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Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 1 of 16 Page ID

/24/ Lo 0l:03PM PD'II HostricitY 9497667603 pg l/16

Phone: 2L'*5990260
Fer: 8665{21498

To: Orlv T From: CeoffS es ,; Hostrici Web Host

Fax:9497 7603

Re: Yow Re uest ember 2 2010

\ls. Taitz: :

Per your tafed request tbr information regarding Lisa Liberi's access to credit card accounts
rvhile I wa$ rveb host for Phil berg and the obamacrimes
.com rvebs{te:

I have attaghed ernails tiorn our archive shorvingthat Lisa Liberi had access to donors credit
card infon{ation, thal she rvas processing credit cards, and that she rvas involved in the
setup of thi Linkpoint merchzurt account.

In order to tprocess credit cards, she had ro log in to the Linkpoint virltral terminal.

Please notgthatthe credit cards listed i:r these emails have now espired, so I didnot remove
them. ; .

GeofT Stapfes, Owner

Hostricity Web Hosting

3883'furtle Creek Blvd. Suite 205, Dallas, TX75219

Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 2 of 16 Page ID
t/241 1O O1; O3PM PDT HostricitY 9497667603 Pg z/ t6
Aug29 101218p OdYTaitz 919 1 234567 p2




PH 949-68$s411 FAX 949-766-7603


Attn Mr. Jeoff Staples



3883 Turde Cleel Blvd ste 205

Dallas TX 75219

ph 214-5990260 fax 856s42-1498


Request for irrformation


Dear Mr. Staf,es,


I am writing to you in reg-ards to ongoing legal action, involving Lisa Liberi {Richardson,
Courvile), who works as a paralegal for Attorney Philip J.8erg.

It is rny undgrstanding that you rnanaged Mr. Berg's web site as a web master. I arn not
asking lor content of any e-mails or comrnents sent to that web site or any confidentid
inforrnation of the sr4poners or donors. I need to verify the foloring inforrnation:

1. Did Lisa Uberi or her husband Brent Liberi have access to credh cald lnformatiar of the
donors, pay-ppl account merchant accounts of Piilip Eerg?

2. Was there a paypal account or merchant account or any other financial accourt s€t in
relation lo that site under a name different from Philip Berg?

This is a request for informalion only and I hope there will be no need for lssuanct of a formal
subpoena at a later date.
Sincerely ,4'' ,
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 3 of 16 Page ID
,/24/ 10 ol I 03PM PDT Hostrlcity Tartz 9497667603 Pg 3/ r6
rcket #K.,1-\'f-R8 Declrrrd - Hqstncrlv \\jcb Hosarg Help f,esk 'srpport hostrrcrtv conv cerb4r'pnntr'tickcLiK3- \'?- Rt

Declined i

Status: Closed 'I$m: Donurn Desk Bucket: Domain Renewals Mask: K3-Y2-R8 lnternal lD:12579

Subiect: Declined i

f rom: Ltisaliberi,e4aol. com

Date: \{on, I Nov 2008 02 25:29F;.Sf
To : L h sa liberrr@aol. corrL' he lpdeska)hostnc rtv. com ;,

Cieoff, I

Ihis one declined. i


I inbound] navstanSio lfree. ie

address book_ (ayascript: ;)

_minimize - avasgript: ; )

To: geoffstaplesqQhostricitl,. com-'
Date: Sun, 2 Nov p08 l8:12:45 -0500

X-Envelope- From:1 hostric ity. conqllmegawebserv'

R et urn- P ath : <hos{ric ity. c omt@me gawebserve rs. com>
Recerved: lrom as{ ( [205 237.99.176])by
mail84cO.rne gamailservers. com (8. I 3. 6. 200 606 I 41 8. I 3. I ) with SMTP id
mA2NCorY0l742l for <>; Suq 2 Nov 2008 l8:12:52 -0500
(qnrail 211{10 invo{ed trom network); 2 Nov 2008 23:12:50 -0000
tiom unlarown ( H4LO asp- ( by 0 (rfx-qmail) with
SlvlTP; 2 Nov 200$ 23:12:50 -0000
by asp- (Reflexion email securily v5 50.2) with SMTP; Sun, 02
Nov 2008 18:12:5Q -0500 (EST)
(qnrail 2a351 invo$ed from network): 2 Nov 2WB 23'.12:48 -0000
from Lurknown (t+$t-O ( by 0
(rfx-qnrail) with (llHE-RSA-.{lls256-S]iA encrypted) Slv{TP. 2 Nov 20AB B:12:48 -0000
fiom rveb I garvebse n e rs. com (web I 97c0. rne gawebse rvers.c om
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 4 of 16 Page ID
)/24/IA O1:O3pM pDT Hostricity 94S7667603 pg 4/16
rcket #Kj- Y:-R8 Decirrcd - I-lisrncrry \\.eb Hostrig Llelp Desk irttp,''sqrporr hostrici ry corwcerb.l/pnnvtrcket/t{ j- \.2_Ri

