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Dribble, dish

and swish
After surgery, local 9-year-old
to participate in skills contest/D1

Today’s high: 70°

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2011  50 CENTS Details on C6

Always go take
part in

with your
feral cats

gut instinct.
Six extra people were seated
on the dais during Wednesday
night’s Yuma City Council meet-
They are Kofa High School
BY SARAH WOMER, SUN STAFF WRITER students who had shadowed the
mayor and city councilmembers
during the week to get a taste of
city government, a government
That’s the strategy that Pamela Pircaro at Harvest Prep, explained that Pamela’s nounce these words, please’ — that was they will be supporting in a few
took to heart Wednesday as she mulled knowledge of words and their origins is really the extent of my help.” short years as taxpayers.
over the correct spelling of “kasha” absolutely amazing. “I think she could Pamela commented that she had been And what a taste they got, as
during the final round of the 2011 Yuma have gone on and on all day spelling the council again took up the is-
in spelling bees since third grade and had sue of a proposed animal control
County Spelling Bee. words correctly.” placed second in last year’s Yuma County
Pamela, an eighth-grader at Harvest Pamela’s father, Mark Pircaro, agreed ordinance to address the feral cat
Spelling Bee. explosion in the city.
Preparatory Academy, accurately spelled with Myers and said he is very proud of
“kasha” after also giving the correct his daughter’s accomplishment. She admitted that a contributing factor As it has been over the last sev-
to being the runner-up last year was she eral months - and years - the sub-
spelling of the word “angstrom,” which When asked what he did to help Pamela ject was contentious.
was misspelled by runner-up Tatyana to prepare, he responded, “She did the didn’t understand the pronunciation of
the word. That is why this year, Pamela Several people, often the same
Martynova. overwhelming majority of the work. She ones who had spoken up dur-
Abigail Myers, a sixth-grade teacher just gave me a list and said, ‘Here, pro- SEE SPELL/A5 ing previous meetings, again
pleaded their case for city sup-
port of trap, neuter, release as
the humane way to control the
feral cat population. Others were
just as passionate against TNR,
SPELL LIKE A CHAMPION arguing that a neutered feral cat
is still a feral cat, roaming the
neighborhood, defecating in gar-

protocol pacifism
dens, spraying on property, kill-
ing songbirds and posing a public
noun noun health hazard.
Mayor Al Krieger had a heated
1: an original draft, minute, or record of a 1: opposition to war or violence as a means of exchange with TNR advocate Lid-
dy Causey about the fate of feral
document or transaction settling disputes; specifically : refusal to bear cats that have been neutered and
Language of origin: Middle French, from arms on moral or religious grounds released into colonies.
Medieval Latin protocollum, from Late Greek, Language of origin: French When asked how TNR controls
feral cat populations, Causey ex-
from Greek, perhaps akin to Middle Dutch Spelled incorrectly by the third-place winner, plained that the cats die off from
Spelled incorrectly by the fourth-place winner last year’s winner natural causes or are killed by

angstrom kasha
To that Krieger responded,
“What is the difference between
noun noun natural death and euthanization?
Why subject the community to
1: a unit of length equal to one ten-billionth of a 1: a porridge made usually from buckwheat groats
PHOTOS BY CRAIG FRY/YUMA SUN the cats?” Student Ryan Irons
PAMELA PIRCARO,  an eighth-grader at weighed in with the question:
meter Language of origin: Russian “Wouldn’t it be more humane to
Harvest Preparatory Academy, reacts with a
Origin: Proper name Spelled correctly by the first-place winner put them down than have them
smile after winning the 2011 Yuma County hit by a car?”
Spelled incorrectly by the second-place winner Spelling Bee Wednesday. It’s a case of life or death, Cau-
Spelled correctly by the first-place winner sey answered.
Source: Merriam-Webster Online, first definitions only listed SEE CATS/A5

