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Han.He~ri Stapfer

D- .... ~}ltf: .i.I:.1> s~minar:it.y to i!3. predeeessor, rJl.e MlG-·15 "FiI.gQ;[,'" tl-i~ Mje-l'7·~:!Il ;iiC'o"'. :~. Its ... . ~ir:ig: h4J pe.'I.tJ::r ~'f!tq~. .. ck ~~:9 d~~~ inbQ~~ncl ~ 53 d~re~:; OL~tbJa~. 1r.i- :hl: M i.C-1 ~":; . . .. 36 d.egrees), w~ thlnner (.a dlkkru:s:s1choro l1Iil;!lf.! gf 1 0 :~n:~l1t '!reJ~("lS the M~G-~, 5, ,S ]:2 p~rc~nli)j

and had, rounder WLllit rips. I'll order ro avoid fM.'i of airfiJm'r! over. die li ... ·Utg1 at ~O'w speeds, th:: MiG-'~,7's wing 'I,",i':ill; equipped wirh tiuiee wing fea,o~ ,i 11£t~d of ih~ ,M~G.] J'~ E'WCI, The 111~ (jg1ueD"'s fi~lht.~ w-as 1.t26 meeets (3 :fi: g, in) 1oJ1~; ~nd its tail. :s:um.u!:S were .larger ,w moee .ru~y ~ve.p[ Ilh<Mil those af.~rs pred~r- The MiG-J 7 (NATO :~po~t"jng name "Presoo-A") waspowered by rhe same 'VK~l ,PCi\vetr pl~uJj~ ;:IS th,~ M iG-I ,bl!; Fagot-B_

.~ ·hi!nr.!)t po:rorotype {SJ-2} 'IJI.':3& rom,p~[oo ErlI ]uJy '94)4,9 :aJIJ '~.@,v fur ~l~ f[[$."[ rime {~J.1 1-4 J<muM)' 1950- ?rodu:-ti,on Mi,G-:~ 7' Fresco-As beglil.le:av,i Llg lillie fuorQty, in lare 1951. The MlG-,]"</ was unseilsd to the pll:,hiJic 11111 20 Jur.e 195.~ during <lin air show <lie [h~ Tushino ,rnili~ ~cld norrhwesr of MoSoa)W', 3imid. WeNDtfil, ,iifiji~it:liry' observers p'~n:[ believed, [hey had seen a new' ''Il;Hii~nt 'of the MiG-l S.

The mD·~it wid~lr produced variant of (he MiG·l; was Ole MiG-, 17f (hesw-(:.,} which karl a VK-l F a'Fttrb"1i:".ning: it!!Jrioojel (nu .. ,{j mum thruse of 7.451 pol1lllds} :i!T1c1 iij, irt~,.. ~ft ftI5Cb,~ wi dh ~[Ijrgo;-r ~~th,hiLkt'£. The MiG~l7Pf Presco-D """.as <l!rlI aiI~~wearher ¥crSIOIi! {If (hi: MiG:-l7J.': l1!~rf~I11It::" ~IliL!.ipp~d with an ,RP.--:i .li.lmMw:d:1 {NA 'fa designation "Scan G1...I11"} ~Mr ~$r.:=:.rn" !IIud] h~J'Uli~ the fin:;t all~veBtber flgh terin [he in,'I,'\f;,L1I(ory qf Moscow's Eastern [J!UQPi: s:lld I,itt seates,

Poland's Pansrwowe Ziddady Lorniczc (5:nne J\iD;'[;"ltt Facmry - PZl f(),r shorE) rruducot~ 'th.e.

MIG~ 17F Presco-C under rhc designation "Lim-S." l~e['rltN:.llI 1. 9;6 and 1960~ 477 ~li1f- Jys ,''{{:'.re il)'lu.n~~ iJl nineteen pfQ<dl!lc(&0n batches. llh~ g_1TO~11Ild.~:i;{,ll'l;k Id!'!E"iwJ[u ... e' Df~~ ,U:i:IJ"!-); 1'l,<;3S: tlIit, ]_iml1r6bu~. 'w,bkh was. equipped. wirh an .511',- [9 d:[~.g ot;:'hLirtl: container and n'!'D w.l.nrg P}<lOtIS_ The ]3Sl[ UmL6bis '1,"1<13 phased our of Polish Ai~ FOTO::: ~i:F'I,~Ci::: in F.l::hnl3r-y 1'9'92- Iil. all, 7H.1. versions ,of the MIGr11 W~U1l: builr en PQJ~j1d.

The M~G-,i 7r~ W.l-5 lici::IDi~e-blL!li]t ill Clljm. at' the::: St.t:~~.~'.a~g AJr,cM F.;l;crory as rhe ']-'5 .... (NATO n~p{ionillg name "F;;!:rml::rr,-C':')_ A oot;tJ 01767 ]-)S ",v:e~f' manufacrured between '1956 and 195'9_ 'fh I::

J - _~..l ~,III' • 'L~~ ~ '"

-) ".'''"31::> expo,rteLiJ urlue!r tnt:' .u:el;LgnlatW]~ ~~~~.

The DTIajoruty of M;G-17s were builrin rile' Soviet Union, Fi ... c GAl: (WSNddt~m:l A;Htltsii.t.t.l.;~ Za3m.f!- Sitate A.iret'<tl!: fl,aC:[)DJ.i~,) produeed i ,9'9~1 lvti-G-175 iJif aiffi«fI!t W1(1di1S heru'OEJ1 bEe 1. 9151 ::iiIhl 19') 5. Ne3!rly ~fty counnles used rhe .MiG-] 7" Of I icense-built ~~[1IITI!,; ~111 fironil:c.line. ~n']ul:, .of me 9'1432 MLG ... :17s built, {mty aIDOIJI(:a dosen an; :)(iU A~ing ~y.

Aclknowledgleme,n'ts and Photo, Credits

Armeemuseam der DDR, Dan AnJIoorulJ, OerJ,.:f ,l&illig, ,~obi:.rt: B!l:ick, SqhruJI !Boslum~i:I!lkj)jf, }iulIl.eiia Cat:hay~ Jam!!S P. Chilm::k C2£C~o~Lovak Air Force M,1.liSet1Dl - Kkly, n:::u~!tSl~he5, M,UJ~tm - W~rft Schleissheirn, Roo.:rt 11= .. DOFF, Ni&,rtl A Easra:way, Je.ffErnflll. Gef~haJd F~(;hru:[", Ml1iliQlJ$ '~CtllX1_r; Ro'~ Gr~ngier, Zdenek 1 Iurr, UI i J~ch&.er, ShlD.t'ilO Kf~]s[k:i}_Aliot~~. Helmut K.I!l.IgeJ, Ln~fi.lliJr KudliGka, Marrin Kyburz;,. \V'ojiiec.h Lucsak, H;:Ins~ J o.achim Mall, Dusall M.uI.w1!!&. Arrl&.~ej Morg:U.~~ 'Wayne M~t'.r" ~~JS Nagy, Alain P.e1L'e[ie.r. George Pe~kc'if, GJ~ _ Pe-I;['O''''', Ceorgt: lPl!,mh~ lLA..Fl T)- T'ioor SiJ1!ki., Sk:1.'l3R, WoD~ Tamme, 'Wolfgang, G, Teach, Umcll Til14, ,'\I;hil~ \lig~~, t1i3:'l.'"I:

V~mm, ~r:lfl!m-CQl:)rg VQ!,l?rich~ WiHi~m 'W~~. Ni_ch6las J. ~l:atet't ]]1, Shm.0rt Watwn. M.ariusz Z~·.

The Wilk AWliXtdfOn Deck w~ies .is ~bQol!!( :the de-ta'i ls of ~i,fic miht'l:3.ry nul!J~p,nlt"JJi~ u~ung oolo.r <tJ:lid bla.d ... ~allld~wh~(~ ~oc-huV(ll 'p~Q'ro~p.h~ and. phorngrn.p-,ht!; o:t :pru'::i"veiIl ailEI I\t'Sro.~ eqlJ~pmeLU. mW,;:I;n •. h roLlnd'" ~idi:!,; ,[FI: .cli::,..-ated. tu iIIitt;r.a.:~' lI~jd utll~tarr v.e:hidii:';S., while' '~Or,1. Dcck!'o ti,d~ ::u:e J.evm~ t"(l '\-wtihip;. 'fhey ai'e pknue b<!,o.ks of ,e.Lgh~1 pages, fO"IUS,i,liig on 'DlPernJt~!J]nll!l e.t~uitui'lt',rn, 1:1i(.i( one-.o.ff .or eKperimcrtlal :subjoct;,.


COP'YRilG;["'IT 21007' SQ.:UADROlNlfS~GNJilL ,~·UBLlCA TIONS ui 5 CRO\WI.Elf DHlV!E; CAl{}{OLtTON. 'fEXAS 7501]6

An dgh;[.s [CS{'!!T'rI't';a- No part Q'F ~hi!5 ,p1;!,b~ic:l![~()n 11191.)' be !J:1i:fJwduCM, st.Qm:,ed if I d reuleval sys[em or [li'arl!~IIth~~L':ed ~J1 :ilI!Iy form by means electrical, m_,Ol;h[n~Cl3] or {~t:h!::r.;'I'1i:se, , ...... ~tlJIt!Il.t written 1)-e.r.l]'lissj,Oo.ll of dll:: ptl.MU~heir..

~ $I:f~ 'i])-ti'74" -5,12-1

Itf :TOY, llki~~ :liftr phQi:D,~raphs, of ru.ocmfF~ :iL['-:IiIli.O[", ~oldiej"5 '@IE dhips ;J !iIImtf n~ijaiQi:1; 1P~.nijCY.I:'-~g",~jl w.;""~r';~rD~~ £nll!,p!i!h~~.5, whr· ,ltD-t, .5_bar.e. '~m w~1h us f~twd he~,v 11fi~' Sq'liLililIi.Iil!illiJSi_gn;iljj,'s bi!iti:ilkis, all ll1b~ IIH.O~ int:e·ft:.!itin,~ '3iDd QJh:!!,VI~~.e :~ilI 'mh;e fiJjJtILllI'I!~r. .Any pbaoo,"h sent to W' wIll 'b-~ GlJipi~ mil. ~~ ilMJl;iIDd ~~!l!_n~d., 'fEw. d~n;QJ:' mlll 'be full,)'" I(;udlikd, ~!JIE :fIJIIJ!II' pb~I;Q:!; I!,!!~d. [UJ~~ se~dI '~:iA!m liini'

Sg]I!I.'ndlF'iJ'&I!f:5~gm;a] iP"WbliattQ'M '~ 1 ] 5 Crli)~~ D~,ve' C3lf[oJloom, rx 'i5006

(FIDrJt GDl/E!f)'.A a,jrues.e~manulactu red ShiSFiI)larlg J.,S, '''Fled :2077.'" of fhe 92S:rd Fighter IRegiftiiaFil'~. Nnr1lii Vielllil~me$$ ,AIr iFolf(:a, ~~::.i;i$ f~r 1:a}{eot.,. ~lt Kep. NOrltil Vi~1i1arn, ,t 969-

(HrtEJ' ,page) This U.S,-reg1sb~j\ed Shenyang Ji-5 (:81n 0714; N306DM) belonged (01 Yak ,An:ack. Inc •• Leite ~ego. OIf~gonL It earried 8o\tJa~ Air' F~ m~fl<fng$ and a 1hF€l~-digit ta.ct'ics.l number, which 'i.i'J,a.;s 'iJ'®.fi"/' s€!ld.Cim !1Iseti DY U'!e Vcenoo-wzdusJmye ;sifj (WS - Soviet filAr B='Oroe:s)l, The IFfJoooo-C was :seVcerty dame;ged \Vh~n ~I!l alumirunn ih,J;e~ line br~e ~ 'Iakeoff al: AUIfOFa, Orngon, an ~ Ma~(:h 1 994, Ce!I!.J$lif1lg an Q]jp'lo&ioFil aoo fire iPi the aft 1LJ5€~a!)~., The IPjlol managed to s8Ifely 18Jld 'Ih€i 8Jircresft, ~hi:ch is nOw in tire l(;1.,Jstody of the Oregolll Air and :S\pace MlJoseum W1d .awai~iflg restoratiol1-

(F$iCirJ,g pa.r;J€'J 'The Mi~_J-'l7lF ~fle$OO was a real pilo~~$ ajl'P1~ne. ~ssenti<iilly an il!iJ1Pfti!/edl MiG~11,5 wi~h a ttliriiruer ~in@ designed for lhi:g,h;-'8J:I@oo liIlarl~l,IV9r..s. Ifhs FEllativety ,small ,SIZe, lower wing !Qading 1 and illliarnal cairllnon armamer1l~ made ahe, MiCi!;-'l71F a soerii))'[.ffi rf!!.aIt(:h fQr more l!iJ1ode.rril, radar-equipped. nmiMile-$j'med Sldpalii$Off'li-c;lr9hters. TIllS Ff~SOD is a P.olisrHtmilt LiIiill-f5 (~r1a~ number 1 C-14- ~ 4}. rTi1I!1l"1ll1fiaotuJ,:ed by W~l1iiaJ Spr.etzu lKioi'ililUriikacy al Mtelec in S~pbenmb€lFJ ,] 95B.

(Back ,COV8f) A Sh~rryEing JLJ; o~' iie Clhine5e feople'!j. LiberaliO!fl Aooy ,Air lForc€' inrtercepl$- an F·SS of the' IRept!!blic of Chrnat (T~MIn)' .Aiir IForoo Oi.f@F th~ Formosa. Suaits in Se!}lembeF ~ 958. FLAA.i= iFr,esoo8 FCil1ftiFilely tangled witih lRoCAF' ~res dvting tl\a dispU~@l O'!J"er too isI8_nds. Il):f QLlI~mD¥ <ii.l!ld Matsu throughout the fall of thtlit :(-eaJ, ana the. ~Ci-17 ~Iats (!rJ.i~ DNo F~a6B de:51!ro~d.


A l'ornrualiioo of Vv.s ff'eooo-As, escorts a \'ep[ eaJi'ly Aeroaot 11-·~8. The Mi{;'h .... 17s all 0alT'l'iMvo~d"lgil: bl ue tac~al numbers_

A Nige~an .Air f,orce MiG-,,] t'Bril.-~~ NAF 625") dUlril\g th~ IBrafran C~i! W'ar, whictl lasted between M~y 1 '967 and .lIanuary 19.11'0_ Ni'g:eIia's. Fresco-C.::; wer'e fml'flefl~i CJpe'raJed by the E@yplf:a;n Air Force .. The alro15dit taoks a. OOS9"'1!TIOunted SRD·1 R~dai radar r.a~-fiflder antenna and fne Duttonshaped IEOM antennas of the ,sy-rel'l8-2 radar hmllif1J and warning system.

A Chinese-ma:nufacllJred SnenysJllQ F-S O'f the Rlrcat Ustrtarake ,Ajom Shgjplltare (Aloanrm Air Force) i b9!sed at Berat-K1.IOO'",a Air Force Base, SQuill of thts capital, Tlrana, The first digit (4) in the cooe "4-25" d'erlOtes ttlat the FrnSii::o·G belongg bJ ilhe 181 Squooron of .he U 8]'5tliJ IQhrter Aviation tRag-ment. Twe3ve, were delivered to Albailia in 1962"

This eru-1y. iJfoducJ.i.!:m Lim·S (iRed 2011'1o!:ij-je Palskie W$kD lalni~ (1P~~h Air-Force) was deli,\feI'!e.d an 19 Nov~r1i1lb@.r '1957. Its saFia;1 nu mbar (:em 1 C-02-0 1) d'efli;}.tE!S thai: iI, 'Was fh.e i'irs! aircraft: aI' the ®OOooo blo~ btlilt by WSK at MieSec, It lacks. ~he SRD~1 ,R~OOJ. r:a{f!ar f.a!1lrfl~~lildaF afirteflfJla but Is equipped w,iti'rl a rat.Jio ,antenna. Ttii~ pa.rtlo!.! lar Fresco-C ,evenb..hl'!ly beesme 'Ihe prototype tor the Um·5R 'tacOCBJI reconneissence version.

Two. Fortele Aerigll~ ala IR€lptrOlicii Sociajlste Romalle (Romanian Air Force) MiG-17iPF Fresco-Ds (Red 413n and! "Rea 0904'] being readied fClf ,81 mission. "Fled o.£(W" is IlQ'i.!I on ;g,~l'lIibit at ltile' Nationa~ Milil:.ary. M!JJSoeLllnl a~ EI~ohaFeos~ .. Tha '~aotical! nu mber Is repea'led M the 400-Iite.r drop tsnk,

An E~yptlafl Air Force M iG-1'7F (lBla,ct:: 297':5-ii) ,dur~ng Bright Sta,' a 1, a ~im' AIlilI@r~C'arn.lEgyp.1l1an exercise cond!!Jctedi ii'll DK!1lmDiijW 1198'1. The F'recsoo·C Is ~ulpped wilt! rtIJlre capable or n-olding four 76 rnm unguid.ed roc k..ets , This. was a local Egyptian mOOlficatiDI'1I perf.ormed by h ,AiriCf,a'ft Mooification ['Iepa , in Helu:a!Il. ND SBO·1 Radallrangefirder ,alnterma Is IfI'9lalled on this MiG-'17F,

Th€ Bulgarski 1toyenno Vozduslm-i Sili (Bulgarian Air force) had a slf1&1te Fi - titer Aviatioo Regi.rnent wi1· M~G-17FlF9 on SIre'J.1gth, The 15. tzlreb11efen Aviazionen Poik (15t1t1 Fighi'€:r Aviation Regim~I'1I), klJ'l.i01N.ifl as 'The 15" H based at Hla:,.m@z fI@w th.e FIi'19S00·0 umiI119?'8. A" unique Eh.J!geJti9Jn 'fee.tL!,t'e '(!,las ~he apJY.llceJtlon of ~he national mwkirlg on dle.' IUlPper pan: of the fin ..

