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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

TODAY, I want you to identify your top 3 invisible scripts about earning you more money.

I encourage you to TURN YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN OFF, clear your desk, and simply think for 5 minutes. In Earn1K, we call this the 5-Minute Straitjacket Technique.

Think about what’s holding you back from earning money. Identify the “code words” that you use.

For example…

“Selling is sleazy”
“I have no time”
“Nobody would pay me”
“I don’t know what to say”
“You can only charge if you have a PhD”
“Networking is dirty”
“I need to get good at X before I could ever dream of charging”

Then, share your 3 MOST PRESSING INVISIBLE SCRIPTS below in the comments.

Don’t just write down 3 sentences. Explain them. Tell me a story about each one. How did you realize you had this script? How has it manifested itself in your life?

What would you do to change it?

Be honest and admit that there are tons of tactics online for how to earn money…so there must be something deeper…these scripts.

Share your 3 scripts — plus analysis — below.

(NOTE: TAKE ACTION NOW. We know from testing that the people who follow the pre-launch course are most likely to be successful with Earn1K.)

{ 568 comments… read them below or add one }

Thomas Brown February 9, 2011 at 6:17 pm

#1 I’m not meant to be an entrepreneur – I’ve always been a follower of sorts and the fast paced extremely risky entrepreneur lifestyle doesn’t really seem to fit me. Also, what if I

#2 I can never think of a good business idea – I’m not really creative enough to come up with good ideas. Even after looking at your “idea generator tool” I come up with nothing.
I’m good at IT but that just seems like every other lame PC repair guy trying to sound more important than he really is.

Those are my two big ones.


Ben February 9, 2011 at 6:22 pm

#1 I fear that I’m not an authority so therefore I wouldn’t be as good as others selling the same product.

#2 I fear that I’ll put alot of effort into building a site and trying to sell an ebook and nobody will buy it.

#3 I fear letting people know all about me because I have a day job and can’t afford to lose it if they think I’m working on something else.


Nathan Strange February 9, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Oh, this is an easy one. I can do this!

1) My ideas are worthless

I *know* this is patently false. If they are worthless, why do I have friends of friends calling/emailing me at all times of day and night for instructions and advice? But yet, I have
difficulty believing that someone would pay for that advice – after all, I wouldn’t (Google is free!).

On the surface, I know that most people do not have the intense NEED to do research that I do. I could spend hours in a library or online and love every second of it. I’ve
developed a knowledge base that is extensive in my areas of passion and I love sharing that knowledge. I just need the confidence that it takes to charge for it.

2) I do not look like a professional.

This is ridiculous, but all my life I have focused on the fact that I do/don’t look the part, whatever that part is. I don’t know what I expect that to look like, or why I don’t look it,
but it is repeated over and over in my head.

There are a couple of ways to fix this. One would be to try to completely ignore it and convince myself that looking the part isn’t important. However, after all these years of trying
to do that I know that it won’t work for me. So instead of griping and letting it hold me down, I have to embrace it and foster it. After all, it would be kinda fun!

3) I don’t have the money.

This is everyone’s, isn’t it? We spent many years trying just to make ends meet, but so has everyone else.

A successful entrepreneur friend of mine once said “Its JUST MONEY.” She simply refused to allow it to hold her down. She knew that there were various ways to get out of
trouble if she got in it, namely filing for bankruptcy, She wasn’t afraid of it and made it a game to defeat it. She tried a number of small business before she found “the one” that has
now made her a multi-millionaire doing what she loves. And no, she never had to file, but she also didn’t allow the thought of it to scare her out of jumping in and giving it a go.

Anyway, those are my three biggest scripts. I am looking forward to reading what others have to say!

And thanks, Ramit – these exercises are amazing!


ana luiza rabello February 9, 2011 at 6:23 pm

I’m afraid of getting to a point where I don’t know how to do things, like being successful and having to go some other direction.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I don’t have enough time.

I have a good idea but don’t know how to sell it.


Emma Chace February 9, 2011 at 6:29 pm

I find all of the content you send to be valuable, and I know that the Earn1K course would be valuable. However as a current MBA candidate I feel like I am spending all this time
and energy learning how to “be great” at ______? I “fear” I will learn too much about how to do things without determining what to apply these skills to, and therefore the
knowledge will be useless.

Money and time are also issue since I’m student, but I realize those are just excuses.


Jack Thelen February 9, 2011 at 6:32 pm

1. I don’t have any good marketable product ideas.

2. Between my full time job and three kids, I don’t have the time to do anything extra.
3. In my current industry I fear going out on my own because of the necessity to travel and leave my young family behind on a weekly basis.


Jeremy February 10, 2011 at 2:55 am

Similar thoughts.

1. Waa…Any time I spend hustling/moonlighting is time away from my family, job, or sleep. Second kid is days away!
2. Waa…I am not sure which of my skills are valuable.
3. Waa…I am do not have networking skills and cannot find clients.


Kathleen February 9, 2011 at 6:33 pm

1. I am not cutthroat enough to make it in business. I learned this from hanging out with business people. They are like smart sharks, quick opportunists. I think of these types of
business people I would be up against instead of the few calmer, more sane people who are more like me, and who were just as successful.
2. I might make enough to be tempted to quit my job, and then I would have no safety net in case things got hard. This is true, but also not true, if one develops multiple streams of
income. Most self employed people I know have several options for making money if one way dries up temporarily.
3. If I tried really hard, I might be successful, and then I would know what I was capable of, and would be free, which is a strange and scary idea, to have no boss, no one
controlling my time except me. It’s almost too good to be true, and I wonder if it is just a daydream, if I am a sucker for trying.


Cole February 12, 2011 at 9:10 pm

#1 – I’m not really smart enough. I’m a relatively successful person… I’m a high-ranking executive in my mid-sized company, and I still feel like I won’t be bright enough to
get my own company started. Even though I launch all sorts of ideas/initiatives/campaigns in the company I work for, I somehow can’t believe that it would work if I were to
do it for ME.

#2 – My ideas won’t make any money. Again, even though I have ideas all the time that can and do make money for my company, I feel like starting from scratch on my will
fail because my ideas aren’t strong enough.

#3 – The initial investment would be too high. Considering that I haven’t actually made any attempts at investing any of my money in my own project, this is a dumb one. I
mean, I really don’t even know yet what the initial investment would be and I’m still afraid that it’s too high.

I know I’m late to the ball game, but I read many of the comments and it feels great to know that I’m not alone in these thoughts.


liz london February 9, 2011 at 6:33 pm

If I do what I am supposed to do to make these things happen in my life then I will have to be responsible for them and I think I am afraid of doing that, being responsible for other
things happening because what if they don’t ? Then I will look bad or like a failure. OR if they do then I will have to repeat the same thing again to prove myself.
I don’t like doing things to prove myself to others. I guess I am afraid of people finding out that I do not know what I am doing. Which if that is true then if I am doing it and it fails
then I will have learned something, huh?
If I earn more money then I have to be responsible for doing that and I do not know if I can do that or not.
This has manifested in my life by me not doing things to keep my income stream open and flowing as much as I would want it to. OR at least that is what the other side of me tells
myself when I am not in my script. Perhaps there are two scripts that are counter opposed, one that is negative and one that is more positive and they both cancel each other out
and the nothing gets done either way!


Tim Brauhn February 9, 2011 at 6:34 pm

1. I am, quite simply, not a good networker: No matter the event or the number of beers in me, I am not at all capable of starting a conversation or inserting myself into a group of
already-talking people. Seriously, it’s the simplest thing. That being said, if someone comes and opens the conversation with ME, the sky’s the limit. I can talk up a storm, be
engaging, even line up interesting opportunities. But a conversation self-starter…nope.

2. In the social sector (my home), I’m called upon to do lots of good things and volunteer my time and energy. My costs are usually covered (travel, food, etc.), so I don’t tend to
lose money on hanging out and helping, but damnit, someday I’d like to be thanked financially. Not much. But these are conversations that are very hard to bring up: “Hey, do you
think you folks could reward me for the work that I feel deeply compelled to do even at great cost to myself?”

3. People like Ferriss and even you (Ramit) are outliers. You’re not common, and your success pisses people off. It’s important to remember that your successes can be replicated,
but the bar to taking that leap is so high that most people don’t even get their feet off the ground.

4. Thinking about that last script made me think that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. The people who actually follow your plans become outliers, too. OK, I’m a sissy.

5. There, I said it.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

6. Thank you.


Chris B. Behrens February 9, 2011 at 8:52 pm

You and me both on #1, man. I’m an engineer, a fricking great one, but I can’t chat up a room. I can deliver a speech, a presentation, fine, but I don’t know how to network.


Michelle February 9, 2011 at 9:27 pm

Networking can be learnt! I’m an engineer too and 5 years ago I couldn’t have walked into a function and struck up a conversation if my life depended on it. But I practiced
and got better at it. Now it still scares me but it can be done. (There are tactics drop me a line and we can chat further)


Addy February 10, 2011 at 3:09 pm

Michelle is 200 percent right. Since I’m painfully shy (no one would guess it bc once I get to talking I don’t stop) I attend as many gut-wrenching conferences, talks etc
alone. I try to do a lot of things alone actually to get rid of the – what if people are judging me ?! pain.

Reading “How to Make Friends and Influence People” helped me a bit (all you need to know from there is that people like to talk about themselves) but really it’s just
doing it over and over and over again that counts. For me, the fear falls away just as soon as the conversation is started. Fake it till ya make it!


Zack February 10, 2011 at 3:32 pm

The first step to growth is to be honest with yourself. You have done this with this post. I applaud you.


Justin February 9, 2011 at 6:35 pm

1) I have no fear, just need a kick in the ass to get started…bring it on Ramit…can’t wait for the course!


Amy February 9, 2011 at 6:35 pm

1) I won’t stick to an idea

- I can’t tell you how many ideas I’ve had, gotten excited about, started working on, and gave up on before I ever really tried them. At some point I just lose the enthusiasm
because the reality of the idea suddenly seems too complicated or too hard or I rationalize that I don’t have time. Recently I started a blog, and so far I’m actually following
through with it. I think it’s a great idea and is filling a genuine need, and I’m a little shocked that it has held my interest this long, but a part of my mind is waiting for the other shoe
to drop. I’m doing my best to focus and commit to this project. I might set some kind of time limit… where I give 100% of my effort towards this project, and if it’s not working,
then I can drop it… but not before.

2) I need a partner
-The idea of having a partner, whether it is going to the gym or starting a business, seems very important to me. I have gone about a lot of things on my own, but if I am the only
one excited or passionate about something, I burn out. It feels like I need someone there with me to help motivate me and to be excited about a project when I no longer am. The
problem is of course that finding a good partner to work with can be HARD. I have done plenty of projects on my own and I can again. I do well with independence. But I feel
vulnerable and scared to do it alone, because ultimately I don’t think I can hack it by myself. I need to start small and build some successes, and if a partner comes along, great, but
I can’t be reliant on that to get started.

3) It’s not the right time

-A year ago, I was working full time and going to school at night, so I was waiting until I graduated with my MBA. Six months ago, I was job hunting, so I was waiting until I found
a new job and transitioned. Now, I’m waiting for… something. Until I earn a better emergency fund? Until I figure out what I want to do? Until my boyfriend graduates so we can
go into business together (something I want and he doesn’t)? When exactly WOULD be the right time? Like you said Ramit, it all comes back to fear, and I need to stop being
afraid and try SOMETHING to at least get the ball rolling.


Dan February 12, 2011 at 1:45 pm

I completely understand what you mean with both #1 and #2.

Regarding #1, I won’t stick to an idea, I can totally relate to what you said. Furthermore, I have too many related-but-too-different-to-combine interests that I keep jumping
between. One day I think “Ok, Ithis is it. I’ll forget about X and Y and from now on, all my time and effort will be devoted to Z.” and it works great for a day, a week, maybe
even a month, but eventually X and Y creep back into my mind and I have a cool new insight or feature or whatever that would makes that idea so much more interesting,
inticing or profitable that I find it hard to block it out and continue focusing on Z. The thing is, at least one if not more) of my interests could make a great startup, but the
thought of shutting out the other things that I love to spend time on – the ones which I have no idea how to monetize – scares me.

I want to work on all of my cool ideas, but can only work on one, so I get very little done on any.

As for number 2, I have tried both ways. I have worked with people, I have worked alone. My conclusion: I work a lot LOT better with somebody else. When I’m on my
own, I can (sometimes) get really focused and “in the zone” and get phenomenal amounts of work done. When I’m with someone else I can get distracted and do something
else instead.. At least,t hats what I always told myself.

BUT when I’m alone I get just as distracted – I’ll check my emails, check the latest hacker news post, see if anyone replied to my comment (BRB, checking right now – yep,
got a reply), or I get overwhelmed with the amount of work I have left to do, get distracted by the latest doodad or shiney piece of technology, or I learn something new and
want to redo something I already did to apply this new piece of knowledge (this happens a lot because I spend a lot of time learning and I’m too much of a perfectionist to do
something thats “just good enough”) or I lose motivation (probably because all the prior things I listed).

On the other hand, when I work with somebody else, I can avoid some of these problems. If that somebody else is physically here with me as we work (rather than working
remotely), then I can avoid all or close to all of these problems: I won’t check emails or messages or comments because somebody else is relying on me to get my work done
in a timely fashion (and will probably give out to me if I don’t). I won’t get overwhelmed at the workload because I know I won’t have to do it all myself and that I have help
and support. I won’t needlessly redo or redesign something thats already done, without a good reason to, because I have somebody else to discuss it with and to decide with if
its worth it or not (and to drag me back to reality when I need it). I won’t lose motivation as easily either because I have emotional support from somebody who is in the
same situation.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Knowing that makes it so much harder because I don’t have someone to work with right now and every time I go to start something I think “I shouldn’t do it alone” and then
I don’t even try. Which only reinforces that I can’t do it alone making it even harder the next time around. So, like you said, I’d love to have a cofounder to work with, “but I
can’t be reliant on that to get started”, because if I am (and right now, I sort of am, mentally), I never will get started.


Eugene Kuhns February 9, 2011 at 6:39 pm

My 3 most pressing scripts are:

I’m not smart enough.

This one came about from just a lifetime of missing tiny details and not doing that well in school. It’s an irrational fear because most of the time in school I was bored or not there to
learn the material. With details it’s because I am trying to focus on the bigger goal of the project. I’m slowly starting to change this by realizing that I’m smart enough to be trusted
with one of the world’s largest brands on a daily basis. I also listen to people like Ramit and Tim Ferriss talk about the 80/20 principle and focusing on big wins and realize that a
typo in the copy of 30 page website is not a big deal.

I need a large safety net to get started.

This one comes from growing up without much and finally having a few things going in my direction and being scared of losing it all. It really doesn’t make any sense to me
because I grew up poor and know that most people use that as an excuse to not change their ways. I got to where I am now and can most definitely do it again.

I don’t know anyone that can help me out.

This is a fear of asking people for help and appearing dumb. It probably ties back into my first fear of being seen as stupid. It’s really a dumb fear because right now there are
people down the hall from me that are making 6-figure salaries easily. I regularly talk to small business owners as a freelance web designer. These people ask me for help and
advice. I should be able to do the same.


Eric February 9, 2011 at 6:40 pm

1) “Nobody will pay for you to do that, they could do it themselves for free.”- I actually got his one yesterday when I helped my younger sister get her finances in order a little bit.
She was 2 months behind on some of her bills, had no idea how much money she actually had, or how much she could spend on things she likes to do. Our work together ended
with her immediately putting $1K into a savings account, automated savings which will have another ~$2K in there by the end of the year, and she knows that she can spend
$90/wk. on whatever she wants. At the end of all that, she STILL said that she wasn’t sure how I could charge anybody for it, since I really didn’t do anything that she couldn’t
have done herself. Thanks, sis.

2) “There are too many people doing it already.”- I DEFINITELY kill myself with this one. I would really like to be a personal organizer or personal financial coach (see fear 1).
Even writing this I am telling myself that those are both dumb ideas, because the interwebs are full of personal coaches like that. I know some of my friends have read IWT and still
haven’t done anything; what they really need is a motivator buddy, a more personal touch than just the book.

3) “Don’t have any good ideas/my skills don’t translate into freelancing”- I suppose this one stems from the first two, if I can’t charge and there are too many people, then the idea
that I really like is worthless. And I can’t think of anything else at the moment. My skills (administrative in nature) don’t immediately jump out as something people will pay top
dollar for.

So, how do I tackle these? I am gonna start with the easy one (#3, IMO). By the end of today, I will have a list of (at least) 25 good/upon initial consideration, viable ideas for
freelancing. I am not going to censor at all when I have an idea, but at the end of the day I want there to be some plausibles on the list.


John February 9, 2011 at 6:43 pm

1.) Starting a business on the side would take too much time away from my family who would then become resentful and unsupportive.

-I already earn some money playing in a band a couple times a month. Having to miss certain family activities has caused some strain in the relationship.

2.) I would have to invest too much time and money into my ideas before I would see any return, which would really hurt my budget.

-I have taken action on this one already, by starting to slowly purchase the equipment and supplies I need for one of my ideas. However, I’m not sure yet how to deal with the time
aspect, especially since I really need to move slowly to not break the budget.

3.) I don’t really have any marketable skills and I’m not really the right personality type to strike out on my own as an entrepeneur.

-This goes along with #2. Once I have some equipment, I can start working and developing my skills. This is something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but just never gotten around
to doing. I’m afraid that what I create won’t be worth anything to anyone but me. Also, I have no interest in dealing with the legal complexities of running my own business,
however I don’t even know what I mean when I say that–just fear of the unknown?


D. MacDonald February 9, 2011 at 6:43 pm

1) All my ideas are already being exploited … I would only do what as already been done
If the idea already exists somewhere, how can i give it a twist so that my version can be more interesting, with a plus value ? The minute I see that my idea is already made and
exploited … i drop it … maybe i should’nt do that …

2) I’m sure someone around me will just destroy my ideas …

Someone that knows better, or not … might just convince me that the idea is not worth the trouble … or maybe i have’nt found anything that really gets me in a passionate way. I
feel i have to be really passionate about your ideas to put them trough …

3)Somewhere down the line … it will fail

Fear of failure should not impede capacity to create or come up with a good idea and a way to put it forward in the “wild” … but it does. I could blame how I was not raise with
entrepreneurship values, but it would just not be a really good excuse. I know I have to try and accept that some ideas will fail, some efforts will amount to nothing … I have to try
and accept potential failure. I somehow find it hard to start working on an idea while knowing it could be a failure, the idea instantly looses it’s shining … it’s like a bad habit i have
to drop …

Script 1 and 2 are linked somehow with my fear of being judged, and my blockage on trusting my instinct …

Thanks Ramit … I somehow feel like i went and confessed some dreaded sins


Sarah February 9, 2011 at 6:44 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I’m afraid I’m not good enough to charge people for web design. How do you tell if you’re good enough? I can barely get it together enough to finish my (paltry) portfolio of work
online because of this crippling fear that I will embarrass myself.

I’m also exhausted all the time. Between long commutes, crippling insomnia, and being overwhelmed at my day job, all I want to do when I get home is lie on the couch with my
cats and watch all my DVRed episodes of Tabatha’s Salon Takeover. I’ve prioritized being rested over maximizing my potential.

I’m not even sure what to list third since these two are so crippling.


Amy February 10, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Sarah — I know exactly… EXACTLY… what you mean about not being sure that you’re “good enough” to charge people for web design. I’ve gotten into a better position
with this, and here’s what helped:

1) Practice and actively work to improve your skills, and

2) Find people who are good at design and ask them to honestly critique your work

The former will help you feel more confident in what you’re doing, and the latter will help you find the areas that need improvement (and also hopefully at some point give
you some level of “approval” from someone who you think does do good work).


Amy February 10, 2011 at 7:02 pm

Come to think of it, I deal with the latter issue as well. But I realized that for some reason it still feels relaxing to me to sit in front of the TV with my laptop — as long as
what I’m doing seems interesting and fun. So I work on my freelancing while I relax. It’s fun, so I’m still engaged and productive, but it doesn’t feel so much like work.


pj February 9, 2011 at 6:44 pm

Hey Ramit,
I actually joined Earn1K last year but haven’t been taking the course seriously and been putting it off waiting for “when I have time.” I’m a full time student with two part time
jobs (one of them doesn’t really add any value but it pays) so I always use the no time excuse. During the hustling course you got me to get off my ass and do something so I
applied to (a got) a $500 scholarship). But still that wasn’t enough to get me going so here are my fears:
1. I’m afraid of finding out that I suck at something. If I pick an idea and it doesn’t work out or my client isn’t happy with the result it will mean I suck at it.
2. I’m afraid of failing and becoming a loser. My family sold a relatively large business back when I was a kid. After we sold the business we went were quickly marginalized
because we no know longer have that base.
3. I’m afraid of not being to keep up (materially) with my friends. I want to start a business (or freelance gigs) and not get a “real” job after I graduate but I know that I will most
likely not make as much as I used to at least initially. So the fear of looking poor (or being poor) is keeping me from doing what I really want.
Thanks for what you are doing, Ramit!


WD February 9, 2011 at 6:44 pm

Hey Ramit!

I wanna share 3 of my invisible scripts with you:

- I could spend the money it took me so hard to save without seeing any result.
- Fear to finally not be the entrepreneur I think I would be (deception).
- Fear to have to get back to a job I don’t like because of bankrupcy.


Paul February 9, 2011 at 6:45 pm

Hey Ramit,
I am a software engineer and would like to write applications (web-apps, Android apps) to do two things a) get happy doing something apart from my day-job b) Make money while
doing so. While I have been reading a lot of stuff related to the stuff I want to do, the following are my assumptions/fears
1) I fear that my current level of knowledge is not good-enough, that I need to keep reading more, learning better tools (git, github for instance). I know that it is important to get
started and ship that 1.0 version of the product even though it it not perfect- but I never get to that point
2) I fear that my current visa status in the US (I am on a H1-B) does not legally allow me to make money on the side – that I can have only one employer and one source of income.
3) I dont have the time. This of course is not true – I think I am just plain lazy and have not been managing my time effectively.

Having said this, the last two weeks have not been so bad. Your recent emails and Gina’s new Android project ( has sparked my interest in Android. I have
made measurable progress in learning Android, setting up my project environment and am on my way to my first commit to Github. Also I have been thinking about a couple of
other side projects that I need to mock-up and start developing.

Thanks for your motivating emails. I truly appreciate it.


Jenny February 9, 2011 at 6:45 pm

My 3 invisible scripts:

I don’t have marketable skills. (I know objectively this is false; still the script remains.)
What skills I do have, no one would pay much for.
My primary skill (writing) isn’t “special” or “spectacular” enough, so there’s no way I can differentiate myself among the legions of other writers who are better or more
experienced than me (I’ve only been writing professionally for 10 years).

I actually have more (who doesn’t) but these are the top 3.


Jane February 9, 2011 at 6:47 pm

1) I have no time!

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

About a year ago, my company was considering closing down the location where I work and I was frantically on the job search, having just signed a 1 yr lease on an apartment.
This meant that almost every night I would scour job websites like Craigslist looking for new opportunities to apply to. This was a time killer, and largely unsuccessful. I realized
this, took a step back, and thought about how I could better use my time to look for new/better opportunities through people I know. I started networking and setting up meetings
with people, and quickly saw much better results. (Note: My company did not shut this location down and I am still working for them, but see #3)

2) I don’t have a graphic design portfolio, so I can’t do freelance graphic design!

I started Earn1K last summer/fall wanting to do freelance graphic design. Without a design portfolio, I was less confident in my skills and was unsure who would pay me for my
service. Instead of giving up or changing my idea, I offered to do one project for free for a long-time friend. Just completed the project–she is extremely satisfied, wants to work
with me more in the future, and plans to recommend me to all of her clients. And now, I have something to put in my portfolio.

3) I don’t have the skill set for [insert awesome new job here]!
Continuation from #1–I am currently job searching (now that it’s on my own terms, not my company’s) and am looking to leave the industry I am in now (interior design). This
seems difficult given the economy, but I’m not letting that stop me. I have applications in with a couple of very different companies and a recruiter from a large tech company even
contacted me. My skills are much more transferable than I originally thought!


Andrea February 9, 2011 at 6:47 pm

1. I think marketing and selling stuff online is kinda sleazy…and moreover, I think other people around me think that too. I’m worried about the judgement I’ll get from my peers if
I actually succeed at having the type of online, information-based, part-time business I want. I have an intense fear of the kind of judgement I’d receive at, say, cocktail parties,
when someone asks “what do you do?” and I reply that I have an online business of some sort.
2. People wouldn’t pay for what I have to offer. I’m an extremely frugal person by nature, and I’m one of those people (Ramit would call “losers”!) who doesn’t often “invest” in
myself by paying for online info products. I buy a fair amount of books, but almost nothing online. This might be tied into my “online businesses are sleazy” fear. As a result, I can’t
imagine asking other people to pay for my advice or services, since I personally wouldn’t shell out the money for that sort of thing and would just try to go it alone.
3. Asking for more money than you need to “just make a living” is a bad thing. This is a weird one, because I never look down on or judge entrepreneurs making a lot of money in
their field. But I’ve been raised to do most work charitably, or for free — I spent a large part of my youth providing free labor to various businesses in my field in exchange for the
learning experience, just because I enjoyed it and then later, because I felt obligated. The business owners had gotten used to me doing work for free and had come to rely upon it.
And the internet has taught me that information should be free, you should give away what you can and only charge enough to support yourself. So I have a really hard time
overcoming this bias and imagining myself actually asking for serious money for my services, other than a very small “reasonable” amount.


Mike Forrest February 9, 2011 at 6:50 pm

#1 My skills are too general in scope. I am not an expert at anything anyone would want to pay me more than $10/ hr for. – I am a jack of all trades and I love learning new things
so I learn the core of something then get bored with it and move on to something else rather than stick on one thing a deepen my knowledge there.

#2 If I go out on my own I will jeopardize my families security. – The company I currently work for is not that stable so I am fooling myself. In addition they do not have my best
interest at heart. I am a cog in their machine that can easily be replaced.

#3 I don’t have the time/energy to add one more thing. – 1 wife, 2 kids, 1 dog, old house, etc. all these take time to manage and end up taking all my time when not in the office. So
why not recapture that 1 hr a day and spend it on focused effort to diversify my revenue streams?


jojo miller February 11, 2011 at 3:35 am

You just wrote my list, basically. I have been pushing myself with Ramit’s challenges and been picking up accounting jobs, initially from a once-a-week, after-work
department “mtg” at our local pub. That has caught on fire, so now the wife helps out too. She told me yesterday she had to delegate to the oldest boy for some spread sheet
stuff but when I went through it, it was all good. He took accounting 1&2 course at tech school. My youngest son who works at the local grocer behind the meat counter
steers people to me all the time. Last month we pulled in $2300 extra from a grand total of 31 man-hours. OK, it’s not $100/hr but we aren’t stressing from it and we are
helping a lot of people out. We’re narrowing our niche down to “swamped with success?” . This let’s us build our business two ways. First, some people have great services
or products but don’t realize they are business people providing those items. They say, “I’m a seamstress” not ” I am a business person providing sewing and tailoring
services and products.” So while they execute, we document and steer them to their goals with better information through the numbers. These folks show up too busy with
executing to do the “business” stuff. They ARE swamped with success and we ease the stress of the success. The other folks that respond to our little 5.5″ x 8″ laminated
hand bills placed where my kids’ rock bands play, where we shop locally, barber shop, other businesses we account for, respond to the “Whether you can answer “Yes” or
“NO” (swamped with success?) we can demonstrate how to get to where you want to go! Call Jojo for an initial consultation and references. We’ll be glad to help!” Those
‘no’ people want answers for why their great idea isn’t going so well. I’m getting to the point now where I know I’m going to be raising my rates after Feb. 15 because we
need to narrow down our tax season base. I really WANT to charge more now, where I was afraid to do that before,so I can support my clients by being there for them, long
term and by modeling good practice to them.


Pinja February 11, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Mike’s #1 is my exact worst fear, I too love to learn and research new things but I’m not the “one specialty” type of person, I get bored too easily. This one ties with:

#2 I don’t have a good enough idea, that would hold my interest in the long term to enable me to make money from it

#3 is the age-old fear of failure, to be judged for something far more personal to me than my performance at work. If I’m on my own out there, it’s ME they are judging, not
my work persona.


Nan February 9, 2011 at 6:52 pm

#1 – I don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, and I’m not worth selling myself.
#2 – I don’t love any one thing enough to be truly passionate about it and make money.
#3 – I don’t have enough experience in my industry to strike out solo (this is a real biggie for me)

Honestly, I lack a lot of confidence as a professional. I was laid off recently, and despite the fact that it wasn’t my fault, I couldn’t believe how ashamed I felt – it was a huge blow
to how I perceive myself as an employee. Luckily my husband is a natural at this “multiple streams” concept – he has at least 4 at any given moment, so we’re getting by just fine –
It just further deflates me knowing that I’m not actively contributing to our future, and he’s working full time with 3 side gigs.

Ramit – I’m really glad you wrote this, and I almost wish it was one of your first posts in this series. Although I’ve been taking some legitimate action with your exercises the past
few days, I really haven’t had confidence enough to do much more than “go through the motions”. I’m looking forward to more quality posts!


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Matt February 9, 2011 at 6:52 pm

First off my idea is to sell an online course to small business owners. Its based on a class I already teach for small business owners in the extended learning program at a local
community college.

Here’s my invisible scripts:

#1: Its going to take a ton of time/energy and I’m not sure the payoff is going to be worth it.

Analysis: I already have the whole class laid out based on my in-person class, I would just have to record myself teaching it using screencasting software. I am busy with a fulltime
job and teaching at the college on the side, but thats no excuse. I could take a weekend plus maybe 2 vacation days and get everything created for the online course. I know that it
wouldn’t actually take that much to get the class content created, but every time I think about this project, my first reaction is a sort of visceral dread about how much work its
going to take. The next thought I have is usually about how that visceral reaction is wrong (ie. I tell myself that I can do it and it won’t actually take that much time/energy), but
that first gut reaction still comes up. As for payoff – thats directly related to my invisible script #2:

#2: I have a list of 20 people who couldn’t take my class at the college because it was full so I know they would probably be interested in taking this class online, but beyond that I
don’t know if I’m going to be able to get anyone else to join the class.

Analysis: I don’t have experience with marketing online courses, but the fact that my physical class at the college is in such demand that 40 people signed up for a class with only
20 slots means that clearly there is demand out there for what I’m teaching. Every quarter I get extremely high marks in the student feedback, so clearly my course is high quality. I
don’t need to reach every small business owner out there – if I even reach only a tiny fraction of them, then I’ll be able to get enough students to run my course and make it
worthwhile for me financially. This invisible script is more about the fear of the unknown than my first script, which was more about laziness I guess.

#3: The technology side is going to be a pain.

Analysis: I’m a very web savvy guy, and while its true that there may be some annoying parts about dealing with the technology needed to put on an online course (ie. webinar
services, hosting videos, setting up a website, payment processing, etc.), I’m sure its stuff that I can figure out ways around. Or if I really can’t then, I can easily hire someone on for just a little money to do it. This invisible script is more like #1 in that fundamentally its about being lazy and wanting to avoid doing work.

I’ve been thinking about these invisible scripts since Ramit first wrote about them in January, but I think it has been helpful in writing them down more concretely and analyzing
them. Its time to motivate and start hustling!


Dmitri February 9, 2011 at 6:52 pm

1) I fear I don’t have enough time management skills. That, in taking on new freelancing projects or clients, I will overcommit and over-promise, and then either not be able to
deliver, or spend all my time in the evenings working on it and feel too exhausted, have my wife think I’m a workaholic or never want to spend time with her, etc.

2) I fear invoicing. I realize it’s ridiculous and irrational, but there have been completed projects that I’ve let be un-invoiced for months on end. (And then, of course, that makes it
harder to invoice, because why didn’t I do it earlier, and it’d look weird, etc).

3) I fear that I can’t think of any compelling /products/ to offer. I know I can offer my services (programming & web development), but I feel like I should be doing something
product-based, that freelancing at hourly rates is just a treadmill. I want to work on products, but don’t think I can.. which.. hmm. is preventing me from freelancing just hourly, too.
Not good.


Zaid Rasid February 9, 2011 at 9:49 pm


Dawn February 10, 2011 at 1:42 am

I know of other professionals that use Freshbooks and they recommend it.


Jeff February 9, 2011 at 6:52 pm

My main 2:

- lack of focus on the big picture–get sucked into small busy tasks rather than dedicated time to planning & executing big projects on a daily basis (some days are better than

- marketing paralysis — not sure which way to get ‘started’ marketing my photography business to ad agencies / pr firms — cold calls vs personal email vs e-flyers … I have not
had much success with last 2; my best gig to date came from some volunteer work I did for a networking event (which put me on their site as a sponsor) that landed me a 7-day
$20k+ project! I have not been able to replicate any projects that size in the past 2 years. :-S


j donahue February 9, 2011 at 6:54 pm

#1. Will be taking money from my family/children while I get anything off the ground.
#2. Will get halfway in and then realize I either hate it or suck at it.
#3. No clear idea of what “it” is.
#4. The world doesn’t need another folk singer, gardener, painter, writer, designer.
#5. Success at anything I am good at (for example, decorating) would be more embarrassing than happifying. I should have been a neurosurgeon or computer geek. Something
important. And practical.
#6. I will have to sell and I don’t much like talking, much less negotiating and persuading.


Brett February 9, 2011 at 6:55 pm

Here are my three scripts/beliefs.

1. Despite having advanced degrees (from real schools) and having worked on large start-up projects for other entrepreneurs. I -for some reason- feel that I’m simply not smart
enough to do what they do. Thus, I am always in a state of preparation, always learning more than I need and not applying it.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2. I feel that I have to learn to do everything myself, and be able to execute those things flawlessly.

3. Living a life of ”quiet desperation” while tucked away in an industrial cubical farm.


Cameron February 9, 2011 at 6:55 pm

“I want to have proof of performance before charging for consulting in a new field to me”
This means that I do not have something to show to my very first prospect/customer identifying proficiency in this subject ie some form of past performance or an experience I can
share as to previous client interactions and successes.
“ I do not yet feel comfortable with all the steps involved in consulting to marketing myself.”
I have an idea of the groundwork to begin a foundation yet some phases such as mapping out the actual service and tools that will aide in accomplishing the clients goals are still
vague (getting clearer as I do more research and action with social media related topics yet still at the point where I am not pulling the trigger as much as I should and rolling out
some of the campaigns I have thought of such as advertising on craigslist).
“I have yet to confirm my key target niches to offer services to ie foundation paralysis”
In terms of offering social media consulting services for companies and individuals to attract their target market and increase exposure there is a very wide range of possible niche
markets yet I am still stuck in the initial phases of thinking about who to tailor services too.


yasmin February 9, 2011 at 6:55 pm

#1 – I’ll be excited to get started in this program – then I’ll let something get in the way and I won’t follow through (like I have done with SO many other things in the past). Then
the money spent on the program will end up being a waste.

This is my most tangible fear…I have problems following through: dieting, exercise, getting on a dance team, whatever, I get started all gung-ho to start then…the excitement just
goes away. Another project unaccomplished…please tell me there’s others like this…what do I do to fix it?

#2 – My ideas won’t ever amount to anything.

Basically it’s a fear of failure…What if I do follow through and one day turning it into a viable business that gets more complex. It makes me nervous. I won’t know how to handle
it if it gets too big. I don’t know how to manage others, hire people, run a business…stress…Exactly what I’m trying to avoid to begin with.

#3 – I’ll lose interest half way through it. Especially if it brings in no money for all the time I’ve spent trying to build it up.

At first my concept sounds great. It will start out slowly making money then I’ll scamper off to another idea that’s shiny and new…like a puppy with anew toy…!


vivian February 10, 2011 at 12:37 am

Yasmin, you are definitely not alone in #1! I like FlyLady’s theory that we often get super excited about starting new habits, and so we tell ourselves we will change our ways
all at once. It’s practically impossible to change multiple habits at once without burning out. Heck, it’s hard to even change ONE habit for 28 days! So we need to allow
ourselves to really focus on just one or two small things at a time, and to recognize that just because we slipped up once, it doesn’t mean we’re a total failure and we should
give up. We’re only human. Get back on your feet and try again.


vivian February 10, 2011 at 12:39 am

Also, as far as maintaining interest/excitement/motivation — go back to Ramit’s 5 Whys, and get down to the deepest reason for WHY you are starting this new
project or habit. And then remind yourself of that reason, every day.


Suzie February 9, 2011 at 6:55 pm

1. I had my chance, and I blew it. I had the client list, the rates, the business cards, I was on a part-time job so I had the time. Conditions were perfect, but I didn’t make it happen. I
got depressed, angry, got into debt, got scammed by an ‘advertising’ firm, ended up going full-time at the job. I still have clients, but the work is minimal. Why did I not make it
work? What makes me expect to do any better this time around? Why waste money and effort when I know it won’t work out?

2. To be successful you have to work 20 hours a day, function on minimal sleep, ignore your loved ones and friends, treat social occasions completely as marketing opportunities.
You can’t possibly expect to make a living straight away, it’s a long hard road to riches and you’ll lose most of your friends and family on the way. <—- I don't know where this
one came from, or why I think like this. Maybe because high-earners have always tried to justify it by saying how hard they work? I'd rather they said how smart they worked!

3. I'm the girl who at 16 got invited to freelance artwork for an international magazine and screwed it up. Oh WAIT we are back to fear number one again. How many 'second
chances' do I get??


Karlos Laws February 10, 2011 at 1:42 am

Re 3 – You can create as many second chances as you want. You’re not given a finite amount.


Stephanie February 10, 2011 at 7:15 am

I share your fear of success coming at the cost of personal relationships, potentially at the cost of your health (little sleep, letting things like regular exercise and sensible
meals slide). Ramit’s comments on what he had to sacrifice to get the IWTYTBR book written and published does little to allay my anxiety on this one.


Michael Enquist February 9, 2011 at 6:56 pm

1. Biggest fear: that I am going to fail at this (whatever “this” is) the same way I’ve failed at everything else. The last word going through my brain at night and the first word
entering it in the morning is “LOSER!”

2. That being successful requires “people skills.” I just got fired from my tutoring job because I wasn’t able to “connect” with the students. No one in the company was able to
explain what they meant by “connect.” It seems to be one of those magic things that a person either knows how to do or does not. If you are born with it, you can be happy and

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

successful, if not, too bad for you!

3. Following on from #1: If I am partly successful at the beginning of an endeavor, that I will sabotage my own efforts because being successful does not comply with my

You say on your website that you would rather help A-’s become A+’s in 3 months than help C’s over 3 years. Fair enough. But I would think, after all this time of working with all
these smart people, like Tim Farris, for example, that you would have met or at least heard of people who DO have the interest and ability to help losers like me, and be able to put
together a tab on your website entitled “If you think yourself a loser, look here,” with links to ideas for losers to learn how to not be losers.

As you say above, if looking on the internet were enough, I would have been able to find some website about how to stop being a loser and used what they wrote.

Here’s the problem: I’m impoverishing my family because I cannot keep a job. I either get fired from the ones I really like, such as tutoring, because they require the magical
“connection,” or I quit because they are so dull and soul-crushing that I take out my frustrations on my family when I get home – and that certainly isn’t fair to them. But neither is
it fair to keep my family in near poverty because I can’t figure out how to live in a world where people expect you to “connect” with them.

You make lots of promises about how your course will help people rise above what’s holding them back, learn how to really delve into customer’s needs and focus on those
activities that lead to improvements in one’s business and income. Fine and dandy. From what you post for free, I can see that you are an excellent aggregator and synthesizer of
the ideas of others. Those are important roles to play in the market, just as important as being a creator of completely new ideas.

But I need to know if you know how to “connect” with a client like me, who struggles every day with the self-fulfilling prophecy that no matter what I do, I will fail.


Michael Enquist February 9, 2011 at 7:31 pm

After reading all the other post so far, and all the rest that came in while I was reading down to my post, I have to say this exercise is very encouraging.

Here’s why:

All you folks have many fears that are exactly the same as mine. My supportive nature makes me believe that YOU CAN SUCCEED, you just need some encouragement, a
belief in planning, and/or a success buddy. (see note, below)

Believing that about YOU gives me a ray of hope through the clouds of despair, “Well, if I think THEY can do it, and their fears are just as encumbering to them as my fears
are to me, then I guess I can do it, too!”

That’s my analysis then: Knowing that all of you have similar fears and believing that YOU can do it helps me believe that I can.

Note: I know I need a success buddy, so if one or more of you folks posting here is willing to help, send me a message via my blog:

You’ll notice that my blog has not been updated much… another one of those things I started and lost interest in because I thought it would make me look foolish – just like
many of you!


Heather E. Ross February 11, 2011 at 9:36 am

I love your idea of a button “If you think yourself a loser, look here.” I can really relate to that feeling. For me, I think it comes from growing up where parents were hyper-
critical. So, what to do when we feel as if we’re losers? It has helped me to read and do the exercises in books such as “Dare to Win” by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor
Hansen and “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, by Dale Carnegie. I also write out, post and repeat aloud daily positive affirmations, such as “I am a creative,
focused, and energetic career coach”, “I coach clients to greater focus and success”, and “I daily attract people who want to work with me”. If I feel nervous when I am
saying it, or I laugh, I know that it is exactly the thing I need to be saying out loud. I have read, “As a man thinketh, so is he”. I find that positive affirmations help to change
my thinking, and therefore, my situation.

As far as “connecting” with people, for me, practice has really helped. I make sure that I put myself in a lot of social situations, be they church, volunteer work, or
get-togethers with other families. All of these help me to get out of my fear. I start by asking the other person an open-ended question. As Carnegie says, people like to talk
about themselves. So I might ask, “How old are your children?”, or “Where do you work?”. When these questions are answered, I am usually able to think of a follow-up

So, best wishes with creating new “self-fulfilling prophesies”!


Tom Siegel February 9, 2011 at 6:56 pm

1. I don’t have enough experience/credentials to pitch myself as an expert.

I have plenty of experience in the music industry as a former audio engineer, but not the “new” music industry and I haven’t been working in audio for years now. There are others
that have more expertise than me. Why would anyone want to be a part of my club? I know that the information that I find and convey to friends and people I meet is valuable to
them… They’ve told me so. I just have a hard time basing an entire business plan on that.

2. I don’t have time.

I really feel like I don’t. I know there are nooks and crannies in my time, but I have a full time job, a one-year-old and a five-year-old. I go to work, come home and be a parent and
when the kids are in bed I start doing dishes and cleaning up from the day’s chaos. There isn’t much time left over and if there is, there isn’t much energy. But I know that if I want
this, I have to actually use what I have for time, work more efficiently at my job and maximize my energy. It just always seems hard to line all that up.

3. This is a pie-in-the-sky idea.

I often have this feeling that this stuff isn’t really feasible. I mean does this really happen for people? Not all that often. Why should it happen for me? This is the worst one.


Tom Siegel


Raf February 9, 2011 at 6:56 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#1 Getting on the phone and calling up people and see if they are interested in what I offer
#2 Going out and actively searching for places and DJs that would have me jam with my jazz flute on top of their music for 100 euros. No actual fear, just lazyness probably


Brian S February 9, 2011 at 6:58 pm

#1. I’m not an expert at any one thing in particular. Everyone will find out I am a fraud.

#2. My wife will be pissed when I sink a bunch of money into a business idea that fails (especially since we’re having a baby in 2 months…)

#3. My ideas are lame, no one would pay me. I don’t know what I want to do…


Daniel Goffe February 9, 2011 at 6:59 pm

1) I’m just a college student. No one cares what I think.

This is huge for me. I am working on my degree and wonder if anyone would actually pay me to write or consult for them.

2) I have no savings. Spending money trying to freelance is a waste and you need to save.
I’m really starting to look at sites to start freelancing (elance, constant content) and am figuring out that the start up cost is really just the “cost” of watching tv.

3) You need to get a “real” job to support your self, not just random income.
I am scared that the money won’t be steady and I won’t be able to sustain it.


Alex February 10, 2011 at 1:03 am

As another college (university) student, my fear scripts are pretty much the same as yours:
1) Never having worked full time as an employee, I don’t know if I know enough about any one industry to begin freelancing in it. (So don’t have the know-how, the
networks etc.)
2) I have no savings. I actually did have some savings which I’ve put towards my own small resume-writing business, which should be an income stream which covers the
bases for the next few years while I try to build up other income streams and finish off uni.
3. I have no one thing that I’m passionate about, but lots and lots of interests – and I want to find a way to put investing, writing and social entrepreneurialism together.

I think there are an endless number of scripts for anyone at any stage of their life, be it young (“I’m too young to go solo”), old (“I’m too old to start again”), single, married,
with kids, blah blah blah. We just have to go for it, regardless.


Sona February 9, 2011 at 7:00 pm

I don’t have enough time. I already have a million and one things to do. I’m not sure I can take away from my “me” time to try and make more money.

What happens if I don’t succeed? Will I be able to deal with those consequences?


Naomi February 9, 2011 at 7:03 pm

#1 not knowing what to focus on – so I try to do too many things – with lower results. Could be just masking a fear of failing.
#2 Worrying that I’ve wasted too much time already – too late to start on something amazing
#3Telling myself I could be deluded with some of my plans – like I couldn’t actually get them done.

Hmmm. Seems to be an overriding fear of failure.


Lauren February 9, 2011 at 7:03 pm

My scripts:

1. I don’t know where to start. – With any new project I am always unsure of where to start. When I am in my comfort zone, I can always figure it out. I like to have some
hand-holding so the future doesn’t seem so overwhelming.

2. I am not sure i have a good idea or any idea. – I tried things in the past (See #3) but I was not successful enough then, so do i have a good idea or should i try to find a new idea. I
think trying to find the idea is the hardest thing, because the fear of failing happens in multiple ways.

3. I tried a side business and had only limited success. – I was unable to grow past a certain point, partly because the day job paid a lot more, and the business i picked was hard to
do on lunch hours, weeknights, and weekends.

4. My time to do things is limited as I am using some spare time now to take a class and to teach a class. I want to make sure I have time to decompress and enjoy my social life
without giving up the things I am doing now (See #3 for the cautionary tale).

All of these are based on fear of failure of some kind.


Lauren February 9, 2011 at 7:07 pm

Forgot to add what I would do to change things. I think just sharing what I am afraid of helps to minimize the fears and allows me to address them.

By reading Ramit’s blog posts, I am gaining skills and techniques to overcome my fear. I am revisiting the time management techniques and a post on ideas to help me move
forward. The next thing to do is to test the assumptions I have and the ideas I come up with.


Greg February 9, 2011 at 7:05 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#1 My services aren’t worth paying big money for.

I’m afraid to charge a large price for my products and services. The reason is that at work, I routinely see huge amounts of money spent on relatively-worthless things made by
sleazy companies, and I’m afraid of being one of those companies.

#2 Leaving your extremely stable but unfulfilling job is the worst strategic mistake you can make.
I’m afraid to leave this job, since if I leave, it’s practically-impossible to return. Also, as the saying goes, “It’s easier to find a job if you have a job.” I also don’t know how to
explain the gap in my resume to a prospective employer if I have to resort to a 9-5 again.

#3 The projects I worked on were basically failures, so I have nothing to show prospective clients/employers.
I’m afraid to use my research projects as a portfolio to employers since most if not all of them are obscure and/or shelved by management. I did my part on them to the best of my
ability and produced good work, but research is very hit-or-miss. I haven’t been on anything that was a “hit” yet.


Theo February 9, 2011 at 7:08 pm

1 – I don’t have any sellable skills to go freelance: I’m an accountant who has never worked with accounting. I spent over two years doing crappy jobs abroad to pay my bills and
fund an English course. Now, I’m living in my country again, with no experience and trying to catch up with all the changes to my profession that happened over the period I was
living abroad.
-> I’ve been studying a lot and reading lots of job descriptions (of all areas) to try to find a position that matches my skills. No luck so far.

2- I don’t have money to set up a business: I have ideas, but would not be able to afford even a domain registration at the moment. (Is it a fear or an actual obstacle ?)
-> I’m searching for a job or a capitalist partner. No luck so far.

3 – It’s hard to set up an online business without technical knowledge: I’m kinda afraid of hiring someone. What if they steal my idea ? I need to build network with software


Jonathan Vaudreuil February 9, 2011 at 7:08 pm

1) I need all my ducks in a row before I make a huge push to find more work, both online and offline.

It’s the perfectionism in me. When I was growing up I collected comic books, and if a series I read had an issue with multiple covers I had to buy them all. When I first got into
sales I spent my first 6 months just selling, and my second 6 months trying to learn everything about selling because I started to realize I could get better. The more I learned, the
less capable I felt, so what did I do? Study sales concepts more. I reversed this when I got to the start-up and was told, “We need sales or we close.” The time will never be perfect,
just do it, Jonathan.

2) Even though I have (a) run another person’s start-up, (b) been a sales and marketing manager, (c) been a keynote speaker, and (d) started my own business, I’m going to struggle
to find start-ups and small businesses who want to hire me for marketing/sales consulting and speaking.

I actually got smart about sales and marketing to the point where I came up with ways of doing things I’ve never read about. They helped me tremendously, and they worked for
my team when they followed my lead. I’ve also gotten so much positive feedback when I give talks. One big night was when I gave a talk for 150 people at my alma mater. My
professor was blown away, and later a student came up to me and said, “Some people are born to do certain things – speaking is yours.”

3) I may never be as good as Ramit, Pam Slim, Chris Brogan, Steve Crescenzo, Merlin Mann, etc., at what I want to do, and therefore may never really make an impact with my
businesses (let’s not even bring up LORDGODKING Seth Godin here).

I have little interest in keeping up with the Joneses when it comes to material possessions, but I feel so inadequate trying to build an e-mail and blog subscription list up when I see
such a gulf between me and the people I look up to. I forget you were all like me once, someone with skills, experience, one’s own perspective, and dreams. Some people around
me don’t really get what I’m trying to do, but my best friends do and my wife does. They’re supportive.

Baby steps, right? I’ve been doing baby steps and I’m already getting more done, which includes conquering these scripts. I’ve decided to get some of my ducks in a row, just
enough to say “looks good, next!” I’ve decided my initial plan of action to get in front of people and see how it works. And I need to remember that not everyone has – or needs –
a blog/e-mail list 50,000+ people read to be successful. I just need to do my thing and find my people.


N February 9, 2011 at 7:08 pm

Ah, full disclosure. This will be unpleasant. And hard. Thanks for making me do it (really). Now, stand back.
1) Looking back, my constant fear has been ‘the fear of inadequacy’. Despite straight As/scholarships/awards I still live with this fear.
2) I feared the ‘conventional’ – especially the overworked near-meltdown existence of most professionals I met. What keeps me awake now is self doubt. Second guessing myself.
3) Mavericks always draw some sniggers from the regulars, irrespective of their success. Deep down I want to be admired/respected by those in the know. My fear is not being
taken seriously by conventional peers.


Jason Lee February 9, 2011 at 7:09 pm

- Its not that I don’t have the time, I think its moreso I’m afraid of committing to the investment and taking the risk.
- I also can’t think of any ideas that would suit this…
- Lastly, I have a tough time presenting ideas in front of people, actually I just have a crazy amount of stage fright.


Marko February 9, 2011 at 7:10 pm

1. Since I am in market research for idea, I fear that a market in my country, Serbia, will show no interest in the service – which is online schedule app for patient appointments at
the doctor’s or dentist’s office.

2. I fear that I will have tough time selling my service either to doctors or dentists.

3. I am affraid that I will not be able to gain steady monthly income.


JR February 9, 2011 at 7:10 pm

1. I’m a good musician, but I have no teaching experience. I’ve told myself for a long time that I would never be able to start charging for music lessons because nobody would

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

want to pay someone who has never taught before, no matter how strong of a performer I might be.

2. I’ve always been afraid I couldn’t make much money giving lessons. The guy I took lessons off of in high school was great at what he did, but time and again he would mention
that he sometimes had a tough time making a living at it. That made me so afraid that I decided not to major in music in college, rather opting for what I thought was a safer, more
employable major (poli sci, which has turned out to be much more difficult to find meaningful employment in than I would have ever thought going into college).

3. My place is a dump, and I’d be embarrassed to bring students in for lessons.


Phil St.Arnaud February 9, 2011 at 7:12 pm

1- I’m afraid of making a commitment to a client

I’m always thinking of new projects I can start. However, my interest in them is fleeting. I start working on something passionately for a few weeks before losing interest and
starting something new, meaning I never finish anything. I’m afraid it’ll be the same with my freelancing idea. What if I commit to doing something for a few months but I find it so
boring after a couple of week that I can’t bring myself to continue?

2- I’m afraid that my lack of social skills will prevent me from finding clients

I have terrible social skills. I’m very bad at networking and even at staying in touch with my friends. Meeting new people is very hard for me and I never know what to say and
what to ask them. The idea of having to reach out to people to find clients is terrifying.

3- I’m afraid that I won’t live up to other people’s expectations

I want to be the best at what I do and this is often paralyzing. I will often avoid doing things if I don’t think I can come up with the perfect solution. I have actually missed a couple
of freelancing opportunities because of this last year.


Carolina February 9, 2011 at 7:12 pm

My top 3 scripts:

1. There is already someone out there doing this. No one will want my product/service. FEAR: There is not enough money/customers/suppliers/etc. in the world so why bother.

2. I will look like a fool to my family, friends, co-workers, contacts if/when I don’t succeed. FEAR: Failure.

3. People won’t want to be my friend anymore; family will ask me for favors and want me to pay their bills. I won’t know who my real friends are. FEAR: Success.

#2 and #3 have taken lots of therapy, reading, and meditation to overcome and I am almost there. #1 is still an obstacle but it is easier to trudge on when failure is considered an
acceptable outcome.


Eric L February 9, 2011 at 7:13 pm

My main two are:

* I think I wont have enough time to do it or respectiveley that it will consume too much of my free time. Intellectually I know its complete bullshit, but still my mind brings it up
every time.

* The other one is fear of failure, but not so much fear of failing at earning money on the side but more that I talk to my first client, do a wonderful presentation, he hires me and
then I totally fail to deliver what I promised.


RamitGroupie February 9, 2011 at 7:14 pm

1. I hate having to sell myself and be aggressive to get business, contacting people and such; I want people to come to me. I know that is antithetical to the old “every ‘no’ is a step
closer to ‘yes’!” and “at least you’re trying!” approach, but truthfully, yes, it is a major block for me. There must be some way around it that works for my personality, but I don’t
know what that is. I really would like to work smarter, not harder. I really am not a networker.

2. I had a very sweet government job, great pay, 6 weeks vacation, and things were set: until I got married and moved away where I have to start from scratch. Ugh. That was a
very specific kind of situation, and I can’t duplicate it. I should look at my life now as an opportunity to do even better, to tailor my income production to the way I want to live,
but it is hard to struggle for something that I used to have easily. Funny thing, I was a divorced mom and worked my ass off for a few years before I got that job, which at the time
seemed heaven-sent. I worked 7 days a week, never turned down any way to make money, and then that job came up- relief! It’s not like I don’t know what hard work is.

3. Perhaps this is not the forum, but we are talking honestly about our blocks to making money- there is an ambivalence in me because I feel like money equals power, and that it
entitles you to be the boss. In a marriage, this is tricky. On the one hand, it’s great to be an equal partner. On the other hand, both my husband and I are pretty traditional and I
don’t know how things would be if I started raking in money and throwing my weight around. I think I have that tendency- I have strong ideas about money and could be a bully, I
think. So there’s a weird obstacle there that is hard to figure out.

This is what you get for letting women in, Ramit! We can have very different blocks, I think, somewhat of a different flavor. This post has really made me think. Thank you!


GG February 10, 2011 at 3:26 am

Totally get what you mean in your first one. Same here. Its frustrating. But as you must know by now, opportunities wont come to knock our doors by themselves. Hope you
and I find a way to get over this issue. Luck.


Joseph Erickson February 9, 2011 at 7:15 pm

1. What if it takes up too much time? – If I’m programming applications for people, how do I make sure that I don’t get called at all hours for support issues, either legit or
“emergency” changes from the user. I’ve always been good about not letting work cut into my family time, which is just way more important for me. I’m afraid going freelance will
make me more of a slave to these emergencies than I am now at my corporate job. (I mean, what are they going to do, fire me?) I fully unit test all my applications and rarely let a
bug get by me in general, but you still never know.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2. What if someone sues me and I lose everything? What if my application or the server the application is running on blows up and deletes all the user’s data and it gets blamed on
me? I know I can set up as an LLC to try and prevent this but I still fear losing everything. I’d actually like to know how often this happens because I really don’t know. Also,
setting up an LLC is a pain come tax time since I’ve had one before. But then again, I didn’t make any money with that one so I wasn’t too excited about paying a CPA to help me

3. What if I spend a ton of time on a bunch of non-sales? What if I sink a ton of time setting up materials and presentations and doing the sales thing (which I hate) and I can’t get
people to sign on? I could have spent that time elsewhere instead (without sales, I don’t know where else I could have spent it). I actually think this is masking something at a
deeper level, but I don’t know what. Maybe how much energy gets drained when I talk to people trying to sell my services? I find any kind of sale call or client communication
very draining and then I just want to do low energy activities the rest of the day, which are usually worthless activities since programming is definitely a focused, high energy
activity for me. Restructuring my workday might help with this, (or better yet, workweek since then I could designate a certain day to client follow up/new sales activities).


Dawn February 10, 2011 at 1:50 am

#1 – When you start a contract with people, spell out your working hours in the contract. Also spell out that “off-hours” or “holiday” support will charge X, meaning 1.5 or
2x.or whatever markup you need. This way if you *are* disrupted by an emergency, the client knows in advance that they are paying a premium for you to fix something
NOW, as opposed to waiting until the next morning. It’s about managing expectations.

#2 – You can put legal jargon in your contracts that limits the amount that people can sue you to. Take a look at any of those “Click accept to agree and continue” things no
one reads and clicks through. I have an LLC and I have never seen it as a hassle come tax time. Either you file a 1065 partnership return and get a schedule K or file via your
personal 1040 with a schedule C. I use a program like TaxAct to help me.

#3 – Perhaps think of it more as you are *helping* them solve a problem, solve a pain point. Yes, you are presenting the benefits of your solution, but in the end you are
providing something for their benefit.

