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Chinese, Mandarin Verb List

 碍 (ai4) to hinder; to obstruct; to block

 爱 (ai4) to love; affection; to be fond of; to like

 爱抚 (ai4 fu3) to show tender care for; to care for (affectionately)

 爱好 (ai4 hao4) to like; to be fond of; to be keen on

 安排 (an1 pai2) to arrange; to plan; to set up; to set up

 暗 (an4) to shut the door; unilluminated

 熬 (ao1) to boil; stew; to simmer

 懊 (ao4) to regret

 拔掉 (ba2 diao4) to pluck

 罢 (ba4) to stop; cease; dismiss; suspend; to quit; to finish

 掰 (bai1) to break with both hands

 呗 (bai4) to chant

 拜 (bai4) to pay respect; worship; visit; salute

 扳 (ban1) to pull or draw (up or out)

 扮 (ban4) to disguise oneself; to dress up; adorn

 办 (ban4) to do; to manage; to handle; to go about; to run; to set up; to deal with

 拌 (ban4) to mix; mix in; to toss (a salad)

 绊 (ban4) to trip; stumble; hinder

 办案 (ban4 an4) to handle a case

 办报 (ban4 bao4) to run a newspaper

 办到 (ban4 dao4) to accomplish; to get sth done

 办理 (ban4 li3) to handle; to transact; to conduct

 办事 (ban4 shi4) to handle (affairs); to work

 伴随 (ban4 sui2) to follow; to accompany

 办学 (ban4 xue2) to run a school

 伴奏 (ban4 zou4) to accompany (musically)

 办罪 (ban4 zui4) to punish

 帮 (bang1) to assist; to support; to help; group; gang; party

 绑 (bang3) to tie; bind or fasten together

 膀 (bang4) to flirt

 谤 (bang4) to slander; defame; speak ill of

 饱 (bao3) to eat till full; satisfied

 保持 (bao3 chi2) to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve

 保存 (bao3 cun2) to conserve; to preserve; to keep

 保护 (bao3 hu4) to defend; to protect; to safeguard

 保障 (bao3 zhang4) to ensure; to guarantee; to safeguard

 保证 (bao3 zheng4) to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; to pledge

 爆 (bao4) to crack; to explode or burst

 报仇 (bao4 chou2) to revenge (oneself); to avenge

 爆发 (bao4 fa1) to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out

 报告 (bao4 gao4) to inform; report; make known; speech; talk; lecture

 露韩 (bao4 lu4) to expose; to reveal

 背 (bei1) to be burdened; to carry on the back or shoulder

 焙 (bei4) to dry over a fire; to bake

 备 (bei4) to prepare; get ready; to provide or equip

 备至 (bei4 zhi4) to the utmost; in every possible way

 奔 (ben1) to hurry or rush; to run quickly; to elope

 本土化 (ben3 tu3 hua4) to localize; localization

 绷 (beng1) to stretch; taut; to tie; to bind

 绷 (beng3) to have a taut face

 迸 (beng4) to burst forth; to spurt; to crack; split

 蹦 (beng4) to jump; bounce or hop

 俾 (bi3) to cause; to enable

 比方说 (bi3 fang5 shuo1) to make an analogy...

 裨 (bi4) to benefit; to aid; advantageous; profitable

 跸 (bi4) to clear streets when emperor tours

 闭 (bi4) to close; stop up; shut; obstruct

 蔽 (bi4) to cover; to shield; to screen; to conceal

 庇 (bi4) to protect; cover; shelter; hide or harbor

 避免 (bi4 mian3) to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from

 必须 (bi4 xu1) to have to; must

 编程 (bian1 cheng2) to program

 编排 (bian1 pai2) to arrange; to lay out

 贬值 (bian3 zhi2) to become devaluated; to devaluate; to depreciate

 变成 (bian4 cheng2) to change into; to turn into; to become

 遍及 (bian4 ji2) to extend (everywhere)

 表达 (biao3 da2) to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey

 表示 (biao3 shi4) to express; to show; to express; to say; to state; to indicate

 表扬 (biao3 yang2) to praise; to commend

 并把 (bing4 ba3) to include

 泊 (bo2) to anchor; touch at; to moor

 搏斗 (bo2 dou4) to wrestle; to fight; to struggle

 簸 (bo3) to winnow
 捕 (bu3) to catch; to seize; to capture; to catch

 卜 (bu3) to divine; foretell

 捕获 (bu3 huo4) to catch; to capture; to seize

 不等 (bu4 deng3) to vary; to differ; depending

 步调一致 (bu4 diao4 yi2 zhi4) to be united in action

 步行 (bu4 xing2) to go on foot; to walk

 步月 (bu4 yue4) to stroll beneath the moon

 步韵 (bu4 yun4) to write a poem using another poem's rhymes

 擦写 (ca1 xie3) to erase

 猜 (cai1) to guess

 裁减 (cai2 jian3) to reduce; to lessen; to cut down

 裁员 (cai2 yang2) to cut staff; to lay off employees

 采 (cai3) to pick; to pluck; to collect; to select; to choose; to gather

 采取措施 (cai3 qu3 cuo4 shi1) to adopt a measure

 采用 (cai3 yong4) to adopt; to employ; to use

 参观 (can1 guan1) to look around; to inspect; visit and observe

 参加 (can1 jia1) to participate; to take part; to join

 参与 (can1 yu4) to participate (in sth)

 藏 (cang2) to hide away; to conceal; to harbor; store; accumulate

 操 (cao1) to hold; to drill; to exercise; to act; to do; to take in hand; to keep; to manage

 操持 (cao1 chi5) to manage; to handle

 操劳 (cao1 lao2) to work hard; to look after

 操心 (cao1 xin1) to worry about

 操纵 (cao1 zong4) to operate; to control

 操作 (cao1 zuo4) to operate

 测定 (ce4 ding4) to survey and evaluate

 测绘 (ce4 hui4) to survey and draw; to map

 测良 (ce4 liang2) to survey and measure

 侧躺 (ce4 tang3) to lie down (on one's side)

 层出不穷 (ceng2 chu1 bu4 qiong2) to come out one after the other

 层见迭出 (ceng2 jian4 die2 chu1) to occur frequently; to occur repeatedly

 叉 (cha2) to cross; be stuck

 查 (cha2) to research; to check; to investigate; to examine; to refer to; to search

 查出 (cha2 chu1) to find out; to discover

 察看 (cha2 kan4) to watch; to look carefully at

 查询 (cha2 xun2) to inquire; inquiry

 叉 (cha3) to diverge; to open (as legs)

 拆 (chai1) to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open

 拆散 (chai1 san4) to break up (a marriage, family, etc.)

 拆卸 (chai1 xie4) to unload; to dismantle

 缠 (chan2) to bother; wind around; wrap round; coil; involve; annoy; tangle

 阐 (chan3) to express; disclose; enlighten; open

 偿 (chang2) to compensate; pay back; to recompense

 尝 (chang2) to taste

 尝试 (chang2 shi4) to try; to attempt

 抄道 (chao1 dao4) to take a shortcut

 抄後路 (chao1 hou4 lu4) to outflank and attack from the rear

 抄获 (chao1 huo4) to search and seize

 抄家 (chao1 jia1) to search a house and confiscate possessions

 抄录 (chao1 lu4) to make a copy of

 抄身 (chao1 shen1) to search (a person); to frisk

 抄送 (chao1 song4) to make a copy (and send it to sb)

 抄袭 (chao1 xi2) to plagiarize

 抄写 (chao1 xie3) to copy; to transcribe

 超越 (chao1 yue4) to surpass; to exceed

 吵架 (chao3 jia4) to quarrel; to have a row

 坼 (che4) to crack; split; break; to chap

 辙 (che4) to remove; to withdraw

 嗔 (chen1) to be angry at

 沉重打击 (chen2 zhong4 da3 ji1) to hit hard

 衬托 (chen4 tuo1) to set off

 称赞 (cheng1 zan4) to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to complement

 称重 (cheng1 zhong4) to weigh

 盛 (cheng2) to hold; contain; to ladle; pick up with a utensil

 呈递 (cheng2 di4) to present; to submit

 惩戒 (cheng2 jie4) to discipline; reprimand

 呈请 (cheng2 qing3) to submit (to superiors)

 承受 (cheng2 shou4) to bear; to support; to inherit

 成为 (cheng2 wei2) to become; to turn into

 呈现 (cheng2 xian4) to appear; to emerge

 笞 (chi1) to whip with bamboo strips

 吃饭 (chi1 fan4) to eat a meal

 吃惊 (chi1 jing1) to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed

 吃完 (chi1 wan2) to finish eating

 持 (chi2) to grasp; to hold; support; manage; direct; maintain

 迟到 (chi2 dao4) to arrive late

 迟误 (chi2 wu4) to delay; to procrastinate

 迟延 (chi2 yan2) to delay

 迟疑 (chi2 yi2) to hesitate

 叱 (chi4) to scold; shout at; to hoot at

 舂 (chong1) to pound (grain); beat

 冲洗 (chong1 xi3) to rinse; to wash

 重蹈 (chong2 dao4) to repeat; to follow the same road as

 重复 (chong2 fu4) to repeat; to duplicate

 重开 (chong2 kai1) to reopen

 重现 (chong2 xian4) to reappear

 宠 (chong3) to love; to pamper; to spoil; to favor

 抽 (chou1) to draw out; to smoke (cigarettes); to pump

 酬报 (chou2 bao4) to repay; to reward

 酬答 (chou2 da2) to thank with a gift

 酬和 (chou2 he4) to respond to a poem with a poem

 酬谢 (chou2 xie4) to thank with a gift

 酬酢 (chou2 zuo4) to exchange toasts

 瞅 (chou3) to see; look; take a look at

 出版 (chu1 ban3) to publish; to come off the press; to put out

 出发 (chu1 fa1) to start out; to set off

 出风头 (chu1 feng1 tou5) to create a stir; to enjoy the limelight

 出口 (chu1 kou3) to speak; to exit; to go out; to export

 出来 (chu1 lai5) to come out; to emerge

 出卖 (chu1 mai4) to sell (off)

 出生 (chu1 sheng1) to be born

 出售 (chu1 shou4) to sell

 出现 (chu1 xian4) to appear; to arise; to emerge

 出院 (chu1 yuan4) to leave hospital

 出走 (chu1 zou3) to flee; to run away

 出租 (chu1 zu1) to rent

 处理 (chu3 li3) to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process

 触电 (chu4 dian4) to get an electric shock

 嘬 (chuai4) to gnaw; eat ravenously

 穿过 (chuan1 guo4) to pass through

 传播 (chuan2 bo1) to disseminate; to propagate; to spread

 传送 (chuan2 song4) to convey; to deliver

 喘 (chuan3) to gasp; to pant; asthma

 喘气 (chuan3 qi4) to breathe deeply; to pant

 喘吁吁 (chuan3 xu1 xu1) to blow

 喘息 (chuan3 zi1) to gasp for breath; to take a breather

 闯 (chuang3) to rush; break through

 创记录 (chuang4 ji4 lu4) to set a record

 创建 (chuang4 jian4) to found; to establish

 创立 (chuang4 li4) to found; establish; originate

 创造 (chuang4 zao4) to create; to bring about; to produce

 吹 (chui1) to blow; blast; puff; boast; brag; end in failure

 锤 (chui2) to hammer; weight of steel yard

 垂下 (chui2 xia4) to hang down

 赐给 (ci4 gei3) to bestow; to give

 徂 (cu2) to go; to reach

 促 (cu4) to hurry; to rush; to hasten; near; to promote

 促进 (cu4 jin4) to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost

 篡 (cuan4) to seize; to usurp

 篡夺 (cuan4 duo2) to usurp; to seize

 篡改 (cuan4 gai3) to tamper with; to falsify

 篡位 (cuan4 wei2) to seize the throne

 摧残 (cui1 can2) to ravage; to ruin

 存放 (cun2 fang4) to deposit; to leave in sb's care

 存在 (cun2 zai4) to exist; to be

 搓 (cuo1) to rub or roll between the hands or fingers; to twist

 锉 (cuo4) to file

 答 (da1) to answer; agree

 答辩 (da2 bian4) to reply (to an accusation, e.g.)