A Polish-built MiC3~1rF ('"1Re:d [830'°: slri 1 C,.09<tO) Of J,a.gdrh*rge~h'i\lade~ ~ (2f1d Ftght'er Avia~ion Regim~rrl) "Juri Oa9ari!'il~ of Ina LlJ'flS'!reitkJ,&ft'9 del' INatilr'lrl9llen Volksar,rooe (East Gefmfiin Air Fmc~) durfng a{ie 'f Ighl: over the Balttio Sea_ This unit was based at Tmll;e.Ilh~ellJ ne~r tileubn3looenburg and ope' a~ed Uiie MiG- 71F tJei'twe€n ~957 and 1968.

TIle MIG-17 was ~he 'fl1rst Soviet '~ighte.f with all-wea.tl1er capabilities_ This East Ge-rmalil MiG -17IP'F' ("Red 4e8 ; sin 1 D-03-o.7) was put in service in M8Y. 1959' wi~11 Jagdlli~argesenwa~de'f 1 (1ffil F"~hter Aviation IRegirirl8nt) Dfrftz Schmsnkal" ar Co,nbtls, This ,paf'!titlU~r FreslXJt-D crashed on 2:l August 196EL

· - ~-.: .-~"

Design Evolution .,'»)ti::"

Tile 11~t prCiductioiil \ile~rl O~' 1118' MiG-'ll? was perlh'6:red b~t a ~"'aftefbuFlflillg ViK~1 OS3f!trifugtal-nQW jel' 9rlgirle. The 1ilsl prad!1JOOml fresco-As lacked rear-\I\ievl. rnirrors.

Most early Freseo-As had a i-~ SIRO-1 ~riY-M IIFf ------------

'Iraflsponder 1.Wt'h a oorsallbiade antenna. ------

Lale producbionl Fresco-A::; 'were each fitted 'i'!,lith a rear-'view mirror on the c.anQ;PY iEJJlOI.13J Syr~2 radar warning system wt~h 001lL'Of! antenna,s.

M~G .. 17F Fresco .. C' (early)

The IMjG-1 IF lFresco-C W~$ equippl;ld with an ~fleF;bl,l1mirl9 VK-1 F jel The- 5tatJdard prtJdlJJ!:~ion version of the, MiG-17F Iliad an SRD'-1 Radel ~adar

engine midi ISJrg:er alrbrakes. lEarly MiG-17Fs ia'Cted 1tJe SA i)-l Radai rSJlgelilf"!der on tha ness: Iatt;; models, 'Wo;It"a equipped wi~1i1 1t1e 8RID-1 M

r.adair ~,aingsflind~J' blJ~ had the SRO·1 Bar(}kM I Ff t~nspollIder \!lith OOF$al RBda~M rangefiIider. Late- nnodelS of tile- iFresco-C lacked lroth 11113 m,e r,Sldio

blade antenna, Mar1!i early MiG-175 were equipped wi~h a 'WiIH~!]io af1lteri!1a af1ld 1Jhe' blo; ,a.ntefill;!! tor Ihe ,SRQ·'1 ~r¥M IFF'~r~n~o~'.


----~--- ~L(Y', :

"'II'""""T'""""""': ..:j-:' ---fm:tt\ ~~~ .~

The MiG-1' 7P F' Fresoo--D w-as an all-we~ther Irrl'eroeplm ~i1h an ,RP-ll 1z-umfUd.." (HA. TO des~l1ation "Bcan C~nl!) radar syS1't€:m. Its, 'W'ioostrield wa.~ mere swepl. Fresco-Os equ~Dpea wlltr ilhe- RP-5 IrurmtJd-'2. (NlA10 d€Signali:o:n "Scam 0dd1 radar had ,aJ larger rndom€l rnourted in 1lh@ air irrtake splittff.

The Lim-6bis was a Polis~-deslgned atld mam.JfactIJ red version (lit IMe F'r~O"'G, Qptimized for' grow 00 attack ~~s most noticeable f'erutures wa:e a. bullet-shaped '~~Mii"lg, ~ated below too flLiddter, ootlltainlng a drag (ChUM, and IUnderning pods IlolJiSing :si~n -S7 rnrn LilngLllid€d rockets.



A 'fOfI'ile'l Polis" Air Forre lLim-6M (sin 10.06·3.4) purchased by the DIESA. The Il*lde antenna on 1t1e port sidE! adjacent '10. Ihe oonop-y is a U.s.. modlrJea~lort The CTEM emblem Ms been applied 1.0 line M, but ~he {om'ler Polish lac~icaJ nurrtber "Red 1634" [has been rmaj'lil~d. The Ff€lsco-D is. now part of 1ne Pima Coonty.· Air Mu~eum ~: Tuescn Ar1wna,. but carries 'fa_fse SoiJviet Air Force· mai'kingg.

"Slack 1'72'1 /' en ea~ly SO',ii9t-ou il. MiG -17f Fresco-C 01 'the Cambodian Air force at Tan Scm N hut Airb~$@i, SO!iJlh Vle~nam. in Febrtlary 1972. tha cannon pl:atfNm has been lowered! 'for exarnir\artiol'l_

This Lim-5 (sIJn 1 A~ 1 0·1 0)1 was, bUllt tn ,Apr~119.5S and served as. "'Red 10'10" with Iha 2S. Pull;;: Lo1r!~l.Wa My"s1iwskiego (261tJ Figtller Aviation Regiment) at RedzikmW Ail ,FDrte ~ase'_ In 19136 tI1€ F-resco..c Wag sold to. ihe. U,.S_ Defense Test Ev.aluation ~nd S~ppott Ager~y (OTESA) and 9~tJIl00 lrom KlrlJaoo Air FOUo09 Base" ArbuquerqlJe, 'New Mexjoo, as "Fled 0.1 o. ~

fit former Hunganan Air Foroe MjG~17P F in 'false VVS m.8Jfklings al tt\e stora_gil;l ,dump at \feese'S neBJr 8udapes.t during summer 1992. This. parneulsr Fr'&soo--D previously served wiUn the 5,0. 1401"11 Vada.szrepi.ilo IEzred {50th f-Iomet Vefense Inl'er'teploF Regim~mt}..

The number uR~cI 1975" appliecf 'to lhi~ particular MiG~17IPF' of the Hungaria.n Ai Force is nat a 'ta,oi;tlcal number but Simply refiocls ~h€l y~ar 'the f' was struck alt' chargg:. Vand~1G Ilad ,se~ the cockpit on f~rij bar'ore Ihe fllghter was, taken to Ihe V'e~~s sleiraga depot near Ihe Irntemi!idi{maI Alt"]I)Ort Qf Budapest Tille S~13 gun camsra on tl"le <slarooeJrd ~s.ide nose t\8.;S belli r&.l1'lrD'iJ.@d.

This 'fmm€!r HLJngarlan Air Fll)'lCa MiG-'17F'F' casries no tactical nUf1i1IOOr. The mooi'"l""lte for Ihe :mack. radar o~ ~he FlP'-'l '&:an Can" radar has been ~rO)!'ed. In Hungarian Ailf Force service, ~ha MiG~17P.F reo.eiv€:d Ih~ nicJknaffl;e ;'Csu·sm (glider).

"Red 11," a bad ydamaged MiG·'17Fi'f (sin 0404). resls wi its \Ifi!lg~ re;moyed am the storage dump tit vecses. The raOOme 'for ths rada has been dallilEliged. The durnp has b8@n cleared In lfFte l1'Ie~nlime. Mos! or Ine MiG-159, allilll ,·17s. On exhibit al \feeses were eft er &C1apped or taken ID other $.i~.

TIl;;., MiG~17 protot~s and pr~pr(l!l::l'uclj)l}n air(.lfafl had a number m COiil,l}ClF'II;1nis adopted from ttle M~G·15. This SI-2 rRoo 671"), the ~oifld pro't.otyP~', has 1.tJe. oo:;e ·aJFiloI gUin blast panel 01 at MiG,15. In conb'a.!St tQ preproduction MiG-17s. It has M rudder trim tab. TIle MiG-15., all MIG.·17 praE,alypes, and prapr-oduclion F:resto~As la.cklBld the balaooe, wei:ght ttlat was molmted on lh€!, su naoe or tl1a

lower wing tip of producuon aircraft.

The wing of a prepwduooon MIG·17. The Mu3-15 had Qfl~r !two wing] feMes, vmil@: all MiG-17s had 'itu-ee. All !/efoons, 0' tile MiG-17 we-re aquippedl"wh an f'JdjlUstable tnil1'l tab on the port aile~on. The M·G~15 had m1ily ,grotlfldH:~dIu;s'~able trtrn tabs.

Due ito its thr(m€f Vilt'llg, ttU:I' preprod!JC~ion MIGr1J7 had a much SfIarper wing root leading edge airing than did 1ti€t M1G-1 5. Production MiG· ~ 7 Frescos had a slig:htly differe.nt inboard wll"lg 1€ac:fif1lg edge' panel from this, paFli.oCular pr,eprodudicfI MIG~ 17 ..

Tilie piepr(KiLrdibn MiGi~'17 had the same radio antenna oonfigwF,ation as ~tJat of earl~f MiGi-'l'ss. The antenna wire W::t:i; connected '!D iil€!' ih::'Fge starboard antenna, mast tor the IRS I"SK raelo, On 1t!Jte. MiG-leis and all iM1G·17 Fresno \'srs[Q!liSi Ih€!, anIBnna.'wir8. connelOted ~iillee-Uy to Ell smnall circular ma~!' on tl1B &-tarrboarc 'lu5edage"

Preproouction MiG·'17s adopled ~he btis!elJed cannon $~II ajecffion p;)'J1 deSign of :the, MiG·1t!,. On pIQdLOC:tloiil MiG-17 FlJesC'O..foiS, the, rlec~af1l"glJlar s:'1ot in 1iie 'foMl'ard [llister Wi;lS sligil111y 'Offset to' inboard i like 'inat in the ra~r bli$:te~.


Pr'~pFoouc~iofl' MiG-17:S as well as ~§rly WQ(dUC100)!1 1M i(l-'1' 7 Fr,esoo·Ag ruad a wid~ rear csno!}y 'frame carried O'Il€ir ifuol1i'l 1fh~ M~G-15 Fagol'. but lhe MiG.· 1 ~:I.s canopy was: i"OIJilllJ6!r '~han that ai' the MiG-~7, If! addition. all MiG.-15s laeksd tha haan~!gl wJ ree , embedded ill 1flD upper part of the glazing, lfl'H.iI!t lOOr:<1m€l $tal1!dar~ on all MiQ-17s.

A ,dlstlncti'ole difference betwgel"l '~I"I~ M~G-1 c!} ,~~ the MiG-17 was the shape '01 '~ha main 'Itmdin,g gear '!.vh.ool COV9r doors. The, ,91ft portiolfl of the door 'I'IlaS F~~angular on all F.agots, lbut the door af the FreMO 'i'ras somewflalt tria!llgUilar.

One ot the preprOOllction MiG-17's that were _i'ltin e.arly 195.'11 at State AJreraft: Factory 21 at Gor-. This partic!J.Jlm example has ~n (In €::ffi'ibiti. f-or many ttl.€: Soviel. Air F(roFOO Mllseum ,at MlJrriril(;i,

The starboard nose oOf a prepradudiu MiG-·1i. Prepmduc;io:n Freooos, Ilik~ their Mifi-15 predecessors, ~ac:ked a nose pilot ~I!!!be b€:low 'line radio. bay aeeess panel on 'lhe st8J~Fd side. The targe non-stanc aJrd riijCtal1gu~ar panel is pr,obabfy a ~18:paiT patch,

The pOOl :side 0' ,.he nose of a, preproduction MiG-'17'. The gun blast pane1 O'f mtie, MtG~17 was adopted trom ~ MiG-15._ Ttle MiG-:17 Fresco-A was equipped willfl a !;a,rg@(.gun blast panel on 'Ih!!l port .side. ~ MiG-11' also had a smaller tf'adto bay tllCC»-S pallet '~hal1 dld 'ltJe M1G~15-

Tine tail secmfll of a. preproduction MiG~17. Ths aU posf1l]on ligM oHhe MiG-11 ~£ iocorporated ~1l10 thE! V€'~1Ioa.1 t;ln's. trailing edge unlike '~he MiGJ-1Srs, which was at '~h~ tip eff 21 blJllet-,shapoo 'fairing, An ait1uard ·exmnsion of tl1m :lin's tip ;covered ~11e rudder iMlanoe weighlli, MiG-15s Ila:ckOO such an exter~S!OIl, Th16, is. ,9Jtlother r'eeognilion fea~!JIFe 01 'Ihe MiG~1 7.

The atr brake' of ttl!} preprod icton M]G-' 7 lacked t~le large laiIiIlg introouc.ed on the production IF'n;.!oSco-A. Th~ brake WaS also smaller ~n size than that ot prodllclion M.iG-17s. Tne aft eorners of Itle air \w'r~ squared off on preprodYo1ion MiG-17S, DtJt rounded on the IFresiXFA..

lh@ handcr,mtad rear fu~alage of a ~'pfoa!JlL:tion lMiG- ~ 7'. The panel joins are, diliferent iflom that of ~e pr'Qdoc1.iDn lMiGi-17 Freeco-A, and! most of Ih€l access hatches o'f 'the prod I.JCI!OFi airClBift rue missing. The EKSR·d:6 nar€' ·ispenser Is. also oonstandm"t 00 are iItle national marikings... During Ahi$ pe~tOd the red star lESually Mel a ",mite-lOOrder Ill'iHlI a 'Ihin red! Q"uta~ ed{Ie.

All vEm:iions of IJhe Fre-sco flld M adjustable' rudder lnrn tab, whule MiG·15s had onl~1 a groundhad,justabl'e rudd er tri rn tab. P reproductlon M iG-17$ Jacked {he. ventr,a~fi n inrtrod u red on !he prod u otlon models,

(Aoovaj "R~ 01," a ve~ ~afly MiG·'17 Fresco-A, is equipped with a. MiG-115-type CMlOPY. It also lacks ~fle SRO- i Bari},o.:.M! IFF tran~ponder, as Ind {;a~ad by'tihe absence of a dorsaJI tlla~ an erma on ltie 'hilselage. sp'ina_

(Belo~ Lata prod'lJo1ion MiC"" 117 Fresco-As Weire equipped lM'Ill1tJe Synma-,;Z adair homing aoo Vt.!S.mintgl s:ysterJi, an anle!ll'la 'rIM w~~lch !;\las mounted jlJSt balD'iN the ~n ~ight on too fin, They am hoo a [more natTOW rear canopy. frame, These late MiG-'Hs each have i'E!ar-vrew mlnrlO~$, on 'ltleir canopies.



,A ~Ineljp O'! MiG-'ll Fresoo'-As,. ThE!' reaJ'~ie.\i'.,I minor fairtngi en ~tle ealfloPY anilthe pi rot tube abrnJ.e the'm,c1ical n!Jmb~~ ~e s!andard lea~lJr~ (!If U'Je MiG.rH'. 'Thes-e FreslXkAs all ha'l.l'f!l 'it1i81 aamly eJ~~iQn $eeU ,a;oopt'ed from the MiG-1.5_ The' GaOOpy ' of all MiG~ ~ 7' verslons, W!3lS mOFe a~:u1ar 1:Ii1a.nlhlat of the MiG~'15 Fagot.

A lat,e produtliDri'iG,-17 Fresco-A wi~h an ejoolion seal ~H}m ,a Mil3-11F Fresco-C. This seat fea~llJr€ld a much Rangeli' he-aolrest The entire nose panel or the Fresco·A OOIU ~ be removed, but 11" e MiG-17F's. [lose panel was ,atlia.chad by two lhlng,es, The' nose panel 01 the MiG-1 7 was not as widQ as IlIla~ (Ii~ tile. MIG-15.

The nose o~ l'IJIiG-·~ 7 Fresco-A "Red 621 u ,sin 1 (,07), of the East Germa;n Ali" Force, The abSence of a dlarnond-shapad air in1;ak,a In Ihe iUp~f par1: of U,e, air irrta~e spli!rter is '~ of the F[<!~!soo~A and dis.l{1g,ui$-l~~ it from me· MiG-~5, ~hich had: such an in~e .. I'his is a s>taru:llard prOOuc~iQn MIG.··11 IFre:soo-.A willtl a short forwan:ll gUiIl blalSt panel, E~rly'1rI.II1G~1I7 Frn$CCJ-A$ had ,a taller gwn b]~~: pMeL PJI M.ii3~17 \!'·aria nts used 'In€! sarna type of nosa 'iJ,iheel as, eUe-iProdloAction MiGi-1 55..


The r'loae. or an ~~.y produD1ion Bulgarian roreli3' MiG· ~ 7 Fresco-·A on e«hlbit at !tlil;l' Air and Spa~ M'us€:um al KrulIiilOvO Air f.orce Sase near Plowiv ill ~veetem BtJIgQria. rwos~ Fresco-As lacked a re.llr=vlew. mirror.

l1h..e [rear portion. of iUne starboard fairing 'lOr the N-37 ·37 !TIm cannon OIl a [Fresoo-A. The Wlo aceess panels ~e 1he 'I:~il'ing a:re standard lor .he Fr,esco>-A._ The MiG~ 15, had a s1llgl!f, small aooess haich in the 'same ~allort-

The stallboard n~se of ,a Mi,G-'17 Fre~o-A wl~l) '~h@ large' fairing fOr Ihe N-37 esrmon. ThE! N-37 cannon of Ihis. fresC=O'-A wa~ rerno'\iI~d and the o;pening f'{llr 1Jhe O;;!!HElI mired over when tl)E! iiucraft. w-as. OO[1\'~~l'ad .:or reconnalssence dlJ.Jlies In the BUllgar,iarn Air F01re.

