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2009! FE BR UARY I S S U E 2 0 1 1! $1.


P.P.& S . NE WS !
As this News Magazine is getting ready to go out on the Internet, in Egypt, due to the riots over 31 years
of incompetent ruling by Hosni Mubarak , the Internet has been shut down. This should send a message
to us that it can happen here as well. The Internet has changed the way we all get information and in my
opinion that’s a really good thing. Without the Internet my daily BLOG would not be possible. This
News Magazine wouldn’t reach you. The hundreds of E-mails that I receive on a daily basis with links to
a variety of stories wouldn’t be there. In short, the information age that most of us take for granted, has
changed the way we collect, process, and store our information.
What is alarming to me about the Egyptian government, and it certainly signals that Mubarak
government is an authoritarian regime, is that they choose to clamp down on the free exchange of ideas,
information, and news. They did this because the Egyptian government, and Mubarak specifically, is
desperately trying to hold on to the reigns of power.
I watch the Middle East on a daily basis. I scour the news sites to get the latest up to date
information that I can. The area is a volcano waiting to erupt. This latest wave of protest in Tunisia,
Egypt, and other countries should make us very aware that the Arab/Moslem street is fed up with the
status quo. Where will all of this lead to? Will Egypt allow the Moslem brotherhood to set up Sharia law?
Will Sharia law overshadow any chance for a democracy?
In my opinion with this latest uprising in the Arab world we might be looking at a domino effect,
as I believe there is a general dissatisfaction with life amongst most Middle Eastern peoples. As I
Blogged about last week, there is little infrastructure, lack of basic facilities, poor education, and decades
of poverty and despair. The question is this, who will the Egyptian people put their trust in? I believe that
it will be someone who extolls the virtues of Shari law. If this is what the people opt for, it may be the
beginnings of the return of the Moslem Caliphate system. If this happens, it would put the Middle East
back into the middle ages and all Moslem eyes would then turn to Israel... and seek to remove the Jews
from the land. Here’s what I think might happen.


1. Egypt will opt for a Moslem Republic or a version of it and then immediately break all ties with
2. Other nations like Saudi Arabia may follow suit. Yemen and Jordan are also in a precarious
position as the citizens there have similar complaints.
3. Israel will be surrounded on all sides by openly hostile regimes who will harken to the age old
saying, “that is status quo in that part of the world, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” If that is
the case then we will see Sunni and Shia Moslem drop their mutual hatred of one another and go
against their common enemy, Israel.
4. A regional war would upset the already fragile global economy. We also might see $200+ oil.

I believe that all of this may be a set up for the Ezekiel 38 prophecy that has been waiting in the
wings. My friend Bill Salus position of Psalm 83 may also be in the works. At any rate, the Middle
East is once again heating up.... L.A.
E a r t h C h a n g e s

Yellowstone and the super-volcano that some say exists there is apparently getting ready to blow.
Here’s a link to a great web site that gives a good overview:

Probing Icelandic Volcano Eruption

Probing Icelandic Volcano Eruption

South Japan residents evacuate on volcano eruptions

South Japan residents evacuate on volcano eruptions | Reuters

If Quakes Weren’t Enough, Enter the ‘Superstorm’

Studying Impact of ‘Superstorm’ on California -

Swarm of quakes detected on Mt St Helens

Swarm of quakes detected on Mt St Helens | | News | Portland, Oregon

Reeling From Floods, Australia Braces for 150-mph Cyclone

Reeling From Floods, Australia Braces for 150-mph Cyclone

I guess it’s business as usual huh? L.A.

J i m W i l h e l m s e n

What to expect for

by Rev Jim Wilhelmsen

“I feel a tremor in the force”

For many months now myself and many of my colleagues have felt an uneasiness or
a rustling in our spirits that something big is just around the corner . We may have
begun to detect just what that is.
It would appear that in the natural cosmos things are changing. We have all of the
indications that our planet has and is experiencing a polar axis shift and perhaps even
a displacement of the moon's orbit around the earth. The evidence is all around us but
the powers that be are busy explaining it all away and telling you that everything is
the same as it ever was. This very attitude was described in the scriptures as one that
would try to get people to ignore the signs that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24
foretelling the last days leading to his return.

“Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after
their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the
fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the
beginning of the creation.” Pet 3:3-4

Observable Realities
Birds are falling out of the sky, dead fish and crustaceans washing up on shore by the
thousands, bee colonies dying out because the bees lose their way home, these all
have one common theme. These are creatures that navigate by their sensitivity to the
earths magnetic fields surrounding the planet.
Several airports near the equator had to shut down to recalibrate their radar and
navigational equipment because of a magnetic pole shift which has thrown off all
prior calculations.

Astronomy charts showing what to expect the moon to look like in specific
geographical areas does not match actual real time observations. The phases are about
two days off and the moon appears to be 90 degrees off from the original position it
was in. Between the Sun, earth and moon, something has changed!

In my study of this, I came across recordings of a round table discussion with

scientists who say that the gravitational fields around the earth are weakening which
they believe happens just prior to a polar shift. However from any scientific
institutions monitoring earth activities there is only silence.
It would also appear that man made technologies such as HAARP are also involved as
you see that HAARP technologies in various stations around the globe match the areas
experiencing the dead birds, bees and fish. One has to wonder like Minister and fellow
researcher King Wells who points out that only specific species seem to be effected in
all these various locations and not a random sweep of all types of birds and fish. This
has the appearance of designed selection by someone or something perhaps testing
specific gene directed bio weapons .

The natural physical effects are also observable in our time today. If this shift in the
magnetic pole and or the moon has changed it's orbit, the magnetic effects on weather
patterns and jet stream currents are directly involved here. The moons orbit has much
also to do with the tide and bulging of the equator and even the size and shape of our
earth. The effects could be creating a repositioning of the crust and continents with the
inner workings of our planets being forced into being reshaped. The resulting effects
would be the heightened earthquakes, volcanic activity and Tsunamis exactly what we
are witnessing.

