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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 205316 共2006兲

Ambipolar charge transport in organic field-effect transistors

Edsger C. P. Smits,1,2,3,* Thomas D. Anthopoulos,4 Sepas Setayesh,2 Erik van Veenendaal,5 Reinder Coehoorn,2
Paul W. M. Blom,1 Bert de Boer,1 and Dago M. de Leeuw2
1Molecular Electronics, Material Science Centre, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands
Philips Research Laboratories High Tech Campus 4 (WAG 11) 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
3Dutch Polymer Institute, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands
4Department of Physics, Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College London, London SW7 2BW, United Kingdom
5Polymer Vision, Philips Technology Incubator, High Tech Campus 48, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands

共Received 26 January 2006; published 9 May 2006兲

A model describing charge transport in disordered ambipolar organic field-effect transistors is presented. The
basis of this model is the variable-range hopping in an exponential density of states developed for disordered
unipolar organic transistors. We show that the model can be used to calculate all regimes in unipolar as well as
ambipolar organic transistors, by applying it to experimental data obtained from ambipolar organic transistors
based on a narrow-gap organic molecule. The threshold voltage was determined independently from metal
insulator semiconductor diode measurements. An excellent agreement between theory and experiment is ob-
served over a wide range of biasing regimes and temperatures.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.73.205316 PACS number共s兲: 73.50.⫺h, 73.61.Ph, 73.43.Cd, 73.40.Qv

I. INTRODUCTION source and drain contacts were defined using standard pho-
tolithographic techniques. Titanium was used as an adhesion
Organic thin-film field-effect transistors 共FETs兲 have been layer. To minimize in-plane parasitic leakage currents, a cir-
studied extensively over the past decade, and tremendous cular device geometry was used.15 The channel width of the
progress has been achieved in device performance1,2 Organic ring transistors was 1000 ␮m and the channel length varied
FETs have generally been used as unipolar devices, and this from 2.5 to 40 ␮m. Electrical characterization of the transis-
has limited the design of integrated circuits to unipolar logic. tors was performed using an Agilent 4155C Semiconductor
From a performance point of view, complementary logic is Parameter Analyzer under vacuum 共10−7 mbar兲 and in dark.
crucial. The advantages are low-power dissipation, good
Metal insulator semiconductor 共MIS兲 diodes were made
noise margin and robust operation.
starting from the same oxidized silicon wafer as used for the
The first organic complementary logic circuits, 48-stage
transistor test devices. The semiconductor was spin-coated
shift registers, were created by combining discrete p-channel
and subsequently 50 nm of gold was evaporated through a
and n-channel transistors.3,4 Two different semiconductors
shadow mask as the top electrode. The area of the top elec-
were used, one for the p-channel and one for the n-channel.
trode was varied from 0.07 to 0.38 cm2. The impedance mea-
Both materials had to be deposited and patterned locally and
surements were performed with an Schlumberger 1260 Im-
sequentially. With such an approach it is difficult to minimize
pedance Gain-Phase Analyzer under vacuum 共10−7 mbar兲
the parameter spread and match the n- and p-channel
and in dark.16
transconductances. A step forward for the development of
As an ambipolar semiconductor, a small band-gap organic
complimentary logic is the realization of ambipolar transis-
molecule, nickel-dithiolene 共NiDT兲 关see Fig. 1共a兲兴, was used.
tors based on a single semiconducting film and a single type
This material was obtained from Sensient GmbH, Germany.
of electrode.
Cyclic voltammetry measurements in solution with Ag/ Ag+
Numerous groups have now demonstrated ambipolar
as the reference electrode in acetonitrile reveal a narrow en-
transistors,5–10 discrete inverters,11–13 and simple circuits.14
ergy gap of 0.9 eV with the highest occupied molecular or-
An analytical expression for the charge transport that can be
bital 共HOMO兲 and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital
incorporated in circuit simulators is required for the design
共LUMO兲 levels at 5.2 and 4.3 eV, respectively 关see Fig.
of complementary-like logic. Here we present a model that
1共b兲兴. This value is in good agreement with the optical band
can be used to describe current transport in unipolar as well
gap obtained from the solid-state absorption spectrum, where
as ambipolar transistors. The model predictions are tested
a maximum absorption around a wavelength of 1160 nm
against experimental data obtained from ambipolar organic
with the onset at around 1450 nm is observed. The Fermi
transistors based on a narrow-gap organic molecule.
level of gold 共approximately 4.8 eV兲 is in between the
HOMO and LUMO energy levels of NiDT. This implies that
II. EXPERIMENTAL the barrier for injection of holes in the HOMO and for elec-
trons in the LUMO is expected to be smaller than 0.5 eV.
Field-effect transistors were fabricated on a doped 共n++兲 These small injection barriers explain the occurrence of am-
silicon wafer acting as the gate electrode with a 200-nm- bipolar transport in the field-effect transistors.
thick layer of thermally grown silicon dioxide as gate dielec- Nickel dithiolene was found to be highly soluble in a
tric. The surface of the SiO2 insulator was subsequently pas- range of chlorinated organic solvents. Thin films were spun
sivated by a hexamethyldisilazane 共HMDS兲 treatment. Gold from a solution of 5 mg/ mL of NiDT in chloroform at

