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This is ! cer!ify !ha! r. Ashish kumar Chaudhary is a bonafide s!uden! of

A program of !he universi!y in !his ins!i!u!e for !he year 2009 !o 2011 as a
par! of !he Universi!y curriculum, !he s!uden! has comple!ed !he projec! repor!

The projec! repor! is prepared by !he s!uden! under !he guidance of

Prof. Dex!er woodward.

(Projec! Guide) Program Co-ordina!or Direc!or




³Everybody lives and ac!s par!ly according !o his own, par!ly according !o o!her people¶s


-Leo Tols!oy

The projec! repor! carried ou! by me would no! have been successful wi!hou! !he

combined effor!s of all my !eacher and well -wisher.

I would par!icularly like !o express my deep sense of gra!i!ude !o !he Direc!or Dr. Ni!in

Nayak for !he never ending suppor! he provides !o !he s!uden!s.

I am also !hankful !o my projec! guide prof.Dex!er woodwardfor !he cons!an! guidance

and mo!iva!ion I received from him.

Las!ly, I would like !o acknowledge my facul!y members, non !eaching s!aff and friends,

as wi!hou! !heir suppor! and co-opera!ion !his projec! work have been a dream.

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1)‘ gbjec!ives of !he projec!
2)‘ Scope of !he projec!
3)‘ Limi!a!ion
‘    ‘
  ‘ ‘
1)‘ Social / online marke!ing
2)‘ Need for gnline Social
3)‘ Po!en!ial/impor!ance of online
securi!y sys!em
4)‘ gnline Social arke!ing

‘ ©  ‘‘ ‘©  ‘ ‘
1)‘ In!erne! usages in India
2)‘ ain reasons for using !he
3)‘ Companies in securi!y sys!em
and !here uses !ools
‘ ‘ 
‘ ‘
1)‘ Defini!ion / eaning
esearch problem
3)‘ Collec!ion of da!a
4)‘ Analysis and Da!a in!er

‘ ‘  ‘ !‘

‘ "‘


‘#‘ ‘
‘ gbjec!ives of !he projec!
‘ Scope of !he projec!
‘ Limi!a!ion
‘ ‘

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Social online marke!ing in securi!y sys!em is one of !he upcoming online

marke!ing !ac!ics for !he pro!ec!ion of proper!y people or an organiza!ion from
an a!!ack !here are people who have dis!or!ed mo!iva!ion by performing such
a!!ack . social online marke!ing in securi!y sys!em help in pro!ec!ion wi!h
include preven!ive response and prema!ive a!!ack.

Social online marke!ing is done by social ne!working websi!e. Social

online marke!ing is no! only a popular an effec!ive s!ra!egy of marke! ing of
securi!y sys!em bu! i! is also an easy an funfull s!ra!egy.Social online marke!ing
in securi!y sys!em makes use of social ne!working si!es such as myspace, dig,
bloggers & you!ube !o add or edi! con!en! for o!her !o be able !o assess.

Informa!ion placed as such si!e allow consumer no! only view i! bu!
also link !o i! and or pos! !heir own commen! abou! i!.

The end resul! of social online marke!ing in securi!y sys!em is !o

pro!ec! people, proper!y or an organiza!ion which may be a!!acked by a criminal
minded person. Social marke!ing in securi!y sys!em is an impor!an! !ools !o
promo!e as well as !o pro!ec! a business !oday and social media is a grea! way
for business !o devlope !heir online presence and increase awaren ess among

{‘ To find ou! degree up !o which social marke!ing is able !o provide
informa!ion !o users of securi!y sys!em.
{‘ To find ou! degree up !o which users are sa!isfied.
{‘ To find ou! awareness of users abou! social marke!ing.
{‘ To find ou! sa!isfac!ion level of user abou! !he Securi!ies produc!.
{‘ To know a! wha! ex!en! !he securi!y produc! are u!ilize in various
sec!or like ,ank,ho!els,!hea!ers ,shopping mall, railway s!a!ion, air
por! and Indus!ries

î ‘ '‘‘ (‘

*‘ 1.!he scope of s!udy is !o analyse !he marke! po!en!ial of various securi!y

produc! which are available online.

*‘ 2. !o know abou! !he presence of !he companies i!s services and i!s

*‘ 3. To find ou! !he effec!iveness of securi!ies companies and !heir produc!.

*‘ 4. To know various securi!ies devices available on line.

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1.‘ The dura!ion of work is no! sufficien!

2.‘ Informa!ion available was only a! !he websi!es and books.

3.‘ Proper informa!ion was no! available .