 达成 (da2 cheng2) to reach (an agreement); to accomplish

 达到 (da2 dao4) to reach; to achieve; to attain

 答对 (da2 dui4) to reply; to answer

 答话 (da2 hua4) to reply; to answer

 答谢 (da2 xie4) to express one's thanks

 打败 (da3 bai4) to defeat; to overpower; to beat; to suffer a defeat; to be defeated

 打电话 (da3 dian4 hua4) to make a telephone call

 打击 (da3 ji1) to hit; to strike; to attack

 打进 (da3 jin4) to breach; to invade

 打开 (da3 kai1) to break open

 打牌 (da3 pai2) to play mahjong or cards

 打破 (da3 po4) to break; to smash

 打拳 (da3 quan2) to do shadowboxing

 打扫 (da3 sao3) to clean; to sweep

 打算 (da3 suan4) to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention; calculation

 打印 (da3 yin4) to print; to seal; to stamp

 打针 (da3 zhen1) to give or have an injection

 打字 (da3 zi4) to type

 大便 (da4 bian4) to defecate; excrement; feces

 大快人心 (da4 kuai4 ren2 xin1) to the satisfaction of everyone

 戴 (dai4) to put on; to respect; to bear; to support; wear (glasses; hat; gloves)

 带动 (dai4 dong4) to spur; to provide impetus; to drive

 担 (dan1) to undertake; to carry; to shoulder; to take responsibility

 瘅 (dan4) to hate

 诞生 (dan4 sheng1) to be born

 当心 (dang1 xin1) to take care; to look out

 当做 (dang4 zuo4) to treat as; to regard as; to look upon as

 倒 (dao3) to fall; to collapse; to topple; to change; to fail; bankrupt

 导 (dao3) to transmit; to lead; to guide; to conduct; to direct

 倒闭 (dao3 bi4) to go bankrupt; to close down

 导致 (dao3 zhi4) to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring about

 导致死亡 (dao3 zhi4 si3 wang2) to lead to death; to result in death

 到达 (dao4 da2) to reach; to arrive

 道歉 (dao4 qian4) to apologize; to make an apology

 道谢 (dao4 xie4) to express thanks

 得病 (de2 bing4) to fall ill; to contract a disease

 得到 (de2 dao4) to get; to obtain; to receive

 得分 (de2 fen1) to score

 得 (dei3) to have to; must; ought to; to need to

 登记 (deng1 ji4) to register (one's name)

 登陆 (deng1 lu4) to land

 低 (di1) to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hang down; low; to incline; beneath; low

 抵抗 (di3 kang4) to resist; resistance

 递 (di4) to hand over; to pass; to give

 掉 (diao4) to drop; to fall

 钓 (diao4) to fish with a hook and bait

 吊 (diao4) to hang a person

 调变 (diao4 bian4) to modulate

 跌 (die1) to drop; to fall; to tumble

 跌到 (die1 dao3) to fall; to tumble

 谍 (die2) to spy
 顶替 (ding3 ti4) to replace

 顶用 (ding3 yong4) to be of use

 顶住 (ding3 zhu4) to withstand; to stand up to

 订 (ding4) to agree; to conclude; to draw up; to subscribe to (a newspaper, etc.); to order

 定 (ding4) to set; to fix; to determine; to decide; to order

 定价 (ding4 jia4) to set a price; to fix a price

 订票 (ding4 piao4) to issue tickets

 定做 (ding4 zuo4) to have something made to order

 丢 (diu1) to lose; to put aside; to throw

 丢饭碗 (diu1 fan4 wan3) to lose one's job

 懂 (dong3) to understand; to know

 懂得 (dong3 de5) to understand; to know; to comprehend

 懂行 (dong3 hang2) to know the ropes

 冻 (dong4) to freeze

 动 (dong4) to use; to act; to move; to change

 订购 (dong4 gou4) to order; to subscribe; subscriber

 动手 (dong4 shou3) to hit with hands or fists; to start work; to touch

 斗 (dou4) to fight; to battle; to struggle; to incite

 读 (du2) to read; to study

 独揽 (du2 lan3) to monopolize

 独揽市场 (du2 lan3 shi4 chang2) to monopolize a market

 独立 (du2 li4) to be independent; to stand alone

 渡 (du4) to cross; to pass through; to ferry

 渡过 (du4 guo4) to cross over; pass through

 锻炼 (duan4 lian4) to do physical training

 兑 (dui4) to cash

 兑换 (dui4 huan4) to convert; to exchange

 敦促 (dun1 cu4) to press; to urge; to hasten

 多工 (duo1 gong1) to multiplex; multiple; multi-

 多工化 (duo1 gong1 hua4) to multiplex

 哦 (e2) to chant

 恶心 (e3 xin1) to hate; to loathe

 饿 (e4) to be hungry; hungry

 遏 (e4) to stop; check

 垩 (e4) to whitewash; to plaster

 摁 (en4) to press (with finger)

 发 (fa1) to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop

 发表 (fa1 biao3) to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out

 发布 (fa1 bu4) to release; to issue; to distribute

 发布新软件 (fa1 bu4 xin1 ruan3 jian4) to release new software

 发出 (fa1 chu1) to send out; to issue

 发动 (fa1 dong4) to start; to launch; to mobilize

 发汗 (fa1 han4) to sweat

 发迹 (fa1 ji1) to rise to power and position

 发明 (fa1 ming2) to invent; invention

 发射 (fa1 she4) to shoot; to fire; to launch

 发生 (fa1 sheng1) to happen; to occur; to take place

 发誓 (fa1 shi4) to vow; to pledge; to swear

 发送 (fa1 song4) to transmit; to dispatch

 发现 (fa1 xian4) to find; to discover

 发展核武器 (fa1 zhan3 he2 wu3 qi4) to develop nuclear weapons

 罚 (fa2) to punish; to penalize

 罚酒 (fa2 jiu3) to drink as the result of having lost a bet

 返 (fan3) to return (to)

 反对 (fan3 dui4) to fight against; to oppose; to be opposed to; opposition

 犯 (fan4) to violate; to offend

 犯病 (fan4 bing4) to fall ill

 犯愁 (fan4 chou2) to worry; to be anxious

 犯错 (fan4 cuo4) to err

 犯法 (fan4 fa3) to break the law

 贩运 (fan4 yun4) to transport (for sale); to traffic (in sth)

 方兴未艾 (fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4) to be unfolding

 防 (fang2) to protect; to defend; to guard (against)

 防卫 (fang2 wei4) to defend; defensive

 防止 (fang2 zhi3) to prevent; to guard against; to take precautions

 仿 (fang3) to imitate; to copy

 仿效 (fang3 xiao4) to copy; to imitate

 仿真 (fang3 zhen1) to emulate; emulation

 放 (fang4) to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out

 放出 (fang4 chu1) to let off; to give out

 放假 (fang4 jia4) to have a holiday or vacation

 放弃 (fang4 qi4) to renounce; to abandon; to give up

 放射 (fang4 she4) to radiate; radioactive

 放心 (fang4 xin1) to set one's mind at rest; to be at ease; to rest

 飞 (fei1) to fly

 非常严厉 (fei1 chang2 yan2 li4) to punish severely

 吠 (fei4) to bark

 费 (fei4) to cost; to spend; fee; wasteful; expenses; (surname)

 分割 (fen1 ge1) to cut up; to break up

 分开 (fen1 kai1) to separate; to part

 分离 (fen1 li2) to separate

 分配 (fen1 pei4) to distribute; to assign; to allocate

 分散注意 (fen1 san4 zhu4 yi4) to distract

 分析 (fen1 xi1) to analyze; analysis

 封 (feng1) to confer; to grant; to seal; (a measure word)

 缝 (feng2) to sew; to stitch

 奉 (feng4) to receive (from superior); to offer; to revere

 奉行 (feng4 xing2) to pursue (a course, a policy)

 否 (fou3) to negate; to deny; not

 否认 (fou3 ren4) to declare to be untrue; to deny

 浮 (fu2) to float

 扶 (fu2) to support with hand; to help sb. up; to help

 扶持 (fu2 chi2) to help; to assist

 服务 (fu2 wu4) to serve; service

 辅 (fu3) to assist; to complement; auxiliary

 抚 (fu3) to comfort; touch gently with hand

 辅导 (fu3 dao3) to coach; to tutor; to give advise (in study)

 抚养 (fu3 yang3) to foster; to bring up; to raise

 抚养成人 (fu3 yang3 cheng2 ren2) to bring up (a child)

 辅助 (fu3 zhu4) to assist; to aide

 附 (fu4) to add; to attach; to be close to; to be attached

 咐 (fu4) to order

 覆盖 (fu4 gai4) to cover

 复习 (fu4 xi2) to revise; to review

 富于 (fu4 yu2) to be full of; to be rich in

 复制 (fu4 zhi4) to duplicate; to reproduce; to make a copy of; to copy

 改 (gai3) to change; to alter; to transform; to correct

 改编 (gai3 bian1) to adapt; to rearrange; to revise

 改变 (gai3 bian4) to change; to alter; to transform

 改革 (gai3 ge2) to reform

 改过 (gai3 guo4) to correct; to fix

 改进 (gai3 jin4) to improve; to make better

 改口 (gai3 kou3) to correct oneself; to withdraw or modify one's previous remark

 改名 (gai3 ming2) to change ones name

 改善 (gai3 shan4) to make better; to improve

 改善关系 (gai3 shan4 guan1 xi5) to improve relations

 改善通讯 (gai3 shan4 tong1 xun4) to improve communications

 改造 (gai3 zao4) to change; to alter; to transform

 改正 (gai3 zheng4) to correct; to amend; to put right; correction

 盖章 (gai4 zhang1) to affix a seal (to sth)

 乾杯 (gan1 bei1) to drink a toast; to propose a toast; here's to; cheers

 赶 (gan3) to catch up; to overtake; to hurry; to rush; to drive away

 感 (gan3) to feel; to move; to touch; to affect

 感到 (gan3 dao4) to feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; think that; to move; to affect

 感动 (gan3 dong4) to move (sb); to touch; moving

 感觉 (gan3 jue2) to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception

 感冒 (gan3 mao4) to catch cold; (common) cold

 感叹 (gan3 tan4) to sigh (with feeling)

 干 (gan4) to work; to do; to manage

 搞 (gao3) to do; to make; to go in for; to set up; to get hold of; to take care of

 告 (gao4) to tell; to inform; to say

 告别 (gao4 bie2) to leave; to bid farewell to; to say good-bye to

 告诉 (gao4 su5) to tell; to inform; to let know

 搁 (ge1) to place

 搿 (ge2) to hug

 隔 (ge2) to separate; to stand or lie between; to divide; to cut off

 隔开 (ge2 kai1) to separate

 隔离 (ge2 li2) to separate; to isolate

 格式化 (ge2 shi4 hua4) to format

 跟 (gen1) to follow; to go with; heel; with; and

 跟随 (gen1 sui2) to follow

 更 (geng1) to change

 耕 (geng1) to plow; to till

 耕种 (geng1 zhong4) to till; to cultivate

 攻 (gong1) to attack; to accuse; to study

 攻击 (gong1 ji1) to attack; to accuse; to charge; (military) attack

 攻克 (gong1 ke4) to capture; to take

 公然表示 (gong1 ran2 biao3 shi4) to state openly

 工业化 (gong1 ye4 hua4) to industrialize; industrialization

 贡献 (gong4 xian4) to contribute; to dedicate; to devote; contribution

 共享 (gong4 xiang3) to share

 共有 (gong4 you3) to have altogether; in all

 共存 (gong4 zun2) to coexist

 勾 (gou1) to cancel; to delineate; hook

 勾划 (gou1 hua4) to sketch; to delineate

 购 (gou4) to buy; to purchase

 媾 (gou4) to marry; to copulate

 够 (gou4) to reach; to be enough

 构成 (gou4 cheng2) to constitute; to form; to compose; to make up

 媾和 (gou4 he2) to make peace

 酤 (gu1) to deal in liquors

 鼓励 (gu3 li4) to encourage

 鼓掌 (gu3 zhang3) to applaud

 刮 (gua1) to scrape; to blow

 挂 (gua4) to hang; to put up; to suspend

 挂好 (gua4 hao3) to hang up properly (telephone, picture, clothes, etc.)

 挂号 (gua4 hao4) to register (a letter, etc.)