1098-0121/2006/73共20兲/205316共9兲 205316-1 ©2006 The American Physical Society

SMITS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 205316 共2006兲

FIG. 1. 共a兲 Molecular structure of nickel dithiolene 共bis关4-dimethylaminodithiobenzyl兴-nickel兲. 共b兲 Band diagam of nickel dithiolene. 共c兲
Schematics of a bottom gate and contact transistor similar to the one used for the experiments. The x, y, and z directions are indicated to
visualize the directions referred to in the text. 共d兲 Schematic representation of a MIS diode used in the experiments.

500 rpm. The devices were then annealed at 60 ° C for 1 h Electrical transport is described by hopping between the
under vacuum. localized states. With increasing carrier density, the filling of
The transistors function in air and light. When stored in tail states of the DOS increases. The charge carriers have
ambient conditions, no sign of electrical degradation is ob- more transport states available at higher energy and thus also
served for the hole as well as the electron current for days. the average mobility increases. For bulk conduction, a trans-
However, the hysteresis between backward and forward port model has been derived based on variable range hopping
scans increases upon exposure to air. Therefore, electrical and percolation.19 This model gives an analytical description
characterization of both transistors and MIS diodes was per- for the bulk conductivity as a function of carrier density. In
formed in dark and vacuum. an organic field-effect transistor 共OFET兲 in the linear regime,
where Vd → 0, the potential in the channel is to a good ap-
proximation uniform between source and drain. The model
III. CHARGE TRANSPORT MODELING combined with an exponential DOS was used to calculate the
current as a function of gate bias. For the linear regime, an
Due to disorder and variation of interaction energies, thin accurate description of the transport as a function of the tem-
films of disordered semiconductors do not have two delocal- perature and gate biasing has been demonstrated.19–21,24
ized energy HOMO and LUMO bands separated by an en- Here, we show that the formalism can be applied to a wide
ergy gap. Instead, a spatial and energetic spread of charge range of bias conditions. This will be shown for both unipo-
transport sites will be present, often approximated in shape lar and ambipolar OFETs.
by a Gaussian density of states 共DOS兲.17 The use of that A schematic layout of a field-effect transistor is presented
approximation is supported by the observation of Gaussian- in Fig. 1共c兲, where L is the channel length, W is the channel
shaped absorption spectra of disordered polymers. Further- width in the y direction and t is the semiconductor thickness.
more, for disordered small-molecule systems, the electro- The x direction is the direction between source and drain and
static field from a random distribution of static or induced the z direction is the direction perpendicular to the channel.
dipoles leads to a Gaussian DOS function.18 For a system For the derivation of the current voltage I共V兲 characteristics,
with both negligible background doping and at typical gate- we ignored the source and drain contact resistances. Further-
induced carrier densities, the carrier mobility resulting from more, we consider long channels so that short channel effects
hopping in a Gaussian DOS can be approximated by the can be disregarded and contact resistance effects are mini-
mobility resulting from hopping in an exponential DOS.19–21 malized. Finally, the gradual channel approximation is used.
The often observed almost linear relationship 共on a double- The electric field in the z direction perpendicular to the film
log scale兲 between the field-effect mobility and the carrier is much larger than in the parallel x direction. In this way, the
concentration at the gate-dielectric/semiconductor interface21 transport can be treated independently in both directions.
suggests that an exponential DOS is nevertheless a good ap- First, we calculate the sheet conductance as a function of
proximation for the DOS in the case of intermediate and high local effective gate potential in the channel. The charge-
carrier concentrations.19 Therefore, our analyses of the I共V兲 carrier density in the sheet as a function of effective gate
characteristics of unipolar and ambipolar organic transistors potential and position z can be solved analytically for an
will be based on the mobility in an exponential DOS. In the exponential DOS. We substitute the relation between bulk
literature, such a dependency was also found for amorphous conductivity and charge-carrier density. The sheet conduc-
silicon.22,23 tance then follows from integration over the charge-carrier


