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Machine Data

Operating Speed fm 150.00 rpm

Horizontal Unbalance Force Px 12.00 t Z
Horizontal Unbalance Force Pz 0.00 t
Weight of Machine W 36.00 t
Vertical Exciting Force Pv 1.50 t
Permissiable Amplitute 0.04 mm X
Unbalance force at height hz 0.60 m Y

Soil Data

Nature of Soil Sandy

Bearing Capacity of Soil 2.00 Kg/cm2
Coefficient of uniform soil shear Ct 2.25 Kg/cm3
Concrete Grade M-150

Foundation Data
x y z
Part 1 21.80 8.75 0.80 Soil Type B.Capacity Cz Co CT Cphi
Part 2 16.00 5.30 2.15 Kg/cm2 Kg/cm3 Kg/cm3 Kg/cm3 Kg/cm3
Part 3 16.00 0.80 0.90 Weak Soil 1 2 4 1 1.5
Part 4 10.55 5.00 2.02 2 4 8 2 3
Part 5 1.52 5.00 2.53 Medium Soil 3 5 10 2.5 3.75
Part 6 2.16 0.90 7.71 4 6 12 3 4.5
Part 7 1.85 1.38 11.12 Strong Soil 5 7 14 3.5 5.25
Part 8 Rocks >5 >7 >14 >3.5 >5.25
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Total Height of Foundation H 6.20

Computaion of Center of Gravity and Mass moment of Inertia

Static Moment of Mass Moment of Inertia
Part x y z Wi Mi Xi Yi Zi WiXi WiYi WiZi MiX MiY MiZ mi /12(l2xi + l2zi) xo=x-xi zo=z-zi mi(x2o+z2o)
Machine Part 1 36.00 3.67 3.65 3.75 2.80 131.40 135.00 100.80 13.39 13.76 10.28 6.21 0.29 141.81
Machine Part 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Machine Part 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 1 21.80 8.75 0.80 366.24 37.33 10.90 4.38 0.40 3992.02 1602.30 146.50 406.93 163.33 14.93 1480.52 1.04 2.11 206.02
Foundation Part 2 16.00 5.30 2.15 437.57 44.60 10.90 4.38 1.88 4769.49 1916.55 820.44 486.19 195.37 83.63 968.74 1.04 0.63 66.07
Foundation Part 3 16.00 0.80 0.90 27.65 2.82 10.90 4.38 3.40 301.36 121.10 94.00 30.72 12.34 9.58 60.32 1.04 0.89 5.30
Foundation Part 4 10.55 5.00 2.02 255.58 26.05 5.25 4.38 5.00 1341.77 1119.42 1277.88 136.78 114.11 130.26 250.49 4.61 2.49 715.55
Foundation Part 5 1.52 5.00 2.53 46.15 4.70 11.25 4.38 5.00 519.16 202.12 230.74 52.92 20.60 23.52 3.41 1.39 2.49 38.36
Foundation Part 6 2.16 0.90 7.71 35.97 3.67 13.10 4.38 5.00 471.05 157.56 179.86 48.02 16.06 18.33 19.59 3.24 2.49 61.20
Foundation Part 7 1.85 1.38 11.12 68.13 6.95 15.08 4.38 5.00 1027.47 298.43 340.67 104.74 30.42 34.73 73.55 5.22 2.49 232.50
Foundation Part 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00
Foundation Part 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 2.51 0.00

SUM 1273.28 129.79 12553.71 5552.47 3190.88 1279.69 566.00 325.27 2856.62 1466.80

X' = WiXi/Wi 9.86 m

Y' = WiYi/Wi 4.36 m
Z' = WiZi/Wi 2.51 m

Moment Mv Caused by Horizontal Exciting Force Mv 51.53 t-m

Circular Frequency wm 15.71 sec-1

Moment of inertia of base Iv 7554.34 m4

mi /12(l2xi + l2zi)
Mass moment of inertia about y axis jv +mi(x2o+z2o) 4323.42 t-m sec2
of base area and perpendicular to the plane of
vibration jn o jv + mZ2 5138.55