Official: Gunmen knew ICE

agents were law officers
ASSOCIATED PRESS Details emerging Wednesday ICE in 2006 and served on the Hu-
indicated that while the gunmen man Smuggling and Trafficking
MEXICO CITY — Gunmen who may have known they were shoot- Unit and the Border Enforcement
shot up an SUV carrying two ing law enforcement officers, they Security Task Force.
U.S. immigration agents, killing had not sought out the two agents. The agents were most likely
one, knew they were attacking Jaime Zapata, 32, special agent in the wrong place at the wrong
law enforcement officers judging for Immigration and Customs time Tuesday, driving a vehicle
from comments they made before Enforcement, died and a second coveted by drug cartels, in what
opening fire, a U.S. official told agent, Victor Avila, was wounded is now the most high-profile at-
Tuesday when they were attacked tack on U.S. lawmen in Mexico
The Associated Press on Wednes-
on a four-lane federal highway af- since the 1985 torture and killing
day. ter, according to a Mexican offi-
The law enforcement official, of DEA agent Enrique “Kiki” Ca-
cial, they stopped at a roadblock. marena. PHOTO BY JARED DORT/YUMA SUN
who agreed to discuss the case The official wouldn’t speak on the MAYRA PRECIADO  (center) looks at YPD Chief Jerry Geier while Mayor
only on condition of anonymity, “That was clearly one of an
record because he was not autho- agent being targeted,” former Alan Krieger and City Administrator Greg Wilkinson applaud during a
refused to reveal the specific com- rized to speak publicly about the
ments but said the blue Suburban
U.S. Ambassador to Mexico An- special presentation to Preciado at City Hall Wednesday night to honor her
case. tonio Garza said of Camarena in
had diplomatic plates that may Zapata, previously with the
for calling in a suspicious vehicle that turned out to be driven by a wanted
a statement. “Yesterday’s murder sex offender in another state.
have indicated who was on board. Border Patrol in Yuma, joined appears to be lower-level cartel
members acting with the inten-

Woman honored by
tion of robbery or extortion.”

Agent killed was once a Border Patrol U.S. Homeland Security Sec-
retary Janet Napolitano and At-
torney General Eric Holder an-
agent stationed in Yuma
Yuma police chief
nounced a joint task force led by
the FBI to help Mexico find the
Special Agent Jaime Zapata, 32, man Smuggling and Trafficking Unit killers. The State Department
began his federal law enforcement as well as the Border Enforcement also expressed confidence in the
career in Yuma Security Task Force. ability of President Felipe Calde-
ron’s government to pursue the BY JAMES GILBERT tion she observed between two
with the Depart- He most recently was detailed
case. SUN STAFF WRITER teens and a truck driver, based
ment of Homeland to ICE’s attache office at the U.S.
Security as a Embassy in Mexico City. Zapata and Avila, both as- on the teens’ reactions. She called
A Yuma woman whose quick
member of the A native of Brownsville, Texas, signed to the ICE attache office in actions last month helped police YPD to report the incident. The
U.S. Border Patrol. Zapata graduated from the University Mexico City, were attacked in the was honored by Police Chief incident happened near 16th
He joined ICE of Texas at Brownsville in 2005 with northern state of San Luis Potosi Jerry Geier during Wednesday Street and Avenue B on the eve-
in 2006. He was a Bachelor of Science in criminal — an area where violence is on night’s Yuma City Council meet- ning of Jan. 29.
JAIME ZAPATA assigned to the Of- justice. the rise from drug cartels fight- ing. The boys later told Preciado
fice of the Deputy Information courtesy of The ing for territory. Avila was shot According to Sgt. Clint Norred, that the truck driver had offered
Special Agent in Charge in Laredo, Brownsville Herald, www.browns- twice in the leg and taken to a U.S. a spokesman for the Yuma Police them money to get into the truck
Texas, where he served on the Hu- hospital, where he was in stable Department, Mayra Preciado be- with him.
SEE AGENT/A5 came suspicious of a conversa- SEE HONORED/A5