density profile. The source-drain current as a function of gate grating this conductivity, ␴共z兲, over the layer thickness then
bias is then obtained by integrating the sheet conductances yields the sheet conductance, Gsh共Veff兲,

along the channel. t
Gsh共Veff兲 = ␴共z兲dz ⬵ q␮FE共Veff兲CiVeff 共5兲
0 2T0 − T
A. Unipolar transport
The drain bias, Vd, gives rise to a nonzero value of the

冉 冊 冉 冊
冢 冣
local electrochemical potential at each point in the channel, 4 T0/T
T0 T

冉 冊
Vx. The difference between this electrochemical potential and sin ␲ 共T0/T兲−1
␴0 T T0 共CiVeff兲2
the gate bias, Vg, is the effective gate potential, Veff. This ␮FE共Veff兲 = ,
effective potential determines the amount of induced charge q 共2␣兲3Bc 2kbT0␧S␧0
at position x. The effective potential is given by 共6兲
Veff = Vg − Vt − Vx , 共1兲 where ␮FE共Veff兲 is the local field-effect mobility.19 The right-
hand part of Eq. 共5兲 has been obtained assuming that the
where Vt is the threshold voltage.20 The correction for the
carrier density is negligible at the top of the semiconductor
threshold voltage is included to account for the presence of
film, so that effectively t = ⬁. The source-drain current Isd,
trapped and static charges. To be specific, we focus here on
which is constant within the channel 共independent of the
electron transport so that Veff ⬎ 0 in order to have accumula-
position x兲, is given by
tion. At each point x, the charge-carrier density decreases
with increasing distance from the insulator/semiconductor ⳵ Veff共x兲
interface, z. This charge distribution depends on the effective Isd = − WGsh共Veff兲 . 共7兲
gate potential. For an exponential DOS, this charge distribu-
tion, n共z兲, has been calculated from the Poisson equation26 Integrating over the length of the transistor and replacing Veff
and is given by by Vg − Vt − Vx gives

n共z兲 =
q2共z + z0兲2
共2兲 Isd = −
Gsh共Vg − Vt − Vx兲dVx . 共8兲

with The source-drain current then follows immediately by inte-

grating the sheet conductance, Eq. 共5兲, over the electro-
z0 = , 共3兲 chemical potential between the source and drain bias, which
qCiVeff yields
where kBT0 is the width of the exponential DOS, kB is the W T T
Boltzmann constant, ␧0 is the relative permittivity of Isd = ␥ 关共Vg − Vt兲2T0/T − 共Vg − Vt − Vd兲2T0/T兴
vacuum, ␧s is the dielectric constant of the semiconductor, Ci L 2T0 2T0 − T
is the gate capacitance per unit area, and q is the electron 共9兲
charge. Equations 共2兲 and 共3兲 show that the carrier density
decreases with distance from the interface. Calculations of for Vg − Vt ⱖ Vd with

