
little patches of blue in them so that -
uh - they're not real solid, but - uh
definite cloud formation. I think the
blueishness is somewhat affected by the -
uh - Sun angle. Makes a little
hlm,_ock behind the clouds.

CDR Yes it does look that way, doesn't it? i

PLT That takes care of that. Don't we

have a no-EREP schedule?

252 19 30 33 CDR Yeay, but it's only got one ATM,

• and I think it's you.

PLT Good ....

CDR Let's see who it is.

PLT Okay, now we're gonna take some --

i Dump Tape 252-O5
_'_ Ps4_e 17 of 17

CDR You got the ATM. The rest of us are

goofing off.

PLT Now we're gonna take some - Aw,

you're - the way it usually is.

CDR Yes.

PLT So - so what's new? Okay - -

CDR Nothing.

252 19 30 50 PLT - - S191; now we're taking data over

the Atlantic Just about in the warer.
Blue water down there, nothing different.
Not enough to give any data but at
least you cam calibrate i°our instrument
a little bit. Uh - to gimbal 10.
Since we were over Abilene back then,
we'll look that up.

f CC **w Houston. we didn,t see an auto cal
on the 191. Did you get one of those?

252 19 31 12 CDR Sure did. Give you another one if

you want it.

PLT I had the data hushbutton depressed

hart of that time, Hank_ Uh - shall
we read it?

CC .....

PLT SaM again.

252 19 31 34 PLT Okay.


252 21 Ii 42 PLT Okay, space f_ns. This is Jack on
____. channel A, debriefing the last ATM
run which began - u_h - at 20:18. I
ran all through JOP 6, and then I
got a call from John to work on -
._ work over activeregion24. So - uh -
went there and did a - uh - JOP 2A,
step h - fail teleprinter ... and
ummitted 82A, B, and 5h. But - uh -
I did do a 56. I did a patrol, short;
patrol, normal - -

CDR Huh?

SPT still not getting anything ...

PLT - - and - uh - did - uh - first ac-

tive 1 long and did the single frame
1,3,5 short. And I got the grating
auto scan, the mirror auto rasters
and - uh - a couple - uh - that's
about it. Then I went down to - uh -
step 7, ozz/tted 82A and 5h - -

252 2! 12 45 PLT And - u_h - when ! did the 77, I got

82B - a i0 and a 40 - second short
you requested, and -uh -55 got "
- uh - i, 2,. 3, 5, 6, - correction,
I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 as a 2436 grating.
And, I had a little time left over
so - tub - shot another grating auto
scan,detectors i and 2. Found
another bright spot, and then I - uh -
mirror line scanned - uh - for
awhile through that area stepping
- uh - between - uh - up and down of
about - tLh - 6 and 13, something
like that.

252 21 13 25 PLT So - uh - we did a little - uh -

extra coverage on - tth - active
region 24 and - uh - let the - uh -
mirror line scan run out - uh -
through effective sun - through
actual sunset on line 9. And - uh -
that eo_npletes the debriefing for
this riLu• Thank you.

.m ..

Tape252-06 .....
Page2 of 3

252 21 16 01 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with infor-

mation - uh - on the - uh - rate
six-pack temp, which was a little
bit early but I had some time and
came up here and did it. The - tub -
I'll read the number of the - the
repress sad then I'll read you the
temp. :_ 1 is a little bit dif-
ferent because 1 you can't get be-
tween 5 and o. Their connector ends
right side of place toward CSM.
Because the - tub - other gyros - the
wide gyros get in the way. So I
got - not exactly in the middle, I
moved over more towar.ds - underneath
the - -

252 21 17 26 CDR Okay, CDR back again with this in-

formation. It's over towards - It's
between X5 end X6, but it's closer
t - -

252 21 17 37 CDR - - by about an inch to X6 and it -

/-" ,. you Just can't get in there exactly
between them. But let me read you
the numbers; I don't think it's
going to m_e any difference. Oh -
by the way I also took two places -

252 21 17 59 CDR I took one place on the side toward

the CSM as requested and got 98.2.
I went around to the other side of
the place, _ud I could fit between
them there, and I took - the tem-
perature w_s 95.3 So you can use
those two cases. 2, 93.0; 3, 101.2;
4, 78.2; 5, 76.2; 6, 76.6; 7, which
is X5 97.5; _, which is X6, 95.8; 9,
which is YS, 98.8; 10, w.hich is Y6,
92.0; ll, _._ich is Z5, 97.8; 12,
which is _"• 95.9; 13, ni - 97-3;
14, 89.2; 1_, 97.3; and 16, 95.4.
If you h_.v_ "_uy information that you
want on t_ _ let me know. This
message - Lu_ss_e goes to EGIL and
concerns the _est that was Just
Page B of 3

perfo_ned called the - uh - rate

gyro six-pack temp.

252 21 19 i_ CDR CDR out.


Dump Tape 252-07
Time : 2222-2310 G_.fY
9/10/73 ....
Page I of 3

252 22 23 48 CDR Okay, this-goes to EREP and i,m ...........

giving 'era some additional numbers.
l'm gonna go from the top of the
chenklist in order. So at time
05:20, A-2 93; B-h, 98; C-l, 87.
Now you realize that -uh - the
next One down I'm supposed to
record A-I and B-I. A-1 and B-I
continue to move around - even
after the decision time and every-
thing else. Now I didn'_ know
it was really that ... but it
turns out up here it is. One
minute they're 48, 42 the next
minute they're 47, 43 and - uh -
they just move all over the place.
Okay down at 08:10 C-I _Y was
89. Down at - uh- same place - •
after 08:10 - uh - when the
ready was out - uh - A-l, 54; A-2,
93, B-l, 45 and C-b, 98; 15:40,
A-2 was 92 and C-4 was 98; 20:53,
A-2, 93; C-b, 98.

252 22 23 20 CDR That ought to do it; that goes

to EREP. CDR out.

252 23 04 41 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on - uh -

channel A. I want to talk about
the last ATM pass to the ETM PIs
and planners. Uh - main thing
I wanted to discuss is - that - uh -
four limb coalignment. And here
are the numbers that go in the
appropriate blocks on page 1-1 of
the - uh - whatever checklist this
is. ATM log it looks like. Okay,
on day 252 time 22:30," the upper
limb: plus i011, i011, I011.
Lower limb: minus 895, minus 899;
and the - uh - left limb: minus 930,
minus 930, minus 930, that's the
right limb: plus 972, plus 975-
The mirror position is still on
line 9 and - uh - row thirty-two,

• DumpTape252-07 .....
_-_ Page 2 of 3

..... 0932. The FSS readouts-are plus 595,

plus 653. That's up, in and out,
respectively. And right in and out:
plus hl3, plus h35. Now - uh - it
looks like there's been essentially
no drift at all. Uh - all we have
picked up are staying precisely
where they have been. However I do
want to ta]W a little bit about the
- uh - S055 left limb reading,
which I have got him given as minus
930, the point at which you - uh -
MPCed the - uh - barber pole to
grate change. Now, I've had to fuss
Just a little bit on that.

252 23"06-25 SPT It ... you up at minus 930; and it -"

may be actually ih a.minus 929. "In
which case, if you we're really a .-
minus 929, _ccording to the align-
ment procedures I should have
skipped to row 33. I actually did
_. that,but whenyou get overto
the right limb, it's clearly to far
to the right. And - uh - if you
make the same check at the right
limb which isn't asked for in the

252 23 06 _6 SPT If you do m_ke that check anyway,

you step right back to line 32 - uh -
row 32. Now it is closer to being
correct - at both limbs - on row 32
than it is at row 33. So I left
it on row 32, even though you do
have to occasionally fudge a little
bit on the left limb. So it seems
that the 55 is not precisely cen-
tered - %fa - on the limb in any
of these line positions.• Be nice.
if we had a little - uh - 5 micro-
meter to squeeze it over to the left
a lit - uh - right a little bit.
But - uh - since we don't, we have
to put up with this - uh - very
slight - uh - misalignment at the


",_- Dump Tape 252-07

_ Page 3 of 3

center; So - uh 82B and .........

H- alpha 1 seem to retain exactly
the same aligo_ment they've always
had. 80 - uh - 55 -,has not
changed any, but it has - the
center up there - uh - uh - ...
has changed sites slightly, a
couple of are-seconds from the
- uh - 82B, and H-alpha-1 center.

252 23 07 51 SPT Now as far as how much of the

S055 zero, detector must be
illuminated before it triggers
from barber pole to gray. Uh -
when we came up, I was under the
impression that it was a very
sms]l fraction_ like only 5 or
i0 percent. Uh - from the looks -
of these diameters it is more like
- uh - oh, u_ - 20 or 30 percent
of the zero detector that has to
• be illnm_nated - uh - before it
/_ - uh - flips - uh - from barber
pole to gray. If - uh - you - uh -
have any other comments, or if you
disagree with this - uh - uh -
please give me a call about it.
B_t I believe that - uh - uh - row
32 is - uh - still clearly the best.
Uh - line 9 is - uh - I believe - uh -
still without doubt the best of the
- uh - of both - of the choices

252 23 08 h2 SPT So that's the next A limb coalign-

merit, and since it requires no
readjustment, I think - uh - that
it is a good deal of confidence
that it is essentially - uh - re-
mains well coaligned - uh - for
the entire mission here. End of
message from the SPT to the ATM PIs
and planners.


p" _..........................
Dump Tape 253-01
_Time : 015980250 GMT
_" Page 1 of 22

253 Ol 58 27 PLT Okay, and - uh - in fact, it

[ was dynamic. I can see it move
by Just watching it. And - uh -
it's the first moving thing I've
really seen on the Sun. So - uh -
decided to do a little - uh -
uh - JOP 8 on it and - uh -
.started on that - uh - with a
building block lO and - uh - uh -
pointed XUV and gave them - uh -
a couple of frames at another -_
| pointing. And - uh - ran some
grating AUTO SCAN and MIRROR
AUTO RASTER, and so forth on -
uh - and then got in conversation
with you folks and you suggested
going to Sun center which we did.
Uh - And after that we ran most
of the shopping list item 19 on the -
uh - on the - uh - prominence.

_ 253 01 59 01 PLT Appeared to me to be - uh -

visibly the - uh - in H0alpha,
30 to hO arc seconds - uh - above
the limb. And - uh - some places k
were higher, depending on - uh -
the rays that were emanating from it.
And appeared to me to be about - uh -
oh, 100 arc seconds - uh - long
tangentially. And that - uh -
seems to be associated with active
region 9. Must of been - uh - uh -
that mystic filament that - uh -
•was with us - uh - giving us some
action. But anyway - _h - we pro-
ceeded on with the shopping list
item number 19 - uh - we had to cut
some of XUV exposures - uh - down.
We thought at once it would be a bad
thing to do anyway because - uh -
what we were lookin at was a rela-
tively bright - uh - so that's what
we did. We got pointings at zero plus 4
plus 8 plus frames WAVELENGTH SHORT and
LONG. And we got - uh - couple GRATING
_Dtmp Tape 253-01
'Page 2 of 22

• AUTO SCANS on a _rr0r-of--i uh-- ..........

then 34 then 36. Uh - L,;,'I'/RIGHT
that is. And - uh - S056 at SINGLE
FI_tME LONG, filters 3, h, and 9. Uh -
first one was I0 minutes and - t%h -
second two were 8 minutes each. So
we very much - uh - used up the
shopping list item 19 on the - uh -
promlnance there, and - uh - that
ran us out of time. So - uh - I
think that will be enough time when
next - uh - rev with who we're
talking to.

253 02 00 50 PLT Thank you very much.

253 02 14 h0 CDR Okay - uh - Jer, Bill, Ed, Vance,

Don, Bill, gonna continue now with
uh - the next part of this little
introductionto what we got going
on up here. Maybe to aid you. Once
• again it's not a pro Job, it's Just -
uh - an effortto - uh - showyou _L

what we got. And without any more let

me Just start over here. What I'm
doing is facing the plus-Z, right
now. And - uh - I'm floating over
here to the side. Showing you how _
the - uh - uh , canistersin there.
As you know, we changed the tripod
out, so the tripod - uh - although _
we're not using it any more, this
one right here's the one that didn't
fit. The one that does fit is
sitting over there in the corner
by the BMMD. And it - uh -
isn't for your use in case ya'll
start bring up some repair items to
fix up T027 or 73.

253 02 14 54 CDR Underneath it you can see a - uh -

a - uh - plenum bag. That's where
we keep our only plenum bag. And
the things we throw in there are Just
dry trash, and about the only thing
is dry trash it turns out, are items
Dt_pT_pe253-01 i i
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from - uh - packing. Like when

we take out the food lockers, there's
packing around there. And once in
a while when you pull something out
of the dome locker there's some
packing. But mostly everything's
wet trash and goes down the trash
airlock. Uh - but that's been
hanging there now for about a month
and it Just gradually filled up,
as you can see. And I assume when
we get ready to close out, we'll
find a lot of other things to throw
in there and we'll hang it down in the
plenum. There appears to be - uh -
some more room available in the

plenum. And then right up on top there,

are the food lockers you can see -
those little bags there, $o the
i,_nediate left of your screen are
the plenum - extra plenum bags. So
there's plenty of bags, too." Uh -
there's the spider right up there on _-
the wall next to those lights - uh - q
I don't know what we do with that.
I assume we stow it. You'll notice
it's got a lot of our - uh - 4
Our - uh - extension cords on there.
But we've managed to - uh - use the
others. That's the big taker-upper
of extension cords.

253 02 15 58 CDR Okay, let me back up now - uh -

Turns out that the - uh - H^O
• • • . >_
purlflcatlon equlpment over there on
the wall is pretty easy to use. The
way we've been doing it, they'll
give us a pass, tell us to go check
water tank such and such, such and
such, we do that and - uh -
that's pretty straightforward and
quick to do. And then once we've
done it, we send that information
down to the ground and then about
3 days later they come up and say
put an extra amount of iodine in
Dump Tape 253-01 .__ ..........
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tank I0, put-50 in tank-5,

put 20 in t_ something or other,
it works real good. So - uh - I don't
think you'll have any problems with
that. I hope that those - uh - iodine -
uh . where we throw the waste, it
doesn't fill up. You're looking
at T020, it doesn't look too much
like it, because I'm looking at it
from the back.

253 02 16 57 CDR Also we don't have it stowed like

the good guys want us to stow it.
The reason is it takes .too long to
unstow and to stow. So we Just
humg it over there and it doesn't
" bother anybody. It's got all that
multiplicity of straps on it that -
uh - by the way, that's the TV
cables that are swinging over there.
It's got all that - uh - and comm
cable - It's got all the - uh -
- strapson it it took to get strapped
in. We just left them there and left --
them in position so when we flew it next
time, if we did, we would - uh -
we'd have them ready

253 02 17 28 CDR We're getting ready to fly suited

runs, so we're gonna take these off
the first of this week. And then
we'll have em stashed in a good
place. Uh - I think you're gonna
enjoy flying it. Uh - you'll
notice - uh - on the sides there
that we've got some - uh - some -
uh - mozite and it's all taped
there. It's a rather crude-looking
operation but it seemed to do the
Job. I'm hoping they'll make
you something a lot better. We'll
have to take that off due to flying
the suits but we'll leave the mozite
underneath the - uh - the - uh - uh -
medical gear down there. I'll show
Dump Tape 253-01
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you where when we're downstairs.

But anyhow, it's Just stashed
there. Does'hi get in anybody's
way. Looks kind of finny, but
we'll get it all cleaned up for
you - uh- enough so that we think
it's in the best configuration for
when you get here.

253 02 18 15 CDR Okay, now you're lookin at the 509.

Pretty much the same way. We dock
it and tie it down each time. But
as you can tell, we do not tie the
straps up particularly neat. You'll
see the padding on the - uh - the
seat there it's left for you. We'll
Just leave 811 that Just llke that.
We may tidy up the straps a bit,
but that's about it. Pretty easy
to get out, once you've done it
one time - uh - it's re_,11y simple -
uh - to do. It's fun_ - one of
the thingsthatwe foundout up
here was, the first time you did
something it took you over a C
i00 percent longer to do it - to
do it than you'd planned, because
you Just really want to check
everything. Somehow you don't
believe - at least we didn't,
someway - that the training units
work like the flight units. Well,
in most cases they do, but sQmehow
you Just don't trust yourself. You
don't trust yourself to remember where
things are - to remember how to do
things. Once you've done it once,
then you've kind of been convinced
that maybe it is Just like you
trained on and you can do it much

253 02 19 12 CDR Let me show you some others here.

I'm moving around so that between
times it will be a little screwed up.
Okay, now there's the helmet bag for
the EV-3 man, nothing new there.
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....... Right behind there is-_li-the

gear from the parasols, the sails,
mud all that special equipment we
brought up here. It's right in
that bag and in that bag right
there. There is the _C sail.
We're looking above the - uh -
the film vault. Uh - very seldc_
get into that area. Once when we had
to cut some panels they said go
get the - uh - the wire cut'- I
mean the sheetmetal cutters. Told
us where and they were in there.
So that is Just kind of tied up
there out of the way. Doesn't
look particularly nice, but _]_
that sort of equipmen%'s i_ there.
MY guess is that you will not have
to use it at _]I. Now where we're
going to put the ETC rate gyro
equipment, I don't know. I don't
: think it will be in there. That's
-_ too out in the open. That'll pro-
bably put somewhere in the MDA .......
in a - one of the emp_ty film lockers,
but you'll find out where it is.
S063 is open because Owen's over
there getting ready for tomorrow's
pass, so I want to coEment further
about that.

253 02 20 28 CDR Let me show you what we've done

right here. Here's the film vault -
uh - to the left, we've got a card
for the Mark II exerciser. To the
right, the Mark I exercise card - I
know it's not in focus. I've stuck
<. over here the Mark II and the Mark III
exercisers on a coupld of bungees
where we can get at them. Right
down here is the Mark I. I think
you ought to put this in your
simulator. M_ybe you've already
done it. But you ought to get the
Mark I in there, get this other gear
and stash it around like it is.
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.......... It'iihelp you learn where is

is and then use it.

253 02 20 58 CDR Right over here swinging on

the - uh - duct is the PCU for EV-I.
O_r here on the other duct is the
PCU for EV-2, right above TI3.
We Just keep em hanging there, and
it's a good place. Of course, the
helmet stowage bags are the same.
The two - uh - foot plates -
let me show you somethingelse
we've been doing. By the way,
let me show you - watch 0. handle
the - uh - the camera up here. He's
getting ready to put in the ETC.
Those guys can see us handle their
gear they'd go crazy because it
looks like you're being careless,
but you' re not. You can control
this. You don't ever let it get
• out - it doesn'tgo anywehreyou
• don't want. Moves fast and When .....
-- _ you want to look at something on
the other side, you Just give it a
spin. And the heavy items stay in
position real well like that. So
you can set it somewhere and kind
of wander off and come back and it's

25B 02 21 49 CDR You take a lightitem like a

checklist and set it there and shove
off and come back it isn't there
and you don't know where it is
because the wind blows it here and
there. And I tell you, we lost
more tro - time in the first 3 or 4 days
from losing things than about
anything else, I believe. You just
set them down for a second - you look
and it's gone. Now it's sDxaost
like an instrument scan when you
float s_nething. You think you
wouldn't float it, but it's fun
to float it. It's kind of one
of the benefits of zero g. So
D ump Tape 253-01
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anytime you get a chance, you

sort of float it near you. But
with a light item you get sort of
like an instrument scan in an
airplane, Ed. But you - coming
hack to it. You work and then
come back every ten seconds you
look at it, if it starts to move
you put it back. It's kind of tun
to - uh - to do it. So you'll
find yourself saying, I shouldn't
do this but, I gonna.

253 02 22 38 CDR And them maybe i0 percent of the

time now it floats off and it takes
you a while to find it, but everybody
helps, and pretty "soon it turns up.
If it doesn't, Just wait awhile.
It will turn up right up there _
on that - uh - screen. That's the
best thing in the place going. Now
what you'll see up there now are
_ a couple items that have fldated
away for 2 or 3 days. Norm_]ly
we keep that spic-and-span. I _-_
usu-11y vacuum it at least every .
other day. By the way, you get out
the vacuum cleaner to vacuum
•everything that needs to be vacuumed
and put it back. It's about a
l0 minute Job. I vacuum that
thing - uh - about every other
day and - uh - uh - we got ready _J_
to do some TV of Jack doing it
yesterda, and it wasn't dirty.
So we're letting things collect
on it for a couple days so when
he vacutuns he's got something.

" 253 22"23 25 CDR And there's a couple of straps

up there and a top to one of the
food cans and some dirt's gathering,
but we're trying to get - tth -
trying something so we can show him
on a _87. Last time I did 487 - we
do them three times - I had to
wait a couple days too. While I'm
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up here I might show you the

w_ter tanks. I would sugest that
you get very familiar with that
tank. The hoses - note - note
the hose running up there through
the hatch. Those hoses are coiled
up. One of them runs down and goes
out the airlock to put a vacuum
on the can. The other comes over
• here to this fitting in the floor.
Mike, I would highly reeo_dnd that
you devote three training times to _.
that of a couple hours each of :trying
to tmderst_nd what the hoses do.
Don't - plan the checklist - it
doesn't let you learn it. Use
the checklist when you do _t in
flight, but try to fi_nlre out how
the hoses go and how we get
the water connected to it. You seen
to use that a lot. Use it for
dumping the com_snd module water.
f You se it for con - not the
condensor one - but there's a lot
of hose connections.

253 02 24 28 CDR Another thing might be a good

idea - uh - uh - Bill, is to
get them to give you a picture
diagram to take up here in the
flight data file of all these -
fittings - uh - and all the hoses - .
by length and by fittingson each
end and the names - because they
all have about the same name and it
takes you forever to learn which is
which, Up there on - on straight
motion - the ceiling too are the two
straps - uh - that we used for
firemen poles. Now we connected
those a couple of days, we didn't
like 'era for several reasons. One,.
they didn't provide any advantage over
the metal one, and the disadvantage
they provided you never could torque
off em- you could go up and down
on them but if you wanted to turn
Dump Tape 253-01
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.... around Or Catch y6urself_6a_e

you were headed toward the - the
hatch - uh - lid - uh - you know
the cover, instead of the hole
you couldn't do it. Now we kept
the - uh- metal one in here for
about a week and then we decided
to take it out and we hand't had
it in here since, because it's a
lot more fun to dive up and down
and float - Just more fun to
operate. You don't need it and
it's - it's - we haven't missed
it it's it's been a lot more fun.

253 22 25 29 CDR Ih - let's get back now to where

we were. Okay, you!li see" the
bottles - well, the way we Worked
these - uh - bottles, by the way,
is as soon as we finished - uh -
the runs on 509 or T20, if we
have a bottle change in mid run we
stickit in thereto change. But
the bottle we take out; then we r.

go take up and charge it. Then

when we bring it back and charge
the other one, stash it there,
the next morning we take them both
back and - and - uh - top am off -
uh - we don't even wait for the
ground to tell us to, that way they're
always topped off and we get ahead in
this game. And there's no reason
not to really. It res.]ly works
good. Now I'm doing the bad thing
here - I wasn't paying attention and
let my triangle shoes get off and I'm
floating away. Sometimes you float up
in the workshop and it takes you -
a minute to get back so I'm coming
back now.

253 02 26 21 CDR Okay, by the way there's where

we pu - let me show you where
we put the - the EV plate. And
you don't need to change around,
there's one. We got it - uh -
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......... where EV _3 works?- _uother

thing I might mention we found
it extremely difficult to get in
the suit with our feet in there,
because we Just couldn't bend over
to get in the suit - uh - itself.
Well, we were finally able to do it
by working awfully hard. We found
it much simpler to - uh -
• get in the suit with your feet in
those - and then before yotl try to put
the top part in, to your
feet ou - and then Justhold on '
with you - let the other guy put
his feet in near the top and he
kinds holds on to you and then you
can bend over much easier _ud get _
in the suit, we found no trouble
at all then.

