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DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-263X.2007.00885.

Probiotics and oral health effects in children

Blackwell Publishing Ltd


Department of Cariology and Endodontics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark,
and 2Department of Odontology, Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2008; 18: 3–10 Results. Only one study of dental interest was con-
ducted in children. Four papers dealt with oral
installation of probiotic bacteria, and although detect-
Background. Probiotics are living micro-organisms able levels were found in saliva shortly after intake,
added to food which beneficially affect the host by the studies failed to demonstrate a long-term instal-
improving its intestinal microbial balance. lation. Seven papers evaluated the effect of lactobacilli-
Objective. This paper aims to present a general or bifidobacteria-derived probiotics on the salivary
background on probiotics and its health effects levels of caries-associated bacteria in placebo-
in children, and to examine the evidence for oral controlled designs. All but one reported a hampering
colonization and the possible impact on oral health effect on mutans streptococci and/or yeast. The single
in children and young adults. study carried out in early childhood reported a
Methods. For delivery and general health effects, significant caries reduction in 3- to 4-year-old children
recent systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and other after 7 months of daily consumption of probiotic milk.
relevant papers were used. Concerning oral instal- Conclusion. Bacteriotheraphy in the form of probi-
lation and oral effects, a broad search for publica- otic bacteria with an inhibitory effect on oral path-
tions in English was conducted through February ogens is a promising concept, especially in childhood,
2007 in PubMed. Studies describing an installation but this may not necessarily lead to improved oral
or intervention trial in humans with a controlled health. Further placebo controlled trials that assess
design and an oral endpoint measure were considered. carefully selected and defined probiotic strains
Fourteen papers with dental focus were identified, using standardized outcomes are needed before any
of which two were narrative reviews. clinical recommendations can be made.

balance as documented in clinical trials2. These

bacteria must belong to the natural flora in
The belief that probiotic bacteria can influence order to survive the acid environment during
health dates back to the beginning of the 20th transit to the intestines. Probiotic bacteria can
century when the Ukrainian-born Nobel Prize act through several paths: they prevent cellular
laureate Elie Metchnikoff reported that adhesion and invasion of pathogenic bacteria,
Bulgarians lived longer than other populations modify the intestinal environment by a reduc-
and supposed that this was due to their con- tion in pH as a result of fermentation products,
sumption of fermented milk products contain- and they interact and modulate the local and
ing viable bacteria. The idea was that the systemic inflammatory immune response3,4.
harmless bacteria in the fermented products The current knowledge of the important role
competed with pathogenes injurious to health1. of the intestinal microflora has led to strate-
By definition, probiotics are live microbial feed gies to promote health by manipulation of its
supplement that beneficially affects the host microbial community4. Strategies to influence
animal by improving its intestinal microbial the microflora include dietary modification,
increased intake of unabsorbable carbohy-
drates and intake of live bacteria of human
Correspondence to:
origin. This latter concept is also commonly
Prof. Svante Twetman, Department of Cariology and
Endodontics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
termed bacteriotherapy or replacement ther-
Copenhagen, Nørre Allé 20, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark. apy. The background thinking is that harmless
E-mail: microorganism, such as species of lactobacilli

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4 S. Twetman & C. Stecksén-Blicks