The :st!ilJitIooJrd shell €:j@ctioli'l port for U~e N-37 cannon of a 'tJUGi-17 Fr.e:~soo-A, Tt!@ circular access panl3l 'i'lfaS standard on 'L1e FI"eSOirA. Lam production lFagQ't As also had ·81 drOll oar aeeses hatch abo\te 'the snell @'j~c1iDn port.

IL 1_

T.he port nose o.f Bulgarian AJ Foroe M~G.-17 -Red 7~ 0; (8ulgarian ~nrve.ntmy nu rnber 61-7207) .. This " the 11Jst Bu Igarian Fresco··A 'MD' receive 1ile winged @agtoe; elillbfem, wttf(:h W<l'S lsslJe~ tlO bHW~ pilots 'INi11lI o'Utstaflding parformaooe. 'This FfeSCcO-A wa-s ·rlown b~f lubanir JOiaaFilDV lBIa'gOjev during his ass.ignment as commander of ~he 27. Izrebil:e!en A\.!\ia:zioFllan Polk (27th Fighter Aviettlor"l Regimelll) r;l"I 1Sa,ltctl1k on 'the Black Sea

The armament ofth@ M.iG·17 Frasco A was to. ~hat 01 U1e MI6;-'15bls, One d SlinctWedeffiure or lne MIG-17 W8.<S its larger ,gUll bilasl: panel on iltJe' port side. It exlende.d higl1er LIp 1lI18 ncse Inan that of too MiG· Hi and 'BxI-ended rrearward almnost 'to 'the aft end of tie 'UlJ.'pei N '-23 cannon I~j ing. The' M G-15'9. blla:Sl paflel extended aft olllly as far as the upper N Fb23 cannon tairing .. ·8t!andard produeton FF€:scq..As had a sIlghlly s'h~~ lbta5t panel 'blW"J thls pai1Ic.tilar 8lIl'ga.rli!.l'lJ Alr Foroe MK!t·:17.

This access p.anel was II:x:alt'i!d on 'In€: ~~. ju;s!' below '!fle lNings. of all MIG-17s. F!O\ U ifi not a ,dlstlF:1g~L$hli'!9 TWltu e ollhe MiG-H, .a.:li 'Ihe MiG-15I'1a'll a .::;"milru panel in the same locaoon. Th€· panel was Iocmed 00 both sides of Ih€i fusE!llag€l Qf both MiG~17 FreS(io~A and MIG··H) F'

The MtG-17 FrE!s.Co-A.'s. port armament (:ons'iSlt.8d' ot Iwo NRa23 23 mm cannons, Eaoh weapon ~ed 39 ~ii'af!1S (8a Ib). Amiflunillon SU~ .~ ,eighty rolJr'ds pel' cannon The C'al'ilrDlJ ffiirings, and Iileir prlISitions, in the nose 'd!'€:r,fil adapl:fld worn 1t1e MiG<~15bis, Fagot~l3.

A urnque BUligatian Air F'oift.e modW'~at_Eoi110 'their F'r-esoo·A_s was .8! camera housing placed beneath, Ihe 1'!,j),SE! between the port and s.t:3l~d gun f,8iirir"lgs.

The sl~ell eJ~~iofi port for 1h-e NaSi cannon 1he N-37 he,d ~ raw- 0' fire' of 400. lFOI!,maS pellr minute. The am mUinilion supply ~"as 'torty I'Olmds..

The - sterad slle ejedkm port aFlld ;!ii, poniorn of '~he OOl.'er O~ 1.tJe ~~~rboard N--37 catlnQlfl of a Bulg~riaf1 [MiG-, 1 7., The reC'l::angulet I'alring beneatlM ~I"!e IlOGe is 11'rI~ F!!lconrnaissanc€ ,camera hous.lng.

The came~ oonLUijrner et a BulgflJia_f't Air F'OfC@ l',.rG~11 Fr,esC(FA, v.iewed Irom port The rectaflgular ~llifl!} is ,:31 stlell ejeG1iOn port

The MD '[IpEflillgs in 'Ihe air intak.e :splittei' ,a:H~ ~ for' a 1Dw rope ,a:nd are a ho.'loo'lJer nom 'the MiG-1 5. TtlIay !Ner:9 Gomatlt'J'leS {lo'o'ered. In .Qontr'EiS~ 'to the earty versions of tile, MiGr1.5bis, the Freooo·,A n!W€lr had a I~nairug light ~n th€ air intake :splitter.

The small parle'l irn iItle. cetl~e.r of the 'gLm blas~ pan€ll had to W IFernoved beilQF9 ~he MiG-17 Frewo-A eou Id 00 ja.{:l<ed up. The 'li:ltloe-I was (ltt'aJi'led wilh MOo 5C1"e'WS. This 'was another design teature adoptee from Ole MiG-15_

The nose ,or a MIG-1'7 Fnasr;o·A wrth '~he nose ""Ilecl doors ful~ iijxte'J~ded. The small oval [pmlell betw,een iIfle air intake and nose 'hIh"ool wi is a. re:rnQll.lahW DOVer Oi}r'ioealing a jack paiJI ,at ~tJe bOl'OO\l!l1 of ruS€l\ag€ fra1fTlei n'Umoof 1 .

The nose wheel stn.J1 01 a MIGL 17 Fr9SDO--A.. Tile IlDS€! whlEeis 01 the '18113 prooL.lltliOO MiG.-1 5bls and too MiG-; 7 were id'elllth:al. Both the Fte-sto-A ru~d Fresco-C used ~1'b9 s:s!me type of nose wlleeL A blade ,afltenna for the SRO~1 Bariy-M IFF sygi~m is visibfe just above the wlleSI.

The nose wheel of a [~rG~17 Fre~o~, lither!! ~verl8 MO diff'8:rell1~ tY!pes. of rims used: !hose with spokes' as shown Mr€!. as, 1t'lJ"ell ss solid me~81 rums, BottI ty.J)e'S wera ~sed 00 11118 MjQ·17 rl'€:SCO A a·s, we I as tile. MIG·17F FrasCQ-C.

Tile· nO5.€' ge-ar ilJf a M~G-1'7 Fresoo-A The :small light an ·the ,slnrt is, 'White., A nUI'iJi~er O'f MiG.-17S used a 'green ~igll1l 01'1 Itle nase gear insteaCil cd a while light. The ligh , inform~d !It'atclling gluLI!ndi CF~V that ti'll€l nose 'geaJi was oovm,

On a 'f0W IMjQ-1'" Fresco·As, (fie Ba.r{v-M [blade antenne was reJJooat'ed from the fuselage spil1ie' to tile pon s-l~a o~ 'the nose, jrst belli n.d tile !tO~a wheel wgll_ 'This is not a distinC1ltve' feaiture 0" the Fresoo-A. as a number. o~ M-Gi-1.5s were aliso rrllXlilled In ~hi:-s rnannsr,

The starboard nose wIlleel dooll" of a A. fe,at\Jra of ~tle F,FaSiOO·A was the appli(:atlon of rQY r~ a!~ S'blr~n~l$, to ~he ~ of '~Jt.e doors, Early MiG-17F:s also had Ihese ~ifleners, bui, they were deleted 'irom 1I1e nose 'I;\fh€€1 doors of most oUh€: IFreoco-C :se~s-

The pan nose wfil€€1 door 01: a MiGr17 Fresco-A Aipaf1: from the ~ ,Smfefili3'FS, l1tie nose \MI~! doors ware nearly iden~lctlJl to those ~f the MiG-15 , aget.

N!Jnop.~Fa'tiOl1a' MiGH7 Fres.c.o-A'S or Ihe l3ulga1ian ,Air FDFCIB' sful'€d atlTiOr1g some. Mi.G-·l5UTI 'l1':alr~:rG~

. -

At the time ol1.llei~ del~, tile F1Ji€8DJ-As werre ~ini9fJed in M'I1JraJl metal, Tile limt B\JrgaJiaTI FresiXI~A-s

mlivro in '1' 955 and equipped 'too 1 S. IIZ1rebllalsn ,A.vLaziOf\lBfl PeRk (19th F[Q~ er Aviation, ReglliT!emt~ at Gra' l:gfiaJievo. ..

The port rear shelll I@j€lction pCJlflj ttiislef wi1tl the ,ejection chula below the lairing.

TI"I9. pqrllo'we-r nose of a M1G-17 F~'5~o-A~ TIl~ re{;~a.ngLIIlai sial; of the blistered 's.hell e,~!loi},l1i port is oH5e.t t-o 1tIe inside. The circ!!Jfar access hatoo in the '~PJemglJlru" paif'lells not a d1sli.n.c~iv€! 'f€!ature of !:Il1E MiG~17 Fresco-A; es a number O'f MIG~ 1 Sobis werEI ~lrofiH€.d w~th this access ha~ldh,

ThIEl CLrDU lar access Mtch on lfIe lower !FIose was inirOOl..fC€ld on all MiG-1'7 IFrescO-AS, The srta~~ock mechanism Itt~t se.cUIi',8Ij the tl8!tcl'l was a feerture Mop'lOO Iby SovlaJ d~g;ignerg .. rom a ~ser8l:hmitil Bf '109E-s deolhrered to 'the SO\lie~: Union in 1940_


l5ulganian Ak For,ce MiG-17 tFresco-A "Red :2;5," The pibJl tube just above the tadr:callflumber is. an fdenti!icatlO!f! f~]lJre for 1lhe MIG~~7'" as, ,a..1i MiG·15s I£tcked tI'~is i.~m. Ths Mie,.15, ,aJl:ro 1~_ck13d a wi ndlshield ,deicing :system, Ule tubeS ~br wnith me wsi'ble an the windshield! O'f '~he IMlG-117.

lrJIo~: M iG, 17IFre~As, Ilacked a ~ear-vie'w min:tlf, I:f~ver, 1t1€: last production baik_hes we~ equippoo wllh m'irror:s, makJng ttleilfl irldiS1ingl.ilistlabl~ 'from MIG-17f FrewO-Cil. The murow rear fr,~rfI.'e 01 ,the tarJopy clem"iy identifies thls piarE as 8J MiG-17 'FFeSGO--A, Thi~ MiG-15 had ~ wiOOr c:anop~r lrame ,i:I!OO a lalier canopy than tl\at 01 tile MtG,,1 t. N:o ~ra1ional MIG-1,s had' a rear-~ trMr:or_

A ,s[fl,ogle pltot tuoo was located on lhe starboard nese of a;lIlMiG-17 Fjfeoco~As as well as a. number !l)f e!aJrty MiG~17F f"ffiSiCO..{)s.

A small 'I,l'JOl:Xj:er, antenna mast 'lor Ihe radio ameJlna 'was arff[~ed to 'Ihe starboard $ioo 01' most MiG-l 7 Ft'eilOO>-As ,til~(ii eaJtty MiG· ~ 7F FreecQ-~, j!!.lst below tl'b'S) co~plt 'fllei ma.jority of Ihe FreSlCo-G$ had no such mast iSlnd no 'Wire' antenna.



The slmboardl main wlieelJ ",sell o~' a M'iG-17 Fresco-A F'ol!W',ard 'of ftLe wlfleel 'Well is ln6! T-!:Jhaped aNer!ff'l9 foli'1Jh;e. RV-2 Knstai ( radS!~ ,altimeler, A second! radar ~itirli1lstw ;;ilillenna w,!1i$ loca.'t@d on too lower 3lJ1il1:aDe afJ 'Ihe' port 'Wing 'lip.

The pori: main !fi.Ih~el 0I:0vet' dOOr ol a Fresco--A., On oom.e Fregco-J\s; "fa.bric covered '!he three droularr depffl'Ssloos, The Irape~' sp~ in tl~ roFiUarO POOO!l Qf tile ~ is; ,also, an idiJrt1ioc~ion f€abl.m~ ai' 'Ih€ MiG, 17.

The port main wheel \Ye I. The 1riangiJlaE w,l'eel o;)\!ier door is MlJ laentl~lcaJ~ion ',eaJbUJ9 ollhe MiG-1i\ as, 1fle' M'iG·15 iliad wh~@1 oov~r Nlat W€f€ mere rnctarifl ular in shape.

'The MiG-17 1F'l8000-A &lad ,8J 53rngle L.FSV-45 laJ'ldillg lig lift , mounted in 'front of ttJe port mall wheel w~lI. The position o~: '!tie I~ndi~ Ifg'ht 'IN,as a holdover from ~h.e 1j§J1:€:st verslon oJ 1tlil~: MiGi' ~ ;Sbj~~

A buttoI1-Slh:ap~d antenna fur '~he SYI'if'n8-2 radar homing and waifning sy.slem was rocal~d just in ~ron~ of the main 'if/Ileal well of 1tJe MiG- 17 IFmsco·A.

The actuator 'for :1116 MiG·17's e aileron trim tab was cove ad by a s'lream[lned 'fairing on the port: a.~leron. There v &9 o tnm tab on '!he sta board ail8mn.

Un ike Ih@l MiG·15. the MiG,.17 Flresoo-A had a pitcl.IJJbe on eac.tJ wiflQ lip, The MiG"15 had a Slirgle pitot tlJbe on tiFJe sta~ Wing.

Theo IRV~2 Kij$l~f raesr alltmet@r antenna 00 ~ti1e· Ib\vel 9tJr1are. o.f ~lhe port \.o,Iiing 'tIp,. The. RV~2 :;rund It'S T~sha:ped anrenllaJswere 'iYidely used by a nlUYlDe o~ conl:emP-'O'fi;illiY Sovi€I' ai enlSt and neltcopfers. Includingl 'the MiG-i' 5 rand th~ !Mil Mir4 UHaok_ n Ttle triangular gussets at 'the OOtilWFS or 1Jhe vertical 8111d horizontal members were' seen 'Only en line antel1nas, 01 tha Fresco-A and Freseo-C, never on 'the afllsnna,s of itIli& Fr@sco·1] or iII1e Min~15"

Durli1g Inerr {\pena_~Fial :~eli\'r(le, Fr,e:loo-M 'INEl e rehlj~H:ed' wilh button antennas for the Syr~2 radar hOlllifl:g and waming Sy5t~rmi an tihB re:ru- wing tip and '~he wiIlg leadff)g edges. Th a F'II'e~oo-A (sir! 17'07) pt'e'l.!lelllsly Hew as ''''Red 621" with 'the IEasl Gef1ii:.8.n Arr Force.

A Syren~2 bullOr! antsfiItTJ91. 1l'hSSB were mounted on baUiI wins leading edges ,3!OO an ,addifional anterma was, mounted on Ule'lra:iling edge o.f: the V~l1ical fin I,If'11{ier '~I'r!e ,p.o5i1 . Ilgnt The~ aU'!~,enna$ were a retfom to all MIG-'17 IFres-co-As, and were never in11Odu:oed on ' pt"OOLIC lon line.

All v€l~;sioos 'Q.'~ thll~ MiG·17 Iha{l an ,!ll!lil··n.lllter we'ighl, uF'!de~ eacl'! wing tip. lheoiii9 ~ere ner ... er t.oi:Wrled b1j ltJe MIG~ 15. and dearty' dislinglJ~s.h the Fiesta from ltJe Fagot

The Syre.mi'-2 bulito.rn antenna on the rear of the port \ving 'tip, The SyrM8-2 :syt!hi!fr1 was a ficla Iroodlf~alion 10 the Fresco-'A; but became a smanda.rd procuetlon 'r'€iaJlJ[€. of til€. Fr@sco..c.

Mally Fr~oo-A$, such as tnls tormer Eas.t i(~€:l'in!ml1l Air Forc€! aircraft, 'lHe'J'€: equlppec WLthi 4OGI-lih~r Aft poI1iooJ and stabilizing til'll 01' a IPTB~OO drop tank mounted on a MiG-l7' Fresoo-A,

P11B-400 drop tanke. The P7BAOO drop ~~flk was alSo. wlde,y u®ed 01'11 ~he Ml~-15., llIe three' wing

f6J1C~s, as wl¥lrI as 1hJE: bf'Oad main whlEilEll cover door. identify. this aircrallt as ,1iII Fresco,

TIle l'oIV-!ar,d suspension point of '~lge PTB-400 WEllS the urnderwin:g mou Ilting ILIg for the D~50

A sway brace was used on each side of the ~rop tiiilf'hk lO s~abfli~ it ~rlI flight, bomb- rack.

(Left) The shilmard main landing g:eitr of a FreS{:o·.,A., A dj'Gtineniv~, 'faaIUIi"~ tor ~€1 Fl'9sco-A is, th€! ~I panel tlilS~ j~ fron. {i'~ 1t!e marl'll wheel '!\Iell. 1M iG-155; had a cir'tIJ.J~r panel ill 'Ihis :aJrea. Q~r"$et to. fhe len ai: '!h€' slarbamd main vihij;i;e1 well, TIl€: MiG~'115 and Ihe MiG· ; r FreS1;:o-A had a. singl\e br&:!€ llinG" mjle ~!Jlet ,aln~ P~Is'h-blJm Fre~a·O~ had '!;lNQ br,ake ~nes ,9Itte:cined to the main wheel M~,ut,

(Above) Tha starl)oard main I@ndij~ gear door (if a F!leSo;;)-A had €I ~all bli$l~r, vmlcti provmld clearnnce fur ~he C1ulboruiIJ end 01' '~he 'wh~el axh~' wnefl ifle' gear ''A'aS; nHraded, on its lower poi1l.iOn, An Fa'QffiS, had 'iltnsh main ggar doors. ~n~_Jd ana ootl:JooJrd \Wlmlilims W€re !lfifferent. The "spokes'' were oo~ on 1i1'f,>e ou!elf nm.

