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t M an a g e m

Phosphorus Balance
osphorus B

en t

Authors: Douglas Beegle and Les Lanyon, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Penn State
University, University Park, Pennsylvania

Water Quality could overwhelm their ef- feed sources, as illustrated
Balance of phosphorus fectiveness. in the table below.
(P) inputs and outputs from This simple classifica-
Author’s email all sources in a specific com- How Does tion can be used as a start- ponent of an agricultural This Practice Work? ing point for assessing the
system, such as a field, an Phosphorus pollution nutrient balance for an
Editing and Design: operation and for helping
animal facility or a farm. requires a source of the
Forbes Walker
Accounting methods us- nutrient and a mechanism to determine the need for a
Wanda Russell
ing amounts of each mate- to transport it to a water more detailed P balance as-
Gary Dagnan
Anne Dalton rial and P concentrations resource. Phosphorus bal- sessment.
can make simple estimates ance is determined by the Accumulation is a poten-
University of
of the difference between P managed material/nutrient tial source of P that can be
Tennessee Extension
in the inputs such as fertil- transfers to, from and with- lost from fields to surround-
izer, feed and manure and P in a field, an animal facility ing water resources through
in the crops harvested, ani- or farm. If the flow of P in erosion, runoff and leach-
mals sold, manure exported exceeds the flow of P out, ing. When P appears to be
or other outputs. More so- a positive P imbalance will accumulating in an animal
phisticated computer-aided occur and nutrients will be facility, it may be a source
Developed by SERA-17, tools can also be used. accumulating in that compo- of P loss in runoff discharg-
Minimizing Phosphorus A positive balance indi- nent of the system, contrib- es from the facilities, or
Losses from Agriculture cates an accumulation of P, uting to the source of P. This it may be part of residual while a negative balance in- accumulation will often be “sludge” in manure storage
dicates a depletion of P. indicated by excessive soil structures that must be ac-
test levels in the farm fields. counted for at some time in
Purpose: For a farm that special- the future.
To balance the P inputs izes in animal production, If the difference be-
and outputs so that P on the overall farm balance can be tween P inputs and P out-
farm or in a field remains roughly estimated based on puts is negative, P is being
adequate to meet crop and animal density or external depleted from that com-
animal requirements, but ponent of the agricultural
does not represent an excess
that could be a potential
source of P loss to the envi- Farm Phosphorus Balance