 拐弯 (guai3 wan1) to turn a corner

 观 (guan1) to look at; to watch; to observe; to behold

 观察 (guan1 cha2) to observe; to watch; to survey; to examine

 观看 (guan1 kan4) to watch; to view

 冠 (guan4) to head

 灌溉 (guan4 gai4) to irrigate

 广告 (guang3 gao4) to advertise

 逛 (guang4) to stroll; to visit

 归 (gui1) to go back; to return

 规避 (gui1 bi4) to evade; to dodge

 规劝 (gui1 quan4) to advise

 滚 (gun3) to boil; to roll

 掴 (guo2) to slap

 过来 (guo4 lai2) to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of

 过来 (guo4 lai5) to come over; to come up

 过滤 (guo4 lu:4) to filter

 还说 (hai2 shuo1) to add (in speaking); to also say

 害 (hai4) to do harm to; to cause trouble to; harm; evil; calamity

 害怕 (hai4 pa4) to be afraid; to be scared

 含 (han2) to keep; to contain

 焊 (han4) to solder; weld by heat

 耗费 (hao4 fei4) to waste; to spend; to consume; to squander

 诃 (he1) to blame; ridicule in loud voice

 涸 (he2) to dry; to dry up

 合法化 (he2 fa3 hua4) to legalize; to make legal; legalization

 和好 (he2 hao3) to become reconciled

 合作 (he2 zuo4) to cooperate; to collaborate; to work together; cooperation

 恨 (hen4) to hate

 衡 (heng2) to weigh; weight; measure

 横扫 (heng2 sao3) to sweep away

 呼 (hu1) to call; to cry; to shout; to breath out; to exhale

 呼叫 (hu1 jiao4) to shout; to yell

 互换 (hu4 huan4) to exchange

 糊弄 (hu4 nong5) to fool; to deceive

 互通 (hu4 tong1) to intercommunicate; to interoperate

 划 (hua2) to row

 滑冰 (hua2 bing1) to skate; skating

 滑雪 (hua2 xue3) to ski; skiing

 划 (hua4) to delimit; to transfer

 划 (hua4) to mark off; draw (a line)

 划分 (hua4 fen1) to divide

 化妆 (hua4 zhuang1) to put on make-up

 怀 (huai2) to think of; to cherish; mind; heart; bosom

 怀念 (huai2 nian4) to cherish the memory of; to think of

 怀疑 (huai2 yi2) to doubt; to suspect; doubt; suspicion

 怀孕 (huai2 yun4) to be pregnant

 欢迎 (huan1 ying2) to welcome; welcome

 环绕 (huan2 rao4) to surround; to rotate

 缓冲 (huan3 chong1) to buffer

 缓和 (huan3 he2) to ease (tension); to alleviate; to moderate; to allay; to make more mild

 唤 (huan4) to call

 谎报 (huang3 bao4) to lie

 恢 (hui1) to restore; to recover; great

 恢复 (hui1 fu4) to reinstate; to resume; to restore; to recover; to regain

 回顾 (hui2 gu4) to look back; to review

 回顾历史 (hui2 gu4 li4 shi3) to look back at history

 回归 (hui2 gui1) to return (to previous condition); Hong Kong's return to Chinese sovereignty; to regress

 回归中国 (hui2 gui1 zhong1 guo2) to return to China (e.g. Hong Kong)

 毁 (hui3) to destroy; to damage; to ruin

 绘 (hui4) to draw; to paint

 汇报 (hui4 bao4) to report; to give an account of; report

 汇集 (hui4 ji2) to collect; to compile; to converge

 会见 (hui4 jian4) to meet with (someone who is paying a visit)

 绘图 (hui4 tu2) to draw; to draft

 绘制 (hui4 zhi4) to draw; to draft

 婚 (hun1) to marry; marriage; wedding; to take a wife

 昏迷 (hun1 mi2) to lose consciousness; to be in a coma

 混 (hun4) to mix; to get along; thoughtless

 混合 (hun4 he2) to mix; to blend

 活 (huo2) to live; alive; living; work; workmanship

 获 (huo4) to catch; to obtain; to capture

 获得 (huo4 de2) to obtain; to receive; to get

 积 (ji1) to amass; to accumulate; to store; old; long-standing

 激 (ji1) to arouse; to incite; to excite; to stimulate; sharp; fierce; violent

 乩 (ji1) to divine

 击 (ji1) to hit; to strike; to break

 激动 (ji1 dong4) to excite; to agitate; exciting

 激发 (ji1 fa1) to arouse; to excite

 集 (ji2) to gather; to collect; collected works

 及 (ji2) to reach; and

 及格 (ji2 ge2) to pass a test

 集中 (ji2 zhong1) to concentrate; to centralize; to focus; centralized; concentrated; to put together

 给 (ji3) to supply; provide

 计 (ji4) to calculate; to compute; to count; reckon; ruse; to plan

 继 (ji4) to continue; to follow after; then; afterwards; to go on with; to succeed; to inherit

 洎 (ji4) to reach; when

 记 (ji4) to remember; to note; mark; sign; to record

 继承 (ji4 cheng2) to inherit; to carry on; to succeed

 记得 (ji4 de5) to remember

 纪念 (ji4 nian4) to commemorate; to remember

 寄送 (ji4 song4) to send; to transmit

 计算 (ji4 suan4) to count; to calculate; to compute

 继续 (ji4 xu4) to continue; to proceed with; to go on with

 记住 (ji4 zhu5) to remember

 加 (jia1) to add; plus

 加紧 (jia1 jin3) to intensify; to speed up; to step up

 加快 (jia1 kuai4) to accelerate; to speed up

 加密 (jia1 mi4) to encrypt; encryption

 加强 (jia1 qiang2) to reinforce; to strengthen; to increase

 加强管制 (jia1 qiang2 guan3 zhi4) to tighten control (over sth)

 加入 (jia1 ru4) to become a member; to join; to mix into; to participate in; to add in

 加上 (jia1 shang4) to put in; to add; plus; to add on; to add into

 加深 (jia1 shen1) to deepen

 加油 (jia1 you2) to make an extra effort; to cheer sb. on

 假定 (jia3 ding4) to assume; to suppose

 驾 (jia4) to drive; to draw; to harness; to mount

 架 (jia4) to support; frame; rack; framework

 驾驶 (jia4 shi3) to drive

 驾驭 (jia4 yu4) to control; to drive

 兼并 (jian1 bing4) to annex; to take over; to acquire

 坚持 (jian1 chi2) to continue upholding; to remain committed to; persistence; to persist; to uphold; to insist on

 监督 (jian1 du1) to control; to supervise; to inspect

 坚决否认 (jian1 jue2 fou3 ren4) to firmly deny

 监控 (jian1 kong4) to monitor

 检 (jian3) to check; to examine; to inspect

 减 (jian3) to lower; to decrease; to reduce; to subtract; to diminish

 检测 (jian3 ce4) to detect

 检察 (jian3 cha2) to inspect; check up (on)

 简单的说 (jian3 dan1 de5 shuo1) to put it simply; simply put

 减肥 (jian3 fei2) to lose weight

 减缓 (jian3 huan3) to slow down; to retard

 减少 (jian3 shao3) to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower

 检验 (jian3 yan4) to inspect; to examine; to test

 建 (jian4) to establish; to found; to set up; to build; to construct

 见 (jian4) to see; to meet; to appear (to be sth); to interview

 鉴别 (jian4 bie2) to differentiate; to distinguish

 鉴定 (jian4 ding4) to appraise; to identify; to evaluate

 建交 (jian4 jiao1) to establish diplomatic relations

 键入 (jian4 ru4) to key in; to input

 鉴赏 (jian4 shang3) to appreciate

 建设 (jian4 she4) to build; to construct; construction; constructive

 建议 (jian4 yi4) to propose; to suggest; to recommend; proposal; suggestion; recommendation

 耩 (jiang3) to plough; to sow

 讲 (jiang3) to talk; speech; to speak; to tell; to explain

 讲解 (jiang3 jie3) to explain

 降 (jiang4) to drop; to fall; to come down; to descend

 降低 (jiang4 di1) to reduce; to lower; to bring down

 降落 (jiang4 luo4) to descend; to land

 交 (jiao1) to deliver; to turn over; to make friends; to intersect (lines); to pay (money)

 浇 (jiao1) to water

 交媾 (jiao1 gou4) to have sex; to copulate

 交换 (jiao1 huan4) to exchange; to swap; to switch (telecom)

 交替 (jiao1 ti2) to replace; alternately; in turn

 嚼 (jiao2) to chew

 搅 (jiao3) to disturb; to annoy; to mix; to stir

 搅拌 (jiao3 ban4) to stir; to agitate

 狡辩 (jiao3 bian4) to quibble

 搅动 (jiao3 dong3) to mix; to stir

 搅混 (jiao3 hun5) to mix; to blend

 搅和 (jiao3 huo4) to mix (up); to blend; to spoil

 绞尽脑汁 (jiao3 jin4 nao3 zhi1) to wrack one's brains

 狡赖 (jiao3 lai4) to deny (through sophism)

 搅乱 (jiao3 luan4) to confuse

 搅扰 (jiao3 rao3) to disturb; to annoy

 减弱 (jiao3 ruo4) to weaken; to fall off

 叫醒 (jiao4 xing3) to call awake; to wake up (someone); to awaken

 校验 (jiao4 yan4) to check; to examine

 教育 (jiao4 yu4) to educate; to teach; education

 接 (jie1) to extend; to connect; to receive; to join

 接驳 (jie1 bo2) to access

 接人 (jie1 ren2) to meet a person

 揭示 (jie1 shi4) to show; to make known

 接收 (jie1 shou1) to receive; to accept

 接受 (jie1 shou4) to accept; to receive

 接通 (jie1 tong1) to connect; to put through

 结合 (jie2 he2) to combine; to link; to integrate

 结婚 (jie2 hun1) to marry; to get married

 竭尽全力 (jie2 jin4 quan2 li4) to spare no effort; do one's utmost

 结帐 (jie2 zhang4) to settle accounts

 解 (jie3) to separate; to divide; to break up; to loosen; to explain; to untie; to emancipate

 解调 (jie3 diao4) to demodulate

 解雇 (jie3 gu4) to fire; to sack; to dismiss

 解决 (jie3 jue2) to settle (a dispute); resolve; to resolve; to solve

 解开 (jie3 kai1) to untie; to undo

 解码 (jie3 ma3) to decode; to decipher

 解析 (jie3 xi1) to analyze; to resolve

 解压缩 (jie3 ya1 suo1) to decompress; decompression (esp. computer)

 借 (jie4) to lend; to borrow; excuse; pretext; by means of

 介绍 (jie4 shao4) to present; introduction; to introduce

 借助 (jie4 zhu4) to get help from

 尽 (jin3) to the utmost

 禁 (jin4) to prohibit; to forbid

 尽 (jin4) to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; exhausted; finished; to the limit (of sth)

 进入 (jin4 ru4) to enter; to join; to go into

 进行 (jin4 xing2) to advance; to conduct; underway; in progress; to do; to carry out; to carry on; to conduct; to execute

 进行调查 (jin4 xing2 diao4 cha2) to carry out an investigation

 进行交易 (jin4 xing2 jiao1 yi4) to carry out a transaction

 进行通信 (jin4 xing2 tong1 xin4) to communicate; to carry out communications

 进行性交 (jin4 xing2 xing4 jiao1) to have sex; to have sexual intercourse

 进展 (jin4 zhan3) to make headway; to make progress

 禁止 (jin4 zhi3) to prohibit

 兢 (jing1) to be fearful; apprehensive

 惊 (jing1) to start; to be frightened; to be scared; alarm

 经过 (jing1 guo4) to pass; to go through; process; course

 精简 (jing1 jian3) to simplify; to reduce

 精简开支 (jing1 jian3 kai1 zhi1) to reduce spending; to cut spending

 经销 (jing1 xiao1) to sell; to distribute

 经验 (jing1 yan4) to experience; experience

 警 (jing3) to alert; to warn

 警告 (jing3 gao4) to warn; to admonish

 警戒 (jing3 jie4) to warn; to be alert for

 竞 (jing4) to compete; to contend; to struggle

 敬 (jing4) to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer

 竞争 (jing4 zheng1) to compete; competition

 敬重 (jing4 zhong4) to respect deeply; to revere; to esteem

 敬祝 (jing4 zhu4) to respectfully offer (written at the end of letter from someone of lower status to higher status)

 揪 (jiu1) to clutch

 究办 (jiu1 ban4) to investigate and deal with

 纠察 (jiu1 cha2) to picket

 纠集 (jiu1 ji2) to gather together; to muster

 纠偏 (jiu1 pian1) to correct an error

 纠正 (jiu1 zheng4) to correct; to make right

 救 (jiu4) to save; to assist; to rescue

 救援 (jiu4 yuan2) to save; to support; to help; to assist

 鞠 (ju1) to bring up; to rear; Ju (a surname)

 锯 (ju1) to mend (china) with staples

 鞠躬 (ju1 gong1) to bow

 举 (ju3) to lift; to hold up; to cite; to enumerate; to act; to raise; to choose; to elect

 举办 (ju3 ban4) to conduct; to hold

 举例 (ju3 li4) to give an example

 举行 (ju3 xing2) to hold (a meeting, ceremony, etc.)