Legislature Glance Military searching for

as the federal Supplemen-
tal Nutrition Aid Program
actually have dogs running
around the oval only 100
leges and universities to in-
form mental health special-
missing Yuma Marine
were selling their cards for days out of the year. ists when students, faculty
Orange food-stamp card 50 cents cash for each dol- And they could pick or others are suspended or BY JAMES GILBERT vide any information they
legislation dropped lar of value. He said that and choose which 100 they expelled because of threats SUN STAFF WRITER may know about the matter.
According to Officer Le-
PHOENIX — A first-term amounts to fraud. want. of violence. Military police from the anne Worthen, a spokes-
lawmaker has dropped The measure, HB 2536, But there won’t be any Provost Marshal’s Office at woman for the Yuma Police
his proposal to make food Commerce Committee OKs now goes to the full House. automatic denial of the Marine Corps Air Station Department, YPD has put
stamp debit cards bright dog racing bill At the heart of the issue ability to purchase a gun or Yuma are investigating the out an attempt to locate on
orange. PHOENIX — Southern are state laws which permit bullets. disappearance of a Marine Ferguson at the request of
Rep. Jeff Dial, R-Chan- Arizona residents may dog tracks to make money The unanimous action by who has not the MCAS Provost Mar-
dler, told members of the soon have fewer chances to on off-track betting. They the Committee on Military been seen shal’s Office.
House Commerce Commit- see live dog racing. can take wagers not only Affairs and Public Safety since the “We did not file a miss-
tee on Wednesday he would from those who come to the comes slightly more than a early morn- ing persons report on him.
But the owners of Tuc- ing hours of
not push his original ver- son Greyhound Park say track but also at satellite lo-
month after six were killed What it means is that if we
sion of HB 2675. Aside from that will be good for busi- cations like bars. and 13 injured, including Valentine’s come in contact with him,
the mandate on the Depart- ness — and increase the To do that, though, the Day. we will notify the base.”
Congresswoman Gabri-
track has to meet that According Worthen explained that
ment of Economic Security chances there will be rac- elle Giffords, in a Tucson JONATHON to Capt. Sta-
to have the cards “safety ing at all. 50-week-a-year require- shooting. Rep. Matt Heinz, without any signs of foul
ment for live racing, with at KYLE ci Reidinger, play or an emergency medi-
orange,” he also dropped a Without dissent, mem- D-Tucson, noted that Jared FERGUSON director of
requirement for bold letter- bers of the House Com- least nine races on any day. Loughner, charged in that cal situation, adults can be
public af- missing if they choose to
ing spelling out “Govern- merce Committee voted to case, had a history of run- fairs at MCAS Yuma, Sgt.
Panel votes to require be. The only exception is
ment Food Stamp Card.” scrap the requirement that ins with officials at Pima Jonathon Kyle Ferguson if they are being sought in
Dial said he remains the track have live racing colleges to report incidents Community College over was last seen at the IHOP connection for a crime.
concerned that legitimate at least four days a week, PHOENIX — A House allegedly violent behavior, Restaurant, 557 E. 16th St., Reidinger also said that
recipients of aid under 50 weeks a year. Instead, panel voted Wednesday to eventually resulting in his at about 3:30 a.m. Monday. since the disappearance is
what is formally known track operators will have to require community col- expulsion. Ferguson, 22, is described still under investigation,
as 5 feet 10 inches tall, with she did not know Fergu-
dark hair and a slim build. son’s official status , wheth-
He also wears glasses.
hold them accountable. proved re-introduction of to get a cat law done,” said er it is an unofficial absence
Reidinger said the air sta- or something more.
Furthermore, he empa- the animal control ordi- Irons, who intends to be- tion’s command is extreme-
thized, the ordinance would nance, with Councilwoman come a military officer, and MCAS Yuma military au-
FROM PAGE A1 ly concerned about the ser- thorities encourage anyone
allow TNR to continue, but Leslie McClendon voting eventually go into politics. geant’s disappearance and
it also seeks to address no because she thinks there The experience also who may have information
And it’s not humane to is taking it very seriously. about Ferguson to call 269-
the concerns of those who needs to be more discus- whetted his interest in She added that Marines at
kill a healthy cat, added Le- don’t want feral cat colo- sion before the ordinance is politics, said Kristofer Wil- 2305. For more information,
nore Anaya. She had some the air station have all been call the MCAS Yuma Public
nies in their neighborhood. enacted. liams, who wants to go into briefed about the situation
questions of her own, such Wilkinson also noted Following the meet- law. Affairs Office at 269-3609 or
as why the city wouldn’t and have been asked to pro- 941-7652.
that once the ordinance is ing, some of the students “It was a great learning
financially support TNR, adopted, which he expects shared their thoughts on experience to see how the
especially with revenue it to happen when the coun- public service after seeing city works,” said Angel Es-

