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Jonghyeok Kim JONGHYEOK KIM is at the

Research Center of Korea
Euiho Suh Telecommunication.
Hyunseok Hwang
HWANG are in the Department of
f Industrial Engineering at Pohang
University of Science and

The authors would like to thank

the Ministry of Education of Korea
for its financial support toward the
ABSTRACT Electrical and Computer
Engineering Division at Pohang
Customer relationship management (CRM) has become one of the University of Science and
leading business strategies in the new millennium. CRM is a broad Technology through its BK21
term for managing business interactions with customers. The
effectiveness of CRM can be measured as a satisfaction level
achieved by CRM activities. Although CRM has emerged as a major
business strategy for e-commerce, little research has been
conducted in evaluating the effectiveness of CRM. Because it is
difficult to demonstrate tangible returns on the resources expanded
to plan, develop, implement, and operate CRM, the aim of our
research is to measure the intangible attributes of these benefits,
such as value enhancement, effectiveness, innovation, and service
improvement. In this paper, we propose a customer-oriented

© 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. and

Direct Marketing Educational Foundation, Inc.


Published online in Wiley InterScience (
DOI: 10.1002/dir.10051


evaluation model for evaluating the effectiveness ating CRM effectiveness using the balanced
of CRM and then illustrate the model through a scorecard (BSC). BSC is intended to link short-
case study. term operational control to the long-term vision
and strategy of the business. In this way, a com-
pany focuses on critical key factors in meaning-
ful target areas. By modifying the four perspec-
tives of BSC suggested by Kaplan and Norton
1. INTRODUCTION (1992), we can use BSC as a tool for assessing
Transforming enterprises to become customer- the effectiveness of various application domains
centric while still expanding revenue and profit (Fairchild, 2002; Grembergen & Amelinckx,
is one of the hottest strategies in business today. 2000; Martinsons, Davison & Tse, 1999). BSC
This strategy is known as customer relationship overcomes the drawbacks of financial-measure-
management (CRM). To realize CRM success, oriented performance assessment through har-
business and IT executives should implement monizing both financial measures and non-
CRM processes and technologies and foster em- financial measures and giving managers a
ployee behavior that supports coordinated and balanced view of various perspectives. In evalu-
more effective customer interactions through- ating the effectiveness of CRM activities, non-
out all customer channels. financial outcomes such as customer satisfac-
The essence of CRM is to change organiza- tion, channel management, and customer
tions from a products-centric to customer-cen- understanding are as important as financial
tric philosophy. One of the most important pro- ones such as increased profit, net sales, and
cesses of CRM is, therefore, extracting valid, reduced cost. BSC, therefore, was chosen as a
previously unknown, and comprehensible infor- well-coordinated and harmonized evaluation
mation from a large database and using it for tool for CRM effectiveness.
profit. CRM deploys many technologies and de- This paper is organized as follows: First, this
cision-science applications like data mining and paper presents the definition and potential ben-
data warehousing to perform effectively. As en- efits of CRM in Section 2. Section 3 covers the
terprises pursue CRM strategies, they become existing CRM evaluation models, their draw-
aware that the costs and benefits of CRM initi- backs, and the advantages of BSC as a CRM
atives are significant, and they strive to grasp the evaluation tool. A CRM evaluation model and a
financial impacts and economic factors that CRM evaluation framework will be developed in
contribute to their success. For enterprises to Sections 4 and 5. The suggested model will be
achieve ROI (return on investment) from CRM, illustrated through a case study in Section 6.
investments in the application domains and Finally, we conclude our study with emerging
technologies of CRM should contribute tangi- issues in the area of CRM evaluation.
ble business benefits to the enterprise, as well as
intangible benefits. The effectiveness of CRM
can be measured as a satisfaction level achieved
by CRM activities. As CRM has emerged as a 2. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP
major business strategy for e-commerce, evalu- MANAGEMENT
ating its effectiveness is very important. How- As we enter the new millennium, CRM is chang-
ever, little research has been conducted to eval- ing many industries and influences many cus-
uate CRM effectiveness. tomers and businesses. CRM can be defined as
In the CRM world, increased emphasis is be- managerial efforts to manage business interac-
ing placed on developing measures that are tions with customers by combining business
customer-centric and give managers a better processes and technologies that seek to under-
idea of how their CRM policies and programs stand a company’s customers.
are working (Winer, 2001). Companies are becoming increasingly aware
In this paper, we develop a model for evalu- of the many potential benefits provided by