l2l1-2.ll.l_l ::?p fv rnailrelay3.nregawebse rve (8. 13.6.200606 i 4,,8. i 3. l ) with EStv{Tp id
rn.A2NC'1i'f026729 for.igeolTsraple>: sun. 2 Nov 200g tg:12:46
-0500 ;

fiom w_e bI gTc0.nrdgawebsen

e rs. com (localhost I 22. 0. 0. 1
{ I ) by,nregawepsen' (8. 13.6/8.l2.6rSusE Linux 0.6) with ESil{T? id
lveu mA2NCji cafi925 for
<>; Sun, Z Nov Z00g lg:12:45 -0500
(from hostri c ily. c orf @ localhost ) by w eb r 97c0. megawebservers. c om
(8. l3.6,8.l2.6,Subrpit) id mA2NCj}Gor79z4.. sun. 2 Nov 200g i g:12;45 -0500
Date: Sun.2 \or 2p08 l8:12 -15 -0500
\{essage-Id: < 200Ql ra2z312.mazncj}gpl7924td,webi
To: < geoffstap leqQhostric iry. c om;'
Subject: Donation: 0e33ed2
F rom: navstar@io$ce. ie

Rcply-To : na e'516yr@iolfree ie
x-Rfx-Fiher-scoref score:"2 (2,i0)"'rlueshold:"cLrsrol\4(29)"; result=',oK,,
Lfirne-Version: 1.0 j
C ontent-Trpe : rnu l{ipart'altemative ;
b o un d arv = " - - - - - - - - - Bou' da
ry- 0 0 : _ L, 5 Il eT3 5 G I !T-l 4 W Sd T){ I E C,'
X-lvlmr: r..'--

_full headers_ (av{script:;) i -skip to botrom

(file:,/;rc:i Documeritsozo20andgtr20sietturg/DAD/Localg.o20serrrngsr fe
rnpi'l'empo rarf.zo2QDre ctoryo,o20 I 0,6 ZAfo rorc2}OBArVAC RIM ES. zip
Donationse''o20 I 2 ANI94Z0 I I -on2}2-08.. htm# I 30 g0acr)

r\iuTle: lranc$ Kuhfl



E -rna il : navstar(@ iqlfree. ie


Address: Far l{onzpns seaview, Murrintown county wexford, lreland 00000

Phone: 053-9139740


Credit Card #, Exf, date (ivtlv{iYY),
ilIIt t tz-08

Donation Donationjto the Berg v. Obarna Fnnd

Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 5 of 16 Page ID
t/24/ LA ol: O3PM PDT HostricitY 9497667603 Pg 5/16
rckcr *K-i-Yl-R8 Dcclrrrd - Hostncrry Web Hosurg Help I)esk hq.rrstpporr hostrlcrqv cony'ccrb4iprint/tlckeL4<3- Y2-Rt

Sub-Total -6 l


Total = 6.00 I

'fhe referen.. nu*6.t of thisdonation is: 0e33ed2


The custonter has received hisiher receipt and reference nunrber by email'

'fotalControl Panel :


https:,'rasp- l. refl eyion. net'userHome.jsp'fu ID- 10005602-

(https :r ;asp- I reflelion. net/tnerHome.jspfu
. lD: I 000 5602 )

****++i*******plan your nert getaway with AOL Travel. Check out'foday's Hot
5 Travel Deals!
r d iscount-travel?ncid: emlcntttstrar'0000000 I )

TotalControl Panef
hrtps ;,ri a sp- I refl exion. neuuse rHome
jspfu ID: I 000 853 5
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 6 of 16 Page ID
t/24/ L0 Ol:03PM PDT HostricitY 91197667603 Pg 6/ l6
ickct #\'G--:6-8T Frvd lVeiconr€ to LrnkPorrf(R) .\PI - Iiostrrcrtl' Wcb srpport. lostrrc ity conv cerb4/prinr,trckcVl'G- J6- 81

ce leru
H e des

Fwd: Welcome to LinkPoint(R) API

Status: Closed 'feam: Donrarn Dc'sk Bucket: Donrain Renervirls Mask: 1'G-J6-8T lnternal ID: 5797

