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Electric Power System State Estimation


Invited Paper

This paper discusses the state of the art in electric power system petitive energy markets was discussed by Shirmohammadi et
state estimation. Within energy management systems, state estima- al. [2]. Hence, the implementation of real-time network anal-
tion is a key function for building a network real-time model. A ysis functions is crucial for the proper independent system
real-time model is a quasi-static mathematical representation of the
current conditions in an interconnected power network. This model operation. Based on these network models, operators will be
is extracted at intervals from snapshots of real-time measurements able to justify technical and economical decisions, such as
(both analog and status). The new modeling needs associated with congestion management and the procurement for adequate
the introduction of new control devices and the changes induced by ancillary services, and to uncover potential operational prob-
emerging energy markets are making state estimation and its re- lems related to voltage and transient stability [1].
lated functions more important than ever.
Reviews of the state of the art in state estimation algo-
Keywords—Bad data analysis, generalized state estimation, net- rithms were presented in [4]–[6]. Comparative studies of nu-
work topology processing, observability analysis, parameter esti- merically robust estimators for power networks can be found
mation, power systems, state estimation, topology estimation.
in [7]. A review of the state of the art in bad data analysis
was provided in [8]. A comprehensive bibliography on state
I. INTRODUCTION estimation up to 1989 can be found in [9]. Generalized state
Vertically integrated utilities provide bundled services to estimation, which includes the estimation of states, parame-
customers aiming at high reliability with the lowest cost. ters, and topology, is discussed in [10] and [11]. A review of
In the traditional environment utilities perform both power external system modeling was presented in [12], and more
network and marketing functions. Although energy manage- recently, the state of the art on this subject was reviewed by
ment systems (EMS) technology has been used to a cer- the IEEE Task Force on External Network Modeling [13].
tain extent, utilities were not pressed to utilize tools that de-
manded accurate real-time network models such as optimal II. NETWORK REAL-TIME MODELING
power flows and available transfer capability determination Network real-time models are built from a combination of
[1]. This is bound to change in the emerging competitive en- snapshots of real-time measurements and static network data.
vironment. Real time measurements consist of analog measurements and
In the new environment, the pattern of power flows in statuses of switching devices, whereas static network data cor-
the network is less predictable than it is in the vertically respond to the parameters and basic substation configurations.
integrated systems, in view of the new possibilities asso- The real-time model is a mathematical representation of the
ciated with open access and the operation of the transmis- current conditions in a power network extracted at intervals
sion network under energy market rules. Although reliability from state estimation results. Ideally, state estimation should
remains a central issue, the need for the real-time network run at the scanning rate (say, at every two seconds). Due to
models becomes more important than before due to new en- computational limitations, however, most practical estimators
ergy market related functions which will have to be added to run every few minutes or when a major change occurs.
new and existing EMS. These models are based on the re-
sults yielded by state estimation and are used in network ap- A. Conventional State Estimation
plications such as optimal power flow, available transfer ca-
pability, voltage, and transient stability. The new role of state In conventional state estimation, network real-time mod-
estimation and other advanced analytical functions in com- eling is decomposed into: 1) the processing of logical data
(the statuses of switching devices) and 2) the processing of
analog data (e.g., power flow, power injection, and voltage
Manuscript received April 9, 1999; revised August 31, 1999.
The author is with UNICAMP, Campinas 13081-970, São Paulo, Brazil. magnitude measurements). During topology processing, the
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(00)00840-9. statuses of breakers/switches are processed using a bus-sec-

0018–9219/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE


Fig. 1. A substation modeled at the physical level.

tion/switching-device network model of the type illustrated (e.g., lower voltage subnetworks). On the other hand, parts
in Fig. 1. During observability analysis and state estima- of the network outside the control area, which are normally
tion, the network topology and parameters are considered as unobservable, can be made observable by direct metering or
given, and analog data are processed using the bus/branch data exchange.
network model (Fig. 2). In the conventional approach, logical Observable islands are handled with full state estimation
data are checked by the topology processor and the analog including bad data analysis. State estimation can be extended
data are checked by the state estimator. to the rest of the system of interest through the addition of
pseudomeasurements based on load prediction and genera-
B. System of Interest tion scheduling. In executing state estimation for this aug-
mented system, however, care must be taken to avoid cor-
Fig. 3 shows a part of an interconnected network delin- rupting the states estimated from telemetry data.
eating both observable and unobservable areas of the system Hence, the state estimator is used to build the model for
of interest as viewed from the EMS. This conceptual visual- the observable part of the network and optionally to attach a
ization can be used both for vertically integrated utilities, as model of the unobservable part to it. With adequate redun-
well as for pools and independent system operators. Ideally, dancy level, state estimation can eliminate the effect of bad
the control area for which a specific control center is respon- data and allow the temporary loss of measurements without
sible is observable although this is not always the case, since significantly affecting the quality of the estimated values.
parts of it can be permanently or temporarily unobservable State estimation is mainly used to filter redundant data, to


Fig. 3. Observability characterization of an interconnected

Fig. 2. Bus/branch model of the substation in Fig. 1.

eliminate incorrect measurements, and to produce reliable

state estimates, although, to a certain extent, it allows the de- Fig. 4. Branch with unknown impedance z .
termination of the power flows in parts of the network that
are not directly metered. Not only do traditional applications For a zero impedance branch, or a closed switch (illus-
such as contingency analysis, optimal power flow, and dis- trated in Fig. 4 with ), the following constraints, or
patcher training simulator rely on the quality of the real-time pseudomeasurements, are included in state estimation [14]:
network model obtained via state estimation, but the new
functions needed by the emerging energy markets will do so and
even more [2].
In this case, and are used as additional state vari-
C. Generalized State Estimation ables. These variables are independent of the complex nodal
voltages and , since Ohm's law (in complex
In generalized state estimation there is no clear-cut distinc-
form) cannot be used to compute the branch current as a func-
tion between the processing of logical and analog data since
tion of these voltages.
network topology processing may include local, substation
For open switches ( in Fig. 4), the same addi-
level, state estimation, whereas when state estimation is per-
tional state variables are include in state estimation. In the
formed for the whole network, parts of it can be modeled at
case of open switches the pseudomeasurements are as fol-
the physical level (bus-section/switching-device model). The
term generalized is used to emphasize the fact that not only
states, but also parts of the network topology, or even param- and
eters, are estimated.
The explicit modeling of switches facilitates bad data anal- No pseudomeasurements are added in the case of switches
ysis when topology errors are involved (incorrect status of with unknown status. (There are situations in which the
switching devices). In this case, state estimation is performed wrong status of a switching device can affect state estimation
on a model in which parts of the network can be represented convergence. In these cases it may be preferable to treat such
at the physical level. This allows the inclusion of measure- status as unknown and proceed with state estimation, which
ments made on zero impedance branches and switching de- hopefully will include the estimation of the correct status.)
vices. The conventional states of bus voltages and angles are The ideas above can be extended to branches with un-
augmented with new state variables. Observability analysis is known impedances [11]. (The same comment regarding the
extended to voltages at bus sections and flows in switching impact of unknown status on state estimation convergence
devices, and if their values can be computed from the avail- applies to branches with impedances with large errors.)
able measurements they are considered to be observable. Consider the diagram shown in Fig. 4, where the branch


impedance is unknown, whereas for simplicity all
branches incident to and are assumed to have known
impedances. As with zero impedance branches and with
closed/open breakers, Ohm's law cannot be used to relate
the state variables and , associated with
the terminal nodes and , with the branch complex
power flows and . These power
flows can be used as additional states, although they are
not independent, since they are linked by the constraint
, which can be expressed by the two Fig. 5. Dormant parameter technique applied to the estimation of
following pseudomeasurements: the series impedance of a  equivalent model.