(Aool.o'li!) The starboard upper main 1lB.r\tdlng gear door of a Fresco-A. Tills OOoF ~s id~n~icolll !lllli too Fr~sCio~A afldl 'the Fresco--C.,

(Ri£Pl~' The Insld~, o~ ~he maln landing 9i¥1!lir door ofi 1t1€1' MiGr-l7' had several stiffeners. TMe same main door dEsjgn was used 00 both th-e Fresoo-A and tI" e Fresco-C- OompaJf'aol tQ Iha'ti of 1Iti€l MiG~ 5, ~li'Ie MI~" {'S iI1ain door \1l;!;lS \'IiI:I§r_ Tile single brak·e line identi1ies this aircraft as a F'reseo-A.

(BelOW) The inner matn wh!B€l1 rim O'f a Fresco-A.. Th€ same 't!Ipe 01 main wheel was also !Jsed on ~t1e M iG-15 and 'Ene MiGi-17F F'lresco-e.

The ventral fin of a, MiG-17 fresoo-A. 'The ventral li:n was a 'l'g:atuf"{I' .ol,~11 MiG~17' Pfoou'(;tiQn ~_liiiant$-., A.ll MiG~1:5s a.nd pFI!3:;p:rod~fQijl MIG-17~ lacked a varl!ral 'rin, na~rl!J ins.:\ead a small tBil bumper.

The leac:Hrng edge· of the MtG-17's V1Enb"al fin was lrninfaroed wi.lh a ooublelf'.

A vier", .. [rom below ~MMng 'Ihe ~I bumper on Ole aft end ~f the O'r e. MiG-'U Fr,esoo-A_ At top 'ihe :fairing i:l'Hached to 1ne: part air brake is visibl~.

lit tai~ bumper. ll1)Ounted on the rear porlio:n of iItlQ varn ),al fin of tlle MiG 17. The MiG-15 had a simpre $mall bUI!ll)ar' a"laChad dlre01fy. to tile skin of the rear fuselag'e;

The· ~Ir br-tikes o.~ sn ,ear\ly produC'tiOfi'i Mll~I, .. 17 rrasco·A ,O'~ Itli9 8ul'ga:M\an ALf FQrc~_ TIl€! faIrings en tile air brakes "Were the same size 001 the m§jorfty 01 Fre:soo-A,s.

All M]G·1 ;s Inad an ,access door for at! e:demal el~~riiC'aI ~! >connection In O'le same spat Oil the pori re1!lr fuse.lage. The e::o:1ellTlaiI power co.nnection on 'lll MiG-,15. vali.alllts was blmind the trailingl er4Je 0 ' ltJe port \vfl1g and higher on 'l11e fuselage.

The open dooli' for '!he' e;;del'ill8Jl eleCtrical power co, MdJOJii. All Flresco-As 9Jl1d frescQ.oCs 11.a~dl a :28.5 voll: m8!in electricall sy,sJ:em 'IIJih a GS:R.~3000 g@nerato as 'In€! rll::il!in power source. 'Thi~ t~ 01 gen~ralQi' ~as adop1oo h'om dle MiG-15,


'1,00 uFh{!~rsid~ cd: a Mi!l3,,17 Fr~$OOmA 'ruselag~- 'The sqlJa~ p-aJ!'le1 {;'W-.&FS an MR P-4iSP' KlmZ.t.ltllam,$l' marker rea.oOrii receiver, and '~he circl!JI\B.:r panel covers an AlRK-.5 Amur radio compass. Both de-vices also 'l!:ql.!lipp8d the MiG-iS. FOflNaFd is ito ~he' left in '(his photo.

This panel in 'mm of the ventral filii o.f a MiG-~7 Fa-esco-A houses the MRIP-41S'P Knrizantmn~ marker beacon F~eif!.ler.

The exlreme lower aft enid (;if Ell MiG-17 -resco-A 'k\l5:elage wilfl iIIle nozzle of the VK-,1 nonaH:emuming jet engine vi;sible' to leti'1L B€t.rot-,@~n -he n:Q,2zl€l and! the all end! of tile lJ'o;I'ntraJ ftn are tt,il/Q &inall access panels.

Tt)e rear fuselage o.f ~ FraSiiJo-A, DlstmcUv.e laa~l.!res o~ ~}1e Fres.oo-A !P'le small airbrakes and Ihe locaurn af the EKS 14-46 sigl!l~1 .. Ia.e dispenser 01"1 tile starboard rsar li.Jselage, viseblg: jugj: in kant or tll~ B-\! naHof!al markjng, Dnlhe Fra~oo.·C. U1e EK;SR-46 'rlare dispenser ",9r;locertoo below lhe base m too slarbeard hmizoo~a.1 stSibilizer.

he :s~art)o8Jrd air make of a. FresCfrA. The pDsition 01 the square access. hatch is unique to ~1lil3' Mi,G-17 Fresco--A.. 'OJ! the Fresoo---C, this haloh wa$ relooa~ lorwam 'to. a pOSItion just ffi)ov.oe Itle leadmg edge- 01 the \IIerirtrm 'lin.

Ea'Ch air brakiBl ,of 11il@ IFr~sC&A nl€!aswred 0..64 squar€l m~~@FS ~B.9 SCI ft) ii!l arsa. Ths sll.;ipl¥! of thi8 air' brakes of ~1e Fre:soo-A was dlfferel'lt (r'{!r.Il1 1.tia~ or prepnxlLiC'bIDn MiG-17S, Air' 'Drakes of production MiG·17~, unllk€ ffil€ prototypes and preproduction aircraft, l'!Iad aI larg!!i e::d,t3mal 'failirlfillhat pF:G\i'ided space '[m the &::tu>a'l.irtg mechanism, The Ff9SCO-A's alii' ~lI'ake9 wele. (;lund 11.0 be ftiadequale and wer'e e:nlarg ~jj in [a'~r miXl'm.

Port air b~ of a Fresco·A. The a,ooess panel' . ~ont of the ,air braMe was &quare on Ihe Fr,esoo-A, but circular Of! ~ltJ€l Mi&15bis Fagot-a..

(Lefl) ""Red 443. an eaFI~1 ROi'J'flMlian Air Feroe MiG,-11F. TIh.e Flresc.o-C has, a€ anl~rma on Ihe '.lpper fuselage 'for the SR0-1 &ny.M ~FF lransporder and SJ small pitot rube ,jus.t below 100 ness pan@1 tor fha ~iOI requiPflYlEInt Ttle-se 1:'11'9 items., '\I'i'£!r:e deleted from moot MiG-'17Fs, In Ihe baokgFOul')lj ~s a MiGr1 :5UTI1fa!!leT.

,(B9~OW) Thasa Po'liesh Air IFofca Li WI~5s. ~epresent the late equipment sta.'J"Idard of the Fre&co-C, All Lim-5s, in 'this rif1leup ladk tl\e dorsal tran~rtder blade antenna. as well as '~he sma:Il prtot lube be!low the upper nose access panel. Instead, an SR[Ji~ 1 radar rangefllrlder .iffiil:e1'1'ilai has been IfI&ttiill~ on too nose access panel. Button anten nas tor tJl,e S_I;IIrena-2 S}.rstem are fI1Qumed oo~he. leadl.n.g ,eiJIges of the wing,

"Red 810," a POfJ6h-bu'ilt Mi'G- ~ 7f (sin 1 'C-08-1:2) 011 the EaM Getmnan Air Force, still cariieg ."3J do:rsa.I ilfarle antennator ttle S,RO·1 Bi!iifl.!f'M IFF transpcnder bLJ1; lacks a, pi!'Ci~ tLllOO en ~e' mrboar.JI side of ~he' nose. An S I1D-1 radar rangefint:I\Bl atItenna has been mounted aIop '~he nose access paJflel.

USAlF' MiG-17F' "W'tJit'e 0558 {sf.n 1 G-n7'-18) ,ett is room !Lake, ~8'ofada. This was a P:01iOO-'rilsJl"ufacWrerll Freseo-C, which prevtoosJy had seen savibe in Eacst Germany as "Black 707' oofore it' was, traFilSt~l1i"ed 1:0 ~he SYlfiaJi'i Air Foroe as., "9Ia"ct 1401." II, relllnr~ Israe~ rnEaie aJ: E!e:Lset amield 00 12 A!.lgust '11'96:8. Qpet-,ational tes~s of the MiG-17 LII~ lhe cOO.e narn~ FI;;J,ve Dri[l were, p;!rfQf!1'lOO dun'ng nh~ fliF$t half or '1969. A U.S.-{rtlant!f'a.Dlt!~ed oOommUlnlc.ru1LocJ antenna has been rnou nted under the mDSe. The ~I snipe on the rear fuselage ,8:l1d tiie red rudder ,!!J{jfi@l of l;sraeli QrigfI1,


- - - --- - - - - - --

"R®d 34Ei,'" an EaS!1; G;afman MiG·1 iF (sfn 1 C~1J7 r2'3') cernes the iliarly st~ 0,1 n~EiO\ll~] markings th;;f~' 'Wete ~pplioo u Mil a~l~mlfi 'l9!59. The Fr,esoo-G is s~IIJ equipped wiWl Ihe ,6ior';sal Na'tle arf~enna for an SR,O~1 Bari1l"M IlFf transponder, but lacks the button antennas for illS" S~ft.;J-.:2 radar homi~ 'ail'iJdI w091nlflg sys.1Bm. This.. palitlct!~~r MiGi-1 7 Is OOW 001 e~hibit al '~h;e Gierm"atl Air !Fome Mu:selJ.JlIin a~ IBer1in-'Giatbw_

UlIlde:1 rn8WrMn.agell!iientJ The 'tkill'VI€lr Syrian Air' Foroo M]G~1?'F uSla.OK 10'33," >ea;;,tt!i'.ed try the Israelis ;;IJ: Bets'at I:.aMj!1lg :s~tiJp lin West'eiIFl ,GaI:ilee, or; 1:2 ALJg!JSct 1 '968, ftIies as "'Wh:ite 002" ln o.S_ rnarklrngs. Evruuatiorn of! this MiG~1iF by the USA1F, kilQ'I,!!n as Project Hlaiva IFanry, tOOk placs OOn.Wil311 Jmu:ary and JIUIl;a.1969 a~ Groom ~ei INev,aaa; 'i,!,i\hJcIi is part of '!I'le 1;'";351 Nellis test ~,8Jnge .. The w~~il:e-iled-wtrite :Miipes on 'U1e Fe@f tl)Joolage an@] 'tna r,ad ~lJ,ddar \!reFe ~¥p!!EM by ~l1.e- ~$iI,@ells,

The nQs.e 'o~' "IRed! '150,'" a Polimi"bLiili Um·o t'hg;i: pF€\OOusly II€w with too 2'7. Iztl"€lDil€h~n Aviazilll'\e'fl Polk ~2,7Ih F"1Q'ht~rr }\\'iallon Regiment) based a~ Ballct(k on the [Black Sea U is flOW I~ Iha Ai~ ami Sp~c:e Mu~um al Kru Il1O'iJQ Air Base ll8'ar Plovd~v., BLI!lgaria. Typical ~' early prtJ.dlllijjjOfl Rresco-Cs is ,the small pitot t!100 s6g'h1ly ootmv the upper ~ access paJlieI. me, maJonly 01' MJG- ~ 71FS d"Jd na~ haw '~his item.

lh~ start:oc;.anj si'CI:e 01: tIh€- !nOsa randing gear of a MiGl-'17f.

Po-rt side' of a M[G-17's nose gea.~, Im.ffl\ed"la!a~y aft of Ih€, port '!.vilElel 'Weill darn- i~ Ule l!Ian6! a.n1.'E!'iiti~ Or ~tJe' SRO-1 !1anY·M I FIr: $:YS1.'effl,

The circ!J,JI'aJ' ac<:€lSS [hatch in 'iIl€ sl:a~f{j side All Sovi:et~ and Fiolisltl-built MiG-17fs, hat! a

of tlile aj~ i1ltake '9plftter is 91, ~tancJaJi'd ~eatl[.lfe of :all small square access hatdl Olf! Une' von s'ide 01:

F~~-C~. It was IIlnt present an ttlE' FreSDD~A. tile OOS€.

C!''''' ......... iIi·~'.F'!:.'l '7F"" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e;.n :;;....,""..:1 .. ',h "",..1'...1 f'-a: whe~1'" '':i~Ih''IIIn6, m""'~ MIG~17iF;:, 6,,,,,,1 "l"if'Ikad nose

~""II'n:;; WllouJ .. ,u,~rv ""'"'I,ulwvl,,! w~'" ~JIIO! J~,"" .. "".'"'" O£iIJ.U . ..,,~II .Y~.'._. ". W I~ '"'v'" _""". __ .

vml5!t8ls. T1h,ij- top €l(fg13' ,of tIl~ ~ JK!rti!mn o~ tile port gun blaSt panel is; norizDlltaL an KIen!iMtlg leffiiure or the MiG-11F. On Ihe lFre~A lhe iLOp edge Qf the rear portion 04' 1J1e 'port gUll'll bI~st pa,n-el ,curvl;:d aKlUOO iIltilEl' '~a:irillg Q~ the upper 2~, rnrn 'car1oon.

Tihe la.ilili9 lor the s.tarlJoard N-37 carmen of a Bulgar,i~n Air Force MirJ·'I'i"IF. Thtll srnall access ha'~cIl, above the ~'alrlng Is very unueual '['Or MIG-'17Fs and wac9 c~rni~ .only bY' a 'few Fresco-Os.

Tne starbo-ard $ide ejection port foc 'the N·37 eat'!t"1on o~ til MIG,.. 17F. lite Lipper pM of too blister Vi,as more pronouncen when compared wi1f1 that .of 'Ihe Fresco-A OF ~he Mi6~15,.

The 'tvM b3lswred 6.-hell ,ejection ports on ~Iw ~ort l$lda of '~he nose of a ~land81~ prOOlJ~ll~fl M~~-17F' Fresc:C-C., The reetanpuler opening ln 'Ib€ middle 01 '.he forwaJrd blister is for ej~ctiolll ai' too c!J!FilJidg€ links and is a h!atUF@' typical of the ma)orlity 01 F're-·soo>Cs. itIe ~i(9soo-A had only ,a s ngle port

A small OjFo!Jla~ opening jiJIM above. Hie pari, rear shell e.joc~ioo J)ll11 had a triangular I'airing. lh€ iaiil'iliQ wa.s a. Ull'iliqu€. feature of the. MiG·17F'_

W\ithl 'Ih€' introd uction of the SIRD-1 RamI radar faJng:efind€1J an~elina. '11n€' 1IJ[p;per nose aceess paJllel or ~l~ Fresm-C OOL! led 110 lortger bel cornp!etely r€,['f1(1y"Sd as en '~ha MIG-iS £t~ldl Fres;.co-A,, it was afu:tche!j with 'MO hin9~ 'ID 'llTl€!' front a! '~he bay tor the FH300 r,a;dio equipment and ootiteries. The stlUeners or! 'tl)e Inside of 'the pa.F!el were d!lil'er~m 'l'r~m '~hooo of '~he t;,;fG-1 5-

The' small 5tjlJru-e door mOllJn~ed on the pom ai:cl:e o~ "the, nose is .fjJ typical f.e.a1tif'te lor '!he ,Poli$~- snd S(f~r~bu1lt MlG~17F. AlIlFr,esco-As lac~d"~l"Ii£ door. Chil'll8S@·man!l.lfl'achJlr€d Sh€~ng J-!5s and, ha'd a ,sitn~:3!r door on 00111 sides, o~ the ocee.

The rru.Jul'e. o.f U1e N"-37 cannon, LaM production MIG~·17f6. had an t4<!7I) cannon. ExtemaJly fl1a~e was no dif1'~r.em:::€j betWEen the tVR) versions.

"SI·ack 1 ~~ n a SyMan Air F"Of"Cla flAiG·17F, naoks the port I'lllJI£Ie access nffich that b€!c:am~ S;al"iKiaJd on all Frescc-Cs. Iii 1968, tile Israeli gCvefl1ffiej1'J~ sI'Iipped Ihls MiG.·:17F to 1tl;a. Unlled S~aws, \!it!ere it [became- 'White 00.:2" in USAF S€rrv.iC€ uni;Je1 fmject Have Felfy.

With .he· herp of a b!Ji~t-in viiinch, .he· cannon platform 01 a M IG-·1 '1 F could 100 kf'llered b inspsc-lion, mainte.lll~nce, and rearmin g. lhiis !SYS~€lm 211 D"w€!d ve:ry e.8iS.y access to 1he cannons and the 9Jmmulflition bo~"'e'S.

The 100000fi;!d MiG~ 17F g.., n platfonn wtlh Its· two NIFH23 cannons and ens N .. 37 cannon. Tihe amlllll.mition boxes ar·a above the cannons,

The port ,!:odpt console of a Chinese-tu..iIiU: JH5 (s:.Jn :27CiS,), FE:gistered in ~ne Uni1gd 8tailMi as N1 've. The laver Wilh 11''1-9 yellow Ifandtoa, is 'the ~ronle: '~'le btack b!JLton ir'l i.$., ceflter is a push-eo-I_alk radb $Witdh, Tfue gIean-oo.ndled level[ is '~he ailefOl1I trim control, Below it are th€, ~l~p ~OO air brakfj, OOCl~rcrf3..

Throttle ~uadn3it1ft of i'iJ'1 vc. This F~e@oo·C belongs to ltJe C'Ormmemof,i:rtive Air Force at Midlalf'ild, T,a:o:as,

Forward pOrhOf'l of lbh e starboard cockpit console of 1N1 VC.,

Port side' cd N ~ VC's cockpit, IriIstrument:s include a KUS-12f1O 21insp~~ ind~aroT, a, V'AR·7!;i ra!e·, of-clirrib indrcero:Ji, and an AG 1-1 artiOCiaJ horizon.

