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Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences

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On the Relevance and Control of Leaf Angle

M. van Zantenab; T. L. Ponsa; J. A. M. Janssenc; L. A. C. J. Voeseneka; A. J. M. Peetersa
Plant Ecophysiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The
Netherlands b Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding
Research, Cologne, Germany c Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, The

Online publication date: 29 September 2010

To cite this Article van Zanten, M. , Pons, T. L. , Janssen, J. A. M. , Voesenek, L. A. C. J. and Peeters, A. J. M.(2010) 'On the
Relevance and Control of Leaf Angle', Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 29: 5, 300 — 316
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2010.502086


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Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences, 29:300–316, 2010
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0735-2689 print / 1549-7836 online
DOI: 10.1080/07352689.2010.502086

On the Relevance and Control of Leaf Angle

M. van Zanten1,2,∗ , T. L. Pons1 , J. A. M. Janssen3 , L. A. C. J. Voesenek1 ,

A. J. M. Peeters1
Plant Ecophysiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research,
Carl-von-Linné-Weg 10, 50829 Cologne, Germany
Alterra, Wageningen University and Research Centre, Droevendaalsesteeg 3, 6708 PB Wageningen,
The Netherlands

Table of Contents

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 301

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II. FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF LEAF ANGLE ........................................................................................ 301

A. Maximizing Carbon Gain ............................................................................................................................. 301
B. Stress Avoidance .......................................................................................................................................... 302

III. ACTIVE LEAF REPOSITIONING BY HYPONASTIC GROWTH ................................................................... 302

A. Generalities of Leaf Movements .................................................................................................................... 302
B. Submergence-Induced Hyponastic Growth ..................................................................................................... 303
C. Shade-Induced Hyponastic Growth ................................................................................................................ 305
D. Heat-Induced Hyponastic Growth .................................................................................................................. 306

IV. PHYTOHORMONAL REGULATION OF HYPONASTIC GROWTH ............................................................. 306

A. Ethylene as a Major Mediator of Hyponastic Growth ...................................................................................... 306
B. An Ambiguous Role for Auxin in Controlling Hyponastic Growth ................................................................... 307
C. Antagonizing Roles for Gibberellins and Abscisic Acid in Hyponastic Growth .................................................. 307

A. Natural Variation in Hyponastic Growth ......................................................................................................... 308
B. Molecular Genetics of Hyponastic Growth; Exploitation of Natural Genetic Variation ........................................ 310

VI. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES .......................................................................................................... 311

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................................................................................... 312

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 312

complete submergence, or can be, for example, utilized to maxi-

Plants can have constitutive leaf angles that are fixed and do not mize carbon gain by positioning the leaves relative to the incoming
vary much among different growth environments. Several species, radiation. In recent years, major advances have been made in the
however, have the ability to actively adjust their leaf angles. Ac- understanding of the molecular mechanisms, and the underlying
tive leaf repositioning can be functional in avoiding detrimental hormonal regulation of a particular type of leaf movement: hy-
environmental conditions, such as avoidance of heat stress and ponastic growth. This differential petiole growth-driven upward
leaf movement is now relatively well understood in model systems
Address correspondence to M. van Zanten, Plant Ecophysiology, such as Rumex palustris and Arabidopsis thaliana. In the first part of
Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, this review we will discuss the functional consequences of leaf ori-
3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands.E-mail: entation for plant performance. Next, we will consider hyponastic


growth and describe how exploitation of natural (genetic) variation low in the canopy can contribute more, while the photosynthesis
can be instrumental in studying the relevance and control of leaf rate of upper leaves is not significantly reduced since the photo-
positioning. synthesis — light response is nonlinear and saturates below the
intensity of direct sunlight (Monsi et al., 1973). A good exam-
Keywords leaf orientation, differential growth, hyponastic growth, ple of this principle comes from agricultural practice where the
petiole, Arabidopsis thaliana, Rumex palustris, submer-
gence, shade, low light, heat, temperature, ethylene, introduction of new rice (Oryza sativa) cultivars with more ver-
auxin, natural variation tical leaf orientation contributed (in addition to other traits) to
increased rice productivity (Nobel et al., 1993). However, nat-
ural dense canopies are not always characterized by a vertical
leaf orientation.
Predominantly horizontal leaves intercept most light in the
Plant architecture, to a large extent, determines performance
upper layers of a canopy, resulting in heavy shading of lower
in the plant’s natural habitat. Leaf positioning is an important
leaves. Models predict a lower than optimal photosynthesis in
component of architecture with respect to the handling of en-
these canopies as a result of this orientation (Monsi et al., 1973;
vironmental parameters by the plant. Leaf angle particularly is
Hikosaka and Hirose, 1997). This deviation from an optimal
a major target of adaptation to specific environmental condi-
leaf orientation can be understood from the fact that individuals
tions. Plants may have rather fixed leaf angles that are not much
with horizontal leaves in canopies with predominantly vertical
under environmental control. Alternatively, many plant species
leaves outcompete their neighbors as a result of shading (Anten,
can modify leaf angles in response to environmental changes or
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

2005). Hence, natural selection for improved performance at the

in a circadian fashion. A plant may either exploit an environ-
level of the individual has resulted in reduced carbon gain at the
mental resource such as light or oxygen, or alternatively, avoid
community level, at least in productive environments. This may
environmental stresses such as high temperature and radiation
have important implications for crop plant breeding, since the
loads. In the first part of this review we discuss the functional
most competitive individuals in a dense stand are not necessarily
consequences of leaf angles for plant performance, with the fo-
the most productive ones in an agricultural context.
cus on how leaf angle affects carbon gain and how (variation in)
Prostrate leaf angles are also found in short-living and fast-
leaf angle is functional to escape stressful situations.
growing tropical pioneer trees such as the genera Cecropia and
We then focus on a special type of leaf movement, hyponastic
Macaranga (Ishida et al., 1999; Kitajima et al., 2005). These
growth in rosette plants, to discuss how several recent advances,
trees shed their leaves when overtopped by newly emerging
mainly obtained using Rumex sp. and Arabidopsis thaliana, have
ones, thus creating a single layer of leaves at the top of the
improved our understanding of the molecular and hormonal reg-
canopy with a low leaf area per unit ground area (leaf area in-
ulation of (hyponastic) leaf movement and its functional signifi-
dex) (Kitajima et al., 2005). This allows for fast height growth,
cance. We have attempted, in a systems biology-like approach, to
but the low leaf area index is less effective when it comes to sup-
integrate all the organization levels on which hyponastic growth
pressing competitors. Late successional trees in tropical forests
is studied (from ecology to molecular genetics). Finally, we
show more diverse leaf arrangements and much higher leaf area
will argue that the model species Arabidopsis thaliana can fur-
indices of up to 8 (Kitajima et al., 2005). This results in a more
ther contribute to our understanding, not only on the molecular
homogeneous distribution of light over the outer canopy leaves
genetic side, but also in a more functional ecological context.
and virtually total light extinction in the understorey, contribut-
ing to maintenance of their dominance.
II. FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE OF LEAF ANGLE Increased light interception at low sun angles could be an-
other potential benefit of steep leaf angles for carbon gain. This
A. Maximizing Carbon Gain was postulated by King (1997) for emergent and solitary ev-
Flat leaves are one of the most striking features of green plants ergreen Eucalyptus trees with drooping leaves. However, when
that serve to capture light for photosynthesis. Evidently, leaf an- analyzed with a 3D crown structure model (Pearcy and Yang,
gles relative to the direction of incident radiation determine how 1996), advantages in terms of carbon gain at low sun angles in
much light is intercepted. This not only has consequences for winter proved to be small due to the random variation in az-
photosynthetic performance of leaves exposed to full daylight imuths (Falster and Westoby, 2003). A possible advantage of
at the top of a canopy, but also determines how much light is vertical leaf orientation in woody plants, which is frequent in
available for lower leaves. Thus, leaf angles are, among other the genus Eucalyptus, is thus likely to be associated with other
factors, important for the distribution of light in a canopy (Monsi factors.
and Saeki, 1953, 2005; Goudriaan, 1988; Hirose, 2005). Verti- A horizontal leaf orientation is most effective for the in-
cal orientation of leaves reduces the extinction coefficient of a terception of light in the shaded understory of dense forests
canopy resulting in a more homogeneous distribution of light (Ackerly and Bazzaz, 1995). Increased absorption results in
over the leaves compared to a horizontal leaf orientation. This proportionally increased photosynthesis at the leaf level in
increases carbon gain at the whole canopy level, because leaves this layer. In support, these shade environments are indeed

