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Integrated Science

First Year

I. Introduction

1. Local superstitions, beliefs and practices/ways related to science and


2. Scientific values in decision making and problem-solving

3. Desirable qualities of scientists

4. Contributions of outstanding Filipino and foreign scientists

I. Scientific Method

5. Steps in the scientific method

1.1 Definition of problem, hypothesis, experimental design, variables,

observation, conclusion, theory and law
1.2 Independent/dependent variables
1.3 Experimental/control groups

6. Precision and accuracy in data gathering

2.1 Qualitative and quantitative observations

2.2 Measurement in scientific investigations
2.3 Laboratory apparatus and equipment, their uses and precautionary
2.4 Measuring instruments
2.5 Significant figures in four fundamental operations
2.6 Scientific notations
2.7 Conversion of units
2.8 Masses and volumes of solids/liquids/gases
2.9 Density of solids/liquids/gases

7. Analysis of Data

3.1 Making inferences

3.2 Presentation of a set of Data
3.3 Data Interpretation

II. Matter and Its Properties

8. Natural phenomena in terms of properties of matter

9. Properties, classification and composition of matter

2.1 Substances and mixtures

2.2 Matter in the environment
2.3 Law of Conservation of Mass
2.4 Atoms and molecules

10. Physical and chemical changes

3.1 Examples of physical and chemical changes used in daily life

3.2 Energy involved in changes that matter undergoes

III. Living Things and Their Environment

11. Highly organized structure of living organisms

1.1 Important characteristics of living organisms

1.2 Cell as fundamental unit of structure of living organism
1.3 Basic parts of a typical plant cell and animal cell and their

12. Interactions between living and non-living things

2.1 Ecological system

2.2 Food Chain and Food Web
2.3 Flow of matter and energy in an ecosystem

13. Interrelationships among organisms and between organisms and their


3.1 Effect of population size/density on food, space and relationship

among organisms

14. Maintenance/Restoration of the integrity/balance of an ecosystem

4.1 Importance of natural resources

4.2 Conservation of soil, forest, wildlife

IV. Changes in the Environment

15. Resources of the earth

1.1 Raw materials from land, air and water

1.2 Processes on how raw materials become finished products

16. Hydrosphere

2.1 Density currents and upward movements of nutrients

2.2 River formation and its effects on the environment
2.3 Evidences of natural pollution in bodies of water

17. Atmosphere

3.1 Weather and Climate

3.2 Weather changes and periodic patterns
3.3 Monsoon winds
3.4 Weather prediction

18. Precautionary measures in cases of typhoon, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions

19. Lithosphere

5.1 Theories of continental drift, sea floor spreading and plate

5.2 Formation of mountains
5.3 Geological structure
5.4 Rock formation
5.5 Types of rocks
5.6 Weathering
5.7 Soil transfer

V. The Earth and Its Neighbors

20. Physical features of planet earth

21. Effects of earth’s motion

2.1 Different motions of the earth

2.2 Day and night, seasonal changes

22. Moon-earth system

3.1 Tides and Eclipses

23. Other members of the Solar system

4.1 Composition of the solar system

4.2 Size, distance and characteristics of the planets of the solar
4.3 Comets and meteors

24. Beyond the Solar system

5.1 Star map and constellations

5.2 Characteristics of stars and other heavenly bodies
5.3 Birth and death of a star
5.4 Star clusters, galaxies and other celestial formation

VI. Force, Work and Energy

25. Interaction of matter

1.1 Conceptual meaning of force

1.2 Contact and non-contact forces
1.3 Gravitational, magnetic, electric and nuclear forces
1.4 Effects of forces in matter
1.5 Work and its operational definition
1.6 Work done in different situations
1.7 Different kinds of simple machines and their uses
1.8 Work done using simple machines

26. Energy, its forms and transformation

2.1 Different forms of energy

2.2 Transformations of energy

27. Energy resources

3.1 Sources of energy in the Philippines

3.2 Conventional and non conventional sources of energy

28. Understanding energy problems

4.1 Current energy problems

4.2 Solutions to energy problems
4.3 Local resources
4.4 Energy technology

29. Importance of using energy wisely

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