A power injection measurement at node can be expressed

as the summation of the flow state variables and
the flows in all other branches incident to . Since only the
flows in regular branches are functions of the nodal state vari-
ables, the unknown impedance will not form part of the mea-
surement model. A similar analysis holds for power injection
measurement at node and power flow measurements made
Fig. 6. Dormant parameter technique applied to the estimation of
in the unknown impedance branch. Once the network state is the shunt admittance of a balanced  equivalent model.
estimated, the value of the unknown parameter can be com-
puted from the estimates.
More complex network elements such as a transmission . Expressing the shunt admittances in terms of the cor-
line equivalent model requires the consideration of addi- responding active and reactive power flows yields the two
tional constraints (pseudomeasurements) in addition to the following pseudomeasurements:
inclusion of flow state variables. Consider, for example,
the equivalent model in Fig. 5, where the series branch
impedance is to be estimated. In this case, power flows
, and are considered to be additional
states. The terminal power flows , and
are then expressed in terms of the new state variables III. NETWORK TOPOLOGY PROCESSOR (NTP)
rather than as a function of the terminal bus voltages; as a
consequence, the series branch impedance will not appear Conventional network topology processing identifies en-
in the measurement model, and this can be written as ergized, de-energized, and grounded electrical islands and is
performed before state estimation and other related functions
and (observability analysis and bad data processing) [15]–[17]. In
this conventional approach, state estimation assumes that the
and topology is correct and proceeds to estimate the states and
identify analog bad data whenever redundancy allows it. A
Notice that in the above equations, the power flows complete description of the network model and the location
, and are written in terms of the shunt pa- of metering devices in terms of bus-sections and switching-
rameters, as usual. The bus injection measurements at buses devices is assumed to be available from a database. The NTP
and are expressed in terms of the terminal power flows transforms the bus-section/switching-device model into the
as described above. bus/branch model and assigns metering devices to the com-
These added states are not entirely independent, so it is ponents of the bus/branch network model identified.
necessary to include the following relationship in the model: Hence, in more conventional implementations, the
real-time modeling of a power network usually follows a
six-step procedure involving: 1) data gathering; 2) network
topology processing; 3) observability analysis; 4) state esti-
mation; 5) processing of bad data; and 6) identification of
Now consider the situation represented in Fig. 6, which network model. Step 1) assumes a bus-section/switching-de-
shows a equivalent model in which the shunt elements are vice model. Steps 2) and 3) assume that switching device
made dormant. The state variables and measurement model status is correct. Step 4) additionally assumes that the
are the same as those in Fig. 5. The constraints linking the parameters are correct. Step 5) processes bad data assuming
state variables in the case of a balanced model is that they are caused by analog measurements.


A. Conventional NTP C. Generalized NTP
Identification of topology errors that pass undetected
The first task of the NTP is to convert raw analog measure- through configuration analysis using the conventional
ments to the appropriate units and to verify operating limits, bus/branch network model is not always effective [18]. A
the rate of change of operating variables, the zero flows in more appropriate state estimation approach has been devel-
open switching devices, and zero voltage differences across oped, the generalized state estimation, to cope with these
closed switching devices [19]. critical cases. In this approach, an integrated estimation of
Next, bus sections are processed to determine the connec- state, status, and parameters is made.
tivity in bus section groups, which are sets of bus sections Besides the regular functions performed by a conventional
that become a single bus when all switches and breakers are NTP, a generalized topology processor identifies extended
considered closed. (e.g., in the substation shown in Fig. 1, if islands in which switching devices that appear in the data-
all the 500-kV switching devices are closed, then the bus sec- base as being open can be explicitly represented. Unknown
tions connected by these switching devices will merge into a or suspect statuses can also be represented explicitly in the
single bus). model. For example, the status of switching devices of a bus
In addition to switching devices, substations are associ- section group in which one or more changes have occurred
ated with terminals of branch devices (e.g., transmission since the previous execution can be considered as suspect.
lines, transformers, phase shifters, and series devices), shunt Such explicit representation facilitates bad data processing,
devices (e.g., capacitors, reactors, synchronous condensers, since possible status error will appear in state estimation as
static VAr compensators, loads and generators), and me- such and thus will not be disguised as errors in the analog
tering devices (e.g., power and current flow meters, power measurements.
and current injection meters, and voltage magnitude meters) A local weighted least squares (LS) state estimator can
as well. The connection of these devices in a bus/branch be run using a bus-section/switching-device model for areas
model requires the determination of the network buses. containing suspected data, such as a bus section group or a
Bus section processing consists of merging bus sections substation. Depending on the results of the state estimation,
of a bus section group into one or more network buses (buses bad analog/status data can be removed or, if redundancy does
of the bus/branch network model). Once such network buses not permit a safe decision, the suspect area is kept in the bus-
are formed, data structures (pointers and links) are built to section/switching-device model level for further evaluation
associate them with branch and shunt devices. during state estimation of the entire network.
Extended islands are crucial to generalized state estima-
tion. Incorrect status may cause a conventional NTP to iden-
B. Topology Processor in Tracking Mode tify two islands where there is in fact only a single connected
network, or it can lead to the identification of a de-energized
island, whereas in reality the island is part of a larger, ener-
In the tracking mode, the NTP updates the parts of the gized system. To cope with these situations the concept of
power network affected by status changes [20]. Only bus extended island is introduced here. Fig. 7 illustrates the case
section groups where changes have occurred are processed in which the telemetered status of breaker 4–5 is incorrect:
and the associated data structures are updated accordingly. it reads open, whereas in the field, the breaker is actually
Switching device status changes can modify both the way bus closed. Rather than identifying two separate islands, the open
sections are grouped into network buses and the association breaker 4–5 is retained in an extended model. Hence, the in-
of branch and shunt devices with network buses. The loca- correct status of breaker 4–5 can be detected and identified
tion of metering devices may be affected as well. Thus, the by the generalized state estimator.
new data structures relating network buses to various devices A linear programming based state estimator for substation
(branch, shunt, and metering) are compared with the cor- data validation was proposed in [21] and developed in [22].
responding structures saved from the previous run. Simple The weighted least squares (WLS) estimator was extended
plausibility checks are then performed for changed bus sec- to network represented at the physical level in [23].
tion groups using Kirchhoff's laws.
There are cases in which changes in a bus section group
also affect network connectivity (e.g., cases when a bus IV. WLS STATE ESTIMATOR
splits or a branch device switches from one bus to other). In
Most state estimation programs in practical use are formu-
these cases, the data structures describing network connec-
lated as overdetermined systems of nonlinear equations and
tivity and network islands are updated by NTP in tracking
solved as WLS problems [3], [24].
mode. The benefits of the tracking mode are not limited to
the topology processor itself: in the case of minor changes,
or when no changes occur, matrix structures (including A. Problem Formulation
the optimal pivoting order) used in other applications can Consider the nonlinear measurement model
be reused up to a certain point, although eventually the
cumulative effect of changes will require a complete matrix


3) complex power flow:
a) active power flow and ;
b) reactive power flow and .