253 02 27 02 CDR Also getting out is the same way,

. so don't try to stay in there when
you do it. Usually it's easier
_-_ if the other guy justkinds puts
his legs around you and helps you
with the suit. Now we found another
thing, it was hard to zip up the suit,
mainly because when you lean up here
you don't have gravity helping you
lean - and so - uh - you don't lean
as far. And we kept ssying what's
wrong we can't zip these up? And
finallythe last time we eid EVA
we Just grunted and bent, you know,
put a lot more muscle in leaning
over with no trouble. So it's
strictly the fact that we didn't
have the gravity and weren't
pu_ling hard enough. We were
pulling Earth strength and -
and not up here with a lack of

25B 02 27 39 CDR Let me show you the other two.

This one's over here by the bottle -
0wen took a picture, he's working
underneath, you see. And this one's
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right in front of the hatch,
as you can see we keep it open,
we don't move it around. You
Ought to Just leave those there.
Let em put the hatch in pu those
little blue things there, there's
good as any place else. And you
can float around. By the way,
im your suits, you don't have amy
trouble getting from here to the
hatch or any where else. Everything's
great as far as - uh - getting arouud
in here in zero-g. :"

253 02 28 08 CDR Okay, let's go back over here.

Bight now we're venting down - uh -
" _e were venting down, 0wen Just
stopped. The lid was open, we were
Just venting down the AM3 - let
me talk a few minutes about that thing.
It turns out that you got this thing
in and out a lot. Alond with - uh -
_ _ f-. '. with the - uh - uh the other compon- _
ent there, the uh - uh - I-forget
what you call it - uh - that's -:
articulated mirror system and
that's the - uh - new adapter,
I forget what you call it, let
me see _hat the name of it is.
It's called the - uh - S019 optics,
that's right, the optics part of S019,
and then of course the film canisters
over in the film vault. But - uh -
you get those in and out an awful
lot. If I were you I'd do
extra training on that putting in
and out.

253 02 29 00 CDR It's funny, we trained a lot

across the board trying to even
everything out. But some things
you do every single day, like that.
You ought to do that as good as ATM.
You ought to have five training
sessions on putting this in and
out alone, before you come up here,
because you just do it a lot.
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And then something like - uh -

configuring for EVA - quit doing
so much of it, you Just don't do it
that often. And - uh - you remember
it longer. And you can really add
up the minutes by being able to do
these sorts of things fast.

253 02 29 28 CDR Airlock has been no trouble.

• We've had no sweat in it. We
put our checklist right up there
in the little clip. The ones that
.... we don't - we put right over ir_that
bag. Now let me show you something.
Right here is the - uh - one head set
plugged into channel A. Th.e one I'm
wearing is plugged into the other
side. We keep that plugged in
with two cables and we use it during
509 and T20. We;re doing, EREP,
we move that upstairs. This one
tays here all the time. It is
great to use when you're doing S019; .....
it's also great to use when you're •
down; and we stick it through the _--
hole through the floor and then Jack
uses if for TO02 and that's why
he's been able to do it fast and .
better down there.

253• 02 30 07 CDR Now the tricky part is it's plugged

into A, don't forget to turn the )
switch there - the innercom push to •_
talk, of course it's not there now,
cause mine is over on the other side,
and you always be sure to check it.
By turning another squaw k box on
and letting it talk - sometimes it
kind of squeeks but that lets you
know. Let's see what else we've
got - there's the red uh - uh -
pocket dosimeter we keep there.
We got the bag up there - three
bags with our old - uh - uh - and
use - uh - LS - uh - water cooled
garments. And we'll take and move
Dtm_p Tape 253-01
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those, and stow those away but

that's where we've got them right
now it's the only place we can find
open. You'll see - there's the
broken TV, we use it for moving
fast - there's the broken TV on
the - uh - rack. We Just leave
it there. We'll stow it away
before we go. You get in the
business of stowin and unstowin
if you're not careful.

253 02 BI 02 CDR Okay, now on the top of the food

locker. Pretty interesting place,
that's where a11 the extra chow is.
And - uh - you'll be using it a
lot. For example, right there's
a lot of extra - uh - small cans.
Right next to it are the extra big
cans with the food in there. Behind
it - big sack, by the way that big
sack is the extra food we got
/_ together for our 3 days all stashed ........
-- in there. So for our B-day -
extension - I'ii Just go up and get _
that bag - and take it down and we'll
put on our - uh - our - uh - are - uh -
food locker - in our food locker.
And behind it is a couple more
items of - uh - extra food. Down
there we've tied down some of the
extra clothes we've brought up.
We got a lot of clothesup here,
Get, and you can probably bring
sc_e extra socks and have plenty of
clothes for any extension you can come
up with. Here's where we've put
the uh - Fecal bundle. It's kind of
stashed over there in the corner.

253 02 31 54 CDR We've found out that we tth -

use one can of - uh - uh - food,
one of these big things of food,
you know, in six days and we fill
up one of those Fecal things in
6 days. it turns out that - uh -
Dump Tape 253-01
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Owen was the first guy to notice

that, since he carries out the
Fecals and put them in there.
I always - and Jack us11_lly - Jack
and I put down the food, sometimes
Owen gives us a hand. But anyhow -
he noticed that - and Jack got mad
because he said that - uh - uh -
he figured he was Just a middle m_n
for the whole thing and he was gonna
throw some of the stuff in the -
in the Fecal bags and forget it -
cans and all (chuckle) that was on
the menu and - the pills in - but
he didn't do it. But, maybe, who
know -

253 02 32 36 CDR Okay, uh - let me show :'ou inside

some of these babies so you know
what's going on. Up here at the
top one I'll open it and-back off.
Some will float off and I'll have to
put them back in. Okay, now there's
f those lefoverstuff that SL - uh - 2
had. Now, you're se - Pete's listed
them on the top in some places, side - ••
sc_eplaces. But we'll bring back a
complete inventory of what's in
there. So that give you a feel for
the sort of food he's got in there.

253 02 33 08 CDR Okay, that's gonna float out. This

locker contains SL-2's flight data
file - SOP - uh - the - I took off
the leg guards around the dome lockers
and and - uh - I'll Just kind of show
you that's Just J_mmed up with old
gear. Uh - for example, we got ready
to go EVA and we couldn't find the
adaptor that put the power pack on the
uh - camera. We looked all over the
place, Jack says I'll bet they threw it
away with the - uh - power pack they
use. I says wait a minute I think
I saw a power pack in here. I went
in there and looked and I'll be
darned if - uh - it wasn't there -
_"p Tape 253-01
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so we tend to not throw m_ch

away but stash it somewhere and report
it to the ground and you might be able
to use it.

253 02 33 49 CDR And the big white bag is

all their flight data file. Behind
there's - a bunch of other - uh -
things that they used during the
flight. Now we'll probably have
a locker the same way. And it'll
probably be the locker next to it.
Here's our overage. Uh - the one's
that are gray are labeled with our
overage. The one's that are white
are empty cans waiting to be labeled.
So - uh - we'll - before we lea_e
we'll - uh - label it at] up and put
it there. Now we got lot of overage
out of here, in our lockers, that we
probably aren't gonna eat - but
it's a lot easier to go find that
stuff, put it in your lockers, than
- f- it is to keep coming backall the ....
time trying to find one ite_ of -
peaches or something like that. So
we tend to - uh - to not - uh - not
go hack and forth so m_ch. But when
we're out, we get it and - uh - uh -
put it - put it down there on our
little old - use our bottom shelf.
I'm showing this bag cause it'll
probably be here when you get here.
That's the film that we - uh - dredged
out of the - %kh - plenum, and for -
that Pete had. It's about i0 - uh -
EREP - uh - film loads and the tape -
uh - one tape - and - uh - an RTC
and an SO19. I don't whether they'll
find out it's good or bad, but
if they do, that'll be a good thing.
You'll notice we - let me back up a
little - you'll notice we've got some
on there. Bring allyou can, you've
got a lot in the command module, bring
'em on down 'cause they're the one
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............. nicest-thing _-6n6"-Of--th-e-nfc-e-st

things we have here. Can always use
them. Uh - let's look at this -
uh - B_4D. Another thing you want
to train on because otherwise you
waste one whale of a lot of time
here, trying to make it work. I'll
tell you the secrets we foumd out.
Uh - there are several - uh - the
straps, when you pull them down
they got little locks up there.
Let me see if I can - uh - snap _.
this to something to show you. Okay,
I hope that doesn't float away. :"
Okay, now point right at the strap

253 02 36 Ol CDR Now these straps don't work so grand

when you tighten them up. You
tighten them up and try to lift
this up and have it catch-this
friction device, it doesn't work.
So what you do is tighten it up
f good and reach up here behind your .......
shoulder with your finger and push _
that down. Like that. You get
these bolts very tight and if you do
that that's one step in getting a
good weighing. The next step is,
besides rigidizing it -old hat.
It is when you punch button down
here on the seat, be sure that you
punch it like you squeeze off a
trigger. Maybe Marines know that;
I don't know about you, Bill.
Air Force - Ed Gibson he probably
doesn't do anything like that, but
Marines know how to squeeze em off,
but if you - if you wait 'til
everything's quiet and then squeeze
it off easy, believe me, you get
a lot better readings. If you don't,
you Just waste a lot of time up here
trying to three of them close enough
to report, usually know we can hit
it off the three times, but it took
a long time to - to real]y get it down.
Dtmp Tape 253-01
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Particular the locker of the

things. That's about it up here -
uh - lookin around now I - I don't
see -uything - uh - ... show you
inside film vault, nothing too much
new there. Let me - uh - l'm
going to get unplug this, and move down
to the lower area and work down
there. So hold on.

253 02 38 26 CDR Okay, here we are downstairS.

Let's see how it works down here.
Let's start over here right to the
left side. You'll see things out
of position here. That's probably
the way we have the most of the time.
Okay, there's the - uh - transur_ic rays -
nobody knows what that means, but -
uh - there they are. Now right there's
our clothes bag. We Just put a TSB there -
not TSB, but a disposal bag there.
We put our dry clothes in there
that we think _ can use for rags.
Turns out rags are the - a real
winner up here, particularly when
it comes time to clean up. Trying to
clean up with these little uh - uh -
l'm talking about cleaning - uh -
the inside of the head or something
like that with - uh - uh - with uh -
with those little papers things is
a waste of time. We use the paper
things for food, and wiping off urine
and things like that - off ourselves.
But we use rags for _Imost everything
else. When that fills up, we Just close
it up and shoot it down the trash
alr-lock and put another one up there.
Anything that's wet, we put in a bag
right here. Now this hag right here
is the urine bag. And we always keep
one there. You can tell because it's
got those things sewed. But essentially
we never put more than two urine bags
in it, and then we try to put a few
more other items in there like wet towels
Dtm_ Tape 253-01 .................
i Page 19 of 22

and the like- -Hut %hey're-_ways ..............

here. Any wet items goes in there,
from the head, and any dry item Just
goes over there. So this means
with three pieces of urine,
you end up putting two in there
and some things to shoot it down
the trash air-lock in the morning.
You can put one in there and it
• stays tmtll the next morning, at
_hich you'd then put another one in
and then two. Sometimesyou don't i
_ do this because - uh - you have_ ,_ _
three little ones, and you can shoot
them down but mostly you try to
do it with two. We haven't had any - '
trash airlock problems, but I'll tell
you this. This whole scheme that
s_nebody came up with that says
you're going to make it and freeze
it: forget it. There is too much.
It's out of sight, if we ever lost
/f that trash airlock, it would be one
of the worst things that could happen.
The trash even smells in two or three days
up here. You'd have - you'd have no
way to cope with it. It - it's incredible.
And - uh - you got to be careful

253 02 40 h2 CDE When we give an inventory of

these bags at the end, if there's
any doubt, bring extra bags because -
that - uh - is a small price to pay
compared to what could happen. If -
uh anything went on with - uh -
went on and you - uh - you - uh -
had a problem.

CDR Okay, now - uh - let met turn do_-n

this comm. That's been a headache up
here that there's no end, to try to
get these comm boxes right. And
the way we finally ended up doing
it, here - I'll let the thing float,
that's why it's looking funny.
Is we - down here we put the one in the
D_mpTape253-01 ...........
| Page 20 of 22

• - wardroom on. And that's- it_---And .....

now invariably somebody get on the
bike and you can't hear. He turns
it up, he forgets to turn it off,
and problems occur, but -
but we live through it. So - uh -
it's Just a problem - you got to
keep all these down but one. And
maybe you can keep 'em up in your -
uh - bt=ik a little bit, but other that,
it's bad news. Okay now, let me
show you. There's a fan we keep down
here all the time; it's the on_- _fa_we _ _:
use, and we use it blosing on us when
we're biking. I use it a lot, Jack, some;
Owen, a little bit. We - .you're going to
have trouble keeping your electro lights
up here, and be carefu_ about
sweating too much it. Uh - you
can get in trouble. But I'll
let the doctors tslk about that.
Uh - here's our - same old thing -
here'sa littlenote that tells
us which - uh - cuffs to put on
our legs. There's all sorts of cuffs
up here. We came up here and they said
pick two then we picked two,
and they said those were the wrong two.
Okay, so we said send us what you
want us to do. And the obvious
way is to have everybody using
- the same two - uh " cuffs on the
legs. If you all can pull that off,
it would be perfect. Then you could
put those two in there and leave them in
there. Don't put them back in the drawer.
We have it where Owen and I use the
same right, different left, Jack uses
different right and left, so we
change them. But we still use the same
ones everytime. And then the only
thing we reported is the circumference
of the calve. The rest is a ...

253 02 h3 _2 CDR Let's see what else. We got our

checklist around; same thing. There's
the limits of the ergometer Just faced
Dtm_ Tape 253-01
Page 21 of 22

............... us right th4_e_--Righ_th_r_-is

where we put the mozite. You come
against any mozite, stick it
under there. It always c_mes handy.
Up there's a friendly - uh -
uh - uh head light, and believe me,
you ought to use that more. I didn't
use it for a while, and I started using
it the other day when I went down to
the plenum; it's great. By the way that
plenu_n is a nice change. You can
float all over the place,you
can get those boxes out, you can
carry things. It 's one
of the more pleasant - uh - surprises
compared to doing NLG where's it's
a big pain.

25B 02 44 O1 CDR Here's the pad that we stick - uh -

sorry for the light - here's the pad
that we stick on our heads when we're
biking. We put it there, on our
heads, put it up against that rail
right here, that trough trot and then
bike away. Let me backup, show __
you how our bikes configured. "
I'm sure yours is the same way.
It works great. Had no trouble.
The bike holding on the handles -
I never use the headrest hardly -
Jack used it almost completely,
Owen uh - uses it - uh - pretty much.
Uh - vacuum cleaner - look it's
floating in the corner over there.
We keep it stashed in the corner.
Then you don't have to unhook it,
you Just grab it out of there and
bring it. Shows down there.

CDR Okay, let me see whatever else then

Uh - you'll notice there's one bag
of - uh - during the day - I'm the only
one that's working the trash airlock.
I think it'd be a wise if you pick
somebody. Because there's a feel
to the handles and things. And
you really need - you don't have
D%m_ Tape 253-01

/._.. t Page 22 of 22

- time to train three guys to

feel this thing and fina]ly decide
that they know how to operate it.
: Uh - well now, let me tell you
one of the tricks of it. Uh - I'ii -
I'Ii show you on this thing in a
minute. I won't dump anything. Yeah
let me dt_np s_nething. I can't dump
s_nething 'cause there's nobody
down there to push down the
idle. Well let me show you what - uh -
let me see if I can find a better
I place because it might be - Just
might be useful. Okay.' Now, let me
talk to you a few minutes about this
• thing, 'causeit's a problem. Yhis -
this particular strut right here is
the thing that's bent, and you can't
tell it 'cause it's just bent very
slightly. What happens is - by the way,
notice - notice the strap head. I'ii i
tell you what happens in the night,
you float by this thin with your toesy
and put it about right here. Now
what you're doing is bending it - --
bending the cabin air, and it'll run
the pressure down and they'll have
to build it up for the night. Now - -

SC A1....

CDR Yeah.

CDR Okay. Thank you, O. That's the end.

We'll have to go some more tomorrow
CDR This is the CDR. All that ... information
goes to - uh - Jerry Carr - Bill Pouge -
Ed Gibson - Vance Brand - Don Lind
and Bill Leroi. CDR out.

Dmmp Tape 253-02
Time : 1223-1245 GMT
9/10/_3 1_

1 of1 i --


253 12 22 58 SPT 190 for the SPT.[ 190 is-the ............

PRD for the SPT.

253 12 25 23 SPT 467 is the commander's PRD, 467.

That completes the readings for the
day of radiation dosimeters. SPT out.

253 12 h3 2h PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack,

on channel A, debriefing the last
ATM run. Uh - uh - I just finished
it up for AI. Uh - He had to go and
- uh - do something else. And
- uh - he got the - uh ~ J0P 6, ..
building block - uh - i. And then I
gave you a little TV, took you on
tour of the Sun. And Y did the
atmospheric extension at 2 minutes.
During the time we were doing the TV,
I noticed - uh - little bright spot
in active region 24 _n_ - uh - went
back to it and I did a little mirror
line scanning on it, but - uh - - it
/--.... never turned out to- uh to - uh - do
much more than that. And - uh - got
off it and went to atmospheric extension.
So the - uh - rev was accomplished as - uh - ."
requested and - uh - we're standing
by for - uh - the next rev in about a
half hour.

253 12 _ 15 PLT Thank you. _1.

Dump Tape 253-03
• _ Time : 1036-1346 GMT
Page 1 of 6

253 i0 37 30 CDR Okay, this - uh - this is Captain

Bean up in Skylab. This morning
we're - uh - going to take some EREP
pictures of Africa. We Just
covered the coast. We Just
crossed the coast - Uh - of
Africa. We got clouds that are
following the outline, as you
can see. What we're attempting to do
today is take some pictures of an
area Just south of the Sahara Desert.
This is part of a drought area.
In the Ceheel, which is a six
nation area about 500 miles in
width - north to south width -
running from east to west - from
the Atlantic to the Red Sea. They've
had a 4 or 5 year drought in this area.
What we hope to do in Skylag is
J_ to take some picutres of this area, and
through study of these pictures,
determine additional water sources,
a point where vegetation is not so
affected by the drought. We know
we aren't going to be able to control :
the weather from here, with this
equipment. Though we can't prevent
the lack of rain, perhaps we can
forcast in advance what sorts of
vegetation is - will be affected the
earliest. And perhaps from Skylab
be able to see it affected even
before someone one the ground. Now
we're coming up on the drought area.
You might be able to see on your
ground - that - that the - down
below - on your TV, that the ground
below us is not nice and green, like
it should be, but brown, redish,
sandy colored.

242 lO 39 51 CDR The drought has been in effect for - or

has been - uh - with these people
Dump Tape 253-03
Page 2 of 6

over here - these _ million

people - for 4 or 5 years. It's
affected them greatly. Relief
supplies are sentthere frequently,
but it's hare to supply six -
food for 6 million people - for
a very long time.

253 l0 40 38 CDR We Just passed over the Ivory Coast.

CDR We're now oever the Niger region

approaching the Sahara Desert.

253 lO 42 21 CDR Pull back of this fetter. I'll

pull back on this fetter. Get a
better picture ....

253 i0 43 32 CDR Let me know when you're ready, Jack.

._ CDR You might kind of hide in the

window now.

CDR You ready._

PLT Yeah.

CDR Let me put my seat down here.

CDR Okay, we've Just been looking

- here's our orbital gap, here's
Africa. Are you looking at Africa?
I'll start again. When you're

CDR okay, here's the continent of

Africa. This ha_ been our orbital
path. The Ceheel is an area that's
about 500 mile_ in width, extending
south from the Sahara, here's hte
Sahara, from the Atlantic to the
Red Sea. This area right here is
under an extreme drought condition
now, coused by lack of rain for
the past 4 or 5 years. Or a
minimum of rain for the last 4 or

Dump Tape 253-03 ..............

Page 3 of 6

...... 5 years .-_This is _a 6-nati0n area

and in that area millions - several
millions of people live. Now
from Skylab we're not going to
make it reain, but we think from
Skylab, we can look down with
suitable sensors - photograph, we
actuaS1y did a few moments ago,
look down with these sensors
and find areas that are not so
affected by the drought. That
might not be obvious to a man on
the ground. We also think we'll_ ,_
be able to determine areas which
have high possibility of water
tables not too distance below them.
In other words find sP0ts that
are - are - good for possible
digging of wells. For possible
f plantingof - uh - croRswhere
other plots - parts - uh - spots
near by aren't so possible. We
think this will be poSsibl'e on a
world-widebasis - basis, with
equipment such as we're using in
Skylab and with equipmentsuch as •
we're using in our un_anued satellite

CDR Okay, I think we okay, you go

ahead and get the recording. We
Just put some information on - uh -
the VTR for the African pass ... pass.

253 ll 08 29 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A debriefing the first ATM
run of the day, which began at 10:22.
We got the Co-op Nu_ updates and
then we did the - u_ - synoptic
" JOP 6. We did - uh - JOP 2-Delta,
on 3 active regions you specify.
Uh - active region 9 is - uh -
almost out of sight. Uh - you ask for
- uh - some work in S056, active
region 19 and - uh - instead of the
active 1 long we gave you single
_f Dump Tape 253-03
Page h of 6

frames from short numbers I;

3, and 5- We got all the rest of
the - uh - data. We have tow
prominences - uh - roughly - uh -
070 and 120. And 120 is - uh -
is - uh - very well defined. And
- uh - and is very interestion
feature. Neither one are - uh -
on the solar activity pad. Uh - the -
uh - activity this morning is - uh -
somewhat quiter than it was
last night. The PMEC is running
around the - uh - three to four
hyndred most of the time and - uh -
so I things have quited dow%a a little
bit. The - uh - corona doesn't
appear to have any .... in it. And -
uh - the last - uh - couple of m_nutes
- uh - before actual sunset we - uh -
ran the gradings on the mirror on the
z SD-5 and - uh - mirrorline scan - uh -

253 ll l0 13 "PLT And that closes debrief on the rev, and

we'll pick you up shortly. Thank you.

253 13 39 Oh CDR This is the CDR with information for •

biomed and the micro biologist. We
ran the micro biology - one of three
this mroning. And - uh - micro
biology - uh - one, 13_S l, let
me tell you some of the places
that we did and we'll try to get
them end to end - the exact places.
Some of these sites are pretty self-
explanatory, like site one, site
two, site three. Now let me
tell you where we did that. We
did that from the handles, or in
the position that they - they are
in - lets don't talk about handles,
let we talk about the safety pin.
The safety pin to the handle is
retrieved by a - uh - a long - uh -
a - uh - about a 6 inch long metal
- uh - wire. We made the sample right
f- Dump Tape 253-03 .................
page 5 of 6

........ below that metal wire area.

0WS wall fell behind .... on the
exterior wall. At the place
where the probe is mounted and we
did the sample sites and that's - uh -
the - uh - skelton probe and we marke/
it on the place where the skeleton
probe - u_h - hole is on the wall
there. On site 5, we did it between
the - uh - uh - waste management
compartment blower number 2. Uh -
and - uh - window heater number 2 switches.
But we put it the second from the
top row of switches.

253 13 40 43 CDR Bearing over cable running to light

switch panel 30, we did that about one
inch from the bottom _f that
bearing, because above that we
have - uh - the message from - for
s- next week's plans. You know, what
we're going to 7se doing the following

CDR Fine filter,we did it half way

between the cone and the rim. .'

CDR Site 9, we did it Just above the

spot in the middle that's cut
out. In other words,'there's a
big blank, there's a big - uh - pressure
plate, the pression plage has sort of
cut out in the middle and - uh - we id
it Just above that point.

CDR Exterior waste processor, we did it

right under the suit decal. That's
site lO. Site ll hand rail in
front of locker 820. We did it on
_ the part that'sfacingaway from
the blowers about 2 inches from the
end closest to - uh - locker 820.
Site 12, we did it about half way
down, but to the right of the - uh -

/_ Dump Tape 253-03
Page 6 of 6

- Center, because we-keep- our food ..............

menus there and I didn't want it
in behind the food menus.

253 13 42 lO CDR The food heater try that we used was

Jack Lousma's. It's not exactly
a 3 inch square there becuase he
has a piece of tape that he sticks
his pills to. So we did it
in the area sort of - Just a little bit
below and left of the - uh -
timer module. And - about a 2 inch
area's in that point.