characterized by more horizontal leaves compared to sunlit importance of the leaf orientation for the avoidance of excessive
conditions, mostly as the result of a plastic response to the radiation load under stress conditions.
shade condition (McMillen and McClendon, 1979; Pearcy et al., The importance of reduced interception of radiation under
2005). However, as argued above, flat leaf angles cause self- stress conditions is also suggested by the high frequency of Eu-
shading more easily, which is disadvantageous at the whole calyptus species with vertical leaves in areas characterized by
plant level. Avoidance of self-shading requires additional in- low precipitation and low nutrient availability, whereas species
vestment of carbon in longer branches and petioles (Falster and with more horizontal leaves are predominantly found in high
Westoby, 2003; Pearcy et al., 2005), which reduces carbon gain rainfall and nutrient-rich areas (King, 1997). Low nutrient avail-
at the whole plant level. Plant habit in light-limited environments ability reduces photosynthetic capacity and thus reduces the irra-
is thus the result of a trade-off between maximizing light inter- diance at which photosynthesis is saturated. A modelling effort
ception by a horizontal orientation of leaves that are spread out showed that leaves with a low photosynthetic capacity subject
to avoid self-shading and minimising investment in mechanical to water stress performed best in terms of photosynthetic rate
support. and water use efficiency at steep leaf angles (King, 1997).
However, not all plants that are subjected to drought and
high temperature stress exhibit vertical leaves as illustrated by
B. Stress Avoidance the Mediterranean evergreen species Quercus coccifera and Ar-
A vertical orientation of leaves can be either erect as in butus unedo (Werner et al., 1999). These species can perfectly
grasses and sedges or drooping as in some trees and shrubs. deal with the excessive radiation load in the hot Mediterranean
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It reduces the radiation load at midday. This can be important to summer as illustrated by the overnight reversal of photoinhibi-
avoid various forms of stress. The large interception of radiation tion, irrespective of leaf angle. This contrasts with two Cistus
by horizontal leaves can result in a substantial rise of leaf tem- species that suffered severe photoinhibition when leaves were
perature above air temperature (Lambers et al., 2008). In hot and forced in a horizontal position in summer. Some deciduous tree
dry conditions, leaf temperatures can easily rise to levels that species, e.g., Castanea sativa, have a combination of steep leaf
are above optimal for photosynthesis. High leaf temperatures angles in the sun-exposed top of the canopy and a horizontal ori-
furthermore increase the vapour pressure difference with the at- entation of the lower shaded leaves (Ford and Newbould, 1971)
mosphere, which increases the transpiration rate and/or reduces in response to the local light climate (McMillen and McClendon,
stomatal conductance (Schulze and Hall, 1982). The latter will 1979). This suggests that a more homogeneous distribution of
further increase leaf temperature. The decease in photosynthesis light in the canopy is achieved, with stress avoided in the upper
at supra-optimal temperatures and the increase in transpiration leaves and light interception of the lower leaves maximized.
cause a decrease in water use efficiency. Considering the examples mentioned above, along with oth-
It has also been suggested that horizontal leaves exposed to ers showing severe photoinhibition in horizontally forced leaves
a clear sky loose more heat at night in the form of infrared (Abreu and Munne-Bosch, 2008) and studies in species with
radiation. A vertical orientation helps maintain a more favor- fixed leaf orientation, two strategies of dealing with high radi-
able energy balance in these conditions, thus reducing the nega- ation under stress conditions emerge. Species tolerant to high
tive impact of low leaf temperatures on photosynthesis in early irradiation do not adjust their leaf angles; they have photopro-
morning in the cold season (Leuning and Cremer, 1988; King, tective mechanisms to accommodate conditions of intense irra-
1997). diation. Other species have a limited capacity of dealing with
The reduced interception of light by vertical leaves reduces high radiation under stress; they rely on the avoidance of high
overexcitation of the photosynthetic apparatus at high irradi- radiation loads by adjusting their leaf angles. Such active ad-
ance. When temperatures are optimal for photosynthesis and justment of leaf angles appears not to be limited to avoidance
when the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis and stomatal of high irradiation alone, but is a central response to several
conductance are high, mechanisms that dissipate excess excita- other potentially detrimental environmental conditions, includ-
tion energy are generally sufficient to avoid most photoinhibi- ing complete submergence and shading. In the next sections, this
tion. Only peak irradiances cause moderate downregulation of will be discussed thoroughly. The focus will be on a distinct type
photosynthetic efficiency (Ögren and Rosenquist, 1992). How- of active leaf repositioning; differential growth-driven, upward
ever, at supra-optimal temperatures, substantial photoinhibition (re)orientation of (rosette) leaves called hyponastic growth.
can often not be avoided at high radiation loads (Mulkey and
Pearcy, 1992). The shrub Vitis californica for instance has hori- III. ACTIVE LEAF REPOSITIONING BY HYPONASTIC
zontal leaves in spring when radiation is high and temperatures GROWTH
and water availability are in a favorable range. However, leaves
become drooping in the hot and dry Californian summer, thus A. Generalities of Leaf Movements
reducing interception of radiation at midday. Leaves that were In his book, The Power of Movements in Plants (1880),
forced in a horizontal orientation suffered severe photoinhibi- Charles Darwin noted that: ‘Apparently every growing part
tion (Gammon and Pearcy, 1989), illustrating the functional of every plant is continuously circumnutating.’ Since then,

several types of plant-organ movements have been described.