Subject: Frvd: Wehome to LinkPointlR) .API

From: Llisaliberiti{aol. com
Date: Tue,2l Oct p008 22.26 14 EDT
'f o :,-hc' lpdeskrdlhqstric ily. corn>

*:**,r,**rtt*i***Nbw lt,tapQuest Local shows rvhat,s happening at your destination.

Dining :v'{ovies, Elenrs, News & rnore. Trv it out
(hup :,'loc al. rnapqupst. conr, ?nc id :emlcntnew00000002 )
Total Conrrol Panef
htlps:;'asp- I . reflexion.neti userHonre.jsphrlD= 1000853 5
* CeotT:*
*LurkPont sent rni rwo [2] sets of e-mails to set up regnrding replacement
ot PayPal.* :

tThe), appear to bq vcry srmllar.*

+fhis is the first rvliich is lorlinkPoint (R) .4PI and the other is LinkPoint
Clentral.* i


*Please do,{SAP.+

*My S'tore Name change as il s "l-Aw OFFICES oF PHILIP"*

** :

* Perhaps to;*
** ;

*"support Federal Larusuil to Remove Obama fionr Ballot" which is what you had
on PayPal.*
** i
* Philt

Forwarded m€ssage
Irrom : se c urel@sec i.ue. linkpt. ne t' s ecttre 1@sec ure. linkpt. nel >
l)ate: Tue, Oct 21,12008 at l0:17 tu\l
Subject: Welcome ito LinkPoint(R) API
To : "phi ljbergl@gniail. com"
< ph iljberg@ gmai l. c om>

Welconre to l-inkfiout(R) .'\PI

Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 7 of 16 Page ID
t/24/ 10 Ol : O3PM PDT Hos tr ty -> Orly TaLtz 9497667603 Pg 7/IA
rcket iYCi-,lo-8T Irrvd lVelcone to LrnkPorn(R.l .,\PI - l-iosricrw !Ve' irts r' srpport. hostlc rty. convcel!4iprnt1o ckeU]'G- J6- 8-i

Cardsen'ice International(R) rvclcomes you lo lnternet payrnent processing and

the LinkPoint(R) Secure Payrnent Gatervay. We are pleased that you have chosen
our LinkPoult Select API for your e-comnrerce Web site, and we offerthe
fbllorvrrg urlbrmation lo enslrre efltctive setup ,rf this application. Plea-se
read this e-mail carefully,

'Ihis e-mail contains confidential infbrrnation aboul vour LinkPourr account.

Please protect this inionnation to prevent urauthoriz-ed access to your

Yorrr DB.\ store nitrne is: "l--'\\I' OFFICES OF PIIILIP"

Your store nunrber(store rranre) is betw'een the quotation marks ("). " 1202841"
Your tser ID is betpeen lhe quotation marks ("): "1202841"
Your sectre host nlme is: "" (port I129)

Yorr'l'enrporary Pqssword
Please callour 2,1-$our Internet Supporl Department at (88ti) 177-36ll,to
obtan vour actir ation passworul. 'l'o expedite this process, please have your

store number readl.,i and available. You will need your password to access
reporls and admin$rative tools.

Forget t'our pruswcird?

lf y'ou should tbrget vour private passrvord at anytime, call our 24-horrr
Intenret Support Ddpartnrent al (888) 477-361l, to obtain a neiv tenrporary
password. After yop receive a new pa^ssword, it willtake approxrrrarely 30
minutes for the sysfem to update. We suggest that y,:u change -vour new
temporary passworb the nexl time you log on to LirrkPoint Central.