253 13 h2 37 CDR That's site 13. Sitelh, is used to

be fixed to the left of the gauge
... That's looking at --at your body
as the handle. And those are - uh -
the essential things. Now that goes
to biomed and to - uh - uh - to
anybody interested in I_SS report.
CDR out.


Dump Tape 253-04

Time : ihli-1532 GMT
Page 1 of 3

253 14 ii 43 CDR This is the CDR with_ M092 _n--Z-uh -

the PLT. His right leg measure
12-1/2, his left leg meausures 12-1/8.
12-1/2 right, 12-1/8 left. CDR o1_t.

253 14 12 51 Cagain on M092. That's 14-1/2

right 14-1/8 left, not 12. 14-1/2
right, 14-1/8 left.

253 14 50 12 CDR Okay, CDR now - uh - 92 run with

Jack was - uh - uneventful as ...
Finished smoothly. We are not
looking at the gas pressure ca/
in N 2, 02, CO 2 and find it to be
• 13 83. While we'rehere let's

look at the N2 H20 which is 13.43

so everything looks good there.
We're going to evacuate the cabin
air and do some good things. After
we i- uh - make the trip ...
evacuate the cabin air for 3 minutes.

SC Hello,......

253 15 04 43 CDR Okay, M171 information again. Cabin

air, 66.61 percent• H20 2.45 percent. +

Percent of C02, 1.9 treatment room.

that's - uh - 171 information.

253 15 12 38 CDR CDR with - uh - h - Just did - uh -

vital capacity cal 5. increase. First
got 4.444, 4.354, and now we've got -
4.407. Let's do a couple a more
for you, till we seen to get a pretty
good scatter. The one thing we don't
know is hsould we have the handle already
pulled out before we put our hand over
the stand pipe? And then just push in,
or should we put our hand on the

j .......................................... __+ TF I
Dump Tape 253-04
Page 2 of S

.... stand pipe and pull out and

then push in? We did the first
one with the hand over the stand
pipe pnll out and in, the second
one pull the hand off the stand pipe,
and the third one with the
hand on the stand pipe for out and in.
We're going to do - uh - a
couple more each way.

253 15 1i 40 CDR 4.301 for the next one out and in.
We'll do another out and in.

253 15 13 56 CDR _-337 for the next out and in.

CDR 4.348 for the push in.


CDR _.511 for that single push in.

I'll tell you what we're going
to do, we'regoing try three now
where we pull them out - have it
pulled out and then we're
s goingto push it in slow,medium,

CDR Okay, 4.291 on a slow. Now we're

gonna go to medium.

CDR h.h8 mav- 5 on the fast one. So

it appears that - uh - the faster you
go the higher the number you get.
Now we're going to try one other
test for you. We're going to do
two of them medium - o, no. We'll
do two of them fast and then we with
our hands over the pipe and two
wit our hand not on the - - Two
with our hands over the pipe and
two with our hands not over the

253 15 16 26 CDR h._51 for fast, hand over pipe.

CDR And 4.450 for hadn over pipe

fast. Now we 'ii try two with out
Dump Tape 253-04
Page 3 of 3


hand not over pip6, fast.

253 15 17 16 CDR 4.48h hand off pipe, fast.

CDR 4.533 hand off pipe fast. Okay

we've finished the - that. We're
going to do a measure.

253 15 24 h8 CDR Okay, .009 on Jack's - uh -

max ex - uh - exiration.

253 15 25 16 CDR 5.757 but Jack thinks it tripped

too soon. We'll try couple more.

, CDR 5.657. One more to go.

CDR 5.419. For your information when

I put my hand over ther_ during his
expiration I could feel suction on
my hand. Okay, we're going to
regular 171 now. This i_formation is
for - uh - the biomed - troops.

253 15 26 51 CDR ... is somethingelse. On this

run about 5 minutesago we -_
interruptedit betweenthe cal and
the measure so - uh - it turned ''
off the - uh - uh - recorder,
because we had a spacecraft problem -"
Then we came back and picked up
that I don't think we maintained
switch 3.

253 15 27 i0 CDR CDR out.


F " • .....................................
Dump Tape 253-05
_ Time: 1555-1638 GMT
Page 1 of 3

253 16 04 07 SPT Okay, SPT with information for

ATM PIs and planners about the
last ATM run which finished about
15:52. The - uh - mlnirip scan -
uh - went quite well. Uh - I did
find a spot that - uh - showed up
on XUV on as a region of
considerable - uh - limb brightness•
I believe that's active region 9
on the backside the - uh - uh -

limb at this point that's responsible
really. I believer it's been
sighted over the llmb and rolled
to the point of about - tub -
maximumbrightness in 82B - uh -
above the - uh - limb of the Sum.
• And the the three chromosheric
exposures in 56 went off fine.
The - uh - initial pointing,
f incidentally, I - I startedfrom
about minus 4 arc seconds - in
other words 4 arc seconds below the
limb and - uh - that was - that
place - uh - S055, mirror position
9/32, therfore 4 arc seconds inside
the limb. It - uh - Jittered
around a little bit. It may have
been up to 5 arc secounds inside
the limb.

253 15 57 20 SPT I ventured - uh - one step out to

33. It was still- uh - uh -
showedgray and took two more
steps to row 35 which took me - uh -
two steps off the limb, and did
the first grating 3 scan at that
point. Went to - uh - row 37,
did another pair, then came back
to 33, which took me just on to
the limb, Just barely on to the
llmb, and did two GRATING SCANS.
Then went out to limb 30 - to - uh -
column 3h and filled in that gap
• /_- Dump Tape 253-05
Page 2 of 3

.... with two more - uh - uh - RATING

AUTO SCAN. So really you got a
little bit more data than you'd
asked for there - uh - one
extra position - uh - intermediate
between 33 and 35. Each of these - uh -
positions - uh - were all nominal.
Uh - they might-have been - uh -
one arc second different from the
desired positon off the limb because
the point eludes " is jumping
back and forth - uh - between two
numbers by about - uh - 1 arc L_ _
second, so it's very close. ""

253 15 58 2_ SPT And I noticed to work that - uh -

extra GRATING SCAN in, I did miss
getting this JOP 7 on _he end of
the orbit. Thought I 'd have time
to complete it, but I d__du't
quite get it set up; so - uh -
no J0P 7 - uh - there is no
•.. until the end of that pass. A1
picked up that - uh - silicon
3 - uh - at GRATING620 - uh -
on the end of anotherorbit. And .'
- uh - wait 'til that scan went
fine. Thereis time to get
it donebut - uh - it does
require - uh - staying on the
Job - uh. You can't Just do -
too m_ny other things at the same
time, and of course that's the

253 15 58 57 SPT End of message the ATM PIs and

planners from the SPT.

253 16 00 07 CDR This is theCDR; we - Jack finished his

171 run. When he finished, he
kept the - uh - mouthpiece
in his mouth. We've reset the
temer to 20 minutes. I'll give
you a high and low cal; he's gonna
_f Dump Tape 253-05
Page 3 of 3

run for another 15 minutes. I'ii

on the bike. And when we're finished
another 20 minutes on the bike, and -
he 's gonna run ; whenever he can
get finlshed, I'll come down here and give
another cal and then read the cabin

253 16 00 36 CDR CDR out. That goes to biomed.

171 information.


253 16 32 59 CDR This is the CDR and - uh - we Just

Jack's supplemental'171 i-un. Let
me give you the CABIN. AIR: 02, 5_.82;

H20, h.35; C02, 2.06. By the way,

dttring the normal 171 run I forgot
to - uh - start - uh - give a recycle at
19 'cause we were having some - some ....
LBNP dump problems - not L_P, CMG. CMG _
problems so - uh - we won't soon as I "'-
connect that back, too.

253 16 33 36 CDR And that completes the run; it went real

well as did the supplemental. CDR out.
That goes to 171. One set to 092
biomed as I mention the first time.

.... Dtmp Tape 253-06
Time: 1756-1854 GM_"
f_ Page 1 of 12

"._ 253"17 56 47 CC Honeysuckle, we're gonna see y_e_ z:

again at - -

CDR Way to go!

CDR Okay, 192 Just went ... 'I 'm vegce_

recordingB-6. B-6 is 56 perc_=_-
56 percnet within limits. 56 _c :_.

253 17 57 09 CDR CDR out. That's for ERE?. *_R _ _V"

253 18 I0 2h CDR Okay, this is the CDR, _we're at._,

uh - T minus i0 on - uh - EREP
run. I'll check all the readings
on the monitor declas, give you a
cal. First is a B-2, 92 percent
which is high and it's been high every
time, I won't say any more about it.
A-3, 86 percent; acceptable.
A-b, 71 percent; acceptable. A-5,
66 percent; acceptable. A-6,
about - uh - a little bit less than
zero and it says the limit's zero
_" to 7 so I'm assnm_ng zero. A-2
is not doing so well at the moment.
Okay, B-2, 62 percent, that is
acceptable. B-3, 76 percent;
acceptable. B-b, 71 percent;
acceptable. B-5, 74 percent;
- uh - acceptable.

'253 18 ll 25 CDR . B-6, 50 percent; acceptable. B-7,

32 percent; acceptable. B-8, 1 percent,
acceptable. B-9, 58 percent;
acceptable. There goes all the B ones
were good. C-2, hh percent; acceptable.
C-3, 78 percent; acceptable. C-b,
98 percent; acc- uh - C-h is bad,
again. C-h is ... in the ll to
55 to 85. C-5, 8h percent; it's
Just within limits. C-6, h6 percent;
good. C-7, 50 percent and that's good.
Dtnnp Tape 253-06
F Page 2 of 12

So C-4 is a badie. Okay,let's_g_ _ •

to - uh - D-2, D-2 is 86 percent - •
_ and - uh - that's out of limit_, ! - _ ....
;- _- So we got another one out of limits.
D-3 is 85 percent; that's a_little
bit out of limits, too. D-5 is 72_
percent;that's okay. D-5 - uh _
• _ 13 percent, that's acceptable. "_ ..
D-6, 57 percent; acceptable. D-7
_ doesn'tcount,so we've got A-_;_t_t, _ _ -_',
B is all in, C-2 is out, D-2 switched
to 86 instead of 79, and D-3 which is
85 instead of 83, but they may anLke
it. Let me read the ones that are
critical to you again. B-7 is 31,
percent; B-8, 1 percent; C-7, 50 percent;
D-6, 57 percent.

253 18 17 35 CDR Okay, MODE to READY. On 192, MODE's

going to READy. DOORs going OPEN.

253 18 13 50 CDR READY light ON in 60-seconds, let's

check it.

CDR Okay, the READY just cam ON; MODE to

CHECK. No, it did not either, still
waiting to come on. There it is, ON,
stand by to CHECK. Okay, let me go
down the ops, ... ON; READY ON.
92 ON; READY out and in CHECK. DOOR
OPEN, it is. 91 ON; READY ON; the
COOLER ON, DOOR 0PNE, it is. 90
ON; MODE is - uh - READY out, it
is; stand by, DOOR OPEN. It sure is.
93 R to STANDBY; 93S to OFF;
READY out, both of those. 9BA OFF;
READY off. 94 ON with is READY on.

253 18 15 20 CDR So we're ready to go.

253 18 17 43 CDR Okay, standing by Jack, for a 2 -

about a couple - in a minute and a
half away. (Whistling) 18:18, we're
Dump Tane 253-06
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for 18:20. Tape recorder ran well.

Kind of - How do you recycle the_e!
filsm .... after things have stopped
you turn this off and then on, _and
then reset it? Other-wise _here's no
reset. Right? Okay. Yes/u, but then
you're liable to interrupt a sequence ...
. Yeah, Just wondering how we did i_.
That's a good point, but know ma%Zer
1 whetherthey'reon of off,we'regonna
•keep doing the ssme thing. Might as
well - uh - not take the chance point,
good point.

CDR ... 18:06 - 18:20 coming up, Jack.

Everything is exactly where it should
i be.... for a minute .... the
! velometer 20, everything's set. We

253 18 19 25 PLT YOU are ready, we are ready. Everybody's

ready. Even the Big O.

253 18 20 O0 CDR A, STAND BY and S, STAND BY. Okay, we're

starting to go. 24:18, still got h mere

253 18 20 44 CDR 2h:18. We gotta do something.

253 18 23 25 CDR ... 24:18, Jack. That's a mere 50

seconds from now.

CDR Okay, 2418 coming up. 193 ... goes

off at that time, and in on a little
bit later.

PLT Okay, the kid's up. I got some ...


CDR Exciting ...

PLT 3102, 30, 21, ...

Dump Tape 253-06
Page h of12

" CDR 2018. _

PLT Cumulus clouds ...

CDR 16, 17, 18. 193 R OFF and A oN

at 24.

_ -_ 253 18 24 24 CDR MARK. It's on. EREP start at 24_.30. __ _ _[

It's now 24:30, EREP is starting.
_ . I'm monitoring A-l, B-I, and C-I, " " "-:
They're not moving at the moment.

PLT C_ay.


PLT Okay, we'll Just cool it for a while.

CDR Okay, the - uh - 93 ... altimeter's


PLT Time ...

CDR I've got another 26 seconds, go ahead?

253 18 26 00 CDR MARK. Okay, we Just went to VTS AUTO

CAL. I'm gonna record C-1 mag when it
comes up. Right now I find it at
86 percent. Keep watching it. It's
up 20, it's the decision time. There's
a C-I now, it's down around 8_, but
we'll wait.

253 18 26 33 CC Skylab, Houston, we're stand by stateside

for 16 minutes.

CDR C_ay, Dick. C-1 mag has been 86 percent,

it's now dwelling down around 83. But
it'll probably come back up. A-2 is out
of limits at 92 percent, still there.
C-4 is 98 percent.

• _. Page 5 of 12 ....

_i_ 25_ 18 27 13 CDR B-2 is 86 percent, which is a lit%le : _i

high and B-3 is 85 percentwhich
:: is a little high. Those are the_ _ : ....
that are a little bit - uh - different.
Ckay, the READY light's back oh in
193 A. 27:58 I'm going to STAND BY
at 8. C_ay the READY's out. Going
:. . ., :. to STAND BY now, I'm there. An@ _ t_:_:_:'::. ;_i_.:
going to STANDBY on R. B-I has
:_: dro!0ped down to about 15 perce_ _t
the moment.

253 18 28 40 CDR 191 READY ON at this time. Reference

6 check. Standing by for 29:33.

253 18 29 33 CDR MODE AUTO, 190.

253 18 30 48 PLT Cloudy, alright.

CDR That it's ..., Jack?

PLT Yea/u, looks like it.

253 18 31 00 CDR MARK. 92 to READY.

PLT Okay, we're tracking cumulus clouds

over land.

253 18 31 20 CDR MARK. S ON; R ON. 32:50 coming up -

in a little while.

PLT I know 31 - 32:21, we're supposed to

start something here.

CDR 0kay.

PLT Okay, we ought to be over Houston precisely

at - uh - 31:38 -

CDR You didn't get any film advance

malfunction light this time s which
is good. And we all like ... that.

PLT Yeah.

253 18 31 51 PLT It's clobbered over Houston ....

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• r- Page 6 of 12

253"18 31 58 PLT Tried to pick off a few sties here

• Houston, but - uh - doesn't look _-
like it's any good anywhere. _"

CC Rog. We concur with that, it's

clobbered over Houston tonight

_ PLT Yeah. It 's clobberd _6_n around- Corpus
too, I tried to get some of that,
around HARlingen, Brownsville. _

PLT Okay, we're still tracking cumulus

clouds. Fine cirrus. A lot of haze. "
Now we're .... how's the wind and
weather up in Inidanna, g_g?

253 18 32 51 CDR MARK. 92 to STAND BY.

PLT How's the weather around Lousiville,

anybody know?

CC Rog. Stand by i.

CDE It's 33 at Greenville.

PLT Yeah, it's clobbered there too.

PLT Can't see nothing on the ground.

CDI_ It's cloudy all the way across the


PLT Yeah, it is, doggone it. Well, we're

getting the cumulus clouds; no doubt
about that. We ought to be over
Lousiville about 3h. Uh - it's
going to be bad I think. Uh - there's
the Ohio River.

253 18 33 55 CC PLT, Houston. •The weather around

Louisivlle, you ought be getting -
it ought to be pretty.

253 18 3h 01 PLT Pretty clobbered is what it is. We're

over Louisville now, I think. It's -
uh - broken to over. Doggone it all.
I wanted to pick up some.
Dtmp Tape 253-06
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< _ ;_ 25_ 18 34 21 CDR T READYs out on 190, andwe're back _:

to STANDBY and we're going to frame 06.
__ _ Where we are right now. Then w_m_e ',.
going to put - there we're going_t'o ""
put 06 on there • but they only" put 6.
37:33, for the next event, MODE, A/frO.

PLT 21 and 336. Okay, we're getting worse. , ; _'_......

" :'_=:_ --. 253 18 34 h6 CC And - uh - CDR, Houston. While_40u've -:-_ '_-'?
got a minute here - uh - to rest before
your _ext thing comes up, a coupleof
reminders on the maneuver pad, be sure
when you come out of here to load the
new cal. And also there's a TACS INHIBIT
that's listed in there hut the GMT is
after the second EREP pass. You'll want
to be sure and - uh - leave TACS ENABI.k_
between the two passes.

CDR Sounds like a good idea. Thank you, Dick,

for the reminder.

/-- CC Okay, and if you'll let us have the

DAS, we're gonna clear the alert light
from the - uh - star tracker shutter.

PLT Wait l, please.

CDR Wait 1 - uh - -

CC Okay.

CDR - - he's loading.

CC Okay.

253 18 35 19 PLT Okay, how do you like the maneuver time?

CDR ...

CC Okay, HOuston. We - uh - we like that

new maneuver time.

Dump Tape 253-06
•r Page 8 of 12

,-_ " PLT Okay. Tell you what we're going_to do. • _=
We're going to track a site in Lak_
_; - uh - in that Lake ERie or Lak_ _Ntario. _ "::_
Let me - I'll get a reading on itl
Lake Erie, if you don't mind?

CC Okay,we like that. J

253 18 35 58 PLT And we're doing that right now. We're

[_ . track - tracking the site now in :' _ .. _
Lake Erie. There ain't - there's
. no elbuds up here. How about a .......
metropolitan area?

CC Okay; have at it, Jack. PLT, Houston.

I asseme we can have the DAS for a

PLT Your DAS, if you like the load.

253 18 36 22 pLT Okay, I'm - uh - ho_ed in on Cleveland.

I'm taking data right over Cleveland
now. That's our big city for today.
_" Uniform area over Cleveland. Okay,
right over the city.

CC Okay, good.

253 18 36 35 PLT NOW.

PLT We'll take a different place on the city•

I'll run the DAC now. That place over
at Cleveland. Okay I'll move off of
Cleveland. Okay, we're taking another
place in Lake Erie. Okay, we're moving
off of that. We're going in over
Buffalo. Okay, we're taking data on
Buffalo, HOuston.

CC Ckay, Jack.

253 18 37 33 CDR MARK. 190, MODE, AUTO.

PLT Next, we're going to move up to Lake

Ontario, where I'm going to take some
data on that. Okay, we're going to
swath it up Lake Ontario.
Dump Tape 253-06
Page 9 of 12

. CDR Swath it, huh?

. _ 253 18 38 09 PLT Okay_ we're

Ontario, takingclear
staying a swatch up Lake
of clou'dsj _
' Enough of that. I didn'th%ve .the
DAC on for that, so you'll want to
' makeIa log of that, so you'll know

i what_the data ss_vs.

CC 0aky.

CDR lutervalometer came to 38:30. Frame 64

! on A. 64 .... I'm READY, out at 39.

PLT What time is the maneuver time, Al?

CDR The maneuver time is - uh - 18:45,

which is about 7 minutes from now -
6 minutes from now.

PLT Okay.

CDR READYm out at 39, it should be. Coming

up in 3 seconds.
253 18 38 59 CDR READY, out. 39:06; S, STANDBY; and R,

PLT Okay, we're taking some more data now.

253 18 39 06 CDR MARK. S, STANDBY; R, STANDBY; A, MODE 2.

R, OFF. 39:26, the A, ON - 5 -

253 18 39 26 CDR 6 - A is ON. 90, MODE, STANDBY.

PLT Key, I think we're tsking data and

results ... - -

CDR 39:40. 190B, going to REF 2.

PLT Let's see what that island is there.

CDR 39:_0. 39 - -

PLT Can't swing over far enough to get it.

Too bad.
Dtm_ Tape 253-06
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253"18 39 40 CDR MARKI. WE're going to REF 2 on 191. L u L'_

41 is VTS SUTO CAL. We've got plenty
of t_me for that.

PLT Haven't you gone, Dick?

CC Yep.

253 18 40 08 PLT Okay, you there? Uh - that last -

•uh - point we took today was in %he - _,,
uh - Gulf of ST. Lawrence, in the
north part of it.

CC Okay, Jack.

PLT We over ... by now?

CDR Excuse me, Jack.

PLT Yes/q, go ahead. I've got 4 minutes yet.

CDR Maybe that was it.

253 18 41 22 PLT Well, Houston, we got the cumulus clouds

over land. Taht's all we could see
until we got up to the - uh - uh -
Ohio area. We got Cleveland and we got -
uh - Buffalo and then we got some
ONtario, Lake Erie, and - uh - Gulf
of St. Lawrence.

253 18 41 46 CC Roger, Jack. I was following down the

pad. I'm not sure I copied that you
went VTS AUTO CAL at 41 - uh - minutes.
You might confirm that - again.

CDR We did.

PLT Yeah, we got it. A1 got it.

CC Gkay. Thank you.

PLT Yes sire.

253 18 hl 56 CDR Thank you for the remind. But, we did it.

Dump Tape 253-06
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-.- . PLT Yeah, keep reminding us. _ _'_

:,- CDR Forty .... " ._.

CC Ssy, guys. It's about 45 sOconds from

LOS. We're going to drop out about
_ _ .... . 5 minutes, and I'ii call you at M_Mirid. _ _

CDR C_ay.

PLT See you there _ Dick.

PLT Well, that's that for the kid. Just - -

get back over here and ...

253 18 42 29 cDR You got a maneuver in - uh - about a

minute. Maneuver in exactly 1 minute.
Got the time loaded because you Just
did it. So that's good.

CC CDR, Houston. Uh - the READY, on,

light, 191 is 43:40. The maneuver
time is - uh - 45. That's about
_" 2 minutes from now.

CDR Yeah, you're right, 45. Than_ you ....

up there. You're right, thanks. READY,
on, 43:40. Okay?

253 18 43 40 CDR MARK. The 191 READY light Just came on.
EREP, STOP, at 45.

CDR Dick, we been noticing the pad seem

to come up - uh - backwards, in that
it's the P - uh - the - the VTS
operator that always needs the pads
due to maneuvers.

CDR 15 seconds.

253 18 45 00 CDR That's it. EREP ... STOP. Voice

record B-7. B-7 is 31 percent.
192 DOOR, CLOSED. Close and latch
190 window. Latch that window over
there, would you, Jack? Just a minute,
Just a minute. Don't want to close it
too hard, okay?

Dump Tape 253-06
• i_ Page 12 of 12

" PLT ... - .....

_, _ CDR Don't - don't get frestrated. Plenty :c_ _ _,_.

.... of time.

PLT I Just like to ...

253 18 45 38 CDR RECORD switch, OFF.


: DumpTape253-07 "'
Time : 1932-2100 GMT
,/--_ 9/11/73 --
Page 1 of 16

253 19 33 i9 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A, the subject is EREP. This
is EEEP number 20, we're going to
uh - begin in a moment - uh - followed
by the TV channel - S192 has a switch
check and l'm recording Delta 6 reading
this time to be 57 percent.

253 19 33 h2 PLT We're going off the air for awhile now
but we'll be back.

253 19 hl 42 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. I Just finished"

BAT number 6 check. Today's date
is 253 and 19:30. This message goes
to M509 interested individuals like -
uh - uh - Ed kn_itsett - or - uh - well,
TO20s also, Bruce McChadleNs, or
particularly, Lous Ramon. Here 's the
following voltage readings on BAT
number 6. 1.317, 1.320, 1.316, 1.319,
_f- 1.318, 1.320, 1.318, 1.317, 1.318,
1.318, 1.319, 1.316, 1.317, 1.319, 1.324 -
there's a strange one - I. 317, i. 319,
1.321, 1.319, 1.320, 1.318, 1.318.
and the battery voltage was 30.3.