 惧 (ju4) to fear

 拒 (ju4) to resist; to repel; to refuse

 拒绝 (ju4 jue2) to refuse; to decline; to reject

 圈 (juan1) to confine; enclose

 捐 (juan1) to contribute; to donate; tax; to abandon

 捐献 (juan1 xian4) to donate; to contribute

 捐赠 (juan1 zeng4) to donate; to give (away)

 卷 (juan3) to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on

 卷入 (juan3 ru4) to draw into; to involve

 嚼 (jue2) to chew

 觉得 (jue2 de5) to think; to feel

 决定 (jue2 ding4) to decide (to do something); to determine; to resolve

 皲 (jun1) to chap

 卡 (ka3) to check; to stop; to block; card

 开车 (kai1 che1) to drive a car

 开除 (kai1 chu2) to expel

 开除学籍 (kai1 chu2 xue2 ji2) to expel from school

 开刀 (kai1 dao1) to perform or have an operation; to operate on or to be operated on

 开幕 (kai1 mu4) to open (a conference, e.g.); to inaugurate

 开玩笑 (kai1 wan2 xiao4) to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke

 开心 (kai1 xin1) to feel happy; to have a great time; to make fun of somebody

 勘 (kan1) to investigate; to survey; to collate

 看 (kan1) to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard

 刊 (kan1) to print; publish

 勘测 (kan1 ce4) to investigate; to survey

 勘误 (kan1 wu4) to correct printing errors

 砍 (kan3) to chop

 看见 (kan4 jian4) to see; to catch sight of

 抗 (kang4) to resist; to fight; to defy

 拷 (kao3) to beat; to flog; to examine by torture

 考 (kao3) to check; to verify; to test; to examine

 烤 (kao3) to roast; bake; to broil

 拷贝 (kao3 bei4) to copy

 拷打 (kao3 da3) to beat; to flog

 拷花 (kao3 hua1) to emboss

 考虑 (kao3 lu:4) to think over; to consider; consideration

 拷问 (kao3 wen4) to question via torture

 磕 (ke1) to tap; knock

 咳嗽 (ke2 sou5) to cough

 可身 (ke3 shen1) to fit well (clothes)

 嗑 (ke4) to crack (seeds) with front teeth

 缂 (ke4) to woof

 肯 (ken3) to agree; to consent; to be ready (to do sth); willing

 啃 (ken3) to gnaw; to nibble; to bite

 肯定 (ken3 ding4) to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definite; to confirm; to affirm; affirmative

 恐吓 (kong3 he4) to threaten; to menace

 控 (kong4) to accuse; to charge; to control; to sue

 扣上 (kou4 shang4) to buckle up; to fasten

 哭 (ku1) to cry; to weep

 刳 (ku1) to cut open; rip up; scoop out

 夸 (kua1) to boast

 夸 (kua1) to boast

 夸张 (kua1 zhang1) to exaggerate; to overstate

 跨越 (kua4 yue4) to step across; step over

 会 (kuai4) to balance an account; accounting

 喟 (kui4) to sigh

 溃烂 (kui4 lan4) to fester; to ulcerate

 扩充 (kuo4 chong1) to expand

 扩大 (kuo4 da4) to expand; to enlarge

 拉 (la1) to pull; to play (string instruments); to drag; to draw

 剌 (la2) to slash

 来 (lai2) to come

 徕 (lai2) to come

 来到 (lai2 dao4) to come; to arrive

 来往 (lai2 wang3) to come and go

 来自 (lai2 zi4) to come from (a place)

 拦住 (lan2 zhu4) to stop; to bar the way

 浪荡 (lang4 dang4) to loiter; to hang around

 浪费 (lang4 fei4) to waste; to squander

 唠 (lao2) to chatter

 类推 (lei4 tui1) to reason by analogy

 愣 (leng4) to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; stupefied; blank

 离 (li2) to leave; to depart; to go away; from

 离婚 (li2 hun1) to divorce; to be divorced from (one's wife or husband)

 离开 (li2 kai1) to depart; to leave

 离开北京 (li2 kai1 bei3 jing1) to leave Beijing; to depart from Beijing

 离开故乡 (li2 kai1 gu4 xiang4) to leave one' homeland

 理解 (li3 jie3) to comprehend; understanding; comprehension; to understand

 轹 (li4) to bully; wheel-rut

 历 (li4) to experience; to undergo; to pass through; all; each; every; calendar

 历时 (li4 shi2) to last; to take (time); period

 联 (lian2) to ally; to unite; to join

 怜 (lian2) to pity

 联合 (lian2 he2) to combine; to join; unite; alliance

 连接 (lian2 jie1) to link; to join; to attach; connection

 连接至 (lian2 jie1 zhi4) to connect to

 联结 (lian2 jie2) to bind; to tie; to link

 练 (lian4) to practice; to train; to perfect (one's skill); to drill

 恋爱 (lian4 ai4) to have a love affair; to be in love; to love; love

 量 (liang2) to measure

 晾 (liang4) to dry in the air

 量力 (liang4 li4) to estimate one's strength

 聊 (liao2) to chat; to have a chat; to kill time

 疗 (liao2) to treat; to cure

 了 (liao3) to know; to understand; to know

 撂 (liao4) to leave (it)

 列 (lie4) to arrange; to line up; row; file; series

 临 (lin2) to face; to overlook; to arrive; to be (just) about to; just before

 临摹 (lin2 mo2) to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting, etc.)

 临写 (lin2 xie3) to copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)

 遴选 (lin2 xuan3) to pick; to choose; to select

 赁 (lin4) to rent

 领受 (ling3 shou4) to accept

 领先 (ling3 xian1) to lead; to be in front

 另寄 (ling4 ji4) to mail separately

 另起炉灶 (ling4 qi3 lu2 zao4) to start from scratch; to set up a separate kitchen
 另眼相看 (ling4 yan3 xiang1 kan4) to view in a new light

 流 (liu2) to flow; to spread; to circulate; to move

 浏览 (liu2 lan3) to skim over; to browse

 流通 (liu2 tong1) to circulate

 流亡在海外 (liu2 wang2 zai4 hai3 wai4) to be in exile overseas

 留学 (liu2 xue2) to study abroad

 留言 (liu2 yan2) to leave one's comments; to leave a message

 遛 (liu4) to stroll; walk a horse; to linger

 搂 (lou3) to hug; to embrace

 搂抱 (lou3 bao4) to hug; to embrace

 滤 (lu:4) to strain; to filter

 录 (lu4) to record; to hit; to copy

 露 (lu4) to show; to reveal; to expose; dew

 录共 (lu4 gong4) to take down a confession

 录取 (lu4 qu3) to recruit; to enroll

 乱吃 (luan4 chi1) to eat indiscriminately

 乱说 (luan4 shuo1) to make irresponsible remarks

 乱写 (luan4 xie3) to write without basis

 乱作决定 (luan4 zuo4 jue2 ding4) to make arbitrary decisions

 轮询 (lun2 xun2) to poll; polling

 罗列 (luo2 lie4) to spread out

 落实 (luo4 shi2) to implement; to carry out; practical; workable

 麻醉 (ma2 zui4) to anaesthetize

 买好 (mai3 hao3) to ingratiate oneself

 买通 (mai3 tong1) to bribe

 买帐 (mai3 zhang4) to show respect (for sb)

 卖 (mai4) to sell

 埋 (man2) to blame

 满意 (man3 yi4) to be satisfied; to be pleased; satisfied; pleased

 满足 (man3 zu2) to satisfy; to meet (the needs of)

 墁 (man4) to plaster

 熳 (man4) to spread

 蔓延 (man4 yan2) to extend; to spread

 蔓延全国 (man4 yan2 quan2 guo2) to spread throughout the entire country

 没有联系 (mei2 you3 lian2 xi4) to be unrelated

 梦 (meng4) to dream

 梦见 (meng4 jian5) to dream; to see in a dream

 梦想 (meng4 xian3) to dream of (in vain)

 梦游症 (meng4 you2 zheng4) to sleepwalk

 眯 (mi1) to squint

 迷惑 (mi2 huo5) to puzzle; to confuse; to baffle

 迷恋 (mi2 lian4) to be infatuated with; to indulge in

 弭 (mi3) to stop; repress

 免 (mian3) to exempt; to remove; to avoid; to excuse

 免除 (mian3 chu2) to prevent; to avoid

 面临困难 (mian4 lin2 kun4 nan2) to be faced with problems

 面向 (mian4 xiang4) to face; to turn towards; -oriented

 瞄 (miao2) to aim

 描红 (miao2 hong2) to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)

 描画 (miao2 hua4) to draw; to describe

 描绘 (miao2 hui4) to describe; to portray

 描金 (miao2 jin1) to outline in gold

 描摹 (miao2 mo2) to describe; to portray

 描述 (miao2 shu4) to describe

 描图 (miao2 tu2) to trace

 描写 (miao2 xie3) to describe; to depict; to portray

 鸣 (ming2) to cry (of birds)

 磨 (mo2) to sharpen; to delay; hardship; to grind; to rub

 模仿 (mo2 fang3) to imitate; to copy

 抹油 (mo3 you2) to anoint

 殁 (mo4) to end; to die

 谋 (mou2) to plan; seek; scheme

 缪 (mou2) to wind round

 募化 (mu4 hua4) to collect alms (Buddhism)

 募集 (mu4 ji2) to raise; to collect

 募捐 (mu4 juan1) to solicit contributions

 拿 (na2) to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take

 拿主意 (na2 zu3 yi5) to make a decision; to make up one's mind

 纳 (na4) to accept; to pay (tax etc.)

 乃 (nai3) to be; thus; so; therefore; then; only; thereupon

 乃是 (nai3 shi4) to be

 耐 (nai4) to be unbearable; unable to endure

 挠 (nao2) to scratch

 内码 (nei4 ma3) to encode

 匿 (ni4) to hide

 念 (nian4) to read aloud

 捏 (nie1) to pinch (with one's fingers); to knead; to make up

 捏估 (nie1 gu5) to act as a go-between

 捏合 (nie1 hu2) to act as a go between

 捏造 (nie1 zao4) to make up; to fabricate

 拧 (ning2) to pinch; wring

 扭 (niu3) to turn; to twist; to grab; to wring

 纽 (niu3) to turn; to wrench; button

 弄 (nong4) to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with

 努 (nu3) to exert; to strive

 挪 (nuo2) to shift; to move

 挪动 (nuo2 dong4) to move; to shift

 挪借 (nuo2 jie4) to borrow money for a short time

 挪窝儿 (nuo2 wor1) to move (to a house)

 挪用 (nuo2 yong4) to embezzle; to divert funds

 诺 (nuo4) to promise; to yes

 趴 (pa1) to lie on one's stomach

 怕 (pa4) to be afraid; to fear

 拍 (pai1) to clap; to pat; to beat; to hit; to slap; to take (a picture)

 拍照 (pai1 zhao4) to take a picture

 排队 (pai2 dui4) to line up

 派给工作 (pai4 gei3 gong1 zuo4) to task

 叛 (pan4) to betray; to rebel; to revolt

 盼 (pan4) to hope for; to long for; to expect

 判 (pan4) to judge; to sentence; to discriminate; to discern

 判处 (pan4 chu3) to sentence; to condemn

 判处死刑 (pan4 chu3 si3 xing2) to sentence to death

 判断 (pan4 duan4) to decide; to determine

 叛卖 (pan4 mai4) to betray

 判明 (pan4 ming2) to distinguish; to ascertain

 叛逆 (pan4 ni4) to rebel; to revolt

 盼望 (pan4 wang4) to hope for; look forward to

 旁路 (pang2 lu4) to bypass

 耪 (pang3) to weed

 抛 (pao1) to throw; to toss; to fling; to cast; to abandon

 咆 (pao2) to roar

 跑 (pao3) to run; to escape

 跑步 (pao3 bu4) to walk quickly; to march; to run

 跑江湖 (pao3 jiang1 hu2) to make a living as a traveling performer, etc.

