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Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Product design with multiple suppliers for component variants

Nagraj (Raju) Balakrishnana,, Amiya K. Chakravartyb
Department of Management, Clemson University, 101 Sirrine Hall, Clemson, SC 29634-1305, USA
College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA
Received 4 May 2004; accepted 21 November 2005
Available online 10 July 2007


The issue of vendor choice has traditionally not been considered in determining the optimal set of products to produce.
That is, component purchase has typically been considered only at the MRP explosion stage, well after the set of products
to produce and their production quantities has been decided. This decoupling of roles may sometimes result in high
acquisition cost of components. To control costs, it is crucial that unit prices of component variants, fixed costs of doing
business with vendors, and their capabilities to supply different component variants be assessed before deciding which set
of models to include in a product line. In our analysis, we have explicitly provided for this coupling between product choice
and vendor selection, and have gone a step further by bringing in customers to determine the sales potential of the different
models of a product that may be produced. We use our analysis to study the following issues: (1) how can a manufacturer
decide which product models to offer and which vendors to select to offer components for these models, (2) under what
situations are general vendors (who offer a larger variety of component variants) preferred to more focused vendors, (3)
how much discount do focused vendors need to offer to compensate for their lack of versatility, (4) how does the fixed cost
of vendor relationships influence the vendor selection decision, (5) how does the intensity of market competitiveness
influence this decision, (6) how can a manufacturer work with a general vendor to exploit new market opportunities, and
(7) how much incentive can a manufacturer offer focused vendors to get them to become more versatile in their
capabilities. For each problem scenario, the output of our procedure tells us the set of models that should be chosen for a
product line, production quantities of each model, specific vendors from whom component variants needed to produce
these models should be procured, and profits to the manufacturer and each vendor selected.
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Product mix; Product design; Vendor selection; Math programming

1. Introduction in PCs). In deciding which specific models to offer

for sale, issues a firm should consider are customers’
Consider a product that consists of a specific preference of different product attributes and unit
number of components. By using different variants manufacturing costs (Chakravarty and Baum,
of these components, it may be possible for a firm to 1992). While customers would prefer a large number
offer several models of the product (e.g., CPU units of models to choose from, the number of different
component variants required to achieve this variety
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 864 656 3769; could be high. The resulting total manufacturing
fax: +1 864 656 2015. cost can be substantial especially if component
E-mail address: (N. Balakrishnan). variants and/or processes used for different models

0925-5273/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
724 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

are unique (Ishii et al., 1995; Macduffie et al., 1996). Table 1

The use of common components and processes is a Food-processor components and variants
way to keep manufacturing costs down while Component Attribute Choices
increasing product variety, thereby creating a
competitive advantage (Fisher et al., 1995). Motor assembly Motor capacity Regular, heavy duty,
For most products, some components would be professional
Number of blades 3, 5, 7
manufactured in-house, while others would be
Number of speeds 1, 2, 7
outsourced. In this analysis, we focus only on those
components that are outsourced. For such compo- Bowl assembly Bowl size 1.5 quarts, 2.5
quarts, 4 quarts
nents, the issue of vendor selection has traditionally Bowl type Regular, side
been considered only after the set of models to discharge
produce has been decided. However, since the Bowl shape Cylindrical, spherical
component variants to be procured may possess
Feed-tube Feed-tube type Regular, large
different cost characteristics depending on the assembly
choice of vendors, it becomes imperative that we Feed-tube pusher Regular,
consider vendor choice concurrently with the interchangeable
product choice issue. Pouring spout Availability Present, absent
Gupta and Krishnan (1999) point out that a fixed
cost is incurred in developing relationships with a
vendor, different from the vendor’s cost of devel- decided on a product line comprising three models,
oping a component variant. Sun Microsystems has resulting in an increase in their market share by
been able to quantify this vendor-related fixed cost 10%. In their decision-making process, Sunbeam
for its vendors (Farlow et al., 1996). While it may did not appear to be concerned about manufactur-
therefore be beneficial from this fixed cost perspec- ing cost, outsourcing, or overall profitability,
tive to reduce the number of vendors, the capabil- relying instead on market share.
ities of individual vendors (in terms of component In this paper, we investigate product choice
variants they can supply) implicitly determine the decisions such as those faced by Sunbeam, but also
minimum number of vendors that must be used. incorporate the impact of outsourcing components
While a general vendor would be capable of in these decisions. While Gupta and Krishnan
supplying a larger set of component variants, it (1999) consider the choice of a single product for
would possibly be at higher unit costs than a a given demand, we (like in the Sunbeam case)
focused vendor who can supply fewer variants. permit choice of multiple models with different
Consideration of the trade-off between a small bundling of attribute strengths, and explicitly
group of general vendors and a much larger group incorporate market dynamics based on these
of focused vendors must, therefore, be included in attribute strengths. In terms of outsourcing, we
product choice decisions. It may be necessary to provide for fixed cost of building vendor relation-
identify the group of vendors that, together, are ships, and varying capabilities of individual ven-
synergistic with the market-driven choice of product dors. Specifically, we study the following research
models. One can then assess whether it makes questions: (1) how does the choice of product
commercial sense to help this group of vendors models the manufacturer should offer in the market
develop new capabilities so that the company may influence the vendor choice decision, and vice versa,
exploit new opportunities in the market place. (2) under what circumstances would general ven-
Page and Rosenbaum (1987) describe how dors be preferred to more focused vendors, (3) how
decisions related to product choice were made in a much discount do focused vendors need to offer to
food-processor product line at Sunbeam Appliance compensate for their lack of versatility, (4) how does
Company. They identified 9 different component the fixed cost of vendor relationships influence the
attributes and possible choices of each, as shown in product line and vendor choice decisions, (5) how
Table 1. Since 4 of the 9 characteristics have 3 does market competition influence these decisions,
choices each, and the other 5 have 2 choices each, and (6) how can a manufacturer induce a general
the total product variety possible is 34  25 ¼ 2592. vendor to offer a discount so that, together, the
Sunbeam chose just 5 of these 2592 models for a manufacturer and the vendor can exploit new
detailed study in terms of market share, and finally market opportunities, and (7) how much incentive
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 725