4.‘ indse! of people may very depending upon !heir age, gender, income of
using differen!-differen! social !ools & websi!es.e!c



‘ Social / online marke!ing

‘ Need for gnline Social arke!ing
‘ gnline Social arke!ing Tools/si!es

‘ ‘

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Social marke!ing is !he sys!ema!ic applica!ion of marke!ing, along wi!h o!her
concep!s and !echniques, !o achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good

arke!ing and adver!ising !ha! reaches po!en!ial consumers via social

ne!working websi!e, such as ySpace, Facebook and ebo. They appear a! !he
edges of users' profiles and can be !arge!e d based on keywords in !heir profiles
!o ma!ch !heir s!a!ed in!eres!s or recen! ac!ivi!ies

¦  ‘ '‘  ‘


Social marke!ing began as a formal discipline in 1971, wi!h !he publica!ion of

"Social arke!ing: An Approach !o Planned Social Change" in !he Journal of
arke!ing by marke!ing exper!s Philip Ko!ler and Gerald Zal!man. However,
earlier, social marke!ing had already been used as a !ool for bir!h con!rol in
India, where a persuasion based approach was favored over a legisla!ive
approach. Craig Lefebvre and June Flora in!roduced social marke!ing !o !he
public heal!h communi!y in 1988, where i! has been mos! widely used and
explored. They no!ed !ha! !here was a need for "large scale, broad -based,
behavior change focused programs" !o improve public h eal!h (!he communi!y
wide preven!ion of cardiovascular diseases in !heir respec!ive projec!s), and
ou!lined eigh! essen!ial componen!s of social marke!ing !ha! s!ill hold !oday.
They are:

1.‘ A consumer orien!a!ion !o realize organiza!ional (social) goals

2.‘ An emphasis on !he volun!ary exchanges of goods and services be!ween
providers and consumers
esearch in audience analysis and segmen!a!ion s!ra!egies
4.‘ The use of forma!ive research in produc! and message design and !he
pre!es!ing of !hese ma!erials
5.‘ An analysis of dis!ribu!ion (or communica!ion) channels
6.‘ Use of !he marke!ing mix²u!ilizing and blending produc!, price, place
and promo!ion charac!eris!ics in in!erven!ion planning and
7.‘ A process !racking sys!em wi!h bo!h in!egra!ive and con!rol func!ions
8.‘ A managemen! process !ha! involves problem analysis, planning,
implemen!a!ion and feedback func!ions.

Speaking of wha! !hey !ermed "social change campaigns", Ko!ler and Ned

ober!o in!roduced !he subjec! by wri!ing, "A social change campaign is an

organized effor! conduc!ed by one group (!he change agen!) which a!!emp!s !o
persuade o!hers (!he !arge! adop!ers) !o accep!, modify, or abandon cer !ain

ideas, a!!i!udes, prac!ices or behavior." Their 1989 !ex! was upda!ed in 2002 by
Philip Ko!ler, Ned
ober!o and Nancy Lee. In 2005, Universi!y of S!irling was
!he firs! universi!y !o open a dedica!ed research ins!i!u!e !o Social arke!ing,
while in 2007, iddlesex Universi!y became !he firs! universi!y !o offer a
specialized pos!gradua!e programme in Heal!h & Social arke! ing.

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Social gnline arke!ing is one of !he up and coming gnline arke!ing !ac!ics.
Social gnline arke!ing is done by using Social Ne!working websi!es, which is
par! of !he Web 2.0. Social gnline arke!ing is no! only a popular and effec!ive
s!ra!egy of marke!ing, bu! i! is easy and fun. y promo!ing yourself and your
company in!o !he online communi!y (ou!side of your own websi!e) you are
par!icipa!ing in Social gnline arke!ing.
So wha! exac!ly is Social gnline arke!ing? Social gnline arke!ing requires
!he use of Social Ne!working si!es such as ySpace, Faceook, Digg, logger
and YouTube !o add/edi! con!en! for o!hers !o be able !o access. Informa!ion
placed on such si!es allows consumers !o no! only view i!, bu! also link !o i!
and/or pos! !heir own commen!s abou! i!. The end resul! of Social gnline
arke!ing is !o increase visibili!y on Social Ne!working Si!es, crea!e inbound
links, and increase !raffic !o your websi!e which can be !racked !hru analy!ics

In !he las! couple of years social marke!ing has become so common !ha! even a
child would feel lef! behind if he wasn¶! a par! of some online social media.
os! working people or s!uden!s spend a large par! of !heir day on !he in!erne!.
For !his reason, social marke!ing can be na!urally in!egra!ed in each person¶s
daily lives in a way !ha! is non-in!rusive and !hereby accep!able !o many.

The in!erne! has become an indispensable par! of life as everyone would agree.
Human beings have !he abili!y !o in!erac! closely wi!h around 150 people, wi!h
whom one can have s!rong personal rela!ionships. This is why you are seeing
such grow!h in Facebook, Twi!!er, You!ube and LinkedIn.

The main aim of !his kind of marke!ing is !o achieve µsocial good¶ as well as
some commercial or mone!ary gains !ha! will help in reaching cer!ain goals. I!
can !urn ou! !o be a grea! asse! only if used in !he righ! manner, whe!her used in
business or personal lives.