All of this change may be the result of a much larger cosmic influence on our entire
solar system. Our solar system is lining up with the center of our galaxy on one axis
where it is said that there is a dark void existing in the center. This dark void in the
center of our galaxy, some scientists believe is a black hole. If this black hole actually
exists there, it could play havoc with the space/time qualities of the electromagnet
gravity to anything in it's path. That could have an effect on our sun resulting in solar
flares, displacement of orbits and other changing electromagnetic effects in our solar
systems orbiting planets and their moons. The peak to this line up is of course,
December 21st 2012 and no one knows what may happen or perhaps is already in the
process have happening. Again we do seem to be witnessing these cosmic effects.

God, Man or Satan?

How much of this is a product of celestial mechanics and real physics as part of a
natural progression of events ordained of by God? And how much might be enhanced
or manipulated by the “god of this world” and the human associates that follow him to
set up the final end-time deception? It could be that both are happening together if we
consider a spiritual dimension to these events.
In God's word we see the mention of an end time event which corresponds to exactly
what we are experiencing and things certainly are not as they have always been.

“ Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are
coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 21:26

The word for powers is dunamus or supernatural powers that are being shaken which
means to alter, agitate or displace. This text of scripture describes exactly what is
happening right now. The bodies in heaven are being agitated altered and displaced
having a fearful effect on the earth.
This verse sums up the natural effects that are in motion that prophetically fulfill the
events that lead up to the second coming of Christ and of course which is ordained of
God and he is in total control of.

The suggestion that Satan and mankind have a hand in this destruction of the earth in
the end times can be understood by a few scriptures. This manipulation toward
destruction is implied in Revelation 11:18. The text is speaking of the great white
throne judgment and among the people being judged are those that are said to
“destroy the earth”.

This kind of manipulative destruction of the earth is also mentioned in Genesis

6:11-13 as being, “ the earth was corrupt” This corruption means in a physical sense
apart from the moral condition which is described in the next verse of the text. This
physical pollution or destruction of the earth is included in the activity that happened
just before the flood and also part of the reason for judgment. In this text the genetic
manipulation of the animals is also described as a corruption using the same Hebrew
word. The “them” who are judged in this text is the fallen angels and those humans
who followed them.

In the words of Jesus in Matthew 24, He states that the last days before the flood
would be just like the last days before the return of Christ. This is not just describing
the suddenness of his return but the specific activity and those involved as an end
time scenario to be repeated once again before his return.
With this understanding from the scriptures we see that the same agents human and
non-human from the rebellion before the flood are up to the same activity today just
as predicted. This would confirm all of the unusual activity that we observe today
which on the surface may seem like unrelated events but they are all connected and
heading toward one goal. On one side this is completing the mystery of iniquity led
by Satan but ultimately it is furthering the soon return of our Lord Jesus.
A Spiritual and prophetic significance about gravity.
There is another aspect to these events which is the least detected and the most important.
There is a direct connection to electromagnetic fields and the spirit realm. Observable to
anyone experienced in the deliverance type of ministries it is well known that there is a
direct connection to demonic spirits and their ability to manipulate electricity and
electrical appliances. There is a measurable fluctuation in magnetic fields, ozone readings
and room temperatures by the presence of so called ghosts that are actually demonic
entities. With UFOs, the EM pulses bring car engines to a halt, batteries drained and
lights turned off. These same anomalies exist in all types of paranormal activity
suggesting the same interactive physics exist for them all and are somehow connected to
electricity and electromagnetic fields.

There may be scripture and other ancient texts that confirm this electromagnetic
connection to spiritual beings as well. In my articles and in my book I talk about the
clouds of heaven as defined by the Bible.
Interchangeable use of clouds and cherub suggest an angelic vehicle and in context, they
are always mention as traveling on the wings of the wind. There is no further definition to
what the wings of the wind means in the Bible. However, the book of Enoch devotes an
entire chapter (8) to the description of the winds as gravity. It concludes this description
with the inclusion to the “pathways of the angels”. The implication is alluding to the
electromagnetic grid around the earth mentioned in Ezekiel 28 as an intertwining fence
and the pathway of the angels. I believe under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Lord
was showing me the physics that ties all of these entities together by the means of these
electromagnetic forces.

A Real Army of Darkness

Now if these forces are being altered and this has a connection to spiritual beings what is
happening to these beings if the magnetic poles are reversed or altered in some way?
Once again the Bible tells us of a few events to come that may have this kind of physics
behind it.
Revelation 9:14 and 16:12 describes four angels loosed from being bound in the river
Euphrates and also a 200 million army that “crosses over” from the same river after the
four angels are released. There may be much more than literal rivers here and this is
where the amazing studies of Matthew Miller comes into play. I suggest viewing his
website, “End Time Tribune” for all of the details. In his studies he reveals how the four
pillars of Ezekiel's temple, the four corners of the earth and the four rivers flowing from
Eden are possibly alluding to four currents, four electromagnetic points that are holding
back these entities from release until the right time. The implication to his work is that
this is that time and we are seeing these events begin to unfold as a physics and
progression that is bringing us to the great day of the Lord!.
We are also told in Revelation and in Joel that there is coming some kind of Locust
invasion from within the earth to the surface. This, in typical Hebraic story telling fashion
is the same events retold to emphasize it's importance. Locusts has a symbolic meaning
as nations outside of the providence of God or heathen nations or a heathen hoard. In Joel
they are something unlike anything before and never to be again. They fall upon a sword
but are not wounded. Revelation 9 says they have breastplates of Iron. If you let the Bible
define these beings by the Bible itself there is a clear indication who or what they are.
The long story short they are a restoration of the ghosts of the giants (demons) who have
crossed over to look like famous hero warriors gathered together as an army but to their
own destruction at Armageddon. They somehow cannot suffer mortal death as they did
before the flood, this time they are above that. These are the ones Jude warned about
being twice dead, plucked up by the roots (genetic manipulation cf/Dan 2:43) wandering
stars who's reserved in everlasting darkness.