 跑警报 (pao3 jing3 bao4) to run for shelter

 跑龙套 (pao3 long2 tao4) to play a small role

 跑腿儿 (pao3 tuir3) to run errands

 泡 (pao4) to steep; soak

 呸 (pei1) to spit (in contempt)

 陪 (pei2) to accompany; to keep sb. company

 培 (pei2) to cultivate; to earth up

 培土 (pei2 tu3) to earth up

 培修 (pei2 xiu1) to repair earthworks

 培训 (pei2 xun4) to cultivate; to train

 培养 (pei2 yang3) to train; culture; to bring up; to groom (for a position)

 培育 (pei2 yu4) to train; to breed

 培植 (pei2 zhi2) to cultivate; to train

 配 (pei4) to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to deserve; to make up (a prescription)

 佩 (pei4) to respect; wear (belt; etc.)

 配备 (pei4 bei4) to allocate; to provide; to outfit with

 配置 (pei4 zhi4) to deploy

 喷 (pen1) to puff; to spout; to spray; to spurt

 朋比为奸 (peng2 bi3 wei2 jian1) to conspire; to gang up

 膨胀 (peng2 zhang4) to expand; to inflate; to swell

 碰 (peng4) to touch; to meet with; to bump

 碰触 (peng4 chu4) to touch

 碰见 (peng4 jian4) to run into; to meet

 批 (pi1) to ascertain; (measure word for batches, lots); to act on; to criticize; to pass on

 批量生产 (pi1 liang4 sheng1 chan3) to mass produce

 披露 (pi1 lu4) to reveal; to publish; to make public; to announce

 批评 (pi1 ping2) to criticize; criticism

 批准 (pi1 zhun3) to approve; to ratify

 仳 (pi3) to part

 屁 (pi4) to break wind; to fart

 媲 (pi4) to match; to pair

 蹁 (pian2) to limp

 骗 (pian4) to cheat; to swindle; to deceive; to full

 骗取 (pian4 qu3) to gain by cheating

 飘 (piao1) to float

 漂 (piao1) to float; to drift

 剽 (piao1) to rob; swift; nimble

 漂浮 (piao1 fu2) to float; superficial

 漂 (piao3) to bleach

 拼命 (pin1 ming4) to be ready to risk one's life (in fighting, work, etc.)

 拼起来 (pin1 qi5 lai5) to put together

 评 (ping2) to discuss; to comment; to criticize; to judge; to choose (by public appraisal)

 评比 (ping2 bi3) to evaluate (by comparison)

 评价 (ping2 jia4) to evaluate; to assess

 评选 (ping2 xuan3) to choose

 破 (po4) to break; to split; broken; damaged; worn out

 迫 (po4) to force; to compel; pressing; urgent

 破产 (po4 chan3) to go bankrupt; to become impoverished

 剖 (pou1) to cut

 扑 (pu1) to rush at; to throw oneself on

 铺 (pu1) to spread

 曝 (pu4) to air; to sun

 栖 (qi1) to roost

 栖 (qi1) to roost

 沏 (qi1) to steep (tea)

 缉 (qi1) to stitch finely

 期待 (qi1 dai4) to look forward to; to await

 欺负 (qi1 fu5) to bully

 欺凌 (qi1 ling2) to bully and humiliate

 欺瞒 (qi1 man2) to fool; to hoodwink; to dupe

 期满 (qi1 man3) to expire; to run out; to come to an end

 欺骗 (qi1 pian4) to deceive; to cheat

 欺侮 (qi1 wu3) to bully

 欺压 (qi1 ya1) to bully; to push around

 欺诈 (qi1 zha4) to cheat

 骑 (qi2) to ride (an animal or bike); to sit astride

 祈祷 (qi2 dao3) to pray; to say one's prayers; prayer

 启 (qi3) to open; to start

 起 (qi3) to rise; to raise; to get up

 起床 (qi3 chuang2) to get up

 启动 (qi3 dong4) to start

 起飞 (qi3 fei1) to take off (in an airplane)

 起诉 (qi3 su4) to sue; to bring a lawsuit against

 砌 (qi4) to build by laying bricks or stones

 妻 (qi4) to marry off (a daughter)

 葺 (qi4) to repair
 憩 (qi4) to rest

 泣 (qi4) to sob

 弃旧换新 (qi4 jiu4 tu2 xin1) to turn over a new leaf

 弃权 (qi4 quan2) to abstain from voting; to forfeit; to waive one's right to vote

 气人 (qi4 ren2) to get someone angry; to get someone annoyed

 弃世 (qi4 shi4) to leave this word; to die

 弃置 (qi4 zhi4) to throw away; to discard

 迁 (qian1) to move; to shift

 签出 (qian1 chu1) to log off

 签订 (qian1 ding4) to agree to and sign (a treaty, etc)

 迁都 (qian1 du1) to move the capitol (city)

 迁就 (qian1 jiu4) to yield; to adapt to; to accommodate to (sth)

 迁居 (qian1 ju1) to move (from one residence to another)

 签名 (qian1 ming2) to sign (one's name with a pen, etc.); to autograph

 迁怒 (qian1 nu4) to take one's anger out on sb (who does not deserve it)

 签入 (qian1 ru4) to log on; to log in

 签署 (qian1 shu3) to sign (an agreement)

 迁徙 (qian1 xi3) to migrate; to move

 迁移 (qian1 yi2) to migrate; to move

 签字 (qian1 zi4) to sign (a signature)

 潜伏 (qian2 fu2) to hide; to cover up; to conceal

 前进 (qian2 jin4) to go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward

 强调 (qiang2 diao4) to emphasize (a statement); to stress

 强化 (qiang2 hua4) to strengthen; to intensify

 抢先 (qiang3 xian3) to rush (to do sth urgent)

 敲入 (qiao1 ru4) to key in; to input

 撬 (qiao4) to lift

 切 (qie1) to cut; to slice

 切换 (qie1 huan4) to cut over

 侵 (qin1) to invade; to infringe; to approach

 侵犯 (qin1 fan4) to infringe on; to encroach on; violate

 侵害 (qin1 hai4) to encroach on; to infringe on

 侵截 (qin1 jie2) to hack (computer)

 侵扰 (qin1 rao3) to invade and harass

 侵入 (qin1 ru4) to make (military) incursions; to invade

 侵蚀 (qin1 shi2) to erode; to corrode

 侵吞 (qin1 tun1) to annex; to swallow (up); to embezzle

 侵袭 (qin1 xi2) to invade and attack

 侵占 (qin1 zhan4) to invade and occupy (territory)

 揿 (qin4) to press (bell)

 倾 (qing1) to overturn; to collapse; to lean; to tend; to incline; to pour out

 清洗 (qing1 xi3) to wash; to clean; to purge

 倾销 (qing1 xiao1) to dump (goods, products)

 擎 (qing2) to raise (hand)

 请 (qing3) to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal, etc); to request

 赇 (qiu2) to bribe

 求 (qiu2) to seek; to look for; to request; to demand; to beseech

 祛 (qu1) to exercise

 驱 (qu1) to expel; to urge on; to drive; to run quickly

 趋 (qu1) to hasten; to hurry; walk fast

 驱动 (qu1 dong4) to drive

 趋奉 (qu1 feng4) to fawn on; to kiss up to

 屈服 (qu1 fu2) to surrender; to yield

 趋附 (qu1 fu4) to ingratiate oneself

 趋时 (qu1 shi2) to follow fashion

 取 (qu3) to take; to get; to choose; to fetch

 取得 (qu3 de2) to acquire; to get; to obtain

 取得大学学位 (qu3 de2 da4 xue2 xue2 wei4) to obtain a university education

 取暖 (qu3 nuan3) to warm oneself (by a fire, etc.)

 取消禁令 (qu3 xiao1 jin4 ling4) to life a prohibition; to lift a ban

 失 (qu4) to go; to leave

 去 (qu4) to go; to leave; to remove

 觑 (qu4) to spy; watch for

 去国外 (qu4 guo2 wai4) to go abroad

 去世 (qu4 shi4) to pass away; to die

 趣味 (qu4 wei4) to interest

 悛 (quan1) to reform

 鬈 (quan2) to curl; curled

 劝 (quan4) to advise; to urge; to try to persuade

 却病 (que4 bing4) to prevent or treat a disease

 却步 (que4 bu4) to step back

 确诊 (que4 zhen3) to make a definite diagnosis

 却之下恭 (que4 zhi1 bu4 gong1) to refuse would be impolite

 染 (ran3) to catch (a disease); dye

 让 (rang4) to ask; to let; permit; have (someone do something); to yield; to allow

 让开 (rang4 kai5) to get out of the way; to step aside

 让路 (rang4 lu4) to make way (for sth)

 让球 (rang4 qiu2) to concede points (in a game)

 让位 (rang4 wei4) to abdicate; to yield

 让坐 (rang4 zuo4) to give up one's seat; to be seated

 惹 (re3) to provoke; to exasperate; to annoy

 喏 (re3) to salute; make one's curtsy

 热烫 (re4 tang4) to burn

 忍 (ren3) to beat; to endure; to tolerate

 任 (ren4) to assign; to appoint; office; responsibility

 认 (ren4) to recognize; to know; to admit

 纫 (ren4) to string; to thread (needle)

 任免 (ren4 mian3) to appoint and dismiss

 任命 (ren4 ming4) to appoint and nominate

 认为 (ren4 wei2) to believe; to think; to consider; to feel

 任用 (ren4 yong4) to appoint; to assign

 日益增加 (ri4 yi4 zeng1 jia1) to increase daily

 容 (rong2) to hold; to contain; to allow; appearance; look; countenance

 熔 (rong2) to smelt; fuse

 容忍 (rong2 ren3) to put up with; to tolerate

 蠕 (ru2) to squirm; to wiggle; to wriggle

 蠕动 (ru2 dong4) to wiggle; to squirm

 入 (ru4) to enter

 入迷 (ru4 mi2) to be fascinated; to be enchanted

 入侵 (ru4 qin1) to invade

 若 (ruo4) to seem; like; as; if

 撒 (sa3) to scatter

 赛 (sai4) to compete; competition; match

 糁 (san3) to mix (of powders)

 散播 (san3 bo4) to spread

 散步 (san4 bu4) to take a walk; to go for a walk

 扫 (sao3) to sweep

 刹 (sha1) to brake (car)

 杀 (sha1) to kill; to murder; to slaughter

 筛 (shai1) to filter; to sift; to sieve

 筛选 (shai1 xuan3) to filter

 晒 (shai4) to sun

 晒 (shai4) to sun

 删 (shan1) to delete
 扇 (shan1) to fan

 埏 (shan1) to mix water with clay

 删除 (shan1 chu2) to delete

 掺 (shan3) to grasp

 骟 (shan4) to geld

 赡 (shan4) to support; provide for

 擅长 (shan4 chang2) to be good at; to be expert in

 商业化 (shang1 ye4 hua4) to commercialize

 上班 (shang4 ban1) to go to work; to be on duty; to start work; to go to the office

 上车 (shang4 che1) to get on or into (a bus, train, car etc.)