I hope this helps.


Alexander February 9, 2011 at 7:16 pm

1. “Nobody likes a pushy salesman (and ANY selling is being a pushy salesman.)”
An attitude holdover from the networking marketing business I tried – I was terrible at it because I KNEW people didn’t need this stuff, and couldn’t honestly pitch anything.

2. “I’m just a young guy, who would listen to me? There’s lots of people out there who know more than I do about anything I’m good at.”

3. “I’m not actually meant to be rich. It’s just not going to happen.”
Grew up middle-class and I’m used to living paycheque-to-paycheque, especially since I’m finishing university and have been paying my own way through it. I’ve started to
automate my finances though to make sure I’m saving each month.


Shannon February 9, 2011 at 7:16 pm

1. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to handle the business as it grows.-

This stems from being a DIY person and wanting to control all aspects of business. (My husband and I already own a FT business but I want to do something MYSELF on the side
which I already started.) I worry I won’t be able to handle two businesses. Also, I’m wondering if the 2nd business is the right one. I’m making profit but what if there was a better

Strategy I am implementing: I set a deadline and will re-evaluate then . But for now, I’ll just keep going.

2. I don’t like to self-market and I am introverted – I’ll do it but not as much as I should. I’m a really private person and don’t like attention. I feel I have a disadvantage being an
introvert and don’t have the right connections. I’m afraid people wont like me.

Strategy I am implementing: Start with baby steps (b/c they work vs. a big plan) and increase my social skills. Eventually it will get easier & easier the more I do it and give myself
permission to do so.

3. Dealing with people is a hassle. – I find this mostly true in both businesses I can’t exactly pick my customers. That either means I learn to deal with it or try another field?

Strategy I am implementing: Not sure on this one. Most would suggest raise prices but being product oriented that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.


Jonathan February 9, 2011 at 7:17 pm

I don’t have the time.

No one would actually pay money for my skills.
People will think I am weird.
If I create a side business I could miss out on other areas of my life I need to improve on.
I don’t have the extra income to start a business.


Marvin February 9, 2011 at 7:19 pm

1. I’m not ready.

This is because I read a lot of stuff about everything that I’m interested in, and people and “experts” often tell you on all those things that “you need to gear up,” “get ready,”
“practice more,” and plan at least a year or some shit ahead of you.

2. I’m totally scared of failing in front of everybody.

I hate facing the “i told you so” line, and often times even if I want to jump on something and take the lead it stops me. This is probably a family thing. Entrepreneurs or freelancers
find it hard to explain to the fam that what we are doing is worth something. I’m also a musician and I want to make it a professional career but my parents are like “what?” every
time I talk to them about it. so i always end up on the sideline of it, just another step and there I am. but then I always tend to go back to “being normal” and look for a corporate
job just to prove I am worth something. Pathetic i know.

3. I’m not sure what to do.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I read and know a lot of stuff and people tell me I’m good at them. that’s exactly the problem. I’m not a master of anything. I play the guitar, I sing, I compose my own songs, I
write nonfiction and fiction and I’m also good at tech stuff. I can probably start my own business since I’ve read tons of books about it. That is my problem, I can’t focus on one
thing. I’m afraid that I might not be able to do other things once I devote my time with a single goal.


N February 9, 2011 at 7:19 pm

(Enthusiasm. Hit enter tad soon)

4) As the big 3-0 draws close and recent personal events leave me gasping, I fear that I may have made too many bad decisions. That snowballs into secret self-doubt. Not a
pleasant trait.
5) I’d like to be an expert at something. World best. I could do it. But I fear that I may have lost my way/ meandered too much to get there anytime soon.

Corrective measures, being applied already:

Introspection. Withdrawing to heal. Accepting that the bad decisions weren’t all mine and do not reflect all of me. A fresh start. Burying self doubt. Perseverance. Acceptance of


Audrey February 9, 2011 at 7:21 pm

- Many of the ideas I come up with are service offerings. I fear that to do them would take up all of my free time.

- The product offerings I think up I fear would take a lot of money to develop, only to fail, and I will have wasted time and money.

- I fear what others would think of some of my ideas. Why would I want to do X on the side when I’ve got a pretty good career ahead of me doing Y? or Z product is just a
ridiculous idea, no one would buy that!


Jen February 9, 2011 at 7:24 pm

1. I cannot focus
I have a lot of interests and am an idea generating machine. I struggle with following through on any one idea, either because I fear it will be revealed as lacking or that I will miss
the boat on something better. I become easily distracted but the novel shiny ideas.

2. I don’t have a mind for money

Since I was a kid, I bought into the starving artist mythos. In fact, in high school I purposefully ignored any advice regarding finances because I believed the mythos so fervently
(Rather dramatic, right?). As an adult, I have found it difficult to shed that belief and allow myself to become really good and smart about wealth.

3. Selling sucks.
I hate selling. It comes from having to sell Girl Scout cookies and band fundraising products in my neighborhood as a kid. As a shy kid, there was nothing worse than having to ring
a stranger’s doorbell and ask them to buy from me. Of course, they do not give you a selling class in Girl Scouts either.


Efan Bruder February 9, 2011 at 7:24 pm

I’m a photographer. Maybe that’ll wind up being my freelance business, maybe not. It all depends on if I can find a way to make it profitable. I’ve got a few other ideas, but what I
really want to make my money with is photography. I spend a little time every day (less than an hour) skimming photography forums, and it seems like every other post is
“waaaaa…. How can anyone possibly make money!? There are too many people calling themselves photographers! Their quality can’t match mine but I’m not making any money
and they are! waaaaaaaa!”

After last night’s webinar, I realize that’s actually a good sign. If the market has plenty of people in it, it means people are making money. It also tells me, right there in their
complaints, that all my fears/invisible scripts are bulls**t. Nice.

1. I don’t have the skills.

Hell, I’m twice the photographer that a lot of these people complaining are. They’re saying that worse photographers than them are making money? Then I should be able to make
money, I just need to dominate these complainer’s sorry butts at marketing, niche-finding, and providing value.

2. No one is paying photographers anymore!

Wrong, they’re not paying photographers who aren’t providing value. I have some service packages in mind that I believe will provide value, but we’ll see. They’re definitely worth
testing, anyway. And if not, I’m a decent writer and researcher, I can always make money doing that. Or I’ll come up with a better package of photography services and/or
products, or change my client base.

3. I don’t have time/money/location/equipment.

I work about 20-40 hours a week helping my father run his farm as he’s getting out of a strenuous part of the business due to both economics and injury. This puts me on-call at
some rather awkward times, pays me a lot less than I’m really worth, and leaves me living in the middle of nowhere. It does provide me with rent-free living arrangements (hooray
for old farms and hired hands quarters), and most of my weekends free. As far as equipment, I’ve got a good camera, a nice lens, and computers that will do the job. I don’t need
that much more, though an extra $20,000 worth of equipment would be nice. Maybe I’ll run a groupon for a $250 package “discounted” from $500 and accept that none of these
customers will be repeats (groupon customers being notorious for that).

So, I’ll be taking these as positives. I’ve got one stream of income. It’s somewhat variable, but it’s generally enough for me to keep eating and going out with my girlfriend. I’ve got
a place to live and do my office work. I’ve got enough equipment to do the job. $200 more would make life a lot easier, but isn’t really necessary. Plus, I can always run that
groupon or some other promotion if I really need the equipment upgrade.

Finally, I’ll have Ramit & Co. on my back. If avoiding being publicly mocked by Ramit isn’t enough to motivate someone to hustle, I don’t know what is. I’ll be busting my ass not
to be that guy who was making 800BPS (That’s nearly $1600 folks!) and quit because he was scared.

Am I afraid I’ll lose money? Of course. But really, what’s the worst that will happen? I stay and run a planter or a combine one more season, when Dad can use the help, but may
not technically need it? I have pizza with the girlfriend instead of a steak dinner a couple more weekends than I might otherwise? I keep my crappy car an extra year? You know
what, I can live with all that. I’ve been living in this tiny, cramped apartment long enough that I don’t really mind it that much, so a few months more or less aren’t a big deal for
me. What am I really afraid of? Keeping my current standard of living, but maybe throwing some cash at something that doesn’t quite work right, with the only downside being that
I’m in the same place 6 months from now? Hell, if I DON’T do something I’m going to be in the same place six months from now.


Steven February 9, 2011 at 7:25 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

fear #1: I fear that I underperform when making music, disappointing the people who hired me.

fear #2: I fear that my career as a classical singer turns out to be an illusion.

fear #3: I fear that I can not meet my own expectations.


amandalee February 9, 2011 at 7:25 pm

1) “I’m an introvert.” I moved to a new city a month ago and while I still have clients from before my move, I want to get some locally, as well as work with more higher-profile
clients. So I’ve been going to networking events, meeting people, etc. It was PAINFUL at first. I’m not good at it. But I know I’m not going to get any better unless I get beyond it
and try. So I’m forcing myself to go to events and start conversations. Dealing with it like a PUA deals with it helps – having practiced good openers, expecting to fail some of the
time, etc.

2) “I need to get a portfolio site set up before I start finding clients.” Which is obviously false – I have sixteen live sites that I’ve worked on at my day job. No, I didn’t design them
start to finish, but they’re a good example of the skills that I have and the types of sites I’m used to handling, and if paired with a really good Briefcase Technique-style pitch, I’d
probably be totally fine.

3) “It would be so much easier to get a bartending job.” Yeah, and that’s the problem – it’s easy cash, but it’s not going to get me to where I need to be, and it’s never going to bring
me the wages that freelancing as a webdev would.


Ryan February 9, 2011 at 7:26 pm

I’ve been very impressed with all of this material so far, but this email was like a slap in the face. Great work.

My first two fears are essentially the same as the first post (Thomas Brown) except that I’m not in IT. My third fear is that I’ll end up losing all my free time. I’m not afraid to work
hard, but I want to work less – not more.


Joe P February 9, 2011 at 7:27 pm

1. I have this weird idea that I am a fraud, and one day people will find out and any business idea i start will come crashing down. I have no education or certification (highschool
dropout even!). All of my knowledge is self-learned or learned on the field. I feel that I will one day take on a project that will be out of my range, and will be fully exposed as the
fraud I am.
2. I am afraid to sell to people (especially on the phone). They will think of me as scummy or selfish and will secretly dislike me. They will not trust me. I will make a fool out of
3. I know people who have dedicated time, money and energy into something that fails (usually because it is ridiculously stupid), and I know how I think about them (immature,
irresponsible, etc). People will think like that about me.

… Wow, apparently I have issues with people liking me. That was painful…


Rafael Boselli February 9, 2011 at 7:29 pm

Here are my three fears:

#1: Not smart enough to carry on my idea or plan.
#2: I don’t have enough experience: I know I will become an architect one day but I’m afraid to start because I’m already 24 and never practiced architecture before.
#3: I’m afraid to talk to other people and create a network.

Ramit, I have to be honest with you that I’m already changing the way I see and think about my life and fears by reading and trying to truly understand your ideas. I found you by
accident a little bit before the 30-day course on hustling toward success and never stopped reading your emails since then.
Thanks for the great content!
Rafael Boselli


Zyon McCalley February 9, 2011 at 7:29 pm

My venture as a lighting engineer/technical designer for the stage with no hopes for the future.

1. I’m afraid of having to decide. I find opportunities that line me up for my prospect and am worried that it will be something I really don’t enjoy. I am really good a being a
technician for a theatre, but am worried I won’t like it later on down the road.

2. I’m afraid of putting myself in action because I think I should be focusing on school instead of freelancing. The only thing is when I am doing school work I think about
freelancing. I can’t seem to focus on just one thing at a time.

3. I’m afraid of that my venture of a lighting engineer will only put myself into a small profit/starving artist rut. I perceive that the only gigs I will get won’t make me happy and
create more stress in my life.


Efan Bruder February 9, 2011 at 7:30 pm

@Joseph Erickson

How is an LLC a pain at tax time? If you’re the only member of the LLC, it’s exactly the same as a sole proprietorship. Just file a Schedule C (I think) and be done with it. For
federal tax purposes, a single-member LLC is a disregarded entity, so the profit or loss just goes on your tax return just as a sole proprietorship would. State taxes tend to just go off
your federal return, so that’s fairly simple. I just don’t get where the problem is coming in?


Michael Enquist February 9, 2011 at 7:58 pm


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Not everyone is a math person, y’know. “Fear of tax forms” is just as widespread as fear of testing.

What may seem obvious to you and me may be obscure to other people, and vice-versa.


Stephanie Fraide February 9, 2011 at 9:52 pm

“What may seem obvious to you and me may be obscure to other people, and vice-versa.”

This is the most empowering statement I’ve read so far.


Jordan February 10, 2011 at 12:23 am

Which is why people need the service we can provide, even if we think it’s stupid and obvious to us ….


Michael Enquist February 10, 2011 at 4:07 pm


Thank you!


Prithvi Raj February 9, 2011 at 7:31 pm

My invisible scripts are perhaps:

1) I don’t have anything of quality to offer.
2) The service I’m offering is available for cheaper elsewhere.
3)I’m afraid of what people will say when I ask them to pay for my service.

This is a great revelation for me, just doing this has given me some clarity on why I’m not on the Hunt for more business.

Thanks Ramit


Kerry NZ February 9, 2011 at 7:32 pm

1. I was too comfortable and afraid of upsetting my routine. There wasn’t the urgency to earn more money as I was getting by OK. Now I’m no longer in fulltime employment and
realise that my savings will only last three years.
2. Related to 1. above: I didn’t think I’d be able to earn enough extra to make a difference to my life. The problem here I think is that I was looking at the headline figures –
thinking in terms of stocks rather than flows.
3. I was worried about adding more pressure on my life in addition to my fulltime job and study commitments. This is related to 1. and 2. above in that my priority wasn’t money or
my career, but my studies (which I wasn’t thinking of as a potential money earner but as a interest thing). To really change things financially, finances must become the priority.


Speed February 9, 2011 at 7:32 pm

1. I’m afraid that I have no marketable skills. When I look at Elance, I don’t necessarily think that I could do the jobs that I see. I do have some confidence that I could learn and
get up to speed, but I fear failure.

2. Co-workers might think I’m less committed to the cause, and/or ridicule me if/when I fail. If they see I’m spending time elsewhere, they may think I’m slacking.

3. I don’t have enough time. Monday’s seminar helped me get rid of this one, but it’s one that I’ve always had running in the back of my head.


T. Carl February 9, 2011 at 7:32 pm

1) “My day job won’t let me contract on the side” – While this may or may not be true, I’ve let this one thought stop my from pursuing anything external. It would take very little
time to look up the employment contract or contact HR to find out an explicit answer to any non-competes I have and what they entail.

2) “Ideas are worthless, so who would pay to hear mine” – Especially in the field of Game Design, a mantra (invisible script) that is passed around a lot are that ideas are worthless.
And its not untrue – but the interpretation is very strict. You need to execute on ideas, or they are worthless. And freelancing needn’t be about giving people my ideas for them to
execute, honestly its more about helping them understand and refine their ideas in ways that will make it easy to execute and increase the return on that execution. I need to
internalize this to move forward.

3) “It will take up too much of my time to get and serve clients, and besides who would I even get?” – I actually did some freelancing for an academic friend. It took two hours of
my time, two weeks in a row, and I got $3000 for it. Somehow, this didn’t cut through my fog of BS in my mind clouding me from going out to find more of this work. My hours are
incredibly flexible, and I can always suspend freelancing when I know I’m going into a crunch period. But yet, I let this fear take me away from calling my friend to see if he knows
anyone with more work for me.


Michael S February 9, 2011 at 7:33 pm

1. I fear that when I pitch, I will not be taken seriously, or worse that I will be challenged in a way that I don’t know how to answer and will “be exposed as a fraud”
2.I fear that I will not be able to be organized enough to deliver in ways that will impress the client
3. I fear that what I produce will not be seen for the value it provides but as a cost that can be cut

I will tell you the truth, these fears are based on some of my experiences since taking E1K last year. I have faced these situations in my quest to earn 1K. I have had some wins too
and I certainly do not regret taking the course – it is the most comprehensive and spot-on course you will ever take on the subject. I think that these fears are slowing down my
progress though, but I know that I need to push through with my “permission to suck”.

I am currently making anywhere from 200-500 per month on the side.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Alex Ball February 9, 2011 at 7:33 pm

First off, thanks for quoting me in today’s email, Ramit. That was a pretty cool surprise.

My fears/scripts:
1. Inadequacy
2. Running out of money
3. I don’t have “management potential”

Skimming over the comments so far, I’m seeing a lot of people with variations on my #1 invisible script that I’ve had since childhood: fear of being “found out” to be inadequate, a
fraud, unprofessional, etc. Objectively, I know that I’m very good at what I do (ultra-technical writing), but it never seems to register emotionally with me that I am, which
undermines my confidence at every turn.

Another invisible script is the fear that I’m going to run out of money, with all the evil nightmares that entails. I supported myself through university, which was ugly by times, but I
always had food on the table, and have done so ever since. In the 15 years of my career, I’ve been fired once, laid off several times, and quit a couple of jobs, as well, and there’s
always been enough. If all else fails, I know I can go work on an ambulance, but the fear remains.

As for the third, which is of course directly related to the first, I try to keep two answers in my head to the idea that I am not “management material”. FIRST, who cares? I don’t
want to be a mid-level manager, ever; I own my company, and there’s food on the table and savings in the bank. SECOND, it’s not true. I teach classrooms full of adult students,
and manage teams of rescuers on training exercises and actual incidents, and it all works out just fine; by comparison, managing project teams is cake. The trick is, again, getting
that to register emotionally.


Kiko February 9, 2011 at 7:33 pm

1 – When it’s just me out there offering my services, people will discover that I’m actually incompetent.

2 – It will be just another waste of time.

3 – I don’t know how to sell

PS – I’m taking Optimism classes from Eeyore. They’re going well.


Jennifer February 9, 2011 at 7:33 pm

1. I can’t think of a good idea. Everything I do think of has already been done better by others, or if it hasn’t been done well yet, I don’t have the talent to do it.

2. I do not know how much time I would be able to invest in the business while working a pay-the-bills full time job.

3. I am not a good networker. I am shy at networking events and when I do speak to people, I never can figure out what to say, as I really do not have much to offer to them
(Senior Marketing student at a Univ.)


Benjamin Williams February 9, 2011 at 7:34 pm

1) I can’t afford the gamble. I don’t have the money to invest in myself; there are more important things to spend money on like tires for the car to take me to my “real” job.
2) I don’t think I will get paid. The payout will not be worth the effort put into it.
3) I don’t have time. The effort needed will take away from family and/or downtime for myself.


Leah February 9, 2011 at 7:34 pm

1. I’m too young to be taken seriously

I’m only 23 and have only been in my first “real world” job for a year now. I don’t have enough expertise in any area to sell it.

2. I hate selling products and I’m scared of selling myself

In my perfect world, people would think my ideas area awesome and would find them by word of mouth.

3. I’ll get bored with a business idea before it can blossom

I throw myself so completely into things that I burn out quickly. Then what?


Ms. May February 9, 2011 at 7:36 pm

1 – I’m afraid that I will get my idea completely set up, and that everything will run great, a bit of $$ will start coming in, and I’ll run smack up against a wall created by my lack of
authority, networks, and I-don’t-know-what-else that results from not having gone to school in this area, or not having gotten prior experience in this area… even though I know in
my head and heart that it ain’t rocket science.

2 – I’m afraid I will fail at my idea — which makes me think that I will then have to come back to my shitty job, tail between my legs, and ask for my crap position back, which will
make me hate myself and my job even more than I do now… AND that then people will know that not only am I barely good enough to be a secretary at a lame commuter school,
but that I suck at doing the things that are most important to me.

3 – I’m afraid I will succeed at my idea — which makes me think about all the stuff that happens when great ideas really take off (which I KNOW is the case with my idea), like
less time for my family, the guilt of having to juggle kids and a husband with my dreams and passions, being exhausted, or, worst thing possible, growing too big too quickly and
having everything crash down around me… which brings me back to fear #2.

BUT all of these completely pale in comparison to the fear that I will have to raise a family as a secretary at a crap commuter school for the rest of my working life. That is an
absolute death sentence. So I need to put one foot in front of the other and begin the leap. No options about it.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Anonymous February 9, 2011 at 7:37 pm

Wow, thanks for pointing this principle (fears before tactics) out Ramit.

I did the exercise and three very specific fears came to the top. I don’t feel comfortable posting them but two of the three I have control over and the third fear, once I typed it out,
made me see I need to have more faith in the people around me.


Chelsea Rae Schmidt February 9, 2011 at 7:40 pm

1. I’m too young for people to trust me with their money or time – I graduated university less than a year ago and still haven’t had a “real job.” Why would someone let a 22 years
old give them advice or help them with their problems? I know this is wrong since I can look around and identify numerous young professionals making money through freelance

2. I don’t have the will power to follow through – In order to get started I would have to tell people about my idea. Once they know, they can all be there to watch me crash and
burn. I was a perfect student when I had a professor to impress but if I work for myself I’m afraid I will just end up wasting all my time and feeling like a loser in the end.

3. I’m not sure my idea is worth the time investment to get it started – I know it can make me a bit of money but I’m still hung up on the idea of money per hour. In the beginning it
will be a lot of work with little money coming in. Can I make it through this period without giving up? I keep stalling until “I’m ready” to handle this hard work.


Melissa February 9, 2011 at 7:40 pm

Fear 1. I’m afraid that my product won’t help people as I intended/marketed it to:
It’s becoming apparent to me (now) that I’ve have had this invisible script telling me if I fail once, or if I got negative feedback about something, that the whole venture is a failure.
Although, I’ve got to say, your Failure Expectation is helping me get my head around this one quite well too.

Fear 2. I don’t have the time to devote to it:

I see this as a fear that has been holding me back in the past… but it’s really untrue. I think if I video’d my life, I’d see a lot of “mucking around” time that could be used more

Fear 3. That should the business be very successful, I’d find it hard training someone else:
I don’t even know why I think this! It’s like a “you’re damned if you do, or damned if you don’t” succeed kind of script!! I hate it.

Ramit – thank you. Just writing down these scripts has deflated their power.


Erica February 9, 2011 at 7:41 pm

1. I don’t have a good enough idea.

2. I have a network of about 5 people, most of whom are related to me, and therefore won’t be able to network or find clients.
3. No one will pay me solve a problem when I’m not an expert*.

*I know that having more experience/knowledge/wilingness to do the thing the person is paying me for is enough, but it’s still a fear.


Valérie February 9, 2011 at 7:44 pm

1) i have no time. I’m an exhausted mother of 3 kids, age 3 and under (1 toddler, 2 baby-twins). I fall asleep when I read Ramit’s e-mails on my laptop (sorry, Ramit) even though I
LOVE the material.

2) I don’t know in what field to go. 8 years ago i was a successful freelance translator. I even took a few years off to live in the caribean, taking my two best customer’s business
with me. It worked. But today I would hate to go back to translating. Feels like a step backwards.

3) I feel like a complete failure in the job department since having the kids. But of course, I’m a great mama


Kurnik February 9, 2011 at 7:46 pm

1. I need still more preparation before I can start. (Thats my greatest fear since years, I read books over books, websites, tips,… but I never start)

2. I can’t prove any results/success yet ( Maybe because I haven’t started…?)

3. Maybe I am not good enough. (But I know I am… hopefully)


Chris Montone February 9, 2011 at 7:46 pm

1) “I have no money to invest in myself” I recently filed bankruptcy, I’m living with my mom and have no job. I focus too much on the lack instead of how much free time I have. I
could put myself out there and even getting a minimum wage job to bring in something even if it’s not ideal.

2) “I have skills but I very little patience” I can do a few things better than most people but I always feel like trading those skills for money will be frustrating and hard work and I
get scared of putting myself out there and getting bad clients

3) “I don’t know how to communicate my value” I know how to save money and I know how to create more value in a business and I get scared of putting myself out there and
people not understanding what it is I can do.

Even writing this I realize this all one big fear ball. I’m afraid to put myself out there.


Dave February 9, 2011 at 7:48 pm

1. Fear that I cannot change my habit of giving up on ideas without actually seeing them through to reality. For over five years, I have thought of “great business ideas” and
get-rich-quick schemes, and devoted a lot of time and emotion to them without actually taking much action. I always just eventually write off each idea as being too hard, or having

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

too many competitors, etc. –But I never actually try, so I never actually know.

2. Fear of actually charging a high rate. I feel guilty about it and am worried my guilt would overcome me and I would offer a lower rate, even if my work might be totally worth a
higher rate.

3. Fear of wasting a large part of my savings on a course and not having it actually help me earn back the money (and more). I have worked so hard for so long to come from a poor
background and accumulate savings and remain entirely debt free, and if I were to be “scammed” and give that money away without improving my life, it would be a heavy blow
(financially and mentally). No offense, Ramit–not trying to call you a scammer. It sure is hard to know who to trust these days.

Also, I like to make things, and so I prefer the idea of having a product-based business to a service-based business. However, the #1 goal is to improve my situation and free myself
from working for others. As the fellow above states, if I don’t do anything, nothing will ever change.


Doug February 9, 2011 at 7:50 pm

1. I am too busy/stressed between my job, my schoolwork, and my family to focus on new projects.

2. I suck at networking and selling myself and my ideas.

3. I need to finish my degree before I am worth more pay in my job or able to attract clients in a freelance business.

Some days I feel really capable, but most days I overpower my confidence with negative self-talk before I get out of bed in the morning.


Darryl February 9, 2011 at 7:50 pm

I am not qualified enough, even though I have studied for a year.

I don’t have a car, making me fear I am unworthy of charging more because I walked to this job agency place, because I walked to this job interview.

I don’t want to charge you to much, because I don’t know what my services are worth. I don’t want to look bad or hurt your feelings. I am weak.

“This will ALL change”


Dave February 9, 2011 at 7:50 pm

1. I don’t think I have an idea good enough — I always see these neat ideas like Groupon that seem to take off, why can’t I think of something like that?

2. I’m afraid on how to get started — It’s something new, a bit scary, and uncomfortable. Therefore, I’m hesitant to start; essentially, it feels like I’m paralyzed sometimes.

3. Can I continuously make money? — What happens if I mess up, will the money stop coming? Will my idea be obsolete?


Adam Hayes February 9, 2011 at 7:52 pm

Shameless Salesmanship is Morally Wrong:

I follow Torah, so at the surface, I thought that the commandment “Wrong no one in buying or selling” meant “Don’t oversell yourself”. this is WRONG. one CANNOT oversell
themselves; one can only UNDERSELL THE EFFORT THAT ONE IS WILLING TO PUT IN. When I charge to the extent of what I actually deserve, I give more. I do good by
doing well.

You won’t fit in by being Ambitious:

This governed my life until I realized who I was trying to fit in with: the average people. Average people don’t have a plan. they don’t have a mission. they don’t think in term of “I
will do”, they think in terms of “wouldn’t it be nice if I could do…but I can’t.” bullshit. My father doesn’t work like that, I don’t like to work like that, and I sure as hell won’t set a
bad example for my kids. I deleted this script two weeks ago; and it won me the Presidency of the Radford University Hillel-B’nei Beryth, and let me increase our influence in the
Community; will get me a 4.0 every semester from here on out; and will land me my dream job of Foreign Service Officer. forget fitting in; normal people have nothing and can’t
really affect the world. Be extraordinary.

You need to listen to what everybody else thinks you should do:

Bullshit again. other people are there for support, for advice, and for recruitment: they are not there to LEAD YOU LIKE A FARM ANIMAL. When I started taking responsibility
for myself, I brought out the best in people, I got them on board with me, and we now complete our complementary goals together. enough of these scripts. it’s all in your head.


Al February 9, 2011 at 7:54 pm

#1 Not enough money/resources. Unsure of spending savings on an idea/business. Sounds risky + fear.

#2 Afraid of starting due to many “What if” scenerios. Mind just seeks the negative.


Shannon February 9, 2011 at 7:54 pm

1 Fear – I afraid that my 1st priority (family, stay at home mom), and my 2nd priority (God/service), could be over taken by my 3rd priority (biz). My husband has made the
priorities of #1 family, #2 work, #3 God/service. We’ve been married 28 years (8 kids) and that has required tons of time and energy. We have a spectacular marriage and family
and it didn’t get that way by accident. It was choices, sacrifice and handwork. If I make a major shift it will require sacrifices from my first 2 priorities which I am not sure I can
give up nor do I want to wreck the successes of the first two.

2 Fear – I’m afraid of not being able to actually do it. Continuing from above – I decided (for a few reasons) that I needed to start bringing in an income. Looked for a job, got 2 full
time offers, but they put at risk our first priority (family) because the five kids would be left alone, without a parent, everyday for hours. I tried to negotiate with the one job for
shorter hours or a different arrangement and they almost did it but were afraid of what it would do to the rest of the workers. So, my husband decided to take an overseas job, (oil
rigs, month on, month off, which he is really not in love with) so that I could be home with our kids and build an art business from home. My part of our plan was to build and make
enough of an income to bring him home from the rig work. I’m trying to transition from stay at home mom to major financial contributor. So far, I have failed.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

3 Fear – I’m afraid of not having a clue of how to do it. Continuing from above – A few years ago we moved several states away from our home of 15 years. New state, new 25
acres of country living, new job for my husband who leaves out of the country every other month. Before moving, I had started to make connections in the art world and had an art
biz plan. After moving and now with the economy, not many people want my art the way I’m doing it. I’ve pretty much figured out how to do most things but I can’t figure how to
make a go of the things I love. But I’ve just kept on doing things, which has brought some success but not the successes that equals a steady income. It’s pretty much trial and error
and I keep getting no where.

4 Fear – I’m afraid of being stuck doing something I hate. As a result of being a stay at home mom, I have been able to do whatever I have wanted, whenever I wanted, creatively
speaking. When I wanted to learn how to paint I went back to school and got a degree in illustration. It was there that I realized I hated doing the same thing over and over, working
on computer art, and doing art on demand. (So I went more in the direction of fine art.) Call it being spoiled but I want to find something to do that’s new and creative on most

I could probably go on but this is all the soul searching I can do at the moment


Molly February 9, 2011 at 7:55 pm

1.) I’m getting way too late a start. It’s embarrassing, I should have already started and been successful at this. By the time I’m successful it will be too late.

Spirals into- Why did I go into SO much debt to get an MFA when I could have been making money doing illustration. I feel like the rest of my life is just “catching up” financially
and I don’t deserve to take a financial risk. I tell myself it’s too late and I’ve already screwed it up, even though I know that it’s not true.

2.) I don’t know what to focus on I have so many ideas. Freelance illustration, selling related items on Etsy, consulting, teaching art classes. My friends tell me these are all
connected and in the same vain, but in my head they are compartmentalized and separate.

Probably grad school baggage between fine art & lowbrow illustration, my obsession with branding and having things feel cohesive/have integrity, a set style (would be a strength
to most), and I think I’m getting my dad’s ADD. Just like you mentioned this week I am doing too many things and while I am working on all of them I am not getting results as I
never focus on one thing long enough. I feel scattered. I am scattered though, I guess that is my final analysis, ha.

3.) I’m not good enough.

Somewhat of a continuation of above. Every time I decide on one area to focus on, I just open up a deeper level of uncertainty which includes second guessing that decision. If I
choose to focus on illustration should I specialize in natural history illustration or just general whatever? Then I do research see plenty of people worse than me and better than me.
I get discouraged and give up without trying. Although I know I’ve done tons of difficult things in life and all I need to do is work at this.

In a way I think I’m afraid of finding out how easy this all is, how successful I can be, and feeling like a total jackass for not making a go of it sooner.


Andy February 9, 2011 at 7:55 pm

1) “It’s too much work and I am not a hard enough worker” – sounds strange, but what I WANT to be doing for myself is what I did for years already at my past job (quit in Nov).
For some reason I was always of the belief that things ‘just came to me’ at that job (increases of sales by 20%+ every year). I’ve also felt this way about all sorts of things I’ve
done, since high school. I’ve always considered myself ‘lucky’ instead of smart, or industrious. The truth is I’ve read a lot of books that improve my value and have gotten good
and efficient at working. I’m also learning that when I think others are working ‘hard,’ they’re probably just doing busy nonsense.

2) “I don’t have the proper equipment” – I’m currently sharing a computer (hers) with my fiance. She loves hitting up facebook and perusing her emails as anyone and I let myself
use that as an excuse to not be productive when I go online. Yet, I could easily wake up earlier than her or even just schedule a time to have it for myself. We’ve also been traveling
since Nov. and have had VERY spotty internet (though lately it’s been great, hooray!). I also used that as an excuse, when in reality I can do plenty of work offline, and then take
advantage of a connection when I get one by simply uploading it.

3) “I won’t have the necessary skills/product to fulfill my clients’ needs” – I’m so afraid that a client will call me and I simply won’t be able to help them. The crazy part is, just like
my old job, this is often the case. Even getting your hat in the ring can yield more opportunities down the line when something does come up that they need, and I have. Also, I can
most likely FIND a solution for them, even if I don’t immediately have it and give them an amiable deadline later than ‘right now.’


Heberth February 9, 2011 at 7:56 pm

My scripts, I think that i have lot more than three, and not sure if these are the bigest:
1. I do not have enough preparation:
I stop myself to participate in specialized groups, or to jump on leadership certain projects, because I think I do not have the “credentials” i.e., I do not have a master degree, or I
do not have deep knowledge of the theme, and because of this I do not seek upper management backing me up, or even try to talk or discuss with upper management levels.

2. I do not have enough time to participate:

I am too much involve in the day to day stuff, so trying to get involved in another activities will cause struggle in my job, and reduction in my performance

3. My ideas are just or below average:

I do not have “brilliant” or new ideas to offer. Somehow all my work ideas are something I hear someone have tried in other place, or tried on another scale.


Paul February 9, 2011 at 7:57 pm

* I have to be careful not to get too close, or share too much information with other people because I haven’t learned how to play nicely with others.

This can come back to haunt me because one’s reputation can be permanently ruined if this gets out on the internet. This fear I have means I don’t network, don’t have facebook or
linkedin, don’t contribute to forums (or even pay attention to them). It’s severely holding me back. In one regard, by not socializing, I’m foregoing the experiences required to
reach social maturity. Further, I stunt my own career growth by not participating in and exploring future opportunities.

* Everyone in my family is a business owner. I can be too. I’m just waiting for the right idea, the same way they got theirs.

It’s true: every adult I’ve descended from owns their own business. I should be a genius when it comes to business sense, but I wasn’t taught or mentored. I hardly ever saw them,
actually. How would I know how they actually started their business if I’ve never been able to talk to them about it? I’m afraid to ask, because there is a lot of family tension and
nobody talks to each other, especially about money.

* There’s no point in wasting lots of time making something marginally better if nobody cares about quality. I’ve got so much to do, this is good enough.

There are 2 problems here: 1) When do results trump quality? 2) I don’t get to push myself to do better if I never get to the hard stuff.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

The hard part about working in academics is the lack of rigorous guidelines. It seems odd that scientists are expected to follow precise protocols, but the products and services that
they depend on are not subject to strict requirements. There are too many projects; I have 2 full years of work scheduled ahead of me (job security). By cutting corners on one
project, I can proceed on to the next. Perfection is not the same as high quality, but nobody will no the difference or seems to care. “Get ‘er done!” is the motto.


Tyler February 9, 2011 at 7:57 pm

My Fears:
1) I am scared that I will be wasting my time doing another awful job.
2) I am afraid of jumping to something new, without there being a “new” net to catch me
3) MY FAVORITE: “What if”. What if something terrible were to happen to me tomorrow, scratch that, what if shomething terrible were to happen to me today, how would I
handle it and how could I not be a burden on those around me.


Stephanie H February 9, 2011 at 7:57 pm

1. I’m afraid that I don’t know what my customers want. I have an idea in mind to develop a youth career counseling service and I THINK I know what that market wants.

2. Related to the first point, I’m afraid that I don’t know where to begin finding out what my customers actually want and am afraid that what they want won’t align with my skills.

3. I’m afraid that developing a second revenue stream would detract from the quality of work I’m doing at my full-time job. I’ve spent the last year working really hard to get a
promotion – which I got! – but I know that I want to and need to develop multiple income streams. Now that there’s more pressure on me, I’m afraid that I will not live up to the
new set of expectations of my supervisor if I’m focusing my efforts on a side hustle.


Cat February 9, 2011 at 7:58 pm

1. I need to improve my portfolio because that’s the only way I’ll be able to get the jobs I want. Because I need to improve my portfolio doing anything else besides work related
tasks or portfolio tasks is a waste of time even though I’d rather do something else so to assuage my guilt I’ll just do nothing instead.

- This is utterly irrational but always a constant problem. How the hell else am I going to improve anything if I don’t do anything? I need to suck this up and deal with the pain of
doing a bunch of crap work in order to improve instead of imagining how good I’d be if only this or that. In the end the only person who’ll see the bad work is me.

2. It’s going to take so long to improve my portfolio because I have to work on these new skills that I may not be able to understand properly because I didn’t automatically absorb
them while in school.

- Fear of trying and failing, fear of sucking and fear of pain. Guess what brain? You can’t suck more than what you’re currently doing if you practice because practice surprisingly
improves things even if you think you’re going backwards!

3. I can’t start drawing this story until my skills improve more because I don’t want to be like the people who show a remarkable amount of improvement over time but are stuck
with a shaky start.

- This is a fear based on public humiliation. This is also an insane fear based on the remotest possibility that anyone would actually see or care about my work. The amount of
arrogance behind this fear is ridiculous since it hinges on being successful enough to even get an audience. How about I actually do the work involved first instead of worrying
about imaginary critics?

4. Because I haven’t done any of the above on the side, especially because it’s been YEARS in relation to the story, I haven’t accomplished anything that’s worth accomplishing.

- This is a mix of internal and external pressure. My boyfriend is constantly upset about the lack of side work because he’s a workaholic, and thinks that if I mention wanting to do
something I better do something about it. This isn’t wrong of him, but as a result I feel that he doesn’t acknowledge the career progress I’ve made in my day job. Which I don’t
even separate mentally as a day job like he does. Which I find incredibly hypocritical of him to be lecturing me about because I strongly believe that it’s more important to get what
you spend 40 hours a week on in line with what you want rather than scuttling away at night for the rest of your life. While I’m personally pretty damn happy about what I do for
money, I’ve internalized a lot of his complaints so that I don’t get motivated by any wins at work. I need to accept that we’ll not see eye to eye about this and concentrate on
getting the baby steps in one at a time.


Olga February 9, 2011 at 8:11 pm

1.- I have this great business ready to take action in and ready to start working on it with all the free tips, trainings etc etc….as the company provide them (it is about to be an
independent direct seller) , ideas and tips that work because I’ve seen others applying them and being successful, but still not taking actions because I am scare of failing.

2. I love the product , and the product works because I’ve tried on me but still not selling it because I am not good at dealing with people, I am scare of approaching to a
person I do not know and talk about the product….

3. I’ve never being an ‘action person’……I ‘ve always been too thoughtfull and afraid.

I know these three BS excuses are mostly pychological ones, cause I have a product that works and all the tips in the world…..but it is hard for me to take actions…..


David February 9, 2011 at 7:58 pm

Hi Ramit;

Thanks for all the great info. Now I see why psychologists and priests will never go out of business. Everyone is ready to share their fears and hangups at the drop of a hat.

Anyways… fears include:

1. I’m too stupid to become successful.

2. I always screw-up so i’ll screw this up also.
3. I’m a shy introvert who speaks as if he has marbles in his mouth so how will i ever be able to rustle up clients.

I’d love to take your course Ramit but sad as it is for me to admit. I’m in that “C-” class that you look down upon. I’ve been following your monthly posts and have started to take
some action so if I ever reach that “B” class I’ll be ready to join eark1k8.0

Keep up the great work and here’s to your continued success.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Nicki February 9, 2011 at 8:01 pm

Fear #1 – I’m too busy to be an entrepreneur. I’m a mother, a full-time employee (plus change), and I wouldn’t be able to have any fun ever if I tried to start another job on the
side. I’m afraid I wouldn’t have any time to sleep, be with my family, give the time I need to my “real” job (like doing something on the side wouldn’t be “real”, right?), and still
make money.

Fear #2 – I’d have to spend too much money to get started. My family doesn’t have a lot of extra cash laying around and waiting for me to say, “Hey, I’d like to start a business
today!” And I have a history of getting excited about something, putting money into the idea, then not have it go anywhere.

Fear #3 – I don’t know what to do to get started. I’ve been down this road, too. I don’t know the legal stuff I have to do, and when I try to research it I get overwhelmed. I’m afraid
I’ll be the person that five years into things, or even a month into things, owes back taxes and has to pay fines for not getting permits or other silly things like that.

Okay, this is scary, too. Can I add a fear about posting revealing crap I because I’m afraid everyone will think I’m a loser?


Maria February 9, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Fear Factor Numero Uno: I am not an entrepreneur type. I am too kind and easily fooled. I wouldn’t know how to price my products correctly.
Fear Factor Number Two: My head is blurred with business ideas, and it is difficult to decide on which one to focus.
Fear Factor Number Three: I am scared of failing.

What do I try to do about these? Hmmm,,,,


Jordan February 9, 2011 at 8:04 pm

1. I’m afraid I will have to fight with my wife to get into the course. And then fight with her if applying the course does not end up profiting us. “You wasted our money!” We
already had a fight over a $100 book …

2. I’m afraid that I will lose credibility with my market if I start in one direction and have to change it if turns out badly or wrong. How do I go back to qualified leads with a totally
different approach or offering?

3. I’m afraid that my solutions will not be seen as valuable. I’m afraid that my whole industry is seen as a necessity to minimize and not a value to maximize.


Jordan February 9, 2011 at 8:23 pm

4. I’m afraid of people …. This one I almost didn’t want to submit here. Because of my fear of people, years ago I quit my job as a highly-paid IT professional and started
day trading full time with my own capital. I was very successful and I love technical analysis. I had a blast. Alone. With no bosses, no coworkers, and no customers. It was
heaven. Then two different family members screwed me over and tainted the whole thing (as well as drained almost all of my capital).

Then, as a pure challenge, I decided to start all over from the ground up. Gave everything away, lived out of my car, and got a job in a temp agency as a temp receptionist to
see what it took to get somewhere from nothing. I organically grew in new career directions and after 3 years I am now a highly paid professional in a totally different IT field
in a new country. My desk is in a corner, behind a large plant, and I have designed things so that I minimize my interactions with others.

What I want from a freelance career is to find a way to further minimize my interactions while maximizing my income.

My fear is that freelancing will just expose me to more and more people, and require more and more interaction. Every time Ramit explains ways to interact with others in
more effective ways, I instantly see the benefits, then recoil because it means that I would have to actually do it ….

My dream job is to interact with clients once or twice over email, deliver incredible value, get respect, get paid a ton of cash, and then be left alone until the next month. (5)
I’m afraid my dream is a fantasy…


LAR February 9, 2011 at 8:09 pm

1: I don’t have the internal focus to carry this through. I have started a lot of small projects and sometimes have trouble carrying them through, and I’m worried that this will
become another one.

2:I don’t have anything valuable to offer. I love to do crafts, but there are countless people offering similar things (*cough* etsy) and I don’t know how to differentiate myself or
have high enough prices to make it cost effective.

3: I wouldn’t be able to make a sale/get any clients. I’ve never been good at selling and don’t have the presence /shark sense/communication style to be good at sales.


Anton February 9, 2011 at 8:10 pm

No1. is fear of my own self judgement. If i screw up, i tend to hate myself unresonably.
No.2 is fear of responsibility
No.3 is fear that i won’t be able to makes something really outstanding alone


Zaid Rasid February 9, 2011 at 8:13 pm

1) I’m afraid that if I work free-lance, i won’t have a continuous source of income regularly.
- This is a big fear of mine since I have a steady pay check at the moment and live a comfortable lifestyle. I want to maintain this lifestyle, and I feel that if I go free-lance then
there is the possibility of losing a regular pay cheque and not being able to meet rent. I’ve gone through a period of unemployment when i first started my career and I did not like
the stress of finding a new job. I enjoy the job security of regular income.

2) I’m afraid I’ll make less that I make now. This is related to my above point. I’e worked hard to reach a certain salary level, I would feel less worthy if I made less monthly. that
can’t happen.

3) I don’t feel like I’m specialized enough to charge large rates. I am intimidated by what my competition might be. I have a feeling that CEOs or clients will have these impractical

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

goals they need met, which I won’t be able to deliver. Let’s take my SEO and PPC skills for example. I’m afraid that there are people out there who are probably better skilled than
me in these fields, so I’m afraid to compete against them. Or let’s say a CEO has an expectation to get ranked first in Google for all of his keywords. I’m afraid of those types of

Thanks btw for this exercise.


Becky February 9, 2011 at 8:13 pm

Fear #1 – Convincing my husband that this time is different and it isn’t some hair-brained idea that I never end up following through on.

Fear #2 – That I will spend money that we should be saving instead, and waist my time and effort.

Fear #3 – This one is the biggest. That I will put in a lot of time and effort, but in the end, nothing has changed. I’m tired to the status-quo.


CL February 9, 2011 at 8:14 pm

Ramit…Thanks for your support, encouragement, and insightful information, which is very much appreciated and your perspective is most helpful.

While I have more than 3 invisible scripts, here are the current top 3…

1. Fearfull of being poor, not having enough money to pay for expenses or saving for retirement. – Analysis: Current employment is covering my expenses, etc, and I do have
contacts for freelance work if needed, and also have some savings as a cushion. Objectively, when I stop to think about it, starting this new endeavor part-time is realistic and
something I can do currently.

2. Afraid of not getting enough work or clients to pay my expenses and have a good quality of life. – Analysis: This has to do with marketing, I need to identify the exact type of
client who will pay for my services and set a goal of obtaining 1 new client a week/every 2 weeks/ every month, at whatever rate is realistic for me. I need to obtain better
marketing skills.

3. Fearfull of a major change and getting out of my comfort zone or habbits with my present work condition. – Analysis: Looking back at past life changes and prior successes, they
all occurred in small steps, and not one big jump. This is not a sink-or-swim proposition, this is a new learning curve. I’ve also realized that tend to loose my perspective of my past
successes, while not taking the time to plan effectively.


Will Lien February 9, 2011 at 8:15 pm

#1: “I don’t have enough experience.” I know this comes from working with established professionals early in my career. I think I realized this when the people around me are all
older. However, I also realize that it is a great learning opportunity to be around seasoned pros.

#2: “Some of my friends think I am greedy because I share with them my business ideas.” I realized this when my ex-girlfriend said that my ideas were just “money making
schemes.” What I have come to realize is that rich and successful people must GIVE to their clients and take care of their needs and problems.

#3: “I need more time.” I don’t need more time I just need more focused attention on my projects. Over the last week I have made much progress on my iPhone app than I have in
the last month. I have submitted my idea and design to the developer and am waiting for it to get started. Besides my salary this will be my second stream of income. Focused
action gets results.


K. February 9, 2011 at 8:17 pm

1) I’ve done my idea before and it ended up sucking. I got paid too little, I was rushing around all the time, I despised the people I was working for, and by the end I hated every
minute and was glad to give it up as soon as I had the excuse of a full-time job and not needing the extra money.

I realized that the concept of “yesterday’s weather” is actually holding me back. The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour, but I can choose to do things differently
this time and have the experience be different.

2) I can’t charge $100/hour when I see people on Craigslist and in the classifieds charging $20.

Through reading the ideas already presented, I’m thinking about my customers, who are more like me than they used to be (because I’m getting older . I realize that by “niching
it down” and focusing on the neighbourhood just south of me, I can take advantage of thousands of double-income, $100,000+ plus families that are eager to have a very specific
problem solved, that I can position myself as an expert in. I’m not 100% convinced I can solve it, but by over-preparing I think I can give it a good shot, and the money-back
guarantee should help my customers and I both feel like it’s low-risk.

3) I already have a fulltime job, and if I pile too much stress on myself I could risk a relapse (an ongoing illness over the last five years that I don’t really want to get into details
about). I promised my family I wouldn’t take on anything else until my current full-time contract is over.

The reality is that suffering through my current contract and vaguely wishing I could “do something” is causing me a lot of stress. Committing to five hours/week (which I can do a
half-hour at a time after the kids are in bed, plus a solid hour or two on the weekend) means that I can focus intensely for those five hours, then enjoy the rest of my non-work time
feeling like progress is being made. It will give me hope that after this current contract is over, I won’t have to feel pressure to take another contract that I don’t want, because I
don’t know for sure whether my free-lancing idea will work. Not only will I have a better idea, I will have already made the first $1K and have proven to myself that it works!


david February 9, 2011 at 8:18 pm

1. i fear not capitalizing on my potential. i know have the skills and intellect to live a rich life on my terms but it’s hard (maybe more surreal) to leap at the opportunity when it’s not
packaged the way we’re used to seeing a results laden program. i just keep pushing myself to take those small uncomfortable steps to change the results to what i want them to be. i
make sure i do all the challenges and post because it takes me out of my consumer mindset
2. i fear that investing in myself means that i’m giving myself an ultimatum. i’m spending time, energy and money on myself. i’m all about challenges and i want to learn how
maximize my potential correctly. i need to get that first big win. period. end of.
3. i fear spending that much money. money is money and until you can find a way to multiply it wears on you when you spend money you don’t think you have. screw it – i’m
using my tax return and whatever money i can get my hands on to facilitate getting this course.


Eric February 9, 2011 at 8:23 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Really simple:

#1 – “You can’t pull it off.” This gets cloaked in a variety of other excuses: “It’ll be too much work”, “It’ll take too much time”, “It’ll cost too much”, “I don’t know how to do it”
… whatever. The bottom line is I’m afraid I can’t pull it off, which would then mean that I’m incompetent and therefore worthless (yeah I know that’s totally absurd). This
insidious little script prevents me from starting in the first place.

#2 – “It’s not good enough.” If I actually get moving on a project, there always comes a point where I get completely disheartened when I look at what I’ve done and I feel like it’s
not good enough for public consumption. To compensate, I’ll usually overthink the thing, make it more complex, and expand the idea until it is a perfect, shiny, incredibly complex
thing which no man can do. Whereupon script #1 can take over, tell me I can’t pull it off, and it’ll be right, so I can abandon the project I started.

#3 Related to #2 (or the same script in a different guise) is: “It’s gotta be perfect”. This is worth mentioning on its own, however, because it can kick in even on things that are
good. You can look at something and say to yourself “That’s good!” but then this script can kick in: “But it’s not perfect!” So back to the drawing board for endless iterations,
tinkering, expanding, complicating, etc.

What’s funny is for my client work, I’m totally confident. These scripts barely have any influence at all. I pull off crazy complicated stuff that blows my clients away, they’re
always super satisfied, and the perfectionism doesn’t get so carried away as to make me miss deliverables or overcomplicate things. It’s only on my PERSONAL projects that these
scripts kick in. Then they rule me.


Struggling Musician February 9, 2011 at 8:24 pm

I have two fears that I wrote down as I was reading your email. I’m sorry I can’t think of a third at the moment, but the first two are pretty big in my life.

I fear:
1. Working in a corporation my whole life and not being my own boss. Ever. I like doing things for myself, but I find myself hampered often by people who tell me that I shouldn’t.

2. Wasting my youth and being no closer to the being a full-time musician than I was when I first started out.

Part of what’s difficult with how I read and try to relate your material to my life is that I think music and having a successful business are two mutually exclusive goals. Running a
business isn’t the same image I have in my mind’s eye of being a successful musician, but I think I’m starting to come around to this idea. Why shouldn’t I run it as a business?
After all, I’m in an industry where you have to be an entrepreneur in order to get ahead, right? Otherwise you either flounder or you let possibly shady people govern your career.


Aaron Yoshitake February 9, 2011 at 8:24 pm

#1 I don’t have the skills necessary to start working on my projects. I need to either learn the skills for myself (i.e. pick up a book and spend time working on one of my ideas) or
find someone who has the skills and is willing to help (for a cut of the profits or for pay).

#2 I’ve tried this before and I just kind of puttered out after spending hours mired in details. Who’s to say that won’t happen again?

#3 I don’t want to spend the money I’ve been saving up because that’s what the point of the whole last two years of my life was. If I spend the money on anything other than
something big (like a down payment for a house or graduate school), what did those last years get me?


Srinivas Rao February 9, 2011 at 8:27 pm

1) I’m afraid of failing: I’m currently in the process of relocating to Costa Rica. I had a paycut at my job so I negotiated relocation in order to manage my living expenses since I’m
only going to be getting 10 hours from my current employer. Fortunately, I can live on that and save some cash in CR. But I’m afraid of whether or not I’ll be able to add the next
income stream and bring in more freelance income to compensate for what I’ve lost.

2) I’m not sure how to identify who will pay me: I’ve been tossing around the idea of targeting surf travel companies to do their social media work since I’m a surfer, blogger,
podcaster and travel blogger. But I’m not sure how to identify who will pay me. I’m realizing other aspiring bloggers are not a great place to make money.

3) What Will People Think if I don;t Make it: So my move to CR is impulsive and crazy. But I wonder what people might think if I don’t make it especially among the Indian
community where people have so many expectations.


Jason February 9, 2011 at 8:29 pm

1) I am no good at marketing, and all “freelance” or “side” businesses require some kind of marketing
2) Even if I was good at marketing, I hate it & don’t want to do it
3) I like the job I have now, and it pays pretty well, and I don’t want to do anything that might compete with it


Jason February 9, 2011 at 9:19 pm

The story behind these: Like others have commented, I am an introvert and prefer to work alone. I don’t like having to “win friends and influence people” – what I do I do
well & the facts/results either speak for themselves or they don’t speak at all. Fortunately, my employer recognizes good work without me having to personally “promote” it
other than a yearly write-up which is fine. The job I have now is pretty close to ideal: I work at home. The work is both interesting and self-directed, flexible, and it pays
really well. I have had this job for many years and it is very comfortable. The only downside, really, is the risk Ramit cited last night – it is a single income stream that could
be terminated at any time with a layoff. That fear (the possibility of a layoff) is not enough to overcome the fear and loathing with having to meet and influence people that a
side/freelance effort would seem to require.


Josh February 9, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Top 3 Are Simple:

1) I perceive the risk of starting something entirely new to be too great, particularly with regard to not making money

2) Despite disliking “corporate” gigs and desiring the more free nature of freelancing, the structure that a “corporate” job provides is comfortable and low-risk

3) My background is in a niche market that caters to very few people, business, etc. There’s a perception that the opportunity is limited.


24 of 98 2/18/2011 11:25 PM
Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Leigh February 9, 2011 at 8:30 pm

1. “I haven’t succeeded because I haven’t been trying hard enough.”

I want to move to Japan, but I can’t find a visa sponsor, so I keep saying what I always tell myself, that I could do it if I would just try harder. Of course, Susan’s time management
strategies reminded me that more is sometimes just more draining. If one way of asking for sponsorship isn’t working, I should try another or tweak my approach to get a different
result, not just look for more sponsors to ask. It seems really obvious now, but I’m so scared of not being good enough to make it abroad that I overcompensate by convincing
myself trying harder is the answer.

2. “The market is already over-saturated; there’s no room for my product/service.”

I have a few ideas I could pursue, but I’m afraid to begin developing them further for fear the competition will crush me. Well, there are already competitors in my field, how could
what I make possibly be better than what they make? Of course there are other ways I can make my service succeed (e.g., niche it down even more or provide better customer
service) but I’m too scared I’ll be the laughing stock of the marketplace to continue. Silly, I know, irrational even, but there you have it.

3. “I won’t be able to make a consistent paycheck.”

If I take on more freelance work and reduce my corporate gig, I’m relying on a less consistent income stream to pay the bills and that scares me. What if I can’t find enough clients
one month? What if a project gets put on hold the next? Then I’ll be up a brown, smelly creek with no means of transport. So instead I tell myself the timing isn’t right or that
consistency is safer, when really I need to start developing my freelance business.


Justin February 9, 2011 at 8:30 pm

Fear #1 – I do not have enough time. I am working full time as a co-op, the president of my fraternity, and I have a girlfriend. I guess more specifically, I am afraid of spending time
doing the wrong thing. After reading your blog I realized that I needed to get off my ass and start applying to scholarships. So I bought a scholarhip book (my school counselor was
worthless) and have begun to go through it. I will be sending out my first appication this week. I know that if I apply and spend time applying for scholarships I will get at least a
couple of $1k or $500 scholarships, but there is no guarentee for free lancing… well except for your program…

Fear #2 – I am not ready for the program. This builds on the idea that I am going to pour hours of my time every week into your program as well as the large initial cost (you
haven’t released it, but I’m assuming that it will be substantial) and I won’t be able to take full advantage of it because I have not read your book yet (its in the mail), because I
have never freelanced before, because I don’t have a ton of money to invest.

Fear #3 – I don’t have skills that people will pay for. I am not a particularly good writer, nor do I know any computer languages or any marketing, and it seems that 80% of
freelancers do the above. I am a Chemical Engineer in undergrad at Georgia Tech, so I am fairly intelligent, and I do have a good paying job, so I know that people are willing to
hire me… but what can I charge for? What could I do well enough and without being physically there that people would actually pay for? (Tutoring isn’t a very good option
because there are tons of free tutoring services at our campus)


Zoe Lindsey February 9, 2011 at 8:32 pm

#1: “People will not like me because they immediately know I’m transgendered.”
This comes first, because it’s by far the biggest fear (that I’ve identified) that has held me back. I was so scared of this, I let myself be miserable until I was going to kill myself
before I dared to face it. It hurts me monetarily now, because when I allow it to affect my confidence I don’t sell as well. Without belief in myself, I cannot convey my belief in my
product. To overcome this fear, my best idea so far is to point to the real successes I’ve had, before and since transition, as evidence that my abilities have not changed and that my
efforts at development continue to progress, even when I can’t see that movement from where I am.

#2: “What’s the point of doing [x]? I’ll probably get distracted by something else before I finish anyway.”
This is a pessimistic “the past is the future” thing – I grew up being told I was “gifted” and with way too many screens to choose from. ADHD might as well be my middle name,
and when I try something and immediately don’t excel at it, I fight (and sometimes lose) against the urge to give up and find something else. The way that I am trying to address this
is to focus on single-tasking, establishing boundaries on tasks and projects (deadlines, time slots, and pass/fail standards), and automating the process of tracking and reviewing my
projects. I am infinitely further along on my two projects of this year than the fifty of last, since I’ve moved them past the theoretical stage.