and bifidobacteria, can occupy a space in a trial with a prospective controlled design. As
biofilm that otherwise would be colonized by endpoint measure, some kind of oral outcome
a pathogen. The interest in such an alternative was required, such as salivary microbial com-
way to combat infections is rapidly growing, position or caries incidence. The initial search
especially in the light of the frequent use of revealed 69 abstracts describing oral inter-
antibiotics with a subsequent risk for develop- vention with probiotics but the vast majority
ment of resistant strains. With the competitive had non-oral endpoint measures. A total of 14
event in the gastrointestinal tract in mind, papers with dental focus were identified, of
it seems reasonable to question whether pro- which two were narrative reviews 6,7. The
biotics may be active also in the oral cavity by reference lists of these publications were hand
maintaining health. Furthermore, it has become searched for additional papers but no further
increasingly clear that strategies directed at study was identified. Four investigations dealt
eliminating specific caries-associated microor- with oral colonization of probiotic strains and
ganisms, which are members of the endogenous seven articles described an intervention pro-
microflora, have not only been proven to be tocol. One study was excluded since it was a
difficult but maybe also unwise5. The first aim safety assessment with no control group8. The
of this review was to present a general back- results of the remaining papers were compiled
ground on probiotic administration and its health in Tables 1 and 2 and further discussed below.
effects in children, and secondly to examine The initial intention to focus this review on
the present evidence for oral colonization of children’s oral health had to be abandoned
probiotic bacteria and its possible effect on and reconsidered due to the fact that only one
oral health in children and young adults. single clinical trial conducted in children was
Origin and vehicles for probiotic delivery
It was decided to base this paper on recent
systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and other Probiotic bacteria are natural inhabitants of
relevant papers concerning vehicles of delivery the intestinal flora and the vast majority of
and effects on general health. For the possible the strains and species that are examined in
impact on oral health, a broad search of the research for their probiotic properties are iso-
PubMed database was conducted through lated from healthy humans although there are
February 2007, using ‘probiotics’, ‘lactobacilli’, some that originate from fermented food. Pro-
‘bifidobacteria’, ‘oral health’, ‘caries prevention’, biotics are often considered in the context of
‘salivary bacteria’, and ‘dental plaque’ as index functional foods and this segment is rapidly
terms. Relevant papers published in English growing within the European Union. The increas-
were identified after a review of the abstracts. ing interest for replacement therapy has, how-
To be considered for inclusion, the studies should ever, opened a market for other consumer
describe a human installation or intervention products such as lozenges, sucking tablets and

Table 1. Summary of clinical studies on installation and colonization in the oral cavity with lactobacilli- and bifidobacteria-
derived probiotics.

Reference N/age Vehicle, time Species Outcome in oral cavity

Meurman et al.9 9/25 years Yoghurt, 1 week L. rhamnosus GG Harboured lactobacilli up to 2

weeks after discontinuation
Busscher et al.10 14/17–35 years Yoghurt, 1 week L. acidophilus, L. casei, No installation of lactobacilli
B. bifidum
Yli-Knuttila et al.11 56/25 years Juice, 2 weeks L. rhamnosus GG No installation of lactobacilli
but possible in some cases?
Krasse et al.12 59/adults Gums, 2 weeks L. reuteri ‘LR-1; LR-2’ 65–95% colonized immediately
after 14 days intake

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Probiotics and health 5

chewing gums. Probiotics are provided into

Decrease counts of MS in saliva, reduced caries

Increased salivary counts of LB, MS unchanged

Increased salivary counts of LB, MS unchanged
the food items in one of four basic ways: (i)

Decreased counts of yeast and MS in saliva

as a culture concentrate added to beverages

Decreased prevalence of oral candida

(e.g. fruit juice); (ii) inoculated into prebiotic

Decreased counts of MS in saliva

Decreased counts of MS in saliva
Decreased counts of MS in saliva
fibres which promote the growth of probiotic

Decrease counts of MS in saliva

Oral outcome

bacteria; (iii) inoculated into milk and milk-

based foods (e.g. milk drinks, yoghurt, cheese,
kefir, biodrinks); and (iv) as lyophilized, dried

Decreased gingivitis
cells packaged as dietary supplements (tablets,
chewing gums, straws). The archetypical pro-
biotic food is yoghurt and daily consumption
of dairy products seems to be the most natural
Table 2. Summary of controlled clinical intervention studies in the oral cavity with lactobacilli- and bifidobacteria-derived probiotics.

way to ingest probiotic bacteria7. Another advan-

tage is that milk products contain basic nutrients
for the growing child; they are also considered
safe for the teeth with possible beneficial effects
on the salivary microbial composition and inhi-
L. rhamnosus GG

Lactobacillus spp.
Lactobacillus spp.

bition of caries development, due to their natural

L. rhamnosus

L. rhamnosus

content of casein, calcium, and phosphorous20,21.