NRCS ronment.
After P inputs and out-
Farm Features
Animal Density
This project was funded in puts have been balanced, (Animal Units* per <0.6 0.6 to 1.2 >1.2
part under an agreement land treatment practices acre routinely
with the USDA-NRCS. can then be implemented in manured)
fields to control losses, % of total feed from <20 20 to 40 >40
without additional concern off-farm sources
for accumulating P that * 1 Animal Unit = 1000 lbs live weight
system. Where large amounts of P ternal to the farm, that are quite Effectiveness:
may have accumulated, this deple- different from the factors influenc- If nutrient inputs and outputs
tion can be beneficial. However, ing day-to-day farm activities. are balanced at the farm and field
if not carefully monitored, it may The outcomes of these stra- scales so that nutrients are not ac-
result in low soil test levels over tegic decisions may not be in- cumulating beyond levels needed
time and possible crop P deficien- fluenced by their consequences for optimum agronomic crop pro-
cies. for the balance of nutrients. An duction, the P source dimension of
The matrix that follows can example of the lack of connec- the loss process will be controlled.
be used to assess the potential ag- tion between these decisions and When source control is combined
ronomic or environmental impact their environmental consequences with adequate transport controls,
of nutrient balance for individual would be intensifying animal pro- P losses should be low.
fields, groups of fields or a farm, duction by increasing reliance on The costs to remove P from
depending on the different soil feed from off the farm to support the agricultural system to achieve
test conditions on a farm. more animal production with little the P balance associated with this
concern for the fate of the addi- practice may seriously inhibit the
tional nutrients. feasibility of implementation (see
P Balance
Annual Input − Output Status Strategic decisions not only below). The physical accounting
impact the farm level balance, but for P may not be as difficult to
Soil Test
− 0 +** also constrain the management op-
Level implement as corrective manage-
Agronomic tions available to achieve balance ment responses.
low Preferred on the fields within the farm.
Unlike most traditional Best Cost of Establishing and
optimum OK* Ideal OK* Management Practices, implemen- Putting the Practice in Place:
tation of a nutrient balance prac- When P is accumulating in ex-
tice will usually require strategic cess of crop utilization potential,
excessive Preferred OK and/or changes in the farm operation. the costs associated with imple-
biological Examples of strategic farm menting this practice can be very
liability changes might include reducing high and possibly prohibitive.
*long-term performance can cause the animal density on the farm The outcomes of strategic de-
an undersirable change in the soil
to reduce the inputs of nutrients; cisions that result in the positive
test level
**extreme balances can create envi- securing more land for manure ap- imbalances this practice would
ronmental or biological problems, plication, thus increasing the out- address are usually based on opti-
especially when the nutrients are puts in the form of crop removal;
supplied in manure mizing the economic performance
or moving manure off the farm as of the operation without regard
an additional output of nutrients. for the environmental costs. These
environmental costs are usually
The actual loss of P from farms Where This Practice Applies not included in the financial ac-
to water resources will depend on and Its Limitations: counting of the farm performance,
the transport mechanisms operat- This practice applies to all but are external to the operation.
ing on the source. By managing types of agricultural production. Because we do not have simple
the flow of nutrients to maintain Controlling P accumulation in ex- methods to define these costs, set-
a balance between inputs and cess of crop utilization potential ting their exact values is difficult.
outputs, the contribution of the will primarily apply to situations Achieving nutrient balance
source can be minimized and the where there are significant sourc- will likely result in a less than
risk of P loss reduced. es of nutrient inputs to farms that optimum economic outcome for
Achieving nutrient balance of- are not directly related to crop the individual farm operator when
ten does not mean simply adopting requirements. For example, this those external costs become part
a different tactical or operational would include inputs of nutrients of the farm operation.
approach to field, animal or farm in feeds for intensive livestock and Generally, costs of production
nutrient management. poultry enterprises. related to water quality protection
Nutrient balance at the farm Where the P inputs are closely that are not reflected in the price
level is usually determined by a related to crop production, eco- farmers receive for their prod-
farmer’s strategic decisions. These nomic factors often directly en- ucts are considered to be “sunk”
decisions are based on a wide vari- courage nutrient balance. costs. These costs can alter annual
ety of factors, especially those ex- profitability and the feasibility
of remaining in business for the New skills and management
long-term. capacity may be required for this Lanyon, L. E. and D. B. Beegle.
Farms that are in a start-up accounting and evaluation. For 1993. A nutrient management ap-
phase or about to expand are best example, if additional cropland proach for Pennsylvania: Plant nu-
able to cover the sunk costs in is acquired to provide additional trient stocks and flows. Agronomy
their business plan, so complying capacity for crop nutrient utiliza- Facts 38-B. Department of
with new strategic requirements, tion, animal-oriented producers Agronomy, The Pennsylvania
such as planning for P balance, may have to take on greater crop State University, University
should be an important consider- production responsibilities. Park, PA. 8 pp.
ation in these situations. However, Implementing this practice
these additional costs may encour- will likely require a much greater Saporito, L.S. and L.E. Lanyon.
age other farmers to quit farm- off-farm focus; for example, in 2004. Evaluating the spatial and
ing, and encourage the remaining developing and servicing off-farm temporal dynamics of farm and
businesses to get larger to cover markets for manure or dealing field phosphorus and potassium
the costs. with manure importers, brokers balances on a mixed crop and live-
and haulers, than the historic stock farm. Nutrient Cycing in
Operation and Maintenance: focus on field and farm manage- Agroecosystems (In press).
When P is accumulating in ex- ment practices.
cess of crop utilization potential, For Further Information:
this practice may require inten- References: Contact your local conserva-
sive, ongoing effort to maintain Bacon, S. C., L. E. Lanyon and R. tion district, USDA-NRCS or
nutrient balance at the field and M. Schlauder, Jr. 1990. Plant nu- Cooperative Extension Service
farm levels. Detailed records of trient flow in the managed path- office.
inputs and outputs will be helpful ways of an intensive dairy farm.
at the field or farm level, depend- Agronomy Journal 82:755-761.
ing on the outcomes of a prelimi-
nary P balance evaluation. These Lanyon, L. E. and D. B. Beegle.
can be used to identify the oppor- 1989. The role of on-farm nutri-
tunities for improving the balance ent balance assessments in an
and ensuring that goals are rou- integrated approach to nutrient
tinely achieved. management. J. Soil Water Cons.
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