Through social media marke!ing, businesses are able !o gain populari!y over !he
in!erne!. This is by using differen! social media like blogs, video and p ho!o
sharing si!es, as well as social bookmarking si!es. If you wan! !o know how i!
can benefi! a social marke!ing campaign, here are some reasons.


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Even !oday social media remains a mys!ery ! o mos! marke!ers. In !he minds of
mos! re!ailers and marke!ing execu!ives, social media consis!s of !eens
messaging on Facebook, sharing pics on Flickr, wri!ing in !heir blogs or
!wee!ing all !heir doings on Twi!!er.

Perhaps !hey read a few news blogs !hemselves or have a profile on LinkedIn,
bu! !hey¶re s!ill scra!ching !heir heads and wondering how any of !his could
possibly be useful !o !hem in business.

Coming from !he conven!ional marke!ing world myself and looking back !o my
firs! impression of social media, I can apprecia!e !he re!ailing and 2
marke!ing es!ablishmen!¶s legi!ima!e skep!icism. Tha!¶s why I pu! !oge!her my
!op reasons for using social marke!ing for you !o share wi!h your colleagues and
!op managemen!.

Le! me cau!ion you however, !ha! social marke!ing requires i!s own mindse!.
arke!ing s!ra!egies !ha! work well wi!h !radi!ional media won¶! necessarily be
as effec!ive if applied !o new media .

1. I! can be used for be!!er !arge!ing. Social media marke!in g can a!!rac! a
!arge!ed segmen! of in!erne! users who would be in!eres!ed in wha! you have !o
offer. You can easily achieve !his !hrough your websi!e. y using various
parame!ers and !ools you can increase !he visibili!y of your con!en! online, be i!
on a na!ional or in!erna!ional level. This helps a small business no! only by
ge!!ing a wider audience bu! also by bringing a selec! local clien!ele.

2. Ge!!ing a high re!urn. Since social marke!ing is cheap, !his makes i! sui!able
for a s!ar! up. Af!er using all !he ne!working !ools, one ge!s all !he necessary and
good publici!y for free. This free social marke!ing crea!es a high ra!e of re!urn.

3. No specializa!ion or !echnical skill required. You can use !his !ype of

marke!ing even while si!!ing a! home. I! does no! require !ha! you si! in a well
quipped office or learn a coded language. os! social ne!working si!es are
visual in na!ure, !his way prac!ically anyone who can use in!erne!, can use social
ne!working !ools as well.

4. I! is a lo! be!!er !han ad ca mpaigns. os! in!erne! users are faced wi!h a
bombardmen! of adver!isemen!s and !hey usually do no! even click on !hem.
anners and links are losing !heir purpose because of a lack of !rus! on online
adver!ising. In social marke!ing, you give i! a personal !ouch and a!!rac! more
po!en!ial cus!omers.
5. ore Visibili!y. Social marke!ing, jus! like blogging, helps you !o spread
informa!ion in an in!eres!ing way. This informa!ion which should be rela!ed !o
your websi!e helps in your si!e¶s populari!y and awareness abou! i!. gf course,
one need !o cons!an!ly crea!e new con!en! !ha! people are really in!eres!ed in,
and you will have no problem in drawing huge number of viewers. gf!en !hese
ar!icles can go viral and hundreds of !housands could see your message. Th is
viral social ma rke!ing can explode your campaign almos! overnigh! .

Nowadays, !he aim of all businesses, big or small is !o increase !heir audience.
Tha! is why social marke!ing works and helps in !his respec!. I! can be called an
online version of word of mou!h publici!y. Channelizing social marke!ing in !he
righ! way will resul! in more cus!omers, more sales, and a prominen! online

‘ ‘

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Earlier people used !o ga!her informa!ion in !he !radi!ional way !hrough

magazines, newspapers, e!c« bu! nowadays everyone around !he world has
swi!ched !o in!erne! for informa!ion ga!hering. People can now find any kind of
informa!ion direc!ly !hrough in!erne!, wi!hin seconds, !he increase in populari!y
of in!erne! and adven! of social ne!working websi!es like Facebook, Twi!!er ,
LinkedIn have given a new horizon !o informa!ion sharing.

u! many in!erne! users s!ill don¶! know !he po!en!ial of online social media, !he
way in which i! can promo!e any kind of informa!ion including !he business !ha!
you would like !o promo!e.

Here are few poin!s which will show you !he po!en!ial of online social
marke!ing sys!em has, in order !o promo!e any kind of informa!ion:

ù ‘ ¦‘  ‘  ‘ 
‘  ‘   As world is changing so is !he way of
communica!ion, such as earlier, people use !o read newspaper now !hey have
swi!ched !o e-papers, similarly earlier people use !o read magazines, now !hey
are more in!eres!ed in blogs, !hus when you use online social media !o spread
your message you can !arge! more number of people for any kind of informa!ion
sharing including your business/produc!/websi!e. You can direc!ly connec! !o all
over !he world as soon as you link your profile or pos! in online social media
and you can also keep all of !he people upda!ed abou! your pos! and drive huge
!raffic !hrough online social media. Facebook, Twi!!er, Technora!i are some
online social media websi!e which help you !o !arge! a huge reader base easily.