 上课 (shang4 ke4) to attend class

 上学 (shang4 xue2) to go to school; to attend school

 上载 (shang4 zai4) to upload

 烧 (shao1) to burn; to cook; to stew; to bake; to roast; fever

 舍 (she3) to abandon; to give up

 舍得 (she3 de5) to be willing to part with (sth)

 舍命 (she3 ming4) to risk one's life

 舍弃 (she3 qi4) to give up; to abandon; to abort

 舍身 (she3 shen1) to give one's life

 赦 (she4) to pardon (a convict)

 设 (she4) to set up; to arrange; to establish; to found; to display

 设立 (she4 li4) to set up; to establish

 涉嫌 (she4 xian2) to be a suspect (in a crime)

 摄影 (she4 ying3) to take a photograph

 设置 (she4 zhi4) to set up; to install

 伸 (shen1) to stretch; to extend

 伸开 (shen1 kai1) to stretch out

 深思 (shen1 si1) to ponder; to consider

 申诉 (shen1 su4) to appeal (to sb)

 伸缩 (shen1 suo1) to extend; to stretch; flexible

 呻吟 (shen1 yin2) to moan; to groan

 审 (shen3) to examine; to investigate; carefully; to try (in court)

 审查 (shen3 cha2) to examine; to investigate

 审理 (shen3 li3) to hear (a case)

 渗 (shen4) to seep; to ooze; to horrify

 渗入 (shen4 ru4) to permeate

 渗透 (shen4 tou4) to permeate; to infiltrate

 生 (sheng1) to be born; to give birth; life; to grow

 升 (sheng1) to raise; to hoist; to promote; pint

 生产 (sheng1 chan3) to produce; manufacture

 声称 (sheng1 cheng1) to claim; to state; to proclaim; to assert

 生存 (sheng1 cun2) to exist; to survive

 生火 (sheng1 huo3) to make a fire; to light a fire

 升级 (sheng1 ji2) to escalate (in intensity); be stepped up; to increase; to rise; to go up

 生效 (sheng1 xiao4) to take effect; to go into effect

 生育 (sheng1 yu4) to bear; to give birth

 失 (shi1) to lose; to miss; to fail

 失去 (shi1 qu4) to lose

 失效 (shi1 xiao4) to fail; to lose effectiveness

 施行 (shi1 xing2) to put in place

 失足 (shi1 zu2) to take a wrong step in life

 识 (shi2) to know; knowledge

 识别 (shi2 bie2) to distinguish; to discern

 识货 (shi2 huo4) to know what's what

 实践 (shi2 jian4) to practice; to put into practice; to fulfill

 识破 (shi2 po4) to penetrate; to see through

 实施 (shi2 shi1) to implement; to carry out

 实习 (shi2 xi2) to practice; field work

 实现 (shi2 xian4) to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about

 实验 (shi2 yan4) to experiment; experiments

 识字 (shi2 zi4) to learn to read

 使 (shi3) to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; messenger

 使满意 (shi3 man3 yi4) to make content

 使蔓延 (shi3 man4 yan2) to spread

 使信服 (shi3 xin4 fu2) to convince

 使用 (shi3 yong4) to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of

 适 (shi4) to fit; to suit

 置 (shi4) to install; to place; to put

 舐 (shi4) to lick; lap

 视 (shi4) to look at; to regard; to inspect

 示 (shi4) to show; reveal

 螫 (shi4) to sting

 试 (shi4) to test; to try; experiment; examination; test

 誓不反悔 (shi4 bu4 fan3 hui3) to vow not to break one's promise

 适合 (shi4 he2) to fit; to suit

 誓师 (shi4 shi1) to vow before one's troops

 誓死 (shi4 si3) to pledge one's life

 誓死不降 (shi4 si3 bu4 xiang2) to vow to fight to the death

 试探 (shi4 tan4) to sound out; to probe; to feel out; to try out

 试图 (shi4 tu2) to attempt; to try

 试一试 (shi4 yi1 shi4) to have a try

 收 (shou1) to receive; to accept; to collect

 收回 (shou1 hui2) to regain; to retake; to take back; to withdraw; to revoke

 收集 (shou1 ji2) to gather; to collect

 收入 (shou1 ru4) to take in; income; revenue

 收拾 (shou1 shi5) to put in order; to tidy up

 授受 (shou1 shou4) to give and accept

 收听 (shou1 ting1) to listen (to); to listen (in)

 守 (shou3) to guard

 受 (shou4) to bear; to stand; to endure; (passive marker); to receive

 售 (shou4) to sell

 授 (shou4) to teach; to instruct; to award; to give

 受害 (shou4 hai4) to be injured; to be killed

 售货 (shou4 huo4) to sell goods

 授计 (shou4 ji4) to confide a plan to sb

 售价 (shou4 jia4) to sell for; selling price

 授奖 (shou4 jiang3) to award a prize

 授课 (shou4 ke4) to teach; to give lessons

 售卖 (shou4 mai4) to sell

 授命 (shou4 ming4) to give orders

 授权 (shou4 quan2) to authorize

 授勋 (shou4 xun1) to award an honor

 授意 (shou4 yi4) to inspire; to incite

 授予 (shou4 yu3) to award; to confer

 抒 (shu1) to strain; pour out

 输 (shu1) to transport; to lose

 输出 (shu1 chu1) to export; to output

 输入 (shu1 ru4) to import; to input

 书写 (shu1 xie3) to write

 熟悉 (shu2 xi1) to know well

 数 (shu3) to count

 漱 (shu4) to rinse (mouth)

 述 (shu4) to state; to tell; to narrate; to relate

 刷 (shua4) to select
 衰减 (shuai1 jian3) to weaken; to attenuate

 率 (shuai4) to lead; command

 闩 (shuan1) to bolt

 睡 (shui4) to sleep

 睡觉 (shui4 jiao4) to go to bed; to go to sleep

 吮 (shun3) to suck

 吮吸 (shun3 xi1) to suck

 顺 (shun4) to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable

 瞬 (shun4) to wink

 说 (shuo1) to speak; to say

 说服 (shuo1 fu2) to persuade; to convince; to talk sb. over

 说明 (shuo1 ming2) to explain; to illustrate; explanation; directions; caption

 撕 (si1) to tear

 思 (si1) to think; to consider

 死 (si3) to die; inpassable; uncrossable; inflexible; rigid

 食 (si4) to feed

 饲 (si4) to raise; to rear; to feed

 似 (si4) to seem; to appear; similar; like; to resemble

 伺 (si4) to watch; to wait; to examine; to spy

 似乎很安全 (si4 hu5 hen3 an1 quan2) to appear (to be) very safe

 伺机 (si4 ji1) to watch for one's chance

 饲养 (si4 yang3) to raise; to rear

 耸动 (song3 dong4) to create a sensation

 耸肩 (song3 jian1) to shrug one's shoulders

 耸立 (song3 li4) to tower above (on top of sth); erect

 送 (song4) to deliver; to carry; to give (as a present); to present (with); to see off; to send

 颂 (song4) to praise

 送人 (song4 ren2) to see (or walk) someone home; to see someone off

 送行 (song4 xing2) to see someone off

 搜 (sou1) to search

 嗾 (sou3) to urge on; incite

 塑 (su4) to model (a figure) in clay

 随 (sui2) to follow; to comply with; to allow; (surname)

 碎 (sui4) to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary

 损 (sun3) to damage; injure; to lose; to harm

 损坏 (sun3 huai4) to damage; to injure

 损伤 (sun3 shang1) to harm; to damage; to injure

 缩 (suo1) to withdraw; to pull back; to contract; to shrink; to reduce

 缩短 (suo1 duan3) to curtail; to cut down

 缩减 (suo1 jian3) to cut; to reduce

 锁 (suo3) to lock up; to lock

 索 (suo3) to search; to demand; to ask; to exact; large rope; isolated

 索取 (suo3 qu3) to ask; to demand

 嗒 (ta4) to despair

 抬 (tai2) to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry

 汰 (tai4) to discard; to eliminate; too

 谈 (tan2) to speak; to talk; to converse; to chat; to discuss; (surname)

 谈到 (tan2 dao4) to refer to; to speak about; to talk about

 谈论 (tan2 lun4) to discuss; to talk about

 谈判 (tan2 pan4) to negotiate; negotiation; conference

 弹琴 (tan2 qin2) to play or strum a lute or other stringed instrument

 袒 (tan3) to bare

 探 (tan4) to explore; to search out; to scout; to visit

 叹 (tan4) to sigh

 叹 (tan4) to sigh

 探路 (tan4 lu4) to find a path

 探亲 (tan4 qin1) to go home to visit one's family

 探险 (tan4 xian3) to explore

 躺 (tang3) to recline; to lie down

 烫 (tang4) to scald; to burn; to iron; hot

 逃 (tao2) to escape; to run away; to flee

 淘汰 (tao2 tai4) to die out; to eliminate (in a competition); natural selection

 抬头 (tao2 tou2) to raise one's head; to gain ground

 讨论 (tao3 lun4) to discuss; to talk over

 套 (tao4) to cover; covering; case; cover; (a measure word, a set of something); sheath

 腾 (teng2) to soar; to gallop; to rise; to prance; to hover; to move out

 提 (ti2) to carry; to lift; to put forward; (upwards character stroke); lifting (brush stroke in painting); to mention

 提倡 (ti2 chang1) to promote; to advocate

 提出 (ti2 chu1) to raise (an issue); to propose; to put forward; to post (Usenet)

 提供 (ti2 gong1) to supply; to provide; to furnish

 提炼 (ti2 lian4) to extract (ore, minerals, etc); to refine; to purify; to process

 题签 (ti2 qian1) to write the title of a book on a label

 提前 (ti2 qian2) to shift to an earlier date; to bring forward; to advance

 提升 (ti2 sheng1) to promote; to upgrade

 体现 (ti3 xian4) to embody; to reflect; to give expression to; to be reflected in

 体验 (ti3 yan4) to experience for oneself

 替 (ti4) to substitute for; to take the place of; to replace; for; on behalf of; to stand in for

 添 (tian1) to add; to increase; to replenish

 填 (tian2) to fill in

 舔 (tian3) to lick; to lap

 忝 (tian3) to shame

 舔吮 (tian3 shun3) to lick and suck

 调制 (tiao2 zhi4) to modulate; modulation

 跳动 (tiao4 dong4) to beat; to pulse

 跳舞 (tiao4 wu3) to dance

 跳跃 (tiao4 yue4) to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip

 贴 (tie1) to stick; to paste; to keep close to; to fit snugly; allowance

 听说 (ting1 shuo1) to hear told

 听说过 (ting1 shuo1 guo5) to hear said

 停 (ting2) to stop; to halt

 停车 (ting2 che1) to stop; to park

 停止 (ting2 zhi3) to stop; to halt; to cease

 挺立 (ting3 li4) to stand erect; to stand upright

 通告 (tong1 gao4) to announce; to give notice

 通信 (tong1 xin4) to communicate

 同谋 (tong2 mou2) to conspire with someone; (be an) accomplice; to plot; (co)conspirator; partner in crime

 同意 (tong2 yi4) to agree; to consent; to approve

 统 (tong3) to gather; to unite; to unify; whole

 统一 (tong3 yi1) to unify; to unite; to integrate

 偷 (tou1) to steal; to pilfer

 偷懒 (tou1 lan3) to goof off; to be lazy

 偷听 (tou1 ting1) to eavesdrop; to monitor (secretly)

 投 (tou2) to throw; to send

 投奔 (tou2 ben1) to seek shelter; to seek asylum

 投放 (tou2 fang4) to put in (circulation); to throw in

 投放市场 (tou2 fang4 shi4 chang3) to put sth on the market

 投票 (tou2 piao4) to vote; vote

 透 (tou4) to penetrate; thorough; penetrating; to pass through; to pierce

 透露 (tou4 lu4) to leak out; to divulge; to reveal

 透露消息 (tou4 lu4 xiao1 xi5) to disclose information

 透视 (tou4 shi4) to examine by fluoroscope or X-ray; perspective; fluoroscopy

 突 (tu1) to dash; to move forward quickly

 涂 (tu2) to smear; daub

 涂抹 (tu2 mo3) to smear; to doodle

 吐 (tu3) to spit

 吐露 (tu3 lu4) to tell; to disclose; to reveal

 吐弃 (tu3 qi4) to spurn; to reject

 吐穗 (tu3 sui4) to have the ears of grain come up

 湍 (tuan1) to rush (of water)

 团聚 (tuan2 ju4) to reunite; to have a reunion

 团圆 (tuan2 yuan2) to have a reunion

 推迟 (tui1 chi2) to postpone; to put off

 推出 (tui1 chu1) to release

 推辞 (tui1 ci2) to decline (an appointment, invitation, etc.)