L. reuteri

L. reuteri
L. reuteri

L. reuteri

A formulation of approximately 108 probiotic

bacteria per gram or millilitre with an intake
of 1.5–2 dL per day is recommended and the
dairy products should preferably be nonsweet-
ened and contain only natural sugar. It has
Cheese, 16 weeks, placebo

been pointed out that the dosage provided via

Yoghurt, 2 weeks, placebo
Cheese, 3 weeks, placebo
Vehicle, time, control

Gums, 2 weeks, placebo

Milk, 7 months, placebo

routine consumption may be inadequate for

Water/straw, 3 weeks

DB, double blind; LB, lactobacilli; MS, mutans streptococci; RCT, randomized controlled trial.

therapeutic benefit22 and food processing may

Lozenges, 3 weeks
Capsules, 45 days

Yoghurt, placebo

further compromise bacterial viability. Viable

Liquid, 45 days

counts may fall below recommended levels,

especially at the end of shelf life, and some


strains of bifidobacteria used in commercial

probiotic food may not survive gastric transit.
Most often, a brand name contains a single
probiotic strain, but it is important to under-
line that the efficacy of one lactobacilli strain
26/21–24 years, RCT, cross-over

does not necessarily imply that other strains

40/20 years, RCT, cross-over

294/70–100 years, RCT, DB

120/21–24 years, RCT, DB

will be equally efficacious, while a combina-

35, 24–33 years, RCT, DB
74/18–35 years, RCT, DB
594/1–6 years, RCT, DB
N/age, design

tion of strains can enhance adherence in a

synergistic manner6. Differences between dif-
58/adults, RCT, DB

ferent strains of the same species are probably

the reason for the conflicting results on pro-
biotic efficacy that were reported in the early
studies. Today most research is carried out with
well-defined dairy-based live lactobacilli strains,
but during the last years, reports on gums and
tablets have started to appear.
Montalto et al.16

Hatakka et al.19
Nikawa et al.15

Caglar et al.17
Caglar et al.18

Krasse et al.12
Ahola et al.14
Näse et al.13

Installation of probiotic bacteria


Before birth, the gastrointestinal tract is sterile

but as the newborn child is exposed to bacteria

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6 S. Twetman & C. Stecksén-Blicks

in the environment and in the diet, the colo- summarized in Table 1. The probiotic bacteria
nization process begins23. The intestinal micro- were recovered in most subjects during the
flora is the major driving force in maturation intermediate days after intake but collectively,
of the immune system after birth24. The colo- the results did not suggest that a permanent
nization of intestine is a rather complex process installation can take place. It should, however,
influenced by microbial exposure, host inter- be kept in mind that the trials were conducted
actions, and by external and internal factors25. in adults and it may be questioned if a per-
An important determinant for the initial com- manent installation readily can occur in per-
position of the flora is the mode of delivery sons with an already established microflora6.
and children born via cesarean section are less The relatively short contact time between the
often colonized with bifidobacteria than vagi- probiotic product and the plaque is probably
nally born children26. During the first month not enhancing this event. Since it seems
of life, the importance of diet on bacterial col- unlikely that probiotics have any significant
onization of the gut have been explored and residual effect after discontinuation of intake9,10,
breastfed children are dominated by bifidobac- daily intakes seem to be a prerequisite for poten-
teria and lactobacilli while formula-fed children tial action. An individual response is, however,
have more bacteroides, clostridia, and entero- evident, underlining the host-dependant factors
bacteriaceae26,27. This difference might be due determining colonization in general. For example,
to the presence of immunological factors such a recent investigation displayed that the pro-
as immunoglobulin A and lysosyme secreted biotic strain L. rhamnus GG was not permanently
in human milk that prevents the growth of installed but temporarily detected in saliva
some bacteria24. during a period after three times daily con-
The probiotic action in the gastrointestinal sumption of a probiotic juice11. A considerable
tract is based on adherence to the intestinal variation was, however, demonstrated and in
mucosa and thereby inhibition of gut patho- some individuals, the probiotic bacteria were
gens. Similarly in the oral cavity, probiotics detected up to 10–12 days after the last inges-
should adhere to dental tissues as a part of the tion. Another point to consider is that saliva
biofilm (or plaque) and compete with the growth samples may underestimate the true situation
of cariogenic bacteria or periodontal pathogens28. in the oral biofilm and that combinations of
During and shortly after birth, the epithelial probiotic strains may act synergistic and enhance
surfaces in the oral cavity become colonized by the possibilities for installation6. Further research,
various species of the indigenous microflora including cultivation of plaque samples, is there-
that tend to persist in the mouth, and it is pos- fore needed and it seems especially important
sible that they play a role in the competition to carry out studies on infants because
with other bacteria and prevent the growth of it is very likely that the chance of a permanent
those that may colonize later29,30. Interestingly, colonization of probiotics increases with
Meurman et al.31 showed in vitro that a compe- a regular exposure from early childhood.
tition between Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Strep-
tococcus sobrinus occurs. Vaginally born children,
General health effects of probiotics in children
who are exposed to more maternal and envi-
ronmental bacteria at birth than children born The first species introduced into probiotic research
via caesarean section, have been shown to be were Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
colonized later in life by cariogenic bacteria32, bifidum and a number of potential health ben-
which may be a result of such a competition efits have been suggested such as reduced sus-
between lactobacilli and streptococci. ceptibility to infections, reductions in allergies,
An early installation and colonization of pro- and lactose intolerance, as well as regulation
biotics in the oral environment would be the of blood pressure and serum cholesterol values6,33.
first step for an anticipated long-term effect, Lower counts of lactobacilli have been observed
but there are limited data available to support in children with infantile colic34 –36 and supple-
this event. The main findings of the four iden- mentation with Lactobacillus reuteri (ATCC 55730)
tified human studies on oral colonization are improved the symptoms of colicky children37.