can a manufacturer offer a focused vendor to get 2. Product demands and component costs
him to become more versatile in his capabilities.
In our analysis, as in Balakrishnan and Chakra- The commercial success of a model of a product
varty (1996), we consider the problem of a market (referred to hereafter simply as model) depends on
leading OEM and base our analysis on life cycle how much of it can be sold at a given price, and at
demands and costs. Specifically, we study the what cost it can be produced. We therefore discuss
problem from the OEM’s perspective in terms of demand- and cost-related issues that may impact the
increasing their profit. However, we show how an product choice and vendor selection decisions.
increase in the OEM’s profit may be accompanied
by a concurrent increase in the profit for certain 2.1. Products and vendors
vendors. We also show how the commonality of
components used in product choice leads to using Let N denote the number of outsourced compo-
only a few of the possible vendors. Price discounts nents used in manufacturing the product. Each
by vendors (based on volume of sales) could component may have several variants depending on
obviously limit the chosen vendor set even further. the levels at which that component’s attributes are
However, since our primary focus is to study the set. The selection of 1 variant for each component
impact of component commonality on product and would, together, create a model denoted by i (iAI,
vendor choice, we do not include price discount where I is the set of all models). Each model i will be
effects in our analysis. The inclusion of price an N-vector corresponding to specific component
discounts adds an additional layer of complexity variant choices. For example, the product (food
to the model and we plan to address it in a future processor) in the Sunbeam case has 4 components
research project. (i.e., N ¼ 4). The motor assembly component has 27
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, possible variants (three attributes at three choices
we discuss demand and cost issues that could affect each), while the bowl assembly, feed-tube assembly,
the choice of specific models to produce and the and pouring spout components have 12, 4, and 2
selection of vendors to supply outsourced compo- possible variants, respectively. The total number of
nent variants for these models. Based on this models for Sunbeam is therefore 2592 ( ¼ 27 
discussion, we derive an expression for calculating 12  4  1), although, in practice, this number will
the OEM’s profit. In Section 3, we describe an be smaller since some combinations of component
efficient procedure adapted from Chakravarty and variants may not be compatible with each other.
Balakrishnan (2001) that may be used to identify It is clear that the same component variant could
the optimal set of models to offer and the vendors be present in several models. For example, as shown
who should be used to facilitate their production. in Table 2, in the 5 models selected by Sunbeam for
In Section 4, we describe computational tests detailed in-depth analysis (Page and Rosenbaum,
designed to answer the research questions posed 1987), the same motor assembly variant (heavy duty
earlier, and discuss managerial implications of the capacity, 5 blades, 7 speed) is used in both models 3
results. We conclude this paper in Section 5 with a and 4.
summary of our findings and statements of our It is reasonable to expect that all possible variants
contributions. of a component may not be available from a given
The primary contributions of this paper are the vendor. Thus, if we choose to produce all 5 models
mathematical model that has been developed for in Table 2, the set of vendors chosen must, together,
this comprehensive problem and more importantly, possess the capability to supply all the component
the various managerial insights derived from the variants required. If there are (say) 4 vendors, we
computational results obtained by the efficient may choose to do business with any number (p4) of
solution of this model for different problem them, depending on their combined capabilities,
environments and parameters. These insights into costs, and models chosen.
how an OEM can work with different types of Gupta and Krishnan (1999) point out that for
vendors (general and focused) in different ways so every vendor who is chosen, a certain vendor-
that they can jointly exploit the marketplace are related fixed cost is incurred. These costs comprise
especially interesting, and could be very useful to issues such as vendor certification, contract agree-
other researchers working on supply chain design ment, and progress monitoring costs, and are
issues. independent of the volume and type of component
726 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Table 2
Models selected by Sunbeam

Component Attribute Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5

Motor assembly Motor capacity Professional Regular Heavy duty Heavy duty Heavy duty
Number of blades 5 3 5 5 5
Number of speeds 1 1 7 7 2
Bowl assembly Bowl size 4 quarts 2.5 quarts 1.5 quarts 1.5 quarts 2.5 quarts
Bowl type Regular Regular Regular Side discharge Regular
Bowl shape Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical
Feed-tube assembly Feed-tube type Large Regular Large Large Large
Feed-tube pusher Interchangeable Regular Interchangeable Interchangeable Regular
Pouring spout Absent Present Absent Absent Absent

variants supplied. Thus, the buyer would like to OEM, the total sales revenue may be expressed as
minimize the number of vendors used. Clearly, if the X
number of vendors chosen is small, these vendors Revenue ¼ Pi Qi , (4)
have to be more general (i.e., capable of supplying
several different variants of several components). where Qi is the quantity of model i sold. It is clear
2.2. Product demand and revenue Qi pDi 8i 2 I. (5)

To estimate demand of model i, we follow a

procedure similar to that used in conjoint analysis
(Lillien and Rangaswamy, 1998). The customer 2.3. Cost of component acquisition
rating Li of model i is determined first, and these
ratings are then used to calculate its attractiveness As there are multiple vendors, a component
factor Ri as in the multinomial logit model (Cooper variant may be acquired from more than 1 vendor.
and Nakanishi, 1988). In our current model, we assume that vendors are
not capacity constrained and can therefore supply
Ri ¼ ExpðLi Þ 8i 2 I. (1)
the entire quantity of a particular component
The market share Si of model i can now be variant if the OEM chooses to place an order with
expressed as them. While this may seem to be a somewhat
," # restrictive argument, we could argue that in many
S i ¼ Ri RC þ Rj , (2) situations, vendors may themselves be able to
j2I outsource orders. This implies that while an entire
order is being fulfilled by a single vendor from the
where RC is the attractiveness factor of the
OEM’s perspective, the actual production of com-
competitors’ potential products. Although we as-
ponent variants for this order may occur at more
sume RC to be a known constant in our model, we
than 1 vendor.
however study and report the results of sensitivity
Let V denote the set of all vendors, and U(CV)
analysis on the value of RC. The demand of model i
denote the set of vendors currently being considered
can therefore be written as
," # for use by the OEM. Note that there are a total of
X (2jVj1) combinations of set U. For instance, if
Di ¼ OS i ¼ ORi RC þ Rj , (3) there are 3 vendors denoted by v1, v2, and v3,
possible combinations for set U would be {v1}, {v2},
where O is the total size of the market (i.e., the total {v3}, {v1,v2}, {v1,v3}, {v2,v3}, and {v1,v2,v3}.
number of potential customers). Let the cost of purchasing 1 unit of variant k of
Let the unit sales price of model i be denoted by component j from vendor v be denoted by Cjkv.
^ IÞ denotes the set of models
Pi. Then, if Ið Then, for a given set U of vendors being considered
currently being considered for production by the for use by the OEM, the lowest cost at which this
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 727

variant can be bought may be written as Theorem 1. The value of Qi that maximizes profit
^ U; Þ in expression (7), will be equal to Di if
C jk ¼ Minimumfv2Ug C jkv . (6) PiXCiU, and equal to zero if PioCiU.

As noted earlier, we do not consider the impact of In our current model, we assume that the OEM
price discounts based on volume of sales in our does not have a total capacity constraint with
current analysis. Therefore, by adding up the costs respect to all its models. As such, we can substitute
C jk for all component variants in model i, the lowest for Qi with Di in our model. Here again, while this
cost of acquiring the purchased components of that assumption may be rather restrictive in some
model using set U of vendors may be easily situations, it could be quite logical in other
determined. Let this cost be denoted by CiU. Then, situations depending on the availability of out-
for a given set I^ of models and set U of vendors sourcing capabilities for the OEM.
from whom to acquire component variants for these Substituting for Qi with Di in expressions (3) and
models, the total profit may be expressed as (7), we have
X X X ," #
PðI; ^ UÞ ¼ Pi Qi  C iU Qi  dv , (7) X X X
^ UÞ ¼
PðI; ðPi  C iU ÞORi RC þ Ri  dv .
i2I^ i2I^ v2U
i2I^ i2I^ v2U

where dv is the vendor-related fixed cost of devel- (9)

oping and maintaining a relationship with vendor v.
Expression (9) is a generalization of the profit
The overall optimal profit P* for the OEM may
expression used in Chakravarty and Balakrishnan
then be written as
(2001) in that it includes vendors’ unit costs and
" # vendor-related fixed costs, in addition to production
P ¼ MaximumfUV ;IIg
^ Pi Qi  C iU Qi  dv . quantities and unit selling prices. Thus, the OEM
i2I^ i2I^ v2U must select which models i to include in set I^ so as to
(8) maximize PðI; ^ UÞ as defined in expression (9).
Using the binary variables yi( ¼ 1 if model i 2 I; ^ ¼
^ UÞ can be rewritten as
0 else), PðI;
3. Profit-driven decision making ," #
^ UÞ ¼
PðI; ðPi  C iU ÞORi yi RC þ R i yi  dv ,
The OEM, to maximize profit, needs to increase i2I i2I v2U
revenue by increasing market share, and decrease (10)
the variable cost of purchasing component variants
and the fixed cost of developing vendor relations. which is a non-linear function of binary variables
The major decisions, therefore, would be: (a) which and hence, very difficult to solve using standard
models to manufacture (i.e., the composition of set branch and bound solution procedures.
^ (b) what quantities of different component
I), To facilitate an efficient solution of this model for
variants need to be purchased, and (c) which a given vendor set U, we exploit dominance
vendors should be used to acquire these variants properties of the optimal solution to transform the
(i.e., composition of set U). The objective would be model to a simple 1-dimensional search with a
to maximize the profit in expression (8), subject to powerful stopping rule. We then apply this solution
the constraint in expression (5). Note that in order procedure to each of the (2jVj1) combinations of
to solve this problem, the optimal set of models I^ the vendor set U. While this approach does solve the
must be identified for each of the (2jVj1) combina- vendor selection and product choice issues in a
tions of the vendor set U. sequential manner (i.e., it solves the product choice
From Theorem 1 below, the optimal value of Qi issue separately for each vendor set), it turns out
will be equal to either 0 or the demand Di. We use that the search procedure is so computationally
this property to link the profit expression (7) to efficient that the total computation time required to
market characteristics such as customer preferences evaluate all vendor combinations is not very large
and market size. Theorems 1–3 in this paper are even for problems with many vendors. As such, our
adapted from Chakravarty and Balakrishnan (2001) procedure should be applicable in many practical
and the proofs are therefore, omitted here. settings.
728 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