The starboard coa1-::pi~: console with :8: poFiliofl of ~he IFll$lfIlJirlen~ Pafi~~ o. N 1 vc.

The' control stiok of a ,J-5, Cockpit instr1Ume.ntation indluded ,S! V[)-,17 aitimeier, a KES..s:57 fuel indicator, ~Ill sup·.., po~j'tion indic~tor, and a OGMI<:-3 compa.s6, li1dlcal0r, The MiG-'17F wss, a150 equipped 'With a TE-1 5 Macnmet,euJ.rld an EM-100 manornelsr.

The SRD .. 1 M radar rmltg:e1ind!3.F ;BJfl~eFlloo.. Most Mi(3·17Fs "!Irer€! equipped '!..!Jl]h I.his de'i.OC:e, The S A[)-'1 ,w1d SIRD-11 M ~fe never installed on the MiG-15, and! seldom [ail tl'le: Mi& 17.

The aft portion of the ,cockpil caoop~ of a Shenyat1g J-5. He9lting vyires 'for deLi~lng werle embedded in tl~@ glaS'S_ Too MiG·H:; lacked an <Bleooical oCaIlOpy deil:!ing s,ystem_

,All had i!iI. rear-view rneror on tO'p O'~ .he canopy. On 1tJe wiMshle. I,I\.jere dls.per~al tu De$ for tha liquid d9h::ing sys~am, a system 16!li:king from tlle MiG~1 :!i TIl€! presence of Ihe tubes clear1y idenlifies ~hi5 as it!. MiGi-17.

Ths rear canopy irnm8 and starboard antsrma mast of EMt G~rml1'ln MiG·17F --u=ted 5Q2" (sin 1 C-09-02)_ 'The rear canopy framing of It,e MiG-1"lF was much rmr·e narr'C!W ~hanl tf'Jat of the MiG- ~,5,

Ron :side of nile cockptt ol'.a 'l'o.l'IfII'1@f MQFOCC·~:rli Air FoFC€l WIi!:],.11F- (sin 14{liEO'116~. A nOIil~aFilda.Jd feature of '~hiS, parllb..Jlru- aircraft is ~e :sr:aoon~ S'IMIOh box f1'lJrrnjn~ed 00: n~ I\i:!f~ canopy ~rama, This., 00":( oort1almsd 'ltle' nring swtt(:hQS ~ur lJF'1!)L(- ~ r-ock$f~S., ThiS, Fr~soo·C was IT.owllI to '~h€: United Smres. ln Decemnber 1'003 in a C-13Ot !o became .of ltJe' ooliection or 1.f!e ChaJ!lp1ln fighter M\Jsaum and is flOW a~ 'tile Museum ol Fllght, Sea~fe, Wa.shinglolil.

The headrest 01' a MiGrflFs e,j€c1Jion 8€at Compared wiHl that orme MiG-15 artd the MIG-17 Fresco-A""" U}e M~G-17·s ~1eadrast wa~ much larger, The stabi[i;zBng fins of this example have been fully d~ployed.

Stmboard a4!le Or me r;;ockpit 01 a MIG-'17f ~j: 'he NalrOiFl~ Ml.Js~um Ckf th~ U.S .. Ai~ FiJ rae , D~vtoni Ohlo. Tha FnElsGl'J"C was equpped \~llith an ASF~4NM a.urollla1E' Q u n sfght

The ilils111Jmefit patle1 of the MiG·171F at "the NationaJ Museum of ~ e' U.S, Air F"orc-e. Most of the l[lsln.!rnS!'iIt labels ;are Cy:rillic, O!i.ll' !ttiE fmri'c lag adjaG€flt to the g6l111 si9h~: cernes '1M Ger'ir'r\BJr'i trlSoripoon "1(00, Daol'L-AIYwurf" (~canopy jettison"), This may Indfce.-te 'that ~he aircraft once 'l'!.faS ovarhau!~d al ~hijJ F1u;.g.Zt;lll,JgW'l£lr~ (A.ircr~:iJ'ft Factory) at Dreoo€fiI ln ~ast Germany,

The aJeCll0!f! ~t o.f .;I, Frooco-C. 111M 'same type 01' seal: Wag, 2loo InstaJIedI in late prod!Udioo balches of the Ff'E!~oo--A 11fi.e. seat ,aliolNel:ll safe 'ejedioills at $~S. up 'tQ BOO :kmlh ~528 mph)-.

A dl:stlnC1JIo'e reatiJt'e' of '~he M!G-17F' Fre@o-C was; Ih~ access paool on ~Ile $'~atOOard lo~~ wil\i] suniac€' near '~h€ \Vjrlg moL These w:as InO c!Jrre~pDnding parlel on Hle port Will!!;!'. 8alln too M~Gi-1 ,5 aM Ihe MIG-17 lFh~cJ)}-A la-cked 'IMis pSlf!el.

A T-$i"!~ ttfflEenna f~r the 11V.-2 r.a~i)jar altimeter was placed irt 'rt'oot d ~e; sta:rboaKi main wfl~ \veiL Adjacent to the antenna was a cill'C!llIlar access pa.nel TIlts antenna de.s~ III w-a.s copied "rom tile U,S. Navy's Conw1ldaied PB~.y~2 PMvataer.

Like the lat~ prOO'udiOfi MiGm1,5bis, Ile MJG~ 117 h~iLd isj, sill9l€ U=SV-45 lailldir'l;g ~i91i~: mounted in front ,01' die' [main wheel 'weill on ItJe unl'Wr~de of 1l1e porc wiFlg.

On nile ~, sid~ of ths Fr~co-Cr Ih~ R.\!'..2, an!€:lllllla \vas moumed near 'Ine' ?.ring lip. MjatE!IfII' to it was MI O'i/,al 9C(le5$ parnel. Tne same' ol'Jrllrigufsllon of R\/-2 an~ennas atld ,aleOOSS!els was s~elfl OfTI ~Ile' Fr@sco·A.

Wing tip j}f a MiG- U IF. All V€f5ioo5 o-f Ihe MiG_r-17 hadl a posiblofl :ligh~ mou!'lted dl~~tly Oil'! '~he .Ieooi~ edg€ oi: each 'wing tip .. 0111 'll'TIis MiG~15 the poSition light '!I.I'aS laca~ed illl a. remo'!.l'a.ble panel alIaciled too 1tJe i;'I,ling Up's le~dhflg edge. The, wing up of 1tJe· MiG-'ll was, mads of lW{ti pieces. ttu., 'he MiGr'"1l5 had a ilJIJl&piec€ wing lip_ .AlII: al: '~l'iIe po:silion light is '~lhe Syrena-2 button antenna.

This pyloo I ra'~.il1tOO Of! the $.ffi1ooard wl'n~ of a POli$h.,bulit Mi G-17F OlNlboard of UWl d~~p tall};:, was a LlIIliq!lJ€ mOOif.ication by the Elu~rian ,Air force 'ID Hle' F'resoo-C ~ hler-bcmbers 'Uim eJl:llljpped its 21 st ,fJOO ZTth ~hter Aviaoo[l Regimen.s. Polish and East GSFf!'1iI n fjghteF'-bomben;, had a pylon rnou nted oos€r '10' 1Ile fuse~.

AI~ vers-,ons 0'1 ~he MIG-17 carriad Mro piID~' tuil::lteg, one 0111 each wJl1Ig ~p. The MiG-15 had a. single piIo~ hJDe,; ~Dc-ated farUler lnboard on '~he $tarboatd ~ll'Ig'.

The. starboard p~dorn of a Bulgarian ,Air Fan-ce MiG ·17f _ The button antenna 001: the Synm.a-2 radar loormlng and l4\amitlg system ~s ",rsible on n~e letliding edge 01' the l.'I1flg. Only Fresoo-Cs IO~ ,.he 2'1 $1 and 27~1h Fig)rtsr Aviaioo:n R~gime-Thts ''t~~re so lf1'WJIdinedl.

irhi~ 'jjl~ 01' ~~S.l Gierm~n MIG-171Fs. Bl'lo.-w$ lile, cli'llfefenre be~eeFil ~he starboard and 11ll€· port wings_ .M aiteron trim lab was arHi'l1oo ooly to dle pan ajle~onr while mile compass and Its OiIi,tlJl.troce5.s hatiCh 'i'j,i'Ell1e rnstalred I!II 1J1e ~arboard wing, olJlbo:ard of the ,outboard wing renee_

The 'tully e-~erriedl port 'F ap o'f 5henySlJilg J-5 tU VC. The rim tan ool'lhe port. 8.1 eron is cleiil~ visib 8.. The inoer corner rn= '~I'rte aileron is ooV€lI~d. but on tllei If,AjG& 15, l~ I~i ~g edge (!If U'!e erlleron exteooed 10 the QI.J~_ro. edge otjhe ~ap,

// II ~


Tha main ~al'lldillg g~F IOf $o\oiet- afld PoII~h- The Shenyamg J-:5 had Oli~' a :single brake line, bllJli1t MrG-17F Fr,e500-Cs 1t1!S1.d two Ibrmve [ines

i3'Ha~ to €Ia1c:h main gear saut

(Aoo(;lJ9j The aft: porton of a PTB-400 undeM ng tuel tank ai: MiG·171F "Red OOZ" '(sm 1 'C-Of)-'02) erf !n€! East G&mlc:!U1 Air Force. This Fresoo-C was 'forrnelfly 011 permane.nt ,exf-libi~ at the fiJuinier P, (Pione<er1s, Palaoe), Drresdelil. Genm:any, Wh©.F0 :it had bean donarsd ~D lhe "PiQfljaril;!I," '~ha. Eas.t GenTIan yoult! org@nizalio:n, Today. Ihe alt'{:raH rests at rite .Air11e!ld MuseuM at Cotltlus. Goerm8Jly.

(Righi) Refil.Jaling lile P"fB..400 drop tank of elf! Gierman MiG-1 '7F during an exercise, The hig:h (uel OOfi:sump ion o~ the VK-1 F ell~ine meant that most M~G·117Fs . .always ware operaJad wi~h two drop 't~nks_ Eacl, ~ank had a. fuel capacity Qf.400 litlers (100 galkms..),

(Below) The PlE·400 drop tank was SllGP!!!noed lrom a 04-50 bomb rack bekYI.-v 1t1e· center wing! lance and oould be jeUlsoned. The' rod p.rotruding from the 'I.~rilg 'bOOtI-eeFl thB 1:wo wing fenoec~ is. 1trel m@ldh:afli~J positionindicatoF for tile main landing gear,

Starboard l\u8dag.e of IM[G-17f ,S;lack 0072" (s/Jrl 0008(2) of ~fil~ lrat~~ CaskooIO!;l'l9f1~e U1dove AITfl~KJy (Czeohoslovak Air F.oroo). The number and locetioiils lof tl1e' oocuJaJF access panels 00 '11913. starboard 'Illsela!}e are illfferent from thal al' the pnrt fuselay:e. In aiXIitkDn'J itIi1a ~rssco-A alld F~~C ~;;td a di"fferent ,a.rraflgemen't or seeses pemel6, on UUi! rear fuselage.

The rear luse!lage 0)' BlaCk 01a2~1! The had an EKSIRf.46 fJ~re dispenser in tile ·~i.JselagB whof€! th!!l oval panel is located. On 'the MIGr"ii'lF. 'tile EKSR-46 was relocated to the sfarOOard side (i;f ihe 1m. HOW'e.ver, workers, on Itle 'Itl3-17F producnon lines c(]fl1inU'~d to CJJJi, an op€lllling in the tfus~l~ge, ollly to OO'!J@F I! ~viNl a ~Ilet

... .' \ .

P(tll rear h,~el~e o~ M~(,]~17F uB)ack (:r782." Unique features of Ihe MiG-'HF were the tour slots in 'Ihe 'small square access panet lh€ corrg;sporndilllgJ aO:;:0SS parlel on the F'r,"oo~A ·dld not have :slots. 111"1 a vary unusual conliguralfon ror i3J MiG-17F, 00 IJInderwlirilg fueltBrilks e~e li1ted.

Iiu:x:~ss hatches on top o1ltt~ 1v&elage o. MiG·11F' Red 502,8 The woo offset to stal'OOilrd is tile .air p~es5u re proDs.

Stairboa_M rear ft!sal~e. of SI B'u I!;iIBIi8in Ml(3-17F. Va~iol!lls access panels an 'Ihe pon: rear ihJselage o~ the M1G~' .,. Th~ S'qu £ire.' patlel 'lNith 'ltJe IDllJf slots olllly appea~ on II'I~ PO" side.

The exI91'i1"1fi1 electrical power cormection 0'1 tile MiG-ifF was IOCaiteci o!1i1he pot1 flJsetage !Delow ~h€l a:fiI: €lnd of the wing root f,aif;iing ;a_fidl ,o:overe.d bya small dODF. its, [location is 1fi11l!1' same' a,cS, 1tJat Q'fl

the Fresco-A.. Sf a'd re~f '~!J5e ',' and Ille ,aft l!i:nd of Itle slaroo!ilJrd wing root lairing.

The MiG~17F copied the MIG-'1!5"s de~n (or eas~ accessto meVK-1 F JlI!l!'W€rpl~Jll! .. IFDr l1iIairrr~@rial'1J~ purpeses, tile enllire aft luseiagB of the! aircrafit could be removeifJ wi!Jh '~I'la tlelp of a trol~.

The V1K·1 F engine of the MiG~'rlF diUeredJ from the earfler VK-ll in!1gl an .arHertiJumer min an adju:9hl'ble ooute. The .iel pipe' on '~lne' VK·11P was conical. 1:J.1,It the nQ!iI~afterblJrnlfl9 VK-l arnol VI(·1 A €l'ngin~~ had cylrnd~ical Jet pipes. The VK-'l jlQ'ii6red :tile MiG-17 Fresco-A as "wen as the. MICi-l5!t'iis FaglOt-B.

,Mairrtei'\af\JCa 00 [urand-mew MiG~17Fs. of Ja.gdll[e;aergesctrwada· 1 (1m: FlYhter Aviaiian Regill'fl€!nt} "Fifib: Sd1m~(lkellJ d ~hli!! [Eas1! German Air Fore€: at OJ.1Jbus. Th€! FfI"9$IXJ;-CS, ;r:a.Fi)" '\tie' ~~F1~ ff1a!jo.'Ia! marrlriFliQlS app!ied IOOtweel1 11956 and aLJ~uFli1lf1l 1959. The pi1:01: tlJbe.s Oil ~tJe' 'Nlng tips of the nearest alroratt ha.~ b81E1!1 ca\l'er€d_ TIl€: last MIG-'17F in ltJe row, "Red 905" ~sIn 1 c-oa~ro), is now pan' of ItJe avi~~ioif! mU~UFl1 at B!9~lIfl-Gatow.

LeiMigth •• " •••••• ,. 11,260 m {36, ft '11 ~ in} Wingspan ...•• '., ~M328 m (3~ tt 7 ~ in) Helgl1ft •• ,., ••• , , • • 3.80 m (H;: It 5 1 f2 in)

Weiig !'U, empty . '.' 3,'930 Ikg (8.,664 Ib)

WEt~gtirt Imaildmu m • 6,075 !kg (~3,393 10-)

Engine. •••••• ,.,. OIl1€; VK-1 F ,fIJfte~buli'nI1l9 'l~rboje"I' O'r 1',400 lb itrrum mBJ.:cinfillJlfiIl Max:i IlIiI urn spee¢l] '. 1,1..44, kmll1 r all 3.,000 m

(711 mph at 9.480 'ft)

F~ell ••• " ••••• , •• 1,4 11 5 1 (37.4 gal) mte rna I plus.

Two 400-1 (88 gal) EI'xtemal, 'tanks Ran~!!l! ." ••••• '.' •• 1 ;'980 km {1,230 mi} m91.xir'lillJlm Ril 'e- of 01 ~mJb, ".... 33.6 Irnf8e~ (&,003 ftlmin)

to 15,000 m (48,125 U)

S.ervic.:e ce~~ 1 rag ,... 1 6,800 m (54,460 tt,)

AII'Ii11I:;UIJ'1illm One N~ 3.7 mm C1J!FmOn Two N R-2:3 23 mrn cannons

__________ ------


(Po n d i'Cip 'lacJ1k oonI n ed

i:(J " lOW uMei'W'~9 deiaJl.)

The MiG-nF received a rEid~iglll~d tai! .0 aeoof')'l;rnoda~e 'I.lfi.e. \IK-U= E!flginEi! "''11th afterburner_ The re!lV1i:lJflgi!Jlar access panel ~n the· fairing above the IiOi2:z!e appeared only DI'1l ll1e slarOOard :side_

A jack hag been US~!l to SlabUze 'he '~ail O'f East MIr3-17F "Red 502" (sin 1 C-Q9-0e) w ·Ie i ' IlJfldegoes repaIr, The' ventral fin is a unique 'fea~)jre of all MiG",17' ¥ElIsions: 'mhe MiG,.Hj. f~kElii;! a, vemram fin,. havi:ng an1y a bumper,

Th€ mrbrakes of MiGm'1171F '"BIID;:k Q.S72." ~r brakes o~ '~ha Fresoo-C we1 e oolslderably efIle.r'ged. eornparso wJtl"l ihose of Ihe ,FfeSCO-A, end me 'faiming::; cO'leril'lg iltJe air br:.@ aCluatolJs 'iNEIf@ Elnlarged as weir. An mraU access pJilfIlle:1 'INa£; loc.akld on the port side oHMe falrlng above the etlgine nozzle.

V~i1traJ fln of a Bulgarian Ai~ O;r,ce MiG-17F Fresco-C. On ,the Fr€so.D~A, nll1~ squar@ aoctl'Ss panel Wi!3,$ located much cm€lll" 10 ilhlB air !b~ke 'tihal"l 0111 the Frasco-C.