#3 “This won’t make me enough.”

Unsurprisingly, there don’t seem to be a bunch of people lining up to hand me paychecks for jobs I can do from anywhere I want. Whenever I do find a lead, I crunch the numbers
and let it marinate until it drops off my radar because I don’t want to “waste my time” working on anything but the One Great Project that will keep me fat and happy until old age.
As an example, I put off writing for a content creation company for over a year because they would “only” pay me $15/article, and I know I’m worth more than that. The truth is,
however, that if I hope to make progress, I need to balance my time spent building a business where -I- make the rates with practical time spent writing for even a meager
paycheck… all the theory in the world doesn’t cover next month’s rent.


Ray February 9, 2011 at 8:32 pm

Alright here we go

I have actually done my homework and identified my target market and who my lead generators will be etc. but this is where the scripts start kicking in:

#1 There are only a few lead generators in my area for the type of clients that I am targeting (ie: the ones who can afford and need my service)—so if I don’t get my initial contact
with these people right, then I will have cut off a potential source of clients.

#2 Even though there are a lot of non-profit orgaizations offering a similar service, my service is more specialized and I do offer results that clients are seeking—-BUT my fear is
that since everyone loves “free” they will balk at paying anything more than that.

#3 I have quite a lot on my plate at the momment besides a full time job (studying to be member of my Order–investing in myself, going through a divorce–I’m going to look at this
as an investment in my sanity, and starting this side business–definately an investment with longterm payoffs)—but I’m afraid that I am taking on too much all at once and that I
am being overly optimistic about what I can handle.


Alison February 9, 2011 at 8:36 pm

1. Who am I to make extra money on the side when everyone else is struggling to make ends meet?

I live a pretty comfortable life as it is right now. My job is (mostly) secure, as I’m the only one who does what I do here right now. I was just able to purchase a car that I love with
all the extra bells and whistles and my commute time is now more enjoyable than ever.

I always struggle with the I have more than everyone around me feeling. I donate, yes, but it doesn’t feel like I donate enough. And I know that I work hard for what I earn, but I
feel as if some people just get all the bad luck while others don’t struggle.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

How to fix it? I think donating more than just money, perhaps time might work. Or just start to think about how we all make our own luck, by opening our eyes to the opportunities
that surround us, but even as I type this, it’s not feeling like that would really change anything.

2. What if I get too bored working from home? Too lonely? Too depressed?

I’d love to work from home, but since I’m prone to depression, I’m afraid I’ll get too lonely. In the future, my goal is to give up my job so I can work from home and spend more
time with my family.

I realize this every time I’m home alone for a day or even a few hours. If I’m by myself, I tend to fritter away my time until someone else comes home, at which point, I can get
nothing done anyway. One or two days I’m fine, but after that, my attitude and feelings change.

How to fix? I’d love to find other freelancers in the area, but I’m just not sure where to look and find that information. If I could get together with some and have lunch a few times
a week, it’d be better than being home alone each day.

3. Doing what I love (designing) comes with a bunch of things I don’t enjoy doing as much, such as maintenance, hosting issues, etc. How do I get to do what I really love while
skipping the rest? Would it really be worth it to be on my own, as right now I have people who somewhat help with the things I’m not as interested in doing?

I love designing websites. But that’s probably about 10% of my actual work load where I am now. The rest is spent on maintenance, changes, and other “crap”. I’m afraid that if I
branch out on my own, I’ll have to handle more of the stuff I really don’t want to handle and my “design time” will actually be reduced, because now I have to keep track of
invoicing, payments, late payments, deadlines, email communication, phone communication, etc.

I noticed this when it was suggested to me that I find another job. I originally thought I wanted something completely different, then realized (while panicking) that wasn’t the real
issue. I still need to be creative, I cannot just be a working drone, because I would still be unhappy.

How to fix? I might be able to find someone to take on the tasks I would not like to do, but that wouldn’t be for a little while, after I’ve already started making enough money to
pay them what they’re worth.


dharma February 9, 2011 at 8:37 pm

Please tell me what to do. I can do X,Y,Z. Tell me what I’m good at and I’ll do it. I can’t make up my mind on what to focus. Too many ideas. I get excited and start thinking about
it and always promise myself to find ‘some’ time to focus.. . But then I just don’t have the time, it’s more complicated than I thought… maybe I should leave ideas to others or
SOMEONE can give me the plan an I’ll execute it. Anyway I could never leave my job (that I care less) and loose my safety net. (Fear of taking responsibility for myself and my
choices –manage myself]

This is not like a ‘real job’. Plus ‘selling’ it’s a dread… I just can’t talk to people..I’m not the ‘selling’ type of person plus I just can’t charge… I fear that no one would pay for any
of my ideas. Why someone would want to pay ME for such an idea? There are too many people doing it already.” Why would I be different and better?

I’m going to fail, my skills are not the appropriate, maybe I need to take some courses but I don’t have the time or money. I’ll just fail, so why even test my idea just to hear
everyone (including family) to pinpoint my mistakes and say, it’s not for you. Just leave it to the ‘professionals’ you have a family to look after. [I fear criticism]


Richard Ford February 9, 2011 at 8:42 pm

#1 I fear being laughed at, that I will be so bad people will literally make fun of me. I have had experiences that actually felt like I was being laughed at and it comes up for me
when I take on something new or risky.

#2 I fear that I’ll sign up and then do everything but what I need to do for the course and I’ll end up failing at it and wasting time and money. Then I would have to explain to
myself and my wife why I threw money away at another hair-brained scheme. I did a very expensive course in the 90′s that resulted in losing money.

#3 I fear that it will go great and I’ll make a lot of money but instead of eliminating my crushing debt or a house I will spend it on other stuff and be right where I started.

Thanks for these challenges!


Adam G February 9, 2011 at 8:44 pm

1) I’m not good enough.

My number one insecurity. I work in computer animation, and there are some people who are SO TALENTED and FAST that it boggles my mind. I’m talented, people like working
with me, but I don’t feel like I have AAA skills. I don’t feel like I’m fast or good enough to charge top dollar, and I feel that my demo reel is mostly B material. That’s my big, big

2) My industry chases the low dollar.

This fear is pervasive in animation. So many people want to get into this industry that hordes are willing to work for free and most studios & artists lowball themselves, just to keep
work coming in the door. Worse, everyone perceives it as work that can be easily outsourced overseas. Now, I know that there is a premium market in CG–the trick is getting in
and staying in.

3) I don’t have time for freelancing on the side.

I’ve got a family, a full-time job, and I need seven hours’ sleep. In my evenings I have perhaps an hour of brain power left to devote to freelancing. I’ve tried in the past to do work
on the side but I always end up exhausted. Independent projects I’ve started to build up my reel never go anywhere.

I love your philosophy and approach, Ramit. Trying hard to stick with the course.


Neal February 9, 2011 at 8:45 pm

1. I have some good ideas for products and services but I feel inadequate of putting plans into action. Specifically, I lack the confidence that I have the skills to see them through so
I save myself the disappointment by not doing anything in the first place.

2. I procastinate. I can give myself all the logical reasons why I should complete a task but generally end up putting thing off even though there would be a benefit to me for
completing it.

3. I am self conscious of speaking to people and concerned that if I flub or present unclearly I would lose potential clients.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Joel February 9, 2011 at 8:45 pm

I already now my three scripts. I was born with a condition called moebius syndrome. I have a facial paralysis which doesn’t let me smile. My dream is to become a filmmaker and
I have taken many steps to achieve that. While I work towards that dream I want to have multiple streams of income so I can work on what I want which is to make films. My fears

1) Being stuck in a normal job for the rest of my life. I work at wal-mart and my goal is to quit wal-mart this year. I want to start a freelance business that pays the bills and let’s me
work in my free time on films.

2)I’m scared that I will just be that kid who was born different and never did anything special. That at the moment of my death I will just be one more of the crowd. I want my life
to have meaning.

3) I’m scared that people won’t take me seriously just by looking at my appearance.

4) I’m really scared that I will never find someone to love me

I’m taking action on all areas to challenge my fears. I feel a little embarrassed for having them


Tim February 9, 2011 at 8:47 pm

1: I have no marketable skills outside of my job.

I’m a rocket scientist, and most of my skills are used at my day job. Yes, I have a few hobbies like writing, reading, and occasionally computer programming, but I don’t do them
often enough that I feel like I do them well enough to make money at them. How to fix this? List off my skills in detail, and identify one job for each skill that someone,
somewhere, would want to pay me for.

2: I love my job too much to want to focus on other revenue streams.

See above – I have a really awesome job building rockets, and it’s just about everything that I’ve ever wanted to do. So I tell myself that I shouldn’t spend time improving skills
related to other revenue streams, because I already don’t spend enough time improving my job-related skills. How to fix this: identify how working on projects/revenue streams
outside of my job will directly benefit me at my job (e.g. managing a small budget will make me better at managing budgets at work; developing computer programs will make me
better at understanding the programs that I use at my job).

3: I don’t have time to work on any other revenue streams.

This ties in to #2, in that I expend most of my energy at work, and then when I come home I’m too tired to want to do anything other than make dinner, read, and watch TV. How
to fix this: set aside specific time on specific evenings (like Monday and Wednesday nights from 7p-9p) to work on developing additional revenue streams.


Connor February 9, 2011 at 8:48 pm

1. I fear that I’m not doing enough to be successful.

I’m a college student, and there are so many different directions I can take with my studies, my extra-curriculars, and employment. I try to overcome this fear with overloading on
classes and obligations, but I always have this fear lingering…

2. I fear that I’m not focusing on the important things.

I’ve come to the realization that a lot of what I do is not all that important. I’m currently developing a low-information diet as suggested in the 4-Hour Work Week to help with that.
I also rearranged my schedule to help with batching most of my classes in just a few days of the week to develop more time on other days as an experiment.

3. I fear dealing with people in uncomfortable ways.

As long as I can remember, I’ve been bad at dealing with people in new situations, and it takes more effort for me to bring myself to initiate contact. I’ve tried to counteract this by
getting involved with new organizations.


Chris B. Behrens February 9, 2011 at 8:49 pm

1) I’m afraid I’ll spend a lot of time developing a kick-ass software product that nobody will pay for.
2) I’m afraid that I won’t be able to find people to sell my freelance work to.
3) I’m afraid of not having the time to devote to a freelance project to do it right.

By the way, if anybody reading this has a system and all they need is software that does it – let’s talk. I have no fear or doubts about delivering the goods – I just don’t know how
to sell them.


Nicole February 9, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Preface: I’ve taken the preliminary steps to entrepreneurship- I have two websites ( and both of which I have invested money and time into
developing & promoting.

Now the fears:

1) “Automating this business to run itself while I am at work is going to be near impossible because I won’t find the right people to handle daily operations. There are too many
unreliable and uncommitted people out there.”

Since I’m not looking to quit my day job, my team is essential to earning me a few extra paychecks per month. I haven’t had a great time with interns and hired help, so I assume
that this will be the case with everyone I hire.

2) “I I don’t know how to use the technology required to create and promote good products to sell that relate to the Ms. Career Girls of the world, or Chicago Dog Lovers.”

3) “There is so much to do! Where to I start?!”


Bryan February 9, 2011 at 8:52 pm

1) That I won’t preservere through the tough times.

I’ve always been dedicated, focused, and driven; but always with a clear goal in front of me. In sports, the goal is to maximize your talents and to win. In high school, it’s getting

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

good grades to get into college. In college, it’s learning as much as possible and making yourself an attractive applicant for your future line of work. I’ve achieved all those things.
But entrepreneurship is a different beast. By it’s very nature, you can’t really predict how the market will react, who your best customers will be, what price you should charge, etc.
You have to be nimble enough to change course, but also persistent enough to recognize and push through the hard times.

I worry that since I have a comfortable, full-time job (that I actually enjoy), I’ll stop at the first sign of resistance to my idea, and not push through to achieve my entrepreneurial
dreams. Not the worst problem to have, but it’s true – comfort breeds complacency, especially when it comes to risk taking.

2) I could be missing out on the proverbial “other opportunity.”

Because I currently have a job I enjoy, I’m constantly struggling internally with what my life could look like if I pursued the corporate route 100%, or followed a personal passion
of mine in an entrepreneurial way. I also tend to over-analyze risky and important decisions, and fear I would constantly second-guess myself if I were to strike out on my own,
largely due to the many opportunities I “could” make available in the corporate world. And that’s the funny thing – those opportunities aren’t even there yet! I know I could make
them happen, yet I act as though they exist already. Why can’t I have the same mindset with my entrepreneurial ideas?

3) There’s an “expert” out there doing this better than me.

This ties back to my tendency to over-analyze, but I also think there’s someone else out there who knows exactly what they’re doing, and I won’t be able to compete. Somewhat
irrational, since no one knows everything, but it’s a nagging thought simply because I’ve never personally created my own business before


J Griffin February 9, 2011 at 8:53 pm

I feel like I should start this with “Bless me Ramit for I have sinned” or something.

1. “Wanting to make money, or even worse, wanting to make *more* money, is evil.”

I grew up in a pretty religious area, so “Money is the root of all evil” and several other useless maxims were drilled into my brain at a very early age.

How I realized I had this script: I didn’t call it a “script” at the time because I was only 20 but I watched my parents, after years of mis-handling their finances, lose nearly
everything they had. They ended up living in my grandmother’s basement for 10 years. It was then that I realized the ignorance of money was probably more evil than the love of

How it’s effected my life: I didn’t know anything about finances during college and was leery of discussing it with anyone. So, I made some pretty big mistakes. I learned a lot,
worked my ass off and eventually got back onto solid financial footing. Now, going out and starting my own thing seems like the next logical step and it’s a step I really want to
take. But there’s still this lingering uneasiness when I have to deal with anything that’s related to finances or business.

2. “I don’t want to spend all of this time and energy on the wrong thing.”

This is a big one. Probably more than anything else I am afraid of wasting my time. You only have one life, right? Don’t screw it up.

How I realized I had this script: I’m not really sure… I think it’s just a result of getting older and maturing.

How it’s effected my life: My ADD brain spits out a crazy idea every minute of every day. Sometimes those ideas aren’t so crazy and might actually go somewhere. As a result, I
have a ridiculous number of things I’d like to do but because of my fear of doing the wrong thing, I end up doing nothing. Which, ironically, is the ultimate waste of time.

3. “I couldn’t live with myself if I let {insert important person} down.”

Every day I fail at something. It took a while, but I’m finally getting used to it… Not happy about it mind you, just used to it. But it absolutely kills me if someone else is depending
on my work and I fail them.

How I realized I had this script: I sat down about 30 minutes ago to do this exercise and it hit me like a punch in the face.

How it’s effected my life: Jeez… How has it NOT effected my life? I’m sure I’ve missed out on many professional opportunities for fear of being the weak link in the group. Most
recently, my wife really wants to have kids but I’ve been reluctant because the thought of tiny, innocent people whose lives literally depend on my decisions and actions scares the
shit out of me.

Side note to Ramit: This little bit “We know from testing that the people who follow the pre-launch course are most likely to be successful with Earn1K” is absolutely BRILLIANT.
Helluva motivator.


Jules February 9, 2011 at 8:54 pm

Hehe, where do I start?

1) You need a degree to make a living (PhD, MD) – My parents gave me this one.

2) You’ll never make a living writing/doing art – Again, thanks, mom and dad. Actually, these two go hand in hand with each other, so maybe they should count as one.

3) I have no idea how to start writing as a job – Still true, but working on it. Just got my first freelance piece accepted, as a matter of fact, and it’s even being paid for (I offered to
do it for free, in return for a referral, but it seems like I’ll be getting both, ).


Tamara February 9, 2011 at 8:56 pm

I’ve been a VA for the past 3 years – the business is doing ok, got enough clients to keep the practice busy. I’m also employing 2 other VAs as subcontractors. But I grew tired of
what I’m doing and want to move into coaching and training. But I’m scared of a few things:

1) What if this new business doesn’t take off? There are others offering if, with more experience and better known. How will I be able to position myself and ensure I offer a course
comparable or better in value? I’m afraid to fail and feel it on a more personal level than I should.

2) What if, while I’m pursuing this new business, my VA business fails? I won’t have the regular income any more and I’ll lose my reputation/brand. If, at the same time, my idea
doesn’t work out either, I’ll be back to square one with both businesses!

3) What if my coaching and training isn’t good enough? What if people start the courses, then want their money back? My clients love my advice on this subject, as part of the
service we offer. Sometimes they pay for it separately, sometimes it would just come out of the retainer package. However would they treat it differently if they were hiring me as a
coach, not a VA, and paying higher fees?

4) (bonus fear for you!) I’ll have to do a lot of public speaking – either as 121, in small groups, as webinars… I’m not always 100% confident about doing it – I fear I would make a

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

mess of my presentation, forget something, attendees will lose interest, won’t find it useful, will ask me a question I don’t know the answer to….. So this prospect feels daunting.

However I know that in order to keep growing and developing – I’ve got to do it. Otherwise I’m stagnating and not developing myself professionally any more. And I also know
that this coaching could in a round way benefit the VA business by getting some clients to cross over and purchase other services. I just need that “kick” to stop making excuses

- I’m very busy with my business and my family

- I won’t be able to successfully market 2 separate businesses
- I don’t drive and will have trouble with finding local clients for new business/attending networking events
- (For other personal reasons) money is tight right now and I can’t invest anything into the new venture
- etc.

But thanks to your 30-day hustling course I’ve already made a lot of progress with getting everything started, planning the courses, outlining what I need to develop and how to
market it. Keep up your brilliant work!




Kelly O February 9, 2011 at 8:56 pm

1. I’m not qualified enough to charge.

This is a tough one, because I believe that I could be. I’m quite intelligent and diligent, but I don’t have any acheivements or qualifications to point to, other than the corporate job
I’ve had for 6 months (hardly significant experience). Honestly, I wouldn’t hire myself, regardless of my intelligence – I’d want to see a portfolio or some hard evidence of success.
It saps my confidence to know that I wouldn’t even employ myself for consulting work. How can I expect others to hire me?

2. What if I don’t perform by producing results?

Simple enough – I like to think that I’d be good at something, but what if I’m not, and I charge someone for subpar work?
It occurs to me that providing a hard and fast guarantee would help there, since I would satisfy myself (and a client) that I earned the money.

3. What if I invest capital and receive no ROI?

Simplest – I’m not exactly flush, or I wouldn’t be looking to earn extra. My concern is that I spend money to make money…and then never make any money.


Mary P. February 9, 2011 at 8:59 pm

#1 If I fail,everybody will know–it will be shameful or folks will say, “what did she think she was doing?” . I’m not used to failure, so I don’t try many things outside of my comfort
#2 I’m too old to start a new business. I’m not in college. My kids are almost grown up. Folks will think I’m silly for trying.
#3 I work in the non-profit realm because I want to make a difference. Why will anybody pay me when for the things I’m good at (writing “please send money” letters, newsletters,
web content, public relations, reports, photography) etc. because they don’t want to pay for this service?
#4 I only want to use my skills to help causes I believe in. What if I’m asked to do something for a cause I can’t in good conscience support?


Kelsta February 9, 2011 at 8:59 pm

1. I would have to invest a significant amount of time & money for some of my ideas, and I may be better off just leaving my money in the bank (cash deposit rates in Oz aren’t too
bad at around 6.5% currently), and
2. To be successful you need a niche idea in an crowded market place. The internet is full of ebooks for just about everything already. I fear my idea will fail, and the time and
effort I put into creating something will be just another piece of noise on the internet marketplace.


Paige Makoski February 9, 2011 at 9:06 pm

#1 I need to secure my freelance income before I focus on other ideas. Otherwise, I’ll be distracted and spin my wheels.

I grew up poor and continue to watch my parents make the same mistakes over and over blaming everything and everyone for their shortcomings. I am working on changing the
belief that things have to be hard and that once you get ahead something always comes up to put you back down.
My freelance business is my only source of income currently. I’m a pilates instructor with a studio out of my home and I make $4,000 a month. I get most of my new clients
through referral but would like to pick up a few more. These “few more” keep me from moving forward because I’m not sure the best way to find them. I haven’t tested any
theories or tried much. I have brainstormed ideas, not implemented them and stressed about getting new clients.

#2 I hate marketing myself. I get physically nervous (palms sweating, heart racing). I don’t want people to think I’m talking myself up just to get them to buy my service. I’m afraid
they’re judging me and I will be discredited for “selling”.

I grew up dancing (not stripping! I’m a well trained dancer, thank you) in front of hundreds of people. I love it! I could always give presentations in school with no problem. So
what gives? When it comes to me, promoting my business to a group I’m a mess.
I’m not allowing myself to provide information to anyone about how great I think Pilates is. I’m so inspired by the work and love my job but you’d never know unless you’re my
client already because I won’t say anything. This keeps me from attracting new clients.

#3 I have no time. Between getting pregnant a few months ago, moving to a new place and keeping up with my current work schedule I have no time to pursue anything new.

I realized I had this script over the last couple of days in this course. I honestly thought this excuse was valid. Sure I am super busy with all those things. Over the last 2 days I’ve
monitored what I spend my time and energy on. I realize I waste 30-90 minutes a day on facebook and I’ve been watching tv from 7-11. Just by cutting those times in half I free up
3 extra hours a day.
This time wasting keeps me from getting necessary things done and moving on with my life. My “to-do” list gets pushed off yet another day and the stress mounts and the wheels
start spinning.


Jessica February 9, 2011 at 9:08 pm

It’s probably worth noting that I already have a successful freelance business, with more clients than I can handle. I’m trying now to create alternate income streams from work that
is not exclusively service based. I translate “Earn 1K” into “Earn 1K doing something other than being paid as a graphic designer by the hour.” I don’t know if the course works
this way, but I’m willing to try!

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#1: I have no spare time: I’m afraid if I turn down current clients, then I’ll regret not having that extra income later.

#2: I’m already really good at something: I’m afraid that I’ll be less successful if I try something new or different and that I’ll continue to be successful if I just keep doing what I
am doing with my freelance business.

#3: It’s already been done: I’m afraid that other competitors / mentors / masters in my field will criticize or laugh at what I do. I’m afraid that I will have nothing of use to add.


George February 9, 2011 at 9:09 pm

1. I have a family and am frightened of not having a consistent stream of income. Also, having a family takes up such a large part of my time.

2. Do not have enough experience/expertise to charge a business for my services. How could I create something that others would value?

3. Ego cannot handle rejection that usually comes with working on my own. It’s easier to sit back and no fail than make an effort and experience some form of failure.


Bud Hennekes February 9, 2011 at 9:14 pm

1. I’m afraid of coming up short and and not having what it takes to make it in the entrepreneurial world.
2. I’m afraid my parents won’t be proud of me. Holy shit… did I just say that?
3. I’m afraid my ideas and talents aren’t good enough even though I know that I have value to offer.

Silly fears of course, but so very real.


Elizabeth Gage February 9, 2011 at 9:14 pm

I am currently developing a business as an independent fashion consultant, selling clothing through the home-party model. Women in this company can make six figures, commonly
five, and I have done the math to set my own goals. But I do struggle with fears.
1. Selling and the home party model are tacky tacky tacky. My parents would never approve. I’m an intellectual/artist, I should never do something so common.
Analysis: This is an ancient script from my childhood. In truth the home party model provides women with a lot of fun and fellowship and the group dynamic encourages women to
buy. The intellectual/artist label may be true but it doesn’t need to inhibit me.
2. I’m a loser/failure; I’ll never be one of the top sellers or team leaders (and underlying this is the assumption that it’s tacky to compete and excel; a good girl steps out of the way
for others and a good girl never exerts herself. Also, it’s more romantic to be a talented loser than a success.)
Analysis: more ancient scripts. Also, many times when I have excelled, it was without effort (smart in school, etc.) so I never learned how to apply deliberate effort to a task or
3. People will hate me for asking them to have a party. People are too stressed by money and too busy to want to throw a party for my clothing line.
Analysis: This is an excuse. Some people say yes! And nobody so far really hates me for asking.
The company I’m selling for provides a lot of support and tools for overcoming our fears, but I want more more more. Thanks, Ramit.


Stephanie Fraide February 9, 2011 at 9:16 pm

*I am writing this list before looking at anyone else’s list. After I write this list I will read every single one of them to see how our scripts compare.

#1. I have no solid credentials to base my business foundation.

This one is a biggie. I never finished my college education. Just reading this blog makes me feel stupid for doing so. However, I have made it to the position I am in (which should
have a college education requirement) and many others in the past. I have worked my ass off twice as hard as the guy next to me for that reason. It’s maybe why I’ve advanced as
far as I have.
I have had a few experiences as acting like a stylist, for a week long SXSW showcase for a band, one for a feature short that will be broadcast if not just nationally, globally. But I
still don’t fit the match for what you see on T.V. My clients look at me like I should know more. There are similar stories for the freelance writer/photographer as well as a new
media consultant. Although I do all of these currently for free. And people keep asking me to do more. And I do, for free. Just from writing this short exercise I see that this is more
a lack of self confidence than anything.

#2. I have three great ideas – one for a stylist, one for new media consulting, and one for freelance writing and photography. I can’t decide which one of these I would like to
dedicate the majority of my time. As I said before, I currently do these projects for free. But I can pick them up and put them down as I see fit because I’m not obligated to do so
(no pay = no contracts). I noticed that when I focused alot of my time doing fashion/style work I saw myself becoming superficial. When I worked on web related stuff I saw
myself becoming a slug and looked more like a typical stay-at-home worker that didn’t change out of sweatpants. For writing and photography – well this goes back to #1 – not
enough cred.

#3. I do not want to lose the security of my paying “traditional” job even though I envy the freelancers working at the local coffee houses. Or my friends who have jobs that require
them to travel everywhere updating their facebooks and emails with gorgeous pictures of places I didn’t even know existed. How am I going to pay for my insurance? I have glasses
and have the luck of the draw for weird medical conditions. Most of this has to do with logistics of paying for life, but a big concern is the loss of my work family. I work for a
company that has LIFERS. 20+ years of dedicated service. We attend eachothers weddings and funerals and births. How could I walk away from such an amazing and currently
blessed for fortunate life?
Obviously, I can take into account the increase of expenses and create rates that include this lifestyle. But then again, who’s going to pay when you don’t have credentials? See fear

And the circle continues.


Gregg February 9, 2011 at 9:17 pm

Greetings everyone,

Ramit’s remarks really resonated with me – so much so that I’ve included some ‘bonus’ examples. LOL

Here are four of my invisible scripts.

I am not-wired-to-be-happy / don’t-deserve-to-be-happy – so what’s the point in ‘taking action’ to try to make my dreams come true?

I’m not ‘ready’ to take action. There is always something that I need to learn or do first – and THEN I’ll be ready.

I’m terrified of failing. It’s a lot more comfortable to sit on the sidelines and not be judged than to get on the court and risk … … failing.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Becoming more and more successful simply sets me up for a fall from even greater heights when I fail – which I will inevitably will.

I invest significant time, energy and sometimes money in a project but I don’t finish it because at some point halfway through the project – I’ll rationalize why it makes sense to
abandon the project that I’m working on (I’m a world class talent in this area) in order to pursue an even ‘better’ project. Of course, I don’t consciously abandon the first project – I
just tell myself that I will ‘get back to it’ – AFTER I finish the new project. However, I rarely do because … halfway through the new project …

Ramit’s remarks about how most of us always want to ‘learn new tactics’ rather than confront the hard psychological truths about why we don’t take action really hit home for me.

Sometimes it’s difficult to see the forest for the trees in our personal lives because we’re so heavily invested in our daily routines and outlook. For whatever it’s worth, I’d like to
throw out a different kind of example that I imagine most men can relate to.

Suppose a man sees a woman, who he is unusually attracted to. However, it’s in a non-socializing and non-recurring situation. In other words, he can’t expect to run into her again
– this is his one and only chance – and the situation is such that striking up a conversation with her would be unexpected socially.

The vast majority of men in such a situation would find it to be a very intimidating – or at best quite ‘challenging’ situation – one that requires a good bit of confidence and
emotional courage.

What should the man’s very first few words be? (Ladies, if you don’t know this – men REALLY agonize over those first few words).

The reality is that the vast majority of men would NEVER approach a woman in such a situation – even though they are wildly attracted to her.

Most men will rationalize their decision to not seize the moment due to the fact that they couldn’t think of the ‘right thing’ to say. I’ve certainly been there and imagine every man
has experienced this exact situation.

The reason that I shared this example is because it seems SO OBVIOUS to me (and I assume most men and probably even women) why men hardly ever approach a woman in such
a situation – and it has nothing to do with ‘not having the right introductory line’.

To the contrary, it’s about the difficulty of taking action when your self-esteem is on the line – and there is significant uncertainty as to whether or not you will ultimately be




Kevin E. February 9, 2011 at 9:21 pm

1. If I start a new venture, I fear I will lose interest quickly and once again have to look for my “passion”

—Explanation: In 2008 I started an eBay business selling rare books and have profitably ran it to today. For a long while, I have been completely bored by it so I have tried out
numerous other things to find my interests. I tried filmmaking, acting, design courses, photography, drawing, improv…nothing has stuck. I find myself bouncing from one thing to
the next. I love the time freedom of my business, but I am BORED as shit by it & can’t seem to find my passion. I have read Cal Newport’s series on passion, but I am still
dismayed and can’t seem to find something I REALLY care about. This by far is the Dominating Fear.
—What I Could do: start another business with a passion & go deep. I started my eBay business with the #1 intention of making money (& I did), but wasn’t interested in what I
was selling from the get go. Action: locate interest & fucking go!

2. I can’t keep long lasting relationships.

—Explanation: I used to have close relationships back in the day (as in sophomore year of highschool back in the day), but since have drifted from different relationship to
different relationship. For awhile I got caught up with some non-friend friends and went through a bout with depression. It seems the majority (another assumption) of people I
meet are “follow the herd, follow the status quo, do my 9-5 job, and clock out mentality. It drives me nuts…and my contrary view in past hasn’t exactly made me Mr. Popular. I
would like to find people (in person-not just online) who I can meet up with on a regular basis and discuss entrepreneurship & psychology.
—What I Could do: drop the people who don’t give a shit about me and are flakes. Follow up and consistently keep in touch with those who do, by using calendar reminders or
scheduling a time in my day to contact my friends & family. Find a meet-up group on entrepreneurship (or start one).

3. If I start a new business, I fear I will lose money and not get any customers.

—Explanation: Running an eBay business allows me the luxury of having traffic built in. I fear if I sink money into a new venture (I want to start a business selling quality
American-Made T-Shirts) – I won’t get any attention, no customers, and lose money. From attending the multiple streams on income webinar, I know you say start freelancing
before starting with a product, but I am unclear how that applies if you want to create something tangible and not info product based?
—What I Could do: test my assumptions. I figure a new venture won’t cost much more than 5K…worst thing that happens, I lose 5K, lose some time, but learn some things along
the way that worked. I have a job (in which I control) so I have a safety net.


Marie-Pier Joubert February 9, 2011 at 9:24 pm

#1 I’m afraid of selling my self and my services because I feel like I am an imposter. My partner and I own a web development company. He has skills and went to the university in
IT. I studied in fashion design, massage therapy and I drop my psychology classes after 1 1/2 year. I love my I do now but don’t feel comfortable enough to talk about it outside our

#2 I have another company, which is a social network for health therapist (in Quebec only) the business model is subscription base. I need to “get out” and talk about it. I’m afraid
the project is not good enough, I’m afraid I’ll bother people, I’m afraid I’ll be rejected. (Since I really need sells, I hire 10 representatives to do the job for me. I’m freaked out right
now because nobody made a sell yet. Does the product is crappy and I need to realize it??? 2 years of my life and 50 000$ after…. FREAKED OUT.)

#3 I can’t talk about my “entrepreneur life” because people around me don’t understand, judge, jealous me, try to “put sense” in my head. I need new friends who live the
“entrepreneur” life, I need people to kick my ass (like Ramit and Tim). I’m so shy… For the last 2 year, I worked like 80 hours a week and was having less and less social
interaction. I feel like a weirdo when I meet people. See the “degradation of social skills” by The Oatmeal (

On an happier note, I began to outsource my repetitive tasks through Elance yesterday. I wonder why I didn’t do it before. I’m very happy and I also started to send proposal to
potential clients in order to upgrade their web identity and website. I was afraid at first but find out it’s really fun to do. Hope to get feedback from them soon!


zachary February 9, 2011 at 9:25 pm

My problem and maybe fear,

#1. I get a lot finished and achieved, yet I feel that I give up at the very end. Preventing myself from giving it the best I can and maybe missing out on the last mile of the marathon.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


George February 9, 2011 at 9:27 pm

“I have to invest a lot of money up-front.”

This is downright silly. All of the advice I’ve gotten here so far hasn’t required a dime.

“I’m way to busy to have enough time for this.”

In reality, I waste a lot of time doing meaningless things, because I am not tracking where I do spend my time. What gets measured gets managed.

“My ideas aren’t good.”

It doesn’t really matter if I think the idea is good or not, it matters whether the market thinks it is worth paying for. I do have good ideas, they just don’t always seem like that at
first. This phrase is really a cop-out for not wanting to do more research into the market.


Drew February 9, 2011 at 9:31 pm

1. Nobody has really figured out how to make near a full-time income from a sports blog without posting over and over again every day, or getting bought-out by a bigger

2. I can’t create a sell-able product that people will actually want to buy.

3. I don’t have the dedication to follow through with it. I’ll start and not finish.


Adam February 9, 2011 at 9:32 pm

1. I have an idea for a product that I think could be quite lucrative. The script that stops me from pursuing this idea is to the effect of “You’re not an inventor. What makes you
think that you can come up with something that’s better than what’s currently out on the market when there are designers and engineers that could be working on this.”

2. You can’t charge for writing. Everyone can write, and only the people who have tons of experience get paid for it.

This, once I look at it, is probably the dumbest thought process that I’ve ever noticed in myself. The only way to get that “experience” that I talk about is to write professionally,
and doing something professionally means making money doing it.

3. I don’t want to bring in a “networking” agenda when I meet people. I just want to hang out and be normal.

Again, once written down this fear seems ridiculous to me. Everyone brings some kind of agenda to everything that they do, and what’s so wrong with having an agenda to
network? Many times networking leads to opportunities that you couldn’t have gotten any other way.


Robin Gerhart February 9, 2011 at 9:35 pm

I get real shy walking into a room or meeting someone for the first time. Once I have reached out to one person I am over it, but it causes me to loose confidence and to doubt my
ability. I have to make myself get out in these uncomfortable situations to do business and succeed!


Casey Margell February 9, 2011 at 9:36 pm

1) I’m afraid of saying No to people or giving the “wrong” answer

I often have trouble saying no to things or making a firm decision. Growing up my mom learned that when asked something and I say “I don’t know” what I really mean is “no”.
She would call me on it and cite that “it had a no in it”. I still have trouble making decisions sometimes though I’ve gotten better.

2) I’m afraid that I won’t be able to manage or keep track of things adequately. I’m somewhat disorganized in some areas and not in others. I am not always good about keeping
track of things and tend to try to keep track of it all in my head and I just end up forgetting things.

3) I’m afraid that I’ll do the wrong thing and / or wasting time. This leads to me not trying things because I’m afraid they’ll fail and I’ll have wasted time/energy/money. I realize
that failure is natural and healthy but it still struggle with this. I tend to use getting/being busy as an excuse and will cite things like my family or my young kids. But they aren’t
holding me back, I am.


pattir February 9, 2011 at 9:37 pm

1. i am too old – [okay, i am outside your target audience, Ramit, but am here, learning from you!]
2. i was a linchpin for a long time, in corporate, which was wonderful. but turned not so wonderful & i totally burned-out because i stayed too long when i should have moved on.
3. i cannot/will never find a marketable niche / skills out of date / etc


Greg Rollett February 9, 2011 at 9:44 pm

I always like to look at the abundance in life. There is enough for everyone, if you have something you want to achieve and work at it. But…there is always something in the back
of our minds that makes us doubt ourselves. 3 things I am fearful of:

1. That once I hit extreme levels of income, they will stop and I won’t know how to replenish. This might be crazy, but there are hot times and cool times and riding a high can
blindside you when a launch goes south or your recurring payments stop and you need to do it all over again.

2. That my market won’t pay for quality info. In the music industry, a musician would rather pay $100 bar tab than spend $50 to promote their music to get more people at the
show which would get them a free bar tab. Then again, do I want my ideal client to have such a mindset. The easy answer is no, but the keep the money rolling in answer is hell, I
don’t care who buys it as long as they do and use a little but of it and come back for more.

3. Back to the long term route. I don’t want to have to launch a new product every year (month/quarter/whatever) just to keep my income levels consistent. If you had to write a
new book, or launch a new course every year for 50 years, that is no more fun than working at a shit job for the same time, you are just a slave to your own business and that scares
the hell out of me. BUT, using these launches to get into passive streams through investments, real estate, buying stakes in startups, etc that make money while I sleep are
encouraging, but still the fear is that I’ll be Zig Ziglar, 100 years old and still needing to sell of a podium to pay for my million dollar estate.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Flippin awesome series so far Ramit!


Alex February 9, 2011 at 9:49 pm

I love how Ramit is completely honest and will always kick our asses when we drag our feet. Much needed.

Like many people, my main fear is that I don’t have the skills to be a profitable freelancer. In law school I somehow bought into the intense push towards big-firm jobs and forgot
that it’s not even close to the limit on what can be done with my skills. I know it’s bullshit – I got an amazing score on the LSAT, for one thing, and I was personally invited to be a
researcher for an international law think-tank (on a volunteer basis – for now), and I make great soup…but somehow there’s this nagging sense that I’m “not good enough.”

I’m afraid that I’ll never really be accepted as an expert in the field that interests me most. I’m fascinated by indigenous law and legal issues, but there are a lot of identity politics
wrapped up in that – which leaves me wondering how well a white girl would be received in that field.

Finally, like Tim (above) I’m afraid that I’m just too shy to network. When people approach me I can hold my own like a champ. I just feel really awkward doing the approaching –
I don’t know what to say, and just the prospect of it gives me a negative physiological reaction.!


Dennis B. February 9, 2011 at 9:50 pm

Hi everybody

It’s quite encouraging to read, that I’m not alone with my fears..

#1 I will have no time to seriously commit to earn money on the side.

I work in the IT-Departement of a swiss bank and am responsible for the anti moneylaundering systems, which eats all my motivation as I have to demand the people do the work
they are getting paid for etc. After that, the rest of the evening is occupied with my wife and daughter. So where do I get the time?

#2 I do have no actual product-idea

I do have some other skills i could potentially market like pc-support, homepage-programming, image-manipulation etc, but I didn’t find a (for me) profitable idea yet.

#3 Why should I risk my full time job?

It’s too easy for me to just work from 7:30 to 17:00,than to start something new.

I already followed your first release of Earn1k. I was fascinated with the stuff you gave away for free, but in the end i was afraid, that the things you show are not really working in
europe. so i didn’t sign up.
This time I already organized with my wife, that I will sign up. I will make it work, even if 03:00am GMT+1 is normally not my time.

Cheers from Switzerland



Oz February 9, 2011 at 9:50 pm

1. I always make the wrong decision.

Several times now in my life I’ve thrown myself into something wholeheartedly, thinking that this was it, this was what I wanted to do with my life… only to have it backfire, break
down, or turn out to be Not What I Want. I’ve reached a point now where I’m afraid to commit to any big ambition or idea because chances are good that I’ll end up being
miserable with that decision and have to backpedal for months (if not years) just to get to a place where I can try going in a different direction.

2. I can’t do this; I’m just a kid.

Actually I’m nearly 26, but I have yet to be able to support myself independently, partly because I finished college and started looking for non-minimum-wage work *just* as the
economy collapsed. I’ve had a string of bad luck (and, yes, made several bad decisions) and have no evidence of success upon which to build confidence.

It also doesn’t help that I literally look ten or so years younger; people ALWAYS AND WITHOUT FAIL assume that I’m about 12-15 years old, and even when I correct their
misperception, they continue to treat me as such and talk down to me. People have threatened to confiscate my (real) ID as a “fake”. This includes people who are less educated
than I am. Sometimes it includes actual teenagers. Being spoken down to by a 14-year-old – in public – is just… This makes me feel like a joke (and also sometimes makes me want
to buy an AK-47).

3. No one wants to hire/work with me.

This is purely the result of the past 14 months of unemployment, and the dishonest, passive-aggressive manner in which my last employers laid me off. That’s a hell of a lot of
rejection to take. Any sane person would reach the conclusion – at least subconsciously – that they’re unemployable or have some form of social leprosy. I *have* skills, I *have*
credentials, I *have* changed my tactics and I *have* developed some kickass interview skills. I’ve executed several of Ramit’s get-hired tactics – I’ve even used his exact scripts,
with ZERO response. The answer continues to be the same. Conclusion: Something is intangibly wrong with me and no employer will give me the time of day.

*OVERALL ISSUE: I have the self-confidence of a bowl of jello.


Jim Coutinho February 9, 2011 at 9:56 pm

I fear that I do not have enough time in the day to successfully launch a side job. I am an an attorney that needs to focus on billable hours, and working over and beyond my day
job is a quieting proposition. Not to mention that I need and want to spend quality time with my wife. I’m not usre if I have the time to devote to quality work.

I fear releasing something that is sub-standard. Seth Godin always talks about just shipping ideas and products to get them out, and this is my biggest fear. I am a perfectionist and
greatly fear the release of sub-par materials. This makes me work on things until they are 100% complete before I show anyone or even talk about it…and most things never get

I am afraid that the only skill I have for a side job (or only skill I think I have atm) is something I won’t enjoy in the long term. I left computer programming to be an attorney. I love
being an attorney, but know I could make money as a database designer on the side. I just fear that I don’t have the stomach for it.

Thanks for the push, Ramit.


AD February 9, 2011 at 9:59 pm

Going through this exercise (thinking about the prompt ‘What’s holding me back from earning money’), I was struck by how EVERY THOUGHT started with “I’m afraid ______.”

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

“…I’ll put in a lot of effort and get no clients”

“…that people will find my efforts online (I have a google-friendly name) and I’ll be laughed at”
“…I’ll fail and not try again” *

When I thought over my ‘results’ as a whole, I’m not sure that I ended up with scripts per se, since they seemed to be more individually-sourced than cultural. Summarizing, my top
3 would go:

1) fear of failure
2) fear of rejection
3) fear of abandonment *

..yikes. Perhaps the first two are more typical. The asterisked points go together and represent a crazy revelation to me.
* My dad started his own business when I was in 2nd grade, and it was sold (failed) when I was in 8th. He went downhill from there, sinking into a major depression. I might have
lost him then, now that I think about it. I think he was ashamed of turning out a “failed immigrant” [my term, I assume you get what I mean], stopped working, and eventually
stopped trying. My parents quickly ran out of funds, especially due to my mom’s medical bills. My mom ended up being the breadwinner between them for a few years on a
part-time salary (she was also in a weakened post-cancer state). I think he abandoned us, and I think he abandoned himself.
Cut to today – my mom relapsed and passed last year, and the night of the funeral, he let me know that he was going to move back to India. Fine.
I’m proud of what I’ve managed to do so far, but I KNOW that I’m capable of much more. But now I also know that I have this sinking fear that if I fail, I’ll abandon myself. Now
to fix that. Thanks, Ramit.


Tom King February 9, 2011 at 9:59 pm

1. I have a 14 month old and a pregant wife, I have no time and no spare money.

My wife is no longer working, and because of the new house and unexpected medical bills ($500 per month medical formula) I am in CC debt for the first time.

2. I actually love my job, my boss is great, and I get paid well, what more could I want?

Really, I have no problem with my job, I have a problem with jobs in general. I want to spend more time with my kids. I get home at 5pm and my 14 month old is getting sleepy at
7:30. I’m making dinner for 30 minutes, so I only get to be Dad for 2 hours per day. I also have dreams of traveling for months with the fam, and I’m NOT waiting for retirement.
This would not work with most full time jobs. I’m a manager, and need to be present at the office. I also must be present because most of what we do requires a machine shop and
lab. Only half of my work is on a computer, so telecommuting would only work a day a week or so.

3. I have tried side businesses and failed.

I am not the type to wish for things and do nothing. I have started a side business (no money yet). I am at the point where I am realizing it might be a dumb idea (website is up and
nobody buying).

I have a few tricks up my sleeve, but I’ll be killing this thing in 3 weeks if they don’t work. What next? My goal is flexibility of location and time, four hour work week style.

Thanks Ramit, already automated my finances and paying down CC debt slowly. Will be changing from Chase to Schwab soon. I plan to put the CC payment into an IRA once the
debt is gone.


Pauly February 9, 2011 at 10:00 pm

1) I keep believeing the market I want to get into is too small and competitive.

2) I am scared I’ll lose any personal capital…I’m paying off debt and should focus on that first.

3) I am scared that people I know well and in my market will scoff and sabatoage any money making attempts…I’ve seen others do it before.


Syms February 9, 2011 at 10:00 pm

1. Artists don’t make a lot of money. Artists aren’t good at business.

This idea was drilled into my head during art school and before that in all my high school art classes. Everyone thinks that artists don’t have money or that artist can’t make money.
Even you say this in your exercises Ramit. I’ve have to turn this script off to make money. This is a big one for me.

2. The website/product/idea/text needs to be perfect.

I believe in high quality and having high standards, but I know when my perfectionism stops being effective. I just don’t know how to let it go. I guess the fear is it won’t be “good
enough.” I have to set the standards, meet them by a certain deadline and just ship.

3. I need to know everything about X before I make a move.

This is also tied to being a perfectionist. I research too much because I don’t want to seem dumb or unqualified. I could probably learn more if I took an expert out to lunch and
asked them where I should look. That would I would cover my bases, not look like an idiot, but not have to read like I was getting my PhD.


Alex February 9, 2011 at 10:02 pm

3 main invisible scripts:

1) I’ll quit on the last mile. Persistence is my weak-point

2) The rest of my life will fall apart. I lose attention to detail and things go kaput.
3) I’m not smart enough. My ideas will not work.


Joshua February 9, 2011 at 10:03 pm

1) I won’t be able to afford health care/care for family if I really commit to going alone. Specifically, I am afraid that we are un-insurable if I try to buy my own insurance.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2) I am afraid that I will choose the wrong thing to work on. So I try to work on lots of things instead of committing to one.

3) That I won’t find a way to make side money that is compatible with my employment agreement.


Mark Herrmann February 9, 2011 at 10:06 pm

1) I have a fear of finishing a task. I can’t explain it, but more often than not, I seem to find ways to drag my feet until the last possible second. I wasn’t always like this, but as I get
older and accrue more responsibilities, my procrastination is getting worse.

2) I have a fear of being rejected. I am scared of being told no. I guess I don’t know how to deal with the aftermath of being told no. Sometimes, I take it personally. Other times, I
get frustrated that I was not successful.

3) I have a fear of confrontation. This is relatively minor, but I think my nature is to assume that a confrontation always results in a fight. It’s sometimes hard for me to get past a
disagreement, and I can envision it becoming worse when dollars and cents are involved.


Alex February 9, 2011 at 10:07 pm


1) This is my problem with academics, a habit that I seem to cover up enough to have it reoccur.
2) I’ve had this happen once or twice. I have too many “pressing” issues at once that I burn out and hole up. Familial fall-backs tend to be my excuse.
3) I was told I was smart by my parents, but if I’m so smart, why do I have problems? (I know that’s silly, just the mind-specter that comes up when I’m on the verge of


Mike February 9, 2011 at 10:10 pm

1) I’m sure that I could find some kind of a marketable idea (although I haven’t tested any yet). I’m afraid that once I do find an idea that I can sell, it’s not going to be something
that I care enough about to continue doing. If I get bored, or the work starts to feel like a burden, my product/service will be of poor quality and the whole thing will fizzle out. I
guess this is where the psychology of motivation comes into play!

2) I am pretty terrible at starting/holding a conversation. This goes for social settings and professional networking. Unless I actually plan ahead of time, I have a hard time saying
anything I think the other person will find interesting. So I usually just say nothing. I need to set up a routine to work on that (28-days-makes-a-habit style).

3) I am worried that devoting my time to earning more (taking E1K and the actual freelancing) will cut into my time for my GF, my band, and my hobbies. The flip side is that if I
can earn enough to actually quit my 9-5 and be my own boss, I’d have all the freedom I want. But there’s going to be some crunch time during the freelance ramp-up.

I’m excited to 1) beat the sh*t out of my remaining student debt 2) smoke my peers, leave ‘em in the dust 3) make my dad proud 4) give myself more freedom and 5) gain
knowledge and skills that will help me for the rest of my life, no matter where I go. Let’s rock!


Martin February 9, 2011 at 10:15 pm

1: People who are close to me will lose respect for me. They’ll think I’m a money monger, or screwing other people. The general public thinks that being “successful” is bad,
wrong, or ultimately evil. They think I’m nutty, crazy, stupid. That I need to find the “happiness within” and I wonder why I can’t seem to find it. Will this really make me happy?
Will it make life better? If I reach a significant level of success (and can afford to buy a brand new Ferrari, for example) how will that affect my relationships? How will it affect my
ability to get a REAL date – I know I could pick up girls, but how would I know they’re not just gold-diggers? Can this level of success prevent creating sustainable relationships
with the “average” person? Why don’t people seem to ahve the passion, motivation, or drive? Intelligent people that I respect around me, upon discussing my goals and intentions
seem to scoff or balk at my ambition and motivation – “It’ll be fun for a while, and I’m sure you’ll go back to your career path a different person” – Am I missing something? Is my
dream truly impossible, as everyone around me seems to believe? Have they searched for it, and foudn it doesn’t exist? Or have they not even tried? What makes them so sure that
this isn’t a better path to happiness? I’m already sacrificing personal time, health, and possibly sanity to build a business on the side of working a full time job that I hate – will this
just be a recurring theme throughout my life? Will my pursuit of success limit my ability to have strong, positive, close relationships? Even if it’s financially freeing, will it be
psychologically confining? Will I know when to take a break? Will I have the time to pursue life, love, friends, family? Will I be a good father to my children, and give them my
time, love, and stability? Or will I be the ever-busy businessman, who has the maid raise my children? A Ferrari isn’t worth the social sacrifice, is that the path I’m headed down, or
is this truly going to be liberating, in the long run? And in that case, how long will it take before I can have my health, life, and free-time back? I know myself well enough to know
that I can get completely engrossed in projects, at the detriment of other aspects of my life – will I be able to healthily balance being an entrepreneur?

2: I’m not good enough to charge. My first three clients [and only ones so far] are friends, and I’m helping them for free… I’m planning on not offering my services for free
anymore, but why did I take them on as free anyways? I don’t think they’ll pay. I never even asked, outright. I consider them portfolio builders, but will I know when to stop
building my portfolio? I could ask them for a percentage of profits (and have, sort of, and they seem receptive) but how do I do the paperwork behind that? I love the idea of
getting paid for results, not time, but is that the wrong approach this early in the game? What skills of mine are most marketable, and what can I charge for? I know I’m GOOD
(I’ve got lots of credentials) but how do I apply and focus this into a profitable, mentally stimulating, liberating FULL income – not just side?

3: Failure. I’m too ADD. I get bored too quickly and easily to see a project through long enough for it to become “passive” or mostly passive income, before wanting to move on to
the next thing. I have too much I want to do, and I’m afraid of locking myself into something specific. My “career” jobs have never lasted longer than 6 months, except the one I’m
in now, and it’s been 6 months + 3 weeks, and I desperately, painfully, awfully want to get out. I HATE it… But I really like the financial stability that being a Mechanical Engineer
provides. I hate desk jobs though, and are my business/freelance goals just furthering my confinement to a desk? Can I figure out how to take my strengths as an intelligent, but
possibly Adult ADHD person to create a strong income stream to replace the dull, depressing every-man job? By the way, I don’t consider being “adult ADHD” a detriment, but
I’m realizing more and more that to be successful I need to operate in a dramatically different technique than most people. I need to learn how to harness my “hyper-focus” and
extreme bursts of motivation when they’re there to create dramatic results, and know that when I’m on the “downswing” I just need to ride it out. The idea of locking myself into
any one career, job, or muse is borderline frightening to me. I’m very, very, afraid it will become boring and depressing before it’s up-and-running, and well automated, since I
know that when put in a circumstance where something isn’t stimulating enough, my performance will drop to nearly 0%. I can’t lead a long-term, stable, self-sustaining lifestyle if
I can’t get myself an income that’s at least somewhat automated. Will I make the right decisions to achieve this? Or will I continue to lock myself in a cycle of failure? Are there
even career options out there for someone like me to fall back on? Is there a “9-5er” that will offer me the appropriate mental stimulation and project diversity to keep me happy?
Or will I become dependent on medication to force my creative, powerful mind into what society deems it should be, rather than what it truly is. Will I continue down this path of
stifling what makes me powerful and unique to bend to societal norms, or will I break free of the mold, and show the world what I’m really capable of… am I really capable of
something? If I’m not, is it even a problem?


Jerrold February 9, 2011 at 10:18 pm

my 3 invisible scripts are:

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1) ““I need to get good at X before I could ever dream of charging”

I’ve had several ideas about freelancing with accounting and computer repair but failed to follow through because I didn’t have enough confidence in my abilities to believe I could
earn money on the side with my accounting and computer skills.

2) “Nobody would pay me”

I always used the excuse that my potential clients would probably get their 14 year-old nephew to do the same work for free for which I want to charge them, never mind the fact
that this may be the case for some of my potential client base but definitely not all of them.

3) “I have no time”
What I really mean is that sometimes I have trouble focusing on one project to thoroughly test whether it can be profitable and dump it if not or dig in further if it is. its a focus


Mihir February 9, 2011 at 10:19 pm

1. My idea(s) will be weak and not very useful. Perhaps somebody has already built a better moustrap, or people

just won’t see any value in my ideas. They might laugh at me and not take me seriously. They will pat me on the head but then brush me aside. I think this is fear of ridicule,
humiliation, and abandonment. Of course it’s irrational, but I think it stems from narcissism and self-hate – who am I to think I am going to have the “perfect solution” so I can
“shine” in front of peers, superiors, potential clients, etc.? Who am I to think that a less-than-perfect solution means I will have to just give up and label myself a complete failure,
loser, etc.? Who am I to expect others to unconditionally like me if I just tear myself down constantly? Is pity what I really want?

2. My spouse will think I’m wasting time and taking time away from the home & family. She’ll say just focus on your work and spending time home. She’ll point to my past history
of getting infatuated with skills I’ve gained through courses but never used them and just wasted money.

I think this is fear of being the abandoner, leaving something behind. Perhaps it’s fear I’d be like my dad who worked long hours for many years when I was a young child, but who
ironically became fairly successful and later had much more time and money to spend with us – we took nice vacations and he was able to send my brother and I to pretty elite
private universities. And he wasn’t a doctor or some other high-earning professional – he owned a run-of-the-mill small business, but had a great customer base and great lateral
business relationships. Perhaps I should just have faith that things will work out and I won’t be short-changing my family – I may actually be helping them by taking a risk or two.

3. I don’t have “enough” – enough time, enough information, enough training/degrees/credentials, enough “quality” experience, enough deep professional connections, enough
respect, enough money to invest/jump-start, enough lack-of-obligations (especially family).

This is a sort of addiction for me. A fear of emptiness? Incompleteness? Again, who am I to think that I should be “perfectly complete” person before I march onto success. Isn’t
that kind of backwards? It’s almost the opposite of the “testing” Ramit talks about – it’s backwards to expect that I have the answers first, then act on them later. A sort of
narcissism again? It’s really just a big excuse to do nothing. Actually all these fears are big excuses to do nothing, to stay stuck in my comfort zone.


Adam G February 9, 2011 at 10:20 pm

OK, one more big fear that undergirds those other fears: the fear of actually being in control of my destiny. Weird, huh? Someone up above mentioned that, and I completely agree.
I’m afraid to truly be in control of my circumstances, because I think I’ll make a mess of it, that if I do succeed it will take so much effort to stay successful that eventually I will
fail, and the consequences will somehow be even worse. The more I talk about it the stupider it sounds but it’s there.


Pramit February 9, 2011 at 10:22 pm

1. “I’m just too nice”. I’ve taken personality quizzes, read up on my zodiac symbol, and consulted with friends and family about my strengths and weaknesses. All of their feedback
points out that I’m just a really nice guy who gets pushed around easily and is extremely vulnerable to criticism. I played tennis for one year in high school and I still recall losing to
a bulky football player simply because I handed him nearly every opportunity to win points. I would never wish anything evil upon anyone, but I will blame myself endlessly even
if the situation was out of my hands.

2. “I’ll lose my friends”. I’m still in college and have had very few good friends throughout my life. Since this semester started, I’ve met new friends and fostered stronger
relationships than in previous semesters, and I fear that starting a business and advocating it in front of them will alienate me. I’ve never been able to fit in with any closely-knit
group of people, so this fear is central to my limiting beliefs.

3. “I don’t want to do it alone”. I want someone dependable to help me figure things out (my mind wanders a lot) but I also prefer working alone because I feel that no one else
cares as much as I do about my project. I know that I am much more comfortable speaking beside someone else rather than meeting a client one-on-one (which to me is awkward).

4. “I’m an in-the-moment kind of person”. My decisions rely too much on my intuition and gut feeling instead of logic and rationale. Sometimes I just walk away from a social
gathering because I begin to think “I don’t belong here, and I don’t deserve to be here”. Strange as it is, it’s difficult to control these urges and I fear that that can severely
undermine my business ventures. This also suggests why I feel that I need to balance out my moodiness by working with a partner (#3).


Thea February 9, 2011 at 10:26 pm

#1 – I shouldn’t ask to be paid well for my work

I have spent most of my working life working for nonprofits, schools and other organizations that are chronically underfunded, and thus I have been chronically underpaid. There is
a script among nonprofit workers that since we’re doing “good” things we shouldn’t expect to get paid well for it, and that any attempt to actually make a decent living is selfish if
not unethical. But after years working around people who believe that, I see that they are exhausted and often resentful, and many burn out before they can make the contributions
they hoped they would. I am working on changing this script to “If I am paid well I can make my best contribution to changing the world,” and finding multiple sources of income
so I can give back to my community while having a sustainable lifestyle.

