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from my perspective…

The Future of Diversity Training 2010 and Beyond?

By Linda Jimenez
Chief Diversity Officer and Staff Vice President—Diversity & Inclusion

WellPoint, Inc.

I’ve been a diversity “…not worry about some idiot saying something meant to be
practitioner for 13+ years amusing…” was enough? It wasn’t, and his actions resulted in
and have been involved in him losing sponsor support and ultimately his job. When indi-
some aspect of diversity train- viduals with a pulpit to influence millions make such startling
ing within each industry in comments freely, can we truly say we are done with diversity
which I’ve worked—property training and can fold up our tents and go home?
and casualty insurance, gro- There are now four generations in the workplace, each with
cery retail, pharmaceutical, hospitality and healthcare. very different workplace expectations. Social networking is ex-
Following the inauguration of our first black president I’ve plosive and spreading internally and externally within our work-
heard many individuals comment that “diversity training” is no force, our workplaces, and our marketplace. Multigenerational
longer necessary. Really? We are living through an enormous diversity brings with it a focus on new technology (e.g., iPhones,
explosion of change around diversity and inclusion, not only in BlackBerrys, IM’ing, texting, Tweeting, YouTube), a new
the U.S., but also globally. And, in my perspective, we are still language (“r u there?” “omg – did u c that?”), new workplace
confronted by diversity tension from well-recognized “isms,” norms (e.g., earphones connected to an iPod to block out office
and new diversity dimensions based on our ever-increasing noise while working in a cubicle), and a vast array of legal con-
panoply of diversity. siderations (e.g., the dos and don’ts of social networking when
Consider, for example, last year’s presidential election. The used in the workplace).
campaign included a woman, an African-American, and a white Companies are doing business globally, and that makes cul-
male over 70. The election process included many debates over tural competence a strategic imperative. Being culturally com-
diversity dimensions which illustrated that “isms” were still a petent means that a person understands, and is highly aware of,
part of the fabric of our society—either in the form of age- the process of adaptation and how much they might need to
ism, sexism, or racism. The focus during the election wasn’t adapt their behaviors around different business functions. For
always on the candidates and the requirements of the position example, when managing Chinese subordinates, should a U.S.
or their qualifications for office. Do you remember the fierce manager maintain a participative-oriented style that encourages
discussions about Hillary “crying” on the campaign trail and self-empowerment, or shift more to a hierarchical, directive ap-
the constant focus on her hairstyle and wardrobe? Do you re- proach more common to Chinese business?
member the heated comments about Barack Hussein Obama, From my perspective, the importance of diversity training,
his middle name and the perceived race/ethnicity assumptions education, and awareness—fluid and adapting to the myriad of
made around his name which prompted some to question his diversity dimensions that continue to evolve—remains a strate-
ability (and loyalty) to lead the United States? And, although gic focus for 2010 and beyond. For all the transformation and
I wasn’t a McCain supporter, as a baby boomer, I came to his change taking placing within our workforce, workplace, and
defense when others questioned his age and indirectly his health marketplace, we all have so much more to learn. PDJ
to assume the role of President. Clearly we are not beyond
assumptions and stereotypes based on race, age, and gender to
forego diversity training altogether.
And, let’s not forget the 2007 firestorm started by Don
Linda Jimenez is a native of San Antonio, Texas, and attended
Imus’ disrespectful and degrading racist and sexist comments
the University of Texas at Austin where she received her B.A.
and slurs attacking the Rutgers women’s basketball team. Did
with honors. She is also a graduate of the University of Texas
he really think a “mea culpa” that said we should all relax and School of Law and has spent 20 years specializing in labor
and employment law.
14 Pro f i les i n D i ve rsit y Journal January/February 2010

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