Plant movements are classified in two general categories; nastic
and tropic movements. Tropic movements position organs di-
rectionally to a stimulus. Examples are phototropism and grav-
itropism in which plants bend organs relative to the light or
gravitational vector, respectively (Firn and Digby, 1980; Morita
and Tasaka, 2004; Lino, 2006).
The direction of a nastic movement is independent of the
stimulus’ direction and can be classified in two groups; i) those
that are induced by an environmental stimulus and ii) move-
ments occurring without a direct external stimulus. Movements
without a direct environmental stimulus are often under control
of the circadian clock, e.g., rhythmic diurnal leaf movements
of Arabidopsis thaliana (Millar et al., 1995) and the nycti-
nastic sleep-movements in Leguminosae species (Coté, 1995;
Kawaguchi, 2003). Examples of nastic movements induced by
an external stimulus are the collapse of Mimosa pudica com-
pound leaves when touched (Coté, 1995) and the upward bend-
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

ing of rosette leaves called hyponasty (Kang, 1979).

A typical hyponastic growth response is induced in sev-
eral semi-aquatic species upon complete submergence. These
include; Ranunculus repens, Rumex palustris, Caltha palus-
tris, Leontodon taraxacoides, Paspalum dilatatum and Rorripa
sylvestris (Ridge, 1987; Voesenek and Blom, 1989; Grimoldi
et al., 1999; Insausti et al., 2001; Stift et al., 2008), and also
in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana (Peeters et al., 2002;
Millenaar et al., 2005). Beside submergence, other abiotic fac-
tors such as shade and heat treatment can also induce a marked
hyponastic growth response in Arabidopsis (Fig. 1; Millenaar
et al., 2005; Hopkins et al., 2008; Koini et al., 2009; Van Zanten
et al., 2009a). Moreover, leaf movement has been associated
with low temperatures (Nilsen, 1991; Hopkins et al., 2008).
Hyponastic movements may result from turgor-driven
swelling and shrinkage of specialized strategically-localized
pulvinal motor cells, as for instance in Phaseolus vulgaris
and Lotus japonicus (Fu and Ehleringer, 1989; Yu and Berg,
1994; Coté, 1995; Kawaguchi, 2003). Alternatively, hyponastic
growth can be initiated by differential, directional cell elon-
gation or differential cell proliferation. Upon submergence of
R. palustris, specific elongation of 30 basally-located epider-
mal cells in a confined region at the abaxial side was observed
(Cox et al., 2003). Because epidermal cell layers are assumed to
control cell expansion, but not cell proliferation, of underlying FIG. 1. Typical hyponastic growth phenotype in Arabidopsis thaliana A:
cell layers and thus may control differential growth (Savaldi- Superimposed Arabidopsis thaliana accession Columbia-0 (Col-0) plant before
Goldstein 2007, 2008), it was concluded that epidermal elon- and after 6 h of low light treatment. Note that all leaves re-orient to a more vertical
gation should be sufficient to drive the hyponastic response in position. B, C: Quantitative measurement of leaf angle kinetics obtained using
a time-lapse digital camera setup. B: absolute angles and C: pairwise subtracted
R. palustris. In agreement, a mathematical model based on this
petiole angles (Benschop et al., 2007), corrected for diurnal petiole movement
specific cell elongation fully explained the observed hyponastic in control conditions, upon ethylene (5 µl l−1 ; circles), low light (spectral
growth phenotype to flooding (Cox et al., 2003). neutral reduction of 200 µmol m−2 s−1 to 20 µmol m−2 s− 1; squares), heat
(sudden increase from 20◦ C to 38◦ C; triangles) and control (air; 200 µmol m−2
s−1 light; diamonds). Plants kept in control conditions only show modest diurnal
B. Submergence-Induced Hyponastic Growth leaf movement and leaf angles gradually decline over time due to maturation
of the leaves. Error bars represent SE; n > 12. Growth conditions, treatments,
The present knowledge on the ecological relevance and the data acquirement and analysis were as described by Millenaar et al. (2005) and
physiological regulation of submergence-induced hyponastic Van Zanten et al. (2009a).

movements was mainly obtained using Rumex species sub- Submergence-induced hyponasty was reduced, but not com-
jected to complete submergence (reviewed in Voesenek et al., pletely abolished, after treatment with the ethylene receptor an-
2006). Exchange rates of O2 and CO2 between plant and envi- tagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), whereas 1-MCP abol-
ronment, necessary for efficient respiration and photosynthesis, ished hyponastic growth completely to treatment with ethylene
are severely reduced under submerged conditions as a result of (Cox et al., 2004). This suggests that other signals too play a role
the ∼10.000 fold slower gas diffusion in water compared to in submergence-induced hyponastic growth (Heydarian et al.,
air (Armstrong, 1979; Jackson 1985). Some flooding-tolerant 2010). Submergence leads to a quick reduction of O2 levels in
plants show hyponastic growth and subsequent petiole elonga- petiole tissues of non-acclimated R. palustris plants in stagnant
tion until the leaf-tip reestablishes aerial contact when reaching waters in the dark (Rijnders et al., 2000, Mommer et al., 2004).
the water surface. Thereby, gas exchange between the plant and However, in clear water and in the light, O2 levels in acclimated
the aerial environment is reestablished. This escape strategy is plants can be maintained close to ambient 21% due to photo-
often accompanied by other acclimation processes including; synthesis, oxygen diffusion from the surrounding waters and
aerenchyma formation, thinner cuticle/cell walls and thinner morphological acclimations, e.g., aerenchyma formation and a
leaves that further facilitate increased gas-diffusion under water thinner leaf and cuticle (Mommer et al., 2004, 2005; Voesenek
(Mommer et al., 2004; Voesenek et al., 2006; Jackson, 2008). et al., 2006). Although normoxic conditions may be maintained
The reestablished aerial contact allows the much more effi- during flooding, hypoxia (reduction from 21% to 3% O2 ) sen-
cient aerobic respiration and enhanced photosynthesis by the sitizes petioles for ethylene and consequently stimulated elon-
larger supply of CO2 (Mommer et al., 2005). The same result gation growth. CO2 did not influence petiole elongation rates
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

