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SUBMITTED TO: - Lect. Vibhor Sharma


REGD. NO.:-10802649
ROLL NO.:- RC1801A10

First and foremost I, amber am very thankful to Lect. Vibhor

Sharma who assigned me this term paper “DISASSEMBLER”

I am heartily thankful to college library for providing the books, I

am very thankful to my parents who give me financial support to
complete my term paper.

Last but not least, I would also want to extend my appreciation to

those who could not be mentioned here but have well played their
role to inspire me behind the certain.


Assembly language:-
Assembly language is the symbolic representation of a computer’s binary encoding—
machine language. Assembly language is more readable than machine language because it
uses symbols instead of bits. The symbols in assembly language name commonly occurring
bit patterns, such as opcodes and register specifies, so people can read and remember them.
In addition, assembly language permits programmers to use labels to identify and name
particular memory words that hold instructions or data. Assembly languages are close to a
one to one correspondence between symbolic instructions and executable machine codes.
Assembly languages also include directives to the assembler, directives to the linker,
directives for organizing data space, and macros. Macros can be used to combine several
assembly language instructions into a high level language-like construct (as well as other
purposes). There are cases where a symbolic instruction is translated into more than one
machine instruction. But in general, symbolic assembly language instructions correspond to
individual executable machine instructions.

Assembler: - A tool called an assembler translates assembly language into binary

instructions Assemblers provide a friendlier representation than a computer’s 0s and 1s that
simplifies writing and reading programs. Symbolic names for operations and locations are
one facet of this representation. Another facet is programming facilities that increase a
program’s clarity. An assembler reads a single assembly language source file and produces
an object file containing machine instructions and bookkeeping information that helps
combine several object files into a program

Disassembler:- In programming terminology, to disassemble is to convert a program in

its executable (ready-to-run) form (sometimes called object code ) into a representation in
some form of assembler language so that it is readable by a human. A program used to
accomplish this is called a disassembler, because it performs the inverse of the task that an
assembler does. Disassembly is a type of reverse engineering. Disassemblers are available
as commercial, shareware, and freeware programs; various tools exist for building your
own disassembler as well. IDA Pro and Sourcer are two of the most commonly used
commercial disassembly products.

Examples of disassemblers: - various examples of disassemblers. These are:-

X86 Disassemblers:-

Commercial Windows Disassemblers:- these are:-

• IDA Pro :- this is an professional disassembler that is expensive, extremely
powerful, and has a whole slew of features.
• OBJ2ASM :- is an object file disassembler for 16 and 32 bit x86 object files in Intel
OMF, Microsoft COFF format, Linux ELF or Mac OS X Mach-O format.
• PE Explorer :- is a disassembler that "focuses on ease of use, clarity and
navigation." It isn't as feature-filled as IDA Pro, but carries a smaller price tag to
offset the missing functionality: $130

Free Windows Disassemblers:- these are:-

• Objconv: - A command line disassembler supporting 16, 32, and 64 bit x86 code.
Latest instruction set, several object file formats, several assembly syntax dialects.

• IDA 3.7:- A DOS GUI tool that behaves very much like IDA Pro, but is
considerably more limited. It can disassemble code for the Z80, 6502, Intel 8051,
Intel i860, and PDP-11 processors, as well as x86 instructions up to the 486.
• IDA Pro Freeware :- it behaves almost exactly like IDA Pro, but disassembles only
Intel x86 opcodes and is Windows-only. It can disassemble instructions for those
processors available as of 2003.
• BORG Disassembler :- BORG is an excellent Win32 Disassembler with GUI.
• diStorm64 disassembler:- diStorm is an open source highly optimized stream
disassembler library for 80x86 and AMD64.

• Crudasm :- crudasm is an open source disassembler with a variety of options. It is a

work in progress and is bundled with a partial decompiler.

• OllyDbg: - OllyDbg is one of the most popular disassemblers recently. It has a large
community and a wide variety of plugins available

Linux Disassemblers: - these are:-

• Bastard Disassembler: - The Bastard disassembler is a powerful, scriptable
disassembler for Linux and FreeBSD.

• Objconv

• Ciasdis: - The official name of ciasdis is computer intelligence assembler

disassembler. It is unique that all disassembled code can be re-assembled to the
exact same code. Processors are 8080, 6809, 8086, 80386, Pentium I en DEC

• Bjdump: - bjdump comes standard, and is typically used for general inspection of
binaries. Pay attention to the relocation option and the dynamic symbol table

• Gdb: - gdb comes standard, as a debugger, but is very often used for disassembly.
• Dissy: - This program is a interactive disassembler that uses objdump.

Problems faced by disassemblers:- there are a number of issues and

difficulties associated with the disassembly process. The two most important
difficulties are the division between code and data, and the loss of text

Separating Code from Data :- Since data and instructions are all stored
in an executable as binary data, the obvious question arises: how can a disassembler
tell code from data? Is any given byte a variable, or part of an instruction?

The problem wouldn't be as difficult if data were limited to the .data section of an
executable and if executable code was limited to the .code section of an executable, but this
is often not the case. Data may be inserted directly into the code section (e.g. jump address
tables, constant strings), and executable code may be stored in the data section (although
new systems are working to prevent this for security reasons).

The general problem of separating code from data in arbitrary executable programs is
equivalent to the halting problem. As a consequence, it is not possible to write a
disassembler that will correctly separate code and data for all possible input programs.
Reverse engineering is full of such theoretical limitations, although by Rice's theorem all
interesting questions about program properties are undecidable .In practice a combination
of interactive and automatic analysis and perseverance can handle all but programs
specifically designed to thwart reverse engineering, like using encryption and decrypting
code just prior to use, and moving code around in memory.

Lost Information:- All text-based identifiers, such as variable names, label names, and
macros are removed by the assembly process. They may still be present in
generated object files, for use by tools like debuggers and relocating linkers, but the
direct connection is lost and re-establishing that connection requires more than a
mere disassembler. These identifiers, in addition to comments in the source file,
help to make the code more readable to a human, and can also shed some clues on
the purpose of the code. Without these comments and identifiers, it is harder to
understand the purpose of the source code, and it can be difficult to determine the
algorithm being used by that code. When you combine this problem with the
possibility that the code you are trying to read may, in reality, be data ,then it can be
ever harder to determine what is going on.




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