To develop out search procedure, we make use of points. We establish this property, called the
Theorems 2 and 3 below. Letting, consecutiveness property, in Theorem 3.
xiU ¼ ðPi  C iU ÞORi , (11) ^ I^  IÞ
Theorem 3. For a given vendor set U, the set Ið
we rewrite expression (9) as corresponds to an extreme point eAE if for any i 2 I^
^ xiU =Ri 4xjU =Rj .
and jeI,
," #
^ UÞ ¼
ðI; xiU RC þ Ri  dv , Theorem 3 is extremely useful in our context, as it
i2I^ i2I v2U allows us to rank order the models i (iAI) in
(12) decreasing order of xiU/Ri values. Items from the
^ so as long
top end of this list will be placed in set I,
which, in turn, can be rewritten as as profit PðI; ^ UÞ as in expression (13) keeps
Y  X
^ UÞ ¼ X ^ ½RC þ Y ^  
ðI; dv , (13) increasing. For optimality,
ðI^ þ j; UÞp ðI; ^ UÞ and xiU =Ri 4xjU =Rj
where XIˆU ¼ iAIˆ xiU and YIˆ ¼ iAIˆ Ri. Thus, the
8i 2 I^ and jeI.
^ ð17Þ
problem reduces to:
For model i in the optimal set I, ^ purchase
Program P1. quantities will be determined as
Maximize ^ UÞ ¼ X ^ =½RC þ Y ^  
ðI; dv ,2 3
v2U Qi ¼ ORi 4RC þ Rj 5 8i 2 I.
^ (18)
(14) j2I^

In a situation where the cardinality of set I is large

subject to I^  I (15)
(as in the Sunbeam example), the cardinality of set I^
and can also be very large. However, note that Sunbeam
U  V. (16) chose only 5 of the 2592 possible models for detailed
analysis and subsequently selected 3 of these 5 in the
NotePthat for a given vendor set U, the second final product line. Thus, to ensure that the solution
term ( vAUdv) in expression (14) is a constant and resulting from our procedure is realistic and can be
can therefore be ignored in solving the optimization implemented in practice, we constrain the cardin-
problem. To visualize the feasible space of Program ality of the optimal set I^ to a pre-specified value (say
P1 with respect to the first term in the objective f). We, however, analyze the problem for different
function, consider a 2-dimensional space with the values of f.
values of X IU
^ and Y I^ plotted along the horizontal Thus, the revised problem is written as
and vertical axes, respectively. Consider T, the set of
all subsets of set I resulting from the partition of set Program P2.
I into 2 subsets, I^ and I^ . Obviously I^ 2 T, and Maximize ^ UÞ ¼ X ^ =½RC þ Y ^  
ðI; dv
each set I^ corresponds to a point in the (X IU ^ ; Y I^ )

plane. Next, define E as the set of extreme points in (19)

the convex hull of set T, so that ECT. Each point in
set E is also known as an extreme point of the subject to U V (20)
convex feasible space. Thus, the feasible space of and
Program P1 is defined by eAE. Theorem 2 now ^ ¼ f.
applies. jIj (21)
Let T consist of all subsets resulting from
Theorem 2. The solution of Program P1 is obtained C
at a point eAE. partitions of set I into 2 subsets (I^ and I^ ), with
^ ¼ f. Now I^ 2 T 0 , but set T 0
the condition that jIj
Theorem 2 tells us that the optimum solution will will be a subset of set T. That is, some of the
be at an extreme point of the convex hull, but it does extreme points in set E will now be excluded from
not help in identifying these points. Extreme points, consideration. Therefore, a solution with the top f
in the context of our model, have an important models in I^ may not be optimal. However, starting
property that distinguishes them from non-extreme with this solution of the top f models, it may be
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 729

possible to improve the solution by swapping model problems of large size. However, in all our extensive
i in set I^ with some model j not in set I.
^ Such a tests even with problems where there were multiple
swapping procedure, in general, will be combina- vendors, we were unable to find a single instance
torial in nature. Using additional dominance where Procedure P yielded a profit that was more
properties, however, we show how the swapping than 0.1% away from the optimal profit (found
procedure can be simplified, at least for one-to-one using the completely enumerative procedure). This
swaps. This property is stated in Theorem 4, and the seems to indicate that our procedure will yield near-
proof of this theorem is given in Appendix A. optimal solutions for problems of practical size.
In what follows, we describe the results of several
Theorem 4. For a given vendor set U, for any models computational tests conducted to study the 7
i 2 I^ and jeI,
^ PðI^ þ j  i; UÞ4PðI;
^ UÞ if and only if
research questions stated earlier. These are: (1)
xjUXxiU and RjXRi. how does the choice of product models the
manufacturer should offer in the market influence
Using the analysis described above, the procedure
the vendor choice decision, and vice versa, (2) under
to identify the set I^ of models that should be
what circumstances would general vendors be
selected by the OEM may be summarized as
preferred to more focused vendors, (3) how much
discount do focused vendors need to offer to
Procedure P. compensate for their lack of versatility, (4) how
does the fixed cost of vendor relationships influence
Step 1. Select current set U(CV) of vendors. the product line and vendor choice decisions, (5)
Compute CiU for each iAI. how does market competition influence decisions
Step 2. Compute xiU for each iAI, as defined in related to product choice and vendor selection, (6)
expression (11). how can a manufacturer induce a general vendor to
Step 3. Identify and sort the top f (pre-specified) offer a discount so that, together, the manufacturer
models in descending order of xiU/Ri. Set and the vendor can exploit new market opportu-
r ¼ 1. nities, and (7) how much incentive can a manufac-
Step 4. Let X rIU r turer offer focused vendors to get them to become
^ ¼ Si¼1 to r xiU and Y I^ ¼ Si¼1 to r Ri .
Determine profit PðI^ UÞ ¼ X rIU r more versatile in their capabilities? For each
^ =½RC þ Y I^ Þ.
r r1 r1 question that is studied, we also point out the
Step 5. If PðI^ UÞoPðI^ UÞ, I^ is optimal. Stop.
managerial implications of our findings.
Else, go to Step 6.
r r1
Step 6. If PðI^ UÞXPðI^ UÞ, Set r’r+1. If,
4. Computational results
rpf, go to Step 4. Else, go to Step 7.
Step 7. Swapping procedure. Identify i 2 I^ and
Procedure P is coded in Visual Fortran and
jeI^ such that xjUXxiU and RjXRi. If no implemented on a PC. We first describe the
such (i,j) pair exists, or if PðI^ þ j  procedure used to randomly generate the data for
f f a given problem scenario.
i; UÞoPðI^ UÞ for all such (i,j) pairs, I^ is
optimal. Stop. Else, go to Step 8.
f 4.1. Generation of problem data
Step 8. Find the (i,j) pair that causes ½PðI^ þ j 
i; UÞ  PðI^ UÞ to be the maximum. Set In all our tests, we assume the product consists of
f f
I^ I^ þ j  i. Go to Step 7. 5 components (i.e., N ¼ 5), all of which are
purchased from vendors. For each component, we
Since the swapping procedure (Step 7) considers first randomly generate its number of variants
only one-to-one swaps in the improvement stage of (discrete uniform distributed between 4 and 7).
the procedure, it does not guarantee that the Next, for each component variant, we randomly
solution obtained is a global optimum. Therefore, generate its base cost (discrete uniform distributed
to test the level of sub-optimality of our approach, between $10 and $30). This base cost is the unit
we also developed a completely enumerative proce- purchase cost paid by the OEM to a general vendor
dure that examined all possible combinations of capable of supplying that item. A focused vendor
models for the set I. ^ Clearly, such an enumerative capable of supplying that item would discount this
procedure becomes computationally intractable for base cost by a specified factor. To compute vendor
730 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