This incursion may already be happening at it's very beginning point. The ministry and
work of Richard Grund has encountered a different group or entity manifestation which
has required his team to readjust themselves in engaging them in spiritual warfare.
Richard's ministry is one where he and his deliverance team travel across the country
helping victims of possession , haunting and other paranormal problems. He is a general
among people in this calling and one who would be the first to notice these kind of
changes. I suggest you check out his site for the details. LA Marzulli also has an
interview with him so check out LA's archived shows.

A Second Witness and further Sign?

With the moon appearing different there are also other changes in the night sky. Another
astrological sign now appears in the night sky along with the other twelve. It has always
been around just not appearing together with the other twelve before. This also suggests
that something in the cosmos has changed. It has shaken the world of astrology but for
Christians we just need to see this for what it is and what it isn't. The astrological signs
were used to let mankind know of God's plan before the written word and never to
determine one's own life and future. Satan has hijacked this in the occult form of modern
day Astrology. These signs were given as the symbol of each of the twelve tribes called
the Mazzaroth. They also had meanings from both sides of the fence that could indicate a
confirmation to what is about to happen.
Ophiuechus (ooh-fee-yew-kus) is the name and he is a human holding a severed serpent
around his body. He is looked at as a type of the Biblical Joseph and the Egyptian doctor
Imhotep. From the Biblical perspective he is the provider for his family in time of great
need. From the pagan perspective, he is a healer who restored the serpent back to life. He
is the bearer of wisdom and knowledge. The medical staff called the Caduceus comes
from this constellation . That is the same representation of the Roman/Greek god Hermes
or Mercury. It was from this encrypted myth of the Caduceus that Nazi's developed a
Mercury plasma that created the foundational technology of...electromagnetic anti-
gravity forms of power! This is no coincidence. The resurrected serpent alludes to I
believe the 2nd coming of the Antichrist of Rev 17 the beast that was, isn't, and yet is.
Rob Skiba is working on a book with his findings on this idea based on other celestial

So what does this mean for you?

Now that I have scared the heaven out of you what next?

Isaiah 59:19 When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall
lift up a standard against him.”

This is a promise that is timeless and unlimited it is for us today as well as those from
before. When the enemy comes in like a flood or a hoard like an invading army, the Spirit
of the Lord will raise up a standard against that enemy. This standard is more than just a
defensive position. In the Hebrew it means to make to flee or to make the enemy vanish .
This would be just like the words of Jesus when he told Peter that upon the rock (Jesus
not peter) the church would be built upon and even the gates of hell should not prevail
against them. That should be a picture of the church on the offensive not defensive. We
are crashing into the gates of hell not the other way! Daniel knew this would be in the last
days for the remnant faithful as it is said of them, but they that know their God shall be
strong and do exploits.”
Understanding this you realize that we are the standard being raised up. There is a
Biblical pattern of God's checkmate to various changes between heaven and earth and it's

In the days before the flood people were told that the they should do what seemed right in
their own minds.
Now why do you suppose that would be allowed then and certainly not today? Because
the rules changed based on changes in the heavenly realm in relation to our realm. Before
the flood there were no disembodied spirits called demons. Remember they were the life
force remains of the son's of God and their offspring hybrids part human part angel.
Obviously then there were no invisible spirits called demons whispering into anyone's
ears or playing with our mind and thoughts. There was a purity of thoughts and no
tampering with our minds. When this changed, it became necessary to have the written
law as the moral guideline.

When Jesus came to fulfill the law another thing changed in the relationship between
heaven and earth and the inhabitants. As Jesus went to the cross he stated in two of the
gospels that Satan was now going to be judged and that he would be cast out. This casting
out was the war in heaven that began at his death and continues on to the return. Satan
and his angelic hoard was cast out of the third heaven, God's domain. Satan and his fallen
followers were restricted to the second and first heavens. The Greek is specific and means
they were cast on dry land amongst men. With this sudden population explosion that
came upon the second and first heavens things changed again. Now it was important to
write the law into every individuals own heart or mind. This happened on the day of
Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came and dwelt into every believer. This is the former
rain or the first outpouring.

In the days we are now living in another phase of this war in heaven is taking place. A
restrainer or restriction (electromagnetic forces) that is holding back an angelic hoard
from crossing over from the second to the first heaven is about to happen. In this change,
we are dealing with a different amount and form of the enemy intruding into our
dimension fully physical again. God's manner of counter measure is an outpouring of
God's Holy Spirit The latter rain. This is the gifts of God's Holy Spirit poured out in a
measure surpassing the first and is not only for our survival but able to stave them off .
The rest of this text in Isaiah describes what the Lord is going to do with you His
standard against this on coming invading army.

“For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but
the Lord shall arise upon you, and his glory be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:2

Next month: What are the steps to take to become this standard?

You can Contact Jim

by visiting his site:
Bob!s Corner: The Watchers
By Bob Ulrich on December 31, 2010

Fox News and CNN could hardly contain their excitement! NASA had scheduled a news
conference to announce a new discovery that could impact the search for alien life! My mind
began to wander in all directions as the phone calls and text messages came flying in. What did
they find? The remains of an ancient alien? A flying saucer? Encoded messages on SETI’s
supercomputers? Was this the big event?

Not exactly. After a rush of television promos and out-of-breath news anchors, all we got was a
new strain of bacteria, found on Earth, of all places, capable of metabolizing arsenic into the
molecules of a cell. God will find a way. This had to be the biggest letdown since Geraldo Rivera
spent three hours opening Al Capone’s secret vault!