Please conlacl I-inkPoint Select .{PI srrpport at (888) 477-361I Monday through
Fridav 9anr to 6p4Eastern Standard

General Questionsf
Please contact yorf Cardservice Intemational sales agent at
Gening &arted ]

See the LinkPoint 1\,PI Integration Guide lor firll instructions on wing the
Link?oint API. l

To access LinkPoipt reports and administrative tools. please use LinkPoint

Ceilral. Log on using the LRL below

LinkPoint repons and administration LiRL (LnrkPoinr Central) :>'

https :.'rvrvw lurkpqmtcentral. com

.Afier y,ou log on tq theLinkPoint Central secure Web site. you should change
vour tempor:rrl'papsword to a new secrel or private passrvord. To change your
password, click oniAdmin in the \lain Menu B;r, then on Change Password.
Choose a pzsswor{ that is famrliar 10 you, and commit it to memory. Once you your netulpassrvord, l.inkpoint rvill have no record of ]'otrr private
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 8 of 16 Page ID
t/ 24 / IO O1 : 03PM PDT Hos tr j.c i ty 9497667603 pg 8/16
rcket CYG-i6-8.1' fiwd 1,!'clcorne to LrnliPornriRi \Pl ' Hostricrty \\'eb hnp' s pporl hostric rry c onv, c erb4r'prinytr ckeU ]'G- J6- 8l

password. Note: For vour olvn securitl,. please do not share thrs pass*ord
rvith anyone.

Your Dgrtal Certificate

In order for you to begur acce ptrng credit card payments, your ISP may
reqube a digilal ceifificate to complete the settrp of vour store. This
certificate should be saved as a tile on your Web server rvith a .pem
c xtension.
To download your pigtal certificats, please tse LinkPoint Central.
..\ccess LinkPoint downioad Center in the Link}oint Cerrtral S\rpport section:
. Log in at https:,'i
- Click on "Suppor{" in the \4ain l,Ienu Bar.
- Click on the word "Download Center" under Dow'nloads in the Side lv{enu Box.
- Click on the word "dorvnload" Slore PEM File section on rnain page.
- Kev ur necessary infomration to download.

lvlerchant Sen'ices
lf 5,ou have questirits atrout your nrerchant acc<>unt. statement, etc., contact
Card Service Inteniational lvlcrchant Services Department at (877) 77 4-79 I 5.
1'ou firr proaesing rvith Cardservice International and the l-inkpoint
Secure Gatervay. We appreciate your business!

'lhe urfbmration in;this message rna;'be proprietary and,'or

confidential, and protected tiom disclosure. [f the reader of this
message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent
responsible for delivering ths message to the irrtended recipien!
You .ue hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this corpmunication is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this com{unication in error, please noti$ Fint Data
immediately by repll'urg to this message and deleting it fiom yotrr
computer. :

Subject: Re: Fwd:lWelcome to l-inkPoin(R) .API

From: Help Desk>
I)ate: 'lue, 2l Oct 2008 22:41J.59 -050O
fo: llisaliberiq@aol. com

Phil has to contactiLrkpoint to get his password. Instructions are in the email below.


On Tue. 2l Oct 2008 2l .26'.14 -0500. wrote:

.>**rr*r**t*+***rNew' \,lapQuest Local shows rvhal's happening at your destination.
' Dinurg \lovies. Events. Ne*,s & nrore. Trv it otrt
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 9 of 16 Page ID
t/24/ LO Ol:03PM PD? Hostricity
j-Jo-8T i;wd !\eiconp
3497667603 Pg Sl16
rcker 4l't to Lrn}*pourtlRl .{PI - Hosriclr\'$'eb hnp, s rgpon. krstri c I w- c onr,'c erb4i pnnrrn ckeV)' G- J 6- 8 I

: (lrtlp :, loc al. rnapq c orrl/ lnc id,=e mlcntne *'()000000 2 )
' Total Control Parlel
' hnps: asp- I reflqxion.neL userHome.jspfulDE' 10008535
> * GeotT:t i

> *LurkPoint sent rne trvo [2] sets of e-mails to set up regardmgreplacement
' ol PayPal.*
:' *They appear to Se very sinrillar.*
:, *This is the finst which is forl,inkPomt (R) .\PI and the other is LinkPoint
> Central.*
';'** l

l' *Please dr: ;\SA{.*

', *lvly Store Nameishorrld change a:; it is "LAW OFFICES OF PHII-IP"*
., ** i

> *Perhaps to:*

> **

:' *"S\rpport Feder{l Lawsuit to Remove Obama tiom Ballot" which is what you had
> on PayPal.* l

., **
,' *Thanks.*
> **
2 * Phil* ,,

' From : sec urer,Zlsecure. linkpt. net .:secure@se cure. linkpt. net >
.> Date: Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 10:17 AM
:' Subject: Welcomp to l,inkPoint(R) .\PI
, To : " ph ilj b er gid) qnail. co m " < p h ilj be rg(i?J gnrai l. c orn>