冉 冊 冉 冊
冢 冣
the effective accumulation layer thickness, z0, show it is typi- T0 4
T T0/T

冉 冊
cally at most a few nanometers. sin ␲ 共T0/T兲−1
␴0 T T0 1
From percolation theory, the following expression for the ␥= C共2T 0/T兲−1 .

conductivity has been derived as a function of the carrier q 共2␣兲 Bc 3

2kbT0␧S␧0 i

density and temperature:19 共10兲

冉 冊 冉 冊
冢 冣
4 T0/T
T0 T We note that Eq. 共9兲 holds for Vg − Vt ⬎ Vd. When Vg − Vt
sin ␲
T T0 ⬍ Vd, the transistor is operated in saturation. When Vd is
␴共n兲 = ␴0 nT0/T , 共4兲 exactly equal to Vg − Vt, the effective potential at the drain
共 2 ␣ 兲 3B c
contact is zero, Veff = 0. Hence at the drain contact there is no
where ␴0 is a conductivity prefactor, ␣−1 is the wave function accumulation of charge carriers. In general, the channel is
overlap localization length, Bc is the critical number for the pinched off when Veff is zero. This occurs when the electro-
onset of percolation 共⬃2.8 for 3D amorphous systems兲, and chemical potential is equal to the applied gate bias. With
T is the temperature. A superlinear increase in conductivity is increasing drain bias, the position at which the pinchoff oc-
observed for an exponential DOS with charge density.19 This curs moves into the channel from the drain in the direction of
expression holds for disordered semiconductors where trans- the source contact. When pinchoff occur, the accumulation
port occurs solely through localized states and at tempera- length is smaller than the channel length. We ignore this
tures T well below T0. channel shortening in the equations. Moreover, as is known
For each value of the local effective potential, Veff, sub- from the literature, the resistance of the depleted part of the
stitution of Eqs. 共2兲 and 共3兲 in Eq. 共4兲 gives the conductivity, channel can be disregarded.27 With these assumptions, the
␴共z兲, as a function of the distance z from the interface. Inte- source-drain current in saturation is derived from Eq. 共8兲 by

SMITS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 205316 共2006兲

replacing Vd with Vg − Vt. The saturated source-drain current

is given by
Isd = Isd共Vd = Vg − Vt兲 = ␥ 共Vg − Vt兲2T0/T
L 2T0 2T0 − T
for Vg − Vt ⬍ Vd. A more general expression for the source-
drain current has been derived by Calvetti et al.25 The deri-
vation included the diffusion current and the effect of a finite
semiconductor thickness, t. However, we find that our more
simplified approach provides a fully adequate description for
the transport regimes investigated in this paper. The deriva-
tion presented here yields the analytical expression Eq. 共8兲,
which will be crucial for deriving the ambipolar transport
model further on.
In the limit of a negligible drain bias 共Vd兲, Isd is a linear
function of Vd, Eq. 共8兲, and is consistent with results for this
regime given in the literature.19,20 In the derivation, we used
a gate bias-dependent mobility. For most inorganic devices
and some organic single crystals, the mobility is constant as
a function of gate bias.28 This corresponds to taking T = T0. FIG. 2. A sketch of all operating regimes for a typical ambipolar
The classical metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transis- transistor as a function of drain and gate biasing.
tor 共MOSFET兲 equations are then obtained,29 although the
mobility obtained from the percolation theory, Eq. 共6兲, is not nel. The transistor operates as unipolar n-type transistor
expected to hold for this limit. The classical MOSFET equa- where the source and drain are inverted. Therefore, the cur-
tions have been used for modeling of 共ambipolar兲 rent in regime 6 is given by Eq. 共9兲 in which Vg is replaced
OFETs.27,30 The compact modeling given by Eqs. 共9兲–共11兲 is by Vg − Vd and Vd is replaced by −Vd, which gives Eq. 共9兲
valid for T ⬍ T0. Several authors have proposed that for em- again
pirically modeling OFETs, the same functional dependence
can be applied, W T T
Isd = ␥e 关共Vg − Vt兲2T0,e/T
Isd = a关共Vg − Vt兲 − 共Vg − Vt − Vd兲 兴
b b
共12兲 L 2T0,e 2T0,e − T

