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Builders Association of Northeast Indiana

Board of Directors Meeting, Bob Buescher Homes, January 18, 2011

Present: Jeff Wilson, Dennis Spidel, Dan Keller, Kevin Sibery, Jeff Deahl, Chris Evans, Carl
Cox, Mark Knisley, Jan Garman, and Lyndsey Osterholt
Absent: Dan Study, Beth Cartwright , Terry Hughes , Fred Kreigh, and Jack Musson

Meeting called to order at 5:00. Minutes were reviewed and Chris made motion to accept
minutes. Dan K. seconded motion. All in favor.

Financial Report: 2010 fiscal year numbers were finalized. Overall revenue goals fell short
2,116 dollars. Expenses were in line but shortfalls in membership and other key events were
a major factor. A vast improvement from 2010 as we lost significantly more money. Moving
forward, we must stick to the budget and look for opportunities on where to capitalize and
make money. Kevin made a motion, Chris seconded all were in favor.

Membership Recruiter: Kevin was able to recruit a new member. Elkins masonry, has
joined our association and in the works is Auburn Concrete, Cease Construction, and Gremlin
Construction who are all interested in utilizing the insurance discount. Other activities
include the finalization of the “rewards club.” The rewards club concept was adopted from
another association in that they reward active members with different prizes. In the process
of developing a points system and rewards for each point range.

Old Business
Document was presented at board meeting for review before order. One concern was that
we did not list membership dues in print. Reason being was that the materials would
outdate themselves. Motion to add a word under remodelers tour was passed. Brochures
to be ordered.

Open House
In order to ratify the constitution and get it passed, BANI will hold an open house. Invited
members, will be people on membership and will have free food throughout the day. Idea
is to get more than 50% of membership to sign off on document and to get people to the
office and mingling. Bob Buescher Homes donated $100 to offset the cost of food and
beverages. Hours of open house will be 9-5 with board meeting starting sharply at 5 pm.

New Business
Meeting Schedule:
Moving forward will have IBA President Doug Miller in March, and host Plan Comissioner
in April. Looking at Table top night perhaps in May. Will not host meetings in June, July,
and August. Considering an “open parade house” for the participants and sponsors of
the event.

Remodelers Tour:
Jeff D. volunteered to be chair and would like to get other to consider committee as well.
Also wants to look at possibility of hosting event over course of 2 days instead of 1.

Website is in clear need of updating. EO has updated it but will continue to add things as
they happen. Also, Chris volunteered to proof newsletter.

Meeting adjourned 5:44

Next meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2011 BANI Office.

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