C. Analog Measurements
The following measurements are normally included in
practical state estimators:
1) voltage magnitude ;
2) voltage angle difference ;
Fig. 7. Extended observable island.
3) active power:
a) branch flow ;
where is the th measurement, is the true state vector, b) branch-group flow in a designated group
is a nonlinear scalar function relating the th measure- of branches;
ment to states, and is the measurement error, which is as- c) bus injection ;
sumed to have zero mean and variance . There are mea- 4) reactive power:
surements and state variables, . a) branch flow ;
The WLS state estimation can be formulated mathemati- b) branch-group flow in a designated
cally as an optimization problem with a quadratic objective group of branches;
function and with equality and inequality constraints c) bus injection ;
5) current magnitude flow in branch , and in-
minimize jection ;
(1) 6) magnitude of turns ratio ;
subject to 7) phase shift angle of transformer ;
8) active power flow :
where is the residual is an objective func- a) in switches;
tion, and and are functions representing power b) in zero impedance branches;
flow quantities. Equality and inequality constraints are nor- c) in branches of unknown impedance;
mally used to represent target values and operating limits in 9) reactive power flow :
the unobservable parts of the network. a) in switches;
b) in zero impedance branches;
B. State Variables c) in branches of unknown impedance.
Complex nodal voltages are the most commonly used vari- Remark 1: Not all measurements are obtained simultane-
ables. Turn ratios of transformers with taps that change under ously and hence the measurements that are obtained in a mea-
operating conditions are also treated as state variables. Power surement scan can be time-skewed up to a few seconds. Al-
flows in branches that follow Ohm's law are dependent vari- though in most of the cases this has no effect on the quality
ables and can be determined from the state variables (nodal of state estimates, data inconsistencies may occur when the
voltages and turn ratios). However, in branches for which protection system is activated or when the system is ramping
application of Ohm's law is not fruitful, such as branches up or down at a rapid pace. In these cases, reliable estimates
with unknown impedances, branches with zero impedances, will be obtained again only when the system settles down.
or closed switches, flows cannot be determined from these In this sense, the state estimate is not actually real time but
state variables. In these cases one alternative consists in in- is only a quasi-static representation of the conditions in the
troducing power flows as additional states. In the case of network. Truly dynamic, real-time estimation would require
open switches, although the flow is known, there is no re- more sophisticated telemetering systems, probably based on
lation between the voltage spread across the switch and the time-tagged measurements obtained via Global Positioning
zero power flow; the flow state variable technique is then System (GPS) [25].
extended to open switches. (This helps detecting and iden-
tifying bad status information in switches that are wrongly D. Equality Constraints
considered as being open.) Target values normally used in power flow studies can
Hence, the vector of state variables usually includes the
be included in state estimation in order to restore observ-
following states:
ability to those parts of the network which are permanently
1) nodal voltage: or temporarily unobservable. Branches where the application
a) voltage magnitude ; of Ohm's law is not appropriate can also be represented via
b) voltage angle ; equality constraints: e.g., the voltage difference across a short
2) transformer turns ratio: circuit branch is equal to zero.
a) turns ratio magnitude ; 1) Target or specified voltage magnitude .
b) phase shift angle ; 2) Target voltage angle .


3) Target flow . where is the weighted residual, being
4) Target reactive power flow . the diagonal weighting matrix of measurement variances.
5) Target current magnitude flow and injection (The apostrophe denotes vector and matrix transposition
. throughout.)
6) Voltage magnitude difference in closed The first-order optimal condition is as follows:
7) Voltage angle difference in closed switches. (3)
8) Active power flow in open switches.
9) Reactive power flow in open switches. where is the th row of the Jacobian matrix .
10) Current difference . The root of (3) can be found using the Newton Raphson
11) Admittance difference in equivalent models. method. The Taylor expansion approximates the gradient
Equality constraints can be treated as such [26] or as function
pseudomeasurements with relatively high weights [12].
In the first case, in the WLS approach, the gain matrix
becomes indefinite, which demands a special sparse fac- where the Hessian matrix is as follows:
torization [39], [40] since the delayed-pivot approach does
not necessarily guarantees nonzero pivots throughout the (5)
factorization process. In the second case, a numerically
robust state estimator is normally required [27]–[30]. In the Newton Raphson method, the state update is ob-
tained from (4) using the Hessian matrix in (5). This method
E. Inequality Constraints presents quadratic convergence and has been adopted in
Limits, such as minimum and maximum reactive power a parameter estimation approach discussed in [32] (The
generation, can also be used to improve the representation of importance of second order derivatives in the presence of er-
unobservable parts of the network. The most commonly used roneous data was emphasized in [33].) In the Gauss Newton
inequality constraints are the following: method the second-order term of (5) is ignored. The effect
in convergence is normally not significant, except in cases
1) VAr limit ;
of large residuals caused by topology and parameter errors,
2) tap limit ;
combined with a strong nonlinearity of the measurement
3) phase-shift limit .
function . Most of practical implementations of state
Inequality constraints are dealt with in the same way as in estimation in electric power systems is based on the Gauss
power flow and optimal power flow calculations [10], [12]. Newton method. The state estimate is obtained by the
The constraints are initially relaxed, and as one approaches following iterative procedure:
the solution those constraints that are violated are enforced
on the corresponding limits, either as actual equality con-
straints or as pseudomeasurements with relatively high (7)
weights. Interior point algorithms have also been suggested where is a gain matrix. In the Gauss Newton
in the literature [31]. method , whereas in the Newton Raphson
method the second-order term of (5) should be included.
The iterative normal equations method below is the stan- B. Orthogonal Methods
dard approach to the solution of WLS state estimation in
power systems. Ill-conditioning can occur, however, in con- The need to represent equality constraints as pseudomea-
nection with the use of widely different weighting factors, the surements with relatively high weights has caused a search
presence of a large number of injection measurements, and for an alternative to the normal equations approach. The
the representation of low impedance branches which are in- orthogonal transformation method is one such alternative
cident to regular branches. All these problems are somehow which has found wide acceptance in practice. An orthogonal
related to the squared form of the gain matrix . The method based on row-wise Givens rotations was first sug-
other methods discussed in this section were partly motivated gested in [27]. An early implementation of Givens rotations
by the need to unsquare the gain matrix in order to improve in a production grade state estimator was reported in [28].
numerical robustness. A hybrid approach based on seminormal equations was
then proposed in [34] and a theoretical discussion about
A. Normal Equations Method seminormal equations in general can be found in [35]. An
efficient ordering scheme to preserve sparsity and minimize
The unconstrained state estimation problem can be formu-
the number of intermediate fill-ins, along with a modified
lated as a minimization of
Givens rotations method (the 2-multiplication scheme), was
(2) reported in [30], and the inclusion of equality constraints in
orthogonal state estimators was described [36].