253 19 43 00 CDB That information goes to Ed Whitsett,

Lous Ramon and Bruce McCnadless.
M509 BAT check. CDR out.

253 19 h9 06 PLT We got a lot of background somehow,

Cause -

CD_ ...

PLT I know, that's what I got on, but

we never had that before.

CDR •..

PLT Okay.

CDR ...
DumpTape253-07 _.
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PLT No, I don'twant t6-be on A. --

CDR ...

PLT Oh, I thought I wanted to record. I

don't wanna - I want to record, hut
I'm on B to record, okay.

CDR ... A to record.

PLT Yeah, right. You explained it; you're


CDR ...

PLT Yeah, just lost my train of thought

. for a minute.

253 19 49 47 PLT Okay, space fans this is Jack on channel

f A, back with the EREF 20 again. And -
uh - want to read to you the - uh -
monitor readings, starting with -
uh - monitor A. Alfa 2 is 60 percent;
• that'sgood. Alfa 4, 70 percent;that's
good. Alfa 5 is 65 percent, and that's
good. Alfa 6 is zero, and that's okay.
Okay. Bravo 2 is 57 percent; that's
good. Bravo 3 is 75 percent; that's
good. Bravo 4 is 71 percent; that's
good. Bravo 5 is 74 percent; and that's
good. Bravo 6 is always good; that's
55 percent; Bravo 7 is 30 percent;
Bravo 8 is 1 percent. Bravo 9 is
58 percent. Charlie 2 is 45 percent;
that's good. Charlie 3 is 88 percent;
that's good. Charlie 4 is 70 percent,
and that's good. Charlie 5, 82 percent;
that's good. Charlie 6 is 47 percent;
and that's good. Charlie 7, 57 percent,
and that's good. Delta 2 is - -

SPT Okay.

253 19 51 39 PLT - - 86 percent and that's good. Delta 3

is 85 percent; that's good. Delta 4 is

i •

DumpTape253-07 ......
Page3 of 16 .....

72 percent, and that's good.

Delta 5 is lh percent; that's good.
Delta 6 is 57 percent, and that's
good. Okay, that's for some specials.
Bravo 7, 30 percent ; Bravo 8, 1 percent.
Charlie 7, 57 percent and that's below
80 so the cooler stays on and Delta 6
is 57 percent. Okay.

253 19 52 31 PLT Oour GO time is 57 and that is precisely

4-1/2 minutes from now. So let's go

253 19 52 41 PLT DOOR OPEN. Okay, we'll time that door.

The time - uh - the 190 HEATER SWITCH
light if off. DELTA TEMP is PRESS to
TEST, okay; and O_R TE_ is PRESS TO"
TEST, okay. Standing by for the 192
READY light to come on, want to go to
f CHECK. And then we'll do our pre-op

253 19 53 42 PLT MARK. Took 55 seconds to get the -

uh - 192 door open. And since it's
open and the light is on, we'll now
go to CHECK. And -we do our ..
pre-operate configuration. Okay, TAPE
192, POWER, ON: READY light on;
we're in CHECK; the DOOR is OPEN, the
CLOSED light is out. S191, the
POWER is ON; the READY light is on;
and the COOLER is ON; and the DOOR
is alwyas OPEN. S190, POWER is ON;
the READY light is on, MODE to
STANDBY. The door is open cause•
light's coming through it and I'll
doublecheck to make sure it's all the
way - it's beginning stop - open.
"READY out. Both READYs out. On
the RAD/SCAT and 193 ALTIMETER is
POWER, OFF; READY light off; 194
is POWER, ON; READY light on. And
doublecheck the READY verification
2 minutes to go. We're - uh - 192
"/ _" HIGH, LOW, HIGH_ " 191, CALIBRATION 9,

Dump Tape253-07
Page _ of 16

..... RE_'EHENCE-6. 190 shows SPEED is in

FAST, FRAMES are uh - 1 and 9, and
the interval's 20. And we're in
60, AUTO b. Okay. We're ready to
start with the pad over here. Begin
site at 7. ALTIMETER and SCAT to

PLT (Whistling)

253 19 56 23 PLT How come we're not going to be concentrating

on the - uh - Colorado site? One
right over there.

CDR i don'tknow.

PLT Hard to figure out.

CDR Don't le me miss it - you got the S -

SI time on there, don't you? I've
already put in the maneuver time. YOu
have SI time?

PLT SI timeis - uh - 18.

CDR Don't let me miss it, I'm gonna go for

this Colorado ... also here.

PLT Oh, you got all kinds of time for that.

CDR That's what I thought, but I want

to make sure.

CDR How many minutes it is? Is a minute

marked down there?

PLT Standby



PLT Yeah, this tells me how many minutes.

You know that you got - uh - there's - -

DumpTape253-07 .......
Page5of 16 .......

CDR There's 5 here.

PLT - - 12 to - uh -

PLT You'll be at Denver at 14 or 15.

There went O. Getting a littlw
ahead of that, but - uh - that's
15 minutes after the - the - uh -
total cross angle which is 54, so -
yeah, 10, approximately, we'll be over

CDR Okay. -.

CDR Do you have to pick this up at -

I picked this up up at 45 and 614.
Sa_vs 19, back here.

253 19 58 06 PLT No, here's your time right here, A1.

_ This time says- time zerobegins
right here and all you got to do is
add on to that - where we a_e, like
there's 15 minutes uh 15 onto
this will be the time over Denver.

CDR Yeah, I was trying to get the 45 times - '

_5 times the Z target is 06.

PLT Oh, I - -

CDR Back here somewhere. We went over that

target - and according to this we
go over this target at 7.

PLT We'll have to hsutle then. You won't

probably get 45 on it, but you
can - screw on up - maybe get the
edge of the mountain and then back off
over there.

CDR 647.

PLT And that's Just the . .. enough hours.

PLT Okay, our down-link vox is configured

on the blue dots. TV switchto on.

Dump Tape 253-07

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The selector's in TV. And right

now we're in - uh - position h.
And that is verified to he D-h.

PLT Stand by. SCAT and RAD coming on.

253 19 59 h8 PLT MARK. SCAT, ON. RAD, ON. Stand by

to start.

253 20 00 00 PLT MARK.

253 20 00 05 PLT MARK, off. That was a flase mark.

CDR Touch it mark.

PLT (Yawn) Yes.h, we're cQming, on here in a

minute with the EREP SYSTEM START switch.

CDR Here we got the coastal stratus, just

- exactlywhat we need.... to 358. Cause
we're gonna get the coastal stratus.

P_]T Stand by for EREP start.

CDR 358 to 521.

253 20 01 01 PLT MARK. EREP start, malf light on,

recorder, and off, and the TAPE MOTION
light is on. Got to give an
AUTO CAL. Excuse me, A1.

253 20 01 07 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL the VTS.

Stand by for MODE to MANUAL on 194.

CDR Stratus. Stratus clouds, we got era.

253 20 01 22 PLT MARK. 19h to MANUAL. SCAT and RAD


CDR Coastal stratus. Strato 2.

PLT Okay, here we go MARK. SCAT to STANDBY,

2 seconds.

253 20 02 03 PLT MARK, RAD to STANDBY. 212, 193 OFF.


D_np Tape 253-07

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193 POLAR 4 is done. And stand by
for a - uh - 191 - READY light. Okay.

253 20 02 26 CC And Skylab, Houston; we got you A0S

at Goldstone for 9 minutes.

PLT Okay, Dick.

CDR Hi. Things are going smoothly.

CC Thank you.

CDR Got some coastal stratus clouds.

So - if they don't go away in the
. next minute,we'll get em. 268.

253 20 03 21 PLT Okay, the down-link box is configured;

you should be getting data.

CDR 58. Been looking for.

CDR 3h0.

253 20 03 46 PLT MARK. S091, READY, ON, right ontim.e

That's - well, next, well, standing
around up here -

CC It'll pick up.

PLT Good.

CDR Okay. Okay, we got some coastal stratus

on zoom in and take some - uh -

CC Showing us that on TV.

CDR The IMC is ocntrolling a little bit.

253 20 0_ 18 PLT Where we going today? Going to hit the

coast right over San Diego. Come a
little - uh - south of Vegas, Grand
J_qction, north of DEnver - -

CDR 21. I got 21.


Dump Tape 253-07 ............

Pa_ 8 of 16

- PLT - - over Minneapolis and up over Lmke

Superior, into Canada.

CDI_ I'm letting it glide at 12 - well,

if they've got a new part in the
clouds I'll try there, okay. This
place about i0 seconds of data
so there, let's move to a different
one. Pretty stratified, so they're
uniform. What they're looking for

PLT Okay, I'm gonna pick up at 05:12

here - A and R, STANDBY -

. 253 20 05 13 PLT MARK. ALTIMETER and RAD to STANDBY.

SCAT, ON; RAD, on. That's it.

CDR Okay, go back out and zoom out and

- getsetat 45 - -

PLT Here we are go MODE READY on - -

CDR ...i and6 ...

PLT We're going to get the tape burner

going in a minute.

CDR 45 1 and 6 - -

PLT Go to Charlie 8 and says we got a lot

of tape, what it says, anyway.

CDR Okay, we're looking out ahead. 01

and left, 63.

253 20 05 47 PLT MARK. 192, MODE to READY, MALF light

on recorder - it's off, and the
TAPE MOTION light's on; it's all
looking good.

CDR That's is --

PLT Stand by for 191 AUTO.

f _ CDR ...

Dump Tape 253-07

Page 9of 16

25320 05 - -i92--A 0; 1 3, Poua1.

CDR Okay, okay.

PLT Standing around again. 06 :12.

CDR There's the lake, we got all the targets

in sight; we'll get em.

PLT Stand by, MODE to READY.

CDR Career'
s on.

PLT Never miss it, never miss it.

253 20 06 12 PLT MARK, SCAT to STANDBY. Two seconds -

253 20 06 14 PLT MARK, RAD to STANDBY.

CDR We are on the lake - -

PLT 193 - -

CDR - - and we got it, we're - -

PLT - - angle - - ' .

CDR - - taking data at the moment.

PLT - - 6:30. 1 minute tape - -

CDR ii0 and then we're gonna go to - -

PLT - - RAD, ON.

253 20 06 28 PLT 93, ALTIMETER, OFF. Stand by for

8 minutes. Whoo, a whole minute and
a half.

CDR Taking it. Let's try a different part

of the lake. We're at angle 33 right
now. Everything looks good. My one
the other day that stood out like this.
F DumpTape253-07
Page10 of 16 ....

We're on; nice Job, EREP, Just

pointed right at it. Taking data
by the bunch. We'll let it go to
plus 10. Gonna be FAST and 2.

PLT That 's it.

CDR Good. Okay, let's go MIN MAG. Want

the MC OFF so I can travel back down
here. Okay, we got this hill, we got
it again, hey, we're in business.
Okay, we got that site we said we did.
We're on it right now. 13 - -

PLT Sock it to era,A1.

253 20 07 27 CDR - - we got it, babe. _ Getting all Sorts

of good data on it right now. Gonna
unlcok here in a minute. We're down
_ to a negative'22. But it unlocks -
I'll see if I can get that one over
by Boulder.

PLT Stand by for 192 check.

CDR Coming hack, we'll try to get one over

here by - uh - Boulder. Let's go.
Okay, we got another site I'll tell
you the number of it later.

CDR Well, we couldn't get it, we - we lost

sight of its position.

253 20 08 01 PLT MARK. 192 to CHECK, TAPE MOTION light

that's where she goes. 08:30.

CDR I'll get out of here, and see if we

can get that one in Denver. Okay,
that's as high as we can get but the
weather's awful bad - -


PLT Oh, I didn't give it to you. Better get

them there, A1. 08:30 coming by.
Dump Tape 253-07
Pageiiof16 ....

CDR I'd have to zoom in a little bit

the weather's - -

253 20 08 31 PLT MARK, SCAT STANDBY; 2 seconds.

253 20 08 33 PLT MARK. RAD to STANDBY.

CDH Should be - -

PLT 193 sngle back to zero. We could do that.

08:45, SCAT and RAD ON. STand by here.

CDR - - I think it is.

253 20 08 46 PLT MARK, SCAT ON.

253 20 08 h8 . PLT MARK, .RAD ON.

CDR All sorts of clouds down here - -

PLT Switch positions are off," okay. Let's

give her an off on the do,n-link box.

PLT Well, lost my place, where was I -

here I am right here, wait in for
I0 minutes. (Whistle)Whole minute. .

253 20 09 14 CC It sounded real good, A1, uh - EREP

officer and I just sorry we weren't
out in Vegas look in up at your
during that - -

CDR Yeah, I know what you mean. (Laughter)

You'd be sleeping about this time,
though. Have to make it a night pass.
It's clobbered in Colorado. I was
hopin_ to get - uh - Dillon Reservoir
but - uh - can't even see the mountains.

CC .Roger, understand.

253 20 09 h2 CDE This is bad news there. Okay, that EREP

maneuver is 20:18, we got a long time,
I'll just tool down there a minute. Yeah.
r D_p Tape253-07 .--
Page12 of16 __ _

PLT ithink we'll see Minneapolis or

Lake Superior or something.

PLT Okay, here we go MODE to READY -

253 20 l0 01 PLT MARK, 192 MODE to READY, MALF

light on and off, TAPE MOTION light's
back on, uh - not ll - 12:42. (Whistle
Way it goes. I've got time to go down
and get - uh - can of aprocots.

CDR Think we're up here - -

253 20 l0 24 PLT I know somebody like those apricots

we got.

PLT Big fill over there.

CDR Well, I got - .uh- Pierre REs - no,

_- Or - 0she REservoir there.

PLT You know what's on the bill of fair

at the club tonight, Dick?

CC What's that?

253 20 l0 39 PLT Steak and ice cream on the bill of

fare at the club tonight. Spend
the night at the club. Well, you
earned it today.

CDR BYOIC, though. (Laughter)

PLT Ah, they don't know what that is.

CDE They don't, huh?

PLT Uh-huh.

CDR They can figure it Out, I bet.

CC Let me think about it for a while.

CDR Okay.

,_" Dump TApe 253-07 .....
Page 13 of 16

......... SPT I'm gonna check - go back and get

ready for this maneuver, Jack.

253 20 ii 07 CDR We don't want to be late. How does

the time look to you, Dick?

PLT Tape burner is running and running and


CC Rog. Say again, please.

CDE Uh - how does the - uh - the maneuver

time look? I loaded 18 minutes awhile

253 20 ii 25 CC Okay, AI, we'll look and we're about

30 seconds from LOS. I'll call you
back in Bermuda in about 3 minutes.

CDR 0kay.

CC And - uh - -

CDR Okay.

CC And we like the maneuver time.

CDR 0keydoke, good.

PLT You're gonna miss all the action, Dick.

CC Story of my life.

CDR (Laughter) Guess so.

SPT Nevers give up. Never give up.

253 20 ll 44 PLT MARK. We're in CHECK on - STANDBY rather,

on 192. And now we're going SCAT

253 20 ll 51 PLT MARK, and RAD to STANDBY.

f Dt_p Tape 253-07
Page lh of 16

253 20 II 53 PLT M_RK, 2 _e_onds later. Okay, - uh -

on 190 - we got to do something we're
gonna watch em real close. See what
those guys figured out.

253 20 12 02 PLT MARK, a second and a half off - well

that's life.

253 20 12 08 PLT RAD, ON. MARK. MODE to STANDBY ob

190, same 05, SHUTTER SPEED to SLOW.

PLT Standing by for 191 REF to 2.

PLT MARK, REF 2 on 191. Okay, standing

by for another AUTO CAL, another minute.

PLT Stand by on 14 minut@s.

253 20 14 00 PLT MARK. AUTO CAL. 15 minutes next.

253 20 15 O0 PLT MARK. POLAR 4 on 193. Okay, stana by

for MODE to AUTO on 190.

PLT Tastes good, though, doesn't it?

CDR Tastes a lot better.

CC Skylab, Houston. We're back with you,

Bermuda, for 5 minutes.

PLT Okay, Dick. We're still - uh - going


SPT Okay, Dick.

253 20 15 34 PLT MARK, 190 to AUTO. Stand by for that

READy light.

PLT Taking pictues over the ocean_ I'll bet you.

SPT Pictures of the cold of the ocean.

253 20 16 40 PLT MARK, S191, the READY light on, MoDE to

MANUAL on 194. Done. Okay.

f- Dump Tape 253-07 ............

Page 15 of 16

SPT Ir goes clear all the way down to the

Carolinas frc_ here, Dick. YOu can see
Cape Cod, Boston, New York, Norfolk,
all the way down to the CArolinas.

CC Roger.

PLT You looking out the window when you're

suppose to be working? READY light on
190- MODE to STANDBY. Okay, there
we are. That mskes it.

PLT 45 seconds, AI.

253 20 17 54 PLT MARK, RAD to STANDBY.

253 20 18 00 PLT MARK, 20:18. EREP, STOP.

CDR Okay, we're on the way to Sl.

SPT Do tape ...

PLT Okay.

253 20 18 19 PLT EREP folks, I'm voice recording Bravo 7

to be 30 percent, there, Houston. S192
door, closed. TAke a whole minute to
close that door. Close the 190 window.

CDR And the second site we got was 190 - uh -


CC Okay, we copy.

PLT Okay, 190 is closed and latched. We're

going off record. This is the end of
EREP pass number 20, all you EREP fans.

253 20 19 04 pLT End of message.

253 20 56 26 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on - uh -

channel 3 - channel A. On day 253,
recording the - uh - results of the Temp 3
assignment, measuring - uh - workshop

f D_p Tape253-O7
Page 16 of 16 ......

L_eratures in the experiment

compartment, wardroom, waste management
and sleep compartment. Here are the
following readings: uh - first one
- uh - was - uh - one is Hiike - and
- D_h - it was requested to - uh - have ti
on locker 615 in experiment compartment -
uh - which there isn't one - uh - but I
assume you mean - uh - panel 615,
which is the circuit breaker panel over -
uh - on the - uh - the electrical
control - uh - panel. So that's where
I read the first one. It was Miek; 75_
November, 72.0; Oscar was 70.5. These
letters all refer to those on the - uh -
Systems Checklist. Papa was 73.0;
Quebec was 69.8; Romeo, 71.9. Wardroom,
Sierra, 71.8; Tango, 72.8; Uniform 72.2.
Waste management compartment, Victor,
70.4; Whiskey, 72.2_ X-r_ 70/6.
Sleep compartment, Yankee, 70.2;
Zttly, 70.1; and double Zulu was 70.1.
That's the end of the message on the -
uh - temp - 3 - temperature number
3 readings on day 253.

253 20 58 14 PLT Thank you.


_- DumpTape253-08 ,,
Time: 2151-2208 GMT
91!1173 .....
Page 1 of 6

253-21 52 37 PLT Th_--is--dh--L-Jack on channel A.

space fans. Uh - this is for the
earth observations falks, probably
EREP people. I made a - uh - few more
observations that - uh - are of a
general nature that - uh - that appear
frequently in the - uh - the NL-4
request, an observation request you
send up. Number 1 is about lava
flows. You've asked us many times -
uh - to - uh - look at the lava -
or the volcanic activity in - uh -
the central areas, and - uh - I
noticed that there- uh - most of the -
uh - terrain is covered with trees.
All we can tell, it's very - uh - ireegular
and rough. Uh - _id it's very
difficult to tell a w_lole lot about
the volcanic activities except places
- like Guatemala and so forth where
it's very evident. You can see -
uh - uh - right down funnels of some
of them. But - uh - othe@ than that -
uh - there's severla places where -
uh - there are not any - apparently
not any trees, but - uh - it - it looks .'.
like uh - a big blaekedned are, which
could very well be - uh - uh - a lava

253 21 53 h4 PLT And - uh - so you can spot that kind of

thing from here. And - uh - the thing
that reminded me of it was - uh -
in just going over Hawaii - uh -
we - uh - I took a good look at
the big island, and - uh - we're
having - uh - tramp around on it a
couple - uh - different times
uh - looking at the gelogy, I remeber
that - uh - many of those black flows -


Dump Tape 253-08

Page 2 of6

............... uh - flow down the - uh - sideof--

the - uh - mountain, and right down to
the sea. And - uh - and - uh - they don't
have any vegetation around there;
Just pure black lava flows, and -
uh - some fairly recent. And they
are very recognizable from our vantage
pointup here in Skylab. You ca
see all those very easily. You see
all those black lava flows , - uh -
because they stand out - uh - pretty
high contrast with the - uh - areas
around it - that's has shrubs on it. _
And also, the contrast with toehr
lighter areas, which are - uh - which
are ash flows, and areas where ashe
has fallen.

253 21 54 42 PLT And also the - uh - the cuts

that water has made in those - u_h -
_ uh - some of those features as it - uh -
flows on the - flows down to the
sea off the sides of the hill. And
you can see erodes away the - uh - - -
the - uh - soil is very evident.

253 21 5h 59 PLT Uh - other subject - uh - is - uh - the

Big Horn Mountains. Now, we've
had many requests to look for faults, and -
uh - the faults havw got to be
pretty big to see it from here.
Sometimes you can see - uh - linear features
that - uh - could be faults, but on
the other hand, they could be
something else too. Uh - I guess about
the - uh - best kind of fault that
we can spot from here, is where -
uh - you're have some offset mountains
peaks, when you have some ridges
that obviously were continugous
at one time are offset now. And you
can see some of that here and there.

253 21 55 37 PLT Now, the Big Horn Mountains - uh - you're

Just looking for - uh - crustal cracking
here; particularly the inner base between

Dump Tape 253-08

• Page 3of 6 !

the plain &nd--the -_uh - and the

mountain ranges. And - uh - there
are places down there, I guess you
couldn't see if they were crystal
cracks, but they - uh - look from
here to be - uh - in lots of cases -
uh - just erosional features; where
streams have gouged their wat through
and - uh - makesthe crestlook a
little bit cracked, but , uh - who
knows? Maybe they cracked with the
stream Just filling up or maybe there'-
uh - there's no crack at all_ maybe
it's Just the stream. So - uh - crustal
cracking here in that sense, is hard
to detect.

253 21 56 17 PLT Although I did notice on some ofthe

interface boundaries between - uh -
__ Big Horn Mountaineand the - uh -
Plains, that - uh - they're were some
very - uh - much linear features
that kind of ran north and south
which - uh - were not exactly straight k
lines. They curved a little bit here,
but they all were fairly paralle.
There might have been about, of, ten
or twelve of them in a row north and

253 21 56 42 PLT And - uh - they really look like - uh -

they look like - uh - inclines or -
uh - maybe that's not the right word,
but anyways inclines, or anticlines that
were once hills but it had the - uh -
the tops eroded away, such that the
- uh - layers proturude out,
forming outdrop - uh above the -
uh - the rest of the terrain. Now
that's the - uh - way that these
linear features at the interfaet between
the Big Horns, and the - uh - plains
look. NOw this is where I was looking,
was around Great Falls, Montana. There
Were some - uh - a little north of that,

DumpTape253-08 ....
Page 4 of 6

253 21 57 23 PLT So - uh - maybe this was crystal
cracking, I don't know. Maybe crust -
the crust cracked and upturned, and -
uh - and formed that. But on the
other hand, from this vantage
point it's difficult to tell if that
happened or if that's uh - uh - inclined
or anticlined features. The only
thing that makes you think that it's
probably not this incline or anticline
is that there seems to be only - uh -
one side on each - on each of these -
uh - upturned ridges or whatever they
are, they're only seems to be one
side. There's not a - uh -
corresponding - tub - other side of the
hill, so to speak. So perhaps that's -
uh - some evidence of crustal cracking,
although - uh - you'll have to
evaluate that, but those are the
features that we could see. And -
uh - and - uh - whether on not
that's the feature that is called crustal
cracking or not, is not apparent to
me at the moment.