The Ratio av 0.84

Cq 4ct 9.00
Limiting Frequencies w2qv CqIv W Z'/jvo 1.32E+04 sec-2

wx 2
Ct * Af/mi 3.31E+03 sec-2
wz2 Cz *Af/mi 6613.34 sec-3

W2n1 16504.64 Sec-2

W2n2 3150.47 Sec-2

Natural Frequency of Foundation f1 20.44 cps

f2 8.93 cps


f(w2m) (w2n2-w2m) 2.65E+13

[(Cqiv-WS+CtAfS -
Horizontal amplitude ax (CtAfSMv)]/f(w2m) 0.03363 mm
az Pz/(m(wz2-wm2) 0.00 mm

CtAfSPz/f(w2m) +
aqv My/f(w2m) 0.00132 mm
Net Amplitude at Base ax-aqvS 0.03032 mm

Net Horizontal amplitude at the top of foundation ax+(H-S)aqv 0.03850 mm

Dynamic Forces : Fatigue Factor 3.00

fd CtAf(ax-aqvS) 39.04510 t
Dynamic Moment:
Md Cq I y aqv 268.86 t-m

Soil Stress

rmax W/Af + Md(lx-x)/Iy 7.10 T/M2

rmin W/Af - Md(lx-x)/Iy 6.25 T/M2
Maximum Stress on Soil due to Dead Load r W+fd/Af 6.88 T/M2

Maximum Stress on Soil due to Dynamic load rmax W+fd/Af + Md(lx-x)/Iy 7.30 T/M2

Minimum Stress on Soil due to Dynamic load rmin W+fd/Af - Md(lx-x)/Iy 6.45 T/M2

Structural Design

Intensity of Soil reaction 6.68 T/M2

Calculation of Static Moment
I II III IV 216.86
Bending Moment at Distance 5.450 5.45 5.450 5.45 216.86
Weight 10.00 15.00 20.00 216.86
Mst (T-M) 162.36 135.11 107.86 216.86 216.86

Evaluation of Inertial Forces

Weight of Forces Inertial Forces
Element of the system the Element xi zi Xi=(xi-xo) zi=(zi-zo) Vertical (t) Horizontal (t)

Machine Part 1 36.00 6.2093 -0.29 6.2093 25.22 0.09

Machine Part 2 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Machine Part 3 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 1 366.24 -1.0407 2.11 -1.0407 27.62 0.93
Foundation Part 2 437.57 -1.0407 0.63 -1.0407 26.14 1.11
Foundation Part 3 27.65 -1.0407 -0.89 -1.0407 24.62 0.07
Foundation Part 4 255.58 4.6093 -2.49 4.6093 23.02 0.65
Foundation Part 5 46.15 -1.3907 -2.49 -1.3907 23.02 0.12
Foundation Part 6 35.97 -3.2357 -2.49 -3.2357 23.02 0.09
Foundation Part 7 68.13 -5.2207 -2.49 -5.2207 23.02 0.17
Foundation Part 8 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 9 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 10 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 11 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 12 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 13 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00
Foundation Part 14 0.00 9.8593 2.51 9.8593 28.02 0.00

Sum 3.23
Dynamic Loads
Due to Inertial Force
Section I -I 10.00 5.45 0.03
Section 2-2 15.00 5.45 0.04
Section 3-3 20.00 5.45 0.05
Section 4-4 0.00 5.45 0.00

Due to Exciting Moment

Largest Ordinate 1.95 t/m

Due to Dynamic Moment

Largest Ordinate 3.39 t/m

Moment Moment
Moment Due
due to Due to Net Dynamic
Section to Inertial Static Moment Net Moment
Dynamic Exciting Moment
Force Force

+ve -ve
I 18.50 0.14 10.64 29.27 162.36 191.63 133.08
II 18.50 0.21 10.64 29.34 135.11 164.45 105.76
III 18.50 0.28 10.64 29.41 107.86 137.27 78.44
IV 18.50 0.00 10.64 29.14 216.86 245.99 187.72

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