is achieved by internode elongation in plants with erect stems (Voesenek et al., 1997; Rijnders et al., 2000). This suggests that
such as deep water rice (Kende et al., 1998). This low oxy- reduction of O2 levels potentially could play a role in hyponastic
gen escape syndrome (LOES) as it is called (Bailey-Serres and growth induction in conditions where O2 levels are limiting.
Voesenek, 2008), is most frequently found in habitats with shal- Although high ethylene concentrations in general inhibit
low floods of long duration as among others found in certain growth in flooding intolerant species (but see Pierik et al., 2006),
zones in river floodplains (Voesenek et al., 2004). The costs, in- treatment with high ethylene concentrations (5 µl l−1 ) induced
creased growth under conditions of strongly decreased carbon hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana to the same extent
gain and a plant body that is weakened by elongation growth, as complete submergence (Millenaar et al., 2005). This submer-
are not outweighed by the benefits under ephemeral or very gence response was reversible, could be prevented by pretreat-
deep floods. A quiescent strategy of arrested growth and re- ment with the 1-MCP and was absent in the ethylene insensitive
duced metabolic rate is more adaptive under these conditions etr1-1 mutant. In fact, the only notable difference in response
(Bailey-Serres and Voesenek, 2008). between submergence and ethylene was a delayed induction in
If the flood water is too deep, hyponastic growth is insuffi- submerged plants, which may be due to the time necessary for
cient to lead to emergence. In Rumex palustris elongation growth ethylene to accumulate to a physiological relevant concentration
of the petiole is only initiated when a critical petiole angle of >50 under flooded conditions. In concordance with R. palustris, low
degrees relative to horizontal is reached (Cox et al., 2003). By oxygen levels enhance ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in
this mechanism the plant ‘ensures’ not to spend carbohydrates Arabidopsis (Van Zanten et al., unpublished data).
and energy on shoot elongation when leaves are too horizontal to Recently, it was demonstrated that responses to flood-
reach the surface. Hyponastic growth in R. palustris to flooding ing in rice are controlled by members of the plant-
is notably fast. The lag phase is only 1.5–3 h and the response is specific APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTOR
completed after 7 h, depending on the initial angle (Cox et al., (AP2/ERF) transcription factor family (Hattori et al., 2009;
2003). A comparably fast hyponastic growth response to flood- Voesenek and Bailey-Serres, 2009). For example, the pres-
ing was observed in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, this species ence of the ethylene-inducible AP2/ERF Submergence1A-1
apparently does not have the capacity of the subsequent petiole (Sub1A-1) gene strongly correlates with submergence tolerance
elongation (Millenaar et al., 2005). in several accessions (Xu et al., 2006). In a comparable ap-
Gaseous compounds, such as the phytohormone ethylene, proach, Hattori and colleagues (2009) showed that two ERF
accumulate in the plant due to continued production and genes; SNORKEL1 (SK1) and SK2, contribute to submergence-
physical entrapment (Voesenek et al., 1993; Banga et al., induced elongation in deepwater rice. So far, 122 AP2/ERF
1996; Jackson et al., 2008). Several papers reported that ethy- members have been annotated in Arabidopsis thaliana (Nakano
lene accumulation is the key trigger of the various accli- et al., 2006). Although the majority of ERFs have not been
mation responses in flooding-tolerant species including hy- functionally characterized, it is clear that this gene family is
ponastic growth and nondifferential shoot elongation in R. involved in abiotic stress-control and that members mediate
palustris (Voesenek and Blom, 1989; Banga et al., 1997; Cox responses to several phytohormones, including ethylene (see
et al., 2003). In R. palustris ethylene levels increase twenty-fold Nakano et al., 2006 and references therein). An exploratory
(0.05 µl l−1 to 1 µl l−1 ) within the first hour of submergence, screen of a near-complete library of ERF-overexpressing Ara-
eventually reaching 8 µl l−1 after 16 h (Banga et al., 1996). bidopsis (Columbia-0) plants (Weiste et al., 2007) resulted in the

identification of several lines with different initial petiole angles (Pierik et al. 2005). In Cirsium palustre it is the reverse, expo-
or different hyponastic growth responses (either enhanced or re- sure to spectrally neutral shade resulted in the full hyponastic
pressed), compared to wild type (Polko and Van Zanten, unpub- response and a reduced red:far-red ratio did not have an addi-
lished data). This suggests that ERFs are involved in controlling tional effect (Pons, 1977; Pons 1983).
hyponastic growth in response to changes in the environment in The low red:far-red ratio caused by the proximity of green
Arabidopsis. plants is sensed via the phytochrome photoreceptors (Smith,
1982). Arabidopsis phytochrome-b (phyb) loss-of-function mu-
tants or mutants in genes involved in PhyB signaling, such
C. Shade-Induced Hyponastic Growth as constitutive shade-avoidance1 (csa1), are constitutively hy-
As argued above, changes in leaf orientation have major con- ponastic (Faigón-Soverna et al., 2006). In addition, PhyA and
sequences for the interception of radiation and carbon gain. It PhyE are implicated in the control of light dependent leaf po-
is, therefore, no surprise that leaf movement is an intrinsic part sitioning (Vandenbussche et al., 2003; Mullen et al., 2006).
of the shade avoidance syndrome, a suite of traits induced to In accordance, plants lacking the phyb suppressor, SHADE
compete for light at the onset of interference with neighboring AVOIDANCE3 (sav3) had reduced leaf hyponasty under shade
plants (Smith and Whitelam, 1997; Ballaré, 1999; Vandenbuss- conditions (Tao et al., 2008). Together, this illustrates the in-
che et al., 2005; Franklin, 2008). Shade-avoiding species with volvement of Phytochromes and downstream signaling proteins
erect stems typically show elongated internodes. This places in the control of leaf angles.
the leaves in more favorable light conditions in short vegetation Transferring Arabidopsis plants to darkness induced a quick
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while keeping them horizontal. In rosette plants, this is replaced hyponastic growth response that could be reversed in a light-
by elongation of petioles, but leaf blades may still be kept in intensity dependent manner by application of white light or red
a horizontal position as in Geum urbanum and Potentilla rep- light, but not by blue light (Hangarter, 1997). Apparently, blue
tans (Pons, 1977; Huber, 1996). However, many shade-avoiding light plays an essential role in leaf positioning. In agreement,
rosette species, generally those with short petioles, bend their newly appearing seedling leaves under red light have a horizon-
leaves upwards as a result of hyponastic growth. The consequent tal orientation whereas superimposition of low quantities of blue
vertical position of the leaf blade is not optimal for light inter- light led to leaf inclination (Inoue et al., 2008). Strong reduc-
ception. Nevertheless, the hyponastic response is important for tion of the PAR (low light treatment) stimulated a hyponastic
competition for light in crowded conditions as was shown using growth response in Arabidopsis within a few hours (Millenaar
ethylene insensitive transgenic Nicotiana tabacum plants, grown et al., 2005, 2009; Figure 1B, C) and in agar-grown seedlings
in a plot mixed with wild types. The young plants were still in within 6 days (Vandenbussche et al., 2003). Light-spectrum
the rosette stage and the ethylene insensitive plants showed a manipulations showed that rapid induction of low light-induced
delay of approximately one week in the hyponastic response to hyponasty is dose dependent and confirmed that this requires re-
crowding. Ultimately, this was fatal for their competitive abil- duction of blue-light wavelengths (Millenaar et al., 2009). These
ity against the wild types that suppressed the transgenic plants wavelengths are perceived by Cryptochromes (Cry) and Pho-
completely (Pierik et al., 2003). Hence, although not optimal totropin photoreceptors (Ballaré, 1999; Lin et al., 2002 and ref-
for light interception, the hyponastic growth response proved to erences therein). Mutant analysis confirmed that Cry1 and Cry2,
be essential when competing with similar sized plants. Also in but also PhyA and PhyB are the photoreceptor proteins involved
mixed herbaceous canopies where other plants overtop rosette in detection of reduced light intensity, and all are positive regu-
plants, the disadvantage of a nonoptimal leaf angle is likely to lators of low light-induced hyponastic growth.
be outweighed by the higher irradiance as a result of the higher Recently, De Carbonnel and co-workers (2010) showed that
position of elongated leaf blades in the steep irradiance gradient. PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE2 (PKS2) and to
Typical signals perceived by plants growing in dense green lesser extent, PKS1, play a role downstream of Phototropin
foliage (canopies) include reduced photosynthetically active ra- signalling in leaf positioning. These authors show that PKS2
diation (PAR), blue light photon fluence rates and red to far-red acts synergistically to NON PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL3
photon ratios. The latter is the result of absorption of red and in blue light–mediated leaf positioning. NPH3 is indeed required
reflection and transmission of far-red by surrounding leaves. for Phototropin mediated leaf positioning (Inoue et al., 2008).
Generally, it is the combination of spectral and irradiance com- Phototropins are thus important controllers of leaf angle, how-
ponents that are used by plants for their ultimate response to ever, these blue-light photoreceptors are not per se required for
shading by neighbours (Ballaré 1999). Different species may, low light–induced hyponastic growth (Millenaar et al., 2009).
however, respond differently to the two components when ap- The above mentioned canopy-derived light signals that in-
plied separately. For instance Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidop- duce shade avoidance responses can be used by other plant
sis thaliana show hyponastic responses to both components of species to repress this response. This is observed in, for
canopy shade (Pierik et al., 2004a, 2005; Millenaar et al., 2005, example, genotypes of Imaptiens capensis that grow un-
2009). R. palustris, however, shows hyponastic growth upon ex- der closed canopies such as a forest understorey (Von Wet-
posure to a reduced red:far-red ratio, but not to a reduced PAR tberg and Schmitt, 2005). The adaptive implications of such