CRM. Some potential benefits of CRM are as research divided customer components into
follows (Jutla, Craig, & Bodorik, 2001; Stone, four perspectives. First, the framework analysis
Woodcock, & Wilson, 1996): of this research labeled components with names
such as engage, order, fulfill, and support in a
● Increased customer retention and loyalty midsize telecommunication company. This
● Higher customer profitability framework was developed to address a current
● Creation value for the customer business need to become e-CRM ready and to

lessen the slope of the learning curve required
Customization of products and services
to get there. Second, the framework allows us to
● Lower process, higher quality products and dig deeper and identify what components and
services enablers must be in place to support e-CRM.
Finally, the framework identifies metrics that
can be used to monitor and infuse feedback to
3. CRM EFFECTIVENESS AND EVALUATION assess the e-CRM readiness of a business entity.
Since it is difficult to evaluate tangible returns His study, however, only focused on evaluating
on the resources expanded to plan, develop, the CRM readiness of a company.
implement, and operate CRM, we have to mea- Stamoulis, Kanellis, and Martakos (2002) as-
sure the intangible nature of benefits such as sessed the business value of e-banking distribu-
customer loyalty, service quality, value enhance- tion channels. These can be used to assess the
ment, effectiveness of processes, innovation of business value along two points: the internal
operation, service improvement, competitive- view, where the channel is considered as a re-
ness, trust, and efficiency. source whose utilization must be maximized,
The conventional financial/accounting and the external view, where the channel as an
methods of investment evaluation are currently interface to the bank’s customer base should
the most widely used methods for marketing enable and support customer relationship man-
evaluation. Variants upon this theme include agement. These models only focused on cus-
net present value (NPV), return on investment tomer interaction in the communication channel.
(ROI), and internal rate of return (IRR). These Morgan, Clark, and Gooner (2002) assessed
methods have the advantage of being invest- marketing performance based on marketing
ment evaluation settings. Their major drawback productivity and marketing audits. His ap-
of evaluation is that they focus on the estima- proach is limited to evaluating the marketing
tion of cash flows and accounting criteria. They area, not the technology domain.
are not suitable for evaluating investments that In the 1990s, Kaplan and Norton (1992) pre-
are expected to yield benefits that are primarily sented the BSC concept in Harvard Business Re-
intangible, indirect, or strategic (Grembergen view. Their basic idea is that evaluation criteria
& Amelinckx, 2002). should include not only financial measures but
Multicriteria methods may solve this problem also other perspectives such as customer satis-
because they account for tangibles as well as for faction, internal business process, and innova-
intangible impacts. These methods include in- tion and learning.
formation economics, cost benefit analysis Kaplan and Norton (1996) propose a three-
(CBA), return on management (ROM), value layer structure for the aforementioned four per-
analysis, and investment portfolios. The major spectives: mission, objectives, and measures. Dif-
drawback of these methods is that they are nec- ferent market situations, product strategies,
essarily based on substitutive measures of intan- business units, and competitive environments
gible costs and benefits. These methods have require different scorecards to fit their mission,
the difficulty in making consensus on scores strategy, technology, and culture. The general
(Lycett & Giaglis, 2000). BSC framework can be adapted to the more
Jutla, Craig, and Bodorik (2001) suggested a specific needs of monitoring and evaluating the
method for evaluating e-CRM readiness. This e-business projects. Grembergen and Amelinckx