where a and b are fit constants.31,32 Other authors have used − 共Vg − Vt − Vd兲2T0,e/T兴 共13兲
numerical simulations based on 共ambipolar兲 amorphous sili- for Vg − Vt ⬍ 0.
con theory33 to model OFETs.34 Similarly, when Vg − Vt is negative and Vd is positive 共re-
gime 3兲, the effective gate potential throughout the channel is
negative. The hole current is given by Eq. 共13兲 upon apply-
B. Ambipolar transport
ing the appropriate substitutions. Ambipolarity can occur
Depending on the bias conditions, the current in an ambi- when Vd ⬎ Vg − Vt ⬎ 0 共regime 2兲 and when Vd ⬍ Vg − Vt ⬍ 0
polar transistor is due to electrons, holes, or both. The oper- 共regime 5兲. Under those bias conditions, a unipolar transistor
ating regimes are schematically presented in Fig. 2. For each then operates in saturation. The channel is pinched off and
regime, the charge distribution in the channel and the output charges cannot be accumulated in the pinched off part of the
curves are schematically given. When 兩Vg − Vt 兩 ⬎ 兩Vd兩 and channel. In an ambipolar transistor, those bias conditions
both are positive, the current is carried by electrons 共regime give rise to a change of the sign of the effective gate poten-
1兲. The current as a function of bias voltages is then given by tial at a certain position in the channel. Holes and electrons
Eq. 共9兲 as derived in the preceding section for a unipolar are accumulated at opposite sides. A narrow transition re-
electron-only transistor. Similarly, when 兩Vg − Vt 兩 ⬎ 兩Vd兩 and gion, which acts as a pn-junction, separates the accumulation
both are negative, the current is carried by holes 共regime 4兲. regions. We now develop a description of the charge trans-
The hole current as a function of bias voltage is given by the port in this regime.
same expression by replacing Vg − Vt by −Vg + Vt, Vd by −Vd, For simplicity, we assume bimolecular recombination of
and taking the source drain current to be negative. We note electrons and holes with an infinite rate constant, and a con-
that electrons transport through the unoccupied density of stant threshold voltage throughout the entire channel, i.e.,
states corresponding to the LUMO levels while the holes equal threshold voltages in the electron and hole accumula-
transport through the occupied density of states correspond- tion region. For infinite recombination, electrons and holes
ing to the HOMO levels. This implies that for holes and cannot pass each other without recombining. Therefore, re-
electrons, the parameters T0, ␴0, and ␣−1 are different. When combination takes place at a single plane, x = x0, namely the
Vg − Vt is positive and Vd theis negative 共regime 6兲, the ef- plane where the effective gate potential is zero. The ambipo-
fective gate potential is positive throughout the whole chan- lar transistor is then represented by a unipolar n-type transis-


tor in series with a unipolar p-type transistor, with channel

lengths x0 and L − x0, respectively. The injected electron cur-
rent 共regime 1兲 is

Isd,e共x ⬍ x0兲 =

2T0,e 2T0,e − T
共Vg − Vt兲2T0,e/T 冊
and the injected hole current is

Isd,h共x0 ⬍ x ⬍ L兲 =
L − x0
␥h冉 T T
2T0,h 2T0,h − T

⫻共− Vg + Vt + Vd兲2T0,h/T . 共15兲

We apply the condition that both currents are equal because

recombination is infinite. This results in spatial separation of
the electron and hole area and we can then derive, x0, the
position of the pn-junction,