> Welcome ro Lin\Point(R) API

> Cardservice Intedpational(R) welcomes you to Intemet payment processing and

> the LinkPoin(R)jsecure Payment Gateway. We are pleased that you have chosen
> our LinkPoint Sefect API for your e-cotrunerce Web site, and rve offer the
' following inlbrmltion to ensure effective setup of this application. Please
> read &is e-mail cp.refully.
-' This e-rnail contilins confidential information about your LinkPoint account.
> Please protect this information to prevenl, trnauthorized access to your
.> account. i

> \'our DBA store nanre is; "LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP"

> \'our store numbir (store name) is between the quotation rnarks ("): " 1202841"
' \'our user ID is bbnveen the quotation marks ("): " 12A2841"
.' !'our secure host;name is: "" @oa lI29)
, \'our'I'ernporarl' Passrvord
- I)lease call otu 24rhotx Internel S\rpport l)epartnrent at (888) 177'36lI,to
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 10 of 16 Page ID
,/ 24 / IO 01 : 03PH pDT Hos tri"ci ty - > orly 'lailtz 94S'i667603 PgI0/18
hnp r'i srpporr. hostncrry comicerb4rprtnvtrckeU]-G- J6-8'1
,.ks1 4\'ti-Jo-Sl Frvd ',\'elconle :o [.rnkPorrrr{R) .'rPI - F{osrtcrr;* \Veb

> obtain your activation passrvord. To expedite tlris process. please have your
> store number readv and available. \'ou will need vour password to access
> reports and adrmnistrative tools.

' Forget vour passlvord'l

lf you should forget Vour private password at anfime, call our 24-hour
;" Internet Support Department al (888) 477-3611. to obtain a new temporary
> password. After you receive a new password, it will take approximately 30
-. nlinutes lor the system to rrpdate. We suggest that you change your ncw
> temporary passrvord the nerl tifie you log on to LinkPoint Central.

, Technical Queslipns'1
r, Please contact LinkPoirt Select API support at (888) 477'3611 Monday through
> Friday 9am to 6ppn Eastern Standard Time.

-' General Qucstiorts?

> Please contact your Cardserv'ice International sales agenl at

: Getting S\arted
> See theLilkPoirrt API Integration Guide forlullinstructions on usingthe
, LinkPoint API.

> -l-o access l.inkPoint reports and administrative tools, please use LinkPoint
, Central. Log on qsing the LjRL bclow.

LinkPoint report$ zurd administration LIRL (LurkPoint Central) =>

> https: ii ww*'. linkpointc entral. conr

> ,A.-fter you log on po the L,inkPoinr Central secure Web si1e, -v-ou should change
> Vour temporary fassword to a new secret or private password' To change your
> pass*ord, click <Jn Admin in the llain Menu Bar, then on Change Password.
.' Choose u pursttoid that is familizu to you, and commit it to memory. Once you
:, establish yout n"j,,u password, Linkpoinf will have no record of your private
> password. Note: your own security, please do not share this password
' '"vith an)'one.

. \'our Digilal Cerificate

> In order for you 1o begtt acceplurg credil card pa-vments, yom ISP rnay
; require a digital qenificate to complete the setup of Your store. 'fhis
> certificate shoul{ be saved as a file on your web server with a pem
> extension. i

> 'lo download yorlr digital certificate, please use LinkPornt central.
> .A.ccess LinkPoini download center in the LinkPoint central support section:
, - Login at https :,{/wrvw.

' - Click on "support" in the -Vlain Menu Bar.

r - Click on the *drd "Do*nload Center" under Downloads in the Side Menu Box'
File section on main page'
' - Click on the w{rd "download" Store PEM
- *.t in necessaiy information to start download'
. ir,[erchanl Scrvic9s
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 11 of 16 Page ID
)/ 24 / lO O 1 : O3PM PDT Hos trici t'Y 9497667603 Pgll/ 16
#\'G Jo-E-1' Frvd. \\elcor4e io LrnkPorntt Ri HosErcrty lVeb htp .' support hostr b4ipr rrt, ckev Y G- JG 8'l
'\PI r c i r-v c orr v-c er u

, Il l'ou have ques{ions aborrl !'our merchzult account. slatenlent, ctc.. conlact
, Card Service Intqrnational !{erchanr Services Department al (8'77) 274-7915.