CRM Evaluation Model

(2002) proposed a generic e-business scorecard, and intangible, non-financial aspects (Mar-
which consists of four perspectives: customer ori- tinsons, Davison, & Tse, 1999).
entation, business contribution, operational ex- ● BSC evaluates the integrated domain of
cellence, and future orientation. Martinsons, business and technology (Grembergen &
Davison, and Tse (1999) developed a BSC for Amelinckx, 2002).
information systems that measured and evaluated ● BSC evaluates customer satisfaction which
IS activities from the following perspectives: busi-
is very important in e-business (Grember-
ness value, user orientation, internal process, and
gen & Amelinckx, 2002).
future readiness. Fairchild (2002) addressed the
● BSC is a goal-oriented system. To evaluate
problem of developing measurement models for
KM metrics and examined their sustainability and CRM effectiveness in a consistent manner,
soundness in assessing knowledge utilization and a developer can consider the goals or ob-
retention of generating revenue. BSC pursues jectives of CRM (Olve, Roy, & Wetter,
overall optimization through a balanced view of 1999).
various perspectives and adds value by providing ● BSC is an action-oriented system. It can
both relevant and balanced information in a con- monitor and improve business perfor-
cise way for managers. mance (Martinsons, Davison, & Tse, 1999).
To evaluate the effectiveness of CRM, we
need an evaluation tool, which can assess both
tangible and intangible elements and overcome 4. A MODEL FOR EVALUATING THE
the drawbacks mentioned in the beginning part EFFECTIVENESS OF CRM
of Section 3. With the following advantages,
The CRM evaluation model is an iterative pro-
BSC is considered as an excellent tool for eval-
cess that assesses the effectiveness of CRM. As
uating CRM.
Figure 1 shows, the first step in this process is to
● BSC makes it possible to evaluate manage- determine the mission and goal of CRM. Once
rial activities with unbiased viewpoints by this is decided, the next step is to establish a
providing both tangible financial aspects CRM strategy. The purpose of this step is to



Cause-and-Effect Relationships and Related Perspectives in CRM Process

figure out the principle strategic factors. After covers large and hidden customer characteris-
figuring out the strategic factors, the next step is tics through data mining tools and techniques.
to find interrelationships among CRM activities As CRM has tremendous potential for collecting
and business goals (business goals being increased and storing customer preferences, CRM can
profits). By analyzing these relationships, we can make it possible to create new products and
learn what should be done to achieve better out- customize existing products in innovative ways.
comes and what perspectives are important to- Second, the company integrates all relevant
wards achieving the outcomes. The outcome of information on each customer across the enter-
the analysis is evaluated to identify the effective- prise in order to facilitate more effective plan-
ness of CRM. This assessment gives further in- ning, marketing and services. Identified cus-
sights into the CRM strategy and helps the mar- tomer knowledge helps to find customer needs
keter to determine the strategy of CRM. The when a company interacts with customer. As
iterative process continues until the current CRM customer requirements and expectations are
activities become effective. met, loyal customers are created. Customer
Figure 2 shows the cause-and-effect relation- value can be added by product and service cus-
ship and related perspectives in the CRM eval- tomization, additional information provision,
uation process. First, a company accumulates a and quality enhancement. Understanding and
huge amount of customer information and cre- collecting customer needs are critical to con-
ates a customer profile. Next, the company dis- ducting these value-adding activities.



T A B L E 1
Company-Centric BSC vs. Customer-Centric BSC

Company-Centric BSC Focus Customer-Centric BSC Focus

Financial perspective Delivering value to our shareholders Customer value Enhancing customer
loyalty and profit
Customer Delivering value to our customer Customer satisfaction Achieving business value
Internal business Promoting efficiency and effectiveness Customer interaction Promoting effective
perspective in our business processes channels and pursuing
operational excellence
Innovation and Sustaining our innovation and change Customer knowledge Understanding customer
learning capabilities, through continuous and analyzing customer
perspective improvement information