253 21 58 13 PLT One other thing that - uh - is around

of some interest is - uh - the - uh -
the pattern of the terrain - uh - in -
in Canada, Just eas of Michigan.
Between the - uh - little peninsula
that sicks down between - uh -
Windsor and Toronto, I guess you might
say. And - uh - let me see them on
a map; it's called something to do
with England.

253 21 58 38 PLT Well, it's the peninsula that sticks

into Lake Huron, and Lake Erie
and Lake Ontario, and - uh - at one
end is - uh - Toronto and at the
other end is Windsor where it's
trying to get Michigan. Now that -
uh - area there - uh - I would say
that H_milton, Ontario is right

/_ Dump Tape 253-08

Page5of 6

in the middle of that area_-_d-_ is ....

Ontario, the province of Ontario,
there's - uh - a very definite
waffle patern. And - uh - it locks
to me like the the lines go - uh -
southeast northwest and then they cross
at the right angle and go northeast/
southwest. In other words, right angles
northeast/southwest and north/southeast.

253 21 59 28 PLT And - uh - what it looks like is tha t-

uh - uh - somebody had just taken a bi
plow and every 20 or 40 miles, the
way we represent - maybe it's more
like lO to 20 miles - has - uh -
dug a furrow and made several parallel
• ones ar right angles in thesg directions
I'vw indicated• And I covered •
that whole - uh - that whole peninsula,
not just the small area; I covered the
whole peninsula. It looks like in
those furrows - uh - vegetation is
. growing and green. And then - uh -
that's - uh - uh - in the groove, you
might say. Then up on the land, more
brown where it looks like argriculture
is underway and so forth. But - uh -
a very definite, very regular pattern,
that - uh - looks like it's too big
a thing to be - to be made by man, but
looks like too regular a thing to have
been made by nature. So it's - uh -
kind of a real curiosity, and - uh -
I don't know is we've got a picture
of it yet or not, but we're trying
to get in a good position to get

253 22 00 31 PLT And - uh - uh - it could be that -

uh - some day way back in history
they - uh - divided the land up that
way and - uh - and asked everybody
to divide off their land up with
trees or something'- uh but I don't


DumpTape253-08 --,
,/_ Page 6 of 6 ..... _

253 22 00 45 PLT But that's what it looks like because

it's too doggone regular and although
the waffles are kind of square waffles,
and - uh - it's - uh - one of the most
unusual - uh - and curious flatland
features that I've seen from space.
But - uh - it give you ... observations
on - uh - oh, one other observation.
Up at the - uh - Canada area. Uh - say -
uh - between Winnipeg and - uh -
and - uh - east of there, probably over
Lake Superior - uh - in the - uh -
up on - uh- the southeast of James Bay,
in that area, where there're so many lakes.

253 22 Ol 26 PLT Uh - it also appears that - uh - uh -

you can see these - uh - glacier-related
features from this alt'.t_de because
there are many - mnay of these lakes
appear to be - uh - have been dug
out in parallel f ashio,'and some of the
islands you see apparently - uh -
have - uh - streaks in them that mske it
look llke - uh - they've been scraped.
And - uh - so that's another feature

that's - uh - kind of interesting to /.

view from this altitude and one whic, from
this altitude, is very evident, and -
uh - perhaps - ILh - from lower altitudes
is not quite so clear.. Uh - so - uh -
the purpose of this discussion was Just -
uh - give you a little more feeling for
what kind of features you can recognize -
uh - on a macroscopic scale and what
kind you can recognize on a microscopic
one. To give you a feel for - uh -
for what you can see frc_ space. And -
uh - -

253 22.02 19 PLT And - uh - this is the end of the

• message to the - uh - earth observatin
folks. For EREP people whoever - uh -
is interested in this kind of thing.

DumpTape253-09 -'
Time: 2339-0111 GMT
'_'t,, ''-_ 9111173 .....................
Page 1 of 2

253 23 39 32 PLT Okay;--space fans; this is--Jack on

channel A. The subject is M092. 171
on our friend Dr. Owen K. I Just
measured his legs. And his left leg
is 12-1/2 inches, and his right leg
is 12-7/16 inches. He's - uh -
legbands and all the other equipment
we're using is the smae as they had
been in the past. So - uh - no change
on that. And don't go away. We'll
be talking to you later.

25h 00 27 28 PLT Okay space fans, this is Jack on

channel A, again. The subject is our
continuing run on _171. Owen - uh -
went through the M092 with no problem.
And - uh - we - uh- calibrated the -
uh - metabolic analyzer all over again,
because it had been sitting there a
long time and -uh - well, those numbers
didn't look too good to me. So - _h - they -
uh - N2, 02, CO2 gas press was lh03.
And that's for the - Uh - and water

bottle was 1358. Uh - cabin pressure

is 5.516. And - uh - constituents
are as follows: percent 02 is 68.44,

percent water is 2.11, percent CO 2 is

1.93. And we're getting ready to do the
vital capacity test and also - uh -
we're going off for now, but we'll be
right back.

254 O0 37 36 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack again on

channel A, with more numbers for Ml71
run on Owen. We just did the vital
capacity test, and the three readings
were as follows: 4.006, 3.953,
3.763. That's all I got for now, hut
_e'll be back with some more data

25h 01 09 hl CDR Uh, this is CDR, debriefing the last

ATM run. It went exactly nominal.
",_#_.._ Dump Tape 253-09
Page 2 of2 ---

254 01 09 49 CDR We - uh - did - uh - uh - item 13,

and we did the - uh - ...



Time : 0!21-0214 GMT
_ 9/11/73
-Page i of 20 , i

concludinguh - MI71 and Owen's - uh -

uh - -

CDR Let's go ....

; L

254 01 22 h5 CDR Mark ...

PLT - - extra pedallingfor - uh - physical

" training. During which time. he was -
uh - sensored up and also hooked up
_ to the Metabolic Analyzer. So his - -
uh - exercise period on the ergometer followed
with immediately ... after his M171 run.
And - uh - you'll find the data all
there. And - _uh - we waited until
now to do our final store of cabin air,
and - uh - the percent02 right now is
63.95, percent water is 8.46_ percent
" CO2 is l.Sh, and - uh - that completes
the - uh - M092 and 171 on Owen, and -
uh - end message for about Bio - Biomed
folks.Thank you.

254 01 43 16 CDR Okay this is the CDR. We're picking up on -

uh - the remainder of the - debriefing
- I mean the briefing for Jer. It's
on TV inventory. Uh - I am - uh -
floating around the lower area of the
workshop. I'll knock - uh - uh - the
other day I - I went along until the -
r until the _q played out. I wasn't really
sure whe e it played out, so I'm picking
_t up do_nl here even though I may have left
off something. The last thing I did
up there was a discussion of the - uh -
uh - uh - the chair - the - uh - _D,
and if you didn't get that, let me know
" and I'll put it on - uh - here, Bill.
Ed or anybody.
_"_ DumpTape
254-01 _ ___ i_

"-254 O1 4402 CDR Okay, let's start in this corner agaln.

Now I did - I showed this last night,
but then I got to where the tape was
gone. So l'm just picking up here.
If - uh -l've shown it to you before,
just ignore it, bear with me, and maybe
we'll get to somethingnew here in a
few minutes.

254 01 44 17 CDR You can see the - uh - transnianic

cosmic ray - uh - items. Tehy're
"_ hanging up there, and I assume you're -
going to be taking 'em back. Uh - let me
show you something about these comm
boxes. That little light's on, of course,
showing it's RECORD. We've.had - uh
a lot of trouble with the comm boxes up
here; it'sbeen one of the things
that disturbes us most. Uh - you'll
_-- notice that this ones just - the theory
is to put 'em all at 9 o'clock , and
they won't squawck. Good idea. You'll
noticethat'si0 o'clock.

254 Ol 44 46 CDR At i0 o'clock you just bearly can hear

if you're next to the box. So it's a
great theory on the ground, and it
looks great in the lab, but up here it isn't
worth a darn. Cause if you want to
hear, you got to put up around ll o'clock
or so; and that means if anybody else
nearby is at ll o'clock, you're going
to squeak. So what we've generally done
is - uh - tried to keep most of them in
. the workshop down except the one in the
wardroom. When you're riding the bike,
you got to turn one up to hear. You
miss - you want to hear all the messages.
. Becuase that's all you - how you know
what's going on up here. And - uh -
many times - uh - somebody will Roger
for you - thinking you're hearing and
you didn't, and - uh - uh - it's gets
a little difficult.
_m_mp Tape 254-01
_Page 3 of 20

-25h 01 h5 28 CDR So-if you c--an-dise_pline-_ _-_{ to ................

• turn on the comm box when you're riding
the bike, and if somebody's going to
anser in the wardroom, turn it down,
or when you leave turn it down, it'll
be a lotbetter.

254 O1 h5 37 CDR Also up by the SAL, you tend to turn

that one on to. If you could Just
discipline to yourself to turn it off.
We haven't been able to, but maybe you
"_ csn. You'renow lookingat the clothes
bag. We put thatbag over there. I
Put - uh - old dry clothes in there;
use them for rags and they work out real
well. Wehn it fills up - u_ - we shoot
it down the trash air_oek. Sometime _ when
we need a couple of extra items in a
trashbag we'll put we'll go over and get
o_ some clothesout and put them in. That
way we don't waste so many bags.
Okay, let's look around and see what
_ we see.

25h 01 h6 09 CDR Uh - camera's just mounted up there.

It's setting there. You're now noticing
there. It's setting there. Yo're not
noticing the - uh - only fan we use •
in the workshop. This we've got setting
around, we use to blow it on us on the
bike. The idea is to makes your hear
rate lower, which is nice at nights, but
mostly it keeps you from sweating so
much, so it saves the salt. And - uh -
you'll find up here that that's one
of the things you'd sort of like to save.
You don't get that much in the way of
minerals,and you don't want to
. sweat 'em off your bod. So we've put
that there and then start out with it off,
and then in about 5 minutes we turn it
on low and then a little later on high
and you can direct it; it works out
pretty good. You can see our - uh - tpe
recorders. Now these tape recorders are
_\ _Dump Tape 254-01
Page__ of20 i i

............... okay except for one thing, and here's

a - exam a good example. It's a nice
taps recordsr. If you look close you'll
see that it's on, but the tape is stopped.
Now, that's what ruins these wheels.
•' - It seems to ruin them, not on a
permanent basis, but it makes you have
to chean them.

254 Ol 47 i0 CDR So you want to make sure that you bring

up with you not only swabs to clean EREP,
_ but you need abouttwiceas many to _
clean these little tape recorders cause
you end up having to clgan each of them
about once every three days• And the
little wheel gets black_ It's too bad
_hey can't come up with a better little
black whsel that doesn't wear off like
that, but I think it's our own fault
because we're not careful enough with
those recorders. Now, first thing we
did was divide them all up so everybody
had One. But we found out that was bad
because then you had to carry around. So
now we got one by the ATM that stays up
there, these two here, Jack sometimes
takes one of these into his quarters,
and the rest of the time they jsut hang
right here.

25_ 01 _7 48 CDR Same way with an extension plugged

to them, we just leave one up there.
When you go up there, you take your
music up. Here is the friendly little
LBNP. You'll notice that - uh - we
got one - uh - cuff hanging there, and
we then got the other one just kind of
_ hanging over there• We don't use it
very often; we try to always use the
. same one, which is number ii. We
have a little message there from Houston,
that tells us which - uh - leg bands to use.
You should get that, and if all three
of you could use the same two, that
would be the way to go. Because that's
_L how you could change them out; you could
• just leave them hangingthere.
z/_-_ Dump Tape 254-01
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-254 61 _8 21 CDR T As it is, ours have to be different. Owen

and I have the same right leg, which
makes it nice - uh - right leg band, and
they different left leg bands for the
left. Cards, don't use them too much.
• There's the - uh case with all the data.

254 01 48 36 CDR We just put our cards up. So any -

all the runs we make normally, 92, 93,
92/171, are all right out and mounted.
Subject 171, subject 92; you can get at
them and get going. Uh - there's the
hose hanging on - a lot of time's we'll
disconnect that hose and leave both
ends out. When we do, we'll put it over
there in the corner and wrap it .around
• that standpipeonce. It lets both ends
dry and - uh - thatwasn't done today
when Owen finished his run.

254 01 49 04 CDR Uh - we mounted our own records there

so that we can see how we've been doing
' on the bike on the Earth and see
how we're doing here. I used the pad
that we put on our heads sometimes and
bike right up here. Let me Poke this
a little for you. We'll - uh -
put it on our heads and put our head
against this - uh - tray and then bike.
Sometimes we just hold on to the side.
It's kind of dealers choice and - uh -
just depends on how you like to ride.
Sometimes your arms get tired and you'll
do it one way, and sometimes you'll
feel good and you want to get some
exercise, you'll do it another. Okay,
let's see what else. You're now looking at
the vacuum cleaner over there in the
corner, we just leave it hanging there.

254 01 49 57 CDR It's quite qucik to get it Out and use

it, get a bag and to put in it. We
just put a new bag in everytime we use it.
It gives us good suction; as good as it
can get. You do a lot of - uh - TO03
you need to be up on doing that.
J_ .Dump Tape 254-01
__p_e § of 2o

r-254 6i 50 13 CDR It doesn't take long to learn, but

you do a lot of them so it's worth
training on it. Certrifuge is working
good. You'll see the - uh - uh - BOP
there. Happens to be upside down, we've
got it on one snap and it's upside
down. We don't move them around; we
keep on this wall, one on the other
wall over there. And then one in the MDA,
and one in the command module. Nobody
moves them. I timed it the other
day from the wardroom table to the
cc_nnand module: 15 seconds. So - uh -
why wotuld you want to move this thing
anywhere but right there? If you want
it, great; if you don't, you c_u head
for the commandmodule ardget there
. in 15 seconds,even in the dark. You
don't have nay trouble. Here's _- uh -
< Dr. Owen Garriott,you may recognizehim.
He's - uh - doing his favorite pastime,
which is eating.

254 01 51 05 CDR You'll notice that he's eathing some

- uh - overage food. I know that'll stir
you up a little bit, but he's got to
live. He's been losing weight_ all
of us here tried to keep our weight the
same, and it's just taking more food
than we thought to do it. Nobody's
gaining any up here. Owen's been
losing, but he's been eating a lot more
lately, I think he's arrested. He's
leveling off, as ... Uh - Owen's one
that - uh - sort of doesn't put his food
in the tray, and heat it beforehand;
he sort of eats it right at the mealtime.

25_ 01 51 36 CDR Jack mud I tend to get our trays - uh -

uh - before the meal and - uh - get it
all fixed up and put it in there, and
the tops on and the timer set. So it
just depends. These little _ter guns
are nice; one of the things we've
noticed up here_ is you got to force
yourself to drink water.

254 O1 51 51 CDR Everytime I come by this room, I get .......

two or three drinks of water, whether
_ Dump Tape 25_-01
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I'm thirsty or not, just have it and

it's - it's been one of the things that's
made it better. Lot better in here.
Let me fly it around into here. Okay,
you can see that we got multiple notes
on here. Uh - Owen's Just got his little
yellow book right here. Let me give
you some closeups. He'sgot his little
yellow book right here that he carries
around. And normally he has it in his
pocket but - uh he's apparently going to
• take some items out of there. There's
all the med pads so you can see how
your weight was two weeks ago or anything
like that.

• 25h Ol 52 23 CDR There's his Flight "Plan _or tomorrow.

_. Comes up in the evening and - uh - you stash it
around because you don't have room
" in your littleyellowbook yet. And
- uh - right next to it, some other
things he's got There the _pider
vials, and - uh - there's a pen for
him to use. Notice the bun goes. So
tohose bungees, if we had enough, ought
to be on every locker. Now - the thing
- uh - they aren't the greatest thing
in the world, but - notice here. In
order to get them to hook, you got to
have some of the hook kind. And
although they're kind of dangerous, I
believe that's the kind you ought to
bring up. You ought to take the command
module one, and I'll float them and get
these little hook kind and bring them

25h 01 53 56 CDR And then just - uh - stash 'em around.

We got plenty up here now, but it wouldn't
hurt to have more. This little - uh - table
for our night checklist has worked well, O -
uh - uh - Ed. Uh - we just put it there,
and - uh - I get up in the morning and
write down the water readings.

254 01 53 17 CDR We used to take it up by the BMMD.

f It's crazy. You only got four numbers
.... there. And you canremember.-uh .....
</'_ _ Dump Tape 254-01
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remember them quite easly. Four "-

four place numbers three times. Usually
- hopefully they're close together, so you
remember. If they're not close together,
] you usually run one or two 'til you get
three close together and you remember them.
So we Just leave it here and go up there
and do it, and then come back and write
it down. And everybody writes hsi own
urine. Uh , everybody keeps up with his
own food.

25h 01 53 42 CDR When the nightly report time comes, I

just go over and read what's there.
And if it isn't there, well - uh - it's
• up to the guy to bring it in, and I've
• noticedthat everybody- uh - is real
• good about getting- uh the word
down and putting it on there. I'd
recommend using that place It doesn't
interfere, and it's good local place.
You'll notice right here that Jack's
brought down the - uh - let me close
the window. Jack's brought down the - uh -
film log. That's turned out to be
one of the toughest things to do. Mainly
because you're always using film 'til the
last minute. And then after you use it,
it just seems difficult to get that
thing accurate. Maybe it's 'cause
people are checking on you all the time,
and they find out how confusedyou are.
But anyhow there it is and - uh - as
soon as Jack gets it done - he tries
_ to get it done around- earth time 7
or 8 o'clock, and that way when we have
a I0 o'clock report it's there in
advance because you get tied up and
you're liable to miss it.

254 01 54 3_ CDR Okay. There's the - uh - so called

- uh - stabilized hinocs. I found
them to be poor in that you have to
adjust the eyepieces everytime, and they
have a different adjustment everytime.

f-\ 25h Ol 5h 48 CDR Sometings wrong with the eyepieces_

I don't know what. Maybe we can get •
i Dump Tape 254-01
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it fixed. But - uh - if you get them

fixed them the batteries last a long time.
We're still on our same first set of
batteries. And they do a good Job, but
having to focus them everytime - by that
time the target is gone almost. Okay,
you'll see our Hasselhlad - I mean our
Nikon, and the spot meter right next
to it. Now, right over here is the book -
you can see it kind of ruffled - that we
put the Nikon stuff.

25_ 01 55 54 CDR Okay, on this side we have the

Hasselblad goodies. There's the
Hasselblad, and here's this little book.
: And I think we've done real well - uh -
-: keepingup with those. It - it -
. you just have to keep in the habit.
Yeah. You need a lot more film;
you need to get more out-the-wlndow film.
-_ Okay - uh - here's some informationon
these EREP hand,held targets. You're
going to have to do a lot of'work on
those if you want to get some good
information out of them. Let me zoom
in on them a little bit for you. EREP
hand-held target information there.
Like I say, we've - we haven't get this
as neat as we normally keep our offices,
but - tub - we're not in the business oT
keeping it clean. We're - it's clean,
but the business that - we're in the
business of having things out where we
can get at them fast.

25h 01 56 02 CDR Down in there is the - one of the

- uh - maps. Let me show you somethin
" here while we wait. We use this map
a lot. This is the one with the multiple
- show them the pictures there, big 0.
Multiple pics- we use that a lot.

254 01 56 14 CDR If you had one even more detailed,

it would be nice. But it serves the
purpose. Okay, now let me show you also
on this one. Let's see if I can get close
f enoughto this to •show you. Maybe
Dump Tape 25h-01 ..............
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r ......

I can zoom in, that'll give it a

little class. Who said this doesn't
have class? Just a second, it'll have
to come back. I don't know why it
doesn't want to show - let's see if
it shows here. Too close, huh? Okay,
there it is. Uh - you'll notice we've
got little squares and circles - hold still
there .... - -

PLT (Singing) If I were his again - -

CDR - - little squares and circles on it,

and that's the EREP target.

254 01 56 57 CDR So we put our sliders on, and then you.

can find - I'm out of focus here. And
then you can find uh - when you/re
going over and where the targets are.
_ Now that's pretty rudimentary. It's
written on there. Un - You can come
up with a better one. Some eort of -
what I think you need is some sort of - uh -
maybe plastic stickers to stick over
there; somethingthat you can remove.
So when the targets go away, you can
remove it. We didn't have the luxury of
that; we just wrote it on there with tentell.
But it's helped us find the targets faster.
You can take targets that weren't called
up. l'm going back now to the old ...
Uh - _at else up here? Let me show you
something. On the ceiling - we use the
ceiling a lot. Right there's the vitamin
pills hanging in that - uh - little strap.

254 01 58 26 CDR Over there's the can crusher - let me

mention something we do with the can
crusher. Every can that we get that doesn't
h_ve food in it, for example a dry instant - -
- add fuit and see tth - uh - canned.

SPT We got ... and I hope you like it.

254 01 57 52 CDR For instance the - uh - uh - can that the

_ strawberriescome in. It never gets dirty,
Dump Tape 254-01
P ag ell of 20 7-

so we throw the strawberry plastic

away - down in the normal place - and
then - uh - we crush the can in there
and put in there. Same thing with
the bread can, for example. We try
to crush anything and minimize the
space. It's worked out real good. Let
me show you inside the chiller - here's something
that they need to fix that'll
give you a good idea. Now there's
be inside our chiller. And - -

spt We got the IMSS out.

254 O1 58 20 CDR We got IMS out. As you can see, we

just got the cans in there..So that's
one good deal. Now you'll notice we
_ got some of those little - uh - inserts
of the cans mounted on the wall. Well,
they work great 'cause you can put you're
drinks in there. •However, they only work
great for a little while because the
glue - uh - comes off and then there's
the snap comes off. So if you could
cc_e up with some kind tape that would
work in a - a chilled ice - box which I'm
sure there's a lot of it, bring up a
roll. You could tape these things
in here and it wouldn't be near as
messy as you see this now. In other
words you could tape - those - uh - IMSS
cans to the back neatly. You could
tape two or three of those - uh -
racks to the side, and then you could
put yours drinks in there as we've got a
couple - uh - further back in there.
Everybody could have his rack for food -
you'll see strawberries in that can
there I'm - l'm pointing right at the
center of the screen. Tjat should
be tacked to the side, but it just
won't stay.

254 01 59 12 CDR We started taking the tapes off a can and

putting them there so we could use
oDumpTape 254-01
_P, Page

them and we dound we never used them. We

haven't taken the tape down but we will.
My recommendation is just throw the
tape on the can away - you got plenty of
tape. Here's where Jack puts some of
his extra cans. One of them's got
butter cookies, one of them's got peanuts,
and one of them's got drinks. So he can
Just reach around and get them and - now
he - he needs that, because he fills up
his shelf. The rest of us don't,
and so we tend to just take the bottom
shelf, and at the back we put overage.
Right there's for me a couple of overage
peaches and some pears. And what we don't
eat we'll take back up and put back up.
.: They've asked us to eat a couple of fruits a
day to keep our potassium up, so - so
we're working on that.

25_ 02 59 57 CDR Set of binoculars. Notice the clip

on there - you need more - let me show
you some clips. Here's some clops you
could stand to send up about 5 of,
Jer. It's these kinds that we used to have
in the LM, you know. They're handy,
but we just don't have enough of them,
you ought to bring about 5 of those.
Looking ahead to see what's going on
in there. By the way, that's where
we keep our urine disposal hag. We
keep one there, we usually put - uh -
two of them in there and then we put a few
extra other things that we got, and
shoot it down the trash. Sometimes
when you get three and vent em - it'll
Jam the lock. It won't jam it, but
it'll be tight. We don't like that,
so we go ahead and just put two in
there. It's best to waste hags - don't
fill em up. Don't - don't try to prove
how much you can get

f ...................................
Dump Tape 25h-01 ---...............
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in it because once you've proved

the limit, you're sunk. Okay, uh -
I keep my towels here. O. keeps his
here. Jack keeps his over there,
makes it okay.