ù‘ ¦‘  ‘ î(‘   gnline social media helps !o share your informa!ion
wi!h ligh!ing speed. When you share your ar!icle !hrough magazines,
newspapers or banners i! !akes !ime !o proofread publish and you are never sure
!ha! your are !arge!ing righ! audience, bu! if you selec! proper social online
media i! can help you !o save your precious !ime and even you can !rack or
coun! !he visi!ors

ù‘  ‘ © (  If you wan! !o improve !he brand !he bes! way is !o
use online social media, i! has po!en!ial !o improve your image and awareness
of your websi!e. If your wan! !o share your services and produc! online, soci al
branding can help you !o improve your brand recogni!ion. When people visi!
your websi!e !hey give you feedback which can be used !o improve your brand
in fron! of your !arge! audience. I! would be more beneficial !o use Tools for
branding like using favicon, ava!ars, !aglines or logo, !his way people can easily
remember your websi!e.

ù‘ & ‘ -
 The basic of viral marke!ing is !o circula!e message in
friends and !hen message keeps on circula!ing and grows exponen!ially. gne
person send message !o !wo people, !wo sends four, four sends eigh! and so on.
In !he process of viral marke!ing online so cial media plays impor!an! role.
When you wan! !o spread any message or offer abou! your company you jus!
need !o pos! !he message !o your online social media profile and friend¶s profile
and your message will spread like fire in jungle.

©  ‘ '‘  ‘

‘ ‘ ‘‘
Impor!ance of online marke!ing in securi!y sys!em has been increasing day by
day.As securi!y is needed by everyone !oday ,whe!her i! is banks, ho!els,
airpor!,shopping malls,and railway s!a!ion.

And now in public sec!or i! has been compulsory !o use securi!y devices, where
!heir is any kind of risk of a!!ack

Due !o increase in !errorism, domes!ic !hef! and violence !here is an heavy

increase in !he sale of securi!y equipmen! wi!h !he help of online, users of
securi!y equipmen! can easily ge! !he informa!ion

Abou! !he produc! i!s benefi! and i!s price

Wi!h !he help of online marke!ing of securi!y produc!, !he users of !he securi!y
produc! can easily con!ac! !hem and can ge! any informa!ion needed by !hem or
!he queries can be easily solved

Companies involved in manufac!uring !he produc! provide every informa!ion so

!ha! i!s cus!omer does no! have any difficul!y in ge!!ing !he informa!ion !hrough

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Small businesses should use a varie!y of social media !ools. Take !he !ime !o
decide which social media !ools are exac!ly righ! for your business, and use
!hem appropria!ely and a! jus! !he righ! !ime.

You can educa!e yourself by becoming familiar wi!h !ools like some of !hese:

,‘î( ‘

*‘ Google Aler!s ² email upda!es of !he la!es! relevan! Google resul!s (web,
news, e!c.) based on your choice of query or !opic.
*‘ Audio and Video Search Engines
*‘ EveryZing ² audio and video mul!imedia search engine developed by
*‘ Podscope ² audio and video mul!imedia search engine launched in April
*‘ log Search Engines
*‘ loglines ² blog search engine and news aggrega!or !ha! allows users !o
search for, read, and share upda!es from news feeds and blogs; founded in
2003 by ark Fle!cher; acquired by Ask in 2005.
*‘ Google log Search ² an impor!an! blog search engine; launched in
*‘ Ice
ocke! ² blog search engine; founded in 2004; backed by ark
*‘ Technora!i ² impor!an! blog search engine; founded by Dave Sifry in
*‘ Yahoo uzz ² blog search engine.
*‘ log Tracking Service
*‘ Tailrank ² "We !rack !he ho!!es! news in !he blogosphere!"; blog
!racking service !ha! enables users !o find and !rack !opics being
discussed in blogs; founded in 2005 by Kevin ur!on.
*‘ Con!en! Sharing Si!es
*‘ Flickr ² online pho!o managemen! and sharing si!e !ha! hos!s billions of
images and videos; launched in Canada in February 2004, bough! by
Yahoo! in arch 2005.
*‘ Pho!obucke! ² pho!o, graphics, and video managemen! and sharing si!e
founded in 2003; bough! by !he Fox In!erac!ive edia division of News
Corp in July 2007 for abou! $300 million !o complemen! ySpace.
*‘ Scribd ² documen! library where users can publish and find informa!ion;
founded in 2006.