-'' 'firank i,ou lbr prpcesslng with Ciudsen ice lnternational and the Linkpoint
.., Secure Gatewav.:We appreciate vour businessl



> 'l-lre urformation in this message rllay $3 proprie tarl' andror

, conf'rdential. and protected tiorn disclosure. IJ'the reader of this
-' message rs not thf intended rccipient, or an employee or agent
-, responsible fbr dglivering this message to the rntended recipient,
,> you are hereby ngtified thal any disseminatiorq distribution or
> copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have
-, received this comrrrunication in error, please notily First Data
> immediately bv rgplying to this message and deletmg it fiorrr your

i{ostncrtl' l{clp I)esk

Subject: f wd: Iwd

Welcome to LinkPoint(R) "-\PI
From: Help Desk <>
Date: SuL 02 Nov 2008 00:01:23 -0500
To : philjbe rKztgmail. c onr


We nced to reset tlp pusword.

> Your DBA store irarne is: "LAW OFFICES OF PHILIP"

> Your store numb{r (s1ore name) is between the quotation marks ("): " 120284 l"
, \-our uscr ID is bptween the quotation marks ("): " 1202841"
> Your secure hr:st jnarne is: "" (port I129)

> Please callour Z{.hour Inlernet $rpport Department at (888) 477-36ll,to

;' obtain your activition password. To cxpedife this process, please have yow
> store number rea{y and available. You will need Vour password to access
> reporls and administrative tools.

Hostncity I{elp Deqk


---- Forwarded mesPage ----

Subject: Re: Fwd: Pelcome to LinkPoin(R) API
From: llelp Desk' helpdesk(i?ihostnci11'.com>
Date: 'lue. 2l Oct 2AA8 22:40.59 -0500
To: llisali bentir,jaol. c om

Phii has to contact Lurkpoint to gel his pa-rsrvorrl. Irr.stnrctions are in the email below
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 12 of 16 Page ID
)/24/LO 0l;o3PM PDT Hostricity -> Orl.y Taitz 9497667603 Pg12lr6
rckct #YG-J5-8T Fivd !\'elconie to LrrrliPoirrnR)..\PI- Hosuicity \\'eb http.,'5*Out.' strrcrtycofii;cerb4iprmttrckovYc-J6-8'l


(h 'lire, 2 I G-t 20lJS 2l :26: l4 -0500, rvrote :

-' ********r+tr* ''lNew \{apQtrest Local shows what's happerring at your destinarion.
Dmurg llovies, Events, News & rnore. Try it oul
-' (http:i,' local. rnapquest.corrv'?ncid=ernlcrrtner+'00000002)
:,'TotalControl Pa$el
2 hnps: i./asp- l . refl {xion. rreL use rHome jsp'fu I}. I 00085 35
-'*Geolf:* ,

, *LurkPoint sent rne two [2] sets r f e-mailsto set up regardingreplacement

'. of Pa) Pal.*

-" *The) appeir to fe very sirnillar.*

, *'fhis is the first yhich is forl-inkPoint (R) .API and the other is LinkPoint
> Central.*
;, ** ;

-' *Ptease do .\SAIi.*

>i l

', *lvly Store Name,Should change as it is "L.A.w OFFICES OF PHILIP"t

> **
,' * Perhaps to,*
> ** l

' *"Supporr Feder{l Larvsuil to Remove Obama fioln tsallot" rvhich is rvhat you had

-, on PayPal.r
., *Thalrks,*
'-' * 'l

> * Phil*


5 ---------- Forwardpd message

> From : sec ure@seiure. lurkpt. net' : secure(@secure. :,
' Date: Tue, Oct 21,2008 at l0:17 AM
> Subject: Welcomg to LrnkPoinl(R) API
> To : "philjb er g@qnail. com"'<ph iljberg@l gmail. c om>
)) i

> Welcome to LinlqPoint(R)..\PI

, i

Cardsen'ice Interfational(R) rvelconres you to Intemet payntent processng and

-' the LurkPoin(R);Secure Payrnent Gateway. We are pleased that you have chosen
, our LinkPoint Select i\PI fbr votrr e-commerce Web site, and we offer the
:' followng intbrm{tion to ensure efTective setup of this application. Please
' read this e-nrail cprefully.
)l I

,,' Tl'ris e-mail contains confidential inftrrmation :tbout your LinkPoint account.
' Please protect th$ information to prevent unauthorized access to )'our