profits, we set the unit manufacturing cost (for the vendor for a component variant to compensate
vendor) of a component variant at 80% of its base for the lack of versatility in his capabilities, when
cost. compared to a general vendor. In our tests, we set
Using the list of variants available for each this factor at levels of 5%, 10%, and 15%.
component, we create set I of all possible product Clearly, as the discount rate increases, we expect
models i (note that each model i is an 5-element focused vendors to be able to easily compensate
vector). In the extreme case where each component for their lack of versatility, and become more
variant is fully compatible with every variant of all competitive.
other components, the number of possible models is  Competition ratio (b). The second factor specifies
simply the product of the number of variants the level of market competition for the product
available for each component. However, in most models offered by the OEM. We define the
practical situations, the actual number would be competition ratio as the ratio of RC, the total
much less since several component variants may be attractiveness factor of competitors’ potential
incompatible with other variants. Without loss of products, to Si2I^ Ri , the total attractiveness factor
generality, we assume full compatibility of all of all the models the OEM offers for sale (i.e.,
component variants in our tests. b ¼ RC =Si2I^ Ri ). Note that a competition ratio of
Using this set of product models I, for each model 0.5 implies that total model rating of the
i, we randomly generate its rating Ri (uniform competition is only 50% that of the OEM. That
0.7–1.0 of the total base cost of the component is, the OEM dominates the market. In contrast, if
variants in the model) and selling price Pi (uniform the ratio is 1.5, the OEM’s competitors are
1.05–1.30 of the total base cost). significantly more dominant in the market than
Finally, we specify the capabilities of each the OEM. In our tests, we set this factor at levels
vendor. We assume that there are 7 vendors, of of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5.
whom 3 are general vendors and the remaining 4 are  Number of product models (f). The third factor is
focused vendors. For each vendor, we randomly the number of product models that the OEM
generate the actual number of component variants plans to offer. As noted earlier, we specify this
offered, and the actual identity of these variants. To parameter in our analysis to ensure that the
do so, we assume in our tests that each general resulting solution is practical and can be im-
vendor is capable of supplying between 70% and plemented by the OEM. The objective of the
90% of the total set of component variants procedure would be to then optimally select this
(randomly identified), and that each focused vendor specified number of models from the entire set I
is capable of supplying between 20% and 40% of of models. Clearly, as the number of models to be
this set (also randomly identified). selected increases, the number of component
In our analysis, we do not permit price competi- variants needed (and hence, the vendors neces-
tion between vendors of the same type. That is, for sary to supply these variants) would also
example, we assume that all general vendors capable increase. In our tests, we set this factor at levels
of supplying a specific component variant charge of 10, 15, and 20
the same price. Hence, vendors of the same type  Vendor fixed cost (d). The final factor is the fixed
compete against each other only based on the cost of developing and maintaining relationships
variety of their offerings. Likewise, we assume that with vendors. As this cost increases, we would
the fixed costs of vendor relationships are the same expect the OEM to prefer working with general
for all vendors (i.e., dv ¼ d for all vendors v). vendors in order to keep the vendor set down. In
our tests, we set this factor at levels of $50,000,
4.2. Selection of model factors, and their $100,000, and $150,000. As noted earlier, we
experimental values assume that this fixed cost is the same for all
vendors. That is, the vendors do not compete
To study the problem under different problem against each other based on differentials in the
scenarios, we identify 4 experimental factors as fixed cost of vendor relationships.
Since there are 4 factors with 3 levels each, the
 Discount factor (a). The first factor is the total number of experimental combinations is 81
purchase price discount offered by a focused ( ¼ 3  3  3  3). In the remainder of this section,
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 731

we first describe our computational tests to examine Although we compute several output measures
question nos. 1–5 posed earlier. To determine the using our procedure (as presented in Table 4), we
statistical significance of these results, we also focus our discussion here on the following key
analyze the experimental results using the ANOVA performance measures: (1) OEM’s profit, (2) total
procedure. Finally, we describe additional results number of general vendors selected, (3) total
conducted on a specific problem environment to number of focused vendors selected, (4) total profit
study question nos. 6 and 7. for all general vendors selected, and (5) total profit
for all focused vendors selected.
4.3. Product model choice and vendor selection To verify the statistical significance of the output
measures for the 4 experimental factors, we first
For each of the 81 combinations of factor values analyze the computational results using the ANO-
studied, 20 replications (each with a different VA procedure. Prior to interpreting the ANOVA
random number seed) are performed. The total results, the necessary diagnostic checks are per-
number of replications is therefore 1620. For each formed using standard graphical analysis of the
replication, Procedure P is used to select the residuals to verify homogeneity of error variances.
specified number (f) of product models for inclu- The residual plots are found satisfactory.
sion in the optimal set. The ANOVA results are summarized in Table 5.
Selected details of a sample problem are shown in For each of the 4 main factors and the 6 two-way
Table 3. In this example, there are a total of 3360 interactions, the table shows the F-ratios and the
product models possible, of which the procedure corresponding p-values for the 5 output measures
has to select f models. For each model, the table listed earlier.
shows its rating, total base cost (which is the sum of Examination of the ANOVA results indicates
base costs of all component variants in the model), that with the exception of 1 main effect, all of the
and selling price. For each component variant, the main effects involving the 4 factors are statistically
table shows the purchase cost from each vendor significant at the 7% level. In fact, most are
capable of supplying that item. A blank entry significant even at the 1% level. With the exception
implies the vendor does not have the capability to of some 2-way interactions involving the factor a,
supply that item. Note that focused vendors (vendor other 2-way interactions are not significant for all
nos. 1–4) discount the unit cost of a variant by a the output measures indicating that interpretation
factor a, when compared to general vendors (vendor of the main effects is valid.
nos. 5–7). The only non-significant main effect in the
A typical output (for a given set of factor levels) is ANOVA table is the total profit of general vendors
shown in Table 4. The output lists the factor levels with regards to factor b. To explore the reason why
for the current problem, the OEM’s profit (after this is the case, we present (in Table 6) the least-
paying the total fixed cost of vendor relationships), squared means for all the output measures for each
the vendors (focused and general) selected and their level of each experimental factor.
respective profits, the product models that are to be The table reveals that unlike other output
included in set I, ^ and the specific vendors from measures that monotonically either increase or
whom the component variants required for each decrease as the factor level increases, the total profit
model should be sourced. For each product model, of general vendor first increases as b increases from
the output also includes its production quantity, as 0.5 to 1.0, and then decreases as b increases further
well as the sales revenue and total purchase cost of from 1.0 to 1.5. A possible explanation for this
all component variants in that model. For example, phenomenon is as follows. As we will illustrate
the first model selected includes variants 4, 2, 2, 3, shortly, when the market becomes more competitive
and 5 of components 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. there is a shift away from focused vendors toward
The variants required for components 2, 4, and 5 the general vendors. Hence, as b increases from 0.5
are supplied by vendor no. 1, and the variants to 1.0, the general vendors see an increased level of
required for the other 2 components are supplied by business and hence, increased profits. However, as b
vendor no. 4. The total sales quantity of this model increases further from 1.0 to 1.5, the OEM’s market
is 6399 units, yielding a total revenue of $844,720 share suffers even more. Under this situation, even
for the OEM (unit price is $132). The total purchase with the increased level of business, the general
cost is $645,059. vendors experience a decline in their total profit.
732 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Table 3
Sample problem data