#2 – It’s cheating on my full time job to make money on the side

I had a job once where the contract I signed when I was hired required me not to do consulting or even pro-bono work on the side. Even though that hasn’t been the case in jobs
that I’ve held since, I have had a lingering feeling of guilt whenever I think about earning more in my off-work time. My last full time job was seasonal and ended a few months
ago, and instead of just looking for another full time job, I have been focusing on finding multiple part-time opportunities. I have been doing one for the past month and will be
adding a second and increasing my hours with the first over the next month. I enjoy both that no organization “owns” my time and that I can pursue several of my interests and
build a diverse skill set. A few months ago (when I was laid off), my goal was to get a full-time, well-paid job in my primary field, something that is unlikely because most people
don’t make much money doing it. My goal is now to spend a fair amount of my time doing that (because it’s what I love), and maximize my earnings from it as best I can, but also
diversify my income sources by doing other things I enjoy and am good at so that I have better chances of earning enough to meet my personal goals.

#3 – I don’t have enough experience or skills to charge more than $X/hr

I am afraid that people will say no to me if I ask for what I think my time is worth, because a lot of people in my field are accustomed to working for less than I want. Last month I
tried to ask for more in a job offer situation (over 50% more), and my potential employer ended up backing out of the job offer, saying “I understand you want to make a living

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wage and I just can’t afford that.” In some senses that is a failure, but I think it’s a good failure. I shouldn’t be wasting my time working for someone who’s never going to pay me
what I want to earn.


kitty February 9, 2011 at 10:30 pm

1. i don’t have time

2. i don’t value the time i do have
3. i don’t think i can justify charging people


Marylin Goldner February 9, 2011 at 10:31 pm

I have an idea and I am working on, it takes time but I am trying as hard as I can.


Adrian February 9, 2011 at 10:35 pm

1. “I don’t want to do sales”

Really means – “I’m an introvert which makes sales and networking hard.”

A friend and I used to do really nice internet based games, and we wanted to go into business developing games for companies websites. We only ever got one client, who came
through a friend, the client was really happy with the work, but it never went anywhere as neither of us were willing to do sales. Since then I’ve started a few things, and none has
gone anywhere because I just won’t do sales.

I believe my phobia of sales stems from a fear of ridicule and rejection from the people I’m trying to sell things to. I’ve started trying to change my scripts, and am slowly getting
there, but it’s taking time…

2. “This is a much better idea”

Translates as – “I have a fear of failure.”

I start up new things and never push through on them. I have always been distracted by the first serious stumbling block and moved onto something new and shiney. I rationalize
things by saying to myself ‘Oh, this is a much better idea!’, but I guess that, deep down, it’s a fear the earlier idea may not have worked. If the idea that I’d put a huge amount of
time into failed, then I would feel like a failure, it seems much easier to move on to the next thing instead.

3. “I don’t fully understand this”

Translates as – “I don’t want to be responsible for my decisions”

So often I’ll be on a roll getting stuff done when I back off and decide to do more research. This research leads to more research to infinity. I’m sure this is me not wanting to take
responsibility for my actions, and defering them until I can know with certainty what the repurcussions are, and I never do. So I get stuck in a feedback loop of more and more
research, and never get shit finished.


Emily February 9, 2011 at 10:38 pm

1. There is too much competition for me to get into the pet sitting business – I look around at other professionals in the field, and all I see are extroverted people who can network
the hell out of any situation. Sure, I have several friends who trust me more than anyone with their critters, but they have known me for years. I worry that it takes that long to get
to know me. I pride myself on my trustworthiness, helpfulness, and caring nature. Given the chance, I feel I could easily prove this to anyone. I just don’t know how to market
myself. To remedy this I will utilize:
-word of mouth from friends: ask for written testimonials from friends, get permission to have their contact info on a referral list
-networking on PSI

2. I’m not sure where the resources will come from to build this business – I’m in school full-time studying to be an ASL interpreter, and I already feel I don’t commit enough time
to improving my signing, comprehension, and voicing skills. I am borrowing money from my parents to go back to school, and I had to quit my full-time benefitted position to do
this. Since then I have been applying to part-time and service industry jobs (coffeshops, furniture stores, etc.), but my school schedule and out-of-class requirements apparently
make me unhireable. To top it off, due to my educational history I am ineligible for financial aid, and scholarships. Between time and money I feel constantly pinched. My parents
are already doing me a huge favor, and I don’t want to strain the relationship with my wonderful boyfriend. Worrying about money wastes my time, and worrying about time
distracts me from making money. I’ve found a good time for studying and regular homework in the morning, but skill improvement is always tucked in wherever I can squeeze it in.
The tenuous balance between sanity, relationships and quality work is constantly shifting. To remedy this:
-Set aside “project time” a few nights a week (lining up with my boyfriend’s “project time” so we are equally occupied and not distracted by each other – MW 7-9pm);
-do not slow down when I get home: walk the dog ASAP and at least start housework before sitting down, prep dinner;
-limit nap to 30 minutes: I need naps to function properly, it is a fact I have not been able to avoid. If I take naps for 30 minutes without exception and without the TV my chances
of regaining momentum may be significantly higher;
-earn a little extra money by doing at least 5 Amazon mechanical turk projects a week;
-ask local yarn stores/Ravelry designers if they pay for swatch knitting.

3. I worry about losing my natural resource interpreting skills – my BS degree is in Natural Resource Interpretation. This is my first love, but it was not something I was able to fully
pursue due to poor choices on my part combined with bad cirsumstances. Now I am happy to exercise my skills at the local zoo, which helps greatly. Also, I was honored to be
asked to teach formal interpretation to the new docent students at the zoo. I want to hone this love back into a living. There may be a position coming open in a few years, but I am
not sure how to pursue it and court the current job holder (my supervisor) for information. I’m worried I would be seen as underqualified, and/or a vulture circling the body before
it’s cold. To remedy this:
-research her role in more entirety to know more about exactly what she does;
-once I know more, schedule an appointment to discuss the role and what the requirements are;
-once skill sets are identified, see what I can do to attain any that I do not have.


Brad February 9, 2011 at 10:41 pm

1) My ideas aren’t good enough. I frequently run my ideas past people and even if they say they ARE good, I still fail to move forward with them. I have even seen some idead that

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I have had enter the marketplace a few years later.

2) I am not good enough to charge money. I have over 15 years of experience as a computer network engineer, but there are always people out there that are smarter than me.

3) I am so disillusioned with corporate life, I am afraid I would leave too early if I had a small success and I would not have enough money for my family.


Patrick Fink February 9, 2011 at 10:45 pm

1. My ideas aren’t good enough, and by devoting time to something that’s going to fail, I’ll waste valuable time and other good opportunities. Read: I can’t afford to fail.

This is a combination of my self-doubt and my fear of missing good opportunities (which is to say, of committing). In my life this has manifested in my exploration of a number of
topics sahllowly, but never committing myself to one of them to become truly excellent.

2. I don’t have any skills that will generate the level of income that I want. Read: I’m not good enough.

I have a degree in molecular genetics, but I don’t want to work in a lab. I’m more interested in marketing, technology, programming, etc. In these fields I don’t feel like I have the
know-how t get going. Nevertheless, I’ve started to write an ebook on nontraditional marketing for small businesses. I’m afraid that it’ll fail, which will reflect poorly on me.

3. I should devote my time to a real job that will give me a salary and professional development before I try to earn my own income. Read: I’m afraid to take a nontraditional track.

There’s less social proof behind a nontraditional track, and even negative incentive to remain on a traditional track. I have thus far pursued a nontraditional career track working as
a researcher, outdoors leadership instructor, working on my EMT, etc. but these aren’t coalescing into a track to follow, which leaves me feeling a bit ungrounded.


ruth k February 9, 2011 at 10:48 pm

1. I’m not good enough at PR to do it as a sideline (although I’ve been working in the field for 20 years) – in my day job these days I spend too much time managing people and
budgets and not enough on the coalface actually getting media coverage. (Linked to #2 below)
2. I’ve left it too late. People who succeed in business (Ramit, Richard Branson etc etc) are the young whizzkids full of energy and ideas with nothing to lose. Anyone know any
successful entrepreneurs who start aged 40+?
3. I’ll ruin my marriage as it will take too much time and my husband won’t like it if I’m preoccupied with earning money.

okay, a few things to think about!


Jess February 9, 2011 at 10:48 pm

1. “What if I get a freelance opportunity and it turns out I can’t deliver?” I’ve never failed on the job, but I’m self-taught in my field, and for some reason I’m afraid that, for
instance I’ll get a job doing SAS/SQL coding, and I totally bomb at it. Maybe it’s that feeling of being totally on your own with no backup system, like there would be at a regular
job. I remember one summer I spent in Costa Rica teaching English a few years ago, and it was scary. There was no curriculum, I didn’t feel confident, and I felt like I was totally
making it up as I went along. So, even when I had a subject I knew very well (English), I felt like I couldn’t do a good job.

2. “I will look like an idiot.” I’m afraid of looking totally incompetent.

3. “I don’t know everything about the subject.” I used to teach test prep, and I felt like I had to know the answer to every single question, and I had to be able to pull it out of my
ass fast, or I would look like an idiot and fail my students (see #2).


Chris L February 9, 2011 at 10:49 pm

This exercise is fantastic! When I get overwhelmed I always focus on changing up my productivity tools, todo managers and looking into motivational tips, and I’ve been missing
the point.

Writing down these fears really makes it clear that I have some underlying cynicism that is the root of why most of my ideas never get past the point of implementation. (And likely
explains why I’ve only had modest success in my industry even though I’ve been earning a living at it for almost 10 years!)

1. If people (friends, family) see what I am doing, they will lose all respect for me or laugh behind my back. (A fear of standing out or getting it “wrong”.)
2. Even if I succeed, I don’t have what it takes to keep it up. It will never last.
3. I never know what to say to people.


Kellie February 9, 2011 at 10:53 pm

1) I depise the thought of having to sell something to someone and I hate cold calling (will avoid it at all costs)

2) I need more time to prepare before I’m ready to move forward with an idea

3) I’m terrified of being in charge and not deferring difficult decisions to my boss

I’m sure I could list about 50 more!


Noelle M. February 9, 2011 at 10:54 pm

1. I don’t have knowledge or expertise in marketable areas. I hold a BA in anthropology with a minor in linguistics, and I can think of no way outside of academia where I can use
these fields (and academia doesn’t want people with only BAs).

2. This must be a very common fear, because it’s straight from your list: I have no ideas. I’ve tried using your tools to find ideas, but I guess I am not creative enough or self aware
enough to turn my skills into coherent and tangible plans of action.

3. I am horrible at networking. This has hurt me in numerous ways; I had marginal contact with most of my professors in college and feel I do not have enough people who would
write recommendations for me to apply to grad school or a job I would actually like to do.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Jordan February 9, 2011 at 10:55 pm

1) Running a business is a really hard way to make a living. I guess I took this script on when I first started working in a small business straight out of school – I’d see how stressed
my boss always was, how the bank account was always in overdraft, how miserable he looked all the time. It made me think “sheesh, I never want to do this!”

2) I have already failed at running a business – I’ll just fail again. I ran a Kumon franchise for three years. I paid too much to buy it and ended up after three years $8000 in debt.
I’m scared that if I start a business again, the same thing will happen.

3) I already earn a fine salary in my jobs – what’s the point of pushing myself to do more? I work in two part time jobs which are stimulating and enjoyable – I get paid ~$60 per
hour to work these jobs – they are hard enough to be challenging, I work with mostly cool people, I get to use my professional skills…

But I have this really great idea and an itch to do something MORE with my life.


Dorothy February 9, 2011 at 10:56 pm

1. “I have too many ideas floating around in my head” Over the past year or so I have written down over 20 ideas that I thought I may like to do on the side and eventually full time
so I don’t have to work for anyone (except my clients). I am paralyzed with too many ideas, therefore I never start any of them. After listening to the webinar however, I realized
that I can start one, test it, and if it doesn’t work, move to the next one, at least I would be moving toward finding the idea that I want to stick with and what helps me make side

2. “I live in a new area, and don’t have many contacts” I am living in a different state for the next 5 months, and am afriad to try to start something just to get it up and running and
then leave to go home. But I guess if I get it started out here and I can use those people as references no matter where I live.

3. “I don’t want to start with the “wrong” idea, and waste time on it while I could have working on one of my better ideas” I would just hate to waste time (yea I know it sounds
like #1) on an idea and not know when it is a dud, and move to the next one…I fear not knowing when to move to the next idea, and wasting time on a bad one. But I know it it
better to start something and fail, then to do nothing at all and never know. One of my ideas has to be a money maker!


Benton February 9, 2011 at 10:59 pm

I’m scared that I won’t follow through. I procrastinate a lot. When Earn1K opened last time I told myself that I have to prove I can earn money on the side BEFORE I buy the
course. In fact I decided I will only buy the course if I can pay for it using money I earned on the side. I recently landed a $1300 side job which I am quite proud of but i recognize
it kind of fell into my lap. I’m scared I won’t be able to repeatedly land such commissions.


Ryan Bannan February 9, 2011 at 11:00 pm

1) I need more balance in my life. Even though I spend the majority of my time working as is, according to someone elses rules, policies, and expectations I think that I’ll find the
contentment and satisfaction I want by trying to modify my life AROUND my current “workscape” as opposed to designing a workscape around my lifestyle. The two I suppose
CAN go hand in hand, but this idea lends itself to another block:

2) I HAVE to choose the right thing and take the right action so that I don’t waste my “precious” time. This boils down to fear of failure for me. I’m so concerned about hosing the
right thing in the right way that I take no action and waste more time while living less life (because I’m always stuck in my head about all of these possibilities I have)

3). I’m better off staying in my current job because I’d be a complete idiot to walk away from the income I’m making now as a 26 year old without a family yet or ANY form of
outside commitments… Deal with a “less than ideal” situation now and make some bank so that when you do have a family you can have more options (as if I don’t have enough
already). The primary fear here I think is of what others would think of me. I want to add more legs to my financial table and have it stuck in my head that there’s no way I could
hold down this job while successfully building another stream(s) of income.


Jan February 9, 2011 at 11:04 pm

#1 I’m a college student, clients won’t take me serious and/or pay serious money.
#2 My (lack of) social skills / networking abilities will give me a hard time finding new clients.
#3 I’m a nice guy, business is tough.


Stephen Halter February 9, 2011 at 11:06 pm

That I will fail and:

a. I will waste the time and money
b. That “people” will laugh at me (That was a stupid idea. What made him think that he could pull it off? What an idiot! Serves him right for thinking he is better than us.)
c. That I don’t have an original idea, or the time/money/expertise to properly exploit it.


Cody February 9, 2011 at 11:08 pm

#1- I have been fearful of failing, but not the usual kind. I have a wife and three kids and we have struggled financially for years. We started very young and since then everything
has always seemed urgent. The rent is due, electricity bill is late…etc…
My fear of failure is not so much the fear of looking bad. But for too long I have let the fear of the urgent keep me from ever doing anything important.

#2- I have always been a bit of a perfectionist and I fear that when my product is finally launched that I will not be satisfied with it and it’s affect on my reputation in my field. I
don’t want the embarrassment of having my peers seeing my weaknesses.

#3- I’m afraid of falling short on my responsibilities and waisting a bunch of time and money I can’t afford to lose on a “pipe dream”.


Ben D February 9, 2011 at 11:08 pm

#1 I don’t want to fail.

I generally research the crap out of something and read up about every possible way to succeed. Example, I was researching all the ways to create a network testbed. The

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company wanted to know how to create a VOIP testbed. I told them I could do it and I knew how exactly to do it. I researched the technologies to death — reading post after post.
Days passed and the lead was still expecting the testbed fairly soon. Well he had given me 2 weeks to figure out and because I read about the stuff too much I only had less than
one or two days to implement. Once I finally started putting components together I had so many oh shit moments. I had to stay at work longer, testing, configuring, reconfiguring,
tweaking just to get it to work. I was able to get it done on time but I could have finished it a long time ago if I only devoted one day to plan just something instead of planning
several alernatives. Then use the remaining days to test and implement.

#2 I will spend too much time on the projects.

I am married with a full time job. I do have a flexible schedule but there are times when I go full steam on extra work around the house or get involved with random projects, my
personal life dwindled and the wife meter goes into emergency red alert badly needs attention. I’m afraid of spending too much time. I want to make side income but I don’t want it
to be the main focus of my life.

#3 I can’t find the right people to interface with.

This is simple. I’m comfortable talking about tech with engineers. If I have to dumb down my geek speak to people with money then I feel very uncomfortable. Bluntly I just afraid
of what they think. How do engineers remain dominant when interfacing with “upper ups”?

Wrap up. I’m just afraid of failure. I know my shit but that gets the best of me, since I will ramble on and that loses the client’s interest. I spend too much time on the tech but not
enough time to really understand the customer. I’ve been burned alot and I guess that is what is crumbling my motativation.


Ian February 9, 2011 at 11:10 pm

#1. I am afraid that I am not at the skill level in any one field to make a profit off of it- I have several areas I am really passionate about (enough to where I have spent close to 15
grand investing in courses to improve) illustration, ideation, software/programming, and helping people are the biggest 4 but who is going to pay me for any of these things when
there are so many people with deeper levels of competency? What if they laugh? What if Ramit laughs?
What if they are right and I am fooling myself even trying?
#2 – assuming I was good enough when would I fit in the time for earn 1k on top of my maxed credit hours (trying to finish up my first degree) and two dedicated engineering
projects or the actual business of running a side business? (This go round I have the money to pay for the course and would be happy to do so). I am afraid I do not know how to
handle my time well enough to put the work that needs to go into this down into it.
#3 Selling things you ought to give away is evil.
Despite reading the book, the blog doing some of the exercises and KNOWING I can’t actually do any of the big pie in the sky things I want to do without capital and human
resources, I still feel guilty even thinking about charging people for the kinds of things that I do and know how to do (assuming they are good enough in the first place). Being rich
would make me another one of those fat old black men in bmws that “forgot where he came from” plantation stock from Charelston… I know this isnt true mentally, but the script
is still running amok…

All of these things still play in my head despite having had more successes (Negotiated a higher wage on a temporary job, managed to get in on 3 research and design projects
within my college each more challenging and ambitious than the last, landed a work study AHEAD of people who were in the ques for months, all of this following some of Ramit’s
philosophy and views)


Hsiao February 9, 2011 at 11:13 pm

1. I don’t have enough knowledge in anything to be able to charge anything. There’s always someone else out in the world that knows more than me on any subject so why would
anyone want to pay me to do something? I’m not an expert on anything. I need to realize that people just make sure they know more than their customers and you’re set. The
customers don’t want to do the extra work of figuring out how to get the job done. That’s why they hire people to get the job done.

2. I don’t have enough discipline to come home after work to work on a freelance idea. Every time I get home, I seem to be distracted by everything and anything that doesn’t have
to do with work. I realized this and have started going to coffee shops to work so I am less distracted at home. This have been working since I’ve actually been going through
Ramit’s email and doing the exercises

3. I don’t like to fail and have my family and friends say I told you so. I need to realized, it’s okay to fail just as long as I try and do my best. And at least I would have learned
something along the way too.


elena February 9, 2011 at 11:16 pm

well, i tried to work as a freelance 12 years ago, and it was such a disaster that i’m still paying money for it. as things went so wrong, i’m afraid of causing even more troubles, if i
try again. if i try to earn more, i’m only going to lose more money.
my family want me to find a good job – working as a freelance was being jobless, for them, and they were always bothering me as they wanted me to look for (and find, of course)
a “real” job.
i’m not able to find clients, my marketing skills are zero.
i’m not able to make people pay me (enough, or at all) for what i do.
i’m not able to stop people bothering me – when i used to work at home, they called me every two minutes, day and night. no time for me.
this is a bad moment for the economy (in the whole world).
last but not least: i have plenty of ideas, but i don’t know what to do first (or what to do and what not). i miss something, to make me start.

did you say 3?

i seem not to be able to choose the top 3 – or am i too perfectionist, as i always do more than i’m asked to?


Brock February 9, 2011 at 11:21 pm

1) I don’t know enough about anything. I’m not an expert and don’t deserve to be paid for what I know
2) I’ll get caught up in the side job at the expense of my day job
3) I’m not “that kind of person.”
I tend to typify people, and since I’m introspective, I’m highly aware of the type of person I’m acting as. I’ve never envisioned myself as being creative, energetic, entrepreneurial
enough to succeed independently as a freelancer or entrepeneur. The worst part: I can’t even identify specifically what “that kind of person” means. A successful person? An
ambitious person? Perhaps lucky? Cut-throat? I think it boils down to lack of confidence that ties into script number one. I need this certification and that class or that degree
before I can even think about being “that kind of person.”


Courtney February 9, 2011 at 11:22 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#1. What if I get myself in over my head?!

I’m petrified by the thought of over-promising and under-delivering. I avoid pitching new clients or marketing myself because I fear that I won’t live up to my client’s expectations.
I am very ambitious and, although I believe it’s a great quality to have as an entrepreneur, it makes me think that one day I will bite off more than I can chew. I’m scared that I will
fail and end up in a lot of trouble.

#2. What if I fail or don’t make any money?

I avoid really going for some of my business ideas or opportunities because I think “how is this going to look to my family/friends when I have to explain that this didn’t work out?”
I worry that every time I say “the business didn’t work out” they will automatically translate it as me saying “I’m a failure.” I hate getting pity looks and I really hate constantly
having to explain why I don’t “just get a real job.”

#3. They won’t take me seriously anyways…

I worry that my clients won’t take me seriously. People sometimes think that I am much younger than I actually am. This is made worse by the fact that I actually am young. Some
of the comments people have made about how old I look (even those that were not meant to be offensive) just wreck havoc on my self-confidence – not good when you’re about to
deliver advice on how they should do business!

Note: I try to use “Barlotti’s Box” to change my “invisible script” from #3. It’s a super obscure theory that was taught to me a few years ago, but one that I will never forget.
Barlotti’s Box is a theory of perception where four stages continuously feed one another, creating an endless feedback loop. It says:

What I think/feel/perceive affects how I act,

How I act affects what the other person thinks about me or the way they perceive me,
What the other person thinks about me affects how they act towards me,
The way the other person acts towards me affects what I think/feel/perceive,
and on, and on, and on.

If someone treats you like you’re too young, not good enough, etc. and you let that affect what you’re thinking/feeling, you’re going to get stuck in that loop forever!


Matt P February 9, 2011 at 11:23 pm

My three invisible scripts that are holding me back:

1) I don’t think that I have the time

2) I don’t know how to start it
3) I don’t think it will be profitable enough to spend my time on

Even as I list these I know that they are excuses, I even tell myself that. I just need to find a way to move past them and not use them as excuses.


Chris February 9, 2011 at 11:34 pm

1. Running a script about not being good enough or at least good enough for people to pay.
2. Script about CREDIBILITY and credentials. Ramit’s post on “expertise being construed” has put paid to that little doubt.
3. Fear of success more than fear of failure. What changes as a result of success? ECOLOGY: impact on self and those around you.
Responses: Rewrite the scripts: Time to (F)ace (E)verything (A)nd (R)elax!


Ross February 9, 2011 at 11:44 pm

1. I don’t have enough time to do this, given that I have a job that takes a lot of time, a wife, kids, and other obligations. This really is fear that I’ll throw everything I have into this
and then fail. If that happens, then I would feel like a chump because I can never get the time I spent back.

2. I’ll get made fun of behind my back if I fail. Why take a chance and risk being seen as an unrealistic dreamer who was stupid enough to think that this thing (whatever it is)
would actually work.

3. I’ll never have the courage to really make this happen and then I’ll regret not doing it. This one is inconsistent with the two above, which is weird to me. 1 and 2 are pulling me in
the opposite direction that 3 is.

4. I don’t know what to do. This makes it really to just keep reading and buying courses and put off taking action. But, I know if I wait until all the lights are green, I’ll never leave


NP February 9, 2011 at 11:47 pm

1) I don’t want to appear stupid by asking about something or throwing something out there that isn’t relevant.

2) I don’t know enough about this vertical (marketing) to make money through my ideas.

3) People don’t respect my leadership.


mrsthor February 9, 2011 at 11:49 pm

1. even though i know i am really good at writing and editing, i don’t have proof to show potential clients (and therefore would feel like a fraud trying to convince someone to pay
me to do what i can do in my sleep). i always find typos on blogs (including yours) and envision myself editing and sending in corrected content and proposing myself as an editor
for hire. but…somewhere in this one lies why i never do it.

2. i don’t know how much to charge, where to find clients, or what kinds of work to solicit or accept.

perhaps the stupidest one:

3. i don’t know how to make sure i properly document extra income for tax purposes.

those three little things, which i could unravel just by re-reading some of the e-mails i have received on the insider list… really. those three things are holding me back.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

mrsthor February 9, 2011 at 11:56 pm

sorry, i realize maybe i didn’t leave enough analysis on these.

items 2 and 3 are things i could easily research online. as you have pointed out, though, just because there is information online does not mean we are going to do anything
about it. i think, honestly, that these two are just props to support number one. my number one reason is my only reason that holds any water and the only true fear – not
being respected in my field. since i graduated from college (with a 4.0 in english), i have constantly struggled in administrative type jobs that don’t utilize my talents or even
my full brain power, and after years of this thankless work i am just soul-sucked. my confidence is on the ground, or below. this is what i want -to do work i enjoy, in a field
in which i know i dominate, and get paid well for it. it sounds so simple, but the fear is stupidly strong. and… the feeling of being a loser for working these admin jobs just
permeates everything i do.


Lindsay Myers February 9, 2011 at 11:50 pm

1. I have no experience- I have been a student for most of my life and feel caught in the catch-22 of needing to get experience and no one wanting to give me a chance because I’m
inexperienced. Compounded with the fact that my BA and MA have NOTHING (very little) to do with what I actually want to do.

2. I’m afraid that I will never be extraordinary- or that I am extraordinary and I will never realize that potential. I have always been successful at things I have tried, I learn quickly,
and people regularly tell me that I am more gifted than most people. I am scared this isn’t true or I will disappoint those who believe in me.

3. I am afraid of “selling out.” Most of my friends are involved with social services, nonprofits, higher education, etc. I find most “young professionals” super shallow and
obnoxious to be around. I don’t want to be like those people but I want to earn money like they do…


Marielle February 9, 2011 at 11:55 pm

1) I don’t deserve it that other people are paying me.

Of course I do, I have valuable skills and can deliver real value in solving other people’s problems. Accepting thanks and friendly smiles comes natural, but money is different.

2) Having success means having a lot to loose.

True, but having success also means knowing how to get there, and being able to get there again.

3) I need to wait for something until I can start. No idea what I’m waiting for, but the feeling is strong that it isn’t time yet.


Q February 9, 2011 at 11:57 pm

(Fear/Script 1) – If I reallocate my energy/time to a new venture/idea/opportunity without a “guaranteed” level of income, cash flow will suffer and I will not be able to pay the
mortgage which will mean I am not “taking care of” my family. [Short version - Risk adverse combined with fear of not having money.] This script is fed by feelings of scarcity and
obligations to others with a pinch of martyrdom thrown in.

(Fear/Script 2) – The opportunities in my geographic area at the level I am in my profession are scarce, even in better economies. [Short version - Assumed small pool of
opportunity.] This script is fed by presumptions with a healthy dose of inflated ego.

(Fear/Script 3) – I’ll commit resources to an idea once the idea is perfected. [Short version - Perfection required.] This script allows me to walk away without having to fail…or
even try.


Tom February 9, 2011 at 11:59 pm

1) I don’t know if I’ll enjoy freelancing any more so than my 9-5.

2) I don’t think I have skills people will pay for.

3) My education is in the completely wrong field for what I want to do (I’m an Arabic Language major, but I don’t really want to teach or sit in a tin can and translate).


Christa February 10, 2011 at 12:00 am

#1 – My storytelling skills are lame – no one will buy an article from me

#2 – I’m not funny enough.

#3 – No one would be interested in what I have to say.


Colleen February 10, 2011 at 12:04 am

1. Its too hard – I’ve been wanting to do something for 10 fricking years but every time I try I just get stuck and overwhelmed. I had been trying to get into affiliate marking at the
end of last year but I would get stuck when it came to picking a niche. I would just freeze and give up. There’s too many options. What should I pick? What do people want?

2. I don’t have any good ideas, what do I have to offer? I definitely am more of a follower. Maybe I’m just worried I’ll fail. Or it won’t work and I’ll look stupid.

3. I don’t have the skills – I’ve never mastered anything. I dropped out of university after 1 year.
I have some confidence issues, I always worry I’m doing something wrong. I don’t know anything about business, or marketing, or sales or anything. I always shy away from
situations where I could mess up and look like an idiot.

It all comes back to confidence, not seeing myself as being someone that actually do it. I’ve been working on changing my mentality. We did that dream thing the other day and out
of nowhere I decided I wanted to be running some adventure tourism company in Bali which was exciting until I thought .. what if I actually did it? That kind of scares me too.


Camille February 10, 2011 at 12:08 am

I’ve had a think about my codewords and fears…do I have 3 fears to list? No. They all link back to just two big ones.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1. I’m afraid that even if I succeed at all the things I put off due to (insert codeword here – lack of time/money/effort) that I will STILL not be happy.

1. I dont think I’m good enough therefore can’t charge what I worth. Apparently (so I’ve discovered today) I’m not worth much to myself let alone anyone else.

These fears quite mortifying to write down – especially in a public domain. But it needs to be said because I’ve realised that I’ve crippled myself financially (and in other areas of
my life) so that I can’t achieve the so-called lofty goals of earning more, weighing less etc

I’ve enjoyed the Year of the Hustle so far. Your emails have prompted me to take more action and think harder about the direction my life is taking than I have in a VERY long
time. Thank you. The only one holding me back is me – and I’m the hardest one to convince to let go.


Chris February 10, 2011 at 12:10 am

1)I think too much before doing and sort of keep telling myself that I’ll never actually ‘do’ because ‘hey,you ways think too much,so what’s going to be different THIS time?!’. But
I’m 26 now, nearly 27 and I realised the small amount of money I managed to save while I was studying,which I finished doing a year and a half ago, is STILL not invested!
2)Which brings us to script 2. “You need to learn more about investing/starting a business/admin of it all,THEN you can start”

3)And the latest addition since getting married and moving to job with a LOWER salary from Switzerland to the UK, “there simply is no money and you are too inexperienced to
charge for freelancing,etc” . All the money I saved while working an internship and then permanent offer last year, went to pay for the wedding. Leaving me with newly developed
fears of never getting started with creating a business ever. FEAR is well and truly set in,producing more fear that it will never leave. I DESPERATELY want to rid myself of these
scripts. I have many skills to offer and I know I can do ANYTHING I put my mind to, I’d just put it in the right place!


Amanda February 10, 2011 at 12:11 am

I have one: I don’t need the money. I make more than enough in my current job. I have no debt. I fully funded 401(k) and IRA. I really like my job and have a plan to turn it to
freelance once I get sick of working 40 hours a week. I have a 6+ month emergency fund. If I want something I can buy it or easily save for it. I have some investments.

I already have $300-$400 a month that just goes into savings. What would I do with $1k more?


Dawn February 10, 2011 at 4:58 am

Help others — donate to charity. Take an extra vacation. Give it to me?


Amy February 10, 2011 at 12:14 am

1) There’s nothing I can offer that someone would pay me for – I’m not smart enough or everyone else is just smarter.
2) I might commit to something that I later discover I don’t want to do. This is a big one – it’s the reason I’m still at the same job years after I realised I needed a change. I doin’t
even know why this is such a big deal.
3) I don’t even know what questions to ask to lead me to what to do next.


Regina February 10, 2011 at 12:15 am

1) The fear that I will invest time & money into my idea & discover that it was the wrong thing.
I think the only way to get over this one is testing and doing some serious research. But also, just do it. Because even if I fail, it’s better than doing nothing at all.

2) Once I get into it, I’ll be overwhelmed & not be able to handle it. That I’ll crash & burn… and all this is because really, I’m not sure I’m good enough. Here I think I need to
educate myself in the actual “doing” and keep learning – for example, learning truly good marketing techniques and actually implementing them. You learn from doing. Boosting
my self-confidence would be good, too. And again, I think the actual “doing” itself would be a boost in self-confidence.

3) The third one I only just figured out: The fear that I will look like a fool – that I’ll look stupid – if this fails. I realize this is ridiculous — what other people think, especially if I
fail, has no real bearing on who & what I am anyway. And besides, even if I do fail, at the very least, I conquered the fear of doing. Again, I think the strategy to overcome this is
to just do it (that alone will boost self-confidence), to research well, and educate myself on excellent implementation stategies. And even if the first idea fails, I will then have a lot
of knowledge in my “portfolio” to allow me to re-group and do something else.


Rufus February 10, 2011 at 12:21 am

#1 I’m afraid that no one will want to be the first customer.

#2 I worry that I will spend time on the wrong parts while starting the business, which as a company of one, will mean more important things will not get done.
#3 I’m also worried that I will put off potential customers by not seeming professional enough. Like less-that-top-notch brochures, and inconsistent themes in my marketing.


Don't Want To Admit February 10, 2011 at 12:24 am

1) Afraid that I’m not as good as everyone says I am.

2) Afraid that it will take time away from the family I hope to start.
3) Afraid that I will fail.


Kate Ressman February 10, 2011 at 12:29 am

1. I’m afraid that if I am successful, I will lose my friends because we will no longer have similar life goals/ interests, and I’ll have to make new ones.
Analysis: I am actually shy when I’m not behind a computer screen. But I realized actually, that I am more outgoing when I don’t have one of my long-term friends with me. I’m
actually already restraining myself and I do need to reach out and adjust my social circle because I’m feeling constrained. (One should never resent a friend.) This is a true, core
fear that I’ve been struggling with for a long time. I’m aware of my faults. And I’m changing. I’m never going to lose my true friends. They wouldn’t actually be friends if they
don’t understand that I need time to do things. And friendship is more than shared interests. I’ve *always* been interested in something different than they are. I’ve been involved
in business and finance for years. They know that. I just haven’t acknowledged it to myself.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2. I’m afraid that if I hire someone/delegate tasks, I’ll lose control of the business and the quality will suffer.
Analysis: I am a bit of a control freak and it’s come to the fore recently because of some personal things that cannot be controlled. This year is looking to be a bit calmer than last
year and I think I can justify to my partner that if we really mean to expand the business, we’ll need to bring in someone outside of our current circle of family. Even if just to do
the filing!

3. I’m afraid that I will not have time to travel/play/read because all of my time will be taken up by my various business interests.
Analysis: If I’m doing something I love, then this isn’t an issue. If I build multiple income streams and build the reputation, I will have *more* flexibility in my life. I’ve already
seen how freeing simply devoting an hour to cleaning and an hour to business and an hour to writing has been. It can only get better the more control I have over my life.


Shaun February 10, 2011 at 12:36 am

1) Whatever I choose to do will take over all my free time and I will be overwhelmed by work. I will never be able to relax because there will be some deadline looming, I’ll be
perpetually living with that “in high school with a big assignment that’s due Monday” anxiety hanging over my head.

I think that one comes from my high school/ university years. Whenever I got an assignment of any kind it was like my whole world closed down and all I could think about was
whatever the assignment was, and not in a good “I can’t wait to get on this” kind of way, but an “Oh, no. My life is over” way. I get like that whenever there’s any kind of
deadline-related task I have to do.

2) Whoever my client is, they’re gonna be unsatisfied with what I’ve done and they’ll confront me. I’m like most people, I hate being yelled at: It shuts down all my motivation and
all I want to do is get out of that situation. I worked in a call center for a long time and I’ve dealt with a lot of angry customers. You’d think I’d develop a thick skin from the
experience, but I didn’t. It just made me associate business situations with being yelled at.

3) I’ll get in over my head and be overcommitted. This one kind of relates to the first one, but it’s a little different. I’m afraid that I’ll become so successful that I’ll have more work
than I have free time. Of all my fears, this is the silliest since I’m essentially becoming afraid of my side business being a rousing success. That doesn’t stop it from lurking in the
back of my head, though.


Sam Rogers February 10, 2011 at 12:41 am

Thanks for challenging us all to verbalize this, as well as every other delightful challenge you present, Ramit!

#1 – “If I’m taking more than I need to get by, I am being selfish and wasteful.” I tend to work to perceived breakeven only, and then if I make more, give more to even out the
balance. Actually, in reality, I never really make it to break even and stay in debt and behind financially. I’m scared to take money away from people who need it more than I do. I
don’t even have any way of keeping track of money, partially because I’m fearful of amassing too much.

#2 – “I have too many ideas to commit to just one at a time.” I am already in a constant juggle between multiple business (solo music act & several band projects, eLearning
Development/Consulting, leading workshops in 3 different fields, sound healing training venture), and multiple clients within each business. I have a massive backlog of ideas that I
wish to pursue, there are at least 5 serious new businesses I’m on the brink of taking on, each of which are in wildly different arenas. But based on yesterday’s call I get the idea I
could only do one effectively, and might need to scale back some of what I’m already doing to do so well. I don’t know if I can deal with having only one new outlet without
having others to keep me feeling even about it.

#3 – “I’m already too far along to backtrack” I have multiple income streams, I have skills, I have little problem asking other people for things that I find personally, emotionally
outrageous (as an experiment). I also have big, gaping holes in my knowledge, but I’m scared to take apart what I’ve got mostly working in order to maybe put back together even
better. What if I screw it all up in the process or adopting a new system?

Extra Bonus Fear: My fears don’t seem to look like anyone else’s, so I’m a weirdo and they won’t be addressed. Or it would be a waste of everyone’s time if they were, see #1.

Whew! Feel better already, thanks! All of the above looks like a load of crap from here.


Jerry February 10, 2011 at 12:50 am

Top Three Fears:

1) I can’t afford it – I’ve got a guy paying me $4K a month but working me like crazy. I’d love to tell him to go away and leave me alone to focus on my plans, but I can’t do it
because I want to be able to afford food & shelter…even though I’ve got $12K in the bank and $60K in stock savings.

It’s sad – because we have a bizarre work/friend/brother-like relationship, and I _KNOW_ he can make me money – but I also want to fail or succeed on my own. My goal from
Monday was to be able to work no more than $4 hours a day and make at least what I make in a month every week…but I’m still worried (even when people call me to have me do
additional legal work)!

I also would like to be able to pare down my work with this guy – keep the money coming in – but make some new time. So I have a separate goal of reducing my workload as

2) People won’t take me seriously – even though people automatically go into serious mode when I tell them I’m a lawyer, I feel so young (even at 30!) to be telling people in their
50s & 60s how to do things and such. I feel like they won’t believe me or pay me (even though I know my stuff and can learn new things almost immediately).

3) Fear of Failure: After being laid-off twice (and not landing a cushy summer position when I was in school, despite being in the top 10% of my class) I’m kind of scared to take
the risk of being on my own to make money…even though I am!


KP February 10, 2011 at 12:58 am

1.) I will lose control of a project – a project with multiple partners (or customers, or an audience) will become too big for me to handle and I won’t know what to do.

2.) I will get myself into legal trouble – I won’t file for a proper license or I’ll step on a trademark claim and expose myself to civil litigation.

3.) I will let people down – what if I am not good enough to meet the customer’s expectations? What if the customers/audience want something completely different and I can’t


vivian February 10, 2011 at 1:01 am

1. I can’t charge as much as I want / No one will pay that much.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I have actually had a potential client tell me that I was quoting twice as much as anyone else, and although she loved my portfolio, she wasn’t able to justify paying me that much.
Lesson: Wrong niche. I should note that I pitched well enough — and have been keeping in touch — so she personally offered me another chance to quote on another project. But
now wondering if I should even take that on, because again, wrong niche…

2. I don’t know WHAT my niche should be. I love designing books, but it seems like publishers are always trying to pay as little as possible to freelancers. So it would SEEM that
this would not be a good niche, either.

3. I am afraid of dropping the ball. I did it once before. I know customers value good communication, and I am afraid I won’t keep it up. (Although I have so far, since actively
putting this in my pitches. And, the customer that I dropped the ball on before apparently still had a good enough impression of me that she rehired me for another project. So this
clearly shouldn’t be a fear.)


Michele February 10, 2011 at 1:02 am

1. I have to have a plan about what to do, how to sell it, how to control future developments
This is something related to the fact that I want to give a great value added service for my clients, but the first thing I fear is that I must show great confidence in what I do.
Unfortunately this is quite paralyzing: I spend a lot of time researching information, trying to create something like a “mission statement” and a list of service offered, a step by step
plan on how to proceed. Often I never finish the planning, so I don’t feel ready for the next step and unprepared to actually propose to potential clients

2. I am too lazy and I will fail to deliver good results, creating a bad reputation.


Holly February 10, 2011 at 1:03 am

#1: I’ll fail and my friends will be quietly thinking “silly Holly and her silly ideas – serves her right”… and my frenimies thinking “HA! Awesome!! She’s such a fraud – I hope she
suffers”. I’ve lost a few friends during times that I’m doing well, and caused a bit of tension in some really valuable friendships. Truth is some of those friends I probably should
have lost a long time ago – we’re going different places, and they’re not actually great friends – our friendship is predicate on us sitting around complaining. The valuable
friendships – I think I need to honour more – they’re probably acting like that because I scared them. They’re valuable friends because we challenge each other, and it would be so
much more constructive if we nurtured each other too.

#2: I’ll get lots and lots of money and turn into someone I hate, and/or blow it all in some ridiculous way and get myself into deep debt that I have no idea how to pay off. Other
times I’ve had a lot of money I’ve been very poor at managing it. I only recently really bought back the discipline my parents taught me from young about how to do it. They taught
me about being an entrepreneur also, and they gave me an amazing education – but we never had much money and they were constantly stressed about it even though they tried to
shelter it from us. This one is very interesting – there’s a quiet inevitability to it – danger is that its quiet. When I start to succeed, I have a tendency to quietly admit that I’ll
probably just spend everything and figure I might as well enjoy it.. so I blow the money and pretend like the fact that I did it knowingly makes it ok. It just keeps me in this loop.

#3: I’ll only succeed if I work really long hours on it, and then end up not having freedom to do the things I intend to do with the money. The first “rich” person I was really close
to was a boyfriend in University – he was a very successful business man – but not self employed. Always worked long hours and did all these interesting and exciting business
deals – nice suits, nice car, nice restaurants, and I loved all of that. But he was always exhausted in his spare time. Seemed to counteract the whole point. What all of this hides is
that I don’t have to be busy – I just have to be choosy – and being choosy could piss off some people – thats what I’m really afraid of – the anger/disappointment.

Last sentence there says it all really – I’m afraid of people being disappointed in me or angry at me. I need their approval and it keeps me trapped. First steps – I have a few
negotiations to walk into this week, and before I go in, I’m going to be ready – analysis/research done, clear ideas of where my limits are, and my head screwed on with regard to
my attachment over the outcome. I will not wait to be “granted” the right to back myself. Woohoo


Kim February 10, 2011 at 1:04 am

I second guess myself a good portion of the time and suffer from a lack of confidence. This holds me back, as I believe I have to be an expert in something before I can offer my
services for hire.
I wrote a small Childcare guide about 20 years ago, spoke at a couple of libraries (sold to almost everyone who attended and got a very positive response), convinced a few local
bookstores to carry the guides, and then, just let the book fade, as I never followed up to take the book any further. I was sure these positive responses had to be an anomaly. Once
I got out into the “real world”, people would realize I was not an expert in childcare, and I would be exposed as the FRAUD/FAILURE that I was. (My expertise was being a parent
in search of childcare for two children under 6 years old.)

I am so afraid of/intimidated by competition that I won’t even start something. “Oh, there are already 10/50/200 companies/blogs/services/products that do that. Mine will never
even get to see the light of day”. This has kept me from starting with some ideas, as I am sure I will invest money and time, only to see it wasted.

I don’t have any follow through. I think of an idea, and it never even gets beyond that, or I start the groundwork and then just let it die on the vine.

To change these scripts, I would need to go through some research, especially including looking at and finding my market, and figuring out how I can serve them. As far as the
intimidation and confidence issues…I am not really sure.


cal February 10, 2011 at 1:11 am

1. i cant sell/network/communicate because i stammer. honestly, it’s really not that bad. most everybody tells me that, but i dont really listen. i’ve heard much much worse. yet i
hide behind it. blame it for just being afraid of going out and trying something different

2. not organized enough. proof in the pudding really. doesnt seem to come naturally to me at all!


Kei February 10, 2011 at 1:18 am

1) selling is sleazy – i am just scared of rejection when i approach people. if i don’t try selling, i won’t fail

2) I just cannot afford the time – i am just scared of failing. If i don’t try, i won’t fail

3) i am not from the US. I need to tweak what i have learned here. Time is needed to tweak the tactics. – see no. 2


Amber February 10, 2011 at 1:27 am

1.) I’m afraid that if I am successful I’ll have to justify it to my family and friends. I don’t deserve to be a success.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2.) I’m afraid of making more money than my boyfriend and he’ll leave me.
3.) I’m afraid of being dumb with the money and having to pay too much in taxes or making bad investments.


Roberto February 10, 2011 at 1:27 am

1. I’m afraid to make a commitment. I’m afraid if I commit I’ll later change my mind and I’ll be trapped somehow. I tell myself I’m busy, I don’t have time. I know this is nonsense
and it has caused me a good deal of grief in my life, but I also know I carry this fear around and I need to constantly look at it and stare ir down. Not commiting to going in is in fact
commiting to staying out.

2. I’m afraid of failure. Isn’t everyone? A little voice tells me if I don’t really play I can’t really lose. For a long time I told myself that selling was beneath me, to hide this fear. This
is also nonsense. Pretending not to play is just playing a different game, one I can never win, like tic-tac-toe. It’s pointless.

3. In a twisted way, I’m afraid if I do much better I will prove my father wrong, and a part of me doesn’t want to prove him wrong, because I loved him. Is that sick or what? Oh,
well, that’s nonsense, too. I know he did the best he could, he loved me, and he would have wanted me to fulfill my ambitions.

4. Here’s a bonus: worthy people sacrifice and suffer. What tripe! And yet I have to struggle with this notion. There’s nothing noble in not having what you want. It’s just stupid.

So now what? It’s good to bring these fears out into the light of day. The truth is I’ve accomplished more in my project in four weeks of the hustling course than in the previous
year, so this is all gravy. I’m afraid I won’t be able to affort Earn1K, but then again, while I was writing this someone called to refer a client.


david February 10, 2011 at 1:31 am

#1 the usual “not enough time”.

I know I love this fear because it gives me an excuse not to do the important things I care about, and not confronting them.
I am just doing “everything”, which actually leads to nothing. But that’s when I was a loser. Now that I know Ramit, it’s a different story. I am actually forcing myself to cut/get rid
of things I use to hide my fear. Emails a great for me: I can spend hours doing nothing but emails that lead to nothing. Except lately when I have done great great great emails
“Ramit style” with a response rate of 5 of 7 sent.

#2 dont have the network I need (in photography)

Go get to know the people, would say Ramit. That’s what I am doing at the moment. We only understand things by DOING them.

#3 Fear of spending 100 years doing small jobs or worse: shitty jobs, before getting the big ones. That’s my biggest fear. How long will I have to persist until I get to the next steps?
is the question I ask myself all the time.
Well, writing this to you gave me a bit of an answer: “Go get the big jobs, dont be a loser and stay there, go get them!!, and be faster on the small jobs. The faster you are, the faster
you’ll get to the big ones.

Well, thanks again for your unvaluable material Ramit.


PS – My true life example: In 4 days, with 2 emails (Ramit style), 1 meeting and 1 phone call, I got a 960 dollar job. Thanks Ramit.


Dan February 10, 2011 at 1:34 am

1) I’m 16 – I can’t legally own a business, or sign. Any work that I have to do goes through my parents. It makes me feel slow, and not in control of my own business.
2) I have no idea how the legal and finances work, honestly, those topics are kind of demoralizing because up to this point in my life, I’ve never dealt with ANY of them.
3) I have sub par negotiating skills. I have always been the one to be happy with what people give me. I have never been adept at hard negotiating.

added bonus: I’m in junior year. This is probably the busiest year of high school to date. Everything from SATs to driving lessons, to boy scouts to ski racing. Life is hectic enough,
that I just can’t sit myself down at the end of the day and concentrate.


Garrett Daun February 10, 2011 at 1:40 am

Greetings Ramit and other readers:

My three invisible scripts:

1. “I’ve tried for so long to get my business ideas going, but they just aren’t moving as fast as I would like.”
Jeez, not even sure I worded this one the way it plays out in my mind, but I need to get something down here. I have put in a lot of time and effort at learning a system of
bodywork, breathing, and relaxation called “Radical Undoing.” I have gotten so good at it that I finished the DVD series my teacher began. He died and the publishers called on me
as the only one who had studied enough with him to do it.

I didn’t even believe I was “the guy” for the job at that time, but I did an amazing job, and all reviews I have heard were glowing. Every single client I have ever done a session for
has given me great reviews and accolades. It never fails. But when it comes to me trying to explain, package, and market myself and the sessions and/or the materials within it, I
keep not taking action, and I keep backing off and letting it fade into the backdrop while I do other freelance activities for money.

I am willing to take consistent, steady action to overcome this. I am willing to rewrite the script, whatever it takes. I am ready to win.

2. “I’m not good enough to find clients here in California for $250 + per session.”

This one is funny now that I have written it too, because one prospective client assumed my rates were between $250 and $300. I met with some resistance when I told a couple
friends I wanted to charge $250 or more per hour. I let them and my fear guide me to accepting trade and $50 and sometimes $100 for my services, and then I stopped trying to
find clients altogether.

Again, I am willing to overcome this script, rewrite it, and start taking on clients at the rates I want and feel I am worth. The experience people report having with my sessions are
some of the most valuable experiences they have ever had (according to them).

I am willing to put myself out there and risk embarrassment and anything else it takes to get these clients and overcome this script.

3. “People want someone more professional looking and more elegant than me if they are going to pay top dollar for my services, products, etc.”

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I keep thinking that I don’t have it together enough, or that I am crude, sloppy, or just not a professional that people would want to pay a lot for me to assist them.

Whoa. one dominant script just popped into my head, so I’ll share it here:

4. “I have difficulties with my relationship at times, and with other aspects of my life, so how could I ever possibly help anyone else?”

This seems absurd when I read it, but it definitely guides my behavior and my feelings. I have a hard time, feel down, sad, angry, confused…. and then I stop taking action because
how could a down, sad, angry and confused man ever help other people to live the lives of their dreams and to start pursuing their self-defined true joy?

My experiences with clients run directly against this script, but it still dominates my behavior and my emotional life. I am willing to do ANYTHING to get over this script and to
finally start taking massive action to live the life of MY dreams, and to find MY own success. Wow. Thanks for this inspiration, Ramit.



Sarah February 10, 2011 at 1:41 am

1. I don’t have any ideas. I wouldn’t know what to do to start a freelance business.

2. Marketing/selling is sleazy and scammy. I feel guilty taking other people’s money even if I’m exchanging it for a service.

3. My time is more precious to me than money. I work a job that’s full-time plus, I’m newly married, and I don’t have the energy to create additional revenue streams. In fact, I’ve
ended two additional sources of income in the last year because I felt overwhelmed by the demands on my time.


FM February 10, 2011 at 1:44 am

1. Fear of Rejection
-I tend to put myself in situations that minimize rejection but then I’ve slowly realized that there’s so much more to do out there such as meeting new people or even approaching
someone I like that I tend to miss out on all because I fear getting rejected and looking like a fool.

2. Fear of not having an idea that’s profitable or good enough

-I’m excited for earn1k but at the same time I’m really nervous because I’ve been trying to think of something I can do for a week or so now (also downloaded the free idea
generator tool of Ramit’s) but I can’t seem to think of anything that I can make money off of. I just started my first ever full time job back in September and right now, I can’t wait
to quit and move on to something I really like and also start freelancing on the side. I’ve read Charlie Hoehn’s recession-proof graduate e-book and I know I have strengths but I
can’t seem to see these become skills. Most examples here are all about marketing consulting or web development and I really have no idea how to do those. My background has
been in business and I love investing and finance but I don’t have any solid skills or deep experience in this due to gaps in employment and deeper education. Plus, I have to admit,
I was out of the investment loop for a while as well.

3. Fear of the unknown

-As I mentioned in number 2, I do love investing and finance but what if I find out later on that it’s not what I actually want? Then I go back into that deadly spiral of not looking
forward to work when I wake up in the mornings. There’s also the problem of paralysis by analysis – I can reflect all I want if a certain career path is right for me (e.g.
finance/investments) but it’s either I do nothing or I do something. Then again, if I do something, I may end up wasting so much valuable time as it may not be right for me.


Jeremy February 10, 2011 at 1:44 am

1) I don’t have any good ideas. I guess I am stuck on what can I do that is a good idea, and will actually make me money. This is something that can/should be easy to overcome,
but just testing my ideas before-hand, which leads me to number 2.

2) I don’t have time. Well, this is just nothing more than excuse. If all this takes is 5 hours a week, i have plenty of time and then some. Who doesn’t spend 5 hours a week surfing
the internet for stupid stuff or watching tv? This is just an excuse because i am afraid of failing, losing everything, and ending up living with my parents again.

3) Failing. Well, this one is easy, but once again it is an excuse. If i never try, i will never be sucessful. So what if i fail, I liked that quote about if you are going to fail, so what just
let me fail quickly so you can move on to something else. Every time i fail, i learn something, and become a better person. So the only thing to do now is to stop making excuses,
stop worrying about what could or could not happen, and just dive in, what is the worst that could happen, i make money on the side…doesn’t sound too bad to me!


Purti February 10, 2011 at 1:56 am

Hi Ramit,

1. I think my visa issues will stop me from doing freelancing and making money on the side.

2. I am a biotech professional and know wide online marketing techniques although not an expert in either of those areas. So, I don’t know if I can find clients in this industry ready
to pay for independent consulting for marketing.

But I know that this is why I am here reading, listening and implementing your techniques slowly but doing!


DD February 10, 2011 at 2:02 am

If I turn to my friends for help, they will have a negative opinion of me and perceive me as weak and incompetent. I like to think of myself as the one others turn to with their
problems so a role reversal would be uncomfortable and humiliating to my pride.

I can’t get things done because I have other more important things to do such as care for my son who I often stay home with during the day.

If I fail, I will lose the love and respect of those I love and care for the most. These are the people I would do anything for, but if I were to fail I would prove myself ultimately
worthless to them. They would have no use for me and replace me with someone smarter and more successful. I’d have nothing but shame and sorrow to show for taking a chance
on something.

I’ve failed before at other similar ventures so why would this be any different? How many crazy ideas can my wife withstand before she eventually tires of my pursuits and
ultimately me?

The truth is sometimes it feels like I’m drowning in fears of all kinds. I’ve been afraid until now to even admit it let alone actually seek out help for all these fears.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

So how do I change? First by acknowledging the fear usually lurking in the back of my mind subtly suggesting that I can’t do this or shouldn’t do that or that they would think this if
I ever actually did that and so forth. Time to put it on the line and call it like it is. Time to confront it eye to eye and tell it that I have no more use for it anymore. Just admitting that
it exists and that it has held me hostage up till now means I deal with it before I take on the things from which it holds me back.

I suffered a really bad defeat a little over a year ago and just haven’t really been the same since. These fears and self doubts have gotten in the way to create other setbacks to the
point that it’s probably cyclical. Everything I touch turns to shit because I get to a certain point that I’m too afraid to go any further so nothing ever becomes of that latest “thing.”
Everything up until now has been about how to do this or how to do that ie the tactical side Ramit put more eloquently. The real issue is that voice in my head saying “why even
bother you know you’re gonna just fuck this up.”

My plan of action is to start a winning streak. I’m going to count all my wins no matter how small and allow myself to feel good about them for once even if it’s just creating a new
habit or ditching something of no use. I went through my inbox and unsubscribed from a couple dozen email lists that were doing nothing but sucking up my time with some
rehashed opportunity and all its unrealistic promises. That’s a win for me today because I got my precious time back, and now I feel committed to myself again. Enough of all the
cyber-noise. Enough with the fear. Time to “hang up my hang-ups.” (great hustle music hear by the way)

To getting my “groove” back! Thanks Ramit!!



Dustin February 10, 2011 at 2:02 am

I don’t need three. I have thought about this all day and welcomed any excuse to get my mind off of it. 3/7 is the first to give me pause. My fear is to confront my fear. I also saw
fear as an exterior influence rather than just being my own saboteur. I cut down all of my own ideas after I got to the point of no return on a business idea. I start out excited, I
research, and I meet with people who do well in the industry. About 3 or 4 reasons along, I brand it as unprofitable or too time consuming. I haven’t started one business after years
of ideas. My goal is to overcome my obstacles without over analyzing (fearing) them. I have had too many great ideas get thrown to the scrap heap without ever actually trying one.
Great post!


Brian February 10, 2011 at 2:03 am

Here we go … not just keeping me from earning more, but keeping me from taking any kind of action.

1. I don’t know whether I should pursue a fiction writing career or the entrepreneurial life. Either way, I’ll choose the wrong path, waste my life, and forever regret not choosing
the other.

2. Honestly, I don’t think anyone will consistently pay me to do either. Certainly, the chances of them consistently paying me enough to live on is zip — especially if I don’t want
to work 90 hours/week.

3. And I worry that, if I let both these goals go — or even if I “step back and examine my reasons for wanting” either goal — I’ll grow old as an average guy who missed out on the
life he had, let alone the life he wanted.


Karlos February 10, 2011 at 2:03 am

1) I’ve tried too many times, am too old to change, and will never be as successful as I’d like.
I’ve been an entrepreneur for nearly 10 years and it’s always been a struggle. I’ve studied many books on marketing, have implemented what I’ve been taught, teach what I’ve
done and have tried to start other revenue streams but I keep ending up with just one: my consulting and writing services. It’d be great to replicate, automate, and multiply myself,
but I just can’t figure out how. (Actually, I founded a business in 2001, and took a job in 2005. Going in-house and having a boss is the most humbling experience. I was fired twice
and realized I’m not meant to work for anyone else.)