Third, satisfactory long-term customer rela- management of customer services and manage-
tionships can be established, as channels aid ment processes. Management and maintenance
employees to serve customers effectively and affect customer value, operational excellence,
profitably. Finally, the company increases reve- and high-quality CRM service. By managing and
nues and profits. Typically, business value can maintaining CRM more effectively, a company
be added by improving brand image, establish- can satisfy its customers and achieve operational
ing customer relationships, enhancing public excellence.
relations, and generating sales leads. The customer value (CV) perspective repre-
The cause-and-effect relationship can give a sents the benefits gained from customers, such
clue as to what perspectives are important to as lifetime value and customer loyalty. If the
achieve business goals. Traditional BSC has four customer is satisfied with the service of a com-
perspectives: financial, customer, internal busi- pany, there will be no problem concerning cus-
ness, innovation, and learning. As Table 1 tomer deviation. To maintain this relationship,
shows, we changed the traditional four perspec- the CV perspective continues to find ways to
tives to reflect a customer-centric philosophy in build customer commitment and loyalty. In ad-
CRM evaluation. The revised model consists of dition, customers are identified by their value
the following four perspectives: customer knowl- and are treated accordingly.
edge, customer interaction, customer value, and cus- The customer satisfaction (CS) perspective
tomer satisfaction. represents the level of satisfaction achieved by
The customer knowledge (CK) perspective products or services. Customer satisfaction is
represents the status of the customer segment the feeling that a product or service meets cus-
and customer data management. Customer tomer expectations and determines whether
knowledge focuses on technology learning, un- the buyer will become a permanent customer or
derstanding customer needs, and customer pro- not.
files, which influence ways of interacting with
customers. CK is a prerequisite and essential
part of meeting the future needs of customers 5. METRICS OF CRM EFFECTIVENESS
and improving management processes. There- We propose an application framework for eval-
fore, it is critical for some organizations to fa- uating CRM effectiveness. Each perspective is
miliarize themselves with the new technology to evaluated by appropriate metrics. There are
understand their customers well. some reasons why performance measurement is
The customer interaction (CI) perspective so powerful in enhancing business. First, mea-
represents operational excellence and channel surement removes the ambiguity and disagree-



ment that surround high-level strategic con- used. Customers perceive safety of transactions
cepts. Second, measurement provides the and seller empathy as important (Devaraj, Fan,
precise language for clearly communicating at & Kohli, 2002). Table 2 shows the metrics of
all levels what the organization wants to accom- customer knowledge.
plish and how it intends to accomplish it. Third,
measurement allows the continual evaluation of 5.2 Customer Interaction
corporate alignment on strategic goals. Last, Many communication channels are developed
measurement not only improves the probability to interact with the customer effectively. To
but also speeds the pace at which change occurs manage various communication channels effi-
(Brewton, 2002). ciently, managers make an effort to monitor the
business processes. The processes can be di-
5.1 Customer Knowledge vided into internal and external processes. The
The varied tastes and preferences of customers internal processes refer to the handling of the
make it difficult to classify customers into a processes in the company internally, whereas
large homogenous population to develop mar- the external processes describe the interactions
keting strategies. A customer wants to be served between suppliers and customers. Internal pro-
according to his or her individual and unique cesses determine operational excellence and
needs. To analyze customer needs, CRM uses external processes determine channel manage-
appropriate data mining tools and data ware- ment effectiveness. The customer relationship
housing techniques. We can learn about cus- can be reinforced by effective customer interac-
tomer characteristics by analyzing customer tion. Customer interaction has the following
knowledge, customer retention, customer devi- components (Stone, Woodcock, & Wilson,
ation, and customer acquisition. An enterprise 1996).
using its Web site as a CRM tool should incor-
porate Web log data, page views per day, and ● Contacts with company staff—front line
visits per day. and other
In order to adopt the current customer-cen- ● Outbound contact management—mail,
tric business environment, companies use data telephone, sales visits, and deliveries
mining and data warehousing technology. A ● Physical service environment
major problem is filtering, sorting, manipulat- ● Transaction—price, value, and terms
ing, analyzing, and managing this data in order
to extract information relevant to CRM activi- Winer (2001) suggested a relational program
ties. Data mining tasks are used to extract pat- that includes customer service, loyalty pro-
terns from large data sets. With the shift from grams, customization, rewards programs, and
mass marketing to one-to-one relationship mar- community building.
keting, one area that can greatly benefit from To analyze customer interaction, some im-
data mining is the marketing function (Shaw, portant measures need to be considered, such
Subramaniam, Tan, & Welge, 2001). Technol- as the number of marketing campaigns, total
ogy learning is also important towards under- cost for promotion, frequency of contents up-
standing customers. It is required, therefore, to dates, payment, response channels, and so on.
assess employee skill to use customer informa- Communication channels not only include clas-
tion effectively. Security is another basic and sic communication channels such as letters, fax,
critical prerequisite when dealing with cus- and telephone but also emerging new channels
tomer information. Security, in particular, has such as call centers, service centers, Web sites,
been a serious issue concerning online pur- and virtual internet communities. It is vital to
chases and an impediment to the acceptance of manage various channels efficiently and imme-
the e-channel. Many customers are concerned diately. Internal processes need to connect and
about the amount of personal information that integrate diverse channels effectively.
is contained in databases and how it is being We need to analyze the business process to