I watched L. A. Marzulli’s new DVD, The Watchers, and found it tremendously informative. And
dare I say, “entertaining?” I admit it. I just couldn’t look away. Marzulli is a man on a mission.
He speaks of “casting off the shadows of doubt and ridicule” and warning the world of a shocking
event. Some mock his message, others are open-minded, but require proof. So Marzulli has given
them what they asked for — convincing proof.
If you’ve been following the “strange and the supernatural” like this author does, you’d know
there are a lot of unexplainable things going on in the world. Marzulli opens our eyes to things
that are not being reported in the mainstream press. Cattle mutilations that have been occurring all
across the southwest United States for the last 30-40 years; human mutilations; glowing orbs — a
new peculiar manifestation; alien implants and their surgical removal; alien breeding programs;
UFO hot spots and crazy video footage. Does anyone want to talk about these things? Well, not
Fox News or CNN. But L. A. Marzulli proceeds to introduce us to this strange world.

Speaking of strange, meet the Prophet Yahweh. He likes to hang out near Lake Mead and summon
UFO’s from outer space. He caught the interest of a television reporter who decided to turn him
into a modern day Elijah. Imagine her shock when “the prophet” began to pray and a UFO
suddenly appeared and started heading their way! All caught on tape!

Marzulli conducts a lengthy interview with Dr. Roger Leir, a man who’s gained a reputation as a
specialist in removing implants. People travel from all over the world to see him, usually after
having some type of abduction experience. Dr. Leir produced a series of X-rays showing tiny
metallic objects of various shapes and sizes imbedded in the soft tissue of the knees, wrists
and forearms of several victims.

Leir discovered that these implants have strange attributes. For one thing, they!re made
from material that matches up perfectly with meteorites that have crash-landed on Earth.
Second, these implants don!t like to be disturbed! When a surgeon tries to remove one
from the body, they repel away under their own power, like they were magnetized. Except
they!re not! You!ll actually see Dr. Lair at work, removing the multi-shaped objects
imbedded in his victims. Are these tracking devices? Behavioral modification devices? Or
do they have something to do with an alien-breeding program?

This is where Marzulli!s research on cattle mutilation fits perfectly. But, who can explain
it? A rancher wakes up one morning to find three dead head of cattle. They!ve been
drained of every ounce of blood, which is nowhere to be seen. They!ve had their eyes
and ears removed with laser-like precision and their sex organs are history."
Electromagnetic radiation is everywhere. Grass won!t grow in the area. AND, it looks like
they!ve been dropped from 200 feet in the air, landing in warped and twisted positions.
The ranching community is afraid to talk about it. Marzulli relates the account of one
victim whose body was sent back to his family in a steel casket, welded shut. No
autopsy. No viewing. Just a humble rancher who died from a “drug overdose.” What do
they want with blood and animal parts? Is this “alien hybrid breeding program a re-
creation of the original hybrid human, the ancient Nephilim?

Apollo 14 astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, warned the world in a 2008 radio interview,
included on this DVD. “Roswell was a huge government cover-up and UFO!s are real. I
happen to have been privileged enough to be in on the fact that we!ve been visited on
this planet. It!s been well covered up by our governments for the last 60 years, but
slowly it!s leaked out and some of us have been privileged to be briefed on it. I!ve been
in military and intelligence circles who know that beneath the surface of what has been
public knowledge, yes, we have been visited.” Mitchell claims “full disclosure” is not far

NASA!s response? “NASA does not track UFOs. NASA is not involved in any sort of
cover-up about alien life on this planet or anywhere in the universe.” Funny. In the last
few years the governments of the world are slowly but surely releasing their top-secret
UFO files. Belgium, the UK, Mexico, France — and the list is growing. When will
Churchill and Eisenhower!s deception be acknowledged? When will full disclosure
officially shock the world? When will these mile-long crafts that appear on radar, then
suddenly disappear, make their evil intentions known?

Marzulli believes it will be the event that explains away the rapture, the “lie” of II
Thessalonians 2:11. The strong delusion. He tells the whole story in his great book,
Politics, Prophecy and the Supernatural. Read the book. Watch this new DVD and
share it with others. NASA, be careful what you wish for. You might just get it.

51 minutes on DVD
Go To
D r . S t e p h e n Yu l i s h !
I wrote an article when people were concerned about Israelis leaving their settlements in
Gaza. Look what has happened. They left southern Lebanon in the year 2000 and were
promised that the militias like Hezbollah would be disarmed. They left Gaza hoping that
a land for peace strategy would work. Both withdrawals failed, as Gaza and southern
Lebanon have both erupted in violence. I did a radio interview and was asked why the
Jews and Muslims could not just get along. The reason is that Satan hates the Jewish
people, especially the Israelis, and there would not be peace until the Prince of Peace
returns (Isaiah 9:6).

Why is this? Paul summarized it best in Romans 9:4-5

“Israelites to who belongs the adoption

as sons and the glory and the covenants
and the giving of the Law and the temple
service and the promises, whose are the
fathers, and from whom is the Christ
according to the flesh, who is over all…”

God used His first born chosen people, the Jews (through the Patriarchs, Prophets, and
Temple) to bring His word, the Law and morality, to the Earth and then sent His Son in a
Jewish body to save the world from its sin. Satan hates God and His word and he hates
God’s chosen vessel, the Jews, from who came Jesus Christ. Satan used the Babylonians
and the Persians and the Assyrians and the Hittites and the Egyptians to try and destroy
this royal bloodline by destroying the Jews, but he failed. Then after Christ died on the
cross for our sins, he continued to try and see that the scattered Jews would not return to
their homeland and reestablish their Jewish nation. He infiltrated the Church and helped
instigate the Crusades and the Inquisition and the pogroms and the Holocaust in order to
destroy the Jews so they could not create another Israel. Why was he so hell-bent on
preventing that from happening? Because Jesus Christ is to return to the Mount of
Olives (Zech 14:4) to rule and reign from Jerusalem for a 1000 years from the rebuilt

Recently he has infiltrated the Mosque and is using Islam to try and destroy the Jews and

While once it was the Crusader and the Grand Inquisitor and the Nazi, today it is the
Imam and the Islamic Cleric and the President of Iran who have called for the
destruction of Israel and the Jews. Unfortunately, Satan is also still alive and well in the
church spouting such lies from the pits of hell as “replacement theology”, that the
church has somehow replaced Israel. It is Satan trying to show that God’s word is a
lie. He will of course fail but many souls will be lost in the process, Muslim as well as
Jew as well as so called Christian.