25h 02 Ol 00 CDR Down there we usually have a

rag from the rag bag. And that's
the thing we use to wipe out
the inside of the urinal and the isnide
of the pressure plate and everything in
thenorning. Then we throw that -.
one away into the urine bag - urine
disposal bag you just saw - get out another
one. So every day we_ve got
• a rag nearby and that's
: the one we use sort of for that
"" day. So far thatmagnetic
thing's the berries - boy, if we
didn't have that little magnetic
catch, it'd be a mess. Uh - one
_=" of the thingsthat we foundout
to be nice here - is where we snap the
• - uh - uh - the little list
of whatto do with - with the

25h 02 01 33 CDR Uh - my suggestion to you is have

one but don't have em fill in the
part that sayswhetherit's
half or full. And they ought
to also fill in on there - have
in there blanks so you can put
down which place you put the
blood, whose blood goes where.
Because - uh - they have - they
change the rules every once in
a while. You see h_¢ the waste
processes report little stickers -
and on the stickers - little
stickers and the - uh - uh -
-uh - the - we've written on them
- the time that - that we
put the last one in _nd that
way you just leave them in there
until you need one, you

S ......................................
._ D_p Tape 254-01
Page14 of 20 ! .....

look 8round to see what was in

there and if it doesn't belong,
take it out, and fold it up,
put it down here in the next to the
bottom shelf and them
press on. We keep a pen up here
where we can uh - get to it
to write on. Notice the
bungee, we need more of them in
here. Here's one. Let me show
youhow I've done the inside of
my - uh - inside of my - uh -
hygiene dit loker.

254 02 02 39 CDR Now this is a bad show cause I

just moved something in here the other
• dya, let me move it out. Cuas'e it
it atypical. Okay, let's see
if we can see in there. May not
be able t o make it. I'ii back
up a little further, because a -
this sure has made it easier in
. operatingin that little- uh -
compartment. Okay, here we go -
what l've done is put Velcro
on everything. And then every - nothing
floats around in there. At
first everything was floating. But
by having Velero on there it
makes it a_ul nice.

254 02 03 16 CDR Now let's see what's going on in

somebodyelse's. It's ahcays
a eye-opener. Here's hygiene
kit i - let'ssee what's
going on in that locker. Nothing too
had. A couple of items floating
- uh - you'll notice that that's _en's
lockerand he's got his ket in
there - and right next to it -
is the - uh - OBS electrode kit.
That's the kit everybody thinks is

Dump Tape 254-01 ..........
15of20 ........

in his sleep compartment which

doesn't make sense, because you
always use it in here when you
go EVA, so we just 0put it in
hdfd. My suggestion to you,
Fer, is to take the DOP kit I'm
gonna leave up here - the names
removed from Velcro - i'll Just
take my name off it and stick
your name on it - and you'll have
a nice clean kit - and you cna
fill it up with whatever you
want. Keep - Keep whatever I
got an - uh - don't wait around -
do what ever you lie.'

L 25h 02 04 08 CDR Now here's hwere I put my .

• fin_l night's checklist - that's
one of the best things. Because
- uh - when I got to bed I see
that thing and then I say okay,
are the lights off, and equipment
off, equipment usally being
. like - uh - the metabol - not
the metabolic analyzer but the - uh -
the bike and all that that you
use sometimes late. And the
SAL confgured - in other words,
is it in press, and closed and
locked. The next onw is - uh -
how about the - uh - heaters are
off, the dumps complete - that's the
dump heaters and oth - other heaters
off. I check that - and make
sure they are, and that usually
works out pretty good. Then I say - uh -
how about the trash air-lock handle -
and I'ii showyou aboutthat
in a minute, pressed, yeah it is -
film camera's stowed, yes.

254 02 Oh 53 CDE Okay, there's the old bunk I sleep

uside down because I like the
draft to come past _¥ head instead
of up my nose, and everything's

•_ Dump Tape 25_-01
Page 16 of20 --

; ................. the same- just-leave-that ....................

out. Got an extra pair of
pants back there. Nothing to
show there. It's nice and quite
in there, and dark if you close
the door. Here'sJack - He's
dryin his - uh - mouthpiece,
he's washin out in water here
and drying em and he's got a
tape uh - uh - cleanin swab there
that you're familiar with. Lie to
mention,so you can clean your
tapes. There's _4en - nothing new
in there that I can think of besides
that checklist.

_ 25_ 02 05 31 CDR . Let me show you this trash airUlock

a minute, cause - uh - I think it
might be worth some time - just a
• second_anyhow. Have to mount it _nd
look at it for a second. Just
mount it right here - done. Okay, Jet,
. let's see. Then, zoom back to 25 -
one of my favorite spots.. No_ not as
a good agnle,Jack. Move
it. As I mentioned the other - I
don't know if you saw this demonstration
the other day. If you did, dontt
watch it again but - uh - if didn't
essentially what - what l'm goona
- show you how this thingworks. And
it's - it's kind of sneaky.
You think - uh - it's got a feel to
it. You got to learn feel of the
handle, because if you
don't you don't know wether you've
got something Jammed in it or
working just right because it doesn't
work very smoothly.

254 02 06 32 CDR See if I can zoom in on that a little bit.

Okay, I think we just did. Yes/l,
/- Dump Tape 25h-01
Page 17 of 20

........ the focus-is.--Th-at-may-l_e_good ................

enough. I think you can get
the point either way. Okay, so
here we are over the trash air-lock.
Now what we normally do is when we
• have trash, we either leave it
hanging in place right there - or we'll
uh - kinda nut it down in here. And
- uh - we've relegated one guy to be the
- trash air-lock man and it's me. And
the reason being, like I say, because
• there'sa lot of feel to
this thing.

25h 02 07 09 CDR Okay, you'll notice that I have a long

strap here, around that handle.
" The reasonI do is becauseif"
this handlegetsup likethis
in the middle of the night
you're dumping the cabin atmosphere.
We did that one night. Somebody got
up in the night, as he came by
.. his toe hit this, scooted from here up
to here. You see how muoh it
dumped now just by lifting. So you
should have - have them make you
a nice spring - spring one. Now
thatts down, but let's say
we're getting ready to do the job.

• 254 02 07 41 CDR Okay, first of all - I'm not

gonna open and close the lid - this
is the thing that bent. And you
see that it maybe - maybe you can
see it's slightlybent. And the
reason it did bend - is becuase
- as - uh - let - let me go ahead and
show you. Oh, you open this up, put
this in. Now, when you get ready to
close this - you can see that this
little lid doesn't close so
great. Now what I was doing -
Vn_ch I - was reasonable, I thought -
was I would get up here like this -
and I would push down and when it
was at the bottom, pull up. And when
Di_pTape254-01 ..........
Page18 of 20 i-

................ I-_Li-d_-{his would snan over. -............

" Okay?.

254 02 08 17 CDR it turns out that doesn't

_ work too grand, sometines,it
doesn't get all the way on there. I
don't think - by the way, I don't
think that was the thing that bent it,
because that's putting the member
in tension. But essentially - see -
just like that. Seemed okay -
• seemed- that was a good one,
that's one's okay. So let me
go show you. But sometimes it
wouldn't come all the w_v there -
•. . so then wheneveryou took and moved
this down, I believe that you press -
I was pressing up on this -
and bending it. But I think you
ought to try to get a new one of
those and put this in. I think that
• ought to be fixed. Okay, but anyhow -
you put this handle here, and you
know that - it's vented, okay. And
whenever you get finsihed venting,
you want to open. Now there's parts
of this thing where it jams, like
right there. And you say to
yourself - uh - is this
think - uh - jammin, or is that
" the way it feels?

254 02 09 l0 CDR AFter you fool with it for awhile,

you know when yo've got something in
there and when - when it's Jammed.
And if it's not, you can open it, you see.
Okay. That's nice and neat. Now
when you're finished, you want ot
bring it back here. Also it has kind
of a old hard over-center place
there. You'll have to get used to
it so you won't jam sonething in
there. I've got where I can feel it, I
can tell when that eylid's going
closed and then I'ii give it Just
•f Dump Tape 254-01
Page 19 Of 20 _

............. _ little _ extr_-p-ul3J_and-t}_at' s..........

what it takes. But unless
you fool with it all the time, you're
gonna - stand around thinking
you're jamming it and ever_jthin_ else.
• You might he - you might give it
a pull when it is jammed. But - uh -
that's why I think maybe you ought to
pick one guy but anyhow -

254 02 09 58 CDH Uh - I think we showed yo almost all that

there is. Uh - let me show you
something that's happening to
the shoes. This is the J. Lousma
shoes that are sittinghere on
the floor; he leaves them there
. sometimes at night - see if I 'canget
it. Okay. Notice these shoes -
let's see if we can get a good shot of
them. You'll notice the little
white dot there on the heels, they're
sort of wearing out. About 1 inch
• up on theeel, where that little
plastic is. And in addition to
that, let me show you the sides of the
shoes. They're weraring out -
they're wearing out right here. See
that hole. We're just hoping it
makes it. And we've recommended
that you bring 2 pairs of shoes. We"
think ours'll last. We got a couple
of weeks 5 days, something like that.

253 02 i0 52 CDH Here's the bad - uh - uh - t%pe

recorder, right here. Layin do_n there -
it's got a little red - uh -
piece of tape on it, you can see. It's
got the proced_uces that we used to
take it apart_ in case you've got
any questions. It tells you where
the nuts and screws are. By the way,
let me show you where all those
scres are. I don't think you'll have
any trouble remembering. Up 620, up

_-_, Time : 0248-0254 GMT
I of2 _ .I

! 254 02 49 46 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channelA, debriefingthe last
ATM run of the day, which began
at - uh - let's see here - uh -
- 01:47. Got the newest Z update
for the •trip - uh - ran off the
- uh - J0P 6, made a mistake
in there and - uh - gave 82B - uh -
l0 second and a 40 second SHORT
in - uh - tge 1 Bravo part_ sorry
about that, uh - but - uh - I
.. Just - uh - goffed up . And - uh - _
wound down this JOP 2 Delta. Ran
a few extra lines of J0P 2 Delta
there with - uh - 82B exposures and
I guress that's •what got me to
' thinking about - uh - puttin them
in 1 Bravo and I got aKead of
myself there.. But I did
.... give you l0 second and 40 second
one here in J0P 2 Delta, on
active region 19 - and - uh - made
a good full set on that one because
there'slots of nice plage in -

254 02 50 43 PLT And - uh - almost the same

recording - uh - on active region
24 - uh - got a good - uh _ I Just
got a 24 with a split 2. Besides
that - uh - I went over in - uh -
looked at them emerging flut
region at - uh - 0wen reported this _.
afternoon - uh - on the east
limb. And - uh - I found it - uh -
in the maximize detector, got a
good bright spot and - t_h - gave
• you a littlebit of MIRROR LINE
". SCAN on the - uh - last grating
setting we were in, which was - uh -
- uh - 2926 and then I - uh -
read you - uh - uh - that

_ r


Tape254-02 .
D_np -_
P e2of2 ..... i }

was MIRROR LINE SCAN on 2926 and

I read you - uh - GREATING AUTO
SCAN with detectors 1 and 2 - uh -
rasters zeroed up to - uh -
2436 and gave you a MIRROR LINE
SCAN on that went through
actually sunet. And we got it
powered down now and - uh - ready
for your operation. And - uh - I
"' didn't look at the coronatoday
and - uh - a little while ago gave
my sketch of it - and - uh - got
Just about the same three stremers
on the - uh - east llmb that we
had - uh - yesterday.

• 254 02 52 04 PLT Uh - over on the - uh - w@st limb,

thingslooka littlebit
different- uh - and I reported ..
earlierthat " uh - uh -
looked like there had a couple
of streamers that were leaning
over toward each other and
wondered if - uh - there was
any - uh - connection between
em or anythin - uh - special
going on there, never did get
a report back so I assume that -
that there's nothing unusual
and was probablya coupleof
the Ellerman streamersthat- uh - _
Just came in and pointed in that _.
direction. But it looks like
the - uh - normal activity's
a little- _h - littlebit
heavier over there on the - uh -
west limb uh - today than it
- was yesterday. That - uh -
• concludesthe - uh - debriefing
for - uh - today and uh -
we'll back with you in the
morning. 1

254 02 52 50 PLT And - uh - thanks a lot.

4 Dump Tape 2,_-03
Time: 254:12:00 to 254:12:04 GME
Page i of i

254 12 00 24 SPT Okay,-this-iS-_-SPT_c_a-nn@l A-_ ............

uh - debriefingthe run just now
ending at 12:00 Zulu, _ - the
scheduled event uh - J0P - uh -
1A and C went off as scheduled.
After that I - uh - after that was
" complete,I went on down to - uh -
active region 19 - 19, and did a
modified item 3. A modified in that,
S056 I took some SINGLE frames instead
of the ACTIVE 1 long on 82B. I didn't
do the AUTO. I did - uh - just 1 SINGLE
SHORT EXPOSURE. And - uh - then I went
up to that new active region 25 "
uh - which is - uh - over towards the
left and did - _ - essentially an item 8.
Uh - 56 was about - uh - as scheduled;
82B was a SINGLE frame 240_ and 55 1 did
the gas plus the - uh - partial - uh -
mini-raster. So item 8 was just about
_ accomplishedas on the - uh - Summary
sheet. And then I stayed on that - uh -
bright spot and - uh - remained in
_ mirror line scan for some JQP 7 information

254 12 01 37 SPT So that completes the - uh - work on

this first orbit. Info to the ATM PIs
and planners from the SPT; out.

• -_ Dump Tape 254-04
.-,- Time: 254:12:31 to 254:13:55
Page I of 21 i

254 12 35 01 SPT Here comes the PRDs. For Jack, 361;

361 for Jack.

254 12 35 35 SPT 193 for 0wen; 193 f_r the SPT on the

254 12 B7 21 SPT 478 is the commander's - uh - PRD;

478 for AI. End of the PRD message
for the day.

254 12 41 07 CDR This is the CDR with information for

EREP. Now voice recording B-6 uh at
• 20 minutes after I turned on. And
this is time T-2. B-6 is indicating
57 percent, which is within limits.
57 percent. CDR out. That's for

254 12 50 ii CDR Okay, we're going RECORD and we're

• going to read off •thesei this inf_r_
mation on the MONITOR switches for
the ground. And here _ze go. We're
_ on A-2 ; A-2 is reading 59 percent
and that's okay. Incredible. Okay,
A-3 is reading 86; that's GO. A-4, 72;
that'sGO. A-5_66;that'sGO. A-6 '
is zero; that'sGO. End of that one.
B - B-2, 56; GO. B-3, 76; and that's
GO. B-h, 71; that's GO. B-5, 74;
and that's G0. B-6, 51; and that's
GO. B-7, 31; and that's G0. B-8,
about l; and that's GO. B-9 is 58;
and that's GO. All - they all passed.
: B-2, 44; GO. B-3, 79; GO. B-4, 71; GO.
_ B-5, 83;GO. "_

• 254 12 51 hh CC Skylab, we're about 20 seconds from LOS.

See you over at Canaries. At 13 minutes,
at 13:05, we had a data dropout on taking
• that bias out. We'd like you do a terminate
'_ at the 52040.

• CDR Okay, we're going to do it.

PLT Okay, it's done and understand the DAS

ismine- -

D_np Tape 254-04
Page2 of 21 _ _.......

CDR Okay - -

PLT - - to go ahead and - uh - enable

TACS to get the - -

CDR - - 46 percent.

PLT - - camera loaded.

CC Yeah, that's fine. Just do the terminate

and press on.

25h 12 52 12 CDR B,7 - uh - B-6 is 46 percent, as I

mentioned - correction, 47 percent ;
that's GO. B-7 is 51; and that's GO.
They all passing so far this morning;
good warmup. B-2, 44 percent; that's
GO. B-B, 44 percent; GO. Oh, l'm
reading the wrong number: B-2, 86 percent;
and that's not go. B-2 is 86; so that's
high. B-B, 85; and that's high. B-4, 72;
and that's o}_ay - that's a GO. B-5, 13;
that's a GO. B-6, 57; that's a GO.
B-T, no sweat, it's - So the only two
_-_ we've got that are outer limits right
now are B-2, and B-3. Let me read you
the ones you like best. B-7, 31 percent.
B-8, i percent. B-7, 51 percent. B-6,
57 percent. Everything's good, but
B-2 and 3.

254 12 55 40 CDR 192, MODE to READY. DOOR coming OPEN.

Jack, is that E thing powered down for
: EREP? i

PLT We're doing it right now.

PLT We're doing it right now. Stay loose.

SI°T Okay, I think I can .

• CDR No trouble. Jack has it under complete

control, as usual.

CREW ...

SPT ... those dots?

Dump Tape 254-04
Page 3 of 21 ...................

CDR No, I didn't have any dots in the monitor.


SPT That's - uh -

CDR Never saw it in._ life.

SPT ...

CDR Uh-huh. Never saw them.


CDR No, no, no. On TV here - TV number 2.

SPT ...


254 12 55 35 CDR ATM is okay, O. We're losing cabin

pressure, but don't worry about the ATM!

SPT ... ATM.

CDR We're going to take the AT_ panel

home, as a menento for O. when we
leave. We're going to stuff it in
the comnand module some where. Put
it in the front room and play with
it when he's an old man! See any
contamination in there?


CDR Well, it wouldn't be on that. It

couldn 't - -

SPT ...

CDR Huh?

254 12 56 17 CDR . It ain't on there now. Go ahead with

what you're doing - -

CDR But - Yeah, but see on that thing.

Isn't that strange?

CDR Brand new, you got a brand now one

there, Jack.
lh_p Tape 25h-04
Page h of 21

CREW ,a.

CDR How's that maneuver going?

PLT ...

25h 12 56 52 CDR 12:58 is about 1 minute from now.

PLT Right....


PLT ... still there.

CDR Just keeping you on it.

PLT ...

CDR Easy to forget, the last couple offminutes,

I've noticed.

PLT ...

/__ CDR Yeah, and a minute passes

_ .by, like the

PLT ...

CDR Punch a two button - One switch and one

button. You got 30 seconds.

PLT All right.

PLT Fire away


SPT ... TV ...

CDR Good place to be.

CREW ...

254 12 59 22 CDR No focus, hardly. You have to go full minus,

I think, Jack.
D_np Tape 254-04 ..........
Page 5 of 21 ! !

• CDR Full minus is the best you can get.

That's what I mean. Full minus is as
close to focus as you can get.

CREW ...

• CDR It's less focus in other places.

SPT If that's any encouragement to you, which
I doubt that it is.

PLT ..

PLT That's what I think.

254 13 00 02 CDR I hope not. Maybe it's in different set

of optics.

PLT ...

CDR But, somehowthere'sa couple of things __

to get to your line of sight and it may -
Oh, no. You're right.
PLT ...

CDR The DAC may do it. Well, be good for the

DAC to see dots. DAC hasn't seen dots in
a long time.

CDR Oh, that dot'.


254 13 O0 27 SPT Okay, gang_ we're _rready [sic], willing,

and able to EREP it. All we need it the
right time to show up. How's the Z-LV

CDR ll degrees, 16 degrees.

PLT He ain't there.

CDR Says we're not there , which is okay,

cause - uh - we're not in any big hurry.
Dtmp Tape 25h-0h
Page 6 of 21

............ PLT ...

25h 13 00 h7 CDR I'm gonna go to STANDBY, warmup the


254 13 O0 54 CDR One minute and I go to STANDBY.

Wonder what O.'s doing with his
equipment down there? Anything
of interest?


CDR Well, he seems to be doing something

down there, I'm not sure what. Got
something going.

SPT All set down here, fellows.

CDR Incredible. He condescended to come

up on the right channel. And a f{rst,
a first.

• SPT I usuallyonly botherto talk to the --

. ground.

CDR I've noticed that. Tell's us something,

I guess.

254 13 01 hh CDR The big snob about ETC operator. He's

known as our own personal weatherman.


CDR Yeah, not for you though. You don't

forget things like that.

254 13 02 03 CDR A is ON and S is STANDBY. If you tell me,

I'll put VTR on my pad, see; and I won't
miss it, cause I look at the pad all the
time. That's what I did last time I ran
it for you. ,I just had you do it.

PLT ...

CDR Tell me when, I'ii just put VTR and off.

PLT ...
D_np Tape 254-04 f

7 of 21 [

CDR You know it. It's one of a billion.

You haven't got time to listen to them all
though. Tell me what time you - -

CDR Eight minutes? Eight zero - tell me whatever


PLT ...

25h 13 02 50 CDR Okay, so at I0:30, you want it on. What

time off?

PLT ...

CDR Easy enough.

PLT ...

CDR I think I can read that• You. don't

want me to do at 8 now; so I'll
scratch that out.

PLT ...

CDR I got it for him.

PLT ... i

CDR I'll be ready. You can count on me

. to turn on the VTR. One thing I'm good
at, it's turning on the VTR. I haven't
missed it yet.

PLT ... I t-
254 13 03 h4 SPT Said to remind you to put it in TV
on the selector switch.

CDR Why would yoU want to that?

_, SPT Well, that seems to be something that

we all have forgotten from time to time.

CDR Look, don't speak for others.

PLT What is it you've forgotten, 0.?

CDR Owen's feeling guilty cause he had to

do things over three or four times.
Dump Tape 254-04 _.
Page8 of 21 r

PLT Well, don't forget to open the door

what ever you do, 0.

SPT Door's open. And don't you recall

_ about a week later when - uh - AI
recorded a whole TV program on MON l?

CDR You record that?

PLT For practice? (Laughter) Practice, I guess.

SPT ...

CDR I don't recall it. I can't recall it,

frankly. Trying to.

PLT I think it was a dastardly plot by the

ATM people to get more time.

254 13 04 23 SPT I've got it all in n_ylog book, AI, if

your mind forgets any those kind of
items. I'm sure I've got them all
logged. -

CDR Okay.

- PLT (Laughter)

CDR I'll - uh - from, time to time check "-

with you when I'm feeling a little cocky.

PLT Along with - uh - being hard of hearing

and having bad eyes, huh? (Laugh)
It all goes the same file.

254 13 04 42 CDR It all goes in the medical file. Here's

the doctor of the crew.

254 13 04 57 CDR 05:54 coming up. I've alw_s liked

that time. Usually slept right through

254 13 05 33 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Canary and

Madrid. Standing by for 15-14 minues.

254 13 05 38 CDR Okay, Dick. Everything is going smoothly.

We're standing by to get the EREP
.. underway .......................
Dump Tape 254-0h
Page 9 of 21 1 , I

PLT Morning, Dick.

i i
•_ CC Good morning.

PLT Good morning to the boss there too.

25h 13 05 58 CDR E is OFF and EREP is START, Just per

planned. 193A is ON.

25h 13 06 13 CDR 06:15; MODE to SINGLE.

CDR Got it. Just like they say. And

94 MODE MANUAL just llke they say.
06- •3 o._ VTS AUTO CAL.

_Sh 13 06 30 CDR Okay. AUTO CAL on that one. How's

the weather in Spain and France - uh -
central Europe today? Do you know was,

PS_ 13 06 42 CC Stand by I. We were Just looking on

the map. I'll get right back to you.

PLT Yes, sir. Thank you.

"_ ,. CC Jack, theprediction is - uh - -

4/10 to 7/10 cloud cover_ We think
it's probably going to be closer to
0. h. Lookin_ good.

25h 13 07 07 PLT Very good, thank you.

CDR Standing. 07:15 is MODE SINGLE again.

"- 25_13 07 15 CDR SINGLE.

CC And, Skylab, as a reminder, you can

load the new ... anytime you want to
now - for the next - tub - maneuver,
if you'd like.

CDR Good idea.

PLT I'll do that right now. Thank you for

_ reminding me Dick.

254 13 07 53 PLT It's in there. How you like it?

.................................... k
D_up Tape 254-0h
Page i0 of 21

C0 Looks good to us, Jack.

PLT Save a few mibs. It's a nip saver.

: 254 13 08 15 PLT Now, I think the kid will turn the TV

on over here and then I'll give y_u a
holler when I need the - uh - VTR.

CDR I'll give the VTR at your request.

08:35 - - i
PLT ... POWER is on. The switch is in TV.

CDR MODE to Single

PLT Don't touch that switch there, 0.

25h 13 08 32 PLT Okay, we got some TV on the monitor.


CDR Okay, there's a single on 190. Ready

on 191 at 09:09. Let's watch.

r PLT Few spots in that optical train. Besides

there not in the - uh - big lens for the
_, . camera because they don't show up when
you take the camera off.