2) If I’m successful, it’ll take time away from my existing businesses, my family and my fiction writing. I’m involved in two businesses – one is my own, the other is a nearly
full-time consulting gig that doesn’t preclude me from starting other businesses. In addition, I have three kids and I write books for kids. I know this script is bullshit because I’ve
been able to juggle the business and my wife and kids and writing beautifully. I always schedule time for each. At the beginning of this course, I started taking an afternoon off to
take one of my sons out of school to therapist. I was worried my schedule wouldn’t accomodate it, but it did. I use the time while he is with the therapist to brainstorm, then pull a
“Steve Blank” and either head back to the office after dinner, or work later. So, this to me proves that this script is one I’m ready to discard.

3) I don’t have the right network.

I should know better. I have one of the top 100 LinkedIn networks and live in New York City where it’s easy to meet people. I also know I’m good at it. Again, at the beginning of
the year, and spurred by the course, I decided that this was the year that I would prepare myself for the publication of one of my fiction books. I started emailing and calling
everyone I know that is in the children’s publishing business. I had coffee with an editor and an author. The parent of one of my son’s friends runs the education division of one of
the largest publishers of children’s lit. I haven’t tapped into her yet, but I will. I started a blog that will document the process and include interviews with authors and editors. And
you have to be a smart networker to accomplish anything. I have been a lazy networker, just going through the motions and building a large following. Now to move from that.


De February 10, 2011 at 2:11 am

1. Not sure I actually *want* to spend the time to do all the work required to make my idea/business work
2. Afraid that I’ll do all this work and get nothing from it
3. I seem to have getting-started-itis and not sure of the source. Sometimes I feel lazy and not sure why.


wilson February 10, 2011 at 2:14 am

Great time spent so far reading everyone’s posts and thanks for bringing me focus this week.

1.) Lack of time management. How to spend time on other streams of income when I feel i could do much more for my primary stream if i put my mind to it. Now the reality is yes
I could do more but i my return would be minimal compared to additional streams and opportunity.

2.) I have done side work in IT support and I have trouble charging people because i feel its too “easy” but its still a huge time suck. I have pushed back from this freebie work but
still have the obstacle of taking on work that i don’t enjoy because i am good at it and I feel its something i can’t charge a lot for

3.) I am the single source of income for my family, so i have a fear of screwing up and putting my family in a tight situation.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Thanks to everyone for sharing! Good luck this week.


Keltie February 10, 2011 at 2:15 am

I’ve already gained one client as a freelance writer, but:

1) I’m afraid of raising the bar with this particular client because then he would hold me to that higher standard. As it stands I submit articles whenever they’re “ready.” Read:
whenever I get around to it; sporadically. He would happily accept more articles on a regular schedule which would mean I get paid more but then he would come to “expect” this
regularity and what if next week I’m really, really tired or stuff comes up or I can’t think of any topics for articles. In other words, I’m afraid to make an honest commitment.

2) I’m also afraid of sinking in too much effort with this particular client because my long term goal is to go back to school and eventually work in a completely different field and
I’m afraid I’ll get “sucked in” by being good at what I do here and forget or put off my dreams while developing the wrong kind of expertise.

3) Finally, I’m afraid to approach clients in the field I plan to study because they’re too professional and too in demand for the likes of me who has no related experience, let alone
much experience as a freelance writer. My portfolio is one client.


Eric Wyatt February 10, 2011 at 2:19 am

1) I have to wait until I finish my MFA (and publish several stories or a novel) to pursue teaching positions…I’ve convinced my self that I will not find a part-time teaching position
(high school or college level) until I’ve finished my Masters, even though I have prior teaching experience, a bachelor’s degree in teaching, and a number of fine references. The
reality is, there are several local opportunities that would allow me to teach with a provisional license as I’m finishing my final MFA semester. I’ve begun reaching out to two of
those, and am also creating a way to do virtual instruction.
2) I have to wait until I finish my MFA (and publish several more stories or a novel…sound familiar?) before other writers will pay me for editing, critique, and craft instruction
services…see the thinking in #1, and apply it here. Again, I’m preparing a web-site, mapping out strategies, setting up a “menu” of services and prices, and moving forward, before
the degree is finished. I’ve been told by almost every writer I’ve worked with that my insight is helpful in their development, and I am determined to cling to that knowledge and
push forward. I have something to offer, and I’m laying the groundwork to do it.
3) Because I have no formal training (though years of experience) in business, message development, and advertising, I can’t charge for the consulting services I could easily
offer…Similar to #1 and #2, except that I’ve been successful in those areas, I have downplayed that success because 1) I was in the public and non-profit sector when I achieved
those things and 2) I have, for years, GIVEN away my services, and I find it hard to step up and actually CHARGE, even though I know (intellectually) that people actually value
things they pay for much more than free things, in most cases…


Megan February 10, 2011 at 2:23 am

I don’t have any idea what people would pay me what to do: I am a librarian, with a background as a vet tech. People call me all the time for dog training advice and “what does
this sound like?” questions about their pets, but I really don’t think I could get paid for this.

I don’t think I’m good enough at any side skills to get paid for them: freelancing librarian? really not a popular need. I do, however, as I mentioned before get hit up for all kinds of
free advice and “can you come over and help me out with Fido” on various and sundry problems. Without getting paid of course.

I wouldn’t know how to find clients: If I did do some sort of animal training/grooming walking, I would not know where to find people who would actually pay me to do this type of
work. Every one I know I’ve helped out for free before, and are co-workers or family/friends, etc. Not going to be very popular at work if I say “Sure I’ll help you out….for
$25/hour, Fluffy needs some serious work, her behavior is not as cute as you think”.


Alex February 10, 2011 at 2:29 am

#1 Fear of Execution
Got a lot of ideas but i actually fear the execution. I guess this is because i have to discover and learn new things while execute the idea and I’am not sure if i can do it.

#2 Fear of Rejection
I fear selling a product/service to someone, because theres a chance to get turned down.

#3 Fear of getting older/dying

I know how precious my time is. So I don’t wan’t to work on things, that possibly get no result.


William February 10, 2011 at 2:30 am

I totally agree with identifying one’s fears before jumping into new behaviors. I’ve actually been dealing with recognizing my own self-defeating beliefs and fears. I’ve found a big
one that I’m still navigating and struggling with overcoming.

I let other people define me.

I’m hesitant to take any sort of risk in practically any social situation. Since this is the case I lack confidence in even things that I really WANT to do. I haven’t yet fully understood
this fear, but the biggest side effect I’ve noticed is that I don’t feel like I should be taken seriously / that people will ever take me seriously.

The easiest way I’ve learned to cope with some fears is to understand them as purely EMOTIONAL, but as I progress I find that it is a LOGICAL FRAMEWORK that allows me
to believe in them and to fear them. Revising this logical framework is the real, functional part of addressing fears.

The next thing I plan on doing is taking a risk. Not a huge one, but a costly one. If I at least push back against all of my fears, maybe I’ll better understand the environment that
allows them to thrive.


George February 10, 2011 at 2:34 am

#1 I’m afraid that I’m really not smart enough to start and run a successful company

#2 I’m afraid that if I do decide to leave my job, I’ll fail and lose everything

#3 I’m afraid that no one will actually pay for the product ideas I have

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


George February 10, 2011 at 2:47 am

#1 Although I write what could be considered enterprise software for my employer, I feel there is a lot I don’t know. Such as, I consider myself to be an above average coder,
but I don’t do “pretty” well. In other words, I’m great at simplifying business process but I don’t think I’m that good at the presentation of it. I get good feedback that what I
develop is easy to use but I don’t think it “looks” good on an aesthetic level. Which makes me feel that for co-workers, what I do is good enough, but potential customers will
think it’s crap.

#2 Although I’m not the sole bread winner, I’m afraid that if I fail, I will put our finances in serious jeopardy

#3 I have a lot of great ideas and can imagine how I would tie a suite of products together. But I’m just afraid that I won’t get others to understand their usefulness and pay
me for it


Fem February 10, 2011 at 2:35 am

My biggest fear is that my body will fail me.

I’m disabled and it is progressive, detoration is caused by ignoring my limits, and doing “crazy” things as typing a few pages, or not taking a nap in the afternoon. I still work in the
supermarket where I started at age 16, I’m 27 now, and I have worked my way up to shift manager. However, I did two studies in college, and I’ve studied abroad, and I’m
overqualified for my current job. But I’m afraid that in an office job I might fail, because I probably will have less possibility to skip work and come in another day, or go to work a
couple of hours later, when I’m not feeling well.
This fear is not really rational, because an office job would require less from me, physical, so I probably don’t need as many sick days as I do now.

Another fear is that I’m socially akward. I really hate meeting new people and it really scares me. I’m not shy, I just don’t like people that much. I’m terrified when I have to go
somewhere where lots of strangers gonna be, and pitching myself or my ideas is even worse.
I did however decide a couple of months ago that I want to get more involved in politics, so I went to a couple of meetings of the local green party and to the work group for
chronically I’ll and disabled, of the same party. And it wasn’t as bad as I thought it to be. The people where kinda nice, they didn’t seem to hate me, or just think that I was of their
time. In fact, they seemed to find me inspiring and it got me an interview for a local newspaper.
Still, I find it scary, so I keep making up excuses not to things that involve meeting people. (And it’s strange, since I meet hundreds of customers each working day, and I really
don’t have a problem with that.)

I think that my other, smaller fears (such as not being able to put enough hours in, not finding customers for my ideas, not finding partners to work with, not being able to execute
my ideas because it takes too much effort) are all related to those two big fears. So I leave it at two for now (maybe something pops up tomorrow)


Dustin February 10, 2011 at 2:48 am

My mom has the disability mentality. Get past it and do what works and makes you happy. You can’t get further in life with a career you don’t like. If the only thing holding
you back is the disability, set your own hours and work online doing something meaningful to you. Best of luck.


Peter February 10, 2011 at 2:36 am

1. I’m afraid of talking to people. am socially awkward and horrible at small talk.
2. I’m afraid of my time being overly consumed by demanding clients, or alternatively taking on a task that will take more time than I’m willing to devote to it.
3. I’m afraid of telling people what I really think. for example, if I create a paper/proposal critique/review consulting practice, I’m afraid of being honest (e.g. “your idea sucks”)
and losing business/credibility/goodwill


Ben February 10, 2011 at 2:36 am

1) I fear that I don’t have enough money to get a new business off the ground.

2) I fear that I won’t have a way to differentiate my business from the competition.

3) I fear that I won’t be able to cut through the clutter of the competition.


Brian February 10, 2011 at 2:39 am

I fear that

1) Once I set my mind to an idea, I’ll dump it / think it’s not worth it / find some other reason to quit it after I start it…. thus wasting my time.

2) I’ll be mocked or laughed at because the idea isn’t any good or won’t make any money.

3) Someone already came up with the idea / does it better than me.

and a bonus 4) I’m not good enough at any one thing to make money doing it.


Barry February 10, 2011 at 2:39 am

Script # 1) There is yet time…….

Realization: I am punctually challenged i.e. able to get up at 6 am yet be consistently late for a 9 am meeting. This is true even for the meetings or events I actually want to be on
time for. I feel very bad about it later on. And I know this is true of other areas of my life as well. I know I have to get moving on important things but usually am on the scenic
route when it comes to seeing them through.

Manifests as:
* Being late for customer meetings or for picking up my wife, kid and other family members
* Important goals end up taking longer to accomplish because of the lack of focus

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

* Deadline driven behavior that doesn’t allow me to do my best work,

* Dreams of being a fulfilled and wealthy entrepreneur comfortable with taking risks – something that has not yet seen the light of the day.

How to change: Let’s just say this is a work in progress. I try setting alarms ahead of time to remind me that I need to be someplace by a certain time. I have a day planner and do
frequently plan out my daily tasks/appointments. I use the Pomodoro technique sporadically. I meditate regularly and try to observe myself without judging. All of has helped me
improve but not to a level that I am satisfied with. I do know that my mind has a mind of its own which often doesn’t want to stick to any plans but just goes with the flow of the
moment. This has become an ingrained habit that is hard to change. The hardest thing for me is to take my own plan seriously when it comes to time management.

Script # 2) It has to be perfect

Realization: I am uncomfortable with making decisions especially if the stakes are high. A couple of years ago, I was thinking about taking up a franchise. I spent weeks researching
it and interviewing many people in the business and outside. I decided against it but have not had the inclination to look for another opportunity looking at how hard such a decision
can be. Putting in most of my life savings to start a business makes me sweat and sets up a lot of unconscious resistance.

Manifests as:
* Lots and lots of time spent on research before making a decision – e.g purchase of a TV or insurance.
* A tendency to avoid or procrastinate on tasks that I don’t feel like working on because I may not be able to do a good job on them. So I wait till the last day and rush to complete
them. At least there is a thrill of having a deadline to beat though I am not able to do my best work on it.
* Read a lot of books and surf the net for self-help material so I can “think” my way to get new ideas for life satisfaction

How to change:
* For tangible goals, (e.g. buying disability insurance) I set monthly time limits to get them done.
* For the intangible things like moving to a career that fits “like a glove”, I read inspiring books, blogs etc about how other people took risks and succeeded. But reading and
thinking are not the same as doing. So I intend to do something about it this year – like small experiments to explore what could make me more money while finding the activities
enjoyable and fulfilling as well.
* Do an 80 – 20 time analysis and do the habits that I decide are good for 28 days so they stick

Script # 3) I don’t trust myself

Realization: How else do I explain the fact that I have about 10 years of work experience in the software industry, have a dual Masters (MS in Engineering and an MBA in
Entrepreneurship) and am still fearful about whether I should venture out on my own. I see so many difficult challenges in the world that are screaming for the attention and hard
work of someone with the belief that they can make a difference. So here I am working for someone else in a small software company saying that this experience will be a stepping
stone to my goal of doing something that I truly care about on my own. Sometimes I just don’t see how I am going to get there from here.

Manifests as:
* A tendency to look at the obstacles in my life and allowing them to pin me down instead of looking at creative solutions to get around them
* A tendency to look to others for advice and guidance
* A belief that I need to work with an experienced coach who will “teach” me to unlock my potential
* Lack of trust in what I already know and can do
* Yeah buts when I come across success stories of people who have struck out on their own

How to change:
* I completed an MBA in Entrepreneurship which demonstrated that I can work hard at something if I truly believe in it
* I used to work at a much larger company with almost 400,000+ people. I chose to work at a smaller company (< 10 people) so I will be forced to take responsibility for my work
and actions. There is no hiding here.
* By April 30, I have committed to complete 2 programs to identify goals that are important to me and share them with others to hold me accountable so I will take some action.


Justin February 10, 2011 at 2:40 am

1. I’m not convincing enough.

I really want to earn income on the side by converting home users and small businesses from windows to linux, however everyone I talk to who uses linux just tells me it will never
work because people are already confused by windows, and they don’t want to learn anything new. I mostly think they’re full of shit and don’t have the experiences I do, but I
worry that I won’t be able to overcome basic objections as to why they should give a new OS a shot. I’ve successfully converted 4 people in the last 2 years, and none of them have
returned to me for support since that time. I can do this!

2. I’ll never make money selling a service based around a free product.
I’ll just have to come up with ways to monetize the service around that product: installation, home/remote support, tailored tutorials to individual needs.

3. Advertising/getting enough clients.

This is by far my biggest worry. I won’t have a budget to do real advertising, but instead would have to rely on word of mouth. I believe that the product and services I am selling
are very much worth the money I would charge, and that it is also a great value. Recognizing this, I would ask my clients to spread the word to any one they know fed up with
windows and looking for alternatives.


Ricardo Salgado February 10, 2011 at 2:41 am

Saludos desde Colombia,

SCRIPT 1- I don’t have enough equipment to sell better quality in my product, besides that, there is no trusting people to work with, that support my work.
explanation> I don’t feel confident to charge more for producing content with the same standard equipment, I’d go safer if I owned better hardware and a team very good at work.

Solution> To improve my portfolio and the way I show my product, better planned, more focused on my client, working harder in preproduction and creative thinking; I need to
teach everything I know to somebody to work with, and to deposit my trust in him.

SCRIPT 2- I’m afraid of overwhelm myself, and I’m lazy to follow plans.
Solution: Be creative to trick myself, I know that if there is someone to conquer or to impress, I would do anything to stand out, teaching someone who loves to learn could be a

SCRIPT 3- I don’t know how to engage professionals to work in my start-up, I don’t have money to pay them.
Solution: It is around the same point that the previous, teach someone, build professionals, they would love to work for his mentor and we would build a common dream.

I’m stuck thinking and reading year after year, it’s stressful and annoying, I know, I’m taking action at least by doing the writing homework of the private list I’ve realized how
deep I’ve fallen, I know I can do it, I can work harder in the right things, I know, it’s time, i’m frightened, but it’s do it or die in the attempt.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Harper February 10, 2011 at 2:44 am

The only things that have kept me from making money is that I did not care about making money. Now that I am wanting more independence from my family, I am more interested
and looking for the right and interesting places to teach me to do better.

I face my fears as often as I can, but there are some that still control me, but not really with money, yet.

#3 I have the idea that I can’t handle stress.

I’ve always been able to tell people when I am getting to a threshold of stress that is going to make me just shutdown on everything and stop completely. It has happened one or
two times. However, I realized today that, compared to the average College student, I handle a MASSIVE amount of stress and still come off to people as incredibly easy-going. So
it comes from some self-esteem issue, that it is my mission to destroy in the next 2 months.

#2 I am afraid of living life at a high caliber and level.

I realized this a year or so ago when working on character refinement. My biggest obstacle wasn’t my bad habits, it was my fear of having to live life tighter and better, it was my
fear that instead of making life easier, I would just make life hard to live up to. I have found this to be wrong a few times now and faced it, but it still creeps back up. (Like now)

#1 I am afraid of being alone.

I don’t want to end up isolating myself because of my increasingly obsessive style of studying a subject or area that is interesting to me. I have also faced this fear a few times, and
usually I lost a few friends that were not healthy relationships and gain a few friends who knew a huge amount about a topic I was interested in. Once again, it still catches me by

Every one of my fears comes from my fear of the Unknown, though. I am still working, piece by tiny piece, on that fear. Someday I will conquer it, and I hope that Earn1k 2.0
plays a part in this path of mine.


Laura February 10, 2011 at 2:48 am

My four fears:
1) I have no time: This is the oldest one in the book, isn’t it? When I find myself thinking that I have no time, it’s usually because there’s an issue I’m avoiding addressing because
resolving it will be difficult/challenging/scary or involve a confrontation (see #2).

2) I hate confrontation: I get very anxious at even the thought of a confrontation…working myself into a frenzy over things that HAVEN’T EVEN HAPPENED AND PROBABLY

3) I’m choosing the wrong thing/there’s something else I “SHOULD” be doing: I end up not taking action because I worry it’s not the right action, even though generally speaking
the wrong action is better than no action.

4) I have no ideas: Though it’s really that I don’t want to commit to follow through on the grunt work to turn ideas into reality.


Eric February 10, 2011 at 2:48 am

1. Fear of deviating from the traditional salaried income with a wife and kids to support.
This is my biggie. I can’t seem to prioritize my time to accomplish anything of value these days.
2. I’m a lot of talk and not enough action to execute. I need to understand the reasons behind this or I’m never going to progress in anythiing.


JB February 10, 2011 at 2:57 am

1. I have lots of ideas all the time. But I always talk myself out of doing anything because I’m afraid my ideas are stupid or that they couldn’t possibly make money because no one
would pay for the services and products I dream up.

2. I’m afraid to spend a lot of time on something that ultimately becomes nothing. It’s why I stopped blogging. I didn’t think that anyone could really be interested in what I have to
say — even though I write WAY BETTER than most of the blogs I read or that other people recommend to me as great. I’m just plain afraid that I’m not as good as I think and that
I won’t earn money without a regular 9-5 job.

3. I want to be my own boss. I can see my life as a business owner clear as day, but I’m scared to do the work to figure out what I actually have TO DO to make the vision a reality.
What if I’m wrong? What if I’m not good enough? I’m afraid to fail and be humiliated.

Wow, to write those thoughts down, they’re stupid! But, honestly, when I strip away all the BS, it’s just fear that I don’t know what I’m doing and that I’ll wind up a destitute
freeloader. I’d rather jump off a cliff then be dependent on other people.


Dan February 10, 2011 at 2:57 am

1)Mistakes: Quit avoiding them. Mistakes are not the end of the world and are great opportunities to learn how to improve.
2)I don’t know what I want: I know elements of what I want from my job and lifestyle. I need to give myself the freedom to explore areas and make mistakes.
3) I’m not qualified: Who is? Everybody learns. I have the skills to do what it is that I choose ( start a business, get a Ph.D, write a book, make art). I can do it, if I choose it.
4) I don’t have enough time: No, not for everything, but yes for what is important to me. I must commit to stop wasting time and start creating (see: stop reading and start doing).


Sam February 10, 2011 at 2:59 am

1. I fear looking stupid.

Meaning: I have an idea or course of action that I bail on because I fear looking stupid in the process if I fail. I assume people will laugh at me and point out obvious mistakes I
made that led to the assumed failure. And by looking stupid I feel vulnerable and self-conscious. And if I fail once then I am sure to fail again. And the people who once loved and
rspected me will no longer do so.
Change: I am forcing myself to see failure as a learning experience and a badge of honour for actually doing something instead of sitting around on my ass. I am starting to believe
that the only thing that makes me look stupid is not trying. I recently talked to someone at a party about some business failures but shrugged them off with “yeah, it didn’t work but
that’s ok, i’m just gonna keep making my way down the list of ideas until it works”. And the other person looked at me with admiration. And I felt smart, for failing, and for
admitting it. I proved my negative assumption wrong.

2. I fear I am not “cool” enough to work in my industry and that by being particular or ambitious I will come across as desperate, trying too hard to please, or too corporate and
Meaning: In my industry [photography + advertising] everyone seems so laid back and cool and on top of trends and really casual. It’s fun. Many people have agents who hustle on

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

their behalf but I do all my own hustling. I believe it’s important to really fulfill the client’s needs and instil trust. I take great pride in what I do but I sometimes hold back out of
fear. I want to be more of a take charge entrepreneur but have a fear of being sneered at.
Change: Just the other day I emailed a client to check up on whether they might need me for a job in the next few weeks and I was afraid of looking like I was trying too hard to
please but I have been booking up my days quickly. I was surprised to see him respond with “thanks for looking out for me and letting me know your schedule, you don’t find this
type of customer service much”. And I realized how much it was appreciated and that I was bringing specific and rare value to our relationship by treating it as an important
business and forgetting about the high school drama.


Heidi February 10, 2011 at 3:02 am

My biggest are;
#1: I’m too busy/have too many responsibilities already!!!
#2: I don’t know what to say/write/do
#3: I’m not ‘qualified’ (which also masquerades as “I can’t charge for that”

And my personal favorite;

#4: If I try, I’ll fail, and then nobody will like/love/approve of me anymore


Brian Speronello February 10, 2011 at 3:06 am

First let me say that going through this exercise made it really obvious how to get around the things I perceived as obstacles. Let me start with some background and basic

I work full-time and enjoy what I do. I do not want to quit my job, I want side income that compliments my work and my lifestyle. I have other goals that I’m working towards as
well, so ideally I would spend no more than 5 hours a week earning extra income. I’m not just using other nebulous goals as an excuse to say I don’t have time, either. I’m serious
about hitting my other targets. For example, two weeks ago I had a milestone on one of my fitness objectives when I weighed in under 10% body fat for the first time. I want to
make progress in earning extra income, but I don’t want it to negatively impact my achievement in other areas too much.

With those constraints in mind, here are my “invisible” scripts. Now that they’re visible, they’re pretty easy to solve though.

#1) I can’t charge enough per hour to make $500 in 5 hours per week. Solution: Don’t start off making $100/hour. Suck it up and work 5 hours at $25-$50/hour and then raise
rates. Or work more hours to start and try to find efficiencies (if getting paid a per-project fee) to cut the hours down.

#2) No client will pay for just 1-2 hours of my time a week (this is assuming I target 3 clients like Ramit suggests). Solution A: Try finding one or two clients that will pay for 3
hours a week. Solution B: Find 3 clients that want 3 hours a week and work more in the beginning. Then pick the one that’s most fun, or needs the most work done, and offer them
an “exclusive” on my freelancing at a higher rate and more time per week. Eliminate the other two. I could also try to get them to compete with each other on price to make even
more money.

#3) No one will pay hundreds of dollars an hour for personal tutoring/instruction in music recording and production. Solution: This is just fear.

Looking at the media kits for major music magazines shows 82% of readers are hobbyists and not professionals. And they spend an average of more than $5K a year on equipment.
One magazine even showed 46.6% have previously attended a course and 33.3% have not yet but would consider it. I was looking at this for a product idea I was testing (a la
4HWW), but the webcast last night is making me think I should start teaching in person instead, then build the product based on that experience.


Brian Speronello February 12, 2011 at 1:51 pm

So I’m terrible at math. $500/month at 5 hours/week would be roughly $25/hour. If I made $100/hour and worked 5 hours a week, that’d be $500/week, not per month. This
only makes everything seem more achievable though!


Anthony February 10, 2011 at 3:09 am

#1 Nobody would want a solution I offered, because someone else can do it way better than I can.

I’ve always sold myself short. I constantly think that I am not good at providing solutions to people or organizations, and that things I do don’t turn out good. This is despite having
a good job where I’m respected. Despite being able to turn grain, hops, yeast and water into damn tasty beer. This is despite being a blogger/writer who lately has had editors
coming to him for assignments. Still, this script runs in my head. It has been a big restraint, boat anchor and stalled engine that I’ve used to keep me from getting off my arse and set
in motion additional projects and services that would be more fulfilling, more profitable and a helluva lot more fun.

#2 Nobody buys fiction, why would they buy mine?

For every successful author, thousands only dream of success. For every book on the bestseller list, millions of manuscripts mildew in slush piles. And for every dollar spent at
Amazon, heaps of people say you just can’t make money as a writer, or by writing fiction, or by doing pretty much anything with a pen.

Of course, I *know* they’re all focused on the wrong thing. People aren’t buying a book or turning to an author’s products because of the book or the author. They buy that book
because they see it as an escape, as a solution to a problem, as new information they were lacking, or as a way to look at the world differently. The challenge for the writer who
wants to be successful — however that writer defines it — is to craft not only damn good writing, but also the messaging that tells these folks, “Hey! You! That’s right, I’ve got
what you’re looking for. Right this way.”

For me, I want to put more of my writing and editing skills to work for fiction and non-fiction projects that are of my own devising. I know the writing isn’t the only thing — it’s
just the beginning. But I also feel I can find the audience who will want what I write, and I can be a successful author, to my own definition of success.

#3 If I work for myself, I’ll wind up either a workaholic doing tons of hours just to stay afloat, or a broke lonely eejit.

Oh man, does this one alternate between gnawing on my courage and kicking my ass. I also suspect it of tying my shoelaces together. I’ve absorbed a lot of societal scripts about
people working outside regular jobs. The imagery and messages are of endless struggle with rewards constantly just out of reach, with all work and personal life just barely in a
precarious balance that can snap at any time.

Yet. I come from a family of entrepreneurs. My wife is an entrepreneur. I, apparently, am a bit slow. There is work and struggle and sometimes precariousness, but there is also the
joy of doing what you love, setting more of your own terms, and hey — even getting paid for it. I am working hard to negate this script. Yes, there will be lots of work — but much
of it will be done with a smile. Yes, there may be hard times, but I’ve got an amazing spouse, supportive friends and loving family — plus determination and a willingness to work
to have the life I want.

I have lingered too long in timid dreams. I have much I want to make real, as a bigger part of my life and what drives my days.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Ryan M February 10, 2011 at 3:09 am

1. I’m afraid of focusing my time and energy on freelance art projects that pay well now, but that do not help further my long-term career, and make roots for long-term projects.
On the other hand, I’m afraid of investing too much time in “long-term” projects that don’t make me any money in the short term (no pay day for at least a year or more).
–If I charge more for my freelance projects, then I can take less work and have more time for my long term projects. Taking steps to manage my time will help with this a lot, too.

2. I’m afraid of pushing myself physically to a point that I can never work again due to health problems I currently have.
–I will change this by finally talking to a doctor and take positive steps forward; I’ve been afraid of what I would hear.

3. I’m afraid no one will pay me an amount of money that is worth my time, and I don’t usually have the confidence to ask for more.
–I can fix this by researching niche markets and marketing myself as valuable, and being confident when I interact with clients and other professionals.


Brian Speronello February 10, 2011 at 3:11 am

Just thought of this too:

#4) My freelance gig will call me during work or jeopardize my full-time job in some way. Solution: Don’t give them access to my work contact info, create a separate e-mail
address that I only check while home (not even my personal account which I will look at occasionally at work) and make it clear that I’m only available during off-hours. If they
can’t agree, then they can’t hire me.


Chris L February 10, 2011 at 6:21 am

Your script is “My freelance gig will jeopardize my full-time job.” or it seems to me “My current job won’t approve of me working on the side.”

The solution that Ramit suggests is: realize the script, realize the assumption you are making and systematically test the assumption. You might find the script wasn’t true.


John February 10, 2011 at 3:12 am

#1: I have trouble getting started on complicated things. I can only assume it’s fear of failing holding me back. (The BJ Fogg seminar really helped with this. Now I just write one
line of code, and see how I feel after that.)

#2: I worry about pushing back against the bureaucracy at work for fear of getting on “a List”. (never seen one, but management says stuff like, “You’re on my list of people

#3: I’m afraid of charging too little, and having projects ballooning.

When I start feeling anxious, I’ve started asking myself, “What could go wrong?” This has helped me Identify my fears. (Thanks to “The NOW Habit” for this one)


Matt February 10, 2011 at 3:15 am

#1 – I am not good enough. Being an artist mean being your worst critic at times, not to mention seeing others’ work that is better than yours.
#2 – Not enough time. Story of my life, ever since being forced to do the day job thing. But I am making a point of managing my time better lately, a lot thanks due to your
columns. Still, by the time I leave work, work out, get home, eat, it’s almost time for bed again. Commuting sucks.
#3 – Not enough money. Too many years of low-paying work does not equal much savings. But I’ve been changing that; I have two savings accounts, one that I just deposit
automatically from my paycheck. Paying off a credit card, slowly but surely. Started a Sharebuilder account, even though the stock market still mystifies me. Got my tax refund
and put 2/3 of it into savings. But I still “need” things, like a professional digital camera, so I can BE a professional.


Tracy Douglas February 10, 2011 at 3:15 am

1 – I have too many ideas and not enough action. I have a notebook full of ideas for services, products and inventions. Some I have looked further into to see if there is a market or
something already in existence. The problem that I have is that, once a new idea comes in, the old ones are not as interesting. IDEAS + NO ACTION = NO MONEY.

2 – Focusing is a challenge for me especially as it pertains to having so many ideas. I’ll do some research and figure out the idea that is the cheapest to get up and running. Then at
some point during the process, I lose interest (or have another idea) and it falls by the wayside.

3 – Being disciplined and consistent (or the lack of it) keeps me from reaching these goals that I set for myself. My problem is that I get caught up in the moment of whatever’s
going on right now, even though I have these grand plans for the things I want to do (building businesses, products, inventing, etc). The long term vision is there, the short term
delivery is not there. So over the years, as far as tangible outcomes are concerned, I have not gone from point A to point B with any of my ideas.

So it is really hard to work in opposition to all of those things which seemingly are apart of the nature of the person that I have come to be.


Kelci February 10, 2011 at 3:18 am

I’ve thought and thought, and all my invisible scripts trace back to two invisible scripts that haunt me:

“I don’t have the experience for (fill in the blank).” This is what keeps me from freelancing into any kind of area. I’m always thinking to myself, “I don’t have the experience for
becoming a social networking consultant” or “I don’t have the experience for becoming a freelance illustrator” or “I don’t have the experience for writing press releases.” My fear
in the invisible script is that I need to be experienced in order to do anything. This holds me back more than anything else. I keep telling myself, “If I just get experience in this, I’ll
be golden”.

I’ve fought that as hard as I could. I keep challenging myself to try new things, and that gets me some experience. But the more important thing for me to do (and I remember you,
Ramit, saying this in your “Multiple Revenue Streams”) is to tell myself “I don’t need the experience. I just need to be myself and be reliable.” I just have to make THAT my
automatic script, and that’s the tough part.

The other invisible script I see in myself (especially since I’m an artist) is “I need a website to get my art noticed”. And EVERY blog, website, and what-have-you I read and see
preaches that I need a website for my art to get noticed and sold. It drives me up the f$#%ing wall. I’m still trying to figure out how to fight that. I’m sure my underlying fear is that
“My art will never get noticed on the internet”, and that’s the ultimate invisible script I need to fight. The question is HOW.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I’m still trying to figure out ways to combat these with measurable results, but somehow knowing these makes me MORE terrified that I can’t beat them.


Paige February 10, 2011 at 3:26 am

1. I don’t trust myself or my instincts any longer

2. I’m afraid of wasting more time and even more money than I already have. It’s often said, “People that can’t teach rather than do.”
3. Is it possible to be afraid of being successful, if it is, I think that’s probably in the pile too.


Michael February 10, 2011 at 3:26 am

1. Fear that I might be overestimating my abilities.

Because I tend to pick up skills without much formal training or official qualifications, I often have to fight an inward feeling that I’m “faking” my abilities — that at any moment
something bad could happen and it could turn out that my skills are actually shallow and people who have learned them through the “conventional” route have some kind of deeper
ability that I lack. This fear manifests itself in my difficulty admitting mistakes and in my reluctance to take on projects where I’m at risk of failing or doing something wrong.

2. Fear that my suggestions, skills, etc. might get rudely or angrily rejected.

I’ve worked in some very friendly workplaces, and haven’t had a lot of experience being criticized at work. For the most part that’s a good thing, but it means that the idea of
having my ideas and abilities criticized, rejected, or demeaned is unfamiliar and therefore disturbing. This leads me to hold back from expressing my ideas to people who have
power to act on them, and instead talking about them to people who won’t or can’t do anything.

3. Fear of ending up poor.

I don’t actually spend very much money, but hate the feeling of lacking control that comes from not having it. Because of this, I have trouble doing anything that involves financial
risk unless I’m convinced that it is a good investment.


Anna February 10, 2011 at 3:27 am

1. “I’m too young/inexperienced”

This one is really bad. I have a tendency to feel like the youngest person in the room and act on that feeling. It stems from my introverted nature and lack of self-confidence. I feel
intimidated by older people or people who seem older than me. I need to learn how to understand other’s needs and take care of other people as an equal, rather than feel unworthy
of the responsibility. Additionally, I’m a college freshman and I keep holding back on things, because “I’m only a freshman” and “I should wait until I’m older”. But, then I might
never start and regret it later. I should start now and make my mistakes now, while I’m young.
2. “I’ll look stupid”
I think I was just born with social awkwardness. Even recently, I did something really stupid and made a fool of myself in front of a crowd of people who I wanted to work with in
the future. There are many moments that still haunt me, even from middle school, where I regret something I did and feel like I could’ve behaved differently. My fear causes me to
be quiet and prefer inaction over action because I’m afraid of appearing stupid. Because I do stupid things all the time. It’s just my nature. (There’s an invisible script right there.
I’m probably wrong to assume that social awkwardness is a fixed aspect rather than able to be changed.) I’m also uncomfortable with starting new things and looking like a
beginner, even when it’s totally expected. Even in high school, I never started any club or project because I thought it was out of my league, when really, looking back, I could’ve
totally done it.
3. “I’ll make a mistake and then it’s over”
I procrastinate A LOT and it stems from a fear of not finishing or wasting my time. Ironically, when I don’t start my work, I turn to totally time-sapping, mindless activities that
serve no practical purpose (like reading celebrity gossip or playing flash games or watching youtube videos). I’m afraid of making an irreversible mistake that sways away from
perfection. I don’t buy something unless it’s the “perfect” item, which leads to me holding off and either buying it when it’s overdue to make an impact or not buying it at all. Like
fashion-wise, I’m the last to get into a trend because of my fear of taking risks. I’m also afraid of making any moves with my money because I’m scared of losing it all in a fatal


Jaime Barriga February 10, 2011 at 3:29 am

I am afraid that making money on the side will cut into my time with friends and family. I’m just afraid to be alone. I’ve known that I’ve had that fear for a while but I just finally
realized it’s also holding me back from making money on the side, or working on my ideas. It’s a fear that leads to some positive things, like spending time going on trips with
friends, meeting with people for lunch and dinner, and so forth. But it also holds me back from taking risks, so I fill up my calendar with events instead of work. I know that
eventually I’ll be making more money with less time, but I’m scared to go through that path because I know it will take time.

I am afraid that people will get the wrong idea about me. That they’ll say “Who’s this guy? He just wants my money! He’s not worth it!” Maybe this stems from a lot of putting
myself down in the past, or back in middle school when I had no friends and got treated badly. I imagine that’s why it’s so hard for me to meet strangers. I just imagine them
thinking bad things about me and I just avoid them (unless I have a reason to meet them, or I’m introduced).

I am afraid that I won’t have the energy to keep going. When I get over tired I become useless and can’t function properly. I’m worried that if things pick up, I will take on too
much and everything will fall apart. I’ve seen it happen before in my life where I want to meet up with friends and I can’t mentally focus because I’m exhausted. And I feel like
maybe I just should have not spent time with them in the first place.

In all of these, I would do anything to fix them. Part of the reason I was really into the hustling series was that if I can break these, I know I can do anything. It definitely started the
process, and anything I can do to help myself, no matter how hard it might seem now, is something I’m going to try.


Tim Barnes February 10, 2011 at 3:29 am

1. Fear of failure – I couldn’t really put these ideas off

2. Fear of the cost in time and effort

3. Fear of people not understanding my motives in pursuing these things


Jon February 10, 2011 at 3:29 am

1 My wife will hate it. She’s the “work at one company your whole life and then retire” kind. Just like her dad did. My dad was a small businessman. I don’t want to be just like
him, but I

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

want to have the freedom and sense of worth that comes from making your own destiny.

2. Other more experienced people are struggling, how do I expect to start from scratch?

3. I am too busy earning a living to make any money.


AM February 10, 2011 at 3:29 am

#1. I have no time. No seriously, I have no time. I work long hours, fight traffic and then come home to take care of my 2 dogs. I know, Ramit that you hate pets, but my dogs are
my family. Between them and my job, I’m spent. By the time I sit down it’s past 10pm and I’m supposed to be inspired at that hour? But the irony is I know it’s all in my head. I
can feel the mental block of everyday life that has me stuck in this rut.

#2. I’m exhausted. I wake up at 5am, working far too many hours at work only to be underappreciated and underpaid. Then I come home, try to unwind from yet another brutally
grueling day that has me tears and I just can’t do it. The last thing I want to do after spending 13 hours in front of a computer is sit down in front of another one. But I remember
my college days and being able to stay up all night without the help of coffee. Now, I can’t even leave the house without a cup of caffeine in my system. Everything, everywhere,
everyday is go, go, go, go. It really is exhausting. I need to break free but where do I start? I’ve been reading your stuff and like you said, reading is one thing but it’s all about
action. I know this. I’m super smart but there’s definitely a psychological fear that has deluded me.

#3. I’m afraid to fail. Because this is something that is not formula driven. This is all me. And there is no one to blame but myself. The irony here is that not doing anything is also
all me. So either way right now, I’m screwing myself.

So what am I going to do to change this? Yes, reading your stuff is great but like you said, action. I’m working on time analysis to see where my time is going and what I can do to
get at least one hour out of my day back to me. Creating new habits has helped with this. Every night, no matter how late, I sit down and make a habit to read your email. Like
brushing my teeth before going to bed, it has to be done. I’m also going to invest in myself. By taking your Earn1K course. And the biggest thing is I’m going to give myself
deadlines. Because that’s what’s always worked for me. At school, at work, you name it. If I have a deadline, I do anything and everything to meet it because as I said in #3, I’m
afraid to fail. I have some ideas but I’ve always had ideas. Duh, I’m a creative individual and work in the creative field so of course I have ideas. But what good are they in my
head? Enough is enough.

PS Thanks for the self-therapy session


Suresh February 10, 2011 at 3:34 am

I’m not street smart enough.

While I am extremely good in getting grades, my street smartness is almost close to zero. I have tried to make money off stock market trading but the returns have been very

Can I risk this as I have a family?

I am a married man, with a kid. Really worried if I can take such a risk. If I lose money on this side venture, I am not sure if I will repent later.. as others have said, extremely afraid
of risk..

I don’t know anyone that can help me out.

I always think that people don’t want to help me. How can I make them help my cause?


Eugene February 10, 2011 at 3:35 am

#1 – “People won’t like me if they have to pay me.”

I love to help others, and lots of people ask me for tech advice. But I’m scared that I’ll stop being their friend if they pay me.

#2 – “It’s supposed to be harder than this.”

I almost always sink hours into a problem rather than looking for the simplest and most effective ways to solve it – probably because I’m ashamed to say that actually Getting
Something Done is valuable.


Tesy February 10, 2011 at 3:35 am

No.1 I’m not good enough at what I do. I graduated last month from Law school and while I got top marks all my life, now that I’m doing an internship as a corporate lawyer in a
successful firm, I feel like I know less than every other person in the firm.

No.2 I don’t feel passionate about anything. (Maybe this should be no.1?)

No.3 I have too many self-esteem issues, I should be dealing with before any other professional projects


C February 10, 2011 at 3:35 am

1. Like a lot of the others I use the “I don’t have time” excuse to tell myself that I can’t do anything on the side
2. I’m don’t feel that I am good enough / skilled enough to make money doing what I want to do – when will I feel like I am at the level that deserves to get paid?
3. I feel like my wife and family won’t support me. This is the big one for me because I work in a family business and I totally fear the “I’m not happy here / I need more”
conversation that I’ll have to have with my parents when I begin to make money on the side. I think that they will see my trying to do something on the side as a signal that I am
unhappy because of them or that their business isn’t good enough for me.


Timothy Johnson III February 10, 2011 at 3:37 am

1.) “I’m not an expert.” Whenever I’m about to start a project, I feel like I need to know EVERYTHING about it before I start. But you can’t have ALL the answers, because the
answers and the information is constantly changing. The best way to learn something is to experience it, and then teach someone else. I should know enough of a particular [insert
topic/skill] here to get me started, force myself into a position of accelerated learning, and learn the rest of it as I go.
2.) “I don’t have a solid idea for a product.” This is lame. The reality is that I haven’t set aside time to reflect on how my ability to connect with people, open up, and start
conversations about [insert ANY topic here] can be turned into tangible ways to make income. In addition, I come up with ideas all the time, and write them down. What I DON’T
do is figure and figure out if they’re actually GOOD money making ideas.
3.) “I often feel like I get distracted or can’t focus.” Hogwash! When I actually sit down to focus on a certain task with no distractions (can we say, unplugged!), I get the task

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

DONE in record time.


Mark February 10, 2011 at 3:38 am

1) I can’t think of anything I’m good enough at (that I like) that anybody would be willing to pay top dollar for. I’d love to build computers for people, but the people who want
computers built for them rather than buying “boxed garbage” (like a Dell, etc.) already know how to do this themselves or aren’t willing to pay for the service. I’ve also thought
about tutoring math/science as my degree is in Electrical Engineering, but I can’t see how I’d be able to do enough tutoring (typically done in the evening) to make freelancing
worth my while.
2) I’m worried about the schedule I may have when starting up freelancing. After 9 hours at work, I’m ready to come home and relax. On the weekends, I try to get projects done
around the house or take the kids for a few hours while my wife finally gets some “her time” and does the grocery shopping, etc.
3) Tying in to #1 about freelancing being worthy my time, I’m worried that it will take a long time (if ever) to make as much as I do now as an Electrical Engineer ($6,000+/month).


Jessica H. February 10, 2011 at 4:12 am

Hey Mark, I think you are wrong re: #1. There ARE people who would pay for custom-built computers but don’t have the skills to do it themselves. The question is how you
can find and target them. For example, you could target gamers who would like to pay less than the cost of an Alienware, but still have a top-notch gaming rig. You could
build specialized computers for academic research groups to their custom needs. You could start a service for parents who want their kids to grow up technically savvy, “Buy
my custom computer kit, and I’ll teach your kid how to put it together.” Or hook up with a case-modder and sell customized computers to interior designers that match their
clients’ interiors. These are all markets that can’t or won’t do it themselves. I’ll channel Ramit and add that you shouldn’t be assuming – you should be asking. Ask a few
dozen people about how they make their computer-purchasing decisions and I bet you will learn some very useful things. Or find someone who already does custom
computer builds and see how they get paid. I really think what you want to do is possible, and I think Earn1K will help you do it. (I’m an alum. No, they don’t pay me to
promote the program – I can just already see how Ramit’s ideas will be helpful for you!!!!)


GG February 10, 2011 at 3:38 am

1. “I am not a networker”
Im not such a social fiasco, though I can´t seem to be able to make professional contacts. I hate asking for favors.

2. “Someday my perfect job will come to me and we´ll be happy ever after.”
I hate ask again and again for something. Job hunting is a nightmare to me. I know… opportunities wont come by themselves…

3. “This is not the right time”

I always find an excuse to delay things. I have no experience, I have family issues, my current boss has been really nice and needs me (but I hate my job), Im at grad school, dont
have time… and the list goes on.


Janet February 10, 2011 at 3:39 am

1. I’m afraid of not deserving to achieve my goals. I know this because in one of your posts or downloads there was an exercise about stating your goal and then writing specificaly
what you would do each month, week, day to achieve it and tho I could easily say what the goal was and what i “planned” on doing each month, but when i had to say what I
would actually do each day I really got nervous and uncomfortable and I didn’t finish it. I don’t know why it made me so uncomfortable.
2. I’m afraid to charge too much for my products. I knit and crochet handmade items to sell, but I always underprice because I think noone will pay the larger fee.
3. I’m afraid of not knowing how to set up all the tech stuff exactly right on websites and I put off doing it because it takes so long to figure out


John February 10, 2011 at 3:39 am

1. nervous about stepping out of my peer group’s/family’s norms:

nearly everyone around me is on a pretty usual path – grad school or office job. i guess i’m fearful of being viewed differently, and having my peers and family judge whatever
business idea i start pretty harshly. as the only one around stepping out of the box, if it fails, i look like a jackass.

2. can’t think of any ideas that will actually earn money:

ideas come, but they are usually for crazy inventions or a blog that initially won’t earn money

3. underconfident in uncomfortable situations where i’m trying to make my case:

selling, negotiating, talking to hot girls, etc. maybe i need more practice, but it’s a tough situation to willingly get into.


JM February 10, 2011 at 3:44 am

1.I’m not good enough.

2.I don’t know where to market it at.
3.I can’t effectively communicate with people.


Carlos February 10, 2011 at 3:46 am

1. I need to complete more jobs for more clients before I can go full bore
2. I will be told I suck and will never be able to make a steady income from my freelance writing…part of me will believe it
3. I’m not capable/organized/dedicated enough to pull it off and make consistent income this way


Drew February 10, 2011 at 3:46 am

#1- I don’t know what to do- I am a college student and only have class 2 days a week. I could be using that time to REALLY hustle and I sit around and think of things I can do
and read about different things and growth material (I read a lot and I am taking a lot of action as well, I have invested in Peak Potentials and their training, I have also reduced my
credit card APR and cell phone bill using Ramit’s scripts, I have found a mentor on campus to help me, I have contacted and spoken with famous/successful people for insight into
what I’m doing, and I am doing the 12 week transformation challenge on Unfortunately, the ideas I come up with involve working more, as in getting more jobs,
which is not scaleable. I know I want to develop some kind of muse or create something that I can use to generate disproportionate results, but that’s as far as I get.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#2- I can’t spend money on anything- I can’t spend money on anything because 1.) I have invested in Peak Potentials training 2.) One of my roommates moved out and the rest of
us have to pick up the difference in rent and utilities 3.) I have a lot of travel expenses to go to Peak Potentials training 4.) I am not generating enough income to pay for even the
basics. Investing in Peak potentials now may not have been the greatest idea, but I figured now is the best time because even if I go broke I have nothing to lose. I graduate in May
and if worst comes to worst I move back in with my parents and work until I can pay everything off and get back on my feet. I decided to take MASSIVE action and dive in head

#3 I don’t have experience- I want to pursue a career as a life coach/image consultant and I feel like I don’t have the knowledge or experience to get clients. I love personal growth
and helping myself be the best person I can be and I want to help others do the same, but where does the credibility come from?


Suzan February 10, 2011 at 3:47 am

I dont have enough money. I know thete are ways besides banks funds. I havent to connect to those options.
I dont have the rigjt contacts. Truth I know lots of business owners but I hate to ask for money fro from people I know


Andy Corey February 10, 2011 at 3:48 am

I don’t have a product/service to sell.

It would be easier/faster to get raises than to freelance

I’m too young to be taken seriously


Jim February 10, 2011 at 3:49 am

I worry that I don’t have the skills to freelance. I received a bad rating at work in 2009 with any number of excuses to fall back on (i.e. the economy, the bell curve rating system,
being a young employee on a highly skilled team), but I worry that I’m just not qualified. If I’m not qualified for my job how can I possibly earn income on the side using those

More than that though, I’m worried that I’ll never finish a project. I’ve wanted to work on side projects, mostly video game ideas, since I was in college and never did. I have this
friend who wanted to be a writer. In high school and college he had a band and wrote their songs and wrote and filmed an unpopular youtube series. He even invested in a $3k HD
camera. When he graduated college and had to get a job he stopped producing. Now he’s married and has a kid, and between his family and World of Warcraft I don’t see him
following through with his dreams of being a writer. I worry

Also I worry I’ll ask stupid questions or not get the point of the Earn1k lectures. I didn’t have anything to ask after Ramit’s video yesterday, and that worries me.


puja February 10, 2011 at 4:14 am

I feel the same.

That maybe, I dont have any freelance skills. Also, I am unable to follow through, or finish what I start. Sometimes, I worry, what if I start something and I get bored of it – it
will be waste of money and resources.


Z February 10, 2011 at 3:49 am

I work up these great ideas that I am convinced will make it. I flush them out in detail. I test them on my friends with great results….but I don’t take action.
#1 Time…Full time job, two kids under 3 with one on the way, wife,exercise, social life yada yada yada!

I know that I could manage my time better and squeeze at least an extra hour per day.

#2 Fear…this one is big. I have a few e-books, maybe even a book, in me and get paralyzed when it comes to writing. I tell myself “why in the hell would anyone want to read
what i have to say”

This is false. People come to me for advice and guidance all of the time. I network for a living and can give a speech in front of over 400 people.

#3 I need to learn more about what I want to do before I can start taking action…

Analysis Paralysis get out of the way. The 85% rule is my new mantra. Taking action after hitting submit and claim my domain name… See ya! Gotta go get it done.


Angela February 10, 2011 at 4:00 am

It’s kind of a dream of mine to have a business selling gift baskets. The kind you find in raffles, Chinese auctions, in hospital gift shops, etc, with multiple themes–movie night, girls’
night, get well, you name it.

My first invisible script is that “I’m too young” to have my own side business. It only seems like those crazy, super-motivated, genius children have their own legit business at age
23–where I am. I know I’m NOT too young, but I still have that instinct that, since I don’t quite “feel” like an adult yet, that other people don’t, either, and wouldn’t take my gift
baskets seriously. But since I’d like to sell them online, no one would even know my age.

The second is that having more than one, or two, or even three jobs “makes me poor and struggling to make ends meet.” Isn’t this what we see every day on the news and on tv?
Why aren’t our full-time careers enough to support us? My day job (forensic scientist) is more than enough to keep me afloat and even saving for my future. But I also teach on
Saturdays and dogsit when I’m able to. I feel like people would judge me for doing gift baskets on the side like I’m struggling to make money. Which couldn’t be further from the

The third is, “Would anyone even pay ME what typical gift baskets go for?” Gift baskets AREN’T cheap. They can go for hundreds of dollars… way more than 2x, 3x, or even 5x
the cost of the supplies that went INTO the gift basket. I guess this one kind of goes along with my age–would people pay ME, a 23-year-old scientist (as opposed to a 35-year-old
interior decorator), those prices?

I know you’re trying to make us think about the things that are holding us back. I guess I’m finally thinking about them more concretely.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Paul February 10, 2011 at 4:00 am

Invisible scripts:

1. You have to have practiced in this area of law exclusively for years before you can take on a case in this field, otherwise you are a dilettante and will give the client a valueless
or harmful result rather than the most beneficial result. I actually have told this to clients and referred them to other attorneys. Yes, the area of law is complex and yet I do have
some familiarity with the area. I know I know more than the typical general practitioner about this field and I know many resources to rely on to obtain information and assistance
in this field of law already, because I have referred many clients to those attorneys or used those resources to answer questions for some of those clients. How to change this? There
are two expert treatises updated annually to purchase. One has a blueprint how to analyze the client’s legal problem with questionnaires to pinpoint the legal issues. So one way to
deal with the script is to set up practice routines from the start to gather the information necessary to analyze the legal situation so that I can find the right way to find a solution to
the problem. The other way is to utilize the list serve and pose newbie questions and I will get help. Instant collaboration.

2. I’m afraid I’ll make a huge mistake for the client who will suffer drastic financial loss if I screw up, so I have to get it perfect. Also, I feel that there’s an element of I have to be
superior and produce an excellent product because its important to me that my work reflects my alleged intellectual superiority over others. This is a probable childhood script I
believe I hung onto because the only thing I had going for me as a schoolchild was high grades. I felt like I was inferior in everything else. So I think I obsess over producing the
perfect product so that I will continue to maintain the “high grades” that distinguished me in the past. Remedy: #1 get over it! #2 Get good malpractice insurance. #3 Have routines
to follow so I don’t miss anything. #4 I know a legal document or agreement doesn’t have to be perfect because I know there is no perfect anyway.

3. I’m so overwhelmed by all that I have to do that I don’t have time to do the things necessary to make this transition. I know this is all an illusion from reading Covey, Ferriss, and
yes, Ramit! I will trust that others have dealt with this problem, that I’m not running the United States of America, and actually use instead of intellectually gathering, the
techniques that the aforementioned “time management” experts practice.


Jessica H. February 10, 2011 at 4:03 am

Invisible script #1: The only way to be successful is to let it take over your life.
I love my day job. I am an avid reader. I study languages and sail and write plays and, oh yeah, spend time with my amazing husband. I worry that professional and/or freelance
success means giving up all the things I love about my life, because it will steal all my time. This is not just a made-up fear – it’s something I see in the lives of the people around
me. But that doesn’t mean I have to make the same set of choices. I can defend my life and my time if I need to … and I can give up some of that time if and when the rewards are
worth it.

Invisible script #2: Why bother anyways, since I won’t be as successful as my father?
My father turned himself from an academic into a wildly successful, one-in-a-million entrepreneur. While I believe success follows from action and hard work, the kind of success
he had isn’t something you can reasonably plan to achieve. Barring a lightning strike, I’m never going to have a business like his. It makes me feel like a failure from day one. But I
don’t have to define success based on my father’s life … I can define success on my own terms. I know what kind of life I want. It involves some of what he had, but also some
things he didn’t.

Invisible script #3: I’m not hungry enough for this.

I am very happy with my day job. In fact, I’m an Earn1K alum and I’ve had remarkable success applying its techniques to my day job! I am also quite content with my financial
situation. So I feel like I could easily just give up when things get hard. Do I *really* need the best job in my field? Do I *really* need to be earning money on the side? At the end
of the day, I am a very happy person right now. It makes me feel like I will just give up on these goals and projects when they get challenging. But that just means I have to make
sure that my Earn1K goals (whether relating to my day job or my freelancing) are PART of what makes me happy, so that they are a net benefit to my life and I’ll want to keep
doing them, even when they’re hard.

Yeah, tough stuff, Ramit, but thanks. Among other things, it’s really helpful to do this exercise again and see how my answers are different from the ones I gave in the first week of
the hustle course. Your challenge got me to examine those assumptions; now I’ve got to challenge myself to disprove these.


Elizabeth February 10, 2011 at 4:05 am

1) Juggling school, work, and a social life, it’s hard to find the time.
I know that I could make the time if I wanted to, but that’s the biggest excuse
2) I don’t have the experience for it.
I’ve been talking to a lot of people to get second hand experience to over come this one.
3) What if I do fail? General fear of failure I guess.
This one is probably the most powerful, but I admit it the least. If I do fail, then what? Where do I go from there? Are the consequences worth the risks?


Rick B February 10, 2011 at 4:09 am

1. I have a fear of committing to 100% and watching it fail. I know failure is part of the game and ultimately part of the learning process but knowing this doesn’t make the fear go

2. I’m afraid that I’m not actually good at what I do. I’m currently working as an engineer for a company that pays me pretty well to do a whole lot of nothing (boohoo right).
Although this sounds great to most people, its absolute murder in the mental stimulation department. Most days I read books or blogs at my desk and the ‘work’ I actually do is
mind numbingly boring and barely could be considered actual engineering. In short, I’m afraid that If I decide to freelance as an engineer, I won’t remember how to do actual

3. I’m almost afraid to admit this one but in the spirit of being honest… I’m afraid of being made fun of or ridiculed. Everyone in my family has had a traditional 9-5 in the past and
most of my friends are currently having trouble finding jobs. I can see the looks and hear the comments now when I tell them that I, the only one with a solid career, am paying for
an online course to learn how to freelance and one day quit that career.


Brian February 10, 2011 at 4:39 am

#2 – I have that same fear. I always feel like I’m not really good at what I do or I’m just winging it. I work as a school counselor – and sometimes I hate having people sit in
with me when I’m working with students – I’m more worried in those moments about what the person observing is thinking of my approach rather than how well I’m helping
this student with his/her issue.


Jana Mlejnecka February 10, 2011 at 4:10 am

#1 – “My business attempts are doomed from the start”. In fact it happened before. I launched a business right after school (art school), with no experience, no knowledge of
business stuff and no money at all. Somehow I bit my teeth and made it through those 5 years of struggle, with poor results. After some time in an emergency regular job, I started

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

again. The story repeated itself, this time in shorter version. It’s extremely hard to regain confidence in the face of evidence^^

-I spent years researching, analyzing and trying to identify why. Can’t be that stupid, with all the languages I learned so easily! I identified 6 major things I’d done fundamentally
wrong and try to avoid them now. I am self-employed now, working for 3 different clients. Apart from that I invested in a couple of courses and launched a few affiliate sites. Also
considering partnership in another project. But the fear is there, deep inside. No matter how much I’m aware of this script and how destructive it is.