*‘ Wikipedia ² mul!ilingual, Web-based, free con!en! encyclopedia projec!
wri!!en collabora!ively by self-selec!ed users from all around !he world
and overseen by volun!eers; !he mos! popular In!erne! reference si!e, i!
es!ablished in 2001.
*‘ Yahoo Answers ² service !ha! allows users !o ask and answer ques!ions;
af!er Wikipedia, !he 2nd mos! popular In!erne! reference si!e.
*‘ Yelp ² local informa!ion guide wi!h user lis!ed and reviewed res!auran!s,
nigh! life, shopping, ou!door recrea!ion, coffee and !ea shops, salons and
spas, even!s, and more; founded in 2004 by former PayPal execu!ives
Jeremy S!oppelman and
ussel Simmons.
*‘ YouTube ² service for uploading and wa!ching on websi!es, mobile
devices, blogs, and by email; founded in February 2005 and bough! by
Google in November 2006.
*‘ Discussion Group Services.
*‘ Google Groups ² service !ha! enables people who wan! !o discuss
common in!eres!s, bo!h in !radi!ional Usene! groups and in groups similar
!o mailing lis!s.
*‘ SN Groups ² service !ha! offers free discussion websi!es !ha! are
crea!ed and managed by users; launched in 1995.
*‘ Yahoo Groups ² service !ha! allows users !o se! up bo!h elec!ronic
mailing lis!s and Web-based discussion groups.
*‘ Even! Search and Promo!ion Si!es
*‘ Even!ful ² service !ha! allows i!s communi!y of users !o find, promo!e,
!rack, share, and crea!e even!s.
*‘ Going ²service !ha! allows users !o search for even!s in !hir!y or more
ci!ies, and connec! wi!h o!hers before, during and af!er !hose even!s; for
20-some!hings; launched in November 2006; formerly HeyLe!sGo.
*‘ ee!up ² ne!work of self-organized clubs and communi!y groups !ha!
enable people !o find o!hers in !heir area who share !heir in!eres!s.
*‘ Ins!an! essaging Tools
*‘ AgL Ins!an! essenger (AI)
*‘ eebo ² web-based ins!an! messaging !ool !ha! consolida!es accoun!s
on every major I ne!work; includes cha! rooms; launched in Sep!ember
2005; oun!ain View, California.
*‘ Windows Live essenger
*‘ Yahoo! essenger
*‘ icro-logging Si!es
*‘ Pownce ² social ne!working and micro-blogging si!e wi!h an emphasis
on messaging and sharing files, even!s, and links wi!h a user¶s friends
from o!her services; founded in 2007 by a !eam in cluding Kevin
ose (of
Digg and o!her services); launched in January 2008.
*‘ Twi!!er ² an essen!ial social ne!working and micro-blogging service
where upda!es are displayed on !he user's profile page and ins!an!ly

delivered !o o!her users who have signed up !o receive !hem; !he service
has been adap!ed for a wide range of no!ifica!ion purposes by users
including universi!ies and !he Los Angeles Fire Depar!men!; founded by
Jack Dorsey and iz S!one; launched in gc!ob er 2006.
*‘ Tumblr ² micro-blogging si!e !ha! hos!s ³Tumblelogs,´ which have
shor!, mixed-media pos!s !ha! emphasize crea!ive wri!ing an videos ra!her
!han commen!ary; founded in 2007 by Jason Ko!!ke.
*‘ Social Ne!work In!egra!ion anagers
*‘ Flock ² social ne!work in!egra!ion manager wi!h i!s own browser;
launched in 2005 in
edwood Ci!y, California by ar! Decrem and
Geoffrey Arone.
*‘ FriendFeed ² social ne!work in!egra!ion manager allowing users !o keep
up-!o-da!e wi!h friends¶ web pages, pho!os, videos and music; launched
in 2007 by former Google employees.
*‘ Yoono ² "Ge! a life"; social ne!work in!egra!ion manager wi!h a b rowser
sidebar !ha! shows friends¶ pic!ures, online s!a!us, and upda!es of his
friends on mul!iple si!es; launched in 2008.

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ySpace is a Social Ne!working websi!e !ha! revolves around ne!works of
friends. Friends on Social Ne!working si!es are no! necessarily ³friends´ ou!side
of !he In!erne!; !hey can be people jus! in!eres!ed in learning and keeping up !o
da!e abou! you and/or your company. Each user on ySpace can in!erac! in
blogs, groups, view/add pho!os, music and much more. A Social gnline
arke!er can pos! a bulle!in abou! a sale !hey are having for friends !o view and
be a!!rac!ed !o visi! !heir websi!e.

I!s headquar!ers are in everly Hills, California where i! shares an office

building wi!h i!s immedia!e owner, News Corp. Digi!al edia, owned by News
yspace became !he mos! popular social ne!working si!e in !he Uni!ed S!a!es in
June 2006, a posi!ion !ha! i! held !hroughou! 2007 un!il 2008. In April 2008,
according !o comScore, yspace was over!aken in!erna!ionally by i!s main
compe!i!or, Facebook based on mon!hly unique visi!ors. yspace employs
1,000 employees, af!er laying off 30% of i!s workforce in June 2009; !he
company does no! disclose revenues or profi!s separa!ely from News
Corpora!ion. Quan!cas! es!ima!es ySpace's mon!hly U.S. unique visi!ors a!
43.2 million.