species-specific differences deserve further attention. The oc- age in Arabidopsis was prevented in darkness (Larkindale
currence of a similar repressive response in the model species and Knight, 2002). This indicates that the photosynthesis sys-
maize (Zea mays) in which leaf hyponasty declined from verti- tem/electron transport chain may be a point of cross-talk
cal in dark to more horizontal under white, red, and blue light between heat and (low)light signalling. Inhibition of the elec-
radiation, but less to far-red light (Fellner et al., 2003), may tron transport chain using DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-
be exploited to learn more on the mechanisms of how plants dimethylurea), indeed induces a marked hyponastic growth
translate canopy signals in a leaf movement response. response under control (light and temperature) conditions
(Millenaar et al., 2009). This supports the close interaction be-
tween light and temperature signalling.
D. Heat-Induced Hyponastic Growth Application of ethylene reduced the strong hyponastic
Temperature is long known to control leaf positioning. For growth phenotype that was observed when low light and heat
example, heliotropic movement of common bean (Phaseolus were applied simultaneously (Van Zanten et al., 2009a). It is
vulgaris) leaves is controlled by temperature such that its leaves tempting to speculate that this is due to the protective role of
are placed close to the optimum for photosynthesis (Fu and this hormone, which prevents and repairs photo-oxidative dam-
Ehleringer, 1989). In addition, a positive correlation between age (Larkindale and Knight, 2002; Larkindale et al., 2005).
air temperature and leaf angles has been observed in P. vulgaris In summary, heat and light signals and ethylene are tightly
and P. acutifolius (Yu and Berg 1994). Moreover, diurnal leaf connected in the control of leaf movement. This is reflected in
movements are affected via temperature compensation of the the observation that these signals induce a very comparable re-
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

circadian clock in Arabidopsis thaliana (Edwards et al., 2005). sponse in Arabidopsis (Fig. 1) when applied singly. In the next
Elevated temperature has also recently been added to the palette section, we will describe how phytohormones act in the integra-
of factors that can induce hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis tion and control of leaf movements induced by submergence,
(Millenaar et al., 2005; Koini et al., 2009; Van Zanten et al., shade, and heat.
2009a; Figure 1B, C).
Hopkins and co-workers (2008) showed that Arabidopsis IV. PHYTOHORMONAL REGULATION OF
thaliana accessions from southern latitudes have more erect HYPONASTIC GROWTH
leaves than those from northern latitudes. As argued above,
steep leaf angles prevent excess irradiance and associated supra- A. Ethylene as a Major Mediator of Hyponastic Growth
optimal heat flux and water-loss during mid day at low latitudes. Years of research firmly established ethylene as the primary
It has also been suggested that light capture is improved at low trigger of several submergence-induced physiological and mor-
sun angles, thus contributing to photosynthetic carbon gain, but phological acclimations in plants, including hyponastic growth
that is not likely to be very important (see above and Falster and petiole elongation (Kende et al., 1998; Voesenek et al.,
and Westoby, 2003). The heat avoidance strategy is further sup- 2003, 2006; Jackson et al., 2008; Bailey-Serres and Voesenek,
ported by the observation that the degree to which accessions 2008). As mentioned earlier, ethylene is also tightly associ-
induce hyponastic growth by a heat treatment is correlated with ated with shade-induced hyponastic growth. Low quantities of
the day-night (diurnal) temperature amplitude at the geographic ethylene triggered hyponasty in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
location of the natural habitat (Van Zanten et al., 2009a). This (Pierik et al., 2003). Ethylene insensitive tobacco plants exhib-
suggests that the ability of temperature controlled leaf move- ited delayed hyponastic growth, stem and petiole elongation in
ment may be subjected to natural selection to the local temper- response to proximal neighbors and failed to induce hyponastic
ature environment. growth under low blue light (Pierik et al., 2003, 2004a). A di-
It has been shown in several papers that light and heat sig- rect role for ethylene in low red:far-red ratio-induced hyponastic
nalling integrate at the level of photoreceptors, or photoreceptor- growth was absent and thus the delayed ethylene-mediated hy-
interacting proteins (Halliday et al., 2003; Halliday and ponastic growth in canopies can be attributed to reduced blue
Whitelam, 2003; Penfield, 2008). Recently, Koini et al. (2009) light intensity (Pierik et al., 2003, 2004a, b). However, low
demonstrated that high temperature effects on plant architec- red:far-red ratios lead to increased ethylene production in Ara-
ture, including hyponasty and petiole elongation require the bidopsis (Pierik et al., 2009) and in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
bHLH transcription regulator PHYTOCHROME INTERACT- (Finlayson et al., 1998). Vandenbussche et al. (2003) showed
ING FACTOR 4 (PIF4). Moreover, several photoreceptor pro- that ethylene insensitive mutant Arabidopsis seedlings were not
teins (i.e., PhyA, PhyB and Cryptochromes) are involved in able to induce hyponastic growth under low light intensities in
the control of heat-induced hyponastic growth and simultane- agar-grown Arabidopsis seedlings.
ous application of heat and low light leads to an exaggerated Given all this, it is perhaps somewhat surprising that low
hyponastic growth response (Van Zanten et al., 2009a). light-induced hyponastic growth in vegetative Arabidopsis
Heat results in damage of lipid membranes and photo- plants occurs independently of ethylene action. This was con-
inhibition caused by reactive oxygen species (Larkindale et al., cluded from several ethylene insensitive mutants which showed
2005 and references therein). This heat-induced oxidative dam- a full response to low light and this treatment did not lead to