What Christians fail to realize, is the fact that if God is finished with Israel then maybe
He might be finished with them as well.

Ludwig Schneider wrote “Christians note the veil over the eyes of Jews that binds
them from seeing the Messiah, but when non Jews don’t believe that God’s promises
to Israel are still valid today, there is a veil over their hearts which encompasses all the
nations. Whether Jew or Gentile, these veils must be removed.”

The Abrahamic Covenant gave ownership of the land of Canaan unconditionally to the
descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was an everlasting possession (Genesis
17:7-8). That means forever. This was reiterated when an Angel of the Lord said; “I
brought you up out of Egypt and led you into the land which I have sworn to your
fathers and I said I will never break my covenant” (Judges 2:1). God keeps His
promises that He confirmed to Israel as an everlasting covenant (Psalm105:6-11) and
He says that the offspring of Israel will cease from being a nation when the fixed order
of the sun, the moon and the stars departs (Jeremiah 31:35-37).

If Israel ceases to be a nation on that land, then what was Paul speaking of when he
said of the Jews that the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29)?
Jesus Himself said that all the things talked about in the Law of Moses and the
Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled. It means the Temple must be rebuilt
(Daniel 9:27). The House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem must recognize
Him that they have pierced (Zechariah 12:10). That will never happen if Jerusalem is
ceded to the Palestinians. Paul in his Second Letter to the church at Thessalonica said
that the antichrist will reign from the Temple (2Thess.2:4). The Temple will not be
rebuilt under Palestinian control.

And finally Paul wrote that someday all Israel will be saved (Romans 11:26). This
will not happen if Israel no longer exists.

What does all of this mean to Christians? If God promised Israel that land and reneges
on His promise, then He might renege on your promise of salvation as well. Paul
wrote to Titus about “the hope of eternal life which God promised ages ago” (Titus
1:2). God cannot lie and His promises are faithful (Hebrews 10:23). Thus if God
keeps his promises to Israel and the land, then He will keep His promises to you about
eternal salvation.
Watch God working with Israel and rest assured that He will keep working with you
because a promise is a promise. And like He did not forsake a stiff necked rebellious
Israel, God will not turn His back on you. God loves Israel and Satan hates Israel. God
says that anyone that touches Israel touches the apple (pupil) of His eye (Zechariah
2:8). That means that anybody that messes with Israel sticks his finger in God’s eye.
Why does Satan hate the Israelis? He hates them because God loves them in spite of
their unbelief and one day is going to set up His kingdom in their midst for a thousand
years as He gives them a new heart and a new spirit (Zechariah 12:10 , Jeremiah
Minister Dante Fortson!
Chapter 1: The Eden Scenario

The origin of the Serpent Seed Theory begins in Eden and is based on very inaccurate
assumptions made by outside texts. Because the Bible is the basis for what we as
Christians believe, we will only be using the Bible to explore whether or not this theory
has any validity. One sure sign of a false doctrine, is one that cannot use the Bible as its
foundation. After you finish this book, you are encouraged to buy a copy for everyone
you know. So what exactly is Serpent Seed Theory?

What Is The Serpent Seed Theory?

Serpent Seed Theory teaches that God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat from every
tree in the garden except one. That tree was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
which was not actually a tree. The theory teaches that eating from the tree actually
represents sex with the serpent, and once Adam and Eve ate, their eyes were opened. God
then told the serpent that He would put conflict between the serpent’s seed and the seed
of the woman. The seed of the serpent is believed to be Cain and the seed of the woman
is believed to be Abel. All non-whites are usually attributed as coming from Cain, and
thus descended from the devil, while all whites come from Abel, and are thus God’s
chosen people. This is a very interesting story that entices those with “itching ears”, but
what really happened in the garden?

What Really Happened In The Garden?

According to Serpent Seed Theory, Eve was seduced by the serpent into having sex
with him. She then convinces Adam to do the same, and that is why they were ashamed
to be naked, but does the Bible support this theory?