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Probiotics and health 7

One systematic review and two meta-analyses intestinal flora. In the oral cavity, bifidobacteria
have shown that co-administration of probiotics are prevalent in deep caries lesions and may
with standard oral rehydration therapy signif- play an important role in the progression of
icantly reduced the duration of acute infectious caries42. The influence of probiotic bifidobac-
diarrhoea in infants and children, especially teria on oral ecology has been reported in one
diarrhoea due to rotavirus38– 40. In a recent single study17. The investigation was a double-
review by Michail et al.41, the quality of evidence blind, randomized, cross-over study in which
for the use of probiotics for different paediatric two groups of young adults consumed for 2
disorders was analysed. They reported that the weeks either a probiotic yoghurt containing
strongest evidence for the clinical effects in Bifidobacterium DN-173 010 bacteria or a con-
children so far has been obtained for treatment trol yoghurt without viable bacteria. It was
of acute infectous diarhorrea, prevention of concluded that the yoghurt with living bacteria
antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, and prevention had a significantly diminishing effect on salivary
and treatment of allergic manifestations. On mutans streptrococci in general but the effect
the other hand, the scientific evidence was on individuals with the highest counts was
inconclusive or lacking concerning other sug- rather scanty. No alteration was reported con-
gested conditions such as inflammatory bowel cerning the salivary lactobacilli. More studies
disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s dis- are definitely needed before it is possible to draw
ease, ulcerative colitis and cancer prevention. any conclusions on bifidobacteria.
In general, the compliance with the probiotic
interventions are described as good and the
reported side or adverse effects are extremely
rare. Lactobacilli have gained a great interest in
dental research for several decades and modern
molecular techniques have underlined the
Effects of probiotic bacteria on oral ecology
concept that the bacteria are more associated
Seven clinical studies were identified with the with carious dentine and the advancing front
aim to evaluate the effect of a daily intake of of caries lesions rather than with the initiation
probiotic bacteria on the salivary levels of mutans of the dental caries process42. Polonskaya43 first
streptococci, lactobacilli, and yeast, and one described the phenomena that L. acidophilus
report examined the effect on plaque levels strains may inhibit the in vitro growth of other
and gingival inflammation. The findings of bacteria and this observation has been con-
these studies are summarized in Table 2. Notably, firmed by many investigators since then. This
only one of the investigations was conducted event is explained by the fact that lactobacilli
in children of preschool age and none of the can produce low molecular weight bacteriocins
papers described that side effects had occurred. with an inhibitory activity against a wide range
The studies are reviewed below based on the of bacterial species, including oral streptococci31,44,45.
origin of the species. Lactobacilli are extremely aciduric and can
withstand a pH as low as 3.5, which is a pre-
requisite to survive the low-pH transition into
the intestines.
Since the late 1980s, a wide range of dairy Four of the five identified publications that
products containing bifidobacteria has been evaluated the effect of lactobacilli-derived pro-
marketed in several countries worldwide and biotics on mutans streptococci reported signif-
studies have been performed to validate the icant reductions of salivary mutans streptococci
survival and positive effects of Bifidobacterium immediately after the termination of daily
DN-173 010 within the gastrointestinal tract33. intakes13–15,18. The diminished post-treatment
Bifidobacteria are the predominant anaerobic levels seemed not directly to be dependant on
bacteria naturally occurring within the small the daily administration vehicle, which was milk,
intestinal lumen and play a critical role in cheese, yoghurt, lozenges, or prepared straws
maintaining the equilibrium among normal with freeze-dried strains. For example, in the