increased ethylene production. Moreover, transcription of ethy- ponastic growth by doubling the lag-phase of the response, but
lene marker genes was not altered upon low light treatment hardly affected the response amplitude (Cox et al., 2004).
(Millenaar et al., 2009). The contrary is true for heat-induced As mentioned above, heat-induced hyponastic growth is
hyponastic growth where ethylene acts as a negative modulator abolished in the phytochrome interacting factor 4 (pif4) mu-
of the response (Van Zanten et al., 2009a). Heat also represses tant. In contrast to the wild type, this mutant also failed to
ethylene release, perhaps to control hyponastic growth (Van induce expression of the auxin marker gene IAA29 (Koini et al.,
Zanten et al., 2009a). In conclusion, ethylene appears to be a 2009). Mutant and pharmacologic analysis confirmed that heat-
major player in the control of hyponastic growth induced by induced hyponastic growth requires intact auxin perception and
different environmental factors. PAT (Van Zanten et al., 2009a) as does low light–induced hy-
ponasty (Millenaar et al., 2009). Details on involvement of auxin
signalling and PAT differed between these stimuli. Auxin and
B. An Ambiguous Role for Auxin in Controlling PAT are required for rapid induction and maximum amplitude
Hyponastic Growth of heat-induced hyponastic growth and for maximum ampli-
Auxin and polar auxin transport (PAT) are important for tude and maintenance of elevated petiole angles during low
many differential growth responses (Harper et al., 2000; Friml light–induced hyponasty (Millenaar et al., 2009; Van Zanten
and Palme, 2002; Friml, 2003). Nevertheless, the role of auxin et al., 2009a). These observations fit other reports. For exam-
and PAT in controlling leaf angle is at best ambiguous. For ple, auxin is required for differential and nondifferential (elon-
example, hyponastic growth induced by decreased light intensi- gation) growth of petioles and hypocotyls under altered light
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

ties in agar-grown Arabidopsis seedlings was less pronounced intensity and light quality environments (Morelli and Ruberti,
in auxin-related (auxin resistant1-3 (axr1-3), axr2-1) mutants 2000; Tao et al., 2008; Pierik et al., 2009). Interestingly, it was
(Vandenbussche et al., 2003). Auxin-insensitive massugu1/non- recently suggested that PKS2 (and synergistically NPH3) may
phototropic4/auxin response factor7 (msg1/nph4/arf7) mutants act as a signalling hub between Phytochrome- and Phototropin-
on the other hand, exhibited constitutive hyponasty (Watahiki dependent leaf positioning and auxin signalling and/or home-
and Yamamoto, 1997; Harper et al., 2000; Liscum and Briggs ostasis (De Carbonnel et al., 2010). Furthermore, auxin is re-
1995; Nakamoto et al., 2006). Wild-type seedlings grown in quired for high temperature–induced hypocotyl elongation and
the presence of the transport inhibitor naphthylphtalamic acid heat induces transcription of the auxin-responsive genes IAA4,
(NPA) show hyponastic growth, but also the repressor of LRR- which suggests sensitization of the tissues to auxin (Gray et al.,
extensin1 (rol1) mutants, having increased auxin concentrations 1998). Together, the data summarized here indicate that auxin
in cotyledons, induced hyponasty (Ringli et al., 2008). Down- is often important for differential growth, but is not always a
regulation of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) auxin-related prerequisite for these responses.
Aux/IAA protein StIAA2 resulted in petiole hyponasty and the
effect was most severe in the shoot-apex, where auxin is pri-
marily produced (Kloosterman et al., 2006). This suggests that C. Antagonizing Roles for Gibberellins and Abscisic
auxin suppresses high leaf angles in this species. In agreement, Acid in Hyponastic Growth
removal of auxin-producing main shoots or leaflets of tomato Abscisic acid (ABA) is a negative regulator of submergence-
(Lycopersicon esculentum) plants induced hyponastic growth induced petiole elongation in R. palustris (Benschop et al.,
in young leaves, likely due to auxin-mediated loss of ethylene 2005). Accordingly, ABA levels rapidly declined in an ethylene-
responses (Kazemi and Kefford, 1974). Last, vertical leaf orien- dependent manner in submerged R. palustris petioles, via en-
tation was maintained in the presence of NPA in maize (Fellner hanced ABA catabolism and inhibition of ABA biosynthe-
et al., 2003). The complexity of the response is emphasized sis (Benschop et al., 2005). The negative role for ABA in
by the identification of the Arabidopsis constitutive hyponastic submergence-induced hyponastic growth in this species was
growth mutant; hyponastic leaves1 (hyl1) in which treatment demonstrated by a pharmacologic approach. ABA application
with the auxin influx inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) delayed the induction of hyponasty and the maximal angle of
reduced the hyponastic phenotype whereas NPA exaggerated the response was lower than in control plants (Cox et al., 2004).
the hyponastic leaf angle (Lu and Fedoroff, 2000). In accordance, repression of endogenous ABA levels using the
Auxin and PAT are not obligatory for ethylene-induced hy- ABA biosynthesis inhibitor fluoridon, enhanced ethylene and
ponasty per se in Arabidopsis thaliana (Van Zanten et al., submergence-induced hyponastic growth.
2009b). In fact, based on the small exaggerated response ampli- Submergence-induced growth responses in R. palustris are
tude after treatment with NPA and based on the results obtained likely dependent on ABA-mediated increased gibberellic acid
with auxin perception and transport mutants, one might even (GA) production as levels of bioactive GA did not increase in
conclude that auxin antagonizes ethylene-induced hyponasty submerged plants treated with ABA. In addition, petioles of
(Van Zanten et al., 2009b). These results are partly in agree- submerged R. palustris plants showed increased GA sensitivity
ment with observations in R. palustris, in which pretreatment with respect to elongation growth (Rijnders et al., 1997; Cox
with NPA delayed the induction of submergence-induced hy- et al., 2004). Inhibition of GA biosynthesis using paclobutrazol

affected the speed of the hyponastic growth response, but not

the lag-phase and maximum angle (Cox et al., 2004). The time
frame of GA accumulation was incompatible with the induc-
tion of hyponastic growth, which led to the conclusion that the
response was saturated by endogenous GA levels.
Ethylene-induced (but not low red:far-red-induced) hy-
ponasty in tobacco also required GA (Pierik et al., 2004b).
The hormonal interactions controlling responses to submer-
gence/ethylene are thus remarkable similar in unrelated species.
Genetic and pharmacological evidence indicated that ABA also
antagonizes ethylene-induced hyponastic growth in Arabidop-
sis, despite that ABA levels remained unaltered after ethylene
treatment (Benschop et al., 2007). Additionally, ABA also con-
trols leaf positioning independent of ethylene or other hyponas-
tic growth-inducing stimuli (Mullen et al., 2006; Benschop
et al., 2007).
In contrast to ethylene-induced hyponasty, ABA was identi-
fied as a positive regulator of heat-induced hyponastic growth
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

in Arabidopsis (Van Zanten et al., 2009a) and it appears to en-

hance low light–induced hyponastic growth (Van Zanten et al.,
unpublished results). At least in low light–induced hyponastic
growth, the response to ABA seems independent of ethylene
signalling. It remains to be studied if, and how, ABA controls
hyponastic growth via regulation of GA signalling, accumula-
tion or sensitivity in Arabidopsis.


