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The history of Palmistry.

If we go as far back a prehistoric man, paintings of hands can be found on the walls
of caves, so it would seem that there was an interest in palmistry way back then.
Archaeological discoveries in the past have uncovered hands made of wood, stone
and ivory made by the ancient civilizations. It is also said that the Emperor of China
in 3000bc used his thumb print when sealing documents.
The laws and practising of palm reading can be found in Vedic scripts, the bible and
early semitic writings. Hippocrates and Galen the Greek physicians were both very
knowledgeable about the use of palmistry as a clinical aid. Julius Caeser was believed
to have used palmistry to judge his men.
Paracelsus and Fludd made palmistry respectable through their writings and Dr Carl
Carus matched palms to personality in the 19th century. Palmistry was brought in to
the modern age by Scotland Yard in 1901, when finger printing was used in criminal
investigation and identification.
For many years a persons health has been foretold by the colour of there palms, for
example a Dead white hand would indicate poor circulation, Pink hands often a sign
of good health, Red hands may indicate high blood pressure and Blue ish hands may
indicate a sluggish person with poor circulation of the blood supply, whilst a healthy
palm should be a rosey-pink colour.


For centuries medicine has recognized the link between palmistry and health.
Modern medical researchers have confirmed this link.
Susceptible to bowell or intestine problems.
Nervous tension and lung problems.
Accidents and heart problems
Allergies, nervous system and psychological problems.
Thick, well padded palms denote a robust constitution.
Thin, fragile hands indicate a fragile constitution
Short dashes may indicate stress, while short vertical lines may indicate hormonal
Pituitary gland
Pineal gland
Blood pressure
ISLANDS ON HEART LINE : beneath saturn may indicate hearing defects.
LADDERED HEART LINE : beneath apollo finger may indicate calcium imbalance
STAR ON THE LINE : star on heart line may indicate heart problems
KERATOSES : may indicate organ disease
DIAMOND : a diamond attached to life line may indicate gynaecological problems
TASSELLING : tasselling of head or life line may indicate energy problems
SPECKLES : imbalance of zinc
VERTICAL RIDGES : intestinal problems
WRAPAROUND : respiratory problems
CONVEX : anamia
FAN SHAPED : need to relax.

It can be said the Heart Line is not just a way telling what will happen but also a way
of finding out why things happen. But do not use the heart line to time certain events
as is not reliable.
Imagaine two heart lines extending from the edge of the hand below the little finger
to between the first and second fingers. The first line is a deep curve while the second
heart line is more straight. The curved line is active in romantic matters while the
straight line is passive. The curved heart line is aggressive in love, the straight is
The curved heart line is demonstrative while the straight line thinks about it.
Interestingly the curved line is much more common on male hands while the straight
line is more common on female hands.
A heart line that becomes a steep curve below the index and middle finger indicates
someone who has a strong sexual desire. If the heart line ends up under the index
finger it indicates someone who is choosy about their partner........
These are just some of the examples of palmistry, Palmistry is still as popular today
as it was way way back in time and is still practised all over the world, whether it be
to predict ones future, ones health or even the out come of a job intereview.
Does it really work or is it just a case of a need for something to believe in, some
thing to hold on to.

The Scientific Explanation of the Lines on the Hand.

The lines on a persons palm are related to fingerprints, and can be used to indentify
people just as fingerprints can. They are unique to each individual, and are called
palmar flexion creases. Even identical twins don't have the same patterns of palm
creases! Palmar (or palm) creases form by the 3rd month in utero on a fetus, and like
fingerprints, never change (unless there is permanent scarring of some kind) until the
decomposure of the skin at death. Both fingerprints and palm creases are found on the
padded side of the hand, a volar area (which means either the palm of the hand or the
sole of the foot). The bottoms of your feet are also volar areas, and the creases and
patterns found on the skin on these parts of the body are types of friction ridges.
Since humans originally walked on all fours, we can see that friction ridges once
helped humans get a grip on what they were walking on!
Each human has 3 palmar creases per hand, except in some cases of congenital
defects or disease. The one that loops down around the thumb area is called the
longitudinal radial crease. The 2 going partway across the palm are each a type of
transverse crease. Some people non- scientifically refer to these 3 creases as the
"head, heart, and life lines". People with genetic defects often have an abnormal
pattern of palm creases; for example, in many Down Syndrome individuals, both
transverse creases may be fused together to form one long crease across the entire

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