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   "#     $The most intense color,
stimulates faster heartbeats and breathing and it is also the color of love, While
purple is the color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication.
It is also very feminine and o ften seen as romantic and blue, the color of the sky
and the ocean causes the opposite reaction as red. Peac eful and tranquil, blue
causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.
But Blue can also be cold and depressing

I will look at all the colours in detail and then relate them to how they have been
used in the advertising industry to create certain moods a nd communicate
certain feelings and also sell their product.

While looking at what different colours are suppose to repres ent I will look at how
the viewer is affected by these colours through advertising and branding ect. and
what impact it has on our daily lives . The advertising industry has the biggest
impact on the public throughout our daily lives, we experience it on the tv we
experience it on massive billboards on the street and on the underground, we see
adverts on the buses, on phone boxes, in magazines, on the internet, through the
post, in newspapers and many other places. I want to investigate the impact
these adverts have on us and if they actually work, I want to look at the link
between viewing at an advert, feeling good and choosing to go and buy that
product because we felt good when viewing the advert


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I will be looking at a wide range of different case studies from adverts to different
types of branding to identify why they have used certain colours and what
message they are trying to convey.

I will be using books, essays, scient ific studies, case studies and other means to
find out my questions and to answer my dissertaion

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