Consider an weighted Jacobian matrix D. Equality Constrained WLS Estimator
with rank . The orthogonal transformation
method avoids squaring the gain matrix by using the Rather than modeling equality constraints as pseudomea-
following decomposition of the Jacobian matrix: surements with relatively high weights, they can be intro-
(8) duced in the optimization problem as such [26]. This was the
first attempt to unsquare the gain matrix. To cope with the
where is an orthogonal matrix and is an upper indefiniteness of the augmented gain matrix (zero pivots) the
triangular matrix. authors proposed a delayed pivoting scheme. This approach
Using the orthogonal decomposition in (8), the normal has two potential advantages: the pseudomeasurements cor-
equations (6) can be rewritten as follows: responding to the equality constraints are not squared and no
weights are assigned to the equality constraints. Mathemati-
cally this can be expressed as follows:
Since is nonsingular (the system is assumed to be ob-
servable), and is orthogonal, i.e., , the minimize
result is subject to
where represents a set of nonlinear constraints.
This optimization problem can be expressed by the following
Lagrangian function:
This equation can be solved in two stages, as follows:

The corresponding Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) first-order

necessary conditions are as follows:
Remark 1: Pivoting is normally necessary to preserve (9)
sparsity. In this case a permutation of can be factorized
instead, i.e., , where performs row (10)
permutations on , and performs column permutations. where and .
Remark 2: The Euclidean norm of the estimation residual This system of nonlinear equations can be solved itera-
is invariant under an orthogonal transformation . tively by the Gauss Newton method using Taylor expansions
as follows:
C. Seminormal Equations

If the orthogonal decomposition is applied only

to the left side of the normal equations above, the following In view of these linear approximations, (9) and (10) can be
results are obtained (a fast decoupled version of this hybrid rewritten as follows:
method was presented in [34]): (11)

Remark 1: Notice that the coefficient matrix in (11) is in-

Since is orthogonal, and is upper trapezoidal, the result definite, and if the pivot ordering is based on sparsity consid-
is erations only, the factorization process can break down due to
the occurrence of zero pivots [26]. Delayed pivoting has been
used to avoid zero or small pivots, although there is no guar-
antee that this procedure will avoid all possible zero pivots.
This equation can then be solved as in the normal equations Alternatively, blocked sparse matrices [37], [38] and mixed
approach, except that the triangular factor is obtained via and pivoting [39], [40] have been used.
orthogonal transformations.
The corrected seminormal equations method is summa-
rized in the following: E. Sparse Tableau Formulation—Hachtel Method

The unsquared representation of equality constraints can

be extended to regular measurements as follows:
For linear estimators, under mild conditions, it can be shown subject to
that this approach is as accurate as a full orthogonal method
[35]. For nonlinear models, the above correction can be car- The corresponding Lagrangian function is
ried out together with the next iteration, with no additional
computational effort [34].


The KKT first order necessary conditions for an optimal a network, measurement redundancy is defined as the ratio
solution are expressed by the following augmented tableau of the number of measurements to the number of states; in
(Hachtel tableau): most practical cases the redundancy is in the range 1.7–2.2.
A critical measurement is a nonredundant measurement, i.e.,
(12) a measurement that when removed turns the network unob-
The Hachtel method was first applied to power system There are three principal types of algorithms for observ-
state estimation in [39] and was further studied in [41], which ability analysis: topological; numerical; and hybrid. The con-
extended the normalized residuals approach to Hachtel state cept of topological observability in power network state esti-
estimators. The use of blocked matrices was simultaneously mation was introduced in [55] as a partial requirement for
suggested in [37] and [38], and an extension of the blocked state estimation solvability and further developed in [56].
matrix approach to numerical observability analysis and bad Practical solvability also depends on numerical aspects [57]
data processing was presented in [42]. of state estimation, and a numerical approach to observability
analysis which could take both topological and numerical as-
pects into consideration was suggested [58], [59].
F. Blocked Sparse Tableau
The sparsity of the factors of the Hachtel tableau can be A. Extended Observable Islands
improved if the tableau is put into a blocked form with the
same structure as the -matrix and factorized as such. For The inclusion of breakers, switches, zero impedance
networks modeled at the bus/branch model, the blocked form branches, and branches with unknown impedances in
is obtained by grouping measurements as follows: the generalized state estimation model has motivated the
following extended definitions of islands and observable
1) Definition A: An island is a contiguous part of a
where includes both branch flow measurements and nodal network with bus sections as nodes and lines, trans-
voltage measurements, and contains the nodal injection formers, open switches, closed switches, and switches
measurements. The Jacobian matrix is partitioned accord- with unknown status as branches.
ingly, i.e. 2) Definition B: An observable island is an island for
which all branch flows can be calculated from the
available measurements independent of the values
The Hachtel tableau in (12) can then be rewritten as fol- adopted for reference pseudomeasurements [60].
lows: According to Definition A, the network shown in Fig. 7
forms an island, even considering that the breaker 4–5 is
open. And according to Definition B, this network forms
a single observable island, since the power flows in all
branches are observable. (Notice that this would not be so
Applying Gauss elimination to zeroize the submatrix re- if the injections at buses 4 and 5 were unmetered, in which
sults in the following tableau: case we would have two observable islands.) Fig. 8 further
illustrates the extended concepts of observability. In this
case the two complex nodal voltages will be known since
the voltage magnitude at bus-1 is metered. This, however,
does not mean the network is observable since the flow
If there is only one injection measurement or constraint per distribution between the two zero impedance branches is
node, this tableau can be further arranged to have the same indeterminate; there could be an arbitrary circulating flow in
block structure of the -matrix. the two branches and still they will match the injection mea-
Remark 1: The selection of pivots based purely on spar- surements. Hence, according to Definition B, the network is
sity may lead to block pivots with zero determinant. Hence, unobservable, i.e., it is impossible to determine the power
both the identification of singularities and the modification flows from the available measurements.
of the blocking (or of the ordering) scheme is still necessary.
(See the closure of [37]). B. Topological Observability Analysis
The concept of topological observability was originally
proposed for networks represented by bus/branch models and
If there are enough measurements and they are well dis- is linked to the idea of maximal spanning tree, which is a tree
tributed throughout the network in such a way that state esti- that contains every node in the graph representing a network
mation is possible, the network is said to be observable. If a [55], [56]. To each branch of a maximal spanning tree is as-
network is not observable, it is still useful to know which por- signed a measurement. A measurement assignment satisfies:
tion has a state which can be estimated, i.e., it is important to 1) different branches are always assigned to different mea-
determine the observable islands. In the observable parts of surements; 2) if the flow in a branch is measured the branch


Fig. 9. Topologically observable network. Solvability requires that
y 6 x.
Fig. 8. Unobservable network. (ZB is a zero impedance branch.)