V.eFilical fin of MiG~11F "Fled ,300° ($lf1l1C.oS-30). An EKSR-46 iJ'are djs.~eflsar was InelalJed in ~he fOlV!lEU'd poi1ion d '.he 1m O'f '~he Fresco-C on ltle staJltll::l'iliIJ,d side. The FF€sco-/J. eanied its IEKSR·46 on lhe smrooardl rear '~LUs@'~ag~. On ~h@! IFre:..sccpD, ~11.g, da~e was relocated 'to a lower position orr U're s'a~botiJrd :side or lhe fin, All: iG-17 versions: carried! a single EKS R~46 fI\are dispenser.

The partia[ly. e:xI€Hnded air brake ai' an German IMG-17F IFresco-C,

Pari: side otthe '~ail of MiG~'17F ",Red 502.." TItre 0-11.811 access panel to the llelffi o~ the naJi'O'Jlm m~rting and ttle drew law aiCC&SS pta tta I close to ~ha rUler a;ppe-awed only on 'the POIt side, This (WaJ a©Ce'55, parrel was. larger On the radar eqlJipped MiGi-1 71P1F Fresco-O ..

The 'LIlly deployed starboard air brake of a ShefryafPBjJ-5. (s.1n 2705)" The ,allbrtllkes, of ChlFleS6-, Po sh-, and Soviet-buill: Fresoo-Cs, were id!enlical,


"RiEdl 14:2B, .. :a v®ry late !productiDn lim-iS (:sln 1 C-14-·26). w8tslbu ilt i iii November 1 '958 and fJ,as some \!iery iJnlJ.3tiai 'fetli'tiJffiS not S~~_flda.rd on I:a:t{l"'produ:dron Fresoo-Cs. Like 'tihe lale-production MH~-15bis and e:ruly MiG-·~ 7'F. it bas a wire rad~ iiJf1t$nnfil !e3~[l1g fmm 1Ile; tip of tha v€lrtiooll fin '1'0 a small mast on the starboard ~uselage .il!s~: belOw tfIe canopy. Also U I1U1SUaJ fU( a !arte-prOOlJClf.oT1l LJim-5 is. ~h€t small pilot tu be i'u:s~: abov~ '~h€ tactical number and the aheence of an S RD-1 R8OO1 radar range~indel aMefifla.

"Red 38,M an ~!lFly proou}cii:on IM.'iG~117F of '1Itle' 8Ufgi1l!f@ki Voyenmo Vozo!l!Jsilni Sill (Btjigari~n .Ai~ Foroe) sUIl has a 5tna!llPrtot tube abo:ve 'the lamloail fl!1Urr!OO'l'. tJl!..!~: the dorsal bladi'El' antenna, 'lypi~J Oof €Iarly pmdLllOOoI'll MiG·'~ 7F.s, has. been deleted. During the oolJlrse of its ~raliolla.1 s9rYio9,. lhis particmlaJf Mi;G-17F was retrofitted will:'! Syre11'~-2 b!JittorJ rulleflna_s on ~ile, w;ing '~ip and ~tl€· '!.ving I~adlng ~d:ga.s- Ths la~l: Bulgari<1n MiGm1l7s 1Ner€: wit tildraWfll from service in 1 988.

This lineup of East German Air Force Mj(]-l7F IFrescc+-C; and a MiG-1 sun '~]f<ainar i]!wst~4es ttlel dUff~Fen~ tai I configumtions of both typ.e:s_ The S:er::Ofl.d a.'ircf"2flt in line is. Ule MiG-1SUFTI; all OlhBi' a~rcraft: aJl·e MiG-·t 7F$. 'The M:iCl~ !ljai'lI'y Ule East Germ~n tleJtionaJ m-aJrkij1jg~ ~&OO oortW..;iefi 1@>56 and ;;:t!lJ~b1mn 1:95.9.



East German ground CF€I!MiIl@1l in fhei~ L~:2: ch~mica'l '!,\V,ariar'€! pr.moc~iafl slJli~s refuel Ultt:' stari:IDard P18-400 drop ~ank of a MiGd 7F. 1100 pooilJlon 0'1' 'the IEKSR-~6 fiare' disper!ser 1J1 1.tIe; veMilcaJ 'flfll cfearlly' i:d'e;nNfJies '~hi$ air,cmrlllr as a fresC&C_

Mainrenarlce on lP'dIish Air Force Lim-Ss. Alii Fr,esoo-C~ and lim-58 received an ail: antenna. fuf'lh€!' $yre.rm-,;2 ~dar hornlng afld waJTItng systerfl, il1s~alledl below tile PQSiliQn (iglh~: on ihe ~";;IiL Most: fresixhAs, and all 5:he'llyangl J~5s I~ed ijMis component Wh:61l1 lhey left lfJe produoooo IUie. A number cd Soviet-oom' IFiilasoo-)\s were sl!!b&eu:,~ueJ;"l'I¥' IIstr(!lfitt-ed wJ~h '~he; ,anrtenrn@_" so it i~ Iilot a f~·a~l.!Ili'!e thal distinglJ.Jf;shes ,8j Fre§co-C from a fresco-A

"Reg 4·5!l5.'" an early MIG-17F (sin 1C-06-'10} o~:J~~oo.wader 1 (18~ IFlghr~!Allraiior! iMleglPlflenO "~~t;;: SlcI~keI,u i's~d roiit:s haJ~X!d aJ:Coltitls AIr FiJrce' B~-s~. The qlmer IFresca·Cs iilf13cO¥€Ii'@d wJtih canvas, a comFl'lil:llJli prlotective measure wteli [no hangar or stre!t€f' was ~i~. UIR.'edI 456' W,a\S a Polistn-liliarllJ.Jiadured fire5CO-C delivered to the Eatst C'iefliruEiHl Ai~ Faroe ililju~y' '1957.

UnderSide O'f iItIe' port liior,imMaI slaoilizer ,Of a MiG-17F_ Tile eleva~or ~T:im tab and 8q Ln:3J Fe' access ha.tch appet~red Gilly on '~hl;l port s;ta.biliza~ o~ If'te Fre:;oo-C-

lrh~ i9~tor '~rim ta_b anrl '~aJir'if1!g ooverlfl'lg ~ actJUai1D~, ERCh ere1llator O'f 'the MpG-17 had an '>'1L",-sll'a.ped nctdh at the [nhomcd end ,of its l~adin9 ed',g:e., On too MiG~15, 'Ih€ el~atDr"5 ~eooing ~e was, .sIFa'tght.

The starboard horizontal s~abilizer d' the MiG~ 17F lacked an elevator ill'im '~ab and an access hatch, Just vislble ,M lop, len are the aI!tef!fla for Ihe s:yr;ena--,2 radar homing and w1iFfl:irug S~S'l~m MId] afl. po~ion ligh~'. D01il inll:mnt,f;jj belrnv the top portion of the rudder,

Tip onhe ~taJl'bQ_ard oorizorntal siab:ili(ler and €:1it-vffiDr of a. Mi!3~17f. OIl the iM.'iQm1'7, mass oo~aoc@ lNeights e,::-rr~f1dl3d f1'om 'the leadlflg ~dge@ erf tll$ elevatoi$ ifl~ of. 'their tip3. The Mier-'17~ n.JddM ruM a ~milai balance 1,w~fght near its '~ip .

~ aft-fMing aft~er'Ill'ha. 'for :Ole. S'yJ" radar ooming and warning S)'stem wa'S '!tHad 1:0. Ifle' 1m! fin 01' all MIG·~ 7.F Fr·~soo-C5 bebv, lie an, pD.s,nian light. The ,arft ~Itli:m ~ight 0'1: the MiG-15 was.. mourned on a. bLiliet-sh~ iairing J but on all M~G-17$, tg,e position rght wa50 ,Erttaclhed to tile '~railiri9 €.dge 0- !:he va.r1JicaJ tin,

The aft: an':enna seen from left and belO't'il_ M:G-15"5 f19Ver had a. 5yr€!fJs-2 antenfla im this 'I 0 c:aoon. C~[i'le'Se-blJilt Sh£:nyarng J-SS and F'-5$, also lacked 'H1is antenna. as lei the radar~eql!Jipped MIG-.171P F IFres~D5,

Val1ical fin ai: a ILel€lchro GeslIDslolf.eiilske lIdow AlmBdy' tCreohoskNak AU- lForc€.j M~G-'17 Fresco-C ,(sin !lJOIDS.72), A le~re 01' all MiG,.1J7 vasiolfls was am adJu~tati:JI:e, trim tab 00 'Iha' h,w~r po.rtion ilJif the rudder, The MiG-15 had oo~ a g~{il,Jrid-ad,justabie trim lab.


'This lEast Gierman Mi,G~17F, "'iRe:d '2110a (!Sin 1(;-08-2:2)., has bsan oofl\f9rt;ed to a fighter-bomber. The F!fesoo-C AS. 'equipped wilh two wing pytane, MCn c.aJfrying two MAAS~2 rocket pods. It sitill carries 'the SR 1)-11 M rrada~ ra~rindeF anlenlfla, 00 tile nose, This parlicular M[G- U 7F' W-a5 :wJd 'to' 'Mozallllb[que in AlJg!Jst 1001 .

"Rm 4,141-.." a ..vea.Hle~ed Umr6bis; ~sln 1J.04.14)" A uniqug: ~tu"n;I' at; dl;a. Lim-ems W.aJ$ t~ SH~1.'9 drag Chl!l~ Qontalf!E!f' In an E¥xtended ~ai.rlngl at 1iIte !base of the rudder, This parti~'18r d\Oes not carry ::3! MARS~2 rocket pod.

Tha~ l[J'I1"-6bfs flghtar-bomn~(5 were afl iffi61rllur,act\llfed as, rnew, not oonvert,ea ffOlml other atri'r"anmes. lllllrnal~y', ~he Palish ILiIliHlib'is were aper,atedl in natural m@taL All ~tr~ aircraft' in this line.!up oar1ry all S RD-, M r,aJeiar rai1g~1iMer ,altt~erm~, which 'w,gjS, :5l!1DseqlEelltly deleted frorn ffil)5~, air'orrut

'. . .... . .'- ~

Tille s~arbDiud I..mdil3fflingl pyton 01 '~he lim",,6bis could aCi-oommooata a MARS·2 rack@i1: pod or a v&i&.ty o~ oomb~ up ~o a welgh~ !)'f .250 t;;g (.55'1 Ib~. The s~me;.shaped otiject under 'the rusela_~le Is an RV~t!lM radar aliime1ler antenna, 'iNhic'h replaced Ihe' r-$I1i1~d ant-e-rlol)a ~lIldl8r ~fle wings. 01: iIile ·~ighte.f-bo.mbe \llerslool Or 'U~EI IFr@:~oo~C. On ilhe hEll. 1Jh.e fairin-9 for an AFA-J9 camera Is vJsible on this psrticular Um-obis R. HRed 51:2B tatn 1J-05··12}.

Tile: primBlr)' diHel'ernce be'weeF'l 'he Ea:~H German MiG~17F rIght8r-:oomb~r .arKII 1he PollSIrri lim-6bis wa~ tile e;o:ilended drag aml€ hoosingl of 1he latter. Thi~ is a Lin -6!0is, R, wRed a30H ($frt ~ J-OO·30).

IFor reloa!Urilg PiJrpl)Se5. Ilhe ~ar POilion (I Ih€l MARlS·2 Il'ocket pod could be removed. A totiIJ of :si:i.'l9arl s...s un!;llJid.edl rockets could be carried in eaoo pod. Ttte S-5 had! a, calihl!!r of !S7 mm ~2·.16 in) mld weighe.d 3.8. Kg ~iI.4·lb') .. The Sle19Cm!1gl "1 J..ti)5·2iJi'" on Ile. MAAS-2 pOO indicates flR!it it had been OOIrQ\Iffl:d from another aircraft This paniclJiar Urm·6R, "Red 50S," (sln 1J-I)5·00) ·was· sdld in the United Slates in Febmaty '1994 and is currerJ1fy riE:gistel"€.dl as N50SM6.

ThE! r@:l[ionni:1rssanoe version 0 the Lim-!i3bis, l!he 1i.Im.-6bfs R, was equ·P1pOO with all AFA-:3!3 camera lhoused in a rairing on 'the sla.rb:)ard rear ·~usel~e·. At ft is thE! StIoe-st"laped antenna o~ the RV~UM radar altimeter.

Lim-obis "Red ,303" '8m '1 F~03-03} ~iVed witlii 'he 48th IFigh~er 8om~an' FlJagilif1{lflt art 8.abtmosl, Air FQ,Fctt. Bas€,_ Its, taolical number hes t'l thin yellovl QUlin€!, and it cames a silver P"B~400 ~OO-maF drop tank.

"~ed 513,~ a M~G-17F' (;sm 1i C·OO·13.) 'Whidl, has been converted lor g'FOl!Jif'ld al1aDk mlssions, Unlike most Sl,Ict"I itt stin carries en SRD-,l M radar F.ang~finder. The Freseo-C origifl.a: Iy served "WilltJ Jagdmegerge-sc-tJ\vaj~1i@r 7 (7'Hil Figh ~r A!r.iiation IRegimer t) at DfErwllz, GI!!IH1iian [J.iemoGfa~ic Repl"Jbli~. Afti:€r converSionl n was alloc9l~ed t'O J.a~400rnbl:1lll'ifil~rg€st:h·w8u::ler 31 (31 ~I Rghta:'r. &mber Aviation Fle{!lmam) but rela.ini!3'iLll its .or~ginaJ tactical nlJjliflbe~. It was phased Qui: ai' Sf!MCe Ed !he' efld 0.'1' 1 ~4 arne! S'lJbgeql..ielll~~' sc rap ped.

Lim-6bis ~Red 101- (sJnl 1 F.;Q'l:-01) served wiln the o1"Sth Fiight~r Bomber Regime.nt at 8ablmOO't JiJr Foree B.a.s.e. The ti~, of i~s. V9!ftlc;aJ lin is. rsd.

M-G·17F uAOO 346·' (5In 1 C-07'-23) shows. oft "b'I1e arnrnu Ilitian for its 23 mm arId .;27 mm cannons as well as Ii'!~ 8-5 57 mm II,mgU idea rodl;ets. carried m Its MAR S~2 pods. \i\1iI:h1 its m:t.:et pods and d Dp tanks ~ernD'!Jed,. the MiG-'f7 (lol!!ld' carry flOur bombs. '"Red] 3416" McS ,bean award€:d the "FI~gtoo@ ,der au~e.ichnet~n Qualitaf (",8Jirplane d exealJant qualiiy) badge gi\l6Jii .~.o we11-

m.a'in~alim~d camb&l: ajrc:rafiL - ,

The· s.tartooJ;d MAFt8-2. r.or;:k!;l't pod of East Gen:itian MiG-17F' "Red 300" I(sm 1 C.D6-3.0), TI1te airaaff'g hlC~i~J numoor has been a:PPied 1.0 ti:1e P~fl as ~I as. 10 the pOO, This ~lIlar Fr~o·C ~rrtijF€:d service. w.i1f1 !tie lEast Germ;;JJ!l Air Forc€ in AIj!;.!lLJs.~ '1 957

The starboom MAAS-2 pod and pylon of "Red 000,7 The MARS-2 wa.s ·a.ttach~d to ihe pyLon wiH'1 a 1:.l4,.50 bomb rack.

Port MAR&-2 rocl::et pod alLRed 300," A ~mall tria~9ulli:lr fairillig on the: foMantll upper em:! ot the lporl matched thie Io.w·ar 10n'l.;1 rei endl o~ ~.h€.· !pylon.

A sfrut conneldled each MARS·2 pylon ~o th€ fuselage. ~his. modl1icalion was necessary because or ltle structural loads imposed in I1lgill-g rnaneuvers. With the MAlRS-2 pod Oft '~he wing, i~ was :siill possi~e 'Ior ·t~1e aJrcraU 10' carry ~:cternal fuel 1:B.nkS_

(Abo~) "B11!J9 09,"" a WS MIG;-,11PF, was an early variant O'~. 1t1e Fresco-D. wiUi a wire radro antenna running fro.m Up of 't.i;l.1I to near 1fIe cockpj~_ Only a. fm-l MiGi-,17PF's had this antenna oornfigurnrlioo. The' SinaU radome lin the air spritb~F is, ter an Rpa 1 lzumrlJd-1 (~ATO designaJi'alli ~a!n Gall') radar system. The. m~orfu.l oi' FreslXlwllli;, had Iwo s:mal~ ,gun btacst pane!J5L

(l_elt)Rad 514 .. " ill Polish-built Um-,-5P (eArl 1 D-05-'14), represents til€. tim vetSiofTI of th"fl: FraSOOt-D. The eIlrarged ,raiCklrn.€l in 1ha air intake spItttef i5, s.1andaJd tor MiG-17PF.s, BqlJi~1 wUh '!tie RF'-5 JzumnNi-2 (NATO designatm "&an Odd1 rad~. Late, ;prodl!ctil:Nl Freseo-Ds ih\El.d a large one"'Pieoo gun hlasll, panel, On a. number of' la~ MIG-,17,P'F's (Lim-5P). ·the .'Ow irO,j)e ey€s LI~ lhe ~F parrot .he air' ~Iitter were covered,



!IFlied 1343.," all Ea~I: Gellf'flaJllWliG-17F'F (sJn 1 D-02-O~), l:axis 00 the apron during a 'iJln~er ~:W:€Ircis€! .. The aircraft has tile >9!llaFgOO radome of the 1il1P'-5 radar in 1l'h.e air ~nrt8!k.e s:p!IiU:err. 8mh raoom8S are flight b]u@. mrnslallatioo m tile FliP-50 "'Scan Odd" .ra,dm caused 'the S-l3 gUll camera to be relocated to tIi faJrllflg rnou ntedi 'On the starboard nose, Tti;g. F'resc:c::F[}. had a [more' steeply raked ~Nind'ghietll than dlld the MiGi-17F. AJ. FreSCQ .. Ds Ihad a rear-'!Mw mirror 00 top O'~ dl€t canopy.