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD
God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat
of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of
the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst
of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye
die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth
know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be
as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good
for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one
wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with
her; and he did eat.” – Genesis 3:1-6
Before we examine this passage, it is important to point out that the Serpent Seed
Theory applies the following interpretation to the objects in the story:
• Adam – a literal man.
• Eve – a literal woman.
• Serpent – a literal angel named Lucifer.
• The Tree of Knowledge – figuratively represents the serpent.
• Fruit – sex.
Now that we know how those that hold the view interpret the passage, we can take a
look at how the Bible defends itself against such ridiculous ideas. Adam, Eve, and the
serpent are all literal in the passage, so it is more important to figure out how the Bible
portrays the tree and the fruit. Here are the Hebrew words we will look at for this part of
the text:
• Tree – ets (pine, plank, wood, stick, timber, tree)
• Fruit – peri (fruit, foliage)
• Eat - akal (eat, devour, consume)
In the context of the passage there is nothing about the tree that indicates it is figurative
and not literal. They literally consumed fruit from a tree. Furthermore, there is already a
serpent in the garden, so there would be no need to also have a tree that represents the
same creature. Also, if we apply the law of interpretation, every other tree in the garden
would have to represent sex with something. In Genesis 2:16 God tells them that they can
eat from every tree in the garden except one. Was God saying that Adam and Eve could
have sex with everything in the garden except Satan? The more questions we ask, the
clearer the absurdity of this theory becomes.
The next problem occurs once Adam and Eve are kicked out of the Garden. God places
cherubim at the east of Eden to protect the way of the Tree of Life. If we apply Serpent
Seed interpretation across the board, it would imply that God was using His highest
ranking angels to stop Adam and Eve from having sex with a “tree” that they previously
were allowed to have sex with. Traditionally, the Tree of Life has been interpreted as a
literal tree that points to the redemption of Christ. When referencing the tree of
knowledge, those that hold to the Serpent Seed Theory, interpret it as figurative, but
change the tree of life to literal in order to avoid teaching that the tree represented sex
with God. A huge red flag that someone is twisting scripture is when they start to apply
different interpretations to the same types of objects in the same passage (one literal and
one figurative).
! Debunked: Tree represents the serpent.
! Debunked: Fruit represents sex with the serpent.
! Debunked: Eating refers to partaking in the sexual act.
When questioned about the above interpretation, Serpent Seed Theorists will rarely, if
ever use the Bible to explain how they reached their conclusions. After failing to make
the above point, it is argued that there was something special about the fruit that made
them ashamed to be naked, so let’s look at the verse first.
“And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and
they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.” – Genesis 3:7
The Bible itself seems straight forward that their eyes were opened and they suddenly
realized they were naked. According to those that hold the Serpent Seed Theory, it was
sex with the serpent that opened their eyes, but there is nothing in the Hebrew or English
that would indicate that sex took place. Here are a few Hebrew words to consider:
• Eyes – ayin (eye)
• Opened (paqach – (to open the senses)
• Knew – yada (know, knew, acknowledge)
• Naked – erom (naked)
Now we see that their senses were opened after eating this fruit. Neither the Hebrew nor
English indicate that they became sexually aware. It is only assumed by Serpent Seed
Theorists, that they were sexually unaware. It is very interesting to note that the word
yada is the same word used to refer to sex in the Bible, but take note that this act of
knowing refers to their nakedness. Even if we interpret this “knowing” as having sex, it is
only used to refer to Adam and Eve’s nakedness. There is no mention of “knowing” the
tree or the serpent. The most likely interpretation is that they “acknowledged their own
nakedness”, thus explaining why they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
Another problem we encounter is the false belief that Adam and Eve did not know
about sex before eating from this tree. If we read the Bible carefully, we find that having
sex was God’s first commandment to them.
“And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and
over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” –
Genesis 1:28
We see that the very first chapter in the Bible contains the command to be like fruit and
multiply. Have you ever met a person that can multiply themselves without having sex?
Based on that single verse, we can debunk the belief that Adam and Eve were not aware
of sex.
! Debunked: Adam and Eve were not sexually aware.

Written by: Minister Dante Fortson

Serpent Seed: Debunked is available for purchase at Serpent Seed: Debunked eBook: Dante Fortson: Kindle Store

R i c h a r d G r u n d

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a robot to warn you every time you were in danger like
young Will Robinson did?

The swirling dervish body and bright blinking lights to get your attention.

I don’t look like Robbie the Robot and will get very dizzy if I try to do that swirl he
did but let me do my best…

“Danger Body of Christ! Danger! Danger!

What’s the threat this time?

The threat is of taking an extreme position on a theological issue while we are in a

spiritual & supernatural crisis. In case you haven’t noticed the Signs of the Times
declared to us by the Lord in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are screaming for our
attention. Over the last few months I’ve watched the appearance of extreme
theological position on some important matters.
Extreme Position #1 – “There is no demonic threat and I have nothing to worry
If I weren’t writing this article to expound upon this I would simply say “Let me
know how that works out for you.” But, since we are going into greater detail let’s
take a look at this naïve spiritual position.
Recently I was forwarded an email where the writer claimed that as Christians we
had nothing to worry about regarding the demonic and that those of us who teach or
speak about spiritual warfare were creating an atmosphere of unnecessary fear.
Well, if that is the case then we are in good company because the Apostles Peter,
John, James, Paul and Jude did too. If we were to take a theological position that
there was no demonic threat and no need for warfare we would have to ignore most
of the writings. For the sake of time and space…the paper kind not the heavenly
kind… I will use one section scripture to bear this out:

1 Peter 5:8-10(NKJV)
8Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring
lion, seeking whom he may devour.
9Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced
by your brotherhood in the world.
10But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus,
after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. [i]

For the sake of bringing a clearer contemporary view of this let’s look at the New
Living Translation:
1 Peter 5:8-10(NLT)
8Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a
roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
9Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian
brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering
you are.
10In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ
Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and
strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. [ii]

This one warning from the Apostle Peter alone shows that we are subjected to an
ongoing threat from the fallen leader of the rebellious angelic host, the devil.
Look at the points Peter makes –
· Stay alert;
· There is a prowling demonic enemy;
· The threat of being devoured (torn apart);
· Stand & be strong (action with intention);
· Other Believers are suffering too;
· The suffering will endure for a period of time;
· Restoration and rescue will come.

Is there any indication here of a threat that no longer remains OR is it an indicator

of a threat still in effect? This particular section of The Word was written in 63-64
A.D. That is 30-years after the death and resurrection of The Lord. Unless some
other supernatural event took place to remove the fallen and their demons from the
Earth since then this same warning is in effect.

Ephesians 6:10-13(NKJV)
10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
11Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of
the devil.
12For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places.
13Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in
the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

This time it’s the Apostle Paul who:

· Calls for us to be strong;
· To “put on” the whole armor of God;
· To stand against the wiles (schemes) of the devil;
· That we wrestle (violent close quarters combat) with supernatural
ethereal demonic enemies in the heavenly or celestial places;
· Take up the whole armor of God (an active ongoing action) to be able
withstand (taking effort and strength) and to stand.
· The Amplified Bible takes this scripture and fills it out in a such a way
that you see this better.