254 13 09 I0 CDR Okay, IR ON going to six. 09:22 we

go A to stand by and range 63.

254 13 09 22 SPT MARK. 63 done. 37 and A ON.

25h 13 09 37 CDR MARK. A's on. 09:45 MODE SINGLE.


25h 13 09 45 CDR MARK. MODE SINGLE.

CDR Put the VTR on in a few moments. When-

ever you say, I'm gonna to give it to you.

PLT Very well.


CDR 10:45. 10:45 another MODE SINGLE.

CDR lO :30, you want the VTR on.

i According to your suggestion,that's
what I'm gonna to /out it on.

PLT I wish you'd do that ...............

•. DumpTape254-O4 ...................
PageIi of 21 ......

........ CDR Okay. At 22.

PLT Okay, a couple of - uh - rousing

• nadirswaths.
25h 13 I0 31 CDR Okay, VTR is ON right now.

PLT Okay, thank you. And we're starting

a nadir swath here.


254 13 i0 56 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Skylab.

And we're giving you a little tour
of Europe today. We're taking some
, data on weather systems - uh - for-
mations of - uh - cold fronts and low
pressure systems for future use in
long-range weather forecasting pri-
marily And - then we're going to - uh -
. take some data over the Swiss Alps.
We're going to hit the European coast
"_ at Lisbon. We'll then be trailing
up over Spain_ crossing the Pyrenees
Just a few miles from the Bay of --
_ Biscayne,over Lyon, France, Geneva
_-_ [ . Switzerland,Zurich, just south of
Munich, Vienna and then w@'ll be - uh -
turning our instruments off as we - uh -
continue on. The - the data we're
taking today is divided up into central
frequencies and - uh - analyzed. We
have the capability with our telescope
to zoom in and zoom out. We can track -
_ uh - object- uh - lessthan a quarter .
of a mile square. We can - uh -
track a farmer's fields; we can track
a city block; we can track lakes. We
have very good - uh - resolution with
this telescope. At the moment, it's -
. uh - at it's minimum zoom position, that
is, as far away as possible. You see
._ a reticle on your scope, on your - uh -
picture. The center of that recticle
or the open space in the reticle
represents one quarter of a mile.

25h 13 12.55 .CDE I Range 65 ..........................................

254-04 ......
Page.12 of 21 .....

254 13 13 06 PLT I see we're now coming up on the

coastline. I see the coast at Lisbon;
see Lisbon down there. Zoom-in on it
for you a little hit. There's Lisbon.
You can see the airfield. Now, we'll
zoom back up. Crossing the line of Spain.
Say buenos dias to all our amigos in - uh -
Spain. Now you can see rivers and lakes
down there. You can actually see various
fields, spots of ground that are farmed.
You can see wooded areas. And a little
lake coming up. We'll •just kind of zoom
in on this a little better. And we have
the capability of stopping our machine,
taking a look at that lake if we want to,
or tracking it as I'm doing now. We're
moving across the ground at h miles a
second, but still I'm tracking that lake
with no difficulty. I hold my - uh -
crosshairs right on that lake .without any
trouble. Now we'll pick it up again.
Back to business here .... move back and
forward we can look h5 to 50 degrees ahead
of our track over the ground. Now we're -
uh - aboutto crossthe - uh - Pyrenees. ""

254 1'3 14 50 PLT Looking down at the ground below you can
see what it looks like to - uh - travel . I

across the Earth at 4 miles a second.

25h 13 15 14 PLT See the major - uh - geological features

there. Many linear features of - uh -
mountain ranges across the - across the
• Pyrenees, from Spain into France.

254 13 15 hl PLT We're taking - uh - data on all that

territory down. There's an interesting
little lake with something in it. Let's
take a look at that. Zoom in on it.
That lake's got some - D_h - sort of -
_ uh - breakwaters in it or - uh - bridges
in it that - uh - show up very clearly
": in our reticle. You can see the farmer's
fields over here all the plots of ground.
There's one right there. We csn track
that one right there, a quarter of a
mile square. We can keep our instruments
....... right on it. Okay, let's get back to
business here.
DtmpTape 254-04 ..............
Page13 of 21

25_ 13 16 20 PLT Mover ahead a little bit. Then we'll

zoom way out ahead and see what's coming
up ahead of us. Well, we're going to
get a little bit of weather it looks
like. Now we' re - uh - looking w_y
ahead it, 53 degrees ahead of our - uh -
position over the ground. And - uh -
then we'll swing buck to - uh - take -
uh - data straight down, which is what
... _e want to do momentarily.

254 13 16 55 PLT And - uh - nov we're - uh - looking

directly below us. Crossing into the

254 13 17 30 PLT And we're taking a look at Switzerland

now_ very mountainous terrain. You can
see the clouds - uh -'above the Alps down
there. You can see - uh - rivers cutting
their way through the mountains. The
• " data that we take with this instrument
is used in the Earth Resources study,
"- where we look at agriculture, or forestry,
water resources, pollution, geology,

,_ 25_ 13 18 02 CDR We're turning the VTR Off unless you

want it on. I .

PLT ... let it go.

CDR Okay, - uh - let it run, or what?

' PLT Let it run for a little while yet.

: CDR All right, will do_

25h 13 18 12 CC Skylab_ Houston_ we're about a minute

and 20 seconds from LOS in Madrid, but
I'll pick you up over Honeysuckle at -
-_ uh - 13:53. You'll be looking at the
Moon then. We're looking forward to
.'_ gettingthe TV from this puss. One
final reminder for Jack, be sure to swap
out the - uh - DAC for the TV for the
lunar cal. See you at Honeysuckle.
Dump Tape 254-04
Page lh of 21 .....................

254 1318129 PLT .... Okay, I'll do that, Dick. Thank you
and - uh- I was saying wha - what we do
with this data is to use it for the - uh -
more efficient man - management and
utilization of our Earth's resources.
This data combined with that - uh -
from unmanned satellites in the future
permit us to do that to a greater and
greater extent.

254 13 18 49 PLT So we're going to sign off now and -

uh - turn off our instruments.

CDR Got a maneuver - -

PLT ... Skylah.

CDR _ - in 5 seconds you've got a maneuver.

PLT Okay, turn off the VTE, please.

CDR 20 frames - uh - for the - uh - EREP

officer - uh - down there, Dick. 18
on the ...

PLT Okay, run over here to SI


CDR 0kay. _

CREW ... i
254 13 19 19 PLT Thank you for reminding me.

CDR You bet. I

PLT Got a little long winded - -


PLT - - there as usual ....

• CDR Okay, voice record ... 7. I don't

'_ know if we - uh - let me •look. Might
just keep going, I'm not sure ....
we do this.

PLT Now I take this off of here for "one

thing. Put it away.-........... _
• L

DumpTape254-04 !
Page15 of 21

25h 13 19 hh CDR Yes/a, we got to come down, we don't -

we don't do this.

PLT O's got the next maneuver.

CDR Tell him what time it is.

PLT Ahhh.

CDR 1B:34 he goes to ATT HOLD C&G.

PLT Okay.

CDR Then he does the maneuver, okay.

PLT Voice record B-7. Okay, B-7 is a mere

31 percent.

CDR 192 door closed. Do I want to do that or

• not?

25h 13 20 hh PLT Uh - don't do it. Well you mi - you can

close the door, but don't turn it off.

CDR Yea/a, I know I don't want to do that•

' See what my firstdata says ...

CDR B-7 we want it ...

PLT We got a while.

CDR I can close that. I'ii just leave the

rest for you.

254 13 21 05 PLT We ain't in a big rush, but we've got

a few things we need to get done.

CDR Okay, 192 door closed, coming closed.

SC ...

254 13 38 58 CDR This is the CDR; I'm going to record the

numbers on the dial. A-2, 60 percent.
A-3, 86. A-h, 92. A-h is 92 and that's
a little bit high. A-5, 89 percent•
A-6, 0. B-2, 56; B-3, 82; B-h, 90;
B-5, 85; B-6, 53; B-7, 31; B-8, l;
B-9, 58 ...........................
D_no Tape 254-04 ................
Page 16of21 _

25h 13 39 55 CDR What?

CREW ...

CDR C-2 - -

CREW Uh - ... going to be -

CDR - - hS; C-3, 88 - -

SPT Okay, ...

CDR C-6 - -

SPT Move it to the right place.

Dump Tape 254-04
Page 17 of 21

CDR C-5, 821 C-6, 46 i C'7,-47; C-9, 64;

and that's it. B-2 is 86, which is
• still out of limits, B-3, 85 which is
still out of limits; B-h, 74; B-5,
lh; B-6, 58; B-7, I0. Let me read yo
the ones that you like. D-7, 31,
D-8, about 1 or 0, hard to tell.

CDR C-7 - -

PLT It'll be good.

CDR - - 57.

PLT Now I got 8 up and 1 right. About 0 right.

CDR D-6 is - uh - uh - 56..

PLT Yeah, I got zero right/left now and 8

- up right in the middle.

254 13 41 18 PLT Good point there, HOuston, we got per -

perfect pointing. Okay, the pointing
isgood. --

-4 254 13 41 52 CDR Okay, leave three op 6.

254 13 hl 54 CDR PR ON.

254 13 41 57 CDR READY, ON.

254 13 42 oo COH 92 ON. READY0UW.

254 13 42 02 CDR CHECK. i

254 13 42 03 CDR DOOR OPEN.

254 13 42 05 CDR 91, ON. COOLER ON.

254 13 42 09 CDR 90 ON with READY out; STANDBY, DOOR


_ 254 13 42 17 CDR 93R ON, READY ON. S STANDBY; READY OUT.

254 13 42 25 CDR 93A, stand by. READY out.

Dump Tape 25h-0_
Page 18 of21

--_ 25h 15 42 29 CDR 94 ON, READY ON, We're standing by -

ready to go.

254 13 4h 32 CDR Let me lo0k in here a second , Jack,


PLT Okay.

SPT ...

PLT Yeah, I suppose I'll do very well, here.

Right on the money.

254 15 4h h7 PLT Yeah, it looks very good, a very good -

uh - pointing.

PLT ...


SPT Just how accurate is ...?

PLT YOur - you're wondering how accurate is

this. It's a difficult to tell because .......
I got so much leeway in r%V gimbla

252 13 h5 09 CDR They drift. And then, that they don't

change numbers. They skipped a whole
degree before they change the numbers.

CDR 13:h6 we plan to go EREP start, and that's

about 25 seconds from now. CAL maneuvers
2 starts at 13:h7.
CDR Got it made.

257 13 46 00 CDR MARK. We just got - uh - EREP START.


CDR Let me see the Moon in there a second, Jack.

PLT 0kay.
". Dtmp Tape 254-04
Page 19 of 21

"..... cDR....... _y'it3s-bright isn't it?

PLT Yeah.

CDR See how the filters effect it. Pretty


PLT Yeah, it is.

CDR Beautiful Moon. Nice and full.

254 13 47 01 CDR At 13:47.

PLT The yellow filter makes it yellow.

CDR That's it. That - that ... put in one


PLT Makes the water stand out.

CDR What maneuver time we got on this one?

SPT ...

254 13 47 20 CDR What for the ma - other maneuvers?

_ That's - -

SPT ...

CDR Okay.

SPT ...

CDR Okay.

254 13 47 43 PLT What's that real bright crater on the

Moon? On the -?

CDR Tycho....

PLT The big crater in Procellarum.

In Procellarum is where it is.

254 13 48 15 CDE Yeah, it should be.

Dump Tape 254-0h
Page 20 of 21 _.............. _

254 13 52 27 CDR Uh&huh] ................................

• SPT panel

CDR I got - I don't know.

SPT ...

CDR Okay.

SPT That's all that's ...

CDR Hey, well what time's that take place?

SPT ...

CDR Okay.

SPT ....

CDR All right. Are you gonna make it, or

am I?

SPT ...

_ 25_ _13 51 02 CDR Alright, I understand. Got you now.

Thanks, 0. Yeah they did goof it a

CDR We in the midst of a maneuver, or what

are we doing?

PLT ... still moving• Probably settling

out. I got 9 8.7 - uh - not a 7
point, a modified 7 point coming up at -
uh - 53:30.

25_ 13 52 22 CDR Did we get an AUTO CAL. I pucked on these

sons of-gun. Maybe we didn't get an

PLT Uh - I think youdid. I think it's there.

CDE Oh, they got it written wrong. Ready

on - out, it should be on. Lesson 9.
Nine• 53, theywant S on and R off.

25h 13 53 00 CDR S ON; R, OFF.

D_np Tape 254-04
Page 21 of 21

254 13 53 29 PLT MARK. And I'm gonna -/nitiat-e our - ......

uh - uh - VTS work now, 53:30 with the
DAC is coming on. And - uh -we're
going to go uh - 5 aobve the limb.
We're reading a minus 1 right now, so
we'll got to 4 up.

254 13 53 50 CC Skylab, Houston. We're standing by at

HOneysuckle for 7 minutes. We're dumping
the data tape recorder here at Honeysuckle
I'm stnading by.

MS Okay, Hank.

254 13 53 59 PLT And - uh - the way I understand this seven

point sequence which I'm starting right
now is that you - uh -'yo want the modified
as on the pad as opposed to the - uh -
. stand srd in the book. You don!t want the
standard in the book at all and you want
that in additon?

254 13 54 12 PLT Okay, here's the MARK. We're 5 sngle above -

5 degrees above the limb.

CC PLT, Houston; use the - uh - pad we sent "

up to you.

PLT Okay. That's instead of, as opposed and

of - uh - in additon to.

CC Roger. That - that replaces what's in the book•

Use the pad only•

" PLT Okay, we got here - uh - 0.5 degrees

above the limb. Now we're 2-1/2 feet
on the limb. Okay.

254 13 54 54 PLT Now we're going to slew up one - -


Dump Tape 254-05

Time : 1902-1531 GMT
_-_ 9/11/73
Pagei of 7 .........

254 14 02 38 UDR Okay, let's give them a reading on

B-7. B-7 is mere 31 percent. Same
as it's been. WE're now closing the

254 14 02 53 PLT Okay, I got my eye on switch.

254 14 02 54 CDR Okay.

254 14 02 55 PLT Know right where it is.

254 14 02 58 _LT Here we go.


254 14 03 02 PLT No mibs.

254 14 03 03 CDR No mibs. Mibless.

254 14 03 214 SC Okay.

254 14 06 21 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A _ith

/_ information for the EREP officers on
the ETC cal operation. Uh - I only gave
you six frames instead of nine. And
they came at the following times. There's
a little deviation from the pad numbers,
which I will explain in Just a minute.
Uh - the uh - 100, I persume it's
milliseconds, or 1/100, I'm not sure
which; 1/100 perhaps on the shutter
speed. Exposure started at 57:30 as -
uh - requested. I did not get the next two
on time. My second one at 1/lO0 came
at 57 plus 55 seconds. Uh - then I noted
that I had to go to STANDBY before I could
change my shutter speed and I didn't
have time to - uh - get rest it - 140
in time to - uh - catch the next sequence
So my - uh - shutter speed• of 1 - 140
or 140 milliseconds, whichever it is,
Dump Tape 25_--o5 f .......
page 2 of 7 ...............

was taken at 58 plus 15, one exposure.

Then switched to SHUTTER SPEED of 200.
I had to go to STANDBY first, which is
not on the pad_.then back ou_. And I
forgot to come back out of STKNDBY and
I noticed it on the frames remaining
counter. And so I finally got those
three frames off at, the first at lh:00,
on the hour - and 14:00 plus 5 seconds,
lh:00 plus i0 seconds.

254 14 07 55 SPT So the last three came off on the hour

plus 5 seconds then plus i0 seconds at a
shutter speed of 200. So, they were a
little late from the pad value by a
matter of a few seconds. And - uh -
I think that the times t}_at I gave you
are pretty accurate. Un - of course _e
are also in at hold mode, so ft really
shouldn't make amy difference as near
as I can tell on the exact timing. Uh -
there are nine - six frames instead of
-- the 9 that were on the pad. And - uh -
basically, the delay is because of - uh -
- uh - the - uh - the fact that I hadn't
looked through this pad sufficiently_ care-
fully to see how close these exposures

25h 14 08 3h _PT I was expectin_ a more normal ETC pad

and I didn't recover quickly enough.
Also the stand by and return to operate is
not on the pads and I fortunately caught
that before switching shutter speed.
Oh - I don't think it's necessary to include
that, but it wouldn't have hurt to
reminded -remind the operator in the
remarks that he needs to do so he'll not
make any mistakes. So - uh - that's the
reason that the exposures are not quite
on the pad time.

254 14 09 Ol SPT End of comments to the ETC cal - uh -

pad. And they go to the EREP officers
Dump Tape 254-05 .......
_ Page 3 of 7

• from the SPT. .......................

254 14 19 03 CDR This is the CDR. I've just completed the

bat check of number 6. May I read you
the information? By the way, this goes
to the M509 interested individuals,
headed up by that illustrious Lou Ramon.
And - nh - I'll just send it to him.
Bat 6, day 254. Time: 14:15. Here's
the bat voltages as I read them. Cell
volt is 1.314, 1.316, 1.311, correction,
- Let me start again. 1.314, 1.316, 1.313,
1.314, 1.314, 1.314, 1.314, 1.313, 1.314,
1.3.3, 1.314, 1.313, 1,313, 1.314, 1.313,
1.314, 1.313, 1.313, 1.314, 1.318, 1.313,
1.314, 1.316, 1.314, 1.314, 1.314, 1.313,
1.3i4, total volts is 30.2 Now it was
BAT 15 of cell 15, it had the 1.318, and
cell 18 that had the 1.316. All the rest
are either 3's or 4's. Looks like a good
one Lou.

254 14 20 15 CDE CDR out.

Time Skip

254 15 09 40 ]JLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject this morning is the T002-2.
We're going to do some star to Moon sight-
ings. Fomalhaut to the - uh - limb of
the _on. That'll be the near end to the
Fomalhaut. And - uh - before we do
that_ we ought to - uh - make some very
zero bias settings and record - uh - that
the temperature of the sextant is 70
degrees. And the diopters are a minus
1.25. We'll set this somewhere near zero.
This information goes to Bob Randle of
Ames Research Center, Robert Nute over in
building 4. %_Io will knowwhere it
goes from there.

254 15 I0 25 ILT T002-2. Okay, I got Fomalhaut in the - _ -

in the site here.

254 15 31 ii I:LT Okay, we're getting ready to do zero

bias number 1 .....
Dump Tape 254-05 ....
Page4 of 7 ...............

254 15 ii 23 SPT Jack, are you going to have any i0 minute

breaks in there where I can do a little

254 15 ii 29 PLT Yeah, in about 3 minutes I will, O.

254 15 ii 32 !_PT Okay, I'ii come back up.

254 15 ii 46 PLT Okay, zero bias number i is 0.004.

Aero bias number 2 is 0.006. Zero
bias number 3 is 0.003. Zero bias
number 4 is 0.003. And zero bias
number - uh - 5 is coming up. And that
is 0.003.

- 254 15 13 45 Okay, O. Go ahead and use it for a little while.

254 15 13 57 ?LT Yeah, about two ....

254 15 lh 23 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A, with

information to the ATM Pl's and planner's,
_, -. debriefing on the last ATM pass. We
took that data in about 15:05 Zulu. Uh -
to begin with, we did get on the panel
just about the time scheduled on the
pad, after that EBEP op. Uh - I did the
12 Delta. And then in the observing
period, first of all, 1%_nt to active region -
uh - let's see, which one was it. li_
must he 19. And - uh - collected data on
_pproximately item number 8, using S056,
55 and one exposure on 82 Bravo. And, then
I did go to Sun-center for - uh - item 17.
I did one trip around the fast scan for
S052. We saw nothing unusual in the
corona visulaly. I then went on over to
active region 25 and - uh - did - uh -
item 8 over there with the grating auto
scan; couple of mirror line scans and - uh -
S056 information. And then at the edn
of the orbit, put on some building block 7
at - uh - uh - gratind 620, which happened
as it did yesterday_ for JOP 7 info. And
that completed the - uh - last orbit of
ATM ODS for the ATM PIs and planners from
the SPT.

254 15 15 B8 SPT Out. .............

Dump Tape 2514-05
Page 5 of7

254 15 15 41 SPT Itls allyour Jack. - .........

_ - ....

254 15 15 43 PLT Thank you, O.

254 15 15 43 PLT Ok_r, we're tr._ng to find Fomalhaut here.

We've got the Moon. That's not too
tough. And there's a Fomalhaut there.

254 15 16 00 PLT Okay, once around Fomalhaut up to the

Moon. I've got filter i in on the - uh -
on optical path. If that ain't enough
filter like we did before, we'll have to
put some more in. But we got both
filters in the - uh - optical path to the
Moon. That's better. Well I was trying
a 1.O filter and that's just not enough.
We'll try the 1.6 by itself. Makes the
Moon too bright with r¢3pect to the stars.
Now the 1.6 by itself would be tolerable.
Let's see if I like it better with them
both in. If the Moon's too bright, it
washes out the star. I'll try it this
- time with the 1.6 filterin.only. 1.0
is not enough. Okay, so we got the 1.6 filter
in. We got Fomalhaut near the limb and
now we're gonna take some marks.

254 15 18 17 PLT MARK.

254 15.18 63 PLT Mark number one is 25.302. Now we'll

crank if off a little bit and do it

254 15 18 58 PLT MARK. 25.339.

254 15 19 33 PLT MARK. 25.373.

254 15 20 06 PLT MARK. 25.411.

254 i_ 20 32 PLT MARK. 25.435.

254 15 20 I_8 PLT MARK. 25.501.

254 15 21 13 PLT MARK. 25.475. Let's erase the mark

- uh - I made before that because my
finger, I think, accidentally bumped
the handle there.
• j

Dump Tape 254-05

f_ Page
6 of 7 .....

Th0ught i did, but I wash'{ sure and ....

I turned out that mark - uh - .... So,
the mark before the one I just took
let's - uh - scratch it.

254 15 21 54 CC Bky3_ab, Houston. We're AOS through

Canarvon and Honeysuckle for 15 minutes.

254 15 9_I56 PLT MARK. 25.518. Okay, Dick.

254 15 22 09 SPT Did you call, Houston?

254 15 22 12 CC I was just telling - telling you, Owen,

that we're standing by. at Canarvon and
Honeysuckle for 15 minutes.

. 254 15 22 18 SPT Okay, fine.

254 15 22 28 CC And, Skylab, Houston: when we hand over
to Honeysuckle ...

254 15 22 31 PLT MARK. 25.552.

- 254 !5 23 Ol ?]_T MARK, 25.588.

255 15 23 34 CC Skyl_b, Houston ... they'd like you to
stick it there prior. It's in the

254 15 24 01 PLT Okay, Dick, thank you. I'ii take a

look at it before I begin'the run.
Okay, I got an interruption from Houston
there, but we'll get another mark here

254 15 24 24 PLT MARK. 25.674.

254 15 24 48 }'LT MARK. 25.693.

254 15 25 07 I'LT MARK. 25.717.

254 15 25 27 _q_T MARK. 27 correction, 25.737.

254 15 25 45 YLT MARK. 25.756.

254 15 26 04 _LT MARK. 25.773.

254 15 26 25 IELT MARK. 25.794. If I misquote myself

on the first tow number of each one of

Dump Tape 25_-05

Page 7 of 7

.... these, the first number is always 25.

Okay, here comes the final mark.

254 15 26 51 PLT MARK. 25.817. "Okay, the tempera-

ture of the sextant is 76 degrees.
That's the end of this T002. And
- uh - this information goes to
Bob Randle at Ames Research Center,
Bob Nute over there in building 4.

254 15 27 20 PLT And - uh - let's see that's

- uh - in my book is - uh - session
number 7 star to coom.

254 15 27 28 PLT End of message. Thank you.

_ -. Dump Tape 254~06
"L/'_-,-- Time: 1640-1726 GMT i

254 16 40 09 CREW S019 .... Right?