Number of components in product ¼ 5

Variants for each component (1–5) ¼ 4,6,4,5,7
Number of possible models ¼ 3,360 ( ¼ 4  6  4  5  7)
Number of focused vendors ¼ 4 (vendors no. 1–4)
Number of general vendors ¼ 3 (vendors no. 5–7)
Market size (O) ¼ 100,000
Product model Rating Total base cost Selling price Component variants

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

1 91 97 102 1 1 1 1 1
2 77 88 93 1 1 1 1 2
3 81 82 89 1 1 1 1 3
3,358 73 86 96 4 6 4 5 5
3,359 74 84 94 4 6 4 5 6
3,360 70 73 80 4 6 4 5 7

Component Variant Unit purchase cost from vendors (blank implies not available)

Focused vendors General vendors

Ven 1 Ven 2 Ven 3 Ven 4 Ven 5 Ven 6 Ven 7

1 1 28.0 28.0
1 2 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0
1 3 21.9 23.0 23.0
1 4 26.6 28.0 28.0 28.0
2 1 16.1 17.0 17.0 17.0
2 2 20.9 20.9 22.0 22.0 22.0
2 3 19.0 19.0
2 4 29.0 29.0
2 5 17.1 18.0 18.0 18.0
2 6 12.4 12.4 13.0 13.0
3 1 11.4 11.4 12.0 12.0 12.0
3 2 18.0 18.0 19.0 19.0 19.0
3 3 10.0 10.0 10.0
3 4 9.5 9.5 10.0 10.0 10.0
4 1 13.0 13.0 13.0
4 2 23.0 23.0
4 3 17.1 17.1 17.1 18.0
4 4 29.0 29.0 29.0
4 5 9.5 10.0
5 1 27.0 27.0 27.0
5 2 17.1 17.1 18.0 18.0 18.0
5 3 11.4 12.0
5 4 19.0 19.0 20.0
5 5 23.8 25.0 25.0 25.0
5 6 21.9 23.0
5 7 11.4 12.0 12.0 12.0

Detailed examination of the F-ratios in Table 5 measure. While the effect of the vendor fixed costs
indicates the following. The OEM’s profit is affected (measured by the factor d) is also dominant for the
most by the competitive conditions in the market number of focused vendors, it has a much smaller
(measured by the factor b), followed by the discount effect on their profits.
a offered by focused vendors. With regard to all The preceding discussion indicates that with
other measures, the discount a is the most influential regard to research question (1) listed earlier, all 4
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 733

Table 4
Solution for a given problem environment

Discount from focused vendors (a) ¼ 10%

Competition ratio (b) ¼ 0.50
Number of models to include in optimal set IðfÞ ¼ 10
Fixed cost of vendor relationships (d) ¼ $100,000
Total number of models possible for the product ¼ 3,360
Number of focused vendors selected ¼ 2
Number of general vendors selected ¼ 1
Total fixed cost of vendor relationships ¼ $300,000
OEM’s profit ¼ $1,553,066
Focused vendors (ID, profit) ¼ (no. 1, $269,477) (no. 4, $249,906)
General vendors (ID, profit) ¼ (no. 5, $397,421)
Model (Variant, vendor) Sales quantity Sales revenue ($) Purchase cost ($)

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

1 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (3,1) (5,1) 6,399 844,720 645,059

2 (4,4) (4,5) (2,4) (2,5) (5,1) 6,772 995,510 790,990
3 (4,4) (5,5) (2,4) (4,5) (5,1) 6,089 858,513 680,722
4 (1,5) (1,1) (2,4) (4,5) (5,1) 6,524 919,836 729,997
5 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (4,5) (3,1) 5,840 765,070 595,119
6 (4,4) (2,1) (1,1) (3,1) (4,1) 6,027 717,167 542,395
7 (3,4) (2,1) (2,4) (4,5) (5,1) 6,027 831,673 657,504
8 (3,4) (4,5) (1,1) (3,1) (5,1) 6,462 827,075 640,983
9 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (3,1) (1,5) 6,648 890,821 700,026
10 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (1,5) (1,5) 6,648 864,229 678,752

Table 5
ANOVA results

Factor OEM’s profit No. of focused No. of general Focused vendors’ General vendors’
vendors vendors profit profit

F p F p F p F p F p

a 1610.53 0.0001 456.03 0.0001 190.87 0.0001 605.43 0.0001 433.27 0.0001
b 3296.11 0.0001 50.17 0.0001 2.79 0.0617 412.01 0.0001 0.07 0.9308
f 978.73 0.0001 19.00 0.0001 2.89 0.0561 112.33 0.0001 3.25 0.0391
d 307.85 0.0001 349.55 0.0001 27.84 0.0001 49.67 0.0001 29.94 0.0001
ab 36.16 0.0001 2.14 0.0736 0.56 0.6892 35.61 0.0001 0.17 0.9540
af 9.86 0.0001 0.48 0.7494 0.67 0.6115 9.64 0.0001 0.12 0.9766
ad 1.56 0.1814 2.15 0.0724 3.38 0.0092 30.52 0.0001 26.08 0.0001
bf 4.05 0.0029 0.61 0.6545 0.13 0.9714 0.39 0.8175 0.07 0.9919
bd 0.43 0.7848 0.32 0.8620 0.35 0.8430 0.55 0.7020 0.60 0.6595
fd 0.36 0.8343 0.19 0.9455 0.09 0.9848 0.07 0.9919 0.05 0.9949

experimental factors seem to impact the choice of of these factors, the tables show the average (based
product models and the vendor choice decision. To on 20 observations) for the 5 output measures.
address research questions (2)–(5), we now examine Examination of the means reveals several inter-
the main factor for each output measure for all esting observations. In response to question (3) that
combinations of factor levels. These results are focuses on the discount offered by focused vendors,
summarized in Table 7(a) (for d ¼ $50,000), Table we note that as the discount increases (all other
7(b) (for d ¼ $100,000), and Table 7(c) (for factors held constant), the OEM’s profit increases
d ¼ $150,000), for all combinations of the other 3 appreciably. This increase in profit is accompanied
factors (namely, a, b, and f). For each combination by an increase in the number of focused vendors
734 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Table 6
Least-squared mean values

Average values based on 20 replications

Factor Level OEM’s profit No. of focused No. of general Focused vendors’ General vendors’
vendors vendors profit profit

a 5 1,283,410 1.41 0.80 649,301 502,583

10 1,546,357 2.21 0.48 588,852 157,551
15 1,852,015 2.48 0.28 311,659 78,180
b 0.5 1,995,488 2.23 0.48 675,266 244,612
1.0 1,497,692 2.02 0.53 493,658 249,451
1.5 1,188,602 1.86 0.54 380,888 244,252
f 10 1,325,366 1.91 0.49 433,654 226,954
15 1,590,387 2.07 0.52 528,863 245,351
20 1,766,030 2.12 0.55 587,295 266,009
d 50,000 1,689,226 2.56 0.64 567,901 188,860
100,000 1,551,685 1.94 0.47 517,143 242,164
150,000 1,440,872 1.60 0.45 464,768 307,290