#2 – “Most of my competitors are tougher than I, have more experience and more money”
Some will probably have much more knowledge as well. But hell, this can’t be true about most of them. I study a lot and implement what I learn, not everyone has this habit. But
sometimes I still feel like a shrimp among sharks.

-I endeavor to focus on improving my skills instead.

3# – “My ambitions are too unrealistic and childish, wake up dreamer” I’ve been told that as well, mostly by people who never failed and never accomplished. It is also true that
once I accomplish a dream or a plan, there’s already the next one waiting in the queue.

True or not, those are my dreams and I’m gonna reach them or die trying. Sketching the map to get there


Jason February 10, 2011 at 4:20 am

My three gems that keep me firmly on ass in chair…

1. “Yeah, but my real strength and gift is speaking, training and facilitation – I can’t possibly do that while maintaining a 9-5 job since training would be required at the same time
that I need to be at my job.”

2. “This is a blue collar city and there’s not a lot of call for my training/writing/course design skills… and the Internet is full of people who can do it better and know more about
this than I do.”

3. “I just need to get a bit more organized and then I can get started. Once the pencils are sharpened, once i have the right computer and software and install my whiteboard… then
I can start.”


Rob K. February 10, 2011 at 4:24 am

So, my three fears

If I loose money or take a chance on an idea or a job the consequences could be irreversably negative and considering I have a professional job right now it would be foolish to risk
I do not know a group who would pay more for my skills than Im paid now
If I invest in a product no one will buy Ill have wasted money that could have been used toward better things and proven my inability to myself. right now its just hypothetical


Nick February 10, 2011 at 4:32 am

Then, share your 3 MOST PRESSING INVISIBLE SCRIPTS below in the comments.

Don’t just write down 3 sentences. Explain them. Tell me a story about each one. How did you realize you had this script? How has it manifested itself in your life?

What would you do to change it?

Top 3 Invisible Scripts that Prohibit Me from Earning More

#1: I need to have a Masters Degree and other certification to earn more money and do interesting work.
I realized I had this script when I began taking jobs just for the money – thankful that I was even able to get a decent paying job doing menial work with little to no impact. How
would I change it? Begin to target companies I want to work for in Vancouver, BC. After researching their website and finding out about them (i.e. getting into their heads and
determining needs), begin offering value. Ask to take the VP out for lunch or coffee. Provide suggestions on improvements to their website. Highlight my experience and skills and
how I can transition that into helping the company achieve its goals.

#2: Earning $1k on the side is more likely if you have some technical experience e.g. web design consultant, programmer, etc.
I realized I had this script at the launch of your first Earn 1k program. I took particular note of the case studies you highlighted where people made money providing their expertise
online as a programmer or web consultant.
How would I change this? After getting these preview e-mails, and your blog video it is evident that you earning money on the side can come from a variety of different sources
including products and other services that are not necessarily IT related. I have some ideas (which aren’t worth anything until I action them) that I will test. After your webinar last
night, I realize it’s not smart to get married to one particular idea before it gets tested.

#3: If I don’t earn $1k on the side, any attempts I make toward that goal will be a failure.
I realized I had this script when I caught myself thinking that it’s a linear process where you go from making $0 on the side in a month to $1,000. How would I change this? I
realized that it’s ok to start small – perhaps only making $200 a month to begin with. The ‘aha’ moment for me was when Ramit stated that the bar is to get 3 paying clients. It
really didn’t matter what you were charging them but if you could get 3 people/companies to pay you, you have yourself a legitimate freelancing gig that you can grow, charge
more and earn more – for the rest of your life. Very powerful thought.


Brian February 10, 2011 at 4:32 am

the more I think about this the more I realize how many of these scripts I run in my head.

I see myself in most all of these comments – but I’m going to add mine here because I’m tired of reading without action – I’m good at that, of researching and paralysis by analysis,
but not moving forward with the knowledge I’ve acquired.

1. I’m not good enough or experienced enough to perform/charge for the service I would like to give. I’m a school counselor and want to work with students/parents as an
education consultant working with them to help their students figure out the ideal major/college or career for them. I know there is a *need* for this since guidance counselors only
see their college bound students an average of 38 minutes/year for college search/guidance. My fear is that I don’t have enough knowledge (really, let’s call it what it is –
confidence) to help these families and charge them.

2. I have too many ideas to narrow down and focus on just one. And what if it’s not the right one? How do I decide which one(s) to focus on. If I choose the wrong one, now I’ve
set myself back X amount of time

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3. Speaking of time – I don’t have enough time needed to invest in something for it to be successful. I enjoy my fulltime job (middle school counselor) but really the pay here where
I live, sucks…plus for the longest I’ve dreamed of being my own boss (even if it’s my own boss on the side). But I worry that I don’t have the time. 2 little kids, a third on the way
(in 2 months) – wife works full time. She works as an RN and is scheduled on Thursday nights and Sat and Sun. Other than weekday evenings and when school is out of session, we
don’t have family days like most normal families. We chose this setup so we wouldn’t need daycare. But I fear anything that I would do would take away from the little bit of time
we have as a family now. I know though that if I took a true inventory of my time I would find TONS of wasted time (su ch as the hour spent watching Law & Order, or the crappy
Mets, or surfing Facebook – even the time wasted on my lunch breaks).

There are others, and I could go on but you asked for 3…so those are just simply three that I fired off. If you need more, I can easily give you more!



Janet February 10, 2011 at 4:32 am

1. I don’t have a job and I’m afraid of funding a company on my social security.

2. This idea may not make enough money, I can only hope that it is successful, but I don’t know if it will be or not.

3. The timing is bad. I’m preparing to sell my house and move to another city in another state. I’m afraid to start in one state and have to pay for attorney advice in both states. If I
start the company in state that I’m moving to, then I’m afraid of driving to that state in bad weather.


Jay February 10, 2011 at 4:34 am

1. I can’t find people for to sell my services to. How do I market myself. Last year I decided to do some computer work on the side and I got some free business cards from vista
print. But I never gave a single one to anybody. I was too afraid. What would people think. Am I qualified to do this? Is it lame to be a computer guy.

2. Would this negatively affect my family time? Do I want to give up time with my family just for some extra money.

3. Coordinating our 1 car life with my wife would be an inconvenience to her. (but now we have 2 cars – so I guess I can’t hide behind that).

I’m afraid to succeed. I need to just do it. Stop consuming and start producing.


Jeff C February 10, 2011 at 4:36 am

Holy crap, I’ve even got fears about my fears. For example, I’m afraid that my fears won’t be original and worthy of standing out. Yeah, that’s reasonable.

I have the same fear about me and my freelancing – that it won’t stand out.

I fear I won’t like what I choose.

I fear I will like it too much, and that I’ll start spending time there that I should be devoting to my full-time job, only to realize that it’s not making any money, but I get fired from
my full-time job because I neglected it.
I fear people will discover that I am a sham or that I won’t deliver a service worthy of what I charge (and that those people will be acquaintances who I will have to see regularly) –
that everyone who has told me “you should charge for this” is just a blithering idiot.

When it comes down to it, my biggest fear is that I’ll let people down:
-my family

I just picture myself handing out refunds to everyone and being a social pariah because I didn’t do a good enough job. That’s an obvious load of crap, but I can’t seem to get past it.


Jeremy February 10, 2011 at 4:36 am

Damn, Ramit, this is scary. I realize I have A TON of self-defeating scripts running through my head. Here are the first three that come to mind:
1- I can enjoy what I do for a living. I can make a comfortable living. I can have one of these two things, but not both.
2- The only way that I can only successful is if I have someone else to report to. If I become a full-fledged entrepreneur, I won’t have to be accountable to anyone and I will just
slack off.
3- I am destined to become my father: constant spouting self-help techniques, but never able to actually become a success.


Scott February 10, 2011 at 4:38 am

3 Fears or scripts:
1. My first is lack of time because of a full time job plus a kid. My wife works as well so we juggle between daycare and work.
2. I don’t have a good idea, product, or service to provide. I have tried to brainstorm ideas but have not find anything that I feel is worth pursuing further.
3. I don’t want to waste money implementing something that does not work or is just wasting my time and money.


Nancy February 10, 2011 at 4:43 am

I would love to do graphic design as a freelance career, but the following things hold me back:

1. I am not good enough to charge for my work and I fear that once I have a client, they will see me as incapable of doing the job.
In general, I think I am a creative person and I enjoy graphic design very much, but sometimes I feel like I am just a wannabe designer. I don’t think my work is even comparable to
the talented designers out there, and I am afraid that once I start getting serious about it, people (and perhaps myself) will discover that I am just another average person who
THINKS they are creative and can design but in reality have no talent for it.
* People are so right when they say “you are your toughest critic.” I know that I just need to build up my confidence and that is why I’ve been doing a lot more research to look for
inspiration, and I plan on taking some classes to improve my skills. I also think I need to change my way of thinking and use my fear and doubt as a way to motivate myself to get
better as opposed to letting it swallow me up and hold me back.

2. I do not have the looks or personality to be a freelancer.

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Due to my Chinese genes, I look much younger than my actual age. Though this may come as a blessing in 20 years, I am often mistaken as a 17 year old even though I am
currently 23. People still think and treat me like a naive and innocent student. It also doesn’t help that I am a natural introvert and can’t initiate conversations very well. I am fine
when people approach me, but I find it very difficult to introduce and open myself to anyone.
*I’ve gotten better at speaking up since I started at my current job, so I suppose these things just take practice.
* As for looking really young, I’m honestly not too sure how I can solve that. I have some friends who say looks don’t matter and that I just need to have a lot of confidence and
prove myself to potential clients, but it’s hard when I imagine myself meeting a potential client, and the first thing they might think when they see me is “she’s just some dumb kid.”

3. I’m scared of disappointing my parents and won’t be able to provide for them.
My family was never wealthy, so now that I’m done with school and out in the working world, I want to be able to help my parents (or at least not make them worry about me.) If I
choose to be a freelance graphic designer, my fear is that I might fail and cause my parents to not only be disappointed but also to constantly worry about me for having such an
“unstable” career.
* My family is much more open-minded now because the recession has shown them no job is forever stable. My solution for this problem is perhaps to communicate with them
more, tell them my plans and hopefully they will support me. Support obviously helps with building confidence and I think that is my main issue.

Thank you Ramit. Just typing all these things out has already made me more aware of what my problems are and the possible ways to tackle them. This was a great exercise.


Steve February 10, 2011 at 4:46 am

I’m afraid no one will want me or trust me to do my work. I’m afraid I will succeed;be overworked and blocked from other things I would like to do. I’m afraid I will be
overwhelmed and unable to accept the discipline required to see the project through.


Sully February 10, 2011 at 4:49 am

Worst violation is my Water Cooler Script: Bitching with my coworkers about how “there is no way to move up because the company is too flat” which leads into how “we will
never get the pay increase we deserve without the corresponding titular promotion.” Usually this is accompanied by the “isn’t it unfair how much John Doe makes for doing

The irony that I failed to realize for a long time is that if John Doe is making that much then it means my company is willing to pay that amount. So what do I have to do?
Demonstrate clearly how my accomplishments have helped him excel and what is in the pipeline to continue to deliver that high value. At this point, I’ve got him already thinking
about my high value before compensation is even mentioned.


Chase February 10, 2011 at 5:01 am

1) I have too much on my plate already, with the family and full-time job, and there’s no way I could ever fit extra work in consistently enough to make it profitable or worthwhile.

2) I don’t know absolutely everything there is to know about the field I want to get into, and therefore any service I could offer would not be worth very much. Somebody else
could do it better, faster, etc.

3) I’ll be super successful, and get in over my head, attempting to do projects that I have no business doing and eventually somehow be revealed as a fraud.

It’s actually a bit of a relief to see that typed out. It looks a lot less threatening.


Anonymous February 10, 2011 at 5:03 am

1. Fear of not being good enough because I don’t have a Ph.D. or formal certification, even though I taught the subject for two years at a university with good ratings from students
and fellow instructors.

I noticed that every time I was in a room with all Ph.D.’s my demeanor would change, I would feel small and insecure, as if I was automatically the dumb one, even though they
never treated me that way.

The way I faced this fear was to talk to a few friends who taught as well if their best teachers were certified etc. and it turned out that for all of us, our best teachers were not
necessarily certified or Ph.D. level. There are great certified teachers who are, but that wasn’t what made them great. I actively sought out information to see if my fear was
justified. It’s the same with A level execs, I used to feel intimidated but after getting to know many of them, I find that they are often down to earth and easy to relate to. It was me
stopping me, not them.

2. Fear of “unstable” income, that even if I do have success with freelancing at some point, that I won’t be able to maintain the stream of income. After losing job to company
closures twice, circumstances made it clear how much more vulnerable a single source of income is. Freelancing income was what made it a lot less painful financially until I found
next job.

3. Fear of discovering that I’m mediocre. My ego wants to believe that I am above average, stellar.

I confront this fear by examinining areas where I have had success and areas where I have had bad results. I constantly research what successful people have done and compare it
to my processes and situation. I focus my efforts in areas where I have a decent chance at getting good results. Everyone has seen the one legged skier who speeds past the two
legged people, If I’m mediocre, I’ll be the best mediocre I can be and get over it.


Lex February 10, 2011 at 5:03 am

I’d say:

1.- I need to read a lot of books/websites/magazines/etc. before I can successfully write, produce and direct a movie. Yes, I’ve spent a lot of times reading a lot of books,
subscribing to websites, listening to podcasts and I haven’t taken action. What should I do? Go make a movie. Now.
(Well, before going out and making the movie actually I need to write the screenplay. Now)

2.- I need a lot of money to make a movie. But there are great examples out there about people who made movies for ridiculous amounts. Clerks, Monsters, Paranormal Activity,
The Blair Witch. A good idea can overcome the huge investment barrier. I could film it myself with my little DV camera and edit it in my Mac. I need to think high entertainment,
low budget. Or follow the alternate route: write a great screenplay (-invisible script: easier said than done-) that will attract financiers.

3.- I’m very introverted. Always worrying about what people will think about me, my physical aspect (I’m not very fit), what I say,… because I used to be (well, honestly I’m
still…) very judgmental about other people… in the end I’m afraid everyone will be as judgmental about me as I am. What to do? Still working on it…

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4.- I’m a huge time waster. This has a lot to do with the previous email: time management. I really want to write my screenplay, but there are always more urgent things to do.
checking mail, websites, facebook. I spend too much unproductive time in front of the screen. Now, I’ll be doing some tests this week. Options: Write the old way – pen and paper,
then transcribe. b)Use the Parental Controls on my Mac to block out some sites so I won’t be able to access them. c)Schedule writing time, treat it as a contest or a game. As
something very important I should do NOW. (Second only to paying taxes and credit cards on time) d)Try a technique I’m reading about called the “Pomodoro Technique”. It
basically involves tracking time using a kitchen timer because it’s easier to be concentrated for small chunks of time rather than for large ones.e)Use the parental controls to create
an account exclusively for writing. Make the “writer” user only be able to open the most essential apps and websites, block anything that could distract me: Facebook, Messenger,
mail, news… so I can focus on writing, nothing else for some time everyday. – Already tried: GTD (Getting Things Done) – too complicated for me, takes too much time.
Downloaded and tried several software: also too much trouble, I need something simpler.

5.- Bonus.- (This one was the doom of my previous business) I can’t charge too much money on my services because I live in a third world country. This was really a huge barrier
for me. Competing for low prices designing web pages led me only to a lot of work with very little profit. Bad business idea.

6.- Bonus: Broken barrier: I need to go to film school to be a filmmaker (It would have helped, but I got rejected) Moved on to Plan B: self-study. Some of the filmmakers I deeply
admire didn’t go to film school. So, I decided to read as much filmmaking books, podcasts, blogs and magazines as I could.


Masaki Omura February 10, 2011 at 5:26 am

1. “ Is this really the best way to do this? What if it’s wrong and I’ll end up being like everyone else”

I have always had fear of being ordinary people doing ordinary things. I’m also a quite perfectionist, and scared to fail. This leads to my next fear,

2. “Before I do anything else, I need to learn something to get started”

Because I was so afraid to fail, I thought packing in some knowledge would help me to get started. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying it’s a bad thing to learn, and absolutely it
certainly would help in variety of ways. However while I’m learning I don’t have any areas where I can apply my knowledge and actually use it.
So it’s better off taking action first. ” Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face,” I’m sure there’s so much more to learn once you get started. I also admit that I was
more focused on finding tactics.

3. “O man, I’m so not focused right now, I’m just gonna do it later”

I keep making excuses and avoid things, and most of the time I end up not doing it at all. I tend to do this more as priority gets higher. Even though I know how important it is to do
it right now, I try to stay in my comfort zone.
After I applied a few simple tactics from the time clinic, my behavior have much improved.


robbie February 10, 2011 at 5:37 am

1. fear of finding enough time to hustle on the side – specifically that the people who are devoting 24/7 to music production would always triumph if i’m just freelancing after work.

2. fear of leaving family – dad passed away a 1.5 years ago and i’ve always lived close to home. have a worry that if i lived too far away i would regret the lost precious time with
mom and fam as i obviously wish i had had more time with my dad.

3. fear of losing sight of goals – have fluctuated in the past with sticking with goals and then something comes along that derails it. i feel stronger that before but still have a
creeping doubt that if something that is more immediately exciting comes along it would make me lose focus on my long term goal of hustling on the side to make music and break
into that industry or maintaining a diligent and hard work out routine.


Justin February 10, 2011 at 5:47 am

1. I’m too young to have older people pay me to do anything for them.

2. Fear of wasting my time- There is so much I want to learn and do that I constantly worry about if I am spending my time correctly. Instead of teaching myself to program or start
a blog, I endlessly debate which would be better and end up making little progress in both areas.

3. Fear of standing out. In many ways I like being able to fit in with my friends who are working on regular coursework and not too worried or interested in making a remarkable
career for themselves and teaching themselves skills. I am afraid that by fully attempting to utilize my potential and learn as much as I can I will be too different from my friends
and slowly lose touch with them.


Natalie February 10, 2011 at 5:51 am

1. Once I do get my business off the ground, I won’t be able to sustain (for any number of reasons), and it will simply die.

2. My product is not good enough.

3. Fear #1 is worth 2 fears for me. Of course, the underlying fear is that I will ultimately fail and it will be embarrassing because I’ll have started something up, people will know
about it, and then they will see me fail.


Kate February 10, 2011 at 5:52 am

1. “Everyone can do this. You’re not the only one who has these talents and abilities. You’ll never stand out from the others in this field.”

These statements are untrue, as they’ve been disproven countless times in my life. I am allowing insecurity (and likely some false humility) to discount things I’ve been told by
others throughout my adult life.

2. “This is unreliable. You have to be practical. Sure, you don’t want to work one place forever, but it’s safe that way. And safe is smart. Isn’t it?”

No! No, it’s not. In fact, all the people I admire most are risk takers. They remind me good things happen when you play by the rules… but you have to make good things happen.
Work hard. Be brave. Make educated decisions. And trust in the skills you’ve developed and/or been blessed with.

3. “You will fail. You’ve never failed before, why start now?”

I fail every time I give up before I begin. Now that I’ve written this out I’m embarrassed I let this cross my mind, but I know many of us do.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Fiona February 10, 2011 at 5:54 am

#1. I am afraid I won’t be able to make the money I need (as a busy college student), to support my baby when she’s born – this scares me so much, because I’ll be responsible for
this little life.

#2. I am afraid I won’t have the dedication, knowledge, or experience I need to be able to see my ideas take flight. I have a grand total of $100 in the bank to spend on this – and if
I can’t succeed quickly, I need to find another way to support myself and my family.

#3. I’m afraid I don’t have enough knowledge to be successful and to feel like I can charge people what I want to charge them.


Emily February 10, 2011 at 5:56 am

#1-I’m not an expert. I always think that I don’t have enough information to write something, or that I don’t know the subject well enough to describe it to people who have way
more knowledge than I do. Basically, it’s a feeling of inadequacy.

#2-People won’t like my idea. I find myself saying things like “I don’t know if you’ll like this” or “I don’t know if you’ll agree.” I’m afraid of being shot down.

#3-That I won’t live up to my audience’s expectations. I’m afraid my work will be considered mediocre or laughed at.


Kiran February 10, 2011 at 5:58 am

#1: Time – Well, kind of. It’s not that I don’t have time, it’s my fear of missing out on things like friends, relationships and having fun that I perceive will be impossible if I devote
time to developing skills and a new stream of income. You see, I’m a social media addict that thinks I need to keep up with every last thing, or people will label me out of the loop
and dismiss me when I talk to them. It’s delusional. How important is seeing that viral video the second it comes out? Even if it’s great and I’m the first to share it in my network,
it’s not getting me anywhere. It’s also ridiculous to think I’m missing out on life since creating a new revenue stream in my field would almost certainly mean new adventures and
meeting amazing people that will improve my life.

#2: Being Different – As much as I say I like being unique, sometimes I doubt living the life I want is sustainable, just because most people are settling for the safe and secure. This
is ludicrous. I KNOW people making their dreams happen and I’m not jealous of a single person from back in my HS days and where they are now. I’m different, and like Tupac
said “if you got it, better flaunt it” and really go for it. Maybe I just need to spend more time around the right people and less time around people that will never get it.

#3: I’m Not Cut Out To Sell – Since I fancy myself a creative, I tell myself I’m not cut out to sell, just create and come up with new ideas. The fact is though, selling can be a
creative art if you want it to be. Also, sales are a part of our daily lives. Making friends? You’re selling you. How you dress might be selling the opposite sex on how attractive you
are. Same with working out. Even suggesting a restaurant to friends is technically trying to make a sale. I need to get over it. Being good at sales means you spend less time doing it
and more time enjoying life.


Dio February 10, 2011 at 5:59 am

What blocks me on starting a side project is the belief that I should invest 100% of myself in my company. Because I want it and I owe it to my partners. It is not morally correct
spending energies on side projects. Moreover, I am afraid that a second stream will weaken my performance because it frees me. It is better to keep my own shoulder on the wall.
“Great business can not be build while keeping an eye on the exit door”.
My solution is simple, I will ignore what I just said and work on it on weekends, I already started (a lot thanks to you, so thank you!).

Is mine fear or a legitimate moral behaviour? What is your opinion, Ramit?


Don V February 10, 2011 at 6:04 am

I need out of my salaried job. They keep asking more and more time from me with no more pay so I’m making a huge push to be out of there by year’s end, if not sooner. However,
we’re talking almost a six-figure income so I really have to ramp up the side work before jumping. Why? (and here’s where the fear/invisible scripts kick in):
1) Health insurance – my wife had cancer and I’m afraid getting insurance without an employer subsidizing it is going to kill me right off the bat.
2) Supporting my family – I have one child entering college next year and two others. How in the world can I abandon a steady income stream for something that _feels_ more
3) Am I motivated enough? I know I spend plenty of time screwing around. I can do that with a salaried job where I only have to concentrate 8 hours a day – not so much where
every hour I screw around is an hour I don’t make money.


David February 10, 2011 at 6:05 am

1. I’m too young for anyone to take me seriously.

People want someone with more experience, and because I don’t have experience, they’ll look to someone else.

2. I can’t ask a CEO out to lunch.

This one has been bugging me for a while. There is someone in mind that i’ve been too afraid to ask to lunch because I know he won’t bother, but I need to try. But I know that i’m
passionate enough about his line of work that if I can get the chance to talk to him, I could easily get a job.

3. I can’t start my first revenue stream (passive income) because I don’t have enough money.

It’s worth the $500-$1000 to fail. I can say that, but I can’t get myself to spend it, because there’s always that uncertainty that I will lose it all, and make 36 cents a month.


Chris K February 10, 2011 at 6:10 am

1. I have an intense fear of asking for what I think I’m worth. There’s a back story. Ask me and I’ll tell you.

2. I was afraid that my life would change and I would be free of the bullshit routine that a regular stop entails. That’s scary to me. I forced myself to work through my twenties
because I thought I was lazy.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

3. Intense fear of striking out on own mu and letting it all hang out. No safety net. Now one to to blame for my successes, and my failures…

Man I love this stuff!


Erik February 10, 2011 at 6:11 am

1. I have no experience as a freelance writer so I need to improve my writing skills and do more research before I do anything.

This is one that I have struggled with for a while. I know that the main thing is that I just need to dive in. I feel that I can learn as I go, just like any other job. The only way that I’ll
learn it is by doing it, not by thinking about it.

2. I doubt if I can support myself financially as a freelancer.

I know that it can be done. There have been a few members of my family who have run their own businesses, a couple of them freelancers, and they did very well for themselves.
If they can do it then so can I!

3. A fear of being overwhelmed by stressful situations.

I experienced enough of it working in retail hell under the thumb of a toxic boss, a catch-22 company policy, and violent customers with no self-control.
The life lesson that I learned when I left was that I don’t have to take that crap from screwed up people. I have to stand up for myself.
I can set boundaries. I can learn how to manage and reduce my stress. I can learn how to keep it under control so that it doesn’t overwhelm me. I can learn to be assertive and stand
up to adult bullies,toxic people and how to handle toxic work environments. Stress management is an important skill to have.


Joshua Birch February 10, 2011 at 6:17 am

1) I often think of sales as being sleazy in and of itself, whether the tactics involved are noble or not. I think a lot of this thinking comes from my musical background, where the
attitude is if you are good enough, then the gig will come to you. But that’s almost never the case, no one is so good that things just happen, almost everyone that gets the jobs they
want had to network somehow, and had to sell themselves in one way or another. I would like some ideas on challenging this script, even though it isn’t accurate to real life, it’s just
hard to get around.

2) I sometimes equate earning money with having to do something I don’t like to do. In fact, sometimes when I start earning money doing something, I find I have a lot less fun
doing it. But that isn’t true in all cases in my life, I’m really probably just making mountains out of molehills, in fact the opposite occurs more frequently. I like driving for long
periods, washing dishes, and teaching marching band from old jobs I had, I just couldn’t see the potential for the income I need to achieve my goals. Maybe to challenge this script,
I should try and take things I do anyway, and make money at them.

3)More than anything I think that I’m not good enough at what I do to charge. This one is almost certainly not true either, people pay garbage loads of money to listen to music that
isn’t very good, and get instruction from people that don’t get results. Even if my product isn’t the best, it’s still better than most, and some people are probably dying for the info I
have OR the attention to detail I put in OR my ability to learn quickly. To challenge this, I think I should just automatically charge standard rates, even though I don’t have my

man, these seem really harmless when thought through even a little bit…


Michael Roderick February 10, 2011 at 6:21 am

1. I am only known for my writing on my blog so it will be difficult for me to break into the world of writing books.

2. I usually work with artists who are already low on funds and I have trouble getting the kind of commitment and funds I need from them to make a living.

3. I get overwhelmed when I suddenly have to find ways to pull in money in a very short period of time and am currently on a rollercoaster every month figuring out if i’ll make
rent, never mind be able to invest in a new program.


Nicholas Wyman February 10, 2011 at 6:23 am

1. I’m just not good enough…

This one has plagued me for as long as I remember, and not just in my professional. Even after doing a kick-ass job on a project for my full-time career, I still feel the uncertainty of
performing under-par. When I think about it logically, I can tell myself that I do a good job and I know what I’m doing, but there is always that small part in my brain saying the

2. I’m afraid to disappoint my clients/co-workers.

This one is semi-related to #1. A year into my current job as a web developer, I was given ownership of a particular module. About a month into being its champion, I was asked by
our sales team if I was comfortable running a demo for a prospect. I froze up and quietly stammered “I don’t think I can do that..”. What was going through my head at the time
was the instant fear of the risk of letting down my co-workers with a bad demo, even though I practically knew the module inside and out. That is definitely left a regret in my mind
that I think about to this day.


Christina February 10, 2011 at 6:38 am

1. It won’t be good enough.

This is so ridiculous. After overcoming some of my biggest hurdles and finally actually writing the first draft of a book, I’m bogged down in the second draft. I don’t even want to
look at it. My fiance- who is working on this with me- thinks we’re off to a great start, and I do trust his judgment, and I do know that I tend to be way too hard on myself.

2. No one will want to read it.

This is also ridiculous. The reason we’re writing this book is because people we know have expressed a desire to read about this stuff. I don’t know where this fear comes from.

3. I won’t be good at marketing it.

This is just flat out that I’m afraid to put myself out there. I know exactly what I need to do to market this successfully. I’m still just having trouble visualizing real success.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Number 1 is definitely the most pressing and paralyzing right now.


Kate L February 10, 2011 at 6:39 am

1. My disease saps my energy and I won’t be able to put in the hard work required to execute my idea.
I have multiple sclerosis. The whole time since I was diagnosed, I have actively strived against the “overwhelming fatigue” that comes with it. I do not mean to disregard those who
really do experience it, as each case is individual and I feel like my case is (thankfully) less severe. However, there are many out there with MS who automatically default to “oh,
my fatigue is overwhelming so don’t ask me to exert any extra effort” and they just stop participating in life. I have actively worked (maybe extra) hard to show that I am still
capable of getting things done. I worked my way through college, but now that it is done. I feel like now that there is more space (in my head) the idea of the fatigue is creeping in
and undermining me. If I did it then, I can do it now, right? Even if I do feel more sapped, I can use my time and energy wisely on things that give the big returns and disregard the
unimportant things.

2. I have to get all my ducks in a row before I start anything new.

There may be some truth in this one. I need to get my personal finances in order before stepping out into a new venture. I need to finish implementing GTD so I can effectively
manage my damn email (pardon the French). I need to organize my hall closet before I spend time on the next exciting idea. This is my Dad’s teaching: you have to do all your
chores and pay all your bills before you have any fun or spend any money on anything interesting/fun. I recognize some truth in it, that is, my life does need to be in a certain level
of order for me to be able to focus on something new. But I can’t expect to make my life perfect before starting out on an idea, or I will spend my whole life trying to make it
perfect and never get around to the fun ideas. My life will never be perfect, because “perfect” is an unattainable goal whose parameters are constantly changing. As long as I know
where the damn Q-tips are in the hall closet, life will go on, and I will get to organizing the damn closet eventually.

3. I feel like everybody (friends and family) doubts me, and it makes it hard to believe in myself.
I am confident that I will succeed, but because I haven’t yet, my peeps don’t seem to take my ideas seriously, and that brings me down. This is faulty because I have succeeded
already: I worked my way through college. That is no small fries for me. I never doubted myself that I would finish college, so why not apply that attitude toward my next ventures?
While in college, I didn’t really give much thought to what my friends and family thought about it. So why is it bugging me now? I think because now it’s related to money, as in,
making money versus just squeaking by as a working student.

This has really been a therapeutic journalling exercise. Thanks Ramit.


ka February 10, 2011 at 6:42 am

1. “I’m already making a sufficient living with a little bit of progress each year — it’s ungrateful/extravagant/unnecessary to want to earn much more.”
I realized this walking by a homeless person in the subway on Monday. I realized that what’s really holding me back is a feeling that I don’t deserve great financial successes when
there are people who don’t have a job, or a home, or food. I’ve been carrying this feeling around with me my entire life, and it’s like a dead weight that prevents me from taking
action and moving forward. To change it, I really have to know that my making more money is not taking it out of the pockets of other people, it is increasing my power to give
back and to help others.

2. “I have too many diversified interests, and so I’m not skilled enough in any one area to making money from it.”
I realized this when I started keeping a centralized list of all the career ideas I wanted to pursue, and seeing it all together made me panic and freeze. It’s definitely kept me frozen
and prevented me from trying anything at all. I would change it by focusing my attention and building my skills in one area, consoling myself than I am not choosing a career for
life, and I can always go back to my dilettantism.

3. I don’t know how to put this one into words very well, that’s how deep-set it is… it’s this feeling of “everyone knowing something that I don’t.” Like, I can’t pitch this idea to
people because I don’t know the “right” way to do it, or there’s already somone offering this service that “everyone” uses about even though I’ve thoroughly researched the
competition, or everyone knowing what I should be charging but me. Feeling like an outsider has manifested itself into my entire life, not surprisingly, and prevents me from putting
myself out there professionally (or personally) all the time. I feel like I’m missing a huge skill-set based on talking with others (potentials mentors, potential clients, experts in the
my field, etc.). Practice, testing, and more practice is probably the thing to do to change it. What I *would* do? Find a job/income source where I can avoid those kinds of


Peter February 10, 2011 at 6:55 am

1. I am afraid I will do it wrong. I have ideas but don’t know the correct way to implement them. I know this is crazy because I can learn, but it still holds me back.

2. What if I pick the wrong product to focus on and it completely fails? I know that the way to get there is to just start one thing and then the focus will come to me and yet I can’t
seem to take that first step. I don’t know enough, just one more internet marketing course and I will be ready.

3. I can’t really imagine myself earning lots of money. I keep telling myself I have a million dollars and yet I cannot really feel it in my body what it would feel like.

Thank you for the kick in the butt.


Tiff February 10, 2011 at 7:02 am

#1 – The first thing and only thing I think about all day long is how I am so broke that I can’t even get enough money scraped together to make $1,000/month. After that, the script
says “There is NOTHING you can do from this point. You just HAVE to make more money…somehow. If you can’t make more money, how on earth are you supposed to earn
more money on the side?”
#2 – “If I don’t have any money, and no car, how do I get to the places I need to get in order to talk to the people who could help me?” NOTE: I have no idea who these people
are, or what I am talking to them about or how they could help me.
This all manifests itself as me being inside my head too much; although I’ve asked my friends to borrow a car occasionally, this comes with a lot of eye rolling and the constant
refrain that I need to get a car. It also manifests as me just going to my workplace and being so stymied, having these same thoughts racing around inside the noggin, that no actual
thought about what I can do gets done. One thing I know for sure is that there is no way to get paid more at this job, seeing as how I just (again!!) had my hours cut. It keeps getting
less and less worth it, but the time I have to spend to get to it never changes.
I suppose if I wanted to change things I could quit but then I would really be up the creek without a paddle. When you don’t make enough, then you can’t really save up to have a
cushion of leisure time.
#3 – “Whatever you decide you want to do, (???) someone else is already doing it. How can you do it better if you have no start up funds and no damn car to drive yourself around
Describing these scripts as circular is kind. I am so, so, so very stuck. Even my scripts are stuck. I’m not even sure they are three different scripts. Nope, probably not.


Tom Gamble February 10, 2011 at 7:04 am

Here are mine:

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1) I don’t have any skills or ideas that could make me money. This is the biggest one, something I’ve always believed and that I can’t get over, even after going through the
exercises in the 4 Hour Work Week and Ramit’s idea generator tool. I just don’t think I can do anything that would make me money freelancing. As for what I could do to change
it, I’m not sure.

2) Even if I had an idea or skill, I wouldn’t be competent enough to go through with it. I guess this stems from just not being a confident person in general. I’m not that great with
people, so networking attempts would be a nightmare.. and how could I convince anyone to pay me for something when there are other alternatives out there who are more
experienced and professional? Looking at this I just tell myself ‘so what, try it anyway’, but going back to number one, I don’t have an ‘it’ to try.

3) The time thing.. I am a student, and I also have a job where I work near fulltime hours. So I fear not having enough time to earn more, or that freelancing would take time away
from university and my results would fall. This one is bullshit though, throughout last semester I did the same thing and still had loads of free time, I just wasted most of it.


Nathan February 10, 2011 at 7:05 am

On the surface, I use the familiar scripts: no time, no energy or motivation, too tired, etc. Looking deeper, I say these things because I feel overwhelmed, unfocused, and
unproductive. But even deeper, here’s what I think is going on:

1) “I haven’t been successful to date, so what makes me think this time would be different?” Others see me as successful: highly respected, sought after, works for a Fortune 50,
owns a house. Emotionally, I’m leaps and bounds better than I was as a child: socially awkward, athletically challenged, and highly perfectionistic. But I think in some ways I still
see myself as that person. It’s manifested itself in a never-ending quest — not to improve myself, but to transform myself and every aspect of my life. To those ends, I’ve spent tens
of thousands on Tony Robbins events, but then used that investment against myself, by comparing myself to a newer, higher standard that rests even farther from where I am today.
I’ve said, “I need to change everything — job, location, home, body, finances, friendships, relationships.” The thought that everything needs to change has paralyzed me from
making even one change. In the past year, I’ve started to end the paralysis through “bursts” of energy at work, with friends, and at the gym, which have been paying great results.

2) “I don’t know what I want.” Being multi-talented is a blessing and a curse. I’ve got tons of ideas swimming in my head: products to create, services to offer, questions on how to
make money from my talents and passions, etc. But so many ideas, without one that seems most compelling or promising, keeps me doing nothing to earn more money. Whenever I
start a career change or personal improvement program, I always get stuck on the first question: “What do you want?” (Hence a challenging but ultimately rewarding day #1 in
pre-Earn1K.) Underneath it all, my indecision is perhaps fear of repeating past mistakes, and the pain that went with those mistakes. To change, I need to focus on my psychology
first, and then on the skills, tactics and tools. Earn1K might be the right thing at the right time.

3) “I’m already running on empty, and I can barely manage my schedule as it is. When am I going to do all this extra stuff?” Completing this assignment at 2:00am, perhaps I’m
finding my answer? This year I’ve been doing a good job of elimination (thanks to Tim Ferriss). I’ve eliminated news, TV, and tons of email. In their place I’ve made time for the
gym, and now these exercises. Already the advanced tools from day #1 are helping. Next I need to give myself hourly deadlines for these exercises and other tasks, so I can finish
everything and still get a decent night’s sleep!


Malinda February 10, 2011 at 7:08 am

1. I’ll work really hard and sink a lot of time and emotional energy into a project only to have it ridiculed. (ok, this really did happen – in the New York Times – twice)

2. I’m afraid to sell myself and my work – going out to venues to get booked or telling my audience members about upcoming performances in time for them to make plans to go –
it’s like I don’t want to let anyone know about it until I’m absolutely certain it’s perfect. My goal is to get 3 bookings for my new show over the next year.

3. I’ll get everyone all riled up about a project, and then not be able to pull through and ultimately let everyone down – everyone being myself, my performers, and the venue.

Those are my (TOP) three scripts. It felt really good to get those off my chest and look at them in writing. And it’s great to look at everyone else’s scripts to see the other excuses
I’ve made to hold myself back.

What’s crazy is that I’m self-employed in my day job too, so I have to hustle all the time. Wouldn’t you think it would be easy by now?


garrett February 10, 2011 at 7:09 am

1. I am afraid to pick something I will end up hating. In my current job (first one out of school) I am only occasionally engaged in, but more usually unchallenged and not thrilled.
Since being here, I have worried that every change since could potentially be worse. In the world of entrepreneurs, there is the word: Pivot. It occurs when you learn what you can
from your present approach and keep the things that work and iterate the things that don’t. I am rewriting this script to: In every change there is an opportunity to learn.

2. I’m afraid I wont know the customer’s problem/can’t improve their current state. I’m worried that looking from the outside in at a company’s technical problems that I will not
know their problem as well as they already do. If this is the case however, they wont pay me, and I’ll end up having a conversation learning their situation better.

3. I won’t know what to say/I’ll say the wrong thing. I tend to be a quiet person, listening and learning. However, when it comes to talking I will only learn by opening my mouth. I
am developing scripts and measuring responses.


Greg February 10, 2011 at 7:14 am

#1 My ideas aren’t good enough to make money/I don’t know enough about anything to charge money for it.

#2 Earning more on my own is risky–while trying to freelance/start a business, I’ll use up my savings from my “real job” and have to move home again.

#3 I fear looking silly, and fear that this will stop me from taking chances and allowing myself to make mistakes.


Landon Ellis February 10, 2011 at 7:16 am

1) I need to spend more time honing my skills before I actually try to make money with them.
This is one that I’ve been trying to break out of lately, because I realized that jumping into opportunities to monetize my skills will improve them far more quickly than sitting back
and “learning more” by not actually putting them into practice.

2) I don’t have enough time. I just need to wait until I graduate to try to start a business. I’ll have time then.
I’ve recognized this one within the past six months, and have actually made progress in setting it aside, but getting past the mindset that I will have more time later is lethal
whenever I let it seep into my head.

3) I’m not good enough to compete with the pros.

This script has stopped me from trying, therefore ensuring that it will always be true. Trying to compete is essential to improvement. Realizing this has made me try despite the

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

possibility of failure. The only way to fail in the long term is to not try to compete.


Anna February 10, 2011 at 7:17 am

3 Invisible Scripts

1. I don’t want my current business to grow so much that I have to start hiring people b/c they’re a liability, cost too much, I don’t trust them and they’d never care about the
business like I do. When I took a class on small business, I realized how much employees cost and how much I didn’t want to deal with them. Moreover, I like working with my
clients, not handing them off to somebody else, and I absolutely hate being a manager. Hence, right now I am limited working one to one with clients, instead of one to many, and
my income is limited by this model.

I could change this by putting together online group coaching sessions, online courses, and live workshops. This would help to leverage my business income and time.

2. I’m not genius enough and need to get more education in order to start charging more premium rates. When I was in school, I saw my mentors reading about the latest research
articles, textbooks and whatever else they could put their hands on. I’m not like that, and plus my memory doesn’t store that much information.

The truth is that everywhere I have worked, my work has always been the best, bar none, because I do my best, love to problem solve, take continuing education and am extremely
competitive. This being said, I still feel inadequate. I have so many techniques in my back pocket that sometimes I feel like I am a jack of all trades, master of none.

I could change this by reminding myself of all the people I help (gratitude), appreciating my skills (gratitude), publicize the results I get for my clients, offer a money-back
guarantee for every type of client I work with (I work in 3 different careers) and start generating more publicity for myself (big “ugh” inserted here).

3. I’m afraid that if I charge more, people wouldn’t work with me. I know the going rates, charge the going rates, and I’ve had many experiences where people have told me that
I’m too expensive. Yet I see these internet marketing folks charging $25,000 per year for coaching and I know that I can be in that circle.

I could change this by taking their course—not! I’ve been scammed and do not wish to take a chance. Maybe they’d be open to talking with me instead. I could also just start
increasing my rates and see what happens!


Mike February 10, 2011 at 7:27 am

1 – “Some ideas are too small to try” – I think this script comes from a fear of failing at something small; if I can’t succeed with something small and actually sell a relatively simple
product to a group of people, then I won’t be able to succeed with the big ideas I have that I think will really make a big difference in people’s lives. The thing is, I know that
learning from failure breeds success, and as I learned in last night’s webinar, multiple revenue streams are actually preferred to a single source due to diversification. I can start with
one small success, even if it takes 10 or 50 tries to get there, and leverage that into my next success, each time building upon the experience gained with prior experiments
(successes & failures). Plus, the smaller failures will provide me with the experience needed to have greater odds that the big ideas will succeed.

2 – “No one will buy my product because I’m not an expert – I don’t have the background that people look for in a product like this.” This comes from a fear of rejection.
However, just because I don’t have a credential does not mean that I don’t have something of tremendous value to offer. As Tim Ferriss attests in his new book, it’s because of his
objective perspective (because he’s not confined by the politics and expectations inherent in being part of a specific group of “experts”) that he is able to write so freely and reveal
truths and insights that otherwise are buried in the rest of the industry’s “common knowledge” and “acceptable deviations”.

3 – “Everything (the product, marketing strategy, etc) has to be perfect before I try to sell or people won’t buy.” This comes from a fear that people will not buy unless the product
is perfect. However, I know that working for perfection will take longer than the time I have left on this earth. So, if I want to make an impact on people’s lives, and make a
boatload of cash doing it, I need to start with *something*, test, let go or improve, test, let go or improve, rinse & repeat.


Jessie February 10, 2011 at 7:28 am

My 3 deepest fears:

1. I should be focusing on prepping for grad school, studying, working, etc. Analysis–Time excuse–I have many times that I didn’t use the time well–or on things that didn’t matter.
Time–I’m afraid it will take 20hours/week I don’t have.

2. Looking like a failure–I’m going to a grad school in a great profession that pays well and is fairly prestigous, only people in lower-level jobs will free-lance. Somehow it will
make me look bad as a professional. Analysis–unless you’re a porn star or running a porn site no one else cares! It’s the afraid of what people will think.

3. Failing–and having a breakdown–basically overwhelming myself so I have a melt down–and being depressed. Basically afraid that I don’t have the abilities to do it and

Wow, thanks Rammit, when I actually see them–I’m like: those are not neccessary true! (Well maybe the last about abilities, but for being a successful in what I’m doing and told
by most people around me that I’m very bright and capable–so that’s just self-doubt)


J February 10, 2011 at 7:36 am

1. I’m too fat to make money.

2. No one ever takes me seriously. That gets old.

3. I’m not good enough (yet) at what I do. (But when will I be ‘good enough’ and how will I determine that? And isn’t that focusing too much on me and my needs to be ‘good


Carise February 10, 2011 at 8:14 am

1. I don’t have time because I can’t cut the responsibilities I have in life right now.
2. I don’t have ideas; I need someone to pitch me an idea and then I can run with it better.
3. I feel like I can’t believe in myself to do something on the side. Or I feel like it will affect my performance elsewhere.


Aparna Naik February 10, 2011 at 8:19 am

1. I am lazy to start it. I fear if I can do it

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

2. I fear I will not complete what I started

3. I fear if I fail everybody will laugh at me.


Shafiq February 10, 2011 at 8:31 am

1. I am a student and I cannot do anything now. Wait to finish up and go.

I am a student of biological sciences and I do not know what is it that i can provide as a service in order to make multiple streams of income.

2. I am not a seller.
Sales people annoy me and I do not want to be that way.

3. I have commitment issues. I fear I will not finish what i started.

this has been a problem for a while. I get tired of doing things pretty quick and end up moving to something else.


M Lemmon February 10, 2011 at 9:03 am

My assumptions:

1. I don’t have the time to do this… With a baby on the way, moving, and the long days(13-15 hours) 5 times a week that I work, it is hard to see where I could fit this into my
schedule. However, when I try to rationalize this fear it seems that hours appear all over the week. I think this assumption yields inaction and allows me to dream of success missing
the actual achievement. Recognizing this in myself has broken this cycle, of mismanaged time and being duped by motivation. Ha! This week I have learned that motivation is not
my friend, and I have wasted loads of time. I now believe that I can find the hours a few days a week, and a portion of my weekend to fill in the rest.

2. There is too much competition in my field of interest…This is actually true as far as the amount of people attempting to work in my field, but the quality is not evenly distributed
amongst them. I am afraid I will be underbid, and lose jobs to others who work practically for free. This assumption has allowed me to stop trying to compete for the last 4 years in
this field. I settled for a steady day job that isn’t as fulfilling as my dream job. The position I am in now is my worst case scenario, and it isn’t bad as I have good hourly wages,
health care, good co-workers, etc. But I WANT more, for me and my family, and more freedom and control over my schedule and my life.
95% of my so-called competitors are taking jobs I don’t even want. I will study the other 5%, who are my competitors, and provide a higher quality service.

3. I lack the skills to manage an idea to completion… I start a project and attempt it for awhile then lose focus and interest. I get creative with another idea and then the cycle
repeats itself. I tend to be vague about my goals, which keeps me from completing a project. Setting specific goals with deadlines allows me to stay focused and interested.


Sergio February 10, 2011 at 9:10 am

I always said I will never be rich as I’m not “shark” enough. Indeed this idea carries 2 fears:
#1: I value my knowledge/skills lower than I should; as it’s so simple for me to do things/think advices, I always have the feeling my customer won’t accept my rate and will
question (I hate to question)
#2: descending from #1, a sale involves a kind of “fraud” against the prospect, something like showing a better product (or a harder to find solution) than it is in reality (same
mechanism which makes me think marketing is “hell”), a behavior I’m not able to cope with
Then my #3 is “Are my advices really helpful?”. Facts say yes, but the inner-me has some doubts.

All related, I think. Solved one solved all.

P.S. Like to be on the analyst couch, but less expensive!


Daja February 10, 2011 at 9:14 am

1. I am not smart enough and don’t have any skills people would pay for. I am just a graduate with research skills fluent in two languages. If I cannot even land a job in the field
why would anyone pay me for work I do on the side?

2. I am afraid to put myself out on the market (or the internet for that matter). See above. People will laugh at me.

3. I don’t have a portfolio. Even in moments when I think that I actually have skills that people might pay for, I would not have anything tangible to show it, so people would not
pay me for doing it for them.


Steve February 10, 2011 at 9:24 am

1. I do not know how to turn my skills into a viable commodity.

Actually I look for the easy money instead of levering off my best skills and knowledge.

2. I do not have the time to make an idea work.

I waste hours every day on the Internet or watching TV, cutting back on this mind clutter will give me plenty of time to succeed with at least one idea.

3. I have a good, well paid job, why use my time seeking additional income.
I am trading security for the freedom to pursue my dreams, and change my life into something new and exciting. Routine and security are powerful drugs, and I need to detox.


CJ February 10, 2011 at 9:28 am

1. I feel guilty to charge.

2. Why would somebody want to spend their precious time getting help from me?
3. Looking like an idiot.

great exercise!


Mercedes February 10, 2011 at 9:41 am

1. I’m not good enough to charge people or even look for paid freelance work.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Well, I know I’m good at what I do, but keep thinking there are so many people out there who are better than me, have experience and can’t get those jobs. Why bother looking for
work if I know I won’t get anything?

2. I need more experience

3 years ago I had no experience; now I’ve done 3 internships, work as a freelance (unpaid) editor and know I’ve learnt a lot. Yet so many people around me are more confident,
work faster and have more experience. I always feel I need more and more experience before I can put myself out there, or I’m scared people will laugh at me (the thought of it
actually makes me cringe)

3. So many things I need to do before I get started

I make lists and lists of things to tackle before even sending one prospective email, and end up never doing anything. Learn how to use another programme, read all the papers to
feel more confident, write 15 more samples…

If I’m honest, I’ve also been dreaming of doing freelance writing and subediting for years but deep down I have that tiny fear that if I actually make a bigger step towards it it’ll
happen. Change is exciting but apparently scary. Please tell me I’m not the only one.


Elena February 10, 2011 at 10:11 am

1) I’m afraid that no-one will be interested. I’m afraid that I will end up spending a huge amount of time on this and get nothing out of it.

2) I’m afraid of taking on too much and becoming horribly stressed and overworked. I’ve ended up in this situation often enough before.

3) I’m afraid that if I make my side projects a priority, I won’t do all the other things in my life well enough (work, study, social stuff, exercise, house stuff) and I’ll end up
disappointing the people around me.


Martin Georgiev February 10, 2011 at 10:17 am

1. I’m scared to charge people for services. I feel I’m not good enough to charge higher rates and usually end up working my butt off and getting paid peanuts.
2. I find selling myself really difficult. I tend to be a yes person and find it very difficult to say no to people or try to convince someone i’m good at what I do even though I know I
3. I’m afraid of failing. I have a little boy and I’m scared if I leave my permanent job to do what I want I might let him down and not be able to provide for him.
4. I’m scared of change even though I know it will be the best thing for me.

It feels good writing these things down.


Marco February 10, 2011 at 10:32 am

1. I have no time.
I got 2 day jobs (quitting one of them). A family with 2 kids. I more or less have no life besides doing these things. Switching between working and attending my children. After all
kids are in bad, I get back to work till late at night. I really don’t see how I could fit in 10 more minutes of time in my life.

2. I can’t follow through with ideas because I switch to another idea before I finish.
I have lots of ideas, and sometimes I start on them, but then at some point get super excited on some other idea, and follow on that one.

3. I believe my deep technical skills (I’m a PhD in electronic engineering) make me very geeky. I suspect I don’t view the world like most people, and thus I have a hard time
judging what their needs would be, and come up with an idea that would really be helpful to them.


Huppie February 10, 2011 at 10:44 am

Man, this one was spot-on. There’s way too much stuff I’m currently affraid of (and know I shouldn’t be). The top three:

1) I’m affraid to ‘sell’ people a product. (I could immediately feel the “Selling is sleazy” remark)
Even though I’m pretty sure I have a good product, I can’t get myself to pitch anyone except my friends (who are not my clients).

2) I’m affraid to contact people who I don’t speak often. Deep inside I know I can get some leads just by e-mailing a few ‘somewhat known’ relatives / friends-of-friends /
ex-colleagues, but I’m affraid they’ll get offended or something.

3) I’m I don’t have enough expertise on my own product. We (me and a co-founder) built a remote-systems-administration product, but I’ve only been a systems administrator for a
year or so, my cofounder’s been one for years. I’m affraid that if I talk to potential customers, they’ll think I’m not good enough (but deep inside I know they’ll probably still think
I’m a whiz).

Next up: Time to figure out how to test all these assumptions.


Amber Dalcourt February 10, 2011 at 10:52 am

1. I’m afraid of succeeding. I know with every fiber of my being that I will succeed at whatever I choose. But success means change, change means exploring and experiencing
new and challenging situations which yeilds to frustration and long sleepless nights. Changing those key words to – challenging opportunities for personal and professional growth
seems to have helped to curb that fear. I active try to do new things to shake the fear of change and expand my comfort zone.

2. I’m not good enough. Lies and I know it. How many websites have I looked at and said – I could do better? How many logos have I offered to improve for a ‘professional’ look?
How many clients have I helped explain and expand on their brand to help improve their profits? I have to change my free advice to a consultation service.

3. I’m not tactful enough to deal with clients. I’m told that I’m honest and as blunt as a sledge hammer. In order to suceed in business I have to be bold as well as diplomatic. Quite
frankly, my point is missed whenever I’m tactful and it drains me. By being honest up front about what I offer and how I operate, I have developed some profitable long term
clients, who know the value of my word and my service.


Jon February 10, 2011 at 10:57 am

1) What if I’m not an entrepreneur?

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

* I didn’t grow up thinking I’d be an entrepreneur, so what makes me think I can become one now? Do I have what it takes? How would I even know? Entrepreneurship is
something that smart, creative, innovative, risky tech people do.

2) Fear of failure.
* This idea probably won’t work, so why bother? If it fails, I’ll look like a loser and everyone will know I failed.

3) I lack sellable skills.

* I don’t have any skills or talents that someone would pay me for. I’m in a business development role and that skill won’t transfer to making money on the side since I don’t
produce or provide a service.


Raneeta February 10, 2011 at 11:00 am

1# I have the fear of failing again, and either making my parents and family not so proud of me but also embarrassed of me.

2# The fear or not having enough money,or I say to myself I cant something because I have no money and in to much debt.

3# The fear of what other thing and I have fear that I am not good enough to be earn extra on the side or to make more money. Im not educated enough or I have no skills and no
knowledge to do so.


Calebc February 10, 2011 at 11:01 am

Of appearing ungrateful for my current really great job

Of appearing careless with my fragile marriage (in terms of spending time on earning more vs. turning my marriage around)
Of not finishing - to which I am prone in certain situations with long-term objectives combined with little/insufficient externally imposed motivation
/oversight - and being embarrassed of starting but not finishing
Of becoming distracted by freelancing and not fulfilling my current obligations at both work and in my marriage
Of coming up with a ”lame” idea that may meet all of the Earn1K criteria and be profitable but does not meet my expectations that I would come up with something really novel and that
is great as what some of my friends do


Michael Fitzgibbon February 10, 2011 at 11:10 am

1. If I have extra time in the evening, I should be spending it with my family.

2. If I have extra time on the weekend and my kids are sleeping, I should be working overtime on my job because I’m so far behind.
3. If I launch something that is successful but doesn’t make as much money as I do at my full time job, I’m afraid I’ll wind up with two full time jobs and no time to spend with my
wife and kids. In other words, that the money just won’t be worth it.


Michelle February 10, 2011 at 11:12 am

#1 I will be really successful, over-commit myself, have no time, get stressed, get sick and DIE!

#2 My ideas / proposals will be laughed at when I think they are great

#3 Earning extra money / multiple income streams won’t be understood by family and friends

Now that I have spent the day thinking about these, they seem really silly, but there you have it!


Diogo Andrade February 10, 2011 at 11:13 am

#1 I actually try to find this “fulfilling carrer”, but all I really want is entertainment. I totally have the time to build a sapeceship if I wanted, since I play videogames about 4 hours
every day. But the thing is that I really don’t care about being rich. I really found out that I love spending money, not earning it

#2 Everytime I start taking action I don’t feel good as I’m supposed to be. I feel anxious and fall back to distractions real quick. It scares me to be productive and I don’t know why

#3 I feel bad about charging people, and get soemtimes pissed-of for being charged. I feel better doing small services for free, since I mostly do it for my friends and family (Hey,
Diogo, fix my computer plz?)


Sarah February 10, 2011 at 11:15 am

These are mine…

1) I’m not talented enough to freelance doing what I want to do. I’m blocked creatively, I start things and get frustrated almost instantly because whatever I do isn’t good enough
for me
2) Not smart enough to be strategic about my goals. I’m a details person who gets caught up in day to day minutae – not so good at seeing the bigger picture, having insights and
positioning myself for tactical advantages
3) I don’t have enough deep, specialised skills to be able to market myself. I’ve been a generalist for the past 7 years and now don’t have the experience to differentiate myself in
the market place

But, at least I’m starting to recognise this stuff and work on it. It isn’t set in stone and I’ve figured out I can change myself and my beliefs if I really want to. I’m already moving
forward by taking action over things I’ve been afraid of, like taking control of my finances and thinking up other ways to make money


Dan February 10, 2011 at 11:28 am

1. I don’t know what to say: Meaning I am intimidated when it comes to selling my services to people in higher management, lose my train of thought and bite my tongue.
2. I am not a recognized expert: I have not yet developed a reputation an therefore maybe undervalue my abilities to sell my services.
3. I don’t have enough of the right contacts: in order to sell my services i need to speak to the right people and am unable to get these contacts.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Dorie February 10, 2011 at 11:35 am

1. I am afraid I have to choose between earning money and having a family.

2. I am afraid I will never know what to sell.
3. I am afraid I will be seen as little more than a pretty sorority girl instead of a component business woman.


Louis February 10, 2011 at 11:36 am

1. I have a wife and child with another on the way. I want to spend more time with them but if I’m not making the money I make now, how will we live? Giving up the little time I
have with them to get something started on the side seems like a big sacrifice even though a success means more time with them in the end.