 推动 (tui1 dong4) to push (for acceptance of a plan); to push forward; to promote

 推销 (tui1 xiao1) to market; to sell

 退出 (tui4 chu1) to withdraw; to abort; to quit

 退学 (tui4 xue2) to quit school

 吞 (tun1) to swallow; to take

 吞并 (tun1 bing4) to annex

 吞金 (tun1 jin1) to commit suicide by swallowing gold

 吞没 (tun1 mo4) to embezzle

 吞声 (tun1 sheng1) to swallow one's cries

 吞食 (tun1 shi2) to devour

 吞噬 (tun1 shu4) to swallow; to engulf

 吞吐 (tun1 tu3) to take in and send out (in large quantities)

 屯 (tun2) to station (soldiers); to store up

 囤 (tun2) to store; hoard

 托 (tuo1) to hold in one's hand; to entrust; to support in one's palm

 脱 (tuo1) to shed; to take off; to escape; to get away from

 托运 (tuo1 yun4) to book or check through (baggage)

 挖 (wa1) to dig; to excavate; to scoop out

 蜿 (wan1) to move (as snake)

 完 (wan2) to finish; to be over; whole; complete; entire

 完毕 (wan2 bi4) to finish; to end; to complete

 完全懂得 (wan2 quan2 dong3 de5) to understand completely

 惋惜 (wan3 xi1) to feel sorry for a person over sth that should have happened

 亡 (wang2) to die; to perish

 往 (wang3) to go (in a direction); past; previous; towards

 往返 (wang3 fan3) to go back and forth; to go to and fro

 往复 (wang3 fu4) to reciprocate

 忘 (wang4) to forget; to overlook; to neglect

 玩儿 (wanr2) to play

 偎 (wei1) to cuddle

 危害 (wei1 hai4) to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger

 威胁 (wei1 xie2) to threaten; to menace

 违章 (wei1 zhang1) to break the rules; to violate regulations

 围 (wei2) to circle; to surround

 违 (wei2) to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against

 维 (wei2) to preserve; to maintain; to hold together; dimension

 违傲 (wei2 ao4) to disobey

 违背 (wei2 bei4) to violate; to be contrary to

 维持 (wei2 chi2) to keep; to maintain; to preserve

 违反 (wei2 fan3) to violate (a law, e.g.)

 违犯 (wei2 fan4) to violate; to infringe

 违禁 (wei2 jin4) to violate a prohibition or ban

 违抗 (wei2 kang4) to disobey

 违例 (wei2 li4) to break the rules

 为生 (wei2 sheng1) to make a living

 违约 (wei2 yue1) to break a promise; to violate an agreement

 伪造 (wei3 zao4) to forge; to fake

 伪装 (wei3 zhuang1) to fake; to feign; to pretend

 畏 (wei4) to fear

 喂 (wei4) to feed

 卫 (wei4) to guard; to protect; to defend; (surname)

 蔚为 (wei4 wei2) to afford (a view of sth, e.g.)

 问 (wen4) to ask

 问世 (wen4 shi4) to be published; to come out

 卧 (wo4) to lie; to crouch

 斡 (wo4) to turn

 柜边 (wo4 bian1) to lie on one's side

 握别 (wo4 bie2) to shake hands

 握拳 (wo4 quan2) to make a fist

 握手 (wo4 shou3) to shake hands

 圬 (wu1) to plaster; whitewash

 无所不卖 (wu2 suo3 bu2 mai4) to sell anything; to sell everything

 无所谓 (wu2 suo3 wei4) to be indifferent; not to matter

 舞 (wu3) to dance; to wield; to brandish

 舞弄 (wu3 nong4) to wave; to brandish

 恶 (wu4) to hate; to loathe

 误会 (wu4 hui4) to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding

 吸 (xi1) to breathe; to suck in; to absorb; to inhale

 栖 (xi1) to roost

 栖 (xi1) to roost

 析 (xi1) to separate; to divide; to analyze

 欷 (xi1) to sob

 析出 (xi1 chu1) to separate out

 吸毒 (xi1 du2) to take drugs

 吸取 (xi1 qu3) to absorb; to assimilate

 吸入 (xi1 ru4) to breathe in; to suck in; to inhale

 吸吮 (xi1 shun3) to suck in

 希望 (xi1 wang4) to wish for; to desire; to hope

 吸烟 (xi1 yan1) to smoke

 析疑 (xi1 yi2) to resolve a doubt

 习 (xi2) to practice; to study; habit

 席卷亚洲 (xi2 juan3 ya4 zhou1) to sweep through Asia

 喜 (xi3) to be fond of; to like; to enjoy; to be happy; to feel pleased; happiness; delight; glad

 洗 (xi3) to wash; to bathe

 喜爱 (xi3 ai4) to like; to love; to be fond of; favorite

 喜欢 (xi3 huan5) to like; to be fond of

 系上 (xi4 shang4) to buckle up; to fasten

 吓 (xia4) to frighten; to scare; to intimidate; to threaten

 下班 (xia4 ban1) to come or go or get off work

 下定义 (xia4 ding4 yi4) to define

 下工夫 (xia4 gong1 fu5) to put in time and energy; to concentrate one's efforts

 下降 (xia4 jiang4) to decline; to drop; to fall; to go down; to decrease

 下载 (xia4 zai4) to download

 嫌 (xian2) to dislike

 闲 (xian2) to stay idle; to be unoccupied; not busy; leisure; enclosure

 显示 (xian3 shi4) to show; to illustrate; to display; to demonstrate

 羡 (xian4) to envy

 陷 (xian4) to fall; trap

 献 (xian4) to offer

 镶 (xiang1) to inlay; to embed; ridge; border

 相连 (xiang1 lian2) to link; to join; link; connection

 镶嵌 (xiang1 qian4) to inlay; to embed; to set (in sth)

 相似 (xiang1 si4) to resemble; similar; like; resemblance; similarity

 响 (xiang3) to make a sound; to sound; to ring; (a measure word for sound); loud
 想 (xiang3) to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss

 享受 (xiang3 shou4) to enjoy (rights, benefits, etc.)

 想象 (xiang3 xiang4) to imagine; to fancy

 向往 (xiang4 wang3) to yearn for; to look forward to

 销 (xiao1) to melt; to do away with; to sell

 削 (xiao1) to scrape

 消除 (xiao1 chu2) to eliminate; to remove

 消费 (xiao1 fei4) to consume

 消耗 (xiao1 hao4) to use up; to consume

 销毁 (xiao1 hui3) to destroy (by melting or burning)

 晓得 (xiao3 de5) to know

 晓示 (xiao3 shi4) to tell; to notify

 啸 (xiao4) to hiss; to whistle

 孝敬 (xiao4 jing4) to respect; to give presents (to one's elders or superiors)

 歇 (xie1) to rest

 楔 (xie1) to wedge; wedge

 携 (xie2) to carry; to take along; to bring along; to hold (hands)

 携带 (xie2 dai4) to carry; portable

 协调 (xie2 tiao2) to coordinate

 写 (xie3) to write

 写成 (xie3 cheng2) to compile (fashion through writing)

 写信 (xie3 xin4) to write a letter

 泻 (xie4) to flow (out) swiftly; diarrhea

 躞 (xie4) to walk

 泻肚 (xie4 du4) to have diarrhea

 泻露 (xie4 lu4) to leak out (information)

 谢谢 (xie4 xie5) to thank

 欣赏 (xin1 shang3) to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire

 信服 (xin4 fu2) to convince

 形 (xing2) to appear; to look; form; shape

 形成 (xing2 cheng2) to form; to take shape

 醒 (xing3) to wake up; to be awake

 修 (xiu1) to decorate; to embellish; to repair; to build; to study; to write; to cultivate

 休 (xiu1) to rest

 修建 (xiu1 jian4) to build; to construct

 修正 (xiu1 zheng4) to revise; to amend

 绣 (xiu4) to embroider

 绣花 (xiu4 hua1) to embroider; to do embroidery

 需 (xu1) to require; to need; to want; necessity; need

 需要 (xu1 yao4) to need; to want; to demand; needs; to require

 徐步 (xu2 bu4) to stroll; to walk slowly

 许 (xu3) to allow; to permit; to praise; (surname)

 许可 (xu3 ke3) to allow; to permit

 畜 (xu4) to raise (animals)

 蓄 (xu4) to store

 宣 (xuan1) to declare (publicly); to announce

 宣布 (xuan1 bu4) to declare; to announce; to proclaim

 宣示 (xuan1 shi4) to vow; to pledge

 选 (xuan3) to choose; to pick; to select; to elect

 选举 (xuan3 ju3) to elect; election

 选择 (xuan3 ze2) to select; to pick; to choose; to make a choice

 炫 (xuan4) to boast; to show off

 削 (xue1) to reduce; to pare (away); to cut (down)

 削减 (xue1 jian3) to cut down; to reduce; to lower

 踅 (xue2) to walk around; turn back midway

 穴居 (xue2 ju1) to live in a cave

 学习 (xue2 xi2) to learn; to study

 窨 (xun1) to scent tea with flowers

 熏 (xun1) to smoke; scent; fumigate

 熏 (xun1) to smoke; scent; fumigate

 循 (xun2) to follow; to adhere to; to abide by

 巡 (xun2) to patrol; to make one's rounds

 寻 (xun2) to search; to look for; to seek

 巡查 (xun2 cha2) to go around and inspect; to inspect (by moving around)

 寻访 (xun2 fang3) to inquire after; to look for (sb)

 寻机 (xun2 ji1) to look for an opportunity

 寻开心 (xun2 kai1 xin1) to make fun of

 寻觅 (xun2 mi4) to look for

 寻求 (xun2 qiu2) to seek; to look for

 寻事生非 (xun2 shi4 sheng1 fei1) to look for trouble

 寻味 (xun2 wei4) to think sth over

 寻衅 (xun2 xin4) to provoke; to start a fit

 寻找 (xun2 zhao3) to seek; to look for

 讯 (xun4) to question; to ask; to interrogate; rapid; speedy; fast; news; information

 逊 (xun4) to yield

 压 (ya1) to press; to push down; to keep under (control)

 压缩 (ya1 suo1) to compress; compression

 砑 (ya4) to calender

 腌 (yan1) to salt; pickle

 腌 (yan1) to salt; pickle

 延 (yan2) to prolong; to extend; to delay

 言 (yan2) to speak; to say; talk; word

 延伸 (yan2 shen1) to extend; to spread

 延展 (yan2 zhan3) to scale; scalable

 研制 (yan2 zhi4) to manufacture; to develop

 演 (yan3) to develop; to evolve; to practice; to perform; to play; to act

 衍 (yan3) to spread out; to develop; to overflow; to amplify

 衍变 (yan3 bian4) to develop; to evolve

 演变 (yan3 bian4) to develop; to evolve

 眼尖 (yan3 jian1) to have good eyes

 演示 (yan3 shi4) to demonstrate; to show

 演算 (yan3 suan4) to calculate; to perform calculations

 验 (yan4) to examine; to test; to check

 咽 (yan4) to swallow

 痒 (yang3) to itch; to tickle

 痒痒 (yang3 yang5) to itch; to tickle

 遥望 (yao2 wang4) to look into the distance

 舀 (yao3) to scoop

 咽 (ye4) to choke (in crying)

 谒 (ye4) to visit (a superior)

 依赖 (yi1 lai4) to depend on; to be dependent on

 疑 (yi2) to doubt; to misbelieve; to suspect

 遗 (yi2) to lose; to leave behind

 移 (yi2) to move; to shift; to change; to alter; to remove

 荑 (yi2) to weed

 一路平安 (yi2 lu4 ping2 an1) to have a pleasant journey; bon voyage

 移民 (yi2 min2) to immigrate; to migrate

 移植 (yi2 zhi2) to transplant

 移殖 (yi2 zhi2) to transplant

 倚 (yi3) to lean on; rely upon

 以 (yi3) to use; according to; so as to; in order to; by; with; because

 倚靠 (yi3 kao4) to lean on; re on

 倚仗 (yi3 zhang4) to lean on; rely on

 倚重 (yi3 zhong4) to rely heavily upon

 熠 (yi4) to glow; flash

 抑 (yi4) to restrain; to restrict; to keep down; or

 弋 (yi4) to shoot

 译 (yi4) to translate; to interpret

 议论 (yi4 lun4) to comment; to talk about; to discuss; discussion

 抑制 (yi4 zhi4) to inhibit; to keep down; to suppress

 引 (yin3) to lead; to divert (water); to guide

 隐藏 (yin3 cang2) to hide; to conceal

 引导 (yin3 dao3) to guide; to lead; to conduct; introduction

 隐瞒 (yin3 man2) to hide; to conceal

 引起 (yin3 qi3) to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse

 引入 (yin3 ru4) to draw into; to pull into

 赢 (ying2) to beat; to win; to profit

 迎 (ying2) to welcome

 迎接 (ying2 jie1) to meet; to welcome; to greet

 营业 (ying2 ye4) to do business; to trade

 应用 (ying4 yong4) to use; to apply; application; applicable

 拥抱 (yong1 bao4) to embrace; to hug

 拥戴 (yong1 dai4) to support (a person)