pseudo measurements representing switches

is assigned to that measurement; 3) a branch with unmea- and short circuits.
sured flow is assigned to an injection measurement at a node b) Initialize the power network of interest as con-
incident to the branch [61]. Although it is generally agreed sisting of all branches incident to at least one
that the topological approach can be extended to handle the measurement or pseudo measurement.
additional states and pseudomeasurements of the generalized 2) Form gain matrix and perform triangular factoriza-
state estimation, further research is still needed (The same tion .
can be said regarding the consideration of current magnitude 3) Introduce angle/flow pseudo measurements whenever
measurements [62], [63].) a zero pivot is encountered.
Topological observability does not necessarily guarantee 4) Solve the dc state estimator equation for the angle/flow
solvability of the state estimation problem. Consider, for ex- state variables considering all the measured values
ample, the dc model for the system in Fig. 9, where the reac- equal to zero, except for the added angle/flow pseu-
tances of lines are marked alongside. In this case, there are domeasurements that are assigned arbitrary values.
four state variables and four measure- 5) System update.
ments ( , and ). If , the a) Remove from the power network of interest all
rank of the Jacobian matrix is , whereas for the rank the branches with nonzero flows.
is 3, in which case the gain matrix becomes singular and the b) Update the measurement set of interest by re-
system is unsolvable (although it is observable in the topo- moving power injection measurements adjacent
logical sense). Numerical problems can also occur for values to the removed branches along with the corre-
of close to , which may render the problem to be numeri- sponding pseudomeasurements.
cally unsolvable. Although numerical coincidences are rela- c) If modifications have been made, update the tri-
tively rare, they do occur in practice. (See [64] for an example angular factor and go to 3).
involving transformers.) 6) Form islands with nodes connected by branches with
zero flows.
C. Numerical Observability Analysis Remark 1: The algorithm above can be extended to other
The numerical observability algorithm below was de- methods such as the orthogonal [65] method and the Hachtel
signed to handle networks that are totally or partially method [42]. The results provided by numerical observability
represented at the physical level. The basic modifications analysis, however, can be drastically affected if singularity
regarding the algorithm for networks modeled at the occurs for reasons other than unobservability (topological or
bus/branch level is the addition of new state variables and numerical), as may be the case with the blocking approach
new pseudo measurements as discussed in Section II.C. and with the equality constrained approach based on pivot
The extended algorithm is also based on the presence of delay. As a rule, reliable factorization methods are always
zero pivots that may occur during triangular factorization of necessary when indefinite matrices are used.
the gain matrix. The difference is that the gain matrix will
include additional information as well as new states, and D. Hybrid Observability Analysis
since power flows are also state variables, zero pivots may The hybrid algorithm exploits the best of both topological
occur in connection with these variables as well. When this and numerical approaches: a basic topological algorithm
happens, state variables corresponding to these zero pivots with simple injection conversion to obtain one or more
are added as pseudomeasurements with arbitrary values, islands which are as large as possible, and a numerical
just as in the bus/branch model. Irrelevant measurements are algorithm for application to the reduced system [10], [66].
again identified, i.e., injection measurements with incident The topological algorithm is initially used to process flow
branches with estimated flows being a function of the measurements and injection measurements for which all
arbitrary values assigned to the pseudo measurements added except one of the incident branches are observable, whereas
(nonzero flows) are considered irrelevant [64]. injection measurements for which branch assignment is
Algorithm not straightforward are left to be treated by the numerical
1) Initialization. algorithm using a reduced model. Only the boundary nodes
a) Initialize the measurement set of interest as of the islands obtained via the topological algorithm are re-
consisting of all available measurements and tained for the numerical analysis. A tree of angle difference


pseudomeasurements are then associated with these nodes defined as . It can be shown that the
in order to take into account the effect of the measurements distribution has mean and variance . When random
that have already been processed by the topological algo- variables are constrained by independent equations,
rithm. Such measurements, in addition to the unprocessed then follows a distribution with the number of
injection measurements (measurements for which branch degrees of freedom reduced by the number of constraints.
assignment was not straightforward), are then processed by As the number of degrees of freedom increases, the
the numerical algorithm. distribution tends to a normal distribution (Central Limit
Under the conditions above, the expected value of
VII. BAD DATA ANALYSIS and its variance are as follows: and
It may occur that the errors affecting state estimates are not . Note that for an ob-
compatible with their standard deviations. Most frequently, servable system with , the state estimate fits the
this happens due to the presence of bad data among the mea- measurement model perfectly, i.e., all the residuals will be
sured quantities. Alternatively, the proposed model may be zero and .
unfit to explain the measured quantities. In either case, it is
important to determine a plausible explanation, or a set of C. Hypotheses Testing
plausible explanations, for the observed data inconsistency. Once the estimates and are determined by the state
Methods used for detecting and identifying bad data are dis- estimator, one has to check whether these estimates are com-
cussed in this section [67]. patible in accuracy to their standard deviations. To this end,
the test and the test can be used.
A. Largest Normalized Residual (LNR) 1) The Test: Consider that an observation of
the random variable is yielded by a state estimation run.
The normalized residual is defined for noncritical mea-
Based on this observation, the decision as to whether or not
surements as the ratio of the residual estimate ,
it actually belongs to the hypothesized distribution must
to the standard deviation of the residual, [24]. Assuming
be made. The hypotheses made regarding the behavior of
that all other measurements are perfect and that is a bad
the random variables will also be tested—indirectly—for
datum, it can be shown that no other measurement can have
normal distribution, , or the effect of gross errors or
a normalized residual larger than that of . This means that
the wrong measurement is responsible for the largest nor-
Consider a null hypothesis and an alternative hypoth-
malized residual, i.e., although other measurements with the
esis as follows:
same residual magnitude may exist, none will have a residual
larger than that of the th measurement. 1) ;
Assuming that the measurement errors 2) .
are normal, independent with zero mean and variance , the The alternative hypothesis suggests the way to perform the
vector of estimation residuals hypothesis test, i.e.:
1) if , reject ;
2) if , accept
follows a -variate normal distribution; is the
where is a constant to be determined. If is the signifi-
number of degrees of freedom, where is the number of
cance level of the test, then constant is given by
measurements and is the number of state variables.
Since , where is the th row of the sensi-
tivity matrix is normally distributed with mean zero and This means that if is true, the probability of is
variance , where (the diagonal elements (or %), i.e.
of the covariance matrix of the residuals). Hence, the mar-
ginal distribution of each normalized residual , with
is normal with mean zero and unit variance, i.e.,
and [24]. where is the probability density function of the dis-
The largest normalized residual method was extended to tribution, where degrees of freedom and is the
the normal equations approach with equality constraints [41] Gamma function.
and to the blocked sparse matrix approach [42]. The method 2) The Test: Consider now the test for normal-
was further extended in [68] to the Lagrange multipliers as- ized residuals. As above, two hypotheses are considered:
sociated with equality constraints. and . is rejected if
, where is a constant to be determined. The
B. The Performance Index significance level of the test is given by and corresponds
to the probability of false alarm, i.e., . This means
If are random independent variables that is the probability that , i.e.
which follow a normal distribution with mean zero and
unit variance, the chi-square distribution with degrees
of freedom ( ) is the distribution of the random variable