共Vg −Vt兲共2T0,e/T兲−1
x0 = 共2T0,e/T兲−1 L
共Vg − Vt兲 + C共Vd − Vg − Vt兲共2T0,h/T兲−1

共2T0,e − T兲 2T0,e ␥h
C= . 共17兲
共2T0,h − T兲 2T0,h ␥e
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Output characteristics for negative 共a兲
Equation 共16兲 shows how the plane at which recombination and positive 共b兲 gate biases. The output characteristics presented
takes place shifts from x0 = 0 when Veff = 0 to x0 = L when were measured at 253 K for a channel length of 20 ␮m. The sym-
Veff = Vd. Substitution of the position of the expression for x0 bols represent the data points and the solid lines represent the the-
in Eq. 共14兲 or Eq. 共15兲 yields an expression for the current in oretical fit.
an ambipolar field-effect transistor from which the IV. AMBIPOLAR NICKEL DITHIOLENE FIELD-EFFECT
pn-junction position x0 is eliminated, TRANSISTORS

Isd =

2T0,e 2T0,e − T
共Vg − Vt兲2T0,e/T + ␥h
2T0,h 2T0,h − T
As a model compound to analyze charge transport in an
ambipolar field-effect transistor, we used films based on the
small band-gap molecule NiDT as the semiconductor. The
⫻共− Vg + Vt + Vd兲2T0,e/T . 冊 共18兲
injection barriers for both holes and electrons are expected to
be less then 0.5 eV. These barriers are small enough to allow
ambipolar charge injection. No special treatment of the gate
A similar expression can be derived for regime 5. From fits dielectric was performed to prevent electron trapping.35
to the experimental current, we obtain all parameters needed These transistors function in air and light; however, to mini-
to calculate the position of the pn-junction. mize charge trapping by water or oxygen, all measurements
Surprisingly, the current that is given by Eq. 共18兲 is ex- were performed in vacuum.
actly equal to the sum of the electron and hole currents that The transistors were characterized by output 关Isd共Vd兲兴 and
would be present in the absence of a current of the other transfer 关Isd共Vg兲兴 curves measured as a function of tempera-
polarity: the ambipolar transistor is then represented by a ture. Typical output curves measured at 253 K are presented
unipolar n-type transistor in parallel with a unipolar p-type in Fig. 3. The drain bias 共Vd兲 was swept back and forth. No
transistor, both operating in saturation 关Eq. 共11兲兴. The hole hysteresis is observed. In Fig. 3共a兲, both a negative drain and
and electron currents are constant, but not necessarily equal, gate bias were used. This corresponds to regimes 4 and 5 in
throughout the whole channel. We regard the assumption that Fig. 2. Positive biases were used in Fig. 3共b兲. This corre-
the electrons and holes move independently, and that there is sponds to regimes 1 and 2 in Fig. 2. Symbols represent actual
no pn-junction, as unphysical. We note that we cannot deter- data points and the solid lines are theoretical fits to the data
mine the recombination rate from the experimental current- according to Eqs. 共9兲 and 共18兲. The output curves of Fig. 3
voltage characteristics with the current model. However, show at low gate bias and high drain biases a pronounced
measurements of the position and the width of the increase of current with Vd. This is typical for an ambipolar
pn-junction should allow probing of the recombination rate. transistor and not present in a unipolar one.

SMITS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 205316 共2006兲

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Transfer characteristics of the unipolar

regime for negative 共a兲 and positive 共b兲 drain biases varying from FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Transfer characteristics of the ambipolar
+ / −1, 2, 3, 4, to 5 V. A transistor with a channel length of 40 ␮m regime for negative 共a兲 and positive 共b兲 drain biases varying from
was taken and the temperature was fixed at 313 K. The symbols + / −20, 25, to 30 V. A transistor with a channel length of 40 ␮m
represent the data points and the solid line the theoretical fit. Some was taken and the temperature was fixed at 313 K. The symbols
contact or subthreshold problems are noticeable for low Vd and Vg. represent the data points and the solid line the theoretical fit.