 拥护 (yong1 hu4) to endorse; to support

 拥挤 (yong1 ji3) to crowd

 拥有 (yong1 you3) to have; to possess

 用 (yong4) to use

 游 (you2) to roam; travel

 游 (you2) to walk; to tour; to roam; to swim; to travel

 邮递 (you2 di4) to send by mail; to post

 游览 (you2 lan3) to go sight-seeing; to tour; to visit

 有 (you3) to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be

 有关 (you3 guan1) to have something to do with; to relate to; to concern; concerning; related to

 有联系 (you3 lian2 xi4) to be connected; to be related

 逾 (yu2) to exceed; to go beyond; to jump over

 舁 (yu2) to lift; raise

 予 (yu3) to give

 预 (yu4) to advance; in advance; beforehand; to prepare

 预备 (yu4 bei4) to prepare; to make ready; preparation; preparatory

 遇到 (yu4 dao4) to meet; to run into; to come across

 预防 (yu4 fang2) to prevent; to take precautions against; to protect; to guard against

 愈合 (yu4 he2) to heal

 预计 (yu4 ji4) to forecast; predict; to estimate

 预习 (yu4 xi2) to prepare a lesson

 援 (yuan2) to help; to assist; to aid

 原谅 (yuan2 liang4) to excuse; to forgive; to pardon

 愿意 (yuan4 yi4) to wish; to want; ready; willing (to do sth)

 曰 (yue1) to speak; to say

 越 (yue4) to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more ... the more

 跃 (yue4) to jump; to leap

 阅兵 (yue4 bing1) to review troops

 阅读 (yue4 du2) to read

 越来越严重 (yue4 lai2 yue4 yan2 zhong4) to become more serious every day

 阅览 (yue4 lan3) to read

 阅历 (yue4 li4) to see; to experience

 阅世 (yue4 shi4) to see the world

 耘 (yun2) to weed

 允诺 (yun3 nuo4) to promise; to consent (to do sth)

 允许 (yun3 xu3) to permit; to allow

 酝 (yun4) to brew

 运 (yun4) to move; to transport; to user; fortune; luck; fate

 运送 (yun4 song4) to transport; to carry

 运用 (yun4 yong4) to use; to put to use

 运转 (yun4 zhuan3) to work; to operate; to revolve; to turn around

 扎 (za1) to tie; to bind

 栽 (zai1) to force; to stick in; to plant

 栽跟头 (zai1 gen1 tou5) to suffer a setback

 栽培 (zai1 pei2) to grow; to cultivate

 栽赃 (zai1 zang1) to frame someone (by planting sth on them)

 栽植 (zai1 zhi2) to plant; to transplant

 栽种 (zai1 zhong4) to plant; to grow

 载 (zai4) to carry; to convey; to load; to hold; and; also; as well as; simultaneously

 在密切注意 (zai4 mi4 qie4 zhu4 yi4) to pay close attention (to sth)

 载携 (zai4 xie2) to carry; to bear

 赞 (zan4) to patronize; to support; to praise

 赞 (zan4) to praise

 赞赏 (zan4 shang3) to admire; to praise; to appreciate

 糟 (zao1) to waste; spoil

 造 (zao4) to make; to build; to invent; to manufacture

 造成 (zao4 cheng2) to bring about; to create; to cause

 造成问题 (zao4 cheng2 wen4 ti2) to create an issue; to cause a problem

 择 (ze2) to select; to choose; to pick

 啧啧 (ze2 ze2) to click one's tongue

 增 (zeng1) to increase; to expand; to add

 增多 (zeng1 duo1) to increase; to grow in number

 增加 (zeng1 jia1) to raise; to increase

 增强 (zeng1 qiang2) to increase; to strengthen

 缯 (zeng4) to tie; to bind

 扎 (zha1) to prick; to run or stick (a needle, etc.) into

 扎针 (zha1 zhen1) to give or have an acupuncture treatment

 摘 (zhai1) to borrow; to pick (flowers; fruit); to pluck; to take; to select

 摘抄 (zhai1 chao2) to extract; to excerpt

 摘除 (zhai1 chu2) to excise

 摘记 (zhai1 ji4) to take notes; to excerpt

 摘借 (zhai1 jie4) to borrow money

 摘录 (zhai1 lu4) to extract; to excerpt

 占 (zhan1) to divine

 占 (zhan1) to observe; to divine

 粘 (zhan1) to stick; paste

 占卜 (zhan1 bu3) to divine

 展 (zhan3) to use; to spread out; to postpone; to unfold

 展出 (zhan3 chu1) to put on display; to be on show; to exhibit

 展开 (zhan3 kai1) to unfold; to carry out; to be in full swing; to launch

 展览 (zhan3 lan3) to put on display; to exhibit; exhibition; show

 展示 (zhan3 shi4) to open up; to reveal

 蘸 (zhan4) to dip in (ink, sauce, etc.)

 战 (zhan4) to fight; fight; war; battle

 占 (zhan4) to occupy; to constitute; to make up; to account

 颤 (zhan4) to tremble; to shiver; to shake; to vibrate

 颤动 (zhan4 dong4) to tremble

 战斗 (zhan4 dou4) to fight; to battle

 占据 (zhan4 ju4) to occupy; to hold

 颤栗 (zhan4 li4) to tremble; to shiver

 占领 (zhan4 ling3) to occupy (a territory); to hold

 占先 (zhan4 xian1) to take precedence

 占有 (zhan4 you3) to have; to own; to hold; to possess

 涨 (zhang3) to rise (of prices; rivers)

 障 (zhang4) to block; to hinder; to obstruct

 涨 (zhang4) to swell; distend

 嘲 (zhao1) to ridicule

 招待 (zhao1 dai4) to receive (guests); to entertain; reception

 招募 (zhao1 mu4) to recruit; to enlist

 找 (zhao3) to try to find; to look for; to call on (sb); to find; to seek; to return; to look for

 找钱 (zhao3 qian2) to give change

 召 (zhao4) to call together; to summon; to convene

 照搬 (zhao4 ban1) to copy; to imitate

 召开会议 (zhao4 kai1 hui4 yi4) to call a conference; to convene a meeting

 蜇 (zhe1) to sting

 螫 (zhe1) to sting

 遮掩 (zhe1 yan3) to cover

 臻 (zhen1) to reach; utmost

 侦 (zhen1) to scout; to spy

 赈 (zhen4) to relieve (the distressed)

 震惊 (zhen4 jing1) to shock; to astonish

 睁 (zheng1) to open (eye)

 蒸 (zheng1) to steam

 争论 (zheng1 lun4) to argue; to debate; to contend; argument; contention; controversy; debate

 拯 (zheng3) to raise; to aid; to support; to save; to rescue

 整合 (zheng3 he2) to conform; to integrate

 拯救 (zheng3 jiu4) to save; to rescue

 挣 (zheng4) to earn; to make (money)

 证 (zheng4) to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; certificate; proof

 知 (zhi1) to know; to be aware

 支持 (zhi1 chi2) to be in favor of; to support; to back; support; backing; to stand by

 知悉 (zhi1 xi1) to know

 植 (zhi2) to plant

 值得 (zhi2 de5) to be worth; to deserve

 止 (zhi3) to stop; toe

 指出 (zhi3 chu1) to indicate; to point out

 指导 (zhi3 dao3) to guide; (give) directions; to direct

 只好 (zhi3 hao3) to have to; to be forced to

 指挥 (zhi3 hui1) to conduct; to command; to direct

 指南 (zhi3 nan2) to guide

 止痛 (zhi3 tong4) to relieve pain; to stop pain

 识 (zhi4) to record; write a footnote

 治 (zhi4) to rule; to govern; to manage; to control; to harness (a river); cure; treatment; to heal
 致 (zhi4) to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey

 制定 (zhi4 ding4) to draw up; to formulate

 治疗 (zhi4 liao2) to treat; to cure; (medical) treatment; cure

 制约 (zhi4 yue1) to restrict; condition

 制造 (zhi4 zao4) to manufacture; to make

 制止 (zhi4 zhi3) to curb; to put a stop to; to stop; to check; to limit

 中断 (zhong1 duan4) to discontinue; to break off

 中继 (zhong1 ji4) to relay; to repeat

 中止 (zhong1 zhi3) to cease; to suspend; to break off; to stop; to discontinue

 种 (zhong4) to grow; to plant

 种 (zhong4) to plant

 重用 (zhong4 yong4) to put in an important position

 皱 (zhou4) to wrinkle; wrinkled; to crease

 逐 (zhu2) to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one

 煮 (zhu3) to cook; to boil

 瞩 (zhu3) to gaze at; to stare at

 主 (zhu3) to own; to host; master; lord; primary

 主导 (zhu3 dao3) to lead; to manage

 瞩目 (zhu3 mu4) to focus on

 瞩望 (zhu3 wang4) to look forward to

 主张 (zhu3 zhang1) to advocate; to stand for; view; position; stand; proposition; viewpoint

 助 (zhu4) to help; to assist

 注 (zhu4) to inject; to pour into; to concentrate; to pay attention; to note; to comment on; to record; to register; to annotate

 住 (zhu4) to live; to dwell; to reside; to stop

 着 (zhu4) to make known; to show; to prove; to write; book; outstanding

 注册 (zhu4 ce4) to register

 祝贺 (zhu4 he4) to congratulate; congratulations

 住院 (zhu4 yuan4) to be in hospital; to be hospitalized

 驻扎 (zhu4 zha1) to station; to garrison (troops)

 抓 (zhua1) to grab; to catch; to arrest; to snatch

 转 (zhuan3) to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to turn; to shift

 转换 (zhuan3 huan4) to transform; to change; to covert

 转 (zhuan4) to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about

 装入 (zhuang1 ru4) to load

 装载 (zhuang1 zai4) to load

 撞 (zhuang4) to hit; to strike; to meet by accident; to run into; to bump against; to bump into

 壮 (zhuang4) to strengthen; strong; robust

 壮大 (zhuang4 da4) to expand; to strengthen

 撞击 (zhuang4 ji1) to strike; to hit; to ram

 撞见 (zhuang4 jian4) to meet by accident

 撞骗 (zhuang4 pian4) to swindle

 赘述 (zhui4 shu4) to say more than is necessary

 准 (zhun3) to allow; to grant; to permit; accurate; standard

 准许 (zhun3 xu3) to allow; to grant; to permit

 捉 (zhuo1) to clutch; to grab; to capture

 捉取 (zhuo1 qu3) to capture

 琢 (zhuo2) to cut (gems)

 啄 (zhuo2) to peck

 ぴ (zhuo2) to wear (clothes); to contact; to use; apply

 ぴ陆 (zhuo2 lu4) to land; to touch down

 自杀 (zi4 sha1) to kill oneself; to commit suicide

 自主 (zi4 zhu3) to act for oneself; autonomous

 综 (zong1) to sum up

 走 (zou3) to walk; to go; to move

 走出 (zou3 chu1) to move away from; to walk away from

 组 (zu3) to form; compose; make up; group; to organize; cord

 阻 (zu3) to hinder; to block; to obstruct

 阻碍 (zu3 ai4) to obstruct; to hinder; to block

 阻挡 (zu3 dang3) to stop; to resist; to obstruct

 阻隔 (zu3 ge2) to separate; to cut off

 阻击 (zu3 ji1) to check; to stop

 阻拦 (zu3 lan2) to stop; to obstruct

 阻挠 (zu3 nao2) to thwart; to obstruct (sth)

 阻塞 (zu3 se4) to block; to clog

 阻止 (zu3 zhi3) to prevent; to block

 最大化 (zui4 da4 hua4) to maximize

 尊 (zun1) to honor

 遵 (zun1) to observe; to obey; to follow

 遵循 (zun1 xun2) to follow; to abide by

 尊重 (zun1 zhong4) to value (something); to esteem; to respect

 做 (zuo4) to do; to make; to produce

 作 (zuo4) to regard as; to take (somebody) for; to do; to make

 座 (zuo4) to sit; to take a seat

 坐 (zuo4) to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane etc.)

 作爱 (zuo4 ai4) to make love

 做出 (zuo4 chu1) to put out; to issue

 做祷告 (zuo4 dao3 gao4) to pray

 坐好 (zuo4 hao3) to sit properly; to sit up straight

 做客 (zuo4 ke4) to be a guest or visitor

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