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Saif Mahmood Saab

Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences, Amman–Jordan
Dr. Nidhal Kamel Taha El-Omari
The World Islamic Sciences & Education University (WISE) ), Amman–Jordan
Dr. Hussein H. Owaied
Middle East University for Graduate Studies, Amman–Jordan

More recently, computer scientists have found in the study of social insect’s behavior a
source of inspiration for the design and implementation of optimization algorithms.
Particularly, the study of bee colonies behavior turned out to be very attractive to develop
problem solving algorithms. However, this paper introduces a new algorithm that are
inspired by bee colonies. It presents two unsupervised scenarios for two kinds of bees
which are scouts and forgers in order to identify their activities that used by the bees
during the food forging, These activities have been analysis and designed as proposed
new optimization algorithms as the functions to be used by the processing engine of the
artificial bees colony system. The proposed algorithm can be applied to dynamic
problems in real variables, stochastic problems, multi-targets and parallel
implementations, and any areas which are not required supervision.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Expert systems, natural system, Problem Solving
algorithms, Swarm Intelligence (SI).

1 INTRODUCTION Swarm Intelligence (SI) [3]. However, SI is a type of

AI where the term swarm is used in a general manner
Since ever, many natural systems of the most to refer to any restrained collection of interacting
creatures in the world are very rich topics for the agents or individuals [2]. SI systems are typically
scientific researchers. However, a simple individual made up of a population of self-organized
behavior can cooperate to create a system able to individuals interacting locally with one another and
solve a real complex problem and perform very with their environment. Although there is normally
sophisticated tasks. In realty there are many patterns no centralized control structure dictating how each
of such systems like ant colonies, bird flocking, fish individual should behave, local interactions between
shoaling, animal herding, bacterial growth, bee all individuals often lead to the emergence of global
colonies, and human neuron system. behavior.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a concept of study The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
and research for finding relationships between Section 2 looks at the related work and background
cognitive science and computation theories [1]. of the algorithms used. Section 3 presents the
These relationships are represented as data structures, algorithm developed in this research. Finally, Section
search techniques, problem solving methods, or 4 provides conclusions and offers avenues for future
representation forms for knowledge [1]. These work.
systems are working either under supervision or
without supervision. Most of social insects work 2 BEES BEHAVIOR BACKGROUND
without supervision. In fact, their teamwork is
largely self-organized, and coordination arises from A bee colony can be thought of as a swarm
the different interactions among individuals in the whose individual agents are bees. Each bee at the
system [2]. These interactions might be primitive, low-level component works through a swarm at the
like ants follow odor trails, or more complex, like a global level of component to form a system. Thus,
honey bee dancing. The collective behavior that the system global behavior is determined from it is
emerges from a group of social insects has been individual's local behavior where the different
artificially represented as a technique known as interactions and coordination among individuals lead
to an organized teamwork system. This system is it undergoes a circular dance. The nearby bees
characterized by the interacting collective behavior follow it through this circular dance and smell it
through labor division, distributed simultaneous task for the identity of the flowers. They listen to the
performance, specialized individuals, and self- intensity of the wing vibrations to indicate the
organization. value of the food source.
The exchange of information among bees leads • If the source is so close, no directions are given.
to the formation of a tuned collective knowledge. A Alternatively, if the flower source is a long ways
colony of honey bees consists of a queen, many off, careful directions must be given.
drones (males) and thousands of workers (non- • The abstract convention that the scout makes is
reproductive females). The queen's job is to lay eggs that the up position on the comb is the position of