, \'our I)BA store lame is: "1..-\W OFt"ICES OF PfIILIP"

Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 13 of 16 Page ID
)/24/ 70 Ol 03PM PDT Hostrrcj.ty
9497667603 pcl3/ 16
rcket *\',.1-Jo-:JT ir'*'il io I-rnkPt;rrrt(ii) . r.iJI - iir>sirrcrry' \!cb http' s upport h.rstr ic r w* c om' c erb4rprrntr u cket 1' G- J6- 8 1

:- \'our store numbfr (store nanre) rs between the quotation marks ("): "120?84 1"
- \'our user ID is lrptween thc tluotation marks ("): " i202841"
-' -y-'our secure hostiname is. "" (port I129)

, \'our 1e rnporan';Password
;' Please callour Zthow Internet support Departmenr at (888)
> obtain vour activption pass\r'ord. 'fo expcdite this process, please have yor"u
'' store number read\. and ar.ailable. r''ou ,,vill nc-ed vour pa-ss$,ord to access
.' reports and admilistrative tools.
, I;orget your passpord?
' If )ou should lbriet vour prir ate pa-ssrvr:rd
at an!4ime. call our 2{hour
,- lnternel Support pepartment at (888) 177-361l, to obtain a new temporary
,' passrvord. ,{fter }ou receive a new password. rt rvill take approximately 30
,' minutes lor the system to update. We suggest that you change your ncw
> tenporar)'passwbrd the ne.rt tinte y'ou log on to LinkPoint Ccntral.
>: I

> Technical Questigns?

,' Please contact LipkPoinr Selcct .\PI support at (888) 177-3611 lv{onda_v through
:' I'nday -I'irne.
9ant to 6pm Eastern Slandard

-,' (leneral Questiory?

> Please contact y{ur Cardservice lnternational sales agent at
Genrng Starred
'> See the LinkPoinf API Integration Guide for firll instnrctions on usingthe
I-inkPoint API.

> To access i-inkPqint reports and administrative tools, please use LinkPoint
:' Central. Log on ilsing the I-RL below.
); i

> LinkPoint ,"pon! and administration L{tL (LnkPoint Central) =>

: hftps:,'irvww tink$ointc entra t. conr
-' After you log on io the LinkPoint Central secure Web site, vou should change
> your temporary piassword to a new secret or private password. To change your
2 password. click ofr Admin in the l{ain l\{enu Bar, then on Change Password.
',' Choose u pu.r*otd that is lamiliar to you, and commit it to rnemory. Once you
establish your ne{n password, i.inkpoint rvill have no record of your private
:' password. Note: For your orvn security, please do not share this password
-, with anyone.

-' Your Digrral Certjificate

.' In order for you tio b.g" accepting credit card paymentsi your ISP may
> require a digital rfrtificate to complete the setup of your store. This
;. certificate shouldibe saved as a file on your \\/eb server rvith a .pem
' 'fo :

, download loqg digltal certrficate. please LurkPornt Ccntral.

, Access t inkPoini download Center in the LinkPoint CentralSupport section:
, - l-og irr at https:iiwrnv.
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 14 of 16 Page ID
t/24/ LO O1:03PM PD'[ Hostricity -) orly 9497667603 Pgl4/16
ruker dYii-i6-8'l' Flti Wclconn to LrnkPornt(il) ,\P[ ' Ho:;trtcrN !!cb lrtrp,, stpp,crt lnsEi c rry onr, c crb.lipnnlrtt ckcu YC - J6- 81

> - Click on "Support" ur the llain llenu Bar.

' - Cllck on the word "Dorvnlo:rd Center" under Downloatls ur the Side llenu Box.
> - Click on the word "download" Store PEM Frte section on mam page.
- K*y in necessary inforrnation to start download.
> \{erchant &rvicgs
-' If yotr have questions about your merchant account, statenrenl etc.. contact
' Card Scrvrce Intetrnational Nlerchant Services Departnrent al (87111271-7915.
> Thank you for prbces.sing rvith lntemational and the Lirrkpoint
' Secure (iatervar'. We appreciate vour business!