would raise from permits cil next meets on March 2, it from the council’s side of peranza, who added that rent criminal history, the
TNR organizations would there will still be a lot of the dais. he was impressed with the 15-year-old juvenile was po-
be required to obtain. work to do before it’s imple- Shadow Mayor Kassan- public participation in the tentially placed in harm’s
City Administrator Greg mented in July. To that end, dra Jasso, who actually process. And, yes, he would FROM PAGE A1 way by entering the semi
Wilkinson explained that a working group is being had a part in running the consider holding political truck. Preciado’s quick ac-
the city won’t charge for formed with representa- meeting, said the experi- office if the opportunity Yuma police located the tions may have prevented
the TNR permits. “The per- tion from the city, Humane ence was fun and has deter- came his way. truck a short time later in something from happening.
mits aren’t to raise money,” Society of Yuma, TNR ad- mined she will be a future Paola Samaniego and the same area and eventu- “While there was no
he said. They would just vocates and TNR opponents mayor of the city. Raymond Dominguez also ally arrested the driver, criminal activity, based on
be a vehicle for the city to as well as a veterinarian to “It was interesting to see participated in the shadow who turned out to be reg- his history, there was a po-
know who is participating hammer out the details. the steps to get things done. experience, but weren’t istered as a violent sexual tential for it,” Norred said.
in a TNR program and to The council finally ap- It’s amazing what you do available for comment. predator from Illinois. A “Certainly (Preciado’s) ac-
15-year-old male was in the tions prevented any poten-
passenger seat of the truck tial harm from happening.”
at the time. Preciado was recognized