and to start new colonies. The sole function of the the sun. Because bees can see polarized light, they
drones is to mate with the queen and during the fall can tell sun position without actually seeing the
they are ejected from the colony. The worker bees sun. The scout dances in a precise angle from the
build honeycomb, and the young, clean the colony, vertical. This equals to the horizontal angle of the
feed the queen and drones, guard the colony, and sun with reference to the colony exit with the
collect food. location of the food source.
As nectar is the bees' energy source, two kinds • Next the scout bee must tell the other bees how far
of worker bees are responsible for food. These are away the flower source is. This is done by
scout bees and forager bees. A bee does many things waggling the abdomen from side to side. The
in its life history, and does not become a scout/work slower the waggling, the further away is the
bee until late in its life [4]. distance of the food flower.
While scout bees carry out the exploration
process of the search space, forager bees control the
exploitation process. However, exploration and
exploitation processes must be carried out together
by the colony’s explorers and colony’s exploiters. As
the increase in the number of scouts encourages the
exploration process, the increase of foragers
encourages the exploitation process.
Studying the foraging behavior leads to optimal
foraging theory that directs activities towards
achieving goals [5]. This theory states that organisms
forage in such a way as to maximize their intake
energy per unit time [5]. In other words, the swarm
of bees behaves in such a way as to find and capture
the food that containing the most energy while
expending the least possible amount of time in real
variables. There are two forms of scenarios for any
bee in forging process which are either scout or
forager. The following subsections present these two
Figure 1: Decoding the language of the Bee dance
2.1 The Behavior of Scout Scenario
Scouts fly around and search for food. When Thus the dance of scouts points to the direction,
they find a source of nectar or pollen fly back to the distance, and quality of food source. What Von
colony and start dancing to communicate with other Frisch notes is that the various groups of scouting
bees on a particular region in the comb. Fig. 1 bees compete with each other and that therefore the
presents the decoding of the language of the Bee decision is finally made in favor of the best domicile
dance [4]. [4].
Hence the behavior of the scout scenario is
summarized according to the following activities:
2.2 The Behavior of Forger Scenario
• The scout flies from its colony searching for food The reaction of the forager bees on this show
sources in a random way. concludes into steps:
• Once it finishes a full trip, it returns back to its • The bees in the colony closely follow the scout to
colony. learn these directions, and also learn the odor of
• When a scout arrives at the colony, it goes inside the flower on scout bee, so they can find the flower
and announces its presence by the wing vibrations. when they arrive at the source location.
This means that it has a message to communicate. • Because the sun is moving in the sky, the bees
• If it has found a nearby source of nectar or pollen, should use an accurate clock sense to adjust for the
changing sun position with reference to the food gain. Therefore, these are the factors that influence
source and the colony exit. foraging behavior and determine profitability. The
net rate of energy intake is defined as the energy
Even more remarkable, if a trained bee is gained while foraging minus the energy spent on
removed from the colony to another location where foraging, divided by time spent foraging. [6]
the flower is not visible, but the colony is, the bee
does not return to the colony to get its bearing, but 3 PROPOSED ALGORITHM
reads sun position, and triangulates, and flies directly
to the flower [4]. Subsequently, the forager bees take A modeling of artificial bee colony system has
a load of nectar from the source and return to the been proposed in [7], as seen in Fig. 2. This paper
colony and unload the nectar to the store of food. proposes a new optimization algorithm that uses the
Foraging requires energy and the honeybee’s bee behavior in food forging as the functions to be
evaluation as to where, what, and how long to forage used by the processing engine. Fig. 3 illustrates a
are all related to the economics of energy simple example of Bees-Colony area with four orbits
consumption and the net gain of food to the colony. and six food sources: FS1,1 , FS3,1 , FS3,2 , FS3,3 ,
Generally bees fly only as far as necessary to secure FS4,1 , and FS4,2.
an acceptable food source from which there is a net-