T A B L E 2
Measures for Customer Knowledge

Objectives Measures

Collecting appropriate customer Customer acquisitions (No.)

information Number of customers (No.)
Analyzing customer data Web marketing
Acquiring new customers Page views per day (No.)
Understanding customer needs Visits per day (No.)
Improving skills of employee Net sales/employee (%)
Improving CRM techniques Technological capacity (No.)
Frequency of hardware upgrade (No.)
R&D investment ($)
• Support R&D
Data warehouse, Data mart, Data mining
Multi-dimension analytical
• Service R&D
Customer segment personalization
Web service
Customer profile research ($)
Secure service Security level (%)

evaluate measures such as payment methods, erational excellence. Therefore, it is necessary

delivery channels, and product diversity. Cus- to analyze such information as delivery time,
tomer satisfaction can be increased by improv- response time, and product diversity. Table 3
ing channel management and maximizing op- shows the metrics of customer interaction.

T A B L E 3
Measures for Customer Interaction

Objectives Measures

Appropriate response to customer request Marketing campaign (No.)

Total cost for promotion ($)
Frequency of contents update (No.)
Integration of business processes Number of payment methods (No.)
Improving channel management Number of response channel to customer inquiry (No.)
Total cost for managing channel ($)
Maximizing the effectiveness and Avg. delivery time after order fulfillment (No.)
efficiency of enterprise operations
Response time to customer inquiry (No.)
Customizing products and services Transaction conducted by members (%)
Product diversity
Detailed product information
Timeliness sales in popular product



T A B L E 4
Measures for Customer Value

Objectives Measures

Improving customer retention Number of retained customers (No.)

Profits increase Net sales ($)
Ordinary sales ($)
Asset/employee ($)
Profit/employee ($)
Improving customer service and support Channel interface
Building attractive virtual community • Usability
• Attractiveness
• Navigation efficiency
• Contents search
• Consistency of site structure

5.3 Customer Value lifetime value and customer equity. Table 4

Customer value describes tangible and intangi- shows the metrics of customer value.
ble benefits gained from CRM activities, which
help to arrange the relationship with the cus- 5.4 Customer Satisfaction
tomer successfully. Customer value can be The assessment of customer satisfaction is one
achieved through, for example, value added by of the most important stages of the imple-
relevant information in virtual communities, a mented model. The final aim of CRM is cus-
loyalty program, and an attractive bundling of tomer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is dif-
different products. ficult to measure because it is hard to quantify
In order to determine the customer value, we the satisfaction level. Customer satisfaction
need to analyze such information as marketing represents a modern approach for quality in
campaign, number of retention customers, and enterprises and organizations, and serves the
net sales. CRM initiatives should provide mutu- development of a truly customer-focused man-
ally beneficial value to the customer and the agement and culture. Measuring customer sat-
company. Current customer profitability should isfaction offers an immediate, meaningful, and
be calculated, establishing a baseline and com- objective feedback about customer preferences
paring new calculations to that baseline period- and expectations (Mihelis et al., 2001).
ically. Calculating customer value potential and As Figure 3 shows, a company interacts with
using it as a guideline will be profitable in the the customer using various communication
future. Mulhern (1999) provided a conceptual channels such as e-mail, Web sites, virtual com-
and methodological foundation for measuring munities, call centers, and service centers. This
customer lifetime value in direct marketing for information needs to be integrated and ana-
broader target marketing applications. His em- lyzed in order to obtain a complete and accu-
phasis is placed on the precise specification of rate picture of the customers—their prefer-
the inputs into a profitability analysis and the ences, needs, complaints, and attributes that
measures of the degree of concentration of can make them life-long members of the orga-
profits among customers. Bayen, Gutsche, and nizational “network” of products and services
Bauer (2002) has presented special models for (Berson, Smith, & Thearling, 2000).
estimating the retention duration and acquisi- Among the four perspectives, the customer
tion probability of customers—two particularly satisfaction perspective is the most important
critical variables when determining customer because customer satisfaction is directly linked