EaS't Germani M1G~~ 7PF ~Red 685" (sir 1 ""O~ 07). In contrast to U1e ~hG-17F, all MiG· 17PFs re~il1ed a small pimi'lube Olil 'Iha s!tarboald .side of the !flOOO. A c~rcu lar access ha cl) was ,addeul on the 5U!:rboard side of '~he nose access parteL Both radomes are dark green. "Red 6a'&" was strudk off Ciharg@ after an .a:tciden~ (If! 11 AJlJgust 1964,

The armament p'1atf-OFm 01 "R€d 933." ali leedy. production HUingarian Air Foroe MIG-'17P r', has been lowered for sgrvidng_ The upper raceme is, dark green, 'Wi' 'e 1tJe RP.-'l radome ln fne air ijritake, splitter is; w.hi~e. This pan oolar F'rBSoo"D has a d.O'15a1 blade ,a.rrtann<1l, ifof an S~O-1 IFF' transpGn.lijle;r_ [Moo MiG~ 17PFs carried Ulis antenna 'on Ilila' starboard nose above Une cannon fairtr.g.

irh~ nose of ~ l3o\j~1ai'Ia.f! A F~FOO MlG.-17PF. This. particular aircrefft has two, srnaf in~ake, rovers, Me on ,each side ai' '~he. i3p1itt@F_ Mbst MiG·1 7.'PlF.s h;gjd Qrle; largiij a!F intake 'CW@F. The SfI'!;a11 r.a,OOFn~ 00 the ,air' :$pliU:e~ hoUo$9S ~I~ Faflgfrlg' ur It tOf '~he RFr'-1 u!lJmmd-'l !'Scan Can" radar,

On all MiG~ ~ 7~ Fs, ~file S·1;:3, gUll camera was relccated ~o the. starboard. slde or ttl,e r!O'Si9, Dayl igllt Itghte.r versions O'r Ille MiG- ~ 7, I jll;je Ifle MiG-15; had all 13-113. glUn earn era !ilJffiK,ed to '~nEl' b:::J]p of lhe aiir irr~ak®..

TIle Fl!'eSco-iO l1.3d a larger U;P'P@f' nose accsss IXIJu911 'thall U~ MIG·'l7'F, III OO'lIlli'(l<St to ~lha M1G.-17F', tlta MiG· 17IPF never CB:rl"ierl ~n SF! 1).-1 RadEl radar raroe1indli3f atI~enr'il8J 00 the nose' par\e3, M~G·17P F ,sl't'lJ 1 D"'02·'~ 2 'O!'M:i@ 'flaw as "Red 4S7" witt! ~he East GeITfian ,Air F'o roe , For ~urfty rsascns, 'thle false 'tactic;al r\umbef "Fled 85(11' was awlierE 'I1'herI the FIfE!SOO-D e;;qrbibed at fhe AImee M!Js€l!:JIm (Aml:Y Mu:seul1l) at Drewen.

D,ble 10 in.rodu)Q.iotll or ~t\e Izumrod s:ysh3m i tl1e entire ri08:B sec~ioo 01' the [MJG~ 17PF had! to be rede$.ign€d to ~oommodat~ ~he se-a!Fch arnd Irack ra_daJs,. The etf!larged . atilome on 1t!e. aJr ln1litke :splitter hcused the natrow-beam tra.dking scanner 01' 'tine AP-5 lzum.n..K:f2 "Scan Odd" radar. 'Ihe m8ijoritiy ol MjG~~ IPF:s had two CiFtCul;;J1' eyes. fOf a to\iJ r,opa ofl1ltie lcrweIr ail splitte: . 'Ori sems MiG~'17PFs '~I~e ~nin95 vrer'e' cO\llEied.

Irnsread o~ an N--37 cannon [ik~ the MjB~17F. the M"G-17PF had sn NR-2S cannQl'l mQunted to startmard in a mUQn, ma lar fairing. Most Frescv'u.s had a bHad:e- antenna 'r.DF the SIRO-l IIFF 1tettrlsponder Insta_nedl slightly ,a:00v~ 'the. starboard N R-23 cannon raiJing.

Mos~ MiG-, 7PF!S '!N!ere equlpJ)ed W1i~h tW'O blacS~ panels behind the muzzles OJ' 'Iheir ,23 mm oafl!"lOris. The :small oval fmm~( fOl:!h'ard Of the no:sa wheel weill covers 'tIle nose jacking poirr"_

The two NR-23 eamons or Ih~ Fr€:ooo·D,. located on ~he lower port skle 01: tll'aI'lOs@. 'Th~ e.l]ip~ic:3i1 gun pant ooh:ind the lower banre~ is longe~ 'ha~n Ihal (I'f ~ MJB~17F. The Fresoo-C also la(~ed a gun p.ert behind ~he bilJFe-1 0.' it'S U~F NIRE.23 cennon.

The 'Iwo NR~23 cannons on ,the port side of a MIG~17PF'_ Tile ellipti~1 ports behioo ~hle barrefs are a standard reatufS of til€: Fresco-D_

(AOO!l€j Mainl:€nanoe 0111 a jacked-up Easl' GernM:n MiG-1'7P~. 1ihoe ~ r canopy and e-1~dIDn sast tJav~ been rem(}ved. so 'tllal~ on~y the twQ rafls for ma seat F1B~ain in ttLe 'cockpit. 80lh mdomes f'Of 'It-J@ search and! track radar nave been rervmvedl. l3ecau5e Ifle, MiiGH 71PF nl;lV€r CaJl1~1l a r~nge!inder aMenM Otfl 'tlIe u.pper rloee aeeass Pr~ilQ1, Ihis pa1I1icula~ panel wa~ completely n~mova:bJEl fmrnn the aircralft On th€ M iG-17f ;,~f1i$ pdTtel was attached to '~he fl,J8€1lla9Eli by'M!o hinges,

(RrgM) The r~~d rad'om~ of tIlis East G;Brmafl MVG~'17F1F mvm the re.clMQ!,Jl.aJr <il1"(~€ll"lna (if iltJeAR~~e-11i3 search radar and line ciroLdar anlefi"li1'!i9. (I~ ~he AR-~S-01 nack radar, All "b~a~k bo~~ CQ!l'tainirt9 ttlQ .aiFJcFJaft'.s, <iI!ilioll1i'cs h~v@ b€!®n Ire:~d from '~he nose bay. (1f im'srEi"St is th:e tt!f~led oovering 'o!: ~I~ fbc.r o~ the uppe-r radku (o~p9f1:manl- The. ,I::mmmd r'9lmlBf.ald·') r,a~ar SySiteln ~a3 able 10 ~ear;O'n for targets OIlJ~: to a. rang,e ofJ' 12 kilometers (7.5 i11Ii~s). liM r.a!flge of the :track radar wa51]mi~edl '~O 3;CMOO matars ('lJ3- ,nmilm). BaUl antel1l1'll8ls. Wiue driMm by an AR-la~9 etaclli"llo motor. The AP0.5 t;uftrrw:J.2 {NA TV de$~~tion "'ScaUi (}oi1d")1 radar required a mOire prn-"ffirf~i iGJSA-6DOO gefleralm '~hen tile s~a!nd2lii"(i GSR-3000 gertEi!r'atl;).f' of the MiG- ~7F F~~C_


(Above) Ma nte:llaJn~e Of! WS (SQvi@'n Ak !FmC€) ~fGH 7PFs dLlrir;g a bitter cold 'Wint'e'! {fay.. Carnopies, and pitrn tures have been covered. "Slue. 1 (i" has a 'iMraadio arntenlla. y.-(hlla Ihe M[G~1 'lPF bl!;llilindl d'oas 111m. The tLvQ.-Idigit ~di~1 number has. a Ihin black oolfirne.

(Righ~ North KQf~i:1f11 gr'i)ul'1Id Cf€'t'i.!m€ln POs€' for a IpmpagmlOO photo in 'froot O'r M~G-17PF "Fled :2.09.1' The upper nose access -parlel has bee!f'l removed, and .tle cannon ~la11form has bean !Dw~red. Alihough 1t1tij FrnocQ~D is ch~arlly not ready 'for a mission, lhe pjlot. on (ne' s~aJ!bo;ard 'W1ii1Q. appears to begun h~ pre-rh.g1t1 o~k. Noifllh Korea rooeiveoJ ts ·~Ir;s.: Sov,iel u il'lFreS(lo~Ds 11'11 1956, and som~ W!8IfiB s.till operafional il'llto . h€i ~ 99I1s.

(BeJowJ MiGm11PF'B'IL.!I~ 40" 01 the VVS .. leaJli1tg against the 110m ot 1tJe aircraft is '~he Ia~e air inleke {lO'ler ti~ on rr!O~~: MIG!"" 17~F$. This FtJ'e$Qi}-1) has a la~~, one~aea gun btast p~Il;gI, ~I of lam PiOdlJl~ioo M~Gr1 ]PFs. Atypica.l IOf I'!lare Fresca-Cks. lis, 'In€! 1Nire· raDIo ,a.ntenM cable leading 1'lfOtI'IIlaIt tOi st8JrboaJl'd 'f!A!!ielage', The large ~aiiiiFilg 01"1 the IoVier rear (uselaige heuaes a reoonlla'issan"Cs camara.

The' starooard cartridge ej~ction port of a MiG.·17PF. The large f8iiliins covering llfle' stel'1:!oru'd N-37 cannOn of 'lhe MiG-17F waS. not neooesaFY 00 .he Fr:es'Co-!), wlti1c1l inst'ead had a. 'SmaJI~r .NIR~:23 cannon in '!hal pooiiion. The psnets ijlll 'ih€ tmwr nose 'fuseJage section of the Fresoo-D 'Were la:rge~ than '~ho5e ,o~ ~.he MlQ-'17F,

Tlhe. blls~e.r fairiFLg$ oover!ng ~he cal1rldg@ e~~IQn ports ¢ a BLlIlgSirian Air Force. MiG-17iP'F _ The blis~er '~airiLlgs were teardrop-ehaped only om the IFresco-D, CI, fMture thEiit d[sllngu.ishes I~: from the MiG-17 fresoo·A and IM1G~1 7F fresoo·C daly figl"lt®.FS.

UKe that {JI'r the' :Starboard cartridge 9JI9'I;tiol1 port. tile tl iS~€Ir J-anrings, of ·the two portside carlifid'QI8 ejec ion ports of a MiG ·171PF were also te::Udrop-shaped. Trne '~ronl ejectioirl pOll 01' n!~ 1M iG~ 11P F had only a osingle Ifnk ejection slot. whi~e the front ejectlcn port of the' MwG~f7f had two link ejection slots,

(Above) Unlike the ~ooe jJm~'1 ~rs of !~e' MI(?H1F'. 'I1to$e cd 1ll'i~ MiG~1'7P~ h@diive Cii'icular parne1s, on their innei' surtaces. The shape of itu~:' JQrIr'lard edge of! the MiG,.. l?F'F·s nose whieel doors, was also dlfiferen. ~ ... om l~;Rt of the f" reSCQ,.. C.,

(cRlgh~' Tha pctil: wlnd~hle!Ql o~' ,fl. lelectvo ICe$kooIQhi\~r'i$~ ! . ..i'OO\ie Arfi'ta,~ (Czechoslovak Air Foroo) MiG-'17PF. The short red rod prcirudifl!) from the nose adjacerrt 10 tile IfIlirldshieid ifrnme ls .Me mechanical posf1ilon i['tIdi('".ii!Wr lor the nQ$9 gear,. Due 10 the g'jlaatar swe~p angl;a O'~: its. windstdald, u'e Fresco-lOPg i ooicamI was nearer the canopy frame than Qfl fhie MiG-17IF.

(BeJow)The GBJf'aOPY oUhe MiGt- 7PF was tde:ntical to Iflal oHhe MiG-'17F, hut ire 'i\linrlshiekl of Ihe' 1M~-17PF was ~: aft: rno:rn smlBply than 'Iha~ a~ ~lha FhaSC{lFC. The ,arlbanna mast of mas!: F~~~llis: had! a rectarlg!Jlru base, Hmvs'lfoer. litre base ltself is Iilal: a. oasling_.uishiflg 'feature, as '!here w.ere also a. number of FrnocCl-Ds wil1tro-'ut Ii: as 'w!S1I as same ,M iG-1I iF Fre$'Co-Q;,;; wl1ti ji_

'Th€: MiG~17PF diflfered in a number Df dl~tai~s 1rom the MiG-17F. The EKSIA-4'6 sigmaJI tlaJre dispenser ViBl:!! fieloca-ted fOM9JM to the base ol ihe sta,rbJ)ard slde of Ina 't,I'lenlcaJ fin. A[I FreGOO"'Ds lacked ·the, aft Syrena-2 antenna beaOW'lha .ail posl1ilort light. MIG -17PIF Red 4\20" (sir! 1 D.Q11-1 0) '!.! d;eliv€lr,ed in January 1 '959 10 JagcHli€!gerge.sch'll,la.der 7 {7th fighter Aviation FleijimemJI "WiEhe I'm Pieok," which was based at Drewitz near Cottbus. The fighter crashed during a traiinil'lg mission 011'1 12 JatiUBiY 1969.

lDistinctwe"-ealures of me, MtG-17PF w·e twOo recl9Ji"1guiar aceess panels, loceJlle~ Oil tile underside o'ti '1ttil;t. ~:taltio~rd 'i'i.fing Just aft of. dl;§ h~adjng €ldg€l' at 1t1e 'uing root. The MiG~17F had only a single pane~ in this, while the Fresco-A and '~he MIG-15 had 00 aecees panel tMt aU In this. s~ot

The'1i-Silaped radiO anl:ennas 01' the RV-2 rrm9ir altim-etef M Ihe MiG-1. 7PF laeked 'triang;u lar gussets at tile corners, un like fl.e; ,anterma~ onha M~G·1 i~lld the MiB·11.F.

C.ompSJred ito that of Hle Fresco-C, the poooioill 01' lne EKSR-46 flare laUlociler Dlil nile NHG-~ 7PF FrasooJ,D ~as slfgl1tly more ~'ofWard a_rld ~r on '~he vertical '~in. Cotored do.s aOO1i9' '!he EKSIR'-~6 denoted the color af tile '~I8Je 10 be loadEd in eadl ttube, The ItKS~:-46 was a. de:rivat.iV<E!! 01' Ule Gelfr~a.f1I A2A--10 signal 'rlaJ~ latrflcnar iflstalloo ir! ~he' Me,$sefSiCh~itt Ma 262' let liglltEi1r-

No MiG·17PF 'WaS equipped ,81 'iaill al"Jt€!FlIFiia roll" 'Ine Syr~fJe-.,2 radar homing i8f1d 'w,amingl s,ysEem beJo'iN '~I1e p06i~ 11~t!t. ~ !11i~ Sovret- Md PQlish-buflt MIGr:17Fs, aO or 'Whlch ~;ad one. H~'Ire'I. U'le l~k of 1fie::: aJil~enna is rrzyt a means to distingui:sh too Fresco-D from the MiG-117 day 'iighlers, ,BlS, I'IiCl:tit Fl\asoo-_As aoo all ChlfleL$a-podl~ed S henyang ,J-Ss. also lack'~d lhts amle!1lt1!~ ..


At di~~lllo1ive 'feB!1.tJFe' 6:f 1fLe! M1Gi- ~ 7f F' ~~$ ~lMe Wg~ a«i9SS pan-e~ OFt! Iha port side o. ~he ~al ~r!. T11i$ panel was oorwi~bly smaller on th€' MiG~17F F~C. The ~e rn' EEIIs~ ,German oo.uonal marking S~l'II her-e was, iliserJ tetWeerI! 1956 aoo aulufIfln ~ 959. After tile ha_lifimar ,alrutli sio'kJe emblem was added, the national rnaikings, we~ app'lied as deC8:'Is_ ,A'1iter 1,952., 'Imey W€'i,e ~n :SPffi,YiJ'8iii~:ed,

The lower aft' rusalage of ·a Bulgaria.n MiGH 71PF. The elrcular painel in Ule ceJtte~ covers Ihe 8!ntenna Gf ile AAK-5 radio ~.


,~"Blue 73, ali early production MiG-'17 or DOSAAF (DablQvofnoe cbs.hchesoo sodeis.Mia a:rmii; .a.vi8Jsii t fl(YJu - fhe voltJnte-eJ .soCle.ty to S1! pport 'tll;eo An11lY, Aviatiolil, and 'fihe Fleet), a staJtesponsored paramilitary gr!l)up. This Fr~S{io-A hQS a Mji3-15 Ci='!'OOP"l, as id€lntified tl;y the wide rear canopy IT,arne. The bon number "7,S" has a tlhln

iJck ou~liII,e. N.aJtion2l11 insignia, is ~Ii€!d, to the underside at bo1h wings.

," "Red 2014 H was. one 01 'tile 'fiIrst bak:h of ttlirty..siJoi:

IFrasc:o·As. sl!Jppfi~d 10. '~I"I@. Vi€lrnamese [People's. Air Force (KhO;I\'l;!1 Qljan Mhan Dan Vr;e.t Nam) by the SOvial Uniol'l_ This. partcuter Mia-17' was as-sig ned to the 921 gl, Fighter R,e.glmeflt "Sao Do" in late SlIml"fl@F 1984.

~ "CF..:903,:tO an early MiG~17 fresc.o~A a' iIIle. Sri Lallkan .A!ir Forre. based at Kai.tlnayake, Air Fo.r(:6 Bac99. The, '~Ir~l 'frYe> MLG-17s· 'for Srri L8!nk.a, ~rlliilJ.ed (rom too Soviet !Union aboard A1lI-22, transports in Ar,ptril '197'1.