where is the probability density function of the standard ments. Given this partition, the sensitivity relation
normal distribution with mean zero and unit variance. can be written as
Remark 1: Notice that the significance level is also
equivalent to the probability of a false alarm, or the proba-
bility of the occurrence of a Type 1 error: reject when it where submatrices and are formed by the rows of
is actually true. (Type 2 error occurs if is accepted when the sensitivity matrix corresponding to measurements and
it is actually false [67].) , respectively.
3) Testing Equality Constraint Hypotheses: Equality Since the sensitivity matrix is idempotent, i.e., ,
constraints can be represented as either hard or soft con- then
straints: 1) hard constraints consist of representing the
equality constraints explicitly in the state estimation min-
imization problem [31] and 2) soft constraints consist of
representing equality constraints by means of pseudomea- where and are formed by the columns of the matrix
surements with the appropriate weightings [10]. When , corresponding to measurements and , respectively.
nonlinear models are used, both methods can suffer from Hence, . A similar relation holds for the
convergence problems when the constraint represents false weighted sensitivity matrix , i.e.,
information, such as reporting a breaker status as open when ( is the measurement covariance ma-
it is actually closed in the field or using a bus as a transition trix).
bus (zero injection) when it is actually a load bus. 1) Dormant Measurement: Consider now that all the
An alternative approach consists of testing hypotheses measurements, except those in the -set, have no errors,
about equality constraints without explicitly adding these i.e., , with . In this case the sensitivity
constraints to the state estimation problem or considering relation can be written as
them as pseudomeasurements. Assume that the results of a
state estimation run are available and that one wishes to test
the following null hypothesis
As with the situations involving single and multiple nonin-
teracting bad data, discussed in the previous section, an error
where is an -vector of state variables, is a constant estimate is given by
-vector, and is a constant matrix. When testing (13)
this hypothesis, the expected value of and the corre-
This error estimate can be used to correct the measurements
sponding covariance matrix are as follows: and
in the -set, yielding
, where . Since
is -variate normal, if , then is
-variate normal with covariance given by the above expres-
sion, and the performance index is expressed as The correction in (13) zeroizes the estimation residuals cor-
responding to the measurements. Since all the other mea-
surements are assumed to be perfect, the residuals of the mea-
This follows a distribution, i.e., chi-square distribution surements of the -set become zero as well. In general, if
with degrees of freedom. The statistic defined by the -set measurements are affected by errors, then only the
can then be used to test the null hypothesis , in residuals corresponding to the -set measurements become
the same way of the -test describe above [69]. zero after measurement correction.
In the unidimensional case (the -set has a single element)
(13) can be rewritten as follows:
D. Dormant and Perfect Measurements

In performing bad data analysis, it may be necessary to in- where .

vestigate the effect on state estimates of considering a mea- If the error estimate is used to correct the corresponding
surement either as a bad datum or as a perfect datum. In this measurements the impact of this correction on the perfor-
section, an analytical approach to do this type of analysis is mance index is as follows:
First, consider the following partition of the measurement
set: 1) denotes a vector of residuals, with , Assuming that only a single bad datum is present, the re-
corresponding to a selected set of measurements that assures moval of the data presenting the largest normalized residual
network observability (if, for example, , the system is will eliminate the effect of the suspect data and provide the
minimally observable, i.e., there are no redundant measure- maximum reduction in the performance index. Hence, in
ments) and 2) denotes a vector of residuals, with these cases, detecting and identifying bad data by the largest
, corresponding to a set of redundant measure- normalized residual criterion turns out to be the same as


selecting the measurement whose removal would produce To each possible combination of good and bad measurements
the largest reduction in the performance index. is associated with a decision vector
The estimation of measurement errors and the correction
of measured values were discussed in [70]–[72]. The inter-
pretation of the residual estimates as the result of a state es-
timation based on parts of the sensitivity relation For an observable system with measurements there are
was introduced in [73] and [74] and applied to a hypotheses possible decision vectors.
testing procedure designed to detect and identify interacting Any given decision vector is a plausible explanation for
multiple bad data in [75]. the observed data inconsistencies if, after the removal of the
2) Perfect Measurement: Consider the following condi- suspect data or of their effect on state estimation, no further
tion is imposed: bad data are detected. If, for example, the test is used,
this means that , where is the new
(14) state estimate and is the appropriate detection threshold.
Hence, in any practical problem, a number of plausible ex-
planations are likely to exist. The next step is to find the most
where represents fictitious corrections on the measure- plausible explanation or the set of most plausible explana-
ments of the -set such that the corresponding residual be- tions according to a prespecified criterion.
comes , i.e., the component of the residual Let be the probability that meter is up and
due to the errors and is zeroized. This is the same the probability that it is down. Let be the set of all meters
as assuming the measurements in the -set are imposed as (and the corresponding part of the data gathering system) that
equality constraints or as pseudomeasurements with weights is up at any given time and the set that is down. The
equal to infinity. Now, considering that probability associated with this particular decision vector

the first row of (14) yields
An optimal decision is sought that maximizes .
Now, if it is assumed that: 1) is close to one and 2) the
Hence, introducing corrections into the measurement vector number of elements in is usually much larger than that in
yields , and all meters have the same reliability, i.e., is constant
for all , it can be shown [76] that a solution that maximizes
(15) also maximizes the objective function

where is the unit matrix of order and is equivalent to

modeling the measurements as equality constraints (or as (17)
pseudomeasurements with weights equal to infinity in a WLS
Remark 1: In (13), if the set guarantees observability, Hence, given the above assumptions, the optimal solution (or
then det , whereas in (15), if the set is formed by solutions if there is more than one) is the one that leads to the
nonredundant measurements, then det . identification of the minimum number of bad measurements.
Let denote the network and corresponding meter
E. Identification Test configuration for a given decision vector de-
note the performance index, and denote the detection
When bad data are detected, bad data identification nor-
threshold. The identification problem can then be formulated
mally has to be performed. This amounts to determining one
as follows:
or more plausible explanations for the data inconsistencies
revealed by state estimation results. In order to do that, it minimize
may be useful to distinguish between the reliability of a mea- subject to is observable (18)
surement and its precision; measurement reliability refers to
the probability of failure of a meter, whereas measurement
precision refers to the magnitude of error when that meter is Remark 1: When there is a single optimal solution, the de-
working. For example, a meter designed for great accuracy termination of only that solution may be desirable. But when
can still be quite unreliable. Some of the estimation methods multiple optimal solutions are possible, the determination of
discussed above take into account measurement precision by all of them may be preferred. Alternatively, a set of all the so-
using weighted residuals in their objective functions; mea- lutions within a certain distance from the optimal ones may
surement reliability, however, is not explicitly considered in be of interest, such as when the optimal solution involves the
these formulations. removal of two measurements, and all the plausible solutions
If the th measurement is assumed to be a bad data it is involving the removal of up to three measurements may be
denoted by , otherwise it is denoted by [76]. of interest.


