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Mr. Ban Ki-moon
The Secretary General UNO
Office of the Secretary General UNO
United Nations organization building
New York, U.S.A

As you know Effect of Global Warming is increasingly evident and turning
catastrophic. Earth is going fragile under unilateral and linear doubling of heat. The
world leaders and power centers are concerned more about economy and power built
on oil than life. This is in spite of IPCC doing such good work to show climatic
changes and its implication to humanity scientifically. Human role in climate change
is evident. It is becoming sensible now even to a common man. But the scientist and
intellectual world still keep debating and questioning Human role in climate change.
2011 has begun with clear signs of greater disaster coming to humanity

Let me introduce myself at this point, I was a researcher in biotechnology. I gave up

my lucrative career in biotechnology in search of Truth of Nature. I lived as a small
farmer as I pursued the Truth of Life and Nature. I was seeking the simplicity behind
the complexity of Nature and its oneness. This letter comes to you in the back drop
of over two decades of selfless research. The Truth revealed to me is simple and
when understood it can awaken the world to Reality of Nature and help him quickly
counter act to survive the destruction coming our way. I am doing my duty by calling
your attention to it.

All the problems of the world could be directly related to heat and energy cycle of
nature. Heat we know creates disorder, destruction and paves way for new order.
Global warming, health crisis, instability of various ecologies and human unrest can
be directly be related to heat/energy. Noble Lauret James Lovelock spoke about this
in his book ³Vanishing Face of Gaia ±Final Warning

Though the period ahead would be highly catastrophic, it is not beyond repair.  

. Nature is built on energy and matter. Two laws of thermodynamics govern
this realm. It is a matter of understanding how energy and matter exist in nature in
compliance to the two laws of thermodynamics. It is matter of knowing sun and
earth forces co-existing

I am doing my duty by calling your attention to it very briefly. All we need to do to

know truth is to observe nature and know how nature maintains its temperature.
Nature has only two forces; one that brings disorder and the other that brings order
out of disorder. Ê       

 This intelligent design is reflected in west and east separation and the
day and night and climatic cycle. When west awakes to sunlight and goes into
disorder, east simultaneously sleeps to darkness and goes into ordering phase. When
light peaks in the west, it gives way to darkness and simultaneously the east peaks
in the darkness and gives way to light. The left and right of the system are
inherently and instantaneously communicated. The system is designed to perceive
change and act to change the direction of the flow when it reaches a limit. This
instinctive and internal instantaneous information flow is also accompanied by

information flow in external world that exist in time in 8 quantum step of 3. This
manifests as a 12 hour day and night cycle, 12 month climatic cycle, 12 year cycle
and so on to form big d   

. The time direction or second law of
thermodynamics her can only have one direction; it can direct to heating or cooling.
It is now directed at ³Heat Death´. We are peaking unilaterally towards it through
linear doubling of heat.

The two forces that are acting here are sun and earth. A warming effect manifests in
all these cycles when the sun cycle gives way to earth cycle. This is experienced in
pre monsoon period when clouds form. The global warming we witness today
probably relates to   

   ! "

From second law of thermodynamics a time direction is inevitable to all system.

Material world is determined by gravity and extrapolated in time it tends to collapse
to a central point ± gravitational collapse or Big bang. Noble Lauret James Lovelock
introduced life into this vision and argued that universe is self sustaining or Gaia. To
understand this take plants in the above energy cycle. Plants absorb light/heat and
thus act against the disorder and time directed to winding and collapse. When
darkness falls it assimilates energy and matter and creates mass against gravity
directed to collapse to a point [observe a plant grow]. Plant life uncontrolled can
cause anti-gravitational collapse. Thus herbivore control plants, carnivore control
herbivore and the Earth appears self sustaining, without any time direction. It is a

However this scenario changes when we introduce adult humans, who is self
centered and becomes slave to material force. Among all life, humans are the only
life that needs an external government and law to sustain the population. We think
humans are conscious and intelligent beings. But an introspection shows we are the
least conscious and intelligent life on earth. We live by our mind and its extensions
and thus move far away form the basal reality of life and nature. We are the only
living beings who are not aware of time and change and work to destroy our home
and our resources that sustains life. We constrict space and time to a point of

Human mind that has become slave to material world is the only life that aligns with
material force that directs to collapse to the center. He intervenes recklessly into the
above nature¶s design and functioning to maintain her temperature.  



    Earth, as a last resort has
been unwinding to cope with human intervention. But beyond a limit it is bound to
break down and go into reorganization. We are heading towards it.

This is manifesting as increased natural catastrophes. The increased fires/wind,

earth/water bound natural catastrophes since 2000 speaks this. 2011 has started
with unseen flash floods, snows, storms, spontaneous revolts, reports of potential
activity in Yellowstone Volcano and tens and thousands of birds of a particular
species dying in flight. Some scientists think we are moving into sixth mass

Every situation in the world, environment, health and economy --- is interlinked and
eventually gets relates to the energy cycles and the aberrations in it. There is hope
for humanity to survive if he awakens to simple reality of energy cycle and

understand our role in it. Einstein said - ³½
 *. We need to develop
new thinking and New Reality and transform on to it. The modern world of
information is shrinking the world to collapsing point, but this very information
technology can assist it to transform quickly and survive if we know the Truth and

Organization like yours should take up the Knowledge to awaken the world. My
strong belief is that world will awaken. But the question left is after how much
destruction? The leaders and intellectual guiding the world become consciously
responsible for catastrophes and loss of human life. I am doing my duty calling your
attention to it. In true spirit of freedom and well being of the whole world, I am also
keeping this letter on the net.

The New Reality is explored in the Book

1] ³The New Reality and Future Technologies ± Truth that can Transform
Humanity and help him survive 2012´

Yours truly

John Paily

[Address in the site]

Letter posted on 1/02/2011

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