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Level 1 Student’s Worksheet

Unit 3A Picture This

A Work in groups of three or four. Follow the instructions.
1 Take turns choosing a card. List examples of the topic on the card, but don’t say the words.
2 The other students try to guess what’s on your card. Give the card to the student who
guesses correctly.
3 If no one guesses correctly, put the card at the bottom of the pile and try again later.

famous female
television shows types of music movies

famous male
sports jobs hip-hop music

famous male famous female

video games classical music
actors singers

hobbies jazz music famous athletes

B Work in groups of three or four. Follow the instructions.
1 Take turns choosing a card. Draw a picture that explains the sentence.
2 The other students try to guess the sentence as you’re drawing. Give the card to the
student who guesses correctly.
3 If no one guesses correctly, put the card at the bottom of the pile and try again later.

My mother plays I don’t like
I don’t like sports. I don’t like jazz.
the piano. watching TV.

My father collects My sister doesn’t I like playing video

I play the guitar.
stamps. buy a lot of CDs. games.

I work out in the I like walking My brother goes My mother doesn’t

gym. the dog. bowling. go to the movies.

I don’t like My father doesn’t

I like swimming. I like going online.
listening to music. like jazz.

Photocopiable: D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

Level 1 Unit 3A Notes
Teacher’s Teacher’s Notes

Picture This
Objective: to categorize vocabulary; to practice asking questions about people’s likes,
dislikes, and free time activities
Time: 45–55 minutes
Skills: speaking—asking questions; paraphrasing
listening—understanding questions
Vocabulary: types of music; free time activities
Grammar: simple present—yes/no questions
Preparation: hand out one copy per group of 3–4 (cut out)

●● Don’t worry if your drawing isn’t very good; it will

Lead-in» help elicit more questions from the students. Tell the
Say I need a ... a ... and act as though you have forgotten the students that this picture represents a sentence and
word. Brainstorm ways of dealing with this situation they have to ask questions to guess the sentence.
(e.g., mime, draw a picture, show the object). Say water, milk, ●● Model or elicit questions in order to have a

cola and elicit drinks. Say actor, lawyer, engineer and elicit conversation like the following:
occupations. Tell the students they are going to play a game. Is it music? (Yes.)
Student A has a card (e.g., drinks). Student A has to get the Is he your brother? (No.)
group to guess the word on the card, but has to do it without Is it jazz? (Yes.)
saying the word. Also, Student A can’t write or draw. The
Is he your father? (Yes.)
solution has to be reached by speaking. Pre-teach athletes
and musical instruments. Your father likes jazz? (Yes. That’s it!)
●● Write the sentence on the board. Tell the students that

they will now play the game.

A ●● Have the students stay in their groups, or form new

ones. Give each group a set of the cards from the

●● Put the students into groups of three of four and give
second part of the worksheet and the instructions.
each group a set of cards from the first part of the
Ask them to follow the same procedure as in Ex. A,
worksheet face down and the instructions.
but this time they should give hints by drawing
●● Student A takes a card and names examples of the
instead of giving verbal examples. Make sure that the
topic on the card. The other students guess. The
students realize that they need to guess the complete
student who guesses correctly keeps the card.
sentence on the card.
●● Students take turns choosing a card and listing

examples. If no one guesses, the card is returned to

the bottom of the pile and tried again later.
●● When everyone has finished, the person with the
●● Put the students into pairs and ask each student to
most cards in each group is the winner. think of (or remember from the game) five questions
about likes and free time activities, e.g., Do you like
B playing video games?
●● Have the students take turns interviewing each
●● Tell the students you are thinking about a person and
other in pairs. Allow time for feedback from the
what he or she likes or dislikes. Draw a picture like
whole class.
this on the board:
Web homework
Ask the students to find information about working
hours and free time in different countries around the
world. How many hours do people work? Do they
work Monday through Friday, or do they have a
different work schedule? If you can, research a few Web
site addresses to help the students with this.

Written by Lewis Lansford   Design: Jordan Publishing Design   Illustration: Oscar Spigolon Photocopiable: D.R. © Macmillan Publishers, S.A. de C.V. 2010

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