Processing Short Term

Functions Engine Memory

Term Memory

Figure 2: Architecture of Artificial Bees’ Colony System

Orbit 1
Orbit 2

FS4,2 Orbit 3
Colony Orbit 4


FS1,1 FS4,1

Figure 3: Bees-Colony Area

The following notations are used in the proposed 11. FSQTij: food source total quality is calculated
algorithm: based on food source net gain, FSGij, and the
1. X: number of scouts. Sx: the xth scout bee. scout's rank SRx which find this food source in
2. Y: number of foragers. Where FRy means the yth this case the scout with a better food source will
forager bee. be rewarded. Where FSQTij = FSGij + SRx.
3. N: number of bees in the colony population. 12. SRx: the rank of the xth scout and this value will
Where, N = X + Y. be updated every time forger chooses the source
Moreover, X = from 5% to 10% of N found by this scout.
4. I: number of orbits. Where “i” stands for the ith 13. FSVij: number of visits by the forgers for FSij.
5. CM: colony moral, it is a parameter defined There are two tables that will be used by the
algorithm goals. proposed algorithm, these are:
6. FSij: Which means the jth food source at the ith • FTT: Food Taboo Table, as seen in Table 1, this
orbit? table contains all food sources that had been
7. M: Number of maximum iterations. visited by the scouts. It is used to prevent more
8. FSQij: Means the quality of the jth food source at scouts from visiting the same food source. This
the ith orbit. table contains the parameters: FSij, Sx and Srx.
9. Dij: the direct distance between colony and FSij • JST: Job Sheet Table, as seen in Table 2, any food
(see Fig. 3). source visited by scouts will be added to this table.
10. FSGij: the net gain of energy from the food Each forager picks up one of the food sources,
source, FSij . FSij, to collect food from. This table contains the
It is calculated based on the distance, Dij , and the following.
food source quality, FSQij. Where:
FSGij = FSQij / Dij

Table 1: Food Taboo Table (FTT)







Table 2: Job Sheet Table (JST)

FS Sx Srx





The following algorithm represents the main algorithm can be applied to many combinatorial
steps of the proposed algorithm that used in this optimization problems, dynamic problems in real
paper: variables, stochastic problems, multi-targets; data
mining search engine crawling, parallel
1) Initialization: implementations, and any area not required
a) X: number of scouts. supervision.
b) Y: number of foragers.
c) N: number of bees in the colony population. 5 REFERENCES
d) I: number of orbits.
e) CM: colony moral. [1] Owaied H. Hussein , Abu-Arr’a M.
f) FSij: the jth food source at the ith orbit. Mahmoud :Functional Model of Human System
g) M: number of maximum iterations. as knowledge Base System , The International
h) FSQij: the quality of the food source, FSij . Conference on Information & Knowledge
i) Dij: the direct distance between colony and Engineering , pp. 158-161 (June 2007).
FSij (see Fig. 3). [2] Swarm Intelligence: A Whole New Way to
2) Assumptions: Think About Business, Eric Bonabeau and
a) The food sources have been previously Christopher Meyer, Harvard business review,
defined. r0105g, (May 2001).
b) Every scout bee, Sx , visit only one food [3] Beni, G., and J. Wang. Swarm Intelligence. In
source, FSij , per each trip. Proceedings Seventh Annual Meeting of the
3) REPEAT X times (i.e. all scouts, X, finish one Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo, RSJ Press, pp.
trip): 425-428 (1989).
{ [4] Von Frisch, Karl: Decoding the Language of the
a) Scout should choose one food source, Bee, Science, Volume 185, Issue 4152, pp. 663-
FSij, find its distance, Dij , quality FSQij, 668 (1974).
and net gain of energy FSGij: [5] Kamil, Alan C., John R. Krebs and H. Ronald
FSGij = FSQij / Dij Pulliam, Foraging Behavior, Plenum Press, New
b) Update JST table. York and London (1987).
c) Update FTT table. [6] Corbet, S.A., Kerslake, C.J.C., Brown, D. &
} Morland, N.E. Can bees select nectar-rich
REPEAT UNTIL the CM goal is achieved or flowers in a patch? Journal of Apicultural
reached the maximum number of iterations, M: Research, 23, pp. 234–242 (1984).
{ [7] Hussein Owaied, Saif Saab: Modeling Artificial
REPEAT Y times (i.e. all foragers, Y, Bees Colony System. IC-AI: pp. 443-446 (2008).
complete one trip): [8] T. D. Seeley, The Wisdom of the Hive (Harvard
{ University Press, Cambridge, MA,(1995).
(a) Generate a random number, RN.
(b) Calculate food source total quality
FSQTij = FSGij + SRx
(c) Foragers, FRy , choose which food
source, FSij , to forage by comparing
the random number, RN, with
FSQTij on the JS table.
If FSQTij > RN Then
Choose FSij and go to (h)
Repeat (g)
End If
(d) Update JST.
(e) Update the CM.


This paper proposes an algorithm for the bee

colony system according to the two scenarios of
scouting and forging processes. The proposed

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