:' -fhe infomration in thisrnessage maY be proprietary and,or

:, conJidential. andprotected iiom disclosure. I1'the rcader of this
> nressage is not thp intended recipient, or an emplovee or agent
;, responsible ibr ddlivering this message to the intended recipient,
.- vou are hereby notified tlrat any dissemination, distribution or
. copying of this cqmmunication is strictly prohibited. [f you have
>' received this cornmunication in error. please nolif-y First Data
; inrmediatell' bv rpplying to this message and deleting it fron: Your
. corrrputer

I-Iostncity Help Deik

[Sticky NoteJ
From: Geoff Stpples
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2008 00:41:31 '0500
zI asdl9
Case 8:11-cv-00485-AG -AJW Document 178-4 Filed 04/25/11 Page 15 of 16 Page ID
t/ 24 / LO o1 : O3PM PDT'! Hos tric i ty 949766?6O3 pgl5/ t6
rcket+-1i-ll-l-TL (,)t'od_ldi
Frvd LX:natro4: - Hostncltv r\reb Hostrrglie support. hoitric r ry com, cerbli pnIE, tr ckev"l 3- 2D 7t


Fwd: Donation: 0f6d3dz

Status: Closed Tehm, Domain Desk Bucket: Domain Renewals Mask: 43-21>7U lnternal ID: 13190

Subject: Frvd: Donption: 0t6d3d2

F rorn: Lhsaiiberitgjaol. conr
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2008 1.1:45:01 F.ST
'fo: <helpdeski@hogtncity com ,

*********r****ApL Search; !'our one stop for directions, rer-ipes and all other
Holiday needs. Seaich Now.
(hftp:i,'promoclk'100000075x 12127g2382x1200798498/aol?
2008, I L 04'happt'r ho lida 1,s-;1sm
- aol- se arch/ ?nc id: gm.lcrrttrssear000 00 00 I )
'fotal Control Panel
https :, / asp- I refl e xion. nel,'use rllome.jspfu
. iF I 00085 3i
'ihis should be the
last of thenr.


Starting rvrth the nEwest lrlessage:

inbound] brianma lpk I (.@yahoo. c om

address book
minimize '

To: < geoffstapleq@hostric ity. com>

Date: lv{on- 3 Nov 200823:45:29 -0500
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<geo>; Mon, 3 Nov 2008 23:45:34 -05C{l,
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t/zq/ ro c1: o3PM PDT Hostricity #:4168 349'7667603 Pg16l t6
Lcket *41i-lD-7L. irrvo lhnauoit. ,if6d]d: - Hostrrcrq'\'Veb Fiosurg IIc iup.' support hostn c I t-v corn: ce rblr pn rt'tr cket 4 3- 2l) 7L

(tionr hostncitl'.comr@loc alhost) b1 rveb 96c0. rne gawebsen ers. com ( 8 . I 3.618. l2.6lSubmit) id

mA-lajT95025,100'. M.rn, 3 Nov 2CX)8 23.15.29 -0500

Dare: \,loq 3 Nov |OOt Z::+S:29 -0500
\ [e ss age - I d : . 200 8p I 04044 5 rnA44jT9 5 0 25 400(2;rveb I 96c 0. nre gawe bse rve rs. c om>

'lo: .r geoffstap lesqlhostric i11', com :'

Subject: Donation: pfdl6ge

From: brianmalek I
Repty-To : brianmalek I ?r'ahoo com
\,{ime-Version: 1.0 i

Content-Tvp"' nlu{ipu.n,laltemative. boundary= "------------Boundan-00: VTLSWTTKWBLLXQF5 N1EZ8"

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full headen ; skip tp boftom

Name: brian ntaleki

E -mai.l; brianmalekjl {@yahoo. corn
.\ddress: 15000 mapsions view dr. 501, Conroe Tesas 77384

Phone. 8I 78007899

Credit Card 5 Exp. date (lvllvlY\'): 401 1710003909358 r 03, lO-Visa

Donaliorr Donatioq to the Berg v. Obama Fturd

I x5:5 i


Sub-Total= 5 .

Quantity Discounl =S
'fotal = 5.00

'Ihe reference nunper of this d()nation is: 0fd369c


The customer has ipceived his/her receipt and reference numtrer by email.

The Support Teami

tlostricily Web Hoisting
3883 Turtle Creek'Rlvd., Suite 205
Dallas. TX 75219 I
Wcbsite: http:'/wrrjw hostric ily. com
Support: hnp :, isupport.hostnciry. c om
2t4.599.0260 i

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We use Hosrricity Total lvlail Control fbr Sparn and Vinrs fri hem g: hftp :/,'www. hostricity. corrv'tmc

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