The Evaluation Process of CRM

to a company’s profits. Service delivery via vari- customer satisfaction regardless of the type of
ous channels of IT application has emerged as service. The five dimensions consider distinct
an important attribute in satisfying customers. components of CRM:
In addition, it has also been reported that more
● Assurance: knowledge and courtesy of CRM
than 70% of the defection of customers in the
employees and their ability to inspire trust
financial services sector is due to dissatisfaction
and confidence
with the quality of service delivered. Proper
CRM practices can potentially impact customer ● Reliability: ability to perform the promised
satisfaction ratings and can potentially lead to service dependably and accurately
increased customer retention (Karimi, Somers, ● Empathy: caring, individualized attention
& Gupta, 2001). Customer satisfaction was mea- the service provider gives its customers
sured by questionnaires in this study. These ● Responsiveness: willingness to help custom-
measures include the number of customer com- ers and provide prompt service
plaints, response times, mean time to resolve ● Tangibles: physical facilities, equipment,
issues, the number of contacts executed before
and appearance of personnel
achieving problem resolution, and the percent-
age of complaints that were successfully re- According to Figure 3, excess, satisfaction,
solved. A customer satisfaction evaluation per- and insufficiency are three levels of customer
spective is based on those of a SERVQUAL satisfaction. Customer satisfaction was evaluated
instrument. This approach evaluates all activi- through questionnaires. We investigated not
ties that take place on the CRM from the fol- only customer satisfaction, but also brand im-
lowing five perspectives: reliability, responsive- age. After a company applies relationship mar-
ness, empathy, tangibles, and assurance. Table 5 keting, it wants to know how much profit can be
shows the metrics of customer satisfaction. accrued from its application and a change of
Underlying the 22 items are five dimensions brand image. The intangible assets of a com-
that Parasuraman, Zeithami, and Berry (1998) pany such as customer satisfaction and brand
claim are used by customers when evaluating image are important determinants of its market



T A B L E 5
Measures for Customer Satisfaction

Objectives Measures

Improving service quality Brand image (%)

Service level (%) (response to customer inquiry)
Number of daily customer inquiries (No.)
Establishing relationships Customer satisfaction (%)
with customers
• Assurance
• Reliability
• Empathy
• Responsiveness
• Tangibles

value. Bayon, Gutsche, and Bauer (2002) pro- Some measures of each perspective were eval-
posed customer equity marketing. This research uated through questionnaires. A 10-point scale
suggested that a company gains shareholder response format, which ranged from 1(highly
value when customers were satisfied with service dissatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied), was used.
and brand image became strength. The questionnaires were sent to 240 randomly
selected customers of company K, and 52 re-
sponses were returned.
6. A CASE STUDY The first survey result of BSC provides some
In this section, we illustrate how the model can insights into the improvement area of company
be applied to a particular company that we will K’s CRM. Many customers were dissatisfied with
identify here as K Company. K Company is an services and channel interface. In particular,
online shopping mall that sells 30,000 products the slow responsiveness and lack of response
divided into 12 categories. K Company is channels was a major complaint of customers.
ranked 18th among online shopping malls in These complaints caused low revisit probability.
Korea. This company was founded on Septem- Customer interaction that failed to support cus-
ber 5, 1999. Since then it has focused on Inter- tomers was evaluated as a weak point. We con-
net business and has 480 collaborating compa- cluded that K Company must expand channels
nies and annual sales amounting to $30 million. such as payment methods and response chan-
This company expanded its business area into nels to interact more fully with its customers.
portal services such as Internet communities, Also, it was concluded that the channel inter-
stock service, and online chatting. face was not attractive enough to customers.
Data related to each perspective was collected The usability and attractiveness of the channel
through expert interviews, questionnaires, and interface was evaluated as a low point. A com-
Web-log analysis. Time-related data, such as rev- pany has to update its Web site by taking user
enue, sales, cost, and site traffic, were collected interface into consideration. In addition, most
for a combined period of 6 months, from Feb- customers were unfamiliar with the name of the
ruary 2002 to April 2002 (period I), and from company. We concluded that its marketing
August 2002 to October 2002 (period II). The campaigns did not influence customers. Finally,
measures were selected according to the spe- though K Company generated a lot of net sales
cific goals and objectives of K Company. The over a 3-month period, February to April 2002,
overall evaluation result of the company is pre- the percentage of purchases made by the mem-
sented in Table 6. bers of K Company and the total amount of