A set of transfer curves measured in the linear regime at dently from impedance measurements on MIS diodes, Fig.
313 K is presented in Fig. 4. Symbols are data points and 1共d兲. These are a sensitive tool to measure accumulation and
solid lines are theoretical fits. The gate bias was swept back depletion of charge carriers as a function of applied bias. We
and forth and no hysteresis was observed. Small negative calculated the diode capacitances from the modulus of the
drain biases and negative gate biases shown in Fig. 4共a兲 cor- impedance, Z, and its phase angle, ⌰ using C =
respond to a standard unipolar hole-only transistor in the −sin ⌰ / 共␻ 兩 Z 兩 兲, with ␻ = 2␲ f mod, where f mod is the modula-
linear regime 共regime 4兲. Similarly, at low drain biases and tion frequency. In order to minimize dielectric relaxation
positive gate biases, we observe reversed electron-only accu- artefacts, a low modulation frequency of 17 Hz was chosen.
mulation 共regime 6兲. In Fig. 4共b兲, small positive drain biases The capacitance of the devices is scaled with the area, which
and positive gate biases correspond to a standard unipolar ranges from 0.07 to 0.38 cm2. The capacitance as a function
electron-only transistor in the linear regime 共regime 1兲. of the bias is presented in Fig. 7. The bias was swept up and
Upon sweeping the gate from positive to negative using a down. Only a little hysteresis was observed. Both at high
large negative Vd 关Fig. 5共a兲兴, the operating transport regime positive and high negative bias, the capacitances are the
changes from reversed electron only 共regime 6兲 to an ambi- same and approximately equal to the geometric capacitance
polar transport regime 共regime 5兲, to hole-only accumulation of the gate dielectric. This demonstrates that holes are accu-
共regime 4兲. For a large positive Vd, the gate can be swept mulated at high negative bias and electrons at high positive
from negative to positive 关Fig. 5共b兲兴, where the operating bias. When the gate bias deceases, the semiconductor gets
regime goes from reversed hole accumulation 共regime 3兲 to depleted of charge carriers. Therefore, the capacitance de-
ambipolar transport regime 共regime 2兲 to the electron only creases with bias and is minimal when the gate bias is equal
accumulation 共regime 1兲. All transistors were characterized to the threshold voltage. The threshold voltage is expected to
as a function of temperature between 233 and 313 K. Rep- be caused by fixed charges and may therefore be assumed to
resentative transfer curves are presented in Fig. 6. be the same for both electrons and holes as long as there is
One parameter needed for the theoretical description of no hysteresis. The data confirm the validity of that assump-
the current in the ambipolar transistor is the threshold volt- tion. The value obtained, −7 V, can be due to fixed ions or
age, Vt. The threshold voltage can be determined indepen- trapped charges at the semiconductor dielectric interface.


TABLE I. Values obtained from fitting the transistor data over a

wide range of temperatures, drain, and gate biases. The field-effect
mobility is given for a temperature of 313 K and a gate bias + /
−30 V.

Parameter T0 共K兲 ␴0 共106 S / m兲 ␴−1 共Å兲 ␮FE 关cm2 / 共Vs兲兴

NiDT holes 600 1.9 2.1 2.5⫻ 10−4

NiDT electrons 460 0.78 0.9 2.0⫻ 10−5
OC1C10-PPVa 540 31 1.4 4.7⫻ 10−4
P3HTa 425 1.6 1.6 6.0⫻ 10−4
Pentaceneb 385 3.5 3.1 2.0⫻ 10−2
PTVb 382 5.6 1.5 2.0⫻ 10−3
Reference 21.