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8 S. Twetman & C. Stecksén-Blicks

study by Caglar et al., the use of lozenges and prevalence of oral candida19. The study was
prepared straws were compared with placebo conducted in elderly persons and the daily
in a randomized design with four parallel arms consumed cheese contained a mixture of lacto-
in young adults18. It was anticipated that the bacilli and propionibacteria. After 16 weeks, a
slowly melting tablets would allow a more reduced prevalence of salivary yeast was evident
thorough contact between the probiotic bacte- in the intervention group and the probiotic
ria and the oral environment compared with intervention diminshed the risk of harbouring
the direct swallowing pattern from the straw, high yeast counts by 75%. However, a general
but both regimes reduced the prevalence of aspect to be rembered is that a reduction of
salivary mutans streptococci equally after 2 potentially harmful bacteria in the saliva for a
weeks of use. The results may indicate that a shorter or longer period does not necessarily
direct contact with the oral tissues is not a pre- means an improved oral health or fewer cavities.
requisite for a beneficial effect. Similar, but at The lack of probiotic research in odontology
the same time somewhat conflicting, findings is very obvious when it comes to issues that
were reported by Montalto et al.16. They eval- really matters for the patient, and only two
uated whether an oral and systemic adminis- randomized controlled trials with caries or gin-
tration of probiotic lactobacilli could change givitis as endpoint measure were identified12,13.
the salivary counts of cariogenic bacteria com- The first study was carried out on preschool
pared with placebo. The probiotic intervention children, 1–6 years of age, in Finland and the
was given to volunteer subjects in a liquid experimental group was served milk contain-
form and in capsules in order to determine the ing L. rhamnosus GG at their daycare centres
role of direct contact with the oral tissues. 5 days per week for 7 months. Although a
Interestingly, it was found that both ways significant reduction of the salivary mutans
of administration significantly increased the streptococci counts was noted, the outcome on
salivary lactobacilli counts while the levels of caries development was less pertinent. The best
mutans streptococci remained unchanged16. effect was found among the 3- to 4-year-olds
This result indicates that a pure systemic in which 6% of the children developed new
administration of probiotics could enhance caries lesions in the experimental group dur-
lactobacilli proliferation in the oral cavity16. ing the study period compared with 15% in
Although there is evidence that oral lactoba- the ‘normal milk’ control group, but it must
cilli are influenced by sugar consumption and be remembered that the follow-up period was
associated to caries46, the increased numbers short. This means that 11 children had to be
were not suggested to increase the caries risk. treated in order to gain one individual that
First, lactobacilli in general are hardly involved stayed free from the disease (number needed
in the initiation of cavities. Second, not all to treat = 11). Despite a relatively high dropout
Lactobacillus spp. have a caries-inducing effect47. rate, the study was important because it
And third, a dairy-based vehicle for lactobacilli demonstrated that it is possible that a regular
is favourable because of its buffering effect that intake of probiotic bacteria can prevent dental
may hamper the bacterial acidogenicity. It has caries in young children and that the efficiency
been pointed out that L. rhamnosus slowly can may vary by age. The second clinical study
ferment sucrose and produce lactic acid13, but evaluated the use of probiotic chewing gums
Nikawa et al.15 concluded that acids from L. reuteri on gingival conditions in adults with moderate
did have a negligible effect on calcium release or severe gingivitis12. After 14 days of use of
from the enamel. However, a practical con- L. reuteri, significantly reduced gingival and
sequence with a ‘safty-first’ perspective would plaque scores was found compared to baseline
be not to advocate regular consumption of as well as to the placebo control group. One
lactobacilli-derived probiotics to children with single examiner carried out all the clinical
open, untreated dental cavities until temporary examinations but no validation or reproduci-
fillings are placed. bility tests of the indices was presented. Further
One study tested the hypothesis that cheese studies with nonsurrogate endpoints and a
containing probiotic bacteria would reduce the prolonged duration including health-economic

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Probiotics and health 9

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Journal compilation © 2007 BSPD, IAPD and Blackwell Publishing Ltd

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