2. I don’t know how to network. I don’t know the right people to get started. I don’t know how to meet the right people. I don’t even know how to find the right people. Regardless,
even if I knew any of those things, why would they work with me? What do I bring to the table that they haven’t seen before?

3. I have always been an over achiever at any job I have ever had, but looking back on the culmination of the 10 years I’ve been working I can’t identify any particular skill that
would be marketable. I have no confidence that what I’m good at is important or valuable to anyone else.

4. I have had a huge fear of failure in general, and that has stopped me from taking action. Now I see that not taking action is a failure to ever achieve any goal that I’ve set. I need
a win, but I’m scared of adding another loss to the resume. The idea that I could do something is always out there as a way to make my life better. However, if I try and fail at doing
that something better, then I fear that this may be as good as it gets.


Helena Penteado February 10, 2011 at 11:41 am

My top 3 invisible scripts:

1. I’m afraid I’m wasting my time and nobody will pay me in the end.
2. I have an idea but to implement it I have to learn something that I don’t like, so I don’t have enough motivation.
3. I don’t know how to promote the final product.


Scott February 10, 2011 at 11:49 am

#1 – Not an aggressive person. I view a freelancer as needing a certain type of aggressiveness to pursue clients, ask for assistance when necessary, and to pursue ideas. I am a very
reserved individual and these items do not come easily for me.
#2 – I am pessimistic by nature. I tend to see the down side of any idea that might want to pursue before I even try and therefore it’s easier to not deal with the possible frustration
of failing. For instance, I make kids birthday cakes for my kids and friends. I always get very good feedback from anyone who sees them, yet I can come up with 10 reasons why I
would never make money at it.
#3 – Not wanting to start another project and not finish it. My house is littered with unfinished projects, some are due to losing interest, other because things weren’t progressing as
I had expected. This is a trend that I’ve have yet to break, fortunately I have a very understanding wife.


Tim February 10, 2011 at 12:00 pm

#1 I don‘t know how to speak to people on networking events and in the end sell to them.

As part of a student consultancy (students do business consulting) and leading that student consultancy, I was on a lot of networking events and I‘m always struggling to start up a
conversation. If I‘m introduced or get into a conversation „by accident“ there is no problem to continue the conversation and actually get to know someone on a business level.
I overcame this problem with people in social situations and went from being quite introverted to being pretty outgoing.
But there is still something holding me back in business situations. Perhaps it‘s the fear of still being too inexperienced as a student (although I did lead my student consultancy,
been in lots of client and partnership meetings and did 3 big project myself as projectleader). So I do realize this is a very irrational fear but one I still don‘t understand good enough
to know where to tackle it.

#2 How can I charge people professional prices (1000€/day) and higher, although I‘m still a student and it‘s already hard to charge them 350€/day?

This one comes from the fact that the clients I met with always love what we do and how we do it and are often very impressed with our professionalism but as soon as the numbers
for a whole project come in they are shocked when it‘s 7000€/20days, although they know that we cost 350€/day, and often bail out.
So what will happen if I charge 20.000€/20days or even more (target pricing right now is 1500€, still normal, or even low for a good consultant). Might there still be a problem with
understanding customer needs?
I‘m tackling this right now with making the best product/service I possibly can and talking to other freelancing consultants that charge these prices or even higher. So this fear gets
smaller and smaller as I get more comfortable with the prices.

#3 Will I be able to execute my business how I want to or will I fail after a year struggling and have to go into a corporate job?

Since it‘s my first business I‘m launching there is always the fear that I might not succeed and eventually have to abandon it for a safe paying job in a corporation. For me all the
freelancing/entrepreneurship was never about the money but always about the fact that I want to design my own lifestyle, want to challenge the beliefs how business is done and
what a product should look like. It‘s about putting myself out there with all my beliefs and values and leave a dent in this world. So the normal corporate world doesn‘t seem like I
could do all that.
I‘m tackling this right now by just going forward with my idea(s) and in the end what can I possibly loose, perhaps about 5000€ but if I never try I‘ll never find out


Sasi-On February 10, 2011 at 12:08 pm

3 things that hold me back from earning more money

1. Everyone around me will not accept and criticize what i do. when I want to do something such as reading self-developement book, people around me always criticise anything on
me about what i’m doing, like in this case they said ‘ why do you read this kind of books? you gain nothing from reading the books. Just do other things that is more useful”. This is
what kind of words I always get. So it gives me less confident to do anything because I fear to get criticizing and gossip.
2. Everything has to be perfect before i start to do something. I mean ,for example, I have to speak well before do a presentation. or I have to have good skill in writing report
before writing a report. I always think I have to be good in something before doing those things. As a result, I am do nothing because i’m not good enough to do it.
3.I fear to do more than I gain. When I want to do anything I always ask myself that weather it is
worth or what i will get from doing and what i have to lose. The answer always is “no, it is not worth enough to do that” and end up with do nothing (just think of it).

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Jim February 10, 2011 at 12:31 pm

#1 – That I will waste time trying to learn how to do *something* better before I can charge for it, when I could have started with something I already know.

#2 – I’m so embedded in my industry that anything I do would be a conflict of interest with my “100% salary” day job

#3 – I will charge for my services only to fail at meeting the client’s needs (because I’m not “good” enough yet)


Michelle February 10, 2011 at 12:46 pm

1. I’m too shy and don’t like interacting with people

2. I’m not good enough, I’ll let myself down. I tend to procrastinate and talk myself out of just about everything
3. I don’t have time – two jobs and animals to keep up with makes me want to collapse and do nothing at the end of the day and on the few days off
4. What if I end up hating my side job more than i hate my day job?


Allie February 10, 2011 at 1:07 pm

1. That I don’t have time.

2. That I won’t be able to sustain something because no one will care.
3. That it will cause me to be in grad school longer or drop out.

I keep thinking that “Hey, maybe I could knit stuff on the side”, or “Hey, my experience in X – while a very small niche – is still something that no one has ever written about”, but
it’s just tough to carve out that free time. Not to mention that I feel like their are a hundred knitters/photographers/whatevers – what do I have to add? Perhaps the biggest obstacle
is that I’ve set for myself an aggressive schedule for grad school that has a lot of time sensitive deadlines. I fear missing those deadlines and either a) staying here longer than I want
to (I dislike grad school, but I like what it will get me – teaching), or b) having to drop out.


Yehoshua Kahan February 10, 2011 at 1:22 pm

Number one–I’ve never earned money in any form, and it’s hard to believe that I could, in fact, do it. So much easier to fantasize, don’t you think?

Number two–I’ve got a very full schedule, and doubt I have the time to start a business. When?

One story illustrates both of these. Just recently, I applied for some copywriting work on oDesk. The employer invited me to interview, and my response was to write him a letter
giving such a dark picture of my time constraints that he would’ve been nuts not to withdraw the interview offer. He wasn’t nuts; he withdrew the interview offer.

I don’t think I have any other “cloaked fears,” or, if I do, they’re cloaked well enough that I’m not aware of them.


allyson February 10, 2011 at 1:28 pm

My fears are completely irrational — like a 5-year-old:

1. If I’m successful, more people will know who I am, and will attack my work & my behavior.
2. I might do something stupid (clients will lose money/people & reputations will get hurt.)
3. Everyone will blame and hate me.


Léan Ní Chuilleanáin February 10, 2011 at 1:39 pm


Here’s one I discovered last year. It made me laugh, because it’s so deliciously illogical, and yet I believed it thoroughly without ever having articulated it: I don’t deserve to earn
money, because I’d only use it to pay off my credit card debt, which it was IRRESPONSIBLE to incur in the first place. So there. Bed made. Now lie in it. You idiot.

I took on the credit card debt in 2009 when our home extension costs overran (so far, so predictable). I assumed I’d focus on repaying it quickly (in >10 years I’d never paid less
than 100% of my bill), but that didn’t happen. I’d been carrying a balance for more than a year when I finally worked out why I wasn’t prioritizing it.

Despite having almost no income (still working on breaking into that elusive five-figure territory!), I’ve now reduced the debt by almost a quarter and – thanks to your negotiation
exercise last month – cut my interest rate for the next six months to help me clear it.


I’ve just met this one; I’m still figuring it out: It’s futile to try to sell the art I want to make. It’s too complicated, and it takes too long to ever earn me more than minimum
wage. So I need to sideline the projects that make me melt and shiver, and instead find things I can churn out quickly and flog.

I recently realized that in all my art/craft/writing/business planning, I had an unspoken distinction between “my work” and “the work I can make money from”. Now that I’ve
noticed, I’m on a mission to meld these two categories, or at least to find the overlap.

I’m working on replacing this script with a more useful one – I can make the art that moves me and find people who will be delighted to pay for it. (Tools include your analysis
techniques from last month, my journal, self-education in business and marketing, and an online accountability group.)


This one is old and hairy. I’ve already squandered my potential. Anything I do in the future will be pathetic compared to what I SHOULD have achieved by now. It’s
embarrassing. There’s no point.

I was one of those precocious children – eldest child of two academics, privileged, gifted, perfectionist, overachiever, family full of authors and artists, never had to work hard at
school, blah blah blah blah yawn. At sixteen I was a prizewinning, published writer and an accomplished needleworker. I could see my shining future ahead of me.

At thirty-six, I’m wondering where the past twenty years have gone. (Well. Two university degrees, office jobs, relationship, two children … plus intermittent depression and the “I
must sideline my work” script above.) In some ways, the work here feels like remembering what I’ve always known, rather than treading new ground. It’s tough going, but I’ll get


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Thiago February 10, 2011 at 2:16 pm

#1 Not being able to sustain myself if something goes bad. I know this is complete BS, and that I can hustle a bit to get to where I am now.

#2 My ideas are worthless. Well, this can be true, but I never tested to see if they have any value.

#3 The money I spend to create a side business will be missed in the times of need. This also may be true, but the upside of creating a successful side business is bigger than the
downside. I also can hustle to get to where I am now.

#4 I’ll need more time than I can afford right now. I’m really busy, but I can possibly turn profit away to have more time.


Bryan February 10, 2011 at 2:29 pm

Here are some obstacles I’m wrestling with right now:

1. The parlyzing notion that I might spend weeks or months developing something only to not make a decent return.

2. Good business ideas (those with serious income potential) tend to be not very exciting; converserly, the things I love doing most do not have well-funded customers.

3. I am a perfectionist when it comes to many things. I wind up endlessly fussing about details instead of just publishing rapidly and then fixing it later.


Cindy February 10, 2011 at 2:32 pm

This is the second time I’ve done this exercise in following Ramit’s emails, and this time I could identify the major fear that acts to drive every other fear (more than 3!) And that
number one fear is (as far as freelancing):

#1. Fear of looking foolish to potential clients, friends and family because I “am not an authority”.
#2. #1 feeds into a fear of rejection.
#3. #1 feeds into a fear of not getting the job done right

I look at those fears, and I know that all I need to do is change my mindset to “I am simply sharing the information I know with others and setting a price on that information that
reflects the way I value my time and experience”. They can pay the price or not. I also don’t need to worry about “not delivering” with that mindset because I am not making an
empty promise…if it ends up that the person didn’t find my information valuable, I am compensated for my time and there are really no issues of rejection.


Chris P February 10, 2011 at 3:29 pm

“I am simply sharing the information I know with others and setting a price on that information that reflects the way I value my time and experience”

I think perhaps I should get this tattooed on the inside of my wrist. Or perhaps my forehead.


Jonathan February 10, 2011 at 2:57 pm

Within all of these I see the script, know the solution, yet never broken through.

1. Embarrassment
“If I do this and it isn’t the best everyone will think me daft”

From a very young age I was always the best at everything I did – sports, school, etc. But once I got to a level where I was competing among true peers I become frightened by the
fact that people might realize I’m not perfect.

But the truth is I was never perfect, I know that but I don’t live it…

2. Awkwardness
“I’m not good with people, I can’t make small talk to build client relationships.”
I walk into a meeting or a party, get introduced to new people, and 2 minutes later can’t remember anyone’s names. Then when there is a lull I don’t know how to avoid the
awkward silence and make small talk, I don’t know how to put everyone at ease before diving into the details of the work.

But my strength is that I do have that razor sharp focus on work, I can cut through the BS to the heart of the issue, work to find the solution and deliver it.

3. Procrastination
“Oh man, this is going to be difficult and painful to complete. Let me clean my desk first, then I’ll do it. *two hours later* “Oh man, this is going to be difficult and painful. I’ll just
organise my archives first and then do it… *ad nauseum* ”

When faced with a tough project, I try everything to avoid it – telling myself I’m accomplishing something so its ok to put it off.

But in reality, I feel better and do better if I just dive in and finish it first. I’ve experienced it many times over the years. Yet I’ve never broken this script…


Pat F. February 10, 2011 at 2:59 pm

1. The perception that I have no time. I tell myself I am too busy, but I think it is a matter of priorities. I choose to do other things.

2. If I make too much I would lose my Social Security benefits. (I know I need to just bite the bullet and ignore this one.)

3. The biggest one is not having a plan to talk to possible clients and fear of rejection.

4. Perfectionist tendencies. Don’t want to start until everything is perfect. (I liked your comment in the hustle video about just getting to 85%)


Boykie February 10, 2011 at 3:00 pm

The fear is being ill-prepared to deal with the challenges. Over time I’ve realised I like to have all the boxes ticked and to be able to understand an issue from every possible angle.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I’ve always like being the chap who knows everything about the item on focus and my confidence comes from being able to answer every question. Because of this I’m a big
procrastinator, however, I’ve been working on this and if I have an idea usually try to launch ASAP. Because of the new focus on trying to combat procrastination I fear I’ll not be
fully prepared for any entrepreneural ventures.

The second fear is not getting any buyers/clients/customers. It’s very hard to get me to buy a product/service unless I feel I really, really need it or it is of exceptional value. As
such, I believe most are just like me hence it will be difficult to get them to buy what I’m selling. I recently was presented with an opportunity to start a business in which I’d have
to sell health products, but because I wouldn’t really but the products myself I figured no one else would hence opted out.

The third one is the age old fear of failure. Psychologically attempting something and failing feels worse than not having tried at all. Although I understand it’s better to have tried
and failed and do actually prefer trying than not trying at all, when it comes to business, I subconciously feel it’s on a bigger scale and the low of failing will be deeper and longer!

The irony is that after reading all Ramits excellent material, I know these fears can be overcome and by this stage I really shouldn’t be having them, but they’re with me and I have
to continuosly keep making a conscious effort to overcome them.


Addy February 10, 2011 at 3:03 pm

1. If I commit to one idea, I will be bottle necked in to the niche I choose now and never be able to advance far in another field. I have varied interests (fashion, social
entrepreneurship, writing, film, technology, emerging markets) and the fear of having to stick to just one fro the rest of my life really terrifies me. I’m working through synergizing
some of these. This is probably the script holding me back the most.

2. I’m afraid of investing in myself and failing! This one gets less and less everyday as I have opened myself up to rejection in 2011. Rejection/Failure is not as bad as it seems when
it happens and I’m actually learning alot more than I would on the perfectionist track.

3. Léan Ní Chuilleanáin’s script the first but with student loans. I feel as though I am in indentured servitude to my undergrad. Unable to travel, unable to live where I’d like etc etc.
I know now these are lies though and that I need to use the financial pressure to my advantage to innovate my way out.


Ozzy February 10, 2011 at 3:08 pm

I have niche ideas applicable in my country market and I believe if I apply them smoothly they will make good money by time, however, I have procrastination problem, because I
am a perfectionist and I would not do anything unless I believe it will be nearly perfect. I admire Ramit, because he is a perfectionist too who is able to produce perfect content
daily. That is a huge difference I have to balance -> “Doing perfect by starting now”


Joe February 10, 2011 at 3:15 pm

Ramit, reading your post actually made me cry. Sitting at my desk every other day this year, I would enjoy a cup of coffee, read what you wrote, nod my head and agree, then smile
and vow to do something with that information later. This repeated daily. When you called me out for being one of those people I chuckled, one of those sit on my ass take no
action sorts. It hit a note, knowing I was being lazy and failing to go after what I wanted, and yet I sat. But this one made me cry. You finally made my inaction impossible. You’re
damn right I’m afraid. And it’s been easier to lie about that fear than to face it.

I haven’t wanted to admit I want “more”, because I don’t also want to say what I have now isn’t enough. It’s easier to lie to myself that my life today is ok, and I don’t have to face
the fear that I’m really not happy with where I am. Despite that, I don’t want to give up a lot of the things I have now, things which make me comfortable. Being able to sleep in, or
take a leisurely evening to slack off. Giving up my friends who enable those behaviors. It’s scary to give up everything I’ve built up to this point. Even if I’m not happy with it,
because it’s still mine.

The prospect of *actually* working is scary. I’ve always been smart, so I never had to try very hard. Results without extra effort were acceptable results. An A- without studying
was perfectly fine, no need to apply myself for the A or A+. A raise for the effort I do 9-5 is enough, no need to go the push for a promotion by coming in early. I’d have to give up
the crutch of naturally being good, and really work to be great.

And I am afraid of failing. It’s why I don’t put forth the extra effort. It’s why I don’t try to change my life. What I have now was built on small successes… the promise of greater
success and a greater *something* would also require risking failure. Losing the time, energy, and money I put into the attempt. Yet, I recently criticized my 6 year old for not
evening trying to spell her bonus words. I told her I was just proud of her trying, and she should be proud of the effort she was putting forth. I briefly noted the hypocrisy of my
words, and shoved them out of my head. Double standards. I didn’t even need your nudge to see that.


Katy February 10, 2011 at 3:21 pm

1) I am most afraid because I have no ideas. There is really nothing that I am good at and trying to freelance at something will put a big spotlight on the fact that I have no real
talent to offer the world (sounds sad I know, but that is what really scares me).
2) I am scared that of taking the time to invest in something that I think that I MIGHT enjoy it will be a waste of time and money if it doesn’t work out in the end.
3) I am scared that of looking stupid for trying the outlandish things that I daydream of (and believe me I have some far out dreams) because where I come from “black folks don’t
do that!” (side note: I am a black woman in case anyone was wondering)
4) I am most afraid of messing up my children’s lives by not being successful. Our resources are already very limited and I don’t want them to suffer because I am trying to “live
my dreams”.


Wojtek February 10, 2011 at 3:21 pm

1 I don’t have ONE freelancing idea

I have about 10 of them and I don’t know which one should I choose. What if I choose the wrong one? What if I fail and loose interest? What if I waste time on worthless idea?

2 I can’t commit to do something for two months

I failed with 30-day Hustle challenge, I failed with 1 millioin 2-months 1-month or 2-weeks programs (earning money, learning something, exercising). I’m not even sure if I handle
this 7-days course. So far so good because it’s pretty easy but if you told me to do something hard on second day I could fail

3 No one’s going to pay for it

Portfolio photography for beautiful women? Come on, they get 20 offers daily to get free photos from more experienced photographers than me. 20 photography sessions? They’re
set for next 6 months. Personal portraits? Who’s willing to pay for them?! 30yo woman? Her son could do it for her. Fashion sessions for magazines? Magazines already have their
photographers and new people are not welcome

Okay, so here are my 3 top invisible scripts holding me back, but what should I do about it?

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


Chris P February 10, 2011 at 3:27 pm

1. I’m scared to meet high up people because I’m worried they’ll cut me out of the industry I’ve studied so long for if I screw up.

2. I’m an introvert, and I’m worried about my social skills.

3. I’ve never had a high income, or a secure full time job. I’ve only had casual jobs. Because of this I’m worried that I might not deserve either.

Bonus Points: I have to rely on freelancing to support myself and soon a family, I have only about a year to get this in order, and the pressure is wigging me out something fierce.


michael February 10, 2011 at 3:52 pm

1) I’m giving up on my dreams of starting a tech start-up with huge (but unlikely) upside by freelancing.
-Reality: I haven’t started it yet, and telling myself I’ll do it one day is a crutch that is keeping me from doing other things. I can learn a lot from freelancing and build my start-up
capital at the same time.

2) I don’t have time to work on freelancing.

-Reality: I make time to go to the gym, I make time to read and complete one or two books a week, and I make time to cook 60% of my meals. Clearly I am good at making time to
do stuff that most people don’t do, so I can figure this out.

3) I’m going to get stuck doing something boring that I don’t really want to do, because my current skills no longer match my interests.
-Reality: I can tweak my idea, acquire new skills, and choose my customers carefully to make sure that I find freelancing engaging and fun.


Bryoney February 10, 2011 at 3:52 pm

Through your emails and your hustling course, I am now more aware than ever that it’s really easy to make money outside of working a job.

But I feel like I don’t know how. I feel like my network is not strong enough, and I feel like I do not know how to make myself that breakout star that you are or that person who
lands that fantastic internship. I feel like I have an amazing talent in writing and editing; I honestly feel like I am one of the best, period. And I have the GRE score to prove it: 94th
percentile in the Analytical Writing section.

But I don’t know how to communicate that to people who have money–I don’t even know how to meet those people.

Since reading your emails, I have done small things–I posted a CraigsList ad this morning for my writing and editorial services, and I have reached out to my professors and
department chairs for advice, and I even contacted an editor at the local paper to offer to do free work in exchange for…just being able to put it in my portfolio, basically (she
didn’t reply, but I still felt like it was an encouraging step forward).

I also had business cards printed and attended a networking event for young professionals, but I shied away from it.

I guess I said all of that to say that my three internal scripts are 1) Selling is sleazy 2) Nobody would pay me and 3) I don’t know what to say.

I do plan to enroll in your Earn1K course this year, but it might not be until August/September-ish, unless this Craigslist thing takes off.


sambista77 February 10, 2011 at 4:09 pm

Wow this course is mind blowing.

I have managed to be in hell and back a few different times.
the course occupies my mind 24 hours a day and I feel like I’m on a rollercoaster.
Had a “nerves breakdown” the other day when I just couldn’t come up with the skills, the skills,
but I trust Ramit enormously, and my level of commitment to face my fears is making me not letting go, and I push as hard as I can, knowing I will crack the code somehow, this is
actually the first time in my life when something is so difficult to me and as opposed to running away as fast as I can, I just don’t move, so I can’t come up with a need to feel just
yet, got it, meanwhile, I’m working on some habits like Susan Su suggested; So I wake up at 6 am, at the desk after yoga by 6:45 to write for 75 min and everyday before bed I
write my 2 critical tasks for the next day, knowing this will ultimately lead me to the “promos land”
Of course doing all the homework, surveys and anything else I can do.

My fears:
1. I have nothing to offer, I have no skills that anyone will like to pay me for,
and I can’t come up with a profitable idea.
2. I’m not qualified, come on, who am I kidding, I’ve never been to school, I have zero formal education, and I don’t really have a hobby that I can translate in to dollars
3. I don’t know how, and I’m alone.


Don February 10, 2011 at 4:44 pm

Fears –

1) Despite past success as a business owner and CEO – I think I have no idea how to provide content, services, etc to earn money. “Why would anyone pay me”

2) Every idea I have has already been done. (Ramit – I loved the example of competition means someone out there is making money off of it!)

3) Despite having a team of people (mainly VAs and Elance contractors), I am in this by myself. I am the only one who really cares about the success of it!

As a note – I realize all of these are really BS and I often am able to identify them, deal with them and move forward – however they continue to to re-appear?! So despite the fact
that I can rationally deal with them – the fear comes back.


John February 10, 2011 at 5:26 pm

Ugh, this is remarkably easy for me.

1. Selling is sleezy. I learned this one from my parents who are both academics. They basically just collected a university paycheck for 30 years.

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2. People will hate your product. I have a fear that people won’t like whatever I’m building or selling. In my mind that leads lots of tough customer conversations, lawsuits,
headaches and whatnot.

3. My ideas aren’t good enough. This is patently false. I keep a journal of ideas. Time and time again I end up seeing one of my ideas executed by someone else, only to go back
and look in the journal to discover it’s been sitting around in my head for years.


Erik February 10, 2011 at 5:31 pm

1) Being average. I greatly fear waking up 5-10 years from now and being a middle manager at a corporation doing menial work and having to get creative to be able to make what
I do sound at all interesting/challenging. This fear drives me to come up with all sorts of grand ideas and potential career paths in my head, but those ideas never result in execution.
As people who read Ramit’s site know, when we are presented with a huge list of things to do we often freeze and do nothing. Thus, I over think this stuff and have a hard time
sitting down and coming up with solid action plans to make them happen. Ramit’s Idea Generators and Tuner Strategy help with this a lot, as they force me to sit and evaluate
things knowing that the initial idea does not have to be the final one.
2) Falling behind others. I’m competitive and being in my mid-20′s, I already see a lot of patterns of people who started their careers the same time as me. Some people have settled
into standard paths, some are below that and some are clearly ahead of the curve. While I have a pretty high paying consulting job that I have done some great work for, I still
perceive some people to be ahead of me and it bothers me. As much as I dream of entrepreneurial ventures and the like, I do worry about them not working out and setting me back
even further. Obviously, I am young enough that I have plenty of time to recover from anything like that, but the idea still irks me.
3) I don’t have any experience in the things that interest me to charge for them. There are definitely certain topics that I find myself reading about all the time and enjoying, but I
worry about how I’ll find clients to pay me for related work when I’ve never actually done it. I feel that although I do have some skills already that could translate into freelance
work, it’s not in the career path I would truly like to pursue. The fact is that I’ll never truly know until I try or seek out and meet others who have done the same thing.
4) What others will think. Doing freelance work or starting a company is not ordinary and even though I fear being ordinary, trying to explain my outside the box thoughts to others
and knowing they will be skeptical is a barrier sometimes. I do have a great job right now and it would be baffling to others that it’s not enough for me. On the other hand, I know
that the people I care about would support me and ultimately be very proud once I had some success, but getting through the initial worry and skepticism is tough. I recognize that
effective networking will help me meet and socialize with people that do similar work to what I dream about and will greatly help increase the feeling of normalcy in my ideas.


Michelle February 10, 2011 at 5:34 pm

1. I am too lazy to be responsible for my own income.

2. I shouldn’t even bother because there is no way I’ll make any money doing something I find interesting.
3. I’m too introverted to sell.

And the story behind all that? I’d like to submit my mother as Exhibit A.
Luckily I’ve been aware of these invisible scripts for a while and when these fears start to niggle my brain I can dismiss them right away.


Mark February 10, 2011 at 5:42 pm

1. I’m scared when I need to contact people. I’ve already overwon this fear for sending an e-mails to strangers (I’ve sent B.J. Fogg an e-mail after listening to Ramit’s interview
with him and he sent me the best reply that could happen to my confidence level), but I still hesitate and postpone contacting people by phone or in person.

2. I’ve already acknowledged I do have enough time, but it’s all in the weekends and after office hours. My fear is that people don’t want to meet in evenings and on weekend
days. By the way, I have never tested this assumption and I know I do have the option to shift around my time at the office, so I can make time during office hours. So I must
conclude this is just an excuse I made up.

3. This one to a lesser extend, but I fear to become lost when I make the first steps. Up till now I’ve learnt most of the things I do from my parents, teachers and friends, which I all
know personally. What I’ve been learning from the private list are things that people I know don’t agree with, which I think also holds me back a little to actually make the step.


Ethan February 10, 2011 at 6:05 pm

1. I am afraid of working away the best parts of my life doing 40-80 hour weeks only to find I can’t do the things I want when I retire or not living that long.
2. I am afraid of trying and failing and letting that stop me from trying again.
3. I am afraid I’ll waste money doing the wrong thing.
4. I am afraid that there’s a very good reason the majority of people do the 9-5 and no more.
5. I am afraid of never trying to earn more by freelancing or starting a side business.
6. I am afraid of ending up like most people who accept the daily grind and assume that they are not capable or worthy of doing something more.


Angus Tucker February 10, 2011 at 6:11 pm

1. I listen to people who tell me that it can’t be done. “You shouldn’t do that because somebody could steal your idea!” or “I had a business once and it is tough to get people to
pay you for your work.” I have two really good ideas and just need to take action to get them going.

2. What if I can’t find any clients? I don’t have any now, so this is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I don’t send out any letters or advertise and let people know what I do, then I
won’t ever find/have any clients. Again, action is necessary.

3. I don’t have the time. This is probably the biggest lie ever told. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Bill Gates only has 24 as does Warren Buffett, so do I. It’s what they do
during the 24 hours that makes the difference. I wonder how much television Bill watched while he was working on starting up Microsoft? (My answer is probably very little, as his
passion consumed him and he tunnel visioned to make it work and get it done.) Actions speak louder than words.

I keep forgetting that extra income starts with the first dollar not the first thousand dollars.

Ramit – Thank you for these exercises, as they have not only focused me on what to do to begin, but to ACTUALLY BEGIN AND TAKE ACTION!


Ryan February 10, 2011 at 6:15 pm

1. Selling to people.
2. Ability to provide a product that lives up to client standards.
3. I’m a firefighter, trying to find a niche that I can service!


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Ed February 10, 2011 at 6:19 pm

I don’t know if you have seen this Ted talk, but I think it sums up the root of all my fears:

1. Doing my business will make me vunerable,That I will fail, and that this failure will highlight some flaw I have as to why I am unworthy of success, that I am not a top performer.

What I have seen is that top performers are so because they believe they are, and they then do the hard work to get there. THey are not born that way.

2. That I will waste other peoples time trying to do my business, make promises I can’t keep, and let them down.

I realise that people are free to make their own decisions, I can come through for them, and as for promises I just need to be honest as to how I can deliver.

3. Opportunity costs – some how by working on a business instead of going to grad school I am irresponsible.

I can always go to gradschool after I start a business.

there is nothing irresponsible about starting a business, I will learn a lot at least.

THere is no reason I can do both if I really want to.

Having to articulate out these scripts has been helpful, thank you.


Chris February 10, 2011 at 6:25 pm

1. I am afraid that my ideas are only “good enough,” and that I’ll settle for the bare minimum.

2. I am afraid that I don’t know what to say to people

3. I’m afraid that I’ll waist a ton of time pursuing an idea, only to have it fail, and that I’ll have no idea where to go from there.

4 I’m afraid that I don’t know enough/don’t have enough experience with what I want to do to charge.


David February 10, 2011 at 6:31 pm

Thanks for this, Ramit.

1. I consider myself a fraud. I often do my best to remove myself from accountability. Without being accountable, I can’t fail. But without being accountable, I can’t succeed. I
take myself out of the game…yet I often get frustrated that I’m out of the game.

2. I am afraid of losing my free time. I enjoy the free time I have after work, and I am afraid of the impact on my social life.

3. I want to fit in. I know I have skills and talents, but often hold myself back in mediocrity so I don’t stand out from the crowd. There’s something scary about being “different”.
But there’s always this nagging feeling that mediocrity sucks.


Adam Gustafson February 10, 2011 at 8:48 pm

These first two are great ways to say what is stopping me as well. Very clear… Nice.

I too fear losing my free time but didn’t notice until you posted here. And being a fraud is a straight way to say “Im afraid of what others think of me”. More clear to me

(Ive never really fit in with middle road society/behavior and have mostly been comfortable with this. There is a slight insanity with the repetitive nature of the lives of so
many of my friends and family…)



Lauren February 10, 2011 at 6:31 pm

1. Someone will find out that I’m not good enough to pay for this. – I work as a language interpreter. I have a B.A. in the language and have experience doing the job. I’m good, but
I always feel inferior to people who grew up with the language and have more perfect grammar than I do. I am a competent interpreter, but I’m not perfect. I hold that against
myself more than I should.

2. I’ll just be wasting money if I pay for Earn 1k – though I recognize that this is an excellent course, I fear that I won’t be able to recoup the investment quickly. While I have
enough to pay for it, that money is also earmarked for a vacation in June… it’s succeed at Earn 1k, recoup the money very quickly, and take the trip abroad or fail at Earn 1k, be
out the money, and be miserable for missing the trip. My lack of self confidence is being confounded by the artificial feeling that the stakes are very high.

3. If I get more clients, I will not be available enough to keep them, so why try to get more clients? – Because I must be physically on-site to provide language interpretation, I’m
afraid that with more clients calling that I’ll get too many demands on my time and be unavailable. I fear that this would lead companies to become frustrated and stop calling me.
This is an overblown anxiety.


Keet February 10, 2011 at 6:38 pm

Like most others, I tend to think my 3 fears are pretty common:

1) I have a few ideas, but I’m not convinced any of them could be profitable enough to make it worth trying

2) The lack of a professional degree will make people believe I don’t know what I’m talking about or take me less seriously

3) There have been ideas that I felt were good enough to look into getting a provisional patent for, but spending the time and/or money to do the patent search to make sure I’m not
duplicating someone else’s effort, then paying for the paperwork, then having to sell the idea…all for potentially nothing. I wasn’t comfortable with that risk, so I didn’t bother

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money



Kay February 10, 2011 at 6:42 pm

1. I’m not outgoing enough to sell.

2. Selling scares me.
3. I’m not sure which idea to pursue.


Eddy Azar February 10, 2011 at 6:47 pm

1) I am afraid of spending time on an idea and regretting it later

2) I am afraid of walking the same path as everyone else and ending up like everyone else. (aka job, university, house, family, death)

3) I’m afraid that I will have loads of information and plans and never take real action.


David February 10, 2011 at 6:53 pm

1. I am afraid of failure – I tend to start things, get a few weeks in then start thinking about all the things that could go wrong and stop before they can happen.

2. I don’t feel confident in my own abilities – I feel like I coasted though school and it’s just a matter of time before someone figures out that I am not as good as they think I am.

3. I’m afraid I’m not outgoing enough to be able to sell myself or my ideas – I have a strong fear of meeting and interacting with people for the first time.


M. Webster February 10, 2011 at 6:55 pm

Top three scripts that I can think of right now:

1. “My friends and family won’t back me up.” Whenever I talk about what I want to do or what I’ve done, the nay-saying starts. Most of it I can brush off, but I’m afraid of my
other half telling me about the *last* thing I tried to do to make money on the side – and how it yielded nothing significant.

2. “No time or money.” I just don’t want to give up the other freedoms I think I have. I’ve got 24 hours in a day, and I’ve got enough money to host cheap websites (which comes
out to about $250 a year at least), so I have the ability to get *something* off the ground. I think I just keep picking the wrong things – or spread my bandwidth too wide and trying
too many things at once instead of working just one until it’s successful.

3. “I need to do more research and get some tips.” I’d say more on this one, but I already got my wrists smacked by Ramit virtually in this post and a couple of others. Let it suffice
for me to say that I’m just afraid that I’m giving up fun stuff for the *possibility* of income on the side – no matter how much I say I want the freedom that more money will give
me, I’m more worried about giving up tiny freedoms for the big ones that I dream about every day.

– M. Webster


Kamil February 10, 2011 at 7:03 pm

1) Fear of failure. I fear that I will dive into a site project which I believe will generate passive income but finally will collapse leaving me with tons of work for nothing.
2) Fear that my local market won’t be as open as American one. I live in Eastern Europe and money you talk about are very big for me. Investing money in western style is way too
much money for my income.
3) Fear of going to western market. Even if I create a product and try to sell it to western world I’m scared that my English will be bad or that people will be scared to buy from
someone who lives so far from them.


Peter February 10, 2011 at 7:12 pm

1) I don’t have enough money.

I often get excited about different projects that could earn me more money. I go out and work on these projects and find myself jumping into a job so that I’m not broke.

2) I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m afriad of looking stupid.

This is one of the biggest ones for me. When I wrote this down on the paper I started looking back at my life and all of the opportunities that I didn’t jump at simply because I
didn’t know what to say, or I wouldn’t know what to do so I simply didn’t do it and let someone else do it and reap the rewards.

3)I don’t know how to charge people.

I have a lot of great ideas but when I start putting them into action I find myself not being able to ask for money.


Sambath San February 10, 2011 at 7:17 pm

1. I fear of Failing and not being good enough at what I do.

2. I fear of “taking the path less traveled” because I don’t know what it will bring. I’ve been raised to have a mentality to find and stick to something “safe & secure”, something

3. I’m really afraid of going broke.


Peter February 10, 2011 at 7:19 pm

I am currently a post-graduate intern, but looking to be a musician.

1. I need to be the best to get paid, but I don’t think I’m good enough. This is THE most troublesome of them all. I’ve been afraid to take classes because I’m afraid of letting other

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people know that there’s a vast gap between my goals and where I stand, even though that’s what getting additional education is supposed to remedy. I’ve been avoiding working
on my music because I’m afraid that all of my future work will turn out to be crap no matter how much I try, LET ALONE trying to get it out there.
2. Even if I was good enough, I’m afraid that I’d have to spend all of my time focused in this one area just to scrape by a living. I’ve developed a lot of secondary interests over the
past few years in avoidance of working on my primary goals, and I don’t necessarily want to give them up entirely as they could turn into something more down the line. At the
same time, this clashes with fear #1 – that if I don’t drop everything else, I can’t be successful.
3. I’m afraid that if I do focus heavily on this area of my life, it’ll turn out to be a massive waste of time and I won’t accomplish any of my goals. Kind of funny considering that
sitting around doing nothing will automatically give me that end result anyway.

I think the majority of these scripts comes from my upbringing. My grandfather heavily stressed that I should go into the sciences for a steady income and keep my hobbies as just
hobbies. I’ve noticed recently that I have an underlying desire either to be the best (or to be nothing), which is a common viewpoint I share with my mother – but at the same time I
haven’t really acknowledged all the intermittent states as progress. I’ve noticed my own sense of aesthetics come into play as well – my music needs to be perfect to sound good to
me, and I’m usually surprised that people that aren’t as deeply immersed in the process as I am think my mediocre drafts are “amazing.”


Sean February 10, 2011 at 7:20 pm

I’m currently a newly licensed therapeutic massage therapist & employed at a injury treatment clinic, barista and unofficial cafe business partner(cafe is owned by my significant
other), new dad.

1. Fear I will waste the time and money I put into starting my own practice by failing to get it profitable enough to support my family and I. As in getting enough of my own new
and/or regular clients.

2. Fear of not applying my knowledge and technique well enough to help the clients I really want and then having them never wanting to come back or wanting to pay for their

3. Fear I won’t be able to dedicate enough time to my day jobs, significant other & newborn, and to building my own practice.


Jill February 10, 2011 at 7:44 pm

1. I’m not good enough. I have been dreaming of using my Spanish language skills to make money for a while, but I’m afraid I’m not good enough to do it. There are a lot of native
speakers around me so why would anyone choose me over one of them?
2. I’m afraid that I won’t make money consistently enough to quit my current job, or make enough to keep living at the same level of comfort I enjoy now.
3. I don’t know where to look for this type of work or how to market myself when I figure out specifically what I want to do. For that matter–there is the sub-script of “I don’t even
know what I want to do yet. How can I start without that?”


Geoff February 10, 2011 at 7:51 pm

1. Being exposed as a fraud/crook

This ultimately comes from rebelling against my step-father, and has been refined through a number of failed business ventures. I subconsciously believe I’m a crook and so I set
myself up to let people down and not follow through. By not doing what I say I was going to do I prove myself right.

2. I am not deserving of success

Tied to the above, but deeper. My personal value is based on what others think of me because as a kid I was rewarded for “being smart” or “doing a good job” so when I stopped
getting the praise I began thinking I just wasn’t worth it and wasn’t doing well. As a result I tend to not see in me the things that others value me for. I only see the negative in
myself, and then just shut down and don’t try.

3. If no one buys my idea I’ll look like an idiot

Of course, if someone buys from me, I must be stealing something from them. So it is easier for me to sabotage my efforts to sell my ideas because if they buy from me it proves
that I’m a crook since I also equate selling with stealing. This is a nice, fat, double-edged sword: if I don’t take action then I am not exposed as a crook, but I don’t earn any money.
If I do take action then I appear to have success, but then sabotage it to not end up being exposed as a crook.

Ramit, the thing is that I know all of this shit. Knowing it doesn’t mean shit. I can over analyze ANY idea until I shoot it down without even testing. And still, I won’t take any
action. What would I do to change this? I have no f-ing clue. I’ve poured dollars and hours into personal growth seminars, therapy, worksheets, failing, failing, failing. All the while
I get the same result: nothing.

The truth is I don’t know what I want. I have been inauthentic for my whole life. I don’t even know who I am. I’ve been playing out scripts for the last 25 years and don’t know
who I am without them. I start writing up an answer to your goals worksheet first question and I shut down. Any answer I give is bullshit. It’s not what *I* want. It’s what I think
I’m supposed to do right now. I’ve been beating myself up for years over my inability to make a decision.

I’m at the point of just accepting that I am never going to do anything. Between my brain chemistry imbalance and my scripts of worthlessness I get only about 40% of the way into
something and then quit because it doesn’t feel right and the truth is I never *really* wanted it in the first place – it was an interesting challenge to figure out what the problem
really was, but I don’t really care about solving it – I move on to finding the next problem.

Maybe that’s what I can do to change it. Turn my fears into assets. If what I’m good at is starting things and finding problems, then maybe that’s what I do: help people start things
while avoiding unseen problems. Like a scout checking the terrain ahead of the party: identify dangers, opportunities, and distractions before someone gets to them so they can
chart the fastest, most efficient course towards success.

Or maybe that’s just a rationalization for why I have no results other than dozens of abandoned ideas and failed ventures.

I can’t wait to see what else you throw at me this week. Peace.


Girija February 10, 2011 at 8:01 pm

I always had this thing about Ph D .. I felt I would become an authority of sorts in my chosen field .. I always said to myself that if I mastered this “one thing” it would give me an
edge .. life led me into marrying a wonderful and a brilliant Ph D guy .. and the first time I heard him say this ” GOSH .. Ph D has heightened my awareness of how much more
there is to know and how little I know just now ” , I felt like calling up Sherlock Holmes ! What seems like a problem is not where the real problem lies ..


Adam Gustafson February 10, 2011 at 8:38 pm

Here are a few that came to me in my straight-jacket moment:

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1 My greatest fear regarding money is that Im too immature/naive to be taken seriously and paid beyond entry level wages. Ouch.

2 My fear keeping me from making a lot of money is what others will then expect of me and the at I will not know how to react or what to do.

3 Another fear that lurks in the background regarding money is that I do not know enough, that I am still “in training” and once I am a grand master, than I will be able to go out in
the world and make my cut.

All of these have to do with inadequacies yes, but it’s amazing that they all (and so many others I’ve read) have to do with other peoples opinion of me!

When the hell did that happen? I have never really been too invested in what others think of me but somehow when money is involved the rules change.

Thanks for the honesty everyone, it’s refreshing…



Dave Lane February 10, 2011 at 8:39 pm

1) I don’t need to do this

2) I’ll do it later
3) “nah…”


Hilaire February 10, 2011 at 8:40 pm

My three invisible scripts about earning more money:

1. I have no time to devote to a business that requires my full attention; I’m married and have two kids and have a fulltime job.

2. I want to open a restaurant and it requires an upfront cash that I don’t have. So, I keep telling everyone I meet that I will open a restaurant but then cannot follow up with action.

3. I will need to quit my job before I dedicate time to this business and I cannot do that because I have a family and my wife does not work.


Kristin February 10, 2011 at 8:50 pm

1.) I know a lot, but since I know people who know more I feel like a fraud. I worry that I will be “uncovered” and made a fool of or worse someone will pay me and want their
money back.

2.) As a pregnant mom of two I have competing commitments of time/efforts with kids bs time spent makin money. Also applying for work I feel guilty because while it would help
provide for the family I see it as a negative after having the baby when I want to be with the baby.

3.) I worry too much about saying the wrig thing. I have a site set up for local parents ready to launch and sell ads through but my fear of talking to local businesses is irrationally
based on not knowing how long I’ll live in this area and a fear that if I move I’ll be fake and misrepresenting.

So guilty conscious? Yeah…


Adam Harris February 10, 2011 at 9:00 pm

I’m currently tutoring on the side, but I only have a few students.

1) I have to bring my students up to an A before I can ask for referrals.

Analysis: Improving to an A on a short time scale is unrealistic, and most students contact me within a week of an important test. I need to find another metric to show
improvement or find a way to over-deliver (actually get them to an A).

2) I need a teaching credential to advertise to parents

Analysis: Plenty of parents are simply looking for someone more knowledgeable than themselves to help their kids with a subject they haven’t looked at in 20+ years.

3) Earning money on the side will consume all of my ‘free’ time.

Analysis: This is something that I’ve observed in other people who are earning money/investing in themselves outside their jobs. I can stop tutoring any time it feels burdensome
and reschedule sessions if need be. I may lose the ability to be impulsive, but time management will allow me to do most of the things I want to, and earning the extra money will be
worth it.


Darlene February 10, 2011 at 9:05 pm

1. The things I am really good at and enjoy doing are not things that other people are willing to pay for. If I want to make extra money, I’ll have to do something I hate, and I
already hate my day job. I’ve floated a few ideas that I’ve had, among people I know and on various Internet forums, and often got the attitude, “How DARE you think about
charging for something I can do myself?” It’s made me a little gunshy about testing new ideas. I guess this would be fear of being seen as a sleazy salesperson who is only out for
herself and is trying to scam people out of money? Or fear of being seen as insensitive for selling something that is a want and not a need (needs being defined in my mind as roof
over head, food to eat, transport to job) in a time when people are losing their homes.

2. I already work 60-70 hours a week at my stressful day job and come home every night exhausted. I don’t have the mental energy to do a good job coming up with a side gig and
making it work. My partner is already neglected due to my day job hours, so if I took on a profitable side gig I would be ignoring him even more than I am now. So, fear of doing a
half-assed job and failing due to low energy, also fear of partner leaving me.

3. I should save as much money as possible rather than risking it on a new business venture that might fail, because what if I get fired/get cancer/the house burns down/some other
disaster happens and I end up homeless and destitute? I’ll call this “fear of becoming a bag lady.”

Bonus fear: (this one is irrational, I realize) Fear of success/tempting fate: If I am successful, then something bad will happen to take my success away from me. The universe will
smack me down for thinking I have the right to be successful and happy in my work when so many people are losing their homes, unable to afford food and basic needs, etc.


81 of 98 2/18/2011 11:25 PM
Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Scott February 10, 2011 at 9:21 pm

1. That I’m not going to have enough time, or its going to take too much time away from my family, to earn significant money on the side. I have a good job that I like but I would
like to have the extra flexibility and security of a secondary source of income. But I want something that we still enable me to have time for my family or more time (ideally!).

2. That I don’t have any good ideas. I guess this is probably a lot of peoples fears and its pretty lame but its there.

3. I’m afraid that I will get started and not follow through with it to see results. This is a problem for me.


rahul February 10, 2011 at 9:35 pm

1. That I am working in this country on a visa and if it has provisions for secondary income and the processes.

Rest of the factors holding me back can be squished easily.


Robert February 10, 2011 at 9:42 pm

First, let me say that I really appreciate how you’re coaxing us along through this process.

1. I’m not which which of my potentially marketable skills I’d most enjoy trying to market (and therefore do more/extra of)
2. I feel like any “free” time should be spent on my “main” business.


Mario February 10, 2011 at 9:46 pm

#1 My passive business is secret I’ve left it off my resume and I dont advertise it because Im afraid it might look bad to my employer that I have a side gig. This is why I dont
advertise to friends even though I know there are friends that would love to connect me to the right people.
#2 I feel like other people could do the job better and I might get stuck over promising and under delivering
#3 I dont feel confident setting a fee for my services so I feel like Ill undercut myself (resulting in me getting $0)


Sarah February 10, 2011 at 9:49 pm

1) I don’t have enough time. The project I have in mind will take months of preparation to get it launch-ready, and I’m already working 2 jobs and commuting 2 hours/day. Add in
family and friends, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

2) It’s too late. Ramit you mentioned somewhere that it’s a good thing if people are already doing what you want to do- because that means there is a market out there for your
product. Oh there’s a market- but what if it’s already completely saturated?

3) I won’t have an impact anyway. I want to provide information to the masses- but that won’t elicit behavior change and help anyone improve their health- so why bother?


Wendy February 10, 2011 at 9:49 pm

I feel so much better already just reading through all your comments. I am SO not alone in my fears!

1. I’m terrified I’ll go hungry and homeless while I try to make something work. This seems solved easily enough by developing something on the side while I make the shift.
2. I’m afraid I don’t know enough to be successful. I think I could probably learn as I go. What better way to learn something than to put it in practice. The worst it can do is not
3. I’m afraid I’m not original enough. This is the biggest one and the one I struggle with the most. I need to remind myself usually on an hourly basis that my approach to existing
ideas is the only originality I need.


Lindsey February 10, 2011 at 9:53 pm

1. I don’t have a good enough idea (for product or service) to sell. While I have many ideas, I don’t think that one is good enough to test out.

2. I’m not business-savvy enough to really sell myself (my product and/or service). There are others I know who are 100x better at selling (and can sell ya the shirt off your back),
but in comparison, I am not [yet] one of them.

3. I have a lot of interests, per-say, but not one particular area that I am passionate about. I don’t even think I have any real hobbies, aside from online research, watching TV, and
hanging out with friends. I have things that I believe I’d like to make into hobbies, but in the 3-odd years I’ve been out of college, I have yet to actually pursue something (how can
you sell something or yourself, if you don’t fully believe in it?!).

BAM. There are my 3. I’m sure there are a few more. BUT maybe not… I have been motivated lately due to your book, and will be getting my first credit card VERY SOON (I
never thought I would get one as I respect Dave Ramsey and his ideals, but I realized that DR isn’t speaking to me as I don’t have a real spending problem. You’re the one speaking
to me and it’s FINALLY cause for action). This new-found motivation may mean that those 3 scripts are in fact, the only 3 limitations I currently have.


Camille February 10, 2011 at 9:59 pm

1) I fear that I won’t ever have a good idea.

2) I fear that I’m a lousy salesperson and will lose money on any venture.
3) I fear that my friends, spouse, colleagues will think I’m all about making money.

I’ve been involved in a lot of social justice type of action and making money is seen as like the evils of society. We know we all need it to survive and do the good work we want to
do but once a person comes up with a side money business they’re looked at as a sell out. I know if I come up with a good idea that’s right for me that won’t be an issue but getting
past that is huge!


Eric February 10, 2011 at 10:18 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

My Fears (more than 3)

1. Why would someone pay for this product that I have created? I have created several prototype products in my basement workshop. I am an Engineer, so I am always tinkering
and creating things. I think they are great and my Family and I use these products ourselves. Sometimes, I think that maybe they are just being nice to me. Everyone says I should
start a business making these things and selling them. I am just not sure the idea is good enough to invest the time and money needed to bring them to market.

2. If my idea is good and I patent an idea, some other company with more resources will “borrow” the idea and run me out of business. So, why even try. Patents are great, but it is
very expensive to sue for infringement of a patent. I am just a little guy. They would run me out of business.

3. How will I support this business, while still working at my “day job”. Again this is a common fear of time requirement or wasting of time. I sometimes tell myself to think of it as
a hobby and if you can make some money, great! If not, at least you had fun trying. My fear is that this “hobby” will consume too much time and take me away from my family.

4. If these are good products, why is someone else not already selling these things. I can’t be the first to think of this? It must not be that great of an idea. I am not that smart.

5. I have never taken a formal business class. How can I run a successful business.


d February 10, 2011 at 10:21 pm

1) i dont have alot of work experience – i am l a student. i don’t have references for my skills….
2) i don’t know if i am smart enough to succeed – often i feel like i don’t know the right thing to say to people.
3) i have a shy personality – it’s hard for me to approach people or start a conversation with a stranger.


Danny February 10, 2011 at 10:34 pm

Hey Ramit,

1. I scared of failing, that I will be judged and rediculed. It feels easier to just not try ’cause then I won’t be disappointed.

2. I am actually also scared that I might just be successful and if I would deserve it. It seems easier to be a failure and feel sorry for myself.

3. I am afraid that I should have started along time ago and that it too late now.

This is really great stuff!

It hits me how powerful an exercise this is… I have become so used to not allowing myself to follow my dreams that I have this inner voice that condescendingly reminds me of
every failure I have ever had. “You are just going to mess it up”, “When it came down to it you didn’t follow your dreams last time”. I think that making us list our fears is like
listing the evil yells of the inner demons that we all have, and the process in itself feels like me ansering them by saying: “Just watch me”.

Ramit, Thank you for NOT making us chant “I can do it!” but rather make us look at “Why didn’t I already do it?”. It makes all the difference


Sabrina February 10, 2011 at 10:52 pm

1.) “I can’t work more/more effectively because of other factors in my life” (family, health issues, various crises)

I’ve realized that my problem is I’m afraid of what will happen if I put my business first. I’m scared of what that will mean for my friendships and relationships – no one else in my
circle has their own business.

I’ve had to keep different hours, different priorities – I don’t get paid time off if I get sick, I have to make those days up. I’m an introvert and my friendships and relationships, even
my relationships with my family, are hard-won. I’m afraid to lose them. I’m afraid of not being fun anymore, of not being someone they can relate to anymore, of not being there
for my family, of putting all my focus into my work – but right now my problem is clearly the opposite.

I’m scared that with no excuses not to be successful I still might not be.

On top of that, when your relationships aren’t there to help you out, your money is.

I would do whatever it takes to move past this script, because it has helped me hold myself back for years.

2.) “I need to get better at X before I can charge for it”

I missed out on $60,000 last year because I believed this script. $60,000. I had the information and resources to start, but I believed I wasn’t good enough to earn my rate yet. Once
I set a firm launch date for myself and decided to just go for it (social pressures – it was public; sunk cost fallacy – I’d invested into the launch) I realized I’d held myself back out
of a lack of self-confidence and believing what my market says rather than looking at what they do, and what I know about them. (PS – this was an additional income stream that
will be a very large chunk of my income in 2011 – thanks for the webcast!)

3.) “If I put too much of myself into my business, I’ll burn out”

This is a little bit different, maybe. I do have some chronic health issues, and on top of that I’m in a field (that I love, that I excel in) with a high burn-out rate. I’m afraid of
overworking myself and ending up in the hospital, and so I’ve been underearning and underachieving. This year’s really made this one plain: I AM burning out, but it’s because I’m
not earning what I should be for the amount of time I put into my business. I need to increase the effort I put in, and work more effectively. This will help me be fully present for
my time off instead of having my mind on the work I know I should be doing instead.

To anyone else who’s been struggling with this script, and these problems: Being broke is more stressful than working. That’s my new mantra.


Ploof February 10, 2011 at 11:01 pm

Okay so for once, I am going to answer your questions because it’s time to fucking move on.

#1: I have no confidence in myself

I already built my case at work several times and asked for a raise/more responsabilites. Approved by my direct manager and completely ignored by the decision makers.
Now my job sucks -> I am not motivated anymore -> I suck at my job + I cannot change jobs until I get my greencard. I am not sure how I would feel if I fail again miserably. True

#2: I believe that the skills I might have will only bring me ideas of horrific jobs on the side.
I already hate my job from 9-5. I don’t want to hate what I do on the side.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

#3: Maybe the least important fear: I don’t want to have to end up digging into my savings to pursue a failing idea (“If only I have this .. then it will work …”)


Nathan February 10, 2011 at 11:41 pm

I have too much fear.

1. I work for a large company with a “stable” job. Aspects I love, some I hate. The idea of working for a small company excites me but the consequences and unknowns block
action in that direction.

2. I feel like I don’t have any concrete ideas to execute.

3. I fear I don’t have the skills or credibility to strike it out on my own.


Nathan February 10, 2011 at 11:51 pm

Follow on:

1. My current job is safe and has decent benefits, but the culture is very old school and the products, while exciting, are deadly. I have the opportunity to get a free grad
degree, but then I will be on the hook to the company for at least another 3-4 years.

2. My idea of a “product” is still centered on a physical item. It’s hard to visualize what my first product would be and how to execute, to say anything of a 2nd, 3rd and 4th.
I’m not a programmer yet it feels everything is centered around “apps”. How do I create something that hasn’t been done before in the physical world.

3. I have a degree in engineering, yet I feel I lack the skills to be the lead. Sometimes I feel like a fraud. Other times I realize I tend to undersell myself and downplay my


Chryss February 10, 2011 at 11:46 pm

* I don’t have enough material yet – I’ll wait until I’ve written some more stories/articles and then I’ll start submitting them to publications/publishers.

* My material is not good enough yet or not the right content – I need to improve or focus my writing to what I think they want to read before I start submitting.

* I am un unknown writer – no-one will want to even give me a chance.


DeAnna February 11, 2011 at 12:04 am

1 – I’m afraid of networking

I’ve never been very good at just talking to people. I have a habit of either saying things at the wrong time or just not focusing on the conversation at all. I’m afraid that because of
my age people won’t think I have anything valid to say or that connecting with me isn’t worth it.

2- I’m afraid to succeed

What if I become this great success and can’t keep it up? What if I really don’t have anything valid to add? What if people want something from me that I can’t give? I don’t want
to disappoint anyone.

3- What if I’m not an entrepreneur

I keep reading that some people just aren’t meant to be entrepreneurs. I love owning my own business. I hate working a 9-5 job. I literally called up my job one day and just refused
to come in. I got fed up and couldn’t take it any more. I don’t ever want to be in that situation again but what if I just can’t cut it?


James C February 11, 2011 at 12:33 am

1) I fear that my ideas aren’t as good as I think they are. That I think my stuff is just awesome and has to be shared, but maybe nobody will care.

Ideas I’ve been harboring for years, and sharing bits and pieces of with people to entice them over the years, may actually suck if I put one in full motion and see what happens.

2) That I’m getting “too old” (which is ridiculous if I said my age) to be chasing a more non-conformist idea of jobs or revenue or the idea of being an entrepreneur.

I’ve been wanting to do something “outside the box” for well over a decade but have never really put the full energy toward it that I should have through being lazy and scared of
things not working out. But now I am just scared that I’ve waited too long and out grown the comfortable age at which you can pursue these ideas without friends and relatives
thinking Im just ridiculous.


Renee February 11, 2011 at 1:15 am

1. I’m living in Dillon, MT. So I don’t have access to resources, people, connections etc.

2. If I’m successful with this business, it will consume all of my energy and I won’t have anything left to focus on the artistic endeavors that are also very important to me.

3. I’ve made a lot of mistakes with business and money management. I don’t know if I trust myself to not blow it again.


Cj February 11, 2011 at 1:17 am

I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. Hah. I’m serious though. In other words, I have many interests but I have no clue what I would be happy DOING and getting paid
for, rather than learning about, or volunteering to do for short periods of time. I fear loosing motivation, or making a bad business decision due to plowing forth with no purpose. I
am super afraid of not having a steady stream of income and no benefits.