CDR Hello, S019. S019 ... individuals

of which Karl Henize is one of the
! most interested. Wally Teague is
also interested. We are ready to
• perform the S019 again. It's good
to be back in the business. I've
got cassette 05 on here per your re-
quest. The NU_that you sent up here
... plus 0.8. _We actually have a minus z
1.1, so I added 1.9 to all the little
numbers here: plus 37.5, ... 39._.
So right now we have 39.4, 23.7. We're
gonna be ... - be shooting frame
•.. 7 if you want to believe it. The
hatch is open. I'm standing by for
time 16:42. I now have on my watch --

254 16 41 i0 CDR MARK; 16:41. So we're in good - good

good shape. It's gonna be field number
-. 113, a 270 exposure. The prism is in.
.... Windows are closed. Comm is working. _.

SPT Time for me to work in about a 60-second ""

ccmm/erci_l ?
t .•
CDR I'd say that - uh - you could work in
,_ a 60-second commercial in approximately
25 seconds, mainly because I've marked
at 25 seconds.

SPT Okeydoke.i

CDR You can even work in a longer than

60. I don't like to say anythi•ng
more until 270 seconds have elapsed.

SPT For the same price.

CDR That's right. I'm now winding,

getting ready, fixing my clock.
Page2 of 61 ..............

Okay, stand by for the mark when

I open the shutter. Didn't feel like
it picked up anything, but maybe this
is Just operating smoothly. Stand by.

254 16 42 _6 CDR MARK. Okay, _e've opened the shutter

on 097. I might add right now that
that felt awful smooth compared to
the - uh - one we've been using 003.
So I don't know whether there's
something different about what's going
on inside it or just the fricton. --
Okay, we're on a 270-second exposure,
field 113, frame 097. I'll be off
the comm for a while while Dr. Garriott
ts.lks about ATM.

25h 16 42 149 SPT Okay, here is the SPT on channel A

with a brief message for the - uh -
ARM PIs and planners. At the beginning
of this orbit - The orbit just ended
here at 16"40 Zulu. At the beginning
of the - uh - JOP 7 at sunrise, so
I haven't been getting in too many
of thoseand " uh - ohghtatake
a look and make sure that they tag
the ones when we do get 'em at sunrise.
I guess 55 was running. Uh - then - .
uh - went through the maxi-raster
for - uh - 55, and it ought to be
a pretty good one. It really - uh -
blocked out and covered the interesting
regions on the west limb of the Sun
and - uh - should be a pretty interest-
ing ... And - uh - went through the
Sun-centered - uh - building block at
the end of the orbit and after that
I didn't have very much time left.
Uh - took a look at the east limb.
Couldn't see very much and - uh -
I did - uh - run the GRATING back
around to zero while sitting on - uh -
the one bright stop in - uh - new
active region 25, then got the
tail end of JOP 7 on the end of this
orbit. Uh - I Just got there with
- Dump Tape 25i-06
Page3 of 6 ............

about Just 1 minute time remaining,

but - uh - neat _s I can tell from
DETECTOR 3, it was before - uh -
there had been any significant -
uh - attenuation of the DETECTOR 3
radiation. Still I think you can -
uh - pull a distinctive curve out
of that data right at the end of the
orbit as well.

254 16 44 13 SPT And that's the end of the message for

PIs planners from the ATM from the SPT.
Are you still on channel, Al?

CDR ...

SPT Okay, I'm gonna turn your recorder off.

254 16 45 51 PLT ... or cut the competition. Never

complain about that. Boy, isn't
that the fact. From our point of

CDR Okay, S019 standing by to close

._ the well-known shutter on this exposure,
field 113. It's been a 270 widened.

254 16 h6 18 CDR MARK. Closed. Boy, they operate ..

smoothly. I hope it's working
inside, Karl. Okay, 442. 444-442 and
231. That - uh - It's gonna be
field 115, field 115." Okay, l'm
gonna go pick up another one. I
hope it's in there; doesn't
feel like it is.

25h 16 46 52 CDR MARK. Okay, we've got another one

in there. We're on a 270, field i15
and it's frame 98. Jack, do you
remember this being a lot easier?
Where did he go? Okay,we'll check
with Jack aboutthe ... frictionon t
these - uh - in this particular -
uh - cartridge.

_ D_nptape 254-06
Page4 of 6 ...................

254 16-50-21 _R ----Okay, s_=t-an--d

by S®19. i'm gonn_
give you a mark as I close this shutter.
Sure operating smoothly. I talked
with Jack and he can't remember
how it operated before. Neither can
I. But, - uh - I sure hope it's
working correctly.

254 16 50 34 CDR MARK. That's it, 270' going to

the next. This is gonna be a 270
unwldened, so I'II have to get my
wristwatch out. Let's go for - uh -
393. 38, 30-oops! 393, that one's
good. 164 - 164, okay. 393, 164;
this is gonna be unwidened. Everything
looks good there. Stand by. I'll
pick up one. it feels like I've got
something , but it's awfur free wheeling.
Okay, stand by.

254 16 51 22 CDR MARK. It's frame 99, field i01, a

270 unwidened. I'll give you a call
when I'm ready for SOl9 ... completes _
the third exposure On the 270 unwidened.
I'll give you a mark, ... close the

254 16 55 511 CDR MARK. The shutter is closed. We're

now going for 270 widened. 2965 ...
number. 2965, 033 - 033. There you
go. 2965, 003, field 565, 270 widened.
Let me wind her up. Let me tell you
what the frame number will he. Frame
number's gonna be big number I00.
The century one.

254 16 56 3L CDR MARK. lO0's here, a 270, field 565.

I'll be off the comm for 270.

254 _7 00 0] CDR Okay, we're back in S019. We're

._ approaching the 270-second mark as
indicated by the widening knob on top
of the S019 experiment. I'ii give
you a mark in just a second as we
terminate 565.
Dump Tape 254-06
Page5 of 6 2..............

254 17-bo 21 CDR ......_I___6_ terminates. Go to the

next one, which will be 2384. :2384,
2R2. This is gonna be field 451,
another 270.

254 17 00 56 CDR MARK. Okay, we're beginning it.

This is - uh - frame lO1 as you have
probably guessed; 2384. Okay.

CDR SO19 stand by for a mark - uh - 451.

254 17 04 3!_ CDR MARK. That's the end of that one.

Let's go for a 270 ... on the next
one, which is 43. 25.8. 25.8.
Okay, gentlemen, this is going to be

right now I'm now picking up a new

frame and SLIDE RETRACTED. Hope
it's in there. "Stand by.

254 17 05 16 CDR MARK. It's open. That's field 169

..., frame number 102,.as you know.

= 254 17 08 K2 CDR Okay, SO19 again. Stand by. We're

getting ready to - uh - mshke another
mark which will close the shutters on
- this 270, and then we're gonna go for
a fast... Standby. . .

254 15 08 57 CDR MARK. That's it. Okay, let's go

for a 90-second one. Pick up another
frame, put it in the middle, go for
a 90, hang in there. Here we go.

254 17 09 09 CDR MARK. Still field 169, frame 103.

Everything's going good.

254 17 l0 C7 CDR Okay. In a moment we're gonna have

to close the shutter on this 90-second
one. It never takes long, as you
" know, and then we're gonna go to the
next one. Okay, stand by.

254 17 i0 [_!0CDR MARK. That's the end of that one.

Okay, let's go to the next one. 510
is what I need to put in here.

Dump Tape 254-06

Page 6 of6 i -

There's 510. Now how about 30o6.

Okay. That's It: Let's wind Her up
again for a 270. This is the last
exposure, gentlemen. I'm gonna pick
up a new frame and I 'm standing by

25_ 17 ii 02 CDR MARK. Shutter is open on the last

one. Field 119, frame 104. When that
occurrs, we are going to can the
whole operation for a little while;
I'll be back again. We still got
5 minutes before sunrise. This is a
4-1/2 minute exposure so_ as you can
see, we've got it made. I'll go off
the comm for a little while.

25_ 17 lh 32 CDR Okay, here we go, We're getting ready

to close down the shutter on this
last exposure, S019. Stand by.

254 17 14 47 CDR MARK. That's complete." Close the

film hatch. It's closed. Reel _. _ .......
these things to zero. By the way,
all this information goes to Karl
Henize, and Wally Teague. Now what
I'm gonna do is Just go off the

254 17 15 02 CDR CDR out.

• _-_'IY1_ Tape 25h-07
Time : 1828-1856 GMT
" 91n173
_-_ Page i of 3

25h 18 28 h8 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on

channel A. The subject is T002-1,
star to star. The temperature of
the sextant is 74 degrees. Diopter
• is - uh - i - minus 1.25. This
information goes to Bob Randle of
the Ames Research Center and Robert
Duke over in - uh - building 4.
The stars we've chosen this evening
are - uh - Fomalhaut and Peacock.
Stand by. I'm gonna give you a
15 mark.

254 18 29 37 PLT Okay, we got the stars identified.

These oughta be the same angles as
they have been for - uh - the last
couple weeks. Let me ge$ a firmer
- uh - sighting here. Like the
Hasselblad off. Sort of like ...
night there, O.

254 18 31 02 PLT MARK. 37.9 - correction - 37.899.

Now these don't really require marks
because they're not time critical
but - uh - it's quicker than writing
'em down so that's the way they're
gonna be got. Se if I can find 'em

PLT There's another one. 37.9 - correction -

37.899. A reel back on the - uh -
crank and then a go at it again.

254 18 33 15 PLT M__RK. 37,904. Every time your heart

beats, it throws you off .... get
good and solid in here somehow.

254 18 34 15 PLT Okay. 37.905. Urn-hen.

2_4 18 36 13 PLT 37.901.

PLT 37.899. Hard to focus your eye.

Look through the sextant to focus
it on the - ... Tried to do it with
my other eye but it turns out both
Dump Tape 254--07 ...............
s_, Page2 of 3 .......

eyes focus together, so it doesn't

work. Although it does help to
keep your sighting eye closed while
you're reading the counter. Uh - if
•there's any extraneous light it keeps
your dark adaptation• Or if
you have to read it with a flash-
light - 57.905.

254 18 39 53 PLT 37.901. I can see the stars out

their. Trying to get them. together
Here - It hasn't - They Jiggle around
because you Just can't hold completely
still. And lean against the window
•rlth the sextant to help stabilize
it, but you can see the stars - uh -
once you get 'era pretty closely
aligned, beating in the rythmn of
your heart because it moves every
time your heart beats.

25h 18 hl 15 PLT 37.905.

254 18 42 26 PLT 37.905.

254 18 43 32 PLT 37.906.

254 18 44 h2 PLT 37.906.

25h 18 45 04 PLT 37.907•

254 18 45 37 PLT 37.904.

254 18 46 27 PLT 37.902.

CREW ...

254 18 46 57 PLT 37.906. I guess that's about enough.

Okay, let's get some zero bias settings

PLT Well, I'm done with T002. What?

Okay, we'll probably use our old
friend Fomalhaut out there. He's
•o. up. That's why we like him.
l'm gonna shoot five on him and that'll
be it. Had him there a minute ago.
There he is.
--4 ,

_ Dump Tape 25h-07

Page 3 of 3

25418 48 41 PLT 0.001.

254 18 49 i0 PLT O.OOB.

254 18 h9 20 PLT 0.003. 0.003.

254 18 49 h3 PLT And the final one is 0.001. Okay,

that takes care of T002. The
temperature in the sextand is - uh -
79 degrees, and - uh - that - uh -
was a T002-1 using Fomalhaut and
Peacock. And the information goes
to Bob Randle and Bob Nute.

254 18 50 01 PLT Thank you very much.

Dump Tape 254-08
Time: 1958-2115 _4T
9/11/73 _ ..........
Page1 of i] ............

25h 19-58 44 CDE CDR, debriefing the AT}4 run that

oceured at approximatel_ at 8 - 18:50.
We did three - uh - The last one was
not quite complete as we went hehing
the Earth. We did a 15-minute three,
a 15-minute four with the filters
and a l_-minute 5. And the i_ minute
was - had gone below effectivd sunset
by ab6ut a minute. Everything was
just perfect.

25h 19 59 III CDR . CDR out.

254 20 33 5I.. CDR Okay, this is the CDR with information

for EREP. I've had the - uh - warm-ups
on for 20 minutes and we've reached
the time T2. So I'm gonna go to MODE
CI_CK. And when I do, I'm then gonna
read you D-6. Okay, D-G, at the mbment
is 56 percent,56 percent.

25h 20 34 15 CDR CDR out. Thit goes to EEEP.

254 20 46 57 CDR Okay, this is the CDR and I think

I'll Just read you the information
_ to containedon these diale: A, B, C,
7 and D. Two, 60 percent,go three,
86 percent, go. Four, 71 percent go.
Five, 66 pereent_ go. Six, zero go.
Just one second.

254 20 47 3h CC Skylab, We're AOS Hawaii for about

7-1/2 minutes. Standing by. One thing
we'd like toIdo while - if you haven't
alreadydone it - is to go ahead and
secure that LSU deservicing until after
the EREP until we get ourselves pulled
together aud can give you straight
answer on that time.

_i CDR It's secured, We've emptied both

TCUs. We've ,done 7 minutes on both
_ TCUs and apparently then the umbilical
is empty. Or it should be according
Dump Tape 254-08
Pa_e 2 of ]].......................

to the procedures. And we're down

to the stage to where we would start
taking off the cover.

254 20 48 i0 CC Okay, A1. We'll get back with you.

Understand the deservieing 'is secured
now and that's incomplete and in good
shape. Okay.

CDR Correct ... incomplete. Okay. But

I'm still wondering about it. Okay,
back to six. Now we gave A-6. So :
let's go to B. B-2 is 56 percent and
that's go. B-3 is 77 percent and
that's go. B-4 is 71 percent and that's
go. B-5 is 74 percent and that's go.
B-6 is 51 percent and go. B-7 is
31 percent and go. B-8 is 1 percent
and go. B-9 is 58 percent and go. So
those are all good. C-2 is 44 percent_
go. C-3 is 89 percent and that's okay
because we'v_ got out - uh - little
box diagnostic down-link unit box in.....
Okay. C-4 is 71 percent. That's
go. C-5 is 83 percent. That'sgood. _
C-6, 46 percent;that'sgo. C-7 is
54 percent ant that's go. 0keydoke,
those are all good. C-2 is 86 percent
and that's go because of the do_-link
box. C-3 85 percent, that's go anyway.
D-5, 14 percent; that's go. D-6,
57 percent and that's go. So every-
thing is go because we got the down-link
box and that allows some of them to
deviate. D-7, as you noticed, is less
than 80. So everything is good there.
door coming open.

CDR 0keydoke.

254 20 50 22 CC And, Skylab, Houston; while we got

a minute break here, we're looking
at the momentum time - I mean the
maneuver time you got loaded. It
looks good.
Dump Tape 254-08
Page 3 of _i ................

_- CDR r Thank you. -.....................................

CDR 0kay_ there's the READY light: on 192,

for the MODE CHECK. Heater switch
light is OFF and the other two to
PRESS yet_ Pre-op configuration. PR
ON and READY _ight on. 92 ON; READY,
is OPEN. Let's see that it's OPEN.
93 R_ STANDBY_ READY out. 93 S OFF_
READY out, 93 A OFF, READY out and 94
ON, READY on. So, pre-op configuration
is checked is We're standing by for

254 20 52 i0 CDR Twelve and a PR-I, ... Okay, if we can

do that.

CDR Hey, Dick, tell me _g_in the number

of that - uh - uh - that place to put
the - uh - adapter out of the - uh -
CSM that I called about? The number -
Let's see. M151?

CC That's right, A1, MlS1.

CDR Okay, I had it written down and .'

forgot. I _s working on that other.
Okay. Got it.

254 20 53 24 CDR What - uh - what does EGIL think of

the DELTA-P now in his waste tank
where the water went? Does it - did
it go down an amount that he feels is
equivalent to the amount of water it
just needs to use one hose? One hose
go in both directions? So it's two
hose lengths.

CC AI, we're gonna have to get back to

you on that. We did see it drop and
it recovered a little bit when we were
talking a little bit about that.
Dump Tape 254-08
Page 4 of 32_

We'liprobably,aft&rthis-EREP ........... -_
/_ pass, we'll probably have ourselves
pulled together and we'll tell you
where to go from here. Over."

254 20 53 516 CDR Okay. No trouble. I think - uh - and

correct me if I'm wrong, looks to me
like eontinuiDg on with the procedure
soes not - uh - bother the hoses or
anything else. We just - uh - start
taking the cover off and that's pretty
straight forward. Doesn't affect

CC Rog. Understand.

CDR Okay.

254 20 5b 2_
_- CC Skylab, Houston, we're about
45 seconds from LOS. Goldstone coming
up at 20:57.

CDR Okay. We'll try to be on time.

PLT Work at it, Alan.

_ CDR Uh huh. Nobody • likes •the'smart guy.

CDR 20 :55 :30.

254 20 55 3D CDR S to STAIIDBY A to STANDBY. Okay,

we'll just stand by untio 59.

CDR That's started; 59 an'd we run EREP

only about 8 minutes, Jack.

PLT Yeah sure ...

CDR ... of maneuver .... you've got to

be ready to go at any minute.

PLT Just let me know.

CDR You loaded it for this time and they

liked it, huh?
- Dump Tape -'._54.08 .................
f_. Page5 of ZL1 ................

PLT Yeah.

CDR Good.

254 20 55 57 CDR Short pass.

PLT Yeah.

CDR Made that run into the New York

' areatoday.

CDR That trip those lights up. They

were clear. That wait dump off
New York, you know, and Block Island
and a couple of those otheres.

PLT Yeah. •"

CDR Maybe they had the momentum where

you couldn't run then. Mememtum bad.

ODR If they ran that one, they couldn't

have run this one.

__ 25h 20 58 0O CDR How does it look out there, Jack? /-


PLT Stillcloudyrightnow.

CDR Okay. Clear when we hit the coast,

huh? Good.

PLT Where're we headed across?


SPT Oh, up north. Okay, they wanted a

short pass. Okay. Probably get some
pix of those forest fires down there.
PLT The one I've been trying to home in
o OI_.
CDR Yeah.

PLT Okay. I'm locked on a forest fire.

............................................. i ..............

Dump Tape 254-08
Page6 of II ..................

........ CDR ......I 'ii be darn .--G0bd_-- 41-_on_ _--start- ........

taking data here for another 15 seconds
or SO.

254 20 58 '57 CC Skylab, Houston. We're standing by

at Goldstone.

254 20 59 00 CDR MARK. Okay, we Just started taking a

little EREP START in a mode MANUAL on

PLT Okay, I'm locked on a forest fire,

here, Dick. Think I'll take you a
littledataon it. ,

CC Roger.

PLT Got two of them - -

254 20 59 23 CDE MARK. MODE to AUTO.

PLT in northern California.

2_4 29 59 31 OR MARK. S ON andR ON.

PLT Very easy to pick out these forest [_


CDR 59:46 ... Intervalometer. _

25h 20 59 142 CDR MARK. Intervalometer i0.

254 20 59 49 CDR MARK. MODE READY.

PLT I'll take you some data in the smoke.

CDR o4.

PLT I'll take you some data just upwind

of the smoke. In the trees.

CDR 14: Intervalometer 20.

254 21 00 ilh CDR INTERVALOMETER, 20.

PLT Okay, we're passed that area.

Dump Tape 254-08
Page 7 of ll

"" _.............
CDR-- v'--92-STANDBY. -.......


: CDE ... here-

• _" PLT Get it.

254 21 00 40 CDR MARK. AUTO CAL.

PLT Okay• I took you a little forest fire

data there, northern California. Right
in the smoke-line and then upwind of
it. In a green vision• Show you the
difference, in case anybody is inter-
ested. And I would think they would L
•_ be.

CDR Whipped out 191• 20. Stand by for

READY out. On 01:20, 90 READY out.

254 21 Ol 2C CDR 19, 20, READY out. As been advertized.



"J CDR A is ON, 190 to STANDBY. Frame28, 28.

1 Intervalometer10. 193 cross-track

CDN Angle, minus 15. Roll, minus 15, first

- time I've seen that• Roll minus i.
0kay• 02:36 to go_ 190 MODE SINGLE. ".

25h 21 02 i_5 CDR E minut 15_ Okay that's what I have•

254 21 02 36 CDR MARK. MODE SINGLE.

PLT First chance we'll going looking

for Winnipeg.

25h 21 02 56 CDR MARK. MODE SINGLE. READY on at 03:20,

it says here. And then go reference 6.
I think I can do it, maybe.

PLT Looks like we're _ith-in a few miles

of James Bay this time. We're really
up north. You don't realize how far
..... _ up.north we really - ar@. ......................
Dump Tape 25h-08 .................
Page 8 of ]3.

CDR Okay, READY light ON on schedule and

REFERENCE 6 on schedule. Down-link
box, switched to position OFF at 4.
All right, we'll do that.

254 21 13 __l PLT There's that big spot always see out
the window.

CDR (Singing).

CC Skylab, we're 1 minute to LOS Goldstone,

we're going to gry to drop out for
about 5. I'll call you at Bermuda.

CDR Okay.

CDR Down-link box OFF. Just a second.

254 21 04 OL CDR MARK. Down-link box OFF.

PLT There's Winnipeg; I got it; I see


PLT 26 is in, huh? Well'we're over there --__

nowat 0h:21. --

* 254 21 O_ 43 CDR MARK. MODE AUTO on 190.


PLT Okay, we're tracking a uniform siting

to Winnipeg.

PLT A green site or the dart color site

anyway. There are a few tan splotches
in there, but I think they - uh - -


PLT I think they Just put in a dark colored

one. Figure there must be something
growing there. Now, let's hack up get
one over Ottawa City. Before Marianna
Dump Tape 2!5_-08
Page9 of ]3 ..................

254_21-06 Ci'_ CDR MARK. shutter speed better bead SLOW.

PLT Okay, that's it.

PLT What's the GO'time? 08 is the GO

time, which is pretty soon.


CAL at 650. I'll be there when the
time comes. It'll be the end of your
work anyway once we set AUTO CAL, I
think, r

PLT There's Lake Superior.

254 2k 06 5J CDR Okay, 650 AUTO CAL.

254 21 06 j.=_ PLT Okay, got to get ready to maneuver.

CDR S on at 7. S is on....


254 21 07 16 CDR MODEMANUAL. --

CDR Okay, stand by on S. Start SI maneuver, ..

" 21:08,which is 8 secondsfrom now.

PLT Right. I'mready.

CDR We got the time loaded so there's not

threeat there - -
PLT Yes, sir. iHere we go.

254 21 08 00 CDR MARK. SI.

PLT SI. No mibs. A mibless one.

" CDR Wherearewe?

PLT Well we ought - uh - whistling over -

uh - Gulf of St. Lawrence pretty -
although I'm not sure. Been away from
it too long.
DumpTape 25)4-08 .............
Page 10 of "11 ....................

.......... Cc ............Skyl ,h?- e' at ..............

Bermuda for 7 minutes.

CDR Okay, Dick. Things have gone well.

I haven't had any film advance mal-
function lights indicating that
we're out of - uh - film yet. And
it's almost time for us to stop.

SPT 27 frames on the TC, Dick.

CC Wasthat27, Owen? _-

SPT Affirmative.

254 21 09 2:_; CDR MODE, STAND BY on 191. --

PLT There 's one.

CDE First one that just cs_e on. Eight

on time. Number 3.

- "" PLT Malf light on 3.

CDR 19109:30. --

2" PLT Want to change otu this tapethis time,

huh, EREP?

254 21 09 3,_ CDR EREP to STOP. That's it.

PLT Well, how much you figure is on there?

CDR Do tape recorder depletion, do tape

190 mag depletion, do EREP tape load.
C-12 to T/R-1. We'll do it.

54 21 09 47 PLT Okay, Dick, I got Winnipeg with no

problem_ And - uh - he picked a uniform
• site east of town. It was a dark
colored sight. Ther were many brown
ones and many green ones, or dark ones.
I figured something was growing there
so I homed in on it. I don't know -
I think maybe they're doing some airflows
_-_ DumpTape25h-08 ....
Page Ii of 13

studies, so I figured the wind was

from the west and we'd do better by
uh - getting a site east of town. And
then I tracked that down through about
minus 15 degrees, and - uh - then I
came back and - uh -put it right
over the city for a few seconds.

254 21 l0 16 CDR And let me give you a B-7 while we're

• here. B-T, 31 percent. And the
door coming closed. Closing lights
191, and going off the record. _


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