~ ~RWI3000,H a Stieny,ar1lg F .. 5 of the 9.21 st Figtll:e~

10 . nt "8- n t' I r ~ rn I' :I .. '

n€glme, sao 1.0'0;· 'l'te~na.me5e FeCI-pi e' s ...... I~

'Force, lal'a 1005. This @jrcra~: 'f:orrn,erly ~Iongecl to iltJe Chirnese IPeople'S lfberanon Army Air !Foroe, a nil Ul,e Ch~n~~;a national mali'kings were o\i\erpra.imoo with l%liht ~U~ OF l}ght gray 'poor 10 '~he awicatiofl! of 1he 'VP'AF inSignia.

"" "Red! 2l('r1·1,~' a ~ltetl!var;g F-5 of ~~ 923rd fight'~r lR€gim€fl~: "Yen ·Ti1ei' Vietnamese P,eODle~ Airr For1ce', 1007. Tll@l'FflI$Co..c· is CarTIOlJlIagea [11 grtee:n wiU, pall'C h es o~ light gr,!3IY with fliE!_Uonall"if!@rkings applied toO 00ttr upper amd lower wing ,~l"lIrtao~s- Th@ ,aircraft: calfries nine roed star ''Jittory rfimkIngs; Feprlij~@nfil'ilg thi;! num ber of v~crorie5 credited 1:0, tile ai reraH il.$eVr, This F'i':~$Cti)-C W~:~ ~Iown by Ngo Due Mai. who sbet down 'seVetaI U-S. Gl.irc~ft, and is preserved tOl:lay in the VI?AlF museum,

"Blue .j 11·1," at la.e Fmsoo-C or 'ilfle R~~ AJghatl .Air lForc8, cernes too national mtJJkillg inlrool1lC€d in '11982. The ~~ar-in-circlel roond'm appeared on 001h sides 01' the vertical 'fin and om '~ne l!n(;I!~~,si:de of 00.111 'wings, The llrst MIG-117 F·s were del~Fed tt)) ,AIghalliistan in ·195cL A l)Jb.:d 'o~ fifty 'iil€Je dividedl among "rl(ttliiF ~,u.admr!s, oo..sed at Maz8Jr+Sham fElildl KanciallaJ.


;.181ue 73," en e~FLlt prouootJon MIGf1J"( or '~1~ ,DOSAAF (~vot'r1Oe ObsnC"Jli9s.!'V!O ~~, AlJ'iI1i'ir Av.rafs,ij·,r Fiafu - VdlU:flt€€~ $OGi'€.1y to Su:P'Jl<]rt the Armv, Avialion. aoo the 'Flee~, Tl1is. Fresto-A has a MiG-U5-type, catl!JPY and ne r~T~vlew mirror' and, I1il{(!S' UrlWiSliai f@F an ea~ly IWG-1f, l~ b~~111 retr'ofiM:etlI wJth the butrDn antennas of tile' Sy,!iC'.l'i'.!.T2' @:ySl:em an '~he wir'lg leMing edges and tlps.

"Floo 589," a lat~ prooLJcli:on EaEo1 GelmaJl MiG-'ll IF res co-A has,.8J CMI.opy jeaF-'vij9!l1Iil'1irmr and a SyMJ'j.@-2 !SIfll£!nj"Ja Ori ~he ~al~ imrnedla:W'ly b!ilfow itie' pOGI~ion light lllI~ btJ'm.ool anten nas on the 'l.'iing'ing '~dg€ W€:r€ retfD'!iiN:ed! in lhe course 'O'f' :the fresoois, Qpera1liona~ serr.rioo wi~h 'the luttstrei1kr~:r1'e' dar Na1iotllalar! Volk'$~f1ilea (East Gs~ma!1'!I Jijr F'orc&).

DRied :29. n an mrly p:rod!JD1IDn MJG-17 of ij]e' VVS {s.oviet AU' Force,), 8ilso has ,i1Jj MiG-15-'ype ~tmapy and M rear-view mf:rr«- The' MiG·15 C.;:ir10PY has a: widof F€laF ''1'l@ 1tJsn 'ihe' canopy al: the st8!OO8Jrd ~mJrluctiolll MiG-17 _ 1hls, Fresco-A has '~h1e blade aJfllel'lria 'for IMe 81110-'1 &rty-M IIFF 'tra_flsllQflder if1staJled behrrl!i:ll '~he IflCiS9 Io\Ihaal 'l.V!911 ,on nile pert :sid~.

UlEilue 20," 8J MiG-17 FreSCd-A 01' tile W5, is !Jnu$IJ9.1 in haw~g an 8RIO-,1 M rrldar raF!gefi~er ~ooiFI1JSi1I Of) its radho bay a'OceGS ~afilel, whfc:h is! hillg~d to tile nose; MosI: Fr!f'€8Co-As. had no hinged Hlilio 00)1' accees panel. ariel a 'Yer'J' few wei'a r,etmflitted wilt! a rMge1inoer,

'Blu9 11 ~," an Afghall A[r FOj\Ge MiG,.'17F, The 'tires have eeen whit.e to help protect ahem "from iIIle' eftects ,of the sun, The tinm MiG-,17'$ 'Were delivered to Nle ROY,:3!1 A.if-ghan Foroe in 195i!.t IFrrty Fresoo.-As aIf1dl ,FreGCO-(;s wera dlvlded afOO!",!} fPtl&' squadrons opera~lflg l't'O\IlIl MazaJr-Ir-Shati!' and I'\::uidahar Air Fm're Bases, This s.tyle O~' Afghan na;lio:ool marking lWS introduced in 1982_

Lim-.5 "lRe[j 1 000" (sin ~ C-1 O-08} was aecepled lOy tile Pol1sil Air Force an 115 April 1958 ~li1d w.a:s alk>cated 'to In.a 26. Pu Ik Lo~nbctw,a Mysliw-sklag/Ol (26!h ~Il~ar A:iJla~iofl Regimetlit) at RedzikDwO Air' force Base; I~ is a standard FreEiOO-C ,equIpped wi'lfl the SRD'- 1 Racml radar rang€:m a!l'lJ'tenna on .he f!ooa and S:VM.f'i\8\o:2 button sntsnnss an too wing I~ading edge and ~[19 'tip.


A factory-,fresh, Lebecl'i/ll) CesSros!oVenske lidCi'o'e Armadly (C,zeCOOSliJevak Air' Fome), WliG-'17F_ This is an €:;EI.rly fre~o-C:, withourt '1m €I' SRD·,1 Rar;:t-a/ radar Fallglijfiool}r ,unmnna, but aqu ippi3d wi1ll aJlll SRO-'l Bariy-M ~FiF 'bffifl$;pottder M!.e_ma., An C~ectJo~I(iv.akiatlJ MiG-17F~ wst8 imported from the SO\/iet Union.

TIlle torr-nSF ~Blaak EP-01 H aJfber I. 'III,as rem..lmi)e;red "Bla~~ 0952" !Ill summer 1957', when tl'Je' Le~eGtv{) Ces~lovens.l:ie Lido'l€' Almady changed i~s system of taO'lical 1Il!JI!'I1Ders. Czechoslovak and East German MiG~'f7$ were unique' among '~hlJ)Se of the W.aJt"SrJlVi Pact na.I(vJI~ in ~avlng 'UI1e na!lona! ITilanking applied on '~he upper wing surtace in addition to the usual locations.

".. "BlacJl;: 1100,'; 51 Polish-buill MiG-·17F of 11 Squadron; Indooesia;flI Air F'orce,

... 'Whit@ 056u W~ a foF,~ Syri;;lf! Air F'©rte lFresoo-C "8Iad;: ~,~O1" whldh 'rell itil\)) Israeli harms or; 12 fij;JJg!Jsl: '1968. TraJisierred to U.S. ~stOOy, ~Jh€: MiG,. 11"7 'IN·as sent to Groom L~k~, Nalil.a.da, where It wacs ~s[gl'!ed to P~~t Ha- ... a (ifill, From January' to M8i}' 1900', USAF and USN pir0t5 and ~:eclinici~ms eWlJu8J,:ed Ihe MiG/1I7'S design; perf:'ol'llil1ance" and hal"iilling q!lJi!lili1ies :;J;$ 'N~II as U.S. t;;iJ)11\[;:$. iSi.fld

w~aN1lM ;c,"'!'C1'oi:IfIl'" .;:,mlf'll"'~i\O_" ~fi""ln,:;~' II The le",o!;~" Ik..."' ..... "',-I .jC"""ro .... ~L\O'''''''''', ~ .... ..,~ ~ I"'.,i ........ 'Ii;;, - -." - ,.... .-..Ii i.,.·

Ii? _ I""""'" _ ~""'!N .... '>' . ·t'" ~';r .... \..! ""!ZI'"" ... ~L _ - _ .. v .v~~!-ao !~..!!! It'!...! Ilv! 'I [lJ1lv;;]"" "':'-inS vll! lV I Ie C["!B'G!Ilon VI ~I 18

US~F;s, lReei Rag and USN '5 Top Gun Ilfogirams, ~nd directly· ilITilw~n-cl$d too d~~n G.f ~u~lI;;1rl!:

Amer~a_n liglflter .;!irc~.a1t


'1l ~Iue 09, n a. MIG-1 7PIF IFre6oo··D or a F~ht€f Av~ffiion Regim€n~: (]~: PVCI' Si{1jny (ProtiilO~ Vo.",dush'm:r:jla ObcroJla Slmny, or D.anli-air defense of '~h€: coun~y')! 'In€: air de'r~se braneh o~ Ih~' Soviel' mHiI:ai'ij, Too Sovi'€lt naliQna~ illSignm ~rg. on both sides or ~e vertical 'fin and d'ie' underside o~ both 'lMf'WJS. ilJrrlike WeSI~rn air de;N:li1se fOJ~, PV>O SJrany was, it branch 01' ~tle, miliA'ary u i1l'(ll itseU:, separete from Ul€' Soviet Air. Force {VVS}. p~s pti[~i~eJ ml$slofl was to ~!1Iberoe;pt U.S. Sihr.attegjc Air Command bombers Sis, .. hey F¥l;;llr,a~ Soviet airspeoe;. It had iit.s Q'!.!lflJ chain 01 cOi!lmaJtTld. schools, radars, af!d sou 00 director sites.

• "'lRed 209," aJ Nooh Korea.n MIG-17f'F'. Nm1h Korea r'OCIBived ils fili's~ F'l1'esCJj]r-Ds illl 1 '95Br and some ramaJnad i['1l :servioe as, I'alle as ~1lil3' ~ ~- T1l;a naiionm insigrnia 8pJ!ea'Jed on DOllh sides of ~l1e aft 'l'Uls.eIa.-ge and .,Jn~r OO~h wings,

• YRed BSS:' 8J MiG-'Hf F' FreooCi-rJ 01' lite' 50., Honi Vadaszre j]CUo E;zred (50~h Home Dereii1(l€!' lnterceptcr Regill!ilen~l! Hung.arrian Air Far'Ge, Taszar Ajr Force Ba'99. INruID[\~1 i!1slgf!itll app€'afed !¥! upper and lower su Flares O~' both '!Mings a~ \ve~1 as bo~h '6~ (i~ tile vertical fllfl The' ~aC1llc,al i'Rlimber had a ~hil'll wtli're outline.

'1[1' "Red 6'18," QIiie of the la:::!I' ac1ive Polish Um-O[!llS aircraft, In i~s 1r1l!a! colm scheme ofJ' ,dark gF€€!IIl, medium greelil~ arilg br'OWliI. wilJii dark Nue, I.mderslJ'ri1aces and Ihlfll'eltow' border ,f!Jt'Oufld ltJe' ~tiual rTI!Jmber, l1'S ~ai~ :se01bll hies, been remoVed 'rm majnl~naooe or the VK~lf eflgif!e~ Due' ill) a lock of conslstent standards 1:100 paint of p:JQrqUlali'Y. P'Qlim Liffi.6$ a.ppi1:i:iIrijd in a vari:sty of eofor schemes whidh w€&ih€F€d and Cili;p;ped easily,


A MiG-17F Fresco-C on displaly at the Nalional Mus.eum .of 1tle' USAJF, Daytoll, Ohio, AllholoJgh painted If! Ule markings of the Nol:l!Fltl Vua~nallflase All Force~ the aircraft was IPreset1i~ed 'to 't~~e museum by in€: Egyptiar'l Air Fo~e in '1986 as a. symbol <Of trieoo<shlp a1'ld QOoper'alion Ib€lweenlhe ·two na.1ions,

East German MiG-1 7F "Fled m (sfn i C~08-25) was in servics wilh Jagdfllagergestli\'i,rader :2 (2nd Fighter Av.iMion Regiment) "Juri Gagaril1i" Qf ~tr.e East Gierman Air force and was based at fro lien Ilagen near N@tIbrandelloorg. At .Iila.: time; the Freoco-C was €qui~ wl~tt a do:rOOll antenna far .me' SAO-1 &61ny-jM ~Ff 'banspoo:dg;r, I:M.Jt had no ,Sy.;ren'GI--2 bUifton ~ntermas installsd,

"Blaok.10M;'" A Sa\!iet~bui1t 1M G-17F of 'Nle Camtlooli:i . AnI' Force" on B Decembsr 1970 at PhlJ 'Cti.1 IYr Ba~, in So~·~ ~Iruil, where the USAF i:lfi€lly. evall,laJte;dl his pantculm Fres.c.o~C, The SR[}~1 R8d81 radar rartgefinder antenna oF'lltie' fll)$9 cleaifly idernli~les Ifrli$ as a. SDViEt~buill: MiG-1 {. c~rII€'Se-· mam.iJl'ao1ll,J~ed ·J~5s. lac'ke;j Ihis item. The Fresco-C also is @qu~ wl~h the' dorS8.~ anterma for iItle SRO-' eany-~ IFF transponder, On 22 J~f "~-ary. 197']. ,.his aircraft VI.a~ d€istroyed \i;lfth plasb C e~iV@i$ by Vletoong St!lppers at Phnom P~1l AiFipori', Cambodia-

"'Red 777" a~ its con\ie'Ism to '~lghte:r.JJamtiJeF by the AU:~lJQMfe!like (Ahl'craft: Fac!ory} at Dresden in U1e mid-l970s . .A MA.RS.:2 pylon has. ooert Ins~alled rnl 'each wing., Too amefUl,;l. fC'J' Ihe S RO- Gafly. M ~FF 1rafl'Spondet' nas been deleted; and S~fMpQ: button an.enFila$ ~a'!le been instaIled om 'U'1e \W1g s leMillg edge..

1iF.i~d 83a,," an e~FIy. pJ1oduc-Uon MiG-17f5F (sin !5B~ 1.0 ,838,-, m the .5il i'fo:ni VaclaszrepUm Ezr,ed (50~ Heme Dereoce lnlerceptor FI.egjrnent) of 111@ Hungarian Air Far(il;l. P.;i1fli of 1tw 'Ua-cclical flumber mas p€~I~d' off. Thi;!re ~ no SYff~J1$-:2 ,tllrat€'!1!li:le '0111 'It:.e wing. b~l: a dOliSal blade antenna :for the SRlO-1 S'an-y-M IFF '~ram8pClnder has been iMt8!lIed. Both fEtajLllf"(l€; 'WeFa very UFUffilJaJ tor 9" Fre$CO-l),

A csnvas cQIiI-.@lr prO't@octs ttle radome of 1tlls lim-5P Fr~seo-D of line fiotskie Woj50ko LO~fiIicze,. No i1~tlonal markings were applied to 'llile' IIJ pper surfaces of the wing.

MiG.-:j 7lPF "IRed '94'9'~ tsJrn 0049, 'IN,as one oJ only '~el:Ve Soviet~bui!t :F~oo-IO$: in .sefYk;~ \wh U19 P.olski:e 'Wa.iislm Lotni~1#I (Porish ,Air FOF~aJ, Pt was, ,ailloca~ed to tits- at, 59JFII'IodzJielna Esfm.dra IAtn.iotwa My5li'i'!.lskiego {215t looe:pefldem Figln;:er .AviaHafl SquadrGOn,) an 1:3 May 1. 955. The small rn.dome lili'ii It€, air imak€l' splittm illdicaWiS 'the Fresco-I) ls equi~d w~th '~he RP'-'ll Izurnrud-1 radar.

YRed 15,M a MiG·,Hf!'F Fresco-D Of lhe iBu'lg:!iJF9ki 'iJ'oyerrno Vaooushlni Siri ,(811J1'g.aIMa.rn ,Ai~ Foroe)., IU rufeJ;gDes: manusnanee. lh~ ca ilrl 00, prat{o~m '!la'S bean lowered, Btifaarian IM:iGi-17PFs carried M~MI r1"Ia~kli'lg$ 611 'tOO tltft 'fucselage and' tile ~p of the vertical fin.

S't~~1I8e'rllin,JJ.! [Once a veteran ~ombaf ai'rcl"alt~ ,the' M'i,G~1'7 Frese,v ,has become 8' veteran ,of fhe American airsho'w cir:ouj,t ,and {!j[ pOIJ,fjla', a;t1racllon due to Il:s c,omparafive tarify ,and' its impress/ile' petlol'.mance., ,Otten teat,ur:ed is ",Red 309J' (N406DMJ~ ,seen herre pi.lQted by ,;:ts 0 wner.. William Ward., A Chinesefomanufac.turod Shenyang J-S' Fms1c,o-C, it was' bu'llt in 1957' and came tiD the United Stafes ,in 1988., In orde.,;' to' reduce hi:s speed 1;0., match 'ha't of the camera fJ"ane~ 'Wa·nj h'8s fully extende.d ;the ,J-5's ail' bm'kes'.



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