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For Chapter I, see Watari and Okuyama [93].

For Chapter 2, see Lal [38, 39] and Okuyama [60].
For Chapter 3, see Okuyama [62].
For Chapter 4, see Okuyama and Tsuchikura [64].
For Chapter 5, see Okuyama [58] and Kanno and Okuyama [35].
For Chapter 6, see Okuyama [59].
For Chapter 7, see Okuyama [63] and Dikshit [16].
For Chapter 8, see Izumi and Izumi [30, 31, 32].

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Absolute harmonic summability 9

Absolute logarithmic summability 37
Bernstein property 4
Best approximation E(P)(f)
BV(0,~) 54
Conjugate series 61
Ic,~l 9
de la Vallee Poussin property 3
Dn(t) 77
f[B] 5
Fourier series i
Fourier coefficients i
Local property 78
L~ e )(t) 24
M 61
Non-local property 77
Nikolsky property 3
IN,Pnl k 9
Orthogonal series 2
Rademacher functions 3
Rademacher-trigonometric series 44
IR,Pn,ll 37
Strong summability 91
Summability factor 47
Timan's inequality 19
Walsh functions 3
Weighted absolute convergence 5
A i
A(x) 37
¢ 2
~(6,f) 31
~(~,f) I
~p(6 ,f) I

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