selected, and a corresponding decrease in the nent variants decrease by a larger amount (in
number of general vendors selected. However, the absolute terms) when compared to cheaper variants.
total profit for both types of vendors typically Hence, product models that include these expensive
decreases. While the total profit for focused vendors component variants (which are unprofitable at
decreases by around 50% (as a increases from 5% current prices) now become attractive. This is an
to 15%), the magnitude of the decrease in profits for important insight since it clearly links vendor choice
general vendors drops in excess of 70% in most to the product mix offered by the OEM.
cases. As noted earlier, while the OEM’s profit increases
Interestingly, the tables also reveal that as the as a increases, the focused vendors’ profit typically
discount factor a increases, the OEM may find it decreases. For example, for the factor levels
optimal to change the mix of product models itself. considered in the preceding discussion, while the
For example, consider the solution values in OEM’s profit increases by $327,187 as a increases
Table 7(a) when a ¼ 5%, b ¼ 0.5, f ¼ 10, and from 5% to 10%, the focused vendors see their
d ¼ $50,000. The profits in this case for the OEM, profit decrease by $202,677. In many cases, the
focused vendors, and general vendors are OEM may not have sufficient influence to demand
$1,583,766, $890,850, and $344,944, respectively. this additional discount from these vendors. In such
Now assume the focused vendors increase their cases, it may even be possible for the OEM to offer
discount from 5% to 10% (with no change from the to compensate these vendors for their losses from
general vendors). If the OEM chooses to keep the the OEM’s increased profit. That is, the OEM and
same mix of product models, their profit would focused vendors can cooperate with each other and
increase by 5% of the focused vendors’ total jointly exploit the market conditions to reap
revenue (which is $5,642,051; not shown in Table increased profit for both parties. This increase in
7(a)). Hence, the OEM’s new profit would be both their profits would typically be at the expense
$1,583,766+0.05  $5,642,051 ¼ $1,865,868. How- of the general vendors. In such cases, it is of course
ever, we note that the OEM is actually able to likely that the general vendors would also offer
realize a profit of $1,910,953 in this scenario, as some discounts to retain their share of business.
shown in Table 7(a). That is, by altering the mix of Next, we address research question (5) that
product models to take advantage of the additional focuses on the impact of market competition. Table
discount offered by the focused vendors, the OEM 7(a)–(c) indicate that as the competition ratio b
is able to realize an increased profit. We see a similar increases (i.e., the OEM’s models face more
phenomenon for several other combinations of b, f, competition in the market), the OEM’s profit
and d values. A possible reason for this phenomen- decreases rapidly as expected. Interestingly how-
on is that when focused vendors increase their ever, there is a shift away from focused vendors to
discount percentage, the costs of expensive compo- general vendors in this problem scenario. That is, in
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 735

Table 7
Summary of results

a b f Average values based on 20 replications

OEM’s profit No. of focused No. of general Focused vendors’ General vendors’
vendors vendors profit profit

(a) d ¼ $50,000
5 0.5 10 1,583,766 2.10 0.80 890,850 344,994
15 1,790,039 2.30 0.85 1,017,805 359,538
20 1,911,765 2.25 0.90 1,080,295 394,362
1.0 10 1,128,177 1.90 0.80 636,682 284,616
15 1,369,230 2.05 0.80 763,335 338,234
20 1,530,731 2.15 0.90 862,889 356,454
1.5 10 865,661 1.70 0.85 478,730 264,937
15 1,102,372 1.85 0.80 605,024 312,463
20 1,271,927 1.90 0.85 696,342 347,426
10 0.5 10 1,910,953 2.80 0.60 688,173 140,754
15 2,157,186 2.95 0.60 773,128 152,264
20 2,302,958 2.90 0.60 817,264 176,284
1.0 10 1,360,104 2.60 0.60 495,808 129,359
15 1,649,294 2.75 0.65 596,386 148,178
20 1,842,860 2.75 0.80 654,589 185,434
1.5 10 1,043,887 2.35 0.50 389,333 104,669
15 1,327,232 2.65 0.70 486,848 140,891
20 1,530,678 2.60 0.80 546,460 176,841
15 0.5 10 2,261,228 2.95 0.45 356,661 77,271
15 2,551,284 3.15 0.35 401,072 82,103
20 2,722,228 3.20 0.35 428,153 80,676
1.0 10 1,615,939 2.85 0.40 259,464 77,251
15 1,957,326 2.95 0.45 311,149 90,005
20 2,181,920 3.00 0.45 344,851 99,471
1.5 10 1,244,730 2.65 0.40 204,450 67,936
15 1,579,129 2.95 0.45 256,269 77,811
20 1,816,500 2.95 0.45 291,314 89,007

(b) d ¼ $100,000
5 0.5 10 1,454,660 1.30 0.75 732,722 544,569
15 1,656,524 1.65 0.80 930,108 466,843
20 1,775,381 1.75 0.75 1,013,785 470,090
1.0 10 1,016,456 1.15 0.80 491,306 477,243
15 1,248,544 1.25 0.80 621,732 518,210
20 1,403,371 1.30 0.80 705,970 551,573
1.5 10 766,005 0.85 0.85 311,566 484,121
15 991,878 1.15 0.80 473,947 483,999
20 1,153,616 1.20 0.80 564,377 512,836
10 0.5 10 1,767,287 2.20 0.35 674,002 138,704
15 2,006,452 2.25 0.35 759,027 149,077
20 2,148,015 2.35 0.40 804,041 173,336
1.0 10 1,225,622 2.15 0.35 488,390 119,953
15 1,506,029 2.15 0.40 580,882 148,747
20 1,692,611 2.15 0.45 639,571 177,911
1.5 10 917,987 1.90 0.40 373,798 120,310
15 1,190,731 1.95 0.45 464,974 151,695
20 1,386,753 2.00 0.50 527,815 181,771
15 0.5 10 2,110,493 2.45 0.15 351,546 62,827
15 2,394,638 2.60 0.25 394,508 87,832
736 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Table 7 (continued )

a b f Average values based on 20 replications

OEM’s profit No. of focused No. of general Focused vendors’ General vendors’
vendors vendors profit profit

20 2,563,152 2.60 0.25 419,926 94,952

1.0 10 1,475,233 2.25 0.20 254,143 63,855
15 1,805,583 2.35 0.25 304,543 84,254
20 2,027,019 2.55 0.25 341,148 86,704
1.5 10 1,113,289 2.15 0.15 201,361 43,132
15 1,434,166 2.30 0.25 250,011 70,156
20 1,663,991 2.50 0.25 287,674 73,738

(c) d ¼ $150,000
5 0.5 10 1,357,084 1.15 0.70 677,874 609,450
15 1,553,441 1.20 0.70 794,354 635,499
20 1,668,005 1.25 0.70 853,222 672,076
1.0 10 931,753 0.70 0.80 335,030 682,771
15 1,154,178 0.95 0.80 503,657 676,988
20 1,304,449 1.05 0.80 610,723 678,806
1.5 10 696,017 0.35 0.85 146,983 699,132
15 906,159 0.70 0.80 310,027 698,722
20 1,060,888 0.85 0.80 421,800 703,784
10 0.5 10 1,646,014 2.05 0.20 678,933 99,961
15 1,881,523 2.10 0.30 752,555 145,470
20 2,020,858 2.10 0.30 796,084 167,520
1.0 10 1,114,244 1.60 0.35 459,827 144,489
15 1,385,622 1.80 0.45 557,716 180,737
20 1,570,348 1.90 0.45 620,654 204,756
1.5 10 819,051 1.40 0.40 334,393 181,933
15 1,078,630 1.60 0.45 432,820 200,407
20 1,268,719 1.70 0.50 505,523 212,433
15 0.5 10 1,990,844 2.10 0.15 347,664 65,673
15 2,265,053 2.20 0.20 387,583 96,786
20 2,427,355 2.20 0.25 410,846 115,613
1.0 10 1,361,288 2.00 0.15 252,473 54,729
15 1,682,682 2.10 0.20 302,327 75,560
20 1,897,081 2.15 0.25 333,512 98,886
1.5 10 1,007,102 1.80 0.15 196,507 43,132
15 1,315,532 2.05 0.15 247,513 52,008
20 1,539,630 2.05 0.30 278,131 99,504