Ephesians 6:10-13 (Amplified Bible)

10In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with
Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might
11Put on God's whole armor [the armor of a heavy-armed soldier which God

supplies], that you may be able successfully to stand up against [all] the strategies
and the deceits of the devil.
12For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical

opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master
spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of
wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.
13Therefore put on God's complete armor, that you may be able to resist and stand
your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands],
to stand [firmly in your place]. [iii]

From just these two sections of The Bible we see the ongoing nature of a
supernatural war against a real and determined enemy.

So, what is the danger of Extreme Position # 1? If, at this point, you have to ask…

Extreme Position #2 – “The severity of the demonic attack is an indicator that I

am doing something right!”
There was a time I would have been guilty of this misconception. I used to glory in
the severity of the warfare and the demonic attack as proof I was both a threat to the
enemy and doing something right. Then, one day I woke up and realized that I
must be doing something wrong because my witness and experiences didn’t paint a
very good picture of the Lord’s ability to take care of His own. I was not
manifesting “victory” in my life or in my ministry. I was not showing the world the
safety of the Strong Tower the Lord is for those who serve Him nor was I a living
example of the Victory of The Cross. If principalities had been taken captive and
He was King of kings and Lord of lords either I was doing something wrong or The
Bible was wrong. I quickly realized I was doing something wrong. I wasn’t
walking in the complete victory and confidence the Lord was offering me. I was
creating warfare and strife where warfare and strife were not called for. I was
working too hard to obtain a victory that had already been won.

I came to the realization of the Kingdom of God authority given to those who are
His. The Lord explained it to me this way. He said, “You are not of this world.
Your citizenship is elsewhere therefore you have diplomatic immunity when you stay
within the rule and rules of My Kingdom. How the enemy gets to you is when either
through behavior, sinful choices or being enticed by the enemy to come outside the
walls and fight him he gets access to you. Stay within the walls of My Kingdom and
the warfare will be momentary and you will have all that you need to stop it.” He
went on, “You are not fighting for victory. I already did that on Calvary. You are
called to enforce and maintain that victory against an army that refuses to submit
or surrender. Until I come back and restore complete authority in this world this
will be an ongoing spiritual occupation of My army against the fallen and their

Satan, the other fallen Watchers, fallen angels and their demonic offspring are the
prototypical terrorist army. They refuse to yield unless forced to by someone who
wields the full authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords. And, even then
they will return to test that authority again and again. Because of that the Father
has placed restrictions on their power and established clear boundaries that they
cannot cross unless given permission by us through our actions, choices or by us
stepping outside the covering of The Lord. If the severity of the demonic attack is
extreme and dramatic instead of basking in it you should be asking the Lord where
the open door is that is allowing the enemy to do what they are doing. And, the
final question is why the Lord is allowing this to happen to you. NOTHING
happens unless He allows it. The enemy is not powerful enough to countermand
the authority of the Living God. He must live by the rules and stay within the
boundaries set from the Throne Room.

We must expect resistance and even attacks from time to time when the enemy
decides we’ve gotten too close to a treasure of theirs or we’ve wrecked too much
havoc in their kingdom of darkness. That’s to be expected. What shouldn’t be
expected is an attack that gives no glory to God and gives the enemy all the
attention he so desperately desires.

[i] The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Third Edition; Copyright © 1979,
1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. All rights reserved. Electronic Edition STEP
Files Copyright © 1998, Parsons Technology, Inc.
[ii] Holy Bible, New Living Translation Second Edition; Copyright © 1996, 2004
by Tyndale Charitable Trust. All rights reserved. Electronic Edition STEP Files
Copyright © 2005, QuickVerse. All rights reserved
[iii] Amplified Bible (AMP) Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by
The Lockman Foundation
L. A. Marzulli Speaking Enagagements
Sed accumsan libero vel enim pharetra

Prophecy In The News: TV - February 8 - 11

March 4 - 6 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Know

the Times

March 11- 13 Yuba City, California http://

March 25- 27 "SEE" in Connecticut - Location

to be announced
V i d e o o f t h e M o n t h !

In keeping with the interview that I conducted with Amy Vickers, on the enigmatic
Star Child Skull I am posting a link to Lloyd Pye’s site. There is an in depth interview
that was conducted with Pye that I believe you will find informative. When I posted on
my BLOG that I was going to do an interview on the Star Child Skull, almost
immediately a post linked to a rebuttal of the skull.

I want to take a minute and weigh in on where I stand with the Star Child skull.
We can certainly agree that if it’s real, it is enigmatic. Therefore, why not follow the trail
and see where it leads us? If the DNA testing and the completion of the Genome comes
back and asserts that the creature is a hybrid of sorts then we might have proof of genetic
engineering that took place roughly 900 years ago. This of course syncs with what I
believe in regard to the Nephilim.

Pye and Vickers have no theological dog in the hunt. They are looking at the skull from a
completely different paradigm. Thus, it will be interesting to see where the investigation
leads. Those skeptics, like all skeptics don’t want anything that would force them to
rethink their position, or paradigm. The Skull presents a real threat to those people.

Because I filter everything though a Biblical world view, I am not threatened by what the
skull may or may not produce as far as a link to Nephilim.

Remember, as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be when the son of man returns...

Here’s the link!