ous words with the help of spelled it wrong. most going to run out of Norred said the truck with a certificate and a
her teachers and family. After the competition words,” Marquez said with driver had a local arrest standing ovation by attend-
FROM PAGE A1 While on stage, she said, had been completed, Zee- a laugh. warrant for traffic viola- ees at Wednesday’s council
you can’t let your nervous- shan’s mother contested Karen Phillips, the Yuma tions, as well as a nonex- meeting.
ness get the best of you, es- the issue, but at that point Sun’s Newspapers In Edu- traditable felony arrest Norred added that the
made sure to continually warrant for theft in Mon-
ask for the origin and the pecially when you get up to it was too late to be disput- cation manager, was also incident should serve as a
the microphone. ed because the matter had impressed with the abili- tana. However, no criminal reminder for parents to re-
definition of each word so charges were filed against
she could be clear on which “You just have to take a not been raised within the ties of the students in the view safety rules with their
deep breath and keep spell- proper time frame. competition. the driver in this incident children and teenagers
word she was supposed to and he was later released
ing,” said Tatyana, who is Finishing in fourth place “I think the kids came re- about the potential dangers
spell. after paying fines on the of getting in strangers’ ve-
Pamela said she was ex- from Russia. was McKenzie Millner, ally prepared this year for a
Zeeshan Jawaid, a sixth- an eighth-grade student spelling bee and they asked warrants. hicles.
tremely excited to win as The investigation re- YPD notes that any sus-
it is the last year she is eli- grade student from Carpe from St. Francis of Assisi all the right questions.
Diem Academy, placed School. Millner was elimi- vealed the driver had of- picious incidents should
gible to compete because of They just did a phenomenal fered the 15-year-old juve-
third when he misspelled nated after misspelling the be reported to law enforce-
the age limit. job — I’m really proud of nile passenger, who was ment or call 911 for emer-
She noted that now she the word “pacifism” and word “protocol” in the 11th them.” unhurt, money to stack pal- gency situations. Anyone
has about a month to pre- conceded his title as cham- round. Phillips added that the lets in the truck trailer. with information about
pare for the state spelling pion after winning the Carolyn Marquez, of- top two participants re- Norred said that al- this incident may call the
bee competition in March county spelling bees in 2009 fice administrator of the ceived a plaque for their ac- though the truck driver’s Yuma Police Department
at Arizona State University. and 2010. county school superinten- complishments during the true intent is not known, at 783-4421 or 78-CRIME to
Tatyana, an eighth-grade “I feel that I did pretty dent and co-coordinator of pizza lunch, compliments based on his past and cur- remain anonymous.
student from Calvary Bap- good,” said Zeeshan, add- the spelling bee, said she of Domino’s, one of the
tist School, said she was ing that he believed that the couldn’t believe the com- bee’s sponsors.
so happy to receive second pronouncer did not enunci- petition lasted almost 20
place after spending so
much time studying vari-
ate the word correctly and
that is why he ultimately
“I thought we were al-
Sarah Womer can be reached at or 539-6858. Funeral Notices
Mary Cruz Ramirez Francisco E. Calderon
ment the ICE agents ex- territory. when drug gang members Mary Cruz Ramirez, 69, Francisco E. Calderon,
changed. “It’s had a major impact fired on their cars after of Somerton, died Feb. 14, 54, of Yuma, died Feb. 15,
Pena, who was the Home- that we hadn’t see before,” they left a children’s party 2011, at Yuma Regional 2011, in Yuma.
FROM PAGE A1 Medical Center. He was born May 1, 1956,
land Security attache in Toranzo said. “Right now in the city across from El
Mexico City in 2008 and we’re waging a direct fight Paso, Texas. She was born May 2, 1941, in San Luis Rio Colorado,
condition, according to an in Yuma and was a home- Son., and was a forklift op-
ICE statement Wednesday. 2009, said the ICE office in with all our state resources The U.S. State Depart-
Mexico works on many is- to restore order.” ment has taken several maker/caregiver. erator.
The two agents were A wake will be held from Viewing will be Thurs-
driving between Mexico sues — from training cus- Since Calderon launched measures over the past year
5 to 9 p.m. Friday, with a ro- day from 5 p.m. to midnight
City and the northern city toms investigators to inves- a crackdown on organized to protect consulate em- sary at 7 p.m., at Desert Val- at Funeraria Del Angel
of Monterrey on routine tigating drug and human crime shortly after assum- ployees and their families. ley Mortuary Chapel. Mass Chapel, where funeral ser-
business and not as part of trafficking, gun running ing the presidency in De- It has at times authorized will be at 10 a.m. Saturday vices will be held at 10 a.m.
an investigation, said a U.S. and money laundering. cember 2006, almost 35,000 the departure of relatives at Immaculate Heart of Friday. Burial will be at
federal law enforcement Avila “was working on people have been killed in of U.S. government employ- Mary, Somerton. Desert Lawn.
official who was not autho- many, many issues,” said drug-related violence. ees in northern Mexican
rized to discuss the case Pena, who knows him well. Though Mexico is seeing cities.
publicly. “There’s not much special- record rates of violence, it In July, it temporarily Joe H. Mestas Jesus A. Flores
Joe H. Mestas, 83, of Jesus A. Flores, 55, of
Al Pena, a senior ICE ization when you have an is rare for U.S. officials to be closed the consulate in Ciu-
Yuma, died Feb. 14, 2011, at Somerton, died Feb. 14,
official until he retired in office that small.” attacked. The U.S. govern- dad Juarez after receiving his Yuma East home. 2011, in Yuma.
December, said the agents San Luis Potosi Gov. ment, however, has become unspecified threats. Earlier He was born Sept. 24, He was born Aug. 7, 1955,
arranged to meet Monter- Fernando Toranzo told W increasingly concerned this month, the consulate 1927, in Lumberton, N.M., in San Luis Rio Colorado,
rey-based ICE agents mid- Radio in Mexico that he about the safety of its em- in Guadalajara prohibited and was a retired heavy Son., and was an agricul-
way between Mexico City has seen a dramatic rise ployees in the country. U.S. government officials equipment truck driver. tural laborer.
and Monterrey to pick up in organized crime in his In March, a U.S. employee from traveling after dark Gathering of family and Funeral services will be
equipment. They were re- state, which borders two of the American consulate on the road to the airport friends will be at Sunset at Funeraria Del Paraiso in
turning south to Mexico northern states where the in Ciudad Juarez, her hus- because of cartel-related Vista Funeral Home from San Luis, Son. Desert Val-
City when attacked. He Gulf and Zetas cartels have band and a Mexican tied to attacks in Mexico’s second- 11 a.m. to noon Saturday. ley Mortuary is handling
didn’t know what equip- waged bloody battles over the consulate were killed largest city. local arrangements.