Remark 2: In principle, the combinatorial problem above and can be achieved to a certain degree by changing the ob-
can be formulated to deal with analog, topology, and param- jective function as illustrated in Fig. 10.
eter errors simultaneously. This is a very complex combina-
torial problem, however, for which further research is needed A. Nonquadratic Estimators
[11]. The unconstrained state estimation problem can be formu-
lated as follows:
F. Pocketing and Zooming
As discussed above, the identification of interacting, minimize
conforming bad data is a hard combinatorial problem. The
time required to reach a plausible solution will vary with
the case under consideration. This can become an issue in a
real-time environment. The use of pockets aims to focus the where is a scalar objective function and is the th
analysis to a limited part of the network and thus to reduce weighted residual. (In the WLS estimator the following
the computational burden of bad data identification (gross quadratic objective function is adopted .)
errors normally propagate poorly in state estimation) and To bound the influence of large residuals, can be defined
can be formed around a predetermined set of suspect bad as a quadratic function only for small weighted residuals
data, which can be determined by an approximate method and as a function with constant or decreasing derivative for
such as the sequential largest weighted residual criterion. large weighted residuals [see Fig. 10(b)–(c)] [43]. Since the
This allows the determination of the parts of the region of measurements with large weighted residuals are not known
interest affected by bad data. Once suspect measurements a priori, the process is normally initialized with a regular
are flagged, their neighborhood can be located using the WLS estimator, and the measurements with large residuals
topological algorithm based on the Jacobian matrix struc- have their weights gradually reduced, according to a non-
ture. A measurement corresponds to a row entry in the quadratic objective function. The problem then becomes how
Jacobian matrix and columns of the nonzero elements in a to select the set of suspect measurements. If this modification
row define the states that are adjacent to the measurement. A on weights is based on the magnitude of weighted residuals
state corresponds to a column entry in the Jacobian matrix, only, good data may be rejected whereas bad data can be clas-
and the rows of the nonzero elements in the column define sified as good data. One alternative is to use the normalized
the measurements that are adjacent to the state [10]. residuals, which will work for cases of single and multiple
A common cause of multiple bad data that are both inter- nonconforming bad data.
acting and conforming is the presence of topological errors.
Parts of the network which may contain topological errors B. Least Absolute Value Estimator (LAV)
can be zoomed in depending on the results of bad data anal- Linear programming-based state estimation was originally
ysis performed at the bus/branch level. These areas are then proposed in [44] and further developed in [45] and [46].
modeled at the physical level [10]. A topological algorithm of The application of this method to topology estimation is dis-
the same type described above to form pockets can be used cussed in [47] and [48]. The weighted least absolute value
to determine areas to be zoomed in. Zoomed-in areas can objective function [see Fig. 10(d)] is as follows:
also be pre-established as areas in which the network is rep-
resented at the physical level throughout state estimation.


In WLS estimators the influence of a measurement on the and the solution is given by basic measurements which fits
state estimate increases with the size of its residual, whereas perfectly the state estimate. These measurements have zero
nonquadratic estimators are designed to bound the influence residuals, whereas the remaining measurements, the
of large residuals on state estimation (in the hope that these nonbasic ones, can present nonzero residuals. In the unidi-
residuals actually correspond to bad data, but which is by no mensional example discussed above, the least absolute value
means guaranteed). In an unidimensional case, for example, estimator yields a state estimate equal to one of the measured
the WLS estimator yields the mean value of the measure- values, regardless of the magnitude of the bad data. For large
ments, and assuming a finite number of measurements and and complex systems, however, things in general are more
that all measurements except one are correct, if the bad data complicated due to the computational effort and to the exis-
tend to infinity, so will the state estimate (the average of the tence of leverage points which make unwanted bad data to
measured values). If instead the state estimate is defined as be selected as good data as explained in the following para-
the median of the sample, this would not happen, since the graph.
median would not change when an arbitrary error is intro-
duced in a single measurement; in fact, the median would re- C. Leverage Points
main finite when an arbitrary error is introduced in Certain measurements called leverage points can have
measurements. This is typical of ideally robust estimators an abnormally high influence on state estimation. In [50],
which are insensitive to changes in measurements leverage points are defined as the points of a regression that


Fig. 10. Quadratic/nonquadratic objective functions. [r~ = (z 0 h (x))= is the weighted

are far away from the bulk of the data points in the factor This is why the identification and the removal of the effect
space. A typical situation is shown in Fig. 11(b). (For a more of leverage point has become a active research area (a par-
detailed discussion, see [52]). Although the characterization tial list of reference can be found in [49]). The LS estimator
of a leverage point depends only on the independent variable is also badly affected by the leverage point in this example,
, their classification as good or bad data depends also on although the largest normalized residual criterion will cor-
the measured values (as well as on the corresponding rectly flag the bad data and, after its removal, the estimation
variances). will be correct.
In power system state estimation, the factor space is the Fig. 12 illustrates a somehow more dramatic situation
-dimensional space spanned by the rows of the originally studied in [50]. In case (a), the measurement
Jacobian matrix (the th row of the Jacobian matrix is errors are relatively small, and the five points in the initial
). The leverage points of a linearized model are part of the graph clearly defines a linear trend. Hence, the
measurement points whose vectors define outliers two leverage points on the right will appear as bad data
in the factor space, [53]. with respect to this trend. The same is not necessarily true
In Fig. 11(a) the error is in the direction (it is not a in case (b), in which case the trend is not as well defined as
leverage point); in this case the LAV method automatically above, and where no bad data would be detect at all since
rejects the outlier, whereas the LS method gives estimates estimates for and can be found that are compatible with
that are affected by the gross error. This property has served all measured values (in view of the wider ranges). In
as a motivation for calling the LAV method robust. Notice case (a) both the LAV method and the LNR method will fail
that, when the LS method is used, the error can be correctly in identifying the bad leverage points. Both methods will
identified by the largest normalized residual criterion and classify four of the first five measured points as bad data.
eliminated from estimation, resulting, in this example, the The combinatorial approach, however, will be able to find
same estimates yielded by the LAV estimator. the desired solution, i.e., a solution that rejects only two bad
Things are harder when the outlier is in the direction (the data (the leverage points). The same is true regarding the
factor space), i.e., the outlier is a leverage point, as illustrated LMS method discussed below.
in Fig. 11(b). In this case, the LAV estimator will take the Leverage measurements normally occur in connection
leverage point as a perfect measurement (a basic measure- with low impedance branches and nodal injection mea-
ment with zero residual). Hence, we say that the LAV esti- surements, i.e.: 1) flows in low impedance branches; 2)
mator looses its robustness when leverage points are present. injections at nodes adjacent to a low impedance branch;


leverage points based on projection statistics. This method
has been used in a reweighted LS estimator by means of
which bad leverage points are deweighted (Schweppe-type
estimator) [54]. In order to avoid the occurence of certain
types of leverage points, low impedance branches can
also be modeled as zero impedance branches, with the
corresponding through-flows considered as additional state

D. Least Median of Squares Estimators (LMS)

In this case the objective is not based on the sum of the
squared residuals or of their absolute values but on a single
residual. This estimator is formulated as follows:
minimize median

where what is sought is the state that presents the minimum

median squared weighted residual. Since nonzero residuals
occur only when there are redundant measurements, i.e.,
, the objective function above is used only for
or , whereas for multidimensional states the
median is given by , where
denotes the integer part of the argument.
The problem can then be reformulated as follows:


where is the weighted residual corresponding to the

mdth measurement.
Reference [50] suggests drawing a series of samples with
measurements each for which the network is minimally
observable. For each sample the state is calculated and the
Fig. 11. Linear regression z = +
a bx, estimates a and ^ ^b weighted residuals of the remaining measurements are
are sought. (a) Outlier in the z direction. (b) Outlier in the x
direction—leverage point [52]. computed. The optimal solution corresponds to the sample
that minimizes the above objective function. In [51], a power
system decomposition scheme is proposed to improve both
the robustness and the computing time of the LMS algorithm.