A. Natural Variation in Hyponastic Growth
Arabidopsis thaliana is native to Europe and Central Asia and
also occurs in some parts of Africa (N 0◦ and 68 ◦ ). Moreover, it
has been introduced in other parts of the Northern hemisphere,
including North America, Japan, and Korea (Hoffmann 2002;
Koornneef et al., 2004). This wide biogeographical distribu-
tion and the variety of environmental conditions to which it has
adapted are reflected in extensive genetic variation among acces-
sions (Hoffmann 2002; Koornneef et al., 2004; Nordborg et al.,
2005). Intraspecific variation in leaf angles has been shown be-
fore (King, 1997; McMillen and McClendon, 1979; Falster and
Westoby, 2003; Abreu and Munné-Bosch, 2008). For Arabidop-
sis thaliana accessions, variation in constitutive petiole angles
has been described (Hopkins et al., 2008), in ethylene- and heat-
induced hyponastic growth (Millenaar et al., 2005; Van Zanten
et al., 2009a) and in temperature-controlled circadian leaf move-
ment (Edwards et al., 2005). This is illustrated in Figure 2 where
the constitutive leaf angle, and in Figure 3 where the leaf move-
ment response to 6 h ethylene, low light and heat treatment
are shown for 138 naturally occurring Arabidopsis thaliana ac-
cessions. Remarkably, ethylene treatment not only resulted in
hyponastic growth (up to 39.7 ± 6.4 deg. accession Niigata; FIG. 2. Natural variation in constitutive petiole angles of Arabidopsis
thaliana. Values represent the absolute initial (constitutive) angles (degrees)
NG), but also induced epinastic growth in several (13%) of the relative to the horizontal, at t = 0 h of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions in con-
accessions (lowest: −10.3 ± 2.3 deg. accession Palermo-1; Pa- trol conditions (air; 200 µmol m−2 s−1 light). Error bars represent SE; n = 2
1). Epinastic growth has been described before, for example in to 15.
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

FIG. 3. Natural variation in induced hyponastic growth of Arabidopsis thaliana. Effect of exposure to A: ethylene (5 µL L−1 ), B: low light (200 µmol m−2
◦ ◦
s−1 to 20 µmol m−2 s−1 ) and C: heat (20 C to 38 C) on petiole angles of 138 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. Values are pair wise subtracted. Error bars represent
SE; n = 2 to 15. Note that the values of panel A are sorted by response magnitude.

TABLE 1 is likely to compete with its own siblings and therefore may
Bivariate relationships between Arabidopsis thaliana petiole occur in a micro-habitat of similarly sized individuals. Leaf
angle parameters in different hyponastic growth inducing movement with the aim of avoiding shading can therefore not
environments. be excluded early in the life cycle.
As Arabidopsis thaliana is rarely found on river banks, hy-
Initial angle E LL HT ponastic growth can not be explained as an adaptation to flood-
Initial angle P −0.054 0.059 −0.086 ing. Considering the open, warm habitats the species prefers, es-
Sig. ns ns ns pecially in the Mediterranean, hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis
E P 0.691 0.444 thaliana can probably best be explained as a mechanism to avoid
Sig. ∗∗ ∗∗ high temperatures.
LL P 0.597
Sig. ∗∗
B. Molecular Genetics of Hyponastic Growth;
Correlations coefficients are Pearson (P ) 2-tailed, of angle param- Exploitation of Natural Genetic Variation
eters measured in 138 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Figures 2, 3. Leaf positioning has now been studied in several species,
Significant (sig.) correlations are in bold, ∗∗ p <0.01 (value between
mainly using ecophysiological approaches. As exemplified by
brackets), ns = non significant. The initial angle represents the petiole
the numerous examples presented in this work, this has resulted
angle before start of the treatments. Treatments were 6 hours of: 1.5
◦ in a comprehensive insight into how phytohormones regulate
µl l−1 ethylene (E), low light intensity (20 µmol m−2 s−1 ; LL) or 38 C
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

heat treatment (HT). Angles used for the analysis were pairwise sub- leaf (re)positioning. Yet, the (molecular) mechanisms underly-
tracted (Benschop et al., 2007) representing the response magnitude, ing this remain poorly understood.
corrected for diurnal leaf movements. In a mutant screen for morphological mutants, four indi-
viduals with dominant expression of hyponastic leaves were
isolated: isoginchaku1-D to 4-D (iso1-D to iso4-D; Nakazawa
tomato (Lycospesicon esculentum) and Sunflower (Helianthus et al., 2003). Iso1-D and Iso2-D phenotypes are caused by the ec-
anuus) upon waterlogging (Bradford and Dilley, 1978; Kawase, topic expression of ASSYMETRIC LEAVES2 (AS2). Iso3-D and
1974). Iso4-D ectopically expresses the AS2 homologous gene; LOB
Intraspecific correlation analysis (Table 1) using the variation DOMAIN-CONTAINING PROTEIN 36 (LBD36). In agreement,
in hyponastic growth among accessions (Figs. 2, 3) confirmed plants overexpressing BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 (BOP1) which
that the hyponastic growth response induced by different envi- enhances AS2 and LBD36 expression also exhibit hyponastic
ronmental stimuli is comparable in Arabidopsis (Fig. 1B, C). leaves (Ha et al., 2007). It may not be surprising that these
No indication was found that initial petiole angles (constitutive genes, implicated in the establishment of adaxial-abaxial po-
petiole angle; t = 0 h, before treatment) restricts hyponastic larity axes (Xu et al., 2003) have constitutive leaf orientation
movement (Table 1). In other words, leaf movements are inde- phenotypes. However, if and how these genes are employed in
pendent of constitutive leaf angles in Arabidopsis. environmentally-induced differential growth responses, includ-
Given the relative small size of adult Arabidopsis thaliana ing hyponastic growth, remains to be elucidated.
rosettes, it can be considered a weak competitor. This is con- The considerable natural variation in initial (constitutive)
firmed by the preferred habitat of the species. In the Nether- petiole- and leaf angles and in hyponastic growth response to
lands, Arabidopsis thaliana is found mainly on sandy soils and changes in the abiotic environment has been recently exploited
on pioneer or open, disturbed environments (Fig. 4A, B). Also in a Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) approach, in a first attempt
in the Mediterranean area, considered the region of origin of to isolate molecular components involved in hyponastic growth
the species (Weeda et al., 1987, Hoffmann, 2002), Arabidopsis (Van Zanten et al., 2010a). Several QTLs for initial petiole
thaliana is mainly found in anthropogenic habitats, like agri- angles and ethylene-induced hyponastic growth were mapped.
cultural fields (Pignatti, 1982) and in natural disturbed habitats One of these, a major QTL on chromosome 2, has been linked
(Picó et al., 2008). to variation in growth-related traits and hormone action sev-
The (winter) annual species prevents competition for light eral times before (Van Zanten et al., 2009c). Subsequent anal-
with other species by completing its life cycle in early spring, ysis confirmed that the segregating gene underlying the QTL,
before most other plants reach their highest amount of above the Leucine-Rich Repeat Receptor-Like Ser/Thr kinase gene
ground biomass. Therefore, the ability of hyponastic growth in ERECTA (ER) (Torii et al., 1996), is a controller of ethylene-
vegetative Arabidopsis thaliana rosettes can likely not be ex- induced hyponastic growth in several accessions. ER controls
plained as a mechanism to enlarge competition for light. How- hyponasty presumably downstream of ethylene action since the
ever, as explained above and in Pierik et al. (2003), hyponastic erecta mutation does not consistently influence ethylene produc-
growth is essential for competition with similarly sized plants, tion or sensitivity. The observation that ERECTA also controls
despite the putative negative consequences for light-interception low light intensity–induced differential petiole growth in some,
and photosynthesis. Arabidopsis typically shed many seeds and but not all, tested erecta mutant accessions and because it does
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