84 of 98 2/18/2011 11:25 PM
Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

Alex February 11, 2011 at 1:19 am

1) I fear that my ideas have “already been done.” That there’s nothing original about them and they’re not worth other people’s time.

2) I fear that I am not skilled/knowledgable enough to charge people money for my expertise.

3) I fear that I am not being sufficiently charitable/generous if I charge for “helping out” a friend or coworker in an area of interest (tutoring, editing, etc).


Abdul A February 11, 2011 at 1:21 am

# I am not passionate for this

There are times I can work like a crazy person on stuff, going on for days and there are times when I can’t seem to find the energy. People say if you are really passionate you can
do everything and have natural energy. Well I don’t see that happening with me, I really need to push myself to do stuff. I really like the kick of the end result, there is stuff I do
naturally but there is also stuff I really need to kick myself to do.

# I need to make it perfect

It takes me a while to push things out. I know that 80% of the work takes 20% of the time, but somehow I always work till its 95% their. That takes so much time that often I don’t
get around to do other stuff. I need a way to force myself to only do stuff 80%, most of the time people really like it already without me having to go on till its done for 95%.

# I also want what he/she haves

Often I catch myself thinking that I also want what that guys/girl has or is doing, even if it isn’t something that in my field of expertise or I am working for. I am so busy with others
that I forget to focus on my own stuff. I know that I can get a lot done if I would just focus on my own stuff, push things out 80% and show the world what I can do.


Taylor February 11, 2011 at 1:30 am

1.) I fear failure, so I’ll constantly research and dig and dig and dig until I’m blue in the face i finally think I have what it takes

2) I have a fear of embarrassment and making myself look lousy and like an idiot. This is especially true when thinking of good ideas to freelance with.

3.) I fear having to “screw” someone else over in order to make a buck, or treat someone unfairly, even though I know this is not true.


Cicero Zandona February 11, 2011 at 1:32 am

1. I will just give up before themoney comes.

2. The “planets” are not aligned

3. I will take away my focus on the day job path, that is doing ok.


Carter Bailey February 11, 2011 at 1:57 am

1) I need to be more financially secure before I go rocking the boat.

Ambiguous and fearful. I don’t need to risk financial security (whatever that means) in the pursuit of my 1K idea. Plus, it’s not really rocking the boat if I am focusing the majority
of my time on my current income stream while pursuing additional means of income. Do I pay off all my debt before trying? Do I pay off 50%? Do I need $X in savings? What
about investments? Retirement? If I keep going down this rabbit hole, I’ll never find the end. I need to kick myself into gear and realize that now is always the best time.

2) I’m just not that good at what I do, let alone much else.
History would beg to differ. I’ve impressed professors, friends, bosses, and coworkers. I’ve always had a steady job and had good grades in my math and CS courses. You are
always your worst critic, and I have produced results at every job.

3) I probably can’t handle the amount of work necessary to have multiple streams of income and a full-time job.
Well, I was able to work a 40+ hour full-time job, search for jobs in a city 5 hours away, attend job interviews in that city, and get married without losing my sanity (despite my
family’s attempts to destroy it no less!). Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but I usually come out of it with a calm, cool, zen-like level head.


Katie February 11, 2011 at 1:58 am

1. Even though I am very good at what I do, I fear my customers will ‘know better’ and see flaws in my work

2. I worry that no one has sufficient income ‘in this economy’ (there’s that old chestnut) to spend it on my services

3. Even though I’ve read the Earn1K scripts, there’s that little voice that is convinced I’ll fumble when trying to be confident and negotiate an offer.


Lee Thompson February 11, 2011 at 2:00 am

**I don’t have the social skills for networking**.

I’ve been to conferences, I’ve been to dinners, I’ve had opportunities to make strong impressions and develop connections. I always end up awkwardly walking away or saying
something utterly generic. It’s frustrating.

**I need to focus on my current commitments**

I’m the very active head of my student organization (senior in college), the leader of my senior design team, and in an active job search. I feel like once I’m out of college and have
a more steady schedule–then I can try and earn money on the side.

**I need to secure a job using my degree before I can earn on the side**
I’m going into a major transition phase in my life (graduating from college in May) and am focused on making sure my short-term future is secure. I don’t even know where I’m
going to be 3 months from now–is it wise to try to make progress in earning on the side now?


Robyn Perry February 11, 2011 at 2:21 am

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1. My kids wind up on food stamps and my partner shakes his head and calls me an idiot while I grind away to build something from the ground up that I am paying into with sweat
equity, that is eating my lunch and creating no return.
2. I can take a meeting – I have lots of ideas – but no degree in marketing and little “proof” of my results.
3. I can finish a book – baby steps, article by article – but will it be a book someone wants to publish? Purchase? Read?


Alex F February 11, 2011 at 2:27 am

-I fear that I don’t have presence. I’m not a natural man, in the way that someone bigger, with a louder voice would command attention.

-I fear that I’m not stubborn enough to get anything done. I get excited about one idea, stay up late thinking about it, and then wake up the next day with an empty head.

-I fear that I’m too old. That if I was going to be successful, I would be already. That somehow going through college and law school and not being the best in either means I’m not
going to be the best later. And I’m only 27.


Nader February 11, 2011 at 2:40 am

1. If I raise my prices people will think that I am getting big headed – I have heard this said about someone who started off in a different field with low prices and raised them as he
got better. He still has plenty of work from what I hear but apparently some people think he is full of himself. I feel uncomfortable thinking about offending some of my original

2. If I raise my prices, no one will want to hire me. I am afraid that they ask me to do things for them because my rates are cheap and some money is better than none if they stop
hiring me – this is rather silly since I have had a couple of people tell me that I should charge more.

3. I don’t have the right contacts and the people that I want to have as contacts won’t be interested in talking to me /getting to know me – this is all about my getting over my fear
of starting conversations/making contact with people I don’t know yet like many others have commented.

It was interesting to me to see how quickly these fears became clear in my head as soon as I tried to put words to them – it didn’t take much effort to get them to burst right out of
my brain.


Katie February 11, 2011 at 3:01 am

1. I’m afraid I won’t be able to balance making cash on the side with my part-time job and school.
2. I’m petrified I’ll run out of money (I am living mostly on student loans, I’m in professional school, and I get no financial support from my familyand can’t rely on them for
emergency backup).
3. I’m also petrified I won’t be able to find clients. I tutor, but until I started the hustling course, I had really fallen down on the task of getting new clients. I did just nab one today,


Brad February 11, 2011 at 3:31 am

–I fear I don’t have the right level of skills required to compete in the market.–
This fear is driving from nothing. There is no reason for me to think this way because I’m continually praised for doing a amazing work at company that requires highly skilled
people. When I was still in university I destroyed most of my classmates with an outstanding understanding and display of skills throughout class projects.

I think the main reason behind this fear is that I just haven’t tried. I just make up a baseless argument and convince myself that I’ll fail. How do I know that? I don’t.

–I fear I don’t have the drive and determination of a type A person to “go go go!” and get things done.–
This goes back to my previous fear. To me a job isn’t finished until it is perfect, which is a great way to get no where fast. On top of that if I feel if it can’t be perfect then I’m more
likely to just pull the plug and give up before I even give it a proper chance.

I think I need to not only understand but apply the idea that while quality is important it doesn’t need to be perfect the first time around. There is always time to improve and adapt
while in progress.

–Most of all I fear that I will fail–

I really don’t understand why I have this fear. I have failed countless times in other areas of my life. I know that failure is the best way to improve. I know that failing fast can save
lots of time, effort, and money. Yet still I fear I will fail. Is it something much deeper than this? Is it the fact that I haven’t failed in this area yet? I think it’s that initial bar that is the
hardest meet. I need to go take action now and get my hands dirty.


ila February 11, 2011 at 3:34 am

1. I want it (whatever it is, the system/background/context/preparation work) to be complete and perfect before it is public. This is probably the script which causes me to lose
motivation before initiating properly. In essence, it’s probably wanting it to be perfect before I am able to experiment with anything which ends up holding everything back as I am
held back by miniscule details.

2. I have too many ‘good’ ideas and i end up starting a few and finishing none.

3. Money or lack of money or a fear of the lack of money to start or maintain a business


Nate February 11, 2011 at 3:37 am

My biggest 3 fears are:

(1) Failure. It’s not really the failure itself that I’m afraid of. It’s that, by beginning a freelancing idea, I’ll be putting myself out there. People will know about it, and if I fail I will
look like an idiot. I know it sounds dumb, but I actually do think that’s the biggest thing holding me back. If my idea sucks, my idea sucks. It’s that people will know it was my idea
that is what scares me.

(2) That selling is sleazy, and that I’ll be ripping people off. But I’m getting over this – the more I think about niching my market down, the more I realize that if I find my ideal
customer, they wont feel ripped off at all. I’ll actually be helping them.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

(3) Not knowing where to get started. The ideas I have for freelancing are simple. A lot of the knowledge I need for them, I can start delivering today if I needed to. The problem is
I need to find a way to reach my ideal customers.


La Rae Hayes February 11, 2011 at 3:37 am

I’d have to say that I have definitely gotten over a lot of fear recently. I have started a new small business and have been pouring time into it. I also am working on my side hustle
as a babysitter, and I recently quit a job I hated to work at a bank.

My scripts:

1. I don’t have enough time.

This is a major issue because I AM in fact super low on time. I work full time, go to school full time, and now I have started my own small business. However, now I have freed up
my time a bit by quitting my full time job and am switching back to part time, so this script is no longer remotely plausible.

2. I am afraid to ask people to pay me what I feel I’m worth.

This is an issue for my side hustle, which is babysitting. I am extremely qualified as a babysitter because I am actually going to school for Early Childhood Education, have
experience supervising and running a before and after care program, and am certified in 1st aid/CPR. I should be charging at least $10/ an hour (at least I’ve never been given
anything more than this), but I’m afraid to ask people for that much. However, now I am going to make business cards for myself that have $10/hour as my rate. This will most
likely make it easier to get that since it will just be on my card and I don’t actually have to ask for it.

3. One I USED to have was that I was against businesses and I wanted nothing to do with businesses.
However-now, I see that the only way I can truly spend my time doing what I love, including volunteering and helping people, I will first have to be financially free. So that is what
I am working towards!


Aaron February 11, 2011 at 3:39 am

1. Fear of selling my soul, again. Having finished all but two classes for an intensive BFA where the majority of the professors thought if you weren’t in school or doing homework
you should be in the theatre helping out in some way. This left my social life lacking, and when I started working on my social life my status in the program deteriorated because I
went full tilt the other way. Now I pretty much haven’t done anything with the theatre in about 2 years. I am going feel free to bail on something if it isn’t working out, time wise,
situation wise or money wise.

2. Not being as good as the next person.

This has been there I don’t know how long. Especially in college, in a small tight knit department, where there is lots of talent. I always thought I was inferior and would self
sabotage with procrastination. Sometimes things turned out okay, but most of the time it was lacking from putting it off, especially if I didn’t want to do it or I wasn’t gungho about
it. Like finishing my MFA. I am going to fight hard and know I put my best foot forward. I will call the person looking to interview me and schedule an interview for the company,
one that I would actually like working at, and use the briefcase technique to try to get $10/hour.

3. Taking things too personally, especially with authority figures. If a professor gave me a bad grade when I was sure I didn’t deserve it, it was probably cause they didn’t like me.
Usually I wouldn’t do anything to challenge/question it, even in a civil manner. When I got let go from my second Temp job, for apparently not working overtime (at a factory,
woo.) I didn’t ask my contact person to ask about it, so I could grow. I don’t really want anything to do with the temp company anymore, and especially not the factory I was
working at, even though I could probably get a job through them until I get something I want/enjoy. I am will start asking people for feedback when something doesn’t go how I
expect it to, or when I have questions about our last interaction. Is there anything I could have done differently to change the outcome? What do you think I need to improve on for
this position?

4. Fear of being left behind. I have been so afraid of being left behind I haven’t moved on. Sitting still has got me no wear. I realize that even if I was moving in a wrong direction it
would be easier to change direction than being stuck and not moving at all.


Maurice February 11, 2011 at 4:21 am

1. My skills and experience are not valuable outside of my current day job.

2. I’m not good in social group settings. I can ace any phone interaction but my confidence dissolves
face to face.

3. I’m afraid of being a life long corporate yes man, but also afraid of failing at entrepreneurial pursuits.


Renee February 11, 2011 at 4:42 am

1. I’ve already made a lot of business and money management mistakes. I guess I don’t trust myself not to screw it up again.
2. What if I get into the middle of the project/process and realize I hate it and then I have commitments and obligations I dread fulfilling?
3. What if it does turn out wildly successful and then then business pulls all my energy and attention to the artistic projects that cheer my soul and feel like my first love.
4. Who the hell do I think I am anyway. I’ve never proven what I think is actually possible. Plus I’m living in ‘Podunk’ Dillon, Montana. Far, far away from the real action,
contacts, connection. Who do I take out for lunch? Plus, how does what I have to offer fit together anyway — Belly dance, Improvisational Dance/Theater, QiGong, Singing, Print
Advertising, Grief.


Jill Astley February 11, 2011 at 4:44 am

#1. I am too small to be taken seriously by the businesses I want to import from.
-At first I had, instead of being too small, that I was afraid of making a big mistake at the first contact and ruining a business relationship. But when I thought more about it, that
fear was because I was afraid of letting prospects know that I’m not set up already with a big company and lots of capital, beacuse I’m afraid they won’t think I’m able to do the
work I want to.

#2. I will do something wrong and waste my savings and in the end nothing will have changed.
-Well, that could be true, if I don’t do the work of figuring out what will be successful and just start without planning – useful planning, not daydreaming about what huge projects I
want to do eventually.

#3. I will put a lot of time and money into a software product which won’t sell, or will be pirated.
- This is possible, but something Ramit talked about in the webinar last night really hit home with me – yes there are lots of whiny freeloaders out there who will only take what you
give for free, or will even use your product without any payment – but there is a market out there of people who are willing to pay good money for an awesome product. That’s
what I have to make sure what I put out there is.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I thought I had a good handle on what I feared, but really focusing on them without distractions and following the reasoning behind them to root causes was really useful.


CR February 11, 2011 at 4:54 am

1. My idea won’t pan out and I will have wasted my time.

I know deep down that its more likely that I’m wasting by NOT taking action than taking the wrong action. Even if the plan does not succeed, I will have at least learned something
so I can make a better run on the next attempt. It is more a question of getting motivated and getting started in order to get the ball rolling. I plan to use the ‘baby steps’ method and
do small things regularly until I start to see some nice, motivating results

2. I don’t have the personality to run a business.

I am an introvert and not very competitive by nature. This world very heavily favors the extrovert and business is very much based on interpersonal exchanges. However, just
because that is how most business is run does not mean it is the only way or the best way for me. I need to remember to play to my own strengths and test out ways to drive
business that work for me. I’m not competitive and I don’t like ‘beating’ other people, but I do enjoy cooperation and I can be very competitive with myself. I can use these
strengths to drive things forward rather than getting down on what I’m not good at.

3. I don’t have the credentials or experience necessary.

It is so easy for a potential employeer/customer to look at a degree or certification as proof of expertise, but it can be proven in other ways. It only takes one strong success to
easily convince others and getting that opportunity for success only takes a really good plan for it. That requires only the hard work to put into it.


Jennifer February 11, 2011 at 4:54 am

1. I don’t deserve it.

2. People won’t believe I’m worth that much.


Sara M February 11, 2011 at 4:57 am

#1. I will start something, take a risk, make an investment and fail. And then everyone who ever told me I wasn’t going to be successful would be right. And the idea of possibly
proving “them” right makes me hesitant,

#2. It’s not the right time / I’m already too overwhelmed. I seem to think there is going to be a better time than right now to get a handle on things and begin constructively steering
certain areas of my life. I am waiting for things to be calm and orderly BEFORE I take action. I don’t always remember that taking action PRODUCES the state of orderliness and
calm. I’m waiting for it often as a prerequisite.

#3. I will start something, take a risk, make an investment and SUCCEED. And then my friends and family will think that I think that I am better than them. If I succeed, that
means someone else failed, and I feel guilty like I somehow hurt that person. Or, my success causes other people to be more aware of their failures, and I don’t want to make
people feel badly. I know this sounds convoluted, but I am 100% sure this idea is the main one preventing me from doing things that I know HOW to do, I WANT to do, and which
would lead me to a better financial and life place.


Ian K February 11, 2011 at 5:23 am

1. My age is a minus to me.

2. My little stature makes me vulnerable.
3. I have no value to offer to professionals/older people.


Christian February 11, 2011 at 5:29 am

1- I don’t know where to start

Each time I got a idea that I try to do something with it I become paralyzed.
I start try new tool, new framework, start a blog, twitter/FB account. Then realize it take more time that I though I get decouraged and drop the whole thing. Its a cycle that happen
2-3 time a year.
2- I’m a very “stressed” in general, everything then to stress me even if I tend not to show it, I’m afraid that if I start something else I’ll start to stress about it.

3- My job already take a lot of time, I’m affraid I wont have any time left for my wife and myself
I already having problem managing my time with my work (that sometime require me to work on week-end) and other thing of my life.

Bonus : I’m afraid that I will fail and poeple will make fun of me.
When I tell other that I’m to do something else that just working a regular job, they say dude what for ? And they look at me like I’m a alien…


Eric February 11, 2011 at 5:37 am

#1) I’m afraid to spend too much time on the wrong things
#2) I need to get better at what I do before I start to charge people
#3) Getting started will be complicated


Frank Barragan February 11, 2011 at 5:45 am

1) I’m not sure if I’m good enough to get paid for doing web design/development. I fear someone laughing in my face when I propose how much they have to pay me for my
services. It’s probably not going to happen, but nonetheless, the fear is there.

2) I don’t know how I would get clients. This to me is the hard part. I don’t know exactly where I would start drumming up clients. But honestly thinking about this question made
me start to brainstorm some answers. It seems that networking would be where it’s at. But I’m not good at that. Again! Fail!

3) I don’t know if there are people out there willing to pay me for my services. I think this goes back to number 1 again. I don’t know if someone would be willing to pay me for my
services. And worst of all, I’m not sure that they would be satisfied with the end product. I have worked on a few things for friends, but they have been pro-bono. They liked my
work, but I’m still not confident that someone paying thousands of dollars for it would share the same feeling.

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

P.S. Thank you Ramit for this great exercise!! it’s very eye opening.


Simon February 11, 2011 at 6:00 am

1. I am afraid of failing. Since a young age I have staked a large amount of my self esteem based on being intelligent and successful. I feel that failing at something will reduce self
esteem and cause me to lose stature among my friends and family.

2. I am afraid of choosing the wrong idea. Logically, I know that iteration and testing are the fastest ways to get results. But I don’t emotionally like the idea of potentially repeated
failures before I get to the right one.

3. “I am useless at organisation” This is a myth that I have perpetuated in my life, probably due to laziness – organise something poorly, and no one asks you to organise something

This exercise has allowed me to put these fears in words for the first time. Thanks Ramit.


Stewart Ward February 11, 2011 at 6:29 am

#1 – I am afraid I will go broke and into debt if I commit to any one thing too completely, whether it is going back to school at age 43 or sinking what is left of my savings into a

#2 – I’m afraid of failing at what I do try, so I don’t, I just dabble

#3 – I don’t want to be constrained by what a “job” represents. I want to make my own schedule and support myself. I have lots of time to make this happen but can’t focus on
where to start


Andre February 11, 2011 at 6:50 am

Script 1-

I don’t have the patience to explain to my wife my plans; I just want to do what I feel is necessary to be successful.

I don’t want to be rejected by my wife about plans for making making more money to pay off my debts and increase my savings.

I don’t want to engage in work I love that takes me to locations I enjoy but also takes me away from my son.


Richa February 11, 2011 at 6:56 am

I’m afraid people will think I’m not good enough. That they’ll see behind this persona I put up and realised that I’m not as sound in my domain/technology; or that I dont know how
to handle the situation.

And this is though I have PG degrees from the Best Indian Institutes, all my co-workers look up to me, and i’ve consistently delivered; and i’ve consistently been rated the top in
my team.

Yep, and I’m still scared I’m not good enough, even technically. And that holds me back in interviews. (i’m trying to get back into the work force after a sabattical).


Bhuvana February 11, 2011 at 8:46 am

1. I fear rejection. If I make a call, or after a meeting with a prospect if they do not respond to me it makes me very sad. I get emotional and feel rejected and hopeless.
2. My services may not measure up. People may not enjoy the session and may spread the word that it was a waste of time.
3. If I don’t offer my services at the price the prospect asks for, I may lose out on the business, it may go to somebody else or they may just choose not to do it at that cost. This is
knowing very well, that I face no real competition in my business.


Head February 11, 2011 at 9:07 am

1. I won’t find enough clients who pay for my services.

I have tried it with different services and contacted different prospects, followed leads, but I simply didn’t find enough people to talk to. This prevents me from optimizing my
pitch, testing how well my services are received and how useful my services actually are in real life.

2. I am not good enough to fulfill my client’s needs.

I may make mistakes and end up being liable for the damages caused. This is really irrational since a) I won’t accept a contract that I am unable to fulfill, and b) I do have a
freelancer liability insurance. However, fears are not rational.


Heather E. Ross February 11, 2011 at 10:30 am

My fears are:
Fear #1) I am afraid of earning the money I am capable of earning. I think this comes from having divorced parents: a free-spirited, “fun”, but always broke, Mom, and a highly
successful (seven figure income), very critical, often absent, Father. Part of the evidence that I have this script is that I have lived at the “poverty level” for my entire adult life,
although I am a highly creative, intelligent and skilled person. This fear manifested itself in a big way when I sold cosmetics for a big name company. I was able to generate leads,
but was afraid to follow up on them for the appointments. These were people who had given me their contact information so that I could call them for an appointment! Talk about
self-sabotage! Of course, as the leads grew colder, I got more scared to call. This led to a downward spiral of fear – and of income. With my new business, I am feeling the fear,
acknowledging it, and then making the calls, anyway. Nobody dies from making telephone calls. At least, that is what I tell myself : )

Fear #2) I will enjoy my business so much that I will want to leave my family and devote all of my time to it – making money, the attention, etc. I think this also comes from my
experience with my Father. I realized this fear after I returned home from some out of town for training. I was gone, by myself, for a week, had a great time, and lots of positive
feedback about my new business. When I got home, I was just Mom and Wife (usually very important titles to me) with clingy children (yeah, they missed me) laundry, dishes, and
cooking to do. Sigh. Since I returned home, I find that I am procrastinating more, especially with follow up, and yet, have also been more reluctant to do fun things with the children
(“gotta work, after all”). So, losing in both areas! The 80/20 rule has been helpful when it has come to the household chores, leaving me more time for work. (clean clothes and

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

dishes, nutritious food, and bathrooms are the 20% effort, 80% result, and are now part of family time, not just “Mom’s job”) The other thing I will do, is stop at “Stopping Time”. I
work from home, and have set hours, but I never want to stop. I will implement strategies #2 ($1000 Break – snow play with children?)and #1 ( Time Diary – Do productivity dense
activities) from IWT Susan Su’s Time and Motivation presentation from Earn 1K.

Fear #3) I will find out that I am a fraud. I think this goes back to critical Father, for whom I never measured up. The irony is that I love to analyze businesses, and apply better
practices to them, which is what he did, although on a much larger scale than I. This fear has kept me from telling my close associates, and extended family what I am doing for my
business, now. For me, this is another example of needing to “feel the fear, and do it anyway”. I am gaining confidence by practicing my “Me in 30 Seconds” speech. It sounds
better when people ask me what I do, to say, ” I provide creative, focused, and energetic career coaching, and coach clients to greater focus and success. With goal setting and
accountability, I help my clients to achieve their dreams”, instead of, “Umm, I , well, help people with their job search.”

I am grateful for this assignment!


Jay February 11, 2011 at 12:26 pm

Not enough time/too busy – A poor excuse…I always manage to make time for the things I really care about.

Content where I am/doing what I’m doing – blatent lie that I sometimes tell myself to feel better about my job

Not enough energy – this is just an excuse…

Unsure what direction to take – This is a big one. What’s the next step? Should I stay in London or move back to SF? Should I stay at my job or go to a new one? Should I start
another “side business” and try to generate income that way? At this point, I feel as though the best course of action is to take a few simple steps in each direction (apply for jobs in
SF & London at the same time, explore side businesses, etc), this way, I can take the path that seems most attractive with more information to back it up.

Too many other things going on – a full time job, a gym I own on the side, training for a marathon, a wife with a baby on the way. Funny thing is, I still waste just as much time on
email/nonsense as I used to…and when I really focus, I manage to create time out of thin air!

Fear underlies all this at some level. I’m scared of making a new change that might screw something up. I also am worried I might make the wrong choice and fail.


Chai February 11, 2011 at 12:44 pm

1. I want to earn more, but I don’t necessarily know if I will be able to deal with everything that that entails i.e. I’ll probably have a lot less free time. I’ll have to be a lot more
organized and responsible (which I’m told I’m not really capable of doing). I also don’t know if making more money will necessarily make me happier. When my parents became
significantly wealthier than they were before, I feel like although they were earning more money, other parts of their lives seemed to start falling apart. I don’t want to necessarily
give up what I have for this new life, when I don’t know what it will bring me. I guess bottom line- I’m scared to lose what I have. Hahaha Okay typing this out makes me feel a
little crazy for thinking this way.

What would I do to change this?: I’ve moved a couple times and I’ve studied away from my family- in a different country and city where I knew no one, and it was a really great
experience. So it’ not that I’m afraid to try new things, even if I’m thrown off the deep end. So then I guess I need to realize that making more money won’t mean that other things
in my life will start going south. This notion makes me realize that, whether or not I choose to see it, I sabotage myself frequently so I’m not “too” successful..

2. Earning more and being more successful will mean that people will have higher expectations of me, and I hate that. Whenever I’m good at something, and I stop doing it, people
are always so disappointed in me. For example, classical dancing and singing. I was really good at both, and now that I’m not into it anymore, I feel like people are always looking
at me thinking “What wasted potential!!” I don’t want people thinking I’m too good at something because when I choose to stop (out of fear of being too good and people having
too many expectations of me), I hate the dirty looks I feel like I get.

What would you do to change it?: I should probably stop analyzing things so much, and stop caring so much about what other people think, and focus more on what I want.


Lucy February 11, 2011 at 1:06 pm

(1) I have 101 ideas — and they’re all brilliant. But implementation is my issue. I’ll write ideas down. But getting through the execution stage is my main issue. The “How” is a
giant roadblock. I have the gumption, the will, the energy, and a positive, optimistic attitude — I just can’t seem to figure out the process to fully implement and see it through to
the end.

(2) I need to figure out a resolute unyielding process that will fit me, my personality, and my schedule. I currently have 3 jobs (multiple streams of income *wink-wink*) but I
would like to have a product or service that works for me in the background. The set up takes time and for me it’s much easier just to pick up another job, rather than having to
continue to work at it — and *not* make any money (even though I’m well aware of the fact that I’m trading time for dollars.)

(3) Building a team I believe would help me. I currently have a virtual assistant, but they can only do so much. I’m a great at delegation, but I don’t think I’m spending my time in
the right areas — the areas that yield results. I feel like there’s a lot of “Two steps forward, one step back” in my life.


Jason February 11, 2011 at 1:33 pm

There’s a project I’m working on at the moment that I am certain will make me ridiculous amounts of money. I know this because the woman who contracted me to build her a
utility for her business told me after it was done that I could sell it for ridiculous amounts of money to other people in her industry.

1. I don’t know everything there is to know about web security and best practices.
I have been working as a programmer for 10 years, but I’ve always been working FOR someone. I always had someone else to do the fancy stuff, like make sure the site was
secure, make sure the server was redundant, and decide on the framework we would use to code with. Something that keeps coming back to my mind is that I’ve never done the
architecture myself, so I’m afraid I’m going to expose too much or not hack-proof the site enough.

2. My second fear is that the company will get so big I can’t handle it and then it will crumble and people will sue me. That’s almost a fear of failure disguised as a fear of success.

3. I can’t get the product to a stage that I feel like I can sell it yet.
This is a lie that I keep telling myself, and all it’s doing is crippling me. If I automate production of the product into my life, it will get done. Also, I don’t need to make it all shiny
and glittery to get people to sell it. People will buy it first because it works better and for less money than the couple competitors I have. I will always be improving it. I’m a tinkerer
by nature. This will be the easiest to solve. I will finish the one piece we want to get working quickly, and then my partner and I will sit down and develop sales goals. People will
buy it.


Matthew February 11, 2011 at 2:51 pm

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

1. I am afraid that I will be fired from my current job for moonlightng and conflict of interest.

2. I am afraid that I will become broke and homeless.

3. I am afraid that other will ridicule me for my failure.


Andrey February 11, 2011 at 4:01 pm

I have idea, BUT I can’t focus on it because I am not motivated enough because I have enough money for basic needs and I’m not really obsessed with anything ambitious above
So, “I’m not really obsessed with anything ambitious” – is the key script. It causes other justifications why I can’t do it… Hmm..I realise it only now after I have the 5-minute


Christina February 11, 2011 at 4:24 pm

1. My current clients, many of them long-term clients and family of friends, or family friends, will leave me if I raise my rates. I also feel like I’m not worth raising my rates – even
though they’ve been the same for 5 years.

2. If I start charging more, I will have to produce better products – and I don’t think I have the talent for that. I can combat this by hiring people who can do the work better for me,
if I’m paid more. So… this can take care of itself.

3. I’m not entirely sure what I need to do to get my other business idea off the ground. I have some initial steps in mind, but I don’t know where the money is going to come from to
pay the people to build the product for me (it’s software, and I’m not a programmer) because I’m in debt.


Michelle Steinke February 11, 2011 at 6:31 pm

#1 I don’t feel I have the time. My current job is paid per line and it requires I dedicate myself to it more than 8 hours per day to make a decent living. I would love to get
something that pays better, but can’t sacrifice the time away from my job.

#2 I haven’t found a product or service that I feel would benefit other people enough to charge them.

#3 I don’t like selling to people


Sean February 11, 2011 at 6:54 pm

1) How do I balance ambition (making money) with simple living?

2) Fear of failure and rejection
3) Fear of the motive of earning money may control important life decisions in my personal life.


PureMouse February 11, 2011 at 6:55 pm

(I know this is much delayed; but not only is it better late than never; i’m doing it for the exercise of it)
Script #1 – If I call all the people on my list, every single one of them will not only hate me, they will stop being my friend, they will yell at me and make me feel bad; and,
obviously, they will tell me no. (I’m in direct sales-think Tupperware). I am a very self-aware, self-examining, inrospective person. I pondered my inability to force myself to get on
the phone for months and talked it out with some good friends who let me ramble, because I process best out loud. I have been dabbling in this business which is offering a
phenomenal product and an amazing income opportunity at a ground-floor level for almost 3 years because I am afraid of becoming “that girl” and irritating and upsetting everyone
I know.

Script #2 – I would never be able to maintain $50/hour rates or enough clients to maintain a livable income. Going through the Goals worksheet helped me realize how ridiculous it
sounds/feels to me to say “In one year I will be working 5 hours a week at $100/hour.” It has manifested by me not actually doing anything productive towards launching myself to
the general public to get this idea off the ground.

Script #3 – I write like a 5th grader, or maybe a 9th grader, but no one will ever want to read my books. I finished a novel in November, I started another in January. I have a
non-fiction book started in a notebook that has been laying around for over a year. I blog sporadically. I realized I had this because I finally shared that finished novel with a few
people and every time I see them I wait for them to say “I finished your book. It was ok.” Because they are my friends and would never outright say “Oh my gawd, that book
SUCKED!” So I have not edited or looked at my book since I finished it. I have not returned to my second novel to continue working on it. I have not worked on my non-fiction
book or the 2nd non-fiction project I have in mind. I continue to blog only sporadically.

You asked for a story!


Andy February 11, 2011 at 7:07 pm

I am pretty good with my finances from a traditional 9-5 job point of view, but for years I have wanted to break through the constraints of a day job with outside source(s) of
income. The scripts that hold be back from pursuing this dream:

1) I fear looking foolish following, then failing with, what others would perceive as a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. (The internal father figure saying “Quit dreaming and get to work with
your ‘real’ job”)

2) Finding the limits of what I am capable of doing, and discovering that I am not that creative and talented after all. In a standard 9 – 5 job, it is easy to excuse performance limits
on the job environment. It is harder to do that in a work environment of my own creation.

3) Finding that value I can bring to others is not actually worth very much.


ADoodle February 11, 2011 at 7:09 pm

1. I’m good but is it enough? What if I do something to make myself look dumb? Everyone’s always lauding the program I graduated from because it’s top-ranked, but I feel I
hardly learned anything since many professors don’t excel at teaching and I didn’t put in enough effort. I haven’t done much to make up for this self-perceived skill deficiency and

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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money

I worry people will realize I’m a fraud.

2. I’ll have to be social and talk to people I don’t know and it will be awkward for me. Recently I met an alum from my school who referred me to a friend of his and gave me his
number. I couldn’t work up the courage to cold-call this guy for an informational interview and knew I’d need to get past his secretary too; calling someone I don’t know paralyzes
me. At least in email I can be more eloquent and in person I can gauge their nonverbal responses and pause to collect my thoughts.
3. I’m afraid of committing to an idea and then losing interest in it. I’ve come up with lots of little great business ideas but didn’t pursue most of them because even though I liked
the ideas, I wasn’t interested enough in them to want to do it long-term.


Jim February 11, 2011 at 7:29 pm

Interesting exercise Ramit, it’s been good to get these scripts out of my head and onto paper/screen – it’s giving me ideas already about how to overcome them.

1) I’m afraid I’ll spend time developing my business ideas only to either get distracted and start on something else, or find that people don’t like my products/ services and I will
have wasted that time. This script means I have a whole list of business ideas that I have worked a little on, or even a fair amount in some cases, but have never committed to
following through to see if they would make money. Unfortunately, I think this then limits one’s new ideas, i.e. “Why even spend time thinking about business idea X, when you
know it’ll get abandoned like the other ideas”

2) I’m afraid that my ideas are too simplistic and not ambitious enough:-they’ll take a fair amount of time to develop and start selling, but will only give me a poor income. I’ve
already spent time and money engineering a way to produce a product for a market I know exists, but I think is too small to ever make much money from. I still want to do the
project, but with my current financial situation think that I should spend my time on something else that will make me more money.

3) I’m afraid that some of my business ideas will just fill the World up with even more information, or worse, products that will eventually become landfill.That bothers me on some
level. I’m an engineer and like to make stuff, but with a rapidly increasing World population the fact that a lot of the things I would like to make and sell are unsustainable stops me.

Hmm. Food for thought, but it’s probably time for some action instead!



Cindy February 11, 2011 at 9:41 pm

1. I hate failing — It’s hard to embrace failing when the world always root for success. Instead, embrace failure. By playing it too safe and never allowing myself the opportunity to
fail, I’m robbing a lot of valuable lessons from myself.

2. I am not marketable — This is a demonstration of the lack of self-confidence. I would be out of job if I’m not marketable. Clearly, someone is already paying me to do something
that for them; something which generates them more money than they pay me for. I just need to translate that skill set into something of value to other people.

3. I don’t follow things through — Stop overthinking. Just do it.


Rahn Amitai February 11, 2011 at 10:39 pm

1) I have no ideas that are worth pursuing.

2) I have no real marketable, technical skills that I can use.

3) Afraid that if I start something and it fails that it will kill my budget and leave me broke.


Chris Brooks February 11, 2011 at 11:00 pm

1. If history is any predictor of the past I know that I will stick with my idea for a week or two, but then loose interest.

2. I don’t have the cash to start it

3. I’m fearful I will let my negative self talk get in my way

Every single one of these are just an excuse. There is never enough time, you have to make the time and its time for me to finally do that. Start small and see where it goes


Andrew Eaton February 12, 2011 at 12:05 am

“I’m not good enough.”

I’ve been a personal trainer for 20 years. I’ve passed 6 national certification courses, and run the fitness programs for two different exclusive health clubs. I am completely aware
that I am better educated and more experienced than 9 of every 10 trainers I know. Yet, I continue to suffer a disconnect… I know several idiots in my field who couldn’t train a
dog to sit, yet they drive BMWs and Hummers. One side of my brain says I should be charging $100/session, because I know I deliver at least that much value, but the other side
says I’d lose my clients. In a nutshell, because I have self-doubt, I don’t believe that my customers will see more in me than I do. (I did raise my rates last year – for some by
$10/session, and no-one batted an eye… yet I still cringe at the idea of doing it again a year later)

“I don’t know enough.”

I write workouts every week. I have for years. I have enough material for a book full of follow-along workouts that would take six months to finish, but I don’t know how to get it
to market. I have no list. No real online presence. I buy online courses all the time, but then I don’t even go through them! Again, a self-confidence issue. I don’t believe I can
compete with the mass of information that is already available, so I quit before I really start trying.

“I have no support.”

My wife is a dream killer. Every time I get excited about something and begin to take action, she sh*ts on the idea. I began writing a book two years ago, and she asked, ‘what do
you have to offer that isn’t already out there?’ I enrolled in a business coaching program, and began taking some small actions; she told me that I’ve had the same dreams for 10
years and they’re never going to come true. The relationship dynamic is very difficult for me; she makes about 10% of what I do, and contributes none of it to the
household/family, but constantly complains that there’s not enough money for better insurance, for a new car, etc. The relationship only feeds my own self-doubt – because I allow
it to, no doubt. I have wondered if I self-limit my own earnings because it means I can’t afford to make a change in my relationship status.

I recently entered into a partnership to develop a new venture; I was personally selected to run the fitness/exercise component because my partner believes in me… and I’m having

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the hardest time staying driven because everything in my brain is telling me that it will never work, even though the model exists elsewhere and is profitable, despite being run
poorly. I’m terrified to disappoint my partner, so I’m doing my best to work through my own self-sabotaging beliefs.

Thanks to everyone who also shared; I realize that I am not alone in limiting myself!


Joe February 12, 2011 at 12:26 am

My fears are not unique — they boil down to time, money, and belief that I can add value.

1) I don’t have enough time to start a/multiple side businesses. Any time I take takes time away from my family, and I’m already struggling to keep up. I don’t want to have yet
another thing that interferes with my family time — a thing which I already think is too short
2) I can’t spare the money to set up a business if it fails. I have debts to pay off and am barely making enough to cover expenses right now. If I invest a bunch of money in a
business and it fails, it will be problematic (but honestly, when I think about it, this one comes back to time as well, because I could dig myself out of a hole, it just takes more time)
3) I don’t have anything good enough to offer. Since my interests and attention are so varied, I really don’t have deep expertise in any one area, so I don’t feel like I can charge (or
if I can charge, I can’t charge much) for services


Sean February 12, 2011 at 2:47 am

1) I don’t have an idea that will add value or get people to separate with enough of their money to make it worth my time. I’ve been out of school less than two years, and the
limited professional experience I have is very specialized and I’m unsure how I would be able to apply it to create a secondary source of income. I could use more general skills I
have to create some side income, but I don’t see them being worth the time. For instance, I’m proficient in writing and editing technical reports, but how do I get people to pay for
that? Who do I market to? Will I give people enough value for what I’m wanting to charge?

2) I don’t have enough time.

Take for instance the fact that I’m writing a response to this thread three days after Ramit originally sent the email. On a Friday night. And I probably would have not gotten to it
tonight if I had something better to do at the moment. I’m also currently working toward getting my MBA, which at times requires a lot of attention. It would be difficult to
prioritize between commitments I have made to clients and school work. Especially considering most of the assignments for school involve team assignments, which would make
these my first priority. Lastly, maintaining personal relationships that are lacking my attention as it is currently.

3) I’m running out of excuses.


DEB February 12, 2011 at 4:12 am

It’s crass to make a lot of money.

There are things more important than money.
It’s not ladylike to make a lot of money


Joy February 12, 2011 at 12:08 am

1. I will go into debt to start & run the business, then it will fail because I don’t market/promote right, I don’t know enough people or the right people, I’m afraid to promote the
products I sell. It’s happened before which is why I’m in $10K debt now.
I realized I had this script because it’s haunted me every single time I thought of moving forward with other business ideas. It’s not that my products were bad – in fact everyone
who tried or purchased them loved them – it’s that I didn’t know how to get the word out and I was too scared. But I feel stuck…as if I can’t move to the next venture until I know
I’ve given the current one another try – at least with improved marketing.
To change this: I will use different/tech savvy marketing & promotion methods since it’s been a year and I know A LOT more people who could benefit from what I sell. Next, I
will show those I know how they can benefit and ask for referrals. Finally, I will get over my fear of debt! But I HATE to owe anybody ANYTHING!

2. I don’t feel I deserve payment for what I offer…it’s like I’m not good enough to speak-up. I fear that people will look at me but won’t take me seriously because of my image,
gender, and nationality.
I realized I had this script when someone else asked why I speak so timidly when offering my solution to a problem in a professional setting, but having no problem blurting it out in
a more relaxed atmosphere because I’m not shy by any means. This script came from not being taken seriously – or being ignored even though I was correct – it made me feel
inadequate and undeserving.
To change this: I will just speak up – I don’t care what people think any other time. I am intelligent, articulate, and knowledgeable. I stay updated on my products and the latest
items/changes in the industry.


Ajay February 12, 2011 at 3:25 am

1.) I need to have a blog and some brand value before I start charging people.

2.) I need to have a web-site and some testimonials (which can be had from free clients) before people will actually give me work.

3.) If I focus in free-lancing than my job will suffer which is my bread and butter and I will be neither here nor there.


Thomas February 12, 2011 at 9:42 am

1. I’m not good at talking with people and I’m afraid that this will prevent me from succeeding.

2. I feel disorganized and am afraid of failing to deliver on promises/commitments due to stuff getting lost or forgotten in the general mess (room, desk, inbox).

3. I am afraid of putting a lot of time into developing a product/service and then being unable to make money from it.


Thomas February 12, 2011 at 10:28 am

I reread the instructions and realized I didn’t say enough:

1. I’m not good at talking with people and I’m afraid that this will prevent me from succeeding. My ordinary fear is compounded by the fact that I live in a country where I’m

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not a native speaker of the language. This fear of social interaction has led me to pursue internet-based ideas, even though I know my best opportunities to make money
would be in dealing with local people directly. Half of this problem will be gone soon, as I’m moving back to my home country, but I still need to get over my fear of talking
to people, especially when its trying to sell something.

2. I feel disorganized and am afraid of failing to deliver on promises/commitments due to stuff getting lost or forgotten in the general mess. Case in point how late I am to do
the homework for this day of the course. I didn’t even open the email until today, and I still have day 4 and 5 waiting in the inbox.

My room and workspace are messy and when I walk home to the mess I just don’t feel like doing anything. I know from past experience that when my workspace is clean, I
feel better and can think more clearly. I just can’t seem to keep everything clean and organized. I have a couple hours to myself everyday after work, and I tell myself that
this is the only time I have to relax and I don’t want to waste my precious relax time with cleaning, organizing, or otherwise doing what I should be doing.

I know how to fix this. I need to find a way to make cleaning my workspace the default activity I do when I get home from work.

3. I am afraid of putting a lot of time into developing a product/service and then being unable to make money from it.

My friend and I built a webapp that is offered as a free service, and we plan to introduce a premium service soon. I’m not confident it will work out and be profitable. If I
start a freelance business, I’m worried about similarly putting a lot of effort into developing my service and not make any money from it..


TinaLouise February 12, 2011 at 11:58 am

1. Fear of failure – why do I let this hold me back? there is NO good reason, I guess it’s something we are conditioned to feel
2. Self doubt – I know I have a lot to offer but somehow that little voice creeps in….
3. Fear of rejection – as I read this I think how dumb am I being?!


karen February 12, 2011 at 12:14 pm

1) if I am successful, I will end up alone…usually successful people have more friends than fewer friends…

2) I don’t know where to start–how to find a good idea that doesn’t require that I am involved in every step of the process-such as making things and selling them…

3) I don’t want to get tied down to something…I am tired down now to a job I hate–asting my precious life…


Dan February 12, 2011 at 2:01 pm

1. Fear of failure, but not of failing itself but rather of letting somebody else (or myself) down. What if I can’t deliver on a promise? What if I mess up something important that
somebody is relying on? This scares me. The thing is, I have successfully done some crazy things which I never thought I’d be able to do (eg, I built a billing system for telcos in my
last job, something that if it went wrong could cost people a lot of money) and theres never been any problems I wasn’t prepared for or capable of dealing with. Knowing this still
doesn’t make it any easier for me.

2. Fear of doing the wrong thing and then being tied down. I have a lot of inter-related interests that I have trouble living without – if I try, my mind quickly wanders and I find
myself spending time tinkering about with one other than what I _should_ be working on. I’m afraid that if I dedicate my time to something to build a business around it, that I’ll be
too busy or tied down to spend time with all the many other things I like to tinker with (you know, and still have a normal life besides ). what if I chose the wrong thing? What if
working on that other thing would make me happier?

3. A lot of other things scare me too: what if I can’t find anybody else to work with (as I wrote in a comment above, I work much better with others), what if I don’t know enough
about business (I’m a techie, not a business guy…) or law or banking or whatever. What if I’m not organized enough or not motivated enough or can’t keep to the deadlines. I am
terribly disorganized a lot of the time and spend too much time procrastinating, which in turn only makes things worse because then I really am under time pressure, which is
demoralizing and.. makes you procrastinate even more. Life is full of vicious cycles!


Raina February 12, 2011 at 3:40 pm

1. Fear of losing all my ‘me/family’ time. I’ve spent a lot of years with extremely weekends/free nights while studying fulltime and working and raising a family single-handed; and
now I work fulltime but have managed to have some nights and weekends off. If I grow my freelancing business then I’m scared I won’t have any of that time anymore.

2. Being isolated. I don’t want to give up my dayjob as a) I enjoy it immensely and b) I enjoy the contact with other people, and the nature of freelancing means long hours working
alone often. Now I think about this, there are ways around it, such as co-locating with other freelancers, but these options are expensive, and the times don’t always work out well
for me.

3. Putting all my ‘eggs’ into the proverbial freelancing basket, and then not having the fulltime job to fall back on. As a sole parent, I’m really aware that I need to not take huge
risks that can impact negatively on my family, so I would like to keep my uni job and keep the time I spend on contract work manageable until I know for sure that it is going to
work out.


Melissa February 12, 2011 at 4:21 pm

1. I might fail miserably.

I know it’s better to try, but the thought of putting everything I have into my business and winding up having less than I do now, scares the hell out of me!

2. I’m not good enough.

Naysayers in my life mean well by being afraid for me, but I’ll never know if I dont do it

3.I don’t have enough (time/money/space etc.)

Trust me, I get sick of hearing myself whine, too…


Tina February 12, 2011 at 10:11 pm

1. I’m afraid I’m not cut out to be an entrepreneur. I’ve always tended to go with the flow and I do have a job (albeit a part time one), so I would lose out on income if I were to
take a big risk with my own business.

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2. I’m afraid that I won’t get much business after making a lot of effort to get things going. I’ve set up a website, I’ve done some networking, I’m learning all I can about marketing
from a legal perspective, and I’m trying to bolster my knowledge of the new bankruptcy rules and procedures.

3. I’m afraid that clients won’t pay for certain services, like legal marketing assistance, or they think I’m overcharging because there aren’t a lot of others offering these services to


Nate February 13, 2011 at 12:00 am

1. I’m not a good enough programmer to create any websites or software that’s of value to others

I already have, though! Yet this feeling persists… Sometimes I think that it’s positive for driving me forward to further knowledge and skill, but it always undercuts my confidence
in my abilities.

2. I’m not social enough to reach out and expand my circle of contacts

I don’t make friends easily, and since I moved two years ago I haven’t really met anyone new because I haven’t tried. I plan to move to a different apartment complex where it’ll
be easier because it will be populated by people more my age and social group.

3. I’m not good enough to finish anything

I start things easily, but have difficulty following through once the initial burst of passion has worn off, especially for projects that require learning a lot of new skills. Setting
schedules has helped, but I need to just cut down on the number of things I’m doing and hunker down on one at a time.


Michael February 13, 2011 at 12:25 am

1. I don’t have any special skills or time to earn money on the side.
2. My “big idea” requires too much time and money that I don’t have to risk.
3. I have a family and need to focus on the security of my job.


Erwan February 13, 2011 at 5:49 am

#1 Can’t say no
I can’t say no to the business, even if its the one requiring 80% of time for 20% of income. That is ridiculous but since I’m not dedicated at100% on my own business, I cannot
refuse work since I need savings before droping my full time job.

#2 Two many ideas, I’m not not focused on the best one
Since I do not know the one that is the best one, I’m working on several ideas. I need to focus on only one, and probably here is the difficulty. How do you choice between instinct,
results, and potential ??


Aubrey February 13, 2011 at 11:22 am

1. Failing, putting myself out there, committing money to inventory, having it flop
2. Damaging my reputation: tied to #1, want to be seen as a success, but isn’t it better to be “the man in the are” as T. Roosevelt said, than a timid soul who’s never tried and failed.
I believe this, but the fear of being seen as a failure is powerful stuff
3. Spending too much barking up the wrong tree, money and time, the only answer to this is to try things, talk to people, gather market intelligence before investing lots of either.


GJ February 13, 2011 at 2:03 pm

#1 I’m very good at the services that I provide to my customers. I suck at all the other things around running a business, all to do with administration. I hate it hate it hate it. And it
costs me time and money, because I shove it to the side until it’s a gigantic issue that needs to be addressed NOW.

#2 I have been afraid to go out on my own; I’ve hooked up with business partners over the years, and it hasn’t worked out. I SHOULD go it alone.

#3 I’m very cautious about spending money, both personally and on the business side. I wouldn’t mind spending money on e.g. a marketing campaign, but I can’t get over the hump
where I’d be wasting money. I don’t like dealing with things that cannot be measured and / or steered properly during the project. I know this is possible (to stick with marketing as
an example), but I’m a really small fish; how much of a PITA can I be when I would grudgingly allot the equivalent of a car payment to a marketing campaign? I’ve been burned
before with a multi-$K expense on marketing that gave me absolutely nothing in return. Never again.

#3 ties in with #1, because I don’t understand marketing, so it’s something I don’t like to deal with, and I cannot determine if I’m getting value if someone else does it, until it’s too

There must be a better way to get the right people involved that I can trust to work with me to a goal of running a successful business.


Deeneaux February 13, 2011 at 5:58 pm

#1 Success

#2 Failure

#3 Lack of action- I will clean (my room, house, kitchen,etc.) rather than do what I am supposed to do. Did it as a kid in school when I was supposed to study for test, and I find
myself having the same behavior as an adult.


TJM February 13, 2011 at 7:44 pm

1. I’m afraid I’m not good enough at Shiatsu to charge people for my services.
Answer: This is crazy! When I work at the intern clinic people often give me their phone number and want to pay me to work on them.

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2. I don’t have enough time to focus on this as a part time job.

Answer: The truth is, that I have plenty of time. My problem is that I don’t know where to start, or what to do first in order to set up my life so I can start earning money doing this.

3. I don’t have a place where I can work on someone.

Answer: I can work at people’s houses until I find a place.


Michael February 13, 2011 at 8:45 pm

Short and simple:

My three invisible scripts. The three fears that are stopping me from taking action.
1) is what I’m about to do the most important thing I could possibly be doing?
2) what if it doesn’t work out?
3) I don’t want to screw up this big idea






Elisha February 14, 2011 at 1:19 pm

My three invisible scripts are:

1. I do not have the time, money and resources to do it.
2. I do not have the skills or expertise to accomplish it.
3. Can I really do it?


Matt February 14, 2011 at 4:44 pm

1. I’m not worth that much. I don’t hold my abilities in high enough esteem, or (perhaps more accurately), I don’t think of them in terms of the value they can provide for others, so
I feel like I’d be swindling someone if I asked them to pay me a lot.

2. I’m not skilled enough. I’m “good” at a lot of things, but I’m definitely not an “expert” in any of them. I think: “How can I call myself a _______, if I haven’t been working at it
for a long time.

3. Selling is corrupt. I intuitively think of selling as convincing someone to buy something they don’t really want or need; therefore, it’s morally repugnant to me. Of course, we
know this is not the case — if you create value for others, you’re doing a great thing — yet this is how my unchaperoned mind works.


Matt February 14, 2011 at 4:53 pm

To change:
Instead of thinking about my feelings about my abilities, recast them in terms of the value they can provide for others. As Ramit drills into our heads, you don’t have to be
able to solve every problem, you just have to be able to solve someone’s (your client’s) problem. To do the former, you’d have to be an expert; to do the latter, you need only
be good.

I’m going to write out all the things that I pay for, what value they provide for me, and how the providers use their understanding of my wants/needs to sell me their
products/services. I just need to start thinking about value.

Value, value, value.


Kamila February 15, 2011 at 9:30 am

Okay, let’s face the truth!

1. The script: Everything I do has to be PERFECT. / I’m a hopeless perfectionist so I always think – I’m not good enough. This is because I’ve always set up too high standards for
myself and wanted to immediately be equally as good as people who’ve been doing their “thing” for many many years. But I’ve been working on this for the last few months and I
already see it’s done me good to understand that a “step by step” approach is far superior to the “all or nothing” I used to cling to.

2. The script: I’m not ready yet. I just need to learn about this thing/get better/earn a higher degree and then I’ll be ready … / What more can I say about this one? It’s
self-explanatory, I think. This one simply reads: FEAR

3. The script: I’m going to fail no matter what I do. / This is my mother’s (and her family’s ) voice telling me I’m good for nothing. I’ll be very honest here and tell you that, in my
case, taking action into my hands meant admitting I have a serious problem and enrolled for therapy. I don’t feel 100% comfortable with that but the truth is it is not the right
thinking. I just keep telling myself ever day: This is not the sign of weakness – this is taking action into your own hands

Good luck everyone



Nick Goddard February 15, 2011 at 11:23 am

1) I don’t know how to sell myself, This is my biggest fear, I have no idea of how to find people/companies who would like my ideas/services and then if I did find them how I can
then persuade them that they should use my services

2) I’m not a good finisher, I have problems with finishing things and worry that I might let clients down

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Benjamin February 16, 2011 at 7:49 am

1. I constantly push away what’s important so to avoid it and fill my time with the unimportant. Every important task seems huge, I’d rather spend my time procrastinating, reading
blogs, writing blogs, sorting email, reading books, rather than working on making more money. It’s always in the back of my mind, burning through, wanting me to play with it!

2. I give in to doing ‘nothing’ with friends and flatmates whenever they want to do something. I feel obliged to go to the supermarket with them when they ask and spend two hours
of my afternoon in there rather than spending ten minutes in the corner shop by myself that evening. I feel obliged to watch TV with my flatmates in the evening for upwards of 4-5
hours despite the fact that if alone I wouldn’t even go near it.

3. I fear ‘success’ and what success brings. I’ve not been comfortable since moving out of my parents house five years ago. At university, I moved flat every year, and in the past
year and a half I have lived in three places – including on a sofa for five months – while working three different low-paid retail jobs despite despite my 2:1 in Marketing. I fear if I
was to work hard to achieve the business and the life I dream of it would bring change all over again. I just want to be settled – not physically – in my mind.


Jillian Kilpatrick February 17, 2011 at 1:33 pm

#1- I’m 26 and I don’t have a college degree- no one will ever take my skills seriously.

#2- I’ve let people down before, I must not be trustworthy enough to be that responsible.

#3- There’s no way I’m as capable as I sometimes convince myself I am, I have to be fooling myself.


Anna February 17, 2011 at 3:10 pm

“There’s so much competition out there. How will I stand out?”

“I’m not an expert, so why would anyone listen to me?”

“A lot of people say how great I am at x, but I see so many more people who are much better at x than I am. I feel like a charlatan.”

Those are my top three.


mia February 17, 2011 at 3:51 pm

1. “I’m 40 years old and have never been successful in business, so why should success happen to me now?” –I know successful people, but I’m not sure how they did it and I am
shy to ask them to tell me how they did it. Like success is some elusive goal that is only achieved by others, right after walking on water.

2. “I will be successful if I do X” and the X is always never clearly defined. It’s a moving, changing target. I think these words/actions just serve as procrastination points, it seems.
Now that I am looking at what is behind these words, it is clear that this is a stall tactic. I used to think of it as a part of a planning process. Line these things up in a row, then
“Boom”! Success is mine. Ya, no.

3. “I need a bunch of money to start a business.” Nope, I see now: I need 3 clients. I put too much time into getting a website, bizcards, researching this, that & the other. How
about getting the client?

Just seems like I shot myself in the foot with the last one: NOW I see what I need…to invest in myself. Before I “invested” in the business. Well, several thousand dollars of CC
debt later, I get it!

Never again! When I get out from under this CC debt, I’ve got a plan:
1. Invest in me by getting Earn 1K. It only makes sense.
2. Redefine success and orient my thoughts thusly.
3. Keep moving forward.


elisabeth February 17, 2011 at 4:40 pm

My first fear is that I have an stable job now and in Spain is very difficult to find a new job if me business idea have not good results. I will marry in one month and now leave my
work and start a project is difficult.

And other fear is that I am 27 years and I feel that people could think that I am young to have experience in marketing and comunication and do not obtain the confidence and the
image for a respectable freelance.
(sorry for my english I am working to improve it)


Tsz February 18, 2011 at 6:35 pm

1. Cost. One of my new year resolution is to invest in myself, so right now, I’m trying to figure out whether it is more prudent to pay for this course or to use the amount to pay off
student loans or to travel abroad (I’ve yet to leave the country and I’m already 25).

2. Competition. I’m a graphic designer and my biggest hurdle isn’t doing the work but rather getting my clients to understand the value of design. Most people unfortunately
believes design is slapping text on a sheet of paper and that they can do it themselves. Or that it’s so fun to design that they do see the need to pay in the first place. In reality,
branding can make or break a company because just like a person’s appearance, it’s the first and often lasting impression presented to the world.

3. Failing. I’m afraid I’ll fail. Especially when my peers with the more sensible jobs are steadily moving up in their career. Excuse I know… but it’s still a major concern.


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Identify your 3 “invisible scripts” about earning more money


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30-Day Hustling Course

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