a highly competitive market, general vendors seem in the purchase of component variants. Hence, the
to have an edge over more focused vendors. As a OEM gravitates toward using fewer vendors to
consequence, while the total profit for both types of offset the vendor fixed costs. Clearly, these fewer
vendors tends to eventually decrease as b increases, vendors need to be general vendors so that they can
the magnitude of the decrease is much less provide the OEM with the versatility needed to
pronounced for general vendors when compared produce the entire product line that it decides to
to the focused vendors. We note that we had used offer.
this issue earlier in our explanation for the non- As the number of models the OEM plans to offer
significance of b for the general vendors’ profit. As (f) increases (all other factors held constant), all the
noted during that discussion, when competition 5 output measures tend to increase. This is not
increases, the overall reduced demand for its surprising given that by offering more models, the
products causes the OEM to lose scale economies OEM can hope to capture a larger share of the
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 737

market. Note that as the level of market competi- To study this issue in detail, we consider the
tion increases, the demand per product model specific problem for which the input was given in
decreases. Under such situations, the OEM is forced Table 3. Although we study this problem for all 81
to offer a larger number of product models to combinations of factor levels, we present and
achieve the same level of profits. discuss the results here only for the specific
We now discuss research question (4) that focuses environment for which the detailed results were
on the fixed cost of vendor relationships. As this presented in Table 4. Results for the other factor-
cost increases, Table 7(a)–(c) indicate that the OEM level combinations exhibit a similar behavior to the
tends to use fewer vendors of either type, and also results discussed below.
realizes decreased profits. Due to the decreased As shown in Table 4, the specific problem
overall number of vendors, the OEM is forced to scenario considers the situation where a ¼ 10%,
use the general vendors to a greater extent to supply b ¼ 0.5, f ¼ 10, and d ¼ $100,000. The current
the required component variants. This is evidenced optimal solution is to use focused vendor nos.
by the fact that while the total profit for focused 1 and 4, and general vendor no. 5. We now assume
vendors decreases as d increases, the profit for that the OEM is able to induce general vendor no. 5
general vendors tends to increase. to offer a discount on the unit purchase costs of
Finally, we discuss research question (2) that the component variants supplied by the vendor.
focuses on the types of vendors used. Based on the We further assume that this discount is 50% of
preceding discussion, the analysis indicates that the the discount offered by the focused vendors.
OEM tends to gravitate towards using general That is, while vendor no. 5 is cheaper than
vendors in preference to focused vendors when other general vendors, their unit costs are still
either the competition in the market increases higher than that of focused vendors for the same
(measured by b) or the fixed cost of vendor variant. The revised optimal results (with the 5%
relationships (measured by d) increases. discount from vendor no. 5) are presented in
The discussion so far has focused on an existing Table 8.
set of vendor capabilities and conditions. That is, we Comparing the results in Table 8 with that in
assume that vendors are static in terms of the Table 4, it is clear that the optimal course of action
component variants they can offer, and the price for the OEM is to divert business away from the
at which they can offer them. However, what focused vendors towards general vendor no. 5.
happens if a general vendor decides to compete While the optimal solution is this specific example is
with focused vendors on price, or if a focused to divert all business to the general vendor,
vendor decides to compete with general vendors on solutions in other scenarios recommend only partial
their range of offerings? Therefore, we now explore diversion. Interestingly, this diversion of business
situations where the OEM is able to induce 1 or typically results not only in increased profits for the
more vendors of a given type to work with it (OEM) OEM but also for the vendor. That is, the OEM and
in a manner that could potentially be beneficial to vendor no. 5 together are able to exploit the market
both parties. to their mutual benefit. In fact, the percentage
increase in vendor no. 5’s profits far exceeds that
4.4. Impact when a general vendor offers a discount realized by the OEM. Also, we note that the identity
of the product models that the OEM should offer
In this section, we explore the impact on the changes appreciably (only 3 of the original 10
OEM’s and vendors’ profits when a specific general models remain in the optimal set).
vendor can be induced (using incentives, as dis- The preceding discussion illustrates that a general
cussed below) to offer a discount on unit prices. vendor’s versatility in variant offering has compe-
Note that while a focused vendor may wish to titive value, both for the vendor and for the OEM.
match discounts offered by this vendor, it may not A general vendor can leverage its component variety
be profitable for him to do so given his already offering to increase profit even after reducing unit
discounted prices. When a general vendor offers prices. Observe that the OEM can, if needed,
such a discount, the attractiveness of focused provide additional incentives to a general vendor
vendors would be expected to decline further as to provide this discount by offering to share some of
now the general vendor becomes more competitive their increased profits with the vendor. That is, the
in all variants offered by focused vendors. OEM can essentially encourage a specific vendor to
738 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

Table 8
Results when general vendor no. 5 offers a discount

Discount from focused vendors (a) ¼ 10%

Competition ratio (b) ¼ 0.50
Number of models to include in optimal set IðfÞ ¼ 10
Fixed cost of vendor relationships (d) ¼ $100,000
Total number of models possible for the product ¼ 3,360
Discount from general vendor no. 5 ¼ 5%
Number of focused vendors selected ¼ 0
Number of general vendors selected ¼ 1
Total fixed cost of vendor relationships ¼ $100,000
OEM’s profit ¼ $1,703,598
Focused vendors (ID, profit) ¼ None
General vendors (ID, profit) ¼ (no. 5, $1,166,196)
Model (Variant, vendor) Sales quantity Sales revenue Purchase cost

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

1 (1,5) (2,5) (2,5) (4,5) (1,5) 5,560 828,507 660,303

2 (4,5) (4,5) (2,5) (2,5) (5,5) 6,517 958,012 767,713
3 (1,5) (1,5) (2,5) (4,5) (5,5) 6,278 885,188 703,756
4 (4,5) (5,5) (2,5) (4,5) (5,5) 5,859 826,175 662,405
5 (1,5) (3,5) (3,5) (4,5) (1,5) 6,278 847,520 673,935
6 (1,5) (4,5) (1,5) (3,5) (5,5) 6,577 881,301 699,780
7 (4,5) (4,5) (2,5) (2,5) (1,5) 6,876 1,010,746 823,036
8 (1,5) (4,5) (4,5) (4,5) (1,5) 7,294 1,050,387 852,345
9 (1,5) (4,5) (2,5) (4,5) (3,5) 6,398 882,856 711,083
10 (1,5) (3,5) (2,5) (4,5) (1,5) 7,175 1,018,818 831,556

offer discounts that other vendors may not be able component 4 is the one that is used most by the
to match. At the extreme, it may be possible for the OEM. We now assume that the OEM can induce
OEM to offer incentives and work closely with just focused vendor no. 4 to develop the capability to
1 or 2 vendors to make them its only vendors, while supply this variant. We further assume that vendor
simultaneously increasing profits for all concerned no. 4 can set the purchase price of this variant at the
parties. non-discounted price charged by vendor no. 5. That
is, vendor no. 4 does not compete with vendor no. 5
4.5. Impact when a focused vendor develops new on price for this additional variant. The revised
component variants optimal solution under this problem environment is
presented in Table 9.
Now that we have studied the impact when a Comparing the results in Table 9 with that
general vendor offers a discount, we next study the shown in Table 4, it is apparent that the new
impact when the situation is reversed. That is, what capability of focused vendor no. 4 makes it
happens when a focused vendor can be encouraged beneficial for the OEM to divert business away
by the OEM to develop capabilities for supplying from general vendor no. 5. While this specific
additional variants that the vendor does not example recommends complete diversion of busi-
currently offer. As in the preceding discussion, we ness from vendor no. 5, solutions in other scenarios
consider the specific problem presented in Table 3, recommend partial diversion. This diversion is
and focus our discussion on the specific environ- accompanied by an increase in the OEM’s profit
ment presented in Table 4. compared to the current situation, as well as an
Examining the results in Table 4, it appears that increase in profits for the focused vendors. As an
of all the component variants currently being added incentive, if necessary, the OEM can even
supplied by general vendor no. 5, variant 4 of subsidize development costs of additional variants
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 739