FIG. 4. Ecological position of Arabidopsis thaliana in the Netherlands. A: Plant communities with highest fidelity value of the species (a fidelity of 50% means
that 50% of vegetation stands in which the species is present belong to this community); plant communities were classified according to Schaminée et al. (1995-
1999); 30BA = Aperion spicae-venti, a weed community of cornfields on sandy or loamy soils, 14CA = Tortulo-Koelerion, an open grassland type of coastal sand
dunes, 31AA = Salsolion ruthenicae, a ruderal pioneer community of sandy or stony soils, 31CA = Dauco-Melilotion, a widespread ruderal community of sandy,
loamy, or slightly clayey soils, and 14BC = Sedo-Cerastion, an open grassland type on sandy levees along rivers. B: Main vegetation structures with fidelity of the
species, as indicated by plant communities. Fidelity is calculated from vegetation descriptions (relevés) in the Dutch National Vegetation Databank, as analyzed
in the expert system SynBioSys (Schaminée & Hennekens, 2003). Arabidopsis thaliana is present in 2,687 (0.45%) from the 600,266 relevés at present available
(period 1929-2010). The fidelity spectrum of A. thaliana indicates a preference for open pioneer vegetations on slightly acid, mesotrophic, mostly sandy soils.

so independent of PhyB and Cry2 action (Van Zanten et al., hypocotyl elongation in the light in this accession (Keuskamp
2010b), underlines the complexity of the signalling network by et al., unpublished data), whereas these conditions generally
which environmental factors induce hyponastic growth. promote hypocotyl elongation (Smalle et al., 1997). This sug-
gests that at least part of the molecular machinery regulating
VI. CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES ethylene hypocotyl elongation in the light may be similar to
Recently, Arabidopsis thaliana has been employed to in- components controlling ethylene-regulated hyponastic growth.
vestigate molecular genetic and physiological aspects of hy- Therefore, aspects of leaf movement responses may be indi-
ponastic growth. It became thereby apparent that this species rectly studied using “simple” hypocotyl assays. Development
is a very good model to study the complex network underlying of fast high throughput methods such as hypocotyl assays pro-
leaf movement. Different signal transduction pathways operate vides an excellent platform for (suppressor) mutant screens or
in response to different environmental cues with a remarkably for extensive Genome Wide Association mapping (GWA) ap-
similar hyponastic growth response as outcome. Based on the proaches which in particular requires large sets of accessions
data summarized in this paper, we propose a model constructed to be screened (Nordborg et al., 2005; Nordborg and Weigel,
on the principle of parsimony, of how hyponastic growth is reg- 2008; Atwell et al., 2010).
ulated by phytohormones in Arabidopsis (Fig. 5). However, as The expected progress using Arabidopsis will provide a good
stated earlier, the functional molecular mechanisms driving leaf basis for understanding the mechanisms of leaf positioning and
(re)positioning need more attention. Several mutants that fail to movement in other species. The rapid advances in genome-
induce hyponasty or have exaggerated responses have recently wide deep sequencing techniques and the associated steep de-
been isolated in our laboratory from a mutant screen to meet creases in the costs involved, will on short term result in the
this aim. availability of genome sequences of several plant species. The
Especially, the exploitation of natural genetic variation is ex- results obtained using Arabidopsis thaliana is then relatively
pected to result in rapid advances in the near future. A prelimi- easy translatable to more ecological and economically relevant
nary study which included among others Palermo-1 (Pa-1), the species. Ultimately, this may result in marker assisted breed-
accession that showed the strongest ethylene-induced epinastic ing approaches, aiming to improve for example crop yield by
growth (Fig. 3), indicated that ethylene also strongly inhibited controlling leaf angle.

ation of leaf orientation for instance, which manipulates stress

at the leaf level, may suffice with solitary plants (e.g., Gamon
and Pearcy, 1989; Abreu and Munne-Bosch, 2008). However,
for more complicated manipulation of phenotypes, particularly
in competitive situations, other approaches are required. Al-
tered phenotypes can be environmentally induced or achieved
by means of mutants or transgenics (e.g., Schmitt et al., 1999;
Ackerly et al., 2000; Pierik et al., 2003). This approach has the
potential drawback of possible pleiotropic effects (Pigliucci and
Schmitt 1999). A modelling and experimental approach can be
best combined, which employs the strengths of both and com-
pensates for their weaknesses. Functionality of leaf angles and
plasticity therein under different conditions can thus best be
investigated using such a combined approach.

FIG. 5. Proposed simplified signalling parsimony network of ethylene, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

heat and low light-induced hyponastic petiole growth. These signals are The authors thank Bob Derksen for the superimposition
modulated by at least ABA and auxin. Dotted lines between heat and low light photo of hyponastic growth in Arabidopsis thaliana and Maaike
Downloaded By: [University of Utrecht] At: 09:44 4 October 2010

signalling indicate that we cannot distinguish between the routes. The dotted
lines at the bottom indicate that we cannot distinguish between continuous par-
E. Smeets for help preparing the manuscript.
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ponents are utilized by the different signals. The bold inhibition line indicates REFERENCES
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