YouTube is a video sharing/dis!ribu!ing Social Ne!working websi!e. I! allows

visi!ors !ha! don¶! regis!er !he abili!y !o wa!ch videos or !hose who do regis!er
!he abili!y !o access !he websi!es full po!en!ial, offering many of !he
applica!ions !ha! si!es like ySpace do. You Tube is one of !he fas!es! growing
and larges! Social Ne!working communi!ies curren!ly available, so i! is a grea!
avenue !o perform Social gnline arke!ing.

¦  is a social ne!working websi!e based in San Francisco, California. The
company was founded in 2003 by
amu Yalamanchi. ill Gossman was
appoin!ed CEg in April 2009, and Alex S!. John joined as Presiden! and CTg in
November 2009.In early 2010, hi5 acquired social gaming company, ig
Six.The company raised $20 million in series A ven!ure capi!al from ohr
Davidow Ven!ures, as well as $15 million in ven!ure deb!, in 2007,and
announced i! had raised $3 million conver!ible no!e from exis!ing inves!or ohr
Davidow, bringing !he funding up !o $38 million . Quan!cas! repor!s Hi5 has 2.7
million mon!hly US visi!ors and 46.1 million global visi!ors.

½ © (pronounced / l ŋk!. n/) is a business-orien!ed social ne!working

si!e. Founded in December 2002 and launched in ay 2003, i! is mainly used
for professional ne!working. As of 22 arch 2011, LinkedIn repor!s more !han
100 million regis!ered users, spanning more !han 200 coun!ries and !erri!ories
worldwide. The si!e is available in English, French, German, I!alian, Por!ugue se
and Spanish. Quan!cas! repor!s Linkedin has 21.4 million mon!hly unique U.S.
visi!ors and 47.6 million globally

gne purpose of !he si!e is !o allow regis!ered users !o main!ain a lis! of con!ac!
de!ails of people wi!h whom !hey have some level of rela!i onship,
called è " . Users can invi!e anyone (whe!her a si!e user or no!) !o
become a connec!ion. However, if !he recipien! of an invi!a!ion selec!s "I don'!
know", !his coun!s agains! !he person invi!ing !hem, and af!er five such "IDKs"
a member canno! invi!e ano!her !o connec! wi!hou! firs! supplying !heir
recipien! mail address.


‘ In!erne! usages in India
‘ ain reasons for using !he in!erne!
‘ Companies in securi!y sys!em and
!here uses !ools
‘ ‘

©  ‘%î,/‘© ‘© ©,‘
©  ‘ ‘©  ‘#‘‘-  ‘, (‘%‘ ‘©  ‘

The !o!al number of ac!ive In!erne! users in India is a big mys!ery (see !he !op
confusions in digi!al space in India) and !he number ranges from 25 million !o
50 million; and !he la!es! repor! by I-cube pegs !he number !o 71 million users
who used In!erne! in 2009 [repor! has !aken da!a from Sep!ember 2008 ± 2009
in!o accoun!<.

Ac!ive users, !hose who use in!erne! a! leas! once a mon!h according !he
in!erna!ional s!andards of reckoning, rose from 42 million in Sep!ember 2008 !o
52 million in Sep!ember 2009 according !o ! he s!udy, regis!ering a year on year
grow!h of 19%.

In!erne! Usage in India


‘ The repor! claims !ha! !he In!erne! usage has gone up from 9.3 hrs/week !o
15.7 hrs/week i.e. a s!eep 70% rise ± primarily due !o more en!er!ainmen!
con!en!, con!en! delivery e!c ,37% In!erne! access happens from cybercafes,
followed by 30% who access from offices and 23% from home.
‘ Around 4% browse !he ne! via mobile phone

In!erne! in India - Dis!ribu!ion Across e!roes and Towns

The s!udy was conduc!ed across 31 ci!ies in !he coun!ry covering 19,000
households, 68,000 individuals and 500 cybercafes

- ‘ ‘' ‘
‘‘  ‘

©  ‘‘  ‘©  ‘1‘

 ) ‘ '‘)‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  ‘

2 ‘ '‘  ‘‘©  ‘1‘
‘ '‘ (‘  ‘‘) ‘‘‘  ‘

- ‘  ‘ $  ‘ , ( ‘ 

‘ ©  ‘ %‘ ‘ ©  

î‘$(( )

‘ '‘©  ‘$  ‘½ ‘ ‘  ‘

In!erne! Usage and Pene!ra!ion in India

51 mn µac!ive¶ in!erne! users in India, 40 mn urban and 11 mn rural

eaches 10% Indian households and 4.4% Indians

2/3rd households have µmul!iple ¶ users in !hem

97% are regular users and 79% use daily

High base of µdaily users¶ and increased base of µonline buyers¶ indica!es
grow!h in µdep!h

1 in 4 access i! on mobile phones, !hough mos! of !hem are µdual¶ users (PC +

î  ‘ ‘©  ‘

‘ ‘  ‘ ‘©   3 4:

{‘ 1,173,108,018 (1.1 billion) popula!ion and 88,000,000( --‘   ) ac!ive

In!erne! users in 2010
{‘ To!al of !*5 pene!ra!ion ra!e (6.9 persons using In!erne! ou! of 100)
{‘ India has‘ *‘   ‘   ‘  (!ill gc!.2010), cons!i!u!ing
6.0% of !he popula!ion.