T A B L E 6
The BSC Table of K Company

Metric PI PII Var

a. Customer knowledge
Customer acquisitions 2.3K 75K 226%
Number of customers 42K 132K 214%
Average page views per day 25K 50K 100%
Average visits per day 5K 11K 120%
Net sales per employee ($) 290K 350K 21%
Technological capacity (million hit) 1 1.5 0.5
Frequency of hardware upgrade (no./year) 1 2 100%
R&D investment ($) 21K 42K 100%
Customer profile research ($) 4K 2K ⫺50%
Security level (firewall and SSL encryption) high high —
b. Customer value
Net sales ($) 2.3M 9.7M 322%
Ordinary sales ($) ⫺850K 490K 142%
Assets per employee ($/person) 91K 80K ⫺12%
Profit per employee ($/person) ⫺34K 15K 156%
Channel Interface
Usability 7.1 8.0 0.9
Attractiveness 6.2 7.6 1.4
Navigation efficiency 7.5 7.8 0.4
Contents search 8.6 8.4 ⫺0.2
Consistency of site structure 8.5 8.2 ⫺0.3
c. Customer interaction
Marketing campaign frequency (no./year) 4 12 200%
Promotions cost ($/year) 2K 6K 200%
Frequency of contents update 1/day 1/day —
Number of payment methods 3 4 1
Number of response channels to customer
inquiry 1 4 3
Cost for managing channel 2K 3K 50%
Average delivery time after order
fulfillment (days) 3–5 3–5 —
Response time to customer inquiry (hours) 1 2.5 1.5
Transactions conducted by members 3% 12.1% 9.1%
Product diversity 8.5 8.5 —
Detailed product information 8.5 8.2 0.3
Timely sales on popular products 6.1 8.0 1.9
d. Customer satisfaction
Brand image 35% 53% 18%
Service level (response to customer
inquiry) 100% 96% ⫺4%
Number of daily customer inquiries 3 71 68
Customer satisfaction
Assurance 6.1 8.1 2
Reliability 8.5 8.5 —
Empathy 7.3 8.2 0.9
Responsiveness 5.3 8.0 2.7
Tangibles 4.9 7.5 2.6

Note: PI, Feb–Apr 2002; PII, Aug–Oct 2002; Var, variance.



programs, and by providing a convenient

transaction process.
● Lack of interaction channel. Expanding com-
munication channels provided better ven-
ues for interaction.
● Lack of timely sales in popular products. Mar-
ket research was conducted to rectify this
● Low access speed. Increasing the hardware
upgrades and reallocations improved ac-
cess speed.
Relative Satisfaction Level of the Four Perspectives The “Period II” column in Table 6 shows the
(Period I) second survey result of BSC which reflects the
effect of managerial actions. The “Var” column
denotes the variance of the two results, period I
purchase made by visitors was very low. The first
and period II. Most of the metrics in period II
survey result shown in Table 6 was evaluated
surpass the metrics over period I significantly.
and discussed by the managerial board of K
Deterioration in several metrics results from the
Company. Figure 4 shows the relative satisfac-
increased complexity of the new Web site. The
tion level of four perspectives before taking ap-
new Web site contains more documents than
propriate action to improve CRM activities.
the old one and causes the impediment of fast
Previously, K Company did not have a rigid
content search and inconsistency of site struc-
tool to evaluate the effectiveness of its CRM.
ture. Figure 5 denotes the relative satisfaction
Therefore, it overlooked various aspects of eval-
level of the four perspectives after taking man-
uating CRM effectiveness, and it did not con-
agerial actions to improve CRM activities. All of
sider cause-and-effect relationships among vari-
the perspectives in Figure 5, compared with the
ous aspects. Hence, K Company could not make
four perspectives in Figure 4, are improved con-
future plans for long-term success and could
siderably. We concluded that the managerial
not take detailed action to achieve better per-
actions are effective and the four perspectives
formance. The evaluation model presented in
give a practical guideline to evaluate the current
this paper gives useful guidelines for K Compa-
CRM activities.
ny‘s CRM activities. After analyzing the BSC
results, the following managerial actions were
taken to improve the problems:

● Low percentage of revisiting customers. This was

improved by improving service and making
Web site content more attractive, by chang-
ing the Web site interface, and by activat-
ing the appropriate virtual communities.
● Lack of brand image. This was remedied by
increasing marketing campaigns, by imple-
menting various promotion programs, and
increasing the frequency of promotion.
● Low percentage of purchase made by members.
This was improved by offering customized FIGURE 5
products, by enhancing customer loyalty Relative Satisfaction Level of the Four Perspectives
through discount coupons and mileage (Period II)



7. CONCLUSION Fairchild, A.M. (2002). Knowledge Management Met-

rics via a Balanced Scorecard Methodology. Proceed-
Customer-relationship management has rapidly ings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on
become one of the leading competitive business System Sciences, Big Island (Hawaii), Organiza-
strategies in the new millennium. CRM is about tional Systems and Technologies Track, 1-8. IEE
managerial efforts to manage business interac- Computer Society Press.
tions with customers. Grembergen, W.V., & Amelinckx, I. (2002). Measuring
In this paper, we investigated how to evaluate and Managing E-business Projects through the Bal-
the effectiveness of CRM. In order to evaluate, anced Scorecard. Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii
we developed a model for evaluating CRM ef- International Conference on System Science, Big
fectiveness by using BSC and presenting objec- Island (Hawaii), Organizational Systems and Tech-
nologies Track, 1-9. IEE Computer Society Press.
tives and metrics. The CRM evaluation model is
the iterative process that assesses the effective- Jutla, D., Craig, J., & Bodorik, P. (2001). Enabling and
Measuring Electronic Customer Relationship Man-
ness of CRM. The iterative process continues agement Readiness. Proceedings of the 34th Annual
until the current CRM activities turn out to be Hawaii International Conference on System Sci-
effective. This evaluation model is composed of ences, Big Island (Hawaii), Organizational Systems
four customer-centric perspectives: customer and Technologies Track, 1-10. IEE Computer Soci-
knowledge, customer interaction, customer ety Press.
value, and customer satisfaction. These four Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1992). The Balanced Score-
perspectives were identified by analyzing cause- card—Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard
and-effect relationships of the CRM process. Business Review, Jan–Feb, 71–79.
Finally, the feasibility of the model was illus- Kaplan, R., & Norton, D. (1996). Using the Balanced
trated through a case study. This case study gave Scorecard as Strategic Management System. Harvard
further insights into CRM strategy and helped Business Review, Jan–Feb, 75– 85.
managers to determine the strategy of CRM. Karimi, J., Somers, T.M., &Gupta, Y.P. (2001). Impact
Notwithstanding the above findings, the study of Information Technology Management Practices
on Customer Service. Journal of Management Infor-
has limitations. Seasonality may affect the result mation Systems, 17, 125–158.
of a case study. Research should accumulate
Korner, V., & Zimmermann, H.D. (2000). Management
more data over a long-term period to overcome of Customer Relationship in Business Media—The
the limitation. Case of the Financial Industry. Proceedings of the
In the future, we expect that this work will 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System
spur further research extensions of evaluating Sciences, Maui, Internet and Digital Economy
models for e-business effectiveness such as SCM, Track, 1-10, IEE Computer Society Press.
ERP, and B2B Web sites. Kundisch, D., Wolfersberger, P., Calaminus, D., & Klo-
epfer, E. (2000). Enabling eCCRM: Content Model
and Management for Financial services. Proceedings
of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on Sys-
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