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Answer questions about Canada in 1871, the Mid-Victorian (1837-1901) era.

1. What 4 provinces made up Canada in 1871? __________________

2. Were there more males or females in school? (Total “Going to school”.) ___________

3. Look at the “Going to school” & “ Over 20 years – Unable to read” figures for Ontario / Quebec.

(a) Which gender (M or F) (i) attended school more? (ii) was more “Unable to read “_____
(c) As regards genders being unable to write, how did Quebec differ from Ontario?____________

(d) Calculate the %, of the total Canadians going to school who were Ont. Males__(II) Que. Males
(e) Calculate the %, of the total Canadians “Unable to Write,” who were Ont. Males_(II) Que. Males

(f) What do these figures suggest about educational levels in Quebec compared to Ontario?

4. (a) What was the most common occupation in 1871 ? ___

(b) Approximately what % of Canadians worked in agriculture? _______

(c) “Domestic” means working as a servant. How large was this group compared to “Professional”
(doctors, lawyers) jobs? ______________________
(d) Approximately what % worked in “Industrial” (factory) jobs? _______

5. Which Province had the most university and classic college buildings? ____________
“CYB Collection”; search by “Tables” & “Charts” and “Census” (1875-81) as well as for the year
“1867”. Use 5 of the concepts below to find out how modern times (2001 census) differs from
Confederation Canada (1861-71).
Birth rate…the number of live births per thousand people in one year

Death rate…the number of deaths per thousand people in one year

Demographics…the statistics for an area’s population relating to age, sex (#’s of males to females)
income (how much they earned), and education (elementary, high school, university, or no schooling)
Life expectancy rate…the average number of years that a person is expected to live from birth
Literacy rate…the percentage of the adult population who can read and write
Migration…the movement of people from one place or country to another to settle there.
Population density…the number of individuals occupying an area; calculated by dividing the number
of people by the area they occupy
Population distribution…the pattern of habitation in an area
Pull factors…in migration theory, the social, political, economic, and environmental attractions of
new areas that draw people away from their current locations
Push factors…in migration theory, the social, political, economic, and environmental forces that
drive people from their previous locations
Settlement pattern…the distribution and arrangement of individual buildings or of rural/ Calculate
the %, of the total Canadians urban centres
Urbanization…a process in which there is an increase in the percentage of people living and /or
working in urban places as compared to rural ones

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