After state estimation and bad data processing, state es-
timation results are used to build a power flow model for
the system of interest. There are three principal approaches
to do that: 1) the power-flow-based method; 2) the one-pass
state estimation method; and 3) the two-pass state estimation
method. (A comprehensive bibliography on external system
modeling can be found in [13].)
The first method attaches the external model to the internal
model by means of boundary matching injections, which are
calculated by solving a power flow for the external network
while treating the inner boundary buses as swing buses (with
= +
Fig. 12. Linear regression, z a bx, with two leverage points.
the values of the voltage magnitudes and voltage angles
being obtained by state estimation and used as target, or
Estimates for a and b are sought ( is the standard deviation of the
measured values z ). specified, values). The model thus obtained for the intercon-
nected network correctly reproduces the conditions of the
and 3) injections into nodes with a large number of incident internal system, since possible external errors are absorbed
branches. Reference [53] suggests a method for identifying by the boundary matching injections. These errors, however,


may affect both contingency analysis and optimal power flow where is a nonlinear vector function, is the mea-
studies, because, although the base-case model is correct, the surement vector corresponding to time is the state
reactions of the external model to internal changes, such as vector at , is a vector with mean of zero and variance
a contingency, may be incorrect. One common criticism of , and is an unknown constant parameter vector.
this method relates to the possible accumulation of external The simplified dynamic that follows has been widely used
system modeling errors in boundary injections. in the literature:
The second method (the one-pass method) performs a
single state estimation for the system of interest, which (19)
includes both observable and unobservable parts. Power
flow variables (e.g., target values for voltages and flows) where has a mean of zero and a variance of
and limits (e.g., MVAr limits) are treated as pseudomeasure-
ments or as equality/inequality constraints. If a numerically
robust estimator is used, these constraints can be enforced (20)
by assigning low weights to the corresponding pseudomea-
surements. Alternatively, the set of pseudo measurements i.e., is a discrete time process with
can be made nonredundant, in which case even the presence orthogonal, zero mean random variables.
of errors in the data will not corrupt the states estimated The combined parameter/state estimation problem can be
from telemetry, but special care must be taken with low formulated as an unconstrained optimization problem that
impedance lines, since if neither the power flow in the low minimizes the following objective function:
impedance branch nor the injections at its terminal nodes
are “metered,” these variables may become numerically
indeterminate, leading to abnormally large variances. One
possible solution is to assign a pseudomeasurement to each
low impedance branch; normally, this can be done without
affecting overall measurement redundancy.
The third method (the two-pass method) runs state esti-
mation for the observable part of the system of interest and
then attaches the external model in two passes: 1) apply
the power flow method to calculate branch power flows in
the unobservable network, and 2) perform state estimation The normal equations for the augmented performance
using the estimated states as pseudomeasurements, for index can then be written as follows:
the internal system, with the power flows for the external
system, run to match the two parts of the network model.
Zero injections for both the internal and external network are
also treated as pseudomeasurements. Whenever available,
external telemetry can also be included in the model. The
scheduled injections at the inner boundary nodes are used
as target values, and, depending on the relative weights used The covariance matrix of the augmented state estimate
for external pseudomeasurements, this will disperse the error, , can be decomposed as
modeling errors throughout the unobservable system. follows:


This section summarizes a dynamic state/parameter esti-
mator based on the Kalman Bucy [77] filter and which yields
estimates of a state vector augmented by the parameters to The covariance matrix associated with the vector of param-
be estimated. It is also assumed that an initial value of the eter estimates, , can be obtained by applying the
parameter vector is given, along with its respective covari- matrix inversion lemma to the blocked gain matrix that ap-
ance matrix . An overview of state estimation, including pears in the normal equations of the combined state/param-
Kalman filters, can be found in [4]. A review of the main eter estimation problem above. The result is [11]
developments in dynamic state estimation and hierarchical
state estimation was presented in [78]. More recently, a dy-
namic estimator with both state and parameter prediction and
including second order derivatives was suggested [32].
It is assumed that a set of observations, or scan of mea-
surements, is available. Each scan is modeled as follows:
where all matrices on the right side are computed at . This
expression has been used for small subnetworks without the


diagonal approximation [32]. Further approximations are where matrix is a constant matrix used to guarantee that
normally needed, however, in dealing with larger networks. the covariance matrix remains positive definite.
(See Remark 2.) Remark 3: The alternate estimation of states and param-
The gain matrix can then be written as eters have also been suggested in literature [3]. To this end,
the following performance index is then defined:


for each scan, considering a fixed value for . In this case the
normal equations is the same as for a regular nonlinear state
estimator, i.e.

This equation is used iteratively to minimize for

each scan. Then a new parameter estimate is obtained by min-
imizing the following:

Remark 1: The inclusion of the predicted values as ad-

ditional pseudomeasurements helps in filtering bad analog
data that may arise during parameter estimation; it also im-
proves observability conditions in situations where the meter The optimal state is then used to compute a new set of state
configuration may change during process the (e.g., due to estimates . The minimization of
temporary unavailability of certain measurements) [79]. This can be performed using the Kalman Bucy filter considering
is especially important in real-time parameter estimation. now as a state vector.
Remark 2: The method for parameter estimation by state
augmentation suggested in [80] can be obtained from the XI. THE IMPACT OF THE CHANGING MARKETPLACE
above approach by considering and approximating
the equation for updating the covariance matrix of the esti- The recent creation of Independent System Operators
mated parameters as follows: (ISO), with the need to control the grid, has increased
the size of the networks that have to be modeled by state
estimation. This trend compounds with to other phenomena:
the spatial expansion stemming from the merger of several
companies and the growing requirements for representing
This approximation is partly justified by the fact that when the network at lower voltage levels. As a result, supervised
the measurement redundancy tends to infinity, the covariance networks with tens of thousands of buses are becoming
matrix of the measurement estimate errors more and more common. The difficulties are not limited to
network sizes, however.
Perhaps the most important issue in the new competitive
environment is the way poorly estimated network models
will affect the determination of prices of electricity. Metering
tends to a null matrix. Although the matrix can always quality and redundancy levels can vary significantly in a large
be initialized as a diagonal matrix, the updated matrix given network, measurement redundancy being more deficient at
by the formulae above (both the exact and approximate ex- lower voltage levels. High redundancy levels will be nec-
pressions) will turn the covariance matrix into a full matrix essary for adequate model building, and even more so for
for the next iteration. The following approximation can be topology estimation, i.e., when parts of the network are rep-
used in order to keep the covariance matrix of the parameter resented at the physical level. It is envisaged that the range of
error estimates as a diagonal matrix throughout the estima- measurement redundancy should evolve from today's 1.7–2.2
tion process: to 2.5–3.0. In addition to this improvement in the redun-
dancy levels, the location of new meter should also take into
consideration the need for estimating topology (statuses of
switching devices).


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[77] R. S. Bucy, Lectures on Discrete Time Filtering. Berlin, A. Monticelli (Fellow, IEEE) received the B.Sc.
Germany: Springer-Verlag, 1994. degree in electronic engineering from Instituto
[78] P. Rousseaux, Th. Van Cutsem, and T. E. Dy Liacco, “Whither Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), São José
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[79] A. M. L. Silva, M. B. Coutto, and J. M. C. Cantera, “An effi- Campina Grande, Brazil, in 1972, and the
cient dynamic state estimation algorithm including bad data- Ph.D. degree from Universidade de Campinas
processing,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst.., vol. 2, pp. 1050–1058, (Unicamp), Campinas, Brazil, in 1975.
Nov. 1987. From 1982 to 1985 he was with the University
[80] A. S. Debs, “Estimation of steady-state power system model of California, Berkeley. From 1991 to 1992 he
parameters,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. 93, pp. was with Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan.
1260–1268, Sept./Oct. 1974. Currently he is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at UNICAMP, Camp-
inas, Brazil.
Dr. Monticelli is a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.


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