Table 9
Results when focused vendor #4 develops a new variant

Discount from focused vendors (a) ¼ 10%

Competition ratio (b) ¼ 0.50
Number of models to include in optimal set IðfÞ ¼ 10
Fixed cost of vendor relationships (d) ¼ $100,000
Total number of models possible for the product ¼ 3,360
New variant developed by focused vendor no. 4 ¼ Variant 4 of component 4 (offered at non-discounted cost)
Number of focused vendors selected ¼ 2
Number of general vendors selected ¼ 0
Total fixed cost of vendor relationships ¼ $200,000
OEM’s profit ¼ $1,567,126
Focused vendors (ID, profit) ¼ (no. 1, $345,103) (no. 4, $379,097)
General vendors (ID, profit) ¼ None
Model (Variant, vendor) Sales quantity Sales revenue Purchase cost

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

1 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (3,1) (5 1) 6,739 889,484 679,242

2 (4,4) (6,1) (2,4) (3,1) (5 1) 5,430 667,898 503,367
3 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (4,4) (3 1) 6,150 805,612 626,656
4 (3,4) (2,1) (1,1) (3,1) (5 1) 5,299 630,607 476,930
5 (4,4) (2,1) (1,1) (3,1) (4 1) 6,346 755,172 571,138
6 (3,4) (2,1) (2,4) (4,4) (5 1) 6,346 875,745 692,346
7 (4,4) (2,1) (2,4) (3,1) (7 4) 6,019 710,226 536,281
8 (4,4) (1,1) (1,1) (3,1) (4 1) 5,692 643,168 486,645
9 (4,4) (1,1) (4,1) (4,4) (5 1) 6,608 845,782 667,375
10 (3,4) (2,1) (1,1) (4,4) (4 1) 6,869 858,670 675,258

by offering to share some of their increased profits 5. Conclusions

with vendor no. 4.
When we compare the results in Table 4 with that We have shown how a complex decision problem
in Table 9, we note that while the OEM is able to that combines product choice with selection of
decrease the total number of vendors needed from 3 vendors, each of whom can supply a different set of
to 2, the resulting $100,000 savings in vendor fixed component variants at different costs, can be
costs is not directly added to their profit. In fact, the effectively modeled. The ranking and swapping
OEM’s profit increases only by about $14,000. The properties that we have identified help us in
reason for this is that with the elimination of general constructing an efficient search procedure for the
vendor no. 5 from the system, the OEM is forced to model. The optimal solution provides important
make a change in the mix of product models information such as: which models of a product are
selected. That is, a part of the savings in vendor chosen, what is the optimal number of vendors to
fixed costs is offset by the forced change in the use, which vendor supplies which component
product mix. Nevertheless, the OEM does realize an variant, what are the overall profits to the OEM
increased profit, making this change beneficial. and each of the vendors, what is the total cost of
As shown in the preceding example, development component acquisition, and how is this cost
of new capabilities by a focused vendor need not distributed among the different vendors (as shown
always bring high dividends to the OEM. However, in Table 4).
our model allows us to easily evaluate the specific The model and the solution procedure we have
impact of each new capability that may be devel- developed allow us to identify several interesting
oped, so that the OEM can decide which focused managerial insights into the relationship between
vendor should be encouraged to develop which the OEM and different types of vendors: general
component variant. vendors (who are capable of supplying a larger set
740 N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741

of component variants, albeit at higher unit costs), competitive in terms of building additional capabil-
and focused vendors (who can supply fewer ities, although their unit prices may be comparable.
variants, but possibly at lower unit costs). First, as While many companies have expressed the need
market competition (measured by b) increases, we to involve vendors in the product choice process,
find that the OEM shifts more of its business to not many have figured out the best approach for
general vendors increasing their profit. The shift doing so. Our model does make 2 rather restrictive
occurs because the reduction in demand of the assumptions in that we assume there are no price
OEM’s products (with increasing b values) de- discounts based on volume, and that the OEM as
creases the volume of business it can award to well as the vendors are not capacity constrained. As
focused vendors. The fixed cost of using a focused such, while we cannot claim to have solved the
vendor is no longer justifiable in relation to the problem completely, we believe that our research is
volume of business handled by it. an important step in the right direction. In our
Second, at some high value of b, the focused future research we intend to use the framework
vendors’ business gets reassigned in its entirety, as developed here to analyze important issues such as
the OEM experiences a large drop in its revenue. demand uncertainties, pricing discounts, capacity
With no additional business to be had from focused constraints, and logistics.
vendors, the profits of general vendors decrease with
further increases in b. These 2 issues cause the Appendix A
general vendors’ profit not to be significantly related
to the OEM’s profit when b increases. Theorem 4. For a given vendor set U, for models
Third, we note that while a price discount i 2 I^ and jeI,
^ PðI^ þ j  i; UÞ4PðI;
^ UÞ if and only if
percentage (a) decreases the focused vendors’ profit, xjUXxiU and RjXRi.
the general vendors gain from such a discount—the
gain even exceeds the gain of the OEM. Note that Proof. Let X 0IU
^ ¼ Sk2I;kai
^ xkU and
with a larger discount percentage, the price of an Y I^ ¼ Sk2I;kai
^ Rk . Hence,
expensive component drops by a larger amount in PðI;^ UÞ ¼ X 0^ =½RC þ Y 0^   ^
dv if ieI. (A.1)
absolute terms. The OEM would like to exploit this v2U
by redesigning its product mix. The general vendors, ^ it follows that:
However, since i 2 I,
in contrast to focused vendors, are in a better
position to satisfy the OEM’s revised needs because X 0IU 0 0
^ =½RC þ Y I^ oðX IU
^ þ X IU
^ Þ=½RC þ Y I^ þ Rj 
they possess a large component variety, and so their (A.2)
profit increases appreciably. This clearly establishes,
which simplifies to
at least for this example, that economy of scope of
general vendors is more valuable than the economy ðX iU =Ri Þ4 þ X 0IU 0
^ =½RC þ Y I^ . (A.3)
of scale of focused vendors. Now, since i 2 I^ and jeI,
^ we have (xjU/Rj)oxiU/
It is interesting that developing new capabilities Ri, which simplifies to:
for a focused vendor does not necessarily bring high
dividends to the OEM. Since there is no price ðxe^U  xaU
^ Þoðye^  ya^ ÞðxaU
^ =ya^ Þ. (A.4)
advantage in using the new capability, the only way Consider a swap of i 2 I^ with jeI.
^ If the swap is
the OEM would gain is by saving the fixed cost of to be made, the profit must increase, i.e.,
the general vendor. To do so, the OEM needs to
ðX 0IU 0 0
^ þ xjU Þ=½RC þ Y I^ þ Rj 4ðX IU
^ þ X iU Þ=½RC þ Y I^ þ Rj .
redesign its product mix substantially, as the
component variety possessed by the focused vendor (A.5)
is not broad enough even when the new capability is The above expression can be simplified to
included. This reduces the OEM’s profit margin,
½RC þ Y 0I^ ðxjU  xiU Þ4X 0I^U ðRj  Ri Þ þ ðxiU Rj Þ  ðxiU Ri Þ.
although saving the fixed cost increases its total
profit by a small amount. As more capabilities are (A.6)
added and the component variety of the focused From expression (A.4), it follows that (xiU
vendors increase, the OEM may be able to increase Rj)(xjU Ri)40. Hence, expression (A.6) can be
its profit margin, and its total profit may exceed rewritten as
what it was before adding new capabilities. Note
that not all focused vendors would be equally ðxjU  xiU Þ4X 0IU 0
^ ðRj  Ri Þ=½RC þ Y I^ . (A.7)
N. Balakrishnan, A.K. Chakravarty / Int. J. Production Economics 112 (2008) 723–741 741

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