Come Stay With Us!


We are 670 E 32nd St, Suite 9
# Yuma, Az
Socorro “Socky” Sosa Carrillo wood, Oklahoma to Noah and Elizabeth Oliver. She passed away
Socorro “Socky” Sosa Carrillo 72, of Yuma passed away, Saturday evening February 12th, 2011 in Thousand Oaks, Califor-
February 14, 2011 in Yuma. She was born in Yuma on December
16, 1938.
nia with her daughter Debera by her side.
Dorothy was a longtime resident of her beloved Yuma Arizona 928.726.5557
Socky is survived by her mother Carmen Sosa; daughter since 1941. As a young woman Dorothy was actively involved in Themis & Paul Cavanagh
Elizabeth Nieto Anaya; grandson, Joseph (Natalie) Anaya; grand- Eastern Stars and the Order of the Amaranth. In her adult years
she and her husband were avid travelers and very prominent

daughters, Diane , Nicole ( Alex) Montoya, Sara
Anaya and 11 great-grandchildren; sisters, Yuma businesspeople. When she became a mother Dorothy
spent many joy-filled hours participating in and supporting her

Hair Studio
Dolores Corea, Ernestina Salazar, Maria Petra
Torres, Laura Lujan, Mary Murrietta, Rosie children in all of their endeavors. In her later years Dorothy en-
Martinez and brothers, Felix and Frank Sosa. joyed Bingo and listening to live concerts while enjoying an occa-
sional glass of wine. She was an avid bingo player who enjoyed

Choose us otour
Wake will be held Thursday February 17,
perusing Yuma’s vast swap meets and loved a green enchilada
2011 between 5:00p.m. and 9:00p.m. with
and a tall glass of sweet tea at El Charro Mexican Restaurant.

bring out yauty

SOCORRO Rosary at 7:00 p.m. at Desert Valley Mortuary
CARRILLO 15877 S Avenue B, Somerton Arizona. Church Dorothy is survived by her sister, Wanda Call; brother, Wayne

natural be
services are Friday February 18, 2011 at St. Francis of Assisi Oliver and families. Daughter, Debera Oliver Fasulo, and son
Church 1815 S 8th Ave. at 10:30 a.m. Funeral will follow at Desert Robert Oliver; four granddaughters, Brenda (Mike) Larson, Tina
(Bryan) Smyth, Tally (Rick) Jennings , and Cameo (Josh) Carolan; Feb-10 to 12!!
Lawn Memorial Park.
Pallbearers will be Joseph Anaya Jr., Alex Montoya, Donald
her seven great grand children, Garrett, Blayne, Mitchell, Katelyn,
Ava, Eddie, and the youngest Daenerys.
15% OFF
Murrietta Jr., Donald Murrietta Sr., Charles Torres and Jackie any Service
Martinez. Honorary Pallbearers are Carlos Murrietta, Willie Corea Dorothy was preceded in death by her husband, Earl Oliver,
Sr., Marcos Torres Jr. and Greg Corea. Please sign the guestbook after 55 years of marriage; her daughter, Anita Oliver Rowland;
two sons-in-law Jerry Rowland and Frank Fasulo.
at any Products
Dorothy will be laid to rest on Saturday February 19, 2011 at
10:00 a.m. in Yuma Arizona at Johnson Mortuary & Desert Lawn Marylou
+ Purses
Dorothy Mae Oliver Memorial Park 1415 South 1st Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364. Please sign r, Heather, G
Dorothy Mae Oliver was born October 21st 1923 in Wyne- Barbara, Pila
the guestbook at
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Personalized obituaries, which allow more detail, may be purchased. Funeral homes can assist with purchasing an obituary. 313 W. Catalina • Tues-Sat 9AM-5PM
Please call Yuma Sun Classified Advertising with questions. 783-4433.
Phone (928)343-9660 • WALKINS Welcome

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