Diving dip in !o !hese 88 million user base, we can ge! very impor!an!
informa!ion and insigh! in !o !he pene!ra!ion, usage, age/gender diversi!ies and
habi!s. Le!¶s find ou!.

î  ‘ ‘©  ‘

‘/ ‘ ‘/ ‘

{‘ 2/3rd households have µmul!iple¶ users in !hem

{‘ 97% are regular users and 79% use daily
{‘ 70% of people who know compu!er have used In!erne!
{‘ ‘‘

  cons!i!u!es nearly -5 among In!erne! users
{‘ -5 of In!erne! users are 
{‘ 11% of working women, 6% non-working women and 2% housewives
use In!erne! which is no! a very good sign
{‘ 46% of ne! users are gradua!e, 26% are pos! -gradua!e

î  ‘ ‘©  ‘

‘  ‘

{‘ - has mos! number of In!erne! users nearly ‘*‘ 
{‘  ‘holds !he second place wi!h ‘*!!‘ 
{‘ Top !en ci!ies having mos! number of In!erne! users are umbai, Delhi,
anglore, Kolka!a, Chennai, Pune, Hyderabad, Sura! and Nagpur.
{‘ These ‘   ‘ ‘ "5‘ '‘ ‘  ‘ ‘ '‘ ©  ‘  in

î  ‘ ‘©  ‘

‘ )
‘ ‘

{‘ 94% of !o!al users use In!erne! for   purposes

{‘ 72% of !o!al users use In!erne! for  )  ‘   (73%) followed by

{‘ g!her major purposes for using In!erne! are‘( ‘ 
(56%),   ‘
‘ (54%) and finding informa!ion on search engine (52%)
{‘ 6 --6-‘   users on Augus! 31/10, 1.1% pene!ra!ion ra!e of
!o!al In!erne! users
{‘ Cyber cafes accoun! for maximum In!erne! usage wi!h over 37% of all
users accessing In!erne! !hrough cyber cafes
{‘ Disclosed were some in!eres!ing fac!s and analysis ± Curren!ly, !here are
over ‘   In!erne! users in India. ‘   people uses In!erne!
from office/work. ‘   people uses In!erne! from cyber cafes. ‘
  people uses In!erne! from home broadband. Abou! ‘  
people uses In!erne! !o search !hrough Google, from mobile phones ± !his
s!a!es in !ha! people in India, are decreasing !he use of mobile phones for
jus! lis!ening musics, playing causal games, e!c. This is especially
because of recen! cheap ³social´ based mobile phones. There have been
4% increase for Google searches from mobile phones, in las! 12 mon!hs.
Anandan visions !ha! India will ge! over 300 million In!erne ! users from
mobile phones by 2015.

Here is how !he services break down (no!e !ha! !hese are rela!ive
numbers)    ‘ '‘ ‘ 
Facebook: 44%
Twi!!er: 29%
Yahoo: 18%
{‘ I! makes sense, people prefer !o broadcas! links ra!her !han share !hem
one a! a !ime via email. Al!hough Yahoo makes a s!rong !hird -place
showing. When i! comes !o au!hen!ica!ion, simply using your exis!ing
username and password !o log in!o ano!her si!e, Facebook is s!ill !he mos!
popular via Facebook Connec!, bu! only jus! barely. Google via Gmail
and Yahoo are almos! equally popular, a! leas! on cer!ain !ypes of si!es
where people are jus! reading for !hemselves like news si!es. gn
en!er!ainmen! si!es where people are more likely !o share con!en!,
Facebook Connec! makes up !he majori!y of logins .

  ‘ ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘-.............‘

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‘ Defini!ion / eaning

esearch problem
‘ Collec!ion of da!a
‘ Analysis and Da!a in!er


esearch is !he func!ion which links consumers and !he consumer !o !he

organiza!ion !hrough informa!ion - Informa!ion used !o iden!ify and define

marke!ing problems; genera!e, refine, and evalua!e marke!ing ac!ions;moni!or

marke!ing performance; and improve our unders!anding of marke!ing as a



*‘ j    j     



*‘ 9     





esearch problem
2)‘ Collec!ion of Da!a
3)‘ Da!a Analysis And In!erpre!a!ion

î,¦‘‘ $½-‘

*‘ I! was no! easy !o unders!and !horoughly abou! !he differen! social

marke!ing !ools & websi!es aspec!s wi!hin a few days.