fitting the unipolar regimes 共regimes 1 and 4兲 as a function of

temperature 关Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲兴. The fitted curves are pre-
sented as solid lines in Fig. 4. With those parameters, the
I共V兲 curves in the ambipolar regimes 2 and 5 were “pre-
dicted” 共full lines兲 in Figs. 5 and 6, together with the experi-
mental data 关Eq. 共18兲兴. The good agreement between mea-
sured and calculated currents demonstrates that our model
consistently explains the output and transfer characteristics
of these OFETs in the ambipolar regime. Small deviations
are noticeable when the gate bias is close to the threshold
voltage. This can be due to either contact resistances8 or
subthreshold current contributions28 that are ignored in the
FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Transfer characteristics for high drain
present modeling. An underlying assumption is that due to
biases with varying temperature from 233 to 313 K. The channel
length was 20 ␮m and the drain bias was −30 V 共a兲 and 30 V 共b兲.
the low mobility, the channel resistance is large compared to
The symbols represent the data points and the solid line the theo- the contact resistance.21 Values of the fit parameters hardly
retical fit. depend on the channel length that was varied between 20 and
40 ␮m. For these channel lengths, we assume that short
Now that we have determined the threshold voltage, the channel effects can be disregarded in NiDT transistors. Fi-
current transport is given by the following parameters. The nally, we note that we did not include bulk conductivity of
temperature describing the width of the exponential density the semiconductor.25 The transfer curves show that this con-
of states, T0, a wavelength localization overlap, ␣−1, and the tribution can be neglected for the NiDT transistors.
conductivity prefactor, ␣0. These parameters have to be de- The values of the parameters ␣−1, T0, and ␴0 are presented
termined for both holes and electrons and were found by in Table I. The values for the hole and electron field-effect
mobility at 313 K and + / −30 V are included as well. The
linear mobility at high bias is close to the saturated mobility.
A detailed discussion on the values obtained is beyond the
scope of this paper. That would require, for instance, a sys-
tematic investigation on the microstructure of the semicon-
ductor and changes therein upon processing. Here we
focused on the description of the current-voltage character-
istics. However, we note that the values of NiDT in Table I
are of a similar order of magnitude for ␣−1, T0, and ␴0
as reported values for, e.g., pentacene, poly共2,5-thienylene
vinylene兲, poly共3-hexyl thiophene兲, and poly共p-phenylene
vinylene兲 derivatives.20,21


FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Capacitance of a MIS diode measured at A model describing charge transport in disordered ambi-
17 Hz and 253 K. The hole accumulation at the left and electron polar organic field-effect transistors has been presented. The
accumulation at the right are shown. A minimum in the capacitance basis of this model is the variable-range-hopping theory de-
is found at −7 V, which is taken as the threshold voltage. veloped for the mobility in disordered unipolar organic tran-

SMITS et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW B 73, 205316 共2006兲

sistors. An accurate description for the transport as a function olene. First, the value for the threshold voltage was deter-
of the temperature and gate biasing has been demonstrated mined independently from MIS diode measurements. The
for the linear regime. Here, we show that the formalism can remaining charge transport parameters, namely the width of
be applied to a wide range of bias conditions including satu- the exponential density of states, the wave function overlap
ration and ambipolarity. localization length, and the conductivity prefactor for holes
First, the charge-carrier density in a sheet as a function of and electrons, respectively, are subsequently determined
effective gate potential in the channel was solved analytically from the unipolar response of the transistors. Using these
for an exponential DOS. We substituted the relation between parameters, an excellent agreement between measured and
bulk conductivity and charge-carrier density. The sheet con- calculated currents is obtained for the ambipolar output and
ductance followed from integration over the charge-carrier transfer curves as a function of temperature. The parameter
density profile. The source drain current as a function of bias values are quite similar to previously reported values for,
was then obtained by integrating the sheet conductances e.g., pentacene, poly共2,5-thienylene vinylene兲, poly共3-hexyl
along the channel. For the special case of an ambipolar tran- thiophene兲, and poly共p-phenylene vinylene兲 derivatives 共see
sistor, the effective gate potential changes sign in the chan- Table I兲.
nel. Holes and electrons are accumulated at opposite sides. A
junction separates the accumulation regions, assuming an in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
finite recombination rate of electrons and holes. The ambi-
polar transistor is represented by a unipolar n-type transistor From Philips Research Laboratories, Eindhoven, The
in series with a unipolar p-type transistor. An expression for Netherlands, we are grateful to Piet Rommers for performing
the position of the pn-junction and the current as a function the CV measurements and Henny Herps for his contribution
of bias voltages was derived. to Fig. 2. We thank Christian Martin for his useful discus-
The analysis was applied to ambipolar field-effect transis- sions. The work of E.C.P.S. forms part of the research pro-
tors based on the small band-gap semiconductor nickel dithi- gram of the Dutch Polymer Institute 共DPI兲, project no. 516.

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