Reader Feedback!
I wanted to let you know that the video was awesome especially for me to be able to
use it to share with other believers who just don't get it ( so to speak ) .... I plan to
begin this week to share it ... The only thing I have against it was it was to short ...
and it needs a second video to go with it. thank you much Blessings to you ....
L.A. I listen to your show via the internet. Your entertaining ,informative, and you
believe in your ministry. Having listened to the show wednesday night, and reading the
blog the following day, that evening,on the National news, they were talking about the
floods & mudslides in Brazil, the floods in Australia, the snow storms in the north-east
U.S. and the Mount Etna Volcano Eruption. I started laughing cause all I could think of
was your voice in that comedic way saying, The Apocalypse Report Has Been Brought
To You By Ford Motor Company. I know its not a laughing mater L.A. Keep up the
Good Work.

Are Prayers are with you & Acceleration Radio.

Allan Winemiller, Columbia S.C.

Dear Mr. Marzulli,

First of all I'd like to thank you for your great work. It seems I've finally found someone
who's got the same theory about the times we live in.. I just bought part 1 of the Nephilim
trilogy and I never read a book so quick. Fantastic work (mixing science, reality and
religion into a scary realistic work of fiction)! I even forced my parents and friends to
read it, so they won't make fun of my UFO/Nephilim/Great deception stories anymore.

Now, the point is: I'm Dutch and I can't find any other of your books in stores or at
websites. Off course, there are the English copies, but if there is one of your books
translated, why not the other ones? Do you know if their are any future plans for a Dutch
translation, or is it ruled out?

Keep up the good work L.A! Jesus knows the work you're doing, we're saved by his
blood. "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will
know the truth, and the truth will make you free." Let's do our best in today's world, in
our own unique ways. This is a serious phenomenon and it is indeed not going away.

Greetings from The Netherlands,

Wouter Zwiep
Interview with Amy Vickers
Amy Vickers was my guest on Acceleration Radio several weeks ago. If you are
interested in hearing the MP3 recording of it please go to my BLOG @ scroll down until you find the MP3 which was posted on
Thursday January 27.

L. A.: How did you come to get the skull?

A. V.: The girl that found the skull held on to it for the duration of of her life. She
discovered it in an abandoned mine shaft while vacationing in Mexico with her family.
After she passed away she gave the skull to a couple who then gave it Ray Young. In Feb
1999 the Young’s contacted Lloyd Pye and asked him to look at it. (Pye has made a life-
long study of skulls.) Pye thought at first that the skull was a deformity, Now, 12 years
later there is no direct answer as to what it is.

L. A.: Why do you call it the Star Child?

A.V.: This name is attributed to what happened when Lloyd was attending a UFO
conference, held in Nevada. Bob & Terry Brown originally came up with the name, the
Star Child skull and it stuck. It has in some cases become detrimental as some scientists,
once they hear the name, Star Child, run for the nearest exit!

L. A.: Why are some people insisting it's a fake?

A.V.: There are people who only believe what they want to believe. The number one
reason people think that it can't be real is that they don't know about it! The fact is that
people haven't heard about it in the main stream media, or that it's not in Scientific
American is enough reason why they don't believe. Everyone hates to admit that they are
wrong and if the Star Child skull is real, many people will have to rethink their world

L.A.: You recently did DNA testing on the skull - what was the outcome?

A.V.: We are still doing testing on the skull. We are dealing with DNA that doesn't fit in
the traditional mold. The results so far are preliminary, but they have been verified
multiple times. We found segments of human DNA - mitochondria - and we also found
other pairs that do not fall into the normal human DNA. We have an informal report that
has images that come from the National Institute of Health. Our critics say that, You can
tweak the filters, but we have not tweaked anything. The man who did the testing is
head of his own research and has multiple PHD's. In time we will know exactly what the
skull is and isn’t.

L.A.:What do you think the skull is?

A.V.: I think that the evidence is pointing in the direction that this skull is not entirely
human. I can't speculate what it is, or who, or where the other entities that took part in the
making of the Star Child - it’s parents - are from. I’ll say this: It's partially human and
partially not, the part that isn’t I would call “alien.”

L.A.: Do you believe that this could be ET? Is this a smoking gun?

A.V.: Absolutely - I take a fact-based scientific approach and now that we have the DNA
result, I can say that this may be the smoking gun. We had recovered DNA - Until we
have the whole Genome we can't make a solid statement. But at the moment, I believe we
have a hybrid!

L.A.: What is the next step in the process?

A.V.: To continue the DNA testing.

L.A.: What have other experts said about the skull?

A.V.: That depends on which expert you are talking to. Doctors have done their own
analysis on the skull, have determined that the skull is not the result of disease or a
genetic anomaly. In 2003 & 2004 there was a neo-natal nurse who thought that the skull
was not deformed. We assembled a team of experts, who looked at the skull and came to
the conclusion in 2004, that this did not resemble any known deformity. Two different
radiologist who looked at the X-rays, concurred that it was not a deformity. The Star
Child's skull shows no disease and perfect growing pattern, so it is not a deformity! It
would appear that this skull is a natural, non-diseased, skull. We don't know if it's a child
or adult. The front part of the skull has been broken off but we have the teeth and they
look like an adult as they are ground down. It would take years to grind these teeth down,
There are other teeth that are waiting to come down meaning that this person, or whatever
it was, had multiple sets of teeth.

L.A.: Has anyone tried to check out where the skull originated from?
A.V.: Unfortunately because it’s in Mexico we have not been able to go to the location
because of the chaos. The girl found it in a mine shaft, she collected got the bones and hid
them in a tangle of tree roots. There was a flash flood that hit the area where she had
hidden the skull so when she went to retrieve them, only had the two skulls remained.

L.A.:Your closing thoughts...

A.V.: The Number 1 reason that people don't believe it is because of Wikipedea that
shows the skull is fake! The entry is highly biased. So the information is biased and

Aftermath: Who is the person at Wikipedia that is twisting the evidence? Why would they
do this? Here is a link to the article at Wikipedia. Check it out and see if it’s unbiased or
does the author have an ax to grind?

Starchild skull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nephilim Trilogy
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This is the series that started it all!

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