*‘ All !he work was limi!ed in few in!erne! websi!es

*‘ The area of research was social marke!ing !ools, websi!es &

securi!ies equipmen!. I! is difficul! !o co-rela!e !hem.

$½½©$ ‘$‘,,‘

‘  ‘ '‘‘ ‘ ‘ 

‘ ‘* ‘

‘î ‘‘

I! was collec!ed from in!erne! sources. The secondary da!a was collec!ed on !he
basis of websi!es & social !ools, news papers, magazines, social marke!ing
books preserved informa!ion in !he company¶s da!abase and websi!e of !he

#!$% &"'$(&




*‘ © 


ooks² wi!h !he helps of books necessary informa!ion has been gained

agazine--- magazines helps !o provide various informa!ion rela!ed !o !he


News paper--- wi!h !he help of news paper one can ge! curren! inform a!ion
which can be fri! full for him

Websi!es ± !his is one of !he bigges! informa!ion provider rela!ed !o any

research ,wi!h !he help of websi!es one can ge! easily informa!ion needed by

‘,  ‘, ‘©  ‘

¦‘‘‘ ‘‘  ‘ 

‘)‘ )‘ ‘( ‘‘ '‘
  ‘ ‘2  ‘

1)‘ (‘ ‘(  ‘ ------

Users Uses
anks 100%
Ho!els 80%
Indus!ries 95%
Thea!er 90%
Shoping mall 100%

ailway s!a!ion 85%

Airpor! 100%








,  ‘

Here we have observed !ha! abou! 10 0 % of !he cc!v &surveillance sys!em is

used by banks,100 %used by airpor!, 85 % railway s!a!ion, 80% in ho!els, 100%
in shopping mall,95% in Indus!ries, and 90 % in !hea!ers.


‘4‘ ‘+

users uses

anks 100%

Ho!els 100%

Indus!ries 100%
Thea!er 100%

Shoping mall 100%

ailway s!a!ion 100%

Airpor! 100%






"-$*+%*#!-$!!-i !i'),i%-%%.%!3i%,%#E+.

4‘ ¦ ‘‘‘

Users uses

anks 65%

Ho!els 75%

Thea!er 90%

Shoping mall 100%

ailway s!a!ion 70%

Airpor! 100%

& &





 "-$*+%*#!-$!$+,!4=E!- $'#3!$l#!&!

4‘  ‘'‘‘ ‘

Users Uses

anks 60%

Ho!els 70%

Thea!er 90%

Shoping mall 100%

ailway s!a!ion 90%

Airpor! 100%



& &







4‘  ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘

Users uses

anks 95%

Ho!els 90%

Thea!er 100%

Shoping mall 100%

Indus!ries 100%


& &








Finding & conclusion

© © /‘
1.‘ I! has become easier !o know abou! !he securi!y produc! wi!h !he help of
online service .
2.‘ gnline service provide every informa!ion regarding !he produc!, price, i!s
use and how !o con!ac! !hem.
3.‘ Users of securi!y produc! can ge! !he la!es! informa!ion any where while
si!!ing a! home also.
4.‘ Today in !he fas! moving world securi!y is needed due !o arising !he
various !hrea!.
5.‘ Users can con!ac! !he company for af!er sales service easily wi!h !he help
online service available.
6.‘ The main users of securi!y equipmen! are banks, ho!els, shoppings malls,
indus!ry, railways, and airpor! e!c.

$ ½%î©$ ‘
The demand of !h e securi!y equipmen! is becoming aggressive day by day. The
sale of securi!y equipmen! is going higher as securi!y needed by everyone .

Today maximum people wan! !o secure !heir self from !he various
!hrea!s. an power is no! sufficien! !o preven! any kind of !hrea! so mos! of !he
people like !o use bo!h man power and securi!y equipmen! !o secure !heir self.
every banks ho!els, shopping malls, airpor!, railway sa!a!ion, indus!ry uses bo!h
kind of securi!y measure agains! various !hrea!s.

I! has been finded ou! !ha! every companies of securi!y equipmen!

have s!ar!ed !heir promo!ion of !heir produc!s !hrough online.!his has made
easier for !he user !o ge! !he produc! easily.

Company uses social ne!working si!e and various online !ools !o

promo!e !he produc!.

Wi!h !he help of online availabili!y of !he prod uc! !he user of
securi!y sys!em can easily gain informa!ion regarding !he produc! and o!her
necessary informa!ion which will be helpful for him.

©½©$/, ¦)‘ ‘ î‘

Websi!es & ooks

ooks & wri!er:-

arke!ing anagemen! by Philip Ko!eler

E!hics in Social arke!ing by Alan

. Andreasen

Hands-gn Social arke!ing: A S!ep-by-S!ep Guide by Nedra Kline Weinreich

Social arke!ing by Nancy Lee

· ‘


h!!p://www.Sony .com











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